#AU: The Wicked Game
boredth · 2 years
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Better get going
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vmplvr1977 · 2 months
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Chapter 13 is posted!!!
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months
I miss Descendants Mobile Game;
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If anyone remembers this game or has screencaps of Carter or Scarlet (especially Carter because I can't find any pictures of him) feel free to add!
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starcrossedspirit · 29 days
🌸 Tell me about your OC(s) - with pictures if you want !Pick some facts you want to share about them & let us gush about them together! Then send to other creators to do the same ✨
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THANK YOU FOR ASKING! I just did one earlier about Karina so here’s my next love, Briar! ♡ - She lost her mother at a young age leaving just her and her father to travel the world looking into scientific anomalies. He was usually hard at work with Operation Deadbolt and she was usually socializing with the locals, understanding and getting involved in the surrounding culture! - She loves photography and taking pictures of people, she then likes to use these as references for art! It’s how she spends her time while her father is working. - She was likely homeschooled! Specifically by her father and her father’s colleague! Briar was probably very close to Dr. Veena Krishna who was the closest thing she had to a mother! - Briar was born to American parents who happened to be traveling when she was born. She does not necessarily sound American but her accent is somewhat closer to a north western, as her father was born and raised in Seattle, Washington and his accent has just naturally influenced her own. - Makarov eventually takes an interest in her at some point causing strife between himself and Nolan. This is where she feels caged as everything she does is about her and her father’s survival. - On a totally different note her first name might change! I just haven’t settled on anything else yet LOL
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: แมนสรวง | Man Suang (2023), KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) RPF Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Mile Phakphum Romsaithong/Apo Nattawin Wattanagitiphat, Chat/Khem (Man Suang) Characters: Apo Nattawin Wattanagitiphat, Mile Phakphum Romsaithong, Khem (Man Suang), Chat (Man Suang), Tong Thanayut Thakoonauttaya, Bas Asavapatr Ponpiboon Additional Tags: the mansuang reincarnation au, Alternate Universe - Past Lives, Past Lives, Soulmates, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Mutual Pining, Artist Apo, musician mile, star crossed lovers, Forbidden Love, Secret Relationship, Ghosts of the Past - Freeform, RPF, it's just a supposedly haunted building, what could go wrong, Not Actually Unrequited Love Series: Part 2 of Sound and Vision Summary:
After a promising start cut short, can Apo and Mile find a way back to each other, to be friends or something more?
Part Two of the Sound and Vision series is starting.
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mossyscavern · 1 month
Something in the ocean
Sam is scared… terrified even, to go on this trip.
As a child he didn’t like the sea much, mostly because it’s the same place where he almost drowned and died. And it’s where his mom died when he was 5.
He made a solid promise to NEVER go in the ocean or on a boat. Ever. And it’s not really a problem, his dad agrees with those statements, his ‘friends’ and Duncan on the other hand… not so much.
His older brother Duncan had tried helping him face that fear himself, but he ended up comforting the redhead when he cried.
So Travis, his friend showed him the rock pools near his dad’s lighthouse, rocky areas where there are pools of water, told Sam he doesn’t have to go into the water, just to observe the scenery, even draw and paint what he sees since Sam draws and paints with water colour.
And Sam, albeit nervous, actually had fun. Even thought it’s near the ocean he generally had fun, he even saw some puffins near the rocky waters.
He told Travis he loved the rock pool areas and preferred to keep it between themselves. They agreed and it became his secret place, away from prying eyes.
It was great… until it wasn’t.
Before he left he decided to stay at least a couple of hours just to see the puffin’s hopping around, which was a big mistake.
Cause there came a huge wave and he got dragged away by the time the wave crashed. To make matters worse? Tides are strong this season.
He couldn’t swim out, he can’t call for help, he couldn’t even call Duncan or Travis. He was helpless and he can’t breathe... and is so tired of trying.
Then coughed and sputters, throwing up some sea water before finally catching his breath. Finally being able to breathe he looked up and saw a VERY worried Duncan and a guilty Travis. “Oh thank god.”
Duncan said as he hugged Sam tightly. “I thought I lost you. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry!” He rambled, rocking them back and forth rubbing his back in circles. “W-what happened?” He asked before his confusion is directed at himself.
“And why am I drenched?” He asked.
“You don’t remember?” Duncan asked, watching Sam shake his head in confusion. “Travis found your bag when the tides calmed down… then we both found you drenched and unresponsive.” Duncan said voice shaking.
“I-I’m sorry, from now on I’ll no longer push you to going.” He said, standing up and walked off, Travis followed in pursuit.. not even speaking. Sam was about to do the same before spotting something sparkling near one of the pools.
He got close and his eyes widened. It was an abalone shell necklace in a shape of a tragic mask… but the rope’s looks like it’s been snapped.
‘Duncan said never to pick up random things, but…’
With urban curiosity he picked up the necklace and gently placed it in his hoodie pocket. ‘Maybe he won’t notice.’ He thought before having his name yelled out. “I’m coming.”
He shouted before catching up towards the two taller boys. He has a lot to think about, especially about what happened to himself.
He read in the town’s article that this town is famous for having drowned victims regularly in a month. The town never really investigated the causes, even if they did they’d be just as dead as everyone else. Two times he found himself almost drowning… and he survived.
Like… something or someone is looking out for him. ‘Like that would happen.’ He thought, shaking his head and chuckled to himself how stupid thinking about that was.
If only Sam knew… that he might be more right than he originally thought.
I had completely forgotten about mermay.
Just know, I’m not normally up for monthly challenges… but that doesn’t mean I can’t do anything for the month, so I thought I’d bring the mermaid au back, this time where Sam found the abalone shell necklace.
Also the au rightfully belongs to @vinehasnohopeleft mostly because they did fanart of Tom as a mer-boy and Sam staring at him while underwater…
I’d show you the art and the story, but I can’t… at least not yet. I can tell you the title though, it’s called a dream to remember.
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chronicalchaos · 6 months
Against Time - Chapter 1
Clock's ticking...
Sam lights a match, looking over his shoulder as he hears footsteps from the trees, a silhouette rises, slowly walking over. Taking a step back, Sam feels his heart beating louder and louder. He had improved a lot, but he couldn't stop the rush of fear, because he knew, he knew he wasn't alone, once he stepped on this place, there was no coming back.
 The silhouette barely comes to view, hissing on an aggressive manner, it reminded Sam of Milo, his cat, everytime his mom attempted to put food on his bowl.
 In a blink of an eye, the silhouette, Tim, charges at him, Sam throws himself to the side, rolling backwards, he pulls the match closer to his chest, his knees dig onto the dirt as he slides back, hissing as his fingers touches the flame. Still with his match, he jumps back on his feet, dashing as quick as he can, heartbeats synchronizing with every step. Sam zigzags through the trees, ignoring all the branches that scratch his skin as he runs, skipping over rocks while trying desperately to keep his flame going.
 But, he didn't have time to lead him astray, as his match dissolves in a green smoke, taking the hint, Sam stops, turning swiftly and facing the ghost.
 Tim raises his hands, a breathy laugh coming from behind the mask, but Sam didn't move, neither flinched, standing bravely, as the ghost almost catched him, instead, he also turns into a green smoke. Sam takes a deep breath and let's out a big sigh, feeling his lungs empty completely, closing his eyes, Sam feels his body get cold, specially around his stomach, shivering as the wind brushes his now exposed skin.
 Once he opens his eyes again, his surroundings are covered with the green smoke, this time being very thick, he couldn't see a single thing inside it, it's a fog now... Even so, Sam walks on its direction, barely knowing where it would lead him, after all, he was completely lost before Tim had attacked him.
 "It's not pitch black this time, thank god" Sam mutters to himself, shivering with just the thought of that happening again. Sam never fully enters the green fog, as it forms a circle around him, not that it bothers him, he's been through this so many times that it almost became part of his routine. But something was different, that same silhouette rises, this time, not in an aggressive manner, Sam stops, watching as the fog slowly reveals the campfire, Tim looks over his own shoulder, his blue eyes stare at Sam, it felt...eerie, seeing him how he was back in the 1900s...when he was still alive...
 Sam could barely identify Tim's expression under the smiley mask, he keeps a good posture, hands behind his back and chin up. At Tim's side, his twin is sat, him, however, is not wearing his signature mask, it rests on his lap. Tom's face has exactly three scars, one going through his left eye, another coming from his ear to the side of his right eye and another on his lips. The flame flickering, threatening to put itself out, Tim takes note of it as he seems to stare at the flames...lost in thoughts. Sam flinches, hugging his own stomach as pain over takes it, forcing his eyes shut while trying to clench his teeth in an attempt to overshadow the pain on his spine, or rather, what remained of it, a cracking noise echos through the fog, he wasn't sure if it was coming from his own body or somewhere else, the pain didn't alloy him to think straight.
  The way he feels his lungs moving, there was no doubt, if he was alive, he would be hiperventilating. Why is it so painful?! The other times it didn't hurt as bad as it was right now. Sam starts stumbling in a random direction, coughing while his head spins uncontrollably, finally opening his eyes, just to see himself tripping on his own feet and falling face first on the grass, staining it with the remaining of his blood as it quickly escapes his guts, his vision seems to blurry as a silhouette appears in the middle of the fog, it's a bit small and quite thin, what looked like a young kid that curled up on itself, kneeling and digging it's hands on the dirt with no effort. He could feel someone tugging on his arm, attempting to pull him up, but failing miserably, the silhouette burrows itself deeper on the dirt, having it's whole arms inside the ground, it's chin brushing the grass.
"Great, mister Wisenheimer arrived" A wheezy quiet voice reaches Sam's ears, his eyes wandering to where he heard the voice coming from, there, he could see what looked like Tim, but there was blood, more blood on Tim's clothes than Sam remembered him having. Suddenly, he feels himself slipping through a forming hole under him, it didn't take long until something scooped him while slipping out of the hole, pushing Sam to be sitting up against a tree, coughing, the silhouette starts to take a clearer shape, one of a young boy, his skin seeming to decay slowly at every second that passed, Caleb stares at him, his eyes grossely starting to melt, it wasn't that he didn't feel disgusted by the scene unfolding in front of him, he just didn't feel the signature twist on his stomach.
"If only you didn't act like a little grouser for once and helped him, i wouldn't have to intervene" Caleb turns his face over Tim's direction, who takes a step closer, tilting his head slightly to the left, arms crossed and chin risen just enough to give him an arrogance aura. "Not that i wanted to be close to you in the first place...but the poor guy was in need, so i had to step in" Tim seemed to reach for something on his vest's pocket, ignoring completely what the younger boy was saying.
"Don't lie, Caleb" Tim pulls what looked like a pocket watch from his vest, opening infront of his own face, almost posing in a theatrical way "I know very well how you just want to show off how good and perfect you are, mama's not here to spoil your needy little heart" Caleb stands up from the floor, brushing the dirt off his clothes. Sam feels someone tugging on his sleeve, at his side, Tom's head is tilted on a very unnatural angle, his face kinda distorted in pain.
"Hey..." A soft, quiet, voice escapes from Tom's lips "...it's gonna be alright..." His bones crack as he untangles his broken fingers from Sam's sleeve. The redhead covers his mouth, coughing slightly before pushing himself off the ground.
"I'm fine..." Sam mumbles, feeling Tim and Caleb gazing into him, he lowers his head, slowly wrapping himself, his eyes averting to Tom as he hears cracking noises, watching as the mangled body contorts against the grass, desperately looking for some relief, if that's even possible.
Sam inhales, not really filling his lungs with air, turning on his heels and stepping away from the three of them, he is once again engulfed by the green fog, just as a thunder cracks in the distance. A storms approaching, and it looks like it's going to stay for a while.
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the-paper-shredder · 3 months
I watch this one guy's videos a lot and it's given me the dumbest idea for a wick au. So, consider:
au where the weaver fam are all dogs at a dog daycare and the modern trio (Sam, Tbub, & Dunk) are workers at said dog daycare
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bluelolblue · 6 days
I am so normal for the werewolf au ^-^
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omniblades-and-stars · 8 months
>> Message Received from its.sophie.please.open
> Coordinates: Feros >Latitude: -70.52834, Longitude: -76.86462
>> Voice Message Received from its.sophie.please.open
>> Play Message
>>Transcript: Krios … um … fuck. Can't believe I'm doing this. I need your help. I walked into a trap. So stupid. Don't know how long I have before they find me. Some crazy bitch after revenge managed to pull one over on m- [startled gasp] shit.
Human, Amanda Olana. Apparently, I killed her brother a couple of years ago. I don't know how she found out. Don't know how I didn't make the connection before I got here. Oversight of the fucking century. Didn't think anything about being hired by some wannabe warlord. How many criminal empires have I been hired by before this?
She's … um … she's taunting me with calls and messages. She knows I'm here.
I'm fucked, Thane. Stuck in a goddamn closet, just waiting for a literal fucking mercenary army to find me … No way out. Only have one gun and a knife. Was supposed to be a quick in and out job. No games. Ha. So stupid, was gonna "play it safe."
[Sharp inhale, crying] 
I sent the coordinates ahead of this. I don't think she'd go through all this trouble if she didn't want to make it last, hurt me real bad first. You know me, I'm a big girl, I can handle pain. It doesn't scare me. It's not my first rodeo with torture.
But fuck, [hard sobbing] I'm scared of dyin'. An assassin who's afraid to die, fuckin' stupidest thing. 'Specially with how we carry on. 
[Deep inhale, exhale] 
They'll be here soon. I'm gonna take as many out as I can before they get me, so it may end up a moot point if I eat a bullet or piss someone off too much. I don't really expect you to come, but I've got no one else to even ask. If there is an afterlife and you don't come for me, I won't hold it against you. I've more'n earned this fate. I know that. 
I know I'm rambling, don't know what else to do. Nice to know someone's going to hear what might be my last words, I guess.
Do me a favor, Thane? If … um … if I don't make it, or you decide not to come for me, will you go visit momma's grave for me? She's buried at Elk Gap Memorial Gardens in Elk Gap, Tennessee, North America. Earth, obviously. [crying] Her name is Hannah Shepard, S-H-E-P-A-R-D in the English alphabet. 
There's a honeysuckle plant growin' on a … a fence near her plot. It looks kind of wild, it's a plant with little yellow and white flowers. I know you'll recognize the smell before you see 'em. Put some on her marker for me, they were her favorite. Tell her that Marcy missed her, but I probably didn't get into heaven, she won't see me again. 
You have my permission to carve my initials next to her name. Closest I'll ever be to her again. Ah … shit …
[Her voice falters, only crying can be heard.]
Now you know who I am, where I'm from. I tried to hide it … from myself mostly. Sad little orphan from some hick town in the mountains. Seems so stupid now. Who gives a shit where I'm from? Hell, most aliens don't recognize our accents, and I don't have any family to protect. Just my own fuckin' pride. Don't even remember why I started pretendin' to be someone else. It started before I became a killer. 
They're getting closer. I'll make every bullet count. Try to hold on as long as I can after they catch me. 
I'm sorry, Thane. For puttin' this on you, and for everything else. Hope you'll pray for my soul if things go more fucked than they already are. Kind of hope that your afterlife is real. 
Always liked the sea.
Goodbye, Thane. Hope I see you again, and not just because you're the only hope I've got. 
[Deep inhale, exhale]
[Singing, shakily] You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. 
[Whispering] Fuck, I'm so scared.
>>End Transcript.
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vmplvr1977 · 11 months
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Chapter 12 of Wicked Game is posted!! Read it here!
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black-and-yellow · 2 years
You had better read this.
If it’s a hit, I’ll continue it. If not, it’ll probably get abandoned. Which is OK cause you already know the story from the comics. But yeah if you give it a read let me know what you think. 
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hannahhook7744 · 22 days
Got any Scarlet and Carter hc ?
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They're the oldest (and twin) children of Queen Eliowny Bluefairy of Llyr and her husband, Alexander Bluefairy of Llyr.
They have two younger sisters: Eleanor and Eloise.
They were color coded by their parents as babies and ended up switching their colors because they liked the other's better.
Neither of them like the vks.
Their family shares an owl called 'Kukuvaia the 2nd.'
Neither of the wins have magic, unlike their younger sister 'Eleanor'.
Carter is the 'nicer twin'.
They're close.
They can be bullies from time to time: but they'll both lose their absolute minds if anyone messes with their younger sisters (and their 'cousins' (Tigerwick's kids and Wonderpuppet's kids)), not that they'll admit it.
Scarlet used to spell her name with two 'tt's instead of one as a kid, and Carter followed.
Scarlet dresses like a prom queen/fashion queen and Carter dresses more nerdy.
Scarlet is a cheerleader and Carter is apart of the debate team and occasionally takes part in chess competitions.
Both of them like fashion and acting but have very different tastes in both.
Carter is subtler with his insults.
Scarlet is also part of croquet club according the mobile game according to @casinotrio1965 .
She's also trying to befriend Mal for some reason, despite her usual disdain for vks/other characters.
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pinkheadwithagun · 2 months
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Hey, these are my old two drawings. I was involved in a creative project where I had to draw every day for a month. Sometimes there were special tasks, and one of them was to draw a menu for a potential game. I tried to do it in the style of "John Wick Hex".
There are the following buttons:
Start the game => Congratulations on the start of your training
Continue => See it through
Settings => Want to change your style?
Exit => To hell with it
Mission accomplished
Would you like to book a table?
Mission failed
Send a doctor to your room?
Try again To the main menu
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starcrossedspirit · 1 month
🌸 Tell me about your OC(s) - with pictures if you want !Pick some facts you want to share about them & let us gush about them together! Then send to other creators to do the same ✨
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- She LOVES bumblebees, they are her favorite. Sometimes the farmer lets her work around the farm and she specifically loves to work around the apiary! He even lets her sell the honey to make some money! - Sometimes she dreams about "her" house, everything about it is familiar but at the same time it is not. That's because she is actually dreaming about The House in Agartha. When she wakes up she usually feels sad, maybe closer to melancholic. - Karina's aether powers are not actually dark aether, it's like the pure kind found in Agartha. She has never been able to do much in terms of using it but she "feels" it so it's more like intuition. - The presence of the dark aether gives her nightmares and she feels like things can see her when she has the bad dreams, almost like they can see one another. She is often restless so dark circles appear under her eyes! - She has never experienced love! She used to believe in fairytales and once dreamed of someone whisking her off to live somewhere different but as she grew older her heart stayed with the farm. - I love her so much. Her story has been one of my main daydreams since 2020 and she has gotten me through some dark times. I love her so much. ;w;
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vinehasnohopeleft · 1 year
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Quick concept sketch of BioShock Tim and Tom.
So while looking up something, I found out that little brothers were considered failed experiments due to them being hostile or something. So I played this in as the twins were the only two "successful" little brother/big brother.
Tim plays the role of the big brother, being the more hostile of the two. His designed stayed the same of the big sisters but I picture it having green paint flicking off and the ribbons in the carrier(?) Were replaced with masks.
Tom plays the role as a little brother, doing the same things as little sister. His design was based on some little brother concept art I found and he does wear a mask that covers his scarred face. I'm not sure what the mask would be.
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