#About this blog
danthropologie · 6 months
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Fandoms' general reaction to Muffin and Vinelle's metas:
Twilight: "Speak to us, oh great prophets! Tell us of Edward's insanity, Bella's depression and how they are a toxic couple! Tell us!"
Harry Potter: "Oh, great, it's them again. Someone get the hose!"
Any other fandom: "What? Who the hell... eh, whatever."
You are entirely correct.
Look, @therealvinelle, some praise and accuracy!
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sumerianlanguage · 25 days
Hi Sumierianlanguage!
Would you be so kind and translate the meaning of: "it is what it is" into sumierian? And also could you gibe the cuineform of the sentence?
I wonder whether the AI was right giving me this translation: 𒈬𒂗𒁉 𒋛 𒈪𒉌𒉌𒁽
I trust more your knowledge that ChatGPT :)
Greetings from Poland!
Please don't use AI to try to translate into (or out of) Sumerian. The phrase you've "translated" is nonsensical. I have a strict no-AI policy on this blog and in my life in general, and won't be answering any further questions about it.
"It is what it is" doesn't translate easily into Sumerian - what is "it"? To convey the meaning, I'd say Anaam heam 𒀀𒈾𒀀𒀭 𒃶𒀀𒀭 "Whatever may be".
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sspadfoot · 3 months
James being allergic to roses so Regulus cuts the petals off
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therealvinelle · 1 month
Why do you think Jasper also slept with Peter and Charlotte?
Because @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and I differentiate between fic and canon.
We write our thoughts on canon on tumblr, but in fanfiction we are free to make our own rules and have fun.
Lines become blurred, however (bullet pointing for legibility):
What we extrapolate from canon impacts the canon of our fics Fun fact, therealvinelle only exists because people kept asking me questions about my choices in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream, and I thought replying to the same questions in the comment section was silly. So I made a blog, which became a beast unto its own. In other words, fic is impacted by how I view canon, and when people ask me my opinion on canon I tell them my view on canon. Example: Carlisle and Aro are not intended by Meyer to have been anything more than friends, but we think it's there and write metas with that starting point, and have it explicitly canon in our fics.
We keep our fics consistent with one another, sometimes using a minor tidbit from canon to justifty it and sometimes making it up Muffin and I are very stringent about this sort of thing. Our view on the characters is fixed: if something changed from one AU to another, the question is "Why?". If it just changed for no reason and the people remain the same, they're no longer real people and nothing really matters. Example: the Volturi guards all having consistent personalities, life stories staying the same, nevermind that we made up Demetri's personality or Aro's ridiculous collection of Carlisle art.
We write metas explaining our fics on our tumblrs See my fic meta tag. Anon asks "Why did character do thing?" and we go "well, character is a person who does things like that thing, remember in canon when they did that thing? So we had them do this thing in our fic." Nevermind that character didn't actually do thing in canon, because this was all in a fic. Example: see the fic meta tag on my blog or Muffin's masterpost.
Now to answer your question: to my recollection Jasper/Peter and Charlotte is first mentioned in For the Love of a Woman, where Bella learns that not a single one of the Cullen men are straight and she despairs (as does Emmett, who wonders what this means for him).
It was justified as a "Jasper was in a state of ennui, they were all beautiful, they went for it" type of thing, and perhaps more to the point it tells you, the reader (and the scandalized Cullens, per fics like Bleach on the Brain) something about vampire sexual norms being different than 21st century western humans and those humans already have plenty of casual, recreational sex.
So, canon doesn't indicate it, but we had Jasper/Peter and Charlotte be a thing that happened in our fics and the argument for it can be made (I do believe sexual norms among vampires, being excempt from diseases, pregnancies, children, and the type of obligation and routine human lives have, would be... recreational).
(As it is I recall this coming up on the blog before, but I think whichever of us got the question responded with essentially the above - "We don't know, but possible".)
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What is this?
I got tired of seeing posts from the "would gender transition fix them" poll blogs in my fandom tags, but they gave me an idea. What if I made a poll blog for the thing that actually has the power to "fix" (transform through the power of the Holy Spirit and a relationship with Christ) anyone, for people to vote on their favorite fictional characters?
...The only problem being that of course Christianity would fix them. Christ has overcome the world, there's not really even aa question there. So the question then becomes "How would Christianity fix them?" aka what kind of person would they become in their walk with Christ?
So that's what this is about. Asks are open, submit a favorite blorbo and I'll pose the question. You all vote on it, elaborate in the tags, and we'll all have a good time.
(And just for the sake of argument, assume Christianity exists and is true in every fictional universe, and that any character submitted is made in the image and likeness of God and has the capacity to be saved. Even if they're a talking animal, or a robot, or an alien, or whatever.)
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smoshpostiing · 8 months
i'm smoshpostiing!
im 19 years old from australia, i go by she/her <3
please read this post about respect in the community and on my blog before you continue :)
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i have been a smosh fan since 2015 (9 years!!)
i started this blog as a smosh fan account and it has become mostly a shourtney account lol
my asks are always open and i love answering your questions!!
- invisible string edit <3
- shourtney tntl trivial pursuit compilation edit
- smoshcore//supercut edit (COURT REPOSTED<33)
- courtney miller aka sniper god compilation (COURT REPOSTED😭😭😭)
- best of shourtney playlist
- respecting shayne and courtney <3
please always feel free to chat with me, your local #1 smosh fanatic :D
- @smoshpostiing <33
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heraldic-shields · 3 months
I make heraldry crests and shields as a hobby. I mainly use drawshield.net for this, as I've found it to be the most versatile of the heraldry generators online, but I use a few other tools like GIMP where needed.
Asks are always open for questions pertaining to the blog, but please check whether shield requests are open before you send one! my main is @sushi1056. My askbox is completely open there, so please keep asks here on topic or a shield request.
Current Request Status: Shield Requests are currently closed.
A few guidelines for requests: - if you have a pinned post, I'll use information from that unless you say otherwise. - generally, what I'm looking for are favorite colors, sexual identity (if that's important to you), favorite animals/pets, and hobbies and/or interests. I also take blog themes into account - if you’re a gimmick blog who has had an OC made by @important-question-anon (sorry for the ping, happy to remove if you want), I will try to make the general aesthetic and vibes match. - if you would like a specific color scheme used, include it in the ask and I'll see what I can do. HOWEVER, the shields I make (usually) use only classic heraldic tinctures—dyes and paints that could be made in medieval times and applied to either wood or cloth, plus a few metals—so that means that the color palette is quite limited. Custom colors are possible but a serious pain and generally discouraged. - If you include a decently sized png or svg in your ask (or link to one), I can use that as a custom charge on the shield. My generator tool has a lot of charges to choose from, so if you just say "I want a dog" and aren't picky I can usually do that too with the ones provided. - nothing crude or offensive please.
A note about pride flags: I have figured out how to do most of the pride flags at this point! If you don't see one you're looking for, feel free to drop an ask requesting it! My goal is to eventually figure out a way to do all of them. I still need to post a master list of all the ones I’ve done.
Unless otherwise noted, all shields are under the Creative Commons license and are free to use. You don’t have to credit me, but I’d appreciate the notoriety if you did.
If I put a link in an image or a blazon, you can play around with skin effects and color palettes (To keep custom charges visually consistent, I stick with the flat effect and Drawshield palette, unless a specific palette matches a desired look, but Inked/CC3 and shiny/Bajuvarian are pairings that both always look nice). If you see one you like, let me know and I'll get you a full-size image of it! (The save image button on Drawshield is broken and/or janky sorry lol)
If you appreciate anything I create and want others to see it, please please reblog it! Likes are nothing to the algorithm
My profile pic will change regularly. I lied. Too much hassle. My pfp will only change for special occasions now
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yesloulou · 3 months
thesis statement for this blog
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onepiece-polls · 10 months
A short notice: poll results and anything else are postponed until I've got time again. I've given birth on Sunday and currently don't have time and energy to spend on tumblr.
Thanks for understanding!
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transandrobroism · 1 month
pinned post time:
i'm a trans guy, fully an adult, he/him pronouns. this blog is about the issues faced by transmascs and the pushback we get from the trans community when we try to advocate for our needs.
i don't engage in bad-faith discussions. if you want to have a conversation with me, you need to do that without insulting me. otherwise you will get blocked.
i do not use transmisogyny as a framework for understanding transmasc experiences and i think the TMA/TME distinction is flawed. i explain why {here}. if i ever say "don't make me tap the sign" that post is The Sign.
asks are open. if you send me hate for believing transmen are discriminated against it just proves my point.
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Do you think Bella is a strong or a weak female protagonist?
You've hit my word vomit button/one of my pet peeves, anon, in that I utterly despise breaking down female characters by being "strong" or "weak".
Because almost always it breaks down to this idea that there's only a certain type of woman that's legitimate and, curiously enough, it's a woman who takes on traditionally male characteristics or bucks feminine trappings.
There has been a long run of female characters caring about boys, makeup, clothes, fashion, things that are "girly" are made fun of or seen as weaker or lesser.
See Lavender Brown and Parvati in Harry Potter, ruthlessly mocked in comparison to Hermione Granger our more masculine acting golden girl who cares about sensible things like her studies.
It's a lot of Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?
Where it really gets bad for me though is female characters described as weak are usually described as such for daring to be trapped in situations they cannot easily escape or having mental health issues difficult to cope with.
Cinderella is weak because she is abused by her relatives and lives in poverty and her one chance at escaping this is a dance. This is why we get modern interpretations of Cinderella where she tells us she can leave the house any time she pleases, because she's strong and independent, she just chooses not to for some reason. But the important thing is she could leave, because she's proactive!
Wendy from the film version of The Shining is weak because she's horrified at trying to hit her abusive and insane husband with a baseball bat in a truly terrifying situation.
In the case of Bella Swan, she despises herself entirely and a strong woman would never do that!
It's supposed to be empowering, but what it feels like instead is it's promoting the unintentional message that Strong Women (TM) would never get themselves into a bad situation where they feel trapped and or hopeless, they never have debilitating mental health conditions like depression or even suffer from low self-esteem.
To pull another Harry Potter reference, Dumbledore tells Harry that Merope is a weak woman, compared to his own mother Lily, for doing something as presumptuous as dying in childbirth. Because you see, only weak women do something as silly as die when having babies.
To make a long rant short: this isn't even an argument I subscribe to.
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It's Time
So, for those who have been following on this journey for some time, I have finally published the based on what was Lily and the art of Being Sisyphus book:
The Heart of the World by Jane Doe (yes, yes, I know)
Available as an e-book and in at least some places hardback and paperback.
Here's the author's page for those interested in that.
I've also set up a new blog: @janedoewrites so as not to annoy people posting about it/consolidate relevant things to one blog to follow.
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therealvinelle · 3 months
Vinelle/Muffin: "We may be very well disguised as reasonable people, but Muffin and I are hardcore Tom apologists. He never did anything wrong, ever, if you think he did we have a podcast about how wrong you are."
Didn't he try to kill a baby after killing said baby's parents?
Vinelle/Muffin: "Have you considered that maybe the baby had it coming?"
Thirteen years later, didn't he traumaise, torture and again try to kill that same baby, now a teenager, to prove a point to a bunch of inbred assholes he doesn't even like?
Vinelle/Muffin: "Again, maybe the kid had it coming."
He's committed countless atrocities!
Vinelle/Muffin: "He's just a silly little guy."
He calls himself by a dumb, anagram name he came up with when he was in school!
Vinelle/Muffin: "So smart, so creative."
See, now you're just picking arguments that somehow make him look bad. Why the Tom hate, anon?
@theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin, look, I think anon is making of us!
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pyxisspeaks · 1 year
🖤🍯🖤 Hi please read!!! 🖤🍯🖤
I’m Pyxis, like the constellation, you can call me Pyxis or Pyxie as long as you speak to me respectfully, otherwise you aren’t permitted to speak at all 🖤
I am a sub through and through, mainly a service sub 🖤
I’m a queer person 💕
I am taken! 💕
#is this fucking play about us - my partner and I
I’m pretty new to making spicy content so I’d love some support, my content is tagged #pyxies pics
This blog is 18+ only so ageless blogs will be blocked.
I looove:
Praise, degradation, bondage, anal, daddy doms, hard doms, free use, cnc, uhmmm and I’d love being shared like a trophy 💕
I don’t like:
Scat, feederism, cheating, and not caring about my wellbeing
Some hard kinks are featured on this blog, I do try to tag them as #tw yikes but as this is my personal blog and I post stuff I enjoy my tags can be a bit erratic. But please, if there’s anything that I’m not tagging well that’s triggering let me know and I’ll try to do better
Remember all, no means no and not all witches believe in the rule of three ✨
~ Pyxis 🖤🍯🖤
OnlyFans link 💝
$PyxisVT to cashapp me bc tips pay my bills 💝
Updated 7/13/24
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About this blog: Plants! Mostly succulents and flowers.
The OC is all pictures I take, often of my indoor/outdoor garden and neighborhood in the PNW of the USA.
Questions, jokes, and plant IDs welcome. :)
Reblogging is encouraged, stealing is not. If you want to use one of my images for something; 1) let me know 2) credit this blog 3) link to this blog.
You are encouraged to use these pictures as references for your art, though! Human artists only please.
Some fun tags to search within this blog: dahlia show, joys garden, Fairchild, ruthbancroftgarden, carnivorous plants, cistus, leach botanical garden, crystal springs rhododendron garden
About this blogger: She/her, nerd.
All mutuals are beloved mutuals.
This is a plant blog, so I'm not going to publish any of the asks I get that are asking for $$.
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