#Acheron x Jingliu
murcuor · 4 months
 Acheliu (Acheron x Jingliu) Rentry Graphics.
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Banner mask credit. @nursesque.
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battampria · 4 months
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i rlly like how i did these like cmon guys these gotta be twitter worthy fr
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requested by anon! thank yew :3
f2u w/ credit
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elixrr · 4 months
their words comfort you. it doesn't matter if you're tough or strong, or if you're prone to the pain and the struggle, they'll comfort you no matter who or what you are.
they'll hold you tight like never before, whispering either comforting, loving, and careful words to you or true and genuine words of wisdom for you to take and use for later on. whether you sob in their arms or feel their embrace in silence— or if you spill everything you've been holding in, they'll take you into a kind hug and let you do what you're comfortable doing.
never do they force anything out of you, nor would they ever force you to be silent in their embrace. their comfort is for you, and while they hold you, it's their job to let you feel comfort in their arms. forcing you into anything simply wouldn't do any good for either of you.
though, if you wish to be left alone, they will let you alone— albeit after asking a few times if you're truly okay with the solitude. they want you to know that they care, and they'll show it by respecting you, your boundaries, and what you want and need.
it doesn't matter what struggle or struggles you've faced or that you're facing. they'll be there to comfort you when needed, and they'll give you the proper space when necessary. they care about you, and they'd also love for you to know that.
so, no matter what, there's always a place for you to go, whether that be in their arms or by a window in the solace of night where either storms or stars hang over the sky, they'll care about you, regardless of where they are or where you are.
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– your faves / comfort characters.
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la2yn0va · 4 months
Self-aware Honkai Star rail characters opinion on you being a streamer.
Characters: Acheron, Jingliu, Aventurine, Dr. Ratio
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“How… irritating” she said her annoyance overtaking her entire mood and body language. Being forced to be on stage for people SHE didn’t nor about NOR care about.
Why must you make her suffer like this? She loves you, with all her being. But why are you airing her out to the world.. those ‘viewers’ of yours.
And that’s another thing. How do they get to watch you? You shouldn’t make yourself a fool for such unworthy humans. Have they even offered you a thing?
“Ayyy~ thanks for the bits and 20”
….you’d allow them your gaze for a mere 20 credits? (Money) either your benevolence shines brighter, or it’s blinding you.
“Chat what do we think of Acheron? I fuckin’ love this woman, she’s SOOO fuckin’ helpful for grinding and destroying the enemies… white bar health… yeah cause that’s what it’s called…please don’t clip that…”
Acheron could feel herself blushing, so she quickly performs her idle animation, leaning against her sword trying to hide the blush and smile slowly forming on her face.
Chatter—“She’s good, but she keeps taking your attention from us :,(”
Instantly her giddiness is sucked away and locked in a coffin as utter annoyance and disdain grips her with an iron fist “Storm's on the horizon, heading towards you”
“That was perfectly fucking timed… did that sound different to anyone else?” Despite acherons slip up, that hatefulness holds her tighter, refusing to let go.
In short, She loves you-she’s OBSESSED with you. But she WILL kill these ‘viewers’ if they stary your attention away from her one more time.
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“What makes THEM so deserving of your gaze?”
Jingliu is similar to Acheron, but tripled. Unlike Acheron, she doesn’t bother to hide her hatred for those viewers.
Chat: Yo (Streamer Name) you should-
Jingliu: Your Ready for death.
She says it like a statement and not a question. She hates these creatures who take your gaze off of her, she hates how a measly 5 credits is enough to get your attention.
Your benevolence is your best quality, but also the one that’s easily manipulated, which simply makes her despise the fact that you’re TOO kind.
Jingliu hates the fact that your a streamer more then her not being able to ‘cut the stars’ with her sword. Why must you test her loyalty like this?
Is this even a test or a punishment for her crimes? Either way, this is too cruel. Being forced in the sidelines for a bunch of people who don’t offer you anything of value.
Is her crit damage/rate not good enough for you? Are her stellar jades not of the highest quality? Perhaps her blade needs more… BLOODSHED.
Unlike Acheron, jingliu would VERY MUCH commit crimes to gain your attention. Like breaking the fourth wall, taking an enemies or allies turn to attack, KILLING her allies so that your attention would be on her completely.
In short, she’s a much more blunt and unrestrained Acheron.
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“Such Troublesome detractors…”
Out of everyone in the game, he’s definitely the most laid back about your occupation. Mostly due to his luck.
Course he’s annoyed that some no-named randoms are taking the attention from his god off of him for seconds, but it’s really nothing.
It’s extremely lucky that the characters haven’t killed him out of jealousy (see what I did there?) This fuckin’ Avgin gets the most attention thanks to his kit and luck.
Y/n: Thanks for the Dono-
Aventurine: Eyes on me~
Y/n: Ooo~ yes sir~
Aventurine has a UNIVERSAL shit-eating grin while others are glaring death incarcerated soul-sucking daggers into him.
Aventurine would probably join in on the thanks if a viewer sends you money/bits/cheers n’ shit.
Not much to really say here, he’s just laid back to the whole thing.
Dr. Veritas Ratio
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“Stop this nonsense. Immediately”
Dr. Raito fuckin growls anytime everytime you boot up the game, cause he knows 99.9% of the time your going to be joined by those brainless viewers.
He’s completely baffled as to why a being such as yourself would degraded yourself to such… idiocy.
There’s only two possible reasons as to why you’d commit such acts. 1. Your benevolence blinds your logical reasoning, 2. You… enjoy it.
Dr. Ratio’s opinion on the viewers is that their brainless insects, he doesn’t even care enough to be annoyed by them, they’re just THAT low level of importance to him.
Y/n: Hey “Streamer Name” who’s your favorite character?
Dr. Ratio: Do you have answers?
Y/n: I- that was perfectly timed.. DO infact have answers. It’s (anyone that isn’t him)
Dr. Ratio: Fail… Get Out!
(If it is him)
Dr. Ratio: Perfect… Twenty Points.
What we thinking about this one chat?
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chiara-hotel · 2 months
Your path based on your s/o (Gameplay)
This is all for fun and what I think, don’t take it as complete canon
Various Characters
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Abudance! You’re a healer who either heals your reckless s/o or helps them out whenever you’re injured. They enjoy having you by their side and are thankful for your healing abilities!
Characters: Jade, Acheron, Aventurine, Blade, Jingliu, Kafka, Jing Yuan, Natasha, Gallagher, Misha, Jiaoqiu, Moze, Feixiao & Sunday
Preservation! You assist them in combat by shielding them from potential danger that could injure them. Neither of you need a healer with yourself on the team!
Characters: Black Swan, Acheron, Argenti, Firefly, Sampo, Sparkle, Welt, Feixiao
Nihility! You both provide damage as they attack, you both fit each other’s combat styles and work as a great team. That or you work with them with your different styles to defeat your enemies.
Characters: Kafka, Silver Wolf, Black Swan, Pela & Welt
Harmony! You assist your s/o and their coworkers with your abilities. They love how your abilities aid them in combat. Most of the time they deal the main dmg and you assist them with their missions.
Characters: Jade, Firefly, Silver Wolf, Seele, Topaz, Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Aventurine & Boothill
Erudition! You aid them by being able to do large AoE damage. Depending on the situation you are able to do the most damage to complete your mission.
Characters: Argenti, Boothill, Bronya, Dan Heng, Dr Ratio, Robin, Ruan Mei & Sparkle
The Hunt! You deal single target dmg and work great against boss enemies. Your skills match well with that of your s/o.
Characters: Dr Ratio, Topaz, Aventurine, Fu Xuan, Silver Wolf, Sparkle, Bronya, Seele, Sunday, Blade, Jiaoqiu & Moze
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trendywaifus · 5 months
who would let the world burn for you? cw: yandere themes, mentions of blood and dead bodies. angst. possible oocness. gn! reader.
FIREFLY/SAM would gladly let the world burn if it guarantees your safety. you’re like an ever-lasting flame they can physically cradle in their hands; you give them hope, a purpose. what makes you think they’ll purposely snuff you out for a world—the universe who didn’t dare to show not an ounce of mercy to them?
sam gently holds you in their arms, green wings resembling flames behind their back. behind them is a vast sea of angry fire—burning buildings and corpses sam doesn’t bother to look back to as they walks away from the ruined civilization. “ sam. .” you weakly whisper, the mecha looks down. if it could frown as it scans the cuts and nasty bruises littered all over your body, they would.
“ i came here for you. “ sam says, their voice soft and full of worry reserved only for you, “ it wasn’t apart of the script but i couldn’t bear to stand by and let you do everything by yourself. i feared that you could’ve. .” a familiar feminine voice blends in with sam’s low robotic one as they trailed off.
they fall silent when your shaky hand reaches out to touch sam’s “ face “, soft orange flames sizzles out from their metal slits.
KAFKA would let the world burn to show you what she’s willing to do for you. she wants to see the look on your face when everything is in flames because of her.
“ k-kafka. .” you mutter, backing away in fear as she saunters closer to you, stepping over dead bodies with no regard. her velvet lips stretches into a grin, teeth baring as orange flames are reflected in her eyes, making her look menacing. “ there’s no need to look so fearful, ” she drawls, stretching her arms wide as she draws nearer and nearer. “ you know i wouldn’t dream of laying a finger on my precious doll. “
you backed up against a cracked brick wall, legs trembling as she finally in arms length. “ y-y-you, wh-wh—“ kafka chuckles, placing a gloved hand on your cheek, her pinkish purple hues stares into your own. “ use your words, darling. i’m listening. “
“ wh-why? “ you choked out, (e/c) eyes filled with tears. kafka hums, placing the other hand on your cheek, now cradling your face. “ why? it’s simple, really. you may think the reason why i’m doing this is to make you suffer or something cliche straight out of a boring hero vs villain flim. hmm, it’s none of that. “
she leans closer to your face until her lips brush against yours. “ it’s an act of love. all i did was make it dramatic, isn’t it ironic? “
RUAN MEI never could understand the concept of love due to her trauma and just couldn’t emotionally grasp it. but you—you made the loose ends stretch and connect and she finally gets to have a taste of what it means to love. but soon after, things began to spiral out of control—specifically her emotions. it’s now always you, you, you on her mind. it’s frustrating because it’s making her think irrational, illogical things. so, will she let the world burn for you? yes—undoubtedly so.
ruan mei winds her slender arms around your waist, guiding you into her midst. her cool breath fans against your skin as she outlines your cheekbone with her lips. and she doesn’t stop there—no, she’s moving down to the corner of your lips, jawline, neck, and then right at a certain spot where she feels your pulse. it’s slow and steady. a hand trails up your arm and eventually three fingers press against the opposite side of your neck. a blue light and a warm tingle follows suit.
“ ruan mei, you don’t have to do all of that. i’m alive. “ you sighed. ruan mei moves back a bit to peer into your eyes, she touches your cheek. “ i’m aware. “ she says softly, contrary to the glint in her eyes, a emotion that you can’t recognize—a emotion so passionate yet ominous that it sends a chill down your spine.
“ and I’ll keep it that way. “
ACHERON allowed herself to get swallowed up by the waves of love—she allowed it to rush through the cracks of her heart and fill up the emptiness within. you’ve imprinted on her soul and now she’s hopelessly devoted to you. if the world must burn for you to be by her side, so be it. the world means nothing if you’re not in it.
her white tresses flows into the wind as she calmly walks towards you. her ruby eyes settled only on you as the once blue sky is ripped apart with one clean red slash and ruins scattered everywhere behind her. “ acheron. .what have you done? “ you asked in disbelief, holding onto your shattered blade. “ what needed to be done.” acheron merely replies, snatching your forearm and pulled you into her possessive embrace.
“ you didn’t need to do this and you know it! why did you fight me to stop me?! i could of saved millions of lives if it meant giving up my own. a whole civilization is gone now! people—ch-children! “ you sobbed, pushing your palms against her shoulders to escape her hold. acheron holds you tighter into her strong body and buried her nose into the side of your neck. it’s wrong, so, so wrong for her to do something so reckless—so selfish to discard innocent life for the safety of your own. but she’s gone through enough loss and suffering and the hole in her heart is full of you—her everything. if you died, she fears that she would of. .
“ forgive me, forgive me, “ acheron mutters into your skin like a prayer, “ i’m truly a coward but i’d gladly continue to be so if i can hold you in my arms like this. “
jingliu is letting everything burn. you’re her beloved— she would do anything for you. her blade will cut through anything and everything, even the moon itself to prove that to you.
her glowing, red feral eyes matched the color of the sky as corpses of the cloud knights laid around her like a ritual circle. jingliu looks at you and smiles lovingly in contrast to the horrific act she’s done. “ darling, come here. “ she softly commands, lifting her hand (which is stained with the blood of many!) out to you, waiting for you to take it and join her. you shake your head with terror, your body trembling. “ n-no, jingliu. th-this is madness! “
jingliu tilts her head to the side, her expression falls expressionless. then, she takes a step towards you, her hand falling limp to her side. “ this is madness you say? how laughable, my dear, “ she lets out a breathy laugh and casts you a chilling smile. “ this is hardly anything. once i annihilate the abundance in your name, only then you can speak to me about madness.”
honorable mention
STELLE intentionally and unintentionally would let the world burn for you without a doubt. she’d choose you over the world, not caring about how bad it’ll make her seem. all she’s really thinking about is you and not the full consequences of her choice. and because of the astral express, things will get complicated. ultimately, you’ll be the one to give yourself up if the situation really requires you to step up. she’ll prob need to be held back.
“ we don’t have much time, i’ll go. i’ve dropped it anyways. “ you volunteered with a heavy heart, looking back at the city covered in flames. dan heng and march quickly opens their mouth to speak but stelle beats them to it, “ no, you’re not! i-if you’re going, then i’ll go with you! “ she shouts, taking your hand into hers, “ it’s just an artifact—“
“ an artifact that is needed to save this planet and it’s not like dan heng can use his powers either because he’s just going to flood everything and march you already exhausted yourself which means i have to—“
march chimes in, “ h-hold on a minute, even i think it’s a bad idea to go back in by yourself!everything is covered with smoke and ash, there’s no way you can find it on the ground somewhere and you can’t see anything! we need to call welt and himeko—“
“ okay, you call them and i’ll go find it. i know it’s a terrible plan but we’re out of options guys. stelle. please, let go of my hand and stay with dan heng and march. “
stelle stubbornly refuses, “ no. i said i’ll go with you so i am. if you think you’re going to go by yourself then you’re absolutely silly. if it was my choice, i wouldn’t let you go at all. “
your brows furrow with frustration, “ no, you’re being silly, stelle. look—we don’t have time to argue! you’re not going with me! “ without thinking, you jabbed your fist hard into her stomach, causing her to gasp and kneel over in pain. she still holds onto your hand but you hastily break free from her weakened grip. “ i have to go! dan heng! hold stelle back if she tries to follow me! give me 5 minutes tops, i’ll come back! promise! “ you dash towards the burning city, covering your nose in search of finding the lost artifact.
“ no! “ she screams horsely as she watches your figure run further and further away and eventually disappear into the sea of smoke. although in pain, stelle attempts to get back up and run after you. dan heng swiftly restrain her. “ l-let me go, dan heng! can’t you see what’s they’re doing?! it should of been me! no, not even me—the world should just burn! “ she screams at the top of her lungs, tears rolling down her cheeks.
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vmp3ater · 6 months
hatefucking I see... then, how about hatefucking Jingliu and Acheron? >_<
subbot jingliu & acheron x domtop gn reader
jingliu knows you can do better. she likes challenging you when you’re in control of her, but only because she doesn’t want to look vulnerable. fucking into her steadily yet hatefully while your growls fill her ears, making her whisper “you don’t need to be so delicate with me. i’m not your lover.”
acheron would be similar but she unknowingly lets the pleasure take over her. fucking into her while your hands grab her waist harshly, hitting all the right spots inside her while she groans through it all. you really like seeing her in such a state, and it only makes you want to keep going until she’s really fucked dumb <3
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generalsdiary · 5 months
gays are so tragic.
any gay ship, any queer ship in any form of video game, anime, tv show, or movie where they're censored or made by homophobic ppl is so tragic.
the way they yearn to be together, which is shown by actors/voice actors/animators/writers. and, of course, we all grasp at the tiniest crumble, and the fanbases are the ones that recognize them and keep them alive- that is where the couple escapes the constraints, restrictions, and homophobia.
ex. in gi they said they will explore more same-sex couples by labeling them in game as 'best friends'. (kavetham, cynari, etc.)
so, of course, we, fanfic writers, write them as tragic, or even cursed yaoi, and yearning and all the heart-wrenching pieces because there's pain in their existence. they are our escape and something we relate to but we also offer them an escape, making them alive with our funny words and silly au's.
also some honorable mentions of good depictions of queer couples; good omens, shadowhunters (malec), our flag means death, the originals (freelin). (feel free to add more)
also, only pure hatred and disgust at the queerbaiting seen in media (I'm looking at you supernatural). furthermore, gender identities in media are a whole different issue and topic; where is the recognition overall, especially in video games, for enby's and similar?
honorable mention to bg3 for having great body options (trans friendly) and more gender options than the usual f/m.
there's also tragedy in queer characters, who fandoms depict and destroy by ignoring their sexuality, ex. yelena from marvel's black widow who is confirmed asexual. (which pains me as an aroace individual)
thus we write them as tragic and pained because, just like us, they also have to be hidden or censored, many queer ppl cannot come out due to so many varying reasons. sadly, we aren't safe everywhere and have to be careful. media is a nice escape, so I guess we can relate to our sad gays who are so much more like us than we thought at first hand.
dear writers, artists, and creators keep creating art and keep giving them life. we give them air to breathe and the hope that they give us. that is how this relationship with our favorite fictional characters transcends all bounds, we keep each other alive and comfort each other.
this rant was inspired by my mutual commenting on how homosexual my love confessing fic is (here if you're interested).
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crguang · 3 months
❀ 𝐬𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝟗𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 !! ❀
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thank you guys so much for supporting my works even when i’m not feeling at my best, it means the world to me. i’m so happy that i can make people feel things just by writing, it’s something i’ve always longed to do and y’all are giving me the opportunity to achieve that. y’all are the sweetest people to interact with and i’m really glad we can just be down bad for women together all the time <3
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— the drabbles from the prompt list will be around ~1k words so that if i get a lot of requests, i can do them all.
— please precise if you want SFW or NSFW, if it’s not mentioned in the ask, the prompt will be SFW!
— the general criteria of what i won’t write is in my masterlist! it applies here too, so please be mindful of that.
— you can request multiple prompts at the same time if you want them in the same drabble, but if multiple requests have the same prompts for the same character i’ll just pick one of them so it’s not repetitive.
— i will write ships/reader or simply multiple characters/reader, ex: kafhime, acheswan
Kafka, Himeko, Jingliu, Natasha, Black Swan, Acheron, Yukong
headcanons… 🌱 - random headcanon about a character (can be anything; a situation, likes/dislikes, their relationship with others, etc.)
prompts… 🍬 - choose a prompt and a character from the list and i’ll write a drabble about it! (fluffy, angsty, smutty)
miscellaneous asks… 🍡 - ask me anything; a song/object/love language/etc i associate with a character, let’s play FMK (tell me your answers i’ll tell you mine!), share random thoughts, ask me to rank characters or ships, etc. it applies to any HSR characters!
thirsts… 🪷 - inherently NSFW, send me a thirsty ask about a character and i’ll tell you how i think that would go!
thank you for participating!!
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yablokoapplemanzana · 5 months
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suddenly I like jingliu x acheron..
cr to png eidolons - https://t.me/HSRpng
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yorutsuki · 8 months
「 ✦ Honkai Star Rail Masterlist ✦ 」
Blade ↳ Letters Unwanted (Valentines Day Special) ↳ Boundless Experiments (Random) Boothill ↳ Metal Tension ↳ Frustrated Pleasures (SMUT +18, MDNI)
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rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
hello! im a 18+f looking for a 18+ partner to play canon character ships from the mihoyo universe! preferably honkai: star rail and genshin impact, but i don't mind at all some ships from H3I.
im looking for wlw canon characters ships like:
jean x lisa
ei x yae
clorinde x navia
keqing x ganyu
himeko x kafka
bronya x seele
jingliu x ruan mei
black swan x acheron
and many more variations and wlw ships, those were just exemples! i pretty much ship almost all the wlw hoyoverse pairings. i will also play any character. feel free to dm me or like this post and i'll dm you!
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nian-7 · 2 months
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In which they have a crush on you.
Various HSR x gn!reader
-> fluff, bonus w/ luka cause he's cute, blood & fighting, first time writing luka so possible ooc
a/n: i wanted to try a new layout because i see so many people who have such pretty layouts for their posts... mine have always felt very blocky and boring so i am trying out this style instead. sorry this is kinda bad, i'm trying to get back into it. this was planned to be short fics but i manage it yet.
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The Obvious Ones.
they are so obvious with their crush. everyone our them just knows they have the biggest crush on you. it's like they're not even hiding it! whether they're obvious on purpose or not, they continue to wave off the teasing from their friends and say it's just friendly! no romantic feelings are attached at all... deep down, they know they have a big crush on you and they can't help themselves!
-> March 7th, Gepard, Robin, Guinaifen, Luka
The Show Offs.
whether this is on purpose or not, they feel the need to impress you. they want you to praise them and impress you with their skills. this can be very obvious to their friends who are forced to stand by and watch as their dear friend tries their best to impress you with silly tactics that you haven't caught on to yet. they hope to woo you with their skills and hopefully one day it'll be enough to make you theirs.
-> Boothill, Yanqing, Luka, Serval
The Subtle Ones.
they are subtle with everything they do. you'll never know they have a crush on you because they are just so good at hiding it. whether their reason is because they don't want to ruin their friendship with you or because they're in denial, it doesn't matter. they might subtly flirt here and there but they usually are too friendly to pass as a flirt.
-> Jiaoqiu, Acheron, Bronya, Himeko, Jing Yuan, Feixiao, Luocha, Welt, Gallagher, Hanya, Natasha, Xueyi, Yukong
The Flirty Ones.
they flirt with you relentlessly. it's not often they find someone they truly want to pursue so why not make the most of it? they love seeing your adorably flustered expression when they throw a flirty comment your way. while you may think it's just how they are, they truly are trying to get the point across that they are in fact very in love with you.
-> Argenti, Aventurine, Black Swan, Jade, Kafka, Sampo
The Avoidant Ones.
they try to avoid you at all costs. whether it's to keep their feelings from growing more or because they don't want to hurt you, they'll keep it a secret. whenever you show up, they always are trying to find an excuse to leave as their heart aches. as much as their heart tells them to stay near you, their brain is in too much denial to accept the fact that they have a burning crush on you.
-> Blade, Jingliu, Silver Wolf, Dan Heng, Moze
The Nervous Ones.
they're so nervous around you. a blushing mess, a stuttering mess, whatever kind of mess you can think of, that's them. they can't seem to get a grip on themselves when you flash a smile and they suddenly are stumbling over their words, all nervous. it might be unlike them but they can't help it when they're so hopelessly in love with you! it's only natural that you make them nervous.
-> Firefly, Robin, Yanqing, March 7th, Sushang
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Luka -> The 'Show Off'
" Come see me at the fight club later, okay?! "
" ...Okay? "
You were a little confused to say the least, but you were never one to turn down an invitation from a friend. Especially Luka. And even when he looked so excited! Sure, it was confusing but he looked so excited so how could you turn him down?
Awkwardly, you stood within the loud crowd of people who were cheering on the fighters in the ring. Although you were too far into the crowd to see who was fighting, you relied on the announcer that you barely hear over the roar of the crowd to let you know when Luka was taking the stage.
The crowd seemed to grow louder as the fight went on and while you knew he was popular, you didn't realize the extent of his popularity until that moment. It grew hot in the crowd as they continued cheering for the fight as you were getting shoved farther away from the cage, leaving you only able to see his reddish hair flying about as he attacked his opponent.
As you heard the announcer call the match, you tried to squeeze out of the crowd to stand near one of the walls. Soon after, you saw Luka rushing out, waving at you. A tissue shoved up the side of his nose, you could see a little blood leaking onto it.
" (name)! (name)! You're here! I didn't see you in the crowd, but did you see me?! " His eyes were bright as he looked at you with anticipation, waiting for you to respond. He sort of reminded you of a puppy... And you can't lie to a puppy, right?
" ...Yeah! I saw you fighting that- " What was he fighting? You couldn't see at all... " ...In any case, you were cool! " You assured him, placing your hand on his shoulder, his face lighting up. You could feel the guilt itching at you as you lied to him. Best not to dig your grave any deeper, right?
" Alright! " He pumped his mechanical arm in the air in celebration as you turned him around, nudging him back to where he had come running from.
" I think it's time for you to go get those scrapes bandaged up though, Luka. " You let out a quiet laugh as you heard him let out an 'aw' in response.
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la2yn0va · 2 months
Hello there! Can I request some yandere Black Swan, Acheron, Jingliu and Kafka (self aware) x male reader who is single and has absolutely no experience in relantionship yet is down bad for them or has an interest for them
Call me crazy… I get a feeling you like women…
Black Swan
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She automatically knows you like her. She feels your eyes looking down at her softly, the same way others look at her when they found her attractive.
And she is a bragging bitch about it. “Oh, his grace built you? Couldn’t be me~ he maxed me out immediately~”
She finds your inexperience down right adorable. The way you stutter at least thrice when she’s in your vision. The way your eyes shine when she talks.
When you eventually get dragged into the world of Honkai Star rail, she lets go of all restrains. With no shame she flirts with you EVERY SEXTILLION SECOND.
She makes sure your a flustered and blushing mess, rubbing against you so your hand grazes her chest area.
Getting close enough to make sure her breath attacks your neck and the her lips tickle your skin, while whispering provocative things into your ear.
She always steals you away from people any chance/time she gets/wants to. After all, you LOVE her right~? There’s no issues with acting as you girlfriend (unofficial)
Just to make sure no one interferes in your little sessions, she goes into glass paintings/objects with you (in her trailer she goes into things like glass paintings)
Her hands are always on you in some manner, weather it be romantically around your neck or your arms, or in a more sexual manner.
In short, black swan takes the lead in this relationship
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She’s pretty confused on why you’re acting different with her at first. However, after a few moments/after encountering firefly and the trailblazer on their ‘date’ she’d finally realize you LIKE her.
She acts more shy whenever your around her, she doesn’t really know how to interact with you. More so because she doesn’t know how to… react to your feelings.
Yes she loves you back, but she’s never had a crush/lover so she’s as lost and inexperienced as you.
Although others are jealous of her, they also find it pretty fucking cute, and make a whole ‘will they or won’t they’ game show.
In battle acheron will always crit for you, and when in idle she compliments you subtly. She doesn’t wanna scare you away.
The ancient scrolls say you believe their video game characters. so she’ll hide her time until you finally get transferred back here, to your real home AND to her.
And when you do get isekai’d by whatever fuckin means, I’d like to congratulate you, as you now have earned a VERY FUCKING SCARY GUARD DOG.
Acheron doesn’t leave your side for a second (unless you ask her to in which case she’ll stand BEHIND you. Or if your in the bathroom)
Acheron quickly learns how to show her love towards you through acts of service, words of affirmation, and physical touch.
She likes to hold your hand, and with no shame likes to proclaim to everyone that the two of you are an item. Which you don’t deny.
Acheron takes the lead in the relationship
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The most normal about your attraction to her.
She’ll be honored that you love her, and shows it through ALWAYS crit damaging enemies and taking less health from her allies.
While in idle she’ll (like everyone else) will say a unofficial voiceline towards you, complimenting you and slightly hinting that she knows she’s a ‘video game character’
Another unofficial thing she’ll do while in idle is remove her blindfold and stare into your eyes lovingly YET respectfully.
When you get transferred into the game, it’s basically the same as acheron. But she’s more open and well normal about your relationship.
She’s slightly overprotective and possessive but that’s about it. She spends all her time by your side, weather it be in bed (get yo mind out the gutter) or IN bed (put it back in the gutter) or simply walking/exploring other planets.
She shows her love through..well everything. Acts of service, physical touch, gift giving, etc…
Overall not much to say here, she’s the most normal and a less scary (when not Mara-struck) acheron.
No one takes the lead, yall just switch leading roles every other day.
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Kafka is also very similar to black swan.
She immediately knows you love her, and she takes pride in it, after all who doesn’t? (Kafka’s the type to make gay men question themselves, as I myself can NOT attest to 😉)
Unlike her fellow…acolytes, she’s much more suave and blunt about her knowledge on your attraction. After all, your so adorable and cute for the god of gods (or as I like to refer to the reader who’s a god in self aware au—THE OMNI AEON)
In idle, she pulls out a blurry photo of your and kisses it while staring right at you. It’s blurry to you but VERY visible to kafka.
She’s also the only person in this who’ll outright state she knows she’s in a game and loves you (like sues in that one episode of gravity falls with his A.I yandere love)
Overall there’s nothing else to add here, she’s just another black swan when it comes to this scenario. OH wait no!
She uses her webs to manipulate you to dance gracefully with her and makes you touch her body while feigning innocence and teasing you.
She takes the lead in the relationship.
Okay I’m done. 4 or 5 more requests to finish
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chiara-hotel · 3 months
Your role/where you live in the Honkai Universe based on your s/o!
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The Astral Express! Created by Akivili, you warp to over world all across the galaxy to retrace his steps and for the thrill of the adventure! Of course you also deal with stellarons which threaten the galaxy aswell.
~ Welt, Himeko, Dan Heng, March 7th
The Stellaron Hunters! You along with your s/o to follow Elio and his scripts. Going around various worlds to take stellaron hunters or maybe even give one out.
~ Stelle, Caelus, Kafka, Firefly, Silver Wolf
The Genius Society! Of course you’re smart enough to become one of the 84 geniuses, so much so that you’ve been acknowledged by the aeon of erudition himself. Even your s/o can acknowledge your talented nature.
~ Dr Ratio, Ruan Mei, Herta, Asta
The Xianzhou Luofu! You live within the Xianzhou alliance, specifically on the luofu. You live with your s/o on their home island.
~ Jing Yuan, Blade/Yingxing, Yukong, Tingyun, Dan Feng, Lingsha
The Xianzhou Yaoqing! Its your home-world and you stay there as you await for your s/o to return from various missions! Important cloud knight meetings or maybe just ensuring you (and everyone else's saftey0
~ Feixiao, Moze, Jiaoqiu & Sushang
Penacony! You live within the festival of dreams, either helping in the dreamscape or the real world. Your s/o appreciates any help though.
~ Sunday, Robin, Boothill
No where! You are a wandering traveller with your s/o, you’ll follow them to the darkest depths of reality no matter what.
~ Boothill, Black Swan, Sparkle, Sampo, Acheron, Luocha, Jingliu, Aventurine, Kafka, Firefly
The IPC! You either simply live with your s/o and follow them wherever or they hire you as a small assistant. They’ve seen the darkness the IPC holds and doesn’t want you to get wrapped up in it too. As long as you’re with them though they’ll keep you safe, forever & always.
~ Diamong, Aventurine & Topaz
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trendywaifus · 7 months
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WEEK ONE — (2/14)
double pleasure ↳ transfem! acheron & ei x fem! reader — omg, you’re about to get plowed by two tall purple haired women!
WEEK TWO — (2/25)
how to tame a mortal ↳ yae miko & tingyun x fem!reader — have you ever gotten dominated by two fox women? now you will today!
WEEK THREE — (3/3)
double trouble ↳ transfem! jingliu & skirk x fem! reader — two masters challenges each other to see who’s the better master so they use you as their fuck toy!
WEEK FOUR — (?/??)
girl’s night out ↳ shinobu kochou & mitsuri kanroji x fem!reader — bath house date gone wrong
WEEK FIVE — (?/??)
mine for the taking ↳ sumo & makio x fem! reader — these two seems to fight over everything, why not compromise?
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