#Adam x Reki
kngstrnz · 2 months
Reki with red lipstick. Reki kissing Ainosuke. Reki leaving a bunch of red kiss marks on his face and neck. Ainosuke with a dumb lovestruck smile like the fool in love he is.
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kattythingz · 1 year
Apple of Your Eye
Summary: Adam has his eyes on a different Eve.
861 / 31420
It wasn’t particularly bizarre, at face value.
The first rose that Reki had received was thorny; it sat innocently amongst the rest of Oka’s fake plants that he tucked into the hanging flower planters for “good hospitality”. Reki thought it was unnecessary (their dope front door and display window more than made up for any hospitality a skater could wish for) but Oka was insistent. So, Reki was more than a little curious when the planters actually caught his eye for once one Tuesday afternoon.
He snatched it a little too eagerly, and, long story short—Reki’s thereon mystery fan never left him another thorny rose, taking care to de-thorn it for weeks to come.
That was, until yesterday.
Langa cried out a couple feet away, and Reki heaved another sigh.
“I told you, you’re lifting off too late!” Reki said. Langa rubbed his elbow wincingly—did he hit his funny bone? Oh, Reki felt that. “You need to maximize that momentum, not minimize it.”
“This ground is actively working against me,” Langa grumbled, returning to full stand, “so that’s kind of hard to do.”
“Is it?”
Langa glowered at him, and Reki chuckled.
“Kidding, kidding.” Reki waved an apologetic hand. “Obviously, the first time’s scary for everyone. But, if you’re serious about skateboarding, you just gotta learn to suck it up. You know?” He grinned. “It’s way more fun like that anyway.”
Langa’s eyes got that weird look in them again—something equally soft as it was sharp. “Yeah,” he said, a little dazed. 
“Yeah, ‘yeah’!” Reki beamed. “Now show me how it’s done!”
Langa nodded in that quietly determined way of his and Reki left him to it as his own mind wandered again.
He’d looked it up after getting home last night—what a blue rose symbolized compared to a red one. But unlike the sweet and simple answer of red’s “passion”, blue was… harder to pinpoint. Some results said mystery or unrequited love, while others, fascination and even true love. 
But that couldn’t be it, Reki snorted.
He was surprised this person kept up for this long anyway. It had been, what, two, three months since Reki started keeping a vase in his workshop? Dedication like that, it had to be someone from S that was interested in him. He didn’t think a regular person would find anything in him to be “fascinated” with.
“Ah, Reki!”
Reki jerked at the abrupt call, nearly falling off his perch on the half-pipe ledge.
Langa was beaming from behind the makeshift water bottle barrier. “I did it! I got over the bottles!”
“Y-Yeah!” Reki said, finally noticing the barrier was in one, uniform line. “You sure did! That was awesome!”
Langa didn’t take the praise like Reki expected. Instead, he frowned, deadpanning, “You didn’t see it, did you?”
“What? No, I—”
“You’ve got that look on your face again,” Langa interrupted him. “The one you make when you’re drawing.”
Despite the words, he didn’t sound the least bit upset.
Not for the first time, Reki wondered what planet this guy was from. 
(No one was actually this chill about being totally ignored during their moment of triumph!)
“Okay, you caught me,” Reki sighed. “I was totally distracted. Sorry.” He smiled, then. “But I still think it was awesome! I don’t need to see it to know that.”
In the afternoon sun, Langa’s faint blush was downright precious. Reki stifled a giggle.
“If you must know, however,” he continued, sliding down the slope to stand on equal ground with Langa, “I was thinking we should get you some protection gloves.”
“Huh? Why?” Langa tilted his head.
“Well, because you work a lot with your hands, right?” Reki wiggled his fingers emphatically. “Those are like, the one exception you gotta make for not needing protective gear. Especially when you get to the crazier moves that need your hands to guide them!”
“Right,” Langa said. “But you don’t wear any either.”
“Pshhhh, that’s ‘cause I’m practically a pro! And I still wear them for S, you know.”
Langa dubiously eyed the Band-Aids littering Reki’s hand, mostly his fingers. “Uh-huh.”
Those cuts weren’t from skating, actually—but Reki hesitated to tell Langa that. Not even Oka knew about Reki’s mystery person (the benefits of having a manager that always came in late), and after unintentionally keeping it that way for about a month, Reki was loath to change that. Even with Langa.
It felt… nice. Knowing someone out there appreciated him this way. He’d like to savor that feeling for as long as he could.
Even if it did sting him twice now in a row in both shades of blue and red.
Reki scoffed. “Hey! Which one of us has been skating for longer, huh?” He crossed his arms. “I think I know what sort of advice I’m giving and taking here.”
“If you say so,” Langa said.
His expression was passive, but Reki recognized that humor in his eyes.
“I do,” Reki huffed.
Langa was definitely snorting when he passed Reki to try the bottles again, concern seemingly addressed. Reki let him go with only an eye-roll for that.
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albetown · 18 days
more sk8 textposts, I can't stop
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piikopoko · 2 years
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been rewatching sk8 lately its a good time
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cjs-51703 · 1 year
Joe: We're like a big, happy family! And I'm the Dad, Kaoru is the Mom--
Cherry: How am I the Mom? What gender roles are we pushing here?
Miya: I know you're going to say I'm the son, but I'm not! I'm the Gay Emo Cousin.
Reki: I'll be the son! The hot shot whose only dream is... to be a hero!
Tadashi: I feel like I'd be the Fresh Out of Jail Uncle.
Adam: And I'm the Sassy Aunt who talks shit about everyone.
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strathbox · 4 months
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I just think the title for that video is hilarious 😭😭 like, why does it look like it’ll end bad aaaa
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malfunctioningemi · 1 year
Hi im emi and i think way too much about sk8 the infinity part 261
COLOUR THEORY TIME i just had like, a brain blast in realisation.
Reki is yellow coded, langa is blue. Usually people would ASSUME reki is the "red" character of the show because of his hair, but i think that just helps to show off his passionate and firey personality. His colour is yellow because he is energetic, friendly and most often optimistic (especially when it comes to helping people learn how to skate or make friends)
Langa is blue coded, usually used for quiet, cold and mysterious characters, or those with lots of sadness (think inside out). BUT because he is pastel blue, his sadness is lighter because of people like reki lifting him out if it. He is still young and has time to grow.
Because they are yellow and blue coded, its different from what is the usual trope of red and blue which are most often rivals or opposites. BUT because theyre yellow and blue, theyre actually perfectly made to compliment each other. I like to see it as reki being the sun to langas moon.
Now. You know who IS red coded? Adam. He is passionate and all about love and anger, the two emotions most connected to red. Because he is red, it links into his whole idea of thinking he "belongs" with langa, but he is already fulfilled by being with reki.
Then we see adams colours slowly change from red to that dark blue we see him wearing in the finale. He comes to realise that he was chasing after langa because he thought they were the same (blue = sad and hurt. Adam being a deeper blue means his emotions and sadness runs deeper aka because he has had YEARS longer to sit with his feelings and trauma) but it takes langa, a fellow blue, being happy and excited and wanting to skate with REKI not him, to show him that he doesnt have to put on this red boisterous persona. If we look at Adam through the years, he's never really had a red-coded personality. It's always an act. How he thinks people wANT him to act.
He's a blue, just like his hair and the suit he wears.
Now. Joe and cherry.
Cherry being pink is so INTERESTING TO ME. Its seen as graceful and youthful, but is also just a toned down version of red. Cherry CAN be graceful and composed, but is also full of so much anger and emotion (especially towards adam) and the fact the two are similar in colour makes me so invested. I also think Cherry has a complex colour pallet- being not only pink, but also wearing deep blues and whites. He is elegant and complex.
THEN JOE. oh joe. My deep green giant. He is down to earth (haha get it) and is always trusting his gut with everything, AND IDK IF YOU HAVE NOTICED THIS BUT HE NEVER GIVES BAD ADVICE!! Green is usually associated with grounded and level-headed characters, but green is also the colour of jealousy. Joe doesn't seem like the jealous type, but he has this strange loneliness to him. All he has is his restaurant and Cherry. He never seems to be able to fully grasp what he wants, so finds his fufillment in other places.
Now onto the fact that pink and green ARE opposites and so are cherry and joe. Where cherry is quiet and reserved, joe is loud and energetic. Their lifestyles and jobs couldn't really be more different. They argue and bicker and always seem to know what perfectly annoys the other most.
BUT!! Pink and green (while being opposites) ARE ALSO COMPLIMENTARY!!!! they work well together beCAUSE theyre so different. And being together just seems to work out somehow.
ANYWAYS. Yeah. Sun and moon coded renga are very special to me :)
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I got a depressing update. I overheard my mom saying they found my cat and she was dead (shot). I really hope I misheard her but can I get another scenario with the same characters (+adam)
Hi Squeezy. I'm so sorry to hear your update. Losing a pet is never easy, especially when it's in circumstances like this. I hope you like the headcanons.
Part 1 can be found here and the "good" ending can be found here.
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity
Characters: Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Miya Chinen, Kojiro Nanjo, Kaoru Sakurayashiki, Ainosuke Shindo (Adam) x gn! Reader (separate)
Your cat went missing and has sadly been found, shot. How will the characters react?
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Reki will be easily the most comforting person here. He’s right there for you if you want any form of comfort.
Definitely a bit in shock. He was keeping his hopes up, despite his more pessimistic side suggesting the worst so when he finds out about your cat, he’s definitely saddened.
Will help you in any way he can. Want him to duck out and get your favourite snack? He’s on it. Want him to stay with you and take your mind off things? You got it. Want a hug? He’s already wrapping his arms around you.
He’s furious by the way. How dare someone hurt your cat. But he’s going to hide that anger for now. You don’t need him going off at the moment. Right now, you need someone to comfort you.
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Langa is greatly saddened by the news but may have trouble expressing it. It’s not that he struggles with emotions, it’s more that he has difficulty showing those emotions in a way that others can recognise.
He will probably run home as fast as possible to ask his mum for advice and see if she can make his favourite comfort food. If it works for him, it’s sure to work for you, right?
Langa’s not as angry as Reki but that doesn’t mean he isn’t itching to go and find whoever hurt your cat and teach them a lesson.
But in the meantime, he’ll keep you company and do what he can to help ease the pain you’re in.
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Miya might be more distraught than you are. After everything he did to help find your furry friend, this happens?
He’ll probably need some comfort as well. It’s mutual. You give him hugs, he’ll give you hugs. Just don’t tell the others about this! He’s got a reputation to uphold.
Once he calms down a bit, he’s going on every social media platform he put posts on about your missing cat and giving the people who helped an update.
He’s probably found out exactly what happened to your cat by this point so he’s doxxing the culprit on those platforms as well. What? It’s not his fault their information was so easy to find…
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Joe’s able to do a lot more than any of the kids, mostly because he’s got more life experience. He’s going to contact the authorities as soon as possible so that the culprit is brought to justice.
Then he’s making you your favourite food and sitting with you for a while. He’s happy to talk about anything or nothing, as long as he’s helping you feel even a tiny bit better.
Much like Reki, he’s got a lot of anger building inside him towards whoever hurt your cat but he’ll wait to let it out.
He will let it out though. Whether physically or verbally, is another matter but he’s certainly going to give the culprit a piece of his mind.
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Cherry is going to take a far more subtle approach to the situation than Joe. His first priority is making sure you’re okay without smothering you.
Whatever form of comfort you want, he’ll do. Want some space? Need to talk? Want your mind taken off everything? You got it.
As soon as you’re okay though, Cherry’s enacting his revenge plan. He won’t play an active role in bringing the culprit to justice but you can be sure he’s the one orchestrating everything.
He’s calling the authorities so legal justice can be brought about. And then, should word get out around S that someone dared to hurt the pet of the partner of one of their top skater’s? Well, that’s hardly Cherry’s fault…
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Adam is seething. How dare they hurt your cat and, by extension, hurt you? He’s going to take revenge as fast as possible.
Of course, he’ll make sure you’re okay first. You are his top priority after all. But as soon as he’s sure you’ll be okay, he’s putting Tadashi in charge of keeping you company and heading off to his office.
While there, he’ll call in a few favours from a variety of different places (both reputable and not) before slipping out of the house.
A mysteriously dressed man with wild blue hair will visit the culprit and deal out some justice before disappearing. Shortly after, the police will arrive to arrest the culprit. What? No, Adam was in his office the whole time…
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Sk8 as tumblr posts because I miss them
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lokislittlelad · 1 year
Can we just take a moment and remember the fact that Langa wasn't happy skating without Reki? Man, he was in a competition, totally blowing it. And then he realised, shit I don't like this. Then Reki shows up and this man's entire world blew up in color and suddenly, he's enjoying it like it's the best thing ever. They're so down bad for each other
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thewritetofreespeech · 3 months
(in All Might voice) I AM. HERE.
Could I request Reki, Langa, and Tadashi (the soft boys) with a s/o who loves talking about how amazing they are?
Reki has always been everyone else’s cheerleader. But who cheers on the cheerleaders?
It takes him a bit by surprise when someone tells him he’s doing well. He knows he works hard, but effort and effect are not always the same thing.
Of course his mother always tells him how good he is being, but that’s your mom. Hearing it from someone else just hits different, and gives him little butterflies.
When they tell him he’s doing good, Reki wants to work 10x as hard for them. Not motivated by praise but wants to show that their praise is not unfounded.
It’s of course always nice to get compliments. And though Langa doesn’t show his enthusiasm like others, he does appreciate them.
Since moving to Okinawa, he’s felt like he hasn’t been good at anything. Except skating.
Learning a new culture, a new life, if hard. But he’s working hard to learn and fit in. So he appreciates that his efforts are noticed.
Langa tries to return the compliments when he can but he’s not great a social skills so sometimes they bomb.
Please tell him he’s a good boy.
Tadashi doesn’t nearly get enough praise for all he does. From his genuine work of running Ainosuke’s life & political interests, to making sure his boss doesn’t literally murder someone, he is significantly undervalued. Even if you told him every day.
Sadly, even if you told him how amazing he was, Tadashi wouldn’t believe or accept it at first. He would just shrug if off as a vague compliment, or straight up tell them ‘no. that’s not the case. I’m just doing my job.’
Once he realizes the compliments are sincere, he gets overwhelmed. Blushing secretly to the point that they can only give him compliments in private or in bed.
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kngstrnz · 2 months
Idk man, I really like the idea of DK!Adam being the embodiment of these covers but with Reki:
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talk-danmei-to-me · 3 months
Why was it so romantic when Langa and Reki were having their rendezvous in the skatepark after dark? I swear to god, Shadow is the only heterosexual thing about this anime.
Skating has got to be some form of euphemism right? Right?
Also ADAM is still a creep.
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hokkyokuro · 1 year
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Squad Reunionnnn
SK8 X Monster High AU
Character Designs below cut
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distortedataraxia · 1 year
Sk8 the infinity x reader (platonic)
When you first start skateboarding
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Author note : Hi ! Sorry this is really small and rushed, i wanted to begin and try to post in this fandom with something simple, like i did for bsd, i hope this is enjoyable anyways ★
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Reki ! ★
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When you first start skateboarding, reki is really excited and motivated to help you learn, he'll be patient and will keep you motivated, giving you a lot of tips and making sure you're okay on the run.
Chances are, he's the one who's gotten you into skateboarding, or he kept harassing you to try it out, both are very possible.
Reki will make sure to congratulate you on every small steps of the way, if you don't feel confident or scared, reki will reassure you that it's okay.
He might aswell build you a personalized skateboard while he's at it.
Overall, he'll be supportive, bright , patient and kind.
Langa ! ★
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Langa will be patient and considerate, if you're injured, he will forbid you from being reckless.
He'll also probably ask reki for advices when you're having troubles with something and he doesn't know how to help.
He'll get worried when you fall down but he'll also encourage you, he'll try to make you feel the fun and freedom feeling in his own ways.
And most certainly, Reki will be included 100% in one way or another, so you're probably going to have the duo supporting you all the way through this journey of skateboarding.
Joe ! ★
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Joe. Joe... How do i say this.
He'll be supportive, sure, but he'll probably flex and use himself as an example very very often. Am i wrong?
Please bury me if i am.
I can imagine you two chatting about skateboarding tricks in a restaurant(most certainly his restaurant) in a very chill atmosphere.
He'll encourage you, that's for sure, and remind you to never isolate yourself and come to him or anyone else for advices or to hang around and have a good time.
He might look like a dad with his child.. unless-
Cherry ! ★
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Cherry will be supportive, though he might not look that happy, he is happy about it.
He completely believes in you and encourage you to learn.
Looking at the way you stand on the board and skate when you're able to, he'll give you advices, a lot of advices, probably based on operations, degrees and all of that.. AM I LACKING ORIGINALITY?? I'M SO SORRY-
Overall, Cherry will be really sweet and will help you learn skateboarding in his own ways, if joe came across him teaching you though...
Well, guess you're having a break and a show to watch, yay! Where is the popcorn at now?
Shadow ! ★
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Shadow.... uhm, shadow.. I.. Uh..
It depends on multiple factors, shadow can be a complete "antagonist" Or a real sweet guy, if he's on his "antagonist" mode, he won't be really supportive , as you know..
But if he's on his sweet side, then he'll be supportive and patient, he'll try to make sure you don't get too hurt...
Or he won't.
Maybe try to kidnap him through the garden store, he'll complain but uhm..
I guess it'll work out.
Shadow can be helpful though, i swear. I'm just too tired lazy to think furthermore.
Miya ! ★
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Miya will be a tease, but he'll also be very supportive and caring, he'll make sure to give you advices and that you're okay, and will, once again, tease you a lot, but you'll surprise him caring a few times there and there.
He's very sweet, and he'll encourage you, he doesn't want you to leave him too, so, he'll be really considerate and all of that...
I uhm, this is too much for my heart plz imagine the rest i'm quitting my job bye
Adam ! ★
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Adam.. He'll try and see if you're suitable to being his uhm... Eve..
If you are, then be ready because this is going to be something, if you're not, then he's completely disinterested.
I don't know what else to say, maybe he could give you a few advices like he did to miya?
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Welcome to Txampaytxurtel Island, the tranquil pearl of the pacific. The people from this island are known for their hospitality and warmness towards other clans and sky people so count yourself as their family member already.
This island has their own unique features, culture and activities such as surfing. The waves are so good for surfing and everyone also have surfing competitions during Naha festival.
Txurtelan people are also known for their unique reptile anatomy, evolved for surviving in both land and marine life. Also, I forgot to mention; their skin produce mucus as a defense mechanism. The mucus helps to keep their skin moist, aids in respiration through their skin. Additionally, it can also help in maintaining electrolyte balance and thermal regulation.
This fanclan is an alternative universe for the anime called "Sk8 the infinity" so these clans, culture and the island itself are based on Okinawa island in real life. So that's why characters have no specific hair, eye colour or height measurement.
I couldn't finish character designs so I have to put them in another post next time.
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