#After TK come home with Carlos
reyesstrand · 1 year
tarlos + their couch……..tarlos + the comfort of their home……tarlos + some of the most romantic, funny, sweet, endearing, and healing moments happening in the space they’ve curated together…….
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TK Babe/Baby ❤️🌈
A quote from every single time TK has called Carlos "babe" or "baby" SO FAR.
Babe/Baby Key under the cut!
Color-coded Key (I can't make text yellow, so pretend the pink is yellow!)
Thanks for being here babe. 2x02: TK thanking Carlos for being there for the tumor cake party.
Hi, baby. 2x08: A concussed TK greeting Carlos as he rushes in to save him from the murderous kidnapping bank robbers.
Two wheats, babe. 2x11: During a game of Catan.
Babe, thank god you're here. 2x12: When Carlos arrives at the firehouse as TK is fretting over why Owen got arrested for arson.
Baby, do you smell that? 2x12: When sex was interrupted by a fire.
Yeah, babe. 2x14: TK telling Carlos about Mateo's mic-drop moment during the dust storm.
Hey, baby, breathe. 3x04: TK waking up from a coma to tell Carlos to breathe.
Baby, it's 3 in the morning. 3x05: TK coming to look for Carlos when he's working on the missing child case at 3 in the morning.
Hi, babe, perfect timing. 3x07: TK greeting Carlos with an offer to play next when Carlos arrives at the firehouse to tell them about the Red vs Blue controversy.
Babe, I know you're going through it. 3x11: TK trying to get Carlos to cool it with the rage punching.
Our meeting's at 5 babe. 3x13: TK declining Carlos' offer for coffee or tea because he and Cooper have to get to their meeting.
I don't even know what that means, babe. 3x13: TK's response to Carlos telling him that he's just "trying to figure out what my place is."
Hi, baby. 3x13: TK greeting Carlos when coming home from a meeting.
Hey, babe. 3x15: TK greeting Carlos when coming home with a lizard.
Hey, baby. 3x15: TK greeting Carlos when coming home with mealworms.
Hey...babe. 3x15: TK trying his best to distract Carlos from the fact that Lou has escaped.
Oh my god, babe. 3x15: TK's reaction to finding out that Carlos found Lou and put him safely back in his tank.
Baby. 3x18: TK waking Carlos up to propose to him.
Baby, I'm serious. 3x18: TK reassuring Carlos that he's serious about this proposal.
Baby, this isn't drama. 3x18: TK telling Carlos that it isn't drama inspiring the proposal, it's love.
And baby, my life has been scarred with loss. 3x18: TK continuing to explain to Carlos the reasoning behind his proposal.
And baby, we only get so many. 3x18: TK emphasizing that every moment they're not married is a wasted moment and they only get so many moments.
Hi, baby. 4x01: TK greeting Carlos when he arrives at the firehouse.
Baby, that's fantastic! 4x01: TK's reaction to Carlos telling him that the dream wedding venue is available in 8 weeks.
Hey, babe, I was getting worried. 4x03: TK answering Carlos' call right before Carlos goes into the tunnel to get shoveled.
Stay with me, baby. 4x04: TK resuscitating Carlos.
Come on, baby. 4x04: More resuscitation.
Oh, baby, you saved your own life. 4x04: TK's response to Carlos' thanking him for saving his life.
Ok, babe. 4x12: TK nervously getting ready to interview officiants.
Babe, you don't even hike here. 4x12: TK trying to bring Carlos back to reality a bit after he says he wants to hike the Great Wall.
Babe, it's beautiful. 4x12: TK's response to being presented with a bearded dragon.
*gasp* Babe! 4x14: TK's reaction to Carlos' reveal as the pudding thief.
Yeah, babe. 4x15: TK confirming that he can see photos of the possible suspects for the kidney patient who gave him a black eye.
Babe, my dad's calling. 4x16: TK calling Carlos over to the call with Owen to find out the results of his Huntington's test.
Oh my god, baby, I'm freaking out. 4x16: TK freaking out before picking up the phone.
Babe. 4x17: TK's response to Gabriel making the offer for Carlos to join the Texas Rangers.
You should really try to, babe. 4x18: TK's response to Carlos telling him he doesn't feel much like sleeping the night after his father's funeral.
You've got nothing to be sorry about, baby. 4x18: TK reassuring a grief-stricken Carlos as they're about to postpone the wedding.
Hey, babe. 4x18: TK coming home to Carlos trying to set up a VCR.
Baby, have you been up all night? 4x18: TK waking up to a spiraling Carlos who has indeed been up all night.
Baby, when's the last time you slept for more than a couple hours? 4x18: TK trying to encourage a spiraling Carlos to get some sleep.
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aaronsinferno · 4 months
'buck and tommy only had a one episode build up' no if they had a one episode build up that would be fine, tk and carlos were fucking within like an hour of meeting and i have no issue with that because they have an actually palpable instant attraction and connection rather than being thrown together randomly for shock value, their relationship actually developed really well after that, they're both very well developed characters, neither of them is significantly more invested in the relationship and their makeout scenes don't look like somebody frenching their dad lmao.
Regardless, the attraction between the two is real. They’re in a non speculative and canonically proven romantic relationship that’s been said to be healthy and will come off as a romcom. Just wanted to get that out of the way before I got into anything.
Evan and Tommy weren’t a slow burn. They didn’t see each other across a room and go “I’m gonna take you home later” or anything similar to that. It was just one guy unaware of his attraction towards another until the other guy in question made the first move. (Which was bold asf btw)
There’s no one way to jumpstart a relationship. Sometimes it’s taking a leap of faith and acknowledging your feelings in whatever way you can.
The kiss was always going to be shocking hence the uproar of homophobic outrage afterwards. If Evan, for whatever reason, kissed who you wanted him to kiss then I’m positively sure you’d still be pretty surprised that the kiss actually happened. A scenario that will live and die on the internet btw.
And you’re right to imply that Tommy isn’t a fully developed character. There’s still so much we don’t know about him. I’m assuming that if the writers want him around more, then not only will they build onto his character and background, but they’ll also build on his and Evan’s relationship.
I’m assuming the dad thing is you making fun of Lou’s age. I don’t have a problem with it. Unfortunately for you, though, neither does Evan. We’ve seen papa Buckley before, and I hate to say it, but Tommy doesn’t give that at all.
And I love Tk and Carlos, but using characters who have been sure and open about their sexuality since before their series began as a “gotcha” moment for Evan and Tommy is a bit odd. They know what they want and have experience identifying partners and forming relationships. Evan just came to realize that he’s bisexual. It’s new to him so it’s understandable if he’s not making moves like TK.
It’s a show. Let things fall into place. The story is still being told. Exhale.
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callsign-dexter · 2 months
Burning Determination
Request: if your request are now closed I understand but I was wondering if you could write a fic where it’s Owen Strand x daughter reader? Maybe a sick fic where she’s determined to continue working but is like an inch away from passing out?
Pairings: Owen Strand x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Sister!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, sickness, hospitals, needles, vomit
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You knew something wasn't right when you got up for work this morning. You felt way too hot, you were sweating through your clothes, and you looked pale. You so dearly wanted to stay home but you hadn't scheduled the time off and you couldn't leave your coworkers one person short. Also you were a Strand you couldn't let a little sickness stop you from working. You are the twin sister of TK Strand and the daughter of Owen Strand. 
As you got up from your bed the energy seemed to drain from you and you felt like passing out right back into bed but you needed to go to work. You stood there for a minute before everything stopped spinning and you slowly made it to your bathroom. You slowly and a little bit unsteady got in the shower and washed yourself of the sweat and then you were slowly getting out after you were done and got dressed and brushed your teeth and your hair. You were almost out the door when your stomach churned and you were heading straight to the guest bathroom and throwing up whatever you had in your stomach. When you were done getting rid of the contents in your stomach you got up flushed and rinsed your mouth out you were out the door and heading to your truck. “You can do this. It's just 3 days.” You said to yourself as you put your truck into gear and headed towards the station. You had the air blasting on you which felt really good.
Finally you arrived at the station and you parked your truck beside your dad's. You sat in your truck for a few minutes and closed your eyes and accidentally drifted off and you would know this because there was a knock on your window which jerked you awake. You looked over and saw it was Judd Ryder. You opened the door and he smiled softly at you. “You ok?” He asked and you smiled back at him.
“Yea, I'm perfectly fine. Didn't sleep well last night and decided to catch up on some sleep before going in.” You said and he nodded but didn't look convinced.
“Are you sure?” He asked
“I'm fine, Judd. I promise.” You said as you jumped out of the truck and you stumbled ever so slightly. 
“Y/N/N.” He warned and you waved him off.
“I'm fine. It was just a bad misstep. I'm ok.” You said 
“Ok ok. Just if you start feeling bad or anything please let someone know.” He pleaded
“I will. I promise.” You said and he seems satisfied with that answer. You weakly grabbed your bag and the both of you started your trek into the firehouse conversation being made along the way. You so badly wanted to stop and take a breath but you couldn't not now, you couldn't let him see you weak. By the time you reached the stairs to head up and put your stuff in a locker your head was spinning and you were on fire but you had to push through and hope not too many calls would come through. 
You were just about to start ascending the stairs when your brother's voice came to your ringing ears. “Hey, Sis. You ok?” He asked if anyone would notice how sick you were it would be your paramedic twin brother. You also know that he would be the hardest to convince along with your father.
“Hey, TK. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?” You asked, putting on a smile and he looked at you with an eyebrow raised. 
“You just seem off. You also didn't meet Carlos and I for supper last night.” He said
“Shit, I totally forgot. I'm so sorry.” You said and he smiled and shook his head.
“It's ok. Nothing to fret over. We don't hold grudges.” He said and you chuckled which made your head hurt and your body ache. You needed water. You squeezed your eyes closed and he took notice of this. “Are you sure you're ok?” He asked.
“TK I promise I'm fine. I just have a little bit of a headache, nothing a little rest, Tylenol, and fluids won't fix.” You said and he didn't look convinced but he took the answer.
“Fine. Let me know if it gets worse. Please?” He pleaded 
“I will. I promise.” You said as the bells rang signaling for the ambulance. The sound went straight to your pounding head but you didn't move not wanting to throw anyone off. 
“Well, I gotta go. You go sit and get something in you. You don't look so good.” He said 
“I will. Be safe and I love you.” You said 
“Love you too, Sis.” He said and then he was taking off and hopped into the ambulance and they were off. You sighed finally alone you made it up the stairs and to the locker room where you put your stuff and headed into the kitchen. You quickly grabbed what you were looking for and then you were going and landing yourself on the couch laying down. You put an arm across your eyes and actually drifted off. You were waking up to someone calling your name and it turned out to be your father.
“Hey, Y/N/N. Wake up.” He said and you groaned but did as you were told. 
“Hmmm I'm awake.” You said and sat up quickly and instantly regretted it. “How long was I asleep?” You asked.
“30 minutes.” Your dad said.
“Shit did I miss a bell?” You asked and he shook his head.
“No. Are you feeling ok?” He asked 
“Why does everyone keep asking me that? I'm fine.” You said 
“It's not normal for you to sleep on shift when it's not night time. What's wrong?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Nothing is wrong.” You said and he gave you that fatherly look saying ‘don't lie to me’. “I'm just trying to get caught up on some sleep. I didn't sleep well last night.” You said and he rose an eyebrow but knew that if he pushed you then you would close off. Besides after that nap you were feeling a little better. Then just as your luck would have it the bells went off and you groaned. 
“Come on. We have to get going.” He said and stood and so did you but you stood there for a minute while black dots filled your vision. Your father didn't notice and went on. After they disappeared and good to go you got up and rushed downstairs and pulled your gear on. You hopped into the truck and then you were off to the call. Having all the gear on you made your temperature start to rise and you to sweat. You were having trouble breathing but masked it well and your body was drained of energy. Any more strenuous activity and you would be passing out but that's what your job called for so you sucked it up and continued on. 
When the truck arrived at the scene it appeared to be an apartment fire and it had to be all hands on deck. You sighed and got out, legs shaking but you quickly made them stop and waited for your captain to give orders. “Y/N, Judd I want you to go in there and get anyone else out. Paul, Marjon start putting the fire out. Mateo and I will help TK, Nancy, and Tommi with rounding everyone else up and getting them medical attention that they need.” Your dad said and everyone acknowledged the orders and then you were off to do your job. Your turnout gear felt too hot and too heavy when it normally didn't bother you. The mask made it seem like it was suffocating you more and stealing your air. The oxygen tank didn't help either. You were very close to passing out but moved on. 
“You good?” Judd asked as you two began to enter the apartment.
“Yea, yea I'm good. Hey, do you mind taking the top floors and I stay close to the bottom?” You asked
“Not all. Call me if you need me.” He said and you nodded and then started to work on clearing the first floor out.
“Fire department call out!” You yelled and got nothing and so you kept calling out as you checked everywhere, each call out took your breath away but you cleared the first floor “Judd first floor is clear. Heading to second.” You said and moved on to the second floor. 
“Copy that. The 4th floor is clear. Heading to third.” He said 
“Copy that.” You said a little breathlessly and you hoped nobody caught onto it and it seemed like they didn't because they didn't say anything. “Fire department call out!” You said and that one made you a little light headed and you had to lean against the wall for a second. 
“Help! I'm trapped!” A tiny female voice said and that got you going despite the sweat dripping down your face and getting in your eyes. 
“Fire department call out!” You said 
“Here!” The voice said and you went to the 5th door on the right. 
“Are you away from the door?” You asked
“Yes.” She said and you broke down the door and found the little girl huddled in the corner, the fire just starting to make its way into the home. 
“I'm here, Sweetie. I'm gonna get you to safety.” You said and she nodded “Where are you parents?” You asked.
“They're at work. I’m with my babysitter. She got hit with something and got knocked out .” She said tears in her eyes and your heart broke. 
“Judd, I'm gonna need some help down here. I got a little girl and she said her parents are at work and she was with her babysitter but she got hit and knocked out by something.” You said 
“Copy. 3rd floor is clear. Coming down now.” He said 
“Copy.” You said and then turned to the little girl. “I'm gonna get you out of here and my friend will get your babysitter out ok?” You asked and she nodded.
“Ok.” She said and you picked her up and made her bury her head into your turnout gear to decrease to smoke inhalation. As you were starting to walk out  Judd walked through the door. 
“Rest of the floor is clear. You go on and get her out and I'll get the babysitter out.” He said and you nodded and so you headed out of the room as fast as you could but you started to not feel good and light headed. 
“What is your name?” You asked her to try to take your mind off of feeling sick.
“Josey.” She said and you smiled.
“That's a pretty name. I'm Y/N.” You said 
“I like that name.” She said 
“Me too.” You replied as you quickly descended the stairs and out of the lobby. You were quick to take off your helmet and yell for your brother. “TK!” You shouted and he looked up and came rushing over. 
“What do we got?” He asked
“This is Josey. She was in the room with her babysitter when the fire started. Judd should be bringing out the babysitter any minute now.” He said and nodded and guided you over to a spot and you set her down as he and Tommi started to work on her and you walked away. You ripped the mask off and breathed heavily hands on your knees, you were exhausted. 
“You ok?” Marjan asked and you looked up at her.
“Yes. Why?” You asked
“You do not look good.” She said 
“I'm ok.” You said as black dots started to appear and you started to sweat more Breathing became difficult. You were getting light headed by the second. 
“Owen!” She yelled and he looked up to where she was and his eyes widened. TK looked up too and did the same thing Tommi told him to go and the two Strand men were rushing to your side. 
“Y/N!” Your dad said as he practically caught you as you started to tumble down.
“Sis!” TK said as he started to take off your heavy gear and throw your turnout coat off and then they could really see that you were soaking wet from sweat. 
“What do I need to do?” Marjan asked
“Go and grab my med kit from the ambulance.” TK said and she nodded and took off.
“You're burning up.” Your dad said as he helped lower you down to where you were sitting on the step of the firetruck. 
“I'm ok.” You said and waved him off and he shook his head.
“No you're not.” He replied as Marjan arrived with TK's get and started to get everything out. He grabbed a thermometer and quickly took your temperature and he quickly beeped. 
“103.2.” He said 
“You shouldn't have come to work if you were feeling this bad. How long have you been like this?” Your dad asked.
“Since last night.” You said as Marjan handed you a Gatorade.
“Here it'll help with your lost electrolytes.” She said 
“Thank you.” You said weakly and opened it and downed half of it. 
“I want you to go to the hospital.” Your dad said
“Dad, no. I'm fine.” You said and he shook his head.
“As your dad and your captain I'm ordering you to go.” He said and you huffed.
“Fine.” You said and then looked at TK who was holding out a hand and you took it and he helped you up and you stumbled into him and the dark spots started to dance again. Everything sounded like it was underwater. 
“Y/N.” Your dad said but you had totally gone limp in your brother's arm finally letting the darkness take over.
“Fuck. I think she just passed out.” TK said as Nancy and Tommi came over with a gurney after seeing what happened. It was a really good thing that more than one firehouse was called out. They quickly got you onto the gurney and started to take off your heavy gear, thankfully you had pants on underneath. They pushed you over to the very close 126 Ambulance and loaded you in. They were quick to start cooling you down. As TK started to place an IV you started to wake up.
“Bro?” You asked and looked at him and he smiled.
“You passed out. We're taking you to the hospital and I'm gonna get an IV with cool fluids going ok?” He asked and you nodded as he placed a tourniquet around your arm and your veins popped up but he knew they would be fragile, but he was skilled at this and placed it with practiced ease. You whimpered but didn't make another sound “It's ok, Sis. I got ya.” He said and then started the fluids and they felt like fire running through your veins but you didn't make a sound and after a few seconds it started to feel good.
“TK we're here.” Nancy said as she stopped outside of the Emergency side of the hospital and they were quick to get you out and unloaded. 
They rolled you in and TK told the nurses and doctor what happened “She passed out at a scene. Temperature was 103.2, we've had cooling material and cool IV fluids on board so it may have come down. She said that she threw up before starting her shift this morning and she took Tylenol about 3 hrs ago. She also downed half a body of Gatorade, she then stood up and passed out in my arms and no she did not hit her head.” He said and they nodded in understanding as they transferred you to a bed. He would be staying since he was family and they allowed it. 
“I'm Dr. Hedges. I see her temperature has gone down to 102. We'll continue with the cooling down and hopefully that's all it is but we'll test her for viruses.” The doctor said and TK nodded and then your dad was rolling into the ER and he was being pointed to where you were. 
“How is she?” Your dad asked, turning to the doctor.
“As I was telling your son, I'm Dr. Hedges. Her temperature has gone down to 102. I want to run some tests for any viruses and I want to keep doing the cooling down treatments.” He said and your dad nodded.
“Cooling down how?” He asked 
“Cool towel on her head and cool fluids.” Dr. Hedges said and your dad nodded.
“Whatever needs to be done.” Your dad said and Dr. Hedges nodded as a nurse came in with a towel and a bowl of water then left. Your dad got to work on dabbing your forehead and then laying the towel over your forehead.
“I'll have a nurse in to grab what is needed for the tests.” He said and both your brother and dad nodded, already starting to fuss over you. It was 10 minutes after he left that you started to wake up.
“TK?” You asked
“I'm here and so is dad.” He said pointing to him and you looked over at him.
“Dad, I'm sorry.” You said 
“It's ok.” He said and you shook your head slightly.
“No it's not. I came to work when I was sick.” You said
“It really is ok. You're a Strand you got that stubborn gene in you. You also have the need to want to help people.” He said “Both of you do.” He said and you and TK chuckled and smiled. Soon the nurse was coming in.
“Good to see you awake Ms. Strand.” She said 
“Please just Y/N.” You said and she nodded.
“I'm just gonna grab some swabs and run some tests.” She said and you nodded and she smiled glad you actually have a cooperative patient. She got the swabs and put them in the container. “I'll get these going and Dr. Hedges will be back in afterwards with the results.” She said and all of you nodded and smiled. 
“It's probably a bad cold that I got from helping those kids at the local fair.” You said 
“Hopefully that's all and nothing else. Can't have you sick sick on me. I can't deal with dad alone.” TK said and you laughed and your dad looked offended.
“What's that supposed to mean?” He asked and you both shook your head.
“Nothing, Daddy. We love you.” You said and he looked at you suspiciously.
“Love you both too.” He said and then Dr. Hedges was walking in.
“Glad to see you awake, Y/N.” He said and you smiled.
“The nap helped.” You said and he smiled.
“It looks like the wet towel and cool fluids did the trick. You're temperature is down to 97.7, which is great. I got the results back and it does turn out you do have the flu and it must've been an aggressive one because the results came back very quickly. I suggest taking Tylenol every 8 hrs and get some Sudafed PE Head Congestion + Flu Severe Tablets to help with drying all the congestion up. Other than that I'm happy with your temperature and comfortable with releasing you.” He said and you nodded and smiled.
“Thank you, Dr. Hedges.” You said and the other two nodded and said the same thing.
“You're very welcome. I'll have a nurse in here with discharge papers and then you can be on your way.” He said and then was out of the room.
“Ok, so back to work.” You said 
“Oh, no.” Your dad and brother said at the same time. 
“What? I'm fine.” You said 
“You passed out in my arms and you were running a temperature. Not to mention you got sick before you even came to the station. You're not going back to work, you're going to go home and if I have to Carlos sit outside your house then I will. You're not leaving that house until you're better.” TK said and your mouth dropped open and you looked at your dad and he nodded.
“You're not going to work. You're going home. TK or I can bring your belongings to you.” Your dad said.
“But dad-” You started but was cut off by a nurse coming in with discharge papers and to take out the IV. She did so in silence while you glared at your dad and brother because you were perfectly fine to go back to work. Once the nurse was gone and the IV no longer in you, Carlos walked in. “TK!” You shrieked and looked at him.
“What? I didn't call him.” He said
“No, I was already here and heard you lot were here.” Carlos said “Wanted to make sure you or your brother hadn't landed in a coma.” He said.
“That's TK's specialty.” You said and he didn't deny it and everyone nodded knowing it was true. Finally you got up and walked out of the hospital with the three men and there was Judd in his truck waiting for the three of you. You bid Carlos a goodbye and then got in and he started off towards your house and not the station.
“Awww don't pout. You need your rest. I also got your meds that your dad texted me. Also your truck is here and here are the keys.” He said holding up the bag up and handing your keys to you which you took roughly and everyone chuckled and that made you just pout even more as he arrived at your house. You got out with TK and your dad and walked to the front door. 
“I can walk to the house myself.” You pointed out.
“Just want to make sure you're safe.” They said at the same time and you glared again at them. You grabbed your keys and unlocked the door and walked in and TK set the bag down on the table in the living room as your dad went to the kitchen and grabbed Gatorade that you had in there.
“Get some fluids in you and rest. One of us or both of us will be back to check on you.” Your dad said and you nodded and went to sit down on the couch. “Call anyone if you need anything.” Your dad added.
“I will.” You said and they nodded and then started to leave. Once Judd’s truck was gone you took that as your chance to leave. You started to make your way to the front door when a cop car caught the corner of your eye and you looked at it. “For fucks sake. Really?” You asked throwing your hands up and you mentally made a note to hit your brother “He actually went through with it.” You said. Carlos waved at you and you could see him chuckling, you waved back and then stalked off from the window and sat down on the couch. You turned on the TV and took your meds and drank some. 
Your glare slowly went away and you smiled and you shook your head. You were just glad you had people that loved you and wanted to look after you and to be honest you didn't feel up to go back to work you just wanted to lay around. You loved your dad and brother and they loved you back, if they didn't then they wouldn't be looking at for you. Although you were mad that they sent Carlos to sit outside of your house and for them making you stay home you didn't hate them. You chuckled and got comfortable on the couch and slowly you found yourself drifting off to sleep despite you sleeping at the hospital. As you drifted off you made a mental note to thank them later because without them your life wouldn't be what it was now. You were lucky and you loved them. You wouldn't trade them for anyone else. You three were stuck with each other.
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strandnreyes · 3 months
love & laser tag
a little fic inspired by @guardian-angle22’s answer to the duo most likely to dominate laser tag because I couldn’t get an Owen/Carlos team up and sulky TK out of my head
“You ready to take down our friends?”
TK’s grin as he slides into the passenger seat is nearly contagious. Too bad Carlos is one statement away from making it disappear.
“Actually…” Carlos says slowly. He should’ve told TK earlier, but he has a feeling his husband isn’t going to like the news.
TK is already wary, squinting his eyes and looking at Carlos like he still trusts him with his life, just not at this very moment. “What?”
Carlos presses his lips together and then starts the car. “Your dad asked me to be on his team,” he says casually as he backs out of his space in the parking garage. He doesn’t have to take his eyes off the back up camera to know TK feels betrayed.
“What? We’re married. That’s like… automatic laser tag partners,” TK argues with a flap of his hand and Carlos chuckles.
“He asked me, TK. Was I supposed to say no?”
Carlos shakes his head with a smile as he glances over at TK. In turn, TK slips his sunglasses down to his eyes. Though that could be blamed on the sun that’s now beating through the windshield. “Babe. Have you met me?”
He may have come a long way from constantly calling Owen sir or captain every time he sees him, but he was not about to shoot down Owen’s overly enthusiastic text asking if Carlos would like to be his partner for the 126 laser tag outing.
TK seems to agree because he slumps back into his seat. “Well, your nice southern boy manners are leaving me without a partner.”
“Good thing there are ten people coming so you’re guaranteed to have a partner,” Carlos retorts and TK finds his energy again, sitting up and letting his pout come out in full force.
“I wanted to be your partner,” he argues and he’s so adamant that Carlos is actually considering changing the plan. His husband is adorable and there are worse things than TK being upset that he doesn’t get to be with Carlos for something as unserious as laser tag. But then TK keeps talking. “You’re the only one here with actual training in this kind of thing.”
Scratch that. Carlos is definitely sticking with Owen. “Oh, I see. You don't want to be with me because you love me. You just want to use me.”
TK reaches over to pat his arm. “Now you’re getting it, baby.”
“I think I’m glad your dad asked me,” Carlos says as he navigates them through downtown traffic.
TK scoffs. “Jerk.” A moment later, after seemingly processing the statement, he asks, “When did he ask you?”
“He texted me.”
TK looks even more disgruntled and if Carlos weren’t driving, he’d lean over and kiss that look off his face. “Seriously? He had to secretly text you and steal you away from me?”
“I don’t know if it was a secret. And no one’s stealing anyone.”
“Whatever,” TK mutters. “You two have your fun. You’re going down.”
Carlos smiles and lays his hand on TK’s thigh. He keeps it there for the rest of the drive, but keeps any comments to himself. Truth be told, he’s fairly confident in his and Owen’s ability to take this thing home. No way he’s telling that to TK, though.
The car ride home can be described as icy at best.
TK hasn’t said a word since they all handed their vests back to the bored looking employee. He stalked to the car afterward and impatiently waited for Carlos to unlock the doors. Since then, he has ignored all of Carlos’ questions about stopping for food on the way home.
“TK,” Carlos says after the third unsuccessful attempt to engage him in conversation. He’s as far over in his seat as he can be and he’s staring out the window like he’s carsick and his wellness depends on it.
“What?” he mutters.
Carlos can’t help the small smile on his face. He’s glad TK isn’t looking at him to see it. “Are you seriously mad?”
Carlos raises a brow. “Really? Your knees are glued to the door.” When TK doesn’t give him a follow up comment, Carlos grows even more bewildered. “The silent treatment? TK.”
TK whips around and points an accusatory finger at Carlos as he pulls back into the parking garage. “You targeted me.”
“That’s how the game works,” Carlos defends.
“No, you two… came after me right away,” TK huffs as he throws his hands up. They land back on his legs with a soft slap.
“Again, the point of the game—”
TK clenches his jaw. “Carlos, I swear to god.”
“Baby, I don’t know what you want me to say,” he says with a small laugh as he parks the car. He immediately turns to TK. “Your dad is very competitive. Do you remember the softball game?”
“Don’t change the subject.”
Carlos reaches across the console. When TK lets him take his hands, Carlos knows he’s not too deep in the dog house. “I’m sorry I shot you in laser tag and took you out of the game.”
Carlos shakes his head. “I’m not going to apologize for winning.” TK groans and tries to pull away but Carlos holds tighter. “But… I promise to be your partner in life and all future laser tag games.”
TK actually looks satisfied with that answer and Carlos loves this ridiculous man. “Thank you.”
Carlos stretches forward, relieved when TK meets him halfway to share a kiss. He deepens it until he can ensure that TK isn’t still mad about the events of the afternoon.
“How about we order Thai?” Carlos suggests as he gets out of the car. He joins TK’s side, grabbing his hand and leading him inside.
“I don’t know, are you sure you don’t want to go get dinner with your new favorite Strand?”
“TK,” Carlos groans as drops his head back.
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carlos-in-glasses · 4 months
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✨ The Wonder of It ✨
By @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-in-glasses and @ladytessa74
3 chapters, rated M. Now live on Ao3
To @thisbuildinghasfeelings on your birthday - Lemon, Tessa and I are delighted to bring you The Wonder Of It. (There are lots of easter eggs in there for you. We hope you'll enjoy finding them and reading these stories.)
Thank you, Anne, for being such a lovely friend, cross-stitcher and fandom archivist. We hope you're having the best day!
Fic Summary: As Carlos comes to terms with his relationship with his father, he realises he's ready to become one himself. Over time he and TK begin the adoption process and prepare to meet their baby boy. But even as they settle into family life with Elijah, Carlos knows that the past won't stay there. When his father's unsolved murder comes back to the forefront and puts his son in danger, Carlos will do anything to protect his family. But is it enough?
Chapter 1 by @lemonlyman-dotcom - I Know It’s Love That’s Got Me Feeling Okay
Chapter Summary: A year and a half after their wedding, Carlos and TK are settling into their marriage, and Carlos surprises TK with a trip to a Canadian mountain resort for his 31st birthday. Set against a majestic backdrop of snow-capped mountains, vast star-filled skies and the wonder of his husband’s unshakable love, Carlos realizes that he’s finally at peace with his father’s passing and their turbulent relationship, and he begins to understand that maybe fatherhood isn’t something one ever feels truly ready for. But with his soulmate by his side and their found family at their backs, he feels ready to begin exploring their options.
Read on Ao3
Chapter 2 by @carlos-in-glasses - In My Father's Footsteps
Chapter Summary: It’s Carlos’ 34th birthday, and while TK is determined to celebrate, Carlos is too preoccupied to care. In three months’ time, they will bring their newborn son home – and there’s a lot that needs to be dealt with. As the day passes, the couple fix up their house and work through their insecurities about impending fatherhood. Luckily, they make a pretty good team. 
Read on Ao3
Chapter 3 by @ladytessa74 - Lingering in Happiness
Chapter Summary: As Carlos and TK trade off Elijah's care, as per their agreement, TK returns to work at the firehouse. The day before the tenth anniversary of Carlos' father's murder - unsolved all these years - Carlos takes Elijah to the Reyes ranch for a mini vacation while TK is stuck at work. But even as Elijah plays with the horses, danger looms. Carlos may find out what really happened to his father, but what will it cost him?
Find the official playlist for this fic: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4QbUoYbapr8LX0t5sEl2fG?si=uQJYbI0ZS2Ku7NnPxDHUHQ&pi=u-u7xlJrlwTZGP
Huge thank you to Tessa for opening up her glorious Elijah Verse to Lemon and I to play around in. It's been a pleasure working and conspiring with you both to create this fic for Anne! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 month
anyways, nobody asked me but I want to play so have some bucktommy headcanon things
Tommy loves Love, Actually - but especially the flashcards scene. (Only the original though, he rolls his eyes at every parody) He makes Buck watch it with him (he doesn't have to do much persuading really, Buck would happily watch paint dry if it meant spending time with him) and mentions when that scene is coming up how it's his favourite moment. Buck files the information away To Be Used At A Later Date and on their first Christmas together, he recreates that scene for Tommy. It's the only parody he'll never roll his eyes at. Eddie got roped into filming the whole thing so they'll have something to remember it by.
Philip and Margaret actually adore Tommy once they get to know him and it unsettles Buck for a good few weeks when they offer to pay for an official moving company when Buck tells them he's moving in with Tommy - after less than a year of dating.
Tommy is a rat dad. He's always wanted to get a dog but with his work schedule that wouldn't be fair, so he started looking around for pets that would be ok home alone if he had to work a 48 hour shift. He considered getting a cat until he saw a guy with a rat on his shoulder while out shopping and got talking to him. When he told Buck he had rats, Buck just assumed he misheard and he actually said cats. Until the first time he went to Tommy's place (and saw more than just the bedroom) and Tommy showed him the huge 'cage' he built himself in his livingroom and introduced him to all of his babies. Buck was a little wary at first but loves them all now.
TK and Carlos come to visit after they've moved in together, and Tommy has to take a few deep breaths when TK refers to his beloved pets as snake food so he won't physically throw him out of the house.
Nobody touches the radio in Tommy's car. He's got his favourite stations pre-set and he likes it that way, thank you very much. Buck learned it the hard way when he started fiddling with it on their first road trip together and Tommy nearly had a heart attack.
Buck did actually take Tommy up on the flying lessons, but despite Tommy telling him he's a natural, he all but begs him never to make him get behind the controls again after a few lessons. There's way too much going on at the same time and it stresses him out. Tommy is happy to be his own personal pilot from then on.
When Tommy finds the first grey hairs a few years into their relationship, he gets kind of insecure at the physical reminder of the age gap between them. He buys hair dye and dyes his hair while Buck is at work. When he gets home and sees Tommy dyed his hair, he tries not to let his disappointment show. Things are a bit strained between them for a few days until Buck admits he actually really liked the little grey streaks starting to appear at Tommy's temples. That was the first and last time Tommy ever dyed his hair.
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thetommoway-oioii · 3 months
Rant Time™ !!!
so i recently became invested in the 9-1-1 universe. not gonna lie I started with lone star because tk and carlos kept popping up all over my feeds everywhere with their wedding pics and of-fucking-course I immediately looked up the show because I'm not gonna pass up any canon queer rep?? hello!! anyway this ain't about tarlos. after I was done with lone star I started interacting with stuff from that fandom and came to find that one of the characters from the main show recently came out as bi and boy oh boy was I excited as fuck. two days later I'm starting my 9-1-1 binge. I knew absolutely nothing about the characters, storyline or the show except what I saw in the crossover episode and I was so pleasantly surprised that there's already canon queer rep present from the beginning of the show!!! (shout out to henren and michaeldavid absolute legends)
anyway I keep getting sidetracked, what I'm here to rant about is how fucking dumb some of the new watchers like me are?!! I had no idea how this t*mmy person was because all I knew was a gif of him kissing buck. you can imagine my surprise when I first saw him in the flashbacks and found out what an absolute dickwad he used to be?!?! and I could not believe that buck was gonna kiss this dude in the future. there was no fucking way. either there was gonna be a huge redemption character arc or something or he'll have a fuckin twin or something cause no chance they're setting future buck up with this asshole.
anyway lo and behold s2 comes around and in comes eddie diaz with this big brown eyes and slutty tank top and of course I knew who eddie was. come on now be for real. I might have not been a part of the fandom before but there's no way you can exist on tumblr and not know who eddie and buck were. and like any other shipping-prone fan, I thought people were setting buddie up based on subtle sterek-esque subtext but imagine my surprise when slowly throughout the show they became deancas-esque obvious. the connection they developed, the trust, the bond. how they found home and family and sense of belonging and safety in each other. how eddie and chris and buck himself baby trapped himself. I was so sure that buddie would eventually become canon in s7 because there's no other way right. maybe the the whole BT thing was some weird profound realization moment for buck or something.
back to the point. what I'm mad about is how the new watchers are completely Ignoring clear signs of buddie and on top of that shaming or right out calling the buddie shippers crazy all the while blindly supporting a character that is clearly a Major Fucking Dickwad from the beginning. making excuses like he was figuring himself out in the past or he's canonly queer while eddie clearly isn't. as if T*mmy figuring himself out excuses him being a shit person or the literal fact that just because eddie has not come out yet he's not queer. buck was straight UNTIL he came out as bi. anyway that's mostly all I wanted to say. yes I started the show because of a BT kiss gif but once I actually watched the show, it was easy to figure out what was right in front of me.
I urge new watchers like me to take the time and really understand and watch the show and not just look at it from face value or consume information through social media osmosis.
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littlemissmarianna · 2 months
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Marriage is hard. 
The statement is cliché, but TK never doubted its truth. For years, he watched his parents struggle to make their relationship work and promised himself that his marriage would be different. He wouldn't argue with his spouse. He wouldn’t twist their words to manipulate them. He wouldn't yell and slam doors. He wouldn't bring up past hurts to inflict new pain. He wouldn't withhold affection as punishment.
TK was convinced he had safeguarded his marriage from all the pitfalls he witnessed throughout his childhood, but there's no precedent for this. He and Carlos are facing challenges neither saw coming. And while TK doesn't want to give up, he also doesn't know how to save their marriage when it feels like he's the only one fighting for it.
Carlos will save everyone except himself.
Andrea has always known that, but it's still painful to watch him spiral like this. It's painful to watch her son disappear a little bit more each day.
Carlos doesn't look up. He never looks up. He never makes eye contact. He just sits at his father's desk either staring at the evidence or staring at nothing, distracted and distant.
And yes – Carlos has always been dedicated. He's always been focused and determined, but this...this is obsession. This unrelenting compulsion to investigate Gabriel's murder at the expense of everything else must stop before it's too late to salvage the life Carlos has abandoned. His health, his career, and his marriage are suffering from chronic neglect, and Andrea refuses to let it continue.
"Carlitos. You need to go home."
"I am home."
Andrea shakes her head. She can't deny that the ranch will always be her son's home, but that's not what she's talking about...and Carlos knows it. He spends more time in Gabriel's office than anywhere else, and while TK has been patient and supportive, Andrea sees how Carlos's absence is impacting his husband. She sees the sadness in TK's expression. She hears the uncertainty in his voice when he asks if Carlos is spending the night at the ranch again or if he's returning to the loft.
"You haven't seen TK in over a week."
"I've seen him," Carlos defends, gesturing to his phone. "We FaceTime every night."
"That doesn't count, Carlitos. TK deserves to sleep beside his husband."
"So do you," Carlos replies, his tone cold and sharp. "But Dad is dead, and whoever killed him is still out there somewhere."
"You're right," Andrea admits. "That person needs to be found and brought to justice. But your father wouldn’t want you to sacrifice your future for him."
"I'm not sacrificing my future," Carlos counters. "I'm trying to protect it. I can't move forward if I have to constantly look over my shoulder, Mom. What if this person isn't done with our family? What if you're next? Or Ana or Luisa or..."
Andrea knows the name left unsaid is the one Carlos fears losing the most. But her son doesn't realize that on some level, he's already losing TK. Carlos doesn't realize that the biggest threat to his future – to his marriage – is his apathy.
"Go home," she repeats, leaving no room for argument as she nudges Carlos out of his father's chair.
This feeling never gets old – that straight shot of adrenaline that floods TK's system whenever the alarm goes off.
"Train derailment?"
"That's a new one."
"Sounds like a cluster..."
TK agrees, but he welcomes anything that takes his mind off his own train wreck. He never imagined he would feel this lonely being married. He never imagined he would be ignored by his husband or treated like a bother.
"Are you with us or the jocks this time?"
TK smiles and shrugs. Since Judd left, that's always the question when a call comes in: who will have custody of TK – the firefighters or the paramedics?
"We'll decide on scene," Owen says but tells his son to grab his turnout gear just in case.
It's worse than they thought.
Some train cars are stacked on top of each other; some are scattered like toys after a tantrum. 
Survivors are covered in soot and dirt and blood as they wander around the scene in shock...while those who were not as lucky lie motionless on the ground.
"We interrupt this broadcast with breaking news."
Carlos glances up as he pushes the food around on his plate. His mother insisted he eat lunch before heading back to the loft, but Carlos isn't hungry. He's just tired. Tired of feeling empty and detached. Tired of feeling like a failure.
Andrea gasps at the live footage. She recognizes the location instantly.
Carlos does, too. He also recognizes the 126.
"Do you see TK?"
Carlos shakes his head. He knows his husband has been putting his dual certification to good use, which means TK could be anywhere. The likelihood of spotting him in such a chaotic scene is slim, but Carlos keeps scanning as the reporter provides details.
Andrea leans forward, her own lunch forgotten as she also tries to locate TK. She always feels better when she has eyes on her boys. 
"Okay. We've just been told we need to move further back for our safety."
Carlos frowns. He's not there, but it looks like the reporter is already far enough from the scene.
The desk anchor seems to agree. "Has there been a new development?"
"Yes," the reporter confirms, glancing at the camera as she walks. "At least one of the train cars was hauling – "
The rest of her statement is lost as static fills the screen.
The last thing TK will remember is trying to outrun an explosion.
The faster something occurs, the slower it seems. Seconds drag on for hours.
Owen is familiar with that phenomenon, yet it still catches him off guard when it happens. He saw TK running toward him as the explosives began to ignite. 
But when the smoke clears, his son is gone.
Andrea is holding Carlos's hand when the signal is restored.
"Sorry about that," the reporter says, breathless and disheveled. "We were just rocked by a huge explosion, but we're still here. We're fine."
Carlos never wants to see anyone get hurt, but this stranger's well-being is not his priority. He takes out his phone and sends a message to his husband, asking TK to let him know he's okay as soon as he can.
There are now two active scenes – the derailment and the giant crater created by the blast. 
Even with flashlights, it's impossible to see the bottom of the hole...but Owen knows TK is down there, unconscious and injured.
"What do you need, Cap?"
"My son," Owen replies as he prepares to rappel into the darkness.
Carlos tells himself TK is just busy. That's why he hasn't answered. 
Or maybe TK is giving Carlos a taste of how it feels to be ignored. That seems cruel in this situation, but –  
"We have an update," the reporter announces. "All passengers are accounted for, but sadly, one firefighter is missing. We have his photo..."
Andrea holds her breath, then tightens her grip around Carlos's hand as a smiling TK appears on the screen.
"This is TK Strand, the 29-year-old son of fire captain Owen Strand. Both are with the 126, which has a history of tragedy. Viewers may remember the station's catastrophic loss back in 2020. A paramedic was also killed in 2021."
Carlos's ears are ringing as he stares at the photo. Andrea was right when she said Carlos hadn't seen his husband in over a week. TK does FaceTime him every night, but Carlos doesn't hold the phone. He leaves it on the desk, so he can continue working. Each night, TK converses with the ceiling while Carlos grunts or hums his responses. 
Carlos can't even remember the last time he had an actual conversation with TK. He can't remember the last time he looked into those beautiful green eyes or kissed those soft lips. Was their honeymoon the last time Carlos held his husband? It was certainly the last time they made love.
When they returned to Austin, Carlos allowed himself to be consumed with rage. His only focus was avenging what he lost...which made him forget to love what he still had. 
But this is his wake-up call.
Carlos pulls away from his mother as he stands. He took an indefinite leave of absence from APD to pursue Gabriel's case; he took the same leave of absence from being a husband.
But as of right now, Carlos is back on duty.
The 126 executes the rescue like they always do – as a family, as a team.
TK is unresponsive when they find him, but he's alive.
That's all that matters.
Carlos is halfway to the scene when Owen calls.
"Please tell me you found him."
"We did," Owen confirms, though he doesn't ask how Carlos knew TK was missing. "We're still wrapping up here, so can you meet him at the hospital? If you're not too busy..."
The words are meant to sting. They're meant to send a message of their own, and Carlos deserves it.
"I'm heading there now," he replies as the Camaro sails through an intersection.
A miracle.
That's the doctor's only explanation for how his patient survived an explosion with just a minor concussion.
My miracle, Carlos thinks as he kisses TK's bruised forehead.
TK doesn’t remember coming to the hospital. He doesn’t remember anything, except –
“Baby. You with me?”
TK blinks as he realizes Carlos is sitting beside him.
“Hey. How do you feel?”
“My head hurts,” TK admits as he glances around the room. “What happened?”
“There was an explosion,” Carlos explains, his fingers gentle as they fan through TK’s hair. “But you’re gonna be okay. They’re discharging you soon.”
“Is Dad coming?”
“He’ll meet us at the loft.”
“Us?” Maybe it’s the concussion, but TK is confused. “You’re taking me home? Don’t you need to – ”
“I don’t need to be anywhere except right here,” Carlos replies, holding TK’s gaze. “I love you. It’s been too long since I’ve told you that.”
Carlos has said those three words every night before he hangs up, but they were delivered on autopilot. For weeks, I love you meant practically nothing. To hear them now with such conviction and sincerity makes TK want to cry.
“My dad’s case is important,” Carlos continues. “But you are my husband, TK. You will always be the most important part of my life. I’m sorry I haven’t been showing that lately. And I promise I’ll never make you doubt that again.”
TK nods and reaches up, closing his eyes as Carlos wraps him in a hug.
The next morning, TK wakes up in his husband’s arms.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispers, smiling when their sleepy kisses turn into something more.
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ironheartwriter · 3 months
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Carlos gets home late one night after closing a case, fully expecting the loft to be empty as last he heard TK was in California, waiting to come home after helping put out some wildfires. TK, however, had different plans.
Rating: E (Explicit sexual content)
Read it here on AO3!
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 23 days
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Music Monday - Tarlos Edition
Today I am going to focus on songs from the fic I wrote with my lovely friends @carlos-in-glasses and @ladytessa74 💕
The Wonder of It
Fic Summary: A year and a half after their wedding Carlos and TK are settling into their marriage. While on a surprise trip to Banff for TK’s 31st birthday Carlos does some reflection and, realizing he’s feeling at peace with his relationship with his father, decides he might be ready to revisit a discussion he had with TK before their wedding. In chapter two, on Carlos’s 34th birthday TK is determined to celebrate, while Carlos is preoccupied with getting their home ready for their soon-to-come baby. Throughout the day the couple reflect on the conversations and events that got them here, and work through their insecurities about impending fatherhood. In chapter three it’s TK and Carlos’s son’s sixth birthday and the tenth anniversary of Gabriel’s death. With danger looming, will Carlos finally solve his father’s murder?
Know that you are loved / Even if you don't love yourself
Boy, when I left you, you were young / I was gone, but not my love / You were clearly meant for more / Than a life lost in the war // I want you to be happy / Free to run, get dizzy on caffeine / Funny friends that make you laugh / And maybe you're just a little bit dappy
Who feels really sure? / Can that feelin' guarantee your happiness shall endure? / And do we really care? Hey, hey / Let's look at what's been happenin' and try to be more aware // I, I keep hearin' footsteps, baby / (In the) in the dark, ayy, in the dark / Why? I keep hearin' footsteps, baby / (In the) in the dark, oh, in the dark, ooh
Thanks for the tag @tellmegoodbye 💕
Tagging @messymindofmine @tinyluminaryzombie @thisbuildinghasfeelings @tailoredshirt @ladytessa74 @carlos-in-glasses @reyesstrand @guardian-angle22 @goldenskykaysani @toomanycupsoftea @eclectic-sassycoweyes @ironheartwriter @emsprovisions @sapphic--kiwi @herefortarlos @bonheur-cafe @basilsunrise @literateowl @lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @alrightbuckaroo @chicgeekgirl89 @captain-gillian @decafdino @kiwichaeng @firstprince-history-huh @fitzherbertssmolder @fifthrideroftheapocalypse @thebumblecee @paperstorm @reasonandfaithinharmony @whatsintheboxmh @welcometololaland @never-blooms @heartstringsduet @she-walked-away @orchidscript @shes-an-oddbird @the-126-family @corsage and OPEN TAG 🏷️
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emsprovisions · 2 months
The Substitute
I couldn't get this cozy idea out of my head and I wouldn't even have this little story if not for @ironheartwriter and I cooking it up last night. So Lana, this one's for you 💕
Carlos hates shifts that run opposite of TK’s. He hates shifts that run late into the night and keep him away from his husband even more. 
Carlos knows TK hates sleeping alone, that even when he tries to fall asleep, he doesn’t sleep well until Carlos can crawl into bed beside him. Carlos understands it. He’s always all too aware of when his husband is absent from their bed. He’ll reach for TK across the mattress in his sleep and wake up when his hands don’t register with anything. He’ll remember TK’s on a 24 hour shift if he’s not home, or he’ll get up and drag him back to bed if he’s having a late night snack.
Tonight though, Carlos is expecting the routine welcome he normally gets when he comes home in the middle of the night. TK blinking as he sits up from the blanket cocoon he made as he tried to wait up on the couch, or TK’s sleepy voice calling for him from their room, or even the sight of TK alert at the island barstool, eating leftovers and scrolling through his phone. 
Carlos is greeted by none of these things. 
In fact, the loft is silent and–save for the kitchen light–dark. 
Huh, Carlos thinks, because it’s strange for TK to not leave most of the lights on for Carlos. He sees TK’s set of keys in the bowl when he drops his own set in, and he knows he saw TK’s car when Carlos parked his own beside it. 
Carlos quietly toes off his shoes and shrugs out of his jacket, setting his things down behind the couch before creeping towards the open doors of their bedroom. 
There’s a large and dark lump on his side of the bed. Frankly, the lump is too large to be TK alone. Carlos quirks a brow at the sight, his mouth drawing into a pinched line. He knows the path to the closet even in the dark, and flips on the switch, letting a soft light spill out into the bedroom and cast over the sleeping face of TK and his companion. 
And whatever annoyance Carlos momentarily feels gives way to complete awe at the sight of TK actually peacefully sleeping while snuggled up with their dog, an Australian Shepherd named Lizzie. 
They adopted her about a month ago, after Carlos took TK on a date to the Humane Society with the promise of “we don’t have to find the one today.” He was wrong of course, which he probably should have known, given his husband’s love of strays. But one look at the good-mannered and sweet-natured Australian Shepherd in the kennel, with her bright blue eyes, and her brown and white fluffy coat, and they were both goners. 
Lizzie has been a great addition to their home. She’s curious when she spots Lou II through the glass of his enclosure, nose sniffing as he scuttles up to the front to inspect her too. She goes to the firehouse with TK on most of his shifts and gets her fill of socialization by being doted on by the 126. And although there is a very strict vacuuming routine to keep the shedding at bay now, Carlos would not trade the happiness she provides them with for the world. Carlos has fulfilled his wish of having a pet to pet, and TK has fulfilled his wish of wanting a dog since he was a kid. 
She’s also definitely way more protective of TK. He often finds her laying on top of him or near him if he’s not beside TK himself. This is probably why he finds her curled up against TK’s chest in bed now. Carlos had set a firm rule that he doesn’t want Lizzie sleeping in their bed, but honestly, if her presence can soothe TK enough that he can actually fall asleep without Carlos, he’s more than okay with dropping that rule. Plus the sight of them really is the cutest thing Carlos has ever seen, and he’s very tempted to pull out his phone and take a picture if he knew it wouldn’t set off the flash.
Carlos quickly strips out of his jeans and button up, trading them for sleep shorts and a t-shirt before heading for the bathroom to brush his teeth. He rushes through the routine, in a hurry to go climb into his warm bed and hold his husband, so he can take over his duties from the dog. 
Carlos sits down beside TK’s hip, reaching forward to brush his fingers through TK’s hair. Lizzie lifts her sleepy head and regards Carlos with a lick to his arm and a yawn, before tucking back in. 
“TK,” Carlos whispers, continuing to brush TK’s hair back. “Baby.”
TK stirs. Carlos hates waking him but he needs TK to shift over so he can crawl in behind him. 
“Baby, I need you to move over so I can get in bed.”
TK’s eyes blink open and he catches sight of Carlos leaning over him. His face immediately breaks into a big smile.
“There you are,” Carlos fondly murmurs, hand running down to cup TK’s cheek.
“Hi baby,” TK whispers back, his voice thick and sleepy. “Sorry Lizzie’s in the bed. I was lonely.”
“I know, baby, it’s okay. I’m glad she helped you sleep.” He leans down to press a kiss to TK’s forehead, and before he can pull away, TK wraps his arm around Carlos’s waist to keep him tugged close for a kiss. Carlos has an awkward arm braced over the other side of Lizzie so he doesn't topple all of his weight on top of TK, and he laughs as TK holds him in place. “You have to let me get in bed, babe.” 
“I’ve got you where I want you,” TK says back, his voice muffled where he’s buried his face against Carlos’s neck. 
“Babe, come on,” Carlos laughs. 
At this point, there is too much noise and too much movement on the mattress for Lizzie to stay comfortable where she’s laying against TK. With a targeted huff, she stands up and moves towards the foot of the bed, throwing a glare back at her dads as she completes a few circles and rolls herself into a tight ball, nose tucked aggressively under her tail.
They both begin to laugh harder at the sight of their annoyed dog and then TK does finally shift over, closer to his own side of the bed, to allow Carlos some space to move in beside him. He rolls into Carlos’s arms, nose tucked in against his chest, all warm, soft, and heavy from sleep, and Carlos can’t help the kiss he presses into TK’s hair.
“Lizzie’s good, but she’s not a Carlos substitute,” TK sighs happily, nuzzling his face against Carlos’s neck. 
“I’m glad I’ve not been replaced, then,” Carlos chuckles.
TK looks up at him with a smile in the dark, before pulling him down for a goodnight kiss. 
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reyesstrand · 4 months
wip wednesday
ty for the tags @thisbuildinghasfeelings @paperstorm @whatsintheboxmh @heartstringsduet @strandnreyes @sznofthesticks @tommy-kinard-buckley @americansrequiems @lemonlyman-dotcom @alrightbuckaroo :-)
“Just kiss me, Carlos,” TK murmurs, his eyes shiny in the low light, the sharp angle of his jaw accentuated by stubble and the flickering shadows from their movie. The plea makes Carlos ache, deep down, as he thinks about how long it’s been since he felt TK’s mouth on his. The solar storm, at least. They’ve been dancing around what they are ever since, texting always and TK’s voice filling his ear from the bluetooth speaker in his car when he asks if it’s okay to call and complain about doctor’s orders when Carlos is driving home from work in rush-hour traffic. Travis County is still coming back together at the seams after the blackouts and the accidents they caused, and Carlos can’t help but to feel like he and TK have been moving at the same careful speed. TK’s voice captures his attention again. “We don’t have to do anything, I just can’t stop thinking about—”
Carlos doesn’t let him finish. His palm fits perfectly at the back of TK’s neck, and he’s a little firm with his grip, pulling the other man’s face toward him as he gently encourages TK to fall forward into the frame of his open legs. Their lips meet just as easy as the first time; the turn of their heads, the slide of their tongues. TK’s body falls a little more into Carlos’ and Carlos slides his free hand down the length of TK’s back, fisting the thick material of his hoodie before meeting the smooth fabric of his gym shorts, savouring the little jut of his hipbone as his hand spreads down to the swell of his ass. TK exhales sharply when he touches him, angling his head to the side as he presses fingertips into Carlos’ jaw to deepen their kiss. Carlos’ hand moves again, travelling on its own accord, gently touching TK’s knee and squeezing the meat of his thigh and getting his leg to bend so he’s pulled even more flush against Carlos’ body.
“Like that?” Carlos asks, his voice a little rough as he speaks into TK’s mouth, never wanting to drift apart.
no pressure tagging @safeaswrites @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @birdclowns @carlos-in-glasses @carlos-tk @vineofroses @freneticfloetry @terramous @welcometololaland @rmd-writes & open tag!
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
"911 what is your emergency?"
Request: hi I was wondering if I could please request a TK x daughter with the angst prompt starter “you were supposed to leave”?
totally your choice 💜
Starter- You were supposed to leave.
Pairings: TK Strand x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: angst
miscellaneous angst starters
A/N: Thank you to the person who sent this in!
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“Remember I need your guy’s permission slips for our field trip to Laboratory and Field Investigations. I also need another parent to go because this is a huge lab and we will be splitting up.” Mr. Vencie said, he was your science teacher and you absolutely loved him because he always made class fun. You, Y/N Strand, are just a junior in high school. You didn’t like school but science had quickly become your favorite subject thanks to Mr. Venice. There was instant chatter has the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. Normally you would head home but you were given specific instructions to head the fire station that your father and grandfather, TK Strand and Owen Strand, worked at.
“So, what are your plans after you leave?” Your best friend, Harper Wells, asked as you both walked out of the school.
“I was planning on going home but I was told I needed to head to the station, something about people coming to work on the house. Dad, Carlos, and Gramps don’t want me there alone and they’re both working.” You said, Carlos is your father’s boyfriend and you love him dearly and he loves you just as equally. You called Owen, Gramps just to get on his nerves because he didn’t look that old but he acted like it sometimes.
“Your dad is hot.” She said not afraid to let you know that pretty much all the time.
“And gay.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“Hey, it doesn’t hurt to look.” She said and you laughed as you reached your Jeep that you begged your dad for. “You think he will be chaperoning the trip?” She asked and you shook your head.
“No, he has to work. I think Carlos may go though.” You said already preparing for what was about to be said.
“Hey, he’s hot too.” She said and there it was.
“Yea ok Harper.” You said and she just smiled because she knew that it got on your nerves sometimes. “Listen, I got to go. I’ll text you later.” You said and then hugged her and she hugged you back.
“Be careful and let me know when you get to the station safely.” She said as she released you from the hug.
“You know I will.” You said and then you both were saying bye to each other and getting your cars and driving home. You got into your car and sat there for a minute while you pulled out your phone and opened your text messages and opened the group chat that you had going with your father, Carlos, and grandpa.
School just let out. Heading to the station.
You waited for a response and immediately got them back.
Dad: Be safe. We will see you when you get here. Love you!
Gramps: Don’t get pulled over… but I’m sure Carlos would get you out. Love you.
Carlos: I would absolutely do that. I love her too much. Let me know when you get there safely. Love you.
Love you guys too. I will be safe. Gramps I’m going to break every single road law.
Gramps: Y/N Y/M/N Strand
You just laughed and began your drive after starting your car up. It was only a 30-minute drive to the station. You arrived in no time and parked where your Jeep next to your grandpa’s truck and killed the engine and made your way inside with your backpack on your shoulder and keys in one hand. Everyone knew who you were even the ones that normally didn’t work with your dad’s crew so nobody asked why you were there. As you were walking you noticed that the ambulance wasn’t there and it didn’t surprise you. You walked further and saw Judd. “Hey, Judd!” You said and he turned around and smiled.
“Little Strand! How are you?” He asked coming over and hugging you and you hugged him back.
“It was good! I have a field trip coming up to a science lab.” You said and he smiled and released you from the hug.
“That sounds fun. Your dad, Tommy, and Nancy got called out but should be back shortly. It didn’t sound like anything serious.” He said and you nodded.
“How is Grace?” You asked and he smiled. Grace was like a mother figure to you; she helped you with girl problems and when you had boy problems but your dad was surprisingly good with that. Your mom hasn’t been in the picture since you born. She and your dad had hooked up while they were both on drugs and she had stopped them when she was pregnant with you, she did have a soft spot for kids and babies, but when you were born, she gave up parenting rights to TK who was off of drugs and getting help. You had stayed with your grandma at the time while he got help but once he was clean, he was 100% about taking care of you and you quickly became a daddy’s girl. Now at 17 years old your bond with your father was strong and you could care less about his sexuality just as long as he was happy so were you. When he got dumped by his boyfriend before coming to Texas, he was heartbroken but he stayed strong for you and continued to be a great father to you.
“She’s good! She’s wondering when your next girl date is, she’s missing you.” He said and you smiled.
“I’ll have to shoot her a text later.” You replied and he smiled.
“She would love that.” Judd said “Your grandpa is in his office.” He said and you nodded and started that way. As you were walking you saw everyone else in the kitchen. “Hey!” You said with a smile and everyone turned to look at you.
“Little Strand!” A course of voices shouted out and they came over to hug you.
“How was school?” Marjan asked
“It was good. We have a field trip coming up that I need to talk to dad about chaperoning or maybe getting Carlos to do so.” You said and they smiled.
“Where is it?” Mateo asked and you turned to look at him.
“Laboratory and Field Investigations.” You said 
“Oh, that sounds fun.” Paul said and you nodded.
“Science is a favorite of mine especially since the teacher I have makes it fun.” You said “Sorry to cut this short but I need to talk to Gramps.” You said and they all snickered, they encouraged it. You headed to his office and when you got there, he wasn't doing anything so you knocked and he looked up and waved you on in. “Hi, Gramps.” You said with a smirk and he groaned playfully but got up and walked over to you and hugged you.
“Hi, Sweetheart.” He said and then released you from the hug. “Your dad will be back soon.” He said and you nodded.
“Yea, Judd told me.” You said and then went and sat down on the couch and pulled out your phone shooting off a text to Carlos letting him know that you had arrived along with one to Harper. “Hey, Gramps?” You asked looking up at your phone seeing that he had gone back to his desk and he looked up.
“What's up?” He asked
“I have a field trip coming up soon and need a chaperone. Do you think Dad will be able to get off?” You asked, sounding hopeful but knew the answer.
“Depends on the day. When is it?” He asked 
“Friday.” You said and he nodded thinking.
“I think we'll be working. Maybe Carlos can go with you.” He said and you nodded.
“That was going to be my next person I ask.” You said just then your dad walked in and that made you smile and get up and hug him. “Hi, Daddy.” You said excitedly which made him chuckle.
“Hi, Baby Girl. Good day at school?” He asked and you nodded and stepped back. 
“Yes. Speaking of school.” You started
“Uh oh. What did you do?” He asked smirking teasingly and you pushed him slightly “Kidding.” He said and then you both went and sat down on the couch and Owen came over.
“Oh hush. I have a field trip coming up and we need an extra chaperone. Gramps said that you all would be working.” You said and he nodded.
“He's right but Carlos would love to go with you. He loves hanging out with you and doing stuff with you.” TK said and you smiled and nodded, you really loved Carlos too. “You can ask him tonight.” He said 
“Ok!” You said and didn't have a moment to say anything else because the bell rang signaling for all trucks and ambulances to go and you hugged them both and got cozy on the couch. While they were gone you did your homework and played on your phone. There was no telling how long they would be gone for.
It was Monday night which meant that your day was getting off today and that meant he had 3 days off but would have to go back to work on Friday. When he got off of shift, he got into his car and you drove behind him going home. When you got home you saw Carlos’ Camero was in the driveway and you both parked in your undesignated spots. You both walked in to the cooking filing the house and your mouth watered, that was one thing about your dad and Carlos they could cook and it was the most delicious food ever but its another story for when your grandpa cooked. Carlos looked up and greeted the both of you with a smile. “Hey guys.” He said as he stirred something on the stove you walked over and he pulled you in a side hug.
“Hey.” You said
“Hey babe.” TK said and walked over to kiss Carlos.
“We’re having enchiladas tonight. I hope you’re both hungry.” He said and both you and your dad nodded.
“I’m ready for some good food. Let’s just say it had been rough with food for the last couple of days at the station.” He said and you and Carlos chuckled and TK grimaced.
“Grandpa cook?” You asked and he nodded.  
“You two go wash up and change. Supper will be ready in 30 minutes.” Carlos said and that is what you both did. 30 minutes later all 3 of you were sitting down for supper and talking began. Typically, they kept work talk at work and didn’t bring it home but sometimes there was a slip up but you enjoyed hearing about their days.
“Carlos.” You began and he looked up at you as if saying ‘go on’ “I have a field trip to a science lab coming up on Friday and we need another chaperone. Dad is working and so is Grandpa. I was wondering if you would be able to go.” You asked shyly. You didn’t like asking much but you had too.
“Of course, I would love to go with you. It sounds like fun and I get to be with you.” He said and the biggest smile appeared on your face and one appeared on both his and TK’s face. “Where is it?” He asked.
“Laboratory and Field Investigations.” You said getting excited.
“Oh exciting.” He said and TK said at the same time and you smiled and continued to eat. The rest of dinner was in great spirits and everyone was happy.
Over the next couple of days, you were preparing to go on the field trip. You had turned in your permission slip that your dad had signed and told Mr. Vencie that Carlos would be the chaperone for the trip, he was beyond excited to hear that since he was a cop and could handle out of control situations.
Friday rolled around and you were riding with Carlos to school. When you got there both of you walked in and went to the meeting place to check in. Once everything was good to go Harper found you and you both began to talk. Everyone got on the bus and you sat close to Carlos not wanting to be away from him, the bus ride didn’t take to long it was only a 20-minute drive to the lab and you were getting excited. Carlos talked with the other chaperones about anything could and you could tell they were drooling over him you just smirked and nudged him and he would playfully roll his eyes at you “You’re too much liked your father.” He would say and that just made you laugh.
Everyone gathered out front of the building and Mr. Venice gave orders and told everyone to get into groups with a chaperone. You were quick to side with Carlos and Harper was too. Once everyone was grouped the tour began, something was making you uneasy and you didn’t like this feeling but you were enjoying the lab so you didn’t say anything. The further the tour went on the more had the feeling but still didn’t say anything.
The tour was almost done when there was an explosion very close to your group and was so powerful that it pushed you back into Carlos and you both went down. You had hit your head on a metal pole and that had your ears ringing and blacked out for a moment. When your senses came back to you the building was filled with smoke and some fires had broken out. “Are you alright?” Carlos was asking you but your ears were ringing and that made him concerned he has been kneeling over you having gotten up but you could see some soot and some cuts on his face but nothing too major. “Y/N.” He said and it was slowly becoming clearer and you turned to him “Are you ok?” He asked again and you nodded having heard him this time around.
“I think so.” You said as he helped you sit up.
“It looks like you have a cut on your forehead and doesn’t need stitches. Anything else hurt?” He asked and when you went to get up your ankle screamed out in pain and you hissed.
“My ankle.” You said and he nodded and looked down and when he touched it you were ready to kick him but didn’t.
“Can you walk and try to help everyone and get them out?” He asked and you nodded as he helped you up. You pushed the pain down and limped checking on people and telling them where to go. You also had gotten your phone and called 911.
“911 what’s your emergency?” Grace’s voice came through.
“Grace it’s Y/N Strand. There was an explosion at Laboratory and Field Investigations. I’m on a field trip.” You said
“Are you ok? Are you hurt?” She asked
“Yes, I am but I’m ok. Carlos is here with me.” You said
“Is anybody else hurt?” She asked
“Yes.” You said
“Ok, I’m dispatching the 126. Y/N?” She asked
“Hmm?” You asked surveying the area.
“Be careful.” She said
“I will.” You said and then hung up the phone.
As you were making your rounds you would look up at Carlos every now and then but when you went back to checking on people you saw Harper lying unconscious on the ground. You limped over to her and kneeled down.
“Harper?” You asked and shook her slightly and that roused her and she was slowly opening her eyes. “Are you ok? There has been an explosion.” You said and helped her sit up.
“I think so.” She said and you helped her up and started to walk outside. Carlos was right behind you and when you got out most of the building had been evacuated and people were being tended to. You could really see the smoke and the fire from the outside. Carlos turned to you.
“Stay here.” He said and you nodded and waited outside after 10 minutes he hadn’t come out and you needed to go back in you needed to help people, it was in your blood. You started to walk that way when Harper stopped you.
“What are you doing?” She asked
“I can’t just sit around and do nothing. That’s not who I am.” You told her and then hurriedly walked towards the building just as soon as the 126 pulled up meaning that your dad was pulling up. You walked into the building and was met with smoke and that made you cough. You got to one part and ran into someone and it turned out to be Carlos and he turned to you.
 "You're not supposed to be here. You were supposed to get out." Carlos said to Y/N, she was just like her dad and grandpa always running into danger and not away. You shook your head.
“I need to help.” You said and he sighed.
“You’re just like your father and grandpa.” He said and shook his head and then began telling you what to do. You got more people out but you heard someone hollering and instead of sticking with Carlos you went to that voice. “Y/N!” He yelled but you were already gone into the black smoke.
“Can you hear me?!” You yelled out.
“I’m here!” The voice said you followed it and it led you to a door you tried to touch the handle but was burnt in the process.
“Hold on! Back away from the door!” You said and prayed they listened and you raised you foot and used all the strength you had and kicked the door and it actually worked.
“Thank you! We were trapped!” They yelled out over the alarms and fire.
“You’re welcome! Is anyone injured?” You asked and they nodded.
“My partner. She was blown back into the wall and hit her head. She’s bleeding pretty badly.” They said and you nodded and looked around.
“Take your jacket off and press it to her head. The pressure will help. Let’s get you out of here.” You said and they nodded and did as they were told and the three of you slowly made the trek out of the building you were close to the entrance but you heard something “Get her to an EMT more specifically Tommy Vega, Nancy Gillian, or TK Strand.” You said and they nodded and you headed back in. You followed the sound to another room and saw that someone was trapped and you tried to get to them but it was hard and your ankle hurt and so was your head. When you got them, you kneeled down. “Sir? Can you hear me?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yes, I can. My leg is trapped.” He said and looked over and it was.
“I’m gonna try and lift it.” You said and he nodded and when you began to lift it, he yelled out in pain but it was working. Once it was up, he scooted himself away and out.
“Thank you so much.” He said and you smiled.
“Let’s get you out of here.” You said and he nodded and you helped him stand up it was getting hard to breathe.
“How are you so calm and know what to do for a 17-year-old?” He asked and you smiled but coughed and so did he.
“My dad and grandpa taught me. He is a paramedic and my grandpa is a firefighter.” You said and you could see the exit but something was creaking both you and the man you were helping stopped and looked up the ceiling was about to collapse. “We need to go!” You shouted and he agreed. You both barley made it out before it collapsed though your shoulder was hit in the process. When you were out and saw daylight you both sighed in relief. You were safe enough away from the building when you saw three very familiar figures hurrying over to you as another paramedic from another station took the man off and away from you.
“You were supposed to leave.” TK said and you looked down.
“I know but people needed help.” You said and he sighed and brought you into a hug.
“You did well. When two people said that a 17-year-old girl helped them and told them to ask for us we knew it was you.” Your dad said and kissed your head and then released you and looked at you. “Let’s get you checked out.” He said and you nodded and he threw and arm around you and helped you limp your way to the others.
“You scared us.” Owen said finally speaking up after you had come out and helping TK lower you down onto the back of the ambulance. Your dad started to clean up the cut on your head.
“I’m sorry.” You said
“You’re safe and you helped a lot of people. We can’t be mad at you.” You dad said and everyone nodded.
“TK is right. You were so brave.” Carlos said and you looked up and smiled.
“Alright, I want you to go to the hospital and get your head and ankle checked out.” TK said
“But dad-“ You began but one look that only a parent could have when their child was doing something bad you shut your mouth.
“This is not up for discussion. As your father I want you to get checked out.” Your dad said and you nodded and then he leaned over and kissed your forehead just as soon as Nancy and Tommy walked over they greeted you and your dad explained everything and they nodded as if you were being loaded onto a gurney.
“Carlos go with her. I’m gonna finish and help here.” Owen said and he nodded and got into the back of the ambulance with you and Tommy and Nancy got up in the front. “I love you, Y/N.” He said and you smiled.
“Love you too Gramps.” You said with a smirk and he groaned but smiled and closed the doors and hit the back of it and you were on your way. As you made your way to the hospital your dad and Carlos fussed over you and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You just smiled, happy everyone is ok and you were going to be ok and you had your dad and your soon to be step-dad with you, you knew it was coming it was just a matter of time. “Dad, Carlos?” You asked and they looked at you.
“Are you ok? Is anything wrong?” Carlos asked and chuckled and nodded your head.
“I’m ok and nothing is wrong. I just wanted to say I love you both so much.” You said and they smiled.
“We love you too.” They both said at the same time. You smiled. You were going to be ok. 
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morganaspendragonss · 21 hours
you only see the light shine in dark times
5.01 has apparently given me inspiration again we love to see it! enjoy! ao3 | 1k | 5.01 coda, angst and hurt/comfort
He’s grown used to it by now, to Carlos rushing off in the middle of lunch dates and coming home in the middle of the night. He’s grown used to the thousand-yard stares and the constant presence of that case looming over them. He’s grown used to sleeping alone.
But it still hurts. It still aches something deep within TK when he spends yet another night with only Lou Two for company. He could invite people over, the crew, his dad, but he doesn’t want them to know that this is what his life – his marriage – has become. They wouldn’t understand, and he thinks perhaps his dad would understand a little too well, which is an uncomfortable thought.
Not that his marriage is going to end up like his parents’. TK won’t let it. And he is proud of Carlos; deeply, wholly, overwhelmingly so. Seeing him on the news tonight, standing at the chief’s right hand, the youngest Ranger in the line-up by far, had sent a pulse of love and pride directly to TK’s heart, where it still sits, beating strongly away. He loves Carlos for his dedication to his work, and he wouldn’t have him any other way.
But he would have him at home.
The loft isn’t a big place, smaller even than his New York apartment, but right now it feels cavernous, yawning around him. He can almost hear the echo of his feet on the concrete as he sets Lou back in his tank and clears up for the night. The remaining peppers go in the fridge, alongside the leftovers of a dinner he’d made last night in the foolish hope that they could share a full meal together without worrying about call-outs or cases. Instead, TK had been left with too much chicken pasta and Carlos had eaten vending machine energy bars and peanuts.
TK doesn’t fully trust that he won’t do the same tonight, but there’s nothing he can do about it now, except leave the light by the window on. He imagines it’s a beacon, a sole light in the dark, and he imagines that Carlos can see it from his office all the way across town. 
Come home, he thinks, wishes, prays. Come home to me.
Even after he gets in bed, he always tries to stay up for a while, waiting to hear the door rolling along the tracks, Carlos shuffling about, the click of the lamp being turned off. It’s a rare occasion, but it’s happened once or twice, and TK likes to feign sleep until Carlos is finally settled next to him. Then, he’ll pretend to stir, just a little, and he’ll roll over to pull him close.
Tonight, as with most nights, he doesn’t make it, though he’s not sure what time it is when he finally falls asleep. All he knows is that it’s late and Carlos still hasn’t come home.
While nights are an ever rarer privilege, TK can usually count on at least a few minutes with his husband in the mornings. Which is why he panics this morning, when he wakes up not to Carlos in bed with him, but to coldness on the other side of the bed. It’s happened before when he’s overslept after a long or late shift, but yesterday’s was neither, and a quick glance at his phone tells him it’s not even seven yet. If Carlos hasn’t come home… But he has to have come home, because who will TK call now that Gabriel is gone? 
His phone is in his hand anyway before he’s managed to disentangle himself from the bedsheets, but it’s proved unnecessary a second later. The bedroom door slides open and Carlos appears on the other side, smiling despite the exhaustion lying heavy across his features. 
“Hey, I thought I heard you,” he says, coming to sit on the bed next to TK. He puts a hand on TK’s knee, his thumb rubbing gently across the skin. “You look upset, what’s going on?”
TK waits before answering. It’s a difficult question to answer these days; he can’t let Carlos know what’s really wrong because that… Well, that’s an argument he doesn’t want to have just yet. 
“Nothing,” he decides. “Just, weird dreams, you know. What time did you get in last night?”
Carlos’s expression shutters and he pulls his hand back, ostensibly to look at his watch. “Uhh, no idea. I stopped for something to eat on the way, so.”
The silence that falls between them is tense, awkward in a way it so rarely is between them. TK doesn’t know how to fix this, doesn’t know when it broke in the first place. It was gradual, cracks forming with every missed dinner and late night. Sometimes it feels like the only thing connecting them is that light by the window, left on as a sign that there is someone to come home to. 
Carlos sucks in a deep breath and TK turns to him, already knowing what he’ll say. 
“I was just about to head out, wanted to see you before I left. You should go back to sleep.” He pats TK’s knee again and makes to stand, but TK snatches his hand before he can fully pull away. 
“I’m awake now,” he tries, pouring as much love as he can into the words. “Maybe I can drive you to work, we can pick up some breakfast on the way? I’ll pick you up when you finish.”
Carlos smiles, but it’s small and regretful. “I already ate, and I don’t want to bother you on your day off.”
“It’s not–”
“Besides, I might stay late again,” Carlos interrupts. “I’m not sure, but I have to keep working on this, TK. I can’t– I couldn’t forgive myself if I stopped.”
TK nods. “I understand.”
And he does. He does. Still. His heart sinks as he lets go of Carlos, allowing him to stand up and leave.
“I’ll leave a light on for you,” he calls out as Carlos reaches the door. “I love you.”
Carlos turns back once, smiles. “Love you.”
Then he’s gone, and TK is alone again.
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carlos-in-glasses · 2 months
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Thank you for the tag @ironheartwriter @heartstringsduet @reyesstrand
@emsprovisions @strandnreyes @liminalmemories21 @ladytessa74 🩷
Today in Poet Fic, the grumpiest giant baby in a gurney has arrived at the hospital, where he is now the grumpiest giant baby in a bed.
“If you don’t stay here tonight, you will be coming home with me, and I will observe you myself.”
Carlos narrows his eyes at his mother. Behind her, a silver helium balloon in the shape of ‘C’ for ‘Carlos’ floats into view. “Why would you think that’s a worse option than being in the hospital?”
Andrea narrows her eyes right back at him. “I can make it bad.”
“The police will also have more questions for you,” Dr. Muller adds.
Carlos squeezes the cheap little tiger teddy his mom picked up from the hospital’s gift shop. Plush black and orange stripes concertina in his fist. “I am the police.”
Dr. Muller, too, struggles to stifle laughter now. It’s only an hour since Carlos was revived by TK after nearly being murdered by a serial killer’s mother, and for some reason everyone around him has the giggles.
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Open tag and tags below!:
@thisbuildinghasfeelings @paperstorm @bonheur-cafe
@lightningboltreader @goodways @welcometololaland
@rmd-writes @never-blooms @alrightbuckaroo
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @sanjuwrites
@chicgeekgirl89 @lemonlyman-dotcom
@freneticfloetry @theghostofashton @three-drink-amy
@honeybee-taskforce @sugdenlovesdingle @herefortarlos
@orchidscript @tellmegoodbye @carlos-tk
@pimento-playing-hopscotch @kiwichaeng @literateowl
@safeaswrites @captain-gillian @nancys-braids
@fifthrideroftheapocalypse @sapphic--kiwi @anactualcaseofthetruth -
If you want to share/haven't already! No pressure ever! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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