#After a doctor's appointment
dnalt-d2 · 7 months
(probably gonna delete this later idk)
So this isn't Q S M P related but I need to scream into some uncaring void about this so
But I just spent MUCH longer on a project than I really should have (because life is a bitch and chooses the worst times to decide to kick you in the nonexistent dick) and WAY too much of said project was some very tedious nonsense
Like not difficult, but irritating and time-consuming. Basically arranging things in a way to look more coherent in a project file
And of course, I finish it, I get it all done, but decide to add one last part, and subsequently place it where it needs to go
Only to accidentally click on the wrong button
And find out
That there's been a shortcut to this thing I've been doing
This entire goddamn time
LITERALLY mere moments after finishing the project
If anyone needs me,
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golyadkin · 6 months
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You ever notice a running theme in your life?
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 4 months
I need to join in on this trend. What is your favorite ground type Pokémon. Tell me. I need to see the ground type love.
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transmascissues · 1 year
i just got back from my first ever gynecological exam and somehow, despite the doctor being really nice and way more knowledgeable about trans bodies than i was expecting, it still ended up being incredibly upsetting and honestly probably mildly traumatizing. i’m sure it’s no secret to anyone following me that going to the gynecologist is a uniquely shitty experience for a lot of trans guys and i knew that but i really was not prepared for that.
first of all, everything you read says that the pelvic exam and pap smear shouldn’t hurt even if they’re super uncomfortable, but let me tell you, that shit fucking hurt. like, i have a pretty high pain tolerance and usually even when something does hurt i don’t show it very much, but that was maybe the most painful thing i’ve ever had a doctor do to me and it showed. to be fair, i’ve never had good luck with things like that — i couldn’t even use tampons back when i had a period because the one time i did, taking it out was really painful — and i’m on t now so i’m sure that makes things even harder and i was prepared for it to hurt, but i really wasn’t ready for just bad it was. it’s been an hour since the exam finished and there’s still some pain so, yeah, so much for “it’s just uncomfortable, not painful”.
(and a side note: when it did hurt, the doctor told me to relax my muscles because the tension makes it hurt more. what they didn’t seem to realize is that if your brain and body are collectively rejecting the presence of something inside you, making those muscles relax is a fucking herculean task and i for one was not in any way capable of it so it just…kept getting more painful.)
i also was never informed ahead of time of what a pelvic exam actually entails; i had assumed it was a more general external checkup, and that the pap smear was the only really invasive part. as it turns out, i was very wrong, and “pelvic exam” actually means the doctor sticks their finger up you to feel around. she asked me if i was comfortable getting the exam because it was so obvious that the pap smear didn’t go well, but i had no clue what i was saying yes to and it was a total surprise for me when there was something inside me again. and she knew it was my first time, so she had no reason to assume i knew that the exam would be like. by the time i realized i absolutely should not have said yes to it, i was too late and it was already happening. it really feels like common sense that if you’re going to be giving someone what basically amounts to a professional fingering, you should probably make it clear that that’s what’s about to happen, but i guess that doctor would disagree.
and of course, the whole time i was also being misgendered. the doctor used the right name for me, but the other staff didn’t and everything about it was so excessively gendered (i’m pretty sure the appointment i had was literally called a “women’s wellness visit” on the same sheet that had trans man and nonbinary as gender options). not to mention, when i told them i’m getting top surgery and have the exact date set, the nurse made a comment to like“well aren’t you one of the lucky ones,” which really felt like it had “i think trans guys have a super easy time getting surgeries that cis women have to fight for” energy.
and the irony of all this definitely isn’t lost on me — i just did a project this past semester about how trans guys are fucked over by reproductive healthcare practices so a lot of us just never go, and now i got some firsthand experience in exactly why so many of us just say “no fucking way”.
i just want to put this out there for anyone who hasn’t done it before because i think this would have been a lot less awful for me if someone had just told me “yeah, it might hurt way more than you think, and also that thing they call a pelvic exam is actually an internal exam.” i thought i was prepared and i totally wasn’t, so hopefully this will reach someone else who will be better off knowing all of this.
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wlw-cryptid · 1 year
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buttfrovski · 4 months
transitioning feels like the "navigating the american healthcare system" song
but also the legal system
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thekenobee · 3 months
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Sharpe + Text Posts (Part 6)
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
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ghost-proofbaby · 6 days
my favorite thing is finishing a chapter and accomplishing a characterization that I am so proud of. like hell yes. reader IS a part of the problem. I love writing complicated characters <3
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The trans experience of getting lucky with a new primary care provider who doesn't care about your transness or transition so long as you're getting the proper care
Manifesting this for every trans person because I finally felt like a normal human being going to a doctor
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artsystargazer · 3 months
After 4 years of actively seeking a diagnosis and sooo many tests and doctors who wouldn't listen, I have been officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have yet to do a few tests to confirm whether or not i also have ME/CFS because symptoms overlap, but this is HUGE for me.
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tj-crochets · 6 months
so in the past I have made themed gifts for people who have helped me* and it's been a little weird but like. Understandable to the person I am gifting the thing to weird? My current problem is that I want to make something for my endocrinologist because he has improved my quality of life hugely** but endocrinology doesn't have an easily themed gift and my endocrinologist reminds me very very strongly of like a sad greyhound or a whippet but I cannot explain to this very nice, very normal man that "hey I made you a plushie of a dog because I wanted to thank you for the steroids and you remind me of a dog. In a good way!" *like teeth plushies for the dentist who helped me figure out I have to have dental anesthetic without epinephrine in it, or a chicken plushie for the people at the chicken restaurant that went the extra mile to get their ingredients list that were the reason I figured out I'm allergic to coconut **I had what would have been a severe allergic reaction and it wasn't pleasant but I didn't end up in the hospital and I didn't take like a week minimum to recover and
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strayfics · 1 year
Han yujin fic please 😭
+ @gh9sty: "han yujin fluff please please please please !!! thank you so much &lt;;3"
Han Yujin ☆ sleepy ☆ Boys Planet Drabbles
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You see him lying on the desk, his crossed arms pillowing his head. He must be really tired to actually fall asleep at class and not wake up even when the bell rang. You contemplate waking him up so he wouldn't miss lunch but his friends stop you with suspicious grins on their faces. You don't quite understand what they mean but you still agree with their suggestion to make the trip to the convenience store and buy Yujin's favorite bread and chocolate milk. 
He's still asleep by the time you get back, however, there are only ten minutes left from lunch break, and you finally wake him up. 
He blinks up at you with tired eyes when you call his name and shake his shoulder gently. Then his eyes widen a fraction at seeing you standing in front of him. 
You hear his friends giggling but you decide to ignore them and present him what you got for his lunch. 
Yujin rubs his eyes to wake up completely (and make sure this isn't a dream), then thanks you with gradually reddening cheeks. 
"Let me know if you need notes too," you add before going back to your seat in front of him to eat your lunch as well. 
Yujin kept staring at you for a good 3 minutes before hesitantly opening the chocolate milk and drinking a sip. For the rest of the day, he wasn’t able to wipe the smile off his face, and after classes, he made sure to ask for your notes and grab the chance to talk to you more.
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I'm going to throw myself off a bridge
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angrybatart · 8 months
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So much for relaxing peacefully.
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God so I went to the doctor earlier and they fucked up and submitted to the wrong insurance last time so it popped up as out of network and I was billed $800, and they have the gall to blame me for "the staff working for free" that day (???) and saying it was bc I didn't have them set as my PCP. Called insurance and they said that wasn't it and the doctor submitted it wrong. She talked to the doctor several times so I hope the doctor understood what was wrong. This fiasco took over an hour to deal with (also bc they had other patients). Then at the end of the checkup I apologize for the confusion with insurance and the doctor says yeah well we spend a lot of time on you and my staff needs to get paid so make sure it doesn't happen again. WOMAN IT WASN'T MY FAULT. ALSO THE NURSE SAID YOU SAW 30 PEOPLE TODAY HOW ARE THEY NOT GETTING PAID???
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