naimmhedhbi · 8 months
كُفوا عَنا تطرفكم
كُفوا عَنا تطرفكم التطرف والإرهاب كلمتان هما من أكثر الكلام تتداول في هذا الزمن ولن أدخل في المعاني اللغوية والإصطلاحات ولكن لابد من وقفة ,وقدأخذت على عاتقي كشف شبهات المتطرفين منذ زمن بعيد بالعلم والبيان,وصحيح أن الأحزاب المتطرفة حَملت المسلمين عبئاً وحملاً من جراء الفتاوى الفاسدة والتوجهات المنحرفة,إلا أن الإشارة اليوم إلى أن التطرف شديدّ في الكلام على الأنبياء بحقد وافتراء, وكما هو عند…
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spann-stann · 2 years
Setting Blurb: The Levantine MacroCommunity (2nd Dynasty Era)
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The Levant, like most regions around the world, shattered in the wake of the Third World War. Civil war broke out in Lebanon and Syria (the latter also suffering raids from Turkish and Kurdish warlords). Israel suffered from Palestinian uprisings, and the surprising invasion from western evangelicals. Jordan broke apart from the shockwaves of those conflicts in turn.
With the formation of the League, and its subsequent Wars of (Re)Incorporation, reactions in the Levant were like most parts of the world at the time: mixed. Some communities in the region were glad a group promised some semblance of order and had the means to do so. Some groups joined the League to preserve/expand their influence, while others fought against the League knowing the former would do exactly that.
Following the Levant's incorporation into the League, a period of National Delimitation was declared, with a wave of Imperial Anthropologists and Ethnographers (aided by the many notables and influential denizens of the region) coming into the region, determined to demarcate the borders of "every language, faith, cultural quirk, and dance routine to ensure the many groups native to the region can have their own piece of the Imperial pie". The largest groups were designated the "titular nationality" of their new home regions, with autonomous provinces for those groups in the minority. Like the majority of Imperial territory, the most common type government is that of the Corporate Republic, governed by vocational councils representing the various trade organizations. More militant and religious communities existed, but at the provincial and tribal level.
Once the dust settled, the MacroCommunity of the Levant was inducted as a fully-fledged member of the Imperial League in the late 2100s, and incorporated into the Viceroyalty of the Ummah with the accession of the 2nd Dynasty in the early 2300s.
Al-Ahbash Corporate Shurah:
A Sunni-Sufi Muslim (but good luck calling them that outside the region) state in Northern Lebanon, the Al-Ahbash party was designated the government of the region due to their charitable organization's extensive presence and stance of political quietism.
Alawite Corporate Imamate:
The homeland of the Shi'a-Gnostic Alawite Sect, the Alawite Imamate is ruled by descendants of the pre-Imperial Ba'ath Party that ruled Syria. The Imamate also has two autonomous provinces in the north for the Turkmen and Rūm Christians of Hatay.
Aleppo Corporate Shurah:
Due to warring between Turkish and Kurdish warlords, the Aleppo Shurah is considered the "homeland" of the Syrian Turkmen, with sizable autonomous provinces for the Arabs, Arameans, and Kurds that remained. "Mameluke Revivalism" frequently waxes and wanes in popularity among the Turkmen Soldier communities within Aleppo's borders.
Damascene Arab-Aramean Corporate Shurah:
While it is a majority Arab region, a persistent movement to restore the Aramaic language and culture's prominence has existed. The movement was aided by an influx of Aramaic Christians migrating from northern Syria (at least those that didn't migrate to Assyria-South Kurdistan) and the greater Aramaic diaspora.
Dead Sea Governate:
A mostly Arab region made up of the pre-Imperial West Bank and northern Jordan, the Governate is the "capitol territory" of the MacroCommunity, with Bethlehem housing the ruling government. In order to not show favoritism to any one group within the Levant, a family of Buryat Mongols were appointed the governorship, and their descendants form a sizable minority.
Druze Region:
While there are many autonomous provinces for Druze minorities throughout the Levant, the Jabal al-Druze is the Druze community. Many of the Druze Region's neighbors do well to accommodate the needs of their own Druze populations, lest the Druze Region's leadership petition Bethlehem to redraw the MacroCommunity's internal borders.
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Jerusalem:
Due to its spiritual importance, the city of Jerusalem was declared an autonomous city-state, governed by a council of the city's religious leaders.
Karak Land Force Demesne:
The Imperial Armed Forces took control of the territory surrounding the old crusader castle, and it now serves as the headquarters of Field Army Green's Green and White Banner ("Defenders of the Faith"). Many of the Levant's martial tribes gather at Karak once a year to engage in a series of war games in the hopes of earning a slot in the Green and White Banner's roster.
Mount Lebanon Exarchate:
The Exarchate is home to Lebanon's Maronite and Melkite Christian communities. Beirut has become the entryway for Christian pilgrims seeking to visit the many holy sites in the region.
Nabatene Arab Region:
Created from southern Jordan, the Nabatene Region is (as the name suggests) home to a reconstructed Nabataean Arab identity, and a large minority of the more traditional Bedouins.
New Tribal Region:
A large group of Evangelical Christians, Black Hebrew Israelites, and Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints (to name a few) considered the Third World War to be the beginning of the End Times, and began an exodus to Israel. Initially welcomed and used to occupy Gaza, violence soon broke out between the newcomers and the Israeli government, and the collectively named "New Tribes of Israel" seized control of southern Israel and the Negev. The Imperial League recognized their "claim" to the area, with autonomous Jewish and Bedouin territories.
North and South Mutāwalin Corporate Imamates:
Both the North and South Mutāwalin Corporate Imamates serve as the homeland for Lebanon's Shia Muslims. The North is governed by descendants of the Amal Movement, and the South by descendants of Hezbollah, respectively.
Region of Haifa and Golan:
Haifa and Golan is majority Jewish, with a sizable number of Druze (mostly in the Golan Heights) and Bahai autonomous communities. The region is home to many industrial Kibbutzim, producing the military equipment used by the Imperial Land Force garrison in Karak, and the many martial tribes that call the Levant home.
"Free and Independent" Republics of Gaza and Tel Aviv:
Like in other parts of the world, some territory was set aside for those that did not wish to live under the rule of the Imperial League. Respectful of those wishes, the League unceremoniously dumped anti-Imperials in what are now known as "Cordons Sanitaire". What used to be the Gaza Strip was used to house radicals from the Americas and East Asia, and Tel Aviv South Asians and Oceanians. Like the other Cordons, Gaza and Tel Aviv are bound by the Treaty of Las Vegas to recognize the League as "humanity's sole hyperpower", and to "never seek to usurp the League's aforementioned rightful position".
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juttaskatze · 2 years
Sheikh Abdellatif erklärt den Unterschied zwischen #echten Awliya und den #falschen #Awliyah u #Shaytan. Er geht auf die #Anzeichen von einem #Wali u llah ein.
Die #Taten werden mit #Ikhlas und nicht mit #Augendienerei gemacht. Grundlage ist die #Taqwa die #Gottesfurcht nicht Show und damit man von den Menschen bewundert wird.
ein großer #Turban #Gestank und ein hässliches Gesicht von jemand der von sich selber behauptet ein #Wali zu sein ist heute modern. Diese #Gurus lassen sich von #Jahils feiern. Sie sitzen in der Ecke damit man ihre Hände küsst.
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lachmalwieder · 2 years
Wer sind die echten #Awliyah ullah? Vortrag mit Sheikh Abdellatif
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andyfrankenberger · 2 years
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salafiway · 4 years
There are a number of posts which are circulating on social media, all in all of which attempt to criticise, defame and undermine the continuous efforts and struggles of,
_Allamah Rabbani Shaikh Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani (1420H)_
Some of these people, and I say this politely, have demonstrated dire comprehension of intricate issues while others have manifested their innate hatred and animosity for this Allamah Rabbani, based on nothing but tassub, tahazzub and their ignorance.
The life and efforts of Allamah Rabbani Shaikh Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani are well known and comprehensively documented, and no one can deny this even if they tried. In reality we do not need to mention his virtues, his efforts and works. The words "authenticated or graded xyz by al-Albani" in almost every other Islamic book by friends and foes alike, is unprecedented virtue by any account.
However, sometimes a general reminder to ourselves and to our mutual friends, puts things into perspective.
Oh insignificant one's, Let us remind you of who al-Allamah Rabbani Shaikh Imam Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani is.
He was the man who was born in a european country, which was and still is virtually unknown, he was responsible for putting that country on the map for Muslims, academics as well orientalists. Who knew Albania except through our Allamah.
He was forced to move from his country at a young age due to communism. He moved to Syria with his family who were strict practising Hanafis. They made fun of him in the classroom while he excelled beyond degree in his Arabic language, syntax and morphology compared to his fellow classmates. They would say what does this Ajami know.
He was ostracised, shunned and thrown out of his family home by his strict hanafi family due to his firmness in sticking to the Quran and Sunnah.
Poor and destitute, worked as an honest watchmaker, who would look for scraps of pieces of paper to write prophetic Hadith on, to the extent he would write complete volumes of books in this way
He would travel the city to the library and the locals would make fun of him due to him riding a bike, they ridiculed him nationally in their newspapers.
He was imprisoned in syria by the mulhid bathists Alawite shias, numerous times for teaching the Quran and Sunnah as well propagating Salafi Dawah. He was put in prison repeatedly and tested with their evil plots time and time again.
He was forced to move to Jordan, than UAE, then Syria again and then to Jordan, due to the hatred of the innovator heretics.
He single handedly rebuked and took charge of chief innovators and clear deviants a like. These deviants were the heads of misguidance who misguided thousands to innovations and corrupt beliefs and heresies, from the likes of
The heretical Muhammad Zahid al-Kawthari, the chief innovator who reviled everyone from the Sahabah to the Great Salaf us-Salihin
His student, Abdul Fattah Abu Guddah the Asharite Hanafi apologist and proponent of the Deobandis
The Syrian Sufi Asharite, Muhammad Said Ramadhan Buti.
Then he dealt with, not 1, not 2 but three of the Ghumari brothers of Morocco, Ahmad, Abdullah and Abd al-Aziz.
He took charge and held at Bay the evil heresies and ideas of Abdullah al-Harari ie the founder of the al-Ahbash and his cult beliefs.
He answered and dealt with the rafidi arch liar, Hassan Saqqaf.
Also the Deobandi and dubious Habib ur Rehman al-Azmi, who did not have the guts use his real name, he was also answered and subdued.
And the list, by the permission and assistance of Allah alone is continuous.
The man who checked over 30,000 ahadith and wrote over 200 books, some of which run into volumes!
The man who single handedly organised the whole of maktabah Zahiriyyah library, which was one of the most important libraries of the Islamic world.
The man who produced some of the most prolific students and formidable scholars this century has seen.
And then......you have the audacity to attack this man with your childish and immature remarks!
We do not go beyond bounds in praise of our Ulama and neither do we make open blind taqlid of them,
However after praising Allah, we thank him for sending us this mujaddid. May Allah have mercy on him, forgive him and accept his efforts and servitude. Amin
Oh ignorant ones, whoever you are, know your maqam and manzilah when you talk about
Allamah Rabbani Shaikh Muhammad Nasir al-Din al-Albani
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omar-al-qadiyy · 7 years
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#⏰ #islam #muslime #zeit #engel #des #todes #omaralqadi #paltalk #ders #ahbash (hier: Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany)
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political-affairs · 8 years
Unrest in Ethiopia
Ethiopia has been hit by a wave of protests over land and political rights for more than a year, which monitors say have led to more than 500 deaths. Ethiopia has accused "foreign enemies" of arming, training, and financing groups it blames for a wave of unrest in regions around the capital, Addis Ababa, a day after a six-month state of emergency was imposed. At a news conference on Monday government spokesman Getachew Reda named Eritrea, which has a long-running border dispute with Ethiopia, and Egypt, which is embroiled in a row with Addis Ababa over sharing Nile water, as sources of backing for "armed gangs". "There are countries which are directly involved in arming, financing and training these elements," said Reda. Reda said, however, it could be elements who do not have formal government support acting rather than "state actors".
Egypt last week denied providing any support for Ethiopian protestors.  Ethiopia's government is facing the biggest challenge of its 25 years in power, with anti-government protests spreading, foreign-owned companies targeted, and a harsh security crackdown that has killed hundreds so far while failing to quell the unrest. "The kind of threats we are facing, the kind of attacks that are now targeting civilians, targeting civilian infrastructures, targeting investment cannot be handled through ordinary law enforcement procedures," Reda said. Protesters from the majority Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups say they are marginalised by the minority Tigrayan-led government, which they accuse of monopolising power and controlling the economy.
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amirkazuma · 2 years
Bicara Ringkas Seksual 53 : Golongan Ahbash Berfatwa Bahawa Harus Melukis Gambar Wanita Bertelanjang, Harus Jualannya, Harus Simpanannya Dan Harus Lihat Padanya?
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Yūsuf al-Qoroḍōwiyy dalam «al-Fatāwā aš-Šaḏḏah : Ma*ayiruhā Wa Taṭbīqōtuhā Wa Aṣḥābuhā Wa Kafya Nu*ālijuhā Wa Natawaqqōhā» mendakwa bahawa golongan ahbash berfatwa bahawa keharusan melukis gambar wanita bertelanjang, keharusan menjualnya, keharusan menyimpannya dan keharusan melihat kepadanya atas alasan ia adalah gambar wanita semata-mata, bukanlah itu wanita yang sebenar. Menurut al-Qoroḍōwiyy, ini salah satu pandangan yang syaz. Sekadar pencarian saya, saya tidak menemukan kenyataan ini daripada *Abdullah al-Haroriyy; selaku perintis golongan ini dalam kitabnya. Malah, dalam laman web rasmi golongan ini pun, saya tidak menemukan mereka ada merespons dalam isu ini. Dakwaan ini sama ada sekadar khabar angin yang dia menerima melaluinya atau kes terpencil sahaja yang tidak mewakili arus perdana golongan ini. Sekalipun *Abdullah al-Haroriyy membahaskan isu lukisan dalam «Buġyah aṭ-Ṭōlib Li Ma*rifah al-*Ilm ad-Dīniyy al-Wājib», namun perkara ini tidak disebutkan. Malah, kecenderungannya dalam isu ini adalah sama seperti pandangan ortodoks dan majoriti. Saya tidak merasakan mana-mana pengikutnya yang setia akan membenarkan kenyataan ini dan berfatwa sebegini.
Pun begitu, yang ada adalah penyebutannya dalam berbentuk rakaman suara yang hampir serupa dengannya dalam isu ini dalam isu lihatan filem lucah. Dia berkata :
هنا سؤال أن من ينظر، يتفرج على الأفلام الخلاعية. ما حكمه؟ الذي يتفرج عليها ونفسه تنجر، تنجر الى المعصية التي يشاهد هيئتها في الفيلم حرام عليه أن يتفرج عليها. أما الإنسان الذي لا تؤثر عليه، إنسان متزوج وهو مقتنع بزوجته نفسه لا تحدثه مهما رأى في الأفلام الخلاعية لا تحدثه نفسه أن يفعل هذا يطبق هذا الفعل الحرام، هذا ليس حراما عليه إن تفرج. ليس حرامًا. هذا يرى المرأة حقيقتها، يرى شخصها الحقيقي؟ لا. إنما هذا خيال. ليس حراماً على الذي لا يتأثر.
"Di sana ada soalan tentang seseorang yang melihat, menenung filem-filem lucah. Apa hukumnya? Orang yang menenung kepadanya dan dirinya terheret, iaitu terheret ke maksiat yang dia menyaksikan bentuknya adalah haram ke atasnya. Adapun seseorang yang tidak terkesan kepadanya, iaitu orang yang berkahwin dan dia merasa puas dengan isterinya, tetapi dirinya tidak menceritakannya kendatipun dia melihat filem-filem lucah, iaitu dirinya tidak menceritakannya untuk melakukan perbuatan yang ini, iaitu mempraktikkan perbuatan haram ini, maka tidaklah haram ke atasnya jika dia menenung. Ia tidak haram. Ini yang dia lihat adalah wanita yang hakikatnya, iaitu sosoknya yang hakiki? Tidak. Ini cumalah bayangan. Tidaklah haram ke atas orang yang tidak terkesan". [Rujuk : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT3oL1WXFsU].
Cuma, kalau benar pun dakwaan Yūsuf al-Qoroḍōwiyy ini, itu tidak menatijahkan bahawa pandangan ini salah. Bahkan, ia di atas kebenaran lagi hujah yang kukuh. Bahkan, al-Qoroḍōwiyy dan sebahagian ilmuwan pada hari ini sebenarnya yang memilih pendapat syaz dalam hal ini.
Ketidakharaman melihat aurat yang bukan hakiki seperti yang terdapat pada bayangan air dan pantulan cermin adalah pandangan muktamad ḥanafian dan šāfiᶜian. Tidak diketahui ada perselisihan di antara mereka dalam hal ini. Maka, sama bandingkanlah dengan lukisan gambar, ukiran patung, fotografi, paparan digital dan hologram. Saya telah membahaskan isu ini dalam penulisan yang berjudul «Aurat : Penjelasan Tuntas» pada bahagian 「Hukum Melihat Aurat Yang Bukan Hakiki」. Dengan ini, sebenarnya ilmuwan yang berfatwa sebaliknya sama ada mereka tidak tahu bagaimana fuqaha mazhab yang dahulu mendirikan pendapat ini dan bagaimana kesan hukumnya yang lain atau mereka sebenarnya khuatir untuk memberi fatwa ini. Kalaulah mereka tahu, pasti mereka tidak akan berhujah dengan mengatakan bahawa pendedahan aurat yang ada pada badan adalah sama dengan pendedahan aurat yang diserupakan pada gambar. Mereka yang berhujah pengharamannya atas alasan ini tidak faham kenapa para fuqaha membezakan antara melihat semisal dengannya dengan melihat seseorang itu. Kemudian, al-Qoroḍōwiyy berhujah bahawa ia diharamkan kerana ia membangkitkan syahwat lelaki terhadap wanita. Saya telah membantah pandangan ini dalam penulisan saya yang berjudul «Adakah Syahwat Itu Sendiri Berdosa?». Di penulisan ini, saya mendedahkan betapa pincangnya pemahaman kebanyakan orang tentang syahwat sehingga mereka gemar mengharamkan sesuka hati atas alasan ia menimbulkan syahwat.
Saya melihat golongan ahbash dicerca, dicela dan diejek atas isu ini sedangkan ini adalah pandangan yang benar dan berasaskan dalil. Sekalipun saya bukanlah ahbash dan tidak menyetujui beberapa fikrah daripada mereka, bukan bermakna kita tidak boleh berlaku adil pada mereka dan mengiktiraf kebenaran dari sisi mereka.
Janganlah kebencian kita yang mendalam terhadapnya menyebabkan kita bersikap keterlaluan terhadapnya. Lihat sebahagian orang yang mengejek bahawa ketidakharamannya berasaskan aspek lihatan itu bukan sosok wanita itu secara hakiki. Para pengejek tidak sedar yang mereka sedang mengejek fuqaha dari ḥanafian dan šāfiᶜian dalam permasalahan ini. Inilah akibat permusuhan yang berlunaskan sentimen, bukan atas kematangan.
Ambilan : https://www.wattpad.com/1241611916-al-h%CC%B1i%E1%B9%AD%C5%8Db-al-waj%C4%ABz-isu-seksual-bicara-ringkas-53
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monotheismus · 8 years
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Die zusammengebastelte Religion der Talafiyyah
Nicht nur kleine Kinder lieben es zu basteln. Nein, auch die Talafiyyah (jene die auf der Schiene von Pierre Vogel und Co. sind) sind ständig im Bastelfieber.
Während aber die Kinder zum Beispiel Papier-Entchen oder Papier-Flugzeuge basteln, so basteln sich die sogenannten „Muslime“ ihren eigenen Din, und nennen dieses zusammengebastelte Dingsbums dann „Islam“.
Sie wühlen sich durch Qur’an und Sunnah, nehmen ein bisschen von da und ein bisschen von dort, drehen und wenden alles bis zur Unkenntlichkeit, schneiden dort und da ein bisschen weg, und kleben da und dort noch etwas hinzu, und schwupp di wupp ist der eigene Kufr-Religion fertig und die Bastelstunde vorbei.
Die Talafiyyah, “Qitaliyyah”, Sufis, Ahbash, „Shiiten’’, „Alawiten’’ usw... sie alle haben sich ihren eigene Religion gebastelt bzw. basteln immer noch herum. Sie nehmen nur das vom Qur’an und der Sunnah - wenn überhaupt - was ihnen in den Kram passt und alles andere was ihnen nicht passt, das wird einfach abgelehnt oder passend gemacht.
Allahu ta‘ala sagte: Bekundet ihr etwa Iman an einen Teil der Schrift und macht Kufr einem anderen Teil gegenüber?! (2:85)
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hornaffairs · 9 years
Ethiopian court convicts Muslim leaders, a journo, others
Ethiopian court convicts Muslim leaders, a journo, others
Ethiopian court today passed guilty verdicts on four prominent Muslim leaders, a journalist and another thirteen defendants.
The individuals have been in custody since late 2012, when the government decided to crack down on the protest movement.
Four of the convicts were in the leadership of the “Ethiopian Muslims Arbitration Committee” established when the protests began in late 2011.
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juttaskatze · 2 years
Teil2 - Ein sehr interessanter Vortrag von "Scheich Abdellatif" über den #islamischen Personenkult. Ein großer #Turban. Grab #Kuppeln und #grüne Tücher sowie weiße #Kleidung sollen die #Heiligkeit und besonderen #Fähigkeiten der erleuchteten #Shuyukh oder Scheichs zeigen. Nach #Quran und #Sunnah jedoch sind besondere Fähigkeiten wie #beamen #fliegen und über das Wasser laufen keine #Anzeichen die einen sogenannten Wali als Freund von Allah erkennen lassen.
Der Redner betont vielmehr, dass ein #echter #Wali bescheiden und unaufällig lebt ständig in #Angst oder #Gottesfurcht (#Taqwa) und seine #taten mit #Ikhlas also #Aufrichtigkeit macht.
Geheimwissen oder Wissen über #al-Ghaib das #Verborgene sind Lügen. Das ganze werden die Anhänger der #Naqshubandis und #Sufis sicherlich ganz anders sehen.
Interessant ist hierbei die klare Kante.
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omar-al-qadiyy · 7 years
Der Tod des Propheten Muhammad ﷺ Referent: ^Umar al Qâdî. Komplettes Video in der Bio #islam #muslim #muslime #muhammad #kalifen #omaralqadi #ivwp #aicp #owl #nrw #herford #bielefeld #gütersloh #paderborn #hoca #cami #segen #sufi #ahbash #berlin #ders #dersim #unterricht #vortrag #paltalk (hier: Germany)
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