#Ahsoka insists Yoda assigned her to ANAKIN
tomicaleto · 1 year
I saw a post mentioning Ahsoka was originally assigned to Obi-Wan and I’m like ??? Like, yes Obi-Wan asked for a new padawan but the first thing Ahsoka says as she arrives is that she was assigned to Anakin
Edit: if you don’t want to read the tags: I rewatched the scenes from the movies and it’s said several times she was assigned to Anakin by Yoda himself and at the end it’s implied Obi-Wan helped. She was never assigned to Obi-Wan.
#I can't claim that it wasn't a mistake from the order (I think that's what Obi-Wan or Anakin say at one point#but I can't recall if they did)#and there are at least two other possible interpretations that are:#that Obi-Wan says he asked for a padawan but it was a ruse to assign one to Anakin#or that even if Obi-Wan asked for a padawan Yoda assigned her to Anakin anyways#And I think that the movie says something like Obi-Wan will take over her training once Anakin decides he doesn't want a padawan#before he changes his mind and takes her#like I get it you like the Obi-Wan & Ahsoka dynamics#You like to think they were actually much closer than what we see in canon#or you don't like Anakin as a character and so you push him aside at any chance you get#but going from that to affirm she was originally assigned to Obi-Wan hun I think you're projecting your hc#REWATCHED THE SCENE JUST NOW#And Anakin is the one that says it must have been a mistake because he didn't want a padawan#Ahsoka insists Yoda assigned her to ANAKIN#(also Obi-Wan has been pestering Anakin about becoming a teacher)#AND THEN after Anakin accepts Ahsoka and they meet with Obi-Wan and Yoda#Yoda says that Obi-Wan was telling him about Anakin having trouble with his new padawan#So yup I think we can discard the mistake option from above#Yoda assigned her to Anakin and Anakin only#and suggested reassigning her to Obi-Wan when he heard that Anakin was hesitating#And after that is all said and done Obi-Wan teases Anakin about teaching her (Teach her everything I taught you)#And Anakin says something makes me think this was YOUR idea from the start#so the scene implies Obi-Wan requested the padawan for Anakin but it's never confirmed#so yeah she was never assigned to Obi-Wan to begin with#play with your aus all you want but don't sell it as if it were actually canon#fandom salt#personal
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Entire Armies Part II
this has been in my drafts long enough so here ya go anon 
continued from here
“You can’t remotely disable it or something?” Obi-Wan asked desperately as they chased the trail of the rapidly disappearing Twilight, the three of them wedged uncomfortably in the two seater ship.
Anakin made an indignantly offended noise. “Why would I mod a ship so it could be remotely disabled?”
“I don’t know! Why would you mod a ship so it could be tracked so easily?” Obi-Wan snarked.
“Easily?! You think this is easy? The only reason I can track her is because I’m me.”
“Why would you mod a ship that could be stolen?” Rex muttered.
“What was that Captain? You know I’m still your superior officer-”
“Oh are you now? Wow. Now I can see what the next rest-of-our-lives are going to be like. Can’t believe I was going to promote you over Waxer-”
“You were?” Anakin grinned. “First Lieutenant Skywalker, huh? Has a nice ring to it.”
“Captain Skywalker actually- we were talking about restructuring into one Battalion with more companies, some of them in active combat and others for non-military voluntary assignment.”
“Ooh Captain Skywalker, yeah I could get used to that.”
“Well if this is what happens to your personal projects, you’ll be lucky to make private-”
“Hey! I wasn’t responsible for guarding the prisoner-”
“Technically, as General any security breaches under your command-”
“Oh enough already!” Obi-Wan snapped. “Rank isn’t going to matter if Dooku warns his Sith Master and kills us all while we’re cut off from the rest of the Jedi while also giving him in depth knowledge of the future.”
Anakin shifted nervously, making Rex squawk irritably from his perch half in the still-probably-a-General’s lap. Anakin ignored him. “Is that where you think he’s going?”
Obi-Wan frowned over the navigation. “Well, he’s not heading to Coruscant, which I suppose would arguably be worse...I really don’t want have to fight Yoda...”
“What, the little green guy?” Rex asked incredulously.
Anakin snorted. “Have you ever seen him in a fight? He’s more acrobatic than Ahsoka.”
“Seriously? Isn’t he like, 1000?” the still-definitely-a-captain Rex asked, sounding bemused.
“Aren’t you like, 10?” Anakin retorted.
“Oh kriff,” Obi-Wan said suddenly. “I know where he’s going.”
“Where?” Anakin asked eagerly. “Maybe I can chart a better path than him there...”
“Oh,” Rex and Anakin said in unison.
“That’s- Anakin glanced nervously at Rex. “When does the battle take place?”
“Today, I’m fairly certain,” Obi-Wan groaned. “Fuck, I can’t believe we haven’t talked about this- Rex, what do you want to do?”
“What?” Rex asked, suddenly panicked. “Why are you asking me?”
“Because if I’m right- Dooku’s going to try and stop the massacre of the true Mandalorians.”
“What?” Anakin said doubtfully. “Are you sure?”
“It was one of his biggest regrets, before he left the order, before he fell...Yoda  believed his pain over the deaths he caused and the rage over being tricked was the first stone on his path to the darkside. Like I said- he once was a good man.”
“That doesn’t explain why you’re asking me.” Rex insisted. “I’m not a Jedi or a Mandalorian.”
“Perhaps,” Obi-Wan acknowledged softly. “But you have ties to both. And this was an event that directly lead to the fall of the Haat Mando'ade and some previously light Jedi and the rise of Death Watch. Not to mention the countless Jedi killed in this conflict and the skirmishes that followed. Arguably, only one good thing came out of the Massacre this day.”
Rex swallowed, “And by that you mean...”
“You and your brothers,” General Kenobi confirmed with a soft smile. “Without this Jango would likely have never entered into a contract with Kaminionis- not that we ever fully understood his motives...but it’s very unlikely, were he to remain Manda’lor, that the vode would come to exist.”
“Wait...” Anakin asks slowly, “Does that mean if Dooku saves the people- wow that’s weird to think about- all the clones will just- stop existing? Like vanish?”
“That’s not how time travel works!” Rex replied quickly. He then turned to Obi-Wan. “That’s not how time travel works, right?”
Obi-Wan sighed. “Not that I’m an expert on this, but from what I gleamed from Dooku and the runes in the temple, no. We unmade everything except us. You, the 212th, and the 501st exist. The question is- do you want them, and yourselves, and all your other brothers to exist again?”
There was a long heavy pause, and the normally unflappable Captain began to radiate honest stress into the force. “I have to decide?”
Obi-Wan and Anakin exchanged a glance. “It’s...not right for us to do it. It’s not fair of us to ask you to make the choice either but-” Anakin shrugged helplessly. “We’re not leaving it up to Dooku, right?”
Rex stared ahead blankly. “Excuse me for a moment, sirs.”
Rex reached back and grabbed his helmet, pulling it on and sitting stock still while Obi-Wan and Anakin politely ignored the waves of mixed emotion pouring off of him.
A few hours passed like that. Eventually they rotated positions, Anakin and Obi-Wan cramming into one side while Rex stretched out his legs. Obi-Wan entered a light meditative fugue as his mind still wrestled with time travel and the numerous disasters that the 212th had the power to create or prevent.
Seemingly without any prompting, Anakin broke the silence.
“Padme and I were married,” he blurted out.
“I- you- what?” Obi-Wan sputtered.
“Oh thank kriffing heavens,” Rex sighed. “I don’t have to keep that a secret anymore.”
“You knew about this?” Obi-Wan protested, indignant.
“You didn’t?” Rex shot back. “He doesn’t shut up about her- uh, didn’t. Oh.”
“Yes, Oh.” Anakin snapped.
Obi-Wan sighed, rubbing his face. “I...I knew you were affectionate but I didn’t realize the extent...”
- - - 
flash forward and they get to Galidraan too late—Dooku screams into the atmosphere broadcasting on all hyperspace and telepathic frequencies ‘ITS A TRAP ITS A TRAP THE GOVERNOR IS SETTING YOU UP TO KILL EACH OTHER DON’T BE MORONS NONE OF YOU ARE THE CHILD MURDERERS DON’T DO ANYTHING’ before crash landing in the middle of everything. They still give attacking each other a solid try, this time with the Mandalorians fully prepared for battle, but then something something time-travel-crazy-handless-Dooku jumps in front of a ricocheting bolt, saving a random Mando teen and dying dramatically.
Jango: “So that happened.”
Komari Vosa: “Thank you ever so much for that intelligent remark”
Dooku: [staring at his older-sith-handless-corpse]
Jango: “Sorry, is that your father? Or your brother?”
Komari Vosa: “Jedi don’t have families.”
Jango: “Of course you don’t. Whatever—I suppose you’re going to try and insist we keep the Governor alive, because of Jedi shit?”
Komari Vosa: “Of course a Mandalorian would call not murdering ‘Jedi shit’
Jango: “Is he...meditating?”
Komari Vosa: “I—Master?”
- - -
Anakin, Rex, and Obi-Wan arrive shortly after in their tripped-out future-tech mystery-origin shuttle, try and be stealthy, get captured immediately and then just,, refuse to answer any questions. Anakin is his usually insane overpowered in the force self. Obi-Wan is vaguely familiar. Rex refuses to take off his crappy armor and the Mandalorians are like ‘fair enough religious freedom’ Somethingsomething escape brief cool fight sight scene grab future!Dooku’s body explosions grab the pieces of the Twilight aaand dramatic reveal where Rex takes of his helmet and he looks EXACTLY like Jango but blonde. Escape in the confusion.
fucken cryptids.
- - - 
Jango: “I’m pissed off and confused. And I want to murder someone and I really want it to be you, but unfortunately I think you’re just as in the dark as I am.”
Dooku: “Yes. I...concur”
Dooku: [pulls out a flask of space brandy, takes a shot, wordlessly offers it to Jango.
Jango: [accepts it, drinks some, makes an appreciative expression]
Jango: “You know...I can’t believe I’m saying this...but—you’re alright. For a Jedi.”
Dooku: “This universe is so goddamn weird and shitty and I’m starting to get real sick of it.”
Jango: “Ha. Yeah.”
- - -
And so, on this day, contrary to the mechanisms of Deathwatch and the Sith, the True Mandalorians and the Jedi fell into a reluctant peace, a fact of  great historical and geopolitical relevance. Or at least, such an occasion would be considered important, were it not immediately overshadowed by the emergence of an army of heretofore unimaginable scale, unfathomable strength, and unknown origin. 
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Okay so @willowcrowned and I came up with names and places and personalities for the Aniclones in the Skysisters AU. Behold! Some nerds! But first, some worldbuilding background.
Shmi is still alive and Anakin INSISTS she has to meet The Skysisters. Being a very capable and cool headed lady she reacts as well as anyone could. New daughters! Anakin's always been a little strange, she's not THAT surprised. Up until the point they meet Shmi they're hesitant to use the last name Skywalker because it’s not theirs just the person’s they got their DNA from (for all that Anakin already adores them). And then Shmi adopts them! And suddenly there’s almost thirty new Skywalkers running around.
Every Skysister has one mom (Shmi), one dad (Obi-Wan), and then one ADDITIONAL parent that is their Jedi (or Senate) supervisor.
The Aniclones definitely pick up on how much Anakin likes Hugs and so they always perk up and sprint to throw themselves at him when they see each other.
Ahsoka insists on hugging Anakin more because That's HER Master, So There.
Willow: I’m cackling at Palpatine’s plan to make Anakin super angry and distrustful backfire and have him end up getting all the physical affection he needs.
Please imagine Anakin doing his Vader-esque "I'm the baddest bitch here" stalk, and a bunch of the Aniclones trying to copy him in a little horde right behind so they can look cool too.
Robin: assigned to Yoda, named by Willow - Like Robin Hood but more importantly because they caught her robbin the kitchens - My own contribution here was 'also like Dick&Steph DC Robins'
Addie: assigned to Obi-Wan, named by Willow - Initially, we joked that, given just who Anakin and Obi-Wan are, and what ANY person who is around them, let alone someone who wants to impress them, is like… Anakin and Obi-Wan’s Aniclone might be called Risk. - But, here's for the actual name. Obi-Wan calls her "Little One" so often (because she doesn't have a name! And also she's still shorter than anyone else on board) that she almost just goes by that but Cody steers her into one-word territory. - She asks Cody for ideas and he’s like. Idk a lot of us clones named ourselves in Mando’a so she starts asking for Mando’a suggestions - Cody is like.. ad’ika means little one. Ika is a diminutive. And Obi-Wan speaks Mando’a. So she goes by Addie. - Because she does what Cody did and take a Mando’a word and make it more basic-y. - ... Addie and Ani. (Ahsoka continues to be jealous) - SHE CAN'T DO A SHORTER TWO-SYLLABLE NICKNAME STARTING WITH AN A AND ENDING IN AN I SOUND. - Ahsoka just finding any number of reasons to Dislike This Girl (because a Jedi doesn't hate). - God all of the girls have Curls but I think the Disaster lineage is the only Jedi lineage that did padawan cuts and that means Addie is the ONLY sister that hold on Obi-Wan definitely misinterprets the name as being in honor of Adi Gallia. In an "I just think she's neat and I Want To Be Just Like Her When I Grow Up" kind of way - Addie: I am naming myself for the two men who have shown me the most support in my life that I’ve ever gotten from a non-sister. This is obvious to everyone Obi-Wan: oh, she has a crush on Adi :) - Adi Gallia is a very political Jedi! He can totally teach Little Addie how to do politics! Cody just sighing in the background. Addie: oh boy my dad is bonding with me :) - They're getting there! They got a little lost but they're getting there! - Cody is like wow you two are stupid. No I haven’t talked about my feelings with Obi-Wan. What feelings are you talking about. - Fellas, is it gay to coparent a female clone of the man you’re in love with’s son? Every clone but Cody: yes - ANYWAY if Addie gets the padawan cut she looks STARTLINGLY like teenage Anakin in a way the sisters usually don't. Obi-Wan may or may not have a SLIGHT breakdown when he sees. - Obi-Wan keeps doing double-takes like This May Have Been A Mistake. WHAT YEAR IS IT. - He keeps being surprised when he looks in the mirror and doesn’t find a mullet. - Everyone's a little disappointed in the padawan cut because they wanted to braid her hair
Teddie: assigned to Plo, named by me - because they went to a planet that had teddy bears and she loved one so much that the Fett clones were joking about it, and she was like "Actually--" - Willow: I was gonna suggest Kit, like a shortening of kitten or like a fox kit (which I think is a thing) because she’s Plo’s kid but has claws but that is AWESOME I love Teddie.
Mauve: assigned to Mace, named by me - She thinks very hard on her name and decides that, in honor of her new Master's most well-known skills, she names herself Mauve. - Because. Purple saber. - Runner up for this clones was Willow's suggestion of "Maisie" like Mace. But not AS obvious. - Depa doesn't get an aniclone because everyone kind of Feels that she's got a padawan 'waiting in the wings' so to speak.
Belle: assigned to the Coruscant Guard, named by Willow - She spends a lot of time hanging out with Padme (she and the other CG Aniclones asked Anakin and Obi-Wan for advice on which senators would be the best to go to about things), and as a result gets dressed up in handmaiden outfits regularly, and so... she gets Prettied Up, and thus Belle. - Belle imprinted on the Corrie Guard clones early and, as a result, Doesn't Actually Like Palpatine Very Much, which is very inconvenient for Anakin's evil granddad. - She’s a lot subtler than Anakin though, because she spends so much time around Padmé, who may or may not be subtly putting her through some of the same training her handmaidens did. - Sneaky Gorl
Aimée: assigned to Quinlan, named by Willow - Like ‘beloved’ in that she’s a flirt but also in that her family loves her. So it’s kind of a joke but also a ‘we love you’ thing. - My other thought was that quin’s aniclone could be ridiculously good as a sharpshooter/assassin so if she were named Aimée her name could get shortened to ‘ames’ a lot. Like aims. - QUINLAN AND PADME ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SNEAKIEST SKYSISTERS - She’s a slut. Not for real but in a sneaky way. Just enough to get them in bed, knock them out, and steal their shit. (Well, not immediately. They're initially like mid-teens when the Jedi get them. But a few years in, she flirty.) - Anakin comes back and is like what are you wearing. Aimée: it’s a corset. cute, right? Belle helped me pick it out Quinlan, proudly: She flirts more than Obi-Wan! - She is so excited to go on Cool Undercover Missions with Quinlan
Henrietta "Hen": assigned to Kit Fisto, named by me - She's the one who kidnapped Boba - She got her name because she's a Mother Hen to Boba despite being barely bigger than he is. - The sisters are all shorter than Anakin since he went on T early enough for it to affect his height
Ducky: assigned to Aayla, named by me - She follows Bly around like a duckling
Ginger: assigned to Bant, named by me - Healer Aniclone is with Bant, names herself Ginger because she thought the pink sushi ginger looked a bit like Bant's coloration. She doesn't explain this to anyone, but it's her way of tying herself to New Mom. - The three more-or-less-permanently-on-Coruscant Aniclones are encouraged to have separate rooms to prevent the hivemind situation from reestablishing itself, but they still visit each other whenever they can and Gossip About Crushes. - Belle and Harpy are VERY protective of the CG Fetts. They are small but mighty and they aren't as well-known so most civilians just assume they're just regular Jedi Padawans. Ginger wants all the Senate Gossip whenever they meet up, too. - I want Ginger working on the Advanced Aging thing in her spare time. For her sisters AND the Fett boys.
Talas: assigned to Shaak, named by me - Talas is Serbian for "wave" - And like... Kamino. Ocean planet. - First instinct was to name her "Homebound" or something but I figured I could have some fun - I've decided that Talas is friends with Omega and ends up kinda sciencey and ends up needing glasses.
Stella: assigned to Saesee Tiin, named by Willow - Obviously all the Aniclones can pilot well but there’s gotta be at least one that’s REALLY good with starships.
Fritz: assigned to Feemor, named by Willow - Feemor runs a search-and-rescue legion, he's very overwhelmed by this hypercompetent, hyperactive child - She flies better than him and nobody even teases him about it because Maybe It's Just A Skywalker Thing - She's named Fritz because she’s like. Always on the move and starts getting jumpy and jolty when she has to stay still too long. - Anakin's ADHD just got passed along to all his little sisters. Poor girls.
Be’kebii’tra Kemir "Kebi": assigned (accidentally) to Satine, named by Willow - One of them gets lost on a mission (read: the engine conked out in the middle of hyperspace) and sort of. Ends up. On Mandalore. - Satine has this very battle-capable teenager in her pacifist city, and this girl is claiming her father is Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Satine has some calls to make, because sure Obi-Wan wasn't obligated to stay true to her, but she'd have thought he would have at least told her about kids he had! She told him when she took in Korkie from her cousins! He told her about Anakin! Where did this daughter come from?! - Willow worked out that she tries to call herself ‘Skywalker’ in Mando’a, and totally messes it up. She says sky’s walk, which is be’kebii’tra kemir, but everyone just starts calling her be’keb or something. Or Kebi? Kebi is cute. - They call her 'Kebi' from blue sky - kebii'tra. - I went all in on that because Kebi is adorable, but also it sounds like it's short for Kenobi so there's a lot going on with other people arguing that she does not pick up on. - Anakin and Obi-Wan and Satine are all having a hissed argument about whose child this is and whether she knowingly named herself after him, and Kebi is just like. Playing chess with Korkie and Ahsoka and Addie.
Jinn: AWOL, named by me - One of the sisters calling up Anakin like Hey how did you know you weren't a girl. "I'm a sister, but I don't think I'm a girl. I don't think I'm a boy either, though. How..." - Anakin, who between the ages of fourteen and sixteen compiled a list of 160 pronouns and the gender identities they tended to be associated with: well you SEE - Anakin socially transitioned pretty young, and started T a few years later, but he definitely had a few instances of "am I definitely a dude or somewhere else on the transitional rainbow?" - The nb sister gets REALLY into the whole anti-slavery "kill all the Hutts" thing after meeting Shmi. Like. Has to be kept from sneaking off for extrajudicial justice. - They pick the name "Jinn" in honor of The Dude Who Freed Our Older Brother (And Thus Made It Possible For Us To Even Exist) - Obviously we’ve been picking a lot of nongendered names anyways, but Jinn feels extra Gender, you know? - Obi-Wan has a fucking aneurysm when he hears that an aniclone named themself after Qui-Gon. - They run off after a few months with their Jedi supervisor. - They’re gonna explore the galaxy! Fight injustices! There’s a solid month where they’re working at a diner but it’s all part of the struggle! Gotta get money to fight the power somewhere. - They grab Kebi on the way like "You wanna fuck shit up? Let's fuck shit up." - Kebi might grab Korkie in turn. Like. Ahsoka is an honorary sister-of-Anakin (not that she knows the Skysisters consider her such), but Korkie is an honorary child-of-Obi-Wan (and possibly literal; Kebi still hasn't gotten confirmation on that). - Korkie: I have homework. Jinn: NO TIME FOR HOMEWORK WHEN WE’RE FREEING SLAVES. Korkie: But—homework. - "Korkie, help these recently-freed slaves fix up their government!" "But--" "It could be your final project! Think of the extra credit!"
Digit: assigned to Ki-Adi Mundi, named by me - She goes with Ki-Adi Mundi and ends up really computer-savvy and math-y, because the whole binary brains thing means that Master Mundi ended up heavily logistics-oriented and being good at computers was the best way to support that, and she decides her name is Digit.
Haunter and Slinky: assigned to Tiplar and Tiplee, named by me - Aniclones enjoy the vents and so one of them gets called a "haunting little fuck" by the Fett clones and decides her name is Haunter now - Tiplar and Tiplee are two jedi masters so they should have two Aniclones and the second one is named Slinky, because Haunter fucks around in the vents, and Slinky slinks around like a big cat, and they both scare the shit out of people by popping up where they're least expected.
Pixie: assigned to Siri Tachi, named by me - I want one of the Aniclones to get really into like... Monster High/Ever After High type of fashion? And then she names herself Pixie. It's like a fairy, but spikier! - Big Poofy Skirts that are a little too short to be Lolita style - "Pixie you can't fight in five inch heels." "WATCH ME" - She wears the heels for THE AESTHETIC but also because she ended up just a liiiiiittle shorter than the other sisters and insists that she has to make up for it somehow.
Lyra: assigned to Eeth Koth, named by Willow - One of the Aniclones does karaoke one time and gets REALLY into it and singing. - Eventually she wants to get into actual instruments but while there’s a war on she can’t exactly tote a violin around in case it gets destroyed so instead she forms a singing group with some of the Fett clones, and because I think the Fett clones would have their own bastardized versions of drinking songs and such taught to them by their teachers on kamino and then passed down by other brothers, she would start like… idk writing the music down? The lyrics? - I was thinking maybe Aria or Cadence? - Maybe Lyra
Lamb: assigned to Stass Allie, named by me - Stass Allie is a healer, so we have multiple healer clones! - Willow suggested she was the one who became a sheep farmer and I couldn't help myself. - Her name is Lamb. She’s Lamb because she’s young and innocent despite it all and she’s Lamb because she. Likes lambs. - She sees war and blood and battle (unlike Ginger with Bant, who is mostly temple bound) and decides she wants to leave it all behind. - Lamb discovers the chips because she's a baby healer BUT she's also a clone and she Gets how clone stuff works so she spends a lot of time healing clones against Kamino rules about Jedi healing clones for IP reasons because Lamb is also a Kamino IP, and after she's fixed up enough head injuries... - The first time she steps foot on a green planet she sees a lamb and it’s like she’s being born for the first time. - Animal trio: Lamb, Hen, Ducky - There’s Teddie too, though that doesn’t quite fit. - Lamb finds the chips, Ginger solves the aging.
Rocker: assigned to Adi Gallia, designed by Willow, named by me - Willow: I have no idea why but I have this vivid image of her with an Aniclone who’s shaved half her head and has died all her hair violet but like. I don’t know why. - I suggested Rocker based on the above. - She has a rock collection. It started as a joke when Adi’s CC gave her a rock he picked up after a battle and then it snowballed.
Nightshade: assigned to Oppo Rancisis, named by Willow - Oppo gets the Strategy Skysister - She’s devious and smart and maybe a little bit cruel but he helps work that out. - Picks "Nightshade" because she’s subtle and deadly and also has a wicked flair for the dramatic. - Runner-up name: Harriet
B.A.U.L.: Even Piell, named by both - Even passes along his sense of humor to his skysister - Baul, rhymes with Maul. Do not know why but I like the idea of her picking it and then Maul comes BACK. - It's an acronym that was an inside joke that’s a reference to something that happened on Kamino - Though what would be extra funny is if, like, even Baul couldn’t remember what the acronym was for, so now it’s just Her Name and everyone thinks she’s being deliberately vague and cagey about it but the truth is that that’s just Her Name now. - At some point she tells people it's for Bad-Ass Un-Leashed.
Harpy: assigned to the Coruscant Guard, named by me - One of the Aniclones decides her favorite non-family person is Bail Organa and whenever she's on Coruscant she just follows him around. - Bail has no idea what he did to make this girl invested in him (Obi-Wan said he was cool, that's it), but he can. Like. Teach her politics or something. She can be a sounding board for phrasing things. Teenagers-that-are-actually-eight can do that, right? - I think it would be very funny if she wanted to be Subtly Connected to him and went: Organa -> Organ -> Piano ->Harpsichord -> Harpy So her name is Harpy and nobody knows it's about Bail.
Krayt: assigned to A'Sharad Hett, named by me - I want to give one to A'Sharad Hett purely on the basis of "Anakin doesn't have Tusken-hate in this AU, and Tatooine is still Not The Absolute Worst because Mom Lives There, so maybe the other Tatooine Jedi can help." - She names herself Krayt because... A'Sharad Hett.
Pestilence "Pest" "Tilly": assigned to the Coruscant Guard, named by me - Pestilence, alternately goes by Tilly or, if she's being a brat and ruining Anakin's dates with Padme, Pest - I also want at least one Aniclone to catch Ventress's attention in a "I claim you as a little sister" way and they're just like "uhhhhh no I'm a Jedi" but Ventress does not care, she has found herself a little sister and she is KEEPING the little sister, since the little sister bites. - Palpatine was hoping that if he had multiple Aniclones to influence, he'd have more luck, and argued as Chancellor that they needed more Jedi clones on Coruscant than fighting the war. - There’s also the element where the aniclones are extremely dangerous and completely untested, so they should be under a powerful Jedi’s supervision. You only have so many High Council or potential high council members actually fighting. - So you chuck the rest of the Aniclones where there are enough Jedi around you don’t need a powerful one keeping watch all the time.
Fern: assigned to Pong Krell, named by Willow - This one's getting different formatting because it's like... an entire plot. Most of this was written by Willow. Warnings for systematic physical and mental abuse of a minor by her legal guardian.
Okay here’s the thing. If we don’t want everything to work out perfectly we could give an Aniclone to Krell… but not have it be one that gets reassigned. Like, that’s angsty as fuck.
Presumably Krell keeps putting the Aniclone in situations meant to get her killed, just like he tends to do with other clones. And she… doesn’t question it.
Presuming the Shmi visit happens sometime during the war and not right after Geonosis.
Like she’s already drawing away from her sisters—and her sisters are drawing away too! They’re all developing new identities! But it’s different for her.
phoenixyfriend: I was going with "sometime right after Anakin's already on Tatooine with Ahsoka for the Rotta thing."
That works perfectly, too far before the Krell thing comes to head for anything to be obvious to anyone.
And Krell’s Aniclone—who hasn’t named herself by the time she meets Shmi, even though the rest of them have (because, as Krell says, she’s just a clone. She doesn’t need a name)—is just. Incapable of communicating what’s going on.
Because Krell’s stuff lines up exactly with what the Kaminoans taught them, so she just accepts it, and when she’s talking to a sister and it comes up… well, maybe she’s just not gotten over all the Kamino stuff.
She shows up at Shmi’s with the other sisters and takes off her shirt to change and she’s COVERED in scars.
And the sisters are like: you need to be more careful, your Jedi wouldn’t want you getting hurt, and Krell’s Aniclone is just. Sitting there dully nodding along because of course Krell wouldn’t want her getting too hurt to fight. That’s why she’s still alive.
Okay Shmi probably picks up at least a Little on what’s going on, and tells Anakin to keep an eye on her, but Krell’s Aniclone is just. Very cold and polite to him. She doesn’t call him sir because he told her not to, but that’s her general mien when it comes to him... because she thinks he knows.
phoenixyfriend: I want Anakin to piece together what's going on and accidentally showcase his many problems by attempting to murder Krell on sight the next time they see each other, but like without actually explaining anything to anyone.
It happens in a room with other Jedi too, like the Jedi entrance hall.
Krell’s Aniclone is standing by the door and she lifts her hand up enough for him to see lightsaber burns and oh that’s weird he didn’t think she and Krell had faced any Sith recen—
Lightsaber out and at Krell’s throat
Snarling ‘What have you done to her.’
But she DEFENDS Krell.
She fights Anakin off and obviously he would beat her, because he’s Really Good At Laser Swords, but he can’t actually even try to hurt her.
phoenixyfriend: After everything is over I want her crying while Anakin hugs her and has her wrapped up in his cloak. Maybe she joins Lamb after the war.
And she’s like “You’ve crossed a line, General” and it’s so strange for her to call him that because all the other Aniclones call him Ani or Anakin or some insulting but friendly insult
Ooooo, yeah I bet she spends some time with Lamb
Anakin snarls to look at the burns on her arms (because those are some serious scars, not just training saber level but worse, and ones that have been reopened so much that they’re just messy tears in the skin).
Oh but she’s TERRIFIED when all the Jedi close in around her.
Later she tries to defend Krell in front of the council and says something like ‘He didn’t even hurt me as much as he could have’ but she says it the EXACT same way Anakin says that stuff about Watto and something Clicks and suddenly he understands the way Obi-Wan used to look when Anakin would say those things, like he was sick and furious and tired all at once.
While the altercation is happening and the Jedi are turning their attention towards her she’s TERRIFIED she’s going to get in trouble
phoenixyfriend: Ginger hustles her off because she needs a SISTER right now and Ginger's the one in residence and the Jedi need to deal with Krell WITHOUT his Aniclone getting in the way. Ginger uses the Aniclone brain radio to summon all sisters on the planet to come Support The Sad One.
But Krell’s Aniclone shouts while she’s being forced out of the room that it’s not his fault, it’s hers, and Krell just gives her this look like yes, it is all her fault.
phoenixyfriend: Aniclone needs help but also this incident results in Anakin having a breakdown of his own on Obi-Wan in their rooms while Ahsoka and Addie look on in concern? And then Addie runs off to join The Sisters.
I think—and this is just a maybe, but hear me out—that maybe after the war Krell’s gets really into exploring? Like she heads out to the outer rim to land on planets and travel and then later goes into wild space to explore even further and I was thinking that maybe she’s just going by the letter that starts her designation (R, or something) until she lands on a planet and it’s beautiful and there’s a funny little plant under a tree in the tiny spaceport she’s landed in and she asks someone what it is and names herself after that plant
Honestly I didn’t have a specific name in mind, but now I’m thinking Fern.
It was more the idea of the sisters naming themselves because their lives changed and they felt like they’d grown beyond who they were on Kamino and this is the first time Krell’s feels like she’s actually beginning a new life
phoenixyfriend: Ooooh what if after the Krell thing comes to light, Harpy or Belle volunteers to give up her spot with the CG so Fern has somewhere safer to be, except everyone has Bad Vibes About leaving her near Palps. Oh, to avoid the Palpatine situation, Fern gets assigned to Vokara or Jocasta? And that way Ginger gets to keep an eye on her and donate all the cuddles and point her to help out in the creche.
I love the idea of Fern with Jocasta. The archives are quiet and cool and full of light and nothing like the warships. She reads and she organizes and she looks at pictures of other worlds.
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ddaeng-danvers · 4 years
under and over
pairing: anakin skywalker x reader
genre: fluff
summary: in which anakin learns how to braid hair
warnings: mention of death, minor injuries, the reader is described as having long hair
word count: 2753
a/n: well...i’m having an anakin phase, what can i say. this is unedited and i wrote it in one sitting so i apologize for any mistakes, also!! i’m aware some things may be inconsistent with ~canon~ but i’m having a good time so leave me alone,,, there are also mentions of platonic anakin x padme as an fyi... finally!! this isn’t a part two of my last fic (dreams) but in my brain they are like the same universe,,, so yeah,,, enjoy!!
*this gif has nothing to do with the fic but he looks GREAT so i’m using it anyway*
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You left for the Jedi Order when you were quite young. You left only your mother behind, as your father died in a shipping accident on Corellia. You held on to as many memories of your mother as possible, as she was the only family you had left. One of your fondest memories of your mother was the way she did your hair. Every morning, from the moment you had a sprout of hair on your head, she attempted to braid and style it intricately. The styles were always beautiful, inspired by the different cultures of the galaxy your mother had seen in her travels with your father before he passed.
Now, over fifteen years later, you long for the feeling of your mother’s fingers weaving through your hair. Because you left for the order at such a young age, your mother was never able to teach you her braiding and styling methods. This has left you with two simple skills, tying your hair into ponytails, and braiding it into two strands on either side of your head. You longed for the ability to weave it atop your head, but now, with the war, there was little time for hair styling.
Almost immediately after passing your trials, you were thrown into the Clone War. You worked alongside Anakin Skywalker and the 501st battalion most often, but frequently bounced around to others, such as Obi-Wan’s 212th, and your former master Shaak Ti’s position on Kamino. You were never officially assigned a battalion of your own due to your opposition of the war, but remained a Jedi General for the benefit of the Republic.
After a particularly rough mission, your find yourself sneaking from the medbay (you suffered only minor scrapes and bruises) and retreated to your quarters. It is there that you find Anakin standing on the balcony.
“What’re you doing out here, Ani?” He smiles and looks back at you.
“I should be asking you that. You should be in the medbay.” You look at the ground, feeling the slightest bit guilty. You know how much Anakin cares for you. If you stayed you may have lessened his worrying slightly.
“I’m alright. It’s nothing too serious.” A moment of silence passes. “What about you? You and Snips didn’t come out unscathed either.” Anakin’s face shrinks in the slightest, the thought of his padawan’s injuries a difficult one to process.
“We’re both okay. She was checked over. Hit her head pretty hard, but she’ll be okay. She does have to stay on bedrest for a bit, which I’m sure she’s thrilled about.” You both laugh at the thought.
“She reminds me of you, y’know.” Anakin’s expression becomes puzzled.
“Really?” He asks. You nod, looking out into the Coruscant skyline.
“She’s headstrong, confident. Sometimes a bit overconfident.” Anakin lets out a chuckle. “But she’s got a good heart. And she cares about those around her, deeply.” Anakin smiles at you again.
“Well I certainly do care for you, my love.” He leans down and presses the softest kiss to your lips, and then to both cheeks, which begin to redden. He still makes you feel like a bubbling padawan.
“We should probably head to bed soon, debriefs and all in the morning.” Anakin curtly nods, continuing to gaze at the setting sun. “We can check on Ahsoka too, before we head to bed., if you want.”
Although attachments are technically forbidden by the Jedi Council, there was a strange exception granted to you and Anakin. The council knew of your relationship, and even approved it. Master Yoda claimed you had prevented Anakin from falling down a darker path. He insisted that the force willed you together. Luckily, it seems the exception of your attachment has led to some more leniency in the Council regarding the subject.
After a quick trip to the refresher and a check-up with Ahsoka, you and Anakin retire back to your quarters. (Technically Anakin has his own quarters that he is supposed to stay in, although everyone knows this is a rare occurrence). He always seemed to like your room more. He claimed it had more personality than his. Likely because he didn’t have much to bring with him from Tatooine, and materialism was generally discouraged among Jedi.
Being held by Anakin at night felt like a gift from the Maker himself. His arms warm, his chest firm, and his hands combing through the tresses of your hair.
Anakin awoke the next morning to a cold bed. He heard you clamoring around the refresher. Curious, he threw on his robe and knocked on the door.
“You alright in there, love?” He stands up against the door, waiting for a response. You open the door a moment later, a grumbly look on your face. It seems you’ve already gotten dressed. You had on a brown and black tunic and pants. Your armor for battle left at the foot of your bed, since today was to be a day filled with debriefing, strategizing, and paperwork.
“I’m fine, I just woke up early and then couldn’t fall asleep, so I decided to get up, be productive, but I just can’t do my hair right.” Anakin noticed the rough braids on your scalp, likely from failed attempts at braiding it moments ago.
“I wish I could help you, but hair isn’t my area of expertise.” Anakin looks at you through the mirror as he wraps his arms around your torso. He places a kiss to your shoulder.
“It’s fine.” You affirm. “I’m just frustrated.”
The debrief with the Council went without a hitch. Just a standard report on your success, information regarding casualties, and your new assignments. Fortunately, the Council gave the two of you a few days off before your next assignments. You planned to spend every waking moment possible with Anakin, as you were being sent to aid Obi-Wan and the 212th. You returned to your quarters shortly after the meeting to strategize a plan for your upcoming assault with Anakin on your heels. He helped you as much as he could, before becoming distracted. (He was never the best strategizer. He joked you were the brains of this relationship). He tinkered with his arm as you worked alongside him.
A knock on the door pulled you from your work. You opened it slowly, curious as to who it could be. Opening it all the way, you were met with the colors and patterns of a traditional Nabooian gown.
“Padme!” You exclaimed. It had been so long since you’d seen her. You grew quite close when you and Anakin were assigned to protect her all those years ago. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here on Senate business, and I couldn’t be here without stopping by to say hello to you two.” Anakin has since gotten up from his seat and come over to great Padme as well. “I was going to stop and see Ahsoka, but I assumed she’d be training. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“Ahsoka was actually injured on our last mission. Nothing serious, just a mild concussion, she’s resting in her quarters as far as I know.” Anakin assures.
“We could stop by and see her, I’m sure she’d be excited to know you’re here.” Padme smiles at the implied compliment. You grab your robes from your bed, and usher everyone through the hallway to Ahsoka’s quarters. You knock as lightly as possible on the door.
“Ahsoka, you in there? You have a visitor.” Ahsoka fumbles behind the door, before opening it.
“Senator Amidala!” Ahsoka exclaims. The two of them envelop in a brief hug before separating. “It’s great to see you!”
“And you as well Ahsoka. You’ve gotten so tall!” Ahsoka viewed Padme as an older sister figure. She’d lost the rest of her family so young, she had little memory of them. The memories she does have however, she cherishes. You and her both.
After an hour or so of catching up, you notice Ahsoka’s eye’s begin to droop. You look up at Anakin who seems to have noticed the same thing. Through the briefest of eye contact, you understand Anakin’s request. He wants you to stay with her, make sure she’s actually resting. You nod, as Anakin whispers this information to Padme. “It’s been great catching up with you Ahsoka, but I’m afraid I have to tend to that Senate business now. Rest well.” Ahsoka nods politely, her drowsy expression only worsening.
“Thank you Senator Amidala. See you later. You too, Master Skywalker.” You stay in your standing position before guiding Ahsoka down to her bed. She practically rolls over the moment she sits down.”
“Tired?” You chuckle. Ahsoka smiles slightly.
“Yeah, this concussion took me out more than I care to admit.” You laugh again. “You are just like Anakin when he was a padawan. It scares me sometimes how similar you to are.” Ahsoka nods again.
“I guess that means we’re a perfect match.”
“I guess so.” Ahsoka seems to drift off quickly, and you begin to tidy anything out of place around her room. There isn’t much out of place, so you make your way to the door. But just before you open it, Ahsoka calls out your name.
“Master Y/L/N?” You walk over to the edge of her bed again.
“Yes Ahsoka? Is there something wrong?” Her expression is confused and guilt-ridden.
“Can you stay here with me? I haven’t gotten very good sleep lately, I’ve been having nightmares.” You looks down at Ahsoka again. She seems to be like Anakin in her sleep habits as well.
“Of course, Ahsoka. If anything you are sparing me from planning Obi-Wan’s attack later this week.”
“I’m sure Master Kenobi can figure that out himself.” Ahsoka smiles.
“Yes, I’m sure he can.”
Anakin smiles as her feels your Force presence relax, assuming because you’ve fallen asleep. Padme smiles up at him.
“You’ve got that dumbstruck look on your face, again.”
“What do you mean again?” Anakin questions.
“You were looking at her like that the whole time we were in Ahsoka’s room.” Padme laughs. “It’s okay, it’s cute. I remember you two on Naboo. Absolutely dancing around your feelings until I put a stop to it.” Anakin remembers his mission with you to Naboo fondly. You assumed Anakin loved Padme, when he never held romantic feelings for her. Only familial admiration. You and Padme spoke over dinner one night after Anakin went to bed early. She essentially pried your confession out of you, but you assured her that Anakin loved her. How very wrong you were. Padme made it her mission to set you two up while you were still on Naboo. Clearly, she was successful.
“I have a strange request.” Anakin spoke up. Padme nodded at him to continue speaking. “Can you teach me how to braid hair?” Padme stops in her tracks, Anakin continuing to walk a few steps forward before turning around. “What?”
“Nothing, just, that is in fact a strange request. Why do you want to learn?” Anakin describes the scene of you this morning, frustrated in the mirror.
“Her mother used to style it, but she left for the Order so young that she was never able to learn how her mother did it.” Padme nods along.
“I can teach you. We’ll start with some simple ones, I’ll leave you datapads to look over in the future. Does that suffice?” Anakin nods, gratefully.
“Yes, thank you Padme. When should I meet you again for my...lesson?”
“We can go back to my room right now, if that works for you?”
“Of course, but I thought you had Senate duties to attend to?” Padme chuckles.
“If this is for Y/N’s benefit, this far outweighs my senatorial duties.” Padme and Anakin laugh and continue their walk down the hall.
Anakin spent the next few hours listening to Padme’s instructions as she demonstrated a few hairstyles on her handmaidens. They allowed Anakin to practice on their hair as well. Anakin was always a fast learner, and picked up these skills quickly.
Time flew by, and Anakin suddenly felt your Force precense awaken. He ties the braid he was working on in Sabe’s hair, and received an impressed nod from Padme.
“Not half bad, Anakin. You’ve picked this all up quite fast.” Anakin gives a nod with a hint of smirk on his face. He’s impressed with himself too. He thanks everyone in the room, especially the handmaidens who have had him tugging at their hair for the past few hours, and departs for your quarters, excited to show off his new skills.
When he arrives, you’ve already made it back from Ahsoka’s room and changed into a lighter pair of pants and a looser tunic. You have battle plans strewn across the table, with your head resting in your hands.
“Thank you for staying with Ahsoka, I had a feeling she wasn’t getting the best rest.” You nod in agreement.
“She’s been having nightmares. Nothing serious, I think she’s still reflecting on the mission. I think she’s being reminded of her squadron on Ryloth. She’s afraid of it happening again.” Anakin’s expression sinks. You know him well enough to understand his thought process. He wishes to protect Ahsoka from as much pain as possible. Although he knows this isn’t possible, he beats himself up when she feels this pain. “I can practically read your thoughts, love. It’s not your fault.”
“I know, I just wished she believed in herself a little more. She’s capable, but afraid of further consequences.” You both nod and let a comfortable silence overtake the room.
Hours fly by yet again, and the sun has set behind the Coruscant skyline, signaling the end of another day. You both wordlessly get ready for bed.
As you finish drying your hair, Anakin can seethe wheels turning in your head. He knows exactly what you are about to attempt, and he has a surprise in store. He grabs your brush of the stand along your bed, and elastics gifted to him by Padme. “Love, come here.” He motions for you to sit in front of him, your bottom practically in his lap. Anakin has brushed your hair before, you used to rebraid each other’s braids during your time as padawans as well, so you weren’t suspicious when Anakin began to brush through you hair.
What did surprise you is when he began to section it off. He weaved it gently between his fingers, skillfully. He managed to avoid every knot and unnecessary tug. You felt him pin the braids intricately forming a ring over the top of your head. The rest were tucked into a bun, with braids that formed a section of their own. He placed his hands on your shoulder to signal his completion, and you looked at him eagerly.
“Can I look at it?” You asked, brimming with glee.
“Of course, love.” You rush to the mirror in the refresher. As soon as you are met with your reflection, you are rendered speechless. Anakin has since gotten out of bed and come to stand behind you in the refresher. “You like it?” Anakin asks. You nod your head. You turn your neck to see the back, and it’s beautiful, The braids flow within your natural hair perfectly. It feels both similar and different from your mother’s style. Not quite Correlian, but…
“Padme taught you how to do this.” You stated.
“How did you know?” Anakin asked, surprised you deciphered it that quickly.
“I’ve seen her wear something similar before. It also feels very Nabooian.” Anakin gleams down at you, thrilled to see your smile. You reach up and grip his cheeks pulling him into a kiss. You separate a moment later. “Can you teach me how to do this?”
Anakin laughs. “Of course my love.” The two of you retire to bed shortly after. Anakin admires his handiwork as you lay your head against his shoulder.
“Thank you, Ani. I really do appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem, love. It made me upset that you never got to learn from your mother, I know how much it meant to you, so we can learn together.” The thought of Anakin with his hands in your hair glaring at a datapad about hair styles made you giggle. “Maybe you can pass these hairstyles on to our children one day.” The thought of Anakin with a child, your child in his lap, makes you smile as you slip into sleep.
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justalitlecreacher · 4 years
Anakin Skywalker Deserved Better
Ive made this post before but it was really rough and i meant to edit it later and its later now but its been so long that i don’t feel like finding the og post so here we are. If it’s not obvious i care more than a normal amount about Anakin Skywalker.
Tl;Dr: I firmly believe that there are so many points in the prequel series, the clone wars, and even the comics that some level of intervention could have steered Anakin away from falling in Revenge of the Sith.
The Phantom Menace 
This is our first encounter with Anakin, and it does a decent job at introducing us to him. This movie sets up his tragic backstory™️ and gives us a good look at his personality; Anakin appears selfless and eager to help complete strangers in return for nothin when he first brings Qui-Gon and crew to his home to give them shelter, and then risks his life in the podrace to help them afford the part they need to fix their ship. Aside from introducing and developing Anakin not much else happens until Qui-Gon brings Anakin before the Jedi Council where they decide he is too old and there is already too much anger in him to be trained as a Jedi. Qui-Gon disagress, but we move on to Naboo where 9-year old Anakin blows up a very large ship all; by himslef w/ autopilot ( they grow up so fast), Qui-Gon dies, and we get our first look at Palpatine being creepy in hindsight, “And you, young Skywalker, we will watch your career with great interest.” not all that weird out of context but uncomfy when you remember who Palpatine is.
Before we move on i actually want to flashback to Anakin’s first encounter with the Jedi Council. For a group of people who constantly take in and raise children, the Jedi seem to do a poor job interacting with them. A kind of infuriating thing about this scene is that the Jedi seem to shame Anakin for being afraid (no matter how much Anakin himself denies that fear). This scene does a really good job at setting up how the Jedi consistently fail to take into account that Anakin is fundamentally incapable of being a “normal” Jedi. Anakin has had a fundamentally different childhood than any other Jedi and absolutely needed more help and support than the average Padawan from the very beginning. Granted it is possible that the Jedi tried to get him the help and support he needed, but if they did we can infer they failed from Dooku’s line in Revenge of the Sith, “I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate, you have anger, but you don’t use them.”
Obi-Wan And Anakin Comic
The Obi-Wan and Anakin comics take place sometime between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. The story focuses on Anakin and Obi-Wan investigating a distress signal on a planet that has been destroyed by war. The comic also flashes back to reveal that Anakin is thinking of leaving the Jedi Order after Palpatine shows him the dark side of Coruscant, and tells him that neither the Jedi nor the Senate will be able to do anything about it. We get more creepy (not just in hindsight this time) moments out of Palpatine here. The first one is when he uses his position as Chancellor to gain access to Anakin under the guise of “helping” him.  “Why young Skywalker is a Jedi, is he not? The Jedi are under the Senate’s jurisdiction. And as I am the Chancellor of the Senate...”. Palpatine proceeds to take Anakin to a club of some kind where they see a corrupt senator gambling; Palpatine also mentions how “Lives are bought and sold here everyday” he then makes a show of apologizing for bringing it up considering Anakin’s past.Without context this would seem harmless enough, but with the context of Palpatine’s true identity it is more likely a ploy to subelty remind Anakin of how the Jedi and Senate are unable or unwilling to intervene on Tatooine or the rest of the Outer Rim. Palpatine reminding Anakin of the Senate and Jedi’s inability to help everyone seems to be a running theme in their meeting as the series continues. 
Aside from Palpatine being a creep; we see that Anakin is still just as willing and eager to help as he was in The Phantom Menace. His skills in mechanics result in him being briefly kidnapped so that he can fix weapons that will help one side to win the war that has destroyed the planet. Seriously Anakin is just so ernest in these comics that i shed tears because i know how his story ends. 
One character that Obi-Wan and Anakin team up with to reach the distress signal first mistakes Anakin for Obi-Wan’s son, and then tells Obi-Wan, “He [Anakin] doesn’t think so. Kid idolizes you. You can see it” when Obi-Wan admits that he’s not sure he is the best suited to teach Anakin, and fears he has failed him in some way. As the story progresses, it is revealed in a flashback that after Anakin told Obi-Wan he wanted to leave the Order, Yoda sent the two of them on the mission they are currently on to give Anakin a chance to reconsider his decision, and Obi-Wan tells Yoda that if Anakin returned from the mission still wanting to leave the Order, Obi-Wan would leave with him to continue his training and keep his promise to Qui-Gon. 
Attack of the Clones
Back to the movies. Attack of the Clones reunites Obi-Wan and Anakin with Padmé Amidala when they are assigned to protect her from an assassin. One of ( if not the) most important elements to this movie are Anakin’s dreams/visions of his mother. Towards the beginning of the movie Anakin doesn’t explicitly say what the dreams are about, but it can be assumed that the dreams are unpleasant as he says, “I don't sleep well anymore.” in response to Obi-Wan commenting on him looking tired; going on to claim that he cannot sleep because of his dreams. Anakin later admits to Padmé that he worries about his mother. This is one of the key moments in Anakin’s life that set him up to fall in Revenge of the Sith. There is no reason i can think of that Anakin should not have been allowed to check on his mother if he was having dreams about her that prevented him from sleeping properly and made him worry for her safety. As Anakin says, “Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love.”. If compassion truly is central to a Jedi’s life, then surely they could at the very least send one of their 10,000 Jedi to check on Anakin’s mother if he could not? Is it compassion to deny someone the help they need? I find it hard to believe that Anakin would not have told Obi-Wan that he was worried about his mother going off of how close they appear to be in the previous comic. Especially after Anakin responds to Obi-Wan joking about Anakin being the death of him one day with, “Don't say that Master... You're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you. I don't want to cause you pain.” 
Anakin and Padmé arrive too late to save Shmi, and she dies in Anakin’s arms. This is a crucial moment leading up to Anakin’s fall as it shows Anakin that his dreams have a very real potential of coming true and likely results in him blaming himself at least partially for not insisting on checking on his mother or getting there sooner or doing anything different that may have allowed her to survive; it’s also the first time we see Anakin really lose control. There have been instances of him lashing out in anger before (turning a pair of padawans’ lightsabers against them when he hears them making fun of him behind his back), but nothing like what happens in the wake of Shmi’s death. Anakin wipes out the entire village of Tusken Raiders; children included. And while Anakin does express genuine remorse for his actions, he never faces consequences for them. It’s not even clear if anyone but Padmé ever finds out; Yoda claims to feel Anakin’s pain in the wake of his mother’s death, but does not appear to see Anakin’s actions, and is not shown to discuss what happened on Tatooine with Anakin at all.
Some light googling on my part revealed that in the novelization of Attack of the Clone, while Anakin did tell Obi-Wan about his mother’s death it was Padmé who told Obi-Wan how she had died, but Obi-Wan is unaware of what happened afterwards. “Anakin had told him of Shmi’s death; that was why he and Padmé had gone to Tatooine, he said. Obi-Wan had talked to Padmé later, and she had explained that Shmi had been kidnapped and killed by Tusken Raiders. Neither of them had been willing to go into much detail, and from what Obi-Wan knew of the Tusken Raiders, he didn’t blame them. It was no wonder Anakin seemed shaken, if his mother had been tortured and killed. One day, perhaps, Anakin would be willing to tell him the whole story.” Obi-Wan appears to know that there is more to the story than he has been told, but it content to wait until Anakin is ready to talk about it. I wonder if they ever had that conversation.
Anakin’s inability to save his mother even after the warnings he receives in his dreams likely leads to his desperation to save Padmé form the danger he believes her to be in later in Revenge of the Sith. He has been shown once before that his dreams can easily come true, and he is desperate to prevent this dream from coming true no matter what the cost may be. 
The Clone Wars
This is gonna be a long one; it’s gonna have to cover the most relevant episodes of The Clone Wars and oh boy that’s not a small amount. Im gonna try to go chronologically but bear with me (if you actually read this far you know what you got yourself into)
Assassin s3ep7
In this episode Ahsoka begins having visions of Padmé being assassinated similarly to how Anakin dreamed of his mother’s and later Padmé’s deaths. The difference with Ahsoka is that she is able to prevent the visions from becoming reality.  What i want to focus on in this episode is the reaction Ahsoka gets when she tells Yoda about her dreams. Yoda explains to her that her dream may be telling her something and provides her with the means to act on her visions to prevent them from becoming true.
When Anakin approaches Yoda about his dreams in Revenge of the Sith, Yoda simply tells him that death is natural and he must train himself to let go of everything he fears to lose. We could chalk this up to just a writing inconsistency, but i dont think i will. I would instead like to wonder why Yoda treats Ahsoka’s visions like they are something that can be changed but then treats Anakin’s like they are set in stone. Anakin has already proven himself capable of having true visions, and is more force sensitive than any other living Jedi. It makes no sense to dismiss Anakin’s feelings like this. All this to say looking into and helping Anakin to examine his dreams instead of telling him to let go when he has proven over and over to be incapable of doing so would likely have been significantly more helpful in the long run.
The Mortis Arc S3 Ep15-17
Honestly i dont have a lot to say on this arc aside how much psychic damage it dealt to see Anakin briefly turn to the dark side because he was so desperate o avoid the future The Son had shown him ( really hope everyone had the common sense not to bring that up to Anakin after the fact though).
 The Deception Arc S4 Ep15+18
In this arc Obi-Wan fakes his death in order to go undercover as the bounty hunter Rako Hardeen and uncover a plot to kidnap the Chancellor. This wouldn’t be a problem if they had brought Anakin in on the plan; instead they use Anakin’s reaction to Obi-Wan’s “death” to better sell the illusion. Obi-Wan even says, “Keeping Anakin on the outside was critical. Everyone knows how close we are. It was his reaction that sold the sniper. I'm sure of it.” Obi-Wan and the Council are fully aware of how much Obi-Wan means to Anakin, yet they all decide to use those feelings to their own advantage with little regard for the consequences.
On top of betraying Anakin’s trust; this move leads Anakin to doubt the Jedi Council and wonder what else they may be keeping from him if they  were willing to let him believe that Obi-Wan was dead as long as it suited their interests. “How many other lies have I been told by the Council? And how do you know that you even have the whole truth?”. 
I just cannot imagine why they thought they even had to use Obi-Wan for this plan. In the Obi-Wan and Anakin comic, Obi-Wan claims that there are 10,000 Jedi; surely there is someone less connected or with less attention on them who would be more suited to go undercover without the element of faking their death. Or if faking their death was necessary, surely they could have picked a Jedi who was not closely attached to arguably the most emotionally unstable Jedi in the Order. Anyone else would have been better. I don’t doubt that Anakin was telling the truth when he said, “If it was up to me I would kill you right here! But lucky for you, the man you murdered would rather see you rot in jail.”.
The Deception Arc just really grinds my gears because it really is almost like the Council wants Anakin to fall. There really is no excuse for how they use his bond with Obi-Wan against him for their own gain. The Council and Obi-Wan know full well how much Anakin loves Obi-Wan (see Anakin referring to Obi-Wan as the closest thing he has to a father in Attack of the Clones), and chose to use this vulnerability against Anakin in the worst way possible. 
This arc really sets Anakin to later doubt Obi-Wan and the Council in Revenge of the Sith, and make it easier for Palpatine to convince Anakin that no Jedi would understand him and that they would likely kick him out of the order and not help him. ( heck he even has a recent memory of the Jedi expelling a 14 year old from the Order for the sake of not looking bad in the eyes of the Senate. “I understand your sentiment, Obi-Wan, but if the Council does as you suggest, it could be seen as an act of opposition to the Senate. I'm afraid we have little choice.” i might go more in depth on this one later but this doesn’t feel like the right place as this is a post about Anakin and i don’t want to make and Ahsoka centric arc all about him).  
That wraps up the Clone Wars! Finally!
Revenge of the Sith
Ok big finale. Revenge of the Sith; so close to being my favorite Star Wars movie, but it almost made me cry in the library so its my second favorite (Attack of the Clones is my favorite). 
I’ve already touched on the dreams Anakin has of Padmé’s death in the Clone Wars segment, but it bears repeating and i have more to touch on. Im not 100% if im misremembering or not but i cannot recall Anakin ever explicitly telling Palpatine about his dreams, but Palpatine knows that Anakin fears for Padmé’s life anyway. It’s possible that Anakin just told him off screen but a fic i read recently ( It’s called give me one more night by Spongyllama on AO3 and it is so worth the read) introduced me to the theory that it had been Palpatine sending Anakin the dreams to begin with.
This theory has a good amount of legs to stand on honestly. As mentioned previously, Anakin never tells Palpatine about his dreams, but Palpatine still knows exactly what to tell Anakin to best manipulate him. Furthermore; Anakin’s dreams very likely would never have come true if Anakin hadn’t fallen; Padmé reportedly dies of heartbreak, something that could not have happened had Anakin not fallen. All signs point to Palpatine being behind the dreams (and we know that Anakin and Palpatine are close by the time Attack of the Clones occurs so it’s not out of question that Anakin may have told Palpatine about the dreams about his mother, giving Palpatine the idea to use those dreams against him later)
Honestly the biggest thing i think the Jedi could have improved on was just trying to understand Anakin better. The average age for entering the order is 2 to 3 compared to Anakin’s 9. Anakin entered the order years after any other Jedi, and because of that was able to remember his mother and had formed attachments (or attachment but i digress) before he had even reached the order. It should have been obvious from the start that if Anakin were to ever become a successful Jedi he would need significantly more help than the usual padawan.
We frequently see Anakin scolded for forming attachments or being too emotional (see Clone Wars s1e6-7 where R2-D2 goes missing and Anakin suggests taking a squad out to look for him “Anakin, it's only a droid. You know attachment is not acceptable for a Jedi.”(Obi-Wan) “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”(Yoda). etc etc)  But, to the best of my knowledge, we never really see anyone showing Anakin how to let go. Anakin lacks the tools he needs to properly deal with his emotions, so the best he can do is shove them down and pretend they don’t exist because to him that’s what a proper Jedi does. No one has ever told him otherwise. The explosion was inevitable.
Anakin Skywalker was a traumatized child who was most likely never taken to therapy or told how to deal with/ healthily show his emotions in any way other than to ignore them or push them aside on top of being manipulated by Sith Lord from a young age. With all these factors is it really a surprise that Palpatine was able to turn him?
ok im done; see yall next time ig
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ad-hdremix · 4 years
SWTCW- Fix it AU
I recently re-wrote an old AU of mine, one where Ahsoka is adopted by Padme and Anakin, and eventually finds out that she is a big sister. You can read it here.
@captainadwen reblogged it, and added this comment in the tags:
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Fix it AU? You got it.
Ahsoka is adopted by Anakin and Padme. Ahsoka and Anakin practically clear out their entire living space at the Temple so they can move in with Padme. Ahsoka gets her own room; the walls are soon covered in notes and drawings and photos. Regardless of how awful the day was, the three of them get to go home and make dinner together, laugh together.
On one such night, after a horrible mission that kept them apart for weeks, Anakin has an epiphany. He's sitting on the couch, arm wrapped around Padme's shoulders. She's leaning into him, resting her head on his chest, reading from the book on her lap. Ahsoka is on his other side. She fell asleep some time ago. Thanks to faulty intel and a split second distraction, there's a bandage covering most of her back and right lekku. She shakes a little, mumbles something, but a gentle pulse along their training bond is enough to quell the nightmares. The dinner dishes are stacked in the sink, there's three mugs of tea sitting on the table in front of them. And he realizes, in this moment, this is what he wants. All he wants. Forever.
The next morning, Anakin tells Ahsoka he's planning to leave the Order, as soon as the war is over. There's an argument, Ahsoka doesn't want to leave Barriss, Obi-Wan, Plo-Koon. The Order is all she's ever known. Anakin tells her that he's insanely proud of her, but she wasn't raised to be a Jedi. She was raised to be a soldier. Ahsoka shuts down, stunned. She doesn't want to believe it.
Anakin leaves her alone with her thoughts. After a while, she goes and hugs Anakin, apologizes for yelling. He apologizes too, tells her that she'll be a great Jedi, that he'll stay until she's Knighted. Padme says she doesn't want to be a Senator forever, but that Ahsoka will always have a home with them, that they'll support her no matter what she wants.
Ultimately, it's Ahsoka who leaves the Order first. She spends time in the Underworld of Corusant, learning from Rafa and Trace. She learns more about what it means to really be a Jedi. She's reunited with Anakin shortly before the Siege of Mandalore, and ends up going with him to rescue the Chancellor.
Upon their return to Corusant, Padme tells Anakin she's pregnant. Anakin is so excited and terrified at the same time. He doesn't tell Ahsoka right away, only that he has to leave the Order, has to go to Naboo and he'll be back as soon as he can. She wants to know what's going on, but Anakin asks her to trust him. And she does.
So Anakin resigns from the Order and leaves with Padme for Naboo. Ahsoka asks the Council if she can return to the Order, and they eagerly accept, still reeling from Anakin's departure. But she has two conditions: that she be promoted to Knight Intiate, a long forgotten rank marking the transition from Padawan-hood to Jedi Knight. She also asks to be assigned to finish her training under Obi-Wan Kenobi. Their relationship is still healing following her trial, but she knows that Anakin would want someone looking after him.
Obi-Wan accepts, believing this whole thing to be another one of Anakin's wild schemes. The Dark Side makes him feel heavy and clouded. The path forward is uncertain, and he is struggling to find a direction.
Anakin is now far away from the influence of the Chancellor. So Palpatine's attention turns to what he believes to be the next best thing- his renegade student, already suspected of treason, thinking it'd be easy to turn her raw power into a tool to be used by the Sith. If he gains her trust, he can easily get Anakin back under his control.
Or so he thinks. Ahsoka is no longer a youngling, worried about being expelled from the Order if she steps out of line. She does digging of her own. With Rex's help and Echo's information, she's able to uncover Order 66. Using her contacts in the Underworld, Ahsoka has an assassin take out the Chancellor. Bail Organa is temporarily put in power, and the Empire is destroyed before it's even begun.
Ahsoka becomes a full Knight within a year. She is Knighted at sunset, the reds and golds of Corusant's sky making the entire chamber glow. As she kneels before him, Anakin removes her Padawan braid, the one he's carried with him since that awful day the Jedi abandonded her, the one she wears to take her Trials. She rises as Ahsoka Tano-Skywalker, Jedi Knight of the New Republic. Obi-Wan and Yoda are teary-eyed, seeing their child born of innocence and raised in war come through strong and smiling. Padme is there too, so is Plo Koon. He's holding Leia, while she holds Luke. And a dozen or more members of the 501st, the 212th, and the Wolfpack that crowded in cheer her on. Their vod'ika finally achieving her dream.
With the Council's blessing (not that she gave them much choice), Ahsoka leaves for Naboo and establishes the New Dawn Jedi Temple. She takes in Force-sensitives that want to develop their abilities but not formally join the Jedi, and Jedi that don't subscribe to the traditionalist values of the Code. Jedi are welcome to marry, have children, leave and resume their service as they wish. Obi-Wan is eventually coerced into joining them, taking the role of Grand Master. Qui-Gon appears to him often, and never leaves without telling Obi-Wan he's proud of him.
Padme and Anakin are allowed to rest, without the pressures of being Queen or a Jedi General or a Senator. Anakin enjoys being a husband, a father, helping others as a volunteer mechanic. He stops having nightmares so much. Luke and Leia grow up learning from their big sister, from all of their "Uncles" in the GAR that move to Naboo or find their own paths across the galaxy.
Five years after Ahsoka's trial, she returns to Corusant to visit old friends. She stops by the Senate, the New Republic is the definition of transparent. The farthest reaches of the Outer Rim no longer feel ignored. While there, she formally petitions for Barriss Offee's release. The new judicial committee are hesitant, naturally, but Ahsoka insists that she will assume complete responsibility for her actions.
Luminara, battle-weary and uncertain, agrees to help Ahsoka. They take Barriss to Naboo, under strict supervision, and Barriss gets the help she needs, learning of what Ahsoka has done and how the Jedi were manipulated into needless destruction. Ahsoka and Barriss repair their relationship, slowly, taking tiny steps. Barriss dedicates herself to healing, and raising the younglings that are brought to the Dawn Temple.
Padme wakes up one morning, finding Anakin's side of the bed empty. She wanders out to the backyard. Sitting there, she finds her husband holding the twins (now 6) in his lap. They're still squirmy, trying to meditate like their Dad. Ahsoka sits next to them, holding one of his hands. Their bond fully open, they begin each day like this, immersed in the Force, in the love that has held their family together. Padme goes back inside to start breakfast. The sun continues to rise, a new day begins. Trouble still remains, as it always will in the galaxy, but for the first time in a long time- there is a new hope that stands uncorrupted.
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In Which Qui-Gon Lives
So I saw this lovely piece of art by the super talented @suja-janee (like seriously check out her fanarts they’re great) and my muse kind of went way too far with trying to figure out a scenario where baby Rex would have been at the Jedi Temple with tiny Anakin and little Ahsoka. And poof I think I created a new AU verse. 
This was also inspired by Dave Filoni’s recent Duel of the Fates discussion where he talked about Qui-Gon’s importance in the saga as a whole and how he was this tragic father figure to Anakin. So that’s in here too.  
Without further ado:
Nine year-old Anakin Skywalker was dissimilar to a young Obi-Wan Kenobi in almost every way. Where Obi-Wan had been excited to attend medication classes and patiently practice his lightsaber katas, Anakin was a ball of eternal energy that rarely wanted to be still for anything. 
When Master Qui-Gon Jinn, finally woke up after weeks of being unconscious from his near fatal duel on Naboo, he had not expected to return and find his shared quarters with Obi-Wan in such disarray. The couch in the sitting room had a haphazard sheet strewn across it and had clearly been slept on. A small pile of clothes sat under a low table in a poor attempt to hide them. Qui-Gon had been looking forward to checking in on his Pada- on Obi-Wan, who was a knight now. Stars above Qui-Gon felt old, and it wasn’t just from the presence of the cane the Healers had insisted he use for the time being. He felt considerably old when the main door to his apartments slid open and a wall of two-sided bickering pushed into the room. 
“All Jedi have to meditate Anakin. It keeps us centered.” 
“Well, I don’t like it, it’s-” The boy’s words stopped the moment he noticed Qui-Gon. Obi-Wan’s subsequent smile was tired at best despite the happiness Qui-Gon could feel bleeding across their still intact bond.
“Master, I didn’t know you were up and about.” Obi-Wan said, even as Qui-Gon noticed Anakin flinch at the word Master.
“Neither do the Head Healers, so we best keep the news to ourselves.” The look of relief that passed over Anakin’s face brought far more comfort to Qui-Gon’s soul than his time in the Halls of Healing, even though he’d spent three weeks of that time unconscious. The other weeks he’d spent arguing with the Healers and trying to wrap his mind around Obi-Wan not only being given the rank of Knight but being assigned Anakin as a Padawan as well. At first Qui-Gon had meant to protest, he’d even planned an imaginary argument to have with Yoda and Mace but then he’d actually reached out through the Force. And the Force was thrumming happily around the pair of boys (Obi-Wan might have been almost twenty-five standard but the term still felt right). Qui-Gon was never one to ignore the whims of the Force and he’d make no exceptions, especially where Anakin was concerned.  
The boy might have by now looked like any other Initiate in the Temple but Qui-Gon could plainly sense that Obi-Wan was going to have his work cut out for him.
“Perhaps, Anakin we could mediate together this evening. Obi-Wan if you recall, you often mediated with Master Yoda when we first started together. Working together as a Master and a Padawn does not always mean you will learn the same way.” 
Obi-Wan nodded in relief and Anakin’s face brightened.
“Qui-Gon?” Anakin’s voice outside his door was becoming something of a daily occurrence and the aging Jedi Master could only smile. It had been nearly six months since Anakin and Obi-Wan had moved into their own set of Master and Padawan apartments and had left Qui-Gon to feel lonely in his quieter quarters. A lively Padawan to brighten his spirits however, was not what awaited Qui-Gon when he padded the door release. It wasn’t that anything looked wrong with Anakin, it was that… well his presence in the Force was utterly a mess. 
“You seem a little worse for wear young one.” Qui-Gon said. Anakin’s eyes fell to the floor.
“Sorry Mast-”
“Now what did I saw about that word?” 
“That, I don’t have to use it when other people aren’t around.” Anakin said, a little happier.  
“Yes.” Qui-Gon placed a broad hand on Anakin’s too skinny shoulder. “You are not like the other initiates or padawans Anakin.” The boy’s face fell and Qui-Gon shook his head. “I don’t mean that in a bad way.”
“Well the other kids seem to think so.” Anakin said sheepishly, kicking the floor absently with his booted foot.
“The other younglings have lived their entire lives in this temple and have not and likely will never suffer the hardships you have already endured.” Qui-Gon placed a careful finger on Anakin’s chin and rised his head so thier eyes met. “We Jedi are not perfect beings, we make mistakes, our young and even some of our elders can be as judgemental as children.” 
Anakin laughed a little at that. 
“We use the word Master as a term of respect.” Qui-Gon said carefully. “It’s meant to mean teacher or respected one more than anything. But that word means something very different to you, and that is perfectly alright. It is alright to feel bothered.”
“But,” Anakin said, a flare of frustration overcoming his small form, “ Obi-Wan and all my teachers say I have to release my feelings. I don- I don’t know how to do that!” The boy was shaking now. “I feel angry about the word master, I feel frustrated at the other kids, I feel, I-”
“You feel everything.” Qui-Gon provided. Anakin took a deep breath and appeared on the verge of tears. Qui-Gon pulled him into an embrace and the boy clung to him desperately, tears finally flowing freely. 
“The Force is a part of everything in the universe and your connection to it is strong, stronger than any Jedi I have every known.”
“That’s why you think I’m this Chosen One person?” Anakin said skeptically, pulling away slightly. 
“It is. But that title doesn’t define you Annie. I think perhaps I was wrong to saddle you with it.” Anakin’s head turned a little at that and his nose scrunched up. “What?” 
“I didn’t know grown ups could admit when they were wrong.”
Qui-Gon laughed heartily at that and Anakin smiled.
“Very few grown ups do Annie. Now, I think that I have taken us off track somewhat. I assume you came here with a question for me.” 
“Oh, yeah. I um, needed to ask you about… dreams.” Anakin said, his timidityreturning.
“What sort of dreams?” Qui-Gon said. 
“Well, I’ve always had them, sometimes, and I think sometimes my dreams happen. The night…” a sorrowful look fell voer the boy’s features, “the night before mom and I got sold I dreamed about it a bit, I saw pieces and then it happened. Is that a thing the Force does?” 
It was not entirely unheard of for Jedi to dream of the future. Master Yoda himself could sometimes see visions that helped inform his decisions in leading the Order. It wasn’t Qui-Gon’s style, as a philosophical adherent to the concept of the Living Force, to dwell on the future but he felt a rightness in guiding Anakin’s steps. 
“What dreams are you having now?” The Jedi Master asked tentatively. 
“Well there’s this one about a girl and me, but I’m bigger. I think we were working together or something. I didn’t think about it much but then I saw her!”
“In the Temple?” Qui-Gon questioned.
“Yes!” Anakin said excitedly. “She’s a little Togruta girl in the creche. She smiled at me too when Obi-Wan was showing me around.” 
“Then we should give you two a proper introduction, it’s never bad to have more friends here. Perhaps that will also help you understand these dreams better.” Qui-Gon said. Anakin’s face fell a little.
“Well, that’s not the only dream. That’s just the good one.” 
“So there’s a bad one then?” Qui-Gon motioned for Anakin to continue when the boy hesitated. 
The boy spoke slowly, “There’s this man, and I think he knows you, I think the Force is telling me that he knows you. But he’s not very nice, maybe he used to be if he knows you. And then I get this feeling that there are all these kids, who feel like my friends, who are in danger. And there’s a lot of them and I think they’re.. that someone owns them like I was. I think we need to help them or else something bad is going to happen.” 
“Clones?” It had been a long time since Qui-Gon had experienced the pleasure of hearing Mace Windu sound so shocked. He sensed Obi-Wan’s own attempts to hide a smile creeping into his features. It was late in the evening, especially for a meeting of the whole High Council and it seemed that Mace was not the only Master who was a little taken aback. The entire council seemed to bristle after hearing Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan’s report of their most recent mission. Not that Qui-Gon was surprised, it certainly was an insane story and if he had not seen his findings with his own eyes, he might not have believed it either.
“I simply cannot understand why Master Sifo-Dias would have been involved in something like this before he died.” Master Mundi said in his clipped Coruscanti accent.
“Strange it is that go so far as to order the creation of an army Sifo-Dias would. Plagued though he was by his so-called visions of the future.” 
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Anakin’s cry of frustration brought all eyes on the chamber to bear and the boy shrunk back towards his masters. It had been his first official mision with Obi-Wan as Master and Padawan and it had all been carried out because of his dreams. He felt quite a bit of ownership over the whole affair. The boy, perhaps emboldened by a very subtle mental encouragement from Qui-Gon, stepped forward. 
“We should be more concerned about the all the kids! That army is a bunch of babies that they’re gonna force to become soldiers!” 
“Knight Kenobi, perhaps you and your padawan need to have a conversation about respect in these chambers.” This time, Qui-Gon was unable to stop his head from shaking disapprovingly. However, Obi-Wan seemed unmoved.
“But Anakin is right Master Windu. These clones have been bred for combat. The Kaminoians weren’t shy about their process of genetic modifications. These children have been forced to grow at an accellerated rate much father than normal humans and have been-” Obi-Wan had to keep himself from shuddering at the word, “manufactured to be docile and loyal only to the Republic.”
“Yeah, they can’t make any choices.” Anakin added, folding his arms over his chest. “How is that fair?” 
The Council was silent for a long moment and all eyes eventually settled on Grandmaster Yoda who thoughtfully rubbed the top of his walking stick. 
“Up to the Senate, the clone’s fate may be. Ordered for them they were. Master Qui-Gon, Knight Kenobi, advocate for a just fate for them you shall.” 
As it turned out, the Senate was soon preoccupied with multiple attacks across the Core and Mid-Rim Worlds from an unknown source. Though Qui-Gon Jinn suspected the Sith master of the Zabrak who had nearly run him through might have been involved. Exiting a session of the Senate alongside Obi-Wan and Anakin, who had insisted to tag along, Qui-Gon had to marvel at the young man’s spirit. 
“I can’t believe they voted to keep the army! Those clones are kids and they want to use them as soldiers and they don’t even get a say.” 
“The Senate is worried about safety after all these attacks. Sometimes being a Jedi is frustrating Anakin,” Obi-Wan explained. “We serve the Senate and democracy, but that doesn’t mean we always get our way.”
“Obi-Wan is right young one, we should be thankful that the Senate is allowing some of the clones to grow up on Coruscant,” said Qui-Gon. Anakin still looked displeased.
“But they’re only doing that so they can study them. It’s weird and I feel like I’m supposed to help them.” The boy was stubborn, Qui-Gon had to give him that. The trio made their way through the massive Senate building, passing beings of all kinds. The Jedi continued to head towards the exit until they heard a voice call out Master Jinn’s name. 
“Chancellor Palpatine,” Qui-Gon said in greeting. The three Jedi bowed as the man walked over. 
“It is good to see you up and about Master Jinn.” Palpatine said cheerfully. “Knight Kenobi and young Skywalker, a pleasure as always. “I assume the Senate’s decision was not quite what the Jedi had in mind when they brought this matter to our attention.” 
“We are servants of the Republic, Chancellor.” Obi-Wan said. 
“Of course.” Palpatine agreed. He turned to face Anakin directly. “I hope you are adjusting to our lovely planet young one. My home planet owes a great debt to your heroics.”
“Th-thank you Chancellor Sir. I like it here.” 
“Good, good. Well you are always welcome to visit when your studies allow. Master Jinn, I thought I would discuss your request in person, if you have a moment.”
“Request?” Obi-Wan questioned. 
“Yes,” the Chancellor said in a way that seemed to Anakin far less than enthused. “Master Jinn has requested than some of the young clones that come to Coruscant live at the Jedi Temple.” 
“Really, Master?” Anakin asked, his eyes practically bulging out of his head. 
“Yes, I did. The army may have been commissioned for the Republic but it was Jedi Master Sifo-Dias who made the order. The Council members, and I as well, think having a few under Jedi observation may be helpful in their development. I do hope your office has considered our request Chancellor.” 
“That’s so wizard!” Anakin said out of turn, earning him a nudge from Obi-Wan. “Um, I mean, that’s great. Chancellor?”
“Well, I think I agree with Master Jinn’s logic. Moving forward it would be a fine idea to have a contingent of these troops integrated so closely with the Jedi at the Temple .” 
Anakin could barely hold himself back from cheering in excitement. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi had always known his Master was considered something of a maverick Jedi. In his early years as a Padawan, his Qui-Gon’s way of doing things had always seemed strange to him. The young man had always tried to be a model Jedi, follow the rules and such. He’d spend many of his years as initiate learning directly from Master Yoda himself. But then Qui-Gon had come along and messed all of that order and protocol up. 
So Obi-Wan was unsurprised when his Master offered to spend much of his time in the creche caring for the clone children who come to live in the Temple. He practically became a creche Master in all but name, doting on both clone and Jedi younglings alike in a way that felt far too familial for Obi-Wan’s tastes. There were even children who started secretly calling Master Jinn ‘grandfather’ in their various native tongues. And of course Qui-Gon’s presence, as well as that of a particular Torgruta youngling, meant Anakin was almost always somewhere about the creche when he wasn’t in his training classes. It also meant that Obi-Wan spent a similar amount of time searching said creche for his errant Padawan. After a while and a great deal of incidents, Obi-Wan started telling himself to prepare for anything when he got near the creche.   
“Forward younglings!”
“Annie, I don’t think he can walk yet!!” Anakin stopped marginally and turned to face little Ahsoka who was being pulled haphazardly between holding Anakin’s hand and keeping a grip on the ankle of one of the clone younglings. The little blonde looked no worse for wear, save a mildly surprised stare on his face.
“Whoops, sorry Snips.” Anakin moved to pick up the clone and carefully cradle him in one arm before reaching back out for Ahsoka. 
“Why do you call me that?” Ahsoka asked, planting her hands on her hips. 
“Cause you’re snippy.” Anakin said smiling.
“I don’t know what that means Skyguy.” 
It’s then that Obi-Wan decided to interject in the little scene.
“Anakin, you were supposed to meet me for lightsaber training after you left your civics class.” Obi-Wan admonished. The boy’s face sank a little.
“Sorry Master.” His dolorous expressed didn’t last long, however. “It’s just that Ahsoka wanted to come watch us, so I had to come get her. But she said we had to bring Rex.” 
“Mhmm.” Ahsoka said with an assured smile. 
“Rex?” Obi-Wan asked. Anakin held up the clone youngling and the baby looked owlishly up at the young knight. 
“I had another dream with Soka in it and Rex was there too.” Anakin explained.
“But he was bigger ‘en me.” Ahsoka added. 
“Yeah, cause the clones grow double. But he was in my dream so he has to be our friend when we’re all older. Might as well start being friends now.” Anakin explained. Ahsoka nodded definitively, in the way that only a four year old can. Obi-Wan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. 
“Do you have permission to leave the creche little one?” He asked of Ahsoka.
“Mister Jinn says I can always leave if Annie takes me.” Ahsoka explained. Obi-Wan mentally wondered if he should keep a tally of how many times he sighed in one day.
“Come on then… all of you.” 
The sight of the four of them all together brought a smile to Qui-Gon’s face. He turned when he felt a small tug on his robes. 
“Youngling Dume.” Qui-Gon said warmly.
“Master, why are you hiding in the dororway?” Qui-Gon laughed warmly and reached down to pick the boy up.
“Because, young one, it is far more entertaining this way.”
Thanks for reading! I really had fun with this one and also tons of love to @suja-janee for making the art that inspired this.
Send me a prompt for something in this new budding universe and I’ll gladly continue the story. I may end up housing this on my Ao3.  
Also, I love reviews and comments!
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nyodrite · 4 years
another thing i discovered in an old doc, according to the notes it’s also meant to be a @linkeduniverse au but so far it’s just a BOTW/Star Wars crossover
Link’s lekku are moving to answer before he registered that the girl, despite being a Togruta and having lekku of her own, was unlikely to understand the language. Twi’leks were, after all, really the only race capable of utilizing Lekku and very few took the time to learn it. Even he, being Twi’lek, had only learned it because Leifr was of the opinion that everyone should learn at least a bit of their native culture.
It's an uncommon language to know, so he was pleasantly surprised when the Togruta hummed before letting out an 'ah-ha!’ noise. “Tal Freta? Or is that Freetaa? Sorry,” she said, sheepish, “I’m not really good at judging vowels.”
Freetaa. Link waited for the monotonous voice to finish before typing once more, her eyes following both his hand and the voice to the device on his left wrist. The device wore like a wristband, was dark brown in color save for the grey rectangular that both expanded into a small keyboard and held the speaker the voice came from. My name is Tal Freetaa. It's a common mistake, with the vowels, the trick is to watch the tips.
“Ooh. I'll have to pay more attention then!” The noise and promise had him smiling, even without a single feather on her person she reminded him of Tulin. “I'm Ahsoka - Ahsoka Tano.” She went on, “I didn't know Master Yoda was sending anyone else.”
I don't think even Master Yoda was sure he was sending me. Link hesitated before deciding to keep it simple. Until it happened, we were uncertain if the Healers would clear me for active duty in time for me to join you.
“Healers? How'd you get hurt?” Ahsoka asked, eyes wide and it ached a bit to know she was being sent to war when she was so young.
Call me Link. He offered, seeing no issue with using his name since most thought it was a nickname of some form and never really questioned where exactly it originated. I was - there was an ambush. He decided on, seeing the few clones around them without helmets pull grim faces where Ahsoka stared at him with the same wide eyes. She didn't seem to really understand what everything hinted at, even if she couldn't be unaware of the fact that sometimes Padawans were orphaned and assigned to another Master - it wasn't real to her, not yet.
There was an ambush, someone who was believed trustworthy wasn't. He explained, trying not to go into too many details. It was selfish, perhaps, that he didn't want to be the one to force her to face the reality of war even if it would be better if she were prepared. We - mostly - managed to get out but not without injury.
Not without casualties, he didn't say even if it were more truthful.
“Well,” she fumbled a bit before deciding, “I'm glad you're here - even if it's only for a little while.”
I’m sure we'll get along. He said rather then correct her assumption that his Master was still in the Halls. Would like to practice your Lekku while we wait?
Ahsoka's introduction garnered some surprise, evidently Knight Skywalker had been unaware he was getting a Padawan, but it wasn't as much as his own did. Because, apparently, Master Kenobi had also been unaware that he'd be getting a Padawan.
Ahsoka, however, was unaware that he was anything more then an escort. “You didn't say you were Master Kenobi's Padawan! I thought you said your Master was in the Halls!”
Link shook his head, very aware of the attention on him, before his lekku moved. :I did not say that. You assumed it.:
“You said that you two didn't get back without injuries! That means the Halls.” She insisted.
:Not two-: His lekku moved before he remembered how rude it was and switched to typing his responses. I said 'we’ as in I and a group of clones, Master Pardalis was never admitted to the Halls.
“So why aren't you with him now that you're on active duty again?” She asked.
Link stared helplessly at her for a beat before turning to the watching Jedi, tchun curling briefly in a silent :help: before he could stop it.
“It won't be long until those droids get around our cannons, we should prepare while we can.” Master Kenobi says, adding when Knight Skywalker starts off with a comment about the lookout post. “You best take her with you, Anakin.”
“You're an orphaned Padawan,” the Jedi continues when the two leave, kind as he is grim.
Yes. Leifr Pardalis stayed behind in order to cover our retreat when our squad was ambushed. Link explains, figuring he owed the man an explanation. He's officially MIA, he'll be declared KIA in another ten-day.
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luminousxbeings · 4 years
@suchbrokenstars​ liked for a starter from Ahsoka Tano (For Qui-Gon)
Back when Master Yoda had assigned her to be Anakin Skywalker’s padawan, she had  done her research. High on the excitement of finally becoming a padawan learner, she spent what few hours she had left until the ship to Christophsis left trying to learn every single thing about him. Or, rather, everything the Temple Archives had on him… and by extension, his Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and his master before him, Qui-Gon Jinn.
Suffice to say, Skyguy was her favorite out of the three, and while Master Kenobi had endeared himself to her (he wasn’t nearly a stick in the mud as the Archives - or Anakin - painted him to be; rather, quite the opposite!), Master Jinn… well. She hadn’t had much interaction with her Great Great Master what with how the war was progressing, and so her first biased impression of him remained with her: a very old, very strange man who liked meditating and tea and had stepped back from the limelight since his fight with the Sith on Naboo. Some called him unorthodox. Others wondered if he’d gone senile.The Archive had made him sound dreadfully boring either way.
Imagine her disappointment when Skyguy had told her two days ago that she would not be coming with him this time to the Front. Too dangerous, he’d said. No amount of begging had swayed him, despite her insistence that she could take care of herself. So, here she was, sulkily disembarking a shuttle, lightyears away from the Front, handed off to some old coot for babysitting while Skyguy and the 501st got to liberate a planet from the Seppies without her.
It simply wasn’t fair.
Tumblr media
“Hello, Master Jinn,” she said, trying very hard to mask her extreme displeasure at being there. She bowed, because that was the respectful thing to do.
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macabretrees · 6 years
replied to your
Why would Yoda make Obi-Wan kill Anakin? I was...
I will always question his line of thinking when it came to this order. Though I think it came down to Yoda thinking on Obi Wan and him were the only Jedi available at the time considering the chaos. They had two things to do: take care of Sidious and take care of Anakin. It makes me wonder how things could have gone if Yoda insisted that he go for Anakin instead. It just seems…really insensitive.
That could be it, thought I would think that by how adamant Obi-Wan was about not killing Anakin, Yoda would take that as a red flag. I’m always really critical of Yoda, especially during TCW and the prequels, because it seems like his actions usually make things a lot worse in the greater scheme of things. 
I know it’s not intentional and that he was being manipulated too (perhaps the most of the council, because he was the grand master), but still. I also want to know his reasoning behind assigning Ahsoka to Anakin and not Obi-wan, because I always thought that Anakin’s attatchment to her and her eventually leaving drove him to the Dark Side (which was Yoda’s choice). 
He just knows these to men are attatchment prone, lol. And does shit that conflicts with their attatchment. 
I do wonder though if Yoda and Obi-Wan together could have turned Anakin good again, and perhaps they could have all fought Sidious together. 
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redrikki · 7 years
In AotC, the gang is flying in pursuit of Count Dooku when Padme falls out of the gunship. Anakin wants to go back for her, but Obi-Wan insists they press on. First he appeals to the Greater Good (the war will continue unless we catch him), then their relationship (I need you), before threatening to expel him from the Order. When that still doesn’t work, Obi-Wan asks what Padme would do and that does the trick.
As we’ve seen in the Clone Wars, expelling someone from the Order is a big deal. It takes a lot for the Council to make that decision when they have a number of other punishment options including official scolding, unpleasant duties, and imprisonment. Anakin disobeys orders for personal reasons throughout the war (sometimes flubbing missions as a result), but never receives more than a formal reprimand. Ahsoka is accused of killing her fellow Jedi, but is only expelled because of outside pressure. Expelled members have no home, no food, and no money, moreover the Jedi consider the Order their family. Obi-Wan is threatening to kick Anakin out of his family for wanting to go back for the Senator he’s been assigned to protect, instead of pursuing the fleeing bad guy. Would the Council really have kicked him out for that? They don’t kick Yoda out when he saves Obi-Wan and Anakin later instead of going after Dooku, but that’s Yoda. Still, it seems unlikely that the Council would have followed through on the threat when they need all the Jedi they can get for their shiny new war.
Given the givens, Obi-Wan’s threat is pretty extreme and he obviously expects it to work because Anakin has been afraid of being kicked out of the Order since they first rejected him. Low blow, man, low blow. But has it worked before? Is this the first time Obi-Wan has threatened that, or has he used it to gain compliance when appeals to duty or their personal relationship have failed before?
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lurkingcrow · 7 years
An excuse to give a certain Jedi all the hugs
Ok, this is entirely @forcearama 's fault - her recaps not only got me into TCW, but gave me all sorts of Kenobi feels. I’m not completely happy with this, but It's been hanging around on my drive unfinished for long enough, so here, have a silly Mortis AU created purely to ensure Obi-Wan gets a well deserved hug. Outside the thunder roars, a cacophony of light and noise as the planet tears itself apart in an orgy of chaos and destruction. Inside the cave however it is quiet, the silence only broken by the  crackling of the fire and occasional rustle of clothing as Ahsoka shifts in her sleep. Obi-Wan should be sleeping too. Who knows what new impossibility Mortis will throw at them in the morning?  But rest eludes him. The visions have left him unsettled, his mind turning itself over and over in an attempt to make sense of it all. Ahsoka had refused to speak of what she had seen, but if it was anything like his own experience... ( "you must realise with his power this is a very dangerous place to be" says a ghost ) 
He wishes he could convince himself that it was just a dream - nothing more than his worry for Anakin and his subconscious desire see Qui-Gon again manifesting itself in an unusually vivid manner, but Obi-Wan is a realist. Their strange arrival. The disappearance of the shuttle and the constantly changing seasons. The way the Force permeates the very air... If there was anywhere in the universe that a ghost could make its presence felt it would be here, where reality itself seems to twist and bend ("this planet is both an amplifier and a magnet" but of what? )   His Master had urged caution and Obi-Wan is no fool. Experience taught him long ago that when Qui-Gon Jinn warns of danger it will surely follow (he suppresses the old ache inside his chest. now is not the time for grief). And there is good reason to be wary.  Regardless of their motivations, the focus of these unknown force users upon Anakin and his destiny as the Chosen One is disturbing. There is danger here, far beyond the physical and Obi-Wan is worried. Anakin is as brilliant as a thousand suns, and just as volatile. He is proud, oh so proud of the man his student has become, but the strain of attachment that Master Yoda warned him of so many years ago runs strong through them both. Perhaps Qui-Gon should never have entrusted the boy to him. He knows himself, he knows what he would do to keep his former Padawan (brother, partner, two halves of one whole) safe and well. With all his power and passion what lengths might Anakin go to to protect those he considers his own? (he buries the guilt, the knowledge of his own inadequacy. now is not the time for regret.) But they are a team. (the team, hope of the republic and why does the honour feel more like a chain?) Where one may falter the other will be there to catch them.  As soon as the tempest eases he will wake Ahsoka and they will set out to collect their missing member and get off this planet before disaster ensues.  (he eases away the certainty that it is already too late, that he has already begun to lose Anakin to forces outside his control. now is not the time for doubt.) The sharp noise of rock clattering across crystal interrupts his thoughts, and in a split second he is on his feet, lightsaber at the ready. A quick glance shows Ahsoka still asleep - somehow Obi-Wan doubts she will wake. Whatever knowledge the Force wishes to impart would seem to be private. His eyes scan across the cavern, alighting on the rear wall where a humanoid shape is slowly emerging from the shadows. Unlike his last visitor, the figure does not glow with ghostly light.  Indeed the stranger appears distinctly mundane. A dusty cloak shrouds a form that looks to be human standard, slighter and smaller perhaps than he is used to, but nothing out of the ordinary.  Their features are hidden in the deep folds of the hood, but Obi-Wan cannot sense any animosity.  In fact unless he is very much mistaken the figure appears to be radiating a distinct sense of confusion.  (he wouldn't be the only one…) It doesn't appear that he has been noticed yet. Given the apparently non-hostile nature of his visitor, Obi-Wan shifts his blade to a less threatening position and opens with a friendly greeting. "Hello there!" Confusion turns to shock as the figure spins to face him. The movement reveals dark clothing and a  gloved hand reaching for the lightsaber clipped to a well worn belt. For a moment there is silence as they assess one another. Neither party moves. Pulling out his best Negotiator voice, the one he uses to charm reluctant senators and skittish royals, Obi-Wan addresses the stranger again. "Come my friend, no need to be shy!" He smiles winningly, one eyebrow raised. He steps back, switching off his saber and  gesturing to the flames in front of him. "This is a strange and troubling place, but you are most welcome to share our fire." Obi-Wan has experienced a wide variety of reactions to his particular brand of diplomacy, over the years; friendly delight, irritated disdain, polite interest, occasionally breathless swooning - Anakin always looks so smug when that happens. But the sense of joy and recognition mixed with a faint hint of nauseated horror is completely unexpected. And somewhat startling. Whoever this is they are strong in the force. Obi-Wan had not been probing and yet he could feel their presence, bright and warm like the midday sun, reaching out as if to embrace him. As if that thought had made itself known the stranger's shields abruptly slam down with a faint air of apology. Having ascertained that his new friend seemed to mean him no harm Obi-Wan felt it time to begin the introductions - he could hardly keep calling him "Stranger" after all, it would be most rude. "I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, currently on assignment to investigate the source of a distress signal emanating from this planet. You appear to recognise me, but I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. I am certain we have not met before." Another smile, a little more genuine this time. "Your force presence is rather distinctive." Gloved hands reach up to remove the heavy hood, revealing the face a young man with strangely familiar features. He is smiling broadly, blue eyes shining with sincerity as he opens his mouth to speak but nothing emerges. Blond brows furrow in confusion as he tries again, only to fall silent once more. With barely a whisper of effort Obi-Wan feels him call on the force for guidance (how easily it responds! powerful indeed, though his technique lacks somewhat in finesse, much like another young man he knows) before looking somewhat resigned. "My name is Luke. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to tell you more than that." He says with a sheepish grin. His accent is pure Rim, unusual for a Jedi - even Anakin had adopted something closer to the smooth tones of Coruscant. On the other hand he hardly knew every member of the order, and given the course of the war it was completely possible for a Jedi to have spent very little time at the temple. Still, Obi-Wan was beginning to get a very bad feeling about this. 
"I can say this is not at all what I was expecting though" the stranger, no, Luke, continues as he moves closer, eyes taking in his surroundings in a series of rapid glances but always returning to Obi-Wan's face. "Oh? What were you expecting, if you don't mind me asking." Obi-Wan asks, gesturing again for him to join him by the fire, hiding his growing unease beneath the veneer of politeness. The apparent interference from the force is alarming, just like everything else on this planet, but it would not do to let his worry show. ( the force tells him there is no danger but all his well honed instincts are screaming; whatever comes he will not leave this cavern the same as he entered) Luke's bright smile turns a little secretive as he nears, and his eyes twinkle with suppressed mirth as he looks up to meet Obi-Wan's eyes. "A conversation with someone a bit bluer more transparent than you seem to be." (more ghosts. oh that did not bode well.) "The sudden change in scenery and the fact that I can't feel my companions is also kind of a surprise." The young man adds somewhat wryly. "I don't know exactly where I am now, but I know it's nowhere near where I was a moment ago." There it is. More impossibilities. Obi-Wan hates being right. "I fear it seems to be something of a trend on this planet" he sighs. "Along with ghostly conversations. While I cannot give you answers as to why you are here, if you are still here in the morning I will see what we can do to get you back where you belong. Provided of course you are not a force apparition or some kind of Sith trickery" he mutters. "Which knowing my luck is a distinct possibility." Luke lets out a rather indelicate snort of laughter before reaching for his lightsaber, clearly telegraphing his every move. The blade lights up a bright emerald green, and the young man grins. "Not a Sith." For all their levity the words carry an unspoken weight, a sense of conviction that only comes in the wake of personal struggle and Obi-Wan shifts his assessment of the young knight, for that is what he must be, up several notches​. The war has exposed many Jedi to the effects of the dark side first hand, but few are willing to face their own potential for darkness and risk doubt eroding the foundations of their will.  (a flash of red, a cry of pain, rising anger and it would be so easy to let it consume him, so easy to give in to the rage and betray his master in the worst of ways. but he can never truly forsake those he loves, and the dark retreats). A warm hand around his wrist brings him back to the here and now. "Not an apparition either." Luke says and Obi-Wan can feel the solidity of his presence, the steady thrum of his heartbeat. Luke cocks his head to the side and adds "At least not totally, the Force is rather insistent I be here though. Maybe I..." Again his mouth moves as if to continue the thought only to by stymied by the Force itself, and the younger man lets out a frustrated huff.
Obi-Wan sighs and rubs a hand through his beard. “And of course you can't tell me more. Wonderful. I suppose I should be grateful you don't speak only in cryptic statements that won't become clear until well after the advice would have been useful.”
Luke gives him an undecipherable look. (the fact that it is remarkably reminiscent of anakin’s “ i cannot believe the bantha shit that comes out of your mouth sometimes master” look is neither here nor there) “I could try if you want? I’ve never been particularly good at that sort of thing but my Master was an expert.” He pauses. “Actually, they both did their best to confuse me. One was just more blunt about it”
It startles a laugh out of Obi-Wan, despite the unwelcome reminder that the war orphaned more than a few Padawans nearing knighthood (could he have accepted another master had he not been knighted? or would he have taken anakin and left? he doesn't know and it scares him). “No, no I don't think that will be necessary. Though should you feel the need to live up to your legacy I warn you that I was taught by the best - Master Qui-Gon could turn a prediction about the weather into ominous portent of doom when he wanted to. It amused him far too much...”
He tries to keep his tone light hearted but something in his voice must give away his inner turmoil, as Luke watches him with sympathetic interest.
“It sounds like you still miss him.” There is a note of pain underlying the statement and Obi-Wan could kick himself - he hadn't meant to bring back the other man’s trauma on top of his own. As a councilor technically he should give the standard response about there being no death, only the Force ( and it appears that his master has gone out of his way to demonstrate as much...if only it had been a happier meeting), but given his own experiences as young knight he feels more practical tone will not go astray.
“I do. And I always will.  There is no shame in mourning those who are gone, but we must remember that the best way to honour their memory is to continue on in a way the would make them proud.” He places a hand on the other man's shoulder, squeezing reassuringly. "I may not know your full story, but from what I see I can only imagine that your Master would be very proud of what you have become.”
There is silence, and Obi-Wan courteously turns away to give Luke a chance to compose himself (he ignores his own emotions, still raw from recollection. his new friend deserves support, not further grief). He hears Luke take a deep breath, and when he next speaks his voice is thoughtful, with only a slight waver betraying his prior emotions. 
"You know, I think I figured out why the force sent me here."
"Oh? Do tell." Obi-wan keeps his voice soft, a polite enquiry with just a hint of amusement. Perhaps he hasn't managed to entirely kriff up this situation after all.
"I... Be.. Master Kenobi, will you trust me?"
Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow, ready to make a flippant comment about the wisdom of trusting randomly appearing Jedi knights with mysterious force bindings but stops. There is something deeply serious about Luke's demeanor; an unwavering sense of importance to his question. Does he trust him? He has given him no reason not to, but can Obi-Wan trust anything in this uncanny place? The Force seems to think so, and a Jedi must follow the will of the Force.
He nods. Immediately he is engulfed. His shields are buffeted by overwhelming waves of joy and affection as strong arms wrap tightly around his torso. It is like being surrounded by an ocean, powerful  and deep. It is like lying in the middle of a sunlit field, bathed in warmth and light as clouds move lazily overhead. It is like standing beside his master in the wake of a successful mission,like laughing with his padawan as they show off their lightsaber skills in a friendly spar, like sitting in the mess watching his Grand-Padawan bicker with the men over the latest holonews. Luke embraces him, mind and body and for a moment there is no war, no doubt, only peace.
He doesn't know how long he basks in the feeling but eventually he notices the soft muttering coming from the vicinity of his neck. Gently he pulls away slightly - not enough to dislodge the other, but enough that he is no longer wedged tightly beneath his chin. “Pardon?”
Luke's head remains bowed, but his voice, though barely a whisper is sincere and accompanies  yet another outpouring of emotion.
“Thank you. Thank you, for everything you've done. For me. For everyone. Thank you.”
Somehow he knows he means every word. But it makes no sense.He does not know Luke,has never met him for all that he feels like an old friend. And yet the Force is clear. Luke cares for him, misses him, is undeniably attached to him and Obi-Wan honestly has no idea how to respond. “I… But...I haven't done anything?”
Luke looks up, cheeks glistening​ with​ tears, but his smile is gentle and his eyes are full of love. “Not yet. But you will... Master.”
Oh. Oh! The Force sings with the truth even as his brain struggles to deny it.  Time and space mean nothing here, and the final proof of this is slowly lowering them both to the ground as Obi-Wan grapples with the revelation. He would be mortified at his reaction but he is too busy dealing with the implications. Time travel. Not just visions but actual time travel. Why would the Force allow this? Does it have to do with him being dead in his (former? future? what is the correct tense for temporal displacement?) student’s time? Why bring him here?
The lightsaber should have been a giveaway, its lines clearly reminiscent of the one tucked into his own belt. Luke lacks Anakin's bulk, and Obi-Wan thinks it must have been pleasant not to have his Padawan towering over him all the time. It seems the dark clothing will remain a constant, though the lack of grease stains and burn marks on Luke's jacket is a nice change. Something about the young knight's face makes his brain itch, but he puts it aside. He’d often thought about taking another Padawan, but between the war and his own doubts he was content with overseeing Anakin and Ahsoka’s partnership. Now he marvels at a future where he is responsible for yet another powerful Jedi with attachment issues and a heart of gold. He can think of far worse legacies. And on that note...
He arches one eyebrow. “An expert at cryptic statements hmm?”
Luke does his best to look contrite. He fails. “From a certain point of view.”
“Oh I definitely taught you that one!” Obi-Wan admits with a rueful grin “I do hope you gave me an easier time of it than your predecessor, I have enough grey hairs as it is.”
Luke laughs helplessly. “I doubt it. You left me your diaries. I had no idea you knew about the incident with the water smugglers. Or the bar f-ghk...” He shakes his head to rethink his words. “But you somehow managed to keep me alive and out of captivity long enough for me to reach adulthood. There was so much you did, so much you gave, and you never said...”
And didn't that sound familiar. Well, at least he knows the future doesn't change him too much. He reaches out and pulls the younger man into his shoulder.
“And I’m sure my older self felt it never needed to be said. Are you happy?”
“What? I mean, I suppose? Things aren't perfect, but my a friends and I, we're working on it. There's a lot to be done, but we can do it.”
“Then whatever he did, I know I would have considered it well worth it.”
For a long moment they sit together in silent contentment. But the night will not last forever, and Obi-Wan needs to be prepared to face the morning.
“ I’m overjoyed to have met you, but I doubt the Force brought you here solely for the purpose of reassuring your old Master that his days of chasing after over-energetic Padawans are not yet done. ”
“No” Luke's expression is serene, without a hint of uncertainty. “ I think that's exactly what the Force intended. Sometimes a single light is all you need to hold back the dark, and without giving anything away, it’s likely things are going to be pretty dark for you in the near future.”
It’s an ominous thought, but between this planet and the war in general Obi-Wan can believe it. Still, it's a bit ridiculous - he could understand if it were Anakin, the Force does tend to favour its Chosen One, but him? He shakes his head in denial, only to be interrupted.
“No, listen Be- Obi-Wan. You are more important than you think. Without you…” Luke's voice stops and starts, the Force intervening as he speaks, but he is intent on passing on his message. “ Without you so many things will be so much worse. I…  Even without me, even right now you have people who need you, who love you, who would miss you. You… If you fall we all fall. Trust me. ”
Luke is earnest, and a horrible feeling settles in his gut as he thinks it through. Anakin, Anakin alone would be enough- hadn't he just thought as much? To lose him would be devastate his former Padawan, with his emotional nature it would not take much more to push him to breaking point. And given the power at his disposal…
His thoughts must show, because Luke nods.
“Attachments go both ways, and I’ve had them used against me. But there is strength there too. Don't underestimate the power in knowing you are loved.” He looks thoughtful. “Which is the point I think. You need to remember that.” A wave of strong affection reinforces his words.
Obi-Wan cannot find it in himself to argue any more. Luke, he muses, will fit right in with the rest of his line. He can already imagine the headaches he will cause among the more orthodox Jedi, it is after all very difficult to rebut a man whose entire debate style seems to be based on unabashed sincerity. (he thinks his master would be proud.he knows he is).  
“ I will. I promise.” He mock glares at Luke. “Even if it means another couple of decades of students past and present  making a nuisance of themselves fretting over my general well being.”
Said nuisance snickers, the expression so familiar. Unrepentant blue eyes look into his own.
“Sorry, I’m told it's genetic.”
The last few things click into place and of course. Of course. It seems his fate is to be forever entwined with that of ridiculous, overdramatic Skywalkers. He takes a deep breath.  He should be angry, outraged in the face of proof that Anakin will leave the Jedi, leave him and all his teachings behind (and now he looks he can see the hint of padmé in luke's cheekbones, the echo of her lips in his smile) but all Obi-Wan can feel is an overwhelming sense of joy. Here is Anakin's child, full grown and strong and so firmly planted in the light. Here stands a knight, tested and true and no doubt recklessly running of to save the galaxy now and then. Here is a future full of hope, in the middle of a present filled with darkness. How can he not rejoice in the gift he has been given?
He places a hand either side of Luke’s face (nephew, student, family. he will not be left alone again.) taking in his features, reaching out to memorise his signature in the Force. He will not waste this opportunity.
“I know you can't tell me anything, as much as I know you want to. But Luke? I am dearly looking forward to meeting you, and to watching you grow.” The part of him that struggles with expressing emotion would leave it there, but if this is his only chance… He clears his throat.  “I doubt you will ever lack for love, not knowing your parents, but just in case, you should know that you most certainly have mine.”
There is something infinitely sad about Luke’s smile.
“Somehow, I think I always knew.”
Obi-Wan doesn't stop to think, he simply pulls his Padawan (nephew, family, hope) back into his arms. Luke takes the opportunity to rearrange things so they are comfortably resting against one another. “Come on.” The young man says softly. “You need to sleep. I’ll bet anything there's a Skywalker in need of rescuing come morning.”
Obi-Wan snorts. “There’ll be more than one if you’re still here. I haven't a clue about the correct protocol in case of time travelling but I know Anakin will find a way to make thing worse.”
The body wrapped around his own shakes with silent laughter, and as he shuts his eyes Obi-Wan cannot help but wonder if he is the only getting a much needed glimpse of the future tonight. ************* In a tower surrounded by lightning Anakin Skywalker cannot sleep. It might be because of the Father's refusal to speak clearly, or the distressing use of his mother's visage by the Son, but most likely it is due to his latest acquaintance.
Anakin glares at the apparition. The apparition glares back. "Look, I don't know what your problem is, but if you don't mind I've already had one unwelcome visitor tonight and I would like to get some sleep."
The dark haired woman continues to glare, opening her mouth as if to yell, only for the words to  again be strangled by some unknown force. She snarls, and Anakin is impressed by the sheer amount of outrage contained by that tiny frame.
“I don't know you lady, but whatever is making you angrier than a gundark with mange? Is not my fault.”
Her laughter is borders on the hysterical and her voice stops with sarcasm.
“Of course not! Why should it be? Just because everything else that’s ever gone wrong in my life is!”
Anakin groans. Somehow he doesn't think he’ll be getting much sleep tonight. *********
Obi-Wan is alone when he wakes. A quick prod with the Force tells him Ahsoka is just outside the mouth of the cave, most likely checking that they can safely leave.
 Of his visitor there is no sign, and he would dismiss it as dream but for the dusty cloak, slightly too short in the hem, that has been carefully tucked around his shoulders.
 He smiles, feeling more hopeful than he can remember being since before the war began. Time to go gather his family and get off this rock. Prophecy can go hang, they have a war to win future to forge. Together.
**************** Aaaand that's where the rest of the Mortis arc happens and they leave with no memories and only the vague feelings, except I have decided that the force fucked up and both our generals ended up with a ghostly spectator for the remainder of the clone wars, providing emotional support and advice. Well, Luke does anyway. Leia tends to spend a lot more time screaming at Anakin about his bad ideas, before they start to bond over Padmé's being awesome and their concerns over reckless self sacrificing idiots. Someday I'll get around to writing it.😊
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obikinbigbang · 8 years
(I’m so sorry these are late.) Artists take a peek at these summaries and have in mind which you would like to work with. Please remember that if you are under 18, you will be paired with a SFW fic. I don’t know which ones fully are which, but there are some clearly NSFW ones, so don’t cling to those. It’s not gonna happen. (I don’t mean to be mean, but this is just how it is.) Anyways, love the ideas folks! 
These are the ones that were submitted. Still need to submit a summary, or would like to post an updated/longer version? 
Please do so here! 
Also if you know there will be NSFW, please let me know, so we can help plan ahead of time. 
★ by @anibun-skywalker [NSFW]
Anakin was a freshman at Coruscant Republic University with a full ride basketball scholarship. His skills had been rumored to have been the best in the area, but of course, only by high school standards. Anakin quickly discovered that the head coach, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was the most attractive man he had ever seen in his life. He only intended his coach to remain just that; his coach. Too bad that didn’t work out like he planned.
★ by @prideandprejudiceandkittens [NSFW]
Anakin and Obi-Wan crash-land on the Planet of the Living Force. And, Anakin being Anakin, finds a glowing cave and walks straight into it. When he comes out, he's not alone. A creature of pure Force-dust and soul, his daemon, walks beside him, powerful enough to manifest daemons in those around her. Now back at the Jedi temple, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, and even Mace and Yoda find their lives destabilized by the presence of their soul, palpable and alive, next to them. (To artists: daemons are animals, an idea taken from His Dark Materials.
★ by @darthvders [NSFW]
So my fic is a professor!Obi-Wan and TA/GA!Anakin au where Anakin has just leaving an abusive relationship with the help of Padmé. Obi-Wan is a Philosophy/Ethics professor and Anakin is his GA /TA who is in graduate school to get his masters in both philosophy and psychology (he's a double major). Obi-Wan doesn't feel like he's ready to take on a GA/TA and comes off as standoffish which leads Anakin to think he hates him. It's a slow burn friends to lovers with Anakin going to therapy and realizing that yes he does deserve to be happy. The abusive relationship is more implied and is only in the first chapter, with the occasional flashbacks. This fic will be nsfw but the nsfw will only be between Anakin and Obi-Wan.
★ by @blumyosotis [SFW~]
Ben was born in a distant Moon where the inhabitants worship and are descended from the Starbird, a great flaming bird that is the personification of the Force. He was sent to the Jedi when he was young and apprenticed under Yoda. Years later, in a mission with Qui-gon Jinn to save the Naboo Queen, they emergency land in the planet Tatooine and there he meets a young boy called Anakin who holds the galaxy in his eyes... and apparently can see his wings. He brings(in a manner of speaking) the child back with him to the Temple. Anakin chooses to become a Jedi to help people and becomes an unofficial padawan of Ben. When he is older, the two goes on missions to help a torn kingdom, rescue royalties, topple a dicatorship, and help incite a slave rebellion. Anakin totally loves his master.
★ by @ninadown [NSFW]
Just smut, and lots of it. #Master kink #daddy kink Obi Wan, Anakin and Padme live in New York in a poly relationship. Obi Wan comes from money and can be a bit arrogant at times. He is a New York Times reader and he also works as a negotiator for the UN, and as such, is a Very Important Person. He has the ear of the president on occasion. Anakin is a bit flighty, and is a very high in demand male model. Not that this has gone to his head…When he’s not obsessing about working out, he’s obsessing about his Master. He has somewhat of a rivalry with Padme when it comes to his Master’s attentions. Padme is a hard working chef at a posh restaurant. She is very competitive and sometimes her work tends to occupy all her time. In fact, she may be a bit of a workaholic. Until she gets distracted by the boys…. Padme loves when her daddy spoils her with attention, it really takes her mind of her stressful job. She may have a competition with Anakin, but at the end of the day when Obi Wan isn’t home they definitely know how to distract each other….
★ by @cuddlykoalas​ [NSFW]
Anakin gets taken in by Sidious when he's still a boy on Tatooine. As a young Sith Lord trying to survive in a galaxy quickly descending into war, he meets Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight, tea provider and all around mother hen. That's not exactly improving his life expectancy, though.
★ by @grayjedii [NSFW]
Recently knighted Anakin Skywalker is assigned a simple transport mission at the Council’s insistence. Upon arriving on Dantooine, Anakin discovers that his “cargo” is a dangerous prisoner whom he must escort to Coruscant where the man will be safely contained in the Jedi Detention Center. However, not all goes as planned, and as Anakin finds out, not everything is quite as it seems concerning the prisoner. Additionally, fresh in the young Jedi’s mind is the death of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn. As he attempts to come to terms with the loss, Anakin is drawn into doubting his past, his beliefs, and the Order itself. Complicating things further, Anakin is unable to resist his fascination with the prisoner, Obi-Wan, and develops a strange attachment to him. It should be unsettling—the extent to which Anakin connects with this man—instead, Anakin finds it all too natural, like stoking a fire that had always been there, lingering between them in long-forgotten dimness. Whispers of the Sith’s return do nothing to quell the situation, and somehow, Anakin finds himself falling not to the darkness, but for Obi-Wan.
★ by @ice-mint​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
Anakin lives a boring life in his mother's farm near the dessert Town of Tatooine and works in a minumun wage job. All of that is going to change when he witneses an ongoing mission and picks up the dashing J.E.D.I knight Obi Wan Kenobi. In a world in the verge of war Anakin Skywalker may have what it takes to become part of a shady organisation and stop a tyrant from gaining ultimate power. (I dont know yet if there will be smut, but count on lewd jokes and make out sessions,)
★ by @selcier​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
Anakin decides that in order fulfill his prophecy of the Chosen One, he needs to take up the Father’s demand to stay on Mortis. Anakin believes that this will enable the War to end quickly. Obi-wan supports his decision with the caveat that he be allowed communication with Anakin. He is proud of Anakin for putting aside his worldly wants in order to follow the guidance of the Force. However, over the course of Anakin’s stay on Mortis, he begins to lose less and less of himself while become immersed the Force. He lacks initiative and is distant from the events in the rest of the galaxy. Obi-wan finds this change disturbing and eventually realizes his attachment to Anakin after the parts of his personality are lost to lethargy. Also, Anakin’s actions do not seem to affecting the War in the Republic’s favor. More and more systems are falling under Separatist control, the Senate bogged down in committees and inaction and the Jedi are decreasing in numbers. On a mission to Onderon with Ahsoka (whose training Obi-wan has taken over), Obi-wan feels the lack of motion in the War and chooses to aid the rebel group in guerrilla tactics. His methods are beyond the scope of self-defense and the Council deems them Terroristic in nature. He is ordered to return to Coruscant. Instead, Obi-wan finishes his task and decides to liberate Anakin from Mortis. Anakin wakes up in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to find that he has missed two years of the War. He is frustrated that his actions were in vain and angry at the Force for its deception. He finds out that Obi-wan has been Court Martialed for his actions and is being held in a GAR military prison. Eventually, they have words about their goals and expectations while Obi-wan is awaiting trial. (This story will probably play out in a nonlinear fashion with hints to past Obikin interactions. Clearly there’s no ending yet!) 
★ by @stopaskingme​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
[AU] Obi-Wan is a hermit, herding shaak on the grassy dunes of Osten, Stewjon. He had no intention of attending the Skywalker clan's annual gathering of Force-users. Until the Prime Minister of Stewjon came begging at his door.
★ by @thishereanakinguy [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
Post-ROTS AU. Anakin makes the right decision in Palpatine's office, but ends up suffering the consequences. Effects of the Force Lightning has damaged his health, and Padme has still died, the twins with her. In mourning, Anakin struggles to piece his life back together. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan is tasked by the Council to keep an eye on their Chosen One: he made the right choice once, but could they trust him to do it again? Could they trust him not to cause himself harm? Short answer is no. Long answer is Obi-Wan and Anakin dance around each other and their feelings until they can't anymore.
★ by @askgrelf​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
In the wake of his premature death, Anakin is left trapped in the physical realm as a Ghost. Confused and troubled, with pieces of his past left unfixed and broken, he struggles to come to terms with what was his reality as truths, lies and corruption are revealed in a twisted puzzle between the Jedi and Sith. All the while watching helpless as Obi-Wan begins to succumb to the fate that should have been his. All while slowly fading away out of existence - and the Force - eternally as he and his master both remain lost afoot. (Heavy angst, inspired by the song "Dear Agony").
★ by @imaginaryanon​ [SFW~]
Modern day London; Anakin Skywalker, a young man who's accidentaly always in trouble with the law, is in bigger trouble than usual. He's about to get his ass locked up when a fancy, suit-wearing stranger arranges for him to be discharged. The stranger introduces himself as Obi-Wan Kenobi and leaves Anakin with more questions than answers as well as an address of a tailor shop in Savile Row. But not before he takes Anakin for a drink at a local pub and, after they're rudely interrupted, proceeds to beat up four grown men into unconsciousness without so much as breaking a sweat. "Well fuck me," Anakin whispers in shocked awe. "At least buy me dinner first," Obi-Wan replies, grinning. [basically a Kingsman AU but, like, even gayer]
★ by @musicandfandomtrash​ [SFW]
Anakin goes missing in the outer rim and it's up to Obi-Wan to find him. But after almost a year of searching, he's beginning to lose hope. With Satine dead and Ahsoka gone, he's isolated and lonely. He never had the chance to tell Anakin what he truly meant to him. And now he's afraid he never will. When Obi-Wan is sent a planet in the outer rim, he meets a very young girl who may have the information he's been so desperately searching for. Will this be what leads Obi-Wan to his love? Or will this supposed lead turn into a trap?
★ by @skywalkerssassyginger​ [NSFW BY DEFAULT]
As far as he knew, Obi-Wan hadn't signed up to be the exclusive, pioneering member of the Anakin Skywalking Disaster clean-up crew. However, when Padme Amidala shows up on his doorstep, neck bruised and heavily pregnant, of course he couldn't turn her away. Anakin's gotten involved in the Sith. You'd be a fool not to know the name of the gang, or speak of it in anything higher than a whisper. Of course Anakin had been getting into nothing but trouble since they had last spoken, just short of a year ago. Soon after, Padme dies in childbirth. Her eyes drift away with a pen in hand, Luke and Leia Kenobi drawn out in soft cursive. 
★ by @autisticanakin [NSFW]
Anakin Skywalker is a cloaked force-sensitive working in the Senate as the new Coruscant representative under Palpatine's guidance. Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Senator shortly returned from a leave of absence, can't stand him, with Senator Skywalker's reputation being that of a morally grey, pleasure seeking, bribe taking scoundrel. When the threat of the Sith becomes evident in the galaxy, Senator Kenobi sets to researching. He soon finds himself put on senatorial assignments with Anakin Skywalker.
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strawberryinoue · 8 years
Anakin Skywalker + Darth Vader | Character analysis
Anakin Skywalker was born into slavery on a desert planet. He has no father, only a mother. While this isn't explained throughly within the films it's widely believed in the more hardcore fandom that Anakin's father is the force itself. In Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine aka Darth Sidious tells Anakin his master Darth Plagueis could influence the Midichlorians to create life. I've never dug too deep into expanded universe content but I'm aware that his experiments failed. The living force rebelled against the Sith and thus the chosen one was born. It's Anakin's destiny to destroy the Sith and bring balance back to the force. He's discovered by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn as a by product of Palpatine's plan to promote himself to Chancellor. In The Phantom Menace he's characterized as a gifted child like hero. He's competent with technology enough to build his own pod racer and multi-language protocol droid; more importantly being much more gifted with the force than any Jedi or Sith alive. Qui-Gon senses the hidden potential within him and his mother confirms that he's always had special powers. Had he not won the pod race tournament then Qui-Gon and company would have been stranded on Tatooine longer than they could afford. If Anakin didn't fly up to space and take out the droid control center then the Gungan army would have fallen. Many complain about the fact he flew up into space on accident and accomplished what older more experienced pilots couldn't. That's the point. In the original trilogy Obi-Wan said he was the best Star Fighter pilot of his time. Another piece of characterization he gets in this film revolves around his fear of loss being a weakness. The Jedi don't want to train him because they can sense the fear within him. Which stems from separation with his mother. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. This is the philosophy of the Jedi. His future can't be predicted and the Jedi council doesn't like that. Without Qui-Gon's insistence on the training of the chosen one being mandatory then Anakin wouldn't have became a Jedi. Anakin also meets Padme during all of this, developing interest as a young boy. These two things are important for the sparks that will lead to an immense fire.  Moving on to Attack of the Clones. Many argue the prequels should have just started here and that TPM had no point. In addition to what I've explained already I'll add that without TPM his overall character development is weakened by not seeing his child behavior in comparison to his adult behavior. Though I will admit that I think TPM and AOTC could have been 1 film. In AOTC he's classified as whiny and a failure. All of this is a huge misunderstanding. As the chosen one Anakin's skills develop significantly faster than other Jedi or Sith. Obi-Wan comments that Anakin's senses aren't attuned enough to keep track of Padme. This is proven wrong when Anakin senses the threat to her just as fast, if not faster than Obi-Wan. Then we have the Dooku duel. Anakin may have held the L here but he really did better than Obi-Wan against Dooku. Mind you Dooku was keeping up with Yoda for a period of time. What's my excuse for allowing himself and Padme to get captured like Obi-Wan? I've somewhat answered already. The Jedi aren't invincible, Anakin and Padme didn't plan on getting into a fight when entering that factory. They got separated and thrown into an unorthodox situation. My point here is that the reason Anakin has become arrogant and hasty is because he actually IS fairly powerful. He's ready to move on from being beneath Obi-Wan. Not just in name, a Padawan literally has to go where or do whatever is requested of their master. During this film he loses his mother in which case he breaks the Jedi code by viciously striking down her murders. Including women and children of said species. Believing he should have been able to recuse her increases his fear of loss. As well as his lust for power. All of these aspects compliment someone who's meant to end up on a dark path. That's furthered when he tells Padme he thinks a dictatorship would be fine if someone suitable was in power.  Now we're at Revenge of the Sith. It's been a few years and Anakin has been promoted to a Jedi Knight. Noticeably on better terms with Obi-Wan and is more humble. Anakin was the one who bested Dooku while Obi-Wan was rag dolled by his force abilities. Anakin expresses it's because of his master's training. This seems to fly over most people's heads since the majority of the film is Anakin's transformation to Darth Vader. Immediately after this is when Anakin starts dreaming of his wife Padme's death. After that is when suspicions about Palpatine arise. Palpatine proceeds to request Anakin becomes his personal representative on the Jedi council. The council is taken aback by this and only approves Anakin's promotion in hopes of using him to spy on Palpatine. Though they make the error of not also promoting Anakin to a Jedi Master. Something that hasn't been done in the history of the Jedi. This is another instance of Anakin being labeled as whiny but if you ask me it's a legit reaction. That's pretty much the highest form of insult possible. You might say Anakin's reaction is exactly why they didn't want to make him a master. Yes by their standards Anakin couldn't qualify as a master and I don't think he ever would. But that's not a bad thing, quite the opposite. The council is not the end all be all. Even Qui-Gon was known to have issues with the council and he followed the living force to the core. Allowing him to maintain his consciousness after death. Later teaching Yoda and Obi-Wan. Quite frankly the council have a questionable way of thinking. Anakin often conflicts with this because his humanity is stronger for better or worse. Look at what happened when Anakin came to Yoda for advice about his visions.  Yoda: "Rejoice for those around us who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not. Miss them, do not. Attachment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed, that is." Anakin: "What must I do, Master Yoda?" Yoda: "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."  That answer does not fit the context of the situation; a completely robotic response. If you can prevent the death of someone you love then that's what you should do. The Jedi think running away from your emotions is the answer. Everything Anakin did was the will of the force. This is supported by the 2008 Clone Wars animated series. When a prisoner of war is within their grasp they insist on not resorting to brutality. Anakin and Ahsoka being the exceptions which has turned the tide of battle multiple times. The Jedi could capture Dooku who was one of the most dangerous men alive but they'd never execute or torture him. Providing the chance for him to be recused which would result in damage they could have easily prevented. Furthermore the Jedi are suppose to be keepers of the peace. But how much can they live up to that when they're restricted by being guardians of the Republic. An example would be when Alderaan had a resistance group but the council refused to aid those soldiers in fear of making it look like the Republic was allied with them. If Anakin didn't give them illegal assistance than the Separatists would have taken over that system. On a planet called Mortis Anakin encountered living embodiments of light (The Daughter), dark (The Son), and balance (The Father). The Son showed him the future where he became Darth Vader. Wanting to stop this tragedy he teamed up with The Son to hunt down Sidious. The Father erased his memory and told Anakin he shouldn't have seen what he did. That Anakin needn't lose faith in who he was and he'd surely bring balance just as he had by coming to Mortis. That's the closest thing in the lure to flat out telling you Anakin must destroy the Sith AND the Jedi. The force had a plan to reset the usage of the force. That reset starts with Luke Skywalker. The man who defeated his father via a balance of light and dark. In the final episodes of the Clone Wars Yoda is called on by Qui-Gon and spirits of the force to ensure he trains the unborn Skywalker who they foresaw.  What really adds stirs up the pot is when Anakin learns of his assignment. Anakin respects Palpatine because he befriended him all these years. Being disrespected and asked to spy on someone like that feeds into skepticism towards the Jedi Order. This is furthered when the council and Obi-Wan refuse Anakin's assistance to take down General Grievous which would end the war. Throughout all this he's been completely excluded from the council and used only as a means to an end. It wouldn't be strange at all if he was removed the council when this business was over. Including events of the Clone Wars such as Obi-Wan faking his death without telling Anakin the truth. As well as his Padawan Ahsoka's exile being unjustified. His anger boils over and he's unbalanced. Ahsoka was meant to help him get over his fear of loss and mature. If he could raise someone and let them move on then he could let other people go. It was working until the council betrayed him. His judgment begins to swift when Palpatine reveals that he's the Sith Lord they've been looking for. Instead of giving in to his anger and fighting someone he probably can't defeat he decides the best course of action is to turn Palpatine over to the council. But here's where Mace Windu fucks everything up. Windu tells Anakin to stay behind instead of allowing him to aid Sidious's capture. The excuse being he senses confusion within Anakin. Anakin later arrives to find every Jedi dead except Windu who has Sidious on the ropes seemingly. Protocol is that Sidious must stand trial. The Jedi way is not to kill, which Anakin reflects on after he killed Dooku. But Windu tries to kill Sidious anyway which technically IS betraying the Republic and confirms all of Anakin's suspicions from his point of view. Sidious told Anakin not too long ago that all those who gain power are afraid to lose it, including the Jedi. So Windu trying to kill Sidious who is the Chancellor of the Republic without putting him on trial makes it seem exactly so. That they wanted to overthrow the Republic.  But why couldn't Anakin see that the Jedi just wanted to protect the Republic from the oppression of the Sith? The answer is that he was blinded by love. The visions of Padme's death clouded his judgment until it transformed him into Darth Vader. Earlier in the film there's some dialogue between Padme and Anakin that indirectly tells you what I just said. Anakin's fate is an example of what the Jedi fear BUT they were the ones who pushed him down that path. If they tried to get him through his fears with more realistic means then his faith in them wouldn't have faltered. Sidious had been telling Anakin that if he joined him then he'd have the power to save his wife from certain death. Sidious was giving him something the Jedi wouldn't. The council was afraid of Anakin wielding too much power. Anakin could see this and Sidious hyped up the concept even more. With usage of the dark side the power of the chosen one began to grow even more. George Lucas stated that had he not suffered any injuries he could have beaten Sidious at this point. Anakin has exactly what he wants now. Unrivaled power and a way to stop people from dying supposedly. There's just no going back. Then why was he unable to kill Obi-Wan with ease? Because his mind wasn't stable. Before Padme arrived on Mustafar we could see Anakin shedding tears. He then immediately jumps to conclusion about why Obi-Wan was on Padme's ship. Common sense should have told him Obi-Wan just snuck onboard. His rage led him to making the last memory with the one he sacrificed everything for an unthinkable occurrence. On top of going against someone he looked at as a brother even if he doesn't admit it. He couldn't immediately recover from psychological damage like that. Admittedly the film doesn't make this so easy to deduce but the novelization spells it out and it can be applied to the film. With the death of Padme his transformation into Darth Vader is complete. It was own fault and he owns it. He has to live with this guilt for the rest of his life and therefore chooses to discard his old self entirely. This has nothing to do with Anakin himself but I feel the need to point out why exactly Padme died. She died because she was broken from how Sidious transformed what was most important to her within days. Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader. The Republic of democracy into an empire of dictatorship. Depression during pregnancy can be fatal.  I find it very powerful when you flashback to the kid version of Anakin and compare him to the infamous robotic looking Sith Lord. His character is unique in the sense you rarely see the evolution of the hero into the villain. Along with the intentional character regression in the end. His son opens up old wounds and leads him to fulfilling the prophecy of the chosen one right before his death.
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arielsojourner · 8 years
Two posts in one day. Part 9 of Luke and Vader save the galaxy by time traveling back to the Clone Wars. 
-It turns out there are three troopers from the 212th that are Force sensitive- Waxer, Shocks, and one of the bridge officers, Ollie. When Ahsoka is in charge of training she decides to take a page out of Luke’s training regime and has them jump running around the ship or whatever planet they are on while she randomly tries to attack them. When it is Anakin’s turn, he has Ahsoka loan out her sabers and sometimes manages to steal Obi-Wan’s and takes them through basic stances and techniques best for the combat clones face every day. When it is Obi-Wan’s turn, he generally finds a way to avoid the duty, passing it on to Ahsoka, but when Anakin starts stealing his lightsaber, Obi-Wan is forced to join the training if he wants his saber back.
Obi-Wan decides that the best thing he can do in training is to impart Jedi philosophy to the clones. They listen quietly while he takes them through the Code and doctrine and the rules and principles of being a Jedi. They listen too quietly. He looks over his shoulder and catches out of the corner of his eye Anakin’s look of utter over dramatized boredom while Ahsoka desperately tries not to laugh at her Master’s face. “Do you mind?” He snaps at them.
“Yes, yes I do!” Anakin retorts. “This is sparring time. We may see combat any day now. We need to focus on what is important.”
“This is important, Anakin. Any being who wishes to be part of the Order must learn and abide by the rules.”
“Who says they are going to be part of the Order?” Ahsoka asks quietly cutting off the brewing argument sharply. Both men turn to regard her in surprise.
“They are training to be Jedi at your insistence, Padawan,” he reminds her severely. “Training to be Jedi, yes. But they are not part of the Order.  All they need to know is this: a Jedi’s highest priority is to protect and defend the innocent and the most vulnerable from suffering and death under all circumstances, war or peace, regardless of what any person or group in authority may say. That’s what Luke and Vader said,” she added hurriedly at Obi-Wan’s stunned look.
Anakin looks at her with incredulous pride. His Padawan has grown into his kind of Jedi. He is really looking forward to meeting this Luke and maybe even the Sith, Vader. He might have to amend his “I kill Sith” rule just so he can talk to the guy.  “Well said, Padawan.” He turns to the clones who are listening much more intently. “Remember that. That is what is really important.”
-Resettling the clone cadets rescued from Kamino who had not formally entered the GAR and those clone troopers who because of illness or injury were not returning to active combat duty, was a logistical nightmare. Bail and Padme were combing through dozens of separate files trying to figure out how to divide up the different maturity groups (not age groups, when the oldest clone still alive was barely 12 years old). Then there was the question of the clones waiting to be born. They were really struggling when Dorme came in with a new report, this one from the clone representative. Bail hadn’t known the clones had a representative. The report however made it very clear that not only was there a clone representative, he knew what he was doing, and had a team of logistical planning geniuses helping him. The representative (identified as 99) outlined division of the cadets and troopers based not on maturity levels, education levels, or nuclear family groups that were common in the foster system of many planets,  but based on battalion and squad groups. Older clones and troopers were grouped with less physically mature cadets. Each active member of the GAR was assigned a corresponding group based on their military record and their own squads and training history.  Clone brother partners and five clone squads formed the basis of the “clone units” 99 proposed. He had laid it all out with military precision and showed how resettlement on three, four, or even five worlds could be handled with frequent communication and travel between the different systems. It was the most comprehensive humanitarian resettlement plan Bail had ever seen and he had been part of the Senate subcommittee on refugee resettlement for years.
“This is amazing,” Bail finally said.
“As General Skywalker is fond of saying, there has never been a more well trained and superb army in the history of the galaxy than the clone army. These men are truly remarkable,” Padme commented.
Bail thought for a moment. “Do you think some of them are looking for jobs?”
-Anakin nearly collapses in relief when the twins are delivered and Kix declares that Padme is healthy and well, and not in danger of dying as he had foreseen. He presses his forehead to hers and together they speak the names they have chosen. Ley-ah, or Leia in Basic, for his daughter, named for the mighty desert dragon. And Lukka, or Luke in Basic, for his son, named for freedom and the first light of the suns. They are alive and well and so, so tiny in their arms.
He finally manages to draw his attention away from his wife and his children and realizes that the battle is over. Beyond the bedroom he sees the familiar helmet of Captain Rex checking on Obi-Wan who is being fussed over by the med droid. His Captain looks up  but he hesitates to intrude. It is Padme who calls him over and introduces him to the twins.  Rex shucks off his helmet and looks at them, wondering at how tiny they are and how they don’t Name themselves as clones do, their parents name them. He offers his congratulations. Anakin and Padme offer their thanks and Padme says she hopes she can introduce the twins to all of the clone brothers she knows. Anakin asks for a report, but Captain Rex waves him off tell him it is all taken care of and that they will continue to guard them until the threat can be tracked down and neutralized. Padme wants to thank their rescuers, thank Luke and his companions and the other clones personally. She asks if they want to see the babies. Rex hesitates and then says he will pass on the invitation and quickly leaves the room.
Rex hurries out of the apartments to where Luke and Vader have set up their small post in the atrium outside the living quarters. Both men turn to him as he approaches and Vader snaps out a demand for a report.
“General Skywalker and Senator Amidala are in good health as are the babies.”
“Babies?” Luke goes pale. Vader makes an incomprehensible noise.
The Captain looks uncertainly from one to another. “Yes sir, Leia and Luke.”
Vader staggers and drops to his knees. “Sir? Sir! ” Rex asks in alarm. “Shall I fetch a medic?”
Luke shakes his head violently, leaning over his father. “No, no Captain, it’s fine. Just the battle, please, a moment.”
“Of course, sir,” Rex says withdrawing.
Luke places his hands on his father’s shoulders and tries to catch his breath. Leia. Leia! A sister. A twin sister and he never knew! He had a sister all this time, a twin. But not really. Not anymore. Leia was lost to him. Only his other self, his little brother as the clones would recognize him, would know the joy of having a sister.
Vader shakes under Luke’s hands. Not one child, but two! He had always thought he would have a daughter. Padme was convinced she would bear a son. They had both been right. Two children. And Leia, Princess of Alderaan, under his nose the entire time! So like her mother, so like him. And he had hunted her, tortured her, and watched as her world was destroyed. And she was brave and fierce and a rebel and a Hutt slayer. And he would never know her now, not the way he knew Luke. She was lost to him, stolen.
“Father,” Luke says lowly. “Father, they are safe and alive and we must make sure they stay that way. We must plan. There is little time.”
Vader shakes himself. What is one more betrayal? One more reason to feel a monster? One more reasons to hate Obi-Wan and Palpatine and Bail Organa and Yoda? What is one more Force forsaken lie in his life? In Luke’s life? There is no time left. He must stand. He must fight.
He rises, Luke’s hands slipping away. He looks down at his son’s determined features, sees grief and joy mingled there. They are united in a common purpose. There are no lies or betrayals here. He can trust his son. The doors to the apartment open and Rex, Fives, Anakin and Obi-Wan come to join them in the atrium, Hardcase, Chatterbox, Kix and the rest of the troopers staying to guard Padme and the babies. Vader’s fists clench. He cannot face Obi-Wan now without doing violence.  
“Go,” Luke tells him, understanding completely. “I will let you know when we are ready to move.”
-Vader finds himself in his wife’s apartments. He is not sure how he manages to get there when he has no intention of meeting Padme ever, but he finds himself checking on the troops on guard  and then somehow slipping into the darkened room where the babies (two of them! Two!) are sleeping. Padme is with the med droid cleaning up and the babies are left sleeping with Artoo powered down next to their crib. He silences his respirator, turning it off so he doesn’t disturb their rest. He will gladly suffer a few moments of painful breathing for his children.
He leans over carefully to catch a glimpse of them, washed and wrapped in blankets. He stretches out with the Force and he feels them, two bright lights, two suns illuminating the galaxy. He finds he cannot help himself. He carefully brushes one finger over the back of Luke’s clenched fist and then over Leia’s. She squirms and grips his finger in response, not letting go. The sensors in his prosthetic have improved through Luke’s relentless tinkering. He imagines he can actually feel the pressure of her tiny hand. He senses movement outside the room and reluctantly pulls away, drawing another blanket over both tiny children. He turns to leave as silently as he entered and stops.
Padme stands in the doorway to the master fresher watching him with a puzzled cautious expression on her face.
Vader is frozen in place. He cannot move. She is here. She has seen him! She opens her mouth to speak and he knows he cannot bear to hear her voice. He reaches for the Force and finds the strength to swiftly and silently escape from her presence before she can say a word.
-Even with the Sith at long last unmasked and defeated, to this day Yoda does not approve of the reconstruction forces that are the newly reformed GAR, or the training of the clones in the Jedi arts, or members of the Order working more and more with the GAR, breaking the Code left and right. The Code has been in place longer than he has been alive, but that does not seem to matter. The diminished Order continues but the galaxy has changed and now Force users of all types (Sith! Dark Side users! Grey Jedi! Bendu! Guardians from Jedha!) work with peacekeeping clone forces throughout the galaxy, filling the roles that were once Order roles but also taking action that the Order has never taken– policing the Galaxy and working directly with the Judiciary, handling more refugee and humanitarian relief efforts than the Senate in its heyday, and stopping the slave trade and fighting toe to toe against the Hutts. Yoda does not approve.
On the several occasions he has had a chance to meet with Luke, Son of Vader, Yoda makes his position and feelings very clear. Luke’s reaction though is just as puzzling as the fact that Luke once traveled light years to heal Yoda. Yoda calls him reckless, arrogant, heretical, and dangerous. Luke doesn’t get upset but listens to the lecture with all attentiveness. Yoda questions his parentage, his father, his attachments, his association with the Dark side of the Force, the fact that he basically commands the loyalty of an army of clones, and his training methods. Luke still doesn’t get upset and won’t even let his students defend him to the Grand Master though they would very much like to (“He has made peace. He has stopped the war. He has freed the Republic’s slaves,” Fives counters. “He is ten times the Jedi you will ever be!” Hardcase yells).
“To consider you for training, desperate he had to be, your master,” Yoda tells Luke during one such meeting where reconstruction forces and the Order work together, which has even Master Windu taken aback. “Very desperate, Master Yoda,” Luke agrees with a small, sad smile.
It is not until Yoda has cause to meet Anakin and Padme’s young children several years later and see with his own eyes young Luke Skywalker that the Grand Master of the Order realizes his mistake. The answer was there in the Force from the beginning. Only a student, a Padawan could have healed Yoda. 
After meeting young Luke Skywalker, Yoda meditates for some time and then, leaving his lightsaber behind, takes a ship to Serrano. When he returns to the Jedi Temple, he makes his way slowly to the archival records where he updates his own record with one more entry, one more student’s name that he had the privilege of teaching.
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fireflyfish · 8 years
May I Present Master Jinn?
Previously on Tano and Kenobi...
Ahsoka Tano stood before the Jedi Order and pleaded her case. In spite of suspicion and doubt cast on her by none other that Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi and Sifo Dyas, Grand Master Yoda managed to convince the Council to accept Ahsoka back into the fold. Finally, Ahsoka Tano has become a Jedi Knight and now it’s time for the real work to get started...
First | Previous | Next | AO3
The Jedi Council broke up for lunch after meeting with Ahsoka as some gave her suspicious looks but a few came over to personally welcome her.
“I am always happy to see a fellow Togruta join our Order,” Shaak Ti smiled, reaching out to touch Ahsoka’s shoulder.
Ahsoka nodded her thanks in return. “It’s good to be back, Master Ti,” she said, surprised at such a warm welcome. “I was gone for far too long.”
“Grief can cloud our judgement,” Shaak Ti agreed, squeezing her shoulder before she took her leave.
Yoda hummed thoughtfully as he stood at Ahsoka’s side. “Wise and kind, Master Ti is. Know her, do you?”
Ahsoka’s expression was wry and amused as she glanced down at Yoda. “Yes. I looked up to her when I was a padawan.”
Chuckling to himself, Yoda gestured for Ahsoka to follow him out of the Council Room. “Come, come! Test your navigation skills, I will. Find the great hall and lunch, we shall.”
“Knight Tano!” a voice filtered through a rebreather called out, and Ahsoka froze, her heart clenched tight in her chest.
Master Plo!
Turning around, Ahsoka tried to control her emotions, to tamp down on her overwhelming joy at seeing one of her favorite Jedi alive again. It had been difficult to hold back the tears before the meeting but now that he was walking towards her, now that she was older and taller than the last time she saw him, all the years apart hit her at once and it took all her control to stay standing.
“Master Plo Koon,” Ahsoka said, bowing and hoping she didn’t sound as emotional as she felt. “My master spoke very highly of you.”
“How unfortunate I was never able to meet this… Master Skywalker,” Plo Koon said, running his finger under his chin. “Forgive me for asking a personal question but, have we met before? I sensed a connection that has surprised me.”
Ahsoka swallowed and shook her head. “No. I don’t believe we have.”
Well, not yet anyway, Master Plo.
“How strange,” the Kel Dor Jedi murmured, glancing down at Master Yoda, whose ears perked cheerfully. “The Force was quite insistent. I suppose I must meditate on this further.”
“A good idea, that is, Master Plo,” Yoda commented, clicking his staff on the floor for emphasis. “Your guidance, I sense Knight Tano will need.”
“Of course,” Master Plo nodded to the Grand Master. “If I can be of help in anyway, please do not hesitate to ask, Knight Tano.”
“Th-thank you, Master Plo,” Ahsoka managed to get out without bursting into tears or throwing her arms around the Jedi Master. She watched him depart and then turned back to Yoda. “To the dining hall?”
Yoda chuckled as Ahsoka knelt down and let him clamber up onto her back. “For the ride, thank you. Discuss your path forward we should.”
Ahsoka nodded. “Yes. But I also wanted to ask about Obi-Wan. Is he really going to be sent to Bandomeer if no one takes him as a padawan?”
“Surprised are you?” Yoda replied, his taloned claws gently pressing into Ahsoka’s shoulder. “Know this tradition, you should.”
The Grand Master had a point. Although the Clone Wars had caused the Order to promote almost any initiate that managed to make it through the third level of training, she could still remember her early years when they had gossiped with the younglings about who had been picked and who had grown too old to be chosen. She remembered watching one young Twi’lek boy who was caught crying in the corner of a hallway when he was informed he wasn’t going to move on to an apprenticeship and could either stay in the Temple as a mechanic or could return home to his family that he did not know.
She never found out what happened to that child.
“I know the traditions but maybe they need to be reconsidered,” Ahsoka offered, her voice light and hopeful. “Thirteen seems too young to write off a sentient. And Obi-Wan is so talented! I know if he just had the right master he would flourish under their teachings.”
Yoda canted his head to the side. “Agreed, we are. Powerful in the Force, Obi-Wan is. A great Jedi, he might be. But emotional, rash and reckless, he is. Fear and anger, many sense in him.”
“He’s thirteen!” Ahsoka protested, wincing at her too sharp voice. It wouldn’t do to get on Yoda’s bad side after he had just vouched for her in front of the Council. She couldn’t do this the Skywalker way. She had to negotiate, to reason with the Grand Master and the Order itself. “I’m sorry. I spoke too… harshly. But maybe the fear everyone is sensing is his fear of being cast out of his home?”
“Perhaps,” Yoda mused, pointing to the right. “Another time, we will discuss Obi-Wan. To the right, our meal is.”
This isn’t over, Master Yoda. Not by a long shot. Ahsoka let out a sigh and turned around. “Yes, Master.”
“Lose faith, do not,” Yoda said, patting Ahsoka’s shoulder. “Revealed in time, Obi-Wan’s master will be. Know this, I do.”
“Did you have someone in mind?” she asked, curious and hoping to prod the ancient master in the right direction. “Perhaps a diplomat or someone similar?”
Yoda laughed out loud at this, the swells of humor nearly knocking him off Ahsoka’s shoulder as they stepped into the dining hall. He leapt down from his perch and clacked his way to the line, greeting all Jedi alike with a twinkle in his eyes. He beckoned for Ahsoka to follow after him and she did so, shaking her head, bemused.
After lunch, Ahsoka was whisked away by a padawan working for the Quarter Master’s office. She was officially given the room she was already sleeping in, assigned a personal communicator, a identification code as well as an appointment to return and get fitted for her robes.
After she was done with that bit of housekeeping, another padawan, dressed in healer robes appeared in the doorway and Ahsoka was bundled off to the Halls of Healing for a physical and a series of booster hypos. She was scheduled for a follow-up visit as well as a visit to the dentist, which sent Ahsoka in a fit of laughter, puzzling the poor healer who couldn’t understand why she hadn’t had the time to maintain proper dental hygiene when on the run from the Empire.
Once freed from the clutches of the well-meaning healers, Ahsoka stepped out into the Temple and looked around for a chrono. She had promised Obi-Wan that she was going to catch up with him during his last hour of saber practice and she did not want to be late. Master Obi-Wan was never late and Ahsoka couldn’t help feeling like she had to live up to him, to make sure she didn’t change the young initiate’s destiny too much.
Besides, as much as she loved Anakin, he was notoriously tardy and she got a little tired of having to stare at the ground while another master lectured them both on the importance of being on time.
Of course, Anakin would have retorted that he was on time when it mattered.
“I thought there was a chrono around here somewhere,” Ahsoka muttered to herself as she peered around a corner, searching in vain. “Kriff it! I could have sworn there was one in this hallway.”
She spied a tall, broad, imposing figure walking down the hallway with the sedate pace of a master. Half of his brown hair was pulled up into a tail and the rest left to fall around his wide shoulders like a cape. Ahsoka hurried after him in the vain hopes he knew where the nearest chrono was and if he could point her in the direction of the Northern Solar room.
“Excuse me!” she called out, wondering how someone who seemed to move at a glacial pace could cover so much ground. And Ahsoka thought she was tall.
I think he might even be taller than Skyguy!
The Jedi Master in question turned around, a curious expression on his face as he folded his arms over his chest. “Yes? Can I help you, young one?”
Ahsoka came to a stop, chuckling and waving off the Jedi’s comment, because she most certainly didn't feel young anymore. “Hello! I don't suppose you know what time it is or how to get to the Northern Solar room? I've been out in the field for a while and with all the renovations I'm completely lost.”
The master reached into his robe and pulled a small chrono and read off the time. “It is 1530 hours and if you're searching for the Northern Solar room you’ll need to turn back around, take a left and go all the way to the end of the hall and take turbolifts on the right to the fifth level from this one.”
Ahsoka mentally walked through the instructions and then nodded. “I think I got it. Thank you for your help.”
“You're welcome,” the master smiled, kind and inviting. “I don't believe we've met. I'm Qui-Gon Jinn. You said you've been out in the field for a long time?”
Ahsoka’s eyes nearly bugged out her head and she managed to cover her shock and delight with a wide grin. “Yes. I was. But I can't believe it! You're Master Jinn? My master told me all about you!”
Qui-Gon Jinn in the flesh! Here was the answer to Obi-Wan’s prayers and all she had to do was gently nudge the two together.
Fantastic! Maybe I could invite him to our training session.
Qui-Gon seemed politely amused by Ahsoka’s statement. “Oh really? And who might your master be?”
“Master Skywalker but he… passed away,” Ahsoka replied, wondering when and if that would ever be any easier to say. It still felt raw and wrong even in the midst of a happy meeting. “But he was a fan of yours.”
“How unfortunate I never got the chance to meet him in person,” Qui-Gon murmured, his voice low and resonate like a summer thunderstorm. “I am sorry for your loss Knight… ?”
“Ahsoka Tano,” she said, bowing to Qui-Gon. “And thank you. Even though it happened years ago it still… it still hurts.”
“Yes, well, that is why we must be mindful of our attachments,” Qui-Gon commented, folding his hands into his sleeves and Ahsoka realized just where Master Obi-Wan had acquired that particular habit. “A Jedi must always keep their mind on the present moment and the living Force, lest our sorrow and grief drag us down a darker path.”
Ahsoka nodded in agreement. “Yes, of course. I'll have to remember that. Thank you.”
“It was my pleasure, Knight Tano and now if you will excuse me, I must be off,” Qui-Gin seemed to gather himself up and turned towards the other end of the hallway. “I have an appointment in the Senate building and I mustn't be late.”
“Oh! My apologies Master Jinn,” Ahsoka took a step back and watched the towering man head towards the end of the hall before she remembered. “Oh! Master Jinn? If it's too much trouble, could you… oh.”
Master Jinn had already turned the corner and moved out of earshot, the fastest-moving glacier Ahsoka had ever seen. She let out a sigh and shook her head, glad that Master Obi-Wan hadn’t developed that habit from his master, before she turned around and headed off back the way she came.
Obi-Wan and her first real teaching awaited.
Obi-Wan hated Soresu practice.
No, that wasn’t true. He didn’t hate Soresu practice so much as he was exhausted, his legs ached, his feet throbbed in his boots and he had run out of electrolyte mix a half hour ago. One or two of the forms made his feet cramp up and Master Drallig seemed driven by the Sith Hells themselves to stay and make sure Obi-Wan put in the time he owed him from yesterday.
“Again, Kenobi,” Drallig called out, his faintly nasal voice somehow reaching over the din of the other class of initiates. “This time keep your stance lower and make your movements faster.”
“Yes, Master,” Obi-Wan huffed, moving back to the head of the golden line that was engraved on the floor of the training salon. He looked up as the chrono chimed for the next hour and he glanced over at the entrance to the hall, hoping against hope that Master Ahsoka would be there to save him from another hour of “Faster and more intense”.
The shadowed doorway was empty.
She’s probably just lost. She’s really only been here for two days and it took you three to memorize where they moved the Exoflora and Fauna lab to. And besides, she is a knight and you are an initiate and oh thank the Force!
“Master Ahsoka!” Obi-Wan called out, rushing through the rest of his form before giving Master Drallig a half-bow and darting over to her. “You’re here!”
“Of course I’m here!” Ahsoka laughed, wrapping an arm around him as he walked her over to a row of benches where his towel and empty drink cannister sat as well as a carefully-wrapped training saber he had hidden in his sleeves on his way to class. “And I stopped to get you something to drink, since I stumbled across the commissary.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes grew round as he happily took the ice cold bottle of Pantoran berry-flavored supplement drink and twisted the cap off. “Thank you, Master Ahsoka! I… I ran out only just now.”
Shaking her head, Ahsoka patted the bench next to her. “Did you tell Master Drallig about our arrangement?”
Obi-Wan nodded, guzzling a third of the supplement drink down with relish. “Yes. He didn’t like it and said he would stay and ‘supervise’.”
He made air quotes with his fingers and set the bottle down, beaming up at her. “Can we start now?”
“Did you finish your Soresu?” Ahsoka asked, her brows raised in an expression that made it clear that just because she was going to teach him jar’kai did not mean he was going to get out of his other lessons.
Obi-Wan grinned. “I have one more movement and then I’m done. Here! Hold this!”
He grabbed the concealed training saber, shoved it into Ahsoka’s hands and then hurried back onto the floor, prepared to make this last movement of Soresu picture-perfect.
Maybe if I can pick up jar’kai quickly, maybe Master Ahsoka will… I mean, she is a knight and even though she’s a Shadow, her cover did get blown, maybe she could… it is possible. And I think there is a connection there? Is this what a connection feels like?
“Focus, Kenobi!” Master Drallig called from across the room, his arms on his hips as he watched.
Obi-Wan nodded and took a deep breath, focusing his concentration on the Force and trusting that his muscles and bones already knew the steps. He worked on moving with strength, precision and flowing one movement into the other until the whole thing became a dance, the saber sizzling and hissing around him as he spun and lunged through each part. He was one with the blade, could feel the crystal inside humming with joy as he worked. He ticked off each step in the back of his mind with a mechanical satisfaction and then with a twisting kick he landed, the blade in a reverse grip and the blue white plasma hovering just above the arm of his tunic but not close enough to singe.
Ahsoka burst into applause. “Obi-Wan, you were amazing!”
Pride blossomed in his heart and Obi-Wan popped up out of his stance with a grin so big he thought it might split his lips. He bowed to Master Drallig, who smirked in what might have been an approving manner and waved him off to train with Ahsoka.
“I'm all done with Soresu, Master Ahsoka,” Obi-Wan announced, running back over to her. “Can we start jar’kai now?”
“Sure,” Ahsoka smiled, handing over his drink cannister and patting the spot next to her on the bench. “But why don’t you take a little break? You’ve been going for how long now?”
Obi-Wan gulped down another third of his drink, breaking only to inhale a huge lungful of air. “Three and a half hours but I don’t mind! I have been looking forward to your lesson.”
Chuckling softly, Ahsoka shook her head. “Well I’m not going to enjoy it if you pass out in the middle of it. Sit down, Obi-Wan. I’m not going anywhere.”
Resigned to taking a break, Obi-Wan collapsed onto the bench next to Ahsoka. “Did your Master teach you jar’kai when you were a padawan?”
Ahsoka glanced down at Obi-Wan before she turned her gaze elsewhere, a distant, if pleasant expression on her face. “Not at first. At the time he took me on, I was mostly using a reverse grip and he hated it.”
Shocked, Obi-Wan’s mouth dropped open. He couldn’t imagine how devastated Master Ahsoka must have felt. There were times when a harsh word from Master Yoda would make him want to curl up into a ball and pray for the Force to take him away. But to have your master actually tell you they hate your fighting style? To your face?
What a nightmare!
“What did you do?” Obi-Wan asked, taking another sip of his drink. “Did you change it?”
“I tried to,” Ahsoka nodded, drawn back into the room they were sitting in. “But eventually my master realized that I wasn’t going to change and he suggest I study jar’kai and supplement my right hand with a shoto.”
Obi-Wan was stunned silent, marveling at the fact that a master could change their mind, that they could change at all and that a padawan could have that kind of say in their relationship. He had been taught that good padawans dutifully follow their master and always do as instructed. If your master taught you Ataru, that was what you were going to learn. If your master did not see the need in teaching you certain skills, you would simply not learn them. The idea that the relationship between a master and padawan could go both ways, could be collaborative had never occurred to Obi-Wan before.
“What was he like?”
“Who? My master?”
Obi-Wan nodded, his gaze focused on the bottle in his hands. “Yes… I should have liked to meet him, I think.”
Ahsoka let out a soft, muted sound, like a sigh but with more feeling. “He… Master Skywalker was… He was very young, when he took me on. In a lot of ways he was like a big brother, strong, smart, and very brave and kind. He was so very kind. But he… he had a temper. I know he worked hard to control it but it was hard for him.”
Ahsoka looked down at the top of Obi-Wan’s head and remembered their earlier talk about Bandomeer and frowned. She reached out to put a hand on the young boy’s back, between his shoulder blades. “And he hated to see injustice go unpunished. He taught me that it was more important to do what is right, than to blindly follow orders. He… he wasn’t very popular with the Council.”
Obi-Wan looked up at Ahsoka. “Now I really wish I could have met him. I am sorry he’s gone, Master Ahsoka. He sounds wonderful. You must miss him very much.”
“Yeah…,” Ahsoka sighed, pulling Obi-Wan a little closer. “I do. But I’m here now and he would want me to take care of you. So c’mon, Obi-Wan! It’s time to for your first jar’kai lesson to start.”
“Yes, Master Ahsoka!” Obi-Wan leapt off the bench and ran onto the training floor, Ahsoka happily following him.
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