#And after that is all said and done Obi-Wan teases Anakin about teaching her (Teach her everything I taught you)
obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (10/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: very few tbh... it's just- it's really long.
Summary: Senator Amidala is given three jedi bodyguards after her life is sought after again. Obi-Wan, You, and Anakin must protect her, and figure out why her life is constantly in danger.
A/n: 22 hours from now i will be watching the next episode, and someone said they suspected we were gonna get a shirtless obi-wan (fingers fkn crossed). also thank you guys so much for your feedback, it means the world to me and I love seeing how everyone is enjoying the story! if there's anything specific you'd like to see in this series, please let me know, because I only have so many ideas tbh (although i still have a general plot following the next 12 years oop-)
Words: 4.1k
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"Try to contain yourself, Anakin, it's just another mission," Obi-Wan sat down after delivering the news of your three's next assignment.
"Yes, but master, it's a mission with a pretty girl," You smirked across the room, earning a glare from your fellow padawan.
Anakin used the force to make the water you took a sip of flow faster, so you nearly choked on it. You set the cup down, throwing one of the pillows beside you in his direction. He looked so upset that you would possibly tease him about his nerves.
"You've never met her before, she's unlike anyone I know, and I haven't seen her since I was young."
"You still are young, Anakin," Obi-Wan wasn't really paying that much attention to the conversation anymore, as he'd picked up his holopad to check the schedule.
"You know what I mean. I was only a boy at the time," He corrected his earlier statement, standing up and beginning to pace around the room.
"So, what does that make you, now?" You chided, earning the return of the pillow that you'd launched at him. "Don't worry, Anakin. I'm sure the senator will think you are a man's man."
Your valiant attempt at poking fun at him was cut short when your master stood to his feet as well, walking between you both before a worse quarrel could commence in the living space.
"If you both are quite done, we're supposed to report to the senator and her team of security within the hour," He held out a hand to help you to your feet, and let you walk in front of him as you all made your way to the door.
It had been about two months since the kidnapping on Ryloth and the rescue from Hoth, and though it was a traumatic experience for all of you, it didn't take long to fall back into the swing of things.
There were however a few small gestures that had changed, knownst to you, yet somehow unmeaningful. The way Obi-Wan would keep his hand at the small of your back as you would walk through small corridors, the way he would pick up your hand in his and give it a gentle squeeze if he sensed you were anxious.
You dreamt the day he rescued you that he'd been so happy you were in his arms again that he kissed you, only once, and never again. It felt so much more real than your other dreams, but you chalked that up to the fact that he was actually there that time.
You thought about it often, how he could be so relieved to see you that he would go against the jedi code and make such an action of endearment, breaking the law of attachment completely. You knew he never would, so you quietly disregarded those thoughts, leaving them to the back of your mind for only the end of the day.
Obi-Wan thought about it often, too. Although he was ashamed of what he'd done in the moment, the longer he thought about it, the more he craved more actions such as those. He craved something more than a mentorship, and though it felt wrong in the presence of others, there were times, like when he would read to you in the library, when he could contemplate it being the best thing in the world. He knew that someday you would outgrow his teachings and become a knighted Jedi. He knew that at some point you wouldn't be so close to him as you were now, but if there was just the slightest chance that you felt the same way about him, he wanted to give you subtle hints. So subtle that perhaps they might go unseen, but enough to let you know he liked being that close to you, liked holding your hand or placing his hand at your waist when a stranger walked by.
He even helped wrap you in your cloak on the way out of the apartment just now, leading the way, but still making sure you walked next to him, not behind him. Anakin, bless him, in his state of current anxiety, was all too happy to bring up the rear.
The speeder ride to the senator's living accommodations was rather short, and though no one said anything, Anakin's presence left a thick tension in the air, even though you hadn't quite arrived at the real destination.
As soon as you all stepped into the elevator, Obi-Wan could feel how tight the space had become, and all because of Anakin and his worries. Though you teased him about it, you were very intrigued to know of this mystery woman that had him under such a predicament.
"You seem a little on edge," Obi-Wan said, and you snorted at his choice of words. 'A little' didn't even begin to compare.
"Not at all."
Standing on the other side of Anakin, you felt the need to soothe him, if only for the fact that you felt bad about your jokes before. You placed a hand at his shoulder, gripping it softly before letting it fall back to your side.
"I haven't seen you this tense since we fell into that nest of Gundarks," Obi-Wan continued. Surely, he knew what the trouble was, but as aforementioned, he hadn't really been paying attention until now.
"You were the ones who fell into that nightmare, master... And I rescued you, remember?"
Yes, you remembered it well. Although it was Obi-Wan who had clumsily fallen in, and you only slid after him because you lost your balance trying to grab him out of the way. You shuddered at the memory of mud caking your clothes and hands. You hated the feeling.
"Oh, yes," He chuckled under his breath, turning to see Anakin with his jaw and fists tightly clenched. "You're sweating. Relax, take a deep breath."
"I haven't seen her in ten years, Master."
Why did it matter so much to Anakin what this senator thought of him after ten years? He was an adult now and hadn't been when they met. Surely, she wouldn't still look at him as a small child, that would be completely foolish and ridiculous to believe.
"Here, let me help," you raised your hand to the back of his head, closing your eyes and focusing quickly, knowing there was little time before you would step out of the elevator. You detected the nerves, and how they rippled along his signature, causing bouts of fear to arise in him over the small build ups. You grabbed hold of a few of them, not sure if you could carry them all, and pulled them away from his mind, as always, leaving only good things that surrounded them instead.
"That's better, thank you."
You were greeted by the loud and obnoxious voice of Jar Jar Binks as soon as the doors opened. You had only met him once before, for diplomacy reasons, and always thought of him as a rambunctious fella. He was always great for a good laugh whenever in anyone's presence, you could surely say that.
He led you all into the main room, where a group of people surrounded one lovely woman, the senator. You were certain it was her, because even you were captivated by her beauty almost instantly. You well understood what Anakin had been fearing all this time. He feared rejection. He had to have. She was so lovely, and if he felt for her the way you thought he did, it meant he didn't want to lose favor in her sight.
"It's lovely to see you again, malady," Obi-Wan greeted, and you were sure that when you looked over at him, he would be enraptured by her as well. He... wasn't. How strange.
"It's been far too long, Master Kenobi," she smiled, and oh how her eyes shined like stars when she did. "...Ani? My goodness you've grown."
"So have you," Anakin replied, stepping forward with a look on his face you knew all too well. He was trying to be smooth... oh no. "Far more beautiful I mean..."
You raised your eyebrows and widened your eyes in surprise. He was so nervous only a minute ago, he never would have said anything like that. You mentally thanked yourself for helping him in the elevator, seeming that you also helped yourself to be entertained.
"Well, for a senator I mean."
What did he think that was going to fix? He certainly hadn't rehearsed his words to her, which was a bit strange, because you remember when he had a crush on another padawan a few years back, and he practiced talking to her in the refresher mirror. He was upset that you caught him, hence the schedule that Obi-Wan had promptly put in place.
The senator seemed to be amused by his antics, as were you, and everyone else in the room.
"Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine."
Oh man. Oh man. Did she just-?
Well now you felt bad for him. He had clearly been excited to see her again, albeit nervous, and she just shot him down as if he were an enemy fighter ship.
"I'm sorry if I don't recognize you, but have we met before?" She asked, turning to you, and you were quick to forget about Anakin and offer her a kind smile.
"I believe I have never had the pleasure, Malady. I am Master Obi-Wan's second padawan, I've been training with Anakin for the past several years," you bowed to her with respect, but she wasn't one for formalities, you could tell. You sensed it in her.
"How wonderful to hear, I didn't know a Jedi Master could obtain more than a single padawan at once," She seemed a bit confused, and for good reason, but Obi-Wan was quick to step in and clear it up for her.
"She was my designated padawan before Anakin had come to the order, so the council was gracious enough to allow me the honor or training them both."
The way he spoke was always so entrancing. The way he worded his sentences and made them flow like poetry every time he talked. You let your eyes linger on him a bit too long, and it was only when his turned back to you that you broke out of it. Everyone's eyes landed on you again, and it appeared you had missed a question.
"I'm sorry, I missed that," your face became red with embarrassment, and you waited for whoever it was to repeat the question again.
"I was wondering about your Jedi class. Are you a guardian like Master Obi-Wan and Anakin?" The senator asked with a gentle a patient look on her face. You could tell she was a kind leader, and probably beloved by all... except those who were trying to kill her.
"Oh, I'm a consular, although I sense I have some guardian tendencies," you answered, and when you glanced back at Obi-Wan, he was still looking at you with a proud smile. You loved that smile, dammit.
"How exciting, I'm sure everyone in the order is proud to have two such promising future Jedi," she commented, leading everyone into the sitting area to discuss the terms of this assignment.
Not everyone, you thought, knowing that practically the entire council, outside of Master Yoda were not in your favor.
The conversation from this point forward bored you to no end. Running security was not your forte, you much preferred diplomatic missions, where you got to converse on specific topics that otherwise would be forbidden in the order. It was frowned upon that any Jedi have a political opinion, or at least a public stance on one. You weren't exactly into politics, but you enjoyed including yourself in debates when it came to rather intellectual company. Obi-Wan could definitely attest to the fact that you were good at arguing, as well as Anakin, too.
At one point in the discussion, Anakin spoke out about how useless your three's presence was, on account of local security already being there. He was looking into more of an investigation type of assignment, and apparently, this was not what he was hoping for. To be fair, you would much rather be on the hunt for the person that was in charge of initiating these assassination attacks, but you were also looking forward to getting to know the senator. She seemed to be a kind and intelligent woman, whom you would very much enjoy the company of.
"Perhaps with merely your presence, the mystery surrounding this threat will be revealed," she finished the conversation gracefully, standing to her feet and excusing herself to retire.
You and Obi-Wan were following along with the security officer in charge of the senator's day to day travels, making sure you were clear on what the plans for tonight were, but you both overheard Anakin talking about the senator, Padme, as he had called her.
"You're focusing on the negative Anakin, be mindful of your thoughts... She was pleased to see us," Obi-Wan encouraged his distraught padawan, and you couldn't help but smile at the way Anakin had behaved on her behalf. He had it bad. "Now, let's check the security."
You were sleeping soundly, laid on the couch in the middle of the night when Obi-Wan returned upstairs.
Anakin had assured you he was fine to take first watch, or any watch for that matter, and knowing how he presumably felt for the senator, you knew you could entrust her into his capable hands while you caught a bit of sleep.
"Has she been out long?" Obi-Wan asked, sitting down beside you for only a moment, resting the back of his hand against the skin of your cheek, before running two fingers through the unruly strands of your hair.
"Only about a half hour or so," Anakin responded, pacing the room with an ounce of boredom clouding his mind.
After Anakin explained to Obi-Wan that Padme had suggested to use herself as bait, Obi-Wan grew a bit more tense with his padawan's decision to allow it.
"I can sense everything going on in that room," he promised, showing his master his confidence in a situation of danger. It scared Obi-Wan, if only slightly, that he wasn't showing as much restraint in this mission as he was supposed to. "Trust me."
Obi-Wan wanted to trust him, really, he did. He wanted to be able to say he was ready for something like this. Normally, he would be considered so, but due to the special circumstances concerning Padme, and Anakin's ever-growing arrogance, Obi-Wan simply couldn't let him take the lead on this one.
Later in the night, Obi-Wan took watch, but Anakin never laid to rest. When he was questioned of it, it was revealed that he was suffering yet again with bad dreams. Ones of his mother.
"Dreams pass in time," was Obi-Wan's response, but it was hardly the truth. He knew the extent of what his and your dreams normally went to, and they never just stopped, but more so got worse as they went on.
"She's been good to help me all this time, I can't bring myself to ask any more of her," Anakin nodded to you, sleeping soundly, dreaming of a specific pair of cerulean blue eyes whilst you snored softly.
"She cares for you more than she will admit," Obi-Wan smiled with a shake of his head. He loved it when you teased Anakin, because it kept him somewhat grounded. You had always been rather humble about your abilities, though in comparison to others, there was so much you could do, including help Anakin with the nightmares.
"She has them too, doesn't she?" Anakin asked, almost certain he knew the answer. He'd heard you next door to him a couple times and had heard Obi-Wan leave his room to tend to you.
"Sometimes," he confessed. He didn't want to expose you, but he knew there was no harm in letting him know he wasn't alone in his struggle.
"Does she ever tell you what they're about?"
Obi-Wan remembered one of the nights you awoke, crying and clinging to him, as you often did in that state of panic. He remembered asking you what happened, and you were very quick to comply. You'd told him that talking about it in the open air always helped ease your mind. Telling him of the things you knew weren't real as he held you, so that you could get it off your chest.
"Us, mostly."
Anakin furrowed his brows and turned his head to you. You had rolled over, and your hair was now falling in mops off the cushion of the couch. You were like his sister, and he cared for you deeply, and he didn't like the idea of you worrying over him in your dreams.
"Sometimes the only thing that can help her sleep again is to feel our signatures near her own."
Anakin thought about that sentence for a moment. He was almost comforted in his own dismay at the fact that you sought comfort in his and Obi-Wan's force presence.
"I don't mean this as a slight to you Anakin, but perhaps you could learn something from her. She keeps herself centered, and shuts out the distractions," Obi-Wan said, unaware that he himself were the biggest distraction you had ever faced. It would do you well to know that he hadn't noticed it, or rather, was ignoring that it could even be a possibility.
"I'm sure I could learn much from her, she's gifted with the force in ways the council does not recognize."
Obi-Wan soon after had changed the subject, unwilling to discuss your constant problems with the council, or rather, the constant problems they seemed to pick with you. It went on for several minutes more before both heads snapped towards the room, and you sat up from your slumber, startled by a riff in the force.
"I sense it, too," Obi-Wan said, and they both lunged for the room immediately.
Upon entry, Anakin jumped onto the bed, killing two small creatures who were being used to do immense harm to the senator, who had also been startled awake by all the commotion.
You were late to run into the room, and barely caught sight of Obi-Wan as he jumped out the window, grabbing hold of the droid that seemed to be a culprit in delivering the death trap.
"Stay here with the senator, I'll go get him," Anakin told you, running out of the room soon after he came. You were in a mess of confusion, still hazy from just waking up, and went over to Padme to see if there was anything she needed. Her lady maids were by her side, so you stood at the edge of the bed to ask:
"Are you alright?"
She seemed to be calming down from a rush of adrenaline, and you could sense her heart beating rapidly, even now, when the threat had initially been disposed of.
"Yes, I am," she answered, her hand over her chest, but she didn't sound convincing. She kept looking around the room, as if she was subconsciously searching for something.
You nodded anyway, stepping back until she dismissed the others away, claiming that you would be fine enough to protect her until the others returned.
"I thank you for your confidence in me, Malady," you sat on the bench that was near her bed, looking out the broken glass window and watching everything with an attuned sense.
"Anyone trained by Master Kenobi must be fit to protect me," she offered, noticing the awkward way you sat and patted the space beside her for you to join.
You did so thankfully, nodding your respects and getting comfortable.
"I'm happy to be in your service, and I hope to be of aid to you in this whole mess," you said, chuckling with your words to hopefully put her at ease. You had stretched your force presence around her as well, hopefully making a difference in her ongoing speedy heartrate.
"I'm very grateful to you all, I know you would probably have other, more exciting assignments right now if it wasn't for me."
"On the contrary, I am thrilled to have a chance to get to know a senator," you smiled, pausing to decide whether or not you should test the waters of her thoughts of your colleague. "I presume Anakin is on cloud nine just being able to see you again. He seems to admire you."
"I suppose he does... I remember when we first met, he asked me if I was an angel," she said, laughing slightly at the memory. You rolled your eyes, because that was absolutely something Anakin would do, even as a boy. "He said I was beautiful."
"I suppose you still think of him as that little boy you met," you were being sneaky, or at least you thought you were. She didn't exactly know where you were headed, but by now had figured out that you were acting on Anakin's interest.
"I'm not sure. He's definitely changed... he's much taller now," she joked, and even you were a bit surprised. Here she was, senator of Naboo, having just survived an assassination attempt, and she was laughing about your fellow padawan, which just so happened to be your favorite past-time.
"As someone who has had to share a living space with him for ten years, I can assure you the only thing that has changed was his height."
She was so easy to talk to, and you could already feel yourself allowing a connection to her, something you did with very few people. Not because you didn't trust them, but often times because they couldn't seem to trust you. You wondered why she was so quick to address you so plainly, as if you had been friends all your lives. You supposed she was just kind that way.
It was nearing sunrise before you had finally been able to tire her out enough that she felt safe to sleep again. It was also the time that Obi-Wan and Anakin had returned.
"Where have you been? What happened?" You approached them with a certain tone of voice, they knew not to beat around the bush. You weren't demanding, but direct, and the look on your face was stern.
"We chased the assassin into a bar in the city. We tried to interrogate, but she was shot by a bounty hunter, whom we think is responsible for all the attempts on senator Amidala's life."
"Do you know where the bounty hunter left to?" You put the pieces together rather fast, and given that said hunter was not in their capture, you knew it was likely that he got away.
"We're not sure, but he left us a clue. I have a friend I can speak with about it, but until then, we need to only worry about getting the senator off world," Obi-Wan said, stepping past you and going to speak with Padme's head officer.
Anakin seemed distraught, and when he sat down on the couch behind him, his shoulders sank.
"Hey lover boy," you quickly regretted the choice of words for the glare you soon received after they were uttered. "Calm down, I have good news."
"No, you don't," he gave you a second look you knew all too well. He was annoyed and preparing for you to tell him something that was meant as a prank.
"Yes, actually. I do," you sat across from him and smiled cheekily. Now he was really afraid. You were up to something, that much he could tell. "I spoke with Padme."
"She asked you to call her Padme?" he asked with a certain jealousy that was completely unwarranted.
"That's not the point. We spoke about you," you watched to see if he would connect the dots, but he only looked at you, an inquisition upon his features. "I think, and I could be wrong, but she gave me strong reason to believe that she might find interest in you now that you're grown."
"You're playing games with me again," his face dropped, and he moved to stand up, but you pushed him back in his seat, looking at him completely serious, now.
"I am not, I promise."
Well, you were good for your word, and he knew because you'd always kept your promises to him before, however small. You felt it was a good part of character to be a woman of your word. This changed things, and Anakin smiled widely, soon letting you mirror him.
"Well then I guess I will be acquiring your help," he said, standing and offering you a hand to your feet as well.
"Help with what?" You mused, following him into the next room.
"Winning over the lovely senator."
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siennahrobek · 3 years
I had so many ideas on what to write about today but I was scrolling through the Obi-Wan tag during my break and I came across a huge post that had been baffled and a bit crazed. It was labeled about forgiveness and mercy and such but it was like a huge insanely interpreted post about the Jedi Order and some of the characters. Of course I wasn't about to start any sort of argument (and wow was the post long) but I just had to write something, at least, in my own post, unconnected with theirs. I guess this is a reaction and buckle up cause it seems like this is going to be a long one. I have a lot to say and I'm not gonna stop being all anxious about it until I do but uh....
I'm sorry, did we watch the same movies?
They go through a lot of movies and completely do a opposite take on the Jedi; how they are "unattached" (I say this because there are so many misconceptions about the word) and celibate (which we know isn't actually true) and how Anakin becomes living proof why this attitude is wrong.
First of all, it's not an attitude; it is a way of life. One that has worked for thousands of people over millennia. Second; their point WAS proven. Anakin turned to the dark side and became a sith. He committed genocide after genocide (the Jedi, Mandalore, Alderaan, Lasan etc.) and in the end, he only turned back because of his son. Which, may seem good on the surface, but it only goes to show how no other children or people that he murdered actually mattered, it was only his blood child that did. But that's not where I'm going. You don't actually see him regret doing the countless things he has done (probably because he dies) and he only does this because of his blood son. It, for me, gives the impression that blood means everything.
Anyways, there is quite a bit of talk about Obi-Wan and honestly? It is all not good. I'm not blind to Obi-Wan's faults but in general? He is a really good person; he tries so hard and goes through so much and is ugh, always trying. Obi-Wan shows no understanding? What? What? Did we watch the same movie? I mean it has been a while since I have watched Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith (they hurt my heart because ugh) but that is NOT what I remember. I remember Obi-Wan teasing Anakin gently to get his mind off of his anxieties when they were going to see Padme again. I remember Obi-Wan saying "dude don't be a horny teenager" (not in those words obviously, but that was essentially the message). I remember him literally parenting and teaching him - like he's supposed to do. I remember him trusting Anakin to do the right thing and to protect the Senator alone, by himself. I remember Anakin saying he's been having dreams - not visions or anything and nothing specific, just about his mom - and Obi-Wan going "it's alright dude, those pass in time". I mean everyone has DREAMS, that's not beholden to force-sensitives. My dreams sure as heck don't mean anything. Just cause he is a Jedi and COULD have visions, does not mean they are. And he didn't tell Obi-Wan they were visions, he literally says dreams.
(this is about the time that I wish I could work with gifs and understand them)
Anakin is not stronger than Obi-Wan; I mean, really? Sure, more powerful? I guess? But let's go back. Who beats who on Mustafar? Obi-Wan. Who does NOT murder a bunch of children and turn to the dark side? Obi-Wan. Literally, sure, he's more "powerful" with the Force, because I guess that is the whole point but he's not stronger or wiser than Obi-Wan because as Captain Rex said "experience outranks everything" and man, does Obi-Wan have a lot of that.
Let's take a break and go to Shmi. They claim that her death is a dark page in the Jedi's book. I mean, w-what? How can you possibly blame the Jedi for Shmi's death? For not freeing her? Did Qui-Gon even tell the Council that Anakin was a slave? I don't remember, honestly. But still, she ended up freed and married to a man she fell in love with. And if I remember correctly, someone was sent (by Padme maybe? to free her but she was already gone to the Lars' by that point).
Okay, I know it sounds like I am reacting to a post and well I am I suppose. But like, this post is literally blaming the Jedi for Shmi's death and how they did not offer Anakin compassion. And then just to say that it is bothersome how Anakin was solely blamed. Uh, because he was a the perpetrator! How can you possibly justify the MURDER of children. Even though it not the Jedi way, I could understand, sort of, if he went after the people that hurt his mother specifically; probably some of the men/warriors/adults. But the babies? The children? You can literally not justify that. And to blame the Jedi Order and Obi-Wan for not "taking his nightmares seriously?" Are you serious? Anakin mentioned the dream (DREAM) once in passing, there is no indication that he said that she was in danger or that this was a vision. And visions are known to be notoriously unreliable! Not to mention, the Council is responsible for the Jedi as a whole - that is thousands of people.
Alright, now to the war.
There was a claim that throughout the war, the Jedi became more and more aloof, intolerant and unforgiving and determined to win despite the suffering of the people.
What. The. Krutack.
I will include the Clone Wars series, since it was directly referenced in response. Once again, did we watch the same show? Because I'm pretty sure that virtually the whole point of the show, aside from showing us horrible things the CIS did and the individuality of the clones, was the compassion and kindness of the Jedi. How they fought to protect as many people as they could. They were dying alongside the clones. Does anyone remember how kind and caring the Jedi were when they came across civilians. Do you remember how Obi-Wan literally carried and protected with his own body the little Twielek girl, Numa, on Ryloth? Does anyone remember how many NON-Republic planets they helped? I remember them helping even CIS senators and planets that had no ties to the Republic. They helped Mandalore even when they were not part of the Republic. The vast majority of Jedi are shown protecting not only citizens but the clones as well. They are on the front lines - not hidden behind a desk (although some are and that is necessary - tactics and strategy people) and trying to save as many lives as they can, even if it costs them. They inspire creativity and individuality in the clones - this is literally a thing. I could go on and on and on.
Okay, on to Revenge of the Sith - the sadness that will probably haunt my heart forever. We will start with Dooku; specifically when Palpatine tells Anakin to kill him and that he deserves it; it is revenge for cutting off his and whatever. And this, this, post asks if this is an act of mercy for the guy kneeling in front of him (and tells him Obi-Wan later denies him) and like, what? How in the world is that mercy? He murders a defenseless man. Sure, he is the enemy and he is a criminal but he is supposed to stand trial (not to mention all the intelligence Dooku could possible give to help win the war) which is incredibly ironic, considering later, Anakin screams at Mace Windu telling him Palpatine should stand trial (even though he is much more dangerous and more of a threat than Dooku). This is not mercy. This is a handless, defenseless (although evil) man who Anakin does actually kill. It is not mercy.
Anakin has dreams about Padme; similar to his mother. You would think he would have learned his lesson and confided in someone by telling them what was actually happening. Anakin once again, DOES NOT give Yoda any specifics, just that he fears someone he is close to will die. It is claimed that he is lacking empathy and compassion to Anakin's dilemma. WHAT DILEMMA? Anakin won't tell anyone anything that could actually help. What Yoda says is true; like "dude, people die and you have to move on from that. You cannot stop death and you cannot let this fear control you. You have to let go" which is a completely reasonable thing; I mean, hello - grief counseling anyone? Yoda probably thought he was talking about Obi-Wan - who was off on a very dangerous mission against a cyborg that had killed many Jedi and padawans; this seems like a very normal fear. Whether or not Yoda says this in the right way is not really relevant; Anakin knows that he has to let go of what he fears to lose because eventually, no matter what, he will lose it. NOTHING is permanent. Now if Anakin had specified he was having what he thought were visions and the actual person in them, I'm sure Yoda would have said things differently and probably helped him.
(Also, did Padme get any real health care or like??? Was it too much of a secret???)
(The genocide of the people in the Temple is conveniently glossed through with bare mention)
and then Mustafar. Contrary to Padme (apparently) Obi-Wan shows no clemency. ANAKIN MURDERED THE ELDERLY, THE SICK/INJURED AND BABIES in the temple. Not warriors, not even full grown men and women (some would be full grown but all the able bodied were probably out in the war trying to defend the universe). He should NOT be granted clemency. Anyone else would probably have been executed for this direct horrifying act. But they seem to gloss over how Obi-Wan is always on the defensive, not really because Anakin is more overpowering (And Obi-Wan does use a defensive style, Soresu) but because he is trying to give Anakin time to chill out and come to his senses. That is literally how the choreography was designed.
And Obi-Wan's last words were? Harsh? What? If I remember correctly, Obi-Wan says something like "You were supposed to destroy the Sith not join them" and when Anakin screams he hates Obi-Wan, the return is "you were my brother, Anakin, I loved you."
That is heart-breaking and sad, not harsh. How can you look at Obi-Wan's face in this scene and call that harsh? How can your heart not break for him?!
Say what you will about Obi-Wan leaving Anakin without "finishing him off". Whether or not this is a mercy, whatever. First, we needed a reason for Vader to be in the suit. Second, Anakin was unarmed; Obi-Wan doesn't go around killing unarmed enemies, much less loved ones. (Hello, the slaver from the series, anyone? He didn't kill him; it is against his beliefs. Rex killed him). Can you even imagine how Obi-Wan was feeling? How could he possibly kill his brother? Like, I have so many feelings and not enough words ahdkjgkjgjkf. Anakin does suffer and Obi-Wan has no reason to believe that Anakin would survive his injuries. Furthermore, if I remember correctly, Palpatine ship was coming? Also, Obi-Wan had to get to Padme - she was injured and more of a priority. Because she is someone he can try to save - Anakin is long gone - in more ways than one.
Although it claimed that they are not denying the terrible things Anakin has done; that is almost kind of what they are doing. They are literally putting Anakin's choices and agency to the fault of the Jedi - not just individuals but the culture and people. It is literally gone on to say that if he had left with his wife, the worst could have been avoided. What was the worst?
Oh, a mass murderer got his legs cut off and accidently burned alive. Uhm, okay, that sucks but you do realize he committed genocide of his entire family right? And he choked his wife into unconsciousness.
I can't even with humans.
There is not even a note to Palpatine and how he manipulated Anakin for years. No blame at all on the man we need to blame the most - they put all the blame on the Jedi which just. Blows my mind.
The Clone Wars proved there was no right choice for the Jedi - they were doomed to fall. Not because of anything they did - they did everything they could - but because of Palpatine's plans and schemes. I will never, ever agree that the Jedi failed because of themselves. I do not think that the "institution" was destined to fall ( that "institution" lasted for longer than the Republic). The Jedi were trying so hard - they were kind and good and compassionate and trying so hard for peace and saving as many lives as they could. The Sith were evil. The CIS was evil. The Senate was corrupt. And the Jedi were trying.
There is so much Jedi-blaming for Anakin's attitude, disposition and choices it is literally driving me insane. Why did I do this to myself?
Things delve into a New Hope and immediately there is bashing of the jedi; where Obi-Wan cuts some guy's arm off at a Cantina and Obi- Wan "lying" that Vader killed Anakin. Which, honestly, I could see that being true. Him being Anakin's murderer, at least. Vader may have Anakin's body but even he claims that he killed Anakin Skywalker. Anakin, at least, how he thought he was, was loyal and passionate and loving - or at least he tried to be. Vader is literally none of these things; there is very little of "Anakin" in Vader. And at first glance, it may seem that Obi-Wan and Yoda are setting Luke up to kill "his father" but honestly, I see it more as preparing him to fight Vader and kill him, if necessary. It's a horrible thing, but they do not outright say anything. And honestly, they were right. Vader is willing to kill Luke - he cuts off his hand and fights him. Okay, I have so much to say about this but that is for another time; i will digress about this particular point (of lying and such)
Luke, apparently, decides to forgive Vader and show him mercy (which is claimed the Jedi and Obi-Wan NEVER did for Anakin, no matter what he did for them which is such BS I'm virtually crying rn)
There is a lengthy talk about Luke trying to rebuild the Jedi culture and how it crushed him, his contrast with Obi-Wan's attitude and shame(?) and how trying to be a Jedi has caused him to fail. Because apparently Luke is the only one who apologized and that makes him different I guess? (How many times has Obi-Wan apologized and thought things were his fault even though they weren't?)
I won't get into the Sequel Trilogy because honestly, it does very little to interest me. I am mostly a Prequel- era person mostly because I love Obi-Wan and the strength and compassion of his character. Finn seemed really interesting to me and man I thought having a female Jedi character would be really great - we had some fantastic female Jedi such as Ahsoka, Shaak Tii, Depa Billaba and so many more - but they were rarely the focus and I thought it would be fun. But, I was a bit disappointed because killing off Han Solo the way they did? Eh. Didn't care for it. I was also in the era of Mara Jade, Jacen and Jaina Solo, Anakin Solo and Ben Skywalker (Luke's son) so perhaps I was a little bias. I didn't really understand why Leia and Han would name their child after someone that they didn't really know (although I do have a headcanon concerning Leia and Obi-Wan which I find hilarious that I love).
I didn't particularly care for the Sequel Trilogy. They made it a Skywalker show and they did an emphasis on romantic love and from what I recall from what I have watched, the majority of the characters weren't nearly as interesting or compelling to me. And then bringing Palpatine back, sighs. Why does it always come back to him? That is just exhausting.
I'm not hating on the Sequels; everyone is allowed to like things or whatever. I just didn't; they focused so much on Rey and Kylo Ren (who I actually have a bit of an opinion on but I won't right now) instead of the more intriguing characters. I would have been much more interested in Finn as a Jedi. To overcome what he has been through as a stormtrooper and becoming a Jedi would be a really interesting story. I didn't care for how they handled Luke. And I didn't like how Rey apparently became a master so fast without any real training? Even Anakin, the Chosen One, the most powerful force-wielder, had ten years of training under Obi-Wan and the Jedi. That stuff doesn't just...come; you learn it.
I wrote more about the Sequel Trilogy than I care too. I suppose this is a rather reaction post but wow; I felt like me and this person had watched two separate movie trilogy/shows. It boggles my mind on how people can get the opposite of something that was so clearly shown. I hope I didn't upset anyone too bad. I'm not hear to start a fight, just to get out some feelings.
I wrote this all instead of homework that I desperately need to do. Sighs.
I need to go through my likes and read some good Jedi content cause man, that, that was hard.
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gffa · 4 years
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It could be an interesting AU and there’d be some really fun things to explore, especially as we see Mace is someone who also struggled with righteous anger, which would have been an interesting parallel to Anakin. But there are two reasons I don’t think it would have changed anything: 1.  One of the biggest themes of Star Wars is choice.
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(George Lucas interviews, edited by Sally Kline) This means that it doesn’t matter who Anakin’s teacher was, that it still ultimately comes down to that Anakin’s choices were his own.  There can be external influences and opportunities that Anakin might not have otherwise had, there can be some responsibility placed on Anakin’s choices from those, but at the very, very heart of it, it had to be Anakin’s choice and no one else’s. Saying that another teacher would have kept him from falling to the dark is saying that Anakin’s choices weren’t what decided his fate, but instead that he had no actual agency as a character and instead it was all about what other people did, that his own choices didn’t matter, because it was Obi-Wan’s fault somehow. 2.  For all that there’s a similar vibe between Obi-Wan & Anakin vs Mace & Anakin (the banter they each tease each other with), I actually think Obi-Wan was the best possible teacher for Anakin. What Anakin needed was structure, but he also rejected structure because he didn’t really want to listen to it.  What Anakin needed was a strong hand to guide him, to make him sit down and self-examine, but he also rejected any attempts to make him do so, because he didn’t really want to listen to it. That’s the thing about Anakin, he had incredibly strong ideas of what he did and didn’t want and nobody could actually physically make him do anything he didn’t want to do, they could only ask it of him and Anakin decided whether or not to listen. So here’s what any teacher of Anakin’s would be facing:  Someone who desperately wanted all the love in the galaxy to be poured into him, but someone who would not actually benefit from that.  Padme did that and he still turned on her just as easily as anyone else, after all.  They’re also facing someone who desperately wanted structure and an authority figure, but would reject it because he didn’t want to admit to what that said about him and how much he wanted it as an all-consuming thing, not a healthy set of boundaries between himself and the person he cared about. No other character could have walked the line between loving Anakin and being strict with him as well as Obi-Wan could have.  No other character could have found a line between getting on his case when he needed it in a way he could accept it and actually talking to him about it.  Obi-Wan is the character who actually initiates conversations the most in the story, other characters (like Qui-Gon or Mace and certainly Anakin himself) do not do this nearly as much. Obi-Wan is the character who finds the best balance between “I understand why you’re reacting this way” vs “You still need to stop it”, he’s the one who best found the line between the unhealthy attachment Anakin was seeking vs a more balanced love that Anakin could still accept and would want to do as Obi-Wan asked, because they loved each other. Obi-Wan and Anakin complement each other in a way that I’m not sure any other pairing would have done, because they’re either too different or too similar and Anakin would have rejected them.  Like, Anakin’s not a puzzle to solve that has one key answer that will unlock the whole thing, he’s not someone who made choices based on other people.  Anakin had his own personality and his own strong opinions on things, those don’t just magically go away because he had a different teacher. So, you have to navigate the waters of Anakin’s character, who he would have bonded with, who he would have loved, who he would have responded well to--not just what he wanted, but what he actually needed and how much of that he would have actually accepted and listened to--and I think Obi-Wan was the one that was best meant to teach him, the one who could inspire Anakin to want to listen to him, while also seeing him objectively, and actually communicating with him in a way Anakin would respond to. Can you imagine anyone else that Anakin would have a fight with?  Obi-Wan de-escalates situations, and I’m not sure Mace or, say, Qui-Gon would have done the same.  Qui-Gon, as Master & Apprentice showed us, was not someone to de-escalate a fight like that--he repeatedly doesn’t actually talk to Obi-Wan about things that he knows he needs to, he shuts down conversations that he gets angry about, etc.  In The Phantom Menace can you IMAGINE him doing this to ANAKIN??
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Mace I think would be too reserved for Anakin’s liking (in as much as he can be incredibly warm at times, I don’t think it would have been enough to win Anakin’s loyalty, this doesn’t make either of them bad, just not a good fit. They do have some good moments, Anakin laughs when Mace praises Artoo’s heroics and says he sees why Anakin trusts him, and I do think there would have been some interesting conversations about anger to be had, especially considering Mace’s own history with it:
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I like the idea of Mace and Anakin, I think it’d be an amazing exploration and he is at least up there (well, it can never be a long list because we don’t actually know that many Jedi), but I don’t think he would have had enough warmth in Anakin’s point of view to overcome Anakin’s mistrust. And the only other person I’m reasonably willing to entertain that might have been able to be a good match for Anakin would have been Yoda and even then I think Anakin really needed someone he felt more personally loyal to, in a way that I think Yoda’s boundaries might not have allowed for.  And that doesn’t make Yoda bad, only that I think finding the fine line to walk between Anakin’s desire for structure versus his desire to have someone be soft on him, was pretty difficult to find. I think this kind of thing gets undervalued:
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Being in sync with someone, understanding them, vibing with them.  Two parts of one whole as a team. That’s the kind of thing Anakin responds to.  His loyalty is to people, not ideals, and I will always defend that Obi-Wan understood that and walked the line between not feeding it too much, but that it had to be part of how to approach Anakin at the same time.  To play into what would get Anakin to respond versus still maintaining some unbreakable boundaries. And that Obi-Wan couldn’t save his student doesn’t mean that someone else would have done better, it’s still on Anakin.  Just like Padme couldn’t save him, Ahsoka couldn’t save him, even Luke didn’t really save him.  Anakin saved himself by finally choosing the good, at the end of the day.
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Pairing - Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Summary - Obi-Wan Kenobi Request: Never before did you think you would see Obi-Wan Kenobi jealous, but when he catches you agreeing that a certain Jedi Knight is attractive, you find yourself having to assure him that there’s only one man you have eyes for. 
Word Count - 1,468
Warnings - None!
From your years teaching at the Jedi Temple in Coruscant, you knew a group of Padawans gathered together giggling was never a good thing. When you approached them, ready to berate them for not working on their own training, you discovered what had caused the distraction. 
And weren’t surprised. 
One Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker was working on combat training with his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. While it was true that Anakin was one of the most talented and powerful Jedis in the Order, the Padawans weren’t admiring his combat skills.
“He’s just so cute.” One of them sighed. 
“Ahsoka is so lucky she got him as her Master.” Another added. 
You had to fight back the urge to roll your eyes. “I don’t believe Padawan Tano thinks she’s lucky to have Anakin as her Master because he’s cute.” You interrupted, crossing your arms over your chest. 
The Padawans all jumped, and turned their sheepish gaze to you, embarrassed at being caught. 
“Now, what were all of you doing? I would think this would be an appropriate time to be training for your own trials that are approaching.” You asked, looking around at each of them.
“We were Master! We were admiring and learning from his technique.” The one that had called him cute spoke up. 
You raised your eyebrow. “Oh? Can you tell me what form he was favoring then?” 
Your question was met with silence. 
“That’s what I thought.” 
“We were just looking! You can’t deny that he’s attractive, Master.” Another one spoke up. 
“I’m not, but allowing yourself to focus on something as trivial as how attractive someone is will allow you to get distracted. None of you even noticed me approaching, and mistakes like that in the field will get you killed. Isn’t that right, Anakin?” You asked, as the man appeared behind the Padawans, startling them once more and making them even more embarrassed. 
“Correct, Master.” He replied, a signature smirk on his lips as he bowed to you. 
“Thank you.” You told him. “So I suggest you all go attempt an hour of meditation. Help you focus on your surroundings and the Force instead of whoever is cutest in the Temple.” You said, watching all of them nod and leave the room before turning back to Anakin. “How long have you known they were there?” You asked him. 
His smirk didn’t waver even now with the Padawans gone. “The whole time.” 
“And you didn’t say anything to stop them?” You asked. 
“I thought it might be a good learning opportunity.” He replied. 
You rolled your eyes. “I’m sure you did. Never hurts to have someone admiring your appearance, does it?” You teased him. 
“You said it, not me.” Anakin said, then something over his shoulder seemed to catch his attention, and it didn’t take much probing through the Force to realize what it was. “I’ll see you later, Master.” Anakin said, his voice much less teasing now, but still with a smile as he departed. 
“Finally decide to wake, Sleeping Beauty?” You asked, turning back around with a smile of your own as you found Obi-Wan standing there, watching you with a look on his face that you couldn’t quite place. 
“I thought you only had eyes for me?” He replied, raising an eyebrow at you. 
It took a moment for you to match his words and the look on his face to an emotion. Even then you were surprised. “Obi-Wan Kenobi.” You took several steps towards him, your eyes wide in realization. “Are you jealous?” 
Glancing around, he grabbed a hold of your arm, and pulled you to the closest door. After checking to make sure it was empty, he tugged you inside. “Of course not.” He replied, but you had heard him sound more convincing before. 
“Good, because that would be ridiculous.” You told him. 
To your astonishment, he didn’t say anything, but avoided your gaze. 
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Never did you think there would come a moment when Obi-Wan Kenobi, the most confident man that you knew, would be jealous. Even though part of you thought it was attractive, you knew that you couldn’t let him continue to feel this way. Reaching for his hands, now covered in his gloves, you tugged him forward until the two of you were chest to chest. “Because you know that I like my men intelligent, strong, and stubborn.” You teased, giving his hands a tight squeeze. 
“I assure you that Anakin possesses all of those qualities.” Obi-Wan replied, but there was now a small smile on his face. 
“Mhmm, maybe I should be with him then.” You replied, pulling away from Obi-Wan and pretending to leave the room. 
Before you had even turned the doorknob, Obi-Wan had grabbed you around the waist, spinning you around until you were trapped between the wall and his hard armor. Your breath caught in your throat as his nose traveled up your neck in a slow line, stopping when his lips touched your ear. “He doesn’t like sand.” He whispered.
“Oh, now that’s a deal breaker. You know how much I love the beach.” You replied, a little breathless as the sweet scent of his soap washed over you, and his lips brushed your cheek. 
“I do,” he replied, pressing a gentle kiss there. 
“Clearly we would be a terrible match.” You added, taking a hold of his armor to keep him close. 
You felt his smile against your skin. “Clearly,” Obi-Wan agreed. 
“Good thing I’ve already got someone I’m rather fond of. I guess I’ll have to stick with him.” You said, your hands sliding up the smooth chest plate and around his neck. 
He moved to rest his forehead against yours, his fingertips brushing up and down your back in a slow motion that had you arching into him. “Is that so?” 
“I do,” you replied, tilting your chin up so your lips brushed against his. “Can I trust you to keep my secret, General?” You asked him, waiting until he hummed his assent before continuing. “He was in my room all night.” You pulled back, biting your lip as you looked up at the ceiling as if lost in thought. “I do hope he slept well.”
His gloved fingers moved to grip your chin with a gentle but demanding pressure until you turned your eyes back to him. “I don’t believe he recalls much sleeping going on.” Obi-Wan teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes at your words. 
Your hands slid up and down his chest plate, your eyes filled with admiration as you took in what you could with him pressed against you so. It made you wonder how anyone could be focusing their attention on Anakin when Obi-Wan was walking around in this as if formed by the Maker himself to test your resolve. “It’s not my fault I can’t control myself when you’re wearing your armor. Besides, I don’t seem to remember any complaints last night.” You added, raising your eyebrows at him. 
“I wouldn’t dare sweet one.” He replied, a softness in his smile and tone that had you almost melting into his strong arms. “Perhaps an hour of meditation would do you so good as well though.” Obi-Wan teased, smirking at you. 
“I’d rather spend an hour doing something else -” But before you could have the chance to tell him what you would like to spend an hour doing, the comlink at your side interrupted the two of you. You frowned as Obi-Wan stepped away and let go of you as you answered. “Master Windu. What might I help you with?” 
“We need you in the Council Room as soon as possible. We need your expertise on an upcoming mission.” He replied. 
You had to bite back a groan. There were about fifty things you would rather be doing, forty-nine of them involving the man watching you, but you knew duty came first. “I’m on my way.” You flipped the device off and then looked back at Obi-Wan. “You better not leave for a mission without saying goodbye, Kenobi.” 
He took your hand and butterflies erupted in your stomach as he brought it to his lips for a soft kiss. “I promise.” He said. 
You smiled at him, holding onto his hand for as long as possible before you let go. Once your hand touched the doorknob, you hesitated for a moment. “Just so you know,” You turned back to him, finding him watching you with a curious expression and raised eyebrow. “I was once one of those Padawans, giggling and watching another Padawan training with Master Qui Gon, wondering how I was supposed to be getting anything done when he kept smiling at me.” 
The surprised, but clearly pleased expression he had almost made going worth it.
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 22
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
Glancing at the fireside, Erina held her roasted grasshopper closer to the flames, hoping it would be fully cooked. With the cold air in her surroundings, she wrapped herself with her own hands, keeping herself warm.
“Are you alright, General Almarez-Guttierez?” Obi-Wan asked, noticing her staring at her food for a while. “You don’t seem to have an appetite.”
“I’m alright, General Kenobi,” she smiled at him. “It’s been a long day and I’m just exhausted, that’s all.”
“If you don’t mind me, I suggest you should get some rest. You’ll feel better the next day.”
“I appreciate your advice, but I think I’ll hit the sack a bit later. Besides, it’s no good sleeping with an empty stomach, anyway. Otherwise, I would end up craving a midnight snack.”
Raul tittered as he indulged in his small meal, before he spilled Erina’s habits. “My partner is rather rigid in her schedule. She must eat something before heading to bed,” he told him. “The last time she did that in college, she ended up eating a bowl of cereal.”
“You know how mama and abuela are,” Erina put her hands on his shoulder. “When it comes to mealtime, I either eat on time or starve to death.”
“Well, that seems harsh, but at least you’re consistent with your meals,” Obi-Wan chuckled as he slurped on his canteen. “For me, I have to convince my Padawan to have dinner every time, and he is quite a challenge to deal with.”
Raul raised his eyebrows. “Wait, General Skywalker was difficult for you to manage? Tell me about it.”
Obi-Wan smiled as he leaned against a tree bark, glancing at the stars in the wine-coloured sky. “It was difficult to train Anakin. He is impatient, brash, hot-headed, and occasionally stubborn. Teaching him something is just, well, to put it nicely, it gives me a headache most of the time.”
“Well, raising a child is never easy,” Erina shook her head. “They can make you stressed most of the time.”
“But it’s not all bad, though. Anakin was also a talented pilot, and he is quite tech-savvy with machines and gadgets, so it’s all good. Besides, I lost count on how many times he had to assist me in new tech and I’m forever grateful for his help.”
“General Skywalker is amazing,” Raul praised him. “I’ve seen him fly in his starships more than once, and it was breathtaking. Personally, flying is extremely difficult for me, but he made it look so easy. It’s like he’s done that for like, a millionth time, you know.”
“Anakin was a champion in the Mos Eisley Podracing when he was 10, and that race alone had won his freedom from slavery. Unfortunately, his mother had to stay behind and he missed her a lot.”
“That’s so sad,” Erina dropped her eyebrows. “I can’t imagine being separated from my familia that young. It must be painful for him to bear.”
“He also blamed himself for his mother’s death later in life,” Obi-Wan spoke with a heavy heart. “Anakin always wanted to see his mother again, but he never thought he would find her dead on Tatooine instead. Even now, he wished he could see her again for one last time.”
Raul wiped the tears from his eyes with his gloved hand, thinking about his family back home. “I miss my mother, too. She raised me all by herself after my father died in an accident. It’s been a while since I’ve visited her, and I can’t imagine the pain she had to go through for not being able to see her son again. I’m sorry, mama.”
“I miss my familia too,” cried Erina. “When I was fighting a war, I always thought I could visit them when it ended. But now, I don’t think I can see them again. I can’t believe I took everything for granted. If I’d known that was the last time I would see them, I would have spent every single minute with them.”
Obi-Wan may not know the feeling of being separated from family, but he understands the pain it brings them. “What do you both miss about your family?”
“I missed mama’s and abuela’s cooking. I also missed my papa making jokes with me, I missed my abuelo’s wonderful story, and I missed teasing all of my sisters. We were quite close, and we always helped each other out, no matter how dire the situation was.”
“I missed mama’s cooking too,” Raul spilled. “Mama and I weren’t really close to our extended family, so Erina’s family would always invite us for family events instead. They invited us for Eid-ul Fitr celebrations, while we invited them for Life Day. We may not be blood-related, but we were always there for each other, good and bad times.”
“Family doesn’t always have to be about blood,” the Jedi Master said, finishing his drink. “Sometimes, a family can comprise a middle-age man, a young adult man, a teenage girl, and two little girls. A family can also comprise a clone commander and a street child. They may not have the same lineage, but the bond between them is unbreakable.”
Erina curled her lips upwards as she gobbled up the whole grasshopper, before leaning her head on Raul’s shoulders. “So the first family you described, was it you and General Skywalker?”
“Yes, it was me, Anakin, Ahsoka, Lira, and Eva,” he gleamed, thinking about the twins. “Anakin was my first apprentice, while Eva was my second and last. She wasn’t as brash as Anakin, but she’s also quite stubborn. She likes to draw, play with her dolls, and read books too. Even though she became a Jedi Knight earlier, we were quite close as well. Anakin would complain about how I pamper Eva too much, but there’s nothing wrong with treating her once in a while.”
“What about Lira? What is she like?” Raul wondered, wrapping his arms around Erina.
“Lira was quite hyper and talkative,” he laughed. “She’s always asking so many questions to her master, but Vanya is always patiently answering every single one she knows. Even if she doesn’t know, she always tries her best to search for the answers with Lira, even if they take days. I don’t train her, but I always make sure she feels included as well.”
“This Vanya, is she your friend?”
“Yeah, we were close,” Obi-Wan nodded, holding back her tears. “We have been best friends since we were kids. She was quiet, but she’s also smart and perceptive. Vanya loved making things out of scraps too, just like Lira.”
“You know, I remember when she made a dollhouse out of a milk carton. There was a living room, a kitchen, a garden, and two bedrooms. I asked Vanya, what was the extra bedroom for? And guess what she told me?”
“What is it?” Erina asked.
“She told me that the extra bedroom was for me,” Obi-Wan sobbed, covering his face with immense guilt. “I wish I could see her again. She was my best friend, and I missed her so much. I can’t believe she’s gone.”
“I’m sorry that your friend is no longer with you,” Raul sympathised with the Jedi Master. “I know it’s heartbreaking losing your best friend, and I’m sad that you had to go through that.”
Obi-Wan could only smile as he looked up at the glowing moon, prompting him to get up. “We should rest now. It’s a long way to Mendes.”
“Goodnight, General Kenobi,” Raul wished him, as he and Erina headed inside their tent and laid closer with each other, sharing the warmth.
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greenygreenland · 4 years
Padawan pt 2: (platonic) Anakin & Reader
-pt. 2
-read pt. 1 here
-please like and reblog and comment
-if you have any ideas for my next works then please give me some
Anakin begins to warm up to you after weeks of indifference and the cold shoulder.
(Y/n) could have been deaf for all she knew. The shouting, the explosions, and the crying were practically nonexistent to her. Limp bodies and scraps of metal landed by her side, but it could have been as if they hadn’t even moved. Her head pounded, her clammy hands shook, and her knees wobbled under her. Her fingers went limp and her saber fell to her feet. It was then that (Y/n) realised her only desire: to sleep.
Commander, she thought. I'm a commander in the battlefield. 
(Y/n) staggered into a fighting stance, but her body felt so, so heavy that she collapsed to her knees. Stars, why couldn’t she stand?
“Man down! We need a medic!”
(Y/n) didn't quite process what that meant. Man down? Medic? What was that? Was the guy even speaking Basic? Someone knelt by her side and hastily lifted her shirt. (Y/n) would have protested, but her limbs refused to move. 
“Stay awake!”
Who was that? Through the haze her vision provided, (Y/n) made out the blurry face of Anakin Skywalker, her Master. He may have wrapped something around her torso or slapped her--whichever, (Y/n) couldn't tell. All feeling disappeared, and whatever logic she could conjure faded into questions. Her eyes fluttered closed. 
That didn't sit well with Anakin, because he gave her cheeks a light tap.
"Would you listen to me and stay awake?!" His yodelling and yapping made (Y/n)'s head spin. "Dammit, where the kriff is Kix?" (Y/n) lazily blinked. She wanted to sleep, but she couldn’t. What if Anakin got angry with her? What would he do then? 
"Kix!" he shouted. "Kix...ill...e...ight?"
(Y/n) closed her eyes.
She couldn't fight the darkness. It reeled her in, coaxed her into its comforting arms.
"No! Wa...up!"
(Y/n) fell asleep.
Running. That was the first thing she started with. Her legs moved at incredible speeds, pushing her deeper and deeper into the dark, misty forest. Dried leaves crunched under her as she trampled over patches of grass and over tree roots. She knew running would be in vain, but she was scared. Scared of seeing her again, scared of facing what she’s seen and experienced. 
"Dear, why do you keep running?"
(Y/n) couldn't breathe. The forest closed in on her. It came loser and closer until it boxed her in a thick layer of vegetation. There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide as she trembled like the leaves above her. "L-leave me alone!" The leaves to her left began to sway on the tree branches. (Y/n) pulled her guard up and kept a trained eye on the vegetation.
"Are you not Mandalorian?" the voice teased. "Where is that will to fight? All you are is a coward!" (Y/n)'s hand slid to her belt. Her fingers closed around the area where her lightsaber should have been, only to be met with air.
"You’re useless without your lightsaber." The voice let out a high-pitched cackle. "At times like this, one begins to realise that physical pain can only hurt so much." (Y/n) wildly spun in a circle. Her heart slammed against her chest at an irrational rhythm as she blindly squinted at nothing but green brush. “Show--show yourself!” she shouted.
A sudden movement caught her eye and (Y/n) sharply turned to the left. Instead of a tree, a tall, shadow-like woman leapt out from the brush.
"Leave me alone!"
The woman let out another cackle as if she were enjoying the galaxy's greatest joke. Her long figure loomed over (Y/n) as she laughed. And laughed, and laughed, and laughed. The darkness suddenly swept over her.
(Y/n) heaved in heavy breaths. She couldn’t breathe. 
"Hey, hey." 
(Y/n) wouldn’t have believed Anakin had talked to her if he weren’t sitting at her bedside right now. “You’re safe.” he said. “It’s okay.” (Y/n) didn’t know if she wanted to scream, yell, or cry. Why was he being so nice? Why was he the first person she woke up to? Why was he pretending like this?
It was clear Anakin sensed her confusion because he tried for one of his classic smiles. (Y/n) blinked. It was the first time his smile was directed at her. Usually, it would be towards his men, or Obi-wan when he commed him--but never her. She was a side-character. A nobody. A replacement for Ahsoka.
“You almost died you know.” Anakin started. “I don’t know how, but you were bleeding.” (Y/n) fiddled with her hands silently. Maybe it would have been better if I died.
“What are you talking about?” (Y/n) flinched. “I-I didn’t say anything...” Anakin frowned. “Yes you did. You said that it would have been ‘better’ if you died.” He released a long sigh and an uncomfortable quiet settled in the muted room. Anakin folded his arms across his chest in thought. 
All (Y/n) wanted to do was crawl under the blankets and hide. She didn’t know what her master was thinking--heck, she didn’t even know what kind of person he was--and that scared her the most. Would he punish her? Yell at her? Hate her forever?
(Y/n) seemed to curl in on herself. 
She prepared to make a break for the doors. 
Her eyes were wide as she stared at Anakin’s apologetic expression. (Y/n) couldn’t remember the last time someone apologised to her face like that. “I’m a terrible master. All I’ve done is ignore you. I’m supposed to teach you, but I’m so caught up in...” He sighed. “You almost died. I don’t think I could live with myself knowing that you thought I hated you.” 
(Y/n)’s shoulders slumped. She went completely limp in shock. Sorry. He was sorry. Anakin knitted his brows together. He wondered if he said something wrong to upset his padawan. “Why are you crying?” (Y/n) shook her head dismissively in an attempt to suppress her tears. “I’m fine.” 
“How is crying fine?” Anakin inquired. “What’s wrong my little padawan?”
She bawled right then and there. “No one’s ever apologised to me in years.” she cried. “My masters were terrifying, and I thought you’d be exactly like them.” Anakin thought back to what the council said to him all those weeks ago.
She was chosen at eleven.
He had noted that that was too young.
He was not kind.
Anakin's gaze landed on (Y/n), who sat in a heap of sheets. Her shoulders heaved as she tried with all her might to ground herself.
When we found out about the mistreatment, we transferred (Y/n) to yet another master.
“I’m sorry.” he said. “I promise I'll be a better master.” Anakin held out a hand as a sign of peace. (Y/n) eyed his hand for ten painful seconds before firmly shaking it with a sniffle.
Six months later
Anakin couldn't have been prouder. After nearly being wiped out by a battalion of droids, he was absolutely whipped, but that didn't stop him from walking over to his padawan and ruffling her hair with a grin.
This wasn't the quiet girl he met all those months ago. She was a different person now. Better, confident, and most importantly, happy. "See? Jumping out of ships isn't that scary." he said. (Y/n) huffed. "Well, I could have crashed into that cliff over there."
"But you didn't."
"And that doesn't change the fact that that was dangerous." a voice piped up. Master and padawan whipped around to face Obi-wan, who placed a hand on his hip and raised a brow. "Obi-wan! I didn't know you were here." Anakin said. He rolled his eyes in reply and motioned for the duo to follow him into battle.
"That's because you didn't get my comm. Now come along, this battle won't win itself."
Anakin and (Y/n) exchanged glances. In that moment, not even a Separatist ambush could ruin their day. "Most kill count has to buy lunch at Dexter's." Anakin said. He broke into a sprint, dodging and skillfully deflecting blaster fire. (Y/n) shook her head.
"That's not fair Master! You got a head-start!"
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glimmerglanger · 4 years
AUgust - The Jetty Temple (coffee shop au)
So, this was my first free space (I think?) and I swapped the original prompt for a coffee shop AU. Pre-Ahsoka/Barriss. Modern AU. Background canon pairings. Digging into my customer service past (shudder).
Ahsoka didn’t really want to take the job at the Jetty Temple. She didn’t really want to make coffees for all of her fellow students, their families, and the tourists down at the beach, on top of all of that. But she’d seen her bank account and the Temple was, barely, better than the alternatives.
The Temple was one of the larger coffee shops in town, located near the college, where it got all manner of foot traffic, and right on the coast. It was open and breezy, which was nice. The owner burned incense a little more than Ahsoka liked, but she appreciated the soothing music; it was better than listening to the same twenty songs over and over again.
Plus, it was close to her dorm. And everyone said the owner was willing to work around class schedules. Plus, her RA had put in a good word with her and she’d barely even had an interview with the manager who talked to her. His name was, apparently, Anakin and he’d hired her on the spot, telling her to show up the next morning for first shift.
“All the shinies start there,” he said, when she made a face at him. He shrugged, grabbing his apron off the back of his chair as he stood, cutting a look towards the counter, where the line was starting to back up. The guy behind the register had close-cropped blond hair and a frown.
“Shinies?” she asked, lifting her bookbag and slinging it over one shoulder. She had a lab she needed to get to, really.
“Yeah, you know,” Anakin said, sliding into place and doing something to the huge machines that lined the back wall. “Newbies. Be here bright and early.”
It was, actually, dark when Ahsoka showed up, picking at her braids and wondering if she’d made the right choice. “Hey,” Anakin said, as she hesitated outside the door. He’d pushed it open just enough to get a shoulder through, “come on, we have work to do.”
“Fine, fine,” she said, blowing out a breath and walking into the shop which was, at least, warm even in the late fall chill. “So.” She looked around the shop, the machines only just starting to make noise, and the louder sounds coming from the back area where, she gathered, the baking happened. “What do I do?”
“Sweep,” Anakin said, and thrust a broom at her, disappearing across the room to pop the register open, sorting change and dollars into it with a look of concentration on his face. Ahsoka swept and she helped him take the chairs off of the tables and spread out the rugs across the floor.
It wasn’t, really, what she’d expected from working at a coffee shop. “I really thought there’d be more… making coffee,” she said, as they turned all the lights on, preparing for their first customers of the day.
Anakin snorted. “We’ll work up to making coffee,” he said. “You got some register time to put in, first.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Is that also a thing for shinies?”
He smiled at her. He had a nice smile, even if he didn’t use it much. It made her want to ask about the scar across his brow, but she swallowed that question back. “Exactly,” he said, waving her around the counter. “But first, come on. Your first morning deserves something special.”
He stuck his head around into the kitchen and said, “Hey, Obi-Wan, give me a scone or something.”
“Breaking the employee code already?” another man asked, coming around the corner, wearing a white shirt rolled up his forearms. He was covered with flour, copper hair combed back. He had a plate in one hand, several muffins on it that smelled divine.
Anakin plucked one off of the tray and handed it to Ahsoka. “Only bending them a little,” he said, flashing the man - Obi-Wan, she supposed, and wasn’t that the owner’s name? - a grin. “This is the shiny I hired yesterday, Ahsoka. Ahsoka, this is Obi-Wan. He owns the place.”
Obi-Wan nodded at her, smiling. He said, “I’m usually in the back. You can call me if you need anything, alright? Including help dealing with this one.” He cast Anakin a look as he turned, but he also lifted another of the muffins and pressed it into Anakin’s hand as he passed.
Anakin grinned over at Ahsoka. “He trained me,” he said, like an explanation. “Now, the register. I call him R2.”
Working the register wasn’t difficult. Ahsoka could make change with the best of them. Dealing with the customers on the other hand…. Her mouth started aching within the first hour as she tried to maintain a smile.
She took order after order, dealing with indifference and rude behavior and occasional kindness. The line moved. Anakin worked behind the counter with her, filling the orders. The blond man from the day before arrived shortly, introduced himself as Rex, and started helping as well. Ahsoka did a double-take when a nearly identical man showed up, not long after, taking the register beside her.
“Brothers,” Anakin said, on his way past with a tray full of coffees. “There’s like, thirty-five of them, or something.”
“Shut it, Skywalker,” the man at the register said, without looking up. He had quite a scar himself. He glanced over at Ahsoka and offered her a hand. “I’m Cody. Ignore him.” 
“Already was,” she chirped back, and Anakin made an indignant noise from behind her shoulder.
She and Anakin got a lunch break, which Ahsoka appreciated. It just didn’t last long enough. Her feet hurt and she had a headache by the time breaktime rolled around. She slumped down in the employee break room, holding a frozen coffee to her head.
Anakin had promised to teach her how to actually make some coffees after her break, but she honestly wasn’t sure she wanted to go through with it. She sighed, wiggling her toes in her boots. They weren’t really the right footwear for this kind of thing.
Still, she couldn’t bring herself to quit in the middle of her first shift. Besides, this place wasn’t nearly so bad as the fast food place she’d worked back home. She sighed, downed the rest of her drink and went back out into the store which had, at least, settled down after the breakfast rush.
Anakin taught her how to use the espresso machine. “I call it 3PO,” he said, in the midst of more important instructions. The brothers had taken their lunch break, so there was no one around to tease if she did anything wrong.
She blinked at him. “Have you named them all?”
He shrugged, looking to the side. “They like it,” he said, and she decided not to argue with him. “Here,” he continued, as the bell over the front door rang. “I’ll take this order and you fix it up, alright?”
She found she much preferred fixing the coffees to taking the orders, at least until Anakin said, “You’re doing great. In fact, I bet you can handle this for five minutes.” He’d slipped off and out the front door before Ahsoka could even ask what he meant by that. He had a coffee in his hands and a cinnamon roll, if she wasn’t mistaken.
“Where are you going?” she asked to the empty store, leaning around the counter to watch him hurry up to a petite, dark-haired woman on the sidewalk outside. He bent to brush a kiss across her cheek and they embraced. “Oh,” Ahsoka said, looking away.
She wiped down the counter and looked up at the ringing of the bell, expecting it to be Anakin. It was, instead, an entire crowd that seemed to have gathered, all at once. “Oh,” she said again, but more quietly. “Shit.”
Ahsoka didn’t know, at first, what made so many people want coffees at the same time. She realized halfway through taking another order that classes must have let out. Understanding why it was happening didn’t make her appreciate it any more. 
She jumbled the order she was trying to take and listened to the woman across the counter make a sharp, irritated sound. She wondered, vaguely, where Anakin was and if he were planning to come back and--
And someone slid behind the counter, moving behind Ahsoka. She was a petite girl, with freckles scattered across her cheeks and dark eyes, her dark hijab carefully tucked into place. “Hi, there,” she said, flashing Ahsoka a small smile. “You look swamped.”
“Yeah,” Ahsoka said, staring at her longer than she should have done. “I - Anakin was here, but he left and…” she waved a hand at the line.
The other girl smiled, nodding. “He does that,” she said. “Don’t worry. Tell me what you’ve got, I’ll get it taken care of.” And, somehow, they cleared away everyone, leaving behind nothing but the smell of coffee and the tinkling of soothing music.
“You’re a life-saver,” Ahsoka said, as the Temple cleared out for the moment. 
“I’m Barriss, actually,” she said, smiling and offering out a hand. “You a shiny?”
And, later, long past the time Ahsoka graduated from shiny status and even after she managed to ask Barriss out, she’d admit that it was that moment, right then, when she first knew she was going to fall in love.
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mrspettyferr · 5 years
19 Years Later
Inspired by the epilogue of Harry Potter
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No matter how many years had passed, it was strange to see the isolated planet of Ahch-To crowded with so many ships and people. The Lanai did their best to round up the anxious children, many of which were playing with practice sabers or trying to catch a glimpse of the thala-sirens lounging among the jagged cliffs. Some chased after porgs or skipped along the rocky paths. The padawans were more disciplined, chatting in small groups or staying close to their parents.
For Rey Solo, she was caught up in the memories, watching it all with a quiet sense of contentment. The once ruined huts and structures had been rebuilt, made of dilapidated stone and rock. There were even temples now, classrooms for the younglings and padawans, and landing pads made of grey slab had been built offshore to accommodate the incoming ships.
Some of the Masters had made an appearance, floating among the grassy hills and rock-like structures, their pearly glow frightening some of the younger children. Lando Calrissian was among them, grinning wickedly as he always did on this day. He enjoyed watching the disbelieving students as they came to realize that many of their Masters were, in fact, Force ghosts. Luke Skywalker would be among them, but of course he always made his grand entrance at the opening ceremony.
Rey was pitched forward as Leia bumped into her, the young girl’s knapsack bouncing on her back as she rushed past.
“Leia, don’t wander off too far!” Rey called after her. This was her third year, and she was finally of age to select her Kyber crystal. It was all she talked about these last few months.
Not far behind came the endless arguing that had not stopped since they left Takodana.
“They don’t really eat people,” Anakin said, sounding less confident than his words implied. “That’s just a stupid rumor.”
“Yes, they do,” his twin sister insisted. “And they’re going to eat you if you don’t—”
“Hanna,” Rey warned.
“They won’t eat me, of course,” Hanna went on, tucking back a strand of wavy black hair that never quite managed to stay confined to her braid. “They only eat darksiders.”
“I won’t be a darksider!” Anakin argued, his dark eyes flaring, his cheeks flushing. “Maybe you will be!”
“Maybe you’ll be neither,” she said with a smirk.
“Hanna, that’s enough,” came Ben’s deep voice as he finally emerged. He was wearing his formal Senator robes, which looked out of place among all the green and sunshine.
“What?” Hanna asked innocently. “I’m only repeating what Master Luke said.”
“He didn’t say that. He—” Ben paused, seeming to think it over and coming to the same conclusion as Rey.
“He probably did,” she muttered, shaking her head. She turned to the twins. “Thala-sirens are harmless. Now, grab your bags and we’ll find Uncle Finn and Aunt Rose.”
After the opening ceremony and welcoming feast—which parents were encouraged to attend—they would travel to Naboo, the new seat for the Galactic Senate. Ben was a Senator, and they—along with the kids—often traveled between Takodana and Naboo, where they kept an apartment. Rey, having no desire for politics, ran her own mechanic shop right out of their home on Takodana. It was a castle, after all, and she preferred the smell of oil and rust to the cantina that Maz had established. Maz spent most of her time traveling the galaxy with Chewie. After the war, she had practically forced Ben into restoring the castle to it’s former glory.
“You destroyed it, least you can do is fix it,” she had said. But when they finished, more than a year later, Maz hadn’t moved back in. She only waived them off and said, “Take it, it’s yours. I have no need for it. But the statue stays.”
It didn’t take long to find their friends. Finn was crouched down before his daughter, triple checking her bags and sprouting more advice that Rey was sure Paige did not ask for.
“Stay away from the cliffs. Storms bring in strong currents. Don’t go near the nexus, you know it’s forbidden until seventh year. And don’t listen to Lando, the porgs aren’t venomous. But if they do bite you, just—” His gaze whipped up to Rose, who was watching it all in amusement. “Did you pack enough bandages? What if she—"
“It’s school, not the military, dad,” Paige grumbled.
“I just want you to be prepared,” Finn insisted, reaching out to pat her impossibly curly black hair.
“I think you’re prepared enough for all of us,” Rose teased. She waved when she spotted Rey, Ben, and the twins approaching. Finn followed her gaze; then he bounced up, grinning wide.
“Uncle Finn!” the twins chorused, running forward and half tackling him with a hug.
“Hey! Look at you two. Wow, how tall you’ve grown, Anakin. And Hanna, is that…a blaster?” He looked at Rey with mild alarm.
“Yeah! Want to see how good I am?”
“No, no,” Finn said quickly, throwing up his hands. “Let’s keep that holstered before…anyone…” He was glancing nervously around now. “…sees…a child with a blaster…”
Rey shook her head, a smile tugging at her mouth, and pulled him into a hug as the twins went to Rose and Paige.
“Giving the eleven-year-old a blaster now?” he muttered so only she could hear.
“They should know how to use them properly,” said Rey. Then she amended, “I caught the kids playing with them as toys and figured it was better to instruct properly. Don’t worry, she’s not allowed to keep it here.” 
Finn’s body rumbled as he laughed. “It’s been too long.”
“It has,” she agreed, pulling back. “How’s Poe? I missed him at our last trip to Naboo.”
“Ah, the General is always busy.” Finn still gave his friend a hard time about the title, especially when he had to use it in public. His expression faltered slightly as he looked past Rey to Ben, who had approached with quiet stealth.
“Solo,” Finn greeted a little formally. It took him almost a year to break the habit of calling him Ren.
Ben inclined his head. “Soldier.”
Finn coughed and rubbed at the back of his neck. “Commander, actually.”
“I fail to notice the difference under Dameron’s command.”
Finn muttered something under his breath, but a reluctant grin tugged at his lips.
Rey and Rose exchanged a look, rolling their eyes. Despite the fact that Ben had worked with the Resistance to defeat Palpatine all those years ago, a bit of tension still remained between the two of them. Rey didn’t know if it would ever truly fade, but they were civil and on occasion, even friendly.
Rose on the other hand was more forgiving, and now she offered Ben a warm smile. “Good to see you, Ben.”
His lips parted slightly—not a smile, but a friendly enough gesture. His smiles were rare, reserved only for his family. “You as well,” he said.
“Mother, I want to find Grandpa Han” said Hanna, tugging on Rey’s arm, a slight whine to her voice.
“Me too,” Anakin chimed in.
“Can I go, too?” Paige asked Rose.
“We need to get you all settled first,” Rey said. “And we need to find your sister…”
Her voice trailed off as she searched for Leia. The girl was a curious thing, disappearing all over the castle when she was a child. She was probably looking for Han, too.
Rey wasn’t sure if it was because of the sacred grounds, or some other unexplained thread of fate, but the Force ghosts could manifest permanently on this island. They could manifest anywhere, if they wanted, but it was more difficult. Here, they were free.
Han refused to call himself a Master, and spent most of his time telling the students stories. But occasionally he would teach them about mechanics and piloting, insisting even Force wielders should learn the basics. Leia on the other hand did insist the students call her General or Master, to both Luke and Han’s amusement.
Rey felt a surge of relief when her eldest finally appeared, panting, as though she had just climbed the steep stairs to the monastery at the top of the island. Her brown hair was straight like Rey’s, her bangs messy and ribbon half undone, as though she had rolled out of bed and done very little to tame her hair. Which was usually the case. She looked sweaty and her ivory robes were already spotted with dirt and earth.
“Where have you been?” Rey demanded. “I told you not to wander off.”
“Everywhere,” Leia answered breathlessly. When she finally caught her breath, she straightened a bit, her eyes widening with some newfound enlightenment. “I’ll say this, though. I’m never drinking that green milk again.”
They all laughed, and Ben finally smiled.
- - -
Once the students were all settled into their lodgings, it was time to head to the Great Temple. Each new student would be called forward and tested, like they were when they first showed signs of being Force-sensitive. But this testing was necessary before entering secondary school here on Ahch-To, to reveal which side of the Force they leaned closer to, if either.
It was still a concept that was met with some reluctance. After Palpatine’s fall, more and more children and even teenagers seemed to become Force-sensitive. Old ties to both the Empire and the Republic, to the First Order and the Resistance, created a rift. This sense of division had been long engraved, a strong reason why peace could never be established for long.
When Rey and Ben had come together to defeat Palpatine and his army, they had done so by uniting factions of the First Order and the Resistance, by embracing the light and the dark side. By achieving balance.
Soon after, both Rey and Ben felt a call to Ahch-To. When they arrived, they found not just Luke, but other former Masters: the great Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Anakin Skywalker. Among them an idea bloomed, of restoring not the old Jedi Order, but a new order: the Order of the Force.
But it started with an academy, of training, when they became of age. On Ahch-To, Masters—both living and gone—taught light and dark histories and theories. Luke had been right, in a way. It was time for the way of the Jedi to die—not die entirely, but to change and grow.
The Force was the Force, the light and the dark and everything in between.
As they approached the temple, Leia scrambled inside to find her friends, Hanna trailing after her. But Anakin hesitated outside the entrance. Two girls and their parents moved past, trying not to stare. Rey was used to the staring, to the attention of being a war hero.
Frowning, she pulled her son aside, but before she could ask him what was the matter, he blurted, “What if I’m a darksider?”
Rey and Ben shared a glance. Their bond allowed them to communicate telepathically, but they didn’t need to in this moment. Ben crouched down, his huge frame nearly swallowing up Anakin.
“Leia was named after your grandmother,” he said quietly. “And Hanna, after your grandfather. But you…Anakin Ren Solo. You were named for two people. Both of which were powerful in the light side of the Force, and the dark side. They made some mistakes and bad choices, but even when they drifted too far into the dark side, they still found their way back to the light. They found their way home.” His eyes flicked up, meeting Rey’s, and her expression softened. “They are a testament that should you ever fall, no matter how far, you can still rise.”
“But what if—what if I’m neither?” 
“Then you will be like me.”
Anakin’s eyes went wide. “What do you mean? No one is more powerful in the Force than you, Dad.” He winced and shot an apologetic look at Rey, whose brows had raised slightly. “Except you, Mom. And High Master Skywalker. Does he count?”
Rey laughed, and Ben smiled a bit. “For many years I was conflicted, torn between the light and the dark,” he said. “I had to learn to find the balance. And maybe someday you’ll learn the same.”
The children knew some of Ben’s past as Kylo Ren, as Rey and Ben knew they could not hide it. He had dedicated the past nineteen years to restoring the galaxy, but some would never forgive him for the role he played among the First Order. And they did not want to lie or bury the past by denying it. But the children knew even less of his involvement with the First Order and the tragic upbringing that tore him apart for so long. Someday, when they were older, he would tell them all of it. 
Even with Ben’s admission, Anakin was still insistent. “But if I do lean to the dark side—”
“—then it only shows how passionate you are, Anakin,” Rey said gently, crouching down next to Ben. She reached out and brushed a strand of unruly black hair from Anakin’s eyes. When he made a face at her words, she added, “Passion comes from the heart. It’s part of what makes you human. And we will love and accept you no matter what side, if either, you lean toward.”
“Every student is different,” Ben added. “It’s only an evaluation to help the Masters find the best approach to their teachings. You, and only you, get to choose which path you walk. And you will never walk it alone, son. We promise you that.”
Anakin nodded, finally reassured. He took a deep breath and straightened, then marched into the temple with his chin high.
Rey and Ben stood, and caught Leia’s—Grandmother Leia’s—eye across the temple. She was the most regal of Force ghosts, elegant and noble, and her eyes shone with pride. Then she turned away, greeting a group of students who were demanding her attention.
“He’ll be all right,” Ben murmured, wrapping an arm around Rey.
She thought of Leia, Han, and Luke. She thought of Lando, of Obi-Wan, of Yoda. Of Finn and Rose and Paige. And she thought of herself and Ben, all looking after their family. They would never know the loneliness that Rey and Ben had. Never know what it felt like to be unloved or abandoned, to feel isolated and alone. They would never allow it.
“I know he will,” she said. “They all will.” 
She glanced up, and when Ben felt her gaze, he looked down at her. His expression softened, as it only did for her and their children. 
“Come on,” she said, “let’s go see what theatrical entrance Luke has in store this time.”
Ben groaned, but allowed her to tug him inside. “I refuse to applaud such dramatics.”
“Of course, you wouldn’t know anything about dramatics, Ben.” They found two empty seats in the back, next to a couple of Twi’lek’s that greeted them warmly.
His mouth twisted. “I would hardly call—”
“Shh, it’s about to begin,” she interrupted as the candles dimmed and the Force ghosts took their places at the front of the temple.
Ben sighed and took her hand in his own. Rey squeezed it, remembering the first time she had touched his hand across the stars on this very island. She felt him looking at her, and when she peered at him, she knew he was remembering the same thing.
So Rey smiled, and Ben smiled back.
All was well in the galaxy, and for the Solo’s, who finally had all they had been searching for.
Connection. Compassion. Family. Love. Acceptance. Belonging.
They would hang on, and never let it go.
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that-shamrock-vibe · 5 years
Movie Reviews: Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I am posting this review a few days after the movie first drops in the U.K, so if you haven’t yet seen the movie don’t read on.
Alright so before jumping into the character analysis, which I probably should just do because I have a lot to say, I want to quickly talk about a major problem with this movie, and yes I will be saying that a lot, and that is the fan-service.
There is a heeping load of fan-service moments and things just thrown in to either make fans nostalgic of what has come before or just to say they did it and I at large am pissed off because every bit of fan-service here I personally did not ask for and nothing I wanted as a fan was there.
For instance, Lando. I love Lando and will talk about him in his own section further down but I did not see the point of him in this movie. Billy Dee Williams still looks good in the role, but the man did nothing to contribute to the progression of the movie or the mission other than go off and get reinforcements which anyone else already in this trilogy could have done, like Maz Kanata...what did she contribute also?
Also Ewoks, I’m sorry I know the last part of this movie was on Endor because said system is around the place the Death Star fell and Palpatine still resides, but my freakin’ god seeing a split second shot of two Ewoks, who again I loved in Episode VI, but also to get Warwick Davies back to play Wicket (I think that’s the same one anyway)...what was the freakin’ point?
My final rant point is on the quite blatant fan service of LGBT representation. This particular topic is personal to me as a gay man and someone whose academic venture over the last three years has been about LGBT representation.
When you have quite a clear fanbase or sub fandom that are screaming for certain shipping couples, but then refuse to deliiver on the gay male ship in favour of the predictable hetero ship, to the point where this movie gives both Finn and Poe female love interests and makes Finn look slightly like a tool for having two other love interests but still wanting Rey...all of this I can forgive because it is kind of like the “Stucky” ship in the MCU.
However, to then, out of nowhere, have a lesbian kiss between two Resistance members at the end of the film during celebrations, one of whom was apparently the harbinger of doom because she delivered all the bad news and the other was a pilot, who I know was also Rosa Parks in Doctor Who so happy she has a role like this, but again it just felt forced, out of nowhere, with characters no one cares about and honestly I would have been happier seeing Poe and Finn kiss.
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As I said in my non-spoiler review, Rey truly comes into her own as a Jedi in this movie. I do think The Last Jedi only really serviced her and moved her piece forward on the development chessboard.
However, while it is great to see Leia mentoring Rey at the start of the movie and doing a serviceable job, the fact Luke is still mentoring her from beyond the grave and his teachings are being upheld and honoured by Rey is really great to see.
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This does not however justify the end of this movie, which is where we begin with Rey’s character.
One of the biggest mysteries of this trilogy has been discovering who Rey is and where she fits in with Star Wars lore. We know that Finn was a Stormtrooper and Poe fulfills that Han Solo role, but while Rey fills the Jedi quota for the trilogy, fans have long-suspected that she is somehow related to either Luke, Leia, Han or even Obi-Wan Kenobi.
I don’t think anyone was expecting her to actually be revealed as the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine...and to be honest I don’t think anyone actually wanted it.
It’s a losing battle comparing any movie to Avengers: Endgame, but during Avengers: Endgame when big character and plot moments hit, the audience erupted in either shock or cheers. I get the feeling that the reveal of Rey being a Palpatine was supposed to ignite that type of response. I had a moderately full audience and there was no reaction from them.
However, not only does this service Rey as a character for the second half of the movie because her character motivation is not only about battling her inner demons and heritage, but also discovering who she is in her own right...something she has been searching for since we first met the character on Jakku in The Force Awakens
This leads to the last scene of the movie which is a culmination of not just the last three movies but also her confrontation with Palpatine. On Tatooine just outside the Lars Homestead, Rey buries both Luke and Leia’s lightsabers. She then surprisingly pulls out her own lightsaber which happens to be yellow...or gold (if it’s meant to be grey or white the lighting did it no favours) and with her sidekick BB-8 heads off into the twin sunsets, but not before some random old woman asks who she is, she responds with “Rey” but when she asks “Rey who?” she looks to the left and sees the Force Ghosts of Luke and Leia and turns back to the woman answering with, “Rey Skywalker”.
This is what is meant by the title “The Rise of Skywalker” as the name will now live-on in Rey, who has adopted the name only. She is not actually a Skywalker and if you think about the fact Rey and Kylo kissed a few scenes prior to this, it is kind of disturbing that she sees both Luke as a father figure and Leia as a mother figure.
I am not happy with this development for two reasons 1) It’s a cheat, not only is it a cheat of promise in the title but it’s a cheat in practise because Rey wasn’t revealed to be a secret Skywalker she merely decided to use the name as a surname because I guess “Rey Palpatine” would not serve her well.
I also don’t like the idea of a surname being used as a mantle, we now have seen six “Skywalkers” either officially or unofficially so in the movie canon and out of the six, five either are or were Jedi or at least “ones with the force” because both Leia and Ben (Kylo Ren) have never been Jedi at least in the movies but while Ben was a Sith, Leia was an apprentice and both had access to the force.
Shmi I believe (Anakin’s mother) is the only named “Skywalker” to not have any attachment or affiliations with the force. Now I don’t know if Skywalker is her maiden name or married name but aside from her, as I said, everyone with the Skywalker bloodline has at least had a “force sense” so to make Rey the last of the Jedi, that we know of, and also now giving her the name of Skywalker just to honour Luke and Leia and not actually be related does seem a tad cheap to me.
It’s not like when Han and Leia named their son Ben after Ben Kenobi, Obi-Wan’s hermit name, because that was honouring a fallen friend. I get Rey officially has no living family, particularly after killing her grandfather, and choosing to adopt the Skywalker name is both a way for the name to live on in her and to honour both her mentors, but this is supposed to be the end of the Skywalker era and with Rey newly being a Skywalker at the end of the movie and also once again seemingly being on her own (with BB-8) on her adventures at the end it just seems like there is more to come from her and I really don’t think there should be.
I am not saying Daisy Ridley can never come back as Rey in any future Star Wars movies but I’m thinking more in a Harrison Ford/Billy Dee Williams way not a Mark Hamill/Carrie Fisher way, at least not for now.
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Also, I mentioned in my non-spoiler that a lot was promised leading up to this movie and something the trailers teased heavily was “Dark Rey”. The two biggest theories surrounding this reveal of Rey as a Sith with collapsible double-edged red lightsaber were that 1) Rey would legitimately turn to the dark side and Ben Solo would be the one to bring her back to the light or that 2) The Dark Rey we saw would be some sort of vision, hallucination or dream akin to when Luke believed he was fighting Vader during his training with Yoda on Dagobah and in fact it was an illusion used as a metaphor for him fighting his inner darkness.
It turned out, of course, to be the latter theory but the movie at least had the reveal of Rey being a Palpatine to explain why the 30 second scene we see this vision in exists...no lie it’s about the same amount of time as Luke battled himself for in Episode V.
Basically when Rey was filled with rage over Kylo Ren while trying to save Chewie from being taken by the First/Final Order, she succumbed to her anger and rather than using the force in the traditional sense she was discovered to have the ability to produce force lightning, as only Sith Lords have been able to do.
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While Dark Rey did look cool, I’m glad she wasn’t actually Rey and we actually had to spend a chunk of the movie with her as a Sith, particularly not with that lightsaber.
I’ll be talking about him again when I talk about Palpatine but the only master of the double-edged lightsaber for me is Darth Maul. That’s his thing in my opinion aside from his looks and he owns it.
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On the positives of Rey, I do like the fact that they have set her up as the feminist hero in the same sense that Moana and Belle are feminist Disney princesses. I think obviously making Rey the focus of the trilogy meant that more young girls would look up to her as opposed to Leia or Padmé before her and so making her the strong and tenacious Jedi Knight that she is was one of the best things about this trilogy, when done right.
I did also like how she interacted with Finn and Poe, I’m not entirely sure why they have the type of banter they had due to the lack of the trio interacting in this trilogy but I enjoyed the sparring between Rey and Poe over the Falcon damage and BB-8 damage and even when it seemed Finn was about to profess his love for Rey before dying but then not dying and so going quiet about it and Rey effectively calling him out for it.
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However, what did Rey wrong throughout this trilogy is just how easy everything seemed to come for her. As I said before she was often off on her own mission without Poe and Finn with only BB-8 and sometimes Chewie for company. The fact we never saw her properly train with a lightsaber or the force before being revealed as an expert with both still annoys me and here, the fact she goes to give up after Leia’s death but is stopped by Luke, a Force Ghost, who then reveals that she is in fact not stranded after burning her ship because Luke has his old X-Wing summoned from the depths of the sea was just stupid.
Also, where did Rey get her new lightsaber from? Because unless Leia left it for her or R2 created it for her we don’t know where it came from or why it is distinctly different to Luke and Leia’s.
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Finn I feel revealed himself as my favourite character of the new trilogy during this movie, meaning originating in this trilogy, because I haven’t really had one up until now due to the lack of any likeable development throughout.
However, John Boyega really does Finn justice here not only making the character more likeable but also giving him a potentially great character development arc that could see him come full circle from when we first met him during The Force Awakens.
The only problem is, from what we see, this story abruptly goes completely nowhere.
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The development comes when the trio arrive on Kef Bir where the Death Star remains are and come across a tribe of freedom fighters led by Naomi Acke’s waste of a character Jannah.
It’s revealed that Jannah and her tribe were once in fact Stormtroopers but, like Finn, decided to rebel against their Sith overlords and vowed to aide the resistance to thwart them.
This could have been how Finn’s story ended had he made the decision to join the freedom fighters by the end of the movie, now granted with no Sith or First Order there’s no need for freedom fighters but just for Finn to have found his people and his place to belong would have been a fitting ending for him.
Also to any shippers out there hoping for a Finn/Poe romance, I think the writers made it quite clear in this movie that both guys have eyes for the ladies with Finn apparently interested in Rose, Rey and Jannah.
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The Finn-Poe bromance is in full bloom here though, finally, and it is filled with both the banter that I so hate in laddish behaviour but still enjoy here and also the fact that they can both be real with each other even when it’s something the other may not want to hear.
I am annoyed they never really wrapped anything up for Finn, aside from him finding his tribe but not actually sticking with them. The movie kept throwing out curve balls to do with his story and character but never had them either caught or thrown back, so his story is still all over the place.
Would I want to see John Boyega return? I guess yes if he does return with Jannah and maybe even Lando, I have a theory on where that will go, because at least it is a newer direction for the character.
Kylo Ren:
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I never liked Kylo Ren or Adam Driver, I have never really seen the appeal in either of them and believe Kylo is simply Darth Vader-lite. I’ve always hated that mask and even now it has notable cracks I still don’t like it. I just feel as though the mask was always Vader’s thing and Kylo’s is the fact that he has that lightsaber sword.
That being said, once again the most notable plot point in this movie is the relationship between Kylo and Rey. The chemistry is quite easily there, I do see these two as a couple in another reality and Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver do sell that rather well.
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I did come to enjoy their shared force communication in this movie particularly as it was noted to have some interesting side-effects, most notably the ability to take something from the other’s location. I audibally gasped when Kylo snatched that necklace from Rey and that’s how he knew where she was, similarly how when Rey accidentally destroyed that plinth with Vader’s helmet on and it fell at Kylo’s feet he knew she was in his quarters.
My favourite example of this go was at the very end when Rey was facing off against Palpatine and Ben (Kylo reformed) was facing off against the Knights of Ren and Rey was able to psychically transport her lightsaber to him. I can’t remember if it was Luke or Leia’s she gave to him but I do hope it was Leia’s because him fighting with his mother’s lightsaber would have been so awesome.
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Speaking of his reform, I found that to be the sloppiest moment in the movie. I really did not understand the quickness in which he went from wanting to turn Rey to the dark side to denouncing the Sith altogether. Now yes, your mother dying is going to be a turmoil for any individual and seeing the ghost of your father, because yes Han Solo returns in this movie, is going to throw you...but there was no real internal struggle and it just seemed again very rushed and the almost as if the writers were saying “Well the audience know this is where we were always going to take the character so there’s no need for the internal struggle to be shown”.
Also, I understand that he didn’t exactly have time for a costume change and merely took off his Kylo Ren armour, but then he merely looked like he was wearing pyjamas in that final battle. I wasn’t expecting an Elsa level transformation or anything but something a bit more...more.
Then when it did come to Ben joining Rey in battling Palpatine and Palpatine, quite strategically in my opinion, sent him flying down that pit, the fact that he anticlimactically climbed up the pit I originally thought was the movie saying “See a Skywalker rose” similarly to how The Dark Knight Rises had Batman climbing up that cliff-face. But no, apparently the “Rise of Skywalker” was nothing to do with an actual Skywalker.
The most confusing part of this movie though is what exactly happened at the very end of the movie when Ben died and Leia faded away at the same time. Leia’s “last great act” was to stop Ben from battling Rey, this seemingly caused her to die. However, when Ben died, Leia faded. So are we presuming that somehow Leia enthralled her son to be good? If so, was his redemption a fake? Also if so, did Rey technically kiss Leia not Ben?
Yes, this kiss was the biggest anti-climax in the entire trilogy. Everyone has been pushing for a “Reylo” coupling and it finally happens only for Ben to die immediately after, it was pure and simple fan service.
Poe Dameron:
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I have never really cared for Poe, nothing particularly against him or Oscar Isaac but I just felt as if the character was always trying too hard to be Han Solo and failing every time.
This movie not only emphasised how much of a waste Poe had been, but also why you should always be careful what you wish for because it may happen and it may transpire that you are not as attuned to it as you thought you were.
I am talking about Poe now being the General of the Resistance after Leia’s death and effectively leading the Resistance to their doom. I remember when Han was made a general during Return of the Jedi and while he was also slightly incompetent he at least learned from mistakes whereas Poe...got so many people killed he should have been court-marshalled.
Every action he made in this movie seemed to be wrong and he was continuously pulled up on it by everyone, Finn, Rey, Chewie, even 3PO. I quite liked the concept of doing that lightspeed jumping that apparently you’re not supposed to do because it reminded me of Guardians 2, but they weren’t supposed to do it there either and that wasn’t at the consequence of damaging the Millennium Falcon!
Also, they made a blatant reference that Poe had a previous lover in Kari Mitchell’s character, but the only problem with this is we’ve never heard anything about Poe’s history prior to the events of this trilogy so we are supposed to care about it now? When the trilogy is about to end?
Had we heard from episode 1 about hints of Poe’s history and maybe a lost or abandoned lover then seeing their reunion here may have held some weight...but with what we got it didn’t work.
I don’t even know where we left Poe aside from obviously being a war hero for being the leader of the Resistance. But unlike Rey who has gone off to do her own thing and Finn who has the potential to be going off with Jannah and her tribe, Poe doesn’t really have a place.
Even BB-8, who seems to be Poe’s main concern throughout this movie, goes off with Rey, so where does that leave him?
General Leia:
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As I said in my non-spoiler review, it is such a shame that this is the lasting impression fans will have of General Leia. I am not saying they should have altered Episode VIII to include Leia’s death but there was something so disjointed about her involvement in this movie.
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That being said, I did enjoy some of her lines to Rey at the start of the movie and they did try very hard to make it flow with the story despite clearly being lines meant for another situation. I liked all her pearls of wisdom to her about trusting droids and being comfortable with who you are.
However, this movie’s greatest insult is definitely showing a flashback to Luke and Leia training as Luke was clearly Leia’s Jedi Master at some point after Episode VI.
Now yes, we were shown a de-aged Luke and Leia so they looked slightly like how they did during Episode VI, and it was dark enough a setting that they didn’t look as bad as Leia did at the end of Rogue One, but that one scene sparks a great controversy with this whole trilogy.
Why the heck haven’t we ever had a follow-up movie to Episode VI that simply focuses on Luke, Leia and Han? A movie that shows Leia being trained as a Jedi would have not only satisfied a lot of movie-centric fans curiosities but also would have set up this trilogy slightly better with maybe showing Leia pregnant with Ben and why Luke chose to isolate himself, why Leia and Han’s marriage broke down. Something just to give fans of the original trilogy closure and then introduce these new characters rather than having the original trilogy and new trilogy all try to co-exist and wrap up at the same time.
Also, I swear in this one scene we saw Luke’s lightsaber was green so why were both his and Leia’s lightsabers blue when Rey had them?
Then also with her actual death, as I said with Kylo felt rather anti-climactic and weird. I understand fully that Carrie Fisher’s passing was a complete shock for everyone and so they had to work with what they had, but not only does it simply feel like Leia getting into bed and then death, you have Maz expositioning it before it happens...is that why Maz is back? To be the exposition of the movie?
Again I love Lupita and understand why she was cast in Episode VII because she was the hot ticket to have back then, but she doesn’t do anything in these movies.
I did appreciate her line of “Goodbye princess”, that did spark some emotion that wasn’t annoyance or rage and was sadness for both Leia and Carrie Fisher so the movie got me there.
Lando Calrissian:
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Billy Dee Williams as Lando was one of my favourite things about the original trilogy. I loved how similar he was to Han but while Harrison Ford had an almost smouldering rogue quality about him, Lando was suave and cool with this real jazzy vibe about him.
Even seeing him back it was a bright spot in this movie, however, I don’t think he was utilised as well as he could have been. After Leia died and Poe was gathering the Resistance for a mission debrief, Lando looked like that old war veteran that was simply there to lend advice, when in actuality he was the one with the most experience, who fought the Empire once before and won so why wasn’t he saying what was what?
Then at the very end when everyone is celebrating the victory, Lando randomly comes across Jannah who asks where he’s from and he responds “Gold System” while she responds with not knowing where she is from and so he says “Let’s find out”. I don’t know if they’re trying to go down the route that Lando is Jannah’s father maybe but they are definitely pushing for either a spin-off or some form of continuation to this particular story.
Now again, I liked Jannah here, and feel a movie focusing on Lando, Jannah and even Finn would work. But it was so randomly placed at the very end of the movie that it just seemed like the writers had no idea what to do with either character.
Also I did not like the fact Lando never had a scene with Leia in the movie, just simply one scene where the two reminisce about old times or talk about Han would have been good but instead we had another Star Wars alum return and not interact with anyone else from the alumni cast.
The Resistance:
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I mentioned the Resistance a bit with most characters but here is my problem with them as an organization, they are not organised! The Resistance was formed in Episode IV to thwart the Empire, they destroyed two Death Stars and seemingly saw the death of the Emperor...when in actuality the Emperor survived and simply rebranded the Empire into the First Order so they failed on their main mission.
Then for the last three movies what exactly have they achieved? Because I cannot point out one successful thing this organisation has managed to achieve on their own. Rey was the one to kill the Emperor which saw the end of the First/Final Order, all the Resistance did was provide cannon fodder.
Also, when Lando finally arrived with the cavelry, I don’t know if they were trying to imply that some of the voices you heard were cameos from the shows but again, I don’t watch the shows. I know I saw both John Williams and Lin Minuel Miranda in cameo roles during the big air battle which I felt were both good and bad elements because they were so random but all in all, I have never been a fan of the Resistance.
Also Greg Grunberg, I like the actor, I liked him on Heroes, I know he is friends with JJ Abrams...but there is doing your friend a solid, and then there is making your movie more pointless then it needs to be. He was unnecessary and I’m glad he died.
Okay so I have labelled this section “Villains” because I don’t think even they know what they’re calling themselves anymore. They were originally the First Order, then they changed their name to the Final Order, this got laughs from my audience because it was so stupid. Then Palpatine tried creating his new Empire which lasted all of 5 minutes...there was no order to this First, Final or Any Order.
As for Palpatine himself, his return was very abrupt as it was right at the start of the movie. I did enjoy the atmosphere they set up around the villain with the lightning and the desolate wasteland but what was with that fecking crane? I get he has no legs but the result was him looking more like a Dementor than the all-powerful formidable Emperor Palpatine.
Also, he mentioned how “The dark side of the force grants powers unthinkable”...which still doesn’t explain how he is still alive or reborn after being thrown down that tunnel in Episode VI.
Again, the reveal of him having Rey as a granddaughter came out of nowhere because we never knew Palpatine had a family, despite the fact Palpatine is one of few characters we have seen throughout the first two trilogies.
I did appreciate them establishing Ben and Rey’s bond as a type off life force energy which Palpatine utilised to rejuvenate himself. Although why he didn’t rejuvinate himself back to human form rather than the wrinkled old man is beyond me.
In regards to the First Order, the reveal that General Hux was in fact a spy giving secrets to the Resistance was again laughable, just him revealing “I’m the spy!” was enough to make me laugh.
Again Domnhall Gleeson is a good actor but this role has been so extreme and overdramatic that it has become a cartoon rather than a legitimate threat.
As for Richard E. Grant, people are really quick to insult Idris Elba for Cats but I think the actor who needs a word with his agent is Richard because, as much as he loves this franchise, he wasn’t quite enthralled in the world and rather seemingly playing the part of someone who is lucky enough to be on the movie.
My final point is on the fact that Palpatine claimed he is the culmination of all the Sith, meaning he has all the souls of all the past Sith in him. This is quite reminiscent to me of the Dark Swan arc in Once Upon a Time where Emma, and later Hook, became the Dark One and was able to summon all the past Dark Ones.
However, unlike Rey who was able to hear the voices of all the past Jedi, we only heard two past Sith Lords voices in Vader and Snoke. I know it wouldn’t be right to provide new voice clips for most of them because Christopher Lee, who portrayed Dooku, is sadly dead, but just to hear Darth Maul, Dooku and even General Grievous along with Vader and Snoke would have been a nice touch.
Meanwhile on the Jedi side you apparently had the voices of Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan both young and old, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker, Yoda...and then you have a bunch of others who I don’t know because I don’t watch Clone Wars or Rebels so I didn’t recognise any of them.
Alright so where does the future of this franchise leave us...well we know that Disney+ is currently making waves with The Mandalorian and will soon to be hopefully making more waves with the Cassian Andor and Obi-Wan Kenobi shows, however in terms of movies I am not sure where they go from here.
I do feel the most logical step is to focus on rebuilding during the hiatus and then coming back stronger.
Overall I rate the movie a 5/10, this movie was a complete hot mess. There were no solid great moments and aside from some great lightsaber battles between Reylo as well as some okay space battles towards the end of the movie, but the story was practically non-existence and there was no finality that the end of an era requires.
So that’s my spoiler review for Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker, what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Movie Reviews as well as other posts.
2 notes · View notes
dalekofchaos · 5 years
Why I believe Rey is a Skywalker
Rey’s story throughout The Force Awakens indicated to be something more. And The Last Jedi ignored everything JJ Abrams was building up to. And this is just me pretty much saying why I believe Rey will either be revealed as a Skywalker or how I believe Rey will take up the mantle of Skywalker.
Star Wars has always been about family, specifically the Skywalker family.
It makes so much sense and Rey’s arc in TFA only makes sense if she is a Skywalker.
Anakin grew up on a desert planet, Rey and Luke were both left to be raised on a desert planet
Lor San Tekka was on Jakku with a map to Luke’s location and could have possibly watching over Rey through the years like Obi-Wan was for Luke.
Rey says to BB-8 that she is “classified? me too, big secret.���
In the trailer for The Force Awakens, Luke says this. “The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. My sister has it. You have that power, too.“ this was either taken out  for it to be planned for the sequels since Luke appeared at the end of TFA, or JJ Abrams decided on to have it be used when he returns for TROS. You don’t put a line like this for just teasing and promotion. This was deliberately said for a reason.
Rey’s face lights up when she realizes Luke Skywalker is real and after Han told her and Finn about Luke
Han Solo takes a special interest in Rey. He offers her a job(he also offered Luke a job) and he’s only known her a couple of hours max. He doesn’t offer Finn a job. Why does Han Solo stare at Rey anytime she says or does anything, like when she managed to fix the Millennium Falcon before him even though she had no experience of it or when Rey said she had only see a place so green in her dreams. Han sees Luke in Rey and it’s obvious Han knew something about Rey. Why would Maz Kanata ask Han Solo “who’s the girl?”
When someone asks “who’s the girl” it cuts to a different scene. It is deliberate. Would they really purposefully cut to different scenes to keep up the suspense if Rey really were a nobody?
Rey is called to the Skywalker Lightsaber. When Rey touches the Lightsaber, she has force visions. Visions that only surround by Luke Skywalker’s legacy and her own abandonment. Luke’s fight on Bespin, Obi-Wan, Luke’s lessons with Yoda, The Corredos of the Death Star, Luke’s temple burning, The Knights of Ren, her being left on Jakku. Why does THAT Lightsaber call to her? No other Lightsabers have ever called to a random person. There is nothing within the Clone Wars, Rebels or even in Legends to Lightsabers calling out to their particular users. The Lightsaber called to Rey for a reason.
Maz specifically says “that lightsaber was Luke’s and his father’s before him and now it calls to you!” Would a Lightsaber that was passed down to Anakin and Luke, a Lightsaber that later rejects Kylo Ren really call to a nobody?
Rey fights off Kylo Ren’s force probe. Until TLJ novel ruined it by saying “Rey downloaded Kylo’s skills” thus by taking away her agency and not letting it be HER abilities. Rey in TFA was so powerful she was able to fend off Kylo’s interrogation. Her awakening begins there. She learned to use the Jedi mind trick. Kylo even says to Snoke “ She's strong with the Force, untrained but stronger than she knows.” Why would Kylo say this if Rey simply downloaded his abilities and lose when HE mastered those abilities?
Rey like Luke witnesses the death of her mentor
Rey force pulled the Skywalker Lightsaber. After Rey did this, Kylo says in the novel “it is you” why would Kylo say to a nobody “it is you”??? Kylo has been spending the vast majority of the movie torturing, hurting and killing Rey, only during the duel that he offers to teach Rey the ways of the force. Only when Rey closes her eyes and tapes into the force, is Rey able to defeat Kylo Ren
So many of Luke’s music scores happen during specific Rey scenes
Leia hugs Rey when she had no idea who Rey is, this is their first meeting and when Chewbacca IS RIGHT THERE(WHY DOES LEIA NOT GRIEVE WITH CHEWIE??)  Why was Rey sent to go fetch the legendary Luke Skywalker? Why not Poe? The man sent to find Luke’s map. Why not Leia? Luke’s twin sister Leia has the strongest connection with him. Leia herself said she wanted to find Luke and bring him would Leia really risk it all by sending someone she just met to find Luke? Someone she and Luke has no connection to? Leia realized too that Rey was her niece and thought it was best for Luke to tell her on her own because the Skywalker Twins are dramatic. Leia knew that Rey and Luke needed this and she hoped Rey could bring Luke back over her. It makes absolutely no sense for Leia to send someone with no connection to Luke or herself to find Luke. 
The script for TFA says Luke knows who she is. IT IS LUKE SKYWALKER. Older now, white hair, bearded. He looks at Rey. A kindness in his eyes, but there's something tortured, too. He doesn't need to ask her who she is, or what she is doing here. You can see clearly that Mark Hamil acted the his best out of that scene despite no lines. Yet this exchange is changed pointlessly in the beginning of The Last Jedi. He throws the Lightsaber and treats her like an annoying kid who won’t get off his lawn.
Rey has said she dreamed of Ach-To, the very place Luke went to.
Luke says in the TLJ graphic novel that Rey reminds him of himself so much.
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Rey forges a force bond with Kylo Ren so easily. A DAY PASSED, A DAY. There was NO TIME SKIP! Rey has no reason whatsoever to trust Kylo. He killed Han Solo and hurt her friend. Her first instinct when seeing him was to shoot Kylo on sight with a blaster. Why does Rey so easily go from wanting to kill Kylo to saving Ben Solo and saying “he is our last hope” Who else in the saga is bonded? Luke and Leia. Rey and Kylo are bonded as cousins and as family. Kylo wants Rey to join him, like Vader wanted Luke to join him. Rey’s biggest weakness is her desire to find a family. Despite everything he’s done, Rey subconsciously wants to save Ben because of that desire to have a family. Kylo was lying about Rey’s parents, he was just trying to get her to agree to join him. Convincing her that she had no one and was no one would make her more open to joining him. Kylo is a proven liar and manipulator time and time again. If you so easily believed Kylo Ren, then congrats you are easily manipulated.
Luke specifically says “I can’t be what she needs me to be”
Kylo Ren is said to be based off of Darth Caedus/Jacen Solo. Rey is said to be based off of Ben Skywalker. There is always truth in legends.
John Williams doesn’t believe Rey’s parents were nobodies.
And i will defend Rey being left on Jakku. A lot of fans who defend Rey being a nobody will immediately say “it’s not in Luke Skywalker’s character to leave Rey on a graveyard of a planet.” They are correct, Luke would not. Rey’s mother would for her protection. Luke probably walled off all memories of Luke Skywalker and left her on Jakku and asked Lor San Tekka to keep an eye on her, like Obi-Wan did for him. Rey was left
Luke’s antagonistic attitude towards Rey in TLJ. He doesn’t want to involve her in his family’s destructive nature, he can’t involve her in the fight, Luke pushes her away hoping to keep her safe, yet still interacts with her because he cares. Despite Rian Johnson’s character assassination, he can’t take away that Luke Skywalker genuinely cares. 
Luke teaches Rey and has passed on everything he knew after he became a force ghost. Something must have happened in all that time. He even tells her “We’ll always be with you, no one’s ever really gone.” There will be a reveal on Rey’s parentage. Whether Luke is her father or not. The character of Zorri Bliss is being hinted at being Rey’s mother. Zorri Bliss is said not to take any sides during the war, perhaps her neutrality is because of what she had to do to ensure her daughter remained safe. Even if Luke is not her father, Rey can still be a Skywalker. Rey will take up the mantle of Skywalker. Rey has finally found her family and her place in the galaxy. Rise Of Skywalker means Rey and her connection to the Skywalkers, it’s about Rey even if she’s not a true Skywalker. The entire trilogy is Rey’s hero’s journey and her character arc. She started as a scavenger abandoned on Jakku. She found a purpose aside from desperately waiting for something that will never come. The Force Awakens was Rey’s awakening. She found the force within herself and saved herself and her friend. The Last Jedi was about Rey finding her place and eventually becoming The Last Jedi. She found that her place was not following the teachings of the old Jedi or with Kylo Ren. Her place is becoming the new generation of Jedi and Rey herself becoming a legend. Rey will take the mantle of Skywalker and become the beacon of hope the galaxy needs.  
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wickedscribbles · 3 years
Come What May, Chapter Four
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Original Female Character (Second Person Perspective)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: brief description of panic attack -- there is a warning in the body of the chapter as well! Don’t worry. 
Tags: main character has social anxiety, teaching a class with Obi-Wan, sexual tension, lightsaber fights, Obi-Wan continues with the cute pet names, some teacher/student fantasizing, Obi-Wan is still a massive tease, fucking in a supply closet
Word Count: 6.9 K
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It's infuriating to know that Obi-Wan is back in the Temple, but that he's too busy to see you. Between Council meetings that drag for hours, more private gatherings with members of the Senate to discuss what the next move in the war should be, and allowing the poor man time to rest, Obi-Wan has been home for more than a week. You've barely caught more than a glimpse of him. Still, it's nice to have him present in your mind.
You know he's still in the Temple every day you wake up to a glowing good morning, love, his happiness to be near you radiating like sunshine even if you haven't had the time to see one another. It’s not safe to talk back and forth, but sometimes if one of you is particularly bored, you’ll trade a few sentences.
Master Yoda is on a roll today. Send help. Starting to think backwards I am.
Pity you I do.
Very funny, petal.
Then he’d be gone again, fading out before anyone got suspicious. The sudden absence hurts, but not as much as having him gone from the Temple entirely. At least here, you can feel him. You know he's safe.
In contrast to Obi-Wan's breakneck schedule, you've had almost nothing to do. It's full-on spring on Coruscant now, the warmth driving cold and flu season away. You have no colicky little ones in the creche to fuss over, no sick Padawans. The most you might see are some old Masters who need their aching bones tended to, or a quick training accident that needs mended. You haven't shipped out to a war-stricken planet in a while, either. It's strange to have downtime. Strange and frustrating, knowing Obi-Wan is nearby but still not close enough. Having a spare moment between all the illness and injuries is a good thing, and you're grateful. If only you weren't so restless.
It’s rare -- almost impossible -- that you get to take the entire day off, but that’s exactly what you’ve been told to do. The medbay sits empty except for a couple of droids, instructed to deep clean while there are no patients. Even Master Allie appears to be taking it easy; her Force is calm as she bids you goodbye. She insists that if anyone turns up in need of healing, she and Barriss Offee would be on call to take care of it. You bow to her and leave, excited about what possibilities this could open up.
The first thing you do is check for Obi-Wan. Of course, he’s preoccupied. You duck out after feeling the level of concentration he’s exerting at something-or-other; it’s mixed with frustration and you don’t want to distract him. Like you, he’s getting more and more impatient with how busy the Council has kept him. You try not to let yourself be disappointed; it would be too lucky for both of you to be free at the same time, on the same day. All you can do is hope that you can find the time to be together before he has to leave again.
With your schedule more open than ever, you head to your favorite courtyard. The least you can do is soak up some Coruscanti sunshine. But only a quarter of an hour passes before you’re interrupted by the sound of footsteps on cobblestones, headed fast in your direction. Around the corner, scattering the kiros birds, comes a youngling you recognize. It's Gil Graven, a spitfire of a youngling you see in the medbay far more than others his age. He drives his minders crazy with his recklessness, but he’s a sweetheart. Even if you swear you have him admitted once a month for sprains and cuts.
Even now he trips and topples, would have earned the Halls of Healing their first visitor of the day, if you hadn't righted him with a quick pull of the Force.
"Easy, Gil. Where's the fire?" You smile, watching the kid tug his too-large tunic back onto his shoulder.
"Fire? There's no fire, miss. I was looking for you!"
His eyes go round with confusion, cheeks red from running. You forgot how literal younglings could be.
"I meant -- wait, looking for me? What's wrong? Who's hurt?"
Kriff. You should've known taking a day off would backfire. Something had happened in the fifteen minutes you’d had your butt parked in the grass. You get to your feet, gripping the pouch of emergency bacta on your belt.
"Oh! It's not a healer thing." Gil bounces in place, thinking. "But you're needed in the training halls! And they told me to find you quick!"
"Gil, calm down for a minute, okay?" The training halls? Why on Ryloth were you wanted there? "Who told you?"
He shrugs, unhelpful. “I dunno. I’ve never met ‘im before. But he told me to go get the Knight from the Healing Halls ‘cause no one’s been admitted today, and you’d be able to help him.”
You’re still not sure if this is a healer problem, or a matter of simple confusion. Gil’s got a touch of what healers like to call bouncy brain. Sweet as he is, he talks at lightspeed and can’t seem to concentrate if he isn’t moving. There’s a real possibility that he’s got something mixed up here. Still, it’s not as if you’re doing anything else. The Force must have decided that you need to keep busy.
You decide to see what he’s going on about. “Okay, Gil. Lead the way.”
Lingering outside one of the larger training rooms is Master Ki-Adi-Mundi, who smiles when he spots Gil leading you over by the hand.
“There you are!” He crouches down to greet your youngling escort, clapping him on the shoulder. “Thank you, Gil, I am so glad you found our friend. You may go now.”
Gil bows to him, his Force blooming under the praise. “Yes, Master.” You both watch as he takes off the way he came, speeding back up to a run.
“No running!” You scold after him. He barely slows before he’s out of sight.
Master Ki-Adi-Mundi chuckles. “That one reminds me of our own Anakin Skywalker.”
You nod, seeing the resemblance. Anakin is five years your junior, but he was still notorious when you were Padawans. Always turning up where he shouldn’t have been, Obi-Wan always three steps behind. Nothing’s changed, Obi-Wan often tells you.
“Master,” you say, hearing the low buzz of voices coming from the room you’re standing in front of. “Gil said you needed me? Is someone injured?”
“Hm? Oh! Oh stars, no.” Master Ki-Adi shakes his head, looking sheepish. “But I was rather hoping you’d be able to help me with a little problem I’ve run into.”
“Of course.” Okay, now I'm suspicious.
Ki-Adi tugs the end of his beard. “My squadron is being called out to fight on very short notice, I’m afraid. I was meant to teach today’s lesson, and was lucky enough to find a substitute for myself on short notice. But my instruction partner is leaving as well, and I haven’t yet found them a suitable replacement.”
“O-oh,” you hear yourself squeak.
Karabast. He wants you to teach? Your stomach drops somewhere near your ankles. This is so far from what you were expecting when Gil led you here. You can’t do this. You can’t.
Ki-Adi must feel your panic, because he continues quickly. “Don’t fret, my dear! My substitute is a very capable instructor. Follow his lead, and everything will be fine.” He claps a hand on your shoulder, turning away.
“Thank you again -- and now I really must be off.” And with that, he’s gone, walking at a brisk pace down the corridor.
CW starts here!
You’re so anxious that you feel like you’re about to be sick. You’ve done many things on behalf of the Council, often without knowing what they even were, but this? You can’t do this. There’s too many people. You lean against the doorframe, struggling for breath.
What’s the matter? Obi-Wan’s concern comes rushing in, and you’re grateful you have him to latch onto, to focus on.
Someone's asked a favor of me -- and I don’t think I can do it. You’re gripping your saber hilt too tight, the metal biting into your hand.
Please try to calm down. Find somewhere to sit and meditate, collect yourself --
Your anxiety is affecting him, making his own thoughts race even if he doesn’t know the cause. This sometimes happens. You’ve jolted awake in the middle of the night more than once with nightmares that weren’t your own, or had thoughts that didn’t make sense ‘til you realized they weren’t yours.
I can’t.
Why not?
You don’t reply. You have to go in there. Master Ki-Adi said that he was already late. Remembering your breathing, you focus on a count of four in through your nose, then hold the breath for a count of seven. When you exhale, you count to eight. After repeating the exercise several times, you can think straight. It’s not the more in-depth meditation Obi-Wan would have preferred, but it helps. All you can do is hope that the instructor carries much of the class, as Master Ki-Adi said he would.
When it feels like you’ve released much of your fear and uncertainty to the Force, you open the door and step in.
CW ends here!
Immediately, twenty pairs of curious Padawan eyes move to follow you, and you cringe. They all sit cross-legged on the padded floor. Three of the walls are lined with mirrors, the better for students to see fighting forms and sparring matches from every angle. On a side wall, a flimsi depicting each form of saber combat stretches the length of the room, cut off only by the supply closet where training accessories are stored. You’ve been in this room and its adjacent siblings dozens of times. But all that isn’t as important to you as the instructor, who’s turned to see why the room’s gone quiet.
It’s Obi-Wan.
Standing bare-foot on one of room-length training mats, in the middle of handing out sparring sticks to the class, he freezes when you lock eyes.
Oh, he says, equal parts shock and happiness.
I say this with the greatest respect, darling -- why did Master Ki-Adi send you?
Because the Healing Halls are completely empty. Also to torture me. You grimace, joining him at the front of the room. He nods to you in greeting, as if you aren’t having a mental conversation.
“Knight Courtee. Glad to see you could join us.”
“I apologize, Master. It was short notice for me, as well.” You bow to him.
Is this what you were so worked up about? They’re only Padawans. They don’t bite -- much.
Once the group realizes that you’re the other instructor that Obi-Wan’s been waiting for, the chatter resumes. They stop ogling you. From the looks of the group, they’re all in the late teens, and bubbling over with energy. Right in the middle of Padawan and Knight, but with all the arrogance to think they’re already the latter. Away from their Masters in a group like this, they tend to get far rowdier than they would otherwise. Each has a lightsaber strapped to their belt.
“Run me through the lesson?” you say, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Quiet!” Obi-Wan demands over his shoulder, and you jump. The loudest cluster of Padawans instantly falls silent behind you.
Sorry, he thinks at you. I’m starting to see why Ki-Adi jumped on the first ship leaving the system.
“Amina, lose the gum. Did you think I wouldn’t notice? Yes, now. Navo, do I have to move you to the other side of the room? Don’t think I won’t.”
Mumbles of yes, Master, break out before he turns back to you, satisfied. You don’t smile but know he feels your amusement.
“We’ll be running through some more advanced katas,” Obi-Wan says. “Then we’ll break them into pairs and focus on the saber technique of each pair. At the end of the lesson, you and I will give a demonstration on a chosen form. Perhaps more than one, if the class requests it.”
“Doesn’t sound too bad,” you admit, thinking back to your own group Padawan lessons. You’d dreaded the paired sparring sessions, having your own form broken down and scrutinized. In the end, though, it had improved your skills. Being able to do the same for this group would be an honor. This is a big piece of being a Jedi, after all; skills passed down from Master to Knight to Padawan.
“It isn’t. Just don’t let them smell your fear,” he grins. “Let’s get started.”
As noisy as the group is, you can tell they’re genuinely excited to be in a session led by Master Kenobi. And Obi-Wan really knows how to lead the room. While you stand stiffly off to the side, nodding whenever he finishes saying something and hoping you don’t look like an idiot, he uses the space. He explains the lesson to them as he explained it to you, then asks if anyone has any questions.
The girl who’d been caught with gum earlier, Amina, raises her hand. Her other hand is busy twirling her long Padawan braid, like she can’t help but fidget with it. “Um, Master Kenobi, why are we using sparring sticks? We’ve had lightsabers for a while now.”
A murmur of agreement washes through the crowd, and Obi-Wan smirks.
“Good question, Padawan. Everyone, close your eyes and reach through the Force. Do you feel how tumultuous the energy in this room is? How excitable? If any one of you lit your saber in this room, I fear someone would lose a limb. And that’s something that Knight Courtee can’t fix for you. So we play it safe.”
Another hand punctuates the air, from the very front of the crowd. This Padawan seems younger than the rest, with hair that sticks up everywhere and eyes focused only on Obi-Wan. He starts speaking before he can be called on.
“All due respect, Master,” he says, in a way that makes you think that he’s used to sharing unorthodox opinions. The corner of Obi-Wan’s mouth quirks up as he fights a smile, and you feel him think of Anakin.
“Why are we here? We’re fighting a war. Many of us have already seen combat alongside our Masters.” He lowers his eyes to the mat, afraid he’s gone too far. When his fellow Padawans start nodding and whispering, he tugs on the end of his nerf-tail, as if unsure of what to do.
Obi-Wan takes a moment to consider this question, hand going to his beard as it often does when he’s thinking.
“I appreciate your honesty, Caleb. And you’re correct. It might seem...redundant to spend your time here when even now fellow Jedi are fighting real battles.”
He pauses, thinking of how to continue. The Padawans are hanging onto his every word, the room silent. “But that’s why it’s so important to refine your technique when we can spare the time, in a secure environment. It will make you stronger when you face a real opponent. It might even save your life. Does that make sense?”
Wow, you think to yourself. He’d handled that beautifully. Even though Caleb had spoken out of turn, Obi-Wan hadn’t belittled him or made the teen feel bad about what was an honest and important question. He’d taken the time to consider the Padawan’s feelings, and had given him an equally honest answer, not something to pacify him. It takes you back to your own Padawan training, when Obi-Wan had been your instructor.
“Yes, Master,” Caleb ducks his head, looking relieved. “thank you.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes search the room. “Anything else?”
After a pause, another hand goes up, toward the back.
“Millu?” You love that he knows everyone by name. Some Padawans turn around to reveal a burly Mon Calamari boy.
“Yeah.” His bright yellow eyes dart over to you. “Uh, speaking of Knight Courtee. Why are you teaching us? I thought you were just, like, a healer.” There’s no real malice in his tone, more like an off-handed curiosity, but Obi-wan stiffens.
Luckily you think of something to say before he can open his mouth. It wouldn’t look good for him to get upset defending you.
“That’s an excellent question, Millu, thank you.” You shoot him a smile, and you swear his scales darken with a blush.
“Being a Jedi with healing abilities does not mean that you get to neglect other aspects of your training. On the contrary, your connection with the Force must be powerful at all times. Healing will swamp you physically and emotionally, so you must keep both body and mind strong to withstand it.”
Your smile widens. “Of course, if you’re asking if you can best me in a fight, we’ll see how you match up during paired spars. Sound good?”
Laughter breaks out, and Millu blushes even darker before muttering, “Sure,” and looking away. Even if it seemed like he was questioning your ability to teach them (as you yourself are), you’re grateful the interaction’s lightened the mood.
Nicely done, says Obi-Wan.
“Very good,” he says aloud, clapping his hands together. “Now if we’re done heckling Knight Courtee, let’s begin with some stretches, please.”
Obi-Wan was right, you think, walking around the room. This...isn’t bad at all. You walk from pair to pair, taking in the angle of their weapon, how they hold their bodies, making minor corrections and leaving comments as you go. They look up when you come by, eager to see what you’re going to say to them. It’s much easier to interact with the Padawans on this smaller scale, and you find yourself joking with them, smiling. After a while, they even start asking for you, looking to see if you can demonstrate a move or if they’re holding the training stick the correct way. They aren’t scary at all -- just excitable kids who want to learn.
I’m sorry, Obi-Wan was what?
Looking up, you see Obi-Wan grinning across the room, demonstrating his own correction. In the middle of all this excitable teen Force energy, it’s easy for you to have a conversation and go unnoticed.
You were right. I like this.
And you’re good at it; they adore you. You’re going to make a wonderful Master. He shows you a brief image of a happy Padawan trailing behind you, eager to follow wherever you lead. It’s the best feeling, love.
Unexpected emotion rises in your chest at his pure sincerity. He knows how insecure you are about the fact that you’ll soon have your own Padawan to look after, but he doesn’t have a single doubt that you can do it. For the first time, you let yourself think of the situation in a hopeful light. It was a path you never pictured for yourself, but one that you know you have to follow. Obi-Wan makes it look so easy. Anakin, and even Anakin’s Padawan Ahsoka, look at him like he hung the stars. Of course, so do you.
“Last twenty minutes!” Obi-Wan calls over the noise of sparring sticks clacking together. “Take a seat, class.”
The Padawans rush to do as they’re told, everyone clamoring for the best spot to view your spar with Master Kenobi. They go completely silent, waiting for you to join him. A hush even falls over the Force energy in the room, like they’re all holding their breath.
Obi-Wan sinks into a bow when you’re opposite him, one hand on his saber. When you glance down in confusion, he sends a wave of amusement.
I said I didn’t trust the Padawans, darling. Not you.
Not sure if that’s wise. You bow in return, unclipping your saber also. He ignites his blade, the blue glow casting light over all the reflections of the mirrors. Taking a deep breath, trusting the familiar feeling of your own weapon, you ignite your lightsaber. The bright green light shimmers over your hands, crackling with your energy.
You’re surprised at how nervous you are. It’s one thing to watch him from across the room, to be taught by him as a Padawan yourself, but to spar with Obi-Wan as an equal? He’s going to wipe the floor with you.
“What form does Knight Courtee use?” You hear somebody whisper.
“Form five -- she told me.”
“Oooh, really? That’ll be fun to see against Master Kenobi.”
Obi-Wan waits until the group is quiet again to ask if you’re ready to start. Your saber hums hot in your hand, a little less controlled than you’d like it.
“Ready as I can be, Master.”
“Then let’s begin.”
No sooner are the words out of his mouth than he’s in your space, much closer than you want him with a lightsaber in hand. You strike out instinctively and he expected that, anticipated it. He was baiting you. Your blade bounces off of his far more harshly than you like, the zyoom echoing through the room. You take a step back, try to calculate an opening. He mirrors you, waiting to react. It takes you longer than it should to realize that he’s shielded the bond up tight, not giving anything away. The only thing you can hear is your heartbeat and the crackling of the sabers, each one fueled by its master’s adrenaline.
He keeps his blade held at eye level, and you lunge in for a mid-range attack. Obi-Wan blocks but you keep it coming, getting back into the groove of Djem So after spending so long out of combat. It feels good to have the saber be a part of you, to have it grow lighter as it remembers your touch.
Strike, block, strike, block. You’re working at a breakneck rhythm trying to get through his defenses, but Obi-Wan won’t give an inch. Sweat pours down your temple but still you press, using the Force to try and search for a weak point but finding none. He’s too kriffing fast.
There’s a reason they call him Master of this form. It’s infuriating, the almost lazy way he flicks your lightsaber aside every time, using your energy against you. There’s not a hair out of place on him. Every time you lower your blade, wondering what to do, he simply resets, content to wait again. You can tell from the look in his eyes that he knows you’re getting tired.
The Padawans are anything but quiet now -- some shouting Get her, Master Kenobi! while others insist that you can hold your own. Your eyes flick over to them once. Some lean forward towards the fight as far as they dare, a few are even on their feet in support.
When Obi-Wan finally tips his saber in retaliation, you barely manage to block, caught off guard at the change from defense to offense. He strikes again, again, again -- each blow more brutal than the last, each one so close to your skin that you can feel his blue saber’s sizzling heat. He’s driving you back against the wall. Despite your best effort, you’re losing ground where you’d previously held it. When you feel your back slam against the wall he was driving you toward, you gasp and fumble a block -- your last move. The blade of Obi-Wan’s saber hovers near your throat, a win.
“And that’s your head,” he says easily. You lower your saber and extinguish the blade, holding your hands up in a show of defeat.
The room erupts.
“Master Kenobi, that was so wizard --”
“Knight Courtee was letting him have it! Did you see --?”
“I wish I could have recorded that for the holo!”
“Settle down,” Obi-Wan says, but he’s smiling. “I’m glad that you all have found this lesson so illuminating.” He bows to you, signalling the end of the match, and you follow suit.
“You’re dismissed,” he says to the room. The declaration is met with mixed reactions; half are glad to be free, half don’t want the lesson to be over yet.
“No need to hang around and help tidy this time. You were such a good group that Knight Courtee and I are glad to take care of it.” It’s traditional for students to stick around after the lesson is done and help roll up the training mats, collect the sparring sticks, and clean the room in any other way that needs it.
That statement really gets them out the door, though several of them whine about him being far cooler than their regular teacher and why can't he teach them all the time?
Once everyone’s filed out, Obi-Wan locks the door behind them. He turns to you with a long sigh, relieved that the loudness of all those teenagers in one place has dispersed.
“Well,” you say. “That’s not how I expected my morning to go.”
“I’m glad,” Obi-Wan replies. “I was beginning to think that I wouldn’t see you at all in my time home, yet here we are.”
“Like the Force willed it.”
He beams at that, drawing you tight against him. “C’mere. My bright little instructor.”
You grumble, cheek pressed against his chest. “You flayed me within an inch of my life, Obi-Wan.”
All he does in response to your grumpiness is chuckle, placing warm kisses everywhere he can reach on your face. “Yes. I did.”
“It was embarrassing.”
“I couldn’t exactly go easy on you, could I?”
No, he couldn’t. Everyone knows the extent of Obi-Wan’s skill, and while you aren't untalented with a saber, winning or even overcoming him would be unlikely. You’d fought honestly, and so had he. Anything else would have invoked suspicion.
He takes your silence for the correct answer, then gently pries your cheek from his body.
“Would it help if you got kisses as a consolation prize?” He’s looking at you so fondly, like you’re his favorite thing in the galaxy. You nod, already leaning on your tiptoes to reach.
Obi-Wan hums against your lips, sinking against you like he’s been waiting for this -- because you both have. The kisses stay close-mouthed, but he’s pressing them onto you fast, his hands roaming you urgently. Your bond tells you that he wants to take his time with you, would have each moment stretch out for as long as possible, if he could. He wants to savor you. But arousal is winning out.
“Sweetheart,” he murmurs, pulling back to brush his nose against yours. “Do you know how much restraint it took not to pin you against the wall and have you, at the end of our fight? To resist sending all the little Padawans away right then?”
You gasp, feeling heat stirring deep in your stomach. The honey-sweetness of his tone contrasts with his words, but he’s just getting started.
“There was such fire in your eyes when we sparred, kitten." Kitten. Yet another pet name to add to your already large collection. This one makes you blush, and you don't miss Obi-Wan's pleased grin. "I had to shut you out so that you wouldn’t get distracted by my, er, distraction.”
His distraction presses up against your leg now, thick and hot. Obi-Wan tugs the end of your braid hard, tilting your head back to expose your neck. You whimper against him, all but letting him hold you up at this point. He loves it -- going to work at once nipping and kissing everywhere he can get to. His breath is heavy on your skin as he ruts against your thigh, trying and failing to bite back his own ecstatic moans.
“We’re alone now,” you choke out, hardly aware enough to string the sentence together. “s-so you can -- do whatever you want with me.”
This makes him pause. “Is that so?” Obi-Wan’s tone is still so light, like you’re having a conversation about what they’re serving in the refectory today, not how badly you want him to fuck you.
“Yes,” you say, embarrassed at how desperate you sound, how easily you melt for him. You can see yourself over his shoulder in the mirrors, and you blush, burying your face.
He laughs a little at your reaction. “What if I want to take you into that supply closet and bend you over?” His hand roams down your body, landing on your crotch. Two fingers rub a strong circle through the material, and you lean into it. “What if I want to take you from behind, make up for all the time we haven’t been together?”
“I’d ask why -- aren’t we already there,” you huff, blinking up at him.
That’s all the answer he needs. In one motion, he grabs you round the middle and hauls you over his shoulder like a sack of meilooruns. Your breath whooshes out, surprise and a lack of air keeping you from forming a sentence as he marches you to the closet as promised. The ground bounces and sways in your vision as you’re jostled -- it’s a strange sensation, being carried. Thankfully, it only lasts a few seconds.
Obi-Wan opens the door and closes it just as quickly once you’re both inside, making you aware of how small, how dark, the space is. You find yourself deposited on the storage bin that the mats are kept in, your legs dangling high in the air. He leans in to kiss you, nothing but hot breath and hungry hands, and you fist your own in the front of his tunic. It spurs him on, and soon his tongue is pressing into your open mouth, exploring every corner.
You moan into him, your fingers going beyond clothes to scratch against his chest. Obi-Wan picks you up again and you lift your legs around his waist, rubbing tight against his cock. He bears your entire weight like it’s nothing, continuing to kiss you as if your legs are planted on the ground. Stars, the strength, the eagerness of him, is overwhelming. His arms are pillars, holding you steady, crossed firm around your back.
"I thought you said," you gasp out, shivering when his tongue flicks out to catch your earlobe, "something about -- bending me over --"
“So eager today,” he says, his voice a tantalizing purr.
“Can you blame me?” you blurt.
"And what does that mean, dearest?"
He already knows what you mean. It’s everywhere in your mind. You can’t hide how you feel when you’ve been this close to him for so long, forbidden to touch him, to even think about it until you’ve reached your breaking point.
Obi-Wan, hands behind his back, patiently watching the Padawans demonstrate their forms. Nodding and sometimes stepping in to correct, placing his hand casually on an arm or leg to shift the balance of their weight. Then the Padawan he’s correcting becomes you, and his touch is no longer innocent. The group is melting away, and his mouth is trailing down your neck, whispering things that have little to do with the kata you’re struggling through.
“Oh,” he chuckles. “I see.”
You bump your head into his shoulder, too embarrassed to answer. As if to reassure you, Obi-Wan sends you an image back.
Both of you in the same training room, but you stand among your fellow Padawans, now all Knights, shuffling anxiously from foot to foot. You don't look that much different from the way you do now, but for the traditional Padawan's hairstyle.
Though you're seeing things from his perspective, the mirrors give him away; Obi-Wan looks younger, too. There are no lines around his eyes here, he holds himself more loosely. Like there isn't a galaxy-wide war. And he's less certain as he flits from student to student, new at this.
"You were always a pleasure to speak to, you know," Obi-Wan tells you, low voice right in your ear. He knows that he's teasing you, knows exactly the effect it's having on your body. You squirm in his tight grip, unable to go anywhere to get away from the softness of his voice.
"Polite and passionate. Made your Master very proud. But…" he trails off, and you shiver, anticipating his next words.
"So anxious whenever you saw me, weren't you?" He muses, fingers flexing on the curve of your ass. "And now I finally understand why."
"Obi-Wan…" you protest, unsure of what you're going to say next but just knowing that you need the teasing to stop. Both mental and physical -- he's hard against your abdomen, almost painful with how tight you're wedged against him.
"Down, love," he says. With effort, you extract your legs from around his waist and plant your feet on the floor, with his hands to guide you. "Turn around."
For a moment, you get excited, thinking that he's done teasing you. Obi-Wan makes quick work of your belt, dropping it to the floor seconds before your pants and underwear. You step out of them, breathing heavily, feeling his chest against your back. There's a clink, and you realize that he's dropped his belt as well, one hand bracing on your shoulder as he fumbles out of his own bottoms.
There's nothing between you now. Obi-Wan's bare dick rubs against your tailbone, leaving a warm dribble of pre-come.
"Now bend forward for me, darling -- that's it --"
You lean on the storage bin, heart thumping a tattoo in your throat. Obi-Wan lines himself up behind you, breath ragged, and sinks inside you in one long push.
"Obi-Wan, oh," you cry out, not expecting how full you'd feel from this angle.
"I know, sweetheart, I know," he says, taking a moment to adjust to the sensation. His mind is a high buzz of pleasure, looking forward to taking you apart in this new, delicious way.
Then he moves. So, so deep and slow. You let out a broken whine, toes curling. He pauses, holds his breath. Then thrusts again, just as unhurried as the first time, and your fingers scrabble for purchase on the smooth material of the bin in front of you.
“Hmm,” Obi-Wan sighs. “Do you know, this reminds me of something.”
You groan, not out of pleasure, but because he’s stopped. How? Where and how did he find the restraint to torment you like this? You’re not sure which part of today’s interaction set him off, but you sorely wish that he’d get down to business and fuck you.
“What does it remind you of?” you ask tightly, figuring that playing along will get you where you want to be faster. As if rewarding you, Obi-Wan’s hands come around to find your breasts, teasing your nipples with the barest of touches. Gods if he doesn’t go faster --
He can hear your mind loud and clear, but says nothing, only sending a feeling of amusement back before answering your question.
"Watching you go through katas in this very room. Or, well, the room outside." Obi-Wan presses into your back, finally starting to push into you in a slow but satiating rhythm.
"Mmm," you manage, pressing your lips together hard to avoid reaching an inappropriate volume.
“Do you remember the criticism I had for you, little Padawan? You were so tense. Why was that?” All the while he’s languidly thrusting into you from behind. As if he expects you to form a coherent response.
“I l-liked you,” you stammer out, bracing yourself on the edge of the storage bin.
"Oh? Well, I liked you too. You were a wonderful student."
"That's not what I --" Thank the Maker that it's pitch black in this closet, because your face is burning.
"But for some reason," he continues, enjoying himself, "you always needed correction in solo practice. The other Masters told me, several times, that that was not an issue in their own lessons."
You can only whimper as he bears into you deeper. He knows exactly what he's doing to you. When you place a hand on your stomach, just above your belly button, you can feel him inside you.
"Tell me, sweetheart. Did you need my hands on your body, as desperately as you do now?"
"Yes, Master," you all but sob. "I need, I n-need --"
"Need me to fuck you?" Obi-Wan supplies, voice going rough and breathy. "Need me to wreck you, the way your mind is screaming for it?"
You slam the palm of your hand on the top of the bin, and it makes a hollow thud, sending pain shooting up your arm.
"Obi-Wan, yes! Please, please fuck me, I need it!" You're aware that your words border on incoherence, but not enough to care.
And he doesn't either.
Just as you've reached your limit, so does Obi-Wan. One of his hands grabs your wrist and pins it, hard, while the other squeezes your hip.
"Are you ready?" He pants in your ear, pausing only to nip at your shoulder blade. Already he's fucking you deeper, so good so thick inside you, that you're writhing under his every touch.
"Wanted to do this -- for s-so long --" Obi-Wan gasps out and so do you, the heat of orgasm reaching a crescendo in your thighs as you feel him come apart in your mind.
"Want to come so deep inside you, darling, oh please, please --"
You know that he's barely hanging on, waiting for your permission.
"Gods, Master, yes --" Like you could deny him this, when you want it so desperately too.
His forehead drops to your shoulder as he rams into you, shoving you against the bin. It takes everything you have not to scream his name when you come, gripping his arm -- the only part of him you can reach from this angle.
Obi-Wan isn't far behind, moaning loud behind you as your orgasm makes your pussy clamp down even tighter on him.
"Yes, yes, oh my Gods --"
The bond flares up sudden and white-hot between you, carrying the sensation of Obi-Wan's pleasure just as it had that night on Odryn.
"Kriff," you say weakly, clutching his arm like it's the only thing connecting you to the planet.
Sweetheart, I'm there, I'm right there
I know, and I'm -- me too --
Oh fuck, fuck -- I'm coming, stars, I'm coming, oh --
You come a second time when Obi-Wan starts to spurt inside you, tears spilling from the intensity of it all. With him this tight against your body, you swear you can feel every hot spurt of come shoot up inside you. Obi-Wan's teeth are caught in the material of your tunic, muffling his shout. It feels like you stand there, taking his come for minutes, as he shudders against you.
When it's over you whimper, leaning against his chest on aftershock-weak legs. Slowly, as if his head is one step behind, Obi-Wan puts his arms around you.
"Stars above, Obi-Wan," you mutter, every coherent thought fucked out of your head. Your brain feels like static, but your body's floating. Pulling out and turning you gently to face him again, Obi-Wan plants a line of soft kisses from your forehead to your mouth. His release runs heavy down your thighs, but there's not much you can do about it here.
"Not tense now, are you?" he says, tracing slow, wet circles over your sensitive clit.
You laugh. "You're unbelievable."
"No, I'm committed to a scene," Obi-Wan corrects, as if this was all an elaborate game.
You consider saying something along the lines of, I'm going to commit my boot to your rear end if you don't quit it, but think better of it.
Instead you re-dress, wincing at the mess you'll have to tolerate down your crotch and legs until you can get to the nearest fresher. This is the downfall of spontaneous sex. No easy cleanup.
"Next time, would you like to come with me?" Obi-Wan's asking. You snort, buckling your belt back into place.
"Pretty sure I just did. You didn't notice?"
He pauses, then opens the closet door, letting in a blinding slice of light. Though he's dressed, Obi-Wan looks disheveled and wide-eyed still in a way that you always adore.
"That's...no. That's not what I'm talking about, love," he says, a hint of amusement in his tone.
"I mean, the next time I have to leave. Come with me. I think we've both come to realize that being apart is painful. And that being together isn't just a physical concept anymore."
His voice has dropped to a near-whisper, but you're hanging on to every word. Though you'd never admit it aloud, this is exactly what you want. To follow him instead of lying awake every night, worrying he won't come back from the last distant system he's shipped away to. You want to be beside him, no matter how rough things are.
You are a Jedi, not a housewife. And frankly, being kept in the Temple while he's away risking his neck, the bond blocked for days or weeks at a time, is torture.
Obi-Wan listens to all this, your outpouring of emotion through the bond you never meant to forge with him. He shows his understanding, his respect, his compassion for you, in return.
"Okay. Okay," he says, more to himself than you. "I'll speak to the Council. Knowing them, it may take some time to get an answer, but --"
You cut him off with a kiss. It doesn't matter. As long as you're together.
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inkognito97 · 7 years
He was standing on his usual spot near his hut, that he now called his home. The twin suns of Tatooine had almost vanished from the horizon, the only light came from the countless stars on the night sky. But there would not have been much to see anyway, just sand and dunes, everywhere you looked. It didn’t seem to bother the lone figure whatsoever. In fact, Qui-Gon believed that his former Padawan was not really here, perhaps physically, but certainly not in mind. The dead Jedi Master wondered, what was the ginger haired male thinking about? Was he thinking about the fallen Jedi Order again, perhaps about his dead comrades, the clones’ betrayal or was he thinking about Anakin or Luke?
Whatever he was thinking about, it definitely had to do with the Skywalkers, that much was clear to the deceased Jedi. Qui-Gon sighed, not that Obi-Wan would notice, not in this state. He was still learning how to converse with his former Master. There MIGHT be a time in the future, when he would be fully aware of Qui-Gon again, but the time was still relatively far away. But what was time to a dead man? The long haired Jedi was sure that he wouldn’t care as much as he did, were it not for Obi-Wan.
“I’m sorry Padawan, if I could change things…” he trailed off. Obi-Wan would not hear him and if he could, then he would not WANT to hear his apology.
In the ginger haired man’s eyes, he himself was the one to blame. Little did he know that it had been Qui-Gon’s fault from the very beginning of their partnership. The deceased Master had realized that. His cold teaching and his denial of their bond, as well as his rejection of Obi-Wan again and again, had made the young man act like he did. He too had done much wrong in Anakin’s apprenticeship, but only because he had been so young and he had only Qui-Gon’s teaching as example. In the end, the blame rested on Qui-Gon’s shoulders.
The Force ghost sent a last glance at his former student. He could see his pain clearly and he felt it in the Force, as if it were his own. It says that time would heal every wound, but Qui-Gon was not so sure about this one. He himself had never really healed after Xanatos had fallen. The proof stood before him, with tense shoulders and glassy grey eyes.
The long haired ghost turned away and allowed the Force to claim him for now. Perhaps tomorrow would be a better day… at least for his dear Padawan…
Qui-Gon groaned while he awoke. That in itself made the Master freeze. He was dead, he did not sleep, he did not eat, he did not drink. Such mortal needs did not apply to him anymore, at least in theory.
Qui-Gon began to harbor doubts however, because he was absolutely certain that he was lying on something very soft and comfortable. As a Force ghost, he should not have a physical form and he certainly should not be able to touch, let alone rest on something. He was sure that something was definitely wrong here, if that was good or bad, would remain to be seen.
The Jedi Master took a deep breath, which should not have been necessary, and he opened his eyes, only to shut them again when he was greeted by a VERY bright and VERY familiar light. Why in the name of the Force was he in the halls of healing? It did not make any sense to him.
“So you are finally awake,” Qui-Gon knew that voice all too well.
“Tahl?” Tahl was dead, she had greeted him after his death, followed by the worst scolding of his whole life, or rather, his afterlife.
“Yes you big dummy,” it was meant to be teasing, but he could hear the worry in her voice.
“What happened?” he carefully peeked between half opened eye lids.
“You collapsed,” another voice spoke up, before Tahl could answer. Midnight blue eyes darted towards the door, in which Mace Windu and Yoda stood.
“Excuse me?” he was confused and were it not for the reassurance from the Force, he would have freaked out by now.
“You collapsed in the middle of an argument with the Council,” Tahl explained, while the two Council members entered.
“I did… was I winning?” he grinned dumbly and his two friends could only shake their heads in amusement. Yoda simply huffed and hopped onto one of the empty chairs that stood next to Qui-Gon’s bed.
“Winning you was not, finished with you, I was not,” said the Order’s Grandmaster.
“A pity,” he let his head fall back into the pillow. Could it really be possible? Was this really a second chance? The Force made no move to deny his thoughts.
“What can you remember?” the Korun Master stood at the foot of the long haired Master’s bed.
He thought for a moment and decided that ‘the destruction of the Jedi Order and his Padawan’s grief and self-blame’ might not be an answer that would be well received. He settled for something else instead, “Nothing if I am being honest.” The three visitors shared concerned glances. “Discussing your return to the temple we were.”
“We asked you to take on another Padawan learner,” added the dark skinned male.
“Ah,” so it was THAT time. Well, he could work with that. “And what did I say?”
Mace shared a quick glance with Yoda. “For one, you were insulting the Council and second, you said that you did not want to take on another Padawan and therefore it made no sense for you to watch the Initiate tournament.”
“I see… well,” he cleared his throat and avoided everyone’s eyes, “it can’t hurt to take a look, right?”
“Honestly Qui-Gon,” the female’s voice sounded annoyed, “I have never met someone so stubborn and thick headed and… wait, what did you say?”
“I will visit the tournament, if it will keep you from bothering me that is,” he had quickly added the last part. Of course he was going to watch the Initiate fights, his future Padawan was among them after all, at least if he was correct.
A moment of silence passed, then, “I am going to call a healer, there is something clearly wrong with him.”
The female with the unusual eyes had halfway risen from her chair, but Mace stopped her. He whispered something into her ear that sounded suspiciously like, “Let him, if this somehow influenced his mind, then we have to take advantage of it… as long as its lasts.”
Qui-Gon pretended not to have heard any of it. Instead, he chose to change the subject.
Qui-Gon was actually enjoying himself. He had been on time to the tournament and watched the youngest of the Order spar and compete against each other. Now that he was not surrounded by the darkness of his own heart, he was actually able to feel the joy, the healthy rivalry and the eagerness in the young ones. The Force felt alive and he as a Master of the Living Force, he strived in it.
He was even able to ignore the incredulous stares he was receiving from his two best friends and from other fellow Jedi, who were relatively close to him. He silently grinned to himself. Would they know what he had seen and gone through, then they would understand. Or perhaps not.
Finally, after the whole morning and most of midday was over, came the fight Qui-Gon had actually came for. He made sure not to fidget in his seat, but he did lean forward, elbows resting on his knees and chin resting on one of his hands. His Padawan looked just as he remembered him, unsure, yet still full of hope. But what really hit the long haired man, was how bright the boy really was and Qui-Gon began to wonder. Had his Padawan always been so bright and if so, what had happened? Perhaps his constant rejection and the doubt the boy had began to harbor during their twelve years together, had dampened his bright presence in the Force. A wave of guilt crashed over him, but he quickly pushed it deep into the Force. He waved away the concerned eyes of his two friend’s and turned to look back at his Padawan, who would soon fight against his greatest rival, a white haired boy names Bruck Chun.
 The fight began and Qui-Gon’s midnight blue eyes followed every move his Padawan made. Everything they observed, was analyzed and cataloged. Mistakes were spotted and plans to correct them were already crafted. It was in this moment, that Qui-Gon realized that he had never done so previously. He had seen the mistakes and he had made Obi-Wan repeat the exercise until he got it right. Hours without a break had been spent in the training halls and immediately, his deep rooted guilt arose anew, but this time, he did not push it aside. Instead, he kept most of his attention on the ongoing fight. He was actually able to catch the moment, in which his Padawan’s graceful fighting style had changed into an almost mindless brawl. The long haired Jedi Master scowled. He may not have heard what Bruck Chun had said to his Padawan, but he could think of enough things that would have broken Obi-Wan’s concentration and had brought forth his temper. That was one thing they had to work on, but not solemnly with a lot of meditation, but with understanding. He now knew that the problem was deeply rooted and that the anger came from fear and pain. They could work on that, he knew they could.
The fight finally ended and at least to Qui-Gon, it was no surprise that the ginger haired male had won. Obi-Wan was the better fighter and the better human, there was no doubt about it. He let himself draw back against the seat, his midnight blue eyes resting on the two boys that were now leaving the training hall. He did not even notice the strange and curious looks Mace and Tahl were sending his way.
A hum escaped the long haired Jedi and without another word, he stood up and left, intending to get to Obi-Wan. It was about time that he acted, he had already waited long enough.
 Qui-Gon eventually found himself waiting right outside the public showers, where the two boys were cleaning themselves. He was fidgeting just a little bit from impatience, but who could blame him? After all, he was finally able to make everything right again. He was finally able to give Obi-Wan the apprenticeship that he deserved.
The door to the shower area opened and the person that stepped outside, brought a cloud of steam with him.
Qui-Gon eagerly pushed himself away from the wall he had been lazily slumping against – he may be a Jedi Master, trained to always look strong and serene, but he was also a rebel – but he stopped dead in his tracks as he found himself facing white locks instead of copper ones.
“Master Jinn,” the smile on the boy’s face was too much and too plastic.
“Initiate Chun,” Qui-Gon returned the greeting calmly.
“I trust that you have watched the sparring?” the boy continued, his mind was set, that much was clear.
“I did indeed.”
“And what did you think?” he was probably thinking that he was charming.
“I think,” Qui-Gon began hesitantly. This was the boy, who had repeatedly hurt HIS Padawan and would undoubtedly continue to do so, if allowed. “You will NEVER be a Padawan, if you cannot conquer that anger and arrogance of yours.”
The boy blinked, definitely taken aback by the harsh words. His surprise quickly faded into the previously mentioned anger. “How would you know?” he challenged.
Qui-Gon leaned close, VERY close and in a calm and collected voice, he threatened, “I will make sure of it.”
When Obi-Wan exited the public showers, he was surprised to see Bruck Chun still there, but he was even more surprised to see the white haired Initiate talking with Master Jinn. Though ‘talking’ might be the wrong term for this situation. Master Jinn had leaned down closely and was speaking in a low voice and even though Obi-Wan could not hear what was being said, he could very well see the reaction.
Bruck paled and where there had been anger hidden in his eyes, was now fear. The long haired Jedi Master stood straight again, his mouth was set in a firm line and his blue eyes were colder than Illum in winter season.
Bruck chose this moment to make a run for it, leaving Obi-Wan with the clearly angry Jedi Master behind, as angry as Jedi Masters could get. The ginger haired boy almost deemed it better to take a leave as well, but before he could move, did the taller and older male turn around, pinning him with a single look. At least his eyes were not as cold and threatening anymore.
“Initiate Kenobi,” Qui-Gon greeted.
“M…Master Jinn,” Obi-Wan quickly caught himself and bowed in respect.
“I saw your fight today,” continued the Jedi Master, from the look of his face alone, Obi-Wan could not read his mood or his emotions.
“You did?” he cleared his throat awkwardly, “What did you think?”
It was interesting how the same question could sound completely different, when it came out of another mouth, mused Qui-Gon. “I thought that you fought very well for someone your age… though that changed, when you were provoked.” He raised an eyebrow, daring the Initiate to challenge him.
Obi-Wan’s shoulders slumped and he looked at the ground in shame. “Yes Master… I know.”
“You need to control your anger, don’t let anyone provoke you like this.” Obi-Wan nodded. “But I should probably not complain too much. After all I want a student, not someone, who is already perfect.”
“Master?” blue-green eyes looked up at him in silent confusion; there was the tiniest spark of hope hidden in them.
Qui-Gon allowed himself to smile, while he slowly sunk to his knees, with a pair of wide blue-green eyes following his every move. “Obi-Wan Kenobi, would you do me the honor of becoming my Padawan?”
For a moment, the long haired male feared that the boy’s eyes would fall out of his skull, so wide and round were they. Also, Obi-Wan opened and closed his mouth like a fish, trying to find the words he wanted to say. The Jedi Master took it with humor.
“This is not a hard question, either yes or no,” he teased and it appeared to get through the baffled boy.
“Yes,” he breathed out, “Yes!” this was louder and before the older male could as much as blink, had the former Initiate literally thrown himself into Qui-Gon’s chest, clinging on with everything that he got.
The bearded male smiled down at his charge and slowly wrapped his arms tightly around him. His chin came to rest on ginger locks and he also allowed himself to close his eyes and bath in the pure and untainted joy that ran through the Force. It was making him feel dizzy and he had to be careful not to get lost. But there was so much joy and that all from such a young boy, it was astonishing.
“M…master,” Qui-Gon adored how his Padawan said ‘mostah’ instead of ‘master’, due to his accent. It were the little things that made him love his boy even more.
“My Padawan,” retorted the older male.
Obi-Wan pulled back, “I promise you will not regret it, I’ll be the perfect Padawan and,” he was stopped, when two hands framed his face.
The Master silently marveled at how small Obi-Wan still was. “Easy there. I know you will make me proud and that I won’t ever regret my decision,” he began calmly. “And I don’t want the perfect little Padawan, I want you, with all your quirks and talents and even with all your faults and mistakes.” He gently wiped away a single happy tear that had escaped ever changing eyes. This was Obi-Wan’s biggest dream and this time around, his dream had not been painfully squashed by him, this time there would be no Bandomeer and certainly no Melida/Daan.
“Thank you,” it was barely above a whisper, but Qui-Gon understood it and the hidden meaning nevertheless. Without a second thought, did he pull his Padawan into a tight hug again and he stood up, while still holding him in his arms. It was in this moment that the Jedi Master made a silent vow to himself.
“I will not make the same mistakes again. This time, Obi-Wan will be happy…”
 Meanwhile, the unlikely pair was being observed by a honey skinned woman and a Korun Master. Tahl and Mace exchanged glances. This was not the Qui-Gon Jinn they knew, this was a changed man. And either it had something to do with his collapse, or something else was going on. One thing was for certain however, they would keep a close eye on the long haired man and his future Padawan, though they had to admit, that the Force had never felt happier before, than in this moment.
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gffa · 6 years
One of the very best things about STAR WARS fandom is that there’s so much variety here that I never seem to get bored, that there’s always something for almost everyone to pick up and read! Whether I want to read about the Jedi or the clones or the Empire being fought back against or character pieces on the space twins or continue my love for the Solo characters or continue to cry about the Rebels crew or to capitalize on the potential of the still-unfolding sequels, Star Wars fandom is going to give me something and it’s going to be fantastic. This list of recs will hopefully give you something to read, whether you want massive time travel (maybe) fix it or delicious more character-focused stuff or just some straight up kissing fic or something that will give you feelings or whatever, there should be at least one thing you’ll like! Because Star Wars fandom is excellent for spreading that love around! STAR WARS FIC RECS: TIME TRAVEL RECS: ✦ Although He Smiles by AutumnChild22, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka & padme & qui-gon & cast, time travel, 86.9k wip    She’d counted the 750 steps down from the Temple. She’d said her goodbyes, and left Master Anakin standing below the great pillars. What more could the Force want from her? ‘Everything’ sums it up nicely. Waking 13 years in the past, Ahsoka faces a harsh reality. As events begin to unfold, she faces a ticking clock that times a galaxy’s end. ✦ Adrift by Ripki, obi-wan & anakin & cast, time travel, 4.9k wip    In the aftermath of painful revelations, Obi-Wan and Anakin struggle to come to terms with the heavy price of secrets. But the war gives no respite and soon enemies are closing in, putting the Team’s honesty, loyalty and trust in each other to the test. ✦ A New History by Annie Walker, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & dooku & cast, time travel, 533.4k wip    During a heated battle, Dooku escaped into the past! Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker follow to stop him, but discover that Dooku went to the past where Obi-Wan is a young padawan to a very much alive Qui-Gon Jinn. Now, the two must go undercover to stop Dooku’s plans from coming to fruition in order to save not only the future, but also young Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn. ✦ untitled by lurkingcrow, obi-wan & anakin, time travel, 1.3k    At first he thinks he is dreaming. After all, he is dead, and who is to say the dead do not dream? It’s not the most pleasant of dreams, back in the place of his childhood, the hot Tatooine winds blowing sand inside the coarse fabric of his tunic. PREQUELS RECS: ✦ Magic Blankets by Lady_Lombax, obi-wan & anakin/padme & ahsoka & cast, 3k    C-3PO accidentally saves the galaxy by teaching a young Ani Skywalker how to crochet. Or in which the power of love and crafts solve a lot of problems and the Jedi Creche is about two inches away from kidnapping Anakin at any given moment. ✦ Remedial Jedi Theology by MarbleGlove, obi-wan & anakin & mace & palpatine & cast, 51.3k    Let us consider the fact that the Jedi Order is a monastic religious organization based out of a temple, with five basic tenets of faith. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, obi-wan & anakin & ahsoka, 2.6k    The past and the present blurs together, Anakin can hardly breathe through it. Too many thoughts crowd inside his head and the more he tries to sort himself out, the more of the past he remembers and the more fears for the future it brings up. ✦ There’s some use crying over spilled milk. by McKenziethewriter, obi-wan & anakin, 1.3k    Anakin and Obi-Wan’s first night at the Temple without Qui-Gon. ✦ The One Where Anakin Tries to Be Serious by GirlwithCurls98, anakin & ahsoka, 1k    Even though they’re fighting a war, Anakin finds the time to lead his apprentice through one of the Jedi’s sacred ceremonies. ✦ untitled by swhurtcomfort, obi-wan & anakin, 1.8k    Prompt: So…. what if Anakin gets the news that he is going to take the Trials of Knighthood in a week and completely shuts everyone out in his panic to prepare himself and then he gets sick from not sleeping or something bad happens to him. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, quinlan & cast, 3.4k    Quinlan nurses his mug of aseet as he keeps scanning the room with sharp eyes, his sensitive ears working overtime to try and pick up the slightest bit of interesting conversation—preferably something to do with the Senate bombing; maybe a cocky bounty hunter bragging about their excellent work. ✦ A Passing Evening by belldreams, obi-wan/satine & anakin & cast, 2.9k    With Qui-Gon’s passing and a brand new Padawan in tow, Obi-Wan finds himself at a loss. An old companion helps him find his way again. ✦ Their Promises They’d Kept by The_Peridot_Shade, obi-wan & anakin & qui-gon & cast, 2.5k    Obi-Wan’s never felt human, not really. When all of time and space is at your fingertips, when there are rules you must obey absolutely and others you can break as easily as breathing—well, it’s no surprise to discover that you aren’t what you thought you were. ✦ untitled by swhurtcomfort, obi-wan & anakin, 1.8k    'Blast it—ow!“ A great swarm of tiny orange insects erupted from of the stump Obi-Wan had hit with the hovercrate. ✦ untitled by swhurtcomfort, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 2.2k    Be brave don’t look back be brave don’t look back ✦ Sweater Dresses by Lady_Lombax, anakin/fives (one-sided), 1k    In which Anakin likes to wear sweater dresses in his downtime and Fives Cannot Deal™ with this information. ✦ Obi-Wan and the Force by AwayOHumanChild, obi-wan & cast, ~1k    One of the first things Jedi Initiates learn is that everyone experiences the Force differently. ✦ A Mother’s Love by achilleanobiwan, obi-wan & qui-gon & xanatos & oc & cast, 18.7k wip    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, a young mother on a small planet in the Outer Rim chose to not give her son up to be raised by the Jedi Order. Obi-Wan never becomes a Jedi, Xanatos never falls to the Dark, and the colorful Kenobi family keeps the galaxy on its toes. ✦ Simmer 'til tender by Brynnen, TwaCorbies (Brynnen), obi-wan & anakin, ~1k    It’s hard forming a partnership with the one left behind and Obi-Wan realises that he might have to embrace a less conventional approach to gain his skittish padawan’s trust. ✦ that sleep of death by snartfellows, ahsoka & plo, 1.6k    On her worst nights, after the Great Purge, Ahsoka Tano has a nightmare. ✦ In the Heart of the Force by ReneeoftheStars, ahsoka & qui-gon, 1.7k    Ahsoka Tano travels back to the world between world’s. Searching for answers, she comes across a past event that only makes her question the past even more. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, rig nema & cast, 1.2k    Rig Nema steps out of the transport, glad to be back on solid ground again—gladder still to be back at the Temple at last. The Coruscant air is as it always is, filtered and almost polluted. ✦ genesis by kernsing, anakin & shmi & cast, ~1k wip    genesis /ˈʤɛnəsəs/ — n. the origin or mode of formation of something ✦ if the sky comes falling down, for you (there’s nothing in this world i wouldn’t do) by skywalking-across-the-galaxy (BadWolfGirl01), obi-wan/satine & anakin & cody & maul & cast, 6.2k    [or: The Lawless, but Obi-Wan’s not alone.] ✦ where war is no more by silveronthetree, obi-wan/satine, 3k wip    AU where Satine survives and Obi-Wan goes on the run with her and Luke after Order 66. ✦ One Drink Too Many and a Joke Gone Too Far by victoria_p (musesfool), obi-wan/satine & anakin/padme, nsfw, 7.2k    Obi-Wan and Satine wake up married. Obi-Wan intends to file for divorce. Really he does. ✦ Tooka While But We’ll Get There… by LurkingCrow, anakin & wolffe & rex & cast, 4.5k    In a universe where the events of the Clone Wars went very differently, all Wolffe wants to do is find passage off this station before his leave is over. He’s not expecting to make new friends of either human or feline variety… OBI-WAN/ANAKIN RECS: ✦ a blessing from the Force itself by Anonymous, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, d/s, ~1k    ‘So what we are we gonna do,’ he teases, ‘master?’ ✦ Upfall by bell (belldreams), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 3.6k wip    Anakin is doing just about everything he can to hold himself together; it won’t last. ✦ Ahsoka’s Masters by Ralph_E_Silvering, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka, 2.4k    Basically a story about how Ahsoka Tano learns she has two masters instead of one, and Anakin and Obi-Wan are their usual charming, bickering, infused with sexual tension selves. ✦ Qui-Gon Does It Well by Jen425, obi-wan/anakin & luke & leia & qui-gon, 2.1k    It’s Qui-Gon’s turn. (But when has Qui-Gon ever done anything right about Obi-Wan and Anakin?) ✦ Say Hello to Master Qui-Gon for Me by zarabithia, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    At the end of a long life together, Anakin bids farewell to Obi-Wan. ✦ A Father’s Love by TheAndromedaFangirl, obi-wan/anakin/padme, 2.2k    In Vader’s dying moments, Luke makes a wish, for his father to be able to have a better life. The force answers. ✦ Needing Touch by aphorisnt, obi-wan/anakin, ~1k    Anakin needs to hold Obi-Wan. ✦ Sometimes a family is a cultural anthropologist, a PoliSci PhD, a snippy sophomore, a golden cat, a Snorkie, and a guy who just wants to build a really smart robot by bessyboo, cantarina, exmanhater, forzandopod, heartequals (savvygambols), Opalsong, reena_jenkins, sophinisba, theleanansidhe, obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka & quinlan & asajj, modern au, 19.4k ✦ i’ll wait no longer by Ralph_E_Silvering, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 5.3k    Soon after Anakin is rescued from the Thrugii Asteroid Belt, he and Obi-Wan are sent undercover at a masquerade party hosted by Senator Amidala. Bereft of Obi-Wan for weeks, Anakin may not be able to resist demanding his Master’s touch for long. ORIGINAL TRILOGY RECS: ✦ There Lies a Beast (and when it wakes you know it will not hide) by AceQueenKing, leia/amilyn & padme, sith!padme, 3.7k    Sometimes, Leia thinks Padmé Amidala Naberrie will drown the universe in her tears. Or, if not that, then let the streets run with blood. Perhaps Mother finds atonement for her dead husband and dead son in the blood she’s spilled. ✦ Of Sons and Fathers by AliuIce0814, obi-wan & luke, 2.3k    "What a child Anakin’s son is, Obi-Wan thought to Qui-Gon. What an utterly remarkable boy.” Starring six-year-old Luke, grieving Obi-Wan, some bratty neighbor kids, and the ghosts of Padawans and Masters past. ✦ A Great Many Things by lirin, obi-wan & mara & yoda & leia & padme, 1.2k    “But Master Yoda,” Mara said, “What about Prince Vader? They say he knows the Force.” REBELS RECS: ✦ Uncharted by glorious_clio, kanan/hera, 1k    New crew member. New roommate. New rules? They’re figuring this out as they go along. ✦ Dehiscence by veritascara, hera(/kanan) & cham, 4.8k    An unexpected holo-call reopens wounds, both new and old, for Hera and creates a rift she never intended. ✦ Home and Honor by ncfan, sabine/ketsu, 7k    Ketsu and Sabine aren’t exactly on the same page about what honor entails. ✦ Like An Image Passing By by rebelsfromstars, kanan/hera & jacen, 3.7k    Every once in a while Hera comes with Jacen to Lothal to visit the mural that Sabine had painted. As time goes by, Jacen has more and more questions about his father. ✦ The Signs by veritascara, hera & ezra & isval & background kanan/hera, 3.5k    A childhood lesson she hoped she’d never need comes back to haunt Hera, and she isn’t sure how she feels about it. SOLO RECS: ✦ Honour Among Thieves by rain_sleet_snow, han/qi'ra & vos & maul, 1.3k    Qi'ra doesn’t get many opportunities to do the right thing. SEQUELS RECS: ✦ Now, Voyager by glorious_clio, leia & rey & poe & rose & finn, 1.9k    Make no mistake, Leia Organa is driven by duty, by a desire for peace and democracy. So when she is shown a way to bring peace to the Galaxy, she sets herself on that path. It’s what she’s always done. ✦ blood is thicker by saiditallbefore, rey & palpatine, 2.2k    Other people couldn’t see Rey’s grandfather, because he was a ghost. That was okay, though— she’d never needed other people anyway. ✦ Between by Splintered_Star, leia/han & obi-wan, force ghosts, 2k    Leia, the night after everyone returns from the Starkiller base. (Almost everyone.) FULL DETAILS + RECS HERE!
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lavrapalmers · 7 years
all this devotion was rushing out of me
summary: obi-wan knows that anakin is his soulmate, but anakin doesn't
warnings: angst, canon star wars so ? fights and shit
read on ao3 here
i. Obi-Wan never cared to try and contact his soulmate, it would only bring emotions and attachments and that was something he could never have. Since he was a child he had to try extra hard to gain respect, to gain a master, and he would not risk that by playing around with the other padawans writing silly messages on their hands and awaiting an answer. Only in his loneliest times did Obi-Wan write to his soulmate, crying himself to sleep, drawing flowers on his hands to cheer him up, and maybe if his soulmate said something back he could feel important and calm himself down.
There was never a reply, something he didn’t know if he should be happy or sad about. It was good they didn’t reply, he didn’t need that attachment in his life. Yet it hurt, what if he didn’t have a soulmate, what if they didn’t want him. These thoughts haunted him when he was a young boy, but like the rest of the jedi the older they got and the more they learned the less they cared about who their soulmate may be.
So that’s what Obi-Wan did, he grew older and more wise, trying his hardest to become the perfect jedi and push all those emotions that cursed him away. That is what he thought at least, when he was still a naive jedi trying to impress his master when they land on the planet Tatooine. He hadn’t expected this ruin of a planet to be the root of all that would truly affect him in his life.
It wasn’t until that day did he really grow wise, did he truly understand why the jedi council banned attachments. From feelings of betrayal to watching his master die, Obi-Wan let his emotions out on Darth Maul and promised himself that would be the end of it, he would be the perfect jedi after that (he was so wrong.)
ii. Obi-Wan finds his soulmate not to long after meeting him, and he finds out by the writing that he finds on his arm meant for someone else. Messy childrens writing soon paints his wrist as he takes Anakin Skywalker as his padawan, messages addressed to Padme wishing for her love and safety burn into his skin. He hates it so much, but he doesn’t do anything about it. The boy is far too young to understand this, and far too emotional to take the heartbreak. So Obi-Wan allows his skin to break and bleed for the sake of the boy's heart, even if it is at a cost of his.
The more comfortable Anakin gets with him the more personal the new padawans questions get. Obi-Wan doesn’t mind at first, the boy is new to this all, then he asked a question Obi-Wan struggled answering. “Obi-Wan, do you have a soulmate?”
He stays silent for a moment, answering with a monotone voice hoping there would be no more questions to follow. “Yes, Anakin.”
“I have one too, I know it, even if they don’t write back to me. I think it’s Padme, she’s just too busy to write.” The naive boy speaks, oblivious to the truth as Obi-Wan always hopes he is.
“Perhaps that is the truth Anakin, but you should not be writing to them in the first place. You know attachments are not allowed, and it will only cause the both of you heartache.”
Anakin gives his master a defeated look, turning away only to look at his hand covered in unanswered ink. “Yes, Master.”
Obi-Wan hates himself, but it’s for the best.
iii. Anakin is older and taller, something he often teases Obi-Wan about. Obi-Wan can only be thankful of the lack of writing that has appeared on his skin since their conversation years ago, but worries about the boy and the defiance he continues to show towards the jedi. He worries most about his own emotions though, as he begins to understand why the two are so called soulmates. His life revolves around the boy, his days spent teaching him, his nights spent holding him close in his arms to comfort him from the nightmares that taint his dreams. Obi-Wan doesn’t even remember smiling as much as he has with Anakin, and on the rare occasions that Anakin writes to him unknowingly he feels bittersweet while looking upon the words. Oh, what woe it is, to love someone and never be allowed to act upon it, and to love someone who does not love you back.
It only gets worse when they reunite with Padme, the boys love blooming for her again, and thus his desire to write to her unknowingly writing to his master instead. Obi-Wan looks at those unspoken ‘I love yous’ with a frown, his heart aching for what can never be. He pushes it away for as long as he can, until the boy won’t stop writing and he tries to scrub the words off until he bleeds. It never works, and he starts to wear gloves every day.
Things continue to change, he and Padme grow closer and his nightmares intensify. Obi-Wan wants to help, but with Anakin now going to Padme for all his troubles he is left out, abandoned almost. He pushes those thoughts away, this is good, it is better for the love growing to end now rather than simply grow worse and worse for Obi-Wan.
Yet the words on his hand reveal more than Obi-Wan desires to know about the developing relationship with Padme, love blooming between them more and more leading to more heartbreak and acceptance in Obi-Wan. He wonders if he should stop Anakin, not as a soulmate but as his master, these relations go against the Jedi code, and yet he doesn’t say anything. Anakin is happy, and maybe Obi-Wan is a terrible jedi for letting him do this, but seeing Anakin so happy and so in love gives him enough peace to let it be. They’ll find out eventually they are not soulmates, or something else in the universe will lead to the relationship's demise. Anakin is to be a Jedi, he is to lead a life where love is not allowed for a reason.
iv. Obi-Wan watches as Anakin goes from a padawan to a Jedi knight, he continues to be disobedient but no longer naive, and Obi-Wan continues to fall in love. The words stop coming and he begins to think Anakin and the Senator found out the truth, and yet based on their interactions they act as if they haven’t. Perhaps Anakin is more of a hopeless romantic than he thought, continuing to give all his love to someone he knew wasn’t meant for him but still held his heart in her poised hands.
Anakin takes a padawan of his own with the name Ahsoka Tano, and he laughs as he watches the relationship develop into one similar to theirs. The young Tortuga was impulsive like her master, never listened to him either, and Anakin was almost as irritated with it as Obi-Wan was with his own padawan. He enjoys watching the two though, it gives him an odd sense of comfort. A little family he compares them to, and at a time of war it is the only thing that brings him ease. Ease he needs when tragedy hits his fragile heart once again.
In his arms is Satine Kryze, barely breathing and soon dead, all because of him. She was a friend, a best friend, and because of that she had died. He blamed himself, and he pushed his emotions away once again. He could see the concern in the eyes of Anakin and Ahsoka, and though he would not tell either of them about the suffering it has caused he knows they know, Anakin especially. No matter how hard the Jedi council can try their bond will never truly be severed, for their lives have equally been about each other and always will be if the universe has its way.
Not too long after the loss, Anakin comes to him one night. This had usually happened when something was troubling Anakin, but now it was due to the sorrows of Obi-Wan. Anakin could sense it, and he didn’t say anything for he knew there was nothing to be reasonably said. Instead he climbed into his bed and held him night, never knowing the truest comfort he was giving his former master. Obi-Wan thought about writing I love you to the boy, but he decided to keep it to himself like all the other emotions and thoughts that cursed his mind.
v. Tragedy strikes again as Ahsoka Tano leaves, another attachment the two allowed themselves that bit them in the ass. This hit Anakin more though, and Obi-Wan wished he could be good like Anakin in comforting but he can’t. It would bring upon more emotions than needed, so instead he forced himself to watch as his padawan, his best friend, his soulmate suffered another loss in his life. He hates himself for it, but things continue on.
vi. His heart beats rapidly as he feels the greatest loss in the force, a morbidity filling his heart, leaving only space for worry towards Anakin. He looks upon the loss of the Jedi, his heart breaking and he could barely stand to keep his eyes open anymore. How could this have happened, how could things get worse? He wants to know how, and Yoda warns him. This confuses him, but he goes in to see the truth anyway. Anguish filled his heart and soul, a pain and misery so strong it almost moves him back. He looks upon the face of his love, betraying not only the Jedi but him. He knew Anakin did not love him in that way, but despite it all they still had love and this betrayal only brought upon sorrow and agony.
He is sent after Anakin, despite his begging not to be, but this is what he must do for the universe. He hopes to save his love, but he knows that can not be. He wonders how the galaxy, how the force, could be so vicious with his heart. How could it bring upon so much sorrow when all he had ever done was all it had asked him to do? He could not hate the force though, it always had a plan, one he could not fight.
He takes Padme with him to confront Anakin, and watches as the man he loves inflicts pain on someone he claims to love. This is no longer Anakin, but the man now called Darth Vader. So grim is this man on the planet Mustafar, and yet it does not stop him from reaching out, it does not stop him from fighting.
So they do, they fight, their skills taught from each other, a lethal match between the two with so many emotions trapped between the tension of their lightsabers. He hates himself for inflicting pain upon Anakin, and somehow still finds love for the boy who was now his worst enemy. He strikes him down, leaves him in a position that could only lead in death, and he’s sobbing. He watches as the man he loves burn at his hands, wishing he could turn it all back and tell him the truth. Tell him he loves him, tell him he wants to run away and just be with him. He wants things to change, but that can’t happen, so instead he yells all the unspoken things.
“You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. You were to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness!” He shouts, his voice soon cracking as it takes a turn, melancholia in his eyes, his voice barely loud enough for Anakin to here. “I loved you, Anakin. You were my soulmate.”
He takes one last look at Anakin with those words, watching as his eyes fill not only with shock and sorrow, but turn from blue to red. He turns away, filled with love and regret, and above all hatred for himself.
vii. He watches as Padme dies and he takes the children of her and the man he loved. One goes to Bail, the other to Anakin’s last remaining family. He isolates himself, watching his loves son grow up and into his eyes and hair and so much more. Luke is almost a carbon copy of Anakin, and Obi-Wan is fine seeing that face once more from afar.
He finds it funny, how once Anakin - no Darth Vader - is more machine than man he begins to write to him. He must find whatever areas are left open for Anakin, what parts still have skin and no machine. He figures it out writing few words without reply. I’m sorry, the most common of them all, and he really is. He always will be.
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avid-aviator-blog · 7 years
Short Fuse
Idk exactly what this is, now that it’s done, but here you go. Borrowed a prompt a loooooooong time ago from @swpromptsandasks and finished it a while ago but didn’t think it was good enough to post. At this point, I don’t care. I might clean it up and put it on my ao3 later if anyone likes it. Lemme know!
It wasn't often that Jedi had to fight unarmed. Ah, but when they did it was a thing of beauty. Especially when it was a Jedi master. Oh, the knights and Padawans were good, certainly, but watching a master. Well. There was nothing quite like it. This at least explained the audience in the training salle, if not why Obi-Wan was sparring unarmed with four clones in the first place. He took them all down within the space of five minutes. Anakin propped himself in the doorway to watch. 
"You used the force! That's cheating!" A clone called from the sidelines. Trying to stir up another match, no doubt. 
"Another round, then? And I swear not to access the Force." Obi-Wan proposed, helping Trapper up off the mats. 
"But how will we know you don't?" Inquired the same trouble-making clone, Rex, Anakin could see now that he was looking closer. Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. 
"Unless someone has a Force suppressant on hand you'll have to take my word for it. Or you can get another Jedi to monitor the fight." Here, Anakin's master smirked, "But if someone does have a Force suppressant on hand we'll be having a talk about why." 
"I can monitor!" Ahsoka volunteered from where she was watching on top of the lockers. 
"Well, that's that. Rex, since this was your idea I think it's only fair you are the one to face me in this little spar." Obi-wan's smirk turned positively predatory. 
"Now hang on-"
"And I won't even give you a handicap in return." 
"Handicap, sir?"
"If I'm fighting without my ‘saber or the Force, that would be equivalent to you fighting without your armor while deaf. It's doable, certainly, but it's harder and takes some getting used to." Obi-Wan explains, ushering Rex onto the sparring mat, 
"Now, same rules as last round?" 
Rex nods. 
And then Obi-Wan springs forward striking out at the clone captain's face. Rex blocks with one forearm, throwing a punch with the other. Obi-Wan dodged. The Jedi stepped around the outstretched arm and jumped. Before anyone quite knew what was happening, Obi-Wan had his legs wrapped around Rex's neck. He twisted backwards, flipping the clone headfirst into the ground. Rex did his best to roll out of the awkward landing, and the two came to a stop with Rex sprawled on the mat: Obi-Wan's thighs locked around his head. Rex's dazed struggle was not enough to get up in the required 5 seconds. 
"Obi-Wan wins again!" Ahsoka announced in excitement as she jumped from her perch. "Master Obi-Wan, that was amazing!" 
The Jedi master untangled himself from Rex's upper body and stood, shooting a smirk to the stunned clone still laying on the ground. 
"Where did-" 
"You had to have cheated." Rex interrupted his commander, gazing up at the ginger haired man hovering above him. 
"Ahsoka? Did I use the Force at any point in our... rather short encounter?" Kenobi's infamous brows were quirked. 
"No sir." The young togruta was grinning in unabashed amusement at the cocky clone captain having been so thoroughly trounced. Rex groaned and finally pulled himself up off the mat. 
"Then how the Sith did you jump like that?" He demanded, ignoring the other clones snickering. 
"Practice," if Obi-Wan's eyebrow rose any higher it would float off his face. Rex was waiting for the day. "And a good deal of acrobatics and martial arts training." 
"Can I ask my question now?" Ahsoka bounced on her toes. At Obi-Wan's nod she continued, "Who taught you the throw?" 
"Oh, I learned it in the temple. Mace taught me."
"Master Windu?" 
"Indeed. I asked him to help me with hand to hand so I could better spar against my master." 
"Why did you need help? You said you always excelled in combat classes." Ahsoka crossed her arms. 
"Master Qui-Gon was quite a bit taller than me, and, while Master Yoda likes to say that size doesn't matter, I was at a severe disadvantage. Mace had been sparring with my master since they were both younglings, so he taught me the best strategies. That particular move is useful to know when your opponents are usually larger than yourself." 
"Well, I will be pretty tall by the time I'm grown but do you think I could learn how to do it anyway?" Ahsoka inquired, eyes flitting away as if she expected to be told 'no'. 
"If you want to. And if Anakin doesn't mind." The addend was spoken a bit louder as if to make sure someone could hear it if they were, for example, lingering in the doorway. 
Of course Obi-Wan knew I was here. Anakin smiled, stepping more fully into the salle. 
"You can teach her. Force knows you do better at it than I." 
"That's only because I had more than enough practice with unruly younglings from raising you." Master and Padawan alike yelped a protest as Obi-Wan smiled innocently. 
"You think any of us could learn it?" A clone trooper spoke up from behind the Jedi huddle. 
"I don't see why not." Obi-Wan shrugged. "You may be taller than me but you are far from the largest humanoid we've come across. It can also help with opponents near in size to oneself, but I learned it specifically because my master was a veritable giant." 
"Can we start now?" Ahsoka seemed way too excited to be learning, Anakin decided. Even if it was martial arts.
"If the troopers don't mind."
"Cody, I have a problem." Rex began as soon as he arrived his vod's side in the corner of the training room. 
"What? Did you hurt your pride?" The 212th commander couldn't help but tease. 
"No. Well, yes, but that isn't the problem." At Cody's raised eyebrow, (was that just a 212th thing? Were Kenobi's acrobatic eyebrows contagious?) he continued. "I may or may not be lusting after your general, sir."
Cody's eyebrow simply rose higher. (That has to be a 212th thing.) 
"Codes," Rex whined, "He had his thighs around my face. You know I have a thing for legs."
"I don't know what you want me to tell you. If this is just you finally acknowledging that I got assigned to the hot general just wait till you see him in a bodysuit."
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icsek · 7 years
Sorry for the delay guys! Real life and that whole job thing completely knocked me off my schedule. I’ll hopefully get everything else posted this week as well!
Time was hard to keep track of without the Force, a chrono, a window, or a night cycle for the lights. Distantly, Anakin recognized that he was under constant surveillance, though he wasn’t quite sure why. Other than the migraines that continued to plague him, he was healthy and whole.
Visitors were few and far between, mostly Master Che or Master Luminara, though Yoda had paid him a visit a few times. When he asked about a comm unit or datapad, he’d been denied both under the order of not straining his head too much. At least the suppression collar had been removed, giving him some limited access to the Force.
Boredom had been a nemesis of his since he’d been a small boy on Tatooine and had only gotten worse as he grew older. Even when on leave, he kept himself busy with any number of little projects. There was something else he usually did when he was on planet too, but he couldn’t remember and forcing it caused migraines. He really must’ve hit his head and suffered some serious psychic backlash for there to be this many holes.
Loneliness was starting to get to him now too. He’d not been this alone in… Ever. On Tatooine he was always with someone. Once he became a padawan, Obi-Wan’s presence was always there in the background. As a Knight and General, he was always surrounded by a number of clones or personnel if he wasn’t with Obi-Wan or Ahsoka.
A pang of hurt rang through him, echoing through the void. Ahsoka. Master Luminara had told him what happened before, one of the things he’d forgotten. Anakin wasn’t sure what he had felt when it actually happened or what the specific events leading up to it were, but now he felt a sense of sorrowful pride for her. He was sad that she had decided to leave, yet proud that she had done what she felt to be the right path for her, even if it wasn’t the path he would’ve chosen. If anyone understood the struggle of wanting to stay because of duty and leave because of heart…
Fingers pressed against his temples as a wave of agony filled his head. He’d never wanted to leave the Order. He was happy as a Jedi. He wanted nothing more than to eventually have a seat on the Council and retire from the field to teach youngling classes. His thoughts were so confusing, his, but not his, there, but not there.
He took a deep breath and held it, working through one of the first meditation exercises Obi-Wan had taught him as a padawan. Slowly, the pain receded and his thoughts untangled as he sunk deeper into the Force. He let himself drift with the gentle current surrounding him, wrapping its tranquility around him like a cloak.
Seeing Anakin looking truly at peace in meditation took Obi-Wan’s breath away. Gone were the stress lines that had started to mar his young face in the past few years. Gone was the heavy weight that had been set on his shoulders far too early. He was beautiful, everything Obi-Wan believed he would be if he found that inner peace.
Originally, he’d come with the intention of confessing his feelings and attachm-, love , for the man, but now he second guessed his decision. Maybe the Council had been right about Anakin. Stripped of his attachments he would no longer be pulled between duty and his devotion, free to be a Jedi in truth. Without grasping for balance from someone else, he’d be forced to find it within himself.
Obi-Wan had already fucked it up one time, nearly costing Anakin his life. Would he really risk his life or sanity again over some feelings?
When Anakin slowly returned to the present from his meditation and smiled so freely as his eyes met Obi-Wan’s, he knew he couldn’t. This was Anakin’s second chance far more than his own, his chance to be the Jedi he always wanted to be, but struggled to achieve.
“Master! I’ve been worried about you. They said you were fine, but then they’ve been keeping me here so I feared the worst.” Anakin’s rambling had always been endearing, but now he saw it in an entirely different light.
“I’m quite all right, Anakin. How are you feeling? We were all rather worried about you.” He smiled and laid a hand on Anakin’s shoulder, ignoring the feelings that coursed through him at the touch.
Anakin huffed in annoyance, “Other than being utterly bored and isolated, I’m fine. The migraines only come if I try to push for missing memories too hard. Do you think they’ll let me go soon? Master Luminara is being very tight-lipped, even more than Master Che.”
Chuckling, Obi-Wan felt relieved that this mind block was holding successfully. “You know the healer types, Anakin. And neither of us have a very stellar reputation when it comes to staying put in medbay when given the option.” Those blue eyes held warmth and an openness he’d not seen since Anakin had been young. It had been his worst fear to come back in only to see those hideous yellow eyes boring into him.
“I distinctly remember that reputation coming from you, I have always been an impeccable patient.” The pouting expression on Anakin’s face didn’t quite match the twinkle of humor in his eyes.
Oh how good it felt to be teasing and joking so openly with him again. He’d missed this without even realizing it had ever left. “You aren’t going to win this one, Anakin. The Mind Healers can confirm that your memory is faulty. It’s always me who’s been the stellar patient.”
The door slid open behind them, Master Che stepping into the room. “The only thing I will confirm is that the both of you are terrible patients. It’s something that seems to be common in your lineage.” She looked at Obi-Wan giving a subtle nod of her head, “Now Obi-Wan is going to escort you to the gardens for some fresh air. No more than half an hour and if either of your heads start to hurt, return immediately.”
Anakin scrambled to his feet, his excitement and joy radiating off him in waves, “Freedom! Come on, Master!” He nearly bolted out of the door, prancing lightly on his bare feet in his enthusiasm.
Master Che fixed Obi-Wan with a knowing stare and grabbed him by his arm, “You know him the best, Master Kenobi. His Force senses are still dulled down, but it’s always up in the air with him. If he shows signs of anything, bring him right back here. Otherwise he could bring the entire Temple down if he wanted to.” A hypospray was discretely pressed into his hand which he promptly hid in his robes.
Nodding, Obi-Wan offered her a brief smile, “Of course, Master Che. There are several Masters staged along our route to the gardens just in case. I assure you, we’ll be quite alright.”
Anakin’s whining in the hall made him hurry out after him, “It’s not a race, Anakin,” he teased gently.
“You don’t understand, Obi-Wan. There’s absolutely nothing to do and they haven’t allowed me access to a comm unit or datapad. I’ve taken to meditating if only to pass the time quicker.” Anakin could still be such a child, even as a young man of twenty-four.
“I was rather impressed by your sudden proficiency with meditation, Force knows I’ve tried to teach it to you. But I’ll drop by some of your projects and your toolkit later today if they’ll let me.” The blinding smile he received in return affirmed his decision to let this be Anakin’s second chance.
Obi-Wan’s daily visits continued, much to Anakin’s delight. In his continued isolation, it was the only thing he had to look forward to each day. Usually, they would stay in his room and meditate together or work through their forms together. Sometimes, like the first day, they would go for a stroll around the Temple. He’d forgotten just how nice it was to spend time with his former Master without the pressure of missions, battles, or exhaustion.
Within a few days of Obi-Wan’s first visit, the suppression shields had been lowered on his room and the Force sang around him once again. He’d celebrated the complete return by using only the Force to put together one of the little droid projects Obi-Wan had dropped off. It was like being able to take a full breath again after drowning and reveled in it.
Today, Master Luminara had joined Obi-Wan in his visit and they had walked the Temple together in a relative, peaceful silence. When they had arrived to one of the atrium gardens, Anakin had promptly kicked off his shoes and dug his toes into the grass and dirt before flopping down and sighing in contentment.
A chuckle made him look up to where Obi-Wan was smiling at him fondly, “Already tired of walking, Anakin?”
“I miss the grass and the dirt of the gardens. It’s so alive with the living Force, I had taken it for granted when I was able to come and go as I pleased.” He sat up, brushing his fingers over the soft blades of grass.
Master Luminara gave him one of her half smiles, “Then you’ll be pleased to know that you’ve been released from the healers today,” she stopped him with a mildly scolding look as he opened his mouth, “on a few conditions. One, you’ve been released for duty into Obi-Wan’s care. You go nowhere without him, including around the Temple. Two, you will report to either myself or Master Che daily for routine checks.”
Anakin smiled teasingly at Obi-Wan, “Sounds like my first year as a padawan all over again.”
Rolling his eyes, Obi-Wan sighed, “I’m beginning to think I’m being punished for training you.”
“Awwwwe, Master, don’t be like that. You’re being rewarded by getting to be in my glorious presence all the time again.” He teased, feeling light-hearted and excited.
“Skywalker, please take this seriously. As far as we can tell you’re healed, but with the mind it’s never a sure fact. If you start to feel off or the migraines return, you need to tell one of us immediately.” She fixed him with a stern gaze, “If you don’t and another episode happens, you’ll be pulled from duty and grounded again.”
He had enough practice acting chastised and appropriately sorry from his teenage years to pull it off without a hitch, “Yes, Master Luminara.”
She bowed politely, a gesture Obi-Wan returned in full and he with a nod of his head. As soon as she left his sight, Anakin burst out in laughter and rolled in the grass. Finally, he was free, mostly. Though he never found his Master’s presence much of a burden. There were certainly much worse people to be around.
“Are you alright, Anakin?” Obi-Wan was looking at him slightly concerned.
Anakin grinned, “More than alright, Master. Far more than alright.”
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