#Yoda assigned her to Anakin and Anakin only
tomicaleto · 1 year
I saw a post mentioning Ahsoka was originally assigned to Obi-Wan and I’m like ??? Like, yes Obi-Wan asked for a new padawan but the first thing Ahsoka says as she arrives is that she was assigned to Anakin
Edit: if you don’t want to read the tags: I rewatched the scenes from the movies and it’s said several times she was assigned to Anakin by Yoda himself and at the end it’s implied Obi-Wan helped. She was never assigned to Obi-Wan.
#I can't claim that it wasn't a mistake from the order (I think that's what Obi-Wan or Anakin say at one point#but I can't recall if they did)#and there are at least two other possible interpretations that are:#that Obi-Wan says he asked for a padawan but it was a ruse to assign one to Anakin#or that even if Obi-Wan asked for a padawan Yoda assigned her to Anakin anyways#And I think that the movie says something like Obi-Wan will take over her training once Anakin decides he doesn't want a padawan#before he changes his mind and takes her#like I get it you like the Obi-Wan & Ahsoka dynamics#You like to think they were actually much closer than what we see in canon#or you don't like Anakin as a character and so you push him aside at any chance you get#but going from that to affirm she was originally assigned to Obi-Wan hun I think you're projecting your hc#REWATCHED THE SCENE JUST NOW#And Anakin is the one that says it must have been a mistake because he didn't want a padawan#Ahsoka insists Yoda assigned her to ANAKIN#(also Obi-Wan has been pestering Anakin about becoming a teacher)#AND THEN after Anakin accepts Ahsoka and they meet with Obi-Wan and Yoda#Yoda says that Obi-Wan was telling him about Anakin having trouble with his new padawan#So yup I think we can discard the mistake option from above#Yoda assigned her to Anakin and Anakin only#and suggested reassigning her to Obi-Wan when he heard that Anakin was hesitating#And after that is all said and done Obi-Wan teases Anakin about teaching her (Teach her everything I taught you)#And Anakin says something makes me think this was YOUR idea from the start#so the scene implies Obi-Wan requested the padawan for Anakin but it's never confirmed#so yeah she was never assigned to Obi-Wan to begin with#play with your aus all you want but don't sell it as if it were actually canon#fandom salt#personal
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twinterrors29 · 5 months
Cody gets bitten by a werewolf sometime during the war, and can transform at will with no full moon requirement, effectively becoming himself as a very large dog
he and Obi-Wan conspire to keep this fact hidden, as they're very aware of the danger of the Kaminoans finding out and disappearing him into their labs
when Order 66 goes out, Cody has a split second to fight it
and, well. wolves aren't exactly good soldiers, and you can only sort of expect them to follow orders.
transformed, Cody runs straight to the General, but when he gets there, he realizes that he can't actually warn him of the danger, because he can't transform back to explain without the Order taking hold
but he can whine sadly and pull on Obi-Wan's ridiculous sleeves with his teeth until Obi-Wan gets the hint and lets him lead him away to safety in a stolen ship
they make the rendezvous with Bail and Yoda
(Bail: what's with the dog Obi-Wan?
Obi-Wan, sweating: it's, um, a service dog
Yoda: ...fake, that sounds, but okay)
and then Cody and Obi-Wan make the trip to the Temple to disable the beacon, with Cody fighting off his brothers as nonlethally as he can while Obi-Wan does his best to follow his lead
after they find the evidence of Anakin's betrayal and receive Yoda's assignment, Obi-Wan sobs into Cody's fur the whole flight to Padme's apartment, and then silently the whole flight out to Mustafar hidden aboard her ship
while Obi-Wan is busy fighting with Vader, Cody manages to drag Padme's unconscious body back aboard her ship, then sneaks back closer to the fighting just in time to see the end of the duel
(if he waits to act until Obi-Wan is just far enough to not notice when Anakin's screams cut out, well, that's his own business)
he follows Obi-Wan back to the ship and drapes himself across the man's lap the whole way to Polis Massa
after Padme's death and her children's birth, Cody demands that they keep at least one of the babies
(look at his puppy dog eyes. how can you so cruelly deprive him of tubies like this.)
so Luke grows up with his Uncle Ben and their very strange, very large dog, Cody
when they end up on the Death Star nearly two decades later, Cody materializes from wherever he'd been lurking on the station just in time to drag Obi-Wan to safety during his duel with the Grand Inquisitor
as soon as their bedraggled group arrives on Yavin, Rex shows up to eagerly greet his former General; Cody, while thrilled to see his brother alive, starts viciously growling at him as he approaches: he might not understand in detail how the chips work, but he knows what he experienced that day, and he's seen what his brothers have done since then
Obi-Wan explains the situation to the man from the Cody-approved distance of half the hangar away, how Cody transformed one day and has refused to turn back since, and Rex immediately expresses his confusion, asking if they haven't removed Cody's chip
(Cody: I assure you, I did NOT let anyone microchip me!)
following Rex's explanation, Cody rushes them all to the medbay to undergo surgery, leaving Obi-Wan to explain to Luke how their 'dog' is actually his other Uncle
while Obi-Wan and Cody are distracted desperately making out with each other in the medbay, Luke sneaks off to destroy the Death Star, setting them up to all live happily ever after
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legobenkenobi · 2 years
thinking about how almost nobody in Obi-Wan’s life chose him-except for Cody.
Qui-Gon was assigned to be his master by Yoda. he didn’t choose Obi-Wan. (and even after they grew closer and developed a good bond, in Phantom Menace Qui-Gon once again didn’t choose Obi-Wan and chose Anakin instead)
Anakin only ended up being his Padawan because Qui-Gon died, and though Anakin does love him, he still didn’t choose Obi-Wan- and, when the time came for Anakin to choose, he chose Palpatine / Padmé over Obi-Wan.
Satine loved him, but she didn’t choose him. she put her duty over him, and he did the same, even though he would’ve left his entire life if she asked. but she didn’t.
Cody, though. Cody’s last act of free will before Order 66 is to give Obi-Wan his saber back, and what would’ve been his first truly free choice was to go protect Obi-Wan on Tatooine and spend the rest of his life with him. he CHOSE Obi-Wan. really chose him.
for the first time in Obi-Wan’s life, someone chose him like that.
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anakinskywalkerog · 1 year
My Very Soul (Chapter 33)
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Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader
Link to Chapter 32
Warnings: grief!! depression!!! tread lightly!! things will get better, our girl will heal, but please engage with this only if you feel good/healthy yourself! also, drama/angst, but that's what you get from me
Summary: Anakin comforts you after the death of your Master; you wrestle with some difficult truths, and agree to train with someone new
Word Count: 2.7k
It was heavy. There was no other way to explain it. Your grief was a heavy pillow, suffocating you as you lay in your bed. You felt like the sheets might swallow whole you under the weight. The feel of Anakin's arms around you faded in the face of the soft, quiet, heavy feeling pressing on you. It was like being underwater. It was like trying to fight wind stronger than a hurricane. It pushed you down, and you felt like you had no strength to fight against it.
You'd awoken after Felucia in the Temple's medical chamber, Anakin at your side. You had no memory of anything that had happened after Yuma had been killed, and you didn't understand why Anakin looked so full of relief, why he had tears in his eyes at the sight of you. Obi-Wan had simply explained that you had lost consciousness, similar to the way you had when encountering Dooku's presence. Something in Anakin's face told you that it wasn't quite that simple.
Still, you couldn't find it in yourself to care, much, about what had happened after your Master had been taken from you. You couldn't find it in yourself to care about anything at all, other than the arms that remained around you, other than having Anakin by your side. You found that there were times when even that desire started to fade; when you felt the heaviness pressing in and lost any feeling at all.
"Y/N," Anakin whispered, shaking your arm a little, reaching over to run his fingers gently through your thick hair, pushing it away from your face. Every so often he would say something like this, something soft and gentle, like he were trying to make sure you could still hear him.
"I'm here," you replied, not looking at him, but reaching out and gripping his sleeve. Anakin brushed away the tears that fell softly and steadily out of your eyes and onto the sheets of the big bed in your Jedi apartment, situated in the Knight's Billet in the Temple. This is where you had remained for days, barely moving, barely sleeping or eating, struggling to fight the weight in order to keep breathing.
After you had left the medical chambers, you had recounted to the Council how Vyra had lured you into that cave, how she had manipulated the severity of the battle on Felucia and used the Sith dwelling to call to you in order to trap you and 'torture' you. You had told them what she had said of her reason for doing so, her grudge that she had held since you had been assigned your mission on Serenno. You had explained what she had recounted about Dooku and his mysterious "Master"; you'd noticed that Yoda and Windu had shared a look at that information. You couldn't bring yourself to care, at the moment, what that meant. You had struggled for breath, standing in the center of that circle of Jedi atop the tall tower, as you had recounted the last moments of Yuma's life: how she had been in the throes of a horrible vision, caused by the poison that made her live through her worst fears. You could barely get the words out when you described Vyra killing your Master, and taking her lightsaber. Obi-Wan had stood up to walk you out, his hand on your back the whole way back to your apartment, his face grim. You hadn't emerged since.
"Y/N," Anakin said again, stroking your face, your arm. "You need to eat something." You shook your head. The thought of moving at all, let alone eating, drinking, sounded too hard. You felt the heaviness pressing in on you.
"I love you," Anakin said again, and the agony in his presence was like a spark, a stabbing pain that brought you out of the heavy feeling, if only for a moment. Your eyes filled, again, with tears.
"I know," you whispered, looking into his eyes.
"I'll be here with you," Anakin said, reaching forward to kiss your eyelids, brushing the tears away with the gentle press of his lips. "I won't let them make me leave."
"You can't stay forever, Ani," you sighed, curling into him, wishing your words weren't true.
"I won't—"
Anakin cut off his words, feeling the same disturbance in the Force that made your senses heighten. Someone was coming.
A soft knock sounded on the door of the apartment. You and Anakin both looked at each other, sensing the presence that stood outside.
"Maybe he'll leave," you breathed into Anakin's ear, not moving. Anakin remained still, listening. You waited, holding your breath.
"Y/N," you heard, Obi-Wan's soft voice calling through the door as he knocked again. If he came into the apartment, it would only take a few steps past the kitchen for him to see through the open bedroom door, where he would find you and Anakin in bed together—
"What do we do?" you whispered, panicked, your eyes widening. Numb with grief you may be; but if you and Anakin were caught, it could risk your position in the Order. Anakin's eyes darted around, and landed on the tiny wardrobe built into the wall. Jedi Knights were granted little storage space, as they were not to keep possessions of their own.
"Anakin, he'll sense you!" you whispered frantically, but Anakin was already up and running in his boxers to the wardrobe. He sucked in his gut and used the force to close the wardrobe's doors as you heard Obi-Wan's voice sound again from outside the door.
"Y/N, I'm coming in," Obi-Wan said, his voice gentle and suppliant. You pulled yourself up in your bed, fighting against the heaviness in your limbs as you used the Force to summon your robe, hastily throwing it on over your nightgown as the door to your apartment opened and Obi-Wan stepped inside.
"I'm sorry to disturb you," Obi-Wan said as he walked forward to stand in the open door of your bedroom. You knew you probably looked like Moraband; you hadn't visited the refresher in days, and your hair was a tangled mess on your head. You felt Obi-Wan's thoughts linger on the dark circles under your eyes.
"That's all right, Master," you replied, your voice hoarse. Obi-Wan walked forward and pulled the chair near the window around so that it was facing you. You gulped as he turned, looking back to you as if to ask, may I ? You nodded, gesturing that he should sit. Obi-Wan had never been inside your apartment before—his presence startled you enough that you felt the heavy numbness backing away from you.
"I came to bring you this," Obi-Wan said, leaning forward in the chair and pulling something from the pocket of his robes. As he reached out to hand it to you, you sighed in amazement.
"How...?" you asked, leaning forward to take your lightsaber from him and gripping it. You felt each familiar divot of the hilt like you had found an old friend lost to time; you felt the ghosts of tears prickle behind your eyes, and you willed them away.
"I recovered it for you, on Felucia," Obi-Wan responded quietly. "When you were found, in that cave." His tone was careful, quiet, and solemn. "I wanted to return it to you before, but...it seemed a difficult enough moment." You thought back to facing the Council, to the whirlwind of emotions you'd faced upon waking up here, in the Temple, without your Master, for the first time in your life.
"Thank you," you managed to get out, looking back up at him and keeping your tears at bay. He simply nodded. You looked around, feeling awkward, working to keep your gaze anywhere but on the wardrobe behind Obi-Wan's back.
"I also..." Obi-Wan started, and you met his gaze, his face lit by the rays of sun streaming in through the partially closed blinds. "I am also here because I wanted to make a proposition to you."
You squinted, gripping your robe around yourself, inclining your head to indicate that he should continue.
"You are, of course, under no obligation to do so..." Obi-Wan started, rubbing his hands over his mustache and through his beard. "But...I know how important it was to Yuma that you work on your ability, to block out the presences of the Sith." At these words, your heart dropped. The weight came back in full force, pushing you down. It was an effort to keep yourself seated, to not lay back into the sheets and give in to the heaviness that pressed into you. You swallowed, nodding. "I would like to continue your training, in that regard," Obi-Wan said, watching you intently, his voice soft. "Not to pick up where Yuma left off, necessarily. But to work to make sure you are fully in control of your abilities...so that, when the time comes that you must protect yourself, you are as prepared as you can be. I would like to do everything in my power to help you."
You struggled to breathe evenly, working the air in and out of your lungs. You knew that Obi-Wan meant well—that he was trying to show care for you, and for Yuma, by offering to help. And you knew you needed the help, knew now that your susceptibility to the dark side of the Force was a liability. So you couldn't help but hear the unspoken truth behind Obi-Wan's words—that it was your fault, what had happened on Felucia. That if you had made more progress in your lessons with Yuma, she would still...
Be here, you finished in your head, your eyes welling up against your will. You didn't need Obi-Wan to tell you. You knew the truth. You knew who was responsible for Yuma's death.
"Y/N," Obi-Wan started, leaning forward like he wanted to do something to comfort you, but you shook your head, letting the tears fall.
"I'll do it," you said, pushing against the heaviness. "I'll train with you." It was all you could manage. Obi-Wan paused, as if debating, then leaned back in his chair, putting his hand down.
"Good," Obi-Wan replied, his voice contemplative. "I'd like to start right away, given that the war has made it so my time at the Temple is limited. Tomorrow?" You nodded, looking away from him, your face flushed at your embarrassment. You'd never cried in front of Obi-Wan, and you didn't like it—you didn't want to feel weak around him, the Jedi who was always so very much in control. Until recently, you'd thought of yourself and Obi-Wan as similar souls, similar warriors who kept their emotions in check. You now realized that you were useless in more ways than one, that people like Obi-Wan would always surpass you. You wanted to go back to sleep.
"The last thing..." Obi-Wan continued, his voice unnervingly gentle. "I wanted to tell you," he said, leaning forward in his chair, waiting until you looked up to meet his gaze, "that you aren't alone. Though I know that no one and nothing could ever replace what Yuma was to you—to all of us—I want you to know that you still have family, here. That you still have a mentor that cares for you deeply." You blinked, the brazen affection in this statement disarming you.
 "And that if you ever need to discuss anything," Obi-Wan continued, "anything, even things that you wouldn't bring to others in the Order, you can come to me. Whenever you need." You could have sworn Obi-Wan glanced infinitesimally toward the wardrobe, but it was so fast, you must have been imagining it.
"Thank you, Obi-Wan," you said, your voice small, your gratitude sincere. You felt so much affection and adoration for the Jedi Master sitting in front of you. You wished only that his faith in you wasn't so displaced. You felt your body shaking, the effort of pushing off the weight beginning to wear on you.
"That's all," Obi-Wan said, smiling at you as he stood, walking toward the door. "I'll expect you in the meditation chambers tomorrow." You nodded, feeling drained. "Don't—don't be unkind to yourself," Obi-Wan added, pausing in the bedroom doorway to turn back to you. "All of this is hard enough as it is." You nodded again, wondering how he could sense what you were thinking so accurately. Obi-Wan turned away, striding for the door to the apartment.
You listened as the front door slid shut, waiting, your heart beating. He didn't return. You sank back into your pillows, pulling the robe around you in a cocoon as you heard the wardrobe door slide open.
Anakin didn't say anything as he lay down next to you, pulling your whole body and cradling it in his arms, burying his face in your hair.
"Training might be a good thing," Anakin whispered, in a tone like he was trying to sound optimistic. You pulled yourself closer to him, your body quivering as if you were cold. You felt the tears at the edge of your eyes again, felt the quivers turn into quiet sobs.
"I'm here," Anakin said, kissing your head and stroking your back. "I'm here." What else could he say? Everything certainly wasn't okay. You tried in vain to calm the sobs, but they continued. Whenever you fought the numbness enough to stave it off, this was what happened. It was, in some ways, worse to feel.
"I should have been there," Anakin said vengefully, his voice shaky, "I shouldn't have left you." You inhaled, quickly, another sob breaking out of you.
"Are you saying—are you saying that you could have prevented it?" You pulled back in Anakin's arms, looking him in the face, your eyes wide. "That it's my fault, that she's...that she's...?" you felt your body continue to shake. Unfamiliar anger pulsed through you, the bitter anger that was only self-directed. You needed somewhere to put it. Nothing made sense, anymore. Your brain turned to fire.
"No, of course—no, Y/N, of course that's not—" Anakin started, alarmed, gripping your arms as you pulled farther away from him.
"You don’t have to say that, because I already know!" you replied, shouting now, as you pulled yourself out of the bed, standing before him. Anakin was on his feet immediately, his arms outstretched for you, but you backed away. "I know what happened is my fault entirely!! If I hadn’t—choked—if I had just listened—"
"Y/N, no, no, that's not it, no, listen to me, that's not..."
"You heard Obi-Wan," you continued, sobbing again. "And you said it yourself. Yuma was right. I was a liability, and because of me, my Master is dead."
"Y/N!" Anakin was shouting now, reaching out for you again, but you pushed him away, backing into the corner of your bedroom and sinking to the floor.
"Just leave," you choked, closing your eyes, feeling the world around you start to sway. "Just go." The world was starting to fade.
"Y/N," Anakin said gently, moving toward you slowly, his arms outstretched like he was approaching a loose rancor. "Y/N, it isn't your fault. None of it was your fault. I didn't think that for one second, and neither does Obi-Wan."
"Just leave," you repeated, softly, your sobs coming freely now. You didn't deserve to be comforted. You wanted to descend into oblivion. You were starting to lose the feeling in your legs, in your arms. You looked around, but saw that your vision was blurring over.
"I can't do that," Anakin murmured softly, and you felt his hands prying at your arms. You hadn't realized you'd been gripping your knees so tightly. You started to breathe quickly. "Look at me, Y/N," Anakin whispered, and you looked around, frantic now, your eyes clouded, unable to see. "Come back to me," Anakin breathed into your ear, and you blinked, his face swimming into view.
"I can't ever leave you," Anakin said, pulling you into his arms right there on the floor. You wanted to reply. You wanted to tell him that you couldn't ever leave him, either. You wanted to promise that the two of you would be together forever. But the world had changed, when Yuma had been taken from you. Or, you had changed. You now knew that everyone, no matter how much you loved them, would someday vanish. You didn't understand it—how one day, someone could be so very real, and the next, they could be gone. And Anakin would vanish, someday, too. You leaned into him, feeling how very real and alive he felt, with his arms around you. You felt the heaviness descend as you wept.
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just imagine this Obi-Wan comforting you after reading this angst 😂🤓
divider credit to @racingairplanes
taglist pt 1: @iyoogi @cluelessgurl @layazul @annadastra @graciexmarvel @galaxiasy @organasith @indigoblues1207 @outoftheregular @katsukiswrld @prettyboyrryy @jellydodger @wildflower57 @padmeamidalaslover @em-asian @heavenseraph @iloveinej @leapofblank @sahverah @elsyyie @usuallyunlikelyfox @jadeonce @papadragun @dopejellyfishfury @stxrrielle @lilianashomaresparza @prettylittlecarstairs @deadunicorn159 @atoelicker @arelisskywalker @maythefloorbewithyouanakin @your-local-crzy-lady @dontmindme262 @xenochuguardian @cassiopeiashift @allihavenegativethoughts @hamiltonwc @1-800-nostalgiaaa @heyitsaloy @haydenchristensenluvbot @sunflwrsunnieshine @muthafuckingstargirl @window-to-nothing @shadowhuntyi @jedi-archives @inmourningforanakin @vivsmcdo @betrund @ahqkas @aquaamethyst96 @escapepoet @randomstuff2040 @kenjikishimotosupremecy @nycweb-slinger @anxlaufeyson @magic-magnoliaa @theezlife @unipugrose22-blog @anhsoka @lucyysthings @hopefulpursepeanutdeputy @captainson-of-coul @zelzablues @chrisevansslutttt2
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clover-hoe · 4 months
Anyway here is my redo of starwars
part one
(longer post)
Everything changes because Obi-Wan actually hates politicians. Sorta.
Instead of just stabbing him, Maul slices Qui-Gon diagonally as PadObi-Wan gets into the room, causing his master to poof. Obi-Wan still gets Maul, like in canon, and everything progresses like normal.
So besides that its just Obi-Wan hating politicians.
For about five years. Now 14 yo Anakin goes to Obi-Wan to talk about the fact that he still has a crush on Padme (bc palps isn't whispering lies into his ear), and Obi-Wan says "Ani its been five years you met her once I don't want to be rude but please get over it" or some Jedi version of that. Anakin eventually does, and continues on as a padawan till AOTC.
The pair are still assigned to protect Padme, but Anakin sees her as more of big sister than anything else. The trip to Naboo only solidifies that. Since he is more open with his master, Anakin tells Obi-wan about his visions of his mom, and she was given slight protective measures, so she never get taken by the tuskins. Obi-Wan finds the clones, gets trapped on Geonosis, sends out the signal, which still get to Anakin because he was being a silly boi and visiting his mother with Padme.
Much of AOTC is similar, but Anakin doesn't lose his hand because he is smart and waits for Obi-Wan. Dooku still gets them with a force shove, escaping (for now).
Anakin is still a padawan during the war now, losing his hand to Dooku on Christophsis because Dooku went there instead of Asajj. Anakin is knighed after that, getting Ahsoka and a note telling Obi-Wan "field knight him ;)" from Yoda (or some jedi equivalent of that). Anakin doesn't know what to do with the padawan braid so he just pockets it for now.
Now that TCW has started, Anakin and Obi-Wan are sent their separate ways as they fight around the galaxy, meeting up every few weeks to fight together (they happen to be besties, along with their commander and captain).
Enter the fact that I, at heart, am a hopeless romantic and a sucker for forbidden love. Rex and Anakin are together by the year one mark. Dispite the two of them being terrible at lying, obvious, over all STUPID- no one finds out. In fact, everyone outside their inner circle think Anakin and Padme are dating, despite many people (mainly said inner circle) walking in on them
Cody and Obi-Wan end up together by year two, both much better at hiding it and being aware of their surroundings. No one ever finds out.
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thecleverqueer · 1 year
I think if your goal was to try and convince Ahsoka that Anakin was a piece of shit master that ultimately wasn’t good for her, the only person that could do that effectively would be Rex.
Rex questioned Anakin in his teachings, and often scoffed at him when he did questionable shit. Rex could be like, “so, you remember how he basically told you that he didn’t want to deal with you when you told him you were assigned as his Padawan?” Or “yeah, I practically begged him to stop making us stun you over and over and over again after you laid out cold on the floor for an hour, but he just wouldn’t listen.”
And, Rex would absolutely remind Ahsoka what an asshole Anakin could be when he found out Anakin was Vader. I’m not wholly confident that Rex was ever made aware (we know Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Baylan, Luke and a handful of others know, but I’m unsure if it was general knowledge). Rex would consider what it did to him and his brothers, how they were forced to kill their generals and commanders (people they saw as friends), how he was personally tasked to kill someone he viewed as a baby sister, and how Anakin was directly responsible for the death and disregard of his brothers after the Clone Wars ended. Rex wouldn’t be forgiving.
Ahsoka would listen to Rex because he is a mentor figure to her. He is someone she loves and trusts deeply. I believe he’d be the only one with the clout to do it… if someone were trying to make the point.
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margindoodles2407 · 4 months
How taco Tuesday saved the galaxy please!
HAHA You are in LUCK, this is a bunch of BULLET POINTS so you get the WHOLE THING
AKA The AU Where Nothing Goes Wrong And Everyone Gets To Be A Big Happy Family (AKA TAUWNGWAEGTBABHF)
A Star Wars Crack-Treated-Seriously Fix-It AU by Margin and Margin's Friend
The Premise
All the bad things that happen in the Star Wars prequels are prevented because Anakin and Obi-Wan established a tradition of Taco Tuesday with friends when Anakin was a young padawan.
The Premise, Broken Down
Tacos are an invention of Tatooine. They’re easy and inexpensive to make and can be garnished with practically anything. When Anakin was a child, Shmi would make them often for this reason, but they were so poor that she could hardly ever afford anything other than cheese and the spicy peppers that somehow thrive in the planet’s arid climate. (To this day, cheese and pepper tacos remain Anakin’s favorite.) Though they weren’t anything much, the simple love and care that Shmi put into the meagre meal established them as Anakin’s most favorite food.
After the events of The Phantom Menace, and early into Anakin’s apprenticeship, he shyly mentions to Obi-Wan that he misses his mother’s cooking. Intrigued about Anakin’s native culture (because he was the only member of the original party who didn’t get to go on that field trip to Mos Espa) and earnest to find ways to understand and befriend his young Padawan, Obi-Wan begins to research traditional Tatooinian cuisine- and Anakin gives him tips as they haphazardly learn to make tacos together. They both highly enjoy their experience, and before they realize quite what’s happened they’ve established a tradition of making tacos together every Tuesday night.
As time passes, they begin to invite friends over to share their taco-making exploits.
In the early years, this means a lot of visits from Obi-Wan’s best friend Quinlan Vos and his own apprentice, Aayla Secura (because the Anakin-Aayla childhood friendship happened and you CANNOT and WILL NOT change my mind).
About three years after TPM, 12-year-old Anakin spontaneously invites Master Yoda over, without Obi-Wan’s knowledge, and he shows up about halfway through dinner, leaving Anakin delighted and his poor master very confused. Yoda continues to just show up, uninvited, from then on, and after the initial shock wears off, taco night without Yoda is unnatural and unheard of. 
Obi-Wan himself, taking note of the mounting tension between his Padawan and Mace Windu, decides when Anakin is about 15 to begin inviting the Master over for taco night as well. Mace doesn’t care for tacos, but does quite enjoy nachos- another Tatooinian invention- and he and Anakin come to the realization that Anakin’s favorite kind of taco, cheese and spicy pepper and crickets, is practically the same as Mace’s nachos in a taco shell. It is the first of many times they will learn to reconcile their differences in such a manner.
Inevitably, Attack of the Clones happens. Padme is still almost assassinated, Obi-Wan still finds out about the Clones and Kamino, Anakin is still assigned to be Padme’s bodyguard and they still fall in love. But Shmi Skywalker doesn’t die. Because in this timeline, instead of a lavish dinner in a gazebo on the shores of a Naboo lake, Anakin makes tacos with Padme and his mother in Cliegg Lars’s kitchen… using ingredients that they bought while their transport, due to a technical oversight and a malfunctioning engine, was landed for a refuel and repair on Tatooine. 
Anakin wants to share his favorite food with the woman he loves, and while in the market, Anakin can’t stop thinking about his dreams about his mother. Their transport will be stopped for a few days, due to the amount of time needed to refuel and repair such a large ship, so he decides to ask around for her while they’re here anyway. He still meets Watto, Cliegg, and Owen and Beru. He still rides to the Tusken camp where his mother is still imprisoned. But he arrives days- nay, weeks- earlier than in canon. He can still save her. Shmi doesn’t die in his arms. The Tusken Massacre doesn’t happen. Anakin gets his mother medical attention and she is saved. By the time they return, though, his and Padme’s transport has already left for Naboo, but they decide Tatooine is still safe enough for Padme, so they let her hosts in the Lake Country know they’re safe but won’t be staying with them after all, and the Larses are kind enough to provide residence for Shmi’s son and the charming woman he’s traveling with.
Obi-Wan’s broadcast still reaches Anakin and Padme, and the battle of Geonosis still happens. The Clone Wars still begin. Anakin is still knighted, still secretly marries Padme, still takes Ahsoka as his Padawan. But in this timeline, there are Taco Tuesdays. 
Even on missions, as often as they can, Obi-Wan and Anakin make time for their taco dinners in some fashion. And their stretches of time on Coruscant absolutely provide for this. Various people come and go, but by the middle of the war, there is an established guest list that meets every tuesday night:
Anakin and Obi-Wan, of course. Ahsoka, naturally, because she’s their little sister. Rex, usually with various members of the 501st trailing behind him, and Cody, as often as he can make it, with at least half of the 212th. Yoda and Mace, who have been coming without fail every Tuesday since they were first invited, unless their lives are endangered or they are halfway across the galaxy. Padme, too, desperately needs a break from her senatorial duties, and as wife close friend to Anakin, she’s more than welcome.
And that’s not even getting into the various guests that will show up at Master Kenobi’s apartment, usually without warning but always welcomed with open arms. Plo Koon, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Luminara Unduli will drop by whenever it is possible for them; Ahsoka will bound in dragging sweet, nervous Barriss Offee behind her at least half the time; Aayla, as Anakin’s closest childhood friend, stops by when she’s not overly preoccupied by something else, usually trailed by her husband Commander Bly or her former master, Quinlan Vos; during particularly tumultuous sessions of the Senate where representatives from nearly every Republic and Neutral Planet are called, it isn’t uncommon to see Padme walking in while in the middle of a conversation with the ever-well-received Duchess of Mandalore. Plenty of Clones can be expected at any given gathering, as well as any Jedi and/or Padawan who just needs a meal.
There are many reasons why so many people are drawn to Taco Night: the warmth of a family, the laughter of friends, the immutable fact that tacos are so diverse that everyone can technically be eating the same thing yet have exactly what they want on their dinner. And the conversations. The discussions, whether jesting in nature or of a more serious subject. 
And it is a mix of all of these things that leaves a mark on Anakin Skywalker.
From the beginning, even back in the days when he was nine years old and it was just him, Obi-Wan, and their apartment’s tiny kitchenette, he had a sense of home. Of a love similar to the one he shared with his mother- not exactly the same, never the same, but not quite so different as he had thought, and a good kind of different. He still misses his mother, of course, but he comes to realize- in a way that his canon self never did- that love multiplies, not divides. That to love Obi-Wan, and then Padme, and then Ahsoka, and then all his other friends, does not diminish his love for his mother. That to have a new family does not mean that he has forsaken the old one. He learns the difference between empty, jealous attachment, and full, warm, self-giving love.
And he learns to listen. The conversations that his family- his large, eccentric, taco-loving family- hold can range from silly (it is perfectly acceptable to tease Obi-Wan for eating tacos with a full set of cutlery, and to laugh at the fact that Ahsoka’s tacos are meat, and only meat, including having a slice of ham as the vehicle instead of a flatbread- Togruta are carnivores, after all) to serious (why exactly attachment is forbidden, what attachment even is, if and how it is possible to reconcile the current state of affairs in the galaxy with the peacekeeping nature of the Jedi), but one thing stays the same- people listen. In this universe, over meals of bread and cheese and various meats, Anakin learns to think about the other viewpoint. To compare, contrast, and reconcile his own beliefs with the opposing viewpoint. To observe, ponder, digest, what the other person is saying before blurting out something rash, or acting on impulse. Anakin learns to listen. 
And listen he does.
For it is not merely Anakin Skywalker who is changed by these weekly dinners. In various manners, the events that transpire at Taco Tuesdays prevent horrible catastrophes taking place.
Barriss Offee’s descent into despair.
The deaths of so many valiant and virtuous men and women.
Awful tragedies within and without the ranks of the Clone Army and the Jedi Order.
Most importantly… the mess that is Revenge of the Sith.
Because he learned to listen, to think, to be mindful of his thoughts and actions while around the dinner table, Anakin doesn’t let his anger get the better of him in the General’s Quarters aboard the Invisible Hand. He does not bow to the pressure of Palpatine to kill Dooku, instead remaining firm in his Jedi principles and insisting that Dooku be kept in custody. 
Because Barriss Offee never betrayed the order, Ahsoka was never framed. She was never expelled. She remains Anakin’s padawan. And so she continues to attend Taco Tuesdays, and one late night, utterly exhausted and thus lacking the filter formed by a fully-awake and alert mind, she comments that Senator Amidala is looking a bit fuller around the waistline than usual. And suddenly it’s not just Anakin and Padme aware of her pregnancy, it’s three Jedi Masters, a Padawan, and at least seven Clones. 
(Needless to say, everyone privately arrives at the very logical conclusion that Anakin’s the father. But at the moment, there are bigger fish to fry, including winning a war and getting the senator proper medical attention.)
The Council still asks Anakin to keep tabs on Palpatine, and Palpatine still forcefully appoints Anakin to the Council. He is still not made a Master. But years of learning while lounging on Obi-Wan’s couch with a taco in hand to listen, to observe, to be mindful have changed several things about Anakin. For one, he no longer blindly trusts the Chancellor. His observations and his intuition tell him that something about the man cannot be trusted. So he is, in this timeline, less reluctant to keep an eye on Palpatine. And for another, he is more understanding and respectful of the Council’s decisions. He may not personally agree with the decision to withhold the title of Master from him, but he understands that to be on the Council at all is a great honor, and he is hopeful that perhaps, someday, he may achieve the rank of Master through his wisdom. 
Obi-Wan is still sent to Utapau. He still confronts Grievous. Grievous is still killed. But back on Coruscant, something is different. Because, Obi-Wan may not be there at the moment- but, in this timeline, he’s not the lynchpin holding Anakin’s fragile sanity together. In this timeline, Anakin is wise. And in this timeline, he is not haunted by the deaths of his mother. Of the Tuskens. Of Dooku. Of the visions of Padme’s death.
When Palpatine asks Anakin to the Opera, intending to plant the seeds of doubt about his loved ones’ safety in the young Jedi’s mind, Anakin has to politely decline. I’m sorry, Chancellor, he apologizes. But that’s Tuesday night. I already have a commitment to keep. No one hears the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise that night.
Palpatine is astronomically frustrated. He has no new apprentice. He knows it’s only a matter of time before the Jedi, finishing tending to Dooku’s severed hands, begin to question their prisoner. He knows that his plan is falling apart at the seams. So he makes a final, last ditch effort to bring Anakin to the Dark Side.
He summons Anakin to his office one bright, clear morning. And he reveals that he’s Darth Sidious. He smooth-talks his way through Anakin’s righteous anger, promising him everything the Jedi can give him and more. He will make Anakin a Master. He will make his marriage to Padme safe and known. He will give him unlimited power, and Obi-Wan and Ahsoka can be his right-hand men. They will rule a glorious empire, together.
And perhaps Anakin starts to falter. Perhaps he considers it. Perhaps it truly does tempt him, for though he is wiser in this universe, he is still only a human, proud and prone to selfishness. 
But one thought, only a single thought, crosses his mind.
He asks, “But do the Sith have tacos?”
It is a foolish question, and he knows it. Instantly, his face burns with childish shame. But he was not asking whether or not the Sith can make the Tatooinian staple, not really. He was asking, really, if the Sith can give him the love and warmth and understanding of the weekly dinner meetings. If the Sith can give him a family. If the Sith can touch his soul.
Palpatine is taken aback, for a moment. Then, a smile crosses his face. “Of course,” he promises. And he strides over to his fridge and pulls out… something. A taco, he assures, but in a bag for convenience. And made with high-end, Coruscanti delicacies, not the crude aboriginal toppings of Tatooine.
And Anakin is disgusted. Because this taco is not a taco. Not in the sense that Anakin means. It was mass prepared by droids in a factory, not individually crafted by the hands of someone who knows and loves him. It is filled with bland, blanched pastes, not the symphony of colors and flavors that represent a galaxy of cultures in the palm of his hand. It was made to be nibbled on alone, on the go, not enjoyed with all the people he loves when he made time specifically for them. It is everything that a taco isn’t. It’s empty. Void.
Soulless. Just like the Sith.
Palpatine- rather, Darth Sidious- lies dead at Anakin’s feet, his head cleanly and painlessly severed by an arc of brilliant azure.
With the death of Sidious comes the death of the War. Order 66 never happens. The Jedi Purge never happens. Darth Vader, Ben Kenobi, Fulcrum, and the Rebellion are never born, and Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Padme Amidala never die. The Empire never rises from the ashes of the Republic. Bail Organa is elected Supreme Chancellor in the wake of Palpatine’s demise, and he ushers the Republic into a new golden age of peace and prosperity. Padme succeeds in convincing the Senate to pass the Clone Rights Bill, and millions of men rejoice as they are free to live as citizens of the Republic. 
And speaking of Padme- nine months have passed. She does not deliver her twins, dying, on a transport ship from Mustafar, but alive, well, and healthy in a hospital on Naboo, just as she had wanted so badly. She names her son Luke, and while Obi-Wan is still the first to hold him, it is not because of Anakin’s absence or Padme’s lack of strength. Anakin is right there, holding his wife’s hand because she still has one more baby to deliver. Obi-Wan is simply giving his assistance to a friend in need. And Anakin names his daughter Leia, and it is Ahsoka who holds her, torn between excited squeals of I get to be an AUNT, good Force she is the cutest little girl and a quiet, hushed reverence for the tiny life she holds in her hands. 
One final note on the Skywalker Family. Now that the War is over, it can be properly addressed: Anakin broke the Jedi Code, not merely by violating his vow of celibacy but by concealing this truth from the Council. Despite all he has done for the Order- which is acknowledged and given its due praise and recognition- he cannot be allowed to remain in it. Yoda, Mace, Aayla, and Obi-Wan- as well as many other Councilmen and Women- all wish it were not so, but the rules are very clear. And yet, Anakin is wise in this universe. He acknowledges his fault and his deception. He humbly accepts his expulsion, because he knows full well that he deserves it. And so he remains on good terms with the entirety of the Jedi Order. He is even allowed to keep his Lightsaber- because, Jedi though he may no longer be, the Force is still with him. And after all, this lightsaber is his life. 
Ahsoka is transferred to Obi-Wan to finish her padawan training. Anakin and Padme retire to Naboo, where they raise Luke and Leia in relative peace- that is to say, as much peace as you can get when your last name is Skywalker. They are happy. They are very happy. The twins love, and are in turn adored by, their Uncle Obi-Wan and Aunt Ahsoka, on their father’s side, and Uncle and Aunt Bail and Breha on their mother’s. They are doted upon by their Grandmother and Grandfather Naberrie (Padme’s parents) and spoiled by their Grandma and Grandpa Shmi and Cliegg, and Aunt and Uncle Beru and Owen. When it is discovered that they are both incredibly Force-Sensitive, Anakin has to practically wrestle the Council to not admit them to the Creche because all his Jedi friends want to train his children. Luke and Leia have, literally, thousands of uncles and/or cousins in the Clones, who are quite protective of their niece and nephew/baby cousins. No one is exactly sure what Satine is to them, but whatever it is, she has been quoted as saying, in private conversation, that she wishes they were hers, so clearly they have a loving relationship.
And when they are old enough to eat solid food, they, too, join the still-continuing throng of family that gather in Obi-Wan and Ahsoka’s living room every Tuesday for Tacos. 
And they love it.
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𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 ; Anakin skywalker
The feeling of loving someone who doesn't feel the same.
Jedi partners, Y/n Jinn and Anakin skywalker, have always been inseparable , one could easily think that they were in love, but how wrong they would be , seeing as though anakin skywalker has always been in love with Padme and Y/n.. well y/n is another story.
Warnings : angst!!! Violence, sadness , tears , fluff , y/n is qui-gons Adoptive daughter. The other woman vibes.
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——𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 , and then years did. Y/n Jinn was only a four year old girl when qui gon found her and took her in with a lot of convincing in the council. He was allowed two padawans thanks to Windu and Yoda.
Y/n was a quiet, observant, and brave jedi, listening to what was said and seeing things others were too busy to notice. Y/n rarely trusted anyone. She was even skeptical of Obi-wan at times, but somehow, in a strange way, a young, talented boy by the name anakin skywalker managed to step in and earn her trust in only a matter of seconds.
'Are you a Goddess?' He had asked her. Staring at her down, he was a boy , none other than maybe three years younger than her. Dirty blond hair and bright ocean eyes , his face was musty and dusty, but to her, he was a little adorable boy, who was probably a slave. And when she had asked him, he got offended and corrected her. That was the day she decided that she could trust him.
There was something about him, and she couldn't quite figure it out, which was rare since she was always able to know everything and anything in just the look of their eyes.
Obi-wan had used it against her at times, claiming that she'd rather trust a boy she'd only met instead of the man who's always been like a brother to her. In which, he had a point. But y/n always dissed him and rolled her eyes.
Only days later , the worst had happened, and y/n was left devastated. She had been so angry and heartbroken, she'd wouldn't leave her bed for days. Only left it when windu came to her, giving her the news that she'd be assigned to a different jedi master. Which was himself, while Obi-wan officially became one himself and was to train anakin. Y/n felt it was unfair but she did not argue.
Four years had passed, and both Ani and y/n were assigned to a mission. It had been four years since they saw each other , but now Anakin was older and much taller. Not older than her, but unfortunately, taller. Y/n and Anakin had become best friends by the end of the mission, and to that day, they were still bestfriends. But unfortunately, as his best friend, y/n had to listen to him yap all about his crush onPadme Amidala.
Which never bothered her, no , of course it didn't. Why would it? He was her best friend and that was it. But soon, that changed. Y/n began to feel things she knew she shouldn't feel, and when they both returned to coruscant for a mission to protect padme, her feelings only grew.
Seeing anakin and padme together had destroyed her insides. When she saw padme comforting anakin after his mother's death, when she saw them playing in the field in naboo , saw them kiss under the deck by the lake. All those moments had hurt her, especially when he had confessed his undying love to padme.
Y/n didn't know what to do. Anakin noticed the change in y/n. Seeing how quiet she was, she barely spoke to him and looked at him in the eye , she barely even got close to him. He didn't know why, which was rare. Because he always knew why.
It was odd. The only time she spoke to him during the entire mission was when he lost his arm, she had fought count dooku with the help of obi-wan, she had fought so hard, Anakin didn't even know if it was her fighting. It was the last thing before he shut his eyes.
The last time was when he was scared to show her the new replacement for his hand.
"This doesn't change anything, ani." Her voice was soft, gentle. Anakin was so ashamed, he couldn't even look at her. "I wasn't too quick, y/n. If I was quick enough I would still have my hand."
Y/n shakes her hand and gently grabs his metal hand, closing it with hers, her gentle eyes meet his. "There wasn't anything you could've done. Count dooku was too strong, but that doesn't mean you were weak or slow." She takes a deep breath, contemplating things.
Anakin worries for a moment, seeing her distracted face. "What's wrong?" He questions. He's searching for her eyes. She shakes her head and lets go of his hand.
"Talk to me. I feel like you haven't talked to me through this entire mission." He pleads, the sun was setting, it was warm and they were still in naboo and standing exactly where he and padme kissed.
Y/n avoids his stare and sighs. She walks toward the rails and lays her arms on it while staring at the clear blue lake. "I'm leaving." She let's out, finally. Anakin is confused.
"Leaving back to coruscant? I understand master windu wants you back but surely you c—"
"No, ani." Y/n turns herself, her eyes burned from the tears that were already swimming up. Tears shimmered in her eyes, and she takes a moment, "I'm going back to my planet. Y/p/n."
Anakin is quiet, silent. " For how long?" He asks.
"I don't know." Is all she can say. She's shrugging, sniffling. "I just need a break, I've already ta—"
"What about me?"
She's staring at him now. He's sad, confused, hurt. He doesn't want her to go. "What about me?" He repeats . He steps closer, and she takes a step back. He pauses. Raising a brow, he senses there's more to it.
"Y/n what aren't you telling me?"
Y/n looks away, "Look at me." He tells her she does. Her eyes are glossy she can barely see him clearly. "What aren't you telling me?" He says. Softly, gently. But he's eager to know.
"Nothing. There's nothing more to say." She's quick and blunt with her response, but he's not having it. He shakes his head, not believing it. He walks closer to her, almost to intimidatingly. "Tell me."
Y/n shakes her head, "I can't." She breaks down, tears falling down uncontrollably. Anakin rushes to her, grabbing her and pushing her into his arms. He doesn't know why she's hurting so much, but he wants to know. He's eager to know what's hurting her so much.
She's sobbing, clutching onto his robes. She inhales his strong scent like it's the last thing ever. After minutes of silence , she speaks, "I can't love you anymore." She whispers. She instantly feels anakin freeze underneath her. Her cheek is still pressed against his chest. He's stiff.
"I can't do it." She says again and done again. There's only silence. Anakin didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't that. He'd always loved y/n, but it was never like that. "I've loved you while you've loved her.." her voice breaks, Her arms tighten around anakin.
Anakin blinks.
"Talk to me." She says, but she doesn't pull away. "You haven't talked to me." She whispers, quieter. Anakin is shocked, to say the least—speechless.
"Y/n—" he's shaking his head now, a sad expression painted all over his face. His metal hand is cold on her skin, yet she can feel every inch of his rejection from just it. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you."
Y/n feels it. Feels her heart bleed from all the cracks. She nods. "It's padme, isn't it?"
"It's not just padme." Anakin is quick to say. He shakes his head, thinking hard. "I've just never seen you in that way. You've always been my best friend.."
Y/n pulls away in silence. "Y/n." His tone is soft. Y/n ignores him. She understands. She nods and smiles softly. She tries to smile genuinely. Anakin stands in front of her. He's just as hurt now. "I hope you get everything you want, Ani. Everything and more." Her tone is genuine. It's shaky and woggly.
There's many things she wants to say to him, but she'll just keep quiet. It's better that way, she's said enough. 'I love you, ani.' Is what she wants to say, 'choose me.' Is what she wants to say. But instead, she says the only thing she can.
"I love you more than a friend. I know I shouldn't, and I know it's wrong. But it's true." She says, sighing. "I can't be 'just friends' with you. I can't be just your friend, not when I'm thinking like this and it's not fair to you... these feelings.. this infatuation. But I can't do it anymore—I can't keep pretending to not love you anymore. Because even when I try not to... I end up loving you more. More than a friend should. I still want you more... more than you ever would me.." y/n doesn't look at him as she finishes. She avoids staring at him.
Y/n looks up to see him staring at her, but still, he doesn't say anything. "I love you, anakin. And it's because I love you, that i can't be near you anymore. "
She leaves him once again. He's standing straight. Staring into the lake, staring at the spot where y/n stood, confessing her love for him. All he did was stand pathetically. He doesn't chase after her, he doesn't scream for her. Because why would he?
He didn't feel anything for y/n, he loved padme. Padme was always his first choice, y/n was just his best friend . That's all she was, and all she'd ever be.
She was just 'the friend.'
In other words, she was the other woman. The woman he'd never choose, the one he'd never love.
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
weep not for what you've done, but rather who you've lost along the way
Commander Cody/Fem!Jedi!Reader
Words: 3,345
Summary: It wasn't supposed to happen like this, the man you loved wasn't supposed to be the one to end your life. And to make matters worse, you had to keep reliving it, over, and over, with no end in sight and no clear reason why you were subjected to a torture worse than your darkest nightmare.
yearofcreation2023 flower and meaning: june: marigold || despair and grief over the loss of love
@clonexreaderbingo square: heartache
Warnings: ANGST, character death (in a time loop), slightly graphic description of violence
Author's Note: i don't do angst often, but when i do, i make myself cry while writing apparently. half of the fact this even exists is because of the lovely @homie-one-kenobi, who ages ago encouraged me to embrace the angst in my soul and lent me her roll of "time loop" and "order 66" from the roll for clone prompt list i made.
Year of Flowers Masterlist • Clone Troopers Masterlist
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From across the holotable, you caught Commander Cody’s eye. The smile on his face was meant only for you, a secret code that no one else had the privilege of understanding. You tried to pay attention what the holos of Obi-Wan and Anakin were saying, but it was hard when you could be staring into the commander’s eyes instead. You were rarely assigned to assist the 212th with their campaigns, so every chance you got was taken with an enthusiasm that you were sure must have worried Master Yoda. 
You loved him, there was no mistaking this feeling. 
And while you weren’t sure if he felt as strongly about you, the kiss you had shared in the booth at 79’s the last time you were on leave was an indication that he was certainly willing to see where your relationship went. 
Once the briefing was over and you were alone with him, you couldn’t help but smile and stare into his eyes. He must have noticed your pensive expression, because he caught your attention by softly saying your name. “Is everything alright?” 
“Do you think this war will ever be over?” 
He paused, clearly not having expected that question to come out of your mouth. But you couldn’t help it, this conflict had been nothing but an pain-filled toil with no end in sight, and the tax it was taking on both you and many of your fellow Jedi was something you feared would never be removed from your lives. “I don’t know,” was his response, and you appreciated that he was telling the truth, rather than simply sugar-coating a dream you weren’t sure would ever come to pass. “I think all we can do is hope that the tide shifts soon.” 
He was right; you had just heard Obi-Wan talk about his plan to corner General Grievous on the other side of the planet, and you were to work with the rest of the troops to provide back-up when necessary, 
War was like the crashing waves on a windy beach. There were brief times like this where you could take a step back and breathe, daydream about kisses to come and take the time to meticulously plan out your next moves, but they were few and far between. A vast majority of the time you were being pulled in every direction, forced to do whatever it took to keep yourself afloat as chaos raged all through the galaxy. And of course, every moment of serenity is ripped away far too quickly by the calloused and unforgiving hands of bloodshed, stealing the what-ifs and future tomorrows of the men you had grown close to. 
With no warning, the droids came. Thousands of them marched across the surface of the planet and you could hear the distant scream of transport ships, meaning more were certainly on their way. The clones jumped into action, and you pushed into the crowd yourself, the beam of your lightsaber twirling gracefully through the air as you severed heads and limbs from the bumbling Separatist infantry. 
With Cody beside you, the droids were no match for the unstoppable force you became. The sound of blaster fire all around you began to dull in your mind as you pushed forward, as more and more of this platoon fell to the ground. For a moment, you couldn’t see if there were any more on the way, and you were about to kill the last droid standing when a shot came from behind you. 
You couldn’t see Cody’s face when you turned to look at him, but you knew he was wearing a smirk under his helmet. “I was going to get him you know,” you said, a playful expression on your face. 
He shrugged and answered with a nonchalant tone. “Well General, maybe next time you need to be quicker.” Stars, you wanted to kiss him right now. 
“Is that challenge, commander?” 
Before he could say anything in response, his communication device started to beep. “Do you think that’s General Kenobi?” he asked. 
“I hope so,” you said. “He’s a fool for taking on Grievous alone, so I hope he’s okay.” 
As Cody stepped away to answer, the sound of another transport ship filled the air, and you turned to watch a small speck of gray whizz through the sky. Motioning to your droid, you called out to Cody that you were going to investigate whatever that was and asking him to let you know whatever he was told. Not wanting to let this ship disappear, you didn’t wait for a response before getting into your ship and taking off, your trusty R3 nestled in the droid port. 
A feeling of dread washed over you instantly, and you could feel some kind of disturbance in the Force. Your ship was climbing through the air without issue though, so you just brushed it off. 
Until you felt something hit just below you. 
There was no time to wonder what was happening, you were under fire and you had to escape it. You turned the controls, intending to land back down and see if any of the men noticed where in the planet’s rocky cliffs the droids had hidden their cannon, but your heart clenched when you noticed another blast barreling towards you, and you were struck with a terrifying realization, that this shot had unmistakably come from Republic artillery. 
Too startled to truly react with enough time, you pulled the controls to the left. The shot clipped one of the wings, the sound of its impact echoing through your mind. Now horribly off balance, your ship rocked through the sky and spiraled at the height in which you had gotten hit. “R3, what’s going on?” you said, heartbeat quickening as you tried to ignore the nagging feeling that you were truly being targeted by your own troops. The droid started to beep something, but the next blast came too quickly for him to finish. 
Before you began hurtling towards the ground, you tried to make sense of what was happening, how your own troops had seemingly turned on you without warning. But it was no use, and the inevitable descent began. 
You were dead before you hit the ground, and even if you hadn’t been, the explosion on impact took care of everything in a few flagrant moments. 
From across the holotable, you caught Commander Cody’s eye. The smile on his face was meant only for you, a secret code that no one else had the privilege of understanding.
Something was wrong here. You discreetly looked around the room, desperately trying to figure out why your body was so on edge at this moment. And to make matters more confusing, you seemed to be able to know everything that Obi-Wan and Anakin were saying on the holotable in front of you.  Their plans, their updates, even their mannerisms seemed wholly predictable, as if this was not the first time you had attended this meeting. 
Cody was standing next to you now, and his hand found yours, a gesture that was not visible by anyone else. It was comforting for a fleeing moment, but you felt the overwhelming desire to pull away from him. To your fellow Jedi watching from their own holotables, the commander’s expression did not betray the pain behind his eyes at your simple action, but you saw it to be there, a cocktail of confusion and hurt that made your heart squeeze for a moment. 
He cared for you, that much was obvious. And you cared for him in a way that the Jedi Code would never allow, to the point where you had considered running away from the Order the moment the war was over, starting a new life with the kind and loving commander by your side. 
Soon the meeting was over. 
And then the droids arrived. 
Once again, this moment of tranquility was cut short as you had to become the leader, shoving the peacekeeper inside your heart aside to instead embrace the violent apathy that your rank in this conflict required of you. 
As you cut down the approaching droids in your path, blaster fire echoed through the space as the 212th helped you hold the line. You never worried for yourself in these situations, and these droid in particular were not the most advanced of the bunch. But you seemed to know their attack patterns, and it was in record time that the last of them fell to the ground. 
It seemed like things were going well, but you couldn’t shake that feeling of worry and fear that was slowly taking hold in your stomach. And it only grew when the sound of Cody’s communicator went off not far behind you, signaling that someone was trying to contact him.
It was then that you started to realize what these feelings meant, that somehow you had lived this day before. Was your force sensitivity the reason you were seeing these signals, or did the rest of the troops realize that something was different too? You turned to where Cody was standing a few paces away, his back to you as he spoke to whoever had commed in, most likely Obi-Wan letting everyone know what happened with Grievous. He had taken his helmet off this time, and you noticed it resting on the ground a few paces away. 
“Cody?” you asked as he turned around. “What’s the verdict?”
When he raised his blaster in your direction, you knew without a doubt that something was wrong. 
You dodged the shot when it came, mind racing. “Cody?” you called out again as you ignited your lightsaber. “What’s going on?” 
“You’re a traitor to the Republic.” Even his voice was different now, with a sharpness and a coldness to it that you had never heard before, not even when giving orders in a stressful situation. “You need to be eliminated.” 
The second shot came, and you deflected the blast. The other troopers just stood there and watched as their commander turned on his general, acting as if everything was fine. “What are you talking about?” you called out, tears starting to well in your eyes. Out of all the combat you expected to engage in during this war, one with your own troops was not on that list. 
“You’re a traitor to the Republic,” he said, as if you had not heard him the first time. 
Hearing those words once more cemented your impending fate in your mind, that whatever had happened, you were now under fire. Your survival instincts kicked in, and you took off towards the labyrinth of caves that characterized the landscape of this planet. Blasts echoed all around you, but you deflected what you could and tried to tap into the Force as you ran. 
You heard one of the other men ask what they should do, and the moment your heart truly shattered was when you heard Cody tell them not to do anything, that this was his kill. Once you were far enough away from the rest of the troops, you paused for a moment. 
His kill? 
Last time he called you his anything, it was his General. There were other things you’d hoped he would call you, but this was not one of them. The wave of dread that crashed over your body only grew as you heard footsteps echo at some point behind you. 
You were fast, but clones were genetically engineered to be faster. He threw his body over yours with a flying leap, knocking your lightsaber out of your hands and pushing you to the ground. For a fleeting moment, you got a good look at his face, and the daggers he glared changed everything for you. This was no longer the man you cared about, this was someone desperate to kill. 
And you refused to let that happen. 
Kicking upward, you managed to surprise him enough to wrestle the blaster from his hands, sending it flying across the ground and coming to rest near your saber. But that only gave you a second of advantage, because he pulled a vibroblade from his belt and immediately continued his attack. He hadn’t yet landed a hit on you but it still hurt, because you didn’t want to fight him. This wasn’t the man you had grown to care so much for, but as you dodged, kicked, and wrestled with him, you could feel your resolve growing thin. 
So when you felt the blade pierce your midsection, you had almost made peace with your fate. 
This death was much slower than the last, something you realized as you laid on the ground, acutely aware of the way that blood was staining your robes as it seeped from the wound. Your memories were much clearer now, and you didn’t know if it was a blessing or a curse. 
Maybe you were completely delusional, or maybe the pain and the blood was causing you to see things that weren’t there, but you could have sworn you saw a flash of regret in Cody’s eyes as he pulled the vibroblade out of your abdomen and stood above you, watching and waiting for your next move. 
But if that regret was ever truly there, that emotion was gone from his face just as quickly as it formed, and the pain became too much for you to bear. 
With a final breath, you closed your eyes and prepared to become one with the Force. 
Something was wrong, you knew that now. As innocent as the smile on Cody’s face was, all you could think about as the two of you stood at the holotable was what you knew to be coming. There was no pretending anymore, you remembered everything. And not only were you desperate to find away out of this trap, you wanted to find the one reality, the one set of choices, that would allow you to walk away from this experience. 
You had no idea what was happening to the rest of your fellow Jedi, whether or not they were trapped in this same torturous cycle of betrayal and pain. You were afraid of what you’d find if you ever did escape this, afraid of what the galaxy had turned into. But most of all, you were afraid of what you might have to do in order to truly escape. Could you still call yourself a Jedi if you killed the man you loved, even if he was dead set on killing you first? Could you live with the choices you made, even if they were the only option?
Countering the droid attack was easy by now, and you relished the simplicity of it. You beheaded and dismembered the platoon as they attempted to march forward, watching as their parts fell to the ground beside you and almost dancing as you twirled your saber. The clones hadn’t yet turned on you, and you could still trust them to come to your aid. 
Part of you wanted to get in your ship now, to run away before whatever switch they had was flicked, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do that. Besides, who knew what you would find if you were to return to the Jedi temple and try to warn the others, and they would probably think you were full of bantha shit. So you stayed, and you once again had to watch as the battle finished and Cody received a communication from parties unknown. 
That must be the moment that things all go wrong, you decided, and you covertly used the Force to lift the commander’s blaster from the ground next to him, sending it flying away from both him and the other troops. You received odd looks, but it didn’t matter. 
This time, you could hear what Cody was saying before he fixed his steely gaze on you and declared you a traitor to the Republic. “Execute Order 66.” 
“Cody,” you pleaded, hopelessly wishing that this time would be different, clinging onto the desperate desire that he wouldn’t try to kill you in the next few moments. “Don’t do this.” 
It was a useless effort. 
You already knew that, but it took hearing the word “traitor” from his mouth for you to actually believe it. All noise was dulled in your ears as your mind took over, and once again your survival instinct won over your affections for the man standing in front of you. 
This time was similar to the last version of this day you had lived, where you took off running and tried to escape the fate that Cody had in store for you. And once again you found yourself far away from the rest of the troops by the time he caught up. 
His helmet was on this time, which a part of you appreciated, because you weren’t sure if you could take the pain of seeing his face while you fought. But his vibroblade was out, and you had no intentions of repeating your previous fate. When you used the Force to send his weapon skittering across the floor, an audible growl escaped his mouth, and you pretty much knew what was coming next. 
You had spent your free time sparring with some of the clones before, but never before had you considered that you’d be drawing on those experiences in a bitter fight for your life. It was your unwavering desire to survive that truly kept you going as you swung and kicked at the man who you had kissed in one of the booths at 79’s, who you had dreamed about running away with when the war was over. You doubted he remembered any of that now, but it didn’t make fighting him any easier. 
You threw your arm out in a burst of emotion, harnessing the Force to send the commander flying backwards. The crack of his armor hitting the stone of the cliff made your heart clench, but it was the chance you so desperately needed to get away. It took every ounce of resolve to just leave him there, slumped over on the ground, but you did not want to risk your life once more. 
He stirred once and let out a pitiful groan as you looked back for the last time, and that was enough for you to absolve yourself of this crime. Maybe one day you would be able to see him again, and things could be different, but a delusional fantasy like that one was no use to you now. 
It was something of an immense relief to find your ship completely deserted, the other troopers nowhere to be found. R3 wasn’t there, but you didn’t know if you had the time to wait for him, and you didn’t question this development as you quickly took off, throwing the tiny starship into hyperspace the moment you were far enough away from the painful choices and suffocating memories of the planet.
The fact that you were now completely alone hit first. There was a raw and ragged wave of darkness that washed over you, what you realized must have been the pain and suffering of every other Jedi as they died at the hands of those they trusted the most, their commanders and troops. What were you to do with your life now? Was your escape from this infinite nightmare truly a victory, or did you simply just throw yourself into a new hell? 
The blue streaks of hyperspace used to be a comfort, a testament to the power and sprawling vastness of the galaxy, but now they were just another reminder of what you had done, and what you still had to face. 
There was no stopping the tears that rolled down your face as you screamed to no one in particular, a ugly, guttural noise that communicated every emotion that you couldn’t articulate. But unlike what had happened every instance before, time didn’t reset. No, you were forced to move forward from here. 
There was no other choice. 
- the end -
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marymary-diva17 · 1 year
New Padawan
anakin x padawan reader x Ashoka + the 501st
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A young twi'lek girl had finally reach the rank of padawan, and she had been summoned to meet with grand master Yoda. The grand master had shared some wonderful news with the girl, the gurl had been shocked by the new that was shared between grand master and padawan. Now she had began her journey of padawan hood and maybe soon jedi knight, she was living the temple she once knew so well and heading off world to start her frist stage of being a padawan.
y/n " ohh I can't believe I'm really here" you had walked off the republic ship that drooped you off, the republic was one planet that had recently joined the republic.
y/n " okay I need to find the masters" you had been give orders to join this misson under the orders by Yoda himself, and now you were trying to find the jedi masters. You were totally lost at first until you spotted some clone troopers.
y/n " maybe they can help" you were about to go up the clone until they spotted you, and made their way towards you.
???? " hey kid are you from the temple and republic base with all the supplies and mission report"
y/n " yes I'm padawan learner Y/n l/n"
???? " well hello there kid I'm Jessie and his Hardcase"
y/n " hello I'm also looking for the jedi master as well I have news from grand master Yoda to share"
hardcase " well come with us kid we will bring you to them" you had nodded your head and soon followed them, you felt very nervous about this situation as you are meeting well know jedi masters. You had only see them from a distance and never talk to them in person.
Jessie " don't worry kid there no battle here we are safe"
y/n " oh that good to know"
hardcase " well let hope your new is good kid we are going to need some good new right now" after some walking you soon reach a group of people that seem to be talking among each other, soon the two trooper stopped walking.
Jessie " sorry for interrupting the meeting generals and everyone but we have a guest here from the temple" soon everyone looked at you as you were standing there.
Jessie " this is padawan y/n she has arrived from the temple with the supplies and some new"
Obi-wan " welcome padawan y/n"
y/n " hello"
Plo koon " i was not told a padawan will be joining us after the misson has anyone been assigned a new student"
Obi-wan " not me yoda mention nothing to me at all"
Plo koon " nothing ti was well anakin and Ashoka"
Ashoka " well I did talk with master Yoda not to long ago but taking a padawan as I feel like I will be good teacher"
anakin " you are to young spins maybe the kdis here to be taught by one of us that have been here longer"
Ashoka " oh come on you don't trust me skyguy I can be a good teacher"
Obi-wan " enough both of you are acting like a child like the padawan speak"
y/n " thank you master kenbio well I have been assigned as master anakin skywalker padawan ...."
anakin " see I told you the kid has been assigned to be experience jedi snips maybe wait a couple more years"
y/n " well I have also be assigned as master ashoka tank padawan as well" everyone had gotten quite while looking at you as you were, sharing the news.
ashoka " see sky guy I did a padawan"
anakin "is has to be fake"
y/n " no master with all respect this has been set and decided on my grand master Yoda, if you wish to speak with him you can but he said it was the good idea and I cna learn from you both"
obi-wan " this had never happen before a padawan having two masters"
Plo koon" We will have to obey Yoda words and go with his decisions, this might be good for both of you in the end she can learn many things"
ashoka " looks like you are stuck with me for a bit longer sky guy, first we share the 501st and now a padawan"
anakin " yes it seems like that"
ashoka " well come on kid let me show you around and introduce you to the troopers see you all later" ashoka soon walked towards you and soon started guiding you away from the everyone as jessie and hardcase had left a while ago.
anakin " well master if you excuse me I most go help Ashoka with our padawan" anakin soon went after the two he was soon able to join them, as obi-wan and pro koon watched even they were confused about the move Yoda had done.
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fictionfromthevoid · 2 months
Headcanons - Saving Anakin Skywalker
this is part 2 of my Anakin Skywalker best friend Headcanons x so make sure to read them.
when he first starts having nightmares about Padme dying you are on a mission, so you learn about it only after he has talked to Yoda and Obi-Wan
since you know about their marriage he can talk to you a lot more freely
You don't necessarily believe that the nightmares are visions, because no Naboo with access to medical care has died in childbirth in like a thousand years
But you also know that telling him that would be of no use because he is convinced of it and terribly afraid
So you take his fear seriously and promise to help him keep Padme safe
This takes a huge weight off his chest because you are the first one to really be there for him. Obi-Wan tells him to keep his feelings under better control and Yoda to be happy that people become one with the force. 2 things that did nothing to soothe his unbearable fear.
So when you tell him that you understand his fear and are there to help him he will hug you and thank you because he is so relieved that he isn't alone anymore
When he has nightmares and you two are on a mission, Padme is away, doesn't take them seriously or he just doesn't want to bother and disturb her constantly he often ends up at your door.
You either talk it out over a warm cup of tea, tears and hugs or you hold him until he has fallen asleep again. When he's asleep you try your best to keep nightmares away from him with the help of the force, often losing sleep yourself in the process
You do research about death in childbirth and use the temple achieves to learn about force healing and other ways to prevent death through the force
You keep him updated with your findings. This makes him really feel like you care and assures him that you are actually trying to help him and therefore strengthens his trust in you
When Anakin is assigned Palpatine's bodyguard you are alarmed. Anakin has told you that he convinced him to kill Doku and wanted him to leave Obi-Wan behind and since then you don't trust the Chancellor one bit.
You have no idea what his intentions are but you are just suspicious of him.
So you always ask him what they have talked about and try to set his mind right when you spot manipulation against the Jedi
Palpatine tries to break Anakins trust in you
So when Anakin becomes distant you confront him and ask him what Palpatine has told him
You talk it out and he goes out of the conversation with more trust in you than ever and a slight wariness against Palpatine
So when he is waiting in the council chamber for Windu and the other council members to take hold of Sidious he asks you to wait with him because he knows that he might not be able to stay there on his own
You are there to comfort him and help him detangle his thoughts
He tells you about how Palpatine might be his only chance of saving Padme, but you make him understand that it is not improbable that the chancellor put the visions in his mind in the first place
if he was able to conceal himself from the Jedi order for so long and presumably has the power to manipulate the Midi-Chlorians he might as well manipulate Anakin's mind
You keep him in the temple long enough for Windu to be able to kill Palpatine
When you feel the disturbance in the force as the darkness lifts from the galaxy you hold him as he grieves
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cattyb2 · 2 years
Sweet Taste of Poison
Summary: While guarding Padme after a long meeting of the senators, you drink poison meant for her. In these moments, you realize where your priorities lie. That is with Anakin Skywalker, your best friend and the love of your life.  
Warnings: hallucinations, poison, mentions of death
A/N: so basically Padme and Anakin feel nothing for each other, just a platonic relationship:)) Maybe a little cheesy at the end? I’m just a sucker for a cheesy ending 
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“This dreadful meeting is almost over, one more night and we can return home.” Obi-wan said, walking down the hallway of the mansion we’ve been at for days.
The senators were all sent to agree on a treaty, although they didn’t all agree. The older senators disagreed of course, thinking their time is much more valuable than this problem they’ve been wasting it on. The younger senators, Padme included, think this treaty can bring more people together. Obi-wan, Anakin, Ahsoka and you stood in the corners of the meeting room for the last four days. Instructed to make no noise, have no comments, just to stand watch, protect the valuable lives in this room.
The days only dragged on, over and over they go back and forth arguing the same topic. Then we’d get assigned to a senator, other Jedi would come in and we’d each guard a door for the night. Then, in the morning, we’d do it all over again. But luckily, things finally seem to be wrapping up, they only need one more person to agree, and then this horrible week will come to a close.
“Be careful,” You said looking as Anakin was talking to Ahsoka, “that’s what you said two days ago.”
“You’re right, don’t worry. You will be home soon, where you and Anakin can go about and almost get yourselves killed because you don’t listen.”
“I’m going to assume this is just your tired side speaking, Obi-wan.”
“Oh no, Y/N. I only speak the truth.” He had a smile when he said it, although you know he isn’t truly happy about that.
“I like to think of it as I go with him because someone has to. Someone has to look out for him, I’ve been doing it all my life. Since we were both padawans and we thought we were invincible.”
“And look at the price you both have paid for believing that.”
We both stood silent, neither one of us having anything to say to the other after that. You knew the prices Anakin paid for the choices he’s made, and you also knew the prices he’s paid for simply just doing what he was told. A metal hand, a long scar across his face, nightmares that plagued him. And better than anything, you knew the prices you’ve paid. Although all your limbs are still intact you also sported a scar across your face, stretching from the left side of your temple, to the right side of your chin. Obi-wan sighed, slouching a bit.
“That didn’t come out the way I wanted it to.”
“I understand how you meant it.” You said to him, and truly you did.
There was an angry growl that sounded down the hallway, and we both looked at Anakin, who was getting visibly frustrated with Ahsoka. The wrinkle in his forehead is deep, and even from down the hall I can tell his jaw is tightly clenching.
We made our way down the hallway, hearing the very familiar bickering between Anakin and his padawan.
“Ahsoka!” Obi-wan happily greeted as we walked towards them. 
“Master Kenobi.” She responded. She was seething, you could tell by the way her jaw was clenched and the furrow of her brow. Obi-wan opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a padawan, who ran down the hallway. 
“Something urgent has come up, Masters Yoda and Windu request the your presence!” She exclaimed, we all looked at each other, trying to figure out who was going and who would stay. 
“Padme has a meeting to attend to tonight, so you three go. I’ll meet you guys later.” 
“I’ll stay back-” Anakin started speaking, obviously looking for any reason to escape his padawan. 
“Absolutely not. Y/N is more than capable to do a job she has been doing for the past week. Plus, let the ladies spend some time together.” Obi-wan said, smiling a bit at you. You tried not to smile, but your lip twitched ever so slightly, which Anakin surely saw. 
“I’m a lady! Y/N, I can help you!” You sighed, knowing Ahsoka must accompany Anakin. 
“I’m sorry Ahsoka, you must go with Anakin.” 
“Wherever he goes, you must follow.” 
“Like that’s ever stopped you before.” She spoke, crossing her arms. 
You remembered what is was like being in her shoes, having to do whatever you were told whenever they told you. Although, life is still very much following the orders of the council, being a young Padawan was like being on a very short leash. You could hear Anakin quietly lecture her about how she spoke, but you took nothing to heart. 
The walk to Padme’s room was short, the hallways eerily silent. She opened up the door before you could get the second knock, smiling as she invited you in. 
“I never understand why we cannot just agree on something within one day, but now we’ve been here for nearly a week. A week where we could have turned the tables in this war. Instead, we are inside fighting on how to stop a war that will soon be on our doorstep.” 
The one thing you learned about Padme since she came to Coruscant was that she was determined. Whatever task she put her mind to would be done, one way or another. She never stopped fighting for what she thinks is right, even if she lost. This made her quick to become your friend. Her unwavering kindness, and friendly smile sucked you in. It was a breath of fresh air in this otherwise stuffy order. 
“I’m sorry,” she started. “It must be boring to hear me complain about the after you just have to stand there everyday-”
“I don’t mind, Padme.” You tried to reassure her. “It’s better than listen to Anakin and Ahsoka bicker.” You said with a laugh. She also laughed at this, agreeing heavily with your statement. “They are more alike than I think they both realize. But she’s good for him, keeps him a little more... grounded per say.” 
“They were guarding the door the other night, and I swear they never stopped talking out there.” Padme said with another laugh. “ I remember that’s how he and Obi-wan used to be.” 
“Oh yeah,” you responded. “Tell me about it. “Anakin was never one to take orders, he did whatever he thought was right, even if at the time it wasn’t so. I think he’s finally realizing exactly how Obi-wan felt all this time.” 
“But you guys would always save each other, you always followed him, as did Obi-wan.” 
“Obi-wan and Anakin are like brothers.” You said. “Not only does Obi-wan have a commitment to Anakin, but Obi-wan cares for him. I think he used Anakin to fill the gap, to fill his time so he wouldn’t have to think about what happened to his master. Obi-wan dropped everything for Anakin, and together they are, they are truly magnificent. They are brothers, through and through.” 
“You always followed after him too. I may be a busy Senator, Y/N, but I am not blind.” 
“It’s a difficult situation. But yes, I will always follow him into whatever he needs.  I grew up with him, after my master died, I was almost taken in by them. I never knew how badly I needed someone to rely on before I knew Anakin.”
“And that is how you got the scar, following him?” 
“I didn’t mean anything by that.” That was the other thing about Padme, she was genuinely a good person. In this time, you don’t meet too many of those. 
“I don’t mind, it doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. I hated it when I first got it, of course the pain of it was horrible. But I saw it as a failure, it was a permanent mark of a loss I couldn’t hide. Everyone could see it, and everything would think I was weak. It was Anakin who told me otherwise. Of course now he has one to match. He told me to view it as a warning.” 
“A warning?” She asked. Sitting down on the huge white comforted bed. 
“A warning to anyone who tries to take me on again. I laughed the first time he said it, it sounded so stupid and childish, but I never shied away from the fact I had it ever again.” 
“Sounds like he’s taught you a lot.” She said with a smirk. You stared at her, a shocked expression on your face. 
“Now, Senator Amaidala, I have no idea what you are trying to insinuate!” 
“Maybe it has something to do with how fond you two are of each other, or the fact that every time you walk into a room he turns red-” 
A knock on the door stopped you both mid conversation. You looked at the time, late, but not too late where this would be a cause for concern. You opened the heavy wooden door to a droid, he held a platter containing two glasses of water. 
“From Obi-wan.” It spoke, more robotic than you’ve ever heard a droid. 
“Thank you.” You said, smiling to the droid as you closed the door. You set the platter down on one of the side tables, Padme walking over to you to grab a glass.
“That droid had good timing,” Padme said, as you sipped the water. “Stopped right when I was finally about to express how you two act when you see each other.”
But you weren’t focused on what she was saying, nor could you really hear her at all. There was that sense, the sense that told you something was wrong, very wrong. It had hit you almost immediately, the smell the water had, and the little bit of a green residue on the glass. 
You dropped the glass, causing it to shatter and water flew in a million droplets all over the carpeting. Although it felt like your bones weighed a thousand pounds each, you managed to smack the glass out of Padme’s hand. 
“Y/N?” She sounded panicked, you didn’t realize you were on the ground until you saw her lean over you. It was as you were under water. Your sight was glossy, and moving as if looking at her under a wave. You couldn’t make out what she said to you, but in a flash she was gone. The only thing above you were the high ceilings, and the orange glows of the lamps lit in the room. 
“How could you be so stupid? You should have sensed this, known this. Obi-wan wouldn’t send anything to the room, but you heard the name and didn’t even question where it came from. You had let your guard down, you were comfortable with your friend, and that was never something you should have done while guarding her life. You were smarter than this, smart enough to not let friendships get in the way of your job. But apparently, you weren’t. 
In could have been two seconds, or two hours. Your brain couldn’t tell, but soon you could make out the sound of footsteps. Four people stood in front of you, all yelling and moving around. You recognized Padme’s worried voice, the voice of Anakin shouting some orders at Ahsoka, the voice of Obi-wan. 
You had always wondered how Obi-wan did it. In the worst, the most stressful situations, he was the most calm. But there was nothing calm about his features  now. Even with the distorted vision you had, you could see how worried he was. Your body was lifted up from the ground, the mechanical arm wiring soft noises next to your ear. Which could only mean one thing. Anakin. Your vision was almost all black, but you could make out his messy hair, and the gloss that nw settled over his eyes. Where had everyone else gone? What was going on? 
In that very moment, that very millisecond of time, everything stopped. There was no laughter, no light, no breathing, no air.  No more meetings, no more death, no more maps, no more holonet communications. No more fighter planes, no more cruisers, no more stars. There was only you and him, that’s all there ever was, all there ever will be. There were only his salty tears, but no sound to his voice. His Adams apple bobbed up and down as his mouth opened and closed. Maybe screaming, maybe screaming for someone, something, anything. Colors flashed passed your eyes, green like the garden in Coruscant, blue like the sea in Naboo, gold like the sands in Tatooine. Maybe this was how it was supposed to end, maybe this is how your story was written from the moment you were born. You would grow up, fight, and die. Never experiencing much else all the planets had to offer. Maybe when you died you would get the chance to rewrite your story, write it full of love and laughter. Maybe you’d wake up and this would all be a sick nightmare that you’d wake up from in a cold sweat. But maybe, just maybe this was it. This was all it is. This was dying. Is this what you’ve avoided all those times? Was this what innocent people saw? What countless Jedi saw everyday? What would Anakin see? Or Obi-wan, or Ahsoka? Would they see these colors? Or would they remember everything that happened in their lives? Would they remember the story they are leaving behind? The life, the legacy they have created? Would innocent lives mourn their deaths? Would children weep in the streets at their fallen bodies? Would anyone remember their names? Maybe time would pass, and their graves would grow moss like a sickness growing inside them. Maybe time would pass, and those weeping children would tell their children about the brave soldiers that fought for their freedom. Maybe there would be nothing, just a flash of light and then it would all be over. No remains of what once was. Maybe there would just be Anakin, holding your life in his arms, the life of his best friend, his equal, the one who he truly loves more than life and all the stars. Would you leave him to walk this world alone? Would you leave him to fight, to die, in a world who never understood him? But no other choice was given to you, there was no hand of another being, no light, no rope to pull you to a better place. There was no sign of anything else. Just his trembling hands, just his voice that you cannot hear over the pounding of your blood and the beating of your heart. Was this all there was? Just a vast open nothingness for you to live out the rest of eternity? This was the dance of death, this over and over spinning in circles waiting for something to change. You’ve danced this dance for years, maybe it was finally time for you to stop. Were you truly afraid of death? Or were you afraid of what you’d leave behind. Maybe you’ve gone mad. Or maybe, you’re finally seeing this world for what it truly has to offer you. Nothing but fear, for the world doesn’t make you, the world doesn’t shape your being, your existence, your soul. Only you do. You choose what you fear and what you do not, you choose whether you get back up and fight or whether or not you stand down. You choose, because this cold and unforgiving world will always try and choose for you, and trust that it never gives you the option you so desire. The planets will eat away at your body until you’re nothing but a memory, and maker be damned, but that’s not how this story will end. For this story, your story, is about you. And it will not end at the hand of some selfish bastard who didn’t even have the guts to kill you hand to hand. It will only end when you’ve truly had time to accept it. It will only end, once you’ve done everything you’ve been put here to do. Your story, Anakin’s story, the Galactic Republic’s story isn’t amazing, isn’t great, but it’s the only one you know. So get up, get up and fight for it. Get up and fight for a chance to permanently alter this story. Because if you do not do it now, you never will. 
Medical droids were busying themselves around you when you finally opened your eyes. It felt as if they’d been closed for a millennium. But the face you saw at the side of the bed was not the one you were expecting. Not the rough around the edges best friend of yours, but his padawan. 
“Ahsoka?” You whispered. Although you did not want to whisper, but your voice could barley form the words to speak. 
“Master Y/N!” She jumped up from her chair, rushing the medical droids over to examine you. She waited quietly, muttering something to R2 to beeped happily and left the room. Once the droids had left you once again, she came back over. 
“We’ve been so worried about you. Master Obi-wan has barley been seen by anyone, and Mas-” 
“Where is Anakin?” You croaked out. Not feeling bad that you had just completely cut the young girl off. 
“I just sent R2 to get him. He refused to leave this room for so long that Master Yoda had to force him out. It got kind of ugly, but he’s been sneaking in every night to see you. You’ve been out for a couple weeks-” 
“A couple weeks?” You croaked again, cutting her off again as well. 
A couple weeks? What had happened with the meetings? Padme? What was the conclusion the senators finally came to? 
So many questions went spiraling through your head that it began to pound. But before your thoughts had started to spiral too bad, you heard it. 
“Y/N.” You recognized that voice anywhere, you could pick it out of a crowd of a million people. You turned your head as much as you could, seeing him rush through the door and to your side. You didn’t know when Ahsoka left, but you were grateful to her for leaving you two alone in this moment. 
He sat on the bed, both his hands on the sides of your face. He looked pretty much the same, just some big bags under his eyes that weren’t there before. But you blocked that out, and closed your eyes as he connected his forehead to yours. The energy radiating off him would power the entire planet, and you wondered if his is how he’s been al these weeks that you laid here unmoving. 
“Is Padme okay?” You spoke softly, the roughness of your voice raising more alarms in Anakin’s mind. But he smiled, a smile of relief. 
“You saved her, you saved her life.” You nodded at that, feeling a knot of stress release itself within your body. “Maker I thought I lost you. I tried to be here, I didn’t leave for so long. I wanted to be here-” 
You cut him off my lightly laying your thumb over his lips, the rest of your hand resting on his cheeks like he had his only moments ago. 
“I know, Anakin.” The reassurance made the soft tears leave his eyes, and he closed them sharply. 
“You looked dead, you just went limp. You went limp in my arms, and all the color drained from your face. Your eyes, they were just dull.” He explained, reopening his eyes and looking to you. “I will never let anything like this happen again, I promise.” 
“I’m alive, I will be okay. I promised you long ago I would never leave you alone. And by all the stars as my witness I’m sticking to that promise Ani.” 
“I love you, Y/N.” 
You were still loopy, and not sure if the words you just heard were even real. Maybe you just imagined them in the state you are in. 
“W-what?” You asked him, your gaze never leaving his. 
“I love you, I’m in love with you. I just want you to know- I just, I can’t keep this inside anymore. I’ve loved you since I was a kid, and almost losing you. Holding your dying body in my arms, I-” He was still choking on his tears, leaving wet streaks down his gorgeous face. “I never want to be away from you. I am in love with you. And it would have killed me everyday of my life if I never got the chance to tell you that.” 
You didn’t know what to say, still half convinced this was a fever dream you’d soon wake up from. Your voice failed you, so instead you pulled him down to meet your lips. A simple thing you had imagined doing for so many years. You never would have imagined the warmth that radiated off of them, or how smooth they would feel against your own. You were both calm in that moment, but desperate to show how you felt other than using words. His lips were flushed as he pulled away, but not as flushed as his cheeks were. 
“I love you, Anakin Skywalker.” You said, a small chuckle leaving your lips as you said it. You never imagined that this situation would be how you both confessed your feelings for each other. You had always thought maybe on some remote planet far away, were you could get away from the war, from the order, and live in complete freedom and happiness. But instead, it was on a bed in the medical wing of Coruscant, with medical droids buzzing in the background. But it couldn't be more perfect to you, and it couldn't be more perfect to him. To Anakin Skywalker, the chosen one, to the love of your life. 
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voidartisan · 2 years
More Ideas for TCW Modern AU
No war no drama just a wholesome family sitcom
There is DEFINITELY a roadtrip at some point. Ideally all the clones are shoved into one van and have invited Anakin and Ahsoka and maybe Obi-Wan and Plo to join them
There's a plot point about Korkie getting his driver's license, or Anakin losing his, or both
Ahsoka runs for student council against Lux Bonteri
Yoda teaches the neighborhood kids martial arts and the clones get an "I'll Make a Man Out of You" style training montage
They try to throw a surprise birthday party for Satine but inevitably bungle it somehow
Satine, Padme and Ahsoka have a spa day and Anakin gets arrested
Korkie plays matchmaker
Anakin definitely has a car in the garage that he's working on but has to go to ridiculous lengths to get parts for
Lux, Ahsoka, Korkie, and Barriss all get assigned to the same group for a school project
Fives brings home an espresso machine and all the clones are vibrating at the speed of sound within two days. Cody and Rex have to lock it in the attic and eventually defend it like the last two survivors in a zombie apocalypse movie. Fives sees that it has gone too far and sells it on ebay
Bo-Katan is Korkie's Cool Aunt who lets him do things Satine would not approve of. She occasionally shows up for a couple days with no notice and weirdly prescient gifts for her nephew, crashes on the couch for a night, and then disappears the next morning.
Obi-Wan stress bakes
Obi-Wan and Satine decide to take a week-long vacation to celebrate their anniversary, leaving Anakin in charge. This proves to be a Bad Idea and Plo has to save the day
Lux, Ahsoka, Korkie, Anakin and Barriss go ghost hunting in the abandoned house down the street (all the spooky stuff is just Yoda messing with them)
Rex is constantly looking for excuses to stay over for dinner because both Satine and Obi-Wan are excellent cooks. most of his brothers are... less so.
There's a running gag about Yoda's garden being attacked by demon rabbits that can chew through chicken wire. It's heavily implied that the clones are behind this so that Plo can be the Best Gardener In The Neighborhood, but the bunnies are actually just Like That
Obi-Wan has one of those four-person chessboards that he pulls out on family game nights when Anakin isn't home. Satine is the reigning champion.
Barriss sleeps over and Ahsoka begs everyone to be normal but the fire deparment ends up having to get involved
The clones never discuss it but there's a jar in the background stuffed with coins and bills labeled 'dirt bike fund'
There's a community talent show for some reason. Korkie spends the entire episode doing unrelated and increasingly bizarre things. When anyone asks him about it he says he's preparing for his act. Quinlan keeps trying to get Obi-Wan to do a sword-fighting demonstration with him. The only performance we see in full is Fives's theatrical rendition of "oh where is my hairbrush". All we know about Korkie's act is that he leaves the stage to thunderous applause and Satine and Obi-Wan are in the audience holding hands and shedding tears of pride and joy.
So much potential for holiday episodes
Grandpa Dooku turns up unannounced for thanksgiving dinner (extra tension provided by the fact the Obi-Wan is clearly the favorite grandchild)
Ahsoka, Korkie and Lux try to catch a halloween vandal that turns out to be Barriss
4th of July shenanigans (with fireworks)
Valentine's Day episode where Anakin is consistently foiled in attempts to slip away to see Padme by Ahsoka looking for boy advice because Bariss thinks Lux has a crush on her. Subplot with Obi-Wan and Satine trying to have their first romantic dinner date in like three years but things KEEP COMING UP.
Sentimental Father's Day episode where Anakin and Obi-Wan remember Qui-Gon, and Ahsoka and Korkie attempt to find the PERFECT gifts for Plo and Obi-Wan, respectively (Ahsoka has already found her gift for Obi-Wan, it's that one card that says "what is a dad? you. you is a dad." she knows he'll secretly treasure it), and think they've failed miserably but everything turns out okay and it's very wholesome and a little cheesy.
Wholesome christmas episode where Anakin and Padme have their gift of the magi moment and Ahsoka has to hide that she accidentally found out what Plo is getting her and Satine and Korkie and Obi-Wan make a ridiculoulsy elaborate gingerbread house to bond and relax and the clones and Quinlan have a disastrous holiday light competition (Cody gets to be a little bit feral in this one. as a christmas gift. to himself)
Next season someone is sabotaging the light competition. It turns out to be Obi-Wan, who just wanted to bake cookies and put up his lights in peace like a normal person, which he finds extremely difficult when his neighbors are SCREAMING AT EACH OTHER in their front yards
Cliffhanger at the end of a season where Padme finds out that she's pregnant with twins.
We find out that Leia and Luke call Obi-Wan "Uncle Ben" because his name is really hard to pronounce for two-year-olds and everything they said came out sounding like Ben anyway
When the twins get older there's a very popular clothing brand called Rebel Scum and they get a shirt for Obi-Wan so that he can "be hip with the youngsters." (quoting Luke)
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thedepthsoffandomminds · 11 months
All paths lead here. Part seven
Master list
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A little more Smut in this one but not loads.
Conflicted Anakin.
Morning came too fast, the bright sun beaming through the open curtains. You groan at the sound of a communicator beeping in another room. Anakin shifts beside you, sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. He looks back at you, a smile forming on his face. This was right. He thought to himself. A feeling of an incoming presence catches his mind. Anakin dresses quickly.
"My Padawan is approaching. You should dress my love." He kisses your hair before marching into the living area. His Padawan stands by the elevators.
"Good morning Snips." Anakin bounced over to her.
"Master, are you…um Master Kenobi is on his way up." She looked around herself.
"Good, I need to speak to you both." He shows Ahsoka to the sofas and asks if she would like some tea. The fourteen year old accepts and waits, knowing in her chest her world will shatter at any moment.
You awake and dress stepping out to the living area.
"Good morning Ahsoka. Excuse me, I have some work I need to get on with." You leave them for your study. There was no work to do, but you could feel the tension in the room between them.
The lifts ding and Obi-Wan steps into the apartment. Anakin took in a long breath, searching for the right words. His master stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
"We have unfortunate news this morning. Where is the Senator?" The elder man asked. Anakin kills his thoughts of leaving the order when his master explains the situation.
"Padme gathered intel that new battle.droids are being made on Geonosis." Obi-Wan explained, "we have to go."
"If you're going to war, how can I go with you? I have no skills for battle." You don't want to panic.
"We will teach you, there will be plenty of clone troopers. Yoda has agreed to assign you your own garrison. They will protect you but also train you in the use of blasters and battle plans. Anakin and I can teach you other things," his eyes flick momentarily to Anakin, "you will be safe."
You agree.
"We will also not be the only Jedi fighting." Obi-Wan finished.
"Very well. I will make myself ready," you stand from your place on the sofa.
"The Chancellor has requested to see you both before we leave." He indicates to you and Anakin. The latter stands to walk with you.
"Wait, what did you want to tell us?" Ahsoka calls out. Anakin meets your eyes briefly.
"It can wait." He mumbled, guiding you to the elevator with a hand on the base of your spine. When the doors close and you are finally alone you lean into him. Anakin shifts, making you stand back on both feet.
"What did I do?" You blurt.
"Nothing, we just…we can't do this right now." He folds his arms over his chest, effectively cutting himself from you. You mouth an 'oh', stepping further away from him. You can't stop yourself from scratching your palm and biting the inside of your mouth. The rest of the journey to the Senate building is quiet. You speak only when necessary. Anakin holds his hand out to help you into the speeder but you ignore it. A pain in his chest twinges.
The Chancellor welcomed you both into his office, quickly ushering everyone else out.
"Wonderful to see you both. Listen I am not best pleased that you are both going to Geonosis. It frightens me that you'll be in such an awful place so soon after your ordeal y/n. I have fetted the clones for your squad and they are of utmost skilled and loyal men."
"Thank you Chancellor. I appreciate that." You reply before excusing yourself from their present. Palpatine turns to Anakin.
"Is everything okay my boy?" He asks. Anakin slumps his shoulders and falls into a chair.
"I've done…things I should not have."
Palpatine circles his desk to sit beside the Jedi.
"You and I both know in this war and this galaxy some rules must be bent. For the good of the republic."
"I'm not sure if it is the republic I do them for."
"I understand. The heart is a strong muscle and can often over power the mind. The things I would have done for my own love had she returned my feelings. Alas I was unlucky in matters of the heart." Palpatine nostalgically thought back to his younger years.
"I am conflicted. As a Jedi should I always follow my mind? What if my mind aligns with my heart, even though I know it is wrong?"
"Anakin, my dear boy. Your heart is what brought you here to start with." The office doors open and you walk back in, "well, I have much work to do. Please stay here, I will have the squad sent to you momentarily. Anakin, your body knows exactly what you should do." He pats the youngest hand before leaving the room. You shuffle awkwardly forward.
"Anakin, I don't know what I did to upset you-" he cuts you off by slamming himself into you. His lips are crashing into yours and he pushes you until your back hits a wall. His hands feel like they are everywhere, pulling the hem of your skirts up to your waist and digging into your thighs.
"I panicked, I'm sorry. You did nothing wrong. I love you." He panted between words. You can feel his erection pressing against your heat and wetness coats your underwear.
"Kriff." Anakin growls out, one hand raises and flicks the door lock across the room. He pulls his fully hard dick from his trousers and lifts you up, your back still against the wall. He is using the force to hold you so he can use both hands, pushing your underwear aside and lining himself up. You're pulled down onto him and he fills you quickly and completely. There are no niceties from the night before. No gentleness in his movements. This is not the making love of your first time but a pure passionate display of his need and want of you. His breath pants onto your neck as he thrusts into you. Your hands clutch at his robes and hair trying to gain anchorage to him.
"You're mine, now." He purrs into your ears. "No one else will ever have you now."
Your moans are enough to confirm your agreement. Is he….he is….Anakin Skywalker is using the force to stimulate your clit as he fucks into you, sloppy kisses left on the exposed skin of your neck.
"Anakin, I'm going to-" you don't get to finish the sentence, your orgasim hits like a train, bursting from you with a cry of his name. Anakin fucks your through the pleasure until his own end comes and his seed spills into you once more. He doesn't pull from you straight away. Holding your body to the wall he leans against you further.
"We shouldn't be doing this." He whispers, "but I'm not going to stop. I want you to marry me, y/n."
"Yes, of course I will. Anakin I love you." You're gripping onto him, legs shaking with the effort of still being held against the wall. As Anakin's dick softens it slips from you and you feel the combined slick drip down your thigh.
"I should see a doctor before we leave. It could be difficult to explain a child." Your words strike something in him, a yearning he was unaware of. A wicked smile creeps along his face.
"No, I…I'd like to have a child with you. If you would want that, I mean."
You can't decipher the emotions in his eyes but they fill your stomach with flutters of excitement and fear.
"Well, if it happens then." You say.
"I love you." He smiles once, it drops and then reappears brighter and wider.
"I love you too Ani." You whisper.
Tag list : @nyenye @tahliac11 @gr-rm @pureluna @harsimrit-k
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sithskywalkerr · 6 months
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i heard they need better signal. put chip and pins in the needles.
Summary: After realizing the truth of Luke's identity, Darth Vader plans an attack on Alderaan only to be stopped by his wife. Meanwhile, Keyti, an ally of Vader, is released from custody after the battle and joins the Rebel Alliance. Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Appo, C-3PO, Bail and Breha Organa, Yoda, Original Sith Character, Original Imperial Character Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, minor character death, implied childhood sexual abuse Ships: Anidala Word Count: 7.9k read on ao3!
To say a drive with the Emperor was nerve-wracking was common among those who worked for the Empire. This was common throughout the whole experience: shaky hands, sweaty palms, and stuttering if you were particularly more affected. The head of the Empire had secured his wary trust among many, often cornered politicians to give more control or materials in the name of the “greater good for the Empire.”
Keyti was an exception to the politically charged fear. Hers was from hoping to survive an interaction as she had been a beloved prize to the former Chancellor in her adolescence until she developed more than he lost interest. She counted her stars, thanked the Force, and moved on. She had survived and was determined that by now, there was nothing that Sheev Palpatine could do to break her more. Even behind the power of the dark side, she knew he was nothing without the stepping stones of others he had disposed of and manipulated to gain this title. Without Lord Vader, he was nothing.
Arriving at Mustafar was relieving, seeing the slowly changing landscape she had heard about. The Emperor had sensed the solace, eyes glancing her way, a small smile forming on his pale lips. “Eager to return to Lord Vader?”
That was one way to put it. Though, she was. She knew she was safer near him. At the very least, there would be a witness to the horrors the Emperor caused, even if Vader didn’t stop the punishment. Her yellowed eyes moved to the vile man sitting across from her, his loyal guards at his side to protect him (as if he needed them), and she pursed her lips momentarily, looking back to the lava rivers twisting through the decimated plains.
“I’m eager to begin my assignment, nothing more, your Highness.”
The captain spoke over the intercom to announce the landing procedure, the ship rocking slightly as the landing gear was deployed. Keyti straightened up, letting her hands rest on her lap while she kept a blank look on her face.
Amara’s earpiece buzzed momentarily while she was within the fortress tunnels, pausing as the Emperor’s arrival was announced. Keeping her datapad in hand, she made her way through the extensive network to the elevator, jabbing the button to go up to the landing dock while she hit the button on her earpiece. “Any news for Lady Keyti?”
“Yes, Corporal, she is arriving with the Emperor.”
Her heart sank at the news, and her auburn eyes widened as the elevator rose to the ground level; she said,” Thank you.” She only hoped that Keyti was alive and in one piece. If what she had been told about the Force was right, the Emperor would have been aware of the former aristocrat’s hatred for him already—not that he would honestly care.
Keyti waited for the Emperor to exit, taking a slow breath before leaving the small craft and hobbling down the ramp to continue to fake her injury. She couldn’t let him be suspicious of her distrust, but she wouldn’t doubt it if he already had hints. The Force would show her feelings, and she could only silently hope nothing would be done.
She saw Vader’s familiar form entering the landing pad, his eyes glancing between the two before pausing and bowing to his Master.
“Rise, Lord Vader. You have an apology to give to our dear Keyti for the injury you’ve given her,” the Emperor said, though not fully believing she had been injured. Still, it was nothing to worry himself over if she felt like she had to hide the fact that she hid herself in his apprentice’s assault on Inquisitorus. He would review the footage soon enough and begin a plan.
Standing, the Sith Lord glanced at Keyti, unsure if she had been injured. He didn’t sense pain or discomfort from her, and he was sure she would be radiating it. Their time on Serenno had proven that to Vader when he had taken a sizeable amount of flesh out of her calf even when she had tried to mask it - and the many times she’s had a flare-up with her back. Still, he obeyed, giving a momentary bow of his head - shorter than what he had given the Emperor - while his voice lowly rumbled out,” Forgive me, my Lady. I cannot control my actions when I’m in that … state.”
“I’ll forgive you if you give me aid to the medical wing - personally,” she smiled softly, teasing him with a slight glare in response from him before the Emperor made a pleased sound.
“It would be a small price, but I believe that Lord Vader can make an exception,” Sidious gave a reserved smile, glancing at his apprentice as the taller made his way to Keyti.
Only because you’re ordering me to, Vader absently thought, holding an arm out to Keyti to help her out of the landing pad to the dark onyx hall. Keyti gave a slight bow of her head to the Emperor, hobbling her way out while using Vader as a crutch. Once farther away, he pulled from Keyti, arms crossing,” Why are you feigning an injury?”
Glancing back, she looked up at him, voice soft,” I wasn’t expecting him to circle back to Inquisitorus so quickly. Forgive me if I had to fake a few things to keep this,” she reached down her binding, carefully pulling the drive out,” safe from him knowing … apologies for the hiding spot, I didn’t have any other place to put it under short notice.”
“Keyti,” his yellow eyes move to the drive, holding a hand out,” why do you insist on mistrusting him? Your loyalty—“” I know, my Lord. My loyalty to him should not wax and wane … but please. Review the footage. Alone. This was … difficult to watch, but you need to see it.” Her eyes pleaded, searching his exposed features while his gaze held steady toward her. As she put the drive into his hand, the sensors picked up on the warmth, and his eyes moved to the small stick, observing the light glinting off of it.
“Why do you believe that?”
“When you saw the Jedi, you hesitated. When I was with him to protect the children, you still hesitated. I want you to see that you can control yourself even if it’s not at the forefront of your mind. Though, one might think you’re fond of me since I am unharmed,” she couldn’t help but tease, grinning while making her way through the hall before spotting Amara as she rushed through the halls.
“Thank the Maker, you’re safe. Oh, Lord Vader. Forgive me,” Amara paused once she was beside her friend, bowing her head. “Corporal Amara Beklau. I’ve been tasked with cataloging the tunnels beneath the fortress.” The relief she had shown before formalities caught him off guard momentarily, glancing between the two new additions to his castle’s staff.
“Ensure its accuracy, Corporal, and make reinforcements where necessary to the tunnels.” He glanced at Keyti again while tucking the drive away, abruptly leaving the duo. She let her gaze roam along his enormous, imposing form before smiling slightly. Indeed, that was a good sign since she wasn’t immediately killed.
Amara watched Vader briefly, briefly expressing surprise while looking up at Keyti. She spoke when she believed he was out of earshot, a small, teasing smile forming on her features,” I understand your little crush now.”
Keyti only replied with a swift punch into Amara’s shoulder. Glancing up, she saw him glance back, brow arching before vanishing around the corner to locate Sidious again. Her face heated up in embarrassment, and she looked to Amara, who only gave a grin,” You’re welcome.”
The Sith warrior’s eyes momentarily bore into her while her lips pursed momentarily,” You are lucky I enjoy your company; otherwise, I would take a page from our Lord’s book and kill you.”
Amara tilted her head, her smile fading. “I have never seen him without the mask. Even though that allows for seeing his eyes, I’ve never seen his entire face. He is quite handsome … past, y’know, the clear signs of being infected.”
Yellow eyes lingered on Amara for another few heartbeats before she looked back down the path he had taken,” I’ve only seen him without it a few times. Considering he needed medical attention after Inquisitorus, I doubt he would have thought to put it on. With also being in his castle, and with a visit from the Emperor…”
“I have no doubt about that, but … what was that drive you gave him?” Her head tilted, auburn eyes glancing over the other as she motioned to follow her to her quarters.
“Only because I trust you and you already know the truth of my past, I’ll tell you.”
Struggling to keep up with Keyti’s stride, she nodded, glancing up at her,” Of course. I won’t tell anyone else. Was it from the fortress?”
“Yes,” she glanced down at her, giving small nods to other staff members as they passed the halls and entered the sizable elevator. Amara’s thick, dark brows furrowed as she moved in behind her, opting to be quiet while another staff member slid beside the two.
Once in her quarters, Amara sat on the ottoman at the foot of the bed, watching as Keyti moved to pour some wine for them both. “Inquisitorus was ultimately a failure in retrieving information from the Princess. As soon as Lord Vader arrived, from my understanding and the footage I saw, he suddenly had one of his episodes after someone had greeted him.”
“Another episode happened?” Amara’s veins felt cold, yet she still reached out to the offered glass as Keyti sat beside her with a nod. She had been lucky to never have to witness one personally, but she did fear the possibility that she would.
Sipping her wine, Keyti stared out the window she had, overlooking the barren trees and orange glow in the sky from the lava. “Yes. I doubt that anything the sergeant had said would cause him to be triggered, but something did happen. I had been able to leave the landing pad to get further into the fortress when I noticed he was distracted by Reva. Then, I saw the Princess, a boy her age, and two Jedi. I thought maybe something they had done had caused the shift, but the kids were terrified, Amara. I couldn’t let them just die like that, even if I was helping members of the Rebellion.” Amara watched while her eyes cleared back to blue, brows furrowing while she shook her head before continuing,” I’ve already lost part of my calf to him. I can only imagine what being eaten alive would feel like … especially to kids so young. They couldn’t have been older than fifteen or sixteen.”
A gentle hand on her shoulder made Keyti’s gaze return to her, and her friend offered a soft smile:” If it’s what felt right, then it was the right thing. If it were me, I wouldn’t let them face that either. What happened afterward?”
“He found us,” she swallowed harshly, taking a sizable drink from her glass even with the pain medication still in her system. Really, she needed it after the day. “Lord Vader found all of us and began to come closer as the male Jedi ignited his saber and convinced the woman to lead the kids away. The hall got cold and dark, and then these dark, muted flowers started to peek through the floor panels. It was strange, and they had begun to lead towards me but stopped before moving towards the man. Vader hesitated before he started to try to get towards him. Even when the boy had started up one of the remaining cargo ships, Lord Vader’s pursuit was mainly on that male Jedi. That leads me to believe that they knew each other in some way that lingers when he’s blinded by the hunger.”
“Do you have any idea who they were?”
“No, I don’t know many Jedi since they were eradicated for the most part. The ones I did learn of, I eradicated. I’m sure I could access files, but after I returned after getting Reva medical attention, I wanted to review the footage. The cameras did show him watching us in the hall as if trying to figure out something, but I don’t know what. He still attacked, but he hesitated, and he didn’t pursue the children specifically.”
“And you gave him the recording?” Amara asked uncertainly, brows furrowing. Keyti, I do not know if that was a wise decision. What if it triggers another one?”
“Considering he fed by now, I doubt it would.”
“I suppose we’ll know when the Emperor returns to Coruscant … but, strangely, he was in an episode and still targeted that man.” Amara’s brows furrowed momentarily, humming while sipping at her glass. “As you said, that would be a relationship that’s enough to recognize even when he doesn’t have mental clarity.”
“The Jedi did tell me that Lord Vader would recognize him, but the story would be long. He must be someone that he knew perhaps before the Empire.”
“Do not dig into his past, Keyti,” Amara warned, watching as her friend only shrugged while she sipped her wine.
“His past doesn’t matter to me. Only his present and future.”
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After a long hour of punishment at the hand of Sidious, Vader made his way to his chambers, ordering everyone to stay away. The staff knew that if anyone dared disobey, they wouldn’t survive five seconds after an interruption. Moving to his meditation chamber, he settled on the chair before pulling the drive from a pocket as his body ached. While in his meeting with the Emperor, news came that Rebel forces had bombed the fortress, and nothing was salvageable. However, after reviewing this footage, he wondered if it may be a good thing. Eyes stare at it momentarily, still surprised that Keyti had even risked her life to obtain it for him. Hitting a few buttons on the panel, a port opened close to the arm of his chair, and he plugged it in, looking at the monitor as the various camera angles in the fortress pulled up.
Pressing a few more, he rewound the footage to the beginning with his arrival, brows furrowing as he could remember getting there and the sergeant greeting him. Pausing, he saw a glimpse of Ahsoka in the corner. His shoulders squared while his eyes scanned the multiple monitor recordings, seeing her disabling alarms. Looking closer, he saw Obi-Wan find the boy who had managed to locate Princess Leia’s cell, calling his name softly.
His name was Luke. A sharp pang of pain pierced his chest, memories of the plans he and Padmé had begun to discuss resurfacing. But he quickly brushed them aside, his attention returning to the monitor. He watched as Obi-Wan used his lightsaber to open the door, revealing the children. They embraced, and a thought crossed his mind. Could he be a friend of hers? He shifted his gaze to another monitor, where he was closing in on their location. His brows furrowed as he tried to recall why he had been so compelled to go that way.
His features relaxed at Keyti’s arrival to see the group, pausing when she motioned them to go the other way. Obi-Wan lighted his saber, and Keyti spoke. Naturally, he noticed that Ahsoka didn’t trust her. However, when he was at the end, he heard Keyti mention saving the children and made a low hum in his throat. A weakness. He straightened when Obi-Wan mentioned Alderaan before Keyti and the Jedi started noticing the flowers.
Glancing to another screen, he saw Ahsoka guiding the children, trying to keep them from the worst carnage. His eyes moved back to see his pursuit of them before focusing on Obi-Wan. His expression was unreadable, but his anger began to rise again as his fingers dug into the arms of his chair. Observing the fight, he noticed Obi-Wan distracted by the moving cargo ship, and then the following exchange between his former Master and Padawan made his blood freeze.
“Luke got it started up. He really is like his father.” 
“When his father isn’t starved.”
His fingers crushed the chair’s arms, watching as they escaped. He has a son. Ripping the drive from the port, he shattered it into his palm, letting the broken pieces fall before exiting his chambers to reach Keyti’s. His steps were heavy within the hall as his anger radiated in the Force, and he didn’t stop for formalities while he opened the doors to see Amara and her with wine.
Amara’s eyes widened, and she glanced at Keyti while putting her glass down on the dresser, able to feel his intense, radiating anger. “I’m goin’—”” Sit back down, Corporal. I’m sure Lady Keyti has already spoken of the events with you.”
She knew not to lie, only giving a solemn nod as the door shut behind him, making his way closer to the both of them. “How much of the footage did you watch? What do you know?”
Keyti put her glass down, trying to push the fear that wanted to mute her as she attempted to hide her shaking hands. “I stopped when I noticed the cargo ship’s departure, but by then, I was speaking to you through the Force. I was not paying full attention to it, not even when I saw the Emperor arriving. Should I have, My Lo—”” Silence.” He snapped, moving closer as his jaw clenched, the thin tendon across the cheek cavity tightening as his hands balled into fists.
“What do you know of the Jedi?”
“Nothing. I do not know who they are. I only knew Princess Leia. I had to get what I could onto the drive before I ran out of—” Her voice cut off as her throat tightened, watching helplessly as he leaned closer. Amara’s throat also began to tighten, eyes widening in alarm as her breath caught.
“The recording never existed. Neither of you will speak of this again. What happened at Fortress Inquisitorus was a failure. Speak of it, and you will not breathe again.” He loosened the Force choke on both women, pulling back as Amara inhaled shakily as he watched Keyti’s eyes water.
“Leave, Corporal,” she weakly said, glancing at Amara, who only nodded, not pausing to act formally as she made a swift exit. Waiting until the doors shut, she tried to steady her voice and ignore how the tears wanted to fall.” Who were the Jedi?”
“Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano,” he simply replied while straightening, arms crossing over his chest.
Keyti lifted a hand to rub at her neck softly, voice quiet,” If either of them cross my path again, you will be given their decapitated head … but I could not let you kill the children.”
“This is the only time where that weakness was beneficial. Do not let it happen again.” Moving out, he was silent while he only knew the assault on Alderaan would be an answer to everything. If he could just see his son … perhaps he could understand how he survived.
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Alderaan had been in the sight of the Emperor for long enough, especially after the destruction of Inquisitorus. The materials would speed production up, secure the Emperor’s final grasp of power, and he would be able to teach the Organas a lesson. Their lives would be a small price for securing his throne entirely — his power. More whispers had been spreading through the various regions, and a growing Rebellion was biding time to the right moment and opportunity to begin their attempt to push back against the tyrannical government. Using his favorite dog apprentice, he sent Vader to Alderaan to engage in a battle to ensure victory before the rebels could begin to gain footing. Then, his Empire would prosper and last. 
Vader’s yellow eyes scanned the glimmering city, the familiar sight reminding him of memories he had worked hard to repress. It wasn’t too long ago that he was here training in a saber duel with Obi-Wan, trying to work towards becoming a Jedi Knight. Yet, it still felt like a lifetime ago. When he was still human. Still helplessly in love. Still good. Now, he was sure none of that remained in him as he turned as Appo approached him,” Sir, we are ready to begin the assault, just awaiting your orders.”
“Then begin, but if any children are captured, do not kill them,” he said simply, watching as Appo nodded with some surprise at the order before communicating to the rest of the fleet. His eyes moved from the clone to below, watching as chaos erupted as the Rebellion army started to work to ensure that the Imperial fleet could not break through. Soon, he would begin his own assault, but he wanted to simply watch a moment to see the legion do their work.
Blasts whistled in Vader’s notched ears while he stayed in place, watching as the Rebellion put up a fight he hadn’t fully anticipated. That was admirable even to him. However, all their efforts would be in vain. A gloved hand was raised to use the Force to stop a few blasts from hitting his chest, and dark robes moved within the bright sun as he made his way down a path. Tanned, gnarled skin felt the warmth of the glaring sun, seeping past the aperture within his cheek and nearly drying his mouth. Igniting his saber, the pale blade hummed red, and he plunged it into a few of the clones from the Rebellion while his stormtroopers began their pushback. Panic was severe within the Force while his blade infected those whom he speared, watching as they turned on their fellow comrades to unleash a new, unholy chaos on the battlefront. 
Obi-Wan was with his legion, instructing them to do what they could to keep Alderaan from falling into the Empire’s grasp. He saw the black-robed Sith going through the ranks, watching in horror as anyone in contact with his lightsaber suddenly was infected. Kyber crystals could succumb to the virus? The General readied his own saber, gloved hands holding a slight tremble as he now felt uncertain about the fate of Alderaan. Still, they would try to keep everything secure — that was their duty right now, and he could trust within the Force that it would work out. Other newly appointed Jedi tried to limit the number of troopers as more chaos erupted from the clones, and some stormtroopers were zombified.  
One of the new Jedi narrowly escaped a harsh swipe from Vader, eyes widening as she saw his face. No. It couldn’t be. Yet, the familiar profile of the Sith Lord was now unmistakable, the hint of the scar through his brow visible at certain angles of light as it had healed slowly through the years from the bacta treatments.
His pursuit continued, movements easily keeping up with Selonna as she tried to move away from his pale blade. No, this was wrong. Her voice was weak and heartbreaking as yellow eyes bore into her. “Master Skywalker, what has become of you?” She had just been a Padawan at the time of his disappearance, and the unforeseen circumstances of the war had propelled her to Knight status faster than expected. Anything to get their numbers back up from the decimation of the Republic. She had studied as best as she could, often seeking help from Yoda or Obi-Wan, who were the only council members alive, but nothing could have prepared her for the truth that had been hidden. 
His jaw tightened at her voice, hand raising as Obi-Wan watched him use the Force to impale her on the blade. “Anakin Skywalker is dead.”
Elyndra was close, her green eyes widening at watching as the virus took hold of Selonna, screaming her name. Her heart shattered at seeing her dear friend jerking as he pulled the blade out of her chest. Selonna fell to Vader’s feet as he watched her, clicks and chirps emitting from him as his gaze moved to Elyndra. The order was simple in Selonna’s withering mind as the virus burned in her blood in an attempt to rewrite her DNA. 
Kill her.
Fingers dug into the lush earth of Alderaan as Selonna’s body struggled to metabolize the virus, and a sound of annoyance came from him as he used the blade to decapitate her instead. “Weak.” Lifting his gaze, he scanned the battlefield as the Jedi constantly deflected blasters as clones fought back. Then he saw Obi-Wan observing, and his hatred burned brighter in his chest once more. His hand gripped his saber, and his eyes narrowed as he made his path toward his former Master. An inhuman growl escaped when he was met with the familiar defensive stance as blue-grey eyes bore into his, and he squared his shoulders once he met with Ahsoka not far behind coming to aid.
A soft whisper in his mind was familiar, yet often forgotten when he reached clarity after an “episode.” 
Execute Order 66.
The Emperor was aware of his apprentice’s movements, sensing his feelings through the Force and the burning hatred. Only one individual could cause his apprentice to lose sight of the objective. His will should not be threatened by old feelings, and Sidious let out a soft hum while reaching to his apprentice in the Force, his voice barely a whisper as he gave the order.
Vader’s pupils contracted, and he suddenly rushed forward while the hunger burned in his belly as the inhibitor chip was engaged, blue and white blades stopping his assault as Ahsoka grit her teeth at the strength behind it. Her eyes widened when she saw the animalistic rage in his eyes, and the dread began to creep into her chest while her exhale became a mist near them. The air around them had chilled significantly, and Obi-Wan used the Force with her to push him back, their eyes noticing the flowers beginning to blossom at Vader’s feet as low guttural sounds escaped his throat. 
Maker, protect us. 
Padmé had seen the battle begin, ordering the children to stay in the palace while she rushed out to help. Even if it would expose her, she couldn’t be idle any longer, not when her husband was there. 
Keyti had noticed the flowers, and her gaze lifted to a woman in white running closer, brows furrowing as she saw the two children she had saved weeks earlier close to the palace. What the kriff is happening? After she retracted her blade from a clone, she made a sound of surprise as someone else only took her down, glancing back to see Yoda get a clone to secure restraints on her. Her eyes moved back to Vader as she didn’t attempt to escape, and Yoda noticed, looking over as his own widened in shock at seeing the former Senator moving toward her husband. Was Padmé truly so foolish?
Lifting his arms to deliver a heavier blow towards Ahsoka after he had delivered a harsh injury to Obi-Wan’s leg, he stopped as the ghost of his wife stood in front of him, hands up to hold onto his arms. 
“Anakin, stop,” she pleaded, brows furrowing as he stared at her familiar form. 
She was a ghost—something of his imagination—but why did she feel so real? The shock had been enough to disrupt the hunger, and yellow eyes were scanning over her. He stiffened as her hand lifted to his injured cheek, thumb softly brushing along his cheekbone like she would before. Her eyes watered at the sight of him, what he had been subjected to for decades at the hand of the Emperor, as she could see him try to place her. 
“I’m here. Ani, please, put your lightsaber down,” she pleaded, glancing at the pale blade as it hummed steadily before it suddenly clicked off. She looked over to clones beginning to make their way closer in an attempt to restrain him, putting a hand up. “No, stay back. Everyone, please. Just move back.” She couldn’t risk triggering him to be set off again, not when he seemed to be calming down.
Ahsoka refused to move, but Obi-Wan only took a haggard step back, watching Anakin’s brows furrow tightly while slowly lowering his arms. Clipping the saber to his belt, his large, gloved hands slowly moved to her face, watching as she leaned into the familiar touch with a saddened smile briefly on her lips. The hunger subsided momentarily, clarity returned, his eyes widening as he pulled her into a tight embrace, feeling her tremble beneath him. He buried his face into her neck then, clutching onto her clothing tightly as he could feel the tears welling up in relief of her being alive. 
Tensing at him moving her, Ahsoka readied herself to protect Padmé, but his softness surprised her before she had to deflect more blasts as the battle didn’t pause around them. Glancing back to Obi-Wan, she saw him direct Keyti being taken into custody while they could. If they were lucky, they could keep Vader as well.
Pulling back, the hunger began to claw at his belly again, voice soft,” Leave. I’m not safe.”
“I can’t leave you behind again, Ani. Not when I just got you back. I don’t know what the Emperor has told you all these years, but it’s been a lie. I know there is still good in you, and I want our family together.”
“I will take care of the stormtroopers. Alderaan will be safe for now,” Anakin said as he pulled away. Then, he motioned back to the palace, “Get back inside.” 
She nodded as she got to Obi-Wan’s side with Ahsoka, supporting him better as she watched him ignite his lightsaber again before starting to decapitate troopers. Not even the virus would be able to keep them alive, and Padmé averted her gaze from the brutality, voice soft to the others. “Let’s get inside. He’s back.” 
Ahsoka wasn’t convinced as they helped lead Obi-Wan back inside to treat his burn, glancing back,” I’ll believe it when he doesn’t embrace the dark anymore.” 
Obi-Wan refused to look back, his voice soft.” If it keeps Alderaan safe for now, we will accept him being here. Perhaps Padmé is correct. There may be some good in him still.” He hoped that it could be beneficial for the Rebellion—even if it was dangerous.
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Keyti was silent in her cell, leaning against the wall to aid with the pain in her back as she had been waiting for what seemed like hours. The pain medication had worn off some time ago while she reflected on the attempted claim for Alderaan - still shocked at the unfolding events. Senator Amidala was alive, and not only that, but was married to Lord Vader. Still, her hands trembled from the fear of seeing his rampage continue after seeing his wife, hoping that she had been spared from it. Her head lifted as the cell door opened to show the Senator, her expression curious to the relieved warrior as she entered.
“Is Lord Vader stable now?” Keyti’s voice was soft and weak, but she needed to know. Her blue eyes searched Padmé for any sign of injury, but she seemed fine.
She didn’t expect the soft smile that came onto Padme’s features, nodding as she stepped closer.” Yes. He is stable. He’s also vouching for your release to Master Kenobi and Master Yoda. It seems you managed to make a positive impact on him, even through it all. If you are granted release, you cannot return to the Empire, however.”
“I did not plan to. Not when Lord Vader can also be free of that hell.” There would be nothing for her to return to but Amara, but even she knew that friendship wouldn’t give her the immunity that being close to Vader did.
“He isn’t free entirely from it, but eventually, he will be with time.” She turned and heard the cell open again, watching Obi-Wan enter with the key while he limped slightly from his wound. Still, the bacta cream had provided more comfort than he expected.
“Considering your previous help with the twins, we’ve decided to grant you freedom, My Lady.” He watched with interest as she seemed to relax, nodding.
“I’m assuming in exchange for any information regarding the Empire or Lord Vader?” 
“He has said you would not know many of the Empire’s dealings, but I believe you know of his,” he let her move forward before clicking the restraints off, watching as she rubbed her wrists momentarily before a brief pained expression came over her features.
“He still kept his secrets, but I am relieved that one child I helped you save was his own. I don’t believe I would have been forgiven as easily if they weren’t.” 
Padmé smiled, voice soft,” Both of them are. Leia’s identity has been easily hidden with the Organas, and Luke doesn’t exist on record. However, I believe that I can trust you, Keyti. My husband does, so I will.” Surprise coated Keyti’s face at the realization of Vader’s trust in her, which only caused Padmé’s smile to widen,” Despite what he may try to lead you on, he does trust you. Please follow me. Formal introductions are in order now if you’re going to be a Rebel.”
Unease settled in the warrior’s chest, but she knew she wasn’t in the position to fight back—not when Keyti was given a second chance that she couldn’t receive if she returned to the Empire. Though she would do anything to get her possessions back from Mustafar she pushed the thought away for now. She stood up slowly, wincing at the sharp pain that shot up along her spine. 
Obi-Wan caught a fleeting glimpse of the pain, moving closer to offer his arm for her.” Are you injured, My Lady?” 
“It’s something I’ve always had, just some damage in my back. I’ll be fine.” She hesitated but soon grabbed the robes that Obi-Wan wore, glancing at him with a silent nod of thanks.
Padmé stepped closer, looking her over while her brows furrowed,” do you need a wheelchair?” 
“No, just pain medication when possible. I usually take Dotaxrin tablets. Vader will know.” Keyti leaned into the former Jedi more, and concern only painted his weathered features more as he supported her up.
Padmé and Obi-Wan exchanged glances, but Padmé opted to alert the med bay to bring medication to the sitting area, motioning them to follow her. Keyti followed, masking the pain as she glanced around the ornate decorations, making a soft sound of surprise at how even lush the cell block was. 
As they entered the dining hall after a gradual journey from Keyti’s pain, she looked up to Anakin as he stood with arms crossed while Ahsoka stayed quiet for the moment. They looked at them once they entered, and Ahsoka only arched a brow momentarily before Anakin spoke. 
“A flare-up?” 
Keyti gave a miserable nod, causing Ahsoka to glance between them. Oh, it wasn’t a show. She watched as Obi-Wan carefully led her to the closest, plush seat she could, getting her softly settled down. It wasn’t long before a droid came in, holding a tray with water and the requested bottle. Keyti swallowed hard while another pain wave assaulted her spine, eyes shutting tightly as she heard Anakin’s low voice rumble out again to the droid. 
“What is the dosage?” 
“375 milligrams, extended-release as requested. How many pills are required?”
“Two if it’s extended.” 
Obi-Wan glanced at his former padawan as he listened, noting what was needed for the warrior since he could quickly sense the pain in the Force. He could only imagine how easily Anakin could have sensed it if the medication had been prepared so swiftly. Keyti shakily took the pills offered by the droid, giving a weak nod as she slowly took them. Sitting back, she exhaled as the droid placed the glass of water on the table beside her,” please continue to take sips to aid in releasing the medication.”
Padmé said then,” We also will need a wheelchair. After this meeting, she will visit the medbay.” 
The droid looked at her, nodding,” We will prepare for her arrival.” After the droid exited, Anakin moved closer, keeping his arms crossed. “How long has it been hurting?”
“I don’t know. Sometime during me being within the cell, My Lord.”
Yoda and the Organas soon entered the room, and the others looked over at them, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Padmé smiling while giving warm greetings. Keyti became quiet, trying to mask the pain again as she bowed her head. She noticed Anakin only squared his shoulders, keeping his arms firmly crossed over his broad chest. Glancing over him, she wondered about his connection with everyone else in the room and how he still seemed to be emitting Vader’s mannerisms.
Bail then spoke, sitting beside his wife,” It’s good to see everyone unharmed after that, but truly, we are happy with your return, Anakin. Unexpected, I do admit, but still relieved you’re back with Padmé. The past fifteen years have been difficult for her and the twins.”
The Senator smiled weakly, making her way to his side again. She held his bicep carefully as he stood as Yoda and Obi-Wan sat.” I know they’ve been difficult for him as well. I know the children will want to meet him soon, but I wanted to gather everyone for more formal introductions. Anakin is the only one who would know everyone in this room, and since we’ve agreed to release Lady Selus, she should also know everyone else and vice versa.”
Their eyes moved to the warrior, her tattooed hand rubbing at her brow quietly with her eyes shut in pain before opening at her name. Looking between everyone, she gave a slight nod,” Well, I am aware at least of who Master Yoda, Master Kenobi, and Ahsoka are. I’ve never formally met the Organas as I didn’t do many diplomatic missions like other Imperial officers. I would stand and offer my hand, but I’m in a lot of pain at the moment. Forgive my manners.”
Padmé softened, looking to the Organas,” Keyti is the one who helped the twins escape the fortress.”
Ahsoka glanced at Obi-Wan, who was simply observing everyone while also signing for Yoda, quiet as he often was in larger group meetings, before her gaze flicked to Anakin. His features were unreadable, but his gaze was outside to the balcony, watching the skies as they grayed with the threat of rain. She could only hope that the longer he was back with them, the more he would continue to turn to the Light again or at least become balanced.
Breha spoke then, her voice soft and her features gentle.” For that, we thank you. As for your pain, you do not have to worry about formalities. Thank you for helping them, and I’m assuming she knows the truth then, Padmé?”
“Yes. Lady Keyti is aware that Luke and Leia are our children.” Leaning into Anakin more, his gaze moved back to his wife, leaning down to only give a soft kiss to her head. There was a pause as the droid returned with a wheelchair, getting it parked to the side for when they finished the meeting before the door shut again.
Yoda glanced at Obi-Wan and the Organas, humming softly to get everyone’s attention before he signed. “Trust Keyti, how? Work with Vader, she has. Tell the Empire information, she could.” Obi-Wan nodded, continuing his interpretation for the Grand Master.” Yes, how can we trust her not to go to the Empire about the Alliance?”
Anakin’s eyes moved to him, lifting his head back as Padmé could feel how he tensed beneath her touch. “Lady Keyti has been assigned to me, and she knows better than to cross me if she wishes to stay alive.”
Keyti gave an exhausted nod, with a half-assed gesture of her fingers towards him,” My loyalty has never been to the Emperor. He has caused his own damage to me before I was of age, and I refuse to bend to his will anymore. The Empire’s role in aiding in Inquisitors before being assigned to Mustafar allowed me to leave Sho-Torun, where I was a Lady, but the people never enjoyed my presence since I killed my husband. I will not hide the fact that I did, but he mistreated me, and that is all I’m willing to explain for now. My Lord knows more details; perhaps in time, more of you will as I also learn to trust you. We have to simply take this gamble.”
Padmé glanced up at her husband as he watched while Keyti tried to adjust her sitting position, brows tightly furrowed in pain. Ahsoka’s eyes narrowed before she looked to Anakin, but as he nodded when the warrior had grown quiet, she leaned back in her own chair more casually. It would take time for her to trust her, but if her former Master had already formed his own, she could at least give more than she had in the fortress. Perhaps what she was saying is correct, but there was a small trickle of danger when the Emperor was mentioned. Especially before she was of age. Ahsoka could only speculate about its meaning.
Yoda nodded, humming softly as he signed,” The Order, you tried to join. Turned you away, we did. Too old. Led you down a dark path.” 
Anakin’s attention was caught then, looking to Keyti,” You were?”
She looked up to him, giving a slight nod,” Had I known who you were, I would have told you. I didn’t believe it was necessary since I wasn’t allowed to stay … but yes, I came to the Order on my own when I was ten. I tried to hope that I could be trained, that I could be helpful. I was angry, and then Senator Palpatine noticed me in the halls. He took a liking to me, but when I turned twelve, he … lost interest, and I was soon arranged into a marriage.”
Padmé’s eyes widened while Ahsoka’s brows furrowed, the Senator speaking up,” That young?”
“Yes. The Emperor has a particular taste, and once I had grown out of it, I was sent off to be quiet. I refuse to be quiet now if you are willing to accept me as a Rebel. Though, I will not tell it to everyone in this room.”
Breha lifted a hand to cover her mouth in shock, glancing up at her husband as his jaw clenched. He saw how Anakin realized the meaning, his body tensing. His brow muscles tightened, and for a fleeting moment, he was glad he didn’t have to suffer that particular fate. He knew when she was trying to deceive, but there was no indication within the Force, and his voice came out rougher,” You do not have to continue. You will be safe here, just as I will be, if not welcomed more easily. I believe, for now, you should head to the medbay.”
Padmé moved from him, nodding to get her outdated datapad.” I’ll get 3PO to take her.” After she requested his presence, she looked back at Anakin with a soft smile. “He’ll be happy to see you back, Ani.”
“I’m assuming you have R2 then as well?”
“Of course, we couldn’t separate them. For now, I believe we can all return to our duties.” Scattered murmurs of agreement came as the group began to break up, leaving Anakin, Padmé, Keyti, and Ahsoka in the sitting area before a knock came. Peeking in, 3PO’s gaze found Padmé easily before he shuffled his way in.” You requested my assistance?”
“Yes, please bring the wheelchair to Lady Keyti and escort her to the medbay for treatment, 3PO. After that, please return to us.” 
“Oh! Yes, of course.”
After Keyti’s departure, Anakin’s voice was soft, only audible to his wife,” her husband abused her. Treated her like a slave.”
Ahsoka watched them, unable to hear what he said, but noticing the shock on Padmé’s face before her lips became a thin line, she shook her head. Glancing back to the door where the warrior had vanished, she said,” How long have you known her?”
Turning, Anakin’s eyes moved to his former padawan, making her pause with the soft glow they seemed to hold as he thought momentarily. “Almost three years, I believe. Before being captured, she had risked her life lying to Sidious about her reason for being at the abandoned fortress after my latest … episode. She recovered footage, which taught me that Luke is my son.”
“Then I can trust her for that. She knew it was important,” Padmé said, moving closer to hug him again. He shook his head, and his large hands went to her waist.
“She was unaware of that at the time. According to her, she wanted me to see the footage to show that I hesitated.”
“Do you still have the drive somewhere?”
“No, I destroyed it upon hearing an exchange between Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.” His eyes moved back to Ahsoka,” I could not let others learn the truth, and since the fortress was destroyed by the Rebel airstrike before Sidious left Mustafar … no one else was aware.” He paused as another knock came from the door, watching silently as 3PO moved back into the room.
“You requested my presence, Senator Amidala?”
“Yes, we have someone for you to see again, 3PO.” She motioned to her husband, who looked at the droid he had crafted as a child, expression unreadable. 
“Again?” He echoed, studying the larger frame of his creator before the familiar lines and features of his face beneath the scarring dawned the realization. “Oh, my circuits! Master Ani, you’ve returned! Oh, R2 will stop being a sad bucket of bolts now. Currently, he’s with the twins. They’ve been very interested in the details of the most recent invasion.”
“Lead us to them, 3PO,” Anakin said simply,” it’s time they officially meet their father.”
Padmé only grinned brightly, holding onto his arm again as her joy overwhelmed her fear of what she had witnessed on the battlefield. If he could converse and be close to humans, he would be okay … right? If he had hesitated, perhaps there was hope that they would be recognized even in hunger. “I think the one you need to worry about the most is Leia. She’s stubborn, just like her father.” 
He looked back down at her, softening with a quiet, rough-sounding chuckle escaping his throat. “Oh, she is? Does that mean that Luke is more like you?” 
“That’s what Obi-Wan says, at least. He looks like you the most, though.” 
“They had a personality swap then?” As he grinned, Padmé could see the sharp canines her husband had now, heart aching for the modifications done to him, but they could have a med-droid look over him later. For now, she only wanted her family together for the first time in fifteen years as she returned the grin.
“They did, and I believe it was a funny little joke from the Force,” she laughed, leading him into the hall.
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Upside Down - Chapter 34
Summary: Iz makes an interesting discovery; Nerium finally starts her training with Quinlan; Pepper begins to question her choices; Anakin let’s an incident with Padme affect his thinking.
(This chapter follows the incident of the Zillo Beast, and runs concurrently with the ‘Senate Spy’ episode of the Clone Wars. Just in case I’m following the chronological version of the Clone Wars, not the aired version.)
A/N: Hello lovelies,
Oh how lovely to be able to write again, to have a routine and a schedule. LOL. I will hopefully be able to upload on a more regular basis, at least once a week in rotation, however, it’s not a hard and fast rule. 
I hope everyone is enjoying their 2023 so far, and it’s going the way you hope. 
Love oo
Italics - flashback 
Bold - Comms
Warnings: mentions of possible treason, corruption, grief, teasing, flirting, kissing, feelings of not good enough, feelings of doubt, force use, dark side of the force, sensation of being choked, sensation of being trapped, disbelief, fainting, mentions of being trapped, mentions of waiting to be rescued, medical staff overwhelmed, mentions of distancing oneself emotionally and physically, mentions of trauma, implied poisoning, questioning of trust, anger, I think that’s it if I miss any please let me know.
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Izani stood before the Jedi Council, this was a first for her. Ever since Api passed away, she was given the promotion of Marshall Commander of the Senate Guard. It threw her at first but the Guard had suffered a great many casualties after the Zillo beast incident, the Senate stressed how much they respected her abilities. What was needed now was stability, and she could provide that; at least she hoped she could provide it. 
“Sure, are you about this?” Master Yoda 
“It’s the only thing that makes sense. Most of the Senators who have been threatened had some form of connection with the Banking Clan, and yet the only Senator not to receive a threat of any kind has been …”
“The Banking Clan” Master Kenobi offered
Izani simply nodded her head, “The only way we will know for sure is if we send in a spy, someone to work alongside Rush Clovis.”
“Was there  someone who had in mind?”
She shifted in her stance as she thought about how she wanted to reveal personal information about a Senator’s life, “There is someone who …” she cleared her throat, “is familiar with Rush Clovis.”
“Someone? Care to be specific?” Master Windu could feel the apprehension coming from the Marshall Commander in front of him. 
“Well before I came here, I did reach out to this particular individual” Izani was doing her best to be careful about what she said with regards to Senator Amidala, she had several ties with the Jedi Council, she’d been mentioned in the news numerous times with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-wan Kenobi. 
“How did this individual answer?” Master Mundi did his best to be wary of the woman standing before them. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, it was that her loyalty wasn’t necessarily to the Republic, rather to the Senate. After all that’s who she reported to, that’s who she protected. Only reason she was before them now, was because they had a common concern. 
“They were not inclined to take on the assignment, and pretty much told me to stop asking them. We all know the Banking Clan is in a tenuous position of doing its best not to play favourites between the Separatist and the Republic. Yet, we have Senators and their families being threatened to sway their votes. The only way to know for certain …”
“Have someone work alongside Rush Clovis” Master Kenobi finished her thought, he stroked his chin as he tried to remember all the bills the Banking Clan had put forth lately. “Perhaps, this is not necessarily about a new bill that is to put on the floor.”
“Different idea, you have Master Kenobi?” Yoda focused his attention on his padawan, there were times when his movements were the spitting image of Qui-Gon Jinn. 
“What if this is simply not about the Banking Clan, but what if this had to do with Senator Clovis directly conspiring with the Separatist.”
Izani nodded as she followed Master Kenobi’s thinking, “That would actually make sense.”
“More, you have discovered?” Yoda asked the Marshall Commander.
“In a way, there was a security feed I came across of Senator Clovis speaking with an individual, despite our best efforts, the identity of the individual has alluded us. However, as the Jedi Council has more resources, you may be able to identify the individual faster than we can.”
“Do you have this security feed?”
Izani nodded, tapping a few commands on her datapad, the screens on the windows slid closed before a holorecording began to be displayed in the centre of the room. It clearly showed Clovis in deep discussions with an individual, the face was blurry, but the clothes were clearly visible. 
“Do you have any possible idea as to who the individual may be?” Master Windu inquired.
“From their clothing, they appear to be from Cato Neimoidia, however that is all we could determine.”
“What is the name of the individual you asked to spy on Senator Clovis?”
“Senator Amidala”
“Leave with us, this concern” Yoda answered
“We will speak with Senator Amidala, and determine if Senator Clovis is in fact conspiring with the Separatists”
Izani bowed before heading out of the Council Chambers.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - 
It had been several days since she met with the Jedi Council, with no news, not that she expected to hear anything since they now took over the case. 
It was weird sitting at her desk, Api’s desk, regardless of how many times she reminded herself Api wasn’t going to come in and tell her in his own subtle way to get out of his chair. She’d never hear another one of his quirky jokes. She rubbed the stress out of her eyes, running her hands through her hair.  There were times she could see Api standing there in her office, smirking at seeing her behind the desk, something she had resisted for a really long time.
“You look good behind the desk”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever”
“Don’t you want the desk?”
“What and have the responsibility of all this?” Iz motioned to the mountains of datapads on the desk, “Subbing for you for the week is more than enough.” She stood from the desk stretching out her back and arms, “Alright.” She shook out her arm, “I am officially handing over the keys of the kingdom back to you. This pile here” she pointed to the first one, “completed and signed off case work. This pile” she pointed to the second one, “in transition, read most of them, they just need your sign off. And this final pile here, are ones I haven’t gotten to yet.”
“Busy little bee”
“Yeah, amazing what can happen when someone actually focuses on their work.”
“You saying I don’t focus”
“Hey … those words never came out of my mouth”
“No, you just implied it. Alright” Api motioned for her to move away from the desk, “I guess it’s time for me to ‘focus’ or whatever.”
“Don’t be such a child.”
“I’m not a child, you’re a child” he mumbled under his breath.
Izani chuckled a little to herself, wiping away the tear that had appeared. She let out a sigh of defeat, as she did her best to focus on the report in front of her. 
She felt as her anxiety was rising, maybe it was because she was missing Api, didn’t help that she hadn’t been able to see Fox in the past few days, and having zero communication with the Council wasn’t exactly making her feel comfortable with the Jedi per say, especially since she didn’t enjoy the idea of having her case taken from her either. 
“How did it go?” 
The voice pulled her out of her musings, as her eyes focused on the Red Coruscanti Guard armour, she couldn’t help as a smile spread across her lips at seeing Fox standing there. 
“Let’s just say I’m glad it’s done.”
“They didn’t believe you?” He asked as he strode into her office, the door closing behind him. 
“Oh they did, so much in fact they took the case from me.”
Fox stopped in his tracks, shock donning his face, “They took the case from you?”
Iz simply shrugged, “What are you going to do?’
“You didn’t fight it?”
“Against the Council of the Jedi? Are you nuts! They probably would have used some Jedi trick just to get me to agree. If they want it, let them take it. I still have something up my sleeve.”
“The Senator from Malastare”
“What about them?”
“They said that everything was a lie, and before I could get more information, they were killed on Malastare during the beasts rampage. Yet, somehow I don’t think they were talking about Rush Clovis, corruption is one thing, but they way they spoke, the fear they had, that was something more than corruption. That was outright terror. Something terrified him. Something big.”
“A.K.A. You’re not done” Fox stood beside her, as his hand rested on her shoulder. 
She simply nodded, as she looked into his eyes, “Not done.”
He leaned down, pressing his lips against hers, “Good” he mumbled against her lips, as his hand gently held her neck, his thumb stroking the side of her chin. He took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, getting lost in the sensation of her. She shifted without breaking contact till she sat on her desk as Fox stepped in between her feet, taking the opportunity to go a bit further, and would have, had it not been for the beeping from her comm.
She pulled back, letting out a disappointed sigh, as Fox’s forehead rested against hers, they both looked over to the relentless comm. Wishing for it to stop only to hear it beep again. 
Izani pushed him back enough to reach for comm, “Marshall Commander Izani, here”
“Commander Izani, Master Kenobi here, could you please make your way down to conference room JT984-Alpha.”
“I’m on my way”
The comm chirped indicating the end of the communication, she let out a sigh, her hand still on Fox’s chest, she focused on his eyes a hint of mischievous there, “Sorry, I gotta go”
“I understand Marshall Commander. Perhaps, we could schedule a meeting later, to go over some interesting developments.”
She smirked as she sat up again, Fox not moving away, instead caging her in with his arms, “Interesting developments?”
“Hmmm” he hummed, “There are a few things that require your … delicate attention.” His finger trailed along the edge of her ear, moving down the side of her neck, and down her arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
“I’m sure to provide all the attention these developments require, unfortunately, I do have a meeting to get to.”
Fox stepped back, a coquettish smile on his lips, nodding in understanding, “Wouldn’t want you to be late for your meeting” he unclipped his helmet from his belt, placing one final kiss on her cheek before putting it on. “Commander” he bowed.
“Commander” she smirked back at him, shaking her head at seeing him sway his hips for her before he exited the room, going back into his normal walk. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
“Feel the force, Nerium. Let it flow in and around you.”
“If you tell me to feel the force one more time…” This was my first official day training with Quinlan Vos, and all he had to say for the umpteenth time was to let the force flow. “I don’t see how this is going to get me closer to you telling me everything.”
“Give it time, now stop yammering and focus”
I let out a huff of annoyance as I closed my eyes. 
My body began to feel weightless as I focused on my breathing like Quinlan taught me. It wasn’t long before I felt my mind calming down and clearing.
Just as my mind was about to shut off, images began to flash in my mind one after another, scenes I hadn’t witnessed before. 
Rex stood with his armour, clean and pristine, a few more notches on his helmet, shining in the light of Coruscant commanding a group of men at the barracks of the 501st. Rex image wafted away, only to see Wolffe sitting at his desk was reviewing a datapad, yet there was a smirk on his lips as he glanced at a holopic on his desk, a image that depicted Lief sitting on his shoulders laughing, as Mafs held a box of their possessions on the day they moved in with her sister, now that their apartment was not livable. Wolffe’s smirk was replaced by Plo’buir stroking his tusks as he sat in the Jedi Council room listening to a report. The Jedi Council room disappeared, a refresher came into view, with Vi hovering over the vacc tube vomiting. Her face was flushed as she wiped her mouth, a few seconds later she moved towards the sink, splashing water over her face. She began counting on her fingers, closing her eyes rubbing her forehead. Vi’s image was replaced with Fives laughing and joking with Echo as they walked down the street of Coruscant. 
The images disappeared one by one, until darkness began to surround me. 
A coldness trailed down my back, seeping into my chest, into my heart; the ice running through my veins paralyzed me instantly. Breathing was becoming difficult, as the ice gripped my lungs, I needed to run as far away as possible from the darkness. From the cold.
My breathing began to quicken, the coldness gripped my heart, squeezing it. I did my best to take in a deep breath, I needed to calm down. As breathing evened out a warmth flooded my body. Regardless, the darkness wasn’t ready to let me go, instead fingers wrapped around me, squeezing me, keeping me there. 
Something was telling me not to give up, not to give in, the answers I were seeking, the reason behind everything was just there beyond the darkness, all I had to do was fight harder against the darkness. The bands wrapped around me began to loosen and crack under my defensive actions. 
The warmth inside me began to grow, like a balloon being filled, ready to burst. I took in one more sundering breath, and pushed as hard as I could against the grip. The fingers that had wrapped around me so tight preventing me from moving had now fallen away. There amongst the darkness, I could see a glimmer of light. It was warm and inviting, that small glint provided a sense of security I had only felt in Rex’s arms. 
With all my might I pushed myself to the light, at the same time doing my place to drag it closer to me, hoping to close the distance. Under the strain the small glint began to crack until it cracked until a bigger streak peaked through. With each push the crack broke more and more, ebbing away the darkness, until it completely disappeared, leaving only a bright light to encapsulate me completely. 
Now with the darkness gone, I could finally breathe, the ice running through my veins were gone, the grip on my chest had evaporated. I closed my eyes, took in a deep breath, the air was clean and fresh. Refreshing in every way possible. 
As the adrenaline eased off, the sounds of waves filled my ears. As it sloshed around me, warming me up, I opened my eyes slowly, starring down at the pool of water, it shimmered gold all around me as I sat there. 
There was a cloud like substance all around me, it felt similar and yet foreign at the same time, almost as if it was a dream I had from long ago.
The clothes I was wearing had changed, it was no longer the comfortable clothes Quinlan had given me, it was now a white dress that flowed in the breeze. I couldn’t help think about how much Rex could do with a place like this; a safe place, somewhere refreshing, somewhere far away from everyone. I couldn’t help let out a laugh, when I felt someone was standing there staring at me. I looked up to see Rex standing there, his armour was different, it seemed like an older model, the kind I saw when I first arrived on Coruscant from Onderon. 
Even through the helmet I could tell he was looking into my eyes, and for some reason it made me giggle knowing he was there with me, I wanted to send my love and warmth towards him. I closed my eyes for a second, and just like that he was gone. I looked around, searching for him. Calling out for him, but he was gone.
I stood walking around, hoping for something, some sort of direction or even instructions as to what this place was; when I felt someone behind me. Turning slowly to see a woman I had never seen before.
There was a smile on her face, her hair flowed all around her. She seemed like a pleasant woman, someone I could be friends with, if … if this wasn’t all in my mind. At least as far as I could imagine it was in my mind. 
“I didn’t think you’d find me, but you’re here.” her voice was melodious and yet it sounded far away, almost a distant echo.
“I believe you’re mistaken. I don’t know you.”
“You wouldn’t. You were barely a month old when I had to give you away.”
“Excuse me?” I shook my head, “I don’t know who you are, but I was born on Onderon, my father and mother are from Onderon. She’s … well she’s … Who are you?”
“I am your mother.”
I shook my head again, taking a step back, “No. No. That’s … my father wouldn’t have …you’re lying!”
“Nerium. Just breathe.”
“No. You’re lying. It’s a lie.” I started looking for a way out, “I want out! I need out!” I kept pacing back and forth, looking for an exit, running further away from her, she couldn’t be telling the truth. My father said I was his … that I was … no! 
“NO!” My eyes opened to see Quinlan sprawled on the other side of the room knocked out, by some force. The table that had been beside us was crumbled, everything was tossed and turned over in the room. My body felt sweaty and drained; I wanted to crawl over to him to check if he was alright, if he was still alive. However, the moment I moved, the room went dark, everything shut down around me, as the room tilted on its side. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kix shifted as he sat at his desk on Coruscant, after the Zillo incident things were in disarray, who survived, who was still missing, who needed medical attention. General Skywalker, had insisted everyone receive a full physical before going back to active duty. As much as everyone hated a full physical, it was a way to make sure everyone was still able to fulfill their duties.
“Pep, has Lt. Violet Lirx, shown up for her physical yet?” Pepper looked back at him a quizzical look on her face, as he chuckled, “Vi”
“Ohhh” she giggled as she moved beside him, her finger playing against his nape, as she stood beside him acting nonchalant, “I didn’t realize who you were talking about for a second. So weird to hear her full title.” She kept trailing her finger over a spot she knew particularly would drive him insane, the reddening of his ears were a clear indication it was affecting him.
He shifted his neck, doing his best to focus on his work, he couldn’t lose focus now, not when they were on Coruscant and everyone was watching them. Well keeping more of an eye on them than on the Triumph. 
“You really need to stop” Kix closed his eyes, thinking over the medical texts he studied back on Kamino, however that didn’t work. 
“What’s wrong? I’m just looking over your work.”
“If you continue to play this game, you’ll have to deal with the consequences” he glanced up to look in her eyes, “Are you prepared for that?”
Pepper smirked as her finger now trailed over to his ear, caressing it gently, “My dear, I have no idea what you are referring to, I’m simply doing my best to help you, and on that note, no. I do not believe Lt. Violet (a.k.a. VI) Lirx has been in for her physical despite the fact I commed her several times.”
All flirtatious thoughts ran out the window as soon as she said that, “Are we sure she’s alright? Maybe she was more injured than she realized?”
“Fives spoke with her yesterday, but even then it was brief. It seems everyone has tried to reach out to her, but she’s sporadically comming people back. I think the incident really shook her up, emotionally and mentally, after all she was trapped in the debris for a good two days. I think what’s worse is that she hasn’t been able to really deal with what happened.”
Kix let out a long sigh, full of empathy and pain for her, they weren’t exactly close per say, but he had grown to respect her, and appreciated how much she cared for Fives, for all of them, he ran his hand over his face, “All the more reason we need to have her come in, so we can assess her mental well-being as well. I know she was looked after by Neri at the hospital, but that was a quick overview of her physical well-being, and even Neri stated in her assessment, she needs to speak with someone.”
He stood from his seat, moving around the desk, pacing back and forth; with all the chaos going on, he hadn’t been able to follow up with everyone as he wanted. To really sit down and have a one-on-one discussion. “Okay, this is what we’re going to do. We will reach out to her one more time, express the urgency of needing her to come, give her a deadline. If she doesn’t contact us, we will get Fives and Nerium to contact her, and maybe let Neri do the physical.”
“Do you think she’s in danger?”
“I don’t know” Kix moved his neck from side to side hoping to relieve the tension that had been built up there, “And I won’t know unless she communicates with us. Let’s keep this between us for now, just in case.”
Pepper simply nodded, she hadn’t realized how serious the situation could have been and the guilt was beginning to build. Vi had said after the rescue she was fine. In truth she had been so focused on keeping her mind focused on trying to save those who were severely injured and pushing the stress and anxiety from that day out of her mind, she just let Vi slip through the cracks. She was lost in thought, when she felt Kix’s hand on her shoulder, “Hey cyar’ika it’s not your fault” he caressed her cheek hoping to calm her down. 
He could see the guilt building up within her, as her breathing quickened, and tears began to well up in her eyes. 
“If I had done a better job … if I had just …”
“Hey look at me” he held her face, forcing her to look into his eyes, “We can’t save everyone and we can’t always be there. We need to find out how she’s doing first, before we can jump to conclusions right? For all we know, she’s swamped with her duties. Let’s wait to see if she adheres to the deadline, if she doesn’t we’ll send Fives and Neri. Agreed?”
Pepper simply nodded, as she rested her head on his shoulder. It was bad enough, every day her family sent data streams indicating she should leave the GAR, that she wasn’t able to handle it, she’d never be good enough. Now with this, was she proving them right? Should she leave? Maybe someone else would’ve realized the danger Vi could’ve been in, no doubt Nerium would’ve for sure.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Anakin rushed into the med clinic with Padme in his arms, he made sure they docked on top of the hospital when they came back from Cato Neimoidia. He didn’t want to waste any time in getting the treatment she needed.  
Even though she had received the antidote from Senator Dod, there was still a concern regarding side effects from the poison she had received. As soon as he entered the clinic, the staff swarmed them, taking her to a private and secure room. He was forced to wait outside pacing back and forth until he heard news, it was probably one of the longest hours of his life. 
“General Skywalker?”
He turned to see Kix, he was thankful and grateful to have his medic there on hand, “Kix, tell me the news”
“Senator Amidala is fine, the poison wasn’t in her system long enough to cause any sort of permanent damage. She’ll suffer from a cold, for the next few days, fever, chills, coughing, but otherwise, the antidote did it’s work and neutralized the threat.”
Anakin let out a huge sigh of relief as he took in the information, his hands resting on his hips, nodding along, “Will she be able to go home?”
“I’ll make sure they keep her here for at least two days to confirm there are no side effects, but if her fever is kept down, and her symptoms don’t worsen, I believe she could go home then.”
“Thank you, Kix” he squeezed his man’s shoulder, appreciating Kix’s quick and honest assessment. Anakin moved towards Padme’s door, when he felt a hesitation coming from Kix. 
“Something troubling you, Kix?”
“It’s … the ceasefire. It’s over isn’t it?”
Anakin took in a deep breath, “I can’t say one way or another, Kix. What I can tell you, is that there will probably be an announcement regarding that topic in a few days, maybe sooner.”
“Understood, sir.”
He simply nodded before heading into Padme’s room, “How are you feeling?” She smirked, covering a cough that came on suddenly, Anakin rushed to her side, grabbing the cup of water on the table beside her, “Here, sip it slowly.” He held her up as he passed the cup, watching her like a mother nuna.
“If you keep staring like that, people are going to talk”
“About your beauty?”
She couldn’t help smiling, shaking her head at his antics, “Really, I’m fine” she held on to his hand, giving it a squeeze before she rested back against the pillows, “You need to go and report to the Council.”
“Are you sure you’ll be alright alone?” Before Padme had a chance to answer Anakin’s comm beeped, he let out an annoyed sigh, without having to look he already knew who it was.
“They’re looking for you” she gave him a soft and sleepy smile, “I’ll be alright. Promise.” She squeezed his hand one more time, he nodded placing a kiss on the back of her hand. 
“Let me know if you need anything”
Padme simply nodded, as she adjusted herself one more time, before falling asleep to the sounds of Anakin’s feet exiting the room. Sergeant Gregar Typho stood outside the door guarding the sleeping Senator, “You will stand here by yourself?” Anakin eyed the Sergeant carefully, he seemed like a respectable and trustworthy man; he was quite useful on Cato Neimoidia.
“Senator Amidala’s personal bodyguard will be arriving in the next two minutes, as well the Senators’ Guards will be coming shortly, I believe the Marshall Commander herself will be arriving shortly.”
“Alright, keep your wits about you. Please make sure to contact me if anything, and I mean anything seems amiss.”
“Will do, General Skywalker.”
Anakin took one more look at the closed door, before he headed towards the Council chambers with the holodisc, ready to lay out Senator Clovis’ misdeeds. As he walked towards the chambers he couldn’t help but rejoice at the idea of making the Senator pay, was it wrong that he wanted to see the man squirm? Was it because he wanted justice for the Republic or was it because he hated the fact Padme had to be friendly with Rush? Either way, he wanted to see him suffer; he knew he shouldn’t feel that way, he shouldn’t be looking forward to such animosity, but he couldn’t help it.
Before he even realized it he was standing in the middle of the Council chambers, going over everything he discovered regarding Rush Clovis, he must have been more distracted than he realized. He was brought back to the present as Obi-wan shifted in his seat.
“Confirmed, you have, Senator Clovis’ association?” Master Yoda kept his eyes on the young Jedi Knight standing before him. He was a passionate and caring Jedi, although his attention towards Senator Amidala had always been one that caused him concern. 
“It is clear the Senator is working with the Separatists, otherwise why would he have access to their factory?”
“Hmmm” Master Windu cupped his chin as he analyzed the information Skywalker had brought before them, “I believe it would be best to leave Senator Clovis alone for now”
“Excuse me!” Anakin’s voice raised higher than he had expected, however he couldn’t believe what he was hearing, “Are we really letting this man … this Senator who we know is working with the Separatists go free?”
“It’s not as simple as you think, Anakin” Obi-wan spoke up, hoping to calm his padawan’s frustration.
“Not as simple?”
“The mere fact the Senator in question is from the Banking clan, proves it is not as simple as we think” Master Mundi stated.
“He could use his connections as a member of the Banking clan to justify the reason he was there on Cato Neimoidia” Master Billaba clarified, “We weren’t privy to their conversations, nor did we have anyone record their conversation.”
“What about the attempt on Senator Amidala’s life?”
“Unfortunate as it was” Master Iluminara answered, “The animosity between the Trade Federation and the Senator from Naboo is a long entrenched one, he could easily claim it was a separate incident and nothing to do with the reason he was on Cato Neimoidia.”
“Not to mention he was able to administer the antidote, in fact saving Senator Amidala’s life” Master Windu finished. 
“Yet, we know he was conspiring!” Anakin reaffirmed
Yoda nodded in understanding, “Act against Senator Clovis we cannot, of what we discovered regardless.”
“Be mindful of your emotions, young Skywalker” Master Mundi chastised, “We must act in a way beneficial to the Republic. Though unpleasant the situation, we must view it from all sides. We are keepers of the peace, not vengeful warriors seeking to punish those we think have wronged us.”
Anakin bowed before the Jedi Council, “Of course, Master. Forgive my outburst.” He stood, facing the Council once again, the turmoil within him calmed down, “I will follow the Council’s decision.”
“I fear this information confirms what we have felt in the force” Master Plo stated with a heavy heart, “The ceasefire is nothing more than a charade, a way to keep us distracted, allowing the droid factories on Geonosis to start up again.”
“The ceasefire is over” Master Windu’s voice rang throughout the chamber, everyone’s disappointment was felt through the force, “Prepare your troops, young Skywalker, we will be advising troop movements within the following few days.”
“As you command, Master Windu” Anakin bowed one more time, exiting as quickly as his legs could carry him, he was doing his best to remain calm while in their presence. 
He understood why they couldn’t act against Senator Clovis, but the fact Padme had to suffer, had to be near such an odious man, and there was nothing he could do, angered him. Made him feel weak, powerless, a waste of an existence. He needed more power, he didn’t want to feel weak like he had when he was slave, unable to stand up to the corruption or evil deeds he saw. He knew it was wrong of him to feel the want for more, it was wrong to think Clovis deserved to die, but he couldn’t help it. Just like before, his feet were moving him before he even realized where he needed to go. 
As he walked along the corridors, it registered in his mind where he was heading, to one of the abandoned training rooms. He definitely needed to vent his feelings and the best place to do it was far away from everyone. 
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