#Aidan Waite x Reader
leaderwonim · 2 months
pairing. slytherin!jake x hufflepuff!fem!reader
summary. although sim jaeyun constantly surrounds himself with douchebags and looks like he could stomp all over a girl’s heart; you knew the real him that was deep inside. but did you really?
genre. hogwarts!au, ANGST, bits of fluff, right person wrong circumstances, forbidden/secret love
warnings. jake can be a bit of an asshole, the insult “mudblood” is used, slytherin gets shitted on as a house (dw, i’m a slytherin 😭)
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Sim Jaeyun, or everybody knew him as Jake, the sixth year Slytherin, seeker of his house’s Quidditch team, and nevertheless, charming to every girl that has stepped foot in his proximity.
Half of your friends would disagree—that he was not charming but rather just another slithering snake in the worst possible house at Hogwarts.
Jake’s friend group consisted of three people: Draco Malfoy, Blaise, and Pansy Parkinson. They just so happen to be an insufferable lot, maybe except Blaise who minded his own business half of the time.
“Today you will be working in pairs.” Professor McGonagall states, fixing her glasses as she holds a stroll of paper. “I’ve already decided them, absolutely no changes.”
There’s groans that fill the room, one of whom you recognize as no other than Jake.
“Seriously? I wanted to pair up with Blaise!” He whines, earning a glare from Draco. “What? C’mon Dray, we both know you and I don’t get anything done.”
“Alright,” Professor McGonagall clears her throat. “Blaise Zabini with Nancy Drumswell, Aidan Callaghan with Hermione Granger, Harry Potter with Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy with Pansy Parkinson, and finally, Jaeyun Sim with Y/N L/N.”
You don’t blink when you realize who your partner is. Rather, you just sigh a bit in defeat, coming to the conclusion that you cannot do anything to convince McGonagall to change partners.
“Hey.” Jake plops himself down on the seat next to you, laughing as Draco gives him a shove on the way to his own table.
“Hi.” You murmur, suddenly finding your yellow robe more interesting than him.
“I’ve never been paired with a Hufflepuff before.” He grins, the shit eating grin that weirdly captives your senses. “Are you guys as nice as you claim to be?”
“I don’t know Jaeyun, you tell me.”
Jake’s eyes widen before he lets out a giggle. “Jaeyun? No one ever calls me that anymore.”
You shrug, sliding him the piece of paper with the instructions to your project. “You can stop by the Hufflepuff dormitories at 8, I’ll be done with dinner by then and I’ll open it for you.”
“Sounds like a plan sweetheart.”
You cringe at his words, the obvious disdain on your face makes him laugh even harder.
“I’ll see you then.” He whispers, and just like a movie, stands up as soon as McGonagall dismisses the class, merging into one with his friends.
Just as the clock struck eight, you heard a knock. Your books, pens, and parchment were spread out in front of you, eagerly waiting to be used.
As you slowly get up to open the door, you’re met face to face with Jake, who entered the room with a confident stride
"Hey there, Y/N," Jake greeted, flashing you a charming smile as he took a seat across from your side of the table.
"Hey," you politely turn his smile. "Ready to tackle this project?"
"Absolutely," he affirmed, pulling out his own notes and spreading them out on the table. "I've got some ideas already. How about you?"
You nodded, slightly impressed by Jake's readiness to dive into the work. "I've been brainstorming as well. Maybe we can combine our ideas and come up with something great."
As the two of you began discussing your approaches to the project, youcouldn't help but notice how articulate and intelligent Jake was when he wasn't surrounded by his usual group of friends. His confidence shone through, but it was paired with a genuine interest in the subject matter that caught you off guard.
"You sure sound different when you’re not around Draco," You remarked.
Jake only chuckled, a hint of self-deprecation in his voice. "Yeah, well, I guess I don't always show this side of me around my friends. They have a different idea of what's cool."
You can only nod in understanding, realizing that Jake was more complex than you had initially assumed.
As you continued working, you couldn’t help but find yourself paying closer attention to the small details about him—the way his brow furrowed in concentration, the soft lilt in his voice when he explained a concept, the way his eyes sparkled with passion for the project.
"Thanks for coming, Jake," you say, offering him a genuine smile. "I really enjoyed working with you."
Jake returned your smile, his eyes meeting yours with a warmth that sent a sudden flutter through your heart. "Anytime, Y/N. I had a great time too."
As you bid each other goodnight, you couldn’t help but suddenly miss his presence, something you didn’t expect to happen with just one session with him.
In your second studying session, you and Jake found yourselves engrossed in their project once again. This time, you two decided to move to a quiet corner of the library, away from prying eyes and distractions. The Hufflepuff dorms were too crowded, and you knew you’d rather die than step into the Slytherin dormitory as a Hufflepuff.
As you discussed your research findings, you couldn't help but notice how Jake's demeanor had softened since your last meeting. He seemed more relaxed, more open, as if he felt comfortable letting his guard down around you.
Jake suddenly reached across the table to grab a book, his hand brushing against yours in the process. It was a simple gesture, but it sent a jolt of electricity coursing through your veins, leaving you quite literally breathless for a moment. “Here Y/N, I heard this book was good for this particular topic.”
Your eyes met briefly, and you felt your cheeks flush with warmth.
“Thanks,” you murmur, looking down slightly.
Jake smiled back at you, seemingly oblivious to the effect his touch had on you. For a person who charms so much girls, you’d think he know how much his advances affected others.
“No problem, seems like we got a lot done within these 2 days huh?”
"Yeah, it seems so," you reply softly.
Even though it had only been 2 nights, in those quiet moments, away from the prying eyes of their classmates, you had realized just how much you actually enjoyed Jake's company. He wasn't just the annoying Slytherin she had initially pegged him to be—he was kind, intelligent, and surprisingly easy to talk to.
"I guess that's it for tonight," Jake said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. “Can’t believe they only allow Prefects in the library past ten.”
"Yeah," you groan, feeling a pang of sadness at the thought of saying goodbye. "But we'll see each other again soon, right?"
Jake nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Definitely. Let’s just hope Malfoy doesn’t ruin it.”
As you made your way through the corridors of Hogwarts with Hermione, you spotted Jake surrounded by his Slytherin friends, including Draco and Pansy. Suddenly feeling the wave of confidence at the sight of him, you decided to muster up the courage to approach him.
But as you drew nearer, you noticed a subtle shift in Jake's demeanor. His usual friendly expression hardened, and a smirk spread across his lips as he turned to face you and Hermione.
"Look who it is, boys," Draco says, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Little Miss Hufflepuff herself."
Jake and Pansy chuckled, exchanging knowing glances with Draco as if they were in on some inside joke. Your smile faltered, confusion and hurt swirling in your chest as you struggled to make sense of Jake's sudden change in attitude.
"Um, hi, Jaeyun," you replied, voice barely above a whisper as you fought to keep her composure.
"Seriously? Jaeyun? That’s hysterical.” Pansy laughs, as if it was the funniest thing in the world.
“What's the matter, Y/N? Can't find anyone from your own house so you bother our Jake here?” Draco continues to taunt you, his words like daggers aimed straight at your heart. “Or should I say Jaeyun?”
You felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment as the laughter of Jake's friends echoed in your ears. You had never felt so small, so insignificant to the group in front of you.
“I was hoping to discuss our project.” You say quietly, looking at anyone but Jake.
Hermione could sense your hostility, pulling you close to her side as she gave Draco a snarl.
“Listen Y/N,” Jake says, “all that crap you Hufflepuffs preach about loving each other and expressing feelings is a lie. No one really cares about what you have to say.”
“Alright, that’s enough!” Hermione says, shielding you by putting herself in front of your frame. “What has gotten into you?”
But Jake just shrugged her off, his smirk widening into a sneer. "Mind your own business, mudblood. This doesn't concern you."
Feeling the sting of tears threatening to spill from your eyes, you quickly turn on your heel and fled down the corridor, desperate to escape the humiliation of Jake's cruel words.
Had you really been so stupid to place your trust in Sim Jaeyun knowing full well his reputation? By the looks of it, all answers pointed to yes.
By 7pm, the sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the surface of the Black Lake just in front of the Slytherin Common Rooms.
“Y/N?” Almost as if he knew exactly where you were, Jake shows up in front of you, making you give him a glare.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he murmured, his voice tinged with remorse as he avoided your gaze. He takes a seat next to you on the grass, his fingers tracing patterns across them in nervousness. "I messed up back there. I let my pride get the best of me, and I hurt you in the process. I should have stood up for you."
You sighed, your heart heavy with disappointment but softened by Jake's sincerity.
“I don’t get it,” you say. “One moment you’re all kind and sincere around me, and the next, you say all these things like I’m worth nothing.”
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, the air filled with the gentle rustle of leaves and the distant calls of birds. Then, Jake spoke again, his voice hesitant but earnest. "I guess my friends just have an influence on me that I can’t control. I’m sorry for what I said earlier, you’re one of the kindest people I've ever met, Y/N. I admire that about you."
You slightly smiled, a warm flush spreading across your cheeks. "Thank you, Jake. That means a lot to me."
As the sky darkened and stars began to twinkle overhead, the two of you continued to talk, laughter mingling with the night air.
The next night was one of the more important nights at Hogwarts. Everybody had finished their exams—and the Ravenclaws decided to throw a party at their Commons.
The music throbbed as you entered with Ron Weasley, who, at the sight of his twin brothers, ran towards them. You roll your eyes at his behavior, and start pulsing through the crowded room, a plastic smile plastered on your face.
You notice Jake in the corner, sipping on what looked like a bottle of beer. He exchanged nods and greetings with those around him, his eyes scanning the room for something—someone.
But before you could gawk at him any longer, Draco cut in smoothly, his tone laced with mockery. "Oh, look who decided to show up. Did you bring your Hufflepuff friend to the party, Jake? How charming."
Pansy giggled, her eyes glittering with malice as she looked at you up and down. "I didn't know us Slytherins were into charity work."
“Guys, seriously? Cut it out,” Jake gulps, eyes directly meeting yours.
“He’s right,” Blaise says, and you swear it’s the most you’ve ever heard out of him. “Don’t ruin the party.”
“Whatever.” Pansy throws her hand in mock surrender. “Wouldn’t want to make the Hufflepuff cry.”
Hermione comes to your rescue right after Pansy throws you a glare.
“Piss off.” She says, interlocking her arms with yours.
“Thanks ‘Mione.” You thank her softly as you’re lead away from the lot. “For saving me back there.”
“Always,” she smiles. “Now cmon, I heard Ron’s already drunk!”
You two giggle at that, you letting Hermione lead the way into the crowd of people.
It’s about 2 hours later and the Ravenclaw party is still loud as ever, filled with with laughter and music.
Despite the Weasley twins making a full ruckus of themselves, your eyes were drawn to a figure slumped in a corner. It was Jake, only this time, he looked uncharacteristically vulnerable, his face pale and contorted with some type of emotion you hadn’t seen before.
Concern etched onto your features, and your body felt itself navigating through the crowd of people until you’re knelt beside him. "Jake? Are you alright? Where’s Draco?”
He lifted his head, and you swore you felt your heart clenched at the sight of his glassy eyes and trembling lips. "I'm fine," he mumbled, but his voice betrayed the lie.
"No, you're not," you reply softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"
Jake swallowed hard, his gaze flickering with a mix of emotions. "It's... it's nothing," he slurred, but his words lacked conviction.
You stayed silent, sensing he needed to unburden himself. After a moment, he spoke again, his voice raw with emotion. "Do you think I’m good for nothing?”
"What?" You asked gently, your heart sinking as you watched him struggle to form his thoughts.
"I mean look at this, look at me," Jake gestured vaguely, gesturing to the party around the two of you. "This charade I constantly put on. Pretending to be someone I'm not."
Your brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I mean..." Jake trailed off, his breath hitching. "Was it all worth the six years of be pretending to be who I wasn’t? Pretending to be the egoistic charming Slytherin everyone claims to know so well?”
Jake pauses before looking up at you, his eyes swimming with unshed tears. "You know I care about you a lot, right? I like you, a lot.”
“You do?” You say quietly, brushing a few loose strands of hair out of his eyes.
“But we just can’t.”
“Why not?”
"Because,” Jake's voice cracked, and he looked away. "Because I wish you were in Slytherin."
You felt your heart shatter into a million pieces at his words. You almost knew it then, with a painful realization that you could never compete with the loyalty he felt towards his house and the expectations placed upon him by his housemates.
Tears stung your eyes as you realized there was nothing she could do to change his mind. With a heavy heart, you rose to your feet.
“Well I’m sorry then, Jake.” You say, turning around so he wouldn’t see your tears.
And as you walked away, the echoes of his confession lingered in your mind, haunting your thoughts with the bitter realization that sometimes, love simply wasn't enough.
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jakegasm · 1 year
mistakes | lo'ak sully
genre: angst ♧ 
pairing: lo’ak sully x omatikaya!reader (mentions of neteyam and tsireya) 
word count: 2.5k
warnings: heartbreak, cheating (? idk why i put a question mark, there’s most definitely cheating involved 😂) 
brief info: upon moving to Awa’atlu the sully family agrees to have you tag along, you and lo’ak have been best friends for as long as you two can remember. Though to his parents it has been nothing but a friendly demeanor between the two of you, unknown to them that you and lo’ak have been in a secret relationship for quite some time now. While in Awa’atlu, lo’ak seems to be avoiding you more and more lately spending more time with tsireya than you, leaving you and your relationship entirely in the dust. 
flowers: lauren spencer smith 
two places at once: haley joelle
Punchline: aidan martin
notes:  ‼️lo’ak and reader are 18‼️ 4 years later after the sully family moved to Awa’atlu
Neteyam is NOT dead, bby is still alive bc I said so 
//again this was barely proofread and its not my best bc i kinda rushed it T-T i still hope you all enjoy though! and please I do not hate tsireya she's a cinnamon roll I just needed to use someone and she fit perfectly T-T//
Syeha si mì ulte lonu: breathe in and release 
Mawey: calm
Rä'ä: do not
Skxawng: moron, idiot
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The waves break around the rocks in the shallows, their foam crests becoming chaotic lace over the blue. You watch it swirl, mesmerized as if the movement of the water choreographs your thoughts. The crunching of the sand tearing you away from your thoughts, the space next to you now becoming occupied. You shifted your body away from them avoiding the inevitable conversation you two were to have. You felt him looking at you, his eyes burning into the side of your face. You were ignoring him and he knew it. He gently rocked his shoulder into yours in hopes of getting your attention, lucky for him it works. 
“Why are you here Neteyam?” 
“What? I cannot accompany a friend now?” 
Rolling your eyes, you set them back on the crashing waves in front of you. The waves swimming up to shore tickling your toes with the slightly cold water. 
“If you are looking for Lo’ak, he is with Tsireya.” Irritation hung in your voice, the male did not let this go unnoticed. Though he wanted to question it, he decided to ignore it. 
“So that is where he has been all these days…” His voice trailed out in thought. He noticed your body tensed up slightly at the comment, digging your head more into your knees that were pushed up against your chest. Your eyes prickled with tears but you blinked them away before he could notice them. But it was too late. He felt his chest tighten seeing your eyes glaze over in sadness as the setting sun reflected ever so perfectly on the tears that threaten to spill. Reaching out a hand he brushed away a tear that had managed to escape, his lips in a thin line. 
“My brother is a skxawng, he will realize what he will lose but until then…it will already be too late.” 
His words hit you like a brick. You didn’t want to wait for him to realize it because the more you waited the more you watched him fall for someone else. Scooting closer you nuzzled yourself into his side finding comfort in the warm embrace as his arms immediately wrap around you giving your shoulders a reassuring squeeze. You two stayed like that for some time as you wept in his arms, trying to make amends for your lover. That you were unfortunately losing. 
“Neteyam I’m sorry!” You laughed running out of his marui pod, trying to make an escape from the consequences of your actions. 
“Oh no, you think I’d let you off the hook for that? No way!” The male chased you even quicker. Laughter erupted from your throat as your feet moved as quickly as possible to get away from him. You peeked over your shoulder to see he was gaining on you rather quickly, and the smile on your face widened even more. Your destination was his parents' Marui pod since you knew that’s where your safety resided, his mother would for sure protect you from him. You hastily jogged up to the pod trying to keep your balance and speed as the walkway wobbled a bit under your feet. You managed to make it to the pod’s opening before you felt hands clasp your waist holding you tightly against their chest, swinging you away from the pods' entrance. You wiggled in his grip while your joined laughter filled the pod while you gasped for air begging him to release you. 
“Neteyam put her down.” His mother spoke a smile resting on her face, his father appearing not too shortly behind his wife. 
“You heard what your mother said. Put her down boy.” 
Nodding he gently placed you back on the ground, but not before poking his tongue out at you, something he had learned from Kiri. You just giggled at the reaction turning towards his parents who held a look wanting either one of you to explain what was happening. 
“That’s one hell of a way to say Good Morning. Mind telling me what’s that about?” His father spoke, his tone demanding but not harsh. 
“y/n threw water on me while I was sleeping, sir.” Neteyam’s eyes sent you a quick threatening look only to receive a small laugh from you. 
“Yeah, that’s because you wouldn’t wake up after you PROMISED me that you’d take me fishing today.” You added in, earning yourself an eye roll from him. 
“So you throw water on me? May Ewya help you for what I will do when–”
“Good Morning.” Neteyams' threat was cut off by someone entering the pod. 
The wide smile on your face disappeared; just as quickly as your playful demeanor. He greeted his parents before sharing eye contact with you, your stomach now doing somersaults. He nodded at you as a greeting, not daring to give you a proper greeting. You felt small. So small. You were on the verge of nausea as you watched him avoid all sorts of contact with you. 
“Lo’ak don’t be rude, speak to y/n.” His mother softly smacked him on the back of his shoulder earning her a low hiss from the male.
“Good morning…y/n.” His eyes stayed fixated on something that wasn’t you, annoyance radiating off of him. 
“Good morning lo’ak…Um, Neteyam?” Neteyam was quick to make contact with you, your eyes pleading with him to leave. Quickly he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and swiftly turned you away from the others to avoid them seeing the tears that were now falling so freely while you bit your lip so hard trying your best to stop them. 
“We will be back before eclipse. I promise.” He swore to his parents nodding at them and smiling, but not before he shot his brother a deadly glare, only to see his brother already held one against him. Wiping his head back around he guided you out of the pod making sure to keep your head down as he whispered sweet reassuring words to you along the way. 
“Syeha si ulte….lonu.”  The arrow flew from your bow grazing your fingertips lightly during the release, only for you to miss your target…again. Whining you turned your head to Neteyam who was trying very hard not to laugh at your failure. 
“Laugh it up while you can, mighty warrior.” Your tongue poked out at him tauntingly after “warrior”, though he cleared his throat his smile never left his face when he approached you. He stood behind you turning your body so your back lay against his chest, his hands guiding your arms back into your shooting stance. 
“Your arms should be straight, or you’ll miss your target again.” His hands held underneath your arms gently smoothing over the skin underneath them before pushing them upwards. “Take a deep breath and hold it. It must come from your stomach or it will not work.” Bringing his other hand down he gently pushed on your stomach causing your body to tense up immediately, you found yourself holding your breath for another reason. 
“Mawey, your heartbeat is fast. No wonder you cannot catch any fish.” He joked, his breath hitting the shell of your ear due to the close proximity you two were in. Shaking your head you tried to distract yourself from how close you two were. Straightening your posture, you sucked in a deep breath making sure to hold it in just as instructed locking eyes on your wiggling target and–
“Ahem.” Someone cleared their throat halting your motion. You both turn your head towards the person responsible for the noise, only to be met by the one person you didn’t want to speak to but also a person you yearned deeply for. 
“Sorry for uh… disrupting you two but can I talk to y/n?” Lo’ak watched as Neteyam refused to take a step away from you making him bite the inside of his cheek in annoyance.
The older brother never moved from your side, his body now shielding you in a way. The tension in the air felt thick, so thick not even a knife would be able to pierce it. You placed your hand on his arm giving it a squeeze to grab his attention, “Neteyam.” Your voice soft, his head turning down towards you his eyes immediately softening almost as if they were pleading with you. 
“I’ll be fine.” You tried your best to give him a smile, just enough for him to let you go. It was obvious your smile didn’t convince him, huffing his mouth turned into a thin line before nodding at you moving further to the opposite side to let you go. You nodded at him once more before following behind a rather fuming lo’ak. 
The boy ignored you as he walked fast in front of you slapping things out of his as he passed them. You tried your hardest to keep up but there was no way your speed equaled anything to his big long strides. Jogging a little you gained a bit of closeness to him his hand just in reach for you to grab. 
“Lo’ak wait–”
“What?!” He snapped at you angrily turning towards you. You felt like a turtle going back into its shell with his tone. A tone he has never used with you. 
“I just wanted you to slow down, you’re walking too fast.” Your voice sounded so little making his ears flick downwards. 
“Where are we going anyway?” 
“Our usual spot…We need to talk–about us.” A familiar ache started to churn in your stomach at these words. Your thoughts become jumbled up in your mind of all the possible outcomes of this conversation. 
Was he finally going to tell others of your relationship?
Did he finally want to call it quits? 
Mindlessly you followed him deeper into the closed-in cave area, the familiar scenery coming into your view not too long after you both decided to keep walking. You looked into the glowing water smiling faintly at the glimmering goldfish that rushed to the surface upon your arrival, seeming excited to see you again. You almost bumped into the back of lo’ak not realizing he had stopped moments ago, you stared confusingly at his back before his voice caught your attention. 
“What were you and brother doing before I arrived?” You blinked at him confusingly. Turning his body fully towards you now, his face completely ruined by the anger that he was trying so desperately to keep inside. The confusion on your face seemed to anger him more than he already was causing him to roll his eyes at you. 
“You and my brother. You’re way too close to be “just friends”, every time I see you two your both so close to each other!” 
You and Neteyam were friends. That was it. There were no romantic feelings involved once so ever whenever you two conversed. At least that’s how you saw it on your end. 
“If you are asking if I and neteyam ever did anything with each other the answer is no.” You were starting to take offense to the accusations he kept spuing out at you, rendering you into irritation at the boy. 
“Really? Because that’s so hard to believe when I see his hands all over you a few moments ago. And from the looks of it, you weren’t moving them any time soon!” 
“He was teaching me how to fish!” 
“Why him? You could’ve asked me. Me! Your boyfriend!” 
“Well, I can’t ask my boyfriend if he’s never around when I need him!” 
You didn’t notice that your breathing had started to pick up or even notice how the image of him standing in front of you became blurry from the water that swelled up in your eyes. 
“Or when he’s not with tsireya showing her all the things that you showed me!  Or–or ditching our plans for tsireya because she wants to go look at the stars with you!” The gentle wind from a small opening in the cave blew past your face making you feel the coldness from the tears that now overflowed from your eyes. 
“It’s always tsireya, tsireya, tsireya! Never me! I’m never your first choice anymore.” Your chest heaved up and down rapidly as your feelings felt like they were oozing out of you, your mouth just could not stop projecting all the feelings you had bottled up for so long. 
“Neteyam has been there for me when you weren’t. Night after night, day after day, HE has always been there. Not you lo’ak. And guess what? He’s cleaning up the mess you made…AGAIN.” Your last words held so much power, you knew those words were going to sting but, you needed him to hear them. Hear how much pain he has caused because of his absence. Hear what a mess he’s made of you. The scenarios of them interacting start to flood your mind, the acts of kindness and love the two radiated gave off a familiar feeling that you two once shared. You swallowed your fear down as a fearful question bubbled up in your throat. 
“Have–have you two done anything?” 
Silence. All you were met with was silence. But this was all you needed to finally make sense of his recurring disappearances. Your face scrunched up in disgust, your tears now producing more than they have ever before. 
“I knew it…” Swiftly you turned away from him almost jogging your way out of the small hideaway area, ignoring his calls out to you. You didn’t want to hear a thing he had to say anymore, his silence spoke loudly for him already. 
“y/n, listen to m-” His hand caught your wrist trying his best to make you look at him, instead you jerked your arm away from his grip harshly. 
“Rä'ä!” The anger in your voice shook him, you never raised your voice at him, though he knew he deserved this. He made a mistake and he needed you to understand that. 
“You do not get to touch me anymore. You do not even need to think about me anymore.”
His ears dropped dramatically, his tail hiding in between his legs. It was now his turn to breathe heavily, his brain not wanting to believe the words you were throwing at him. 
“Please, just let me explain what happ-”
“You have explained enough lo’ak. Now go, go before tsireya starts wondering about your whereabouts.” You turned away from him only to be stopped by him once more. 
“I don’t care about tsireya right now! Dammit just listen to me!” His voice shook massively, his eyes pleading desperately at you almost making you push your hurt and anger to the side and wrap him back in your arms that you wanted him back desperately in. Almost. 
“Goodbye lo’ak.” You took your arm away from his hold once again ignoring his pleas for you to come back. Your heart ached hearing how desperate he sounded for you, though you needed him to learn. You needed him to learn that someone’s heart is not something to gamble with. 
He needed to learn from all the mistakes he made.
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Over Mountains Cold
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Kili Durin x Reader
Words: 4931
Summary: On a quest for your family, you and your traveling companion get caught in a winter storm in the Grey Mountains. Your true feelings for your best friend come to light when you struggle to make it through the chilling night. 
Notes: The heater in my room is broken and the image of cuddling with Kili to get warm is just really nice to me, okay? I will use Aidan Turner to dissociate before I contact ever maintenance. (also, why can’t I just write fluff? Why does there have to be the angsty backstory of losing siblings? The world may never know)
Warnings: Kind of a chaotic plot. An ungodly amount of sexual tension. I don’t make the rules. 
Fili gave a final wave as he disappeared over the ridge, taking the ponies with him. His brother tried to calm the pit in his stomach. Not only was Fili off to retrieve more supplies alone, but the cold was setting in. If he didn’t make it to the next village by the time the snow started, he would get stuck out here. 
Just like you were. 
“We should go,” You sighed. “We’ll want to set up camp before it gets dark and I want to search the foothills to the east before the sun goes down.”
Kili looked up at the sky. “It’s going to be a cold night.” Already, his breath came out in puffs from his lips. “Maybe we should stay here until morning. It’s lower, so it’ll be warmer and the snow hasn’t reached us yet.” 
You stiffened and turned determined eyes towards him. “I won’t waste any time. If there’s a chance of finding my sisters out here, I’m taking it.” 
You waited for him to argue or tell you how foolish you were. Winter was on the horizon and these mountains would be impassable in the coming weeks. But your friend merely gave you a small smile and put a hand on your shoulder. 
“Then lead the way.” 
You wanted to kiss him. Well, you often wanted to kiss him, but in that moment, with his eyes full of trust and belief in you, no words could express your gratitude. But, coward that you were, you settled for a pat on the arm and an awkward nod. 
“Right. Follow me.” You hurried away from him before you could do something stupid. 
You’d known the dwarven princes for most of your life. Having grown up near the Blue Mountains, you spent a lot of time with Durin’s folk, listening to their stories, celebrating their festivals, and causing a little chaos with your two closest friends. You couldn’t count the times Kili and Fili had gotten you into some kind of trouble, but surely they would say the same thing about you. 
The younger prince walked beside you, telling you legends of ridiculous creatures living in these hills, trying to make you smile. It worked, of course. Between his grin and a bit of theatricality, he never failed to lighten your moods. 
Kili was your best friend. He was there for every prank, every adventure, and every heartbreak. When your village was attacked by raiders three years ago, he spent weeks tending to your injuries and trying to hunt down the people who’d hurt you. 
That’s when they were taken. Your two older sisters, Maryina and Baeriel. Sometime during the battle, those foul men came to your home and stole them away. You were nearly killed trying to defend them. Everyone told you they were dead. Even your parents didn’t have the heart to keep looking after so long, but you wouldn’t give up. You knew they were alive. Kili was the only one who believed you.
“Do you remember what you told me?” You asked suddenly. 
Kili turned his head, hazel-brown eyes bright in the afternoon sun. His brows furrowed with curiosity. 
You elaborated. “When I said I was going to find them. I said I’d search the whole of Middle Earth if I had to. What did you say?” 
Kili beamed. “I said ‘Well, you’re not doing it without me,’” he remembered. “‘You’d get lost.’” 
“Exactly,” you laughed. “And, I do believe that you lead us down more a stray path than I, dear friend.” 
“But we always found our way in the end, didn’t we?” Kili grinned. 
“That we did.” 
The two of you fell back into a comfortable silence with something heavier hanging between you. 
Grass swayed with dying breaths, green turned to dry white. Ahead, towering peaks capped with snow loomed like a massive, foreboding gate. You watched them with growing unrest. Kili’s shoulder brushed against yours as you walked as if just to remind you he was there. 
The afternoon stretched and yawned. The sun began to hover. With every passing hour, the more the light sank, so did your hopes. Your search in the foothills yielded nothing. Not even the remnants of a possible settlement. 
“They aren’t here,” you said. You ran a hand down your tired face, eyes scanning the vast landscape, the mountains at your back. You turned to Kili. “What if…”
You’d come here on a rumor that the raiders who took your sisters had a base in the Grey Mountains. But that’s all you had to go off of- rumors. 
“It’s the first day.” He gave you a reassuring smile. “We’ll keep looking.” Kili scanned the dense woods at the base of the mountains, hoping for some signal of smoke or any other sign of life. There was nothing. But he wasn’t going to give up hope and he certainly wasn’t going to let you. “Come, let’s set up somewhere to sleep. You must be exhausted.”
“I’m fine,” you grumbled. “But if you’re saying you need to rest, then I suppose we can pitch the tent.” 
He rolled his eyes playfully. 
“Last one to the trees gathers firewood,” he challenged. The mischievous dwarf took off before you had the chance to process what he said. 
“Hey!” You called after him and ran as fast as your legs could carry. 
Usually, the three of you always camped out under the stars, but knowing how cold it would be, you brought a tent to provide a little shelter. But laying there, so close to him, the fabric barrier between you and the night sky seemed suffocating. 
It wasn’t the closest you’d ever been, of course. There had even been some nights where you found yourself asleep on his shoulder after a long day or he would doze off with his head in your lap. There was just something about this- something about the two of you enclosed together, alone- that felt different. 
You laid completely still, screwing your eyes shut, but your mind refused to rest. The form beside you shifted back and forth, twisting and turning. Kili grunted in frustration and turned onto his back. 
“Y/N?” He whispered. “Are you awake?”
He blew out a breath. “We should sleep. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow. We’ll have to find some food in case Fili gets holed up somewhere.” 
You hummed and nodded. 
Both of you stared up at the slanted ceiling of the tent, not moving and not speaking. The tension alone chilled you to the bone, making you shudder. 
“Are you cold?” Kili asked. 
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure, because I have an extra fur-”
“Kili, go to sleep.” You huffed, shifting to your side away from him so he couldn’t see the painful want in your eyes. 
Kili was more than just your best friend to you. He was your first love, the only person you’d ever loved, really. You’d had suitors in the past ask for your hand, but you declined them all. Your heart was no longer yours to give away. But you could never bring yourself to tell him. He was a prince, after all, and what were you? A nobody. 
You blinked away tears and curled up as close to the tent’s wall as possible. 
So close together and yet you couldn't feel more distant. 
The next day yielded even less results. The further you got into the mountains, the less hope you had that you were going in the right direction. The Eastern Pass took you higher in elevation and further away from Fili with the supplies. 
“Wait.” Kili stopped suddenly, putting a hand out in front of you. “Listen.”
You halted, the frostbitten ground shifting beneath your boots. At first, the slight breeze was all you could detect, but as the forest stilled, the subtle yet clear sound of hooves carried on the wind. 
And they were getting closer. 
“Get down.” You grabbed the collar of his coat and pulled. The two of you tumbled into a bush, losing your balance in your haste. Kili hit the ground. You fell onto his chest, knocking the breath out of both of you. 
Kili grimaced. 
“Sorry,” you whispered. Your faces turned a similar shade of pink, both trying to hide it from the other.
The familiar thudding against the forest floor increased in speed and volume. From your position, you could just see through the foliage that kept you hidden.  Kili craned his neck, blindly trying to get a glance. 
“Can you see them?” He asked. 
You kept your head low as you stared out. Watching. Waiting. As the horses neared, you decided there couldn’t be more than three. 
“We could take them,” you whispered, looking down. But the sight of Kili lying beneath you, hazel-brown eyes staring up into yours with his hair a mess below him was too much. It sent a burning, twisting feeling through your stomach. You looked back up at the road. “There aren’t many. We could fight and force them to tell us where they took my sisters.”
“Are you mad?” Kili hissed, shifting underneath you. His hips rocked up into yours by accident. He sucked in a breath. “It could be innocent travelers going through the mountains. Or worse, there could be a dozen fighters and we’d be dead in seconds.”
“Since when are you the cautious one?” You scoffed, ignoring his movements and prepping yourself to pounce. 
Kili locked his arms around your middle and rolled. He had you on your back before you could stop him, pinning you to the forest floor with his hands on either side of your head. 
“Since I’m trying to keep you from getting yourself killed,” he growled. 
Relieved that your hips were no longer pressed against his, Kili had put himself in another predicament hovering over your body, his lips mere inches from yours. 
It shamed him to think of how many times he’d imagined you like this.
He waited until the riders were past, counting three, just as you said, but they seemed only to be a father and his two children, both under the age of 16. Kili doubted that these were the raiders who had destroyed your home. One of them mentioned something about getting over the pass before the storm, which made him uneasy. 
Despite the heat of your bodies, the air was indeed growing colder. Clouds were gathering and a crisp, cool scent hung in the air. 
Kili stood and held out a hand to help you up. 
You didn’t take it. 
“We need to keep moving.” 
He swallowed. “We should head back to lower grounds. If we get caught in the pass, who knows how we’ll get out.” 
You didn’t look at him. Instead, you continued up the path. “I wasn’t asking.”
Kili walked behind you, neither saying a word. He saw the tension in your back shifting like you were already in battle. He only wished he could relieve at least some of the weight that bore down on your shoulders. Witnessing you in such pain hurt him more than he knew how to express. That, unfortunately, wasn’t the only thing he struggled to put into words. 
It had taken Kili long enough to finally admit his feelings for you to himself, but it was taking even longer for him to admit them to you. Fear wasn’t something that usually stopped him- he’d faced trolls and orc packs a dozen times over- but the idea of jeopardizing his friendship with you frightened him to no end. 
Still, lying there, pressed against you, had drummed all of those feelings up to the front of his mind. They distracted him from the real issue at hand and he tried to remind himself that you need him focused. You needed a warrior, not a love-sick errand boy. 
“If we keep at this pace, we can make it through the pass by morning,” you said grimly. 
Kili exhaled, his voice deep with concern. “Y/N, you need to rest.” 
“I need to find my sisters.” 
You kept walking. 
Kili kept his arguments to himself. Starting a fight now would only make you angrier and he didn’t want to risk you going off alone. 
He let out a low sigh. Being the responsible one was exhausting. 
Kili watched the sun with a concerned eye and discomfort growing in his stomach. His breath appeared in a cloud from his lips. But worse, flecks of white sent panic up his spine. The snow speckled the branches of the pines around them and added to the already thick blanket of frost that coated the ground. The further up, the deeper the snow banks. 
“These flurries won’t be flurries for long,” he warned. 
“We’ll make it.” 
You refused to turn back to look at him. If you did, you knew that one look at his face would make you forget your persistence. You would turn around and head back down the mountain and have to start all over again in the morning. So you kept your eyes ahead, despite the growing shiver down your spine. 
Besides, it was only a little snow. You and the brothers had faced worse on numerous occasions. 
Kili quickened his pace to take his place beside you again. 
“This way,” he said. “I’ve heard a shortcut through this pass.”
You raised a brow. “You’ve heard of one?”
“We’re here based on a rumor, aren’t we?” He retorted. 
You shrugged as if to say ‘fair enough.’ 
Kili took the lead as the air thickened with white flakes. The shortcut, while it existed as far as he knew, was not the true purpose of his change in direction. He’d read journals telling tales of adventures through these mountains and he remembered a checkpoint for many. A cave where they could take shelter from winter storms. He only hoped it was real. 
You began to regret your stubbornness as the cold seeped through your coat, the snow falling thicker and thicker, decreasing your visibility until you could see but a mere few feet in front of you. 
In a blink, the blizzard set in. 
You trudged on. Eyes blinded by white, you walk straight into the mass in front of you. Your companion’s warmth drew you in and you couldn’t help but press yourself against his back. His arm wrapped around, searching for yours. 
“Take my hand!” Kili called back to you. 
You did so without hesitation, wincing at the chilled state of his skin. 
“We’re nearly there!” He shouted over the wind. 
“That’s impossible! We haven’t even made it through the pass!”
“You’ll see.” 
Trust was the only thing you had left, your senses overtaken by the storm. And then suddenly, it stopped. Kili pulled you forward and the choking white curtained the opening of the cave behind you. Wind howled, but no longer deafened. 
“You knew this was here?” You gasped through chattering teeth. 
Kili gulped. “I hoped.” 
“You hoped?” 
“You kept going!” He held out his hands, fingers stretched and shaking with his words. “I didn’t know what else to do!” 
“Nevermind. It doesn’t matter.” You ran a hand down your face, wincing at the freezing surface of your own skin, as well as the exhaustion overtaking your features. You paced back toward the blinding white outside. “We’ll stay here until the storm blows over and then we’ll keep going.” 
Standing at the opening of the cave, the wind still chilled you to the bone. Still, you watched, as if your sisters would magically appear and welcome you into their warm arms. 
As the image passed through your mind, you were gently pulled away from the wind by a hand as cold as yours, and yet it sparked the warmth that you needed. Kili placed a hand on your cheek, turning your face to his. 
“You’re exhausted,” he said. “We cannot afford to be careless. Not out here. We’ll go out again in the morning. You need to rest.” Before you could argue, he added, “We both do.” 
With the fog of determination outweighed by fatigue and frost, you sighed in defeat, hanging your head. 
“Alright,” you conceded. 
Kili put a finger under your chin and lifted your eyes. He gave you a small smile to which you couldn’t help but reciprocate. 
“Come on. We should set up the tent. It might not be much, but it can’t hurt.” 
Your chattering teeth gave no argument. There was no wood for a fire, the smoke would fill the small space anyway, so the thin cloth was your only added defense against the cold. 
Once inside, you both felt the same pull towards each other, your bodies craving the heat of another. But you stayed on the far side, as far as you could get, mind clouded by icy, frozen fear. Kili didn’t say anything, trying to ignore the ache in his chest as he tried to sleep. 
Your eyes couldn’t have been shut for more than a moment when you heard them. 
“Y/N! Where are you?” 
You blinked to clear the tiredness from your eyes and listened. 
“It can’t be,” you whispered. 
“Y/N! Y/N!” 
Maryina and Baeriel. 
You listened again. 
“We’re here! Help us!”
Your sisters. They were out there. They were trapped in the storm. They needed you. 
You sat up, tossing aside the coat you’d been using for a blanket and ignored the bitter air seeping through your tunic. You didn’t feel it. You didn’t see your companion sleeping across from you. You didn’t hear the wind as you stepped out of the tent. You only heard your sisters’ cries…
And stepped out into the blizzard. 
Kili twisted and turned. As hard as he tried, sleep never stayed. He dozed off only to drift back, trying not to shiver. 
“I can’t sleep again,” he sighed. Kili flipped onto his other side. Rubbing his tired eyes, he opened them. The bundle of furs beside him took an odd shape. 
He sat up and reached across the tent, feeling nothing but frigid air. Kili lifted his head, panic banishing any exhaustion left in his limbs. 
The untied opening of the tent flapped in the wind. 
“Y/N!” He called out. 
The storm screamed in response. 
He scrambled out of his bedroll and sprinted into the night. Fat, white flakes stuck to his face and eyelashes no matter how much he blinked them away. 
“Y/N!” He shouted again. 
Kili walked, trying to keep the cave in sight. The blizzard raged around him, concealing even the silhouette of the trees. He cried out your name again and again. With every passing second of silence, his chest grew tighter. 
Why would you have gone off alone? 
What if something had taken you?
There was no way for Fili to reach the cave until the storm settled, which meant he was completely and utterly alone. 
It felt like hours before the wind let up and even then, snow continued to fall and the air turned even colder, creeping down Kili’s neck like a thousand icy-legged spiders. 
There, in the distance, he could just make out a shape, wandering and covered in a thick, frozen blanket. 
Kili ran as fast as his aching legs would allow, his boots sliding on the ice-coated ground. No matter how loud he shouted, it was as if you couldn’t hear him. You trudged on, the snow almost reaching your knees. You didn’t even have your coat. If he didn’t get you out of this cold, you would surely be lost to the white nothingness that surrounded you. 
“Y/N, what are you-” Kili moved to grab your arm and found that your eyes were closed. Ice stuck to your face where tears had fallen and your blue lips muttered the same two things over and over again.
“Maryina…. Baeriel….” 
Kili’s heart shattered like an icicle falling to the earth. 
“Y/N, love, wake up,” he pleaded, gently taking hold of your shoulders. He had to stop himself from recoiling. Even through your tunic, you were like a statue, freezing to the touch. “We need to get back to the cave. I need to get you to a fire. I need to get you warm.” 
Already, you looked like a walking corpse. 
But your eyes were starting to open.
“K-Kili?” You muttered through chattering teeth. “What’s going on? I’m so…” You stepped forward, falling against him. “I’m so cold.” 
Kili didn’t hesitate. He scooped you up into his arms, holding you tight against his chest. He followed his own footprints as they were slowly being covered again by the falling snow. By some miracle, he made it back to the cave. He hurried into the tent, wishing he had the material for a fire. For now, all he had was hope. 
“I heard them,” you said, still dazed. “I heard their voices calling to me in the storm.” 
“And you followed it?” He gasped, quickly undoing the fastens of his coat. “Are you mad? Even if they were out there, you’re no good to them frozen to death.” 
Kili shrugged out of his coat and wrapped it around your shoulders. 
“No, Kili.” You tried to push him away, but he was stronger, fueled by panic and determination. “Kili, you’ll freeze.”
“I’ll be fine,” he said harriedly. He tied the entrance of the tent to keep out the frigid wind and laid down, gently pulling you along with him. Kili rubbed his hands up and down your arms, careful to keep the heap of furs wrapped tightly around you. He held you against his chest, his tunic slightly undone so you could feel the heat of his skin against your cheek. 
As his warmth broke through the icy surface that suffocated your entire body, your mind started to clear. It started to wake up.
And when it did all you could see was his wide, golden-brown eyes searching yours with a fire you’d seen a few times before. Once when you’d been separated from him and his brother for a week on a particularly stressful journey and the other when your village was attacked and your sisters were taken. Each time, he looked as though he was looking at the sun for the first time. 
At the time, you didn’t understand, or perhaps you didn’t let yourself understand. You understood now what that fire meant. 
He was, and would always be, your shelter. 
Like magnets, you somehow were drawn together still, despite already being impossibly close. The air between you was hot with your breathing. Everything seemed to stand still, from the raging winds outside to the racing heart inside your chest. 
Neither of you said a word, an entire conversation held simply in the lock of your gazes. 
Kili’s hand cradled the back of your head, laying it against his chest. You felt the soft, sweet warmth of his lips on your forehead. 
Despite the hauntings of your mind, your heart gave you leave to rest in the strength and comfort of Kili’s embrace, allowing both of you to slip back into the persistent reach of slumber. 
The storm blocked the pass by morning and, without any equipment, there was no way to get over. It had all been for nothing. 
Fili found you halfway back down the mountain, the pony’s back covered with more supplies. 
“What happened to you two?” He asked.
“We couldn’t find them,” you snapped, hurrying ahead of both of them. 
Fili turned to his brother. 
Kili shook his head. 
Your party of three traveled until you found the nearest tavern and the boys made you stop for the night, watching exhaustion seep into your every step. 
Dinner was had in silence with an air hanging so thick that Fili felt he would choke on it. He could never imagine the two of you fighting- he knew that his brother would never forgive himself if he ever hurt you. But he also knew Kili’s true feelings towards his best friend and Fili couldn’t help but wonder if something had been revealed while he was gone. 
“We’ll start up toward the northern villages in a few days,” Kili said. “It’ll give us some time to rest, regroup, and plan.” 
You stared at your plate. “What’s the point?” 
Both turned to you. 
Kili’s eyes softened. “Y/N, you don’t mean that.”
“They’re gone, Kili.” You blinked back tears. “We could search until the end of time and we still wouldn’t find them.”
“Then to the end of time we will look because I am not giving up,” he insisted. His dark eyes took on that glimmer from last night, igniting something within you. 
Your nightmare wasn’t the only thing that frightened you. 
“I’m going to my room,” you said, pushing away from the table. Your form disappeared up the stairs with the gaze of both princes trailing after you. 
Kili sighed, running his fingers through his long, dark hair. 
“You just going to let her go?” Fili scoffed. 
“What would you have me do?” 
Fili shook his head and took a drink of his ale. 
Kili narrowed his eyes. “What?”
His brother raised a brow. “Y/N is the most stubborn, persistent, devoted woman I’ve ever met. She isn’t giving up on looking for her sisters. She’s worried about continuing the search with us.” 
“What?” Kili exclaimed. “What are you talking about?”
“Kili, brother,” Fili sighed. “I’m saying maybe my absence was exactly the two of you needed and you’re both still avoiding what I’ve seen for as long as we’ve known Y/N.” He finished off his ale and snatched Kili’s away before he could protest. “Now go talk to her.” 
Kili swallowed, staring at the steps. It took one final shove from his brother to actually get him to stand up and move. 
As he ascended the stairs, Kili thought about everything Fili had said. What did he mean, his absence was what you two needed? What did he know that Kili didn’t? 
Of course, the younger prince knew exactly what his brother meant. He’d always known, even when he didn’t know how to admit it. But waking up in that tent, the panicked thoughts of you out in the storm, alone, the terror of losing you to the ice and snow, and holding you in his arms to keep you warm all revealed exactly what had been in his heart all these years. 
He loved you. 
Perhaps Fili was right. 
Maybe it was time to finally tell you. 
Kili found your room and stood before it for a good long while. He tried raising his hand to knock, but he was just… frozen in place. 
What if this was a mistake? 
What if decades of friendship fell apart in this moment?
What if-
The door opened and his heart stopped. 
You startled back at the sight of his big brown eyes. The eyes you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about. The ones you wanted to get lost in and never be found. And he was there, waiting for you. 
You both opened your mouths to speak and stopped, waiting for the other person, leaving you both in a tense silence. The same tension from the tent. The one that drew you together, closer and closer. 
“Kili, I-”
His lips caught yours, silencing the words you still weren’t sure how to say. You let your hands tangle in his hair, pulling him closer, closer still if that was even possible. Every moment, every breath from the last few days had been leading to this. And all either of you could think was one word. 
And as Fili watched you pull Kili into your room, kicking the door closed behind him, he was thinking the same thing. 
“Finally,” he muttered, shaking his head as he went to his room, glad to have it to himself for a change. 
Kili’s lips brushed against your forehead, the rest of your body completely tangled with his. Your arms wrapped around his bare chest, your legs wound between his, and your head was tucked under his chin. Your naked skin burned against each other but you never wanted it to stop. 
And between every sigh, every pleasured cry or whispered word came one phrase. I love you. 
He said it again, now. “I love you.” 
You turned to look up at him. Into those eyes. The gaze that captured you more and more every time. 
“And I you,” you said, kissing his collarbone, then his jaw, then finally his lips. “I have loved you ever since you taught me to shoot an arrow through the apples on our tree.” 
Kili grinned, deepening the kiss and moving so his face hovered over yours. 
“I’m still not giving up, you know,” he whispered. “We will find your sisters. And we will do it together.”
You wrapped a brown curl around your finger and nodded. 
“I know. Before, I was just… scared.” You turned your head away. “That storm took me to a place I don’t want to go again.”
Kili laid a hand on your cheek, bringing your eyes back to his. “I’ll keep you safe.” He kissed your forehead again. “I promise.” 
After letting the seriousness of your words settle for a moment, you grinned mischievously and rolled so that you straddled him. 
“We should have tried this sooner,” you smirked. 
Kili laughed and rolled again, putting him back above you. “It’s certainly a good way to stay warm.”
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
as someone who also thinks aidan deserves more apprietiation, can you do one where the reader has really cold hand all the time and he has to warm them up? orrr same cold handed reader suddenly has warm hands and he's like ".....wtF?! warming your hand was MY job dummy 🙄😥...wait who did it for you?!"
Lover's hands
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Pairing: Aidan x fem reader
Summary: Aidan's out of town and he's expecting to come back and find everything just the way it was before but when he comes back he walks in on his worst nightmare, you replacing him…
Word count: 711
Warning: jealous Aidan, weird coworkers, reader has cold hands
Universe: celebrity
A/n: sorry for the wait hope you like it though
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤️
The winter was extremely cold and you were glad you had Aidan to keep you warm in more than one way. Whether it was kisses on your forehead from his warm lips as the air blew or hugs when you stood in places long or simply his hand holding yours to keep your fingers from becoming popsicles. he'd scolded you about forgetting your gloves but you still did, partially by accident and partially on purpose.
Something about his hand in yours as the sky rained snowflakes and the ground covered in a light coat of fluffy white Ice.
He'd been gone for a bit so your hands began to chill till you blew puffs of air against them.
It wasn't until your friend Matt from work offered you his hand teaching you a method to keep them warm. It was a foreign feeling having someone else keep your small hands warm because that was just… Aidan's thing.
When Aidan did finally come back he spotted you with Matt planning to surprise you. Aidan had a…neutral relationship with him. He didn't like him but tolerated him nevertheless because you worked with him and nothing he felt was worth you losing your job because you loved working at the small coffee shop. Matt was very flirty with you and Aidan noticed, even if you didn't.
For some reason you had self doubts no matter how many times Aidan tried to show you how he saw you through his eyes. As Aidan stepped closer he noticed your hands resting in Matt's as he gave you a grin, his blue eyes sparkling with mischievousness and his smile didn't seem as sweet as he tried to make it look… or maybe he was just jealous.
Aidan didn't exactly tell you that he admired his fingers being laced with yours but he'd hoped his slight squeezes and circle rubs meant something to you. He tried to mask his anger and hurt as he walked over making you smile and jump into him for a hug. He hugged you back thinking of what to say as you loosen your hold on him.
"You and Matt having fun?" he asked sarcastically, his voice dripping with jealousy
Great job Aidan.
Before words even got out from you Matt interjected.
"Yeah! isn't that right sunshine?" He said to you more than Aidan pressing a kiss to your cold hand. Aidan clenched his jaw
"I was teaching her a technique to keep her tiny little hands warm. She said you usually keep them warm but you weren't here, poor baby…so I taught her another way!" He grinned. Aidan looked over to you seeing your eyes filled with worry…or was it guilt.
"I think that's enough, I'll take it from here," Aidan said, reaching his hand out for yours. You nodded timidly, standing to your feet but matt locked his fingers with yours stopping you from leaving fully.
"Matt let go of my girlfriend's hand…now," Aidan urged but Matt ignored him, looking in your direction.
"Do you wanna go sunshine?" He asked, giving you puppy eyes but you nodded with a firm yes.
He let go still staring to the point where it turned creepy as Aidan walked you out of the store, his hand tucking yours and his in his coat pocket.
"So I see you and Matt were getting quite comfortable with each other," he announced.
"He's my co-worker Aidan."
"Yeah because people hold hands with their coworkers all the time!" He said, rolling his eyes.
"Aidan, are you upset I let matt keep my hands warm?" You teased, on the verge of laughter.
"Okay, Yes I was jealous! but that's my thing! it makes me feel like I'm showing you the small things you know? Caring if you're cold and what not," he confirmed. You giggled, making a slight smile pull at the corner of Aidan's lips.
"Aidan, I know you care about the little things which is why you're the one I trust with everything. And for the record Matt is a terrible hand warmer. I prefer my boyfriend's way," you said, looking forward.
Aidan smiled letting out a sigh, he didn't know why he was worried about it when he knew in the end you'd always choose him.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Blankets - Bishop Losa x Reader
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Tagging: @witches-unruly-heart @annetje @abby2 @danzer8705 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @the-wandering-lunatic @alwaysachorusgirl @vannabanana1995 @beardedbarba @multifandomloversworld @camelia35 @queeniesdiary @est1887 @lilvampirina @creativitybeware @genius2050 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @kishie8 @saltyunicorn079 @nessamc @spaghettificationandpretzels @nu1freakshow @lyly00 @oureternalbond @beccabarba
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When Bishop first meets you, he isn’t at his best. He’s exhausted, the stench of smoke and cordite clinging to his skin. He’s seen too much tonight; he just wants to go home and drink himself into oblivion, but he can’t because now there’s a kid involved that he has to do right by.
When he’d heard that there was a stash house in his backyard he was pissed. He thought the club had sent a clear message the last time Vatos Malditos had encroached on their territory, but apparently, he had been wrong. They’d expected drugs, a little smack, a couple of kilos of coke but they hadn’t expected the kid. He’d known they were into some dark shit but trafficking kids for sex…
Putting bullets in those animals had been way too fucking quick.
They’d found the kid cowering in the corner of a princess themed bedroom, nine years old he guessed, hair in pigtails, a schoolgirl’s uniform with a skirt that was far too short and a tie that was far too low. They’d tried talking to her in English and then in Spanish, it wasn’t until Bishop saw her hand gestures that he realised she was deaf. He couldn’t imagine how fucking terrifying that must have been, to be at the hands of monsters with no way to communicate, to have your voice stripped away from you. He knew a little sign language; he’d started learning when Aidan had been diagnosed with hearing difficulties.  He’s rusty has fuck but he manages to tell the girl she’s safe, that no one in this room is going to hurt her, she signs back to him quickly, too quicky and he has to hold his hands up so that she understands that he’s a novice.
He discovers her name is Mari and she sticks to him like glue after that. He’s forced to ride in the van with Creeper because she refuses to let him out of her sight.
It’s Coco that suggests taking her to the community centre. Stitches has been running a clinic out of there and knows the manager, she’s helped out in situations like this before. It’s a happy place he tells Bishop, kid friendly and they’ve been doing some great work in the community. He can’t stand the idea of just dropping Mari off at social services, so he has Creeper swing by.
You’re waiting by the front door when he arrives. It’s been a while since he has been by this way and the place has changed a lot. Shit has been going downhill since the Galindo Agra Park project stalled and it looks like you’ve stepped up, he notes the additional services that are now on offer. The clothing drives, the food banks, the pop-up children’s library…
All of these things make difference to people who are barely managing to keep themselves afloat.
He thinks he recognises you, but he can’t be sure, it might have been back after Aidan was born and he was taking him to the Tummy Time play sessions. Even back then he knows he would have noticed you. He’d been committed to Antonia, but there was definitely something about you.
“Thanks for helping out with this.” He says, shaking your hand. “I only know a little ASL.”
There’s a thrum of connection there, something he hasn’t felt in years. He almost pulls away, but he finds that he can’t bring himself too. You like him, he’s gruff but earnest. He could have dumped Mari at social services, but he chose to bring her here, to a place that hopefully she’ll feel safe so that you can find out more about her.
Mari refuses to venture anywhere without him, so he finds himself seated on a red bean bag in the children’s library, his motorcycle boots resting on a brightly coloured patchwork rug. It makes his chest ache being back here, it’s different than before but the memories of Aidan, they’re everywhere. When he sees the Gruffalo book, it almost feels like he can’t fucking breathe.
It’s the motion of your hands that distracts him. You’re sitting cross legged on the rug across from Mari, continuing a conversation in ASL. It’s moving too fast for him to follow, but he’s captivated by the flourish of your movements, the speed and grace in them. It’s clear that Mari’s impressed too. The kid has been withdrawn ever since they found her, now she’s animated and rapt. He figures it’s been a long time since anyone’s actually spoke to Mari in her language.
“She says she was brought here by her Uncle.” You tell him later on in the break room, your hands wrapped around a mug of coffee. “When he couldn’t pay his own fee, he traded her to pay off the rest.”
“Man, that’s fucked up.” He says, his gaze on the young girl curled up under a blanket on the couch. The kid is fast asleep, a stuffed lion clutched to her chest, it breaks his fucking heart. “What’ll happen to her?”
“I have a friend who works at a charity who deals with this sort of thing. She’ll be here in a couple of hours.” You told him with a grimace. “Sadly, it’s more common than you think.”
Bishop sags back in his chair, his head tilting back as he sighs. The world is a fucked up place and he knows that but tonight, somehow it feels a thousands times worse.
“Obispo.” You say his name quietly, your hand coming to rest upon his. It’s warm, your touch. He doesn’t expect it, part of him wants to yank his hand away because that brief moment of connection is too much. He’s been alone for such a long time, he’s forgotten what it feels like to have someone actually give a shit, about him, about the people around them. You could have told him to fuck off tonight, you could have called social services, stayed at home drinking a glass of wine or whatever you did to wind down, but you hadn’t. You’d stepped up and he fucking admired that. “You did a good thing tonight. If you hadn’t found her…”
You let the words trail off  because the truth is you can’t bring yourself to say it. He gets that, he doesn’t want to think about it either. He slouches down in his chair, arms crossing over this chest. It’s cold in here, colder than he thought it would be. You’re wearing a black sweatshirt with white stars over your jeans, it clings to your form in a way he tries not to notice. All he has on is a short-sleeved shirt and his kutte.
“I’ll stay until she gets here, your friend.” He says, his gaze coming to rest on Mari as he rubs his hands together to warm them. “I don’t want her to wake up scared.”
“Ok.” You tell him, before snatching up a blanket from the back of the second couch and handing it to him.
He shakes his head.
“I don’t need that.”
“You have goosebumps.” You point out, gesturing at his biceps. “I’m still working on getting the heating fixed but it’s a process…”
He fixes you with a stare, it’s meant to be a glower but you can see the exhaustion in his handsome features, how tired he is both mentally and physically. He’s stubborn, you shouldn’t like that, but you do. You set the blanket down in his lap. He huffs before rolling his eyes and shaking it out. You watch as he tucks it around his chest and upper body, drawing it up to his neck.
“I’m doing this because the heating’s out.” He tells you with a scowl.
“Not because it’s comfortable as fuck,” You summarise. “Yea I think I got it.”
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you busy yourself collecting the coffee cups and depositing them in the sink.
“You didn’t have to stay you know.” You tell him, glancing at him over your shoulder. “I can keep her company.”
Bishop tilts his head towards the little girl asleep on the couch, he remembers the way she clutched onto his kutte when he helped her to feet, how she refused to let go of his hand when they’d first stepped inside the community centre…
“Yea.” He said, closing his eyes as he hunkers down in the chair. “I do.”
Love Bishop? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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agentandreastark · 1 year
i saw your 18 fic with aidan and was wondering if you could do something where aidan just really likes the readers thighs, like not even in a sexual way, just 'omg so soft' and he like, traces her stretch marks when she wears shorts, really just fluff! you dont have to if you don't want to, thanks! :)
Oh yeah, sure! I'm sorry I wasn't able to reply before cause currently, school's been hectic. And I'm probably having the worst writers block ever. So this isn't my best work but u hope you like it!
My favourite part of you
Aidan gallagher X f!reader
You are insecure about your thigh, but then Aidan finds out.
After a long day of school, music was your place to go. Normally, it would have been your 6-month boyfriend, Aidan, but he was away for work. And so here you were in the kitchen cooking Pasta for lunch as you swayed your body to the music, singing along with the artist and occasionally even acting as though you were in the music video.
'Thank god I'm home alone,' you thought as you drained the pasta and put it into a bowl to make the roux. Suddenly, arms wrapped around your waist, causing you to yelp and kick. Soon, you were set on the counter and face to face with the person you expected to see the least. "Aidan!" You smiled widely and put your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "I missed you so much," you mumbled into his shoulder before pulling away and giving him a peck on the lips.
"So much for missing me cause, ouch." He remarked, rubbing his knee where you initially kicked him, causing you to sheepishly smile. "You could've warned me." You jumped off the counter. Aidan smiled. "I think the world's going to end! You? MY GIRLFRIEND? Wearing shorts?!" He gasped dramatically, putting a hand to his chest. Your smile immediately dropped as you looked down. This was terrible. Oh god, no.
You were always insecure about your thighs. They were so big and had stretch marks on them. Which was not something often seen as beautiful in this society.
'What if Aidan feels the same way?' And so you did the first thing that came to mind. You took your dad's apron -which itself was big enough to cover part of your thighs - and wrapped it around yourself.
"Hey, hey. What are you doing?" He looked at you wide eyed.
"Doing what?" You asked turning around to take the flour.
"That." He pointed to the apron and continued. "Covering yourself up? Are you uncomfortable with me? I totally understand, and I do respect-"
"No, Aidan, no, I'm not uncomfortable with you. Of course not, " you turned keeping the flour on the shelf.
"Then -" He sighed, realising what the issue was "Love please don't tell me you're insecure." You stayed silent for a while. Aidan then walked behind you and untied the knot of the apron and took it off you. He picked you up by the waist, setting you down on the counter, "What exactly are you insecure of darling? This?" He touched your thigh softly. "This is something you shouldn't be insecure of love. They are so soft." he smiles widely, looking at you with loving eyes." Besides, women have bigger thighs so that they can carry a life in them, and when they do, it might cause their legs to collapse. We dont want that, right? So instead, their tighs support them. " You nodded slowly, looking back at him." So you don't find my stretch marks disgusting?" You asked softly, waiting for his answer. In your previous relationship, your ex had always told you to cover up because he couldn't bear seeing your stretch marks. "Of course not, darling. Why would they? They remind me of the sea shore, so very pretty." He traced them, looking mesmerised. God, this boy was only making you fall for him even harder. He bent down and kissed every mark, making you laugh since it was ticklish. "You're thighs are my favourite part now," He picked up, causing you to squeal. "Put me down, Gallagher!" He laughed as he kissed your forehead. "Nope." "Why?" You said, kicking your legs in the air. "Cause I want the whole world to see just how beautiful you are." And with that, he walked out of the door with you in his arms.
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lillylvjy · 7 months
And i could be (anything you need)
a/n// finally part 2! Lord this took longer to put out but I’ve been busy busy, so pleaseee enjoy this, it’s a little funky…. But self indulgent so not surprised.
warnings// making out, arguing, yelling?, confessions, Wilma being kinda a bitch but she’s also stubborn so, Wilbur’s a cockblock!, reader has a brother.
edited: barely.
wc// 1.7k
wilma gold x reader, wilma gold x gn!reader
Go read part 1
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“You had sex?!”
“Can you be quiet?!” You quickly placed your hand against your brothers mouth as your eyes widened.
“Who had sex and with who?” You heard Wil race down the steps as he came into the kitchen.
“Great, look what you did!” You sighed as you placed your head against the kitchen counter, hiding yourself from the two men in front of you.
“Oh shush, he was going to find out sooner rather than later.” Aidan said as he hit your shoulder, Wil coming around the island and wrapping his arms around your brother.
“What’s going on?” Wil asked yet again, as you lifted your head up and sighed.
“Wanna tell him?” Aidan raised his eyebrow at you as you groaned and started walking around the kitchen.
“Jesus I’m so stupid, yet she was so captivating! Like all she had to do was look at me and bam! On my knees in seconds-“
“Shush, they’re getting there.” Aidan gently placed a hand on his arm as he watched with an amused smile as you paced and spoke out loud.
“And like, it would make it better if she was bad, but fucking hell, she practically changed my life last night.” You ranted as you moved your arms around, exasperating everything that you said.
“Ok, what are you talking about?” Wilbur asked as you ran your hands through your hair and sighed.
“Wil?!” You heard a familiar voice shout from the front door, eyes widening and panic taking over.
“Seems like I’m about to find out.”
“Oh my god-“
“This is about to get good!” Aidan exclaimed as he let go of Wil’s hand and comes over to you, gently pushing you to the dining table, sitting you down on the chair that was pulled out.
“I need to hide.” You said in a whisper as you frantically looked around and got ready to launch yourself up, stopping when you felt Aidan’s hand on your arm.
“You’ll be fine. Just stay here, hear her out, maybe have a little love confession, and bam! You’re all good!” Aidan exclaimed as he smiled down at you.
“Good?! I could barely face a conversation with her when we just “hated” each other, and now after we- this is not going to go well.” You said in a whisper as Wil left to go get his sister, internally panicking as time passed.
A couple seconds pass as you heard footsteps make their way to the kitchen in a hurry, Wil trying to calm the woman down as you tried to hide yourself in any way you could.
“Wil, I really need you to-“ Her words stopped as she saw you sitting at the dining table, mouth open and staring at you as you look down at the floor. “What are they doing here?”
You scoff at her words as you looked up at her with hard eyes, softly shaking your head. “Really? So we’re back to status quo?”
“Yup ok! That’s our queue Wil-“
“Wait what?!”
“Fucking go!” Aidan harshly whispered as he pushed Wilbur out of the kitchen. You watched as they quickly left, then returned your gaze to the women in front of you.
She had a white sweater on with a black turtle neck underneath for extra warmth, baggy blue jeans on with wool socks. You frowned at the cloth covering her neck but quickly went back to a straight face as she furrowed her brows at you.
“What do you mean ‘status quo’?” Wilma asked as she crossed her arms and looked at you with as much confusion as she could muster.
You sighed as rubbed your face with your hands. “This. Us. Are we just going to continue to hate each other? Or are we going to be honest with each other for once?” You asked her as you stood up from the chair and made your way towards her.
Wilma shook her head as she looked at the floor, “What do you mean?! Aren’t we always honest?! That’s why we hate each other, yes?”
You scoff as you walk around the island and stood across from her. “So you’re saying, what we did last night didn’t mean anything to you? You didn’t feel anything?”
Wilma’s expression softened as she heard the genuine hurt in your words, hating how much it effected her after she put up so many walls. She knew something like this would happen and change how you both acted and felt, she just didn’t know it’d turn to this.
“I didn’t say that.”
“But you’re acting like it!”
“Maybe because I’m afraid that you don’t feel the same and it’s taking all of me to keep it together and not walk over there and kiss you!”
Everything was silent. Maybe it was the snow absorbing all the sound around you outside, or maybe it was because you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know what to think, you just stood there staring at her, soaking in her confession like it was a fresh body of water and you jumped right in.
Wilm just stared at you, eyes hard as her lips pursed and waited for you to speak, or to say anything. Just a word or even a sigh.
“Say something.”
“Why don’t you come over and kiss me instead?”
Wilma’s eyes widened as those words came out of your mouth and into the steady air. You wanted her to actually kiss you? Like… on the lips?
Once she saw your eyes soften and and fill with want and longing, she knew you meant it. Her feet thought for her as she started to move around the counter towards you. Turning to face her, your back against the counter, in a blink of an eye, lips were placed roughly on yours as hands gripped and pulled at your waist. Your hands lifted from your sides and you placed your arms around her neck and tangled your hands in her hair and pulled when needed.
Groaning into your mouth, Wilma moved her hands down your body to the back of your thighs and lifted you up to sit on the counter. Wrapping your legs around her waist as she moved closer and closer until she was flushed against you.
The kiss quickly escalated as Wilma’s kisses moved down and turned into bites as her lips met your neck, making marks over the ones that were already there, whining and whimpering as she did.
“Don’t have sex in our kitchen, please and thank you!” You heard Wilbur whisper from the hallway.
“Have you guys been there the whole time?!” You yell out to the couple Wilma hid her face in your neck.
You heard footsteps approach the kitchen with a sigh, revealing Aidan dragging Wil with him. “Yes we were, but only to make sure nothing bad happened but, seems like we’re all good so, we’ll be over in the living room if you need us! And yes, please don’t have sex in our kitchen, if you need to theirs like 4 other rooms you can use with beds!” Aidan yelled as he dragged Wil yet again into the living room, leaving you and Wilma to your own devices.
Giggling, the hand in Wilms hair started to rub and run through as she left small pecks on your neck. “So?”
“Does the Wilma Gold have a crush on me?” You asked her as you lifted her head by cupping her chin your your hand.
“Hmm maybe, what about it?” She asked as you smiled at her and kissed her nose.
“Hmm what if I told you that I have a little crush on you, Miss Gold?” You asked as she raised an eyebrow at you and leaned closer.
“Well first I’d ask if your being honest,”
“Which I am-“
“Yeah yeah, I know! I can tell when you lie trust me darling.”
“Wait what-“
“Ah! Let me finish. Then I would ask if your free this Saturday after the market so I could either take you out to a restaurant or make you some dinner. And if you were and it went well, maybe I’ll ask you to be my girlfriend.” Wilma finishes off as she rubs her hands up and down your thighs and waist, caressing as much as she can while she leaves little kisses on your face and neck, never getting enough of you.
“Hmm and what if I said yes to all of those things?” You asked as you caressed her cheek with your thumb, lifting her face to look at you directly.
“The rest is for the future love. We let future us worry about that.” Wilma said as she lifted you off the counter and placed you on the ground. “Though, if you did say yes to being my girlfriend we may have a repeat of last night.”
“Hmm than just ask me now-“
“Ok are you guys done being horny and in love? I’m hungry and I want to make breakfast.” Wilbur came into the kitchen with a slightly annoyed Aidan behind.
“He’s worse than me.” Aidan mumbled out for only you and Wilma to hear as he goes over to help Wil. You both laugh at the passing comment as Wilma let go of you and took your hand to lead you around the island to her previous spot.
Wrapping her arms around your waist, she rest her head on your shoulder as you both watched the two in front of you bake, holding onto her linked hands.
“I love you, you know that right?” Wilma whispered to you as you rested your head against hers.
“Mhm, and I love you.”
taglist// @mysticalsoot @saccharinesunset @maxx-is-dumb12
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jweekgoji · 2 years
Idk if ur comfy with it but could we maybe get yan!viktor x reader x yan!five BUT it’s poly yanderes? Or if ur not comfy with five/viktor they’re just sharing reader platonically, but they’re still really close.
I just think it makes sense since viktor and five are kind of the two Hargreeves who get along and seem to like each other the best (and there has been some shippy implications esp with Aidan himself stating that he doesn’t view them as entirely platonic)
Viktor is def a v understated Yandere and I think he doesn’t really engage in a lot of Yandere behavior himself asides from maybe some stalking so I think where he shines as a Yandere is his complacency or cooperation with another, more severe Yandere— aka Five
Because Viktor, of course, would never dream of kidnapping you, but if Five is doing it— well, Viktor is never going to go against Five.
Esp since in a scenario with a Yandere Five some of his Yandere-ness probably effects how he interacts with other people he cares about— which is mostly Viktor, so in that sense Viktor is sort of a darling himself.
Viktor can really gain the trust and affection of the darling easily because the darling views Viktor as more of a fellow victim than a perpetrator, even if Viktor is actively cooperating with Five. It can lead to a sort of bad cop/good cop dynamic where Viktor slowly breaks down readers walls and feeds back information to Five.
And Five, who of course loves Viktor as well as reader, isn’t jealous because he wants reader to love Viktor too, and because this will eventually lead to reader learning to love him.
Again, totally fine if it’s platonic, I just want to have them both share darling. Yanderes are a lot scarier when they work together!!!
Yandere!Five x Reader x Yandere!Viktor
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interesting request I must say, I really like the idea of Five and Viktor work as a team to get what they want. okay so I want to make a few warnings. I was very interested in your idea, I like it, but I want to add something from myself. I hope you don't mind? great, so Five&Reader& Viktor here are the same age (physically). I'm not the best with adding warnings but I will try to make them very accurate.
Viktor, Five and Reader in their 20s.
warnings: yandere/dark themes, kidnaping, some Five x Viktor mentions(?), really sweet Viktor but he gets intimidating in one part, really scary guy Five, angst, no happy ending (for reader at least), mention of pills/drugs, light references to past traumas, everything here is done against reader`s will, controlling Five, Five can be abusive towards reader.
I don't know how you managed to get the attention of these two...But good luck.
Relationships with Five and Viktor are like a rollercoaster ride. Today, these two can be such a sweethearts with you and tomorrow, Five can find any reason just so you can be punished, while Viktor will try his best to convince him not to do this.
You quickly shook your head, refusing the food Five offered to you. He sat across from you, taking a few pieces of food on fork before presenting it to you. You kept your mouth shut, holding on tightly to the edge of the table in an attempt to push back as far away from it as possible before Five grabbed your hand, holding you tightly in your seat.
“Come on, I've been cooking this damn food since morning, have a little respect-” he frowns, pressing the fork closer to your lips, but you were stubborn and only whimpered softly. 
Viktor was on your other side, holding a plate of food, helping 5 to feed you. He notices Five's eye twitching in irritation and Vik tried to lighten up the mood. 
“Please, darling, have a bite, it's really delicious,” Viktor smiles sweetly, hoping you'll listen, but instead you ignore him, pushing Five's hand away from you. 
Viktor twitches slightly in surprise and his attention is quickly focused on Number Five, waiting for his reaction. A small sigh comes from Five and he closes his eyes for a moment, mentally counting to 10. 
“Well that was pretty rude,” he says surprisingly calmly, until he suddenly grabs your arm, dragging you out of the room.
Viktor quickly gets up right behind you, clearly nervous but still trying to stop 5 from doing what he's about to do. He stands in front of Five, blocking his path, which causes a disapproving reaction from the other man. 
“Stay out of this,” he says sternly, narrowing his eyes. 
“Five, stop, you're hurting them,” Viktor shakes his head, standing still and Five almost rolls his eyes at this behavior, obviously not happy with the fact that situation already took for them longer than it has to be. 
Blink, and Five, still dragging you with himself, now appears a few steps away from Viktor. 7 turns around immediately, looking offended and about to protest again, until Five interrupts him, pushing you into the room and locking you up. After a moment, he turns around, walking past Viktor. 
“I did what I had to,” 5 patted him gently on the shoulder, sighing tiredly. “Come on, Vik, let's have a drink.”
I actually agree with what you say that Viktor is too gentle and kind to you, he is partly the hostage of this situation, but if you really piss off Viktor by acting like Leonard, then oh, poor you. Viktor won't kill you, no, but this man is unpredictable. He can accidentally hurt you, for example, like with Allison, or he will might try to act intimidating as with Marcus. Trust me, Viktor is not as innocent as you might think.
If you make Viktor angry, it will be extremely difficult for you to calm him down. It can only stop in two cases. 1) You will be so scared that you will find protection in hands of Number Five. 2) Viktor hurt you and only then he realize how far he has gone.
Five will be very surprised by your behavior, given that before the roles were reversed, when Five was angry at you, you always hid behind Viktor`s back. But right now...Well, if you deserve punishment - Five won`t save you.
You're shaking like a leaf, hands holding on dear life at man's jacket, as if you'd probably die if you let go. Your breathing is unstable and you try to make your figure as small as possible, wanted to hide and become invisible. Tears form in your eyes and Five at first frowns, raising an eyebrow at your behavior. 
“What did you do this time?” he asks, tilting his head. 
You swallow hard before telling the reason for your fight with Viktor. Five remains silent for a while as he just looks at you, listening to the whole story, then he sighs heavily, clearly tired. Five wanted to spend this day without any troubles, rest and relax, and not become a third party in conflict. 
“Your lucky that I love you too much,” he grumbles, putting his hand on your head and gently, almost reassuringly petting you. 
You nod and hold onto him tighter when you hear footsteps outside the door before Viktor enters. His face doesn't show anger, more like disappointment that you see some kind of monster in him. Viktor is not a bad guy, he just wants to talk. He's sorry if you were afraid of his outburst, he didn't want to hurt you, but you should understand him too, you should have learned all the rules a long time ago after all this time you spent with them. Viktor's eyes widen slightly as he sees you trembling and almost crying in Five's arms and it hurts him so much to see that, knowing that he's the reason of it. His attention then shifts to Five, who looked like he was expecting an explanation from his expression.
“I'm really sorry-” Viktor says, taking a step towards you and your reaction was to instantly hide behind Number Five with your head down. 
Words stuck in Viktor's throat and he doesn't know what to say at all, just looks at Five, begging for help with this. It's so unfair, he thinks, that once again people don't trust him and Viktor's heart hurts, like he's back in cage that Reginald built for him. Five placed a hand on your shoulder, gently pushing you forward so you could get closer to Viktor and you whimpered softly, resisting weakly. Eventually, you are back next to him and you notice 5 leaning slightly towards you.
“Come on, give him a second chance, honey,” he says calmly, but it sounds more like a demand than a request. 
Knowing Five, you couldn't say no to him, because dealing with two angry kidnappers meant twice as much trouble, so you finally looked at Viktor, who was waiting for your decision. You hesitantly took a few steps towards him and wrapped your arms around his waist, which causes a sigh of relief from V. Viktor hugs you back, resting his chin on your shoulder as he smiled slightly at Five, silently thanking him for his help.
But I have another little scenario, but it's not really nice and happy for you. As I said, Five may not help you if you beg him for it. You can cry into his chest, promise him that now you will be obedient, but he will only shake his head, not changing his mind about the situation in any way. He pats you on the head and goes back to his business, like reading some newspaper or drinking coffee, looking calm and relaxed, despite the fact that you are ready to burst into tears right in front of him. “You know the rules, sweetheart,” he says without looking up from his reading. “But I am not your helper in this, here you are on your own.”
As for the rules, I think it would be something like: “don't mention Reginald Hargreeves in this house”, “talk about Delores either well or don`t mention here at all”, “don't talk about Leonard” and most importantly “respect the past traumas of 5 and 7". I think some of these points would have been made by either Viktor or Five, but for example Viktor would tell you about Delores and Five would tell you about incident with Leonard. The rest of the rules you could come up with yourself, given that it's not so hard to guess by noticing their reaction, so you have adapted to this and understand when it needs to be silent.
Viktor and Five get along very well and you can tell by the way they treat each other. You may be some random person that the two fell in love with, and you probably don't know much about the Hargreeves childhood, other than that they were members of the Umbrella Academy and were bought by Reginald, who was also a pretty shitty person at all when it came to kids. When you hurt 5 or 7, with your words, Five will be clearly angry, he might punish you if you did something really bad, but at some point he will stop and just leave you, coming to Viktor to calm down and talk about it. Viktor often acts as the one who helps you and 5 make up and you should be very grateful that in your life, there is Viktor, otherwise everything would be worse.
I love writing about 5 as someone with anger control issues, but that's kind of not true. Five is pretty good at it, he can stay sane and cold when he needs to. He is patient with Viktor and doesn't snap back when Viktor gets stubborn and doesn't listen to him. He tolerates when Luther or Allison accuse him of being the cause of all the trouble. And now you are part of the Number Five`s family and he is ready to do anything for you, but know that each person has his own limits.
If you're part of the Hargreeves too, then I imagine you can be very close at 5 and 7 since childhood. You may be the second only person in Viktor's life who made his time at the Academy a little brighter. For Five, you can play the same role as Viktor , but unlike Viktor, your abilities are not kept in secret, you are strong and can stand up for yourself and for Viktor too in case of emergency, so Five, before, didn`t saw you as weak and fragile, therefore less thought about the fact that you need his protection. I see 5 as a child as the current Sparrow Ben, hungry for praise and recognition but more rebellious than submissive, 5 is really motivated to get what he wants. 5 spent most of his time at the Academy practicing trying to get better, his room is empty unlike yours or Viktor's, but I believe you and Viktor would fix that. As you get older and the two work together, 5 will begin to see your abilities as a hindrance, since obviously you'll use them to harm Viktor or Five, worse yet, your abilities can be dangerous for you as well. It's honestly hard to imagine what Five would do in this case, he doesn't want to use the same pills that Reginald was giving Viktor, it's a traumatic experience for Viktor and he doesn't want to make him go through the same thing twice, but Five used to be in the role of bad guy when he just wants to save his loved ones. Viktor also doesn't want to see you locked up, you don't deserve it, you remind him of his young self, in the same gray soundproof cage. This seriously hurts him. But Five knows that he need to be the one who makes the toughest decisions. Five believes that Viktor will forgive him, just as you forgive him. Not like you  have any other choice.
If Five notices that Viktor can become a serious problem, like how soft he becomes towards you, practically a few steps away to help you escape, then 5 will have to warn him. You will probably feel a little sorry for Viktor, well, he is also guilty, he is one of the reason why you in this situation, but if you choose between 5 and 7, then you would with no doubt choose 7, because you are more likely to get along with him. Seeing that Viktor and you are in a similar situation makes you warm up to him and it`s on hand for this two.
Viktor rubs his eyes, still half asleep as he walks into the kitchen. He smells  something delicious and it makes him smile slightly as he opens the door, just to find Five preparing breakfast.
“You're pretty early today, Five,” Viktor says, moving closer to Five to make some coffee. 
“Someone has to look after your lazy asses,” Five replies sarcastically as he continues to chop up the food.
This comment makes Viktor chuckle softly and take a cup of coffee and sit down at the table, silently watching Five. The silence between the two was pleasant and calm, without making it uncomfortable. Viktor relaxes in his seat and wonders how the day will go. You've been so nice lately and it made Viktor smile shyly to himself just by remembering it. It was still hard for you to trust 5 and Viktor tried so hard that you could love Five as much as he did. When Five was busy with work, Viktor would spend all his free time with you, talking about different things, until at one point the dialogue would turn to the fact that Viktor mentioned how hard 5 works for you, that he saved the world twice in order to be able to live peaceful life together. Viktor blinks several times, focusing again on Five, who is now carefully grinding the pill into a powder, then pouring it onto the plate of food. 
“Five, please don't tell me it is…” Viktor freezes in place in disbelief. 
“I`m not going to lie to you, but it is,” Five nods, still focused on work. “And it's different. This one will actually help this time.”
Viktor looks at Five with shock, right now he feels a lot of emotions and it`s makes him struggle not to break. He feels angry when he finds out that 5 kept it in secret from him, that he is doing this to you, then he feels a slight fear, afraid that one day, Five will try to use it on Viktor himself. He feels so bad, as if there is not enough air in his chest, and noticing Viktor's suspicious silence, Five finally approaches him, placing a plate in front of 7, he puts his hands on Viktor's shoulders, leaning down slightly. 
“It'll be all right, I promise, leave the hardest part to me,” 5 smiles, trying to calm the other man in front of him. “Now why don’t you take this plate and wake our little sleepyhead?”
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liseenle · 2 years
ANGST and FLUFF Steve Harrington x reader
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: Steve and Y/n are in love, but are both idiots who don’t communicate
A/N: don’t know if I like this. Based on Tripping over air (Aidan Bissett)
> Masterlist
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Steve was sleeping peacefully, Y/n by his side. But it soon happened, as it had happened many times before, that he was awoken by the girl’s stirring in her sleep. She was once again talking to herself, mumbling words that had no meaning, except for a name being repeated over and over again. Eddie.
Steve’s heart always hurt, hurt for her friend who had been broken up with, and hurt for himself too, who was in love but had no possibilities at all. But still, he could never look away from her in those moments, he could never get enough of what was going on in her head. He wanted to know her, he craved for her deepest thoughts and feelings, yet he was always just a human, a young boy, not allowed to know more than what she led on. So he watched over her, as she navigated through another nightmare.
The only thing he knew for certain was that, while she was always dreaming of her ex-boyfriend, Steve was actually only thinking about her. Always. Perpetually. Irremediably. And he wanted to tell her so bad, but he knew how it would completely change, possibly forever, their friendship. And he knew he rather have her just like that, that in no way at all.
It hurt, he knew that his heart and soul craved for much more than just that, but he also knew that shecould never fall in love with a boy like him. She liked boys who played guitar, their arms covered in tattoos, who drove beat up cars. She loved the instability of it all, he always thought. And he knew he was nothing and had nothing of the sort. He knew, she was only ever made to break his heart, and now he was twisted up in his own feelings, with no way out.
On the other hand or, shall we say, on the other side of that same bed, slept a girl who wouldn’t have disagreed more with Steve’s thoughts, had she known. Y/n dreamt often of Eddie, yes, but not in the way Steve imagined. She dreamt sometimes of arguing with her ex, sometimes of becoming friends again. But it was never in a lover’s way. They had broken up because, well, although they loved each other, they had soon understood that it was more in a friendly kind of way. And, most importantly, they had both understood that they were in love with other people. Y/n’s lover boy being none other than her best friend Steve.
She didn’t know when it had started. She sometimes supposed it started when he saved her from a Demogorgon, a few years back. But, in honesty, she actually felt that it only ever bloomed when it was too late for anything to ever happen, when he started  screwing around with other girls. She had soon understood, as she saw him take girl after girl to the cinema or to the restaurant, that what she felt was also jealousy. Jealousy for the girls that had been asked out, for  those who had the chance of knowing him in the way that was forbidden to her. So the night she slept, she told Eddie all about her doomed love, they argued and made peace and every morning she was sure she was going to tell Steve everything, but it never happened.
She loved sleeping by his side. She felt these were the only moments she had him truly for herself. And there was something… something about knowing him in the most vulnerable moments one can have, that made her heart skip a beat. And that, at least for the moment being, would be enough for her.
It was a Saturday night in the late of October, the light had faded faster than usual, and Hawkins was getting colder and colder, as Y/n waited under a coated sky. Steve was never late for their weekly appointments, but this time he was. And he had been for nearly an hour, at that point.
She had awaited him patiently, thinking she might have messed up the time, thinking maybe he had gotten stuck at work. But hoping he would, in the end, come around.
But he hadn’t. So Y/n took her bag and walked home, even though it was a bit late, a bit chilly, and a bit far away.
She was feeling angry, but mostly vulnerable: left alone with her thoughts, she was thinking once again that it was maybe time to move on, because to look for love where it could only hurt wasn’t right.
Each step she took, the more she grew convinced, as if it had been the fresh temperature to finally unlock this awareness in her.
It will hurt, she told herself, to not only lose him as a possibility, but also as a friend. But in the long run, she tried to repeat herself, it would be for the best. For the both of us.
As she slowly went on, behind her grew the sound of a car, moving fast through the night, stopping suddenly right beside her. The windscreen rolled down and there she was staring right into Harrington’s eyes, eyes full of a shared sadness and anxiousness.
“Why didn’t you wait for me?” He asked her, pleading. But Y/n remained silent, an anger unknown to her growing more and more inside of her, mixed up with a broken and sad heart. The perfect cocktail for a disaster.
“All right, if you’re not going to talk to me at least let me take you home”
“What is “home” to you?”
“I don’t know” he shrugged “maybe you could come to my place like we had planned”
“No, Steve, I’m not coming with you, I prefer walking to my own home”
Steve felt his blood turning cold as he realised that it was worse than he thought. Y/n wasn’t going to let this go.
“No come on Y/n I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be late… I just…”
“You forgot. Say it Steve. I don’t care that you forgot, I don’t care”
“Then why are you so angry at me?”
“Because Steve. You don’t respect me. You don’t care about me. You just care about yourself and your numerous girlfriends. You were always so self-absorbed that you didn’t even ever notice me in the first place”
“What are you saying Y/n?” He asked her slowly
“I’m saying there’s nothing more to discuss between the two of us. The matter is settled. I don’t want you in my life. Not anymore”
And with that she resumed walking towards her house, now growing in view just at the end of a still rather long street.
Steve couldn’t manage. He already knew that he couldn’t way before it had actually happened, but now his heart had been broken for real. It had not mattered how many layers he had used to protect himself, it had not mattered how he had cared for her, now she was walking away from him and so many things had been left unsaid between the two of them. For instance, Steve wished he had had the possibility of explaining himself.
The truth was Steve had gone to Eddie that night, told him how he felt and told him how Y/n was still in love with Eddie. But what he hadn’t known, as he sacrificed his feelings so that his best friend’s could be nourished, was that he had gotten it all wrong. Eddie laughed in his face, and calmly explained to him that he wasn’t the one whom Y/n loved. But that rather it was Steve himself.
He hadn’t believed it, not truly, until he reached Y/n down that road and she had walked away from him and their relationship. Only then, had he really understood what Eddie had tried to tell him.
But he wouldn’t let her go. No. Not now that they had a possibility. He sped once more through the night, quickly catching up to the only girl he had ever truly loved.
“Leave me alone” she kept telling him.
But no, Steve wouldn’t hear any of it. He turned off the car, leaving it in the bloody middle of the road and ran up to her.
His hand swiftly took hers, making her turn on the spot. She had been crying hard, and Steve felt the necessity to clean away those tears with his fingers, but when he tried to do so she avoided him.
“Don’t try to fool me Harrington. I can’t take it anymore”
“I’m not trying to Y/n” he told her seriously.
“Steve this is bad. Us…” she told him pointing between the two of them “…we are bad together.”
“What do you mean why? I’m here waiting for you as you fuck somebody else, I’m in love with you while the only thing that you’re capable of doing is to delude me. You give me affection but only just as much, and then you swing away once more into the arms of some girl that only ever likes you for your looks. This isn’t working. I want more, more than just a stupid friendship but you could never give that to me, no, I understand that now” Y/n’s eyes began to water again, but in reality she felt numb, the cold had crept inside of her and made her heart go cold too. It couldn’t hurt more than it had already done, she told herself. This, this was the limit one’s heart could take.
Steve looked deep in those amber eyes, swimming in them to find their core, to see the truth in Y/n’s soul. And as he did, he did find that everything she told him, that everything Eddie told him, was true.
He couldn’t keep himself any longer. He plunged to her, seeking oxygen as if his lungs had stopped working, his lips intertwining with hers in the most desperate but passionate kiss.
And they stayed there for a while, cars passing by trying to avoid Steve’s car in the middle of the road, the chilling wind caressing their hair and the night showing them a new path they could lead, together.
“I’m no good with words, not like you. But damn me if I don’t love you. I tried to find you in every girl I’ve ever kissed, but no one was even close to be as pretty and wonderful as you. I always played it cool, because i didn’t want to get it wrong. But now I know and I can tell you, how much I truly love you Y/n Y/l/n.”
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callsignmuse · 2 years
Pairing: Miles Teller x oc Reader
Summary: You’re on set filming when a migraine strikes in the middle of a scene
Request: Yes
Author’s Note: Requested that oc reader was sick on set but since I know migraines a little too well I chose that! 
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You had been feeling a little off all day long. A tad bit moody even a little sluggish. But here you stood trying to finish your work day as you stood on set. You took a deep breath trying to center yourself. This scene took a lot out of you. You had gotten yelled at for one and doing that over and over again made your brain think you actually did something to deserve it. Especially when you were acting opposite Miles. He was able to bring such life to the character you both often forgot you were supposed to be acting. 
“WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU THINK I WOULD GO!?” he yelled on the top of his lungs as he approached you. You shrunk. The sound and the inflection in his voice hit a nerve within your brain sending a signal to cause you a helluva lot of pain. You winced. 
“Alright cut. I think we’ve got it.” The director announced. Finally. They had been working on getting just the right angle on the camera for when you shrunk away from him. Your director, Aidan loved the way you reacted to Miles in the scene. He loved it so much he kept remarking to all of his friends about how you got the role in the film. You were assisting at auditions to run lines with the callbacks when you read when Miles. Aidan had put down his pen and stared in complete shock at the chemistry created between the two of you. It was natural. It was sexy. It was playful. It was his ticket to winning an award this season. He had to go with it. You weren’t green by any means but you were new to the blockbuster caliber films that Miles was used to now. You were still in the indie phase of your career waiting on a big break like this. 
You changed quickly ignoring the prickling sensation running down your neck and shook out your hands. You stood across from him in a brightly lit room. You squinted your eyes trying not to let it show but the pain was beginning to threaten your ability to seem fine. You had a high threshold for pain but when you had your migraines they reached the high level of an eight, sometimes nine out of ten. You were in the beginning stages of a long journey. Right now the migraine was just at the edge of being manageable and becoming a problem. You looked up trying to open your eyes all the way. “Another one?” He wondered his voice was dripping with concern. You had been on set for weeks with each other becoming extremely emotionally connected. He knew exactly what to look for on your face. He saw the pain creeping in and the uncomfortably tense stance you took on. “What can I do?” He asked his voice was so soft it was such a contrast to hard pain you were beginning to feel. You took your pills when you went to your dressing room for a costume change but they would take a while to kick in. And when you take it this late in the game there was the possibility they wouldn’t work at all. 
“Just be with me.” You mumbled. It was as loud as you could make your voice go but he understood what you meant. Be present so you wouldn’t feel so alone. When you dealt with the pain on your own it felt much worse. The tingling in your pinky finger worsened and you groaned at the uncomfortable feeling. Underneath the tingling your palms began to sweat. 
“Fuck” you cursed under your breath but he caught it and smirked. He always thought it was funny when you used profanity because of the sound of your voice. It sounded so inconceivably innocent. For as many years as you had apart in age, you hit it off as if you knew each other since brith. You had so much in common and the list kept growing every day. You were both insanely into music and loved to sing. You actually found yourself getting moody if you didn’t listen to at least one of your favorite songs during the work day. He loved to dance. You were a trained dancer since three years old. He loved sports. You had opposite taste in teams but when they would play each other it made for the perfect night in. And if you could sneak away from work, the perfect night out. Your sense of humor was the same and if peoples didn’t know you well they would think you hated each other with the way you exchanged insults and sarcasm. Really the only way you differed was how much you loved watching movies and tv. 
They adjusted the lighting above you making you wince again. This time with a hiss between your teeth. “Do you we need to stop?” He asked under a lowered tone. You shook your head no. 
“We have two more hours. I can do this.” You felt a wave of nausea hit making you gag behind your hand. 
“You sure?” He asked behind a chuckle.
“Miles, I-“ you began to say.
“Quiet on the set!”
You knew it was time to show everyone what you were made of. You weren’t all that established like Miles was. You would have to work through this. You couldn’t cost the production money by delaying the shot. 
“Rolling… Action!”
Luckily this was a quieter scene between the two of you. It was more of an intimate moment between lovers afraid of the future. He was supposed to show concern and compassion for you as you told him how you didn’t know if this business was going to be good for him. You were scared for him. He grabbed you by the hips leaving a tingling sensation where he touched you last. You let out a breath and stared into his eyes lovingly. You hid your physical pain in the emotional as you looked up to his face. Your height difference was astounding. He loved that about you too. He never said anything about it but you could tell by the smirk he had on his face whenever you were this close to him. He smelled amazing to you, you always had a weakness for guys who smelt enchanting. But then again he was enchanting all by himself. 
“Remember what I told you when I got into this? Don’t worry about me, I know what I’m doing.” He tried to reassure you. He held a sparkle in his eye talking about doing the thing he loved, boxing. 
“It’s just hard to watch them hit you.” You admitted with a furrowed brow. That furrowed brow was from the migraine. He knew it too. His eyes flashed with a deeper level of concern than written in the script. He placed his hand on your cheek causing you to close your eyes. When you opened them again he was still standing there but you couldn’t see through the blurry vision that taken over your sight. There was a visible layer of panic. Miles caught on to you. He steadied you and noticed your eyes reacting slower than normal. The pressure from the headache causing a delayed response as they glazed over. Quickly he grabbed you and pulled you into his body. You nestled your head in the crook of his neck letting your body relax. The physical touch was aiding you momentarily with the amount of pain you were in. The pounding in your head causing you to become extremely nauseous. You wanted to throw up at any moment. Honestly you wanted to lie down in a cold, dark room for all eternity to come. 
Two and a half excruciating hours later and you found yourself on the floor of your apartment panting. You were trying to get to the bed but haven’t managed to get that far. You could only manage it by audibly moaning at this point. When your head pounded you felt it in your throat and it was hard to breathe. There was short knock at the door. Luckily you were already close to the entrance from your adventurous trip to the kitchen for some water. You were crawling on your knees because you couldn’t stand to walk right now. The pain made you almost pass out every time you stood on your feet. You reached for the handle as well as you could failing on your first try. The door opened revealing you out of breath and collapsed in front of the doorway. 
“What the fuck? Are you ok?” Miles was clearly thrown off. He had never seen you this bad before. 
“Quiet voices. Can’t walk. Hurts.” You said in short bursts your raspy voice carrying the point across. He put the box of pizza down on the kitchen counter and returned to you. Carefully he scooped your body into his arms and carried you to bed in your room. The tv was running softly as he looked at you to make sure you were comfortable. You laid there with closed eyes. “Thanks” you mumbled. It was all you were capable of at the moment. 
“I brought pizza.” He said softly. 
“Oh that’s sweet but it’s kind of hard for me to eat right now.” You told him honestly. You didn’t want to hurt his feelings for such a sweet gesture. 
“Alright then, I brought pizza for myself.” He chuckled, “got any beer?” 
“In the fridge” you croaked. He returned moments later getting himself settled in to the chair next to your bed. “What are you doing?” You were genuinely confused. 
“There’s a Phillies game on” he shrugged before changing the channel. He ate his pizza and drank beer while quietly watching the game which was a challenge for him. He occasionally slipped up and yelled when he got too excited earning a groan from you in protest. 
“Sorry” he would apologize. 
He got you everything you asked for more pain meds, small snacks and water. He was an absolute dream to have around. 
“Miles” you moaned clutching your head. “I hate to ask this but I have to pee.” He looked at you quizzically before it clicked. You still couldn’t walk. The last time you tried you ended up running to throw up not before almost passing out on your way there. 
“S’no problem.” He smiled before getting up. Luckily it was a commercial break so he wouldn’t miss the action. The game was almost finished now and the sky had turned dark. He grabbed you gingerly placing your knees over his forearms as you clung to him. You buried your head in chest, “Jesus Monroe, your hands are freezing.” He shivered through a stifled laugh. Your hand had accidentally brushed against his bare skin on his shoulder blades. You ran your hands further down just to tease him causing him to nearly drop you. “Evil. Pure evil.” He teased before turning his back and leaving you to relieve yourself. A few short moments later he heard his name being called. He opened the door to find you lying on your back on the rug by the sink. You were squinting and out of breath. “You’re a right fucking mess you know that?” He chuckled. His smile was so light and genuine it made you feel unbelievably seen. “Aren’t you glad your stuck with for two more months?” You smiled through closed eyes. “We still have press tours don’t forget that Monroe Stacy. You’re stuck with me.” He joked as he placed you back under the covers. 
You weren’t sure how or when it happened. But at some point you must’ve fallen asleep. When you woke you found him slumped in the chair. Your head felt clear, a welcome change from the painful cloudiness you experienced for so long yesterday. As you rolled over you took in the fact that he had cared enough to stay with you. He went beyond the script. Small butterflies erupted in the pit of your stomach as he groaned and stretched his limbs. 
“Next time I get the bed.” He mumbled sleepily as he rubbed his eyes. 
You laughed, “Good morning.” The light shone through the blinds igniting the hidden pigments in his brown eyes. He flashed you a cocky smile. “And we’re off.” You thought to yourself
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hawkins-high86 · 2 years
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An: warning panic attack and language that all that I could think of this is based on my personal experience just saying be nice it’s my first time writing for liam Sorry for the spelling mistakes some smut ? First timers also everything is not accurate with the Teen wolf timeline didn’t proofread before hand
Summary:y/n has a panic attack but gets help
Parings : liam dunbar x reader ! Stiles sister overprotective dad and brother
Y/n POV ;
The tightness in your chest your hole body was shaking and you felt like you couldn’t breath felt like you were dying and all the pressure on your chest you felt dizzy and sick
“Hey look at me y/n”
It was liam
“Hey look at me count to ten with me ok?”
10 ? 1 -2-3–4-5-6-7-8-9-10 you still felt scared it didn’t work Liam
“Ok try this Visualize a safe place or a place that makes you happy “ he said
You closed your eyes a Visualize when you first met liam it was the first week of school and some jocks were picking on you and Liam stood up to them and asked you if you were ok and he made you felt better and you became best friends afterwards.
You felt more calm and opened your eyes.
“Feeling better?” He asked you
You opened your eyes yes thanks to you,you hugged him thank you so much I appreciate you help smiling at him so can I watch you play lacrosse?this afternoon? And maybe dinner afterwards?
“Like a date?”
Um I guess so if you want to
“Ok cool sounds good see you soon!”
The bell rang for your next class it was history you sat next to your friend Scott McCall he was pretty cool he played lacrosse too and somehow he was really good at it. The bell rang I bet I totally failed that test could you help me study for the next test tomorrow night at my house?
“Sorry y/n I’m I -um I’m busy “he said
Your always busy but ok that’s fine I’m just going to ask Liam anyways probably wolf business i guess right?
“Yea “He said
Time skips :
Well...good luck see you later Scotty you walked out of class and headed to the game and sat on the bleachers it was night out already and the bright lights you sat next to Lydia and she was talking to you about something but you were paying attention to the game.
“Hello y/n are you listening ? Or are you too busy looking at Iiam ? There is a little bit of drool on your mouth “ she said
Shut up you scoffed and no I’m not drooling over anyone so what you were saying?
“Come on I’m throwing you a party for your birthday and everyone is coming “she said
Lydia you don’t know that I don’t do party’s and stuff like that but it’s really sweet I just want to chill ok .
“Come on y/n what about a small gathering? Not a party “ she said to you
Fine,that’s ok sound fine who should we invite? You asked her
“How about Scott ,Allison ,Jackson ,stiles Aidan “ she said
What the heck you forgot issac and Liam my best friends.
“Ouch I thought that I was your best friend “she said
Lydia I could have more than one best friend and I- score ! Beacon Hills won the game our team won the crowd was cheering after the game you walked home with your brothers stiles so do you know who killed the girl I know it couldn’t be Scott.
“No not yet but dad is working on it but it was for sure Derek I bet me and Scott are going to figure it out tonight “
Oh wow- but be careful ok
“Ok I will so what are your plans for tonight?”
Nothing much just watching Netflix I guess you hated to lie to your own brother but he is kind of overprotective when it comes to you alone with boys you walked into the house and your dad was at his office working on the case hey dad.
“Hi hon how was your day at school?”
Um it was good you went upstairs to your bedroom and took a shower and got dressed you put on a top with a jean jacket and a necklace and some earrings and your favorite boots ordered some pizza and mozzarella sticks and soda ok so the pizza should be here soon you layed down on your bed and waited and a couple of minutes the doorbell rang it was about time your went downstairs to see who it was I will get it. I ordered pizza.
“Hello y/n ready to watch the movie?” He said
It was your friend Liam hi come in your said he came in pizza and drinks and the mozzarella sticks are in here he followed you to the kitchen you handed him a paper plate and got a slice of pizza a mozzarella stick and soda and a napkin and issac sat next to you he laughed. What’s so funny?
“You got a little bit of sauce on your face “he said
Oh shit you felt embarrassed you wiped it off is it gone ?you asked him
“No here “
He licked his finger and got the sauce off your cheek thanks you laughed at him you cleared your throat is it gone ? You felt flustered because you liked him a lot.
“Yep its all good “
Well good
“Lydia told me about your birthday party “
I’m not having a party I mean we were talking about it but decided not to make a big deal about it I told her this today during the game.
“Oh ok “ he said
But if I did have a party my I would be inviting you first anyways do you want to want to watch that new movie on Netflix I’ve got blankets and pillows set up all ready.
“Sure “ He said
He followed you upstairs to your bedroom he looked at you room you had a big tv and a large bed with a bunch of stuffed animals and blankets you sat down to watch the movie and you were falling asleep into issac chest you rubbed your eyes oh sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep.
“It’s fine the movie was kinda boring anyways “ he said
Yea I guess it was you felt really nervous because you really liked him a lot but you couldn’t do anything because of your dad and your brother. liam I really i- you started to freak out.
“I know that you like me “ He said
Yes-I mean no ugh fine I do but how did you know that? You asked him
“Ok but don’t get mad at me but I read your journal a few months ago it was just sitting near your nightstand and I was curious “
You sat up you read it? Now I guess it’s not a secret anymore you heart began to race
“Do you hate me ?do you want to hit me?”
No,I don’t hate you and no i don’t want to hit you you laughed
“So can I -“
Because he could say anything else you leaned over to kiss him because you knew that he was going to ask you that Sorry I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time but i always wanted to do that but stiles hovering you’d barely had a chance to even get close with any boys.
“Hey I know that “
He smiled at me he kissed you back you put your hands around his neck. He tugged the bottom of your top .
“Hey is this ok?I want you consent ?” He asked you
Um yes but this is so embarrassing but this is my first time I’ve never done anything like this before.
“We don’t have too”
No- I want to I promise ok you smiled at him.
“Ok are you sure ?”
Yes, I’m positive liam !
“Well ok”
He unbotton your blouse revealing your bra it was a black bra with a bow in the front. You blushed at him.
“You ok ?”
Yes ,continue please? You got on top of him he started to kiss your neck and shoulder lightly touching your bra straps he reached the back of your bra to take it off he unhooked it reaveling your breast.
“So beautiful my love “ he said
That nickname gave you butterflies he started to kiss your chest you ran your finger through his hair.
“Tell me if you want me to stop or if I’m making you uncomfortable are you ok y/n?”
You looked at him yes I’m ok just continue please you trusted him he continue to kiss your chest he stopped kissing you ,you were confused.
“Can you lay down?”
Sure you laid down and took your boots off he continue to kiss your chest and you were digging you nails in his back he started to kiss all over your stomach until he got to the waistband of your skirt His lips teased gentle pecks around the waistband of my skirt .
It’s ok you could do it I trust you.
“Oh ok “ he said
He took your skirt off reveling light pink underwear you didn’t blush this time he made you feel more comfortable.
You can take it off Liam ! You smiled at him he traced around your underwear and took them off now you were fully nude revealing yourself to him shaky hand reached between your legs to rub your clit in time with each thrust of his fingers.you closed your eyes and moaned fuck Liam that feels so good I’m going to cum .
“Not yet baby “ he said
You were slightly confused oh wow you knew what he meant now his pants you unbuckled his pants until they were off of him to the floor revealing his boxers you could tell that he was hard you yanked down his boxers revealing his cock he was so big he layed down on top of you your heart skipped a beat his cock was inside of you feeling so good you tugged your nails into his back Liam oh shit - I’m going to cum you grasp the bed sheets than warm liquid came out oh my gosh did I -?
“Yes but that was so fucking hot now let me tast you baby “he said
He licked his fingers
“Tast so good baby you did great “ he said
The too of you were shaking
Oh Liam that was amazing I’m so glad that it was my first time it was with you you smile at him while he covered yourself with the sheets and him to he kissed your shoulder you put your hand on his chest and he put his underwear back on and you but your underwear back on as well
Than the door was open horror plastered your face You nearly scream, scrambling for the sheets as your father stands in the doorway with stiles behind him looking completely mortified as he holds what seem to be Liams jeans in his hand.
Dad what the hell you tugging on the blanket that you and Liam were sharing to cover you up better
“Oh my god I think I’m going to puke and wash my eyes out with holy water “ stiles said while behind your dad.
You were so embarrassed in front of your dad and stiles your dad threw Liam’s jeans near the bed .
“Get dressed now ! Both of you and come downstairs “ you father said to the both of you.
He left the door and stiles was near the door looking at you to stiles go away please.
“No “ he said
“Why? Come on man “ Liam said to stiles.
“Because I’m going to beat the living crap out of you”
You were both looking at each other and burst out laughing you and Liam good one stiles like your going to beat him up -before you could say anything else stiles went to your room and yanked the sheets of your bed and pinned Liam against the wall you yelped with fear luckily Liam still had his underwear on you put his shirt on you stiles you walked over stop !!! You yelled and stiles backed away and left your room
“Well that was definitely not awkward at all “ Liam said
You smiled at him shut up and get dressed
Sorry if that was so bad I didn’t proofread anything lol this was in my drafts for so long now leave me alone lol
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Main Masterlist
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The Sound of Magic Series:
Do You Believe Me? (Ri-eul x BestFriend!Reader)
Vincenzo Series:
You're My Person (Vincenzo x Female!MafiaReader)
When Fear Becomes Strength (Jang Han-seo x BestFriend!Reader)
So, This is Love? (Jang Han-seo x Paralegal!Reader)
Teasing An Gi-seok
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Series:
Facing Your Feelings (Mick Rory/Heatwave x Reader)
Insecure (Ray Palmer/Atom x Reader)
Supernatural Series:
Trickster’s Sweet Tooth (Gabriel x Reader)
Closure (Dean Winchester x Past!Reader)
Sacrifice (Winchesters x AngelFriend!Reader)
Do They Know About Us? (Mick Davies x Hunter!Reader)
Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Series:
Pure Happiness (Steve McGarrett x Reader)
Movie Night With Danny
Marvel Cinematic Universe Series:
A True Hero (Tony Stark x Reader)
Shenanigans (Avengers x Friend!Reader)
Blindfolded (Avengers x AvengersInTraining!Reader)
Soulmate Mark (Loki x FemaleWinged!Reader)
Somebody to Lean On (Friend!Tony Stark x SuperSoldier!Reader)
Night Changes (Tony Stark x Avenger!Reader)
Mission Gone Wrong (Tony Stark x PastWife!Reader)
Bowling With the Avengers
Once Upon a Time Series:
Memory Potion (Archie x Female!Reader)
The Hobbit Cinematic Series:
Surprise Confession (Dwalin x FemaleHuman!Reader)
Until We Meet Again (Fili x FemaleElf!Reader)
Enchanted Mirror (Bofur x FemaleModernHuman!Reader)
X-Men Cinematic Series:
Meet Your Son (Logan/Wolverine x Female!Human!Reader)
Lucifer Cinematic Series:
Lucifer’s Desire (No Pairing)
Being Human (US) Cinematic Series:
Vampires, Ghosts, & Werewolves. OH MY! (Aidan Waite x Female!Reader)
Wynonna Earp Cinematic Series:
This Time is Different (Doc Holliday x Reader)
The Librarians Series:
The Truth Is (Jacob "Jake" Stone x Reader)
Crossover Fanfics:
Something There That Wasn’t There Before (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Bones): (Danny Williams x FemaleRommate!Reader)
A New Life (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Avengers): (Steve McGarrett x Reader & The Avengers x FemalePastAvenger!Reader)
Sam, Dean, and Cas meet John Constantine
Lucifer and Chloe meet John Constantine
Any Fandom:
Falling Through Ice
P.S.-all works also found on AO3 under mirajanefairytailmage
Writing Prompts:
Songbird Enchantment
Death's Apology
Original Works:
Forget The Rain
My Nightmare Will End
I Wish
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Pairing: Modern!BestFriend!Loki x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: After another failed attempt to get your best friend Loki off your mind as a lover, you decided to seek him out for comfort. But you could never touch him and feel him like you do in your dreams right? Wrong. 
Warnings:  swearing, pet names (nickname petal), thigh riding, squirting, smut implied, kissing, loki tastes readers cum off his finger oops lol
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To say the date was going shit was a huge understatement. You were flat-out miserable. The dim candlelight hid your paling face, casting a warm glow around the restaurant your date Alex? Aidan? had brought you to.
 The wine appeared red as blood as you swirled it around the glass mindlessly, staring at his lips not recalling anything he was saying. He droned on about endless meetings at his work, such as conferences he was in and you wanted nothing more than to dump the sickly sweet-tasting liquid on his head. When your thoughts drifted towards the negative, as they had many times since the date had started almost ninety minutes ago, you tried to remind yourself who you were doing this for. Your best friend, Wanda.
 Bless her heart, she had found a man at her work and thought you should test him out, like a car at a dealership. As much as you loved her, you didn’t think you’d be able to stay at this date any longer. Would an excuse work? Dog died? Car crash happened and your mom was hurt? 
The room felt stuffy and you fiddled with your dress with discomfort. “ And I said no John I can’t-”
 “ I’m so sorry I just need to run to the washroom!” You cut him off with a start, pushing out your chair hastily and rushing to stand up. The tables swayed suddenly and you felt sick.
 You rushed to the washroom, locking the door behind you and slumping against the wood. With a sigh, you walked to the porcelain sink and turned the water as cold as it’d go. You felt hot. Much too hot. Bending down, you splashed the cool water on your face, attempting to soothe your discomfort without messing up your makeup too much. You were a mess. You wanted nothing more than to go home and curl up with a book in your pjs. Or better yet, curl up with a book in your pjs with Loki. You craved his touch like a drug, more than anything at the moment.
 He’d help you. He’d get you out of this situation. 
Even though he was partly the reason you were in it. Loki had been your best friend for ages. The two of you did everything together, from learning how to ride bikes to being each other’s prom dates each year. Now the two of you were “grown-up” as Loki always commented, even though when the two of you were together you acted like children still. You have had a crush on him for as long as you could remember. Not wanting to ruin anything, you figured distractions would be best, and Wanda was there to help you take your mind off the man you really wanted, but were too scared to be with. 
But at this moment, you didn’t care. You wanted Loki more than anything. You wanted his touch, his voice, his praise, his comfort. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you hadn’t craved his touch, and his fingers instead of yours late at night. It was always his name on your tongue, and deep down you prayed it was yours on his tongue too. Loki would get you out of this mess. He always did. 
Digging in your purse, you grabbed your phone and let it ring, waiting for his honeyed voice to pick up on the other end. You stared at your reflection that glared at you from the bathroom mirror, your eyes fogged with sleep, faint circles lingered under your eyes with the slight mascara streaks. 
“ Petal?” 
The sweet nickname rolled off his tongue laced with concern. You swooned. He had called you that since you were little, claiming you were a beautiful little flower that he and his mom had planted in his garden.
  A bleeding heart. It’s not as sad as it sounds Petal. I know you’d never leave my heart to bleed.
“ Is everything okay? Arent you with Anthony?” 
Ahh Anothny, that was his name. “It’s not going too well…” you trailed off, fidgeting with your dress again.
 “ You need me to come get you?” he asked sweetly. That’s one of the many things you loved about Loki. He always knew what you needed, and he always got straight to the point. No matter the situation, he was always there. “ Is it too much trouble? I don’t want to bother you.” you murmured, not wanting him to interrupt whatever he was doing beforehand. 
 “You never bother me Petal. Don’t be silly.” he chuckled and you sighed with relief. “ Whats the restaurant name again?” You heard the rustle of his jacket and the keys jangling in the background, the door to his apartment opening softly. “ De Anglo’s. On 16th Boulevard.” you stated, pacing the washroom quietly. “ I’ll be there in 10 Petal.”
“You're a knight in shinning armour Loki. Thank you again.”
“ Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”
With a lame excuse and a handful of bills thrown across the table, you headed outside to wait for Loki’s car to pull to the curb. The cool New York breeze nipped at you, and you shivered as you wrapped your coat around you tighter. 
The city was bustling still despite the late hour, cars and buses filling the streets, people walking by you with phones in their hands. A sleek black corvette pulled up the curb and you smiled. With a shiver, you opened the car door and slid into the warmth. The dim light went out as you shut the door, and Loki looked over at you with a smile. 
“ Your carriage awaits my love.” 
A giggle escaped your lips as he slid back int the traffic, heading back to his apartment building. As the red, yellow and green lights filtered across your face, you felt his hand slid from the wheel to settle on your inner thigh. He was speaking, telling you something along the lines of how you were too good for that dude anyways, but you couldn't hear them. A dull ringing filled your ears as he began to subconsciously graze his hands along your thigh, stroking it gently. 
You felt your cheeks get as red as the traffic light the two of you were stopped at. Wetness pooled in your panties, and the thoughts of his hands all over your body hit you like a truck. No Y/N! Stop that! You’re going to his place, and the two of you will do best friends stuff. Not touchy feely things. “ Petal?” His sweet voice lulled you out of your dirty minded thoughts. “ Hmm?” you questioned, noticing you had stopped and parked at his building.
 “ You wanna stay the night?”
 You met his loving gaze, his emerald green eyes filled with lust. You nodded with a smile, and the two of you walked up to his room together, his hand in yours. 
“ You almost done Petal?” Loki called from the living room. You were just stepping out of his bathroom, unravelling your damp hair from the towel. A quick hot shower later, and the effect of Loki's calming presence, you felt any anxiety you had earlier that night slip away. “Almost!” you replied from his room, slipping on your thong and one of Loki's sweaters that hung almost to your knees and smelled of his woody cologne. 
You always forgot how tall and well, big Loki was. He towered over you at 6’5, all muscles and sharp edges. Towel thrown in the laundry basket, you scurried out of his room to find him lighting the wood in the fireplace, its warmth and light flaring up and illuminating the room. He turned around to see you cuddled with a blanket, and with a giggle you patted the couch for him to sit next to you. You nuzzled in close to him, leaning on him as he wrapped his arm around you. You felt safe. Happy. 
“ Petal can I ask you something?” You and Loki had been cuddling for quite some time now, the night dragging on. Little touches and flirty comments had been exchanged, and you were so hot you felt like you were going to burst if you didn't put your hands on him soon. 
“ Of course love! Whats up?” you questioned, turning to face him and run your fingers through his long inky locks. “ Si-sit on my-” You cut him off with a tug, and he purred.
 “ Sit on my lap?” he whispered, voice consumed with lust.
 Oh. OH. With a shiver, you slid on top of him and straddled his thigh. A hum of contempt left his lips and you blushed, looking down at the couch. You began to fiddle with his turtleneck as he set his large hands on your bare thighs gently. 
“ You look so pretty like this petal.” he purred, fingers trailing slowly up your sweater to lay on your hips. Your core was aching, you were desperate for any form of friction. His fingers trailed up and down your sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake as you wrapped your hands around his neck.
 “ Loki-” you gasped as his fingers trailed towards the inside of your thighs. He chuckled, loving the way your body reacted to him. 
“ Loki!” he mimicked, a deep chuckle rumbling through his chest as he cupped your clothed pussy. You tried to hold back a whimper that dared to leave your throat, and failed miserably. 
“ I’ll tell you what Petal. You ride my thigh, make those pretty little noises for me yeah?” You nodded quickly as he began to slowly bounce his knee. The feeling of denim against your cunt felt delicious. You jolted suddenly with a gasp as he slapped your ass harshly.
 “ Words Petal. Use em.” 
“ Yes, yes Loki please I’ll do whatever you want-” you whimpered and his knee began its pace once more. 
“ Thats what I thought. Always so obedient for me, my good little pet..” he trailed off as you began to shift your hips, riding his thigh slowly. Your juices coated his jeans as you rode him, the sensations making your clit throb.
 “ So pretty for me Petal. You can’t even imagine the amount of times I’ve thought about this, you on top of me baby.” You moaned loudly at his words. How was it possible to moan at just his words alone? He bounced his knee faster as you clung to him tighter, your hands laced through his hair once more. 
“ Want- wanted you for so long-” you were cut off by a deep growl that left his throat, his hands wandering up to cup your breasts, kneading and flicking each nipple with his thumb. You keened back, a mewl escaping your lips as you threw your heads back, lost in pleasure. 
“ You wanna know something honey? Every time I’ve had a whore over, some dumb toy I use to replace you, I always wish it was you. I always want it to be you. You’re the only one for me, my pretty little petal.” he nipped and sucked along your neck as you began to rub against him faster. Your juices were leaking down his thigh onto the couch and you felt your legs start to shake. 
“ Loki it’s too much I’m goin cum!” you wailed, feeling the coil in your core start to slowly stretch.
 “ Cum for me, my little flower. Wanna taste your nectar petal.” he whispered in your ear, tugging it gently. With that, you snapped. White-hot euphoria washed over you, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as you squirted all over his thigh with a constant chant of his name. You tugged his hair as he moaned at the sight of you, blissed out and soaked from your cum.
 “ Jesus fuck that is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” he growled, slowly bouncing his knee as you came down from your high. Your ears were ringing, you felt as if you were floating. His fingers pushed your panties to the side, as he stroked his fingers along your slit. You shivered as he sucked and licked your juices off his fingers with a moan. 
“ Just as I thought. Sweet as honey.”
 “ Want you-” you clawed at his turtleneck, slipping your hands under it to run your hand along his perfectly chiselled abs.
 “ Patience little flower.” 
He shrugged his sweater off, the fire casting a glow across his features that gleamed with hunger. Suddenly, your (his) sweater was being tugged off your frame, and you were set down lying on the couch. Loki knelt down, placing his hands on your thighs and opening them slowly. He grinned, sliding your thong off and placing his head closer to your aching cunt. He looked like a hunter going after his prey, a wolf after a deer. 
“ I want to taste my nectar first Petal.”
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messers-moony · 3 years
Failure | P.J
Paring: Percy Jackson X Fem!Reader
Summary: A three person mission but only one comes back.
Ask: my biggest fear is failure and i also have a phobia towards small, cramped spaces with percy jackson.
People aren’t born great. That’s known. To become great requires hard work and ambition. That’s not to say people aren’t born with these skills because that’s possible but whether or not they choose to use them wisely is up to them.
It felt like being trapped in a dark room. The feeling of disappointment and defeat after another failed prophecy. It sucks to come back to Camp Half-Blood alone when it was initially a three-person mission. Y/n had watched them die, and she couldn’t do anything about it. She failed them, and now she was dealing with the consequences.
Y/n barely made it to the Camp entrance without falling over. But Percy was there to catch her when she did fall. He had been waiting there since she left a week ago. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed was his gleaming green eyes, brighter than any emerald.
When she woke, she was lying on an infirmary bed with Percy sitting beside her on a chair. His head in her lap, sleeping peacefully. Y/n smiled gently and placed her hand on his head, scratching his scalp gently as he stirred awake. His eyes opened and closed almost instantly due to the sun getting in his eyes.
He leaned up and opened them fully to see his girlfriend's teary smile at him. Percy tilted his head in concern, his dark hair weaving to the side as he did so. His eyebrows furrowed, creating a tiny crease in the middle of his brows. Percy gripped her hand, intertwining their fingers.
“How do you feel?”
Y/n chuckled, “Like shit.”
“I suppose that’s normal.” Percy replied as tears streamed down Y/n’s face, “Why’re you crying?”
“I failed them.” She croaked, “I watched them die, Percy.”
Percy sat beside her legs on the cot, “Hey,” He stroked her cheek, wiping away her tears, “You didn’t fail them.”
“I did, Perce.”
“No, you didn’t.” Percy said softly, kissing her forehead, “Leia and Aidan knew what they were getting into. They died fighting, and I won’t believe for a minute that you didn’t try to save them.”
Y/n melted into his embrace as he held her softly, “Love you, Percy.”
“Love you too, pretty girl.”
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avnkin · 4 years
Wardrobe Malfunction
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Author’s Note: I’m listening to an ASMR Hogwarts study session while writing this,, would highly recommend lmao
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: After having kept your relationship with Draco a secret for many months, you find yourself accidentally exposing it after having grabbed a piece of clothing that wasn’t your own.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: some angst but fluff to even it out
You and Draco had been keeping your relationship a secret for almost four months now, you both having mutually decided that the wrath of your housemates wasn’t worth it, you being a Gryffindor and him a Slytherin it wasn’t exactly a match made in heaven.
Every weekend Draco’s roommate went back home to visit his family meaning that you and him had his entire dorm to yourselves, which you always took full advantage off.
It was now a Sunday and since his roommates trip had gotten delayed it meant more time that you and Draco had to yourselves, so you stayed hauled up in his bedroom the entire day only leaving twice to attend the Great Hall for breakfast and dinner.
“I wish it could always be like this” you frowned as you laid your head on Draco’s chest, you were growing tired of having to hide your relationship, especially from your friends since you felt like you were betraying them in some way.
“I know darling, me too” Draco kissed the top of your head before beginning to run his fingers soothingly through your hair quickly lulling you into deep slumber.
When you awoke the next morning with Draco’s arm draped around your waist you allowed yourself to cuddle more into him thinking you would have a couple more minutes to spare, but oh boy how wrong you were.
Once you looked up at the clock that hung above his door you gasped once you saw the clock indicator pointing at 10 but not 8. You sprung out of bed beginning to frantically run around the room in search of your clothes.
“What are you doing” Draco rubbed his eyes as he propped himself up onto his elbows, “I missed first period and I’m so late for second” you rushed out as you hastily pulled up your skirt, “you need to wait a couple of minutes so people don’t notice we’re both late”
“Alright” Draco laid back down onto his pillow, “accio tie” you waved your wand before stretching your arms up to get your robe which laid on top of Draco’s closet.
The tie wrapped itself around your neck and you didn’t bother attempting to fix it simply giving Draco a kiss on the forehead before you ran out of his dorm and into the common room.
You always had to be careful when making your exit to be sure there wasn’t anyone there to see you. Once you’d made it out into the hallway unscathed you ran as fast as your feet could carry you towards Snape’s classroom.
“Miss Y/L/N finally decided to make an appearance I see” Snape crossed his arms over his chest as he displeaseingly watched you stand in the door way of the classroom, all heads now turned in your direction.
“Sorry Professor” you muttered before hurriedly taking your usual seat next to your friend Liza. 
“So what did I miss?” you asked as you began pulling your books out of your bag. When you didn’t get a reply you quizzically looked over at your friend who was staring wide eyed at you. 
“Liza?” you asked snapping your fingers in front of her face but she still didn’t look up at you.
“Uhm Y/N... why are you wearing that?” you furrowed your brows at her words before following her pointed finger down to your chest. You felt sick to your stomach once you saw Draco’s Slytherin tie wrapped around your neck instead of your red Gryffindor one.
Hearing the classroom door squeak open you looked up to see your boyfriend enter, the first thing you noticed was the lack of green around his neck.
Your friend followed your gaze and was quick to put two and two together. “Oh my god! You and Malfoy?” she squeaked and you hurriedly went to cover her mouth your cheeks flaming red as you looked around the classroom to see if anyone had heard.
“No! Or yes but you can’t tell anyone!” you declared slowly removing your hand from her mouth. 
“I think everyone already knows” she giggled gesturing around the classroom and sure enough students were whispering amongst each other whilst pointing at your tie and Draco’s lack of one.
“Bloody hell” you sighed internally groaning your eyes finding Draco’s who carried the same panicked glance as you.
Once class was over you quickly gathered your things and made your exit. As soon as you reached the corridor you ripped the tie from around your neck and squashed it into your bag.
You suddenly felt someone grab your upper arm and walk in front of you quickly seeing the back of Draco’s head made your stomach sink, he didn’t look too happy.
“What the hell Y/N how the bloody hell did you mange to take my tie” he whispered-yelled being careful not to attract the attention of oncoming students.
“I’m sorry! I taught myself this trick ages ago where my tie ties on it’s own and it’s never done anything like this before, it must have been because I was tired, I wasn’t focused i’m so sorry Dray” a heavy sigh left your mouth as you looked down onto your feet.
“You know what I can’t be seen with you right now so just stay away, alright?” you simply nodded at his words a heavy weight on your chest as Draco reached his arm out indicating that he wanted the tie.
You reached into your bag and slowly passed it to him, as soon as he had a hold of it he walked away from you, leaving you standing alone in the deserted corridor.
Tears began to fill your eyes as you watched him round the corner, how could you have been so stupid, you just ruined the best thing you’d ever had in your life.
Almost two weeks had now gone by and Draco was still ignoring you, he’d managed to shut the rumours about him and you down quickly and it particularly stuck with you once you’d overheard his friends saying that he’d never date a ‘mudblood’ like yourself.
Thinking it was over between you and Draco you didn’t hesitate to accept a trip to Hogsmeade with a boy from Ravenclaw you knew had been harbouring a crush on you for many months now.
His name was Aidan McLaggen and he was apparently quite the heartthrob, it seemed every girl had a crush on him since when you’d exited the main doors accompanied by him you’d gotten nasty glares from almost all the girls you walked past.
Aidan had insisted that you’d go to The Three Broomsticks for some butter beers which you were hesitant about since you knew Draco often spent his time there with his friends over the weekends.
But after minuets of Aidan’s protesting you eventually agreed letting him lead you into the crowded tavern. Your eyes immediately started dancing around the crowd in search of a certain blond which didn’t take you long to find.
Once Draco’s eyes met yours you found yourself melting underneath his gaze but before you could do anything Aidan had intertwined your hands and began walking you towards an empty table at the far end of the tavern.
Once your butter beers finally arrived you attempted to push all thoughts of Draco into the back of your mind and focus on the boy sat in front of you but you had missed how Draco’s eyes had been filled with rage once he saw Aidan touch your hand and how he’d abruptly stood up from his chair once he saw the two of you sit down, arms still connected.
He’d practically power walked towards you slamming his hands down on the table causing the containments of your butter beer to spill all over your hand.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing McLaggen” you stared wide eyed at Draco as you watched him glare at the poor boy in front of you.
“What are you doing?” you asked before Aidan could get a word out but Draco didn’t look over at you simply continuing to glare at Aidan who seemed to have no idea what was going on as his eyes darted between you and Draco.
“Just out for butter beer with this lovely lady what about yourself Malfoy?” Aidan gingerly replied as he took a sip from his butter beer, raising an eyebrow at the blond stood in front of him.
“Well this ‘lovely lady’ happens to be my girlfriend so if I were you i’d leave, right now” his tone held a warning to it as Aidan looked over at you. “Is that true?” he asked and that’s when Draco finally made eye contact with you.
You shook your head at him before abruptly standing up, the chair loudly squeaking from underneath you as you began to make your exit with Draco hot on your heels.
Once you’d made it out into the cold brisk air you wrapped your arms around yourself continuing to ignore Draco’s calls as he ran after you. Once he finally reached you he grabbed your shoulder and turned you around to face him.
“Y/N please-” he began but you cut him off, “No! Draco what the hell do you think you’re doing? You don’t talk to me for weeks and tell all your friends that you’d never date a ‘mudblood’ like me but then you see me with somebody else and you do this?”
“I never said that, you know I wouldn’t! They came up with that all on their own and I’m sorry alright? I’m so so sorry, I love you and I’m ready for everyone to know that”
“What?” your voice was small as you watched him intertwine your fingers before pulling you into his chest.
“What are you doing Draco people are watching” you panicked as you noticed the lingering crowd of students beginning to crowd around you.
“Well then, let’s give them a show” Draco smirked before he fully pulled you into him, leaning down towards you so he could connect your lips with his. You smiled into the kiss as your arms going around his neck as his travelled down to your waist.
“Are you sure about this?” you asked as you leaned back a bit watching as he smiled lovingly down at you.
“One hundred precent”
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legolaslovely · 3 years
Don’t Be Late
A/N: Happy Fíli Friday, friends! I hope you all have a nice one and a nice weekend. Here’s a short little story that makes me want to wake up to a sweet golden Fíli every morning <3
Pairing: Fíli x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Word Count: 552
Warnings: fluff and cuddling and cute morning stuff that also gets a wee bit steamy ;)
Kurduwê: my heart
There was a loud, repetitive knock on the door to your chambers. A wake up call.
You had been sleeping so soundly! The room was so warm and the blankets were set just right and your head was propped so comfortably on your love’s chest. You were probably dreaming too. You could have been having the most wonderful dream of your life but you’d never remember it now with the way you were shocked into consciousness by whoever was attached to that heavy hand.
Even when they knocked again, this time hard enough to shake the door’s hinges, you kept your eyes closed out of spite.
But Fíli never acted out of spite.
“We’re coming, thank you,” Fíli said kindly. His voice was low and raspy with the hour and while it was usually one of your favorite things, his call was too loud and it was too early and neither of you were going anywhere. Certainly not.
Fíli only moved to kiss your forehead. “Good morning, kurduwê.”
“Not yet,” you said.
You bounced on his chest as he chuckled. “They’re waiting for us, (Y/N). We must go.” 
You pulled him closer to you, your hand running over his belly until you reached his back, where you took the fabric of his night tunic into your fist. As you buried your face into the crook of his neck you said, “Can’t. Don’t have the strength.”
“Ah,” Fíli hummed. “You’re still tired from last night. I knew I shouldn’t have kept you awake. I blame myself.”
The sarcasm in his voice was clear, even in your sleepy state.
“As you should,” you said.
Fíli rolled over you, propping himself up on the arm still under your head. He strategically placed a knee between your legs as he kissed your neck. “So it’s my fault then? That you pounced on me the moment I walked through the door last night? I’m that irresistible to you?”
If he wasn’t so warm and welcoming and kissing that perfect spot on your neck with a certain part of his body bumping into a certain part of yours, you would have teased him endlessly for such arrogance. You would have hopped out of bed and left him wanting as you dressed yourself in front of him in a devastatingly slow manner. You would have walked right out the door.
But he was perfect. Especially in the morning.
“We all have our own cross to bear, my love,” you said.
His answering laugh sent a rush of air over the spots on your neck he’d left wet with his tongue.
You sighed, tilting your head to the side to give him more skin to kiss. He even moaned when you ran your fingertips up under his tunic and over his bare back. Irresistible indeed.
But his kisses grew shorter and quicker instead of longer and deeper. What you thought would be a morning of passion ended with a peck on your lips.
“Speaking of bearing crosses-”
“No,” you groaned.
“It’s time to get up, kurduwê.” He ran a round fingertip over your cheek with such tenderness. “The day has started without us. But at the day’s end, I will be right here in this bed waiting for you.” He gave you one last sleepy kiss. “Don’t be late.”
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