#Alan questioning all the things in his life
thedogtorwho · 9 months
Shared this on Twitter the other day, but my sister @charletsart spotted this detail during the We Sing part. If you skip grabbing the lamp at the awards part, the Alan on screen will just stand there awkwardly. 😂 (It's nice he signed his book for us though 😌)
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if I remember right, a year or two ago you made a list of recommendations for the Edinburgh Fringe. Any recommendations for this year? Already got Steffan on the list, obviously
I did! Okay, okay, here's what I've got this year. Caveat: I personally have not been up there yet (I'm going in a few days), but these are things I saw in preview/have heard great things about.
Steffan Alun: Free Standup, but at What Cost
Venue 156: PBH's Free Fringe @ Banshee Labyrinth - Banquet Hall, 21.30-22.30
Back again! Eighth Fringe, this. The show is an hour, but that includes a 15 minute warm-up act, then Steff for 45 mins. He does this so that reviewers won't come and ruin the vibe.
Anyway this year he talks a bit about being Welsh and how he is therefore grumpy with Bristolian Tesco self-checkout machines
Jake Baker: Rule Breaker!
Venue 78: PBH's Free Fringe @ Canons' Gait - Lower, 16.30-17.30
I love Jake, he's lovely. He's a gentle soul and has an excellent delivery style; very warm and deceptively witty. Normally he goes with Just The Tonic and is given a searing hot basement in the sky that smells of mould for a room, but this year he's in Canons' Gait, which is much much nicer.
His blurb: A rule-breaker, a risk taker, a wave-maker and a convention-shaker – all phrases never before used to describe Jake Baker. But when a frustrating game of Alan Turing-themed Monopoly leaves him questioning the laws of the game, he finds himself turning that analytical impulse to bigger things.
Stephanie Laing: Rudder
Venue 300: Underbelly, George Square - The Wee Coo, 14.50-15.50
This show is particularly Tumblr-friendly, actually; it's described as 'neurodiversity-led'. However, it's a show with a content warning, although all the ticket page is saying is "themes" (insert Stephen Fry meme here); so, <SPOILER> she talks about withdrawing consent while sleeping with a FIB, and him continuing anyway. She talks about it in a very gentle way, avoiding Big Words, and it's very heavy on aftercare </SPOILER>
Her blurb: A comedy dance show about balance. Stephanie has a history of falling over a lot, accidentally kneeing herself in the face, and falling in love with total kn*bheads. In this show she uses a mixture of stand-up and dance to talk about bodies, sex, dancing, liking yourself, consent and healing. Also, there are cartoon bears and burlesque.
Erin McKinnie: The Faff Chronicles
Venue 108: Hoots @ The Apex - Hoot 4, 16.50-17.50
An Edinburgh local! Good solid standup for those who like such things. New-ish, but one to watch, she's very good. Don't be surprised to see her take off
Her blurb: What a faff! Erin McKinnie, a rising star on the Scottish comedy circuit, talks about faffing through early adulthood – from rogue adventures to living the "below-deck life" on cruise ships – she finds the funny in every bizarre encounter in this uplifting show that asks: Do we really need a life plan? Or... are we all just winging it? A brilliant, snort-worthy giggle-fest about exiting your 20s, facing life indecision and chasing answers for those big questions, all the while trying to convince your mother that this is a real job...
Alexander Bennett: Emotional Daredevil
Venue 24: Gilded Balloon Patter House - Coorie, 18.20-19.20
Dark feelings show with a really positive, optimistic message and a fun concept. It uses audience participation, but that's not compulsory, you're safe.
Blurb: I'm the emotional daredevil, and for my next feat, I need someone's help. A show about risk, for the unsatisfied and traumatised, from a Chortle Award nominee
Alex Franklin: Gurl Code
Venue 61: Underbelly, Cowgate - Delhi Belly, 20.25-21.25
Alex does a fun thing each year where she takes her publicity budget and rather than spending it on publicity, she hides it somewhere in Edinburgh and then reveals a clue to its location every day. This tells you something about her, I think
Her blurb: In 2024, trans girl Alex (me) started HRT. Now she (me) feels the most alive she's (me's) ever felt; and she wants to make you feel alive too, or die trying. A ludicrous, musical, chaotic, joyful show about the colours of the world becoming slowly brighter and giving people furniture via the tube. Also being trans.
Character Building Experience
Venue 49: Bedlam Theatre - Bedlam Theatre, 20.00-21.00
It's a D&D show - the MC Sasha Ellen makes a bunch of 40-minute simple campaigns and a selection of pre-rolled characters to do them, and then gets three comedians each time to play them. You know the drill. Good quality fun, and different each time, since you'll never see the same campaign/comedian mix.
2 Truths, 1 Lie
Multiple venues and times (search the EdFringe app or website to see them all), but I recommend catching the 3pm show on either the 25th or 26th August at Venue 108: Hoots @ The Apex - Hoot 1 for reasons I shall not share here (ooh, mysterious)
Fun panel-like show! Often MC'd by Steff, especially if you catch one of the 3pm shows. The format is:
Three comedians each declare a statement. Two are true, but one comedian is lying. The MC doesn't know the liar, nor does the audience. The audience gets to ask questions of the comedians; at the end, they vote on who they think the liar is.
(The prize for winning is a smug sense of satisfaction.)
Anyway, once I'm up there I will possibly have more, but currently, that's my list
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rip-quizilla · 2 months
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Impossible to Hate You ~ Part 7
Pairing: Eddie Munson X fem!Reader
Summary: The perfect date, the perfect gift
Word Count: 5.2 K
A/N: Appropriately, this is being posted on the eve of Christmas in July! Eddie & Ace deserve this dose of fluff after almost a year of pining for each other. I hope you enjoy it! Who knows how long the warm fuzzies will last...
Divider was created by @hellfire--cult ❤️
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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Part 7
Winter, 1983
Eddie couldn’t remember the last time he had argued with himself to this degree.
He knew it was probably strange that he did most of his thinking in the shower, but there was something about standing stationary as hot water pelted his back and shoulders that put him in an almost meditative state. His inner monologue lectured silently in his mind as his fingers worked sudsy shampoo through his wetted locks. 
On the one hand, he had finally admitted to himself that he liked you- like, really liked you- and asked you out on a date for that reason. His heart was doing a little happy dance just thinking about it- he’d asked a girl that he had a crush on out on a date, and she’d said yes! This had never happened before! He should be celebrating!
And yet, on the other hand, the side of himself that remembered the vow of platonicity that he’d taken when your friendship had just begun was furious with him right now. He remembered why he’d promised to put his friendship with you above any other… developments that had the potential to happen. He still remembered how it shook him to his core to see Alan and his harpy girlfriend stare at you as if you were prey for their sick entertainment. It was selfish of him to be willing to put your reputation on the line simply because he couldn’t keep his feelings in check. 
Eddie wanted you- that much was obvious. But he also wanted to keep you safe. 
 When he shut off the water, the sudden silence in the room made Rick’s words from last year echo in his head even louder- “Don’t tell me if she asked, you wouldn’t be all over that.” Eddie had laughed the question off, assuming there was no point in answering because there was no way you would ever ask in the first place. No way in hell a smart girl like you would ever go for a guy like him.
Eddie toweled himself off in front of the small vanity mirror above the sink, looking himself in the eyes as he grappled with the truth that he was still struggling to believe. She likes you. He thought to his reflection. She thinks you’re smart, she thinks you’re funny, and most importantly, she thinks you’re worth a damn. He shook his head softly, still barely comprehending it himself. Are you really about to pass on a chance like this because you’re scared you can’t protect her?
Eddie Munson had never been lucky. He’d never been someone that good things just happen to. Any good thing in his life had been taken, borrowed or earned. No blessing was ever gifted to him for free. 
Until you came along. 
Your friendship had only begun because you’d seen things in him that only a select few in his life had ever cared to notice- you looked at him and saw someone who was kind, protective, intelligent, creative… a good person. Even Eddie couldn’t decide if he was good or not sometimes, but he always strived to be. No teacher, no friend’s parent, no adult that wasn’t directly related to him at least had seen that either, not for a long time. 
But you saw him. Your family saw him. For crying out loud, when he couldn’t even get his own father to claim him as his pride and joy, your parents were actually proud of him. You made him feel like he belonged. 
That realization solidified his decision. Life had handed him a really, really good thing when it dropped you into his life and he was not about to run away because he was scared he wouldn’t measure up. 
He deserved to let himself have something good. 
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“What time did you say he’s picking you up again?”
Robin’s voice was muffled, knee-deep in the mess she’d made of your closet. 
“Eight,” you repeated for the third time since you’d both woken up from your impromptu sleepover on the couch, bleary-eyed and squinting at the idle blue television screen that had appeared hours ago after the final credit of The Dark Crystal had rolled.
“Perfect!” said Robin, “That should give us long enough to pick the perfect outfit for… whatever Eddie Munson plans for a first date.”
“Robin, it’s eleven thirt- OOF!” You were cut short by a dress that hit you square in the face, followed by a sweater and a pair of boots being shoved into your arms by your best friend.
“Try these on, I know it’s cold but you could layer… Do you know if you guys will be outside?”
“He wouldn’t plan something outside, would he?” you asked, suddenly concerned. “I mean you don’t think he’d take me, like, hiking, right?”
Robin snorted. “If Eddie tries to take you on a little stroll through the woods in the dead of night, all bets are off. Get the hell out of there, mission aborted.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh. While there were probably some people in Hawkins who really did believe that worrying Eddie Munson might drag you to the woods at night to sacrifice you to some dark god or something was a valid, rational fear, you knew better. Eddie was a lot of things, but outdoorsy he was not. 
Before you knew it, you’d joined Robin in your closet, taking dresses, jeans, blouses, and boots in your hands and laying them out on your bed in different combinations. You compared each outfit against the other in a drawn out game of trial and error in pursuit of the perfect look for your date tonight, pausing only for snack breaks and to change the tape that played from your cassette player on the dresser. 
Brushing off the events of yesterday was easy when you thought about what was looking up for you- you were going on a date tonight with Eddie Munson. This was what you’d been hoping for since the spring! Good things were happening for you. 
In the light of so much good, it was pretty hard for you to focus on the bad.
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Eddie stood on your doorstep, hands shoved in his pockets to shield them from the cold. Now that Hawkins was deep into December, a frosty layer of snow blanketed the surface of the ground, and the air still held just enough chill to preserve it for days on end. He freed one hand just long enough to deliver seven decisive knocks to the front door.
Dun-dun-dudun-dun… dun-dun.
Your heart rate doubled its pace when you heard it; you took a steadying breath before squeezing the handle of your front door and swinging it open.
For a moment, time stood still. You both knew you should say something, should do something… but all you could do was take in the sight of each other, still shaken with disbelief that tonight was really happening.
Eddie wore all black, which wasn’t uncommon for him. Though he seemed… cleaner, somehow. Like he’d made an effort to hand pick the nicest black pieces in his closet. The only pop of color he wore was a red wool scarf wrapped haphazardly around his neck. It rested snugly under the collar of his leather jacket, and you remembered how the smooth lining felt against your skin the last time you’d worn it. It made you want to feel it again.
Your date for the evening eyed you up and down, awestruck by you for what felt like the thousandth time this year. You and Robin had settled on a flannel pinafore dress, paired with a turtleneck and thick tights. You’d concluded that the outfit was just the right compromise of pretty and practical, given the frigid weather and the fact that you had absolutely no idea what Eddie’s itinerary was for the evening ahead.
You smiled, a warm ray of light in the frosted dark as you took your red pea coat from its hook by the door. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Eddie’s face brightened in the light of yours. Funny how that always seemed to happen.
“So, uh…” You murmured, shutting the door behind you. “What's the plan, Stan?” 
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Stan?”
“Because it rhymes with plan.” You fiddled with the buttons of your coat nervously. “Plan, Stan… Sorry-” you huffed, eyes flicking down as blood rushed to your face. You hoped he couldn’t tell. “-I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”
“You’re nervous?” Eddie snorted. “My palms are fucking waterfalls, why do you think my hands are in my pockets right now?”
You giggled, still jittery from the nerves bolstered by the cold. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better, you never get nervous.”
“Oh yeah? Wanna feel?” he teased, shoving a cold, clammy hand against your cheek. You squealed, slapping at his hand as your face scrunched up with mock disgust. Before you knew it you were both laughing, and all was right with the world again- his joyful snicker nestled perfectly against your giggle-turned-guffaw. It was like riding a bike, the way the two of you fit together perfectly. 
“Don’t be nervous,” you whispered, gently leaning into his shoulder once you caught your breath, “It’s just me.”
Eddie leaned back, his weight finding equilibrium with yours between your shoulders. “And it’s just me.” 
“Just us.” you whispered, tipping your head to meet his shoulder for a moment. Eddie’s heart might have been racing still, but if hearts could get runners’ high… he was pretty sure it felt like this. 
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Eddie refused to tell you where he was driving you, only that your destination was about thirty minutes out of Hawkins. When he finally pulled into the parking lot, the look on your face was completely worth it. 
“Santa’s Light Farm?” you read from the lit archway composed of what looked like two giant candy canes as he pulled the van into the drive. Eddie took a moment to take in your awestruck expression before throwing the gear shift into park. “Eddie, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many Christmas lights in my life! How did you find out about this place?”
“We used to come here when I was a kid,” Eddie said, unbuckling and killing the engine before hopping out of the van and jogging to open your door before you got the chance. He continued as he helped you from your seat, “Long time ago, like… last time I was here it was with my mom.” 
Your eyes widened; he’d never mentioned her before, not really. He’d only made passing references to his mother, the entity she’d been in the childhood that you didn’t know much about apart from what he’d made a point not to talk about.
“How long ago was that?” you asked. You didn’t mean to pry… but now that he was opening up doors that had never been opened for you, you were anxious for any scraps he was willing to give. 
“My last Christmas with her, I was six.” Eddie’s gaze was wistful, tinging his melancholy grin with a hint of nostalgia. “I don’t remember much about this place, just how I felt when I was here.” He turned to you now, the corner of his smile tugging up in that way that made your heart do backflips. “That’s why I wanted to bring you.”
The two of you were standing still now, waiting in line at the ticket booth. Your hand grasped his, and you gave him a reassuring squeeze. “I wish I could’ve met her.” 
Eddie’s hand squeezed yours back. “She would have liked you.” Then he gave you a look so genuine, you had no doubt in your mind that he meant it.
He let go of your hand only to thumb through his cash at the ticket booth, greedily grabbing your hand back the moment he pocketed his wallet. 
You began the journey through the glowing light show of giant Christmas trees and dazzling archways, and you both marveled at the sheer amount of lights that had been strung into fantastic spectacles as far as your eyes could see. Holiday favorites played through speakers served as the soundtrack to your colorful stroll, mingling with the laughter of children making memories just like Eddie’s. 
“You want hot cocoa?” he asked when the two of you found a quaint stand decorated to look like a gingerbread house. You nodded eagerly, swooning at the idea of a warm drink in this bone-chilling cold. 
“Now’s the best part, Sweet Tart.” Eddie smiled triumphantly at his rhyme, taking both of your hot chocolates and herding you over to a topping bar that had been set up on the side of the stand. “You probably don’t know this about me, but I just happen to make the most delicious cup of hot cocoa in the history of the world.” 
“Oh, aren’t I lucky?”
“Extremely.” he winked, handing you one of the cups. “So what I’m going to do is fix you the greatest cup of cocoa ever, and you can try your best to make me one Ace-style.”
You lifted an eyebrow. “And what is Ace-style?” 
“That’s up to you, gorgeous.”
Gorgeous. Eddie just called you gorgeous. You wanted to pinch yourself, to squeal, to jump up and down. 
“Well then,” you cooed through a toothy grin, “get ready to be dethroned, cocoa king.”
A little more than five minutes later, the two of you sat on a bench beneath a twinkle-lit pergola with your custom cocoas in hand. You had begrudgingly named Eddie the winner, laying the grudge on thickly just to see his cocky smile grow cockier. You’d happily lose any competition against him if it meant you got to see that smile on his face. 
“You get extra points for creativity with the cinnamon, though.” he complimented you between sips, a frothy mustache of whipped cream bubbling on his upper lip. “Never would’ve thought to put that on cocoa.”
You struggled to hide a laugh as you reached for him with a napkin. “‘Preciate it, Colonel Sanders.” 
“Colonel…? Oh.” It was too dark to tell, but you were pretty sure Eddie blushed as you wiped the whipped cream away. “Thanks. No question of whether or not I liked your recipe, I guess!”
You giggled, taking a sip from your own cup. “I’m a little jealous that I don’t get to taste the fruit of my own labors, I worked hard on that!”
“Oh, you wanted some?” You recognized that mischievous glint in Eddie’s eye, but it was too late- he’d already swiped a dollop of whipped cream from his cup and smeared it on the tip of your nose. “There. You can reach that, right?”
You crossed your eyes as you laughed, trying to reach the whipped cream with your tongue which- obviously- you could not do. 
Eddie was cracking up beside you. “C’mon Ace, it’s right there, you got it!” 
It wasn’t long before you’d dabbed a bit of whipped cream on his nose, and the two of you had descended into a laughing fit. 
The entire date went that way… both of you messing with each other, finding tiny, insignificant excuses to touch each other, make eye contact, do or say something that made the other smile. Conversation flowed easily, like it always did. You’d initially been nervous that this night would be awkward, but you couldn’t have been farther from the truth. Talking to him, being with him… it was effortless every time.
Before you knew it, you’d both reached the end of the path, the glowing candy cane archway marking the divide between the holiday wonderland and the dusty parking lot. 
Neither you nor Eddie seemed able to bring yourselves toward it; you both stood stock still just a few feet behind the looming candy canes. It seemed he wanted to keep the night going just as much as you did. 
“I almost want to try and walk through it again backwards.” You said, laughing lightly through the words. “I don’t want it to be over.”
Eddie seemed pensive, tilting his head as if deep in thought. The air between you was silent enough for you to register White Christmas playing through a speaker somewhere. Eddie backed up a step or two, then extended his arm out to you with an open hand. 
“One dance for the road, then?”
You stared at Eddie’s hand as a bewildered smile unfurled across your lips. “Do people even dance to Christmas music?” 
“That depends on whether you take my hand or not.” He shrugged, watching you expectantly. 
You took his hand. How could you do anything else?
It was cold outside- more than cold, it was below freezing- and yet, when you felt the pad of his frigid fingers caress your hand, felt his other hand press into the small of your back through the several layers of fabric you wore tonight… you felt anything but cold. You were freshly baked cookies. You were a quilt left by the fireplace to soak up its warmth. Hell, you were the fireplace. 
You swayed as one to Bing Crosby’s crooning, and your forehead found his chest as your eyelids fluttered shut and a smile that shone with warm content took its rightful place on your winter-chapped lips. You didn’t think it could get better, but then you felt his voice rumbling in his chest and realized that Eddie was singing softly along to the carol as you danced, and your heart began to melt for him.
You got a few looks as people walked past, some surprised, some fond, some judgmental- neither of you noticed, though. For once, you were both completely unbothered by the entire world around you. Nothing existed outside of this. 
You did eventually walk to the van. Eddie drove you back to Hawkins, and he parked at the curb in front of your house the same way he so often did… but it wasn’t the same. Because this time, he held your hand all the while.
“Can I see you again before Christmas?” Eddie asked you, standing with you on the doorstep under the pale porch light. 
“Well duh,” you smiled, “I have to give you your present.” 
He smirked. You swooned. You always swooned when he gave you that little half smile, but this time you didn’t hide it from him. You never wanted to hide how you felt about him ever again, after tonight. 
“And I have to give you your present.” Eddie parroted, sliding his arms around your waist and pulling you close. 
Your eyes went wide at the contact, and you couldn’t suppress the grin his touch elicited from you as you leaned into it. 
“You got me a present?” 
He nodded, pulling you closer. “Mm-hm. And you didn’t have to get me anything, tonight was enough.” 
You sighed, watching the cloud of your cocoa-scented breath mingle with his in the dim light against a backdrop of snow that was just beginning to fall. “Tonight was perfect, Eddie.”
“Almost perfect.”
You lifted your head to look up at him, confused, but his finger caught your chin to lift it the rest of the way to capture your lips with his own. 
You were dreaming. You had to be dreaming. Eddie Munson was kissing you, and snow was falling, and his hand was pressing into the small of your back making you arch against him and Eddie Munson was kissing you. 
You lifted your hand to lightly caress the stubble at his jaw, and you felt him shiver at the coldness of your fingers but he only kissed you harder, as if he sought shelter from the cold in the way your lips felt against his. 
You were dazed when he pulled away, eyelashes fluttering and your gaze saturated with longing for more. He brought a hand up to grasp yours at his jaw, bringing it to his mouth to press a gentle kiss to your knuckles. 
“You look like a princess tonight, by the way,” he whispered. “I should’ve said that when you got the door, but I’m a coward.”
“You aren’t a coward, Eddie Munson.” You said, moon-eyed and soft-spoken. 
A snowflake caught in your hair, and Eddie smiled as he smoothed it out with his thumb. “You know,” he said, murmuring as though he was half speaking to himself. “When I’m with you, that feels truer than it ever used to before.” He brought his lips to your forehead, pressing them into another gentle kiss at your hairline. 
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Six days passed before you saw Eddie again, but that didn’t mean you didn’t hear from him. He called you every morning- that is, if you didn’t beat him to it. You caught your parents smiling at you on more than one occasion, watching you giggle and sigh and twirl the telephone cord between your fingers. Your mother would grin wistfully, remembering the first time she’d been that smitten over someone. Your father would shake his head and sip his coffee, hiding a smile behind the paper. They both knew who you were talking to, and they couldn’t be more proud of their daughter’s taste. Eddie was already practically part of the family.
The snow continued in full force for the majority of that week, and by the time Friday the 23rd rolled around, there was enough snow on the ground to nearly reach your knees. Eddie insisted that the two of you had to build a snowman as the snow was the perfect consistency today to do so, and you were completely incapable of saying no to him so that was exactly what you did. You were both so cold and frozen to the bone that you both had to huddle by the radiator in his trailer until you could feel your toes again. Wayne had gotten off early for the holidays, so he’d been ready with steaming cups of coffee for the both of you. Come sundown, you were both wrapped in old blankets and clutching your mugs of coffee, cuddling like penguins as It’s a Wonderful Life played on the TV. 
It was a perfect day. 
“You want your present now?” Eddie asked, his chin nudging the top of your head as the credits rolled at the end of the film. It was just the two of you in the room now, Wayne having escaped to the patio for a smoke break.
You nodded excitedly, leaping up to grab two wrapped parcels from beneath the plastic Christmas tree in the corner of the living room- one from you to Eddie, one from him to you. 
Eddie chuckled at your enthusiasm, turning to face where you sat opposite him on the loveseat.
“You open yours first.” you commanded, excited to see his reaction to what you were quite sure would knock his socks off. You’d pulled some strings for this one. 
Eddie obeyed, ripping into the carefully wrapped package quickly and efficiently. Moments later, he was holding up a T-shirt with an expression that was somewhere between shock and complete childlike glee. 
“This… is this-?”
You were already nodding. “It’s from this year’s tour. I have a cousin in Texarkana, and he told me they were playing at the Community College back at the beginning of the school year, so…” You smiled, “I called in a favor he owes me.”
Eddie looked at you flabbergasted, turning your gift to him this way and that so he could look at every square inch of the Metallica tour shirt- now officially his Metallica tour shirt. 
“This is… oh my God-”
On that last syllable, he dropped the shirt in his lap and tackled you in a hug so fierce, it toppled you over. 
“Okay, okay,” you wheezed, struggling to catch your breath in his vice-like grip. “I’m glad you like it, can I breathe now, please?” 
He loosened the embrace but still held you in his arms, smiling down at you with joy so bright it could melt the snow outside. “Seriously, thank you. I can’t believe you managed to get one of these.”
You shrugged. “Well, you wanted to go see them in Illinois months ago, but I’m the one who convinced you to stay home because it was a school night. It’s the least I could do.” 
Eddie shook his head, gazing at you with the kind of wonder that one would normally reserve for something like the Grand Canyon or an art museum. “Ace, if this is your least, then I don’t think the world is ready for your best.” 
Once both of you were upright again, Eddie tapped a finger impatiently on his gift to you. “Your turn, c’mon, open it.”
You didn’t need to be told twice- you tore paper and ribbon off the rectangular box with gusto, raising an eyebrow when you saw a logo you recognized on the surface of the cardboard. 
“Converse?” You asked. Eddie just smiled, waiting for you to remove the lid- he wasn’t disappointed with your reaction. Your jaw dropped when your eyes locked on the deep red platform Converse that you’d fallen in love with nearly five months ago. 
“Eddie… are these-?”
“You know I couldn’t let you leave that store without those shoes. Or… well, I couldn’t let you leave without the possibility of owning those shoes.” Eddie’s posture straightened, obviously satisfied with how surprised you were. “They were meant for you, Ace.”
You couldn’t stop staring at the shoes. Those beautiful, red, perfect shoes that Eddie had seen you simply look at all those months ago, and bought for you so that he could give you the perfect Christmas present. Because they were- they were the best present you had ever gotten, because you knew that this meant he cared about you even then. 
You were so in love with this man. 
You didn’t realize you’d shed a tear until it spilled over your eyelid and fell with a plop on the cardboard box. 
“I can’t believe you bought these, Eddie, they were so expensive!” 
“Hey now, it’s okay! You don’t need to cry, it’s okay!”
Eddie was wiping your eyes in seconds, panicking at the sight of your tears. You sniffled, gazing up at him with wet, shining eyes. “It’s okay, they’re happy tears, I promise!” You tried to reassure him, but his hands stayed planted on either side of your jaw, fingers splayed across the skin of your cheeks.
“You promise you’re okay?” Eddie pressed.
You took his wrists in your hands, stroking your thumbs along his skin. “I’m more than okay, Eddie.” 
This time it was you who leaned in, your lips salted from a stray tear ghosting against his, innocent and tentative. He made a noise when you kissed him, a high-pitched sort of whine that sounded wanting, desperate. The tip of his tongue poked out to taste your kiss, and the moment you allowed your tongue to meet his, he seemed to lose all restraint. 
Your presents were forgotten, pushed to the side as Eddie leaned further into your kiss, his lips moving purposefully against yours as he slowly lowered you until you were horizontal on the loveseat. 
More of his weight settled on top of you, and you reveled in the way his body slotted against yours as he deepened the kiss. His mouth worked in tandem with yours as your hands wandered, fingering the fabric of his long sleeved shirt against his back. Your fingers worked their way under the hem, slipping to the warm skin beneath, and he gasped into your mouth at how cold your fingers were. His revenge was a bite to your lip, which launched a gasp from your lips that surprised even you. 
Wayne’s cough came from the kitchen, and it tore the two of you off of each other so fast that Eddie actually fell off of the couch, landing on his back and staring up at the ceiling wide-eyed and rueful. 
“You kids still on Santa’s nice list out here?” 
“Christ, Wayne-” Eddie’s hands rubbed his eyes, as if he could somehow reach his brain through his eye sockets and scrub away the embarrassment. 
 “-Because if you’re doing something that would land you two on the naughty list, I’d rather it didn’t happen in my living room.”
You cringed, glad he was behind you so you didn’t have to look Wayne in the eye. “Sorry, Mr. Munson.”
Eddie glanced up at you, smiling up at you through a cringe as he mouthed Sorry!
“It’s getting late, Ace,” he said, hopping to his feet and offering you a hand. “Let’s get you home.”
You nodded, taking his hand and standing to throw Wayne an apologetic smile. “Thank you for having me over, Mr. Wayne. And for the coffee.”
He gave you a friendly, forgiving smile in return. “No need to thank me, darlin’, you’re welcome anytime.”
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When Eddie returned home from dropping you off, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the crumpled piece of notebook paper that you’d given him before you’d left his car. You’d scribbled a phone number on it- the area code was unfamiliar, a Louisiana number that you’d said belonged to your grandmother’s house where you’d be staying for the remainder of the winter holiday. 
“My flight leaves tomorrow,” you’d said, “but my granny said it’s fine if you call. I can’t hog the phone like I’ve been doing the rest of this week- there’ll be like eighteen grandchildren there, so I doubt I’m the only one who’ll want to use the phone, but-”
“Ace,” Eddie interrupted, “Are you asking me to call you?” 
You looked up at him sheepishly, smiling and nodding your head. 
He grinned. “Then I’ll call.” 
This felt like the beginning of something good, something really really good. Eddie didn’t know what he’d done to deserve something so good… one could even call it a Christmas miracle. 
The phone rang suddenly, pulling Eddie from his thoughts, and he picked up the receiver quickly so it wouldn’t bother Wayne, who’d fallen asleep in his recliner. 
“You gave her the shoes!” Robin’s voice buzzed excitedly.
Eddie smiled, “Yes, Buckley, I gave her the shoes.” Robin had made a point to interrogate Eddie about his Christmas gift to you over a month ago, and when Eddie had finally broken down and told her, she’d actually been rather impressed with him.
“I just got off the phone with her,” She gushed, “She was stunned, completely floored. God, Munson, you realize you’re getting a girlfriend for Christmas?”
“Slow down, speedy-” Eddie cautioned through his teeth, “-we haven’t really… defined anything yet. I don’t even know if that’s what she wants.”
Robin snorted. “Oh, I don’t think you’ll find much of an issue there. Believe me, she wants to be with you. If she’s ready to deal with Alan and his creeps for you, she’s in it for the long haul.”
Eddie frowned, confused. “Alan?” he asked, “You mean what happened back in October? If anything she was the one antagonizing him, I had to get her out of the classroom before she started a fight.”
“October? No, I mean last week.”
Eddie’s breath caught in his chest. 
“Robin,” he said, his voice dangerously calm. “What happened last week?”
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Part 8
Taglist: @rustboxstarr , @josephquinnsfreckles , @rozxartaki ,@sheneedsrocknroll92, @melodymishahiddlestan , @stylesxmunson @fishwithtitz , @elvendria , @carrotbunnies21 , @the-unforgivenn , @munson-blurbs, @writinginthetwilight , @ghost-proofbaby , @nix-rose , @chaoticgood-munson , @3rd-conchord , @aphrogeneias , @definitionwanderlust , @aheadfullofsteverogers , @artsymaddie , @mopeymopeymouse , @alwaysbeenfamous
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I have a special request
may we have a fluffy platonic oneshot for hawks w/ a reader with four angel wings where they’re a third year at UA but never got a date to prom, so he decides they deserve at least one dance and shows up as their date?
please and thank you 🪽
You absolutely may! I hope I did your request justice! You didn't specify, so I made Reader a hero course student. I know this is a platonic fic, but I can totally see the potential for a friends to lovers story here (don't mind me, I'm just a huge sucker for that trope lol). Thanks for the request! ❤️
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Birds of a Feather
‣ Pairing: Keigo Takami/Hawks x GN!Reader (Platonic)
‣ Summary: Your good friend Hawks finds out you don't have a date to prom and decides to fix that problem himself!
‣ Genre: Fluff (angst, if you squint)
‣ Warnings: none
‣ Word Count: 2,042
‣ A/N: UA is considered a university in my fics. I know that universities generally don’t have proms, but this is fiction, so we can pretend whatever we want! Cue: UA third-year prom, feat. Hawks as a surprise guest! Let's go! (P.S. - I was listening to Words by Gregory Alan Isakov as I wrote this. I think it's a very nice song for slow dancing ♡)
➼ Main Masterlist ➼Keigo/Hawks Masterlist
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If anyone were to tell you before that you’d end up becoming such close friends with the number two hero, Hawks, you’d never believe them.
To your past self’s shock, it had really happened. How exactly? You weren’t quite sure. Maybe it started on the first day of your internship? He immediately complimented your beautiful set of white tandem wings, asking you questions about them with pure awe and fascination in his eyes. You found it quite endearing of him.
Or maybe it was when you took down your first villain together and realized you made a kick-ass team? After that day, he immediately offered you a permanent position at his agency, once you graduated UA. You couldn’t have been more thrilled to receive this news from someone you had always admired and looked up to.
Perhaps it was after that, when you both bonded over your shared experiences related to having big wings in a mostly-wingless world? That day was one you would always think back on with fondness.
You told him a story about how, one time, you crashed mid-flight into a huge mud pit. You and your friend spent hours removing all the dried clumps between your feathers. He one-upped your story with one of his own, telling you about the time that he came home after fighting a villain with a petroleum oil quirk that had managed to coat his wings with the gooey substance, which made it nearly impossible to fly. After struggling for hours to remove it himself, with little success, he had to embarrassingly enlist the help of his assistant.
“I hope you have her a raise, after that,” you chuckled.
He joined you in your laughter. “Oh, I did. A very generous one, at that. She was a real trooper that day."
The two of you laughed a lot over your shared stories. Both of you were grateful to have a friend that understood the parts of yourselves that most others didn’t, especially Keigo, who barely had anyone he could call a true friend for almost his entire life. It was refreshing, being friends with you.
Because of this, he quickly grew to be extra protective of you, from the moment he took you under his wing. He kept close tabs on you and checked in on you whenever he had the time. It was always so nice getting to hear how things were going for you, how your grades were, and what the newest gossip was at UA. He’d always say, half-jokingly, that if anyone gave you trouble, he'd fly over and put an end to it immediately, which always got a laugh out of you. He just really enjoyed having "normal" conversations with someone about "normal" things, for once—especially since he never got to experience a lot of these things, such as public school or prom. It was fun getting to vicariously live through you, in this way.
Towards the end of his parole shift, he thought about you, wondering if you were having a good time at your prom that night. You had been looking forward to it for a while, telling him about what you planned to wear and who you secretly hoped would be your date. Last he spoke to you, you had yet to confirm an official date to the dance, but he was almost certain that problem was resolved by now. You were a wonderful person with gorgeous looks and an amazing personality, he had no doubt in your ability to acquire many “promposals”, or whatever the kids called it these days.
It wasn’t until he checked the recent post on your social media account that he realized you, in fact, did not have a date.
At first, he was utterly confused.
Why hadn’t you told him? He would’ve gone with you in a heartbeat.
Then, he remembered just how considerate of a person you were. He told you he’d be working late shifts all week and you likely didn’t bother to ask because of that reason.
He looked at the picture of you in your stunning prom outfit before checking the time. A sigh pushed past his lips as he took off into the sky, flying home as fast as he could.
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Worst prom ever.
You felt like a total outsider at this place, despite being surrounded by familiar faces and music. Your friends all had dates and were busy having fun with them. Meanwhile, you busied yourself at the punch table, sighing as you poured yourself another cup. Some of the others without dates lingered in this corner of the large room, but none of them seemed all that keen on striking up a conversation with you. They all seemed to be too busy drowning in their own pools of boredom, longing, and self-pity.
You began to wonder why you even came to this event when you knew you didn’t have a date and your friends would all be too preoccupied with their own to entertain you. Well, you knew why, and it started and ended with a giant birdman by the name of Hawks. He had gifted you with a generous sum of money to buy yourself a nice outfit for prom after you had casually brought up in conversation that you were trying to save money for it. He refused to take it back, so you really didn’t have a choice but to use it. You ended up buying a gorgeous outfit that really complimented your wings. In the words of Hawks, you looked like an “ethereal angel”.
After buying the outfit and looking forward to the event for weeks, you couldn’t not go. Not without disappointing yourself, and probably Hawks too. He was always the one telling you that you needed to live life to the fullest and enjoy your experience at UA, while it lasted.
What you weren’t expecting was to feel so down and dejected, lingering by the punch table as you wistfully observed everyone else having fun like a lonely wallflower. You wanted to take Hawk’s advice and try to enjoy the moment anyway, but you found it too awkward to go out onto the dance floor without someone to dance with, and you weren’t too keen on asking someone you weren’t well-acquainted with to dance.
Still, you stole a glance at the other wallflowers in the corner, almost considering the idea.
You didn’t have a chance to, though, because you were distracted by the gasps and squeals of people all across the room. Following their eyes, you found the target of their attention to be a familiar red-winged man, in an unfamiliar looking outfit. An expensive-looking suit with a boutonniere pinned to the left lapel of his suit jacket. He flashed a charming smile and gave everyone a quick wave as his eyes scanned the room, finally landing on you.
You stared in shock as he walked over to you.
“Why, hello there, angel. Fancy meeting you here,” he said, smirking at your shocked expression.
“Hawks! What are you doing here?” you asked him with wide eyes.
He shrugged. “You know the saying, ‘birds of a feather flock together’? I heard my little chickadee was in need of a prom date, so naturally, I flew right over.”
You were aware of everyone’s eyes on you—something you had grown pretty used to after being with Hawks in public a good handful of times—but you were far too surprised to care as you looked him up and down.
“Your outfit. The colors match mine…”
“Of course they do. What kind of prom date do you think I am? I think what you mean to say is, I look handsome, right?” he teased.
You giggled at this. He always found a way to get you laughing with his witty remarks.
Nodding, you smiled up at him. “You do. Thank you for coming. You really didn’t have to do this.”
He gave you a small eye roll. “I wouldn’t be here unless I wanted to. And you deserve a proper prom experience. That said…”
Your eyes grew wide as he pulled out a beautiful corsage from behind his back. The flowers matched your outfit and his boutonniere perfectly.
"Hawks..." You couldn’t help the tears that began to build in your eyes.
"Oh, don't cry, angel! Your eyes will get all red and puffy! That's no good for prom pictures!" he said, brow scrunched in concern as he looked at you, partially wondering if he’d done something wrong, until you spoke.
"Sorry, it's just...nobody has ever done anything like this for me before. I was really thinking I'd be ending tonight on a bad note, until you showed,” you confessed, carefully wiping the underside of your eyes.
Keigo offered you a sympathetic smile as he stepped forward, holding out his hand, palm up. You held your left hand out to him and watched as he slipped the corsage onto your wrist.
"Well, let's make the most out of the time we have left. I know I kinda arrived last minute, but I also managed to make some arrangements for us that I think you’ll enjoy,” he said.
You looked at him, curious and confused. “What do you mean? Are we leaving?”
“Nope! We’re staying right here! Just us, the photographer, and the DJ,” he smiled, turning to look at the room, which was now completely empty, save for the two people he had mentioned.
How had you missed that?
“H-How?” was all that you could get out, as you looked around the room.
“The dance is technically over now, so I just extended our time a bit. Made a couple calls on my way here, bribed a few people, and here we are!” he explained, cheerfully.
You tried not to let your emotions get the better of you as you looked at him in astonishment.
“Hawks…I don’t even know what to say.”
He chuckled. “Well, I hope you’ll know what to say in response to my next question. There is only one right answer, so that narrows things down for ya’.”
You looked at him curiously, feeling a small pang of nervousness in your stomach as you awaited his question.
He bent forward into a bow, his eyes remaining locked with yours as he extended his right hand to you, his lips curved into a playful smile.
“May I have this dance?”
All nervousness instantly vanished and was replaced by pure giddiness as a bright smile overtook your face.
“Yes, you may,” you said, giggling as you placed your left hand in his.
He led you out to the middle of the dance floor and gave a nod to the DJ, who began playing a slow song through the surrounding speakers.
Turning to face you, Keigo gently grasped your right hand with his left, holding it near his chest. You smiled a bit sheepishly as you placed your free hand on his left bicep, just as he placed his right hand onto your middle back.
The two of you began to sway to the music. After a moment, you felt more at ease, finding that you seemed to move more naturally with each slow beat of the music.
You smiled at him. “I can’t thank you enough for doing all of this for me.”
Keigo earnestly returned your expression. “This is the least I can do for my special, feathered friend. I’m only sorry I couldn’t make it sooner.”
You scoffed. “Please. This is more than enough.”
“I’m glad you’re happy, angel.”
“I really am. Best prom ever,” you beamed at him.
Your contagious smile elicited a happy chuckle from him as he spun you around, being careful of your wings as he did so.
He pulled you back towards him and the two of you continued to dance together, laughing when you bumped him with your wings or when he accidentally stepped on your foot a little. You couldn’t have been happier, nor more grateful. Not only did you get the most perfect prom experience, but you got to spend it with your favorite red-feathered friend.
Like true birds of a feather, you knew you’d be flying together for a long time to come.
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‣ Taglist: @jslittlebirdie @xkatsukizukux @itsjudymoody @fandomenbylover
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prejacfetish · 11 months
Train Yourself (or a partner) to Cum Faster - Coach Sarah' Method for PE
* Find what tier you're in below
* work towards the next tier
After posting my first adventure here, I've gotten many, many people asking me to train or coach them one-on-one. Of course, having someone hot, clever, and a little sadistic to train you is the best, but, tragically, the reality is that I am way too busy to coach every person who wants to be coached.
But, these conversations have helped me start to formulate a generic write-up for some of the stuff I would suggest for guys or girls who want to be coached, either to cum faster, to cum helplessly to some specific stimulus, or both. This is my first stab at the former -- coaching to cum faster.
I've never had a "method" before. Every guy or girl I've ever played these sorts of games with I've approached individually, depending on their desires, their past, and what I personally was finding hot when I thought about it.
But I do think there are patterns or defaults that can help, so I've decided to start writing them down and sharing them.
If any of you follow my advice and keep notes, I'd love to hear how it goes! I particularly enjoy public comments, even if they're made with a burner account, because then everyone can benefit from your experience.
**What this guide is and isn't**
This will be an initial attempt at a guide specifically for people (any gender, any genitals) who want to cum faster. This is actually NOT what I do most of the time in my personal life -- most of the time, especially if I'm even occasionally sleeping with the person, I'd much prefer to train them to cum when I want, which might be 30 seconds into making out with them, or not at all. But, since PE Fetish is where I shared my first post, that's what most of your questions have been about, so I figured I'd start there.
So, what are the main goals of making someone cum faster? And what are the things I am not particularly interested in?
Let's get some of the "not interested" things out of the way first.
First, I'm not interested in fantasy, and that's not what this guide is about. I think fantasy captioned images where a guy is cumming in his pants after just seeing a girl in tight pants are great, if that's your thing. More power to ya! But MY thing is doing it in real life, and in real life that sort of thing is both borderline impossible, and also, if it really COULD be achieved, would completely screw up a person's life. Hot in fantasy, but not workable in reality.
Second, for this guide, I'm only interested in "conditioned triggers" in as much as they facilitate cumming faster. The idea of cumming whenever you see pussy or breasts or ass or a fire truck or hear a specific phrase is GREAT, and I LOVE it -- but here it is, at best, of secondary importance.
If you condition yourself to only cum to bare breasts, for example, you're working towards a different goal than strictly "lowering your time" PE. Imagine training to only cum to bare breasts, and it worked perfectly. Does that mean if we were hooking up, and I left my shirt on, you could you go for hours?
Obviously the answer to this is probably "who knows," but the point is that if your goal is just to get faster, a trigger CAN be helpful, but it should be a side dish more than the main course.
(Side note, a variation on this that I applied with Alan in a previous post, and that I have used several times since, is conditioning friends to cum when they see my bare pussy. This is a fun variation on a PE fetish, because it lets you keep a guy hard for as long as you want, but they know they will never be able to fuck you! That's not what I'm covering here, though. Maybe another day!)
So if that's what I DON'T want, what DO I want to achieve with this kind of coaching?
**Goals / What this guide will help you do**
The following three goals, IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE:
1. the person gets better at the learned skill of cumming quickly. week over week, the number of minutes and seconds it takes for them to cum goes down consistently (if not strictly linearly)
2. the person gets better at cumming from less intense VISUAL & mental stimulation. if in week 1 they are cumming to niche hardcore porn, in week 52 (say) I'd like them to be cumming just as easily to pics of people wearing clothes, or just their imagination.
3. the person gets better at cumming from less intense PHYSICAL stimulation. if in week 1 they are cumming to jerking off with a death-grip at high speed, or by holding a hitachi directly against their clit, by week 52 (say), I'd like them to be cumming from one finger rubbing their frenulum, or a soft paintbrush or make-up brush on their clit.
This is a key concept, so I'll repeat it: for me, and this guide, I am more interested in lowering times FIRST, decreasing intensity of visual stimulation SECOND, and decreasing physical stimulation THIRD. There can be some wiggle room, and not everything is linear, as I'll explain; but in general I think going from 20 minute jerk-offs (or 4+ hour goon sessions) with a tight grip and nonstop hardcore/niche porn on monday, to trying to "OFM" to girls in baggy clothes in 90 seconds on tuesday, is a recipe for not getting anywhere.
**Three Elements**
That said, progress is always non-linear. So, you'll be working through tiers. For each tier, you will:
1. Get your time down, and keep lowering it consistently
2. Then, start to experiment with less intense visual / mental stimulation
3. Then, start to experiment with less intense physical stimulation
When you are hitting all three benchmarks in a given tier, you'll move on to the next.
Ok those are the goals. Now onto the method.
**Method In Broad Strokes**
1. Take stock of where you currently are.
2. Find the highest tier you're in based on the benchmarks
3. Use that tier to set specific, concrete goals
4. Work towards those goals in the following order:A. TimeB. Visual stimulationC. Physical stimulation
5. When you reach a new benchmark, start the steps over
6. When (not if) you hit a plateau, follow the "plateau procedure"
Again, I've never written this down before, but this is basically what I'm typically, generically doing and thinking about when I'm training a friend (or enemy). I'm not always literally following the exact steps in the exact order, but it's pretty close to what I would do in the broadest of strokes.
(Also, for what it's worth, if anyone works on this constantly I'd love your feedback. I'm inventing these tiers right now based on experience, in order to help people broadly; but in my normal life I'd be setting individual goals for each individual. These might end up being a little "off" and if you find yourself stalling or hitting certain benchmarks more easily than others, I'd love to hear that.
>**Tier 1 Benchmarks:**
>Frequency: Masturbates 3 or more times per day
>Time: n/a (doesn't matter)
>Visual stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>Physical stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>**Tier 2 Benchmarks:**
>Frequency: Masturbates once or twice a day, most days
>Time: n/a (doesn't matter)
>Visual stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>Physical stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>**Tier 3 Benchmarks:**
>Frequency: Masturbates either every other day, or 3 days a week.
>Time: records time consistently (time itself doesn't matter)
>Visual stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>Physical stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>**Tier 4 Benchmarks:**
>Frequency: Masturbates either every other day, or 3 days a week.
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 5 minutes
>Visual stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>Physical stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>*Note: from this point and below, the requirement for every tier is "Frequency: Masturbates either every other day, or 3 days a week, not more."*
>**Tier 5 Benchmarks:**
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 90 seconds
>Visual stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>Physical stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>**Tier 6 Benchmarks:**
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 60 seconds
>Visual stimulation: reaches orgasm looking at images of a single person w/o penetration
>Physical stimulation: n/a (*Can be anything, though this is a good place to casually practice a "loose" grip (penis) or less intense or indirect vibrations (if you have a pussy and use a vibrator).*)
>*Note: from this point and below, the phrase "a single person" refers to "a single person per video or image." You are keeping to softcore, not fixating on a single individual.*
>**Tier 7 Benchmarks:**
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 45 seconds
>Visual stimulation: reaches orgasm looking at images of a single person wearing SOME clothing on top and bottom (can be underwear or swimsuit)
>Physical stimulation: masturbates with thumb, index finger and middle finger only (penis) or fingers only (vagina)
>**Tier 8 Benchmarks:**
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 30 seconds
>Visual stimulation: reaches orgasm looking at images of a single person wearing street clothes
>Physical stimulation: masturbates with two fingers only (index finger and thumb or index finger and middle finger) (penis) or 1 finger only (vagina)
>*Note: from this point and below, the phrase "street clothes" is subjective. My metric is "an outfit that wouldn't get you kicked out of a typical restaurant where families are present"*
>**Tier 9 Benchmarks:**
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 20 seconds
>Visual stimulation: reaches orgasm looking at images of a single person wearing street clothes
>Physical stimulation: masturbates with two fingers only (index finger and thumb or index finger and middle finger) (penis) or 1 finger only (vagina)
>**Tier 10 Benchmarks:**
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 10 seconds
>Visual stimulation: reaches orgasm without visual stimulation
>Physical stimulation: masturbates with one finger only (penis) or with a make up brush only (vagina)
**Using the Tiers**
Again, the method / pattern is as follows:
1. Take stock of where you currently are.
2. Find the highest tier you're in based on the benchmarks
3. Use that tier to set specific, concrete goals
4. Work towards those goals in the following order:A. TimeB. Visual stimulationC. Physical stimulation
5. When you reach a new benchmark, start the steps over
6. When (not if) you hit a plateau, follow the "plateau procedure"
For the purposes of this guide, you want to look at the HIGHEST number tier for which you hit ALL the metrics. That is the tier you are "on." One tier below that is the tier you are "working towards."
Note that I say you need to hit ALL the metrics to be ON a given tier. What happens if you hit some metrics for one tier, but not all the metrics? As you'll see, this will often be the case, and that's a good thing. In every case, you are considered to be on the HIGHEST number tier for which you hit ALL the metrics; hitting some metrics for lower tiers is great, but doesn't mean anything in terms of your programing.
For example, lets look at tiers 5 and 6
>**Tier 5 Benchmarks:**
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 90 seconds
>Visual stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>Physical stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>**Tier 6 Benchmarks:**
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 60 seconds
>Visual stimulation: reaches orgasm looking at images of a single person w/o penetration
>Physical stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
Lets say you time yourself and are able to cum in 54 seconds while looking at hardcore BDSM porn. You are in Tier 5, working towards tier 6, because while you meet the time metric for tier 6 (good job!), you don't yet meet ALL the metrics.
Let's look at a more extreme example.
>**Tier 3 Benchmarks:**
>Frequency: Masturbates either every other day, or 3 days a week.
>Time: records time consistently (time itself doesn't matter)
>Visual stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>Physical stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>**Tier 4 Benchmarks:**
>Frequency: Masturbates either every other day, or 3 days a week.
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 5 minutes
>Visual stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>Physical stimulation: n/a (doesn't matter, can be anything)
>**Tier 7 Benchmarks:**
>Time: consistently reaches orgasm in less than 45 seconds
>Visual stimulation: reaches orgasm looking at images of a single person wearing SOME clothing on top and bottom (can be underwear or swimsuit)
>Physical stimulation: masturbates with thumb, index finger and middle finger only (penis) or fingers only (vagina)
Let's say you consistently masturbate to images of a single person wearing some clothing on top and bottom, like underwear or a swimsuit. Great! You have only recently started timing yourself, and you average about 8 1/2 minutes to climax, with a best-ever time of 5:24.
You are doing awesome, but for the purposes of programing, you should consider yourself at Tier 3, working towards Tier 4. This isn't to diminish your work cumming to less intense visual stimulation! But this guide is about learning to cum faster. Following the tier system, you can stop worrying about less intense visual stimulation for a while, and focus on getting your time down for a while.
Again, as a reminder, this guide isn't one-size fits all. If you think this concept is shit, do whatever you want! I'm not your mom (unless I've explicitly told you to call me Mommy) and you can do whatever you want to do. But this is the GENERAL advice and programing I'd give to a person who wants to achieve the specific goals I outlined above. If you want something else, do something else, I won't be offended.
**Moving Up In Tiers**
**Tiers 1 - 3**
Your goal here is to work from masturbating many times a day to once every other day, or 3 days a week on scheduled days each week. (Either is fine in my opinion -- every other day is probably sightly better in general, but every 3 days can make overcoming plateaus easier so it's mostly a wash.)
* for one week, keep track of how many times you masturbate. (Generally this means orgasm, but if you do a lot of edging, count each 30 minute block as one time)
* At the end of the week make a total for the week.
* Multiply the total by .9. That is your new weekly maximum.
* Divide by 7 to get a daily maximum, if you want to
* for each following week, multiply THE WEEKLY MAXIMUM by .9 to get a new weekly maximum
* Do not multiply the number of times you masturbated by .9, I don't care about that number at all. Reduce the amount you masturbate by as much as you like. Drop down to 3x a week on week 2 if you want. But your weekly maximum goes down by 10% each week regardless.
* You are done with this sequence when you consistently masturbate every other day / on 3 scheduled days a week for 3 consecutive weeks.
*Walking, exercise, and hobbies Side-note*
For people that I coach who masturbate A LOT, their masturbation is often a way of numbing difficult emotions. Simply dropping down in frequency without doing anything else tends, in my experience, to fail spectacularly.
If you masturbate more than 7x a week, you should follow the following sequence as you follow the above sequence:
* when you determine the number of times a week you masturbate, also keep track (precisely or loosely, guesstimates are fine) of the number of MINUTES you masturbate
* As you reduce the number of times you masturbate, you are REQUIRED to replace at least 50% of that time (100% is optimal) with specific other activities.
* Walking is the default activity, and might be the best. This generally means going outside and walking, maybe listening to music or a podcast. If you can't decide, just do this.
* Other activities include any form of exercise, or any hobby where you look at your hands (drawing, journaling, sculpting, ship-in-a-bottle are ok; video games and surfing the internet do not count for this requirement)
**Tiers 4 and beyond**
Again, the method / pattern is as follows:
1. Take stock of where you currently are.
2. Find the highest tier you're in based on the benchmarks
3. Use that tier to set specific, concrete goals
4. Work towards those goals in the following order:A. TimeB. Visual stimulationC. Physical stimulation
5. When you reach a new benchmark, start the steps over
6. When (not if) you hit a plateau, follow the "plateau procedure"
We've now covered 1, 2, and 3. Now we'll work on 4, 5 and 6.
**4A. How to lower your time**
This alone is a helpful and simple method, and I bet some of you who think this guide is WAY too complicated can still benefit from this approach. Here's what you do.
Note: should be self-explanatory, but the following is intended for people who are in tier 4 or higher. If you are masturbating 3x a day, godspeed, but this will probably not be super effective.
Solo Method:
Week 1
* each time you masturbate, time yourself with a STOPWATCH
* \- the timer begins when you touch your genitals, even through clothes (this is to prevent cheating by doing a lot of stimulation through your jeans or whatever, which is counterproductive)
* \- You can look at stimulating stuff at other times, but this may cause you to go crazy or fall off the wagon (hard to advise if you don't have a partner)
* at the end of the week, average the times (add them up and divide by 3 or 4 depending)
* Multiply this number by .9 -- This is your new MAXIMUM TIME
For each following week:
* each time you masturbate, set a TIMER (not a stopwatch) for your MAXIMUM TIME.
* If you orgasm within the maximum time, great! (it's not required, but I think it's good to write down how long you took, eg {max time - time remaining on timer = session time\]
* if you do not orgasm within the maximum time, no problem! stop masturbating and wait until your next session.
* Generally, if you are following the structure, you will always cum either in the first session or the second session. This is considered "good progress"
* At the end of each week, multiply the week's MAXIMUM TIME by .9 to get next weeks new Maximum Time
* Generally there's no need to add up your times and find an average anymore, unless you find yourself consistently beating your maximum times by a huge margin (over 25%) FOR MULTIPLE WEEKS RUNNING.
* When your week's maximum time gets = to or lower than the maximum time for the Tier you are WORKING TOWARDS, set your max time at that time and keep it there.
*Partner Method:*
*As above, but with a partner you can generally go faster, especially if the partner is keeping you in a chastity device. Sometimes I will multiply the max time by other numbers, like .85 or .8, or arbitrarily drop down even lower -- and then in following weeks raise the time similarly arbitrarily. I find a more chaotic approach that trends downward is often more effective and makes my partner feel much more controlled and helpless.*
Within 2 weeks, you will either be cumming within the max time for the tier you are working towards, most of the time or all of the time, OR, you will be plateaued, only cumming every other time (and likely really frustrated).
If you are pretty consistently cumming within the max time for the tier you are working towards, keep your max time where it is and move on to decreasing visual stimulation.
If you are plateaued, do the following:
* time yourself with a stopwatch (not a timer)
* masturbate once, with the goal of cumming as fast as you can
* whatever time you get is your temporary max time, which will be consistent as you move on to decreasing visual stimulation.
**4B -** **Decreasing Visual Stimulation**
(This is identical to (but maybe slightly more detailed than) the much-misunderstood "Trigger Method" popular on this subreddit. I hate to even use that term, because people almost always get the wrong idea about what the word "trigger" means. So if you don't know what I'm talking about, just forget the word trigger.)
* keep your maximum time, as above.
* as above, if you don't cum within your maximum time, stop and wait for your next session
* Look at the requirements for visual stimulation for the tier you are working towards
* Before you start masturbating, pull up something along those lines in another window, browser tab, screen, whatever. We'll call this the LESS STIMULATING stuff.
* masturbate as normal to the stuff you normally masturbate to
* when you are close to orgasm, switch to the LESS STIMULATING stuff while you orgasm
* Over time, experiment with switching to the LESS STIMULATING stuff earlier and earlier in the session
* Eventually experiment with starting with the less stimulating stuff and looking at it the whole time.
* There is another more concrete method for this that involves two timers, but that is probably too much for most people's patience.
* DON'T: look at the less stimulating stuff to start with and switch to some other thing later.
* I don't really recommend making the LESS STIMULATING stuff something specific like belly buttons or feet or eye contact or fire hydrants if your goal is to decrease your time. (That can be fun for other games, but outside the scope of this specifci guide.)
* When you are consistently cumming to the less stimulating stuff, move on to decreasing physical stimulation
* If you go for several weeks making no progress -- consistently not cumming, or frequently only cumming on session #2 and not #1, you can move on to physical stimulation OR add time to your max time and start over.
**4C - Decreasing Physical Stimulation**
Much the same as above, but with physical stimulation.
* keep your maximum time, as above.
* as above, if you don't cum within your maximum time, stop and wait for your next session
* Look at the requirements for physical stimulation for the tier you are working towards
* masturbate as normal to the stuff you normally masturbate to
* while you masturbate, experiment with less intense grip/pressure/lower speed on vibrator
* when you are close to orgasm, switch to the LESS STIMULATING type of touching while you orgasm. Do this until you feel you are cumming normally/strongly with the less intense stimulation
* Over time, experiment with switching to the LESS STIMULATING grip/pressure earlier and earlier in the session
* (For people with vaginas, when you are moving from vibrator to fingers, take your time. This tier might be a huge challenge for you! That's fine, be patient, take it slow.)
* Eventually experiment with starting with the less stimulating grip or pressure the whole time.
* When you are consistently cumming to the less stimulating stuff, but are falling short of the tier you are working towards in terms of time or visual stimulation, return to those steps as above. It's okay for progress to be non-linear!
* If you go for several weeks making no progress -- consistently not cumming, or frequently only cumming on session #2 and not #1, you can move back to visual stimulation OR add time to your max time and start over.
Ok, I typed this all out without too much thinking about it or review. I'll probably return to it in a day or two to make refinements and possibly add examples for the last part. And obviously I'll need
Please sound off with questions, in the meantime.
And, good luck! I can't offer direct coaching, but I'd love to hear your progress in the comments.
\-Coach Sarah
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danieyells · 2 months
Ambition Theorizing
So the Weighing of Souls examines the ambition you have in your head when you touch the mannequin and assigns you a house. Obscuary isn't assigned that way--Obscuary is assigned based on deemed absence of humanity while being a ghoul--but every other house is. Starting from your second year you can change houses but your first year you're stuck wherever the Weighing placed you.
Hyde gives a small general overview of the values of each house which kind of gives you a hint at what the nature of the ambitions could be.
So here's some ideas of mine for what everyone's ambitions are, and what the general ambition of each house is. (Haru and Rui are briefly mentioned at the end included due to their original houses not being stated. Yuri is under both Frostheim and Mortkranken due to speculation.)
I'm curious about what you all think as well, if you have thoughts of your own regarding the general ambition of each house and the ghouls in them! And where you place your OCs and self inserts based on their ambitions lol
Also if i forgot anybody let me know because i feel like i did
Frostheim - Success By Any Means Necessary
Jin - revenge for his mother. The power to overcome or escape his father and perhaps gain some control over his own life.
Kaito - to be somebody and make something of himself. Popularity, companionship, never being alone.
Lucas - to subjugate demons and get his twin back. To protect his loved ones at any cost.
Haku - control over his own life and future. The ability to escape his family and their pressure?
Yuri - success and acclaim. Influence within the field of anomalous medicine. There's something to do with his mother as well, although we aren't sure what yet.
Vagastrom - Ideals, Reform, Innovation
Alan - reform for himself. The opportunity to protect others, rather than harm others like he had once done. He can't live without regret, but maybe he can make up for his past instead.
Tohma - change for the world or the Institue or Darkwick? Tohma seems to be focused on preparing Jin to inherit his father's position as President of the Institute and make changes that will better Darkwick and the Institute. However we don't know to what end he wants to see things change or for what purpose--but we know he wants to make some sort of difference and is presently using Jin and Darkwick and whoever else he can for that.
Leo - hostile reform, for an ideal world. The opportunity to make the people who make life suck suffer and pay for doing so, so he can live without struggle.
Shohei - an ideal world? Sho's ambition is hard to pin down, but it seems like he'll use others to get ahead--but also be used in turn. Sho strikes me as someone who values freedom and wants to go where he wants and do what he wants, able to pursue whatever interest or whim strikes his fancy without restraint.
Jabberwock - Trust, Care, Loyalty
Towa - to love and be loved in turn. Perhaps to find his soulmate. I would say 'to protect those weaker than him' but learning that love is what changed him and he was once more cruel than he is now makes me question is he would have an ambition like that when he got there. In fact, I suspect that love wasn't his ambition at all(though he still loved romance and soulmates and the like, he just wasn't driven by love) when he arrived, but until we have hints that he was, in fact, not in Jabberwock from the start, I'll leave him here.
Ren - to find somewhere he can feel safe and valued despite how he is. To find people he can trust.
Sinostra - Power, Coming Out On Top
Taiga - strength and power. To be unstoppable. In the past, Taiga was one of the most successful ghouls as far as missions and anomaly capture and such went, but eventually he pivoted to just destruction. He no longer seems to care about the outcomes that he used to--although who knows how that'll change when Sinostra's probation gets lifted, with the Laurel Crown on the line, since he does seem interested in profit.
Romeo - replacing what he's lost. Regaining wealth and maintaining what's his. Building up something and keeping that. Once upon a time Romeo's family lost everything. He won't let that happen again and he won't let anyone destroy what he's built.
Ritsu - gaining the Laurel Crown. Acquisition of clients that will skyrocket his career and put him on top as a lawyer. Victory.
Hotarubi - Individuality, Creativity
Subaru - the opportunity to find himself. Freedom from the judgement of others. While I'm sure he loves acting, he has been doing it since he was four years old. The eyes on him make him afraid of their opinions and he feels like he has to live to meet others' expectations. But he'd like to be able to find out what he wants to do, if not be given the opportunity to live how he wants to.
Zenji - the opportunity to make masterpieces. Finding inspiration.
Mortkranken - Knowledge, Intelligence
Yuri - mastery of anomalous medicine. To be able to back up his talk with actual genius.
Jiro - understanding his illness? Learning more about anomalies in general? Jiro's ambition is hard to pin down due to his poor memory and general indifference towards most things. However between that he said he woke up with knowledge of anomalous infectious disease one day and just decided to keep studying it, and that his response to hearing about the anomaly that cursed the PC was that he would study every inch of it if it were in front of him suggests that he's interested in learning things and studying anomalies a great deal. His max affinity line is that your curse may be related to his field of study so your death would be inconvenient. Despite how impassive he is, he is passionate about study, so it seems like it would be a fitting ambition for him--he came to school, he wants to study.
(additional speculation on defunct house ambitions:
Dionysia - Freedom, Happiness, Embracing Life
Dionysus is the god of wine and festivity, among other things. I imagine Dionysia's general ambition is "live life to the fullest." I think Rui was from here before he was cursed and transferred to Obscuary.
Clementia - Mercy, Salvation, Peace
Clementia is the goddess of clemency, mercy, forgiveness, salvation, etc. The house is in a cathedral and they historically would perform exorcisms. I imagine their general ambitions are protecting others and keeping the peace with anomalies, keeping balance in the world. I speculate that Haru was here before he transferred to Jabberwock when it was dissolved, as Haru expresses the desire to protect the lives of the people and anomalies in Jabberwock and regrets being unable to save anyone or anything dear to him when chosen in the pre-prologue. He also says Calamari and its mother should be allowed to escape, lest the balance of nature in the ocean be disrupted, suggesting that maintaining the balance is something he prioritizes.
Ultio - Judgement, Structure, Law
Ultio is a goddess of vengeance and revenge. The house of Ultio housed a prison for anomalies deemed too dangerous for human exposure, which Darkwick took over themselves when Ultio was dissolved. I imagine the general ambition of the house is control of anomalies and power over others in a more "lawful" way than Sinostra exhibits. I headcanon that Towa was in Ultio due to his historic hostility/indifference towards the small and weak and his existing tendency to bully anomalies, as well as their tendency to obey and fear him. I imagine, if Ultio were still around, Ritsu could have been sorted into it if his ambitions leaned towards law and order over his own power, influence, and victory. However Ritsu, as a defense attorney, could have also been placed into Clementia if his desires leaned towards granting clemency to the guilty if you use similar logic. . . .
If not for Obscuary, I imagine Lyca would have been assigned Jabberwock or Clementia due to his desire to live peacefully with humans, and Ed would have been assigned Dionysia due to his relaxed nature, or maybe even Ultio as an inversion of his belief that humans will lose their dominance as a species and have to submit to anomalies someday.)
But, yeah! Those are my speculations. What do you all think.
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
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@karmablacks I'm technically studying law so I got too defense brained thinking about this :/ right anyway. When accusing someone of murder you must consider, did they have the means? The motive? The opportunity? Of the five persons of interest MC finds listed, I think all of them made that short list because they have the means to have committed a murder. That leaves motive and opportunity, which leads me to be comfortable excluding Alan, wanting more information on Jiro, Towa, and Ed, and ambivalent about Rui.
Excluding Alan
Alan specifically says he thinks that he killed Dante during the Clash, unless Dante was the victim of the One Eyed Sleeping Beauty Murder (which I will henceforth be abbreviating as OES murder because fuck typing all that) then I see no reason he would not have said as much during Episodes 2 and 5. If he started the Clash then I think that would factor into his guilt and weigh on him immensely, it would be something he thinks about regularly. Dante does not only have one eye, he's got four and we know from Haku that multiple people went past the point of no return during the Clash. We are looking at a murder that specifically started a war, not one that resulted from it.
Profile Jiro
We know the least about him out of everyone on the list, but there is just enough to understand why he's there. He was in a coma for a very long time and still hasn't healed, if he is on the suspect list presumably he was not in a coma during the murder but might have entered it after. His combat skills are good enough to protect Yuri who has none, he has multiple wounds on his body that aren't closing, and he outright refuses to spar with Luca on the basis of it being a "bad idea." I am very comfortable with him having the means to commit a murder, the question is whether or not he would have seen it as a murder. One of his first voicelines is about "giving them death because that is what they wanted." If he did kill our victim, there is a chance it was a mercy kill that other parties disagreed on, hence the Clash.
Also did you catch the bloody gloves he's holding in the teaser? I did, it made me wonder if we will learn more about the murder in the next Episode.
Profile Towa
He would have been a first year during the Clash, meaning that while he might not be new to life he was new to Darkwick and we have all seen how he acts towards new people he doesn't like. Haru felt the need to tell him not to use lightning underwater, he's not exactly the most familiar with how to treat things gently and with care. Sure, Towa is currently interested in romance and love, but Ed accuses him of not always being that way and refusing to see anything weaker than him as having value. We don't know why that changed, and until we do he remains someone who wouldn't necessarily need a specific motive for murder and has the powers to kill someone. The main problem with Towa is that if he was the person who murdered the victim, his method would be very easy to identify. He controls the weather and likes poisonous flowers, we need to know how the victim died before we can determine how strong or weak of a suspect Towa is.
Profile Ed
This bitch has been technically undead for 400 + slutty slutty years, and the one time he stopped watching tiddy streamers to help Rui with a mission he leveled an entire building. Chances are pretty good he's killed someone before and wouldn't have a problem doing it again. This is where we look at motive and opportunity, Ed is really only ever active at night and claims he cannot go out into the sun. Was our victim murdered during the day? Then that makes it less likely to be Ed. There is technically a difference between just killing someone and murdering them, murder implies a degree of intent. You wanted that person to be dead, who would Ed have enough of a vendetta against to actually want dead? And was our victim someone who would fit that description?
Ambivalence about Rui
Rui kills people by touching them and draining their life force. Based off of what we see he does to Ed and the butterfly on the homescreen, it looks like this causes them to disintegrate. While I have no doubt that Rui has killed people on accident before, is this case really one where that's what could have happened? From what we have seen of him I don't think he is someone who would have the motive to murder someone. Means and opportunity sure, not motive. But again, as with Towa, how can he be under the same level of suspicion as the others if his would be method of murder is so specific? I could see him as the murderer if it was an accident, and it's one of the reasons he feels the need to repent. Which rounds out my thoughts and brings me to:
What I Want to Know
I want the name, year, and age of the victim, when they died (estimated), and the suspected cause of death. Also why is this murder called what it is, why did it cause the Clash, and most importantly:
What could have possibly happened to that body that your suspect list has such a wide variety of possible murder methods, or are Darkwick investigators just that dumb and afraid of ghouls that they immediately accused who they think are the five most dangerous (in no particular order) without taking any of that into account? And is that murder what Taiga, Tohma, and Alan all are talking about when they say there is a spy intent on making the ghouls look bad?
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bagerfluff · 8 months
I Won't Say (I'm In Love)
Nico di Angelo x Son of Eros Reader
Inspiration - I Won't Say (I'm In Love) By Alan Menken and David Zippel
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
AN - If you have any ideas for a story with this reader then ask and you shall receive
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Nico stood by his cabin as he watched you talk with some Aphrodite girls. It had been months since you had first came to camp and since Hazel had introduced you two and you were still the gossip of Camp Half-Blood and Nico could see why.
You were found a couple months ago and you hadn’t been claimed yet which was shocking since you had told everyone that you were fifteen. The Gods had said that they would claim any Half-Blood before they turned thirteen.
Chiron had asked you if you had been claimed but after he told you how half-bloods get claimed you sarcastically said “I think I would notice if a giant thing appeared above my head”, which Leo thought was funny.
So you were placed into Hermes cabin for about a week before you were claimed, but everyone was more shocked at that. You were claimed by Eros, or better known as Cupid.
That was a shock.
No one, not even Chiron had heard of this. And that guy was old, really old. It had been months since that happened but people still talked about you. You were in the Hermes cabin since there wasn’t a cabin for you but that only lasted for a month or two because it was getting quite crowded, so they placed you in a cabin that was almost empty.
Hades cabin, Nico’s cabin. This made Nico quite mad. But not for the reasons you think. Nico had nothing against you. You were nice, charming, funny, good looking.
That’s why Nico hated you.
You had tried to befriend him, with lots of flirting that Nico decided to ignore. Although Nico didn’t spend a lot of time at Camp Half-Blood, you still tried to be friends with him. But he never really talked to you, or hung out with you.
He mostly ignored you.
After a couple of weeks you had gotten the message and left him alone. But now Nico had wished that he didn’t act so cold to you. Watching you talk and laugh with other people made Nico feel weird. He didn’t know why he felt this way.
He did not like you.
Nico didn’t not have a crush on you. He had bad experiences with love, especially with Cupid. It never worked out well. So why did he feel his heart flutter when he was near you or when you smiled at him. No, Nico did not have a crush on you. He had too much to worry about in his life.
He was a child of The Big Three, his life was hard. He had to focus on keeping himself alive. But then why did he long to be next to you. You are like that stupid girl with her arms around your shoulder. Nico shook his head and looked away from you.
He should leave, he’s spent too much time at Camp Half-Blood anyway. “Hey Neeks”, Nico looked up to see Hazel running towards him. Nico smiled slightly and waved at her. “What are you doing?” Hazel asked, taking a place next to Nico.
“I was just about to leave, I have stuff to do”. Hazel laughed which confused Nico. “So you weren’t just looking at Y/n?” Hazel asked though it wasn’t a question. Nico blushed and looked away from Hazel but the damage had been done.
Hazel had her answer though Nico suspected that she already knew it. “Why don’t you just tell Y/n that you love him. He’s said he’s pansexual”, Hazel pointed out. Nico knew that, you had told him that when you first tried to talk to him.
Nico never knew why to tell him that, it wasn’t important. “I’m not going to confess to him because I don’t like him”, Nico told Hazel, looking back at her though he couldn’t meet her eyes. Hazel let out another laugh before looking at you.
Nico followed her gaze and he blushed again when he saw you. You weren’t doing anything special, which just made Nico more mad. You were just leaning on the railing for a cabin and talking to an Apollo kid.
Since your father struck people with arrows you were really good with a bow, which made you friends with almost all of the Apollo kids. But the way that the sun was shining on you made your eyes like gems and every once and a while you ran your hands through your hair, which was not helping Nico with his blush.
Hazel let out another laugh and that brought his attention back to her. “Yeah Nico, sure you don’t have a crush on him”, Hazel spoke before placing a kiss on Nico’s cheek and walking away. Nico grunting and muttered some things in Greek before looking back at you.
This time you caught his gaze and you smiled and waved at him. Nico turned away and walked away. Why did you have to look so good? Nico assumed it was because of your father, he was the son of Aphrodite.
But you didn’t change when people looked at you.
Normally the Aphrodite kids changed slightly depending on who looked at them. But you didn’t, which was weird since your father did that. You just looked good no matter what.
Though Nico didn’t know if this was true, this was just what he’s heard. Nico shook his head and looked back. He could see you entering the Hades Cabin and saying goodbye to your friend. You looked amazing.
Nico wished he was your friend, but he was too scared. Too scared of you, and his love for you. So maybe Nico did have a crush on you.
But he would never say that out loud.
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A Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes Post
Marko: Of course, I care about the planet and all of the little animals. Michael: And people, right? Marko: Meh. - Michael: I have a plan. Sam: You've got a plan? Okay, first of all, you're copying me from when I said I had a plan. Michael: I'm not copying you- I have a plan, that's not that unique of a thing to say. Sam: And secondly, I don't even think you have a plan. Michael: I have part of a plan. Edgar: What percentage of a plan do you have? Star: You don't get to ask questions after that nonsense you pulled in the cave! Edgar: I just saved you! Michael: We already established that stabbing Marko was not saving me! Edgar: When did we establish that? Michael: Like three seconds ago! Edgar: Well, I wasn't listening then, I was thinking of something else. Sam: She's right, you don't get an opinion... What percentage? Michael: I dunno... Twelve percent? Sam: Twelve percent? (starts laughing) Michael: That's a fake laugh. Sam: It's real! Michael: Totally fake! Sam: That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because THAT IS NOT A PLAN. Star: It's barely a concept. Michael: You're taking their side? Alan: It's better than eleven percent. Sam: So what 'it's better than eleven percent' what does that have to do with anything? Michael: Thank you, Alan, thank you. See? Alan's the only one of you here who has a clue. (Alan proceed to squirt holy water in his eye because he was pointing the barrel at his face) - Marko: So, what should we do about those teenagers drowning in the surf right now. David: Kill them and drink their blood. Michael: (pointing his UV flashlight at David) Try that one again. David: (hissing) Save them. Michael: Good. Good. - Star: Marko made me call the boys and tell them he was dead to see how they'd react. *earlier that day* Marko: Is he crying? Is he crying? Star: A little. *Marko snatches the phone* Marko: You should be wailing you stone-cold bitch. *hands phone back to Star* Marko: Now call my other boyfriend. - David: Oh, yuck, you aren't cute with the lights on. Star: You wanna play mean girl, David? Two can play that game. Let's talk about your fucking haircut. - David: Great, who are we killing? I won't do kids, that's a rule. David: But that rule's negotiable if the kid's a dick.
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kaywinchester · 3 months
Princess in Distress
Pairings: Dean & Sam x child!reader
Word Count: 2,938
anon request: Hi lovely, I hope that your doing okay?
I know that this is a bit odd of a request and if your not into it, I won't feel bad for you to just be like no absolutely not.
So I'm really big on the fics where the readers like really young (around 4 or 5) and Sam and Dean rescue her on a hunt from where her parents died. And it's lots of tears and sadness and fluff and theirs lots of cute little nicknames like babygirl and princess and she goes to live with them because she has no where else to go. And of course she has to take a liking to one of the boys, either Dean or Sam, whichever one you want.
I know that's really weird, but I just like to read those because I think they're cute. And again, no pressure and if you don't like it or simply just don't want to write it, no worries.
And if you have any fic recs like that, if you wouldn't mind recommending that would be great.
A/N: Hey y'all I am back with another fic!!! I'm excited I am sitting down to write in this moment, I missed writing spn stories. I still come on here to check on things and read other writers stories. I hope y'all enjoy!
The Winchesters had gotten a lead on a demon case a few towns over in their home state of Kansas. Some of Crowley's demons were going around, taking the forms of innocent citizens to go undercover. The boys were able to track down a few so far, but unfortunately, none of them had made it.
The demons had beaten up the bodies of the original individuals so much that they were already dead by the time they had exorcised the demons from them.
Y/N's parents were among those individuals.
5 year old Y/N was living a normal, everyday life. She was close to starting kindergarten. Until everything took a turn.
Her parents Alan and Marisa Wesler, got possessed one night. The next morning, Y/N was under the care of two demons, wearing her parents like costumes. She did not notice at first, it eventually got to a point where it was clear, something was wrong. Y/N started asking questions, to which the demons would grow impatient as time went on, and ditched the act.
Y/N did not understand, it looked like her mother and father, but they were not acting like them at all. She wanted to trust them, but something about their demeanor did not sit right with her. She thought about calling the police, but didn't know what she'd say. She thought about running away, but didn't know where she'd go. Instead, Y/N made a plan to go to her neighbors house. The Merrick's, who were good friends with her parents. Little did she know, the demons had sensed her plan.
Y/N waited until it was 11:00 at night, when her parents would usually go to bed. It was hard for her to keep her eyes open this late at night, but she was determined to get help. She tiptoed down the stairs out of her bedroom, avoiding every creak she could. She approached the front door and looked behind her to make sure no one had hear anything. The coast was clear.
Turning the lock of the front door ever so slightly, and quietly opening the door a crack.
"Where do you think you're going, sweetie?"
Y/N whipped her head around to see her mother standing over her. Surprised, since she heard no one coming.
Sam and Dean had gotten word of where the next demons were headed, a town outside of Kansas City. They just hoped they would get there in time, this time around. The boys had tracked them down to a suburbs neighborhood.
They had been driving all day, it was now late at night. Dean drove through the neighborhood, Sam sitting in the passenger seat, looking for anything unusual. Sam wasn't able to locate an address, but they had tracked the location to this subdivision.
Sam rolled down the window, hoping he and his brother did not look as suspicious. It was almost midnight, so most of the inhabitants should be asleep.
As they drove down a street called Magnolia Ln, Sam looked at each house, and soon found one where the front door was wide open.
"Dean, stop."
"What? Why, what do you see?" Dean slowly braked, putting the car in park in the middle of the street.
"Look." Sam pointed out. Dean met his gaze at the open front door of the house.
"Doesn't that seem kind of odd?" Sam suggested.
The two looked over the house, when all of the lights went out, all at once. The brothers looked at each other and opened their doors in unison. Rushing to get their defense supplies and approached the house with caution.
The demon that had Y/N's mother snatched her up, the minute she found her trying to escape the house, and dragged her across the floor.
Y/N screamed. "Mommy! What are you doing, let go of me!"
"Not a chance in hell! Listen here, you are going to do exactly as I say." The female demon said. Y/N's father then entered the room in a rush.
"They've found us!" He whispered urgently.
"The Winchester's"
"You little terror! You led them right to us!" She slapped Y/N across the face and threw her across the room. She landed on the ground, tears welling in her eyes. She had no idea what was going on, or what her mother was talking about.
The demons smoked out of their meat, black smoke filling the air and escaping through the vents in the home. Y/N looked up in terror, then watched her parents both fall to the ground, lifeless.
Waiting a few moments for any sign, there was nothing. It was still and quiet. The little girl arose slowly, walking lightly over to her mother who laid still on the floor.
"Mommy?" Y/N called out, nudging the woman, but getting no response. "Daddy?" she tried her father, but nothing.
Sniffling, she backed away, almost frozen. Until she heard footsteps coming from outside the house. Y/N panicked, not knowing if there was something else coming after her, and ran to the nearest closet down the hall.
Sam and Dean entered the house, clicking their flashlights on so they could start looking around. Dean walked into the living room to find two bodies, a man and a woman. He sighed out of frustration, they didn't make it in time.
"Sam." He called out.
Sam's footsteps got louder, coming closer to Dean as he looked over his shoulder at the scene. His face dropping in regret. "Dean-"
"Let me just make sure, you go search the rest of the house."
Sam nodded and wandered off to check the rest of the house for any other family members. Upstairs, he found the couples bedroom, and a child's bedroom, with no sign of a child.
"Hey! I found a kids room, but I didn't find any kids." Sam announced as he came down the stairs.
"Do you think they killed their kid?"
"I'm not sure, no sign of anything." Sam sighed.
Meanwhile, Y/N hid in the corner of the hall closet, concealing herself behind as many coats as possible and tried to silence her cries.
"I feel like we're at a dead end here, there's no way we're gonna be able to keep up with these demons, they're too fast." Dean exclaimed, frustrated they had made no progress in the last week.
"I know, but we might have to skip their next stop, where ever that is so we can catch up to them eventually." Sam suggested.
"Or, we go find Crowley instead and get that son of a bitch to-"
"Wait." Sam interrupted.
"Sam, I'm getting tired of this, sometimes you gotta go straight to the source."
"No seriously, shhh. Listen." Sam whispered. They both stayed still and quiet. Sam's eyes widened, looking at Dean when he heard distant whimpers. They both walked quietly towards the noise, checking around the rest of the first floor until they found a closet that hadn't been checked.
Y/N heard the footsteps and the knob of the closet turned, and quickly quieted her sobs, scrunching up her small form closer into the corner. She saw a flashlight shine into the closet.
"Hello?" Sam whispered.
He started moving coats and other items, digging around in the closet. He pointed into the corner, revealing a little girl looking up at him with wide glossy eyes.
"Hey, are you okay sweetie?" Sam asked lightly. The little girl looked terrified, starting to cry. Sam gave Dean a glance, in which he responded with a look that screamed 'I don't know what to do'
"Alright, it's okay, c'mere." Sam huffed, reaching out for the little girl who couldn't back away anymore. She squirmed uncomfortably in his grip as he lifted her into his arms. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Sam reassured.
Dean stared with sad eyes at the child, who looked over at her dead parents in tears. Sam placed a protective hand over her head as he walked out of the house. Dean following behind.
"Okay, I'm just gonna have you sit in the car for a moment. I'll be right back." Sam opened the door to the backseat, letting the little girl out of his arms. It was getting chilly, Sam removed his coat and draped it over her small frame, to use as a blanket. Y/N accepted it shakily, moving to the far end of the backseat.
Sam closed the door as lightly as he could, trying not to frighten the girl. "Dean, what the hell are we gonna do? She's clearly terrified, and probably just saw her parents die."
"I know, poor kid." He whispered. Dean opened the back door and peeked his head into the backseat. "Hey kid, do you uh, have anywhere we could take you?" Dean hesitated.
The girl remained silent, trying to think, but didn't know of anywhere else to go. She shook her head no. "Nothing? No family, friends, grandparents?" Dean asked, getting no response.
"Well, it's really late, she's probably exhausted. Let's just take her with for the night. I don't know what else to do, can't really take her to the police and explain all that." Dean motioned to the house.
"Sure, I guess." Sam trailed off, looking over at the car. Sam and Dean had never had responsibility of a child like this, under these circumstances.
Dean rounded the car, getting in the front seat and looking back at Sam who stood there in disbelief.
"C'mon, we'll figure it out in the morning!" Dean called out.
Sam got in the car, looking back at the little girl who looked right back at him with bewilderment. He gave her a small smile as they pulled off the street and out of the neighborhood. Leaving life as she knew it, behind.
Y/N's eyes slowly opened, staring at the ceiling of a room she did not recognize. Slowly, she sat up in an unfamiliar bed, looking around the small room. Her gaze stopped at two men, who were sitting at a table. One was typing on a laptop, the other slumped over the table, sleeping with a beer still in his hand.
Sam looked up, nudging a passed out Dean. "Hey, Dean, wake up. She's awake."
Sam had been up all night trying to find information on her family and what they could possibly do.
"Hi, morning sweetheart. Um, do you uh, remember anything from last night?" Sam asked lightly.
The little girl thought to herself, remembering the events of the previous night. Her parents acting scary, black smoke, then they were gone just like that. She nodded frantically.
Sam's face was apologetic for the girl. Dean sat still at the table, letting his little brother handle this, as he was still trying to fully wake up. "Could you tell us your name?"
"Y/N... that's a very pretty name. Well, I'm Sam, and this is Dean. We want to help you, if that's okay with you."
Y/N slowly nodded yes. "Where's my mom?"
The brothers looked at each other with a look that Y/N couldn't decipher. There was a long pause, neither of them knowing what to say. "Is she passed away? My daddy too?" She asked, tears welling in her eyes.
"Um, Y/N, I don't know how to tell you this... but, yeah." Dean unwillingly chimed in. "Why." she started to cry. "Why are they gone?"
"It's ah, a little hard to explain." Dean said.
Sam cautiously went over to the bed she sat in, awkwardly sitting down on the edge. "Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?"
"It was really scary. Mom and dad were really mean for a while. I was gonna get help, but they didn't like that. And then there was black smoke everywhere. I think it hurt them." Y/N said in between sniffles.
"I think you're right" Sam said. Y/N looked up at him. "See, my brother and I are trying to figure out what the black smoke is doing. We help people and try to stop bad things from happening."
"Oh... can you help my mom and dad?" she innocently asked.
"What's important, is that we help you." Dean stood up. "Do you have a last name?" Dean asked, hoping they could track down some family for Y/N to stay with.
"Uh, Wexler, is how I think you say it." she said quietly.
"Wexler? With an X?" Sam asked as he walked back over to his laptop.
"No, there is no X. It's like Weshler." she tried.
"No, weschler." Y/N struggled to pronounce the S.
"Yeah, Wesssler."
Sam started typing, searching anywhere, anything.
"So, uh. Are you hungry?" Dean asked, since he was ready to eat. Y/N nodded, her expression lightening up a little bit. "Okay, how bout we go get some waffles. Or are pancakes more your thing?"
"With syrup and whipped cream?"
"Alright, let's go!" Dean looked over at Sam. "Want anything?"
"Uh, sure I'll take a-"
"Didn't think so." Dean cut off. Y/N giggled, as she followed Dean in her pink polka dotted pajamas.
Y/N spent the morning with Dean, getting breakfast at the diner a few blocks away from the motel they were staying at. He wasn't used to making conversation with a kid, let alone a kid Y/N's age.
"Hey, how old are you anyway, babygirl?" Dean asked on the walk back to the motel room.
"I'm five." Y/N held up her hand, showing 5 fingers.
Dean smiled and shook his head a little. "Well, you're the bravest little five year old I've ever met."
"I am?" Y/N said excitedly.
Dean unlocked the door and held it open as Y/N walked in, she held a coffee cup in her hands as she walked over to the table where Sam hadn't moved from.
"We got this for you." She smiled as she slid the cup over towards him.
"Wow, thank you very much, princess!" Sam exclaimed, looking up from his laptop.
Y/N spent the rest of the day in front of the TV, watching anything on the available channels that was appropriate. Y/N was a little bored after a while, but in a way, she understood that the brothers didn't have any kids toys laying around. Sam checked the time, it was nine pm.
"Okay, I think we should get to bed." Sam announced as he clicked off the television. Y/N yawned and scooted over to the bed she slept in the night before. Sam lifted the covers as she climbed in and laid down. "Let me know if you need anything, we'll both be over here." Sam tucked the girl in as best he could.
"Okay, thank you Sam." Y/N gave her best smile, getting comfy and rolling over to her side.
A few hours later, Sam let out a huff and pushed his laptop away. He looked over at Y/N who was for sure asleep by this time.
"Dean, I couldn't find anyone that's around in her immediate family. Her parents were both only children, both sets of grandparents have passed. No cousins or anyone I could find, it's weird... It doesn't seem like they had a lot of family left."
Dean stared off into space for a moment. "I guess, social services? Isn't that kind of the next step."
"Dean, you know how difficult the system can be. I know she isn't ours or anything, but I just don't know if I could put her through that." Sam leaned over into his hands.
"What do we do?"
The two men tried to be as quiet as possible, wanting to let the girl sleep in as long as she wanted to. When Y/N woke up, she looked over and sat up with a smile when she saw a specific basket on the table.
"Is that for me?" She asked with a hopeful tone. Looking over the basket of goodies. Sam suggested they get her some fun things to have. So, Dean went out once the nearest store opened and got an assortment of coloring books, toys, stuffed animals, games, and books for Y/N.
"I- uh, we didn't know what you liked, so we got a bunch of different stuff." Dean smiled. Y/N looked over all of the various fun toys, reaching for a stuffed elephant. She held it in her arms and snuggled it's softness.
"Why did you guys get so much stuff. This is crazy, I never had a present like this."
"Because a princess deserves to have some fun." Sam smiled.
"And... there's something we want to talk to you about." Dean followed.
It was not their first choice, but had ultimately decided to keep Y/N with them until further notice. Though it was a big decision that they had talked over, pretty much the whole night, there wasn't anything they could do at the moment.
The boys sat down and tried their best to explain it to the little girl. If she didn't know of anyone to stay with, and if they couldn't find any other arrangements....
"How would you feel about staying with us for a little while?" Sam asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
Y/N stood there in thought, not saying anything.
"If you don't like that idea, we totally understand, and we can find something else that will work."
"No, um. I'm good with that." Y/N gave a little smile, squeezing her elephant.
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letteredlettered · 9 months
Hi Im sure you answered this already but i sadly cant find it: how did end up shipping or rather writing drarry fics?
I've actually been asked quite a few times why I ship H/D. I never answer, because it's complicated and long and I have an essay on the subject, so I'll answer the 'how' question without addressing the 'why'.
Once upon a time, the internet was becoming a thing that people used regularly. The news kept talking about how the youths of the day were "surfing the 'net" and this was going to be the new normal. As usual, I could not identify with the 'youths of the day,' even though I was one. What could possibly be of interest to me on the internet? Reading books was far better than talking to other people. Then one day in my senior year of high school it dawned on me that you could possibly talk to other people about books, something I had never done before, as I didn't know anyone but my parents and brothers who ever read for fun, and my parents and brothers did not like to read things like Jane Austen. What if there were people on the 'net who liked Jane Austen??? Seemed fake, but I gave it a try.
The first Jane Austen website I found was Republic of Pemberley, which hosted something they called "Bits of Ivory." Through the "Ramble" board on Republic of Pemberley, I found out that there were "Bits of Ivory" elsewhere. It was called fanfic and hosted on fanfic.net.
Almost all of it that I was introduced to was Harry Potter fic, as HP was the megafandom of the time, and my Sense and Sensibility friend was obsessed with Snape, mainly because of Alan Rickman. I was also obsessed with Snape, though I must say that even though I had been obsessed with Alan Rickman since 1995, I never did like his casting as Snape and still don't. Anyway, I ended up getting interested in Snape/Hermione fic, and continued to be interested on and off for over the next five years.
I should pause at this moment to say that I had been writing fanfic since the fourth grade. I didn't know it was called fic. I didn't know other people did it. It never occurred to me to share it. When I found "Bits of Ivory" it actually took me a while to process that the stories there were in a similar vein to the stories I had been writing all my life, stories based on fiction by other people. It was just so wild to me that anyone would share that stuff, as though other people would want to read the different endings that they came up with, the self-inserts and the cross-overs they came up with.
I should also take this moment to say that I didn't really have slash ships. I was aware that slash existed, and I thought it was great. Sirius/Remus was a background ship everywhere at the time, and even though I didn't really see it in canon and wasn't terribly interested in it, I thought it was a nice thing. And when I started getting into X-Men through Wolverine/Rogue, it seemed obvious to me that Professor X and Magneto had a past sexual relationship. I, in fact, had an original story that I'd started writing in eleventh grade that had similar tension between two male characters, and the idea that they were in love and unable to have sex about it explained so much. And I wrote more original stories in college that were gay.
I think my problem was that the canons I was consuming were quite straight, and while I wasn't obsessed with writing canon-compliant fics, I was (and still am, to some extent) obsessed with writing characters who were true to canon. At the time sexuality seemed some kind of immutable thing to me that was deeply a part of who a character was. Also, sex to me was very Other; it meant something really deep and serious about you that obliterated other things you were. For instance, I was frustrated with all the Frodo/Sam porn, because I felt it obliterated their beautiful friendship and made their relationship about sex and being gay rather than the deep pure bond of friendship. So I was maybe kind of homophobic and confused.
Then I fell in love with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and while that canon has a lot of heteronormativity, it not only has a character who thought she was straight who realizes she's gay, it also has vampires who have lived for centuries and who have broken every kind of social norm that exists. It seemed silly to me to assume that Spike or Angel were straight, which is how I began shipping Spike/Angel, which is how I got absolutely obsessed with slash. It was so liberating to write porn where the power dynamic wasn't influenced by centuries of patriarchy! It was so liberating to write porn where I didn't have to think about my own anatomy or gender or position in a sexual dynamic! It was so liberating to write porn with a bunch of dicks!
Having discovered slash, I turned back to ye olde faithful fandom, which had ten billion fics about everything. I'm not sure I even tried Sirius/Remus, because I was still so uninterested in it, but now I read all the Snape slash, the majority of which seemed to be Harry/Snape. The thing is, I don't ship Harry/Snape. It can be very hot! But while the porn is fine and some of the stories are fun, these are not two people that I want to live happily ever after. I just think that the power dynamic between them, the history they have, and the personalities they are do not make me want to imagine them as a couple with a happy marriage who occasionally have the friends over for games of Quidditch and Exploding Snap. And while I like queer complicated, angsty stories, I also like a happy ending in a semi-heteronormative sense, especially for Harry Potter, who really seems to want one. So, I started looking for other Harry Potter slash.
I knew that Harry/Draco was a juggernaut pairing, but I just hated Draco Malfoy so much. I honestly could not stand him. I used to go about saying that I hated him not only as a person (like, I also hated Snape as a person; he's a dick, and he's cruel to children! But he's a great character) but as a character. I just didn't like the function he played in the narrative. I like big, dramatic rivalries and evil vs good; meanwhile, Draco Malfoy is a little worm. So I kept thinking about reading HP slash, but resisting.
Then, one day, I was sleeping on the couch, and woke up suddenly with the idea that Draco Malfoy could be reformed. He could be sorry for all the shitty things he's done! He could be really apologetic! He could be really trying to make up for his past, and Harry could find this truly beautiful, and they could have sex about it!
Surprisingly, it was hard to find fic about this. For some reason, in most of the fic, it was Harry having to earn Malfoy's approval, instead of the other way around, which I found absolutely bonkers. But I eventually found Eclipse, by Mijan, which was just what I wanted. Then I was obsessed and was reading every Harry/Draco fic I could find.
Eventually, I even read the ones in which Harry was a cad and Draco Malfoy was a perfect snowflake who never did anything wrong. And then I started finding fics that really emphasized that Draco had a very different point of view of what happened, which showed that he really had no way to understand who Harry was, or what Harry had been through. In these fics, Harry had to do some work to understand Draco, which is what really sold me on the pairing. I still want fics in which Draco has to do a lot of heavy lifting to address his past and deal with the hurt he has caused and the violence of his previously genocidal outlook, but I love it when Harry, too, has to adjust. After saving the world and losing most people he loves and protecting the innocent and doing his exhausted little best to be honest and righteous and true, Harry Potter still has to do work, again, to overcome his past and find a peaceful life. And that's what made me start writing Harry/Draco, the end.
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aayakashii · 4 months
I'm going through the Sinostra chapter right now and I can't stop making theories omg there might be spoilers below so be careful, although I'm just enumerating my questions tbh lol
According to one of Taiga's home screen dialogs, there might be some sort of time loop happening which he's KINDA aware of? Or maybe just aware when triggered somehow.
He said "long time no see! You decide to ditch this future too? Sorry I'm not dead yet" which is INCREDIBLY ooc as to how he behaves during the story which leads me to
His extreme memory loss, which apparently lasts less than 24 hours. Why is that? Did he go through so many time loops that it started affecting his memory? There was one small moment in which he remembered Ritsu because he saw the MC face though...
The Clash. What the fuck was it
What's Taiga relationship to Haru? Haru sounds eerily nonchalant regarding Taiga even though the man keeps on threatening Peekaboo. And aftewards, Rui briefly mentions that Taiga has a "destroying what others hold dear" schtick, which leads me to believe that Taiga is seeking revenge for losing something important maybe???? Is the fanfic brainrot too big rn
WHY DOES HE HATE LIKE DOVES??????? I dont wanna go full romantic mode, but is he just resentful of seeing a bird that is the physical representation of someone else's feelings or something......
The spy. Honestly no idea. There's some theories floating around that Haku is the spy, but I would rather see him during the Hotarubi episode before jumping to conclusions, but it's understandable how people might think that I guess...? He IS very nice and helpful and randomly finding the MC fleeing by train was way too much of a coincidence... he does seem to always tie the MC to Darkwick somehow, firstly by KIDNAPPING her and then by talking her into staying. If the MC is the trigger to a bigger event, then one could see that as suspicious. But I would like a bit more evidence first lol
Back to Taiga, why is he. Like why
Okay no but seriously. If we take the timeloop thing seriously + Haku being a spy, here's the theory:
Taiga knows the MC is the trigger for an awful event and tried killing them back in the Prologue in order to cut the problem on its roots. Haku, if we consider him as the spy, WANTS the event to happen (considering he could also be aware of the loop), which is why he saved us and took us to Darkwick, therefore letting it all play out once again.
If Haku isn't the spy, then we would have to chalk it up as Taiga knowing and trying to kill us, but destiny (???) being a bitch, therefore putting Haku there as a pawn to make things play out again
Maybe the spy can control other ghouls? Who know tbh
Finally, what is going on during the first scene we see in the game? Darkwick on fire and the first character we choose jumping off of the building? I wonder what would happen if we choose Taiga as our first card....... maybe I should create a sub acc
Anyway if anyone has more questions/theories PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY IM OBSESSED WITH THIS GAME I NEED TO THINK ABT IT
There is also a good theory on reddit made by u/imonlybr16 that states this:
"Before the prologue, when you open the game for the first time, you're greeted with the opening scene involving MC running through the halls of a ruined Darkwick. The question is asked "When the world is collapsing around you, whose hand will you take?"
There you're taken to your character choice screen. The guy you choose is later shown on the railing of a balcony, about to jump off.
Now I think I have a very far fetched and vague idea as to what is going on.
In chapter 2, we learn that the person that Alan killed was Dante or at least he thought he did. But we meet Dante and he's very much alive.
This comes theory number one.
***You can't actually die on campus.***
Note the use of actually here. You can 100% still die, you just end up coming back to life.
If Rui is your home screen he talks about accidentally killing someone else in his dorm and being annoyed with having to lift them back to Obscuary. This struck me as a particularly odd dialogue because Rui's curse causes people to die.
Unless, you can't die on campus.
This would explain Dante pretty much instantly. Yes Alan killed him but yes he's alive.
The campus itself is an anomaly, stopping people from dying doesn't sound too far fetched. I expect this to be revealed with the other two members of Obscuary, as that dorm seems to have a connection to death. One of the things that always pops up is that ghouls aren't immortal, no matter how quickly they heal.
Also explains how Calamari didn't die in chapter 3. Ren ran from the dorm > the caves > the jetty and Calamari was already pretty dehydrated in the beginning.
But OP you might say, aren't all the guys talking like they believe they're going to die.
Luckily, that brings us to vauge and far fetched theory number two.
***The campus is on fire due to a rebellion***
In the very last chapter of the prologue we get to see Kaito's wickhive. There we see three pretty interesting threads.
. There's gonna be an uprising soon
. One of you is a demon
. There's a guy who could see the future
Kaito is surprised at something he sees in this scene but we don't learn what it is. This chapter's 'preview' is one of the scenes we see in the very beginning. Blood and a Lily.
I believe that the first thread is foreshadowing and will . After you meet your chosen guy standing on the railing you get a line of dialogue (or not if you picked Towa) that changes depending on who you picked. Some imply that what they're doing is going to save you(Jiro, Zenji and Sho), some apologize stating that they could protect what they cared about until the very end (Luca,Kaito,Haru and Yuri) but three characters caught my attention
Leo: Life sucks and then you die,right? I just want to make the assholes responsible regret it.
Ren: This is exactly why I didn't to do this! I knew this was how it was going to end.
Subaru: This is all my fault. I don't expect you to forgive me, but this is the least I can do. Please take this as my final act of good faith.
Especially Subaru's and Ren's, that seemingly imply either the MC's (Ren's) or their (Subaru) involvement in the current situation. Now what does this has to do with a potential uprising?
One of the things we learn from the very beginning is the inter-politics of the houses and by extension the ghouls. Especially after the fallout of the clash. Things are pretty tense and an uprising or rebellion seems to be the most likely thing.
As to what happened and why? I have no clue. Though one thing to note is that according to the prophecy, as long as the ghouls are in Darkwick, they prevent a disaster from coming. If Darkwick is destroyed however, the prophecy can't be fulfilled, or can it?"
This is such a good theory too, I really think u/imonlybr16 has probably gotten a lot of things right.
Although it's weird that death is such a big threat to us specifically, but maybe the Academy can't prevent death by curses, much like the Mesmer Matches dont work on someone who's cursed. Hhmm...
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jacaela · 7 months
I heard about his death from Alan Rogan, who rang me early in the morning at Rod’s flat. I burst into tears, I felt completely bereft. I couldn’t bear the thought of a world without George.
When I left him for Eric, he had said that if things didn’t work out, ever, I could always come to him and he would look after me. It was such a selfless, loving, generous thing to say and it had always been tucked away at the back of my mind. Now that sense of security had gone. I was devastated. I’d known that his death was inevitable, but I’d kept hoping that, with all his money, they would find a cure for him. At the end I hadn’t grasped how ill he was as I hadn’t seen him for a few months. The last time had been at my cottage: he had phoned to say he was coming to Sussex to visit Ringo and Barbara and wanted to see me—I think he was curious to know where I was living. I was so glad we’d had that last meeting.
Danae Brook, a Daily Mail journalist whom I had known slightly, on and off, for some years, was due to come to the flat at ten o’clock on the morning George died. She wanted a photograph I had of somebody she was writing about. I was walking about like a zombie when, suddenly, she was there and wanting to interview me. I didn’t say anything to her but when her piece appeared it was all about how we had modeled together and been chums, and she had been with me soon after I received the news that George had died. I felt exploited.
His funeral was in Los Angeles. I didn’t go, but I was invited to the memorial concert, which took place a year later in the Royal Albert Hall, organized by Eric. I couldn’t go: I had booked a spiritual holiday in Peru. Instead, I watched it on video. On the day, I took myself away from the rest of the group and spent the day high in the mountains, thinking of George, the tears trickling down my face. I was happy to mourn him alone and in my own way.
You never know with grief how long it will last, but I think I’ll miss him for the rest of my life. We shared so much and grew up spiritually together and there are so many things that no one else knows about that we did together; and for many years there were so many questions I wanted to ask him and so many things I needed to speak to him about. And then there were the dreams. I would dream he was alive and I would say to him, “Oh George, it’s so wonderful that you are alive after all, this is so fabulous; I knew they had all made a mistake.” Some dreams can be incredibly vivid and so very real and then I would wake up and within the first couple of seconds I would think he was alive, and then that wave of reality would wash over me as I became more conscious. - Pattie Boyd, "Wonderful Today".
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fractualized · 6 days
Could you give me any Batman comic(/series) recommendations? Or Joker ones?
(You can pretend I’ve never read any Batman comics)
Man, this got me thinking about (1) the number of extended storylines I still haven't fully read myself and (2) of the ones I have, would I recommend that people read them?? Tough question! Thinking about it in terms of a Batman newbie changes things too... 🤔
Ultimately, my list is mostly one-offs apart from the mainline series, but there's a few multi-issue mainline stories in there. From oldest to newest:
Batman (1940) #1, "The Joker" and "The Joker Returns" — Early comics can feel inaccessible because of their age, but I would still recommend checking out the start of Batman and Joker's relationship for a sense of the longevity and evolution of these characters (You could also read Batman's first appearance in Detective Comics [1937] #27.)
Batman (1940) #251, "The Joker's Five-Way Revenge" — Jumping ahead thirty years! After a 4-year absence from comics, Joker returns, and I just love how his dynamic with Batman picks up where they left off like it was yesterday.
Detective Comics (1937) #475, "The Laughing Fish" — The infamous story in which Joker's mad scheme is to… copyright fish.
The Dark Knight Returns #1-4 — TBH, I'm not a fan of TDKR for various reasons. However, it had a huge influence on Batman and you should read it at least once.
Batman (1940) #404-407, "Batman: Year One" — More required reading (but I do enjoy it more than TDKR). Frank Miller's problematique is more acknowledged today, but as I said, modern Batman stems from his work.
The Killing Joke — Controversial-ish recommendation nowadays, considering the much-maligned choice to fridge Barbara Gordon, but I still enjoy the nuance it gives Joker and the meta element of the ending, with Bruce and Joker trapped in their cycle by choices that are informed by the needs of the franchise. Alan Moore may no longer care for it, but I do! (Also, I'd say read it with the original coloring.)
Batman (1940) #426-429, "A Death in the Family" — Another big event in Batman lore: the death of Jason Todd. It's one of those moments that gets flattened in various ways today, so I think it's important to see how everything actually played out. In particular, it's striking to see that Joker is initially nervous about Batman finding out what he did, and just how Bruce struggles with his no-kill principle.
Batman #450-451, "Wildcard!" and "Judgements!" — Joker's big return after Jason's murder, in which we see he's still not all that giddy about it.
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #65-68, "Going Sane" — This story takes place earlier in Batman's career, before Robin. When Joker seemingly kills Batman, he tries to start a new life without his instability breaking through. Meanwhile, Bruce recovers from his near-death in a little town in the middle of nowhere and thinks he might actually stay there… but he's plagued by restlessness too.
Joker: Devil's Advocate — Joker winds up on death row, but for a crime he didn't commit! Bruce is set on proving Joker's innocence despite the clown's other sins, and Joker is too captivated by all the media attention to help save his own hide.
Deathstroke (1991) #58, "Bad Blood" — A story in which Joker causes plenty of chaos, but in service of doing something… nice?
Batman: Ego — As Bruce contemplates giving up his crusade, he falls into an argument with… Batman.
Batman (1940) #648-650, "All They Do Is Watch Us Kill" — Part of Under the Red Hood. Jason Todd's reappearance in Gotham City comes to a head when he kidnaps Joker and draws Batman in for a dire confrontation.
Detective Comics (1937) #826, "Slayride" — Paul Dini is one of the writers who consistently remembers Joker has a personality and makes him funny, and this Christmas-time story featuring Tim Drake is a great example.
Batman Confidential #7-12, "Lovers and Madmen" — An alternative origin for Joker. Bruce has been fighting crime for about a year when he encounters a bloody crime scene that he can't make sense of. Meanwhile, the culprit, Jack, is growing bored with his criminal life, until he comes face to face with a vigilante bat.
Batman 80-Page Giant 2010 (Volume 2), "Reality Check" — Is Joker really crazy? Does Joker himself even know?
Batman (2011) #13-17, "Death of the Family" — Not to be confused with "A Death in the Family." Joker tries to convince Batman that all his sidekicks make him weak.
Batman (2011) #23.1, "Time to Monkey Shine" — Joker infamously adopts a gorilla. (It ends badly.)
Batman (2011) #35-40, "Endgame" — After Joker's failure in DOTF, he decides to bring his conflict with Batman to a close.
The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #1-7 — The Riddler is dead, but what really happened? A heist story in which the point of view is passed around multiple rogues, but Joker is the ringleader.
Catwoman: Lonely City #1-4 — Alright, this one does revolve around Selina, but the story is deeply tied to her relationship with Bruce and what she comes to understand about him in the end. (And Joker plays a brief but key part!)
Batman & The Joker: The Deadly Duo #1-7 — A recent team-up that calls back to everything I've personally enjoyed about Batman and Joker's dynamic.
Batman: City of Madness #1-3 — Beneath Gotham lies Gotham Below, from which a monstrous mirror of Batman escapes in search of a Robin. In his pursuit, Bruce confronts not only alternative versions of his rogues but his personal demons.
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Prince Edward has paid tribute to his wife, Sophie, as his ‘absolute rock’ as he discussed his family life with Alan Titchmarsh during an appearance on Love Your Weekend.
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The episode, which is set to air on March 10, the Duke of Edinburgh’s 60th birthday, will see the Prince sit down with the presenter and open up about his wife, the Duchess of Edinburgh, and their two children, Lady Louise, 20, and James, Earl of Wessex, 16.
Speaking of how much Sophie means to him, the Duke called his wife ‘critical, absolutely critical.’
He continued:
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‘She's been an absolutely brilliant rock and I'm incredibly lucky that I found Sophie and that she found me. Hopefully, we've been a really brilliant partnership.
We're very lucky, we’ve got two, of what we would think are particularly brilliant children, who are forging such different paths for themselves. I think that's also equally fascinating.’
Elsewhere he spoke about the significance of Mothering Sunday and described what the celebration means for his own family.
Prince Edward said, ‘Always and it's doubly so when you've got your own children - your own family is very important.’
‘Those days were [important growing up], and these days are really important to remember some very, very special people in our lives.
There should be several times in the year when we make a special sort of effort and Mothering Sunday was very much one of those where you made a special effort just to say ‘thank you.’
So it goes on and that's the lovely thing about it. That's the lovely thing about families and that's what it should be.’
During the discussion, Prince Edward also revealed the lasting memories his grandchildren have of the late Prince Philip, including teaching his daughter Lady Louise to drive a carriage.
It's a hobby, which was a passion of the late Duke’s, and has since been adopted as one of Lady Louise’s.
He said, ‘It was entirely off her own bat. I mean, you know, just one day, ‘Can I go out with you and go sit on the boxes?’
He was like, ‘Absolutely.’
'He never was going to say no! He took her out with the team and I think it was only the second time, he was driving along and he said, ‘Do you want to have a go?’ and she didn’t have time to even answer the question, he just handed the reins across.’
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Elsewhere in the discussion, Prince Edward spoke about how much it meant to him to be bestowed the title of Duke of Edinburgh. He said:
‘It was a huge privilege but also quite a lot of weight of expectation as well. I mean, there's an awful lot of legacy that came with that title and everything that my father had done. Especially when you're not inheriting it, this is a choice… that comes with all the expectations that people have.
It's just the weirdest and strangest feeling. You walk into a room and, particularly still today, there are name places on a card and I still look around going ‘Yes, but where am I sitting?’
Explaining how he would describe his father Prince Philip, The Duke called him an ‘extraordinary mind’, adding:
‘He was the Prince Albert of our age. He had an extraordinary mind. He loved design, he loved innovation, he was brilliant with all sorts of people.
Sometimes it didn't necessarily come across that way, but he was actually brilliant with people. He was always, always encouraging everybody. You sort of needed to get to know him.’
The interview comes after Sophie gave her own touching tribute to Edward during a royal engagement earlier in March.
The Duchess gave a rare, gushing tribute to her husband, calling him ‘the best of fathers and the most loving of husbands.’
Prince Edward looked deeply emotional throughout the speech, putting his hands over his face, as Sophie spoke about their love, saying, ‘I am so proud of the man he is.’
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ohanny · 8 months
my take on what happened to kenta after canon and how he grew to love himself (and kim)
after it’s all over, kenta gets into some legal trouble. pete, of course, bails him out of it and gives him a job in his company but it very quickly becomes evident neither one of them is doing well. they have this weird dynamic where there is just too much water under the bridge for a fresh start. pete is way too distracted with his own angst to accommodate all of kenta’s needs and kenta is walking a tight-rope of needing to be good and useful to pete but not wanting to turn pete into another tony-figure.
they’re too awkward and can't communicate properly and one evening pete just pulls out a bottle of whiskey and they sit down and drink. they both get shit wasted and neither one of them knows who leans in first but then they're kissing. it’s… bad. neither one of them truly wants it and when pete pulls back, kenta gets up and walks away.
if they were struggling to work together before, they start downright avoiding each other after. one day, in an effort to get kenta out of the office, pete sends him over to the x-hunter garage to bring alan some papers to sign and that’s when kenta runs into kim again. their eyes meet and that familiar tension is back but this time kenta breaks first, looking down at his feet. “not gonna lie, i thought i would feel some kind of way about this,” kim says, “but man… you look like shit.” kenta huffs out a laugh and looks at kim out from under his bangs and okay, kim thinks, he is kind of cute. and he did finally shish kebab the right person.
so kim agrees to show kenta where alan is working and their stilted attempt at small talk goes a little like:
kim: so you work for pete now?
kenta: yes.
kim: you don’t sound too happy about it.
kenta: it’s something to do.
kim: some friendly, unsolicited advice? You look like you need a break. and like you need to figure yourself out.
kim walks away but what he said sticks with kenta even after he's handed alan the papers and gotten the signatures he needs. he is tired. him and pete can barely look each other in the eye and every time it happens, he gets this familiar sense of doom and anxiety in the pit of his stomach, feeling like he's done something wrong and is about to get punished for it. so when he returns to the office, the first thing he does is ask pete for a leave of absence.
pete agrees immediately, handing kenta a credit card and telling him to take as long as he needs. so in the first selfish act in possibly forever, kenta packs his meager belongings and books a one way ticket to japan for the very next morning. he lands in tokyo and spends the first few days walking around but leaves the city pretty quick, taking a train and then a bus to a village he has no memory of but was listed on his birth certificate.
he works on his rusty japanese. he eats the food. he rents a small bungalow from an elderly lady and settles in. then one evening as he's watching the sun set on his back porch, he texts pete asking for kim’s number and after receiving it (with a question mark he does not answer), sends kim a picture of the said sunset with a simple “thanks for the advice.”
kenta doesn't mean for it to lead anywhere but they start texting. it starts out slow but as the days pass, the messages increase in number. kenta mostly sends pictures of his every day life with short captions because he still struggles with expressing himself. kim tells him about the new racing season and the ongoing saga of north and sonic dancing around each other, about how they’re finally getting their acts together but are so uncertain and awkward about it that both of them constantly keep asking him to third wheel.
and it's easy and safe and kenta never feels pressured so when at the end of the season kim mentions having some time off to travel, kenta doesn't hesitate to offer his services as a tour guide. they meet again at the airport where kenta drove to pick kim up and yes, it is a bit weird at first but then kim rolls his eyes and asks “so are we going to kiss or not?” and kenta laughs. kim’s never heard him do that before and he sounds so happy and looks so pretty that kim doesn't eve wait for an answer and dives in because they only have ten days and he is not going to northsonic this. (yes, kim would use that as a verb.)
they spend their time glued to each other, living in this happy bubble, but all good things must come to an end. kim is flying back and on the final day before his departure, he asks kenta to return with him. “if only for a visit. people care about you, you know? you’re still family to them.” when kenta says he doesn't know if he'd like to stay kim says it doesn't matter. “you don't have to. but you can't hide here forever either.”
and that's how kim ends up coming home from his hush-hush vacation with kenta in tow. this kenta is different than the one that left bangkok nearly a year ago. he looks healthier, has some color to his skin and walks with his back straight and head held high. still, he's nervous as hell as he walks into the x-hunter garage.
he's barely set a foot inside when jeff steps up and pulls him into a hug, telling him how happy he is to see kenta doing so well. babe is the next one up, looking kenta up and down and going “if this is what taking a break does, i might need one too.” (meanwhile sonic approaches kim, wiggles his eyebrows at kenta and goes “... nice,” offering a totally unsubtle high five that kim gladly accepts.)
kenta knows eventually he’ll need to go see pete as well and kim offers to go with him but he knows it's something he has to do alone. so he shows up at the office, near closing time, and knocks on pete’s door with a “you have some time for your brother or do i need to make an appointment?”
pete looks up from his paperwork and sees kenta. and fuck if he doesn't feel an enormous amount of relief? because kenta looks good. because kenta called him his brother. because in that moment he feels like he can have his old friend back without the baggage of the muddled feelings of adolescent love and sense of betrayal. pete needs that desperately. ever since way, he's buried himself i work to cope and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't close to his breaking point. 
kenta: you know, a smart man once told me i needed to take a break and go figure myself out.
pete: and is the smart man in the room with us?
kenta: no. but he’s probably bothering your secretary downstairs even though i clearly instructed him to wait in the car.
kenta sounds so stupidly fond when he says this and it's very clear to pete exactly why he was asked for kim’s number all those months ago. but after that brief moment of kenta letting the simp shine through, he does get back into pointing out how pete looks pretty ragged and should rest, if only for a week. pete asks him if kenta would be willing to hold down the fort for that week but kenta just laughs, telling him he's shit out of luck. “i think i’m done doing business with you. or anyone for that matter.”
he explains how, while staying in japan, he started teaching basic martial arts and kendo to the neighborhood kids and he really likes it. that he's good at it and it makes him sleep better at night, knowing he’s helping kids defend themselves. he also hands pete his credit card back with a sly little “i don't think kim and his sponsor money approve me having two sugar daddies” and then says he really should go, that he has plans for the evening.
“are you free tomorrow?” pete asks as they stand up to say their goodbyes. “we could get dinner. as old friends.” “sounds good. i’ll call you?” and this time when kenta walks out of the office, he does it with the final weight off his shoulders. he goes downstairs where kim is, in fact, bothering the secretary, fingers nervously tapping against the counter. he looks so pretty in the late afternoon sun and kenta is struck by the sudden joy of just… being alive to experience this.
he takes kim’s hand in his and walks them out, knowing he’s going to be okay.
do i want to write this out as a proper fic? yes. is it likely i will create something i feel confident posting? no. so take this extremely self indulgent offering in the meantime?
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