cameoliob · 5 months
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He's telling Zeb that he needs just one more minute to finish this file, it'll be just a second-- no he's not going to lose track of time like last time, he'll be just one second it's just this one file-
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sketchupnfries · 1 year
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Felt like doing a sketch to explain to my sis the ending of Rebels Season 4 for the Ahsoka series
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acekazoo · 4 months
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nhl players as textposts... part idk
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spicynectarines · 1 year
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i’m sorry
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anxiousandpessimistic · 9 months
Kaz: I'm texting Inej, i'm gonna ask her to dinner. How should i say it "Let's get dinner" or do you wanna get dinner" ? Nina: Go with "Let's get dinner" so you sound like assertive and confident Kaz : For sure Wylan: Actually no cause now you sound a little aggressive Jesper: Cause you don't wanna be the kinda guy who's like " LETS GET DINNER" like some sort of caveman Matthias: You're supposed to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner Mal: Just say " do you wanna get dinner?" Kaz: Perfect Alina: Actually wait, now you sound kinda like a pussy Kaz: This is tough Genya: The last thing you wanna be is like that overly masculine guy who's like " lets get dinner,on the breadwinner bitch" Darkling: Women also love assertiveness Tolya: Say "Dinner would be something i would enjoy taking you to, if you are also interested in attending the meal David: The more words the better Nikolai: Wait, say " I would like nothing more, than to take you to the finest restaurant in town, for a lovely meal that we call dinner Kaz: Should i send that in a voice memo? Zoya: FUCK THAT. Say " Dinner tonight, take it or leave it BITCH" Cause she's playing games Tamar: Sign it, seal it, deliver it Kuwei: I dont know why girls are so difficult all of the time Kaz: I'm not gonna say that Inej: Definitely don't say that
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luciifernn · 1 year
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xfinity-war · 1 year
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cameoliob · 2 months
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The official sneak peak is under the cut ;))
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This is still very much a work in progress and might take some time to complete but trust, I WILL keep yall posted 😏
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unleashthegoats · 2 months
Episode 12: It's Not All About Anakin
Welcome to part two of our villains discussion! This time, we’re discussing some of our most and least favorite villains and antagonists that have exactly nothing at all to do with Anakin Skywalker, for better or worse. 
If we missed your favorite villain/antagonist, sorry, Star Wars has a lot of villains and antagonists and we only had so much time.
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stars-n-spice · 5 months
Had an epiphany:
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Feel free to add on!
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sidhebeingbrand · 3 months
So the best person to play Alexsandr Kallus in live action is of course David Oyelowo with artfully applied dark-blond facial hair.
But I put it to you, if you want to match the appearance of the animated character more than the iconic voice, the second best person is Dave Hearn.
A lot of people can do suave, but when Kallus’ smooth facade slips he goes straight to ‘manic’. Wide eyes, big expressions, voice cracking and pitching.
I need you to really go back and look at that first bo-rifle fight.
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PURE Max Goeswrongshow energy.
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5wolfdog5 · 1 year
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Hi 👋 kalluzeb fandom
I finally decided to post one of my drawings thanks to the encouragement of my good friend @imaginativefanatic
I know I stuffed some of this drawing up and the colours are a bit off but I’ll fix that at a later time on digital.
Anyone feel free to use this idea.
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Random Star Wars Rebels stuff/story ideas I thought about: (mostly about Kallus and tiny Jacen)
Kallus babysitting Jacen again when Hera is on another mission
Kallus: (working on codes and stuff while Jacen is playing next to him)
Jacen: Dad, I'm hungry.
Kallus: I just have to finish this, then we can go- (realization, looks down to Jacen) What did you just call me?
Jacen: Dad.
Kallus, now afraid of Heras reaction: (Has an internal breakdown cause this is giving him a lot of mixed feelings for different reasons)
Meanwhile his colleagues are passing money around each other, cause they all had an ongoing bet wether and when this would happen or not.
Kallus in general becoming Jacens main babysitter cause he's mostly working from the rebel base and not going on as much missions as Hera and the others
Hera, right after her birth: Take this Alexsander (hands him the baby), it's better if he gets used to you fast.
Kallus: (holding the baby) Would you mind to explain what you mean by that.
Hera: No.
Kallus, in a mission briefing: (explaining stuff)
Baby Jacen, on his back: Bah !
Sabine and Zeb fighting about baby Jacens atttention but losing to Kallus
Sabine, Zeb and Kallus babysitting Jacen on the Ghost
Sabine: Come to your aunt Sabine, Jacen. Come here.
Zeb: No, no. Your aunt is stupid. Come to uncle Zeb instead.
Sabine: Hey! What the-
Jacen: (crawls to Kallus instead, who fell asleep at the table right after he sat down)
Kallus obviously ends up taking on the father role more or less, and teaching Jacen different things
Hera: Can you explain why Jacen just tackled Zeb to the ground this morning, and how he can explain a blasters construction in detail.
Kallus: Ah well, he annoyed me about learning how to use a blaster for days. And I thought it might be good for him after all to know some self defense. So....
Hera: Well, that explains it.
Kallus: That's all?
Hera: Good job, he really knocked Zeb out.
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
thinking about alexsander kallus who starts off being a passionate servant to the empire and proud destroyer of lasan who has a strong mutual hatred for zeb
alexsander kallus who never really sat well with the massacre on lasan after it happened, because it was never supposed to happen that way, who starts to question things after being trapped on bahryn with zeb, who actually gets to talk with his enemy and come to a shaky, shaky truce
alexsander kallus who helps sabine escape even before he's officially fulcrum, just because he knows he owes zeb, and he knows how important sabine is to him
alexsander kallus who becomes fulcrum because he knows it's the right thing to do, because he knows that the events on lasan have happened to so many other planets, and he realizes how wrong he was, and how he's been changed
"heart of a rebel" alexsander kallus who fights against thrawn and manages to escape and becomes an unofficial spector as he gets folded into the rebels
alexsander kallus who, after feeling guilty and twisted for so long because of the lasan massacre, who has atoned for so many mistakes, who has struggled for so long to find his place, is shown to the planet where the lasat people are thriving, who is welcomed into their home, forgiven and seen as one of them
just... alexsander kallus
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daddycephalopod · 1 year
Where is the lasat and his husband, David?
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mavka-chan · 4 months
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I love him❤️❤️❤️✨
Doggie Kuznetsov
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