#All Bets are Off
theartingace · 3 days
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some studies of 30's menswear (surely unrelated to anything) turned into being sad about Parker I hope we get to hear more about him eventually.
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mediocretosubpar-soup · 2 months
Fun idea:
Wei Wuxian gets his own Yunmeng Jiang disciples in disguise squads. This is because one time Jin Ling mentioned that Wei Wuxian was hurt on a night hunt and Jiang Cheng's anxiety levels hit a new peak, so he, in the fashion of people who take their hot iron on vacation, put assigned a squad of Yunmeng Jiang disciples as a protection detail.
YMJ disciple: So you want us to observe Wei Wuxian to study demonic cultivation?
JC (dead serious but also lying through his teeth): Absolutely, WWX is the foremost expert but he'll never tell us his secrets. It is of utmost important that he remain alive and well, so we can study him to ensure we are prepared for new demonic cultivation inventions.
YMJ disciple (not buying this for a second but willing to give the SL some face: Sounds legit.
A few months into the assignment.
YMJ disciple A (distressed) about WWX: He totally knows!
YMJ disciple B: He knows nothing.
YMJ disciple C: I've been a random rogue cultivator, a helpful villager and then a conveniently wandering monk on the same night hunt. That man can't remember faces for shit.
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paprikaries · 8 months
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_Two Dice in a Casinò_ rough sketch _ wip -"What about you, handsome?" -"I'd say everything is going great, but the boss never seems satisfied. I don't understand, he wasn't like that 100 years ago.. (lol) It's hard to think about it, but...maybe I'm doing something wrong?"
I'm doing a comics on these two because they're cool and funny and I like to imagine their interaction and how they would talk about personal experiences.
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unholy-screeching9 · 11 months
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All Bets Are Off! 🎲💸
It feels sooooo good to fully render something!! Even more so to make a full piece with complex objects you drew yourself (listen- that table was NOT easy, people)
The finished product of that sketch I had posted yesterday 💋
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mollysunder · 4 months
I know Ekko, Jinx, and Viktor won't be bffs by the end of season 2, but I love the idea that while Ekko might be wary of the latter two, Jinx and Viktor remain adamantly friendly to Ekko, and even give him unsolicited unhinged advice.
A running gag between them would be where Viktor and Jinx try to convince Ekko to turn the Firelights into a full on time cult.
Jinx and Viktor will swear up and down that things really turned up when the Inx and the Gloriously Evolved respectively restructured as cults. Morale's been up 35% post-transition, and Singed gets included in your health plan. Ekko's always left mildly disturbed, but it beats Piltover.
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purepari · 6 months
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Elphelt-Violetta! 🩷🎤
Got into Guilty Gear recently, and wanted to draw some of my OCs in the outfits of the characters!
Starting off with Violetta in Elphelt's outfit!
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lfthinker · 24 days
The agony of being a Batman fic writer is being forced to acknowledge some really fucking stupid parts of DC lore in order for the character’s actions to make any sense. I am of course, referring to Identity Crisis. Self inflicted problem I realize, but I really wanted to play with Tim as an antagonist.
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limpfisted · 9 months
I wonder how big this rpc fandom will get
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apomaro-mellow · 2 months
Do you have a favorite playing card game? For example, mine are Gin Rummy and Speed
Back when I knew the rules (it's been so long that I've forgotten them) I liked playing Old Maid. And Go Fish was always a good stand by. Back in high school a classmate tried to teach some of us how to play Rattlesnake Egyptian Ratscrew but I was always too slow for games like that and Speed
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I love how I'm the same height as Wheezy- I can finally bite Chips' ankles!
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ramartworks · 2 years
This is SuitSwap! An au i made a couple of years ago when i was obsessed with casino cups
So i took inspiration from tarot/cartomancy and their meanings for the playing cards, assigned one to each character that i thought would fit them, and then switched the suit to see how it would affect their personality >:)
here's the designs i have so far!
tw: gun ig
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beauregardlionett · 1 year
is this...the first pvp how do you want to do this
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princessphilly · 2 years
Sidney Crosby is serious about his captaincy, as he should be. It's a highly regarded position in hockey. And, you see, he's used to being regarded highly. Your bratty attitude is what got you bent over his cubby seat in the locker room wearing his sweater- and only that.
Nina didn’t mean to do it.
She wasn’t really a brat. But she was feeling needy as Sidney was doing yet another round of media for yet another winter classic. Nina was also just back in town from a conference and she missed her husband.
Sidney was doing an online interview in his locker and the normal PR people for the Pens weren’t around. So Nina decided to take a page out of her bestie’s book.. and she flashed Sidney, showing him her bra under his jersey that she was wearing.
Sidney played it off but as soon as he was done with NHL.com, his eyes turned stormy. And after he made a call asking that no one bothers him for a bit in the locker room, he pounced.
The folks on and around the team know that their captain sometimes wants to be alone, just him and his gear. But this time, Nina was there too, panties in her mouth, jeans somewhere, with just his jersey on as Sidney spanked her for being a brat.
…and maybe some fingering too because Sid missed his wife too and he always wanted to fuck Nina in his cubby seat.
(Belated happy birthday to @starshine-hockey-girl)
@fallinallincurls @pucksalotguys @prettybiching @chara-hugs @thebookofmags @himbos-on-ice @newlibrary @defiant-mouse @whatishockey @hockeynshit @hockeywocs @m00nlightdelights @myhockeyworld87
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topgunreacts · 1 year
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samwritesstuff97 · 2 years
Started: 6/17/22
Updated: 7/25/22
All Bets Are Off
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (coming soon!!!)
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bohemian-nights · 5 months
A Dettles headcanon
Nettles is a lightweight that’s why she doesn’t drink a lot but one night during a celebration Ulf, Hugh and Addam encourage her to drink with them and boy oh boy, nettles has a ruthless mouth. Daemon comes and walks them back as he helps nettles and walk, when mysaria appears and questions them
Mysaria: “look’s like you all had a fun night with the prince, isn’t that a bit inappropriate my prince to lower yourself like that?”
Nettles heavily drunk: “your ma is a bit inappropriate”
Mysaria: “that doesn’t even make sense”
Nettles: your Ma doesn’t even make sense!”
Mysaria: “is she drunk or just stupid?”
Nettles: “your ma’s a drunk you who-”
Daemon now covers nettles mouth with his hand and drags her away, but just as they turn the corner nettles yells out “CALL ME STUPID AGAIN AND I”LL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH YOU COCKBITTER!!”
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And Daemon will be like no more alcohol for you for the rest of the year 🤣I love this🙌🏽
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