#All-Star Battlefield
evonydavidguo · 1 year
How to increase your March Size in Evony?
How to increase your March Size in Evony? With the development of your castle and troops in Evony, you will realize that even though you have a lot of troops, there is a limit to how many troops you can send out. In order to send out troops as much as possible, we have to increase our March Size. So, how to do this? There are a lot of methods to increase March Size in Evony. If you are interested…
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bbygirl-obi · 1 year
obi-wan: cody, do you think i can be difficult to work with? cody: there is no other jedi i would rather serve under, sir. obi-wan: you're speaking to the negotiator, cody. i know how to spot when someone's dodging a question. cody: you're my superior officer, sir. obi-wan: alright then. everything you say in the next thirty seconds is free, starting now. cody, immediately: you're cocky, pushy, reckless, flirty at the most inappropriate times, value vanity more than wearing armor in a war zone, have daddy issues so massive everyone can see it from clicks away- obi-wan: but- cody: i have 22.5 seconds left, sir. i'm not done.
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carouselunique · 4 months
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Hi! To answer your question, I want to let ships develop naturally over time with the audience and allow y'all to have those ships largely without my direct influence the way the show for the most part does (almost every ship being implied rather than directly stated by the end of the series) because I think that'll be more fun for everyone involved!
That being said, if there is one ship I can at least say is somewhat close to my heart and by nature of the story has somewhat of a focus... Dinky's parents are that ship.
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firefly-fez · 1 year
nothing gets to me about star wars like the fact that ahsoka and rex were forced to leave dead brothers discarded and abandoned in the ruins of war literally day after day, battle after battle, and the first thing they do when the war is over is take the time to bury the dead.
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so a couple weeks ago I posted this video of Plo messing with Wolffe and dumping 3po on him, leaving Wolffe stuttering and stammering to get his generals attention. And well, it got me thinking.
I absolutely believe that Wolffe is a total badass, super hot, knows it and therefore super smooth. He likes a girl? Walks right up to her, drops a killer line, only about half a minute into the convo he has her comm frequency.
He's at 79's? Not with the boys, no, he's taking out a girl and trust me, she ain't buying her own drinks, he's taking care of her.
A guy is messing with a girl without her consent? Wolffe senses it from 3 miles away and is the Knight in shining plastoid who saves the day.
this video made me change my mind
Wolffe is the hottest, most badass commander and everybody assumes he's great with girls.
The shinies come to him for tips on flirting because well, "it's commander wolffe, I'm sure he's picked up lots of girls" "yeah, he seems like the kinda guy who's just got it, yanno?"
Wolffe will be the coolest mf in a 10 mile radius but place a pretty girl in front of him and suddenly its just
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no thoughts, head empty
Anytime a girl flirts with him its wolffe.exe has stopped working and he drops just godawful lines that no one gets and then he's super nervous and starts stuttering to the point where it makes no sense at all anymore and eventually the girl will give him a break and walk away and then he just facepalms and orders another drink while the command batch chuckles good-naturedly, because The Commander Wolffe™ has ZERO game whatsoever
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
I see a lot in fics this portrayal of stormtroopers/501st as being intensely loyal to Vader, sometimes even over the Empire. Is that really true in canon/Legends? I know Lords of the Sith referenced this, but otherwise I haven't read enough of the EU to confirm how much of this is just fanon. I'm assuming you know bc of your Vader's Men tag lol
The intensive stormtrooper training is conditioning people to be loyal to Empire and so obedience to Vader, as the one of highest imperial commanders is a natural order of the things but yes, there are stories and tie-in materials that strongly suggest or outright says that certain stormtroopers and imperial officers in fact admire Darth Vader and their loyalty run beyond the usual level of allegiance required from imperial soldiers. So no, this portrait in fanwork is not solely invention of fans as it has a solid ground in source materials although it should be taken into account that: 
a) the level of personal loyalty will vary from one character to another  
b) there are not many stories in which imperial soldiers are forced to choose between Vader and the Emperor so it is really hard to predict if those people are in fact more loyal to Vader as a person than to the Empire(Palpatine) as a whole. When it comes to imperial army, in most cases Vader and the Empire/Palpatine are seen as inseparable as Vader is the epitome of loyalty to Empire to most Imperials (which makes sense, as Vader usually rely on bounty hunters or his vast different sort of agents if his personal goals are against Palpatine’s will and the discretion is needed. Otherwise he is commanding troopers to kill/destroy whoever incur his anger and then deals with his master’s displeasure). 
The second point is especially vital in regard to imperials like admiral Piett that in general is acknowledged in sources as one of officers that Vader truly respects but through the decades Firmus sadly didn’t get that much focus as character to give us absolute certainty of his allegiance beyond the general idea of “serving the Empire”. Which makes it hard to make an objective analysis if Piett was forced to choose, would he betray the Empire out of loyalty to Vader or not. A scenario that has been a common thing in fanwork for years. Which is why I’m bringing Piett to illustrate that fans’ interpretation of imperial characters and their loyalty to Vader may be exaggerated beyond what sources provided. Which doesn’t necessarily mean it is a wrong assumption but rather that focus of tie-in materials is pretty much limited when it comes to Imperials, especially those of Old Trilogy or stormtroopers in general.
At the same time, Vader was introduced from the start as someone that has a better working relationship with common troopers and the imperial officers serving directly under him than with high-ranking Imperials. There is no need to look further than A New Hope to see the difference between how the Sith Lord acts around his men and Admiral Motti (or later in The Empire Strikes Back, how he treats Admiral Ozzel or Captain Needa). It shows up in his speech patterns, like “There'll be no one to stop us this time” or “We’ll have to destroy them ship to ship” when he is talking to his men (as he is including himself and his men in the “us/we”) but it is for sure a me vs you talk with Motti during a meeting on Death Star. When questioned by Commander Daine Jir* Vader is willing to explain himself and shows zero anger at the man for not obeying at once 
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while having no second thought about force-choking admiral Motti. Through the Original Trilogy, Vader did not threaten common imperial troopers but he did not have any reservations about killing the officers if they failed him. What is even more important, Vader is one of few high-ranking imperials that takes an active part in widely understood “warzone”, be it the search of stolen Death Star’s plans or taking part in space battle to protect the imperial station or taking over rebel Echo Base on Hoth - and tie-in material even claims that Vader flying his own fighter into battle(s) incurs the wrath of high officers,which implies the Dark Lord of the Sith’s active part during fight breaks imperial norms.
 This is the ground on which I believe was built the idea that stormtroopers may feel a great respect and even personal loyalty for Vader - and to be honest, from the perspective of common soldiers it makes perfect sense. Vader is the right-hand man of Emperor Palpatine, a man that wields a mystic power and runs the Empire and who for sure does not need to risk his life on the battlefield yet he is marching alongside stormtroopers into one battle after another, sometimes even saving said troopers in the process (x)(x)(x) while most high-ranking officers (especially those presented in the Old Trilogy) usually stay behind in the safety while soldiers die fighting. Also, quite often the sources provided examples in which Vader on purpose does not involve troopers accompanying him into fights as he prefers to face dangerous and personal foes/tasks alone (x)(x)(x)(x)("Go," Vader said to them. "The ship is lost." Most of them nodded, turned, and headed off immediately, but three of the stormtroopers remained. "Sir, we should accompany you to an escape pod." "Unnecessary," Vader said. "I'll find my own way. Now go. That's my order.", Lords or the Sith) which I suspect is another habit of Vader that common stormtroopers may interpret as specific sign of their commander’s care for their well-being - is it truth or not is up to debate of course, but whatever the reasoning, it really looks like Vader did not endanger the lives of soldiers unnecessarily and even could kill an officer that ordered the troops into an unwinnable scenario. Or like Ozzel did, lost the element of surprise for imperial invasion.
And really, the image of Vader leading troops or being surrounded by stormtroopers is one of the most common things in the Star Wars franchise that is included in films, comics, books, games and other tie-in materials. Considering what a powerhouse Vader is on his own, it is easy to imagine how his presence on battlefront raises morale of imperial soldiers or why it means so much to stormtroopers to know the Dark Lord of the Sith is there with them on battlefront.  
Another thing that adds a lot to common troopers’ perception of the Dark Lord is that Vader does not care for people’s place of origin, family or political connections or even species. Through the sources Vader favors skills, competence and loyalty above anything else. Which means that people born in Outer Rims or people for whatever reason not meeting the specific standards set by the military/political elite can easily get promoted under Vader’s wings if they prove themselves - be it on battlefront or thinking outside the box (x followed by x). And this especially was visible in older sources, when aliens, women and droids were part of a wide range of Vader’s agents despite the bias toward those groups within the Empire. So working with Vader often resulted with many benefits in the long run for those who managed to impress the Dark Lord. What is very important, as many promising troopers and officers that normally would be hold back by lack of proper connection or birthplace were hand-picked personally by the Dark Lord of the Sith, either for his 501st Legion or for general benefit of the Empire - what for many “lowly cogs in the imperial machine” literally means new possibilities opened up solely thanks to Vader and this probably adds a lot of weight to their personal loyalty. Serving under Vader could bring a person a chance for fast promotion (general Veers is the best example) but also provide protection (x)(x) or access to the best medical help even when said person couldn’t anymore serve the Dark Lord, as happened with Erv Lekauf:
Vader’s suit could withstand nearly every assault. But Lekauf, a man trained to react without pausing to debate, flung himself in front of him and took the brunt of the flame. He fell, gasping, as the clones closed in on the Dark Jedi and Vader burst apart their Force shields with pure focused rage. [A Two-Edged Sword]
“My granddad thought the world of him. When he got badly burned on a mission and had to be discharged from the Imperial Army, Lord Vader made sure he was taken care of for the rest of his life. Whatever some people say about Vader, monsters don't look out for lieutenants." [Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice]
As I mentioned before, a great number of people serving Vader were hand-picked personally by the Dark Lord of the Sith which includes his own 501st Legion - and that for sure increases the reason for personal loyalty of said soldiers. 
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Members of the 501st are hand-picked by Lord Darth Vader from within the stormtrooper units. Battlefield promotions are awarded to those who earn his respect [The Imperial Handbook].
Worse, walking into a local garrison or fleet anchorage meant taking whatever they had available, whether good and competent or lazy and useless. Picking out random stormtroopers was an even shakier proposition these days, given Vader’s habit of periodically combing through the ranks and transferring all the best and brightest into his personal 501st Legion. [Choices of one]
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When Lieutenant Daine Jir first spoke out against one of Darth Vader’s suggestions, murmurs of “dead man walking” immediately followed. But instead of choking the life out of the Imperial officer, Vader promoted him to the rank of commander. 
Jir was one of few officers, along with Admiral Piett and Captain Janus Bonn, to earn Vader’s respect. The Dark Lord appreciated Jir’s brutal honesty, in contrast to the manipulative rhetoric of most Imperial lackeys. Jir, a competent and ruthless member of the 501st stormtrooper legion [...]
The New Canon also seems to follow this special bond that Vader has with some stormtroopers, as could be seen with sergeant Kreel (x) who was even gifted the Jedi lightsaber by the Dark Lord (though so far Kreel is also loyal to Palpatine… who has like zero idea or care who the stormtrooper is).
So to answer your question, yes, there are plenty of stormtroopers (or in general imperials) who greatly respect Darth Vader and in some cases this respect runs as deep as personal loyalty toward the Dark Lord of the Sith. And this specific bond between Vader and troopers can be traced through various source material, like:
For reasons that went beyond the armor and helmets, the imaging systems and boots, Vader felt more at home among the troopers than he did around other flesh-and-bloods.
And Appo and the rest of Vader's cadre of stormtroopers seemed to be at ease with their new superior. To them it was only reasonable that Vader wore a bodysuit and armor. Some had always wondered why the Jedi left themselves exposed, as if they had had something to prove by it. [Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader by James Luceno]
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After Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side, his 501st Legion clone troopers remained loyal to him. For their brutality and efficiency, they became known as “Vader’s fist”.
(And no, this has nothing to do with the chip-in-brain nonsense of TCW/New Canon)
(and here a fun fact! The Anakin/Vader's personal stormtrooper legion is named after fan organization 501st Legion that was introduced into canon thanks to Timothy Zahn and Lucasfilm, as a nod to fans and their great hand-made costumes and charity work! Which adds another layer why 501st Legion is always seen as the elite between elites and so important part of Anakin/Vader's legacy)
As the shuttle descended through Hockaleg’s atmosphere, Vader said, “I am curious about the details of your demotion.”
“It’s all on record, sir,” the trooper said, angling the shuttle toward the spaceport.
“I would prefer to hear it from you.”
“Permission to speak freely, sir?”
The trooper cleared his throat.
“You are aware I’m a clone, sir?”
“Well, twenty years ago, after Shadow Squadron was disbanded, I had a new commanding officer-a non-clone. When he ordered me to kill my gunner - who had been wounded in combat, but not mortally - I refused. And when my commanding officer tried to shoot me for refusing, I broke his jaw. I spent a year in solitary.”
Vader considered the details, then said, “What happened to the injured clone?”
“He recovered, although he was killed several months later during a bombing run.”
“Do you regret your actions?”
“No. sir. Everybody dies. I’m just glad I helped a friend live a bit longer.”
As the spaceport came into view, Vader said, “If you were to serve under my command, would you ever disobey an order?”
“Yes, sir, but only if it helped you live longer.”
Vader was stunned by the aged clone’s words and the implication that he might disobey one of his orders…or that he might consider the Sith Lord a friend. Before he could ask the clone for an explanation, the clone tested the comm and received a loud burst of static. [Vader Adrift]
or mentioned Erv Lerkauf
The assassins paused for a frantic reload.
“Lord Vader…” said Lekauf, but he was pinned flat by the Force, arms flailing.
“Stay down,” snapped Vader. […]
One man dropped instantly without his intervention. Vader lunged forward and sliced through two more, left-right. The fourth lost his arm and blaster in the same slicing movement and dropped to his knees, utterly silent, mouth open wide in frozen agony as he stared at the seared stump. Vader brought the lightsaber down across his neck. The hangar was silent now except for the sound of his own breath. He looked down at the back of the one man he hadn’t killed. The black tunic was still smoking a little.
“Fine shot, Lekauf,” said Vader. He released his Force pressure. “I told you to stay down.”
Lekauf got to his knees and holstered his blaster. “I never rose, my lord. I can fire from a prone position, though, and you made no mention of that.”
Lekauf stood up and went to him as if to check him for injury. It suddenly struck Vader that he was solid and a good height. And he was loyal enough to step in the line of fire, and then-defy him to cover his back.
Good man. At least one possible template, then. [In his Image]
""Me, too." Jacen found he enjoyed the company of 967. They all had the corporal's general optimism. "How long have you been in the army?"
"Since I graduated, sir. Four years."
"What made you sign up?"
Lekauf smiled, almost embarrassed. "My grandfather served under your grandfather in the Imperial Army, sir. He always talked about how Lord Vader put himself in the front line. Meant a lot to him, that did."
Jacen patted Lekauf's shoulder. It was humbling to see how loyalty could last generations. Whatever sins Anakin Skywalker had committed as Vader, there were still those who recognized his qualities as an inspirational commander. Jacen decided it might be safe to walk back in time and watch him again. [Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines]
or a nostalgia trip of retired stormtrooper:
Dark Lord told us it wasn’t our fault the Falcon got out from the Hoth blockade. Then he executed half the squad. But you could tell he was proud of us.
“Supreme confidence reigned in the heart of every crew member in this Imperial death squadron, especially among the personnel on the monstrous central Star Destroyer. But something also blazed within their souls. Fear - fear of merely the sound of the familiar heavy footsteps as they echoed through the enormous ship. Crew members dreaded these footfalls and shuddered whenever they were heard approaching, bringing their much feared, but much respected leader.” [The Empire Strikes Back]

I’ve heard that the regular officers hate him, but the Stormtrooper Corps almost worships him. [Lords of the Sith]

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The Truest Duty by Christie Golden [From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back]
And to be honest, this special stormtroopers’ admiration for Vader is not seen only in “serious” source material but also in humorous variations like Lego Star Wars Vader reading book to stormtroopers  or Droid Tales episode 5, in which C-3PO and Lando distract stormtroopers with a tale about Darth Vader (and how the Lord of the Sith saved rebellion on Endor) and just look at the troopers happily listening about their boss.
So in general, fans may sometimes exaggerate the intensivity of stormtroopers or in general imperial soldiers' loyalty toward Vader but this specific bond between Dark Lord of the Sith and common soldiers is grounded deeply in star wars lore.
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yukipri · 2 years
What do you think about the training scene in Tales of Jedi ? It seems useless and cruel to me (especially in comparison to the one in Kenobi) but maybe you have a different opinion
I think it was absolutely practical and necessary, and no matter how painful, exhausting, and frustrating it was for Ahsoka, the training utterly pales in comparison to the reality that she is a child who was originally sent out onto a battlefield with ZERO experience.
Ahsoka is and likely always was exceptional with a lightsaber, which is why Yoda for some reason thought it would be alright for her to be sent to Christophsis. But you gotta understand. While Jedi are taught combat and are skilled fighters, being prepared to use your lightsaber as a peacekeeper is completely different from being sent onto the front lines of massive battles as a commanding officer of an army. Before the war, the lil training remote was sufficient. As a Jedi initiate who grew up sheltered in the Temple, Ahsoka would have never experienced anything like Christophsis until she arrived there.
Anakin knows this. Anakin, if he could, probably never would have wanted to take a Padawan onto a battlefield, no sane Jedi would. But he didn't have a choice. So he decided to prepare her as much as he could, with the help of men he knows are skilled with blasters. Yes, it'll hurt. Yes, it might even be cruel. But better that Anakin be cruel and Ahsoka covered in bruises and unconscious than her being DEAD because she didn't (couldn't have) the experience necessary to stay alive.
After all, very single one of those times she falls unconscious, if that had been live fire, she'd have been dead.
And if it was too much? If Ahsoka had decided to call it quits, say she can't handle this? Then Anakin probably would have let her leave. But it would have also forfeited her right to be on a battlefield—it would have given Anakin an excuse to sideline her until he considered her ready. After all, if she can't handle practice fire in a controlled, safe environment, she certainly has no right to be on a field where an enemy is shooting to kill. And Ahsoka likely knew this, and she wanted to be there with her Master and the boys, so she stuck it out.
So no, I don't think the training was useless or cruel. I think it was cruel for a child to be dumped into the middle of a war. And I think the skills she learned from the training—that Ahsoka chose to continue even by herself, even without Anakin's supervision—saved her life in many, many situations. The episodic nature of the Clone Wars series means that we see only the biggest events, and nothing in between. We do see Ahsoka grow up, but she must have necessarily done the work in between missions to reflect, to train, to improve. So I think it was great that we got to see part of that.
All of this is under the assumption that Ahsoka just needed to survive the war, which is likely all Anakin was thinking about when he came up with the training. But add in the fact that she needed to literally dodge fire from the clones...
No, I don't think it was useless at all.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
I have an AU where Sponge is Force-Sensitive rotating like a rotisserie chicken in my brain...
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roselightfairy · 8 months
I can't believe Obi-Wan has the audacity to say "Red's not my color" before igniting Ventress's lightsaber and proving that in fact red is SO VERY his color.
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swan2swan · 2 months
No, Thrawn, putting too powerful of weapons in a widespread group across the Imperial-controlled galaxy will put more powerful weapons in the hands of those who want to resist the Empire.
Big Star Destroyers, small, elite forces, and one BIG SUPERWEAPON are all ways to guarantee that power is consolidated in the hands of a few. It keeps your forces together.
You know.
As long as there aren't a handful of spunky enemies who can overcome them, or exploit a weakness in that one concentrated point.
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trek-tracks · 2 years
Here's a question for everyone:
We were talking about series, Trek series specifically, that ended on a bad or unsatisfying last episode (I'm not going to point fingers, but I bet you probably know which one specifically).
Thankfully, we got the TOS movies as an end to the crew's story, rather than Turnabout Intruder. But I was thinking...what if we hadn't?
If TOS ended permanently after S3, which episode of TOS do you think would have made the best finale? Any season, considering continuity wasn't that important.
I kind of like The Empath as a finale because it's basically the thesis of the series and shows that it's about the crew's love for each other (but then I'm biased). We also have considered Operation: Annihilate!, All Our Yesterdays, Bread and Circuses, The Tholian Web, and Let That Be Your Last Battlefield. (And some joke suggestions of Amok Time and Spock's Brain.)
Tumblr, what do you think, and why?
(Edit: This would mean that this episode would be moved to the end of S3, not that the series would end whenever that episode aired. All the other episodes would still exist.)
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supersonicbros2024 · 5 months
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Paramount Mountain Stage concept. (10/17/23)
What would a Small Battlefield inspired stage look like in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2? I thought it would take some visuals from the Paramount logo.
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seagullcharmer · 1 year
star trek as a series really is just. so good. yeah i've enjoyed some of the new stuff, too (strange new worlds really has the same feel as the early stuff!) but man. the original series was already groundbreaking. the next generation just layered on top of it. i'm working my way through ds9 now and it opens on such a heavy-hitting episode (wow!! trauma!!!!) (also picard is such a beloved character to many and sisko HATES him so politely it's incredible) (like he is certainly justified! but wow!!) and of course voyager was the one i actually watched first + all the way through first (i've since watched all of tng) but yeah. i really do think tng is probably the best one to start with if you haven't watched star trek before. and of course each one is a product of its time and so some of it is campy or not how we see the world today but. it's sooo good. so good.
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celestial-sword-dance · 8 months
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Multimuse Honkai Star Rail Ask/RP Blog
indie | selective | oc/au/dup friendly
penned by cyber | tag list below
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puzzledemigod · 2 years
Lokai and Bele's gay little runs after 50000 years chasing each other through the galaxy and coming to their home planet to find it empty and dead is peak enemies to lovers unresolved sexual tension bullshit
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yanno in rewatching cw I realised something. Filoni claims that cw was always meant to be about Ahsoka and Rex, but like,,, while we do get more content of those two by the end of the show the first like 4 seasons has Rex as a minor background character, who's basically just there to support Anakin in his sieges.
I mean yeah, he had his one solo eps with Cut Laquane and those two episodes with Cody, but it's mainly just about Anakin and Obi Wan (and yeah, Ahsoka is there a lot, but we don't get a lot of character development on her part till also like season 4).
Rex's first like "own" arc is those 4 episodes about Umbara (which is a crime in and of itself).
Like, don't get me wrong, I still LOVE cw and I do enjoy most episodes (can't say "all" bc Jar Jar), but if its really supposed to be about Ahsoka and Rex?
Show me how they grow together in their relationship
show me how Rex went from tightly wound shiny to smart and decisive captain who doesn't blindly follow orders (the process, not just the turning point in the umbara arc)
show me Rex teaching Ahsoka about loss and leadership
show me Ahsoka slowly realising her responsibility
show me Rex screwing up on a mission and dealing with the consequences
show me Rex on a day off with his brothers
show me Ahsoka on a day off with the clones/her fellow Jedi Padawans
show me how the rest of the 501st see captain rex from their perspective
show me all the layers and facets of their, for lack of a better word, humanity.
I wanna reiterate that I love clone wars, and that I do think they did a good job on the show. just also think that there is a lot of lost potential on the Ahsoka and Rex's development front.
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