#Epic Historic General
evonydavidguo · 2 years
How to increase your March Size in Evony?
How to increase your March Size in Evony? With the development of your castle and troops in Evony, you will realize that even though you have a lot of troops, there is a limit to how many troops you can send out. In order to send out troops as much as possible, we have to increase our March Size. So, how to do this? There are a lot of methods to increase March Size in Evony. If you are interested…
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nero-neptune · 2 months
last night when my mom called me, we talked about the upcoming election bc all our recent conversations circle back to that lol (what a year this month has been!), and she brought up a personal story related to voting which ig explains the reason i am the way i am.
her first major election was the presidential election of 1984 (and yes, she still hates reagan). she's like 20 and was talking to a pretty close, 18 yr old work friend about it (they were also friends outside of work). my mom casually asked her "who're you voting for?", but her friend goes "actually, i'm not voting". and my mom's all "wtf???" and gets an "i just don't care about it" in response. my mom goes, "you know that people Died to give us the right to vote?" bc it's 1984 and the '60s basically Just happened. it's all w/in graphic, living memory and the voting rights act of 1965 is younger than She is! and her younger-than-the-voting-rights-act-of-1965 friend replies, "no, they died to give us the Choice to vote", like that was a mic drop or something.
important context: my mom is black and from the deep south, born in very late 1964 (like a month after VP harris). she's a cusper, straddling that baby boomer/gen x line, so major events of the late '60s/early '70s happened during her early formative years. things like being a little kid during the tail-end of the civil rights movement, growing up w/ the cultural memory of freedom summer, negro history week -> black history month, being integrated into a white public school in '71 once that wave finally reached louisiana (she was 7 at the time), and so on. these are her formative childhood years.
my mom tells me, "i just got so angry at her that i couldn't talk to her for the rest of the day", a cold shoulder that lasted until she eventually got another job.
hearing this, i just thought it was so funny, that my mom (who isn't super political at all) was so immediately off-put by a friend's refusal to vote in The Midst of the hell that was reagan's america that she Literally never talked to her again. personality-wise, we are Not that alike lol. but somewhere along the line, ig she instilled in her kids this complete lack of patience for non-voters. she made me like this! so like. "i'm not voting bc–" are you stupid? the voting rights act is younger than My Mom, people Died for that, even felons today (especially in the south, Especially minorities) who really Want to vote often Can't, and you're like "who cares?" that's so embarrassing. sure ig you have the right to choose Not to vote, but i reserve the right to think you're an idiot.
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spaghettioverdose · 6 months
Whats wrong with defending small businesses? /Gen
A lot of people with "progressive" or "leftist" politics seem to think that defending small businesses and aspiring to start one is the peak of anti-capitalist action or countercultural when it's like... one of the most common liberal talking points. Like you can't be some epic punk anarchist and then want to reproduce the American Dream.
They tend to place a lot more emphasis on BigBusiness vs SmallBusiness and act like small business owners can like do no wrong. Also very common for small business defenders to be like "sure, you can pirate/shoplift but not from small business!!!" which like lol lmao.
There are a lot of problems with the mindset. It tends to distract from actual class politics, instead focusing more on the aesthetics of capital. It tends to towards all kinds of reactionary positions, especially on things such as IP as we have seen recently. The petit bougeoisie have (both historically and presently) often contributed against the working class, siding with the regular bourgeoisie when coming against working class movements. The class interests of the petit bourgoise are often in conflict with the class interests of the workers.
There are situations in which it can beneficial to defend small business but you should not hold a policy of "small business good" in general if you consider yourself anti-capitalist or "leftist" in any meaningful way (although leftist is in itself a meaningless term).
Anyways, obligatory disclaimer: No, you aren't evil for being a petit bourgeois. Class politics aren't moral categories. Yes, being petit bourgeois means that your class interests are in conflict with the working class. Yes, you can still be a communist, it just means you're going against your class interests, something that most of your peers do not do.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months
Poetic Genres
Whereas a poetic "form" defines the way a poem arranges sounds, rhythms, or its appearance on the page, a poetic "genre" is something like the poem's style. Many poetic genres have a long history, and new poems almost always seek to explore a new aspect of the traditional style and thus to redefine the genre in some way. The following list is a selection of the major genres of poetry.
allegory A narrative with two levels of meaning, one stated and one unstated.
aubade A song or poem greeting the sunrise, traditionally a lover's lament that the night's passion must come to an end.
ballad Broadly speaking, the ballad is a genre of folk poetry, usually an orally transmitted narrative song. The term "ballad" applies to several other kinds of poetry, including the English ballad stanza, which is a form often associated with the genre.
blason A Renaissance genre characterized by a short catalogue-style description, often of the female body.
cento A poem composed entirely of lines from other poems.
dirge A funeral song.
dramatic monologue This might be called a "closet soliloquy": a long poem spoken by a character who often unwittingly reveals his or her hidden desires and actions over the course of the poem. The "I" of the dramatic monologue is very distinct from the "I" of the poet's persona. Robert Browning was a master of this genre.
eclogue A short pastoral poem; Virgil's eclogues are one of the first examples of this genre.
ekphrasis Originally a description of any kind, "ekphrasis" is now almost exclusively applied to the poetic description of a work of art.
elegy This genre can be difficult to define, as there are specific types of elegiac poem as well as a general elegiac mood, but almost all elegies mourn, and seek consolation for, a loss of some kind: the most common form of elegy is a lyric commemorating the death of a loved one. Greek elegiac meter, which is one source of what we know as the elegy today, is not normally associated with loss and mourning.
epic A long narrative poem that catalogues and celebrates heroic or historic deeds and events, usually focusing on a single heroic individual.
epigram A brief and pithy aphoristic observation, often satirical.
epitaph A tombstone inscription. Several famous poems end with the poet writing his own. (See, for example, Thomas Gray's "Elegy in a Country Churchyard" or W.B. Yeats's "Under Ben Bulben.")
epithalamion A song or poem that celebrates a wedding.
fable A brief tale about talking animals or objects, usually having a moral or pedagogical point, which is sometimes explicitly stated at the end. Aesop and la Fontaine are perhaps the most famous fable-writers.
georgic The agricultural cousin of pastoral, a georgic is a poem that celebrates rustic labor.
hymn A song of praise.
invective A personal, often abusive, denunciation.
lament An expression of grief.
light verse Poetry that is mostly for fun: this can mean anything from nonsense verse to folk songs, but typically there is a comical element to light verse.
lyric This genre encompasses a large portion of the world's poetry; in general, lyrics are fairly brief poems that emphasize musical qualities.
masque Courtly drama characterized by elaborate costumes and dances, as well as audience participation.
occasional verse Poetry written with reference to a particular event.
ode A long, serious meditation on an elevated subject, an ode can take one of three forms.
paean A song of joy or triumph.
palinode A recantation or retraction, usually of an earlier poem.
panegyric Poem or song in praise of a particular individual or object.
parody A comic imitation.
pastoral Originally a poem that depicted an idealized singing competition between shepherds, "pastoral" has come to denote almost anything to do with a rural setting, although it also refers to several specific categories of the genre. Associated genres of varying synonymity are idyll, bucolic, eclogue, and georgic.
psalm A sacred song.
riddle A puzzling question that relies on allegory or wordplay for its answer. Riddles are often short, and often include an answer to the question posed, albeit an unsatisfying one. The riddle of the Sphinx, which Oedipus solved, is a particularly famous example: "what walks on four legs in the morning, two at midday, and three in the afternoon?"
romance An adventure tale, usually set in a mythical or remote locale. Verse forms of the romance include the  Spanish ballad and  medieval or chivalric romance.
satire Ridicule of some kind, usually passing moral judgment.
tragedy This genre originated in ancient Greek verse drama and received extended treatment in Aristotle's Poetics, which made the downfall of the main character one of the criteria for tragedy. The genre has since expanded to include almost anything pertaining to a downfall.
verse epistle A letter written in verse, usually taking as its subject either a philosophical or a romantic question.
If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
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jesslovesboats · 1 year
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BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT, I'm back with more Sad Boat Books for Sad Boat People! But first, some words.
I never dreamed that a silly little graphic I made for some friends would generate this much response on twitter and here, but I'm overjoyed that it resonated with so many of you! I read every single comment and tag, and by far my favorites are all of the people who say some variation of "I thought I was the only one who loved these books." We are NOT alone, there are literally thousands of people who reblogged or retweeted this list-- people of all ages and backgrounds and gender identities. Sad Boat isn't just for old white men! I was also delighted to hear from other librarians who are using this in displays and for reader's advisory. PLEASE go forth and do so with my blessing, nothing would make me happier! I was recently laid off from my librarian job as part of a restructuring under new management (don't worry about me, it sucks right now but I'm gonna be fine), so I would love to think that I'm still contributing to the library ecosystem while I'm out of commission. I would also love to keep making these lists (including one that deals with Sad Boat fiction and one with recommendations for other types of media), and I've never had more time to do it, so if you have suggestions, please drop them in my inbox!
Anyway, enough of that-- here are more books! I've either read all of these, or the recommendation came from someone I trust, so read with confidence!
First Hand Accounts
The Quiet Land: The Antarctic Diaries of Frank Debenham edited by June Debenham Back
The Voyage of the Discovery by Robert Falcon Scott
Farthest North by Fridtjof Nansen
Endurance by F.A. Worsley
Boats boats boats!
Franklin's Lost Ship: The Historic Discovery of HMS Erebus by Alanna Mitchell and John Geiger
The Voyages of the Discovery: The Illustrated History of Scott's Ship by Ann Savours
HMS Terror: The Design, Fitting, and Voyages of a Polar Discovery Ship by Matthew Betts
The SS Terra Nova (1884-1943): Whaler, Sealer, and Polar Exploration Ship by Michael C. Tarver
You'll learn about the Ross Sea Party and you'll like it
Shackleton's Heroes by Wilson McOrist
Shackleton’s Forgotten Men: The Untold Tragedy of the Endurance Epic by Lennard Bickel
The Ross Sea Shore Party 1914-1917 by R.W. Richards
The Lost Men by Kelly Tyler-Lewis*
Polar Castaways by Richard McElrea and David Harrowfield*
*These were on my other list, but this is my graphic and I'll do what I want
Sad Airships and Planes
From Pole to Pole: Roald Amundsen's Journey in Flight by Garth James Cameron
N-4 Down: The Hunt for the Arctic Airship Italia by Mark Piesing
Antarctica's Lost Aviator by Jeff Maynard
Disaster at the Pole: The Tragedy of the Airship Italia and the 1928 Nobile Expedition to the North Pole by Wilbur Cross
More Shackleton Content
Shackleton: A Life in Poetry by Jim Mayer
Shackleton's Last Voyage by Frank Wild
The Quest Chronicle: The Story of the Shackleton-Rowett Expedition by Jan Chojecki
Shackleton's Forgotten Expedition: The Voyage of the Nimrod by Beau Riffenburgh
Polar Partners
Snow Widows by Katherine MacInnes
Polar Wives: The Remarkable Women Behind the World's Most Daring Explorers by Kari Herbert
Widows of the Ice by Anne Fletcher
Sad Boat Graphic Novels
Shackleton: Antarctic Odyssey by Nick Bertozzi
The Worst Journey in the World- The Graphic Novel Volume 1: Making Our Easting Down adapted by Sarah Airriess from the book by Apsley Cherry-Garrard*
How To Survive in the North by Luke Healy
*This was also on my other list, but this is my graphic and I'll do what I want
Scott of the Antarctic by David Crane
Ice Captain: The Life of J.R. Stenhouse by Stephen Haddelsey
Cherry: A Life of Apsley Cherry-Garrard by Sara Wheeler
Birdie Bowers: Captain Scott's Marvel by Anne Strathie
Roald Amundsen by Tor Bomann-Larsen
Miscellaneous sad boat books that are well worth your time
I May Be Some Time: Ice and the English Imagination by Francis Spufford
Fatal North: Adventure and Survival Aboard USS Polaris, The First US Expedition to the North Pole by Bruce Henderson
Barrow's Boys: A Stirring Story of Daring, Fortitude, and Outright Lunacy by Fergus Fleming
Pilgrims on the Ice by T.H. Baughman
The Coldest Crucible: Arctic Exploration and American Culture by Michael F. Robinson
Ghosts of Cape Sabine by Leonard F. Guttridge
Icebound: Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World by Andrea Pitzer
If you read and enjoy any of these, please let me know!
EDITED TO ADD: OG Sad Boat Books post here!
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kartonkartonski · 1 month
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What if OP world had real pirate vibe / What if our 1700s had people strikingly similar to OP characters + magic
DISCLAIMER i have the opposite of Same Face Syndrom + cant draw women lol yes the faces are real human ispired
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LUFFY - Brazilian / Caribbean kid from a random ass poor village Hat, vest, pants, sandals - made more historically accurate (mmha)
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ZORO - Japanese but raised abroad in Turkey or sth idk Hair - green hair dont exist lol Shirt, pants, boots - mmha Eyepatch - a piratey touch
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NAMI - Swedish but adopted and raised in Spain or Italy or idk Clothes - mmha + made her more tomboyish Head cloth - piratey touch
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USOPP - Italian mum + African father (unthinkable!) (european colonies in South Africa or sth) Clothes mmha The prankster he is, he carries fake prosthetic hook and peg leg and a fake swordsheath. I bet he has a fake parrot and an eyepatch he doesnt use. The gun is real and replaces slingshot
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SANJI - French cook in the Mediterrenean Eyebrows - curly eyebrows dont exest stupid Hair - mmha Suit - mmha Cigs - replaced with a pipe Golden tooth - he got scurvy on that stranded island
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CHOPPER - Canadian reindeer (caribou) General look - now he look like a real reindeer huh. No wonder why he was feared by the peeps Hat - early american settler-like Pants - mmha + piratey stripes
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NICO - Russian originally associated with mafiozo Krokodil The dress is how i imagine her to dress like when working with Krokodil Hat, boots - mmha + more piratey Riding suit - she looked like cowboy in early OP so i gave her riding clothes
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FRANKY - American, self-made clockwork cyborg who uses word "super" quite often (it was a thing in early 1700s!) Hair - Cyan hair dont exist idiot + made it cool and epic for 1700 standards Metal nose - screwed to skull Shirt - mmha Underwear - yes its underwear mmha Robo parts - clockwork coz no steam engines back then + wooden doll-looking Peg leg - hides a gun
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BROOK - Austrian musician, his crew died hit by a plague Hat - mmha Afro - no afro in 1600-1700 sorry Justacorps - 1600s-ish coz he old af Yohoho
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JIMBEE - Now a real FISHman, a real WHALESHARK and a real INDIAN (Oda said hes indian) yup thats about that FOLLOW FOR MORE
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ryin-silverfish · 5 months
Ask/Writing Masterlist (irregularly updating)
Ryin(阿璎), 23. She/They. First Gen Chinese student. Ryin_Silverfish on AO3. Currently hyperfixating on old Chinese novels. casual Zhiguai tales and LMK enjoyer.
Investiture of the Gods/FSYY:
Why are the Daoist immortals fighting?
Did Yuanshi Tianzun manipulate Shen Gongbao?
Chan, Jie, and possible prejudice against yaoguai
Azure Lion and the other Bodhisattvas' steeds in FSYY
Daji's fox form in FSYY Pinghua
The historical Su Daji
Is Shen Gongbao a yaoguai?
Are all yaoguai irredeemable monsters in FSYY?
Ao Bing and the dragons Nezha fought
Does deification wipe your memory and personality?
Bi Gan and the Great Fox Massacre
More discussion about prejudice against yaoguai
How old was Su Daji the human when she died?
Differences between FSYY novel and Pinghua
Musing on FSYY's view of fate and its possible effects on Yang Jian
Master Yuding
The messy marriages of FSYY
Is Daji a goddess in the novel?
Names of immortal masters in FSYY
Just for fun: the FSYY drinking game
Nezha's age in FSYY
Nezha's death and resurrection in FSYY
What happened to the original Daji?
Lady Shiji aka the Rock Demoness
Chinese Fox Spirits:
Auspicious/Demonic Foxes
More on fox spirits
The inner core of foxes
Foxes and their association with Fire
Notable fox spirits
The foxes of 狐狸缘全传
Has Daji ever been worshipped as a goddess?
Fox masks
The foxes of Liaozhai
Weaknesses and abilities of fox spirits
Three resource collections on Chinese fox spirits: 1, 2, 3
Human-fox hybrids
Can foxes and their descendents magically know if someone's telling the truth?
The magical properties of fox saliva
Fox exams and Heavenly Foxes
Are male foxes more malicious?
More on fox exams
Offerings to fox spirits
The "Lady Fox Immortal"
Chinese Mythos in General:
The Precious Scroll of Erlang
Into the Erlang-verse: Li, Zhao, Yang
Can immortal masters romance their students?
Why we don't power-rank characters in God-Demon novels
A brief overview of Chang'e
On Chinese Religion and "Respect"
The 28 Lunar Mansions
Can the Heavenly Emperor be replaced + a primer on dynastic successions
A Guide to the Chinese Underworld (and what it isn't)
Is Nüwa JE's daughter?
Weaver Girl
Can yaoguais a/o their descendents enter the Celestial Bureaucracy?
Queen Mother of the West and her husband(s)
Bixia Yuanjun, Lady of Mt. Tai
Erlang's dad
The story that gives us the name "Yang Jian"
On the transformation of Erlang's image (and his relationship with JE in JTTW)
Erlang's mom, Lotus Lantern, and a neat little discovery
Erlang cameos in other stories and Zajus
Erlang's mom-saving story in Chinese operas
Child Manjushri, or: the absurdity of pinning a definitive age on gods
The strange modern ship of Mengpo/Yuelao, and Mengpo's myths
The half-beast form of QMoW
Does Erlang have a wife/love interest?
Nezha's mom
A overview of Gonggong and his mythos
Some introductory sources on the Chinese Underworld
A side-by-side comparison of Nezha's backstory in JTTW and FSYY
Mythos-inspired Worldbuilding:
Dragons of the Four Seas
LMK S5 and a possible "Celestial Council of Regents" AU
LMK S5 Fix-it: the Four Divine Beasts
Character/Story Analysis (JTTW + LMK)
Heart and Mind: Tripitaka
Local Lion Uncle enjoyer goes on a rant
On SWK and his fear of death
Why the Dead People Supreme Court?
No, seriously, why?
Chinese Underworld =/= Christian Hell
LMK S4, Havoc in Heaven, and revolutions
Why I dislike the "class warfare" reading of Havoc in Heaven
In Defence of Li Jing...ha, as fucking if
On Yin-Yang, Chaos/Order, and the Harbringer
JTTW's view on the Three Religions
Disjointed S5 Reactions
"Chaos doesn't work that way in traditional Chinese Cosmology"
Xiangliu, the Nine-headed Bird, and Jiutou Chong
Lotus Lantern: The Summaries
Part 1: Precious Scroll of Chenxiang
Part 2: The Epic of Prince Chenxiang
Part 3: Lotus Lantern 1.0 + 2.0
Part 4: Chenxiang and the Male-Female Swords
My Fanfics:
Climbing the Sky
The Wild Son
The Serpent and the Deluge
South Seas Sojourn
Journey of the Gods AU sideblog
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victorie552 · 8 months
Ok, so Noldolantë, "The Fall of the Noldor" is a lament composed by Maglor about what happened before, during and after First Kinslaying at Alqualondë. It's such a good song that it's played regularly in Aman and Valar listen to it often (I swear, I swear it was in the Silmarillion I just can't find it now).
It's also a more or less common fanon that Maglor continues writing Noldolante through the whole First Age. Makes sense - it's about fall of the Noldor, and Noldor did a lot of falling back then.
Headcannon time: So my first thought was that Noldolante must a long, long, long epic of a song. So it probably has many parts, right? Iliad has 24 books/parts, somehow I think Noldolante would be at least just as long, and there are longer epics. And again, just like Iliad, unless you're a scholar, in the daily life you don't really listen to/read the whole thing, just reread and repeat the most dramatic fragments. What I'm trying to impress upon you all is that the story would have different segments, or chapters, if you will.
And if Maglor continues to write the story during the FA, there would absolutely be a moment in the lament where the OG Noldolante becomes Noldolante 2, and even Noldolante 3. There may be the same musical motif or something, I decided that Maglor IS that good of a bard to keep it all consistent enough so you know it's all the same story, but the style changes a lot - it's been 400 years in the making, let The Music Elf have fun!
So, Point 1: Many, Many Parts, basically Maglor's FA WIP
My second thought was that, while Feanor invented his alphabet, elves learned their history mostly through oral tradition aka songs and spoken stories. Noldolante is definitely a historical record, where a historical event was archived for future generations.
(It was a also a way to deal with grief, guilt and blame Maglor and all Noldor have faced regarding First Kinslaying - free therapy! But that's not what this post is about)
My 2.5 thought was that Noldolante isn't just recallings of how pretty and horrified the beach looked during the murdering or how mad and sorrowful the sea was at everyone during the voyage or even how awesome and charismatic Feanor looked during his speeches that every single Noldo was ready to fight Morgoth barehanded in his name - no, this is a record of who killed who, who got killed by whom, and how.
Noldor and Teleri knew each other (were friends, even!) before the First Kinslaying, so I'm confident that after a lot of interviews, detective work, and cross-referencing, Maglor could and would create a very good... name list. Practically every Noldo and Teler present during First Kinslaying would get a stanza in a song, more if he killed someone, most if he killed many people. Killers and killed would show up twice, first in a fragment listing the killers and their victims, then in a part listing the victims and their murderers. Basically it's the same thing twice, but from different POVs. With when, where and how included.
(It was seen to be in bad taste to compare kills during Maglor's Regency, when most of his interview-part work happened. People did it anyway. There were a Saddest Kill, Funniest Kill, and Weirdest Kill discusions. There was a Tier List. These were weird times to be a Feanorian Noldo.)
(It WAS in Bad Taste, but at least people talked about it. I cannot stress enough how much free therapy this lament provided)
(Little did they know, when Teleri started getting reembodied in Aman, they had very similar discussions, but more in a "I can't believe he killed me like THAT" way. Long, long, long after the First Age. Noldolante is a gift that keeps giving)
So, Maglor had all the historical grith and no common shame to create a "We Killed All These People And We Feel Bad About It" banger of a song, and every Noldo had a very personal reason to at least remember the fragments they are in. It's a hit on a scale never seen before.
(I'm not sure how to tackle the issue of Nolofinweans and Arafinweans learning about Noldolante after crossing the Ice. But there were discussions. There was anger, there was "????", there was controversy. Basically, the song got bigger and bigger rep no matter what your opinion on it was. By the time of Mereth Aderthad it was an important cultural and political piece and at least Fingon's forces were included in the main song. It had parodies.)
Point 2: Archive Function/Kill count storage. Cultural phenomen, every Noldo included
This is where my personal nonsense begins: Main Noldolante was done, there was nothing more to say about First Kinslaying, all killings and deaths were well documented.
But the Siege started. And the Noldor kept dying.
It was less dramatic than it sounded - between the big battles the siege was maintained, but orc raids also happened and sometimes one to few Noldor died in skirmishes. The legal procedure was to document the death of a fellow elf and send a word to king Fingolfin. The cultural procedure, technically started by Feranorians but adapted by many more, was to send the name, common characteristics and cause of death to Maglor's Gap. After few months, King Fingolfin would send reinforcements, short condolences and financial compensation if they had family. After few months, family of an elf would also receive a personal lament for them and a place for them in a Noldolante.
Yes, every lament Maglor created in that time was technically part of the Noldolante. Noldolante 1.5, if you will. Laments make in that time were very customized, and simpler than Noldolante Main, but were still considered a part of the same song. Of course, nobody was expected to know and remember laments for every single Noldo, younger Noldor born in Beleriand could even only know fragments about their family members. Only Maglor would ever know Noldolante in full, but it was understood that everyone had their place in The Song.
The results of Great Battles were harder to document, but Maglor did that. Of course, Dagor Bragollach was hard on him personally, but he worked his way through.
(High King Fingon forbade creating laments for his father. There were no songs for Fingolfin. Apart from in Noldolante, of course. Of course. Maglor did not share the lament with anyone, but he sat long hours and many nights with a blank paper before him, looking at the candle flame and thinking of the past and the future. The song unsung, but there)
Nirnaeth was... Maglor was never more hated and more approached at the same time than then. Still, Noldolante grew and grew, as if people knew the end was near.
It was Second Kinslaying that destroyed the myth of Maglor's song. Feanorians didn't know the Sindar they killed, but surely, they couldn't just left their names unmentioned like they did with orcs? So, Noldor talked, but the battle happened in caves - it wasn't uncommon to find dead bodies in empty rooms, with no witnesses to what happened. Surviving Sindar didn't want to share any names, even when Maglor strong-armed some into talking with him, and good for them. Maglor made a big lament anyway. Maglor, wild, with no shame and dead brothers, with legacy crumbling around him. Noldolante, with holes.
After Third Kinslaying, Noldor didn't want to talk. Lament for Sirion didn't have any names. Clearly, songs weren't a way to go anymore, it was always about live witnesses. And so Maglor raised the twins.
Lament for Maedhros was sung repeatedly. There was no one to hear it.
Point 3: Only Maglor knows Noldolante in full. But that doesn't matter, because everyone knows the important part: the Noldolante is finished. The Star of Hope rises in the West and the story goes on. The Fall has ended.
#silm#silmarillion#noldolante#maglor#yet another post that went in different direction than I planned#started with meta went into headcannon and ended with fanfic angst#I wanted to end it with crack!!!#I mean. I mean#it all makes kind of some sense if we're talking about elves here#but guys Noldor had Men and Dwarves as allies#Maglor would want them in his Historical Record song#I think with Dwarves they would mainly refuse when he asked them if they wanted a part in Noldolante#so maybe he would only get some allies and personal friends of Maedhros in#but Men#guys Men. they would agree and they would make lists and it would become Clown City so fast#but Sons of Feanor aren't known for their ability of knowing when to quit#so Maglor has a Noldolante 3.0 Standard Version with 254 Parts that has Elves and an Occasional Dwarf Only#and Special Version Noldolante Deluxe Extra Edition with 547398134 Parts that includes Men#everyone is included you don't have to die in battle#all common causes of death have a dedicated jingle to them#to the point you know a man's cause of death after 3 notes#these parts of Noldolante well the music bit actually survived into the Fourth Age#the words are gone but the music is played at funerals in some places#The Noldolante Main survived only in parodies though#actually Finished Noldolante is a very good thing huh#as in no more Fall of The Noldor#they can finally catch some break#I believe that during Maglor's Regency Era all Noldor did was Processing. and breeding horses.#Noldolante? more like Maglor Finally Discovers Shame: A Story#I think some personal revelations on legacy and connections between children and life's works would be made
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hellenicrisis · 11 months
Does Hellenism have a Holy Book? Or like a Bool with Rules,Customs,Offerings etc?? Kinda like a Bible :>
Hey there, sunshine! ☀️
Hellenic paganism doesn't have one single piece of holy scripture like Abrahamic religions do. Our texts are a little more scattered. We have the Homeric Hymns and the Orphic Hymns, each are a collection of hymns and prayers to the gods. There is also Hesiod's Theogony, an epic 1000+ line poem that details the genealogies of the gods, and also Hesiod's Works and Days, which is more on the subject of morality and farming, but includes good lessons on how to interact with the gods.
You can buy these online in the forms of physical books, but there should also be free pdf versions of them out there, as well as websites that have the entire collection of hymns written out.
As for a text that gives instructions regarding customs and offerings, there isn't one set, singular text that I know of. We learn from historical and archaeological research, from writings like those listed above, and from each other. There are modern books on Hellenic paganism and its practices written by scholars that you could look for. Some are expensive though, and if you do enough digging on the internet yourself, you should be able to come up with some information.
I could teach you a couple basics right now.
1. Be clean when praying
There is a line in Hesiod's Works and Days that reads, "Never pour a libation of sparkling wine to Zeus after dawn with unwashen hands, nor to others of the deathless gods."
This line refers to the custom of washing our hands before giving offerings or libations to the gods. There is a water we make, I think with burnt herbs in it, called khernips that is used to clean our hands. You don't have to use it though (I don't) and simply washing your hands normally works just as well. I believe it also symbolises being generally clean. Being ready for your day and in a good state when presenting yourself to the gods is important, I think.
2. How to pray
Here is a post I found about how to pray in Hellenic paganism. I found it very helpful and I've been pagan for years now, so I think it could help you. (Link)
Also a note, we have a version of "amen" that can be said at the end of prayers, if that sense of closing off makes prayer easier for you. I know it did for me. The word is "khaire", and as I understand it, it means "blessings" or "good wishes". You can say it to someone or to close a prayer.
EDIT: "Khaire" or "khairete" can be used. They both mean "hail" or "farewell" or "blessings". "Khaire" is to address one, and "khairete" is to address a group.
3. Ouranic and chthonic
Quick run down on ouranic and chthonic. Ouranic means celestial, and it is how we refer to gods who live on the surface and in Olympus. These include Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Aphrodite, etc. Chthonic means underground, and it is used to refer to gods who live in the Underworld. These are Hades, Persephone (half the year at least), and Thanatos.
In Ancient times, offerings to ouranic deities were either libations poured to them in a bowl or cup or the smoke of burning food. It is believed that the essence of the food would be carried up to the gods through the smoke. Looking at this in modern day, incense smoke is an excellent offering and we can leave food offerings and libations out on the altar along with a lit candle.
Offerings to chthonic deities usually went in the ground, so that it may be absorbed through the earth and reach the gods in the Underworld that way. Usually libations were poured out on the ground and food offerings buried in a dug hole. If you have a garden or pot plants and your offerings are safe for them then the practice can be replicated that way. I've also seen people use boxes on the altar, putting offerings inside and closing it, symbolising burying it.
Or you can simply treat chthonic deities the same as ouranic deities when giving offerings. Whatever works best for you, but this is what was done traditionally.
4. Read the myths
Read the myths of the gods you wish to worship. You learn a lot and can come to your own conclusions about your worship by learning about their stories and roles in society.
This may all seem like a lot now, and not having one singular piece of decisive scripture can be challenging if you're used to having one, but it does get easier. You'll settle and find your feet. Knowing these things will become second nature, and you will build your own practice based on them. No one's worship looks the same, especially with paganism, and that's as it should be.
Thank you so much for asking, sunshine! So sorry for the long response, but I figured I'd rather leave you with some starting points and things to investigate. Please feel free to send another ask or dm me in future if you have any more questions.
Khaire! ☀️
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llflorence · 3 months
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✅ It's finished.
The Blood of Bucephalus 
Dreamling, Historical AU (Alexander the Great/Hephaestion), Horses, King!Dream, General!Hob, Epic Love inspired by @murkycrush art.
RatedE, Graphic depictions of violence
The colossal animal behind the King swayed back and forth, throwing its head in the air and snorting its dominance. It remained close, however; didn’t fight against its collar. Wild and ill-mannered, untamed and uncouth, it was the absolute opposite of the man Hob most often called ‘Sire,’ but also called something else.
“She’ll live, you stubborn fool, you,” the King scolded. One knee fell between Hob’s legs to rest on the ground. That warm hand returned to the side of Hob’s face.
It was a gentler, softer man who looked into Hob’s eyes, cupped his cheek and thumbed the divot in his bearded chin. He’d never looked lovelier, not even in Hob’s dreams.
“Hello, Morpheus,” Hob said, voice shaking.
The King smiled. Leaned so very close. Exhaled. Whispered.
“Hello, dearest Hob.”
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musetember · 1 month
your generation has, like, zero attention span for epic tales
Questies! Welcome to Musetember, our prompt challenge during September based on the Ancient Greek muses and the ways their stories and themes can inspire fanfiction and art. 
We have nine different themed prompts and a special tenth - The Chorus - that invites you to participate through commenting or lists of recommendations.
Unfamiliar with the muses? We’ll take you on a journey through them all. Every muse inspires, but each has a domain that resonates with her the most. Write a story that embodies the muse who speaks to you most strongly, or write something inspired by each one in turn. You can interpret their domains as broadly or as literally as you like; the main thing is to create in whatever way feels best to you. 
Calliope invites you to tell us an epic tale. Whether it’s the final battle between good and evil on Andowyne or a re-telling of an ancient legend from the old gods and heroes of our world, this is your chance to go ageless and big. What’s an epic tale? Classically these were long works like The Odyssey, passed down in stories upon stories. Don’t have the attention span for a tale quite that epic in length? Maybe your tale is epic in scale or ambition, rather than word count.
Melpomene looks deep into your heart and asks you, what is the worst that could happen? The muse of tragedy, she has seen over and over again the ruinous and inescapable paths people create for themselves and the ones they love. How could Sorsha doom her daughter to a loveless marriage? When hope is lost, what survives?
Thalia is here to make you laugh. With her, it’s time to embrace the most ridiculous premises, the silliest goobers and the bawdiest jokes you can imagine. Really revel in the humorous side of Willow, a comedy of errors, even a vaudeville au - just don’t forget that happy ending. 
Erato - more like E-rated! Erato is the muse of erotica, so it’s time to get your smut on. Write a moment of intense passion, of aching desire, of the deepest, horniest bond imaginable. 
Clio is your invitation to look into the past. As the muse of history, she’ll be with you whether you’re exploring the story of the first six fey to be cast out of the Grove, or if you’re deep in the research for a historical au in our world. 
Polyhymnia welcomes you to explore religion and ritual. Speak to us of the Order of the Wyrm, of beliefs that shape the lives of the Bone Reavers… or of Catholic schoolgirls just trying to catch a moment together. 
Euterpe sings. The stage is set and the orchestra is waiting - it’s time to celebrate music. Embrace the inspiration found in song lyrics, in band dynamics, in a brand new video edit, or ask yourself: does Kit really know how to play those instruments in her room?
Terpsichore extends her hand to draw you into a dance. From sexy grinding in a modern au to an aching slow dance in the rain, dance can be about self-expression or tight, rigid control. 
Urania looks far beyond this world and draws your attention to the stars, to the two moons lighting up the sky. The muse of astronomy is as present in the far reaches of the galaxy in a sci-fi au as she is in the constellation of Jade’s freckles.
Finally, we come to the Chorus. In Ancient Greek works, the Chorus often represents a voice speaking to or with the audience, a bridge between the world of the story and the world outside it. The Chorus is vital. Without their commentary, something important is lost from a story. Those who comment on fanfiction as just as important - you readers are part of this challenge too! Tell the writers what you’re thinking, how you’re feeling. Leave a comment on a favourite story that fits the thematic domain of each muse. Write up a rec list for your favourite muse, and share your favourites so that others can discover them and dive in.
Rules and some specific writing challenges below the read more!
Writing Challenges: 
Still needing more inspiration? There are different ways you can approach this. You can write whatever style your heart wants, or you could try your hand at one of these challenges that interpret the muses’ calls in different ways. 
The Fragment Challenge Write a drabble of 100 words, or write multiple drabbles as if they were glimpses into the same story with missing pieces in between. For artists, share a fragment of a work in progress - anything unfinished!
The Epistolary Challenge Write in the form of letters, a diary, newspaper clippings, social media posts… Or how about Nockmaar’s trip advisor?
The Lost Scene Challenge Write or draw a scene we missed out on in canon, or a scene that gives the impression it is part of a longer, unwritten fic.
All of these give you a fun way to explore the things you choose not to tell the audience, and play off the Ancient Greek theme that our muses inspire. 
How long does the challenge last?
From September 1, 2024 until Oct 6, 2024.
How do I share my cool stuff?
If it's a fanwork appropriate for AO3, we'd love it if you added it to the challenge AO3 collection, which will be open until the challenge ends!
What pairings apply? Is this just Tanthamore?
This challenge is open to all Willow fanworks! You can create things for any prompt with any character or characters from Willow, you can write different pairings, you can do whatever you want forever. Just make sure that your fics are tagged appropriately!
Can my work be any rating?
Yes absolutely! Write the most E-rated thing your little heart desires, just tag it as such so readers can decide for themselves what they'd like to engage with.
Can it be any length?
Sure! There is no minimum or maximum word limit.
Does it have to be based in Willow canon?
Nope - it can be canon, canon-divergent, or any kind of AU you would like to write!
Does it have to be finished?
Nope, not at all. If one of the prompts inspires you to start a long fic, you are still totally welcome to add it to the collection during September and carry on working on it after the challenge is over.
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disneytva · 3 months
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Disney Announces Jam-Packed D23 Fan Event Lineup With Many Animation, Muppets Panels And Screenings
With less than one month to go to the highly anticipated D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event presented by Visa, Disney today revealed details about what fans will be able to experience at the Anaheim Convention Center during this sold-out event, which will include an outstanding lineup of over 230 panels and presentations, show floor offerings and Talent Central interactions. This announcement builds upon plans previously shared about this year’s D23 gathering, which is set to be bigger and better than ever before.
Animation on Stage at D23
30 Years of Toy Story Celebrate 30 Years of Toy Story with filmmakers and Pixar Legends as they reflect on the making of the groundbreaking classic nearly 30 years ago and share never-before-heard anecdotes about how the historic film came to be. Exploring New Parts of the Mind: Behind the Design of Inside Out 2 + a Dreamy Surprise! Join Inside Out 2 production designer Jason Deamer as he gives an in-depth look at designing the new emotions joining Headquarters as Riley enters teenagehood. And stick around for a special dreamy sneak peek of an upcoming Pixar series! Marvel Animation Sneak Peek See what’s coming next to Disney+ from Marvel Animation, with special guests and first looks at hotly anticipated series including Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, Eyes of Wakanda, future seasons of What If…?, X-Men ’97, and more! The Animation Greats + Cast and Creator Sessions featuring Bob’s Burgers, Futurama and The Simpsons Presented by Hulu Animayhem & 20th Television Animation Four of the most influential creators in the world of animation — Matt Groening (The Simpsons, Futurama), Seth MacFarlane (Family Guy, American Dad!), Mike Judge (King of the Hill) and Loren Bouchard (Bob’s Burgers, The Great North) — come together for a historic and extraordinary conversation you won’t want to miss. Then, the voice talent and creative teams behind Bob’s Burgers, Futurama, and The Simpsons take the stage to entertain with clips, conversation, and fan Q&A. Whether you’re a longtime fan or an aspiring animator, this is a must-see panel for all! Behind the Summer Shenanigans with the Phineas and Ferb Creators Join Dan Povenmire and Jeff “Swampy” Marsh, the masterminds behind the beloved animated show Phineas and Ferb as they look back at the creation and legacy of this pop culture phenomenon. Hear behind-the-scenes stories and get ready to laugh! Making A Goofy Movie: The Road to Lake Destiny The creatives behind the A Goofy Movie phenomenon reunite, reminisce, and share clips from a new documentary about the incredible origin story of this beloved cult classic. Stay Tuned: You’re Watching Disney Channel Join beloved Disney Channel stars on the Walt Disney Archives Stage for a look at some of the iconic series and movies that have created generations of fans. Stay tuned for laughs, fun and moments you won’t want to miss! Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation Screening Blast off for a hilarious outer-space adventure with a screening of the animated comedy Big City Greens the Movie: Spacecation, introduced by the talented creative team, including creators and executive producers Chris and Shane Houghton. Restoring Disney Animation Classics Director of Restoration Kevin Schaeffer and Disney Animation artists Eric Goldberg and Michael Giaimo will delve into the history of Disney’s preservation program, showcase before-and-after clips, and share how classic films are brought back to life. The Muppets 70: A Glamorous Miss Piggy Retrospective Join Walt Disney Archives Director Becky Cline and The Muppets Producer Dani Iglesias for a fabulous look back on the past 70 years of the Muppets, but mostly Miss Piggy! We will dive into the vaults to uncover nostalgic artifacts along with how we preserve this collection today! Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed – The Return of a Beloved Classic Wield the paintbrush once more in Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed out this fall! Join Disney Games, Epic Mickey Creative Director Warren Spector, and more special guests, for a conversation that delves into how this beloved classic adventure came to life.
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waterlilyvioletfog · 4 months
10 CDramas I Enjoyed Enough To Recommend!
1. Nirvana in Fire (2015) — 5/5 ⭐️ 54 Episodes. This is genuinely as good as its reputation. It is a political palace drama and it is insanely compelling. My mom agrees that this is good. You can watch it on YouTube, but I recommend watching on Viki (which you can sign up with for free) bc cdramas on YT can have weird issues with audio + I’m pretty sure the versions available on YT are heavily edited to cut out Zhang Zhehan.
2. The Untamed (2019) — 4/5 ⭐️ 50 Episodes 🏳️‍🌈 Owns me. Censored BL low-xianxia setting. None of my family believe me about how good it is because they keep seeing out of context episodes and scenes. The Untamed is something you have to just sit through. It is a boiling frog situation. Beats out #3 despite being of lower quality (look. Those special effects…) because this is my best friend my silly rabbit my blorbo my love. My stinky cheese, even. Netflix, YouTube, and Viki.
3. A Journey to Love (2023) — 4.5/5 ⭐️ 40 Episodes. A mixture of court drama, wuxia adventure, and romance. So so so many dramas WANT to be this show, to balance court politics and wuxia shenanigans and epic romance but, frankly, only AJTL manages to perfectly balance all of its genres, plots, and characters. I cried watching the end. I watched this on YouTube, but it’s also on iQIYI.
4. Love Between Fairy And Devil (2022) — 4/5 ⭐️ 36 Episodes. Xianxia romance. Despite outward appearances of trite banality and overdone tropes, this show is gorgeous, insanely compelling, and will sit with you. My mom calls this “the fairy show :D”. Suffers in pacing towards the end, but sticks the landing. Netflix, Viki, iQIYI.
5. Word of Honor (2021) — 4/5 ⭐️ 36 Episodes 🏳️‍🌈 Wuxia adventure censored BL. Lead actor Zhang Zhehan is… a bit of a touchy subject, but I still consider this one of the best cdramas I’ve watched and I do still recommend it. Like LBFAD, pacing suffers in last quarter, but sticks the landing. Netflix, YouTube, Viki.
6. Lost You Forever S1 (2023) — 4/5 ⭐️ 39 Episodes. Xianxia reverse harem romance. Now that description may not sound compelling. But. Idk how to tell you this but I’m insane about this drama. Is it ~good~? I honestly can’t say. I’m insane about it. S2 is probably gonna be a flop and kill my love for it but for now? We’re riding high, baby!! YouTube, Viki, probably iQIYI.
7. The Rise of Phoenixes (2018) — 4/5 ⭐️ 70 Episodes. Court drama/romance. Actually you know what I DON’T recommend this. But like I DO need people to watch it so I have people to talk to about it with 🥺 Watching this is an exercise in masochism. It is gorgeous. It is insanely compelling. Watch like. The first 50 episodes because pretty much the rest of it is just [muffled screams]. Apparently it’s coming soon to Viki which is good bc it’s not on Netflix anymore 🙃
8. Couple of Mirrors (2021) — 3.5/5 ⭐️ 12 Episodes 🏳️‍🌈 1930s Shanghai censored GL romance. Hardly the highest quality, but it’s really fun, and you know what. Does a thing have to be good, historically coherent, and have two full seasons? Is it not enough for a show to be about lesbians??? Who are wanted for murders they may or may not have committed??? YouTube and Viki.
9. New Life Begins (2022) — 3.5/5 ⭐️ 40 Episodes. Fluffy court romance. Is this actually good idek I haven’t re-watched at all. What it is is a solid, serviceable, fluffy little het court romance with Feminism 101 undergirding it all. I liked it perfectly fine. There are many kinds of women and they should all be happy and free to pursue their passions!! Women who are friends!! And you know what? So true, cute little cdrama. So true. YouTube, Viki, iQIYI.
10. The Starry Love (2023) — 3/5 ⭐️ 40 Episodes. Xianxia romance. For the most part, a lighthearted comedic romance drama. It’s cute. It’s fun. It is sometimes comically low-quality, but it’s mostly charming and I like the visuals in general. The main pairing, while fun, doesn’t interest me as much as the secondary pairing or the friendship/sisterhood aspects of it. YMMV with this one. Viki and YouTube.
Honorable mention— The Blood of Youth (2022) Probably better overall than at least a few of these entries, but I’m just still so sad abt my favorite character dying :( Could be gayer.
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its-not-a-pen · 9 months
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Ok so I visited xi'an during my trip back to china (3 months ago?), and this idea popped into my head during the 9h train ride back to shangdong. I am of course 100% projecting my own love of the terracotta army onto Qin Shi Huang, in reality he did not care for this pit of mud statues depicting lowly commoners. In fact, no one ever bothered to write about it and they were lost to history until 1974 when some farmers digging a well stumbled upon them. But it's exactly the reason I'm so fascinated by them. QSH's tomb has not been excavated, and although I have a running joke about cracking it open--mercury vapors be damned--none of the riches inside will ever enchant me as much as the chance to see the face of a person who lived during this time.
Notes under the cut:
the title Qin Shi Huangdi means "First Emperor of Qin" and was given to QSH by later historians. He actually called himself the Shi Huangdi, "First Emperor", and that is the title I've gone with here.
in English the other kingdoms are translated as "states" (i guess to avoid confusion?) but in chinese they are very much kingdoms.
The terracotta warriors used thousands of craftsmen, many of whom were slaves from conquered kingdoms. From a storytelling perspective I thought it would be more streamlined if there were two main artisans who reported directly to QSH.
QSH's clothes are based on the overly complicated courtly regalia. which has 12 symbols that only the emperor is allowed to wear
Notice how this hat is ROUND at the front??? Well I CERTAINLY DIDN'T. HAD TO REDRAW IT!!!!!
the stripped shirt is based on this Chu woman figurine. Clothes were fairly unisex during this time and I thought it was a nice fit.
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Paperwork: writing was done on books made of bamboo slips. Anecdotally, QSH had an impressive work ethic and would read 100 bills every night.
Bronze Goose lamp: ok this is actually a Han dynasty lamp pls forgive me. I saw this bad boy at the xi'an history museum and it's bewitched me body and soul. The goose neck is hollow and connects to a reservoir of water in the belly, which minimizes smoke and cools the lamp.
QSH is remembered as a brutal tyrant and brilliant statesman, but I wanted to present a more human version of him here. Bored, tired and drowning in work he refuses to delegate. His new empire is balanced as precariously as everything else on his desk.
The attendants standing behind him are holding little wood tablets called hu for taking notes. Their brushes are tucked into their hats/hair, inspired by Han dynasty custom. (You'll see me using Han stuff a lot. Their cultures were very similar to Qin, since it was only a few hundred years apart).
So I had a slight breakdown trying to find the correct hats for the eunuchs, and ended up redrawing everything the night I was due to publish. Closest thing I could come up with was a reference to a round-style Han Dynasty hat which evolved into this square Jin hat. Yes, this is a cry for help .
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the wheeled platform is 100% made up, I tried to come up with a plausible way of getting a bunch of figurines into the palace.
#5 & #6
Painted terracotta soldier
How were the terracotta warriors made
The General: Fun fact, I got to see this guy in person!
The Epic Wide Shot was inspired by some Tang Dynasty terracotta figures I saw at the xi'an museum!
THIS KNEELING ARCHER. ARGGGGG. He use to be my favourite guy. I even went into the pit and drew him IN PERSON. the archers inexplicably have their hair buns on the OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE HEAD. So because of him, I DREW ALL THE HAIR BUNS WRONG!!!! REDRAW!!!! PAIN AND SUFFERING!!!!
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Qin was famous for it's very long, thin swords. They were more useful as status symbols than actual weapons, as QSH knows from personal experience…
QSH'S Tomb hasn't been excavated yet, but high levels of mercury have been detected in the soil, making the historical accounts of quite plausible.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Some Poetry Vocabulary
alliteration: The repetition of consonant sounds.
allusion: An indirect reference in art or writing to another visual or literary work or a historical personage or event.
antithesis: The contrast of ideas through the use of terms with opposite meanings.
appropriation: The practice of incorporating elements from a preexisting literary or visual work to create a new work.
assonance: The repetition of vowel sounds.
calligram: A type of poem, such as that created by the French poet Guillaume Apollinaire in his book Caligrammes, made up of words that are placed in such a way that they visually represent the subject of the poem.
coined words: Invented words.
concrete poem: A poetic work that calls a reader’s attention to the visual appearance or shape of the letters, words, or lines comprising the poem.
ekphrastic [ek-FRAS-tic] poem: A poetic work written about a work of art.
epic poem: A long, rhymed, narrative poem, usually about heroic characters and their actions.
epic verse: Text written in a rhythm traditionally used for an epic poem.
epistolary [eh-PIS-toh-lehr-ee] poem: A poetic work written like a letter, with one person addressing another, often including conventions typical of letters, such as a heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature.
form: The structure of a poem, whether standard (like a sonnet) or without a regular pattern.
hyperbole: A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used to convey a particular effect.
imagery: In literature, mental pictures of a feeling, sensation, or idea that are suggested by language; also, actual pictures.
list poem: A poetic work composed of a list of items.
metaphor: A type of figurative language in which a term for one thing serves as a symbol for another thing.
onomatopoeia: A word, such as swish, zoom, or whiz, whose name describes a sound.
pattern poem: A poetic work in which the words are artfully placed in the shape of a picture or symbol.
plastic poem: Term used by the Japanese Surrealists to describe a poetic work that utilizes photography, in addition to or in place of text, to evoke complex and symbolic meanings.
rhyme: The repetition of the sounds of words in a poem.
rhythm: In poetry, a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
simile: A type of figurative language in which two different things are compared using “like” or “as.”
sonnet: A poem traditionally comprised of 14 lines written in a set rhyme scheme.
surrealism: A 20th-century artistic and literary movement that emphasized the role of the unconscious mind in creating visual and textual works.
symbolism: The process of using an object or idea to represent or suggest something else.
tableaux: Scenes depicted through posing without talking or moving, usually with costumes.
typographic poem: A poetic work in which the way words and letters look on the page is more important than what the words say.
visual poem: A general term for a poetic work, such as a calligram, concrete poem, pattern poem, or plastic poem, that uses an arrangement of text and/or images to visually convey meaning.
a list of poetic terms
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athingofvikings · 2 years
A simple plea: Neurodivergent and mentally ill people... please try to meet others halfway. Don't try to force everyone else to have to accommodate you with zero effort on your part to try to accommodate them in return.
And, no, "It’s my special interest" is not a Get Out Of Jail Free card when you abuse or harass or bully someone. Neither is "you can't judge me because I have a disability". You're still a person and you have agency in how you choose to act.
Yes, it can be hard, especially given that emotional self-regulation is never formally taught and it's a hard skill for anybody to learn, but if you at least try to understand the other person and recognize that they are another person, it will help so very much.
And the context for this?
In the last six years, since I started publishing my epic fanfic, I've been stalked. I've been impersonated. I've been harassed. I've been generally treated as A Machine That Dispenses The Special Interest And Needs To Be Whacked When It Malfunctions.
Occasionally, this has gotten to the point of hilarity; I recently had two people get upset that I wasn't including their specific historical Special Interests and their specific subtype of queer representation, and going to ridiculous lengths to stalk and harass me for it... but they never even talked to me directly about their issues despite opportunities to do so.
And that's just one example of many; I had another person impersonate me and tried to use me as a vehicle for his own works. Another demanded attention and praise anytime he said anything, and threw tantrums and guilt trips if he didn't receive it, a pattern he shared with several others. Still another threw slurs for "discussion" to try to provoke people. Another was a liar and a plagiarist who didn't care who they hurt so long as they got what they wanted. And so on and so forth.
And each of them basically said that I was bullying them, or that I couldn't judge them because it's their Special Interest, or their mental illness or neurodivergence... but it was clear that they were just using that as a shield to hide from consequences.
But just imagine if they'd been willing to talk with me, instead of at me? If they had treated me as someone to engage with, instead of Demand [Content/Praise/Adulation/Their Wants] From?
Well, the people who have made that effort seem pretty pleased with the outcome.
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