#Alot she speaks alot.
wolffoxnation2 · 3 months
I said i was gonna rant and by the gods im gonna rant
[This is not gonna make sense and more me shrieking at the gods cus Loki is my blorbo and i hate that Rick fucked up and made him abusive when the first book was litterally implying that he cares about his kids and making him sympathetic.]
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Love how i completely forgot Heimdall was there too between reading this in school and getting home lmao. My phone guy is just that forgettable.
They got roasted too hard so theyre gonna kill two innocent kids, mulitate their corpses and use those corpses to chain their father while dripping acid on him?
It was (slightly) more understandable when it was cus Baldur (even tho hes probably happier with Hel anyways) died.
Cus like an eye for an eye.... (even tho that was much more than an eye, more like two eyes, a heart and a leg.)
Actually no scratch that killing Baldur technically was an eye for an eye if you think about it.
(Odin took three of Loki's kids, Loki took his son, his daughter in law and then the same son again when he refused to cry to bring him back. Thats also three. Thats one of the reasons i excuse Baldur dying)
I know Magnus probably either didn't realise what was going on here or if he did it didnt register in his brain the whole story. Which, fair enough, directly after this he listens to Kvasir getting cut up by a chainsaw (good, its clear if it weren't for him Loki, Narvi, Vali and Sigyn would've been probably fine) and then watches Alex get thrown out by his.....sperm donor. So what happens to Loki is not at the top of his concerns rn but i really hope he confronts Frey about it later. Cus Magnus has been shown to emphasize with Loki on this. AND THOSE WERE FUCKING CHILDREN! AND THEY WERE KILLED BECAUSE THEY WERE LOKI'S CHILDREN!
Basically i want Magnus to yell at the gods the way Percy does. Because like Luke everything was probably WAS the gods fault.
And before you come at me with the whole 'prophecy has to happen' thing. Save your breath because most of you have no problem with blaming the gods when it came to luke in pjo and this is kinda similar.
Who was to say that Fenris, Hel and Jörmungandr would have caused ragnarok if the Aesir (mostly Odin) didnt take them from their home and seperate them?
Whos to say Loki would start Ragnarok if Odin didnt break their oath and take his children?
Or :
Let his mouth get sewn shut after he got everyone shit (Sif's new hair, Mjollnir, Draupnir, Gungnir, Skidbladnir and Gullinbursti) because suddenly oaths matter now, Odin.
Kill his innocent children (its not stated in myth or mcga how old Narvi and Vali were/are but the general consensus is that they were young), possibly made him watch said children get murdered (Sword of summer its stated by Loki that the gods watched in amusement as Vali disemboweled Narvi but that could be hyperbole) and had a snake drip acid onto his face.
If there was any good in Loki at any point (which there might be. He actually seems pretty chill in sword of summer) then its been snuffed out now.
Thanks Odin.
You signed your death warrant.
Whats that saying again?
He who tries to prevent fate is doomed to cause it?
Or something like that i cant remember the phrase.
I have more to say yet i cant quite articulate it. So im gonna end it here.
Also i am really in the mood for writing a oneshot of the day they caught Loki in Loki's—or maybe Sigyn's? Pov.
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poppy-metal · 9 days
for someone who's a big baby and cant handle when someone's mad at me or being mean to me i sure do have alot of fantasies abt brat taming like. knowing full well I'd burst into tears if i was actually punished for my actions. like ugly crying snot bubble dry heaving pls tell me ur not mad at me sobs, meanwhile im beating my meat to the thought of being bullied and tormented.
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ganondoodle · 10 months
is it too much of a reach to say that zelda being reduced to basically an object to farm items from in totk just kinda adds more salt to the wound of how badly shes treated?
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thottybrucewayne · 9 days
Real shit? I wish I was half as mean as people think I am. Like, people treat me like I'm some big bad bully and a villain meanwhile I'm constantly agonizing over how to say things in a way that makes people not feel attacked or judged. Even though, nobody has ever given me that same level of consideration. I've said it before but it is my inability to be nasty to anyone no matter how aggravated or upset they make me that will ultimately be my downfall because nobody thinks they can hurt me. The shit that people say to me? Family? Strangers? You'd think I legit just didn't have feelings fvgbvfdcs
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why do you have v crossing her arms so much
// Guys... V is like, a chronic arm crosser /silly //
// Want proof? dumps screenshots //
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soldier-poet-king · 6 months
'bereavement leave only applies to immediate family' okay wig tell me these policies were written by western individualist society WASPs without explicitly telling me so
Not attending a cousin's funeral?? In MY family?? With the approximately seven billion aunts and uncles and assorted relatives??? Lmao okay. I literally do not understand these ppl who assume everyone is like them and dont have a large extended family and accompanying obligations (regardless of whether or not I /like/ this family, Im gonna/gotta go)
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thequibblingking13 · 1 year
The way Samus is animated in Samus Returns/Metroid Dread will always be 1000% hotter than any fanart of her vacuum sealed tits in the zero suit and i am completely adamant about this
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hearties-circus · 6 months
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 24 days
It's never going to happen bc I don't have the skill or the determination or the simple understanding to actually do it but lately I've been thinking about potential video essays on...I'm not even sure. Autistic joy? Trans joy? The sheer unique joy of being me and of being a human who thinks and feels and how that's different but the same as so many other people. Like I'll legit start plotting out scripts in my head for how I would explain it to people (which I do alot for special interests and such but rarely to explain Myself) and a big part of me would love to just. Talk. About how it feels to be Me. But I'm also very unlikely to do that lol
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cats-aroace · 1 year
im not finished supernatural yet im halfway throigh season 15, but in alot of the spn fanfiction im reading jack is seen as kindof mostly deans son. idk if its just me but i feel like dean is the keast parental of them all. mary was definatly a mother figure and rowena developed into an fun aunt. cas was definatly trying his hand at being fatherly kindof like he done for claire but i really feel like sam is the one giving of the father figure vibes. i dont know what im missing maybe it comes in the next half of the season but as far as im concerned sam is jacks dad.
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kurosstuff · 2 years
Humbly begging for Donna and a reader who’s a Frankenstein’s Monster, though I guess in this case it’d be more along the lines of Heisenberg’s or Dimitrescu’s Monster.
Ok so- is it still a Frankenstein monster if they remember some of their human past? If not whoops- idk I never really read or watched anything Frankenstein so my knowledge on him isn't a lot- I can't remember if he was fully made of human parts or some was from his actual body-
All I know is- he hates fire- made up of dead people- anger issues and in some movies he wants to be human? Or something idk
So if you want me to redo this tell me!
Warning(s): slight body horror since reader is based of of a Frankenstein like creature??, blood; but overall fluff at some point. Suggestive? At a couple points? Idk flirty? Angsty a bit though so sorry-! Angie curses again cause it's funny to me
Donna Beneviento x Frankenstein-like! Reader: New Beginning
It hurt.
Everything hurts-
Your mind, body, and whatever the fuck is coming out of your mouth. The gurgling noises as you spit- something out
The color familiar yet not.
You felt hungry
...What's happening...? Why does everything hurt so bad
Why did something feel missing?
Who did this to you?
Why you?
"Well look at this."
Who even are you?
A bang caught your attention from above you. Curling into yourself all you smelled was smoke. Heavy footsteps headed your way. You ignored the other odd noises and focused on the new person on the room- your instincts telling you to run. But you didn't
You stayed.
"Now. What the hell happened to you?" A rough voice spoke again- Looking aroung the bloodied ground- a couple limbs thrown as if ripped off someone. The figure got close enough to you- Crouching down they threw their cigarette down crushing it under their boot. You opened your mouth in an attempt to speak.
All that came out was a growl
"HAH. Sorry guess I should've expected that." Looking up you watched the man rub his beard in thought- who was he? Why do you feel the need to run from him? "They all lose that ability when.. well" gesturing to you he sighed "you know."
"Ga...w.." your mouth attempted to speak the words yet couldn't come out properly. He watched patiently as you came to terms with it. "H..Hu-man?" The words sounded strange from your mouth. The voice unfamiliar even to yourself.
"Well shit. You can speak can't you?"
Nodding your head shakily- you sat up to look at him closely. His features familiar. Name something you knew very well. But couldn't recall.
"Not well but much better at least." He fell silent once again. Staring at you- a minute passed or maybe more. Time wasn't important anymore at this point. You're already dead.
Wait.. are you dead? Blinking slowly like a cat would- you tilted your head to the side. Moving your shaking hand to your chest to feel a heartbeat. The man watched you closely as you did. Feeling around you took a moment before feeling for the beat.
There was none.
"How about this. You come with me and I'll help you."
His voice. Familiar. What was his name? Why can't you remember?
Holding his hand out to you to grab a voice deep in the back of your mind urged you to not take it. You ignored it. Taking his hand he smirked. The same smirk you remember seeing on the painting in the church. The same one your in.
"Good choice." He spoke pulling you up. Patting your shoulder the familiar heavy hammer on his shoulder finally caught your attention. Your eyes widden- you remembered.
His names-
"I'm Lord Heisenberg."
Laying on a cold table- Heisenberg placed your remaining mangled limbs onto the side strapping them down tightly. Didn't matter how tight it was- you couldn't feel it.
"Now don't worry" he spoke roughly- pulling a cart of metal and dismembered dead limbs- lining it up beside him he gave a hum. "This will only hurt alot"
"Bite this. Don't wanna lose that tongue" putting a belt into your mouth you bit down- he waited a minite before pulling a scalpel be made the first cut-
You screamed.
Months of working paid off. You seemed more human in a way- more then you once were- you couldn't feel the pain as much as before but it was still there. Like a old feeling of reminisces but for pain. Your limbs enhanced to function easier without the chance of the joints failing like its done in the past. Breaking like it has before.
It was perfect- but different. The stitches and metal pocking out of you in the mirror showed you otherwise. The parts that wasnt yours before felt- off and weird. If not for the mirror you'd have no idea what you looked like.
Not anymore- it was like a stranger in your body- but your ok with it. It's much better then what you'd have to deal with. Even if it was a short time.
"The metal will have to settle more. The dead meat is too tough for it to function without you limping." Heisenberg spoke the first time- dispite being unable to speak more then a couple words- he knew what you were curious about. Glancing up from his paper he sighed "it won't be as bad in a little bit."
"You'll walk properly again soon. Give it time"
And wait you did. It took another month until you could walk again properly with the new metal in them- the new limbs stitched together in such a way it tightened and pulled when you moved thankfully it was not as painful as it was before. It took another month to bend them without the noise it would make(still did just not as loud.)
Your hands were another deal. The joints work well surprisingly well. Unlike your legs which Heisenberg theorized it could've been from the breaks in them before you.. turned. The sharp claws added to the discolorization up to your elbows. Your whole body turned to a sick Grey color while your hands and the veins leading up to the elbows looked like a tar. The darkened veined from the burns you suffered grew more clear.
You insisted on wearing gloved to cover them up. But even that couldn't hide the claws. The indents from them breaking the gloves no matter how much you tried.
You stuck with black gloves because of that.
Your face wasn't much different. Minus the glowing eyes. And the stitching next to your check leading from your eye to the bottom of your jaw from some foreign injury you can't seem to remember- it was still your face. Just different.
Minus the teeth. They weren't human- to ragged and sharp to be considered human teeth.
You still looked like you. At least that's what you liked to think.
The strength you held was an issue for the both of you. Heisenberg refused to let you touch anything without his help since you broke his metal bars- a problem for you cause now you can't touch anything. No matter how much you wanted to.
And you wanted to.
The first time you didn't shake when lifting your arms- You were happy. The first thing you did was attampt to drink tea by yourself- you held it too and broke it without lifting it to drink. You waited weeks before your ability to hold back your strength got better. You didn't break anything you touched right away anymore. But you still couldn't touch anything fragile.
"OK get up." Heisenberg spoke shaking you awake. Blinking slowly at him- you looked at him silently " I'm taking you to help with your.. gentle shit" gesturing to all of you with a wave of his hand
Looking at him blankly he rolled his eyes turning to wait for you to stand and dress "its not like I can help with that. I'm not gentle."
"And I can't have you mopping about. I see the way you want to touch those flowers. Wilted or not. Touch those animals but refuse to." Heisenberg spoke slowly to make sure you understood what he was saying more clearer. "I.. I know someone who can help you with that. Be helpful in ways I can't." Once the shuffling was over he turned to face you again. His face neutral- yet a hint of hesitation
"I can help you physically. Fix your body as much as I can but she can help where it really counts. The inside"
It all became clear.
You were being sent to someone else to help you- and by the sounds of it he won't be staying with you.
The feeling you felt with that was- weird. Sad and unfamiliar. You couldn't decide if the thing you felt was sad cause your helper- creator-? wasn't coming with or it was the fact you had to interact with a new person.
Something you haven't done since it first happened.
The bond you had with Heisenberg was weird to say the least. He wasn't bad like how you remembered him being. He was... awkward. But kind in his own way. Even more so since you had a will of your own.
He was always there for you when it mattered though.
Like when you tried to eat a metal screw thinking it was food- he stopped you and guided you to eat something else. Or the time you spoke your first word without a stutter- he made it a big thing because to you-it was a big thing.
"Hey" breaking you out of your thoughts he looked at you silently.
"You will be fine. She's nice"
The ride to wherever was a little long- the time spent in the Carrier was him checking that you had everything you needed. Going over the usual rules.
Be careful and listen to her.
And don't break the dolls.
It was easy rules to follow- something you can do without much trouble. Being compliant was easy- actually following through with stuff is harder for you. But you can manage- if this mysterious woman is someone he trusts- you will trust her as well.
"..hey you uh.. ok?" Heisenberg spoke not as awkwardly as he used to be- when he attempted to be gentle with you- he knows you need gentle. "This is your first time leaving the factory. I'll understand if your upset" watching you shake your head he sighed softly "use your words"
"..No. Am fine" slowly the words came out awkwardly but the pain in your throat was as it always was.
It took at least 25 minutes to get to some misty place- looking out the small window of the door you stared in wonder- the trees looked dark yet light from the moon peaking in from the mist- the dolls hanging was an odd touch but you chalked it up to some decoration thing. Passing a bump in the road you saw some graves- your face grimmed at the reminder. Of what you missed-
"OK come on. Where here" Heisenberg called out breaking you from your thoughts. Looking over at him when the Carrier came to a stop he opened the door a hand out for you "Come on. Don't want to keep them waiting" taking his hand- he helped you out. He allowed you to cling to his jacket to help your nerves. This was all new and he knew it.
He slowly helped you to the door- looking at you for a moment before knocking. Automatically the door opened he stepped in with you and closed it.
A woman wearing a long black dressed with a black veil stood the middle of the room- her hands placed infront of her in a stiff manner- a doll that looked to be wearing a bride dress sat beside her- it looked like it was staring at the way you held Heisenberg's sleeve tightly- it was unnerving.
"This is the person I was telling you about" Heisenberg spoke roughly- like he did when you first met him- like he didn't care how his voice sounded to someone else- yet a hint of comfort behind it- as if the person meant something to him- in a way.
"This is Y/N"
"And this. This is Donna Beneviento. One of the other lords I told you about" Heisenberg spoke slowly- to make sure you could catch the words properly- the sound of his slow voice the woman turned to face him faster then you saw her move a second ago. Like she was caught of guard "She's going to help you. Remember I told you that"
He turned to face the woman. Thinking to himself. "Can we talk real quick Donna." Nodding her head he turned to you
"Stay here" you let go of his sleeve so he could leave.
Heisenberg left you with the odd looking doll while the veiled woman trailed after him into another room. Looking back down at the doll at your feet you blinked slowly at it- unsure of how it got so close or what to do now.
"Aren't ya gonna say anything?"
Blinking confused you furrowed your eyebrows looking around the room for the voice you were alone minus the doll. Pulling your pants you looked down- the doll was moving?
"Hey down here" kneeling down to face her properly the doll cackled loudly causing you to flinch a bit. "Names Angie. Your uh... hm" taping her finger to the side of her head in thought "Oh! Y/N! Right. Totally didn't forget about that" Angie spoke facing you again.
"Yes Captain Obvious. I am a doll" Angie spoke sarcastically- if she had the ability to move her eyes or had eyelids she's be rolling them. She fell silent for a moment as if something took over her before snapping out it. "Sorry..." Mumbling she looked like a toddler that was just scolding for doing something she shouldn't have.
Heisenberg and the woman came back into the room a minute later. Standing up straight you watched as Heisenberg went towards you. Placing a hand on your shoulder
"Well I'll be off now." Noticing the sad look on your face "now don't be like that. I told you already. She's nice" patting you on the Arm he sigged "I already told her don't worry. She knows talking isn't something you can do very well yet."
"... I'll check in on you once a month." And with that he was gone.
Leaving you with the woman you forgot the name of and Angie the doll.
Silence filled the room- turning to face the two in silence you studied the woman infront of you as she did the same.
"Call me Donna" a soft voice called out from the veiled woman- it sounded unused for sometime- you were glad your hearing was way better then it used to or you may have missed it
The months that followed started off slow. The friendship between you and Donna- she along with Angie would do the talking mostly. Angie mostly. Donna would ask you how your morning was- ease you into small easy conversations patiently waiting for your response even if it took a while giving the missuse of your own fixed throat.
Angie on the other hand- would bombard you with questions and other words you couldn't make sense of- but she never asked anything other then a yes or no questions yet- dispite your physical warnings Angie loved to dangle from your neck or arms- always loved to way you rushed to a table for her to proper stand to get off-
She never did.
She'd continue to cling to you like a Koala to a tree until Donna would come to take her off of you herself- then she'd hiss like a cat each time when it'd happen. You were just glad dispite her clinging to you- Angie she'd be gentle with the stitching- never touching them more then necessary
Talking lessons got easier to do because of how patient they both were. How the lessons started slow- then slowly got harder. They'd always encourage you into saying the words you wanted even when you failed to form a proper sentence- they'd congratulate you- something told you if it was anyone else Angie would cackle loudly at them because of it.
Writing on the other hand took a bit longer giving how harshly you'd hold the pencil. Breaking it each time. Huffing from another break- Donna looked over at you struggling for a moment
"Here" Donna spoke reaching out to your hand- you allowed her to gently pull your fingers a bit from the pencil to hold it more softly yet firmly so it wouldn't fall "like this" she showed you with her own waiting until you grabbed a new none broken one to try again.
Once you did finally hold it with it breaking she nodded her head- smiling under her veil. "Like that" standing up she turned to Angie "now I'm going to go back to this commission. Be good Angie" Donna spoke nodding in your direction again before she left
Humming from the doll was heard as she drew into the paper hurriedly-you on the other hand did the same thing but slow and awkward like it was your first time holding a pencil.
And it was. Technically.
Writing into the book crookedly Angie glanced over humming "Oh like this!" Turning her book around she showed you how she wrote inside the two lines- blinking slowly you nodded leaning over to mimic what she did- once you finished Angie jumped onto the table "CONGRATS! You know what this means-?" Tilting your head to the side again she cackled
"You get a cookie! Come on! Follow me"
It's been quiet in the living room. Too quiet. Donna looked up at the clock and thought- there hasn't been a noise for the past minute. Suspicious. Raising from her seat she set the needle down before turning to go into the room.
Her suspicion was correct neither of you were in the room. Huffing she glanced around before hearing the attempted whispers from Angie in the kitchen. Slowly she walked towards it. She watched silently as you knelt down beside Angie
"Come on you big log. Just pick me up I'll get it and bam! Cookie" Angie stated as if it was the most obvious plan "foul proof. Donna won't know" moving to pick her up you stopped- Donna watched as you furrowed your eyebrows in thought- she didn't move. She stayed still even when you did get the confidence to pick Angie up gently, in a soft way. Smiling she backed away.
Donna never saw you both steal a cookie that night.
Or the next morning.
"C-.. cookie" you mumbled for the first time beaming in happiness once you said the word. Donna looked over from her tea humming in question- pointing up towards the jar you spoke again "cookie?" You spoke awkwardly.
"Go ahead. But thats the last one until dessert" Donna spoke softly watching as you turned and grabbed the jar. You've come along way from how you were when you first met. Your speech is getting better too which is good. Donna can't wait go see how far you go- she smiles at the thought. Going back until a tap on the table beside her caught her attention looking up she saw you holding a cookie out to her
"Yes? I said you can have one" Donna confirmed turning to face you properly- growing confused once you shook your head.
"Yours" nudging the cookie towards her. Placing a hand out towards you- she grabbed the cookie silently before staring at it.
"Thank you"
You smiled making her breath stop. No. This isn't good- Donna's face flushed underneath her veil. That damn smile of yours- that kind smile she fell for.
..fell for?
What the hell?
Where did that come from? She wasn't supposed to fall for you- she couldn't. Wouldn't she didn't deserve that. The kind person you were stumped her- how could she fall for you? The gentle nature of who you are would be tainted by the monster she is- the cruel irony of the situation- the ability she possessed and had done to people she's cared about before- she would do the same for you.
She would hurt you. It was a miracle she hasn't done so yet.
"Donna?" A soft voice brought her back to the present. Looking away from the cookie to you- the concerned look on your face brought heat to her face- flustered she cleared her throat
"Hm? Oh sorry" clearing her throat again "I got lost in thought there" smiling under her veil- she was glad it was there or you'd see her red face
Angie gaged teasingly in the background at the two of you
You felt weird the last couple weeks. You knew what this feeling was- you felt it before. But that was when you were alive- not.. not whatever you are now. It was a before feeling- something you expressed once you gained the confidence to do so.
Now your not sure you can.
"Come on now. It'll be fine." Heisenberg spoke on one of your weekly walks together. He walked side by side with you. Signature cigarette no where to be seen.
"No. It can't work."
She is alive.
You are not.
That's what you came to the conclusion too- it wouldn't be fair to her. Be fair to love her while your not human. You were never ashamed of what you became but in some ways. Like this. Your ashamed. Ashamed of what you can't give her.
Like this.
You wish you were really human.
You wished you could openly admit to yourself on your feelings vocally- not just think it. Think of the impossible. Of romantic walks with her- holding hands in a romantic way with her. Kissing her. Loving her. It's such a normal feeling no one can help but you felt selfish for it.
Your inlove with Donna Beneviento and you know you can never ever tell her. No matter how much you wanted to.
"Just tell her" Heisenberg spoke already knowing the answer "it's better to know for sure. And hey- if it works I know one thing for sure" giving him a confused look he grinned
"I know you'll treat her right"
You never outwardly stated you were trying to court Donna- nor did you really notice you were exactly doing so.
Donna didn't either but she assumed what you did was friend thing.
Angie hated it. She sat watching the two of you flirting- and neither of you realized you were? You were holding hands for fucks sake. And Donna was referring to you as those annoyingly cute nicknames every now and again.
Why don't you two just kiss already.
Angie froze. She had an idea
It took weeks to somewhat beg Donna to take the three of you down to the dock- but in the end it will be worth it- at least that's what Angie thought. She had the whole thing planned. She just needed the perfect time to strike.
It was a warm day- the three of you sat at the docks for some lunch.
The two of you spoke of things Angie didn't care to listen. She just wanted the plan to happen already. Angie just needed to be patient.
Something she isn't.
"Angie take that stick out of your mouth. Don't eat that" Donna spoke facing Angie. Grumbling something coherent Angie took it out. The thing covered in small doll like bites before throwing it.
"I wanna look at the fishes." Angie spoke- she ran out of patience. She can't sit and watch- whatever the hells happening between Donna and you. Standing she rushed close to the edge but far enough away to not be spotted if someone was there as well. "Well? You two coming?"
She watched you both stand to go to the edge of the deck. Her plan was in motion.
Angie placed the stick closer to Donna's foot- the romantic idea coming into play. She would fall- you'd catch her and boom you two will kiss. Angie giggled to herself- it's foil proof. Nothing will go wrong.
Until it did go wrong.
Donna took a step back- turning her foot slid underneath- gasping loudly- you turned without a second thought grabing her arm you pulled her towards you before she fell- you held Donna there for a moment before you heard it. The sound you never wanted to hear. She hissed in pain. Letting go you jumped back watching Donna rub her arm slowly- in pain. Panic settled in.
You hurt her.
You hurt the woman you love
How could you do such a thing? You started to lose your breath. Breathing hard- panicking. Donna's head shot up sharply- she froze. She took in your panicked state. The way you held your hands close to your chest The terror- the fear. The guilt. "Y/N" she spoke your name slowly. She took a step forward. You took one back. She froze her hand reached out to try to touch yours-
Your voice shocked you both- you've never risen your voice at her- or anyone before. "Don't touch me. I- I don't what to hurt you again." Donna's heart broke once she heard you. She put her arm back to help comfort you
"You didnt-"
"Yes. I did. Look at your arm. I-" gulping- tears pooled at your eyes. Can you even cry? Were you allowed that after what you did? You needed to leave. Run and hide. Be away from what you did. And so you did.
"I'm sorry"
You ran
It took a moment for Donna to snap out of it. Snap out of the shock of you yelling- the flinching away from her to fully realize what really happened. Once it clicked in her head she ran as fast as she could back to the house. Of course you'd freak out. You were always worried of hurting someone- hurting her. Keeping touches at a minimum- only taps or handholding- but you accidentally grabbed her rougher then usual.
Running into the house she went room to room to try and find you. Her nerves were shot. She felt sick to her stomach for not comforting you as soon as she realized what happened.
Room to room. She couldn't find you- tears started to fall. Did you leave her? Because of what you thought you did? Please.
It all started to be a blur- her sight blured from the tears and nausea she felt. Her breath became ragged- uneven.
Where were you?
She ran to her workshop looked head to toe for you.
You weren't there
It started off slow. Donna eased you into holding hands to grow more comfortable with touching- to hold someone's hand and not feel like your hurting them. Not that you would purposely
"Like this" Donna spoke softly- reaching over to hold your hand in such a soft way- resting her palm up on hers until she slowly closed her hand over yours- waiting for you to do the same. Brushing her thumb against your hand she watched your face flush- a soft smile appeared on both your faces.
"See? I knew you could do it" she hummed softly as you copied her brushing your thumb against her hand back. Her face red under her veil from the small yet soft interaction
"you won't hurt me"
Yet you did.
You did hurt her- grab her arm- enough for her to hurt. To possibly bruise. Break even if you didn't stop.
Curing up in the corner you sobbed- you could hear her running around calling for you. But you can't. You can't face Donna- not after what you did. Hear her begging for you to come out.
You can't. Not now.
Rubbing your eyes harshly you sobbed- the Grey around the eyes darkened from how harshly you wiped the tears away. Biting your lip from crying out- you didn't want her to find you. Sniffling you listened to figure put where she was.
It was silent.
Looking up- you froze, you saw Donna panting heavily in the doorway- watching you. Possibly judging you from behind her veil- you weren't sure but you wouldn't blame her. Walking towards you slowly to not spook you more then you already were.
"Y/N" Donna called out quietly relief escaping her as if she'd blink and you'd be gone. Kneeling down infront of you she stared silently. "Your ok.." holding her hands out to you- she slowly inched closer to you.
"No- I don't" you stuttered- freaking out. Looking away from Donna you came close to crying again "I don't want to hurt you again"
"You won't"
No hesitation. Donna knew you didn't mean to- it was an accident. Seeing you like this- broke her. She knew how you felt about accidentally hurting her- or anyone. "Don't." Putting her hand up to stop you from talking "Its the truth. I'm not mad or anything."
"You didn't mean it"
You broke. Sobbing into your hands before hands pulled them away from your face- then being pulled into her arms. Resting against Donna's front she held you silently as you sobbed into her. Slowly- you put your hands up to hold her as well. Before you let them drop against her side.
She can forgive you- but you can't.
You want to hold her back- but you can't risk it.
"Its ok" Donna whispered rubbing your back "you didn't mean to. It's ok" she held you as you sobbed- brushing her hands acrossed your back gently she brought them to the top of your head- running her fingers along your scalp as gently as she could- she waited until you were done crying against her to pull you up to look in your face.
"No." She interrupted stern but kind "you grabbed my arm yes. But it was to help me up- not to hurt me. I am fine. We are fine." Brushing her thumb on your arm- she waited watching you incase you were to object- knowing how stubborn she'd be you stayed silent. It wouldn't be a quick thing to forgive yourself for- but you know deep down- it wasn't your fault.
You just felt like it was. But right here- in Donna's arms you couldn't help but see it her way- how she comforted you on what you did. Even by accident- she'd always forgive you.
Bringing your arms around her waist you pulled her into a hug- she did the same- smiling under her veil as she did.
Two weeks have past from that interaction- nothing changed minus Donna holding your hand more often. Snuggling into your side during movie nights(Angie dangling from the top dresser like the weirdo she is), holding your arm on walks more often- like she was making sure you weren't gonna run off or something
The sight infront of you made you stop- Donna stood drinking tea in the kitchen- without her veil. Your face flushed a bit- as you grew more confident to touching her again more often she has been trying to be more comfortable without her veil- something she insisted was fair no matter how much you tried to convince her otherwise
It wasn't the first time you've seen her without her veil- it wasn't going to be the last either- but each time it was like a world wind of emotions hitting you- each time you were almost always caught staring at her face blushing- causing Donna to flush as well. You've grown used to how expressive she is with her hands- but not how expressive her face is.
Everytime she was nervous or excited- she'd bite her lip- just like she does when shes working on the dolls- rare times she allows you in- and without her veil- she'd bite her lip in concentration- a small smile when she finally finished the final stitch- before moving onto the painting.
Dinner was different too- the way she licked her lips when she at something and didn't feel like getting a napkin- always caused you to flustered in your seat- and her smile. It was nothing like you'd ever imagined- it was so much more gorgeous then you dreamed of- how relaxed she got then smiling after- if your heart could beat fast or flutter it would everytime you saw it.
Blinking you looked at Donna who refused to look at you in the eyes looking to the side shyly- shifting slightly she glanced at you- "is- Is there something on my face-" she repeated nervously biting her lip
"Yes- no- wait-" stumbling over your words you glanced around the room "No- there isn't. I'm sorry I uh- your just very pretty" scratching the back of your neck it was silent for a couple minutes
".. you don't need to lie"
Looking over quickly- Donna had a look of sadness on her face- her hand went up to the mass that took her right eye
"No. Your a beautiful woman Donna" before she could respond you took a step forward slowly towards her "Your scar is gorgeous too. It tells a story. Like all markings on bodies do. And I feel just like your personality- you on the outside are a beautiful woman" you awkwardly spoke- it wasn't something that could make her confidence right away- but maybe one day it will.
Reaching your hands to her face- she allowed you to cradle her face in your hands- you smiled softly- caressing the mutated eye as softly as you could- "you're still the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on" you spoke without hesitation- Donna's face flushed darkly at the statement- a large grin appeared on her face. Moving forward she hid her face in your neck clinging to your jacket
"Oh- come on now Donna" humming you brought your hands on the small of her back smiling "let me see your beautiful face hun" a sharp breath escaped Donna before a moment she pulled back to look at you shyly. She reached over wrapping her arms around your neck- looking into your eyes she bit her bottom lip gently glancing at yours before looking in your eyes again.
"C-" Donna started- clearing her throat a boost of confidence filled her- "can I kiss you?"
"I'd want nothing more"
She didn't hesitate after getting permission- she brought you close to her brushing her lips against yours gently- pulling back for only a second to get a feel on how to go about it- before she kissed you again. Pouring her love and affection as she can towards you as she did- humming against your mouth sending a vibration causing a noise to escape you- grabing her hips they tightened gently causing her to groan against you. Pulling back Donna rested her forehead against yours- smiling gently at you.
"GOD get a room you two" Angie screeched fake gaging behind Donna- the two of you pulled away flushed but amused
"Maybe I'll kiss them during dinner" Donna thought alot smiling at a gaging Angie who screeched like a rabid animal- running she grabbed Donna's dress pulling it slightly yelling profanities as she did
"NOOO DON'T FUCKING KISS OVER MY SALAD" Angie cursed lowly before freezing under the closed eye smile "...whoops" letting go of her dress Angie took a step back
"NO" Angie yelled running out of the room "NOT THE WATER BOTTLE FUCK IM SORRY- SORRY FOR THAT TOO" With that Angie disappeared
Turning towards you a bashful look appeared on her face "I'm.. sorry about that- I guess Karl taught her one too many curses.. one was more then enough.." Donna mumbled fhe last part. Clearing her throat she looked at you- reaching over to hold your hand "so uh- are we together now-?" Sounding unsure of herself she glanced away shyly
"I'd love nothing more"
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
It's your birthday!? Omg I hope you have an amazing day!! Your posts always make me smile and I hope you get to smile just as big on your name day!
You have been and continue to be such a force for good and positivity in this community, thank you for all that you do! I hope you really take the time to celebrate yourself today, you deserve it 🥰
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Thank you all so much! I may have cried while reading all of these as you all are so, so sweet! Forgive me for grouping them all together- I'm a broken record when I get mushy so I'll spare y'all the deja vu hehe~
(Also death and grief mentioned beneath the cut but the summary of my mush is I appreciate you all so much. Thank you a hundred times over for making today and every year here feel special for me. <3)
This year has been a difficult one, especially these past few months after I lost my dad. I won't lie and say I wasn't dreading today because of that- I was scared I'd wake up and just wanna cry cause he's gone and I won't get to hear him say "Happy Birthday!" to me, you know? I also won't lie and say I didn't cry thinking about that (but it's my party and I'll cry if I want to, hehe. I make dumb jokes to cope.)
I'm okay though- and I'm coming to peace with it all. I just wanted to say that y'alls messages and gifs and overall loveliness has really helped me get through what I was dreading to be a difficult day. I can say with some comfort that thinking about my dad brings more happiness than tears now, and I know he wouldn't want me drowning in misery on my birthday, so I'm doing what he would want and making today a good one! Thank you all so much for helping me achieve that goal. I appreciate you all so very much.
Now- I shall go have ice cream cake in the dead of winter and rewatch the entirety of Spy x Family cause I'm what? Squiggily, hehe~ Thank you all so much again and keep being your incredible selves!
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veone · 2 years
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Ms. Siobhan Osmaev(formally Stephans)
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winternimbus · 8 months
as someone who used to be really into homestuck (i literally have "lalonde" as my chosen last name bc of roxy LMFAO) but had all of her interest killed it post-hs^2, but still considers herself to be somewhat of an observer of the community--jesus christ is the homestuck fandom one of the most egregiously transmisogynistic spaces i've ever seen, and it's even more insane that i remember that there was clearly a point that it wasn't anywhere near as bad as it is now BTW if you refer to june as just "egbert", "j egbert", or outright deadname her and/or do that transmisogynistic fencesitting shit i am going to steal something out of your house
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elegyofthemoon · 7 months
on silly gender moments with snow: realizing you've been saying "i shouldve been born a guy" since you were like. 10
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thegabofriel · 2 months
y'know my old school had us watch a video about autism for austim awareness/acceptance month and that video was *awful*
first of all, stupid muppet character. like this is an educational video not a children's video please make it serious, your dealing with middle schoolers if they see the slightest bit of a joke they will pounce on it (that and I don't really like muppets-)
second, FUCKING PUZZLE PIECES. they put the video in a slideshow and the background of the slideshow was puzzle pieces. vibrant puzzle pieces. eye-searing puzzle pieces (puzzle pieces are used as a symbol by autism speaks. autism speaks SUCKS.) third, goddamn it was loud as all hell. had to wear my noise-dampening headphones all the time at that place, even when it was *supposed* to be quite
fourth, bright colors soooooo many colors! they didnt even work well together! just red yellow green and blue in the most eye-searing colors ever
anyways yah, my school sucked and the video they choose sucked
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