#Already love her so much just like I loved Ella
holdmytesseract · 1 day
hi friend! 👋
I have a cute and fluffy request for the Baby Fever AU! 💕Narfi's first steps, Loki and Ella are out on a daddy-daughter date (you can choose where they're going) while Narfi and reader are at home together.
While reader has her attention on other tasks, little Narfi takes his first steps towards reader. When Loki and Ella returns home, reader surprises them with Narfi walking towards them 🥹💚
Growing Up
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x Y/N feat. Narfi & Ella
Summary: Narfi takes his first steps, causing you and Loki to realise that he's not so tiny anymore...
Warnings: fluff, fluff and even more fluff!
Word Count: 1,7k
a/n: I know it took me quite some time, friend, and I'm truly sorry for it. 🥺 Also, I really hope that you like it and that I did your request justice. Thank you again for the amazing moodboards you made for me, @chennqingg ! 💖
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Loki Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
divider by @fictive-sl0th <3
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Today felt like a pretty normal Thursday to you. Getting up at seven in the morning, making sure Ella got ready for school, while Loki prepared breakfast - bless him - and of course actually dropping your daughter off at school. Since you had 'Ella duty' this week, your husband tended to little Narfi and got the very young man dressed, fed and ready for the day. Sometimes, it was pretty chaotic and quite hectic. Especially on the days you were working as well - not full-time, though. You were still in maternity leave, but Nick allowed you to work two or even three days a week, if you needed a change of scenery or just a break. Just like today. Sure, Loki had to return to being an Avenger as well, but you always made it work. Besides, the others were happy to jump in as a babysitter as well.
After dropping Ella off at school, you drove straight to the SHIELD headquarters for work, leaving Narfi with Loki, who'd leave your son with auntie Nat for the rest of the morning, because Steve hated it, when Loki missed out the important briefings which concerned his 'development' as a resident of planet earth. Or in other words: Making sure he still behaved, didn't relapse and was a 'hero' and not a threat to humanity. In your eyes, it was ridiculous that he still had to 'prove himself' after all those years... After getting married and starting a family... After everything he had done for the Avengers, America and the whole world. But well... Who were you to speak up and change things? It was how it was.
Seven hours of going through reports and sorting files, you clocked out of work. Yes, it wasn't much you were doing, but it was something. Better than just staying at home. You loved being a mom, but sometimes you needed to see something different - and you were more than happy to rejoin your friends in hopefully near future and slip back inside your Avenger combat suit.
Instead of driving to school to pick up Ella, you drove back home. Loki had already done that; taking his princess out for a daddy-daughter date to the indoor swimming pool.
Arrived at the Avengers compound, you didn't even bother to drop your stuff first; instead heading immediately for Natasha's. Your motherly instincts were literally screaming at you by now to go see your baby son. So, you did.
Your best friend opened the door to her apartment for you with a huge smile and little Narfi on her arms; dressed in his white sweatpants and matching jumper. He looked like a baby smurf - which was probably one of the cutest things you had ever seen and would get certainly never tired of seeing again. "Mama!" Narfi squeaked happily from behind his pacifier as soon as his beautiful ruby eyes registered you; impatiently squirming in his auntie's arms. "Hiii, baby boy!" You smiled brightly and immediately took him into your arms. His adorable giggle urged to your ears; causing you to smooch his little cheek with kisses, and once you had thoroughly greeted your son, you turned your attention to the Black Widow leaning now against the door frame still with that smile on her lips.
"Hey, Nat." You shuffled closer to hug her, what the Russian beauty instantly reciprocated. "Hey, babes." "Thank you for looking after this little guy here," you said; pulling back from the hug and gently bouncing Narfi on your arm. Natasha shook her head. "No need to thank me. I love playing the cool auntie part." "I'll keep that in mind," you winked, causing your fellow Avenger to giggle.
"Alright. We'll be going then. Gotta do some chores... See you around, Nat." "Sure thing, babes."
You looked down at Narfi, who had snuggled against you; head buried in your neck. "Say bye bye to auntie Nat, Narfi." "Bye bye," babbled the little boy in a sweet, quiet voice; clearly on the verge of dozing off. Natasha smiled and waved at Narfi, "Bye bye, маленький смурф." who instantly lifted a small hand to wave back. Smiling and bidding your goodbye to the Black Widow as well, you pressed a kiss against your son's forehead and ran a hand through his black locks.
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Back in the apartment, you put the toddler down for a nap on his beloved floor cushion - which he mostly preferred for a nap, instead of his bed. Now that your son was sleeping peacefully across the living room, you had the time to do some chores. On today's programme: folding laundry. So, you spread out on the sofa, switched on the TV - but kept the volume down, of course, and got to work.
From your position, you had the perfect view on Narfi as well; having an eye on him from time time. Unfortunately, that didn't always keep him from escaping your watchful gaze. Just like Ella, was he his father's child... Sneaky and definitely a tiny mischief maker. Not quite as much as his big sister, but nevertheless...
You could swear that you only didn't look at him for five minutes - and suddenly was the floor pillow empty.
"Narfi?" You called through the living room; letting your eyes wander and already moved to stand up. He wasn't in this room anymore. You sighed and shook your head with a small smile. "Little rascal..." You mumbled under your breath and crossed the living room; aiming for the hallway.
The good thing was, that Narfi couldn't get far; not having learned how to walk just yet. The emphasis was on the word 'yet'.
You rounded the corner into the hallway, "Narfi?" and found your son standing - hands free - beside the clothes basket, which he had clearly used to pull himself on his feet. At the sound of his mama's voice, the toddler turned his head - which caused him to immediately lose balance and land on his small bum.
Your eyes widened. Was he about to take his first steps and you 'interrupted' him? "Baby, were you about to take your first step?" Narfi was already pulling himself up again; using the clothes basket as a help like before. A sweet huff left his small lips once he made it on his small feet; causing you to stifle a giggle.
"Try again, baby smurf, come on." Narfi turned on slightly wobbly legs towards you; hand gripping the basket for dear life. "Mama!" You smiled and walked quite a few steps closer, before you squatted down and opened your arms. "Yes, c'mere! Come to mama!" You tried to encourage Narfi; a bright smile on your lips.
The smile got even wider, when your son suddenly let go of his support - and took a very wobbly, unsteady step towards you. With you mouth agape, you giggled. "Yes! You did it, baby! C'mon! One more?" Your happiness infected Narfi and he smiled a bright, toothy smile. Giggling, he made another two fast and wobbly steps, before he lost his balance and more or less stumbled into your arms. You reached out and caught him, before he could hit the floor; sweeping him up in a hug.
"Yay!" You cheered and peppered his cerulean, chubby cheeks with kisses. "Mama is sooo proud of you, Narfi." The little boy just cooed and gurgled happily.
An idea crossed your mind.
"Let's surprise daddy and your big sister when they come home, huh? They'll be so happy to see you walk." Your toddler's eyes widened at your suggestion. "Supise dada lala?" Narfi couldn't say Ella yet, so he settled on 'Lala' - it was the cutest thing ever. You giggled; nodding. "Yes, baby smurf. Come on."
The laundry was long forgotten; deciding to play with Narfi instead and helping him practising to walk.
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After a very successful daddy-daughter date at the indoor swimming pool, Loki and Ella returned back home in the evening to the Avengers compound. The little girl's hand was neatly tucked into her father's bigger one as they exited the elevator. Ella was definitely tired and worn out - just like it should be after such a day. That was most probably the reason why Loki was carrying not just his duffle bag in his free hand, but also Ella's pink Disney princesses rucksack on his back.
Together, they stepped down the hallway and into your family's apartment. "Darling?" Loki called out; taking off his shoes and helping his tired daughter to get out of her jacket. "Mommy? We're back!"
The pair heard a small voice along some shuffling, before you rounded the corner into the entrance area with Narfi walking in front of you; yet gripping tightly onto your pointer fingers. "Hey, you two," you greeted them happily. "The baby smurf and I have to show you something." Proudly, you let go of your son's small hands - and let him walk a few small, still wobbly step. Before he could topple over, you grabbed him quickly around his middle; holding him steady.
Both, Loki's and Ella's jaws were on the floor; not having anticipated this. Sure, Narfi had tried to walk now for days - probably weeks, but it looked like he needed some more time to learn... Apparently not.
"He is walking now!" A not-so tired anymore Ella squeaked and crawled forwards and clumsily, but lovingly hugged her little brother - who didn't quite understand why everyone was making such a big fuss. He just squeaked along happily.
Loki met your gaze; his beautiful blues shining with a few tears. "Darling, he... Our son is walking..." He whispered; visibly touched, but you heard him anyways. Ella was already helping Narfi back on his little feet; his hands in hers tightly as she helped him walk down the hallway. It gave you the opportunity to step over to your husband. With a smile, you slung your arms around his middle; invading his space. "I know, babe, I know." Loki laughed softly and tried to blink back the tears as he wrapped you up in a hug; strong arms keeping you locked against his tall, defined body.
"We have to watch out now, babe. Soon, he'll start to run," you stated with a giggle, causing Loki to shake his head. "By the Norns, please not. He's already growing up too fast..." You sighed; knew exactly how he felt - and he was right. You rested your head against his chest, giving your husband the opportunity to press a kiss on top of your head. "Mhm... Growing up too fast, just like Ella." You felt the god's chest vibrate with a hum. "Just like Ella..."
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маленький смурф - little smurf
Baby Fever Crew: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jaidenhawke @multifandom-worlds @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @jennyggggrrr @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @huntedmusicgardenn @fictive-sl0th @herdetectivetheorist @hisredheadedgoddess28 @chennqingg @princess-ofthe-pages @km-ffluv @brokenpoetliz @lokiforever @stupidthoughtsinwriting @loz-3 @jaguarthecat @icytrickster17 @eleniblue @yourfriendlyslytherinhc @mypainischronicbutmyassisiconic @kimanne723 @lou12346789 @smolvenger @isaidoop @lokisgoodgirl @cakesandtom (Continuing in the comments)
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sincerity--extreme · 1 year
Alright I've watched 3 episodes already and even though it's not really my type of show, I still think there's a lot of good things, acting from all the main actors are amazing, the plots are overall generic for these types of crime shows but it's still well done unlike other crime shows I've watched before, but something that's actually been in my mind since the beginning of the first episode is something that doesn't actually have anything to do with the show and it might be a thing that no one else will agree with, but Lucy Tara reminds me so much of Ella Lopez from Lucifer... You know, tiny, super adorable, really really smart and strong...
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Hedy Lamarr (Samson and Delilah, Ziegfeld Girl)—Look. I'm sure someone has already submitted Hedy Lamarr because she was spectacularly beautiful, and a very strong lady too: she fled both an abusive marriage AND nazi persecution at a very young age and rebuilt a life for herself pursuing her love for acting all on her own!! Her career as an actress was stellar; while she began acting outside of Hollywood (her very first movie, Ecstasy, won a prize at the Venice Film Festival), she conquered American hearts very quickly with her first movie in the US, Algiers, and then just kept getting better and better. If all this isn't enough, she was also an inventor: her invention of the frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio transmission technique forms the base of bluetooth and has a lot of applications in all kinds of communication technologies. I think that deserves a prize, don't you?
Marilyn Monroe (How to Marry a Millionaire, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Some Like It Hot)— Ngl I thought you all were lying about sexual attraction until I saw Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
This is round 6 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Hedy Lamarr:
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The only person you can find both on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in the Inventor's Hall of Fame--her radio-frequency-hopping technology forms the basis for cordless phones, wi-fi, and a dozen other aspects of modern life. She was also passionate in her efforts to aid the Allies in WWII (unsurprising for a Jewish-Austrian Emigree to America), and her name served as the backbone for one of the best running jokes in what is possibly Mel Brooks' best movie. Look, Louis B. Mayer apparently believed he could plausibly promote her as "The world's most beautiful woman". Is an entire website full of people going to be less audacious than one Louis B. Mayer? I didn't think so!
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Described as "Hedy has the most incredible personal sophistication. She knows the peculiarly European art of being womanly; she knows what men want in a beautiful woman, what attracts them, and she forces herself to be these things. She has magnetism with warmth, something that neither Dietrich nor Garbo has managed to achieve" by Howard Sharpe, she managed to escape her controlling husband (and Nazi Germany) by a) Disguising as her maid and fleeing to Paris or b) Convincing the husband to let her wear all of her jewelry to a dinner, only to disappear afterwards. Also she was particularly clever and helped develop Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (I can't really explain it but anyway...)
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Her depiction of Delilah and Samson and Delilah just lives rent free in my head. The woman was gorgeous.
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One of the most beautiful women ever in film, spoken by many critics and fans. Beautiful shapely figure, deeper seductive voice, and often played femme fatale roles. She was also brilliant and an inventor. Mainly self-taught, she invested her spare time, including on set between takes, in designing and drafting inventions, which included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a flavored carbonated drink, and much more.
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Gorgeous and brilliant pioneer of modern technology and the middle part.
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Marilyn Monroe:
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She's amazing!!! A classic bombshell, as well as a strong women who overcame so many obstacles. She also advocated for others, like Ella Fitzgerald.
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That fucking saxophone that cuts in whenever she appears on screen in Some Like it Hot
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I mean, it's Marilyn Monroe. She's adorable. She's gorgeous. She funny. She's the total package
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She's the original American sex symbol, an iconic beautiful woman with eyes you could get lost in, legs for days, gorgeous hair, and a cute tummy. Her voice! Just listen to her voice!!!!!
She is considered one of THE sex symbols of the 1960s and one of the greatest actresses of all time! She HAS to be on this list!
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no vintage movie woman is more iconically hot
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People are most familiar with pictures of her in the white dress or the Happy Birthday Mr President one, but imo she is at her most beautiful and looks most comfortable when she is photographed by women like Eve Arnold
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It’s Marilyn Monroe. If Aphrodite was an actual person, she’d be Marilyn. Do I really need to say more?
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What can I say that hasn't been said? Marilyn's legacy is so much bigger than she was in life. She's a defining symbol of 50s and 60s Hollywood sex and it's obvious why. She was absolutely stunning and the camera loved her.
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crxss01 · 1 year
Okay, so if Miles (e!42) is a boob guy, and Miles (e!1610) is a ass guy, who likes thighs? 🤭
— My Boy
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pairing ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ 42!miles morales x reader, 1610!miles morales x reader, hobie brown x reader
summary ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ they just love using your thighs as stress balls and as pillows too.
warnings ✧˖ ° cuddling, squeezing + kissing + smacking of thighs, mature themes, cursing, reader has she/her pronouns.
m. list, main m. list.
translations ✧࿓☾ princesa: princess, quítate de arriba de ella, ahora mismo: move off of her, right now, querida: dear, buenas noches: good night, mi angelito: my little angel, bonito: handsome/or pretty boy, bebé: baby.
a/n . . ◟੭ hey, love! this had me thinking a lot and i loved writing this for you. hope you enjoy!
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now if you were asking between the two miles who is the thighs boy, the answer is both.
42!miles morales
miles was laying in bed his head on the pillow, one arm covering half of his face as he watched you walk around his room only wearing his shirt that reached barely pass your ass. his focus being on the movement of your thighs and wanting nothing more than to touch them at the moment, but you were doing your own thing.
“princesa, come back to bed.” he groaned.
“i can’t, miles. i don’t know why i do this to myself.” you complained. “always waiting last minute to finish shit.”
you had a school project due tomorrow and you had previously decided that you only wanted to spend time with your boyfriend all weekend so that’s what you did, but then your friend had texted you saying how much your final grade depended on that project so now here you were trying to get started on it.
“mami, i’ll let you use mine if you want.” he offered, and sat up. “i’m doing good in that class, way too good so that bald headed teacher can’t fail me for not doing his project.”
“you did it already?” you asked, turning around and looking at him surprised.
“yeah, on friday during free time.” he shrugged like it was nothing.
you slid your hand down your face. “why am i not as smart and organized as my boyfriend.”
“i’ll be smart enough for both of us.” he walked to you and picked you up, hands on your thighs as you wrapped your legs around him.
“thank you.” you kissed him and he gladly returned the kiss.
miles was squeezing you thighs, kneading the soft flesh like it was nothing more than dough and you hummed against his lips, loving the feeling. he ran his hand up and down then squeezed, repeating this process over and over again.
“i just love them.” he pulled away before connecting his lips to your neck, placing you on his bed, your head landing on his pillow and his hands never leaving your thighs.
“miles morales!”
he moved so fast, covering you with his blanket and looking at his mom as she stood at his bedroom door, hand on her hips.
“quítate de arriba de ella, ahora mismo!” tía morales yelled at her son, then calmed down when he did as she ordered, looking at your flustered expression with a smile. “i’m about to leave for my shift, querida. but don’t hesitate to call me if he tries something else. buenas noches!” she closed the door.
miles rolled his eyes and looked at you with a smirk.
“nope.” you shook your head. “you heard what she said.” you put on a serious face, trying hard not to laugh. “try something and i’ll call her.”
“whatever,” he took the off of you and opened your legs. “i’m going to sleep then, right in here.” he laid his head on your thigh and then put the other thigh on top his head.
“miles, this position is not comfortable.”
“for me it is,” he dismissed. “sleep well, mi angelito.”
“bonitoo, get off…” you groaned.
yeah, your thighs were going to be sore when you wake up tomorrow because there is no way to move him away from there.
1610!miles morales
“bebé!” miles exclaimed when he caught you after you practically jumped on top of him.
“i missed you.” you told him, pulling up his spiderman mask just above his nose and leaving a peck on his lips.
“i was only gone for an hour.” he chuckled.
“i know.” you complained. “that’s too long.”
“i will take a shower and then make it up to you, is that okay?” he offered.
“only if you let me shower with you.” you gave him a cheeky grin.
you both laid down on his bed after taking a shower together that was full of water fights and gossip about criminal’s and people from your school, also a few kisses were shared here and there. miles even washed your legs for you, but you knew damn well he just wanted to touch your thighs.
now he was placing kisses on both of them as his head was on your lower abdomen.
“i wish i could just stay here forever.” he sighed, delivering another kiss to your right thigh.
“well you can’t.” you laughed. “i will get tired of keeping them up for you, bonito.”
“i can always have my webs hold them up for you.”
“what? no!” you laughed harder at that. “don’t say stuff like that, bonito.”
“i would do it though, bebé.” he smiled, placing a kiss to your left thigh. happy to make you laugh like that. “just say the word and i’ll do it.”
“it’s fine, bonito.” you shook your head with a smile. “i’ll keep them up for you.”
“thank you.” he gave a full teeth smile and pulled your thighs closer to his face until he was squeezed in between them.
you took a picture of him because he looked so adorable, adding it to your mi bonito <3 album.
now if you meant a character aside from this two then it is…
hobie brown
ever since hobie met you he had a tendency of just staring at your thighs and when you two became official he wouldn’t just stare at it, he would smack it as well.
you didn’t mind at all but at times like this, like right now that you two were in public and he had just gone for it and smacked your thigh from behind you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.
your head was buried in his arm after that, the fabric of his jacket rubbing your face as you two walked alongside each other. hobie had the audacity to do it again and chuckle when he had the reaction he wanted from you.
“sweetheart, it’s alright. they don’t give a fuck.” he nonchalantly said, pointing at everyone around you and showing how nobody was paying attention to you two.
“it doesn’t matter, stop.” you said, taking your face away from his arm. you weren’t serious even though you were embarrassed, you absolutely loved how much he liked your thighs. it made you feel a lot confident about them.
“should’ve thought about that before wearing that skirt.” he shrugged, then his arm moved away from your grip, coming down to your thigh and squeezing it.
“hobie!” you half-screamed, looking around to see if anybody was watching you.
“what is it, sweetheart?” he sounded so innocent.
this fucker.
“don’t do this in public.”
“okay. i’ll do much more in private, then.” he simply said.
your thigh was slapped then squeezed once again.
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taglist: @hoseokslefteyebrow @anikaluv
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ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ reblogs are really appreciated!
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theyluvkarolina · 1 month
masterlist / rules / requests & talks with me!
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SUMMARY౨ৎ fernando loves his little girl. and he isn’t afraid to show that. from her first time in the garage, to her first ever football game. Best of all? Everyone loves girl-dad fernando!! (a smau compilation of fernando, you, and camila 🩵) requested!
PAIRING ౨ৎ Fernando Alonso x Wife!Reader
WARNINGS ౨ৎ none! super fluffy 🩵 (fernando types like a dad, i don’t make the rules) VERY SHORT!
A/N ౨ৎ little camila has been converted into a oc at this point?? i mean she’s been in not one but 2 fernando fics already. unintentionally created a oc haha
PART 1: `` ౨ৎ SECRET IS OUT ౨ৎ `` ,
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y/n_l/n & fernandoalo_offical have made a new post!
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liked by astonmartinf1, lace_stroll, carlossainz55, and others
y/n_l/n a little someone is done cooking… welcome to the world Camila 🎀
user3 project verstappen is a go.
→ user4 project verstappen??? more like project alonso 🗣️
f1 ✔︎ the young rookie finally has his own young one! Congratulations you two! Can’t wait to see her in the garage! 🏁
francisca.cgomes ✔︎ AHHH SHE’S SO CUTE! CAN’T WAIT TO MEET HER 🩷
y/n_l/n all doors are open for you 😚
landonorris ✔︎ papaya fan in the making? 👀🍊
→ fernandoalo_offical ✔︎ no! 🎉 🎊 🎈
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ that’s a orange
→ landonorris ✔︎ no shit sherlock
astonmartinf1 ✔︎ Congratulations to our new crew member! 😊
→ y/n_l/n 💚
estebanocon ✔︎ glad to know that Lance didn’t spoil this one!
→ lance_stroll ✔︎ haha funny. 🫤
oscarpiastri ✔︎ seems i won’t be the youngest on the grid anymore 😅
→ y/n_l/n don’t worry oscar, you’re still my adopted son 🫂
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ good to know 🙃
→ landonorris ✔︎ what about me @ y/n_l/n??? 🤨
→ y/n_l/n you’ve been demoted since you helped lance leak my baby shower 😒
→ landonorris ✔︎ I SAID SORRY
→ y/n_l/n apology NOT accepted
maxverstappen1 ✔︎ …are toy donations still up for grabs?
→ kellypiquet ✔︎ …Max? 🤨
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ you saw nothing.
lilymunihe ✔︎ officially a milf???
→ y/n_l/n hell yeah 😍😍😋
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fernandoalo_offical ✔︎
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liked by y/n_l/n, landonorris, charles_leclerc, and others
fernandoalo_offical Camila’s first race! Everything's better with loved ones in the garage ❤️
tagged; y/n_l/n
y/n_l/n @ landonorris why are you bribing my child with hats 🤨
→ landonorris ✔︎ those are very bold accusations you’re throwing Mrs. L/N-Alonso 🤔
→ y/n_l/n then why did she come home saying mclaren is the best??
→ landonorris ✔︎ ….ask oscar?
→ y/n_l/n you lost babysitting privileges.
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ gotta show her the better team 🤷
→ francisca.cgomes ✔︎ yes ma’am. 😳
→ lilymunihe ✔︎ yay!
→ lilyzneimer yay!
→ lilymunihe ✔︎ …🤨 @ lilyzneimer
→ lilyzneimer …🤨 @ lilymunihe
user7 i love how fernando just posts his family instead of anythin team related 😭
→ astionmartinf1 ✔︎ still waiting to be seen 😞👊
→ fernandoalo_offical ✔︎ the wife and camila come first ❤️
→ y/n_l/n as it should :)
fernandoalo_offical ✔︎
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liked by fernandoalonso, francisca.cgomes, kellypiquet, and others
y/n_l/n quick late summer break :)
tagged; fernandoalonso
user8 DILF!! DILF!! DILF!! 📢‼🚨🚨📣🗣🗣⚠️
user9 my dilf senses are tingling 🤤
→ fernandoalo_offical ✔︎ Ella es mi princesita, of course I post her ☺️
→ user12 “she’s my princess” IM GONNA CRY.
user13 ugh y/n is so classy.
→ user14 very classy very demure
francisca.cgomes ✔︎ she’s growing up so fast 🥹🥹
→ y/n_l/n I know! I still remember when she was just born 🩷
→ fernandoalo_offical ✔︎ and I still remember you screaming and crushing my hand 😅
→ y/n_l/n we agreed to keep this silent 😞
fernandoalo_offical ✔︎
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liked by f1, georgerussell63, astonmartinf1, and others
fernandoalonso father like daughter!
tagged; y/n_l/n
→ user17 i say project schumacher 🙃
→ fernandoalo_offical ✔︎ everyone forgot about project alonso 😞
→ user18 look at what you guys did. you made grandpa sad.
lewishamilton ✔︎ already better than most people i knew of on the track! 🤩 🏁
→ nicorosberg ✔︎ …🤨
astonmartinf1 ✔︎ already preparing for that seat 👀
→ user19 yeah, if lance or fernando ever leave 😭
→ user20 LMAO
f1 ✔︎ Future World Champion in the making!
→ user21 a woman could be f1 champion 😂🤣
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ imagine bullying a little girl @ user21
→ landonorris ✔︎ imagine hating on a little girl that could kick your ass in karting @ user21
→ maxverstappen1 ✔︎ imagine feeling the need to say something out of your ass because your jealous she can be better than you @ user21
→ carlossainz55 ✔︎ imagine being such a lowlife @ user21
→ charles_leclerc ✔︎ imagine being such a piece of shit @ user21
→ lance_stroll ✔︎ imagine taking your anger on a girl who’s father loves her enough to put her into something she loves and you couldn’t because your father left for milk and never came home after 40+ years. @ user21
view 1239 more comments by alexalbon, lewishamilton, yukitsunoda, and others?
→ user22 watching the grid defend camila and degrade this middle-aged man is the highlight of my day.
→ y/n_l/n couldn’t have asked for better friends 🥹
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y/n_l/n my babies ❤️
tagged; fernandoalonso, oscarpiastri, lilyzneimer
oscarpiastri ✔︎ mama e papa
→ fernandoalo_offical ✔︎ mi amor, you do know that oscar and lily aren’t our children right?
→ y/n_l/n what do you mean i literally birthed them out of my vagina??
→ oscarpiastri ✔︎ wait wouldn’t that make her my sister and not… my girlfriend..? 😬
→ y/n_l/n i take it back i didn’t birth them out from inside of me
user24 the family we didn’t know we needed
→ y/n_l/n alexandra picked it out! she taste in fashion is impeccable ❤️
→ alexandrasaintmleux ✔︎ always happy to help out! it was the best having camila with us during the ceremony 🩷
user26 the way she sat on Fernando’ss laop the whole time and clapped when everyone started clapping 😭
→ user28 everyone loves camila l/n-alonso
maxvertsappen1 ✔︎ stop she is so cute im crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭🥹🥹😞😞😓😓😔😔😔🫶🤌🥰
→ charles_leclerc ✔︎ max how drunk on alcohol are you right now?
→ maxvertsappen1 ✔︎ 5’11
fernandoalo_offical ✔︎
🎵 Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA
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liked by lewishamilton, yukitsunoda, felipedrugovich, and others
fernandoalonso ¡Creciendo tan rápido! First day of school already! 🏫 Camila even got asked what she wanted to be when she grew up and said she’d like to be a engineer ❤️
tagged; y/n_l/n
user29 THE SONG.
→ user31 “Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning”
→ user32 “Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile”
oscarpiastri ✔︎ i can you you crying from your hotel room @ landonorris
user33 mama mia core 😭
user34 i just watched a child grow up. i feel so old.
landonorris ✔︎ i swore she was just born 4 months ago
→ y/n_l/n and i swore i saw you bribbing her to be a mclaren fan not too long ago too! 😊
lance_stroll ✔︎ will miss seeing her in the garage 😞
→ y/n_l/n Camila says she’ll miss you too Lancey 💚
user35 SHE 😭 WANTS 😭 TO 😭 BE 😭A 😭 ENGINEER
user36 mark my words she will be in f1 one way or another.
kellypiquet ✔︎ the absolute cutest. can’t wait for her a P to hang out again sometime soon!
♥️ liked by Author!
→ y/n_l/n planning the next play date already!
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camila_y/nalonso has made a new post!
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camila_y/nalonso truly a honor for my dream to come true. from being a little girl watching everything happen, to finally working on everything happening. ¡Vamos, McLaren! (P.S Thank you Uncle Lando for getting me into McLaren 🧡 )
tagged; mclaren
fernandoalo_offical ✔︎ Esa es mi chica. ❤️ (That's my girl.)
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apute11as · 1 month
Liability - Alexia putellas x reader (+platonic Lucy bronze)
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Based on this little request of ficlets (more will follow) x
Warnings: no warnings just Alexia being overly protective
- part of the “everything happens for a reason” universe 🤗
It was around 9pm and Lucy had just returned from dinner and analysis with the team when her phone started to ring. Glancing down at it, she was met with a picture of Alexia bent down as you poured champagne into her mouth out of the Champions league trophy, a contact photo that captured a rare moment of pure joy from the Catalan midfielder. Lucy wondered what on earth would her captain be calling about this late at night, worried it was to yell at Lucy for not telling her that you were pregnant, the second she found out. Hesitantly, Lucy accepted the face time.
“Ay dios mío Lucia today would be great” scolded Alexia.
“Sorry Ale but may i ask why you’re calling me out of the blue?” She replied
“Y/n is pregnant.” She stated bluntly.
Ah yes Lucy could see this one coming but she was not about to be blamed for anything Alexia was ready to accuse her of.
“She is. Congratulations.” Lucy responded in an equally blunt tone.
“I’m very happy” Alexia added.
“You really sound it Ale” Lucy mocked
“Excuse me?” exclaimed the blonde, a hint of annoyance laced her voice.
“Why are you calling me Alexia, I’m very happy for you both too but this phone call seems rather pointless, like something that could’ve been done over text?” Said Lucy, hoping her captain would get to the point so she could be on her way to bed.
“Right yes, there was a point” Alexia stated, clearing her throat as though she was preparing a pre-match speech. “I love y/n very much but she’s ridiculously stubborn, I mean she hid a whole pregnancy for a while just so she could play in this tournament. Whilst I’m mad at her, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same so with that being said, I’m asking you to watch over her for me.”
Lucy was taken aback, she was not sure what she’d expected from this conversation but this wasn’t quite it.
“You’re asking me to babysit your wife?” Laughed Lucy
“Sort of? I’m just saying I know I already told you to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid, like play through and injury and when I told you to keep an eye on her sickness and stuff but now she’s carrying mi princesa, even more of a reason why I won’t let her do something dumb.” She explained
“Alexia you and I both know how stubborn she is, if I start hovering she’ll kill me” Lucy argued
“Fine I tried to be nice, she always tells me if I use my captain voice it’s not fair but Lucia I swear to God if anything happens to her or my baby I will get you benched for the rest of the season and then kill you” Alexia responded with a stern, demanding voice.
“Okay okay but if she finds out and calls you to complain that’s your fault not mine” bargained Lucy.
“Si si, of course! Make sure she eats enough, lots of vitamins, make sure she doesn’t train too hard, make sure she gets lots of sleep and-“
“Crshhhhh lo siento Capi the phone is- crshhhh breaking up- crshhhhh”
And with that Lucy hung up, rustling her crisp packet worked every time with Alexia as she had been told by you, bless Alexia and her inability to understand technology.
Just as Lucy opened her hotel room door, Mary came running down the corridor with you on her back, Alessia and Ella hot on her heels. Dear God what had Lucy gotten herself into.
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desperately wanna write a childhood friends to lovers au w chloe and red in the timeline where bridget never goes evil and is still besties w ella
like imagine all the hangouts and sleepovers they have, crying and whining when they have to be separated because red, dear, we really must return home or chloe, love, we've been in wonderland for a week already
imagine little chloe bursting into her parents' bedroom declaring that she'll always be red's knight in shining armour, because every princess, especially a crown princess, needs a knight to protect her and ella and christopher just KNOWING that chloe is gonna stay by red's side forever and ever
so they start planning the wedding with bridget, thrilled to have the opportunity to bring their families even closer together. they're gonna be in laws! a family, just like they've always dreamed.
imagine little red telling her mum that chloe has a really pretty smile and really pretty eyes, and it makes her happy to see chloe happy, and that chloe is the bestest friend in the whole wide world and bridget has to stop herself from squealing and pinching red's adorably flushed cheeks, because her daughter was so in love already, even if it was just puppy love. that doesn't stop her from screaming gleefully into her pillow later that night tho
imagine them growing up together, attached at the hip, never straying from the other's side. imagine them going to auradon together, everyone already knowing that red and chloe, chloe and red, are a package deal. you can't get one without the other, a known fact since the duo were old enough to travel through the rabbit hole on their own
imagine chad walking in on them cuddling, watching a movie and cooing at them, snapping pictures on his phone before they notice him, yelling at him to leave them alone. alright, alright, I'll leave you lovebirds alone and red flushes in mortification and shut the fuck up chad, we're completely platonic and you know this because little miss goody-goody would definitely be rougher around the edges, growing up with red, and she'd definitely cuss up a storm at chad, but she loves him, she swears, just maybe not as much as she loves red
imagine them going through all the motions of a romantic relationship, cuddles, cheek kisses, hand holding, cute dates and all that, but insisting that it's just platonic, and that's how they've always been because they're best friends and their parents are so very done with them, just praying for them to get together, and chad has even started a betting pool for when they'll realise they love each other. he thinks it'll take them until at least their second year at auradon prep - at least, it'll take chloe that long
imagine chloe and red having matching lock screens, and having each other set as their home screens as well. imagine red baking chloe anything she asks for, like peppermint cookies and flamingo feather cupcakes and blueberry muffins, because chloe, her princess, her knight, has a raging sweet tooth that red can't help but indulge every time. imagine chloe taking red on ice cream dates, because red LOVES ice cream, and refusing to let her pay for it because red was a princess and deserved only the best treatment, thank you very much and red has to point out that chloe, you're a princess too. but, red, you're the crown princess and im your loyal knight <3
imagine red finally realising her feelings and ranting at the council of parents because holy shit aunt ella, your daughter is so dense?? and christopher can't help but cringe because he knows exactly who chloe got that trait from and he's like I'm sorry but while we charmings are quite, charming, we're also quite oblivious, especially to matters of the heart and bridget can't stop laughing because darling, you may need to hit her with glass shoes for her to figure it out, which makes ella blush because that's exactly what she had to do that night at castlecoming
god I have so many feels about this I am totally normal about glassheart. final part absolutely inspired by @strugglingsapphic's recent post bc I love the idea of oblivious chloe not knowing shit
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b14augrana · 26 days
You meet Kika for the first time
Kika Nazareth x teen!reader
Part of the Scrubber universe
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GIF credits: @a-lexia11
Warnings: ✖️
A/N: i love kika so much 🥹 her good vibes are off the charts and because of that i really think she’d get on with scrubber well so here’s a blurb of those two
for the sake of my own happiness lucy is still thriving in sunny cataluña.
You sat up rapidly as you heard Aitana speak, and the foam roller slipped out from beneath your leg and rolled away slowly. You looked around curiously, and everyone was spread out yet bunched together as they swarmed the three new additions to the team. You were just barely familiar with Ellie Roebuck from following each other on Instagram and you were more than familiar with Ewa Pajor through your mutual ties with her that existed through Frido and Ingrid. However, the girl that Aitana had beelined to, you hadn’t ever met her or known of her. A hand belonging to Mapi tugged you up from the ground and dragged you along to meet the new transfers, and you happily did so.
“You’ve grown so much from the last time I saw you!” Ewa gushed, smiling fondly at you to which you returned the gesture. The last time you had seen Ewa was during the 2023 Champions League final, when you weren’t a main player in the team but merely a reserve. It was an experience either way and Ewa was right — you had grown, physically and as a player. Throughout your entire little conversations with Ewa and Ellie, you could only think about meeting the unfamiliar one. You slunk away from the conversations with the Englishwoman and the striker before approaching Aitana and the final transfer.
“…miss Benfica a lot, actually, because this is my first time playing away from home,” she said to Aitana, who nodded along understandingly as you spoke, until you appeared by her side and her face lit up.
“Kika, I need to introduce you to (Y/N), mi pequeñita,” Aitana exclaimed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You smiled at the woman across from you, who grinned back. “Hola! I’m Kika,” she introduced herself. You already liked her; just the way she spoke and smiled at you gave the impression that she’d fit right into the team, and most importantly, get along with everyone. “I’m (Y/N),” you responded, but before you could continue and say anything else, you were engulfed in a warm hug by the Portuguese woman. It was yet another reason for you to like her, so you gratefully accepted the hug.
“I’ve watched you before, and all I can say is, I’m glad we’re on the same team,” Kika laughed, making your cheeks swell up with a rosy tint. Aitana nodded and squeezed your arm affectionately, “That means you’re already Barça. We feel like that everyday, ask Caroline.” She giggled and looked at Caro standing a little to the side of her, rolling her eyes with a smile.
“I’m alright…” you mumbled, shuffling around nervously with an awkward smile. To this day, you still weren’t the best at compliment-taking — especially from people way better and experienced than you — despite the amount of compliments you received often. It was still insane to you that the likes of Mapi and Irene complimented you on your defending, when they were the ones that deserved all the lauding more than anything.
“You’re more than alright, pequeñita,” Aitana scoffed, nudging you softly, “Te lo juro, Kika, sin ella no tendríamos la tercera Liga de Campeones.”
“Aitana, do you forget that you scored a goal in that final as well?” you laughed, and she shook her head earnestly. “No, and I definitely don’t forget who assisted me,” she responded with a light elbow to your side, which made you laugh even more. Kika joined in on the giggles until it all died down, and you invited them both back to your pre-workout stretches station. There, you three sat down and continued the conversation, until Aitana got up to do a workout with Fridolina and the weighted ball, leaving just you and Kika.
“You came from Benfica, right? Unless I’ve been hearing things,” you asked her, feeling relieved when she nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been there my entire career. It’s been a bit tough, adapting to Spain when I’ve lived in Portugal my whole life, but I love it here. What about you?” she explained.
You placed the foam roller back underneath your legs as you spoke, “I’ve more or less lived in Barna my entire life. I was in France for a couple years but I hated it so I kinda block it out from my memory. It sucked.” Kika laughed at your statement, inciting a smile from you. “Can you speak any French?” she asked, and you shook your head.
“Besides bonjour, au revoir, si vous plait and je suis (Y/N), I’m hopeless. If you ever want lessons, go to Lucy,” you replied, glancing at Lucy before nodding your head in her direction. Kika smiled and looked at Lucy as well, shooting her a charming grin before gazing back at you.
You liked her, a lot. She was nice and easy to get along with, she wasn’t super serious which was a big thing for you and she didn’t baby you any more than the others which was an even bigger thing. Kika was a very smart transfer for the club to have made, and you could see her becoming part of the family very soon. Her being close with Aitana was already a good start to that pursuit, and you knew it wouldn’t be long before the others warmed up to her.
“Are you any good at Catalan?” she asked you, and you hesitated before nodding, “I think so.” She sighed a breath of relief and lunged over to grab her own foam roller, placing it beneath her calf as she spoke, “Good, because I need a teacher for that. I’m not terrible, but I’m definitely not fluent yet. I tried to get Aitana to teach me but she talks too fast, it’s hard to keep up!”
With a lighthearted giggle, you nodded, moving the foam roller from your left leg to your right one. Kika continued rolling her left calf, bracing the floor for leverage and balance as she did so.
“How old are you, (Y/N)? Aita’s told me in the past but I can’t remember at all. You’re around my age, sí? 20, maybe 21 like me,” Kika spoke, shaking her head briefly at her own forgetfulness. You shrugged it off lightly, “Don’t worry about it. I’m– um, I’m actually 16,” you said nervously, smiling at the shocked expression on the woman’s face when you revealed your age.
“16 years old? Dios mío, and you’re a defender? What do they feed the kids at this club, gosh…” she muttered. Your cheeks flushed pink and your smile widened, tugging at your cheeks as you gazed down shyly, not a word coming out but your reaction spoke for itself. “Wait, so, where do you live? Do you go to school?” she questioned, intrigue capturing her facials expressions as she looked at you eagerly.
“My family don’t live in Barna, not anymore. I live with Irene most of the time but I just bounce around between apartments, and I attend classes at the academy,” you explained. “Oh, and I don’t think you’ll fully settle into the city unless you go to one of the cafés downtown. My favourite one is 5 minutes down the road, maybe we could go there after this?”
Kika was on board before you had even finished proposing your idea. After training, you pulled your hoodie over the top of your kit and left the grounds with your new friend, saying goodbye to everyone and explaining to them that you were steering her away from ‘guiri’ accusation territory.
You two walked down the streets, admiring the shops and cafés that were full of people, and on occasion, pointing out the Barça crests and flags displayed in the windows of buildings. You didn’t have a car yet, let alone a license, so you normally caught a ride with someone else, but it was nice to stroll down the streets of the city with Kika and introduce her to the place you called home. Eventually, your adventure came to a close when you found yourselves outside your favourite café of all time, before you walked into the entrance and took a seat right by the window.
The café was furnished with two-seat tables all around and a large display of everything you could imagine, from sandwiches, quiches and savoury muffins to decadent cakes and pastries. The comforting aroma of tea and other brews wafted through the air and only added to the warm atmosphere emitted from every corner of the room. You placed your bag down beside your chair, resting your hands on your thighs as Kika did a similar thing and relaxed her hands on the table. She looked around with an admiring gleam in her eyes before meeting your watchful gaze with an appreciative smile. “This is a lovely café, I can see why it’s your favourite.”
“Wait until you try the food, it’s even better,” you responded with a cheeky grin of your own, making the pair of you laugh simultaneously. “Do you want to go up and order first? I’ll stay here and watch our stuff and then I’ll order,” you said, gesturing for her to go up to the counter. She agreed, and you waited for a couple minutes until the woman returned to your table with her food; an iced tea, chocolate muffin and an apple danish. “I was going to order something healthy but I do not feel like vegetables right now,” she grimaced, placing her food down on the table slowly.
“I’ll be quick,” you said as you stood up and made your own way to the counter, ordering your own choice of food. You settled on an almond and icing sugar dusted croissant along with a cup of tea and a platter of mini donut bites. Once you received your order, you balanced your meal on your hands and carefully walked back to the table, talking slow steps until you reached Kika and placed it all down hurriedly, sinking into your seat once again. “Oh, yum,” she remarked, eyeing up your food before teasing you, “You’re making me regret getting this.”
You didn’t respond, because you knew from the moment she sunk her teeth into the chocolate muffin, her mind would change immediately, and you were correct — her eyes widened once she got a taste of the rich chocolatey goodness she possessed, and then they closed for a good minute as she savoured the taste. “Nevermind,” she mumbled between her mouthful, “You can keep it. This is th’ best thing ever!”
You looked at her with an ‘I knew it’ expression, which made her smile as she swallowed her bite and placed the muffin down atop its paper bag. You took a sip of your tea and then threw a donut bite in your mouth, offering one to Kika as you did so, who took one and thanked you with a nod of her head.
“So, you said you go to school at the academy. How is that?” she enquired. Unlike other teenagers who probably got sick and tired of being asked about how school is going, you actually didn’t mind. School was rarely a subject of interest for people when it came to your life, so it was kinda nice to know that someone was making the effort to know you outside of football. “It’s alright. Since the Champions League they’ve been letting me off easy with homework and stuff, so that’s pretty nice,” you answered with a shrug, “Some of the classes suck, like maths, but other than that it’s not too bad.”
“Any friends?” Kika continued, to which you nodded. “Well, I wouldn’t consider them friends, because I don’t talk to them outside of class since we’re all busy with our teams, but I’m okay with most of the people I take classes with. Some of them that play for the men’s first team, I’d call them my friends, but that’s it. I just hang out with the girls in our team,” you explained, “I love them all though, they’re the only friends I need.” Kika made an ‘oh’ expression to signify her understanding, and she nodded to further stress that.
“Yeah, I went to a regular school when I was still in school, and it’s much easier to take your classes in an academy like La Masia where everyone understands that your priorities are in football,” Kika said, taking another bite of her muffin. She paused for a minute to chew, and then she spoke again once she had swallowed it, “When you have friends that are always upset over you not having time to hang out because of football, it becomes a pain in the ass.”
You took a sip of your tea, wincing slightly as you adjusted to the piping hot temperature. “Yeah, I get that. I think we’re gonna get along really well, Kika,” you smiled warmly, invoking one on her own face. She was glad to have made a significant first impression, especially with you, the baby of the team. They undoubtedly loved you, and she was already on the path to joining them, enamoured with how friendly you were to her straight away.
The conversation strayed into talks about Portugal, and what it was like for Kika when she lived there. She told you about Benfica, her favourite restaurants in her hometown of Lisbon, her family and what made her want to play for Barça. You learnt a lot about her during that short café date, and in exchange, you told her more about your personal life and what you loved most; Vidić, slide tackles, your big sisters and Barcelona (the club and city). There were also the trivial things you loved that you decided to save for another day, like your love for Hay Day that she was sure to discover sooner or later.
You two shared the rest of the donut bites after you finished your muffin and croissant. She split her apple danish with you, which you gracefully accepted and thanked her for, and the conversation continued up until the last of the donut bites was gone and you were both stuffed.
“See why it’s my favourite café?” you said to the woman, and she nodded. “I’m definitely coming back, that chocolate muffin was delicious,” she groaned, scrunching her paper bag up. You both stood and grabbed your training bags, slinging them over your shoulders, and on the way out you tossed your rubbish into the bins, thanking the café owner. The pair of you strolled to Kika’s new apartment, and you learned that she was barely 5 minutes away from Irene’s home that was situated just around the corner: “That’s great!” she exclaimed happily as you two neared her home, “That means café dates can happen more often.”
Walking Kika up to the front door of her apartment, you peered inside and got a look of the cozy area. You were surprised at how furnished it was, because you were under the impression that she had only recently arrived in the city, but it didn’t seem that way anymore. “Your apartment is so nice…” you whispered, looking around a little bit more before pulling your head out, “I’ll see you tomorrow, thanks for coming with me!”
She embraced you in another warm hug before you left, smiling widely as she spoke, “I should be thanking you! It’ll be much easier at training tomorrow, knowing two people instead of just one.”
You waved goodbye to her and she returned the gesture before she shut the door. It didn’t take long you to be standing on Irene’s doorstep, unlocking the door with your key and slipping inside. She had known about your plans to go to the café with Kika, so she wasn’t alarmed when you came home particularly late, and instead she asked you about it.
“I love her, she’s great!” you lauded, flopping down beside her on the sofa, “I think we get along really well, and I can’t wait for her to meet Clau and Patri.”
“Oh no,” Irene groaned, shaking her head. “Do not introduce her into your trio of tontos,” she exclaimed. You shrugged, leaning back on the sofa, “I won’t, but the other two will probably do it on their own.”
She let out an exasperated sigh, looking at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Please don’t ban us from seeing each other again,” you begged, looking at her with a grimace. She shook her head, dismissing the idea. “No, because the last time we tried that, you three rode those jet skis at the Barceloneta.”
“Okay, that was not my idea, and you should blame Claudia for that… but it was really fun and it would be nice if you let us go again,” you said quietly, looking at her with an indicative expression.
“…Fine. I guess it would be okay, only if the rest of us come and we make it a beach day.”
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ghostfacd · 10 months
PAIRING. tom blyth x fem!actress!reader
SUMMARY. in which you and tom make a special appearance on wired’s autocomplete interview
installment of this au | recommend reading for more context
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“Hi — we’re Y/N Avocot and Tom Blyth — and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview!”
You’re both handed a white board, bigger than your face, and there’s a list of questions with some of the words covered.
“Do you want to go first?” Tom asks, giving you a small smile.
“Yes! I’m pretty excited actually,” you begin to peel off the first question. “Okay, first question: what was Y/N Avocot’s first role?”
You think for a moment, “well in terms of roles in general, my first acting role was very small and I believe it was for this ice cream commercial as a kid. I’m not sure if it’s still up but my mom had signed me up for it and they thought I was a really cute kid so they casted me.”
Tom laughs, “really?” He then retrieves his board from the crew. “Okay my turn. Why does Coriolanus Snow turn evil?”
That question makes you slightly giggle, because it’s so broad that it’s nearly impossible for Tom to narrow down exactly what it is that made Coriolanus suddenly switch. “I believe you should be asking Suzanne Collins, shout-out to her for making the entire trilogy and prequel. But honestly? I think he was always power hungry, and even though Tigris tried her very best to bring out the humanity in him, it was just never enough. Especially after Sejanus’s death, I think Coriolanus realized there was no going back.”
“Oh wow,” you say, very impressed with how he decided to answer it. “That was a terrific answer Tom.”
“Thank you m’lady.” You giggle at his antics, rolling your eyes jokingly.
“What role does Y/N Avocot play in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes?” You clear your throat, imitating one of your character’s iconic resting bitch face.
“I play Balleona Laurent, duh.” You joke. “Anyway, yes, I play Balleona, also known as Leona. She’s originally from the Capitol just like Coriolanus. They met at the academy and she automatically knew she had to have him. She comes from the Laurent family, which is a very very wealthy, well off, intimidating family that Coriolanus knows he just has to get into, which is why they start dating. I don’t wanna spoil too much of Leona and Corio in the movie, soooo you guys should definitely check it out!”
“Alright,” Tom adjusts himself in his seat, ripping off the paper for the next question. “Does Tom Blyth have a girlfriend?”
He pretends to think, which makes you bite your lip, suppressing a laugh. “Hmm, very complex question.”
“Oh give the people what they want!” You tease, “yes he does. He’s inlove with Jennifer Lawrence.”
“I am not inlove with Jennifer Lawrence!” He exclaims quickly, “although I greatly admire her work. My girlfriend is Y/N Avocot over here, sadly.”
“Sadly?!” You fake offense, “cut the cameras. I’m gonna beat Tom up.”
You peel away at your next question, the interview already being loads of fun for the both of you. “Is Y/N Avocot a good singer?”
Your head falls forward, and Tom’s automatic instinct is to catch you, not realizing you’re only joking. “Oh God, I hope so!” You say, laughing as you pick your head up. “I’m no Mariah Carey but I like to think I’m a pretty okay singer.”
“More than okay,” Tom chimes in, which makes you laugh.
“Aw, thanks Tom.”
Tom reaches to peel another question off. “Is Tom Blyth American?” This question makes you almost spit out the water you were currently taking a sip out of. “Well, a lot of people get shocked when I say I’m from the UK. I mean, is my American accent that good?”
“Guess so,” you shrug. “Okay next. Is Y/N Avocot in The Summer I Turned Pretty?”
You clasp your hands together excitedly, giving the camera a wide smile. “Yes! I play Maekella Fisher, also known as Ella Fisher, Steven Conklin’s love interest and sister to Conrad and Jeremiah. The first season airs out soon so please stay tune for that! I’m so excited to be apart of this amazing show with such amazing people.”
“I always come to watch her on set,” Tom says, “they’re all such funny and charismatic people. I swear I’ve became friends with everyone on Y/N’s cast.”
“Okay, my last question,” Tom peels off the paper, grinning. “Will Tom Blyth star in another movie soon?”
He smirks, eyes playfully looking into the camera. “Who knows? But I do know that something exciting will be coming out soon so prepare yourselves!”
“Way to tease the crowd Blyth,” you say, rolling your eyes. “Anyway! My last question, this was quick. What is Y/N Avocot’s skincare routine? Oh, I’ve been waiting for this one.”
You sit on the edge of your seat, and Tom finds it endearing that you’re so excited about something as small as this.
“First, I rinse my face with cold water and I dip my face in a bowl of ice and water for 3 minutes. Afterwards, I put on my dewy toner from Innisfree, it’s so smooth and nice. Sometimes I’m too lazy for this step but I also put on sunscreen, it’s important so I always remind myself to not forget— but I love to use Supergoop Unseen’s Sunscreen. I use drunk elephant’s bronze drops if I wanna go for a sunkissed look that day, but I usually don’t. And then I just shake my Tower facial spray and spray it all over my face. Usually, I touch up my eyebrows and do my eyeliner but that’s really about it!”
“It’s true,” Tom adds. “She asked me if I could go buy her the tower spray yesterday because she was almost out.”
“No need to expose me like that,” you say, clinging your arms onto his. “Well thank you guys for watching!”
“Thank you!” Tom and you wave at the camera, smiling brightly.
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shiggybrainr0t · 4 months
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shouto todoroki x reader
word count: 2k
warnings: reader has hair that can be tucked behind their ear, reader is bullied, forced self-harm (forced to pinch their cheeks)
a/n: this is my entry for @bloompompom ‘s “to all the fictional boys I’ve loved before” writing collab!!! the rom com I chose was ‘Ella enchanted’ because I instantly knew Shouto would fit perfectly ���️ thank you for letting me join!! i love this but I also think it is not my best work and kind of cringey �� this was also inspired by many kdrama cliches djsjsks
summary: you have a quirk that makes you obey every command you are given. if only there was a prince who could come save you? or better yet, help you save yourself.
You're six years old when you develop your quirk. Your parents had taken you to the doctor, scared that you were quirkless, which in turn made you scared as well. The doctor reassured them that everything seemed fine, and your quirk should develop soon. Who would have thought that being quirkless would have been better.
It happened one day in kindergarten. Your then best friend was mad at you because you didn’t want to play dodgeball, and instead wanted to sit in the sandpit. In the heat of her anger, she screeched at you to “go eat rocks!” only to be shocked whenever you stiffly got up and did just that.
Your teacher was horrified when she was dragged over by your friend to see you, with gravel filling your mouth and tears running down your cheeks. When asked why, all you could simply muster was that you had too. You ended that day with a trip to the ER, multiple cuts inside your mouth, and a broken tooth.
Looking back, your quirk probably had already developed. You were known to be a very obedient child— it just took something extreme to clue everyone in. And it would only go downhill from there.
Your parents didn’t mean to take advantage of your quirk. Normal parental comments like “eat all your vegetables” and “go clean your room” just meant that you couldn’t talk back and had to follow the commands instantly. It became a habit almost to voice their requests as demands instead of suggestions or requests. You couldn’t fault them for it really. Especially not whenever they praised your good behavior in front of others, always so proud of their perfectly behaved child. Eventually, when you stopped talking as much and began secluding yourself more to avoid the feeling of your body and mind being forced to do something, they didn’t really seem to notice.
It was a day in your last year of high school that you met Shouto. You had always noticed him of course. Your general studies class and his hero class had been keeping the same lunch time for your entire high school career. He was princely in his stoicism. Perfect face not marred by his scar, only enhanced. He moved like an elegant dancer— every move calculated and on point. It would be no surprise to anyone that you had started harboring a crush on the fellow student. Who hadn’t had a crush on him would be the better question.
Alone at your table in the corner, you’d admire Shouto and his friends at lunch. They always looked like they were so close— the whole class did to be honest. Deku and the others were the only ones who you ever saw crack that perfect facade. A tiny smile here, a barely wrinkled brow there. It was magical to watch. The prince and his court.
You were glad he had made friends. You couldn’t say the same. Try as you might, you just couldn’t keep your quirk a secret. And once one person knew, it wasn’t long until there were many people taking advantage of it. You had gotten by relatively unscathed so far. You mostly got orders to do others homework and class chores. Many afternoons it was only you left in the classroom working away without choice, trying to finish the class chores before dark.
Your only reprieve came in the home room teacher of said prince: Aizawa. He had learned of your quirk, and it only took him one afternoon seeing you doing the chores alone for him to figure out the bullying. You refused to tattle, knowing that it would only make things worse, but he was able to release you from the power of your classmates’ demands.
You were given a strict suggestion, not an order though this time you don’t think you would have minded, to come find him anytime you needed his help. No adult had ever helped you like this before. All of your parent’s friends fawned over your quirk, and lamented about how they wished their own children had developed the same quirk. They had no idea.
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It was an afternoon where the sun was shining brightly. A perfect day for something ugly to happen— especially to someone with luck like yours. There was one girl in your class who always had it out for you. You didn’t know why, you had never even talked to her. Your attempts to remain unseen unfortunately did not work this day, because for some reason the most popular boy in your class had decided he thought you were cute and voiced that to his friends.
Enraged, the girl hissed at you after class in a voice filled with venom, “He won’t think you’re cute if your face is full of bruises. Pinch yourself and don’t stop.” As your body filled with syrupy static and your hand raised to your cheek to grasp it in a hard pinch, you fled to try and find the only man who could make you stop.
By the time you made it to the hero department, your cheeks were sore and tears had filled your eyes. You didn’t even notice the prince you had always admired from the top of your tower pause as you sped by, face marred by a frown at your distraught expression.
The pro hero was obviously unamused by how you refused to tell who had made you pinch yourself. A trip to Recovery Girl however had you right as rain, and you were honestly ready for the day to just be over. The last thing you were expecting was Shouto to be standing outside the nurse’s room waiting for you. His face serious and his large arms crossed over his chest. His uniform fit him perfectly, you noticed, like it was tailored just for him.
“I’ve heard about you.”
Your mouth dropped open without your permission . His voice, deep and smooth, glided over you like water and cooled on your skin.
“You have a quirk that makes you do what people tell you to do.”
You had heard about his blunt nature, but hearing it for the first time in person shocked you. At your timid nod, his brow furrowed, and his eyes gave you a once over quickly.
“You can come get me. If you ever need help.” With this statement he pushed off the wall, and without a goodbye walked away.
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You tell yourself that it’s just in Shouto’s nature to help people in need. He is in the hero course, so naturally he would follow you whenever he saw you were distress. Shouto being, well Shouto, makes it very hard to keep this in mind.
After the pinching incident, you seemed to have become a target for your classmates’ anger and frustrations. One classmate failed an English test, and to make themselves feel better they ordered you to jump on one foot until you couldn’t anymore.
Eventually left alone in the hallway, your jumping not being entertaining enough to them anymore, your saving grace came in the form of your prince. You don’t know why he was in the general studies section of the school, but you couldn’t complain— multiple students had walked by you with barely a glance. He walked over to you quickly and put a hand on your waist.
“Stop.” His voice cleared the haze in your mind making you obey, and his cool hand kept you steady as you wobbled, unstable after jumping for so long. Shouto straightened your uniform jacket with nimble fingers before walking away, leaving before you could even say thank you.
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The next big incident came in the form of you being told to dump your glass of water over your head in front of everyone in the cafeteria. You quickly ran off afterwards, and your prince followed only a few feet behind.
Staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror, your shoulders dropped. The bathroom door opening suddenly made you whirl around, heart racing whenever you saw the signature two toned hair of Shouto.
You had never seen this much emotion on his face before. He looked angry as he stalked over to you. He grabbed the paper towels you were using to dry yourself, and his hand raised up close to your face. The air around you turned warm. Steam surrounded you as he evaporated the water from your hair and down to your shoulders. You were reminded of how you would sit in front of the heater after playing in the snow as a child, defrosting contently.
“Why don’t you tell the teacher who does this?” His voice was soft, a contrast to his angry demeanor.
You looked up at him, and saw how genuine he was. He cared so much about the wellbeing of a stranger. A prince indeed. You decided to take a big step, and tell him something you’ve never told anyone.
“I-I can’t.”
Your voice was meek, and his face turned stoic as he took in your answer.
“You can’t, as in someone ordered you not to.”
It wasn’t a question but you nodded nonetheless.
“You know there is a loophole for this, yes?” He said it so simply, no judgement in his voice, only the same warmth.
With a sigh, you begin to explain. “Their dad is my dad’s boss, and somehow they figured this out.”
With a hum, Shouto grabbed a strand of your hair between his nimble fingers. He twirled it around before tucking it behind your ear and smiling. It was like looking at the sun.
“I think I can help.”
He held your hand as you both walked back to the cafeteria. It was his fire side, and the warmth radiated up your arm and into your heart. Before you both entered the cafeteria, he spoke.
“I know you can’t verbally tell me who is responsible for this, but whenever I point them out I want you to squeeze my hand. I already have some idea.”
To show him you understood, you gave his hand a shy squeeze. This made him send a small smile your way, and you could feel the breath physically leave your lungs.
Shouto confidently walks you to the right table, leaving a quiet room after him. Everyone seemed shocked to see you both hand in hand, except his friends. Glancing over quickly you could see that Deku and Ochaco had large grins on their faces, while Iida was nodding in what you could only interpret as aggressive approval.
Your classmates stared at the both of you in trepidation as you and Shouto came to a stop in front of their table. Without saying anything, Shouto quickly pointed at the girl who had always had it out for you, and made sure the rest of the class began to feel the same way. Surprised he knew so fast, you squeezed his hand, heart beating furiously.
“I see.” Was all he said, and you watched as the girl’s face turned pale in the glory of his ire.
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The next few days seemed to happen in a blur. Shouto had taken you straight to Aizawa to tell him who your tormentor was, as well as the concerns that held you back from using the loophole of your quirk sooner. The next day, the girl and her family met you in Nezu’s office to apologize.
They bowed to you, and the father told you that he was relocating himself and his family to South Korea, so there would be no worry of any retaliation against your father. Your father might even get a promotion. You noticed how pale he seemed as he looked at the tall figure looming behind you, icy hot eyes staring the man down.
Later that day, you stood shyly in front of a stoic Shouto, trying to put into words how grateful you were.
“That wasn’t the first time I had noticed you, you know.” He spoke first.
“I’ve um. I’ve always thought you were really pretty.”
Shouto looked away from you suddenly, bringing a hand up to scratch the back of his head. A soft pink highlighted the tips of his ears.
“I’ve always thought you were really handsome as well.”
Shouto’s head snapped back towards you in surprise. Before he speaks, his eyes focused over your shoulder and his expression crumpled. You looked behind you, shocked to see Deku, Ochaco, and Iida peeking out from behind the corner. Deku was exaggerating his expressions and mouthing “ask them out!” They spot you looking and quickly popped back behind the wall.
You laugh brightly, and find your confidence.
“Will you go out with me, Shouto?”
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lightsoutnaway · 4 months
Hellloooo can I request Carlos x Reader meeting his dad/family for the first time??
Thank youuu!!!
Meet the Family
PAIRING: Carlos Sainz Jr. x Reader
SUMMARY: You meet Carlos' family at the Spanish Gran Prix.
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! Sorry it took so long for me to get to. I've just gotten through a big series of projects at work though, and I have a lot of free time opening up! I appreciate your patience.
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You were hanging your clothes in the closet of the hotel that you were staying at. You really wished they would build a track in Madrid so you could have one race where you and Carlos got to sleep at home. You picked up your last dress, sliding it onto a hanger and placing it in the hotel closet. 
“What do you want to do for dinner?” You asked Carlos as you started putting your shoes away. 
“My dad has a dinner reservation for all of us tonight,” Carlos told you. You froze. 
“Your dad?” You asked.
“Yes,” Carlos answered. “My mom and sister too.” 
“You didn’t tell me they would be here!” You exclaimed. Carlos looked over at you. He hadn’t realized your panic until then. 
“It’s the Spanish Gran Prix. I assumed you would know,” Carlos replied. 
“I assumed you would give me a warning before I met your family,” you told him. You ran a hand through your hair. Carlos tried to hold in a smile at your anxiety. “I don’t have gifts for any of them, Carlos.” 
“You don’t need gifts for them,” Carlos said. 
“My clothes aren’t nice enough either,” you continued. “I didn’t bring anything that’s right for dinner with your parents.” 
“You look perfect right now,” Carlos replied. You weren’t really listening. You stopped and looked at him. 
“Carlos, what if they hate me?” You asked. Carlos frowned. 
“They will not hate you,” Carlos assured you. 
“How do you know?” You pressed. 
“Because I love you. And they’re my family,” he answered. You took a deep breath. 
“Are you sure they won’t hate me?” You asked. Carlos chuckled. 
“They’ll love you, mi amor. My mother has been asking about you for months,” he told you. “She tells me how much happier I seem every time we talk. She knows it’s because of you.” Your cheeks warmed and your heart skipped a beat. 
“What about your dad?” You asked. You knew how much Carlos loved and respected his father. The approval of Carlos Sainz Sr. was something that you found yourself wanting the same way his son did. 
“He’ll love you too, amor,” Carlos assured you. “They all will. You’re going to fit right in.” You took a deep breath and nodded hesitantly.
“Do you really think that they’ll like me? You’re not just saying it?” You asked. Carlos reached up and pushed a hair out of your eyes. 
“Yes, mi amor. I have no worries. They will love you almost as much as I do,” he assured you. “We’re meeting them in an hour.” Your heart leapt in your chest. Meeting your boyfriend’s parents with one hour notice wouldn’t have been your first plan, but it didn’t give you much time to worry. When you arrived at the restaurant Carlos Sr., Reyes, and Blanca were all there already. You weren’t late, but the idea that you had kept them waiting already had you expecting that they hated you. Instead when you walked up Reyes wrapped you in a hug, quickly followed by her husband and daughter. 
“Y/N! It is so good to meet you,” Reyes greeted. Reyes hugged her son as Blanca kissed your cheeks. “Ella es muy bonita, Carlito,” Reyes praised her son. 
“My son never stops talking about you,” Carlos Sr. said as you sat down. “He tells us all about your job.” You looked at Carlos, a bashful expression spreading over your face. 
“Yes, I love my job. It’s not quite as exciting as being a racecar driver, but I like it,” you said. 
“I’ve asked him some questions, but I’m not sure he listens to you as well as he should…” Carlos Sr. proceeded to ask you about your career, clearly impressed by the fact that you were so advanced in your field. Blanca quickly took to you, her sense of humor matching yours–similar to her brother. Reyes didn’t say much but as she watched her son fawn over you, she didn’t find the need to ask you anything. 
“Do you want the last bite?” Carlos held out a forkful of chocolate cake to you. You smiled and let him feed it to you. 
“Thank you, my love,” you gushed before kissing his cheek. As sick as the sight made her, Blanca couldn’t help but be happy for her brother. Reyes and Carlos Sr. had knowing smiles on their faces as they watched their son. You were the one. They knew it just as well as their son did. Carlos Sr. paid for the meal before Carlos pulled your chair out for you, offering his arm to you as you exited the restaurant. Reyes and Blanca were chatting with you about where you would meet in the paddock tomorrow as Carlos went up to the valet stand with his father. The two of them handed their tickets to the valet before he walked off to get their cars. Carlos was watching you laugh with his mom and sister, his father observing the way his son stared at you so fondly. 
“Don’t mess it up with this one,” Carlos Sr. warned his son. “You’re never going to do better.” Carlos looked over at his dad and chuckled. 
“You don’t need to worry about that,” Carlos assured his father. Carlos opened your car door for you before all of you headed out. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow!” You called to Carlos’ family through the open car window. Carlos smiled to himself before reaching over and innocently resting his hand on your leg as he drove back to the hotel. 
“I told you that they would love you,” Carlos teased you. 
“You were nervous when you met my parents,” you reminded him with a huff. 
“Your dad is scary,” Carlos said. 
“I told you that he would like you though,” you replied. 
“And you were right. And I was right that my family would like you,” Carlos said. “We are just one big happy family.” You giggled. 
“We’re family?” You asked softly. 
“Yes,” Carlos said firmly. “Soon enough it will be legal too.” You looked at Carlos with wide eyes. 
“What?” Your voice was small and hopeful. Carlos smirked. 
“I thought I could adopt you,” he said. “Charles and Oscar made it seem fun.” You laughed at him. Carlos pulled up to the hotel. 
“I don’t need to be adopted though. I’ve got parents,” you teased as Carlos helped you from his car. He smiled as he wound his fingers between yours. His fingertip rubbed against the empty spot on your left ring finger that would be occupied soon enough. 
“That’s okay,” Carlos assured you. “I can think of another way to make you my family."
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ellecdc · 7 months
A Man With a Plan.5
prologue // p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7 // p8
Remus Lupin x whimsical!reader - Hogwarts Era (no Voldemort) - Soulmate AU
CW: swearing, self-deprecating thoughts, James losing his ever-loving mind.
“Okay. Start again, from the beginning.” Remus heard James say as he made his way back down to the common room with the Marauder’s Map held fast in his iron grip.
Regulus sighed something that sounded a lot like for Salazar’s sake, Potter as he looked at the ceiling of the Gryffindor common room for patience; jury’s still out on whether he found any or not.
“She was supposed to meet me in the library after the game to study.” He muttered plainly.
“Right.” James said as he paced near the fire, arms crossed and one hand up near his mouth as he chewed on his cuticles. 
“She never showed at the library, but I didn’t think anything of it as she often gets-”
“Distracted, right.” James agreed readily.
Regulus had lowered his head and was now looking at the floor. “I still had her books though, so I went to bring them to her dorm, or at least drop them off for her. Her roommate-”
“Which one?” James interrupted.
“Which roommate?”
Regulus scoffed and levelled James with an incredulous glare. “I don’t know, Potter. Why would I know her roommates? The lot of them are tosser’s anyway.”
“Did Reggie just refer to someone as a tosser?” Sirius stage whispered to Remus. 
“Was it Mary-Ella?” 
“I don’t know who that is, Potter.”
“Did she have glasses?” James tried again.
“The red head?”
“Okay so it was Jill, then; the blonde.”
“Fine. Yes, Jill,” Regulus started, obviously antsy to get this conversation over with. “Said she had packed a small bag and said, and I quote,” he emphasized, obviously already having gone over this with James, “it’s better that she stays away from the castle for the weekend.”
James had since stopped his pacing and stood in front of the fire as he pieced the facts together.
“Okay...” he started as he looked to Regulus again. “One more time.”
“Potter!” Regulus shouted at the same time Sirius whined “Prongs!”
“This is awful. This is just awful.” James said as he resumed his pacing.
“Okay, well, relax Potter. She’s more clever than people give her credit for – I’m sure she’s fine.” Regulus said as he rubbed his temples.
“I know she’s more clever than people give her credit for.”
“Then why are you so wound up?” Sirius asked. Big mistake.
“Because, if she’s not here, who will stop the nargles, Sirius!?” James shrilled. 
“What the fuck is a nargle!?” Sirius shouted back.
“I don’t know! All I know is that Y/N’s not here, and now the nargles are going to steal my stuff!”
Remus was fully convinced that dogs two counties over could hear James at this point.
“Guys? Has anyone seen my shoes?” Peter interjected as he stood from his spot on the carpet where Sirius had abandoned their card game. “I swear they were just here.”
“Oh gods, it’s starting.” James cried miserably.
“Oh relax, Potter. The nargles aren’t interested in smelly running shoes.” Regulus added with derision. “They’d much prefer a nice wizarding pair of dragonhide boots.”
Suddenly, realization seemed to dawn on Regulus’ face as he turned quickly and exited the Gryffindor common room.
“Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, oh gods.” James muttered as he resumed his pacing.
“Alright, are you going to tell him? Or should I?” Sirius said as he turned his sights to Remus.
“Tell me what?” James said immediately, looking between his two friends.
Remus’ face was pale and clammy while Moony was screaming in his mind at the thought of you being gone, not being safe, being hurt, hiding.
“Tell me what?!” James asked again.
Remus just shook his head.
“Remus.” Sirius warned.
“What did you do? What did you say to her?” James accused, immediately on the offensive as he stalked towards him. Lily stood swiftly to block James’ path.
“I...I can’t...I-she’s,” Remus stuttered miserably.
“Oh, for Godric’s sake.” Sirius muttered as he stalked up to his dorm room. He returned swiftly with the book Hairy Snout, Human Heart and tossed it to James who caught it easily. 
“She is his soulmate.” He said simply.
“SOULMATE!?” Lily, Peter, and James all guffawed in unison.
“I thought that was just a myth.” Peter muttered as he took the book from James’ hand and began flipping through it.
“Apparently not.” Sirius muttered as he ran a hand through his hair. “It’s had this guy wound up for weeks.”
“Holy shit.” Peter muttered as he held the book out for James and Lily to see as well. “It’s true. It’s here.” 
“How do you know it’s her?” Lily asked Remus.
He snorted and shook his head as Moony shouted MINE.
“Just a hunch.” He muttered miserably.
“Is this why you’ve been so upset, recently?” Peter asked quietly. James scoffed and shook his head angrily.
“So upset... to have such an odd girl as your soulmate, Moony?” James spat furiously.
Remus felt the colour drain from his face as Moony started arguing angrily in his head. IS MINE. IS MINE. MINE, GOOD. MINE, GOOD. 
James scoffed and threw the book onto the table. “You know, out of everyone, Remus, I thought at least you’d be more understanding. That perhaps maybe you would know what it’s like to be different from everyone else – treated differently than your peers.”
James looked down his nose at his friend as he began to stalk out of the room. “Turns out you’re just as bad as the rest of them.”
Remus felt a tear fall as he turned back to regard his friends.
“Sirius.” He whispered miserably.
“I know, Moons. I know that’s not why; I’ll talk to him - but I don’t blame him for being angry.” Sirius offered solemnly before he followed James up the stairs.
“You know...it makes a lot of sense.” Peter mused aloud.
Lily and Remus turned to face him with matching expressions of bemusement. 
“A witch who believes in nargles ought to believe in soulmates. She’s probably the perfect person for you.” He said simply with a shrug.
Mine. Miss. Missing. Where? Mine. Moony whimpered.
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James was officially missing one half of two pairs of socks, his watch, his school tie, and his new quill set that his mom had sent him.
Oh, and also his sanity if you asked Sirius. 
Sirius was starting to feel like he was losing his sanity too, between Remus’ brooding over your ‘disappearance’ (which sounded so dramatic considering you told people you were leaving and that you’d be back after the weekend), James’ (and admittedly, Regulus’) fussing over nargles, auras, and something other entity Sirius has never heard of, and Peter’s complete lack of help with any of the above. 
“All this over a bird.” He muttered to himself as he handed James one of his extra ties.
“Moony, up. We’re going to breakfast.” He barked over his shoulder. Remus just shook his head.
“Get up.” He demanded. 
“M’not hungry.” Remus muttered petulantly.
“Don’t care, Moons – we’re going to breakfast.” 
“Leave me alone.”
“Oh, for fucking fuck!” Sirius said as he stomped his feet. “Lupin, I swear to fuck if you do not get your arse down to the Great Hall right now and eat - because I know you won’t eat later and then you’ll have the moon tonight and then you won’t eat tomorrow morning which will have meant you haven’t eaten in over 24-hours – I will find your bird and bed her myself.”
Sirius felt ridiculous for a) his temper tantrum and b) threatening to steal his best mate’s girl – but it appeared to have its desired effect when Remus stood abruptly from what Sirius had officially dubbed the brooding chair with a growl and stalked out the dormitory door, shouldering Sirius as he went. 
It was going to be a long day.
Unfortunately for Sirius, it was an even longer night. 
James and Remus still weren’t speaking as the four of them made their way to the Shrieking Shack for Moony’s transformation. Peter, the poor sod, kept trying to make conversation, though it was all in vain as Remus was still too broody to engage and James just offered the occasional grunt of acknowledgement. 
And unfortunately, Moony wasn’t in better spirits.
After Remus’ transformation, Sirius – now Padfoot – had the unenviable task of watching a Werewolf in mourning.
The Wolf spent most of the night making pathetically sorrowful howls at the moon, and when he wasn’t crying, he was trying to gnaw angrily on his ankles. When Padfoot tried to get him to stop, or encourage a playful romp, Moony snapped at him.
Padfoot huffed to say “fine, you sod”, but his whimper as he laid on the opposite end of the room betrayed his haughtiness – Padfoot’s heart was breaking.
It was breaking for his Moony – his pack – and it also broke for Remus. Remus, who finally had a shot at something wonderful but let it slip through his fingers because he was too full of self-loathing to accept an opportunity. Remus, who deserves love and compassion, because lord knows he doesn’t give enough of it to himself. Remus, who found probably the most openminded and understanding person in the world. Remus...who found his soulmate. 
His soulmate.
Moony found his happy ending.
And Padfoot was not going to let him lose it.
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Remus blinked against the harsh brightness of the infirmary the following morning – his body aching in ways it hadn’t since before the boys started joining him for the full moons. As he stretched, the bandages that pulled at his wrists and ankles explained why.
Moony had been angry. And he’d taken it out on Remus.
Remus couldn’t blame him. All of the floundering, grasping at ridiculous straws, the planning he’d been doing all week. For what?
To use a poor girl for sex and distractions? To cheat Moony, and himself, from what he really wanted? To fight and argue with his friends, his pack? To have you take off for two nights?
He hated himself.
He hated himself, he hated himself, he hated himself.
And Moony hated him too.
Remus groaned as he pushed himself up in a sitting position.
“Feeling better?” James muttered as he fluffed Remus’ pillow for him. His face and tone remained angry despite his kind gesture.
“No, not really...” Remus admitted.
“Me neither.” 
“James, I’m sorry.” Remus sighed as he settled back into his pillow. “I swear I...it’s not her, I-”
“It’s not you, it’s me. Really, Moony?” James sneered.
“Yes, Prongs. You know this.” Remus stressed. 
“Uhm, no. What I know, Moony, is that you are a wonderful, caring friend who loves his people so strongly, and has more love to give, and certainly deserves more love than he allows himself. That’s what I know.
“I also know that I have a very wonderful, lovely, caring friend who deserves the same amount of love she gives to everyone else, and you wouldn’t even give her a chance!”
“James. I know.”
“And anoth- what?” James stopped in his tirade. 
“I know.” Remus repeated as his eyes welled with tears. “I tried to fight it because I didn’t want to drag anyone else into my mess; I didn’t want anyone else to feel responsible for me. I’ve already damned my mum and dad, I’ve already dragged you three into this – I couldn’t do it again. I thought I was strong enough to ignore it, but I can’t.”
“Rem, you didn’t damn your parents. That’s what happens when you have a kid; the kids’ job is to be who they are, and the parent’s job is to love them regardless. And we chose to help you through this Rem – and it was the right thing to do!” James cried as he lifted his hands in the air.
“I just don’t want you guys to regret it one day or decide I’m too much. Then what would I do?” Remus admitted quietly.
“Oh, for- You know what, Lupin? Only way you’re getting rid of me is through death. Got it?” James said with all the sternness he could muster.
Remus huffed a laugh and nodded. “Okay Prongs.”
James deflated and offered a curt nod. “Good. ‘Cause I need your help finding Y/N. I cannot risk losing another one of my quills – my mom is going to kill me.”
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Padfoot felt like he may have scrapes on his nose from how long he’s been out here following your scent. But he knew it would be worth it when he found you and got you back to Moony.
His ears perked up when he heard movement, but he swiftly hid behind a large oak tree when some Centaurs stepped onto the path.
“Now, if you continue West from here, you should find the rest of your path to Hogwarts unhindered. Stepping off the path brings the chance of new adventures and grave danger.” A centaur proclaimed.
“Thank you very much, Firenze. Best of luck on your search for the Snidgets.” An airy voice called back. 
Padfoot knew that voice! That was Moony’s soulmate! Padfoot tried to hide his excitement (i.e., he tried to stop his tail from wagging) until the centaurs all left.
Suddenly, Padfoot shifted and bolted out from behind the tree to stand in front of you.
“Y/N!” He shouted as he grabbed your upper arms in his hands, scanning you from head-to-toe for any signs of injury. 
You seemed surprised by his appearance, but not startled. Sirius figured you probably should have been startled – it was a pretty startling thing for him to do.
You had no injuries, but a few branches and leaves were caught in your hair and on various parts of your body. You were also not wearing shoes.
“Well, hello Sirius. It’s very nice to see you.” You said plainly.
“Nice to see me? Are you- where are your shoes?” He decided to settle on first. Not the most important question – but it took priority in Sirius’ mind.
You looked down at your feet like you weren’t fully aware they were bare. “You know, I’m not quite sure. Not to worry, though; I’m sure they’ll turn up. Lost things often have ways of finding their way back to us, if not always in the way we expect.”
Sirius had no idea how to respond to that – so he didn’t. “Do you have any idea how worried everyone has been?” He sputtered at you.
Your eyebrows furrowed at that, and you almost seemed upset as you responded, “Oh dear, I didn’t mean to concern anyone.”
Sirius immediately regretted saying anything; now he could see why James was so sweet on you.
“Well, let’s go to the castle and tell them all that, then.” He acquiesced as he hooked your arm in his and began the path back to Hogwarts. You did not seem concerned nor feel the need to object to his manhandling you. But Sirius knew he would not be letting go of you until you were back in the castle – maybe not even then. He was not going to deal with Remus, James, and Regulus like this again.
“Regulus was perhaps most concerned.” He lied, knowing very well he was far from the most dramatic through all of this. “Very worried about the nargles in your absence.”
You hummed in acknowledgement. “As he should; they’d be quite interested in his dragonhide boots.”
“You don’t say.” Sirius murmured, unadmittedly becoming increasingly concerned with the state of his beloved Doc Marten’s stowed in his school trunk.
“Better hurry then.” He said as he all but dragged you up towards the castle. 
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Remus tried not to get too caught up on the fact that he was sitting in the infirmary with James and Regulus Black of all people as they scanned the Marauder’s map for any sign of you. He also pretended he didn’t notice the fact that Regulus was holding a duffle bag that appeared to have everything he owned jammed inside it.
“She said she’d only need to stay away from the castle for the weekend, right?” James asked as he continued to scan the parchment.
Regulus rolled his eyes. “Yes, Potter. Like I said.”
“Okay, I can’t look at this anymore – I’m going cross-eyed.” James moaned as he leaned away from the map and rubbed his eyes from behind his glasses.
Remus felt awfully guilty. He didn’t know how you would know - though he wouldn’t put it past you at this point - but he didn’t think it was a coincidence that you left for the full moon. He doesn’t think he’d ever forgive himself if something happened to you because of it.
“Oh, thank Godric.” James finally breathed as he stood from his chair.
“Godric had nothing to do with it, Prongsie.” Sirius called out as he waltzed into the infirmary – your arm in his. 
James all but shoved Sirius aside as he enveloped you in his arms. “Where have you been!?” 
You smiled sweetly – that damned dimple making an appearance to taunt Remus – and patted your friends back.
“Oh, I wasn’t far Jamie.”
Sirius let out a pfft from where he was now leaning against the wall at the end of Remus’ bed. “Not far she says. I found her with a herd of centaurs.”
“CENTAURS.” The three other boys shouted, earning them a dramatic shushing from the matron.
“Y/N, centaurs are very hostile towards wizard-kind.” Regulus spoke severely, albeit more quietly for Madame Pomfrey's benefit. 
“I don’t agree.” You said simply as you turned to look at Remus. “Are you feeling much better?” You asked him.
Your voice was so tranquil compared to the conversation with the boys, and even with Madame Pomfrey – Remus was sure if he was hooked up to a muggle heart monitor, his blood pressure would be dropping just from listening to you speak.
Keep smiling at him like that, though, and it might pick right back up.
“I am, Y/N. Thank you.”
You sighed in relief as you sat on the edge of the foot of Remus’ bed. “Oh good. I figured it’d be easier if I was gone.” 
Sirius and James’ necks looked like they might have snapped as they turned to look at you. The room fell painfully quiet as Sirius, James, and Remus all looked at each other and then to Regulus. 
Regulus seemed to understand his intrusion. “Uhm, right. Well, Y/N L/N, you are to never take off like that again without informing me. Got it?” He said severely. Remus is sure most people would have cowered, but you smiled sweetly and brushed his cheek.
"Okay, Reg."
Regulus offered you a curt nod and left the infirmary. Remus supposed that was likely as loving as Regulus Black could ever get. 
“What would have been easier if you were gone, Y/N?” James asked quietly.
“Well, the moon, of course.” You responded.
That muggle heart rate monitor? It’d be showing no signal at this point.
“I’m terribly sorry if your bond to me is causing you problems, Remus.” You offered solemnly. Remus thought this might be the most emotion he’d ever seen from you.
“It’s...it’s not your fault.” Remus croaked.
“Y/N, how much do you know?” Sirius asked.
You considered Sirius for a moment before responding. “About what?”
Sirius looked between the you and Remus before arching his brow at the latter. Remus grimaced and leaned forward to tap his finger against your hand that was closest to him to bring your attention to him.
“How much do you know about me?”
 “Well, I know your name is Remus Lupin. You’re from a town outside of Cardiff. You’re a Pisces, a Gryffindor, a werewolf, and a prefect. And you have a magical connection to me, it seems.” You said all too simply, head tilted as you searched his face for something.
Remus’ mind was reeling; it was reeling that you apparently knew he was a werewolf, and it was reeling at the fact that in a list of things you knew about him, that fact fell between him being a Gryffindor and a prefect and was not as important to you as his birth sign. 
“What’s his name?” You asked suddenly.
Remus shook his head as if to wake himself up. “I’m sorry?”
“The Wolf; what’s his name?”
Remus looked to Sirius who was staring at you with a terrified sort of awe, and then to James who looked both proud and smug that you’d figured it out.
“It’s Moony.” Remus whispered.
You smiled greatly at that. “A wonderful name.”
Sirius smirked at that – clearly chuffed his hard work was appreciated. 
“It’s fitting too – should have seen him mooning over you this weekend – this month even!” James said.
Remus threw a chocolate wrapper at him from his bedside table.
“I’m sure it’s difficult, feeling tied to someone so odd.” You offered quietly, and any friendly banter drained from the boys immediately.
“Y/N, that’s-” James started, but Remus interrupted.
“I’m so sorry to have made you believe that Y/N, but it’s just not true.” He said emphatically.
You tilted your head at him in intrigue. “No?”
He shook his head. “No. I was trying to keep you away from...Moony, from my infliction.” He admitted shamefully.
“Hm. Well, that didn’t work very well.” You said plainly, causing Sirius to bark a laugh.
“Most of his plans don’t, dollface.” He said through a chuckle.
“Oh, plans aren’t always a bad thing: it’s good to be prepared. But it’s important to plan to be spontaneous as well.”
“Plan to be spontaneous?” James asked incredulously.
“Oh yes,” you said severely. “I get my best work done that way.”
James seemed to consider this as Sirius sighed. “Yes, and, if you plan too much, auror’s throw around words like premeditated.”
You nodded in comradery. “Very true, Sirius.” 
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Continue to chapter six here.
Taglist: @hanniejji, @y0urm0m12, @c0nsc10usworld, @aphrcdites, @starsval, @thepunisherfrankcastle, @anuncalledbridge, @unstablereader, @rai-strangebr, @klazina-couch-potato, @cancelledkaley, @fandom-crashlanding, @ttulipwritezz, @boo8008, @daisiesformylove, @frostooo, @myriadmoons, @aremuslupinsimp, @simars3, @stargurl99, @dreamingofts18, @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface, @agent-tempest, @xxrougefangxx, @serenadingtigers, @adhxmoony, @spokenfolk, @hufflepufffangirlqueen, @thebiggestnaturaldisaster, @urmomw4ntsme, @b4tm4nn, @jamieolivia27, @stqrgirlies-blog, @loving-and-dreaming
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wileys-russo · 5 months
Mary Earps, "will you marry me"..."we're already married", nightclub/party/some sort of night out
marry me II m.earps
you weren't able to go to the game because of work but you'd heard how well mary played, score checking as often as you could when your boss wasn't looking though you knew he really wouldn't mind all that much being a united supporter himself.
finally on your afternoon break you'd had a chance to call her, getting the full recap on everything including what sounded like a rocket of a goal from both maya and ella, united going up 4-0 in one of their best games of the season.
it killed you to have to cut your wife off mid story but with only a couple minutes left mary was more than understanding as you promised to meet her with the team once you finished, not thinking you'd make it in time for dinner but they had plans to go out afterwards to a karaoke bar.
"-and i promise not to sing a single abba song until you arrive beautiful!" mary promised and you could hear the grin in her voice as you softened, the two of you having met when a rather tipsy mary had mistaken you for a friend and tried to sweep you off your feet to have a dance to voulez vouz years ago.
now it was your unspoken song, always making sure to get it requested whenever you went out with friends, the two of you in your own little bubble as you'd giggle and swing one another around like the lovesick idiots you really were.
telling her you loved her and again how proud you were of yet another clean sheet under her belt you ended the call and hurried back to your desk where a large number of emails awaited you.
you were somewhat grateful for how busy your afternoon was given that it made the rest of your shift fly past, your timer going to clock out jolting you from your chair almost as you saved the doc you were working on and shut down your monitor.
collecting your things you said your goodbyes to your coworkers and headed out, wishing you'd bought a second jacket as you speed walked from the office to the tube, settling a little once you were inside and headed home.
it was the same story as you power walked from the station to the bus, and then from the bus stop to your flat you shared with your girlfriend. your new years resolution this year had been to use public transport to get to work at least twice a week.
given the business you worked for operated seven days a week and you only worked five including like today the occasional weekend it was going quite well so far, even if also like today it was that little bit harder with the weather.
by the time you let yourself inside it was nearing half past seven, and still needing a shower and some food you sent your wife a message indicating as much with a promise to keep her updated on your eta.
you melted at her reply text, following her instructions and going to the fridge where indeed she'd already cooked you dinner earlier this morning, the food just needing to be heated up.
not wanting to chance spilling food on anything you ate before you showered, putting on the highlights of the match and watching on proudly with a smile, cheering as though you didn't already know the outcome.
finishing up you rinsed and stacked your bowl and the tupperware in the dishwasher which was nearly full, tossing a tablet in and clicking it on as you thanked your wife for the meal and ducked into the shower.
by the time you showered and changed, finally looking presentable, it was nearing nine and mary had already informed around twenty minutes ago they were headed to the bar from the restaurant and she'd see you there.
ordering an uber you slipped on your shoes and grabbed a jacket, greeting the driver but otherwise remaining quiet, grateful that he picked up on that and just turned the radio on as you messaged mary you'd arrived.
thanking the uber you stepped out and joined the small line to enter the bar, grateful for the jacket around your shoulders as a sharp breeze whipped through the night air.
you frowned a little when mary hadn't texted back, but assuming she just hadn't heard her phone you'd barely stepped foot into the bar before a couple of bodies tumbled into you.
"ya made it!" you laughed as millie lifted you into the air in a tight hug and ella hugged your other side, the two having spotted you enter from the bar as they hustled you back over with them to grab a drink.
you greeted a few more of the girls and their partners as you waited, looking around for your wife but unable to spot her. "you might want to prepare yourself babe." maya warned patting your shoulder and handing you your drink as you gave her a curious look.
"dumb and dumber here have been feeding mary shots so she's...a little bit tipsy." maya smiled apologetically as you chuckled, knowing from her tone that was clearly an understatement as you followed her back to the booths where most of the team was hanging around.
"hello beautiful!" you heard her before you saw her, the taller girl crashing into you as maya hurried to grab your drink from your hand or else you'd have wound up wearing it as your wife practically tackled you down onto the lounge.
"mary! watch out ya idiot." katie laughed with a shake of her head. "hi baby, having fun?" you smiled, taking your drink back off maya and settling it down on the table as mary sat up and nodded, arm draped securely over your shoulders.
"so much fun!" she giggled and you grinned at the bright red flush across her cheeks you knew only appeared when she'd had far too much to drink. "mm i can see that, whats this i hear about shots?" you teased sipping at your own drink.
"mary!" you groaned as you barely had a mouthful before the goalkeeper had taken it from your hand and downed it, her only response being to grab your face and smash her lips to yours causing your neck to warm and wolf whistles to ring out around you.
"okay okay! down girl." you laughed pushing at her chest as she again chased your lips with a grin. "no i missed ya, c'mere." she tugged at your dress as you shook your head. "you owe me a drink earps." you warned booping her nose with a grin.
"mary watch out!" you laughed again as she practically leapt over you and made a beeline for the bar, dragging millie along with her. "no more shots for her turner i mean it!" you yelled after them as millie only winked and you sighed.
turns out, there was more shots.
a couple of hours had passed since you'd arrived and having sung three times now both with your wife or friends you were ready to call it a night, mary barely able to hold her head up.
"i'm gonna get us an uber. can you help me get her up?" you chuckled to leah and millie, millie who had sobered up scarily fast considering you'd watched her do shot after shot with your wife who was near passed out on your shoulder.
"maz, baby. come on up we get, we're gonna head home!" you shook her lightly as her eyes fluttered open and she mumbled something incomprehensible and slumped back down. nodding to millie and leah once the uber was booked the girls helped mary up who thankfully could mostly walk herself once she was.
"for earps? thank you." you checked with the uber, leah shoving mary in the back as you sat down beside her and buckled her in, thanking both girls and waving them off as they made their way back inside.
"are we on the tube?" mary lifted her head squinting her eyes with a slur making you chuckle. "no you muppet, we're in an uber." you rubbed her knee as she hummed and collapsed into you with a grunt.
thankfully the bar wasn't too far from your flat as the uber pulled up outside and you gently pushed mary to sit up, exiting the car and quickly making your way to her door.
opening it you grunted as the girl near fell out, the sudden drop at least waking her up enough to allow you to pull her out of the car, closing the door and stumbling your way up the driveway.
"come on babe, work with me here!" you groaned as she leaned her much taller body into you with a moan and a mumble of something that wasn't english, your fingers freezing and struggling with the key in the door as you finally popped it open.
"down we go!" you dropped your wife onto the sofa as she giggled and blinked a few times, sighing as you hurried to the bedroom to change.
grabbing clothes for mary you joined her again in the living room rolling your eyes as she was now properly passed out, mouth hanging open and all.
"maz, maz baby." you crouched down beside her and poked at her as she groaned and swatted you away. "come on, we need to get you changed you idiot!" you laughed, shaking her a bit harder now as she awoke and you helped her groggily sit up.
"oh hello darling." mary slurred, grabbing your hands and tugging you down to sit on her lap. "when did you get here? i missed ya." she mumbled making you laugh and shake your head, well prepared to tease her relentlessly for this tomorrow.
you helped her get dressed, ignoring the comments about buying her dinner first and her little teenage giggles as with absolutely no assistance from your wife you managed to get her changed.
"you're so so beautiful." mary smiled lazily pulling you down onto her lap again making you sigh but crack a smile. "will you marry me? i think you should marry me." the goalkeeper grinned with hooded eyes making you laugh.
"we're already married my love." you grabbed her hand and held up your own, the taller girl squinting at the rings which sat on them. "oh lovely! tick that off the list then." she ticked mid air as you rolled your eyes.
"come on you big dope, time to go to bed with your wife."
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13uswntimagines · 8 months
Big Emotions II (Alessia X Leah x Child!Reader)
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Request: Please tell me there will be a part 2 to big emotions where she meets El and Mazza and Alessia finds out she got sad about the boos
Big Emotions Pt. 1
Warnings: none. cute kid fic.
You had never been so unhappy at a football match before. Even tucked into Leah’s chest with Squirt safely under your arm and your Batman blanket draped around you like a hooded cloak couldn’t make it better.
Leah thought that maybe the booing would stop after halftime, and she had made the mistake of suggesting it after the two of you had returned to your seats just behind the visitor's bench. She thought the crowd would calm down, and just enjoy the game. 
She was wrong. 
She had finally gotten you calmed down, munching on goldfish crackers, waiting for the half to start when the chanting began to echo around the stadium as the players started to filter out of the tunnel. 
Your eyebrows pulled tightly together at the fuck you Russo coming from the supporter's section, reverberating through every tier of Old Trafford. 
“They sayed a bad word,” You murmured, offering a cracker to Squirt before popping it in your mouth. 
Leah hummed, tucking her chin on your shoulder and pulling you closer to her chest. “They are,”
You knew about bad words. You had been in charge of the English training camp swear jar for many camps now because it was the only way to get the team to pay up. It was an adorable running gag the media staff would have absolutely posted had Alessia been alright with sharing your face with the general public. 
“No like,” You said, making your fish cracker swim into your mouth. You munched down on it, and pulled your blanket more tightly around you and Squirt. 
“I know,” Leah said, wrapping her puffy jacket around you and zipping it so you were nestled safely inside away from the cold. “We’ll just have to keep our cheering up to drown them all out huh?”
You nodded. “We cheer for Mama,” 
Leah hummed, hugging you more tightly to her. “They’re about to come out, do you want to wave?” 
“Mama see us?” You asked, your eyes already scanning the players emerging from the tunnel, searching for your mama. 
“Of course she will,” Leah promised, knowing Alessia always looked for you if you didn’t go to the locker room during halftime. Still, you got anxious that she wouldn’t find you and wave, especially as of late. “Mama loves us,” 
Your shoulders relaxed when you spotted Alessia’s familiar form, giggling with Ella as they made their way out of the tunnel. 
“Mama love us,” You echoed, lifting your little hand and waving towards Alessia. 
It only took her a second to see you, waving back enthusiastically and blowing you a kiss. You caught it, smiling widely despite the hate blaring from the fans around the stadium. 
You waved at Ella too and Mary, sending them a little heart hands with Leah’s help, frowning when the booing from the crowd only got louder as they all took their places on the pitch. 
Leah bounced you lightly, squeezing you to head off any ill feelings about the way the fans started various We Hate Russo chants, and to help you feel safe and secure. 
Though this time, they didn’t seem to bother you as much. 
You glanced back at the blonde defender. “We cheer for Mama,” 
She nodded. “We’ll cheer for Mama,” 
You looked back towards the field, snuggling back into her chest, and lifting Squirt so his head just peeked up out of the collar of Leah’s coat zipped around you. 
You would cheer so loud that Mama knew you were rooting for her. Then the whistle blew for the second half to begin. 
“El!!” you cheered, wiggling excitedly in Leah’s arms as the midfielder finally approached the two of you. 
You had been waiting very patiently after the game finished if you did say so yourself, not complaining as the players shook hands and did their mandatory lap and huddle before you and Leah were allowed down on the pitch. 
“Hey, little bit!” She cheered, pulling you out of Leah’s arms and spinning you in circles, your blanket fluttered out behind you like a cape. 
Leah couldn’t help but smile at your giggles of delight. 
It was an effect Ella always had on you, even when you were grumpy. 
“Hey,” Alessia said, wrapping her arms around Leah’s waist. 
Leah leaned back into her taller frame. “Hey love, great game,” 
“Thanks,” Alessia smiled, her dimples poking out. She took a glance back at you, determining that you were thoroughly distracted by Ella, before leaning in for a very quick kiss. 
“Little miss greatly enjoyed your goals,” Leah said as Alessia pulled back. 
“And what about you?” The striker asked, wiggling her eyebrows. 
You loved pretty much anything she did, but Leah was harder to impress. At least she pretended to be.
“They were ok,” Leah shrugged, glancing at you again, her face turning serious. “But I need to talk to you about something,”
Alessia matched her expression, raising an eyebrow as if to say go on. 
“We had a bit of a meltdown after the fans started booing,” Leah explained, her voice lowering so the players still milling around them would have a harder time eavesdropping. “I’m pretty sure it’ll be all over the media with the number of cameras on us,” 
“Wonderful,” Alessia sighed. 
She did her best to keep you off social media. She had heard stories of people using it to find and exploit children, and she wanted to keep you as far from that as she could. She wanted to protect you as much as she could. 
“She also wanted to make sure that neither of us were leaving,” Leah continued, glancing back towards you as Ella placed you on the ground, letting you hold her hand as you gained your footing. “We might want to have a chat with her later, with lots of cuddles and reassurances,” 
“Of course,” Alessia agreed, she had already been planning on it, especially with how withdrawn you had been since Leah was away. 
She knew it stemmed from whatever had made you so terrified that they would leave you, but that didn’t help her when she was trying to calm you down. The only cure would be to be surrounded by both of them, she was sure. 
“Munchkin!” Mary cheered as El flew you in her direction, tossing you up (very gently) so the keeper could catch you in her outstretched hands. 
“Mazza!” You matched her excitement giggling loudly as she tossed you in the her again and caught you, spinning you in a tight circle. 
“How’s my favorite striker in training?” Mary asked, ticking your belly as she fixed the too large England jersey covering your frame. 
You shrugged, a smile playing at your lips. “Ok, manu let me score. No stop my penalty,”
Mary chuckled, helping Ella tuck your Batman blanket back around your shoulders. “Well maybe you’re just too good,” 
“Better than your mama,” Ella added. 
Your nose scrunched and you shook your head. “No one better than Mama. Just no try stop,”
“We could test it out,” Mary suggested. “See if you’ve lost your skills,” 
Her and Ella expected you to agree instantly, as you were obsessed with scoring goals on both of them. Practicing your penalties and passing was a hallmark of any time you spent with them. 
But you didn’t. 
You shrugged again, tucking yourself into Mary’s frame instead of wiggling excitedly like you normally would. 
Ella and Mary shared a look. 
“Do you want to shoot on Mazza?” Ella asked you more directly, rubbing your back. 
You shook your head. “No,” 
Mary frowned. “Why munchkin?”
You were quiet for a long second before you left your hiding place long enough to look at them. 
“No want boo,” You said softly, glancing at the lingering fans still in the stands. “Or sayed the bad word,” 
“They won’t boo you,” Ella said, brushing her thumb across your cheek. “You’re too cute to boo,” 
“Boo Mama,” You explained. “Cause she lefted. But I lefted too,” 
Mary and Ella shared another look, the weight of what you were telling them more acute than any three-year-old should understand. You should be oblivious to how unfair the football fans could be. Oblivious to the cruelty that the world could show. 
But you weren’t. 
“Sweetie, it doesn’t matter what the fans do,” Mary said gently. “But they won’t boo you, because you didn’t leave them,” 
“I did!” You insisted, your volume going up and drawing the attention of a few of the players still milling about. “Make friends with the Gooners. Play with them,” 
“I know,” Mary soothed, as Ella caught the eye of your mama. “But it’s different. They’re not booing your mama because she made friends with the Arsenal girls. They’re booing her because they don’t understand why she left,” 
“Be with Leah and with me,” You said, your tiny eyebrows furrowing, and a little crinkle appearing between them. “No weave me,” 
“She will never leave you,” Ella agreed, rubbing your back. “You’re right. She moved so she could spend more time with you and Leah, and that’s ok. The fans just don't know how to process their big emotions,” 
“People act like meanie butt heads when they no say why they sad,” You said, repeating a version of what your mama and Leah told you anytime you were trying to process your own emotions. 
When you didn’t tell your Mama or Leah that you felt yucky inside, they couldn’t help you, or make you feel better. They couldn’t help you put names to your feelings. 
“That’s right bug,” Alessia hummed, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. She was magic after all and had special powers like all mamas did (Leah was still learning how to use hers). “They just don’t know how to use their words to explain it,” 
“Mama,” You sighed, instantly reaching your arms out to her, and snuggling into her neck when she took you from Mary. “I cheer to make them not boo,”
“I know love bug. You did so well,” She said, keeping her voice soft and beginning to rock you gently. “You were so loud that I couldn’t even hear them,” 
You settled deeper into her, one of your hands twisting the collar of her Kit top, and the other squeezing squirt more securely under your arm as you buried your nose in her neck. 
“Scored goal past Mazza,” You murmured, your voice barely audible from your hiding space. 
“I did,” She hummed, scratching your back as she adjusted your Batman blanket. “Do you wanna score on Mazza too?”
You were quiet for a long second before Alessia felt you yawn against her skin. “No,” 
“Ok love,” She said, as Ella and Mary both awed at how cute you were, and Leah approached. 
She wasn’t surprised that you were tired, considering that you had been up for most of the night, and the night before that. It was always bound to catch up with you. 
“Cuddle with Mama and Leah,” You murmured, blinking out from Alessia’s neck to Leah. “No weave again,” 
“No, no one is leaving,” Leah said, smoothing down your wild curls, and Alessia rocked you a bit more insistently. “We’re both here, and we’re not going anywhere,”
You made a small noise in neither agreement nor disagreement, snuggling impossibly closer to your mama. 
“And we’re not leaving either,” Mary said, wrapping an arm around Alessia’s shoulder as Ella wrapped her arms around your mama’s middle from the other side. “You’re stuck with us for life kid,”
Leah ran her fingers through your hair, and your eyes drooped. 
You felt safe and warm and loved, surrounded by your Mama, and your Leah and Mazza and El. 
They would cheer for you even if the rest of the world booed.
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strugglingsapphic · 2 months
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Chloe and Red are in their dorm when Ella calls the blue haired princess. Red is laying on her bed scrolling through her phone, and her girlfriend is at her desk doing homework. Chloe picks up at the first ring,
"Salut maman!"
Reds head snaps up, suddenly very invested in this phone call. Was that french she just heard?
"Bonjour mon petit amour, qu'est-ce que tu fais"
Holy shit, that was totally french. Chloe could speak french.
"Je fais mes devoirs à mon bureau, c'est une alchimie"
"Très bien chérie, et qu'en est-il de ta petite amie?"
"Arrête maman! et Red va bien, elle est sur son lit avec son téléphone"
Okay that was definitely her name Chloe just said, were they talking about her?
"Tu sais que j'aime juste taquiner chérie."
"Je connais maman mais c'est toujours embarrassant"
Oh they were definitely talking about her if Chloe's blush is anything to go by.
"Ok Chloé. Je dois y aller maintenant mais n'oublie pas que ton père et moi venons à ta rencontre cette semaine"
"Oui maman, je m'en souviens, ne t'inquiète pas."
The wonderland princess couldn't help but smile. She could see how Chloe's eye lit up the longer this conversation went on. She looked so cute talking in french, Red would definitely need her to do it more.
"Très bien, je t'aime, au revoir chérie"
"Je t'aime aussi maman, au revoir"
Chloe turns to her girlfriend after ending the call, Red's mouth is turned up in a smile and her eyes are shining bright. "What's got you cheesin so much?"
"I didn't think i could fall in love with you anymore than i already have."
That draws a squeak from Chloe who ducks her chin into her chest, like she was trying to disappear, "Note to self, you like it when i speak french"
For @bigmilk-13 (i saw ur post and it might not be what u were envisioning but i feel like this could be a scenario!)
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hurts2think · 2 months
Hi I just thought of this but could you maybe do Bridgette x fem reader? Reader is like how Evie was in d2 and making everyone’s dresses for castlecoming? She’s making Bridgette’s dress and Bridgette was originally supposed to go with Ella but since Ella is grounded she has no one to go with. Reader has a crush on her and asks her to go instead
🎀Young!Bridget Hearts x Reader🎀
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Young!Bridget Hearts x Fem!reader
Plot: Reader is making everyone's dresses for Castlecoming but isn't going herself. Afterall, the only girl she wants to go with is going with someone else. That is, until her date cancels on her last minute.
Word Count: 1.4k
Extra: I'm sorry this one feels very flat and definitely not my best writing, regardless thank you so much for your support. I get so happy to see you guys like my writing🫶🥹
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Castlecoming comes only once a year but it was nothing you were too fond of. Well, except for the fact it was the time of year you made the most money.
Towards the end of Freshman year you started making dresses, suits, jackets, anything you could think of really to sell. It's been a hobby of yours for your entire life, making dresses out of curtains and safety pins, and one day you got really good at it.
It was actually your friend Bridget who suggested you should start making money off of it.
So then, on every school dance, event, or occasion that a specific person had, you were commissioned to make their dress or suit. You loved what you did and you were proud of it. But now, making all these dresses for Castlecoming made you feel a little... Sad.
Sad that no one had asked you, sad that the only girl you wanted to go with was going with someone else, and sad you'd be missing out on the biggest event of the year. Again.
You tried to put all of the aside and just focus on the dress you're making, but it was hard considering it was being worn by the girl you wished you could go with so deeply.
"Does the bodice fit you okay? Is it too tight?" You asked, adjusting the bodice from behind the pink girl to fit her.
"Oh, it's perfect." She replied, trying her best to hold still while you worked.
You didn't say anything at first, but Bridget seemed a little down. The past couple days you saw her she was practically bursting with excitment. Her best friend, Ella, had asked her to the dance and she was so excited to go. Honestly, when she told you, you wanted to be happy for her but you couldn't help but feel a little jealous.
But now you couldn't help but notice Bridget didn't seem very excited and was pretty quiet compared to her usually self.
"So, uhm, is something wrong?" You finally ask after a long silence while you still work on the little details and fixing the measurements of her dress.
Bridget shifted slightly at the question, "Yeah everything's fine." She laughed half heartedly, "It's just... Ella got grounded the other day. So we won't be able to go to Castlecoming together."
You were honestly a little surprised to hear that. What was Ella grounded for? Was Bridget still going to Castlecoming? "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." You say quietly, "Are you going with someone else?"
Though you couldn't see Bridget's face, you could tell she had that sad smile she does occasionally. The sad smile that could crush your heart into a million pieces, "No. But, I figured I should go anyway. I did already pay for the dress, right?" She laughed awkwardly.
For another moment you stayed silent.
You knew Ella and Bridget were only going to the dance together as friends, so maybe you did have a chance with Bridget. But she seemed so sad, it felt like maybe it wasn't the right time to ask her. You would feel like an awful person if you tried using her misfortune for your own sake. "So there's... No one else you'd want to go with?"
Bridget sighed, "Well you and Ella are my only friends... And you already said you weren't going. So not really..."
"Uhm. I said that?" You laughed nervously, knowing full well you did in fact tell her you weren't going.
She looked over her bare shoulder to look at you in the face, "Yeah. You said dances weren't your style and that you wanted to focus on making everyone's outfits."
You glance away from her before clearing your throat, "That does sound like something I probably said..." You trailed off, "But ... Maybe I changed my mind." You say bashfully, only glancing in Bridget's direction.
Her face suddenly lit up and she spun around so her whole body was facing you, "Oh my gosh! You're going? Did someone ask you out? Who was it?" Her whole attitude suddenly changed, basically bursting at the seams with happiness for you.
You felt your face heat up a little embarrassment, "No—! No! No one asked me... I just thought uhm, maybe it would be fun."
Bridget smiled brightly and took your hand that wasn't currently holding a needle and thread, "We should totally go together then! If you have no one to go with, and I have no one to go with, it works perfectly." She giggles, spinning herself under your arm, careful to not mess up her dress.
You felt your face heat up at the declaration and her sudden action, "Oh, uhm,"
"And we can take tons of pictures with my new camera, it'll be so fun! I heard it's just as fun to go with friends than with a date." She continued with her glowing smile.
That smile made your heart beat faster. You slowly let go of her hand, "About that, Bridget..." You start, unsure of what the right words were.
Her expression suddenly turned to concern. "Oh! Do you not want to? I'm sorry, it's okay if you don't want to go together." She reassured, though she definitely looked disappointed.
"No no! It's not that! I do want to go with you, I really do," you say, your heart beating a little faster at the thought of what you wanted to say.
You never felt so nervous before. Asking one of your best friends to a dance in a not-so-friendly way was a little terrifying. You didn't want to ruin the wonderful friendship you had with her in case things turned wrong.
"Then what is it..?" She asked, her tone was so soft. She was always so soft and sweet. She felt like a bouquet of pink flowers with pedals that feel like silk.
You take a deep breath and look her in the eye, "I was just hoping maybe... We could go as... More than friends...?" You finally asked, feeling like you were about to collapse from the anxiety of it.
Bridget's eyes suddenly widened in surprise, "Wait, wait... Really?"
You averted your eyes away, still incredibly embarrassed and just nodded your head without a word.
Bridget suddenly squealed in excitement, and threw her arms around you, "I would love to!"
The hug caught you off guard but you smiled and hugged her back. She hugged you tighter, making it hard for you to breathe and also worry that she would tear her unfinished dress, "Bridget! The dress!" You warn.
She let go of you, "Sorry sorry, I guess I just got excited," she giggled before grabbing your hand again with both of hers, "I'm so happy you asked me."
You smiled and looked at her with such admiration in your eyes, "Well... Let's get this dress done before we run of our of time." You chuckle, smoothing out her dress that got wrinkled from the intense hug.
Bridget laughed, "Yeah. That's probably a good idea. Thank you." She said, leaning forward and kissing you on the cheek, making your face burn again.
"You're the one paying me for the dress..." You laugh softly.
"That's not what I meant." Bridget fidgeted with your hand that was intertwined with yours, "Thank you for asking me. You really are wonderful. If I were to go with anyone to the dance as more than friends, I'm glad it's you."
All of this talk was making you flustered to the break of explosion. Bridget really was the sweetest girl in the world. It was hard to believe she even remotely felt the same way about you, "I guess it's just easy for me to recognize how amazing someone can be." You smile widely.
Bridget giggled yet again, "Maybe after Castlecoming, if you don't decide that you regret asking me, we could maybe be more than friends? Like, girlfriends?" She asked with a bashful smile, her own face turning slightly pink.
You nodded quickly, "I'd really love that." You could never regret this decision. Bridget was so amazing and perfect in every way, how could you ever not want to be her girlfriend?
You couldn't wait to dance with her. You couldn't wait to see her in the finished dress with her hair done and looking beautiful as ever. You couldn't wait to spin her around and watch the sparkly pink hearts on her dress glimmer in the lights. You couldn't wait to hold her after the dance and just giggle to each other all night long.
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