#Also for the valley they live in
amybizarre · 1 month
More Headcanons for the Cottagecore AU
Like II Siad, I already posted this on Wattpad and AO3, which is why I can post these so quickly one after the other, lol..
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(Cottagecore! Julie sketch for your enjoyment ^^ + more content under the cut)
Wally is an artist through and through. It's one of his special interests that he burns for with never ending passion. It's hard to buy art supplies in and around their village, so Wally taught himself how to make them from scratch! Brushes and paint are easy enough. Making a canvas is a bit more difficult though and he doesn't always have all materials. Thankfully this isn't a big problem with his creativity! Anything can be a canvas! From stones, to wood, to plates, to clothes, anything! If his neighbors want anything to look more beautiful, Wally is the first one to turn to! His other special interest is you of course! And his other neighbors!^^
Howdy HCs!
1) He is a big floof! With an even bigger heart!^^
2) His green fur has lots of little darker spots and speckles, that look a lot like freckles! They cover his back and shoulders, including his upper arms.
3) Because of his fur and the hard work he does every day, he rarely wears a shirt during the warm seasons. Overalls and a straw hat will have to do.
4) He cares very much for the other neighbors. As the only farmer in the valley, he views it as his top priority to keep everyone fed.
5) If he hears about any of his neighbors having a shortage of supplies or trouble to pay for what they need, Howdy will be the first to give it to them. For free!
6) He will vehemently refuse payment in this situation.
7) People who help him on his farm, will often go home with their arms full of goods and gifts at the end of the day.
8) As a caterpillar food is his greatest joy! Especially sweet little treats to sweeten the day every now and then!
Poppy HCs!
1) Poppy's house is a giant, old tree stump!
2) The top of it, or better, the roof, is accessible of course and functions as a terrace.
3) Poppy loves to drink tea up there!
4) She also invites neighbors over for cake and tea pretty often.
5) She's a kind and gentle momma bird. <3
6) Poppy loves to teach her neighbors everything about cooking, baking, herbs and everything else she collects or does in the forest! All they need to do is ask!
7) Sometimes she will accidentally call her conversation partner "child" or "my child". Simply because of her motherly attitude. The others don't mind and happily embrace the nicknames.
8) Another reason Poppy views the other neighbors as children is, because she's the oldest one in the village!
9) A bit more spooky: Poppy can sense and sometimes even see spirits!
10) She wouldn't call herself a medium though. Poppy prefers the term light witch.
Julie HCs!
1) Julie regularly accompanies Poppy on her walks.
2) Yes, she can still talk to plants! ^^
3) She looooves flowery dresses and these big fancy hats with a wide rimb and ribbons or flower ornaments.
4) Julie has a giant greenhouse, where she grows the flowers for the village.
5) In her greenhouse is also a spot to sit down at a small table and share tea or gossip.
6) Her and Frank often meet in front of the community center to tend to the flowers there. When they do, they share the latest news and gossip and just can't stop talking!
7) Julie and Frankie are besties! ^^
8) To get him out of his study more often, she usually insists to take him along on walks through the valley. They are looong walks that sometimes even take the whole day.
9) Unfortunately her sense of direction isn't the greatest though and they get lost frequently. :(
Frank HCs!
1) Frankie sadly does not have a lot of stamina and tires from physical activities quickly. :,)
2) While the ground floor of the community center is open for anyone, the top floor is not, because it's where Frank lives!
3) The top floor is basically an attic, but he made it a cozy place.
4) His study is a very messy, chaotic space. It feels pretty stuffed with how many shelves, books, tables filled with papers and storage boxes are in there.
5) According to Frank however there is supposed to be order to the chaos. Welp, you know what they say: Only a genius reigns over the chaos-
6) If you ask him about his notes about a subject, he'll go up there and find them for you in a heartbeat!
7) Frank has crazy photographic memory. Thanks to that he's always able to bring Julie and himself back home whenever they get lost. It's also useful for remembering where stuff is.
8) Frankie mostly studies anything entomology! Yep, still a bug enthusiast.
9) He studies insects mostly for the fun of it. But it is his dream to publish a scientific paper one day.
10) Light academia vibes for his clothing style, baby!
Eddie HCs!
1) Instead of his usual post hat he's wearing a vintage newsboy cap.
2) Eddie has a few of those in different colors. Those being brown, grey, grey and white checkered, olive and a dull blue! Looks like he's got the start of a collection going. ;)
3) He gets spooked easily.
4) He's actively trying to get over his fear of bugs, so he can spend more time with Frank.
5) Whenever he's helping Howdy on his farm, he makes sure to give the baby animals extra pets.
6) His favorites are the chickens and calves.
7) The animals really seem to love him and would become protective of him if neccessary.
8) With plants on the other hand... He's not that lucky. Eddie does not have a green thumb. And whenever he stands under a fruit tree for example, a fruit always ends up falling onto his head. It's comical how this event is practically guaranteed to happen.
Sally HCs!
1) Her styleof music is very calm and serene. There's a sense of longing in her songs that's hard to describe. It's not clear what exactly she's longing for.
2) Sally has a beautiful singing voice, that easily captures her audience.
3) She doesn't mind starting duets with her neighbors. In fact, she encourages them!
4) Sally believes that everyone has a good singing voice. You just need to find it! ^^
5) Her guitar broke at one point. She managed to fix it and now the neck of the instrument is replaced by a birch branch.
6) Sometimes she will host a small poetry competition for the village. The task usually is to write a short poem about a set theme.
7) She likes to collect the poems after each competition and turn them into small booklets, which she gives to the library so everyone can read them anytime.
8) When she's not strumming away on her instruments she is often found lounging around in one of her favorite spots, engulfed in poetry books from well-known authors.
Barnaby HCs!
1) When Sally hosts her poetry competitions, Barnaby likes to open the event with a comedic skit!
2) For some reason his poems also always turn into jokes at the end. It slightly upsets Sally, that he's not taking her competitions seriously.
3) He just can't help it though. It's in his blood!
4) Him and Howdy are great buddies, who regularly crack up to each other's jokes.
5) No matter what his neighbors need help with, any job that requires a handy man, inside or outside of the house, he's always ready to help. And happy to do so as well!
6) When he's taking time off of his odd jobs, Barnaby can often be found hanging out with Wally, accompanying him on his artsy escapades. Be it on the search for more ingredients for art supplies or a new scenic view to paint; or even if it's just to help Wally carry his easel; the blue doggo will be right there with him!
HCs for YOU! ^^
1) You're a doctor in this AU! Fresh out of medical school too-
2) You moved into their village, because they didn't have a doc yet. You may not own a clinic, but your small little cottage provides more than enough space.
3) Speaking of your cottage, it's a charming, rustic little building with a thatched roof. It is hugged by vines and surrounded by your herb garden.
4) On your first morning in the village, Wally knocked on your door to introduce himself. You invited him for tea in your garden, which he happily agreed to.
5) It was a foggy and cool morning though, and the little fella was not wearing a jacket. When you saw him shiver in his chair, you wasted no time and put your cardigan around his shoulders.
6) When you did, his pupils dilated in joy.
7) Welp, and that's how you lost your cardigan forever-
Facts about the setting!
1) The village lies within a vast valley. Blue mountains surround it all around, exept for a small passageway between them.
2) Aside from the village, the valley is filled with ongoing flower fields, grassy hills, a clear river running through them and a comparatively dark forest.
3) Spring is probably the most beautiful time of year, when most of nature is blooming and coming back to life. The temperatures are at a comfortable level, were a cozy jacket is more than enough to keep you warm. It does get a little windy still though.
4) It doesn't get too hot during summer. But it does get warm enough to take a dip in the river. The occasional breeze will reliably move the clouds away from the sun.
5) Autumn is a quite stormy season, with its typical golden days sprinkled into the mix. It's raining a lot more often during this season. All flora takes on a golden and orange hues in this season.
6) There's typically a lot of snow fall during the winter, with the eventual blizzard rolling by. It's the season of lit fireplaces and hot cocoa. Of fuzzy sweaters, thick coats, big shawls and beanies. Especially because the mountain air becomes bitter cold during winter.
7) The valley has many, many breathtaking views to offer. They're Wally's favorite motifs to paint! He just wants to capture the beauty of his home and of his neighbors sharing this lovely home with him.
That's all I have for now. (Still a whole lot, probably-) If you want to know anything else about this AU ort he characters, feel free to ask! ^^
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sofiaruelle · 3 months
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❄️☃️The SDV Girlies in their winter garb!☃️❄️
One side how i interpreted their lil avatars and then the other side is just me playing dress up lmao.
“Bois when?” Dunno. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I will if anyone donates screenshots.
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kagoutiss · 3 months
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pelican town, ‘72
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ryllen · 5 months
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do u know that even the size of the different size of vegetables at another country amazed me because from where i came from they are all smaller and scrawnier
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#to remind u guys if u're thinking about something naughty stop right there; the different size of the food served is also surprising#twisted wonderland#twst#sebek zigvolt#ace trappola#deuce spade#twst yuu#twst mc#fanart#do westerners go to asian country feels like they are served dwarf's portion#because as an asian; it always feel like we are served giant's portion; not exaggerating bcs we can never finish it#understandable because westerners can grow so tall so they must need more energy to burn#it's like if we order food; we asians always have to have a tupperware to take leftover home#but the price of the food in all the food places is so expensive it's reasonable the portion is big#i might ignite if paying so much we only get rabbit portion#anyhow i am just thinking of this because of the briar valley's big horse post#i do love to think everything is bigger in briar valley#the trees are all so lushfull and majestic like they all have lived a thousand years already#and the vegetables all just grow happily and absorb so much nutrient from the soil they are so big also#i was thinking of drawing e pel too but the space#while to people who born in this country feels things like these are normal#the thought of being able to be born in such a country where the produce all looking so big and healthy is such a blessing to me#it almost feels like they take it for granted; but it's just what they are born to#i have a nephew who is SUPER picky & waste food so much#i am crying everytime#yes y'all have a lot of food and good life here but h e l p#i'm sure the climate also makes vegetables bigger#i think i heard in winter plants stock more nutrients in their produce as stock for spring & summer#that's why winter veggies are better & sweeter and all#my country's vegetables are scrawny because the heat evaporates everything
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jamieleecvrtis · 8 months
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The Fall of the House of Usher CARLA GUGINO | The Masque of the Red Death
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theasnewgroove · 5 months
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I’m back with my bs everyone-
I started this pile of drawing back in the end of 2023, and I could just finished it lol life is too busy for me.
But here I am, with a bunch of SamSeb doodles.. because i am still normal about them. (More babbling under the cut)
But fr they’re my Stardew townie OTP and I’m going to die on that hill. And million thanks to the modding community, I could make them dating in the game hehehe (I HIGHLY recommend the Sam x Seb rival heart event mod).
These drawings are mostly based on my little hcs I have about them in my head. The two at the top were inspired by listening Sk8r Boy by Avril Lavigne, boy do i think that song is a perfect match for them.
The second row is about them having frequent game nights/sleepovers, and Sam is the (sore) loser every time he plays with Seb lol. He is just in for the funsies.
The mini - comic is based off of this post.
The bottom right drawing is kind of my favorite there. I imagine that Sebastian isn’t much of a PDA guy, but indoors? He is a cuddle bug and you canNOT change my mind… and Sam knows it too.
That’s it, i hope you enjoy this piece!! <3
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 168
So. Apparently halfas are like phoenixes or something, which Danny would’ve really liked to know. 
See, usually with ghosts if they’re forced to retreat to their cores they reform as was, but apparently, since they’re still partially living, schrodinger's people and all that, halfas have to regrow their body from scratch. At least that’s what he’s understanding from Frostbite. 
But how come he has to deal with it? It’s Dan’s fault for trying to pull such a stunt! Oh, it’s either him or Vlad? Well fuck, he might have calmed down and is going to therapy in both the living realm and the Zone, but he’s waaay not equipped to raise a child except for like, monetarily wise. 
Well dammit, how long will this core incubation thing last, he has his new job in… let him check which offer he accepted again… He has his new job in Coast City that he needs to finish packing for and then all the rest of the stuff to do. 
What do you mean it’ll take months?! He doesn’t have months?! Urgh, fine. At least being a mortician isn’t that exciting, nor dangerous. Just hand him Dan’s core and he’ll figure things out for the living side of things. He’s sure Tucker and Sam wouldn’t be against helping, if only to try and claim favorite aunt or uncle spots. 
#dcxdp#dpxdc#prompts#Coast City is where Hal Jordan lives hilarious enough#I just chose a random city but honestly a green lantern city is hilariously on brand for where Danny would choose to move#He’s just a cheerful space core dude who is glaring down several ghosts & helping others move on while he’s working#He’s also slightly uncanny valley to people outside of Amity & doesn’t realize it#He runs into a reporter Wes at some point & okay the fact he looks like the lady doing math meme when seeing Dan?#Utterly hilarious#Danny holding a newborn with matching slightly pointy ears and claws :)#Wes who is *pretty sure* Danny is cis but is second guessing everything now:#Danny is going to do his best to avoid any hero BS#He’s trying to do his JOB#Who cares if he brings his baby to work he needs to eat and he isn’t going to hire a babysitter#Bby Jordan tried to set the house on fire during his last tantrum do you THINK anyone else can deal with him? That’s what he thought now ou#Ellie visits as well & straight up melts out of the wall sometimes like a horror movie#She has weaponized her goo powers and is also excited to show her dad her new gravity ones#Space Core Danny + Fire Core Vlad = Sun Core Dan#Ellie has a Moon core (something something phases of the moon & travelling across the night sky)#Danny is encountering so many rogues and heroes and just doesn’t acknowledge it because he has a literal BABY who can destroy the entire JL#He’s very tired and would like a nap now
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moeblob · 1 month
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So with the Community Center done + both harem routes taken... Asmodeus♡ proposed! In Marnie's kitchen. Like a classy individual.
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eilarae · 21 days
Stardew Valley Discourse: A Summary
shane: i have depression
person: aww poor sweetie im so sorry ily im always here for u
shane: *exhibits symptoms of depression*
the same person: ew there's no excuse for that
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dreammeiser · 1 month
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🪄 Dear Mad March Hare, Sweet Rose of May 🌈
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mercury-and-scry · 3 months
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with the 1.6 update, I revamp my extremely normal and average farmer.
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suntails · 2 years
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the weight of the crown
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sunsetzer · 3 months
I'm playing with the Immersive Elliott Wedding mod installed and I absolutely love that he uses Scottish Gaelic terms of endearment for the farmer and references being from an in-universe equivalent to Scotland, it's all the author's own headcanons as far as I'm aware but I love thinking about this exact kind of thing for characters- where did they come from, what might their culture be, what traditions do they practice. Also I can't not picture him with a Scottish accent now and I'm fine with that.
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nuppu-nuppu · 2 months
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I watched the moomins this morning <3
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chiquitin-o · 12 days
elliott finally asked if we wanted to adopt (I said yes) and literally the next day he said he needed to go on tour for his book. I feel like a pregnant woman whose husband was just drafted for war
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napping-sapphic · 3 months
bad news is that im stuck in another one of my random periods of insomnia but GOOD NEWS is that the recent update dragged me by the throat back into being a lesbian in stardew valley so i have something to occupy all my awake time at the very least
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