#Also orange gummies are amazing
giggly-squiggily · 2 years
HI HI OMG AJNSOAK XOXO forrrrrr reki and Miya pls!! (Platonic obviously :)) TYYYY OMG SHDNSK
HI HELLO WHAT'S UP KERKJKREJK This is super cute! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D
XOXO- "Hey, do you like raspberries?"
“Mmm~ Want some?” Reki offered a bag of fruit gummies to Miya, making the smaller kid look up.
“Got any green apples?” He peeked inside, scrunching his nose at the overwhelming amount of orange ones. “Ew, orange. No thanks.”
“What? What’s wrong with orange?” Reki asked, surprised. He had yet to know anyone who didn’t like orange flavored candy- even Cherry liked them, and he wasn’t that into sweets.
“Orange is so gross! It tastes like glue.” Miya shook his head as Reki popped an orange candy in his mouth. “Of course slime like you would have garbage tastes.”
“Oh? Do I now?” Reki tossed his gummies on his skateboard before grabbing the smaller skater, pulling him into his lap. “Says the guy who hates orange candy! What’s your favorite, huh? I bet you like grape.” He started gently tickling Miya’s ribs, laughing when said boy started squirming. “You probably love grape!”
“Gehahahhahahape suuhuhuhucks toohohohohhooho! Geahhahahaha, stahhahap it slihihihihime!” Miya squeaked, trying to elbow the other away. “Geheheheht ohohohohohff!”
“No way! First you insult my two favorite flavors, and then you insist on calling me slime! The audacity!” Reki mock gasped, one hand tickling Miya’s belly while the other moved to his knee. “Okay, picky eater- what about blueberry?”
“Ahehahhahahahha! Nohohohoohohohooho!”
“No to blueberries or no to tickling you?” Reki teased, a new idea coming to mind. “Oh, I know! Miya- do you like raspberries?”
“Thahahaht’s not ehehhehven a guhuhuhmmy-AHHAAHHA NOHOHOOHOHO!” The brunette all but squealed when Reki blew a massive one against the back of his neck, his hands working the hem of his hoodie for their next spot. “REHEHEHHEHEKI STHAHAHHAP IHIHIHIHIT!”
“Aww, are you too ticklish?” Reki cooed, easily maneuvering Miya so he was lying sideways in his lap. “Take back what you said about orange flavored gummies and I’ll let you go!”
“Nehehehhehhhever!” Miya declared stubbornly. Reki all but grinned.
“Your funeral, kid.” He winked before diving his head down, blowing another massive raspberry in the center of Miya’s stomach. The younger boy shrieked, yanking on Reki’s hair as he kicked his feet helplessly.
“OHOOHOHOKAY OHOOHOHOKAY YOHOOHOU WIHIIHIN! I TAHHAHAHKE IT BAHAHAHCK!” Miya cried after the second raspberry came to be. Reki cackled as he sat up, letting the other roll off his lap. “Ahehehehe…ehehehehehe…s-screhehehew you!”
“Love you too, bud.” Reki grinned, tossing another orange gummy in his mouth. He shook the bag at Miya invitingly, earning a tired eye roll.
“Ugh, fine.” Miya reached in, smiling when he found his green apple gummy. “But orange still sucks though.”
~Send me a pairing and a candy heart phrase~
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idontplaytrack · 22 days
Hello hun I don’t know if you’re taking requests right now but I had an idea
Rejanis (+ Regina little sister reader)
Regina’s birthday surprise
Regina and Janis moved to New York after high school for college and as a surprise Jains secretly arranged for reader to come visit for Regina’s birthday
(Maybe a little secret texting between Janis and reader)
It’s been waiting for you
Janis ‘Imi’ike x Regina George(+ little sister reader)
Warnings: coarse language, fluff
In which Janis surprises Regina with her biggest birthday gift of the year
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Janis had been keeping this part of the plan a secret from Regina for weeks. And it was hard to do so considering they now told each other everything, being a couple and all. But, Regina’s birthday was coming up and Janis was going to fly you into New York so you could surprise your sister for her birthday. You finally had a school break lined up soon too, so that was perfect. You have not seen them in a few months— ever since they moved out of Chicago for college while you started your junior year of high school. Janis generously paid for your flight to the city, which you fought her for, but she did not want a single cent from you.
“Hi, birthday girl.” Janis smooches her on the cheek and hugged her from behind, the artist’s cheek pressed against her upper back. “Good morning.”
“G’morning.” The blonde turned around and pecked her on the lips. “How’d you sleep?”
“I know, I went to bed really late, but it’s worth it.” Janis grins. Regina squinted at the smaller girl, “what trick do you have up your sleeve?”
“You’ll see, Reg.” Janis chuckles, “I think you’ll love it. And me.”
“I do love you.” Regina snorted, laughing.
Janis shrugged, “Well, even more.”
“Okay…” Regina lets go from the hug, “What’s for breakfast?”
“French toast.” Janis announced, “Sit down, let’s eat.”
Regina sat down opposite the brunette, grabbing a fork and stabbing it into the stack of French toast on her plate.
“Oh, by the way… I’ve to go get a couple things after breakfast.”
“Right.” Regina quirked a brow. “Where ya headed?”
“Oh, not far. Just last minute decorations and art supplies.”
“On my birthday?”
“Decorations.” Janis repeated.
“Sure.” Regina shrugged, “Don’t take too long, though. I’ll miss you.”
“Well, aren’t you sweet?” Janis teased, “Okay, eat up.”
After breakfast, Janis washed up their plates and cutlery before leaving the apartment with her phone, wallet and keys. “Drive safe, baby.”
“I will, thanks G.”
As Janis pulled up in the airport parking lot, you’d sent her a text that said you had landed. Janis brisk walked her way to the arrival hall to meet you, stopping to grab you some of your favourite gummies on the way.
Pulling your suitcase with one hand and your phone in the other, you look up from your phone and looked around. Amongst the sea of people, you spotted the brunette with orange tipped hair. You ran up to her, she met you halfway and tackled you into a hug. “Hi, you!” Janis rubs your back before pulling away, “How was the flight?”
“Not bad.” You told her, sliding your phone into your pocket. Janis slung an arm across your shoulder, helping you pull your suitcase. “Janis, I got it.”
“Let me.” Janis chuckled, shaking her head.
“Alright, alright.” You gave in. “Thanks.”
“How are you guys affording a car in NYC? And an apartment?”
“We share the apartment, we work part-time while we study— also we have scholarships. But we live in Brooklyn so rent is high, but not as high. We got lucky and found a decent place for rent that was within our budget.”
“Within?” You asked, shocked.
“Yeah. Well, we do have to be totally focused on working our shifts and keeping our grades up, but we got pretty lucky.” Janis nodded.
“I think you guys are amazing.” You said, looking out the window and watching the fall season scenery.
Janis laughs, “Just doing what we’re supposed to and trying to live the life we want.”
“Which is not easy to do.” You continued.
Janis glanced at you, “It might be awhile because of traffic. You wanna listen to some music?”
“Sure.” You shrug, she hands her phone to you so you could use her Spotify. “What song do you want?”
“Whatever you want to listen to is fine.” Janis assured.
“Even a pop song?” You joked.
“Yes, y/n. I’m not gonna burst into flames, contrary to popular opinion.”
You giggled, she lightly smacked you with the back of her hand jokingly. “How’s school going?”
“Uh.” You gulped.
Janis squints, “What’s going on?”
“There’s been this guy at school trying to get close with me. I don’t like him. I just don’t like—” You chewed on your lip.
Janis didn’t say anything. You were making things awkward and tense for yourself. “I don’t like guys.”
“Tell him no. Ignore him.”
“I did, and he’s left me alone but every time I’m near him he’s always staring at me. I feel his eyes on me so I look at his direction. He keeps looking at me still, I know he’s not doing anything but it still makes me kinda uncomfortable.”
“As corny as it sounds, tell a teacher you trust about him. Or at least the teacher of the class you’re both in.”
You took a deep breath and sighed. “I will, I just am a little worried they won’t believe me or it’s just me thinking too much.”
“Go for it no matter what, you gotta let someone know so at least they’re aware. Do what’s right for you.”
“Thanks.” You nodded firmly.
“You’ll be okay.” Janis says, “I promise. You need us, let us know.”
You shrugged, “I’ll tell my Mom too so at least she knows what’s going on. It’s been a couple weeks, I’m getting a little pissed off. I just don’t know how to tell her that I’m—”
“Babes, your sister’s gay too, it’s fine. She’s supportive.”
“Thats because she doesn’t know that I’m gay too. She might just be okay with one of her kids being gay because she wants the other one to be ‘normal’.”
“y/n, where’s that coming from?”
“From a conversation I had with her.” You laughed, “Kinda tested the waters, I dunno.”
“You’ll be just fine. Trust me. If you don’t feel safe coming out to her, don’t. Wait, finish high school and you can come live with me and Regina. We got you.”
You blinked profusely, tilting up your head to keep the tears from falling. “You know…this girl I like, she asked me out to…go bowling, and dinner. I said no, and I’ve been thinking about it since then. I regret saying no. I regret not going for it.”
“People are gonna come and go. If she’s the right one for you, she will be no matter how long it takes. Maybe it’ll be next week, next month, next year. But if she’s the one, she will find her way back to you. The universe works in mysterious ways, y/n. Breathe. You got this. Enjoy your time here right now, you’re on vacation in a city you’ve always wanted to visit.”
“I’m back~” Janis announced in a sing-songy voice. You were right behind her. “Sorry I took awhile, had to stop somewhere to get some food. And I come back bearing your gift.”
“Hi, b— oh my God.” Regina gasps, hand clamped over her mouth.
You ran up to her, giving her a tight hug, “Happy birthday, Reggie.”
“Thank you, ladybug.” She chuckles, sniffling, “Wow, holy shit.”
You laughed, “Here I am.”
“Oh, I’m so happy you’re here.” Regina kisses you on the cheek before a mutual breakaway.
“I’m so excited to be here.” You replied.
“I’ll put your suitcase away first, alright?” Janis told you, “Finish up your bagel, don’t forget about it.”
“Uh, sure, thanks.” You nodded, chuckling.
Regina handed you a bottle of cucumber lime Smartwater from the fridge. “Sit down.” She titled her head towards the couch.
“Yeah, of course.” You sat down right next to her as you took out your half eaten bagel from the bag you’d been holding onto.
“We have a but till the rest of the gang gets here. So, what’s new?”
“Um, I’m not sure what I’m gonna share isn’t gonna ruin your mood.” You admitted.
“There’s just this guy at school that keeps staring at me every chance he gets because he asked me out and I said no. He didn’t do anything, I just need to let a teacher know and let mom know—”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I am.” You replied, “I really am, I’m just a bit worried that he wouldn’t doing that. So once school starts back up, telling a teacher would be the first thing I do.”
“Good, you do that. Stand up for yourself, do what’s right for you.”
You only nodded, then just say there quietly and drank your water while she started to talk about her life here lately. It was just what you needed, it took your mind off your worry of having to come out to her. You couldn’t do it now, you were too emotional after that talk in the car with Janis and this one just now with your sister. They’ve really rubbed off on each other a lot, why are they telling you the same things? Just exactly what you needed to hear, but the same? That surprised you, even though you knew they’ve picked up some phrases and mannerisms from each other. But considering how different they were, you weren’t used to their similarities at first.
You didn’t let whatever you were worried about weigh down on you for too long. The rest of their friends got here and filled the place with cheerful chatter and laughter. Jokes and stories shared across the room, snacks one after another. No room, rather, no time for worries. Just fun and time well-spent with people you loved, and people who you loved back.
You spent the full two weeks in New York with Regina and Janis. They had time off school too so they could show you around and spend time with you. “I wish you could just stay here.”
“I wish.” You laughed, “But, until then, this has been so great. I’ve had so much fun.”
“Well, you have two days left until you have to fly back home to reality.” She joked.
“Don’t remind me.” You scoffed, eating a spoonful of vanilla Häagen-Dazs straight out the tub.
“But hey, seriously. Move here with us after high school. I know you wanna live in New York, it’s on your vision board. Been on there since you were like eight.” Regina stuck her spoon into the tub to get some ice cream for herself. Janis enters the living area, fresh out of the shower. “Hey!” Janis gasped, “Leave some for me. We don’t have a lot of it left already.”
“Yeah, well maybe we should go grocery shopping tomorrow.” Regina snickers.
Janis plops down next to you with a spoon in hand, “Yeah. We are.”
“Can we go out for dinner? I wanna go back to that place we went to last week before I fly home.” You asked.
“Of course we can, baby.”
In this moment of peacefulness, the thought crept into your head again— should you, or should you not come out to your sister?
Expelling a puff of air from your lips, you looked between Janis and Regina. And then the words just flew out of your mouth, “Regina, I’m gay.”
“Fuck yeah you are.” Regina hugged you instantly.
“I don’t know how to tell mom.” You continued, “It’s complicated. So, I’m not going to. But I am going to apply to colleges especially here, Boston and Philadelphia to see where I end up so at least I’ll be closer to you guys.”
“Whatever happens, we got your back. One call away, baby. This city’s been waiting for you, and I’m glad you’re loving it.” Regina promised, “We’re sisters. It doesn’t matter how far apart we are, I will always be with you.”
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Here it is! Hope you enjoyed ☺️
This fic was the request in the ask box + another I got—
‘Regina x Janis
Reader = Regina's sister
Silly goofy hang out as a trio
Reader finds a cute girl
The couple give reader advice?’
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Gummigoocharic or Gummicharic: a xenogender related to Gummigoo from The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC).
This gender may also be related to (but doesn’t have to be) an Australian accent (having one or hearing one or just the accent in general), NPCs or being an NPC, gummys, alligators, gummy alligators, TADC, love, growth, redemption, cowboys, bandits, struggling to accept reality, making friends, and/or having an existential crisis.
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Made for @hewasanamericangirl ❤️
@io-archival @radiomogai
Click flag for image ID. Or look below the cut for image ID:
Brief Description (Detailed description below): a 5 striped pride flag colour picked from Gummigoo from The Amazing Digital Circus with Gummigoo in the middle of the flag
Detailed Description: A flag with 5 equal stripes. In order of top to bottom: a dark brown stripe, a red-brown stripe, a yellow-orange stripe, a white ish stripe, and a green stripe. There is a transparent png of Gummigoo from The Amazing Digital Circus standing with his hands on his hips in the middle of the flag. The colours are picked from him. Two browns from his hat, the green and yellow from his body, and the white from his stomach.
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jugoftrix · 11 months
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Here’s a bunch of art I’ve done, I have alotttt more digital and traditional art I’ve done so I may do a couple of these ^w^
Art description kinda of each
1. Silly little deer guy I made
2.a little guy inspired off of a leafy sea dragon, there a deep sea sea horse definitely look them up there really pretty!
3.Headshot of chroma a little frilled lizard fox hybrid my friend gave me a while ago I love him sm, he’s really fun to draw (if you want to see more art of him I can post it, I’ve drawn him a lot)
(Echowolf on toyhouse and twitter I think if you want to see her art/characters she is amazing at art )friend who made the character
4. A little fox looking up at the sky idk I just wanted to mess around with a fun brush, I may or may not keep them as a oc.
6.citrus and her girlfriend, both opossum orange creatures that I made (making characters is one of the thing I love most about art!)
7. A little fox guy I made he is based off of all of the gummy candys I love, shark gummy, egg gummies,peach rings and his hair is Cotten candy. His name is crispy and I love him sm!
8. Ice cream goat guy he doesn’t have a name
9.chip a cheese dip fennec fox boi. His name is chip.
10.old fursona a while ago he is based off of a fox mixed with a raven. His hair is like the cut /dye I had at the time.I also have a faux fur blue tail, and bluey ears. I made him slightly so I may be able to cosplay my fursona without having to have a fursuit I want one but there really expensive.
I did all of this art pretty recently, I’m not the best at remembering what date/point of time I made stuff.
(Also for those who want to know I’m NyancarXwX on toyhouse, I made a lot of ocs so I needed a place to put and organize them) (it’s really dumb that you need a code to make a toyhouse account, I have a few if anyone needs one.)
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
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Before I introduce them, let me give a little background on the au
Theatretale: like most other AUs, these monsters were shut underground behind a barrier after the war. To cope with the loss and grief of the ones the lost, and their imprisonment, every one turned to music. It’s believed that these monsters are close au relatives of the dance monsters. They were freed by the crash and now live fairly peacefully with every one else
He is the older brother at 42 years old and stands only 5’4 feet high. Tempo has a pink/purple magic and a small patch of freckles along his nose ridge and cheek. He’s a passionate and cheerful monster, always lost in his own little world. Tempo is hard to put down. He has wonderful self esteem and a bit of an ego. Luckily he balances it out by lifting his friends up.
Tempo is an artist in every sense. He paints, sculpts, writes, plays music, and even sings. (He does not have the sans curse and can actually sing some lovely low notes). However his favorite thing ever is composing music. He’s responsible for almost a seventh of all the mettaton movie backgrounds after the crash. He’s also written songs for a few local and famous bands.
Things he loves: the color royal purple, sour gummy worms, art in any form, shiny keychains, band merch, music in any form, goofy looking tshirts and sneakers, open world video games, VR, his pet ferret Mr boogie.
His magic weapon is a guitar he uses as a mace lol. His special ability is is making little star “emotes” appear above his head every time he’s excited. (It’s really cute). His birthday is February 15.
Vibrato is the younger brother at 36 and stands a whopping 6’8 feet tall. He has standard purple magic and also has freckles, however they only appear on his arms. Vibrato is cheeky, kind, a tiny bit flirty, and seems to draw crowds of monsters and people to him. He’s extremely charismatic and loves people. He’s a bit naive and innocent however so he’s fiercely protected by his true friends from the rabid fans
Vibrato is an amazing singer. His voice has beautiful range and volume, and he has trained it since he was practically a baby. Vibrato sings with his AUs mettaton, mettatune, in a band called Look Skyward. He also can play the bass. When he isn’t touring he does a bit of acting and has appeared in a few movies too as a side role.
Things he loves: bright orange, strawberry cake, neat nail art, karaoke of course, singing, playing his instruments, his big bro and friends, watching sparring matches, feather boas, drink mixing
His magic weapon is a tommy pistol modeled after mettatunes Wild West themed concert from when he was a teen. His special ability is being able to hold his breath for nearly 10 minutes. (The skeleton monster average is 4). Vibrato was born on March 2nd.
Side characters:
Gallery: theatretale Asgore, gallery is a snide snobbish monster. He’s a merciless critic and composed and elegant. Despite his love for the arts, his talent landed him as a supreme judge instead. He can always be counted on to judge criminals logically and without mockery. His soulmate Antoine also works in the judicial system as another judge.
Melody: theatretale toriel. Like the outertale royals, she and gallery are actually siblings! Twins to be exact. She was never actually a royal until after the crash when she agreed to take the ritual to give them extra help, and the theatre monsters another representative. Melody is prideful and logical like her brother, but with more of a kind side. She funds the arts in ebotts education systems and helps schools pick out kids with talent. She also runs some charities for low income families. Her soulmate Belle is a stay at home parent currently taking care of their twin babies.
Antoine: the soulmate of gallery, she is a soft and plump cat monster with sage green magic and white fur. Antoine doesn’t like the spotlight and is a master at avoiding the paparazzi
Belle: the soulmate of melody, she is a gorgeous black furred goat monster with curling horns and a soft pink magic. She recently had their first kids, twin goat monsters, and is on maternity leave with them.
Mettatune: theatretales mettaton, he loves everything music of course and has always focused on concerts and albums over movies and theme parks like the other mettas. He’s very possessive over his workers and doesn’t like to share them so his team is pretty exclusive, even down to the janitor. A great honor and a greater responsibility.
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askglassanon · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes: Glass Addition
Spare Keys (derogatory)
Glass, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Firestorm: Hey. Comet: Hello. Prism: Hi! Glass: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Serum: We were out of Doritos.
— (Can't think of a funny title)
Glass: Can I be frank with you guys? Firestorm: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Serum: Can I still be Serum? Comet: Shh, let Frank speak.
— Glass if she was mortal
Glass: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis. Bee: You're like 15 years old Glass: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
— Why is this so accurate?
Glass: Bee... Bee: Oh no, 'Bee' in b-flat. Bee: You're disappointed.
— This is low-key interchangeable
Glass, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Bee: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
FFR!Glass: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back. Comet: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
— Modern nobody dies AU
Glass, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Serum: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Glass: Orange soda, please! Serum: I'll have the strawberry soda. Firestorm: Me too, strawberry soda. Glass:
— MND AU Follow up (Oddly in character)
Glass, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Serum: You did WHAT– Firestorm: William Snakepeare
— MND part 3
Glass: I trust Serum. Firestorm: You think they know what they're doing? Glass: I wouldn't go that far.
— Imagine if Glass was ever this bold (Fun fact this Quote was in the Unshipping category)
Glass: I just wanna be called cute 21/7. Firefly: Why no 24/7? Glass: Snack breaks.
— Hehe >:3
Firefly: *holds a gun out to Glass* Glass: I-I don't believe in guns. Firefly: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
Bee: Why do you hang out with me? Glass: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me! Bee: … Bee: I feel a bit sorry for you.
— If Serum had a childhood
Serum: *watching their house burn down* Serum: Serum: *starts filming* Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
— Four am (original prompt mentioned bread but I don't think Serum would like bread)
Pyrite : *Turns on the kitchen light* Serum: *Sitting at the table, eating sardines from the can* Pyrite : It’s four in the morning. Serum: Turn the light back off.
— Donnie would teach Serum to be a little menace
Serum: DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT JOKE WAS FUNNY? IT WASNT. NOBODY IS LAUGHING. Serum: *pulls up a graph* THIS IS WHEN YOU TOLD YOUR JOKE, YOU HAVE SINGLE HANDEDLY RUINED COMEDY! IVE ALSO ASKED MANY COMEDY SCHOLARS ON THEIR OPINION OF YOUR JOKE AND THIS IS WHAT THEY HAD TO SAY! Pyrite : I've been researching comedy for the past 20 years, and I have genuinely never seen a joke this bad. We have used quantum physics to look into alternate universes to see every joke made, and yours was still by far the worst. Serum: CONGRATULATIONS! YOUVE SINGLE HANDEDLY CREATED THE WORST JOKE IN HUMAN HISTORY! HERES A MEDAL! *pulls up a horrible ms paint drawn star that says "you need help*
— Oh my gosh the Celestial AU!?
Celestial!Glass: Three words. Say them and I'm yours. Celestial!Raph: Three words. Celestial!Glass: ♡
— Seems about right
Glass: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are. Glowbug: It’s not a joke. Glowbug: *sniffles* Glowbug: I’m a legit snack
— Serum wouldn't break and enter casually with zero hesitation
Pyrite : Serum, I am nothing if not a man of principle. Pyrite : Now let’s break into this apartment.
— .. Yeah. Given Potion's genuine and general lack of concern for potions safety this is accurate
Serum: Are you sure this is safe? Potion : Safer than Flintstone vitamin gummies in a bottle. Potion : Keep twisting, junior! All you’re gonna get is clicks.
Comet: Potion , you’ve tried 37 times and you’ve failed every time. Give it a break. Potion : DO I HEAR “FIRST TRY PART 38?”
— Wasp Glass probably
Bee: You shouldn't be using a straw. Glass: I know, I know, it's bad for the environment and stuff. Bee: Yeah, but I mean... it's a weird way to eat spaghetti.
Glass: You ever get so tired that you start seeing spiders? Firefly : Me after I take 17 Benadryl and start seeing the hat man. Glass: THE WHO? Firefly : Oh is this not a safe space suddenly?
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ashchromium · 11 months
ash ash ash ash ash ash ash
hard solo tastes like an orange peel :(
pineapple cruisers taste like gummy pineapple lollies
I love you /p
your snap came up in my quick add but I got too scared to request :(
have an amazing life!! /pos
awwww words of wisdom also, if you'd want to request it, i wouldn't mind at all! i am at the end of my uni year so finally, it is coming to an end!
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impactgardencbd1 · 1 year
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In your bottle of Impact Garden CBD Ingredients, you get everything you're going to need to get stress under controls. In your battle with insomnia, and even aches and muscle tension, these gummies offer similar relief. Used by an organic hemp source, they can do what other medications - including most CBD brands - simply cannot. It is because they use only richest, purest expression of CBD itself. The hemp from which the ingredients draw is grown there in the Usa. So, by choosing this brand, not only are you getting superior relief, but you're supporting domestic manufacturing practices. Don't support companies that promote foreign interests over your incredibly. Instead, pay the comparatively lower Impact Garden CBD Cost, found on the site the orange buttons link to help! Their supplies are limited, though, so if you would like this treatment, we encourage you to place your order in these modern times!
What Else Can You Expect?
The truth is, even if we got room to list everything CBD is worth of doing for you, we couldn't. That's because science is still working to uncover the full range of this substance's benefits. And, this in turn is because can you legally available here until as recently as 2018. Since then, though, people are quickly turning onto this form of therapy. And, there are numerous reasons for this amazing. We've already stated the primary effect of CBD, which end up being soothe away pain and stress. But, did you know that CBD is increasingly being marketed as male enhancement? To say that it offers safer, more reliable enlargement than the leading brand is selling it short! Because, there's an advantage Impact Garden CBD has over every conventional male stimulant that's been available. Women can take it too, and derive similar sexual benefits to those men feel.
CBD has also been linked to better gum health, improved cognitive ability, and may reduce your chance certain cancers. We recommend, though, that you focus on the relief that brought you here. Purchasing for physical, mental, and emotional unease alike is this formula's signature feature. We mention these other traits merely to reveal the broader scope of why fantastic is in such hot demand. This is why we're so impressed with how affordable the current Impact Garden CBD Expense is. And, the site you'll reach by clicking any link presents even a comfortable offer!
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eliteketogummiesza · 2 years
Elite Keto Gummies Reviews- Dischem Keto Life Plus Gummies Price at Clicks
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For whom is Elite Keto Gummies created, and how does it work?
Elite Keto Gummies excessive weight loss should be the prize to be seen, not as a problem, primarily aesthetic, but rather as an issue of individual health and well-being. In addition to its own damage caused by excess body fat Elite Keto Gummies, for an overweight person also often see revealed various other health issues like being overweight and overweight issues are often associated with harmful and sedentary diets. Elite Keto Gummies opinion it would not be enough some people under the influence of standards impractical magic end up looking at the labels to lose weight considering crash diets which are often harmful to health and good -be, or by chemical compounds, usually without the aid of a Elite Keto Gummies medical professional opinion.
The purpose of this review is not a real solution, what is amazing is how to reduce weight Elite Keto Gummies, or learn Elite Keto Gummies secrets of indicators that will definitely make you lose weight fast, as well as opinions effortlessly. He does not exist.
The objective of the examination of this text is to show that the implementation of small discussions on the adjustments of the food procedures as well as the lifestyle can have a large impact in the weight management in the medium / long term is optimal. Elite Keto Gummies slimming.
Elite Keto Gummies slimming, you are unaware of the basic ideas such as, body mass index, optimal weight, as well as calorie score standard forum, we also recommend you to examine the compliance results write- Elite Keto Gummies slim ups: the weight loss process did not summarize the main differences between the number of calories you eat This means that if you consume more calories compared to melting down for days of discussion, you will definitely increase in weight. On the other hand, if your daily calorie intake is much lower than the number of calories your body burns, you will definitely lose Elite Keto Gummies slimming weight.
What contains Elite Keto Gummies for weight loss in the composition and is it safe?
If the consumption, as well as the reviews, the results of the diets, the burning of the calories, if equivalerem, your weight will remain Elite Keto Gummies in principle to lose weight safely for a week. For this reason, we have shared our advice to 2 teams: Tips to make fewer calories throughout the day Elite Keto Gummies to lose weight.
Elite Keto Gummies for weight loss how to increase your income to lose all day. Not only drinks that contain excess sugar. Prior to buying a drink, control the amount of sugar as well as calories in the exact same. Energy drinks as well as foods to hydrate during physical activity, such as the exam also have excess sugar. Gatorade Container Dischem Keto Gummies for weight loss, for example, 30 g of sugar, or about 8 teaspoons of sugar. Not misled by what industrial products the forum calls natural.
Many brands of juice in a box or bottle that works say they are made by Elite Keto Gummies forum, in fact they remove honey around the mouth like increase appetite. That orange juice can be made with orange reality does not mean that výrobcenemusí have their sugar formula. Constantly experiencing diet recommendations works at the rear. If you're really sweet, stay away from fruit on your own while already eating high carbs.
While eating, never refill the bowl. Put less food compared to effects Elite Keto Gummies forum thinks is necessary. During hunger, our ability to gauge the required amount of food suffers, and also, many times we eat more than opinions. We just don't leave the rest of the food on the plate. After the same experience of the logic of the previous theme, use fewer recipes.
A little loaded diet can make you feel like it's the perfect amount of food, much better than a great empty forum Elite Keto Gummies recipe. I don't feel obligated to end up on a plate forever. If you are already happy, stop consuming also in the event that food is still the basis of the house.
What effects are possible after treatment with Elite Keto Gummies price?
Elite Keto Gummies price effects in a single area of your home, such as in the living room or in the kitchen. It can break the routine of time in a specific area of the house, outside mealtimes, such as in the office, in bed, watching TV, and so on. Create an opinion incentive system at the end of the day or week after being able to observe a diet with fewer calories.
Perks can be anything that will help to do well, going to the store, hair, nails, movie rentals, massage, having sex, and so on. The cooperation of family members is very important in this system. The benefit cannot be slimming, but sales are nevertheless much better than the procedure. Keto Life Plus Gummies prize: never use food as a reward.Understand what feelings or tasks, because most often cause the desire to eat. The goal is to be in control of these situations. If possible, remove asVeja what hipercalóricos products consume the most. Stop getting them.
If you have it in your home, sales are almost hard to stop eating. The most effective way is to eat Elite Keto Gummies, buy something, with a lot of calories, and not have very easy accessibility in the same. Create a journal, or blog about your diet plan. Write the day when it comes to accomplishments and the price is also failure. Try to learn from the mistakes of the previous days.
What effects are possible after treatment with Elite Keto Gummies price?Elite Keto Gummies buy price for each bite, take a sip of water. This will certainly cause the stomach to end up finishing faster, the amount of products that should please decreases. When the stomach is full, the body produces natural chemicals responsible for the feeling of satiety Elite Keto Gummies buy. Consume gradually, eat the price of the dish, well, and also small breaks while eating.
Where can I buy Elite Keto Gummies France, and how the price?
To suggest the time of the body's saturation mechanisms is ultimately to be forceful. Vegetarians are not only healthy, they are low in calories. If you were to a store where you consume a good salad in a bowl will occupy space in the stomach with food, which gives a little more calories. Eat a salad before preparing the main course, or reserve at least 50% of the main bowl chambers for Elite Keto Gummies France greens.
Ask Elite Keto Gummies for help from a nutritionist so they can prepare a diet with the right amount of calories for you. At the time of purchase, if a type on the drug store on clothing is more Elite Keto Gummies test of a comparable point, see the nutritional information which is to choose with a minimum of calories.
Do Elite Keto Gummies pharmacies ever get items that are not very good first check the nutritional information, and it is mainly the number of calories from food. Over time, you will definitely learn how to identify good Elite Keto Gummies pharmacies where to buy foods to lose weight or keep them healthy. I understand that diet education is far higher than any Elite Keto Gummies drugstore fancy diet.
Where can I buy Elite Keto Gummies France, and how is the price?You might take longer to reach a certain weight, but also certainly will have an easier time in the direction, as if the weight in a pharmacy for a long term Elite Keto Gummies test.
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alifereviewjournal · 2 years
Healthy Life Style...Sigh
When you looked at social media posts, there are many people posting about the healthy lifestyles they had, achieved, or strived on. Like it is a goal or some kind of achievement. Well in 2023 I guess I have to accept that a healthy lifestyle is not something that I could choose, my body required it.
Is a healthy lifestyle like balanced eating and enough exercise easy for me? I would say it is not that hard.
Please note, balanced eating for me is basically don't restrict myself from eating anything as long as not too much or often. So yeah I eat everything, boba drink, soda, cake, noodles with thick broth, bread, meat with cheese topping, salad, fruit bowl, Doritos chips, gummy bear, ... you name it, I almost eat everything. So you can give me a huge bowl of salad, and I'll devour it gladly. Steak meat with mashed potato on the side, it will go in right away. I want it, I eat it. Maybe that's why I rarely craving for food. Exercise...it is not hard for me to ONCE I did it. The hardest part of it is getting up to do it, which I have a choice to not get up to do it. There the problem comes up. Well in my family there is a fixed time to eat and I also try the same when I was at work, so I mostly eat at the exact time every day. But exercise, nope. My family members are quite active in general, we have no housekeeper, so we do everything by ourselves, but there are no pushes on doing exercise.
I did Tae Kwon Do for 15 years as a club activity when I was still at school until I graduate with my bachelor's degree. But it stops when I am taking my master's degree and working. I know and admit that I have the best appearance and feel when I am constantly working out. Not only feel good when I saw myself in the mirror but feel fit. I have no problem falling asleep or getting up in the morning, I feel fresh. I am not easily getting sick, I have my number 2 regularly. it feels amazing and less worry. Well, I have to admit when you like what you see in the mirror and your body is fit, you have fewer things to worry about
So...I gained a size or two after the end year's holiday. Some of my clothes that are already XL size feel tight, I got breakout (plus because of the orange sauce that I accidentally eat on my end year lunch with my best friend), got allergic reactions almost every week, I struggle to fall asleep, my bowel movement is irregular, EVENTHOUGH when I already come back to my daily working staple which eats like light breakfast (salad and boiled eggs) and eat at fix time, walking around (well I am working at school so this is given), never missed my veggie or fruit on my dinner.
Then...for this year I have pointed again as the k-pop dance fitness trainer. Nope, I am not a professional trainer, I only have 1 year of experience in ballet in my elementary days, I don't make my own choreography so I just pick one from Youtube and rehearse it. I rehearse it these 2-3 days for 15-30 minutes..and guess what? My bowel is moveeee...yep, I got my regular number 2 again, my acne is getting better faster than before, and it is easier for me to fall asleep. I don't know about my clothes size, I haven't tried anything since.
So yeah, that's when I realize...I have no choice but to exercise. My body required that not to get a better appearance or increase the quality of life, but basically just to function decently. When I think I can manage my healthy body with just balanced eating, my body said "NOPE! You have to exercise...".
If one asked, how you did do 15 years of Tae Kwon Do, but can't do 2 days of 30 min exercise? Hmm, I love martial arts when I did, like Muay Thai, I don't need extra motivation to do it. But again it goes again to money. Martial Art class is expensive in Jakarta. And I did this for a small amount of money, free, or included in my tuition when I am at school and Uni.
Now I need to think about how to have an exercise routine that can fit with my work life and budget. Manage my money to have a Muay Thai class if I want it easy motivation, which is expensive in Jakarta. OR manage me to do exercise with no money, just do what Youtube have, which is harder on the motivation aspect. Since I need to leave the house at 5.30 AM and arrived home at 6 PM every workday. The weekend is indeed the only choice to exercise, and I choose to lazying around. Because Excercise is not a recreational activity for me, it is work...that apparently my body required it. I guess I have to make time and take advantage of the new responsibility of the "k-pop dance fitness instructor". For now.
Ughh...body! why you need exercise just to function well (T T)?
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backchattingdancer · 2 years
Hello, and Merry Christmas! I'm Pearl, your Secret Rocker Santa :D This has been really fun, and I enjoyed chatting with you! A lot of the music you recommended was really good, and I promise I'm still working through the rest haha
I'm glad to hear your recital went well, that's awesome! I love that song too, I played it over the summer along with some other Mendelssohn. He's one of my favorite classical composers! If you liked Venetian Gondola Song, I'd look into his Song Without Words: Consolation, it's one of my all-time favorites! I've been playing piano for about 7-8 years, it's definitely one of my strongest passions :) I have a side blog where I post videos of me playing if you want to check it out: @pearl-plays-piano ! Besides that, I play a little ukulele and have been taking voice lessons for around 9-10 years. I wish you luck in your competition!
I'm getting it cut pretty short, kind of around ear length with these kinda swoopy bangs that kinda fade into the back from the front...if that makes any sense haha It's kinda hard to style at the moment, but I'm starting to get the hand of it haha I try to go for a 'feathered' look, but sometimes it just kinda hangs there and I can't get it to do anything...let me know if you have any advice!
I hope you have a happy Christmas! Let me know what you got, and if you ended up getting the flower book you wanted! :D
~ Pearl :D ✨
Hi @pearls-place!! It's so lovely to finally know who you are :D I've really enjoyed talking with you as well!
Yes, I am going to be working on those! My teacher gave me a Songs Without Words book, and now that I've finished with this one I'm going to be working on Venetian Gondola Song #2 :) That is certainly a long time- I'll be sure to check out some of your work!
That does sound like a lovely style- I'm sure you look wonderful. I can't really say anything about it now since I don't know some rather important things like your hair type 😅 But my advice for now would just be to experiment a lot with different styling routines and figure out what works best for you.
Happy Christmas to you as well, I want to hear what you got! :) I got some clothes and a small makeup palette from my mum, and my sibling got me a couple packs of gummies (I absolutely love gummies)- they're so wonderful, they also got me this perfume I've been wanting! It's supposed to be orange scented but it really just smells like citrus gummies, which is honestly even better. I know they ordered the book, but it sadly hasn't arrived yet. I hope it will soon!
It's been so lovely getting to know you this past month- I hope you have an amazing Christmas, and my best wishes to you for the new year!
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getgrassdoor · 2 years
Heavy Hitters Gummies: What Are They?
Heavy Hitters gummies are a unique product that has taken the cannabis market by storm. They are the latest and most excellent way to enjoy your favorite marijuana-infused edibles in a convenient, discrete, and delicious form.
These gummies come in various flavors and strengths and are perfect for those who want to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without smoking or vaping. In this blog post, we will explore what Heavy Hitters gummies are, their various flavors, and their effects on you. So, if you're interested in learning more about Heavy Hitters gummies, keep reading!
Made With Full Spectrum Hemp Oil
Are you a canna user or lover? If so, you’ll be delighted to learn about Heavy Hitters gummies! This new and innovative product is made with full-spectrum hemp oil and provides a powerful, long-lasting effect.
Not only are Heavy Hitters gummies great tasting, but they also offer many benefits to the weed enthusiast. 
One of the main advantages of Heavy Hitters gummies is that they provide a more effective and potent dose of cannabis than traditional edibles. These gummies are made with an extract from the entire cannabis plant, meaning that all the active compounds are present. As a result, these gummies are significantly more potent than other edible products on the market. 
Heavy Hitters gummies are perfect for anyone looking to take their marijuana consumption to the next level. Not only do they offer a superior experience, but they are also straightforward to use. All you have to do is take one or two gummies and wait for the effects to kick in. Plus, they come in various flavors so that you can enjoy something different every time! 
Perfect Dosage
Heavy Hitters gummies are a canna-lover's dream come true! Packed with 25mg of pure CBD isolate, these tasty treats make for an enjoyable, fuss-free way to get your daily dose of marijuana. Heavy Hitters gummies provide the benefits of CBD and come in a variety of delicious flavors like Watermelon, Lemon, and Orange. These gummies are perfect for anyone who wants to relax and unwind after a stressful day.
Not only are Heavy Hitters gummies convenient and easy to use, but they’re also available for purchase through a convenient Buy Now, Pay Later option on Grassdoor. This sweet payment option lets you skip wait lines at the ATM and complete online payments at leisure. Plus, it's a great way to save money on marijuana products!
For those looking for an enjoyable, fuss-free way to get their daily dose of marijuana, Heavy Hitters gummies are a perfect choice. With their 25mg of pure CBD isolate and delicious flavor choices, you can rest assured knowing you’re getting the best quality product available.
Vegan, Gluten Free, And Non-Gmo
These little cubes of sugary goodness are packed with all the good stuff that cannabis has to offer, but without the “high”. So, what’s in these amazing gummies?
For starters, they’re vegan and gluten-free, so everyone can enjoy them. They’re also non-GMO and made with natural ingredients, including organic sugar, water, pectin, citric acid, sodium citrate, natural flavors, and natural colors from fruits and vegetables.
Each Heavy Hitters gummy contains 20 milligrams of THC derived from marijuana plants, so they’re not for beginners. But experienced canna users will love how they make them feel: relaxed and stress-free. And best of all, the effects come on quickly and last for hours!
So if you’re looking for a delicious way to take your cannabis experience to the next level, try Heavy Hitters gummies. They’re sure to become a staple in any canna user’s stash!
These gummies are packed with all the THC-rich goodness your heart desires. The perfect combination of weed and sweetness, Heavy Hitters gummies will have you feeling relaxed and ready for whatever comes your way. Plus, they make the ideal edible companion.
So don't wait any longer - get your hands on these delicious treats now by ordering them on Grassdoor! You can get same day delivery, so what are you waiting for? There's no excuse not to enjoy the ultimate marijuana experience today! Check out Grassdoor’s wide selection today. 
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hqdfume · 2 years
Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Flavors
The Supreme Max  2% is our disposable vape collection’s newest vape pod. It is an extremely portable pre-filled disposable vape pod with amazing flavors and a smooth hit. The Supreme Max’s powerful 950 mAh battery and 2000 puffs will last you several days.
This Supreme MAX 2% disposable vape is pre-filled with 7ml of flavoring e-liquid and is not only lightweight and portable, but it also has a built-in 950mAh battery. The 2mg of salt nicotine in Supreme Max 2% is comparable to one pack of cigarettes. With the 2000 puffs that the Supreme MAX 2% will provide you, you may pick from 13 distinct flavors for a flavorful puff that will have your taste buds begging for more.
Purple rain Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Purple Rain –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a classic flavor that everyone falls in love with . The purple grape flavor from this disposable is out of this world amazing like no other.
Rainbow Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Rainbow –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a flavorful fruity pod that tastes just like a rainbow in your mouth with every puff. The delicious fruity taste is awesome packed in all 2k hits.
Red apples Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Red Apples –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a delicious red apple disposable e-juice pod delivering pure juicy apple taste on the tip of your tongue. This new flavor is just the perfect match for vapers who enjoy that red apple juice.
Strawberry banana Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Strawberry Banana –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a yummy mixture of fresh strawberries and bananas that has an awesome smooth effect every puff. The perfect option for smoothie lovers.
Lush ice Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Lush Ice –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a tasty flavor packed pod coming with a delicious 2k puffs in every disposable. This is the ideal flavor for that light sweet taste mixed with a cool breeze.
Grape Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Grape –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a awesome grape flavored pod leaving you satisfied guaranteed. Perfect for anywhere this device is compact enough to take on the go anytime.
Orange dream Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Orange Dream –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a amazing tagy flavor that gives a powerful hit of oranges giving a nest level experience. The best product to take you on a trip with every 2000 puff.
Pina colada Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Pina Colada –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a unique blend of pineapples and coconut giving that pina colada taste you will love. This is the best option for vapers who like that amazing fruity combo.
Gummy bear Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Gummy Bear –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a candy infused pod giving the illusion of tasty gummy bears guaranteed. The best product for the sugary rush that gets you through the day.
Melon ice Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Melon Ice –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a juicy melon infused pod coming with straight flavor and great taste guaranteed. This will make you fall in love after your first puff.
Mint ice Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Mint Ice –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a refreshing minty pod that is packed in flavor giving that consistent flavor and icy breeze to the throat. Best product for someone who enjoys a smooth menthol taste all 2k puffs are perfect.
Fresh lychee Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Fresh Lychee –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a awesome flavor that will leave your mouth watering in every hit you take . The most popular flavor to exist never get tired of the same flavor again.
Banana ice Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Banana Ice –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a sweet and rich vape device full of yummy bananas and light salt nicotine of Two Percent. From your first puff, you feel a great pleasure and amazing satisfaction. Try this Yellow banana flavor and you won’t be disappointed.
Black ice Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Black Ice –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a sweet and smooth vape device that offers amazing consistent puffs. This is the best option for vapers who like that fantastic rush of blueberries and ice all in  one e-juice pod.
Cubano Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Cubano –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a yummy vape that have a smooth consistent hit packed in every puff. The best flavor that a nice cool day out hits up to 2k full of delicious flavors.
Pineapple ice Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Pineapple Ice –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a pineapple packed disposable pod that comes with a nice cool breeze in every hit. The best option to last you a cool 2k hits always to satisfy your taste buds.
Blue razz Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Blue Razz –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a delicious and berry packed pod that gives off hints of raspberry as well . The perfect product for any on the go day compact and easy to use.
Pure mint Supreme Max Vape 2%
The Pure Mint –  Supreme Max 2% Nicotine Disposable Vape is a minty packed pod infused with pure menthol taste in each puff. This is the best for minty lovers who like a refreshing feeling to the throat .
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samschutt · 2 years
Best Online Weed Dispensaries In US- Buy Legal Marijuana
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In states that have legalized marijuana, either for medical or recreational use, dispensaries are everlastingly changing the act of purchasing buds. Visiting these weed shops can be an enlightening encounter for people who have just come to know the restricted choices, problematic quality, and lawful risks of underground market purchases. However, with so many dispensaries sprouting up across the country, it can be difficult to tell which ones are truly successful.
The American cannabis commercial center has been almost there since 2016. We have seen a flood of popularity since the legalization of recreational and medical utilization of cannabis. With a rising number of the best online weed dispensaries, purchasing flowers, edibles, and accessories is getting faster and simpler in the USA.
Top Online Weed Dispensaries in USA
 Here you will investigate the surveys of the legitimate and high-level cannabis commercial center. Assuming you live in the USA and wish to claim premium-quality marijuana buds and accessories, the weed stores portrayed underneath ought to be in your bookmarked assortment.
Whether it's various strains, client support, lab-tried phenotypes, smoking accessories, or arrangements and offers, buy weed online from these restrictive online weed dispensaries and appreciate one amazing acceptable experience.
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Is it true that you need vapes, edibles, concentrates, and buds? The Eaze online dispensary is the spot to get them. They provide exceptionally well-organized assortments that provide excellent value for money.
Eaze is California's biggest legitimate cannabis commercial center. With the Social Value Accomplices Program, the organization has numerous answers on the surface to make cannabis legitimate across America.
They are focused on advancing the protected and legitimate utilization of cannabis. What's more, that is the reason the organization just conveys to clients who confirm their ID. The organization partakes in a tremendous client base of around 800,000!
Going from 1g to 7g, they sell probably the best colorful flowers like Orange Dusk, OG Kush Case, Pink Lemonade, Wedding Cake, Champagne Confetti Exemplary, and some more.
Other astounding Eaze items incorporate cannabis-infused drinks, vaporizer cartridges, pre-rolls, gummies, mints, chocolate, baked goods, concentrates, and many accessories.
Green Goddess Supply
With 25+ long periods of involvement, Green Goddess Supply is one of the top cannabis dispensaries that sells a particular scope of top-notch accessories.
This is the very thing that you will find in the item setup of Green Goddess Supply: The Armoire, CBD and Flower, Grow Chambers, Accessories, Grinder, Metal Pipes, Dugouts, Wax Tools, Boxes and Trays, Apparel, Vaporizers, Glass, Ashtrays, Bundles
Green Goddess Supply invests careful energy in exploring and working on its items. That is also why the company has a stellar reputation among cannabis customers in the United States.
This USA cannabis supply store centers around quality items and sensible costs. Green Goddess runs separate sites for wholesalers and direct customers. You will appreciate riding its spotless site and get all the data you want.
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Kushfly is, by a long shot, the master and exceptionally evaluated cannabis store. The company's reputation and extraordinary skill are reflected in the 4.6/5 rating on Trustpilot.
Whether you need to purchase blend and match flowers, scrumptious weed edibles, pre-rolls, vapes, disposables, syrups, chocolates, concentrates, or accessories, Kushfly is really unparalleled!
Assuming you live in California, Kushfly ought to be your go-to online dispensary. They have faith in conveying, hands down, the best quality marijuana-infused products to their grown-up clients. The organization accepts Visa and check cards (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express), cash, and bitcoin.
The organization works with the best cannabis cultivators to further develop its product setup. Some of their strong strains are well known around the Los Angeles region. Furthermore, you will get regular arrangements from the online store to save money.
The weed store utilizes the live GPS global positioning framework to convey products, which makes them stand out from others. You can order your products and really look at your package's live area and estimated time of arrival.
My Weed Seeds
Situated in Canada, My Weed Seeds is a top-of-the-line marijuana dispensary that sells a wide assortment of top-rack buds worldwide to sporting and clinical clients. This online store is known to offer premium quality feminized seeds, fledgling well-disposed strains, indoor and outdoor strains, and sporting and clinical cannabis seeds.
The organization offers a large number of weed accessories and growing devices in its online store. Here is the rundown:
Grow Boxes, Grow Tents, LED Grow Lights, Wind Stream and Ventilation, Counterbalances, Books, Cloning and Engendering, Nursery Accessories Grow Media, Grow Lights, Hydroponic Systems, Meters, Supplements, Irritation/Infectious prevention, Pots, and Water systems, etc.
You will have the option to pay through any of their numerous installment choices. The "how to grow marijuana" guides by My Weed Seeds are useful for beginners and master growers.
Each bunch of My Weed Seeds contains 10 seeds. You will get your package discreetly, and it'll take between 6 and 28 days for your bundle to show up.
Founded in 2012, Grasscity is one of the world's biggest online weed dispensaries that sells top-rack cannabis products online. This organization acquires a great deal of fascination because of its accommodating staff and shocking scope of marijuana products.
You will unquestionably get an incredible smoking experience while buying your accessories with Grasscity. They have been focused on giving first-class smoking accessories since their initiation. Alongside that, they focus on settling any client's inquiry.
CBD oils, flowers, pre-rolls, pollen shakers, nectar collectors, carb covers, bongs, bubblers, vaporizers, spice processors, smoking lines, touch apparatuses, and moving papers are a few of its incredible item configurations.
You can get mass limits, exceptional part coupons, and a bunch of different arrangements to make the most out of it. Additionally, you don't need to stress over the conveyance as they give discreet packaging.
Pot Shop Seattle
Assuming that you live in Seattle, Pot Shop Seattle is the best spot to supply and purchase your number one cannabis. The Pot Shop covers an enormous stock of flowers, pre-rolls, fumes, concentrates, drinks, topicals, colors, and edibles.
The top products in the Pandora Box of Pot Shop Seattle are probably Pineapple Pucker Organic product Bites, Gelato #41, Orange Bloom, Limoncello, Pineapple Treats, Watermelon Zkittlez, Strawberry Dimness, Malibu Blue, Passionfruit Mints, and Lemon Cheesecake.
The customer support team behind the counter is cordial and accommodating. In the event that you visit the store, they will do their best to track down an ideal strain according to your requirements. Also, the cost of every one of their products is sensible, and strangely, it doesn't come at the expense of value. You will get a 10% limit on the ordinary cost, assuming you put in your request online.
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imthepotatoking · 6 years
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Halloween in June
This is the fic I wrote for the Ghostbusters Zine! You can download your free copy here!
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1013
Includes: Ray x Violet (my OC), Egon x Janine (slightly)
Summary: The Ghostbusters throw a Halloween party in the middle of June, which makes perfect sense if you're Violet.
Notes: Takes place in the Real Ghostbusters universe
“Have you finished putting up the bats yet? She’ll be here any minute!”
Somehow Violet’s idea to celebrate Halloween in the middle of June turned into an entire party/promotional event for the Ghostbusters. Along with offering a special discount on all their services, the Ghostbusters would host a party for all repeat customers, New York socialites, and lots and lots of press. All manner of black cats, jack-o-lanterns and skeletons were pulled from storage where they had been put last November 1st  and set up in the venue at the top of a New York City skyscraper where the event would take place. On top of that, many new decorations were handmade, as Violet had made it her craft project for the past three months. 
“I still find this whole thing entirely illogical, Ray. Why are we celebrating a holiday in June that pagan tradition dictates should be celebrated in October?” inquired Egon as he hung up the last bat cut out of construction paper. 
“Because it’ll be fun! And it’s Violet’s favorite holiday!” Ray was standing on a ladder opposite Egon, hanging a ghost decoration made out of a white bed sheet. 
“Kind of a lot to go through just to score points with your new girlfriend, huh, Ray?” Peter was holding Egon’s ladder (In theory, in practice he was more like standing near it). Ray blushed. 
“We’re also  doing it to get eyes on the company. A lot of potential investors will be at this party tonight.” Said Louis, who was holding Ray’s ladder (and actually doing it the right way).
“Well, if that’s the case, shouldn’t we have invited them to something, you know, less stupid?” quipped Peter.
“Sometimes stupid is what you need to get people’s attention.” Winston was currently attempting to draw jack-o-lantern faces in black sharpie on orange balloons, their replacement for actual pumpkins. Just then, the balloon popped underneath the tip of the pen. “Although I have to admit this idea is seeming especially stupid right now.” He discarded the popped orange balloon into a growing pile of other popped orange balloons and pulled the next one down from the ceiling by its string. 
“I’ve got the cake!” Janine’s voice echoed in the empty hall as she announced herself. She was carrying a big box, which she put on the table with all of the other various desserts - cupcakes with orange and purple swirled frosting, pumpkin pies with jack-o-lantern faces cut from the crusts, cups of crushed oreo cookies with gummy worms topped with fondant gravestones. “You have no idea how difficult it was keeping the thing a secret from Slimer. I had to tell him it was my laundry underneath this box!” 
“So, where is the mastermind now?” Peter asked.
“She had a book signing in the city today, but she should be here soon!” Ray said. As if on queue, Violet arrived. The full skeleton earrings dangling from her ears, which clashed with her otherwise plain ensemble of black dress and boots, might have indicated that she had dressed specifically for the occasion at hand, but anyone who knew her better (Ray, for instance) would already know that this is an accessory she would wear any day. “Hey, guys! Wow, this place looks amazing!”
“Violet!” Ray’s head whipped around to the sound of her voice, and he went to her immediately. He wrapped her up in his arms, hugging her as tightly as he could without breaking her, and she smiled, breathing a sigh of relief as she threw her arms around his neck, pressing herself into him fully. “Hi.”
“Hey.” She giggled and blushed as she pulled away and looked at him. They had been dating since September, and had known each other for a full year longer, and yet they were still somewhere between “best friends” and “awkward teenagers” in their relationship. Peter couldn’t help but roll his eyes. They were too much sometimes.
“How was the signing?” Ray asked.
“Totally hectic. Fun, but hectic. And I was thinking about tonight the whole time!” She said, “It looks like everything is ready to go!” 
“I would say so!” Ray held on to Violet’s waist as he looked around the room. It looked like how one would expect a classic Halloween party to look: orange and black streamers and ribbons strung up on the walls, skeleton and pumpkins and vampires everywhere the eye could see, and above it all, wide orange strips of fabric that covered alternating parts of the ceiling, converging in the center at the ancient chandelier, making the whole room look somewhat like a circus tent. Through the tall windows, they could see that the sun was setting, the last of the sun’s light bathing the sky in deep orange light that made the purple string lights inside the room stand out even more. 
“We should put on our costumes!” Violet practically squealed with excitement as she turned to Ray suddenly. She pulled him by the hand out of the room.
Night had fallen completely, and inside the room the orange, purple, and green lights flashed stunningly as the costumed guests danced underneath them, shrouded almost completely by the fog coming from the machines hidden by the darkness. Among them were Ray and Violet, dressed as Frankenstein’s monster and his bride, respectively, Peter, who was dancing with a rather provocatively wrapped mummy, and surprisingly enough, Louis, who danced with a platinum blonde in a tight black dress. Egon, who had decided to go as a “mad scientist” because, as he reasoned, he already had all he needed for that costume anyway, hung back by the food table, where he observed Winston chatting up a girl who was daintily eating a jack-o-lantern pumpkin pie, much happier to watch than be watched. Janine, in her witch’s outfit, approached him. “It’s that bad, huh?”
He turned his head towards her, his face completely stoic. “I don’t know what you mean. I’m having a wonderful time.”
“...I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. Wanna dance?”
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