#though green apple is pretty good too :D
giggly-squiggily · 2 years
HI HI OMG AJNSOAK XOXO forrrrrr reki and Miya pls!! (Platonic obviously :)) TYYYY OMG SHDNSK
HI HELLO WHAT'S UP KERKJKREJK This is super cute! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D
XOXO- "Hey, do you like raspberries?"
“Mmm~ Want some?” Reki offered a bag of fruit gummies to Miya, making the smaller kid look up.
“Got any green apples?” He peeked inside, scrunching his nose at the overwhelming amount of orange ones. “Ew, orange. No thanks.”
“What? What’s wrong with orange?” Reki asked, surprised. He had yet to know anyone who didn’t like orange flavored candy- even Cherry liked them, and he wasn’t that into sweets.
“Orange is so gross! It tastes like glue.” Miya shook his head as Reki popped an orange candy in his mouth. “Of course slime like you would have garbage tastes.”
“Oh? Do I now?” Reki tossed his gummies on his skateboard before grabbing the smaller skater, pulling him into his lap. “Says the guy who hates orange candy! What’s your favorite, huh? I bet you like grape.” He started gently tickling Miya’s ribs, laughing when said boy started squirming. “You probably love grape!”
“Gehahahhahahape suuhuhuhucks toohohohohhooho! Geahhahahaha, stahhahap it slihihihihime!” Miya squeaked, trying to elbow the other away. “Geheheheht ohohohohohff!”
“No way! First you insult my two favorite flavors, and then you insist on calling me slime! The audacity!” Reki mock gasped, one hand tickling Miya’s belly while the other moved to his knee. “Okay, picky eater- what about blueberry?”
“Ahehahhahahahha! Nohohohoohohohooho!”
“No to blueberries or no to tickling you?” Reki teased, a new idea coming to mind. “Oh, I know! Miya- do you like raspberries?”
“Thahahaht’s not ehehhehven a guhuhuhmmy-AHHAAHHA NOHOHOOHOHO!” The brunette all but squealed when Reki blew a massive one against the back of his neck, his hands working the hem of his hoodie for their next spot. “REHEHEHHEHEKI STHAHAHHAP IHIHIHIHIT!”
“Aww, are you too ticklish?” Reki cooed, easily maneuvering Miya so he was lying sideways in his lap. “Take back what you said about orange flavored gummies and I’ll let you go!”
“Nehehehhehhhever!” Miya declared stubbornly. Reki all but grinned.
“Your funeral, kid.” He winked before diving his head down, blowing another massive raspberry in the center of Miya’s stomach. The younger boy shrieked, yanking on Reki’s hair as he kicked his feet helplessly.
“OHOOHOHOKAY OHOOHOHOKAY YOHOOHOU WIHIIHIN! I TAHHAHAHKE IT BAHAHAHCK!” Miya cried after the second raspberry came to be. Reki cackled as he sat up, letting the other roll off his lap. “Ahehehehe…ehehehehehe…s-screhehehew you!”
“Love you too, bud.” Reki grinned, tossing another orange gummy in his mouth. He shook the bag at Miya invitingly, earning a tired eye roll.
“Ugh, fine.” Miya reached in, smiling when he found his green apple gummy. “But orange still sucks though.”
~Send me a pairing and a candy heart phrase~
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rainbowbarnacle · 6 months
Please make a tea post so I can save it especially the pineapple ice cubes I need more info
Oh, like, different teas I like to make? Okay! :D
🍍Pineapple Tea🍍
The way I do it is really simple:
Buy a giant jug of already-made tea (I like gold peak!)
Buy a carton of pineapple juice
Freeze the juice into cubes, pour a little of it in the tea for extra flavor
And that's it. That's aaaall you gotta do.
There's all kindsa ways you can dress it up, but nine times out of ten I just do this and drink it by the gallon when it's hot out.
If you wanna get fancy with it, feel free to cold brew your own black (or green) tea, add actual hunks of pineapple fruit in there, add some orange juice, add some honey, add some coconut milk or sweetened condensed milk, whatever sounds good! (Also, pairing pineapple tea with coconut cookies? SO GOOD.) Put mint in the pineapple cubes if you like mint! Add a bit of boiled ginger root or some brown sugar and cinnamon for a little kick! Heck, last summer I used blue peaflower star-shaped ice cubes just because they were pretty.
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(Peaflower petals don't taste like much, but they make a GORGEOUS blue, and if you put something acidic in there like lemon juice IT TURNS PINK. :D)
🍓Strawberry Tea🍓
I find this stuff sort of difficult to find where I live, so often I go the same route as the pineapple tea: grab a jug of black tea, grab a jug of strawberry juice, (ocean spray has a really nice cran-strawberry one I like) freeze the juice, mix, and enjoy. Super simple.
If I can't find strawberry juice, I dice some strawberries up and put it in a jar with some water and a bit of sugar for a few hours, then add *that* to the tea. (heck, it's really nice all by itself!)
What goes with strawberry? ANY DANG THING YOU WANT. I am particularly fond of lychee. Jasmine tea and rose petals pair really well with it too. Again, if you like mint, it's *really* nice with strawberry. And you know how if you put black pepper on strawberries they taste even strawberrier? (If you haven't tried this, go do it, it's magic.) Same goes with the tea, add some peppercorns or a teeny bit of chili powder or some ginger.
If you wanna drink it hot or cold brew a batch of your own, here are some brands that are also nice:
1. Strawberry Sensation
2. Adagio Strawberry Tea (this is also where I got the peaflower petals)
3. Any of Lupicia's Strawberry Teas they are HEAVENLY
🍏Apple Tea🍏
As with the pineapple and strawberry teas, it's totally fine to just go find some ready-made tea and mix it with some apple cider or apple juice for tasty low spoons fun. If you drink it iced, a bit of sugar and lemon juice brings out the apple flavor nicely!
I prefer drinking this stuff hot though. You know that Fall Drink post that was floating around? IF YOU HAVEN'T YET, TRY IT, IT'S AWESOME.
☕Chai Tea☕
So here's the thing about chai for me personally: I don't tend to drink it iced or sugary, but if you do like it iced and sugary, there are a couple of really nice chai tea concentrates:
Oregon Chai Latte
Tazo's Chai Latte (Forget the "skinny" nonsense, I just wanted to include an option with no milk so you can add whatever you want to it)
Pacific Chai isn't concentrated, but you can use it to make hot or iced chai and it's really lovely, not too sweet and super easy to work with. As for dressing up chai, I don't tend to! There's already so much going on with all the flavors, I just drink it as-is most days. Play with milk-to-tea ratios or sugar amounts all you like, figure out what's your jam.
I do know that mixing chai and coffee together (or chai and chocolate together) is guaranteed to make a feeling groovy kind of morning, at least if you have two thumbs and you're me. Iiii think that's all the tea blather I can think of for right now. Thank you for asking, anon, it was fun! Anybody reading this, feel free to add your own favorite things to do with tea. :D
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saw you talking about tea the other day and now i'm intrigued 👀 any flavors you're particularly fond of? asking for a friend also. please do ramble about it bc it's delightful :D
Jay! Hi! Fellow tea lover?
Hm… I love lots of teas, but really I prefer simple teas to anything super decadent or elaborate. I don’t ever add anything to my teas unless I’m sick (then I’ll add a bit of honey).
My go-to is just a simple green or peppermint tea, though I’m also a huge fan of spiced chai and earl grey. I adore jasmine tea - jasmine is probably my favourite, but it has to be a good jasmine, so I don’t have it all the time (again, it gets expensive). I always have some green or peppermint tea on hand though - a quality cup is always nice but I don’t as much mind if these are the cheaper kind.
I’m not a huge fruit tea person, though I did have a peach white tea once - that one was lovely cold - and of course a good lemon ginger is always nice. If I’m having bubble tea though, I always go for a mango or lychee green tea if they have it!
I have to say that I can’t remember what pu’erh tea was like - I know it was interesting and I liked it, but I’d need to try it again I think to recall it properly. I haven’t found a rooibos tea I’ve been particularly crazy about, but it’s nice too, just not what I’d gravitate towards.
If you want a sweet or dessert type tea, then any oolong is great, but I think I’m spoiled for that wuyi oolong now hahaha. I’ve had a vanilla black tea - it’s really good. I’d highly recommend that one. I also have this sweet apple-cinnamon tea with nuts. I don’t have it super often, as I’m not a fan of sugary teas but this one is a nice dessert on its own. It’s very nutty which makes it pretty unique.
When I’m sick, I’ve had a couple good teas. One I have for colds is a eucalyptus-mint. I recommend having this one only when you are very congested because boy is it strong. Tastes amazing though. Also my mom had several Korean friends when I was little, so I have fond memories of her making yujacha at their urging when I wasn’t feeling well as a young kid, and boricha for us to put in the fridge and drink cold. I love both.
I don’t usually have chamomile at home, but this is largely because on days when I’m really incredibly stressed (like, shaking with anxiety, actively spiralling, kind of stressed), I like to go for a walk in the evening and pick up a chamomile from a nearby café to take back with me. It’s an indulgence that way.
Other cool teas I have tried:
Butterfly pea flower tea: More of a novelty than anything but this tea is bright blue and changes to red when you add citric acid. It’s a natural pH indicator!
Lavender black tea: Incredibly good. This was another gift from my mom a few years back. Very nice in the evening.
Mushroom tea: These tend to be incredibly overpriced due to purported health benefits so I’ve only ever had samples but honestly? The ones I’ve had are very nice, a smooth, rich flavour. Not convinced they’re worth that price though.
Dandelion tea: People say this can be used as a coffee substitute. I’m not entirely sure I agree with that but it does have a dark roasted flavour that is similar to black coffee. It’s a little sweet though. I like this one a lot, but I only have this with food because if I don’t have anything in my stomach it makes me cramp a bit (as I found out the hard way) :/
Matcha green tea with roasted rice: Okay a friend of mine got me some of this as a gift when she went back to visit family for a bit and. Um. This tea is so incredibly good. We had some together and it was fantastic. I’ve been saving it and only having it at times I know I can really savour it because I want it to last. If you can find some good quality stuff I highly recommend it.
Aaaand sometimes, admittedly, I will enjoy an orange pekoe. It’s nice on occasion. I make it pretty strong hehe
I hope this was fun for you your friend! 😆
What are your favourite teas, Jay?
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gumnut-logic · 7 months
Sweetapple Slices - Slice One
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Sweetapple | Dear Mr Tracy | Along the way
I posted one of the OC questionnaire meme thingies and when I received some asks, I realised I could only communicate with my OCs through fic.
So for Alex, introducing Sweetapple Slices - short fics I can answer questions with :D
I hope you enjoy.
@idontknowreallywhy asked:
If your character had to get a tattoo, what would it be?
This was written between work shifts so done in a massive hurry. i hope it works. Many thanks to @onereyofstarlight for the quick read through :D
“No, Erry, no.”
“Aw, you are a spoil sport. Here I was thinking I could get a little apple in support.”
Alex starred at her. “It’s permanent, Erica. What if you end up hating me, you’d have to burn it off or something.”
She stared up at him, quite frankly as if he was a silly moron. “Don’t be silly.” Well, he was half right. “I could never hate you. You are just too adorable.” She reached up as if to pinch his cheek, but he ducked away.
She grinned and grabbed one of his fries instead and stuck between hot pink lips. “Wuss.”
“Why do I put up with you?”
“Because we are a good together. We make excellent multifunctional polymers. And without me you would never have thought to, much less approached, the mighty Scott Tracy with your brilliant idea.” She stole another fry just for emphasis.
He stared at her, but ultimately he had to smile. How could he anything but? Erica was multicoloured today - pink lips, blue hair propped up in pigtails, and a shade of sparkly green eyeshadow that just added to her overall level of glowing radioactivity.
“You’re dangerous.”
“And don’t you forget it.” He lost another fry.
“You do have your own, you know.”
“Not as entertaining.” She swooped in for another, but he moved the remainder out of her reach.
She pouted a moment, but then grinned at him. “See, you can learn.”
He fought back the urge to throw all his fries at her head.
“But, come on, seriously, you wouldn’t want to get a tattoo? Not even one that says ‘Virgil forever’ or ‘He’s my thunder’…oh, oh, ‘Rescue me, baby’ with a love heart.
He found himself staring at her again. None of those were worth any comment at all. “So do you have a tattoo?”
“Of course.” She suddenly found the street outside the cafe much more interesting than poking fun at him. In that direction lay the tattoo parlour that had started this whole discussion.
“Nope. Not telling unless you get one, too.” She snuffed her nose at him. “No tatts, no tales.”
“I could ask Fireman Fred.”
Her eyes widened. “Don’t you dare!” But then she realised how much she was revealing and she settled back. “He doesn’t know anyway. So, hmph!”
“Really? You have all the eyes for him, Ery. No action?”
“Mind your business.”
He burst out laughing. “So you can mind mine, but I can’t yours?”
“Exactly. Besides, if I didn’t mind yours, all sorts of things could happen.” Her hands were gesturing about as if she was trying to contain and enunciate the concept.
“Like what? The end of the world as we know it?”
“Pretty much.”
And that was the end of that because he happened to look at his watch and apparently talking about getting tattoos had eaten their entire lunch break. They were now five minutes late in getting back to the convention centre.
There followed the jamming of fries in his mouth, sculling the coffee that was barely passable - he wouldn’t be coming back here again - and dashing out the door like a pair of teenagers late for class.
He did eye the tattoo parlour one more time as they ran past, though…
If he did return three days later, after the dregs of the convention had finished, on the last night before flying back to Māhia, when Erica was otherwise occupied, he certainly wasn’t going to mention it.
And if sitting down at work for the next week required just a little extra care, he still wasn’t going to say anything.
It was worth it.
Because if Virgil ever did get around to discovering the tiny silhouette of Thunderbird Two on his right buttock, he was hoping it would get kissed better.
Much better.
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kris-mage-fics · 8 months
Creamy Beet Pasta Sauce with Thyme
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[image ID in ALT] This recipe just popped into my head a couple of years ago, and it turned out just as good as I imagined it would! You don't have to stick with the amounts listed, it's not a finicky recipe and is easy to adjust to your preferences. I've put a really detailed version under the cut to save your dash. But here's a link to it if you prefer (and a link to the simplified instructions, though I suggest you read the detailed ones at least once since I added a lot of tips). As always, both imperial and metric measurements are included. You do need a blender for this, but it doesn't have to be one of those super fancy, expensive ones. I know the photo isn't very good, but this is my first attempt at photographing food, and I was getting really hungry and just wanted to eat, lol! Though it shows just how vibrant the color of the pasta sauce is, which was the point.
Creamy Beet Pasta Sauce with Thyme The recipe yields about 3 cups/750 mL of pasta sauce.
2 cups/500 mL chopped cooked beets (about three medium beets) (directions below – you can cook them ahead of time or use precooked ones, in which case see the note below about reheating it)
1 cup/250 mL raw cashews, soaked and rinsed (directions below)
about 1 teaspoon/5 mL minced or crushed garlic – or 2 to 4 cloves of garlic depending on their size and how garlicy you want it (keep in mind that as the directions are written the garlic is raw)
about 1 tablespoon/15 mL fresh thyme (see note at the end)
2 teaspoons/10 mL apple cider vinegar (see note at the end)
1 to 1 ½ teaspoons/5 to 7.5 mL sea salt or Herbamare
½ to 1 ½ teaspoons/2.5 to 7.5 mL fresh ground black pepper
about 1 ¼ cups/210 mL water
pasta – I generally go with penne for this sauce but this is your meal so follow your heart!
A) Rinse the thyme stems in cool water and place them on a kitchen towel to dry. You can fold the towel over the stems and gently pat down to speed up the drying process, thyme is pretty sturdy so you won’t wilt it.
B) Prepare the cashews. There are two ways to soak them, it doesn’t matter which you choose. 1) Slow method: Place the cashews in a bowl or container with a lot of room, cover them with 2 cups/500 mL water. Let them soak for 10 to 12 hours. They’ve soaked long enough when you can easily break them with your fingers. Fast method: Place the cashews in a pot and cover with at least 2 cups/500 mL of water. Cook on a low boil for 20 minutes. (If you use this method, pick a pot big enough to cook your pasta in, then you only have one pot to wash!) 2) Drain and rinse the cashews a few times with fresh water.
C) Cook the beets. You can use whatever method you’d like, but I recommend roasting them because it’s easy and retains most of the nutrients. Plus, I haven’t found a faster way to peel them. Though this method seems to work best with fresh beets that still have the greens attached. 1) Preheat your oven to 400℉/200℃. 2) Cut the greens off the beets and rinse off any dirt. 3) Wrap each beet in aluminum foil and place on a baking tray or pan. 4) Bake for 45 to 90 minutes, until a fork can easily be stuck into them all the way to the center. 5) Let them cool long enough to handle, about 10 to 20 minutes, then cut off the ends. 6) Under running cold water push the beet skins off. They should come off really easily without much force or pressure. 7) Chop the beets into smallish cubes – about ¼ inch/0.5 cm – for easier blending.
D) As the beets are cooking (and the cashews if you choose the fast soaking method), destem the thyme until you have around 1 tablespoon/15 mL of thyme leaves.
E) Start cooking your pasta. Of course the timing of this depends on your pasta of choice and how long it takes. But if multitasking is too stressful, cook the pasta once you’re done with the sauce.
F) Throw everything (except maybe the thyme – see #2) in the blender and blend until creamy. 1) Use the smaller amounts of the garlic, thyme, salt, pepper, and water at first. That way you can adjust it to your taste as you go. 2) You might not want to blend the thyme in. If you want stronger thyme flavor, a fully creamy sauce, and a deeper, less vibrant magenta color than blend it in. But if you’d like a lighter thyme flavor, are fine with the texture of the leaves, and want a bright magenta sauce, add the thyme after you’re done blending it. (For reference, the photo shown has the thyme blended in.) 3) Blend until everything is nice and creamy and the seasonings and thickness are adjusted to your preference. You’ll have to stop the blender and scrape down the sides every now and then. 4) That’s it, your sauce is done! Now just plate it up with your pasta of choice! You can sprinkle some of the thyme on top to make it look extra pretty!
This keeps well in the fridge for several days, at least up to four. When you reheat it, make sure you don’t cook it. Just get it warmed up enough to keep it from making your pasta too cold. I find it warms up really well in the microwave, but I’m sure the stovetop works well too. I have no idea if this freezes well or not, because I always eat it up too fast to try, lol!
Note about Thyme: Normally I’m a dried herb person but this recipe just wouldn’t be the same with dried thyme. So do yourself a favor and buy the fresh this time (lol). If you don’t know what to do with the rest of it, just tie the stems up with a bit of string or thread and hang it somewhere out of direct sunlight and let it dry. It should be dry in a few days to a week. You can easily take it off the stem by running your fingers down it, against the direction the leaves grow. Now you can put it in a jar and you have no wasted thyme! Note about Apple Cider Vinegar: You might be tempted to skip this, but please don’t! When you are using plants to replicate the creaminess of dairy, you need to add a bit of acid since dairy is acidic. You can replace it with other acids but your results may vary. Lemon juice is a poor substitute here in my opinion, and you need to use more of it. You could use balsamic vinegar, but you probably need more of that too, since it’s not quite as tangy as apple cider vinegar. The point isn’t to taste the vinegar, but to add that bit of acidity it really needs to shine.
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bunnymajo · 2 years
Posted these OC fun facts on discord, so I'm posting them here for preservation :3
Favorite Color: (of all time)Mauve Pink and (currently) Acid Lime Green
Favorite Flower: Cactus Blossoms but uses, uh, Thistles as a signature flower. He likes them because it reminds him of him and Surge together (it's pink, green & spikey)
What they would take on a deserted island: A laptop & a classic romance novel (he's a sucker for the classics & old hollywood, he wildly misinterprets them, but he loves them)
Idea/Inspiration for them: based on a bumblekast question/description about a Glitch ver. Amy, but I liked the idea of Surge just having a rabid fanboy (different from Kit) and gave him a more eccentric flair. Design wise I wanted him to look like a punk version of a normal schoolboy, and tried to make his personality more feminine & extroverted (since Surge leans more masculine & Surge & Kit are both more introverted). I also pulled inspiration from few obsessive characters like Kish from Tokyo Mew Mew & Lum from Urusei Yatsura
Favorite Color: Coral Red, but any jewel tones she think are very pretty
Favorite Flower: Shepherd's Purse, she likes it for it's medicinal values and also thinks it's cute and simple
What they would take on a deserted island: She would think it'd be a great time for meditating so probably a sketch diary to keep track of her thoughts/draw anything neat she finds
Idea/Inspiration for them: I like powerful ladies, I'm also plus sized so any plus sized rep in my favorite media is welcomed, and noticed that Blaze doesn't have a powerhouse lady companion (aside from herself) so I just kinda took it as a challenge to see if I could make it work and I think I found the right balance.
Pop & Crackers:
Favorite Color: Navy Blue & Off-white, it reminds her of her favorite sports team
Favorite Flower: "Why would I care about lame things like flowers?" - Pop. Crackers likes Gardenias, they smell nice.
What they'd take to a deserted island: Stuff to play beach volleyball
Idea/Insp: Also based on a bumblekast question lol (glitch Cream), since Cream is sweet & supportive & brings out the best in people, I wanted Pop to just have a total bratty sibling vibe. I like baseball and thought a team sport angle would be a great way to incorporate a chao teammate. Since she's also an opponent for Kit, I thought it'd be interesting if she shared personality traits with Surge. Like it's cool when Surge acts like a braggart, but anyone else I think he'd find much more annoying & be able to show no mercy to
Mimi Mint:
Favorite Color: Mint Green XD but any shade of green she likes
Favorite Flower: Any fruit tree blossoms (Apple, Cherry, Peach, Lemon etc.) she's a farmer girl, she loves any kind of spring flower, it's a sign of good things.
What they'd take to an island: a boat to leave. she would not have a good time after the first afternoon
Idea/Insp: she's based on my Forces oc so she's basically an idealized me :'D but I like characters that are just normal people doing their best
Favorite Color: Hot Pink, the brighter and gaudier the better
Favorite Flower: Pink Peonies, anything big and explosive looking like Dahlia or huge Roses she likes too
What they'd take to a deserted island: "Oh how fabulous, is there a resort there? A spa?....not even a hotel? ...oh. you mean deserted deserted, how quaint. No thank you, I'll pass" - Opal. (She would have some giant trendy sunglasses on her though)
Idea/Insp: If I don't make a magical girl fit somewhere in my favorite media I'll die
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kobra93art · 3 days
Horse au anon here again, once more unable to sleep, with more ideas.
Escharum and Jega's friendship could be a lot more deeper and personal in this au.
Sangheili/horses still think that the brutes are dishonorable beasts, but while they're intelligent, they are still technically animals. With no actual language.
Jega could be a lot more skittish and hateful as a horse, along with having a LOT more ptsd than his canon Sangheili counterpart.
Ends up getting known as a "killer horse" after ending the lives of Unggoy and Kig-Yar caretakers that try to put him down due to his injuries.
A younger escharum could find Jega, and save him from being put into a slaughter house or from being taken to a glue factory. Makes him a prosthetic that doubles as a weapon, and in return, jega welcomes Escharum not just as a rider, but an actual friend.
I don't know how horses play, exactly but I could see jega showing behavior towards escharum that only horses show each other (obviously in private though. This horse has the mentality of Sangheili still, and has SOME dignity if he doesn't have honor.)
I could also see him being a lot more chill with Escharum being rough with him. Grabbing at him, smacking him, being loud, etc. It still spooks him, he just accepts that while Jiralhanae are dishonorable and fucking terrifying, his friend can be terrifying as a treat. He won't run, friends don't run from friends. He just side eyes, and judges Escharum whenever he starts roaring or doing normal brute stuff.
Horses are pretty opportunistic eaters from what I remember too, so they sometimes eat meat. I could see horse-jega copying his new brute "herd" by sneaking snacks from prisoners. Stomping them to death, then grazing on the guts. Probably not good for him, but hey, Escharum does it.
Escharum in return would have to start eating some greens, to keep his horse from getting sick. Imagine this poor chieftain reluctantly eating a salad, with a horse over his shoulder.
Horses also can pick up on things not being right faster than people can, so this adds some angst to their relationship. Jega could figure out that Escharum is getting sick before he can, but the brute can't figure out why his steed is trying to keep him from fighting, when normally Jega is pumped and practically begging to take him to the fight. The banished could think that the horse is going back to his rebellious ways, till escharum starts showing symptoms like he does in halo infinite, and it clicks that Jega was begging him to go rest because he was getting ***sick.***
But thinking of Escharum, this giant brute chieftain, acting kinda like a horse girl towards jega throughout their whole friendship is so funny to me. I think they'd enjoy apples together.
I'm picturing their first ride like Barbie's first ride on Majesty in Barbie in a pony tale. Jega refusing any horse riding gear, then bolting once escharum actually gets on his back.
Oh wow I love your creative ness <3 Absolutely this idea is amazing, from start to finish. Also sorry you couldn't sleep well with all this ideas haha. But I love it, having once been an equestrian myself and seeing 'kill horses' that are flagged with the red ribbon on their tail. I kinda like the idea of Escharum helping Jega and taking care of him.
Like Escharum here be feeding Jega the good sugar cubes and damn oats and Jega be like " I like you, but also I need to look cranky all the time. Let me kick that other Brute in the butt for you as a thank you. " It totally makes for one heck of an idea. I might even do some headcanon stuff for the next anon of yours :D and sorry it took me so long to respond back. Work got in the way.
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dailyrandomwriter · 21 days
Day 694
In a fact that will surprise no one who has ever worked a traditional full time job, it was the day off in which I finally managed to dive back into normal Chimera Academy writing.
And by writing I mean character profiles.
And by character profiles, I do not mean the quartet even though they’ve been on my to do list for the past month.
Spoilers for those who do not want to know about side characters that may or may not have a larger part to play because I still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.
Apple was a character that was born from the ether. I had not originally created Apple when I initially made my first set of Chimera students. However, when @wereah was drawing some of the scholarship students, she suddenly popped up. Now originally, she was supposed to be a gnome, a fact that had actually been giving the two of us a few issues.
In Dungeons and Dragons there are two small races called gnomes and halflings. Haflings, by description, are clearly supposed to be hobbits, because D&D was heavily inspired by Lord of the Rings when it was first created. The problem with gnomes and halfings is that by description alone they don’t visually look that different, and in the race art in the source material, it’s very minor differences. Gnomes tend to be more lanky, wiry in D&D art while halfings pretty much look like little folk, with very aged adult appearances shrunk down to a smaller size.
There is a reason why some fans only familiar with the Vox Machina animated series but not the live plays confused Scanlan and Pike for halflings instead of gnomes. Visually, it is very difficult to tell those two races apart.
This was why in Chimera, halflings were given short round bodies (think Lalafells from FFXIV) in order to emphasis the lanky nature of gnomes, and gnomes were given a green skin tone, because outside of D&D gnomes traditionally had fae like qualities, and green skin seemed like a good idea.
That being said, Apple was the first gnome to be designed, and as such she was experimental, because again… visually the two races had to be different enough to recognize them on sight. So, for reasons I don’t know Apple ended up with pointed teeth, and I was like… maybe not that. It was just too far removed from a gnome, but she was drawn and she was adorable.
So I asked, having been a large fan of the Mighty Nein series, what if we made her goblin? 
The question posed to me then was, if we made her goblin, how did she end up in Chimera?
In the world of Chimera, what were goblins instead of being the cannon fodder they often were in D&D campaigns?
This resulted in a (at least an hour) long conversation about what goblins were like in this world and how Apple ended up in Chimera. So here I am on a day off, writing about Apple, looking up goblins deities and trying to decide what sort of values her family has.
Honestly, I adore Apple and I hope I really do get to write more about her, but I say that a lot to myself about my side characters.
0 notes
dreamerstreamer · 4 years
Toxic Taste
Pairing: Dream / Clay x gn!reader
Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] It's a perfect day for a picnic with your friends. Well, it seems like one until you suddenly fall very ill.
Warnings: very minor cursing
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: this was requested by @amintyworld​! everyone just loves protective dream, don’t they? i had fun exploring this concept, and i hope you enjoy!
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You hummed, fixing your hair in the mirror before giving yourself one last once over, nodding to yourself. Looks good. Just then, you heard the door swing open behind you, creaking with a quiet groan. You didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
“Hey, are you ready to go?”
Whirling around, your hand quickly grabbed the woven basket on the table beside you as you flashed Clay a bright grin, bounding over to his side with a skip in your step. “I am, now.”
Without having to say another word, he lifted his arm toward you, and you looped yours through his, your fingers tightening around the basket handle. The two of you stepped outside together, locking the door behind you before making your way down the oak path. Above you, only a few clouds dotted the cerulean blue sky, drifting along the gentle spring breeze.
It really was a perfect day for a picnic.
Turning, you cast a curious glance over at Clay. “Are you excited to see what everyone brought?”
He bobbed his head, his lips quirking up into a wicked grin. “Yeah—I can’t wait to make fun of whatever George made.”
You frowned, shooting him an unimpressed look. “George is a good chef in his own right,” you chided.
His smile widened, reaching over to gently tap your nose. “Yeah, but you’re the best.” He patted your basket cover, his viridian gaze swirling with mirth. “They’re gonna love your cookies.”
You rolled your eyes at him, snorting, but he didn’t miss the way your lips twitched. “You just say that because you’re my boyfriend.”
He hummed. “Just because I’m biased doesn’t mean it’s not true.”
You raised your brows at him. “Oh? So you admit that you’re biased?”
Leaning over, he brushed his lips against yours in a peck, pulling back with a dazzling grin. “Of course,” he murmured in that soft tone that made your cheeks grow hot, “without a doubt.”
You swallowed, trying to calm your frantically beating heart. “You’re so cheesy,” you said, adopting a passive tone, “no more dilly-dallying, now. We have a picnic to get to.”
He sent you a crooked smile. “Okay, okay.” His eyes flashed. “I’ll race you.”
“Huh, wh—?”
Before you could even process what was happening, he had suddenly bolted, his arm leaving yours. Almost immediately, your body yearned for the warmth of his pressed against yours, and you found yourself stumbling after him.
“Wait, Clay!” you called after him, your basket bouncing beside you as you watched him crest over the grassy hill. “That’s not fair! Get back here!”
He only turned to shoot you a goofy grin, laughter bubbling on his lips as he disappeared from view, his hoodie fading to nothing more than a tiny speck of green among the swaying blades of grass. You couldn’t stop the laughter from spilling from your lips, bursting from your chest like fireworks.
“You are so dead when I catch up to you!”
He called back over the horizon. “If you ever!”
Your grin only grew wider.
Oh, he was so dead.
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“Your bread sucks.”
You gasped, lightly smacking Clay’s chest. “Clay!” Whipping around, you sent George an earnest grin. “George, I think your bread is wonderful.”
Beside you, Tommy made a face, setting his slice down on his plate with a disgusted glance. “Nah, I agree with Big D. This bread is pretty shit.”
Now, it was Wilbur’s turn to gasp. “Tommy!”
Tommy’s brows knit together as he scowled. “What? I’m just telling the truth.”
George let out a long groan, his glasses threatening to slide off the crown of his head as he hung his face in his hands. “I am never baking, again.”
In an instant, Niki was on her feet, flailing her arms. “No, no, no! Don’t say that—baking can be a lot of fun!” She paused for a moment, then her eyes lit up. “I can teach you a new sourdough recipe, if you’d like!”
George lifted his head, blinking at her with wide, hopeful eyes. “You would?”
She nodded, a bright smile tugging at her lips. “Of course!”
Sapnap snorted, taking another bite of steak. “I can’t believe you have to learn from someone else how to make good bread.”
George groaned again, glowering at his supposed best friend. “Why is everyone ganging up on me, today?”
Clay was quick to butt in. “Haven’t you heard? It’s National Be Mean to George Day.”
Tubbo blinked, confusion clouding his features. “That’s not a real holi—” He paused, then gasped. “Oh, wait.” He grinned. “Never mind.”
George’s glare only intensified, and he sighed. “Niki, forget it.”
While Niki practically shriveled into a puddle, Wilbur spoke up, offering him a reassuring smile. “Well, I think your bread is delicious, George. Genuinely.”
George flashed him a thankful grin, adjusting the glasses on his head. “Thank you, Wilbur.”
Letting out another laugh, you leaned back against Clay’s side, his arm firmly wrapped around your waist as you snuggled against him. Your friends were always up to weird antics, and while you didn’t necessarily agree with their actions, you were willing to indulge in them, if only to see what would happen next. In front of you, you gingerly picked up the half-eaten fish skewer from your plate, lifting it to your lips as you took another bite. It was sweet, and vaguely tasted like saltwater, but you liked it. It was unique, in its own weird way.
You watched as Clay reached across the patterned blanket for the plate of cookies you had brought, gingerly picking one up. Glancing up at him, you opened your mouth. “Do you actually think George’s bread is bad?” you asked softly. “Or are you just trying to rile him up?”
He paused, the cookie halfway to his mouth, then shrugged, biting in. “It’s a bit of both. It isn’t half-bad, I guess.” He shot you a cheeky wink. “Yours is still better, though.”
You groaned, feeling your face grow warm. “Stop that.”
He tilted his head at you, a cocky grin spreading across his face as he chewed. “Stop what?” he said, leaning in close to you. “Being honest?”
You did your best to send him a glare, but you knew it was half-hearted at best. “Yes.”
His grin widened, his eyes glimmering with affectionate arrogance. “Never.”
As his eyes locked onto yours, you felt your glare melt away. With a small hum, he dipped his head to yours, pressing his mouth to yours with a smile. His tongue lapped at your lips, and you grinned back. He tasted like chocolate chips and sunshine. You pulled back with a quiet gasp, your cheeks burned with heat as his emerald eyes bore into yours, crinkling at the corners.
“I love you, sweetheart,” he whispered for you and you alone.
Your heart swelled. “I love you, too.”
He stared at you for a moment longer, then pressed his forehead against yours, mischief dancing in his eyes. “Also,” he added, “you taste like fish.”
You sent him a horrified look before smacking his arm again, your heart flipping as he wheezed at your reaction. “S-Shut up!”
He only wheezed harder in response, and despite your embarrassment, you felt a smile tugging on your lips. That was the thing about Clay that got you every time—as much as he would tease you and make your heart go wild in your chest, you knew he meant every single thing he told you. He was just so sincere like that, and it made you want to sink straight into him.
God, you were so, so in love.
Just then, a howl pulled you away from your attack on Clay. You turned to see Quackity, his mouth agape as he pointed at Niki, a bewildered look plastered to her face. “Niki!” he screamed. “You brought cake?”
She blinked, stunned for only a moment before she smiled, nodding. “Yeah! It’s homemade and has vanilla frosting.”
Quackity immediately sank down to one knee, one hand outstretched toward her as he said dramatically, “Marry me.”
Niki’s smile didn’t falter for even a second. “No thanks.”
Quackity’s arm dropped, and he let out a whine. “Damn, you didn’t have to say it so quickly.” Crossing his arms over his chest, he sat down with a pout. “You could have at least pretended to think about it.”
You all burst into laughter, giggling as Niki simply set her cake down on the blanket next to George’s bread. Wilbur had brought three watermelons—how he carted them over by himself, you had no idea—while Tommy brought pork chops. Tubbo had also caught fish for the occasion while Sapnap packed steak. Meanwhile, Quackity had carried a sack of apples over to the picnic, but you had a feeling he may or may not have stolen them, since he didn’t exactly own an apple orchard of his own.
You opened your mouth to ask for a slice of Niki’s cake when you suddenly froze, a bolt of what felt like lightning tingling up your spine. Your head spun, and you could have sworn your vision darkened at the edges. An uneasy pit grew in your stomach, and you frowned. Why do I feel so... strange?
Pushing yourself forward slightly, you tried to sit up straight, only to feel your arms wobble before you crashed back into Clay’s side once more. In a flash, his arms were around you, holding you steady as his green eyes peered down at yours.
“Hey,” he said, his tone growing serious, “are you okay?” He wrinkled his brow. “You look a little off.”
You blinked, feeling your stomach churn with uneasiness. “I’m, um—I feel kind of sick.”
Without an ounce of hesitation, Clay was on his feet, stretching his arm out to you. “Here, let me help you up.”
You slipped your hand into his, doing your best to hang on tight as he tugged you upward. You expected to simply stand on your own two feet just as you would in any other situation, but the moment you were up, you suddenly felt your knees buckle beneath you, your legs going numb. You gasped as your feet went flying out under you, your fingers digging onto Clay’s palm.
With a whirl, his arms held you to his chest, your sides shaking. A rush of anxiety rolled through you, and you looked down, desperately trying to move your foot, only to find that you couldn’t. It remained as still as a rock, and you wanted to cry.
“[Y/N],” Clay breathed, his hand on your face as he supported your weight with his other arm, “what’s wrong?” His eyes desperately searched yours for any clue as to what was happening, but all you could manage was a broken, choked whisper.
“Clay, I—” You swallowed, your hands trembling around his arm while something stung at the back of your eyes. “I can’t move my legs.”
He froze, his voice dropping to a deadly low whisper. “You what?”
You shook your head, hanging onto him for dear life. The spinning had gotten worse now, and you felt sicker and sicker by the second. “I-I don’t know, I don’t feel good and something’s wrong and—Clay,” you breathed, tears welling up in your eyes, “I’m scared.” Your heart pounded in your chest, but for all the wrong reasons. “Am I going to die?”
His gaze hardened, filling with determination as his hold around you tightened. “No,” he said without even an inkling of doubt, “you’re not.”
Before you could react, he suddenly swung one arm beneath your numb legs, easily hoisting you up so that you were carefully pressed against his chest. You gasped as your friends’ eyes landed on you, their faces full of worry as your head lolled against Clay’s shoulder.
“Everyone,” he said, his voice booming across the field, “there’s something wrong with the food.” His eyes narrowed. “Don’t eat it.”
He turned his head, dipping his head toward George as he said, “George, I need you to get me as many regeneration potions and golden apples as you can, ASAP.”
George was on his feet as fast as he could, already turning on his heel. “I’m on it,” he shouted as he took off, already booking it down the hill.
Finally, Tubbo spoke up, asking the one question that had been on everyone’s mind. “Dream, what’s going on?”
Clay’s eyes darkened, and you could just barely feel his hands tighten around you while your vision swam.
“[Y/N]’s been poisoned.”
Wilbur gasped, slapping a hand over his mouth. “Oh my god.”
Sapnap whipped his head around, gazing at the once serene picnic blanket with sheer terror. “What the fu—”
Suddenly, your hand shot up to grip Clay’s collar, his eyes immediately darting to yours. You gasped, your head absolutely throbbing as your heart rammed against your rib cage all too quickly. You opened your mouth, your spit tasting like salt and ash.
“Clay, I—”
The words died in your mouth as the world went dark, enveloping you in cold darkness.
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You awoke with a start, bolting upright as you gasped, the cool air flooding your aching lungs. Immediately, you felt your stomach churn in retaliation, and your skull practically screamed at you to lie back down again. Slamming a hand over your eye, you felt the spinning of your head slowly fade away. Disoriented and dizzy, the blurriness of your vision began to lift as you blinked, taking in the sight of the room around you.
You didn’t recognize the windowsill at your side or the mattress you were lying on. The closed door stared back at you as your gaze swept over it, almost as if it knew you were confused. Not even the sheets looked familiar.
Where... am I?
You swallowed, something sharp and uneasy prickling up your spine.
What happened?
Your eyelids fluttered shut, and you tried to recall the events that had led you up to this moment.
You remembered... cookies. And a picnic. Clay’s hand in yours. There was food, and laughter. Then suddenly, you were queasy. Sick. Something wasn’t right. Then... nothing.
You blanched. Did I pass out?
Just then, you heard the door click, the hinges swinging open with a creak. Your eyes flew open and your breath hitched in your throat, and you turned, your fingers curling tighter into the sheets. Your eyes went wide as Clay walked in, one hand on the handle and the other holding an apple. The moment his eyes met yours, he froze.
“Clay?” you whispered, your voice sounding hoarse.
The apple dropped to the ground.
In an instant, he was in front of you with his hands on your face, his thumbs brushing over your cheeks. His emerald eyes bore straight into yours with an intensity that sent your heart reeling. The words flew from his mouth in a flurry, his gaze never leaving yours.
“How are you feeling? Can you hear me? Is everything feeling alrig—”
“Woah, woah,” you said, waving your hand to cue him to stop, “what happened?”
His fingers trembled against your cheeks, and you could have sworn his eyes flashed with something wet. “[Y/N], oh, I’m—” He swallowed, his neck bobbing as he sent you a grateful smile. “I’m just so glad that you’re here.”
His hands pulled away from your face as he stood upright once more, heading for the open door. “Here, I’ll be back in a second.”
You raised your hand toward him, opening your mouth to say something, but he was already gone, having disappeared down the hall in a flash. Blinking, you sat stunned and even more confused than before, left only to wait and hope for an explanation once he returned.
Hardly even two minutes passed before you heard the rumbling of footsteps racing toward the open door. You squeaked when a series of faces filled the room, their cheeks red and chests heaving as they caught their breath. Clay immediately shuffled back to your side, slipping into the space on the bed next to you before grabbing your hand, squeezing.
“[Y/N]!” Niki cried, her eyes filled with panic. “Are you okay?”
Beside her, Tubbo’s hands shook at his side. “We only just heard from Dream that you were awake.”
You opened your mouth, then closed it, your mind still hazy with everything that had just happened. Struggling to come up with an answer, you found yourself blurting the first words that came to mind. “How long has it been?”
You saw George shoot Sapnap a look, shrugging his shoulders before glancing back at you. “Uh, like, half a day.”
You shot forward, gaping. “Half a day?!”
Tommy flashed you a bright grin, leaning against Tubbo’s shoulder with a teasing look. “Yeah, you should have seen Dream run around! He spoon fed you regeneration potions and probably even read three whole fuckin’ libraries’ worth of books on poison antidotes while you wer—”
A hand suddenly smacked into Tommy’s skull, and he yelped. Behind him,  Wilbur scowled. “Tommy!” he scolded. There was a soft giggle, then Wilbur whirled, his eyes narrowing. “And Quackity.” The giggles stopped. “Don’t think I didn’t see you laughing. This is serious.”
There was a slight pause. “Okay, but it is funn—”
“[Y/N],” Clay suddenly said, cutting Tommy off as his hand squeezed yours.
You blinked, trying to ignore how low his voice sounded right about now. “Y-Yeah?”
He cocked his head at you, gesturing to the sheets covering your lower half. “Can you move your legs?”
“Um...” Lifting an arm, you flung the sheets off of you, carefully shifting your leg back and forth. “Y-Yeah. I’m still feeling kind of funny, though.” You wrinkled your nose. “I’m not sure if I can stand, yet.”
He frowned, his eyebrows furrowing as he ran a hand through his hair. “Damn. I had a feeling this would happen, but I still wished it wouldn’t.”
Quackity took a step forward, his hand outstretched toward you. “Here, [Y/N], try—”
A snarl ripped itself out of Clay’s throat, and his shout echoed off the walls. “Don’t touch them!”
A tense silence immediately fell over the room, and Quackity back-pedalled, pulling his hand back as if he had burned it on hot coal. You watched as a pang of guilt shot across Clay’s face before he sighed. “Sorry, I mean—” He shook his head, lowering his head. “Fuck.”
Sapnap sent him a small smile, sincere and reassuring. “Hey, man,” he said softly, “it’s alright. We get it. You’re stressed. I’d react the same way if I was in your position.”
Clay raised his chin a little, his lips quirking. “Thanks, Sap.”
Wilbur suddenly spoke up, his eyes trained on you. “Dream, I think we still have some questions we should ask.”
Clay blinked, then nodded. “Right, thanks, Wilbur.” Clearing his throat, he turned to face you head on.” Do you still remember the picnic?” When you nodded, he continued. “Did anything out of the ordinary happen?”
You paused, then shook your head. “Not that I can remember. I woke up, packed up a basket, walked over to the field with you, ate with everyone, then...” You gestured vaguely. “Well, y’know.”
His gaze hardened. “What did you eat?”
You thought for a moment. “Um, I ate an apple, and I had two slices of George’s bread.” You paused again, furrowing your brows. Then, your eyes lit up. “Oh, and I also ate some of the fish.”
Clay stared at you. “Fish?” he parroted.
You bobbed your head, humming. “Yeah. That’s about as much as I remember.”
There was a brief moment of silence, and you could practically see the gears turning in Clay’s head. “Did anyone else here eat the fish?” he finally said after a while.
Your friends cast curious looks at one another before George raised his hand, shaking his head. “No.” He jutted his head toward you. “[Y/N] was the first and only person to, I believe.”
Clay pursed his lips. “Tubbo.”
Tubbo jumped, looking panicked and shaky as he stammered out, “Y-Yes, Dream?”
Clay narrowed his eyes. “Who exactly brought the fish?”
Tubbo gulped. “Uh, it, um, ah—” He inhaled sharply at the look on Clay’s face, then sighed. “I did, Dream.”
For a moment, it was quiet. Then, Clay sighed, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. “Oh, it all makes sense now.”
Now, it was Tommy’s turn to speak, his expression clouded with confusion. “How the fuck does that make this make any more sense than it did before?”
Clay suddenly slipped his hand out of yours, your palm meeting nothing as he rose to his full height. You felt the air grow cold.
“Tubbo,” he said slowly, casually—almost too casually. A crooked, charming smile spread across his lips, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “What kind of fish was it?”
Tubbo lowered his gaze to the ground. “Pufferfish,” he said in a tiny whisper.
Tommy stared. “Oh.” Understanding flickered across his face before being replaced by horror. “Oh.”
Clay took a step forward, the grin never leaving his face. “Tubbo—”
Your hand shot forward, grabbing onto his wrist before he could take another step. His arm was tense underneath your touch, but he stopped the moment your skin met his. “Clay,” you said quickly, your words rushed and hurried, “stop, please.”
He turned, looking back at you over his shoulder. You shook your head at him. “I’m sure it was an accident. Tubbo would never poison anyone deliberately, let alone me.”
You heard a soft hiccup, then Tubbo spoke. “I-I wouldn’t, I swear it! I just... I thought cooking pufferfish would make them less toxic for other people.”
Niki raised her hand, her face pleading as her eyes darted back and forth between Dream and Tubbo. “I can vouch for him, and not just because we’re friends. He might have built up his own tolerance for pufferfish poison, but I don’t think he realized just how bad it could turn out to be.”
Tubbo nodded frantically, looking smaller than ever as he finally lifted his head. “Seriously, Dream, I would never do it intentionally, I promise.” He turned to look at you, his sides shaking as your gaze met his.
“I’m sorry, [Y/N],” he whispered, honesty and desperation soaking into every syllable he spoke, “I really am.”
Your face softened immediately, and you could only hope he knew how sincere you were being. “I forgive you, Tubbo.” Your eyes flit to the man in front of you. “Do you, Clay?”
You couldn’t see his expression from where you were sitting, but the look of terror on Tubbo’s face said it all. “Yes,” he said, “but only because you do.”
Your grip around his wrist tightened. “Clay, I’m positive. Please, just let it be.” You tugged a little, and he turned, watching as you kicked your legs at him with a small smile. “I’m all better now, see?”
The coldness in his gaze finally seemed to melt, and he shook his head at you, his lips twitching. “Fine.” Walking back over to you, you tucked your legs back against you as he sat on the bed, levelling a glare at the crowd gathered in front of you. “Now everyone, get out.”
There was a whistle. “Jeez, aggressive mu—”
“Tommy,” Wilbur said again, already tugging at the blond’s collar as he tread toward the hall, “an angry Dream is not someone you want to mess with.”
Tommy glowered as everyone filed out of the room, his voice fading away as they disappeared outside. “Ugh, you are such a killjo—”
Sapnap sent you a friendly smile as his hand wrapped around the door handle. “I hope you feel better soon, [Y/N].”
You returned his grin with a grateful look. “Thanks, Sapnap.”
With one last wave, he pulled the door shut, leaving you alone with Clay. Shifting forward slightly, you swung your legs off the bed, nudging him with your side. “Clay?” you murmured, your eyes searching his face. It was at times like this he was easier to read.
With a sigh, he hung his head in his hands, the vein in his neck bulging out. “God, I know he means well, but I still kind of want to wring Tubbo’s neck, right now.”
You leaned against him, pressing your cheek to his bicep. “Clay, don’t say that.”
He lifted his head, growling. “I know, I know! It’s just—”
He bit his lip, then sighed again, his arm reaching up to pull you onto his lap. Shifting you around so that you were facing him, his leaned his forehead against yours, his hot breath tickling your skin.
“You don’t know how scared I was,” he whispered, sincere and true. “I never want to lose you. Ever.”
Heat crawled up your neck, and your head spun, but not for the same reasons as before. “C-Clay.”
His hand stroked along your back. “It’s the truth, y’know? I’d never lie to you, and I mean every word.” Leaning upward, he pressed his lips to your forehead as he spoke, the words shaking against your skin. “You mean more to me than you may ever know.”
You hummed, your heart blossoming in your chest. “Even if that’s the case,” you said, “you don’t need to be so upset, anymore.” You felt his lips leave your forehead, and you peered up at him through your lashes. “I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
You leaned back in his arms, reaching up to brush your fingertips over his freckles. A soft smile tugged at your lips as you watched him melt a little at the gesture. “Now,” you said, quiet yet firm, “promise me you won’t be mad at Tubbo the next time you see him.”
He blinked. “W-What?”
You pursed your lips. “Clay.”
He chuckled. “Alright, alright. I promise.” A sly grin slipped onto his face. “But only if...”
You raised a brow at him. “Only if...?”
You half-wanted to smack the stupid grin off his stupidly perfect face. “Only if you give me a kiss.”
You giggled, slipping your arms over his shoulder and around his neck. He always knew how to make you laugh, even at serious times like this. Leaning forward, you pressed your lips to his in a sweet kiss. He still tasted like freshly squeezed lemonade, gleaming in the light of the sweet summer sun. You felt him smile against you, and you pulled away mirroring his expression.
“There,” you whispered, running your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. “Does that seal the deal?”
He hummed, tilting his head at you while mischief danced in his eyes. “Maybe you should do it again just to make sure.”
You rolled your eyes at him, but couldn’t stop the giddy smile from spreading across your face.
Your picnic may have been a disaster, but you wouldn’t mind ending your days wrapped in Clay’s arms more often.
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lesyasun · 3 years
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A while ago I received an interesting question about game aesthetics. The person in that ask really struggles with downloading stuff and finding their own style. They asked me how I came up with what you see on my screenshots. Have you ever thought that you can recognize whose screenshot this is by just a quick glance? Is editing important in photoshop? How to take beautiful screenshots? Today let’s talk about how different one single game could be for each of us and what really makes this mysterious “sims aesthetics”.
EDIT: Sorry, it turned out to be huge with lots of random thoughts :D I hope at least one percent of these is useful!
NOTE: English is not my native language, I apologize for possible grammar or spelling mistakes. I tried my best in writing this!
Ok, let’s imagine that you’re a person who just obtained the sims game or just want a nice fresh start and demolished your download folder. (We all need fresh starts sometimes, right?) The struggle is that you have no idea which style you like the best. There are so many sims blogs. Everyone seems to enjoy what they post but you’re a little bit lost in that jungle. Don’t worry! I’ll try to guide you and share my thoughts.
STEP 1 Choose your general style
I roughly divide all sims blogs that I see on my dashboard into a couple of so-called styles. I’ve been doing it in my mind for ages. I like following different people and seeing diferent editing. None of them are better than others. I hope you understand that it’s just a matter of liking. Ok, here we go. Let me put this sorting hat on you :D
1. Realistic 
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Screenshot by @luchiatores
Perhaps, it’s the most important thing that you should decide for yourself. Wether you should use realistic textures in your game or you’d prefer to stick to more cartoonish maxis match ones. Why is it so important, to my mind? I like things that match. Just imagine game Witcher 3 where characters and surroundings are realistic. And now imagine Minecraft where things are pixelated. Both games are great, both games have certain beautiful styles. And now imagine Geralt hunting for monsters in a pixelated Minecraft swamp. A bit strange, isn’t it? :D The same applies to Sims. If you put a super realistic skintone on your sim and put a Maxis ponytail, that would probably look strange too. If you choose this style, just try to dig for a good quality content, start following simblrs in this style. Unfortunately, I’m not an expert when it comes to realistic content. So, try to drop an ask to someone whose realistic game you like. There are so many helpful people around in the sims community no matter what style they have :)
2. Trully Maxis Match
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screenshot by @whattheskell
This is a complete opposite of a realistic style. I’ve always called people who use a lot of original maxis textures “trully maxis” :D If you can decorate a house without any custom content, if you like the way original hairstyles look, if you like Maxis clothes, you should go this way. From what I’ve spot after being so many years in the sims community, “trully” maxis simblr are so creative when it comes to storytelling. The stories that they write about either their sims/or maxis premades are so breathtaking. So much drama, so much fun. The only thing that I write about my screenshots is “Ok, this is my cat! Look, it can eat flowers and puke afterwardst! Yay! Cute”. If you choose this way, I can recommend you to check out @holleyberry, @didilysims or @moocha-muses. Obviously there are a lot more blogs that I follow. These people are just so sweet and helpful and they’re first who came to my mind. 
3. Bright Maxis Matchery
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screenshot by @muupi
This is where I refer myself to. This style is still Maxis but what stands out is the use of bright colours and saturated photoshopped pictures. Ah, my love for overedited pictures is endless <3 This is what I’m going to talk a lot below since it’s my cup of tea. It’s all about colours and pallete addiction. If you love looking at super bright/silly/cheery screenshots and they boost up your mood, than join the squad! 
Basically, Maxis match (I’ll just shorten for MM from now on) players avoid super shiny skins or hair textures and prefer to have content with Simlish letters instead of English ones. This is a very important factor for me when I choose paintings or prints for T-shirts. I don’t know, I feel like it’s so cute that sims can’t understand our languages, talk this funny gibberish simlish language. It’s cute! There are so so many people that I can recommend. @lina-cherie @keoni-chan @kahlenas They are first who came to my mind <3
4. Grungy/cosmic
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screenshot by @lilithpleasant 
I don’t know if these are suitable words :D But this is how I describe people’s game who like aliens/supernatural sims/grungy textures with or without bright colours as well. Just think would you prefer a bit of a grungy stuff or less-textured but cleaner MM? You always need to think about textures while you download stuff. I can recommend to check out @pooklet or @furbyq-sims 
5. Semi
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screenshot by @whysim 
You might ask me “Why am I not allowed to put a realistic skintone on a maxis sim? What the hell?” Of course, you are! Do it please, if you want. There are no rules, no restrictions. You CAN go semi-realistic, you CAN mix patterns, you CAN mix colours. There’s only one rule: please, enjoy what you do. Don’t be afraid to share your pictures on the Internet. There will always be people who can judje your style and say: “meh, it’s too dull, meh, it’s too bright, meh, too shiny, meh, too plain meh, meh, meh”. Just don’t pay attention and enjoy your game. As for semi-realistic I can recommend such wonderful people as @marvelann @lilith-sims @falkii @knowledgeaspiration 
A bit about my style: I’ve always loved cartoonish/bright style. I’ve never ever played with shiny textures. Before Tumblr era I just played either without CC or with a bunch of maxis recolours. How I came up with the idea of cartoonishness? Pretty simple. It’s a part of my personality, I think :) I’ve always loved Disney/Pixar movies. Cartoons just make life a lot funnier! They make me happy. I’m a pre-school teacher after all :D. You can’t imagine how many cartoons I’ve watched throughout my life. I can quote Peppa Pig and will never be tired of that :D Before Tumblr I just played some funny legacies (I’ve never finished any though :D) When I found out about Tumblr, and such great content that can make my game even more Disney looking, it just blew my mind! Every time when I download stuff, I imagine that I’m watching a Disney/Pixar or whatever studio cartoon. When I create sims, I feel like I’m a cartoon designer. Pretty silly, right? :D 
Let’s take a look at my screenshots from the past. I tried to find similar ones with a lot of greenery.
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I stil like a lot of greenery. Editing has changed, photo angles have changed. But bright colours and Maxis stuff are forever in my heart <3
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Risa (2014)
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Gage (2021) 
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As I’m a big cartoon addict, I love recreating game/anime/cartoon characters. No matter, if they’re my favourite or requested ones. I love when my sims have different traits. I love when they’re funny looking/clumsy/absent-minded or when they’re evil/supernatural. When they are pirates/detectives/vampires or witches. This is my way of playing Sims. I love this game as it gives us possibilities to show your creativity, a chance to recreate our favourite characters. A chance to be a writer of storylines or if you’re bad at telling stories, just being “a cartoon designer” like me :)
STEP 2 Colour palettes
If you’ve chosen the path of “bright maxis matchery” than colour palettes are super important! Oh, you can’t imagine how addicted I am to certain colours. I can download GBs because of it.
Here are some of my favourite colour palettes:
1. Anna’s colours
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My absolutely favourite palette. I would download absolutely anything in these pretty colours. Just looking at them makes me so cozy *0* There’s a photoshop action for those who want to recolour CC in this palette.
2. Poppet’s colours
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I especially like the latest one. So pretty! @poppet-sims is the queen of lovely recolours. She has some more palettes. But “Back to Basics is my favourite”
3. Eversims colours
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@eversims has got a lot of pretty colour palettes. But the most iconic one is Ever So Lovely
So, these are the basic colours that I like downloading furniture/clothes with. 
There are a couple more pretty palettes that I like:
Huning’s Pony Colours
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Back in the days it was my ultimate favourite one. But these days I edit my pictures in Photoshop excessively and prefer calmer colours and add bright layers in photoshop instead.
Nyren’s Kosmic Colours
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If you’re more into pastels, than try to download some stuff in this pretty palette.
You might wonder if I use all of these colours. Of course not! I have a selection of colours that I use: apple green, sky blue, yellow, red, pink, orange, purple, teal, mint. I absolutely love combining 2 or 3 of these in my interior shots. I also love choosing my sims’ favourite colours and dressing them/decorating their bedroom in this certain colour(s).
For example, my sim Mia likes apple green/purple and mint.
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I think @deedee-sims can relate. While I prefer choosing a favourite colour per sim, she chooses favourite colour for the whole family!
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This is a great idea, I think! :)
STEP 4 Bodyshop stuff
Ok, I hope it’s clear that I’m colour palettes addicted, now let’s move onto actual custom content and what I prefer adding to my game. I decided to divide CC by sections. Let’s start with Bodyshop.
4.1 Skintones
Another important thing that you need to choose for yourself. There are tones ofoptions. I’m going to recommend only MM skins as obviously I have no idea which realistic or semi-realistic ones are high quality.
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screenshot by @deedee-sims
If you prefer trully maxis skintones, I recommend you to try Leh’s skintones. It’s super close to original ones in terms of shades. Also look at those button noses! These cute noses is the reason why I started using this skin back in 2014. But later I switched to Lilith’s feather as I wanted more variety and those noses there got a lovely shine.
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It was my default skin for a lot of years. These days I own every possible skintone by Lilith and various blends by other people.
Lilith’s Alien Flavor
Lilith’s Android Skin Edit
Lilith’s Apple Pie Skinblend v.2
Lilith’s Apple Pie Skinblend
Lilith’s Apple Pie by Kahlena
Lilith’s Feather Skinblend
Lilith’s Feather Skins 
Lilith’s Feather by Sim-Strangers
Lilith’s Feathers Colourful by Berrynooboos
Lilith’s Honey Supernatural Custom
Lilith’s Honey with freckles
Lilith’s Honey with no freckles
Lilith’s Honey Unnatural by Berrynooboos
Pixel-danger-sims pastel skins
Here’s a very handy set-up by Vimpse with Lilith’s skins being townified.
Try to choose one set of skins or download all of them by one certain creator. I need a lot of skins because I love creating tones of sims and I want to make them various looking.
4.2 Eyes
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 ♦  Polaroid ♦ - my favourite
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♦ Transcendental ♦
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♦ Sleeping Lion ♦
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♦  Sharp Eyes ♦
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♦ Shallowed in the Sea ♦
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♦ Hand Outs and Punch Ups ♦
These are just some of my eyes. There are some more by Poppet, by Kahlena. And I have various addons to these sets that I grabbed over and here. I remember having struggles of choosing only one set. But than I thought: why do I have to choose if I like all of them and want my sims to look as different as possible? I just love when they are cartoonish but high-quality with nice white clean sclera. Just look at Disney Rapunzel. You’ll see what I mean ^_^
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There’s one little trick that most mm players do for making sims’ eyes bigger and rounder - adding a whiteline eyeliner by jesstheex. I personaly do it for every single sim of mine.
4.3 Makeup
I use tooooons of blushes, lipsticks and eyeshadows. I have everything by Lilith and Jesstheex. And lots of bits and bobs by various creators. I love using both matte or shiny textures. I sometimes add nose shine or use special nosemasks. There are various lovely things in my collection. What I can recommend you is to download a sim that you like by another creator with the help of Sims Clean Installer and just steal makeup from the sim to add to your collection *evil laughter* I recommend to do it because sometimes there are some mouth corners or various eyebags and etc which are difficult to find. It’s easier to grab them together with sims.
For example, I grabbed the shiny nosemasks from one of Lilith’s sims.
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Sometimes I like adding a bit of shine on Sims’ noses. Some sims of mine don’t have shine. It really depends on a sim. But what I definitely like is cute button noses! I like using nosemasks to achieve that. I have all the masks by Lilith and these ones by kahlena.
4.4 Hair textures
Another important decision for you is the hair textures. I recommend you to choose one certain retexture. Back in the days, I used to have Remi’s textures
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screenshot by @selenaq13 
I liked Remi’s ones because they were non-shiny. They had maxis colours and a really cool yellowish blonde! 
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Receintly I switched to Simgarooped as I’ve always loved that there are 6 naturals. The yellowish blonde is still there! Plus my favourite Deedee-sims keeps updating every week with the retextures of new meshes <3
There are lots of various textures blends. Just search, download, play test. Think, if you’re ready to look at such type of hair hours of simming.
Also try to decide if you’d like to have more natural looking sims or go crazy and have supernatural/aliens. I used to have really bright sims with colourful skins and hairs.
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Even my toddlers had unnatural hairs. It’s a lot of fun! But right now I prefer to create more natural looking sims though I like vampires/witches/aliens anyways!
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screenshot by @honeylungsims 
If you would like to have colourful supernatural sims, check out Honeylung! She has the brightest and most unusual supernatural sims <3 
You’ll need a lot of face masks/bright lips/shadows. Check out @berrynooboos​ for the cutest alien CC.
4.5 Facial hair and Brows
I don’t think they should really match as long as they look great.
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For example, I use eyebrows by @suratan-zir which are super cute and high quality but use Poppet’s textures instead of Simgarooped.
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As for facial hair, I use some Poppet’s as well.
by Skoogy
by Poppet #1
by Poppet #2
by Simgaroop
4.6 Clothes
As I already mentioned, I love clothes in my favourite palettes. I love Simlish prints. There are so so many creators who share wonderful clothes.
I love @deedee-sims for age conversions, shoeswaps, morphs. I love @mdpthatsme for really cool 4t2 conversions. I love @moocha-muses for colourful T-shirts <3 Don’t be shy to send me a WCIF about a certain item of clothing.
STEP 5 Buy and Build
Tooons of bright recolours, IKEA items, Maxis add-ons, 3t2 and 4t2 conversions - all these things make my heart beat :D
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These days I play in a rural-type world. I download a lot of craftsman-style build things, a lot of plants and garden deco.
I love bright wallpapers and greenhouses, I love clutter and kids CC for nurseries. Patterns with polka dots and plumbobs. Sunflowers and tulips. This is what I usually drop into my download folder :)
STEP 6 Taking screenshots
No matter which recolours and textures you prefer, I think high-quality pictures are important. The first thing that you need to playtest for yourself is a camera mod. It’s upo for you, but I can’t live without Gunmod’s Camera Mod. There are some more available, just check out.
Also lighting is important since Maxis original is terrible. I use Dreadpirate’s mod. 
I recommend to take screenshots in a camera man mode. Click Tab to enter it. Use W, A,S,D,E buttons to move right/left/up/down etc. And what’s important, use X and Z for zooming in and out. I always use Z for example, when I take close ups of my cats.
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Don’t be afraid to experiment with angles. Try some artistic ones.
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You can move your camera down and take a screen from below.
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Or vice versa from above.
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Sometimes I’ll just take a screen of my sims’ hands or feet. It really depends. I love spending hours on just “walking” in a camera mod around my sims houses.
Another useful feature of this mod is to use Ctrl +4,5,6,7,8,9 buttons.
These can fix the angles for you. And after fixing them, when you click on 4,5,6,7,8,9 you camera will go back to those positions. It’s very handy when you want to screen 2 sims who are talking and there’s no need to constatntly move camera from sidde to side. Just fix it and wait for them to perform cute emotions!
As a bonus, you can fic positions in the life mode too. For example, I always choose a proper angle from above where the wgole house can be seen. And wait for something cute/funny/to happen.
Also there’s such a thing as The Rule of Thirds. It’s the rule of photography composition. I always try to follow it :)
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STEP 7 Photoshop Editing
I love oversaturated colours. It can be too much for someone’s eyes, but I like the brightness :) I’ll share some good Photoshop resources. Probably, one thing that I can recommend to absolutely everyone no matter how bright you want your screens to be is sharpening! Seems that Tumblr eats our picture quality for breakfast. Sims screenshots seem so blurry to me. I love sharpening them first.
I use sharpening from Kalekaloo’s action.
After sharpening I run the base from Eversims Action and then add some colour layers from Simburgerr’s one (I like gradients and fluffy lights layers especially). It makes the reds colours a little bit too saturated but I think it’s cute!
There are a some more cute actions and PSD files out there:
OhMySims - Action 1
OhMySims - Action 2
Sterina’s Action
Photoshop PSDs by Pleyita
Snapdragoned PSD
Mandragore PSD by Kiinuu
JellyBeanery’s Action
Nnilou - 12:51
A generic PSD by Knowledgeaspiration
Colorize IT by Bonnypixels
Colour Crush by Bonnypixels
Just Like Heaven by Pixeldemographics
For more tips/palettes/cute fonts I recommend you to check out @bepixeled
That’s all that came to my mind. I hope at least something was useful!
480 notes · View notes
fruitoftheweek · 3 years
Little Cherry Book:
Chapter 5: Matching Memories
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here / Chapter 4
Hey guys! Again sorry for the wait! Both my computer and my work schedule have been ass and every time I thought I was going to have free time, I absolutely did not. I was really looking forward to writing this chapter after all the appreciation I got from the last chapter and I am so excited to enduldge you with this 7,356 word chapter. I am also working on a fluffier oneshot that should come out in the next couple days which I am so excited to write! I hope you guys really like this chapter! Love you guys and thank you for 120 Followers!
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Pairing: Spencer Reid X reader
Chapter Plot: After the previous nights' escapades, you and Spencer decide to talk about boundaries as your team questions your budding relationship
Series TW: 18+, smut, degradation, piercing, choking, knife play, mommy/daddy kinks, spanking, exhibitionism, Will update as time goes on
Chapter TW: smut, mommy kink, having body piercings, choking, slapping, Oral Sex (male and female receiving), Handjob, fingering, pleading, spanking, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, aftercare, language, non-intentional self-harm (hard to explain), PDA, degradation, smut smut smut.
Word Count: 7,356
Spencer loved to match everything but his socks. You found that out the morning after your late-night escapades. You weren't sure if your alarm hadn't gone off or if you two had just slept through it but you two were running late and the plane was leaving in 40 minutes with a 30-minute drive to the airport. The actual thing that had woken you up was Morgan banging on the door, notifying you that he had dropped off Spencers go-bag.
"Ow! Son of a bitch!" he shouted as he bumped his elbow on the table, hurriedly trying to get his socks on. You peeked around the door frame of the bathroom, checking on him to make sure he was ok as you shoved your toiletries into your bag. You watched, curiously as he stopped what he was doing and purposefully banged his other elbow on the same table. You made a mental note to ask him about it later, but right now, you had to go.
Along the way, you had noticed small habits that Spencer had to keep himself "matching." Once you saw it once, you couldn't help noticing it. How he brushed his teeth the same number of times on each side of his mouth. How he had to eat at least two peanuts at a time so that he could match the chewing on either side of his mouth. These were all harmless, but you worried when he bumped his right temple on the window of the cab as it went over a pothole, and you watched as he proceeded to turn his head and bump the other side. Most of the morning had been held in comfortable silence as you reveled in the afterglow of the previous night. So when you silently reached up to his head and brought it down to your shoulder, Spencer didn't mind. You made sure to gently rub his temple to apply even pressure to make sure his sides matched, a caring gesture that did not go unnoticed.
Luckily you two had made it to the jet on time, only catching a couple of questioning glances from Morgan and Elle as you rushed on, red-faced. You hurriedly sat next to each other as the plane took off, Spencer shoving both of your go-bags in the upper compartment as you held his book. He had brought Graziella, and had already read it 4 times; you, unfortunately, had brought nothing as it was your first trial case. He sat down, and you handed him his book, his fingers tentatively brushed yours in a silent question. Neither of you had fully discussed your relationship this morning in the rush and you could tell he was nervous to talk to you about it. As he pulled away, you captured his wrist before he could go too far, gently drawing a small heart into the inside of his wrist with your finger as you looked up into his eyes. He smiled slightly, understanding that you would talk about it when you had reached home.
This small gesture hadn't gone unnoticed as Morgan watched you from the other side of the jet. He stocked his way up to you with a shark grin on his lips as he smelled blood in the water. "So, You two woke up late huh? How come you never made it back to our room last night, pretty boy?" He mused, enjoying the light pink tinge resting on Spencer's cheeks. "You were the one who took both of our room keys and wouldn't let me in! And- and she was nice enough to let me sleep in her room even though it was a one-person room." He retorted, knowing Morgan's implications. "Woah, chill, Reid. I was just asking some questions." Morgan replied, feigning innocence. "Yeah, I took Reid's virginity last night. How could you tell?" You stated matter of factly, earning a shocked squeak from Reid, and spluttered out laughter from Morgan. "That's what you want to hear right? C'mon Spencer, he’s just giving us a hard time because he wasn't invited to our movie marathon last night." You lied, shooting a joking wink to Spencer, hoping he would get the drift and go along with the story. "Hey, we didn't- yEAh he wouldn't get the nuance of 'Une Femme est Une Femme' and the directorial skills of Jean-Luc Godard." He said, catching on when you pinched the soft spot under his ribs. Morgan just rolled his eyes, frustrated at not getting what he wanted before sulking back to his seat.
You smiled up at Spencer before saying, "Good boy," just loud enough for only the two of you to hear. It was the first time you had alluded to your escapades that yestereve and you both felt a breath of fresh air as the slight tension was lifted off of your backs. Spencer was flustered in multiple ways; he loved the way you praised him, and he now believed you felt regrets about your exchange.
He felt electricity crackling in every gentle secret touch of yours that he had the luxury of experiencing that day; all he could think about was how you had touched him and how your skin felt on his. You had him wrapped all-around your finger, and he couldn't be happier. All he wanted to do was service you and please you, even in non-sexual ways, which he was happy to indulge in as he watched you staring out the window. Your fingers were discreetly tracing small drawings on his knee cap as you watched the clouds pass by. The motion caused him a great distraction from his book, and all he could do was watch your finger. Even though you weren't paying any attention to the motion of your fingers, Spencer could still envision the lines you created carving into his skin. Sometimes a little face, sometimes an abstract geometric rhombus, and his favorite, a heart with puffy humps and a pointy end. Every time you drew it, he became hyper-aware of the gentle flush coloring your cheeks as you looked out the window, sending him a secret message.
He quietly cleared his throat, as to not disturb the others; most of which had chosen to indulge in a little extra sleep to make up for their early morning. It had broken you from your entranced gaze out the window and you looked over at him smiling. "D-Did you bring anything to do on the plane?" Spencer asked as you continued your drawings on his leg. "Surprisingly, that was the one thing I forgot. I was so worried about making sure I was well briefed on the case that I forgot all about the flight." You said, smiling sleepily. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful you were at that moment. The gentle sunrise behind you in the window illuminated the apples of your cheeks and the highlights in your hair, which was still messy from sleeping so soon after your shower. Your eyes were puffy except for the sockets, which were slightly sunken in from lack of sleep, and you were fresh-faced, small blemishes now in the open, but all Spencer could think was that you reminded him of the fresh air of spring in the morning after a storm. He shook himself from his trance as you began to turn back towards the window. "You know, if you would like, I can read to you." He said shyly. "I know you read faster in your head, don't feel like you have to read to me because I was silly and forgot to bring a book." You said, smiling at his gesture. "N-No, I want to read to you. My mom always used to read out loud to me when I was little when she would wake up early." He said, adding waveringly, "And... and I would like to read to you, not because you didn't bring anything, but because I think you would like this book." You smiled up at him, lifting the fingers you had been swirling on his leg to your lips before gently kissing them, pressing them to his cheekbone, and returning them to their reserved spot on his leg. He took that as a green light to read aloud.
You watched as he closed the page he had been reading to flip to the beginning. You knew he remembered what page he was on but his choice to start you from the beginning melted your heart. He really wanted you to appreciate this story so you were going to give 110% of your attention to the words flowing out of his mouth.
"Ok, this book is Graziella by Alphonse de Lamartine. I arrived at Naples on the first of April. A few days later, I was joined by a young man of about my own age, to whom I had attached myself at college with the friendship of a brother." He began as you listened intently, enjoying the gentle atmosphere created by the soft hum of the jet and snores of your colleagues. Spencer continued reading aloud to you on autopilot as he focused on the drawings of your fingers, now all turned to hearts.
The problem with taking a morning jet home was that you would have to go straight to the office to finish your paperwork before finally being able to rest in your own bed. You all trudged out of the car and into the office in varying states of awakeness, dreading the hours of work to come.
"Welcome back, you guys!" Garcia said, miscalculating the tone in the room, earning her a couple nods and grunts in response.
"Hey, I'm going to my friend's apartment tonight, and she lives by you. Since you take the train home and I'm going that way, do you want a ride?" You said to Spencer, trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible. For a Genius and a Profiler, he sure was bad at picking up clues and hints. You weren't really going to see your friend, you just wanted some alone time with him to straighten things out, but he obviously didn't understand. "I mean if it's on the way, that would be nice. Thank you Y/L- Agent Y/L/N." He said, nearly forgetting to call you Agent in front of the others. You smiled and headed back to your seat begrudgingly, seeing the mountains of paperwork.
It was kind of sweet how oblivious he was. You were trying to be discreet at work, and you could tell he was trying too. Keyword: trying, as he was failing miserably. You could tell he was trying to be sneaky, but there was nothing sneaky about him following you to the coffee machine every time you needed a refill. He told you it was because he wanted to match and you couldn't help but indulge him. He wanted to match coffee, unfortunately finding out that you did not, in fact, like as much sugar in your coffee as him. You settled for a little bit too sweet and him not enough for the sake of matching. He came to your desk, trying to trick you by asking to borrow a pen, even though you could see his usual green pen in his shirtfront pocket. He was just so cute and just so obvious so you caved, but it was only because you wanted to see the beam on his face knowing there was yet another way you two could match. His boldest move yet was to match sweaters. If you had yours on, he had his on; when you took yours off, he would follow suit. Even though it was very cute, he was being far too bold so after a while, you decided to just keep it on.
Finally, after hours of handwriting reports and witness statements, your cramped hand said a thank you as you signed off your last sheet. You stretched languidly, looking over to Spencer's desk. He had been done for a while but was pretending to be busy so he could wait for you without subliminally pressuring you to hurry. You pulled your go bag and satchel together, getting ready to leave as you watched Spencer hold his bag, waiting for you to make the first move. You clicked your tongue at him as if you were calling a cat, "Let's get going, I don't want to be late to see my friend!" You called over to him as he shot up, padding quickly to catch up to you. "Goodnight guys! Sleep well!" You called to Morgan, Elle, and Garcia, the only ones left in the bullpen. "Ok, now something definitely has to be going on," Elle said as they watched you two leave, Spencer tripping over himself as he got in the elevator behind you.
You two shoved your bags in the back seat and got in the car. As you turned the car, your music started blaring out of the speakers. "Woah! Sorry! I like to drive with the windows down so my music is usually pretty loud." You said as you slammed on the pause button. Spencer was startled but he didn’t mind as he'd just learned new things about you. 1. You like loud music 2. You like the windows down when you drive. 3. You have great taste in music. "That's ok. Just make sure you turn down the volume sometimes, 17% of adults aged 20–69 years have suffered permanent damage to their hearing from noise-induced hearing loss. And that was... certainly loud enough to cause some noise-induced loss. Make sure to take care of yourself." He said and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. His naive sweetness and caring nature had been gnawing at you all day. All you had wanted to do while you were trying to focus on work was kiss him.
You leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Even though you came in slow, you surprised him. Here you were in the Quantico parking lot, boldly kissing him when any of your coworkers could have seen. "Why-why did you do that?" he asked as you pulled away. "I can't?" you asked, pouting slightly, teasing him. "N-No, You can you can, we're just so out in the open, and we haven't talked about anything, so I didn't know how you felt, and you were ignoring me all day." He rushed out as you let out a little laugh at him. "Let's drive, cutie." You said, turning your music back on, this time to a lower volume, as you pulled out of the parking lot and down the street. "First of all sweetness, I wasn't ignoring you all day, I didn't want Morgan to tease you again. You were busy with paperwork and I knew you didn't need him being an asshole to you to make it worse. Second, did you see all the paperwork they had left? There was no way any of them would have been out in the parking lot yet." You said as you smoothly merged onto the highway towards your house.
You were wondering when he was going to notice that he was going in the opposite direction of his house but he was too wrapped up in his thoughts. You glanced over at him before returning your eyes to the road. You cursed yourself for not having an eidetic memory because you would have kept a snapshot of him like that in your mind forever. His hair, once slicked back, now slightly disheveled from running his hands through it as he did his paperwork and the wind from your open windows. The cool summer wind that rosied his cheeks and the tip of his nose as he gazed out the streetlights overhead. Blue, red, green, purple yellow, white; the blinking lights of the city married the sunset hues that danced across his face. Illuminating his beautifully arched nose and his prominent cheekbones, it felt as if the sun was setting just for him and the city was awakening his beauty.
You smiled to yourself as you switched the cd in the cd player for one of your classics. "Hey! You listen to these guys?! You know I was going to see them last year but then we had this case out of town and I had to miss it. That was when they were still playing at that bar by the Speedway that burnt down." Spencer said excitedly. "Really!? You like them too? I haven't seen them yet but I've been listening to them since college. I never had that much money to be spending on tickets for shows beyond small house shows. I can't believe you like them, I always thought you were more of a Debussy or Chopin person." You replied, excited to have something to share. "Yeah I mean I like pretty much every genre but I've been really into their old stuff lately and, surprisingly, also french 70s music." He said matter-of-factly.
Contrarily, he was fibbing. He knew exactly why he had been listening to it. The previous night he had dreamed of the two of you off the shore, in the south of France in spring, reading books across from each other, legs tangled together, on a chez lounge. Jacqueline Taieb played on the radio as you pulled him up to dance. He removed the thoughts from his mind as he realized his predicament. He didn't know if he was allowed to think about you like that. You had been so sweet and caring towards him last night, and you kissed him so sweetly, but he was still unsure of where you stood. He was still lost in thought as you pulled up to your apartment and parked.
"Hey, this isn't my apartment. Is this your friend's place?" He asked, surprised. "No, Sweetheart. I didn't want Morgan to bother us as we were leaving so I made up some excuse. And this is my apartment. If you want to talk about what happened last night, you can come in. Well, I guess you can come in if you don't want to either, but that's beside the point. If you don't want to talk about it or if you just want me to take you home, I can do that right now. It's up to you baby." You said, gently taking his hand in yours. "I-I want to talk about it." He said shyly. "Alright then, my partner in crime. I will welcome you into my abode. We can order some dinner and talk about it. I'm thinking curry, what about you?" you said.
You could sense his nervousness and tried to lighten the mood even though deep down you were pissing yourself. You had never really done this either. You had a couple of one-night stands and short-term relationships, but nothing that lasted that long, and something in you wanted this time to be different. The young doctor was so endearing, and he was the first person who seemed to be interested in making you happy in the relationship, unlike most of your past suitors. You were terrified that you would push him too far or something would change, and that's why it was so important you had a talk and had trust and communication. You held his hand all the way up the stairs and to your apartment, not letting go when you went to open your door. You told yourself it was to make him feel better but you knew it was because you needed to do something with your hands to get them to stop shaking.
"Sorry, it's not the cleanest space ever. I wasn't expecting guests" you said as you began to tidy up random things around the room, mostly mason jars full of water or a stray empty mug. Spencer took note of his surroundings, drinking everything in. He couldn’t remember what he assumed your apartment would look like because as soon as he entered, he couldn't imagine you living anywhere else. It was all the parts of you that he knew and all of the parts he had yet to learn. He knew that you loved reading, so the bookshelves made sense. He knew that you loved music, so the cd player with piles of CDs next to it made sense. He knew you loved movies, so the VHS player and tv with a built-in DVD player and even more stacks of media made sense. But his favorite part was the giant easel positioned by the window with a large canvas on it. "Wow, Y/N! You paint?" he asked as you continued to clean up. "Oh, don't mind that! Sorry I didn't have time to put it away before we left! I'll get it out of your way!" You said, already carrying a basket full of god knows what in your arms. "No, No! Please leave it out. It's beautiful." He said, looking at your brush strokes. "Suit yourself. Let me know if it gets in your way," you said, finishing your cleaning by fluffing the pillows on your couch.
You finished bustling around your apartment and sat down on your couch across from the TV. He slowly made his way over to you, sitting at the opposite end from you, still unsure of your boundaries. You could spot his nerves from a mile away, so you swung your legs up onto the couch and poked him in his side with your feet. "Why are you sitting so far away, Sweety," you said as he looked over at you. You looked just as you did in his dream, soft and comfy in slouchy clothes. He hadn't noticed that you had changed into some comfy pajama pants and a loose pajama top, and now he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that you changed at some point when he was in the room. He knew it was silly. He had already seen you naked, but it all felt like a dream." I'll call and order, and you think about what you want to eat and what you want from me for a bit, ok? I know this great place a couple blocks from here." You said as you pulled out your landline, and dialed the number that you had scrawled on a notepad on your coffee table.
Then, Spencer saw the notepads, notebooks, sticky notes, and other odds and ends that you had all over the house. One on the fridge, one by the easel, one on the tv stand, two on the coffee table. They were all decorated differently for each task, of which he could see two, one titled 'Yummy restaurants' and the other titled 'movies to watch.' He tried to stop his distracting thoughts of how comfortably he fit in your space and how every item embodied you perfectly, all in different ways. When he was finally able to focus, he felt you start absentmindedly kneading your feet on his thigh that was closest to you. He could barely look over at you, finding you unbelievably erotic. He sucked in a breath as your pajama shirt was only buttoned up so much, enticingly drawing his eyes to the swell of your breast that he could see above the collar of your shirt.
You hooked your foot up under his thighs and brought his legs up onto the couch as you continued to order. You tangled your legs together, lifting your right foot to his chest, gently tapping out a rhythm absentmindedly as you talked. You broke through Spencer's entrancement, asking "What do you want to eat?" "Um... Whatever you're getting." He responded, as he still hadn't even begun to look at the menu. "Yeah! Then for the second order, can I get the same thing but make it mild." You said, poking your tongue out at him teasingly before finishing your order.
You two walked to pick up your food, talking about nothing in particular. You didn't want to talk about the elephant in the room until you got back, so you filled the space with meaningless conversation that instantly stopped as you entered the house. It was silent as you got forks ready, spying Spencer sitting rigidly straight on the couch, waiting for you.
"You know, you were so bold in the office today that I didn't expect you to be this shy when we got here. We don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to, sweet-" "I do, I really do." He said, cutting you off. "Ok! That's great. Well, I'm going to start off by saying that any relationship like this, whatever you want that to be, depends on strong trust and communication. That goes beyond the bedroom. Being on the team I trust you with my life. I know I'm new so I understand if you don't trust me yet but I just wanted to set that baseline with you. I'm going to be 1000% truthful with you and I'm going to start by saying this. I don't regret anything that we did last night. I loved what we did last night and I really like doing this with you. I want to explore with you if you would be so gracious as to let me. I find you very interesting, and I would like to be friends or more depending on what you want as we continue our rendezvous." You said as you grasped his hands, willing him to look into your eyes. He let out a sigh of relief. "I really liked what we did yesterday too. I was kind of worried that you regretted it or something. I'm really really new to everything, but I feel comfortable exploring if it's you. You made me feel really safe last night and I appreciate that a lot. I find you really beautiful and sexy and intriguing and I would like to be friends and maybe more with you now. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this... but I want to." He said, gaining some confidence. "You are allowed to say whatever you want, baby. That's why we have open communication. Everything is to make sure you are feeling as good and safe as possible," you said, rubbing his hand. " You should feel safe and good too. I know you are more experienced than me, but you deserve to be safe too." He said gently before continuing. "I was wondering if... if I could request that this be monogamous. I get really upset thinking about you with someone else." He said, and you could feel the shaking in his hands as he anticipated your reply. "Of course, sweetheart. I was hoping you would ask. Maybe I'm a little selfish, but I don't like to share my things. They're mine for a reason." You said before planting a gentle kiss on his cheek, earning a smile from him. "But I think, for now, I would like to be friends and see how it goes from there while we... explore," Spencer said. You nod and smile in agreement.
"Alright, so Spencer, tell me what you're interested in, sexually. What do you think about when you jerk off? What did you think about when you read my book?" You asked nonchalantly, as you picked up your curry and rice, taking a bite as if you'd just asked him about the weather. "w-well, I think about a lot of things." He sputtered out. "Just give me a little list I can work off." You said in between bites. "Um, I like seeing you naked. I like it when we match because it feels like we have a deep connection. I like h-how you touched me yesterday. I want you to touch me more." He said shyly, hiding his face behind his cup of water. "And the other two questions?" You prodded, watching as the bulge grew in his pants. "Um, what do I think of when I jerk off? Oh my god, I can't believe I'm saying this," He blushed before continuing. "I think about how it would feel to have your mouth wrapped around my cock. I think about you calling me a naughty boy. I think about you praising me. I think about your book and how there's so much more that I have to read. I think about you not wearing panties at work. And I think even more about pulling you into the storage closet, lifting up your skirt, and fucking you while everyone is working. I think about your piercings, and I think about your piercing chapter."
"What did you think of that chapter by the way? You ran off to the bathroom pretty quick. What were you thinking of doing to me, naughty boy?" you said, setting your food down on the table, leaning towards him, hands planted on his thighs. "Tell the truth, I can sniff out a liar from a mile away," You said, squeezing into his thighs. He bucked up towards you, searching for friction in any way he could." f-fuck. I read the chapter when I was touching myself. I thought about how you had pointed at my boner, and I thought about how I wanted you to make fun of me, and smack me, and punish me for being naughty." he said hurriedly, hoping his answer would satiate you. "Nuh-uh! Come on, tell me the whole truth," you said and smacked his thigh. He yelped as your hand came down, leaving him with a dull sting. "Ok! But it's embarrassing so don't laugh... I thought about you cockwarming me while I pierced your tongue, and how you would drool, and how you would squeeze around me. I thought about how I wanted to mark you and make you mine." He said, covering his eyes, hiding from his shame and how it made his cock stir in his pants. "You naughty, naughty boy, Spencer Reid. I thought you were innocent but here you are with your hand on your cock, at work, thinking about my pussy and my tongue and my spit, and it made you cum. What a rascal!" you said, watching for a reaction in his pants.
You pried his arm from his eyes, so he was forced to look at your smirk. His face and neck were a deep pink, and his lips were as pillowy and soft as a rose petal from biting his them. You couldn't help yourself as you pounced on him. You knew this was supposed to be just a talk about boundaries, but there was an undeniable electricity in the air that had been lingering from the moment you had woken up. He looked so fucked out, even though you hadn’t touched him yet and part of you wanted to absolutely ruin him that night. "Remember your colors, baby. What are you feeling?" You said, now perched in his lap. "Green, green. P-Please touch me." As he said it, you ground down on him. While you were in your comfortable clothes, he was still in his tight corduroys and button-down, sweater long gone somewhere else in the apartment. "Have you ever heard of something called edging?" You asked, and he nodded excitedly. "What about overstimulation?" You said, and he nodded quickly again. "What do you think about them?" He nodded, and you smacked him, not as hard as you would usually go, but enough to leave a sting. "Use your words, naughty boy." You said, capturing his jaw and tilting his face up to meet yours. "Yes, please. I'm so green. I have been wanting you to do this, please." He shot out through squished cheeks, looking at you with the most hungry eyes you have ever seen. His warm hazel eyes, now shiny and black with desire.
You got up off of him, and he whined, missing the warmth of your body on his. You grabbed him by the back of his neck like he was a naughty kitten, and pulled him down the hall and into your bedroom. Before he could take in your room, you pushed him back on the bed. "Strip." You commanded, and your scent overwhelmed him. Your daily aroma that intoxicated him was ten times weaker than the pure pheromones that blanketed your room. Spencer mused that your room must have been built to have sex in. Your bedside tables were adorned with candles, incense, your daily jewelry, and a pair of your panties. You had a red canopy on your four-poster bed that draped your room in a soft red glow.
Your figure was obscured by the canopy as you moved some items around your room. Spencer was lost in your scent, the idea of finally being in your room, and possibly a little lost staring at the panties on your table, making him move too slow for your liking. You parted the fabric and crawled up the bed to him. "Spencer Walter Reid, if you don't strip now, you're going to get a spanking. You have been such a naughty boy today. I thought you were going to be a good boy for mommy but I guess you want to get punished." You said as you slinked back off the bed. "I'm going to count down from 10 and if you aren't naked by the time I reach 0, you are getting spanked. Understood?" You said, and he squeaked out and "Understood!" "10... " Who knew it took so long to unbutton a dress shirt? "9... " Now, his hands were stuck in his sleeves. "8..." Shirt off. "7..." Is his belt broken, or is he shaking too much? "6..." Belt undone but not off. "5..." Pants, ok. "4..." Fuck, his shoes are stuck on. "3... 2... 1... 0. STOP NOW"
You parted the curtain, smirking down at him. "I think I said naked, not underwear on." You said, looking down at him. "You didn't give me enough time!" He whined but you were already flipping him onto your lap with his ass perched in the air. "Color?" You asked, earning his eager response of "Green, so green." You pulled his underwear off and hung it on the corner of your side table, right next to your own panties. The sight was oddly domestic, making him even harder as he tried to rut into your leg. Your hand came down hard on his ass and he bucked into you moaning in shock. "You naughty boy, pathetically rubbing on me. Does my thigh feel good baby?" you asked, and he nodded. Your hand came down hard on his other cheek "How many times do I have to tell you? Use. Your. Words." Punctuating your last three words with three more smacks to his ass, gently rubbing the red skin as he cried out. "Yes, mommy! Your thigh feels so good! Thank you so much!" he said as he ground himself down on you pitifully. "Why is mommy punishing you, sweetheart?" you said, sweetening your tone. " Because I didn't get dressed?" He asked. "Hm, if you were really sorry, you would know what you were sorry for. What are you being punished for? One more chance." You said, smoothing over the plains of his ass. "For being a naughty boy who doesn't listen and rubs his cock on mommy too much." He said. "So close, baby!" You said as you brought down one last smack to his ass as his cock leaked precum all over your legs. "You were getting punished because you don't listen and because you were being really naughty at work, sweetheart. But you took punishment so well, so you deserve a treat." You said as you flipped him over, making sure he was laying in a comfortable place on the bed.
"C-can we match?" He said, pulling on your sweater. You smiled down at him sweetly as you stripped, taking your time to let him gaze over the planes of your body. When you returned, you sat high up on his stomach, making sure he couldn't get any friction against you as you kissed him softly. He was still a little clunky when it came to kissing but when you took it slow, it helped him warm up to your motions until you two were completely in sync.
"Alright, so I'm going to do some new things. Let me know at any time if you aren't comfortable or you want me to stop." You said, and you turned so you were sitting on his chest, looking down at his cock, as he got a wonderful view of your ass and the dimples in your back as your muscles flexed. You collected some spit in your mouth and let it drip down slowly onto the head of his already overly excited cock. He hissed as your finger swirled in the spit that pooled at the base of his cock as you wet your hand before grasping his length. Even though he had felt this exact same thing yesterday, he could never get over the sensation of your hand squeezing around him, circling his cock, and playing with the tip with your thumb. You spit into your other hand and wrapped both hands around his length, working them up and down his shaft, gently twisting and squeezing. The best part was that he couldn’t see anything you were doing. It was like he was blindfolded, stomach muscles tensing in anticipation of your touch.
"Fuck baby I'm close." And that was when you stopped. right as he was about to cum, you squeezed down hard at the base of his cock. "You don't cum until I do." You said, scooting your core back so that it was a couple tantalizing inches away from his face. "Really? You'll let me eat you out? For real?" He asked, mind blown at the idea of eating you out. "I was hoping you would." You replied, waiting for him to make a decision. He hooked your arms around your thighs and pulled you into him so hard, you were worried he broke his nose at first. 'I need a man who eats pussy like it's the only way to quench his thirst' rung out in his head. That's what you had written in your journal titled "Male needs" and he wanted to be a Male that you needed, so that's what he did. He flattened his tongue as he licked a long stripe up your folds, and back down to your clit, latching on hungrily, alternating between sucking hard and twirling his tongue on it. "H-Holy shit Spencer." You moaned, and you knew you wouldn't last long. Even though you wouldn’t admit it, you were soaking wet just from teasing and punishing him. That, coupled with how sweet his tongue was on your core, and you were done for. You certainly had never had a man eat you out like this, much less a virgin. "Shit baby, you're so good? How did you get so good?" You asked incredulously, as he reached his hand back around and inserted a finger between your folds, giving his mouth a short break. "I read the literature and from what I saw, the g spot should be about here." He said before curling his fingers inside of you, brushing against the sensitive bundle of nerves, causing you to moan deeply. His smirking mouth found its way back to your clit as he added another finger, working your g spot with feverish strokes.
"Fuck, baby! I'm cumming!" You shouted and right as you were reaching your peak, he stopped everything. "What the fuck are you doing!?" You yelped at him, your mounting peak now decrescendoing before ever hitting the climax. "I thought we were matching. You're edging me, I'm edging you." He said innocently, but you could hear his smirk tinging his words. "You just want to be punished huh?" You said and squeezed down on his base as you kissed the tip of his cock. "Naughty boys don't get proper head. When you make me cum, then I'll actually suck your cock. Got it?" You asked as he bucked his hips"Yes." He replied fervently.
This was his first-ever experience getting head, so of course, you were going to give him a good time. He would just have to wait. You held down at the base of his aching cock as you lazily sucked and licked the head. Not even close to the usual effort you would put in, but it was enough to make his legs shake and finger you faster. His mouth was too busy panting and whining to eat you out but you were fine with that because the way he was curling his fingers was creating a knot in your stomach and you could feel your impending release. "Fuck baby I'm cumming. Let me cum this time." You said and he reattached his mouth to your clit, sucking hard as he used all of his willpower to keep himself from cumming. And just like that, you're cumming all down his face and fingers as you shake but he keeps going, this time with more enthusiasm, riding you through your orgasm and overstimulating you. You eagerly take him into your mouth all the way, sucking hard, lathering his length with your spit, and in two seconds he is cumming hard down your throat. "Mommy I'm cumming" He said a little too late as you had already swallowed around him.
You were both so caught in the afterglow that you just kept going. Aftershock spurts of cum kept shooting down your throat but you kept sucking. You wanted him needy and wrecked under you. "Oh my god! ah! AH!" He said, shaking as you keep sucking him down. He keeps finger fucking you as if he is possessed. You are both riding your highs and are so overstimulated that in no more than a minute you are both cumming all over again as sobs wrack your bodies.
You flop down next to Spencer and kiss his cheek tentatively, knowing most men don't kiss after head. Spencer leans up, kissing you passionately, tangling his tongue in yours, tasting your release on each other's tongues. "Flip over baby," You said as he rolled over. You pulled out your lotion from your bedside table, gently warming up a small amount in your hands before spreading it on his butt. "I don't know about you, but I'm way too tired to take a shower tonight. I'm just going to put our leftovers in the fridge and brush my teeth. I have some spare toothbrushes if you would like to borrow one, and some pajamas." You said to a very sleepy Spencer. He didn’t even say anything, he just grumbled and got up, leaning on you.
He helped you clean up, both still naked, enjoying the domesticity of just walking around completely vulnerable together. You needed to brush his teeth for him as he sat on the toilet lid and you couldn’t help but think he looked like a little baby, barely clinging to the little energy it had before a nap. You got him up and back in bed, looking down at his naked form, now noticing the gentle matching bruises on either side of his body. “I know you like to match but take care of yourself. Don’t bang yourself up so much. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” You said as you picked his clothes off of the floor. You reached down for your pajamas but before you could get them back on or pull him into his, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down on top of him."I’ll try to stop. Only for you, and only because you asked so nicely. Right now, I’m too sleepy, let's sleep naked. Night night." He mumbled into the crook of your neck. Warmth enveloped your body at his words, “only for you.” Somehow that was all it took to finally give in to sleep's welcoming grasp, reveling in the warmth shared between your skin.
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here / Chapter 4
And there we go, that's chapter five! Make sure to give me any comments, criticisms, or ways to better the plot. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I tried to balance out the sweet and spicy aspects of this one. I hope you guys have a great night!
Tag List: @spencer-reids-slut @ya-triedit @reidstoychest @flipperpenguins @thatsonezesty13 @jbbarnes-loki @big-galaxy-chaos @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @spencersmagic @uhuhuh @living-for-romance @aharvey979 @xoxo-jnh-xoxo @marrymespencerrei @crypticcorvidinacottage , @ladydragoneye , @stjoaninthewildwest
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lancermylove · 4 years
Flowers (Valentine’s Day HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: All x gn!Reader, Ortho platonic.
Warning: None
Prompt: Type of flower he would give you on Valentine’s Day.
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day! 💝
You went to get breakfast with Grim, hoping to get a glimpse of your boyfriend. He was nowhere to be found, but when you returned to Ramshackle, you found a gift from him.
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A bouquet of pink, lavender, and white Gerbera Daisies sat on the living room center table. A pink bow was neatly tied around the stems, holding the bouquet together. 
"Today is Valentine's Day, correct? Fufu, human holidays are quite intriguing. Lilia said gifting flowers is a must and asked me to choose carefully. It seems as though each flower has a different meaning. A variety of gerbera daisies in a single bouquet represent innocence, beauty, and cheerfulness. What better flower to gift you? You are always the reason behind my smile, but today, let me be the reason for your smile. ~Malleus Draconia"  
A simple gray ceramic pot with pink orchids sat in front of the Ramshackle entrance. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my dear! Did you know orchids symbolize love, beauty, and strength? They reminded me of you~ hehe. You're such a lovely and strong person. I don't know if you realize this, but you are the strength of the people around you. Also, don't forget that I will always love you. ~Lilia”
A single red and pink anemones sat on the dorm's doorstep along with two notes.
"I will protect you forever. ~Silver"
"Hey, it's Lilia. I saw Silver's note and couldn't help myself. That boy didn't even wish you Happy Valentine's Day, nor did he explain the meaning of anemones to you. These flowers symbolize protection, so Silver choose them for you. Also, (Y/N), thank you for being by Silver's side. I couldn't ask for anyone better. ~Your future father-in-law ;)"
Grim ran up to the door and picked up a bouquet of white calla lilies. A crimson-colored bow was tightly wrapped around the stems. There were two notes next to the flowers. 
"These are for you. ~Sebek"
"Hey, it's Lilia. I feel like I'm going to be spending the whole day trying to fix Silver and Sebek's blunders. These lilies reminded Sebek of you, and he couldn't stop saying how beautiful they looked. Of course, he didn't know I was listening, hehe. I hope you have a good Valentine's Day...let's hope your date with Sebek goes well. Wait, was I suppose to mention the date? Hehe, oh well! ~Lilia"
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Riddle gifted you a bouquet of white gardenias in a clear glass vase. 
"Happy Valentine's Day. I am not used to giving gifts, so I hope you find these flowers beautiful. I couldn't help but think of your purity when I saw these gardenias. Please come to my dorm when you receive this note. I will be waiting for you. ~Riddle" 
A single pink hydrangea flower sat on the coffee table with a sloppily written note. 
"Pretty flowers, don't you think? Trey senpai said something about hydrangeas representing beauty and grace. They kinda remind me of you. Hope you like it! Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day. I'll stop by after classes! ~Your handsome boyfriend Ace" 
When you returned to Ramshackle, you found a clear vase with a bunch of sunflowers inside. 
"Happy Valentine's Day. When I saw these flowers, they reminded me of your smile. Cater senpai told me sunflowers symbolize warmth and happiness, so I thought they were perfect for you. Do you want to...um...go on a..nevermind! See you after classes. ~Deuce"
Trey gifted you a bouquet of pink peonies wrapped inside a cream-colored gift wrapping tissue paper. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my beloved! These peonies are for you. They represent romance and are good luck charms, bringing fortune to those who receive them. I hope these flowers bring you luck. Don't forget about our date later tonight. Also, I baked your favorite dessert. ~Trey"
A bouquet of blue iris inside a clear vase sat on the living room table. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my love! Sorry for not giving these flowers to you in person...I have classes. T~T Aren't irises breathtaking flowers? They're rare and unique, like you. <3 I'll see you after classes! Can't wait to go on a date with you!! :* ~XOXO, Cater"
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You saw a single sugarbush protea sitting in front of the main door with two notes next to it. 
"Here. Now come to my dorm, I want to nap with you. ~Leo"
"Happy Valentine's Day, (Y/N)! Leona asked me to deliver this flower to you, and when I saw his note...haha...he's even lazier than usual. Lemme tell you why Leona picked this flower for you. The florist said Proteas represent courage and transformation, and I think Leona's trying to say you're his courage. Shishishi! Don't tell him I said this! He's going to get so mad if he finds out. ~Ruggie"
Jack left a bouquet of yellow primroses inside a round vase on your doorstep. Next to the vase were two notes.
"You are perfect the way you are. Don't ever change. ~Jack"
"Shishishi. How sweet of Jack to say this. Oh, sorry, I saw him write this note and thought to tell you the reason why he chose this flower. The florist said primroses are a symbol of new love and new beginnings. Guess Jack wants to start a new life with you? Shishishi. I see marriage in your future! Don't tell him I sent this note to you. ~Ruggie"
Ruggie gifted you a bunch of yellow dandelion flowers. 
"Happy Valentine's Day! Did you know Dandelions are tough and can endure anything? Just like you. They also have healing properties and are healers, like you. Shishishi. Oh, did you know you can make tea out of these? They help with all sorts of pain and illnesses! ~Ruggie"
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Azul gifted you a bouquet of purple tulips, neatly tied with a lavender satin bow. 
"Hello, love. Happy Valentine's Day. My apologies for not handing these to you in person. I promise to make it up to you later. I thought quite a lot about what flower to give you, but I could think of none better than tulips. They convey comfort and warmth, and when I'm with you, I feel wanted and loved. You mean the world to me. ~Love, Azul"
When you walked into Ramshackle dorm, a radiant sparkle caught your eyes. Getting closer, you saw a pink glass rose sitting atop a note. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my dear. I noticed quite a few men handing their beloved fresh flowers, but why gift an item that will wither? I do hope you like the glass rose. Its charm, radiance, and delicacy reminds me of you. Visit the Monstro Lounge once you're finished with classes. ~Jade"
In the living room, you found a bouquet of forget-me-nots held together by a jute string.
"Hey, Shrimpy, Happy Valentine's Day~! Jade went flower shopping, so I joined him and found these flowers. They look like you, tiny and cute. Come to my dorm after classes~ I made something for you. ♡ Floyd” 
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You entered Ramshackle, hoping to find Kalim; instead, you saw a gold rose on the living room sofa. Beside the metal-flower sat a cream-colored paper with a gold border. 
"Jamil said I shouldn't give you this and should choose fresh flowers. But I don't wanna give you something that'll wilt. This rose is better 'cause it'll stay with you forever! Oh, Happy Valentine's Day! Come to Scarabia after school~ I'm gonna throw you the best party ever! ~ Kalim :)" 
When you returned to the dorm, you found a thin glass vase with a single pink lotus inside and a note next to it. 
"Happy Valentine's Day. I hope your day has been well so far. I don't know what your favorite flower is, so I got you a lotus. You know about lotus, right? They bloom from mud but are unaffected by the muck around them. Lotuses remind me of you...no matter how dirty the world around you, your beauty remains untouched. ~Jamil" 
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You strolled into your dorm and saw Grim running towards you with a single red rose and a note in hand. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, my lovely. What better flower to gift you than a red rose? Red is the color of passion, whereas a rose represents classic beauty. This particular rose has been cultivated with the utmost care. Flawless, is it not? Be ready by 4 for our date. ~Your beautiful Vil"
You entered the living room to find a bouquet of Casa Blanca lilies in a white vase sitting on the table. Around the neck of the vase was a green satin ribbon holding a note. 
"Bonjour, mon amour. You like flowers, oui? These are Casa Blanca lilies, known for their beauty, class, and style. They suit you quite well. Now come, we shall go on a date and make memories. ~Ton amour, Rook"
As soon as you walked into the living room, you saw a bouquet of lavenders and a basket of apples. 
"Hello. Today's Valentine's Day, right? So, um...Happy Valentine's Day. I got these lavender flowers for you. They smell good, right? Meemaw - I mean grandmother, loves them a lot, so I thought you would like them too. Speakin' of Meem- grandma, she sent apples for you and asked me to give them to you today. I planned a date today...I'll meet you in front of your dorm at 2. ~Epel"
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Idia + Ortho
You entered your bedroom to find a bouquet of pink alstroemeria and a bouquet of white daisies on your bed, along with two circular device. When you touched the device, a holographic note appeared.
"H-Hello. Happy Valentine's Day. U-Um, these alstroemerias are for you. You are my only f-friend, and I want to gift you these flowers to show my d-devotion to you. T-Thank you for staying by my side. ~Idia"
You tapped the smaller circular device and saw a holographic projection of Ortho. The child spoke in a chirpy voice. 
"Hello, (Y/N)! Happy Valentine's Day! I know you are big brother's valentine, but I wanted to gift you these flowers. Daisies represent innocence, happiness, and friendship. These blooms are given to those who put a smile on your face. You always put a smile on big brother's face, so thank you for that. Oh, and I hope you like the flowers Idia picked out. He wasn't sure what to get you, so I suggested alstroemeria. See you in a few hours! Ortho signing out." 
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endcryst4l · 3 years
the best shark friends
third part in the series, gn!reader meeting tubbo! the first two parts are not necessarily needed to be able to read this one though!! let me know what you think, enjoy :D
part 1 (favorite galaxies) / part 2 (fairy tale)
“(Y/N)?” Tommy’s voice rang through your headphones. Techno and you were on a call together, both silently doing your homework. “Hm? Oh, hey Tommy. What’s up?” you answered. “Techno and I are home alone today and Tubbo is coming over and we wanted to go to the aquarium with you!”
he smiled widely and Techno’s eyes widened, mouth opening to protest. This wasn’t the plan they agreed to. “I’d love to!” you said before Techno even had the chance of saying no. Tommy cheered and climbed out of Techno’s lap. “(Y/N) this is going to be a day of torture, oh my god.” Techno groaned as you laughed, “hey we can do this. Do you have enough food to bring along? I could stop by the store to get some on my way to your place.” “That’d be nice actually,” Techno said, scratching the back of his head, “we ran out yesterday and I forgot to go to the store.” 
“At what time are we picking Tubbo up?” you asked, finishing up the last exercises. “Uhh 2 PM, so in an hour.” he answered while also working on the last bit of his homework. You hummed, “I’ll get going then. I’ll see you in a bit, I love you.” “I love you too (Y/N).”
After cleaning up your desk, you got ready to leave. Quickly scanning your backpack to see if you had everything you needed you put on your jacket and headed out to the store. You bought some snacks and water bottles, deciding on making some PB&J’s at Techno’s place as well. You said goodbye to the cashier and made your way over to Techno, mentally already preparing for the day ahead.
Tommy had seen you arrive through the windows and quickly ran to the door, opening it before you even got the chance to knock. “(Y/N)!!” he exclaimed while lunging at your legs. “Hey big guy!” you laughed, ruffling his hair. “Hey love.” Techno said while walking over to you. “Hey Tech.” you answered and kissed him, making Tommy gag. Techno sighed and you rolled your eyes smiling, getting a warm feeling all over. Every day you grew more appreciative for the bond you created with Techno and his family. 
“Do you want to help me draw something for Tubbo?” he asked, looking up at you hopefully. You smiled, “after I’ve made some PB&J’s I’d love to.” He nodded, before walking off to the kitchen table where all of his supplies were spread out already. “How are you feeling?” Techno asked as he closed the door behind you two. “Kind of nervous but otherwise good. What about you?” you answered, while walking to the kitchen. “Preparing for insanity.” he dryly said and you laughed, almost dropping the jar of peanut butter. “Are they really that bad?” you asked Techno, who was now looking at you with a look of disbelief. “You’ve met Tommy. Him and Tubbo are like amplifiers of each other, especially in environments where they can run off easily.” he sighed, “I can’t believe dad hasn’t bought a leash or something yet.” 
You snorted, not expecting the last sentence, “We could bribe them to stay with us with candy or something, I’m sure we’ll be fine.” “If you say so.” Techno said, putting the finished sandwiches in a ziplock bag and walking over to your backpack to put them in.
“Ooo that’s pretty.” you giggled as you walked over to Tommy, who was drawing fish on the moon. “What color should I make this fish?” he asked, pointing to one on top of the moon. “Hmm,” you began, “Purple? I think that’ll look nice with the white one and the green one.”
He nodded, quickly grabbing his purple pencil. Techno walked to the table with Tommy’s shoes and jacket. “Ready to go see Tubbo?” he asked before sitting down next to Tommy to put his shoes on. “Yeah!” Tommy exclaimed excitedly, rolling up his drawing. You grabbed your backpack and swung it over your shoulder. The blonde grabbed his jacket from Techno’s hands and put it on himself, then happily skipping to the door. The two of you followed him, Techno locking the door behind him and unlocking the car. You opened the door for Tommy and he quickly climbed in his car seat and buckled himself in, double checking quickly before closing his door and sitting next to Techno. He turned on some music before starting the car and driving off to Tubbo.
It was a short drive, honking once all of you arrived. Not a second later Tubbo came running to the car, his dad following shortly behind him. Tubbo’s dad opened the door and put him in his car seat as well. “Hey Techno, thank you for- oh I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m Sam.” Sam smiled at you. “No we haven’t, I’m (Y/N), Techno’s partner.” you smiled back, Tubbo and Tommy already talking to each other. Sam smirked and patted Techno on his shoulder, “good job kid.” 
You laughed as Techno blushed, “yeah yeah alright. I’ll text you when we’re on our way back.” Sam nodded, “Tubbo be good okay?” “Yes dad, bye!” Tubbo answered quickly before going back to his conversation with his best friend. “Bye Sam!” Techno and you said as he closed the car door, waving as Techno drove off again.
“Look! I made this for you! (Y/N) helped me pick the colors for the fish,” Tommy said while pointing at you, “They’re really nice.” 
You waved at Tubbo, Tommy giving him his drawing. “Oh! Thank you. Hi (Y/N)!” Tubbo said, smiling at you. “Hi!” you smiled back, Tommy and Tubbo quickly falling into new conversation.
Twenty minutes later you arrived at the aquarium, the boys getting more excited with every second passing. Techno and you walked behind them to the entrance, not wanting to lose them this fast. Techno did the talking and paid with Phil’s card. He handed you the tickets and you walked to the gates with the boys, who insisted on scanning the tickets themselves. After showing them how you gave them both their tickets, Techno behind them to help them. Whilst they were trying to get through, you got a map of the place. 
After a few tries they successfully made it through. “Ready to go?” you asked the younger two. “Yes!” both of them eagerly yelled, running off to the nearest building. Techno sighed before telling them to stay close, making Tommy groan. 
The best friends walked in front of you two, occasionally stopping at the smaller aquariums to see which animals were in there. Techno and you walked around too, holding hands and talking about everything and nothing. 
After a while of walking around they stood still in front of an arch to a big shark tank. You noticed their frightened expressions and softly smiled, stepping forward to the boys and letting Techno’s hand go.
“It’s not that scary if we go together, I promise. Does that sound good?” you asked the two boys, holding your hands out to both of them. They nodded and held on tightly, slowly walking towards the shark tank with you. Some of the bigger sharks swam by and you felt both of the boys squeezing your hand harder, making you smile slightly. Once directly in front of the water they couldn’t stop looking around with amazed looks on their faces.
Techno had the same look on his face, mixed with absolute adoration. He wasn’t sure what he did to have become so lucky to have you in his life and be able call you his, but he was incredibly grateful. He wished he could frame this moment and hang it up in his room, so he could look at it forever. You turned around to look at Techno, seeing him watch with a wide smile. Your cheeks reddened as you smiled back at him and motioned him to come over. 
“Techno look! They’re so cool!” Tommy said, once he noticed Techno was standing next to him, pointing at the sharks that were swimming together. “Yeah they are. Not so scary after all huh?” Techno chuckled and both Tommy and Tubbo shook their heads. “Lunch time?” you suggested and all of the boys agreed. All of you walked to the nearest bench, Techno and you sat at the ends of the bench, Tommy and Tubbo in between. You opened your backpack and gave everyone a sandwich and a bottle of water. “I have some apple slices and gummy bears as well if any of you wants some.” you told them. 
“Could I have some apple slices (Y/N)?” Tubbo asked you. “Of course!” you answered as you grabbed them from your backpack. You opened the pack they were in and handed it to Tubbo, Tommy also eating some of them. After a few more sandwiches all of you got up and went to see a dolphin show. Tommy and Tubbo had grown significantly quieter, yawning occasionally. During the show Tommy leaned against you, slowly falling asleep. Tubbo was leaning against Tommy, also dozing off. The clapping of the audience startled them, waking them up. 
“Want to go home?” you whispered to Tommy and he nodded, rubbing his eyes. Tommy stood up, Tubbo following suit. Techno and you also stood up, Techno looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You nodded, following him out of the theater. The four of you calmly walked to the exit, the gift shop catching Tommy’s eyes. “Oh! Can we take a look? Please?” he asked, looking up at you with puppy eyes. “A quick one, but don’t touch anything okay?” you told them and he nodded, grabbing Tubbo’s arm and running into the store.
“You know, you have to learn to say no or he’ll actually be the death of you.” Techno said, intertwining his hand with yours again. “Hmm, maybe. But for now it’ll be fine.” you smiled, kissing his cheek before walking in the store.
“(Y/N)!” Tommy yelled once he saw you. “He knows, he definitely knows. He doesn’t even call for me anymore.” Techno dramatically said before laughing and you hit his shoulder lightly. “Yes Tommy?” you answered, walking over to where he was standing. Techno followed, amused by this whole situation. Out of all of the possibilities imaginable, he definitely did not expect Tommy and Tubbo holding shark themed best friend t-shirts and just how great they looked. 
“Can we get these? Please? We’ll look so cool together, now everyone will know we’re best friends!” Tommy tried to convince you two, Tubbo frantically nodding next to him. You basically melted at the sight in front of you. “Sure, did you get the right sizes?” you said, Tommy then showing Techno both of the tags who took a brief look and nodded. The two boys cheered and you smiled, looking at Techno with an apologetic look on your face. He laughed, “they looked too cute to resist this time, I’ll agree on that one.”
Tommy and Tubbo had already rushed off to the cashier, Tommy putting the shirts on the counter because he was a little bit taller. Techno stood next him, ready to pay with Phil’s card again. “If dad gets mad you just show him the shirt okay?” Techno said to Tommy when all of you walked out of the store. Once back at the car they quickly put the t-shirts on and high fived. “(Y/N)? Could you take a picture of us?” Tubbo asked, “of course!” you replied while getting your phone out. Tommy and Tubbo stood next to each other smiling, Techno quickly jumping in to straighten out their shirts. “Ready?” you asked the two younger ones. “Yeah!” they both exclaimed before smiling wildly, Tommy’s arm over Tubbo’s shoulder. You took a few pictures of them, now ushering Techno over into the frame. He glared at you before standing in the middle of the two other boys. Tommy quickly flipped him off, surprising you and Tubbo, both of you bursting out in laughter. The two brothers started bickering loudly, making you sigh. “Hey, hey, hey, be nice. Let’s go home, okay?” you tried to interfere, Techno and Tommy still staring each other down. You and Tubbo shared a look, trying hard not to laugh again. “Fine.” Techno said, Tommy proudly smirking when Techno walked away first. You shook your head at him, opening his car door. Techno opened Tubbo’s and both of you helped buckle them up.
Not long after leaving the parking lot they were asleep, exhausted from seeing new things and running around all day. You sighed contentedly, catching Techno’s attention. “We survived.” you laughed and he chuckled, “I’d say we did a pretty good job, I had a lot fun. Except for just now. That little asshole.” You laughed and yawned, stretching in the car seat. “It really caught me off guard. I had fun too but I’m really tired.” 
You took a glance in the rearview mirror, giggling at what you saw. “What?” Techno asked. “Look at them.” you answered whilst nodding to the backseat. They were both sound asleep, heads leaning to each other and in their best friends t-shirts. Techno smiled, “they’re never taking those shirts off. Also could you text Sam for me?” he asked, giving you his phone.”Of course.” you said while unlocking his phone and telling Sam you were on your way back. 
It didn’t take long for you to arrive at Tubbo’s place, Tubbo waking up a little from the car standing still. Tubbo’s dad came outside and opened the car door, immediately laughing. “Those shirts are everything, oh my gosh. Fits them perfectly as well. Thank you guys a lot, by the looks of it he’s had a lot of fun.” Sam said while unbuckling Tubbo and picking him up. “Of course, don’t worry about it.” Techno answered and you nodded in agreement. “Bye Techno and (Y/N).” Tubbo sleepily said before waving. Techno and you both told him bye while waving as well, driving off home. Tommy was still peacefully asleep when you arrived home. After Techno parked the car, you got out and unbuckled Tommy before picking him up and carrying him inside. “Hey guys.” Wilbur said once he saw you three walk in. You waved at him, pointing to the sleeping blonde in your arms. Wilbur nodded understandably, raising up from his seat to take him over from you and put him to bed. Everyone knew waking up Tommy was a task sent from hell, so dinner would just have to be late for him. 
Soon after, Phil came home and Wilbur came downstairs. The four of you ate dinner happily, talking about the day at the aquarium and showing him the picture of them in their shirts and the ones you took of all three of them. Phil loved it so much, he didn’t care how much money they might’ve cost. Techno and you skipped after dinner tea, opting to go to sleep early. You changed into some of his clothes, both of you brushed your teeth and laid down in his bed. Techno put his arm around you and pulled you closer. “I love you (Y/N).” he murmured, making you smile. “I love you too Tech. Goodnight.”
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yoimix · 3 years
haikyuu!! as types of best friends.
➼ ft. hinata, sugawara, bokuto, osamu+atsumu.
➼ playlist. talk too much - coin, higher - banks, romanticism - mrs green apple, me and my friends - james vincent mcmorrow
➼ a/n. these have light bff2l undertones hhn i love that trope, pls forgive me. </3 + there’s some timeskip spoilers for atsumu & osamu’s part.
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❀ hinata :-
i wish the childhood best friends trope a very good evening.
no one’s better than hinata at making friends, even if you met after he spiked a ball into your face. you’re childhood best friends too !! so imagine being a child and having to pick up this goofball by the scruff, who has the audacity to ask you to play with him after giving you a scratched up forehead and teary eyes from a ball to the face. but, like, you were the one who said yes so it’s on you :-)
sometimes you bicker but it’s ok bc he would literally go to the ends of the earth for you if you asked. no kidding. he hates sitting still anyway so he’ll just gravitate towards where you are like you’re the sun. also gets you taiyaki in the evenings but climbs in through your window instead of using the front door like a normal person. (he has too much energy </3) if you hear someone yelling your name outside your window and ranting about volleyball games, you know who it is.
ok when he makes you mad with his bullheadedness, you'll be complaining with kageyama (who agrees vehemently) and hinata gets pissy bc you get along a little too well when you're throwing insults about him. (he's not jealous, no, of course not.) but.. how long can you stay mad at this sunshine child anyway?? you'll be pretending you never got mad at all within a few hours and go back to joking around.
he gets distracted if you're watching a match sometimes (bokuto somehow got it into his head that he needs to show off in front of you) so you got banned from watching. he overcomes it later on so you can cheer him on in his jersey too <3
gives you ALL his attention when you talk or even complain about your life. he reacts a lot to whatever you have to say so you have to pretend there aren’t people behind you glaring at hinata for having the same decibel sound level as a jet engine.
you have matching keychains you bought at a local fair !!! (you got a pochacco one for hinata but it’s super worn out by now so he keeps it in his wallet instead.) 
he has not won a single multiplayer video game against you (*cough cough* mario kart *cough*) and you don’t even have to be good at it. if you call him a loser, he’ll lose even harder. gets unnecessarily mad at just dance and you have to calm him down.
... you’ve probably kissed bc the two of you (mostly him) were too eager for a first kiss and you got fed up with his pubescent ramblings and ended up kissing him. and then had an early mid-life crisis bc you guys are definitely just friends. (unless.. unless he doesn’t think that way.. surprise surprise 😳) also he's.. kind of bad for make out practice... it’s like kissing a month old puppy.. sorry :/. if you happen to make a lot of offhand comments and tease him about his kissing skills, he WILL turn tomato red and argue in gibberish. only do that in private bc the rest of the world thinks you’re sickeningly cute together >:(
overall, your best friend is a ball of sunshine (who occasionally pisses you off) and your #1 motivation to get out of bed. it's mostly bc he's somehow there to get you out of bed though you've repeatedly told him to not climb in through your window. at least the sun is smiling upon you every day <3
❀ sugawara :-
being best friends with him is such a secure relation !! 
he’s your soft place to fall but also would provide gentle (not so gentle) reminders for your wellbeing (STUDY!!! WATER!!!! BREAKFAST!!). doesn’t get mad when you say you skipped breakfast but gives you this look of disappointment which is 100x more effective. still gets a granola bar for you though. also he literally carries bandaids for u and he’s been doing that since second grade bc you fell off the swing ONCE. you know, just in case. if you’re an accident-prone hazard to society, you’re in luck. 
BEST HUGS especially if you had a rough day and want to sob into his shoulder. if u damage his $85 hoodie tho, he will make u do his laundry and also buy snacks for him. but like he is so soft (his skin is SUPER soft bc he actually follows a skincare routine now) and cuddly like a teddy bear, it's a small price to pay for salvation.
he will hype you up for anything you do !!!! new outfit? offers to be your personal photographer. scored an A+? will treat u to your fav ice-cream. new job? will tell everyone just how proud he is. 
ALWAYS shares the last bite with you and smiles to himself when you eat it so contented. also!!! hanging out at cafes and taking cute pictures is a must <3 even though you’re not dating, you’ll have photos together that make you look a real couple which ensue teasing from daichi and asahi and admiration/jealousy from noya and tanaka. also he gets weirdly protective of you around the team (i’m looking at the moron quartet) and you have to pull the “koushi you’re not my mom” card. it really strikes a chord with him when you say that out loud.
will egg your ex's house with you if you say the word. somehow gets more pissed than you at your ex (if they're a shitty one). it's kind of scary when he's mad too so.... good luck calming him down. he's also really good at sarcastic trash talk so if you happen to meet your ex on the street... send prayers for their self-esteem.
you don't really fight often but if you happen to disagree, he'll go about it in a pretty mature way and talk it out. if you pick a fight on purpose, he'll catch on to it and either tickle you (excessively) or flick your forehead as punishment for trying to rile him up. it’s impossible to prank him!!!!! it’s like he’s got a sixth sense or something so you might as well give up on anything of the sort. 
you said you want to get a dog (or cat) with him in the near future and he somehow equated that to having children. turned bright red and started saying it’s too soon to be thinking of that while you had daichi stop you from smacking some sense into your overly imaginative best friend. (i mean, you do need to live together if you want to raise a pet sooo)
his lockscreen is a picture of the two of you so a lot of people who try to hit on him take the hint quick. he says it’s unintentional but you know he can be terribly scheming at times. if you say something like “why don’t you date me for real, coward” he will malfunction and not be able to look you in the eye. (“don’t joke around, y/n” “what if i’m not” “it kind of feels illegal to date you” “what do you mean?!💢”)
anyway you are one lucky mf if you have sugawara koushi as your best friend even if there are both ups and downs (mostly ups). having someone care for you so blatantly certainly makes the question of romance arise but you’re content with the most loving best friend ever.
❀ bokuto :-
you guys are the “two best friends in a room, we might kiss” “yes we will” “what” type of best friends PLS
it doesn’t matter what stage of life you met him, it’ll feel like you’ve been best friends since the beginning of time.
it’s just so easy to make friends with this airhead and by god’s gift, you cannot physically get annoyed at this man. sometimes his friends will complain about him being forgetful or blunt but you’re just there like. yeah. that’s bokuto. love him for it. (you seem to have a lot of patience.)
he probably gets into trouble with authority unwittingly, so save your weekends to sweet talk his way out after accidentally implying the coach has a weak mindset. afterwards, you go get ice cream or something and hang out at the dog park to forget it happened. (the amount of second hand embarrassment bokuto has given you though... you need some hard drugs to forget all of it.) 
you probably make a lot of friends through him in high school/college but at the end of the day, it’s just you and him and sometimes akaashi making sure you guys are alive. if you guys are alone together on a friday night, you’ll still be having fun!! very often, it takes shape as karaoke :-) bokuto thinks he’s really great at rapping for some reason (he’s not) so cue you screaming the lyrics in an attempt to ruin your part of the song equally. also he always sets the key wrong??? although you sing the same songs each time?? sometimes he picks a song neither of you have ever heard and the both of you try to guess the melody. he’s terrible at it but at least he’s funny. there’s not a single song he hasn’t had a voice crack in.
if you go clubbing/partying with him, get prepared to be introduced as the friend of “the guy who did four keg stands in a row before proceeding to do a cartwheel unprompted and somehow not throw up”. is on first name basis with the bartenders/hosts and gets you free drinks. also gets hit on often but is oblivious unless they’re being very straightforward. if he’s not into them... you have to pull the s/o card and save his ass. oh also he barks at anyone that gets near your drink.
will always exaggerate when introducing you to new people. “y/n and i met when i saved them from drowning a terrible death.” “it was the children’s pool and you were the one that was screaming.” “and then y/n didn’t really thank me but it’s not like heroes need thanks to do the right thing.” “kou, i will push you into a pool right now, let’s see how well you swim.” (he learned swimming to impress you so joke’s on you.)
he likes to watch you do stuff at the end of the day, so if you see him go o_o at you doing homework, you can just put your earphones on and focus on your work. even if he’s making.. a strangely.. adorable expression. also LOVES to listen to you talk about your day when he’s tired, he says it helps him sleep better (so expect a lot of nighttime calls). moreover, if you say you had a bad dream, he’ll comfort you with his ridiculously confident tone of voice (unless the dream was about something bad happening to him, then he’ll freak out and you’ll have to comfort him instead </3)
ok one thing that’s annoying about him is that he probably leaves food crumbs over your stuff like laptop, bed sheet, etc. you clean it up but bokuto.. is a bit... distracted to notice the mess he’s making. it’s usually pretty difficult to get him to be more aware, but like your glare is enough to make him at least try to be careful from the next time. (either that or he’s become sensitive to your change in mood/emotions bc you know... you’re best friends after all.)
i’m not gonna lie, he probably catches feelings for you at some point. he wants to, like, keep it lowkey bc akaashi told him to take your feelings into consideration too but?? it’s so hard?? you’re literally so pretty?? everything you say is like music to him??? he reacts reflexively to all the firecracker feelings u give him. he probably says he likes you all the time but you dismiss it with “as a friend right :-)”. there’s no climbing up from that one, sorry bokuto.
to summarize, if a moody golden retriever was your human best friend.exe
❀ miya twins :-
they feel like a set. it would be strange to have one of the twins as a bff and not have the other one around whoops 🤷‍♀️ 
either you and osamu bully atsumu in your free time, or you and atsumu annoy osamu for fun (or both) <3. it’s always a good idea to team up with osamu and prank atsumu for fun btw. (put wasabi in his breakfast pancakes and you’ll get a very pissed off but weirdly cute tsumtsum. you can blame it on osamu if you don’t want to face his wrath.) your alternative is to embarrass osamu in front of strangers with atsumu, have fun with that. (second hand embarrassment also works.)
when you were younger, you pretended to not be able to distinguish the twins bc it would visibly rile atsumu up and then you’d go “ok you’re atsumu”... which would further rile him up. osamu got used to your shenanigans though it ticked him off the first time too LOL. call them the wrong name on purpose and they’ll start a riot; be careful when you’re playing with fire pls.
you guys played a lot of knight and prince/princess/royal when you were a kid and atsumu would always try to make osamu the evil dragon holding you captive. in the end, you were somehow the knight, osamu the prince to be rescued and atsumu the big, bad dragon. (it’s kind of funny in hindsight. your parents have photographs of the three of you fighting like no tomorrow.) also speaking of which, your parents are also friends and have bets on which twin you’ll marry (or if you will at all). it’s tearing your parents’ friendship apart.
these two have DEFINITELY fought over whose jersey number you’re going to wear to the games ( “oi, ‘samu, stop brainwashing my best friend into wearing your stupid double digit number” “you know i’m the best friend, ‘tsumu. they clearly like me better over yer ratty ass.” “what did ya say?!?!? if anything, you’re the one that looks like ratatouille.”) you wore kita's jersey number to games.
imagine sunday picnics with the boys !!! by that, i specifically mean osamu and his perfect bento boxes <3 sometimes the two of you will cook together before your outings while a sulking atsumu stands outside bc you didn’t let him. (let him in, you monsters.) he says he can cook too but the last time the twins’ bickering almost burnt the whole kitchen down. the picnics continue well into adulthood and you get to diss your boss to the twins who will always support your rants. (sometimes atsumu will tell you it’s your fault but you can smack him off. we only need supportive besties here 🙄)
if someone hurts u.... they’re going to need divine intervention to be safe... you have two well-built, physically adept best friends ready to beat the shit out of anyone who deliberately breaks ur heart. 
when the twins get into a physical fight...... oh boy. it kinda pisses you off that they’re spewing profanity at each other and you’re the one getting glares. but at the same time, you don’t really want to step into a fight that has nothing to do with you. people should solve their interpersonal issues on their own. they have never fought over you, this isn’t twilight <3 
but the question did come up once on which twin you like better; it’s not something to seriously fight over though. if you chose osamu, atsumu will complain for six days straight and you’ll start to regret ever answering the question. if you say atsumu, osamu won’t feed you his onigiri anymore for a few days which is just as bad. the safest choice is to say neither bc it will both be funny and you won’t suffer too many consequences. if you say you love the both of them for being your best friends all this time and go all mushy, there’s a slight chance they’ll go soft too. god help you from the bone crushing hug you’re about to receive 🙏
you make sure to not miss any of atsumu’s official games !! sometimes he’ll wave at you and make the reporters give you hell bc he’s a little shit. just push osamu to them and run away if it gets that bad. (he gets free advertising for his shop, he should be grateful.)
osamu is super good at cheering you up!!! whether it’s with food or with pleasant talk, you’ll be feeling much better with a full stomach and a calmer state of mind. as for atsumu, he’s really good at you cheering you up by distracting you. he’ll talk about his team or this new serve he learnt and the world will seem a lot brighter bc he seems so happy about it. whichever twin you go to, it’s win-win. 
in return, the twins take up a good chunk of your time. sometimes atsumu will crash at your place after a game though you’ve told him to not lead the damn reporters here. osamu makes you taste test his experimental onigiri... which are not always good..... no seriously, why’d he put honey and tuna in there ?? but still, your life is ridiculously colorful with them around.
anyway, what can i say except what’s better than one best friend?? two best friends !!!
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Howdy! I'm drawing the Daisy Lore au kids, and I was wondering if there are any specific details you have envisioned for the kids! (besides races, which u mentioned, I mean more like, eyecolor, freckles, etc!)
hi !!!!! ahhhhh oh my god this has made me so happy, i can’t wait to see if you post it here !! :DD they’re all kinda up to personal interpretation, but here are some things i had in mind!
daisy > green eyes, dark hair, pretty small !!i always picture her in dungarees for some reason too LMAO, along with george’s signature classes and freckles :]
lissie > blonde curly hair, nothing really solid in mind for her yet :0 i’d imagine pretty tall, but go wild with how you picture her if you wanna !!
helga > short. tiny. So Short. she wears purple bc it’s her favourite colour and has short dark hair !! i think i mentioned that she has little yellow wings, too - she can’t quite fly with them, but they do slow her fall if she falls somewhere high, and usually is covered in band-aids and equipped with golden apples because of how clumsy she is KBSKDKD (can u tell how much i love her jhdssdk)
james > also short and tiny, but like,, a couple of inches taller than helga, which pisses her off lmao. his hair is lighter than his sister’s, and slightly longer too :) he doesn’t have wings, but when he gets excited, he sets himself on fire accidentally, so that’s something LMAO
angel > little ram horns in his hair, and also ginger for some reason in my mind?? pretty tall and freckly (they’re green) and also has glasses. he thinks he’s an explorer so has a magnifying glass he carries everywhere and a little journal where he records cool things he finds that he carries everywhere !! not to mention he has a tail like puffy’s too skjdfksd
michael > similar to the typical fanon design for michael !! nothing special sdkfdlsdkjsb, other than that he wears ranboo’s too-big crown on his head and carries around a stuffed bee toy with him that tubbo made him :D
emmeline > this kid is dressed The Coolest. i imagine she has black wings she can actually fly with (she’s just not very good at it KBDKF), she just doesn’t do it v often !! she looks a lot like bbh’s form in mc, but fluctuates between that and a more human form with blue hair :] she dresses mostly in black and gives herself fake tattoos with pens she steals from angel’s journal up her arms and legs when she’s bored !
darian > looks a Lot like ponk !!! they have the same haircut, but also has creeper abilities as i sort of touched on in the post talking about hybrids!! he wears armour bc sam is always worried about him getting hurt, but he dyes it red and thinks it makes him look cool (it Does). he never wears anything other than red JKDSFKJD, it’s his favourite colour
henry > she’s inherited traits from a Lot of the people tommy cares about! she’s got tubbo’s curly hair, a crown that looks a lot like techno’s (she fell out with michael when they met for the first time bc she thought he’d stolen it from her LMAO), ranboo’s heterochromic eyes and little wings for phil. apart from that, though, she looks SO similar to tommy, and likes to wear t-shirts like his red and white one because she wants to be exactly like him :D she’s got a little mini sword that tommy made for her that Doesn’t Actually Work (it’s plastic), but she likes stabbing people and watching them pretend to die dramatically KFSKNF.
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thequibblah · 3 years
hi so i'm looking for some new music to listen to and i thought you could help because you have great taste!
if this helps, i'll tell you what i normally listen to, which is very basic & basically the same few artists over and over lol
- mostly just taylor swift, she makes up 70+% of my listening probably haha and if i had to pick a favorite genre of hers it would be the folkmore style
- some other pop, like olivia rodrigo and conan gray and lorde & some doja cat but i'm not a huge fan of doja's lyrics
- lyrics are really big for me, so is having a pretty voice and nice melodies
- i love your playlists but the old songs are usually not my style (there's been some though that i really like, ty for that !! <3)
- ceremonials is my favorite florence album
- liability is my favorite lorde song
no problem if u don't want to!
OH i basically recommend things for a living so why not music, eh?
so. what i'm getting from this is that you have three big listening buckets: soft acoustic and indie pop and just plain old pop. so i will divide my recs by those broad genres! i too prefer singable music so i will try to lay off on especially dissonant artists, or mark them as such so you can be prepared (LOL)
acoustic/folksy (i'll admit i am a big indie pop girl so this stuff will be a bit sparser)
phoebe bridgers — admittedly she is more alt-rocky, but see garden song, savior complex, moon song, graceland too, prayer in open D
waxahatchee — can't do much (GOD THIS SONG), lilacs, st. cloud
lucy dacus — also more alt-rocky, but here r some softer jams: hot & heavy, christine, green eyes, red face (a jily song)
anything by first aid kit! start with stay gold and the lion's roar
hozier — i feel like most people on the internet have listened to SOME hozier but check out wasteland, baby! (i tried to pick individual songs and ended up listing most of the album LOL)
kacey musgraves — another artist you've probably listened to already, but try golden hour
brittany howard — stay high must be the sweetest song in existence, and basically all of her album jaime
arlo parks — the whole album but especially caroline, hurt, and black dog
lake street dive — i can change, good kisser (a mary song if i've ever heard one), and i adore their hall & oates cover!
anya marina — this whole album has had me by the throat since like 2013
lucius — just the whole album wildewoman, h/t @figg-anon for putting me onto this!
idk what tf genre fiona apple is but try her out as well!
artists i listen to less of but are in this vein: the lumineers, bon iver, vance joy
u know i had to rec some old people shit (LOLLLL), so in this vein, joni mitchell, heart, judee sills, emmylou harris, joan baez, vashti bunyan
one-off songs you might like: hold you now by vampire weekend, big wheel by samia, i eat boys by chloe moriondo, strawberry blond by mitski (i worship at the altar of mitski but she might not be your speed haha), like i used to (acoustic) by sharon van etten & angel olsen, body by julia jacklin, jackie onassis by sammy rae and the friends, cowgirl bebop by HANA
indie pop BELOVED
maggie rogers — ok i cannot recommend this higher like if u like lorde and conan gray drop everything now and mainline maggie's brilliant debut album
HAIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — they've got poppier songs like want you back and more mellow songs like summer girl, but honestly i would just recommend a deep dive because they have a pretty surprising breadth within their own alt-rock/pop niche
caroline polachek — can sometimes get way out n weird in the pop sense but so hot you're hurting my feelings is a very listenable pop standard (also it's so funny she's such a clever lyricist also this is irrelevant here but she sounds amazing live), also love look at me now and her cover of breathless
charli xcx is more experimental pop but would rec trying out warm (FT HAIM!!!), blame it on your love (FT LIZZO!!), and official
rina sawayama — technically her album is all sorts of genres but especially XS, comme des garcons, paradisin', bad friend, and tokyo love hotel
orla gartland is a lil softer and i love more like you, oh GOD, and did it to myself
king princess — especially cheap queen, 1950, holy, but basically all of cheap queen
more one-offs: kansas by ashe, comeback by CRJ (full paean in her honour to come in the pop section), i am a big fan of other people covering the bleachers (LOL) especially rollercoaster by charli xcx and i wanna get better by tinashe (full tinashe praise to come too), saturdays by twin shadow (FT HAIM!!!), the kiss of venus and 3 nights by dominic fike (also his interlude on halsey's album), aute cuture and milionària by rosalía, young lover by st. vincent (i love her but again might not be for u haha), good days by sza, backyard boy by claire rosinkranz, slow dancing by aly & aj, hot sugar by glass animals
if ur down to try out something weird witchy and cool, kate bush is like the originator of 9 billion pop and rock genres and hounds of love is a masterpiece
pure pop (we can split hairs on what makes pure pop LOL but basically everything here is based on ur enjoyment of doja)
carly rae jepsen — ok if u haven't listened to her non-radio-hits u may be like "what?? call me maybe lady???" to which i say YES, especially window, stay away, no drug like me, and too much
victoria monet — this may or may not be a selling point to you, but victoria is a frequent ariana grande collaborator and you can absolutely hear it in her music (see also: the mattress spring background noises in dive JUST like they are in positions...), and i love experience, go there with you, and we might even be falling in love, and why not throw in her ariana grande collab monopoly
magdalena bay — how to get physical which i am destined, nay, contractually bound, to put in a jily modern AU someday, killshot, stop & go
tinashe — basically ALL of her new album!!! SO good. i also love rascal (superstar), esther, and old jams like company (and i JUST found out she has a chaka khan cover!)
chloe x halle have the most angelic vocals in the world
this might sound actually demented because WHO hasn't heard love on the brain but rly... go give ANTI a re-listen...
tove lo — especially are u gonna tell her, mateo, and jacques
WAIT I FORGOT TO SAY ROBYN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERY ROBYN SONG!!!!!!!
for that throwback poppy sound u may as well go real throwback KJAHKJA and check out donna summer!
one-offs: right to it by louis the child n ashe, serial lover by kehlani (also more by her but im getting lazy now kdjfhgk), missed calls by max n hayley kiyoko, peppers and onions by tierra whack, idk who hasnt heard this song but circles by meg, todo de ti by rauw alejandro (the way i wanted this to be song of the summer so bad ;___;)
hope you enjoy and pls come back and tell me if you really liked any of these!!!! xoxo
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