#Also that episode literally gave me two of my favourite characters in one go
pidayforpi · 1 year
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(Whoever decided to give Mister Starling these multi-layered / multi-coloured eyes...Thank you 🛐😔👌✨🛐
They make him much more handsome hotter crazier)
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colealexart · 8 months
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story time! i met the cr cast this past weekend at mcm london and they were the kindest people imaginable, but my interaction with laura and marisha was just. incomprehensibly sweet and the best thing to ever happen to me.
first up was laura. my friends izzy (@wvearp) and abby (@overnighttosunflowers) went before me in the queue and they got my art signed by her. when they did, she said “oh, best art” and they told her that they were here with the artist. she immediately was like “what?! where?!” and started looking around frantically. i was standing just to the side and i waved awkwardly and she was like “NO WAY! YOU!! i favourite this shit on twitter ALL THE TIME!” which i find hilarious because yeah, i freak out a little every time she does.
when it got to my turn, i said hello and asked her how she was doing. she did not answer my question and instead said “cole, are you kidding me? these are gorgeous” about the two prints i handed to her. (the one pictured and a different one i got signed.) she said she remembers seeing this after the episode aired and i was like “yeah, it airs at 3am here so i drew this in a frantic, sleep deprived stupor at 7am” and she said “you did it so fast, i remember! i sent it to marisha! people are SO QUICK with the fanart, you guys are insane.”
after she signed the print, she held onto it for a moment and just sat and admired it, before looking at me with the BIGGEST smile and saying “you are seriously the best. thank you.” and i don’t know how to handle sincerity so i handed her the dice i got for her. she was so excited about them and immediately rolled the d20 and got a 10 (edit: i misremembered, she got a 3 lol). i then asked if we could play rollies and she beat me. i got a 5 and laura got a 7. i said i’m sorry they’re not rolling well and she was like “it’s fine, they just need charging up!”
i also got a selfie too, but the guy helping her at the table took the photo for us instead of me trying to take it because i suck at taking selfies. she gave me a really tight side hug and when it was done, she thanked me again with the biggest smile.
i also didnt realize until afterwards but instead of writing a character quote, laura wrote “you are everything” on my autograph 😭
next was the group photo op. as we walked up i said hi again to laura and she immediately recognized me from before. she grabbed onto my shoulders and literally spun me around to marisha and was frantically saying “marisha marisha, this is the person that does the amazing imodna art!” but there was a lot going on and marisha was looking at me with the most bewildered expression, until she eventually understood what laura was saying but we had to rush to take the photo. laura held onto my arm and marisha leaned against me and i didn’t realize until afterwards but liam and tal also had their hands on my shoulders lol. it was A Lot. i told marisha i would probably be heading to her autograph queue next so i’d see her there and she was like “awesome, i cant wait!”
so after that, i met marisha. i was probably the most nervous to meet her because she’s just so cool and intimidating but in reality she is just so warm and has such a calming presence about her. she was like “cole, good to see you again!” and i handed her the same imodna print that i had laura sign. she said “ohh, aww this is amazing! this is what laura was talking about, i was so confused!”
then we talked a bit about the live show because her voice was hoarse and i asked her how she was feeling. she said it was just her voice that was gone, but we agreed that it was absolutely worth it because the live show was incredible. i also congratulated her on the how do you wanna do this, then gave her the dice i got for her and we played rollies too. we both got an 18 at first and when we rerolled, she beat me with another 18 to my 16. then she was like “oh these roll really well, i’m definitely gonna use these!”
we took our photo together and afterwards she said “thank you for your art and everything. seriously, you’re so talented” while rubbing my shoulder, and then i headed off to join ashley’s queue.
i’m probably gonna make a separate post about meeting ashley and sam. i just wanted to write this down mostly to immortalize on my blog. i expected them to be kind but i did NOT expect to feel so loved and appreciated. laura was about as excited as i was, and made me feel so special. (this is also a pretty small thing but i dont think i pass very well, so the fact that laura said ‘person’ and didn’t misgender me meant a hell of a lot too.)
i did bring extra prints to give to them as a gift but was overwhelmed and forgot lol
anyway, that’s it! for anyone wondering if the critical role cast are as kind in person as they seem online, they absolutely are and then some. i’ll never forget this past week.
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dearmrshudson · 2 months
The post of saddest(?) supernatural moment gave me the idea to maka a list of my own... You know, an honest list which will not push any agenda or exclude one of the main character completely to forcefully feed to a romantic pair which does not even exist.
so here it goes-
10. Dean's reaction after Sam's death in 13x21 :
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This one is so nominal and insignificant to be in this list and not one of top moments for a lot, but this scene ripped my heart open when I saw it for the first time. It manages to show us how Dean's whole world will literally fall apart and make him an empty vessel if Sam is gone and he can do nothing about it - and Jensen manages to portray it with just a walk, two blank eyes and then one drop of tear. Kudos.
9. Church Scene in 'Sacrifice' (8x23):
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Anyone who has not cried in this scene? Perfeftly shows the core of the show, the deep love between two brothers- despite all the reasons, all the idiological differences, all the mature discussion and all- Sam is the baby brother of Dean; at the end he needs Dean to be there as a big bro, to tell him to let it go, to clutch him in his chest. Ultimately they will always choose each other and nothing else will come between them.
8. Dean's death in 9x23:
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One of the saddest death of Dean, and perhaps it comes to this list because of the build-up and drama follows this. Both had their own reasons for the tension they had this whole season, but when the tragedy comes it hits so hard that all those logics fell apart. It scares to peep in Sam's headspace at this time of dean's dying- imagine you discarding the person you love the most as you are reasonably angry with him, and in a few days he is dying in your arms when you have hardly talked out your differences.
7. Why don’t you believe in us too (14x12) :
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Probably should come much later in this list, but this scene stood out in my eyes because it was such a fresh air in the terrible plotless mimicry that SPN had become in later seasons. The scene after ages which sums up Sam and Dean, the codependent brothers whom we had forgotten. Such a long time after we see Sam the little brother, witness the emotional turmoil he was going through silently and how it exploded. The only scene which makes season 14 worth remembering. Also Jared just nailed this scene!
6.) Dead or Alive (3x16):
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This scene breaks my heart in pieces. Dean bravely going for the last fight before the horrible death he will be facing. And he trying to cheer up baby bro, he wants the last memory with his brother to be in this car- singing along together... How his face slowly glooms at the end and his eyes full of fear... Early seasons really were gems!
5. Sam in Mystery spot (3x11) :
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Undoubtedly one of the best SPN episode with perfect blend of mystery, fun, laughter, tragedy and emotion... The funny vibe of the episode ends in a moment when we see Sam is not waking up from the nightmare loop. Then we see a robot- a scary robot who only wants to get his brother back at any cost. This episode is yet another example of how Sam loves Dean just as fiercely as Dean does, and he is not any less codependent.
4. Barn scene and alone Sam (15x20) :
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God! What can I say about this!
Just want to add, Sam wandering alone in the bunker after creamating Dean hurts me equally.
3. John's death (2x01):
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Cannot forget this one. This episode happens to be another favourite of mine, and the way John sacrifices himself for his son proves that a father can go to any extent for his children. The farewell scene of John - where he asks for forgiveness and goodbye to dean without him understanding brings tears to my eyes. Such a beautiful acting by JDM and so realistic portrayal of a flawed, helpless and loving father.
2. End of Season 5 (5x22)
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The ground was set, the battle was about to begin, the ultimate faceoff between Lucifer and Michael was going to start- then what happens? A stubborn idiot boy with a muscle car and hellbent attitude comes in between- knowing that he cannot survive this- just because one of these celestial entities have captured his brother as a vessel and he won’t leave his brother alone. Till his last drop of blood he keeps on trying- trying to reach his brother who is trapped under something much bigger- keeps on telling that It's okay, he is not alone, his big brother is here. And guess what, he succeed. His brother broke free the bind of one of the strongest entity of universe and fought. The climax scene gives me goosebump always followed by a bunch of grief and saddness the ending carries. Had season 5 been the last season of SPN, and this be the exact way the series ended, I would absolutely have no regret!
1. Sammy's first Death (2x21):
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No matter how many sad scenes are perfectly executed in SPN, nothing can exceed the emotion of this one. Jensen will also not be able to exceed the level of performance be set in this particular scene. Period.
So this is it... I must have excluded many. And turns out my list is full of Sam and Dean only and I am also not unbiased 🤣🤣 Well, there are sad scenes that do not involve only the brothers and I still like them, but not my top 10. Maybe have to make list of top 11 to 20 in order to include them. 😁
Please share your favourite saddest top 10 as well.
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lady-murderess · 7 months
At the end of the day, there is a reason 10's face came back, and that is literally just to say goodbye to NuWho. The 15th Doctor is a complete reboot, RTD has said it himself. But coming from a character standpoint, there was reasoning for it. 14 still had all of 10's qualities. Now, he wasn't as cold as 10, he was more open and not afraid to be affectionate, but even then he still carried the same amount of shame on his shoulders and tortured himself with his trauma. To be honest, 14 seemed tired.
Bumbling about the internet, I have seen people bring up the Metacrisis Doctor when it comes to this finale, but the difference between this bi-generation and the metacrisis was the fact that the metacrisis was a two way thing. Donna became a Time Lord and the version of him that came from both Donna and 10's hand is completely human with quite a bit of her personality in him, and the bi-generation is literally just two of the exact same Time Lords. And that's it.
And to be honest, in some ways 10 wanted to have his cake and eat it. A part of him wanted to settle down and also be a Time Lord, because let's face it, he'd never be able to say goodbye to that life he's lived for all those many years, he even said that when Donna and 15 told him to let go and he was scared. And more proof of that was in series 2's School Reunion episode (which is one of my all time favourites) when Rose confronted him on why he never mentioned Sarah Jane, and then later on in the series finale of 4 where he and DoctorDonna leave the Metacrisis Doctor behind with Rose. He loved Rose, always had, but he knew it would break his heart to see her grow old and die, so really the Metacrisis Doctor got to have his happy end because he was human.
I think 15 was the part of the Doctor that still had the urge to keep going and wanted to be finally free from the pain of the past. Every Doctor has their own personalities and ways of coping with things, and I think 15 just wants to be carefree and happy and that's just what I get from the trailer for Christmas special where he is literally in a club dancing so freely... something we've never seen from the Doctor before.
I won't lie though, I don't understand the issue with it being Donna he gets to have that happy end with. He couldn't have it with Martha, she has Mickey and her family, Sarah Jane has been dead for a long time, he never got to truly know the Bannerman Road Gang, and Jack is out there doing things with Torchwood, so he couldn't have gone with any of them either, and the rest of the companions in NuWho are pretty much dead. So, why not Donna?
It's said by quite a few characters during the 10th Doctor era that he never stays, and he'll even admit multiple times he'll keep on running. And after losing Rose, we all saw how he just ran faster and grew darker. Martha gave him a phone so she could keep in contact with him, and what did he do? He denied the fact that he even had a phone when it rang and Donna asked questions about it. And let's face it, if the universe hadn't pulled him and Donna together for them to meet again, he would never have seen her again after the Racnoss. She offered him Christmas dinner with her and her family and he just didn't.
Overall, every companion of 10's all have their happy ends except for her. Yes, Donna has a family and she loves them dearly, but for those 15 years she felt that something was missing. So, she didn't really get a happy end because she had no closure and it plagued her and her family. But now here she is and 14 here is, happy because they both have closure. So, I don't know... It just seems rather fitting to me.
At the end of the day, this whole thing was just finally letting this face of the Doctor, this version of himself who's most damaged and tired, just be happy.
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yumedoca · 1 month
"Manga Kosuke" shows up in the anime more than once, including several episodes and at least one of the ovas, I think once he even got dialogue albeit in a crowd and not important dialogue.
Similarly curly haired stormtrooper shows up several times too, like once the Stormtroopers are throwing a party for Lum and he's just there with them and Ataru. Maybe it was the storyline where Lum left the earth and gave Ataru a doll of herself.
I also believe one Urusei Yatsura video game for the original Gameboy featured Perm and Kosuke; humorously they were an edit of the same base sprite!
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Hai again, hope you're doing great!!
Since these were all sent by the same anon, I figured it was best to answer them all together..
Firstly, relating to the first two asks, I'm aware of Kosuke's cameos in the anime, the wiki has stated which all episodes it is and I very much know the most obvious cameo he made which would be in the 'Goat and Cheese' OVA, aka my favourite of the OVAs after 'Inaba the Dream maker'. I also do think I've seen Megane pop up sometimes in the manga, albeit it's very rarely and it's really hard to miss, but I do remember spotting him for at least one or two cameos (didn't know about Chibi though, I'll keep an eye out next time). The video game fact is really cool though!! Onto the next few asks...
Actually, I'm pretty sure that Megane was actually the one who got most of Kosuke's roles, funnily enough, in the last Kosuke ask I answered, @superamatista said this as well..
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..one example being in electric jungle, the one who joined AtaMenShino in saving Lum was Kosuke in the manga but in the anime it was Megane. The main and obvious reason for this is because in the manga, Kosuke is Ataru's closest friend, but in the anime, Megane is given that role instead (while still having the antagonistic side to him), so naturally a lot of his dialogue is given to Megane instead. It's been a while since I've binged the original anime all together, but I've watched a bunch of UY episodes from the original series a while back after reading the manga chapters for them since I was curious how the anime would've adapted those chapters and literally most (like around 80-90%) of the lines and role belonged to Megane, even if he has added original bits. Now that I think about it properly, I think the other three stormtroopers mostly get their lines from Hokuto and the other nameless boys in the class, mainly Chibi and Kakugari (but there might be a rare chance where they do get Kosuke's lines I don't really remember though). Perm's lines are a combo of the nameless boys and a little bit of Kosuke, while Megane's is mostly Kosuke. Of course, they have added original lines which would suit their character added to the dialogues as well. I feel like the cases where they don't give Megane Kosuke's role and give it to Perm instead, is either when Megane already had a large original role or when the role doesn't fit Megane's character. The best example of the latter is the double date AtaLum went with Kosuke and his girlfriend, while in the anime it was Perm and his (not really) girlfriend because Megane WOULD NOT ever go a date with another girl, he's too dedicated to Lum and I think they even lampshade this.
And yes, I am aware Kosuke (and Hokuto) were in the first chapter, and then they disappeared for a while and reappeared permanently in chapter 26 I think. As to why I think Perm and Kosuke are different (and why I like Kosuke more) is mostly based on opinion really. And I'll be honest now, I've never really cared much about the stormtroopers (so sorry anon but it's true), I don't hate them but I don't really love them all that much either, Megane is the only one I like and it's mostly because of Shigeru Chiba's performance (great guy). The stormtroopers to me is just 'Megane and the others' because it's literally mostly Megane and to me at least, the others are just the one dimensional members of his gang. Since they show them off as 'mostly Megane' because favouritism, it's only natural that I don't pay much attention to the others. The only thing I remember Perm doing is going on the double date and that's it. But it isn't like that for Kosuke! To me, Kosuke has a sort of charisma that all of Rumiko's characters have, even the nameless students of class 2-4. I feel like the stormtroopers don't have this specific charisma since they are mainly Oshii's characters, not Rumiko's. I get Kosuke may not be the most noticeable character, but once you start paying attention to him, you'll get to see what a great guy he is. He's silly and a goofball and a very friendly guy, a good friend to Ataru and even though he does simp over Lum a bit, he isn't stormtrooper level obsessed, he only really is against Ataru when he does or thinks he'll do something wrong (unless he's a part of his scheme lol). He's decently popular with girls, he has a girlfriend (which even Mendo and somewhat Ataru don't have) and has got chocolate from a junior on Valentine's Day and he seemed to be getting along well with the girls at Asuka's school as well. His horny level is on average since he has been shown to read porn mags and such but he doesn't disrespect or grope women in real like like Ataru does. On his date with his girlfriend, they wore matching clothing and he seems forgiving of the fact that she's a huge eater and that she's a burden on his wallet, showing he does really love her (I distinctly remember Perm in the anime version stating he'll throw his girl off a cliff or something for Lum but I'm not sure if it's a real scene or not, I can't remember). Kosuke is one of the biggest menaces in the class with Ataru and Mendo, and teams up with Ataru and on rarer cases Mendo too to take Onsen down. And Kosuke just have a lot of moments I remember, the time where he was indirectly the cause for AtaLum to fall for the other (Megane did this in the anime), the time when he and Ataru and Mendo got drunk at school late at night, the time he got kidnapped by Mendo's giant octopus, all the times Kosuke and Ataru whack the shit out of Onsen and his little comedic remarks which feel much funnier in the manga than when said in the anime cuz the anime exaggerates the bigger jokes causing the smaller ones to fall flat (the jokes in the manga remain in a good balance and most of the jokes are around the same level of funny) Kosuke just has a lot to him which Perm doesn't have because only some of these things were either mostly reserved for Megane or split among the other stormtroopers or if you are talking about friendship, the stormtroopers together are much worse friends to Ataru than Kosuke. And like that, I disagree with the Perm is much more complex than Kosuke bit too. The manga omakes literally have an entire huge analysis on Kosuke (which makes me love him even more) and that's says a lot.
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I think if I had paid more attention to Perm and the other two, maybe I can get more things to be interested about? But I feel like the average viewer would pay the most attention to Megane and just regard the others as extras. And I'm so sorry if any part made it sound as if I was insulting them cuz I didn't mean to and was only stating how they seemed to me personally. And it's cool if anon or anyone really, loves the stormtroopers or Perm over Kosuke, whatever it is, I know how it is to love small underrated characters and we're all different and have our own perspectives and that's what makes us unique, and in the end, we are fans of the same series.
Considering I've answered five asks at once, I am going to declare that this topic is closed (I'm sorry, I have other stuff to do). Microsoft Word says that this entire post is over a page long so do me a favor and reblog this if you love Kosuke :)
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by-ethan-fox · 3 months
So I saw Gundam Seed FREEDOM...
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... and honestly it defies analysis.
I will avoid spoilers for major plot elements in this write-up.
I'm a huge Gundam fan. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who has followed my work for a long time, as I frequently bring it up, even in entirely inapplicable situations.
But even though I've been a fan since the late 90s, I'd never had a chance to see any of it in the cinema - so when AllTheAnime organised a special short run of the movie for UK theatres, I jumped at the chance.
What I saw surprised me.
To clarify, I'm not one of those Gundam fans who hates SEED. Sure, I love the UC, but I'm not gonna lie, Wing was my genesis within the fandom so I'm as likely to watch G-Gundam as 08th MS Team, though I do lean towards the grittier side of the franchise, with War in the Pocket being my favourite entry.
But most relevant to this is that while I enjoyed SEED, I've always been critical of Destiny for some really bizarre plotting that, frankly, kinda left the CE timeline in a mess. Like many fans, with the show having been off the air for nearly two decades, I gave up on the idea the movie might exist literally years ago.
With all that out of the way...
The movie does exist. Finally. And is it good? Bad?
The weird thing is I don't know what to say, and that's weird for a writer.
It's awesome. It's terrible. It's goofy. It's clever. It's idiotic. It's bizarre.
But it's over 2 hours long and, honestly, I was never bored, which I guess is a success?
Perhaps most surprisingly, the movie expends ZERO ENERGY on helping you if you haven't seen the near-100-episodes of CE anime which came before this. Like, if you haven't seen SEED and or Destiny, you are just utterly fucked. The show wheels characters and plot-beats from the prior material in-and-out in a manner I could best call aggressive. I last watched Destiny about ~7 years ago, and I'm a self-admitted Gundam nerd; but even I had to look up a few things on my phone afterwards.
Then, fan-service. Of both kinds. All sorts of things get pulled out of cold storage for the movie... But it works. Though that also stands as a testament to how this is, in the truest sense, a 2004 anime throwback. I actually heard some people in the cinema groaning at some of the Gainax Bouncing going on; but then given the jiggly silhouette in EVERY OPENING TO SEED, frankly it would've been stranger if it had been absent.
I think the movie has loads of problems. Even by CE standards, some of the storytelling was really goofy and dare-I-say-it, "cringe". It recycles probably too much and certainly doesn't stand on its own as a piece of media (though that's not so much a failing as a clear, conscious choice).
Also... It has that "anime movie" thing where the plot feels a bit filler. The first time you have this new guy on the scene with shock-white hair, being all edgelord as he talks about war and destiny and fencing or some other weird metaphor you kinda see the entire movie unfurl before you. If you're a longtime anime fan this isn't so much your first rodeo as your daily commute.
From there, the story takes numerous predictable turns, dips liberally into melodrama, sets up some great Mobile Suit fights, with relatively few surprises (note, however, I'm not saying "no surprises", as there are some, and also, I'm not suggesting it's tedious).
And yet...
It's fun.
It's really, really fun.
That's the crux of all this. That's what really matters. And honestly, when that new theme comes out of the speakers, sounding in perfect key with the types of music that ran through SEED's run, and Kira's onscreen, and he's locking onto a dozen targets and beams are spamming everywhere and everything's exploding in that weird pink way that things in SEED explode...
Have you ever tried to play a videogame from the 90s that you haven't played in years? And do you know how touch-and-go that is?
Gundam Seed FREEDOM is, if I'm to compare it to anything, like that.
But thankfully, it's one of the times when your memories might have been optimistic, but they're not wrong. That game may be a bit crude, a bit rough around the edges, and have more boob and ass jiggle than you recall... But it's good. So good that you find yourself sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of your console, grinning like an absolute loon, until it's 2am and you can no longer feel your feet.
If you have fond memories of the SEED era of the Gundam franchise, don't miss it.
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jinruihokankeikaku · 25 days
reverse unpopular opinion end of evangelion
okay so. given that i consider it my favourite film of all time, it won't be hard for me to find nice things to say, hehe. the trick is to find something that hasn't already been said better ten thousand times, but that also, in the spirit of RUO, isn't too close to being a provocative hottake or Normal UO. Let's see...
I think it's a brilliantly structured film! The decision to frame it as two episodes, 「Air」/“Love is destructive." and 「まごころを、君に」/ “I Need You.” really ties it back to the two-part TV finale that is 「終わる世界」/“Do you love me?” and 「世界の中心でアイを叫んだけもの」/ “Take Care of Yourself”, regardless of whether you view the two endings as concurrent or as alternative branches. (I won't give my answer to that question because I think there are entirely reasonable cases to be made for viewing it as either one of those.)
Either way, I think it remains true that the finales' respective first parts --「Air」 and 「終わる世界」 -- can be read as the road unto Instrumentality approaching a nadir in its arc, as the characters are "broken down", falling apart from one another and falling apart internally -- and that the respective second parts -- 「まごころを、君に」 and 「世界の中心でアイを叫んだけもの」 -- can be read as the rise from that nadir towards a summit.
This is complicated, however, by the fact that the nadir of "Air" isn't entirely such a low point for many of our beloved characters. Asuka and Misato and Ritsuko die, but (like Kaji in Episode 21!) they die having achieved some kind of "earthly" (read:imperfect read:fallen) fulfilment. Asuka was the greatest Eva pilot, and her mother was with her all along, and she followed through where Shinji and Rei couldn't, even if none of that ended up being enough. Misato was an effective guardian to Shinji - she gave her life to protect him - she shared a kiss with him as an adult & a sexual being - and she even, in some sense, was a parent to him - passing on her father's literal and metaphorical Cross, his legacy & burden -- though she perhaps couldn't be a mother to him, and couldn't live to see how he would grow. Ritsuko, even as she was seemingly undone by both her mother and their mutual former lover, died with a smile - and was vindicated not only by Gendo's parting words to her, in the moment, but also posthumously, as Rei (her rival & victim) goes on to reject Gendo.
There are so many roads being walked at once, in this film - even if Shinji's is the focus, and as TV's Episode 26 puts it, "we don't have time to recount [them] all" - we certainly do catch glimpses of them. And while all their arcs converge on the...(not-quite-)Omega Point of Instrumentality, they're not moving at the same pace, or in the same way, which is what makes the Big Question of whether people will choose to return a very real question. There are a lot of lives, here. A lot of hearts, overflowing with their own human sorrows. So to return briefly to what I was on about in the previous paragraph, Episode 25′almost feels like it's a Complemented version of (TV's) Episode 25 - in the sense that it's a version where we get to see the characters not merely at their lowest, but reaching out towards - if not attaining - their greatest heights. It's spectacular.
Gosh, but I could keep going. That said, if I sit in this position much longer, my legs may get numb, and if I type too much more, probably nobody will read this.
There will be more discussion of The End of Evangelion on this blog, rest assured. Thank you so much for the ask. <3
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tipsyjaehyun · 7 months
which are your yaijom's favorite scenes that made you scream into the pillow??
Hello anon! If I could I would link the entire 12 episodes and the pilot because every single one of their interactions made me lose my mind. But no, I'm gonna include some of the scenes here, the ones that made me scream into pillow out of giddiness (this could turn into a lengthy answer so, sorry for that. Also, I'm trying to do this in chronological order but I might miss a few scenes).
The first meet - The camera work, the ost playing in the background, the way we are introduced to the character of Khun Yai, the expression of vague recognition in their faces because of their dreams. AAAAH, PERFECTION!
Khun Yai making Jom read smut - That was such a hilarious scene. The background score getting faster and faster as Jom continues reading the text, Khun Yai's bewildered face, Jom starting to curse the two-timing male lead of the novel... CHEF'S KISS!
DRUNK KHUN YAI - Could there be anything cuter than a drunk Khun Yai just reciting love poems to his crush? Their soft conversations, with Khun Yai's head on Jom's lap, Khun Yai asking Jom to forget his old lover and then confessing his own feelings with the most romantic poem of all time. Then him telling Jom that he only needs one lover (read Jom), a throwback to Jom telling Khun Yai that he hates libertines during the smut reading scene.
The lanthom scene in ep 5 - Khun Yai trying to persuade his father to lessen Mae Prik and Jom's punishment, him apologizing to Jom by giving him a lanthom flower, his promise to make things better in the future... BEAUTIFUL!
THEIR FIRST KISS - One of my favourite episodes. We start off with the Christmas party, the conversation between James and Jom, a jealous Khun Yai being spotted in the wild, Jom making Khun Yai's favourite dessert, Khun Yai's confession, THEIR FIRST KISS (!!!), the OST in the background... I could go on and on.
The dance scene - I agree that it is a bittersweet scene, a glimpse of what could have been if they could be open with their love, with everyone's support, their friends and family just looking at them with happiness but it was so well executed. ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCENES IN THE SHOW.
Olive oil scene - Can I just say that this was the most brilliant portrayal of sensuality, sexual longing, tension, desire on screen? It was not explicit, per say, but still managed to show the feeling of want and lust perfectly. The background score, the back and forth between Khun Yai's bedroom and Jom's and then between Khun Yai's expressions to Jom's... SPECTACULAR!
EPISODE 9 & 10 - These made me scream into my pillow out of frustration. The whole fiasco around engagement, the breakup scene, then Jom just fucking shit up by exposing Uncle Dech and Robert, the aftermath... MINDBLOWING!
Jom drawing the portrait of Khun Yai - In the middle of the anticipation of the doom, these love birds getting a few moments to showcase their love for each other was like a balm to my aching soul. It was yet again bittersweet to watch these two being playful while knowing what was round the corner.
YAI KANTHORN - Listen, I had no hopes at all to see Kanthorn. I had made peace with the thought that they're gonna end the show on a bittersweet note but I literally threw my cushion when Kanthorn came. He had always been my babygirl and I'm glad they gave him to me, no matter how confusing and short his scene was.
This turned way lengthier than I expected. I'm not including Commander Yai scenes here with the hope that if season 2 comes, I'll get to make another one of these posts but with Commander Yai and Jom. Anon, please share your favourite scenes with me!
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jumpscaregoose · 11 months
ok I'm finally doing it I'm finally drafting up this post. if you've spoken to me about shaman king literally ever or even followed this blog for more than two days you know this one
goose's Renmei Thoughts™ aka:
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(thanks @gelatinous-jellyfish for making me this wonderful image a while back)
(quick explanation for everyone unaware, renmei is the canon relationship between iron maiden jeanne and tao ren from the sk sequels. I never explain this in the post but if you want to read it and don't know that's what this is. also I mention this takei guy a lot he's the mangaka)
so pov you're me circa feburary 2022, currently unaware of the kzb manga ending or sequels because you got into sk 6 months ago and the 2021 anime isn't over yet. you're innocently googling your girl jeanne for idk drawing references or whatever and BOOM autocomplete drops the most confusing spoiler of all time on you
that's how I remember finding out renmei exists, and at the time I'm pretty sure I was like "oh this must just be a popular het pairing from the Olden Days or something it'd be ridiculous if that was-" it was it was canon. cue a terrible amount of suffering april 21st 2022 when episode 52 of the new anime aired and it was what it is
of course I was upset but in an attempt to not be That One Annoying Fandom Person I sat down and thought about it and gave the concept the benefit of the doubt for a bit and now I have a pretty solid idea of how I feel about it. my renmei thesis is basically:
well that could have been a good idea but wow did takei completely fumble it
part a why it's not conceptually terrible: this one's really simple it's just that they're both similar characters. I'm anticipating you the reader have actually read/watched shaman king so I'm just gonna present you with the chart I made a few months back
murderous child -> oh shit -> what now it's quite similar
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btw this file was named "the.png". that is such an unhelpful file name I had to DIG to find it. wtf past me
basically if it was actually written properly I think we could have gotten some cool things out of a romantic relationship between these two characters. however
part b: we didn't
my favourite way to describe renmei is that it just wasn't written. because it wasn't. across over 300 chapters of mainline and spinoff manga they have maybe four interactions, three of which were after they were already a couple (and the fourth one is that time she raised him from the dead and they didn't speak. does that really even count?). and those three actual interactions were flashbacks and not... actually important. I think one of them was just about cheese. as a reader your experience is
2 characters who never interacted -> literally what the fuck when did that happen -> she's DEAD???
when my friend was reading the manga I had to tell her to reread a scene because the panel where they explain it is such a blink-and-you-miss-it moment
literally the same pacing and payoff as CANON DESTIEL.
their entire actual relationship happens during the downtime between the main manga ending and the sequels beginning. and I'm going to bring osp into this because I think this graphic is helpful
(side note as I was scrolling through this trope talk I noticed a problem red brings up that does apply to the sk sequels but that's for another post...)
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this is from the osp trope talk on sequels, and it shows the difference in Stuff Happening levels between plot time (red) and down time (grey). the issue with renmei is that it is an IMPORTANT PLOT EVENT (two characters with little interaction having an entire love story) that happens during DOWN TIME, when the audience only sees things through flashbacks in snippets. and it doesn't help that we never get any flashbacks to before the event happened, before they got together. it's jarring because the ENTIRE THING happens during down time. plot time 1 (the main manga) ends with no interactions between them, and ONE scene that's supposed to set ren up for getting Straight Married that in my opinion didn't work. because it is stupid. plot time 2 (every sequel manga) starts after jeanne's death. it's literally the inciting incident for red crimson. their entire 7+ year relationship is encapsulated in foggy down time, and we're expected to care.
and this especially doesn't work because we aren't set up to care. again, 1 interaction in the main manga, where they don't talk (but I will go to bat for the inherent intimacy of raising someone from the dead like we could have done something there). it's pretty clear to me from rereading the manga that takei didn't know these two would get together when he was writing it. that one scene I mentioned where he tries to set up ren getting Straight Married? if you've read it you know it's incredibly vague and with how takei wrote literally everything else it sure doesn't work as intended. or I'm too aromantic and yaoipilled to understand his literary genius idk. it's clear from some other missed opportunities that the jeanne part of the equation wasn't exactly planned from the beginning. which is even more insulting tbh
part c jeanne character assassination: out of the both of them jeanne really got the short end of the stick in terms of characterization in the sequels. I say this because I actually really like ren in the sequels I like the way takei took his character, so holy shit does sequels jeanne look even worse in comparison. the whole housewife thing is eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh, not really a fan of that but I'm also not mad enough to comment. her death I do have some thoughts about. conceptually the beheading herself with shamash thing is BADASS AS HELL and I do like it conceptually, I also know like, the themes. yeah remember that time "atoning for your crimes with your death isn't the right thing to do" was an important part of the plot. TWICE. FUCK THAT I GUESS. there is some equivalent exchange bullshit happening with these two and the continuation of main manga themes and I want it to stop please
part d tao men: one thing I've thought about a lot is Why. why fumble this so badly. why do this at all. what do we get out of this. and the answer is an inciting incident and tao men. and the fumble bag continues because tao men deserved better this is a tao men appreciation account. we could have done some cool shit with his revenge thing but nope fuck that I guess. poor guy
part e contrast: so the sequel manga where renmei is most relevant is red crimson. I absolutely love red crimson I recommend it to everyone. and that's because of jun and pairon (and chapter 9 full transparency). jun and pairon in red crimson have one of the most beautiful relationships I've ever seen. they have an established dynamic and baggage to work through and that's what the manga focuses on. and it works it works really well. however this is also the Renmei Manga, and having most of that stuff right next to jun and pairon just makes it look worse
those are all my renmei thoughts I remembered while writing this post, I think that covers most of it but I may reblog this later with stuff I forgot
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sofia-curtis · 14 days
hello again! can you imagine if they gave us the female friendships we deserved 😭 like sofia/sara/catherine would have ruled 😭 instead we got that awkward sofia/sara rivalry over grissom (which was also quickly shoved aside and forgotten forever??) what were the writers even thinking
anyway, my favourite characters are grissom (I see so much of myself in grissom - both good and bad traits) and sara (she's so sweet amd smart) but I like everyone, really.
I'm doing something really unhinged - which is I jumped to immortality (which i felt was kinda weird for a series finale, but i digressk) and then started Vegas s1 (although I must admit, I'm not really liking - i hope it gets more interesting). perhaps after I'm done with this, I'll go back to s9 or just jump to s11 like you suggested - maybe a fresh cast is what I need. although I don't want to lose willows too :/
I would have just about killed for a girls gone wild (oh yeah you'll have to watch season 14 and 15 just for these two episodes. All three of the girls go on a girls weekend, x2, and things happen) style episode with the three of them. Literally would have given anything for them to hang out together, they are my girlsssss.
Okay this is interesting! I always think I hate grissom when I haven't watched the show for a while but really I just hate GSR, I don't think it feels like a natural dynamic at all but that's a whole other can of worms. So we get Sara back (season 10 properly iirc) but we don't really see grissom again until imm. But I maintain that we got better content of the girls in the later seasons because it wasn't the 00s anymore and female rivalry was SLOWLY going out of trend.
Immortality was 100000% built for the GSR shippers (aka NOT me) but I was glad to see heather and cat back of course. Vegas is... not the best. I have only watched it once through, and I only admittedly started it when season 2 was airing because I saw they were bringing cat and lindsay back and the concept intrigued me, but they fucked it up big time imo. But also I'm like... just really gay for catherine so it was nice to get to just see her again 😂 regardless of things I did or did not like about various other plot lines.
Cat's leaving arc is SAD but also is probably my favourite character exit. I feel like they gave her the respect she deserved after spending so long on the show. There are many other unrelated to the plot reasons that I really really like that season and it will always be special to me personally. But I do also think that Russell and Finn both get really epic character intros.
Season 10 has, arguably my least fave character (apart from hodges) from the whole series so it's probably the one I have watched the least out of all the seasons. But I think 9-11 are worth watching at least once. Actually this rewatch I found some episodes in season 11 that I liked quite a lot as stand alones. But the overall arc of those seasons are not super enjoyable for me personally.
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speakyskelly-1999 · 10 months
Okay so zombieland saga
I've seen the entire first season and the first two episodes of season two. Very good show like an 8/10
Note: So as I was writing this I realised I was going on long ass fucking tangents. There is a review about zombie land saga in here I just get distracted
It's interesting cos it's the first idol show I've ever watched. I used to stay away from them because I was surrounded by music in most of my after school activities as a kid and teen that I never watched music shows because I didn't need to scratch that itch (that and some of them would be like "this is the best song ever" and the most mid song would be playing and it was so painful to me). But know when it comes to music I do fuck all which is why I started rhythm games (taiko so good) and watching more music based anime
So I started with bocchi, loved it, 9/10
Then I watched k on, good, 7/10
Then zombie land saga, very good 8/10
Then oshi no ko, traumatic, 10/10
So I'm gonna talk about all 4 of these in varying detail. Since this is mainly a review about zombie land saga imma say spoilers for the first and 1st two episodes of the second season. But I'm gonna keep others mainly spoiler free
Zombie land saga is really interesting to me cos out of all of it it has my least favourite songs. Don't get me wrong they're good, however, there's a reason I don't really go for idol anime and one of those is that the genre of music they do I'm pretty indifferent about. (The other reason is that they tend to be pretty positive about the industry which is errr not true and thus I just don't find interesting). For me the best songs in zombie land saga are the first op, the metal song they play, and then the rap song. Everything is good music, don't get me wrong, but not too interesting for me.
So with all that out the way (I'm ignoring the 3d models cos ... Ehhh) omg the shows so fun. I love all the characters. My favourite is Tae she just so cute and interesting and fun. Even the guy boss dude (I've literally forgotten his name omg) is a character that I'd normally find so annoying but hes written with care and heart so he's just great. I live the rest of the girls they really blend well together. Lily gaves one my my friends a friend's a good gender crisis. The only character that was initially lacking for me was sakura because she felt a little bland which was because she was just, although motivated, going along with just being an idol rather than having a bigger stake in the game due to her lack of memories and this background that the other girls (even while having no memories) didn't have. But once she goes those memories and had her character arc she felt so much stronger and she feels just great in season two. I also love the animation and the vibrant colours which is just really nice after watching some shows with more toned down colours.
Like overall zombie land saga gets an 8/10. It felt weird rating it that simply because I've been rating quite a few shows that recently but I think that's more down to me watching better anime than me being over generous
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hils79 · 1 month
Hils Watches Only Friends - Ep 1
Right! Time to start a new drama. I've been meaning to watch Only Friends for ages because it's got so many people I like in it. From what I've been told it's about a bunch of people making bad decisions so I guess I'll either enjoy it or get annoyed. At least they're adults and not students for a change.
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Time to play GMM bingo. I definitely know him from something else. OH THAT'S BOOK!
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And there's my beloved First who isn't angsty or crying therefore I'm confused
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Oh but First and Khaotung are bickering after they literally just met. That very much is business as usual.
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And of course where there is Book there is also Force. I'm looking forward to seeing them in a slightly more meaty drama. Both of them were too good for Enchante
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Oh and there's Neo. Wow I didn't realise how many of my favourites are in this.
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Oh, I guess they are students. Still, it does seem to have a more mature vibe. Kind of the same way Not Me did. They were students in that too but it felt more adult.
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I'm not sure opening a legit business just to pass your uni course is the best or most legal idea? Don't you need permits and shit?
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Well it's going to have to be either First or Force since those are the only two who aren't here
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Oh and there's Mark. I wonder if this will finally be the drama where he gets a nice boyfriend. I know technically he got one in My School President but it mostly happened offscreen and I was mad about it.
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Well he's looking at Neo (I'll learn their character names eventually) like this so maybe they will end up together?
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Neo is clearly also into it. I'm half expecting them to just fuck on the counter of this store
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Okay, I am obsessed with this drama already. He just very obviously gave Nick the once over to make his interest known.
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I knew it would be one of them. Also I am loving the soundtrack to this drama.
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You literally just met him
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Oh, and there's Drake. I haven't seen him in anything for a while.
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Harsh, but Khaotung was about drive home while wasted
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Well, I had the wrong couple but someone fucked on a counter
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Okay, you don't need to slut shame your friend to explain why you don't want to lose your viriginity to a dude you just met
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Poor First does not deserve this
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Khaotung has spent a lot of this episode puking
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God, I love him so much. Even when he's playing someone grumpy and annoyed he still manages to look devastatingly yearning
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Okay, we are definitely into mature territory here. Nick is jerking off to nudes on Boston's phone that Boston left with him to fix. I've never seen a Thai BL like this before. I mean I'm probably too ace for the amount of fucking that is happening but it's so interesting to see something different like this
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Everyone else: super horny or too drunk to be super horny Mew: let's get to know each other before we fuck please and thank you
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God, I really top Top doesn't turn out to be an asshole who loses interest once he's had sex with Mew. They are too cute!
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I love them!
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Why has he got a set of gym lockers in his apartment?
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Definitely not because I violated your privacy and jerked off to your private photos
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Duuuuuude! I mean to be fair Boston is probably into a hot guy taking nudes with his phone but still!
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Okay, now they actually are having sex in the store. Called it.
Ah, shit! I've hit the tumblr image limit! I guess to be continued in part 2?
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For the ask game: Voyager and SNW
Feel free to do Ahsoka as a bonus! :)
Thank you for the ask friend! And OF COURSE I am going to do Ahsoka as a bonus because my obsession with that show knows no bounds.
Favourite character: I am one of the 0.0000009% of the earth’s population whose favourite Voyager character is Kes. She stood out to me from the very start, and that VOICE my god. She’s the perfect blend of kind and gentle and good but also she can boil your blood with her brain and she eats bugs and reads autopsy reports for fun. Nobody does it like her, and I really wished the show had leaned into some of her more horrific qualities (which obviously they never would because this is 90s Star Trek we’re talking about). But she’s a monstrous woman to me and I love her for it.
Second favourite character: B’Elanna! So many of her focus episodes just hit different - she’s easily one of the most complex characters in the cast, and not only that but the writers actually gave her material that makes the most of that complexity. They do such a good job of exploring her inner conflicts and her complicated relationship to her identity right from the get go (I’m thinking about that season 1 episode ‘Faces’. They really wasted no time in making her so interesting). B’Elanna’s episodes seldom ever miss basically. Also I just love her attitude.
Least favourite character: uhh Q 😂 I know he only has three guest episodes in the whole show, but he makes me want to set things on fire. I do not know why he’s so popular, I do not find him charming at all! Even in TNG!!
The character I’m most like: Idk, I always struggle with questions like this, but maybe Harry? Idk a few weeks ago someone in the uni department I work in said I wasn’t a staff member even though I’m literally on the payroll as a staff member and it just felt like I was living the Ensign Kim fantasy.
Favourite pairing: What a surprise! My favourite pairing is between my favourite character and my second favourite character! Kes/B’Elanna truthers if you’re out there, we can’t let their lack of screentime win.
Least favourite pairing: uhh Kes/Neelix because I honestly think a chaotic sibling-type relationship would’ve suited them so much better. Just let them be adventurous spacefaring besties together, it would’ve made things so much less awkward!
Favourite moment: Ok this is hyper specific and I think I’ve mentioned it before, but you know the ending of ‘The Thaw’? Where Janeway literally kills fear itself and there’s that really striking visual of Fear fading into the darkness and you can only see the parts of his face that are painted white? Yeah, that lives in my head rent free forever.
Rating out of 10: Solid 8/10. Highly entertaining, but I’m not feral about it.
Strange New Worlds
Favourite character: Ortegas! Which is incredibly unfortunate for me because the writers just refuse to let her do anything. It’s been two seasons, where is my Ortegas focus episode??? She’s my favourite character based purely on vibes alone, so imagine how much more there will be to love when they. Y’know. Actually develop her backstory and personality.
Second favourite character: Ok this is really bad but I honestly don’t feel strongly enough about any other members of the SNW cast to have a character that stands out as my second favourite 🙈 They’re all lovely! I do generally like them all! But I just struggle to get invested in them the way I do with other Star Trek characters, idk what it is.
Least favourite character: Chapel 🙈 I think I’m mostly just frustrated by the way she’s written - I think the intention was to make her a stronger character than she was in TOS, but I can’t think of a single aspect of her storyline that isn’t directly connected to one of the men in her life. It’s more like she’s an accessory to Spock and M’Benga’s storylines rather than a character in her own right. She had so much potential, because I remember her being kind of goofy and fun and chaotic and unique in the very first episode, and that was great! But I think a lot of that has got lost amongst the pining for Spock and the wartime M’Benga angst.
The character I’m most like: Hmm Uhura maybe?? Just with the whole struggling to make meaningful connections to people thing. Also I too miss Hemmer.
Favourite pairing: I don’t really have any ships for SNW, but let’s just say Ortegas/Una in the Elysian Kingdom because that was immense.
Least favourite pairing: Spock and Chapel, but mostly for the same reasons why I’m frustrated with Chapel’s character in general. I think there are moments where it does work, and I’m not opposed to them existing as a couple. I just wish they could give Chapel more interiority so they could flesh it out a bit more. As it stands, the whole Spock/T’Pring/Chapel thing reads very much like a generic YA love triangle romance. Maybe polyamory could fix them idk.
Favourite moment: The ending of ‘The Elysian Kingdom’ just gets me man. It hits on similar themes as the DS9 episode ‘Far Beyond the Stars’ in that it really centres on the power of storytelling, and I just love how nicely those two episodes fit together (I mean the Elysian Kingdom book was literally written by Benny Russell!! Hello????)
Rating out of 10: 7/10. It’s a good show and I do enjoy it, but I just struggle to connect with it in the same way that I can with shows that I really love.
Ok I’m going to put the Ahsoka stuff under a read more because I don’t want to spoil anything for you!
Favourite character: This is so hard because I love them all!! But I think I have to choose Ahsoka because she’s just. She’s so good in this. I know a lot of people think she’s out of character, but I couldn’t disagree more. She’s seen some shit! She’s gone through hell! Of course she’s going to be more subdued as an adult than she was as a teenager! She brings such a presence and a gravitas to the show that really elevates it. Basically I’m love her.
Second favourite character: Shin Hati my disaster daughter. I’m fully convinced that Baylan found her in a trashcan somewhere and was like “I want that one” because she just has this slightly feral energy that I’m honestly obsessed with. I’m really excited to see if the show expands on her character, because she’s mostly been running around doing Baylan’s bidding and getting into very hot lightsaber fights with Sabine. Give my girl some development let’s GOOOOO. (Also honourable mention to Anakin because that’s my GUY that’s my BOY)
Least favourite character: I honestly can’t think of one, I love everyone in this show to pieces. Maybe that Empire sympathiser dude that Ahsoka and Hera met in episode 2. Yeah, him.
The character I’m most like: Ummm Sabine because I too am very fond of cats and creatures that look like cats.
Favourite pairing: Does Shin/Sabine have a ship name? Idk if they do, but either way I feel very normal about them. Mostly because of the vibes, since they haven’t done much beyond beating the crap out of each other. I’m hoping they’ll actually get to have a conversation in the next few episodes, especially after what went down in episode 4!
Least favourite pairing: I don’t think I have an answer for this one? Idk I’m not quite deep enough in the fandom side of things yet to know what else people are shipping from this show.
Favourite moment: Because I am a very basic Prequel era/Clone Wars girlie I have no choice but to choose the entire section of episode 5 with Ahsoka and Anakin. Number one television event that makes me want to bite things, I’m still not over it, I’ll never be over it. It’s fan service but it serves a purpose in the story. Anakin was better than he’s ever been in anything ever. Temuera Morrison was there. I have no choice but to go insane about every single second of these scenes. And don’t even get me started on teenage Ahsoka that was HEARTBREAKING.
Rating out of 10: 10/10. It’s perfect. Star Wars hasn’t been this good in ages. I’m actually actively looking forward to each new episode as they release, which is very rare for me.
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randomshyperson · 7 months
Heyoo so I haven't watched that one lol is it good? I've seen a bit about it but haven't given it a chance yet, yet I have seen France, Spain, DRUCK (and very excited for the fic of that one ngl 🤭) and ofc the OG, have you seen the Spain one, it's one of my favourites frrr also can we get a little sneak peek of the other story (if you don't feel comfortable that's okkkk thank you so much for sharing your work with us 💕) also can I be 🐜 anon?
FIRST OF ALL, GO WATCH WTFOCK SEASON 3! Like, their Evak season is one of my favorite versions, Sander is such a sweetheart, he's the best Even, boyfriend material. And all the characters were allowed more screen time and plots, remember the girl that Isak tries to date in order not to look gay, and the only function the Original (and most remakes) gave her was to be the annoying girlfriend? WE HAVE THE SUPERIOR Noor Bauwens. She's just so-
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I'm too gay for this.
I can't speak about the entire Wtfock. The 3th is really good, but I haven't watched the other two. Also, a lot of people hate the 4th and I never watched. The new season is nice, I've been busy to follow them, but the couple has a lot of chemistry and it's WLW so I'm down for it. All episodes are available on Youtube, which is a super bonus.
But yes, I have seen Eskam. I love Crisana (and cris season is so fun) and I was never able to get over my crush on Joana and that's okay. I don't like the first season much, but love the girl's squad dynamic. Also, their Noora/Vilde Season is something else, right? I feel like the put on a lot of things the fandom wanted to see in the original.
I think I have seen at least one season (or a few episodes) of each remake. I didn't follow them all, since the first four seasons are the same plot, but I have seen them all. My favorite was Skam NL, and to this day the fact that they got canceled haunts me. Skam Italia is amazing, all seasons! The characters have incredible chemistry and they changed a lot of the dynamics, it makes it feel like a new show. AND I LOVE DRUCK, are you kidding me? Third-best after NL version, they have the best chances into the storylines and the new generation is just superior to anything the others tried to do it (I'M TALKING TO YOU SKAM FRANCE). And we have Transgenders Characters falling in love, talking about the subject and it's so so beautiful. BTW, I like Skam France too, but they broke my heart with Maya and Lola breaking up so I'm not on good terms with them.
I hate Skam Austin and can't believe they approved that.
I don't wanna share the story because I'm always changing it! And I have dozens of drafts, and none is usable haha But I can say that the main inspiration will be the healthy versions of Noora/William. Sorry, but the original one is just not it for me. I loved Nooreva too much and hated William. Plus, Noora literally gets sick from anxiety while dating him, so nope. Not gonna work. Lucky for us, Skam Italia and Druck gave us healthy versions of this couple. I think Edoardo and Eleonora are the main inspirations, but Mia and Alexander are incredible as well. I could put some references to Skam NL as well, since Liv and Noah are very sweet and I feel like the closest I could be to a William is the Noah Sad artist version.
I can't give any spoilers for the druck fic because I want it to be the best one, Kieutou is my favorite skam couple. I'm gonna invest some extra time into this one.
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golden--doodler · 1 year
I saw you in my inbox and must immediately go to yours 🥺 Gotta ask you who your favorite Belcher is AND your top 10 favourite side characters 🤌
Oh no, you gave me another hard one! I guess this is going to be another long one, hahaha, get ready.
As for who my favorite Belcher is, that is so tough, almost too tough for me to answer because that changes for me every day, and I love all of the Belchers for very different, specific reasons. Tbh, I relate to all of them on some level. However, if I HAVE to choose, I will choose two, because I am still that indecisive.
I have to go with Linda as one because of her endless optimism and her constant singing spouts, because who hasn't wanted to break out into song like her every once in a while? Honestly, her outros for the show are the best. The one for "Wharf Horse" Part One? COME ON. She is just THAT girl, and she knows it--she is hilarious, she's honestly quite pretty (gotta love her in that blue dress she wore in "An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal") and when you have her affection, she's with you for life, and will go to the ends of the earth for you. She will literally help you hide the evidence of a murder and go on the run for you, she is THAT loyal. Like, seriously, she planned what she would do to help Bob if he ever murdered Teddy, oh my god. And even just her support for the smaller things, like helping Bob with his dream to run the restaurant (okay, maybe this doesn't count as SMALL, but still). She is ALWAYS there to help him have a little light in his life when he needs it. She's always down to have a little fun and spice things up--I mean, who else would come up with "sexy cooking" and a "strip tease" on Valentine's Day? She's so freaking giving, to the point where it's even a detriment to her, as seen in "Terminilator II: Terminals of Endearment", where she let her mom walk all over her because thought that's what she needs to do as their daughter, which is not the case (I'm really glad Bob got upset about this for her, but I really wish she'd actually seen how terrible her parents are). I love all of her little quirks, and she is totally someone I would want to marry or at the very least be friends with irl. I think my Bisexuality is showing with this one, haha.
My second Belcher whom I love will probably be a much less popular opinion. I almost chose Tina for this one, but honestly, I have to go with Gene. He's the Belcher kid who's the most similar to Linda, so I guess that makes sense. I do sorta get why he's not everyone's favorite, but I just can't help but have the biggest soft spot for this guy. His jokes/one-liners are consistently funny, and he always provides the best levity when a scene needs it ("Nature boner!"). Plus, I really relate to his adoration of music even though he's actually not even good at it. Also, just him questioning his love of music was just super interesting overall. But his being objectively not great at playing chords doesn't even matter, because of his sheer passion--and it's this passion that led him to create the BEST songs in the entire show. I mean, "Electric Love"? "Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl?" "Turkey, I Need You Beside Me?" You love to see it. These all came from his unadulterated love for music, and I think that's kind of beautiful. I also relate a lot to his love of food, especially during the episode "Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid", where "Turkey, I Need You Beside Me" came from. I mean, I'm the kind of person who pays extra close attention to expiration dates and would never eat expired food (one of my pet peeves is actually when people say expiration dates are a myth), but the fact that all he wanted throughout the episode was to enjoy some of his dad's cooking with his family together on Thanksgiving is just... yeah, I feel that. It's also just so wholesome. Speaking of wholesomeness, I don't know, Gene just feels a little wholesome to me. Besides Tina, he's the nicest of the kids, and usually, despite his non-sequiturs and jokes, he just wants to do right by people, especially people like his dad, which he outright says in "Best Burger". Just him wanting Bob to be proud of him and not see him as a screw-up is so 🥺
Okay, this is already super long, oh god. Onto my ten favorite side characters!
1.) Gonna start out with Sergeant Bosco. I recently watched a compilation of him and remembered how much I love this guy, he's just so freaking funny. I love how he's a cop who's super incompetent and still gets the job done somehow--he's terrible yet great at his job, which is amazing. Especially loved how he tried to give advice on how Linda should do speed-dating in "My Fuzzy Valentine", and then almost arrested Linda for stealing his gun. And just his entire role during "Bob Day Afternoon", trying to take the phone from a screaming Louise, pffffft.
2.) Gotta mention Nat the Limo Driver! Mainly because she's LGBTQ+ and that's wonderful, love that for her. She hasn't appeared that often at all, but the few appearances she's made have been pretty great. I loved seeing her try to win her ex-girlfriend back, and her being super nice and trying to help find that darn ring in the waterpark during "The Ring (But Not Scary)". Also just the fact that she casually was transporting a snake to the aforementioned ex-girlfriend is hilarious.
3.) Regular-Sized Rudy, my beloved! He's so precious all around, I love him and everything about him. I adore how he's such an antithesis of Louise, being pretty much everything one would expect a typical fourth-grader is like, with the added bonus of unfortunately having asthma. He probably only gets a point taken away from being obsessed with Chloe Barbash, but it's fineeeeeeeee. I find the fact that he's a child of divorce super interesting as well, I don't think it'll ever get super explored, but some more on that would be cool, specifically how it's affected him mentally. He's definitely the kind of friend that Louise needs. Also shoutout to his stuffed flounder, Pancake.
4.) I have to acknowledge Gayle Genarro, Linda's younger sister. We all know Gayle. We all love to hate Gayle. Okay, hate is probably too strong a word, but she is just such an enigma of a human being that I kind of love it. Every time she's used, she's so funny and completely freaking unhinged. Sometimes it's hard to believe she and Linda are sisters, and other times it makes perfect sense. I love her saying that Linda is her "best friend and mortal enemy" in "The Pumpkinening". Honestly, that might be my favorite episode she's in. Well, besides maybe "Topsy" or that episode where she helped get Louise a filling at the dentist (I think it's "The Kids Run Away"?). But I just really like her in "The Pumpkinening" because of how close she and Linda are shown to be, and how she admits to actually loving Linda at the end. It's surprisingly a super sweet moment for this otherwise crazy, but lovable character. Everything about her and Mr. Business is top tier.
5.) Zeke! I don't know, there's something about this boy that's really grown on me over time, I want to give him some appreciation. His way of talking and his voice are so recognizable, and I love it, and I can't really explain why? But yeah, if Tina can't get with Jimmy Jr., I might just vote for her and Zeke to be a thing. I think that ship is actually getting to me, but I don't know yet. Anyway, I think we should learn more about his family history because it actually sounds really complicated and sad, yet interesting? Gotta love how much he adores his grandma and step-mom, Cheryl, that's really sweet. And him eventually being the mad pooper for Tina in "Broadcast Wagstaff School News" was great. Ooh, and learning that he has a perfect palate in "Bob and Deliver" was also great.
6.) You gotta love Teddy. He's Teddy, everyone's favorite iconic handyman (side note, that commission you did of him and Teddiursa the Pokémon was so adorable and perfect)! I NEED to know the backstory of how he met Bob and Linda, and how he fell in love with Bob's burgers. And also how it's possible that he STILL thinks their last name is Burger. He and Kathleen are actually a very sweet couple, and he's just a very loving person in general. Like Linda, he's so loyal until the end and will do ANYTHING for Bob and his family and the restaurant, even if he does get on their nerves from time to time. However, it's all out of pure love and respect for the restaurant. He's just so genuinely invested in all their lives, it can get a little weird sometimes, but for the most part, it's wholesome as heck. Love how he also got invested in the whole storyline Linda made up for the raccoons in their alley. And how he stood up for Tina when he babysat them in that one episode.
7.) Mr. Fischoeder is just... what a guy. I just saw the new April Fool's Day episode, and it made me love him even more. He's always hilarious and iconic all around, I mean, how can you not appreciate him? He doesn't seem like a great person to have as your Landlord, but just as a person, he's great. His rivalry with Felix will always be a great staple of the show, and the way he was so chill about almost dying at Felix's hands in the two-part Season 4 finale is so great. How many times has Felix attempted murder on him for him to be so calm about it? Just his random ideas in general, like in "The Oeder Games" and "To Bob, or Not to Bob" are great, as well as his overall presence. I will always love his singing in "Topsy". His Christmas song about Bourbon is top-tier, as is his outro song about being put into a volcano after he's gone so he can stay around in some sort of way.
8.) Okay, fine, I want to acknowledge Mr. Frond, too. Is he a terrible guidance counselor? Well, yes. But is he hilarious? Also yes. That brief time he dated Gayle was so strange yet so entertaining. That one scene where he made that poor kid, Nicholas, admit his deepest darkest secret because he wanted people to say if the hurricane was caused by "something bad they did"?? Oh my lord. His interactions with Louise will always be gold, especially when that one exchange where he says "You're in trouble" and Louise tells him to "Drink more cranberry juice" (Not "Urine Trouble!" >:( ). Also, his entire role in the "My Butt Has a Fever" short is perfection in terms of comedy. Him getting THAT upset over the song only to end up with it stuck in his head too and humming it later? Yup.
9.) Ms. Labonz doesn't have the right to be so funny. Why is she so funny? God. I love how she's just done with everyone 24/7, especially the aforementioned Mr. Frond, and her role in "Touch of Eval(uations)" is actually really nice. I love her telling Louise that she knows Louise is smart and capable, and just needs to apply herself more, and it ending with her getting that brand new parking spot is actually pretty well deserved. Also, she is definitely a heavy smoker. Might want to get your lungs checked out, Ms. Labonz, no offense.
10.) Consider this last space a tie between Hugo Habercore and Jimmy Jr. I couldn't go through this list without Hugo, because even though he is terrible (come on, man, chill for a second, let the Belchers live their lives in peace), man is he funny. His role in the pilot episode "Human Flesh" is iconic in and of itself, his lines are so quotable there. I'm honestly super curious about how he met Linda, and what their relationship was like while it was still going on. I'm also curious about how he became a health inspector and how he met Ron. Is it weird that I almost want him and Ron to have something going on? It sounds so random, and it is, but I don't know, he just needs someone to be with to get over Linda and be a happier/better person, and I like their dynamic. He did have that girl he went on a blind date with in "Romancing the Beef", but she's never seen or mentioned again. As for Jimmy Jr., this was a tough call. There were so many people I wanted to mention but couldn't (I mean, the Pesto twins, Courtney, Jocelyn, Mort, MARSHMALLOW--I'm so sorry I didn't put you on the list, Marshmallow) but I decided to go with Jimmy Jr. Your appreciation for him is rubbing off on me. The guy definitely needs to get better at actually committing (he IS at his worse in "V For Valentine-Detta") and I don't know if I want him to be the one for Tina, I don't think he should, but I don't know, whenever he has a genuine interaction with Tina, it just... ah. It kinda gets to me. It makes me wish he were better so they could actually just be a couple. Lord knows Tina has been wanting him long enough. Seriously girl. But yeah, I love his dancing and his general weird-but-doesn't-care-what-others-think-of-him vibe. Like in the movie when he tried to get a chicken nugget in his mouth just so he could say he did it. That's peak comedy. I love his role whenever he's in an episode, especially in "What About Job?" when Tina made him the villain just because he refused to share gum with her--he also is just a very entertaining villain. I feel like he's so close to being someone who Tina could be with, but is never right there. Oh well.
Side note: Him asking Tina on a genuine frozen yogurt date in the April Fool's Day episode is actually so sweet, what the heck.
This got way too long oh no. I hope you're able to read all of this and get some enjoyment out of it! I tried to condense it but found I had way too many thoughts on these characters. I love them all so much. I probably forgot to mention a few things and made a few mistakes, but here it is.
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jojotichakorn · 8 months
For the "give me a show and I'll tell you" game: Only Friends (I know it's not finished yet but you know I had to 😌 )
thank you for the ask, dear, i absolutely adore the amount of love and obsession we have for ofts 😌
my favorite female character
i'm actually gonna go ahead and say april. i know we don't see a lot of her and everything we see of her is in relation to chueam, but she is great at all that. she is just an amazing and supportive girlfriend through and through.
my favorite male character
sand and boston are currently fighting over that title. sand is likely winning, but by a very small margin. and like, props to boston, because while i knew that i'd love sand almost the second he showed up, boston went from "you're annoying, but in a compelling and entertaining way, so i'll give you that" to "i stand with my cancelled wife" and that's impressive as hell.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)
episode 10, actually! it completely knocked it out of the fucking park. i think it could be that my feelings are also heightened by the fact that episodes 10 in the past have given me the "we're coming up to a trainwreck" feeling so many times, while the ofts episode 10 made me even more in love with the series and extremely confident in the last two episodes. but it was also just incredibly good. it fully turned my feelings about boston and bostonnick around, it brought up the final issues with raysand and put them on the path to resolving absolutely everything that needs to be resolved to be happy together, it gave me the cunty bitch that is boeing, it made mew completely unhinged, it made top squirm. everything i could have possibly fucking wished for and even more.
my favorite cast member
this one is hard actually, so i'm going to divide the answer into three. 1) force. obviously. he's been one of my favourite actors since enchante and that has not changed one bit. he is doing an amazing job at playing someone i deeply dislike, truly showing off his range here. 2) first. i've always appreciated his acting, but i've never been able to enjoy it to the full unhinged level, because there was something about each of his previous characters that i did not like. now that he is playing someone i am ready to kill and maim for, i am enjoying his performance tenfold. 3) neo. i've seen him in things before and i have liked his acting, but he truly took it to a new level with boston. he is so unbelievably fucking good at what he does that i recently told one of my friends i think he is the best actor from the 2000s gang and i do absolutely stand by that.
my favorite ship
sandray. no contest there babeyyyyy. just the idea of love not being something that a person "deserves", but something that happens and something that can be fulfilling and beautiful, even when there are hurdles and difficulties? the idea that everyone can find someone who won't even "bear them", but just like them and not really find their complexities and flaws that burdensome? immaculate.
a character I’d die defending
boston and ray, but only in regards to particular clownery. both of these have made mistakes, but people acting like boston is pure evil (while he's just... selfish, and that's literally it) or treating ray like the devil because of his addiction would both cause me to draw my bow.
a character I just can’t sympathize with
i was going to say mew just because i don't like him the most, but since the question is specifically about who i can't sympathize with - it's top. like, he really just fucked around and found out to me. also atom and gap, obviously, but i feel like that goes without saying.
a character I grew to love
boston and nick, in different ways. as i said before, boston used to kind of annoy me but in a way that was entertaining. but then he just moved on from his own mess with such ease that it made megiggle and episode 10 finally solidified both how lonely he actually is (seeing as his whole friend group doesn't actually care about him) and also how he can, in fact, change and realise things about himself and open up in a really meaningful and beautiful way, all of which made him jump to being a fave. as for nick, i've always liked that messy messy bitch, but the things that he took away from the situation with boston, the fact that he realised and acknowledged where he fucked up, the fact that he just genuinely loves boston and sees the best in him but also finally respected boundaries to the full and was planning to leave him alone? the beautiful growth there just made me adore him.
my anti otp
probably raymew? like, truly, no one has ever had a worse idea in their entire life. raymew was bad for everyone who was even a little involved. complete mess. two of the most incompatible people in the world. so much so that, despite the fact that the series wants me to believe they work as friends, i don't even think that's true. i don't like raymew's relationship in any capacity, frankly speaking. i don't think they fit together at all.
send me a name for a drama (or dramaS) and i will answer all these questions
(list of dramas i've seen)
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