#Alucard is a good dad-
cry-ptidd · 2 months
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Cuddling & actual intimacy
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see-arcane · 6 months
Mina's incredible (and underrated) detective prowess would be very useful I bet. Put her on the helm Integra, Van Helsing praised her brains as being above everyone's including himself for a reason.
I honestly can't guess what the chemistry between Integra and Mina would be. Integra doesn't really click with me as a classically heroic character, for all that she does focus on saving humanity from the undead via Alucard and her forces, being the Boss Lady etc etc. She's miles away from being as insidious as an Amanda Waller, but...
The hotel. The fucking hotel will never leave me.
Yes, the order went directly against 'soldiers of the enemy,' but those soldiers had been lied to about who and what they were charging into. Which was obvious even without being a fly on the wall to know their higher-ups had fed them some BS to march them into death and win their own power grab from Millennium. She didn't tell Alucard to 'make it quick' or even just to 'neutralize.' She told him to search and destroy. Folding to Alucard's egging and negging to seem like a Worthy War Commander in the grand scheme~ of the plot
She's not heartless, exactly, but she is arctic and surprisingly quick to breeze past the loss of lives that aren't under her direct care/command. While she might respect Mina's abilities and investigative skills--I wouldn't be surprised if Mina could intuit Millennium's endgame well before the climax could happen--Integra inherited none of her ancestor's warm regard, supposing Abraham van Hel(l)sing had any of the original's tenderness in him (50/50 considering this takes place in aggro horror territory). We can't even say if this universe's Mina played any big role in cornering Dracula; she might just have been a targeted damsel.
All that said, I think Integra would see Mina as another time-displaced bleeding heart with a few useful skills, same as Jonathan. Someone to be an ally at best, a liability at worst. So I don't see her handing over any reins or offering to be co-girlbosses any time soon :c
#Integra is a good character#but not my favorite#Hirano let her look cool a lot and stand imposingly and smoke cigars#she got to shoot a few bad guys including the Major himself!#but the lion's share of development and interesting actions were all Alucard's and occasionally Seras'#I think the story kind of fumbled a lot of her potential to be more than Boss Lady who has cooler/more powerful people do stuff AROUND her#rather than let her really do anything herself without somebody else being the driving muscle/energy#Mina by contrast is ACTIVE#even working within the constraints of being a young woman in the Victorian era#she is hauling ass and making connections and paving the road to victory against Dracula himself#all while having a massively open heart that takes in so many people#like the rest of the original Drac Attack Pack it isn't just the loss of Lucy that drives them#she and Jonathan and Van Helsing and the Suitors all lock down on Thwarting Dracula#because if they just sit back and do nothing then He Wins and Humanity Loses--they became the OG Vampire Hunter Gang out of necessity#and goodwill#whereas Integra kind of just inherits Hellsing and its mission with the same vibe as someone inheriting Dad's job#maybe if we'd gotten scenes where it shows how she's handling the toll of running things; the sacrifices made in blood and its effects#I'd see more chemistry in potentia between her and someone as dynamic as Mina#but as it stands#I think Mina would just be another new accessory#anyway#integra hellsing#mina harker#dracula#hellsing
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the-crow-binary · 2 years
"Dear Theodosia" But it's Dracula and whoever Trevor's dad is.
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werewolf-spit · 2 years
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some alucard drawings 💖
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
Was Lilia more “Oh my thorn fairy I have another child?! I can barely cast a spell as of now and future me wants a fucking KID?! AT THAT AGE?!”
Or more of a
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If his Yutu tells him he comes from the future? Because it could imply he does regain his remaining years and magic. Idk how you wrote that problem that even rn it’s giving talk about Lilia surviving book 7 or not.
If it’s the second I already see him passing by Silver’s room really excited and saying “YOU HAVE A BROTHER!” And zooming off, leaving a very confused Silver and thinking he refers to either Malleus or Sebek.
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technically anon asked first but this ask is much longer so it was awkward to screenshot for an answer. Here is the link the anon used for reference, I obligated as an elderly hater to let you know it's from SAO. Anon's idea is extremely good and we're going to roll with it for this Yutu's Uniqe Magic because you know he was always going to be a little shit.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here. SPOILERS FOR: Book 7, Lilia's back story, and Silver's unique magic. Please engage with this in mind. For more fyuutre kid au, please check out the series section of my masterlist.
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I have a bit of difficult time writing for Lilia given how much older he is than the rest of the cast, so I tend to write his Yuu as being a bit older themselves. Maybe they had an extremely difficult childhood and connected with Lilia over their shared sense of robbed innocence. Whatever it was I think this Yuu has a bit of a fascination with creatures of the night and a lot of their weirdo reputation within their community comes from kids telling each other that Yuu and Yutu are vampires. That makes me tempted to say Lilia! Yutu's real name is Alucard or Sebastian, something vaguely vampire themed.
None of those rumors are helped by Yutu finding himself very lethargic when out in the sunlight or his preference for colder temperatures. From his perspective he can't exactly help being who he is, people should really just get over themselves and let him do his thing. It's not his fault that bats really seem to like him for some reason, the neighbors are exaggerating Mr. Animal Control officer he swears.
Because he prefers to spend his awake hours in the dark, he is waaaaay too comfortable doing things and going places he shouldn't. He's real familiar with all the abandoned buildings and sketchy alleys of your town and has tagged quite a few of them. I like the idea of Lilia! Yutu being really interested in street art and Graffiti. I could see him putting up a bunch of bats everywhere and getting in a bunch of trouble for it. He has very fond memories of Yuu letting him paint murals on portions of their house in an effort to meet him halfway. He might like a good prank but unlike his father Yutu is always pulling his punches with Yuu.
Lilia didn't exactly have a supportive parent while he was growing up, something I feel like Yuu remembers and is very conscious of in their parenting of Yutu. Unfortunately for Lilia they also remember that he had another child and was a lot older than them, something Yutu raises several eyebrows at and causes him to ignore the things Yuu tries to tell him about his "great sense of humor" and "desire for different peoples to learn and grow with one another-" yeah that's great can you back up a bit to where you said he had another family? Yutu goes through life thinking he was the product of an affair Yuu had with a much older, married man who was just trying to feel young again. The amnesia stuff... sometimes he wonders if his dad tried to have Yuu killed. He never says it out loud because something tells him he's wrong, but gut feelings aren't as trustworthy as statistics...
So you can imagine his surprise when he tumbles out of a coffin and is told that his dad was a faerie general bound in service to a family of dragons, veteran of an ancient war, and technically the adoptive father of the Prince of the children of the night and the Prince of the rival human kingdom that killed his best friends. One of which is alive and overwhelmed with joy to meet him. Silver wanted Yutu almost as badly as Lilia and Yuu did so to see him alive and awkwardly squirming in his arms? Silver hasn't cried this much since they lost Lilia and Malleus.
Having a proper older brother, not just the concept, is an extreme change for Yutu. He's used to it just being him and Yuu, and he was sort of expecting Silver to hate him just for existing. Nothing could be further from the truth, Silver wants his younger brother to have the same freedoms he did while attending school but he also respectfully requests that Yutu spend at least some of his free time with him. He tried desperately to find his dreams over the years and was never able to make firm contact, but he doesn't want to pressure Yutu into caring about him. Yutu is didn't realize how badly he wanted other family members until he got to have Silver, he's even willing to take up sword fighting so they can get closer.
Sebek is also overwhelmed with tears upon seeing Lilia! Yutu. He is a bit harsh on him for "not living up to Master Lilia's legacy" because he doesn't know anything about fighting. He does applaud him for his willingness to learn. Yutu thinks Sebek is hilarious and messes with him just as much as Lilia does. Something Sebek is completely willing to let him do because it makes him feel like Lilia never left.
All of the Yutus get to see some of the photographs Yuu left behind, but Lilia! Yutu is especially interested in them. He makes a small photo album of all the ones he can find of his dad, especially ones where he's with Yuu and Silver. He's partially driven by guilt for thinking his father was a terrible person, but really he just wants to feel closer to him. He's half fae, and sure he has Sebek to talk about that with but what he really needs is a connection with his father. Yutu doesn't really care about being a faerie. He just cares about his dad's acceptance, everything else can go hang.
I don't have a name for his unique magic, but going off of anon's idea it allows him to overwhelm his target's mind, forcing them to think about their greatest fears to the point they are convinced they are really going through it. Someone hates spider? All over their face and in their clothes. Crippling fear of failure? Suddenly that emotion is all they can focus on. And if it's a mindless creature like a blot phantom or a monster they become overwhelmed with the sensation that they are unable to breathe and about to die. Yutu can't control the illusion the person experiences so usually he tries not to use it on his classmates.
That changes when he goes into the past. Some rando want to shit talk Yuu? Nightmare. Macho NRC guy wants to rumble? Nightmare. Some random guy jumped out from behind him and yells "BOO!" Nightma-
If Yutu had been just a hair slower he would have been in extreme pain, the dangerous glint in those familiar ruby eyes scream that. The short fae smiles almost cruelly, advancing on him clearly upset even though Yutu has dropped the spell.
"Well now, that's no way to great a senior." Lilia's voice is strangely soothing, it occurs to Yutu that this is probably the first time his father has ever been angry at him and he can't help himself. He laughs,
"Yeah sorry about that." He makes sure to try and be cute about it, which helps to diffuse the tension some what. "You really scared me so it was all I could think to do."
Lilia is very impressed by Yutu's reflexes and control over his unique magic. He is even further impressed by how eager Yutu is to train with Silver. The kid has some real promise and fits into Silver and Sebek's dynamic better than Lilia could have dreamed of. He really hopes the two will benefit from having a relatively normal human friend their age to train with. Maybe he and Yuu will stick around and give him some piece of mind about the kids being in good hands when he's gone.
Yutu hanging around Diasomnia gives him an excuse to chat with Yuu more, not that he exactly needed it. Lilia sort of hates the way he's drawn to you, it feels unfair. Unfair to you to give you hope there could be something more and toy with your affections; unfair to him for life to finally allow him to realize what romantic love is like just in time to have to let it go. There is a bittersweet tone to all of your interactions that his housemates are a bit too socially awkward to pick up on but Cater does.
Yutu is surprised how much he likes Cater, he associates him with a terrifying monster he's had to fight multiple times, not a fun guy who is really determined to help his parents get together. And what's even better he's really chill when Yutu asks for stories about Lilia, he has a lot of them and a completely different perspective than his older brother allowing Yutu to glean some more insight to what his parents might have been thinking in the future.
He finds himself spending a lot of time with the pop music club, not as an official member though he's not great at carrying a tune. Kalim, Cater, and Lilia are glad to have another person to chill with, sometimes they'll play music and Yutu will draw something based off whatever noise they made. Cater wants to talk him into doing album art for them... you know if they ever get around to making a recording.
I think Yutu will only tell Lilia who he is if he has no choice. He wants to mess with the timeline as little as possible, but should a monster from his timeline appear in this one, say like an overblotted Yuu another asker was so nice as to bring up, well it's not like he says who he is. He just addresses the monster as his parent and has a very loud meltdown not wanting to fight them again. Something Malleus is more than willing to assist him with.
"Think nothing of it." Malleus's power is truly terrifying, Yutu is torn between sorrow that he wasn't on their side and relief he didn't overblot a second time. "You are Lilia's son yes? That makes you my subject, and a most precious one at that." Not that Yutu has avoided interacting with Malleus exactly, he's just found talking to him exceptionally awkward because well. He's not Yuu, he's very aware of how important Malleus is supposed to be. But the way he's looking at him now makes him think that maybe he was missing out on interacting with another older brother.
Something that's confirmed when he turns to see how big his father's eyes have gotten, the man is shaking as he stares at his face and flicks between him, Malleus, and Silver like he's staring at the most precious pieces of art in the whole universe.
As you brought up Lilia's survival isn't guaranteed, I did not solve that problem at all. I sort of just... wrote that Lilia would age more or less like a normal human and not really be able to use magic on par with what a fae would consider normal but would still be impressive to a human... so while Lilia might be a bit reluctant to show his face in Briar Valley he would still have enough years to have and raise Yutu. He might have actually died around the same time as Yuu if they had lived a normal life.
He is overwhelmingly excited at the thought of having another baby. Lilia might not know what to do with them but he does really like kids. What's harder for him to accept is his relationship with Yuu. Raising a child is something he's done before, being someone's long term partner is not. He is unused to feeling desirable, and unfamiliar with acting on his own desires. Sure Lilia might seem very free spirited, but much of his life has been dictated by a sense of duty. The thought of having something precious to him that chose him specifically of their own free will is... disarming. He's overwhelmed with how helpless you make him feel and how little he despises it.
Yutu's need to be accepted by his father is met and exceeded almost immediately. Lilia wants to cook a big family dinner for Yuu and all of his boys, something that Malleus politely rejects asking if he can instead show his Culinary Crucible skills off to Yutu (it's really so he can make babiest brother promise to never eat anything Paw Paw makes EVER) and it's all so normal Yutu almost forgets that he's listening to a practical god smugly tell him he knows all about edible weeds as his father flies around him cracking jokes and pinching his cheeks. His older brother is asleep on the couch waiting for the food to be done and his precious parent is helping his Uncle Sebek set the table, listening to him sniffle about how beautiful Master Lilia's family is.
Lilia might be practically retired, but his mind is still sharp. The information Yutu is able to pass on to him lands in good hands. When he tucks Yutu into bed that night, long after the boy has gone to sleep so as not to embarrass him he makes sure to take a good long look at the little miracle. He is beyond grateful Yutu exists, not even the Thorn Fairy could have given him a finer blessing (he'll have to make sure to tease you about that later, that's got to be a good pick up line) He will make sure that this risk his son has taken pays off, Lilia Vanrouge wasn't feared for no reason. Something it seems some foolish mortals need reminding of.
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prying-pandora666 · 7 months
On Alucard and Maria
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Are there actually fans advocating for Alucard to be written as Maria’s father figure in the new season of Nocturne? Like that would be a good thing and not infinitely creepier? I don’t think they’ve thought this through.
Alucard is the single most popular character in the franchise. He’s also probably the most shipped character. And yet he has only had one canon love interest in the decades since he’s existed. It’s Maria. And you’re telling me that you think that because he’s 300+ and she’s 17-18 when they started living together in the games, that it would be grooming. However, somehow him inserting himself into her life at age 16 when she’s just lost both her parents wouldn’t come off like grooming!?
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Does this man look like he should be picking up random children!? He’s literally terrified of his own cursed blood. Maybe LISTEN TO HIM.
I’m convinced fandoms have forgotten what that word means. Grooming has specific features. It doesn’t just mean “older guy and younger girl.” A relationship with an age gap or an uneven power dynamic can be exploitative or abusive without being a case of grooming. Grooming specifically refers to the process of forming a relationship with a child with the intention of leveraging that relationship and trust to train and prepare (aka brainwash) your victim for the harmful activities the groomer wants to normalize. The relationship Alucard and Maria have in the games is in no way grooming. You know what would be grooming though?
Coming into a 16 year old’s life when she’s vulnerable, traumatized, and recently orphaned only to insinuate yourself as a new father figure. This is so highly inappropriate and a huge red flag. Consider what you’re actually asking for here. These characters do not exist in a a vacuum. They have a long history together as each other’s only canon love interests. You cannot fully extract them from the games, art, interviews, audio dramas, animations, and more where they’re depicted as a couple. There are decades of this precedent and you are asking Netflix to knowingly take the characters with an established romantic dynamic that the audience is already primed to see as romantic and instead portray their meeting as him trying to be her new daddy?
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“Oh look! Alucard and his… daughter? Yikes.” This is an official advertisement btw.
THAT is grooming! Think about the optics of this! It would be abysmal! No it would NOT fix the problem of their age gap to make him act like a groomer and get in good with her as a dad. You just cannot completely extract them from the legacy of their relationship in the source materials. It will be incredibly creepy and textbook grooming if you get your way.
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Is this really what you want to associate with an “adoptive father Alucard”? Because the art we create doesn’t exist in a vacuum. All the old content—official and fanmade—is still going to exist.
What is so objectionable about the original dynamic anyway? It’s a pretty fun subversion of the tired and problematic vampire trope of “vampire man stalks teen girl and coerces her into being his”. Instead in their original relationship, Maria is the one who pursues Alucard! It’s the young woman who takes initiative and is given the agency to go after what she wants. She courts and woos him. That’s part of the fun!
Yes, Alucard is 300+. He’s also a fictional creature that doesn’t actually exist IRL and stays eternally young. There are no actual people who will ever have his problem of staying 20 forever so it’s rather silly to say he can’t date any humans because of course he will have an age gap with any of them.
The only real problem I have seen people bring up is Maria’s age, but from what I can tell, the show’s already fixed this. Check it out.
In The Games
Rondo of Blood: Maria is 12. She and Alucard do not meet. Richter is a brother-figure and not romantic.
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There is then a 5 year time skip.
Symphony of the Night: Maria is 17. She and Alucard meet to save Richter. At the end, Alucard says his goodbyes and intends to return to a life of solitude. Maria goes after him because she has developed feelings for him and doesn’t want him to suffer a life alone.
Maria is given agency to pursue what she wants and prove herself even against Alucard’s resistance and hesitance to let another person into his life.
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They spend a year together before we get the audio drama.
Nocturne of Remembrance: Maria continues to try to get close to Alucard. They end up saving each other’s lives and in the end he finally confesses his romantic feelings for her. She is an adult and perfectly able to make her own choices. She chose him. He admits he returns her feelings.
How fandom can look at a story about a young woman subverting the trope and chasing the vampire to get what she wants—basically an anti-Bella Swan—and still find a way to disempower her just so they can pearl clutch? I couldn’t tell you.
So now let’s look at what the show did.
In The Show
Nocturne S1: Maria is 16. She’s been aged up from 12, probably to give her a more active and believable role. But this also means she’s within a normal age to start feeling attraction and expressing her wants. Within her society, she’s even considered of marriageable age. However we are spared the discomfort of our modern values clashing with her contemporaneous ones because Maria in this season isn’t interested in romance. She’s interested in revolution, equality, justice. They’ve portrayed her with so much love and strength. There is no indication they’d betray her by writing her as the child victim of a male suitor. In fact she only meets Alucard in the final few seconds of the season and the two do not even speak a single word to one another.
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Now let’s remember the games had a five year time skip. The show only needs two years to get Maria to the adult age of 18, but assuming the follow through with the timeline and go for the full five?
Maria will be 21.
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Fan concept for adult Maria. Credit:@esp-art
Are you telling me a 21 year old woman is not old or mature enough to make her own decisions? How is this not a total infantilization of women? Do you think a 21 year old badass vampire hunter needs protection from the ace depressed dhampir boy who just wants to sleep and has in no way tried to pursue her until after she expressed consistent and persistent interest in him?
It is not “grooming” to meet someone when they were younger and then meet them again years later as an adult. That’s a thing that happens! In real life! Adults can still make decisions for themselves! It is only grooming if Alucard behaved in a way that would manipulate teen Maria and put her under his control and authority before she can consent. There is no indication that Alucard in the show is going to do this. And yet the fandom is basically demanding it by saying he should make her “his baby girl”?
And what of Maria’s feelings in all this? She just lost her mother and was betrayed by her father shortly after discovering he even existed. She has lived her whole life without a father. She is in no desperate need of a new one. And if she does need a family member, she already has one! Richter is 19 and is her trusted adoptive brother. Why wouldn’t she go to him over a total stranger she just met and who is half vampire - literally a predator creature that feeds on humans!?
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Yeah, hi, Richter Belmont still exists. He and Maria consider each other family. Why would you want her relying on a strange man she just met as a “father figure” rather than her trusted and loving brother?
Have none of you even considered how Maria would feel if Alucard even tried to fill the paternal role? He’d have to force it on her through manipulation and coercion. No way she would want to view him that way. Especially considering she is 16 and likely to be as attracted to the sparkly 20 year old looking sculpted marble beauty as anyone else!
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Don’t mind the beautiful eternally young man who looks made of pure porcelain and light. No teen girl has ever been attracted to this, right? No way it could be exploitative and creepy for him to present himself as her new daddy, giving himself authority and influence over her as his child to mold as he wishes, right? Oh yeah, this is MUCH better than Maria pursuing him of her own volition once she becomes an adult, right guys?
We are truly in the stupidest dark timeline.
Frankly, I don’t care if Netflix has them get together or not. They would work just fine as friends too. I just sure as hell hope they’ll ignore the fans clamoring for a creepy daddy/daughter dynamic. Dressing it up as “concern” won’t hide that for some it’s a fetish, and for others they’re just useful idiots who haven’t thought it through.
I implore you to think it through.
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aroseinasnowstorm · 9 months
Hey, would you be able to do some Dad Alucard headcanons? He’s my parental comfort character and i love him for that.. 🖤
No idea if you wanted the reader included in this in any way so this is kept very vague-
TW: Alucard being fluffy and concerned he isn´t good enough of a father figure, mentions of Alucards sad past <;/3
------------------------------------------------------- Dad! Alucard
He? A father? You must be mistaken. He could never... not again... could he? Most likely he could. Most people forget that he had a son once! I doubt he ever forgets that he once had a family but that is whole other story
Very uncertain what the hell he is even supposed to do, tries his best to remember what it was all those years ago but it´s been a while
Besides back then he was a king, I sincerely doubt he had much time for his child even do I DO think he tried his best
Definitely is going to ask for help whoever he can find, no matter if Walter, Integra, Seras- HELL he would even ask Pip (even if he would have to be very desperate to ask HIM for advice, he is an arrogant man after all)
I think a tiny baby would overwhelm him the most but once the child grew a little and reached like the stage where they can start to run around and maybe even babble away? I think there he is slowly growing into it
He can definitely keep a child busy for HOURS on no end, even if some activities are a bit... dangerous
Someone take the gun away from the child
Of course it isn´t loaded! No bullets in there but it still is doomed to give someone a goddamn heartattack walking in on the child sitting on Alucards lap, playing with a gun
Also he´s a quick learner and a very intelligent man, you just need to give him some time and explain him the right things and BAM he´s gonna be very decent
Might be overwhelmed with strong emotional displays but only because he himself has no clue how to handle his own emotions
But he would never judge, he´s old, a shapeshifting vampire who did many questionable things- once the child hits puberty and starts to just experiment with their identity he´s just gonna be all supportive
Even if he doesn´t understand all terms or explanations he´s just going to make sure his child is safe (as safe as a child of Alucard can be anyway) and enjoys themselves, he doesn´t really care about anythingelse
Oh and if the child ever finds their heart being broken... well Alucard can definitely can take care of that asshole...
Overall amazing dad 11/10. Always does his best, just sometimes a bit confused what the fuck is even going on. Never judges and definitely always willing to give his child a hug, especially when he has no clue what to say to comfort them properly.
Check out my blog for more Hellsing headcanons! I even have a masterlist, fancy, I know Like, Reblog, Comment- honestly do whatever you want, I just hope ya enjoyed this!
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milkywaydrabbles · 9 months
Fluff number 18 my parents seem to love you. Alucard castlevania,
I think this would be really cute,specifically in a modern au, if you've seen the games at all, castlevania continues well into 2030s where Alucard works for a secretive government branch as genya arikado. If not then however you like, I just gotta spread the world on this lesser known lore lol.
A/N: SCREAMS I haven't played the games I'm a fucking fraud but I really want to soon bc when I hyperfixate on things it's so difficult to think of anything else but life is really busy right now cries. One day soon I'll do it!! AU where nothing fucking bad happens and Adrian gets to live a happy life with his mom and dad!!!! Hope you like it MWUAH
"My parents love you" x Alucard
“Adrian, I have no idea how you managed to catch her eye but you need to keep her.” Lisa teased, shoving her son playfully on the side. He would always be the butt of the joke whenever having dinner with his parents, and you-the absolute love of his life. Vlad stayed quiet for the most part, except for a chuckle here or there, and when he was feeling spicy a dad joke thrown into the mix. “I think he’s doing a fine job at keeping me, Mrs. Tepes.” You smiled at her, glancing his way for a moment. Adrian simply smiled, rolling his eyes in amusement. 
It was a tradition at this point, having dinner with his parents at least once a month. More if there was a special occasion like a holiday or anniversary. It ended up being your idea, really. You enjoyed being around his family more than he thought you would. And honestly, it was a huge relief. Family was terribly important to Adrian, but he knew you had a broken family. Knew that being around family gatherings was difficult. He would never push you into seeing them more than you needed to. But you just, clicked so well with them. He had nothing to worry about.
The two of you had been together for nearly four years now. Your meeting was nothing exceptional, accidentally bumping into each other at the local bookstore you both frequented. And then bumping into each other again at a coffee shop. And then again at the bookstore. “Seems like fate really wants us to meet huh?” You joked, gripping onto the book you were perusing. From there it was like you had been together forever. None of the awkward dates trying to get to know each other. None of the weird anxious butterflies in your stomach that made you feel like you had to try hard to impress him. It just felt right. From the moment he asked you out on a date, it had been like the relationship had been established for decades. 
It felt like Vlad and Lisa all over again.
And then you went to meet his parents-and he was a nervous wreck. Not because he didn’t want to introduce you, but because you had recently confided in him the harsh upbringing you had. He had no idea what that was like, and it broke his heart to see how bright and shining you were, feel small when telling him your past.  But you wanted to meet them, make a good impression. It was important to you that they accepted you as his significant other. If my parents don’t like me, at least I have yours! You joked, laughing even if it was at your own expense. Meeting of his parents went...well. Interesting, but well. Vlad was as stoic as ever, stark difference to Lisa wanting to immediately smother you with questions of yourself, how you two met, what you do. She was his mother. Adrian tried to slow her down but you answered it all in stride, returning questions and asking her about her line of work specifically. And how the two of them were so brilliant. Everything from there? Well, it just clicked.
So to see you smiling so brightly at his parents and them returning the smiles sent him over the moon. The rest of dinner was smooth, you both bidding his parents farewell as you exited the castle back home. You walked hand in hand, Adrian looking at you like you personally hung the stars in the sky as you rambled about the different books you had been reading. You looked over when you didn’t hear a response with a quirk of your brow. “Earth to Adrian.” You waved, bringing him out of his lovesick stupor. “Have you been listening?” He hummed, noncommittal with his answer. “My parents love you, you know.” He blurted out, quite randomly to you. You blinked, cocking your head to the side with a smile. “I sure hope they do. You’ve been stuck with me for quite some time now.” You teased, leaning into his side. The grip on your hand tightened, turning his head to give your temple a kiss before returning to walking in silence as you continued with your stories.
They loved you, you knew that. But what you didn’t know was that this would be the final dinner you have with them before returning with a different title of fiancee. Earlier as you helped Lisa set the table, Adrian had shown his father the ring he planned on proposing with, and then Vlad distracted you enough with something in the study beforehand to show his mother. They loved you, as his girlfriend. And now, during your next dinner, they would love you as their daughter in law. 
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bandgie · 10 months
An Uncertified Doctor
Alucard!smut x fem!reader, my man doesn't get enough attention :(((
synopsis: After an argument with your father about the nightly attacks and his reckless behavior, you find yourself in face with a demon who wants nothing more than to cause you pain. The curse you're given is brutal, needy, and utterly horrid. It's not until a man by the name of Alucard saves you, but at the cost of what's left of your dignity.
content warnings: blood, demons, corpses, drugging, cursed reader, fingering, it get super sticky here, blood, medicine play????, restraints, PIV, some light body mutilation (reader gets slashed across the arm), pullout method (USE PROTECTION PLEASE), oneshot
word count: 7.2k (went a little crzy)
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Prologue ~
The children held each other as your mother continued telling stories of monsters. You had heard these a million times, your tiny fingers finding the prickly grass beneath you much more interesting. It was scary the first time you were warned of the beast in the castle, it's thirst for blood. You had cried, much like how the other children cried right now. Begged your mom to not let this monster get you, kill you.
"No!" one of the children cried, making you stop pulling on the grass. "I don't want the monster to drink my blood!" More children started protesting against their invisible enemy, crying and screaming. You turned to your mother, seeing her hide back a smile.
"And it won't get you," she promised, her voice gentle. "You must stay within the village, never venturing too far. And you also must listen to your parents. This monster loves eating naughty children."
That's how you knew this story was meant to scare children into listen to their parents. It become obvious when you did something wrong or bad, they would threaten you with the same blood-sucking demon. Do you want to go to his castle?! Your dad had yelled. I'll drag you there and he'll keep you instead!
The other children began making promises of being good, submissive to their parents. You had a frown on your face, perhaps you were the odd one out. You had a bad habit of not listening to authority, taking things into your own hands. A small part of you thought these stories were made up for you, to make you listen.
It didn't take long for the children's parents to arrive, picking up their terrified children. You watched as your mom went to the parents, most likely to explain why they were so upset. You stood on your tiny legs, walking to eat the remaining snacks that were left over from the school session.
"Ah, sweetie you can't eat too much. Save some room for supper," your mom said behind you. You only laughed though, shoving the remaining goodies into your mouth as you ran. Your mom chased you, bursts of giggles escaping your lips as you let your stubby legs take you as far as they could go.
You squealed when she grabbed you, pulling you up in the air. "No fair!" you screamed. "You're bigger than me!" Your mom only laughed and held you in her arms. You secretly wiped your dirty hands on her shirt, but it was far too obvious to go unnoticed.
She let out an irritated groan and yelled your name, "You know better. Do you want to monster to come get you?" Your giggles quickly died down, your mood turning sour. You huffed and crossed your arms, looking away from your mother, "Monsters are not real! That doesn't scare me."
She tsked at you, setting you down on the grass gently. "Love," her voice was serious, in a way that made you stop your attitude and listen intently. "Monsters are more than demons from the underworld. There are monsters here, on the very dirt you and I walk on. They will hurt you and take you from your family if you wonder too far., if you keep disobeying your family. Do you understand?"
Your small body trembled at her seriousness. Despite being at a young age, you knew that not all people were nice. "Bad men," you whispered, eyes wide. Your mom nodded, seeming satisfied with your answer. "Yes," she said. "Bad men."
She picked you back up and took you inside your small house, your dad already setting up the table for dinner. It stuck with you though, her words, your genuine fear. Even after you had grown, after real, hell-born demons began walking the Earth after the wrongful death of Dracula's wife...
The real demons were human.
Present ~
Your village was in shambles, buildings were half torn down, the smell of death and rotting bodies was pungent, blood painted the ground and walls. Still, your dad tried to make a defense team. A group of men that would fight back against the demons, losing most of the time. You know this was in vain, no mere man could win against a devil's spawn. Your dad was determined however, especially after your mothers death.
You hated how injured he was when he came back home, blood dripping at an alarming rate as you tried to patch him up. Resources was another issue the village, it was depleting. You had to settle for using an old cloth to bandage his wounds, ignoring how your dad said to save any clothes for the upcoming winter.
You sat him on the chair, wrapping the cloth around his arm when tears started to prick your eyes. You sniffed, trying to ignoring the way you wanted to yell at him to stop, to stay safe. You and him had argued about this for months, both of you too stubborn to see the other side.
Still, you cried. Sobbed as you tightened the 'bandage.' Your dad frowned when he saw your tears, using his good hand to wipe them away. "Why are you crying?" You scoffed at his question, anger replacing your sadness.
"Why am I crying?" Your voice is clipped, almost aggressive. "Look at yourself! Your putting yourself in danger, your putting all those men with you in danger! You're going to get yourself killed out there! Do you not give a shit about if you die?"
"Do not speak to me with that tone. Do not curse at me," your father rose he spoke, an attempt to establish the power he has. Before you would have listened, apologize for stepping out of line. Now however, there's nothing to lose. There's not much joy in this house, your dad turned destructive after seeing your moms cold body. Her death changed both of you.
"I will do what I please!" You yelled, standing on your tippy toes to be the same height. "You do! Going out there in a suicide attempt. You don't give a fuck about anything anymore! Not yourself, not this house, not me! I'm your daughter! You're supposed to protect me. You're supposed to stay with me, not those damned beasts!"
You voice was strong, thick with emotion. Tears spilled down your face, hands trembling as you spoke. Your dad was growing angry, you could see how his face turned red and eyes grew dark. "I am protecting you," he argued. "After this village is rid of Dracula's demons, we will-"
You laughed bitterly, interrupting his sentence. "There is no end to this hell," your voice was calmer now, still laced with venom. "I'm not a stupid little girl anymore. It's clear to see that God has abandoned us, there is no way to rid of Dracula's beasts."
Your dad breathed deeply, stepping away from you in an attempt to clam down. You stayed silent as he collect his composure, his thoughts. "Do not speak about the Father is such a way," he warned. "This is a test, a way for the Messiah to see if we really are worthy of walking through heaven's gates."
The church? Your dad has the nerve to preach the church's message when they're the ones that put you in this mess? "You are a fool," you spit, ignoring how your dad balled his fists. "The priests are the ones that caused this havoc. They are the reason mother died."
"Do not!" Your dad yelled, screamed. No matter how upset he got, he never yelled. Sure he raised his voice, but shouted? Never. You jumped, taking a step back as he approached your form. You lowered your head down, shame fogging your thoughts. You went too far.
"Don't you dare speak her name on your mouth. You disgrace me by using her death as an excuse for your temper." Your weeps resumed, looking at the darkness in your dad's eyes. An excuse? You would never. If anything, he was the one using her death to act reckless. You can't keep being in this house, surrounded by the memories of your happy family, what your life was.
What it will never be again.
You pushed him hard, shoving him onto the ground as you ran out of house. He screamed your name, shouting at you to come back. You ignored him, you ignored the bodies you passed, the violent sobs that wrecked you. It's too much to stay here, to endure all the emotional turmoil you have to go though.
So you ran, barefoot. You feet grew wet with the mud and blood mixed. You ran through the gates that kept your village somewhat protecting, ignoring the men on guard that yelled at you. You ran until you couldn't hear them shouting, you ran until the village was nothing but a blurry image in the distance. The grass was soothing under your feet, wiping away some of the wet essence on there. You clutched at your chest, heaving.
Your chest burned, your feet ached, your mouth craved water. You kept pushing forward until you saw a stream. No longer able to keep yourself up, you collapsed, crawling to the water until you were submerged in it. You bathed, drank, and nearly drowned in the stream. Your clothes were drenched, but that didn't matter. They would dry, like your tears.
It had been so long when you had last bathed properly, when you drank clean water. Your dad was coming back home with filtered water, mud still seen in the cups. But this water was clear, it was so easy to see the fish that swam within it. You laid in the water, letting it engulf you with just your head peeking up.
You will have to make your way back home soon, you can't be exposed in the wilderness like that. Demons did not rest, they were active at all times. It's a wonder how you didn't notice any on your way here. The thought of going back home however, was dreadful. You couldn't face your dad, you can't keep pretending like everything is fine and he will be safe. Something needs to change, but what?
You sat up, head thinking of ideas. Prayers do not work like your village had thought. Holy water however, was the real savior. Smaller demons would bursts into flames, bigger ones would be severely wounded. If only the priests at your village weren't cowards, hiding in their sanctuary.
While you were deep in thought, you didn't notice a demon perched on a nearby tree. It watched as you as you stood, water dripping from your clothes. Demons were not dumb creatures, though same acted without thought. They had some intelligence, the ability to plan and strategize. This demon was quite intelligent unfortunately for you, salvia dripping down its lips. It craved to tear your flesh, to drink you screams and break your soft bones. It had a bad habit of playing with it's food.
You walked out of the water, squeezing the parts of your loose dress at the bottom. It wasn't until you heard the soft thud that you looked up, skin prickling in fear as your eyes scanned for an enemy. Then you saw it, a man. He had purplish hair, skin deathly pale, eyes red as blood. You knew his human stature was a way to lure you in, to trust him. This 'man' was a demon.
"Stay back!" you cried, arms out in front of you to keep a distance. "Go back to where your came from, demon!" Your voice shook, eyes watering in fear. It laughed at you, stalking closer.
"That's not very nice," it says, smiling. "I feel hurt by your words, come comfort me." It opens its arms as if it expects a hug, you make a disgusted face.
"Fuck off!" You shout before you run, not caring what direction you're going it. It laughs again, mouth puling back to reveal absurdly sharp teeth. It chased you, letting you tire out before you slowed. It would be easy to take you somewhat compliant.
It tackled you on the ground, rolling on the grass until you were dizzy. It laid on top of you, red eyes sparking in excitement.
"Vermin!" You screeched, arms and legs kicking. "You evil fuck! Get off me!" It caught your violent attempts, easily using one of its hands to hold both of your own above your head. It's weight heavily settled on your stomach, giving you legs no access to kick freely at him.
"I'll kill you!" You threat, knowing how impossible that is. This makes the demon laugh uncontrollably, just for a moment forgetting it's sinful desire to defile you. It used its free hand to wipe a joyous tear, shaking its head.
"Quite the jester are you!" it says excitedly. "You will be fun, but refrain from calling me such cruel names. I am Magnus." You spit in its face, not caring how some of the salvia drips down on you.
"I don't give a shit what you are called, demon," you speak maliciously. "I have to respect for monsters like yourself." It frowns then, wiping the slobber off its cheek and sighing.
"You know, I thought I would enjoy touching your body. Seeing you submit to me in the vilest way possible. However, I think I should just kill you. Painfully," Magnus almost looks sad as he speaks. He sounds as if he didn't really want to hurt you, but you can see the disgusting smile on his face.
Magnus uses his free hand to grab you face, making your lips pucker and shape and 'o' form. Before you have the chance to protest or scream, he spits. You think it's way to get revenge for spitting at him earlier, but he perfectly aimed for the inside of you mouth. On instinct, you swallow. You grimace at the thought, the way is slide down your throat, how sweet it tasted.
You've heard of this. Demons that take advantage of women in the night, ripping their bodies once they're done. Survivors had told stories of the drool. The way the demons saliva was able to make the women crazed with need, make the obedient. You shuddered, you knew his kind. An incubus.
You hated how hot your body got, the desire that pooled in your stomach. Your body was still soaked in water, but you can feel your folds begin dripping in arousal. You shook your head and cried, whimpering at how you body was betraying your throats. You were all to aware of his skin on yours, his body weight pressing down on you. You craved for something to be in the deepest parts you, places you had never bothered touching after the world went to shit.
Magnus smiled as he watched you pant, eyes going wild with hunger. He was not going to give you pleasure, instead he was shred the skin off your meat, make you watch he stuffed his face of your tender muscles. You would only moan he hurt you, your brain would be too far gone to know the difference between pain and pleasure.
Your cunt though, he would not touch that at all. You would soon beg, not caring if he actually devoured your pussy. You would be craving just for someone to touch you there, to penetrate deep inside you. Magnus's fingernails sharpened, dipping his hand to your arms as he sliced the skin. You cried out, blood welting at the wound. He leaned down and licked, moaning at your taste.
"Someone's not a virgin," he muttered. Magnus thought for a moment. He was planning on taking your innocence, but now he's thinking of just fucking you cruelly. That would go against his point of torturing you, he wanted to deny you pleasure in any way possible in the most horrible way.
He sighed, torn between the two options. It was tempting, so tempting to cup your mound, take what little dignity you have left of yourself. Magnus watched as your face contorted in discomfort, fighting the aphrodisiac saliva that traveled in your throat and gut. He wanted to see it twist is pleasure, then rip it from you. Have you crumbling and breaking under him, begging him to stop while secretly wishing he wouldn't.
Before Magnus could choose, you cried out, hot tears falling down your face as you couldn't stop yourself from moaning. "Kill me," you croaked. He was used to this, it wasn't often, but some maidens would beg to be killed before fucked. "Just kill me already," you continued to weep.
The demon smiled, happy with your reactions and sorrow. "No, I quite like it when you beg."
Just as Magnus was going to slice the skin of your stomach with his nails, a large dog appeared, quickly knocking him down to the ground. Your body was released from the demons body weight, you cried in relief and distraught. It took so much strength to sit up, to ignore the aching in your body from running and the demon's drug.
Your unfocused eyes caught a glimpse of a white wolf and Magnus fighting. You groaned as you tried to stand, willing you legs to bend so you could place your weight on them. You were on your hands on knees, feeling disgusted at the drool that seeped down your legs.
You could hear them yelling, Magnus was talking to the animal like it could understand him. You wobbly stood, stop slightly hunched over as you trudged away from the fight.
Left... right... left... right... You walked slowly, trying to build the strength to continue. You should not have yelled at your dad, cursed him and his beliefs. The last thing you will have ever done with him is fight. Tears pricked your eyes again, the burning passion in your body was no match for the pain in your heart. If it's not Magnus that will kill you, it will be the wolf.
The ground rumbled, shaking so violently you feel to your knees. You yelled in frustration, it took so much just to stand. You can't possibly do it again, not when the loud sounds of punches and the pounding of your head rings. Not when your body violently shakes with need, with desire. You hate it, how you go limp on the ground. How your shaky hands find their way between your legs.
You needed something to soothe the ache. It was unbearable, it was inhumane. You placed your hand over your clothes cunt, moaning touch. You're disgusting, you're vile. You're succumbing to the demons liquid, his drug. It's not enough though, not with how tired your entire body is. You wanted more, no, you need more. Your eyes start to close, body shutting down from the deathly arousal your experiencing.
You miss how the white wolf managed to rid Magnus, having him flee from both of you. It moved to you, shape-shifting as it did. There stood a tall man, long limbs with blonde hair that reached his torso. He carefully picked you up, ignoring the lewd sounds you made when he touched you. You were unconscious, but your body was acting as if it was awake. Your sleepy hands gripped, grabbed, and clutched his body, trying to get closer to him.
The man let out an irritated sigh, eyes closing before he walked with you in his arms. He was dreading the thought of dealing with you and the aphrodisiac, but he took you nonetheless.
"This will be such a hassle," he mutters.
Three days. You have been in excruciating pain for three days and who knows how more to go. You were informed by the blonde man who saved you, Alucard, that you were cursed. It was a common one succumbi and incubi used for their victims. It was supposed to drive the person insane with need for an undetermined amount of time. It was painful not being touched, and painful being touched. Essentially, you had to choice to die in heat or be fucked to death.
Alucard was working on a potion, a reversal one that would undo what had been done to you by Magnus. He left you alone most of the time, bringing you food and water that you would nearly vomit. Both of you were beginning a routine; him bringing you food, you telling him that only food you need is dick, him forcing the food down you mouth, and you cumming whenever he grabbed your face to force your lips open.
You were beyond mortified when you had creamed your pants from a mere touch of his hand, but he didn't even mention it. By now, he was used to your howls of need, of pain. The way you voice echoed throughout his castle was a constant reminder of the pain you were in. Alucard treated you more like a cat in heat than a cursed human.
Even if it weren't for the curse, you would still want Alucard to stay besides you. It was so lonely to be in a room, chained to the bed (something he had to do for his and your protection). There was no one to talk to, no one to keep you company during this time, nothing to look at.
You tiredly fight against your chained hands, your chained legs. Sweat and tears drip down your face, and you could feel the nonstop wetness dripping onto the bed from between your thighs. You haven't touched yourself once since being here. Though you've came, without meaning to, it's still not enough. There's nothing for your pussy to clamp down on, nothing that you could rub between your thighs.
Instead you just lie there, sobbing and cursing at yourself, and Magnus, at leaving your village. None of this would have happened had you stay there. You would have been with company, with human contact, with the only family you have left. More tears slip down your face, and you know it's not just from painful arousal.
Your thoughts are stopped by the door opening, revealing Alucard who has a tray in his hand. You lift your head up to peer at him, taking in his slender frame, long fingers, gentle eyes, and unblemished skin. Just like that, your saddened thoughts are replaced by the familiar need for sex.
You force your head back down onto the bed, biting your lower lip. You're on the verge of begging him to fuck you, though you know he won't. It's futile to even consider, but the skin on your lip still breaks from staying silent. You close your eyes when you hear his footsteps getting closer, you won't be able to stand it if you see him.
"The potion in done," his voice is gentle besides you. This time you snap you eyes open, head turning to his direction. Your eyes land on the tray that has not only food, but a clear glass. It's swirling with green and blue, some gold flecks fluttering around. You left out a sigh of relief, but it comes out like a moan.
Without thinking, you reach for the bottle. You're quickly restricted by the chains, and you yell from frustration. "Fuck Alucard! Just give it to me." You know you're being rude, and it's the last thing you should be to the man helping you. Still, you're not sure if you're asking for the potion or something else.
He set the tray down on a nearby nightstand, grabbing the glass and looking at you wearily. "It's been days since you've been cursed. You could drink it now, but it would take a few more days for the symptoms to clear," Alucard trails off like there's something else, and truthfully you don't have the patience to keep waiting.
"It's possible to also make the symptoms clear up quickly, just within a few hours. However-"
You trash around the bed impatiently. "I don't care! Heal me quickly. I'm not sure I can take much longer." The smell of him has you keening, drooling at the scent. It's the most he's talked to you, and you're clenching around nothing just at his voice. You fear of what you'll do if you have to withstand this feeling any further, death is seeming like a much better alternative.
Alucard's fingers grip the glass a little more harder, and without a word, he sits at the edge of the bed. The dip of his weight makes you anxious, horny, needy. You pray that he quickly gets on with whatever he has to do, but you also wish he can take you. Your body starts shaking in anticipation. This man hasn't even touched you, yet his mere presence makes you vibrate with arousal.
You watch as his hands ghost over your thighs where your dress ends. Your breath hitches, and you nearly cry when he lifts up the dress. He bunches it at your waist, and when his knuckles graze your flesh, you cum. A sob wrecks your body, and your hips left off the bed. You feel so embarrassed, so disgusted with yourself, yet you can't stop the hot pleasure that raked through your body.
Alucard waits until you flop back down into the bed, heavy breathing. Though he's killed demons and his own father, he's never experienced someone with such a curse. You're tempting to him, your soft skin and pleading eyes. The noises you make are so pretty to him, but he knows better than to think anything else.
He's reserved, tucked away in a castle that teleports at will. He doesn't bother with much companionship, let alone a night with a woman. After what happened last time, he swore to stay away from helping people unless necessary. Humans are deceiving, selfish, and everything his father feared. Still, he has a heart, he had a human mother. There is evil in humans yes, but there is also good.
You don't notice how Alucard's eyes travel your body, how his pants start getting a little tighter around the crotch area. You're so out of it, so desperate, it's nearly impossible to ignore you. It takes unbelievable strength to pull your underwear to the side, more to ignore the way the cloth stick to your pussy. Alucard unconsciously licks his lips.
You moan at the feeling of being exposed, of being looked at. You dare to life your head up, peeking at Alucard who dips his middle finger in the cup to coax it in the liquid. He notices your staring, and looks up. "I promise to do nothing indecent. I just have to insert this inside," he explains.
You only moan in response, opening your legs wider for his access. With gentle movements, Alucard smears his finger all over you clit. You squeal, body quivering from the stimulation. He's applying it like ointment, but what he's doing is anything but doctor-like. Alucard is avoiding your bud, the place where you ache for him to touch the most. You try to maneuver your hips so he could graze it, but he keeps one hand at your hips to keep you still.
Though he's touching you, something you've been praying for since you got to his castle, now it's not enough. You begin begging, pleading with him to touch you. You've lost what decency you had left, opting to succumb to the effects of the curse.
"But I am touching you," Alucard protests. You watch as his lips fight from turning into a smirk. Oh he's into this. Now you finally take in how his tongue keeps licking his lip, how dilated his pupils are, the way his fangs poke out from his -
Wait, fangs?
Surely, you must be hallucinating. Delirious from pleasure that you've began seeing things. You blink a few times, trying to get your eyes right. When you open them, however, they're still there. Your eyes widen in disbelief, in shock. You open your mouth to ask about it, but he slips his finger inside.
You whimper instead, fingers clutching the sheets under you. Your eyes roll back to your head, letting your walls squeeze his finger. You're panting, thoughts of his inhuman teeth forgotten as you finally have something inside you.
"Forgive me if you're a maiden," his voice breaks through your moans. "This is the fastest way to the the results you want. Tell me to stop, I will."
You shake your head so harshly, Alucard worry it might fall off. "No! No," you cry out. "I'm not-fuck! I've had- shiiiiiit," Your mouth fails you. It's impossible to speak now that he's started pumping his finger inside you. It's nothing compared to cock, but it's still long enough to have make you squirm.
"Ahh," Alucard's voice is understanding, "I see." Truthfully, he's glad you're not a virgin. It would have been awkward when you've healed, he can't handle confrontation like that. He gives a few more pumps before he pulls out, a string of your essence still clinging to his finger as if begging to not leave.
"Put it back in!" You sob, fighting against the chains. You're left empty, pussy throbbing like it's also crying. Your teary eyes watch as he dips two fingers into the potion. You almost forgot he was giving you medicine, too distracted with how much your desire pooled for him.
"Please." There's no point in pleading, you know he will give you what you need. Still, the thought of being left here again to endure this pain has you worried. Alucard pulls his fingers out of the glass and rubs the liquid on your clit. This time, he does touch the bundle of nerves. You whimper, head thrown back as you relish in his touch.
Alucard releases his hand from your waist to dip his middle and ring finger into the potion. Now his two fingers on each hand soaked, he moves it to enter your cunt. He watched as you mouth falls open in a loud moan as he pumps and rubs you. You're tightening so much around him, convulsing like he's exorcising a demon.
A quiet groan escaped his mouth when you start fucking yourself on his fingers. With the little free movements you have, you shift your hips upwards and downwards. You don't have much energy, but doing this makes it so that his fingers are able to hit your sweet spots.
Alucard speeds up his movements on rubbing you, feeling your insides spasm around his fingers. You're close again, and your lower half is so sticky from all the combined wetness. You don't bother counting on how many times you've finished from his hands, but in how skilled he is. Alucard's movements are calculated, soft, and gentle. Despite making your pussy squelch and squirt, he does it as elegant as ever.
With another loud moan, you cum on his hand, letting your hips still as you savor your orgasm. Eyes closed, legs stiff, and mouth hanging open, Alucard pulls his finger completely away from your body. You gasp, looking up to see him eyeing your spasming walls. Sure, you might need this 'healing' more than him, but he looks as desperate.
It's not until you see Alucard move to the bottle that you notice it's almost empty. Truthfully, you've began to feel the beginning parts of the working medicine. You can think a little clearer, your head isn't pounding as hard, and your body doesn't ache as painfully with desire. Still, your body craves more. From the curse or from your own yearning, only God knows.
"Wait," you speak up. Alucard halts his movements, fingers just above the cup. "What is it?" He asks, "Are you in pain?" Some of the lust in his eyes was replaced with worry, and you would've melted on the spot had you not had your exposed pussy bared to him.
"No, I'm fine," your voice is reassuring. "Actually, I think it's working." Alucard nods, "It seems so, you can speak in full sentences now." You laugh at his words, a little embarrassed at your previous behavior. You chew on your lower lip, now able to feel some shame from what you want to ask.
"Is it possible to..." you trail off. Your eyes scan your nude legs, his wet fingers, then your eyes land on the tent in his pants. Alucard notices this, blushing at your bold vision. "To what?" He pushes. Even if you're being very direct with your eyes, he still needs that verbal confirmation.
You think on how to word it properly so that you don't further humiliate yourself. Then you think, fuck it. "You have already seen my womanhood and felt it yourself. What's the harm in using your cock to apply the serum?" There, you asked him. You let out an exhale, surprised at yourself with your own bluntness.
His eyes widen, then he scans your body. You're tied, chained to the bed. You can't do him any harm even if you wished to, plus you did not seem skilled in hunting demons or anything of the sort. Alucard weighs the pros and cons in his head before coming to a conclusion. "I suppose you're right, there is no difference at this point."
Alcuard stands off the bed, and you watch in anticipation as he rids himself of his pants. Wet hands untie the knot, gently dragging the material down his thighs, calfs, until he hits his ankles. Even in undressing, he is as poise as ever. With nothing underneath, you watch how his dick touches his lower abdomen, the head screaming to the played with.
A hum leaves your lips, legs opening a little wider upon seeing him. Alucard is far too embarrassed to look at you, but you can tell he appreciates your reaction from the red in his face. You yank of the chains enough to have them rattle, forcing him to look up at you. "Rid of these quickly. I think my arms are about to fall off."
You watch as his expression falls a little, a small look of pain crosses his eyes. "I cannot."
You raise an eyebrow, "You cannot?" He nods, confirming your question. "I find it more...comfortable to keep you bind." His tone is set, but the way his eyes meet yours shows his nervousness. You sigh, a little irritated at his request. You click your tongue a few times, thinking. "What about my legs then? Could you unchain them at least?"
He taps his chin thoughtfully, almost forgetting the fact that his dick is still out and proud. "Yes," Alucard comes to a resolution. "Tell me if you feel discomfort." You thank him and watch as he bends over to the bed, easily opening the clamps on your ankles to set you free.
Once your legs are released, you stretch. You feel a few bones pop and groan in satisfaction. Alucard chuckles at you, now finding himself on the bed as he crawls to your hips. Without missing a beat, you reopen your legs. You push your knees up to your chest, letting him adjust in front of you.
Anticipation relights in your chest as you observe him between your legs. Alucard soothingly rubs his hands up and down the back of your thighs, planting kisses on your somewhat sore ankles.
Gentle, you think. You haven't been with a lover in a while, and to be treated so tenderly after so long does something to you. Alucard's sweet, golden eyes meet you. Though you can see the passion and lust in them, you can't help but see fear. It's strange. Why is he one scared when you're the one who's tied? At his will and power literally beneath him, yet it's him who trembles in anxiousness.
"I'm not going to hurt you," you don't know why you say it. Perhaps it's because you want to make him feel better. A part of you regrets even speaking up, but that feeling goes away quickly when he smiles almost shyly at you. "I know," he says. "It's just been a while."
You were going to say that you have also been abstinent, but you moan instead when you feel the head of his cock sliding against your clit. From the previous cum and orgasms, Alucard finds himself humping against you eagerly. He uses his hands to reach down and press his cock harder against you, making sure to apply pressure.
You quiver, eyes locked on his as you hear the slickness of your connecting bodies. Alucard keeps his other hand at the back of you thigh to keep your leg open. His hips move with determination, captivated by your soft flesh.
The curse has not yet fully gone away, so it's not long before you feel the impending build up of yet another orgasm. You're moaning at every thrust Alcuard provides you to let him know that you're close. He watches how his dick glistens from your wetness despite not even being inside you once. Alucard knows it's just the curse effects, but a small part of his hopes it's from his actions.
Just to experiment, Allured dips the head of his cock into your entrance before sliding back out. You clench around emptiness, suddenly eager to cream his cock. "Alucard," his name is magic on your tongue. He doesn't even need to ask what you need nor do you need to say more. You both want it inside.
Alucard groans as he gentle slides his cock in you. There's little to no resistance, and even if there was, you would take only pleasure in the stretch. It's already hard not to when he fills you up so nicely, his girth spreading your lower lips perfectly. You didn't intend to come with his first breach, but you did anyway.
Your body tightens, your warm walls clamping on his dick like you did to his fingers not too long ago. An actual whimper leaves his lips, and you only squeeze him tighter. You can feel yourself pulsing around him, the leaking of your cum down your ass. Surely, you must look exhausted. With a heaving chest, sweaty body, and knotted hair, there must be nothing appealing to your appearance.
Still, Alucard finds beauty in your afterglow. The wet and dry cum spread between your thighs, the way your eyes seem to gloss over every time you finish, truly a sight to behold. It's been so long since he has experienced pleasure to this extent. Alcuard will cherish this moment for as long as he can.
It's why he thrusts into you again, relishing in your overstimulated noises. All you can do, and want to do, is take it. Let Alucard take you as he pleases, as he deserves. He's been so patient, so kind. This is the last he deserves.
Now that both of his hands are on your thighs, you start honing in on his touches. His long hair tickles your legs, even a part of your stomach when he leans down to get a better angle. His fingers dig into your soft flesh, almost possessively. His mouth is open, panting as he fucks into you.
Even in his most primal state, Alucard is still graceful in his movements. You don't think it's possible for any man to look as beautiful as he does in the moment, yet here he is. You unconsciously tug at the restraints at your wrists, desperate to touch him, to kiss him.
His pink, soft lips are all you can look at while Alucard is too distracted with looked at how your cunt eats him up. Now with more confidence, he lifts your legs higher. He pins your thighs to your chest so tightly that it constricts some of your air flow. The current mating press has him close to your face, dick adjusting to the new position.
There's no way you can't not pay attention to his mouth now, his breath on your skin. Alucard is on his feet now, crouched so he could slam into your overstimulated pussy perfectly. He's so deep, so thick that you feel his tip go almost in to your cervix. You cry out, eyes teary as he finally looks up at you.
Alucard looks at you as if he's hurt you, but now he can see the pure lust gaze you have. It's almost as if Alucard had heard your wish to kiss him because the next thing you know, those same lips are pressing down on yours. You moan into his mouth, a sudden burst of pleasure explodes in your stomach.
"Holy shit," you manage to speak. Your legs are spasming insanely, his grip had turned a little harsh just to keep you still. You don't pulling away from his sloppy kiss, you know his thighs must be soaked in your cum.
He is first to break the kiss, letting out a choked laugh before driving into you harder. You didn't even get the chance to come down from your high. Instead, your body moves like a rag doll underneath him from the intense overstimulation. Now you're somewhat thankful for the chains, you have something to grab onto without worry of hurting anyone (besides yourself).
Alucard knows he won't last much longer. Not only is his dick going to explode, but his legs will give out from staying at a squatting position. With loud groans and unfocused eyes, you know he's close. After days of watching your struggle, the desperation for Alucard's touch, he finally gets to soak in all your being.
A part of you wishes that you could do more for him, but the way his face begins to twist in pleasure tells you that he's perfectly happy with how things are now. His hips stutter, your name leaves his lips in aroused chants, and he pulls out.
You gasp at the sudden lost of contact, immediately begging for him to put it back in. Though you have cum an already unknown amount of times on his cock and fingers, you think it's only fair for him to get the same treatment in finishing in your soft pussy no matter how fuck out you are.
He ignores your wails though, he continues stroking himself the completion on your stomach. Wet cum sprouts on your tummy, legs still stuck in the previous position. Though you know you should be grateful for him not cumming inside, you're still thoroughly disappointed. Alucard has the same feeling as you, but he's still gentleman.
You slowly let your legs down, wincing at the soreness and stiffness you're met with. Alucard is quick to help you, gently placing your legs on the bed. You're still breathing heavily, on the brink of passing out when he awkwardly lays besides you. From the way he's panting, he's also just as tired as you.
It takes a while before he's able to speak, turning his head to you. "Are you okay?"
You laugh, also turning to meet his eyes, "Yes, Alucard. I feel great." He hums thoughtfully at your answer, a soft smile on his lips. You want to talk to him more. You want to ask about his castle, how he seems like to be the only one here, where he came from, where he learned to fuck like that.
Despite your curiosity, sleep gets the best of you. And you think this will be the first time you get a good nights rest in years.
a/n: this is my man frfr
taglist: @whatamidoing89, @panda-wolf, @fatgumsbby, @nekohollowsychogoth
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mysteryanimator · 1 month
I love your animations, but I'm still struggling to view them without thinking about their last canon interaction. Can you tell me what you envision their makeup would be like?
(Lol I’m so sorry to all the ppl who work on Nocturne reading this 💀 and just generally everyone)
Thank you so much that means a lot! But now, you’ve unveiled my trap card and given me an excuse to write my thoughts on Mizrak and Olrox, so this will get pretty long. Also, this may end up being very subjective/personal taste in some parts so I hope everyone doesn’t mind (and hope you don't mind the funky grammar!) This is an open discussion too, I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts! 
Now with that out of the way here we go!
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(This is old unfinished storyboards for a previous iteration of their makeup scene I did back in jan, never finished them due to uni/another project, I'd like to someday tho because guh the themes.)
Now first of all, I’d like to think that a proper makeup/conversation wouldn’t happen for a bit and would be drawn out because they’re both still hurt, angry, sad, and confused at not only each other but themselves. They’re not the type to get into loud verbal arguments for this, definitely some verbal jabs at each other though. Mean petty comments, oh absolutely. I’d like to personally believe they’d still yearn for each other, perhaps even more so after Olrox indirectly confessed and Mizrak practically turned it down. 
Now, there are soooo many different ways that they’d even see each other again, many different ways it could come to that initial point where they’ve made up. Though I’ll go with one of my personal idea (which people keep egging me on to animate WHICH… I dunno I don’t have free time rn so I’m just blurting it out into written format while I can 😭 I want to though, maybe later in the year for fun if season 2 doesn’t beat me to it). 
Have to establish my vision, but I’d think that Richter, Maria, Annette, Alucard and Mizrak are hopping from abandoned town to abandoned town due to the inability to return to Macheoul for the time being. While Olrox has been on his own (doing what, I’m not even sure my personal headcanon for this.) I think Alucard and Mizrak have a conversation about Alucard’s past in a group setting and it strikes a chord with the monk- since after all, Alucard’s dad is THE Dracula, and his mother (bless her, I miss her) is human. You know how that whole backstory goes, and it parallels Olrox a lot. Also Mizrak and Annette will absolutely have a deep conversation too. Just solely from the comment that was made: 
“We’re all descended from gods, we just have to learn how to draw their power.” Nocturne s1 ep 2
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Annette clearly having powers from Haitian gods, absolutely challenging how Mizrak was only certain of one God. Yes, Mizrak is extremely stubborn and it will take him a bit, but he’s different from the Abott in the sense that he will not let religion blind his path to good. He ‘uses his head’ as said before, not god, not the church- his head. Mizrak’s idea of the church and his faith is now a mess and it’s up to him on how he interprets it and rewrites it knowing what he knows now (this is important I swear when it comes to the makeup scene).
Now we’re at the actual scene at hand: Olrox and Mizrak making up.
Side note: oh god I’m practically writing this whole thing as if its going to be played out for an episode, but that’s how it works in my brain LOL but you asked so you shall receive. I am so sorry HAHA
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There’s been a lot of build up from this point where they have been meeting up here and there by themselves, but you can clearly tell whenever they do they both hurt and yearn- which would lead to their proper makeup scene. I’m just inserting this for fun, but I’d imagine this would take place in an abandoned church in the town they’re camping in for the night. For a lot of symbolic reasons; devotion, sacrifice, forgiveness, gathering. This along with the simple fact, Mizrak’s relationship to the church has changed completely from here. I’d like to think that even when he’s trying to rekindle that connection with God, it leaves that icky overcoat on his skin. 
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“Faith is a company in the hardest of times, when the world abandons you.” Nocturne ep 3
The church indeed had saved him from whatever terrible horrific thing happened to him in the past, however whatever saved him can still be horrible and terrible too. It is infallible.  It is cruel in an attempt to gather community and peace. So, yes- faith can be company when the world abandoned him, but his faith is no longer with the church. He’s taking it back and finding some place else to rest it. (Olrox, it’s Olrox, probably ooc but I’m making it Olrox). 
In this church, the conversation between them will initially start as a discussion about religion, faith and that whole sort of deal. It’ll open up about Mizrak exact struggles from his mouth and how he particularly feels about it, then we get more insight onto Olrox’s thoughts, his perception of the church and perhaps even a deep dive into Aztec history again. Maybe even talk about Olrox’s Quetzalcoatl form, though really this is self indulgent. It’s an aspect I’d absolutely love to be explored and I think it being discussed in revere in a Catholic Church,  with Mizrak actually being open to it due to his new perspective? Oh my god, sign me up. Regardless, it would hold similar energy to episode 6: Gulity Men to be Judged. There’s a weight to it. 
Then it gets heavier when the conversation pivots.  
Mizrak’s attachment in the church was due to him caring about people and, hypothetically, to save him from whatever detriment came for him in the past. The last canon interaction, their falling out they had in season 1 was because he cared about others. To a fault. Now, here he is, standing in front of someone he cares about. It’s going to open a conversation between what’s happening between them and finally properly discuss what happened from their last canon interaction in nocturne season 1. 
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A lot of finger and hand brushing from Olrox, which at first I’d think gets no reaction as an attempt for restraint before Mizrak warms up to it and even reciprocates by doing the same thing. All of this is very gentle in my opinion. It’s slow, tender, and most importantly vulnerable. It has the physical contact reminiscent of their first fast rough and tug in the courtyard and piggybacks off the vulnerability they both have when they both stand next to the window in episode 6. They probably also just physically get closer to each other at the moment. Just gradually though. The distance gets closer and closer until their foreheads are practically touching without them realizing it. They’re comfortable though, they don’t want to leave. 
They absolutely get to a point where they both admit to saying “I love you” without straight up saying “I love you” because that’s just a very them thing. Or maybe they do straight up state because Olrox does admit he was in love (with his partner) and doesn’t shy from that fact. It’s a nice conversion of the trope and great to hear from a mlm couple to say I love you… but man do I do love when characters get all poetic-y when their profess their devotion to each other by literally talking in prose, so maybe with good writing both can be done and still be quite powerful but still be gentle. 
In my interpretation YEAH I’LL MAKE THEM KISS AFTER THIS, this is my vision after all. Also, yeah they’re gonna fuck. In the church? Perhaps. Is it a tad OOC, maybe. HOWEVER, consider imagery and symbolism. I just think the image of it would be great, even if it was censored to hell and back, it can be so artistically done. Just imagine the implication alone with me for a second. I think the whole concept of doing it in a church is an interesting build upon the quotes from the show;
“God is not here. This church is an empty box.” From the first Castlevania series.
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“House of God? This place is just a heap of bricks and stone.” From Nocturne said by Maria. 
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The church is a husk, especially having it abandoned- it’s rather what you do with that box that makes all the difference. The people inside are the driving force, so I think it’s both poetic and funny to have Mizrak and Olrox fucking in an abandoned church. Surface level: fuck you god I’m fucking my hot vampire boyfriend in your house. Deeper level: I could write a whole thing on this but I’ll refrain. You can get the gist of breaking free of restraint, and devotion and letting himself be human, rather than a soldier (which he already slowly does). 
Though also this sex scene isn’t necessary, I just like exploring explicit content in artistic ways, especially if I can throw in religious symbols and heighten that hunger/devotion to a person- but the “I love you” in the church is pretty powerful already.  
Then after all of this they take it at their own pace. However, they only live life once and continue together like that- they both know this concept very well because of the very nature of who they are, so they spend it in each other’s company. 
Now you also get the squad’s reactions, well namely because I do not think this would be an easily hidden thing. Like absolutely could get away with it in season 1, but everyone will know something is up for sure in my iteration. The 'hypothetical' Mystery Animator season 2 iteration. As subtle as their longing stares and quiet hand touches may be reserved for just them- those little interactions are loud.
Richter would absolutely be in shambles over Olrox, the killer of his mother, and Mizrak being a thing. Both in a “this is the most horrible thing that’s happened in my life” and also a he’s going to be an absolute shithead to Mizrak and make fun of him, lightheartedly of course. Alucard would absolutely have an interesting perspective because again, his parents. Maria already has disdain for the church plus the “vampires are evil… and evil has to be fought.” However, in the presence of Alucard, I think a lot will change because he’s half-vampire. Annette, I’m unsure of what her reaction would be, because I’m very sure she’d be receptive to Alucard being a vampire and then would appreciate Olrox’s mindset and values. However, gonna keep hammering, Olrox killed Julia Belmont which I feel will be comedically hammered in if Olrox decides to hang around the squad occasionally. 
And with that, we’re done! (I think)
Thank you for reading 🫶 this probably will not happen in cv s2 but it’s fun blurting out my hc. I’m really excited to see what they do, and even perhaps even go in the opposite direction due to episode limitations… maybe a season 3 👀 who knows.
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vole-mon-amour · 8 months
I believe I talked about that in the past (mostly on twitter) but: when Sypha gives birth, the kid has two VERY cool dads (one is basically immortal vampire with really cool fighting skills and abilities, the Dracula's son and another literally slayed Death and came out alive) and a VERY badass mom.
Sypha, Alucard, and Trevor all have separate beds in case of needing some privacy, but most of the time they share one huge Alucard's bed.
Alucard actually commissions a painter of all four of them, just like the family portrait he had with his mom and dad when he was a baby. They hang it somewhere in the castle, somewhere significant for them, but if others from the village can see, it doesn't matter. They don't hide that they're in a relationship and that they love one another very much.
Trevor and Sypha stay in a relationship with Alucard until the day they say. That probably happens separately, so when only two of three of them are alive, they're grieving together. They help each other go through that grief (and their kid). For some reason I want Trevor to be the alive one (probably because I want to see them care for each other), but my logic tells me that it's going to be Sypha cause she's way smarter for her own good lol.
Though, don't fret, they work perfectly as a polycycle! That's the logic of it. When two of them can't do something, the third one is happy to help and does it flawlessly (or at least to the point that it works, cause sometimes all three of them are acting like dumbasses, heh.)
In short, it's a very balanced relationship where they love and respect one another.
(On, and don't get me started on sex between the three. Pregnant Sypha that still wants sex and they have so much fun together.)
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demigoddessqueens · 11 months
masterlist vii
Some links were going funky on my desktop so I’m adding a new masterlist to here so that it can be updated better
Tik tok tease 😈
Superman and Vash appreciation
Critical Role - coffee bae 💕 ☕️ //
Vox Machina - noble!reader // WEREWOLF PUPPY // taking care of them when exhausted // treating migraines // boys + period headcanons // you remember? // trouble in paradise // Birb Machina // reverse birb machina // Garmelie reveals through art // Grog romance // Vax and sweet bartender // Vax + childhood friend // you have beautiful eyes // close the door?? 🚪 // close the door 🚪 part 2 // day gone wrong 😅 // rizz them up ✨ // flying Treasure Planet style //
Song fic -Grog // song fic - (my) dandelion // song fic // Mothers Day - song - Percy // song fic - Vax angst //
Modern s/o series - different dance styles // bonding with Percy //
Mighty Nein - beach 🏝️ day // cuddle headcanons //
Song fic - Caleb // song fic - angst // song fic // song fic - outfield // song fic - 2 //
Bell’s Hells - song fic //
Crown Keepers - song fic + Dariax //
Ring of Brass - song fic //
Song fic for the ladies //
Castlevania - Hector A-Z NSFW // Dracula + fem!reader smut // drawing the boys // remember what they say // Alucard and his jealous lover // Alucard and art as a gift // got a black eye defending him // Isaac A-Z NSFW //
Marvel - Namor + nurse!reader // Guardians of the Galaxy fluff //
Star Wars 🌟- Poe fluff + Miguel //
Prey (2022) - Taabe smut //
Unicorn 🦄 Warriors Eternal - Edred headcanons // Aewulf HC’s //
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon - horse riding with Aegon //
Ewan characters - Osferth and Tom //
Into/Across the Spiderverse - Miguel O’Hara fluff // biting kink headcanons // soft headcanons // angst headcanons // angst part 2 headcanons // sick headcanons // dancer!reader // touch-starved Miguel // Miguel and a shy reader // college boyfriend Miguel // fangs and claws oh my! 😍 // Miguel + parks & rec // incorrect quotes // Miguel AZ fluff alphabet // love nicknames // incorrect quotes + Gabriella O’Hara // good morning ☀️🌞// incorrect quotes part 2 // love me, choose me, pick me // Miguel Regency era // incorrect quotes part(s) 3-4 // wedding 💍 headcanons //
Assassin’s Creed - Connor Kenway fluff // AC OC Debut // Shay & Haytham + Assassin // Haytham NSFW // Desmond Mermay // barista bae ☕️ // Dad + kid just like mom // Haytham hurt & comfort // Haytham + hurt and comfort // love confession + “you” // Ezio birthday 🎂 headcanons // morning seggs + Haytham // codexmonthly - mirage // Ezio birthday headcanons part 2 // bath 🛁 headcanons 💕 //
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel 😈 - Crimson SFW and NSFW //
Blood of Zeus - Apollo x daughter of Nyx // pantheon smut // ares and Amazon!reader // dating Seraphim headcanons //
Legend of Zelda/ToTK - Sidon and his illicit affairs //
Dragon Age
DA Absolution - Miriam + kisses on face //
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Plant Dad Alucard
I feel like Alucard would think he’s a plant dad
Like he thinks he good at taking care of plants, but they die way too fast
I feel like the scenario plays out like this:
- You buy a plant then forget about it, and it starts to wilt
- Alucard waters it ONCE and thought it was nice taking care of it
- Eventually you notice and find it absolutely adorable, but keep your comments to yourself because you don’t want to ruin it for him
-But Alucard doesn’t know what he’s doing
- He waters it everyday, not knowing he’s doing more harm than good
- You don’t have the heart to tell him he’s doing it wrong, so instead you devise a plan
- You buy SEVEN new plants that are identical to the one he’s currently killing taking care of, switching them out everyday. Now each one only gets watered once a week
- You have to find another room that Alucard doesn’t care enough to go in to hide these plants
- But do you know the problem with having them all identical?
- You forget which one is which
- So to help remember you make what you think are unnoticeable marks on the pot’s rim
- And they go unnoticed for MONTHS
- Then one day Alucard looks closely at his plant and notices the marks
- He thinks nothing of it at first
- But another day when he looks at the plant again, he notices the marks aren’t the same as before
- He starts checking them everyday, and notices the different marks everyday
- So Alucard waits and catches red handed, carrying that day’s plant into the room to switch them out
“What are you doing?” He asks right as you replace one plant with the other.
- You come clean and tell him everything
- Alucard stays silent for a moment and you get nervous
“Baby, I’m sorry,” you tell him, scared that he’s mad at you. Not scared in the ‘he is going to hurt me’ way, it’s in the ‘I hurt him’ way.
- But when he walks over to you, wraps his arms around you in a big hug and gives you a forehead kiss, all your worries are washed away.
- Alucard loves and appreciates you more than you can ever fathom. He can’t imagine a more perfect person for him.
- Now he has eight plants to take care of, and he waters them each once a week
- He is so happy doing it too, because they’re living things that he’s never tempted to harm because they don’t piss him off or bleed
- And the look on his face is PRICELESS when he notices flower buds, he gets so excited
- It’s too bad you didn’t get to see it because he keeps the flowers a secret from you
- You get so confused when one day- without any explanation- Alucard just won’t let you anywhere near the room the plants are in
- You can ask ‘why’ all you want, but you never get an answer
- That’s until he surprises you one day with a beautiful bouquet of flowers
- You both have no idea what type of flowers they are, but you couldn’t care less. You love them
- And when Alucard sees how much you love the flowers, he wants a whole green house after that, just so he can give you flowers all year long
Alucard can be the best plant dad in the world if you just give him the chance
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pininghermit · 1 year
Minors DNI
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Take It Easy Love | Part 1 | Part 2 |
Wait Worth an Eternity
Mr. and Mrs. Tepes
Betrayed Flames | Part 1 |
Dare I Desire | Promo | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | |Chapter 5| Chapter 6|
Craving of You
Bane of my existence
Cafe Light (Platonic)
A Villainous Attempt
Just Talk to me Already
Dreams with no Names
Founder of Death, Keeper of Life
A Persistent Shadow | Part 1 | Part 2|
Alucard with a Pregnant Reader | Alucard as a Dad |
Come Find Me | Chapter 1|
A Good Boy in Need is A Good Boy Indeed
Divine Wrath |Trailer|
Headcannon Asks
Adrian with human s/o and their rebirths part 2
Cunnilingus with AFAB Alucard
Dollification with subby alucard
Jealous Adrian
Alucard with a strong s/o
Just Because
Househusband Adrian
JJK Masterlist
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ifishouldvanish · 7 months
last anon - RIGHT, SAME, my brother and i are convinced they would be so good for each other??? also they're both over 300 and 250 each, they count as old men yaoi, look like they should be at the club but probably would enjoy sitting by the fireplace and making snarky remarks to each other while still cuddling
Oh absolutely, anon.
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They are old men fr and as much as they loved their human lovers, they are kinda ready to settle down with a fellow immortal. (Without the ethical implications of having to turn them first 😅)
Alucard loves to hear Olrox talk about his life in the ~new world, and is charmed by the impassioned spark in his eyes when he talks about it. Where Olrox's guarded, pessimistic nature pushes most people away, it's 100% familiar territory to Alucard, who knows from experience that there's something beautiful and worthy of love hiding underneath. That, and it's been way too long since he found anyone he could exchange snarky banter with properly.
Olrox notices how loving and hopeful for the future Alucard is and he's kinda "get out of my school" about it at first because he realizes he absolutely has a type and it's pretty, virtuous men who will always fight for what's right, even if he doesn't agree with how. He needs some time to sort out his grief over his lost lover and his emerging feelings for this kind-hearted Dhampir who also knows how to open a can of whoop ass--but once he does, he's all in.
After all this shit's over, they're gonna be sipping blood wine by the fireplace, each with some thick tome in their lap and snickering about how something either A) wasn't translated properly or B) simply isn't true (source: one of them was there)
Snarking is their foreplay, but it's always Olrox who folds and gets sappy first. Alucard doesn't mind at all though, and loves to see this side of him no one else does. One day Olrox finds the book of dick spells and is like "🤨 honey, what the hell is this?" And Alucard is like "oh, that old thing? 😏"
The gang comes to visit every once in a while and Richter is forever weirded out seeing Olrox being like... affectionate toward Alucard. But hey, Alucard looks happy, and Olrox and Annette get along like a house on fire, reminiscing about their respective homelands and ranting about the latest nonsense they saw some white people pull.
Enough years go by that one day Richter slips out a "thanks, Dad" when Olrox hands him something and they both "😐" for ten whole seconds before stammering excuses for why they need to leave the room immediately. It never happens again, but Annette and Alucard each tease their partners about this relentlessly. It's basically the new 'Treffy'.
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lovelybrooke · 1 year
Brooke, if you died and got isekai’d which anime mom/dads would you want as your new parents?
I took a lot of liberties with this and decided to choose characters from a wide range of media. I also chose some that would be good platonic yandere siblings. (Also, this ask made me realize how little anime I've watched).
Catelyn and Ned Stark:
There aren't that many good parents in Game of Throne and House of the Dragons. So, if I had to pick one it would be them. The were definitely the best parents and had a very genuine love for their children. Personally, I think the Stark family with a child who was transported to their world would be very interesting. I think at the beginning, Catelyn wouldn't really like you since, like with Jon, she sees you as some random kid trying to ruin her family, but after a while she grows on you. Ned would love having another child, even if he pretends like he doesn't. I view Ned as a caretaker at heart and would love the opportunity to take care of someone, regardless of if they were "his" child or not.
Marc Spector/ Steven Grant and Layla El-fouly:
I know technically they're divorced, but I still think they would be great parents. I like out of the three, Steven would want a child the most. He loves taking care of the children at his museum job and would secretly want a child of his own. Layla would love the idea of a child but wouldn't really warm up to it until she spends time with you. She would teeter on being a strict mother, while also being a fun mom you want to spend your time with. Marc doesn't like the idea of children due to all he's been through. He doesn't think he'd be a good father, but regardless, I think if he happened to have one, he would do everything in his power to be the best dad possible.
Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen:
Another Game of Thrones one, but I had to mention them. I feel like, compared to the greens, their children are the most well-adjusted. I think both of them, regardless of if they are Yandere or not, would be extremely protective of their children. However, if they were yanderes, their protectiveness would be ten times greater. They are both very controlling but would work hard for you to have a great life. It also doesn't help that their children also inherit their yandere tendencies.
Dracula and Lisa (Castlevania)
I think they would be amazing parents. While it's been a while since I watched the show, I know they would care deeply about their children. I can see Lisa finding you, a sick child unable to take care of themselves, and nursing you back to health. During this, her and her husband become deeply invested in you, and can't possibly let you go once you get better. Dracula despises the idea of you growing old and dying, so he does whatever he can to prevent it. He would definitely encourage Alucard to be just as protective in you as him and Lisa are.
Honorary mentions:
Literally any character from LOTR/ the Hobbit
Nearly any Marvel character
the Grayson Family (Invincible)
I'm really sorry I couldn't come up with more. I haven't watched a lot of anime since I don't really have that much time, and because they're all so long. So, I apologize if this wasn't what you wanted.
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