#Always nice to find ways to improve one's medical skill
pushing500 · 10 months
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Oopsie daisies, what an unfortunate and unforeseen outcome to this refugee quest. Whatever will we do now? I suppose all that's left is to consume them out of respect ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Blackdragon is starting work on making some packaged survival meals for the first leg of our journey towards the crashed ship. He's got a level 8 cooking skill with a minor passion for it. A handy colonist to have, for sure.
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In other news, Socks is getting along swimmingly with both Laursen and her cellmate Duchess! At some point, Socks has been converted to our cult, but I must have missed it in all the goings-on. We're working to recruit her now.
In a few days, our violent conversion ritual will be ready again, though, so Blackdragon's catgirl fiancee Duchess had best be prepared...
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sunnixsunshine · 8 months
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Eyyyyyy trolls ocs ref sheets >:) (Birch redesign btw! Might redesign Skip, too) imma put some stuff about em underneath the cut plus a line up of their height difference
They’re kind of like next gen snack pack? I dont have a good group name for em yet tho
Birch: Poppy and Branch’s oldest, therefore making them the heir to Pop Village. As an overprepper, you can always find Birch stressing over the flow of the party rather than enjoying it(if she’s hosting that party in the first place). But despite his ability to prepare— or over prepare— for any situation, their responsibility is always thrown into question. So to test his responsibility, Poppy assigns her the task of befriending and teaching Buzz the Party Crasher how to be nice and get along with others— which proves to be harder than expected.
Buzz: Having heard of the previous group of runaways and how free they lived, Buzz tagged along with the new emergence of the Party Crashers. They were successful in their run of 7 years before the Country Trolls put a stop to their tricks during an attempt to crash their hoedown, which failed because they caught on to the scout fairly fast. Buzz had no significant position in the group but did manage to get everyone to stand their ground in refusing to go home. As Poppy has dealt with previous Party Crashers before, she volunteers to help with the Country Troll’s situation of 17-24 year olds refusing to even leave their jail. Buzz has a strong sense of leadership but poor strategic skills. She doesn’t back down from a challenge and tends to charge in without prior thinking. Shes described to be a tough shell to crack.
Demi: Despite his very pastel appearance, Demi is a very big fan of hard rock, but still proudly parades his classical side by playing the saxophone, his very first instrument. When not partying, singing, or hanging with his friends, he’s overworking himself through practice in true classical style. He maybe always on the verge of collapse after a particularly long and hard practice sesh, but he’s always sure to be on time for whatever event he’s promised to go to, never the type to cancel or skip out on plans. His rock side shines best when seated behind a set of drums.
Wheaton: A lot like his dad Milton, he’s very kind and gentle— to critters anyway. His social interactions with other trolls could be worked on, especially when he intends to go into the medical field. Like anyone on his maternal side, he’s very strong and passionate about his workout routine. Although he tends to forget his own strength. His best friend is and always will be his twin brother Mouse, but according to him you’d have to hogtie him and string up like a piñata in order for him to admit this to Mouse’s face.
Mouse: When he was 8, he went to his first rave after being invited to a birthday party by a classmate and ever since he’s been a big fan of techno. He combined both pop and techno together and calls it electro-pop. He’s pretty chill going until you mess with one of his friends. Wherein his strength will show along with the rare showing of his temper. He’s a hopeless romantic. Whether or not she really does improve, Mouse vows he will never trust Buzz even if she saves all of troll kind.
Groovy Flo: New to Pop Troll Village, Groovy Flo is half funk/glitter [pop] troll desiring the need to learn about the other side of her family. Although her true desire is to bring back disco, having taken a fascination with the extinct genre after reading up on them. While taking to the “old fashioned” way of baking without the assistance of funk technology very easily, she hasn’t mastered scrapbooking, much to her dismay. She claims her highly accurate memory is thanks to her hours of reading history books. She has a kid sister back in Funk City and misses her dearly, her baby sister being her “best friend in the whole known universe”.
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lilaccosmic · 4 months
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Title: A Doctor that steals my heart!
Roger Barel x Y/n
Note: hello dear robins i am back again to make your beautiful fanfics smile again so i hope you enjoy this one this is minor approved so i hope u all like them thank u guys so much for waiting bit the long wait is over !
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Dr. Roger Barel was known throughout the hospital not only for his exceptional medical skills but also for his compassionate bedside manner. Patients admired him for his gentle demeanor and the genuine care he showed to each person under his care.
One day, a new patient arrived at the hospital. She was a young woman with a warm smile and a positive attitude despite her illness. Dr. Barel was immediately drawn to her spirit and dedication to getting better. He introduced himself as Roger and assured her that he would do everything in his power to help her heal.
“Nice to meet you, Roger,” she said, her voice soft but filled with gratitude. “I’m Y/N.”
As the days passed, Roger and Y/N developed a close bond. Y/N appreciated Roger’s kindness and expertise, and Roger found himself looking forward to their daily conversations. They talked about everything from their favorite books to their dreams for the future, and Roger couldn’t help but admire Y/N’s strength and resilience.
One evening, as Roger was preparing to check on Y/N, he overheard a nurse mentioning a special tea that Y/N’s family brought from their home country. Intrigued, Roger asked Y/N about it during his visit.
Y/N smiled softly. “It’s an herbal tea that my grandmother used to make for me when I was sick as a child,” she explained. “It always made me feel better.”
Roger was intrigued by the idea of using something as simple as tea to help with Y/N’s treatment. He asked Y/N if he could try some, and she gladly agreed. As he sipped the tea, Roger felt a sense of calm wash over him, and he couldn’t help but feel grateful to Y/N for sharing this part of her life with him.
As the weeks went by, Y/N’s condition began to improve, much to the delight of both her and Roger. They continued to spend time together, sharing laughter and stories even as Y/N’s health continued to improve. Roger found himself falling more and more in love with Y/N with each passing day, and he knew that he had to tell her how he felt.
One sunny afternoon, Roger brought Y/N a bouquet of her favorite flowers and nervously confessed his feelings. To his relief and joy, Y/N smiled brightly and admitted that she felt the same way.
“You’ve been such a light in my life, Roger,” Y/N said, her eyes shining with affection. “I never expected to find love in a hospital, but I’m so glad I found it with you.”
They shared a tender kiss, both knowing that they had found something special in each other.
From that day on, Roger and Y/N’s bond only grew stronger. They continued to support each other through the ups and downs of life, knowing that they had found a love that was as healing as it was true.
As Y/N’s health improved, Roger surprised her by arranging for a small garden outside her hospital room. They would sit there in the afternoons, enjoying the sunshine and the fragrant flowers. It became their special place, where they could escape the sterile hospital environment and just be themselves.
Roger introduced Y/N to his favorite pastime - baking. He would bring freshly baked pastries for her to enjoy, and Y/N loved watching him work in the kitchen, his face lighting up with passion as he mixed ingredients together.
One day, as they were sitting in their garden, Y/N mentioned how much she missed her family and friends back home. Roger listened intently, wishing there was something he could do to make her feel better.
“I have an idea,” Roger said suddenly, his eyes lighting up. “There’s a festival in your hometown next month, right? What if we make a trip there together? I want to meet your family and see where you grew up.”
Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise. “Roger, that’s so sweet of you,” she said, touched by his thoughtfulness. “I would love that.”
And so, Roger arranged for a few days off from work, and they embarked on a journey to Y/N’s hometown. It was a small, picturesque village nestled in the mountains, with friendly locals and breathtaking views. Y/N’s family welcomed Roger with open arms, grateful for everything he had done for their daughter.
Roger quickly fell in love with Y/N’s hometown and its people. He learned more about Y/N’s upbringing, her favorite childhood memories, and the traditions that were important to her family. It felt like he was getting to know Y/N on an even deeper level, and he cherished every moment spent with her and her loved ones.
When they returned to the hospital, Roger felt more connected to Y/N than ever before. Their trip had strengthened their bond, and Roger knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Y/N by his side.
One evening, as they sat in their garden, Roger took Y/N’s hand in his and looked into her eyes, his heart racing with nervousness and love.
“Y/N, you’ve brought so much light into my life,” Roger began, his voice filled with emotion. “From the moment I met you, I knew there was something special about you. You’ve shown me what it means to love unconditionally, to care deeply, and to never give up hope. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
Y/N’s eyes welled up with tears, overwhelmed by Roger’s heartfelt words. “Roger, I love you,” she said softly, squeezing his hand gently. “You’ve made me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt before. I want to spend every moment with you.”
Roger smiled through his own tears, his heart overflowing with happiness. He gently brushed a tear from Y/N’s cheek and leaned in to kiss her, a kiss filled with all the love and tenderness they had shared since the day they met.
And so, Roger and Y/N lived happily ever after, their hearts forever intertwined in a love story that began with a cup of tea and blossomed into something truly beautiful.
Years passed, and Roger and Y/N continued to build a life together. They moved into a cozy home, where Roger still baked his delicious pastries for Y/N. They traveled the world, exploring new places and making memories together. Through every challenge and triumph, their love remained strong and unwavering.
One rainy afternoon, Roger surprised Y/N with a special gift - a beautifully decorated room in their home, filled with photos and mementos of their journey together. Y/N was moved to tears as she realized just how much Roger cherished their love story.
“You’ve given me the most wonderful life, Roger,” Y/N said, her voice filled with love and gratitude. “I never imagined I could be this happy.”
Roger took Y/N’s hands in his and smiled lovingly. “You are my greatest joy, Y/N,” he said, his eyes shining with happiness. “I am grateful every day that you walked into my life.”
They embraced, holding each other tightly as they celebrated the love that had brought them together and carried them through every moment of their lives.
Years later, on a beautiful spring day, Roger and Y/N stood hand in hand in their garden, surrounded by the blooming flowers and the warmth of the sun.
“Roger, do you remember the first time we sat here?” Y/N asked, her eyes twinkling with nostalgia.
Roger nodded, a fond smile on his face. “Of course, I remember. It feels like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?”
Y/N chuckled softly. “It does. But I wouldn’t change a single moment of it.”
They stood there quietly for a while, enjoying the peacefulness of the garden they had grown to love so much.
“Y/N,” Roger said suddenly, his voice tinged with a hint of excitement.
Y/N turned to him, curious. “Yes, Roger?”
Roger took a deep breath, his heart pounding with anticipation. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a sparkling diamond ring.
“Y/N, will you marry me?” Roger asked, his voice filled with love and hope.
Tears welled up in Y/N’s eyes as she looked at Roger, overwhelmed with happiness. “Yes, Roger,” she whispered. “Yes, of course, I will marry you.”
They embraced each other tightly, feeling the warmth and joy of their love enveloping them. The garden seemed to glow with happiness as they celebrated their engagement, knowing that their love story was just beginning.
And so,. Roger and Y/N continued to live happily ever after, their hearts forever intertwined in a love story that was as healing and beautiful as it was true.
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Note: i hope you like it all especially i hope you like it nati @natimiles i hope your beloved roger loves you more like his heart and i hope you all roger simps like him !!
Roger barel: my love for you is my purpose of living with you!
@judejazza @natimiles @elbertsbabygirl
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idolsummons · 1 year
I've started very, very slowly putting information together for my new about pages (Hana and every side muse - except the non-canon Vh'thra personification - will have one) and I finished Ren's bio and I think I'm happy with it which means everyone has to look.
Trigger warnings for self-harm and suicide.
     Ren Ishikawa was born in Japan on 26 March 199x to loving parents who, after so many years of trying and hoping and praying - years of pain and loss and trying again - had finally brought a beautiful baby boy into this world, who loved him and wished only to give him the best in life.
     As the years went by, Ren was loved by his parents and felt just as loved, willing to give as much back as the child could. 
     Growing up was rather unremarkable for Ren, not to say that it was at all a bad thing; he had loving parents, enough friends so he never felt too lonely and his grades in school were slightly above average, though excelled in the artistic subjects. He was never bullied and people typically had nothing but nice things to say about him.
     It was first suggested that Ren pick up an instrument at the age of eight, and he was immediately drawn to the electric bass. An instrument that’s easy to learn and hard to master (made more difficult with his small hands when first picking up the instrument, but something which would get easier with time), as the years by ren found himself improving and branching into other instruments, including electric guitar and keyboard, and joining his high school’s music club and jazz ensemble, both Ren and his skills beloved by all like-minded creatives.
     He was having so much fun and the time of his life until he simply wasn’t.
     One day Ren, age 16, just found it more difficult to practice any of the instruments he’d been playing for years. Neither they nor the ensembles he was a part of brought him the same kind of excitement they once had, and such a realisation made him feel worse until it began festering in his mind. He found little point in getting up and had to be forced to do so much as get up for school in the morning. His attendance and grades dropped as weeks and months went by, and the thoughts got darker and darker.
     This change in behaviour, of course, did not go unnoticed by his parents. They tried to talk to him and ask if anything was wrong, but they were always met with Ren insisting he was fine and just wanted to be left alone.
     Behind the facade was a much different story.
     Ren had started cutting in a futile attempt to hide his emotional pain behind physical pain, though the act simply made him feel ashamed later, and thus got caught in this cycle of self-harm. Feeling only worse and worse, he began withdrawing almost entirely, to the point where his mother had to come into his room and beg him to join her and his father for dinner.
     It was one of those nights during this new routine that his mother will never forget, and which Ren will always feel ashamed for having caused his mother to experience.
     His mother was making her way to his room in an attempt to have Ren join them for dinner, as she now did every night. With no response she entered anyway, only to find her beloved son on the floor, bleeding out with a large slice across his neck, the offending weapon only inches from his hand.
     He was lucky, in the doctor’s words, to survive the ordeal.
     Ren was diagnosed with major depressive disorder by the mental health professional while recovering in hospital, and since that day he has been taking medication for his mental illness and regularly sees a psychologist, though the results are mixed.
      It was in the days and weeks after this attempt, still recovering from his attempt (and, admittedly, too ashamed to go to school with stitches on display), that he discovered future funk, a genre the fusion of electronic music (of which Ren was already a fan) and genres such as funk and city pop. He immediately fell in love and, although it was no cure for his newfound depression, renewed his outlook (however slightly) and saw his passions for music come back.
     Since that day, Ren had started learning about producing his own music and began investing in equipment for his own makeshift “home studio” (which is difficult when you’re a jobless teen living at home) and began attempting to create his own music.
     Though his earlier attempts at creating music could be described as cute, Ren has made leaps and bounds since then. Online he goes by the moniker second encore, a name often associated with the genre of future funk. Though he is a far way from being able to make a living on his music alone (working a day job as a barista at a local cafe), Ren often plays at clubs and events; playing in front of an energetic crowd makes him forget all his inner turmoil if only for a few hours, filling him with vigour and adrenaline.
     Ren is a man of many musical interests, though finds himself drawn to that which is more upbeat and optimistic. He didn’t need to look far to find the idol Miyu, who has been played on radio stations consistently since her debut. He instantly fell in love with her J-pop tunes and began following her career; though he can’t make it to any of her concerts, he never misses an album or a single.
     When he discovered the idol’s stream, the nervous Ren - under his musical moniker - dared to send through a donation, halfheartedly inviting her to collaborate some time. Of course he didn’t think anything of it; it was enough just to hear her say, “Thank you so much for the donation, second encore!” (not to mention the people who were excited to find out that second encore was a fan of Miyu), but when he received a message some days later from the very same idol saying she’d be interested in meeting up - well, ecstatic would only begin to describe how he felt.
Since their meeting, Ren and Hana have become good friends and often collaborate on Ren’s tracks together (though Hana uses the alias HM02, given the work is not official for the idol). He does not dare reveal his mental turmoil to Hana (nor anyone other than his parents or psychologist) out of fear of being ridiculed or otherwise viewed differently, and though her presence is certainly not a cure for his depression, Ren finds himself feeling a little less disenchanted with the world when she’s around.
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partyanimal167 · 11 months
To Each Their Own- Sanji and Zoro
Another fic for my Spy Event! I think this is one of my first times actually writing for Sanji so that's exciting. I wanted to do a kind of "day in the office" situation with this prompt. Not every day is about escaping rapid gunfire or exploding buildings. The agents have other matters to attend to.
🔪 Gadgets, Weapons, and Training- Zoro and Sanji
cw: sfw, canon typical banter, cussing
A good spy should be well-rounded. You never know what situation you will find yourself in. Be ready to adapt and find a way to come out on top.
It was not everyday that Sanji and Zoro would be asked to stop by the training department together. As far as either of them are concerned, they knew what they were good at and could prove it at any given moment. However, there were rules and regulations. Health check-ins and new fancy tools were to be expected. And with Usopp being part of their graduating spy class, there was no way either of the men would turn down his requests.
So after stopping by the medical labs and getting poked and probed, they entered the lab and met with their good friend.
Usopp chuckled to himself as the two men waled in side-by-side yet were bickering about who knows what.
"Hehe, welcome gentlemen! Franky and I have some new things to test out." He stood from his desk and pressed on the glass table top. A button lit up before a drawer opened on its own. He pulled out a sword. Zoro reached out for it, but Usopp pulled it back. "This is not for you." he then tossed it at Sanji who caught it easily.
Usopp grinned before waving the clipboard in his hand. "It's a special sword, but the bosses wants an update on both your skills test." the men groaned in unison. "Oi oi, you know the rules. And then you will see the greatness of my creations." he laughed.
Sanji fidgeted with his pocket but fought the urge to take out s cigarettes. "Why are you giving this to me?"
Zoro stuffed his hands in his pocket as he watched his opponent observe the sword and switch it from hand to hand. "Moss-head, I think you better take a sword out before I put you in the infirmary." Sanji chuckled.
"Curly, if I had a sword with me, that'd put you at a disadvantage." Zoro barked back. "I'm a nice guy." Sanji scoffed in response.
Usopp raised his hands up. "Hey now, you two are ones who decided to switch fighting styles." he dropped his head and shook it. "Why can't things be simple between you two?" he muttered.
He then stepped away and blew a whistle. Immediately, Zoro took a stance while closing his eyes--waiting for his opponent to make a move. His eye twitched, and he swung his leg to stop the sword's swing with his boot. The collision caused some sparks before the men jumped and put distance between themselves.
Zoro chuckled. "Not bad, Swirly."
Sanji held the sword with both hands and rolled his neck. "Don't taunt me, marimo." He then turned the hilt and blocked a sudden kick. He swung under but kicked overhead--both motions blocked by Zoro.
"Hehe, so you need to use your feet and a sword." Zoro jabbed.
Sanji moved in for another attack. "Tch, treat this like a real scenario you idiot. Your enemies aren't going to stick to some dumh battle code." He swung and managed to tear the man's shirt.
"I don't need that lecture from you." Zoro then ducked as the sword's blade lengthened--increasing its range. Damn Usopp is always making some weird shit.
The men continued to spar even after Usopp blew his whistle again. He had enough notes to make for the their physical report as well as improvements to the unique sword and steel-enforced boots he gave Zoro. As much as the men had their unique preferences, they knew how to change their fighting based on what was needed.
By the end of it all, Usopp brought over bottles of water for the men who were arguing about the winner. They turned to Usopp to settle it, but the young man knew better than to answer that.
"So what do you guys think? Wanna take my gadgets out to the field?" Usopp beamed proudly.
"Eh~" the men dragged out.
"Come on! What was the problem!?" their friend whined.
Zoro only grunted while Sanji smiled gently and patted Usopp's shoulder. "They were great, thanks." he headed for the exit. Zoro got up to follow.
"We're just old school." he grumbled.
Usopp watched as the men left together. Only a minute passed before the arguing started again.
"You looked stupid holding a sword."
"Well fuck you too, if I was really trying then we would have had to call Chopper!"
"Oh really? Then why do you look like shit huh? Still breathing pretty hard I see-,"
Usopp shook his head and chuckled. Yeah some things never do change.
Wow this was also my first time writing Usopp. It's a different vibe for me, but I do love the dynamics between the Straw Hats.
Check out the other prompts if you want! I'm excited to see you guys' ideas!
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
Occupational Therapist - Choosing The Right Course For Your Future
Getting a professional degree in the medical field takes a lot of hard work and effort but that only marks the beginning of a potentially thriving career. You still have to make the bold move in taking on a suitable job and figuring out exactly what that job is can be your roadblock. Then you have to consider how difficult or interesting the job is to you as well as the demand. No matter where you live, there is likely to be some demand for occupational therapists and taking on that career path can be pretty rewarding too.
Just think about the people that are around you that may not be as successful as you and could use some physical therapy so they can finally attain their goals independently. This is where occupational therapists come in and work on the motor skills of clients. To help them, you can have them perform therapeutic exercises and other activities to start things off and then introduce them to corrective equipment so they can eventually overcome their disabilities and improve in the workplace. Speech therapy falls under this category as well.
One of the nice things about being an occupational therapist is that it is never a lonely job. Once you work, you continue to interact with your clients. It even becomes more fine motor enjoyable when you work with other occupational therapists in a group if the clients demand it. As you gain experience, you could find yourself traveling more often just to give service to other people that need an occupational therapist. There are plenty of employment agencies that can turn your occupational therapy ambitions to a full-time job.
Depending on the occupational therapist job you are applying for, your medical degree might not be enough. Fortunately, there should be some physical therapy schools in your area so you can attain your master's degree. But if you are unable to acquire those degrees, you may still have a chance to work as a therapy assistant and work up from there.
As long as you continue to find ways to improve your skills as you work, you should be able to advance towards higher tiers of your career. It is recommended to start small by applying in a hospital or a clinic and work as an occupational therapist for a few months. With that experience, you have a better chance in landing a permanent job in a bigger hospital. If you feel you need more experience before you get confident with traveling, you can always tackle some small jobs in patient homes.
Once you reach that high level of experience, you can discover the areas that you specialize in. Becoming a specialist in a particular field such as mental health or pediatrics allows you to have better control over your salary when it comes to negotiations. That is where the huge rewards of being an occupational therapist kick in.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
What about Ingo, Laventon, and/or Adaman with an s/o who is a proficient gardener? Like, they have vast knowledge of plants' medicinal and culinary uses and are a master at growing and preparing them.
oooh, i love plants! i have a cactus named Pierce and a spider plant named Sam :) Also, I'm going to assume you mean Warden Ingo, since you're asking for the other PLA men!
Warden Ingo:
He stumbles upon your garden by accident, discovering the fencing and peering over to find bountiful crops blooming within the barriers. He’s studying all the different crops, some he recognizes and some he doesn’t, when you walk up to him with a friendly greeting, a basket full of plants in your arms. Ingo starts, but greets you back, offering to carry the basket as he asks after the garden before the two of you
You explain that it’s yours, and that you’re very interested in growing plants, especially to help the survival of the various people all throughout Hisui. The basket you hold is headed for Irida, you tell him, and Ingo is surprised he never heard of this, despite Irida knowing how close you were to Ingo. Still, he only has curiosity towards this new discovery, and peppers (lol) you with questions the entire walk to the village
Ingo’s respect for you has increased considerably, which seemed impossible with how much he already respected you. He looks out for Pokémon that can help you with your plants, and seems convinced there’s one out there that stores water of the most nutritional value out there, despite having never seen one in Hisui before. You help him remember things of his past, and you bring him plants and give him recipes that are supposed to help improve memory. He couldn’t be more grateful for you, but he grows more and more every day
It’s his darling Pokémon that helps him find your garden. It’s not particularly hidden, but Cyndaquil can sniff out a treat a mile away, and he leads Laventon straight to you. The professor is surprised to see how extensive your plants are, watching with a soft blush the way you coo and give Cyndaquil you’re freshest treats for him. This must be a regular occurrence, he realizes, watching Cyndaquil find a nice dirt pile to rest in
He apologizes for his Pokémon, but you just laugh and wave him off. So Laventon trots after you, offering help with your chores. You ramble on about the plants you're growing and how they're to help Pesselle, their medical components and such. When you turn around, you see Laventon sitting in the dirt with Cyndaquil, just listening to you talk with the biggest heart eyes. He could listen to you talk about this forever, if it meant you kept that smile of yours
Laventon creates a schedule for himself, dedicating time towards your garden to help out, since you've been so kind to him and his Pokémon. He brings the other two to help out as well, and they all enjoy plenty of treats from you both. If he's out on a survey mission, he's scouring the local flora, a book of yours lent to him in his hands as he tries to find you rare or needed plants for you to use. You always kiss his cheek in thanks for whatever he brings back, and the more rare or needed, the more kisses he gets, so he's a man on a mission
Adaman is the one you ask about creating a garden in his village. You explain all the plants you want to grow to him, and though he doesn't understand half of what you said, he knows that you're doing it for the benefit of the clan, so he agrees. He actually helps with the building and readying of the area where you're going to grow plants, so you get a nice sight of him shirtless, moving heavy logs and such, lucky thing
Once all is said and done, Adaman checks in on your garden sometimes, to see how the plants are doing, and to listen to you ramble excitedly about what you're going to do with the plants once they're ready to harvest. Some will be used in dishes to eat, others for medicines, all of it helpful. Adaman praises your skill endlessly with each new leaf on every plant
Once all is grown, and your distributing the fruits of your labors, Adaman stands next to you glowing with pride. He tells every person that comes to take something about how wonderful you are with plants, how dedicated and knowledgeable you are, and how there's nothing you can't grow. It flusters the hell out of you, but Adaman is just so proud. You can't expect him to keep quiet about it!
I'll admit, I love plants, but I don't know all that much about them. So I hope this is alright! And I hope you have a good day, darling!
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tf2-hellhole · 3 years
can we get some fluffy tf2 headcannons? giving you full creative liberty over this one! :)
Idk if you meant tf2 x reader headcanons or just general head canons, so I did two sections for each merc; the first point is a general headcanon, the second is X Reader.
sorry this took forEEEEEEEEVER, I was just experiencing burnout and working on a prize for a contest on my server (BTW WE HAVE A NEW DRAWING CONTEST GO CHECK IT OUT)
Scout is actually really self-concious about his intelligence. He’s not very bright and he knows it, and it makes him feel horrible. He had flunked out of high school and struggled in most of his core classes. He honestly feels really stupid and he hates when people point it out. But luckily for him, a lot of the other mercs understand what it’s like to be looked down upon and empathize with him. Quite a few of them help him relearn the skills he never mastered in school. Engie helps him with math, Spy sometimes helps him with writing, and even Pyro has him read children’s books to them to improve his reading.
Scout absolutely loves little casual dates. Stuff like going out to eat lunch, going to the movies, maybe just cuddling up in his quarters and watching a movie. He tries to plan one every week. His dream date is taking you back to Boston to meet his family and go to a Red Sox game. But obviously, since you’re both in New Mexico at the time, he’s going to have to shelve that dream for a few years.
Soldier is an excellent raccoon dad. At first, the other mercenaries thought they’d all end up dead by the end of the month when he first found them. But surprisingly, they are are very well cared for. They’re all fed regularly and basically have his entire assigned quarters to themselves. He loves every single one of them dearly, even the ones that hiss and scratch him every time. The raccoons, at least some of them, are kind of like weird, quiet dogs, and actually get along pretty well with most of the other mercenaries.
Soldier is a surprisingly very physically affectionate partner, and he’s not at all opposed to PDA. He loves hand holding, cheek kisses, cuddles, the whole nine yards. Whenever he’s particularly excited, he loves to run up to you, scoop you up into his arms, and press a hard, sloppy kiss to your lips. Of course, he’s careful to not hurt you, but he’s a very intense, emotional guy and he needs to express all that love he has for you!
Pyro is and excellent listener, so they’re a person a lot of the other mercenaries depend on to vent. Demo often comes to them to vent about his emotions, Scout, Sniper, or Medic will rant about what’s bothering them, and even Engineer will talk about his stress. And of course, Pyro doesn’t understand a lot of what is told to them, but they’re still happy to help them feel a little better, and they would happily do it a hundred times over to make their friends feel better.
Pyro has a hobby of baking and making candy/treats, and they love sharing everything they make with you. When they first gave you a treat, you honestly thought it’d be burnt or bad in some other way. But to your surprise, it was amazing! They’re actually and excellent cook, but they just love making sweet things the best. They’ll make you just about anything you could ask for without hesitation, but they’re best at making anything sweet.
Demo obviously has the potential to pretty emotional when he’s drunk, there’s no doubt about that. But on the off-chance that he’s sober, he’s actually pretty sweet and considerate. Though he still is a rough-housing joker, he’s much more considerate of his friends’ feelings and has deeper and more meaningful conversations with them. He often likes to go to bars with his friends and co-workers on ceasefire weekends, having lots of fun conversation, drinking together, and generally causing chaos around town.
Demo, to put it simply, doesn’t like himself. He’s critical of everything, from his skills to race, because people have always put him down about them. His mother told him he’s lazy and unskilled too many times to count, just everyone makes fun of his eye, and many have made fun of his skin color. But you make him feel so much better about himself. Just the fact that someone so kind and gorgeous is actually with him makes him feel like he’s not as horrible as he thought. There’s been a couple of times where you’ve accidentally almost brought him to tears with a sweet compliment or show of affection, because he never thought in a million years that someone would love him and care for him like you do. He feels so blessed that he has someone like you.
I know the fandom’s decided that Engie is the Team Mom and makes the food, but I also think that Heavy cooks a lot too. He makes all of his own food, so he often makes a lot of extras to feed the team because a lot of them just eat junk food and Medic’s always complaining about their eating habits. Heavy often takes like half the food for himself (he does have a huge appetite and loves food, so he likes to take a lot) and just boxes up the leftover portions and leaves them in the fridge for the team to take. He says he’s only doing it because they can’t work properly if they’re unhealthy, but he also does it because he cares about their health. A little bit.
At first, you wouldn’t think Heavy’s the most cuddly guy. But surprise, he actually loves giving and receiving physical affection. He just doesn’t show it often out of respect for your boundaries, and doesn’t do it around others. His absolute favorite thing is to cuddle you against his chest. Sometimes it’s when going to sleep, or cuddling on the couch, or maybe just a quick hug. He just loves the feeling of your head resting against his chest and your arms trying (and failing) to wrap around his torso. It makes him feel like you’re safe. Nobody could ever get you when you’re wrapped up in his arms.
You’d think Sniper’s the only nature nerd on the team, but Engie absolutely loves the outdoors, as well as animals. It’s because his father would often take him out camping every couple of months. It was often the only time he would get 1-on-1 time with his usually very busy father. So he does love the great outdoors, especially that of his home state. He especially loves animals. He was raised on a farm and helped take care of lots of injured wild animals with his mother. He absolutely loves pets and would like to have many when he retires. His dream is to have is own ranch, with horses and cows and a bunch of dogs and the whole shebang.
Engie absolutely loves playing the guitar, so of course he loves playing for you. He learns all sorts of sweet love songs to sing to you. He’s an excellent player and actually has a pretty decent singing voice (think Johnny Cash, he kinda has that singing style). I hope you like country music, because that’s all he’s going to sing to you until you give him some requests or he finds out your favorite artists or genres. You can tell how happy he is every time he gets to surprise you with a new song he learned, and he’d be a giddy, laughing mess if you sang along with him.
You’d think this guy takes horrible care of his birds because of the environment he keeps them in, but his birds are actually exceptionally well cared for. He buys them only the best and most expensive bird food, gives them super high-quality water with vitamins n stuff in it, takes them to the vet regularly, the whole shebang. Yeah they get a little dirty from sitting around in his lab, but he always gives them a little bath at the end of the day to get all the blood and guts off.
Medic is honestly such a playful partner. Of course, around his co-workers he’s a little more professional; he still gives you soft touches, a kiss on the cheek, or a big smile, but that’s about it. In private, however, he’s such a sweetheart. He’s always sweeping you up into big hugs, kissing all over your face, and calling you all sorts of adorable nicknames in a variety of languages. It comes as a surprise, because you’d think he’d be a little more formal, but that’s really only for special occasions. It honestly brings him so much joy to have someone like you by his side, and every day he’s going to make sure you know just how grateful he is to have you in his life.
Sniper is an incredibly independent and self-sufficient man, but he’s also secretly a real mama’s boy. He loves his parents dearly and has a particularly close relationship with his mother. As well as sending them money every month, he sends them all sorts of gifts, letters, postcards, and souvenirs. He also makes sure to call them regularly. He goes home every couple of months to visit them, and one could see that he loves helping around the house and chatting with his parents. His mother loved gardening, so his number-1 favorite thing to do is help her in the garden.
Despite Sniper’s obvious lack of knowledge on self-care, he takes a lot of time out of his day to make sure you are happy, healthy, clean, and well-fed. He doesn’t hound you like a helicopter parent but he likes to ask how you’re feeling, if you’re hungry, stuff like that. It feels nice to know you’re taken care of or take care of you himself. If you switch it around and try to take care of him, however, he’s honestly baffled as to why you would care so much as to make sure he’s doing well. He does absolutely love the affection and attention he gets out of it though, it makes him feel loved.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I have a head canon that Spy has a dog. Her name is Charlotte, and she’s an elderly Chihuahua. One would think he’d buy a French breed, but he found her out in the pouring rain one day and fell in love with her fluffy ears and spunky personality. She’s now 17 years old, extremely frail, missing most of her teeth, and extremely aggressive to anyone other than Spy, but he loves her dearly and pays for all of her medical expenses without batting an eye. And of course, she expresses her thanks with lots of kisses.
Spy loves dancing, and knows all kinds of dances, from flamenco to ballroom dancing to the Charleston to, canonically, disco. So of course, he’s dying to share all of the most romantic dances he knows with you. He’d love to actually teach you how to dance, rewarding you with kisses every time you finally get a move right and laughing softly when you make mistakes. But in reality, he just wants to use it as an excuse to dance with you against his chest and smother you in affection.
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witchynyx · 4 years
Disabled Witchery
So for reference: I'm autistic, have ADHD/depression/anxiety/insomnia, and have mobility issues, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia.
My witchcraft is more recent than all of these (about 3yrs now), so I've not really adapted a practice to my limitations, but I've created my own practice which thus works around them. It's hard to know what qualifies as a 'hack' when you've never really known anything different, but I'm going to see what I come up with.
Timing is Flexible
I guess one of the things that makes the biggest difference for me is being flexible about time. Wanna do a full moon ritual but you just don't have the capacity to do so in the hour closest to its peak illumination? Anywhere within a few days is cool - I know considering 3 days as full (ie the night closest to 100% and the night either side, but some also consider 5 days (at which it's still 98%+ illumination), or even 7 (still over 95%)!
Likewise with your seasonal celebrations, it doesn't have to be on *the* date! Nature doesn't flick sudden switches between seasons, so the energy of a certain celebration or event doesn't suddenly appear and then disappear after 24 hours. There's often up to a week between the traditional and astronomical dates of the sabbats, and honestly, I'll do whatever I'm planning within up to a week either side of that. If there's a few things I want to do, they they don't all need to be done on the same day, either. You don't need to do everything at once, and you don't need to do them at the exact time/day.
You don't have to do All The Things!
I especially see the stress of this from younger and newer witches, but you really don't have to do everything. Sure, it might be nice to do an elaborate ritual every new moon, full moon, and sabbat, but that's a LOT! And that's even a lot for someone young, in good health, with lots of energy and minimal external commitments! Maybe you still want to observe all these, but all you can manage is 5min meditating near your window or lighting a candle to acknowledge these - that's rad, and totally counts!
Magic + Self Care = Win
Honestly there are so many books on how to inject magic into your self-care routine*, but witchcraft has literally been the best thing for my self-care game. Learning to connect with myself and the natural world around me has been the best thing I've ever done for my mental health. Plus it's an easy way to implement the things you're learning! I incorporate colour magic into my clothes/makeup selection, medical and magical herbalism both inform my tea selections, perfume and bath salt blends, and charm my food/drinks.
* My fave book on the topic so far is Light Magic for Dark Times by Lisa Marie Basile (she's also chronically ill).
Nature is Everywhere
I literally live in the very centre of my city - I can't drive, how much I can walk is pretty limited, and even spending much time on public transport wipes me out - but nature is still EVERYWHERE! Even excluding the herbs growing in pots on my balcony and and the pothos in my bookshelves, an urban space still has nature. Without leaving my apartment I can still see a few pigeons/crows/etc flying past occasionally, and a few paperbark trees, plus the roses and crepe myrtle in the garden of the old building across the road.
If you don't have 4 different species of street trees growing on your block or any parks/gardens nearby, what plants grow in abandoned spaces, or force their way through cracks in the concrete? What birds are around? Is anyone nearby growing plants in window boxes or balconies? Even on a terrible day, walking past the paperbark tree across the road when it's covered in flowers brings me a moment of joy.
Meditation Isn't That Hard...
... But it still kinda is. Literally the main purpose most folks are using meditation for is to train their focus. All that needs to be is picking a focal point (the breath is a common one, because it's always available) and focusing on it - your brain will absolutely wander from that, that's just when you gently nudge it back to your focal point. That's literally it! Over time, your brain will wander less often, and return back where you want it more easily. It's not supposed to be easy straight-up, otherwise there wouldn't be any benefit to it - it's a skill you practice to get better at, like any skill.
You don't need to sit any particular way - if you have pain/fatigue, you can lie down (just ideally somewhere you're not at risk of falling asleep), if you have ADHD or are otherwise hyperactive/easily bored, you can combine it with movement (stretching, walking, running, you can honestly meditate while smashing out your cardio at the gym). There's lots of ways you can adapt the basic premise, and it's totally fine to use guided meditations if you get caught up in your own mind and need external reminders to prompt you back to your focus.
ADHD Note: Meditation is literally THE most effective non-medication way to improve our focus! The down-side is that our brains are dopamine-deprived/seeking and meditation doesn't tend to give us that dopamine hit it wants, which can make the executive dysfunction a massive block to actually doing the thing. I'm pretty stuck here myself, particularly with my physical health stuff ruling out anything particularly physical/active.. I might need to see if I can find something high-dopamine to do afterwards as a bribe?
It's Okay to do Your Own Thing
Throw out any idea of what your practice "should" look like or include and just roll with what works. If you're physically disabled and struggle to leave the house, feeling like you need to do you rituals in a remote forest is probably going to mean you don't get to do many and then feel crap about yourself - craft a ritual you can do sitting in bed! If you're asthmatic, perhaps using candles, sprays, or bells would work better to cleanse your space than burning incense or herbs. If you have poor fine motor control or impaired vision, maybe you find it easier to record your journey digitally! Doing something "differently" and being able to do it is far better than doing something "properly" and just.. literally never being able to do it.
You're Not Alone
There are honestly SO many disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent, and mentally ill witches out there. We're really often drawn to witchcraft, and there are some folks putting out some great resources on how they adapt their practice - like @heatherwitch's "Bedridden Witchcraft" series. Quite a few popular witchy authors are chronically ill as well, like Lisa Marie Basile, Juliet Diaz, and Arin Murphy-Hiscock. Don't let anyone tell you that your can't practice witchcraft unless you're physically and mentally well, it's bullshit, and we're all living proof.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
All Mine
Angel Reyes x Reader
Request by Anon: If you are taking them, I have a request! The reader and EZ are best friends and she is close to Angel who secretly loves her. But once EZ joins the MC and the reader hangs around more, Angel gets jealous of EZ because she is hanging out with him, not knowing the reader is in love with Angel. Angel becomes distant from her but she stops by his place to talk to him because she misses him and so much possessive smut, bruises, hickeys 🥵 I love your writing and wanted to request ❤️
Warnings: language, angst, oral sex (female receiving), mentions of bodily fluids (male + female), unprotected sex
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: I was just thinking that I need to write something for Angel soon and this request was perfect for that so thank you. Got some backstory and buildup to really get the angsty vibes going before we get to the smut. As someone who is a big fan of hickeys and the like this request really spoke to me lmao. Hope you guys enjoy!! xo
Angel Taglist: @mayans-sauce​ @helli4nthus​ @angelreyesgirl​ @starrynite7114​ @queenbeered​ @sincerelyasomebody​ @sadeyesgf​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @appropriate-writers-name​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @sillygoose6969​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @louisianalady​ @gemini0410​ @paintballkid711​ @chibsytelford​​ @yourwonkywriter​​ @sesamepancakes​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​ @plentyoffandoms​​ @georgiaaintnopeach​​ @twistnet​​ @amandinesblogofstuff​​ @garbinge​​ @bucky-iss-bae​​ (If you want to be tagged in any of my writing don’t hesitate to let me know, I’ll add you to the list!)
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If there was anything that could be said about being friends with the Reyes brothers, it was that it was never boring. You’d all been friends for a long time, having gone through life together from high school on. You and EZ had been in the same grade and became best friends almost instantly, and it was difficult to be friends with EZ without also being roped into a friendship with his brother, too. Not that you minded—the three of you always managed to have a good time together.
And the friendship you had formed with Angel was pivotal when EZ was shipped off to Stockton. Never boring didn’t always mean fun. But the two of you kept each other sane throughout the whole ordeal. You’d always gotten along well, but in those years that EZ was away you and Angel really fell into a flow with each other. You were practically living over at his place. The couch always had blankets and pillows on it for you just in case you stopped in and stayed the night, which happened more and more frequently as time went on, especially on nights after you took the time to go visit EZ. You wondered why Angel didn’t go as often, but you knew better than to pull at those strings. Even though you knew a lot about the Reyes brothers and their family, you were also aware that there were a lot of things that you weren’t privy to, and you respected that.
You’d gotten good at patching Angel up, physically and emotionally. Whether he was coming home busted up from whatever was happening with the club, or you came over to find him a drunken emotional mess because of what life had put him through, you had slowly but surely figured out how to help him through it. Your first-aid skills improved a lot in the years that EZ was away.
And, somewhere along the way, you’d fallen in love with Angel in the mess of it all. There wasn’t an exact moment where you could pinpoint that it happened. But spending all that time together, getting each other through the rough patches and celebrating together in the good times, really carved out a space in your heart that was reserved just for Angel Reyes. You kept that to yourself, though. You knew that if he felt the same way at all, he would’ve said something or made a move of some kind. It stung sometimes, but you knew that having him in your life as a best friend was preferable to not having him at all.
“He’s coming home next week,” he said, trying to ignore the pain of you cleaning out a cut he’d gotten above his eyebrow.
You nodded, trying to keep your excitement levels down, “I know,” you leaned back to get a better look at his whole face, “How are you feeling about that?”
He nodded, “’S better than him staying in fuckin’ prison.”
You chuckled, “That’s true,” you paused, knowing that there was a lot more going through his mind about it, “You talk to the club about everything?”
He cringed as you swabbed the gash with medical alcohol, “Yea.”
“How are you feeling about that?”
He sighed, shaking his head slightly, “You fuckin’ know,” he let you cup his chin to hold his head still as you pressed a bandage onto his cut, “He’s meant for more than this shit. I don’t get why he wants to come back to Santo Padre at all, let alone get tied down with the fuckin’ club.”
You raised your eyebrows slightly, “It seems to work well for you.”
He finally looked you in the eyes, “Don’t say that like EZ and I are capable of the same things, querida. You’re smarter than that.”
You sighed, leaning back and resting your hands in your lap, “Your cut should be fine. If it starts oozing anything you can sue me for malpractice,” you let the EZ topic drop, knowing it was a bit of an exposed nerve and probably would be for some time.
He chuckled, “Thanks. I’ll have my people get in touch with your people,” he stood up, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head before heading to the kitchen to pull something together for dinner.
The days dragged on as you waited for EZ to come home. Once there was a definitive end-date to his stint in Stockton, time seemed to move slower. You’d been spending more time around the clubhouse in general, but you knew that if both Angel and EZ were going to get involved with the club, you were going to need to get comfortable with all of it. You knew that you weren’t going to get to be in the know about everything, but you didn’t want to be a stranger either, or just “that girl who is always hanging out with the Reyes brothers”. The guys really didn’t seem to mind. You all got along well enough, and having the endorsement of being a close friend of Angel’s certainly didn’t hurt. It was a relief, and you couldn’t deny that it felt nice to know that you had a team of backup if something ever got that bad. Angel would go to the end of the earth for you, but having a small army never hurt.
You’d been cautiously optimistic about what life was going to be like when EZ was back home again. You loved him and you missed him, but you knew that he wasn’t going to be the same exact person coming back that he was when he went away. No one comes out after that much time the same. But in all of your visits, you could feel that he was still EZ in all the ways that mattered. He was just going to need time to adjust, to figure things out, to get his feet back underneath him. And that was exactly what you were there for.
He fell into things rather easily with the club. You knew that Angel was still conflicted about it, but there was no going back on it now. EZ was officially a prospect and Angel was officially his sponsor. No amount of deep sighs and eye rolls was going to undo that. The club was accepting of him, but they were still vetting him thoroughly. You couldn’t necessarily blame them, but you knew who EZ was and it made you a little biased.
EZ was open with you about what he was going through, and you were glad that the two of you hadn’t lost that over the years. He needed some consistency, some kind of anchor in the midst of all of the chaos, which was a role that you were more than happy to fill.
Late nights at Angel’s apartment started to give way to late nights at EZ’s trailer. You still saw the both of them a lot, one of the benefits of hanging out at the clubhouse whenever you could. But you knew that EZ needed some extra one-one-one time and you weren’t going to rob him of that because you had gone and let yourself fall in love with his brother.
You figured that Angel would be glad that EZ had someone in his corner. You knew that things were a little tense between them sometimes because of the club and you didn’t have any of that baggage to carry. You assumed that Angel would be happy to know that his little brother was being cared for by someone who really knew him and gave a shit about him. But it didn’t really feel that way.
EZ was on the opposite side of the bar from you, stacking the last few cases of beer that had gotten delivered that day. The two of you were laughing as you told him about some of the stupidity that was going on at your job. The laughter was interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. You both turned to see Angel standing there, hands shoved into his pockets.
“Pres needs you in Templo for a few minutes, Prospect.”
EZ nodded, wiping his hands off on his jeans, “Alright,” he walked around to the other side of the bar, giving your shoulder a nudge as he walked past you, “Don’t let anyone rob the joint while I’m in there.”
You laughed and shoved him towards the sliding glass door, “Hope they’re not kicking you out.” Despite the fact that EZ was making his way to the room, Angel lingered back for a moment. You could see it in his eyes that he wanted to say something to you, “All good?”
He shrugged, nodding, “All good,” the expression on his face said otherwise but you didn’t get to push it as he turned and walked away, shutting the door behind him.
You were still there when the meeting was over, not that it took very long. Everyone dispersed in their own directions. Angel flagged his brother down, saying something quietly into his ear, eyes only darting over to you for a moment before he clapped EZ on the back and walked out of the clubhouse without coming over to say anything to you. EZ walked over, unaware of everything you were noticing and feeling.
He plopped down on the stool next to you, “Movie night?”
You nodded, smiling, “Absolutely.”
About halfway through the movie your mind was somewhere else entirely. Before you were able to censor yourself, you blurted out, “Is Angel mad at me?”
EZ looked over at you, clearly confused. He paused the movie, “Mad at you?”
You nodded, “Yea. He’s barely been talking to me the past couple of weeks and when he does it just feels…different.”
EZ shrugged, “If he is, he hasn’t said anything to me. I doubt it’s that, though. He’s been stressed with all the shit going on with the club lately. He might just accidentally be taking it out on you.”
You gnawed at the inside of your lip, wanting to believe him but not quite sure that you did, “Yea, probably.”
The next few days went by and it was more of the same. You felt like you were trying to drag a conversation out of Angel and he was coming up with excuse after excuse to dodge you. You tried not to let it get to you, but it was difficult. After everything, he was icing you out. And even despite that, your heart still sped up every time you saw him, hoping that he would walk over and things would go back to how they’d been for the last few years.
So you found yourself outside the door to Angel’s house. You knocked on the door for the first time in years—you never used to feel like you had to. But now everything felt off and you didn’t feel quite as welcome as you did before.
A few moments later you heard a scuffling from the other side of the door before it opened. Angel was in his jeans and a tank top, hair a mess, and your heart skipped a couple beats in your chest. You cleared your throat, “Can I come in?”
He nodded but didn’t say anything as he moved to the side so you could walk inside. You toed off your shoes and part of you wanted to plop down on the couch the same way you had so many times before, but you fought the urge. You did notice, though, that there was still the small pile of blankets and pillows taking up one end of the couch. It gave you a small sliver of hope.
“What’s going on?” Angel asked, standing in front of you in the middle of his living room.
“I just came over to talk…to see how you’re doing.”
“Oh?” he scoffed, shaking his head, “No pressing plans with Boy Scout tonight?”
“What’s your fucking problem?” your words were angry but the look in your eyes was anything but—everything just hurt.
“You just use me to pass the time till he got back out?” he looked like he was on the brink of tears, “Just come over here to fill the Reyes void until the Golden Boy was back?”
“Angel, what are you talking about?”
“You! Us!” he snapped. The word us hit you like a punch to the gut. You couldn’t force out any words, so Angel continued, “You spend all this time comin’ over here, making me think that you actually give a shit about me, makin’ me fa—” he stopped himself, shaking his head, “Then you just fucking drop me. It’s like I don’t even exist anymore.”
“Angel,” there was a slight tremor to your voice, “your brother just got out of prison. Figured he might need a little extra support for a while. Why is that putting such a bug up your ass?” you saw him go to say something but you held your hand up to stop him, “And just so we’re painting the full fucking picture here—you’ve been dodging me. Every time I try to talk to you, you suddenly have something else to do, somewhere else to be. This is the first real conversation we’ve had in weeks and it’s only happening because I came banging on your fucking door,” you wiped away tears that you hadn’t even felt before that moment, “Sorry you haven’t gotten my undivided attention, but that’s just life sometimes, Angel. And, fuck,” you shook your head, “even though you’ve been acting like a real dick lately, I’ve still missed you.”
“I’m so fucking sick of coming in second place, Y/N.”
You stepped to him, looking up at him, “You’re not in second place. There are no places. That’s all up here,” you reached up and pressed the pad of your finger to his temple.
He gently placed his hand over yours, completely enveloping it, “I can’t handle you getting sick of me, forgetting about me,” his eyes met yours, “I don’t wanna lose you.”
You felt a lump forming in the back of your throat, “Then why are you shutting me out?”
He shook his head slightly, hand still clasping yours, “Easier leaving than getting left.”
“I was never leaving you, Angel,” your voice was barely a whisper, “And I’m not going to.”
He closed his eyes, leaning down so his forehead against yours. He took a deep, unsteady breath, “I think I’ve been falling in love with you.”
You smiled, bringing your other hand up so you were cupping both sides of his face as you pulled back a little, “You’ve got a really shitty way of showing it.”
He laughed, shaking his head before pressing a kiss against your palm, “Will you let me show it in a better way?”
Your heart was pounding inside your chest as you nodded. He instantly pulled you close and pressed his lips to yours. One hand fell to the small of your back while the other rested on the back of your neck, keeping you as close to him as he could. Your knees felt weak as you melted into him.
He pressed the tips of his fingers harder into the back of your neck and you could feel the neediness seeping from his body into yours. You draped your arms over his shoulders, getting lost in the feeling of the way his lips moved in-sync with yours. A soft moan slipped out as he bit down on your lip.
He pulled his lips away from yours, letting you both catch your breath. He still had you wrapped up in his arms and you smiled, placing a gentle kiss on his jawline, “I think I’ve been falling in love with you too.”
With a quiet laugh he scooped you up off the floor, and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. With what seemed like no effort at all, he whisked you down the hall to his bedroom. You laughed as he let you drop a few inches from his arms onto the mattress, a smile on his face as he situated himself between your legs, hovering over your torso with his lips hardly an inch from yours.
“You mean it?” you asked in a whisper as you reached up and pushed his hair back out of his face.
“Mean what?”
“That you’ve been falling in love with me.”
He nodded, his voice as soft as yours, “Every word,” he leaned down and kissed your temple before bringing his lips right next to your ear, “I just wanna make you mine.”
Your body trembled at the sound of his words. You let your eyes drift shut as what he said washed over you. “Do it,” your voice was hardly audible, “Make me yours.”
You felt him hum in approval, the vibrations against your neck sending a chill through your body. He attached his lips to yours, cupping one side of your face in his hand. You hooked your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you, and you felt him smile into your kiss. He pressed his lips hard against yours for a moment before he slid them down to your neck. His hands slid down your sides, resting on your hips as he bit down onto your neck. You moaned as he sucked on the sensitive skin there. He brought his lips to the other side of your neck to do the same thing as he pushed your hips down to the bed, effectively unhooking your legs as his hands started to undo the button and zipper of your jeans.
He pulled your jeans down, tossing them off to the side before hopping off the bed just long enough to undo his belt and push his jeans down to the floor. Once the denim pooled at his ankles he stepped out of them and was right back on top of you again, pulling your shirt off over your head as you reached and did the same to him.
He kissed you as his hands roamed all over your body, touching every exposed inch, every single curve. His tongue met yours as he gripped tight onto your hips. You moaned as he began to grind against you. There wasn’t a single coherent thought in your head as he pulled out of your kiss, sucking lightly on your bottom lip as he did.
“You’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” he kissed you lightly on the lips as his fingers looped around the waistband of your underwear, slowly sliding them down your legs.
He left a long trail of kisses and love-bites down your chest, stomach, and thighs. He draped your legs over his shoulders and you let out a shaky breath as he grazed his teeth along the inside of your thigh, biting down ever-so lightly before moving his lips between your legs. A moan fell from your lips the second he pressed his mouth against you, your hands instantly tangling themselves in his hair. You felt the vibrations against you as he chuckled at how quickly you became so needy. Every single thing he did felt perfect. The sound of you moaning his name filled the house as his tongue continued to explore every part of you.
He pulled his lips away from you and you whimpered at the loss of contact. He smiled up at you as he slowly slid his fingers into you, turning your whimper into a moan. Your hands dropped down to his shoulders, nails setting into his skin as you cursed under your breath. He kept his eyes on you as he slowly began to pump his fingers in and out of you, reveling in the fact that he was the one marking you up and putting that look of pure bliss onto your face.
You arched your back slightly when you felt him bite down onto your thigh, “Fuck, Angel, don’t stop.”
His voice was raspy, “You gonna cum for me, querida?”
“Y-yes,” you almost didn’t get the word out as you felt his mouth begin to work along with his fingers. Your legs tightened around his head, thighs clenching as you got closer to your orgasm, “Fuck, Angel,” you cried as you came.
He slid up to you, a satisfied smirk on his face. Your fingers trailed through his beard, feeling your wetness as he leaned in to kiss you. You could taste yourself off of his lips and tongue and you were about to get lost in that sensation alone until you felt him pressing against your entrance. You rested your hands on his hips and pulled him closer to you, both of you moaning as he slowly slid into you. You buried your face into the crook of his neck, soaking up how he felt inside you.
“You feel so perfect,” he whispered as he slowly started to move his hips, “You’re so perfect for me.”
You knew there was no way to be closer to him than you were, but you wished that there was. You wrapped your legs around him again and cupped his face so you could kiss him as he thrust into you. He braced his forearms on either side of your head, caging you in as he leaned into you. you slid your hands to the back of his neck, pulling him down against you as you sank your teeth into the skin where his neck met his shoulder.
You heard him curse and you smiled as you placed a kiss on top of the bitemark, “You’re mine now, too, Angel.”
He pulled away from you so he could look you in the eyes, “Say that again.”
You gently traced the pad of your thumb along his bottom lip, “You’re mine, Angel Reyes.”
His lips crashed into yours as he picked up his speed. He couldn’t get enough of you, hands grabbing at whatever they could to try and keep you closer to him. You felt his rhythm start to falter—he gripped tightly onto your hips as he thrust hard into you a few more times before quickly pulling out of you before he came.
He collapsed onto your chest with a sigh. You let out a tired laugh as you lazily trailed your fingers through his hair, both of you attempting to catch your breath and get your hearts down to a reasonable speed. You could feel the reverberations of his chest against yours and in that moment you were sure that there no better feeling in the world. His fingers lightly traced over your skin and all you could think about was the fact that his touch felt like home. You let your eyes drift shut for a few moments as he peppered your neck and shoulders with soft kisses.
He shifted so he was laying on his side next to you, staring at you with a starry look in his eyes. You smiled over at him, rolling onto your side as well, “What’re you thinking?”
He smiled, kissing you gently on the lips, “That I love you.”
You felt your face get hot as you touched your forehead to his, “Yea? Good. ‘Cause I love you too.”
He laughed as he rolled and pulled you with him so that you were laying on top of him, your chest pressed against his, “No going back on that now, you know.”
You let your fingers dance down the side of his face, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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fairydollsteps · 3 years
Hi! Can I request Maki Zenin x F!Reader (the reader is a very reserved, logical and has a difficult time explaining things lol) head canons where they both have known each other since they were first years and then recently started dating n stuff :0 thank you :D
Sure. I do hope what I wrote is what you wanted. Enjoy reading and thank you for requesting.
Maki Zenin x Reserved/Logical Reader
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First Year
When Maki first meet you during her first year, she kinda treats you like Okkotsu because she is annoyed with your quiet and unsociable attitude.
She would be quite harsh and impatient with you. She would cut you off when you try to say something or not apologize to you when you got hurt by her, not being considerate of your opinion. She thinks you are weak.
But all of her dislikes and animosity to you vanished when you saved her from getting hurt severely during a mission. It was a special grade and you just exorcise it with three strikes on it.
When you both exorcise the curses, Maki walk towards you hesitantly and mumble an appreciation, wondering why you saved someone that treats you not right. However, you reassure that you are used to it. That Maki isn’t the only one treating you like this.
Maki would feel guilty and find still loathing someone who just saved you is utterly despicable and awful. Therefore, she would try to be nice to you and cut down on her mistreating of you from before. Just a way to show her appreciation and apology to you.
Due to this incident. your friendship with her started to blossom and soon become closer friends.
Spending time training together, improving each other skills, tagging along with each to a mission, and so on.
Maki would start to see your good traits from you besides your unsociable one.
She finds you being attentive to others and ensuring your ideas are clear are admirable of you, is just that you didn’t show it because you tend to get cut off from others quite. Which makes you look distant and unfriendly.
Maki takes notice of it tries to encourage you to become more sociable even though it looks like she is criticizing you because of how blunt and straightforward she is but you accept it and try to improve yourself.
You and Maki started dating which kind of shocked everyone. Harsh queen+ Ice prince. Yeah, some kind of a troupe but you both love each other anyway.
You learned a lot from Maki. The reasons for her tough and harsh exterior were a way to hide her frustration from her family. Her being mistreated by her family just because she is a woman and a non-sorcerer from the Zenins drives her to get out of the clan.
You listened to all of her rambling attentively and not interrupting her. Maki tries to repress her emotions with frustration but can’t help be touched by how considerate you are.
This trait of yours makes Maki love you harder than before. She just feels accepted by you for how you understand and accept for who is she.
So in return, as mentioned. Maki would try to help your social skills. She would be pissed and tell off the person that cut you off intentionally and makes sure that everyone is listening to you.
You started to love her more for how considerate is she. 
Even if you started to improve your social skills, you are skill reserved from others, implying that you do not like big socials and being in a crowded area.
Maki understand that so she decided to have a date with you somewhere tranquil and with fewer people like the cafe and the library. Outdoor or indoor, she doesn’t care, all she wanted is to be in your presence.
Of course, Maki being headstrong she is. She insisted to help you train with her, also hoping that it will also help you improve your skills.
 During a mission, Maki trusted you that you can take of yourself, considering how powerful you are, and have the capabilities to exorcise curses that come in your way, she would still be worry and look out for you.
Maki would sigh in relief when she sees you unharmed. But if you got hurt even if not severe, she would scold you and quickly send you to medical attention.
But if you got wounded critically, I don’t how to say this but Maki would maintain her composure and quickly seek medical attention for you. While so, she is panicking and screaming on the inside, absolutely mad of herself for not coming quickly to save you.
While you are recovering, you would always give her sincere reassurance, in the hope to cheer her up. Maki would become protective over you during a mission with you once you have fully recovered.
In conclusion, Maki would be hostile for your reserve and quiet attitude but will warm up with you once you have proven your worth to her.
Basically like enemies to friends then to loves except you don’t hate Maki from the beginning.
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That’s all from me now. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.😊 Bye!👋
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mosswillow · 4 years
Jumping In (Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader)
Warnings: 18+ adult content!!, Kidnapping, smut, Dark fic, vaginal fingering, noncon/dubcon, yandere.
Summary: You submit your application to the Avengers as a joke. You’re nowhere near qualified enough for the job. So why do they want you?
AN: A big thanks to @rayofdawnworld for commenting on “Your Room” that they wanted to know about the other Avengers. This one is (obviously) Steve and is happening chronologically before “Your Room.” You can read it by itself though!  I also have a story forming for Bucky in my mind so I’ll probably do him next. 
You’ve always been the type of person to jump into things without thinking. It’s gotten you into plenty of trouble throughout your life but you’ve always managed to get yourself out of it. It’s opened up opportunities for you and taken you all over the world. You put in the application for SHIELD almost as a joke, thinking there’s no way they would ever hire you, especially not to work with the Avengers.
The joke becomes serious when you get a call from Stark Tower offering you a job. You skim over the contract eagerly and sign it immediately, jumping on the opportunity to work your dream job.
After a whirlwind week you find yourself standing in the middle of a high tech training room surrounded by Avengers. Being around a group of people as powerful as the Avengers is intimidating to say the least. The contrast between you and them is stark and you feel your confidence slip trying to keep up with them. They all assure you that you’re doing great and they’re glad to have you with them. It feels like a little family and you get pulled in immediately. You find yourself gravitating to Steve, or maybe he gravitates towards you. He shows up everywhere you go, at the water fountain filling up his bottle, running at the treadmill next to you, stretching on the mat. He watches you spar with different Avengers, giving advice and words of encouragement.
“Keep that arm up Y/N.”
“I will, thank you captain.”
“Call me Steve.”
“Steve.”  You smile.
You spar with Bucky and try to ignore Steve's looks. You don’t know if you feel flattered or uncomfortable with the attention he’s giving you. You decide that he’s probably just trying to be friendly since it’s your first day.
It doesn’t stop though and you constantly find yourself in situations with Steve. He’s in the elevator with you or walking by your room as you’re leaving. You even bump into him at the grocery store.
A week later you open your door to see Steve waiting for you just outside your room. Your heart does a flip at the sight of him standing in front of you. His hair is damp and you try to control your mind from imagining him in the shower. His tight white shirt shows off his muscles, which doesn't help your wandering mind one bit. You shift your eyes away from him and chastise yourself. God, He smells good and you wonder what soap he uses. He gives a cocky half smile and takes a step toward you.
“Good job yesterday.” He says, moving in front of your line of sight.
“Thanks.” you smile and force yourself to look him in the eyes.
He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks on his feet looking nervous.
“I thought I could treat you to coffee?”
Your heart starts beating rapidly. Is he asking you on a date? Steve Rogers asking YOU on a date? It can't be that. The flirting has to be in your head.
“I’d like that,” You mirror him, putting your hands in your pockets. You realize too late that you don’t have pockets though and end up awkwardly rubbing your hands against your sides.  Steve lets out a chuckle and you cross your arms and laugh along with him.
You follow Steve to a nearby coffee shop and he orders you a drink. The two of you sit at a semi-private table in the back next to some barely cognizant university students who are furiously typing away on their laptops.
“How are you enjoying being part of the team?” Steve asks.
“I love it! Everyone is really nice.”
“Are you nervous for your first first mission?”
“A little bit,” you confess.
“I’ll be there with you, don’t worry.”
That was definitely flirting, you think. Captain America is flirting with you.
You smile and take a sip of your coffee. This is like a romance novel, a cute coffee date with a literal super hero. It comes to an end though when you notice a kid taking a picture of the two of you. Steve frowns and cocks his head towards the prepubescent photographer.
“I think we should head back before we get more fans.” Steve Says.
Steve does a silly pose for the kid as he passes by and pulls out a signed Captain America card. The kid stands stunned looking at you as you walk out of the shop. Steve puts his hand on your back and leans in.
“Sorry this was so short. We’ll have to go somewhere more private next time.”
“Don’t apologize! The coffee was amazing, thank you so much.”
It only takes twenty minutes for you to start getting phone calls. A picture of you and Steve is all over the internet. It looks very incriminating, Steve's arm on your back and him smiling close to your ear. You answer your phone and hold it away from your ear as your friend Amy yells at you from the other end.
“Captain America!” She screams over and over again.
“Are you guys dating now or...”
“No, he was just being nice.”
“The picture looks like he’s being a lot more than nice. Please hit that Y/N, if you don’t I’ll scream.”
“You’re already screaming.” you say with a laugh.
“Seriously though, I want to be invited to your wedding one day.”
“Amy! he’s hot for sure but he’s also kinda my boss and I’m not ready for anything serious right now.” The picture of you and Steve is still in your mind. You can barely take care of yourself and certainly aren’t ready for everything involved with dating Steve Rogers.
You hang up the phone and smile to yourself. You can’t believe how your life has changed so fast. One day you’re working security at a hotel and the next you’re working with the avengers and flirting with Captain America.
You shake your foot nervously on the way to your first mission. Your role is simple, in fact it's almost impossible to mess up. You’re nervous anyway though. Everyone tells you it’s normal for your first mission and you take deep breaths trying to calm down.
You exit the jet and make your way into town. Your only job is to distract your mark for five minutes. You check your watch and start your way toward your mark.
“Excuse me sir?”
“Do you know a good breakfast place around here?”
It’s beyond easy. You keep the conversation up for five minutes and end it quickly. Steve gives you a pat on the back after, congratulating your successful first mission. It feels off. Anyone could do what you did. You’re nowhere near as skilled as the Avengers and don’t understand why you would be picked for the job.
“What’s wrong doll?”
“I just don’t feel like I’m really good enough to be part of this team I guess.”
“You’re more than good enough.”
“But you guys are so much stronger... and faster... and smarter.”
“We look for more than those things when picking recruits. Trust me, you’re exactly what I… We need.”
You feel a little better and push away your doubts.
The missions become harder after the first one but you’re still never put in direct danger. They say you need more training before taking on more dangerous roles and you agree. You’re not sure if you’ll ever improve enough though and it makes you guilty, like you’re taking up space in a team that someone else could have. As you start becoming more part of the group Steve starts coming onto you more. He takes you out several times and starts becoming more physically affectionate. You like Steve. Aside from being gorgeous he’s old school, bringing you flowers and opening doors. There’s Something about him that feels disingenuous and your gut prevents you from starting a serious relationship.
You meet a barista at the same coffee shop Steve took you to. He’s cute and you  decide to give him your number impulsively. He texts you that evening and you stay up late texting back and forth. The next day everyone stares at you as you stretch before your training. You’re not sure why until you notice Steve standing outside of his office.
“Y/N, can I see you in here please.” His voice is an octave lower than usual and a chill runs down your spine.
“Of course.”
Steve closes the door and motions for you to sit down.
“I’m aware that you’ve exchanged numbers with someone who is unapproved.”
You nod slowly, confused how he knows at all and why it’s a big deal.
“This is a huge security risk.”
“I already ran a background check on him.”
Steve sits on the edge on his desk and caresses your cheek.
“Why do you want to talk to this boy when you have me?”
You push his hand away.
“I mean, I like you Steve but I’m just not ready for the commitment yet, you know that.”
His eyes narrow and he looks at the hand you pushed away.
“I understand.” He says.
You stand to leave and he calls after you.
“Oh, and remember you have a curfew. I don’t want to have to reprimand you.”
Steve feels different, unhinged. You’ve only been late a few times and only by a few minutes. You push away your worry hoping it will get better. He’s probably just not used to feeling rejected. He’ll get over it.
“Y/N, don’t you dare enter that building.”
“There are still people inside Steve!”
“It’s too dangerous. Help is on the way, don’t do it.”
You rip the com out of your ear and run into the building. There’s smoke everywhere and you cover your face with your arm. You make fast work of reaching the blocked room, breaking the door in and letting the room of people out. You escort them out of the building and to safety.
“Thank you so much.” A woman says, hugging you.
“No problem.” You smile.
The building starts collapsing in front of your eyes and you watch it burn. You walk back to the jet, coughing and bruised and get checked out as soon as you land.
Steve waits for you outside of medical.
“What were you thinking Agent!”
“Not now Steve.”
“It’s Captain and yes now.”
You sigh.
“I was thinking, Captain, that I needed to get those people out and I was right.”
“And what would have happened if the building had come down on you? Help was coming and you had an order. You’re lucky your lungs are ok with the smoke you inhaled.”
You push Steve out of your way and walk towards your room.
“It was a risk I was willing to take,” you call back.
You reach your room and take a long shower, thinking about everything. As much as you want to fit in with them you just don’t. Something tells you that you need to quit. You need to get out of here and never look back. you decide that you’ll hand in a two week notice tomorrow.
The next morning you wake and dress quickly still feeling the same as the night before. You head to your door and turn the knob but find it locked.
“What the fuck?” you pound on the door but nobody answers. You pick up your phone to call for help. It won’t connect to the internet or call anyone. Your computer is the same way. As the day passes you start feeling more and more uneasy. They have to know by now that something is wrong with you. your voice is raw from yelling for help and your hands bloody and bruised from pounding on the door.
Finally, hours later you hear the click of your door unlocking. You open it to see Steve standing with his arms crossed on the other side.
“I was locked in my room.” you say in a quiet voice.
“I know, I locked you in.”
“What’s wrong with you? That’s insane Steve!”
Adrenaline rushes through your body and you start pacing. Everything is telling you to get out. This is not what you signed up for.
“I quit.” you say defiantly.
Steve rushes toward you, pinning you to the wall. None of your self defence training helps you. He’s so much bigger and stronger, trying to fight is a joke. You know your best bet is to stun him somehow and run but you can barely move.
“You can’t quit doll.” He brushes a hand down your body, giving your butt a squeeze. Your eyes widen in shock.
“I’ll report you.”
“To who?”
You start thinking, your eyes darting back and forth. He slides his hand into the front of your pants and rubs the bulge in his pants against you. your breath hitches and you relax your body a bit. You scream at yourself to do something. The hand in your pants rubs against your clit expertly and it takes everything you have not to let out a moan.
“Ah, I see you’re getting it.”
His finger slides to your entrance and he prods you before submerging his finger. You gasp at the intrusion and realize that he’s barely holding onto you anymore. Your hands grasp his shoulders and you lean against him.
“This would have been much easier if you had followed my plan. You had to go putting yourself in danger.” He chides.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please you’re scaring me Steve.” you say,
“It was going so well but you’re unpredictable, flirting with that barista.”
He pushes his finger in deeper and you whimper.
“If I don’t take action now I might lose you and I can’t lose you.”
“Get away from me,” you beg.
He grasps your hip painful tight.
“You're my girl now, ok? My girl doesn’t disobey me, especially not on missions.”
He pumps his finger, coating it with slick.
You realize that he won’t listen to reason but you try anyway.
“I’m so sorry you’re right I’m your… your girl, just let me go please.”
He pulls his finger out and gives you a kiss.
“See, there’s a good girl.”
He pulls a ring out of his pocket and places it on your finger. His watch vibrates and he looks at it before kissing you on the cheek.
“We can celebrate tomorrow.” He winks.
He leaves you in the hallway and you back into your room, shaking and crying.  You don’t care if he locks you in again. You need to be in a place where you feel somewhat safe and can process everything that just happened. You take the ring off and throw it across the room.
The night is spent curled in your bed crying and the next morning you walk self consciously to the kitchen. Bucky sits at the counter eating cereal and he knits his brow when he sees you.
“Hey, what’s wrong.”
You shake your head.
“You can tell me.” He looks at you with his big kind eyes and you decide to confide in him.
“Steve… assaulted me. He’s out of his mind, saying all sorts of crazy stuff. I don’t know what to do.”
Bucky holds you close.
“You’re his girl Y/N, don’t provoke him and you’ll have a good life.”
You tear yourself away and look at him with disbelief.
“It’s not a secret Y/N and we’re on Steve's side.”
You back away and head straight for the exit hitting Tony on the way
“Woah, what’s the rush?”
“I quit.” you say, tears starting to fall.
“You can’t quit princess, you’re Steve’s.”
Your breaths become shallow and your head starts feeling light.
“How did you think you got the job in the first place Y/N?”
You run to the elevator slamming the button over and over but it won’t let you down.
“What’s wrong with Y/N?” Thor walks over.
“She’s having a hard time adjusting to being Steve’s,” Tony answers.
“Let me out.” you yell.
Steve comes out of nowhere catching you in his arms and you throw your head back and duck. He stumbles back. Other Avengers start to gather and you pull your fists up in defense.
“I want to leave.”
“Come with me back to your room doll, it doesn’t have to be this hard.”
You stand your ground and Steve goes into a fighting stance. You don’t even have a chance, he has you trapped in his arms within minutes.
“I don’t understand.”
“We got your application in the mail. As soon as I saw your picture I knew you were the one I’ve been looking for.” he coos.
“Why go through the whole facade?”
“Use your brain Y/N. Everyone knows we’re together. There’s pictures of us everywhere online. You’ve talked to friends and family about our relationship. It won’t look weird when you drop off for a while because of your job and when you come back engaged nobody will blink an eye.”
You look at the Avengers, you’re family. None of them do anything to help you. Every single one turns their back and walks away nonchalantly like it’s just another normal day.
Steve drags you to your room and closes the door. He walks over to where you threw your ring grabbing it off the floor, and places it back on your finger.
“This doesn’t come off again,” He says.
You look at the ring and back at Steve over and over trying to make sense of all of it. Steve walks purposefully to the drawer you keep your candles and lights several, placing them around the room.
He backs you into the bed and undresses you slowly and meticulously. He sits back and looks at your naked body, taking his time touching and examining every piece. He grabs your legs and parts them, looking at your pussy and two fingers in.
“So wet for me already.”
You shake your head and he lands a slap on your thigh.
“No.” He commands.
“Be good so I don’t have to punish you. You’ve seen me work, you know what I’m capable of.”
You bite your tongue and force yourself to lie still as he slams his cock into you. You cry out in pain and he rubs your arm and whispers sweet things. He kisses you as he pushes his cock deep into you. He grabs your chin and squeezes until you open up and let his tongue in.  you reach out and grab his arms and he pulls at your leg until you hug them around him.
“You can come Y/N.” he whispers
You shake your head.
He reaches between you and pushes against your clit. You fight against it for as long as you can but it becomes too much. An orgasm crashes over you and you flutter around his cock. He thrusts hard enough that you get pushed into the headboard and seconds later he’s coming in you. He smiles down at you, lovingly stroking you face.
“I love you Y/N”
You stay silent and he pulls you into a constricting hug.
“Don’t worry doll, you’ll love me soon.”  
You’ve always been the type of person to jump into things without thinking. It’s gotten you into plenty of trouble throughout your life. You’ve always been able to get yourself out of it,
but this time.
This time you jumped too far.
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tossawary · 3 years
Chapter 28: “A Growing Family” of “pride is not the word I’m looking for” quotes and commentary. Not a full list of favorite quotes or full commentary.
The fact that Shen Qingqiu is waiting for them, just outside of Yue Qingyuan’s office, really doesn’t help the dread that Shang Qinghua is feeling here.
A stocky young woman is standing attentively beside the seated Peak Lord. This is that Fu Qiang character, one of Binghe’s favorite shijies on Qing Jing Peak, here to whisk Peerless Cucumber away for a one-to-one chat on the other transmigrator’s potential relationship to the House of Rejuvenation. Or maybe to give the kid a tutoring session on recovering memories from trauma or something! Shang Qinghua doesn’t know exactly, not having been invited to sit in.
“Shidi,” Shen Qingqiu greets coolly.
“Greetings, Shen-Shixiong,” Shang Qinghua returns, feeling sweaty already, but also weirdly giddy. He’s tempted to wink, but he’s pretty sure that would get him killed. “How are you? You look very well! Aha, how did those ‘other engagements’ go the other day? Meet with anyone? Have a good time?”
Over the top of his elegant fan, Shen Qingqiu immediately gives him a look that could probably kill a lesser man - or maybe a greater one, like someone who has more dignity and shame and whatever than Shang Qinghua does. Shang Qinghua doesn’t flinch. He assumes that the meeting with Yue Qingyuan went well! Which is great! Super great! If it had gone badly, he’s pretty sure that Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t even be setting foot on Qiong Ding Peak now - or at least would have been projecting “I’ll kill to get out of here and I’m mentally picking all my victims” hard enough to send all the Qiong Ding Peak disciples and cultivators off like panicked chickens.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Shen Qingqiu says, downright frosty now. “Shang-Shidi must have been paying too much attention to nonsense gossip again.”
“Ah, of course! Of course! My mistake, Shen-Shixiong! Please forgive me!”
Shang Qinghua looks to his fellow transmigrator next, to reintroduce them, only to find Shen Yuan making a very strange expression. Shen Yuan is looking between Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu kind of like he’s never seen them before. His mouth is even a little open and everything. It takes the kid a few seconds to realize that he has two Peak Lords staring at him and to swallow the strange expression.
AN: Shen Yuan knows that 1) SQQ came to meet SQH personally immediately after their mission was over, 2) SQH stayed in bed the following day for a LONG time, and 3) SQH had a hickey on his neck. 
So when Shang Qinghua makes a reference to the meeting that SQQ had with Yue Qingyuan, almost flirtatiously asking if Shen Qingqiu “met with anyone” and “had a good time”, Shen Yuan is going to draw his own conclusions. 
Namely, that Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu might be sleeping together. 
After all, Shen Yuan doesn’t know about the YQY and SQQ backstory! Shen Yuan only knows that Shang Qinghua is weirdly friendly with PIDW’s most famous scum villain and that Shen Qingqiu apparently likes SQH enough not to be an asshole to Luo Binghe. Shang Qinghua kind of talks like they’re friend, so what if they’re... more than friends?! 
Meanwhile, Shang Qinghua cannot fathom anyone EVER considering that he and SHEN QINGQIU might be lovers. It’s not an idea that he is in a position to have because what the fuck?! 
I was tickled pink when I realized that things were in position to have the disciples think that Shangjiu is a thing. I was already planning on having them notice Shang Qinghua’s brand-new-relationship good mood. Shen Yuan may not notice when people are in love with HIM, but he did still read a twenty-million-word stallion web-novel, so he’s totally prepared to assume that secret affairs are happening for OTHER PEOPLE. 
His fellow transmigrator hastily performs the appropriate greeting. Shen Qingqiu doesn’t reply beyond inclining his head, instead sweeping his eyes over Shen Yuan, who stands hilariously still like he’s facing down a predator, except for how the kid squints back a little at the Lord of Qing Jing Peak. Ha! That’s pretty fearless coming from someone still so unnerved by the man who would have Proud Immortal Demon Way’s most famous scum villain.
“Fu Qiang,” Shen Qingqiu says finally. “I have instructed Assistant Ma to set aside a private room for your discussion. You may take Disciple Shen there now.”
“Yes, Shizun.”
The other disciple gestures for Shen Yuan to follow and the other transmigrator hastily takes her up on that. As the disciples disappear, Shen Qingqiu rises and, without a word, leads Shang Qinghua into Yue Qingyuan’s office.
AN: It’s tempting to try and make Shen Qingqiu and Shen Yuan actually develop more of a relationship than “passing acquaintance”, but the thing is that I can’t see either of them really going for it without being forced or without a very serious push. They’re both so prickly. 
Yue Qingyuan greets him in a friendly manner, like he’s genuinely pleased to see Shang Qinghua and happy to help. Shang Qinghua greets the man in the same way. It’s nice! It also kind of feels like they’re both pretending the past few months of awkwardness, resentment, and avoidance never happened.
AN: It felt a little more true to life and to the characters to have Shang Qinghua and Yue Qingyuan just... move forward instead of getting into their issues with each other and what apologies may be due. 
It’s kind of like a mutual: “What if we didn’t talk about it?” 
And they’re both like, “Oh, thank fuck.” 
I think that if they both brew on it a bit more, they may eventually decide to try to assuage their respective anger or guilt by saying something, but right now they’re feeling raw and/or embarrassed, and don’t want to accidentally get into it again. So they’ll talk about work! They always have work to talk about! Work is more important than personal matters, so they’re just going to pretend everything is fine! 
It’s not just the System who won’t let the Immortal Alliance Conference not happen! But, ahhh, Shang Qinghua can still dream of them actually managing to convince Zhao Hua Temple Sect and everyone else to call the whole thing off. He can dream!
Yue Qingyuan has this pained expression that says, “You’re not wrong, but I wish you were.” This guy knows what Shang Qinghua is talking about!
Shen Qingqiu has this expression that says something like, “I can only critique the accuracy of your assessment on the grounds that you may be giving our fellow cultivators too much credit in terms of common sense and cooperation. This annoys me immensely.”
“You have put a great deal of thought into this,” Yue Qingyuan says finally. “You received this news… when exactly… again?”
“Ah, yesterday morning?” Shang Qinghua answers.
 “While in bed with a demon lord,” he doesn’t elaborate. Nope! Not elaborating!
“I know it’s not- I’ll try to get more information, but everyone is still in the planning stages, and it’s not easy getting any information!” Shang Qinghua says defensively. “But, even with that, I thought, ‘Ah, my shixiongs will probably want to know right away!’ Someone will need to tell Zhao Hua to take precautions, at least?”
Yue Qingyuan visibly regathers himself and says, “It is better to know these things as soon as possible. Thank you, Qinghua, for this forewarning.”
“He’s very good at knowing these things,” Shen Qingqiu agrees, but the man’s gaze is like a very sharp pin and Shang Qinghua is but a lowly insect under it. “When might you be expected to know more about this?”
“Ah, I’ll have to get in contact with… ah, some people I know.”
AN: Of course YQY and SQQ want to know more about where SQH is getting this information, but for all they know he might just have gotten a tip-off from one of his merchant contacts or someone in the black market. This has been brewing for a while between these demon lords and the cultivation sects. It’s really bad news, but it’s also not really that surprising. 
According to the Airplane Extras, when MBJ and SQH meet, Airplane offhandedly mentions that Mobei-Jun’s clan and Huan Hua Palace Sect have a serious grudge from a conflict at a previous Immortal Alliance Conference. In PINTWILF, this conference is why the IACs got cancelled and had to be recently “revived”. The coming IAC is the 3rd since this revival.  
Shang Qinghua has proven himself reliable enough by this point that YQY and SQQ will let him keep his informants close to his chest. Between SQH’s years of improved services (helped by actually getting his personal disciples to help him) and SQH’s interference in their personal issues, they do actually trust him. 
So, yeah, they think he’s a squirmy little rat man. 
But he’s THEIR squirmy little rat man who has come through in times of need. Also, SQQ, for all his glaring, might stab YQY if he started giving SQH a hard time about this. Sometimes a shidi just wants you to back the fuck off, YQY! Let him have his secrets! Even though SQQ absolutely wants to know SQH’s secrets and is on the verge of dying of curiosity. 
I am VERY MUCH looking forward to them finding out that Shang Qinghua has a demon prince for a boyfriend. That’s going to be fun. 
“I have also been… considering the advantages of lessons and between Peaks to encourage both cooperation and… survival skills,” Shen Qingqiu says next. “Rarely does one become a master of all disciplines - the Twelve Peaks allow for many of our sect to become specialists, masters of one art - but it seems unwise not to be learned in the basics of as many life-saving arts as one is able.”
“A diversity of learning can be very beneficial,” Yue Qingyuan agrees immediately.
“My disciple, Fu Qiang, has become a very adept medic over the years, though this was in the hopes of avoiding visiting Qian Cao Peak. The head disciples of An Ding, as I understand it, have sought to take special lessons from Qian Cao and Xian Shu to improve themselves."
 “Ah, that explains how Hongpeng spied on Peerless Cucumber back when the little bro was still in Mu Qingfang’s clutches,” Shang Qinghua thinks. “And, ah, Shen Bro, I don’t know how to tell you this, but Wenjiao goes to Xian Shu Peak mostly to moon over pretty girls, especially my little sister-in-law.”
"There is also the example of Qi-Shimei’s most frustrating disciple, who must be routinely dragged away from Bai Zhan, but who has also apparently helped to improve her fellow Xian Shu disciples’ martial abilities.”
 "Ah, that's one of putting Qi Qingqi letting Luo Fanli and Liu Mingyan fight each other in order to hopefully wear them both out," Shang Qinghua thinks.
“Even if demons should not attack, though only a limited number of our disciples will be attending the Immortal Alliance Conference, it would nevertheless be beneficial to ensure that all disciples across the sect are well-equipped to keep themselves alive until the specialists arrive,” Shen Qingqiu finishes. “Shang-Shidi, as one of the most well-connected leading members of our sect, the organization of such an initiative would be best left in your hands.”
AN: Okay, so I know that this is kind of a weird thing to be coming from Shen Qingqiu, but he’s grown a bit over the course of this fic! AND he’s totally coming at it from the perspective of: “I don’t have to cooperate or get along with anyone beyond what I’m doing now.” 
So SQQ is like, “My disciples are stupid. We should have more field medics.” 
And he’s like, “Some people’s disciples can’t fight for shit and we should make sure they know more self-defense.” 
And he’s like, “Liu Qingge’s disciples are animals. Someone at least teach them how to protect other disciples and how to not bleed to death, because he won’t. That man doesn’t teach them anything.” 
And he’s like, “Shang Qinghua, you do that. I don’t want to.” 
Peerless Cucumber’s conversation with Shen Qingqiu’s disciple is long over, but apparently his fellow transmigrator didn’t just leave afterwards. Yue Qingyuan’s youngest assistant intercepts to politely point Shang Qinghua towards their waiting room. Shen Yuan is asleep in a chair, with one of his cultivation manuals open in his lap. Judging by his pose, Shang Qinghua is going to guess that the kid was trying some kind of meditation and ended up taking a nap by accident.
It happens to the best of them sometimes! Or at least to Shang Qinghua!
“Ah, I told you not to wait on me. Come on, bro, I don’t want to have to carry you back,” Shang Qinghua says, while jostling the kid awake. “You’re too big for that. My nephew is too big for that these days. Just because it would be nostalgic for me and just because I can doesn’t mean that I want to be carrying you around like a sack of vegetables.”
AN: If Shang Qinghua can haul Mobei-Jun around, then he could pick up Shen Yuan no problem. Also, this is the bit where I was like, “Wow, I have very much made SQH into SY’s dad here.” 
Even SVSSS SQH gives me Uncle Vibes, to be honest. The man wants to pop into Bingqiu’s life, ask some nosy questions, be treated to a free meal (who doesn’t), tell some bad jokes, offer some terrible advice, complain about his workload, and then flounce off again with his boyfriend. SVSSS SQH seems to like being useful and appreciated and part of the group, but in a way where he’s not directly attached to anyone, you know? Give SVSSS SQH the benefits, but none of the responsibilities! 
Shang Qinghua is kind of sick of this roundabout conversation and decides to bring out the big guns: a move taught to him by his extremely powerful sister-in-law, who has effortlessly defeated their resident War God. He knows the effectiveness of this technique personally, because Luo Jiahui has used it to defeat him many times. He puts on the best concerned face he has.
“Yuan,” he says seriously, looking the kid directly in the eye. “I’m not making jokes here about not skipping out on cultivating. It’s not always going to be fun - a lot of the time, it’s going to be pretty embarrassing and a little painful. Bro, I was an adult stuck in a teenage body, regularly getting my ass handed to me by actual teenagers. That was awful. But I really need you to keep doing it, even if you don’t become the next War God ready to challenge the protagonist, because I don’t want you to die. This shitty world isn’t safe. And if you want to be involved in these missions, then I need you to be able to carry yourself, or we’re both going to get trampled by some OP monster wandering out of an advanced chapter early instead of fixing anything here.”
Shen Yuan is having difficulty meeting his eyes. He keeps trying to force himself to look at Shang Qinghua and then looking away again automatically.
Shang Qinghua employs another of his sister-in-law’s immensely powerful techniques: he reaches out and puts a hand on the kid’s shoulder. “I will tell you stuff when I have stuff to tell you and when I can tell it to you. You’ve been super helpful, I’m going to need your help in the future, but I need you to be a little patient right now too.”
Shen Yuan nods. “...Fine.”
AN: Shang Qinghua: “I can’t believe that I’m tricking this person into thinking I’m a good person by being nice to them and looking after them and doing good things. I have learned this behavior for TRICKING PURPOSES only and have NOT accidentally adopted yet another kid.” 
Shang Qinghua can’t answer the question right now! Leave a message!
He’s too busy replaying all the times he’s seen his nephew and his fellow transmigrator interact. Binghe did ask after Shen Yuan every time that he and Shang Qinghua talked, while the other transmigrator was on Qian Cao and after he came to An Ding, but… Shang Qinghua just thought his nephew was being polite and curious? Peerless Cucumber stands out! Binghe didn’t act too weirdly about it!
Luo Binghe is supposed to be a stallion protagonist with 600 wives!
Although… Shang Qinghua’s nephew has never really shown any interest in that kind of thing. Which Shang Qinghua has been pretty glad about! He doesn’t want to have 600 nieces-in-law! He also doesn’t want that for his nephew!
The protagonist of Proud Immortal Demon Way ’s harem was basically a snake pit of drama and desperation and decaying fantasies. For everyone who could read between the lines of empty papapa to see Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky’s tragic story of resentment and revenge, it wouldn’t be inaccurate to say the tyrannical, broken protagonist was like a black hole, dragging everyone else into orbit around this man who couldn’t really love anyone! You can take a blackened protagonist out of the Eternal Abyss, but you can’t take that abyss out of the blackened protagonist, right?
The original Luo Binghe didn’t take wives because he was in love. He took wives because he could! Because they were beautiful or powerful or useful! Because he pitied them! Because he liked being their savior! Because he didn't want anyone else to have them! Because he liked being an object of envy and desire and love! Because it was expected of him, as the man all the readers wanted to be, who was supposed to have everything a man could ever want!
 “...Ah, there are… some implications there,” Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky realizes, remembering just how half-hearted most of that harem bullshit was. “Maybe a bent man wrote a kind of bent protagonist by accident? Who knows?”
“Da-Ge?” Fanli says. “Da-Ge, didn’t you know?”
AN: I’ve said this before, but there’s a meta argument to be made in regards to Luo Binghe and obligatory heterosexuality. 
Also, from what I remember, Airplane didn’t actually seem to care too much about Luo Binghe being interested in Shen Yuan. In the Airplane Extras, Airplane says that in the original version of PIDW that he never got to write, Luo Binghe actually ended up totally alone at the end of the story. He was apparently planning a pretty downer ending for Luo Binghe. But Luo Binghe ended up getting a huge harem instead because that’s what the readers wanted! 
So, my impression is, that when SVSSS Airplane first realizes that LBH is into men (and into SQQ specifically), he does a little bit of self-reflection and also reflection on PIDW, then just goes, “Huh. That makes... sense.” 
“Though, aha, I can’t remember Shen-Shixiong ever really not being kind of angry at me and I’m not dead yet. I had to talk really fast sometimes, but I lived! Now go away.”
When Shang Qinghua looks up, all of his disciples are staring at him. They all look surprised, except for Shen Yuan, who looks embarrassed. Shang Qinghua would guess that someone cracked a dirty joke, but that doesn’t seem right.
“...Shifu, how long have you known Shen-Shibo?” Chen Xuan asks.
“Since we were disciples? Ah, I think he hated me at first sight.”
“But you’re close now?” Lin Wenjiao blurts out.
“Closer, ” Shang Qinghua agrees warily. “Aha, don’t think that any of you can ask me for favors to do with Shen Qingqiu or Qing Jing Peak too! That’s not happening! Disciple Luo, Shen, get out of here before you give my disciples any more weird ideas.”
AN: Okay, so what happened is that as soon as Luo Fanli and Shang Qinghua left the room, Shen Yuan was like, “...Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu are... very close? Are they...?” 
And SQH’s disciples are like, “Holy shit, are you asking if SQH and SQQ are romantically involved?!” And SQH’s disciples laugh in SY’s face because that’s RIDICULOUS. Which makes SY really embarrassed and defensive! SQH’s disciples ask why he would EVER think a thing like that. 
SY provides the evidence. It’s a reasonable conclusion! 
And then SQH’s disciples are like, “...Holy shit?!” 
And then SY is like, “Wait, maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that.” 
But it’s too late. SQH’s disciples are already putting all the evidence together and there is SO MUCH EVIDENCE of something going on there. 
I know I refer to this ship as “Shangjiu”, but that’s mostly just to specify which Shen Qingqiu and I doubt that anyone in Cang Qiong Mountain Sect dares to call SQQ “Jiu” besides YQY. They’d probably actually end up calling it something along the lines of “The Premise” like original Star Trek: The Original Series Kirk/Spock shippers. (See Fanlore or something for more info on that.) 
Again, SQH cannot... CONCEIVE of them conceiving this idea. 
By the time that Mobei-Jun shows up at his Leisure House, Shang Qinghua is a little on the edge! Honestly, he’s kind of off the edge, dangling from a very thin branch just underneath the cliff’s edge, and that thin branch is making some very concerning noises! Sure, at least the demon lord isn’t late, but Shang Qinghua is suddenly reminded of just how intimidating Mobei-Jun looks! Also, he’s cleaned up his house and knows his sister-in-law knows he’s kind of a slob sometimes, but he’s so sure that she’s still going to judge his cleaning job! What if she blames Mobei-Jun for it? (She’d be right to blame him a little! The man can be kind of lazy and messy sometimes too!)
A cool hand at Shang Qinghua’s hip prevents him from walking around in circles, repositioning disobedient cushions and offending tables. Shang Qinghua looks up at Mobei-Jun, who moves his hand to where Shang Qinghua’s neck meets shoulder.
“Stop it,” Mobei-Jun says.
AN: It’s really funny thinking about how all of Mobei-Jun’s gentle and affectionate behaviors towards SQH are totally learned. This does not come naturally to the man. If SQH was having a panic attack, Mobei-Jun’s first (panicked) instinct would be to bark at him to stop it. 
“It’s just… Jiahui is… it didn’t have to be this way for us? I would have just helped her get to safety and left her to live her life without me, but she didn’t let that happen, even though her family wasn’t any good either, so why would she want another one?” Shang Qinghua tries to explain. “She chose me? She looked out for me. She helped me understand a lot of things. Even though she probably could have picked anyone else. I don’t really know where I’d be right now if she didn’t? Ah, probably… not talking to or trusting anyone ever? You remember what things used to be like.”
“I’ve never really liked any of the sisters I’ve had before very much,” Shang Qinghua admits. “Ah, but they didn’t like me either, so it worked. Anyway! It’s… important to me that things work out now because…”
 “I don’t want to choose,” Shang Qinghua doesn’t say.
He clears his throat instead.
Shang Qinghua forces himself to look up from his hands on Mobei-Jun’s collar.
“I am glad that you were not without someone to trust,” Mobei-Jun says, though it sounds like it takes effort. “Your sister has nothing to fear from me.”
Mobei-Jun has already made this promise, but it’s good to hear it again.
“Thank you, my king. I’ll, ah- I should go get her now.”
AN: Mobei-Jun is jealous. He is very, VERY jealous. 
BUT Mobei-Jun can also see some parallels here. Luo Jiahui is to Shang Qinghua in many ways what Shang Qinghua is to him. Mobei-Jun understands the importance of this relationship and of this person. He understands that Jiahui and SQH’s relationship is not romantic, of course, and understands her to be the “head of the family”, so he has to force himself not to act on his jealousy. 
I think that a part of Mobei-Jun might see jealousy as something very negative? Thinking about what I said about Mobei-Jun’s hang-ups surrounding consent and possessiveness possibly originating with his father being a wife-stealer, Mobei-Jun can’t act on his jealousy for the same reasons that he needs Shang Qinghua to make the first explicit moves. He wants Shang Qinghua to choose him and to choose him of his own free will. 
So, he’s jealous when he hears about how LJH chose SQH and SQH chose LJH, but he can’t act on it because 1) he loves SQH and 2) he’s (possibly unconsciously) terrified of becoming his father and creating resentment that will ripple out into his family potentially for generations. 
It’s so, so weird to see his human sister-in-law sitting across from a demon lord. Luo Jiahui is not a tall woman and her cultivation is very good these days, but she’s not a warrior. Seeing the height and width differences side-by-side make them really obvious! Mobei-Jun is at least twice Shang Qinghua’s sister-in-law’s size! He has to be easily twice her weight!
When Luo Jiahui puts food in front of Mobei-Jun, Shang Qinghua gets huge “I dare you to not eat my food” messages! It took a really long time before Mobei-Jun seemed to accept that Shang Qinghua really wouldn’t take every available opportunity to hand him poison. Thankfully, however, Mobei-Jun has eaten Luo Jiahui’s food before! Shang Qinghua has shared his sister-in-law's food with the demon lord! Shang Qinghua also communicated beforehand that Mobei-Jun has to eat the food. No matter what!
So, Mobei-Jun eats the food and Shang Qinghua breathes a sigh of relief. Mobei-Jun even goes so far as to tell Luo Jiahui that she’s a good cook (above and beyond social interaction! Also delivered kind of awkwardly!), which his sister-in-law accepts with thanks (and also maybe just a little bit as her rightful due).
Luo Jiahui already knows the basics of Mobei-Jun: that he’s an ice demon, the son of the Northern Demon King, and he’s going to be the next Northern Demon King. She already knows that he’s a warrior and that his time is mostly spent tending to his duties, usually on his father’s behalf. She even knows that demon families can be kind of violently competitive and that Mobei-Jun’s family is no exception.
So, when she finally decides to speak seriously, she says, “My brother is very important to me. I have told him that if he is happy, then I’m happy for him. He has told me that you are very important to him.”
AN: Mobei-Jun is going to hold that revelation close to his chest for WEEKS. Shang Qinghua said that Mobei-Jun is very important to him! 
Juggling the tension of this scene was weird. 
Because, like, Mobei-Jun is not a kind or a gentle or a good person. He’s disdainful of humanity. It’s kind of a mindfuck for him to be having a meal with a strange human who is not of the things he has been raised to respect. 
Meanwhile, Luo Jiahui is fucking terrified of Mobei-Jun, dislikes him, and doesn’t want to like him. He’s a stranger who could destroy her family. He looks kind of monstrous. He acts strangely. 
But they HAVE TO BE CIVIL to each other for Shang Qinghua’s sake. 
So they are. 
Mobei-Jun tries not to make any scary moves around the soft human. 
Luo Jiahui tries to act like MBJ is a normal person and to be polite. 
They are both very out of their depth. 
“...Shang Qinghua saved my life,” Mobei-Jun says, which is the first time he’s spoken without someone else speaking to him first. “Many times, he has done this.”
Luo Jiahui sets down her teacup, listening expectantly.
“Even when I did not trust him, and he did not trust me, Qinghua has always provided shelter and safety,” Mobei-Jun says slowly, solemnly. “Medicine, when I have been injured. Direction, when I have been lost. Company and loyalty. This is rare.”
“Yes,” Luo Jiahui agrees.
“The trust I have put in him has never been betrayed.”
Shang Qinghua kind of feels like he’s overheating here - like maybe his heart is melting! Mobei-Jun as a character has always prized loyalty above all! “I had no fucking clue,” he thinks. “Honestly, how the FUCK did I have no fucking clue?! Hindsight is incredible!”
“I would not betray him,” Mobei-Jun says, looking to Shang Qinghua directly. “My life has been his since the day we met.”
Shang Qinghua tries not to melt even more. Mobei-Jun is supposed to be an ice demon! What the hell is this?! It’s unfair! It’s embarrassing! It’s too much!
“...Good,” Luo Jiahui says, determinedly. “I’m happy to hear that. My hard-working brother needs someone to appreciate and cherish him.”
AN: Mobei-Jun is like, “Humans use words. I need to use words. I need to be direct about this because humans are bad at understanding things.” 
And Luo Jiahui is like, “Oh my, you are very intense. Okay.” 
Mobei-Jun nods. “I did not think a human would ever care for a demon child.”
Luo Jiahui frowns a little. “Oh?”
“I admire this,” Mobei-Jun amends, frowning back. “I do not know how humans are raised. It is good that your child has never had to doubt his safety here.”
“...Of course.”
“It is clear that your child is loved beyond his bloodline.”
“Of course,” Luo Jiahui insists, with an offended note in her voice. “When I found Binghe in that river, I didn’t know he was part demon, but I would have taken him in anyway! Whoever the parent is, whatever the parent has done, it’s never the baby’s fault. Even if a parent has done something wrong, then babies shouldn’t suffer for it. All children should be cherished.”
Luo Jiahui’s voice breaks a little, her eyes turning wet. Shang Qinghua fumbles for a handkerchief to offer his sister-in-law, which she accepts gratefully.
He wonders if she’s thinking about her stillborn baby. She doesn’t talk about her other baby very often, but she does sometimes. She told him once that she observes that day. It’s something that she insists on doing alone.
“...I was left in the human world as a young child,” Mobei-Jun says.
Shang Qinghua’s head snaps up. He knows that, but that’s because he wrote that. He has never, ever heard Mobei-Jun talk about it before.
“Oh, no,” Luo Jiahui says.
“I was nearly killed by humans,” Mobei-Jun informs them.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Luo Jiahui says.
“It was my uncle’s doing. He wishes to see me dead.” Mobei-Jun says this like it’s just another fact of life, not even an upsetting one, which kind of makes it one of the saddest fucking things that Shang Qinghua has ever heard the man say.
“That’s terrible,” Luo Jiahui says vehemently. “How rotten.”
Mobei-Jun blinks at her. His expression is still solemn, but the pause seems surprised.
Shang Qinghua almost wants to shrug. Yep, his sister-in-law is just like this!
“I have promised Qinghua that I will protect your son,” Mobei-Jun says to her. “I make you the same promise now.”
“...Thank you.”
AN: Mobei-Jun is like, “I understand you to be one of the rare humans who is not a piece of shit and who would have saved me as a child. I respect this. I don’t fucking understand it, but I understand you should be protected and that your child should be protected. I am doing this for Shang Qinghua and not because I have any personal issues surrounding the endangerment of demon children.” 
Luo Jiahui is like, “Oh, he’s soft inside! He’ll protect my Binghe. Okay, I like him now. I didn’t want to, but anyone who basically professes to be willing to die for my child and my brother has my reluctant approval.” 
Shang Qinghua can’t help it. The energy in here is so weird! He laughs.
“My king, have you had that all this time?”
Mobei-Jun doesn’t say anything, he just frowns.
“Clearly he was waiting to return it in person, Houhua,” Luo Jiahui admonishes. “It’s not his fault that you took so long introducing us or surely he would have returned it sooner. Don’t make it out to be impolite.”
Mobei-Jun gives Shang Qinghua’s sister-in-law an approving look.
AN: Mobei-Jun is like, “Oh, she’s smarter than Qinghua. Good. (Not that my Shang Qinghua isn’t very clever, but he’s an idiot.)” 
And sometimes it’s just nice to take a minute to sit back, relax, and see his disciples daring their shidi, his fellow transmigrator, to chug the spiciest soup on the menu.
“Ah, kids,” Shang Qinghua says to Luo Jiahui.
Luo Jiahui is making a very concerned expression as her sisters, Shang Qinghua’s head disciples, and even Liu Mingyan chant: “Chug! Chug! Chug!” Yeah, he should probably stop them! But why would he? If anyone throws up from this, he’ll just appear out of nowhere to scare the shit out of all of them and then make them clean it up. It’s fine. He says as much to Luo Jiahui.
“They’re old enough to know better,” she says, but she looks fond now. “Their shifu should have taught them better manners, hm?”
“Hey! Only… four of those are mine.”
AN: Friends for Shen Yuan! Friends for Shen Yuan! 
Also SQH being like, “Oh, fuck, I really have too many kids.” 
Luo Jiahui sighs wistfully. “It is nice having children in here again, even big ones who are supposed to be adults now. I’m so proud of how Binghe has grown, but I miss when he was little. I miss when I could pick him up and carry him around. Uncle Han’s daughter brought her new baby in yesterday. He was so cute!”
“Aha, don’t steal a baby to fill the empty nest, please!”
Luo Jiahui swats him. “I wouldn’t do something like that!” she insists, cheeks flushing pink.
AN: Baby?! Baby for Luo Jiahui and Liu Qingge?! Maybe! 
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finagled · 2 years
absent but busy
life never seems to slow down to let me catch my breath, so ive been busy trying to keep things going!
this has been a hellish year but also a spectacular one in so many ways. my dad’s death has shattered me tbh, im just not the same person i was before he left and life will never ever be the same with him gone. as somebody who already struggles with identity issues, i had a real hard time knowing how in the world i was supposed to keep going without his input and support. he always saw right through me and could point out things about me i wasnt even aware of yet, but he was always spot on, too. bouncing my ideas off of him is how i learned to human. im coming to realize i loved to succeed and experience so i could tell him and listen to how he loved to hear about it. with him gone, ive felt a sense of emptiness with everything.
im trying to hold on to what he’s taught me. he gave me so many lessons on how to be a person, a good person. he played devils advocate so id learn how to fight for what i knew to be true, and to reevaluate my stance if i couldn’t. he taught me how to treat other people, how every stranger deserves kindness. he taught me that you can be wrong, and that sometimes being wrong is a beautiful thing, because then you learn what’s right. he taught me nothing is worth sacrificing your morals.
the answer to where to find this person now is that now, i have to be this person. the only way for those things about him to live on is if i perpetuate them in my own life. im trying so hard to do this. its not going easy. im told over and over again that im smart, that i work hard, that im good with people, and yet my success has not materialized no matter what i’ve done to secure it. i think, if i just had mental health care and meds, if i could just see a doctor, then id be so great. but i can’t think like that. whether that’s true or not and that’s the only thing in the way between me and living like i feel like im meant to, it doesn’t matter. trying to get government assistance, at least in this state, feels impossible. i dont have the energy to keep hoping they’re going to help. im frustrated to come to the conclusion that i am going to have to metaphorically “pick myself up by the bootstraps” and find a way to push forward in the meantime.
i know im intelligent and have skills that can genuinely and directly help people, because ive done it before. its taken a really long time to have confidence in myself about anything. but i need to start, and then do something with it, because im wasting time waiting for help to arrive.
this is a big ol ramble but it feels good to have the energy to write stuff up. vari and i have been working real hard this past year trying to get the house and our lives set up in a way that will set us both up for success. we’re slowly getting a handle on chores and bills, and our mental health is improving. im slowly pulling all the tangled yarn apart in my brain and getting things sorted.
they took me off adderall and onto strattera, which i actually dont mind. ive heard the medication can precipitate manic episodes in bipolar individuals though, so i wonder if i like it because of that. im depressed so often and its been so long since hypomania, that i really done mind when i wake up with the excess energy and vigor. it doesnt feel extreme like hypomania, more like just having gusto for the day. ill have to keep an eye on it more since its only been about three weeks, but im grateful i havent lost much progress from getting off adderall. the side effects aren’t nearly as powerful either, which is nice.
so im trying. i have too many people i should be getting back to with messages so if youre one of them, im sorry. theres a million things going on and only so much energy each day, but ive drawn up some routines that i hope will encourage me to do more stuff throughout the day other than just chores and sims ;)
thanks to anyone for reading :3
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vemuabhi · 4 years
Insecurities - Benn Beckman X Male Reader
Requested by Sletza147 (wattpad)
Pairing : Benn Beckman X Male! Feminine! Reader 
Word count : 2.1K
A/N : There are a lot of people who are not truly accepting who they are because of this judgemental society. Everyone needs to be given a chance and be appreciated for who they are. I loved writing this request because it was really meaningful and lovely. If a person reading this is not accepting their true self because of this society, I just want to let you know that you are amazing and you are worth everything. Stay strong and love yourself!
Listen to  Scars to your Beautiful (Clickable). Its a song I really love which show the worth of every person. I was thinking about this song as I wrote this.
Warnings : Angst, Alcohol, Comfort and then happy ending.
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You sit in the corner table of the bar as you chug the glass of beer in front of you. Was it the 7th or the 9th glass? You didn’t know. You didn’t care. All you wanted then to do was to drink away all your problems.
‘Why should it happen to me’, you thought as you clenched your wrist. You placed the glass on the table with a thud and walked towards the podium where some musicians played music. The bar seemed livelier now. You stood on the podium and turned around. Took the mic in your hand and started to sing a song as the musicians played music. You were singing a popular song so everyone cheered you and some even joined you while you sang. This time this lively group were really nice too.
After the song was finished, everyone clapped for you and you bowed. You tried to get down the podium, but as you were drunk, you slipped. But in an instant strong hands stopped you from falling.
“Ah! Thanks”, you said as you looked at the person. He was a tall man with raven black hair. He had a cigarette in his mouth and sharp black eyes.
You pulled away from him and made your way back to your spot. Other people started to sing and dance. Another glass came to you. You this time slowly sipped it. Then the same man with black hair came towards you.
“Is this place taken?”, he asked.
“No. As if anyone would want to sit and drink with me”, you answered as you gave him a weak smile. He sat in the chair and asked, “Why wouldn’t anyone want to sit with you? You seem like a really fun person”
You laughed at his words and asked for the bartender for another glass. “Well, lets see why not”, you said as you straightened your back. He sipped from his glass as he closely listened to you.
“I am a guy and I walk in a way everyone thinks is wrong for a man, to walk like that. I talk in this high pitch voice of mine, and everyone considers it as wrong, for a man. I try to look a bit colourful, and everyone says its not manly, for a guy. In simple words, everyone says ‘I’m not normal’. Now, tell me who would want to sit with me”, you said as the waiter placed another glass of beer in front of you.
“You are drinking too much”, he said only for you to scoff in return.
You sip it slowly and then continue, “People are really mean. They just don’t care what the other person is feeling. If you want to live, you either have to be rich and powerful or super perfect in every way”, you said and looked at him. You thought he wouldn’t care or would stop listening to you, but he kept listening.
You sighed and said, “Many said I was too feminine for a guy to be. Even my family. Also my ex-boyfriend”, you drank some more beer and added, “People love to bully others and especially, when they find someone like me, they won’t hold their horses anymore. You know how hard it is being a gay person. It would become even harder for feminine gay person like me. Where ever you go, people judge you. So, here I am, just like every week. Drinking to reduce the pain in my heart”, you smiled at him as you finish your glass.
“Sometimes, I wish I was normal”, you end with a fake chuckle. The man in front of you listened to every single word of yours carefully.
He drank his beer and placed the glass on the table. He looked sternly at you and said, “You are normal. You are, even if you agree or not”, he said as he indicated for another glass to the waiter.
He turned towards you and said, “There is nothing in this world, which is perfect. Yes, people judge, talk and bully. But if you prove, not to them, but to yourself about how amazing you are, you won’t be sad and drunk like this. Most people are trash and talk bad of one who is hard working, talented and good hearted. That’s hoe people are. If you want to become strong, work hard for yourself. If you want to achieve something, achieve it for yourself. Not for the sake of others. You are worth of many things”, he said as he smiled at you.
“You are already perfect. If you want to become even stronger, come join our Red hair pirates. We won’t judge you”, he said as his hand wiped your cheek. That was when you noticed that you were crying. He was a man who said you were worth it. He got up and placed some cash on the table.
“My treat. Don’t drink too much from now”, he said and left to his original group.
‘He was… he was a pirate and said all those nice things to me’ you thought as you took your belongings and left the place.
The next day you got up with your head killing you. This time, the hangover was worse than previous week. You remembered the man from last night and even if your head was in immense pain, you freshened and went towards the port for any pirate ship. ‘I don’t want to stay here. No person would even care if I leave. I’d die having a fun adventure rather than live with toxic people around me’, you thought as you searched for the ship.
After a while you saw a ship of the red hair pirates, which the man mentioned last night. You saw the man with red hair from the night before. ‘If I remember correctly, he is the friend of the raven haired man’, you thought as you made your way towards him.
“Excuse me, can I talk to you”, you asked the man as he smiled at you and stopped in his tracks.
“Hey! I saw you last night. You are the singer right”, he asked making you chuckle. The intense pain returned back to you and you winced in pain.
“Are you okay?”, he asked and you nodded as you still held your head.
“I saw your friend last night, can I please speak to him”, you asked the man who nodded as he placed his hand on your shoulder and said, “You really don’t seem ok, just come onto the ship. I’ll make sure someone gives you a medicine”, he said. You could only nod at that pain.
He led you towards the pirate ship and took you inside. It was your first time inside a pirate ship and you looked around even though you were in pain. He took you towards a room which looked like a medic room. He told you to sit on the bed and you obliged. He then looked out of the room and said, “Ah! Benn, come here! I need your help”, he said and the same man you were looking for came in. He was surprised to see you there.
“Oh my! You really came! And you met the captain himself”, he said
“What!”, you looked at the red haired man and said, “You are the captain. I… I��m sorry I didn’t even introduce myself”
“Haha, Its fine. I’m Shanks. Benn told me about you last night. So, do you want to become a pirate?”, he asked and you said, “Yes sir, if its ok, can I join your crew. I’ll make sure I’ll get stronger”
“That’s the sprit! Good. Welcome to the crew!”, Shanks exclaimed and continued, “Benn, could you give the newbie medicine, I’ll be back”, the captain left with that leaving you and Benn alone.
“I told you, you shouldn’t drink that much. See what happened now”, he said as he took a medicine from the cupboard and gave it to you.
“Take this. You’ll soon feel better”, he smiled and sat beside you. You took the medicine and it was sure horrible.
You looked at him and asked, “Why did you invite me to be one of the crew? Don’t you think, I may be a spy or a secret marine? How could you trust a stranger like me, not to say was drunk too at that moment?”
He smiled at you and said, “Yeah that’s a good question but, when I saw your tears just because of some words from a stranger. Your tears… they were pure. So, I offered you to come to the crew, to become even stronger”. You blushed at his words and he laughed seeing your red face.
Then began your journey as a member of the Red hair pirates group. The beginning wasn’t easy. The training was really tough. But you didn’t give up. You wanted to make your captain proud of you. He gave you the opportunity to join them. So you were really grateful to him. You trained with all the members but especially Benn. He gave you special attention and made you stronger. You loved visiting the new islands. They were all so different and unique. While you were on the ship, you noticed that the crew had zero sense of money. Getting to one island, the dorks would spend money on every useless thing and be broke for a lot of time.
As you didn’t want that to happen you took the matter in your hands and started to take care of the money. You started to make sure to give everyone equal share and save some for future. And due to your doings, they at least didn’t be too poor. You really had a hard time make sure to keep their sneaky hands away from the money. Fighting them while they tried to take money made you to become more will powered and stronger.
After 3 years, you showed a real improvement in your combat skills and made Benn and Shanks really proud of you. This crew didn’t once treated you differently. They respected you and treated you as one of them. They never mocked you. If anyone ever tried to make fun of the way you are, they beat the crap out of them.
You loved your crew. But especially… one person even more. That was the first mate of the crew. You always had feelings for him but never expressed them. But one night at a bar on an island, a guy suddenly stated to hit on you. You tried to reject him but he wouldn’t budge. As he was becoming creepier, you had no other choice but to search around for any of the members who weren’t completely wasted. You saw Benn was looking at you. It was as if he was waiting for a signal. “BABE! OVER HERE!”, you called Benn. His face slushed red at how you called him. He came towards you and sat beside you with his arm around your shoulder. Just one glare from Benn, made him to run away.
“Huff… Thanks for coming. He just wouldn’t leave”, you said as you drank the beer and continued, “I wish I also had a boyfriend or just be in a relationship. Makino san and Shanks are always making me jealous”, you fake chuckled and placed the glass on the table.
“Do… Do you like someone?”, he asked making your heart skip a beat.
“What if I say I do? What will you do?”, you asked but the latter didn’t even look at you. ‘If I tell it now, I can blame it was a joke right, since I won’t find a chance like this to play it off’, you thought.
You took the beer glass from his hand and said, “What will you do if I say, I like you? Would you then go out with me?”. Everything was silent but as soon as you said that, he looked at you with a stunned expression. You could see the pink hue on his cheeks.
“Yes, i… I’d go out with you”, he said as he turned his gaze away from you. ‘He is blushing! Oh god… is.. this happening? Is this a dream’, you thought as you looked at him with your eyes wide open.
“Wait, were… were you joking”, you asked him but he looked at you more seriously and said, “Why would I joke, in a moment like this?” he exhaled and turned towards you as he took your hand. “Y/N, will you go out with me. I promise I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you. Please be my boyfriend”.
You had no words to answer to his confession. All you could do was nod rigorously as tears slid down your face. He pulled you close to him and you wrapped your arms around his shoulder. 
After a while you went ahead to the podium space where people sing sometimes and took the mic. You took a deep breath and started to sing as people turned their focus on you. This time, you only looked at one person as you smiled and sang.
You don’t have to change a thing the world could change its heart
The scars to your beautiful 
We’re stars we’re beautiful
I hope you liked it! Please forgive me for any mistakes.
Tell me how you feel by giving me a Like, Comment and Reblog. Thanks for Reading!
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The Sniper and The Medic: Chapter 7
Starring: Crosshair, OC Joan Vo, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker
Chapter Warnings: Mention of injury, mentions of bullying
Taglist: @proadhog @skippyhopperwisdom
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
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Chapter 7: On the Mend
It was a full week before Crosshair saw Joan again. She canceled his check-ups, so he could use the time to rest instead, and Tech served as the messenger to report on his healing progress. And he was progressing, thankfully. The pain eventually subsided and by the end of the week, he didn't have to actively think about breathing anymore. As long as he was careful with his stretching and other movements, he was almost good as new.
In addition, their ship had finally arrived, and much to everyone's relief, Hunter stopped the simulation runs in favor of working on the craft instead. They outfitted it with all the tools and weapons they could get their hands on, and each took turns piloting through the storms of Kamino. They weren't allowed to break the atmosphere, but it would only be a couple short weeks before they were officially deployed anyway.
Crosshair found himself at a mental crossroad. They were getting ever closer to the moment he'd been waiting for his whole life, the day he finally got to leave this forsaken place. To say he'd hated his time here would be an understatement. The experimenting and the bullying and even the way it smelled.... He couldn't wait to finally be free of it. To be on real missions, not simulations. To see real trees and feel real dirt. To use his marksman skills, the only thing he was good for, to do something important.
But then there was Joan. There was hardly a moment he didn't think about her. He couldn't help it. She was unlike anyone he'd ever known and he couldn't get enough. Her voice, her smile, her gentleness, her confidence. Going a week without seeing her had been hard; he wasn't sure what he'd do the day he'd have to leave, and probably never see her again....
A sudden snapping noise came by his ear, forcing him to shake away his confused thoughts and turn with a scowl. Tech was scowling back.
"You didn't hear anything I just said, did you?"
Crosshair hadn't even noticed him approach. They were in the hangar, Hunter and Wrecker arguing nearby about what to name their ship. Hunter wanted The Marauder because it sounded "slick." Wrecker wanted The Havoc because it sounded "badass." Crosshair was staying out of it. And Tech had been gone for most of the day.
"Where've you been?" he asked.
Tech readjusted the pack he had slung over his shoulder with a huff. "If you'd been listening... I was doing some research on Felucian Gelagrubs in the library."
Crosshair almost started tuning him out again, until his brother looked up with a playful smirk.
"And then I ran into Doctor Joan. She was wondering if you were well enough to take her up on that deal yet?"
"What deal?" came Wrecker's voice, muffled by some food he was chewing on. Apparently he and Hunter had finished their argument and were more interested in this new conversation.
"Cross promised to teach Joan how to shoot once he felt better. I told her you were feeling much better, and she said she'll have a few free hours tonight if you're interested."
Crosshair wished he could smack the smug grin off Tech's face. And shove that turkey leg down Wrecker's throat to stop his howling laughter. Only Hunter wasn't making fun. If anything, he looked confused.
"But she knows how to shoot," he said with a frown. "She's told me...."
Tech shrugged, starting to walk toward the ship's ramp. "Maybe she wants a refresher?"
"Or she wants to cozy up to Crosshaaaair," teased Wrecker.
Crosshair felt his face growing flushed. He was about to snap at them for being idiots, but Hunter intervened.
"Okay, that's enough. I'm sure Joan didn't mean anything by it..." Hunter paused with another frown. He didn't sound convinced; in fact, he sounded concerned. But then he shook himself and gave Crosshair a nod. "If you want to help her practice, fine by me. Just make sure you help us with the paint job before you go."
Hunter gave the ship a fond tap on its hull.
"What name are we going with?" asked Tech.
"The Havoc Marauder."
* * *
Crosshair made it to the simulation room before Joan. He programmed it to Felucia, inspired by Tech's mention of it earlier. It was another green planet, but with stranger-looking flora and a mist that hung low in the air.
"This your favorite?" came her low voice. It was a little raspier than usual; maybe she'd been talking a lot that day.
Crosshair swallowed down a wave of nerves that threatened to overcome him. It was so nice to see her again after so long apart.
"It's a good challenge," he shrugged. "Decreased visibility. Uneven terrain. Hostile flora and fauna."
Joan stood beside him, looking around. She was wearing the same outfit as last time and had her hair braided back. A standard-issue DC-15A blaster rifle was strapped across her back.
"Did you steal that from a reg?"
She didn't laugh like he'd hoped, but she did have a faint smile. She swung the rifle around and held it firmly, confidently. "It's mine. Most medics were only given pistols, but my troop let me have this one."
"So you do know how to shoot," he said.
Joan lifted the rifle to her shoulder and aimed up at one of the simulation targets on a tree. She fired and made the hit.
"A straight shot with no stress or pressure, I'm not bad..." She then grimaced. "But I was never good in an actual firefight. They only gave me a gun for self-protection. The rest of the time I just focused on tending wounds, let my brothers take care of the cover fire."
Her use of the term "brothers" did not go unnoticed to Crosshair, but he didn't comment on it. He nodded his head and brought out his own gun. It was a much superior model than hers, but he wouldn't show off. Not too much, anyway.
He led her to some higher ground and got to work, teaching her what he knew, just like she had taught him the week before. He went over posture and breathing. He threw in some facts about angles and trajectories. He had her find an "anchor" for herself, a way that she would always hold the gun and her body, so no matter the situation, she could fall into that comfortable position. And he took any opportunity he could find to place his hand or his arm around her.
This was his life, things he'd engaged with for years and years. And even though he only had mere hours with her, he wanted to share as much as he could.
Joan was a good student. She wasn't the best shooter, but by the end of the night, she had made some improvement. She was no longer hesitating with the trigger and managed to take down a simulated Acklay despite being scared of it. That was a win in Crosshair's eyes.
When she finally showed signs of fatigue, he turned off the sim and sat with her on one of the benches along the walls. They sat in silence for a brief time, and Crosshair was grateful she didn't seem uncomfortable by it. He let his head rest against the wall and closed his eyes.
"Is Tech okay?" she eventually asked.
His eyes reopened, only so he could furrow them in confusion. "Yeah, why?"
She shrugged and stifled a yawn. "There were some... uh, clones bothering him in the library earlier. Wasn't sure if it upset him."
"He didn't mention it," Crosshair said with a clenched jaw. He really hated when the regs messed with his brothers, especially Tech.
Joan shifted to better face him. "He's a hard one to read. Most of his visits, I'm answering his millions of questions about human anatomy. He only puts stats on his chart. Like that assignment I had, to write things about yourselves? He drew a diagram of his body with arrows pointing out his height, eye color, body fat percentage...."
She chuckled softly and Crosshair found himself joining in. That sounded like Tech, alright.
"I don't know. I just want to make sure he's not really hurting inside. You were the one I thought I had to worry about. Wrecker wears his emotions on his sleeve. Hunter's guided by duty, so it's easy to predict what he feels."
"And me?"
"You put up walls. Which I get. It's hard to be... you." She cocked her head with a knowing look. "But when you respect someone, you let them in. And from there you're an open book."
He frowned. "I am not."
"You kinda are though," she laughed. "I can always tell by your tone when you like certain things or not. Scowling is your default, but when you're really upset your jaw clenches. And..." she looked down in her lap with a small smile, "you blush sometimes when I talk."
Crosshair's eyes widened in horror, which only made her laugh more.
"It's okay. It's... flattering."
He gulped. Her cheeks were pinker than usual as well, but that must have been from the training they just did. Surely....
"I'll, uh... I'll keep an eye on Tech," he stuttered. "He'll be fine."
"Good." She clapped her legs and stood up. "Well anyway, I won't keep you up much later. Thank you for the lesson. It was fun."
He stood, too, and decided to say, with a shake in his breath, "I hope it won't be another week before I see you again?"
"Well, I guess I should take another look at that little wound of yours soon."
Her smile faltered, ever so briefly, and Crosshair panicked. Was he sounding too eager? 
"Sure. I should have some time... three o'clock?"
He nodded with an internal sigh of relief. She let her gaze linger on his for just a moment more, and he started to think maybe, just maybe, she had been blushing after all. Maybe there was a chance she liked him back.
He hoped she did. But at the same time, he knew it would only make it that much harder to leave....
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