#Aly's idea
aly-corner · 11 months
PKNA/Ducktale 2017 Halloween Tale
Ghost of the past are always catching up on Halloween
Like every kids on this time if years, the Duck/Mcduck's children and their friends were preparing for Halloween.
It would be the third Halloween since Della Duck came back and she wanted to introduce one of her favorite Duck's Halloween tradition. She wanted and she did it, she had introduced to her children since they were now old enough (13 years old), THE WHEEL.
Do not worry, it was just a regular wheel but it has a lots of theme and where the wheel stops is which halloween's theme will be picked this year. There was over 20 of them, coming from horrible creatures to celebrities while getting an halt to aliments.
This year, Della wanted her boys to have time to prepare their costumes so the family had decided to turn to wheel two weeks before the famous night.
"Guyyyyyssssssss, do we really have to do this!????" asked a duckling wearing a green jacket or to be more specific, Louie Duck the last triplet. Who was currently being dragged by his blue counterpart, Dewey Duck and pushed by the oldest triplet, Huey Duck at the same time.
"Come on Louie, it is going to be fun! And don't y-"began to say Huey to his younger brother before the middle child chirped in.
"And don't you want to have a good moment with mom. She really seems excited to shows us? And beside, what could go wrong?!!!"
"First, do not say something like that, you know Uncle Donald is visiting later today and we don't want his bad luck to worsen. Two, please Dewey, it is only respectful to not cut someone when they are talking. And Third, Louie, don't you want to know more about mom and Uncle Donald's childhood?" exclaim Huey before finally arriving in the kitchen, where everyone were already settled.
Upon seeing the kids arrived, Della didn't lost any time and slammed the wheel as hard as she could, getting the object of doom to spin at an incredible speed.
While the wheel was spinning, everyone was beting which theme would be chosen. Scrooge bet on historical characters, Mrs Beakley and Duckworth both bet on regular animals while Webby hoped and bet for mystical creatures. Lauchpad chose fictionnal character when Fenton bet on robots and aliens. Finally, Della bet on objects or foods while her lucky cousin, Gladstone bet on superheroes. HDL didn't mind any of the theme, except Huey who didn't wanted to dress as a superhero again since he did three years ago.
When it ceased, the room was filled by desception noises except for one person.
Gladstone as usual was the luckiest duck on earth because the theme chosen by fate for this Halloween was Superheroes.
Even with her sour feelings caused by her lost, Della quickly took her kid and began preparing the costumes with them while she also calmed down an upset red duckling.
"Come on Brother, don't worry, didn't you say it would be fun? On top "What could go wrong" like Dewford here presents said?" whispered Louie to his older brother who calmed down in an hearthbeat.
Della was about to question her kids about what was being said when she saw her youngest and trickiest son heading upstairs with determination and pure mischielf in his eyes.
Gulping and turning her attention to her two other children to help them. She couldn't stop worrying over the fact about What was planning Louie! because this child here had an idea and was determined to bring it to life. However, would this be good or something she would regret?
Nevermind, she already regret introducing the wheel to the boys, this is what she conclued even she saw the biggest smirk on the loving gold child.
2 weeks later
Donald has entered the mansion with the help of Webby since his arms were full of Halloween pastry for everyone. He then headed to the decorated kitchen to help with tonight dinner. His help didn't last long between Grandma Duck, his cousin and his sister questions and Fethry who was tasting everything like a little child would.
"Yes Grandma, i am eating my vegetables and -No Gladstone, i can't come with you to saturday baseball match, i have work to do. And for the 23rd time, Della i won't help you scare young children wit-" quickly answered the sailor Duck before he was interrupted by Four young voices calling out to him.
Setting aside what he was doing, he rushed to the main area, where he could go upstairs to help the kids but upon arriving he saw Dewey rushing the stairs before throwing a smokebomb in front of him.
"I am the Terror that flaps in the night, i am the best Superhero to have ever existed, I AM DARKWING DUCK!!!!!" shouted Dewey in a kindway like Batman pose.
Following soon, almost instandly, came Huey who glided down the stairs with a soft metal costume of Gizmoduck, minus the weapons and the single wheel.
"Fear not citizen, I Gizmoduck , an actual hero, will come to your help!!!!!" proudly shouted, as much as his brother ,Huey.
Before Donald could say something, a thrid voice joined the Duo. "Everyone keep calm, everything will be okay because your lucky hero has come to save the Day!" yelled Webby from behind Donald.
Upon taking his breath from the little scare, the little girl gave him, Donald eyed the new Superhero better, she was wearing a green, blue and yellow suits with huge trefoil.
"Cloverleaf, i see, good pick Webby." said Donald behind a kind ssmile before all the lights were suddently cut.
Getting the girl behind him, he got in his fighting stance like the rest of the family because even if he coudn't see, he could feel someone lurking in the shadow, someone small and bad at it. Believe him, he knows what he is talking about.
However, before he could say something, he felt Webby being pulled from him and heard some groans.
Then suddently, the lights were on and was he was seeing let him speechless.
There in front of him, laid the Hewey, Dewey and Weddy tight together in a rope and behind them was none other than Louie Duck.
"You call that superhero? WOW! The level is low nowadays. You can't even defend yourself. And i know what i am talking about because i am Duckburg's first vigilante and earth greatest superhro. Now, shall we get a little Diabolical?"
Louie Duck who was wearing a perfect replica of one of his identity, PK or Duck Avenger.
Happy Halloween!!!! Have a good day/night. Hope you like it.
PS: if it wasn't clear, Louie cut the lights and tied his brother and Webby. He did that to show that PK was moving in the shadow, discret, fast and efficient. He just wanted to prove that Paperinik was the best superhero. And i agree with him, everyone who thinks so too, repost please!!!!
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emynarnen · 3 months
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Harrenhal on Airbnb (and its most recent review)
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high-voltage-rat · 6 months
I think it's fascinating that the quotes:
"Have you forgotten sir, we were at war? A fight with an alien race for the very survival of our species. I feel I must remind you that it is an undeniable, and may I say fundamental quality of man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable."
"When you spend every day fighting a war, you to demonize your attackers. To you, they're evil, they're subhuman. Because if they weren't, what would that make you? What I'm trying to say... is I've been afraid to see you for what you really are. You're our brothers. Our sisters. And the things we've done to one another are unforgivable."
"These guys want to use us, take us away from our families, and send us all over the dad-gum galaxy just to test if their agents are ready for the big fight? Well... guess I'm interested in showin' em exactly what a big fight is all about! So I'm not ordering you to go. I ain't even asking. You do what you gotta do, Private."
came from the same series whose standard fare is lines like:
"What in the hell are you two doing?" / "We're being executed by our own men, sir." / "Cut it out."
"I only drink the blood of my enemies, and the occasional strawberry yoohoo."
"You always said I could sleep when I’m dead, Sarge, and guess what? I am dead. This purgatory is about to become purga-snore-y, yawn!"
...and both categories manage to be a poignant statement about the nature of war and what it does to the people in it.
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mmelolabelle · 2 months
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Larys Strong watching people run off to Harrenhal, knowing full well it’s haunted as shit and that the actual person in charge is a witch of indeterminate age who likes to drug people
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insignificant457 · 5 months
There is a nebulous jordie lives au which lives entirely in my head in which jordie recovers from the plague while Kaz is still sick. He gets up to find them food and water only to return and discover Kaz is nowhere to be found. Still recovering from the fever, he searches the barrel for days before he finally sees Kaz wandering down the staves in a sort of fugue state, soaked to the bone with a haunted look in his eyes.
Kaz won’t tell him what happened, but jordie knows it’s bad because his baby brother flinches every time he touches him, and soon enough he’s started wearing gloves, even in the height of summer.
Soon, they discover kazs gift for cards, and it keeps them fed and clothed, if not much else. Kaz is angry at jordie for losing the money, refuses to let him make any decisions. Jordie is beholden to his angry traumatized little brother because he can’t deny that he failed them the first time around.
Kaz is offered a place in his pick of the gangs, but the only one willing to take both him and his tag along older brother is the dregs. Jordie dies a little bit inside when they join up, when they take the tattoo side by side, but he’s not sure they’ll survive another winter on the streets.
And the plot of SoC generally goes on from there. Jordie tags along on the ice court, he and Jesper test kazs patience at every turn, he’s constantly offering unsolicited annoying older brother advice about Inej.
This lends itself to a really interesting exploration of Kaz and jordies relationship, what holds brothers together in the face of incredible trauma, the skewed power dynamic of Kaz becoming the breadwinner for them both at the age of nine, etc etc. But mostly, this au is a vessel for the sailing of the ultimate crack ship, which is of course, jordie/alys Van Eck.
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godofstory · 2 months
Alicent honey I've got some news for you..😭
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*my children are fine*
her children:
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heydocpotts · 3 months
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Happy bday to my beloved @sreppub !!! cowboy superbat to match ur bday party ❤️ i hope it looks good even tho im not a big DC nerdy dorko like u my dear
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tarumarimm · 1 year
..ben dünyadan ziyade kafamın içinde yaşayan bir insanım...
Kürk Mantolu Madonna | Sabahattin Ali
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chisfics · 9 months
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"hey, you got a name?" "johnny, with an H" "i'm daniel! with... an L!"
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microcosme11 · 1 month
Napoleon acts like a brat on St. Helena; his valet ignores stupid accusations
Un certain jour, l'Empereur, pour être couché plus au large, eut l'idée de se faire un grand lit de ses deux petits lits de campagne en les faisant accoupler ensemble. Sa volonté fut aussitôt exécutée. Mais les couvertures, assez grandes pour les petits lits séparés, ne le furent plus assez pour garnir la longueur et la largeur des deux lits réunis. Un soir, étant un peu de mauvaise humeur, et ne sachant à qui ou à quoi s'en prendre, il trouva que ses épaules n'étaient pas assez garnies ; il prétendit que nous avions coupé les couvertures. C'était une idée comme une autre, mais à laquelle il n'y avait rien à répliquer; une justification était inutile. Ce que l'on avait de mieux à faire, quand il était mal monté, c'était de garder le silence, eût-on raison ou tort ; et le parti que nous prenions, c'était de redoubler de zèle pour son service et de ne rien négliger de ce qui pouvait lui être utile ou agréable. Si parfois il lui arrivait de chagriner ceux qui étaient constamment autour de lui, il savait toujours revenir à eux et leur prodiguer ses caresses. Les deux lits restèrent accouplés pendant une quinzaine environ, et ensuite ils furent séparés et remis à leurs places primitives.
One day, the Emperor, in order to lie more spaciously, had the idea of ​​making a large bed from his two small campaign beds by having them brought together. His wish was immediately carried out. But the blankets, large enough for the separate small beds, were no longer large enough to cover the length and width of the two beds joined together. One evening, being a little bad-tempered, and not knowing who or what to blame, he found that his shoulders were not sufficiently covered; he claimed that we had cut the blankets. It was an idea like any other, to which there was no reply; an excuse was useless. The best thing to do, when he was bad tempered, was to keep silent, whether one was right or wrong; and the course we took was to redouble our zeal for his service and to neglect nothing that could be useful or agreeable to him. If sometimes he happened to upset those who were constantly around him, he always knew how to return to them and lavish them with his caresses. The two beds remained coupled for about fifteen days, and then they were separated and put back in their original places.
Souvenirs du mameluck Ali (google books)
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incorrectaberfield · 4 months
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threat estimation
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aly-corner · 11 months
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keerysfreckles · 9 months
breaking the silence — steve harrington
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pairing: steve harrington x nurse!fem!reader
warnings: s4 spoilers, canon s4 events, use of y/n and she/her pronouns, mentions of death, long fic (i got carried away oopsies)
a/n: thanks to my wifey @keerysbrowneyes for the idea :) <3
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"can we go to the cafeteria?"
"what if she wakes up soon?"
"can we play dnd now?"
steve groans for the hundredth time today. the kids were on his last nerve.
"guys!" steve interjects all their questions. "yes, you all can go to the cafeteria. i'll stay with max in case she wakes up. and no will, you can't play dnd."
dustin smiles, along with lucas and erica, as will frowns. the party makes their way out of the room and down the hall, all will empty stomachs.
steve can finally relax as he sits in one of the chairs placed in the room. he stares at max. her eyes are still shut, the blood has now faded to a light pink color around her eyes. she still had all the casts on her body.
steve couldn't stare at her for long, or else he'd breakdown right then and there. instead, he chose to fiddle with his calloused fingers.
however his head picked up once the door opened, revealing a nurse he hasn't seen before.
usually the nurse was male, who was much older with his grey hair. this nurse looked younger, and was a woman.
"oh hi, i didn't think anyone would be in here right now," the nurse explains.
steve stands from the chair, "i can leave if you want?"
the nurse only smiles, "don't be silly. i'm just checking her vitals."
steve nods, before sitting back down. "do you know how much longer she'll be like this?" he asks.
"well she's taking all the medicine nicely, and getting the rest she needs. so i'd say give her one more month at most."
steve runs his fingers through his hair. it's been two months since the upside down incident. all he hoped for was for max to get better as quick as possible.
"are you her primary care-taker?" the nurse asks.
steve shakes his head.
"i just figured since you're here everyday to see her," the nurse explains.
"no uh- her mom checks on her sometimes. at least that's what she tells me."
the nurse nods, as she finishes taking max's vitals, and writing down any changes.
"thank you," steve gestures towards max, "for doing all this?"
the nurse laughs, "for doing my job? you're welcome," she puases, not knowing the man's name.
the nurse smiles, "steve."
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
twenty four hours pass and steve finds himself in the hospitals visiting max again. the only difference being robin sitting next to him.
keith agreed to let robin go with steve, as family video wasn't busy on tuesdays.
robin was in the middle of telling steve about her and vickie's date from last week, until a knock on the door interrupted the girl.
steve noticed the nurse that walked in. it was the same nurse as yesterday, and today she had a cart filled with medical supplies.
"oh hi steve," the nurse smiles, "who's this?" she gestures to robin.
robin waves, "i'm robin, steve's friend."
steve nods, "yeah she agreed to come with me today, instead of the kids."
"you knew those kids in the cafeteria yesterday?" the nurse asks.
steve nods again, "well they were friends with max before me, but yeah i guess i-" robin hits steve's shoulder. "we look after them now."
"that's sweet of you guys," the nurse smiles.
robin turns to steve once the nurse starts checking on max. steve turns to robin as well, confused once he gets a look from her.
robin gestures her head towards the nurse. steve on the other hand just dismisses it. she was totally asking about it later.
robin's seen steve with this same look on his face before. whenever he looked at a breathtaking girl walking into scoops or family video. it was the same way he looked at nancy.
robin smirked to herself while getting out of her chair, "do you want anything from the vending machine?" she asks steve.
he shakes his head, and sends her a narrow look, knowing why she was leaving the room so suddenly.
in five seconds, it was just steve and the nurse in max's room again.
"i never got your name yesterday," steve breaks the silence.
"it's y/n," she looks over at steve.
"that really suits you," he smiles, and notices her cheeks turning pink.
the very sweet moment was cut short when robin re-entered the room, with three bags of chips in hand. steve gave her a look.
"what? i'm hungry," robin answered, before sitting back down in the seat next to steve.
y/n finished filling out the paperwork for max, and took the iv out of her arm she put in earlier.
she then walked over to steve with a few papers in her hand. she first hands him two papers, "these are the improvements she's made since last week, and the negatives."
steve gets handed another paper, and tries to ignore how his fingers touched y/n's.
"this is for her care-taker, so either for you, or if you're lucky to find a legal guardian."
steve and robin both look over the papers, happy once they read max is finally starting to have bigger improvements.
a device on the medical cart beeps twice, making y/n have to leave the room quickly to get to another patient. once steve and robin are alone, robin's curiosity gets the best of her.
"you like her don't you?"
steve whips his head to face robin, "what kind of question is that? we just met yesterday."
"i'm not hearing a no steven."
"rob, come on, don't be ridiculous."
"all i'm saying is, maybe it's good that you finally moved on from nancy. she's with jonathan in california anyways. maybe it's time to hop off that train."
steve shakes his head, "gee thanks for reminding me robin."
steve knew robin had a point. all the unnecessary pining for a girl he couldn't have. it just weighed him down most of the time.
an announcement was emitted over the speakers of the hospital, stating that visiting hours were over. steve and robin get their belongings before leaving the room. they pass the cafeteria, making steve stop in his tracks.
"do you want to get food before we head home?" steve points to the food court like area.
"no, vickie's actually picking me up for a date," robin nonchalantly answers.
steve's eyes widen, "wow, and you didn't tell me?" he laughs.
robin shoves him, before she starts walking to the lobby, "i was going to tell you eventually."
the pair shares a wave, knowing they were probably going to see each other again by the end of the week.
steve was quick to grab food, knowing exactly what he was in the mood for. a sandwich, a drink and a chocolate chip cookie were on the white tray.
he turned, and look around the tables. some were filled with parents. others had just one person, and some were empty with a few crumbs littered on top. steve however noticed on table in particular.
he recognized the purple scrubs of the nurse who he saw less than thirty minutes ago.
several thoughts flooded his mind as he walked over to the table y/n was sitting at.
what if she doesn't want to see me again? maybe she can't sit with visitors. what if she wants to eat alone?
however the thoughts don't stop him from standing in front of the table.
y/n picks her head up from her food, and sees a familiar grey jacket. her eyes reach the eyes of the person standing in front of her. she smiles, once she notices it's steve.
"hi steve," her smile never falters.
steve points to the empty chair across from her, "can i sit?"
y/n nods, "be my guest. i was feeling kind of lonely anyway."
steve and y/n both smile as he sits down across from her. they both eat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before steve breaks the silence for the second time today.
"what made you become a nurse?"
y/n takes in a short breath, which doesn't go unnoticed by steve. she wasn't sure why she was about to tell him the real reason, but she felt like she could trust him.
"before my dad passed away, i felt like i wasn't doing enough when he was in the hopsital. so when he passed, i made this like, promise to myself to help everyone else since i couldn't help him."
steve's heart breaks for the girl in front of him, "i'm so sorry y/n."
y/n can tell his voice is nothing but sincere. she only smiles, her own voice now feeling lost.
steve, trying his best to change the subject, asks another question.
"is this your first job?"
y/n nods, "yeah, i was going to work at the mall after high school, but decided this is what i want to do for a while."
"i used to work at the mall," steve laughs, making y/n gasp slightly.
"seriously? which store did you work at?"
"scoops ahoy, you know it?"
y/n nods, "i walked by it probably hundreds of times while me and my friends were out shopping," she laughs, now remembering seeing steve in that stupid sailor uniform whenever she passed by.
"but then the mall got destroyed from that fire," steve continued, "so now i work at family video. next to the arcade."
"i've been meaning to get some movies from there. but with school and work i've just been too busy," y/n sighs. don't get her wrong, she loves everything about her job, and the opportunities she's been given at such a young age. she only misses the amount of free time she used to have.
"i have a shift tomorrow, if you want to stop by whenever your shift ends, i can recommend some great movies," steve offers, in hope to be able to see her again tomorrow.
"i'll have to see how late i'm working tomorrow. i'd love to see you again," y/n catches onto to what she just said, which made steve raise his eyebrows and laugh quietly.
"i mean, i'd love to see you recommend me some movies. not that i won't be happy to see you again."
steve chuckles again at y/n's rambling, which instantly reminds him of robin.
"i know what you mean y/n, don't worry."
y/n's shoulder relax, as her and steve both finish their meals.
y/n takes both her and steve's white trays to the trash bins, and dumps the containers inside. steve grabs his car keys and wallet, along with y/n's jacket draped over the back of the chair and her purse.
y/n thanks steve while putting on her jacket. the two of them walk down the hallway together, and make their way through the lobby and out into the parking lot.
"you know you didn't have to walk me to my car right?" y/n lets out a giggle, which steve finds adorable.
"i know, just thought it'd be the chivalrous thing to do," steve chuckles, as he remembers dustin using that word a lot.
"well thank you steve," y/n sends him a smile, before reaching in her pockets, looking for her car keys.
steve realizes he's still holding her purse. he lets out a small 'oh' before handing it to her, making her thank him again.
steve waves to her as she turns her car on. he makes sure she leaves the parking lot safely, before he starts walking over to his own.
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steve's shift at family video the next day was uneventful and slow. only three customers have come in since steve's shift started. was it slow because he wanted to leave? maybe. did he want to leave only so he could see y/n again? absolutely.
robin noticed how bored steve looked as he played with the slinky on the counter.
"keith won't care if you leave ten minutes early ya know?" robin states, "we've been slow all day."
"you're telling me this why?" steve turns to face robin, who's stocking one of the shelves.
"you and i both know you just want to see that hot nurse from yesterday, who you obviously have chemistry with."
"i did not call her hot," steve dismisses.
"no, but you're thinking it," robin smirks.
steve just sends her a look, which makes robin laugh as she continues working.
steve contemplates on leaving early. he knew keith wouldn't care, just like robin said a moment ago.
"screw it."
steve walks into the small break room in the back of the store and clocks out. he grabs his keys and wallet, and a can of coke for the drive there, then jogs slightly through the store to get to his car.
"bye romeo!" robin yells as the store door closes.
steve's thankful the hopsital is close to fanily video, making him only have to deal with a twenty three minute drive.
he's lucky to find a parking spot. he takes notice of all the cars in the parking lot, knowing how busy it must be inside.
steve walked in and his assumption was correct. the lobby was almost filled to the brim with visitors, incoming patients, and doctors coming in and out through every door.
he walked to the front desk, and was surprised how quick he got his visitor sticker.
while walking through the hallway to get down to max's room, steve was passed by many doctors, nurses and patients. one nurse he wasn't expecting to see run by was y/n.
y/n, two doctors, and two others nurses were running by steve at the same time. he heard a certain code from the speakers as they all ran by, as well as calls from their moniters.
steve stopped walking for a moment, as he turned to see the group of five running back with a little girl on a stretcher. she looked maybe six or seven, and was as white as a ghost. her cries could be heard throughout the lower level of the hospital, even with the mask on her face.
steve got back to his original task, once the hallway had calmed down. he finally made it to max's room. he smiled when he saw the familiar room number.
"what are you guys doing here?" steve thinks out loud, as he's met with the whole party in max's room.
lucas, erica, will, mike and eleven all stood beside the bed near the window, while nancy and jonathan sat in the seats.
"mike, nancy and jonathan all came back from california this morning. we thought they should come see max," will explains.
just as steve is about to ask another question, a knock on the door makes him turn. a nurse comes in, who isn't y/n.
"oh wow, a lot of visitors in here," she smiles.
the nurse starts to take max's vitals, just like any other day. with all of the people in the room, steve's face grows hot as he starts to feel claustrophobic. he tells nancy he'll be outside the room if any of them need him.
less than ten minutes pass as everyone walks out of max's room, besides the nurse.
they all walk past steve and go down the hallway, after nancy tells steve that all the kids are getting antsy and need to get out of the hospital. steve nodded in understanding, knowing they could only handle it for so long.
steve debates on going back inside to check on max, but decides not to.
whenever he goes into that room, all he can think of is it being his fault for her condition. he always feels as if he could've done more to protect her from vecna.
steve stands from the chair and starts walking to the cafeteria. might as well get free food before i leave.
his plans change however, once he turns the corner and sees y/n sitting on the floor. her elbows are resting on her bent knees while her hands are in her hair. steve hears the soft cries coming from the girl.
he jogs towards her, before kneeling down besides her.
"hey hey, are you okay?" his voice is gentle, as he rests his hand on her shoulder.
y/n's head turns. she definitely wasn't expecting to see steve at the hospital today. "what are you doing here?" her voice was raspy.
"i was visiting max, but then was going to get food, and i found you here. are you alright?"
y/n only shakes her head, after sniffling and wiping her eyes. "a little girl passed away, not long after she came in from an ambulance."
steve listens, keeping a hand on her shoulder as he rubs his thumb along the bone.
"i've dealt with patients passing before, but this one felt so different. her parents were in the room," y/n hiccups as she tries to catch her breath, "they were in the room while her time of death was announced."
steve didn't say anything in return. he simply stood up and held his hand out, which y/n instantly took. he helped her stand up, and was quick to open his arms. of course y/n complied.
steve's arms were wrapped loosely around her neck, while her own were around his waist. the action only made her break down more, making her grip onto steve's grey jacket. he gently swayed the two back and forth, in efforts of calming y/n down.
steve kissed the top of y/n's head once he heard her cries starting to die down.
"how would french fries and milkshakes make you feel right now?" steve asks, not moving from his current position.
y/n giggles before sniffling again, "i wouldn't hate it."
steve reluctanly pulls away from the hug, "when does your shift end?"
y/n checks her watch and chuckles, "two minutes ago actually. let me grab my things and i'll meet you in the lobby?"
steve nods, watching y/n walk away from him.
just as promised, steve's waiting in the lobby when y/n walks through the double doors.
they both walk out to the parking lot, and before y/n can walk to her own car, steve grabs y/n's shoulder.
she turns with her eyebrows furrowed.
"we can just take my car," steve offers, "we can go to the diner, and if you want to you can stay at mine for the night."
y/n's heart melts at steve's offer, as he starts to ramble.
"i mean you've probably had a long day, and i know if i were you i wouldn't want to be alone right now. i know we just met so it-"
"steve," y/n cuts him off.
"i'd love to," she smiles, making steve send one back to her.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
steve stuck to his word as he took himself and y/n to the diner nearby. they got a large order of fries, as steve got a chocolate milkshake and y/n got a strawberry one.
now the pair was at steve's house. his parents were out of town, which didn't surprise steve. which meant they had the house to themselves.
steve noticed y/n was still in her purple scrubs, which prompted him to ask, "do you want some comfortable clothes to change into?" he chuckles.
y/n nods, "if you don't mind, that'd be great."
steve motions for her to follow him up the stairs, which she does.
y/n looks around steve's room once they both enter, as steve goes over to his dresser. y/n sees the different trophies placed around the room, as well as multiple picture frames of what seems to be of himself and friends.
steve comes back to the girl, and hands her an old t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
"bathroom's right across the hall," he smiles. he hears a small 'thank you' as y/n walks out of his room.
he takes the time to change out of his jeans and polo shirt, and into a pair of pajama pants and old high school t-shirt.
he turns once he hears the bathroom door opening, and smiles at the sight of y/n wearing his own clothes.
"thank you steve," she places her old clothes by the wall, before standing in front of steve.
"thank you for everything actually," she admits.
"you're very welcome," steve smiles, "i just want to make sure you're okay after today."
y/n nods, "yeah, i think i'll be okay."
after a moment, steve breaks the silence, "do you want to go downstairs and watch a movie? or we could go outside and just talk?"
"i'm okay with a movie."
once y/n and steve make their way back downstairs and into the living room, a thought pops into y/n's head.
"do you mind if i call my mom first? just in case she calls and i'm not home, i'll tell her why."
steve points in the direction of the phone, "yeah of course, phone's in the kitchen by the fridge."
steve chuckles to himself when he hears another 'thank you' coming from y/n before she's in the kitchen.
steve can't help but look at the girl from the living room. he's able to see from her waist up, and still think she looks perfect in his clothes.
y/n hangs up the phone after a short conversation with her mom. she puts her head in her hands and takes in a deep breath. the last thing she wanted to do was breakdown in front of steve again.
"are you okay?"
speak of the devil. y/n saw steve standing right outside the kitchen. she simply nodded before walking over to him.
"today was just a lot," she sighs.
"i get that," steve agrees.
just by the look on y/n's face, he can tell a million different thoughts are going through her mind. he grabs her chin in his hand to make her look up at him, and then moves his hand to cup her cheek.
"are you sure your okay?" his voice is softer than before.
once again, y/n only nods.
steve and y/n mantain their eye contact, completely getting lost in each other's eyes.
y/n noticed how soft and gentle his eyes look. she believes there's a whole story underneath his eyes, but decided against asking.
as steve is doing the same thing to y/n, the girl leans up and kisses him on the lips quickly.
her heartbeat only picked up once he didn't say anything. she feared she had messed up the relationship the two had just started.
steve didn't move his hand from y/n's cheek, and he smirked slightly.
before y/n could start profusely apologizing, steve beat her to it.
"why'd you stop?"
the question immediately caught y/n off gaurd, "what?"
"why'd you stop kissing me?" steve asks again.
y/n can only stutter in response and before a full sentence can be formed, steve pulls her to him and kisses her on the lips.
his other hand moves to her waist, gripping at the skin peaking out from under the shirt.
y/n quickly responds by kissing him back, as both of her hands go to his waist.
y/n gasps slightly as steve turns to hold her against the wall that he was previously leaning on. the gasp gives steve the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth, making the two's tongues have to fight for dominance.
"screw the movie," steve mumbles against y/n's lips, making her giggle before she wraps both of her arms around steve's neck.
y/n giggles again after steve grabs her hand, and pulls her back upstairs to his bedroom.
to say robin would be getting a very interesting call from steve the next morning would be an understatement.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
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banefort · 2 months
Not to sound like a broken record talking about nomadic v settled lifestyles in HOTD, but an interesting dynamic that has come of the Daemon-Harrenhal sideplot is between him, the castle, and Alys and Ser Simon Strong, is what they represent as manifestations of the Neolithic agrarian revolution.
Daemon’s time at Harrenhal is spent oscillating between the two factions. Simon represents the foundations of a settled society. He dictates Daemon’s waking hours and daily schedule (against his will), keeps him tied to his political duties, and goes so far as to impel Daemon to guarantee the longevity of Harrenhal by commencing its reconstruction - affirming a settled and regulated lifestyle.
On the flip side Alys represents nomadic life, occupying the halls of the castle much like a ‘ghost’, only affecting circumstance through cerebral happenstances, whilst also showing a marked affection for the natural world and ancient natural structures (Wierwoods), and repeatedly identifies with the natural world via totemism (calling herself a barn owl). She is the history of Westeros and the First Men made manifest, and personifies a nomadic lifestyle which has been lost to to the regions south of the Wall.
By having Daemon constantly tossed between Ser Simon and Alys - settled and nomadic, polytheism versus paganism, agriculture versus shepherding, he occupies a liminal space and is caught between the refractions of history, and through his tumultuous residence, is implicitly drawn to question the true strength of monarchy, settled lifestyles, and all forms of contemporary power structures; for Alys, and her associated phantasmagorical neolithic ways, are clearly established to have had a far more substantial and cerebral impact on Daemon’s psyche than Ser Simon, who, while Daemon does entertain, he visibly holds no regard for, as opposed to Alys, who he is both wary and keen for. This is substantiated by his being shown to feel conflict and guilt over his perpetuation of Targaryen ethnocentric incest, his failure to fulfill his duties to his faction (be it the Blacks or his children/wife), amongst others, following his arrival at Harrenhal, suggesting that through her presence as an all-encompassing totem of nomadic conducts, his deep-rooted pride in Targaryen legacy, “the establishment” and all things modern, rapidly unwind. The paths of his - and all other citizens’, ancestors calls to him from an intangible, psychosomatic place. His contemporary comforts are all but stripped bare in some primal, unbidden rush to follow in their footsteps.
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kazz-brekker · 3 months
so as far as i can tell re: house blackwood in the show, the blackwood boy who kills someone during rhaenyra's tour is samwell blackwood, who has become lord of the house by season 2. the blackwood involved in the posturing with brackens in episode 3 is called davos according to the subtitles, not benjicot. samwell blackwood is killed during the battle of the burning mill, and possibly so is davos…which DOES open up the possibility of bloody ben (samwell's son) and black aly (samwell's sister) being introduced as having to take over the blackwoods in the aftermath of the battle. we can but hope!
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confusionmeisss · 1 year
the transition from all-american bitch into bad idea right? is soo— it tickles something inside my head. its so good, like, i feel it in my tummy; in my soul. i just love it a whole lot
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