#Amaretto Flavored Coffee
brewedbalanceroasters · 5 months
Get Symphony of Amaretto Flavored Coffee Beans Aromas by Brewed Balance Roasters
Sip the rich essence of almonds in every sip with Brewed Balance Roasters' Amaretto Flavored Coffee Beans. Our medium roast, made from organic, pure Arabica beans cultivated sustainably, delivers a delectable almond experience freshly brewed to perfection. Elevate your coffee ritual with the enchanting allure of Amaretto.
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asyourshadowfalls · 1 year
i found a local coffee shop that does flavored beans etc and yknow most of the time the flavor doesn't actually hit once you brew it. but holy shit this is legitimately a blueberry muffin that im drinking right now
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Hey Omega, Have you ever had a cupcake? You can have some of mine, if you want (they’re coffee and amaretto flavored, so don’t tell Hunter XD)
Those look so yummy! But keep it between us, I don't want my brothers to remind me of the last time I had caf...
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katzkinder · 2 months
Servamp headcanons, ice cream edition! Because my grandma got an ice cream maker and we’re all super eager to try it out but then she broke her back (she’s fine, don’t worry)
Mahiru: plain old vanilla. Misono introduced him to vanilla BEAN ice cream though and he’s feeling a little guilty about wanting to splurge a bit for the more expensive, creamier stuff… Kuro is an enabler and his encouragement is the only reason he’s still managing to resist. Just do it Mahi!
Kuro: Cookies and Cream is his favorite, but he’s also partial to cookie dough, or crumbled chocolate mint cookies as topping. He likes both the taste and the texture
Misono: chocolate lol. He’s predictable. His absolute favorite though are those ultra decadent brownie batter type of chocolate ice creams. Yknow the ones. Chocolate pieces, brownie bits, hot fudge swirl… He gets sick off the stuff easily though, so even though he loves it, self control is everything
Lily: vanilla bean with strawberry topping and cheese cake bites! He loves fresh strawberries in his desserts, and often he and Misono will trade bites if they’re getting flavor fatigue. Also very rich but the strawberry helps cuts through the sweetness
Tetsu: a Basic Boi who loves GariGariKun the most. Prefers popsicles over dairy treats. Yeah technically this isn’t ice cream but like. It’s the taste of summer and after bath refreshments. I’m not taking that from him
Hugh: vanilla with hot fudge sauce (and/or blood). He still prefers his chocolate parfaits, or better yet for this scenario, a milkshake
Licht: yknow those ultra sweet cotton candy flavors? If it’s ice cream by itself, he loves that. But if it’s a float, it’s gotta be vanilla in melon soda. If you take him to marble slab or similar place that lets you mix in a bunch of toppings, he will make a beeline for the gummy bears. Gets disappointed every time that they turn hard and unpleasant to eat, even though he already knows the outcome
Lawless: he has two favorites. Coffee bean (distinct from just plain coffee flavor) and moose tracks. I’m not sure what that’s called in other places? Basically it’s vanilla with peanut butter cups and fudge. Only goes for this when he’s depressed, if I’m honest. Otherwise it’s too sweet.
Mikuni: haagen daz amaretto almond crunch and their hojicha latte flavor. Forever sad that the former was limited edition and doesn’t make seasonal returns. It was absolutely perfect for his and jeje’s terrible Netflix movie nights (with the occasional appearance by johannes so they could make fun of the bad science together)
Jeje: since Mikuni only buys haagen daz (spoiled pretentious shit) he’s grateful they a rich pumpkin flavor that becomes available during autumn. He also really likes horchata milkshakes for the comforting taste of cinnamon.
Iduna: Tried butter pecan once and was hooked. The crunchiness of the pecans is her favorite part. It’s her go to for when Haagen Daz Creamy Vanilla Pudding flavor isn’t in season. Back home, though, it’s got to be the rather… Unique. Salty licorice flavor. She gave some to shuuhei one time just to watch him gag. She knows what she’s doing to that poor boy.
Freya: the simple freshness of strawberry ice cream is her guilty pleasure. She been thinking of making her own with an old hand churner. It would be fun, right? And it’s not like it would be difficult to get the ingredients she needs.
Nicco: Pistachio gelato, though he also enjoys the tartness and slight bitter aftertaste of limoncello flavor. He likes taking Ildio with him whenever there’s a new flavor he wants to try but isn’t sure he’ll like. Even if he doesn’t care for it, his servamp probably will. Does that make him mean?
Ildio: No preference as of yet. He’s still figuring this whole… Tasting your food thing out
Tsubaki: as expected, he loves matcha and red bean flavors. REALLY excited some of the Hagen daz hanamochi series is becoming a permanent flavor
Sakuya: rocky road. Sweet, crunchy, and a little bitter on the back end from the chocolate. Refuses to admit it but he also enjoys the hanamochi series. He’s stubborn. Whenever he wins a free popsicle he gives the stick to Mahiru, so inevitably when they hang out, that’s what he buys if they stop at the konbini, just for the chance to maybe earn some good boy points with his best friend and crush. And he thinks he’s subtle—
Reblog with your own headcanons! I love seeing what people add to my posts :3
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thefairylights · 6 months
suckerpunch chapter 11/11 (Loustat all human coffee shop au)
It has taken me over three months, but the end is here. I have finally finished my modern, all human coffee shop au. This has turned into something I didn't plan. This was meant to be a one shot and then took on a life of it's own. I grew attached to this universe and the connections I created in it. The original characters and my human takes on other more familiar characters. I learned to make so many different coffee concoctions, many which I did not share because they were disastrous. I think I have given my coffee boys a deserving and earned happy ending after all the drama and the trauma and the anxiety and the tears. Thank you for your comments, messages, kudos, and support. I never expected anyone to like this story of mine. It was mainly self indulgent but I love it so much now and it is difficult for me to say goodbye, but it is time, and I am going to move onto my next writing projects. Here is my final latte recipe: Hazelnut amaretto biscotti latte: 1 tablespoon of Hazelnut syrup 1/2 tablespoon of Amaretto syrup Coffee of your choice. I chose a donut shop k-cup this morning Milk of your choice. I chose oat milk. Sugar of your choice if needed. I used a tsp of monkfruit sweetner. Crumbled up biscotti flavor of your choice to top the latte Brew your coffee. While it brews, mix your syrups together with the milk. I then placed them into my frother and added milk, so I could combine them. Once it was ready, I added it to my hot coffee and then sprinkled my crumbled biscotti on top of it. I hope you like it. And I hope you enjoy the finale of Suckerpunch. <3
Loustat go on an epic Italian vacation and have lots of coffee and lots of sex and other things. 12285 words of things. ☕️🇮🇹🍝📚💌🥂🌊🧁❤️
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wordsvomit101 · 2 months
Gehenna Worldbuilding Draft 1 (with some canon divergence)
Author Notes: this is for fun, don't mind me, I'm just having a spiraling from a hihi haha moment of thinking about Minhyeok's kink to writing this 4.2k words mess. Idk how I got here. ✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
(At Gehenna's capital city, Malebolge - 8:40 AM IST - Time of Dawn's Embrace)
"So Minhyeok secretly stole your underwear, Miss Raon?" Ppyong needs to control himself. He shouldn't make assumptions about his best friend. Miss Raon only said that her underwear sometimes went missing before miraculously appearing in her cupboard again. At Minhyeok's house. Minhyeok is a super organized and charismatic guy. The cowardly pretty man who can't even show his best friend how those white juices are made. However—
If that is true? Minhyeok would have the worst teasing he ever had in his life from Ppyong and maybe a bit of bullying for his (possible) sneaky and perverted behaviors. Not that he has any ground to stand on, but he wouldn't miss that chance to make fun of Minhyeok. His idiot friend has been hard to read lately. It is hard to know what is going on in that guy's head anymore.
"W-Well! I wouldn't say he 'stole' it per se…" the lovely lady with violet hair who is sitting across from him, nestled between Sir Leraye and Sir Paimon, blushed in embarrassment and tried to think for her next words as the three men patiently waited for her. Until the waitress with curled pink horns on either side of her head and wide deer-like eyes with slits in them comes over to get their orders, her jovial voice as light and dulcet as usual.
"Good days to you all, esteemed patrons! What can I get you today?"
They're sitting in the most well-known bakery in Gehenna, called "Delights Bakery", which specializes in crafting decadent desserts and pastries inspired by the fiery landscape of Gehenna. It has been around for a long time; they still stand strong even in the midst of war. They offer a wide range of treats including Chimera Molten Cake, Vesuvius Tiramisu, Ojoshew Panna Cotta, Brimstone Biscotti, and Fairy Dust Cannoli Gelato.
The bakery provides a cozy and welcoming atmosphere where customers can enjoy freshly baked goods alongside a cup of fiendishly delicious coffee or tea. They also offer custom cake designs for special occasions like birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries, allowing customers to personalize their desserts to suit their tastes.
Ppyong's personal favorite from this place is Brimstone Biscotti, a devilishly delicious treat that pairs perfectly with a cup of the place's signature Infused Fire Coffee. These crispy almond biscotti are infused with the smoky aroma of brimstone from the eastern plantation of Gehenna and studded with common sparkling chili flakes, creating a bold and intense flavor profile that is sure to awaken anyone's senses.
"Alrighty! Your orders are coming right up, please be patient!" With a cheerful hum, the cute waitress walks back to her station with slightness in her hooves-like legs with blossom fur. A misleading appearance to a devil that ruthlessly stomped on several angels' heads yesterday and handled almost everything here before help came. She even asked to keep their bodies for new recipes.
Once they finished their orders, Sir Paimon reserved an order of Mystic Amaretto Affogato to give to Sir Astaroth since they would meet after this meet-up. They got back to the topic.
"I most likely forgot to wash them and... just left them around. He often does my laundry anyway when he comes over to visit, but…"
Sir Paimon's beautiful and cheerful voice adds, "There'sss stillll a possibilityyyy he isss usingg it forrrr his ownnn pleasureee withoutttt telling youuu, if sooo, don't youuu thinkkk he needed a bitttttt of a scoldinggg?", he ends his statement effortlessly cute with a wide playful smile, his heterochromia blinking innocently as if he didn't just accuse Minhyeok of wrongdoings, and his pretty long lashes flutter above his cheekbone like two pairs of Ethereal Emberwing to Miss Raon as if seducing her to agree.
"I- I mean he could be- No wait! He wouldn't! He never showed any signs that he would use them for anything other than washing them for me," Miss Raon said with a bright red face as she tried to defend her best friend's honor now that the conversation turned into this, unlike how she first brought it up.
"Then shouldn't he be more straightforward with you? I don't think it is a problem if you're ok with it. Shouldn't he be more honest with his temptation?" Sir Leraye innocently pulls the topic back where Paimon wants it, and his charming face frowns as he closes his eyes, deep in thought.
"Even I wouldn't say I wash his underwear for him in his face! It would be embarrassing! And it would be more believable if he said he liked women's fashion instead."
"Huh? Minhyeok do aye?" That is a surprising twist, though it seems more unexpected in Ppyong's opinion since he knows Minhyeok did ask for Miss Raon's panty for his white liquid creation process.
"Minhyeok doesn't seem like that kind of guy aye, I've never seen him show any interest in dresses and makeup too aye. If anything, I think he hugged his baseball bat in his sleep aye," like a good friend, he keeps that to himself and emphatically looks up to Miss Raon in consolation as the chance that her best friend is sniffing her panty in secret is more likely than ever.
"I'm telling you it's not like that!-", her sentence was again cut off by the bright voice of the waitress, "Sorry for the interruption! Here are your orders!" Without looking at the table, she still expertly set out their meals in the right order while smiling happily at them, "While I would love to listen to this lively conversation, I got more tables to serve. Enjoy yourselves, fellas!"
"Thank you!" they all said in unison at the preceding figure of the waitress before excitedly digging into their desserts. Ppyong's cartoonish eyes light up with anticipation, and he can feel the drool from his mouth. He reaches eagerly for the plate of Brimstone Biscotti. The aroma of roasted brimstone and dark chocolate wafts up to his nose, and he can't resist taking a bite immediately.
With a satisfied grin, Ppyong chews slowly, savoring the rich flavors dancing on his taste buds. "Mn! As delicious as always aye!" he remarks between bites, crumbs scattering on the table with each enthusiastic gesture.
Sir Paimon, the refined gentleman that he is, delicately lowers his spoon into the Ojoshew Panna Cotta. The creamy dessert yields with a gentle resistance before surrendering to his touch, letting him savor each scoop with a pleased and graceful smile.
"Mnhmmm, thisss is perfectttt forrr this fineee weatherrr, isn't itttt?"
On the other side of the table, Sir Leraye's enthusiasm knows no bounds as he plunges his spoon into the Fairy Dust Cannoli Gelato. His eyes sparkle with childlike delight as he unearths the hidden treasures within the velvety layers of frozen delight. His sunny expressions bring peace to the hearts of everyone who witnesses it.
"Yeah! It has been a while since we got to hang out like this and with Raon too! Oh! This is the first time for you isn't it Raon? What do you think?"
Between the two attractive devils, Miss Raon picks up her Vesuvius Tiramisu, her eyes marveling at its intricate presentation. The dessert resembles a miniature volcano, with layers of sponge cake and creamy mascarpone erupting from the center. She takes a tentative bite, and her eyes widen in surprise and delight as she savors the decadent dessert.
Her expression mirroring the awe of a child experiencing something magical for the first time. "This is incredible," she murmurs, her voice filled with genuine amazement. They all smile at her quiet joy and let her enjoy her meal as they begin to talk among themselves.
As Sir Leraye and Sir Paimon delved into their discussion about future assignments, their voices took on a bit more serious tone, yet their postures and actions felt relaxed and full of confidence.
Sir Leraye took a thoughtful bite of his dessert, savoring the creamy sweetness before chiming in, "You know, Paimon, after this, I'm thinking of heading over to Sulfur Springs. The streets are always lively there and my men have been struggling quite a bit recently. Do you want to join me after you meet up with Astaroth?" Sir Leraye seems sheepish as he subtly requests Sir Paimon's assistance.
Sir Paimon gently tilted his head, and a few strands of his silky blonde hair softly fell over his right eye, his gaze composed as he thought.
"Sulfurrr Springsss, huhhhh? Thattt doess sounddd enticingg. Buttt I've gottt myyy sights settt on Shadowspireee attt the Tailll of the Wolffff. I heardd there's hasss beennn some spewinggg commotionn undergrounddd in thattt nightt cityyy from Belialll"
With a false tired sign, he let his head fall gently on Miss Raon's head as he chewed on his spoon between his rosy lips. His pretty eyes are saddened as he looks at Sir Leraye.
"'mm soo innn trenddd latellyy. Evennn Hiss Majestyyy Satan calll for meee to thee southernnn provincess of Ashennn Citadelll tooo..."
Sir Leraye smiled in understanding and pat Paimon on the shoulder, "It's OK! It's just a suggestion! Don't worry Paimon, me and my men can handle it! So just focus on your work and enjoy spilling blood as usual!" the devil with the bright monocle said good-naturedly and lightened the mood with his light laugh at the last part.
"Awww~ Thankkk youuu Lerayeee~ You're a sweetthearttt as usualll~," Sir Paimon smiled sweetly back at Leraye and straightened himself up to look at Miss Raon, who had been drawn into the lively conversation between the two after she helped Ppyong slice the Brimstone Biscotti into a smaller size for him to eat.
"It'ss unfortunateee thattt we can'tt spenddd moreee timeee withhh youuu Raonnn. Don'ttt worryyy, we will droppp youuu with Zagan at Pitstoppp Plazaaa once we doneee, are youuu okkk with ittt?" Sir Paimon smiled kindly at Miss Raon as he asked her, and she smiled back in understanding.
"Of course! Please don't mind me and work hard. I also planned to ask for Zagan's help with my training today. Also," Miss Raon is now looking back at him, her face slightly red, "I will likely need, um, Minhyeok's 'thing' again. Ppyong, can you take the second portion of Vesuvius Tiramisu for him? He would like it."
A mix of eagerness and pride filled his heart. It wasn't just any task. It was a gesture of trust from someone he deeply respected. Despite doing so many times before, the simple thought of being chosen for such an errand brought a sense of validation, but also a touch of excitement to meet with his best friend!... and be rewarded with Fererere from the black-haired human.
"You can count on me aye!" With a proud grin and his chest puffed up, Ppyong determined to fulfill Raon's request with care and diligence. Also, Fererere is waiting for him!
Once they finished and dropped Miss Raon with Sir Zagan for their training, they parted ways and Ppyong made his way to the Teleportation Tower, or Nether Nexus Spire for fancy sake.
It didn't take long for Ppyong to see the towering building from miles away. The tower constructed from obsidian marble and adorned with intricate carvings of arcane symbols serves as the central hub for interdimensional travel within Gehenna. The tower is imposing and grand, with soaring spires reaching toward the sky of Hell. The exterior is adorned with flickering magic flaming bright chandeliers that dance along the edges of the tower, casting an eerie glow that illuminates the surrounding landscape.
Being a regular visitor, it doesn't take long for Ppyong to get past the inspection from the entrance and get in. At the heart of the tower lies a vast chamber filled with pulsating crystals of various hues, each one representing a different destination within Gehenna and beyond. These crystals serve as conduits for the teleportation magic that powers the gates, allowing travelers to journey to distant realms without getting themselves stuck somewhere in the void or getting wrecked from the torrent between spaces.
"Sir Ppyong! Good day to you!" a bright voice from the small goat-like devil rang over the hall before he saw the figure of Cock flying down from the third floor to greet him.
"To you too aye! Can you create a portal for me to Earth? I need to deliver something at Miss Raon's request aye," he said as they made their way to the vast ritual circle surface, etched into the polished obsidian marble floor. This circular platform serves as the focal point for the teleportation process, where technicians carefully select the appropriate crystal core to facilitate the journey to the desired destination.
"Oh? Another delivery? Miss Raon must cherish this human if she often sends him this many gifts!" Once the appropriate crystal is selected, Cock placed it in the center of the ritual circle, where it resonates with magical energy. The technician then channel his power, weaving intricate spells and incantations to activate the crystal and create the portal to the desired location.
"He is her best friend after all aye! Also, I should hurry too aye since Miss Raon will need his white liquid soon," he explained as the magic surged through the ritual circle, the air shimmered with otherworldly energy, and a swirling vortex of darkened hues materialized in the center of the circle. This portal serves as a gateway between realms, offering passage to those who seek to traverse the vast expanse of Gehenna and beyond.
"Of course, Sir Ppyong! Just a bit… Here you go! Have a good journey up there Sir!" With the portal open, Ppyong is free to step through and embark on his trip to Earth. Once he passes through, he is enveloped in a whirlwind of magical energy, his surroundings shifting and warping as he is transported to his chosen destination.
The boundaries between space and time blurred as he hurtled through the ethereal void, his body and soul becoming one with the primordial forces that governed the universe. Suddenly, the whirlwind dissipated, and Ppyong found himself facing the familiar sight of his best friend's room.
The noise of his landing surprised the person sitting at the study table beside his bed. He lay there for a moment, gathering his bearings, and enjoyed the softness of the blanket. However, he could hear the faint sound of muffled laughter coming from the human, and when he picked himself up and was about to give Minhyeok a piece of his mind, he stopped in his tracks by the sight before him.
"Are you... Minhyeok's family Miss...?"
Seated before him is a vision of elegance and beauty, their presence commanding attention with every subtle movement. Cascading down their back like an ethereal waterfall, waves of lustrous black hair frame their delicate features with a natural allure, each strand glistening like strands of jet-black under the gentlest light.
A soft pink jacket, impeccably tailored to accentuate their statuesque frame, draped over the shoulders of their crisp white shirt. A meticulously tied white ribbon hair tie added a touch of sophistication to their ensemble. Beneath the jacket, a pretty pink sailor-style collar adorned with a dainty bow hinted subtly at femininity. Completing their attire was a soft beige-colored jean mini skirt, its hemline fluttering just above their knees, creating an image of effortless delicate playfulness.
Subtle touches of makeup enhance their natural beauty, accentuating doe-like black eyes framed by fluttering lashes that cast soft shadows against their flawless complexion and faintly blushing cheeks. Their lips, painted with a delicate hue of rosy pink, curve into a pleasant and serene smile, radiating warmth and charm.
Completing the ensemble are sleek white thigh-high boots, their glossy finish contrasting elegantly against the soft fabric of their alluring black socking. Warm clothing for the current cold weather on Earth.
A familiar snort of a man from the breathtaking beauty before him gave him a shock all over his red body. The man then averted his enchanting eyes from Ppyong, engrossed in his reflection in the mirror. The soft glow of the vanity lights illuminates his delicate features as he continues to meticulously apply his makeup with his slender hand.
The array of skincare and makeup products is meticulously arranged on the elegant desk before the man shows his progress. The room is filled with the light sweet scent of perfumes and creams, adding to the air of luxury and sophistication that surrounds his every movement. The soft rustle of brushes and the gentle click of compacts punctuated the air as the masculine voice rang out from the looker's fetching lips.
"How terrible, you couldn't even recognize your bestie?
"Well, I wouldn't blame you. It's not every day people see this side of me. What do you think? You gave an eyeful earlier"
Ppyong's jaw practically hit the floor as he struggled to process the sight before him. His two black eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the breathtaking transformation of his best friend.
"What?!- What kind of shapeshifting sorcery is this?! Who are you and what have you done to Minhyeok aye?!"
He blinked rapidly as if trying to dispel the illusion before him, but Minhyeok remained seated before him, radiating an undeniable aura of grace and captivation. Gone was the familiar image of his friend in the casual and relaxed attire of a university student, replaced instead by this mesmerizing embodiment of a tall young attractive woman.
"I'm still me. This is just a practice for my friend's club drama performance. The leading lady's best friend role becomes empty because the girl has personal health issues and no one has time to take on another role. So I got the recommendation and the part"
Minhyeok explained as he gave his hair a fix-up and a once-over in the mirror. Minhyeok ran his fingers through his hair, flicking his wrist to fix a stubborn section that refused to sit properly. He peered at his reflection in the mirror, his dark eyes narrowed in concentration.
His fingers danced over his locks, deftly styling them into place. Each movement was precise and deliberate, like an artist working on a masterpiece. His face, usually relaxed and carefree, now held a touch of vanity as he admired his handiwork. The corners of his lips curved into a satisfied smirk as he gave his reflection one final once-over, the image of a spoiled young lady of a wealthy family getting ready for a night out reflected back at him.
"It's silly that they don't change the gender of the role and make me go around campus like this during the festival," he sighed, continuing, "but I do owe the club leader for that one time he helped me out." Ppyong didn't know what to think or feel now that he saw Minhyeok giving a cute little pout to himself.
"It's also best that I look like my own imaginary mute sister. A half-hearted effort would not help in the slightest"
At that moment, Ppyong couldn't help but marvel at the accuracy of Raon's suggestion to defend her friend, especially with how at ease Minhyeok was right now. They really knew each other like the back of their hands.
Yet Ppyong's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from disbelief to admiration. He couldn't help but admire the confidence with which Minhyeok carried himself, not bothered a bit by the girlish clothing he was wearing right now. It was beautiful and, for Ppyong, incredibly attractive.
Until he remembers what he's here for.
"Ah! That's right! The tiramisu, aye!" Opening the pocket of his stomach, Ppyong pulled out a box of Vesuvius Tiramisu that was bigger than himself and put it on the desk, sitting on it in front of Minhyeok, looking up and delighted as he got the attention from the gorgeous man above him. Though Minhyeok seemed to already guess who gave it to him.
"Miss Raon went out to have a snack with me and Sir Leraye and Sir Paimon today, aye! She bought a second portion for you and had me deliver it here!"
A radiant smile of pure joy illuminated his best friend's face, his captivating eyes brimming with tenderness and adoration. It was as if he were a devoted spouse receiving a long-awaited gift from his husband who is away from war, his cheeks flushing with a bashful delight as he attempted to conceal his beaming grin behind a delicate, carefully manicured hand.
Ppyong had to pat himself on the back as he marveled at the sight before him. His body shivered from a wave of longing washing over his entire being. Were there any other, lesser devils present to witness this scene, they would surely have shamelessly propositioned Minhyeok or openly leered at him. Perhaps the weakest of all would have boldly pounced on the ravishing man without a second thought.
"That girl, hehe, she should just worry for herself, risking her life down there but still has time for this? That dork, really..."
Ppyong could feel the love from Minhyeok's words as he opened the box and took a look inside, his smile pleased before closing the lids. Ppyong felt a surge of satisfaction knowing that he had managed to deliver Raon's thoughtful gesture to his friend.
"Thanks for having it delivered here, really, I appreciate it. It lets me know she's still well."
As Minhyeok expressed his gratitude, Ppyong's chest swelled with pride, his heart brimming with a new sense of joy knowing that he had brought a nice smile to Minhyeok's face.
"Hmph! Of course, this much is nothing for a great devil like this Ppyong, aye!" Despite his prideful words, he couldn't contain the childish giddiness swirling inside him at having the attention of this striking man, who often kept an invisible distance between them.
With a soft chuckle, Minhyeok put his face on his hand as he leaned on the desk. Ppyong couldn't help but take in the scent of light jasmine with a hint of soap and cotton underneath, and the proximity was making him tremble slightly.
"Sure, sure, you most likely came here for 'that'. I need to finish putting on the choker and earrings to take pictures in this. It will be quick, so just give me Raon's laundry and wait for me outside the bathroom."
"Can I help—?" His question was cut short before he could finish. "No," now the beautiful man coolly looked down at him and leaned back to open the drawer from his desk, taking out a black choker and silver heart-shaped earrings.
"Just be patient, or else I won't give you Fererere," the warning effectively shoved the protest back into Ppyong's mouth, and Minhyeok began to fiddle with the choker, trying to tie it around his pale neck.
"... Do you need help, aye?"
Minutes already ticked by as Minhyeok struggled in vain, on the verge of giving up in frustration. Suddenly, Ppyong's tiny crimson body darted over to Minhyeok's back. With an echoing pop, black smoke billowed from the point of contact, transforming into his high-ranking devil appearance. Surprising Minhyeok as his friend turned to look up at him.
"Just turn around, will you, aye? Come on, give that to me, aye."
Minhyeok reluctantly handed him the choker and Ppyong's hands deftly retrieved it from Minhyeok's grasp, his movements smooth and practiced. With a delicate touch, he began to gently secure the choker around his friend's elegant and seductive pale neck.
The choker rested against Minhyeok's skin, a dazzling accessory that added to his friend's already irresistible demeanor.
"See? You should just let me help, aye", before Minhyeok could argue, he quickly grabbed the earrings and stilled his friend's shoulder with his left hand. He let his gaze linger on the mirror before them, greedily taking in Minhyeok's flustered face as Ppyong towered over him.
As Ppyong delicately placed the shimmering earrings on Minhyeok's ears, a soft glow enveloped the room, accentuating the tension of the moment. Standing behind him, he caught a glimpse of his friend's reflection in the mirror, his features illuminated by the warm light. Minhyeok's black eyes met his crimson ones through the mirror, revealing a slight flush of pink spreading across his cheeks as he bit down on his lower lip in a gesture of bashful charm, unaware of the captivating allure he exuded at that moment.
'Fuck, he's lucky that it's me here and not other devils'
With a heavy gulp, Ppyong's muscles tensed as a wave of heat surged through his body, originating from the attractive man in front of him. Despite the tempting pull of desire, he resisted the urge and swiftly reverted to his usual Red Lump form once he was done, dispelling the charged atmosphere with the resounding volume of his voice.
"Ok! Here! Be done quickly and give me your white liquid and Fererere, aye!" he said quickly as he pulled out a bag of Miss Raon's laundry and threw it at Minhyeok's lap.
It broke Minhyeok from his daze, and he scowled beautifully at Ppyong before he gave an exasperated sigh and stood up from his seat. Ppyong expected everyone to understand his internal disappointment from not having the attention of the enticing man anymore. It didn't matter if it made him feel like those stuck-up devils from Hades.
"Fine, and wait for me to make some food for you to bring back"
"Sure! Hurry up then, aye!"
Minhyeok gave him a suspicious glance over his shoulder before retreating into his bathroom, the heels from his white boots clicking against the floor sensually, leaving Ppyong there on his bed. Once Minhyeok was out of sight, the red devil lay down tiredly as he dazedly looked up at the ceiling. The image of the vulnerable back of the pretty man lingered in his mind, wrecking him with arousal mixed with a good dose of guilt.
"...Crap, Miss Raon will not forgive me if she knows of this"
She would probably, very likely even without magic, squeeze him in her hands until he popped like confetti for even thinking of her friend like that.
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Do they give you enough snacks in the imperial army? In case they don’t, have some cupcakes! They’re coffee-amaretto flavored and homemade
You must've confused me with the other one. I prefer to eat something a bit more substantial.
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lurafita · 3 months
Small Town Diner Malec AU more add ons
Clary and Simon complain regularly that Alec refuses to get flavor syrups for the coffee. Alec: "If you want overpriced drinks that barely even resemble coffee anymore, go to the next Starbucks." (He does order some hazelnut syrup when Magnus casually lets slip that he misses that one cappuccino with a hazelnut flavor that the vendor in Brooklyn always had ready for him.)
Simon's sister has tried to swindle Alec into giving her a shot of amaretto into her coffee since she was 16 and got a fake id from two towns over. Even now at 25 years old, Alec still slides a capri sun over the counter with the words "Dream on, kid." whenever she orders any alcoholic beverage.
Helen is another deputy. Aline is the mayor. Underhill is a deputy. Maia works at the local car shop. I'm not sure about her age, so she may either be a full time employee, the owner herself, or like a summer/student job or something.
When Madzie and Max meet, they are instant trouble maker buddies. Also, Max wastes no time in telling her that Alec's middle name is Gideon. And like all kids that age, Madzie scrunches up ner nose and looks at Alec and says: "Your name is Gideon? But that's an old man's name. Our neighbor in Brooklyn also had that name. He was retired and wore thick glasses." Jace laughs so hard he falls off his chair.
The sheriff's department has police horses, because some areas are easier to travel through on horse back than car. So Magnus needs to learn to ride. Good thing Alec can lend a helping hand there.
To the Master post: https://www.tumblr.com/lurafita/744483785225224193/small-town-diner-malec-au?source=share
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nshtn · 1 year
Incendiary Eddie x fem Café Reader
[[ Kicking off writing for Eddie and taking short written requests for my boy now!! This is a little oneshot outside of canon <3 If you'd like something, feel free to send in an ask stating that you'd like it written! 🤗 ]]
"I know a little of something, I don't know everything, but each day I learn anew. What am I?"
I'm sitting on a weathered barstool in the name of a café I have, regrettably, already forgotten. The woman in front of me has just rattled a riddle off to me, and the tornado of thoughts in my mind have redirected themselves like the tidal gusts of a typhoon to funnel into solving the puzzle neatly laid, word by word, in the metaphysical dimension of my mind.
A human! Oh, no, Eddie, get yourself together. That's too obvious, and you're supposed to be the Puzzle King. She's referring to herself, I think; pretty hair and eyes that pierce something fierce through you, but every time they hit me, they search softly. Searching. Searching for information - or perhaps - connection? No - don't think about that, you, uh... 
"A s-student." The corners of my mouth turn up slightly. Hers have lifted considerably, of note...
"You're right!" She presents me a coffee in a brown mug. The smell is different, though. The aroma that wafts from it has some hint of cherry... alcohol... dark... chocolatey and earthy and ... wrong. I momentarily consider, though brief, the possibility of being poisoned; her lilt, however telling of the expression that has dawned upon me, breaks me from the trance-like spiral my mind has descended upon fitfully - "Dark almond cherry amaretto flavor. It's on the house. You're one smart cookie!" That smile of hers belies greatly the subtle sheen of loneliness that lies beneath. There's no way I, thirty-odd-something of a man of strange expression and a coiling darkness, have held her interest by natural wit. Still, the thought of being poisoned has been quashed by her enviously natural reply, a feeling I am quick to swallow.
My eyebrows dash up a tad and my eyes wander over the darkly shaded drink. A hair darker, and it might have matched the shade of my thoughts when I'd first walked in. I suppose she's taken it as a sign of apprehension in the way she tenses. Damn. "Don't--" a nervous laugh breaks free of her, embarrassed, "don't worry, it's good with pie." We -- no, I -- am still waiting on the slice. I am so deranged in the reins of sheltering from the fruits of emotional labor that my reactions to her are stiff enough to paint me a robot. Background character. It's not what I want, it's what I need - deserve - need for later, later. But what I want... 
Somehow, I am content with waiting - with this awkward back-and-forth exchange of words in a game I normally lose. She, having stuttered, cannot call me out on my own. In hindsight, it is foolish of me to chase my want for socialization, maybe. Probably. Absolutely.
"I trust you." What way and how? Well, with this coffee, it doesn't seem too hard. I lift the stirrer to show vested interest and give an idle circling, the cream dispersing in soft shades and delightful little bubbles. It betrays the city this gem nestles itself in, a respite, oasis, an opening, clearing, a light tunnel, a beacon -- but I'm trying not to fall into a rabbit hole, pulling my thoughts away from the chain of synonyms that beckons the addled mind. I feel the urge to pull out a puzzle book. I feel the compulsion to tell a riddle.
I think of one for her. It doesn't have to be good - I just want to keep talking. To her -- to someone, and she happens to be the one currently diverting my mind's personal assault, that's my own excuse. 
"I'm shrouded in mystery and danger surrounds me," I begin, voice soft and dry. I have not yet tried my coffee. Was this a mistake? Is this too deep for a lonely café? But, her eyes lock onto mine and her mind is readily accepting. "I'm often denied, but eventually I must be satisfied," Think! "-- farther than skin, it is the heart I am deep within." My glasses reflect in a way I enjoy as I fold my hands beneath my chin and push my sore body a little further up in the stool. She's about to say something, pursing her lips thoughtfully. I complete it with the same ending she'd given her own, mimicry for the chance of closeness. "What am I?"
And before she can answer, a beep interrupts her thoughts. Damn. "Oh shoot!--" The woman hurries off to get my slice, and I'm left alone for a moment to collect my thoughts. Just what do I think I'm doing? I'm probably boring her to death. I'm... so annoying. Pestering. I'm bothersome. I feel myself turn inwards. I feel my senses creeping up on me. I feel a sudden and extensive dread, like a cover pulled over me too sharp, emotional whiplash, fast and unbearable. The darkness is creeping - rushing - surrounding - grasping itself in with every second that passes and I force myself to focus on the sound of her steps, quick and light on tile floor, and then metal, and tile again. Ground yourself, the podcasts had said, pay attention to your surroundings. Best to acquaint myself with footsteps until it's second nature for the journey that lies ahead of me, anyway. But for now… 
She returns, laying down a green plate with a plump piece of pumpkin pie on it (alluringly alliterating, allaying my arduous addiction). There's a scoop of vanilla ice cream heaved over the top as generously as possible, and there's another gob that slips off the side. I could reason all day that she doesn't have any interest in me, that she's being friendly as part of the job, but with free coffee and extra effort I find my mind spins less steadily its' unstoppable wheels of hatred. 
"The answer to it is... is it justice?" The light from the kitchen's rusting door sets upon her a delicate outline of white. I want to berate myself for the three seconds it takes for me to get past the perfection of the mood lighting adjacent to her comment, but I can't.
"That's correct." 
"That was a tough one!" She presses a black fork in my hand with her own, and our fingers brush, and my mind unravels in so many different directions of possible conversation that I stutter and my cheeks treasonously shade themselves pink. My own are pulled at the corners, tough skin, bitten fingernails. Hers are soft and warm... she pulls away, apologetic, but then pauses. I'm so stupid, delayed, so lonely that the mere touch of another friendly hand has sent my mind hurtling, and my head turns down to avoid eye contact and-- 
"You're... um, very cute--" "Thank you," we say, almost on top of each other. Mine is nerves and paranoia and every facet of my being that wants to scream that this is a dream or a trap, and hers seems like an untrained reply of enamorment. I am not left to decide as she continues, unprompted, hands drawing past the counter to hold onto themselves for comfort. Is she as many jumbled nerves as I find myself? A dual spotlight drawn between us, the light from a drab kitchen in a shitty part of town? The moment, this moment, is isolated from the association, though. "It's... free, all of it, i-if you come visit again." Her face knits together and she pushes a loose strand of hair that has bound free behind her ear. "Sometime," she adds, sheepish.
And how can I say no? Even if it were a trap, how can I decline the saccharine sweetness of continued conversation? My heart hungers, my brain wants for the potential - even if miniscule - of contact, and in a café of nameless abandon surrounded by squalor and sewer rot, I am made to feel the dangerous drip-feed of hope. It is a mistake, and I know it will hasten the cracks in my psyche when she inevitably casts me aside as so many have, but in the moment my heart activates my vocal cords and rips the words I need to say before the rational choice of my mind can punctuate the matter. I am surprised at how quickly it all happens, over in a second and stretching on into some infinite horizon. 
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thelustdevil · 2 years
Working at a coffee place really fuels those café au’s in my head...
…in honor of that, here’s what some of the boys would order from my shop!
Part Two: Goodies!
Hitoshi S.
This man gets redbulls, idc what anyone else says. Lavender huckleberry lemonade. But if he’s craving coffee, an americano with cinnamon and almond milk.
Denki K.
Blended mango (purée) & passion fruit lemonade, he likes the sweetness and the crunch from the ice. If he wants something creamy he gets a blended matcha.
Katsuki B.
He enjoys cinnamon lattes, hot with the cinnamon either pulled with the shot or steamed into the milk. On hot days he gets black tea, iced with SF blackberry. (Two pumps only)
Izuku M.
This sweet sweet boy enjoys smoothies! Peach is his go to, if he’s feeling adventurous he’ll add strawberry. If it’s cold he likes white hot coco with a pump of peppermint.
Shoto T.
Tea? Tea. Sometimes he’ll ask the barista what tea they like. Does he pick their suggestions? Rarely. He’s a creature of habit. Chamomile tea with honey and cantaloupe if it’s iced. If not, honey and a little lemonade steamed in is perfect.
Eijirou K.
Sometimes he follows denki’s lead and gets a lemonade. Usually strawberry purée with peach. If not he likes a nice iced latte. A pump of vanilla and a pump of cheesecake. Almond milk!
Hanta S.
Sero likes iced teas, usually on the sweeter side. He will experiment, combining different flavors and add-ins. So far peach, raspberry and orange juice with black tea is his favorite.
Tenya I.
Our orange spice tea is a favorite of his. Hot or iced, with a bit of raw sugar. Just a packet or two. If it’s out, jasmine green tea is okay.
He doesn’t go to coffee shops the fuck. Mans drinks kraken out of a mug with a little bit of cold brew. Though he learned what cold foam was and sometimes likes to add it.
Caramel macchiato when he feels fancy. If not some good lemonade is a nice second. Or a peach Italian soda, or-
Mirio T.
Nejire introduced him to iced oatmilk lavender lattes and he was into it. He used to stay away from coffee, he wasn’t into the bitterness. But now it’s his go to.
Tamaki A.
Sweet shy angel enjoys a simple vanilla raspberry steamer when he doesn’t crave caffeine. When he does have coffee, a raspberry white mocha never fails.
Shota A.
Black coffee with amaretto or Irish cream. Hitoshi once brought him a huckleberry redbull and occasionally he’ll get that.
Hizashi Y.
He loves to try the new monthly drinks. He’ll settle on a favorite and continually order it until the next month’s drinks. However a latte from last Spring stuck with him. Toasted coconut macchiato.
*based on my view of them & their personalities*
Let me know if you want to see the girls next!!
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brewedbalanceroasters · 5 months
Almond Bliss with every sip of Amaretto Flavored Coffee Beans by Brewed Balance Roasters
Indulge in Brewed Balance Roasters' Amaretto Flavored Coffee Beans, a medium roast sensation for almond enthusiasts. Savor the sweet allure of organic, pure Arabica beans farmed sustainably. Immerse your senses in the delightful magic of freshly made, aromatic perfection, ensuring a smile with every sip.
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yourfaveisamuppet · 3 months
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Dorm Leader’s Drinks
Based on this post here. Kudos to @scertifiedsavanaclawstan​. Check them out before you keep going here.
This is my interpretation of the drinks’ descriptions I saw in the linked post above. I love Twisted Wonderland (although the ENG devs did us dirty on Chapter 5) and this was just an excuse to see how these drinks would be in real life.
Warning: Alcohol (respective TWST characters are obviously aged up [pretty sure they’re in some AU if memory serves]) Minors DNI. You have been warned. None of the cocktails were my idea (reference the linked post above). 
I repeat: Minors. Do. Not. Interact. 
Always Drink Responsibly (or better yet, don’t [your future self will thank you for this]). Exact recipes will not be posted and several key ingredients will be omitted.
Riddle’s Screaming Rose
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From OP’s post, the Screaming Rose is supposed to be “SWEEET [...] flavored like strawberry and is good with food.” What the drink’s image and description reminded me of is a strawberry caipirinha/caipiroska, but instead I chose to make a sweet forward cocktail based on a Strawberry Smash. With a sweet, aged dark rum and a little amaretto liqueur, this shaken cocktail uses a rich 2:1 simple syrup, and fresh muddled strawberries to produce a cocktail that is not only very sweet but also fruity and a nice addition to any meal. 
However, I may have overdone it with the amaretto. Because I did not have access to any strawberry liqueur, I felt as if the minty amaretto would be a nice addition to the tart-sweet of the strawberries, but ended up slightly overpowering it. In the future, I would use more strawberries (either in puree or liqueur form) and maybe a few drops of rosewater. Overall, the drink is a 7.5/10.
Leona’s Purring Kitten
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Now, this drink was a grand slam. Because the “drink of his is made with coffee” and can be “bitter” for some, this was very similar to a White Russian. However, instead of heavy cream or bailey’s as a float, I made whipped cream with a healthy dose of Rumchata to replace the cinnamon sticks appearing in the drink as well as forming the whipped cream dollop (although, I mistook Kalim’s drink with Leona’s so it came with an entire whipped cream float Whoops).
Like the description, this drink is bitter due to the coffee, but is very nice when mixed with the Rumchata whipped cream. I would have lessened the amount of cream put into the drink. Also, the animal cracker was a nice addition, making this a very delicious dessert cocktail. Definite 9/10
Azul’s Mermaid’s Tears
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Oh, Great Sevens, Azul! Our only Martini and you had to have a “taste in drinks [that] was boring” (Floyd) and “tastes...healthy?” From the description and appearance of a drink served up and with edible flowers and a salt rim, it got me thinking of a Blue Margarita. However, keeping with Azul being from the ocean, I chose to use a lightly aged Puerto Rican Rum (to at least make this a little tropical) and a few drops of orange blossom water for some crisp, floral notes. 
I definitely overdid the half-salt rim. But, this drink was sadly exactly what I pictured: boring (according to Floyd), ...fine (according to Jade), and while not healthy tasting (technically since the healthiest drink in the world is Dihydrogen monoxide), it does make for a decent-ish drink that while I would drink once, would probably not order again. Azul, get a friggin’ Mai Tai, a Zombie, a Rum Punch—anything else! GDI!  6/10
Kalim’s Sleepy Tiger
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With Kalim’s drink, I did not have much to go on. Other than the drink being “a mango-infused spirit with whipped cream” before the addition of date syrup (which I could not find dates to make into a syrup), it was the most mysterious. Luckily, I had extra whipped cream batched for Leona’s drink, so I decided to make another dessert-style cocktail. Using Casamigos Reposado (a reposado tequila with notes of dried fruits and vanilla/cocoa), chocolate liqueur, a few other ingredients, and mango simple syrup, I managed to create a cocktail I think best resembled the drink. 
At first, the flavors clashed between the whipped cream and the drink itself. However, this drink reminded me of a mango milkshake and slowly began to taste great. In the future, I would substitute the tequila with a rum (maybe a demerrara rum), but would risk ruining the vibrant orange color of the drink. 6.5/10
Vil’s Cranky Virgin
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I had high hopes to make this drink amazing, as Vil (whether canon or AU) is a perfectionist. The drink is described as “appropriately expensive tasting, made with apple syrup and a VERY herbaceous liquor,” as well as being garnished with red apple slices and rosemary. Immediately, I knew gin was the key spirit, but it couldn’t be anything but Empress 1908 Gin. This indigo-colored gin is distilled with eight botanicals, including butterfly pea flower, that turns into a vibrant purple when mixed with citrus. Although the description described “apple syrup” I added rosemary when making a custom apple simple syrup to enhance the herbal notes of the spirit. A tiny amount of grenadine was added at the bottom to give the syrup its red hue. 
While not as purple as I would like it to be (possibly due to the addition of too much grenadine) the drink tasted like a classic, fruity, herbal Tom Collin’s. The rosemary may have been slightly overpowering and I would have appreciated more of an apple taste. In the future, the simple syrup would probably be made with apple juice instead of water or be simmered with apples for a longer time. I will definitely be revisiting this drink later on. 7/10 Don’t curse me, Vil!
Idia’s Gamer Rage
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Did you know how hard it was to find Blue Raspberry Soda!? Well, I couldn’t find the damn thing, so I did the next best thing. For a “boozy root beer float” with blue raspberry flavor, I used a clear raspberry soda mixed with blue curaçao and a vanilla bean ice cream float and a cherry on top. 
Now, lemme tell you sumthin’, I wanted to not like this drink. Idia’s not my favorite character, but goddamn if this drink wasn’t good. I love ice cream sodas, Italian sodas, etc., and Idia’s Gamer Rage was no different. This was probably one of the top three drinks because it is a simple concept (unlike Vil’s or Kalim’s) and the combination was solid. Sweet, bubbly, and creamy. 8.5/10
Malleus’ Dragon’s Tantrum 
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I had already covered Malleus’ drink prior to making everything here, but to summarize, the Dragon’s Tantrum has a lot of “lime mixed with [...] absinthe [that] makes it a drink almost no one other than Malleus orders.” I couldn’t use absinthe as the main spirit due to it having a super high alcohol percentage and turning cloudy when mixed with water. However, a Midori Sour is a perfect drink to have a large absinthe rinse.
I love absinthe (only buy the real stuff). Although Midori is a sweet melon liqueur, the Dragon’s Tantrum is very absinthe forward with hints of licorice and star anise and sour at the end that makes you pucker a bit. For those who love sours, this is a wonderful drink that outclasses (in my opinion) everything on this list. Solid 9/10
Final Thoughts
The drinks were a blast to make. I had always wanted to make cocktails based on the characters of the games I play (I’m looking at you, Ikemen Sengoku), and while I never imagined doing one for Twisted Wonderland, this post inspired me to exercise my growing knowledge of mixology and cocktails. Thanks so much to the OP, @scertifiedsavanaclawstan​. Bartender!Yuu has their work cut out for them. As always:
Drink Responsibly or stick to water (your future self and liver will thank you) Cheers!
Tags: @scertifiedsavanaclawstan
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pisspope · 1 year
Attack on Titan + Favorite Cocktails
Part 1: Scouts
so I want to make actual cocktails that I feel like represent these characters but it's gonna take some time to craft. so for now here's the regular drinks I think they'd really like + links to the recipes if you want to try them for yourself!
I tried not to include rum in any of the scouts recipes because i don't think that's something they would logically have access to. Connie's recipe includes rum but it can be substituted with vodka quite easily, so i thought it was worth including.
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Eren + Feuerzangenbowle
- a mulled wine, but with a sugar cone that u set on fire !!!
- this is one of Connie's favs too but they never let him make it because they don't want him anywhere near an open flame
- eren likes the mulled wine by itself too, when the scouts are in hiding he makes it as a treat on cold nights
- makes it as more of a social event as opposed to just wanting to drink. loves to gather everybody around him while he sets the sugar cones ablaze one by one
- his mulling experience makes him the best punch maker of the scouts too. In a modern!au he's always tasked with making the punch for parties and get togethers. he puts his hair in a little lunch lady style hairnet and gets roasted to shit by Jean.
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Mikasa + Kirsch Royale
- red like her scarf 😱😱😱
- very very cherry flavored mixed with champagne
- like mikasa; beautiful, will knock u on ur ass
- historia introduced her to it at her coronation party. everyone's popping cheap champagne and historia Demands that they bring out the good stuff for her friends
- just likes vodka-soaked cherries in general; anything that's spent time submerged in alcohol is her finger food of choice
- if Jean/Mikasa endgame they bond over their love of cherry liqueur idk idk ((also kirsch?? kirschstein?? the flirting opportunities baby))
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Armin + Aperol Spritz
- lightweight alert!!!!!
- usually a really light alcohol content, pregame type of drink. just a white wine and some sparkling water really
- armin has two of these when he first drinks and gets absolutely blasted. Someone (probably jean) snuck it from erwins office the night before shiganshina 2 electric boogaloo
- armin drinks it on special occasions. But he also likes to bring a pitcher of it down whenever he talks to Annie
- in the modern day he LOVES Pina coladas, but in universe he has no clue what a pineapple or a coconut is so
- when he goes to marley he also discovers blue caraçao and puts that shit in everything ("it makes whatever you drink look like the ocean!!!")
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Jean + French Connection
- called "The Connection" because France doesn't exist
- just cognac with amaretto liqueur
- his dad drinks it; that's it that's the reason
- he thinks it's cool and masc because it's served in a brandy glass and only has two simple ingredients; wants to be seen as an adult and a man's man or w/e
- has a convo post-rumbling talking about how he "wished all alcohol wasn't so bitter tasting". man has had only cognac and a hint of amaretto his whole life. Annie buys him a sweet moscato wine ("her one good deed for the week") and his head explodes
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Sasha + Rumplesnuggler
- literally creamy alcoholic hot chocolate (peppermint schnapps and Irish cream being the alcoholic part)
- sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet
- her dad made it for her one christmas and ever since then she's been hooked
- every time she drinks it it takes her back to the cold woods of her youth, of her loving family, and of her moms delicious cooking
- gabi and falco try the non-alcoholic version of this and love it too. instant sugar high
- she also really likes anything with vodka because it's made with potatoes lol
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Connie + Green Demon
- midori and lemon juice!!! Toxic waste in a bottle!!
- azumabito brings a bottle of midori as a gesture of goodwill (likely called something else at this point) and Connie just 👀👀 "it's green. Like GREEN green"
- he's putting it in everything, like it's food coloring. Green water, green green tea, green coffee. Menace to society
- he lets niccolo try it and he ponders the taste for a second. "Let me try something". Squeezes a WHOLE LEMON into the glass (he's a chef not a bartender). Tastes it, immediately regrets it. Sooo sour. He's about to throw it out but lets connie try his concoction of the damned first
- Love At First Sip. man never tried that marleyan wine because it's just midori and lemons from here on out
- when he gets married they toast this instead of champagne. heck he might just get married to the bottle
- Connie Springer Midori Melon Man
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Levi + Dry Martini
- my first thought was a U-Boot which is just beer with vodka poured in it. this man weighs 100 pounds soaking wet and 50 of those pounds have to be liquor before he feels anything
- instead it's gin and vermouth which is. Not much better tbh
- levi likes to be in control of what he drinks but also what he looks like while he's drinking it. No unsophisticated beer kegs or basic wine glasses. It's martini glass or bust. No martini glass? He'll just drink water.
- same with the olives or lemon peel. No garnish? No drink. he's a little picky
- definitely has a favorite bar that makes it Just Right. probably a bar he went to with Erwin when they were starry-eyed scouts
- in the modern day he also makes a hell of a mixer. Kenny 100% taught him how to make a killer trash can punch
Hange + ???
- do NOT engage hange in talks about alcohol do NOT pass go do NOT collect 200 dollars
- their fav drink does not have a name. it is a long island iced tea but made of GARBAGE
- the ingredients change every time but it is invariably disgusting
- attempts at mixing include: pickle juice, barbecue sauce, mayonnaise, seawater, bone marrow, olive oil
- every once in a while a combo will come together that shouldn't work but absolutely does. do not trust this miracle to happen twice
@lemmetreatya @nuri148 @uwubraun u guys said u were interested so!! here it is!! i did it. my opus. im gonna do the warriors next and i already have Ideas
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ubyr-babaj · 1 year
Speaking of teas, 90% of the flavored coffees I've tried taste like soap too. Like "Irish Cream" flavored beans? Vanilla soap. "Gingerbread" beans? Cinnamon soap. "Amaretto"? Almond extract soap. Just buy some funky syrup set.
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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National Liqueur Day
Today we celebrate and imbibe liqueur, a distilled alcoholic beverage that is sweetened or blended with herbs, spices, flowers, nuts, cream, or fruits. The alcohol content of liqueur generally ranges from between 24 percent and 60 percent (48-120 U.S. proof) and is usually lower than that of liquor (spirits). Usually, the base spirit used to make liqueur is brandy. Liqueurs are not aged for very long, although their base spirit may be. But, there may be a resting stage to allow the flavors to blend together properly. In the United States, liqueurs are sometimes called cordials or schnapps. Technically, in the United States, the name schnapps only applies to brandies distilled from fermented fruits. Usually syrupy and sweet, liqueurs are used to make after-dinner drinks or are mixed with coffee. They may be drunk straight, poured over ice, or mixed. They are also commonly used to flavor desserts.
By 400 BC, fortified spirits were being made by the distillation of wine by the Egyptians and Greeks, who sweetened them with cinnamon and honey. These spirits were similar to today's liqueur and used ingredients that now are used to make mead. During the thirteenth century, European monks and alchemists improved upon the distillation process and created what we now would recognize as a liqueur. At the time it was mainly used for medical purposes. Today there are both generic liqueurs and proprietary liqueurs—those made by individual producers, often with a secret formula, with registered brand names. The following are some of the most common:
Advocaat: cream liqueur.
Amaretto: almond flavor.
Crème d'ananas: flavored with pineapple.
Crème de cacao: flavored with cocoa and vanilla beans.
Crème de framboises: made with raspberries.
Crème de menthe: flavored with mint.
Crème de noyaux: almond-flavored; made with fruit pits; similar to amaretto.
Crème de violette: also known as parfait amour; contains oils from both violets and vanilla beans.
Kümmel: flavored with caraway seed.
Limoncello (Italy): lemon-flavored.
Sloe gin: flavored from the fruit of the blackthorn bush.
Triple sec: orange-flavored; colorless Curaçao.
Baileys Irish Cream (Ireland): Irish whiskey and cream.
Bénédictine (France): first made in 1510; closely-guarded formula.
Campari (Italy): herbs and fruit.
Chartreuse (France): formula was developed in 1607; contains green and yellow plant liqueurs; spicy and aromatic flavors.
Cherry Heering (Denmark): cherry flavored.
Cointreau (France): proprietary blend of triple sec.
Crème Yvette (United States): violet flavor and color.
Curaçao: flavored from the dried peels of the green oranges from the island of Curaçao, located in the Caribbean Sea.
Danziger Goldwasser: spicy; contains tiny gold specks.
Drambuie (Britain/Scotland): Scotch whisky base; flavored with heather honey and herbs; made with a French formula that was brought to Scotland in 1745.
Forbidden Fruit (United States): brandy and grapefruit.
Grand Marnier (France): orange liqueur with cognac base; created in 1880; one of the most famous liqueurs of all time; Escoffier used it to make Crêpes Suzette; César Ritz was a fan of it and used it at his hotels.
Irish Mist (Ireland): made with Irish whiskey and honey; spicy.
Jägermeister (Germany).
Kahlúa (Mexico): coffee-flavored.
Liquore Galliano (Italy).
Midori (Japan): flavored with melon.
Sambuca (Italy): anise-flavored.
Strega (Italy).
Tia Maria (Jamaica): rum as base spirit; coffee-flavored.
Van der Hum (South Africa): spicy; aromatic.
How to Observe National Liqueur Day
Celebrate the day drinking liqueur. Use it to make an after-dinner drink, enjoy it straight, or pour it over ice. There are a countless amount of liqueurs and recipes that go with them that you could try. You could also use liqueurs to make a dessert. You could even use the day to learn how to make your own liqueurs. If you don't drink, you could still make or bake a dessert with liqueur for someone else, or try your hand at making homemade liqueur for a friend to try.
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