#America’s virgin ass
waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Kept Me Like a Secret When I Kept You Like An Oath
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: Tony has a strict rule against you dating, so when he finds out you and Peter have been dating behind his back, he comes up with a lie to keep you apart
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“Hey love bug, do you know the Hulu password?” Tony asked you once you opened your door for him.
“Oh, yeah. It’s flower power boo boo foot. No spaces.” You quickly answered and tried to shut the door on your dad.
“I thought so too. But I tried that and it didn’t work.” Tony sighed and pushed your door right back open.
“Did you capitalize every first letter?”
“Yep. No dice.”
“Try “smithereens”. I think that’s the new one.” You told him and tried to shut the door again.
“I tried that too. That’s the Netflix password.” Tony shook his head, oblivious to the fact you were trying to get rid of him.
“Oh darn. I guess I don’t know it then.” You faked a laugh and tried to close your door.
“Didn’t we change it at some point to America’s ass? No spaces?” Tony asked and pushed your door back open.
“We did. But then Steve got mad so we made it “Steve’s a Virgin” for a couple weeks. Then he got more mad so we made it “smithereens”. If it’s not that anymore, then I don’t know it.”
“Huh. Then I’ll just change it to “buckysucks” and write it down.” Tony decided.
“Good plan.” You nodded quickly and prayed he’d leave.
“All right. Thanks, kiddo.”
“Bye, daddy.” You smiled sweetly and shut your door with your free hand.
Your other hand, which had been out of sight that whole conversation, was covering Peters mouth as he hid from Tony. His back was pressed against the wall beside your door and he was holding his breath to be as quiet as possible. He placed his hand over yours to keep quiet, his hand that was still covered by his Spiderman suit.
“That was a close one.” You said as you took your hand off his mouth.
“I know. But how exciting was it?” Peter grinned as he scooped you up. You shrieked in excitement before pulling Peter into a kiss. He never broke the kiss as he walked you over to your bed and laid you down on it. Just when you were getting into a groove, you heard a knock at the door. Peter flew to the ceiling and stuck to it as you sat up and smoothed your hair.
“Honey, one more thing.” Tony said as he opened your door.
“Yes daddy?” You smiled sweetly and tried to discreetly catch your breath.
“Can you send me that chicken recipe again? I want to make it for dinner tonight.”
“You mean you want our chef to make it for dinner tonight?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll send it to you.” You told him and immediately sent it to get rid of him quicker.
“Are you feeling okay, pumpkin? You look a little sweaty.” Tony asked, making you gulp. Your eyes flicked to your ceiling, where Peter was hanging upside down and holding his breath.
“I’m good. Probably just coming down with something.” You laughed nervously and wiped your forehead.
“Oh no. I’ll make you some tea.”
“Thanks daddy.” You blew him a kiss as he shut the door. Once he was gone, Peter dropped down from the ceiling and landed on your bed.
“You really need to get a lock on your door.” Peter chuckled and leaned in again.
“Where’s the fun in that?” You scoffed and cupped his face to kiss him. As much as you hated hiding your relationship from your dad, the thrill of having a secret made it all that much more exciting. It had been three months of you and Peter sneaking around now and you were starting to get less careful.
A couple days later, Tony went into Peters room to talk to him about upgrading his suit. He wandered around and looked at the various things on Peters desk as he spoke until something caught his eye.
“Now this is interesting.” Tony said as he leaned over Peters desk.
“Tell me about it. That’s not even the first flock of birds to drop out of the sky this year.” Peter answered, thinking Tony was looking at the science magazine he had open on his desk.
“Actually, I meant these.” Tony said and held up a lavender pair of your underwear.
“Oh my God.” Peter gasped as all the color drained from his face.
“You know, Parker, I had you pegged for more of a boxer briefs kinda guy.” Tony chuckled and dropped the underwear back onto the desk.
“Those aren’t mine.” Peter quickly explained.
“Really? I thought Victoria Secret No Show panties would be perfect for you in your skin tight suit.” Tony teased.
“Sorry about that. It won’t happen again.”
“Well don’t stop doing what you’re doing on account of me. I am many things but I am not one to blicken anyones chicken.”
“Blicken - oh. Cock block. I get it.” Peter sighed in disappointment.
“So who’s the lucky lady?” Tony asked and took a seat on Peters bed.
“Oh, uh, we don’t have to talk about this. Don’t worry. May already had “the talk” with me.” Peter laughed nervously and hoped Tony would get the hint to drop it.
“I don’t mind it. You’re the closest thing I have to a son and I always thought I’d be really good at giving the sex talk.”
“You’ve always thought that?” Peter scrunched his nose.
“Let’s just talk basics so I can get out of your hair. Are you guys being safe?”
“Yes. Totally safe.” Peter assured him.
“Good. Because we don’t know how radioactive your web fluid is, if you catch my drift.”
“I wish I didn’t but I do.” Peter grimaced.
“So is it just one girl or are you running some kind of brothel in here?” Tony questioned.
“Just one girl. My girlfriend.” Peter said with a shy smile.
“Well I’ll be. You’ve taken a lover.” Tony smiled proudly and patted Peters knee.
“Yeah, I guess I have.” Peter laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Oh, I get it. I recognize the blush of a smitten man. I get the same blush every time I catch my reflection in a building when I pass by it. How long have you been seeing this girl?”
“Three months. But the…other stuff only started recently.”
“Good for you for waiting. I’ll have you know that Pepper and I waited. I’ll also have you know that Pepper couldn’t stand me for the first few years she knew me.”
“Yeah. She’s mentioned that.” Peter chuckled.
“Do you love her? And follow up, have you told her if you have?”
“I haven’t told her yet. But I do. I love her with all my heart.”
“Then why haven’t you told her?”
“I’m scared too. I’m scared she doesn’t love me back yet.” Peter admitted for the first time out loud.
“Peter, she’s been dating you for three months and is willing to sneak into the highly secluded Avengers tower just to bust it open for you. I think it’s safe to assume she loves you.”
“Maybe.” Peter laughed shyly and started to feel a twinge of guilt for lying to Tony about who he was dating.
“How does she get in here anyway? I’ve never seen a girl around here.” Tony realized, making Peter gulp.
“I swing her up to my window.” Peter quickly lied.
“Aw. Like Rapunzel.”
“Yeah. Exactly like Rapunzel.” Peter nodded in agreement.
“Well I’m happy for you, kid. I really am. Any girl would be lucky to be dating a man like you. And I know if my daughter ever brought home a guy like you, I’d be damn proud of her for picking a good one.” Tony said and patted Peters shoulder. Peter looked at Tony’s hand on his shoulder and felt like he could cry. It was one of the most sincere and heartfelt things Tony had ever said to Peter and it killed Peter that it happened because of a lie.
“Do you really mean that?” Peter asked quietly.
“I do. I saw greatness in you the day I met you, kiddo. And I’ve seen in everyday since.” Tony said with a fond smile.
“Thanks, Mr. Stark. That means a lot to me.” Peter answered and put his hand over Tony’s. Inside, it was absolutely killing Peter to lie to Tony’s face in that moment. His guilt doubled and he knew he had to come clean as soon as possible.
“Well now I’ve made myself uncomfortable by expressing my feelings. I’m gonna leave now before an awkward silence settles in. See you at dinner?” Tony cleared his throat awkwardly and stood up from Peter’s bed.
“See you at dinner.” Peter nodded and felt relived that Tony was leaving.
“K. Love you.” Tony said as he walked towards the door.
“I love you too.” Peter said sincerely.
“Gross.” Tony grimaced. He then winked at Peter before leaving his room. Once he was gone, Peter felt himself get emotional as tears slipped down his face. He couldn’t believe he just lied to a man who had given him so much. Peter quickly wiped his face and went to your room to settle this before it went any further.
“Hey.” You smiled when you opened your door and saw him.
“Hey. Can we talk?” Peter asked as he came in and shut the door behind him.
“Oh. Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?”
“No, it’s not okay. I just talked to your dad.”
“Did you tell him about us?” You worried and sat on your bed.
“No. But he found your underwear in my room.” Peter sighed as sat beside you.
“Oh no. What did you tell him?” You laughed, still not understanding the gravity of the situation.
“That I have a girlfriend.”
“Okay. Maybe this will work in our favor. It’ll be easier to sneak around if he knows you’re dating someone.” You shrugged. Peter kept his eyes on his lap and you noticed that his leg was bouncing nervously.
“What’s wrong?” You asked and placed your hand on his knee to calm him down. Peter sucked in a sharp breath before getting emotional again.
“I don’t want to sneak around anymore. I can’t keep lying to your dad like this. I can’t do it.” Peter said with watery eyes.
“Peter, we talked about this. He can’t know about us. He made it very clear that I’m not allowed to date until I’m 21.” You sighed and withdrew your hand.
“I know we talked about it. But he and I had a great conversation and I really think things will be different. He just told me he’d be proud of you if you brought home a guy like me.”
“Peter, he says that now as a hypothetical but if he knew we were actually dating, he would feel differently.”
“I cannot keep breaking his trust like this. It’s killing me to lie to him. And I don’t know what’s gonna be worse. When he finds out I’m dating you or when he finds out I lied to his face about it.” Peter got off your bed and started to pace your room in a panic.
“If he finds out about us, he’s just gonna flip out and tell us we’re too young and too dumb to date. He’ll never be okay with this.” You reminded Peter as you got off your bed. You put your hands on his shoulders to calm him down and he stopped pacing.
“I know. But what’s he gonna do? It’s not like he can force us to break up.”
“Maybe not. But he can take your suit away and kick you out of the tower. Or make FRIDAY lock you out of my room permanently. Or make sure we are never alone together. He’s Tony Stark. He had infinite resources and time on his hands. If he wants us to break up, he will find a way.”
“Then we will just find a way to be together. No matter what he does.” Peter promised as he took your hands.
“But it will never be the same. Isn’t it better to lie to him so we can be together like this for as long as possible?”
“I’m not a liar. And he knows that.” Peter shook his head decidedly and let go of your hands. You folded your arms and stared at Peter for a minute, knowing he had already made up his mind. You hated lying to your dad just as much as Peter did, but you knew it was the only way for you to remain together.
“Can you just give me a little more time? Just in case he forces us apart?” You asked quietly and took Peter’s hands again. He looked at your hands and sighed before nodding his head.
“Okay. We’ll keep it a secret for a little longer.”
“Thank you.” You smiled and cupped his face to kiss him. When you pulled away, Peter got a look on his face that you didn’t recognize.
“Was there something else?” You asked him.
“Yeah. I…” Peter began but trailed off when he lost his nerve. He wanted to tell you he loved you, but his fear stopped him once again.
“Never mind. I’ll tell you later.” Peter faked a smile.
“Okay. Tell me later.”
The next day, you left to go on a recon mission with some of the other Avengers. Peter stayed back at the tower since his powers wouldn’t be useful and spent the week listlessly lounging around as he waited for you to come back. Finally, he got an alert that the quintet had landed on the rooftop. Peter excitedly jumped off his bed and ran into the foyer to see you. When he got there, he saw Tony and some other Avengers, but no you.
“Hey. Did the mission go okay?” Peter asked as he scanned the room for you.
“For the most part. Until Y/n got hit with a missile.” Tony said causally.
“What?!” Peter shrieked. “How did that happen?”
“She stood right in front of a middle launch pad.” Steve answered like it was the most simple thing in the world.
“Yeah. It was 100% her fault.” Tony chuckled. “She’ll be okay though. She’s recovering in the medical wing.”
“I have to see her.” Peter said and tried to push past Tony.
“Slow your roll there, Parker.” Tony stopped him. “She’s got open wounds so the doctor doesn’t want any outside germs in the room with her. You can see her when she’s out in a couple days.”
“No, no, no. I need to be in there with her.” Peter started to panic and tried to go towards your room again.
“No, you do not. You can see her after.” Tony pushed Peter back again with an annoyed laugh.
“You don’t understand. I need to see her now.” Peters eyes teared up as he tried one last time to get around Tony. By this point, Tony was more than suspicious and had a sinking feeling in his stomach.
“What don’t I understand? Why exactly do you need to see her so badly?” Tony questioned as he folded his arms. From the desperation in Peters voice, Tony had figured out what was going on. And from the tone in Tony’s voice, Peter figured he knew exactly what Peter was about to say. Peter stared at Tony for a minute as he went over his options in his head. He knew you didn’t want your dad to know about your relationship yet, but it might be his only chance of getting to see you while you were hurt. With the knowledge of you being hurt clouding his judgment, he made a snap decision.
“Because I love her.” Peter said quietly. Tony’s jaw locked as his suspicions were confirmed.
“Excuse me?” Tony asked in a low voice.
“Mr. Stark, I am in love with your daughter. And I need be with her. Please.” Peter pleaded in a shaking voice.
“I thought you had a girlfriend?” Tony asked as he folded his arms.
“I do. It’s her.”
“You’ve been dating my daughter behind my back for three months?”
“Yes. I have. And I know you’re going to yell and scream and throw things at me but before you do, please understand that I never wanted to lie to you. She asked me to keep our relationship a secret so I did. Because I would do anything for her. Absolutely anything.”
Tony stared at him for a long time but said nothing. Peter didn’t know this, but Tony was tallying up in his head all the times you and Peter had lied to him to keep your relationship a secret.
“Okay. You can yell at me now.” Peter said and braced himself.
“I’m not going to yell at you.”
“You’re not?”
“You didn’t tell me for three months?” Tony asked again, sadness in his voice this time.
“No. I didn’t.” Peter admitted, making Tony nod his head.
“I expected more from you.” Tony said without looking into Peters eyes.
“I know, and I’m sorry, but-“
“You will move all your stuff out by tonight.” Tony cut him off. “You will go back to living with May. Happy will call you if -and that’s a big if- I need you for a mission. Other than that, you are not affiliated with the Avengers. You are not welcome in this tower. And you are never, ever, to speak to my daughter again. Do you understand?”
“Mr. Stark, I know you’re mad but-“
“Do you understand?” Tony cut him off again by yelling. Peter felt tears come to his eyes but he nodded his head.
“Yes sir.” Peter said quietly.
“Good. Now go.” Tony said and pointed to the door. Peter noticed Tony’s finger was shaking but said nothing. He reluctantly walked towards the door and before he could open it, he heard Tony’s voice again.
“I am so disappointed in you.” Tony said, delivering the final blow. Peter quickly left the room before Tony could see him cry.
By the time you woke up, Peter was long gone. You struggled to sit up and winced when you felt the wound on your side.
“Daddy? What happened?” You asked as you rubbed your eyes.
“Hey sweetheart. Welcome back. You got absolutely wasted by a missile.” Tony said in a soft voice.
“Typical.” You sighed. “Are there any major injuries?”
“Your ear is shot but the doctor said it’s only temporary.”
“Good thing Clint taught us all ASL.” You signed to Tony.
“Yeah. Good thing.” Tony signed back. You smiled and squeezed his hand before looking around the room.
“Has anyone come by to see me?” You asked, but meant someone in particular.
“Everybody has. This is the first time your room has been empty since you got here.”
“Aw. I can’t wait to see them all.” You smiled softly when you noticed the cards and flowers in your room that the team had left.
“They can’t wait to see you.”
“Did Peter come by?” You asked, making Tony’s smile drop.
“No. He hasn’t.” Tony said quietly.
“He hasn’t?” You frowned. “Does he know what happened?”
“Well he’s been a little busy so I’m not sure he heard the news.” Tony lied to you without even thinking about it.
“Busy? With what?” You laughed skeptically and looked around for your phone to text Peter.
“Well you know how he has a girlfriend?”
“Yeah. I heard about that.” You replied without looking your dad in his eyes.
“Well the security cameras caught Peter sneaking her into the tower while we were gone. I found that a little disrespectful so I told him that if he wanted overnight guests, he’d have to bring them to his own home. He agreed and said he’d be sleeping back at his apartment with May from now on.” Tony lied to you as he said the first thing that popped into his head.
“Wait, what? You saw Peter with a girl?”
“With his girlfriend, yes.” Tony continued to lie. He knew you were Peters girlfriend, but you didn’t know he knew, so he was taking advantage.
“That isn’t possible.” You laughed uncomfortably.
“Why not?” Tony played dumb.
“Because…” You began then trailed off. You didn’t know Tony already knew about you and Peter so you were still determined to keep the secret. So as much as you wanted to tell your dad that what he was saying meant Peter was cheating on you, you had to keep quiet.
“Nothing. No reason. I’m just surprised he brought a girl here. And now he’s moving out?”
“Yep. He moved all his stuff out already. He was being weird about the whole thing. He seemed super freaked out when I told him that I knew about the girl. He even begged me not to tell you. Isn’t that strange? I don’t know why he thought you would care.” Tony shrugged as he fed you more of the lie. He watched your face crumple and knew he was hurting you but decided it was for the best.
“Yeah. Me either.” You said quietly as you fought back tears.
“Well I’ll let you get some rest, kiddo. See you in the morning.” Tony kissed your forehead before leaving your room. As soon as he was gone, you pulled your comforter over your head and cried yourself to sleep.
Tony’s plan worked and you ended up blocking Peters number before he had a chance to reach out to you. And while kicking Peter out kept the two of you apart while you recovered from your injury, Tony didn’t account for the fact that you and Peter went to the same college. Peter finally saw you again on your first day back at school and pushed people out of the way to get to you.
“There you are. I’ve been texting and calling you like crazy for the past two weeks. Why haven’t you answered me?”
You ignored Peter and continued putting your books away in your locker. Peter blinked a few times in confusion before trying again.
“Are you okay? I never even got to see you after your accident. Is everything all right with you? I was so worried.” Peter asked and rubbed your arm. You pushed his hand away and slammed your locker before walking away. Peter shook his head in confusion before running after you.
“Hello? Can you hear me?” He asked and stepped in front of you.
“What do you want Peter?” You sighed.
“What do I want? To talk to my girlfriend, maybe. I’d like to start there.” He said sarcastically.
“Oh, your girlfriend? Which one?” You asked and folded your arms.
“My dad told me about the other girl. I know that’s why you moved out. Did you really think you could cheat on me in my own house and I wouldn’t find out?” You asked before walking away again. Peter looked up at the ceiling to ask the sky what the hell you were talking about before running after you. He caught up to you and placed his hands on your shoulders to stop you.
“What the hell are you even talking about? Cheat on you? With who?” Peter exclaimed.
“I don’t know her name.” You rolled your eyes. “All I know is my dad said he saw you with another girl when I was gone on the mission.”
“What?!” Peter shrieked. “That never happened. All I did when you were gone was wait for you to come back.”
“Then why did you move out?”
“Because your dad kicked me out!” Peter exclaimed before looking around for who might be listening.
“Because your dad kicked me out.” He whispered, making you roll your eyes again.
“Why would he do that?”
“Because found out about us. Or, I told him about us. But only because you were hurt and I was scared so I panicked and blurted that I…”
“That you…” You urged him to finish his sentence once he trailed off. Peter looked at you for a minute and decided that the only way to get you to understand what happened was to tell you the whole truth.
“That I love you. I told him that I loved you. That’s how he found out.” Peter admitted. Your angry expression immediately melted to one of confusion as you dropped your guard.
“You told my dad you loved me before you told me?”
“It wasn’t exactly planned.” Peter said quietly. Your face lit up in a fond smile as peters face burned bright red.
“You love me?” You asked and took peters hands.
“A whole lot, unfortunately.”
“Peter.” You gushed and wrapped your arms around his neck. He immediately hugged your back and melted into your touch after weeks of silence from you.
“Wait, I’m mad at you.” You remembered and let go of him.
“Baby girl, do you think it’s possible that your dad lied about me cheating to get you to hate me?” Peter asked slowly.
“Why would he want me to hate you?”
“Because if you hate me, you’re not gonna beg him to let us be together. It was kind of a genius move if you think about it. You didn’t know that he knew about us so he made up a story to get you to hate me. That way, he didn’t have to break us up or hear about why we should be together.”
“Damn it. He is a genius.” You whispered when you realized Peter was probably right. Peter stepped forward and cupped your face in his hands so you’d look at him.
“I didn’t cheat on you, honey. I swear. I think we both know I’m not organized or coordinated enough to pull that off.”
“You’re right. I don’t know why I believed him so easily. Maybe because he told me while I was still high on morphine.” You sighed and wrapped your arms around Peter again.
“So we’re okay?” He asked hopefully. You broke into a smile and kissed him before pulling away.
“I love you too.” You told him before kissing him again.
“Now let’s go kill my dad.” You said sweetly once you pulled away.
“Aw.” Peter smiled. “Wait, what?”
“I don’t think this is a good idea. He’s gonna kill me.” Peter whispered to you as you walked hand in hand to the main room of the tower.
“Probably.” You whispered back, making Peter stop in his tracks.
“What?! So why are we doing this?”
“Because it’s what’s right. He can’t get mad at us for lying to him and then turn around and do the same thing to me by lying to my face. We are in love and there is no reason we shouldn’t be together. And that’s exactly what I’m gonna tell him.” You said as you grabbed his hand to continue pulling him. When you got to the main room, you saw most of the team sitting around.
“Oh good. Everybody’s here.” You said, getting everyone’s attention. Tony’s eyes went from Peters face to your intertwined hands before he stood up.
“What’s he doing here?” Tony asked angrily and pointed to Peter. Peter looked at you in fear but you squeezed his hand to let him know it was going to be okay.
“Everyone, Peter and I have something to tell you. We are in love and in a relationship.” You announced and waited for reactions. Everyone looked at each other but no one seemed particularly interested.
“Um, congrats? Is that really something that needed to be announced?” Natasha laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah, no offense guys, but I don’t think anyone cares that you two are together.” Steve said and everyone nodded in agreement.
“Oh. Damn. Anticlimactic.” You mumbled under your breath. Tony, on the other hand, was not as nonchalant.
“Like hell you are.” Tony scoffed. “This is not happening. Not under my roof or anywhere else that I own. Which is a lot of property, by the way.”
“Dad, you can’t keep Peter and I apart. Especially not by lying to me and saying he cheated on me.”
“Yeah, I kinda can’t believe you bought that. I came up with it on the spot.” Tony dropped his anger for a second to snort.
“Oh my God.” You face palmed.
“It wasn’t fair to me. I’ve been nothing but loyal, helpful, and respectful towards you. You had no reason to kick me out and lie about me.” Peter spoke up, getting everyone’s attention.
“Uh, here’s a reason.” Tony scoffed and held up a finger. “You had sexual intercourse with my off spring. I freaking found her panties in your room next to your Lego police station!”
“Your “off spring” is my girlfriend, okay? It’s not like Y/n and I are just hooking up. We are dating and in love and it is none of your business. So I’m sorry if you don’t like that we’re together, but I’m also not sorry. Because you need to get over it. She’s an adult and she can date whoever she wants. So you can kick me out of the tower and try to keep us apart, but you’ll never be able to break us up. We love each other and we don’t care how that makes you feel.”
“Yeah.” You chimed in. “If you kick him out, I’ll just go with him. And I don’t care if you emancipate me because of it. I’d rather be poor with him than rich without him.”
“Did you just stand up to me?” Tony asked with tight eyes.
“Did you just call me poor?” Peter asked you.
“Yes?” You answered both their questions with a question.
“Wow. Things are becoming clearer. Words are being processed. Previously held opinions are being changed. Gasp! I realizing that I was…wrong?” Tony gasped and sat back down on the couch with a dumbfounded expression.
“He is unbearable sometimes.” Steve groaned and rubbed his eyes.
“Yeah, wait a minute. Tony, did you really do that? Did you really kick Peter out and lie to your kid?” Natasha asked.
“I will admit that I lied to my beloved daughter about the loyalty of her boyfriend to split them up. And that I may have slightly overreacted when I heard Peter and Y/n were an item.” Tony confessed, making everyone groan.
“Is that it? You’re just admitting to something we already know you did?” You asked and folded your arms. Peter put an arm around you to show that he supported you and judging by the looks of everyone else’s faces, they supported you too. Tony looked around the room before letting out a sigh.
“I ran so hot when I was young. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to settle down and start a family. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t think anyone would want to with me. So when your mother got pregnant, I swore I would be the most devoted and loving father I possible could be. And once your mom and I split up, I worried that I’d be your father but I wouldn’t be your dad, you know? I was so excited that you chose to live with me. I thought it would always be the two of us. Plus the 10 adults who also live with us.”
“I think we’re up to 12 now.” Sam mumbled.
“I wasn’t expecting a boyfriend.” Tony continued. “You’re still 6 in my head. You’re still my little girl. And I just didn’t know how to handle finding my little girls drawers in Peters bedroom.”
“Little girls grow up eventually.” You told him.
“I know.” Tony sighed. “But eventually is a lot different from actually.”
“Well just because you didn’t want me to grow up doesn’t excuse what you did.” You stood your ground.
“I see that now. I’m sorry that I lied to you. I did it without thinking it through and it was wrong of me.” Tony apologized and you nodded in satisfaction.
“Okay. Now Peter.” You said and pushed Peter forward.
“Excuse me?” Tony raised an eyebrow.
“What’s that now?” Peter turned to you to ask.
“Apologize to Peter.” You told him. “I wasn’t the only one you wronged.”
“She’s right. How could you kick Peter out? He’s the only one who knows the HBO Max password.” Natasha pointed out.
“It’s “fuckyfarnes”.” Peter said quietly.
“Yeah. That wasn’t cool Tony. You better apologize to him.” Steve agreed. Tony rolled his eyes to the ceiling and swung his arms like a little kid before looking at Peter.
“I’m sorry, kid. I shouldn’t have kicked you out like that. It didn’t bother me as much that Y/n lied. Daughters lie to their dads. It’s human nature. But when I realized you’d been lying to me…I don’t know. I felt betrayed. You weren’t my kid lying to me. You were my friend.”
“Well I’m sorry I lied. But we wouldn’t have had to lie to you if you didn’t have a crazy rule have against Y/n dating anybody until she’s 21.” Peter defended.
“Wait, you seriously made that a rule? Did you lock her in a tower too and tell her not to let her hair down for anybody?” Sam snorted.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time, okay?” Tony defended. “I didn’t want her to end up like Taylor Swift. Taylor’s heart was broken way too many times as a teenager and then again on her 21st birthday. I didn’t want the same fate for my daughter.”
“How do you know how many times Taylor Swift’s heart was broken?” Steve asked in confusion.
“Clearly you’ve never listened to her discography because she is very specific about the ages to weary of.” Tony said with a roll of his eyes.
“It’s true. She is. 7, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19.” You listed off.
“22.” Tony added.
“I thought 22 is the good age?” Steve asked.
“Not according to “Nothing New” it’s not.” Tony scoffed and you nodded in agreement.
“Can we circle back to the topic anytime soon?” Peter asked but everyone ignored him.
“Why are the years from 17 to 21 so perilous?” Bucky raised his hand to ask.
“Because at 17 you don’t know anyhting and nobody understands. 18 is actually good because you know everything but 19 is bad because you dance with the devil while you’re too young to be messed with. 20 is a year of neutral good but 21 is when Jake Gyllenhaal takes your virginity and your scarf and then doesn’t show up to your birthday party.” Tony explained.
“I gotta start listening to this girls music because what the actual fuck?” Steve blew out a breath of exhaustion.
“Who is Jake Gyllenhaal and does he take everyone’s virginity at 21 or does he pick and choose?” Bucky raised his hand to ask. Tony started to answer but Peter cut him off.
“SHUT UP ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT.” Peter shouted and everyone went silent.
“Never.” Tony whispered after a beat of silence and then looked around as if to find who said that.
“Sorry Peter.” You said. “Daddy, you may proceed with your apology.”
“Look Peter, I’ll admit that what I did was wrong and an overreaction. But I’m also not totally comfortable with you living here knowing you and my daughter are fadoodling.”
“But dad.” You whined and stamped your foot a little.
“She makes a good point there.” Sam said and pointed to you.
“Nope. Absolutely not. You are way too young to be living with your boyfriend.”
“But Mr. Stark.” Peter whined. “May already turned my room into her crafting center.”
“I don’t care. That’s my compromise. You can date my daughter but you cannot live under my roof.”
“What if I don’t date your daughter and continue living under your roof?” Peter asked, making everyone go silent.
“Okay. That was a hilarious joke but fine. Don’t laugh. I don’t even care.” Peter mumbled under his breath.
“Final offer. Take it or leave it, kid.” Tony said and held out his hand.
“What if Peter moves back in but we set a curfew for when we can be in each others room until?” You suggested.
“What if I move out because living here is constant drama and I find you all unbearable?” Sam asked with a smile.
“Fine.” Tony reluctantly agreed. “Peter can move back in but there will be a strict curfew enforced. And I better never find my daughters underwear in your Legos ever again.”
“I can promise you that.” Peter said and eagerly shook Tonys hand.
“So we’re good? Everybody forgives everybody?” You asked hopefully.
“I think so.” Tony said and patted Peters shoulder.
“Me too. And hey, maybe this curfew will prevent us from having another pregnancy scare. Remember how scary that was?” Peter joked to lighten the mood. Tony’s smile immediately crumbled as his grip on Peters shoulder tightened. The rest of the team cringed and braced themselves for Tony’s reaction.
“What did you just say?” Tony asked through clenched teeth.
“Oh my God.” You whispered. “Peter, run. Run fast before he kills you.”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl
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@unbelievableholland @flixndchill @sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever
@undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ ​ @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild
@canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman
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@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@maybemona @alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom @xo-spidey
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Best friends dad Joel x innocent reader
Reader is sleeping over at her best friends house. Best friend ditches her for a party/bf which leaves her alone with Joel. Joel makes fun of her innocence and pressures her into drinking/having sex with him
Night Talks
2.8k words / best friend's dad!Joel x innocent!f!reader
NSFW 18+ / joel master list
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gif from @serenaxpedroo , ask from @subby-bottom
WARNINGS: NSFW 18+ big girthy legal age gap, it's 2008 so 41-19 lmao, first time marijuana use, light drinking, pressure, dubious consent, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, loss of virginity, depraved praise. reader can sit in joel's lap. haphazard editing.
"I know your parents are strict as hell, but you’re an adult." 
You feel uncool enough without Mr. Miller acting like you're such a square.  He takes “Cool Dad”  to the extreme.  Yeah, you're an adult, but you don't really party and you didn't feel like going. Yeah, your parents are strict. That's why you regret going to a commuter college. It's also why you didn't go home when Sarah left.  You didn't realize her hot dad was awake when you came down in your skimpy pajamas to get a drink of water.  Now your eyes are drifting to his biceps as you have this weird talk in the kitchen. But if you're looking at his biceps, at least you're not looking at his PJ pants. 
You feel defensive even though everything he's saying is true.  "I just don't like to party," you say. "Plus, they smoke weed."
He squints at you judgmentally.  "So? . . . What, you’ve never tried it?" 
You're not sure how to respond to that.  Mr. Miller is older and hot.  His judgment carries a lot of weight because of it.  You've seen him after a construction job before, sweating, arms bulging.  
"Damn, you're brainwashed as hell. . . ." He looks like he feels sorry for you.  "C'mon, let's have a beer. I've at least seen you with one of those before." It's flattering that he would notice, even though you probably didn’t finish it.
"I should probably go home"
He rolls his eyes and tilts his head as though to say "really?” Then he gets two beers out of the fridge and starts to open them.  “Let’s skip to the part where you take a sip and relax."
"Mr. Mill-"
"Oh. . ." he waves his hand dismissively. "Mr. Miller sounds creepy.  You can just call me daddy."  Your heart jumps to your throat.  Mr. Miller is creepy. 
Then he laughs. "Damn, the look on your face.  Nah, call me Joel.  Look," he hands you a Coors Light.  “Practically water."
You accept the beer. He takes a sip of his IPA, then teases, "We can watch somethin’ pg-13 if ya want.”
You watch Saturday Night Fever on DVD.  You think it's just gonna be dancing, but it's far saucier. He glances at you, watching your reaction to the most intense scenes.  You're embarrassed but try to ignore him.  After Joel goes to get a second beer, you’re startled when he sits down next to you on the sofa instead of back in the recliner where he was.  Your skittishness must show.  
“Relax,” he says and squeezes your knee.  His demeanor has changed. He has a whole different voice.    “I don’t bite. . .‘less you’re into it.  Can’t imagine a good girl like you though . . . Fuckin’ Miss America over here.”
Your cheeks burn.  “I’m not that good,” you protest. You're not sure why. 
“Yeah? Prove it,” he says and begins lightly stroking circles around your knee.  The challenge quickens your heart rate and sends a rush of blood to your loins before he continues, “let’s get high.” 
You're unsure if you're relieved or disappointed that's what he meant.  You resist, but he offers, “you don’t even have to smoke it.”
“What, brownies?”
“No, baby.”  The pet name makes you tingle. He reaches into the end table drawer and retrieves a small glass pipe and a lighter.  
“C’mere, I'll show ya.”  His free hand grabs yours and he leads you to the tiny bathroom.  You can't help but notice the way his soft pants hug his ass.  
He shuts the door behind you, then closes the toilet lid and sits down while you awkwardly stand there with your arms crossed.  You lean against the 6” of available wall space.  It’s a very, very small bathroom.   
His biceps stretch his t-shirt as he holds the pipe to his mouth and flicks the lighter on.  He moves the lighter around the weed in small circles and the glow spreads as he sucks the air through the pipe.  He closes his eyes and a sensual expression loads on his face as he inhales.  It’s a face of pleasure. His brow furrows and his eyes open.  He slowly exhales, politely pouting and pointing his lips away from you, but keeping his eyes in your direction,  shamelessly scanning your body. 
As the stench of the weed creeps into your nostrils, you reflexively reach for the exhaust fan switch on the wall and he says, “Nope. Can’t hotbox with the fan on.  That’s the whole point."
When the second-hand smoke starts to hit you, you feel a little woozy.  Good, but woozy.  You start to sit on the counter and he stops you.  “Sink’s not braced yet.”  
He pats his lap.  There’s nowhere else to sit unless you leave the bathroom, and you don’t want to.  So you sit on Mr. Miller's lap.  His pants are soft and his legs are warm.  You’re hesitant to put all your weight on him until he says, “Relax, I can handle it,” and he does have meaty thighs.  He strokes your bare thigh, making you wet and self conscious that you hadn’t shaved in a week.  
He looks around at the smoke in the bathroom.  “How’s it feel?” 
“Um, good,” you say.  He looks back and forth between your eyes and smiles.  
"Good, good. . ." 
You look at each other for what feels like a few minutes, playing chicken about who will finally talk next.  Then he asks, "ready for the next step?”
“Nah. . . I don't wanna smoke.”
“Don’t have to.  Just breathe out when I squeeze once."  He squeezes your thigh once to demonstrate.  "And breathe in when I squeeze twice."  He demonstrates again.  "And keep your mouth open."
You don't say anything, trying to envision what he's going to do. 
"You’re gonna love it.”
“Okay,” you say.  Why not? You’re feeling pretty relaxed. 
“Gotta face me though,” he says.  He nudges you to stand up, then he urges you back into his lap, but straddling him.  
You hesitate and resist a little. 
“Only live once baby”
You go ahead and straddle him, but you're very aware of how short, loose, and flowy your shorts are. You can feel the air between your legs. He takes a deep, horny breath as you settle in and his eyes darken.  
"God, you're hot," he mutters.  That's the moment you're certain he wants to fuck you.  You shyly look down and away.  
"I'm serious," he says.  
Then he spares you the need to respond, leaning back to make room between you for his muscular arms before he brings the pipe to his mouth.  He sucks in and holds the air in his mouth then turns and puts the pipe on the back of the toilet behind him.  When he faces you again, his large hands slide up both your thighs.  His chest expands as he inhales the smoke in his mouth, then he holds it in and squeezes your thighs once.  
You breathe out. He leans in, cradles your head  with one hand and opens his mouth, not exhaling yet, smoke curling between his lips, then squeezes your thigh twice.  As you begin to inhale, he blows the smoke right into your mouth. And he keeps his face close to yours as he watches you turn your head and exhale. 
“Attagirl,” he says and your heart flutters. 
Every part of you wants to kiss him right now, and it looks like he wants that, too.  He leans in a little.  
But the smoke burns, and you turn your head and cough. Joel pats then rubs your back.  "Damn, I shoulda gone slower."   When you stop coughing, your watery eyes meet his, and he cracks a smirk.  You're super high and very wet. He looks entranced by you. 
"Guess you're right," he murmurs.
"You're not that good a girl. . ." You feel conflicted hearing these words, until his hands return to your legs and he says, "Only one thing I like more than a bad girl." His hands slide all the way up your thighs and his eyes follow his hand.   His thumb easily nudges its way inside the inseam of your shorts - it happens so fast - and before you know it he lightly strokes the apex of your folds.  Your hips tilt into his touch and he strokes lower, feeling how wet you are.  With his other thumb he pulls the shorts to the side to see your pussy.  He inhales deeply through the nose, looking you in the eyes.  "Only thing better than a bad girl?  A good girl gone bad." 
His hands find your ass and pull you into his crotch where the stiffness of his warm length takes your breath away, and you softly gasp. 
“Yeahhh,” he says.  “You like that?”  
Yeah, you do, and he clearly knows you do.  But you’re super high and too embarrassed to say it.  
“Bet you're a virgin, too.”  
“You don’t have to say it,” he whispers, to your relief.  Then he leans forward and his facial hair brushes your cheek as he brings his mouth to your ear and says, "Cause I know you don't wanna be." 
He leans back, pulling you into him harder and his arousal swells into you, making your walls twitch and your clit throb.
He wets his lips then wraps one arm around you and cradles your head with the other hand.  His lips press into yours and a wave of arousal ripples through your body.  Your nipples harden.  His tongue brushes yours and he grinds into you with a soft grunt into your mouth. You've never been more turned on. 
Your lips tear away from his as you literally swoon. He easily catches you as you slump to the side. 
"Whooaa, okay."  He holds you in one arm and reaches to open the door.  "Let's get you some fresh air."
He puts a hoodie of his on you and you go outside for a few minutes.  You're embarrassed.
"Sorry," you say, unsure what you're sorry for. 
"No, no, don't be sorry baby.  That was all me." He puts his arms loosely around you and you rest your head on him.  "Couldn't think straight cause you're so goddamn hot." 
You smile shyly into his shirt.  "I think I'm okay now."
"Good." He strokes the crown of your head with his whole palm. 
You ask, "Think Sarah will be back soon?"
"Doubt it.  Usually sneaks back in around dawn. Wanna watch another movie?"
"Um, sure."
"We can do whatever we want." 
It’s not long into the movie before things heat up again.  You’re at the end of the sofa and he has his arm around you.  He caresses you with that hand, starting with your arm, then your shoulder, then your collar bone.  Out of the corner of your eye, he adjusts himself.  “Lord almighty,” he says under his breath.  
“Why dontcha bring those pretty legs up here?”
“I haven’t shaved in-”
“Think I care?"  he urges your legs into his lap, pulls them all the way into his crotch, and presses them down on his solid wood with a soft grunt.  Your eyes go wide and you take a deep breath.  He stops pretending to watch the movie and eases your legs down flat on the sofa, scooting himself out from under them, getting on his side. 
"C'mere," he growls. He watches his fingers trail up your leg all the way to your breast as he lays down facing you, slightly on top of you.  His gaze remains fixed there as he slides his hand up your thin pajama shirt and palms a breast.  Your mouth falls open and he grinds his hard package against your hip.  Then he lifts your top up to see both your tits. "God damn," he says.  
He slides his hand into your shorts, brings his face to yours, and starts kissing you again, hard and slow, his tongue claiming your mouth, your lips softly accepting every movement of his while he gropes your dripping seam desperately and moans into your mouth.  His movements intensify, becoming more urgent as he gets between your legs.  Sweat is blotching his shirt.  He slides an arm under yours and a whiff of his armpit opens your legs. 
“Fuck yeah,” he breathes as your hips tilt for him.  He urgently tugs down your shorts, breathing heavily.  He expertly fingers you, making your toes curl.  He inserts one, then two thick digits.  Three is a stretch but not too bad.  “perfect,” he murmurs.  He fingers you for a minute, both of you getting hornier. 
Then he frees himself from his waistband and his thick arousal falls heavily against your slickened clit, sending a bolt of need to your chest. He drags it down and nestles his tip at your entrance, then his large hand lifts your thigh and you wrap your leg around him. He looks up at your face, reads your eyes and says in a low rumble, "yeah, you're ready for it. . . couldn't be more ready, could ya?" Maybe he’s right.  Maybe. 
He grunts as he begins to push into your tight, wet hole and you gasp at the stretch of his tip.  "C'mon now, you can do it baby."  He inhales deeply, then pushes further.  "Yeahh." It hurts, but the pain is nothing compared to the incredible feeling of being filled. He's pretty slow and gentle, but never asks if you're okay.  He pushes harder until about half his shaft is sheathed by your warmth.  "Perfect fuckin' pussy" he breathes. "Tight as hell. Wet 'n ready for this cock."
"C'mon, baby."  He retreats halfway before plunging to the hilt, parting your insides and bottoming out with a shudder.  There's an unfamiliar, primal look on his face that stirs something deep inside you.  He stays there, all the way inside for a moment as though trying not to come instantly at the feeling of you wrapped around him.  He pulls back again, all but the tip, then pushes forward, a little smoother but still a squeeze.  He does it again and groans "Yeeahh," he bottoms out.  His face makes him look like he's in pain.  
He lowers his chest over yours and the way he looks at you makes you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.  He slowly backs out and fills you up again, saying "Good, that's it baby" as you tilt your hips.  He kisses you and his cock slowly recedes then pushes in again.  Your ample slick allows him to slowly pump in and out of you even with you being so tight.  
He kisses you aggressively, then plants his lips on your neck as he buries his length in you again and again.
Slower, then at a moderate pace. He kisses you.  He looks at you. "Hot as hell, baby." He gropes a breast.  Then his lips graze your throat as he fucks you. 
You’re looking over his shoulder with his face in your neck.  Never imagined this would happen tonight.  Or here, or with him, but he feels incredible.     He fills you up harder, then a little faster.  The way his back stretches his tight t-shirt is a vision.
“God damn." Your whole body is rocking with this power of his cock slamming into you.  "You’re a natural, baby." He thrusts hard with a grunt.  "Already takin’ my cock this good?” He brings his filthy mouth back to yours and keeps filling you with his thick cock. "Ohh yeah. . . " His breathing changes.  "wanna come in this tight pussy so fuckin bad" 
"You can't, I don't-"
It looks like it kills him. He mutters, "fuck," holds his breath,  then pulls out, "Ahhh," he releases the breath with a loud sigh and spills his cum on your bare stomach.  His anguished face, his cock in his hand, his cum shooting out onto your stomach, it’s the hottest scene.  You feel it searing into your mind.  
He tucks himself away, lies down at your side again, and starts fingering you, circling your clit.  “Look even hotter with my cum all over ya.” He’s making you feel things you thought only a toy could do, not even your own hand.   “C’mon, baby, come for me.”  It doesn’t take long before your back arches and you’re seeing stars, jolting into his big, veiny hand, his dark eyes watching you in a trance.  
As your orgasm fades, a smirk spreads across his face.  “Damn, didn’t think it’d be that easy.” 
The blood drains from your face. 
“No, no, makin’ you come, baby.  Makin’ you come.”
He cups your face reassuringly.  “You’re real damn hot, you know that? Fuck.”
Thank you so much for reading and interacting 🖤
This Joel evolves into the menace that is night walks!Joel.
I have a NEW dads' best friend!Joel x virgin!Reader series Left in Lincoln.
Night Walks : @tehweeana @blackvelveteen1339 @cutesyscreenname @ele-meno-p
All joel: @ethanhoewke @silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @xdaddysprincessxx @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @jasminespringtime @romanarose @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @lokanda
please lmk if i missed you!
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hwsing · 6 months
hi hi hi! i’d love to request america for the nsfw alphabet (if you want to!!!) please and thank you!
america nsfw alphabet
notes: 18+, reader is gender neutral and includes both bottom and top reader. includes: america (alfred f. jones). as always, reblogs are appreciated!
cws: me yapping as always; alfred is a bit weird but nice, creampies, roleplay, vibrators, switch! alfred. wc: about 1.7k words. not really proof read.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
generally speaking — alfred is a wee bit dense, and so i dont think he’s the type to go above and beyond everytime, especially at first; unless you give him some specifics to work with, he’s going to provide some stuff like water food etc a shower if you want, cuddles, just general decompressing. he’ll usually ask how you’re doing as a check in, but he’s not overly inclined to pressing if you don’t say you need something hdhddh. whatever you want is yours though!! he is a sweetie deep down and is Very prone to being. ahem. whipped
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on himself…. the general shoulder/arm region. i dont think hes particularly buff bc i dont think hes even remotely consistent with exercise but, yk those guys that like. hit the gym for six weeks and suddenly are almost ripped? he’s like that,,, just his genetics so no matter what he looks a lil beefy, esp with how much he eats. he likes how big/strong he looks
on his partner, it’s cheesy, but he’d *always* say eyes or your smile. your eyes preferably when you’re smiling, really! even if it’s from you scoffing at something stupid hes doing. what can i say he got the hopeless romantic trait from arthur
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i Must be honest. his cum does not taste particularly good. and he cums A LOT like … i think he’s quite into creampies because he really does have the necessities to make it happen. his favourite places to cum: your mouth/face, makes him flustered to see you have to lick it off
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
this was hard because i don’t think he keeps many secrets about this, and he isn’t overly kinky to begin with. i would say that maybe he can be a bit of a creep? he’s just very enamoured by his partner and fantasies a lot, which leads to him mentally sexualizing his partner. you can argue that’s just being horny, but he feels creepy whenever he realizes he’s staring at your ass or down your shirt.
by extension, he doesn’t usually have the balls to steal your underwear but if your laundry is out in the open in any way and you aren’t in the room…………….. you cannot blame him for touching them and taking a sniff okay?
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
in our day and age? definitely a good amount of experience. i dont think he’s quite as experienced as he may seem, which embarrasses him on the low but he compensates with his outrageous confidence anyways. by no means close to a virgin though. he still gets around
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
okay so he might say reverse cowgirl but in reality it’s missionary doesnt matter if he’s top or bottom. he just thinks its a lame answer. side note, he loves to hold hands during missionary.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
YOU ALREADY KNOWWWWWWWWWWWW.. he can be more serious (especially if roleplay is involved, he gets oddly invested…) but for the most part he really really really just wants you n him to have a good time so he’ll put a lot of pressure on himself to be entertaining
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he trims and washes well but basically never shaves down there. he will if you ask but he just prefers to keep it trimmed and let it be for the most part. isn’t insanely hairy anyways though
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
alfred values the intimacy of sex quite a bit to be honest. he may not showcase this if you two aren’t close yet, but if you are, it’s so obvious how much he loves you. he’ll say it a lot too when you two are at that level — he borderline worships you in the bedroom honestly. he’s just kinda obsessed and cherishes the relationship he has with you DEEPLY
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i really do believe he had a small addiction at one point. not much to say about that so let’s move on… back in prime playboy days he absolutely read them and other lewd magazines; nowadays, he’s actually a bit more imaginative because i think in recent years he’d pick up the belief that most visual porn on like pornhub and sites of that nature tend to be exploitative. so, he tends to break out some music and get it done. he usually doesn’t get particularly horny unless prompted, so, he can find something to think of with ease.
kind of sucks at masturbating though. he’s horrible at pacing himself, and ends up edging himself accidentally a few times because he gets too close too soon and he has to back off immediately. his poor dick is not cared for well…
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
i’ve already talked about some obvious ones throughout this alphabet, but another that randomly comes to mind is roleplay. he can feel a bit cringe about it but if he’s in the headspace he can get SO into it. obviously hero roleplay where you should reward him for saving you from the bad guy; he’d humbly dismiss the idea like a good hero, but he’s certainly not complaining when you tug down his pants and suck the life out of him in thanks!!
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
house/apartment, doesn’t matter where too much but in the privacy of your own space is what he prefers. would question god what he did to deserve it if he EVER got caught with his pants down so he’d just… prefer to keep it safe
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
so easily turned on it’s not even funny. i don’t think his sex drive is super high and sometimes it can feel a bit random — he’s just. So attracted to his partner. he’s losing the idgaf war every. single. day.
there’s the obvious — you bend over to pick something up, your lounge clothes are revealing, you eat something creamy; but, sometimes, it’s just your smile or you fixing up your clothes after they shift. it just gets him thinking…. unholy things….. he wishes he wasn’t so easy but, if you like to initiate, it’s very rare that it doesn’t immediately get him in the mood.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
not really an orgy kinda guy
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
depends a lot of his partner’s preferences to be honest, but generally, middle ground of rough/slow and deep. he’ll speed up and get messy as he gets close when he tops. if he’s bottoming, he prefers slow and gentle or mind numbingly rough and fast depending on the kinda day he had. sex in general can be a productive way for him to burn off stress!!
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not a quickie lover but is a quickie truther. sometimes they’re just what’s most convenient, especially during busy times of the year for him when he’s trapped working. you’ll *know* how much he misses you, though, with the needy texts you’ll receive.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
not as much as you’d probably expect but he’s still quite experimental! he can just feel a bit embarrassed/shy experiencing or doing something new in front of someone, especially if you already are knowledgeable/have done said thing, but he’ll put on his big boy pants and manage.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
as long as you need, and after. doesn’t last all that long himself unless he tries really hard to pace himself, but his recovery time is terrifying.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i have a hard time imagining he owns one himself, but he’s most certainly down to incorporate them, whether he has to buy them or you already own them. i think he’s particularly fond of vibrators (simple but he quite likes what he can turn you into with them!) and butt plugs
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
over all, i dont think i’d consider him a particularly big tease. he has his moments, but i think it’s more likely *you’re* the one teasing him, even if you don’t mean to be. his teasing would usually come from you being flustered or easily aroused, because not only is it cute to him, but a massive ego boost to him. win win!
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
so sorry if you have a roommate and you guys do it at your place because boy is he ever LOUD he triessss not to sort of not really but he really cannot help it. will not and cannot stop yapping, let alone the *sounds* he makes — so much moaning and groaning and blah blah.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
has sneezed when he was yanking it and it was the most uncomfortable orgasm he can ever imagine
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
a shower, 7” long 6” girth he’s thicc, notably veiny but nothing overpowering. slightly curved. safe to say he’s quite satisfied with his package.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not particularly high. he usually needs a reason to be turned on — however, once he has a partner, suddenly a reason is often presenting itself…..
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
usually won’t fall asleep fast unless it’s past his bedtime already. just doesn’t tire very easily.
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cowboy-robooty · 5 months
PruPan (Prussia x Japan) For the grid
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I know who sent this. I can smell your prupan and self-ship wif japan from a mile away **heart eyes emoji** thank you for being the only mf who wants to hear my opinions. anyways so i thought about it and realized actually prussia and japans dynamic is the greatest thing ever. Because see i believe in cuck japan romantically FOREVER. i think japan has like best broship in the platonic dating style (if you experience that shit you know what i mean) with america and like hes emotionally fulfilled from that but also he desperately wants a boyfriend or girlfriend or oysterfriend just anyone to have that shoujo romance and tentacle freak sideways tango with. but the thing is that he literally always fails and is in one-sided crushes Forever and always and its always japan crying to his best bro america about his fail ass love life and america is like lol couldnt be me! but it's fine because he still has his best bro and like yknow... its like how family and friendship is two different things that are both need. like moral orel about the f words (family, faith, friends) but with b. bros, booty, and bazinga... like idubbbz! (as long as you have one of those you won't be lonely). but anyways see i believe japans biggest crush of all is on italy and obviously prussia has his huge ginormous crush on italy too but like i think that actually they are aware of eachothers crushes but dont care because they dont see eachother as threats at all bc theyre like "omg this dude is so cooked he aint even competition lol i feel bad for him" towards eachother.
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and i think its actually really funny because see prussia is a desperate motherfucker and honestly not hard to pull at all. like if you have sex with him hes the type who goes "uhmm youre my boyfriend now right?" or if you confess to him hell take your feelings genuinely seriously and think about it and 90% of the time end up saying YES!!! I LIKE YOU TOO!!!!!! and japan is also desperate but he would literally date anybody Except prussia. like it's like how italy will fuck anybody Except Prussia. LIke japan could potentially get together with anybody under the right circumstances except prussia lol even if they were trapped in alkatraz together for 18 years he would never be prussia's prison boyfriend he just doesnt have the capacity to love him. and its really funny because prussia is literally the only mf who has the capacity to feel romantic love towards japan in a twist of horrible fate because japan pissed off cupid in his past life and will never ever fucking win at romance. The only conceivable way is if he asked out prussia but prussia is the only mf he would rather die a virgin with while stranded on an island for 3000 years with than fuck and try to repopulate the planet with yaoi babies. so yeah they compell me a lot in this sense because this is fucking hilarious and amazing and I'd like for them to act pitying to eachother about their crushes on italy bc they're like "mhm mhm yeah you have a chance (lying)" even though they both strapped in the same jigsaw trap lawl. but I dont think i ship them because of what i said above. thank you for sending this though this was some really good shit to think about and i think ill draw them interacting more because this is an incredible discovery.... best discovery since alfred wagner and the tectonic plates !
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stuckysdumbbitch · 2 years
a good man
summary: Steve Rogers will make sure your image is impeccable, whatever it takes
Pairings: Dark!40s!Steve Rogers x naive! Barnes! reader
Warnings: 18+ content, noncon, loss of virginity, rough smut, dark themes, slight blood play, degradation, forced marriage, mean! Steve
the bitch is back!
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After your brother died, Captain Steve Rogers promised your Ma he would take care of you. After all, your father had died when you were young and your Ma’s health was quickly deteriorating. On a cold winter day, her heart couldn't take it anymore, and she made Steve promise he’ll marry you to a good man and keep you in line. Steve, who had grown fond of Winnifred after Sarah’s death and loved her as a mother, said he would do everything to ensure her death wish. So he took you out to every high class party to celebrate the end of war, presented you to all his high-rank officers and bought you the nicest dresses in town, along with a house of your own. 
Your little poor girl heart grew infatuated with the gifts and lavish things, building the courage to ask for more and more over time, but always sweet and grateful. You barely noticed how Steve’s gaze darkened after you turned, mind imagining for too long how you'd look with the lingerie that you had shyly asked for, hiding the satin in your clenched hands before grinning devilishly and running to the dressing room when he agreed.  Or how he would shadow over you as any man actually tried to make a move on you, scaring them off at the slightest chance. 
He didn't understand why he made his life harder, as he had promised to marry you off. But  none of those men deserved you, they were either going to be too rough or too forgiving. God help the terrified look on your face when a man was trying to impress him, talking about the discipline he’d enforce on his future wife. But he also couldn't get you a permissive husband, as he knew the mischief inside of you. The lustful and flirty side that was too naive to men’s evilness. 
Steve believed that he needed to find someone like himself, hard but loving. He would spank your ass raw if you misbehaved, but hug you and kiss you afterwards, telling you how much of a good girl you were for enduring your punishment. He found himself dreaming about it much more than he’d like to. And sometimes, when he tossed and turned late at night, he found himself dreaming of how you'd look wriggling beneath him, face flushed and eyes slanted as your mouth parted in a perfect “O” shape. Sometimes, tears ran down your eyes and your breathing was desperate, and you were gently begging for him to get away. He liked the intrusive thoughts more.
So in a particular New Year's Eve party, he was drowned in a monotonous conversation with Peggy’s parents, who kept hinting at their expected marriage proposal. Steve liked Peggy, she was intelligent and beautiful, but she would never be tamed into the daily life of a housewife. But he had to smile and nod, for America’s golden boy couldn't be rude.
Little did he notice how you preened and blushed under Howard Stark’s comments, his mouth dangerously close as he whispered in your ear -which he claimed was because of the loud noise- about how fun it would be to spend New years somewhere else, because he “hated crowds”. Your empathetic soul was quick to feel sorrow for him, and before eleven o’clock, you were heading to your residence in a preppy Brooklyn neighborhood, right next to Steve’s. 
When the clock was about to strike 12 Steve began to search for you, in order to give you a big hug where he would be able to hold you tightly against himself. But as the crowd gathered in front of the clock, he realized he couldn't find you, Howard Stark or his car. He cursed all the way, icy blues stuck to the road as his knuckles turned white from his grip on the steering wheel as the parties started to dwindle down.
You were dancing in your living room down to your undergarments with the brightest mind of the century. A whole bottle of some unknown liquid laid on the floor as he ran his hands dangerously close to your rear, sloppy kisses interchanged. You almost peed yourself when the door slammed open, the huge form of your older brother's best friend storming in in a maddened haste. His usually gelled back and controlled hair messy as he peeled back your frame from Howard’s, slapping you to the floor hard enough to sober you up in fear. He then turned to Howard in scary calmness. 
“I'll resolve this matter with you afterwards, now leave.” He ordered, and the scientist obeyed, head low from pity or regret, you wouldn't know. You were too scared to actually say anything. The moment the front door closed, Steve was marching towards you. His strong hands pulled you up in a death grip. This wasn't sweet ol’ Stevie that bought you everything your heart wished for and was slightly creepy sometimes. 
“Do you have any idea of what you had just done?” He barked and you trembled, tears forming in your eyes, but pride still stuck on your throat like a ball. He looked at you in disbelief, how could his sweet girl act so slutty? “Not even whores invite men into their houses-not to mention that this house isn't even yours- and dance around naked!” 
He attempted to pull your bra to emphasize his point, but with his new superstrength, he ended up ‘accidentally’ ripping it. He stopped for a second, as if to think what could happen now. And you laid there, eyes as big as weeping saucers and hands shaking as your lips trembled. In a fast motion, Steve threw you over his shoulder. You heard the clicking of his belt coming undone, the thick brown leather coming to view as you whimpered in fear. 
He didn't say a word until you reached the bedroom, where he tossed you face down on the mattress, one hand firmly planting your head on the bed. He somewhat regretted that, as he would have preferred to see your gorgeous face. 
“Everyone tomorrow will see you as a floozy, are you proud of that?” He asked, but you were too ashamed to answer. After seconds of silence, you felt the flames of hell lick the skin of your backside and a fast, snapping side. You cried out in pain. “Promised your Ma I’d take care of you, spoiled you too much, and this is how you decide to pay me?”
You whined in pain, but did not dare to answer him. Another hit was whipped, on top of the previous one, and you dug your nails on the sheets. 
“WIll have to marry you to the first oblivious man that comes across for you to still have some fucking honor, is that what you wanted?” He grunted, fisting your hair and pulling up your face to see your tears. “How many men have you fucked in this house, you easy whore?” 
“None!” You choked out, and even though he knew it was true, he still was getting aroused from the whole ordeal. He felt his pants stiffen around him, and noticed how your panties began sticking to the skin of your wet, needy petals. His hand ran through the red skin, sighing deeply as he allowed himself to emerge in his deepest desires. After all, people had seen him drink all night. 
In a swift movement, he pulled down the white satin underwear, exposing your impeccable, virgin cunt. It drooled as Steve admired it. You gulped, unaware of his intentions. 
“Stevie? please, I’m sorry, it will never happen again…” you whispered, just loud enough so he could hear. You felt uneasy as your legs quivered and you began to tremble. 
“Of course it wont,” He said, awfully calm, fingers running down your slit. “Because imma gets you a good husband that knows how to keep his little harlot in line.” 
His fingers were shoved inside you, tearing through your hymen and with that, any hope of finding a decent husband was gone. You weeped, pain and frustration coursing through your body wildly. His ministrations started in a halt, moving his fingers in and out quickly and painfully, stretching you open. He chuckled at your tears, knowing that most of them were not simply because of the ache in your cunt.
“Don't worry baby, I’m gonna take care of you.” He muttered, observing how his fingers scissored your bloody core. “Gonna treat you real nice baby, give you a big fat wedding ring, I know how you like expensive things.”
Your tearful eyes widened as you understood what he meant. You didn't want to believe it. “S-Stevie?” you croaked up, between violent intrusion. “Please, please stop!” 
He stopped, removing his fingers from your cavity and smearing it on your thigh. He took a good look at your folds, puffy and pink in contrast with the specs of dark red painting it. His hands splayed your cheeks open, seeing the inviting canal that pulsated with every breath you took. Something inside him took over as you shivered, from both cold and fear. 
In his knees, he neared you, pulling down his zipper as his hand delved to fist his bulging cock. Before anything, he turned you around so you laid flat on your back. You saw how the fabric of his shirt wrapped around his muscles, the wild glare in his eyes as you finally saw his imposing manhood, you sobbed as you realized this isn't your Stevie who would spoil you rotten at your whims. He was an angry supersoldier. 
“Please, I’m so sorry Stevie, it won't ever happen again…” You begged one last time, but he only grasped your waist and pulled you closer, lining up his cock with your hole. “No!”
Your little scream did little to stop him, as he pushed his cock inside carefully, he wanted you to feel every ridge, every vein and every bump as he deflowered you. Your soft hands shot up to his immense shoulders, nails digging into his skin as you whined from the intrusion. It burned; he let you taste the fires of the hell he was condemning you to. 
He softened when he saw your face, but he had to punish you. He began moving just before you were ready, making you gasp and moan as he delivered merciless hits to your cervix. You had never felt so full, Steve’s digit wrapping around your waist tightly as he observed how your tiny cunt enveloped his cock to perfection, a bulge forming just beneath your stomach from the curve of his manhood. 
“My little nymph,” He groaned, pressing you against himself until his hip bones were engraved in the back of your thighs. He wrapped your flailing legs around his narrow waist as he ripped off his shirt one handed, his dark tie hanging in between the valley of your breasts. The stretch became pleasurable, but it was still overall humiliating. 
He forced pleasure on you as his face came down to your chest, wrapping his mouth around your erect nipple as he took both of your wrists in one hand, the other gripping your ass hard. You whined as he handled you how he wished, words no longer falling out. Electricity began piling up in your lower belly, your cunt closing around him tighter and tighter as you unconsciously pulled him closer. Your hips reached up to him, needing more, just a bit more. 
Steve understood this tell-tale sign, slipping his hand down the tight space between your bodies to find the engorged bead crowing your folds, right on top of where his dick pierced into you. With a couple of flicks of his wrist, which translated onto jolts of rapture rupturing through your body, spasming on him until you drenched him in your sweet cream. His pants were ruined now, but he couldn't care less. 
You began feeling sore, but Steve was no longer pleasing you, he was searching for his own release. He forced your head down to see the union, how his cock disappeared into your channel, coming out red and white. Your body was just a stupid little outlet for all of his war frustrations, where he could channel all of those intrusive thoughs and desires. But he couldn't spoil you, not yet. 
Just before he exploded, he pulled out from inside, leaving you clenching around nothing. He kneeled closer to you, hand wrapping around your head and pushing his cock down your tight little throat. He let his salty cum flood down your throat, so close you could smell your own essence on his pants. He didn't let go until you choked, pulling back to observe how the corners of your lips were stained with your own virgin blood.  
Steve allowed you to lay back, now sobbing. Everything ached, and your mind wondered what was going to happen next. You were terrified of the monster in front of you. He calmly grabbed a small velvet box from his jacket, the one he was going to give Peggy. When you saw this, you began to cry harder, head shaking violently as your sore throat mumbled out “no’s”. He took the sizely diamond, grabbing your wrist hastily to secure the ring on your finger. 
“You will marry a good man, want it or not.”
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lottiecrabie · 22 days
answering asks 💌
while i am here let me catch up on my asks😭 making a general post as to not overwhelm the tl with my collarbones
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and just like jesus….. she died again three days later
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i NEED to be in a quirky situational comedy with host adam STAT omg. want to be back to back crossed arms and he rolls his eyes playfully at me at the end of our generic. nothing sexual, just his suffering and misery played off for laughs from our live audience
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you are unfortunately begging the wrong tree as i am both retired and extremely NOT british. famously placing all my fics in america cos i don’t know what’s going on overseas. matty forever an immigrant in the crabieverse fr
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stop i’m sorry 😭😭 i hope it’s not sending too many war flashbacks lmao. at least delilah is a delight and has done nothing wrong and is generally regarded as deserving better so ur truly the person with the moral highground in this story❤️
(as a galatea i genuinely had not considered people might relate to this story from the other angle lmao)
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it haunts me too friend. literally as it was based on my real life 😭 lottiecrabie Will be farming her inner turmoils for content ☝️☝️ i wish i had finished it because i genuinely love the beginning as well, but it might be for the best since i don’t know how i would face my childhood friend after that lol
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there are pfms references everywhere for those with the eyes to see
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sooo true. he’s the most perfect lame loser angel<333
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i see it….. he definitely has not picked up one social clue in his life
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sorry i took him out back and shot him
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PLSSS she rly just needs to be in pink and it’s perfect
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this is how i want to be remembered❤️
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yes. it’s also me in your closet speaking in tongues btw. if you want to see sims pictures i’d love to see them !!
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found in some creek wailing…. matty makes rock covers of hozier songs lol
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i will not go back on my fic grind But i might make another blurb if the whim takes me 🙆‍♀️
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this is how the lottiecrabie pipeline goes actually
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this i…. you’ve found me 😣
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omg is the fairy village okay how are they surviving the no birth blight 😭 this aging ass fairy population damn (thank u though ily)
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YASSS im so happy for you!!! its really what the main virgins anonymous advice has always been: someone you trust and lube lol
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blueberry-ovaries · 8 months
quotes taken straight from my quote book, except i assign the easy men as some of the quotes
Dick Winters: i like the thrill of premarital eye contact though
Lewis Nixon: you white mans whore
Carwood Lipton: macarena through the pain
Ronald Spiers: i love war crimes
Harry Welsh: someone messaged me and said “when i think about you i think about weasels”
Joe Liebgott: i love milfs, they have a special place in my heart
Joe Toye: i’m going to grind ur kneecaps into a powder and snort it of a homeless mans ass
Bill Guarnere: i would 100% throw hands with a toddler
George Luz: i don’t have a brain
Skip Muck: that’s not very fergalicious
Don Malarkey: bitch ass gangly ranga
Frank Perconte: yeah and what about it, i’ll bite you, chomp chomp bitch
Babe Heffron: do you guys ever look at rocks and think “i really wanna eat that” or is it just me, like some rocks just look good to eat
Bull Randleman: wait i thought south america was florida? what do you mean brazil is in south america isn’t it in like europe
Skinny Sisk: are ponies real?
David Webster: state of denial? i’ve never been to egypt though
Shifty Powers: when people talk about how they have a baby ,,they preach they’ve done the funky,,, congrats ur not a virgin
Johnny Martin: let me read your palm… yep it’s says you’re a dumb bitch
Chuck Grant: ur the pee to my pants
Floyd Talbert: like what DO you say after sex? do you just fall asleep NAKED?!
Eugene Roe: looks like a bitch is depressed, it’s me, im bitch
Pat Christensen: can’t believe i almost called Jesus a dilf
Buck Compton: ass so fat it cause mass genocide
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hainethehero · 7 months
Steve Rogers is a babe. Like khaleesi Game of Thrones level of babe. He is just FINE.
No matter the version - live action, animated, cartoon, comic, fan art - he is a vision.
The Disney/marvel version of him is somehow cute, pretty, sexy, and hot at the same time. While also being badass when he needs to be.
It’s a very hard feat to achieve as a male character but Steve can do that.
Also, his body/figure is very unique. He has broad shoulders and broad/ample chest pec area but he has a very narrow waist and he also obviously has America’s ass. I’ve always thought it was the male version of an hour glass figure - which is the most desirable shape for women (at least it used to be).
I definitely think Steve is a male version of blonde bombshell but I don’t think it was intentionally meant to be that way. It just happened and I think that’s what makes it even more great. He developed and evolved into this as a character and then in the movies they elevated it likely also unintentionally but it worked.
You're so real for this because I've noticed it since CATFA. To begin with, pre-serum Steve just goes against every physique a typical hero is supposed to have. Then he gets the serum and gets big and is supposed to wow all the ladies when in actuality his physique is less God of Thunder and more, Disney Princess.
He's clean shaven everywhere- except for Infinity War which I hated (it was not his best look & I hated the beard don't @ me)- doesn't have the facial hair like MOST of the male mcu heroes and has bimbo blonde hair. Not to mention his eyes that are just gorgeous.
And most of it is Chris Evans' natural features, but in Avengers 1, when his hair was buzzed for Snowpiercer, they did a lace for him and like, THE HAIR WAS FLOPPY AND SOFT AND SHINY AND GORGEOUS. like I think we can all agree Avengers 1 (baby Cap) was the most gorgeous he's looked followed closely by Winter Soldier Steve. He is totally a blonde bombshell.
Not to mention the narrative surrounding his character, especially in the MCU. The guys all make fun of him for being a virgin- like, sure let's make the guy's sex life a focal point of his character arc- like they do with female characters. They have Nat trying to find him a date, sort of like girls do in those early 2000s movies with their besties. Steve himself is a very tactical fighter and has more moves in common with Black Widow than Bucky who is an absolute unit. Steve's a ballerina in combat, light on his toes, pretty and lean. Not bulky like some of the comics make him out to be.
And let's just talk about his LIPS!
Like, he's got the plumpest, most plushy soft pillow-looking lips I've ever seen on a guy. So, in addition to the body, he's also got the pretty face. Long wispy lashes, full, red lips, big blue eyes and a clean shaven face. He's every typical "guy's" fantasy- just in guy form. Pair his physical features with his sweet, shy disposition and maybe that's why everyone flirts with him so much.
He's absolutely endearing and totally flips the usual "Alpha-esque" idea of what a male superhero is supposed to look and act like.
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anitalenia · 1 year
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━━━ .°˖✧ opposites attract ⋆˙⊹
꒰ঌ definition ໒꒱ 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠, 𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑓𝑠, 𝑜𝑟 𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚. one of my favs.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ below you will find sub genres under this category, as well as some useful pairings for this trope. for educational writing purposes <3
note: several of these can also be used in other tropes as well, just depends on how you write it and interpret it.
╰₊✧ ゚OTHER LINKS . ྀི ⊹ masterlist | romance tropes | taglist | prompt list | symbol packs | dividers page
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꒰ঌ group one ໒꒱
tall x short | sunshine x grumpy | golden retriever boyfriend x black cat girlfriend | nice x mean | introvert x extrovert | werewolf x vampire | hunter x creature | flirty x shy | aggressive x passive | brooding x gentle
꒰ঌ group two ໒꒱
funny x serious | death x life | god x worshipper | sun x moon | water x fire | cold x hot | angel x demon | holy x sin | heaven x hell | succubus x priest | ‘ugly’ man x pretty girl (jessica rabbit x roger rabbit) | yin x yang
꒰ঌ group three ໒꒱
all work x all play | dark defender x light liege | masc girl x fem boy | magical being x average human | clumsy x graceful | energetic x savvy/chill | sensitive x guard dog | smart x dummy | needing to be saved x always saving
꒰ঌ group four ໒꒱
tiny girl x huge guy | tomboy x girly girl | uptight x wild | gossiper x unbothered | summer x winter | jock x bookworm | goth x nerdy boy | smart ass x peace maker | confrontational x pacifist | family-oriented x no family
꒰ঌ group five ໒꒱
black x white | troubled x innocent | rich x poor | polite x hotheaded | ditzy x cool and calm | shoot first ask questions later x ask questions first shoot if necessary | focuses on small details x looks at the bigger picture
꒰ঌ group six ໒꒱
foodie x health enthusiast | bimbo x manly man (im talking flannels, beards, cabins, ykyk) | materialistic x doesn’t even own a pen | untrusting of people x overly trusting of people | negative x positive | starts fights x has to finish them
꒰ঌ group seven ໒꒱
love kids x hates them | loves pets x hates pets | pervert (flirty af) x naive | always making a move x oblivious to the moves | fuckboy x virgin | messy x ocd | anxious x unbothered | emotionally unavailable x overly affectionate
꒰ঌ group eight ໒꒱
always needs attention x gamer | romantic x can barely say I love you | home food x fast food | vegetarian x basically a carnivore | long hair x short hair | does all the work x pillow princess | loves dressing up x wears pajamas everywhere
꒰ঌ group nine ໒꒱
reckless and adventurous x terrified of any new experience | always getting injured x doctor | partier x homebody | smoker x drinker | hippie x white collar | saves money x spends every paycheck | makes plans and prepares for every scenario x goes with the flow ‘whatever happens happens’
꒰ঌ group ten ໒꒱
minimalistic x bohemian | dips fries in ketchup x drenches fries in ketchup | loves to dance x what’s a rhythm? | life of the party x hates attention | toilet paper facing you x toilet paper facing away from you
꒰ঌ group eleven ໒꒱
breaks a kitkat x bites into it like a madman | reecies x reesuhs | criminal x cop | butterflies x moths | shoplifts every time they go to a store x has never committed a crime | sneakerhead x heels | lipgloss x matte
꒰ঌ group twelve ໒꒱
team captain america x team ironman | mcdonalds x burger king | country music x rap music | early bird x sleeps in late | morning person x night person | sunset x sunrise | alfredo x spaghetti | shrimp x lobster | pepsi x coke
꒰ঌ group thirteen ໒꒱
wolf boy x bunny girl | thunderstorm x blizzard | stars x cloud | hello kitty x kuromi | atheist x bible thumper | loves laughing x barely smiles | round x thin | always takes pictures x hates having their picture taken
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will update when I think of new ones. hope this helps if you’re not sure what story to tell but you want something new <3
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coltrainbat · 2 years
what about steve rogers is a virgin and his girlfriend's reader is experienced. She decided to show and take away his virginity.
I'm the Captain Now
A/N: Ok Miss She Hulk. Purr. This one is insanely cute thank you for the request!!
WARNINGS: SMUT MINORS DNI. Mentions of losing ones virginity (obviously), Unprotected sex, fingering (f receiving), oral (m receiving), soft sex, orgasm, P in V
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You filed away your last report on the recent mission, standing up from your desk you straightened out your pencil skirt. Looking in the reflection of the mirrored glass, you slyly undid the top button of your blouse, revealing your scandalous cleavage and a hint of your lace white bra. Ready to go visit Steve in his den. 
Steve was a true gentleman, adorable, kind, charming and while it made you blush how flustered he’d get when you’d pull on his belt slightly or your kisses trailed down his below his jaw he’d always promptly sit up, coaxing you back to a more… modest position. 
You thought maybe because your relationship was taboo, and as a S.H.I.E.L.D spy you weren’t meant to be rendezvousing with America’s sweetheart. But you couldn’t help the tinge your heart felt whenever he’d push you off 
“Now gorgeous save this for another time.” He’d say while rebuttoning your shirt, his sweaty palms struggling with the buttons.
It was endearing to say the least, you figured maybe it’d just been 60 years since he last did it and he was nervous, but you decided tonight was the night you were going to finally get to bask in the glory of America’s ass.
You knocked on the door of his room, opening it up a crack and peaking your head in. 
“Hey Captain.” You let out a soft drawl to let the soldier know you had entered. He was reclined on his bed, doodling in his journal, quickly placing it to the side when he saw your face.
“There’s my gorgeous sweetheart, how you are doing?”
“I’m good.” You joined I’m on the bed, sitting on the edge reclining your arm out to give him a proper view of your bra peeking out.
Steve gulped at the sight. 
“I wanna talk to you about something.”
“Yeah, what’s going in that pretty little head of yours?”
“We’ve been together for a couple of weeks now and while I’m enjoying all the kisses and cuddles… is there a reason you freeze up whenever I touch your belt? Ya know it’s not a bad thing if we do it before marriage right? Times have changed and we discovered God isn’t going to come down and strike us.”
Steve looked down, fiddling with his hands. He knew he had to be honest with you eventually. It’s not that the sight of you didn’t get him hard as a vibranium. It’s just that…
“Well, ya know I was in the ice for a while. I went in at 27, and it’s not like I wouldn’t love to… you know…”
“Fuck me?” you said pointedly
“I was gonna say make love to you but yeah that too. It’s just that… I’ve never done that before and I worried if we did you wouldn’t like it, so I tried to hold it off as long as possible. I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore and go through the hassle of teaching me what to do.”
“Oh Steve, honey, I didn’t know.”
“Know what? that I went into the ice as a virgin? Yeah, talk about a tough 60 years.”  
You snorted out a laugh. “Well, I don’t want to stop seeing you. And if you want, we can leave it for another time but I have no problem teaching you a few things.”
“Really?!” His blue orbs lit up in excitement. 
Catching himself, he cleared his throat
“I mean, yeah I’d like to... if you want to… we can do it... ya know... like how they do it on your cable channel thing or whatever... I’m not- “
“Stop talking.”
“Yeah right of course.” He sat up straight next to you on the edge of the bed. His hand drifting to your thigh as you turned to kiss him.
His mouth immediately engulfed yours. While he lacked in experience, the boy sure knew how to kiss.  Your hands inched under his shirt; you caught his breathe in the kiss. 
“I’m gonna take your shirt off now ok?”
Steve was dumfounded and simply nodded enthusiastically. 
You pulled his shirt over is head, revealing the delicious effects of the serum. His hard pecs illuminated by the bedside table lamp. 
You had to slow down your thoughts not wanting to rush the old timer. 
You stood up. “Now I’m gonna take off my clothes, ok?” His eyes glazed over as he watched you unbutton your blouse. Your hands fell behind your back as you slowly unzipped your skirt letting it pool at your feet. You stepped out your heels leaving them in the fabric circle.
Steve could feel his cock hardening at the sight of you in your lace white set.
“Is this, ok?” you asked reassuringly.
“It’s better than ok I think this is the best day of my life.” You chuckled at his boyish comment.
Closing the space between you two you straddled his waist. 
He fell back onto the sheets, grasping at your skin eager to touch you. 
You moved your body downwards, anchoring your knees on the mattress. Slowly you pulled down his grey sweats, being greeted by his hard cock slapping against his chest. 
Your eyes widened at the size “You’ve been hiding this the whole time Rogers?” 
He gave a sheepish grin through ragged breathes, trying to focus on not ruining the moment by cumming prematurely. 
“I’m gonna put it in my mouth now ok baby?” 
Steve let out a laboured “please.” Begging to feel the warmth of your mouth, your hot breath only adding to the ache of his swollen tip. 
Slowly, you took him into your mouth. Inching downwards towards his base, swirling your tongue around his length. 
“Oh God… Jesus Christ Y/N.” 
He had never felt anything like it, he relaxed into the pillow enjoying the sight of his length disappearing into your soft, red lipped mouth. 
His hands falling to cup your cheek, overwhelmed by the sensation. 
“Stop, stop, stop.” 
“You feeling, ok?” you replied coyly
“I feel fucking amazing, but I don’t want to end this before it even starts.”
“I get you.” You travelled back up his body, positioning yourself once again in the straddling position.
“Can we do it… the other way… ya know with you lying down? I just want to do it properly the first time” Steve asked shyly 
“Of course, we can.” You rolled off the hunk of man, getting comfortable amongst the pillows. 
Steve hovered over you, pausing to drink in the sight of you. A small wet patch had formed at your entrance, the fabric sticking to your pussy like a translucent portal to an oasis. 
Slowly he leaned down to kiss you. His hand travelling over the moulds of your breast, drawing soft shapes on your stomach, and landing over the now drenched panties. He tested the waters and applied light pressure to your heat. 
“Aghh Steve.”
“Are you ok? Was that bad? Did it hurt?” He quickly retreated, studying your body for injuries.
“No silly haha it felt good do it again… but this time under the panties.” 
You helped Steve discard of the lousy fabric. He once again moved his hand towards your heat, this time more daringly sliding his finger past your folds and rubbing in an agonisingly slow up and down motion.  
The feeling of his rough hands against your heat, brushing up against your clit was intoxicating and you left out soft moans, grabbing his forearm for support.
“That feel good sweetheart?” Becoming more confident with his actions and with close examining of your face when he reached certain spots. Steve dared to speed up, circling your clit and applying light pressure.
“Omg Steve yes… please I need you inside of me.”
That was all he needed to mount on top of you. You helped him guide his length towards your hole. The initial entry of his tip in your folds sent him falling ever so slightly above you, catching himself with his arms on either side of your head. 
You lay like that for a moment, both enjoying the initial feeling of pleasure. 
“You can move now baby, don’t overthink, just in and out… it’s a natural function.” 
With your encouragement Steve started to thrust into you, slowly at first as he became accustomed to the new feeling of what the inner walls of your pussy felt like. 
He stretched his neck moaning at the sensation. 
“Oh my god, Y/N, holy shit… yes.”
You were overcome by his length, moaning and clenching your walls around him.
“Go faster baby.” With that his thrusts increased, hitting your cervix, causing you to jolt in pleasure. 
Steve then felt a sudden stream of liquid meet the tip of his cock.
“Shit, what was that are you ok?”
You gave him a weery smile, “That was me cumming baby.’
Pride overcame the gorgeous man on top of you as he broke out into a beaming smile.
“Did I do that?”
You bit your lower lip and nodded, adoring his pride at being the cause of your release. 
With that, his confidence grew as he continued to thrust into you.
 “Shit baby I’m gonna cum what do I do?!”
“Just keeping going… please… I wanna feel your cum inside of me.” A switch flipped his head as he let out his release inside of you with a loud grunt. 
His arms finally giving as he collapsed on top of you, holding your hot skin close. 
“Holy shit.”
You pulled back a loose strand from his glistening forehead 
“What’d you think Cap?”
“I think I’m an idiot for not doing that sooner.” He gave you a lazy smile, raising his head to meet yours for a long, drawn-out kiss. 
He brought his head back to your chest, using your boobs as a pillow and before you know it the soldier was letting out soft snores. Exhausted from his release that was 60 years in the making. 
You smiled to yourself, the now proud owner of Steve Rogers virginity. 
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
Rizz you up (Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: at a party sitting with the Young Avengers, America bets that Kate doesn’t have rizz. And the archer wants to prove her wrong.
A funny fic that’s also really cute lol
“I guarantee you don’t have any rizz. Girl, when was the last time you had a girlfriend?” America asked, taking a sip of her Fanta. They were all sitting at one of the couches in the Avengers Compound. Tony decided to host a party to celebrate the formation of the new team. They were the center of attention.
“I do too ‘have rizz’ which, by the way is really cringey, Chavez.” Kate replied.
“No because she’s right. You get no play whatsoever.” Kamala butted in. The raven haired girl rolled her eyes, “Shut up, Kamala! I can get play. I can smooth talk my way into any girls’ pants.”
“Then prove it,” America said as she leaned back on the couch, a smug smile adorning her face. “Fine.” Kate rolled her eyes and then searched the room. Her eyes landed on you. Your short red dress and hair flowing over your left shoulder.
She couldn’t keep her eyes off you as she walked up to you, straightening her suit. You were just leaning against the bar, sipping a virgin margarita. She couldn’t help but admire the way the dress shaped your ass.
Kate licked her lips before clearing her throat behind you. You turned to see the archer. She looked very attractive in her black suit. “Kate Bishop. What an honor to meet you.” You gushed as you held out your hand. She shook it with a smile.
“Thank you. Can I ask what a pretty thing like you is doing at a bar all by herself?” Your cheeks were a light shade of pink when the words came out of her mouth. “Well, I somehow got invited to an Avengers party and now I’m here. I don’t have anyone to go with so I just went by myself. I don’t even know why I did.” You explained.
“Well then, I’m glad I found you.” She said before sitting in the stool next to you. You sat down as well. “Say, what’s your name, pretty girl?”
“What a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman.” Her voice was lower as her eyes raked over your body making you shiver. Her hand went on your bare thigh right below the hem of your dress.
“How about we go on a date sometime, huh?” She asked.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Kate Bishop.” You responded. The two of you exchanged numbers and before she left to go back to her team, she grabbed your hand and brought it to her lips, the action making you blush even more.
After you said goodbye since it was getting late, she decided last minute to walk you out to make sure you were safe. She draped your white furry coat over your shoulders before walking you out to your car.
After you drove away, she walked back inside to her team and sat down on the couch with a smug look on her face. “I clearly have rizz, so your welcome. And thank you for getting me a hot woman to take out.” She said while the rest of the Young Avengers’ jaws hung open.
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cowboy-robooty · 1 month
I AGREE SO HARD WITH THE FINSWE. such a shame that it isnt shown more .. I was wondering though, how do you feel about seme japan and uke ame?
Hmmm well first of all I think Japan like personal preference wise is a total seme. He is a seme through and through he just naturally is a freak ass seme. But his terrible love and sex life is why i think he is an uke forever. I think even with people who will uke for EVERYBODY (like greece) they will only seme for japan and its always japans own fault because his ass won't just be direct for once and always has the japanese politeness that backfires. So i dont really like seme japan in practice because it breaks the law of "whatever is funniest is the truth"
I dont like uke america either because I think he should seme. He is like a 12 year old boy whos like ewww its gay to uke but the thing is that he isnt pathetic enough to end up ukeing if that makes sense. Like prussia is the same way where he wont uke out of his own pride and shit but prussia is also pure hearted inside and he does all this big talk but the moment hes getting made out with hes pliable like soft puddy in his semes hands..... maybe even goopier and softer.. like ooblek ! America isn't a giga virgin in his heart though and would keep bitching and moaning the entire time and genuinely not like it because his pride outweighs everything so he wouldn't be able to overcome it to let himself enjoy being an uke (while with prussia his embarassment + pure heartedness + etc etc outweighs his pride and he can end up enjoying the experience, you feel me?). So yeah i dont really like america uke i like him as a seme. but really i most prefer not really thinking about him having sex at all because I like seeing him as the type who doesnt feel sex or romance but DOES feel best broship
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sameschmidtdiffname · 7 months
Hi! Kind of random, but I'm having trouble picturing something in one of your fics. I have read this fic multiple times (it's sooo good) and I cannot wrap my brain around it, either bc I'm a loser virgin or bc I'm an idiot 😭
It's in "Easy Money" where you say "He forces me to my side, turning me onto my stomach and hiking my ankles onto his shoulders." I feel like such a cringefail loser not being able to picture that LMAO
im also a little lost on the part where you say "[...] I throw my leg onto the back on the couch, giving him better access to fuck me."
If you're not able to explain it further that's totally fine lol. I'll just visualize it differently whenever I go back to read it. Either way, love your writing!
OKAY class, let's do some ~visualization ~ for 'Easy Money.'
Okay, so position number one:
So you're straddling Derek's lap, right? Now what he's gonna do is place his hands on your waist and he's gonna reposition (read: borderline body slam) you from straddling his lap to now laying flat on your side on the couch very quickly, basically like some wrestling shit. Motherfucker is manhandling. This is not gentle. Go from sitting, to side laying, like THAT. Now he's gonna turn you from laying on your side to laying flat on your stomach, (again, manhandling <3) so basically now you're in doggy style but you're laying down instead of on your knees. Now this is already fun and dandy, but what you're gonna imagine is Derek now grabbing your ankles and yanking them fuckers up, placing them on top of his phat ass shoulders while he fucks you from behind. So. Basically, your body is now contorted like a wheelbarrow. Kinda. Which may sound strange, but I promise you, you gotta try it some time. You'll go braindead.
Position number two! (Technically one since it happens in the story first, but-) :
So what that one is is you've got two people, Person A (Derek) sitting on the couch, dong out and actively penetrating Person B (you, pookie <3). Again, awesome, wow. But if you like some deep, gut fucking, uterus migraine inducing, you're questioning if you have to take a shit or if something has ruptured type jackhammering dick downing going on in your pooni, what you're now gonna do is while still straddling Derek, you're gonna take one of your legs and reposition it so that the foot of that leg is now resting of the backrest of the couch, spread eagle basically. So just a recap. You're bouncing on your knees, you move one leg (stay on one knee) to plant on the back of the couch, so you're basically keeping the shop open while he is just DOGGIN your shit, it's gonna HURT when you get off that climax high. But if he knows what he's doing, it's worth it! (Get ibuprofen on hand before you try this.)
Anyways, I hope this helped! And incase you're now sitting here, the positions clarified, thinking "Jesus Dani, who would willingly do this?"
Don't look surprised, I wrote the fucken donut fic. I have done so much worse sex wise. Just get a good partner and you're golden 🤌
Thanks for asking!! See y'all next time on America's favorite gameshow "Jesus Christ, Dani, what the fuck" the show where you degenerates keep cumming back! 💗
Visual reference for those who need it :)
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iicheeze · 1 year
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girl || Haley [Last Name]
eldest sibling of the [Last Name] family
has anger issues
also has a massive ego
likes to takes selfies but somehow hates getting her pictures taken without permission becuz it 'captures her bad side'
very selective when it comes to men
realized she's a lesbian when she almost had sex with a guy
what happened to guy you ask?
she slapped him and went off to get dressed and yelled that she's a lesbian becuz of him
poor guy
also has a girlfriend named Yuriko
Yuriko's a transfer from Japan and they met when they were working
is Yuriko nice?
i guess u can say she is cuz she's very wifey
will Haley ever propose?
boytoy || Mark [Last Name]
youngest sibling of the [Last Name] family
he's pretty and he knows it
sucks ass at sports tho
would be a lady hooker if he can, but [Name] taught him to be a woman respecter since apparently their mom isnt there to teach them how to
is bisexual
sucks at cooking so he always relies on [Name] to cook for him when their dad ain't home back in middle school and high school (since Haley only cooks for herself)
basically relies on [Name] a lot but not so much since he can work fine alone
he just likes companionship
degrading kink haver || Lila [Last Name]
the Aunt of the [Last Name] family (dad's side aka dad's sister)
yes she does have a degrading kink
just lives at a house right next to the [Last Name] residence but stops by often cuz bitch ass Haley won't take care of her siblings correctly
tried teaching Mark how to cook but ended up roasting the egg and its now stuck to the pan
is a gambling addict
but when she wins some big money she'd invite Haley, Mark and [Name] to new amusement parks, shopping, etc etc
other than that a decent aunty
often asks Mark if he scored a lady's cooch cooch
he doesn't
hes a virgin
and Lila is very disappointed in that
dad || Jason [Last Name]
Father of the [Last Name] family
works as a car engineer
is NOT good with words
hated cats but when [Name] visited him with a cat in their arms, immediately bonds
is confused why [Name] is the only one with a Model husband instead of Haley or Mark having a spouse
(tbh he never expected the menace of the family to be happily wedded but good for u)
would be father of the year if only he just be truthful abt their mom
other than that hes a decent dad
cooks for the family, works for the family, (although grocery shopping would be hard but hes trying), and doesn't destroy his kids' mental health
good dad
(his pfp is from [Name], they sent him a cute cat named Maxwell from the internet and he kept using that pfp for almost a year straight)
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TAGLIST || @stellakito @crueldinasty @hysteriablues @hoesaria @dreamsofminnie @caffeine-mess @alatusorrow @lunaeclipsethesimp @lxkeeeee @myaaones @withloveminnie @shewolfniko @aeongiies @qwnelisa @liliumaraneae @candlebathwater @seirin-eyy @feiherp @nxsh30 @loivre @imdeadlyboredhelp @hotgirlshit5 @worldhardtibbysoft @mitsu-moshi @mono1606 @zomzomb1e @vvyeislazzy @crucnhice @omlxlaure @iethairs
@ownedbythescribe @mishtae @aloflapse @divinechicha @thefandomcrow @d4y-dr3am3r @tjjjrsj @certaindreampost @minninr @angelkazusstuff @zyilas @lumpywolf @haruaikawa @xiaosonlybeloved @reconaiise @yuyan @myoreiii @lordbugs @theaudacitiedmentose @scaravibe @exphhoria @venusflwers @ohmyfinggod @niyaiiz
SUMMARY II in which, a sassy and bitter househusband, and his beloved, idiotic streamer of a lover got married! what a lovely occasion. now, for the married life in a newer, and bigger apartment.
PAIRINGS || Househusband Scaramouche x Gaming Streamer GN Reader
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this story takes place in China, Beijing.
the reason [Name]'s family names are American-styled, it's because Jason is a transfer from America to China for college. He met [Name]'s mom, Lian Hua, by being roommates.
since Lian Hua left the family to pursue her dreams, Jason decided to name his children by American names, solely because he wants to cut any Asian ties that's connected to Lian Hua herself.
he even moved from Shanghai to Beijing because of it.
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Hey I was wondering if you could do a Austin Butler x virgin reader like she's a young French student in LA and she runs into 31 year old Austin late at night so he asks her what she's doing so late alone in the street and he walks her home then she asks if he wants to drink smth they talk a bit and then it gets hot...
(I love your writing btw)
fais moi l’amour
A/N: first off, thank you 🫶🏻 & hope everyone enjoys this story!
Pairing: Austin Butler x fem!reader
Warning: making out, him being a hot ass, oral sex, protected sex (PLS be safe), a lot of french.
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I got accepted to UCLA for my photography majors, so I have to go to Los Angeles to finish up my degree. I leave my friends from France and I’m obviously going to miss them because I don’t know anyone from America. I bought an apartment and I’m so excited to see it in real life, I did a digital tour of the apartment.
I fly out to LAX and everything looks beautiful! I get to my apartment and it looks amazing with a cool view of Downtown Los Angeles. I get unpacking and I take a little nap so I can go walk around and get groceries for myself.
I go to Whole Foods Market to get some things I need to make something for myself for a while. The staff were really nice, some people could understand my french accent and they understood on what I was coming from.
I get back home and organized my food and my alcohol, I’m 22 okay and I can handle my liquor. I put my alcohol at the bar I have in my apartment. My apartment looks good so far! I get ready to go out to see what LA is really about.
8:09 PM
I walk around to find a bar somewhere and I find Catch One, it looks interesting so I get in the line and immediately I hear whistling when I walking to the back of the line. God, american men, they’re fucking gross!
I finally get in and try to find the bar, I find it. I got sit down and a bartender comes up to me.
“What do you want princess?”
“Vodka please.”
“Alright.” He makes my drink.
I look around to see what’s going on until I hear my drink behind me, I turn around and I thanked the guy.
“That accent, you’re not from here.” The bartender asks.
“Yeah I transferred here from Paris.”
“You sound beautiful.”
“Je vous remercie.”
10:30 PM
I leave the club. I had a fun time, met wonderful people, I already have friends from Los Angeles and they are so nice!
I decided to walk, I drank one vodka, it doesn’t affect me. I look around on how beautiful LA is until I feel someone’s hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.
“Hi, I’m Austin and I just wanted to say how beautiful you are.” He smiles. The most sweetest smile I’ve seen a long time.
“Thank you Austin.” I blush.
“I know this will sound creepy but, why are you walking all alone at this time at night?” He itches his head.
“Well, Austin, my apartment is close on where we’re at right now.” I look at him.
“Do you want me to walk with you if something happens?”
I trust him. “Yeah sure.”
We began to walk and we started to talk about ourselves.
“Y/N, that accent? Where are you from?”
“You like the 9th person who asked me that.” I look at him while walking.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, I’m from France.”
“France really! I visited there a couple times, it’s so beautiful.”
“I mean I feel like a lot of french girls would love you.” I said smiling.
I can tell he loved the comment.
“Do you want to come inside?” I said to him.
“Yeah sure, if that’s okay with you?”
“It’s okay with me.”
I unlock my door and allow Austin to go inside first.
“You just moved here?” He looks at me.
“Yeah, I got groceries, some decorations and some alcohol.” I look at him while getting my jacket off and put my keys on the counter.
“What type of alcohol do you have?” He leans on the island.
“Vodka, Champagne, Whiskey and Wine.” I walked up to him.
“I like the whisky Y/N.” He smirks.
“Go to the couch and I’ll get our drinks.” Austin walks to the couch and I start making the drinks.
I walk up to him with his whisky, he grabs it gently out of my hand. I sit next to him.
“So, why did you travel here?” Austin says. He drinks his whisky and puts it down on my coffee table.
“Well, I’m majoring in Photography and I’m trying to finish my degree and UCLA accepted me. So that’s why I moved here.”
“Are you good at photography?” He looks at me.
“I believe so. Would you like me to take a picture of you?” I drink my vodka at bit.
“I would love you to Y/N.” He leans closer to me.
“Alright.” I go get my camera and come back to see Austin shirtless. I think I can’t handle this.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He smirks again.
I smirk, I take a few pictures. He looks so photogenic.
When I was done taking pictures of him, I showed him the pictures.
“You’re really good at this.” He says.
“Thank you Austin.” I look at him then to my camera.
“Speak a little french to me Y/N.” He whispers in my ear.
“Je suis amoureuse d’un homme qui s’appelle Austin Butler.” I said in french.
“What did you say?” He questions.
“I said ‘I’m in love with a man name Austin Butler.’”
“You’re in love with me?” He makes me look at him by putting his right hand on my chin to make me look at him.
“I am, when I saw you the first time, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
The way he looks at me, he’s in love with me as well. He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back. I put my camera on my coffee table and get on top of him. I take my shirt off. He puts his hands on my waist. I look down to see his belt and unbuckle his belt and unzips his pants. I can tell he’s ready for me. He flips me down on the couch so he could be on top of me. He unzips my pants as well.
I lean up to his ear and said, “Je veux que tu me baises comme les hommes américains baisent les femmes américaines.”
“What do you say honey?” He questions.
I look at him and say, “I want you to fuck me like you american men fuck american women.”
“Do you have a condom?” He asks.
“In my room, it’s the last door in the hallway next me.”
He gets off of me and goes to my room. He comes back really quick with a condom in his hand.
“You found them quick.” I sit comfortably on the couch.
“They were easy to find babe, just on your nightstand.”
I forgot to put them away somewhere safe.
“By the way, are you a virgin?” He looks at me.
“Yes I am.” I confess.
“Then we have to take this slow Y/N.”
I nod.
“If I were you, give this french girl a kiss and give her the time of her life by fucking her.”
Austin looks at me and straddles my waist, gets his underwear off, he’s huge. He gets the condom on. I try to get my panties off, he helps me out of them. He leans down to kiss me.
The way he goes in and out of me, it’s feels so good. I felt a lot of pain but it went away. He pick me up to take me to my bedroom but he makes us stop on the wall a few feet away from my room. He lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses my neck, I can feel him bitting me. I moan but screamed.
“What did you just do Aus?” I make him look at me.
“I gave you a hickey.”
I try to give him a hickey as well. The way he moaned.
“I feel like you just gave me a hickey Y/N.”
I giggle.
“Je voulais juste que tu te senates bien Austin.” I whisper in he’s ear.
“What baby?”
“I said, I just wanted to make you feel good Austin.”
“God your french is turning me on.” We did nose to nose.
I giggle again.
“If that’s what turns you on, guess what turns me on Austin.” I touch his hair.
He pretends to think. “Me giving you hickeys.”
“Hmm, me touching you.”
“No.” I chuckle.
“Then what Y/N?”
“Your deep voice in my ear while we were on my couch, having sex.” I whisper in his ear.
“It’s puberty baby.” He holds me close.
“Fais moi l’amour.”
He looks at me confused.
“Make love to me Austin.”
He takes me to my bedroom. He lays me down on my bed. I sit up. He crawls up to me, lays me down on my bed. He began to fuck me harder then when we were on couch. I scream.
“You like that huh?” He continues to fuck me.
“Yes! Ah fuck!” I said scratching his back.
Serveral minutes later I flip us over so I can be on top of him. I still have him inside me. I readjust myself so I can feel him in a different position.
“I thought you were a virgin?” He looks at me.
“I am but, you know that porn exists right?”
“You french girls really do know what to do.” He looks at me.
He leans up to get closer to me, we make out, I start to french kiss him. He french kisses me. He sets me on the bed again to give me love bits on my body.
1:30 AM
We’re in my bed, heavy breathing, sweating.
“Y/N.” He looks at me.
“Yeah.” I look at him.
“How did that felt by being your first time?”
He looks confused again.
“Let’s be more than just a hookup Y/N/N.” He heavy breathed.
“Please Aus.”
“I’ll show you what I’m really about. You saw a different part of me tonight.” He cuddles up to me.
“Same here Austin and I’ll teach you some french so you can understand on what I’m saying.” I wrap my arms around him.
“When’s your first day at UCLA?”
“Next Wednesday.”
“I’ll show you around LA and maybe drop and pick you up at school.”
“I would love that Austin.”
“Um, Y/N?” He questions.
“How old are you?”
“22, you?”
“I feel like I just, baisé un papa de sucre.”
“Did you say something bad?”
“I said, fucked a sugar daddy.”
“Because of me being older than you?”
“Austin I still love you.”
“Do you care that I’m a few years older than you?”
“I don’t care baby. I just know that you treated me so special.”
“I’m glad you think that way.”
“No one made me feel this way in Paris, you’re the only man in America that makes feel that way.”
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holylulusworld · 2 years
History at its best
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Summary: You love history.
Square 1 filled for @ultimatechrisbingo​: Professor!Steve Rogers
Pairing: Professor (Silver Fox) Steve Rogers x Student!Reader
Warnings: language, undefined age gap (the reader is of age), Silverfox!ASteve, light smut, unprotected sex, creampie, possessive Steve, doggy style, Captain & Sir kink, dirty talk, hand around throat (no choking, but I add it just in case), inappropriate relationship
Words: 1k+
This story is part of my: Adventures with your professor masterlist 
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History. You love history. Especially when it comes on two long legs, and makes your panties dampen with only one look.
“Today, we will pick up where we stopped last time. Y/N, can you tell me where we stopped last time?”
Damn that man. Professor Rogers. Steve Rogers. He flashes you a bright smile as you nervously shift in your seat. 
You cross your legs and try to pretend you’re not having daydreams of your professor and his perfect cock. “Miss Y/L/N.”
“Page 385, Lesson 12,” you reply, praying that you remember the page right. If not, he’ll bend you over his desk and punish you for not listening to his lecture.
“Very good, Miss Y/N,” Professor Rogers points out. “As always. You’re such a good student…and a good girl.”
“I-“ dropping your eyes to your notebook you swallow thickly and pray none of the other students heard his last comment.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he puts on a big show as he walks toward his table. All tall and bulky he makes an impressive sight.
He puts on his glasses. The ones he doesn’t need. Steve Rogers just wants to act like he’s a normal guy.
But when he almost fucks you through a wall, he proves that he’s more than an average forty-plus guy lusting over one of his students. Steve Rogers is still the man saving the world more than once and a super-soldier. 
“Professor, can we talk after classes,” one of the new girls in your course asks. “Please.”
“Sorry, Miss—“ Steve furrows his brows as he can’t remember her name. “What was your name again?”
“Sandi, with an I, not Y,” you dip your head to watch her lean back in her chair to push her tits out. You chuckle and turn your attention back toward the notes you took last time.
If not, Steve will find a way to punish you. And you are not in the mood for a bruised ass and no orgasm again.
Once in a while, you love to be a bad girl and to get some well-deserved punishment. Just not this week. You want to be good this time to make sure he goes easy on you and your still tender ass.
“Right, Miss Y/L/N,” your head snaps up the moment you hear his voice. Steve narrows his eyes as you got lost in thoughts once again. “Do you want me to repeat the question for you?”
“I’m sorry, I was looking over my notes about the Roman Empire and didn’t hear your question, Sir.”
You watch his Adam’s apple bobble when you use the title. “Well, at least you were engrossed in the topic, not some fashion magazine. You are forgiven.”
He smirks as you release a shuddery breath. “Thank you, professor.” Steve doesn’t seem to be mad.
“Anytime, Miss Y/L/N.”
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“Why not? Every other girl would gladly join me at that party,” you roll your eyes as one of the frat boys tried to talk you into going to a party with him.
“I told you; I got a boyfriend at home.”
The annoying guy doesn’t need to know your boyfriend is your professor and the former Captain America.
“What he doesn’t know…” he grins, offering you a good time and more. “You don’t want me to tell everyone you’re an uptight bitch, right?”
“Fuck you,” you storm off, muttering under your breath. “No one gives a shit about your opinion.”
“I bet she’s boring in the sheets, bro. Let’s forget about her,” one of the other frat boys pats the guy’s shoulder. “We will find some other bitch for you.”
“Do we have a problem here?” Steve cocks his head to look down at the guy hitting on you. He was hiding behind a corner to jump in if needed. “What did you just say about Miss Y/L/N? How did you call her?”
“Virgins, you know,” the guy dares to snicker. “I bet she will mewl like a cat in heat when she gets fucked. Needy bitch.”
It takes everything in Steve not to break that grinning frat boy’s neck. He balls his hands into fists and takes a deep breath.
“Maybe she only needs a real man. Someone not treating her like a piece of meat. A man who knows how to fuck. I bet, you’d learn a thing or two listening to an experienced man, not a boy who creams his pants the moment he sees boobs...”
Steve storms off. If not, he’ll gladly kill the boys for daring to even lay eyes on you…
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The moment Steve sent you a message, demanding that you wear a naughty schoolgirl uniform and no panties you knew, someone fucked up big time.
You just didn’t know it wasn’t you but the guy hitting on you.
Now he has one arm wrapped around your chest, hand gripping your left upper arm tightly. He sinks his teeth into your neck to mark your body all over again.
“Who do you belong to, doll?” you whine at Steve’s words. You’re too out of it to even answer. “I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it.”
“Y-you,” you squeak. “I’m yours…only yours.”
“Fuck, this cunt.”
Steve moves his hand to your neck to force you to crane it. He grins as you look up at him with glassy eyes. “Say it.”
“Your cock feels so good, Captain,” you’re out of breath. Steve is fucking you hard from behind, never missing a beat as you struggle to even keep your body upright. “I love it so much.”
“Of course, you do, doll,” he lowers his head to kiss you greedily, lips and tongue dominating your mouth. 
“Not yet,” he growls against your lips while his hips mercilessly snap into your ass. “I’m gonna ruin this cunt first.”
“It’s yours…only yours,” you babble and whine. “Please…Sir…” You’ll do anything to get your high. “I love it when you fuck me.”
“Fuck,” your body goes slack as Steve slaps one hand between your legs to shove two fingers inside your cunt to join his cock. “Fuck…Stevie…Captain…Sir…professor…”
“That’s it. You can cum now, baby doll. Come for me and take all of my spunk,” Steve growls when his warmth fills you. “You’re so good for me. Always so tight and warm.”
You tremble against him. It’s all too much. “Please…I can’t…”
“Shh…I’ve got you baby doll,” Steve immediately wraps his arms around you. “I’ll carry you into the bathroom and we will have a warm bath. Just let me lock the door first…”
“Yes, Captain…”
Steve kisses your temple and mumbles soft words as he pulls out of you. “I’ve got you...baby...I love you.”
“I love you too, Steve.”
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