anonarat · 7 months
The door of the room opens, and Ami comes into the dark. Makoto is wrapped up in blankets, suffering from a nasty cold, headache included. Being considerate of this, Ami walks over quietly to her, and puts the mug of broth she made on the bedside table. Makoto manages a thin smile.
“Thank you. I’m sorry you’re having to take care of me.”
“You don’t have to be sorry, I’d do anything for you,” Ami replies, gently stroking Makoto’s forehead. The chill of her fingers helps to soothe away the pain, and Makoto relaxes into it, drifting off to sleep.
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eiirisworkshop · 2 months
Aug-UST, day 1: Only One Bed
Have like 650 words of Sailor Moon pre-femslash lol Prompt from @thepromptfoundry
“Alright ladies!” Haruka called over the chatter of her fellow senshi, the general noise of the lobby, and the rumbling and roar of the storm outside.  “They didn’t have a lot of rooms left, so. Michiru and I will take one of the king bed rooms.”  She rather pointedly tucked a keycard into the breast pocket of her denim vest and gave her girlfriend a wink, earning a demure giggle.   “That leaves two rooms with two queen beds each,” she held up two cards, “and another king room,” she added a third card, “for the seven of you.”  She held out the fan of three cards.  “Feel free to fight amongst yourselves.”
Michiru lightly smacked her shoulder as the inevitable squabbling began.
It was eventually contentiously agreed that Rei and Minako would take one of the queen rooms while Usagi, Chibiusa, and Hotaru took the other.
“Why should we have to share?!” Chibiusa whined.
“Because you’re small, squirt,” Usagi huffed.
Hotaru giggled softly behind one hand.  “I don’t mind.  It could be fun, like a sleepover.”
“Exactly!” Makoto agreed, slinging an arm around Ami’s shoulders.  “C’mon, you don’t see me and Ami complaining about having to share, do ya?  It’ll totally be fun.”
Smiling, Ami nodded.  “Mhm!”
Upstairs, Makoto and Ami found their room, Ami wielding their keycard to let them in.
“Hey, this place is nice,” Makoto said impressedly, looking around as she set down her bag.
“Very classy,” Ami agreed softly.  Makoto jumped onto the bed with a little “Hup!” and bounced slightly.  Ami Laughed at her antics.  “Is the mattress nice?”
“Oh, very nice,” Makoto confirmed, stretching luxuriously, long legs sprawled most of the way across the bed, her ponytail fanned out under her head.
Ami smiled fondly at Makoto, then pulled her attention away to riffle neatly through her own suitcase, tucking her hair hair behind her hair as she did.  “I’m going to shower before bed.”
“Yeah, okay.”  Makoto rolled over onto her side, head propped up on one hand.  “I’ll shower in the morning—I don’t wanna sleep with wet hair.”
“You already got rained on,” Ami pointed out, turning with her toiletry bag held to her chest.  “Your hair is wet.”
“My hair is damp,” Makoto corrected, holding up one finger.
Ami shook her head with amusement.  “Okay.”  She went into the bathroom then stuck her head back out.  “They have a hair dryer.”
Makoto showered after Ami did, then stood with her head hanging forward with her hair danging to blow dry it while Ami brushed her teeth, both of them in their pajamas, just sharing space in companionable non-conversation.
As they turned in for the night, getting under the covers, Ami set the alarm clock, Makoto turned out the lamp, and they both lay down.  
With a yawn, Makoto asked, “How—mm!—how d’you the others are doing?  Usagi and Chibiusa keeping poor Hotaru awake with their bickering?”
“Probably,” Ami sighed, but then chuckled.
Makoto laughed too.
“Rei and Minako are probably still brushing out their hair,” Ami said.
Makoto snorted.  “Jeez, you’re right.  I used to think my hair was long, but them and Usagi are on another level.”
Ami smiled in the dark.  “Your hair is very pretty.”
“Ah, well, thanks.”  If Makoto was blushing, it was too dim to tell.  For a minute they were both quiet, then Makoto cleared her throat.  “I’m sure Haruka and Michiru are fine.”
“Oh, well, yes,” Ami said a little stiltedly.  “They, uh, have sleepovers all the time.”
“Yeah.”  Makoto rolled over to face away from Ami.  “Well, goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Ami echoed softly.
In the morning, Makoto half-woke from a blurry dream of her past life to find Ami curled up against her back.  She opened her eyes to blearily squint at the sliver of sunlight coming in through the curtains, then closed them again until their alarm went off.
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Sailor Moon Shipping: Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury x Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter | AmiMako/MakoAmi!
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Sailor Moon: Reignstorm - Chapter 6: Midnight Secret Talk
The Inner Guardians gathered at the Hikawa Shrine for a much different meeting than they originally intended, with Usagi calling in Mamoru.
“Alright, so, here’s what we know.” Mina said, gesturing to some writing on a chalkboard which she got from… somewhere. “Their name is Reign, they have a piece of the Malefic Black Crystal, and based on their comments, they seem to have some history with us… that’s… about all I’ve got.”
“I thought the Malefic Black Crystal was destroyed?” Mamoru questioned.
“Join the club.” Makoto said, “But what’s the issue here? We beat Death Phantom when we were in middle school. We’re way stronger now! Whoever this is, they don’t stand a chance.”
“Don’t be so sure, Mako.” Ami responded, “Something was off with the crystal’s energy. It wasn’t exactly the same as last time. Not to mention, the readings I got suggested they possessed considerable power outside of the crystal.”
“More importantly, they knew us.” Rei interjected into the conversation, “And they didn’t seem the least bit upset that we’d beaten Ail and An. I think that was meant to be some kind of test, seeing if we’d lost our edge.”
“Who could it be though?” Makoto questioned, “Pretty much all of our enemies are either dead or turned over a new leaf.”
“And what’s the deal with my new powers? Why did I shoot fire?!” Usagi asked, confused.
“I explained it to you already, Usagi.” Luna said with a sigh, “Your new transformation allows you to use the powers of the other Sailor Guardians.”
“Yeah, because that’s fair.” Rei said, pouting a bit.
“Alright everyone!” Minako said, bringing the conversation to a halt, “We’ve all had a long day, and it’s unlikely that we’re gonna figure this all out tonight. So how about we all go home and get some rest?” The Guardian of Beauty said in a much more serious tone than her team often heard from her, “We’ll need it for what’s ahead.”
It had been so long since she last fought a monster that Makoto almost forgot how dirty she would get. Constantly rolling around to dodge attacks, or getting hit by clouds of dirt that get kicked up, not to mention that fighting a monster worked up quite a sweat. However, this allowed her to return to her favorite post-battle ritual, which was taking a nice, long shower to clean off all the grime.
Stepping out and drying herself off, her thoughts wandered to their new adversary. It was true that they spoke like they had met her and her friends in the past, but Makoto couldn’t even begin to place who it might be. Their voice was distorted by their mask, and their armor made it hard to make out their build. As well as this, she couldn’t think of anyone who would know about both Ail and An as well as the Black Crystal. Another time traveler, maybe? But if that were the case, surely Chibiusa would’ve shown up by now to help, right? Or was that not how that worked?
Suddenly, Makoto heard a knock from outside her bathroom. She threw on her green robe and made her way to the front door of her apartment, confused about who would be showing up on her doorstep at this hour. Upon unlocking and opening the door, she was shocked to see none other than her girlfriend standing there, an anxious look across her face.
“Ami?” Makoto questioned, “What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Can I come in?” The bluenette asked timidly.
“Of course.” The auburn-haired girl responded, gesturing for her to come in.
“Thanks, I… um… y’know, you look really pretty with your hair down.” Ami said, a light blush crossing her face.
“Thank you. But don’t change the subject, why are you here?” Makoto asked, concerned.
“Well, I… I just… my mom’s working over tonight and with everything that’s happened I… I didn’t wanna be alone.” Ami finally said, “I don’t wanna be intrusive but I just-”
“Ami, don’t you dare call yourself intrusive.” Makoto said firmly, “You are always welcome here, okay?”
Ami simply nodded her head in response.
“Good. I’m gonna go throw on some PJs, and I’ll make us some tea after that. Did you bring anything to sleep in?” Mako asked, noticing Ami did not appear to have anything with her other than the clothes on her back.
“No I… wasn’t really thinking when I-”
“It’s fine, I wear a few sizes bigger than you so you can just use one of my shirts.” The taller girl said, prompting a blush from her girlfriend.
“Um… okay.”
Before long Makoto had thrown on a tank top and some sweatpants, laid out a sleep shirt for Ami, and made some tea which the couple were currently enjoying in her living room.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to-?” Ami began.
“Ami, I don’t know if you noticed, but I kind of love you more than anything.” Makoto said with a smile, “I will never be upset about getting to spend more time with you.”
“A-alright.” The smaller girl said, sprouting another blush.
After the two of them finished their tea, Makoto instructed Ami to get ready for bed while she tidied up. Once she reached the bedroom she was rendered speechless by the sight of Ami in nothing but her underwear and one of Mako’s shirts, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“God, she is so hot.” Makoto thought to herself, before Ami looked up at her and tilted her head.
“You’re ogling.” She said with a smirk, causing Mako to turn red.
“I’m your girlfriend, I’m allowed to ogle!” Mako said defensively before switching off the light and going to join her in bed.
Once the two settled in, with Mako holding Ami in her arms, she asked a question that had been on her mind since Ami showed up.
“Why are you so worried about this? We’ve dealt with bad guys before, and we always make it through. This isn’t any different.”
“I know, I know, it’s just… never mind.”
“What is it?”
“Nothing. I’m being ridiculous.”
“Ami… please tell me what’s wrong.” Makoto pleaded.
“Well I just… I thought it was over.” Ami finally said, “I thought we could finally just live normal, peaceful lives. I thought we could just go on dates and go to school and… and that we were finally done risking everything over and over and over again. And I… I feel like I finally have everything I have ever wanted. I have friends, a good partner, I… I’m happy. And now I have to face the fact that I could lose all of that and… and…” Ami continued, her voice growing shakier and shakier, until she threw herself into Mako’s chest and started sobbing, “I don’t wanna do this anymore!”
“Oh sweetheart.” Makoto said gently, stroking her lover’s hair.
“W-what’s wrong with me?” Ami finally choked out, “This is my job. It’s what I was born to do, I’m supposed to be a soldier but I just… I…” The blue-haired girl said before once again devolving into sobs, “God I’m so pathetic.”
“Hey hey hey.” Makoto said, holding Ami close, “No you are not. You are one of the strongest people I know. None of us asked for this. There’s nothing wrong with being scared or… or overwhelmed by all of this.” 
“But… but…” 
“No buts.” Makoto said.
The Guardian of Thunder looked down at Ami, whose face was still buried in her chest, “Ami can you look at me?” She asked, getting no response from the smaller girl, “Please?”
At that, Ami looked up at Mako, revealing her tear-stained face, “There’s my girl.” Mako said, caressing Ami’s cheek, “Now listen. I know this is scary, and I know it sucks, but I promise you I will be by your side every step of the way. And I won’t let anything happen to you. To any of us. Okay?”
“O-okay.” Ami said shakily before laying her head back down, “Um… Mako?”
“Do you… um… do you think you could stroke my hair just a little bit more? It um… felt nice…” Ami said, clearly embarrassed.
“Of course.” Makoto said with a smile.
As Makoto lay there, holding the girl who mattered to her more than anything in the world, only one thought occupied her mind:
“I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Finally, some good f***ing MakoAmi. Gotta say, of the chapters I've released so far this one is definitely my favorite for... what I'm sure are obvious reasons.
But please, let me know what you guys think! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are very much appreciated!
And come back next time for Chapter 7: The Four Queens of Heaven.
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xbuster · 6 months
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ticcytx · 4 months
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More makoami collection from Twitter
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moonlightsdreaming · 6 months
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Sailor Moon Stars | Sailor Star Song
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xtarmie · 1 month
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sailorsenshigifs · 6 months
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acquired-stardust · 4 months
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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R Super Nintendo Entertainment System 1993
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shootingstarsue · 3 months
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
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Amazing news I just found out! The wonderful Three Lights, a repository for high quality Sailor Moon scans, has HQ scans of the ultra-rare calendar that Naoko Takeuchi and her husband Yoshihiro Togashi (creator of Hunter x Hunter among other series) made in 1999 to commemorate their wedding.
This is such a blessing to both fandoms!
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bloodraven55 · 5 months
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if there’s one (1) thing i’ll always adore about the 90s anime it’s how chaotic and silly the group dynamic was 🫡
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sailor-moon-rei · 4 months
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by pixelian1989
art republished with artist’s permission
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Sailor Moon: Reignstorm - Chapter 5: Enter Reign
The Makai Tree shot out one of its branches at Sailor Moon, which she caught effortlessly between her two hands, stopping it dead. She then rolled out of the way, deciding to attempt to reason with the tree.
“Listen! I can feel you’re in pain! I know you don’t want to do this! Just stop!” She said, placing her hands up in front of herself.
To her surprise, however, a flame shot out of one of her hands and onto the Makai Tree’s surface, causing it to recoil.
“What?” Usagi said, before being forced to dodge another of the tree’s attacks. She then looked down at her hand, confused, “That’s… new.”
“I don’t understand, why did Usagi change again?” Artemis asked as he and Luna watched the battle from a nearby rooftop.
“I can’t say for sure, but if I had to guess, I would say Eternal may have been an incomplete transformation.” 
“Yes. When the eight Sailor Guardians entrusted Sailor Moon with their power, she needed time for herself and the Silver Crystal to properly adjust to it.” Luna explained.
“Oh, I get it! And since she hasn’t transformed for the last few months…”
“Exactly, she has been able to evolve and unlock her ultimate transformation, one that allows her to utilize the powers entrusted to her by her friends.”
Sailor Moon wasn’t the only one whose power had increased, however. The other Inner Guardians felt their strength increase several fold with their new transformations. 
“Changing your outfits won’t save you!” An said as she launched an energy attack at Mars, which the red-suited guardian effortlessly dodged.
“You sure about that?” She said with a smirk, before utilizing her new power, “Mars Raging Inferno!”
A wall of flame exploded from the Guardian of Fire and towards An, shattering her psychic shield and forcing her to the ground.
“My turn!” Venus shouted, rushing towards An, “Venus Love-Struck Dynamo!” 
A large heart made of yellow energy shot out and struck An, rendering her unconscious.
“An!” Ail shouted at his partner, taking his attention away from his two assailants. A mistake that would be his undoing.
“Mercury Hydro Burst!” The Guardian of Water shouted, engulfing her adversary in water.
“Just like old times. Jupiter Lightning Barrage!” The Guardian of Thunder said, launching thousands of bolts out of her body and electrocuting the water which Ail resided in, knocking him out.
The four Guardians then turned their attention back to Sailor Moon, who was currently dodging between the Makai Tree’s branches.
“Sailor Moon! There’s a strange energy permeating from all of them! I think that’s what’s causing them to act this way! Can you help them?” Mercury called up to her.
“I don’t know! These powers are all new to me! Apparently I shoot fire now?! I still need to figure out how to goodify people in this form!”
Suddenly, as if to answer her question, Usagi saw a familiar object materialize into her hand.
“The Moon Stick?” She asked. While it looked close to the Moon Stick she had lost years ago, there were some differences. The biggest being that the crescent atop the stick was now silver instead of gold, “Wait, I know what to do!”
Sailor Moon raised the Moon Stick high above her head, and channeled the power from the Silver Crystal in her compact into it.
“MOON HEALING ESCALATION!” She shouted, causing the street to fill with light. When the light died down, they saw Ail and An had returned to normal, while the Makai tree was once again reduced to a sapling. 
“What… What were we doing?” An asked, sitting up and rubbing her head.
“We were hoping you could explain that to us.” Venus replied.
Sailor Moon descended down to her friends, her wings dissipating as she landed, she opened her mouth to speak before being cut off by a voice from above.
“Excellent! I expected nothing less! Glad to see you all haven’t lost your touch.”
The Guardians immediately directed their attention upward, where they saw an armor-clad, cloaked figure floating above them. The figure held a staff in their hand, atop of which was a crystal that the five guardians immediately recognized.
“The Malefic Black Crystal! I knew that the energy surrounding them was too similar to be a coincidence!” Mercury shouted.
“But I thought we destroyed it!” Jupiter said, confused.
“Oh, you did.” The figure said, descending to ground level, “Well, most of it, anyway.” 
“You! You… did something to us. Twisted our thoughts…” Ail said, clenching his head in pain.
“Yes, yes, you played your parts like good little pawns. However, I no longer have any need for you.” They said dismissively. Then, with a wave of their hand Ail, An, and the Makai Tree sapling simply vanished.
“What did you do to them?!” Mars asked angrily.
“Oh, fret not, I’ve simply sent them back to the primitive little world I got them from. After all, I may need to make use of them someday in the future.”
“Who are you? What do you want?” Sailor Moon asked, shakily.
“You may call me… Reign. As for what I want… don’t worry…” They said, opening a dark portal behind them, “You’ll find out soon enough.”
“Quick, don’t let them escape!” Venus ordered, but it was too late. A mere moment later Reign was gone.
So... two things I need to address.
1. This chapter is late. 2. This chapter is short. And hopefully both can be addressed with me saying... I graduated from college last week. So you can imagine I was a little busy.
But we're (I hope) back to our regular schedule of bi-weekly updates!
NEXT TIME: I won't say what the next chapter is about but I will reveal the title... Midnight Secret Talk (if you know you know ;) )
Until then, let me know what you all think! Comments, likes, reblogs, etc. are very much appreciated!
And come back next time for Chapter 6!
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noisypeanutmoneyspy · 5 months
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