#Amity park hero Croc
satoshy12 · 6 months
How Killer Croc somehow became the hero of children
It all started when Croc saved the group of children.It had been a mistake, really.
He just wanted to save his tiny friend Ellie, and the rest was a collaborative saving. Is that even a word?
And before he knew it, it happened again and again in this city. What is wrong with Amity Park?
And worse, the Hero Phantom in public thanked him for being such a hero. And for his help, as he already has problems with the magical enemies, it's good that a new hero helped against the non-magical ones.
Suddenly, he is known as the protector of children, and all the children in the city love him.
Waylon has no idea what to say. People in public praise him and want to take photos with him. And he gets free food and similar.
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radiance1 · 9 months
The GIW succeeded in passing an under the radar law that described ghosts as non-sentient beings. Leading to the Government cracking down on Amity Park and capturing any ghosts they saw.
Danny saved who he could, telling them not to come back to Amity Park for their own safety. That being said, he couldn't save everyone, not as Phantom and especially not as Fenton.
He didn't like to think on it much.
Thankfully it seemed that Halfas had it a bit better than pure ghosts, being seen as semi-sentient due to their human half. But it still wasn't enough for his parents to think he was safe in Amity, so instead of staying in Amity Park they decided to move him.
Which proved to be a far faster process than they thought it would be, because his identity was leaked to the government, as for how they knew? They overheard Wes Weston trying to convince someone of his theory and ran with it.
So now Danny and Jazz had to be quickly relocated to Gotham, and yes, they love you Danny, but with his track record they need Jazz to act as an assurance he wouldn't go out 'heroing' and stay on the down low.
Jack and Maddie stayed behind to negotiate the Anti-Ecto acts.
Jack told the two of them to meet at this specific coffee shop in Gotham, because he already asked for someone he knew to come and pick them up, which confused them because who would he know in Gotham?
But, on the way to said coffee shop, Danny and Cujo (who Danny brought along because he was not leaving him behind in Amity of all places now.) was kidnapped by a giant crocodile man.
Right under Jazz's nose too. She only realized when she reached said coffee shop, safe to say she wasn't pleased. The coffee shop seemed to be entirely booked by one man, with multiple people acting as 'guards' so to speak, not that Jazz couldn't take care of them but she preferred to avoid violence if she could.
The person she and Danny were supposed to meet turned out to be one Oswald Cobblepot, otherwise known as the Penguin, a black sheep of the Fentinightingles and Jack's friend. (I CANNOT for the LIFE of me remember where I saw this idea, but if you ever come across this post know that YOU yes YOU were the one who helped the crafting of this idea)
Oswald: Where's the other one.
Jazz: A giant crocodile kidnapped him.
Oswald: Say what.
Meanwhile Danny got himself comfortable in the sewers of Gotham with Cujo as he stared up at a 9 foot tall man who goes by Killer Croc, who looks increasingly unsure, regretful and sorrowful of his decision to kidnap Danny.
Danny finds out that his actual name is Waylon Jones, and that the sole reason he was kidnapped was because he thought him to be his long-lost dead brother.
Danny: Oh so you're my dead uncle!
Waylon: Say what now-
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ryoalouette · 4 months
So there's this one moment when... (DP x DC)
(insert someone) forgot the taboo word ("I wish") when contemplating an issue quite seriously. Hey, human error is still a thing alright. Don't go and push that person for forgetting, especially since it's a recent thing.
Maybe it's Jazz, wondering how to remove her brother from their parents' custody considering how neglectful they are. "I wish I can consult someone about this situation," she mused.
Ofc, "wish granted," said by a certain genie.
Poof! One Batman (or maybe it's Two-Face; I'm not quite well-versed in DC but he's a lawyer at some point right?) appears so suddenly while Batman (or enter hero/villain/vigilante) was fighting.
My brain just wanna go to Two-Face route of which he'd learn the Fenton Situation(TM) in a roundabout way, and as a villain he is, offers to her pointblank for him to just straight out murder her parents and adopt Danny (and her), use his lawyer (cough villain cough) powers to summon a damned CPS here, etc, etc.
Coz he might be a villain, but he at least have SOME standards (as in, not going to hunt child-looking ghost without a PROPER RESEARCH, what the hell). And Danny honestly seems like a Bruce bait. And have that half-and-half thing. Certainly seems like a son between Dent and Brucie lol. Adoption for fuckery to Bruce, yes.
It might be ANY of the students, wanting to know what to do with their future.
Sam, wanting to be activist for plants, wishes some guidance and Ivy appears. Paulina, Killer Croc. Tucker, Red Robin. Danny, freaking Al Ghul. Honestly, it can be anyone and any hero/villain. Up to you.
This is how Amity Park gets known by the US by large. And how the government employs lunatics to hunt down their hero-that's-slandered-as-a-villain gets known to JL. You really should thank Desiree. Two birds, one stone!
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stealingyourbones · 4 months
Submitted Prompts #158
Sorry if this isn’t the right place, I have only recently discovered this tumblr and am slowly working my way backwards through your dpxdc tag.  I think it might be an injoke here so uh, behold poor Yorick, totally not the human skull of Tchaikowsky fullfilling his actor dreams postmortem.
One of the posts in the tag was a dpxdc trope writing challenge. So I’m not sure if you’re interested in seeing blurb turned fic summary but here:
Nightwing learns of a travelling circus, Circus Gothica, that claims to have ‘The Real Flying Graysons performing from the beyond the grave’. Alternatively furious and hopeful he discretely goes to investigate, and finds himself overshadowed by one of Ringmaster Freakshows ghostly workers, stuck performing as an acrobat for the circus. As Nightwing struggles with his posession and reunion with seemingly the supposed ghosts of his parents, he finds an unlikely ally in Killer Croc/Waylon Jones, who had been kidnapped on his travels back to Gotham after having tried and failed to settle down in Swamp Things swamp.
Unfortunately the pairs cooperation ends shortly after freeing themselves and the completely unneccessary fight allows Freakshow and his assosciates to escape. Nightwing is determined to solve the case himself (and get justice for his dead parents and himself) causing tension between him and Batman who noted his disappearance.
Batman independently investigates,leading him to the Guys in White. Identifying them as an anti-meta group, he brings it to the attention of the Justice League in hopes of organising a legal solution - Superman takes it personally when one of the primary funders is revealed to be Lex Luthor.
Meanwhile Nightwing has tracked Freakshow to a bolthole/lair, where he comes across Val, a woman in a red jumpsuit, who had been following the trail of a different individual - a villain she calls Vlad Plasmius . The pair work together, Val freeing the ghosts in Freakshows control including the Greysons and Nightwing getting a cathartic takedown of both Freakshow and (with borrowed tech) Vlad.
Their partnership and the greater plot behind the villains actions goes over Nightwings head as he recognises 'not his circus, not his monkeys’ and opts to leave it to his new friend.
Meanwhile Clark Kent has discovered an odd exchange of info/money/tech between the GIW, Lex Luthor and a strange inventor who loudly proclaims that he is Technus. The end goal seems to be to create suits that will be secretly under Lex Luthors control capable of rivalling heroes, so as to supplant heroes as beloved protectors of the world, as a step in ridding the world of independent metas like superman and getting him his own private world army.
Also meanwhile Batman has continued to investigate GIW/Freakshow leading him to Amity Park, where he witnesses young adult Sam Manson inadvertently vitalise plants during a local eco protest. When persistent digging leads to learning about the overgrowth incident, Batman reaches out to Harley for her thoughts on how mentorhip might positively/negatively effect her struggling but mostly reformed partner Poison Ivy. Batman uses his Brucie Wayne persona to assist in organising an eco activism initiative (and plant meta power mentorship) with the Mansons, with Sam taking a guiding role.
Supermans battle against Lexs + Technus mediated ghost/meta power suits goes poorly and he calls in for rescue. Recognising the issues from his research in Amity, Batman 'borrows’ tech from the Fentonworks before going to the rescue.
With the day saved Batman returns to update his records on ghosts and store his new tech, finally leading to Nightwing explaining a bit of his experiences to add to the records.
The story ends on the cliffhanger of Danny getting screwed over by Batman’s improved antighost protections when he went to try track down and collect the stolen weapons.
I had fun with this : )
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Role Reversal AU
Basically, the heroes are villains and the villains are heroes or civilians.
There's a lot of information that I packed into this post.
Beings that aren't included in the swap are: Captain Marvel/Shazam/Champion Teth/Black Adam Captain N*zi (because fuck no is any n*zi going to be anything but evil. No Marvel mistakes with this au.) The Seven Deadly Enemies of Man Literally all of the villains trapped on/in the Rock of Eternity Orange Lantern The Blue Lanterns The Indigo Lanterns White and Black Lanterns Demons maybe Constantine? what do you guys think? Darkseid (good darkseid could be interesting tho) Doomsday Hfuhruhurr (aka Word-Bringer; an alien that collects brains from all over the universe to create an immortal hive mind called "The Union") Mongul 5th dimensional beings (they just like annoying people in general) Pariah Dark probably more
Some Heroes: Amity Park - Plasmius, Technus, Skulker, GIW, Maddie & Jack Gotham - Joker, Two-Face, Bane, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, Ra's Al Ghul (the LOA is more like a secret watcher's society but more infighting in a friendly way) Metropolis - Lex Luthor, Cyborg Superman, Metallo, Parasite London - Cheetah, Giganta, Circe(part-time) Justice League (leaders) - Talia Al Ghul, Lex, Professor Zoom, Cheetah, Star Sapphire (Carol Ferris), Black Manta, Cyborgirl Justice League (general) - Poison Ivy, Gorilla Grodd, Captain Marvel, Red Lantern(Guy Gardner), etc.
Most villains who don't commit any violent crime are simply civilians in this au. (ex: Catwoman, Box Ghost, or Kite Man) Some villains - like Sivanna - become civilians while their family members become villains.
Some background info:
Danny dies and it pisses him off that his parents don't notice. Sam and Tucker agree and they become menaces to Amity Park. Maddie and Jack notice and decide that someone needs to reign in the troublemakers, which makes things worse. Then, the ghosts start noticing and they start sending a ghost to take care of the rogue ghost. Eventually, they find that Skulker and Technus are best suited to deal with the trio. Wolf and Cujo join the trio. Plasmius joins Skulker and Technus and they start trying to clone Danny to try to create an equal to fight against him. The clones are mostly viable because of the help of Technus and the Fentons. Team Phantom kill the clones except for Dani, who joins them. Jazz, while not evil, isn't good either. She just wants to prevent her brother from killing their parents. Because all the good guys are much less concerned with keeping civilians safe, there are a few casualties, which includes Jazz. Jazz notices that Team Phantom might be right about her parents, so she leaves Amity and eventually teams up with Zatanna. TLDR; Danny's mad at his parents and makes Team Phantom to cause chaos around Amity Park. Jazz leaves after she dies and joins Zatanna.
Zatanna (and her father) were low level thieves that were performing as stage magicians before Nabu's helmet turned Giovanni into Dr Fate. Zatanna became enraged at how he wouldn't give her father back and started murdering and stealing other magic user's powers and tomes in hopes of one day returning her father to her. After she found Jazz, who offered to help remove the helmet, she stopped murdering as many people. The two often help Klarion get in the way of Nabu's plans to get rid of anything he perceives as chaotic. While they happen to befriend Klarion, they never stop stealing.
Bruce becomes Owlman and is in charge of the Court of Owls. Tim, Dick, and Jason become Talons. Alfred is known as the Executioner. Barbara is a jewel thief until she loses the ability to walk thanks to falling off a roof while being chased by Joker. After, she becomes a cyber security threat that constantly steals, releases criminals from jail, and hacks into whatever tech the heroes use. Kate becomes a mob boss. Signal starts out stealing, but accidentally turns into a small time mob boss that works on the opposite side of the city. Commissioner Gordon is a corrupt cop who is firmly in Bruce's pocket. He sometimes fills in for Bruce during CoO meetings when Lucius can't. Cass is an assassin called Orphan that inspires more fear than (canon) Deathstroke. Steph got annoyed by how often her dad (cluemaster) was out of the house and became Spoiler - a villain similar to (canon) Riddler. Selena, while she's a civilian, also happens to be Bruce's street level informant.
Clark, while still having been raised by Martha and John Kent and becoming Superman, decides that being a hero is rather boring. While ruling the world sounds intriguing, he's seen many other villains that are just as competent as he is that want to rule. So he decides that he wants to be a complete (rather dark) nuisance. He ruins buildings by tagging them with his heat vision, freezes major water sources, cloned Lex and himself (technically it's a test tube baby but whatever) once, finds ways to steal everyone's stashes of kryptonite, and sometimes murders people. Kon or Conner lives with Lex part time and has two loving parents, both of which don't understand why he enjoys randomly jumping into their battles and fighting them both (causing as much property damage as possible). Lois helps keep criminal activity out of the papers and clocks Clark as Superman right away. She regularly publishes smear campaigns against the heroes and paints Superman in good light. Kara and her clone - Powergirl - regularly fight against Parasite and Cyborg Superman who constantly thwart their plans to take over the world (they're taking Lex's route).
Green Lanterns are like corrupt cops whose mission is to exert their will over others. Hal kills his dad's previous employer while Sinestro tries to stop him. Sinestro creates the Sinestro Corps and is much more like "our and others' fears fuel us and drive us to be able to save people" rather than "fear is true power and should be used as a way to control people". When Parallax takes over Hal, they become the ultimate hero but over time Parallax starts to become corrupted by his willpower and Specter jumps in to keep Parallax from becoming the ultimate evil. After a while Parallax decides that Sinestro is a much better host and both him and Specter leave Hal, who decides to take a long break doing petty crime before breaking the Green Lanterns out of prison. Carol, in the beginning, stops Hal and other Green Lanterns from committing crimes but eventually stops and focuses mostly on taking care of her business and the Star Sapphires. The Green Lantern's main enemies are the Yellow Lanterns, Red Lanterns, and the Manhunters. Blue Lanterns tend to avoid the Green Lanterns and work with the Manhunters.
Barry is super cruel and Eobard Thawne (aka Reverse Flash or Professor Zoom) came from the future to prevent him from destroying everything. Barry's backstory is either he killed his mom and pinned it on his dad, or he ran away from home a few times and his parents died while trying to find him. Thawne is very careful about avoiding Barry while he's a civilian, but is aware that he needs to be close in order to prevent Barry from destroying the timeline or murdering everyone.
Diana has plans on taking over the world of man and eradicating the men while leaving the women in order to create a perfect world for women. Cheetah, Giganta, and (to a lesser extent) Cerce understand that men are needed just as much as women are in order for the world to continue on.
Feel free to add your own ideas or use this for a fic!
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
A Dark idea spawned by the Majora's Mask image, one where we bump the events of DP back into the past and where Danny gets sealed into a mask by some roaming sorcerer after they hear the story of the "EVIL" Ghost terrorizing Amity Park. The Mask changes hands over the years before winding up in a pawn shop in Gotham after the old owner failed to sell it a museum, the Pawn Shop is a casualty of a fight between Killer Croc and the Batclan which releases Danny after the Mask is broken in the fight.
ooo That cool be neat. Croc trying to get away but everything ices over, mist over the store. Trapping the Bats n Croc in. The lights shattering and just two glowing green eyes appear through the mist and then reveals... A young teenage boy with white hair and hero esk outfit. As he stretches with a yawn, blinks staring down at everyone. "Well.. I'm not in Amity Park anymore." The bats prepared to fight, but a bit taken back at the figure. The killer croc no longer afraid seeing small teen, angry at being locked in. Danny just phases through an attack like, "Ok so not a ghost. An actual croc? huh." Danny just easily punching Croc into the wall knocking him out. "....oo.. too much?" Danny then picks up the mask pieces trying to figure out what happened. Batman asking who is he. "Evil Ghost apparently. But you can call me Phantom. " Danny huffed crushing the rest of the mask in his hands. "Now I get to ask one back. Where am i?" They hesitate til Tim states what pawn shop he's in. "......What town?" "First why were you sealed in the mask?" Danny rolling his eyes huffing, "Same answer to the first. Save people from other ghosts and its the thanks I get, now seriously. Where. Am. I?" "...Gotham." "....Gotham? Never heard of.." With that Danny flies off before the Bats can get him to answer anymore questions. Ice dispelled. Killer Croc still knocked out cold. Bruce having to make a call to Jon Constantine. Picking up film/ last pieces of the mask.
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satoshy12 · 6 months
Amity Park is a 2 Home
Almost all Villians have two homes in Amity Park. The town is so weird that even the most mutated Villian would be seen as normal in the city. Here, they weren't Villians but just normal Civlians. like the rest. So most people who stay here, like Clayface, Killer Croc, and others, could just walk on the streets and no one would say anything or even care. Their hero had worse mutations, as he once played with his new powers. Like that one time, he did go to Hecatonchires as how for the Kids who played D&D. So it doesn't really matter for them; don't destroy something or something similar; we don't care. +Marvel+ Mutants are doing pretty well in Amity Park; like, 90% of the world hates them, but Amity Park is their extra gene. It's like nothing for them; they don't care. They are just a normal person for them. So most of them work to hide this place from heroes, as if heroes came here, they would ruin it. They knew it.
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