randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Fic: IVF Successes (Poll Results 3rd)
This list was inspired by this poll, sharing 3rd place with post-Tithonus Mother Hen Mulder.
Successful IVF fics are my life's blood (...okay, all of these Poll Result Fics are my favorites, but--); and there are, fortunately, so many good ones that I love to reread over and over.
I could go on and on about each and every detail I love about each and every one of these fics; but it would take eons. Instead, let's go!
Loose chronological order below~
**Note**: Will ghost edit later~.
@o6666666's (Ao3) Untitled
""Which room tonight?”
She smiles, eyes closed. “Living room.”
He starts, slowly, to scratch her back. “The older kids have a soccer tournament this weekend,” he begins, speaking in the soft monotone that feels like a back scratch in itself. “They came in with their cleats on and tracked mud everywhere and you got mad.”
He feels her grin and gathers her closer.""
Mulder weaves bedtime stories about their Imaginary House filled with kids, a dog, filling food, and a skylight window on the first floor of a two story-house.
@sunflowerseedsandscience’s (Ao3)
2016 Fictober Drabbles - Chapter 8 (Ao3)
""The first time, Mulder had stayed in their basement office during the procedure, and later, when she’d learned that it hadn’t taken, she’d informed him by phone.  The second time, he’d driven her to the doctor’s and waited in the car.  He’d offered to come in with her,  but she’d turned him down.  There had still been no discussion regarding what they’ll do if the procedure works- she hadn’t seen any point in making any decisions when they didn’t even know if it would be necessary- and with his potential involvement still undecided, she’s not completely comfortable having him there.""
Mulder prevents Scully from giving in to despair, asking to pay for her third IVF attempt and opening up their relationship to more.
Someday Your Child May Cry
""Mulder blows straight past Dr. Parenti’s receptionist, with Scully doing her best to ignore the sharp pains in her gut and keep up. In his fury, he’s forgotten her still-healing injury, and from the look he’d had on his face when he’d gotten out of the car, he’s not likely to remember it anytime soon.
She’s never seen him this furious.
Inside Parenti’s office, Mulder doesn’t pause before grabbing the doctor, lifting him bodily from his desk chair, and slamming him against the wall. He brandishes the test results in the terrified man’s face.
“Who do you work for?” Mulder demands. “Whose orders were you following when you did this to my partner? To our child?""
A S6 chapter by chapter epic where Mulder and Scully battle their way through their failing IVF attempts and loss of the X-Files; but what almost breaks them is when Mulder slips up to Diana, who then sells this information to her Consortium higher-ups. (The Tithonus and Sixth Extinction chapters left an imprint on my mind forever. Stunning work, @sunflowerseedsandscience-- you left a mark on my mind forever~.)
AweburnPhoenix's Every Monday
""Two large, thank you," Scully ordered once they reached the end of the line. "Oh, make one decaf," she added. 
Mulder smiled for a second. It would be hard for her to adjust, that was for sure. Probably even more difficult for him. Cranky, no-caffeine, morning Scully was not something he was looking forward to. But they would manage. It was for a good cause.""
Post Monday Mulder is certain that the IVF took, not letting Scully's nerves dimmer their hope. Pam's legacy lives on.
@crossedbeams/CrossedBeams's Pink (Ao3)
""Look inside.’
Mulder had forgotten about the bag, and in the minute he’s been holding it has managed to reduce to top to a sweaty, balled-up mess. It takes him thirty seconds to open it and another thirty to process what’s inside. As he fumbles, Scully’s agitation grows. He can feel her gaze boring into him as he reaches into the paper sack and pulls out the contents.
‘Well?!’ Scully’s voice is as crumpled as the paper. ‘What does it say?’
Mulder looks down at the three pregnancy tests in his hands. He’d thought she was going to the doctors on Monday. He’d been dreading it. The last judgement on a last chance.""
Scully BANGS her way into Mulder's apartment, hyperventilating on his floor and begging him to look at the test results for her.
@frogsmulder/Brynstein's The Day That Never Came (Ao3)
""He bursts through the door, and sees Scully on her knees, leaning against the bath. She looks pale, frightfully so, and although she is staring down, he can see the tears streaking down her face. It's obvious she collapsed in that position and his immediate thought is that the cancer has returned. Kneeling down beside her, Mulder cautiously raises her chin with his finger, ready to catch the blood dripping from her nose with his thumb.
But her nose is clean and she looks up at him with shock and wonder in her eyes, a smile poking through like sunshine through cloud cover.""
Scully terrifies Mulder by yelling for him from the next room.
@atths–twice‘s (Ao3, Alt. Ao3, FFN) Successful Undertakings
""Pacing the room, he waited for her to return, rubbing his hand across his face. Finally, he heard the door open and she walked over to him.
“This is it,” she said quietly and he saw tears in her eyes. “Whatever happens, Mulder, thank you. Thank you for…”
“My contribution?’ he joked, clenching his jaw.
“Yes,” she said seriously, touching his arm. “There is no one else I would have even considered asking.”
“Not even Skinner?” He tried another joke needing to break the heavy seriousness.
“Mulder,” she whispered, shaking her head and wrapping her arms around him, burying into his chest. She sighed as he held her tightly, his eyes closed. “A baby with Skinner would have always been bald."" 
Mulder and Scully are a bundle of nerves at this their last chance; and are both elated when the nurse tells them the good new.
@sisterspooky1013/SisterSpooky1013/Sister Spooky's Everything
""I love you” he whispered so quietly she wasn’t sure if she’d imagined it. She tucked her face back into his chest to conceal a yawn.
“Am I boring you?” He joked, and she chuckled, facing him again while she shook her head.
“I’m just suddenly exhausted” she remarked. How much had her life changed in the past couple hours? It’s was a lot to absorb.
“Wanna take a nap?!” He proposed with the same level of excitement he might normally ask “wanna go to Kentucky?!” Except this time, what he was offering actually sounded good.""
Scully is awed at Mulder's reactions each step of their IVF journey: being struck dumb at her request, scooping her up and comforting her when he thinks the IVF has failed, and alternating between tenderness at her "go big or go home" confession and keen interest in their baby's development. She leaves no doubts regarding "them."
@baronessblixen​‘s (Ao3) 
Against the Odds (Ao3)
""It didn’t take, did it?”
Mulder has spent hours trying to come up with the right words for each outcome. He walked through her kitchen as if taking inventory. As if the fact that she owned three sizes of coffee cups meant anything at all, made any kind of difference. The last hour he spent here, on her couch. A familiar spot. The lumps and indentions fitting his body perfectly as if he belonged there. So he stayed. Stayed and let his thoughts run wild. There were only two outcomes. Two. It’s either one or the other; success or failure. Whatever news she carried with her, though, he knew he needed to be prepared. He fell asleep halfway through thinking up his speech for when it didn’t take. He didn’t even get the chance to consider the idea that it might have worked."" 
Mulder is so overjoyed at the news that he shifts their relationship immediately; and further surprises Scully with a celebratory alien onesie.
Five Minutes
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
""He’s been hovering, lately. In a case of worst timing ever, Scully started having morning sickness right after their first tentative step towards a more intimate relationship on New Year’s Eve. When he walked into his bathroom hours later, hair sticking into every direction, his eyes wide as saucers, she could see in his face that he blamed himself for her sitting there on the cold tiles, hunched over his toilet. As if his shy, careful kiss had caused this. Only her Mulder could conclude something as inane as that. But since that night, he’s become a shadow at her side, making sure she’s fine. Most of the time, she is.
The morning sickness has since passed and has been replaced by this giddiness. Scully glances at Mulder again. Perfectly still, like a statue. Not a peep out of him about how he wants to go home, why this is taking so long and isn’t there a way to speed this up? All these questions run through her mind, though. It’s as though this particular trait of his has been transferred to her, along with a good chunk of his genetic material, currently growing a baby inside of her.
Scully can't wait, buying a pregnancy test early; and, as if reading her mind, Mulder drops in just in time to read the results. She ruminates on this new restlessness of hers after The Goldberg Variation, baffled that their normal rates of patience have swapped; but this is all resolved when she finally, finally, spells out what she wants for their relationship. (One of my all-time favorite IVF pieces is Chapter 2. Can't rave about it enough.)
Successful IVF miniseries
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
I love every. single. line. from Part 2. The best part, to me, was too long to pull out one single quote (the section about holding Matthew and almost getting caught by Bill), so I made do.
""The Christmas tree is unplugged, dark, and she can see Mulder on his side on the couch bed. She isn’t sure that he’s even awake until she draws close to the edge of the cot, and Mulder immediately turns over. “Scully, hey,” he says, his voice somewhere between sweet and worried. “Are you okay? Is it morning sickness?”
Scully chuckles quietly, sitting down on the bed gingerly, one leg folded under her. “Oh, no, Mulder. That’s still a few weeks away, fortunately.”
“Oh.” He extracts an arm out from under the blanket and reaches up to cup her cheek. “What’s up?”
“Oh...” She is suddenly embarrassed.... “I dunno,” she says quietly. “I guess I just got...”
“Cold?” Mulder tugs the sleeve of her sweatshirt between two fingers. 
She nods gratefully. "Cold.""
My all-time favorite IVF success series. Mulder and Scully become a thing the MINUTE that they get their successful news. Slowly, he nudges his way into her apartment, true; but they're an undoubted fixture in each other's life throughout the whole experience. (Part 2 is my all-time favorite IVF fic: it can never be topped, and it was what started my XF fic cataloguing and filing journey. My love for it is boundless; and it is perfection.)
under the star (Ao3)
""Scully, I want this, he says. I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t.
She smiles again, eyes welling up, and buries her head in his shoulder.""
AUs where Mulder and Scully might have been happy-- IVF success is one of them. (Love these little vignettes~.)
effywho's Astra Inclinant
""He doesn't know what that means. She removes her jacket, and he peers at her, trying to make out her expression as nonchalantly as he manage. Happy, heartbroken? She is indecipherable. Mulder tries to still his bouncing leg and bites his nails into his palms in an effort to keep them to himself, though they want her magnetically.
"Hey?" he whispers. Scully is almost upon him, her blue eyes are swimming with tears. He touches her cheek softly, afraid to break this spell, afraid to know. "Is it...is it bad news?" Scully blinks, and a fat tear falls down her face that has inexplicably broken into a dizzying smile. She clutches his biceps, hanging onto him as though she might fall. "No," she chokes out the word.
The breath is knocked swiftly from his lungs, he gapes at her in shock. "No?""
Mulder is speechless with delight at the IVF success; and follows it up with an "I love you." Scully, of course, takes the reigns.
amorfati3215/Amorfati32’s (FFN)
AU headcanons: the IVF works (Alt. link, alt. link)
""Aha, you said “he!” You know it’s a boy!”
“I have no idea Mulder, it’s too early to tell. We can findout the sex next time if we want to.”
Mulder likes the sound of “we”. They’re not a couple, but they’re already embracing co-parenting. He has no idea how it’s going to work when the baby’s born but they have six months to figure it out.""
Mulder is overjoyed when Scully tells him their successful news; and, all told, they have a conversation about everything at least in the first trimester. Bill even cools down enough to let them be happy.
Donna’s (Gossamer, mulderscreek) 
Per Manum Interruptus (Site)
""He thought he had this whole thing thought out. He'd certainly told himself he had. He hadn't just agreed to something like this blind . . . had he?
They hadn't discussed anything in reality. No logistics at all.
"I know I'm babbling, Mulder. There're just so many things going through my mind."
He was able to nod at that.""
The IVF is successful... and Mulder immediately panics. His inner near-hysteria coupled with Scully's serene happiness is a beautiful conversation. Their relationship is a whirlwind before the baby is born... but it all melts away in a washed-up dream (or doesn't if you skip the ending.) The humor in this is spectacular.
Destiny (Site)
""He started to speak when they both heard Katy scream.
He was on his feet and racing for her before Scully had time to process the sound. Katy had gotten herself caught behind the toy basket and didn't have the concept of backing out firmly in her head. Her tears dried magically in his arms.
He turned to look at Scully, still a little shaky. "Am I good to her?""
AU-- Mulder is shot into a future where he and Scully married, the IVF worked, and they have a daughter. He spends the day acclimating, falling in love with this life, and shaking up his own life to help achieve that future.
@blackcoffeeandteardrops's (Ao3) An AU where the IVF works?
""I like it better than the dandelion. I don’t want something too yellow,” she muses. “Which do you like?”
“The green is good,” he says, resting a hand at the small of her back.. She ropes an arm around his waist and it nearly makes him jump, but he quickly settles into it. There’s an invigorated feeling about being close to her, an energy brought forward by the new physical closeness of their relationship, that makes him nearly giddy, “It’s good for a girl or a boy, you know.”
“We don’t need to find out,” she replies, shaking her head, knowing he was trying to goad her into telling him her suspicions.""
This fic covers a little of everything: elation at their success, nervousness while getting ready to tell Maggie, tense anticipation at the "next step" talk, banter over wall swatch colors, and a rewarding little ten-finger-and-toed baby at the end.
@sigritandtheelves/DarlaBlack's Unnamed
""He didn’t come with her because they weren’t… well, they weren’t doing this kind of thing together yet. They were Figuring Things Out, and he’d touched her belly several times (still mostly flat but for bloating, though she let herself pretend it was the swell of life already) and he’d kissed just the corner of her mouth, and his eyes had looked so needy. But. He was buying no “Proud Dad” sweatshirts, nor was he asking her for daily updates or buying onesies. Watching, though. He was always watching her.
And he did seem proud. He’d have come if she’d asked.""
Scully breaks the successful IVF news to Maggie, who immediately reads between the lines.
@sixhours/6hoursgirl's (FFN)
A Boy and His Fox (FFN)
""He squints, tilts his head again. “What I don’t get is how you can look at twenty photos of genuine paranormal phenomena and dub them fakes, then present me with a picture that looks like it was taken by a drunk with a broken camera and claim it’s a baby.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Chronic morning sickness isn’t proof enough?”
“I’m just saying, how do we know this isn’t an elaborate hoax perpetuated by government officials who don’t want the public to know the truth?”
“The truth about what?” she asks, folding her arms over her chest in mock skepticism.
“The scam that is the medical ultrasound industry. Seriously, Scully,” he says, gesturing to the photo. “I saw something like this during a Rorschach test once.""
Mulder is a detached but interested party to Scully's successful IVF journey; and is even swept in as Maggie's replacement when it's go-time. Slow, slooooooow burn into an actual relationship. (I love to pause just after the baby is born; but I reread fics patchily.)
Lucidity (FFN)
""Kids?” he asks, pressing his eyes shut against the inevitable answer.
She softens, stroking the baby’s cheek with the back of her fingers as he coos and wiggles against her. “Emma and Will.”
Good names, he thinks, fixating on the ring around his finger. He slips it off, passing it from one hand to the other.
“You’re saying you don’t remember anything. Not even our children.”
“It’s like I’ve stepped into another life.”
She makes a disapproving sound in the back of her throat. The expression on her face reminds him of a much younger version of his partner—one who stood in the rain and laughed at his theories, who followed him as he chased lights in the sky.""
AU-- Post Triangle? Mulder is stressing out over Scully's IVF request; but bigger problems come his way when he dreams himself into an alternate universe as a family man: baby son, suspicious older daughter, disbelieving wife, and doting boss-father-in-law in tow.
TeaGirl42's Born to Be My Baby
""We want you to understand that if it were anyone else, I mean if you were anyone else we wouldn't even be having this conversation," Mulder said cryptically.
"Well no..." Skinner replied dryly. "If I were anyone else we wouldn't be..."
Scully rolled her eyes and smiled at their boss patiently, "We're asking you to keep this confidential…for now at least."
"Is this…?" Skinner started to say and looked cautiously around the room signalling to the possibility that someone could be listening in.
"No, nothing like that," Scully assured. "This is all available to anyone who has access to my medical records…this isn't business, this is personal.""
The IVF works; and Mulder and Scully are launched into a soft famfic: admitting their love, telling Skinner (because), first dates at planetariums, having a daughter, getting married, and all the et cetera's of a happier life.
FatCat's Eggnog
""Scully is tired and sore from all the work of labor, but nothing is bothering her too much. I once again have feeling in my fingers on my left hand. I am drowsy, happy, and ready to join my family in sleep when I hear Scully muttering.
"What? Scully? What did you say?"
" ... didn't get any."
"What, Baby? What didn't you get?"
"Eggnog. I still didn't get any Eggnog. What's a New Year's Eve without eggnog?" she mumbles.""
Mulder and Scully are stuck in a stickup at the end of her third trimester; but it gives them time to ruminate on their glaring lack of communication. Both decide that Scully tearing her brothers to bits in Mulder's defense (and dropping the "love" word) is enough to, at least, open the conversation. Their relationship is thwarted, however, just as it begins-- but in a good way.
WildwingSuz/Suzanne Feld's Fruition (Ao3)
""Mulder…” I half-whimpered, not sure who I was angrier with more, the annoyingly cheerful doctor or the man who’d done this to me. So I had asked my partner to be the father, but that was beside the point at the moment....
I gathered my flagging strength as much as I could, feeling Mulder tense behind me. “This is it, Kate, one good push and it’s over,” Dr. Towhees said in that all-too-cheerful voice. “Let’s get this over with; you’re almost done.”
I swore I would strangle him when this was over.""
Post Millennium Mulder and Scully have to go into hiding after their IVF is successful; but both don't care as long as they're together with their son. In noncommunicative fashion, they only say these things after he's born, of course.
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lilydalexf · 2 years
Hi! I’m wondering if you have a link to this AU fic which is basically the entirety of the show except with Emily in it? It was written by amorfati123 or something like that and I guess she deleted her tumblr and ao3. Thanks!
I think you're remembering amorfati3215 whose tumblr and AO3 are deleted. Some X-Files fics are still up at fanfiction.net, including the one you may be remembering: Another Man's Child by AmorFati32 (related fic: A Christmas Tale). It is a long AU that tracks through the series, though it does not involve Emily but another little girl named Ashley. Its summary: When Fox Mulder is assigned a new partner on the X Files, the last thing he expected to do was fall in love with her. Or her daughter.
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emmapills · 4 years
Hello! I love your blog and was wondering if you have any fic recs for MSR that end happily? I don’t mind angst, but I’m looking for something that ends on a high note :)
40 Weeks and the Terra Firma series by Malibu Sunset (Terra Firma has angsty parts, but ends happy!)
Of The Eight Winds by @slippinmickeys
Undercover Swing by twomomsmakearight (VERY smutty 😈)
The Family G-Man by Neoxphile and FelineFemme (127 chapters!!! has angsty parts, but ends happy! chapter one is sad tho 😢)
The X-Files: Season 12 by @admiralty-xfd, RoseThornhill, and @slippinmickeys
Another Man’s Child and also AMC Revisited by AmorFati32
these are ones I keep revisiting and always have the tabs open on my phone 😅
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
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dnscully · 4 years
hi! I’m just now getting into the X-Files fandom and ur blog is amazing. I was wondering if you had any fanfic recs? I desperately need more MSR content, but I have no idea where to start
ahhh thank you so much! i have loads of favorites but here are some i go back to a lot:
Bite Size Love by malibusunset - season 7 fic. prequel to another series but can stand alone
The Common Fat of All Things Rare by Aloysia_Virgata & Scarlet - cancer arc fic in between never again and memento mori
Dating Kings and Queens by @baronessblixen - rain king fic
Between Sorrow and Bliss by @sunflowerseedsandscience - cancer arc fic
All The Times by agoodwoman - all the times mulder has said i love you before triangle (wip?)
the things she carries by @edierone - cancer arc angst and jealous mulder
Momentum by @msrheadcanon - post en-ami angst
The I in Team by @spookydarlablack - diana angst, mulder and scully in a team-building seminar
Fowl Play by @baronessblixen - diana angst
pocket guts by @wtfmulder - developing relationship but then ~boom~ diana fowley. diana angst 
Mulder, Scully and Diana Fucking Fowley by @sarie-fairy - diana angst, scully dates and mulder is jealous
Marshmallow World by agoodwoman - holiday fic. so cute. jealous mulder and flirty msr. kind of long?
Partners with Benefits by @gaycrouton - friends with benefits fic
In Another Life by @mldrgrl - au where mulder is just another fbi agent and scully is a bureau pathologist. a fave
close to knowing by @o6666666 - emily au. very cute 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 (wip)
the unspeakable fear of things by @how-i-met-your-mulder - emily au
A Boy and His Fox by 6hoursgirl - kidfic. post - per manum, and if im not mistaken its an au where the ivf works. also very cute. i’m such a sucker for daddy mulder 🤧
Another Man’s Child by Amorfati32 - au where scully has a kid (very long fic! and one of my favorites to reread)
Variations by Lapsed_Scholar - requiem au. the different ways requiem could have ended if mulder never went to oregon
Deadalive AU by @markwatneyandenesemble
Not on AO3 
i don’t like reading on places not on ao3 or tumblr, so when i rec fics on other sites like whispersofx or gossamer you knOW i like them
Worth Breaking by Narida Law - friends with benefits fic. mutual pining. sooo good
Cubed by Louise Martin - body swap fic. i read this some time ago so all i remember is that i quite liked it. im pretty sure they that scully body swaps with a scully [from] an alternate universe. (long fic!)
Skin by Annie Sewell-Jennings - au where mulder and scully have never met. but they kind of have? i haven’t read this in a long time. its complicated. also a long fic!
i just know im missing so many !! but these are all great
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hello hello do you have ANY and i mean any recs you can think of for smutty times being interrupted/walked in on/heard by someone else? this social distancing is getting to me 💜💜💜
This one isn’t so much my kink,  but I do have a few saved that I think fit the bill.
The Telephone Game by Cmonlauraweremarriednow - Bill interrupts Mulder and Scully having phone sex.
Three Times Mulder and Scully Got Caught and One Time They Didn’t Care by Bohoartist - Pretty much self-explanatory.
Just Another Day by ihavefeministbones - Scully’s mom walks in on them.
Desk Job  by AmorFati32 - Tad O’Malley almost catches them
This is just what I had readily available. Anyone and everyone should feel free to add to this!
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mulderscreek · 6 years
First Christmas With You Challenge (2014)
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This year’s challenge is to write a fic about an X-Files character sharing a first Christmas with their child. Although we typically think of a “first Christmas” as the first one a child is alive, the important element here is that it’s the first Christmas the character is sharing with this child no matter how many the child has already lived through.
Therefore there are multiple possibilities for how a “first” Christmas might come about, such as:
- Scully’s first Christmas with William - Scully and/or Mulder’s first Christmas with a non-canon baby - Any character’s first Christmas with their baby - Any character’s first Christmas with their newly adopted child - Any character’s first Christmas with their newly discovered child - Scully and/or Mulder’s first (AU) Christmas with Emily when she’s four if she lived, or at any age when was later discovered to be alive in your story - Mulder’s first Christmas with William in your AU story where William was never given up - Mulder’s first Christmas with William after being reunited - Any character’s first Christmas with their child who was physically separated from them for their previous Christmas(es) - William’s first Christmas with his adopted parents - William’s first Christmas with a newly born or adopted sibling - it’s permissible for this “first” Christmas to be a few months before the child’s birth if their mother’s pregnancy is far enough along for the unborn child’s presence to be felt - Any character’s first Christmas with a grandchild
These suggestions are not all-inclusive, so if you come up with another way a character would be spending the first Christmas with the baby or child, you’re welcome to strike out on your own =)
Very Optional:
* Combine this challenge with the elements of any other challenge on this site for entry in the Take Two Challenge
* You can write about more than one child’s first Christmas, so if you’d like to write about a six months’ pregnant Scully celebrating her 11-month-old’s first Christmas with Mulder after discovering Emily’s alive, being reunited with William and adopting the Van De Kamp’s other child after their untimely deaths… well, we’d be really impressed ::grins::
* If you’d like to, you can write a duology or trilogy, writing this as a sequel to a fic you write for the First Halloween With You challenge and/or the First Thanksgiving With You challenge
Fics so far for this challenge:
Nativitatis by 6hoursgirl
Choices at Christmas Time by trycee  
Another Man’s Child - A Christmas Tale by AmorFati32  
Home For the Holidays by Neoxphile
Please submit your story or the link to it to [email protected] or post here on our submissions Tumblr  - or send me a message with your fic on Tumblr to reblog. - by  New Years Eve  
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Another Man’s Child Writer:  AmorFati32 TV Show:  X-Files
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
Collector's Edition: Bill Scully, MSR, and Pain (Part I)
How to melt the Abominable SnowBilly, Season 2 through Season 7 (IVF arc not included.)
**Note**: I had to eliminate fics not specifically related to an illness or injury because the word capacity on Tumblr is uncharitably short.
Loose chronological order below~
SammyLovesASOIAF's I Don't Want You Like A Best Friend
He chuckled to himself. The Scully siblings were a weird juxtaposition of different traits. Bill Jr. was strict, Melissa was carefree, Scully was careful, and Charles—well, he was always in absentia. 
AU-- Post One Breath Mulder is almost creamed by a firework before Bill Scully saves him.
@living-in-unreality/@television-overload/ContentsPriceless's beautiful (Ao3)
The pieces slowly come together in his mind, everything he knows about Fox Mulder. His mother must have seen it long ago, hence her willingness to help him this morning. And he would have stood in the way.
Bill Scully can see the love in Mulder's attempts to paint on Scully's makeup for her.
MldrItsMe's A Favor
“Should Dana be out of bed?” Bill grumbled.
Mulder involuntarily squeezed Scully a little closer to himself. “She asked me to,” he said. He thought better of adding “hold her” and just let the situation speak for itself.
AU-- Redux II Scully is suffering on her deathbed: 96 pounds and swiftly losing independence.
@scully-loves-ruthie's cancer arc: mulder sneaks a dying scully out
Bill will storm into her hospital room after, a firecracker beneath a teacup ready to explode sending the fine shards of his rage into the newlyweds.  He’ll find himself frozen his fuse stamped out at the sight of his sister’s frail and fading body wrapped like a puzzle piece inside Mulder’s arms, the couple sound asleep.
AU-- Redux II Bill doesn't rip Mulder's head off after finding out he and Scully were quickly married.
intrepidment's Bill and me
"You had talent for medicine, Dana, everyone admitted that. You would've had every right to be haughty, but you never flaunted your talent then. Then you changed your mind, you became an investigator, and suddenly you're this overconfident professional."
I opened my mouth to rebuke him, but I had to admit he was right. Somewhat. 
Post Redux II Bill and Scully have a siblings' semantics fight over Mulder's napping body.
amorfati3215/Amorfati32’s (FFN) Number 9 for the dialogue prompt.
Mulder hasn’t got very far when he hears Bill call out, stopping him in his tracks. “You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”
Post Redux II Bill gives Mulder his version of a blessing.
@lotsoforangesoutside/@lotzzoforangezoutside‘s (Ao3) Seven Pound and Six Ounces (Ao3)
He’s never held a day-old baby before this one.
And now, Fox Mulder can proudly say that he has held one, changed his diaper, and napped with the tiny thing like a log in the cradle of his arm.
With his other arm held by one Dana Scully, his hand holding hers. On the sofa in her big brother’s living room.
Post Emily Bill lets Mulder and Scully be.
soverysesual's The Truth Not Considered
He frowned as he observed the scene in front of him: his sister was sitting up, her head resting in an awkward position as she dozed, the mug of tea precariously balanced in one of her hands, while Mulder held her other hand grasped between both of his, as if he was clinging to her for dear life.
Post Emily Bill (reluctantly) helps Scully get comfy next to Mulder.
Marguerite's (Ao3) When the Bough Broke
Bill is standing between us and the embers of last night's fire. Scully has not stirred; I still keep her within the circle of my arms. Her brother's face is unreadable. I make a helpless gesture with my hand, but he stops me and points to my face. It's still wet with tears.
Post Emily Bill finally understands and becomes comrade-in-arms.
pen-paper-aliens/theficisoutthere/aka PPA's 95 ❤️
She’s still holding that hand when we walk in, nobody notices, or if they do, they don’t care. Bill notices too, but even he doesn’t say anything. What do you say to a mother who lost a child she never knew? 
AU-- Post Emily Bill lets his sister find comfort in her partner.
Jen's (mulderscreek)
Christmas Eve & Airports and Christmas & Mrs. Scully's House
"He's upstairs," Dana said and could swear she heard Bill mutter something under his breath. 
AU-- S6 Scully convinces Mulder to join her and her family for Christmas and ends up nursing his unexpected strep throat.
@baronessblixen‘s (Ao3) 
Christmas With The Scullys (Tumblr)
“My bed,” she says, just to clarify. She hears a clatter from behind her and doesn’t need to turn around to know that Bill is there and listening.
S7 Bill and Scully battle it out after she brings an injured Mulder to the Scully family Christmas party.
O Holy No - Chapter 7 (Tumblr)
“Where’s the guy?” he asks, chewing with his mouth open.
“Do you mean Mulder?” Her brother nods, stuffing more chips into his mouth. It reminds her of when they were teenagers and Bill, towering over her and Melissa, would steal their snacks and interrogate them, claiming it was his duty when their father wasn’t home.
AU-- Mulder and Scully, newly minted couple that they are, both fly out to Bill's house for Christmas... and are greeted with unexpected shenanigans.
Almost Home (4/4)
"Hey, wife," he said, approaching her from behind.
Mulder wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on her shoulder.
"I don't think Bill suspects a thing," she told him gravely.
AU-- Post Requiem Mulder is returned with ongoing medical complications; but that doesn't stop the leftover Conspiracy or Bill Scully's lingering concerns.
And salliejohns's
Mr. Mulder, Mother Maggie, and Empty Place Settings
It was a big risk, but it paid off well. We were able to establish contact with our old boss and he came through for us, sending Bill Scully, Jr. a cryptic message about his dry cleaning.
AU-- S9 Bill is happy to find his sister and her partner alive in California; but that doesn't erase the pain of losing touch with his mother while Maggie raises baby William in hiding.
Hestia01‘s (Ao3) The Next Great Adventure Chapter 1 and Chapter 5
"Bill, they're here!"
Bill looks around, now looking concerned for his mother's grip on reality. "Who's here?"
"Dana's here! She brought Fox along, too! You can't see them, but they stayed!"
Giving his mother a pitying look, he nods indulgently. "Sure, Mom, whatever helps."
AU-- The crack adventures of Mulder and Scully after death (Skinner hoarding their poster and Bill getting his comeuppance included.)
Keep It All the Year
“Where’d he go?” she asked. He shrugged.
“Got in a cab,” he said. “I don’t know where to.” Scully groaned.
“Maybe one of you should stay put so the other can find them,” he said, but she wasn’t listening at all.
“He left his phone at the hotel, I bet he went back to get it,” she said, barreling passing Bill down the stairs and grabbing the keys.
AU-- S6 Mulder is dragged out to Scully's torturous family Christmas in San Diego, where the franchise becomes a complete disaster all the way 'round (Diana included.)
bluesamutra's una via - Chapter 4, Chapter 5 and Chapter 6
Dana had been at death’s door before he showed up at the hospital with a computer chip and a story straight out of a Michael Crichton book.  Bill had stood by in disbelief when she, a woman of science, trusted him enough to put it in her neck.
And yet.
And yet, he had watched from the shadows of her room, unseen, when Mulder crept into her room that same night and wept silently into her hand. 
AU-- Post Amor Fati Bill Scully's family reunion takes a serious turn when Matthew almost drowns and Mulder injures his shoulder during the rescue.
You're Not Alone and You're Not Alone II
She’d barely stepped inside their mother’s home before Bill had started inspecting her injuries, making her instantly regret not wearing a turtleneck. He went so far as to grasp her chin and tilt her head up to get a better look at them. Irritated, she’d shoved his hand away and declared “I’m fine” before stepping past him to embrace her mother.
Post Millennium Mulder and Scully are navigating their relationship post episode, with their own personal complications as well as her family, profiling, and on-the-job demands.
Red0313's Nothing Breaks Like a Heart
We make eye contact. He knows I am awake. I can’t even fake it. This should be good. Kick a man while he’s down, literally.
“Mister Mulder, I see you’re going to be just fine. That seems to make my sister very happy,” he huffs. Something’s eating him up.
S7 Bill observes his sister's pain and penance after Mulder takes a bullet for her.
Susan Proto’s Barbecue Series 14, The - Labor of Love
She must have picked up Matty, because all I hear from him now are soft whimpers instead of hysterical crying. And then I hear her ask, "What happened, Bill?"
"He got hit by the Harley. He ran into the street and got hit by the Harley."
A Harley?
AU-- Mulder has been bullied by Bill for years, and finally sets his foot down after the other throws away his engagement ring.
@tatooedlaura-blog/tatooedlaura/Laura Sprys​’s Always Been Yours
Mulder was out of the shower and in the kitchen helping Scully with a makeshift dinner when Charlie and Bill walked through the door. Scully's eyes swam again when she saw her older brother. Hugging her tightly, he looked over toward Mulder and nodded his head.
In shocked surprise, he walked over a shook Bill's hand, "hello again."
AU-- S7 Maggie is unexpectedly killed in a car accident; and Bill keeps to himself while Mulder prevents Scully from falling apart.
Thank you for reading~
23 notes · View notes
randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector's Edition: amorfati3215 (Recovered-ish with Various Links)
Unfortunately, amorfati3215 deleted most of her excellent fics. Fortunately, I was able to track down a fair amount of her work using sundry and assorted links.
Note: This list is more of an outline of her work rather than an indepth recommendation of each of her fics (those will be included on future Collector's Editon lists.)
Loose chronological order below~
amorfati3215/Amorfati32’s (FFN)
Unnamed Hot Dog Costume
""They were to blend in, befriend the locals and try and get to the bottom of who was carrying out these murders, and why. Which had led to them attending the town’s Halloween party. It had been Mulder’s idea – at first he had been enthusiastic about the pair of them attending a party together – but he was now clearly regretting it.""
Scully sets up Mulder for failure on their stakeout.
Never Say Never Again
""She hadn’t mentioned anything about a lunchtime appointment – if anything she looked as though she’d settled in for the afternoon. In fact, Mulder had been about to suggest that the two of them take advantage of the warm summer weather and go for a stroll and a coffee, if only for Scully to get some air and clear her head. Today had been a good day for her so far – there had been no nosebleeds, no headaches, and he knew that they had to take advantage of these days while they could."" 
Cancer Arc Mulder is not happy that a freed Ed Jerse calls to check up on Scully.
Unfortunately, I could not locate the longer version of this fic.
18. Things you said when you were scared
""He forced a smile. “Nothing. Sorry for waking you.”
Scully however, had always been able to see through his lies.""
AU-- Redux ii Scully wakes up as Mulder cries by her bed. Many confessions and promises are exchanged.
9. You're in love with her
""Mulder sits up straight as the door to Scully’s room opens. He briefly entertains the idea of jumping up from his seat and rushing off but he knows he won’t be quick enough to avoid Scully’s family, so he sits and resigns himself to his fat. Of course his luck has run out, he thinks, as Bill steps out of the room into the corridor. And of course Bill spots him immediately, his expression darkening."" 
Post Redux II Bill decides to confront Mulder on his love for Scully... and, surprisingly, gives his blessing.
Unnamed Post Detour
""Four years working together, not to mention car-pooling when one of their vehicles broke down or needed servicing, and the odd occasion that one of them had needed a lift home from hospital. It was strange, he thought, comforting in a way to realize that they’d yet to run out of conversation."" 
Post Detour Mulder and Scully continue their sing-a-long in the car.
A bit of fun for a Sunday morning
""They’re all smug married people.”
“And I’m not.”
“And that’s a problem?”
“It is, because it makes me their project.""
S5?-- Scully asks Mulder to be her escort to a high school reunion. He dials up his Rob Petrie act before Rob Petrie existed. Skinner just as surprised and appalled to be at the same reunion.
Emily and Engagement Part 1
""Mulder narrowed his eyes as he jumped to his partner’s defense. “You’re her mother Scully.”
“Biologically potentially. But I’m also a single woman working a dangerous job. There are plenty of married couples out there looking to adopt.”
“They’re not going to let you adopt your own daughter because you’re not married?""
Emily-- Scully is about to lose chance of custody when Mulder drops in and swiftly convinces her to pretend they're engaged.
Emily and Engagement Part 2
""There was no sarcasm in her voice, she believed what he was telling her, and Scully suddenly realized that in just a matter of days she and Mulder would be married. “I’m just a little confused as to why Dana didn’t include this information in her application.”
“We’ve kept our relationship a secret for so long,” Mulder had explained, interrupting his partner before she crumpled and admitted it was all a lie.""
After passing inspection with the social worker, Scully begins to panic: that she can't go through with this charade if it ends in a real marriage. Mulder assures her he'd never resent her.
Emily and Engagement Part 3
""Emily is my daughter mom! She’s my flesh and blood and I’m going to do whatever it takes to take her home with me.”
“Dana, I’ve accepted the fact you’ve changed and you’ve stepped away from your family, but I can’t accept this. marrige isn’t a con, it’s a commitment, a declaration of love.”
“There is love here Mrs Scully, and this is a commitment,” Mulder interrupted, before Maggie or Scully could say something they later regretted. When they both looked at him questioningly, daring him to speak, he continued.""
Mulder and Scully have to break the news to an irate Maggie.
Emily and Engagement Part 4
""It was late at night, or early in the morning depending on how you looked at it, when Mulder switched off the television in his hotel room and thought he ought to at least attempt some sleep. After all he couldn’t turn up to the court house looking worse for wear on his wedding day of all days. He and Scully at least had to look like happy newlyweds, even if Mulder was certain that wasn’t exactly the case, at least for Scully."" 
Scully arrives at Mulder's motel to call off the engagement the night before their wedding. He manages to calm her fears; and she reassures him she'd never resent marrying him, either.
What if it had been Scully to get shot, instead of Diana?
""Mulder feels his legs buckle as he spots movement out of the corner of his eye, and then moments later the EMTs carry Scully out of the motel room on a stretcher. She looks deathly pale, and she doesn’t respond when Mulder walks over to her and squeezes her hand. He can barely hear Skinner updating Diana on the situation, and instead he tries to follow Scully into the ambulance.""
AU-- The End Mulder runs to Scully's side, ignoring Diana trying to pull him away. Skinner steps up for both of his agents.
AU Post The Ghosts That Stole Christmas
""Mulder paused by the gate as he heard Scully call his name, then turned to face her as she stepped out of the house and walked towards him. “Scully, it’s snowing,” he warned her, noticing that she wasn’t wearing a jacket or any shoes for that matter.  "Go back inside.“ Ignoring his warning, Scully continued towards him, her arms wrapped around her middle as the cool wind hit her, the snow settling in her hair and on her shoulders.
“You’ll get frostbite.” Her cheeks reddening due to the plummeting temperature, Scully shot Mulder a sly grin before suddenly closing the gap between them and stepping on to his shoes. Instinctively Mulder’s hands came out to rest on her hips, steadying her as he laughed. “You’re crazy.""
Post TGTSC-- Mulder gives in to Scully's pleas to join her family Christmas. Tara sends jolly hints at the two of them in support; Bill tears Mulder down; but Scully restores the day when she abides by her childhood law of mistletoe.
Unnamed Annoyance Over Diana
""Mulder sat back in his seat, sighing as he glared across the desk at his partner, waiting for her to continue. When he’d walked into the office earlier that morning he’d hoped for an easy day; he had a headache brewing, no doubt a result of little sleep the previous night, and for once he just wanted to go eight hours without arguing with Scully. It was all they’d been doing lately."" 
S6-- Mulder, provoked and fed up with Scully's snappiness, decides it's a wise move to tell her to be more like Diana.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the longer version of this fic.
AU Scully Leaves Post One Son
""I’m just a little…surprised you replaced me so quickly.”
“It wasn’t my idea.”
“But you didn’t object…” His expression told her she was right. “It’s fine.""
AU-- Post One Son Scully comes back from vacation to find Diana has effectively replaced her. Mulder won't bend on his non-suspicions, though he desperately tries to change his mind. Both are sad he walks away.
AU headcanons: the IVF works
""Aha, you said “he!” You know it’s a boy!”
“I have no idea Mulder, it’s too early to tell. We can find out the sex next time if we want to.”
Mulder likes the sound of “we”. They’re not a couple, but they’re already embracing co-parenting. He has no idea how it’s going to work when the baby’s born but they have six months to figure it out."" 
AU-- Mulder and Scully enjoy the adjustments that her pregnancy brings, from the annoying morning sickness to Bill's reluctant acceptance to the miracle of spicy food at 9 months.
Unnamed Dating
""They’d agreed right from the start that they’d keep their relationship quiet; the last thing they wanted was to make things awkward with work, though Mulder insisted their colleagues already suspected they were sleeping together. And if they didn’t already, Scully thinks to herself....""
Dating-- Scully knows the FBI has to know she and Mulder have started dating (because Mulder is bad at keeping secrets.)
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the longer version of this fic.
The Essentials
“Helpme choose breakfast for tomorrow.”
“We can go out for breakfast,” she whined.""
Dating-- Scully hates going grocery shopping, especially at the horrendous times Mulder chooses to go. He cajoles her in, anyway.
Don't Panic
""The cops arrived and took both their initial statements, promising to follow up with them both the following day, and Pfaster’s body had barely been removed from the scene of the crime before Mulder was helping Scully into his car, driving her over to Alexandria as quickly as he could. She said nothing during the journey, keeping her eyes trained out of the passenger window as she shivered, still wrapped within her blanket, and he didn’t try to push her.""
Post Orison Mulder helps Scully recover from a Pfaster-induced panic attack, assuring her he'd always be there to help her.
The Five Ads for if Samantha was found alive
""She shows him a picture of them and he can’t take his eyes off of her youngest daughter, Sophie, a beaming, mischievous-looking three year old, the spitting image of Samantha at her age. They’ll be excited, she tells Mulder, when they find out they have an uncle. Mulder knows the feeling. He looks at the photo again, at his relatives, at Samantha sitting next to him, and he thinks of Scully. His family.""
AU-- Mulder's walk doesn't lead him to Samantha's walk-in; instead, it gives Scully the opportunity to find his sister for him, alive and well thanks to the nurse who rescued her.
Unnamed Post First Person Shooter
""Before Scully could begin reeling off her list of offenses, Mulder spoke again. “I trust you, I’m comfortable in myself and our relationship and I don’t get jealous. Ever.”
“Ever? That’s a big claim Mulder. One I think you’ll regret making.”
“I’m not the jealous type.”
“Oh yeah?""
Mulder's amusement at Scully's jealousy fades when she uses his against him with a too-friendly waiter.
The List
""Don’t forget you said you’d do the expense reports this month,” he’ll remind her when they’re in the office, then ignores her when she tells him it’s his turn. “Can you grab me some peanut butter cups?” he’ll ask as she’s jotting down her shopping list during one of their long drives across country. “I finished the last pack at the weekend. Oh and bagels for breakfast!"”
Pre-Requiem Scully is hurriedly scribbling her to-do list before the big audit. Mulder, amused, adds an item to it.
Unnamed Requiem AU Part 1
""We’ll have to tell your mom. Maybe you could tell Bill and Charlie when I’m out of the room though. Bill is not going to be pleased I knocked his little sister up…” Another shake of the head. “I knocked his little sister up.” He barely had time to breathe before speaking again. “We should get married.”
“Mulder!” Scully’s laughing now, unable to stop herself. “Slow down!""
AU-- Requiem Mulder barges into the hospital (having left Skinner at the airport); and is overjoyed and exuberant with Scully's new. Both are glad he didn't leave (and both don't know what is happening to Skinner....)
Unnamed Requiem AU Part 2
""Her tears fall in earnest now as her emotions get the better of her, and Scully lifts a hand to wipe them away. She knows about hormonal changes and she’s read the books on pregnancy so she knows this is normal, but she’s also aware that her life is anything but normal right now.""
AU-- Per Manum Scully is feeling immense happiness and guilt over the abducted party in Bellefleur. In a plot-twist-fake-out, it's not Mulder.
Unnamed Three Words AU
""He doesn’t ask questions, not at first, aware just by looking at Scully that she’s been though the ringer recently. She’ll tell him everything, he knows that, but first he needs his rest. So he sleeps a thankfully dreamless sleep, waking up a few hours later to look into Scully’s hopeful eyes. “You’re still here,” he murmurs drowsily, reaching out to take hold of Scully’s hand before closing his eyes once again.""
AU-- Three Words Mulder doesn't withdraw, grateful for peace after the horrors he's been through. Instead, he slowly recovers and sinks happily into fatherhood.
Unnamed Prompt "I saw him..."
""He’s stood in the doorway to her kitchen, staring at her accusingly, while Agent Doggett takes a step away from her, his hands twitching by her side as though he’s debating whether or not to reach for his gun."" 
Post Three Words Mulder rails against Doggett, to the anger of a very bloodthirsty Scully.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the longer version of this fic.
Three Words
""Her frustration, the fear, anger and grief she’d carried with her for the past five months, combined with her pregnancy hormones made Scully feel like she was about to explode. “And let me tell you where you fit in Mulder. You fit in where you always have. You fit in here, with me.""
AU-- Three Words Scully tells Mulder where he fits in, not letting the moment pass at his apartment. Knowing the baby is his helps Mulder begin to regain the ground he's been scrambling to recapture.
Unnamed Late S8
""I think you’re regretting eating yours so quickly and now you want mine too so you’re trying to butter me up.”
“I’m not trying to butter you up,” she protests, a little too weakly for her liking. Mulder grins in response, well aware he’s got her sussed.""
Scully wants Mulder's cookie. Mulder teases and negotiates with her, all the while hiding a secret second cookie for himself.
Unnamed On the Run
""I’ve got more socks Scully, it’s fine.”
“It’s not fine.”
“It’s just a bit of vomit. It never hurt anyone. Come on,” he added, wrapping an arm around her. “Please stop crying, it’s ok.” But Scully didn’t agree, and her tears didn’t let up.""
Post S9 Scully is a sick mess-- vomiting on Mulder's socks, tearing up because she can't call Maggie, hating herself for giving up Will-- and Mulder does his best to soothe all that ails her.
She pulled her hair back
""Two days in and they were still trying to find a routine, though they both knew it was early days. All that really mattered was that William was finally here. After all the drama surrounding his birth, Scully was overjoyed to find her son healthy and safe, just a normal, beautiful baby completely and utterly adored by his parents.""
S9 AU-- Scully lovingly observes her family-- doting but dead-to-the-world Mulder, and adorable but maker-of-code-red-diapers Baby Will. She ends up being lovingly observed as well.
Dance For Prom Prompt
""William scrunched his nose up indisgust. “You guys are such an embarrassment.”
“Hey, this embarrassment…” saidMulder, twirling Scully round. “…has just saved your bacon.”
S9 AU-- Will is in a pickle for the school prom; and asks Scully if she can help teach him to dance. Mulder finds out, anyway, and 'cuts in'.
Twins AU Part 1
""He was the perfect combination of his parents. However – thankfully, thought Skinner – he seemed to have inherited some of his mom’s shyness. Hopefully that meant she wouldn’t have as much trouble keeping him in line as she did Mulder.""
AU-- Skinner thinks it's just another ordinary meeting with Agent Mulder until Scully and Will drop in to pick him up. Then Will blurts out their secret second pregnancy. (Note: Will is stated to be ~2 years here; but he changes to 6 mos. later on. Is this apart of the Twins AU? Maybe not. The truth is out there.)
Twins AU Part 2
""Approaching him cautiously, Scully sinks to her knees in front of him and sets down her purse, tugging on arms and taking hold of his hands, wanting him to face her. “It’s okay,” she murmurs, the concern evident in her voice. She’s in shock too, her mind reeling from the events of the past twenty minutes, but she’s aware that right now she has to be the strong partner in their relationship. One of them has to stay strong. “You’re going to be okay.""
Mulder PANICS over the news that Scully is expecting twins. She panics he left. They bond; then panic and banter together.
Twins AU Part 3
""Scully stands in the doorway of the dining room, her hands on her hips as she surveys the damage.
Mulder turns in his seat to shoot her a sheepish smile, well aware he’s about to be yelled at, even though he’s not to blame. Well, not entirely.""
Scully comes home after a long shopping trip to find their home trashed. Mulder picks up his and Will's mess after convincing her to relax (and yes, Will changes ages in this fic.)
Twins AU Part 4
""Here you go Dad.”
Mulder’s whole world slows as the baby is placed into his arms."" 
Mulder holds one of the twins for the first time; and is awash with awe and protectiveness.
Unnamed Post IWTB Prompt
""I’m going now Mulder, I’ll see you tonight.” She paused by the door, waiting for a response, but nothing. Sighing to herself, she turned, looking back towards Mulder’s study. The door was open, and she could vaguely detect the sound of the tapping of a keyboard coming from behind it, but there was no sign that the man inside had heard her."" 
Post IWTB Scully's life is turning more and more solitary as Mulder slips into a hermited life in his study.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the longer version of this fic.
AU Mulder and Scully never separated Post IWTB (Alt. link)
""Scully is back working long shifts. Christian may be on the road to recovery now but there are plenty more little boys (and girls) in need of her help. Mulder decides to write that book he’s been talking about for years, putting his experience and imagination to good use. It’s while he’s researching content for the book that curiosity gets the better of him, he finds himself looking up adoption agencies, wondering whether he can piece together information from years prior. Just a few quick light searches, he tells himself. But despite his best intentions, Mulder can’t help but fall down the rabbit hole."" 
AU-- Even though Mulder and Scully get married after their vacation, he still falls into depression. Rather than letting him slip through her fingers, Scully digs in and helps him get help.
what if
""Mulder blinks as he opens the front door. He doesn’t look too impressed to see his visitor, but he doesn’t look surprised either. ""
Breakup-- Skinner complies to Scully's request, dropping in to check on snappy and heartbroken Mulder.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the longer version of this fic.
Unnamed Post Breakup Fic
""Within seconds of hanging up, Mulder was dialling Scully’s cell number. Predictably he went straight through to voicemail. “Scully it’s me,” he began, trying not to sound too concerned. “Can you give me a call back when you get this? I just…I just wondered how you were doing…” It was a stupid question and he knew it. She hadn’t been doing too well before today, and now with the news of Christian’s death she was likely to be struggling. Christian had been doing well since his surgery, and so his death must have come as a big shock. Add that to the stress of the past year, Mulder and Scully’s relationship slowly crumbling, his depression worsening and him pushing her away until finally she had enough, packed her bags and walked out of their house.""
Breakup-- Scully has gone MIA-ed from the hospital after Christian's death; and Mulder gets out of the house to find and give her comfort.
AU Will is re-adopted
""They had fifteen years to catch up on, a lot of hurt, anger, guilt and upset to work through, but they were getting there, slowly. And Mulder and Scully had also spent the last year working through their own issues, and their separation. They were now back living with one another, permanently."" 
AU-- Will is settling into his new life with Mulder and Scully, and wants to show his appreciation by surprising Mulder with a party. He and Scully make secret plans.
Unnamed S11 Fic
""What are you doing?”
Mulder stands in the doorway to the living room, blinking sleepily at his wife, who’s sat on the floor next to a cabinet, rifling through documents.""
S11 Scully is furiously cleaning early AM, much to Mulder's confusion.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a longer version of this fic.
Unnamed Post Finale
""It had been Scully’s decision to stop there, the bookshop attracting her attention as Mulder drove them through the town on the way back to their motel. The case they were investigating out in Delaware was over now, their perpetrator caught and locked away behind bars, and their flight wasn’t until the following morning, meaning they had the rest of the evening to relax and explore. Or maybe just relax, at least if Scully had her own way.""
Post Finale Scully contemplates her current life, fears, and straying son who wanders in and out of her life.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a longer version of this fic.
Unnamed Post Finale
""Yeah?” He could barely hear her. 
“Where are you?”
There was a long pause before she answered, and Mulder soon found out why. “The attic.""
Mulder catches Scully breaking the no-attic rule; but relents, helping her find his old doll. Both are happy that Jackson shows up.
Unnamed Post C-Section
""Yes, it had definitely been a dramatic twelve hours. Rubbing the back of his neck, attempting to iron out the kinks, Mulder suddenly paused as a noise to his left caught his attention, and he got to his feet to investigate. He approached the bassinette next to Scully’s bedside, where he saw that his daughter was awake, moving her little arms as she began to fuss. Before she could let out a cry, he quickly scooped her up into his arms, still amazed at how small she was.""
Mulder is soaking up his new daughter, wrongly assuming his words of love aren't being overheard by a groggy Scully.
Unnamed Post C-Section Part 2
""I don’t want to drop her.”
“You won’t.”
“Don’t force him Mulder,” Scully warned, shooting Jackson a reassuring smile. “Don’t feel you have to Jackson, but if you want to, you’re more than welcome.” It seemed to do the trick, and he relaxed.""
Jackson comes by the hospital to meet his new sister. Scully takes the time to privately reassure him that he was always loved and will never be replaced.
Unnamed Post C-Section Part 3
""He continued with the story. “And there were three little bears sitting on chairs. You have a teddy bear just like that, do you remember? Jackson got it for you when we brought you home.” The little girl had plenty of teddy bears in fact. He and Scully may not have had a big family between them, but they’d been inundated with soft toys, baby books and clothes for the little girl, mostly thanks to Charlie’s wife, who’d stored their daughter’s baby things away, just in case, and had decided to donate them to her sister-in-law. ""
Mulder bonds with his little girl; but notices Jackson's awkwardness and helps him feel included in the family unit.
Through the Roses
""Scully, these clothes are drowning her.”
As she finished buttoning her blouse, Scully followed Mulder’s gaze to her daughter, her cream-colored sleepsuit clearly too big for her. She smiled, watching as Mulder carefully transferred his sleeping daughter into the baby carrier without waking her. He may have had the magic touch, but Scully suspected it was more to do with them having a very laid back baby, though how long that would last was anyone’s guess.""
AU-- Mulder and Scully leave the hospital with their daughter, sad that their son wasn't with them. A friendly old lady gives them roses in the elevator and leaves before they figure out 'she' was Jackson.
Consolation Prize
""As the car pulls up outside the house, Mulder reluctantly gets up off of the sofa and makes his way towards the front door, determined to get there before their visitor rings the bell and wakes up Scully and Hannah. They both need their rest. He pauses, glancing out of the window as another thought springs to mind. What if it’s William?"" 
AU S11-- Diana (who didn't die) decides NOW is the perfect time to strike up a romance with her former love... y'know, now that the CSM is dead and all. She didn't count on Mulder being happily married to the mother of his new little daughter.
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lilydalexf · 2 years
I've seen the start of fics on Tumblr by the deactivated account of amorfati3215 and just wondered if you might know if these fics are posted anywhere else under a different name? Fic titles include Roadtrip and Caught In The Act. All MSR.
Fanfiction.net has 10 X-Files fics by AmorFati32, though neither of the 2 you mention. I don't think that other X-Files fics by amorfati3215 are archived anywhere now that tumblr and AO3 accounts are deactivated. If someone knows otherwise, please let us know!
Sometimes complete fics are available on tumblr if they were reblogged and did not have a "read more" cut, or available via Wayback Machine if you know the link and the page happened to be archived. For instance, the 5-part Caught in the Act series you mention is available: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
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dnscully · 4 years
top 5 fanfics
omg this is so hard
i’m just gonna name the 5 i can think of right now from the top of my head
The I in Team by DarlaBlack
pocket guts by @wtfmulder
The Common Fate of All Things Rare by Aloyisa_Virgata
Variations by Lapsed_Scholar
Another Man’s Child by Amorfati32
but i honestly love so many fics equally and i love fanfic writers so much y’all give me life
ask me my top 5/10 anything
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I need some hot fic recs. What are you favs?
HOO BOY. Alright, so what have you read?
I’m always into Master of Reality by Khyber (just re-read that one this afternoon)
Not Close Enough - Lysandra - Sexytimes, but kinda cute too.
Road Roughly Traveled - Suzanne Feld - Lots of sex in this one.
Blue Light Special - Jori - Sex, and Mulder meets Charlie Scully
Sleeping Bags - Andrea - Mulder, Scully, a snowstorm, some snuggling for warmth, and then... more than snuggling. 
Office Play - Avalon - More or less what it sounds like. They fuck in the office.
Thank You - Cyra Scully’s not very good at expressing herself during sex, Mulder reads her journal and they kinda work on it a little.
Consequences - Suzanne Schramm - I don’t actually have a description for this one, but I like it.
Desk Job - Amorfati32 - Set in S10, Scully goes down on Mulder in the basement office. They almost get caught by Tad O'Malley. Then Mulder returns the favor. It's very, very hot.
Getting Better - Alicia K - Scully has a bad day. Mulder makes it better.
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