#Anakin skywalker x obi wan kenobi
obibabywan · 3 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Have some obikin chuuu kisses 😘
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Obi-Wan: Here are two pictures. one of them is your room, and the other is the garbage dump.
Anakin: *points at a picture* That one is the dump.
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veloursdor · 8 months
snipet of this obikin au based on this quote from Star Wars Jedi Quest: The Way of the Apprentice. (Part 1 here)
(1.1k words)
“Anakin, I’ve been thinking…” Obi-Wan said while he opened Anakin’s door, ignoring propriety as he entered into his padawan’s room without having been invited to. However, Obi-Wan stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of Anakin’s empty room, his bed made – more like no one had slept on it at all – and nothing seemingly out of place.
An uncomfortable feeling settled in his stomach as he realised that Anakin’s presence seemed faint in the Force, almost as if it had been a while since Anakin had stepped foot in the room. Anakin remained distant, just barely out of touch from Obi-Wan’s fingertips, almost the dutiful padawan Obi-Wan used to joke about wanting with the rare roll of the eyes or pout on his lips whenever Obi-Wan gave him an order he knew Anakin would disapprove of.
But beyond that, Anakin rarely spent time with him as of late, always too busy with his friend, Rowan, to pay attention to whatever it was Obi-Wan still had to teach to his very young padawan. Long gone were the days when Obi-Wan had to remind Anakin to keep his distance and his hands to himself, his padawan always wanting to be touching any part of Obi-Wan.
Now, Obi-Wan had to call for Anakin’s attention – something he didn’t remember ever doing, even on Anakin’s most difficult days as a teenager –, fighting the urge to order his charge to pay attention to what Obi-Wan was saying, no matter how trivial the conversation they were having was. When before Anakin used to hang from every word Obi-Wan said, even if just to tease him or poke holes at his teachings, now it was as if Obi-Wan had a padawan no more. 
He should’ve been happy Anakin had… a friend, for he couldn’t comprehend how younglings around Anakin couldn’t see his brilliance, charm or his capability as a Jedi. Obi-Wan was of the belief that Anakin was amongst the best the Jedi had to offer, as behind his arrogance and rebellious nature there was a boy with a pure heart and a soul that wanted nothing more than to help others.
But Obi-Wan wasn’t happy that Anakin had a friend, as he came to the realisation that a friendless Anakin meant Obi-Wan didn’t have to compete for his attention. Obi-Wan was so used to being the sole receptor of Anakin’s affections that once he was bereft of them he was left floating amiss an endless void with nothing to tether him to the ground.
He missed the times when he would come home after a day away from Anakin and his Padawan was in the living room, lighting up at the mere sight of Obi-Wan’s shadow. His padawan would eagerly greet him, telling Obi-Wan of all the things he had been up to in his Master’s absence. 
But now, Rowan was the one holding Anakin’s affections, his time, basking on Obi-Wan’s padawan’s presence as if he was worthy of such light. Obi-Wan would stare in the sidelines of his own quarters as Anakin played with Rowan’s hair, laughing softly with a soft blush on his cheeks.
Obi-Wan had gotten quite drunk after leaving that night.
He dreaded the day when Anakin was to be knighted; something he had been postponing whenever the Council asked about his padawan’s progress. 
“He’s not ready.”
“There’s still much he has to learn.”
“He’s too arrogant, he needs to be humbled.”
Some statements held more truth than others, a small comfort for Obi-Wan’s guilty mind. Because, in the end, he knew they were nothing more than an excuse to keep Anakin by his side for as long as he could, knowing that the minute his padawan was no longer bound to him, he would be free to leave Obi-Wan without looking back.
And Obi-Wan knew he didn’t deserve to be selfish, for he was a Jedi who had made an oath and commitment to the Code, and he had been raised to be better than be held down by the strength of his attachments.
But he had also made an oath, a commitment, to Anakin, to see him be the man Obi-Wan knew he could be. Obi-Wan had bound himself, heart AND soul, to Anakin Skywalker when he was 25 years old, with a vow he intended to take to his grave, no matter the consequences of such a promise.
And that promise had never included Rowan Misneach, padawan apprentice of Master Agen Kolar, who didn’t seem to understand the ‘no attachment rule’ all Jedi were bound to follow once they made a commitment to the order. Rowan was always glued to Anakin’s side, even when there wasn’t any reason for them to be together at all. 
He was there when Obi-Wan tried to give his lessons, or spend some time with Anakin like they used to before Rowan appeared in Anakin's life. Even when Obi-Wan knew Master Agen was off planet – and as such his padawan with him as well – Rowan managed to surprise Obi-Wan with his… surprising presence in his living room.
If Obi-Wan didn’t fear for Anakin’s ire and what it would do to their already strained relationship, Obi-Wan would’ve kicked Rowan out of their quarters faster than Anakin could unfold his lightsaber.
Obi-Wan cared for Anakin’s happiness too much to indulge in such petty fantasies, no matter how good they made him feel afterwards. Rowan made Anakin smile, so Obi-Wan swallowed down the words he wanted to scream and accepted the padawan’s presence in his living room and in his life.
But Anakin not spending the night in his rooms, everything too neat as if to yell at Obi-Wan that it had been a while since his padawan had spent time in there, made him want to forget all the things he had said to himself to turn a blind eye as to what Anakin was doing.
Obi-Wan knew there was… something happening between his padawan and that other youngling, and he had let it happen for too long, if Anakin’s absence was any indication. If Anakin was to be the Jedi meant for the ‘Chosen One’ mantle, he was to be better than anyone else in the Order, and that included Obi-Wan himself.
It was time to cut it from the root, is what he decided to do as he closed Anakin’s door behind him and made his way towards Master Agen’s quarters. 
However, as he raised his fist to knock on the door, a moan and a strong wave of lust hit him outside Agen’s rooms, freezing him in his place as he caught the sound of Anakin’s high pitched voice calling Rowan’s name.
An unpleasant feeling settled inside of him, driving his actions as he opened the door and entered the quarters with the emergency override all Jedi rooms had. Ignoring the smell of the room and the sweaty feeling permeated throughout the living spaces, Obi-Wan blindly grabbed Anakin’s naked form and his discarded robe, dragging his unruly padawan back to their quarters.
In his mind, it was time to course correct where Anakin was concerned.
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Anakin: If Ahsoka and I were drowning, who would you save?
Obi-Wan: You two can’t swim?
Ahsoka: It’s a hypothetical question, Obi-Wan! who would you save?
Obi-Wan: my time and effort.
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multiverse-of-fanfic · 10 months
Sooo I finally wrote a little bit (1.4K-ish) of that obikin poet au I talked about here. This takes place after their first meeting at the gala thingy. Hope y’all enjoy!!
Anakin’s weakness had always been older men with finely trimmed facial hair and an accent that could smack him five ways to Felucia.
It was the reason he’d nearly flunked out of Advanced Quantum Mechanics — come on, a guy could only hear ‘angular momentum’ drawled thickly so often before he blushed — and it was also the reason he found himself sitting in a crowded coffee shop across from Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Well, part of the reason anyway.
Padmé and Bail’s charity gala was a raving success, and somewhere along the way, Anakin’s cover story had gotten him roped into what Obi-Wan called a “Poetic Intervention”. Though his well coiffed auburn hair, immaculately trimmed beard, Coruscanti accent, and cute-as-a-button sweater vest sweetened the deal a tad, too.
That was how Anakin found himself sitting across from the man, an obviously well-read first edition collection of poems on the table between them. Poems Anakin was supposed to dislike even though he’d written them, but obviously Obi-Wan didn’t know that. So now he was trying to explain their merits to Anakin. It was all very convoluted and Anakin was doing his best not to think too hard about it.
“I just don’t see,” Obi-Wan huffed, turning the page to a new poem, “how you could dislike Lars’s work. That last one was one of his most acclaimed.”
It had been, Anakin acknowledged with a smug smirk into his mug. One of the first poems he’d ever written, nominated for a Coruscanti Literary Award no less, and he’d been three sheets to the wind after Padmé dumped him.
The heated ceramic warmed his hands, pleasant shivers zipping down his spine. He might’ve wanted to stay for hours if not for the fact that it was starting to feel a lot like work.
Anakin slouched back in his chair and shrugged. “Not sure what else there is to say that I didn’t say the other night. Poetry just isn’t my thing.”
Obi-Wan placed his palms on the tabletop, the distractingly enticing fingers of his left hand curling around the edge of the wood.
“Lars is for everyone. That’s what’s so enthralling about him. He tears away the veil from poetry that makes it seem so unattainable. He—he,” Obi-Wan picked up his right hand and waved it wildly in the air between them, dislodging a piece of styled coppery hair. “He deconstructs the stigma that poetry is only for scholars and laureates. He makes it relatable and simple, while maintaining the beauty and profoundness.”
After Professor Jinn’s lesson on poetry and its inaccessibility to the masses, when Anakin decided to write, he knew that’s what he wanted to accomplish. Of course, he couldn’t tell Obi-Wan that, but he really wasn’t interested in speaking at all, not with the dreamy look on the man’s face. The look of a man talking about something that really mattered to him. A smile that brought out a dimple in his cheek buried under his beard, and wrinkles around his ocean blue eyes.
And it was Anakin making him light up like that. Well, technically it was Rako Lars, but that was beside the point.
Instead of everything Anakin could have said, he went with, “I’m sure he’s great, but if I wanted to bore myself anymore I’d just go read Shakespeare.”
But all too quickly, Anakin realized his mistake. Obi-Wan’s eyes went wide, shimmering under the lamplight, a smile tugging at his lips.
“Actually, Shakespeare himself favored iambic pentameter, and it just happens that this poem,” he jabbed his index finger to the page, “is in the same meter.”
Anakin stared blankly at the page. He knew which poem it was. He desperately wanted to get up and leave, manners and Obi-Wan Kenobi be damned. But the way Obi-Wan was looking at him, tenderly peering at him through his round reading glasses, had him clearing his throat.
“Diamonds shine in the sky and on land too
Special unique flakes into white blankets
Though the sight evades, witnessed by a few
Falling rain its equal, both rare trinkets
Mother Nature’s beauty incomparable
Her golden gifts last for just a season
Her nest left empty for one more feeble
But even She grows weak without reason.”
Anakin looked up at Obi-Wan from underneath his lashes, and the man nodded for him to continue. He exhaled through his nose, brushing his index finger over the corner of the page.
“Twin suns set on the horizon daily
But the arid wind is full of silence
The absence of Her presence felt greatly
Time passes slowly in glum compliance
The chill and rain then stay away to weep
But they will meet again where all things sleep.”
Obi-Wan gazed at him expectantly. “What do you think?”
Anakin gulped, masking his discomfort by reaching for his near-empty mug. “It was fine I guess. It rhymed.”
The older man licked his lips, and Anakin tracked the motion shamelessly, though Obi-Wan didn’t notice. “Yes, exactly!” He shouted, wagging his finger in Anakin’s face.
“He uses basic end rhyming in the ABAB CDCD EFEF GG rhyme scheme.”
Anakin did his best to look confused and beyond help, but he was fairly sure he only managed to look constipated.
“What do you think this was about?”
He drew in a slow breath and blew it out his puffed cheeks and flicked his eyebrows up. “Beats me,” he said plainly, baring his hands palms-up.
“Well,” Obi-Wan sighed, rubbing his temples, “Rome wasn’t built in a day. Some scholars think this is no more than a clichéd attempt at representing the seasons.”
And they’d be wrong, Anakin thought darkly to himself, crossing his arms.
“I, however, disagree completely.”
“You do?” Anakin asked, unable to keep the genuine surprise and curiosity out of his voice.
Tendrils of steam whirled beneath Obi-Wan’s nose as he lifted his tea to his pursed lips, blowing over the surface to cool it. “We know frustratingly little about Lars. All anyone has been able to gather is that he comes from Tatooine, as parsed from the twin suns line.”
An error Anakin hadn’t caught until after he’d submitted it for publishing.
“So then what do you think he’s talking about?” Anakin asked, playing along, interested to see what conclusion this self-proclaimed Larsian had come to.
“Well,” Obi-Wan began, setting his cup down and slipping his hands into the pockets of his sweater vest. “The seasonal imagery, in my opinion, is just a metaphor. The diamond white blanket — clearly snow — and rain, both scarce and beautiful in a desert ecosystem. But what really catches my eye is Mother Nature.”
Obi-Wan’s hand reappeared, two fingers pushing his reading glasses back up his nose and then falling gently to the page, tracing an invisible line underneath the text.
“It is not new or profound to animate Mother Nature, to personify her. But I think what Lars is doing here is using her in place of someone important to him. See here—“ His finger hovered back and forth over the quatrain. Anakin felt his throat tighten with every word.
“Her golden gifts, an empty nest. Parenting — her child moving away. And the ending about sleep. A common euphemism for death. I think,” he stated, taking off his glasses and chewing on the end of an arm. “That this is a beautiful, haunting poem about grief.”
Anakin swallowed thickly. He’d never had someone perfectly analyze his work to him before, and not just because he actively tried to avoid it. So many people tried to make too much of it, to do exactly what Obi-Wan had said, tried to make some profound, grand statement out of his work. Mostly, Anakin wrote poems when he was drunk, when his mind was uninhibited, untethered from the baggage of his conscious mind. It allowed him to write about the world and experiences as he perceived them, and not through the lens of what others expected of him.
To have Obi-Wan cut to the heart of him so easily, so deeply, and thoroughly leave him raw in the best way was a feeling he could get addicted to. Anakin wanted to keep being exposed, have his layers peeled back like an onion. He wanted to take up all of Obi-Wan’s time, all of his attention. He wanted to hear what other insights the man had.
Maybe it was selfish and self-centered…yeah, definitely. But only a little. Mainly, Anakin just wanted to see him again.
He looked up and met Obi-Wan’s gaze with a soft smile. “I think I like yours better.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes lit up, and Anakin knew he’d let this man teach him knitting if it meant seeing his face like that.
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omg the amount of research I have had to do for the last few chapters of The Will of the Force, has been crazy! If I had as much motivation for my original novel as I did for this Obikin fanfiction... then my novel would be finished lmao hehehe, no regrets
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
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Star wars men you will always be famous, i’m in love with them.
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galactic-rhea · 3 months
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One day i will create some serious art. But that day isn't today.
the individual art under the cut!
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prequelsnet · 10 months
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star wars: prequels incorrect quotes (2/?)
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kara-ct · 9 months
Cody : *Waking up at 3am because a comlink rings* ... Yes?
Anakin :... Cody?
Cody: General Skywalker? Is there a problem?
Anakin: No...
Cody: You need me for something?
Anakin : No...
Cody: So why did you call me at 3am?
Anakin: I didn't. Why did you respond to Obi-Wan's comlink?
Cody : What...?
Anakin :... Is Obi-Wan with you? At 3am? What does that mean?!
Cody : That's not what you think, sir! We were... He was...
Anakin : Obi-Wan, you're just a stupid hypocrite!
Obi-Wan: *wakes up because of the noise * What?
Cody : We can explain!
Anakin: Obi-Wan! The last time I asked Rex to work at this time to help me with the paperwork, you berated me for hours! But you're doing the same thing with Cody!
Obi-Wan : *always half asleep* Paperwork? Where?
Cody : Paperwork! We are guilty! We were working. Nothing else. You are absolutely right! *laughs nervously*
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obibabywan · 1 year
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Originally posted to my twitter obibabywan
In his mind, Anakin is still alive. Obi-Wan holds the child of the man he loved secure in his arms. He can almost feel Anakin watching them approach the Lars homestead.
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thegalaxykatsworld · 1 year
Padme: did you know Obi wan gives Cody flowers every single morning?
Padme: why don’t you do that :(
Anakin: d-do you want me too?
Padme: YES Ani!
-the next day-
Cody, staring at the flowers is Anakin offering him: why the hell are you doing this?
Anakin: I don’t get it either just take them-
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veloursdor · 6 months
“I’m safe with you, Mr. Kenobi,” Anakin reassured as his mind echoed the memory of the time when he had first thought those words, long before he knew the true state of Mr. Kenobi’s sham of a marriage. The words remained true despite the knowledge that under the eyes of the Force, Mr. Kenobi was a single man and, as such, things could happen without consequence if they were to marry. But Mr. Kenobi was a single man that Anakin desired in blood, flesh and soul, regardless of his marital status. If anything, it was Mr. Kenobi who was unsafe next to Anakin.
in the spirit of thanksgiving/black friday i gave obi-wan blue balls and made anakin cry. enjoy <3
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omgahgase · 11 months
cody, padmé, and rex: *discussing something that's probably important*
cody, padmé, and rex: *hears distant screaming and the sound of a lightsaber igniting*
cody: is that my jedi or your jedi?
*cue amused and slightly terrifying laughter*
padmé and rex, sighing: my jedi
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daemonsdarksister · 8 months
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science-hoes · 1 year
I don’t want to hear “Oh I’m sorry you had a bad day, here are some flowers”
I want to hear “Oh I’m sorry you had a bad day, here’s a new x reader fic with your comfort character”
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