#And I do see Adora doing a lot of that
inkskinned · 10 months
in internet posts it is easy to cut them out of your life. they are hurting you! they aren't listening to you!
they held your hair back. they lent you lipstick. they held your hand at the train station and got you home safe. they rounded on your bully, got loud, said get fucked, spitting-mad in your defense.
they also cut the hair off again. told you that you should really think twice before wearing something like that. took you for granted. took your insecurities and threw them in your face again.
you know logically it should be easy. all the internet advice comments always read it will feel better. like an equation - if a person is rotten, you just remove them. you pull the tooth that's hurting.
but it was never a big flare-up moment. you don't live in a sitcom. they never tried to take your boyfriend or steal from your apartment. they showed up to birthdays and they wrote songs about you and bring you water without you asking. once you found out they carry an emergency inhaler for you, even though you haven't had an asthma attack in years - just in case.
where is the line? people fuck up. sometimes they fuck up badly. sometimes people have raw personalities, like a powerline, and being around them is dangerous. addicting. sometimes they can't help themselves, but you know they're trying. sometimes they are just rough-around-the-edges. sometimes they don't even realize how they sounded when they said that. sometimes it's just - you've both loved each other for so long now, the way this thing hurts goes back to the root.
and that's the fucked up part. you have pushed your fingers against the sweetheart of memory. things these days are electric, tense, harrowing. they didn't used to be. there were a lot of good days in there. sometimes you want to just close your eyes and say can this be over yet? do we still need to be fighting?
doing that would give up any chance you get of getting an apology, but you don't always know that you need an apology, you love them. once they flaked on your birthday party. once they told you to get over it, people are always dying. they also let you crash on their couch for a week after the breakup, handfeeding you when you were so sad you couldn't eat. they are also judgmental about everything, occasionally react to banal statements with an attitude that is weird and fiery. they also love you like a lighthouse sometimes, so strong they cut the storm like lightning.
but the problem is that you might be storm. you might be the thing that needs breaking. what if you are two forces who are desperately, horribly drawn to each other, shaped by the other person's passions, and both good for each other and bad in equal measure.
what if you're both just people, and you're no saint neither.
just cut them off! swallowing the saltwater, you catch yourself in the mirror. you've been shaking more than usual. there's an ache in you that is oblique, loud, impossible to soothe. is this what it looks like? when life is "easier"?
your mouth will always have a hole, is the thing, if you remove the tooth.
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indeliblemarking · 2 months
abuse / trauma obviously isn’t an excuse for behavior and we see that notion applied (rightfully so most of the time) in fandom but i feel like in catra’s case you really can’t remove her suffering when analyzing why her redemption is written the way it is. she’s abused interpersonally and systematically as a child soldier from toddler age and it warps her perception of every relationship in her life to the point where she isolates herself to extreme degrees to the point that she’s consistently on the brink of a mental breakdown. yes she treats people like garbage yes she makes horrible decisions but her case is like…very extreme. and that’s not to necessarily play trauma olympics with characters in other pieces of media but i feel like people kind of downplay how that factors into her reasoning and also sort of forget how young she is throughout her entire story, flashbacks and all. so obviously the show is gonna have the good guys extend sympathy and not have her prove her worth. (which is one of the main ideas that messed her up in the first place) her arc needed more time but I think it’s unnecessary to devalue it just because the characters aren’t mad at her for as long as you want them to be, they offer her love and support as she exists but still don’t excuse or enable poor behavior and don’t allow her to be in their lives and make morally corrupt decisions. anyway ik it’s 2024 but that’s something I’ve thought for a while
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larrythefloridaman · 2 years
google :)
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love u goog <3
#to explain the dotted squares: Why Are You A Redhead When You Are Bing's Clone.#and the other is like. lets get one thing straight i love goog to death everything in season 2? wouldnt change a damn thing#but i feel like the susan thing was resolved too quickly. and his relationship with mac has gone. underaddressed.#goog was raised by dr. order and i love that he defects right away when shown a first glimmer of something more meaningful#it works well to demonstrate the point that kindness is what we're. as people. most naturally drawn to when circumstance allows for it#but i think how easy it ultimately comes to him even when that's challenged by his personal hurt later kinda. cheapens it a bit?#kindness is easy but its also very hard sometimes when we are faced with the desire or need to protect ourselves from being hurt#and susan letting goog get his catharsis from attacking her even though it wasnt Her her that hurt him#is something i feel should've left him feeling a bit more. conflicted a bit longer. the resolution was sweet but not fully earned imo?#and then theres mac. your little brother almost kills you in cold blood chasing the same meaningless victory you were raised to achieve#and then just. befriends your platonic partner's little sister and becomes part of the family while changing very little of his outlook#just changing who he answers to because he got his ass kicked. and you're just supposed to feel fucking NORMAL about that???????#idk just think google should get to bite people and be dysfunctional a little more he was raised by doctor order hes not even two years old#he's a shonen protagonist with anxiety but the anxiety doesn't even really interfere meaningfully with anything narratively best i remember#machi has the excuse of being baby to explain why he's so innocent and even he's distinctly self-centered at times#google is a grown man and chooses kindness every day after he got out of there#and that rules. but id like to see him struggle with it just a LIL more#a bit too much of a perfect victim after he gets out for my taste. i had a similar problem with adora in she-ra#lots of not having a frame of reference for a different normal than theirs but always choosing the Right™ thing to do the first time anyway#but thats a mild 'show dont tell'-y writing gripe#its been a good bit since i watched the eps referenced so my feelings might change when i get to them in my rewatch#i simply think meeting a version of your shitty mom that's largely the same but not shitty should make you feel. a lot of different ways#and we didnt really get to see goog wrestle with that after finding out susan wasnt Really her and i think thats kind of a shame#and i dont remember if mac and goog have even shared any screentime after that time Mac Injured Him Terribly with plus ultra
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cherrymoonvol6 · 1 year
#k so i started watching the shera show just to see if catradora is as bad as people say it is#(because seeing that people hate a ship makes me 200% more invested fyi)#and like. i do Not see it girlies#i do think the show is as shallow as they come and maybe the whole catradora backstory is too much for it#currently on ep 4? 5? of s2 and i'm pretty comfy with the fact that catradora will be endgame#because their dynamic is easily the most interesting one in the show#although crab lady (what was her name....) and catra scratch an itch of mine too#mainly bc i am really into one sided pining#and i like that (oh it's scorpia i remembered) scorpia is the easy option for catra#someone who idealizes her and is already invested in the idea of getting together with her#and catra having this realization of the nature of scorpia's feelings in that episode (4? 5?) like UGH that's some good shit right there#but what stood up to me about the show was how uhhhh like there's so much ship bait everywhere#not in a malicious way. just in the way that there's ship teases for a lot of pairings in the show#like glimmer and adora and bow with uhh everyone (disaster bisexual characters my beloved)#like it just feels very queer positive and casual. i really like that#but yeah. so far i'm not head over heels with catradora but i definitely think it has a lot of potentiak#and the fact that they are the endgame couple is pleasing to me#like IMAGINE identifying the couple with the most potential and making it canon. some other shows could've learned that lesson#oh well! (lumity why are you so fucking boring it pains me)
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harmoonix · 6 months
Tales of the white fox
🌸 (Astrology Observations) 🌸
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~We are here, we're all alone in our own universe~
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🌸 Jupiter in Aquarius/Jupiter in the 11th house, Jupiter finds joy among the friends here, if you are attracted to men this placement can indicate a very friendly spouse/boyfriend
🌸 Uranus square the Midheaven (MC), was raised to be rebellious, unique, having an eccentric nature, this placement can make you independent in your career
🌸 Out of all the signs and based on my experience Cancer, Pisces, Libra and Scorpio placements need the most reassurance to feel better
🌸 Leo Moon (Moon in Leo Degrees 5°, 17°, 29°), what I honestly appreciate about them is their self worth, these natives appreciate themselves so much
🌸 Neptune/Moon/Pluto/Sun in the 1st house are sensitive planets to have, mostly because can make the native's body to be more sensbile than the rest, they can have sensitive skin/hair/can get allergies fast and can be prone to acne sometimes
🌸 Mars in the 5th house natives are those type of people who invite you at the party and get the most drunk out of it, when they say they enjoy life, trust them
🌸 Mars in the 11th house or in Aquarius (Mars at 11° 23° degrees) there can be some sexual tendencies between them and their friends, sometimes even flirt or just friends to lovers
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🌸 Moon in the 10th house natives weakness can be that they expose their sensitive energy to others, sometimes without knowing
🌸 When you have South Node aspecting Saturn and someone did you wrong in a past life they can backfire by him in this lifetime (Not sure 100% of this obvs yet)
🌸 Sun aspecting the ascendant can make you to be open communicative/open minded/open at the heart, gives people a good energy when they're around you
🌸 South Node in the 9th house could've possibly have studied or practiced occult or witchcraft in a past life
🌸 Venus in the 8th house on Venus in Scorpio at their worst can steal other people's energy, to be like a energetic vampire especially when it comes to seducing
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🌸 Eros (433)/Juno (3)/Groom (5129/ in the 2nd house can get spoiled by their hubbies, but also they can have this type of bf who can cook for them
🌸 Eros (433) in Libra/Scorpio/Pisces/Aries > Roses on the bed 🛏️, maybe with the text "I want to make out with you" is definitely their thing
🌸 Moon aspecting the ascendant, this beautiful aspect makes the native to have beautiful eyes, maybe a lot of people have told you this too
🌸 Uranus in the 9H/11H their friends group can be a combination of everything, every nation, every ethnicity, every race, are in their friend group
Forever and ever together, we sail into infinity
🌸 Sagittarius Risings have their 8th house in Cancer which indicates that they seek for nurturing and a safe place/security in bed, I'm not a Sag Rising but I love this energy period.
🌸 12th house placements love sleeping especially Sun/Moon/Neptune and Saturn!! Sleeping is their hobby I swearrrr (Cannot relate I have insomnia with a 12H Sun😭)
🌸 Mars or Aries in the 6th house can practice a lot of sports! Idk but they need a lot of movement and stimulation and they love to compete with others
🌸 The 6th house in your chart can also tell you about how you are with the plants/nature and their energy
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🌸 fire sign or mars in the 2nd house can be prone to eating fast, you see them eating a soup and it the next 2 minutes the soup is gone.
🌸 Virgo in the 2nd house/Earth Sign in the 2nd house, you cannot tell me that they're not eating something healthy or something that contains some vitamins/protein
🌸 Moon or Venus in the 2nd house or Taurus/Capricorn can have gifting as a love sign, they love buying things for their loved ones
🌸 Sun in the 3rd house/Gemini makes the native to be really a curious one, like they be the one telling "What's this for" "What does this thing do" etc + they can also put a lot of questions they're adorable imo
🌸 Venus in Cancer/Venus in Cancer Degrees 4°, 16°, 28°, for some reason I thought of an angel while writing this, definitely the vibe of "the mom of the group" they take care of everyone!!
🌸 Ascendant at 11°, 23° degrees can make the native taller/slimmer/skinny (Aquarius Degrees)
🌸 Mars in Virgo/at Virgo Degrees 6°, 18° there is something so sensual about their waist?? Is definitely something seductive
🌸 Jupiter in the 9th house, I see people saying they gonna travel a lot with their hubbies but this placement can also indicate meeting your bf/spouse in school/highschool/university etc
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🌸 Moon in Sagittarius (Sagittarius Degrees 9°,21°) somehow their outstanding energy makes them to get along with everyone in general these natives are pretty known for having large groups of friends
🌸 Pluto aspecting Mercury natives can tell when they're being lied at, don't try to lie or hide things from them, first because is very dissrespectful and second because they're gonna get hurt
Tonight, tonight eternity's an open door
No, don't ever stop doing the things you do
Don't go, in every breath I take I'm breathing you
🌸 Moon conjunct/sextile/trine Venus, these natives are genuinely loving, you fall in love when you're with them, they're also kind and that makes them adorable
🌸 Your Saturn placement can also tell things about your dad some examples here:
Leo Saturn - Prideful Dad, can put themselves into the spotlight/attention but also confident
Virgo Saturn - Analytical dad, a dad who thinks about all the situations and circumstances
Scorpio Saturn - The dad can be very changing in his mood, dad went through a lot when he was young and very defensive towards his loved ones
Aries Saturn - This gives me the cool dad vibe but somehow the dad with anger issues, bold but easily getting angry
Cancer Saturn - Nurturing dad, they can be sensible to your needs and often wanting to make you feel better
🌸 "Quincunx" aspects can sometimes have a more challenging energy than squares or oppositions!
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🌸 Aquarius Risings are bold when it comes to fashion take Zendaya as an example, she always wears very attractive clothes!! They can also have a unique way of styling themselves
🌸 A lot of gamers can have their 11th house prominent or prominent Aquarius energy in their house aswell as Gemini or Virgo!!
🌸 Capricorn/Libra/Scorpio/Aries Men give dominant energy!! Especially if they share common things between eachother in the natal chart
🌸 Asteroid Ceres (1) aspecting the ascendant indicates the native needs nurturing, maybe their body/mind/soul/heart, maybe a little self love..would help you so much!❤️
🌸 Ceres aspecting the Moon (in positive aspects) this placement can mean having a nurturing mom, and that you tend to be nurturing with most people in your life
🌸 Jupiter in Libra or at Libra Degrees 7°, 19°, > Is not always about your spouse girly..😍 this placement often shares loves/compassion and kindness towards you, but you definitely look after a relationship...Like Jupiter expands this side of you anyway🤣
🌸 Scorpio/Aries/Capricorn and Gemini in the 3rd house can indicate talking dirty a lot of cussing/cursing its becoming a habit..
🌸 Aquarius and Sagittarius in the 3rd house LOVE to be sarcastic when they talk I swear, they're like "Let me tell you something ************" and "ARE YOU SERIOUS?? ..after they say "I'm just sarcastic 🤌🏼"
🌸 SUN or MOON in the 9th house makes the native to be drawn toward other cultures and traditions, but in the same time they are abundent in theirs. Embrace your culture!!🌸
🌸 Venus/Sun or Mercury in the 5th house can have multiple talents/passions they're extremely creative esp if you have these plantes in a air or water sign
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~ A new week today, that means a new post for youuuu so here we go y'all! Enjoy! Also have a great start of the week everybody! 🌸🌸🌸
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destinationtoast · 4 months
Have you ever done an analysis of which fandoms are most dominated by a single ship?
I hadn't done so before. I just took a quick pass at doing so, but only among the biggest fandoms on AO3 as of Jan 2024 (ones with over 10K public works at that time). I sorted them by the size of their biggest ship relative to the size of the fandom. This gives us a bunch of very big fandoms with a high % of works tagged with a particular ship:
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The raw data used to make this graph, including the corresponding biggest ships, is available in a spreadsheet here, or at the end of this post.
A few notes:
This is based on January 2024 data. Some things may have changed!
Not all these works are necessarily about these ships. Especially in the cases where the ships are canon, they may often be tagged as background ships.
There are undoubtedly many smaller AO3 fandoms that have higher percentages devoted to the top ship.
I removed some highly overlapping fandoms (e.g., Good Omens book fandom).
This is AO3 data only, and (as always!) AO3 does not represent fandom overall. In particular, ship popularity tends to vary A LOT by archive/platform. See some past cross-platform shipping comparisons from 2019 (comparing het vs. slash vs. gen on Wattpad/FFN/AO3), and 2014 (comparing popular ships from HP, SPN, and Sherlock on AO3/FFN). One highlight:
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Raw data:
Fandom | Top relationship | % tagged with most common ship
Shameless (US) | Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich | 92.5%
Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF) | Dan Howell/Phil Lester | 92.1%
Good Omens (TV) | Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) | 83.8%
9-1-1 (TV) | Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) | 79.2%
Hannibal (TV) | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter | 75.6%
Shadowhunters (TV) | Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood | 75.1%
All For The Game - Nora Sakavic | Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard | 75.0%
Inception (2010) | Arthur/Eames (Inception) | 74.0%
The Old Guard (Movie 2020) | Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolò di Genova | 72.2%
Hawaii Five-0 (2010) | Steve McGarrett/Danny "Danno" Williams | 71.9%
The Mortal Instruments Series - Cassandra Clare | Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood | 71.2%
IT (Movies - Muschietti) | Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier | 71.1%
陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF | Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan | Sean | 70.9%
X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies) | Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier | 69.6%
Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) | Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov | 66.3%
Supernatural (TV 2005) RPF | Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki | 66.0%
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) | Adora/Catra (She-Ra) | 63.9%
Deadpool - All Media Types | Peter Parker/Wade Wilson | 63.6%
The Witcher (TV) | Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion | 63.1%
Our Flag Means Death (TV) | Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet | 63.0%
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Freak Zone: Play Time
Erik Steel x Sugar Kitty x Baby Ashley
Warnings: Smut, Daddy Kink, Voyeurism, GXG, Threesome
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Killa Productions
“What’s your name? Or what do you prefer to be called?”
“Just call me Kittie.”
“And you?”
“I’m Ashley.”
“Who would like to go first?”
Kittie raised her hand, waving it enthusiastically like a know-it-all in class. They both share a look before having another giggle fit. That’s all they’ve been doing since arriving on set for day one, smiling and giggling excitedly. Kittie sat up straighter on the studio chair, and cupped her cleavage in her pink bralette, juggling her perky titties for the camera. Kittie crossed one thick thigh over the other, a clear view up her pleated plaid skirt. She wore the cutest pair of kitten ears and her big brown feline eyes were captivating. She was such a baby doll.
“Hello, I go by Sugar Kittie but you can just call me Kittie. I’m a Pisces. Virginia born and raised. I’m 25 yrs old. I’m your favorite lewd cosplayer, twitch affiliate, and anime lover. I like long walks on the beach, strawberry pop tarts, and fucking obviously.”
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“Nice to meet you, Kittie. Have you ever worked with Erik Steel before?”
“I have, yes. But it was in passing at an event. He’s always shown me support though. I’m just happy to be here. I’m glad to be a part of the team. I’ve heard so many good things.”
“What’s your favorite asset?”
“My ass,” Kittie smiled, “I love my ass so much.”
“Mind showing us this ass?”
Kittie looked into the camera focused on her and stood up in her clear, platform, 7-inch stilettos. She grabbed the arms of the studio chair and arched her back, the tiny skirt revealing her entire ass swallowing the white g-string. Ashley gawked at her before reaching out to grip one cheek and squeezeing the meaty flesh. Kittie swayed her hips and started creating a round of applause making her ass clap. The camera panned up at her and she looked back over her shoulder, twerking with her hand on her pussy.
“Yessssss,” Ashley hyped up, smacking Kittie’s ass again. She couldn’t help herself. It was so fucking phat and bouncy. The playboy bunny tattoo on her right cheek stood out against her caramel skin.
Kittie stood tall and took her seat, giggling and smiling while adjusting her hair that she wore half up, half down in two ponytails and a fringed bang.
“That’s a lot of ass, Kittie. Erik loves ass. I’m sure he can’t wait to have you.”
Kittie laughs, “Thank you. But you know who has more ass than me,” Kittie pointed to Ashley, “She got the ass AND the titties!”
Ashley blushed and batted her lashes. She smiled showing off her braces while her hands smoothed down her hefty breasts, lifting the tiny T-shirt to reveal a pink polka dotted bra that barely fit her phat titties.
“Mmm, see,” Kittie fondled Ashley’s left breast, “So juicy!”
“Yeah, they’re definitely a handful. Is that your favorite asset, Ashley?”
“That’s not a fair question.” Ashley replied with a teasing smile.
“Okay. How about this…what do men love the most on your body?”
Ashley and Kittie spoke in unison.
“Okay, besides pussy, I’d say most of the men I’ve fucked showed my titties and ass the same amount of attention.”
“That’s a fair answer. I mean, both of you ladies are gorgeous. Every bit of you is perfect in my eyes. And obviously, Erik’s. Ashley, tell us a little about yourself.”
“I’m your favorite Texas sweetheart, adorable and slutty. I go by Lil Baby Ashley or Baby Ashley. You can call me whatever name you want honestly…Little Slut…Princess…Baby Cakes…Me and Kittie are basically the same as far as interest but I hate pop tarts. I love dancing, it makes me feel alive.”
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“And, have you ever met Erik? I’m sure you’ve seen his work.”
“Can I reveal something?” Ashley raised her hand timidly, “I’ve actually never seen Erik Steel in action until today—I know! I know! It’s wild, but I saw a video of his with Queen Adora? The fetish content creator. They did a kinky skit together and it was…so sexy.”
“Well, isn’t it your lucky day? You get to experience what it’s like to get fucked by Erik Steel.”
“I have chills that’s how excited I am,” Kittie said, “I’ve seen almost all of his videos and movies. I just can’t wait to have some of that dick myself.”
“I’m obsessed now,” Ashley chimed in, “And I don’t know what it is about his presence but…you don’t really get that type of energy anymore with porn. He has this old school flare about him that makes it more stimulating. He’s a natural story teller and he has a way with his words that just…draws you in.”
“He has this thing with his eyes too. Like, he’s hypnotic. And I love that he puts you on! He’s so supportive of us black women in this business.” Kittie added.
“We just can’t wait to get started!” Ashley concluded.
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Play Time
Kittie excited the elevator onto the fifth floor of a luxury apartment building wearing an oversized flannel, loose-fitted distressed jeans and white sneakers. Her square-framed glasses hung off of the bridge of her nose as she lugged a heavy suitcase filled with her last bit of items. Kittie moved into the apartment with her friend and classmate, Ashley. Ashley and Kittie attend the same college and they are both studying computer science.
Kittie wasn't paying attention when she almost collided with her neighbor, Erik, while he was in workout gear, heading to the apartment gym. Kittie jumped back and dropped her bag.
"I'm so sorry!" She apologized.
"It's okay," Erik grabbed her bag from the floor, sitting it upright, "No worries."
Kittie still hadn't recovered from last night. Seeing him again sparked new feelings. Feelings that she couldn't control now thanks to him.
"Thank you."
She couldn't look him directly in the eye.
"No problem, love. You have a good day, Miss Kittie."
Erik smiled at her and walked away, leaving her breathless. Kittie gathered herslef and continued on her way. When she got to her apartment, She was about to open the door with her keys until Ashley opened the apartment door for her.
"Hey sis! I saw you coming on the camera."
She stood back, Kittie’s eyes scanning Ashley up and down, admiring the oversized sailor moon hoodie she wore like a dress. Ashley shut the door behind Kittie.
"You okay?" Ashley asked.
What Ashley doesn’t know is that Kittie was having a late-night gym session in the apartment complex the other evening and she caught a glimpse of Mr. Erik walking out of the sauna naked. He was dripping with sweat and his skin looked smooth and soft. Kittie was too busy staring that she hadn’t realized he noticed her looking...
“Woah—I didn’t know anybody would be here this late.”
He quickly covers his front with a bunched up towel.
“I’m Kittie.” She spoke weakly and in sort of a daze.
Erik quirked a brow and walked up to Kittie, holding out his much larger hand, “Erik. I haven’t seen you around here before. Did you just move in?”
Kittie focused her eyes on his face, taking in his brown eyes that reminded her of cognac and his plump lips were moist and soft-looking. Her eyes roamed his hair and she loved the way his locs sat over his forehead.
“Did you hear me?”
Kittie blinked to focus, “I–I’m sorry…what did you say?”
Slowly, a half-dimpled smirk teased her eyes and with his slightly partied lips she could see a glint of gold slugs.
“Did you just move in?” He repeats, but slower this time around.
“Yes. Me and a friend from college.”
He smelled rugged, woodsy, and strong. She was falling apart.
Erik tears his eyes away from Kittie to look down at his current appearance. He’s basically naked in front of her and he just met her.
“I think I better get going,” Erik starts backing away, “It was nice meeting you, Kittie, I’ll see you around sometime.”
Erik quickly turned once he entered the mens locker room to get dressed. With him gone, Kittie exhaled, pressing a hand over her heart. It didn’t make sense how fine that man was. She couldn’t wait to tell Ashley.
The entire apartment was decorated to fit Ashley and Kittie’s interests. Lots of pink & lots of cutesy decor.
“… He’s so fucking sexy, Ash,” kitty flops down on their white sofa, “I think I’ve seen him around Campus before. Isn’t he that Physics professor?”
Ashley climbed onto the sofa next to Kittie.
“You know I wouldn’t know anything about that. I wonder if we can find a faculty photo of him.” Ashley suggested.
“Good idea,” Kittie retrieved her lap top from her bag, “Let’s see if we can find him.”
“So,” Ashley twirled one of the drawstrings on her hoodie, “You said he was…naked?”
“Yes. Body glistening, dick nice and hard…”
“Wish I could have seen that,” Ashley said.
“It took all of my strength not to get down on my knees and worship that dick with my mouth.”
“I bet…do you think he’s single?” Ashley questioned.
“Found him!”
Ashley scooted closer to Kittie to see for herself. She recognized him. He wore glasses in the picture with his locs braided back. He teaches physics and intro to engineering. He has a doctorate in engineering. Ashley couldn’t agree more with Kittie. Erik is damn fine. She wanted to sink her claws into that. Ashley glanced at Kittie and smiled with a mouthful of braces, but the wheels in her head were turning. How was she going to get a piece of the professor without Kittie knowing about it?
“He’s fucking hot.” Ashley said.
“I knowww, and I want him!” Kittie replied with a whiny voice.
“Lucky you got to see him naked.”
Kittie shut her laptop.
“I think he lives right across the hall from us.” Kittie mentioned.
Ashley perked up. Right across the hall? She’d definitely have a shot at running into him.
“Anyways, let me finish unpacking. I have a paper to finish.”
Kittie stood up from the couch and grabbed her things, heading to her room. Ashley had some things to do herself. Studying was one of them. But what she’d rather be studying is Erik’s dick.
“Same! Pizza for dinner?” Ashley asked.
“Sure! We can order in.” Kittie responded.
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“This was my sixth F grade of the night, damn.”
Professor Erik Steel put a big fat F on another physics exercise and tossed the paper on top of a growing messy pile at his desk. He rubbed his temples with his fingers before removing his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. His eyelids drooped, heavy with weariness.
Erik has been overworked and over stressed since the start of the new semester. It’s as if his students came back from winter break with no brain. Sure, physics can be understandably challenging, but Erik took the necessary steps to make sure they understood the material. Practice exercises were given in abundance. His office hours were open before and after class. He took his time to explain equations and everything at its most fundamental level. He broke it down like a high school teacher time and time again and still, they just can’t grasp it.
Before he could power off his laptop and call it a night, Erik heard a knock on his apartment door. Puzzled, Erik checked his rolex for the time. It was after 9 PM. No one he could think of off the top of his head would be knocking on his door at this time of evening unannounced. Erik placed his glasses over his eyes and stood up from his desk. He walked out into the living room and stood before his door.
Erik peered through his peephole and noticed a young woman with a tray of brownies. Erik furrowed his brows and slowly began unlocking his door. He opened it slightly, his face appearing between the crack of the door. She was wearing a baby pink slip dress with a matching robe. A Hello Kitty headband had her long, curly brown extensions pushed back from her forehead. She had an adorable round face and big brown eyes with long lashes.
She smiled at Erik with a mouth full of hardware and waved at him excitedly. Erik finally opened the door fully, and when he stood within his doorway, she was at least 5’3 Fun sized just like the girl he’d ran into the other evening at the gym. He wondered how she was doing.
“Hello.” Erik greeted the girl.
“Hi! I’m Ashley, your new neighbor,” she held out her hand with nails painted white, “Nice to meet you finally! I live across the hall.”
Erik’s eyes followed her finger to the door directly across from him.
“I’m Erik. You wouldn’t happen to be Kittie’s neighbor, are you?” Erik questioned.
Ashley smirked, showing off her dimples.
“I am! We’re friends from school. I made some brownies and…well…we won’t eat them all so I figured you might like some.”
She held up a round pink and white striped platter filled with brownies and wrapped in saran wrap. Erik noticed little colorful sprinkles on them and smirked.
“Cosmic brownies from scratch?”
Ashley giggles, “Yes. They used to be my favorite growing up.”
Erik accepted the brownies and he could smell the chocolatey goodness. The platter was still warm too. He had a weakness for fresh baked goods. Ashley bat her lashes at him. She was gorgeous. Definitely more sex appeal than Kittie. He expected her to turn and leave but she remained standing there, staring at him longingly.
“You should try one. I made it with love.”
Erik unraveled the Saran Wrap and snatched a soft brownie off the top. His mouth began to water the more he brought that brownie to his lips. He could see little melted chocolate chips. Erik opened his mouth and his teeth sank into the brownie. Instantly, he was rewarded with the richest, sweetest dessert.
“Mmmmm,” Erik shut his eyes as he chewed, “This is amazing.”
Ashley watched him finish the brownie. Hers memorized the way his lips moved, the shape of his tongue, and his teeth. She could have sworn that she saw a hint of gold in his mouth…
“Thank you. I plan to eat all of these.” Erik said.
“You’re welcome.”
Ashley smiled at Erik and still, she just stood there, her eyes moving up and down his body.
“Is there something else you wanted to say?” Erik asked with a single elevated brow.
“Uhm…I just wanted to say that if you need anything…more brownies…sugar…just knock on our door. We don’t bite.”
Her voice was as sweet as those brownies.
“I’ll keep that in mind, good night, Ashley. And tell Kittie I said hello.”
Ashley beamed, “Will do! Good night, Erik.”
Ashley gave him a final wave before walking away with a purposeful switch in her hips. She definitely had a lot of ass. Erik tilted his head to look at that beautiful backside before she disappeared behind her door.
He made his way back inside and shut and locked his door. Erik pressed his back against it and his eyes descended to his crotch. His dick was rock hard and displaying a hefty print. He wondered if Ashley noticed. Erik shook his head and made his way back to his office. Once there, he picked up his empty wine glass to refill it. A soft bing sounded from his laptop and Erik went to check it. It was an email.
He opened the attachment and read the words in pink letters.
Open if you dare.
Sitting the tray of brownies down and his wine glass, Erik opened that email. It seemed to cause a disruption on his computer. The screen began to glitch out of control like those old antenna televisions. Erik sat down at his desk, leaning in and pressing various keys. He was ready to panic until he pressed the enter key and what emerged before his eyes peeked his interest so fast he’d forgotten about the hack.
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The three pink dots blinked one by one. Erik recognized that face straight away. It was Kittie. He stared at his screen open-mouthed. The sight of her dressed like such a slut was nothing compared to how she looked when they ran into each other in the gym. So, her and Ashley are pretty much the same in terms of pretty little sluts go. She was just as built. Two for the price of one.
Erik entered, his anticipation getting the best of him. A screen popped up with Kittie’s face and her holding a pink stuffed animal.
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She looked delicious. Words started going across the screen and Erik’s cognac eyes moved back and forth, reading the text.
I’m Kittie. And I’m looking for a daddy to fuck me like I deserve. In order to get your reward in the end, you have to prove to me that you deserve to slut me out. I’m going to give you three challenges to complete. The further you go, the harder they become. Are you ready to begin your first challenge, professor?
Erik took a second to think. If he completed these challenges, he would get a chance to fuck his cute neighbor. Kittie has been on his mind all night. He found himself fisting his dick beneath the shower in the men’s locker room last night. She looked so innocent with her glasses and her nervous expression. He couldn’t help that his dick is thick and long. She was staring at his stick like she never saw a dick in her life. Now, he knew that she’s a freaky bitch. He wanted her ass even more.
Erik accepted the first challenge and a tiny white envelope popped up on his screen.
Open to see your first challenge:
Erik clicked on the envelope and he was sent another photo of Kittie that had him groaning into his closed fist. His dick was pressing against the seam of his slacks.
This is me right now. All alone. In need of a daddy. I haven’t had dick in so long. Tell me, what would you do to me if you were here right now?
So, she wanted him to play into a fantasy. This was a piece of cake. Erik decided to get himself more comfortable before starting. He removed his white dress shirt, tie, and black slacks. Sitting in just his grey briefs and black dress socks, Erik cracked his knuckles and started typing.
As soon as I open that door, I would take in the sight of you first. My eyes would roam up and down your frame, drinking you in and biting my lip. I’d tell you how sexy you look for daddy and ask you if this is all for me.
Erik waited with a racing heart. Her reply popped up within a minute.
Yes, daddy, it’s all for you. I picked it out just for you. I’m so happy that you love it. Let me turn around so you can see how it looks from the back…
She sent another attachment and Erik wasted no time opening it.
She sent him a video this time and that ass looked as soft as dough and it moved like jello. Erik was speechless and rock hard. He grabbed his dick through his briefs and squeezed the heft of it. His balls were already full of cum. He wanted to beat his stick so bad.
Damn, baby girl, it looks even better from the back. Mmmm…this all for me? You’re so sweet…I can’t wait to undress you. Take my time and remove every piece before putting my whole face in it.
Why wait? Take it all off of me now…I can’t wait anymore, daddy. My pussy is so wet…please hurry…
Stay just like that…good girl…mmm, look at that pretty pussy…can daddy keep these little panties? I can’t wait to bury my face in them.
Yes, I want you to keep them so you can think about me. The more you use them, the better you’ll fuck me. My sweet scent will keep that dick nice and hard for me when you get home. You’ll fuck me better…
Erik smirked. Biting his bottom lip, he typed a response.
And daddy won’t stroke his dick because I want you to get the biggest cum load in your mouth when I get home. Every single day I expect you to be ready and on your knees, that mouth open and that tongue out. If I sniff your panties all fucking day…you’ll get rewarded with eight hours of nut. I expect you to swallow it all.
I’ll swallow it, but I hope you’ll cover me all over with that tasty nut. And what if I want it in my pussy? Don’t I deserve it in my pretty little pussy, daddy? I’ve been such a good girl for you. Haven’t touched my kitty all day. No matter how wet I was…
Can I see that dick?
Erik stood up at his desk and slipped his briefs down. He took his seat again and in one hand he gripped his girth firm at the base, swinging it up and down. One look at his fat dick and it was leaking pre-cum.
Daddy is so hard, baby girl. It’s throbbing out of control. Seeing you like this with that wet pussy out got me ready to explode. I should punish you for making daddy stay hard like this all day. I was trapped in my office all day with a hard dick, baby. Fuck…
Beat that dick for me, but don’t cum.
With a twist of his wrist, Erik strokes his dick. Up and down, he slowly pumped his dick into his fist. As his fist went back up, he twisted his hand over his tip. Erik’s eyes became slits and his head went back. Bringing his head forward again, glasses fogging up because of his deep breaths, he watched his movements. His toned hips are in sync with his hand.
Just like that. Think about how my pussy will feel on that tongue.
Erik groaned. That pussy print was fat in her panties. He loved fat pussy. More for him to put in his mouth. He could feel that tingling in his balls. He could feel the veins in his throbbing dick against the palm of his hand. It was warning him that it was time to bust a load.
Erik let go of his dick, but it was still pointed to the ceiling like a traffic cone.
I can see you, professor.
Erik’s eyes focused on the tiny camera. How was she able to do this? It doesn’t matter. He wanted her. NEEDED HER.
You did good, professor. You can’t finish, but it’s okay. The reward will be amazing. Until tomorrow. Xoxo
Erik heard a soft knock on his door. He stood up and quickly slipped on his briefs, grunting from how his dick felt straining against the fabric. As he walked, his dick poked out of the opening in the crotch area. He shook his head before opening his door, he looked around and his eyes went down to find a small pink box wrapped in a white satin ribbon.
Erik grabbed the box quickly and after shutting his door he opened it where he stood. The ribbon slipped from his fingers and fell onto his dick. He was that stiff. He opened the box and his jaw tightened. Gently, his thick fingers grasped the edge of a pair of pink and white lace panties with little white bows on them. The same panties Kittie had on in that picture.
The box dropped to the floor—forgotten. Erik pressed his sturdy back against the door and brought her panties to his face. He inhaled, his eyes rolling shut. She smelled amazing. His dick bobbed up and down. It was a shame he couldn’t cum. He would play along for now, but as soon as he got his hands on her…
Game over.
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Ashley accepted the box of pepperoni, stuff-crust pizza and tipped the delivery guy. Shutting the door, Ashley walked with her feet cozy in a pair of pink bunny slippers towards the dining room. There, Kittie was sitting in a pair of pink shorts with a white baby tee. Ashley sat the box down in the center of the table and Kittie slid her a paper plate with a floral pattern on it. The girls tucked into their food with smiles and happy bellies.
“I was thinking about baking brownies later. Do you think Erik would want some?”
Kittie’s brown feline eyes looked up at Ashley from her plate. She gave her a skeptical look and Ashley simply looked at her with a blink of her eyes.
“Your special brownies, Ash?” Kittie asked.
“Ash…I know exactly what you’re trying to do. I’m not stupid.”
Ashley rolled her eyes.
“Okay, FINE. I want to see what’s good with Erik too.”
Kittie laughed.
“I should have known! You just can’t help yourself, can you?”
Kittie gave Ashley a teasing look.
“You shouldn’t have told me! Ugh!”
“Well, I saw him first,” Kittie said with a mischievous grin, “I bet you he’s thinking about me right now.”
“I can change that,” Ashley smiles, “When I go over to give him my brownies, he’ll want me.”
“So, you want to compete with me?” Kittie asked.
“No need, I’ll win!” Ashley spoke with confidence.
“How about we put our tech skills to the test. We each devise a game for the professor to play and whoever fails, gets to fuck him.”
“Hmm,” Ashley looked heavenward, “So, if I win, I get to have that dick all to myself?”
“Yes,” Kittie grabbed another slice of pizza, “I can make use of that personal project I’ve been working on that I told you about. It would be perfect.”
“Deal. May the best win.”
Professor Erik Steel erased his white board filled with acceleration formulas. All of his students were gone and before class they had a lengthy, important conversation about passing his class. Future mathematicians, engineers, and architects were amongst him. They had to do better. Erik grabbed his navy blue blazer that matched his navy blue slacks from the back of his chair. Briefcase in hand, He turned off the lights in his classroom and shut the door.
His office was down the hall. It was a small space but it did give him some privacy. He said hello to other professors as he walked, and the closer he got, the more he noticed that his office door had been opened. Erik took long strides towards the door and pushed it open with his hand. There was no one there, but his desktop computer was booted up. Erik shut his office door and walked around the desk.
His eyes noticed the same glitch that happened to his laptop the other night. He quickly closed the blinds to his office door and walked back over to his desk. Taking a seat, Erik adjusted his tie and swallowed spit. This must be challenge number two. How risky to challenge him while he’s at work. He had another class within an hour.
Erik pressed enter and the picture this time before his eyes shocked him. He wasn’t expecting this turn of events.
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Erik didn’t hesitate. So, Ashley wanted to play too? Erik clicked on the little white envelope and his eyes bore into his screen.
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Damn. Damn. Damn. He loved the little dress covered in strawberries. And her hair? She switched it up.
You can call me Baby Ashley. I’m a slut for you, professor. Do you like my little outfit? I wore it to school today. You’ve been on my mind ever since I gave you those brownies. I have a little game for us to play today. Are you ready?!
Erik pressed enter at the same time a knock came to his office door.
Let me in.
Erik cleared his throat before sitting up in his chair.
“It’s open.” He said.
The door handle turned and it opened to reveal Ashley. She had books in her hand and a bright smile on her face.
“Hi, professor.”
“Ashley,” Erik dipped his head in greeting, “what can I do for you, baby girl?”
Ashley walked over to him with a teasing lick of her lips. The camera crew behind her had a view of hee ass peeking out from beneath her little dress. She sat at the edge of his desk, sitting her books down behind her. She leaned into Erik and grabbed him by the tie. He bit down on his lip and stared her directly in the eyes.
“I have a little gift for you,” Ashley picked up a pink box with a white satin ribbon from on top of her books, “this is for you, professor.”
She handed Erik the box and stood up, walking around to the front of his desk. Erik opened the box to find a little remote. His eyes connected with Ashley.
“That remote will control the vibrator in my panties. If you can make me cum in three minutes, I’ll let you fuck me…right here in your office, professor.”
“Just like that, huh?” Erik twirled the controller in his hand, “Aight…”
He stood up and walked over to Ashley. She froze when his body pressed against hers. The height difference between them turned her on something vicious. His eyes looked from her, down to the vibrator in his hand. He pressed the button and a low rumble could be heard between them. Ashley swayed where she stood. Her mouth opened and her eyebrows creased.
She grabbed onto Erik for balance. Erik watched her with a penetrating gaze. She gasped when he increased the speed of the vibrations. Her legs began to shake out of control and she moaned loudly. Anybody could hear her. Anybody could walk up to that door and hear her cries of ecstasy.
“Shhh, you can’t make too much noise, baby,” Erik whispered to her, “I know that pussy feels good, but you have to be a good girl and stay as silent as you can. You don’t want daddy to get in trouble, do you?”
“Unh….” Ashley dragged her nails down Erik’s chest, “No, daddy.”
“If you continue to be a good girl, then we can have fun like this in my office anytime,” Erik grabbed a fist full of her hair to force her to look up at him, “Can you do that for me, baby?”
“Yes, professor,” Ashley looked at his lips.
“Baby Ashley…you ain’t never see how I get down, huh? It’s okay if you’re late to the party…you won’t be disappointed.”
A minute had gone by. Erik increased the speed again and Ashley buried her face against his chest. Her slit was being tortured by that vibrator. She could feel herself creaming into her panties.
“You’re such a slut, Ashley. How do you think Kittie would feel if she found out her roommate wanted this dick too?”
Ashley nibbled on her lip. She couldn’t open her mouth to speak. Two minutes had gone by and it was all or nothing. Erik changed things up and wrapped his hand around her neck. She gasped, her glossy eyes staring up at him.
“You better cum, Ashley, if you want this dick, you better cum. The only loser here is you. Because guess what? You won’t get to have this dick. You won’t get to suck it…to fuck–it.”
Oooo, shit,” her legs shook, “I’m gonna cu—”
Ashley writhed against him.
“That’s it, cum for daddy…cum for daddy, bitch.”
Erik turned off that vibrator and picked Ashley up. He put her on her back on a sofa in his office and reached beneath her dress to take off her panties. The camera focused on Ashley’s face and she looked directly into the screen, licking her lips. His mouth was on her neck and his fingers ripped her panties from her body.
The pieces of fabric fell to the floor. Erik gripped her by the jaw, causing her head to lift from the couch. His teeth latched onto her jaw and he nibbled on her flesh.
“Professor,” Ashley tried to get his attention, “you didn’t make me cum in three minutes…”
Erik looked at her like she was out of her mind.
“Fuck you mean?” He questioned.
Ashley sat up, afraid to look him in the eye. Instead, her eyes dropped down to his crotch.
“My phone had gone off. You went three seconds over…”
Erik glared at her. It did nothing but turn Ashley on. He cocked his head to the side before leaning over Ashley on the couch. His eyes bore into hers intently.
“You come into my office, and play games with me. Nah…”
His voice was deep and menacing.
“I think you owe me, baby girl. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Ashley was startled when she felt Erik’s thick fingers push past her opening. He stroked her spot with the pads of his fingers with one hand while his other hand unfastened his pants. Ashley whimpered deep in her throat the more Erik’s fingers slid in and out of her pussy.
“Open your legs, I wanna see that pretty pussy.”
She spread as wide as she could. Erik was blessed with a smooth pussy covered in a creamy mess.
“Imagine how good my dick would have felt deep in this puss, baby.”
His dick was finally freed from its restrictions and Ashley’s mouth went agape. She was damn near cross-eyed looking at it.
“This the dick you ain’t getting since you wanna worry about three fucking seconds. Now, you get to watch daddy bust a fat nut all over you. Too bad…”
His thumb was on her clit now, flicking it up and down. Her thighs shook out of control and Erik chuckled darkly at that.
“Just think, if it was my dick instead of my fingers. I’d have you leaking all over my shit in a minute.”
“Mmmm, Erik,” Ashley cried, “Please, that dick is so fucking big, “I want it.”
“I thought this was your game? I thought you were in charge? Hmm, I guess not.”
Erik laughed at her. He tapped her mouth with his dick. Ashley opened her mouth and flicked her tongue on his fat tip.
“Look at that tongue. I love those braces.”
His fingers were deep. Ashley’s legs trembled when she felt herself squirt. Erik slapped her clit, more of her juices staining his shirt.
“You nasty, nasty bitch. Mmm,” Erik licked his fingers, “A tasty bitch too…”
He used the mess on his fingers to continue to pump his dick. Soon, he remembered Kittie’s words. Erik let go of his painfully hard dick and it swayed in Ashley’s face. He growled deep within his chest. He forgot Kittie’s rules. He wasn’t supposed to cum.
“Daddy?” Ashley gripped his dick, “Why did you stop, daddy? I was ready to suck it.”
“Fuck,” Erik watched Ashley stroke him.
She used both of her hands in a grinding motion. His nuts were so tight. Her soft hands felt like butter.
“What’s wrong? Don’t you wanna cum?”
She knew that if he did, Kittie would lose. Something told him to stay strong. To hold that nut in as long as he could for Kittie. Ashley was so hard to resist. She was right there. Pussy out, titties tempting him to pull down the front of her dress and suck. Mouth with lips so juicy the perfect fit for his big dick. Ugh.
“I do, baby, but I can’t. I gotta hold off.”
Ashley looked annoyed.
“You could have all of this to yourself…”
She sat up and Erik fixed himself. He was a mess. How was he going to go to his next class like this? Ashley fixed her dress and fluffed her hair. She giggled at Erik trying to fix his crotch.
“Too bad you lost this round. Maybe the next one you’ll do better.”
Ashley grabbed her things, face still covered in cum. Erik gave her some tissue and she cleaned up as best as she could. She waved goodbye to Erik before leaving him standing there with a hard dick.
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Open to see your next challenge…
Erik was still recovering from the earlier events. He’d noticed a difference between Ashley and Kittie’s games. Kittie was better at playing than Ashley. Baby Ashley wanted that dick quick fast. He almost gave in, but the anticipation of following Kittie’s rules had him holding off on yet another orgasm. His nuts were damn near dragging because they were filled with cum. The edging was killing him.
Erik wondered what she had in store next. He was currently fresh out of the shower, a fluffy black towel hanging low from his hips. He opened the next challenge.
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Daddy…am I your baby?
Erik typed a reply.
Yes. Always.
When will daddy be home? I’m waiting with my mouth open just like you wanted.
Good girl. I’m home now. I could use that wet mouth. It was so hard for daddy to be good today. I have so much to give you.
Can I come over?
Fuck yes. Bring that ass here baby girl 😩
Erik didn’t bother getting dressed. What was the point? He was about to get his dick sucked all on anyway. He was at his door before Kittie could even knock. He flung the door open and found her wearing something totally different from the picture she sent. She has on a pair of black shorts with a black crop top and a pair of glasses
She walked inside and looked around. Erik watched her take in her surroundings before her eyes fell on him again.
“Had to take a quick shower?” Kittie asked.
“I was getting myself ready for bed before you came over, but since you’re here, why don’t you get down on your knees for me.” Erik commanded.
“Not so fast, daddy,” Kittie put her hands behind her back, “You have to do what I say first before you get to feel my wet, warmth mouth.”
Erik clenched his jaw with impatience but tilted his head in acceptance. He was tired of this goddamn game. He wanted to put it in her stomach.
“I want you to talk to me nasty, Erik. The nastier you talk to me, the sluttier I am for you.”
He narrowed his eyes at Kittie, watching her like a hawk when she started dragging a single finger down his chest, looking him in the eyes with a slow, sensual blink.
Erik took that finger into his grasp, Kittie’s lips parting a fraction. Erik; eyes still on her, put Kittie’s finger in his mouth and started sucking. Her eyelids fluttered at the sensation. He paused his sucking to speak.
“You should have seen your roommate earlier,” Erik looked at her saliva-covered finger, “She was hungry for this dick. What did you tell her, huh? That I had the biggest dick you’d ever seen?”
Kittie drew her lower lip into her mouth. Her chest rose up and down with deep breaths.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“She almost made me cum, baby girl. But I remembered that Miss Kittie told me not to cum…”
Erik licked her finger while his eyes bore into hers so deeply it was as if he could see her soul. Kittie was losing her dominance in this game. That same hand, Erik lowered it to his crotch. He placed Kittie’s open palm on there and her lip quivered.
“Mmm…so big, right? Daddy’s dick is so big, princess?”
“Yes…daddy’s dick…is so…big.” Kittie struggled to say.
“Mhm,” Erik nods his head before leaning into her face. He looked down on her with a tilt of his head, sizing her up with his eyes, “after I ran into you at the gym, I couldn’t help myself…I beat my dick in the shower thinkin’ ‘bout you, girl.”
Kittie’s lips were centimeters away from Erik’s. He had her ass in the most lethal chokehold.
“I would have never guessed that you would be this much of a nasty little slut…”
He brought his lips around to her ear and exhaled a warm, gentle breath that sent shivers down her spine.
“And I plan to give you exactly what you want. This little game of yours is cute…but when I win…I’m gonna fuck you so fuckin’ good you won’t ever play another game wit’ me. When daddy wants that pussy…you give it up…”
Kittie closed her eyes when his tongue slithered up her ear.
“When I want that mouth…you suck this dick with no questions…understand?”
“Yes, daddy,” Kittie replied.
“Good fucking girl…”
She was rubbing her hand up and down his dick through the towel. Kittie moved to her knees and unraveled the towel. His dick sprung free and slapped her in the cheek. She used her mouth to catch it and made sure to look up at him.
Meanwhile, the cameras from the production crew were angled over Erik’s shoulder and from Sugar Kittie’s side. She spit on his dick, one hand jerking it, before her lips found his tip and she went to work. Kittie bobbed her head, guck guck guck so loud and disrespectful. Erik’s face looked angry—brows drawn together, bottom lip between his teeth.
“Dasssit, suck that mothafucka,” Erik grabbed her weave into a ponytail, “I got miss Sugar Kittie’s mouth to play with today.”
She looked up at him with teary eyes and a gag in the back of her throat. Kittie removed her mouth and a stream of spit dripped down her neck. Her in those sexy glasses made the moment even better.
“Good…uh-huh…gooood,” He pushed her head down to where her nose was touching his clipped pubic hair, “unhhhhhhshittt….” Erik bobbed her head over his dick, “stay on that shit, Kittie, before you make me mad.”
“Ack! Shit!” She pushed off of him to catch her breath.
Erik tutted at her like she was a bad child.
“I know where to put you,” he pulled her up by her arm, “back against the wall, Kittie.”
She put her back against the wall next to his apartment door and got down on her knees.
“Good Kittie….”
Erik approached her, swinging his dick from side to side, the cameras getting a good shot. Kitty grabbed his shaft but Erik gripped her wrists and put her arms up against the walls. With both hands in his grasp, he made Kittie open wide and he proceeded to fuck her throat.
“Here, kittie, Kittie…”
Erik withdrew his hips and his dick pressed against her lips.
“And daddy can’t cum, hmm?”
She had tears rolling down her face. He was back down her throat again. The way he looked down at her from above was dangerous. She moved that neck as best as she could in that position. Erik’s mouth opened and his eyes fluttered shut. He grunted when she deep-throated him.
Erik pulled his dick from her mouth again, “Get these nuts too, baby, can’t forget that…”
She put her face in it. Sloppy and raunchy. Erik laughed, grinding his hips against her face.
“Aight, back on this dick,” He let go of her wrists and one hand gripped her chin tight while the other fisted her hair, “That’s a good girl, give daddy that throat.”
Sugar Kittie was holding her weight. She knew he was going to give her a run for her money. She’d seen him in action. Erik Steel didn’t play.
“Stayyyy,” he threw his head back and moaned, “your mouth is so warm. You look so pretty sucking this big dick, baby…fuuuck….shit—”
Erik pulled her mouth off with a yank of her hair. He was about to bust. He was so close. Spit dripped from his dick to the floor. Kittie tried to catch her breath. She smiled up at Erik while wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Erik picked her up and stuck his tongue down her throat. They kissed sloppily for a while, Erik slapping her on the ass.
“You almost made me cum,” He smirked against her mouth, “Did daddy win this challenge?”
“Yes,” Kittie said with a nod of her head, “just one more and this one is the best.”
“It better be.” Erik said.
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Ashley was seething. She knew that Kittie had gone to see Erik last night. There’s no telling what they both did. She was close to having that dick deep inside of her, but he didn’t give in because of Kittie. She had to get him to herself. It was time for round two.
It was the next afternoon, at school, when Ashley decided to strike again. From her laptop in the library, she could see Professor Steel enter with his briefcase. He wore a white button-down shirt and a pair of khakis. His clothes stretched over his body perfectly. He found a back table—out of sight—so he could focus on his work.
Ashley checked the time on her laptop. Smirking, she sent the professor his second game. This one involved her being a passenger princess. She was excited. Ashley waited on the other side of the book stacks, sneakily watching him as he opened his next challenge. Erik sat up straighter in his chair and looked around the nearly empty library. He didn’t spot her.
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Good afternoon, professor! I’ve missed you since our last meeting in your office 😘 looks like you’re finished for the day. Do you like my outfit? I had all eyes on me today at school. The only one I wanted to impress was you. I don’t have a ride home today, I’m currently without a car until it gets fixed. Do you mind giving me a ride back to the apartment? Please? 🥺
I promise it will be worth it.
Ashley could see Erik reaching down between his legs to grab his dick through his pants. He started typing a response that Ashley already knew would be the answer.
Of course I like your sexy little outfit. Sure, I can give you a ride home, baby girl. Anything for you.
Ashley packed her things and made her way towards him. Erik looked up from his laptop when he noticed her coming from behind one of the many book shelves. She was wearing that same outfit from the picture. Ashley waved to him and Erik stood, quickly putting his things away.
“Ready?” He asked her, his eyes roaming all over her body.
“Yes. Thank you for being so nice, professor.”
They walked out of the library side by side. A camera was placed on the dashboard to film them while Erik was driving. They both walked towards the faculty portion of the parking lot and up to Erik’s red Ferrari SF90. He opened the door for Ashley after taking her school bag to put in the back. After he climbed inside, he shut his door and started the car.
Looking over at her, she placed one hand in his lap, rubbing him close to his dick. Erik pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. Ashley used that same hand to rest over his crotch. Erik made his dick jump against her hand.
“I felt that, professor. Are you trying to tell me something?” Ashley questioned with a sweet voice.
Erik looked at her before focusing back on the road.
“What exactly does this second game require of me, Ashley?”
Ashley giggled, “Nothing you can’t handle I’m sure. I’ll be your passenger princess while you drive. I’ll take care of this dick with my mouth, and you have to get us home without cumming.”
He was growing exhausted of holding off his nut.
“You and Kittie love to play games. I’m tired of this shit.” Erik said with a deep, threatening voice.
“You love our games, Professor, you don’t have to lie.”
Ashley used both hands now to undo his pants. The sound of his zipper was loud. Erik’s head went back against his headrest and he switched to driving one-handed. Ashley unfastened her seatbelt and arched over into his lap. Her little pink skirt lifted and he could see her pink thong. Erik reached over to pop her on the ass hard.
“Mmmm, look at all this ass, baby, so much fucking ass.”
He lifted her skirt up some more. Meanwhile, Ashley was too busy reaching past his briefs to grab his dick. She wrapped her fingers around his girth and whipped him out. Opening wide, careful not to snag him with her braces, Ashley wrapped her lips around his tip while one of her hands cuffed his sack to keep him upright.
“Shit, fuck,” Erik was fighting the urge to watch her suck him off, “That wet ass mouth. Spit on that shit, Brace-face.”
Ashley giggled at his nickname. She spit on his tip and it cascaded down his shaft. Erik drew his lip from between his teeth, lip poked out, showing off his gold slugs. He gripped the stirring wheel tighter and finally he came to a red light.
“You had to take it up a notch, huh? Look at that tongue work,” Erik grabbed his phone quickly from his pocket and started recording Baby Ashley, “Oooohhhh shit.”
She looked up into the camera with her big, brown eyes. Erik made sure to scan her body with his phone, getting everything into view. He multitasked by focusing his eyes straight into the camera on the dashboard. The light turned green and he wasn’t too far away from the apartment.
“Kittie had me close to nutting down her throat last night. Think you can make daddy do the same?”
Erik didn’t wait for a response. He gripped her hair and forced her head down. His foot pressed down on the accelerator when she did this thing with her jaws like she was squeezing his dick.
They finally arrived the apartment. Erik parked his car half-hazardously and dropped his eyes down at Ashley.
“Get that dick down your fucking throat, Ashley,” Erik palmed the back of her head, “there you go, dasssitt,” he lifted his hips from the seat to feed her more dick, “show me you can throat all this dick, bitch.”
Ashley turned her gaze onto the dashboard while Erik abused her throat. He fucked her mouth, hips moving faster, balls bouncing out of control and covered in spit. He yanked her hair again to pull her mouth from his dick and she spit on him again. Ashley started jerking him off while Erik pressed his forehead against hers.
“Pump that big dick…pump that dick…down to the balls…up to the tip…uhnnnnnhhhhhhhhh…you’re my good little passenger princess? You’re my nasty little bitch?”
He made his voice sound all whiny and Ashley almost lost it. Erik used his teeth on her again and attacked her neck. Ashley let go of his dick to watch it sway back and forth. She slapped it around, amazed at how stiff it is. Erik removed his face from her neck and watched, face frowned with lust, stare at the long stream of pre-cum oozing from his tip.
“Fuuuuuuck,” Erik’s body seized up, “Ima bust, baby, I can’t hold it anymore.”
His voice trembled when Ashley started sucking some more. It’s been three days and no nut. He was fighting the urge to hold back but she was sucking that shit like an icy on a hot summer day.
“You nasty fucking bitch, how fucking dare you—here it comes—”
Ashley prided in herself when Erik came down her throat. It was rewarding and abundant. His hips bucked and his head fell back with defeat. Ashley giggled with cum-covered braces. He lost, and even though this meant that Kittie had more of a shot at fucking him than she did, at least she got to taste him. At least she got to swallow his cum.
“Game over, fuck that,” Erik said between breaths, “You knew what you were doing.”
Erik kissed her with his cum still on her lips. She jerked his sloppy girth while sticking her tongue out towards the camera. Somehow, Erik felt that wasn’t all of it.
“Cant wait to rub this one in her face,” Ashley said.
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Sugar Kittie was in her room, playing a game. Her headset was over her ears, so she couldn’t hear Ashley entering her room. Ashley was all smiles, confident in what she’d accomplished—making Erik Steel cum with her mouth.
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Ashley tapped Kittie on the shoulder. Kittie paused her game and removed her headset, turning in her pink gamer chair.
“What’s all this mess on your bed?”
Ashley motioned to Sugar Kittie’s bed. It was covered in sex toys. What Kittie didn’t want to share was that she’d been dreaming about Erik fucking her brains out. She was so horny and wet that she decided to go through her toy box to see if most of her toys still worked. She found her Sailor Moon butt plugs that she’d been looking for and put one in her ass while making herself cum all morning. She had a big mess to clean.
“I was in the middle of organizing my toy box but decided to hop online for a little bit. Why are you smiling like that?”
Ashley was too giddy not to share with Kittie.
“Oh nothing much, just a little run-in with our professor.”
Ashley took a seat on the edge of Kittie’s bed, sliding some dildos out of the way so she wouldn’t sit on them. She could see that Kittie was growing irritated the more she sat in silence.
“Well? What happened?” Kittie pressed.
Ashley inspected her long, pink nails, “Just a little blow job…with a tasty reward at the end.”
Kittie’s mouth fell open. Ashley smiled brightly.
“I got to play passenger princess and suck his dick. His cum tastes like pineapples.”
Ashley made a slurping noise with her mouth. Kittie tossed a tiny stuffed animal at Ashley’s head.
“He wasn’t supposed to cum! Ugh,” Kittie tossed her controller on top of her desk, “So that means what? He lost?”
“Technically, but isn’t there supposed to be another round for each of us?”
“Yeah.” Kittie said with a flat tone. She was pissed that Ashley got to taste his cum.
“He’s done playing anyway. He said he’s tired of our games.”
Kittie didn’t know what to expect now. Was he finished all together? Did he like Ashley’s mouth more than her? She saw him first. She was the true throat goat.
“I’m gonna take a shower. No need to be all sad, Kittie, the best girl wins. Apparently, I suck dick better than you.”
“Lies!” Kittie fired back.
Ashley blew Kittie a kiss and left the room, laughing to herself.
“Bitch,” Kittie folded her arms.
Meanwhile, Erik had a few words for Sugar Kittie. He got himself cleaned up and put on a white T-shirt and some grey sweats. He walked across the hall to their door and knocked. When they didn’t answer on the first knock, Erik pounded. Sure enough, the woman he wanted to see opened the door. She wore a blond wig with a tiny white blouse and grey shorts that fit her two sizes too small. Erik’s eyes started at her feet covered in white thigh-high stockings and then all the way up to her cleavage spilling over the top of her bra.
“Erik?” Kittie didn’t expect him.
“Can I come in?”
She stepped aside and he walked over the threshold. Erik felt as if he’d stepped into another dimension. It was sickeningly adorable how much pink surrounded him. Kittie stepped in front of him with a glare.
“You came, you weren’t supposed to cum.” She said.
Erik looked at her.
“You didn’t expect me to hold that in for three days straight, did you?”
Kittie rolled her eyes away from Erik, “You let her get a taste before me.”
“Kittie,” Erik tried to grab her arm but Kittie stormed off in the direction of her room. Erik was right on her tail. He caught the door in his hand before she could slam it shut. In the distance, he could hear the shower running.
“Daddy’s sorry, baby. She was sucking on my dick so good. I couldn’t control it.”
“But you controlled it for me,” Kittie turned her back to Erik, “It’s not fair. I played the game better. I should have been the one to taste you first.”
Erik exhaled, shutting Kittie’s door slightly. Anime covered the walls and she had manga and little collectibles on a book shelf. The carpet was fuzzy and white and it smelled like lavender and vanilla. His eyes fell to her bed surrounded with sex toys. He arched a single brow at her. Kittie looked up at him with timid eyes.
“I was organizing.”
Erik knew better.
“No…looks like you were having some fun. Without me?”
“You were too busy getting your dick sucked to notice.” Kittie argued.
He walked up to her slowly while she took a few steps back. The back of her legs hit the bed and she lost her footing. Erik was standing over her, his imposing body trapping her there.
“That’s in the past. I’m here now, aren’t I? And I think we both know what’s about to happen…”
Erik picked up a toy that was red at the base with a silicone pink tongue. It reminded him of the rose, same mechanics. Kittie watched him inspect the toy, her heart racing.
“I think it’s time we do things my way now. Play time is over, Kittie.”
Erik sat the toy down momentarily and lifted his shirt over his head from behind. His muscles flexed without much effort. Kittie’s eyes roamed his body hungrily. He got closer, leaning over her until she was on her elbows. The soft material of her thigh-high stockings tickled his waist. Erik took both of her meaty thighs in his grip, pushing them back so she would be spread open for him. He pressed his body against hers and started dry-pounding her clothed pussy. The friction was so sweet. He climbed off of her and with her thighs still opened, Erik grabbed both of her ankles.
“Daddy,” Kittie spoke weakly.
“Let’s see how much you can take this toy on your clit…you think you can do that?”
Kittie nodded her head. Erik let her legs down and instructed for her to stand. The camera in the room focused on Sugar Kittie and all of her curves. Erik stood behind her and while looking over her shoulder, he kissed along her neck while untying her white blouse. It fell open, revealing a pink push-up bra. Both of them looking down into the camera, Erik cupped her breasts and squeezed. Sugar Kittie reached behind her to caress Erik’s neck.
“Mmm,” She moaned.
“They fit so nicely in my hands.” Erik whispered.
Kittie turned her head and poked out her tongue for Erik to suck on. His thumbs stroked her nipples through her bra. There was a camera taped to the ceiling to get good shots from above.
He trailed his fingers up and behind him to unclamp her bra. When it fell from her shoulders, Erik didn’t waste time palming both of her titties. He pinched her brown nipples and pulled, eliciting a whimper from Kittie.
“I could suck on these all day…too bad they don’t have any milk…I’d drink you dry, baby.”
She couldn’t hold back her moan. He was so nasty.
Erik nibbled on her shoulder and made his way down to his knees, his mouth creating a path towards her stomach. He kissed her belly button and with his eyes never leaving hers, he found the waistband to her shorts and pulled. The more they fell past her hips, the more he noticed that she wasn’t wearing any underwear.
To see that pussy face to face for the first time left him speechless. She had a landing strip above her phat pussy lips that Erik trailed with his tongue. Erik kissed her hips and made his way up until his mouth latched onto her left nipple. Kittie gripped his hair and stared into the camera while Erik devoured her. He went from nipple to nipple, sucking and nibbling.
“Ooh, yes,” Kittie moaned, “I love your mouth, daddy.”
He bounced her titties and motor-boated her. His tongue and lips didn’t leave any part of her untouched. He latched onto her neck again and Kittie’s hand found its way to his crotch. The camera zoomed in on her hand groping him through his grey sweats. Erik grunted before bringing a hand up to her neck. It was all eyes on him at all times. Kittie blinked her feline eyes at him while they kissed.
“This dick is so big in my hand….”
“Too much for you?” Erik questioned, his lips touching hers, “It shouldn’t be with the way you were throating if the other day.”
“I can take this dick in my pussy,” Kittie replied with a hushed voice.
Erik walked Kittie over to the bed again, his hand stil around her neck, pushing her down gently. She bounced, the springs in the bed creaking. Erik made himself comfortable behind her and instructed for Kittie to spread her legs wide and lean back against him. He picked up that vibrating tongue and activated it. The vibrations seemed strong. Erik guided a hand between her legs again and found her clit with his finger tips.
“Gotta get that clit nice and ready for the sweet torture, right, baby?” Erik said with a sexy, sotto voice.
“Yes.” Kittie said.
Erik traced Kittie’s nipples with the vibrating tongue. She squirmed against his chest, breasts moving from left to right. Her nipples were stiff peaks sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout her body. She could feel her wet lower lips quiver.
The camera panned over her body. Erik gave her nipples a break but her pussy wasn’t off the hook. Erik found her clit with the tip of the vibrating tongue and put it on the higher vibration. Kittie moaned, groaned, cried out for him to make her cum. Clit swollen, Kittie watched that vibrator with disbelief in her eyes.
“Keep your eyes on this pussy…I want you to watch…you see how I move it over your clit like this,” Erik strokes her clit from side to side, “Like that, Miss Kittie?” Erik questioned with a hushed tone.
“Daddy, please,” Kittie begged, “I like it, I like it, daddy!”
“"No, baby, not yet; don’t you fucking cum just yet. I’m not done with you; hold it! Keep these fuckin’ legs open till I’m done...”
Kittie’s thigh meat shook out of control. She was so wet that it covered the toy. It sounded like a pot of mac and cheese stirring. Just wet and gushy. Just before she could cum, Erik turned the toy off and tossed it on the bed. Kittie pouted and whimpered.
“Doesn’t feel good, does it? Now you see how I felt.”
Erik grabbed a hot pink dildo. He lined it up with Kittie’s pussy and pushed past her tight opening until that toy was sucked inside. He didn’t waste time pumping. She couldn’t keep still against his chest. Her legs were spread far apart for him to use her favorite toy to fuck her needy little hole. Sugar Kittie whines and moans as she grips his arm, doing her best to stay still. Her eyes cross like a brainless slut.
“You look so good…look at all that cream. I can’t wait to get that all over my dick. Shhh, you wouldn’t want Ashley to hear us, would you?”
Erik forced his fingers into her mouth so she wouldn’t startle her roommate. This was Sugar Kittie in her true state. Just a brainless little fuck toy for Erik to play with till his heart's content.
“Didn’t I say you couldn’t cum? Not until I eat this pussy, slut.”
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Ashley stepped out of her bathroom, slightly cold from the temperature change. She was completely naked and she pinned her hair up. Walking past Kittie’s room to get to hers, Ashley heard moaning. She would have ignored it because she’d heard Kittie’s moans plenty of times, but there was male voice. It could only be one man. Ashley tiptoed to Kittie’s door and peeked inside. She stood shocked, mouth slightly parted and eyes wide.
Kittie was on her back, thighs spread and pussy open. Erik Steel was sucking her clit into his mouth. Kittie could do nothing but moan. Ashley had seen Kittie naked many times before, but the way she looked right now, body covered in a sheen of sweat, nipples stiff, pussy soaked, butt plug poking out like a surprise, she could feel herself growing wet.
Erik was on that pussy. Tongue and lips. He had that pussy wetter than a pond. He would take control of her hips and force her pussy to grind on his tongue. It was beautiful. She envied how she must feel right now.
Ashley couldn’t help but touch herself to this view. She brought one hand to her tittie and used her thumb to bring her nipple to life. Her other hand went to her waxed pussy and when her fingertips spread her outer lips, Ashley couldn’t believe how wet she was already. She didn’t hold back.
“Awe, baby, don’t cry.” Erik said, his fingers rubbing Kittie’s clit rapidly, “I know we can get you to finish again. Shhhh shhhh, you’re doing so well, love. You can give me one more. After that, we’ll get you all cleaned up. That’s my good girl!”
Ashley couldn’t see because Erik’s mouth was sucking that cum out like it was a Capri Sun. Kittie’s eyes drifted towards the door and when she spotted Ashley watching, she smirked at her and gave her a wink. This must of been her way to get back her.
“Daddy, am I good slut?”
“Mhm, daddy’s good pussy slut.”
Ashley and Kittie locked eyes again.
“Daddy, we have a special guest at the door.”
Erik turned his head and squinted. He stood up, beard covered in pussy juice, and flung open Kittie’s door. Erik was eating her alive with his penetrating gaze. Those big titties of hers sat jutted out, and her wide hips with a big ass to match had him thinking nasty thoughts.
“Baby Ashley. If you wanted to join us, all you had to do was ask,” Kittie teased.
“She wants to get fucked too, look at her face.”
Ashley was driven by lust. She didn’t hide her horniness.
Erik curled his finger into a come-hither motion and Ashley walked into the room. She was startled by Erik’s hands clapping her on the ass. Kittie stood up from the bed, sauntering over towards them. Erik cut his eyes at her and popped her across the ass too.
“Fuck yes,” Erik took turns slapping both of their cheeks around, “Bend it over.”
Kittie and Ashley turned their backs to Erik and got down into a twerk stance. They started bouncing their cheeks around, filling the room with a round of applause. Erik sat his dick between both women’s backs while they shook ass.
Ashley threw her ass back against Erik, moving Kittie out of the way. She started grinding up and down Erik’s dick until it fell between her cheeks. Erik whacked her on the ass hard and grabbed her hair into his fist, straightening her back and turning her to face him. Kittie took the opportunity to grind her ass on Erik’s dick. While Erik had his tongue down Ashley’s throat, Kittie twerked on his dick to gain his attention back. It seemed to work because Erik smoothed his hand down her back and and slid his fingers in her pussy from behind.
“Look at both of y’all fighting over this dick. Who should I give it to first?”
Ashley and Kittie scrambled knees, mouths open wide and tongues out. Erik gripped both of their chins and looked down on them with sultry eyes.
“Pick me, daddy, please, I’m the best. ” Kittie begged.
“Who made you cum with their mouth first?” Ashley taunted.
“Ashley, you can’t beat me in a dick-sucking contest.” Kittie fired back.
“I know I could. Why don’t we let Erik be the judge of that.”
They both blinked their eyes up Erik expectantly while he caressed their chins.
“All talk and no action, ladies. Show me who’s the best.” Erik said.
He left them on their knees and took a seat in Kittie’s pink gaming chair. They crawled to him, the camera following them from behind, a view of their phat asses and wet pussies the focal point. Erik widened his legs and grabbed his dick, jerking it towards their faces.
Kittie reached him first and without hesitation, she wrapped her lips around his tip and started swallowing him. Ashley put her face in it too, her tongue dragging over his balls.
“She got to the dick first, Ash, what was all that talk? She sucking my shit to the back of her throat right now.” Erik teased.
He smoothed Kittie’s blonde wig from her eyes to have a better view. When she came up for air, she spit on his dick and Ashley popped it in her mouth. Kittie laughed, her hand gripping Erik’s balls with spit dripping from her chin. Ashley swirled hee tongue around his tip, causing Erik to grunt. Kittie snatched the dick from her hand and with her wet eyes and ruined makeup, she slurped on Erik so good that it made the loudest, nastiest noises.
“Damn, Kittie, suck that fucking dick, girl. Get that dick,” Erik grabbed her head with both hands and fucked up into her mouth hastily.
Guck! guck! guck! guck! ahk! guck! guck! ahk!
“Fuck! Shitttttt, baby,” Erik slapped his dick on her lips, before holding it out towards Ashley’s mouth, “Your turn. Let me see if that throat still deep.”
He had Ashley’s hair in a tight fist and he scooted his hips to the edge of the chair so he could fuck her mouth. Erik’s dick darted in and out of her jaws. She gagged and spit his dick out. Kittie giggled and Erik looked at Ashley with disappointment.
“Gimmie that dick,” Kittie slapped him on her tongue and with both of her hands she twisted her wrists like she was grinding pepper. Kittie focused all of her sucking on his tip.
“That’s how you get a nut, baby. There you go…”
Ashley could only suck on his balls. Erik put her face in it with the back of his hand. His eyebrows scrunched and his mouth fell open when Kittie swallowed him again.
“Oh my god—”
Erik stood up quickly and fisted his dick towards their open mouths. Kittie and Ashley put their tongues together and caught Erik’s thick cum. They cleaned him off and Erik flopped back down in the chair.
“See what happens when you work together? Both of y’all made daddy cum.” Erik praised.
Kittie and Ashley shared a look. They couldn’t deny that their team work paid off. Ashley startled Kittie when she grabbed a handful of her titties.
“Ash?” Kittie was in shock.
“I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you when Erik was eating your pussy. You looked so good.”
Kittie blushed, “It turned me on when you were watching me…”
Erik smirked at both of them.
“Y’all got a lot of sexual tension between y’all. I’m surprised y’all haven’t messed around.” Erik said.
Kittie gave Ashley a shy look. Ashley continued to massaged Kittie’s titties.
“I mean…I’ve always wondered what that pussy tastes like,” Ashley whispered seductively, “Maybe you could…feed my curiosity?”
Kittie was pushed down to the fluffy, white carpet.
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To say that Ashley was a beast at eating pussy was an understatement. She had her ass in the air and her lips sucking on Kittie’s clit. Erik had his hands full of that big dick, stroking it slowly. Kittie tugged on her nipples whenever Ashley had her clit between her lips.
“Fuck, Ashley,” Kittie moaned, “eat that pussy, baby.”
Erik’s mouth was salivating. His dick was hard enough and it wasn’t going soft any time soon. He joined them on the floor and Kittie watched him take his place next to Ashley.
“Daddy, you want some pussy too?” Kittie asked with a sweet little voice.
He responded with his tongue on her clit. Ashley brought her wet kisses down between her folds while Erik stayed on that clit. Kittie couldn’t run even if she tried. Whenever she moved her hips, Erik had one leg while Ashley had the other.
“She’s gonna cum hard, look at her,” Ashley giggles, “awww, it feels too good?”
“Yes! Yes, oh my god,” Kittie’s entire body went into a frenzy, “Erik! ASH! FUUUCKKKKK!”
They buried their faces in it and suffocated just so they could taste her cum. Delirious, Kittie sat up and kissed Erik to taste herself. All three of them joined tongues and lips, Erik’s hands all over their asses, Ashley and Kitties moans and whimpers filling the room.
Kittie pulled away to suck on Ashley’s big titties. Ashley could feel Erik doing the same now. She sat up on her knees and felt weak with two pairs of lustful gazes on her face.
“These big titties…I wish my titties were this big…mmm…so juicy.” Kittir said.
“She loves it, look at her face,” Erik said, “Big, fucking, titties.”
Ashley could only moan.
Erik and Kittie each held a tittie and sucked on her hard nipples.
“That shit feels so damn good!”
Erik used his free hand to rub Ashley’s pussy.
“I think we should eat that pussy next…Whatchu think, Kittie?”
“I think we should eat it while she’s standing up. See if she can handle that since she talks so much shit.” Kittie said.
“Get on your feet, slut.” Erik ordered.
Ashley stood up and she didn’t have time to react when both of their tongues wiggled on her pussy. She almost lost her balance trying to lift her leg on Kittie’s desk to give them better access. Erik munched on her pussy with so much gusto Kittie had to hold Ashley’s leg out of the way. They left a trail of spit from her ass to her pussy. Kittie wiggled her tongue in her ass, holding one hefty cheek out of the way.
“Since you wanna talk so much shit. We got you right where we want you,” Kittie said with a laugh.
“That’s why she talk so much shit. She asking for us to slut her out. That’s what sluts do, right? They act out so they can get put in place. Hold that fucking leg up so I can eat this pussy!”
Ashley cried out. Kittie’s tongue in her ass and Erik’s tongue on her clit proved them right. She couldn’t handle it.
“Think cuz you got this fat ass I won’t put you in your place…”
“Fat ass and fat titties,” Kittie added.
“She creaming now, look,” Erik took the thick swathe of his tongue and slurped her pussy into his mouth to catch it.
“Shit! Unh! Uhhhhhhh!
Erik’s fingers dug into Ashely’s ass.
“Cum, bitch! Yessss! Feed daddy that cum! Show him who this pussy belong to!” Kittie encouraged Ashley.
She came so hard that her foot dropped from the table. Erik still had his face all in it. Kittie slapped Ashley on the ass.
“Good girl,” Erik’s face was glossy from her pussy juices, “I’m ready to fuck now.”
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Baby Ashley and Sugar Kittie were on their backs beneath the hot pink lights. They caressed their bodies and stared up into the camera on the ceiling. Both of their ankles and wrists were bound with pink robe to keep them from moving. Erik Steel, the hottest male pornstar in the game, was standing there, dick pointed out at Kitty’s pussy first.
From above, you could see him dip his hips, dick massaging between her folds. Erik smacked it on her clit, Kittie’s fat pussy like a soft pillow. She flicked her tongue at him; teasing him, but her stomach was doing somersaults. She waited for this moment. To finally fuck Erik Steel. She was honored when he contacted her to collaborate. It still felt like a dream.
Ashley moaned from Erik’s fingers rubbing her pussy. She couldn’t wait to see him perform. Feel him inside of her. To fuck Erik Steel was equivalent to winning the lottery. That dick was the jackpot. Staring up at him—locs wild, gold in his mouth and around his neck, big dick—she knew this was going to be the best sex she’d ever had.
Erik stared between two women he’d been dying to collaborate with. He was especially excited about fucking both of them at once. Kittie was first to get the dick. With a firm grip, Erik was right at her opening. Eyes locked with hers, he pushed past and immediately her walls sucked him in.
“Unh! Oh, fuck,” She scrunched her face, “It’s so much dick!”
Erik heard it all before.
He pulled out all the way and then thrust back inside. Erik repeated this a few times, going faster each time. Dick back inside, he grabbed Kittie by the neck and started knocking her walls loose. His hips snapped sharply forward and the bed bounced and creaked beneath her.
“Shit,” Ashley watched with envy, “Fuck that pussy up, Kill!”
“Can’t go nowhere, take this dick. Don’t you fucking cum, don’t you cum without Daddy’s permission, you hear me? If you cum, Daddy’s gonna make you cum again and again until you’re shaking, begging, and pleading for me to stop. Do you understand me?”
Kittie couldn’t form a sentence.
“Oh, fuck, fuuuckkkkkk!” She cried out.
Erik’s fingers thrust inside of Ashley’s pussy. She squirmed when he found her g-spot. Erik looked from Kittie to Ashley and back.
“Kittie,” Erik warned, “Don’t make me put it deeper. Listen to daddy when he tells you to do something.”
He had his lip between his teeth and the way he watched her fall apart beneath him didn’t help. He was staring into her soul. Face neutral, dick drilling, eyes watching her.
Ashley fought hard to keep from cumming but he was fingering her pussy so good that she ended up squirting. Erik put his messy fingers in her mouth and stared at her with a mean mug on his face that would make any bitches pussy weep.
“Ima punish you wit’ this dick for that.”
Kittie cried literal tears. Erik didn’t let up.
“I’m fucking cumming!” She shouted.
She convulsed and her walls spasmed around his dick. Erik grunted and pulled out, slapping her pussy hard for disobeying him.
“Y’all just do what the fuck you want, huh?”
Erik went to Ashley next. He put that dick in and she didn’t know what to do with herself.
“Got you looking stupid,” Erik had her by the ropes and started pile driving her, “Dick deep in that pussy, baby? Hm? You cum on this dick since you don’t wanna listen!”
“Why are you fucking me like that?!”
Kittie could ask the same thing. She was still spaced out.
“Dick is just deep in my pussy!”
Ashley groaned. She dropped her head to the bed and all she could see from that angle was her titties bouncing around and Erik folding her in half. He held his dick inside and wiggled his hips before picking back up again. Ashley’s eyes crossed and her mouth fell open. She poked her tongue out like a brainless slut and squirted on his dick.
He stood back and stared down at the mess all over him. His dick was shiny and brick hard from the base to the tip. He couldn’t be mad at them, his dick had that affect on women. Erik untied them both and massaged their wrists and ankles. Ashley turned around and arched her back. Kittie crawled in front of Ashley and spread her thighs so she could get her pussy ate.
Erik spread both of her cheeks and with his hips, he sank deep inside Ashley. She let out a muffled moan with her face buried between Kittie’s legs. Erik’s eyes connected with Kittie’s while he was fucking Ashley from the back.
“You like getting that pussy ate by your roommate, baby?”
“Yes. You love the way her pussy feel, daddy?”
“It’s so warm and wet, arch your back, slut!”
Ashley’s deepened the arch in her back and she tried to continue eating Kittie’s pussy but Erik was digging her out. She looked back at him and pouted her lip.
“Fuck this pussy!” Ashley shouted, “This your pussy!”
“I’m glad you know who you belong to, slut.” Erik replied.
Ashley’s arms were in Erik’s grip. He continued to deliver precise shots that she could feel in her stomach. Her face mashed against the bed and Kittie watched with satisfaction the way Erik used her.
“Get up! Fuck I say? Arch your back for daddy!”
Erik spanked her.
“Ashley, I’m not finna keep repeating myself. Stop running, girl! Shit,” Erik lifted her and plowed her pussy, “Just like that, nowhere to run, take it in that fucking pussy, uhuh, uhuh—”
Ashley’s body was no longer in her control. She dropped her head forward and without a word, she came on Erik’s dick. He dropped her to the bed and she continued to shake.
Erik slapped her ass, “You did so good, baby girl. You took that shit like a pro.”
Kittie was too anxious for her turn. She arched her back so deep for Erik he didn’t even have to tell her. Erik walked around to the other side of the bed and got behind her. She looked back at him and watched Erik put that big dick in.
“Uhhhh…mmm,” Kittie shut her eyes, “Oooooooo…Daddy is so deep….”
She threw it back on Erik with a fist full of sheets. The recoil of her throw back game had him speechless. Ashley scooted over and reached beneath Kittie to rub her clit. She looked up at Erik with a bite of her lip
Erik puckered his lips at her then stuck his tongue out so she could taste it. Ashley ran her tongue over Erik’s and they kissed while Kittie put that pussy on him. He broke the kiss and licked his lips with his eyes on the way Kittie was handling him. Ashley licked his pierced nipples one by one.
“Gahhdamn, bitch! Pussy just eating this dick up!”
She was taking it better than Ashley. Erik fucked her with just his hips. That ass collided with his hips so heavy it almost knocked him back.
“Take that dick, Kittie…show out, bitch.” Ashley encouraged.
“You asking for me to nut in you, keep playing wit’ me.” Erik warned.
“Daddy, I’m cumming!”
“Make yourself cum then!” Erik barked out.
“Oh yes!—”
Erik couldn’t believe he was about to bust. He held off as best as he could, but that pussy was warm and tight he had to release. Kittie slowed down and rocked back on Erik’s dick until she couldn’t anymore. Erik took her by the hips and gave her continuous shots until she was crying for him to stop. Kittie came hard on his dick again. Erik felt that down to his balls and he couldn’t hold it in anymore, he had to cum.
“Down on your knees! Both of y’all!”
They got down on their knees and held their titties up . The camera above them caught Erik pumping his dick until thick ropes of cum shot from his slit and onto Kittie’s face and Ashley’s eyes. He kept going, more and more showering them all over. They both looked like glazed donuts when he was finished with them.
“So much cum!” Ashley said with disbelief.
“You do taste good,” Kittie said while licking her lips with her eyes on him.
Both ladies looked into the camera and winked, the scene fading to black.
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Erik took a seat in one of the set chairs with a cigar in hand and a glass of whiskey sitting on a table beside him. Things were clearing out on set, but he wanted to enjoy a smoke before he headed out. He had a busy day in the morning. An interview with a new girl and two scenes to film. He still had an early gym session too.
As he took puffs of his cigar, Kittie was leaving her assigned trailer wearing this pink and white matching two-piece set with a bow in her hair and pink thigh holster with hearts.
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She was carrying a large, ballerina pink Telfar bag with all her clothes from the set. She noticed Erik sitting in one of the set chairs and waved at him before making her way towards him.
“Heading out?” Erik asked.
“Yes. What’s this?”
Kittie pointed to Erik’s glass.
“Whiskey.” He replied.
Kittie picked up his glass and drank some.
“It’s aight,” she laughed at his expression, “I’m guessing Ashley already left set.”
She did after giving Erik one final throat massage.
“Yeah, she bounced. I think she said something about doing a swinger party tonight.”
Kittie sat his glass back down. She placed her hands on the arm of the set chair and looked up at Erik through her lashes.
“I didn’t get a chance to tell you this, Mr. Steel, but it was an honor working with you. I can’t wait until everyone gets to see what you’ve created.”
Kittie was such a sweetheart. Erik smiled at her.
“You’re welcome, love. We should definitely connect again. You free within the next week?”
Kittie took a second to think about it.
“I am actually. You know I live in Miami. I’m flying back tonight.”
“I can take my private jet. We should film a poolside scene. You got my number, right?”
“I do. And I’m down. Is Friday a good time?”
Erik nodded his head, “That’s perfect actually. How are you getting to the airport?”
“Lyft. I still need to request one—shit, I left my phone in the trailer.”
Erik’s eyes couldn’t stop staring at Kittie’s body.
Down boy…behave…
Kittie walked away back towards the trailer and Erik was stuck on that ass moving. He wanted her again so bad. When filming, he couldn’t fully enjoy her because of the time frame. They were wrapped up on set now. The perfect opportunity to get his dick wet. Kittie entered the trailer and Erik put out his cigar. He needed that pussy one more time before she left. Unable to control himself, Erik stood up and walked towards the trailer.
Kittie was inside at her vanity unplugging her phone. She looked up through the mirror and jumped when she saw Erik.
“Erik! Shit!” Kittie put a hand to her chest, “Daddy, you scared me…”
She turned to face him and saw the look in his eyes. Erik walked up on her and Kittie gave him a look of lust when he pressed his body against hers.
“You were my favorite, you know that?” He whispered.
“Now I do,” Kittie smirked, “You want something from me?”
“Maybe I do…”
His hands on her waist, Erik picked Kittie up and sat her on the vanity. She looked at him beneath the glow of the vanity lights.
“Mr. Steel,” Kittie gasped when his hand rubbed her pussy through her shorts, “what are you doing?”
Erik brought his lips to her neck and starting sucking on it. She arched up against him, hands on his chest and moans in his ears.
He parted his lips to speak, “Can I have that pussy again, Kittie?”
She couldn’t believe her ears.
“You’re serous?”
Erik looked at her like she was crazy for asking him that.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
It was an honor. She had to know for sure.
“Yes.” She spoke with no hesitation.
Erik sat up and rushed to snatched her shorts off so rough they almost ripped. He tossed them to the floor and when he looked down at her naked lower half he chuckled knowingly.
“Of course…no panties…almost like you wanted me to catch you like this…”
Erik untied his robe and struggled it from his shoulders. It dropped to the floor at his feet. Kittie drank him in. He has such a beautiful body. And his dick was just as remarkable. He was so long and thick she couldn’t even believe all that was inside of her.
“C’mere and get some more of this dick.”
Erik picked Kittie up from the vanity, wrapped her legs around his waist, and dropped her down on his dick. She circled his neck with her arms and Erik wasted no time fucking her hard. He hooked his arms around her thighs and started laying that pipe. Erik didn’t look away from her once. She hung from his neck and Erik put his back into it, pounding her deep. His gold chain kept knocking her in the face and his short locs tickled her forehead.
“I couldn’t watch you go without another taste, baby…fuck, your—your pussy so good I wanna nut in you, I ain’t get to nut in you, baby.” He told her with a tremble in his voice from how good her pussy felt.
The way he spoke to her made her feel like the only girl in his world. He was a pro at this. Erik had a way of hypnotizing you. She couldn’t even look him in his sexy face. Whenever she did, her pussy throbbed around his dick. Those dimples deep in his cheeks whenever he bit his lip, his cognac eyes commanding her, the gold slugs in his mouth. Kittie could go on and on about this man.
“Friday? Nah, How about Monday?” He said.
Kittie’s mouth fell open in a silent scream. She pressed her face against Erik’s neck and heat crept over her body. A tingling blaze from her toes to her head. She couldn’t believe he was making her cum already. What kind of voodoo magic did he possess at the tip of his dick?
“Erikkkkkk,” Kittie’s body seizes.
He rocked her in his embrace while she rode out her climax.
“Monday it is.” He wasn’t asking, he was telling.
Erik walked Kitty towards the couch and sat down. She knew what to do. With her hands on his shoulders, she bounced on his dick. Erik loved her energy. She was ready for another round like she didn’t just cum hard back to back. Erik’s arms splayed out and he locked eyes with her. After all this fucking, he didn’t need to go to gym. She was his workout.
“There you go, that’s how you ride daddy’s dick, baby.”
“I love this dick, daddy,” Kittie gripped Erik’s throat, her fingers barely able to fit, “ohmiiiigodddddddd!”
Erik slapped her ass, “You got it, baby, you know how to take this dick.”
She could feel herself creaming all over him.
He let her have her fun, but he wanted to nut in her. Cream pie that pussy.
“Uhuh, get on this dick and act up, you ride it so good.”
She set the speed and tempo and Erik helped her by moving his hips to penetrate deeper. Kittie put one of her hands on her ass and wrapped her other arm around Erik’s neck. Erik caressed her other cheek with his palm, kissing on her neck and cleavage. With his free hand on the couch behind him to stabilize his body, he pumped his hips.
“This dick is the best dick I ever had!”
“Fuck…grip my shit like that again—”
“Good girl.” Erik praised Kittie.
Hey pulled her in for another deep kiss.
“Get on your back, Kittie,” Erik popped her on the ass because she was moving too slow, “come on, girl.”
Kittie didn’t have time to catch her breath after that. He was so anxious. Kittie was on her back before she could even prepare herself and Erik folded her up. She held her legs back with her arms and he went to work fucking her into the couch. Her moans fell on deaf ears.
“You got me hooked on you…why you mess my head up like that? Huh?”
She was too busy trying to find the words to speak.
“It’s okay, baby, you’re such a good slut…You take my dick so good…I love that about you, baby girl.”
He was close. The demon in him smirked. He was going to fill her the brim with his cum. She deserved it for having such good pussy.
“Cum in my pussy, daddy?” Kittie asked with a shaky voice.
“Don’t pull out, daddy, fill my pussy up—”
“Here it comes—”
Erik’s dick throbbed inside of her with every release of his cum. He finally withdrew his hips carefully, and when he looked down his dick was covered in their mixture of fluids. Kittie pushed some of his cum out and it drizzled down the crack of her ass. Erik gathered it on the head of his dick and rubbed it all over her clit.
“I must be really special for you to do that,” Kittie jokes.
Erik stood up and went to retrieve his phone so that he could take a picture for memory.
“Spread it open, mhm,” Erik turned on his flash and recorded a video, “Push it out, uhuh, now rub it in…”
Kittie looked into the camera and gave Erik a pretty smile and a wink.
“Now, thank Daddy for turning you into a twinkie.”
Kittie couldn’t hold back her laugh, “Thank you, Mr. Steel, for cumming in my pussy.”
Kittie giggled when Erik slapped her hand out of the way so he could hold her pussy open.
“You are loving that,” Kittie mentioned.
Erik finally ended the video and helped Kittie off of the couch.
“Well, let me go shower again before I go,” she traced her finger down his chest, “You wanna join me?”
Erik smirked at her, “Yeah, then I can drive you to the airport.”
He picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder playfully, spanking her and earning a yelp.
She was definitely going to miss her flight at this rate.
@goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @thedonsfactory @greenhearts4bakari @kholdkill @soulfulbeauty19 @vintage-pvssy @ispywithmylileye @blaqwidow91 @queenfaithmarie @ladymac82 @fearlessem @nayaesworld @contentfiend @dxddykenn @hxneyclouds @shiania @ehniki @gigafaex @eyeknowmywrites @issimplyaamazinggg @dezi-rella @novaniskye @thethethe3210 @cydneyloo @ceeverse @cbtoosensitive @dremmmm @asweet-serendipity @twocentuar @kanilive @nccu-rnc
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kathrahender · 22 days
"They're abusive" "They're toxic" "They hurt each other" "You're normalizing abusive/toxic relationships" "You're normalizing abuse"
I'm really really tired of people calling "toxic/abusive" some ships I like. People -and I'm being serious with this question- do you even understand the definition of a "toxic couple"??? First, to be in a toxic/abusive relationship, the two characters have to be romantically involved. Dabihawks, Bakudeku, Harringrove, Cherik and other ships mentioned in the tags were in a romantic relationship when they hurt each other? No. Not at all. Therefore, they're not a toxic couple.
Secondly, even if they were in a romantic relationship (like Catradora/Reylo), see when they become a couple. Catra and Adora, for example, only became girlfriends after Catra's redemption and after she apologized. And after they kissed, we don't see Catra/Adora being toxic/abusive towards each other. Reylo also didn't become canon until the third movie, and we don't see Kylo Ren being toxic/abusive towards Rey. Actually, we see him saving her life willingly, and not to manipulate her. He saved her life because he loved her. So calling Catradora/Reylo toxic/abusive is also wrong.
Third, people who criticize us for shipping them, and who call the ship abusive, do you even know how the "enemies/rivals-to-lovers" trope works???? Because the purpose of an enemies-to-lovers ship is one character changing from "I want to kill you" to "I love you", and changing from hurt their enemy to protect their partner. A lot of the ships I mentioned in the tags were enemies when they hurt each other. And like I said in a previous post, you're not supposed to treat your enemy/rival nicely, you're not supposed to treat them like a friend or a lover. You're supposed to treat them like someone you hate. Like someone you want to see destroyed. And if you don't understand the thing called "character development", it's not our fault.
"Bakugo and Deku weren't enemies when Bakugo hurt Deku". Yeah, I know. They weren't enemies. But they weren't people who liked each other neither, right? No matter what you say, they weren't exactly in good terms. And no matter how many times you say it's abusive, the only way "Bakudeku" can be abusive is if they were in a relationship in school, when Bakugo was bullying him. Now that would be a toxic relationship. But Bakudeku being toxic after Bakugo's development (because yes, he had development, and if you deny it you didn't understand his character at all) and after Bakugo's apology is bullshit.
So people, before you call one of these ships "toxic" think about it. Because these ships aren't toxic. You know what's a toxic ship? Joker x Harley Quinn. That's an actual toxic couple. Not Catradora, nor Zutara, nor Zukka, nor Jetko, nor any ship mentioned in the tags. The only way they can be "toxic" is if the writers of the show decided to make them be together and decided to make them abusive, or if a writer of a fic made it a toxic ship.
And even if they were a toxic ship in the canon (what they definitely aren't), you have no right to call people "abuse apologists" or things like that. You don't know them, and liking a toxic/abusive relationship doesn't define what they support/they're against in real life.
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blitzwhore · 3 months
I just saw Blitzø get called Stolas stockholm victim I can't with this fandom anymore😭
😂 As outrageously incorrect and stupid as that take is, I'm going to go on a tangent here. I hope you don't mind.
I think every fandom has annoying people with awfully terrible takes in it. People with zero media literacy. People who hatewatch. People who think they're entitled to the exact show they would've wanted, which has nothing to do with the actual, existing show.
This is especially true for queer media, and especially true for queer cartoons. (Hi, yes. I was active in the Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Voltron, and She-Ra fandoms when those shows were airing, respectively. I've seen some stuff). Some people just can't handle queer cartoons, period. If the queer characters/ships are soft and wholesome, they're infantilising and boring, and if they're complex and nuanced and actually have conflict, they're abusive and problematic. You'll hear the same recycled arguments over and over again. Like, the shit some people are saying about Blitz and Stolas after The Full Moon? Is literally almost word-for-word what they said about Catra and Adora post-season 3 of She-Ra (and even at the end of the show).
Here's the thing, though! Those people and their bad takes are not what I want to think about what I think about a fandom. Those aren't the people I want to call the fans. They don't deserve that title. Not when so many other people are out there dedicating their time to making gifs and art and meta posts, and writing fic, and commenting/reblogging to show support, and sliding into people's DMs to scream and squee together about a thing they love.
At the end of the day, "fandom" is just a lot of people each doing their own thing. Which people you engage with and allow to stay within your line of sight will determine your fandom experience. Fandom can be a huge, convoluted, online space full of people who are constantly arguing with one another and whose takes make you unfathomably angry... Or it can be you and your 5 friends and mutuals who scream gleefully at one another in 2-note posts. You can't control what others post online, but you can control your engagement with it.
How? Well, here's what I personally do to avoid getting upset by people's stupid opinions online:
Filter 'critical' and 'anti' tags (eg. #anti stolitz #anti vivziepop #Helluva Boss critical #HB critical #vivziepop critical). Many people actually do tag their critical posts because they know it's the respectful thing to do!
If I come across a post that has one or more of those tags, obviously, I don't click through to see it under any circumstances.
If I stumble across a stranger's untagged post with hate/criticism that upsets me: I stop reading and BLOCK. Immediately. I don't look back. I don't finish reading. I don't engage. I just block block block. I <3 the block button, seriously.
If I feel my mind reeling from a bad take I just came across: I take a step back, close my phone, breathe, remember life is beautiful sometimes. Go back and watch an episode I really like. Clean my living space a little. Vent about it to a friend (but only if I really need to, because if not, I'd rather not dwell on it).
If I'm starting to feel the need to reply to someone's bad take (directly or via my own post), I instead make the decision to channel that energy into making fandom posts out of love. (I don't do this just with fandom. If I see something transphobic online, I usually react by reblogging a bunch of trans art or trans positivity posts on my main, for example). I like to think of it as putting some positivity out into the world to compensate for the negativity I just saw. So, for example, if I see someone shitting on my blorbo, I may make a silly post just saying how much I love blorbo. Or I'll make (or draft) a post about how interesting I find some of blorbo's actions. Or reblog another person's positive/interesting post about blorbo.
And finally, I stay the hell away from Twitter. Or at least, if I go on Twitter, I try my best to avoid any tweet that has text in it instead of just art. Even the people who have good opinions spend too much time arguing with the people who have bad opinions on there. I don't want to see people's bad takes! No, not even while reading founded and perfectly articulated criticism of those bad takes! So I just limit my time on Twitter. And again, if someone is putting bad takes on my TL (even if it is to counter them), I unfollow and block as needed.
All this to say, yes, it really fucking sucks to read the opinions of people who don't understand and who hate the characters and ships and worlds you love. Gosh it's the worst. But you can curate your fandom experience. You can focus on the things you can control. You have the power to decide if your fandom experience is draining or fun!
And because I don't know how to finish this, here, have a Stolitz kiss to heal you:
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We will keep winning and there's nothing the haters can do about it. 😌
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sunnyferr · 4 months
Cum! headcanon OP mens
Advertencias: smut!
Personajes: Crocodile , kid , Killer , Law
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This guy is literally a semen truck, so get ready to be bathed in this white fluid. Due to his tobacco obsession, his semen is a bit bitter, but it's pretty thick and very white.
He's got big balls loaded with semen, and when he cums, you can see them contract releasing all their load (don't worry, they'll refill in less than 5 minutes).
He likes to cum on your face, then blame you for being a careless slut. He also enjoys cumming inside you and telling you that you're his favorite cum dump. <3
Este hombre es literalmente un camion de semen, asi que preparate para salir bañada de este liquido blanco.
a causa de su obsesión al tabaco, su semen es algo amargó, pero es bastante espeso y muy blanco
tiene unas bolas grandes y cargadas de semen, y cuando se corre, se puede ver como se contraen soltando toda su carga (no te preocupes, en menos de 5 minuto se llenan otra vez)
le gusta correrse en tu cara, y luego echarte la culpa por ser una puta descuidada. Tambien le gusta correrse en tu coño, y decirte que eres su cum dump favorito <3
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Get ready to have semen everywhere, because he won't stop cumming until he leaves you soaked in it.
His cum is a bit bitter, but it actually has a pretty pleasant (almost addictive) taste, it's clear and very oily.
He's got big and heavy balls, a bit saggy but nice and round, when he cums, it shoots pretty hard, if you're doing missionary, he'll pull out his cock to try and shoot on your chest.
His favorite place to cum is on your chest, he loves squeezing and fondling them, definitely loves your chest and seeing it covered in his own cum, makes him get hard again like nothing happened.
Prepárate para tener semen por todas partes, porque no dejará de eyacular hasta dejarte empapada en él.
Su semen es un poco amargo, pero en realidad tiene un sabor bastante agradable (casi adictivo), es claro y muy oleoso.
Tiene unos testículos grandes y pesados, un poco caídos pero bonitos y redondos, cuando eyacula, sale con bastante fuerza, si estás en posición misionero, sacará su pene para intentar eyacular en tu pecho.
Su lugar favorito para correrse es en tus tetas, le encanta apretarlos y acariciarlos, definitivamente adora tu pecho y verlo cubierto de su propio semen, hace que se le ponga de nuevo erecto como si nada hubiera pasado.
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I don't see him as the type who likes to shoot all his cum on you… but he will definitely make you swallow it.
His semen is a bit salty, but quite thick and sticky. I would even bet it has the consistency of Fettuccine Alfredo sauce.
Killer has medium-sized testicles, somewhat heavy, and with slightly uneven blonde hair. He won't tell you, but he loves it when you massage his balls while giving him a good blowjob.
He loves to see you swallow all his cum, watching you choke on it with glassy eyes. It makes him grab your hair and desperately give you another load.
No lo veo un tipo que le guste tirarte todo su semen encima pero sin duda te hara tragártelo
Su semen es un poco salado, pero bastante espeso y pegajoso, incluso apostaria que tiene consistencia a la salsa Fettuccine Alfredo
killer tiene testículo de tamaño medio, algo pesados, y con un cabello rubio un poco disparejo, el no te lo dira, pero ama que le amases las bolas mientras le das una buena mamada
adora verte tragar todo su semen, ver que te ahogas con el con los ojos cristalinos, hace que te tome del cabello y se desespere para darte otra carga.
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I see Law as the type of person who always uses a condom, but secretly wants to fill you with his cum, he's just not sure how to tell you yet.
Law's cum is bitter, probably because he drinks a lot of coffee, it's somewhat transparent and very thick.
He has somewhat small balls, but still manages to produce a good amount of cum, and he cums really hard, almost like a shot.
Like I said, he would love to fill you up with his load, so let him cum inside you, no doubt seeing you overflowing will make him ready for another round in no time.
Veo a law como la clase de persona que usa condon TODO EL TIEMPO, pero secretamente quiere dejarte lleno con su cum, solamente que todavía no esta seguro de decírtelo
el semen de law es amargo, ya que consume grandes cantidades de café, es algo transparentoso y muy viscoso.
tiene unos testículo algo pequeños, pero de todas formas su carga suele ser bastante, y se corre muy fuerte, como si de un disparo se tratara
como dije, el amaría darte llena de su carga, asi que deja que se corra adentro, sin duda verte rebalsado hasta el bordé , lo hará volver al ruedo en poco minutos
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen act with their s/o who has lots of natural aegyo
requested by anon: Could I request svt with an innocent or really cute s/o or something like that? Feel free to decline though!
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tries to pretend that he's Totally Chill with how naturally adorable you are, is anything but. doesn't like when you're directing your big doe eyes at anyone else, however, and always has an arm snaking around your waist and pulling you against him while frowning at the person you were talking to bc how dare they have your cuteness directed at them??? your cute pout and unintentional aegyo are saved for His eyes and his alone
the Weakest for you omg. all you need to do is look at him with big, sad eyes and he’s falling to your feet ready to do your every command. what do you want, baby? just tell it to jeonghan and he'll move mountains for you. seungcheol laughs at him for being weak, but what can he say? you don't even realise how unintentionally cute you are all the time, so it's not exactly like he can tell you to stop. he loves you too much to not do everything you want, and your adorable nature that makes it impossible for him to refuse you is just a bonus. 
raises a finger and says that no it is Not right to use your cuteness as a weapon against him bc what do you think he's gonna do? give in instantly?... you're absolutely right tell him exactly what you'll want and he'll give it to you right this second. finds himself laughing when you're being naturally adorable, pinching your cheeks and telling you that your expression was just so cute before he immediately mimicks what you were doing, all gooey doe-eyed and it makes you laugh and hit him until his face melts back into that familiar adoring expression
doesn’t know what to do with himself. you’re just so adorable oh my god he cannot deal with your level of cuteness??? hands fluttering everywhere and giggling whenever you come up to him, all shy and wanting to ask something to him. it probably takes him a good few seconds to stop squishing your cheeks and petting your head to finally register what you’re saying, but damn he’s just so so utterly whipped for you when you’re all unintentionally cute and he’s doing anything you want in the blink of an eye. but really. if he’s being truly honest, he’d probably do it anyway.
loud. enamoured. fake sobs and wails and squishes your cheeks so hard that you can't finish the rest of your sentence. he Will sometimes look over at you and cry out about how cute you are just randomly while you're sitting there doing absolutely nothing. expect endless praise and compliments from this man. probably calls you a bunch of sickly sweet nicknames like "flower" and "sugar" because you're just that adorable and sweet to him
he's not ashamed to admit that sometimes just looking over at you has him losing his train of thought. what can he say? anyone would feel their words trail away from them if they looked up from the table to see you watching them intently, eyes attentive and sparkling with utterly adorable adoration. he's stopped talking countless times, smiling and leaning over to kiss your cheek while you laugh and ask him why he's suddenly paused the conversation. 
he tries to pretend he’s not affected by it, but he’s really affected by it. like, really really. it doesn't help that you're totally unaware of your natural cuteness. sometimes he'll just sit there blinking at you for a long moment before having to duck his head to hide his pink cheeks because goodness, you really are such a cute person and he loves you so much. pretends to grump and push you away when you pester him while pouting, but he's trying to hide his own small smile at your behaviour
blinks at you as you stare at him, wide-eyed and adorable before having to huff out an endeared breath of laughter and pinch your cheeks and asking you if you could repeat what you were saying? it makes it even more adorable how this is just How You Are, unintentionally and naturally cute, and he'll never tell you how sweet he thinks it is but everyone can tell how enamoured he is with your natural aegyo
if it was possible to combust from how adorable someone is, then mingyu would probably have died several times by now. he Cannot handle it at all, and does Not pretend that he can in the slightest. smooths back your hair, cooing and calling you his adorable little angel and will genuinely squeak with adoration when you giggle, shy from his compliments. treats you like you're the most precious, most delicate, most cherished person in the entire universe. 
unintentionally engages in countless aegyo competitions with you, bc your natural cuteness sets him off and leads him to being all cutesy back to you, which in turn accidentally encourages you to be even more adorable than before. seungkwan's walked in on the two of you talking in pout to each other more times that he's liked to witness. you two together are cuteness overload, and there's a betting pool going on for when the honeymoon phase of your relationship will end. (jeonghan says never, and currently it looks like he's the one that'll win the bet) 
squeaks and coos and dotes on you like you're a cute little puppy (bc honestly that's exactly what you are in his eyes) and will do absolutely anything you asked. you might have to repeat your requests to him several times though, because he keeps getting distracted by the stars in your eyes. gets fake-mad at how adorable you are and tells that this Shouldn't Be Possible until you're giggling and smiling over his fond tirade over how much he loves you
spends an unhealthy amount of time just Staring at you throughout his day as you do normal, daily things. literally has hearts emanating from his gaze because he literally is just that enamoured by you. does everything you ask and everything you don't ask, too, because honestly, given the amount of hours he spends watching you with adoring eyes, it would be decidedly Not normal if he didn't learn how to read your body language and immediately and instantly anything you ever need ever
stood there starstruck the first time he had your unintentional aegyo directed at him before snapping out of it and making it his Mission to get you to understand just how goddamn powerful your pout and cuteness was and trying to help you utilise it to help get you (and him) out of sticky situations with the other members. kinda keeps forgetting to actually teach you tho. bc he keeps getting sidetracked by how utterly adorable and pretty your eyes are. 
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n-arts-hideaway · 1 year
So, I was thinking about how on Etheria, a marriage is symbolized by exchanging jewelry/personal items rather than rings, and I wondered about what Adora would wear.
We already see Catra wearing Adora’s rebellion pin in the future vision
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But what would Adora wear of Catra’s? Wearing the symbol of her old mask somewhere would probably not happen, since Catra’s mask carries a lot of bad memories.
So I had 2 ideas:
1) Adora would get tattoos of Catra’s stripes or
2) Adora would wear a braid with a lock of Catra’s hair
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The braid would stand out against She-Ra’s lighter hair, and people would ask about it a lot, and Adora would jump at the chance to talk about her AMAZING wife.
Not pictured: Bow and Glimmer going “ADORA CAN WE NOT DO THIS EVERY TIME” in the background.
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people criticize Adora for not realizing the Horde // Shadow Weaver was evil and abusive, even after SW threatened Catra's life in front of her. ignoring the fact that there is a double standard ( y'know which one ), here's the thing:
Zuko acknowledged that he was burned by Ozai. but he was still within the cycle of abuse and didn't know it at the time.
victims are not oblivious // unknowing of every single thing. in fact, a lot of them know what their abuser is doing, even if they try to reason with it in a roundabout way ( such as, "my parent hit me because i was misbehaving" ).
and, besides, it is not at all possible for Adora to blame Catra for what happened. it's much more likely that she blamed herself, because Shadow Weaver didn't just threaten Catra, but essentially told Adora that it was her fault, because she 'has to keep her under control'.
we see no resentment from Adora about the situation. she just continues trying to comfort and protect Catra, while not at all thinking or catering to her own fears ( the fear that a death, Catra's death, would be on her hands ). there's not even a little room of blame because Adora automatically tried to play mediator without hesitation and tried to reason with her mother.
Rapunzel can be upset with Mother Gothel and not realized she's being abused.
Zuko can be upset with Ozai and not realized he's being abused.
Azula can be upset with Ozai and not realized she's being abused.
Amity can be upset with Odalia and not realized she's being abused.
Hunter can be upset with Belos and not realized he's being abused.
Jinx can be upset with Silco and not realized she's being abused.
victims can have a standard and not realized they're being abused.
abuse is not linear, especially when you love your abuser and hold them in higher regard than yourself.
Adora is allowed, more than allowed, to be upset with Shadow Weaver and be unaware that her and Catra were victims of abuse. because it is almost always difficult to see through tinted glass.
you need outside experience.
you need community.
you need support.
you need acknowledgement.
you need people to acknowledge your pain.
you need people to acknowledge your fears.
you need people to acknowledge your faults.
you need people to acknowledge your strengths.
you need people to acknowledge your heart.
you need people to acknowledge you as a person.
of course, i'm not saying that your recovery will be an easy breeze, even with all of that. but it will be far easier than if you do it alone.
people aren't all-knowing. in fact, there is still so much we don't know about others and ourselves.
to hold Adora to a higher standard than we can attain ourselves, while coddling and babying Catra instead, is unfair and anyone who does it should be ashamed of themselves.
if you are a victim, it's not your fault.
it just isn't.
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popeyeotaku · 9 months
Lately, I've been seeing a bunch of posts on spop twitter joking about how Adora could've just taken Catra to Bright Moon or easily gotten or to join the princesses or whatever. And, like...
A lot of this talk comes off like Catra is just a big lovable brat who is too whiny to switch sides and needs to stop being a dumbass, unlike Adora. But the whole show is about how this isn't the case???
No, actually, Adora does not have her shit together either. Adora is a complete mess, and her character arc is about realizing it's incredibly unhealthy for her to put everyone else's needs before hers and play the big hero. It's simply not a case of Catra needing to become a "good person" like Adora. Adora shouldn't have been in the Horde, but she really shouldn't have been fighting for the rebellion either.
I imagine Catra switching sides early on would be her taking charge of the whole rebellion immediately, like why do you think Light Hope drove Catra away from Adora??? Because LH knew Catra would not blindly trust the ancient occasionally-murderous AI.
I dunno, I think the show was pretty clear about why Catra didn't switch sides in s1 or s2 and then her big spiral in s3/s4? All of which actually happened pretty quickly, and then led to her recovery in s5? But the way folks talk about it you'd think she was just being an asshole for no reason.
I forget where, but ND once talked about how unhealthily codependent Catra and Adora's relationship was in the Horde, and how they both needed time away to figure things out and get better before they could come back to each other.
Sorry this has been so rambly, it was just getting to me this AM. These jokes are really weird and tasteless.
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Catra and Adora were taught to physically fight from the time they were young children, which I think is so interesting because we see the negative impact of that on their relationship. Obviously that's an unhealthy way to deal with things. They don't really know how to express their emotions or vulnerability very well. In Adora's words, she's used to punching her feelings out. In their horde days we see that one of the main ways they express affection for each other is roughhousing. Constantly. They mainly just tackle each other and playfight. It's a kind of physical touch that's more easily allowed within their framework than any kind of gentleness. While that's partially due to their dynamic in general, it quickly becomes sinister once they're actually on opposite sides of the war and are fighting with the intention to defeat. Another user posted about their fighting and the unspoken emotion behind it since they haven't been taught to express themselves in a heathy way (couldn't find the post so feel free to tag OP!). Because of their particular kinds of trauma, neither of them are able to be vulnerable and listen to the other while also explaining their feelings. For the first four seasons they're pretty much shouting at each other without any active listening going on. That lack of vulnerability and understanding is symbolized by their physical fights. What makes season 5 so good (at least in part) is The Shift™️ to gentleness.
Adora's been in an environment with people around her who have helped her start to recover from her trauma. Catra just starts to get that chance once she's rescued from horde prime. And it takes time. There's a lot to unpack there and it's not easy, but slowly Catra starts to heal as well away from the Horde. And their dynamic changes. We still see moments when they regress (their fight immediately after Save the Cat and the scene where Catra leaves again both moments when they aren't really listening to what the other person is saying - healing isn't linear), but there's something else there as well. They put their hands on each other's cheeks, Adora puts her hand on Catra's shoulder, they cradle each other, Catra holds Adora's shoulders as she helps her to the heart. And there's the moment in the spaceship where they've been fighting once again and Catra's exterior breaks and she's vulnerable. Catching Adora's wrist, her hand slides down to gently caress Adora's and she asks her to stay. This moment mirrors the moment in the first season where Adora catches Catra's wrist, asking her to come with her and Catra pulls away. Rather than the wrist (still a somewhat detached touch), Catra's hand slides down intentionally taking her hand. Ughhhhhh. My little heart. Before when they're holding hands, it's usually accidental or almost unavoidable during a fight. They're pulling each other off of cliffs or grabbing hands in a mind-bending reenactment of their memories. But this is something else: intentional gentleness which I think is such a crucial element of Catra's redemption, the development of their relationship, and the healing of their trauma.
Once Catra is out of the horde, she has the chance to start to feel safer and is able to be more emotionally vulnerable along with the fact that there are boundaries. Violence won't be tolerated and Catra has to change her behavior in order to be close to Adora, which I think is important. They start listening to each other and helping each other heal by validating the other's needs while putting themselves in each other's shoes. This peaks at the moment that Catra is finally able to express her love for Adora, which she's never had the ability to do before because of her insecurity, trauma, and fear of vulnerability. With that narrative resolution and progression, they finally kiss. Gentleness and vulnerability is what they were never allowed before and it's the thing that embodies their healing. Nothing that hasn't been said before by other posters but ughhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Shadow Weaver's "Redemption"
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So I often see posts going around about Shadow Weaver's death scene and how she "deserved worse" or "doesn't even count as a redemption". In my opinion, like a lot of She-Ra stuff online, it ignores a lot of the nuance of the show's actual writing.
I don't really call her arc a redemption arc... but I do see this scene in particular as her finally, at long last realising how much harm she's caused to Catra and Adora. By keeping them apart... she's actually made Adora weaker, ironically, all those years of manipulation... and it's been for nothing. Adora isn't her perfect little pawn, she's weak and dying of green prime virus running through her and hurting at the thought of her best friend dying to Prime's little pet cthulu.
I see way too many people say that SW should have died sooner and to be honest, yes, if this was any other story, yeah they'd have probably killed her around season 3. If they genuinely did want her to have a redemption, they'd have made her arc in seasons 3 and 4 more genuine, have her work to really be an ally of the rebellion and not being the manipulative witch she'd always been. But that's not what Nate Stevenson wanted to do. By keeping SW around as long as the show did, they got do more with her and show how someone like her is in various environments, both in the Horde and on the side of the rebellion.
I genuinely think this WAS SW doing a "one good thing" like Catra did. And to be honest, it was the only good thing she could really do. There is no way that if she did survive this that she could truly make ammends for the harm and cycles of abuse she perpetuated, especially not at this point in the story.
Hordak was at least under the influence of his programming and war was the only thing he knew when he started the Horde. Sure, he's not entirely absolved of his actions in the war, but he's at least more of a victim and his compassion for Entrapta show's he's at least worthy of a second chance. Shadow Weaver was clearly a woman driven by power, a desperate need for control and that was her own choice, likely from being scared of being weak. (I believe she was telling the truth when she told Catra that Catra reminded her of herself, that she was once a weak and hurt young woman who hated being weak and wanted to be stronger and that began her lust for power.)
Also, what she says to Catra and Adora? "It's much too late for me, but your story is just beginning. I'm so proud of you. You're welcome."
She could have very easily just said sorry, much like Catra did when she rescued Glimmer.... but would ANY apology be really able to make up for what she did? No, probably not. Instead its just... "you're welcome" as if to say "you're finally rid of me, congrats". Because she knows that pain now and how it tore Catra and Adora apart. And the fact she does this with her mask off, without any hint of lies, as if to be finally honest for the first time in so long.
I know it's fun to dunk on SW and say she's the worst ever and yeah, I do enjoy that too... but I also know what her arc, if you can call it, that is about and why she is in the story. Like everything in She-Ra, she has a lot of nuance to her, even if you didn't realise it.
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