#And I’m about to get even more normal as time goes on mwahahaha
Progress pic of my descent into round insanity:
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It’s just going to be one circle, all sc, increased every round (very, very, very very very very, veryveryvery………………… very… carefully)
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xo-cori · 11 months
Ok but imagine… Cherry chaser college!Abby 🤭
my guilty pleasure is thinking about abby being a total player. like i’m sorry but she fits the bill. and i’d imagine that the first time she sleeps with a virgin, it just awakens something in her
then she’s sleeping with her second, then her third, until she’s purposefully seeking them out without even realizing it!!! now let’s say ur her latest victim 😁
part of the appeal for her is that she gets to be soooo much more gentle compared to how she normally is with partners who are more experienced. she’d start by laying you down on her comfy bed, knee skillfully placed between your thighs for you to subconsciously grind on as she makes out with you, hands somehow everywhere all at once. the goal is to get you as wet as possible before either of you take off a single item of clothing
loves the pretty little sounds you make and 100% teases you for them. talkin bout feels good, huh? i’ve barely even touched you OR getting too excited, honey, you gotta relax. makes you so embarrassed and she loves that shit :((
makes you cum at least three times without any sort of penetration ofc!! has you ride her thigh until you’re slumped against her, then she promptly lowers her hand when you least expect it to thumb at your clit until you fall apart all over again, and THEN immediately flips you over so that you’re laying down again and uses her tongue to make you see literal stars
by then, you’d think it’s gotta be over.
nope!!!!! she asks how you’re feeling, if you wanna keep going. if you say yes (and obviously you do), she presses her forehead to yours and gently strokes your cheek as she eases a finger inside of you, whispering lil praises to you as you grab at her shoulders. whenever you’re ready to keep going, a second finger joins the mix, and abby can feel the resistance while slowly pressing them both into you. you’re whining in pain, a single tear rolling down your temple, but she just wipes it away and reminds you that you’re doing so good for her :(( makes it feel so intimate even tho she’s most likely not gonna keep you around for long 💔
after a couple gentle thrusts, whenever the initial pain goes away and you beg her to go faster, THAT’S when she really goes to town. like fr. no mercy just fucking you until you physically can’t take anymore. the praise starts to turn into teasing– you made it this far, you can take a little more, right, baby? so fucking tight, can barely even move my fingers. still gotta loosen you up a bit.
let’s just say you should NOT expect to remember ur own name by the time she feels like you’ve been properly corrupted mwahahaha
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geek-22 · 6 months
Purgatory: Chapter 2
After being pulled into the portal Artemis wakes up in a forest with no idea how he got there. He's stuck in Purgatory with an infuriating vampire, trying to find a way out. Unfortunately for Artemis, greater things are at work... Or: Heaven is really bad at orchestrating the universe. An angel loses Artemis' paperwork and all hell breaks loose. Literally. Or: Artemis is stuck in Purgatory, makes a friend, falls into Hell gets tortured/Stockholm syndrome and generally loses his shit.
Pairings/characters: Artemis Fowl, Benny Laffite
Word count: 2,972
Warnings: Violence.
Full credit to my wonderful beta, Anastacius_Arklov! Drop a comment below if you feel like it! Any comments welcome and encouraged! What did you guys think? I am so excited for my plan! *cackles evilly* MWAHAHAHA
Dragon Protocol
It had been a week since their first meeting, and despite his mistrust Artemis had taken to chatting amicably to Benny, the vampire was, after all a scientific marvel. “Do vampires cease to age when turned or do they merely age slower?” Artemis said.
“As far as I can tell, we don’t age, can’t get sick. Hell, the only way for one of us to croak is if we get our selves decapitated or poisoned,” said Benny
“Do you actually have to feed on blood, can you eat normal food?”
“We could eat normal food but it just kind of goes straight through, if you know what I mean.” Benny said
Artemis winced “I do.”
Benny looked at him, amused “Too much explanation? If I remember correctly humans are quite squeamish about those things.”
“And you’re not?” Artemis asked
“Good point” Benny conceded
“How does one become a vampire anyway?” asked Artemis
Benny frowned, “Swallowing vampire blood will do it, injection of blood should work too. other than that, I’m not sure.” Benny’s face was contorted into what Artemis liked to call his ‘brooding face’ which cropped up every time Artemis asked him anything approaching personal. Artemis guessed that his transformation was a sore subject.
Artemis wasn’t an expert on social interactions, but he knew when a swift subject change was called for, “How close are we to the portal”
Benny thought for a moment, “We’re about an hour’s walk from the small lake so we should be about a quarter of the way there”
Artemis frowned, “How do you know?” he stopped for a second, “I don’t even know how you navigate this place; how do you know where the portal is?”
Benny shrugged, “A bit of trial and error.”
“Trial and error.” Artemis ground out “Please tell me we are relying on more than trial and error”
The corner of Benny’s lip quirked up, “The whole place is almost exactly the same apart from the water. there are fixed landmarks, streams, rivers, lakes. they are almost the only way to navigate.”
Artemis looked at Benny incredulously, panic rising “We haven’t seen any water... are... are we lost.”
Benny snorted, “Calm yourself chief. I keep forgetting how limited humans are. I can smell the sand, the rock, and the minerals in and around the water. Lakes and rivers have a much more distinct scent then the rest of this place”
Artemis’ relaxed, “I cannot believe I didn’t think of that sooner. It’s this place, its throwing me off.”
“Purgatory will do that to you.” Benny said, amused by the boy’s antics
Artemis glared, “Do you think this is funny?”
“I think it’s hilarious”
“I hate you.” Artemis grumbled. Artemis spoke in a character of Benny’s accent “I forgot how limited humans are. Do you know how ridiculous you sound sometimes?”
Once the conversation had juddered to a slow and comfortable stop, Artemis’ thoughts returned to their usual musings. What if his condition deteriorated further in this place? What if he took control again? Artemis knew the answer, he would surely perish here.
The only solution to this conundrum was (as always) to tell Benny. But he couldn’t do that, he had barely known Benny a week and the man himself had told Artemis not to trust anyone here.
And so, (as always) Artemis was left in a limbo of uncertainty stuck between trusting a man who had killed all his companions on a whim and well... the alternative, risking... it happening again with no one to ground him. The anxiety that arose as a result of this line of thinking caused him to tap his breast pocket five times and then his blade five times and then it was hard to stop, everything five times
He was so focused on these thoughts, that revolved in circles like a merry go round, that he didn’t notice the concerned looks Benny was throwing at him.
After arriving at the lake, Artemis realised that Benny was more on edge than usual and upon enquiry Benny had informed Artemis that, “The lake is easier to locate than the woods, it’s a landmark. If something finds us here, all of purgatory could descend on us.”
Artemis rolled his eyes, “I feel safer already.”
They walked along the edge of the lake while Benny looked for landmarks to point them in the right direction. The area around the water was rocky and devoid of trees.
Benny tensed then looked around.
An almighty flapping filled the sky followed by a roar. Artemis looked up just in time to see the two dragons clash. They screeched and grappled in the sky.
Artemis stopped. Was this just another delusion? He wasn’t sure.
The smaller of the two dragons swooped down to escape the larger one.
“Get down!”, Benny yelled and suddenly the air was filled with fire and the air was unbearably hot and dry.
Artemis felt a white-hot pain move up his leg. Fire, his leg must be on fire.
His leg was not on fire. However, the super-heated air was burning his leg.
He looked around him to see the lake and he jumped. He saw the water rise to meet and braced himself just as he plunged into the icy waters. The pain in his leg ceased. He froze for a moment, The shock taking him as he sank further down.
He snapped out of reverie and clawed at the water desperately. His lungs burnt as he tried to stop himself from taking a breath. He broke the surface of the water, gasping. He swam to the edge of the water and saw an outstretched hand. Artemis looked up to see Benny and grabbed his hand. Benny pulled him out of the water, and he lay face down on the ground, gasping.
“You alright cher?” Benny said, sounding entirely too calm, but concerned.
Artemis rolled himself onto his back with much effort and rasped, “What was that?”
“Dragons. They’ve moved on.” said Benny, who was kneeling down next to him and examining the burn.
Artemis groaned, “You know, once the shock wears off, burns really hurt.” he said, his voice becoming slightly high pitched.
He then promptly fainted.
Artemis woke to a crackling fire and a night-sky dotted with glittering stars. He was wrapped black coat a next to the fire. The coat, he recognised, was Benny’s and was so large it reached his ankles. his clothes were slung over large rocks and his shoes were warming by the fire and a quilt ferns were tucked under him, creating a barrier between the coat and the ground.
Benny was tucked next him, sheltering from the wind and allowing warmth to radiate through the coat. Benny was peering down at him, “How you doing, cher?”
“Leg hurts. Cold.” Artemis groaned.
“I figured” Benny said.
Artemis frowned, his mind foggy, “wh-uh. what happened to fire attracts monsters?”
Benny looked at him raising an eyebrow, “It does. But being soaked through on a cold day will make you catch your death.”
Artemis seemed confused but nodded dumbly. He started to tap his leg in fives and felt some of his anxiety leave him.
“For future reference, kid, jumping into a lake with serious burns is not a good idea, you could get an infection.”
“I’ll just keep that in mind for the next time I see a dragon then”, Artemis said, flatly.
“Seriously, that is the worst thing you could have done in that situation. I’m actually struggling to think of anything worse.”
Artemis raised his arms in surrender, “Fine, No jumping into lakes with burns, I’ve got it.”
“Anyways the likelihood is you probably won’t be in that situation again, dragons aren’t usually that dangerous, most of em’ are too busy to deal with the likes of us. They’re vegetarian, so the only time they fight is in self defence or to ward of a rival. Barely happens though. Mind you, they don’t need to try to be violent to be danger, like today,” said Benny.
Artemis frowned “Of course they were” Artemis did his best to mimic Benny’s accent, ‘trying to be violent’ they were attempting to kill each other.”
Benny snorted, “Cher that weren’t a fight, that was a mating ritual.”
“...” Artemis frowned, tilted his head then his face melded into a mask of baffled amusement “I suppose it is no more odd than some human mating rituals.” Artemis sat, groaning. He gazed at his leg which had been wrapped in cloth from Benny’s shirt.
Benny saw him looking, “It was the best I could do with what we have here. I had to wrap the leg up to stop it getting infected, but it isn’t that bad. If we’re lucky it’ll heal in two weeks.”
“Two weeks is too long.” He fell back, his head hitting the ground with a ‘thump’.
“We’ll manage. you’ll be standing in a day or two.” Benny said, his voice light.
“How are you so obnoxiously cheerful all the time?” Artemis asked
Benny snorted, “I’m not, you’re just a grumpy bastard.”
They fell silent for a long moment and all that was audible was the crackling of the fire, and the whisper of the wind through the trees.
“Can I ask you something?” asked Benny
“You may certainly ask.” said Artemis, although his voice sounded thin, and his eyes were distant.
“Why do you do that?” said Benny, curiously.
Artemis looked up, confused “What?”
“The tapping. At first, I thought it was just a habit, but you count them. It’s always in fives. I think you count other things too. sometimes I hear you counting before sleep.”
Artemis glanced at him tentatively as if weighing up options in his head, then after a long pause he spoke “I have a.... condition” At this moment he was very aware that the last time Benny had been on earth was fifty years ago.  Artemis couldn’t meet Benny’s eyes, his compulsion screaming at him to shut up. “Obsessive compulsive disorder. I constantly feel the urge to sort, organise, and count everything around me.”
Benny tilted his head, “Why?” 
Artemis took a breath. This was a risk; he was not yet sure if Benny could be trusted, but if his symptoms worsened it would be advantageous to have someone to ground him to reality. “I can’t... I don’t... I hate to feel out of control of my situation. Some of my life events were particularly... stressful so it was easier to believe that arbitrary things caused these traumatic events. That way, I could prevent things that were out of my control easily. It’s a self defence mechanism to prevent me from feeling so helpless.  My mind began to find patterns everywhere and I began to experience delusions and paranoia.”
“You say that like it’s over and you seem perfectly sane to me, what happened?”
The corner of Artemis’ mouth quirked upwards, “My friends noticed I had changed, they know something was wrong, they helped me get treatment for it. I saw a doctor and I underwent several months of therapy. The symptoms were completely gone till I arrived here. The stress must have triggered some of the symptoms.”
Benny nodded slowly. “Aren’t you scared?”
“Of what?”
“How do you know what’s real? How do you know if you actually have to be concerned or if you’re just being paranoid?” he seemed to be deep in thought for a moment, it looked painful, “How are you not paranoid by that?”
Artemis sighed, “You know I hadn’t considered that for the precious few hours I had been unconscious, so thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Benny said jovially.
Artemis considered the question, “Since I’ve been here, my symptoms have been getting worse. I don’t think I’m paranoid or deluded right now but... If I was, how would I know? It is quite disconcerting, I have to say.”
The silence followed was more uncomfortable than usual, in Artemis’ opinion at least.
“I could... let you know if... you are going a bit” Benny made a winding gesture beside his ear, “funny in the head.”
“Thank you... I think.” said Artemis, slowly slipping into sleep, comforted by the awkward declaration.
When he awoke the fire was smoking and Benny was sitting, sharping his knife made of wood and bone. Carcasses of fallen various assorted creatures were strewn in all directions around the camp.
Benny didn’t look up from his knife, “Morning kid. Don’t mind the bodies, just some trouble during the night.”
Artemis sat, wincing “Huh. You have been busy.” he frowned at the knife and asked something he had wondered for a while, “Did you make that weapon? Or did you bring it with you?”
Benny remained focused on sharpening his blade, “Had to make it out of dead werewolf bones. I didn’t have a weapon on me when I died.” Benny’s usual sunny disposition seemed to have evaporated like water on a hot day.
"How did you manage to wake up on the wrong side of the bed without a bed? Honestly, it’s baffling.” said Artemis groggily. Artemis’ voice took on a serious tone, “Are you okay?”
Benny sighed, “Yeah, I’m fine cher. I just... didn’t sleep. In this place you’re usually runnin’ or sleepin’. I haven’t had time to think for a while.”
“What about?” Artemis asked.
“My death. My life. A lot of things.” said Benny morosely.
“Tell me about your life, what did you do?” Artemis asked.
“It’s not a nice story cher.”
“Well, we have nothing else to do. I can’t stand on this leg, and you can’t carry me and protect yourself.” Artemis paused expectantly “So? You can’t sit there brooding forever. I will annoy you till you tell me something.”
“Alright, alright.” said Benny, defeated “I lived in Louisiana. I didn’t do much with my human life to be frank, I married when I was expected to, had kids when I was expected to, I earned enough money to support them. I barely knew my wife; I didn’t love her, it wasn’t her fault, she was just some girl. I did love my children though.” Benny smiled fondly, “Helene, Marie and Louis. Louis was the youngest child, it’s a shame- I would have wanted to see him grow up. Helene and Marie grew up to be intelligent young women, I was so proud of them.” his expression darkened “Anyway, I was turned when Louis was ten. I never saw them again.” he said sounding final.
Artemis was not one for platitudes but now he said the only thing that came to mind, “I’m sorry.”
Artemis knew when to drop a subject, but the thought still nagged at him, why didn’t Benny see his family again? Surely, he could have just visited them. Benny stood and Artemis felt the chill in his bones return.
“It is what it is. The fire’s gone out, I better collect some wood” said Benny, sniffing, his eyes suspiciously glassy.
Artemis allowed him the excuse; he could not begin to understand what it was to lose a child, but he thought that it would be something akin to never seeing his brothers, Miles and Becket again.
A trickle of icy fear spread out from his chest to his veins, raising hairs on the back of his arms when he realised that may well become a reality for him.
Benny returned with a bundle of firewood under his arm and restored the fire to a roaring blaze.
handing him a bundle of clothes Benny said, “I dried your clothes last night, they should be fine now.”
Artemis tilted his head, “How?”
Benny went back to sharpening, “I heated a rock in the fire for a few hours then took the rock out with a stick so I could put the clothes on the rock.”
“Creative. Thank you” Artemis had been saying that a lot lately and didn’t want to make a habit of it. He would just have to make sure he didn’t have a reason to thank anyone. Oh well... there wasn’t much hope of that now.
Benny gestured in his general direction, “Will you need help with getting changed
Artemis felt a jolt of embarrassment, “No! I mean, no, I’ll be fine.”
Benny snorted, “kids never change. Anyway, I’ll be over there looking at something else, yell when you’re done.” and with that Benny walked off.
After ten minutes of awkward and slightly painful manoeuvring Artemis was dressed in his usual attire and looking extremely bedraggled due to the fact that this suit was dry clean only. “You can come back now” he called to Benny who came wandering out of the tree line.
“Here” Artemis offered holding up Benny’s coat to him.
“Cher I’ll be fine. You on the other hand, need to keep warm considering that stupid stunt you pulled yesterday.”
Artemis slipped the coat on, feeling slightly ridiculous in an Armani suit and a moth-eaten coat that was made for someone much bigger than he was, “Forgive me for not knowing what the protocol is for dragons.”
Mirth glinted in Benny’s eyes, “Well, neither do I, but it ain’t that.” Benny sat next him, “You’re taking all of this awfully well, have you run into this type of thing before?”
“I’d encountered fairies and time travel before, so this didn’t seem like a massive leap.” said Artemis.
“Fairies?” Benny asked, “As in tiny creatures glowing with little wings, those fairies?”
“Only some fairies have wings, and they aren’t as small as you would think.”
“You can’t be serious-” Benny’s head swivelled around to the trees and he held up a fist to signal to Artemis that he should stay put and quiet. Benny walked out into the forest warily.
They were (as Butler would say) sitting ducks here. It would be a long week.
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kariuann · 3 years
Kabedon [Leviathan x GN!Reader]
have I ever told you that me and Levi have so much in common that I'm starting to fall for him?
now you know mwahahaha
this guy needs more love imo
Synopsis: With you unable to spend much time with your boyfriend, Leviathan, he tries to reclaim you as his.
Leviathan is more pissed than usual.
Not in the sense of him losing in a game (like that would ever happen) or Mammon barging in his room to steal some money or merch he owned, but it was far worse than that—and he has never felt anything like this for thousands of years.
“So unfair!”
Off goes his Ruri-chan body pillow somewhere in his aquarium room. Yes, it’s his most treasured thing in the entire devildom—even amongst the three realms, but Levi is beyond pissed to the point that he doesn’t care what he throws. Heck, he could even rival Satan when he’s really mad. Maybe if he cools down he’ll notice some of his figurines got broken, and his Henry hiding somewhere.
Too bad, though, there doesn’t seem to be anything that could calm him down.
Well, except for one.
Alright, calm down, sissy. We all know Levi isn’t one to beg for affection unlike Mammon or Asmodeus, but these past weeks have been torturing him. Here’s the thing—demons might not believe that he has or how did he get one, but Levi actually has a girlfriend, Y/N. And even though he spends time with you a lot, you tend to get dragged amongst the other brothers—whether Lucifer asking you to help him with the papers, or helping Asmodeus with his skincare routine, or even cooking for the Purgatory Hall members.
At first, Levi thinks it’s normal for you to get involved with his brothers—it’s become a daily thing since you transferred to RAD, but what really pissed him off is the fact that you haven’t been able to spend some alone time with him for weeks. He’s your boyfriend for goodness sake! Was he a really bad one that you’d rather spend time with the other brothers instead of him? Was it the time that you begged for affection and he declined it due to being really nervous that you had to cling to Mammon or Asmodeus?
There goes another Azuki-tan plushie.
Wherever you are, he’ll surely drag you to his.
You were currently at the kitchen preparing for dinner when you heard slamming. At first you would think it’s Beel getting really hungry who demands food this instant, but you’d never expect Levi to show up.
“L-Levi? Why are you—“
“Come with me. Now.”
...You never saw Levi get this possessive. You internally grin to yourself as you let him drag you to his room. Cue Beel entering the kitchen devouring what you have initially prepared for the brothers.
As soon as you got to his room, you were surprised to see his Ruri-chan pillow laying just near the door. You walked with him to see his figurines lying on the floor, and a lot more merch strewn. He was really intricate at taking care of his precious merch, even placing it to their own specific drawers, and you knew it was really bad seeing the room’s situation.
There goes your body being slammed on a wall, with Levi trapping you into his arms. You cower in fear as he glares through your soul, almost popping his demon form to decimate you. Your faces were growing closer inch by inch, and you couldn’t help but close your eyes.
“You’re so unfair, you know that?”
You opened your eyes to see him in his demon form, still burning your soul with his glare.
“What am I to you?”
“Am I nothing to you? Am I boring just like the others think? Why do you have to cuddle up to the others when you have me? What am I to you, huh?!”
Oh, he is definitely the Avatar of Envy alright.
Taking a huge gulp, you try to compose yourself and make the stupidest move the world has ever seen.
“If you’re trapping me here, then why don’t you do it?”
“You’re going to kiss me, right? Just like in the anime.”
You watch with a smirk as his form suddenly crumbles back to his nervous self. But deep inside, you’re freaking out on his next move. Would he really do it? Or would he attempt to kill you just like he did when he lost the TSL quiz? You watch him tremble as you silently convey your prayers not to be killed on the spot. When you felt his trap getting weaker, you took this as a chance to escape.
“I guess you really can’t do it. Why did I even expect it?” You said as you moved his arm away with a shrug.
As you were about to walk away though, you felt a sudden grip.
And there goes your back getting slammed once again on the wall.
“Don’t try me.”
As quick as he gripped you, he closed the distance between your faces. You would never think in a million years that Levi would take the initiative, but maybe a little teasing really did get him to do it. The kiss was slow at first, but it gradually became heated as his hands moved over your body, causing you to open your mouth slightly for him to insert his tongue and explore you. He wasn’t Mammon, but his actions make him feel greedy for you. He needs you. He wants you.
As you both pull away, you stared in his luscious orange eyes, getting swayed by the lust that creeps out of it. You both were as red as a tomato, but you both didn’t mind as he held you close to his arms.
“You’re mine, you got that?”
(could someone make an NSFW continuation of this and tag me? hehehe thanks :D)
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kittymaverick · 4 years
That Time of the Year Again (tm): Get ready for MCF 21: the Harbinger commentary!
It’s that time of the year yet again! Mystery Case Files 21: The Harbinger commentary. If anyone has been waiting for the hilarity that is my commentaries, I’m sorry I’m late this year. I actually started working as a freelance writer, and projects are coming in hot. Plus a recent family matter (not COVID-related. I’m thankfully in one of the safest places from it.) meant I had to put this on a back-burner. And then I guess I left it there for too long and triggered the smoke alarm, and people entered my inbox going “Are you okay???” So without further ado, let’s get this started. *cracks fingers* I have DUAL MONITORS NOW which means I can see my commentary AND watch the playthrough at the same time. (Yet, I still DON’T have a credit card. This is the new running joke.) I’m going to be watching YouGib’s playthough. Pazu also has his playthrough up. Spoilers below the cut as usual!
First, Grandma? A new studio? (A quick google shows they have done quite a bit of HOP titles and series.) Welcome to the MCF family! I hope you’re ready for the roasting that’s ahead. 8D MD: You mean the roasting they’ll let me do, right? I don’t know if they would be so nice as to grant you such catharsis right away. MD: Damn… It’s Grandma though. There’ll at least be cookies, right?
I like how “The” is in a place where you can almost read it as “The Mystery Case Files”, which MCF honestly deserves at this point. 21 years! That’s old enough to drink in the US!
(MD: Hm, old fashion building and clothes? Are we having some anachronistic adventure again--) CAT. Black cat. This is Isis. (MD: Not all black cats are Isis…) Yes they are. They are to me--
Captions: (Otherworldly scream) Why yes, yes game, thank you for describing my exact reaction to seeing that darn crystal ball. I love this self-awareness and I hope it stays.
Oh nooooo, green beam of light… (Green was the color of souls used in old Ravenhearst games, and also the type of light that the Archivist from Moths to a Flame evaporated into, iirc.)
MD: Hm, a harbinger usually means something worse is coming up. So who’s harbinger to whom I wonder? Well you could say Emma, Madame Fate, or Victor was the harbinger to Charles, and then Charles himself was a harbinger to Alistair, who apparently was harbinger to the twins, who were also harbinger to Alistair again-- MD: Yes, I know, thank you, please stop. --and then he was harbinger to a Lord Ravenhearst who we never saw again, and then we picked it up again somehow to Phineas Crown though that was much earlier and the pirate was a harbinger of himself in a sense. In fact, I guess in a metasense, you could say each MCF game is a harbinger of the next-- MD: You haven’t even gotten past the opening so PLEASE STOP.
Hm, game difficulty settings-- no Master Detective level. Ten marks off. :( MD: Okay that’s unfair. Also Hardcore is one word. MD: Hey, I’m the pyromaniac, okay? Chill! (Me at recording: pick helpful messages, pick it! PICK IT!)
OH, a CHOICE?! Oh, wait, it’s just the main game and extra content.
THEY GAVE YOU YOUR BUGGY BACK. THEY GAVE IT BAAAAACK. AAAAAHHH. MD: Interior’s a little different, but yes, I HAVE MY CAR BACK AND NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW. MWAHAHAHA-- Queen: Something strange is happening in Darkmoor. MD: *Does a 180 and goes back home* [The end.] Just kidding. :P I love how all the names of the places we’re going to immediately screams DANGER. MD: If I turned back every time I heard a name like that, I would be a very different person today. Probably saner, less salty, and generally happier.
It took me a while to see clearly, but the bobblehead looks like default MD (the costume seems to be inspired by the Fate Carnival collectibles)! We can now safely assume that MD is either really afraid of the cold, or very, very desperately trying to hide their identity. MD: Don’t tell anyone… but the getup is like a security blanket. ...One that you wear?! MD: Shhhhhh not so loud…….
Queen: Several keywords related to your previous cases-- What keywords? What are they? MD: Ravenhearst? Souls? Pirates? Skulls? Crystal Ball? Madame Fate? Dire Grove? Death herself? Queen: I’m not revealing this mystery… it’ll give the whole plot away! ...Okay, I’m putting ten on Victor, twenty on Charlotte, thirty on Alistar, and a hundred on Charles-- MD: You CHEATER you were spoiled while GOOGLING. --actually, I should do a bingo board instead. Yeah, I’m gonna do that. (And then she spends ten minutes wasting time on that, before giving up. We are at… 2 minutes in of the playthrough. This is normal.)
Queen: We’ve detected a possible energy anomaly-- MD: I’m sorry, we have DONE WHAT?! You guys have technology for that??? MD: Where was this technology for like…. The past ten cases? I really could have used some of that before heading in! (Somewhere in the world, the Mystery Tracker detective hides his gadgets…) (Post video edit: Speaking off, he seems to have gone UFO now.)
*Radio fizzes out* MD: That’s not good. Um… UP AHEAD. MD: THAT’S REALLY NOT GOOD. DETECTIVE TAKE THE WHEEL!!!! MD: THIS BUGGY IS STILL ON MORTGAGE NO. (And the MD, the bobblehead, literally lost their head, lol.)
Gibs is definitely feeling the stylistic difference. I personally don’t think it detracts from the game right now, and if anything, it can open new avenues for MCF to explore. Also, awwww it’s not our old buggy, but hey, I like the red!
MD: Okay… agency device. Better use this to scan for creepy crawly energies. I’m so sad it’s not something you can get attached to… MD: I’m pretty damn attached to my new car, thank you very much. Well, the windshield is already broken, so I think it’s been marked as “readily expendable” emotionally. :P (Machine sort of reminds me of the old machine from Huntsville, actually… which did appear again in… Rewind?)
Wow, that royal decree is like… a permission slip from mom. XD MD: Enough to get people’s attention, but not enough for them to treat me seriously. You would think with lives at stake, they would send something more official? MD: If they did, I might just be out of a job, because half of my job seems to involve waiting for people to get in trouble. Also, marking this officer Davis down as “guy who might get into trouble later and need rescuing”.
...Okay, you know what the device could have been? A portable TV head. MD: I will PUNT that metal box so hard if they handed me one! Missed moment of creepy, honestly.
“The agency never ceases to amaze me”??? MD: I meant that in both the “wow, I can’t believe this is what you used our money on!” and the “wow, I can’t believe this is where you used our money instead of that other really important thing we could have had” sense. Never cease to amaze you in how disappointed you are at them, then. MD: After our last security breach, yes.
Solved Case Files, omg. And you carry it on your car.XD MD: The therapist said I needed to “express my outrage” more healthily than arson. And you made the WORLD NEWS???? Whatever happened to being the most secretive person in the world?! MD: Shhhhh let them keep guessing… (Also, Bobblehead isn’t our MD, it seems. A case of mistaken identity. Awww….)
Guy in purple: I didn’t do anything wrong! Hm, this guy is sus… also, we’re in the UK, confirmed? MD: ...As if the name didn't’ give it already. Also, SIR, SIR, YOU DROPPED YOUR purse……. Well I guess it’s my purse now.
Tarot cards as collectibles! More Madame Fate coming up?
Wow, that police station entrance was a time machine. We’re back in modern-day old town England! MD: ….pattern on floor, sus… Aaaaand power outage. Cue bars. Policeman trapped. Oops. MD: Number of people that needed rescuing is now one, and is exactly as I predicted.
Police: Um, can you come closer? I dunno man, you behind bars, pretty sus. Maybe you’re not a real police. Police: Oh please. We talking real? How about your prove you’re the real Master Detective-- MD: *Hands Queen’s note* Police: Right that’ll work. (We didn’t get to flash our badge?!)
Wait, you’re in a ROYAL AGENCY??? Did you.... change agencies or something??? MD: After the last game, can you really blame me if a headhunter came asking? Me: No but… you work for the CROWN???? MD: Hey, if me collecting stories for Grandma Queen wasn’t obvious enough, I don’t know what else to say.
Wow, an ACTUAL FLASH DRIVE. We’re actually in modern day society. XD Albeit one with really industrial looking computers. (Now I need to go and check if the old games used floppy disks…)
Witness 1: It’s not like she has a crystal ball! Suspect purple: Yeah, I’m a fair owner. Girl Aisling is a fortune reader. ...Madame Fate, Madame FATE, MADAME FATE. MD: Okay, maybe that cat WAS Isis after all. Guy: She likes watching ravens. MD and I, simultaneously: FUCK.
I have to say, the puzzles are quite refreshingly different from ones that have appeared in the past. Me likey.
Gibs sees victim photo on autopsy table: What a handsome devil he is! Me: *Dies laughing and fails to make comments for a while*
Oh wow, you can write coherently again! Actual journals! Clear sketches! (Actual cutscene replay???? TWENTY POINTS.) MD: Therapy can be a wonderful thing sometimes. ...Please tell me you’re talking actual therapy and not “I got to explode a ship and the pirates on it” therapy. MD: Well, that counts as therapy still, right?
Okay Madame Fate, if you have a daughter, or this is your granddaughter, please just descend from heaven and let us know right now. (...wait, didn’t Madame Fate have a son? The really big eater guy? Franco!) That said, it says the veil of time, which might be an allusion to the Dark Veil too.
Davis: Right, good luck heading into town to the victim’s home! MD: Yep! Thanks for being a rare competent soul in this universe! Really appreciate the help-- [Rose street.] MD: ...Is it too late to turn back? Yes, yes it is entirely too late. 8D Let’s gooooooooo! MD: *sighs*.
SHADOW IN JAMES’ HOUSE! SHADOW! MD: Probably Nigel. He was sneaking around already.
MENTION Of CAT. CAT. MD: ...are you broken? ...Yes. (It’s nearing 1 am. So Kitty commentary might be retroactive below.)
Huh, HOP has sections that unlock objects like in Dark Parables. Neat!
Well, well, well, what do we have here? Small town drama as usual. MD: The predictable disappointment of human nature. Why can’t I just have cases that deal with that? No supernatural stuff, just little town murder mysteries. Little Town Mystery Case Files, coming to a store near you soon! (I’ll be honest, Grandma, I would play that once, just to have MD be completely paranoid over nothing actually supernatural.)
Santa Claus Beard Guy: I hope I didn’t scare you. MD: I’ve had undead grip me through the window. A little shadow doesn’t spook me. A family whose last name begins with a D though rattles them. MD: Please don’t give away my weaknesses so quickly...
Santa Guy: So the cat kicked my ass. Can you get me some medicine? MD: Sure thing. BTW, where is this cat, and how can I recruit it to kick the asses of my enemies?
Eeeeehhhh complex door puzzles are back! Except they are now complex cupboard puzzles.
WOOOOOOOOOW that’s a LYNX if I ever saw one! MD: Hey, remember how I say I’m not good with animals? Too bad, grab the pet carrier, you’ll need it. MD: ...please don’t scratch me. Cat: *Roars* MD: *flips shit, runs and hides*
James has visited the Museum of Mysteries… And what’s with the MCF crest in his diary??? MD: Wait… Allison? ALLISON THE REPORTER??? Omg, James is her BROTHER. THEY HAVE THE SAME LAST TIME EVEN OMG. MD: ……….. I’m NOT going to be the deliverer of this bad news. Hey MD, does that curse that surrounds people associated with you extend to their families? MD: Thank you for going where my brain didn’t want to, now kindly proceed no further. Just morbidly wondering…...
MD: They… they visited all the places that my cases took place. EVEN A HOUSE I REPORTED BURNED DOWN AND EXPLODED. AND THEN CAMPED OUT IN DIRE GROVE. MY GODS ALMIGHTY YOU TWO!!!! ...These siblings don’t have a lot of self-preservation sense, huh? MD: There are some things that should NOT run in the family. This is one of them. (I’ll be honest. Just… HOW can the MD process this kind of guilt??? Kudos to you, Grandma Studios. This is possibly the most evil story choice ever, and you went there. Slow, claps. Seriously. That said there is a small plothole here with James saying he was there when MD rescued Allison. I think that might be a translation/grammar error though.)
Journal: Oh btw John worked on the Ravenhearst manor restoration. MD: *grabs John* WHY. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME AND TO THE WORLD?! John: Um….. it was work? MD: SOME PLACES ARE BETTER OFF GONE. Hey, look on the bright side. You can burn it down again as therapy! John: Oh btw, I made the elaborate locks-- MD: *Begins to strangle John* NO HOMICIDES MASTER DETECTIVE! You investigate them, not commit them! MD: TELL ME THAT AFTER I’M DONE.
MD: Okay, John. Let me be clear on one thing. You are now number one sus on my list of “The person that’s gonna betray me in the end” right now, and probably staying there. If you turn out to be one of the Dalimars or their crony in disguise, I will END YOU. Are we clear? John: ………… MD: What? John: You’re more terrifying than James’ cat--
*Another prevention of homicide later…* MD: Alright, fine. Containers, opened. Toy, fixed. “Cat”, got. Now take it and get out. John: Thanks, here is the final piece to that closet door that I totally have been keeping from you this whole time. ….Seriously???? MD: ….Like I said, top of my shitlist. *Reads the closet puzzle poem* On second thought GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE I HAVE QUESTIONS!
James is the greatest dork. He locked his special diary entries with a lock. I’m so sad we didn’t get to meet him in person. Though that said... MD: My gods, some common sense is really missing from this family’s mind. Seeds from the carnival?! A cube from probably dire grove??? How does it feel knowing you contributed indirectly to his demise? 8D MD: ...It’s like seeing someone win the Darwin award and feeling bad that you are the one handing the trophy to them.
Davis: Oh hey, a cassette? Let me go and get the camera for it. We’ll meet later! MD: Wait a second, you’re gonna end up dead if you do that! Davis: No, I’m gonna be fine! Here’s a ticket to the night market! Have fun! MD: …… ...More Darwin award nominations? MD: No. Awww….
Marge: Oh hi detective! Thank you for saving me and my daughter so many years ago! MD: …. Who are you again? *Goes to google* Oh, she’s that woman from Reverant’s Hunt…. MD: Ah, the gossip hen. My gods what’s with this town and its inhabitants… It’s like all the people connected to you which fate has yet to kill are all showing up again for a chance of going to the afterlife! 8Db MD: That would be the worst lottery ever. All in the life of being Master Detective’s friend! Forecast for percent of death: high! MD: *curls up in a corner to be depressed*
Nigel: What do you want? MD: Here are your seeds. Nigel: Okay I’m gone! MD: Right, now Aisling-- WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. Crow: Caw-caw! MD: You, you’re not Crowlister, but if you are responsible, I will make you one very bald bird.
Okay, soooooo what do we do? MD: Removed what the device can. Guess we’re down to brewing this… tea... ...I think you need this tea more than her, honestly.
“I expect these MCF references now.” XD I think the 4th wall has just been shattered into oblivion.
Aisling: I see death all around you Master Detective! MD: Thank you for stating the obvious that has been made abundantly clear by the past hour and a half of plot. Davis: Hey waddap? MD: ….*breaks down sobbing* YOU’RE STILL ALIVE THANK GOODNESS! *hugs Davis* Davis: Um… what’s going… anyway, you should look at the video.
MD: Nigel! This video here suggests something. Want to talk before I make you? Nigel: This proves nothing! Now go away, I have preparations to-- Noooooooooo! *Nigel is swallowed by the earth* ……...MD? MD: NOT IT. WASN’T ME. DEFINITELY NOT ME! You saw that right, Davis? Davis: Oh no, he’s dead! Guess we’ll need to exhume him. MD: Now hold on, that reaction is just WAAAAAY TO BLAND.
(Watched a little bit ahead. I have some theories on who Aisling might be, since Gib’s thumbnail does appear to hint at it. We’ll see where it goes!)
(Aaaaand I was right!)
[Here ends entry one. Part two is going to be even more retroactive...]
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
GIFTENING Bonus Rounds
For each category, I included a “bonus round” question. YOU GUYS KILLED IT. I loved all the answers, but listed below are some of my particular favourites.
Haruka Tenoh is trapped in the wrong anime! Which would you have her visit next?
I want her to earth shake Kyubey out of existence, please and thank you
My bride is a mermaid. She can relate. :P
i think she would THRIVE in bodacious space pirates. gay teenage space pirates whose job is to dress up, be Dramatic, and rob the wealthy??? that shit is RIGHT up her alley
Princess Tutu - where the world is finally as dramatic as her
PGSM (and Michiru is trapped with her, for REASONS)
Pokemon because everyone deserves to be happy
Any moe-style series so hijinks can ensue at her being baffled by everyone's ages
1960's Speed Racer
is is this a captcha or something i missed oh god
Free! so she can be indifferent to all the hot men and slightly uncomfortable because she still can't swim. 
Stick Haruka in a Gundam!
Dump her in Pretear or one of the Precures! It would be hilarious! She's never in the genre she wants to be!
Revolutionary Girl Utena, so she can be offended by misuse of roses.
Initial D, she will out-drive and out-drift all those guys and steal all their girls.
Evangelion. I would feel bad to watch her suffer, but it would be so, so funny for her to be the comparatively most normal person around.
The Holograms or the Misfits? DISCUSS
both? both. BOTH IS GOOD
misfits bc Evil Ladies Hot
Steven and the stevens
Misfits.  How dare you make us try to think about anything in our lives.
Both, you mad fool. Those combined songs were the best.
The Misfits, their songs are better
The Misgrams: A group of girls who form a singing telegram start up company, but constantly deliver the telegrams to the wrong people.
kimber & stormer
Neither. Limp Lizards all the way. BROKEN GLASS.
I do not know what these things are
Misfits because guitar motorcycle
The Isle of Misfit Holograms
Holograms is just arguably better
I mean, I’m told the Misfits’ songs are better, but my true answer is the band Kimber and Stormer made in that big gay episode you liveblogged (checks) almost four years ago.
I've no idea what these words mean and I hope this does not make me TOO uncool.
this is about jem, right? right?? im hip i swear
Misfits, because Jasper is a member apparently
I don't know from Jem, but I mean...I certainly prefer holographic material to Glenn Danzig? So I guess there's your answer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The Stingers
Senshi Band
You can make me liveblog a full series of any show you want! You also hate me. What do you have me watch?
Pick a GoT rip-off, any GoT rip-off
The Bachelor?
The Bachelor :(
depends on how much i hate you, but....probably the bachelor. quantity AND lack of quality
Critical role, it would take forever
If I were a horrible person who sought only malice?  Big Bang Theory.  Entire series.
Toddlers and Tiaras
The Mandalorian - Disney would come after you and kill keyofjetwolf just as dead as keyofnik.  We would all be very sad, you would have to go through a second round of restoring things to a new tumblr account, and your organizational heart would weep over adding yet another hosting site out of chronological order.
You are liveblogging Eva, and must discuss in full detail Shinji's emotional state at all times.
Hannity & Colmes
The Kardashians. And all of their spin offs. *kisses*
The price is right
the bachelor
Probably something with lots of romance and no friendships. Soap operas are like that, right? My college roommate used to watch General Young Light Restless Hospital of Our Lives (which one had Like and Laura?) And it was torture.
One Piece, because it's over 900 episodes so you could maybe do 10% before you die, also you will hate how the women are treated most of the time.
Fushigi Yuugi. Not only do you hate it but it also comes with you squirming when you admit to watching the whole thing. ;) 
Plus belle la vie. It's an ongoing French soap opera that has been airing five days a week since 2004, they're nearing their 4000th episode and there's no end in sight. Imagine all those hours upon hours submerged in French drama, mwahahaha!!
The Bachelor.  Or the Bachelorette, maybe - more straight dudes in that.
The entirety of the Bachelor franchise.
You can only play one game for the rest of your life. Which game would it be and why?
Kingdom Hearts Complete Collection. A) I love them. B) I beat the system and get like 10 games instead of one.
Gemcraft. This game actually takes a lifetime to finish.
Hatoful Boyfriend. It is the best game ever created. Feel it in your heart.
that's a mean question and you can't make me answer it
Pathfinder, which you could play for the rest of your life and still never finish.
Civ VI , so I can rule the world without leaving my house.
I am legitimately perturbed by this question and refuse to answer it.
Pokemon Go. I would have nothing else, but I would catch them all.
The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: I'll never run out of side-quests.
Mass Effect--it's the only way I'll get full completion. 
The dinosaur game on Chrome when the internet doesn't connect because my life is monotonous and it's a welcome relief. 
Stardew Valley. Peaceful farmer life and turning my children into doves when I'm bored with them.
Crabs Adjust Humidity
Oh my! A number of things come to mind, not one of them fit for print. Just, you know...*gestures vaguely* sex shit. 
I can't even stick to the ones I play now.
This is the worst of all possible things and I refuse to answer. 
Monopoly, I hate myself :(
Probably Minecraft! I haven't gotten into it because I know if I start I will NEVER STOP. Who would do things like build a hundred foot tall statue of Mako-chan? A-THAT'D BE ME.
the game. Of LIFE! *shrug emoji*
I don't believe I'll tell you, because I AM a salty little fish and it was HARD to cut that 11th choice off my vote.
Holligay and I are going to be the leads in a new buddy film. What's the premise? How does it end?
Be gay do crimes. Thelma and Louise. Duh. :P
I have no idea but only just surviving disaster is how it ends.
You break down in a small town during a roadtrip- your stay is full of hijinks and ends with you teaching the townsfolk the true meaning of friendship.
Doctor Holligay, Esquire, PhD, renowned Jewish femme of many talents, is assigned one Operative Jet Wolf as her bodyguard on a foreign diplomatic mission/vacation/culinary tour of the world ("same difference, shut up, narrator"). One problem: Operative Wolf needs a bodyguard herself, as the good doctor discovers when in one night her toilet is destroyed ("IT WAS A SECURITY THREAT") and Operative Wolf nearly breaks a leg falling down a small set of stairs ("THEY PUT A CLIFF OUTSIDE THE DOOR"). Worldwide shenanigans ensue as Holligay and Operative Wolf learn the true meaning of friendship, and also how to take care of themselves... by taking care of each other.
I’m not sure about the premise, but DEFINITELY it ends in murder.
Someone posted a major spoiler during one of your liveblogs. The two of you track them down seeking revenge. It turns out it was the original creator of the series trying to stop you. For some reason Holligay is a CGI badger.
It's clearly a buddy cop movie, and like all good buddy cop movies, it ends with Doc almost dying, and you saving her, and slapping her wound in the hospital as the credits roll.
It ends as it began: with Holligay roasting you.
A straight detective and her lesbian partner have to solve the case of the missing cinnamon buns.  It ends with nobody getting the guy OR the girl and you drive off into the sunset together, perps behind bars sans cinnamon buns.
I don't know what it's about but I know it will be the only movie that ever existed. 
Holligay is the lesbian chief of staff to you somehow being elected President and she's basically running the country while you're the charming face of the administration
Nerd and cowgirl meet at a bar, justifyingly murder some gross dude, go on the run from the law and have a life-changing road trip, on the way Nazis are punched
carrying a delicate object through a forest after your helicopter goes down
Thelma and Louise, but instead of dying, your deaths are clearly faked and you live on a ranch in Montana with your respective spouses and animals. One time a cop comes by the restaurant/bar you joint own with Doc and says, "You look familiar." Doc, in perfect lesbian, answers, "Jet's just got that criminal look, on account of how much she'd love to steal my cheesecake recipe. More pie?"
Queer Eye with a Straight Goy. The two of you do the show but in your own special ways.
Doc Holligay is the wild-west no-nonsense sheriff. Jet Wolf is the all-fun cyberpunk cop from the future. They punch nazis and argue about food. It ends as a tv series ala B99.
Your lives are already a buddy film, don’t get greedy.
Hands and socks.  You know how it ends.
See Grumpy Old Men for details.  How does it end?  Badly.
I can't imagine the premise, but I'm pretty sure the planet explodes.
A Coen Bros film. It ends poorly.
Wait? You're not already living this now? 
Sure. Why not?
Rei who? ;)
Plush Is being hugged by Zoisite in your banner.
The best
It's time tooo.... REI! THAT! HINO!
sponsored by Here! curry
Isn't how you spell Makoto Kino!
In conclusion: Rei Hino
Rei Hino is giving this Giftening finger guns
Hot stuff, lights my fire, blazes it regularly. I am out of fire jokes.
These hot feelings are C'EEEEEST LAAAAA VIIIIIIE c'mon rei-chan why aren't you singing along
IS THE BEST (I know who I'm talking to)
If Hot Pocket were to plan One Last Heist, what do you think would be his objective? What would be Mina's role in his master plan?
Master Hot Pocket seeks BREAD. His friend and loyal companion, Mina-pup, acts as a distraction, as he has learned the humans are easily distracted by cute. While she does her sworn duty as Best Friend and Cutest Goodest Girl, probably with lolling tongue and glee at all the pets she receives, he picks the locks on the newly childproofed pantry, and Master Howard H. Pocket FEASTS AS NO CAT HAS BEFORE.
Every bag of flour in Montana; Mina runs distraction with her adorable puppy eyes
Open every container, leave none unmarked. Mina is the lookout who greets whoever comes and is completely ineffective at her job.
TAKE ALL THE FLOUR. Do it straight from the source: FlourCo Inc. What does a 10-pound cat do with eighty thousand tons of flour? If you can't figure that out, there's a reason he's the brains of this outfit. Mina would obviously be the bumbling lovable distraction to security or other people.
Bread.  Mina is The Face who provides distraction to the Keepers of the Bread by walking up to them and being herself.  Mina has absolutely no idea that Hot Pocket is using her in this manner because Hot Pocket is that Machiavellian, but Mina is a pocket full of sunshine in canine form and probably would just be happy to help out.
Hot Pocket knows that no mammal of the floor believes in flour anymore. It went away a long time ago. It doesn't exist. But what he also knows is that they're wrong. A lack of opposable thumbs won't hide the truth from him. He'll find the stash, and when he does, he'll stick his paw in it. Mina, with her limited climbing skills, will lick its remains from his claw and prove his discovery. As well as provide a warm place to curl up on for the aftermath of their adventure.
His goal is to sample every edible thing he can get his teeth on. Mina pulls triple duty as step stool, distraction, and scape goat
The Silver Crystal. Mina would play the role of Sailor V.
He is getting ALL THE FLOUR. Mina is a lovable distraction.
Looting all the carbs in the pantry. mina is distraction.
mina's role would be the "dopey" but talented best friend who it looks like HP is going to betray for the sake of the plan but then it all comes together when HP mounts a dramatic rescue. i dunno i'm still in film mode from that last one.
The Holy Bread Locked Within the Cupboard.  Mina would be the distraction, but she'd forget what she was supposed to be distracting from and end up leading you to him.
I am the Void. I am the Night. I am the Darkness with no hope of dawn. The Flour trembles before me in it's bleached fluffiness. It shall not escape my chaos, which will descend upon it like the Terrors of the Deep, claws and teeth and gnashing. It will howl at my claws. It will scream for my teeth, sharp and white, stars in the night of my fur. I shall tend and tear and -- Dammit, Dog-thing! How am I supposed to be terrible and terrifying with you wagging your tail and panting at me!? Oh, you found a good warm sunbeam? I guess I can stalk stuff later. I am the Void. I shall absorb the Sun's light and warmth and bring it into my Darkness where it cannot escape...
I'm new here and don't know all the complex lore of Jetwolf(fairly sure Mina is dog), so I'm going to assume that Hot Pocket is an actual hot pocket and his heist is robbing Fort Knox using Mina as his loyal stead/get away car. Then he explodes a microwave or something.
i lik the bred
Mina as the distraction while he takes one last tastes of EVERYTHING 
objective--stealing more chips; Mina--surprise betrayal 
The scene: Mama Jet's pantry The Objective: the bag of cake flour Aunt Doc made Mama Jet buy but she's never used Mina: confused but excited escape vehicle and/or scapegoat
RAIDING THE KING ARTHUR FLOUR FACTORY. Mina is of course adorable and keeps everyone's attention while Hot Pocket swan dives into the flour like Uncle Scrooge
Hot Pocket would definitely try to steal a monument, Carmen SanDiego style. Mina, of course, is the multi-talented and super cute face of the operation.
I have no idea who Hot Pocket is
HP would try to scale the tallest building in the world. Not to steal anything, just to be up there. Mina would be the adorable diversion.
It would be to get whatever food you've left on the counter. Preferably bread. He would tell Mina that he'll give her some of she acts as a distraction. She's a good dog so she does. He's a cat so she gets no food.
Truly, truly, THE GIFTENING winner is us all.
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everydayanth · 4 years
A quarantine story:
I told Jake a story last night about how there was once a great leader who was very impatient with the world. To fix this flaw, the god broke the man’s back and gave him incessant, random pain, to help him slow down and appreciate the world.
Now, at this point, Jake, who had absolutely no intention of listening to a story and was scrolling through reddit already in bed, is side-eying me hard, waiting for it. 
I continued: The great leader persisted though. He healed his back, went through his day, and even planted hot pepper seeds! 
Jake’s rolling his eyes because he did plant hot pepper seeds exactly one and a half weeks ago, just for kicks I guess. 
An important note: Jake’s official field is biotech, in which he works with plant genetics and molecular breeding to enhance and discover their medical applications to the human body. He is an expert at plant systems, he knows how this works. Being in medical research, he also still goes to the lab, despite Coronavirus, for 12hr days, 3 or 4 times/week, W-S. Time is a strange thing these days, as I’m sure you know. 
I continue: Because the great leader did not learn patience from his broken back, the god slowed the sprouting of the peppers to normal speed, in hopes that the leader would slow down and appreciate the growth he demands of his peppers. 
Jake plops the pillow over his head with a groan. 
Finally, I get to the end, trying really hard not to laugh: But the great leader got sick of waiting, so he planted even more seeds. Annoyed, the god made all the seeds sprout at once, then TURNED THEM INTO GIANT MONSTER PEPPERS AND DEMANDED THEY EAT THE GREAT LEADER! MWAHAHAHA
"There it is!” Jake throws his hands up, the pillow flying off his face, with a defeated sigh. The room is quiet, I settle into bed with a giggle as he reaches a flailing hand for the light. 
I hear a quiet muttering sigh to the darkness, “what the heck am I supposed to do with twelve pepper plants in our apartment?"
The end. ^-^
Also, seeds take more than a week and a half to pop, and don’t let broken backs get you down <3
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dyadsaber · 4 years
Part 6 of A New Reylo Reads TFA: In Which a Dyad In the Force Has One of the Neatest Looking Lightsaber Battles I’ve Ever Seen and I Finally Get to the End of This Novelization
Previous parts in my dyadsaber text posts tag. 
I came out of the theater the first time LOVING the Rey and Finn vs Kylo in the snow as Starkiller Base falls apart around them scene.  Unless I’m completely forgetting something, we’d never seen a red vs blue lightsaber fight in SNOW before, and I thought it was GORGEOUS. (I know Luke uses his on Hoth, but the Wampa doesn’t have one too, so it doesn’t count.) I just watched the whole sequence again on youtube, you know, for research reasons, and I still love it just as much as I did the first time. (Maybe more?) 
Anyway… here’s my rundown of that scene from the novel: 
First of all, I HAVE QUESTIONS about which side of the Force Rey is drawing on here. TLJ kind of touches on the fact that Rey doesn’t have the “OMG the dark side is ALWAYS EVIL” indoctrination that kids at the Jedi temple (and Luke) would have gotten, and the number of times she’s described as drawing on anger and fury here made sit up and pay attention.
When Rey’s about to shoot Kylo and he freezes her with the Force, we get this: 
“She strained against him, HER ANGER GIVING HER STRENGTH. But she couldn’t fire. He was struggling also, against her newly discovered ability” 
Sure, she’s not able to break free, but he’s been using the Dark Side for a touch longer than she has. Not saying she is for sure, here, but I think it’s one possible reading supported by the text. (Hi I teach English just in case I haven’t said that yet). Personally, I think she was. I also think BOTH of the “sides of the Force” are both amoral and necessary, and drawing on the Dark Side out of anger and desperation isn’t always a sure path to Sith-dom.  
Finn igniting Anakin’s lightsaber is still a moment that makes me love him… he’s ready to defend his knocked-against-a-tree friend with WHATEVER HE HAS, even if it’s a weapon he’s never used before and doesn’t quite understand, and that is sweet and good and loyal, and it endeared Finn to me A LOT.  I remember that when Finn turned it on and stood there in that blue glow in the theater, we ALL gasped.  I don’t remember if it had been in promo material or not, but seeing it on the big screen was… An Experience.
ANYWAY, after Finn does the awesome thing he does, Kylo has a line I’m really glad they cut. After the “That weapon is mine” exchange, we get…
Drawing himself up, a towering figure in the snow, Ren did not even bother to gesture. “I’m going to kill you for it.” 
I mean… he almost DOES (kill Finn, that is) but announcing it is a little too MWAHAHAHA villain for my taste, and I’m glad they let him speak with actions rather than words here in the film. 
So… one of the fun things about all of a sudden caring a WHOLE lot more about Kylo Ren is that I’ve gotten to fully appreciate how incredibly good Adam Driver is at the physicality of this character.  (And by that I mean “I’ve watched a lot of behind the scenes clips and stared at gifs a lot.) It’s just FUN to watch him fight, so this description from Finn’s PoV made me smile. 
The longer the contest continued, the stronger Ren seemed to become. It was as if he was enjoying the challenge. Feeding upon it.
Upon reflection, I know exactly why I love this. It reminded me SO HARD of Jaime Lannister, another pretty terrible (and just plain pretty) fictional character I would get in fights defending. I just like secretly morally conflicted dudes who swing swords, know how good they are, and are kind of assholes about it, ok? 
Give me ALL of the confident, arrogant, Kylo Ren fights.  (Fic recs always welcome. Like I said, I’m new here.) 
This next bit made me wonder about how the “fighting over an object with the Force” thing works. Because this is the FIRST time we see the dyad both try to summon that lightsaber at the same time: 
Ren extended an arm toward the device lying in the snow. It twitched and then began to vibrate as the Force called to it.
But… it doesn’t explode. And this made me wonder, “Why NOT? What was different?” 
Here’s what I’ve got. 
Maybe it went to Rey because she started trying to call it first. So even if he had more experience and wouldn’t have had to try as hard as she (probably) did since it was her first time, the Force… recognized her prior claim? Also I think what happens in TLJ is that the two of them “reach” for the lightsaber at the exact same moment, and so there IS no prior claim, and so they have to duke it out with raw strength, which goes about how you’d expect when they’re equals.  
That still doesn’t explain what happens with the ship in the desert in TRoS though…  Rey definitely reached for it first.  But also, unlike a lightsaber, the ship had ENGINES that were trying to work against her. That might be an explanation.  I wonder exactly what Kylo was trying to do there, anyway… help it break atmosphere like it was trying to do anyway, I’ve always assumed.  So if I’m right, that would make the scene make more sense, and it would mean the rules are: (I’m sure I’m proved wrong a million times in media I haven’t seen yet, but here we go)
A stationary object will usually go to the first Force user who calls it. 
A stationary object will go to the Force user who is “stronger” in the moment if they call it at the same time, (and in the absence of a clear winner, explode?).
A moving object that whose direction the Force user is trying to change will be more resistant and tends to negate #1. 
The confidence/willpower of a Force user (and size of an object only insofar as that affect confidence) is a variable that probably throws a wrench in all three of these. 
Dyads facing off probably screw with the normal course of things, too.
Thank you for coming to this episode of “I need my media to make sense and spend way too much time trying to make it do so.” 
And then… Kylo Ren sees Rey….
“It is you,” Ren murmured. His words unsettled her: Not for the first time, he seemed to know more about her than she did about herself.
He doesn’t say this in the movie. He doesn’t say anything when he sees her, I don’t think.  But when I read this… my heart stopped a little. 
This isn’t what you say to the random girl you met in the woods and who you think has the map to Uncle Luke, even if she is Force Sensitive as Hell.  
This is what you say to a girl you suddenly realize you’ve seen in that place between asleep and awake for most of your life, a girl that you’ve always been subconsciously aware of. This is what you say because you’re beginning to understand that the scavenger you brought on board and this girl you’re just now remembering clearly for the fist time are THE SAME PERSON and she is VERY connected to you.  
What I’m saying is… Ben has been aware of Rey for YEARS without realizing it, and this line FITS THAT THEORY. 
And then they fight. And it gets REALLY interesting. 
Expecting weakness, he encountered only strength. Her skill with the device was raw at best, but it was backed by a fury that was as new to his experience as it was unexpected.
Example #2 of Rey’s maybe-Dark-Side-Use.  The paragraph leading up to this talks about her being “consumed with rage,” and I can hear every (ok, almost every) Jedi master in history talking about how letting anger fuel your use of the Force is a no-no, so I don’t think I’m grasping at straws here. Poor Kylo. He didn’t stand a chance. Angry, “possibly using the Dark side without knowing it” Rey is unexpected and kinda hot, OK???
Flipping away from the Starkilling Snow Fight for a moment, there’s a line of Snoke’s that he does NOT get to say in the movie when he tells Hux to abandon ship and come to him with Kylo Ren. 
He added grimly, “It appears that he may have been right about the girl.”
I. Have. Questions. Did Snoke not BELIEVE Kylo when he flat out said she was a REALLY STRONG untrained Force User? Did he not know who Rey was (Palpatine’s granddaughter)? What does this tell us about Snoke’s independence from Palpatine? (Something I’m still not clear on.) The easiest answer is, “You’re thinking about this too much, Dyadsaber.  No one at DLF knew that Palpatine was going to come back yet when TFA was written, so no one worried about it.” 
BUT I NEED IT TO MAKE SENSE. SO, I’ve decided that Snoke didn’t understand how much of a pawn he was. He probably thought he was Palpatine’s heir or disciple or whatever Grandpa Palps convinced him he was.  Anyway, this would mean that Palpatine could give him a lot of autonomy and agency, especially when it came to corrupting Ben, while still keeping a close eye on Snoke through the Force so he could intervene when he had to. If anything in official material contradicts me, I’d love to know. 
And now for a bit that made me scream a Shakespeare line at my kindle. At one point, the narrator observes,  
What she lacked in mass, she made up for in ferocity.
This is basically a less poetic "Though she be but little, she is fierce," AND I LOVE IT. Someone who’s crafty needs to cross stitch this under Rey’s silhouette or something. 
More lines they probably cut for time, but are really telling.  When he’s got her backed up to that cliff: 
Ren held his lightsaber, poised to strike. “I could kill you right now. But there is another way.” Breathing hard, Rey looked up in disgust at the man looming above her. “You’re a monster.”
Again with the threatening to kill people.  Jeez, Kylo. WE KNOW. Seriously, though, I love this. It’s so HIM that he wants her to know he had the advantage and chose not to press it. It says a lot about how he wants to present himself and his intentions to her. As he does in the throne room later, he wants her to give her a choice, and for her to CHOOSE him. 
Also, I can feel TLJ Rey’s MURDEROUS SNAKE energy radiating off of that “you’re a monster” line. 
And instead of being DETERRED by her insult, he comes back with THIS… 
“No. You need a teacher.” He was beseeching and insistent all at once. “I can show you the ways of the Force!”
“Yeah, I know you just called me a monster, but wanna be my student instead?” The arrogance and presumption of this bit of novel-Kylo is SO VERY HIM. Also, “Beseeching but insistent” is so on brand for him when it comes to her.
And the last thing I marked from the fight was THIS bombshell that doesn’t quite come across as obviously (if at all) on screen. Rey has him on the ground, face bleeding, and…
Kill him, a voice inside her head said. It was amorphous, unidentifiable, raw. Pure vengeful emotion. So easy, she told herself. So quick. She recoiled from it. From the dark side.
I mean, if you read between the lines, Rey’s been drawing on the Dark Side without realizing it for a while now. It’s understandable.  She’s seething with pain and anger and a desire to avenge Han, but there’s a difference between using that anger to defend herself or try to just GET AWAY from Kylo, which one could argue is mostly what she’s been doing, and killing him when he’s bleeding on the ground.   
And she doesn’t do it.  TAKE THAT, TLJ LUKE (Note: I love TLJ Luke. I just also love yelling at him).  Rey has a CLASSIC opportunity to make a choice that would send her down a truly Dark Side path - striking down an unarmed enemy in anger - AND SHE DOESN’T DO IT. She RECOILS. (And then Starkiller takes the choice away from both of them by literally crumbling away and leaving a chasm between them.  If I believed the Force was sentient, this would be a moment where it was saying, “You children are not ready to play nice, and I don’t want to kill each other, so you I’m going to separate you.”) 
And that’s that. The next time they see each other, they’re Forcetiming, and I cannot WAIT to read how that goes in the TLJ novel. 
Some last thoughts: 
Because it would have been hilarious, I’m sad we didn’t the fact that Hux...
followed the troopers carrying Ren into the nearby shuttle.
CARRYING. REN. We were robbed of two (four?) poor storm troopers trying to carry gangly, bleeding, passed out Kylo. I am OFFENDED.
Right before Rey leaves for Ahch-to, she and Leia have THIS fascinating exchange…
“I’m proud of what you’re about to do,” she told the girl. 
Rey replied in all seriousness. “But you’re also afraid. In sending me away, you’re—reminded.” 
Leia straightened. “You won’t share the fate of our son.” 
“I know what we’re doing is right. This is how it has to be. This is how it should be.”
I REALLY wish they’d left this in.  I like that it makes explicit that this is the second time Leia has sent a Force user she cares about to Luke, and that choice WEIGHS on her.  (And this shows how much she already cares about Rey, too… MY HEART.) 
The fact that Rey is perceptive enough to PICK UP ON Leia’s concern, and that Leia reassures BOTH OF THEM that what Ben won’t happen to Rey just makes me love both of these characters so much. Also, I think Leia’s worry and Rey’s conviction sets up the conflict Rey has within herself and her own journey with coming to understand balance in TLJ nicely. She’s just… so confident and cheerful in that last line, and I know what’s coming, and it hurts so good. 
And finally, the last line of this book made me laugh out loud. She’s standing in front of Luke, holding out the lightsaber, and....
She wondered what would happen next.
Luke's gonna yeet that lightsaber.  That’s what.
If you read all of these, thank you.  I’d love to know what you think. I never meant for this to get so long, but I’m wordy and newly shippy, so I shouldn’t have been surprised.  Stay tuned for hopefully shorter posts as I dive into Last Jedi in a day or two.
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idontworkforsega · 5 years
*drum rolls Presenting another list of cutegirlmayra’s amazing work! TA~DAH!!
“Boom!Sonamy: I need more jealous/concerned sonic please. Whatcha got miss?” | “Anymore Sonamy Sonic Boom headcanons” | “Ok, I got an idea! A Sonic Boom Prompt (doesn’t have to be necessarily sonamy-ish) where the gang go on a death defying mission! Like chock full of action! I’d be interested to see how you’d do this :)” | “I was thinking of a prompt that there is going to be a half hour special of Sonic Boom that features time travel where Eggman sends Sonic to the future and he meets the older version of the team, but they’re angry at him thinking he abandoned them! What do you think Mayra?? :3” | “Anymore Sonamy Sonic Boom headcanons?” | “Hiya~ it’s Alii. I got a prompt for ya! I was reading the other prompt that you wrote for an anon, and it definitely got me thinking: What were to happen if Sonic and Amy were official, but had to keep it hidden? I’m picturing them stumbling to do so, especially Amy. Try to keep them as canon as possible, which I know is hard, but it can be done!! Also, if you could, I would love to see how suspicious Tails gets. He’d probably pick up on Sonic’s change of behaviour? aa thank you!! xx” | “Ok this is just a Sonic Boom! Prompt, and you don’t have to do it if you don’t have time. Anyway, one of my major Sonic Boom headcanons for me is that all the team have mysterious pasts. So this would take place when they’re on their way to find Lyric and they find an old wise man in a temple they fall into. The man tells them they need to know their pasts in order to be a good team, so he uses his magic to help them see eachothers memories. I hope you get really detailed, but anything is great!” | “How about just headcanons for Knuckles (as in character development-ish)” | “Can you do a boom!prompt telling the story of when the gang met sonic for the first time? And possibly add some sonamy? Like what they first thought of him. (I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense xD) Thanks!” | “Mission Prompt for Sonamy” | “If you still are doing the meme prompt, can be the letter I with Sonamy? 👉👈” | “Hey, if you wouldn’t mind, could you do something with Sly/Carmelita with F from the second prompt meme? That would be amazing!” | “Mission: Prompt 4” | “Mission: Prompt” | “Oh oh oh! Can you do a boom!sonamy prompt where amy is totally stressed out bout stuff and almot pulling her hair out (not literally lol) and so sonic takes her out for a night on the town! If you please, :)” | “OKAYOKAYOKAY SO I SAW THE THING ABOUT HOW THE SONIC BOOM GANG WERE THE ORIGINAL ANCIENTS AND I TOTALLY FLIPPED COULD YOU DO A BOOM!SONAMY PROMPT BUT INSTEAD OF SONIC AND AMY YOU COULD WRITE ABOUT THE ANCIENT AMY AND ANCIENT SONIC AND THEIR STORY?? I AM SORRY BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY NEED MORE INFO TO WRITE ABOUT THAT BUT YOU COULD MAKE IT UP FOR ALL I CARE IM SORRY IM YELLING I JUST LOVE THIS IDEA (okay I’m calm now)” | “@elyzahere My internet isn’t letting me ask you this, so I’ll have to write it out here. Hope you don’t mind. ^,^’” | “Pssst, can you whip up a little modern!sonamy for me? I’ll leave the story or mood or Anything to whatever ya like, really! :D” | “Ok! A Sonic Boom Prompt where the gang is after a fox girl villain (who just so happens to be really pretty) who holds the last crystal fragment in her clutches. After drawing straws, Sonic is forced to flirt with her. That way, Amy, who has the best sneaking skills, would be able to take back the crystal piece. Amy hears them flirting and thinks Sonic is being serious and gets her heart broken…you do the rest!” | “Boom!sonamy prompt: Sonic and Amy have a flirting competition while no one is around XD” | “OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DOING THE SLY COOPER AU!!! I actually loved, could you do another boom! sonamy sly cooper au? If you want, you don’t have to. But yeah, thanks!!! <3” | “Can you do a boom!sonamy prompt where sonic gets really beaten badly and amy is healing him? (cough cough beauty and the beast reference coughcough) And make it really fluffy! Feels galore if the missus don’t mind ;D Thanks dear!” | “have you got any lifestyle headcanons for the main sonic cast? like, a routine they always do, something they can’t stand, a particular belief they hold? this is just for any characters you like/ make headcanons about :P not really a prompt, just wondering :)” | “hey, a bit out of your norm, but could you please write something for the chaotix? headcanon, theories, anything like that? thanks very much, lovely :)” | “Here’s a prompt : Sonic Boom : Sonic and Amy are forced to share a room (or more importantly, a bed) after the team finds a village, can you write something about how they would react to that, and how they would make it work? That would be interesting!! (and evil >:D ) KAY BYE!!!” | “I would lile some cute fluff boom!sonamy, please! Whether it be flirting, singing, dancing, cuddling, anything!! Thank you, dear!” | “Okay, okay, I’m done messing with you~ Here’s a CANON prompt! (Modern) Sonic gets blasted by a laser that took his speed away! Now, he was to walk around like a normal person until Tails finds a way to fix him. WHAT WILL HE DO?!? (Just a little funny thingy)” | “Hey can I as for a special request..? Uhm, I know we all love sonamy ,everyone’s otp as well as mine and I really do love your cute stories but uh…I’m trying to get over someone and I was wondering if you could maybe make a story where Amy moves on..? Or where they except that they can’t be together and that’s it’s okay. I know it’s not very modern but maybe boom..? You don’t have to but I hold her dear to me and wonder how she would handle a break up/ getting over someone…” | “Prompt maybe: After a lot of arguing in the gang, the group decides to sit down and say nice things about each other (most of which are really corny) and then sonic and Amy’s turn gets quite cute and yea… :)” | “How about this for a prompt: Sticks sees this new guy in the village and likes him. Only problem is, SHE’S TOTALLY FREAKING OUT CAUSE SHE LIKES SOMEONE, THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE, SHE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO, and is generally freaked out (like her reaction to most things). So she tells Amy who tries to help. Take it away~” | “Heya! Could you do a Sonamy Boom Prompt that can be anything you want but on one condition: you have to include these three objects/things, in no particular order: 1. Enerbeams 2. Stars 3. A Distraction.” | “Prompt!(BOOM) (Since Amy is keeping this a secret, I decided to go that route) Sonic walks into Amy’s room to get some old books she asked for, when he stumbles upon a drawer full of love notes, poems even photos with red hearts drawn with marker around his face!! Of course, being the nosy hedgehog he is, he decides to read them all!! What will happen when Amy finds out? WILL she find out? How would Sonic react? What will be the concequences? MWAHAHAHA!” | “Prompt! Or two prompts! PLEASE! ANYTHING! MY SONAMY FIRE HAS BEEN REKINDLEDDDD😍😍” | “can you do a boom prompt about something in the 1920’s? like a detective thing? Sonic as the detective, amy as his client, knuckles and tails as the assistants? (and could you somehow add a hint of sonamy?) Idk thought it would be interesting. I’m sorry if this is weird XD” | “September cold: can you cheer me up? wildcard for sonic headcanons, whatever is on your beautiful mind :) thanks xxx” | “"strong amy” for her birthday? yes please! boom prompt maybe? however you want it…“ | "Can you do a boom sonamy prompt where sonic calls amy beautiful? Like he just says it and she freezes and is like "Wait what?”“ | "boom!sonamy prompt: Amy and sonic just being awkward around eachother, like their hands touch or something and they flip out? Just awkward and embarassing fluff!! Thaaaaank you!” | “Could you do a Sonamy Boom Prompt where Sonic and Amy are in a duo mission when after slightly flirting with each other, Sonics enerbeam goes hay wire! It ends up wrapping around them, forcing them to be quickly pushed together and they accidentally kiss….? (And try to mention somehow that enerbeam is controlled by actions from innermost thoughts or heart, so subconsciously, whether he knew it or not, Sonic wanted to give her a hug.😋) …did that make any sense at all?” | “Boom!Prompt, Knuckles’ backstory, where he use to be really small,and everyone kept calling him weak,then he decided to train himself,to become stronger and bigger.” | “Prompt! :(Modern) Sonic was running around at night when he noticed Amy sitting on a cliff, watching the stars. He gets confused, and nervously walks up to her. Turns out, she okay, and they end up just having a cute little conversation while laying rather close to one another (But not too close, according to Sonic XD), watching the stars! :D OOH! I just thought of something, PUT A SHOOTING STAR IN THERE TOO!X3 (P.S:Just so you know, not all of my prompts are for advice, I LOVE to read them!!:D)” | “Prompt :(Boom) While fighting Eggman, Knuckles gets separated from the team. As he finds his way home, he encounters a cute, young, and loud girl who claims that she’s lost her family. Being the hero he is, he agrees to help her. But, she’s a pest. She keeps setting off traps and gets into in danger, and she won’t shut up! Knuckles get’s irritated and yells at her. As the little girl ran off, he tried not to think about her safety, but, is Knuckles really a tough guy on the inside? Hint: NOPE!” | “Hmmm… Not sure if I want it a sonic and tails or Sonamy headcannon. But it’s where either sonic tries to ask tails about his "funny feelings” for Amy, trying to make sense of it, or just asking plain advise. OR tails finding out and confronting sonic about it (add some humor too? :D)“ | "Boom!Sonamy Headcanons (Cause they popped up in my head lol XD)” | “You may have already answered this, but what kind (if any) Sonamy moments do you think will be in Sonic Boom?” | “More Sonic boom headcannons please?” | “do you have any bonding headcanons for Knuckles and Amy in Boom? :)” | “Do you have any more Boom!Shadow headcannons?” | “Wait, question! For headcanon 49, what is Amy’s backstory?” | “So I heard that Shadow is confirmed to be in the Sonic!boom world. Got any headcannons between him and the gang?” | “Wait, you ship Tails and Sticks, right? I think you’re the one who got me shipping them :’D do you have any more headcanons about them? Because they’re ADORABLE.” | “Can you do a boom!sonamy prompt about sonic and amy raising a child? I don’t think you have done this before, have you?”
And while I was rechecking a few prompts on your blog…boy, I found the gold mine!! But I’m not sure if I already found some of them before and included it on the previous list I sent to you, and there are a few more lying around here that I am not so sure if I already submitted on the previous list…Can you please send the list back to me? Is that even possible?
If so, THANK YOU! ~ <3
Once again, thank you for this post! But like previously stated with (x) <-- your other list, it’s a little difficult to know which ones I’ve found and which ones I haven’t.
If anyone could let me know if I haven’t reblogged any of these, me and Cutegirlmayra would be very much obliged!
Tumblr media
Thank you once more for your contribution in saving many of @cutegirlmayra​’s amazing works! Continue to help the cause! We all want to be able to read her stuff in an easier way!
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bitletsanddrabbles · 4 years
Goodbye, 2020
Okay, look. I know we’ve ragged on you a lot. And that’s not the royal ‘we’ that’s...pretty much everyone I know. But, as a firm believer in credit where it’s due, if it hadn’t been for the global crap and the political bs, you actually would have been a pretty stellar year.
I’ve made a pretty solid number of new tumblr friends this year.
I’ve read some awesome fiction, a lot of which was written by my tumblr friends.
I may not have reached my writing goals, but I’ve written, and finished things, and people have liked it.
I don’t really like the masks, but I’ve managed to have fun with them.
I’ve probably actually seem more of my closest cousins this year than usual because we’ve been doing periodic present drops and sanity check ins.
I got a fraction of the usual shit about Christmas Music Trauma than usual. Hell, a couple of co-workers actually tagged it as PTSD without me having to bring the term up first!
I got a new camera for Christmas. I mean, a shiny new camera.
I’ve remembered how much I like doll customization and, while it goes in waves, as always, because rehairing takes forever, I’ve made some good progress on several projects.
I taught my parents how to rehair dolls, so when social distancing is no longer important, I will have rehairing minions. Mwahahaha.
I have new books.
Neil Gaiman answered one of my asks. It wasn’t a very impressive ask, but hey, it was at the top of the queue when he popped in, so that’s something.
I got a lot of cool things made by small artisans that I normally wouldn’t have, because they needed my money.
I’ve learned new things about breathing that have improved my ability to sleep and may improve my long term health.
And what’s more, you listened to me. When I told you where 2019 failed, you listened and you honestly killed the goals.
The health of me, my family, and my cat has been good. Yes, there was the freak out when my Aunt went into hospice, but she turned out to be one of the ultra rare people who went in.....and got better.
While I’m not thrilled that you cancelled my trip to the UK right when I was starting to get excited about it, I admit, I had said it would be better to wait until 2021 when I’d have more vacation time. I had. I’d actually rather wished that my parents had thought of that. Now we’re going in 2021 and it won’t eat up my entire vacation. You listened.
Even on the global/political level you’ve managed some pretty cool things! I mean, you didn’t put the sociopath-raised-by-a-sociopath in the White House - that was all 2016 - but you got him out, so thanks for that! You showed us how quickly nature can fix the crap we put it through!
And hey! Two words: baby Yoda!
Was it worth all of the global crap and political bs? Hard to say, really, not without going all philosophical and moral and such. I mean, there’s a reason we’ve all been cursing you - the stress level has been a killer!  But our society is so disatisffied, so in love with picking through piles of gold looking for the piece of dog crap in the middle, that it really doesn’t seem fair to just ignore it all. I mean, if we ignore the good stuff, then what was the point of it happening?
0 notes
My plan failed. I tried to be sneaky. I sent you an ask a few days ago, but you did not answer it. I claimed to be new to the fandom, but I lied. I am not new to the fandom, in fact, I am your Thiam secret santa mwahahaha! Anyways, I was wondering if you had any favorite Thiam moments from the show and why? Also, if you had any Thiam headcanons that you wish were a reality?
Don’t worry anon, you’re plan didn’t fail, I did. I promise I wasn’t ignoring your ask(always feel free to ask, I’ll always respond, even if it might take a minute or err.. . fortnight)!! My Wednesday-Friday this past week were crazy busy, and I really wanted to give a proper reply, especially to a potentially new Thiam fan (which turned out to be a mult-page essay/Thiam101 Syllabus, so there’s that from which you will now be spared), so I was planning on getting to everything Saturday/today (your plan almost worked!). I’m super excited for the secret santa, so lets begin!
Thiam was a ship that took me completely by surprise. I suspect when I do a re-watch I’ll probably pick-up on some more subtle clues before, but that scene in 6a when Liam and Theo are in the police car and they finally find the right key to start the car and Liam just smiles excitedly and shouts to Theo “go go go!”, that was when (for me at least) I first saw that they were more than just allies of convenience; and in that moment seemed like two normal best friends. The actual fight scene in the hospital with the Ghost Riders (and the almost fist-bump) was when I thought “there’s no way they’re not friends”. Then the first elevator scene. Wow. I was having a discussion with a friend recently about who had the best character arc/underwent the biggest change throughout the series, and I still stand by Theo. That’s not to say there aren’t other close seconds (Lydia for one, among others), but maybe I’m just a sucker for redemption arcs.  Especially when you look at the Dread Doctors quote about “True evil only comes from corrupting something truly good”. It was as if in that moment before shoving Liam into the elevator, Theo realized that even if Liam didn’t believe it yet, there was a good part of Theo, or at least a human/dash of empathy (however faint), and that Liam was the only one anchoring/keeping that part of him alive. Even if Theo didn’t make it out alive, saving Liam was also saving himself (hopefully that makes sense). 
Pretty much every Thiam scene in 6B was fantastic, but I especially loved the zoo/truck ride home scene, and the final elevator scene (even if it wasn’t Liam’s pain that Theo took). It was wonderful because not only did it show how much Theo had changed, but that he was Liam’s anchor as well. I think I used a line about this in one of my fics/shorts, but what I think one of the things that Liam appreciates so much about Theo is that he treats him as an equal. They fight as equals (see perfectly choreographed hospital fight scene), but it’s more than that. They balance each other out so perfectly. Theo isn’t good for/by himself anymore than Liam is, but together they are able to bring out the best in the other and help calm/control their worst tendencies. I think that’s what I like so much about the ship, how they are so complimentary to each other. 
Maybe I’m reading too much into it (such are my early morning thoughts; about 8am when I started this), but I think perhaps at some point, many of us have been able to relate in one way or another to Theo and also Liam. Liam is like the innocence of childhood, a cuddly puppy, bright eyed, full of optimism, and maybe a bit too eager to leap before looking where they’re going. Theo on the other hand is more like what happens if we let adulthood (the little I sitting here in my early 20′s know of it) make us jaded; that we may tell ourselves that it’s easier to be skeptical of others and “look out for #1″ and label it realism, when really we’re just trying to cope with emotional pain (as Theo says, “Real pain is emotional pain. That is the kind of pain that lasts”). Thiam then, for me at least, is a reminder that it is never too late to try to make things better, to try to be a better person; and that we should never let others rob us of our empathy, our capacity for compassion, regardless of how they may have hurt us. Thiam is also a reminder that while we should try to be our own anchor, we shouldn’t be afraid to be an anchor for others. Wow that got more deep/philosophical than I anticipated (sorry for the text wall/ramble, just trying to detail what I like about the ship I guess).
Pretty much all of the fanfics in the “Classics” post are amazing. I’m trying to remember what the first Thiam fic I ever read was, I think it might have been PHAS, that or the one where Theo has an apartment and Liam crashes at his place and Peter tries to get Theo to kill Liam. Really the only fics I haven’t been such a fan of are the ones where one of the boys dies. There was one I read on here where Liam died in Theo’s arms, and Theo just tore into the hunters that did it. It was well written, but it was just sooo sad! Tears were shed.
There are also so many great headcanons out there! The one I saw where Theo had a twin brother (Mike from PLL) was pretty amusing. I kind of really like the whole “reluctant/accidental boyfriends” theme I’ve seen in a few fics, leading to a slow burn realization where they end up actually having feelings for one another. I think I like Airplanes so much because it feels almost like canon; like I could totally see Liam just wanting to get a break, do something normal for a bit, and of course Theo would be the only one reckless/secretly caring enough to do it with him. Anchors and Ignite are probably my two other main serial fics I’m reading at the moment (among others). I try not to get into too many crossover type of headcanons, but I had a thought in the shower this morning (way too many of my prompts come from the shower for some reason) about how well Damon Salvatore (from TVD) and Theo would get along, and how Liam wouldn’t be super happy, but would probably get dragged along into crazy misadventures with them. I had this thought the other night heading home (Mr.Brightside came on), where Liam basically just used Theo over the summer before he left for college, but then Theo ends up getting a job bartending at the club near the campus Liam goes to, and he sees Liam and Hayden in there one night; Liam slowly starts to feel bad, seeing the looks of pain in Theo’s eyes, and realizes eventually his true love was Theo the whole time (culminating in an epic kiss in the rain). I’ve got an outline on that one, but that’s as far as I’ve made it because it’s sad, and I’ve also got a Thanksgiving one I’m working on plus my prom idea, and also Secret Santa (so much writing!). I’d kind of like to see a really positive coming out fic of Liam and his parents, and of Theo getting introduced. Ah, so many fic ideas! Always love domestic fluffly Thiam (and I’ll concede to not minding steamy Thiam either). Also Thiam raising little Leo is always too adorable. Also Theo showing up to Liam’s lacrosse games and just generally being a supportive loving boyfriend are always good. 
I’m sorry this was so long, I hoped it helped (please don’t hesitate to reply/ask anything else!). I just really love this ship, it’s inspirational, and for lack of a better description just finds new ways to make my heart feel happy. The Thiam fandom on here has been absolutely amazing, so glad we’re all a part of it!
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ohscorbus · 7 years
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Saturday 27th May, 2017
This is long overdue and probably of little relevance now since this was their third show and we’re now three weeks into their run. They’ve dramatically improved since this! Or so I’ve heard, I’ll find out on Saturday : ) But anyway, this was my first time seeing the new cast so there was a lot running through my head which means this isn’t a great recap by any means. I’ll direct you over to @torestoreamends​ for that.
The first part of this is just me rambling and sorting my thoughts out. Feel free to skip it. The scene by scene bullet pointed recap you’re expecting from me is at the end. Oh and in true @ohscorbus style, I'm going to focus on Theo/Albus and Samuel/Scorpius. I guess that's what you're all here for anyway :p
I'll be the first to admit I was extremely nervous about seeing the new cast. I'm still so attached to the original cast and I'm not a theatre-goer so it's the first time I've had to even think about what exactly a cast change would mean, let alone experience it. I know I'm not alone in dreading it would lessen my connection with it. I think I feared that all the magic was in Jamie's tears or Anthony's flaily robe swishes, and that new people would never be able to capture that. Silly, right? The magic of this show is made up of a collection of things. The staging, the lighting, the costumes, the script, the theatre itself, the audience! (I love the fact that you can be stood in the queue for the toilet during the interval and it's totally normal to start a conversation with the complete strangers next to you because you both need to gush about HP.) But even though I knew all of this really, it did little to calm me down...
I can't tell you what my first impression was because I was so overwhelmed. I think @the-eighth-story​ and I just squealed at each other during that first interval. It should be noted that the people saying part one was noticeably less rehearsed than part two were correct. But then we had to remember we'd just seen the original cast at their best less than a week ago, to seeing this cast now who have had a grand total of four days on that stage in tech rehearsals. FOUR. As a fan who knows this show off by heart, it was frustrating to watch because I knew the mistakes weren’t their fault. I mean, things do go wrong. It's live theatre and these things happen. But usually if something goes wrong then nine times out of ten, the people who are watching the show for the first time don't realise. It was not like that today and my heart really went out to them. The lack of rehearsal time combined with their inexperience of dealing with these things when they do go wrong was glaringly obvious to everyone. A few wrong lines and the odd dropped prop (time turners and wands *smacks head*). The worst part was the pauses before they started whatever effect/prop they were about to do. E.g. Samuel stopped and readied himself for the smoke out of his ears effect, and Theo did the same before the very end of his wand dance scene. (What is that scene actually called?) Oh and the robe transformation as they go through the barrier at King’s Cross too. Those transitions need to be seamless otherwise you can see just how the ‘magic’ works!!! Again, it’s not their fault but still... The loss of momentum only highlighted how not ready they were. I have to say though, they still did the best they could do and that showed too. That’s the important bit here. I have to mention Samuel specifically here because he did so well at dealing with these little 'incidents'. The audience really did take to him very quickly.
Samuel Blenkin as Scorpius Malfoy
Samuel is simply mesmerising to watch. There's already so much going on and you can see he's already, completely and utterly, Scorpius Malfoy. I'd heard so many positive things about Samuel's Scorpius and I can promise you they are 1000% true and deserved. I'd hate to say someone was better than someone else but I'd definitely say his Scorpius is equally as perfect as Anthony's was. I was honestly astounded at how much Samuel has already formed his character. Where I couldn't totally feel one or two of the other characters yet, I recognised his straight away. It’s still the same old Scorpius we know and love, but Samuel has managed to bring a whole new level of awkwardness to him too. 
He perfectly captures what you'd expect from an ubergeek Malfoy. He has these big round eyes that when he's upset and crying, make him look so very small and vulnerable. Then when he's excited (or should I say, when his geekness is a-quivering), they bulge out like his teeny tiny body just can't contain all the energy coursing through it. It's actually adorable. I really loved watching what Samuel was doing with his face. I highly recommend sitting near the front to catch all of his expressions! My faaaavourite thing he does, and such an interesting new Scorpius thing, is the way his mouth is constantly moving. It looks like he's always just about to say something but he's not. I even thought he might have been mouthing everyone's lines (like Emma Watson in PS) but he wasn't. He just repeatedly open and closes his mouth. The only way to describe it is... well it's kinda like a goldfish. Sounds weird but I love it. It's like he's subconsciously and silently muttering away to himself. There was a few times I found myself forgetting the scene completely because I was so focused on lip reading but nope, he's really not saying anything! He's just got overactive jaw muscles. After five hours I swear mine hurt from just watching him :')
As for things this Scorpius has in common with the previous ones, he's just as flaily and is particularly fond of talking with his hands. Yay! He also stutters occasionally, mostly when he's overly emotional and/or nervous. Again, it's really quite endearing. I'm going to have to get James Howard to reconsider his stance on not letting us keep him.
Theo Ancient as Albus Potter
Then there's Theo. Oh Theo. Theo Theo Theo Theo. Before I start this, you should know Albus is my favourite character. He’s just… so incredibly important to me. I didn’t so much as connect with him but I saw myself as him. It was really weird to see that on stage for the first few times. Talk about home truths :’) But this isn’t a therapy session so I’ll hop, skip, and jump over my daddy issues and insecurities. But yeah, I’m so very protective of Albus in an almost selfish way because Sam’s Albus fits me perfectly. But Theo’s Albus? Not so much, and I think that’s what my initial hesitation to a new Albus boiled down to. That was unfair and not Theo’s fault. I’m over that now, phew! Especially since this Albus is all kinds of wonderful in his own right. I just think the fact that I’d seen both Anthony and James play Scorpius multiple times, yet only ever seen Sam play Albus, made the transition even harder for me. But anyway, less about me and more about Albus...
I honestly paid no attention to anyone else on stage in those first two scenes because I was so focused on Theo. Sorry, not sorry. I desperately wanted to see my Albus. It took me a while to realise I should have been looking for his Albus instead. Oh boy and his Albus ♥︎ He’s less aggressive and more awkwardly nerdy and it works perfectly alongside Samuel’s Scorpius. Jamie G’s Harry too. I’m protective of him in a whole different kind of way now. He’s also my Albus again. Mwahahaha.
Oh and I don't know if it's a nervous Theo thing (more on that in a second) or a conscious decision Theo’s made so it’s an Albus thing but omg. He's a heavy blinker. Anthony did the same with Scorpius and it's so distracting because then I started to think about blinking. Which means I started to notice when I was blinking and is there anything worse when you're trying to watch something?! Another thing, his Albus sounds a lot posher and sits so straight. Like, uncomfortably so. He’s also rather fond of pulling his sleeves down over his hands which was something Anthony’s Scorpius would do too so it’s interesting to watch Albus take that on. I noticed it most in Act Three, Scene Eleven during the conversation with his dad in his dorm. While Scorpius stutters when he’s upset, Albus seems to want to hide himself in his clothes.
*sigh* So the nervous thing. I hate to bring this up (especially since it’s all irrelevant now anyway) but it was something nearly everyone mentioned in their recaps from those first few shows so I can’t not mention. Theo’s nervousness in part one sadly did affect his performance. You could tell exactly which scenes they had rehearsed. But he wasn’t alone in this. Although on the flip side, in those scenes that they had rehearsed, it was like he forget he was on stage. He was comfortable and confident in what he was doing and it was in these scenes that he really shone. He was SO GOOD. Again, you don’t have to worry about this now as I’ve heard he’s doing oh so brilliantly these days which makes me beyond happy. But yeah... if my impressions of him aren’t fully formed yet it’s because I haven’t seen him at his best yet. YET. Albus is in very safe and very good hands with Theo. I have no doubt about that. He just needed to be less focused on the tech, the script, the audience, or whatever was making him so nervous (not that you can blame him!) and just be Albus. I know he’s more than capable because I’ve seen it. Act Three, Scene Eleven was a prime example of that. He just needed a little bit more time in Albus’s shoes on that stage. Time in which he’s now had and I hear it’s made a world of difference. *grumbles* Four days... *shakes head*
Anyway, on with the actual recap!
                                                     ACT ONE
Act One, Scene Three
Albus walked past several compartments and looked in each one before deciding to enter the one with Scorpius in it and my heart was beating right out of my chest with excitement. THIS WAS IT.
When Albus eventually walked in, Scorpius looked so taken aback and flustered. They shook hands and they introduced themselves and that handshake.... it went on forever and it was so enthusiastic on Scorpius's part. I thought he was going to shake Albus's arm off. He didn’t let go for longest time either. Not that Albus seemed to care.
The sweets song was delightful! Honestly, it was scary how quickly this boy captured my heart.
“You're Albus Potter” - I reeeally loved how Albus reacted to this line. He kinda stepped/leaned back and his smile disappeared from his face. You could tell from Scorpius's initial reaction that he knew who Albus was instantly. Yet when this was confirmed, Albus genuinely looked guarded for a second. That look didn't stay long as Scorpius soon put a smile back on his face, but that glimpse of Albus struggling tugged on my heartstrings.
When Albus announced he was staying, he sat down opposite Scorpius and looked so bloody proud of himself.
“I stayed for your sweets” - Albus sang this line back at Scorpius and it was a little more awkward than sweet but I guess that’s just these two all over :’)
“Do you prefer Albus or Al?” - Albus really sat and thought about this for a good few seconds. It was like he was deciding who exactly he was going to be. That's kind of how I'm going to sum Theo up. I feel like he knows Albus but hasn't had the chance to fully flesh him out yet. After all, Scorpius is right. Albus is pretty complicated :p
Act One, Scene Four
Rose was muttering 'Gryffindor' under her breath and that was sweet. I'm already so taken with her Rose.
Can we talk about how exciting it is to having Mackley in speaking roles please??? (Apologies to anyone watching the livestream at the stage door that night and had to watch me geek out over the fact to Mackley himself *dies*)
“Slythering Slytherin, stop with your dithering” - James grabbing Albus and pulling him down into a headlock still happened which I love!
J A M E S  H O W A R D
I had the pleasure of seeing his Draco a few weeks ago and seeing a familiar face felt so good. The second he opened his mouth I knew exactly who his character was. When I was still lost and overwhelmed by the rest of the cast, he was just what I needed. I wish I could properly describe his voice to you. It's so commanding and Malfoy like. I love it.
“Leave him and Voldemort's child to it, I say” - He did this hilarious Voldemort impression here where he pushed the end of his nose up as he said 'Voldemort's child'. Mackley is such a blessing. From here on out I was one 'Mackley Watch' because his background stuff is A+.
“It's got the worse it can possibly get” - This was actually my favourite version of the scene from any Scorpius I've seen ever. Anthony would always looked down and fiddled with the suitcase as he mumbled the lines. James would stare off into the distance, looking empty and at a loss. Samuel just looked utterly heartbroken. Like he was going to break and cry at any second. He looked as young, if not younger, than Scorpius is suppose to be. It kinda made me want to storm the stage and hold him. Luckily Albus felt the same as he reached out and put an arm round him as the two walked off stage together. Scorpius then put his arm round Albus too. It was a tiny moment but it showed that even when they don't have words, they can and do comfort each other. It was a really nice addition to the scene. One that I hope stays! I’ve only ever seen Sam and Anthony do something similar once.
“Potters don't belong in Slytherin” - Scorpius used his hands to form Harry Potter glasses on his face as he said 'Potters'. Except he kept his fingers splayed out so they resembled Luna’s spectrespecs more than anything. He really is such a nerd. Can I adopt him?
Act One, Scene Six
Annabel’s Delphi is AMAAAZIIING. Honestly, the only smile that rivalled Albus's was mine whenever she was on stage.
Act One, Scene Seven
Albus was sat cross legged and arms folded round himself on his bed. Seeing him looking so small, guarded, and upset really stabbed me in the chest with feels. Although this was the first time I'd watched this scene and not cried. But I think that's down to me still focusing on the cast/characters rather than losing myself in the scene though. My bad.
Act One, Scene Ten
I have to admit, I wasn't really watching Albus and Rose here because Mackley was on stage and he was sat all alone in his compartment and I was 'awww'-ing internally to myself. Oooops :’)
We've seen Albus react to Scorpius's bread line many different ways and Theo's decided to go with straight up laughing at him. Y E S.
The hug! All their hugs were 30% sweet, 70% awkward. But since these characters are awkward in their own right and they're hugging for the first time, it actually works for them. I did notice whenever Albus initiated a hug, Scorpius would automatically start to wrap his arms around him before he quickly stopped and flung his arms back out. You know that surprised kitten video? Like that. His hands held up in a sort of frozen jazz hand position. It's actually quite adorable.
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(Also for your daily dose of daddy Draco feels, can you imagine him doing this with baby Scorpius??? Scorpius is all flaily arms and kicky legs and high pitched giggles. Draco is having the time of his life.)
"Do we hug?" - Once they had pulled back from each other, Scorpius gestured really quickly, pointing backwards and forwards between them as he said this. (Like how Alex’s Draco would do as he said the “take that back right now” line to Harry. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself.)
I really loved the oooh quiz bit! So on stage there's a stack of suitcases, Scorpius, and then Albus stood in a line. Well Albus was resting against the suitcases so it meant his arm round the back of Scorpius. Squeeeak! No but it was really sweet. Scorpius was rambling excitedly away and Albus was leaning into him with the biggest smile on his face. Bless Theo for having one of those faces that goes all scrunchy when he's really happy.
“Ya-huh” - I'm faaairly positive he didn't say this. It stood out because the whole cast were sticking to the script religiously. Instead I'm pretty sure he put on an even posher voice and said a very formal thank you? I’ve seen both Anthony and James do that too. It must be a Scorpius thing now?
Act One, Scene Thirteen
Albus and Scorpius really stuck together, always side by side, in this scene which I liked because it really is madness in St. Oswald’s.
But while that's sweet and sensible and all, the only thing I want to talk about in this scene is Martin Johnston in that glorious purple dress and wig. More tech things went wrong here (the book he's holding should have caught fire, it didn't, nor did the carer’s trousers fall down) but honestly I was so mesmerised by this new resident of St. Oswald that I didn't even care.
Act One, Scene Fourteen
Scorpius was slooowly creeping forward as Amos and Albus were talking, until the attention is put on him. He shrank back against the wall for the 'a Malfoy who may be a Voldemort' line. Samuel has really got that small childlike like vulnerability thing down. No wonder Albus keeps hugging him, I would too.
“I know what it is to be the spare” - I absolutely loved how Theo played this line. I really felt his Albus here. There was a tiny pause and then he quietly said the line. It was here that I finally pinpointed the difference between Sam's Albus and Theo's Albus, because while they are the same character, they are different. Sam would always say this line like his emotions were driving him. There was so much anger with it. Whereas Theo's line came from a place of honesty and hurt. I wouldn't say one is better than the other but for their interpretation of their character, their actions make sense.
Act One, Scene Sixteen
“If we're going this, we're doing it (he puts on a pair of familiar-looking glasses with a smile) together” - Oh Samuel. He'd just put the glasses on but this little flaily bean accidentally knocked them off and they went flying. Luckily he managed to catch him with his arm and he put them back on again and said, "we're doing this... together!" again. It got a good laugh out of the audience.
The Polyjuice transformation was a 1000% less dramatic and it meant I could watch it without dying of secondhand embarrassment. They didn't seem in pain or too freaked out by it. It was more like the seven Harry's transformation scene in DH. Although the script does state Albus is suppose to be ‘racked with pain’. But whatever. I actually prefer it this way and it still got a round of applause!
Act One, Scene Eighteen
I have to mention Albus/Ron's blocking actions here because they were hilarious. Towards the end when he was getting desperate, he just started batting her hand away from him whenever Hermione reached out for her office door. (Tom Aldridge is a bloody brilliant Ron by the way.)
Act One, Scene Nineteen
Scorpius standing on top of the bookcase/staircase and punched the air for his 'we beat the library' line. By this point I knew we'd been blessed with the dorkiest Scorpius yet.
So this scene ends with Delphi, Scorpius, and Albus stood together, holding up the book with the spinning time turner in. Except today Albus remained on the floor, tucked round the side of the staircase as he desperately peered round the corner at Delphi and Scorpius.... we're pretty sure he got stuck since that's where he emerges from the bookcase. Maybe his clothing got caught on something? Or his foot??? It would explain the failed attempt at standing : /
                                                    ACT TWO
Act Two, Scene Four
*whispers* This was where Theo kept dropping Delphi’s wand. He just couldn’t catch it after the ‘Expelliarmus’ at all. Bless him.
The 'wizzo' lines really brought out their dorky sides. Delphi struck a pose as she said it, Albus then mimicked it, followed by Scorpius who then walked on behind them and added even more jazz to it. Honestly, this boy. 
“You shouldn't come” - What I really love about Samuel's Scorpius is the fact you can see him working things out. His eyes get a little wider and his mouth moves a little bit quicker and it's... actually the most adorable thing.
I'm fairly sure they ran off together at the end of this scene. These two really do like to sling arms round each other.
Act Two, Scene Six
“Still get a tingle, don't you?” - Tingle? Scorpius, you were positively vibrating with excitement. You let out an actual squeal of delight. Bless you Samuel, bless you.
“You're my best friend too” - Albus held onto both of Scorpius's arms and turned him so they were facing each other as he said this #blessed
Oh boys... So Samuel dropped one of the wires that attaches him to the Time Turner so I was kind of just dangling for a good second while they panicked. They recovered alright. Samuel decided to hold it while he and Theo keep doing the usual hand gestures around it as if it was still floating in mid air. Eventually the light flickered back on and everything worked out just fine. Isn't it weird how something that in reality only took a couple of seconds, can feel like a lifetime when you're holding your breath? Honestly, my heart went out to them every single time something technical went wrong. *screams into the night* FOUR DAYS OF TECH REHEARSALS IS NOT ENOUGH.
Act Two, Scene Seven
Tom 'scene stealer' Mackley is to blame for my lack of notes in this scene. The beauty of sitting so close to the front is that you get to hear what everyone is saying during the task scenes. Mackley's "Fleur, do you like my dance moves?", complete with dance moves, was a highlight for me.
You know how Bagman says each school name and gets the students to cheer? Well Albus and Scorpius briefly started to cheer for Hogwarts until they realised their mistake. I like the idea of them being so caught up in the moment that they forgot the task in hand. History nerds :p
It's been mentioned before so I won't repeat it but the "go go crazy Krum" chant has indeed been changed. The new song suits this Albus and Scorpius perfectly. It's less aggressive and more nerdy. These two to a T.
Act Two, Scene Eight
This scene started with Harry stroking Albus's arm (his right, non-injured one) and that was a really nice little detail. Then when Albus started to wake in that slow, distressed kinda way he does, Harry was stroking Albus's hair and touching his shoulder to try and stop him from moving so much as he came out of his nightmare of sorts. Again, this is where the difference between Sam's Albus and Theo's Albus shone through for me. While Sam's Albus would be avoiding any and all physical contact with his dad at this point, Theo's Albus didn't seem too bothered by it. For me, it feels like Sam focused on Albus's pain and anger. He was driven by this resentment and it played a part in every action and reaction. He would channel those feelings and aim it specifically at his dad. Whereas with Theo, I'm still getting that same pain but it feels less directed at Harry. He’s more like a hurting and confused fourteen year old kid who doesn’t know quite what to do or feel. It’s not a bad thing. I like that they’re different, and this suits the awkwardness of this Albus perfectly.
On a lighter note, Albus looked fluffy as hell waking up. I'm glad that's still a thing. I don't know what I'd do without a fluffy haired Albus...
Act Two, Scene Eleven
This was another heart stopping scene for me. Theo, sweetheart, please watch where you kick your stool because you were THIS close to kicking it straight off the stage and into the audience. It was nerve wracking for me and I was in row C.
...I honestly don't remember anything else from this scene because I was fearing for the lives of those people in the front row. Aaaaand I was watching Mackley.
Act Two, Scene Twelve
They didn't do anything new with this. If anything, I thought it was almost too alike how I'd seen Sam and James do it last weekend. Like at one point where Albus was rubbing his eyes as he walked under the staircase that Scorpius is sat cross legged on top of, he looked down at Albus as he raised his arms out in a 'what's going on?' gesture. It’s one of my favourite bits from this scene so I’m not complaining but yeah... not much else to say!
I have to say that Samuel has mastered the sad, broken, watery Scorpius expression though. Where's his dad?! This boy needs a hug!
Act Two, Scene Thirteen
This isn't Albus or Scorpius related but I couldn't write this recap without mentioning the catastrophe that was the guys in black. I know we all know they're there but I've never ever heard of anyone ever seeing them. Yet today I could see them every single time they were on stage. Not only was it hilarious (the back end of Bane especially) but it completely ruined the 'magic' of the show. I don't know what went wrong, I can only presume they were new too and this was a result of lack of rehearsals on the stage? I've sat closer before and never seen them so it wasn't the fact that I was close either. I just feel bad for those who were seeing this show for the first and last time.
Act Two, Scene Fourteen
Ok so I want to talk about this stage direction: 'Delphi suddenly ducks from view as a student walks past. Scorpius tries to look casual until the student passes.' Delphi literally stood up from where she was sat on the opposite staircase to Scorpius and ran across to him and ducked between him and the bannister. Then Scorpius's ‘casual’ involved practically draping himself across her while he lightly patted her on her back. Like, he was just chilling, on the stairs, drumming out his own beat. It was the most ridiculous thing and I love it.
Act Two, Scene Sixteen
This was a good scene. I was really, really impressed. I even cried, yay! But then again, how could anyone not tear up over Scorpius yelling and stuttering at Albus with tears in his eyes
Omg wait until you hear about this... so instead of saying “I didn’t much like my life without you in it either”, Samuel accidentally missed a couple of words out and said (or rather shouted) “I don’t like you” at Albus instead. The awkward silent pause as he realised his mistake and the look on Theo’s face was A+. As I’m sure was the look on my face :’) He soon backtracked, calmed himself down (you could see him physically deflate) and he said the line correctly but just know I’ve seen Scorpius angrily shout ‘I don’t like you’ at Albus and I’m still laughing about it. Like he could ever not like Albus. Ha! But kudos to Samuel for quickly dispersing his anger before re-saying the line. It actually played out well. It was if he’d said something awful in anger that he obviously didn’t mean and it became a parallel to Harry and Albus’s argument, and I’m sure a flashback for Albus. So I know it wasn’t planned but excellent save, sir!
The hug was the same as the last one. Scorpius appeared to start to hug back but then suddenly stopped and flung his arms and hands out in an awkward jazz hand position. The Surprised Kitten Malfoy™.
I'm actually really happy about not having anymore notes on this scene because it means I was totally lost in it. My focus was 100% there instead of in my mental notepad. Yay!
Act Two, Scene Nineteen
*sings* The soap didn't explode, the soap didn't explode, the sooop did not exploooode! Honestly, with everything else that had gone wrong, I was genuinely surprised this worked.
“Consider me engorgimpressed” - There was no embarrassment from Scorpius with this line as this Albus and Scorpius completely embrace their dorkiness. (That, and I don't think this Scorpius and Albus would pick up on how else it could have possibly been interpreted :p)
April is brilliant as Myrtle by the way! I can't talk about this scene without mentioning her.
So I have this thing about synchronised Scorbus. It tickles me every time. Here they climbed up on and onto the sinks completely synchronised. Scarily so. It made my day.
...haven't you all missed my weird comments?!
Act Two, Scene Twenty
Poor Samuel's mic got knocked off when he emerged from the lake. As he surfaced, he pushed his hair back and threw his arms up in the air and his mic was just dangling on his forehead. Like, right in between his eyebrows. It was bouncing and swinging and he just could not catch it to put it back. It wasn't until he was out of the lake and Umbridge was talking (so our attention was on her) that he was able to put it back in place.
Although in all fairness to him, I've seen this happen to both Sam and Anthony so I doubt this will be the last time this happens. But I did notice the next time he was in the tank, he actually came up and out of the water holding onto it just in case :')
Oh and the theatre's splash zone just became real. I don't think he could have soaked the front row any more if he'd tried.
                                                   ACT THREE
Act Three, Scene Three
I was waiting for this scene and I was not disappointed.
The head slam on the desk was still quite possibly the most distressing one I've seen. Well for me, anyway. You can't usually see Scorpius's face once he's on the desk but you could today and it broke me. He was looking out at the audience and he had the most distressed and panicked look in his eyes. Samuel is really, REALLY good at that look. I was fortunate (or unfortunate?) enough to be sitting right in his eye line and it caused me a lot of pain.
Aaaaand... that’s it. I’M SO SORRY! *hides* I’ve been ridiculously busy the past couple of weeks and I never found time to sit down and write up notes for part two. If anything, you’re lucky I had a long flight so I had time to write up part one :p But in short, part two was a hundred times better than part one. By the time it had ended I still ‘oh theo’-ing but now it was because he had finally managed to climb inside of my heart and settle there. Also:
Scorbus pillow fights!!! Scorpius managed to hit Albus’s arm and the side of his head. A little mean as he had literally just woken Albus up.
Oh and when they wheeled them on stage in their beds for that scene, Albus is fast asleep but Scorpius is sat up and wiggling his fingers in a ‘I’m plotting how I can wake Albus up today’ kind of way. Dork.
“Turns out Malfoy the Unanxious is a pretty good liar” - I wish I could properly describe to you how he was lying on his bed for this line. He was all stretched out, toes wiggling, with one arm propping him up so he was facing Albus, and the other arm was wrapped round the back of his head as he wiggled his fingers too. It was so bizarre, so Scorpius, and so ‘draw me like one of your french girls’.
The Malfoy hug was everything and more!!! (I love that James Howard not only refers to Samuel as his son but he also loves him dearly. You can tell.)
Talking of father-son moments, I know I keep mentioning it but the conversation between Harry and Albus in his dorm (Act Three, Scene Eleven) was a highlight for me. It made me cry and everything. They were both so, so good in this scene. Honestly, the difference between part one and part two was unreal. But back to Scorbus...
Albus and Scorpius look for any excuse to touch each other. Especially later on in the Godric’s Hollow scenes. Actually, I don’t think they even look for ‘excuses’. They just do it because they want to. Again, the extra physical closeness between these two really suits this Scorpius and Albus.
Act Four, Scene Fourteen! Anthony and James would always fling themselves down the stairs towards Rose but Samuel stayed up close by Albus. He still got super flaily and twirled a bit but he ended up falling back onto Albus rather than forward towards Rose. Quite literally. It was only his hand on the bannister that was propping him up to stop him from fully sitting on Albus’s lap. Although his entire body was draped over him so you know, not much better :’) Albus found the whole thing funny and even though Scorpius was talking to Rose, he kept patting Albus at various points and looking at where his hand was touching Albus rather than at Rose. First it was his knee and then his... I think it was his shoulder? Each time Albus would laugh some more before halfheartedly knocking his hand away. It didn’t stop Scorpius though. 
One last thing which was super cool. I was sat in C16 in the stalls which is the seat on the end of the row. So when *spoiler alert* Voldemort walks through the audience, he walked right past me. I was geeking out :’) I think my smile might have been a little too big though as he hissed at me as he went past. Rude. But I’m sat in AA16 on Saturday so you best believe I’m hissing right back at him this time hahaha.
So to finish, I’m very happy with the new cast! There’s room for improvement of course but I’d expect that this early on. It hasn’t lessened my love for them or the play though. (If anything, I’m more invested because I want to see them excel like I know they will!) It’ll definitely be interesting to see where they’re at now that they’ve spent more time with their characters though. Theo especially. I just hope he knows I’m ready to catch (and keep) that stool... :’)
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panna-acida · 8 years
for the ask: DateSana because mwahahaha (though it will be AU to answer) aaand because you like them so much, filling my dash with your love for them: SteveTony
Send Me A Ship And I’ll Tell You Who…
let’s begin with DateSana then ♥
Drinks all of the coffee: omg Yukimura is way to iperactive and Masamune always tries to keep him away from caffeine that’s why he is the one drinking al the coffee in the house wherever appear in their kitchen (thanks Sasuke)
Brings up adopting a pet: Yukimura, and Date is way too soft to say no, so the moment they bring a dog (totally a pomeranian), Yuimura name him… Oyakata… and that’s the moment Date regret giving up at the request… just imagine Yuki running around shouting Oyakata-sama at the over excited dog around the house.
Kills the bugs: Date kills, and Yukimura brings them back to the nature
Cooks the meals: thay are both incaple of even boil an egg (and here comes the rescue team composed by yours truly Kojuro and Sasuke)
Starts getting into holidays way before they should: Yukimura, always him, for christmas he even start a month before, with decorating the house blasting christmas song at maximun volume and wearing ridiculs hat… Masamune just follow esasperated but happy.
Initiates the couple selfie: both, totally both even if the onw that made the other follow in this “couple selfie things” is Date
Forgets the birthdays and anniversaries: they both have good memories so no one forget about important dates
Always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping: Yukimura, but Date help a lot if the groceriy isn’t done from Sasuke or Kojuro
Nicknames the other: none of them, they just stick to the names because ONE time Yukimura tried it was so damn awkward for both of them.
aaaaaaaaaaaah ♥♥♥ and now to end SteveTony
Drinks all of the coffee: here i’m sticking with the canon/fanon or whatever that is Tony, he just can function with caffeine running in his blood stream, while Steve just drink his coffee like all the normal people do.
Brings up adopting a pet: Tony and by accident, and then brush off what he just said, because he is afraid of killing the pet, seeing he is not always home, he is not good with other living thing…. he is just scared. But Steve ignore all of this and one morning he just leave a little kitten (black with big blue eyes, because he remind him of Tony) in front of Tony during his morning coffee, and stare at the scene unfolding in front of him. As Tony eyes grow wide with awe, at the little creature meowing at him before picking him up and cuddling the little cat, completely forgetting about his coffee just to shift his attention on the little life in his hand.
Kills the bugs: both, totally both
Cooks the meals: Tony he is good (because when he was little Jarvis and Ana teached him how to cook, just to keep him away from his father), but he always cook in special occasion or when he is really stressed (yup totally a stress cook). Even Steve can cook, but he is more for simple and low cost cooking (he loves to cook soup, with all the leftover)
Starts getting into holidays way before they should: Tony after starting housing the Avengers, and finally feeling like having a family again, and Steve just support him helping setting the decoration (Tony loooooves putting mistletoe all around the house just to kiss people, that turns out always being Steve)
Initiates the couple selfie: Stev, because he wants to capture all the happy moments with Tony just to put them after on paper with his pencil.
Forgets the birthdays and anniversaries: Tony, totally him, but he seriously try, the only problem is that when he gets sucked in some kind of project he always forget everything happening around him.
Always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping: Tony, he loves junk food so the few times he goes grocery shopping with Steve their cart fill really fast with all kind of junk food, so he just shrug it off and go on, putting back only the one they already have at the tower.
Nicknames the other: both, both of them, i think theres even some kind of hidden contest of who embarass the other more often.
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foxsdomains-blog · 5 years
Character Sheet
Alright. So I realised a bit late that I hadn't really given any critical information on characters; appearance, very general likes/dislikes, age, height. You know, the important things. So here we go,
Jeremy Height: 6'1 Age: 26 Appearance: Short, brown hair. Brown eyes. Normally built, not massive muscles, not noticeable if wearing the right clothing. Clean-Shaven. Likes: His family (the FA), the current base (is his favourite so far). Dislikes: when people fuck with his family. For now. Car: White with blue racing stripes, Ford Mustang gt 2005 (cause he really likes the car. Don't question it, will comp up later.) Bit of information: Jeremy is a disgraced military man, alongside Ryan. He participated in a mission, his team of five, including Ryan. This mission ended in a failure, with all but Ryan and Jeremy dying. Jeremy took the blame, being dishonorably discharged. This led him and Ryan to find Clair, and form the Fallen Angels. Jeremy became the leader, due to already having experience leading his team.
Ryan Height: 6'2 Age: 26 Appearance: Medium length, brown hair, tied in a ponytail he likes to keep around his shoulder. He is almost never seen with his hair undone. Kind, green eyes, just with a hint of 'crazy'. Built similarly to Jeremy, and is nearly always seen wearing a black leather bike jacket. Clean-Shaven. Likes: His family (the FA), his bike (no one fucks with his bike), his guns. (Cause, you get it.) Dislikes: Cars (he absolutely hates riding in cars. Bad memories). He hates anyone who fucks with his bike (he nearly shot Nines when he touched his bike) Bike: Matte Black custom Ducati 1098s, with a gray FA symbol painted on the left side. Ryan got his bike custom made so it would reach faster speeds than a standard Ducati, and cause he wanted matte black. Bit of information: Ryan was a member of Jeremy squad that were in the failed mission, being the only member alongside Jeremy to survive. He knew Jeremy for years prior, being the first member to join his squad, and going through basic training with the man. He was originally not discharged, however he sided with Jeremy completely, nearly going so far as to attempt to kill the officials who made the decision. Due to this, Ryan was discharged alongside Jeremy, but also being declared a criminal for attempted murder.
Clair Age: 25 Height: 5'8 Appearance: Long straight blond hair and kind blue eyes. Very beautiful, which assisted a large amount to her work. When lazing about, she ties her hair up in a ponytail, but when working she will tie her hair up however her contracts like. Likes: Rook (as a sister). Sexual relationships (but not with contracts). Teasing Nines however she can. Dislikes: when contracts do more than paid (of which she doesn't hesitate to tell them, often moving ahead the plan and assassinating them quicker). When someone hurts Rook and in any way. Car: Polished, pearlescent purple/pink Porsche 991. Comfy leather seats, and top of the line radio in the dashboard. Each time a new items is released, she gets it installed to keep her car up to date. Bit of information: Clair, before founding the FA alongside Jeremy and Ryan, worked as an infiltrator with the United Kingdom government. During this time, she worked, infiltrating both male and female organisations, becoming 'friendly' with the leader, and assassinating them when she had the chance. She would normally leave them for a while, to use them for her own personal gain. After joining the FA, she continued her line of work, but more for informational purposes. Gaining contacts she would later use for the purpose of information gathering for the FA.
Rook Age: 22 Height: 5'6 Appearance: Long, slightly wavy, black hair and dark grey eyes. Wears thin-frame, black glasses. Leaves her hair out, messily, almost never styling or taking care of it (Clair will sometimes style Rook's hair for fun). Likes: Her computers (she has many). Nines (Secretly). Angel (very much). Dislikes: When Clair teases her (mostly about Nines, but also about her non-drinking). Drinking (she doesn't like not being in complete control of herself). Car: Doesn't have a car (She can't drive. This will be a chapter later.) Bit of information: Not much is known about Rook. She tends to keep things to herself. The FA only recently learned her birthday, for crying out loud. What is known however, was that before joining the FA, Rook was hired as a hacker under the Australian government, but when hired didn't know anything about a computer. After a few years, she learned more about a computer than most adults, and now can hack into whatever she desires. After joining the FA four years prior to the story taking place, Rook has fit in perfectly, albeit a bit still distanced. Rook developed feelings for Nines (which I haven't really tried to hide, but if you didn't know, than there you go) after he joined, but hasn't told anyone, however Clair still managed to figure out.
Nines Age: 22 Height: 6' Appearance: Short, brown hair that he either leaves however it was when he woke up, or styles with a side-part (though he rarely does. He's lazy). Has a beard that he maintains. Wears a leather jacket (now that Rook has bought it for him). If he's doing nothing, he will wear whatever is most comfortable, but if he goes out, he will (try to) look after his appearance. Likes: His car (similar to Ryan, is mad at anyone who touches or bad-mouths his car). The Silver Angel (Doesn't let anyone near the cockpit of his bird). Rook (same as Rook, secretly. Only person who knows is 'I') Dislikes: If someone bad mouths his family, his bird, or his car. That's mainly it for now. Car: Matte Black, fully-bullet proof (and yes I know nothing is truly bullet-proof, but it's very resistant to bullets, okay?) 1970 Chevelle SS. Bit of information: Before joining the FA, Nines was a normal person. Weird, yeah? An accident struck one day, and Nines was introduced to the FA. Due to some more incidents, Nines was taken to an old FA base, and introduced to the gang. After a few days, he decided to join the FA, Rook wiping his old profile, and instead taking up the letter 'N', later becoming Nines (his choice). Also, when Nines was in highschool, he knew 'I' and 'B' personally, and were good friends with both.
Age: 22 Height: 6'1 Appearance: Darker skinned. Short, black hair that he keeps short (unless he decides to grow it for some reason). Likes: 'B' (his wife, so of course he likes her). Nines (close friends again, after what happened. (mwahahaha, MORE PLOT!)) Dislikes: (Not gonna lie, haven't really fleshed out his character too much. So, this one may not have too much in it. He's a new character to this story's life, alright? More will come up when we delve more into our characters.) When 'B' and Nines hate on themselves (which does happen often though 'B' has gotten much better. Nines still hasn't though.) Car: Deep Blue 4x4 Ford Ranger Bit of information: When in highschool, 'I' knew Nines and 'B', and were part of a bigger friend group. An incident occurred, and Nines left. Years later, 'I' and 'B' got married, and became 'I' became a cop. Seven months before the story takes place, 'I' and 'B' meet Nines again, and after a mission intrigues 'I', he revisits the FA base. This leads him to forgo his place in the police force, and bring 'B' to join the FA. Unlike Nines, Rook hasn't deleted 'I's profile, instead leaving it but
(Alright, so not gonna lie (again), 'B' is the character I've fleshed out the least. So, here we go I guess." Age: 22 Height: 5'7 Likes: 'I' (Husband. Honestly.) A little separated still, but close to everyone in the FA. Dislikes: (Not fleshed out enough. We'll get there, trust me.) Talking about 'the incident'. Car: Shares 'I's car. It's their car. Bit of information: (Honestly, newest character to this story. When I first wrote this, she was a side character. So, forgive me for not having much. But, like I said, we'll get there.) 'B' knew 'I' and Nines in highschool, and after an (the) incident, hasn't talked to Nines before meeting him (as Nines) years later. She follows 'I' to the FA, solely because he decides to join, she later questions this decision, but ultimately decides it was the right choice. (chapter 2- will be extended on later).
So, that's the FA cast! Now, whatever isn't told isn't known yet. So, just wait and more will be revealed, including 'the incident'. A few things I should mention about the world, that were kind of mentioned, but not well enough (I don't think so at least).
For instance, it's set in the year 2022, but, a bit different. For starters, technology, like that of car computers, are extremely common; homes, even more so in planes and helicopters, pretty much the same in cars honestly. Stuff like that. Umm, guns are pretty similar to current day weapons. I know a few guns, but not a large amount, so if I get something wrong, please do correct me. Oh! Also. The Silver Angel. I called it the FC-112, right? Well I did a search, and found out that a 112 helicopter, is a rescue helicopter. That isn't what the Silver Angel is. I don't know exactly that it is, just that it's got six seats in the back, and one pilot seat (Nines got rid of the other one because of course he did), and two rotors on opposite side of the helicopter, that rotate to allow Nines to do what he does in it (basically, I just came up with something that might work for what I had planned. I'm not sure if a thing exists, but it's set in a few years from now, so meh.)
That should be about everything for now. Periodically I'm going to post update versions of this, when more information comes out, just to jog the memory of the characters. Hope my story is going well so far, and I do want to hear any comments you guys may have! That's all for now, bye!
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