#And again this is super M rated but I guess this chapter is as bad as the story gets
starkerhowlter · 1 year
Princess Parker -- 4
Rating: M Ship: starker (tony stark / peter parker) Tags: Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe - College/University, Fashion Designer Peter Parker, Engineer Student Tony Stark, slow burn, stolen moments Summary: Tony Stark’s in love.
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This chapter was beta'd by my gorgeous squish: @cozysafechaotic ! Be sure to send em love and thanks! Shout out as well to my sprinting goblins in the Super Starkers Discord for their support as well and I hope you enjoy this chapter!
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4 -- Beauty And The Simp
In the cafeteria, Peter is already sitting with his friends at their usual table. His red and black shirt fits perfectly, and his Hugo Boss trousers hug his ass like a gift from the gods. The bouquet has disappeared but the blush on the boy's cheeks hasn't. He smiles gently, winking at the boy before turning back to his friends.
"How did he take to the bouquet?" Bruce asks gently.
"Well. He seemed like he liked it. His friends, not so much," Tony replied.
"I'm guessing Pepper and Natasha weren't fans?" Steve questions.
"Not them..." Tony confesses, looking over his shoulder at the entrance before continuing, "For some reason, Harley Keener was upset by them?"
"Why Harley?" Bucky interjected, "What does that prick want with Peter?"
"I guess I'm not the only one that Peter's caught their eye. I mean, he's beautiful, guys. He's not going to be someone people overlook easily. I just wish I could work up the courage to just talk to him.”
"I thought you said he liked your gifts?" Bucky replies, smiling at Clint as he sits down.
"He did... does. But I'm not a sugar daddy. I don't want to just give him gifts and treasures, I want to be his boyfriend. I want Peter Parker to be mine."
"You really have it bad, T," Steve laughs, "But I can't say anything. I was just as whipped for Bucky when I first saw him."
"Honey, you saw me at a party and from what Tony and Clint have told me, you drank like six shots of vodka before you managed to talk to me."
"I was nervous!" Steve covers.
"Yeah, and then you kissed me, fucked me and asked me to be your boyfriend that same night!"
"It was an intense party!" Steve laments.
"I rest my case." Bucky laughs, leaning over and kissing the blonde, "Oh stop pouting. You know I love you."
"I love you too."
"Gods, you guys are gross." Clint laughs, "Like old men."
Peter glances over at the table again, he's got one of the flowers from Tony in his hair, but his friends keep reminding him that the flowers didn't come from the person he so wants them to be from. The boy sighs, spinning the stem between his fingers as his friends talk around him. He should be listening but instead, his mind is on Tony.
"Peter, are you listening to me?" Gwen asks, clearly annoyed.
"Wha? Oh, yeah. I'm listening." He drops the flower on the table and looks at the girl, mind drifting back to the punk across the room. He wonders what it would be like to lay in his lap, to reach up and brush his fingers over the man's stubble and see the sparkle in his whiskey eyes up close. Harley never made him feel like this. He never felt a wonder at the concept of the man, never wished for him to look in his direction. Then again, was what he had with Harley love?
Tony smiles in the boy's direction, appreciating the sight of him. "Holy hell aren't you gorgeous," He murmurs to no one in particular, "Fucking hell."
"Tony you're doing it again," Clint teases.
"Doing what?" Tony asks, lifting his head off his hand.
"Simping," Clint replies.
"I do not simp. I am just appreciating the beauty that is Peter Parker."
"Mhm, sure," Steve laughs, "Whatever you say." Tony flips the guys off, laughing.
"I just want to see you embarrass yourself in front of Peter at the party this weekend."
"Shut up, Clint." Tony laughs, looking across the cafeteria longingly at the boy.
Thank you so much for reading!! Comments and likes are much appreciated!!
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shina913 · 2 years
Scions, Ch.3 - Taehyung | Kim Line + JHS
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Scions, 3 - Taehyung
sci·​on | \ ˈsī-ən \ Definition: (1) a descendant (2) a shoot or twig, especially one cut for grafting or planting
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✼Scions Masterlist✼
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Pairing: Taehyung x Fem!OC; Fem!Reader Sister + Taehyung
Rating: M (🔞)
Genre: Siblings!AU; Marriage!AU; FWB!AU; exes to ?; angst; smut; fluff
Warnings: Career insecurity; friends with benefits; vaginal sex; hints of oral sex (f-receiving); breast play; protected sex; excessive cussing; Taehyung with kids (not a legit warning but it's just super fluffy); some vulnerable confessions; pining; ghosting; alcohol consumption; a wild Jungkook appears!
Word count: 6,717K
Summary: Four grown siblings return to their childhood hometown after their father is declared to be terminal. They are forced to live under the same roof for days, along with their overbearing mother, to say their final goodbyes. It starts off nostalgic until some unresolved family issues along with an assortment of spouses, exes, and might-have-beens make things even more interesting.
A/N: This chapter was written as part of @btswritingcafe's Specialty Coffee Anniversary Event. There were three categories that featured various B-side tracks whose lyrics were meant to be the basis for the fic. For this particular chapter, I have chosen "Whalien 52": An endless signal will reach someday.
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He looks up from his bowl of cereal to find his dad walking through the kitchen. Taehyung had spent the holiday weekend at his parents’ house.
“Hey, dad. Morning,” he gives him a boxy smile.
“I see you didn’t head over to the restaurant with your Jin-hyung today.”
He inhaled through his teeth. “Yeah…I just didn’t want to get in the way, you know. He seems to have everything figured out already. I would just be messing up the flow of things.”
His dad chuckled at him. “You spent a day with him–that’s hardly any time to learn about the business.”
Taehyung shrugs. “I brought up a couple of ideas to him–”
His dad’s eyebrows lift, intrigued by the sound of his youngest having ‘ideas.’ “Oh?”
“Yeah. I just noticed that the dine-in dispatch process gets mixed up with online orders. I pointed it out to him but he told me that it’s worked fine for them for the last couple years. I just said that maybe it would go smoother if they had a designated corner by the entrance for pickups, you know? Then the host wouldn’t have to go back and check on the status. It would make things more efficient.” He finishes off by spooning more cereal into his mouth.
His dad grins at him. “I think that’s a great idea,” he says to him, after pouring himself a cup of coffee.
“Eh,” his mouth twisted. “I guess if Jin-hyung has made it work this whole time, who am I to disrupt his whole system? He’s been doing this for years.”
“That doesn’t mean there can’t be room for improvement?”
“I don’t know. Jin-hyung said that nobody’s made any complaints about it so…maybe I was just talking out of my ass,” he says as he pushes the mushy pieces of cereal around his bowl.
His dad chuckled after taking a sip of coffee. “Well, your hyung goes with what works. He takes more of a ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ approach to things. I don’t think he meant it to be dismissive.”
Taehyung nods his head. “I know that,” he says with a deep sigh.
His dad straightened his back and tilted his head at him. “Are you alright, adeul?”
He laughed. “I’m fine,” he said as the word ‘fine’ went up an octave.
Now it was his turn to laugh. “You know you’ve got that same look on your face when we went to that waterpark–and you didn’t meet the height requirement so you had to sit on the sidelines watching your siblings go on the big slides all afternoon?”
Taehyung hummed. “It wasn’t too bad because you stayed and played with me at the kiddie pool. And then noona came back to hang out with me.”
“Still–I knew how disappointed you felt, wishing that you were just an inch taller so you could go with them.”
When he was silent, his dad prods again. “Tell me what’s really going on, Taehyungie,” he says softly.
Taehyung threw his head back then blew out a puff of air up to the ceiling. “I’m feeling…a little stuck, I guess. Like,” he paused to clear his throat, “You know how the restaurant is Jin-hyung’s thing, Namjoon-hyung’s has his music. And then noona has her own business online. Me?” He chuckled bitterly. “I’m having trouble figuring out what I’m good at. Or…maybe I’m not good at anything,” he says sardonically.
“Is this because of the whole ‘job hunting’ thing? Because it’s taking longer than usual?” He asks while he sits on the stool next to Taehyung.
“I mean, I have jobs. I get gigs all the time–some art commissions here and there. Sometimes I’ll work catering events. It’s pretty good money and I work flexible hours.” He explains.
“Oh, trust me. I’ve heard about all of your career pursuits. Namjoon has filled me in,” he laughed softly. “Have you asked him if he knows anybody who can, I don’t know…give you an apprenticeship or–”
“Dad, I make rent every month. I’m not starving. I can even afford to get the occasional beer with my friend, Jungkook. I’m not struggling,” he argues.
“Well, I guess it helps that you’re home almost every other weekend. And your noona cooks for you when you watch her kids. I’m only suggesting that–maybe Namjoon knows people, or he can talk to Victoria to get you connected with her people?” His dad offers. “I’m only throwing things out there since…it seems like the restaurant is out of the question.”
Taehyung pursed his lips, his eyes downcast. “Yeah, I’ll consider it,” he says to placate his dad.
His dad softened his expression. “You’re a smart man–-and very resourceful. It will come to you when the time is right…kind of like an endless signal that will reach you someday. You’ll feel it…then you’ll know,” he says, patting his shoulder for assurance.
Taehyung gives him a crooked smile. “Are you sure that’s not Irish coffee you’re drinking, dad?”
They both break into laughter. His dad ruffles his hair up, just like he used to when Taehyung was a little boy.
“Ah! Not the hair, dad!”
“Serves you right,“ he says with a chuckle, starting to walk away with his mug. “Also–I put a little ‘lunch money’ in your backpack.”
Taehyung rolls his eyes. “Dad, you have to stop doing that.”
“Oh yeah? Make me!” He yells out from the side-door that led to the garage to work on his car.
“Hey, yourself.” She greets him as they both exit their respective apartments at the same time.
“Early start today?” Taehyung asks.
“Yeah. Piles of paperwork after a long weekend. You know how it is,” she says.
He hummed. “Did you have a good weekend?”
“I did, thank you,” she smiled. “You?”
“Mm-hm,” he responded. “What did you end up doing?”
Her lips curved into a playful smile. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She says teasingly.
“Just curious, that’s all.” He says as they near the elevator.
She scoffed. “Curiosity killed the cat.”
Taehyung furrows his brows slightly but hides his disappointment. “Alright, alright,” he relents. “I know…no personal stuff.”
“See? There we go,” she says to him as they step into the elevator silently.
He slowly sidled up to her. She held back a smile once she felt his breath behind her ear. “So…am I going to see you tonight, Eunhae?”
She all but moans her response. “Same time, Taehyung.”
The elevator dings to their building’s lobby. Taehyung walks two steps behind her but moves up slightly to hold the door open for her. She mouths her thanks as they go their separate ways.
Taehyung walks to his car, eager to get started at work. The quickest he can finish out the day, the faster he can get home to straighten up before Eunhae comes over.
And she does come over later that night…only because she was the closest person that he could call to pick him up from the hospital, after he gets into an accident on his bike while working his regular route.
Two and a half weeks later…
The doors open and YN walks out of the elevators and onto her brother’s floor. Just then, a woman is rounding the corner yelling out to hold the doors. YN does and the woman smiles and mouths her thanks before pushing the button for the elevators to descend.
She knocks at her brother’s door and is greeted by his slightly disheveled self.
“Wow. You look like hell.”
“Geez, thanks, noona,” he grumbled. “It’s hard enough to do things one-handed.”
“Well, it’s good you have helpful neighbors to look in on you,” she said as she set down some groceries on his kitchen counter.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you, Tae. I was at a retreat and by the time I got home, my sitter couldn’t stay any longer. And then it was just one thing after another—“
“It’s okay, noona,” he smiled. “I’m alive, see?” He holds up his casted arm.
“I know that Namjoonie-hyung was out of town,” he says quietly.
“Uhm…yeah, he still is. He’s really hunkered down to get this new album mastered,” she said. “I heard mom came through though?”
Taehyung nods while he settles by his small dining table across the kitchen while she bustles around the kitchen, pulling out utensils and pans from his cupboards, which she stocked herself.
“Did she point out that you need a new decorator or something?”
He laughed. “In so many words. She means well, though. I think she might just be bored at home.”
YN shrugged. “I don’t know. By the sound of it, she seems to love it. She’s trying to plan another trip for her and dad soon.”
“That’s nice,” Taehyung answers. “Hope it’s somewhere warm because dad’s looking a little pale these days.”
YN agrees then suddenly, in the midst of unpacking groceries, something bright on the floor catches her eye. After a few seconds of deciphering what it was, she grabs a paper towel and bends down to pick it up. 
“Wow, Taehyung-ah…I didn’t realize that hot pink was your color,” she said as she cringed while holding the thong up for him to see.
Taehyung grimaces. “Oh shit—noona…” He abruptly gets up from his seat and quickly yanks it from her hand.
“S-sorry,” he says embarrassingly.
“Hey, no need to explain. You’re an adult…and single. You’re entitled to whatever romantic and physical pursuit of your choice.”
He scrunched his face. “Well…we’re not exactly dating so, it’s ’physical’ minus the ‘romantic’ part.”
She blew out an exasperated breath. “Oh, Tae…” He couldn’t bear the look of disappointment that she gave him.
“A fuck-buddy? Seriously?”
“Fuck-buddy is such a harsh term, noona. We are actually friends—“
She groans. “Good god, that’s even worse, Taehyung-ah!”
“We’re just having fun, noona. It’s not a big deal.”
“Are you being safe, though? You know…since this is all casual and shit?”
“Yes, noona,” he assured his sister. “We’re fine–we have an understanding. Plus, who needs labels anyway?”
His sister chuckled. “You know who says that? People who actually need labels.”
Taehyung laughed. “Noona, you don’t know Eunhae and I. We just work, you know? We just like to keep things open and…” he sighed. “Feelings just ruin things.”
Now it was her turn to laugh. “Oh, Taehyungie–I have never heard of a friends-with-benefits arrangement that has not ended up with one or both people catching feelings.”
“From the outset, we’ve established that neither of us were really ready for anything long-term, noona. Not with me being in-between jobs and her with her…life,” he mutters. 
She scoffed. “Taehyung…it’s dating, not marriage.”
“Still, though. We’re just having fun,” he shrugs.
“Well, in the future…when you decide to ‘have fun’ again, would you mind at least cleaning up–” she motions to the piece of underwear still in his hand, “You know, before I get here?”
He gives her a boxy smile. “Sorry, noona. I promise next time.”
While she started to unload the groceries, she switched topics. “So, what’s going on with the job hunt?”
He lifted a shoulder, noncommittal. “It’s alright. I’m keeping my options open for now.”
“Hm. I see a recurring theme here,” she mumbles while she starts chopping vegetables.
“I just feel like I have way too many things that I’m into. I’m still trying to figure out what I am most passionate about. Besides, the point is, I’m able to make rent, pay my bills with all of my gigs. It’s working out pretty well, for the time-being.”
“Right, but–don’t you want anything stable eventually?” 
“At some point, yeah,” he says, recalling his conversation with their dad.
She sighed heavily. “Okay and how long has it been since you moved out here? This whole bike-messenger thing–it looks like it’s starting to become a hazard for you,” she says as she eyed his injured forearm.
“This is nothing, noona. And honestly, the bike messenger gig allows me to socialize and get to know people in big companies. I think of it as networking,” he smiles proudly.
“Mm-hm, if you say so,” she says apprehensively. “You know there’s nothing wrong about asking your siblings for a little help. Shit, you do it to me all the time,” she teases.
She looks up from the cutting board and sees him frowning slightly. “Oh, god, Taehyungie–I’m only teasing, you know that. You know that I’ll always support you. You’re my baby brother.”
“I know, noona. That’s why I rarely talk to Jin-hyung or Namjoonie-hyung these days. I just don’t want them to be disappointed in me,” he says, hanging his head.
“Tae, we’re all just looking out for you. They just have a slightly different approach than I do,” she says in consolation.
He nods silently. “Thanks, noona.”
She hums.
After a beat of silence, she pauses her chopping once more. “So, are you still good for Saturday? I mean–given your situation, I’m totally fine canceling–”
“Don’t be ridiculous, noona. Of course I’ll watch the kids! Doctor says I’ll get the cast taken out in a couple days so I should be good to drive,” he smiles. “Besides, you need a break every now and then.”
She sighed. “Thanks, Taehyungie.”
“Hey, do you want to hang out this weekend?”
Taehyung was too busy looking at her ass while she bent over to pick up her shirt.
“Hellooo?” She waved her hands around to call his attention.
His eyelids lazily look up to meet hers. “What was that? Did you say something?” He smiled.
She giggled, crawling up to him on the mattress. “I said,” her lips were barely touching his, “Do you want to hang out this weekend?” She repeats slowly, then darting her tongue out to lick his lower lip.
When he tries to kiss her, she pulls away quickly–like the brat she is, all while snickering.
A low growl escapes his chest. She kindly offered to drive him to the doctor’s office to get his cast taken off. But when they got back to his place, one thing led to another–next thing they knew, she was bouncing up and down his dick–but not before he made her cum hard while sitting on his face.
He still had a bit of muscle weakness on his injured arm but Eunhae was happy to put in some extra effort.
“Would it be incredibly greedy of me to ask you for one more round? Please,” Taehyung purrs.
“I don’t know…you kind of made me work for it a little bit back there,” she chuckles.
He groaned. “Sorry, I couldn’t help it…I couldn’t put too much pressure on it yet,” he says. “Plus, you could have said ‘no’,” he says, cocking his eyebrow at her.
She rolled her eyes exaggeratingly then tilted her head to the side. “Somehow, you make it difficult to do that.” Nobody ate her out as good as Taehyung did–he drove a hard bargain.
“So–this weekend?” she asked again.
As Taehyung was about to speak, he squeezed his eyes shut, suddenly remembering something. “Ah, shit. I can’t–I told my sister I’d watch my niece and nephew for a few hours,” he says. “I can’t cancel on her.”
“Oh,” she says, slightly crestfallen. “Are you sure you’ll be fine watching them alone? You know, so soon after getting your cast off?”
She wasn’t sure why she asked him that. Plans have fallen through before and there were times when they couldn’t sync up their schedules. They just dropped the subject and moved on.
He waved her off. “I should be fine in a couple days. I just need to do those strengthening exercises that the doctor mentioned and I’ll be fine. I’ll be ready to horse around with them,” he smiled.
“I could help, if you want?”
His eyebrows lifted at the sound of her offer. Truthfully, she was shocked as well but she was trying to be nice.
“I like kids,” She grinned.
Taehyung let out a laugh which made her frown at him. “What’s so funny about that?”
“I just,” he shrugged, “Didn’t figure you to be fond of kids.”
She scoffed at him. “I’ll have you know that I was a nanny in my first year in the city.”
“Wha…really?” He said in astonishment.
“Uh-huh,” she says smugly, crossing her arms over her chest.
He hummed at that.
She hummed back, mocking his tone. “That’s all you’re going to say?”
“I don’t know what else to say, Eunhae,” he laughs softly. “But…I’ll admit, I might need some help. I was thinking about calling Jungkook to back me up. Maybe…I can ask noona if I can bring you over instead?”
Her eyes widened. “Oh–I’m meeting your sister?”
Taehyung caught his lips between his teeth. “Not like that–I mean, I figured she’d like to know who else was going to be around her kids. She knows Jungkook.”
She swallowed hard. “Oh…right. Y-yeah,” she says hesitantly.
“I’d introduce you as my friend, of course. But if you’re uncomfortable, just let me know and I can call Jungkook–”
“You know what? I’m just overthinking shit–which I shouldn’t be,” she smiled. “Yeah, I still want to help you. I think it would be cool to meet your niece and nephew…and your sister.”
Taehyung wasn’t exactly sure why, but suddenly, he looked forward to Eunhae meeting YN.
While he pulls up his sister’s contact information from his phone, Eunhae continues to get dressed.
“Hey–where are you going?” His brows furrowed. “You’re not staying over?”
“Taehyungie, I have a big day at work tomorrow and I need to get up early,” she says as she shimmies into her jeans then zips them up. “Besides, even though morning sex with you is incredibly tempting, I can’t afford to be late,” she says with a laugh.
Taehyung pouts playfully at her.
“Hey, lighten up! We’ll still get to hang out on Saturday,” she says. “Just let me know what your sister says. If not–we can just do a raincheck.” 
After she rakes her fingers to tame her just-fucked hair, she walks over to him on the bed once more to give him a quick peck on the lips. “Well…you know where to find me,” she says. And with that, she heads out the door and back to her apartment across the hall.
Taehyung and Eunhae showed up to YN’s door at 6PM, sharp. He glanced at her and saw that she seemed a bit restless, shifting her weight uncomfortably on his sister’s front porch.
The way her head snapped up to look at him, he confirmed that she was nervous. He wasn’t sure why though.
“Don’t worry, my sister doesn’t bite…not like I do,” he jokes, trying to break the tension. She lets out a small chuckle, easing her nerves a bit.
After he rings the doorbell, he sighed, feeling incredibly relaxed this evening. This wasn’t supposed to be a big deal. It was just his sister, for crying out loud! It wasn’t like he was introducing her to his parents.
Although, maybe on the next three-day weekend, he would consider bringing her to his hometown.
He brushes the thought aside when YN opens the door. “Hi!” She greets them both enthusiastically and invites them in. After Taehyung gives her a quick hug, he introduces Eunhae.
“YN-noona, this is my friend, Eunhae. Eunhae, this is my sister, YN.”
YN smiled then tilted her head at Taehyung’s friend. She vaguely recognized her the day she came to see him as she was coming off the elevator.
“Hi, it’s so nice of you to come,” she smiled.
“Thank you for having me,” Eunhae responded. It didn’t look like she recognized her that day so YN didn’t push for it. She also tried not to think about that neon pink thong that she found on the kitchen floor.
“And thank you for helping. I wasn’t 100% sure if he was going to be okay by tonight. I really could have canceled, Taehyungie–”
“Noona! Stop. Go have fun–Eunhae and I can handle it. She used to be a nanny,” Taehyung remarks.
“Oh wow, fancy that!” She said. Seconds later, Joobin and Jooni barrel to the doorway.
“Uncle TaeTae!!!” Jooni squeals as Taehyung crouches down with arms wide open to catch her.
“Jooni-yah–you have to be careful! Taehyung’s arm hasn’t fully healed yet,” YN cautioned her daughter.
“I’m fine, noona,” he waved her off before turning to his nephew. “What’s up, little man?” He holds out a free hand to Joobin for a high-five.
“Are we playing Super Smash Brothers tonight, Uncle Tae?”
“Of course we are!” He tells his nephew immediately.
“Not before we play Cooking Mama,” Jooni whines. “I practiced slicing and mixing today,” she says with her little voice. Eunhae endearingly watches as Taehyung enthusiastically listens to his niece and nephew talk about their agenda for the evening. His mouth is agape from the big smile plastered across his face.
“Okay, okay–that all sounds really fun. But do you think we can make room for one more player?” He peers up at Eunhae who smiles at both kids.
“Hi,” she crouches down to meet them in the eyes. “My name is Eunhae. What’s yours?”
“I’m Joobin,” he says bashfully.
YN smiles at their exchange but is interrupted by a phone call. She excuses herself and takes it in the other room.
Jooni smiles sheepishly at Eunhae while burying her face into Taehyung’s chest. “Are you shy, Jooni?” he asks his niece sweetly.
“That’s okay,” Eunhae says warmly. “She’ll say ‘hi’ when she’s ready.”
From a distance, they hear YN hang up and rejoin them in the living room.
“Taehyung-ah? Can I have a quick word before I head out? I guess I have to drive to the restaurant now,” she says with a huff. She then turns to her son with a small smile. “Joobinie, would you like to show Eunhae your new LEGO set?”
“I can show her my LEGO pet shop,” Jooni says shyly, while pulling away from Taehyung.
“I can’t wait to see it!” Eunhae says to her. Jooni tugs at her hand and leads her to the living room. She looks back at Taehyung and YN while they walk off along with Joobin.
Taehyung gets up from his position and YN doesn’t mince words. “Okay, dude–” she keeps her voice low. “No funny business while I’m out, do you understand?”
He bulged his eyes out then cleared his throat. “Noona, I won’t–”
“I know that you would never dream of it. My babies love you and I trust you with their lives. Just…please don’t be distracted, okay?” She says quietly.
“I promise, noona. I won’t.”
“Good.“ She glanced at her clock on her phone. “Fuck, I’m running late. Thank you…again,” she said to Taehyung and Eunhae, her tone was relieved.
He nods. “I’m happy to help out, noona. Have fun tonight,” he says.
She groaned. “Yeah, we’ll see about that.” She then calls out to her kids. “Guys, I’m leaving!”
They both run to her and give their mom kisses and hugs. “Please be good to Uncle TaeTae and Eunhae, huh? And no fighting, okay?”
After they both nod obediently, she was off.
Several rounds of Super Smash Brothers and dishes in Cooking Mama, three and a half bowls of mac-n-cheese, two sets of brushed teeth, and several potty breaks later, Jooni and Joobin passed out, a third of the way through Moana, under their giant blanket fort.
“It’s so cute when they fall asleep with their mouth hanging open,” she gushed.
Taehyung laughed. “Yeah, it means they had a really great time.”
After they tuck both kids into their beds, they plop themselves on the couch. 
“Boy, am I glad that you were here,” Taehyung huffed out. “I forgot how much energy those two had!”
She laughed. “Don’t mention it. I’m a bit out of practice but good to know I can still hang with a preschooler. It took her a minute but I’m glad she warmed up to me eventually.”
He chuckled. “Yeah. That was odd—Jooni is usually loud. She’s usually the first one to come up and say ‘hi.’ My brothers and I always said she’d make a great politician one day.”
“That’s alright. Maybe it’s the whole stranger-danger thing. You don’t want to force these things. Kids are entitled to boundaries, too,” she says, leaning her head back on the cushion.
Earlier, Taehyung watched Eunhae try to settle Jooni into her bed. She was half-asleep, whining and wouldn’t let go of her. She laughed softly while gently unfurling Jooni’s tiny fingers to release her shirt from her clutches until she was able to safely set her down.
Taehyung smiled at the thought. He then takes a second to check his watch for the time. It was almost 30 minutes past YN’s expected return.
“Guess noona decided to actually have a good time after all.”
“She seems nice,” she remarked. “Your noona.”
He nodded and sighed. “Yeah…she’s usually my first call...for practically anything. I mean…my dad, sometimes. But more often than not, it’s her. She’s my best friend.”
She smiled. “My yeodongsaeng is my best friend, too.”
His eyebrows flick up at the small piece of personal information that she shared.
“She’s still in school and I’m helping my parents out with that. I try to come out there as often as I can but,” she sighed, “Thinking about airfare costs and all that…Figured they could use it more with other expenses,” she says ruefully.
Taehyung regards her intently. They had shared many serious conversations in the past but never personal. It was all part of their agreement. For it to work, they avoided sharing things about their life which would cause them to be attached…or care too much. Taehyung was apprehensive at first because it was against his personality. He liked being able to relate to a friend…but then again, Eunhae was not an ordinary friend.
“I miss home a lot, too,” he says quietly. “I was just there a few weeks ago. My dad’s health has been iffy but he looked well the last time I saw him. He’s happier that my mom’s not traveling as much anymore or being away for months at a time working on a movie.”
“Movie?” She asks incredulously.
Taehyung chuckles. “My mom is–or was an actress.”
Her jaw fell open while she sat up. “Wow! Was she in anything I’ve seen before?”
“Hmm…have you seen ‘Cradle and All’? It’s pretty old but–”
“Oh my god–your mom is Young Lina?” She gasps.
“Yep,” he says, popping the ‘p’ sound.
“Holy crap! My parents love her…I love her!” She exclaims then glances at Taehyung. “Ooh, now I see the resemblance,” she mumbles.
“Yeah…” he sighs.
“I-is that why they killed her off on ‘Broken Marriage Vow’? Because of your dad?”
“For the most part, yeah. And she’s had a great career. She’s always said that she’d rather go out on top...”
“Or with a bang,” she says, referring to his mom’s final episode on the show, where her character sets off a bomb in her own house to sacrifice herself by killing her daughter’s abusive husband.
“Yep, she had a lot of fun with that role,” Taehyung says wistfully. They both sighed and looked at each other. This was the most personal conversation they’ve ever had–it wasn’t forced or awkward. It just flowed freely.
Taehyung lowered his voice. “Does this mean you’ll only sleep with me now just because my mom’s a famous actress?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” She let out a soft laugh. “When have we actually slept?”
He licked his lips while she bit hers. As they slowly close in on each other, they hear the garage door open.
His hands were all over her the instant he unlocked his apartment door. They clumsily stumble through but their mouths remain sealed to each other. Her hands rake through his hair, tugging at the strands, eliciting a low growl from him.
He palmed the swell of her ass with one hand while the other was up her shirt, caressing her back. They stagger into his bedroom, falling onto the mattress almost simultaneously, with her on top of him.
She pulls away for a moment, wasting no time to reach over by his nightstand to retrieve a condom. 
He caught her, pulling her on top of him. He tips her back over his arm then pulls her shirt and bra up to suck on her breast. His cheeks hollowed with the force of his sucking, her core clenching in rhythm. Her spine ached with the strain but she was more overcome with arousal–to the point of madness.
Fidgeting with his pants, she unzips them and pulls him out. He was already hard for her. She rips open the foil packet with her teeth then slides the piece of latex down his length.
She lifts herself slightly and he guides her while she sank onto him, slowly. They moan in unison while her tender tissues gripped his cock. Grabbing her hips with both hands, he lifts her once more, pausing for a moment, his breathing loud and ragged. Then he shoved inside her.
He rolled his hips and claimed that last little space inside her, his cock tunneling deep. She squeezed every inch of him, pulsing around him in frantic pleasure.
“Okay?” he bit out, his fingers kneading into her flesh.
“More,” she breathed. Digging her own fingers into his biceps for support, bucking her hips to meet his movements. He caught her mouth and gave her a long, deep kiss. Reaching in between them, he rubbed her clit in slow, hard circles coupled with each thrust of his hips into her.
He pulled away from her lips and nudged her jaw upwards to get better access to her neck and suckled at the skin between where the base of her earlobe and curve of her jawline met.
That did her in. Through the roaring of blood in his ears, he heard her groan his name while she came, spasming around him rapidly. His cock swelled and lengthened, jerking as he followed her climax with his own orgasm. 
Taehyung kissed her collarbone, his breath gusting hot and fast over the bare, sweat-slick skin. His chest heaved, his bruising grip on her hips easing. His hands began to stroke and soothe.
It wasn’t as if it had been the first time they had fucked…far from it.
As their heartbeats slowed, they kept their gazes at each other. Dark brown eyes staring back into a pair of black pools. He didn’t know it yet but that look scared the shit out of her.
Without breaking contact, Taehyung raises his finger to gingerly brush a few errant strands off her face. After he tucks them behind her ear, his palm lingers to cup her cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch briefly.
Whatever rules they had agreed upon before were fading rapidly…much like the breaths they were desperate to catch.
They drifted off to sleep together. In the morning, he awoke and she was gone. All that was left was a single stand of her hair on the pillow that she slept on, and her scent, that would ceaselessly haunt him for the next few days.
“I thought you had ghosted me, bro,” Jungkook says with a playful pout while he sipped on his beer.
“I’ve been a little busy at work. Plus, I had that accident a few weeks ago. Had to be laid up for a bit which meant I had to hustle to recoup some lost wages, you know?”
Jungkook laughed. “Right. As if you couldn’t just ask your parents for some cash to get you through,” he says sarcastically while he moves the controller’s joystick to select the next course that they would play.
Taehyung meandered through the kitchen with a bowl of furikake trail mix that YN dropped off the other day. He passed his front door, pausing to look through the peephole to check across the hall. He glanced at his watch, it was about that time when she usually got home from work.
He was hoping to catch her but she’s been evasive for over a week now. No late-night texts or random knocks on his door about needing ‘sugar’ for her coffee.
Every now and then, she would respond, saying that work’s been busy but no more than that. 
He didn’t understand. He felt that they had a breakthrough that night after they got home from YN’s house. He could have sworn that he saw the same look in her eyes.
Finding that the hallway was still empty, he continued on. “Nah, you know I have way too much pride for that. Besides, I still had a bit saved up so, it wasn’t like Struggle-land up here,” Taehyung says quietly before putting the bowl on the coffee table then settling on the couch next to his friend.
Jungkook’s eyes widened at the snack presented to him. “Ooh, I love when noona makes this,” he says as he takes a handful of mix and drops it in his mouth.
“She made you a bag this time,” Taehyung motions back to the kitchen. “Just so you wouldn’t have to steal my stash again,” he added.
Jungkook cackled. “Took you a while to catch on to that!” He laughs again. “Ah, please tell her thank-you. Maybe I can get the recipe from her so I can just make an endless amount of it at home. I get really sad when I get to the bottom of the bag and there’s no more.”
“I’m sure you do,” Taehyung deadpans then takes a gulp of his beer.
“Are you alright?”
“Hm?” Taehyung glances over at his friend. “I’m fine,” he says immediately.
Jungkook laughs softly. “You don’t usually call me during the week to hang out.”
“I just assumed you were free, that’s all,” he said. “Besides, I didn’t want to keep two extra bags of snacks. Sharing is caring.”
Jungkook stares at his friend for a few seconds. “Bull. Shit.” 
Taehyung cocks an eyebrow at him. “Excuse me?”
Jungkook grins like a Cheshire cat. “Something’s up with you and Eunhae.”
“Now, why would you—“
“It just fits!” He concludes. “You’ve been all mope-y ever since I got here.”
“I am not mope-y…or whatever you call it,” Taehyung denies.
“What? Did she decide that she’s had enough of the whole friends-with-benefits thing? Did she turn into a Stage-5 clinger? See, I thought she was too cute to be all-business about it,” Jungkook babbled on.
“It was none of that, okay? Just pick the fucking game already—“
“Or!” Jungkook says loudly. “You caught feelings.” He narrowed his eyes at Taehyung to gauge his reaction. When his lips narrowed into a thin line, Jungkook laughed again. “I fucking knew it! I fucking called it!” He slaps his hand on the couch cushion.
“You didn’t call shit,” Taehyung grumbles.
“Bro, I’ve known you for three years now, since you moved out here? You’ve had one girlfriend that entire time. Then Eunhae moves across the hall months ago and BAM! You agree to this no-strings situation. I didn’t think it was going to be long before you cracked. You’re the type of person who can never not do something like that without getting attached.”
Taehyung snorts. “Thanks for the analysis, Dr. Jeon. Are you going to bill me for that later?”
Jungkook scoffed. “Whatever, dude. You know I’m right,” he says, before finally selecting a course and proceeding to the next menu option. “Now that she won’t fuck you anymore without you making heart-eyes at her, you invite me to your pity party. But I appreciate the snacks and drinks, though,” he laughed.
Before he could argue Jungkook’s point, his phone buzzes incessantly over the coffee table.
When he picks it up, he sees Jin’s name on the caller ID.
He furrowed his brows. Jin knew that Taehyung preferred texting so he found it odd that he would start calling him now. He was tempted to send him to voicemail but something compelled him to pick up instead. 
Jungkook offered to stay but he told him that he didn’t have to, saying that his other friend should be making her way back with his car about now and that he would leave the city as soon as he could.
By the time he called YN minutes ago, she already had her SUV packed along with the kids. He turned down her offer to swing by to come get him.
While waiting alone, he couldn’t stop pacing in his apartment. Overcome with emotion, he went to the first place he thought he could find some solace.
“One sec, I’ll be right there!” He hears her yell out from the far corner of the apartment.
He’d been knocking on her door nonstop for close to a minute now. It was bordering on annoying…which she found cute sometimes. But not tonight.
He stops when she abruptly opens the door. “Taehyung?” She doesn’t open her door the whole way and instead steps out into the hallway with him. “Wh-what’s up? Are you okay? You look like you’ve been hit by a bus,” she remarks.
“Uh, hey…I was, uh…I was just waiting for Ani,” he stammered. “She borrowed my car for a gig and I kind of need it to get out of the city tonight as soon as she gets here,” he says, trying to hold back tears.
Eunhae’s brows knitted. “Get out of the city? What for? What happened?”
Taehyung wasn’t quite sure how to explain it. They had just begun sharing about their personal lives until Eunhae started to ignore him after that last night they spent together.
“Do you think I can come in for a bit? I just feel like I need somebody to talk to,” he pleads.
“N-now’s…not a good time, Tae,” she says awkwardly.
“What do you mean? Were you sleeping? I’m sorry–”
“No, uhm–I…kind of have a friend over,” she says quietly. She was fidgety…something was up.
“A friend?” Taehyung repeats.
“Yeah. Uhm, kind of…like a date.” She finally came out with it.
“Oh,” he says, sounding crestfallen.
“If you want, you can take my car instead? If it’s an emergency or something–”
Taehyung’s heart sinks. He didn’t think it would weigh any heavier than it already did after he received the call from Jin.
“N-no. That won’t be necessary,” he shakes his head and forces a smile. “I’m sorry for holding you up. I’ll just call Ani again–her gig should be wrapping up soon.” He turns to start walking back to his apartment.
“Tae–” she calls out to him.
He looks over his shoulder and back at her.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
He nodded wordlessly then shuffled back to his door. As soon as he shuts it, he leans his back against it. He bangs the back of his head against it–hoping he had done it sooner so he wouldn’t have had to feed into his delusions in the last few days.
He didn’t want to admit it but YN was right. Nothing good ever comes out a fuck-buddy situation.
Just then, his phone pings with a text from Ani, telling him that she was on her way back with his car. Taehyung took a deep breath, squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. He exhaled, the same time he opened them again.
Within that short walk between her door and his, he’s decided within himself that maybe it was smart of her to pull away first. Taehyung knew deep within him that he couldn’t keep up the charade of detached feelings.
He had deluded himself into thinking that he could do it. But YN and Jungkook were right. In a way, he’s always felt connected to Eunhae even though he had talked himself into thinking that he didn’t.
His father always told him that when the right choice came along, a signal would reach him–he didn’t think it would be in this context.
For now, it was imperative that he rush to his family’s side. He would resist that pull coming from across the hall–and hope that this time away would help dull the feelings that had already broken through the surface.
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◤Previous | Part 4◥  | Main Fic Masterlist
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Tagging: @internetjunkdrawer @deepseavibez @joeybeanxbts
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 5)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: DaddyChan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 5
(Tankhun POV)
Tankhun glanced at the clock on the laboratory wall, it was almost 6 pm. If he wanted to get to the lobby of the University Research Center on time, he'd better clean up now. Moreover, he still had to change his outfit and styled his hair, because no way in hell he allowed himself to be seen wearing super boring work clothes – white-shirt-black-pants, in a bar.
It's a good thing that Tankhun has developed this habit – carrying a change of clothes in his bag, ever since he was 12 years old. However, there is no such thing as casual preparation for Tankhun Theerapanyakul. Everything must match the accessories he wore that day. For example, today, he was wearing baby pink Burberry socks and sunglasses, so the change of clothes he brought with him was the Lanvin color-block sweater. Because in his world, baby pink goes well with any color.
As he watched his reflection on the mirror inside the Research Center locker room – FYI he looked pretty damn good – Tankhun’s mind drifted back to what happened 5 hours ago in the stadium parking lot. He had consciously given his word to the BSFC Captain to fulfill three tasks given to him as an apology.  
“Fulfill three tasks for me then we're even.”
“Yes, three.”
“We've only met twice! How can I be in your debt 3 times? It is mathematically and scientifically impossible.”  
"I think the incident at the cafe alone deserves two tasks.”  
“Have you ever seen what they said about me for the last two weeks? Have you ever bothered to check? I'm being generous here.”  
“Fine! But I bought coffee for you today, so that counts as one. I only need to fulfill two more tasks.”  
“Do you see me drinking any Frappuccino today? You were the one who drank it, sweetheart.”  
“Oh, don’t you dare sweetheart me, mister! It’s Doctor.”  
“My bad, Doctor, forgive me.”  
"And I don’t need a reminder about drinking that… THAT!”  
“Have a drink with me tonight.”  
“Or should I say… treat me to a drink tonight as your first task?”  
“First Frappuccino and now this? My brother swears on his life that you are the most disciplined footballer in the whole planet. Guess you never know.”  
“So? Do we have a deal?”  
“Do I have a choice?”  
At exactly 6.20 pm, Chan's Black Range Rover stopped right in front of Tankhun, who was already waiting in the lobby of the Research Center. He had offered Chan to just meet him at the bar, but he refused and insisted on picking up Tankhun. It's a matter of manners, he said.
“Very punctual,” commented Tankhun as he got into the car.  
“It’s been ingrained in me since I was a little,” replied Chan.  
“Of course.”
“Don't mean to be pretentious or anything but you haven't had dinner yet, have you? Because I'm hungry and my motto always is, never drink on an empty stomach,” explained Chan, who – Tankhun just stated a fact here, looked very dashing in black cashmere pullover and black jeans.  
“You know what? I think that’s a great idea. I’m starving.”
“Good, I’m craving some deep fried. I know a place that sells the greasiest and to die for fish and chips.”
And again, the captain violated the dietary restrictions.
What is the matter with him?
This time, Tankhun decided not to let out his opinion on this matter, because at the end of the day, it was none of his business. But it looked like his poker face was failing.
“Oooh, that’s one hell of a judgy face there,” teased Chan.
“What a judgy face? This is what I called ‘my bitchy resting face’,” stated Tankhun, his chin up high in the air.
Without a warning, Chan burst out a hearty laugh and that laugh was contagious, because not long after, Tankhun also chuckled beside him.
Hm, maybe I can take advantage of his good mood.
"What do you say if I paid for dinner and we count it as the second task, so I only need to fulfill the last one?” asked Tankhun sweetly, exuding his charm to the max.
“Umh… NO. Nice try though.”
“Alright, there’s no harm in trying.”
Chan smiled at him, looking so amused. But the thing is Tankhun was not amused at all, unexplained things bothered him, like A LOT.
“Look, I know you will think of me as a nosy person but I can’t take this anymore. Everything just doesn't make any sense. I need some explanation,” begged Tankhun.
“But why? It’s not like my career or fitness have anything to do with you,” said Chan, too calm for his liking.
“The scientist in me just hates things that not make any sense, and the other reason is my youngest brother.”
“What about him?”
“I told you he’s your biggest fan,” answered Tankhun. “He’s the captain of the University Football Team. He admires you very much, follows all your training, your diet, playing style. He spends hours watching your videos about improving footwork. No offense, but if he ever finds out that all of these are just a facade, he'll be so heartbroken and I don’t want that.” 
“We’re here,” said Chan as he parked his SUV on the side of the road near the food truck. “They only sell fish and chips here, and then there’s two options for chips: regular or extra.”  
“Definitely extra.” 
“Good choice.” 
“Aren’t you going to order for us?” asked Tankhun, when he saw Chan still hasn’t moved from his seat.  
Tankhun could sense that Chan wanted to ask him to do something but hesitated to say, then he saw the long line and crowd in front of the food truck, and everything became clear.
“Give me your wallet, I’ll do it,” offered Tankhun.
“I think 200 Baths would be enough,” replied Chan as he put the money in Tankhun’s hand.
“Damn! I was so close to being able to steal the great Captain’s platinum credit card,” said Tankhun cheekily. “Be right back!”
Again, with an amused smile, it seemed like Chan was in a really good mood tonight. But of course, he was happy… he got the rare opportunity to order Tankhun Theerapanyakul around. Du~h!
Thank God, the owner and staff of the food truck were very efficient, less than 10 minutes and Tankhun was already back in the car, with two portions of fish and extra chips in his hand, the smell was divine.
Tankhun handed a pack to Chan, who immediately took one of the plump chips and put it in his mouth. "Ah, so good~"
Tankhun did the same and the chips were really good as promised. For a while no other sound was heard in the car except the sound of them munching their food.
“It’s not a facade,” said Chan out of the blue. “I’ve been very strict with myself ever since I was 12 years old.”
“So, what is this, then?” asked Tankhun, happily chewing his chips. “This is so damn good, by the way.”
“I told you so.”
“Go on.”
“Let’s just say, this is me being rebellious?”
“At 36!? Where were you when you were 17?”  
“Being the perfect youngest center back of the BSFC team,” stated Chan, looking straight at Tankhun’s eyes.
“What I don’t understand is you can eat anything during the off-season, right? Because Kim also loosened his strict diet once the season ended. But the new season is about to start and you doing all of this is very strange to me.” 
“Can it be called a rebellion if I do this when I’m allowed to do it?” 
“Ah, good point.” 
Chan gave him a little smile before continuing, “I just want to know how it feels, you know? My teammates in the youth team did it all the time, and I never allowed myself to follow in their footsteps. I wonder what the big secret is that makes them look so cocky and smug the next day after they do their thing.”
“And the first time you tried to do it, I screwed it up.”
“There, you said it.”
Tankhun had never felt so guilty towards Chan as he did now. "For what it’s worth, I'm truly sorry. Later on, at the bar, I will let you be as rebellious as you want. I'll zip my mouth shut and pay for everything."
“Let’s go then!”
(Tankhun POV)
As they got closer to their destination – that’s the logic, right – Tankhun felt the road they were driving through for the past 15 minutes was very familiar. When Chan turned right after the last traffic light, Tankhun was 98% sure he knew where they were going.
“Are we heading to the Moonlight?” inquired Tankhun, he needed confirmation.  
“Yes,” answered Chan, he sounded so excited. “I’m surprised you know about it, not many people know about this small jazz club.”
“Oh my God~ from all the places in Bangkok…” said Tankhun, still couldn’t believe the odds.
“What’s wrong? You don’t like the place?” asked Chan, slightly worried.
“No, no, I love that place. It’s just that Porsche is my brother-in-law.”
“You’re Kinn's older brother!?” shouted the captain.
It was so obvious that Chan was in shock, his mouth forming a perfect O.
“YUP!” said Tankhun, laughing at Chan’s shocked expression. “We have the same last name, don't you notice?”
“I never knew Kinn’s last name, we have always been on a first name basis,” explained Chan. “Oh God, what a small world.”
Suddenly, Tankhun sat up straight, as if he had just realized something and yelled, "OH, those two little bastards!!"
“What?” asked Chan. “What now? Don’t scare me.”
“Nothing,” answered Tankhun.
“Ah, we’re here!” said Tankhun quickly, avoiding the question. “You’ll soon find out.”
As soon as Chan parked his car, Tankhun impatiently jumped out of the car and half ran toward the entrance. The atmosphere inside this lovely small jazz club, which was very friendly and inviting, couldn't stop Tankhun from rushing straight to the bar. He didn't even know whether Chan was still behind him or not.
"You two are so~~ DEAD!"
"Good evening, Porsche... Kinn..."
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celticfeather · 4 years
Akatsuki Fanfic: Campfires
On: FF  Ao3   Tumblr
First. 1. Dawn
Previous: 4. Slaughter’s Court
Campfires chapter 5: Kraken Hall
-Hoshigaki Kisame-
Right by his ear. His awakened eyes slid right. The tag of a paper bomb waved from a kunai.
Kisame sprung away in the fraction of a second before its detonation. Adrenaline damped pain: his neck and shoulder had been torn open, he did not know how much. His priority was seizing a few seconds of distance and time.
Midleap he looked for the boy, he was gone, the white cloth that bound him a twisting ribbon snaking to the forest floor.
Flickers manifested into crouching shapes on tree branches. Their animal masks denoted the Anbu of the Hidden Leaf, though the rogues were outside the Leaf's territory. The masks' inset eyes were round and black like a shark's, but leaf ninja moved like ghostly gray leopards. The assailants were three ninja: two men, one woman, and a ninja hound.
He had to get them out of the trees, the leaf ninja the advantage there. They met him on the ground. He grasped Samehada's hilt, and from the reserves of stolen chakra, his steaming flesh began to rapidly regrow where it was damaged. He grinned at the three masked ninja.
"Tell me, am I next to Itachi in your bingo book?"
There was no answer and a lightning jutsu struck at Kisame then. Huge and white and it sucked the air from the ground. He let it strike along Samehada, most of it was absorbed and channeled along the sword's scales, with the rest of the lightning shocking off into something behind him.
He felt Samehada purr. Or perhaps it was more like a stomach growling. As the leaf ninja stared in disbelief, he smashed the sword into someone's body, the shock traveled up his arms, and the exhilaration of combat flooded him.
He quickly dispatched the other two ninja with crushing strikes from his sword. Then the dog sprung at him. Dogs were not pets in the Mist. He grabbed the beast by its forelegs and winched them apart.
One, two, three, dog, down. Done.
He stepped forward to the bodies to make sure the job was finished, but his limbs didn't obey him. He looked down, an ink black shadow had reached to his foot, and somehow he could not move. One of the crumpled men he'd thought dead had wielded a shadow like a tentacle. He tried to budge his leg,
Kisame struggled against the bind. He could move slightly. A few more seconds of fighting and he would break free. He stared inevitable death at the man, and Kisame did not smile.
At that moment a shape, small and angular, inspective and fearless as a crow beside a carcass, appeared beside the crumpled Anbu. The Anbu's head turned to regard the sudden darkness over his shoulder.
Well? Kisame wondered of his partner. What will you do?
Itachi's red eyes looked deeply into the mask. Kisame could not know what nightmare was shared. But what he did see was Itachi's kunai strike. The tentacle around Kisame's leg uncoiled, and the fight was over.
Kisame wondered what summoned the assailants. Like a bird Itachi was so visually focused. Last night he had allowed for no fires, no loud noises. But as fine as his sharingan was, it could never see a scent. From their skirmish hours before, the boy smelled like a bloodbath. And Kisame, feeling responsible, knew that he should have been wiser.
Itachi stepped to each of the three corpses and lifted their painted masks. He stared into their faces.
"No member of the Leaf's two ninja hound clans are among these dead," the former Leaf ninja said.
Kisame's eyes slid suspiciously to the surrounding forest. So, their main course was elsewhere.
Then Itachi placed the masks back on. To face the afterworld as they lived, he supposed. The sanctity of a human body never really mattered to Kisame. Dead meat was dead meat. He accepted none of the people in this clearing, alive or not, would ever receive a proper funeral.
Itachi parsed signs and raised a hand. Dozen of crows and ravens and hulking raptors bigger than cats arrived from somewhere. The birds were fearsome, but lightweights by nature, and Kisame wondered what a bird did with a human pelvis.
"You know what doesn't leave bones?" Kisame suggested.
Itachi's expression did not change.
Icy Itachi looked at his expectant wards and then at Kisame. "Leave them the hound."
Kisame lifted the human bodies and threw them into the river, and summoned four freshwater tolerant sharks. At a scarcely perceptible twitch of Itachi's finger the obedient ravens plunged. His bull sharks needed no such instruction, and when one did not not focus closely, the splashing sounded peaceable in comparison. The ravens, social and hierarchical, argued noisily with each other over the best positions. With a businesslike demeanor, the two ninja turned their backs to the clamor of devouring.
"The Leaf will have sent a second jounin squad after us. I will reroute them," Itachi said.
Itachi intended to bait an informed jounin team alone, in his condition, and probably half his unimpressive chakra with a shadow clone.
Kisame smiled. "Still slightly suicidal, I see."
"I expect no problems."
"Are you gonna say something to me about last night? Or are you just gonna let it fester?" Kisame said.
Itachi's eyes were sharp. "Do you want me to apologize for attempting suicide? Or for abusing you?"
"I want you to acknowledge that you looked into my head, revived my dead-sister's dead-kid, impregnated her, and stabbed her through the spine. To try to get me to kill you, because you decided that you can't cope with the fact that you're a killer. Have I got that right?"
Itachi continued aloofly. "I am different from all of you. Senseless killing bothers me deeply."
"You are so elitist. You think I wasn't bothered by it? You think when I was a boy, I wanted this?" Kisame gestured at himself, huge and beastly and covered in scars.
Itachi was midstride, but he stopped at Kisame's words. Kisame continued menacingly.
"I grew up in the Blood-Mist Village. I was younger than you when I became a killer. I have no family, no purpose, and almost no friends. So what I want to know, Itachi, is why you don't accept it like the rest of us."
"I can deal with the fact that I'm a killer. What I could not accept last night, Kisame, is my continuing existence in the Akatsuki causing dozens of unnecessary deaths. But whatever. It doesn't matter- you were right anyway. Ending myself is not going to solve this problem. It must be fought directly."
"Directly?" Kisame repeated. The word insinuated rebellion. Wars were won with less manpower than that would require for a rebellion against the Akatsuki, and Kisame knew he was under orders to take Itachi out if he did so.
Wisely, Itachi did not elaborate. The dark haired young man looked somewhere and Kisame followed his gaze down. The dog was just a skeleton. The winged scavengers took the bones in their slender beaks and flew away with them.
"We must leave now," Itachi said.
Kisame stepped onto the now-still water to hide his tracks and scent. He showed the scroll between his knuckles. "I'll start Kakuzu's other mission," he said gruffly.
Only a few wind-trembling feathers testified what happened at the scene, and the two ninja vanished with the wind that scattered them.
—Uchiha Itachi—
Itachi broke a twig between his fingers. In this moist climate, a twig would not have snapped naturally. The Anbu would halt to discuss the stick for a few precious moments and come to the same conclusion. Animals could leave smears in the moss. But only ninja leave decoys. Even if they did not have a second dog, they would know it was him.
But these Anbu would have another dog. No Inuzuka had been among the dead. No Hatake had been among the dead...
Ninja who abandon the rules are scum. But ninja who abandon their comrades are worse than scum.
Itachi thought he had embodied the persona of cold parricide. Apparently not. His ruse of coldness had been translucent as ocean water. Strange round, silver and black eyes regarded him from his memory:
You might just be the only friend I've ever had.
He had been cruel to manipulate his partner last night. Kisame had been uncomfortable fighting him, even as easy as Itachi planned to make it. He would find Kisame and apologize properly for his manipulative attempt. Maybe he could convince him to spare some of the bandits, Kisame probably would probably kill most of them if he did not interfere. Itachi hated these Akatsuki kill missions: Kakuzu, Pain, could just try and punish him for leaving some people alive after the goal was achieved. Kisame was right. Death would not solve the problem of Itachi's existence; he would have to think his way out.
That was far enough to cost the Anbu the necessary time. He parsed signs for a shadow clone, and his double unceremoniously continued forward. Last he tested, he could be separate from his clone for two kilometers before it disappeared. The real Itachi jumped some twenty meters to the water, expecting that if he did not touch solid matter, his scent would vanish in seconds in the air.
But he was not sure. He did not see his world through scent. He threw a final glance towards the past, towards the Anbu, towards his old captain Kakashi, then ignited his sharingan and focused on the way before him. Now, to track Kisame.
—Hoshigaki Kisame—
Kisame lowered the hand-drawn map and stared at the island that filled its place on the horizon. It was a fine little place for a bandit camp.
He stepped across the ocean water to where the stolen wooden skiffs crowded the island's white sand shore. He found the cave entrance by smell. Men: those lazy brutes had taken to pissing where they ate.
He walked into the tunnel. It would be inconvenient to swing Samehada in such a small place, but he did not expect the bandits would want to stay there long. Someone saw him and asked him a question. Kisame shoved their head into the wall and kept walking deeper into the cave. The scroll's task had been to 'eliminate the bandit threat,' and he would do that in the way he decided most enjoyable and convenient.
Two bigshots argued in the common area, surrounded by lower members. The two leaders raised swords at him, but he twisted their arms around, and thrust one into the blade of the other. Then the screams started. He threw the trembling survivor to the ground and stepped on his neck. A surrounding man threw a knife, Kisame returned it.
A woman called her comrades to flee. The remaining members streamed around him, out of the cave, down the beach, and Kisame stalked after the prey unhurriedly. They untethered their rowboats and launched them into the waves, running astride their vessels, tossing oars to each other.
He wet his feet in the surf and shed his robe on the beach. A grin slit his lips. He parsed a few signs and a water dragon overturned the skiffs and spilled their human cargo into the sea. He let Samehada's spiked pommel embed in the skin of his palm. What a terrible day to be a pirate, he thought as the cool tide sloshed against his now-sandpaper hide.
He smashed a skiff with a whip of his tail. The electricity in his snout fired ablaze, they were so alive, so frantic, so afraid. This prey was small, a tenth of his weight, almost small enough to swallow whole. Their tender bones waned and crunched in his jaws. He'd bite, tear, release when the muscles flexed limp, and bite the next thing that moved. The blood was intoxicating, heavy, arousing. The meat in his mouth did not taste bad.
He pictured Itachi. The cruel face he made last night shined in his mind's eye. With his grinning teeth and the weasel look in his bloodthirsty, fight-hungry eyes. Bring out Samehada!
An impulse occurred to him. He had not done that before. But that did not mean he could not start. He was frightfully hungry. A chemical of frenzied excitement flooded his brain, no longer fully human, at the prospect.
He identified a target. He sank into the depths for a pregnant moment. Then he snapped the red-muscled braided whip of his tail, shot dart-fast towards the surface, and a second before he breached, yawned wide a razored chasm of death.
Kisame staggered human out of the waves. He descended from the fogging rausch, the tremendous high. His hands trembled from ecstasy, from shock, from disbelief.
An uncomfortable feeling plagued him. It was the first time in fifteen years that he felt it. Not quite fear, not quite cold, but it gripped him around the chest like those. It was the unfamiliar realization that, maybe, he had done something wicked.
He swung Samehada off his body and flung it viciously against a palm tree, and he leered at it with shark teeth bared.
"Look what you made me do!"
The words felt hollow when they became reality. He knew better than to decry an object. It was not Samehada's fault, it was not Itachi's fault. The deed had been his alone. He knew not which god to pray to forgiveness, or demon for sanctuary.
"Holy Buddha, Amaterasu, Susanoo, fuck it, Jashin, anybody."
He knelt on the sand.
"Why did I do that?"
Kisame's gods, as always, remained silent.
Looking at the familiarity of his own limbs made him want to retch, but he knew retching would not absolve his sin. He did not know the physics of it. If he ate something big, and then he shrank back down to normal size. But he felt gorged and sick and he could not bear the thought of eating. He could not bear the thought of meat, of flesh. Of muscles pulling under skin, of intricate ligaments gently meshed to slippery bones... He looked away from his own body and towards the ocean horizon.
He did not indulge in the sleep his exhausted body craved. He sat on the beach, feeling strangely nervous. He let the surf wash coolly over him, but it brought little relief. Something brushed by his hand on a wave. He feared what it could be. He held it in front of his face to eclipse the setting sun, but it was just a harmless abalone sea shell, and the iridescent mother-of-pearl material glittered gently like mica in his hand.
He stood up from the surf and took Samehada off the tree. The moment he did, he was blasted with the instrument's chakra sensing ability. Itachi was tracking him, and a shock of unease probed him: he did not want to see Itachi right now.
Water crested around his ankles. He rubbed the smooth abalone shard with his thumb like a netsuke. He felt the sharingan-wielder nearing and decided it would be too much effort to evade him.
"Hey." A pause. "Bandits are taken care of?"
"Do we have bodies to dispose of?"
Itachi had speared two fish next to a burning, salt-blue piece of driftwood. "You want some?"
"I'm not hungry."
Itachi's vivisecting black eyes probed him. Or maybe it was just a normal look. Kisame feared what he could see with those eyes, if he could read inside his mind, and pluck his nightmares into reality, like he had with Akaei.
Itachi waved his hand. "Come sit by me."
Kisame sat by him.
"Kisame, I'm sorry I attacked you last night. I thought a world minus me was for the best."
"Itachi, the day men like you are the bad ones, is the day this world has gone to shit," he said.
"I manipulated you, and I terrorized you, and I tried to kill myself. Do you forgive me?"
"Yeah. But do it again, I'll..." bite you in half, he would have said to someone else, sometime else, but he found his usual bravado unappetizing. "Don't do it again."
"Thank you, Kisame."
Itachi ate alone, neatly and quietly. Kisame stared at the abalone shard and stroked it between his thumb and finger. It was smooth and flat and not quite triangular, like a tooth, or maybe a teardrop.
"I did something I regret today, Itachi," Kisame eventually said.
Itachi looked over the moon-streaked water. "At times it's hard to live with our crimes. But we need to understand that we are worthy of our own acceptance."
Did he know? Maybe. Maybe those eyes saw every thought Kisame had ever thought. But Itachi did not grasp the crux of the incident that troubled Kisame.
"It felt good."
Now Itachi understood the severity of the problem. The young man bridged his hands before his nose and closed his eyes, and stayed quiet. Somehow Itachi's recognition sobered Kisame.
"I understand if you want to spend a few days away from me, or want to leave altogether," Kisame said.
"If you're sorry, I'll forgive you."
Kisame raised a calm eyebrow, looking down at his sea shell. This was different from Itachi's crime. "I'm not sure this is yours to forgive."
"Then, I accept you."
He contemplated the sentiment. Unlike forgiveness, acceptance invoked no debt, no guilt, and nothing to prove. There was nothing about it he could interpret as ingenuine or undeserved. It was merely a validation of his existence. He did not ask for forgiveness, or was so forward as to say he deserved it. Acceptance… Kisame liked that.
Itachi's eyes slid to the object in Kisame's upturned palm. "What is that?"
"It's an abalone shell." He passed it to his partner.
Itachi's eyes flashed red for a second and he smiled small. "It's beautiful. It has many unique colors, ones humans cannot even see. What kind of animal lived in it?"
"An abalone is a big, ugly, sea snail the size of a rat that eats slime."
"The universe is wise, how even such a wretched creature must not stay ugly at its core, is it not?"
"You can have it if you want," Kisame said. Itachi was a small, pretty man who seemed to like small, pretty things.
Itachi handed it back. "I think you'd better keep it."
He turned the silvery rainbow shard around in his palm. Yes. He would keep it, to remind him of the stupid, ugly, scum-eating, ocean creature that Itachi decided was still beautiful. He was glad Itachi found him this night. He would be miserable alone. The two ninja sat before the glow of the salt-blue flames, and stared up at the thick belt of stars.
"If you're not a bad person, and you've hated killing in the Akatsuki the whole time, why did you decide after this mission to off yourself?" Kisame asked.
"Utilitarian ethics. I had a goal, but I realized that fewer people will die if I was dead."
"Avoiding physical trauma… it might not be the most ethical thing, you know," Kisame said.
Itachi gave him a doubting look. He was starting to not be terrible at reading Itachi's expressions.
"Have you ever thought about what makes you happy?"
"Rarely," Itachi said.
"Maybe this eye of the moon scheme can make the world a better place for people like us," Kisame said.
Kisame noted Itachi's flinch. Of course Itachi would know, he and their leader were related, after all, but it was a privilege for Kisame to know the secret of the Akatsuki's true plan, the Eye of the Moon.
The Uchiha looked at him intensely. "You know the truth."
"That our leader is Uchiha Madara? Yes. He recruited me personally," Kisame said.
"Even I… was not strong enough to kill the Uchiha clan alone. Madara helped me do it."
Itachi's lips were uncharacteristically loose, and Kisame, always a hunter, identified when to act. "History paints Madara as a fanatic for his clan. Why would he cull his own legacy?"
"Some sixty years ago, Madara thought the Uchiha betrayed him when we wanted peace alongside the Senju."
"Then maybe it makes sense for him to kill his clan. But you… I can't explain why you'd do it."
The silence hung. Itachi did not relieve it with an explanation. Kisame's luck had run out and Itachi returned taciturn.
Kisame looked around. It was well into the night. Itachi probably did not like this exposed beach for a campsite. "Where should we sleep?"
Itachi signaled their departure by standing. "I noted a possibility on my way."
Kisame looked out into the blackness. "You can see in this?"
Red eyes gleamed. "Moderately."
Kisame took a torch from the fire for himself, washed the evidence into the waves, and followed Itachi.
With the starfield and ocean on his left, Kisame followed the small swift shadow through the dark hemisphere along the rocky coast. Itachi sprang down the sharp rocks with the same limberness of the Leaf Anbu, and he realized the boy had spent his formative years among their ranks. Kisame felt somewhat clumsier, hindered by the dark and a torch. They found themselves in a tidal cave which overlooked the sea, with shallow tide pools on its sharp floor. He peered into one: an octopus wilted into the cracks at his face.
"Need we be concerned about the tide?" Itachi asked him.
Kisame noted the lack of algae on the wall and the height of the moon. "No."
Itachi leaned his back against the sharp wall and let his legs sink. Kisame doused his torch in an unoccupied tidepool. With the moonlight that reflected in flashing tortoise-shells from the ocean, he could see the silver edge of Itachi's short, angular face.
Itachi stared at him for a moment, as if deciding to say something. He said, "Good night, Kisame."
Kisame was caught off guard. But he too formed his lips around the strange words. "Good night, Itachi."
Itachi closed his eyes and Kisame leaned himself on the wall opposite him. But now Kisame was watchful, and for a while he stayed awake to the sounds of waves. Comforting, hollow sounds, that like the breaths of ghosts, reminded him of a home that no longer existed.
Author's Note:
Thanks for reading!
I am looking for a new Beta for this story. If you are 18+ and might be interested in looking over this story with me for style and plot, please write me a message. I'd love to have a partner to make this piece as strong as it can be. Thanks!
And if you like reading this, please do let me know your thoughts!
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veilder · 3 years
Hi! Would you happen to have Convin or Reed900 fics to recommend?
Oh, hello! I can definitely help you with Convin fic recs at least, lol! Reed900, not so much, but there are plenty of blogs around that you could ask for that ship. ^_^ But yeah, I’ll try to categorize these as best I can! And give a little summary, too! :D
Longfics 75k+ (Complete)
1. Mission: Unexpected by J11nxed (@j11nxed) Rated E (violence, sexual content, language, abuse): Super great casefic with lots of amazing character development. Very funny. Probably my favorite characterization of Connor and Gavin, lol. The fic I read when I’m feeling down. ^_^
2. Golden by jarpad (@embaggins on Twitter) Rated M (dark themes, mature content, allusions to self-harm/suicide, mental health issues, language): An absolutely beautiful story of healing and overcoming your demons handled in a very respectful manner. The subject matter is very thought provoking and it brought me to tears, both cathartic and not, more than once. It’s a heavy story, but... So worth it, imo.
3. like roses, death blooms by alekszova (@ewates) Rated M (violence, rape, torture, abuse, mental health issues): A very, very dark revenge fic. Definitely the darkest one on this list. If you like heavy angst, this might be for you, though please heed the tags. A lot of this story is about the aftermath of horrific events but there are still some very brutal scenes.
Mid-length fics 20k-75k (Complete)
1. Running Uphill by NHMoonshadow (@sharysisnhmoonshadow) Rated M (violence, peril, language): The ultimate time travel soulmate AU fic imo. Absolutely top tier Gavin characterization and development. Rich backstories and relationships. Definitely some trauma, omg. But ultimately, a happy ending. Definitely a must-read for any Convin fan imo.
2. Traces by berryblonde (@berry--blonde) Rated M (language, peril, minor suicidal ideation): One of the first long fics I ever read for this ship and still one of my faves. Excellent casefic setup, very interesting premise and some very dynamic characters. Also, really A+ backstory for Gavin. This is basically a classic for anyone who wasn’t around in the early days of fandom. Highly recommend!
3. His Robin by wolfetz Rated T (drama, language): Absolutely fantastic coming of age story set in a human!AU world. Really great character work for both Connor and Gavin and their relationship through the years. Love this one.
4. A Scratched CD/A Faulty Code by consecrated Rated T (mental health issues, language): Companion pieces told from Gavin and Connor’s POVs respectively. These were also very early fics I read when I was first getting into the fandom and I love them both dearly. The characterization here went a long way towards me loving the ship to begin with. A great intro to Convin.
5. That Boy is a Powder Keg by QueenHarleyQuinn Not Rated (language, violence, mature content, mental health issues): One of the most realistic takes on Gavin going from his canon asshole self to someone who could feasibly be in a relationship with Connor. I’m definitely due to re-read this cuz I can’t quite remember the details anymore, but I know I really enjoyed this at the time. Good for anyone who likes a more antagonistic take on him.
Shortfics/Oneshots (~20k)
1.  Sedum Spathulifolium by Burrahobbit Rated T (language): This fic... is so dang sweet. I’ve read it so many times. It’s absolutely adorable, what can I say? Love their dynamic here. ^_^
2. Always know that you are not alone by Liveinelf Rated T (language, drama): Another fantastic take on Gavin and his growth as a character. He starts off very close to canon here and is one mean asshole. But this fic does a great job of explaining why he acts as he does. And how he changes. Highly recommend.
3. Some things never change by berryblonde Rated T (language): An absolutely hilarious fic, lol. The view of Convin through the eyes of some rookie trainees, omg. It makes me laugh so much. XD
4. Mankind Needs More Empathy by BrightestStarInTheSky  (@brighteststarinthesky) Rated T (language, drama): Some good old-fashioned Gavin-getting-his-head-out-of-his-ass, lol. I love fics like this. Need a good basis to start a relationship, after all. Apologies are in order. ^_^
5. as i see them by rekal Rated T (language, drama): Same as the previous entry, this one deals with Gavin’s character growth and how he and Connor grow closer in the aftermath. It’s lovely.
6. Sweet/Wise men say... by 99MillionMiles (@99millionmilesaway) Not Rated: Two short, sweet fluff pieces that absolutely delight me every time I reread them. And as a bonus, some beautiful art by @deep-in-mind67, too!
7. Melted Phoenix by Astrapod Rated M (violence, trauma, mental health issues, mutilation, peril): This one... This is a heavy fic. It starts off with a very harrowing description of android violence that might be too much for some folks to handle. Proceed with caution. But, if you can weather that, this is an absolutely beautiful fic about love and healing. Definitely recommend.
8. So Pathetic and So Lovely by alekszova Rated M (language, drama, mental health issues, mature themes): I think the fic’s description speaks for itself here: “ Neither Gavin or Connor think they are capable of being loved by the other, but that doesn't mean it's true.” Definitely worth a read.
9. An unexpected turn of events by Smokey310 Rated T (language): This one is freakin hilarious. Connor and Gavin and a night out at the club, omg. I love this fic to death. XD
10. As Do I by berryblonde Rated T (drama): A human!AU where your soulmate can feel the injuries of their other half. It’s the story of a lifetime together. All the way til the end.
11. because the bed’s warm and it’s cold out by voidpants (@voidpants) Rated G (no warnings): Connor and Gavin being old men together. It’s beautiful. Such a lovely take on the two of them.
Unfinished Fics/Honorable Mentions
1. Spinning Yellow by sheepishwolfy (@sheepishwolfy) Rated E (violence, language, mature themes): Amazing casefic with top-tier characterization. What’s written of it is still amazing, even if it’s not complete.
2. Amidst a Crash of Worlds by fireplanetz Rated T (violence, mature themes, war, language): A fic told entirely through letters between Connor and Gavin in the aftermath of the bad ending of the game. It’s such an awesome idea and it’s executed so well. Definitely recommend. 
3. The Bet by Pence Rated T (language): Brooklyn 99-inspired DPD shenanigans. Need I say more? It’s so funny and I love the characterization of Connor and Gavin. Mostly finished, too! Just the final chapter missing!
4. Wicked by MercuryPilgrim Rated M (language, mature content): I love this one. It’s such a unique take on Connor and Gavin and it works so well, too. They are delightful here. Love the dynamic!
5. (can’t say) i don’t love you by Chibbers (@teh-chibi) Rated M (language, drama, sexual content): An angsty hanahaki!AU fic where these two idiots don’t realize they’re in love with each other. Really great writing here. Very emotional. Made me feel a lot.
And I guess I should mention that I have fics of my own, too, about half of which are Convin? You can check them out on my AO3 here! ^_^
So yeah, there we go. Those are really all I can think of off the top of my head. I know I missed some amazing works, too, alas. But at least this can give you a good start, yeah? Hope this helps @pancrystal! And thanks again for the ask! :D (Also, if I messed up any of the link or if there’re any glaring typos, lemme know. This was a lot of janky, Tumblr formatting, omg. >_<)
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voiceswithoutlips · 3 years
Calico - Chapter Three
— pairing: Hybrid ot7 x Human Reader (Female) — genre: hybrid AU , fluff, angst, slow burn (like real slow), eventual smut — word count: 1.8K — Rating: M — warnings: trauma, mention of past abuse.
Click for Tag List
— chapter summary:
Y/N runs a animal shelter, Calico was built on a simple principle, to help those who were in need. What will Y/N do when her sanctuary is threatened by an unexpected hybrid?
— A/N: This is going to be a series, I’m just getting back to writing, so I’d really appreciate your input and feedback <3
Ch. 1  Ch. 2 Ch. 3.5  Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6
Tumblr media
Yeah, you fucking with some wet-ass pussy
Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass pussy
I woke up to WAP blazing through the house at eight in the morning. That was the moment I knew I was going to kill Jason. Well, not literally, but there will be payback. 
It was Monday, my favorite day of the week. Mondays have such a bad reputation for absolutely no reason. Personally, I liked a good Monday, it was the day when I organized the rest of my week. In case you are wondering, yes, I’m a nerd and the sight of stationary makes me drool. I got ready quickly, I had planned lunch with Song Hwa today, and after that DOBBY WAS FREE! 
“JASON,” I screamed as I stumbled into the kitchen, “you are so dead.” 
“Nah, you love me too much!” He laughed. How dare he! 
“Who told you that? Just you wait, one of these days I’m going to disown you, you brat!” 
Jungkook was sitting at the table eating cereal Jason must’ve gotten him. At least one of us was functional. I could barely take care of myself. Jungkook had gotten a bit more comfortable with us over the past week. The first two days he had stuck to his room but then I introduced him to our PS4 and he was hooked. The kid was a natural. He was wearing Jason’s clothes that were a size too small on him. His eyes widened at my murderous declaration. He was so cute.
“Don’t worry bunny, I won’t kill him ...yet,” I narrowed my eyes at Jason. I still couldn’t understand how we ended up becoming friends. Jason and I were always at each other’s throat when we were in college. Not a day went by without us going head to head, don’t even get me started on the mountain of assignments that we had to do as a punishment for disturbing the peace. 
“I’m going out today, do you want to come to the town with me? We could get you some new clothes, and maybe some ice cream, we are running dangerously low,” I asked while sipping on some overly sweet coffee. I mean, I could buy clothes for him but first, I had no idea what his size was, and second I had no idea what his style was. I myself was a walking fashion disaster, if it was socially acceptable I’d wear pajamas every day, to every event but alas! This world is cruel to those who can’t match their clothes. 
Jungkook nodded his approval and after our not-so-filling breakfast we left. It was a 2 hour ride to Seoul and on the way I pointed out landmarks in case Jungkook ever wanted to go out on his own. I made a mental note to teach him how to drive. The aircon was on full blast, it was summer, the grumpiest of all seasons. 
I was wearing black sneakers, black jeans and a black hoodie like a goth pauper. Jungkook was wearing Jason’s oversized hoodie and jeans, a size smaller, that hugged his lower body like a second skin, I had to constantly remind myself to keep my eyes on the road. Hey, I hadn’t gotten laid in months, not that I’d ever look at Jungkook that way, he was just a kid, even if he had the body of a Greek god. 
“Here we are, bunny, you gotta follow some safety guidelines okay?” I said as I parked in front of the mall. 
He nodded. I wondered when he was going to start talking comfortably. Was he just shy or scared? Or both?
“First, don’t go anywhere alone, stay in my sight. I don’t want to lose you. And second, let’s hide your adorable ears,” I leaned over and pulled the hood over his head. He blushed, I almost cooed at him, why was he so cute. Be still my heart!
“If it gets too scary, just hold my hand, okay?” I said as we walked in through the doors. It was a good day to go shopping, there weren’t as many people on a weekday. “Go on, you can buy whatever you want, I’ll follow you around,” I grinned, his eyes were darting around from shop to shop.
“Can I?” he asked nervously. 
“Of course honey,” I encouraged patting his head. 
We spent the next two hours going from store to store. Jungkook was hesitant at first but after he realized that I had meant what I said he got excited. He’d take something off the shelf and run over to show me, he did that with every single thing that we bought. I was having the time of my life looking at him having fun, he was like a kid in a candy store. I wondered how excited he’d be if I actually took him to a candy store, I mentally added it to my to-do list. 
He was still non-verbal, which was making me worry. Was he uncomfortable with talking? Was he nervous, scared? I kept wondering. The only times that he had spoken, his voice was small and unsure, as if the words he was saying held the weight of the world. 
We ended up being late for the meeting with Song Hwa. The shopping bags barely fit in the trunk but somehow we achieved the unachievable. She had called me in to talk about Jungkook’s case, she had done some research and she insisted on talking in person. It worked for me though, that meant I could take the day off and relax. 
Song Hwa’s office was in one of those big commercial complexes. We had her on retainer but she worked for one of the biggest law firms in the country. Jungkook grabbed my hand as soon as I opened the office door. He was sniffing the air furiously, fear on his face. I peeked through the little crack that I had opened. There was a man sitting across from my favorite lawyer. I had seen him around Song Hwa’s firm, he was one of her colleagues. I had no idea why Jungkook was afraid of him, he seemed perfectly normal to me, but then again I didn’t have superhuman abilities unlike my bunny. 
His voice got closer and the door opened. As usual, my brain stopped working. I grabbed Jungkook’s neck and pulled his head on my shoulder to hide his face. Song Hwa and the man stepped out of the office and looked at us as if we had sprouted a fifth head. It must’ve been a sight, us holding hands and Jungkook’s face buried in my neck. I just looked at Song Hwa who made some excuse to the man in the beige suit to get him to leave. I was too embarrassed to register what she had said. 
“Is he gone?” I whispered, before Song Hwa could answer, Jungkook nodded in my neck. I stepped away from him, still holding his hand. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” another nod. He was redder than a tomato, I guess he was twice as embarrassed. 
“What the fuck?” Song Hwa’s expression matched her question. I sighed. I told her what happened as we sat down in her office. 
“His name is Brian, he is a sleazebag and a coward. I wouldn’t worry about him,” Song Hwa reassured Jungkook. I didn’t like it, I could see how scared and uncomfortable Jungkook was. He hadn’t let go of my hand and he was clutching it as if his life depended on it. We ended up leaving her office and going to a nearby restaurant for lunch. It was well past noon and I was starving, I’d bet my Bleach collection that Jungkook was starving to. I was used to skipping meals and starving until I got a hunger headache but I couldn’t do that to him. I sucked at taking care of people. 
“Here,” Song Hwa handed me a newspaper while I was stuffing some fries in my mouth. She had highlighted a small article, just a paragraph not worthy of front page news. It was about a stolen lab equipment from an Apexi lab. There was no mention of a hybrid. 
“Please tell me this is good news,” I said through clenched teeth. Even though I knew it was terrible news, I could always hope. A multinational pharmaceutical company doesn’t just hide the fact that their lab animals were stolen along with a hybrid and their research destroyed. Unless it was something big. 
“It's not and you know that,” Song Hwa had terrible bedside manners. 
“Let’s talk about this tomorrow, today we feast!” I tried to sound enthusiastic but I failed terribly. Worrying about it would only ruin the rest of the day, not like I could do anything about it at the moment so I decided to ignore the screaming voice in my head and focus on the delicious meal that had suddenly turned bland. 
Jungkook had fallen asleep on our way back. His head was resting on the back of the seat, eyes closed, soft lips slightly parted. Every time he scrunched his nose my heart made cooing noises. How was he even more adorable when he slept, I could watch him for hours. His hair was covering his forehead, I had forgotten about his haircut. I wondered if they were as soft as they looked. I lightly ran my fingers through his hair, yep, his hair was super soft. I felt like a stalker so I mentally shook myself and focused on the road. 
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benvskylo · 3 years
Hey, I was wondering if you knew of a reylo multi chapter fic set in the Harry Potter universe. I stumbled upon one and from what I remember the summary started with Rey being sorted into Gryffindor and I think it was 17 chapters but idk?! I thought I had booked marked it but I guess I didn’t :( also thank you sm for the regency/Victorian AU list 🥺💜
Harry Potter/Hogwarts AUs are one of my favorites. Growing up I actually was not much of a Star Wars fan, I come from a big Harry Potter loving household. This AU is the easiest for me to picture in my head while I’m reading just cause I know so much about that universe. So yes, I DO have some to recommend, and I also have several works in progress sitting in my ‘marked for later’. The one you mentioned MIGHT be the second one on this list, but if not I hope you enjoy these either way!
Includes title with link, rating, chapter and word count, and an intro. Favorite has a 🦋
Only one more year Rated E/ 34 chapters, 180k words/ Ravenclaw Ben Solo is looking forward to a quiet 7th and final year at Hogwarts. Then comes the Triwizard Tournament, and with it the pretty Beauxbatons champion comes crashing into his life. (I’ll just tell you right now, this one is my favorite out of all of these😅)🦋
Rey and her terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year Rated T/ 17 chapters, 52k words/ Rey just wants to have a good school year. Then the Triwizard Tournament comes to town and turns everything upside down, including her feud with Slytherin Ben Solo, who she hates. She still hates him, right?
Sixth Year Rated M/ 35 chapters, 107k words/ Sixth year was supposed to be great for Rey. She’s a prefect AND Ravenclaw seeker. Then she’s paired with Slytherin Ben, BFF to her mortal enemy, for potions and astronomy.
Nominis Rated E/ 8 chapters, 26k words/ 6th year Rey and 7th year Ben are paired together for Occlumency training training in DADA. Now they’re weirdly connected to each other. (Or: the force bond, Wizarding World style)
These last two take place after they’re done with school
When I look at you Rated M/ 3 chapters, 19k words/ Rey met Ben Solo once, when she was a 5th year and he a 7th year. When they meet again years later, things are very different. (This has a super open ending, btw)
In the name of magic (series) Rated E/ 20 chapters total, 88k words/ Rey returns to Hogwarts as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. She can’t stand the potions master and former death eater Kylo Ren. But then they’re both put in charge of detention.
If you’re looking for a specific genre of fic, check out this post!
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5uptic · 3 years
crewfu: fanfic spotlight :)
Angel of Life, Bringer of Death by woofles1990 (5up/Steve, teen rating, gen | 377 words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: Steve and Dk just wanted to explore a dungeon. That's all they wanted! A certain angel clearly had other plans.
flashover by Anonymous (Apollo & 5up, teen rating, gen | 853 words)
Summary: n. the moment a conversation becomes real and alive, which occurs when a spark of trust shorts out the delicate circuits you keep insulated under layers of irony, momentarily grounding the static emotional charge you've built up through decades of friction with the world. OR: it's pretty stupid to sleep on the tiles of a subway station, even though you are well aware you have a home. It's also quite embarrassing to have a friend pick you up from there.
Sparks Fly by Rocketro (5up/Fundy, gen rating, m/m | 863 words)
Summary: 5up and Fundy watch fireworks together.
you're holding back (shut up and dance with me) by lytriis (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 1.2k words)
Summary: 5up and steve dance.
what happens in Vegas by aphilologicalbatman (Apollo/Steve, explicit rating, m/m | 1.4k words)
Summary: "I'm pretty sure this is a bad idea, Steve." "Nah, this is a great idea, dude." (Or: the one where they hook up in Vegas.)
quiet when i'm coming home by homeward_bound (5up/Hafu/David, teen rating, gen & multi | 1.4k words)
Summary: 5up comes home from LA.
i could peel it for you by sweetlikesugr (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2k words)
Summary: One appletini at a time, 5up ponders about oranges, buttons and celestial bodies.
from blossoms by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2k words)
Summary: “O, to take what we love inside, to carry within us an orchard, to eat not only the skin, but the shade, not only the sugar, but the days, to hold the fruit in our hands, adore it, then bite into the round jubilance of peach. There are days we live as if death were nowhere in the background; from joy to joy to joy, from wing to wing, from blossom to blossom to impossible blossom, to sweet impossible blossom.” -Li-Young Lee, From Blossoms
you think that i'm foolish now by amsves (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.1k words)
Summary: “Is everything okay?” That’s a stupid question and Steve knows it. If everything was okay, Five wouldn’t be randomly appearing at his hotel room at—Steve checks his phone—2:37 in the morning. Their group had split up for the night a few hours ago, uncharacteristically early for them, but Five had had plans to talk to—
Like you wouldn't notice by Anonymous (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.1k words)
Summary: Apollo is having feelings, so he pushes them down and hopes Steve doesn't notice. Avoiding Steve was never going to end well. "From that moment on, Apollo becomes hyper-aware of all things Steve. The way his long leg touches his, hip-to-knee, in the bar booth when they're drinking overpriced cocktails."
Vegas Lights by amethystvxidwalker (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.3k words)
Summary: “You were planning on actually swimming with me, right?” Steve faced him, brown eyes and dopey grin almost making Five swoon. He forced himself to focus on Steve’s face rather than the black ink above his hip, small, blocky text that read ‘SUGR?’ because of course it did.
ice-cream-covered screaming hyperactive thought by cj__writes (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 2.5k words)
Summary: Apollo isn’t sure when, exactly, he fell in love with Steve. Maybe, just maybe, he thinks, he never really fell. Maybe, he’s been falling. He’s still falling.
u spilled orange on u by SmearedWords (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 3.1k words)
Summary: Five times Dumbdog thinks Steve is illegally attractive and the one time he tries to admit that to him. Keyword: tries.
My love is the evening breeze touching your skin by tumtummeke (Apollo & Steve, general rating, gen | 5.2k words)
Summary: Steve's love language is physical touch. Dumbdog's is... not that. A day at the beach with Steve and Dumbdog (and background crewfu), told in five touches.
be like the love that discovered sin by Qupid (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 5.6k words)
Summary: It’s annoying because Apollo even left for work a whole hour early today, which should be enough time to get to his shitty office job like everyone else on the train, but unlike everyone else, Apollo also has a second job. Which leads to the last reason why Apollo is having a bad day: being pinned under an overturned car while a villain monologues at him. Well, that last reason isn’t really part of Apollo’s bad day, but sue him if he wants to include the misfortunes of his hero identity Dumbdog while listing the reasons for his bad mood. “I don’t have time for this, Suptic,” Apollo grits out, interrupting the villain’s monologue.
friends in this town by 5280ft (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 6.1k words)
Summary: Five only realizes he’s bitten his nails down to the quick when the sting of pain catches up to him. He’s probably overthinking. He just needs to talk to Hafu. That’s all. ...He doesn’t want to. He’s worried he will only hear an answer he’ll hate. Out back, putting off talking to his sister really gives Five a sense of deja vu. All he needs to complete the feeling is Steve. “You need to relax, man.” Speak of the devil.
this party's just another haunted house by cj__writes (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 7.7k words, chaptered WIP)
Summary: On December 31st, Apollo wakes up in his hotel in Vegas. The problem is, it's always December 31st.
call me by your name (i don't know that's pretty gay) by Qupid (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 10k words)
Summary: “Oh!” The human suddenly exclaimed, “You probably want my name!” Five had no interest in holding the power of a name over a human, it always seemed more trouble than it was worth, “Not particu-” “I’m Steve! It’s a pleasure to meet someone as cute as you.” The human, Steve, interrupted before 5up could finish. 5up’s eyes widened as he felt the power of gaining a name rush through him.  It was intoxicating and he could see why some fae would frequently come to the human realm just to trick humans into giving up their names. Five hadn’t needed to trick Steve, the man had given up his name freely and Five couldn’t believe how goddamn stupid he was to do it. “Ohhhh my god you’re an idiot.”
you'll hear me howling outside your door by Qupid (Apollo/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 22.2k words)
Summary: Something warm blew against Steve’s face and, distantly, he heard a high pitched whine. A nudge, and when Steve ignored it, a more insistent push had him opening his eyes to the face of a wolf mere inches from his own. Steve laughed. How delightful!  He was hallucinating animals now. The wolf’s fur looked bright to him, but even with as dark as it was Steve could tell it wasn’t white. Maybe it was more of a sandy color. Not that it mattered when all Steve could focus on was its piercing gaze and how its eyes seemed to bore into his soul. The wolf whined again and nudged Steve in the shoulder with its nose, making the man rear back when he realized that this might actually be a real wolf and not a hallucination at all.
kinda good for my love by sweetlikesugr (5up/Steve, teen rating, m/m | 44.7k words, chaptered)
Summary: 5up can’t really recall the exact moment when dares became his and Steve’s thing and he is not sure if he even wants to try - after all, why would you mess with something that feels so natural, that feels so right? Why not just let it take its course and see where it might lead them?
Also: mangoedges‘s 5up the human impostor collection!
Wait what is this: pretty straight to the point! i’ll regularly share crewfu-related fanfictions to this blog :)
How regularly is “regularly”?: great question! LOL. it depends on the flow of fanfics that get uploaded, which i do not have any control over, but i’m looking forward to do this twice a month. after all, it’s only me doing this and i often run on a tight schedule.
What’s the format like?:
[title of fic with link] by [author of the fic with link] ([main pairing(s)], [fic rating: eg, general rating], [relationship: eg, m/m] | [word count in k], [added prompt to specify if it’s complete or not])
Summary: [summary provided by the author. if it doesn’t have a summary, a “No summary” prompt will be put instead]
(What does WIP mean again?): Work In Progress :)
Why are you doing this?: from the beginning, my blog has hosted conversations about RPF (real people fiction) and crewfu pairings. this has evolved into people sending me updates about certain fics in the crewfu tags every now and then, but i wanna take the next step and just do these things myself. after all, i’m already lurking in the tags often to see the fics that get posted. as someone who is both a writer and a reader, i wanna appreciate fanfic writers and help out other people that want to read fanfic and consume more fandom content!
Will it be AO3 only?: well, ao3 has a very helpful tag system that makes finding fics incredibly easy, as well as allowing people with no accounts to like and comment on fics, so that’s the site i will personally look in for fanworks. but if there are any fics you’ve written or liked in any other platforms, such as wattpad, you can always contact me through my inbox (send an ask or a dm!), and i’ll make sure to include for the next fanfic spotlight :)
Does it mean you won’t reply to fic asks anymore?: yeah, i guess. since i’ll be doing the searching myself it seems counterproductive. but if i ever skip a fic or again, it’s in another platform, or you’ve posted/read the fic a while ago and you want to get more traction on it, hit me up and i’ll take it into consideration!
Will you read every single one of the fics on your list?: oh no. again, i run on a tight schedule, and also i have my own taste when it comes to fics. i won’t be reviewing fics or any of the sort, and my intention extends to simply sharing these fics to this page so people will have easier access to them :) that’s where ao3 tagging becomes SUPER useful!!!
So what’s the criteria for the way you’ll sort out the fics in your list?: word count, going from lowest to highest. in case of fics in other platforms, i guess i’ll put them at the top of the list. i’ll also be looking for fairly recent fics, so let me know if you want any old-ish fic to be included.
I see you talking mostly about 5up/Steve and Steve/Apollo. Can I still send/see other crewfu fics?: why yes absolutely! my goal is to push every fic which heavily features regular crewfu characters - 5uptic and supdog just happen to be very popular pairings. so, to give you a list: core 4 (5up, hafu, dk, steve), apollo, aipha, annie, janet, kimi, ellum, koji… you know the drill. it doesn’t have to be centered on a relationship, or about 5up in specific, etc. my only requirement is that any of the previously mentioned members are a central part of the fic or are HEAVILY featured in it (sorry, minecraft fics with 50+ tags who only mention 5up as an afterthought won’t make the cut :/).
Isn’t shipping Bad™?: well, it’s a little more nuanced than that. i will go out of my way to discourage and shame people who often violate CCs’ boundaries by acting like so and so has a crush on this person, or that this and that are Actually Into Each Other or secretly dating. any sort of tinhat bullshit is a big nono (think larries). but i run on the assumption that people who write rpf understand that what they’re doing is simply write a completely fictional story using real life personalities, and understand the boundaries necessary to do it - aka they’re not tinhats, they understand they can’t assume everything about CCs’ thoughts and personalities, they understand that what they’re writing is strictly fiction, they keep these works only in fandom circles, etc. (but again, it’s only one me doing this, so please be kind if i don’t happen to know that this person is Actually a tinhat or whatever).
show fic: NO. (seriously. i don’t feel comfortable putting my ao3 account out there. please respect my privacy on these trying times <3)
I REALLY don’t care about your rpf/fic talk: fair! i’ll be tagging every single one of these posts as “fanfic spotlight”, so just mute the tag using tumblr settings so you’ll never have to look at these! likewise, you can follow the tag if you want to keep up with it, or search it on my blog to look at the other entries you might have missed.
Hey, my fic is here and I don’t feel comfortable with it being shared over here: no problem! let me know as soon as you can and i’ll take it down <3
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write-orflight · 4 years
Songs to Play While Hunting a Killer: Chapter One
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*Gif not mine*
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Pairings: HotchxReader, Enemies to lovers
Rating: M
Words: 2.5K
Warnings: None right now, eventually will be smut
Summary: Y/N is a Bounty Hunter who always runs. Aaron is the Agent that stays behind, it was no mystery why they didn’t get along. When the two are called to revisit an old case together it’s no wonder old feelings revisit too.
AN: I’m taking some liberties with the reaper storyline but still keeping the basic crux of it. So please don’t attack me that it’s not exactly like the episodes I’m trying to fit it around the story. Message to be added to taglist! much love, Cia. 
        Chapter 1: Killer Queen by Queen 
You stopped at the motel first to check out and change. Opting for a black cropped t-shirt, skinny black jeans and as always your leather jacket. You put your bags in your car and head to the FBI headquarters. Queen blaring in your stereo and suddenly remembering why you hated driving in the city. You parked in the parking garage and put the top on Lou, figuring you’d be separated for a while. As you say your goodbyes, you hear a low whistle behind you.  
“Is that an 85 Miata?” The older gentleman asks. 
You smile. “Close, 1990. How are you doing, Rossi?”
The man looked confused for a second before the realization took hold. “Y/N?” You nod and the man is sweeping you in a hug. “Look at you, bella, you’ve grown. And changed styles apparently.” 
“Yea, that tends to happen over a decade, Rossi.” You laugh, following the man into the building. “What are you doing here though? Last I heard you were retired and rich?”   
“Still rich, just not retired.” The man laughs. “What’re you doing here though? Last I checked your dad is actually retired.” 
 “Actually, Hotchner invited me to consult on a case.” You say. Rossi looks at you incredulously. 
“Hotch? Willingly asked for your help?” 
“Well, it was like pulling teeth but thankfully he’s not an idiot.”
“What happened with you kids anyway? You were inseparable back in the day.” 
You frown. You didn’t like to think about that time in your life. “People change.”   
“I’ll say, look at you kid. All leather and classic cars now.” He laughs, you laugh with him as he directs you into the BAU. 
The two of you are immediately greeted by a brightly dressed blonde woman. “Hey Rossi!” She says to the man. 
“Garcia.” He greets, gesturing to you. “This is--” 
“Y/N Y/L/N.” She says, extending a hand for you to shake. “Hotch had me look into you, you are completely bad-ass! I read about how you went after that team of bank robbers last month that ended in a car chase. You’re like super cool, I’m Penelope.”
“Thank you, Penelope. Hotch made you look into me?” 
“Oh yea, I’m the Tech Analyst for the BAU.”
“I assumed so, and he made you do a background check on me?” You ask, trying not to sound angry. It wasn’t her fault, but your tone betrayed you. 
She looks at you awkwardly. “Umm, yea… Sorry?” 
“Not your fault, excuse me.” You nod to the two people. Rossi tries to stop you but you dodge the hand going to your wrist and stalk up the stairs to your dad’s old office that was now Hotch’s. You slam the door closed and he looks up from files on his desk and levels you with an angry expression. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” He says. 
“You had a background check run on me?” You ask angrily. “When I’m already an approved consultant.” 
“Of course I did, I needed to know what kind of person I’m sending out there with my team.” 
“Which is why you read my file which already has my background check in it! Not to mention, you already fucking know me, Hotch.” You say, seething. “Don’t look into my life without my permission again.” 
The two of you didn’t notice the team watching you from the bullpen below. 
“Do you guys know who she is?” Reid says, looking to the group. 
Emily shakes her head. “No, but judging by how they’re yelling at each other, Hotch definitely knows her.” 
Penelope walks up to the group. “That’s Y/N Y/L/N. She and Hotch went to Academy together and she’s helping us with our next case. Which is what I came to tell you, we should head to the conference room now.” 
The team is waiting in the conference room for 5 minutes before you and Hotch walk in. You’re still kinda pissed but you knew better than to make other people shoulder your bad mood, especially strangers. 
“This is Ms. Y/N Y/L/N, she’ll be consulting with us this case-” 
“Doctor.” You say. Hotch looks at you confused. “I went back to school after I quit the FBI.” You explain. “So it’s Dr. Y/N Y/L/N.” 
“I didn’t know that.” He says. 
“What? It didn’t come up in your unnecessary background check?” You say, the team including Hotch give a small grimace. You decide to ignore that and sit. “Shall we get started?”       
A blonde woman cleared her throat. “Yea, we’re going to Boston, a couple was found dead in their car, the boyfriend was shot once in the head, and the girl was stabbed multiple times. We’re investigating to see if it was the Boston Reaper.” 
A light skinned man speaks up at that point. “The Reaper is back? He hasn’t killed in a decade, how are we sure it’s not a copycat?” 
“It’s him.” You speak up. The group looks at you, but you keep your eyes trained on the crime scene photos. “Is there any record of the male victim wearing glasses?” 
You watch the woman who introduced herself as Garcia earlier type on a laptop for a minute before speaking up. “There’s no record of it, why?” 
You push the photo towards Hotch so he could see what you were seeing. “It’s Foyet’s.” 
He looks at it and nods. “Wheels up in 30.” 
You pale for a second. “Up?” 
“Yea, we have a jet now, Bella.” Rossi says, patting you on the back. You swallow roughly. 
God, you hated flying. 
You really hated flying. 
The team seemed pretty calm, expected since they fly so much but there was a reason why you liked driving Lou everywhere. Flying was… not your style. 
“Fear of flying?” You look up to see the lanky kid from earlier looking at you.
“Fear of crashing.” You nod back. 
“You know, turbulence hardly results in crashes. What you really have to worry about is microburst. The sudden down-pressure of air hitting a craft like this will capsize it.” He says smiling, you look at him in horror, knowing he was just trying to comfort you but accidentally did the opposite. 
“You’re Dr. Reid, right? Gideon’s prodigy?” 
“You knew Gideon?” 
“I know Gideon. He was an agent on my dad’s team for years. I just had lunch with him about 2 months ago.” 
“Months?” He says, confused. “I haven’t heard from him in years and you saw him months ago?!” 
“Relax, it was purely by chance. I ran into him while working a bounty in Albuquerque and we decided we might as well eat lunch together while we were in the same place.” You shrugged. “He talked about you a lot though. Still keeps track of the work you’re doing, said he was proud.” 
“Well, if he really was I’d hear it from him.” 
“I know. Trust me I’ve called him an idiot multiple times for leaving the way he did but…. this life isn’t for everyone, it certainly wasn’t for me. It takes a toll and eventually something's gotta give.” 
“Let’s go over the case, please.” You hear Hotch call out. You both instantly turn your attention to the man. You can’t help the nervous feeling in your stomach, it’s been a while since you worked an actual case that wasn’t already solved. You didn’t want to fuck this up. You watched Aaron and his team go over the details of the case, now with the information that you provided them earlier. You watched as his team regarded him with respect and the authoritative air he had about him now. Hotch had always been a serious person, you not so much. Back in the academy days you used to balance each other out. Now, all you did was clash. 
“Do you have anything to add, Y/N?” Hotch asked. The team immediately turns to look at you. 
You smirk. “If I had something to say I’d say it, Hottie.” 
“Hottie?” The light skinned man from earlier questions, smirking at Hotch as well. Hotch ignores him leveling you with a serious look. 
“I’ve already told you it’s Hotch or Hotchner now, Y/N.” 
“Hotch.” You say, testing the word out on your tongue. You grimace. “Doesn’t have the same ring to it. I think I’m going to stick with Hottie, if you don’t mind.”  
“I do.” He says, blankly. 
“Well then, I guess it's good we have bigger things to worry about right now.” You say. He looks you in your eye, you look right back. You’ve never been scared of Aaron, you weren’t going to start now. The team was now watching the exchange intensely, you imagine that no one had really stood up to Hotchner before. 
“Fine.” he says after a while. “Reid, JJ you guys head to the Field office. Morgan, Prentiss and Rossi head to the crime scene. And you.” he says, looking you back in the eye, you smirk. “You’re with me, you’re going to help us find George Foyet since he has no last known address. Show me how good you actually are at bounty hunting.” 
“Oh, I’m more than good, Hottie.” You wink. Aaron rolls his eyes. 
You sigh. Just like old times. 
When you exit the plane, the FBI issued SUVs are already waiting. Before he could notice, you picked the keys out of Hotch’s pockets and slid into the driver's seat, putting your shades on to combat the baking sun. He looks confused for a second before just getting into the passenger seat. You put Queen on the stereo before peeling out. You drive for a while in silence, Hotch clearly watching you. 
“What?” you say. 
“Is this how you start all your cases? Because you seem to just be driving aimlessly and we don’t have tim--” 
“Hottie, relax. I know exactly what I’m doing.”  
“Come on, there was a time when you liked me calling you Hottie.” 
“Times change.” 
You nod. “That’s true.” You say, you knew you and Hotch would never be the same after what happened. “Call your tech girl for me?” You ask.
Hotch nods and calls. You hear a voice on the line. “Talk dirty to me.” it says. 
“Hey, it’s Y/N/N.” You say. “Can you tell me where Roy Colson works?” 
“I can tell you what he ate for breakfast, honey. One second.” You continue driving listening to the faint clacks of Garcia’s typing. “Employee records say he’s employed at the Boston Examiner now.” 
“Exactly what I thought, thanks Garcia.” You park. “We’re here.” You say getting out the car, Hotch falling into step behind you. 
“How’d you know? Where Roy was?” He says. 
You look at him confused. “Basic investigation skills? I may not have a fancy technical analyst but I do know how google works.”   
The two of you walk into the building and are greeted by a woman seated at the front desk. You smile walking up to her. “Hi, Meredith? I think I spoke to you on the phone earlier.” 
“Yes, Zoe right?” 
Hotch looks at you confused but you just smile and nod. “That’s me.” 
“I’ll show you back to Roy’s desk. He must be so excited you guys are visiting.” 
“Yea, we’re just stopping in town before the honeymoon, thought we might surprise him for lunch.” If Hotch didn’t look confused before, he sure did now. 
“If you head down this hall and to the left, his desk is in the far left corner. Have a fun lunch, Congrats on your marriage.” 
“Thank you!” You say smiling, slipping your hand into Hotch’s. “Come on, honey. Let’s go.” 
As soon as the receptionist is out of sight, Hotch is pulling his hand back like it was chemically burning him to be attached to you. “Hey! That could hurt a girl's feelings, you know.” 
“Zoe?” He asked. “Honeymoon??” 
“So I said a tiny white lie to get in. Roy wasn’t answering my calls.” You shrug. “I lie all the time on bounties.” 
Hotch stops you from walking, stepping into your space to look you in the eye. “This isn’t a bounty, Y/N. It’s a federal investigation. This is unreasonably irresponsible and if you had been caught in your lie that’s the only thing the defense would need to call a mistrial. A serial murderer would go free because you can’t think for one second.” He’s angry, you’ve seen it before. And you want to get angry right back but for some reason the only that happens is butterflies in your stomach. 
So not the time, Y/N… you think to yourself.        
“Fine, no more lies. Only honest real investigation from now on. Scouts honor.” You say, saluting the man. He only rolls his eyes before continuing to walk down the hall. 
The two of you walk onto the editing floor where you see Roy hunched at a computer desk. He looks up and sees you, eyes widening. 
“How’re you doing, Roy?” you say. 
“How did you find me?” He asks, you scoff. 
“Finding people is literally my job description.” Hotch watches you lean back on his desk, arms folded. “You’ve been ignoring my calls, Roy.” 
“I already told you I wasn’t comfortable giving up his location to you.” 
“And I told you, it’s not for me it’s for him.” You nod, and Roy turns finally looking at Hotch. “Reaper’s back, which puts George at risk, so I’m going to need an address before Big Boy arrests you for obstruction of justice, ok?” You slide over the stack of post-it notes he had on his desk to him. “Write.”      
Roy writes silently before sliding the pad back to you. You rip off the top note and smile. “Thank you. Oh and Roy?” You lean down, so that you’re eye level to him, looking him deep in the eye so he’d know you were serious. “If I see any of what we talked about today in tomorrow’s paper… I’m going to find you, for real. And Aaron won’t be here to protect you that time. Understand?” 
The man gulps and nods. You tap him lightly on the cheek with your palm. “Always nice to see you, take care.” 
You and Hotch walk out the building together. “Was there not a better way you could’ve done that?” Hotch says. 
“That?” You ask. “That was nothing, It’s not my fault Roy is essentially a gopher.” 
“You can’t just go around making vain threats to people for information, Y/N.” 
“That’s literally how I do my job, Hottie. And I apparently do it well since I got the address.” You look at Aaron over the roof of the car. “Don’t question how I do my job, I won’t question how you do yours.” You say before getting back into the driver’s seat. 
Aaron sighed a deep sigh, looking up towards the sky. 
This was going to be a long case.
Taglist: @evyiione​ @weepingmoneywagontoad @yeah-just-ignore-me-thanks​ @dj-lowkey @zizzlekwum​ @blrthelines​ @diesinspanishbcimhispanic​
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Year In Writing (DGRP Version)
2020 was a hell of a fucking year. But I still got several fics out. I’m gonna be splitting them up a little, and will start with the dgrp fics since there’s more of them. Won’t include any nsfw/m-rated stuff just to make things slightly easier on me.
About That Guy (Hope’s Peak Academy Arc-focused)
I guess technically this started in 2019, but it still was the first thing updated in 2020. Written for the Hinata Hajime Project, this fic is a collection of shorts all from other characters’ perspectives regarding...Hinata! And Kamukura. Also World Destroyer. Many characters get focus, including all the sdr2 survivors, so it was quite the experimental piece!
World Constants and Conditionals (sdr2.5)
Written for the Hinata Hajime Fanzine! I don’t actually remember if it was written in 2020, but I assume so? How old can it be, rip... Anyway! Hinata makes the World Destroyer. It’s a prologue, you can say, to the OVA. Comes with a beautiful illustration.
Take Me Back, Back, Back (sdr2/dr3-zhen rewrite)
This is a commission and set in a zhen rewrite by @gothitelle-goddess. It’s a fun time loop idea in which Komaeda tries to prevent Hinata from partaking in the Kamukura Project. Sometimes, it ends messily.
Bumblings of a Brainiac (dr0/Hope’s Peak Academy Arc-focused)
Written for the Matsuda Yasuke Fanweek I hosted. I decided it’d be a lot of fun to write various short fics in which Matsuda interacted with different characters. Includes an AU where he does not die. I like it a lot when he does not die.
The Recollection Of Ryouko (dr0)
Written for the Ryouko Otonashi Memory Week. These are all ficlets to be more manageable, but they’re also all first person. A fun experiment and some of these actually turned out rather well. I’m pleased with myself.
Budding (Hope’s Peak Academy-focused)
Matsuda gets along with not only Komaeda but also the Warriors of Hope. Has a sort of TDP-esque setting where everything is relatively happy. It was part of a trade but was a lot of fun. I love these terrible kids.
Held (sdr2/dr0)
Matsuda Lives Again! An introspective fic about Matsuda’s messy as hell relationship with Junko and with people in general but one that segways into his relationship with Komaeda. Just a lotta codependency with our resident brainiac. Written for the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Scars To Burden (sdr2/dr0)
Ghost!Matsuda harasses Hinata post-canon. I’ve always wanted to write something like this. Hopefully I managed alright, considering this was for a trade in addition to the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Far From Love (sdr2.5)
Komaeda is a bit more stubborn when it comes to staying in his fantasy world, much to the World Destroyer’s chagrin. Written for the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Soul-Crushing (sdr2)
Soulmates AU. However, Komaeda and Hinata are not soulmates despite being the main relationship. Messiness ensues. An old-ass WIP that I randomly decided to complete for Komaeda’s birthday. I was just in a mega yearning mood. A lot of my wips from way back when involve yearning, some to think of it.
Please Take Good Care Of Me (sdr2)
Komaeda’s rendered almost mute after getting attacked by one of the other remnants. Kamukura takes care of him afterwards. Pretty straight-forward. Written for the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Flights and Guilt (sdr2)
Komaeda deals with not just nightmares but also survivor’s guilt. Hinata helps him through this. Also straight-forward. Also written for the Bad Things Happen Bingo.
Soft Trauma (sdr2)
A really old WIP that’s a Post-Canon AU, but had been started way before Kodaka even dreamed dr3 up. It’s focused on recovery in which Komaeda struggles but Naegi’s there to help. It’s super messy. Super yearning. Please mind the tags.
You're The Woooorst~! (v3)
Sick fic. Kaito gets sick and who’s there to take care of him but the resident liar? Pretty simple premise. I love Oumota a lot.
Look Look Look (v3)
Saihara and Ouma are hanging out/dating but solely to get Momota’s attention. It doesn’t go well for Saihara, so he breaks things off. I also love Saioumota a lot and want more of that OT3 focusing on the space boy. This is a pretty bitter fic because Saihara is a bitter, bitter boy.
Can’t Even Trust (v3)
Technically Salmon Mode but is really just a non-killing game au. Ouma still exposes Maki as a killer. Kaito still takes Maki under his wing. Ouma is very annoyed by this.
KomaHina Exchange + Week Fics
Between The Sky’s Grasp (sdr2)
Idol!Kamukua and Fan!Komaeda, except Kamukura is going undercover. Written for the KomaHina Secret Exchange. I love idol stuff, especially more dubious idol stuff. So, I was excited to write this one.
For Fools Rush In (sdr2/dr3-zhen)
A Kamukura/Hinata Twins AU in which they split the talents. Kamukura is then assigned babysitting duty for Class 77-B. Also for the KomaHina Secret Exchange, which means there’s a bit of a sibling love triangle going on. A very weird AU, but still pretty fun.
Feelings To Write About (sdr2/udg)
Post-Canon. Komaeda and Hinata play a kids’ board game and then talk about the kids that Komaeda babysat once upon a time. Melancholy, morose, but a bit hopeful. Written for the exchange. I love the kids.
The Sun Sets (sdr2)
Despair!Hinata AU. Written for the exchange. Was definitely a favorite of mine because I love Hinata when he’s villainous. Characterizing him was a blast. It took some inspiration from the song Ready As I’ll Ever Be, which is a good fucking song. I love that song. I even love how this fic turned out.
Reserved (sdr2/dr3-zhen)
Childhood Friends KomaHina during HPA days. Probably one of my favorite things written. It’s angsty and emotional and I’m proud of it. This dynamic of affection and resentment on Hinata’s end was very fun. 
It’s Easier (sdr2)
Soulmates AU set during sdr2. A little self-explanatory. Unsurprisingly, a killing game is not the best setting for soulmates to meet.
Joyous Occasion (sdr2)
Cisswapped/Genderflipped. Hinata is pining for Komaeda while she’s getting married to her sister. Sometimes, you just gotta write gayngst. You just gotta. Gaygnsting Gals.
Twisted Branches Entwined (sdr2)
Talentswap AU. Swap!Hinata and Swap!Komaeda have a sit-down and talk in a post-sdr2 setting. Pretty simple. Kinda clumsy.
The Farce of Hope (sdr2/dr1)
Fantasy AU. Demon Lord Hinata is sent to target Hopeful Hero Naegi and gets distracted by Hapless Healer Komaeda! Definitely a fun idea. I’ve always wanted to write one like it since the Tropical Despair Carnival has a similar idea, I believe. It’s more set-up than a full fic, but I still hope you like it.
Sweet Poison (sdr2)
Chapter 5-focused. Sometimes you just gotta write Komaeda fantasizing about better things with Hinata as he lays on the floor dying. You just gotta.
I Hope Our Future Is Beautiful (sdr2/dr3)
Post-Canon fluff to make up for the largely angsty as hell week of stuff that came before it. Yep. Not much else to say here lol.
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Lost Part 4
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link to Part 3 
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M- angst 
The song at the beginning: "Red Eyes" by The War on Drugs The song in the middle of the chapter: "By My Side" by The Paper Kites
Come and see Where I witness everything On my knees Beat it down to get to my soul Against my will Anyone can tell it's you coming Baby don't mind Leave it on the line, leave it hanging on the rail Come and ride away It's easier to stick to the old Surrounded by the night Surrounded by the night and you don't give in But you abuse my faith Lose it every time, but I don't know where You're on my side again So ride the heat wherever it goes I'll be the one to care You're all I've got, wait Don't wanna let the dark night cover my soul Well, you can see it through the darkness coming my way Well, we won't get lost inside it all again
You didn’t know where you were going but you were going somewhere...anywhere. All that you could think about was getting as far away from your lover as possible! You hated the thought but your brain was in flight mode.
As you ran, you ignored the strange looks that fellow students were giving you. Evan Rosier and Snape sat a few feet away. Both look at each other before standing up and heading toward you. You made a quick left-hand turn shouting “nope” over your shoulder and continuing your mad dash down a new hallway. They were the last people that you wanted to talk to. Knowing the luck that you were having today, the boys would take you right back to Regulus. If you ended up dead or kidnapped, you wouldn’t be surprised.
It was Remus that saw you next. He quickly elbowed Sirius in the ribs to get his own lover’s attention. Both looked at each other and shrugged before getting up and going after you. It took them almost chasing you to the forest before catching up.
“Hey! Where are we running to?”
Sirius asked, trying to catch his breath as you stopped right in the clearing of the forest. You turned and looked at them with tear-filled eyes. Both Remus and Sirius frowned at your disheveled appearance. Your normally neat dress shirt was clearly hastily buttoned and untucked from your skirt. Sirius didn’t want to admit it but he could clearly see your breasts through your shit. He quickly looked down blushing. The last thing that he wanted to admit was that he had seen you like this.
“Anywhere! I just need to get somewhere.”
You said in a pleading tone. Remus reached out and gently wrapped his hand through yours.
“Come on. Let's go into the forest.”
You didn’t fight as Remus and Sirius led you through the thick trees to a place that you knew well. It was the place that you came to your friends with when all of you needed to “getaway.”
Remus was the one to break the silence. He was more than worried. You weren’t the person to be running through the halls looking scared out of your mind.
“So are you going to tell us why you are on the verge of a breakdown?
Sirius nodded.
“Where’s your bra?”
Remus turned to Sirius with an annoyed expression.
“That’s what’s worrying you right now?”
You looked down taking in your appearance with a groan.
“Oh no! I left my bra and underwear.”
“Where were you to forget your bra and underwear...oh no...Y/n!”
Remus commented as he put two and two together...Regulus. He ran a hand through his hair wondering if he needed to go track down the younger Black brother and mop the floor with his face. It was super closer to the full moon so Remus wasn’t feeling too shy at the moment. Seeing the horror on your face made him angrier. Just what had Regulus done to you?
“It's not what you think, Remus...well it kind of is.”
Sirius, who was totally confused, held a hand up.
“I would really like to not be a third wheel in this conversation. I’m feeling a little forgotten here.”
Remus’ eyes met yours asking for permission to clue Sirius in before the boy had a full-fledged meltdown of his own.
Sirius frowned.
“What does my brother...OH FUCK!”
He shouted the last part before putting his hand over his mouth and jumping up and down.
“Did he hurt you? I’m going to kick his skinny little…”
You quickly started waving your arms trying to shut your friend up. Sirius stopped his freaking out and looked at you with petrified eyes.
“No, Sirius! He didn’t hurt me...at least not yet. I’m in serious shit! He’s in serious shit!”
“What is it?”
Sirius carefully asked. You felt the tears returning to your eyes. The realization that you were about to pull the rug out from under Sirius was devastating you all the more. Your poor friend didn't deserve any of the horrible things that he had gone through in his life and now you were about to add another one. Sirius had told you himself that he prayed Regulus would turn out good. It was so obvious that Sirius loved his younger brother despite Regulus’ abandonment of Sirius.
“Sirius, I am so sorry...Regulus is a death eater.”
The frown on Sirius’ face deepened.
“How do you know for sure?”
You put a hand over your face before sealing the distance between Sirius and yourself. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you buried your face in his chest.
“I saw the dark mark on his arm. He and I were about to have sex...when he took his shirt off.”
You wanted to cry even more hearing Sirius’ heart beginning to pound. He trembled underneath your touch for a moment before wrapping his own arms around you.
“I saw the dark mark and got the hell out of there.”
You added. Sirius sighed. This was definitely not the news that he expected to hear. Something that told Sirius to expect it. Hell, he made comments about Regulus probably being a death eater all of the time but having the confirmation was totally different.
“How long have you been having sex with him?”
Sirius gently asked as he took your face in his hands. He wiped your tear-streaked face with his robe trying to provide some comfort that his brother obviously couldn't.
“A long time...we stopped when he called me a mudblood. It was the same time that we stopped being friends. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. Regulus didn’t want me to tell anyone but Remus caught us once. That is how he found out. Don’t give him a hard time, please Sirius.”
Sirius sighed and gently kissed your forehead.
“I am not going to give anyone a hard time. You had your reasons. I get that but I’m concerned especially with what you just told me about Regulus. Y/n, I can tell you that he hasn’t been the same in a very long time...I feel like that is common sense.”
You pulled away from Sirius and started pacing before angrily punching a tree. Both Remus and Sirius exchanged glances. Y/n Evans never lost her temper like this and assaulted innocent trees.
“I’m so stupid! STUPID STUPID STUPID! I love him and I am scared to death of him at the same time. I am acting like such a Mary Sue and I hate it. It makes no logical sense. I want to be with someone that will probably kill me at some point to appease some crazed dark wizard. He’s gone and taken that dark mark on his pretty arm and I was going to hop into bed with him as I did at 14. Why the hell do I love him so much?”
Remus patted Sirius’ arm signaling that it was his turn.
“Sweetheart, you can’t help who you love.”
Sirius frowned.
“What are you trying to do, Moony?”
Remus gave him a scowl before pulling you into one of his famous hugs that were saved for sad times. You had a feeling that you would wake up the next morning to a shit ton of “sad time presents” from both boys.
“Just because you love him, however, doesn’t mean that he is good for you. There are a lot of nice boys out there.”
You sobbed harder. Of course, Regulus wasn’t good for you! You had enough sense to know that the relationship was toxic as hell and here you were ready to fuck the boy’s brains out (you still wanted him but you wouldn’t admit that).
“Every boy I get close to is scared to death of Regulus and won’t date me. When one does decide to Regulus has his band of merry misfits beat the stuffing out of them. Look at Gavin McDonald.”
“Regulus did that?”
Sirius questioned. He had seen Gavin earlier that day and long story short the Ravenclaw boy didn’t look good at all.
You nodded.
“Yes, I have a feeling that it was Evan and that Dolohov guy. This is crazy but I thought that I wanted to date Gavin. I thought that I would really like him but this afternoon when kissing Regulus...everything was so perfect. Granted, we were in the middle of hate sex and bad-mouthing each other but, Merlin, it was perfect. His kisses...I could break into a million little pieces for him…”
Sirius winced. He didn’t want to think about Regulus bedding you but the thoughts were going through his mind like crazy now. Sirius knew that you were friends with Sirius. The two of you had the kind of friendship that Lily had with Snape before that went to hell. Sirius didn’t mind it at first either. Regulus looked out for you. If someone gave you grief then they had Regulus to deal with and it wasn’t a great outcome.
As much as Sirius didn’t want to admit it, the two of you would make one hell of an adorable couple. Now, he wasn’t for sure how that would go. If Regulus dated you in the open, it would be dangerous...for both of you. Sirius didn’t see Voldermort being okay with one of his death eaters dating a muggle-born. That would be hypocritical of everything the man stood for. There was also Walburga and Orion...Sirius didn’t even want to think about that one.
“So the two of you have been fucking since you were like 13?”
You nodded.
“It started as wanting to see what all of the hype was about and just kept going. We were friends during the day and lovers at night. When he started hanging out with Evan and those other dark boys things changed and here we are now.”
Sirius sat down on a stump to put his head in his hands.
“I am guessing that Lily and James don't know.”
You nodded., trembling.
“Lily would be livid and James...well...you know him.”
Sirius knew exactly how James Potter would handle this. He would march right down to the Slytherin dungeon and fight Regulus. Sirius knew that this would be a fight that Regulus wouldn't walk away from either. His brother had too many negative feelings for James. It would just end bloody for everyone.
“Please don’t tell them.”
You begged. Sirius and Remus both nodded. Sirius stood up and cleared his throat.
“We won’t. Look, Y/n, I am not telling you what to do but maybe you should stay away from Regulus for the time being...at least until we figure out what kind of death eater he actually is.”
“Fair enough.”
You replied, sadly.
I've got a love, I've got a love for you I've got a place in this old heart for you And I want to tell you that I want you Any way I can I want to take you in my arms, I do I'll light a flame and let it burn for you And if I ran then I would run to you Every time By my side The only place By my side It's where I want to be By my side Forevermore I want to talk, I want to talk with you I want to tell you anything, I do And when I go, and when I leave, it's you On my mind I want to vanish in the night with you I want to take you 'round the town, I do I'm gonna make some kind of life for you Any way I can By my side It's where I want to be By my side The only place By my side Forevermore
Regulus sat in the room of the requirement that he had destroyed. Feathers from the mattress and pillows were still falling as he no longer fought the angry tears that were streaming down his face. Once again, he had fucked everything up. Regulus had been half tempted to run after you and plead with you to realize that he would never do anything to hurt you. He would never let any death eater lay a hand on you. Regulus would lie about your blood status to keep you safe. He would paw through people’s minds and put that thought in their minds. You wouldn't be questioned and would be safe…
Now here he sat alone. Alone...it seemed like this was going to be the defining word of his life. When he was home, he felt alone. His parents were too lost in their own world unless it was to order Regulus on how he was going to live his life. At school, sure he had friends, but they were on the same page as his parents with everything.
“I’m a bloody idiot.”
Regulus muttered as his gaze fell down to the dark mark on his arm. What the actual fuck was he thinking signing up for this shit? It was no bloody wonder that you were scared to death of him now. He was running around with the people that were causing people like her to be kidnapped and killed.
“She thinks I’m a monster like the rest of them. I would never hurt her...at least I’m trying not to hurt her.”
Regulus whispered and laid his head back against the now destroyed bed. He was so close to having you again. If he could have just made love to you, he could have proved how loyal he still was to you. You were the only girl that he thought of. If the two of you had to run away to be together that would have been just fine with Regulus. The two of you could lay low until some event changed the war. Regulus had a feeling that Voldermort wouldn’t be around forever. Once that the dark lord was gone, the two of you could live as husband and wife happily.
He wouldn’t have to see that look of fear in your eyes anymore. You could be the happy Hufflepuff girl that Regulus had fallen in love with. Regulus wouldn’t have minded one bit if you spent the rest of forever annoying him with your giddy humor, forced hugs, cuddles...anything that you wanted. It would have been nice for Regulus to be able to let his own guard down and be loved.
“I should have told her the truth…”
Regulus could have told you that the only reason that he joined the death eaters was to appease his parents but the question was would you believe him? Regulus had a feeling that the answer to that question was no. He could only hope that you would believe him when he said that he wasn’t as faithful as Voldemort believed.
“I’ve got to fix this.”
Regulus snapped before standing up and fixing his appearance. Stepping out of the room of requirement, he quickly walked down the hall looking for any sign of you. He frowned, looking through the groups of other students until his eyes landed on Margaret and Lucille who were sitting under a tree giggling amongst themselves.
“I must be desperate.”
Regulus muttered before walking over to where the two girls sat. Both looked up the moment that Regulus stopped.
“Do either of you know where Y/n is?”
Both girl’s mouths dropped at the experience of Regulus Black talking to them. Regulus frowned.
“I don’t have all day. I know that one of you can speak actual words.”
Lucille was the first to make a peep.
“No, I’m sorry, Regulus but we haven’t seen her in some time.”
Regulus sighed before turning to walk off. Margaret quickly came in.
“You can join us.”
Regulus snorted.
“I would rather dig my brain out with a spoon.”
He didn’t wait for either shocked girl to respond before walking away. He stalked through the castle for a few more moments before seeing James and Lily.
“I must be crazy.”
Regulus mumbled before walking up to the one boy that he despised more than anyone else and your older sister. James looked totally stunned to see Regulus Black approaching him. Usually, Regulus gave him snarky little sneers from across whatever room the two happened to be in at the moment.
“Have either of you seen Y/n?”
Both Lily and James’ smiles faded. They knew that you hadn’t been friends with Regulus in a long time and how torn up you were over the friendship ending (even if you didn’t talk about it). James felt “older brother” feelings starting to come out.
“What business do you have with her? I thought that she was just filthy...you know what you said.”
Regulus’ scowl intensified as he thought "and James wonders why I hate him so bad."
“I know what I said and I was wrong. Look, I have nothing to say to you. I need to talk to her so can you tell me where she is?”
James shook his head.
“We haven’t seen her since this morning..”
Lily decided to come into the conversation. She knew that you had something going on with Regulus that was “more than friendship.” It didn’t take Lily being your older sister to see how the two of you used to look at each other. There was also the fact that she caught the two of you kissing one night in the restricted section of the library.
“I want you to leave my sister alone. You have caused her enough distress.”
Regulus’ eyes turned in Lily’s direction.
“What Y/n and I do are our business. You should respect your sister’s decisions on who she chooses as her friends.”
Lily’s green eyes instantly looked livid and reminded Regulus exactly of yours.
“I would treat you with respect if you had any for my sister. All that you think about is yourself. Now get out of here before I hex you!”
Regulus looked totally caught off guard by Lily’s out of character threat. He blinked a few times before turning and storming off.
“I am losing my bloody mind”
Regulus muttered and went in search of some new avenue of finding you...
The next morning...
You sat at the Hufflepuff table absentmindedly stirring your oatmeal. The last thing that you really wanted to do was eat. You weren't even hungry. How you had gotten down to breakfast was still a mystery in itself. Remus and Sirius had escorted you back to the Hufflepuff common room the night before and left you in Lucille’s hands.
Both Lucille and Margaret had told you about Regulus’ less than kind comment from the day before when he was looking at you. You shrugged before muttering “consider your source” and withdrew immediately from the conversation.
Looking up, you met Remus and Sirius’ worried gazes. It didn’t help that now Lily and James were also starring. Judging by the expression on Lily’s face, you knew that she was aware something was up and you would be pulled into a “big sister/little sister chat.” You had no idea what you would tell her was the cause of your sudden depression. If you told her the truth the whole castle would probably hear her yelling. You didn’t have the energy to deal with that at the moment.
You diverted your attention to the Slytherin table where Regulus sat with his eyes dead set focused on you. Evan and Snape were even starring. Merlin, did they know too? This was beginning to get out of control! The last thing that you wanted was to deal with Evan Rosier or Severus Snape trying to “fix” your broken relationship with Regulus. There probably wouldn’t be any fixing on Evan’s end. He would just order you to get over yourself and take Regulus back. Snape would just make some awkward speech that would leave both of you uncomfortable. Either way, you were doomed.
You didn’t see Regulus’ face fall when you quickly looked away from him as if he were no one. Looking down in front of you, you frowned seeing an envelope with your name written in Regulus’ neat writing. How it got there, you weren't sure.
“Not today...I just can’t.”
You muttered before standing up and walking to the door. Stopping at the rubbish bin, you shoved the unopened envelope in. You knew that Regulus saw it and you didn’t care. Getting out of the hall was the thing that you needed the most at the moment!
Regulus, meanwhile, felt his heartbreak as you shoved the well thought out letter, that he spent hours on, in the trash. Evan winced.
“The fuck did you do to her this time?”
Regulus groaned and dramatically slammed his head down on the table. Evan raised an eyebrow before shooting all of the other Slytherins who were watching a death glare.
“Reg, I don’t know what you are doing but this is getting out of hand. You need to talk to her.”
Regulus jumped up and screamed,
Whether it was Regulus breaking his cool calm composure or something else both Evan, Severus, and Barty winced scooting away.
“I’m out of here.”
Regulus said after taking a few deep breaths. He gathered up his stuff and met Sirius, Remus, James, and Lily’s uncomfortable gazes. Tossing his curly hair back, Regulus walked off without another word.
James was the first to break the uncomfortable silence at the Gryffindor table…
“Look at that, breakfast and a show.”
Regulus quickly walked down to the dungeons for Potions. You were going to talk to him one way or another. He was about to go crazy and didn’t want to face the thoughts of going home for Christmas the next day like this. If he didn’t fix things now, he would have to be an emotional wreck all fucking break and he was not going to do that It was time to get back some control in his life!
Slughorn looked up with a smile as Regulus walked in. He gave him a smile.
“There is my other genius.”
Regulus frowned
“I’m sorry, sir?”
Slughorn motioned to the report on his desk.
“Ms. Evans handed in the report. As I suspected, the two of you had the best grade in the class. Since everyone did so well, I decided to cancel class as a small holiday gift.”
Regulus felt, if possible, even worse. You did all of that stupid project without him and saved his ass.
“Thank you, sir. Did Y/n happen to say where she was going? I needed to give her back a book that she let me borrow.”
Regulus totally lied to Slughorn and at the moment he didn’t care. Slughorn shook his head. The older man clearly hadn’t picked up on Regulus’ tense mood. He either didn’t pick up on it or was too lost in his own world to even notice...Regulus didn’t care which.
“No, she didn’t. Have a nice holiday, Regulus.”
Regulus nodded.
“You too, sir. Thank you.”
Regulus politely replied before turning and running out of the classroom to start the damned biggest version of hide and seek ever seen…
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Blushing in His Colours, Chapter 5
TITLE: Blushing in His Colours CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 5 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki being a Daddy Dom, his adores and loves his little, worships the ground she walks on. She has vaginismus, but he couldn’t be more supportive with her. RATING: M
It was the day after Loki and Mia’s pyjama date.
When Mia saw Loki, she went totally giddy and blushed like mad again. Loki went over to her and hugged her, then held her chin as he kissed her softly on the lips. Luckily none of the others were around yet.
‘Have you thought about what we spoke about last night?’ Loki asked quietly, stroking her cheek.
‘I’ve not been able to think about anything else.’ She said shyly. ‘I… I would like to be… your little… If you still want to do that.’
Loki’s face lit up completely. ‘More than anything.’ He leaned down to kiss her again.
‘Oooo, love birds! Get a room!’ Maria teased as she walked in with Fury and Tony.
Loki rolled his eyes as his jaw clenched at being interrupted. He straightened up but slipped his arm around Mia.
‘It’s nice to see Loki in love, might soften his heart.’ Tony smirked.
Loki gave him a death stare. ‘My heart will never be soft for the likes of you, Stark.’ He snarled.
Loki was able to whisk Mia away outside for lunch, a mini picnic of sorts, to get some privacy. A few sandwiches and some crisps. They sat down crossed legged together on Loki’s cape. Mia kept sliding her hands across it, loving the velvet feeling.
‘It’s so soft.’ She smiled.
‘Would you believe me if I told you it also works as a shield? Protects from bullets and other various weapons.’
‘Noo… Really?’
Loki chuckled. ‘Really really.’
‘Wow. That’s impressive!’
Smirking, Loki lay down as he ate some crisps, leaning up on his elbow. Mia stayed sitting up.
‘So, uhm… You’re not totally freaked out about my… Issue?’ Mia asked, picking at her sandwich.
Loki reached over and rubbed her arm. ‘Darling, it’s not an issue. Stop thinking like that. Or I will bend you over right here, right now and spank you, discussion or no discussion.’ He threatened, his tone deepening a little.
Mia’s mouth went a little dry at that thought… Ashamedly, she was not entirely opposed to the idea.
Loki smirked, noting her reaction. ‘Or maybe I will need to think of another form of punishment for bad behaviour, if the thought of being spanked is too appealing.’ He teased.
‘I… I don’t know.’ She blushed furiously, trying to distract herself by eating.
‘I do want you to have a think about what you want your safe-word to be. And let me know your hard limits, so I know what is completely off the table.’ He rubbed her arm gently as he spoke.
‘Uhm… I think I’d try almost anything once. Aside from anything like exhibitionism, scat, or heavy pain play type of stuff. And for a safe-word, I’ll go with Jumanji.’
Loki chuckled. ‘Jumanji, that’s a good one. And it seems you’ve put quite a lot of thought already into this.’
‘Well. I’m pretty sure I know what I definitely won’t like. Everything else is kind of unknown until it’s tried, I guess.’ Mia said shyly.
‘Very true. So that’s a start on your dislikes. What about your fantasies, what are some of the things you know, or think, you’ll like most? Or definitely want to try?’ Loki asked, intrigued.
‘I uhm… I dunno really.’ Mia said quietly, suddenly intrigued with the softness of Loki’s cape again.
Loki grinned and sat up. He patted his thigh. ‘Come here.’ He said softly.
She looked a little shocked at his request. But she shyly shuffled over towards him. He slipped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap. She was blushing again at being on his lap. But she fit there so well.
‘Now, I know you won’t have put all that thought into your dislikes and even decided on a safe-word without thinking, or knowing, what your likes may be.’ He hummed, slowly starting to stroke her back. ‘You’re not going to make me force it out of you, are you?’
She whined and hid her face into the crook of his neck, making him laugh.
He slipped his hand under her top and started lightly tickling her side. ‘I’ll tickle you until you tell me.’ He threatened playfully, making her laugh and try to squirm away.
‘Ok, ok!’ She said quickly before he got properly started.
Loki chuckled. ‘It seems I have found your weakness already, pet.’ He growled.
‘So not fair.’ She giggled with a blush.
‘Come on, tell me what your likes are.’ He coaxed her on, turning his attentions to stroking her back gently instead. But it was highly distracting, his touch felt so heavenly.
‘I uhm… well, things I think I’d like is bondage, forced orgasms… although I don’t know how much I could take of that so it’s maybe not exactly a like. Same goes for denial. The idea of being… manhandled too is a turn on. I just like the idea of not having control, I guess. Pet play is something that intrigues me too. And also, being woken up to sex… Well, I guess it wouldn’t be sex but y’know.’ She couldn’t stop blushing the entire time.
Loki smiled and stroked her cheek. ‘Good girl for telling me, I know you struggle a little talking about these things.’
It made Loki’s heart soar at the way her face lit up from his praise. Still feeling shy, she leaned into him and hid her face against his chest.
‘What about you? What’s your likes and dislikes?’ She asked quietly.
‘I don’t think there’s much I wouldn’t enjoy doing with, or to, you.’ He said seductively, making her shiver. ‘Though similarly to your dislikes, I would not enjoy inflicting pain upon you unless it’s a spanking.’ He grinned. ‘And no need to worry about your dislike of exhibitionism, I don’t share what’s mine, and I certainly won’t be displaying you in any way or form.’
Mia smiled at that.
‘As for my likes, I am looking forward to tying you to the bed and seeing how many orgasms I can pull from you…’ He leaned down to whisper into her ear. ‘They do not call me silver tongue for nothing, after all.’
Mia swallowed hard, she felt like she was going to explode on his lap from all this talk. It was turning her on something fierce.
Loki knew he was making her super shy. He leaned back a bit and gently took hold of her chin, turning her face towards him. Locking eyes with her he moved in and kissed her softly, his lips moving slowly over hers. When she leaned into him more, closing her eyes to enjoy the kiss, he slid his hand round to the back of her head as he slipped his tongue past her lips, he heard her squeak when his tongue touched hers. Smirking against her, he continued to kiss her deeply. Until she was complete putty in his arms.
‘Soooo… how’s it going with Loki?’ Natasha asked, nudging Mia.
They were with Wanda too, having a coffee and some cake in the kitchen.
Mia blushed instantly. ‘It’s going… good.’ She smiled, sipping her drink.
‘Going by the look on your face it’s going better than good.’ Wanda smirked.
Mia rolled her eyes. ‘Alright, alright. Yeah, it’s going really good.’
‘Have you kissed yet?’ Wanda asked.
‘Of course they have, they’ve been caught stealing a few kisses here and there.’ Said Natasha with a smirk.
Mia shook her head and cut another slice of cake.
‘Are you going to give us anymore details?’ Natasha grinned.
‘Nope. All you need to know, is it’s going really well.’ Mia grinned back at her.
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ghostgothgeek · 3 years
Blush. Chapter 7
Hello! Finally another update!
Rated M for language and actual sex ed talk.
FFN || AO3
“Hey guys,” Sam smiled warmly at her two friends as she shut her locker. “How’s it going on your end?” 
Danny didn’t look directly at her, but muttered a “hey”. 
Tucker snickered next to him. “Oh, I think Danny is having the time of his life!” Danny elbowed him in the ribs, “Ow! Hey, I even used a life or death pun for you!” 
“That bad, huh?” Sam laughed. “Can’t say I’m doing any better though. By the way, Danny, I’m going to have to...warn you about a few things. Your secret is still safe, but there’s still going to be gossip about you. Both of your halves.” Sam shut her brain down before she went back to that fantasy. “Sorry, I really tried. The girls at this school are indubitably so fucking stupid, they wouldn’t know what the actual truth is, even if it bit them on the nose. Honestly, how they even made it to twelfth grade is beyond me.” 
Tucker noticed Sam getting all worked up and frowned. “Hey, the day’s almost over though!”
“Huh? Wait, what do you mean gossip?” Danny finally looked up at her. 
“Ugh, Paulina has some twisted thoughts.” Sam rubbed the sides of her head as she tried to calm down. “She’s been the biggest pain in the ass all day. Just be prepared for any gossip that Phantom flies commando, and know that I tried to stop it.” 
Danny’s eyes went wide, “why would they-?” 
Tucker busted out laughing, “You HAVE to tell me how that happened!” 
“Ugh guys, please not now.” She grabbed each of their shirts and pulled them towards the cafeteria. 
“Man, I wish I had my PDA! I hate being out of the loop!” Tucker complained. 
Sam unpeeled her banana, trying to ignore any innuendos and return to normalcy, as she listened to Tucker’s bellyaching. She took a large bite as her stomach growled. If Skulker hadn’t shown up on the way to school, she probably would have been able to actually grab some breakfast before this whole ordeal. Sure, she had a salad waiting for her, but that wasn’t going to cut it today. 
“Damn, look at Manson deep throating that banana like a pro!” Dash quirked. Danny snapped his head to look over at Sam. Oh god. Woah...wait NO!
Without missing a beat, Sam chucked her half eaten banana at Dash, hitting him directly in the face. She smiled proudly as Tucker chuckled next to her. 
“Nice shot, Sam!” Tucker held his hand out for a high five, which Sam returned. Dash made an attempt to take a jab at her, but Kwan stopped him. Kwan had to protect both of his “best friends”, after all. 
Danny was silent, unable to comprehend his enjoyment of Dash’s misery at Sam’s behalf. That’s my girl, he had thought. Ugh, why? Why did he keep coming back to this? Sam is just a friend. Dash’s dumbass comment just stirred the pot even more. Now Danny had a new fantasy about his best friend to worry about. He looked over at Sam again and blushed before quickly looking away. With the amount of times he’s blushed today, he didn’t think it was possible anymore. And what is she talking about with all these rumors?
Tucker nudged Danny with his elbow and raised an eyebrow at him as Sam caught up with Valerie and raced for the salad bar. “You okay? I thought you’d always dreamt of Sam hitting Dash in the face.” Tucker laughed to himself. “I know I certainly have.” 
“Not the only dream of Sam I have…” Danny muttered to himself. 
“What?” Tucker looked at his friend again.
“What?” Danny looked back at him confused, grabbing a tray after Tucker. 
“What was that now?” Tucker smirked as he grabbed two burgers. Terrific, Tucker had heard him after all. 
“Nothing,” Danny said sternly before grabbing some mac n cheese. 
“Uh huh.” Tucker’s smirk grew as he piled more food onto his plate. 
“It’s nothing!” Danny insisted as he grabbed the rest of his food and followed Tucker to their table.
“Alright, alright. Calm down dude.” Tucker sat down and immediately took a bite of one of his burgers. 
“Sorry,” Danny sighed. “Between dumbass number one and dumbass number two over there,” he pointed towards Elliot and Dash, “I’m not thinking straight.” 
Tucker nodded and swallowed as Danny took a sip of his drink. Tucker looked over at Sam, pursed his lips, then paused for a moment before saying, “you know, Sam is actually pretty hot, now that I think about it.” 
Danny spit his drink out across the table and started coughing. “What?!” 
“Oh relax, I’m not gonna steal your girlfriend or anything,” Tucker rolled his eyes as Danny muttered some “she’s not my girlfriend” line. “I’m just saying. I mean, she’s super cool and fun to hang with, she looked great at the freshman dance, and she already has made mini skirt Friday an everyday kind of deal! Like if she just lost the tights or whatever, holy smokes. And like, dude, she has boobs. BOOBS. We’ve been so close this entire time!”
Danny caught his breath and scoffed at Tucker before realizing he kind of had a point. If Danny had learned anything that day, it was that he definitely had conflicting feelings about Sam. It wouldn’t surprise him if other guys started noticing her more as well. Actually, they had, if you counted dumbass number one and dumbass number two.
Danny forced out a small laugh, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I mean, I kinda…” He trailed off before getting a nod of encouragement from Tucker, silently letting it be known that this conversation was strictly between them and would most likely never be repeated again. “I mean, she’s Sam and she’s so pretty and smart and cool and she hangs out with us, like what the hell? And I ran into her in the hallway earlier after dealing with Johnny 13, and I was bleeding and stuff and her boobs were like, right there in my face while she was trying to help me and with all this dumb sex talk, I had to run to the bathroom before anything happened or became noticeable. I’ve been embarrassed more than enough for one day.” 
Tucker let out a loud laugh and slapped Danny on the back. “Damn, dude. I didn’t think you’d ever admit anything.” Danny’s hand immediately went to rub the back of his neck and his face turned crimson for the millionth time that day. “So you ran into Sam, huh?” Tucker wagged his eyebrows suggestively and laughed again when Danny threw a fry at his face. “Don’t worry, dude. I still respect the bro code. I won’t say a word. But like, excusing the fact that she’s like a sister to me for a second, what were they like?” 
Danny opened his mouth as he thought of something to say, before jerking forward after Dash slapped him on the back (hard) and took a seat next to him. “You’re talking about Manson, right? She is pretty hot. You’re a lucky man, Fenton.” 
Was Dash actually...being nice to him? Because he thought that he and Sam were actually...doing things together. What the fuck was happening today? 
“What’s she like? Really?” Dash stole one of Danny’s fries. 
“She’s definitely feisty, that’s for sure.” Elliot smirked as he sat across from Danny. This asshole again?! 
Danny made tight fists under the table. “Shut the fuck up and leave Sam alone! You guys dated for like a week! That’s nothing!” 
“It was enough to cover all of the bases, if you know what I mean. And I’m pretty sure you know what I mean.” Elliot smirked while holding up his phone with the picture on it and leaned back in the chair, nearly falling over as Danny stood quickly from the table, shaking it in the process. He was ready to pounce. 
“Shut. The fuck. Up,” Danny growled as he got all up in Elliot’s face. Elliot accepted the challenge. 
“No, I don’t think I will. But what I do think will happen is me and Sam again.” 
Dash raised an eyebrow at the two boys arguing, “What’s with this? Is Manson like, secretly a sex goddess or something? Maybe I’ll hop on that too.” 
Danny’s eyes flashed green for a brief second before almost being knocked over by Tucker, who shoved him out of the way.
“You have a phone?! How did you sneak that in? Can I please have it for five minutes? Please?!” Tucker made a grab for the phone as Elliot held it behind him. 
“Depends. What kind of dirt do you have on Danny and Sam?”
“Oh man, where do I start?”
“TUCKER!” Danny glared at his friend, not believing he was actually considering this. 
“Oh man, this I gotta hear.” Dash leaned in for a better listen. 
“Okay, one timeback in middle school, Danny-” Tucker’s sentence was muffled as Danny slapped his hand over Tucker’s mouth.
“Shut the fuck up!” Danny hissed. 
“Oh no, please go on,” Elliot smirked as he waved his phone in the air, “You may just buy yourself 2 minutes.” He tried removing Danny’s hand from Tucker’s mouth.
“Get lost, Elliot.” Danny stood from the table and stared him down again. “Tucker isn’t that desperate.” 
“Eh, I think he is,” Dash chimed in. “Foley looks like he’s about to shit a brick.” All three boys looked at Dash, just now remembering he was there. 
Across the cafeteria, Sam raised an eyebrow at the crowd around their usual table and looked back at Valerie. “Thanks again for having my back in there. I really owe you one.” 
“Nonsense. If anything, take it as repayment for how much you guys have saved my ass from ghosts. And for me trying to kill your boyfriend.” 
“He’s not my boyfriend, but thanks.” Sam grabbed a tomato from her salad bowl and popped it in her mouth. “Hey Val, do you want to sit with us?” 
Valerie grinned, “Love to, thanks. And he’s not your boyfriend yet. I’ll help get you there.” 
Sam laughed. “Okay, sure. We really should hang out more, you know. I need a boost of estrogen every once in a while.” 
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Valerie stopped in place for a moment, staring at the guys at their table. Sam followed where Valerie was looking and ran closer to her friends. 
“What the fuck is going on?!” Sam yelled as they approached the group of guys who were trying to tackle each other across the table. Danny and Elliot were staring each other down as Elliot held his phone as far back behind him as he could while Tucker, half on top of the table, reached for it. Dash was actually the most civil at the table. They all paused and fell silent as she spoke up. All four of them were staring at her with a weird expression on their faces. “What?” She questioned cautiously, suddenly feeling a bit self conscious. Valerie snickered to herself, taking a wild guess as to what (or who) the boys had been arguing about.
“Uh, nothing.” Danny forced Tucker back into his chair and sat back down next to him. “They were just leaving.” He glared at Elliot.
When the faux goth and the jock refused to move, Sam slammed her tray down on the table. “Get the fuck out of here before I start kicking people. I have my good boots on today.” 
Elliot was the first to make a move to leave. “Told ya, feisty.” 
Dash stood as well as he looked Sam up and down. Actually not that bad. Fortunately, Sam missed that, but Danny hadn’t. He was practically seeing red as Dash returned to his own table. 
“We’ll talk after lunch!” Tucker whispered to Elliot as he passed by on the way back to the other end of the cafeteria. 
“What was that all about?” Sam sat down and stabbed her salad with her fork before taking a bite. 
“Elliot and Dash are being shitheads and pushing all of Danny’s buttons today,” Tucker announced as he started his second burger.
“Do I wanna know?” 
“No.” Danny picked at his food, shutting down that conversation.
Valerie sat down next to Sam and across from Tucker. Noticing his fidgeting, she smirked, “Must be a tough day for you, huh? No technology of any sort?” 
Tucker groaned, “It’s killing me! It may actually kill me!” 
“Stop being so dramatic, it’s only been a few hours and we’re almost done,” Sam pointed her fork towards Tucker, “You wouldn’t believe all the shit I’ve had to go through today.” 
Danny looked up at her, “What happened? Are you okay? Did anyone say anything to you?” He glanced over towards the A Listers’ table, where everyone was passing around Elliot’s stupid phone and making crude noises and gestures towards Danny when they noticed him staring. He flushed again. 
“Chill, I’m fine. I’m just apparently the school’s gossip victim for the day.” 
“Yeah, Paulina has been pretty ruthless today,” Valerie pointed out as she started her lunch. 
“Fuck!” Sam groaned, which gave a certain part of Danny’s anatomy some life again. “I got salad dressing all over my leggings.” She started unlacing her boots. 
“W-what are you doing?” Danny squeaked.
“Taking them off. I don’t want to smell like vinaigrette for the rest of the day,” she started peeling off her leggings and with a brief hand from Valerie, she crumbled them into a ball and tossed them into her backpack before she started lacing up her boots again, careful not to lift her legs too high for anyone to accidentally see anything. 
Tucker’s eyes widened slightly, as if his conversation with Danny earlier had somehow summoned this to occur. He looked at Danny and raised an eyebrow as if proving his point. 
“Don’t even think about it,” Danny warned lowly. 
Valerie hid her smirk behind her hand as Danny gripped the table. Danny and Sam were both smitten with each other and both so, so oblivious to the other person’s feelings. 
“Anyway, uh...yeah, you’re probably going to hear some gossip, just please know it’s not my fault.” Sam sighed and took another bite of her salad. “Honestly, how I have gone almost 4 years without seriously injuring Paulina is beyond me.” 
“I’ll admit, I’m a little shocked too. But you definitely wanted to deck her after she said you were cheating on Fenton with Phantom,” Valerie chuckled as Sam whipped her head towards her and sent her a menacing glare. Valerie just shrugged, knowing damn well what she was doing. Danny and Sam just needed a little nudge, and she was gonna give it to them.  
“Oh my god, WHAT?!” Tucker burst out laughing, some of his soda coming out of his nose in the process. Gross. 
Danny’s head snapped up as a light pink blush dusted his cheeks. “Uh, w-what? Paulina thinks...you and I...and you and Phantom?” 
Sam groaned as she set her empty tupperware container back into her backpack. “Yes, Princess Shit-For-Brains thinks I’m intimate with both sides of you.” 
“At the same time?” Danny asked.
“Oh I don’t need to hear this!” Tucker covered his ears.
Sam kept her head down, hair covering her face, as she blushed a deep dark red. “I tried to stop it, I swear.” 
“Suuuureeee you did. I bet you hated that implication,” Tucker smirked. 
Sam managed to whack him in the back of the head from across the table, nearly giving Danny another pleasantly unfortunate view once again. 
“Hey! When I said I wished girls would hit on me, this is not what I meant!” Tucker rubbed the back of his head and readjusted his beret. 
Sam smirked. “Be careful what you wish for. Desiree can pop up at any moment.” Tucker’s eyes widened.
“Desiree?” Valerie whispered. 
“Genie ghost. Gotta be super careful around her,” Sam replied. Valerie nodded. 
“I...uh, okay...well, thanks? For...trying to stop it?” Danny said uncertainly. He had noticed in the past that when he was Phantom, his emotions definitely were stronger and he had always felt more overprotective of Sam. As Phantom, he almost seemed to have less control over his emotions. 
“No problem,” Sam muttered quietly.
“Okay, but can you please explain the “Phantom goes commando” thing?” Tucker leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table.
Danny hiccuped, and to his relief, it was his ghost sense. Oh thank god. He stood up, receiving a few looks from the other tables.
“I gotta run, I need to...basically die of embarrassment elsewhere,” Danny said slowly. Nobody seemed to think much of the phrasing. Though Tucker and Sam both immediately caught on.
“I’ll come help you not die,” Sam replied. Anything to get out of this situation. She elbowed Tucker before standing as well. “Come on, we need to help Danny not die.” Tucker waved her off, as Valerie finally understood what was happening. 
“You two lovebirds go on ahead,” he told them, “they’ve got this,” he whispered to Valerie. Danny narrowed his eyes at him.
“Don’t go around telling a bunch of our secrets,” Danny spoke with an underlying threatening tone. Tucker nodded.
“Of course. But you are losing your fries,” he informed him, and the teen helped himself to the remaining fries on Danny’s plate. Danny accepted this, and he motioned for Sam to follow him. “Also…” Tucker threw a condom at Danny. Danny shot him a look and let the condom bounce off of his chest and land on the floor. Sam hastily grabbed her backpack, and they both fast-walked out of the cafeteria, earning several stares and eyebrow wags. 
Danny groaned, “Ugh, fuck me!” He was sick of this.
“Damn, well now we know who initiates it. Never pictured Fenton to be the dominant one,” Dash laughed. Danny growled and began to turn around before Sam pushed him forward and out of the cafeteria. 
“Not now. We probably have Kitty and I assume Johnny to worry about right now.” Once out of the cafeteria, Sam pulled out her wrist ray and put it on. She searched for her pocket knife in her boot, pulling out the Ecto Lipstick Laser by accident. “Ahh!” She dropped it as if it had been on fire and watched it roll down the hallway. Danny raised an eyebrow at her. “Nothing!” She quickly replied as she ran forward to grab the weapon and put it back in her boot. “It’s just the Ecto Lipstick! I swear!” She said a little too loudly. God damn the Fentons for making their inventions look like vibrators. God damn Planned Parenthood for pointing that out in the first place.
“I know?” Danny raised an eyebrow at her as they rounded a corner. “Let’s just get rid of Johnny and Kitty and hope that takes up the rest of the day.” 
“Oh, there you two are!” Speak of the fucking devils.
Danny flinched as he turned to see the ghostly pair that had been harassing them both all day. Kitty and Johnny stood together, both grinning excitedly.
“Can’t you guys just go fuck around with each other and stop fucking around with us?” Danny complained. Kitty gave a small scowl.
“We’re trying to help,” Kitty insisted. “I know Johnny already talked to you, but I’m pretty sure he left out some important stuff, like make sure you wash your hands. Clip and file your nails so that they’re not sharp or super long, make sure your hands aren’t freezing. Foreplay is very important.”
Danny wanted to die. He glanced at Sam, who seemed to mirror his emotions. Her face was red, and she wasn’t even looking at the pair, instead digging through her backpack. Likely in search of the Fenton Thermos. 
Johnny gave an amused scoff, and he waved his hand. “Nah, it’s not that important,” he replied. Kitty shot him a look that could re-kill Pariah Dark himself. Johnny instantly seemed to realize his mistake.
“Yes. It. Is,” she spoke through gritted teeth.
“I mean, we could overshadow you to show you how it’s done if you want,” Johnny suggested. 
Danny and Sam both froze, eyes wide, and turned a brilliant shade of red before spitting out objections.
“NO! Nope! Not necessary!” Danny yelled as he covered his eyes, thinking that would somehow block the mental images in his head. “I can’t...Sam...ughhh. No, gross.”
“Well don’t seem too excited now,” Sam spat sarcastically, rolling her eyes in the process.
“N-no! It’s not that I wouldn’t want...I mean you’re pretty and...I like...I mean, you...what do I mean?” Danny groaned and dragged his hands down his face.
“Oh, dude,” Johnny shook his head, “don’t go there unless you want to be sleeping on the couch.” 
“But I-” Danny started until Sam slapped a hand over his mouth.
“Chill out, Romeo. Now is not the time to remove your foot from your mouth.” She removed her hand before Danny licked it. That was something Danny and Tucker did. Ugh, boys.
“Nice touch ditching the tights though. You definitely had boys’ heads turning...even a few girls’.” Kitty tried to get them back on track.
“Uh, what?” Sam looked down at her legs. 
“Yeah, even that big blonde sporty kid was saying some pretty graphic things about you,” Johnny added.
“WHAT?!” Danny snapped his head back towards the cafeteria. 
“Oh that hit a nerve! Jealousy works, you know. That’s how I keep bringing Kitten back to me,” Johnny grinned.
Kitty rolled her eyes, “Yes, that is exactly what happens.” Her sarcasm was almost as good as Sam’s.
Danny completely ignored the ghosts bickering, focusing his attention on Sam. “Did you hear that? DASH was talking about you like that! I’m gonna kill him…” He trailed off as he made a fist and looked back towards the cafeteria. 
“Danny, chill. It’s not a big deal. Dash isn’t into me because I spilled salad dressing on my tights,” Sam rolled her eyes and set her hand on Danny’s shoulder to bring him back down to Earth. 
Danny swapped his attention back to her. “Uh, no...look, I mean, you’re very attractive and you’re only wearing a crop top and a mini skirt, it’s an easy step away from imagining you naked.” Sam raised an eyebrow as she put a hand on her hip. “N-not that I am imagining that, and not that I wouldn’t want to! I mean of course I’d want to, it’s just - you’re just….I’m going to stop talking now.” He glanced down at the floor and hoped he could somehow dig himself out of this pit that he just kept digging deeper for himself.
Sam pressed her lips together, both amused and flattered with only a hint of embarrassment, “You think I’m very attractive?” 
“And he wants to see you naked,” Johnny added. 
Danny’s eyes widened before he snatched the thermos from Sam’s hand, his face burning. “Alright that’s enough of you two!” He promptly sucked them into the thermos, spitefully shaking it a bit before putting it into his locker. “They can sit there the whole weekend for all I care.” 
“Do you though? Think I’m attractive?” Sam asked shyly. “I feel like you and Tucker just see me as one of the boys and that’s how everyone sees me. I’m not cute like Paulina and Star.” She saw the panicky look on his face and smiled a bit, “I’m not going to hurt you if you answer this one. You have a free pass.” 
Danny looked like he was having an internal debate in his head about whether or not she was telling the truth about letting him off the hook, but when he looked into her eyes, he knew she really wanted an answer. He never would have guessed that Sam was a bit insecure. He gulped before rubbing the back of his neck.
“Uh…” Was he really about to admit this? Out loud? To himself? To her?! He couldn’t help it, she was giving him a free pass. He started at her pale legs and trailed his eyes up her body to her perfect hips, pausing at her breasts for a few half seconds longer than he probably should have, and finally setting on her face. “Yes,” he choked out, his voice husky, “very much so.” 
Sam relaxed a bit at his answer, feeling relieved. She smiled softly as she approved of his answer, and then that smile became quite sinister. “And you want to see me naked?” 
Danny was a deer in the headlights, opening his mouth to speak before deciding against it. He couldn’t tell if this was still part of the free pass or if she was just fucking with him now. He was mostly sure it was the latter. He grabbed her hand and yanked her down the hallway towards the classroom. “Yeah okay, don’t wanna be late for that sex ed class!” 
Sam laughed heartily as he hastily fast walked them from one personal hell to another. 
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
The Convenient Groom: 11/14
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I'm back! I know it's been a month, but I had things in real life that required my attention. To make it up to you, I give you about 4,700 words that I adore. I hope it was worth the wait! I also have the next chapter half written, so hopefully I can get that to you much sooner.
Summary: Killian Jones just happens to be there when Emma Swan gets the phone call that changes everything: her fiance is leaving her at the altar. The thing is, it could also mean the end of her career. Convenient that Killian has nothing better to do that day. Convenient that he’s secretly in love with her. Not that Emma has to know that. Written for @spartanguard​ .
Rating: M
Also on Ao3
Tagging: @snowbellewells​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​​ @kmomof4​​​ @let-it-raines​​ @teamhook​​​ @bethacaciakay​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​ @tiganasummertree​​ @shireness-says​​​ @stahlop​​​ @scientificapricot​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​​ @thislassishooked​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​ @kday426​​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​​ @lfh1226-linda​​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​ @nikkiemms​​ @distant-rose @optomisticgirl​​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​ @carpedzem​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​​ @branlovestowrite​​ @superchocovian​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​​ @vvbooklady1256​​ @hollyethecurious​​​ @winterbaby89​​​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​​ @jennjenn615​​ @snidgetsafan​
Killian Jones really needed to stop giving Emma more reasons to find him adorable and sexy. Like playing blocks with two year old Leo in the middle of the Nolan’s living room.
“Wow, lad! This is a super tall tower! Do you think we can add this last block?”
He was on his stomach, guiding Leo’s hand ever so carefully to add one last wooden block to their creation. Killian scooted up on his knees and grinned at the toddler.
“Now are you ready for the best part?”
Leo bent his knees and did a funny little bounce with his bottom sticking out. His grin was wide and his eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Okay,” Killian said, putting an exaggerated tough expression on his face, “ready to dinosaur stomp?”
Killian swung his arms a bit and “stomped” on his knees while growling. Leo did the same, scrunching his face up adorably as he growled. Then both of them let out a loud roar, and Leo swung his arms at the block tower, knocking it over with a satisfying crash. Killian cheered for the boy, and Leo grinned broadly as he launched himself at his “Uncle Killy.” Killian caught him, but fell backwards as if Leo was too strong for him.
“Oh no, it’s the tickle-saurus-rex!”
Liam’s giggles were so infectious, Emma found herself laughing too as he attempted to tickle Killian. She left the couch to join them, helping the toddler to tickle Killian.
“Not fair!” Killian gasped between bouts of laughter. “The giganta-saurus can’t help the tickle-saurus!”
“Hey!” Emma retorted. “Watch who you're calling gigantic.”
“You gi-unt. Leo wi-tul,” the two year old explained, jabbing Emma with a pudgy finger.
“I guess you’re right, Leo. You’re little, and I’m giant.”
Killian shrugged from his spot on the floor. His hair was a mess, and it was way sexier than it had a right to be.
“You can’t argue with the boy’s logic, can you, Swan?”
“Alright kids,” David teased from the dining room, “it’s time to eat.”
Emma scooped Leo up as she stood and balanced him on her hip. Killian stood, groaning as he did. Emma laughed at him.
“Feeling your age, old man?”
“Maybe,” Killian groaned, rubbing at his lower back.
Emma reached out to fix his disheveled hair. She couldn’t help herself. Besides, he didn’t want to look ridiculous in front of his old friends. Right?
“Thanks, love,” he told her softly.
Emma paused with her fingers just behind his ear. “No problem.”
“Hurry over here before the fish gets cold,” Mary Margaret called out.
Emma yanked her hand away, and Killina cleared his throat awkwardly. Mary Margaret gave Emma a look she couldn’t quite read as she approached the table. She deposited Leo in his booster seat, chatting with the little boy so she wouldn’t have to face whatever look Mary Margaret was leveling at her.
They all settled around the table, passing around food and chatting amicably. David had grilled some striped bass he had caught just that morning, and Emma held back a moan at how delicious it was. The fresh fish around here was one of the perks she had grown to love. She had never had anything like this in Manhattan.
As usual, she and Killian had to keep up appearances, so Killian’s hand would every so often land on her knee, or he would press a kiss to her cheek. When the plates were all clean, and they were simply enjoying the conversation, Killian leaned back and slung his arm around the back of Emma’s chair. He doled out casual affection so readily in a fake relationship, she wondered how attentive he would be in a real one.
“So,” Mary Margaret said as she hoisted Leo out of his booster seat, “when did Walsh leave you high and dry?”
Emma’s mouth dropped open, sure she had heard her friend wrong. Mary Margaret just waited for an answer while she wiped Leo’s face and hands with a baby wipe.
“Please tell me he at least gave you 24 hours,” added David.
Killian’s arm dropped away from her shoulder with a thud as he exchanged a shocked glance with her. Emma blinked rapidly, hardly able to process the turn the conversation had taken.
“I’m sorry. Who?”
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. “You two don’t have to fake it with us. We know Walsh was your fiance, Emma. This building is old, the loft is right upstairs, and the walls are thin.”
David eyed them both as he crossed his arms over his chest. “So what’s going on?” Emma and Killian both released long sighs.
“Look, I was at Killian’s shop checking on the wedding arbor when Walsh called and dumped me.”
Mary Margaret gasped. “The day of the wedding?”
Emma nodded, then glanced at Killian again with an expression that said help!
“So, uh,” Killian began to explain, “I sort of . . . offered to stand in.”
“So this is a fake marriage?” David’s eyebrows arched.
Emma shook her head at Killian, and he ducked his head and scratched behind his ear. She had to tell him to quit doing that. Surely she wasn’t the only one who had figured out it was his nervous tick.
“What Killian means is, yes it’s a real marriage in that the wedding was real and there’s a marriage certificate and everything. It’s legal.”
“But,” Killian clarified, his face already turning red, “Emma means that we haven’t . . . that is to say it isn’t . . . “
“Consummated?” Mary Margaret asked.
Emma choked on the sip of water she had just taken. Killian’s face turned positively crimson.
“So that’s a no, thank God,” David muttered.
“Excuse me?” Killian blurted.
“You’re not my dad,” Emma muttered.
“David, seriously,” Mary Margaret scolded.
David lifted both hands in defense. “I just want to be sure Killian isn’t taking advantage of the situation.”
“I didn’t pimp myself out to him, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Emma snapped.
“Nobody is saying that,” Mary Margaret assured her.
“I would never assume . . . “ Killian stuttered, “I mean . . . “
His face might remain red for the rest of his life.
“David,” Mary Margaret announced decisively, “take Leo in the living room. Emma’s gonna help me with the dishes.”
“But -” David protested even as his wife thrust the toddler into his arms. Mary Margaret gave him a look, and he sighed and rose from the table.
“Killian?” Mary Margaret asked pointedly.
“Yes ma'am,” Killian told her, hanging his head and following quickly after Davd.
Emma laughed. “You use that teacher voice well.”
Mary Margaret shrugged as she started gathering plates. “Whatever works on third graders also works on men is what I’ve found.”
Emma helped her clear the table and take everything into the kitchen. The building was old, and except for the third floor loft apartment Emma had rented, it was the opposite of an open floor plan. She and Mary Margaret were tucked away from the men where they couldn’t overhear their conversation. Oh, Mary Margaret was good.
“Okay, spill it. Why did Killian Jones agree to marry you at the last minute?’
She also wasn’t subtle.
Emma avoided her gaze as she ran the hot water and squirted soap on the pile of dishes. “I don’t know. He said he hoped I could help his brother and his wife with some marriage issues.”
Mary Margaret snorted. “And you believed that?”
Emma scowled at her, but when Mary Margaret gave her a pointed look she sighed. “Killian honestly confuses me. I thought he was inconsiderate when he was just the carpenter downstairs blaring loud rock music. When he was making my arbor, I thought he was nothing but a shameless flirt. But now . . . I don’t know what to make of him.”
Mary Margaret tilted her head, regarding Emma in a way that made her blush. She looked quickly down into the sudsy water and started scrubbing at a saucepan.
“Are you falling for him?”
“You two really need a dishwasher,” Emma grumbled, scrubbing harder.
“Don’t change the subject.”
Emma looked up at her friend in frustration, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. “We have an agreement, okay? Nothing more. We fake this marriage for a year, then we part ways. Killian even says I can spin it in my favor.”
Mary Margaret frowned. “You mean paint him as the bad guy? Emma, that’s awful!”
“I’m not saying that’s what I’m going to do! I’m just saying that we went into this agreeing to no strings, know what I mean?”
Mary Margaret took the clean saucepan and began to dry it with a dishcloth. She said nothing as Emma started washing the plates, but Emma could tell something was bothering her.
“Spit it out,” she finally groaned.
“I don’t want to see my friend get hurt,” Mary Margaret admitted after a beat of silence.
“I won’t.”
“I wasn’t talking about you.”
Emma’s brow furrowed. “It was his idea.”
Mary Margaret put down the dish she was drying and turned Emma to face her, ignoring the sudsy water dripping from Emma’s hands and onto the floor. She cupped Emma’s face in her hands.
“Why do you think he offered, Emma? You can’t be that oblivious, you're too smart for that.”
Emma blinked and sucked in a sharp breath. Mary Margaret couldn’t mean that Killian had serious feelings for her. Could she? Sure, the man could kiss, and he had come to be an actual friend she could talk to, but that didn’t mean he lov - had feelings for her.
Emma shrugged Mary Margaret off and turned resolutely back to the dishes.
“We’re being careful.”
“I don’t see how you can be,” Mary Margaret muttered, “living together, pretending to be married, and all those little touches he was giving you tonight.”
“We had to keep up appearances. We didn’t know you had figured it out.”
Mary Margaret kept talking, ignoring Emma’s explanation. “I’ve also just never seen him this happy.”
Emma dropped a handful of silverware into the sink with a splash. She recovered her composure quickly and fished them back out of the water.
“I think you’re exaggerating.”
“You didn’t see him after Milah died. He was a mess. He sold the house they had been renovating for way less than he should have, bought that little cabin from Liam, then shut himself away. Then he started drinking too much. If it hadn’t been for Liam and David, I don’t know what might have happened.”
Mary Margaret’s words caused Emma to freeze, a sudsy plate in her hand, dripping water all over her jeans. What the hell had she gotten herself into? Mary Margaret pried the plate from her hand silently and started to dry it.
“I’m not trying to break his heart,” Emma whispered.
Mary Margaret looked at her gently. “I know that. I also know he’s a grown man who did this of his own free will. I guess I just can’t help worrying.”
“You’re a good friend.”
“I’m your friend too, Emma, so can I give you a little advice?”
Emma bit her bottom lip, the answer “no” on the tip of her tongue, but she finally found she couldn’t resist Mary Margaret’s earnest expression. “Fine, bring it on,” she answered with a teasing smile. “I don’t want anyone to say I can dish it out but can’t take it.”
“I know Walsh hurt you, and it may seem like building a wall around your heart is the wise thing to do. And that wall of yours might keep pain out, but it will keep love out, too. Just . . . open your eyes when it comes to Killian?”
Emma swallowed nervously as she turned quickly back to the dishes in the sink. She never did tell Mary Margaret yes or no.
“So how long have you been in love with Emma?”
David Nolan was many things. Subtle was not one of them.
Killian groaned and dropped his head into his hands. “Is it that obvious?”
“You standing up in a tux sure was. Why else would you do this?”
“I’m a nice guy?”
David laughed. “No one’s that nice.”
Muppet Babies was playing on the tv to keep Leo occupied, and the two year old giggled at something Gonzo said. He shifted on David’s lap, and Killian noticed the boy’s eyelids drooping. David brushed a kiss across the child’s blonde hair, and Killian’s heart clenched as he looked away. The words Emma had him repeat - “it wasn’t my fault” - replayed in his mind. Yet he also realized that he wanted what David had more than he had been willing to admit. For the first time, hope for the future flickered within his heart instead of regret for the past.
“Seriously, though,” Killian told his friend, “I didn’t want to see her hurt and humiliated. Not to mention what it would have done to her career.”
David turned away from the dancing Muppets to level Killian with a look that he had seen before. David had given it to him every time he had tried to hide away or drink himself into oblivion after Milah died. Every time he lied and said “I’m fine,” David would give him that look. The look that basically said he wasn’t buying Killian’s shit.
“And you had absolutely no hopes for anything more?”
Killian rubbed wearily at his temple before answering. “I confess I hoped we might get . . . closer, but don’t forget, she was left at the altar. I have to proceed with caution.”
Leo had fallen asleep the way only children can - with no preamble. He was limp in David’s arms, his neck bent at an angle that no adult would be able to endure. Somehow, he was already sweaty. David moved with agonizing slowness to grab the remote and mute the cartoon. Then he turned to Killian with a serious expression on his face.
“Are you prepared for her to leave when this is all over?”
The thought kept him up at night, especially now that Emma shared his bed. He had to admit, he was falling harder every day. And yet . . . He met David’s gaze with resolve in his eyes.
“When I win her heart, it won’t be through any trickery or manipulation. It won’t be because I’m convenient. It will be because she wants me. If she doesn’t, I want her to walk away. All I want is her happiness. I mean that, David.”
His friend nodded. “That’s all I want too. For both of you.”
Killian sat in the audience of The Tiana Show, sticking out like a sore thumb. Every other audience member was a woman.
He was amazed as well to see how small the stage was. On tv, it looked much bigger.
Not that he regularly watched The Tiana Show. He had little interest in “swoon worthy” male celebrities, fashion trends, or segments on “how to feel confident choosing a gynecologist.” He had only suffered through a handful of episodes with Emma while she prepped to be a guest.
The stage still looked bigger on tv.
Tiana herself came out on stage for a sound check and a walk through of her marks for the different segments. The crowd cheered, and she waved. She saw Killian, and her face brightened as she rushed over.
“I am so glad you could join us, Mr. Jones,” she told him, giving him a firm handshake.
“I’m happy to be here,” he told her. And he was. Emma was successful, smart, and cared deeply about her clients. She deserved all of the recognition she could get. “But call me Killian, please.”
“Okay, Killian. Did my team prep you on where the cameras would be?”
“Yes, and they made it clear I wasn’t to look at them.”
Tiana pointed a finger at him, “You might just be made for tv, Killian. God knows the camera loves you!”
Killian, unsure what to say, just chuckled nervously as he scratched behind his ear. Tiana winked at him, then returned to the stage where she would give her opening monologue. She addressed the studio audience, getting them pumped up to applaud before they went live.
Killian didn’t pay much attention to her monologue or the cooking segment that had something to do with a new diet fad. Finally they went to another commercial break, and Tiana moved to the other side of the stage where her interview couch was set up. She winked at Killian as she got settled. He assumed it was a “are you ready for this, proud hubby?” kind of wink and not a flirtatious wink.
“And we’re back from commercial in 3, 2 . . .”
“Alright, ladies,” Tiana announced, “are you ready for some tough love in the relationship department?”
The audience clapped and cheered loudly as they had been prepped to do during the commercial break.
“That’s what I thought! Well, today I’ve got a fantastic guest for you. She’s the author of the best seller Seriously, Ladies? , and is releasing tomorrow her new book Ladies, It’s Not Just About the Wedding. She’s got five hundred thousand followers on Instagram, and her videos on YouTube have hits in the millions. Ladies, give it up for relationship expert Dr. Emma Swan!”
The audience applauded, and Killian joined in enthusiastically. Emma smiled at the audience, and gave a little wave. He was probably the only one who knew this wasn’t her favorite part of her job, and he only knew because he’d been living with her for two months.
“Thank you for being here,” Tiana said to Emma as soon as the crowd quieted.
“I’m happy to be here.”
“We’re going to get to your new book in a moment, but first I have to ask you: how is marriage? It’s been two months, right?”
“Yes,” Emma answered, her smile widening as she caught Killian’s eye, “and I have to say it’s been an incredible two months.”
There were “awes” from the audience, and Killian knew there must be cameras on him. He blocked that out, though, and just kept his gaze on Emma. He didn’t have to fake his smile, though. Looking at Emma always made him smile. She looked especially beautiful today, her glorious blonde hair curled and pinned to one side with a gold barrette. She wore a bold, dark floral dress with a flared skirt. Simple gold bangles on one wrist were her only jewelry. He was seriously lucky to be married to this woman, even if it was only for a year. Who wouldn’t want to be her cheering section?
“Well everyone on social media loves him already.” Tiana gestured to a screen above them where Instagram and Twitter comments appeared. “Right here, lovestruck84 says If I can get man candy like that following Emma Swan’s advice, take my credit card, Swan! darcywaitsforme says Where’s Emma Swan been for the past two months? Are you kidding me? If I married a guy who looks like that, I’d disappear for two YEARs. But I think my favorite is hearteyes4ever91.”
The audience laughed as that particular Instagram comment filled the large screen. Killian had started blushing from the get go, but now his face burned even hotter.
“If you can’t see this in the back,” Tiana laughed, “it’s just a row of drooling emojis.”
When the audience quieted, Emma responded with poise. “Yes, he is handsome, and I am a lucky woman. But I hope everyone realizes that good looks isn’t what makes a man a great catch. That’s one of the things I address in my new book.”
“Yes,” Tiana agreed, “I was so impressed with your book. I was highlighting like a mad woman. It’s interesting that you wrote it before your wedding. Do you find yourself wanting to change anything now that you’ve settled down?”
“No, not at all. Many of the principles of dating apply to marriage as well. Any relationship requires work, communication, care, and respect.”
“Can you give us an example of that within your own marriage?”
Emma’s gaze turned to Killian again, and the tenderness in it took his breath away. He had no idea what she was going to share, but the look she gave him told him he had nothing to worry about.
“Everyone’s been going on and on about how handsome Killian is, but they should have seen the way he took care of me when I was sick a couple of weeks ago.” The audience once again melted with a collective awww. Emma pulled her eyes away from Killian’s and back to Tiana. “And believe me, I was not looking sexy one bit, nor was I the nicest patient. Marriage means seeing each other at your worst, so don’t say I do to a man who isn’t willing to hold your hair back while you puke.”
The audience laughed, and Tiana nodded. “Wise words.” Then she looked straight into the main camera. “And when we come back, we’ll hear more from Emma Swan as she fields questions from our studio audience.”
Tiana and Emma both relaxed a little on the couch and chatted in soft voices. A producer came out and explained to the audience how the Q & A would go. It would look like Tiana was choosing people at random, but they had actually been chosen ahead of time. The producer reminded those women not to change their questions and made sure Tiana knew where they were sitting. Emma, however, had no knowledge of what the questions would be, and he could see the worry lines on her face. When she caught his eye he winked at her. She rolled her eyes in response, but now she was smiling.
“And we’re back from commercial in 3, 2 . . . “
“Welcome back to the Tiana Show, everyone,” Tiana said, her relaxed posture replaced by one that was ramrod straight and bordered on regal. “Today we have Dr. Emma Swan, relationship expert, to talk about marriage. Emma, before we get to our Q & A portion, I’ve been dying to know: what exactly made you leave New York City. Was it just love for a certain carpenter?”
Emma smiled graciously. “Storybrook is where Killian’s family lives, but he’s very supportive of my career. He would never ask me to move if it wasn’t right. No, the real reason I moved is because I wasn’t satisfied in New York. I mean, I love the city, but my career there just wasn’t what I had set out to do.”
“How so?”
“Well, it got to the point that the only people who could afford my therapy were the super wealthy. I was seeing celebrities, socialites, politicians. I was giving advice to my followers online, but I still sort of felt like a fraud. I keep my past private, but I will share this: I didn’t grow up with a lot. By moving to Storybrooke, I can live more simply and have a smaller, less visible clientele.”
The audience applauded, and Killian joined them. He knew Emma was being one hundred percent genuine. She had told him the same thing before. He also suspected that Walsh hadn’t been completely on board with the move to Storybrooke.
“That’s beautiful, Emma,” Tiana said, reaching out to grasp her guest by the hand. By the tears glistening in the woman’s brown eyes, Killian sensed she was genuine as well.
“I’m not trying to be a savior or anything,” Emma laughed. She shrugged. “I just want to make a difference as much as I can.”
“Shouldn’t we all? Now, the moment our studio audience has been eager for! Are you ladies ready to get some free advice today?”
The audience responded with loud cheers. Tiana asked them to raise their hands if they had a marital problem they wanted Emma’s help with. Tiana’s show wasn’t shock tv, so Killian assumed the questions would be common ones and fairly innocuous. Nevertheless, Emma had expressed to him her nerves about this part. He found her gaze again and gave her an encouraging nod. Soon, the first woman was speaking into a microphone.
“Hi,” the dark haired woman said timidly, “I’ve been married for two years, and I had a question about some advice my mom gave me.”
“Okay,” Emma said calmly, nodding at the woman to continue.
“Well, she always tells me not to nag my husband, but it’s really hard. We both work, so we divided up the chores, but he always waits until the garbage is overflowing to take it out. It drives me crazy! How can I get him to take it out if I’m not supposed to nag?”
Emma nodded her head, her face neutral. Killian had never seen her do therapy, of course, but this gave him a tiny window into her professional life. She was giving this woman her full attention, with no trace of judgment or even humor on her face.
“First of all,” Emma began, “no offense to your mother, but this is one of those long held pieces of marriage advice that can be really harmful. I mean, it’s kind of sexist if you think about it. Do you ever hear people telling men not to nag?”
There was a ripple of laughter through the audience, and Killian smiled. They were hanging on her every word.
“I think we need to define the word nag. If you mean constantly yelling at someone or constantly reminding them of their failures, then yeah, you shouldn’t nag. No one wants to be talked to that way - not a friend, not a coworker, not a child with their parents. Unfortunately, so many women have taken this advice to mean you should never ask your husband to do anything or remind him of things or express your feelings. That is very dangerous because a relationship can’t work if you aren’t able to communicate your wants, needs, and feelings.”
“So how do I get him to take out the garbage?” the woman asked, and the audience laughed.
Emma smiled. “Well, first you have to tell him that it’s bugging you. He may have no idea that it bothers you. Have you told him?”
The woman wrinkled her nose sheepishly. “Um, no.”
“Then start there. He may think it’s totally fine to wait until things are falling on the floor to take it out. It may never have occurred to him that it bothers you. That actually may solve the whole issue.”
The audience clapped and the woman sat down with a smile on her face. Tiana looked at Emma and tilted her head.
“Now I know men. What if her sorry husband just keeps on being lazy with the trash? I know my boyfriend just keeps cramming stuff in there, and I’m like do you not see stuff falling all over the floor? Am I right, ladies?”
Emma chuckled. “I never said communication would fix your partner. The important thing is that you are open with your feelings. Another part of strong relationships is having patience with one another’s flaws and accepting the person just as they are.”
“So who’s the messy one in your house, Emma?”
Emma’s cheeks flushed as she glanced at Killian, then she stared at her hands in her lap and chewed on her bottom lip. Tiana threw her head back and laughed.
“Oh I see how it is,” the hostess quipped, then she turned to Killian. “Mr. Jones, who’s the messy one?”
If there was one thing Killian knew how to do, it was turn on the charm. He cocked an eyebrow and flashed a lopsided grin.
“Well, Tiana, let’s just say I will happily pick up Emma’s shoes and wet towels for as long as we both shall live.”
Another chorus of awww swelled through the studio audience as Killian winked at his wife. His bloody brilliant, amazing wife.
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emachinescat · 3 years
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Way Back Wednesday #1
Welcome to Way Back Wednesday! Every Wednesday, I am delving into my past as a fanfic writer and reflecting on and sharing one of my stories… starting from the very beginning, 16 years ago, when I was a 14-year-old kid discovering her love for fandom. ❤️
Today’s story is…
An Unlikely Team
American Dragon: Jake Long & Kim Possible
Summary: Monkey Fist and Huntsman have teamed up in order to defeat their respective foes. With Monkey Ninjas, goblins, dragons, nacos, spy gear, magic potion, secrets, regrets, and tears, no one is going to escape from this situation without changing somehow.
Rating: G
Chapters: 18 | Words: 12,353
Year Published: 2005 | My age: 14
Relationships: Jake Long/Rose | Huntsgirl | Characters: Jake Long, Ron Stoppable, Kim Possible, Monkey Fist, Huntsman, Rose | Huntsgirl, Lao Shi, Fu Dog
AO3 Tags: Crossover, Suspense, Humor
My reflections on and "review" of the story are after the break! :)
Oh, wow. It was an adventure coming back to this story! It marked a lot of firsts for me - my first crossover, my first story above 10k words, my first chapter fic. I don't remember a whole lot about my writing process back then, or about the circumstances of writing this story. I was 14, and a lot has happened since then. I do remember that I was still coming off the review-high from my first story, and that I had no idea what I was doing, not really. And it kind of shows.
I guess I should go ahead and say that this story, like the last one, isn't bad. I mean, the plot, if a bit simple and contrived, makes sense and moves along fairly well, and the characters (except for Rose, but we'll get to her in a minute) are pretty well portrayed, and grammatically, there were no glaring errors that I could see. It was interesting enough; it has been probably a decade or more since I last opened this story, but it still managed to hold my attention well enough, I suppose. It has some very positive reviews (and some critical ones), so I must have done something right.
But I've got to go over the issues with this story. Most of them I think are just hilarious. I'd been writing since I was five, but I was new to this kind of storytelling and still trying to find my voice as a writer. Once again, it shows.
Okay, so first, there's the plot itself - super simple, very contrived, and kind of weird. Huntsman and Monkey Fist team up so that M can help H capture and unmask the American Dragon, and in return, H will give M a talisman that will "undoubtedly" make him the Ultimate Monkey Master? Sure, seems legit, I guess.
Then there's the fact that I had to end every chapter - or nearly every chapter - with a cliffhanger, even if it didn't warrant one. I was dying laughing because most chapters would end with a character saying something hopeful to another character, but then muttering under their breath something grim and suspenseful. For example: "'Let us go. Jake's life is depending on us. He is alive for now...' and then he added almost inaudibly, 'but not for long...'" It's hilarious, and I wish I could remember if I was trying to be edgy or just ensure readers would come back, or if I thought being ominous was a hallmark of good writing. Also, the chapters were overall very short. I think I just wrote however much I felt like writing and then posted. Of course, I was having to post between school and the Boys & Girls Club where my mom worked (and being grounded, like a lot), so I guess I just wrote what and when I could.
Some of the dialogue's a bit clunky, and I had a weird thing with time limits. They capture Jake, and then they have to send Huntsgirl out to get a potion that will make him human because they forgot (???) this very important part of the plan for some reason. She says something along the lines of, "My Huntstick will transport me to the magical black market almost instantly. I'll be back within an hour." That doesn't add up, unless she's going to spend an hour haggling with the seller. Then she gets back, amps up the whole evil villain plot, and then adds, "Oh, yeah, it'll take 30 minutes for this potion to take effect." So she and the baddies just stand there for half an hour watching Jake slowly turn from dragon to human. Then when he's been poisoned (another weird plot contrivance), Lao Shi says, "If we don't give him the antidote in 30 seconds, he'll die!" I suppose I did set the scene, whether intentionally or not, by having a clock ticking in the background, but the way that all of the characters seem to have such an acute knowledge and understanding of time is just weird to me.
The only aspect of this story to actually bother me is the disservice I did to Rose's character. In the show, she's portrayed as a pretty strong protagonist-by-day/antagonist-by-night, but in my story, she's pitiful. I don't know if I just consumed a lot of media with weak female characters or what, but it's super cringey how emotional and weak she's portrayed as once she finds out the truth about Jake. She cries, which is fine, but then girlfriend just up and faints! She cries some more, begs Jake to forgive her, acting like she'll never be able to live with herself or forgive herself if he doesn't, then gets mad at him when he needs a little time to process that the girl he has a crush on is also the girl who's been trying to kill him. Then as soon as he apologizes for... being traumatized, I guess? she turns around and starts spouting off stuff about never being able to forgive herself if he'd died or something. I apologize most deeply to her character.
Oh, I just realized I haven't really discussed the Kim Possible side of things, mostly because it's pretty cut and dry. Those characters all seemed to be, well, in character. I especially feel I had Ron down to a T. It was also really funny the way I had Huntsman and Monkey Fist constantly arguing even through their alliance. The fight scenes, with Kim and with Jake, are very minimal. They're usually one step above just saying, "They fought." On that note, there's not a whole lot of detail or description, but a lot of dialogue. I definitely could have expanded more on the world to make the crossover feel more complete.
All that (mostly light-hearted) criticism aside, it was fun to get to go back and read this, and if you think you'd be interested, be my guest. It's a cute little read, and important to me because it marked the second step in my fan-fiction journey.
Next week, we'll be taking a look at one of the cringiest things I've ever written - yikes!
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seyaryminamoto · 3 years
Masterpost: answering a single anon in a single post
So. I wasn’t going to answer asks today but frankly, considering what I should be writing I’d rather answer asks, might actually get a laugh out of it. Most of all, because of what I intend to answer here.
To spare y’all from the pain and annoyance of having to read through any of my answers to we-know-who, I’m going to do it differently this time. All in one post. Because frankly, filling my blog with their TWENTY asks, no less (and it’s official this time, used to be sixteen but then I reblogged that post about conflict in stories and they went wild, as usual) isn’t worth anyone’s time. Hell, it’s not even worth mine, but procrastination is overpowering.
Here we go. If you’re not the anon in question and still want to read this, I hope you have fun.
This is a free world. That means multiple things some people can’t seem to accept. One such thing is that people have no obligation to even interact with each other, let alone to do what others demand of them, especially when they don’t want to. The fact is, being harassed (because, yes, there’s no other word for it) by someone has been a pretty irritating and stressful thing for me, to the point where it has impacted my ability to write...
And the harasser doesn’t give a single fuck about it and just keeps going :’)
With such introduction, I decide to engage my least favorite person in this site once again because clearly, ignoring them, blocking them, closing asks, deleting and rewriting reviews, is still not enough to get across the message that reiterating an opinion a million times doesn’t automatically make it more valid. So let’s see just what’s going on with this very much desperate person who apparently can’t stop seeking my attention:
First of all, I asked this person, point-blank, to address their asks, if they would continue sending them, to my main blog. Let’s see how that request turned out:
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Oh my, astonishing! They sent it to Gladiator’s blog instead! And what a bigger shock: they’re, as usual, trying to control and direct what I write and how I write it. While sprinkling empty compliments that don’t mean a thing, such as claiming RESPECT for me and my work when every single ask they’ve sent is an outright disrespectful act against me, considering how many times I’ve requested, directly, that they stop this, and how many times they’ve ignored me. It even is extra poignant considering my request for them to send asks to my main blog instead, and yet they deliberately sent it to Gladiator’s blog. This is what RESPECT looks like, in this anon’s head. Fascinating stuff, isn’t it?
And then comes the mad onslaught that left me facedesking for days:
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... I mean. Can someone please read this and tell me the person on the other side, with their vague condition, whatever it may be, has any idea what an apology even MEANS? 
For someone who’s so obsessed with alleged consistency, you’re damn bad at it yourself, Anon. You can’t send four asks in a row, to the WRONG BLOG, demanding for explanations you don’t even care to read, because every single time I’ve taken your whining seriously you’ve disregarded all my responses and gone right back to the same BS as before, and THEN pretend you’re here TO APOLOGIZE.
You don’t feel any remorse. To this day, you don’t even KNOW what you did wrong. This is NOT expressing yourself: THIS IS HARASSMENT. Need me to define the word for you to understand what it means, seeing as it’s becoming abundantly clear your reading and interpretation skills are not the greatest?
Definitions of harassment:
1. (n) the act of tormenting by continued persistent attacks and criticism 2. (n)  a feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented
Because you NEVER stop. Because you keep going, constantly, never slowing down to think YOUR behavior is affecting a REAL LIFE HUMAN BEING. You’re obsessing over what happens in a fictional story that, by the way, is a fanfic, ergo, it obeys certain rules that general fiction does not. Among such rules is abiding by ORIGINAL characterization to a certain extent, and that means, hahaha, that Azula ISN’T an experienced character in any social or romantic situations because she ISN’T in canon, and there was no reason to change that, especially considering the worldbuilding I crafted, which makes it CRUCIAL for Azula to be careful with her virtue, despite she doesn’t want to be and realizes the whole notion of female virginal purity is absolute BULLSHIT.
But why am I explaining anything anyway? You won’t understand it, because you don’t want to. You claim, constantly, that you’re asking things OUT OF CURIOSITY, as if that makes ANYTHING better, when the truth is you’re just here to impose your cursed opinions on everyone else, especially me, and pretend you somehow own this fic and ship and your demands mean more than anyone else’s. Meanwhile, oh, I understand you PERFECTLY: you don’t want Sokka to ever have any experiences with any other women because you only believe in pure, untainted love of virgins who wait for each other and don’t ever make mistakes or are forced into unwanted situations. Because, again, you can’t understand that those sorts of things CAN happen. Because you don’t see there’s nuance to human beings, nuance I attempt to capture through my characters too.
I said it semi-jokingly, back in my past answers, now I say it directly: IF YOU CAN’T STOMACH THESE SITUATIONS AND CAN’T ACCEPT THEM, THIS STORY IS NOT FOR YOU.
An M-rated story doesn’t owe you any apologies for being what it is. An M-rated story, at the end of the day, is a STORY. You are a human being who should be capable of controlling not only your impulses but your reactions to things, at least to some degree, and yet you refuse to. You, in fact, continue to prove you CAN’T control yourself in the least because hey, just now, halfway through writing this post? I got THREE MORE ASKS by you. No less than three. And you finished them off, again, with a pretense that you’re going to stop pestering me...
... But hey. You said that at the end of the last ask I pasted up there. Hmm. And yet...
You came back, over and over and over again? :’)
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RIGHT ON ALL ACCOUNTS! So... how do TWENTY ASKS, after claims that you’d finally stop, count as “regret”? You’re not changing at all, anon, because YOU DON’T WANT TO. You don’t, to this day, see what you did wrong. You don’t get it. And you won’t get it. So how about we just keep going with the next four?
Oh! But hey, you actually switched blogs this time. Super sweet of you to finally listen to ONE thing I said. Very nice.
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I’ll just point out: I received the last NINE asks I’ve pasted here in a SINGLE DAY.
Nine. In one day.
I only ever got that many asks in a single go during review parties (admittedly, there were more than that, but still). The fact that you felt the need to send me NINE ASKS, to beg for forgiveness with a completely dishonest apology, is all the proof of harassment anyone could possibly ask for, right? If you weren’t an anon and at least had the GUTS to own up to your opinions, which you seem to consider absolutely sacred and completely correct, you’d have never gotten away with this. Ergo why you don’t have those guts, and why you keep sending anon reviews and asks too.
The fact that you’re so obsessed with this problem, to the point of believing Sokka’s best sex was with JUNE? We’ve literally finished an entire arc of Sokka and Azula banging across the Fire Nation with no restraint, with the two of them repeatedly remarking this is the best time they’ve ever had, and you’re so completely obsessed with this problem that you apparently think Sokka angrily fucking someone WHILE DECEIVING HIMSELF INTO THINKING IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE is... better? Are you FOR REAL? Are you seriously THAT BAD at reading?
Please, click here. I can’t even stand it anymore. It’s not even for my own sake but yours. You need it.
Also... you’re projecting so bad. Like, so bad. June’s teasing in that chapter is 100% intended to piss them off. The fact that she starts asking for Azula to lend her her “second boyfriend”, AKA Rui Shi, should tell you just how much stock June puts in what happened between her and Sokka: SHE DOESN’T GIVE A DAMN. She’s honestly more entertained by pissing off Azula as a consequence of it than over the sex she had with Sokka, especially considering she even lost her temper with him after he started apologizing in 28. You’re so completely beside yourself you can’t see ANYTHING clearly?
If you REALLY need it spelled out, no, Sokka wasn’t June’s best sex. June has probably done anyone and everyone she ever wanted to, and chances are she absolutely found someone, or several someones, who actually wanted HER, for HER, just as much as she may have wanted them. And that, you insecure mess of a human being, would absolutely make for a much better lay than what she got with Sokka. Why don’t I outright state this in the story, you’ll ask? Because despite what you may believe, this story ISN’T a love triangle between Azula, Sokka and June! Oh my, the horror! We’ve literally spent 198 chapters building up the story and developing Azula and Sokka’s relationship but the ONE TIME encounter with June apparently makes her that pivotal for your whole existence?
Dude, I literally don’t look at 28 AT ALL these days, because I don’t care to. Because even when I wrote it, it hurt me so bad having written it that I was crazy about getting to everything else so I could put it behind me. Whenever I reference it, I do the same way I reference ANYTHING ELSE. The only person who seems to think I’m doing it to further torture anyone IS YOU. 
And yes, did I just say it hurt me too? Oh, my, what a SHOCKER! The fact is, that scene is only as intense as it is because I literally couldn’t bring myself to write it. It wasn’t until it came to mind that Sokka COULD imagine Azula in June’s place that I finally found the way to do it: it wasn’t just Sokka imagining Azula instead, it was ME. Because if it had been anything else? I wouldn’t have been able to write it at all. I basically wrote it as hatesex Sokkla because I NEEDED to in order to write it. “THEN WHY DID YOU EVEN WRITE IT?!?!?”, you’ll scream, I’m sure: BECAUSE I TREAT MY CHARACTERS AS HUMAN BEINGS WHO MAKE MISTAKES AND DO THINGS THEY SHOULDN’T HAVE. BECAUSE SOKKA WAS IN A DARK PLACE AND DIDN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT AZULA WAS FEELING OR THINKING. BECAUSE AZULA WAS IMPULSIVE AND CONTROLLING AND COULDN’T REALIZE THAT THE MORE SHE TRIED TO FORCE SOKKA TO BEND TO HER WILL, THE MORE HE WOULD TRY TO BREAK FREE.
But all this is clearly too complex for you. Can’t even fathom understanding anything remotely close to characterization and conflict within relationships, no. You’re something else entirely.
And so, we move on to the post-apology Anon: you DO realize that forgiveness is something earned? I mean, it’s kinda funny because Sokka actually earned his own. He spent ages working for it, and even AFTER Azula told him he was forgiven, he still feels so bad about having hurt her that, to this day, he regrets it. Being FORGIVEN was not a condition for him to feel remorse. He regretted his actions because HE KNEW THEY WERE WRONG. Because he’s an actual, decent human being who, when faced with a catastrophic mistake, actually wants to amend it and wishes he had acted differently despite he can’t take anything back anymore.
But you? You can’t even begin to understand what regret means. I guess another dictionary definition would help?
Definitions of regret
1. (v) feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about
2. (v)  feel sad about the loss or absence of
3. (v)  express with regret
4. (v)  decline formally or politely
5. (n)  sadness associated with some wrong done or some disappointment
So, your attempts to beg for forgiveness fall completely flat. And I say it in plural, ATTEMPTS, because in case you think I’m daft and forgot your old reviews and asks, I didn’t: THIS ISN’T YOUR FIRST ATTEMPT TO APOLOGIZE FOR THIS BULLSHIT. I thought I should clarify that, because heh, you have claimed you won’t come back, you have claimed you’re sorry, you have said many platitudes in the past that actually had no meaning... and I could tell they didn’t, which is why I never answered them. Because there was no way someone who had exhibited such obsessive behavior would actually control themselves and get over their issues after MONTHS of persistent harassment.
And so, you didn’t disappoint, because I had zero expectations that you’d actually abide by your apologies. Empty apologies, again, because to this moment you don’t even know what you did wrong. You don’t get it. To put it in the way I did for someone else who talked to me about this mess:
You could be complaining to me about something else entirely. You could be here, demanding that I explain why I’ve been writing Sokka killing people, for instance. You could be disregarding all sense, reason, historical precedents and what-have-you as to why a warmongering, canonically genocidal nation like the Fire Nation would ever have a system like the Gladiator League and enslave other cultures to do their bidding. 
And if you came back with those complaints PERSISTENTLY, FOR A YEAR, I’D BE JUST AS ANGRY AS I AM NOW.
It’s NOT about the situation you’re throwing a fit over. It’s NOT about me having it out for you. It’s about YOU not knowing limits or boundaries, going as far as you constantly, consistently have, ever seeking to twist my story into whatever warped, fucked up perception you’ve developed over it, without ever slowing down to think that your actions and your behavior are affecting someone else. I’m not just a rambling robot who can’t seem to stop talking or writing or whatever you may think I am: I’m an actual person with a FUCKLOAD of problems, who literally just had the WORST year of her life, and you just decided to continue adding to the pile, never slowing down to consider that your feelings, and your opinions, and your pain, does NOT invalidate other people’s, let alone does it make you EXEMPT of hurting others. Which, heh, if you knew how to read, you could’ve even LEARNED this from Gladiator! :’D 
Because Azula, so hurt as she was, took to hurting Sokka too, in many, many ways. And Sokka, once he understood how wrongly he had judged Azula, simply let her hurt him because he thought he deserved everything she threw at him. Later on? Azula realizes all the pain she caused Sokka COULD have led him to choose the White Lotus over her. She’s in a life-or-death situation, unable to fight back, and the ONLY reason she doesn’t get screwed over and captured by the enemy is because Sokka decides she matters more to him than joining forces with sketchy people who are out for revenge. But what if she’d hurt him more than she had? What if she’d done WORSE than she did? Maybe he would’ve been so hurt too that, at this point, he would’ve chosen the White Lotus and not only abandoned her but handed her over to her nation’s enemies! :’) oh, the horror. Is it really that unthinkable? Why, it’s not to me. And why not? Because if Azula had been as unforgiving and unyielding as you are, if she had been so obsessive over whatever caused her pain and refused to move on... this story would SUCK. BADLY.
Makes you wonder what that says about your mentality, doesn’t it?
Alas, after all this digression as to why your behavior is absolutely appalling to me, let’s see what you did indeed, right after your absolutely shallow apology that was obviously not sincere, because you don’t regret having bothered me at all, you just regret that I won’t abide by your whining...
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Is THIS what an apologetic, remorseful person looks like? Really, now? Honestly, if Sokka were half as bad as you are, he would’ve slept with half the Fire Nation by now while constantly coming back to Azula like “Oh woops did it again, sorry!”
Yes, I can honestly make the link pretty easily. Must be why you keep assuming he’ll ever be with someone else, because if you were in his place, you would do exactly that :’) beautiful how things just come full circle, isn’t it?
That ask came as a response to another, potentially ill-intended one, potentially sent by you too. An ask I answered with a whole list of unique things Sokka has done for Azula. Not only did you NOT understand the list’s purpose despite you may have even been the one to ask for it... but you took a line directly referencing OBVIOUS events like chapters 64, 69 and 93, moments in which Azula either put a stop to opportunities where she and Sokka might have ended up going too far, and he accepted it without complaint... or Sokka himself put a stop to them, KNOWING that Azula would be taking a huge risk if she gave herself to him completely as she does from 97 onwards. That you literally took something that was SO VERY OBVIOUS, and twisted it into chapter 28 again speaks LENGTHS of how absolutely messed up your perception and interpretation of this whole story is. You have issues. Serious issues. And I’m not saying this just to be an ass, I’m saying it because it’s clear as day that if you CAN’T stop linking absolutely everything I say or do to chapter 28, whether it’s being referenced or not (and in this case, it was NOT), the problem isn’t me, IT’S YOU.
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And here we go again. You are actually trying to POLICE the Sokkla fandom at this point? An ANON? And hey, you returned to the Gladiator blog! Which means you were so pissed that I didn’t answer your previous asks and your phony apology because I KNEW you’d come back that even your teeny, tiny behavioral correction was pulled back because you were MAD. And you HAD TO MAKE YOUR OPINIONS KNOWN, AGAIN.
Do tell, are you the same ass who harassed a pretty new friend I’ve made in this fandom? An honestly solid writer who happens to feature Sokka having other, prior relationships to Azula because, haha, if you work with CANON settings, that’s basically guaranteed since Sokka already has canon relationships before even knowing Azula exists? And then, even if in those experiences Sokka ends up going “... I bet it’d be better with Azula”, you STILL take this as a slight and you consider it a reason to go around harassing writers and potentially even THREATENING to report their content because you’re mad that Sokka isn’t exclusively Azula’s in every single story you pick up?
The worst part is, I actually wrote at least 2 stories in my Saturdays’ oneshots where Azula and Sokka are each other’s first everything, absolutely so. And I got nothing from you for it, not even a teeny tiny “HEY THANK YOU YOU FINALLY WROTE WHAT I WANTED TO SEE!”. No, you only come out of your hole to ATTACK writers. To tell us what to do when you think we’re not doing it right. As if you had the SLIGHTEST right to tell ANYONE what to do.
I literally have been here for EIGHT YEARS. I’ve been creating content for this ship for that long, when nobody else was anymore. I won’t take credit for the ship’s rise in popularity, despite yes, it’s far from a major ship no matter how far we’ve come... but my story didn’t reach the heights it has out of sheer dumb luck. I worked my ass off with Gladiator in every way I could to make it a story of the scope and depth it deserved to be, and the fact that people who didn’t even ship Sokkla were interested in reading the story all the same has always been something I take pride on. A ton of multishippers read this story, and support Sokkla too: neither you nor ANYONE has any right to demand or claim or pretend that someone else has no right to be part of this fandom or to set guidelines as to what their content should be. There’s LITERAL stories out there of Sokka having a goddamn HAREM, just so you know, with Azula included amongst the women involved in it... and you’re here, throwing a fit over people featuring Sokka having one-time encounters and brief relationships with other girls before committing completely to Azula.
I’ve been here, working my ass off for Sokkla, not only in writing but literally developing my art skills to the best of my ability so I could ONE DAY create the visuals and images these two evoked for me... 
And yet I don’t feel I have any right to tell ANYONE how to make their content. 
If there was a set number of words in fics or artworks someone needed to make for a ship to prove themselves worthy of obtaining the skill of GATEKEEPING, I am 100% positive I have more than outdone that limit.
And yet I DON’T play gatekeeper. I NEVER have, and I NEVER will. People can create whatever they want to create, whether I enjoy it or not is up to me, and if I DON’T enjoy it, I DON’T read it. If there’s Sokkla content out there I can’t even STOMACH? I would ignore it and move on with my life. You? You make it your whole life’s crusade to attack people over anything that tickles you wrong. That’s how it works, isn’t it?
Unless you’re planning on pulling a Scooby-Doo-esque twist where you remove your mask and reveal you were a known Sokkla fan and content creator all along, which I find ABSOLUTELY unlikely, then this means you haven’t done anything, ANYTHING, for this fandom beyond sending anonymous harassment to people who are actually taking time out of their lives to create content for this ship. The main reaction I’ve seen at you from ANY of us, whether anons like yourself or actual content creators like myself, is that you have too much time on your hands and need a better hobby. And I agree, completely.
So, where people like me and my fellow Sokkla creators are actually making content that convinces people, if not to ship it, to at least CONSIDER this ship a possibility... you’re out there, in hiding, pretending you have any right to tell us what to do and going ignored on most accounts. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: if I had any respect for someone, and they either stopped responding to me or started responding by telling me to leave them alone, I’d feel like such stain of garbage I’d never even try to interact with them again. While people absolutely can be different and react differently to things... I can’t see how, exactly, you have any respect for me when knowing you’re a problem for me has never stopped you and most likely never will.
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I’ll admit, this one actually made me laugh. Like... you’re seriously trying to tell me that a sex scene was way too good and that’s why I have to change it. I actually disagree on every account, because the last time I revisited 28 I thought the scene was absolutely distant from my best work? I’ve written soooo much smut recently and literally any of those scenes kicks 28 out of any “best smut” contest by MILES. But... heh. This one, apparently, was too good.
I mean... thank you? For telling me that my smut skills are apparently that great they need to be toned down? Fascinating, really.
But again, “it sadly seems to be a too late to write chapter 28″. Sadly?
You can stick your sadness up where the sun doesn’t shine, dude: 
You can’t pretend, again, that you were EVER sorry for ANY of what you did... while still trying to tell someone they should rewrite their content. Honest to gods, you’re an asshole. You are. And if you think I’m one too, great, I own up to it gladly. But you’re the one willingly intoxicating their brain with my content, only to consistently go MAD over it, and then unleash this kind of illogical nonsense right back at me. I know art can generate a myriad of responses, but I am NOT responsible for your immaturity and inability to handle serious subjects and topics that SHOULD MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. If you don’t KNOW how to deal with the fact that there’s a lot of questionable, dislikeable things in this world, then my damn story is the least of your concerns because you’re well on your way to leading a VERY miserable life, Anon. Better get ready for it, will you?
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And again, the Gladiator blog. Again, pretending to be well-mannered, and also, again, using the world “sadly”, same as the ask above. Like... man, what on earth is wrong with you. Are you seriously this masochistic? Do you also drink arsenic for sport? What on EARTH brings you the belief that asking how far or how much was done between Sokka and his previous one-night-stands would help you IN ANY WAY, WHATSOEVER? 
I think I’ll answer that question, for once, with actual quotes, taken right from some of your favorite chapters, no less:
"When you and Ruon Jian got married, was he…?" she asked. Mai only raised a confused eyebrow, and Azula had the distinct feeling that Mai knew what she was talking about, but would force her to blurt it out anyways. She sighed: "A virgin."
Ty Lee's hands flew to her mouth as Mai raised her eyebrows. To Azula's astonishment, she merely shrugged.
"I don't know. I never asked," she said. Azula snorted.
"Then you're smarter than me. By far," she grunted. Mai smirked.
And as things digress there into Azula explaining what happened, let’s skip that and go straight to Mai’s direct answer:
"I've never asked Ruon Jian about whether or not he had anything serious with other girls before me because I seriously don't care," said Mai. "If I knew about it, I'd probably have a bout of jealousy like yours, I suppose… but it's in his past, and he left them behind to make me his present and his future. So, whatever he might have experienced before, with however many women there were, isn't something I'm overly concerned about."
"You're awfully mature compared to me if that's the case," said Azula, slipping her fingers through her hair again. Mai smirked.
"You've been complimenting me quite a lot today, Azula, that's not like you…"
"Shut up," Azula grunted. Mai chuckled.
This is the only answer this ask warrants. The fact that you’re so immature and so obsessed as to want to know more about what happened with something you HATE is completely cringeworthy and absurd. If you want to get angry imagining Sokka having wild sex with every woman who crosses his path, go ahead and do it, but do us both a favor and torture yourself, and yourself alone, with those thoughts rather than coming back TWENTY TIMES to my inbox looking for MORE reasons to get angry. You’re honestly unbelievable.
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You know, that reading comprehension site I linked up there? Courses, 20% off! Seriously, perfect fit for you. You need it, direly.
Like... how can someone read a story built on the premise of Azula literally defeating Sokka painfully in battle to the point he’s left unable to move, taking Sokka away from home, turning him into a slave, being objectively responsible for the WORST TWO YEARS OF HIS LIFE... and then come to my inbox asking if Azula will ever hurt Sokka?
Dude, you’re off the deep end. You can’t even pretend you have a grasp on reality if you SERIOUSLY THINK Azula has NEVER hurt Sokka. Like, seriously, it feels like you’re reading this truncated version of Gladiator that’s only chapters 28, 111, 112 and perhaps 123? Is that what’s going on?
I’ve had Sokka and Azula arguing over ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, whether for humorous or for serious purposes, since the very beginning of the story. Their first serious falling out is LITERALLY caused by the direct conflict of their worldviews clashing in chapter 12. Their second falling out was indeed caused by women: by Azula’s discovery that Sokka didn’t want to fight women, which of course, doesn’t bother you in the least because you and I both know that’s NOT what your problem was.
I could literally run through the whole story listing every single argument they’ve had, every single time they’ve hurt each other if that’s what you want: their first time? It literally comes from a very serious argument where Sokka believed he had reached the pinnacle of his potential as a fighter and feared Azula would need someone else to achieve her goals instead of him.
You don’t read this story. This ask absolutely proved it to me. You only read chapter 28 and everything potentially connected to Sokka having anything with other women. You don’t CARE about anything else, simply. Because if anything actually had ANY impact on you? You’d say something about it. But the only thing that touches your weird heart is Sokka sleeping with anyone else or having any potentially romantic interactions with someone else, whether he rejects them or not. 
You don’t care about Gladiator. You only care about your ego, and the validation of your worldview and puritanic morals.
And to that I say, fuck that noise. I write whatever the hell I want to write, and you’re not going to rope me into playing it safe just to please insecure harassers who don’t know boundaries and are completely incapable of empathizing with anyone while demanding everyone should understand their feelings.
Final note on this matter: you, also, have no idea what love is. You plain and simple don’t understand it. You’re even more confused by what love should be than Azula was at the start of this story. You don’t get it, AT ALL.
All you want is for them to get even on things? You literally asked me, when I was in my angry spree of deleting your bullshit, to make Azula and her future husband have happy consensual quality sex with who knows how many orgasms... because it was only fair!
If you think love is about getting even, you’re seriously an asshole. If you think love is about both people being 100% equal in social regards and experiences, you don’t even UNDERSTAND human relations. Do you live in a bubble, by any chance? Maybe you do! You must have zero contact with anyone other than people with your same puritanic beliefs, right? So that means you assume everyone who’s different from you is fundamentally a bad person? I take it?
Like... literally at this point I think you’d hear about someone who was abused in their childhood, molested, and your reaction would simply be “Oh wow I hope someone molests whoever they end up marrying too, so that way they may be even in the future and been molested by the exact same number of people, otherwise it’s not really love”.
This is fucking sick. I’m not holding back at this point, it’s SICK. It’s TWISTED. It’s VILE. Your mentality is absolutely repulsive to me. You don’t know what love is, and you have the most literal, obvious change to understand it better by reading this story properly, but instead you just read chapter 28 over and over and over again, isn’t that right?
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And here’s the evidence of that. You really want me to answer that last question?
No, it doesn’t bug me to read that AT ALL. Because unlike you? I don’t obsessively reread 28 while disregarding everything else in the story. Unlike you, I don’t revisit the chapter every day to pick apart every line to look for reasons to get extra angry at those developments.
Most of us, when faced with things we DON’T like in fiction? We move past it. You, instead, dig yourself into a hole and continue digging, and then pretend to hold other people responsible for whatever impact this may be having on your psyche. Because yes, you’re holding me responsible for whatever trauma or insecurity this is awakening inside you when you continue to pester me as you have: if you’re an adult, you should have the tools and brains to determine what is and what isn’t acceptable behavior, as well as to curate your own experiences with media, with fandom, with EVERYTHING to do with these communities. If you choose to look for things to hate instead of things to love, THAT’S ON YOU.
And if you’re allegedly looking for things to love but can’t find ANY that suit your purposes (which... is bullshit. Clearly, your only priority is “Sokka must be a virgin who never had anything with anyone else”, and such stories DO exist, which I guarantee considering I’ve written at least THREE of them, where it’s absolutely stated that Sokka’s first and only one is Azula)...
Well, it’s funny. Because when I got here? I was looking for some very specific fics so I could explore whether or not Sokkla made any sense. And I didn’t find them.
Which resulted...
... In me writing the very stories I wanted to see.
Oh, my. Imagine taking your impulses and channeling them into something productive rather than looking for reasons to get angry 24/7! Must be such a NOVEL CONCEPT for you!
Seriously, you have no right to dictate what anyone does. Again, worth bringing up because you INSIST on the rewriting matter. Even if you’re claiming you’re done asking for it, you somehow KEEP bringing it up. And then you act like me mentioning 28′s events here or there in the story is absolutely outrageous... but you just go right on ahead and do the same thing yourself, don’t you? Funny how much of a hypocrite you really are, isn’t it?
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The fact that you’re bringing up something I have NEVER written, and have NO INTENTIONS of ever writing, as some sort of stupid, ridiculous argument to be made AGAINST the post I literally reblogged TODAY... is just absurd beyond belief.
The fact that I ever even wrote Sokka cheating on Suki with Azula, which I DID, still bothers me. Because yes, it made for a good story, but the truth is, it doesn’t sit well with me. It worked in The Reason, worked in my collab story with a friend, but it doesn’t mean I feel 100% happy with that choice. Even if the cheating only amounted to a kiss in The Reason, and then a lot worse than just that in the other story, it’s still not cool! :’) I know this!
... And yet no one, NO ONE, has ever caught me writing Sokka cheating on Azula. In fact, when my collab story with my friend seemed to start moving towards that angle I BEGGED her not to do it, and then she didn’t, and my heart was deeply relieved and blissful for it. Because not only did it mean we wouldn’t have to deal with the very controversial and unsettling notion of someone in a good relationship cheating on their significant other... but because in that story, it also showed how much he had grown, and how he was truly devoted to Azula despite he hadn’t been to Suki.
But alas, I have my qualms with that concept, of course I do. And I don’t like it. Ergo, I’ll never write it.
Which begs the question as to WHY, exactly, you’re so obsessed with the notion of Sokka cheating on Azula? Like... do you get off on it? Are you wanking at the idea of Sokka and June every single night and then wake up feeling like crap and then take it out on me, by any chance? Is that what’s going on? Because I’m seriously starting to believe it is.
You clearly don’t understand anything about storytelling, which is probably why you don’t have the guts to create your own content in the first place. But the fact that I reblog a post about how conflict in a story is GOOD, and your first thought is “THEN THAT MEANS YOU APPROVE OF SOKKA CHEATING!” actually says A LOT MORE about you than it says about me. You need help. Clearly, the therapy site I was sending you to the last time wasn’t much good, was it? I guess you just ignored it in the end. Hopefully the reading comprehension one will suit you better, right?
Fuck you, seriously, for coming to someone who has been working this hard for this long, for a ship that they’re completely devoted to, to spout this kind of senseless shit. To think you seriously ever believed I’d accept your half-assed apologies when you’ve been doing this sort of bullshit for this long... you’re a piece of work. If you have the time to write that BULLSHIT into my inbox, at the very least use that time to look INWARD and ponder just what your damn problem is, resolve it on your own, AND LEAVE ME THE HELL OUT OF IT. Someone as immature and unstable as you has no business reading M-rated fiction, and I honestly rue the day you ever clicked my story. Both your life and mine would be countless times better if you simply had scrolled past it.
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And on and on we went today. The THREE MORE ASKS that arrived as I was typing this insanely long response. Which resulted in you bumping the total, successfully, to 20. MIGHTY NICE OF YOU TO PROVE ME RIGHT! :’)
Now then, getting serious here... I must say your priorities are fucked. Like. Really fucked.
You’d rather Sokka tries to KILL AZULA than have a one-time sexual encounter with someone?
Like... you’re here, condoning VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN to that extent...? :’D and then you... you actually have the balls to whine because apparently him  hurting her feelings is WORSE?!
You know, I think I have to offer you some REALLY good advice right now: go watch Naruto. Seriously, all of it. Go watch it, and enjoy your sweet loins’ release once Sasuke and Sakura start trying to kill each other, ONLY TO END UP TOGETHER AT THE END! :’) They were both 100% faithful to each other too, in the sense of Sakura getting depicted as a girl who can’t ever get over the guy she had a crush on when she was 6, no matter if he tries to kill her or her friends once he starts to go off the deep end, and Sasuke getting depicted as a guy who treats everyone like garbage, even the people he loves, because his manpain story somehow validates him being absolutely toxic to everyone he knows, so that’s absolutely up your alley! 100% the love story you’ve been looking for! You’re gonna LOVE IT.
Man, I just can’t believe you. I really can’t believe you. You’re seriously asking me to feature Sokka trying to kill Azula because that’s more acceptable to you. There was a story out there, you know? With Azula basically using Sokka to commit suicide, impaling herself on his sword and dying? You should just go look for that too, perfect fit for you (though it may be gone from the depths of this wretched site by now, which tbh I’d be grateful for, since it was the most unsettling, disturbing read).
Also? Thank you, truly, for all  the remarkably shallow compliments you’ve thrown at me to “soften” your “criticism” (which, again, is whining, not legitimate criticism). Calling me a capable writer is super NICE of you, especially after all these months of persistent harassment and constant repetition that I should rewrite whatever you don’t like. I mean... that’s definitely the way someone treats a capable writer, isn’t that right? 
“The problem isn’t conflict it’s what the conflict is”, the anon says. I’ve been writing a story for 8 years, 198 chapters and counting... and I’ve had a ton of different types of conflicts for Sokka and Azula to deal with. If your problem is “I don’t like this conflict”, FINE. But... hey. There have been THOUSANDS of other sources of conflict across the story, so many I don’t think I can even promise I’d ever take my time to count them all... there’s whole ARCS with conflicts regarding world politics and the war’s consequences and both Azula and Sokka completely changing their worldviews as they realize their realities are soooo much more complicated than they ever knew...!
Ergo. There ARE other conflicts. There are SO MANY of them that there’s no point in even listing it all out.
And yet you are obsessed with the one conflict you didn’t like, outright acting like THIS IS THE ONLY CONFLICT THERE EVER WAS, as proven by that preposterous and mindless “when will Azula ever hurt Sokka” ask. The one development you were pissed at, because it tickled your loins the wrong way. Oh yes, I’m a capable writer, I could’ve done things differently...!
And aren’t you thrilled that I didn’t? You would be a complete nobody in this fandom if this hadn’t happened, because otherwise what would you POSSIBLY have to complain about?! To harass someone about?! You’d be SO BORED! You’d be so unknown, nobody would even be aware of your existence...!
You’re an anon.
You’re unreachable and nobody really knows who you are.
... So never mind, you actually still are a complete nobody in this fandom and your only attempt to even take part in it is to be a negative, irritating presence that literally makes people facepalm, laugh and ridicule you to the extent I and many others have laughed at you.
And yes, that post I reblogged was 100% worth reblogging. Why? Because it hits the nail on the head:
And the thing is? Maybe, in the future, I’ll write other stories, just as I wrote the Saturdays’ stories, and Sokka won’t have either meaningful or worth mentioning encounters with anyone else in them. Maybe I’ll write original fiction, and there won’t be any twists like what happened in 28! 
But you will never get over this.
You will never care about any other content beyond this.
And that’s your failing, not mine.
If you would rather obsess over what makes you angry, that’s on YOU. But I’m damn sure I wrote a pretty reasonable conflict, character-wise, that was not only consistent with characterization but with the slightly darker take of the Avatarverse I’ve been working with. Not only that, but I NEVER skipped the consequences of their actions. I literally had them facing those consequences for whole arcs. Sokka assumed he’d never have a chance to be with Azula and made his peace with it, WITHOUT EVER PRETENDING HIS DEVELOPING FEELINGS FOR AZULA WERE ANYTHING THAT ENTITLED HIM TO HER LOVE IN RETURN. But oh, that’s too complex for you to understand, isn’t it? The fact that Sokka actually loves Azula for her, and not for himself, that he devotes himself to her in every imaginable way, that he fights people who dare disrespect her, that he would stop at NOTHING, even coming close to killing someone, to keep her safe despite he’s completely against killing people? That all means NOTHING to you.
Because I damn right moved past it. I’ve moved so far past it I literally don’t ever THINK about that damn situation until your stupid asks start arriving. Heck, maybe if you didn’t ASK so much about it, I’d stop bringing it up in recent chapters of the story :’) how do you feel about that particular kernel of unexpected information? Maybe you’re impacting the story in a whole shocking manner by inception-ing 28 into my head all the time and that’s why I can’t seem to stop throwing in lines referencing it for you to go completely BONKERS over. How about that? :’)
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Say... how exactly do you think this fic is special? Literally all I know is you think I’m a capable writer who can create something perfectly catered for you, and yet ALL the feedback I’ve ever gotten from you is “REWRITE 28 AND EVERYTHING ABOUT SOKKA HAVING ANYTHING WITH OTHER GIRLS I DON’T UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS I’M GENUINELY CURIOUS THIS IS LEGITIMATE CRITICISM SIGNING OFF BYE”. Your compliments are completely devoid of meaning because they’re literally just a handful of “you’re a good writer” and you don’t even say WHY you think I’m good. You don’t ever come here to tell me how much you enjoyed a certain scene, or how happy you are with a certain development... No.
Because when Sokka and Azula got married? What did I get?
I wish I had screenshots for those, but you and I both know the truth, you irksome anon, and the truth is you did exactly that. And with every new development in Shu Jing, I got yet more reviews and ask(s), persistently whining about how UNFAIR it is that now Azula apparently is locked in marriage with this unfaithful man who has been unfaithful to her a grand total number of ZERO TIMES ever since their relationship began! How DARES he even think about marrying her?! Scourge of earth, let’s murder him in cold blood because DEATH IS BETTER THAN CHEATING!!!
If you think highly of Gladiator for ANY REASON, you’ve kept those reasons well and safely tucked away in the depths of your broken heart or shared them with anyone but me. Look at all these asks, damn you, and tell me at what point in time did you convey ANYTHING beyond “why don’t you write what I want you to write?”, huh? Because hell, I don’t see it in any of them. Literally nowhere. No backwards (: emojis are compliments or evidence of how much this story allegedly means to you. All I know is that you hate 28 and everything about it.
And you see...
I don’t give a flying fuck. 
I don’t.
You can hate 28 all you want.
You can hate June.
You can hate Sokka.
It is, INDEED, a free world.
But you have no right, NONE WHATSOEVER, to commit to this level of harassment as you have, for A WHOLE YEAR, and pretend the problem is that I, Seyary, the “evil super-sensitive author who writes Sokka sleeping with other people and doesn’t even break a sweat but then crumbles to pieces when “negative” feedback arrives”, can’t handle your comments properly.
Point being: HATE WHAT YOU WILL! But keep it the fuck off my blog. And if you CAN’T? Get used to these responses. Because you’re going to get them, constantly. I guarantee it.
I know your damn opinion already. I know it by heart and I damn wish I didn’t. You are perfectly free to go read all the other stories where I’ve had Sokka staying faithful to Azula, with Azula being his first, or with Azula being much more experienced and sleeping around while Sokka stays mostly chaste... but you don’t. You come back, every time, to my miserable inbox that must cry every time you show up in it, to make these demands and pretend you have any power over what I should be writing.
Again, no, I have no idea why this story matters to you at all. And at this point? I’d rather NOT know. Because I’m 100% sure the only thing that matters most to you is chapter 28. So you know, go ahead, wank to it again and cry yourself to sleep. It’s kind of fascinating to have written something that has such a visceral emotional impact on a complete and total stranger. Makes it clear I’ve made a lot of progress as a writer if I can fuck up someone’s life to this extent with what I’ve written.
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Yeah. Sure. You really think I’ll buy it? You really think this is goodbye? Oh, no, Anon. You can’t stay away. You’ve been told to, you’ve been asked to, but you can’t.
So no, I’m not wishing you good luck back. And I’m certainly not wishing you any fun with my fic, because it’s more than clear that the only source of entertainment it provided you was chapter 28, seeing as it’s the only impactful thing I apparently ever wrote. And someone who’s that obsessed with one of the chapters I most disliked writing despite I knew the plot would benefit from it in the long run simply can’t deserve to have fun. So... good suffering over Gladiator, if anything? Go ahead and continue to wrack your brain while trying to unravel why, oh, why would ANYONE ever write what I wrote and still call themselves a Sokkla shipper?! 
I dunno, maybe go on and write something similar yourself. Could be you’ll finally figure out what your problem is if you take to writing the cheating storylines you’re so very much obsessed with. Only, heh, I can guarantee I’m not touching anything you write, out of principle more than anything. I plain and simple don’t want anything to do with you... but as I don’t intend to close my inbox again, it seems I have no choice, do I?
Good fucking luck sticking to this alleged goodbye... but we both know you’ll be coming back very soon, won’t you? No worries, Anon, I’ll be waiting this time. Let’s see if you can break your 20-ask-streak record next time, shall we? :’)
It’s December 13th, at 2:32 PM, in my location. Let’s see how long it takes you to come back, shall we?
EDIT: I neglected to check constantly so it definitely arrived earlier than this, but officially received a response at least 2 hours after this post went live.
Didn’t I call it? Yep, absolutely called it.
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