#And can we talk about how dark Rayman 2 is?
no1-hatsunemikufan · 2 years
Rayman's Rage [Rayman 2 Fanfic]
By the time Rayman burst into Razorbeard's quarters, he was blind with rage.
He had been imprisoned on Razorbeard's slave ship. Stripped of his powers. Beaten, taunted and mocked. Then thrown in a cell to rot.
He had been forced to witness unspeakable atrocities inflicted onto fellow prisoners. People who once lived peacefully in the Glade, people he had a duty to protect. Now they were in what he could only describe as hell.
When he escaped and returned to land, what he saw there was almost worse. The pirates had left nothing but destruction in their wake. The Glade and its remaining inhabitants were broken shells of their former selves.
The more he pushed on, the bleaker it got. Stories of people disappearing, simply vanishing without a trace. Feared to have been captured by the pirates, or worse. Anguished, tear stained faces of families mourning their loved ones. So much pain and loss. He felt it all. It threatened to consume him.
The Glade he knew had been a place of peace and tranquility, but this was different. This wasn't peace, it was emptiness. Everybody was hiding. Nobody wanted to be found.
At some point, the heaviness in his heart morphed into seething restement. A pure, burning hatred towards the pirates and what they had done to his home, to the people he cared about.
He wasn't sure when exactly it happened. But if he had to guess, it may have been when he encounted a distraught Uglette in the Iron Mountains, wailing because the pirates had taken Globox and the children, and now she had nothing left.
Or when he freed Ly, severely weakened from imprisonment and possibly torture at the hands of the pirates.
It had to be upon encountering Clark, who, despite his enormous prowess, was on the brink of death when he found him. In fending off the pirates, he had used all but the last of his strength.
There were too many such incidents to count. But each one solidified his resolve to hunt down Razorbeard and destroy him. That's what kept him going towards the end, like a flame burning brightly on candlewax. It was no longer about being a hero. It was about retribution.
So when he finally reached Razorbeard's quarters and kicked in the doors, Rayman's body was burning with rage. A rage that until now, he hadn't known he was capable of feeling. A rage that made him want to avenge his friends who had been horrifically scarred, and his home that had been brought to near destruction. A rage that reduced his vision down to a single pinpoint. A rage that made him want to destroy everything in sight.
Rayman's eyes locked in on Razorbeard as he started swinging his fist. He channelled the pain, the trauma, the rage, condensing it all into a single point, ready to aim.
He was going to make this one count. For his friends. For the Glade.
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the-eggplantblog · 11 months
I must say.....this series is incredible, I really liked the plot, I really liked Bullfrog and Lazerhawk, its story is very interesting, the betrayal and the story of how Eden is a corrupt government that does simply horrible things and He hides them with a Rayman smile on TV.
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but I must say, Rayman is also a very good character ......
He is not really bad, but manipulated by Eden, so that he covers up horrible things without him knowing, believing that he is actually doing something good when he is not......
He is a refugee from the dimension He says that those from dimension
giving us to see that for Eden Rayman he is just a puppet that must smile and cannot show another face.....
This becomes stronger when they tell him to take a vacation and Rayman himself realizes that for Eden he is only something replaceable when he sees himself on TV......he even has conflicts with himself why he had no other purpose in life more than being Eden's puppet.....
From here we can see that he is not bad, in fact he wants to help all those who are like him different...... but he lives in a bubble without knowing his dark reality, so he talks to bullfrog and I think it is one of my favorite moments , why do they break his bubble in which he saw Eden as someone good and that Lazerhawk and his friends were the bad guys, then he sees the harsh reality and is paralyzed and tells himself that he is a monster.
Hell he even had an argument with his own reflection of him where he argued about continuing to be Eden's puppet being aware of the horrible things he did, or risking his own life to end this shit, obviously he chooses what last .....
After that, Rayman changes and puts together a plan to save Bullfrog and kill those who blinded him and used him as a doll for years. It is super epic to see Rayman raise his voice and kill those from Eden.
Well, that's called character development...
The best characters are Rayman Lazerhawk and Bullfrog, I won't change my mind xddddddd.
Lazerhawk's story is interesting, he was betrayed by his boyfriend, which hurt him... so we can see Lazerhawk not caring if he dies since he considers his life no longer meaningless... but at the same time he seeks revenge .....although in what he does he still seeks some justice.....
bullfrog is someone about whom not much is known about his past, only that he is the last of the murderers, from what we can understand he lost all his companions..... but even so he is not moved by revenge but by what he believes, always supports others in their darkest moments....
In short, a great series^^, which shows us a very cruel and dark world, but even in the most difficult conditions there is still a fight to change things.....
I can't wait for season 2....
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villains4hire · 2 years
Betilla, The Great Fairy (Rayman)
1. So you don't really need to know the lore of Rayman other than these following things: it is some funny little weird guy that goes on adventures in a european-esque fantasy, that also can have sci-fi elements considering Rayman 2? Pretty much anything can happen from fighting some techno-advanced pirate to being in a candy land still shot at with guns as in Rayman 1 and can have dark undertones considering Rayman 2 has literal slaves in it that you free. It's like if it was a European Mario Series that wasn't afraid to tackle some darker themes occasionally, but be whacky and not over the top. Just nothing disgusting such as bodily humor is all I ask from the games, as it doesn't bother me as much anymore, it's just annoying and a mood-killer.
2. I rp Betilla as a combo of Rayman 1 and Rayman Origins in terms of design, look below. She is not going to look anything like Rayman 1 or Origins just to clarify other than combined. On that note, I keep her status from Rayman as not a great fairy, THE Great Fairy as a cosmic defender of the glade, but I am still okay with the other Nymphs existing from Origins, just don't call her that or she will probably ruin your day. She’s a storyteller and narrator that narrates a character's adventure (or to mess with them) and goes with them and creates endings to that journey or something major if plotted for people as a guide. Then with a few talking quirks such as 'hay' tacked on among a few rarer others or cursing in 'fae' sometimes and is all around usually jerky, playful and tends to poke and prod people. You are free to attack her but not without consequence, though I won't have her do like what I explain next. It'd be more comical, fun hi-jinx even with probably evil characters at first. Just don't expect her to get hit right away or at all depending on your character's skillset if say just an average human. I will say that she does have fae weaknesses which I do headcanon Mr Dark exploited since Mr Dark was more tactical, mysterious and smart with how he attacked her in canon, along with ambushing her in the first place for how I have it. Since I will say if you're writing a big bad, trapping Betilla is probably the first step to any villain thing.
3. This character is rped as an actual fae and as such does not feel entirely like a human in terms of emotions, as remember, fae for some are considered akin to demons even in european-esque mythos even if she is friendly and can cry very rarely. I am willing to do tragic ends or bad endings for characters using this character, so long as your character is 'evil' or unrepentant or has done heinous crimes, albeit I am fine with tragic endings for good characters so long as we discuss what happens. Regardless if 'evil', she will deal all the crimes that the character has done back to them for their ending as their narrator and do them herself, yes, everything that means so long as it harms the character in question, but that will not be rped out other than her maybe throwing your character around or beating them up before we time skip to avoid anything graphic. No extreme gore, but losing a limb with little detail is fine, and especially not weird stuff or on-screen implications, as I'm not here to rp some potentially creepy fetish you have. I just like fae, dark folktale endings in classic European literature and how demented they can be, but more or less I'm keeping anything that involves any form of torture or worse fates than death fade to black. Despite what I'm willing to rp otherwise on other characters, it isn't exactly fitting to the setting of Rayman. This is plot only for this side of the character, as she wouldn't show this side normally to someone she cares about, and really only to literally the worst of people who want to destroy everything or ruin countless lives or worse to people. On that note, I won't have her get 'too' inappropriate on my blog, but you're free to flirt with her or 'try'. Anything SUPER down bad if I deem it fit will be on the sideblog rather strictly.
4. This character can work with even villains and is intended to be a companion of sorts as a powerful bystander bound by cosmic rules. Granted, Rayman in terms of raw power as you can read in her characterization drabble is far more powerful in terms of fighting prowess and potential, but not utility comparatively, as that's just not Betilla's function in the universe, as to note, as I do use the original trailer origins concept, just the concept that Betilla created him. Not what Rayman did to her like five seconds afterward as Origins kinda suffers from horny-brain in terms of design.
5. This character has two voices, a narrator voice which sounds like in your ear like a whisper on the wind and done by ->Bloodborne's 'Doll' for her German Voice actress named Lara Trautmann<- in terms of tone and voice. The other her ->Rayman Origins Voice, Gabrielle Shrager<- in a more casual yet personal, less formal tone and voice done in person you can find in timestamps on the vods (Make me aware if they get taken down). These are separated by italics for her narrator voice and then her casual voice is just normal text and your character won't be aware of where the narrator voice is coming from, seemingly only they are able to hear it unless she does it in front of them if deciding to move her mouth while doing it.
6. This character has no allowed canon family other than her creations or made family. Rayman is the only person I would consider her son, but I am open to her creating your 'character' for an AU for something familial or reviving them otherwise regardless if instead evil or not, look below. If you are a Rayman rper and have a problem Betilla being your Rayman’s mom/creator? Let me know and we can probably work something out.
7. I will not rp with certain fandoms using this character based on themes, but do talk to me. We could maybe work something out, just DBZ is a little dumb for power-scaling or anything like it.
8. This character advances your own if allowed and chosen to be a hero or at least a protag in their journey together. They develop side by side even if she has a static set of powers? Her new ones will reflect how to better synergize with yours, I will only use this verse to verse so she doesn't end up with a stupid amount of powers, and I highly SUGGEST these types of powers are mostly mechanical like a game to game scenario so we advance horizontally than say upward like DBZ and just raise numbers and write ourselves into a corner for advancement.
9. Considering the powers and endings this character provides? I am okay with ‘evil’ ships with her, but it has to be consenting in every context since she’d have them fae bound. Nothing weird other than just bullying or beating them up if they deserve it in a not too gorey fashion. I’ve had a few weird requests with mind control/mind control-like powers before so I’m just gonna put this here.
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-Redesign I had done.
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A few main face references. Do I want them to die: Fine with it, but they don't die easily. Her powers and potential I consider comparable to Rayman and other Protags, just in a different, more supportive way even if normal people don't really stand a chance against her. I expect your character if a supernatural fighter comparable to Powered Up Rayman, Super Sonic or a Super Star'd Mario to be able to take her on, but a struggle nonetheless. I would be fine with it if she won? But it really depends as we’d need a good reason for her to win such a direct fight like that. Will I have/get icons: I have more than I expected, honestly. Tag: thems the rules! | Age: As old as the first plant or vegetation life on any planet in her universe, even if not self-aware just yet as a primordial fae essence of lum energy. Sex: AMAB by human standards Gender: Trans Female by human standards, but is fine with any pronouns such as she/he. Does not care but is fem-presenting. Race: Fae, but their ascendant additional race and also title is 'The Great Fairy'. Think kind of like a Force of Nature, Titan or Mother Nature incarnated into a fae form. Granted, while she is 'The Great Fairy', there are other incarnations of nature such as the Nymphs from Origins that I accept, but refuse Betilla’s rework into one. Sexuality: If she likes you that way, so good luck with that. Personality traits: Really sweet, but can be jerky in a playful way. Tends to mess with people. Manipulative for your own benefit. Likes to lie jokingly or outright. Has a quirk of saying 'hay' tacked onto or mingled into words in her sentences, then adding 'kah'ta' to her more powerful spells. Will say damn or hell sometimes rarely, any more than that and it's the fae language. Likes to adventure, likes fighting. Responsibly irresponsible. Likes jokes of mostly any kind and getting under peoples' skin. Motherly somewhat but not quite, it depends on whom though. Extremely loyal if she never intends to betray you from the start. Extremely loving deep down, past what most humans feel. Nearly perpetually smiles but has other expressions. Feels little to no fear. Depending on whom, she can be extremely sadistic, though is purely reserved for the worst of people. Speaks in two voices, rarely speaks directly using her narrator voice in person unless being formal with a hero, granted she can very much talk to you in a whisper, but also with her casual in person voice at the same time. Yet tends to break into her casual speech more often than not as it’s not a big deal to reveal to someone, she tends to just do it to mess with people past anything formal with the narrator voice, however. Doesn't mind dying exactly, but it will annoy her. Can be absolutely merciless, cruel or even incredibly monstrous when dealing judgment to those who deserve it that most normal 'human' or 'human-like' beings couldn’t stomach. Keeps secrets rather well. Can be flirty but it can easily turn into a mocking you kind of way. Has high standards for her partners. Is a bit strange or goofy at times. Likes animals. Protects the forest from corruption, but does not interfere otherwise unless absolute destruction of the forest is taking place. Nature is unmoving and indifferent is why she often does nothing in response, she knows whatever being that lives on the planet she is? Will face an end befitting of them one day depending on what they’ve done. Mental traits: Is not affected by fear entities due to her mental state and is rather inhuman in perception but still has some semblance of humanity. Deceptively intelligent. Physical traits: 1'0 to 10'0 in terms of feet tall depending on if she shrinks or enlarges herself or not. Human looking eyes, but with green pupils with reddish, but white pale skin, freckles and red/red bark hair. Wears a leaf cloak mixed with vines and a few twigs here and there in it with maybe a few leaves or twigs in her silky hair. Her hat instead of pointy, droops a touch at a certain point in the middle, two lum orbs a slight way from the tip, then a star at the end, all hovering and following her, but subtly bobbing. Her eyes glow green whenever using magic, along with her pupils yellow and star-like albeit not in shape, merely in brightness and color. Rather expressive and can make unnatural expressions compared to a human to near cartoonish, has a large mouth, deceptively sharp teeth under the fae veil. Can purr akin to a giant-sized cat that’s just an internal rumble but otherwise does not usually, although likes to lounge in the air like one. She’s got a thicker body than she is in canon for either games, and has a reasonable cleavage and feet size proportionally along with waist to match her hips, so it’s there, but not crazily so. Notably when hovering, however, her feet meld into her body and become pointed at the ends like that of a pointed, sharp cone, which yes, she can impale people like that or simply shift to. Powers: 1. Ascended Fae Mind and Body: Betilla has canonically shown that even the likes of Mr Dark or otherwise cannot corrupt or control her. She has a complicated soul even if she does have one, so forms of soul-stealing, mind control or corruption simply do not work on her. She can however, be trapped through certain methods of capturing fae and has certain weaknesses that can be exploited if a character like Mr Dark who researches their targets before attacking. You need to talk to me though before we decide on what they would and wouldn't know, however. Along with this? She has seamless, limited size control and can move incredibly fast with her wings almost like a blur, then on foot but not like 'The Flash' from DC or something and while she could wrestle using a combo of plant and earth magic with creatures such as a giant, large dragon or otherwise? I consider Rayman in terms of lore still vastly stronger in terms of raw power, so again, I expect characters like Rayman to be able to outgun her, or eventually outgun her. 2. Power and Item Bestowal: Betilla can teach and help someone learn any technique, power, or ability (Within Reason) to someone else even if she can't use it, but is confined to a strict series of cosmic rules that must be followed, in order to earn such powers for the person receiving them- such as it has to make sense in a way for your character that we both agree on? I’m not gonna complicate it or try to be a stickler too much, but I don’t expect Kirby for example to be using ‘Naruto/DBZ’ powers in terms of theming. She cannot give powers unless you deserve them, even if she would have to let you literally die even if she wanted to save you, that goes also in giving them items she is aware of. Now, they could use some artifacts that she’s left around in order to summon her to help persistently rather than sometimes, or when she feels like it. But she can’t really tell you where they are exactly unless you have a certain artifact, then her little lum spheres and star hovering near her hat will start humming louder the closer you are. Betilla leaves these artifacts around herself, this includes ‘1-ups’ otherwise known as life artifacts, to which if your character dies while having one? She will teleport you both out, the artifact breaks and then they revive.
3. Thems the rules!: This character is limited in how much help they can provide at any given time unless using certain artifacts to have her tap in to help fight so to say. Eventually, if your character gets or is powerful enough from the start, she CAN help persistently if she wants to. Just if she wants to. Some things have persistent cooldowns from her to help with though, it depends. 4. Support Magic/Star Magic: Has various ‘Buff’ or Healing Spells involving Astral Magic: rather self-explanatory, just cosmically aesthetic as a nod to her Rayman 1 appearance, though has other forms of magic such as teleportation or transportation on the back of the star floating near her hat for example that will enlarge. Granted, she will only use these on occasion or when you use an artifact you find. All your standard support-type spells such as shields, moving faster, better attacks, etc. But depending, such as Shantae? She could buff certain aspects of her forms for example or make someone move at supersonic speeds such as a Vampire or something for a limited time.
5. Plant and Earth Magic: I think this is pretty self-explanatory. Vines, Man-Eating Plant Traps, Thorns, Bramble. Then moving Rock, Shards of Rock etc. 6. Immortal: otherwise Mr Dark would’ve just outright killed her instead of trapping her, knowing she’d just reincarnate. Even if the planet she’s on for example just explodes or is completely corrupted? It’d basically just kick her off the planet and to the nearest next one or otherwise in terms of multiverse, dimension, etc. Which I am down with, if you got a big bad you want me to interact with and like and I like you? We could maybe work something out of her getting booted off an au of her planet. Though we’d have to agree what direction to go in the future.
7. Story Teller and Narrator: this is a plot only power, I don’t expect everyone to want to do this with her, you need to TELL ME that’s what you want with her. At the end of a WANTED journey with her, your character will get a true wish and face the ending they deserve, I presume for any ‘good/neutral’ character we can just give them what they want within reason, though I am open to unintentional tragedy regardless for the character- as thems the rules if they don’t read the fine print enough. Then if it’s a bad ending? We will discuss it ooc as I will probably give some idea of what happens, but nothing too over the top dark will be described. I prefer to leave it to imagination and we can talk how to keep going as, she can form bonds with evil people like this, but tends to ‘fae own’ them or ‘fae bound’ to just toy with or entertain herself with even if she does care about them, albeit can give mercy to someone depending on what they did previously. And for them to keep being companions if the character in question hates Betilla? She could literally just mind-break them into accepting her as a permanent part of their existence if you’re down with that, as we can keep their dynamic and how they feel. But otherwise can get close. She won’t work with evil characters she doesn’t have bound from the start and once you do? There’s no real way out of it unless it’s a really specific kind of character, of course, you’d have to present and ask me to do this to your character even if they’re ‘horrible’ because yeah. I don’t want to upset people with this and don’t come to me trying to ‘surprise me’ with a fae contract/soul taken being somehow broken/returned without a really good reason, that’s plotted only, but I will still use the narrator and story-teller part still just for rp for funsies rather than the wish part.
8. Character Creation and Revival: this is a plot only power, as she can revive technically any character she wishes within reason, I’m gonna say something like Cthulhu-Esque or a Robot without a soul is a no-go. Granted, she has to follow certain rules and wouldn’t revive someone like Mr Dark other than to keep them on a leash they wouldn’t be able to break free from her with. If you agree to this, you need to understand that she CAN and WILL abuse your character if they’re one of the worst. And Betilla is in no actual danger and can basically physically or mentally torture or even kill or keep them from dying when ‘breaking them’ at will. Now, even if a character that was ‘good/neutral or evil but hasn’t done super, SUPER messed up stuff as we can talk about the latter,’ disobeyed her? She would not use this type of control over them even if they fought her or even killed her whether intentional or not out of her own alien morality. Then as for character creation? She can ‘create’ your character if you want an AU for your character and a mom-like dynamic like she has with Rayman. She could technically kill your character as a note if she’s created them, but is only really allowed as bound by cosmic rules that she only can if you’re ‘corrupted’, not just ‘evil’. You’d have to go as far as wanting to destroy everything or otherwise and could even ‘kill her’ if you wanted, but it wouldn’t make sense for her to create an evil or murderous being, so yeah. One is to keep it open for shipping/familial/platonic with reviving, the other is very much familial and kept that way for creation. 
9. Grows in Powers with your Character: this is a plot only power, Betilla will develop and advance specific powers she will only use with your character. Whether it’s a specific buff or power that synchronizes with yours? Or some kind of ‘ultimate ability’ to help fight, protect, or aid otherwise? It is for you, and YOU alone though sometimes things might be similar depending on archetypes, characters, etc. This is similar to how her power bestowal functions in terms of growth that your character pretty much has to earn it, along with her liking yours enough. Which can happen even if she say ‘hates’ some evil person she’s revived to be cannon fodder for her. Motivations: To keep balance within her universe and do her part. Have fun, be loved, protect who and what she cares about. Backstory:
There is no real backstory for her other than me taking the concepts below: Her being the tutorial, guide and move teacher in Rayman 1. Her creating Rayman in the original Rayman Origins Concept. In Rayman 1 she had a star-like aesthetic and was similar to Rayman in terms of design. In Rayman Origins she has a ‘horny-brained’ but intended to be a forest-like character but with a new personality.
Both personalities and forms of looks are used along with a more inline Rayman 1 aesthetic that I like, but she has all her limbs etc. ->The End<- Her characterization and to give some examples of how it’d be like to interact with her.
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nathisisdead · 3 years
Which is your favourite Rayman game, and why?
Man, oh man it is really hard. And a long text is coming so grab a snack.
 I have so many good things to say about every game equally but if I legitimately have to choose it has to be Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc. I mean it is just so good from the textures to the music and every little mechanic in that game has a purpose I feel. The game really has a special place in the cold little heart of mine. 
So I grew up on Plug & Play consoles, and the only ones I had were with Disney princesses because my family thought I really liked them, which as a 4-year-old, fine that is great for maybe 3 minutes. I grew up watching courage the cowardly dog, grim adventures by billy and mandy. Those types of cartoons, so wacko and weird characters were normal for me. Hell, my nighttime story was Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein so I already had a love for creepy-looking characters. But one day my dad came home with 2 portable Playstation 2′s for me and my brother and a few games. Those games were Rayman games. In a collectible edition cartridge, 3 games; Rayman Arena/M, Revolution, and Rayman 3. I enjoyed everything that the first 2 had to offer, I loved how mystical and cheerful the Rayman games were. But when I came to Rayman 3 it was something so different, it triggered a sense inside of me that just took over because it was not like the first 2 where things were cheery and wonderful and everything was happy. 
Hoodlum Havoc has an intro that is so unique(oh dear I have the melody in my head just thinking about it My god). It intrigued 4-year old me so much that I wanted to know more, and then down the line, you see all these teensies and Murfy and everyone else. All of a sudden there’s a fly on the screen. I went along and got confused but still watched the intro until this bug and the other red fairy things that became black lums transformed into this....this scarecrow-looking hackysack monster with red glowing eyes and his mouth sewn shut took form and fiddled with his shotgun. I GAWKED! My mouth looks like a scream and my hands sweating with excitement. It was a character that I loved, I admired. It was like “Yes finally a game for me”....and Oh boy, it was really a game for me. 
The gameplay itself is incredible. It is smooth and at a good pace, you have a chance to navigate and think about your actions while playing. It is fun and not too difficult to get through. It is just really nice. But.....
From the get-go, Rayman 3′s design is just so unique; it is edgy, dark, and mysterious. Rayman himself looks incredible, for that time(mind you this is 2003 so the tech for 3D modeling was kinda icky) it was super well made. The problem maybe was the camera, but other than that it is really smooth to play. But the character designs just inspired me. Scarecrows with guns? In a Rayman game? Yes, please. My god, every little wit of humor in the serious parts of the games. The cutscenes with the doctors, The hoodstomper with the giant legs? THE KNAARENS?....So good! How are you gonna let a scarecrow witch doctor get a sick design AND a banging theme? illegal. 
The soundtrack is one of the things that makes this game, from the first level it is just so nice. The fairy council music...I cry every time. 
Also, did I tell you yet that Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc also has the best level transitions in any game.
The power-ups are really cool too, some of them are a hit or miss like the copter one and the vortex. But the lockjaw powerup is my favorite, sure it is just like the purple lums in R2. But my god do they just look SICK. It was my favorite as a child, I loved it so much. 
 If we talk inspiration I can not also leave out an honorable mention, Rayman Origins(2011?). Because it also holds a special place in my heart as well, it is so well crafted and fun. Every level is so incredibly hand-drawn by such amazing artists. It came out when I was starting middle school and it really was the perfect time to take inspiration for the subjects I took - In Sweden, you pick a specific craft you want to expand/learn about so artistry and music were my 2 picks. Perfect match, every Rayman fan knows Origins is just great in the art and music(cause Christophe Heral is husband material and deserves to be protected). 
In all honesty, if I didn’t have Rayman 3 I don’t think I would have ever drawn something in my life. The game made me inspired to start designing and sketch, paint and draw. Make up cool scenarios and other things. This game really pushed my creativity into the art that I do today and I am so thankful to be able to experience that type of game. And I will love it to the moon and back. ...
"See you in Rayman 4" - The line that created children's first trust issues and crushed many dreams.
(thank you for asking me this interesting question, may good things come your way). 
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luvneedsnosyt · 4 years
My Favorite Albums of 2020 So Far
Here is my list of my favorite albums half-way through 2020
You can find my list of my favorite albums of 2019 here And my list of my favorite EPs of 2019 here
My Monthly top albums lists from 2020: January, February, March, April, May
Keep in mind I didn’t include albums released after June 12th on this list
Honorable Mention:
Blanche - EMPIRE Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: Empire / Till We Collide
Caroline Rose - Superstar Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: Nothing’s Impossible / Someone New
Deante’ Hitchcock - BETTER Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: I Remember / I Got Money Now (Feat. J.I.D.)
dvsn - A Muse In Her Feelings Genre: R&B / neo-Soul
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Proof: Dangerous City (Feat. Ty Dolla $ign & Buju Banton) / A Muse
Grimes - Miss Anthropocene Genre: Synth Pop / Electronic
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Proof: Violence (w/ i_o) / idoru // Bonus: We Appreciate Power (BloodPop Remix) Feat. HANA
Halsey - Manic Genre: alt-R&B / Pop
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Proof: You should be sad / Without Me // Bonus: Marshmello & Halsey - Be Kind / You should be sad (Tiësto Remix) / Graveyard (Axwell Remix) / Without Me (ILLENIUM Remix)
Illenium - ASCEND (Remixes) Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Good Things Fall Apart (3LAU Remix) w/ Jon Bellion / In Your Arms (Alan Walker Remix) w/ X Ambassadors
Jason Ross - 1000 Faces //   1000 Faces (Remixes) Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: One That Got Away (w/ Dabin & Dylan Matthew) / 1000 Faces (w/ Dia Frampton) //  Known You Before (Trivecta Remix) Feat. Emilie Brandt / Shelter (No Mana Remix) Feat. Melanie Fontana
KAYTRANADA - BUBBA Genre: alt-R&B / House
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Proof: 10% (Feat. Kali Uchis) / Need It (Feat. Masego)
Lady Gaga - Chromatica Genre: Pop / Dance
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Proof: Stupid Love / Replay
Låpsley - Through Water Genre: Indie Pop / Electronic
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Proof: Ligne 3 / Womxn
Loote - heart eyes EP Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: This is How U Feel / All The Fucking Time // Bonus: teamwork., Loote & John K - Wasted Summer
Matoma - RYTME EP Genre: Electronic / House / Dance
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Proof: Don’t Stop The Rhythm (Feat. Bryn Christopher) / Beside You (w/ Captain Cuts Feat. Georgia Ku) // Bonus: The Bender (The Him Remix) (w/ Brando) / Time To Go
Seven Lions - Find Another Way EP Genre: Electronic / Dance / Trance
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Proof: Only Now (Feat. Tyler Graves) / Another Way (w/ April Bender) // Bonus: 3LAU - Tokyo (Seven Lions Remix) Feat. XIRA / Abaxis , Dimibo & Seven Lions - Half Of It
The Strokes - The New Abnormal Genre: Alternative / Rock
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Proof: Brooklyn Bridge To Chorus / Not The Same Anymore
Tchami - Born Again / Buenos Aires EP Genre: Electronic / House / Dance
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Proof: Buenos Aires / Proud (Feat. Daecolm) // Bonus: Proud (Steffan City Remix) Feat. Daecolm / Ghosts (Vowed Remix) Feat. Hana
We Are The City - RIP Genre: Rock / Alternative
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Proof: Killer B-Side Music / Saint Peter
The List:
15. Alina Baraz - It Was Divine Genre: R&B / Soul
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Proof: Morocco (Feat. 6LACK) / Endlessly / Off The Grid (Feat. Khalid) / More Than Enough
14. Harry Styles - Fine Line Genre: Alternative / Indie Pop
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Proof: Watermelon Sugar / Adore You / Lights Up / Fine Line
13. Krewella - zer0 // zer0 (The Remixes Pt. 1) EP // zer0 (The Remixes Pt. 2) EP Genre: Electronic / Synth-Pop / Dance
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Proof: Good On You (Feat. Nucleya) / Anxiety (Feat. Arrested Youth) / Ghost / Greenlights // Good On You (MOTi Remix) Feat. Nucleya / Greenlights (MADGRRL Remix) // Anxiety (Prince Fox Remix) Feat. Arrested Youth / Like We (BEAUZ Remix) Feat. Yung Baby & Alaya
12. iamnotshane - iamnotshane EP Genre: alt-R&B / Electronic
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Proof: Afterlife / Security / Perfect / Right Now // Bonus: Afterlife (Michael Calfan Remix) / Perfect (Thomas Gold Remix) / Right Now (jackLNDN Remix)
11. Jack Garrett - Love, Death & Dancing Genre: R&B / Pop / Electronic
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Proof: Time / Return Them To The One / Better / Circles
10. Charli XCX - how i’m feeling now Genre: Synth Pop / Dance
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Proof: forever / enemy / i finally understand / anthems // Bonus: claws (Whethan Remix)
9. Buscabulla - Regresa Genre: Latin / Pop / Dance
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Proof: Vàmono / El Aproeto / Mío / NTE
8. Purity Ring - WOMB Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: pink lightening / i like the devil / vehemence / stardew
7. Run The Jewels - RTJ4 Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: yankee and the brave (ep. 4) / JU$T (Feat. Pharrell WIlliams & Zach de la Rocha) / the ground below / a few words from the firing squad (radiation)
6. Shallou - Magical Thinking Genre: Electronic / Future Bass
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Proof: Forget / Mutual Love (Feat. Zachary Knowles) / Older (Feat. Daya) / Good Together (Feat. Ashe) // Bonus: Older (Felix Cartel Remix) Feat. Daya / I Leave Again (w/ Petit Biscuit) / Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - you were good to me (Shallou Remix)
5. The Weeknd - After Hours //  After Hours (Remixes) EP Genre: alt-R&B
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Proof: Heartless / Blinding Lights / In Your Eyes / After Hours // Blinding Lights (Chromatics Remix) Feat. Johnny Jewel / After Hours (The Blaze Remix) // Bonus: Blinding Lights (Major Lazer Remix)
4. Jonah Mutono - GERG Genre: alt-R&B / Soul
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Proof: Shoulders / If You Mean It / The Low / Circulation
3. Phantogram - Ceremony Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: Dear God / In A Spiral / Pedestal / Let Me Down
2. Childish Gambino - 3.15.20 Genre: Hip Hop / alt-R&B
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Proof: Alogrhythm / Time (Feat. Ariana Grande) / 19.10 / 42.26
1. Tame Impala - The Slow Rush Genre: Synth-Pop / Alternative
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Proof: Borderline / Breathe Deeper / Lost in Yesterday / It Might Be Time // Bonus: It Might Be Time (Louis The Child Bootleg)
Good: A Boogie wit da Hoodie - Artist 2.0, AceMoMa - A New Dawn [HOA007], Ada Lea - woman, here EP, Adrian Younge & Ali Shaeed Muhammad - Jazz Is Dead 001, Active Child - In Another Life, Aesop Rock - Freedom Finger [Music from the Game], Agnes Obel - Myopia, Alec Benjamin - These Two Windows, Alexandra Savior - The Archer, Allan Kingdom - Iddtfm EP, Allan Rayman - Christian, Allie X - Cape God, ALMA - Have You Seen Her?, Amber Liu - Rogue Rogue EP, Amber Liu - X EP, Andy Shauf - The Neon Skyline, Anna Burch - If You’re Dreaming, Anna Calvi - Hunted EP, Ant Saunders - BUBBLE EP, April - New Conditions EP, Ari Lennox - Shea Butter Baby (Remix EP), Arin Ray - Phases II EP, Atmosphere - Whenever, Audrey Mika - 5 A.M. EP, AWOLNATION - Angel Miners & the Lightning Riders, Bad Bunny - LAS QUE NO IBAN A SALIR, Baril - One More Rush EP, Baths - Pop Music / False B-Sides II, Banoffee - Look at Us Now Dad, Beach Bunny - Honeymoon, Becca Stevens - Wonderbloom, Best Coast - Always Tomorrow, Big Gigantic - Free Your Mind, Bishop Nehru - Nehruvian Tuesdays: Vol, 1, Bombay Bicycle Club - Everything Else Has Gone Wrong, Bongeziwe Mabandla - iimini, Boniface - Boniface, BOSCO - Some Day This Will All Make Sense EP, Brandon Banks - STATIC EP, Brent Faiyaz - Fuck The World, Bring Me the Horizon - Music to Listen to~Dance to~Blaze to~Pray to~Feed to~Sleep to~Talk to~Grind to~Trip to~Breathe to~Help to~Hurt to~Scroll to~Roll to~Love to~Hate to~Learn Too~Plot to~Play to~Be to~Feel to~Breed to~Sweat to~Dream to~Hide to~Live to~Die to~Go To EP, Buddy & Kent Jamz - Janktape Vol. 1, Calvin Harris - Love Regenerator 1 EP, Calvin Harris - Love Regenerator 2 EP, Calvin Harris - Love Regenerator 3 EP, Calvin Harris & Eli Brown - Moving EP, Cam’ron - Purple Haze 2, Caribou - Suddenly, Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated Side B, Car Seat Headrest - Making a Door Less Open, Charlotte de Witte - Return to Nowhere EP, Chelsea Cutler - How To Be Human, Chloe x Halle - Ungodly Hour, Christian Paul - Christian Paul EP, Christine and the Queens - La vita nuova EP, Chromeo - Quarantine Casanova EP, Clap! Clap! - Liquid Portraits, Cleo Sol - Rose in the Dark, Conor Matthews - Balloons EP, D Smoke - Bad Habits, DaBaby - BLAME IT ON BABY, Daecolm - Figur£$, Dan Deacon - Mystic Familiar, Day Wave - Crush EP, Delacey - Black Coffee, Delta Heavy - Only in Dreams (Remixes), Denzel Curry - UNLOCKED [Mixtape], Destroyer - How We Met, Diana Gordon - Wasted Youth, Dijon - How Do You Feel About Getting Married? EP, Diplo - Diplo Presents Thomas Wesley Chapter 1: Snake Oil, Dirty Projectors - Windows Open EP, Disclosure - Ecstasy EP, DJ BORING - Like Water EP, dj poolboi - it’s good to hear your voice, DJ Snake - Carte Blanche (Deluxe), Drake - Dark Lane Demo Tapes, DRAMA - Dance Without Me, Dreamville - Revenge of the Dreamers III : Director’s Cut, Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia, Dua Saleh - Rosetta EP, Duke Dumont - Duality, Ebenezer - Bad Romantic II EP, Echosmith - Lonely Generation, EDEN - no future, Ekali - A World Away, Elah Hale - Room 206 EP, Ellie Winter - Yeah, No. EP, Empress Of - I’m Your Empress Of, Eric Bellinger - Hor D’oeuvres, Ethan Gruska - En Garde, Everything Is Recorded - FRIDAY FOREVER, Example - Some Nights Last For Days, Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters, Flatbush Zombies - now, more than ever EP, flora cash - Baby, It’s Okay, Four Tet - Sixteen Oceans, Fractures - EP III, Fred again.. - Actual Life EP, Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist - Alfredo, Free Nationals - Free Nationals, Gabrielle Aplin - Dear Happy, Galantis - Church, Gengahr - Sanctuary, Georgia - Seeking Thrills, Gil Scott-Heron & Makaya McCraven - We’re New Again: A Reimagine by Makaya McCraven, Giveon - TAKE TIME, The Glitch Mob - Chemicals EP, GRiZ - bangers[5].zip EP, Grouplove - The Healer, GUM - Out In The World, Half Waif - The Caretaker, Hailee Steinfeld - Half Written Story EP, HAWA - the ONE, Hayley Kiyoko - I’m Too Sensitive For This Shit EP, Hayley Williams - Petals for Armor, Hayley Williams - Petals For Armor I EP, Hinds - The Prettiest Curse, HMLTD - West of Eden, Icarus - Unfold, Incubus - Trust Falls (Side B) EP, i_o - NRG 444 EP, Isaia Huron - Libbie, iyla - OTHER WAYS TO VENT, J Balvin - Colores, Jack Garrett - Love, Death & Dancing (Vol. 1) EP, Jack Garrett - Love, Death & Dancing (Vol. 2) EP,  JACKBOYS & Travis Scott - JACKBOYS EP, Jacob Latimore - C3, Jadakiss - Ignatius, Jade Novah - Stages, James Smith - An EP, Japan, Man - Cautious EP, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - Reunions, Jauz - Dangerous Waters EP, Jay Electronica - A Written Testimony, Jeremy Zucker - love is not dying, Jessie Reyez - BEFORE LOVE CAME TO KILL US, Jhené Aiko - Chilombo, Jody Wisteernoff - Story of Light EP, JoJo - good to know, Joyner Lucas - ADHD, JOYRYDE - Brave, JP Saxe - Hold It Together EP, Justin Bieber - Changes, Kali Uchis - TO FEEL ALIVE EP, Kamaiyah - Got It Made, Kaskade - Redux 004 EP, Katie Gately - Loom, K CAMP - Kiss 5, Kehlani - It Was Good Until It Wasn’t, Kevin Ross - Audacity, Vol 1 EP, Kiana Ledé - KIKI, Kid Krow - Conan Gray, King Princess - Cheap Queen (Deluxe), Khushi - Strange Seasons, Khruangbin & Leon Bridges - Texas Sun EP, KIRBY - Sis. EP, K. Michelle - All Monsters Are Human, Knxwledge - 1998, Kodaline - One Day at a Time, Kygo - Golden Hour, Lane 8 - Brightest Lights, LA Priest - GENE, La Roux - Supervision, Laura Marling - Song For Our Daughter, Lauren Auder - two caves in EP, Lauv - ~how i’m feeling~, Lil Wayne - Funeral, Little Dragon - New Me, Same Us, Little Simz - Drop 6 EP, LL Cool J - Authentic, Long Beach Dub Allstars - Long Beach Dub Allstars, Lonr. - Land of Nothing Real, LOONY - JOYRiDE EP, Loud Luxury - Nights Like This EP, Louis Tomlinson - Walls, Lucky Daye - Painted (Deluxe Edition), Luke James - to feel love/d, Lupe Fiasco - Chill Spotlight EP, Mac Miller - Circles, Mahalia - Isolation Tapes EP, MAITA - Best Wishes, Major Lazer - Soca Storm EP, Mala Rodriguez - MALA, Manatee Commune - Crescent Lake EP, Mason Maynard - Lookin’ At Me EP, Medasin - RIPPLS, Megan Thee Stallion - Suga, Mick Jenkins - The Circus EP, Midwife - Forever, Mija - Desert Trash, MILCK - Into Gold EP, Moaning - Uneasy Laughter, Model Man - Beta Songs EP, Moses Sumner - græ, Mourning [A] BLKstar - The Cycle, Mura Masa - R.Y.C., mxmtoon - dawn, Nada Surf - Never Not Together, Naeem - Startisha,  Nap Eyes - Snapshot of a Beginner, Nathaniel Rateliff - And It’s Still Alright, NNAMDÏ - BRAT, Noah Cyrus - THE END OF EVERYTHING EP, No Mana - Secret Level, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds - Blue Moon Rising EP, Norah Jones - Pick Me Up off the Floor, Ohmme - Fantasize Your Ghost, Oh Wonder - No One Else Can Wear The Crown, Okay Kaya - Watch This Liquid Pour Itself, Omar S - You Want, Orion Sun - Hold Space For Me, The Overcoats - The Fight, PARTYNEXTDOOR - PARTYMOBILE, Perfume Genius - Set My Heart on Fire Immediately, Pet Shop Boys - Hotspot, Photay - Waking Hours, Pictish Trail - Thumb World, POLIÇA - When We Stay Alive, Poppy - I Disagree, Poolside - Low Season, Porches - Ricky Music, Post Animal - Forward Motion Godyssey, The Professionals (Madlib & Oh No) - The Professionals, Princess Nokia - Everything Is Beautiful, Princess Nokia - Everything Sucks, Pure X - Pure X, RAC - BOY, Ratboys - Printer’s Devil, Raveena - Moonstone EP, Real Estate - The Main Thing, Recondite - Dwell, renforshort - teenage angst EP, Ric Wilson & Terrace Martin - They Call Me Disco EP, Rileyy Lanez - Beautiful Mistakes EP, Rina Sawayama - SAWAYAMA, Riz Ahmed - The Long Goodbye, RJD2 - The Fun Ones, Robinson - Watching You EP, Ro James - MANTIC, Royce da 5’9” - The Allegory, Roy Woods - Dem Times EP, rum.gold - aiMless EP, Russ - SHAKE THE SNOW GLOBE, Ryan Beatty - Dreaming of David, Sam Lee - Oh Wow, San Fermin - The Cormorant I & II, SAYGRACE - The Defining Moments of SAYGRACE: Girlhood, Fuckboys & Situationlists, Sea Wolf - Through A Dark Wood, Selena Gomez - Rare, Sérgio Mendez - In the Key of Joy, Shabazz Palaces - The Don of Diamond Dreams, Shakey Graves - Look Alive EP, Ship Wrek - Mirror Mirror EP, Shoffy - Flash, Shopping - All or Nothing, Sleepy Hallow - Sleepy Hallow Presents: Sleepy For President, Slowly Slowly - Race Car Blues, Smino - She Already Decided [Mixtape], Soccer Mommy - Color Theory, Son Little - Aloha, Sorry - 925, Spacey Jane - Sunlight, Spencer Brown - Stream of Consciousness, Steve Aoki - Neon Future IV, Steve Spacek - House, Stormzy - Heavy Is The Head, STRFKR - Future Past Life, Striking Matches - Night EP, Subtronics - Scream Saver EP, Surfaces - Horizons, $uicideboy$ - Stop Staring at the Shadows, Sweaton Klank - Good Days, Sweet Whirl - How Much Works, Swing Ting - 100 Dances, Tank - While You Wait EP, Tate McRae - all the things i never said EP, TOKiMONSTA - Oasis Nocturno, Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes - What Kinda Music, TOPS - I Feel Alive, TORRES - Silver Tongue, Tory Lanez - The New Toronto 3, TeaMarr - Before I Spill Myself, Tech N9ne - Enterfear, Tech N9ne - ENTERFEAR Level 2 EP, Tennis - Swimmer, Tiësto - The London Sessions, Tink - Hopeless Romantic, Thao & The Get Down Stay Down - Temple, The-Dream - SXTPA, Theophilus London - Bebay, Thundercat - It Is What It Is, Tokio Myers - BLACK DAWN EP , Tourist - Wild (Remixes) EP, Trivecta - Everyday EP, T.R.U. & 2 Chainz - No Face No Chase, Two Feet - Pink, Tycho - Simulcast, T3 - Mr. Fantastic EP, Various Artists - Bad Boys For Life Soundtrack, Various Artists - Birds is Pray: The Album, Various Artists - Ophelia Presents: Advent Volume 1, Various Artists - The Turning (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), Varsity - Fine Forever, Vistas - Everything Changes in the End, Vundabar - Either Light, Vybz Kartel - To Tanesha, Waxahatchee - Saint Cloud, WENS - Lemoncholy EP, William Black - Pages (The Remixes), Wiz Khalifa - The Saga of Wiz Khalifa, Wolf Parade - Thin Mind, X Ambassador - Belong EP, xylø - The Ganglands of My Heart EP, Yaeji - WHAT WE DREW 우리가 그려왔던, Yellow Claw - Never Dies, Yo Gotti - Untrapped, Youngr - Memories, Yumi Zouma - Truth or Consequences, Yves Tumor - Heaven To a Tortured Mind, Zeds Dead - We Are Deadbeats (Vol. 4), Zsela - Ache of Victory EP, 070 Shake - Modus Vivendi, The 1975 - Notes On A Conditional Form, 5 Seconds of Summer - CALM
Meh: ARTHUR - Hair of the Dog, The Black Lips - Sing in a World That’s Falling Apart,  Bruno Major - To Let A Good Thing Die, Don Toliver - Heaven Or Hell, Eminem - Music To Be Murdered By, Frances Quinlan - Likewise, Future - High On Life, iann dior - I’m Gone, Jaunt - All In One, Jeezy - Twenty/20 Pyrex Vision EP, Lil Baby - My Turn, Lil Uzi Vert - Eternal Atake, Lil Uzi Vert - LUV vs. The World 2, Liquid Stranger - Ascension EP, Masiwei & Higher Brothers - Prince Charming, MHYSA - Navaeh, Nicolas Jaar - Cenizas, Rich The Kid - BOSS MAN, Social Club Misfits - MOOD // DOOM
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darksoulszine · 5 years
Interview with AlvhOmega
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Today we interview AlvhOmega! One of our contributors in THE FIRST FLAME.
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Q: How did you get into making art and for how long have you been doing it?
If I’m not wrong, I’ve been drawing since I was a little kid, I started to draw thanks to Rayman, and all this time my style has been changing quite a lot, but there are still things that remains, like doing comics, I still have all the comics I’ve drawn during my childhood.
Q: What traditional media or digital program do you prefer to use and why?
I personally like CSP (Clip Studio Paint), for me it’s the perfect all-in-one software for drawing/comics/animation. It has plenty of tools and plugins and also, it’s easy to learn. Regarding traditional media, I always like to draw with ink in my toned sketchbook. If you ask me, I’d prefer digital because I can do clean drawings, and I don’t need to spend a lot of money in new materials. But I can perfectly understand why traditional feels more “organic” and “real”.
Q: Do you mostly make fan art or are there original works you are also passionate about?
I do both, years ago I was afraid of making my own content but on 2017 I decided to create my own OCs, and even started my own webcomic. It feels really good when people enjoys something created 100% by you.
Q: Is there any artist or art movement that inspires you? Which ones?
Aside from Tenebrism, the art of video games give me inspiration. For example the Soulsborne saga (obviously), Alice Madness returns, NieR: Automata, BioShock… regarding artists, it’s hard to say because there are too many choices, but for example, Kentaro Miura (Bersek creator), Echiro Oda (specially when I was teenager), and HR Giger (Alien artist).
Q: What would you say to someone who is willing to dedicate their life to art, but doesn’t take that step because of the risks?
I’d say: I understand you, living for art is quite hard, hard but not impossible. I’m not gonna be like “If you keep believing the dream that you wish it will come true uwu” because I prefer to be honest with you, reality is tough for us and maybe only 1 among 10 artists reaches this goal, but you can be that one among 10.
Being artist for me is 50% art/creativity skills, and 50% social skills, in order to sell your content, engage with the public, and create a fanbase who is willing to support you.
Don’t expect getting popular in 24h, just work hard, don’t give up, accept criticism in order to improve, SHOW your stuff and promote yourself, and above all, most importantly, ENJOY doing art. I would be here hours talking about this tbh, but I think you get my message.
Q: What do you like about being an artist?
We artists have something special, and that’s the skill to create something new from scratch… concepts, ideas, characters, environments… that’s something I love about art, creating your own stuff and see people enjoying it.
Q: Show us some of your favorite artworks that you made and tell us why.
That’s quite a hard, because Twitter don’t have gallery and Tumblr is pretty outdated, but I’ll do my best.
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This is Midir, I personally like this drawing because animals aren’t my strongest point, and this one I’m, pretty happy how it turned out.
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This gives me heavy metal cover vibes, I like how the colors looks.
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This is from Monster Hunter, when I saw this buddy I wanted to draw him so hard, and there is. I’d say this is special because is an hybrid, between traditional and digital art.
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I made this like 2 years ago and still today it looks fantastic, and that’s something really weird, from someone like me who see a drawing from 3 months ago and thinks looks old and shitty (haha).
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tbh I feel like all my Nier Automata pieces were a bit underrated. If I had to choose one I’d say this, because I felt totally inspired and the execution is cool to my eye.
Q: Where can we find more of your work? Are there any personal projects you would like to share?
My Twitter where I post all my stuff. https://twitter.com/Alvh_Omega
My instagram where I post exclusively my inkings and soulsborne stuff. https://www.instagram.com/alvhomega/
My webcomic where I write stories about silly goth girls doing silly things. https://twitter.com/BS_Gothventures
I have a print store where you can buy prints. https://society6.com/alvhomega I’m currently preparing a patreon page, but still needs some fixes. Follow me and stay tuned.
Q: What order did you play the soulsborne games in? Which is your favorite?
Dark Souls > Dark Souls 2 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 I haven’t played Demon Souls because I don’t have ps3, sadly. My favorite one is Bloodborne, the art, the boss designs and the crazy story is really my jam.
Q: When you got eaten by a mimic for the first time, what did you yell out loud?
I honestly don’t remember, but I think I was already aware of mimics in my first playthrough
Q: Any memorable Dark Souls gaming moments you’d like to share?
The Taurus Demon, that son of a… witch. The first time I played Dark Souls this was the reason I left the game and started to hate it. But one day a good friend suggested me trying it again because the game is worth it, aaaaaand here I am, drawing art for a zine.
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Get the zine at: 🔥 [ THE FIRST FLAME ] 🔥 info page
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eggoreviews · 6 years
Smash Bros. Ultimate  FINAL ROSTER PREDICTIONS (Redux)
I already did this, but loadsss of stuff changed since then. As release day draws closer, I thought I’d sift through my predictions for characters. Have a read if u want, then if you disagree lemme know bc my hype hasn’t died down since it was announced i need help (and hey if u look at my old prediction post, I already predicted Simon, K. Rool and Dark Samus so I can’t be the worst, right?)
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Okay so my predictions have changed A LOT since I started this blog a few months ago and I think I’ve narrowed it down a lil now. So to put it simply, I think we’re definitely getting one more Smash based direct in October/November. Considering the fact that they’ve got the Mystery Mode™, online play and a whole load of other modes/assists/a few characters we aren’t aware of yet, I reckon they’ll have plenty to talk about in it. My other prediction is that we’re getting 2 newcomers and 1 more echo MINIMUM. Could get maybe a couple more echoes or 1 or 2 standalone character reveals as a stretch but I think we can at least expect that much.
Characters (Base Roster)
Geno (Super Mario RPG)
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This wooden eggo has been the only character that’s been a constant in my predictions since the get go, despite the fact that I know basically nothing about him. But he’s the character I’m most confident about getting in.
This newcomer cycle has had a big ol focus on fan appeal this time, most likely stemming from the ballot. This was kind of clear from the Ridley reveal, but the addition of King K. Rool kind of made this a lot more likely. And I would go as far as to say that Geno is probably the most highly requested Smash character since ever.
Sakurai has stated multiple times that he wanted Geno in Brawl and then in Smash 4, but the best he could get was a mii costume. But yeah, not a lot of characters can say that they not only have long standing fan demand, but also are wanted by Sakurai himself.
Considering that Square Enix were previously unwilling to play ball with Nintendo on Geno, but then they went and put arguably their most lucrative character in Cloud as DLC for Smash 4, I don’t think Square’s gonna be too bothered about handing over this character, especially since it’s a character they’re never going to do anything with (Don’t know about you but I’m not seeing a Mario RPG sequel in the pipeline)
And as much as I hate to allude to leakers in my predictions, you can’t deny the fact that Vergeben has not gotten a single thing wrong regarding Smash so far. And he has mentioned a new Square rep and I honestly don’t know who else that could be. Chrono? Lara Croft? But then there’s no way either of those beat Geno in the ballot.
Incineroar (Pokemon)
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We’ve yet to receive a Pokemon in this game and really that’s reason enough in itself. Considering that we’ve had at least one new Pokemon rep in every game, I v much doubt they’ll break that tradition now
The two Big Guesses that everyone has been throwing out since day 1 have been Incineroar and Decidueye, both from Gen 7, as we know from Smash 4′s Greninja inclusion that Pokemon is the only franchise with the power to get a rep in before their game releases. And because of this, Pokemon reps are the only ones that are exceptions of my usual rule to discount any characters that released after the time Sakurai has stated he locked in the roster for this game in 2015/16 (looking at Spring Man and Rex & Pyra here, but I’m almost certain they will be DLC)
Yet again, calling on Vergeben here. He has explicitly said Incineroar is in over Decidueye. But hey, he’s not god so he could be wrong eventually. I’m still fairly convinced of Incineroar’s inclusion tho (as much as I’d prefer Decidueye)
Ken as a Ryu echo (Street Fighter)
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Ken is the only echo I’m convinced is getting in. A lot of this is honestly, again, down to Vergeben’s leaks and a screenshot of Ken in a Smash Ultimate stage that has yet to be debunked. I don’t have a lot to say on this character purely because I don’t think there are many more people that need convincing.
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic series)
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Shadow’s assist is missing and has been replaced out of nowhere with Knuckles, as you probably know. This is a huge notch in his favour, especially if you consider that Isabelle’s assist was replaced with Kapp’n in the August direct and now ta dah here she is. Honestly, with Shadow I think it’s only a matter of time, whether they release him as an echo alongside Ken in the final direct in the same way they did with Dark Samus and Chrom or they save him for DLC as a unique fighter (if Isabelle can be unique, Shadow definitely can).
These four are my picks for the most likely characters left to be revealed, but hey there’s some Hot Picks™  that I left out that u may be curious about so here’s why they’re not here. I guess you could call these my back ups, but they all have too much doubt around them for me to place them in my main predictions (a lot of this is pure speculation so I’m probably wrong but what the hell):
Isaac (Golden Sun) - Now don’t get me wrong, I know Isaac has his fans and he genuinely has a good shot of getting in to Ultimate, especially if you consider that the only new first party franchise we’ve had so far is Splatoon. But what’s holding him back in my mind is that the likes of Ridley and K. Rool are in, villains from huge franchises that have had endless support since forever. And while Isaac has some sense of seniority, I don’t think his place on the ballot matched that of those particular characters. And if the likes of Ashley and Shovel Knight have been assist’d, I can’t see Isaac placing any higher than them if you think about how niche Golden Sun is (but u know, look how ‘niche’ Mario RPG is and Geno’s way up on my list so don’t listen to me). The other thing is that, in the E3 presentation, it was revealed that there are ‘over 50′ assist trophies in this game. We’re currently aware of 40, a fair majority of which have returned from previous games. That doesn’t look good for characters like Isaac if we’re looking at another 12-15 assists to pop up in the next direct. So all I’m saying is, don’t be surprised if that happens. But I definitely think he’ll pop up in some form, whether that be assist or playable.
Skull Kid (Zelda series) - This is one I was uncertain about for a long while, as the fact that his assist is missing and replaced with the Moon from Majora’s Mask is a notch in his favour but I think I’ve settled on the idea that they may be saving Skull Kid for something else: Boss character. We’re all pretty much thinking that mysterious mode is probably gonna be a story mode by now and Ultimate is already filling its boots with iconic characters fitting in as bosses with the likes of Dracula and Rathalos being announced. And as much as I want Skull Kid in, I would say that he is the most iconic Zelda villain besides Ganondorf, which places him in a weird position where he would be v much suited to a character slot but would also make for a viable boss addition. So yeah, could go either way but for me, there’s too much doubt around him to count him as a dead cert for the roster.
Bandana Waddle Dee (Kirby series) - Another very very likely candidate for the roster, this cute lil squishball would complete the Kirby set™ and he’s v popular in Japan. But he’s in the same position as Isaac where I’m not sure he got as much attention as peeps like Ridley and K. Rool. But hey, with Kirby and this character being Sakurai’s babies, this could sway him otherwise (I rlly hope so, can u tell I want him in)
Chorus Kids (Rhythm Heaven) - As my final back up/unsure pick, the Chorus Kids take their spot alongside Isaac in the ‘first party franchises that really need Smash attention’ category. The other things that make me pick the Chorus Kids over others is the fact that people doin’ some digging a while back revealed that the Chorus Kids were a scrapped character from Smash 4 so it isn’t a stretch to say that Sakurai could’ve gone back to that idea and make it work. Plus, the Chorus Kids would tick another box we’ve yet to account for; this game’s ‘weird’ rep. Much like Pokemon, it’s pretty much tradition at this point for each Smash game to contain a newcomer or two from odd franchises that not many would expect (Ice Climbers and Game & Watch in Melee, R.O.B. in Brawl, Wii Fit Trainer and Duck Hunt in Smash 4) and this is yet another tradition I don’t see them abandoning for Ultimate. As well as ticking this box, Chorus Kids are also a v popular pick so I have them in mind as the most likely pick if Sakurai is keeping the usual ‘weird’ rep tradition alive. But really what’s keeping Chorus Kids out of my main predictions is the fact that we have no idea if we’ll even get a rep in that vein this time, especially since competition for roster slots is so intense this time around.
OKAY so that’s all my dudes. If u happened to read my last post, you will notice that my number 1 fave pick ever Rayman is now gone from my predictions. But that’s bc I think he’ll be DLC now. So there you go. Tune in at some point when I’ll probably do a DLC posty boi. Have a good day.
17 notes · View notes
haikyuutrash11 · 6 years
1:                                        My name?  Jess, but most online people call me Jet              
2:                                        Do I have any nicknames? I have loads of nicknames and I pretty much answer to slurred words too lmao             
3:                                        Zodiac sign? Taurus    
4:                                        Video game I play to chill, not to win? Overwatch                 
5:                                        Book/series I reread? Junjou romantica and a few others                
6:                                        Aliens or ghosts? I like both... but I guess aliens                 
7:                                        Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write? @yakulev-trash               
8:                                        Favourite radio station? don't have one... oh wait... maybe kerrang                
9:                                        Favourite flavour of anything? toffee               
10:                                        The word that I use all the time to describe something great? sick                
11:                                        Favourite song? worst question to ever be asked... fuck knows fam               
12:                                        The question you ask new friends to get to know them better? got any kinks? lmao               
13:                                        Favourite word? yaaaars               
14:                                        The last person who hurt me, did I forgive them? my ex and no I do not               
15:                                        Last song I listened to? post Malone better now              
16:                                        TV show I always recommend? the big bang theory or anything Michael McIntyre                 
17:                                        Pirates or ninjas? ninjas                 
18:                                        Movie I watch when I'm feeling down? I don't really watch a lot of films to be honest               
19:                                        Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song? at the moment BTS- idol ft minaj                
20:                                        Favourite video games? overwatch, rayman, bloodbourne                 
21:                                        What am I most afraid of? losing my son               
22:                                        A good quality of mine? non judgemental                
23:                                        A bad quality of mine? quick to assume                
24:                                        Cats or dogs? dogs               
25:                                        Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in? Jason stathem                 
26:                                        Favourite season? winter                 
27:                                        Am I in a relationship? no im happily single                
28:                                        Something I miss? lay ins                 
29:                                        My best friend? Jody and wife                
30:                                        Eye colour? blue               
31:                                        Hair colour? at the moment its half purple half red               
32:                                        Someone I love? Yaku! my omega :D               
33:                                        Someone I trust? my mum                
34:                                        Someone I always think about? my son                
35:                                        Am I excited about anything? Haikyuu season 4               
36:                                        My current obsession? Reinhardt x Lucio smut               
37:                                        Favourite TV shows as a child? Sailor moon and digimon                
38:                                        Do I have someone of the opposite sex that I can tell everything to? yeah, my gay American friend Jacob                
39:                                        Am I superstitious? nahhhh                
40:                                        What do I think about most? getting all my shit sorted                
41:                                        Do I have any strange phobias? ……. nunu from teletubies and wind turbines                 
42:                                        Do I prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind it                
43:                                        Favourite hobbies? writing, gaming, painting, drawing                
44:                                        Last book I read? deviations submissions                 
45:                                        Last film I watched? 47 ronin               
46:                                        Do I play any instruments? I used to play the violin and guitar. but don't anymore, although I do want to learn piano                
47:                                        Favourite animal? leopard                
48:                                        Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow? bun that               
49:                                        Superpower I wish I could have? telekinesis                 
50:                                        How do I destress? vape                
51:                                        Do I like confrontation? mate I love that shit                 
52:                                        When do I feel most at peace? when im cuddling my son                 
53:                                        What makes me smile? a few things... okay a lot of things but too many things to name                 
54:                                        Do I sleep with the lights on or off? off, what made man sleeps with them on?!?!               
55:                                        Play any sports? pfffffft               
56:                                        What is my song of the week? why is there so many song questions                
57:                                        Favourite drink? milk                
58:                                        When did I last send a handwritten letter to somebody? ………… hand...…. written...…. letter?               
59:                                        Afraid of heights? nope               
60:                                        Pet peeve? chewing gum loudly               
61:                                        What was the last concert I went to see? reading festival and I only went to see metallica lol                
62:                                        Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian? no                
63:                                        What occupation did I want to do when I was younger? red arrow pilot               
64:                                        Have I ever had a friend turn enemy? yeah                 
65:                                        What fictional universe would I like to be a part of? Haikyuu… and I would be such a slut lol                
66:                                        Something I worry about? all the legal stuff im going through right now               
67:                                        Scared of the dark? embrace the dark                 
68:                                        Who are my best friends? what... like you want me to name them all?????                
69:                                        What do I admire most about others? honesty. if a person is honest with me all the way through then I will really appreciate them                
70:                                        Can I sing? don't think so                
71:                                        Something I wish I could do? dance and play the piano                 
72:                                        If I won the lottery, what would I do? treat my mum and dad to what ever they wanted and the fly over to Hawaii and be with my omega and then move to Japan               
73:                                        Have I ever skipped school? no kids don't skip school!               
74:                                        Favourite place on the planet? Tokyo                 
75:                                        Where do I want to live? Tokyo                 
76:                                        Do I have any pets? nope              
77:                                        What is my current desktop picture? Kuroo and Tsukki in suits sat on a sofa                
78:                                        Early bird or night owl? night owl                
79:                                        Sunsets or sunrise? sunsets               
80:                                        Can I drive? legally no               
81:                                        Story behind my last kiss? goodbye lmao               
82:                                        Earphones or headphones? headphones              
83:                                        Have I ever had braces? yes for 2 years then I didn't wear my retainer and they moved back lmao               
84:                                        Story behind one of my scars? I have a scar at the top of my finger where I caught it in the part of the door where it locks and I was on skates and slipped and chopped my finger off. I went running to my mum and she put the tip back on and rushed me to hospital lmao               
85:                                        Favourite genre of music? metal               
86:                                        Who is my hero? my mum                
87:                                        Favourite comic book character? do overwatch comics count? if so then Genji                
88:                                        What makes me really angry? having to repeat myself                
89:                                        Kindle or real book?  real book              
90:                                        Favourite sporty activity? *throws up*                
91:                                        What is one thing that isn’t tight in schools that should be? sorting out bullies                
92:                                        What was my favourite subject at school?                
93:                                        Siblings? yes 3... 2 sisters and 1 brother ��             
94:                                        What was the last thing I bought? bread                
95:                                        How tall am I? 5″8
96:                                        Can I cook? yes I can                
97:                                        Can I bake? indeed                 
98:                                        3 things I love? anime, Tsukki, and petals               
99:                                        3 things I hate? slow updates, not getting haikyuu season 4 and my ex lmao                
100:                                        Do I have more girl friends or boy friends? boy friends                
101:                                        Who do I get on with better, girls or boys? usually boys               
102:                                        Where was I born? Hastings UK                
103:                                        Sexual orientation? pansexual               
104:                                        Where do I currently live? Hastings                
105:                                        Last person I texted? my mum                
106:                                        Last time I cried? I couple of weeks ago                 
107:                                        Guilty pleasure? im not guilty about any of my pleasures ;)                
108:                                        Favourite Youtuber? the anime man                
109:                                        A photo of myself. nope                
110:                                        Do I like selfies? if im the one taking it                
111:                                        Favourite game app? summoners war               
112:                                        My relationship with my parents? really good with mum and a bit rocky with dad                
113:                                        Favourite accents? Australian                 
114:                                        A place I have not been but wish to visit? Hawaii to visit my omega                 
115:                                        Favourite number?  7             
116:                                        Can I juggle? not a chance                 
117:                                        Am I religious? science                 
118:                                        Do I like space? yes               
119:                                        Do I like the deep ocean? nooooooo                
120:                                        Am I much of a daredevil? yeah, stupidly sometimes ahahaha               
121:                                        Am I allergic to anything? peanuts               
122:                                        Can I curl my tongue?  yeah I can ;)              
123:                                        Can I wiggle my ears?  yeeeeeee              
124:                                        Do I like clowns? I don't hate clowns?               
125:                                        The Beatles or Elvis? the beatles                
126:                                        My current project? wildest dreams                
127:                                        Am I a bad loser? sometimes               
128:                                        Do I admit when I wrong? yes I do                 
129:                                        Forest or beach? forest                
130:                                        Favourite piece of advice? “each day is a gift and not a given right” 
131:                                        Am I a good liar? I am really!!! shit at lying. I twitch and stutter, its not pretty.                
132:                                        Hogwarts house / Divergent faction / Hunger Games district? Hogwarts house- Slytherin                
133:                                        Do I talk to myself? sometimes                 
134:                                        Am I very social? I can be                 
135:                                        Do I like gossip? its like asking if I like to breath                
136:                                        Do I keep a journal/diary? nahhhhh               
137:                                        Have I ever hopelessly failed a test? I failed a few tests                 
138:                                        Do I believe in second chances? yeah                
139:                                        If I found a wallet full of cash on the ground, what would I do? find the ID and return it                
140:                                        Do I believe people are capable of change? no                
141:                                        Have I ever been underweight? nahhhhhh               
142:                                        Am I ticklish? yes, very...its embarrassing                 
143:                                        Have I ever been in a submarine? I have but it wasn't going under water lol                
144:                                        Have I ever been on a plane? indeed I have                
145:                                        In a film about my life, who would I cast as myself, friends and family? rebel Wilson to be me, Melissa McCarthy to be my mum lol                
146:                                        Have I ever been overweight? yeah still am a thic bit ahaha               
147:                                        Do I have any piercings? yes I have 10                
148:                                        Which fictional character do I wish was real? Tsukki or Kuroo maybe even Yamaguchi for best friend material or Tanaka for banta                 
149:                                        Do I have any tattoos? yes I have 4                
150:                                        What is the best decision I have made in life so far? to break up with my ex lmao                
151:                                        Do I believe in Karma? 100%              
152:                                        Do I wear glasses or contacts? no I have perfect vision                 
153:                                        What was my first car? n/a                
154:                                        Do I want children? if I didn't then I would be pretty fucked now ahaha                
155:                                        Who is the most intelligent person I know? I did have a friend called Aaron and he was very very very very smart                 
156:                                        My most embarrassing memory? I don't get embarrassed                
157:                                        What makes me nostalgic? the smell of clay                
158:                                        Have I ever pulled an all-nighter? yes many times                 
159:                                        Which do I value more in others, brains or beauty? brains                
160:                                        What colour mostly dominates my wardrobe? black lmao!!                
161:                                        Have I ever had a paranormal experience? yeah loads lol                 
162:                                        What do I hate most about myself? my weight                 
163:                                        What do I love most about myself? ugh.... my humour lol                 
164:                                        Do I like adventure? hell yeah!               
165:                                        Do I believe in fate? yes I do               
166:                                        Favourite animal? …. wasn't this already asked? well in case you forgot! leopard                 
167:                                        Have I ever been on radio? nope                
168:                                        Have I ever been on TV? yes I have hehehehe               
169:                                        How old am I? 25                
170:                                        One of my favourite quotes? because we don't have wings we look for ways to fly                 
171:                                        Do I hold grudges? a few                
172:                                        Do I trust easily?  no I really don't               
173:                                        Have I learnt from my mistakes? yeah, its important to always learn from your mistakes               
174:                                        Best gift I’ve ever received? a child               
175:                                        Do I dream? I dream big fam                 
176:                                        Have I ever had a night terror? yeah and its fucking horrible and wouldn't wish it upon anyone!!               
177:                                        Do I remember my dreams, and what is one that comes to mind? I do remember most of my dreams. one that comes to mind was a very very smutty one between a haikyuu pairing but I wont say it because ill be adding it to wildest dreams hehehehehe               
178:                                        An experience that has made me stronger? a break up from a long term relationship has made me grow as a person                 
179:                                        If I were immortal, what would I do? try and become what ive always wanted to                 
180:                                        Do I like shopping? I love shopping but only if I know what im going for or if I have money to spend                
181:                                        If I could get away with a crime, what would I choose to do? murder                
182:                                        What does “family” mean to me? it means home                 
183:                                        What is my spirit animal? a leopard or a bunny lol                 
184:                                        How do I want to be remembered? I want to be remembered for having a sense of humour and for being very accepting                
185:                                        If I could master one skill, what would I choose? dancing                
186:                                        What is my greatest failure? not passing some gcse’s
187:                                        What is my greatest achievement? becoming a mum               
188:                                        Love or money? love                
189:                                        Love or career? career               
190:                                        If I could time travel, where and when would I want to go? to the future about 5 years                
191:                                        What makes me the happiest? when my son is laughing and when I talk to the people I love                 
192:                                        What is “home” to me? home is where the heart is                
193:                                        What motivates me? ive had to be my own motivator most of my life                 
194:                                        If I could choose my last words, what would they be? just lost the game               
195:                                        Would I ever want to encounter aliens? yeah but the seem to only kid nap dumb arses                 
196:                                        A movie that scared me as a child? robo cop lmao                 
197:                                        Something I hated as a child that I like now? toad in the hole               
198:                                        Zombies or vampires? vampires                
199:                                        Live in the city or suburbs? city                 
200:                                        Dragons or wizards? dragons                
201:                                        A nightmare that has stayed with me? dunno               
202:                                        How do I define love? it cant be defined by another person, each person has to figure out there own type of love and for what reason and if it matters to them then no one else can judge                
203:                                        Do I judge a book by its cover? hell no I don't! I love people for who they are as a person not there appearance                
204:                                        Have I ever had my heart broken? yes of course                 
205:                                        Do I like my handwriting? nahhhh my hand writing is horrible                 
206:                                        Sweet or savoury? savoury                
207:                                        Worst job I’ve had? caravan park... cleaning them ><               
208:                                        Do I collect anything? anime stuff!!! :D               
209:                                        Item of clothing or jewellery you’ll never see me without? shoes lmao!               
210:                                        What is on my bucket list? to move to Japan, to learn Japanese, to become an author, to learn an instrument.... the list goes on                 
211:                                        How do I handle anger? not very well ahahahaha               
212:                                        Was I named after anyone? no I wasn't                 
213:                                        Do I use sarcasm a lot? pfffft me? would I ever? of course not! *looks to the corner*                
214:                                        What TV character am I most like? ermmmmmmmmmmmm I would say a mix between Rosa from Brooklyn nine nine and Michael McIntyre                
215:                                        What is the weirdest talent I have? erm… I can twitch my nose and move my ears at the same time without touching them               
216:                                        Favourite fictional character? Tsukki 
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us2dinosaurplanet · 4 years
Ultimate Story 2: Dinosaur Planet-Chapter 11: Trouble with the Lightfoot Tribe
After returning the second Spellstone, Fox, Misty, and Banjo-Kazooie were warped back into the room before the force point temple. Misty: “You guys exit through the doorway, I’ll meet you outside on the beach.”          
Misty dove underwater as Fox and Banjo-Kazooie climbed out of the water and ran out of the chamber. When outside, they met up with their friends who were waiting for them. Suddenly, Misty came out of the water and still in her princess form. Misty: “(gasp) Oh, no! My…my powers! They’re still not working! I still can’t turn back into my human form!” Fox: “What? No! What the heck is going on?”      
Just then, Peppy’s holographic head just turned on automatically. Peppy: “Peppy here. Fox, What’s going on down there?” Fox: “We’ve got a situation. For some reason, Misty’s ability to turn back into a human doesn’t seem to kick in.” Misty: “My powers! They’re…they’re not working! How can I change back into a human now? I can’t stay like this! I just can’t! Why is this happening to me? What is going on here!?!” Peppy: “Gosh! That does sound like a situation. Hmmm…If I’m correct, and I always am 99.9% at the time, then this strange happening has to do with the water. Allow me to do a scan of the water down there.”        
There was a brief pause for a few moment. Then, Peppy began to react. Peppy: “Oh, no! This worse than I thought!” Misty: “What? What is it?” Peppy: “Misty, according to my studies, this water…has been corrupted.” Misty: “What?” Fox: “What?” Bubbles: “What?” Peach: “What?” Rayman: [“What?”] Banjo: “What?” Kazooie: “What?” Peppy: “While you guys were still in Cloudrunner Fortress, I received readings of some strange magical energy coming from the planet, itself. I hate to break it to you, but that strange magical felt like it came from…Aquarius.” All: “What?” Peach: “You don't mean…?” Peppy: “That’s right. Aquarius was the one who corrupted all of the waters of Dinosaur Planet.” Fox: “What? But I just destroyed that creep 4 years ago! How can he still be casting spells on our princess if he’s dead?” Peppy: “Yes, he has been destroyed, but there have been a number of residual essences of this Dark Mystic Water Powers. He has left behind a lot of his influence over the Corrupted Mystic Water. I don’t know how it reached the planet and corrupted the water but I will look into that. For now, we must restore Misty’s transformation powers. Thankfully, we have the one thing that can do that: Purified Mystic Water. We have some of the Purified Mystic Water that can counteract all of the Corrupted water on the planet. Misty, once you come in contact with the water, your transformation powers will be restored. I’ll have Blossom get the Purified Mystic Water out from our storage containment and we’ll airdrop it as soon as you reach Thorntail Hollow.” Fox: “Got it. We’ll be in Thorntail Hollow to pick the water. Fox out.”      
Fox turned off the hologram and punched the ground once. Fox: “I don’t believe it! Just when we thought we’ve seen the last of that evil wizard…!”
He grunted out loud in frustration. Peach: “I know how you feel, Fox but we can’t worry about that now. All we need to concentrate on is getting back to Thorntail Hollow and retrieving the Purified Mystic Water once Peppy and Blossom airdrops it. We must get going. Fox?”
Fox lifted his head. Fox: “You’re right. We must return to the hollow. Misty, you can travel through your underwater tunnels from here, right?” Misty: “I’ll get to it right away.”
Misty dove underwater. Fox: “Banjo, I suggest you go with her. You 2 have been doing this for a long time and I appreciate it if you keep her company.”
Banjo nodded and went after her. Fox and the other ran through the well.
After they exited the well, they went through the maze. All was normal until they came to the end of the maze and found a cute little Lightfoot child. It felt sad because it was lost, or that was what it wanted them to think. Fox began to feel for the child and went on to help it. Peach: “Oh, no. There he goes again. If there is one thing that Fox can never resist, it’s C.I.D.s; children in distress.”          
Peach giggled a little. The other went after him.
Meanwhile, high above the trees, the Lightfoot tribe traveled through them to seek their prey. At that time, Fox kneeled in front of the child. Fox: “Hey there, little fella.” Tricky: “I don’t like this, Fox."
Suddenly, the others saw something that caused the trees above them to rattle. Bubbles looked up. Bubbles: “(gasp) OH, NO, IT’S A TRAP!!!”        
Fox also looked up, but before he could see what was above him, the tribe came falling out of the trees. The others were fortunate enough to get out of the way, but a Lightfoot landed on Fox, causing him to be knocked out .
When he woke up, he found himself tied to a totem pole. Fox: “Whoa…what happened? Untie me, right now!” Lightfoot: “That’s the one. That’s the thief who took our treasure.” Fox: “Thief? What are you talking about?” Chief Lightfoot: “Me am Chief Lightfoot and we do not like thieves.” Fox: “But what did I do?” Chief Lightfoot: “You took our treasure and gave it to the Sharpclaws.” Lightfoot: “Yeah, tell him, chief! Kill the steeking pig!” Fox: “What? Are you brain-dead? I didn’t take your treasure, you gave it to me!”
But the tribe did not believe him. Chief Lightfoot: “You do not like what we do to thieves.” Voice: “STOP!” Fox: “Huh?”
Just then, a blue flash of light came into the scene and revealed itself as Bubbles as she held Pikachu in her arms and floated above Fox. Fox: “Bubbles! Pikachu!” Bubbles: “Please don’t hurt him! He’s innocent! He wouldn’t steal a fly.” Fox: “Bubbles.” Bubbles: “(Whispering to Fox) I know, the phrase was suppose to be “hurt a fly”, but it’s stealing we’re talking about.”
Fox rolled his eyes. Chief Lightfoot: “Nonsense. We don’t believe you! You all steeking liars!”
Bubbles held up Pikachu. Bubbles: “Don’t make me use this!”
But Pikachu started acting all cute and adorable. The entire tribe started laughing at them. Chief Lightfoot: “Oh, we so scared. What it going to do to us, adore us to death?”
They continue laughing. Fox: “That's not what Pikachu is known for.” Bubbles: “ALL RIGHT, BUT DON’T I DIDN’T WARN YOU.”
Bubbles tossed Pikachu into the air. Bubbles: “PIKACHU! THUNDERBOLT!”
Pikachu created a giant lightning bolt with her cheeks and purposely aimed it near the Lightfoots. The rest of the tribe looked at the spot where Pikachu’s Thunderbolt hit, then at each other, and then at Bubbles, who was angrily folded her arms. Then Pikachu landed on Bubbles head and made a perfect V symbol with her fingers. Suddenly, the tribe got scared and ran around the totem pole in fear. Bubbles: “QUIET!”
They all stopped in silence. Bubbles: “Now then, if you do NOT want to end up zapped by my good little buddy, Pikachu, then release the prisoner!” Chief Lightfoot: “But…”
She held up Pikachu again. Bubbles: “DO IT NOW, OR ELSE!!!!”
The tribe started shaking in fear. Fox looked up at Bubbles, then at the tribe and smiled. He liked it a lot.
After Fox was untied, he regrouped with Bubbles. Bubbles: “You OK, Fox?” Fox: “A little shaken up, but I’m fine. Thanks for saving me, Bubbles. I owe you big time.” Bubbles: “No need to, Fox. That’s what friends are for. (giggle)”
They both smiled at each other. Fox: “Speaking of friends, Bubbles, have you seen Princess Peach and Rayman?” Bubbles: “Of course I did. They went back to Thorntail Hollow to pick up the Purified Mystic Water from Blossom and Peppy. We should return to the hollow, too, Fox. Misty and Banjo-Kazooie should there, too, waiting for us.” Fox: “Great, let’s go.”
Just then, they could hear what sounded like Princess Peach shouting at them. Peach: “Fox! Bubbles!” Fox, Bubbles: “Huh?”
They saw Peach and Rayman rushing towards them. Fox: “Peach! Rayman! What are you guys doing here?” Peach: “I’m glad to see you’re awake, Fox! We’ve got a situation; Peppy and Blossom accidentally air dropped the Purified Mystic Water somewhere else on the planet!” Fox: “What? This can’t be happening!” Peach: “Oh, but I’m afraid it is. We’ve searched the entire planet but the mystic water is nowhere to be found.” Bubbles: “(gasp) Oh, no! With that water missing, Misty’s transformation powers with never be restored!” Fox: “Bubbles, relax. Misty’s powers will be restored. We just need to keep searching for the water and everything with be fine.” Peach: “I sure hope so.”
Just then, Rayman spotted something. Rayman: [“Guys, I’ve found it.”] Fox: “Where is the water, Rayman?” Rayman: [“Follow me.”]
So, everyone followed Rayman to a hut to the western section of the village until they reached a bridge that takes them to the location and something that Fox and Bubbles didn’t want to see. Fox: “Oh, no. This can’t be. You mean you wanted to tell us that the water was with the Lightfoot chief?” Bubbles: “AHHHHHHH! Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! We’re never getting the water, now! Misty is doomed! Her powers will never be restored!” Peach: “Is there something wrong with that?” Tricky: “Duh! Stupid question. Of course there’s something wrong with it!” Fox: “That chief and his tribe accused me of stealing something even though one of their men gave it to me. Luckily, Bubbles and Pikachu came to my rescue.” Bubbles: “But Pikachu can't do anything, right now. She’s so tired, I can’t wake her up.  Pikachu, please wake up. We need your help.”
Pikachu kept sleeping. Bubbles: “See? It’s not worth it.” Fox: “And how can I talk them into giving me the water if I can’t convince them that they gave me whatever they thought I stole from them?” Peach: “That does sound serious. Hmmm…Well, maybe they were a little misunderstood.” Fox: “That’s some strange definition of “a little misunderstood” you’ve got there, Princess Peach.” Peach: “Nonsense. I suggest you march right up to those Lightfoots and their chief and set them straight.” Fox: “Princess Peach, haven’t you been listening to a single…?” Peach: “I said march!”
Fox ran across the bridge and stopped in front of the 2 Lightfoots with spears. The Lightfoots crossed their spears in front of hm. Chief Lightfoot: “Oh, no, not you again. We already know you didn’t take our treasure so just go away.”        
Fox broke through the spears. Fox: “Forget your stupid treasure!” Chief Lightfoot: “Then, what have you come for?” Fox: “I came for that.”
Fox pointed to the jug of water that was sitting near the chief. The chief and his look towards the water and back at Fox. They seemed disappointed. Chief Lightfoot: “You came for that? Why should I even bother giving it to you? It useless.” Fox: “What do you mean?” Chief Lightfoot: “Well, you see, at first, we thought it was magic water because it fell from sky. Then we drink magic. Magic water did nothing to us. Magic water is useless water. So, we dumping it.” Fox: “What? But you guys just can’t do that!” Chief Lightfoot: “We can and we will. There is no reason to keep useless water or give it away to likes of you.” Fox: “But you don’t understand! I need that water!” Chief Lightfoot: “Give us 1 good reason why I should give you useless water.” Fox: “Well, there’s this friend of mine. She in huge trouble and in order to save her, I need the water. If I don’t deliver to her, then there will be nothing that I or the rest of my friends can do to help her. I’m begging you give me the water. Please? I do anything for it; a task, a mission, a challenge, anything, but only if you just hand over the water.”
The chief thought about what Fox said. Chief Lightfoot: “You want useless water, we give you useless water.” Fox: “What? You mean it?”
The chief nodded. Fox: “Yeah!! Misty is saved.”  
The 2 Lightfoots crossed their spears in front of him again. Chief Lightfoot: “Under 1 condition.” Fox: “What? Weren’t you even listening to a single I was saying?” Chief Lightfoot: “Of course I did. You said you do anything for useless water, did you?”
Fox placed his hands in front of his eyes. Fox: “I had to go and ramble on like that.” Chief Lightfoot: “And besides, we give nothing to those we don’t trust. So, we put them through to tests prove if they worthy or not. So take the tests or useless water will be dumped.”
Then the chief and all his men started laughing at him. Suddenly, a sweet and beautiful voice started to sing. Fox: “Huh?”
Fox looked around until he saw Misty, who was singing for him with her hands clasped together like she was making a wish to the Star Spirits. (As seen in Paper Mario) Fox: “Misty!”
He ran towards her and kneeled in front of her. Fox: “I knew it was you singing.”
They clasped hands together. Misty: “Yes, Fox, it was me. Don’t you see what’s going on? They’re laughing at you. No one laughs at you like that. I need you to take those tests and prove those Lightfoots wrong. Do it for the Lylat System, Dinosaur Planet, and most importantly, me. Do it for me, Fox and win that water from the tribe. I believe in you.”
After hearing Misty’s encouraging words, he had enough courage to accept the tests.
The first test has begun. In this test, Fox has to locate all 4 totem poles (not very similar to the one that he was tied to earlier) and activate them within the Lightfoots’ muscleman, Musclefoot’s record. Hope came through during this test when his friends were helping him locate the poles. The first test was done.
The second test begun just as soon as soon as the tribe and Fox neared a pit and a strange looking statue with no head and it’s arms spreading wide from side to side. In this test, Fox had to push the Musclefoot off a cliff before he gets pushed in himself. Now, this seemed like a piece of cake to him until he saw how tall the Musclefoot really is. Fox’s mind: “Oh, man, these people are trying to kill me. I don’t know if I can’t go through this without my super strength. I…I just don’t know if I can.”
And then, right behind the Musclefoot in the water, he spotted Misty, who was smiling at him and winked at him, too. Then he remembered exactly what she told him. Fox’s mind: “But I must. Misty is counting on me to win that water and I must not let her down.”
Then, not caring how tall the Musclefoot really is, he accepted the challenge. It was a devastating match, but with everything that Misty told him, he has enough strength to push the Musclefoot into the pit. Fox has passed both tests and now it's time to claim his prize.
Later, they all met back with the Lightfoot chief near the bridge. Chief Lightfoot: “Well done, Fox. You have passed all the tests and just as we promised…”
The chief picked up the water and held it out. Chief Lightfoot: “Here, Fox. You win the useless water.”
Fox took the water. Fox: “I…I don’t believe it. I finally got it. Yeah!”
He then ran across the bridge and towards Misty who was sitting on the balcony of the hut with her bear friend Banjo. Fox: “I did it! I did it, Misty! I’ve got the Purified Mystic Water!”
She looked at him.  Misty: “Alright! I knew you could do it.”
Fox sat right next to Misty and poured the water on her. Shortly afterwards, she could feel the affects of the Purified Mystic Water and fell back into the water. Then a bright light was formed from underneath the water. The sight was so amazing and so beautiful that not even the Lightfoot chief and his tribe can take their eyes off of it. After the light faded, Misty flew out of the water and back in her human form. Then all of her friends were celebrating, except for Fox, who was just smiling. Misty: “Thank you, Fox, I’m finally back in my human form again.” Fox: “Good to see you back in your human form again but I couldn’t have done it without your support.” Misty: “Oh, Fox, you know I’m always there for you.” Fox: “And I’m always there for you, too.”
They both smiled at each other. Chief Lightfoot: “That was fantastic!” All: “Huh?”
They watched as the chief and his tribe came running towards them. Chief Lightfoot: “That was most amazing thing we ever saw in generations! Useless water IS magic water, after all!” Fox: “Uh, yeah! Of course!”
Fox then looked at Misty. Fox: “You just have to use it on the right person, that’s all.” Lightfoot: “Wow! We been using magic water wrong.” Chief Lightfoot: “For token of amazement, I would like to tell you a little secret: deep down below the village is a mighty chamber that has never been open for generations. They say the Krazoa Spirits built it. We have been heard that it leads to some sort of shrine.” Fox: “A Krazoa Shrine?” Chief Lightfoot: “That’s the one!” Fox: “No way! Who would have thought of it? A Krazoa shrine built in one place that we would never expect to find it.” Bubbles: “Cool! Once we collect the spirit within the shrine and return it to the palace, we’ll be half way through rescuing that stranger in danger.” Fox: “Wow! I’m impressed. For a tribe with lack of perfect grammar, you guys sure know how to keep some excellent secrets.” Chief Lightfoot: “Well, we have no choice because remember when I said that chamber hasn’t been open for generation? Well, the problem is we don’t know how to open it.” Misty: “But how do we enter this chamber?”
The chief pointed at the door on the center of the village. Chief Lightfoot: “Beyond that door lies the underground chamber. When spirits built it, they seal entrance and seal it good. None of us were able to find a way to open it.” Misty: “Well, why didn’t you say so? I can deal with that problem in a flash.”
Then she and Bubbles flew to the door. With the use of their impressive strength, they opened the door together. All of the Lightfoot tribe were amazed once again. Misty: “Problem solved. Let’s go.”
Then, Fox and the others approached the doorway Misty created and enter the underground chamber. Inside, there was a warp pad down below. Misty then flew towards Fox, grabbed him and flew down to the warp pad. Fox: “Misty, I can’t take this spirit’s test. Don’t you remember what that Krazoa just told us?” Misty: “I know. I’ll be taking the test.” Fox: “Then, why do you want me to come with you?” Misty: “Because I wanted to thank you for helping me out in my time of need and I would like someone to come with me to the shrine, unless you don’t want to go.” Fox: “Sure, Misty. I’d love to go…for you.” Misty: “Oh, thank you, Fox. This means so much to me.” Fox: “Me, too, Misty. Me, too.”
They gazed into each other’s eyes deeply and happily once again. Peach: “(Singing) L-O-V-E, L-O-V-E.”
Shortly afterwards, Fox and Misty both warped to the third Krazoa Shrine, together.
0 notes
Returning Franchise/Groups Thoughts
Before I start talking potential newcomers (Though I will at least touch on it a little here) it’s time I give my thoughts on what could happen with each of the series that were in Smash 4 and if anything changes in representation. I’ve said before that I don’t expect too many cuts so most of this is mainly that franchises are keeping where they are but I’ll still try to make a special note with each one
I don’t really expect anyone in the Mario series to get cut. They’ve pretty much nailed the representation for the most part with the original characters they’ve gotten. Maybe Dr. Mario has a shot at being demoted to alt, but depending just how much ported over the roster ends up. He might stay anyway.
I also suspect that unless Captain Toad (Or any variation of Toad) is a Newcomer in this Smash. We won’t be getting any more Mario characters. No offense to supporters of Waluigi, Paper Mario, or Daisy. But I don’t think it’s time for them.
Yoshi’s probably going to remain solo. The only candidates that could feasibly be a 2nd Yoshi rep is the Baby Mario Bros. and Kamek. Neither of which I think are that popular really
I also think Wario’s going to remain solo. There’s going to be some hope for Ashley thanks to Warioware Gold. But realistically I think the only chance Wario gets a 2nd rep is if they decide to cheat the system a little and count Waluigi as a Wario rep.
Donkey Kong
Obviously both DK and Diddy will return. And this is also one of the franchises I suspect will just have to get a rep in this game. Whether it be King K. Rool, Dixie Kong, or even both
Retro (That is Mr. Game & Watch, Duck Hunt, and ROB)
I assume all 3 retro characters will return. With a good chance the Ice Climbers take their long awaited return assuming 8 Player Smash doesn’t cause trouble with them. As for any new retros, who knows. They seem to pop up one each new game. So maybe Takamaru will get to join this time around or something. But who knows what Sakurai will have in mind here
Everyone from the previous game should return here. Only questions is if Shiek will return to being a transformation or not. Link is obviously going to be BOTW styled but will that mean any moveset changes? We won’t know until we see actual footage of Link. Zelda will probably also be BOTW styled. Though Ganondorf didn’t have his Gerudo form in BOTW. So either they stay with his Smash 4/Twilight Princess design, make a What If BOTW styled Ganondorf, or even make him in Hyrule Warriors style. As for any new characters, I think by now any chances of a character that isn’t some alternate version of the trio isn’t going to get playable. Those hoping for any of the guardians will probably get the same disappointment that those people hoping for Skill Kid, Midna, or Impa got.
Samus and Zero Suit Samus will obviously return. Though like Shiek the question is if they remain separate characters. But of course what is always going to be a big topic discussion is if anyone’s joining. Obviously Ridley’s going to be debated once again. But I think a dark horse (no pun intended) could be Dark Samus given Metroid Prime 4 is coming. Dark Samus would definitely be much better received then Dark Pit was. Even if Dark Samus turned out to be somewhat cloned from Samus. It’d at least be something. Even if it’s not the big bone that Ridley would be.
Kid Icarus
I don’t think they’ll be adding more. Much like Dr. Mario, maybe Dark Pit gets demoted to Alt. But as much as I’d like that there’s an equal chance they’ll keep him around anyway. I suppose another question would be about Palutena’s Custom Moves. We don’t know if Custom Moves will return. Given the DLC characters were not given any, that may be a sign they’re on their way out. And if Palutena’s stuck with her default Smash 4 moveset? That’ll suck for Palutena players, because some of her actual good moves are hidden in those.
Fire Emblem
Ah yes the franchise almost everybody complains about their representation. I think for the most part everyone in the previous game will return. Yes even Lucina, Roy, and Corrin. If Dr. Mario and Dark Pit get demoted maybe Lucina does too but I just don’t know. Lucia’s actually kinda popular. And they bothered to bring back Roy from Melee so I don’t know why they’d leave him out again. And I feel Corrin’s a bit of an early bird. He/she would of probably been a newcomer for this game, but instead he got into Smash earlier then we thought he/she would. I think that because I suspect everybody comes back, we may get no more additional Fire Emblem characters this time just to give it a break. Maybe the next Fire Emblem’s protagonist gets in through DLC but otherwise I don’t expect any new Fire Emblem characters from the get go.
All Kirby Characters should return being Sakurai’s pride and joy. Don’t know if it’ll get a 4th character or if it’s even necessary to have one, but if they do. It’s probably Bandana Waddle Dee
Little Mac will likely remain solo. Don’t see them suddenly adding another. That is unless… Mike Tyson enters the ring O: (Nah, I’m kidding. Though it would be hilarious)
Star Fox
This one’s going to be a little difficult to figure out. I think both Fox and Falco are safe. But the question is if Wolf will finally make his come back after missing out on Smash 4. Star Fox Zero didn’t do as well as some hoped, so there’s ground for maybe Star Fox remaining where it is. That said maybe they’d save Wolf for DLC to have that hype return like Mewtwo and Lucas was for many. Any other choices likely already missed their chance. Including Krystal.
Pokemon is the franchise that has historically had the most cuts within Smash. So this is incredibly hard to predict. The Pokemon company has been said to be actually a little difficult for Sakurai to deal with. For now I think everyone that was in Smash 4 should return. With the likeliest newcomer being Decidueye to complete the fire-grass-water trio that has left a hole ever since Pokemon Trainer being cut down to just Charizard. Possibly a Gen 8 newcomer for DLC.
Ness and Lucas should be here to stay. Don’t think there need to be any additions from here on out
Captain Falcon without any new games still will remain the only F-Zero character. And that’s just fine.
Animal Crossing
I think Villager stays solo. Though a small chance that maybe Tom Nook, Isabelle, or even Mr. Restti comes into the picture.
If there was any chance Pikmin was going to grow beyond Olimar. It’s too late as Alph is simply an alt. So other then maybe other Pikmin characters also being Alts. Olimar will be solo. Though the real question is how many Pikmin will he have this time. He could have only three at a time in Smash 4. But up to 6 in Brawl
Wii Fit
If there’s any chance at all that for the first time a new series is cut for a reason other then 3rd party issues (Metal Gear) and technical problems (Ice Climbers) then Wii Fit would probably be first on the chopping block. But I doubt they cut her out as much as some will probably be clamoring for it.
I highly expect Shulk to make it back. And a good chance he’s joined in with Rex from Xenoblade 2. Shulk will likely be the Marth of the Xenoblade franchise I feel.
I think they are more likely to return in some way. Though admittedly custom moves at least leaves them a little bit in Limbo. But I just don’t see why they’d cut them. The Miis allowed for those who are young (or young at heart) to include real-life characters, impossible ones, or extremely unlikely ones to at least kinda satisfy them. It’d be kind of disappointed to go to this game without that option to create your fighter. Even if Custom Moves is largely removed, I hope the Mii Fighters still return and maybe they’re the only characters with Custom Moves. Even if that comes into conflict with Palutena.
3rd Parties
Now this is the interesting part. I think Sonic, Megaman, and Bayonetta are absolutely safe. All 3 of them have had significant releases or upcoming releases on the Switch. Plus they’d all risk alienating the fanbase should either of them be dropped because they were all included by fan demand of some sort. I think Pac-Man and Ryu are in the middle in they probably will return. I think even if Namco isn’t helping out as much as they did with the last one Pac-Man may stay anyway and if they get Megaman might as well get Ryu again too but they have some degree of doubt compared to the 3 I already mentioned. Cloud’s probably the most likely 3rd Party to leave only because I heard Square can be stingy (I mean we did only get two songs for Final Fantasy. Which is kinda ridiculous). But given that Square isn’t at odds with Nintendo right now and the Switch is selling well. I don’t see why Square wouldn’t love the free promotion for Cloud whether or not the FF7 Remake comes to the Switch. While the risk is always there, I think we’re slightly more likely to actually keep everyone along only because 3rd Parties have gotten huge. Heck, I wouldn’t even be surprised if by the time development has finished and all the DLC released. We have 10 or more 3rd Party characters playable. As for likely newcomers? I think the most likely BASE GAME 3rd party is probably Rayman. While Crash Bandicoot might be a strong DLC candidate.
And that’s all for now, if there’s something that’s announced that leaves some evaluation I may do another post like this. Probably at least a post based on this when the base game’s roster has been revealed when we know who’s returned for the base game and who didn’t. Coming next I will start covering potential newcomers and/or veterans that weren’t in Smash 4 in posts of their own soon enough.
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magzoso-tech · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/asus-rog-phone-2-review/
Asus ROG Phone 2 Review
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A ‘gaming’ smartphone might seem like a very exciting proposition for enthusiasts, but how can a manufacturer get the average smartphone buyer to feel the same way? Asus launched the first ROG Phone (Review) last year, and while it was a good product, the high price of nearly Rs. 70,000 at the time meant that you really needed to be a die-hard gaming addict to even consider it over an iPhone, Google Pixel, or Samsung Galaxy device. That’s exactly what Asus wants to change with the ROG Phone 2.
While Asus has taken its time to launch this phone in India, we have seen other companies try to break into this niche segment throughout this year. We now have the Black Shark 2 (Review) which has a pressure-sensitive display, and the Nubia Red Magic 3 (Review), which boasts of an internal cooling fan, to consider as alternatives as gaming smartphones. However, Asus hasn’t left any stone unturned for its follow-up, packing it with pretty much every feature one could think of. The icing on the cake is definitely the price. The ROG Phone 2 starts at Rs. 37,999 in India, which is great not only for gaming enthusiasts but also for anyone who’s looking for a powerful flagship on a budget.
So, should you be considering the Asus ROG Phone 2 over, say, the new OnePlus 7T (Review) at the same price? And if you aren’t a gamer, does the ROG Phone 2 still make sense? Let’s find out.
Asus ROG Phone 2 design
The Asus ROG Phone 2 continues to sport an industrial look, just like the first version, but it’s a bit more tame this time around. The exposed air vent at the back is smaller and more discreet; the orange highlights for the stereo speakers on the front look more subtle; and the darker finish makes it look even more stealthy. There’s still no mistaking this for an ordinary smartphone though, especially when that ROG logo on the back lights up.
The size ROG Phone 2 is both bigger and heavier than its predecessor, making it one of the heaviest phones we’ve held in a while. It’s very thick at 9.48mm and weighs a whopping 240g. The weight isn’t a big issue when using it in the landscape orientation with both hands, but normal one-handed usage gets fatiguing quickly.
Asus has swapped the rear capacitive fingerprint sensor for an in-display one. Authentication works well but we found that we had to rest our finger there a little longer than usual before this works. It’s not as quick as some of the other in-display sensors we’ve used, like the one on the OnePlus 7T (Review). Face recognition is a lot quicker and works at odd angles too. The power and volume buttons are placed low on the right side of the phone and have good feedback.
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The in-display fingerprint sensor on the Asus ROG Phone 2 isn’t the fastest but success rate is good
The left side has an additional USB Type-C port, along with a custom port beside it for accessories. This Type-C port supports USB 3.1 (Gen2) standard, along with video output upto 4K resolution and Quick Charge 4.0, and it can be used for charging when you’re gaming in landscape mode. The Type-C port at the bottom supports USB 3.0 speed and also supports fast charging. The 3.5mm headphone socket is placed on the extreme right at the bottom, so wired headphones won’t get in the way when you’re gaming.
The 6.59-inch AMOLED display has a full-HD+ resolution but what’s impressive is that it has a 120Hz refresh rate. It also supports 10-bit HDR and is claimed to be colour accurate with a Delta E average of less than 1. The max brightness is 600nits and there’s Corning Gorilla Glass 6 for protection. The display has thick bezels on the top and bottom, but it doesn’t make the phone look ugly. The earpiece and the bottom speaker are forward-facing, for a better stereo effect. The dual Nano-SIM tray is placed on the left side, but there’s no slot for expanding storage.
The ROG Phone 2 also features the second version of Asus’s AirTrigger system, or shoulder buttons on the right side. Asus says the algorithm has been reworked, so you can now rest your fingers on them without activating them. There’s a new dual vibration system present too. The phone also uses a 3D vapour chamber system for cooling. According to Asus, a total of four Wi-Fi antennas and microphones have been placed at strategic points around the phone, which should provide optimal signal performance no matter how you hold it.
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The Aero Case comes bundled in the box of both variants
The base model of the ROG Phone 2, which we have, ships with an 18W charger, Type-C cable, SIM eject tool, and the Aero Case. The latter is more of a bumper case, as only the top and bottom portions have good plastic reinforcements while the rest of the body has large cutouts for the rear vent and logo. Asus says that this case was designed so that you can use the AeroActive Cooler without taking it off. This cooler is an optional accessory but if you buy the 512GB variant, it comes bundled. The top-end version, which costs a whopping Rs. 59,999, also gets you a 30W charger in the box.
You can also get other accessories for the ROG Phone 2, with prices ranging from Rs. 1,999 all the way up to Rs. 19,999.
Asus ROG Phone 2 specifications and software
According to Asus, the ROG Phone 2 has been built using some of the best components available in the market, including a special speed-binned Snapdragon 855+ SoC, LPDDR4X RAM, and UFS 3.0 storage. The phone is available in two RAM and storage variants — one with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage (Rs. 37,999) and the other with 12GB of RAM and 512GB of storage (Rs. 59,999). There’s a big jump going to the higher-end variant, and even with the extra accessories, that price seems way too high.
You also get dual-band Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5, NFC, FM radio, the usual variety of sensors, satellite navigation systems, and USB-OTG. The ROG Phone 2 supports high-resolution audio through the 3.5mm headphone jack, with the ability to decode 192kHz/24-bit files. However, this phone does miss some flagship-level features such as an IP rating for water resistance and wireless charging.
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The Asus ROG Phone 2 has a vent on the back for air circulation
Just like the first ROG phone, Asus has put a lot of work into the software this time around too. You get Android 9 Pie with the August security patch and a custom skin. For the ROG Phone 2, you can choose a more vanilla Android theme during the setup process, instead of the default ROG theme. The latter does look cool and you have a choice between a dark and light version of it. Plus, when you enable X Mode, which is Asus’s performance mode, the wallpaper and highlights around the icons get aggressive red accents. If you’re not a fan of this, there’s always the classic theme to fall back upon.
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The ROG UI can be swapped for a stock Android look, in case it’s not your thing
In terms of installed apps, there isn’t much bloatware. There’s an Asus Data Transfer app for moving data from your old phone to the ROG Phone 2, and the Armoury Crate app, which is where you configure lighting effects for the logo; monitor the temperatures of the CPU and GPU; set the force level for the AirTriggers, etc. Android 9’s Digital Wellbeing suite is also present.
There’s more customisation to be had in the phone’s Settings app. AudioWizard lets you choose different sound presets. There’s an ‘Outdoor’ mode which boosts volume by sacrificing a bit of sound quality. You can manually choose between 60Hz, 90Hz, and 120Hz refresh rates for the screen, but you can’t switch between these dynamically based on the activity being performed.
Display colours can be tweaked; there’s an always-on display mode; and you can choose what icons you want in the status bar. The latter feature is very handy as you can have icons for things like NFC, X Mode, the refresh rate, etc, in the status bar so you can see what’s enabled without having to check the toggles in the notification shade.
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The Asus ROG Phone 2’s special features are highly customisable
The ‘Advanced’ menu in the Settings app has a tonne more options to tweak. Mobile Manager lets you clear RAM, manage data usage, and scan for viruses, and Game Genie is a very useful toolbar which can be accessed from within a game for configuring the AirTriggers, live streaming on YouTube, Twitch, etc. There are various touch and motion gestures, screen recording, and a one-handed mode. The AirTriggers menu lets you add ‘squeeze’ gestures for the bottom trigger, which can launch an action or an app with a short or a long squeeze.
Asus ROG Phone 2 performance and battery life
The ROG Phone 2’s mammoth size and weight are a little hard to get used to. As we mentioned before, it’s not a problem when you’re holding the phone with two hands for gaming, but for most other use cases, it gets fatiguing very quickly. However, if you’re someone who doesn’t mind large, heavy phones then you’ll probably like it. The glass back is a little slippery but the bundled case makes it easier to hold this phone with one hand. The addition of a notification LED near the earpiece is a nice touch.
As you’d expect, the ROG Phone 2 is also a beast of a performer. The 120Hz refresh rate makes scrolling through apps and gameplay (in supported games) incredibly fun and fluid. 90Hz offers a pleasing experience too, if you want to save a bit of power, but battery life isn’t really a concern here, which we’ll talk about in a bit. Apps load quickly and multitasking is handled very well. Of course, the main draw of this phone is gaming, and this is hands-down one of the best devices — if not the best one — for that.
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The two Air Triggers have good vibration feedback and the sensitivity can be adjusted
We ran a mix of heavy games such as PUBG Mobile and Asphalt 9 Legends, along with simpler ones including Rayman Adventures and Mario Kart, all of which ran flawlessly. Even on the 8GB RAM version of this phone, we were able to switch between any of these games quite effortlessly.
Now keep in mind that the back of the phone gets quite warm when gaming, especially a few spots near the side-mounted Type-C port which get very hot. We recommend playing with the bundled case, as you don’t feel the heat as much and it offers better grip. The heat could possibly be better controlled with the AeroCooler II accessory, but that will cost extra and we didn’t have one with us to test.
We didn’t feel the need to use X Mode most of the time, other than a couple of instances in PUBG when the framerate began to get mildly choppy. X Mode prevents throttling of the CPU and also doesn’t let the speed drop below 1.3GHz. Keep in mind that this will also drain the battery faster, so we’d suggest not using it unless you absolutely need to.
Game Genie also lets you enable an overlay in games to keep an eye on the framerate, system temperature, and CPU and GPU usage in real-time. Through Armoury Crate, you can set a customised profile for each game. For instance, Rayman Adventures supports 120Hz refresh rate, so you can have the display switch to it when playing the game and go back to a lower refresh rate for regular use.
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The Asus ROG Phone 2’s Armoury Crate app lets you tweak the settings for every game
Just like with the original ROG Phone, we found the AirTriggers to be immensely helpful in games such as PUBG Mobile. The vibration effect, when they are triggered, is instantaneous and you can now rest your fingers on them and simply apply pressure when you actually need to activate them. This reduces fatigue in your index fingers, since you don’t have to keep them hovering in mid-air. If you’re going to be doing this, then it’s best to increase the amount of pressure required to activate the triggers, to prevent accidental activation.
Other than gaming performance, the display and speakers are two other highlights of this phone. HDR videos look great — the brightness is automatically boosted when HDR content is detected, and it drops back to the level it was at before when you close the video. The speakers get really loud and sound quality is good. The stereo sound is evenly distributed across both channels, with decent bass and a good soundstage. When using Outdoor Mode, the sound quality is terrible as it simply cuts the bass and boosts the treble, making everything tinny and shrill.
Battery life is equally impressive, and not just because of the massive capacity. In our battery loop test, the 6000mAh battery lasted for around 11 hours and 48 minutes with the screen set to 120Hz, and 14hours and 13 minutes at 60Hz. These numbers might not look particularly impressive compared to those of other phones which have run for over 20 hours with smaller batteries, but the ROG Phone 2 exceeded our expectations in real-world usage.
Even with the screen running at 120Hz and a lot of camera, gaming, and social usage, we still managed to easily go past one full day on a single charge. When playing heavy 3D games non-stop for two hours, with X Mode on most of the time and the refresh rate set to 90Hz, the battery level dropped by around 27 percent, leaving us with plenty of juice left for another two full days of standby time.
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The stereo speakers on the Asus ROG Phone 2 get really loud and quality is good
The ROG Phone 2 supports multiple fast charging standards — Qualcomm Quick Charge 4.0/3.0 and USB Power Delivery 3.0. With the bundled 18W charger, we were able to charge the battery up to 52 percent in an hour and it took about two hours to charge it completely. This might seem a little slower than the competition but keep in mind that this is also a much bigger battery than what most others offer in this price range. With the optional 30W charger (Rs. 1,999), the charging should be much quicker.
Asus ROG Phone 2 cameras
The rear sensors on the ROG Phone 2 are the same as those on the Asus 6Z (Review). This phone is missing the laser autofocus sensor, but everything else seems to be identical. The ROG Phone 2 also gets a 24-megapixel front camera with an f/2.0 aperture, since it lacks the motorised rear camera of the 6Z. The main 48-megapixel camera uses the Sony IMX586 sensor, with an f/1.79 aperture and PDAF, but no optical stabilisation. The second camera uses a wide-angle lens with a 13-megapixel sensor.
The camera app is quite feature-rich, offering plenty of shooting modes such as Motion Tracking, Pro, and Night, among the usual others. A toggle within the viewfinder lets you switch between the regular and wide-angle lens. The latter can be used to shoot video, but you can’t switch between cameras while recording.
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Shot using the primary camera on the Asus ROG Phone 2 (tap to see full-sized image)
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Shot using the wide-angle camera on the Asus ROG Phone 2 (tap for full-sized image)
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Close-up shot captured using the Asus ROG Phone 2 (tap for full-sized image)
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Shot using Portrait mode on the Asus ROG Phone 2 (tap for full-sized image)
In daylight, the ROG Phone 2’s primary camera was quite capable and manged good details and colours. HDR images looked vivid and striking, with good exposure and white balance. The wide-angle camera captured slightly weaker details but HDR was handled well and landscapes looked good, with little to no barrel distortion. Close-ups looked good too, with sufficient details and good colours. The camera app lets you adjust the level of background blur in Portrait shots, but edge detection wasn’t always too accurate.
Low-light landscape shots captured using the Asus ROG Phone 2 were a bit grainy, but using Night mode helped. Details were still a little weak and the resulting images were oversharpened to bit too much.
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Close-up low light shot captured using the Asus ROG Phone 2 (tap for full-sized image)
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Regular low light shot captured using the Asus ROG Phone 2 (tap for full-sized image)
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Shot using ‘Night’ mode on the Asus ROG Phone 2 (tap for full-sized image)
The selfie camera captured fairly detailed selfies during the day, with good skin tones, but we noticed some minor artefacting in the background, and the edges of our face could have been sharper. The screen flash is quite effective in low light, providing good illumination. Portrait mode with the front camera is present but the final output looks a little artificial.
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Asus ROG Phone 2 selfie test (tap for full-sized image)
The quality of video shot in daylight was also quite impressive. Electronic stabilisation worked very well, even at 4K resolution, and details and colours were represented well. Selfie videos were also stabilised, and the quality was equally good. The phone faltered a bit in low light, as video was a little grainy and the electronic stabilisation caused mild distortion when we moved about.
The Asus ROG Phone 2 is a solid piece of hardware and is definitely the most polished and impressive gaming phone we’ve seen so far. It lacks some features such as waterproofing and wireless charging, but at Rs. 37,999, those things aren’t big deal breakers. The higher-end version feels too expensive at nearly Rs. 60,000 even with the massive bump in storage and the bundled accessories. A price of around Rs. 50,000 would have been more accessible.
The OnePlus 7T (Review) is one of the main competitors for the base variant of the ROG Phone 2. It’s a solid offering running Android 10, and it has a good set of cameras as well as a fast 90Hz display. If you’re not a fan of the weight of the ROG Phone 2, the OnePlus 7T would be a good alternative.
However, if you’re looking for a beast of a phone, then the Asus ROG Phone 2 is one of the best out there and is priced starting at under Rs. 40,000. Even if you aren’t a gamer, the vivid display and stereo speakers make this an excellent multimedia device, if you can put up with the bulk.
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the-eggplantblog · 11 months
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Hello everyone, I simply wanted to see Rayman's evolution, growth and apparently his mental deterioration over time...
things before starting....
>I know something about mental health and psychology, but I'm not an expert....don't take my words too seriously.
>some topics related to the decline of mental health will be discussed, I repeat something about the topic again, but I am not an expert on this, much less a professional, do not take this very seriously.
>I will talk about some headcanons (like Rayman's growth, to give an example), and this is all a headcanon/theory about Rayman's character, so take it as entertainment.
>if you want you can correct me (I may have been wrong on one point about the canon or something similar...I haven't had the great opportunity to play all the Rayman games and know their stories in depth) or contribute to this headcanon/theory, but always with kindness.
>THERE WILL NOT BE TALK ABOUT ORIGINS OR LEGENDS, I consider them as part of another dimension, and they are basically the Rayman from Rayman 1, grown up and without traumas, so we are interested in them for this blog.
> my English is not the best... sorry if you don't understand something....
continue reading below the cut....
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rayman 1 the happy era
You have to start from the beginning, Rayman from Rayman 1, he is a kid who could easily be about 8-10, this is evident from his very childish and small design, as reflected in his Sprites and animations and as he demonstrates all the time. .
Rayman is lively, maintaining an optimistic smile even if the situation he is experiencing is somewhat dangerous, you can see how someone is very optimistic and cheerful, who seems not to take things very seriously, due to the fact that he makes fun of his own enemies ,or does not seem to be afraid of them until the situation gets serious, like a child would do.
To a certain extent he maintains a somewhat innocent and carefree posture, since he is seen not taking Mr Dark's situation so seriously, or not fully understanding the seriousness of the situation, until Betilla is captured, but another important characteristic of Rayman is his good will and heart of gold, since he will have no problem helping the other thingamajigs or creatures he meets along the way, always finding time to help everyone, something worth admiring.
In fact, it also highlights his great sense of empathy, this when after defeating the mosquito he empathizes with it, understanding that he did what he did, out of fear of Mr. Dark and the influence of nightmares.
In general, Rayman has a very fun and happy personality, with a lot of positivity, some innocence and, above all, not taking things too seriously, but his great sense of empathy and sense of doing good without really expecting anything in return stands out. Rayman does not have much development, but it could be assumed that after Betilla was captured by Mr Dark, Rayman would begin to take the matter of saving the world more seriously, although not reaching the level of Rayman from 2 or Spark of Hope.
This Rayman is totally healthy and after his adventure, it didn't have a really negative effect on him, but a positive one since he probably learned to take things a little more seriously, which can be reflected in Rayman 2, and maybe The most that could disturb him was the kidnapping of Betilla or Dark Rayman, better known as Raymesis, due to the fact that he had every intention of killing him, but this really gave him more of a life lesson than a trauma, since he overcame a fear and was able to take things more seriously, and he also solved these problems in a very simple and quick way, without having to suffer real consequences.
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Rayman 2 beginning of the problems....
Rayman 2 is the root of all the traumas and mental decline that Rayman would later suffer... here we can see an older Rayman being about 13-14, age is very important here... since it is childhood adolescence where traumas and emotional wounds can be worse than when they happen to a young adult or an adult, since the wounds or traumas obtained in childhood can leave a very large scar and very difficult to treat, sometimes it even seems that overcomes the situation but out of nowhere it falls drastically....
many will ask what is all this about??? Well, the beginning of the game is already very strong, telling us everything that happened and the horrible things that happened, but even more horrible is the context of the game, that basically the villain won and that hopes are very little.... Heavy for Rayman is the fact that he tried to save his home from the pirates but lost.... since the pirates achieved their goal, destroying the great protoon and basically leaving Rayman without powers or strength, which doomed the world... ..
This is already very strong, leaving Rayman with a great feeling of guilt and remorse, since basically because he was not very strong or capable, he had to see his world be destroyed and enslaved without him being able to do anything, something that was torture psychological for him, considering his sense of kindness and empathy, plus being imprisoned, being treated very poorly, just imagine that razorbear in the game manual tells Rayman that he will make him his most docile slave...we don't know what things He suffered but, considering those words, Razorbear's personality and how they had the other prisoners and even how Rayman himself looked at the beginning of the game, weak without strength or courage, even almost without hope, almost succumbing to Razorbear's will, they do not give good signs...
If you can imagine really horrible things, from psychological torture, like Rayman had to listen to the suffering of others, even see them, without being able to do anything, razorbear reminding him that everything that is happening is thanks to him, putting ideas in his head , also mistreatment from beatings or lack of food or sleep, in addition to the fact that imprisonment is already a very heavy thing in itself, imagine that being a child, it definitely left many emotional wounds.
and all this is just the tip of the iceberg since we haven't talked about the caves of nightmares and Yano and how he totally traumatized Rayman by wanting to eat him alive and his contradictory personality, or the fact that on this occasion the risk Dying is more latent for Rayman, or constantly seeing the pirates' strangers in his beautiful home, etc.
It is really worrying about all the psychological and physical damage that Rayman suffered in this installment...it is really very terrifying and alarming to think about all that...just consider that one of these bad experiences already leaves serious damage. , which would require months or years of therapy to overcome normally.
Speaking of Rayman's personality in this adventure, Rayman proves to be more serious and somewhat lost in his thoughts, which is not surprising considering what he is experiencing, although he still has innocence, demonstrated as when Ly asks him about Polokus and He very honestly and innocently answers "NO".
He also follows his big heart of gold and sense of pure empathy, as he continues to help those who need it and even in this serious situation he tries to give some positivity, but not by lying or trying to cover the sun with a finger, but by giving hope that everything will improve, since although he has suffered a lot he is still not willing to give up until he breathes his last, which encourages others.
You can also see a braver and somewhat mature side of the character, since he is often fighting against his own fears, he knows first-hand how capable Razorbear can be and the world has become a dark place where almost everything can kill you if You are not careful, so fear is constant in Rayman as he himself expresses it to globox, but he still faces his fears for his friends, something very noble on his part, he often speaks from his own experience supporting everyone who needs it, giving emotional support as you see he does with globox or ugleta or his babies, it is also seen that he no longer gets distracted or makes fun of his opponents, he walks with his feet on the ground.
He also has a great will, since when he finally defeats Janus, he rejects the temptation of gold and leaves all the suffering for the past, leaving his world to its fate, another thing worth admiring about the character, although we also see sadder sides. or the character's despair, like at the beginning of the game, as I mentioned, he is totally sad and almost without hope, but it is globox who returns them to him when he arrives so that Rayman can finally hug an old friend.
In fact you can see all his joy and happiness, when he finally sees him demonstrating the great affection he has for his friends and how important they are to Rayman, you can also see how he celebrates when overcoming certain obstacles which shows that he still has something of childish joy in his being.
Basically Rayman shares many characteristics with his younger self, with the difference that he is in some ways more mature than the younger version of him.
Although here Rayman suffers a lot of emotional damage, he also learns things, such as bravery and seriousness and total concentration, even though here he suffers much more emotional damage from the entire saga....damage that will leave him with really serious marks, which could cause depression. or a big change in your way of being, or other problems such as some self-hatred or a lot of insecurity and cases of anxiety in addition to the most obvious post-traumatic stress, really serious if not treated properly....
okay, a publishing error forces me to separate this into parts, plus I think this is already a little long and I better let you digest everything I just said about Rayman in its second installment, you've probably never thought about it very deeply in those things XD
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belleroo · 7 years
A long ask about me!
I got tagged by @deichqueen​!
1. Drink: Coffee 2. Phone call: My parents, but they didn’t answer :( 3. Text message: It’s just a Charizard, no worries, Nub. 4. Song you listened to: Allan Rayman - 13 5. Time you cried: Tearing up at Guardians of the Galaxy 2. I cry so much at movies, lmao. 
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Yes, if you count high-school dating as “dating”. And currently still with him :) 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yup. 8. Been cheated on: Yup. 9. Lost someone special: Yes :( 10. Been depressed: I live with depression, so yes. Everyday.  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes... sigh. Many times XD
12-14: Baby-pink, royal purple, and grey
15. Made new friends: Yes :) While visiting my best friend in the USA for her wedding! 16. Fallen out of love: Out of necessity, yes.  17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, a lot. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes? 19. Met someone who changed you: Yes, for both the good and maybe the bad.  20. Found out who your friends are: Yes. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes :D
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them but maybe one? I don’t add people unless I know them in real life. I also don’t use it very much. 23. Do you have any pets: A boston/pug named Beefy, and a black and white kitty named Espurr. 24. Do you want to change your name: No..? 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I can’t remember that far back, sorry! 26. What time did you wake up: Noon :’D I’m awful and have no schedule right now.  27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I was watching Food Network Superstar last night. I love the Food Network :) 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Hearing back from a job I was interviewed for, and also to see if I can get back into teaching at the College I was previously at. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Two weeks ago, but I’ll be seeing her this weekend for Canada Day festivities :) 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: That my sister was happier, and we didn’t fight as much. 31. What are you listening right now: Nothing, just Espurr making brrrrrt sounds at my fish. Oh! I also own fish! XD 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Waiting on hearing back from jobs. 34. Most visited Website: Neopets XD 35. Mole/s: Some. 36. Mark/s: Cooking scars and jumping on nails wounds XD I did that a lot as a kid, apparently. It wasn’t summer unless I jumped on a nail. 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to become a paleontologist  38. Haircolor: Dark brown. 39. Long or short hair: Long 40. Do you have a crush on someone: My boyfriend of 8 years, and of course Paladin Danse and my many fictional men *___* And celebrities like Michael Rooker, Michael Rosenbaum,Chris Evans ... damn, I have a problem XD 41. What do you like about yourself: My ability to push forward academically and professionally despite my mental health issues (anxiety & depression) and having a learning disability.   42. Piercings: Just my ears. 43. Bloodtype: No idea! 44. Nickname: Melly 45. Relationship status: Taken. 46. Zodiac: Leo 47. Pronouns: She/her 48. Favorite TV Show: Anything on the Food Network and The Walking Dead.  49. Tattoos: None.  50. Right or left hand: Right. 51. Surgery: Nope. 52. Hair dyed in different color: Sometimes, but if so it is usually blonde.  53. Sport: I don’t sport XD But I DO play softball in the summer with some friends :) We are called the Isotopes!  55. Vacation: Exploring my country (Canada): PEI, Newfoundland & Labrador, Yukon, NWT. Or, go experience history and see Rome and historic England :) 56. Pair of trainers: ???
57. Eating: A chicken hamburger and salad I made for lunch :) 58. Drinking: Water 59. I’m about to: Clean up my apartment for my sister to visit... 61. Waiting for: My partner to come home.  62. Want: My family to be well and healthy 63. Get married: Of course :) 64. Career: Accessibility Counsellor :) 
65. Hugs or kisses: Both. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes :) 67. Shorter or taller: Taller, but given that I’m so short, this is easy to accomplish XD 68. Older or younger: Older ;) 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms, but really.. just a nice person? I’m with you on this answer, DQ! 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive. 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship ♥ 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant. 
74. Kissed a stranger: Yes. 75. Drank hard liquor: Hell yeah! xD 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes :(  77. Turned someone down: Yes. 78. Sex in on the first date: Maybe... O:) 79. Broken someone’s heart: Yes... I’m sorry.  80. Had your heart broken: Yes. 81. Been arrested: Nope! 82. Cried when someone died: Yes. 83. Fallen for a friend: Of course.
84. Yourself: Ehhh... a bit. I need to, don’t I? If I don’t, I’ll spiral into a depression.  85. Miracles: Absolutely, 100%. 86. Love at first sight: No. 87. Santa Claus: Yes :DDD 88. Kiss in the first date: Yes? 89. Angels: Yes!
OTHER: 90. Best friend’s name: Mickey 8DDDDD 91. Eye color: Blue 92. Favorite movie: Oh man, really? I don’t have a favourite. However, I legit could watch The Mummy and The Mummy 2 over and over again...
Tagging: @dualwieldingtymber @marvilus73 @kickerwrites @failout4
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Review Game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Smash Bros. has always been a showcase for Nintendo’s other work. Since introducing the 12 core stars of the N64 original - each representing Nintendo’s biggest franchises and most beloved cult hits - the series has consistently ballooned to include characters old, new, forgotten and tangential. Items, Assist Trophies, stages and soundtracks have become part of the firmament, with almost every one a reference to something someone out there will remember; an unnatural history museum, if you will.
But Super Smash Bros. Ultimate feels different. Suddenly this feels more like a museum built to celebrate Smash Bros. itself.That’s most obvious in its key hook - the game comprises every character the series has ever included in its playable roster, plus a couple more for good measure. That’s 65 all told, not including the newly-coined “Echo” characters like Dark Pit, Lucina and new addition Daisy, each too complex to be a palette swap, but too similar to be counted as a whole new roster pick.
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It’s an almost absurd number of characters for a fighting game - Nintendo Treehouse’s Nate Bihldorff jokingly says balancing that many characters is exactly the kind of task that puts him off becoming a developer - but it’s necessary to get the point across. For the first time, Smash Bros. isn’t trying to impress by including the characters you know from other Nintendo games - it’s impressing by including characters you know from Smash Bros.
By this point, I’d wager most people know the Ice Climbers better as Smash characters than NES platforming heroes - the fact they’re back feels strangely special. The series’ fixation on Link comes to a head by including three entirely separate versions of the character in a single game for the first time - Toon Link, Ocarina’s Young Link, and regular ol’ Link (available in Green Tunic and Champion Tunic guise). Somehow, series mastermind Masahiro Sakurai even convinced Konami to let him re-include Solid Snake, complete with a performance from original voice actor David Hayter (although Nintendo won’t tell us if it comes from existing recordings or a new session).
Hell, even one of Ultimate’s brand new roster picks, Metroid’s Ridley, is a Smash Bros. in-joke - fans have been clamouring for him to be playable for over a decade by this point. It was all worth it for the hilariously strange sight of him clapping for the victor with his horrible pterosaur hands when he loses a match.
Amazingly, after going hands-on with the game I can say that nostalgia for the series itself actually benefits the gameplay. I laughed out loud when I realised that I remembered how to play Ice Climbers because my Melee muscle memory had kicked in. That’s not to say these are just uprezzed models from the old games - I equally know I’m going to have to relearn my beloved Little Mac, who feels a little less clumsy, but loses the sheer, brutal efficacy of the Giga-Mac transformation Final Smash I had access to in Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. Like returning to a childhood home years later, everything feels the same, but different.
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Ultimate doesn’t quite repeat its roster trick with the rest of Smash Bros.’ key components. The game definitely won’t include every previous stage, and it’s still not clear - even to Nintendo Treehouse - if every past item and Assist Trophy will make it in. That’s not to say there isn’t a pleasure to getting to play overhauled versions of previously 3DS-only stages like Tortimer Island, and there will absolutely be returning arenas from the older entries, rejigged with modern looks and in-play tweaks. Again, it’s about making the series’ hallmarks feel new again.
It’s not all backward-looking, however. There are brand new treats in store for Nintendo obsessives. Sakurai and co. have continued their amazingly nerdy work by reflecting the old and the new of the Kyoto gaming institution.
Take Sukapon, the Rayman-like robot from Japan-only Famicom fighter, Joy Mecha Fight. Before now, its only appearance in a modern Nintendo game was in, well, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (as a humble sticker). Now, it’s an Assist Trophy, using its floating limbs to pummel fighters across multiple levels of a single stage.
On the more modern side, Inklings are studiously implemented to feel familiar to players of Splatoon, even while in a completely different genre of game. Coating other players or the stage itself in ink offers an advantage, and their range of borrowed weaponry makes them feel versatile at range or up close. It’s not a slavish implementation, though - you don’t have to have painted the floor to drop down and refill your ink in squid form, for instance.
That careful implementation comes straight from the top of development: “It's because Mr. Sakurai loves video games,” says Bihldorff. “Obviously, he's a great appreciator of Nintendo and our franchises, but he just loves video games in general. I guarantee you [the new Bomberman Assist Trophy] is treated the same way as any normal fighter in terms of accuracy, making sure all his moves are true, and all his design is the way it's supposed to be. He really values that.”
That extends to the game’s stages too, and I played two new additions in the form of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s Great Plateau Tower and the Splatoon-inspired Moray Towers. The former is pretty simple, a Battlefield-like condensed bottom level with an upper platform revealed by dealing damage to the tower’s spire itself. I did find myself a little distracted (in the best way) by the game’s Old Man character repeatedly landing on and jumping off the tower with his own glider.
Moray Towers is more interesting, reflecting a portion of the brilliant Splatoon 2 map with a series of switchback ramps, potentially splitting players across multiple levels but always enticing them into ridiculously tight brawls on a single section of the map. In a gorgeous little touch, the whole stage is splattered with paint just before you begin - more proof of Sakurai’s own Nintendo fandom.
Since Melee, it’s been clear that the backward-looking “museum” element is only a part of Sakurai’s ambition, however. The Nintendo Direct made a few high-level tweaks very clear - perfect shields, a formalised ‘short hop’ ability (achieved by just pressing jump and attack together) and the return of directional air dodges - but, on a wider scale, Ultimate is undoubtedly aiming to be a more robust competitive experience.
“There is a very, very strong and healthy competitive scene,” says Nintendo’s Bill Trinen. “[The developers are] definitely looking at the way that those [professional] players play and, just like the way they look at the way casual players play, they take an amalgam of information and blend that together to make the uniqueness that is Smash Bros.”
Even after 20 minutes with the game, it’s obviously a faster, more technical game than before. Characters buzz around stages, both moving and reacting faster, and a four-player match becomes a hive of activity - it will take some getting used to for less skilled players (and, to be totally clear, I mean me here). In a neat touch, 1v1 matches will now see fighters do more damage to each other, to keep up a more frantic pace of K.O.s, even across larger stages. Nintendo won’t say it outwardly, but it feels extremely clear that the dominance of Melee on the competitive scene is something it wants to end after December.
Incidentally, Nintendo also won’t say a word about a single player mode right now - we only got to play a cut-down version of local multiplayer (and, guess what, Nintendo won’t talk about online yet, besides saying it’ll be included).
What they will tell us, repeatedly, is that Ultimate is a brand new game, created specifically for Switch, but there’s no denying its similarity to the series’ last incarnation. From menus to visuals, this is an iteration on the Wii U version in particular. It’s not a huge problem - as ever, Switch’s versatility adds value by itself - but those looking for something truly different won’t find it here.
But that’s probably not the point. Since Melee, Masahiro Sakurai has said that the next Smash Bros. game will probably be his last. Each entry has been the biggest, arguably the best and, probably, the most exhausting to make. Each one has felt like a rundown of Nintendo’s history, a successful advance on the series’ weirdo mix of fighting and pinball and, yes, a slap in the face for those who want a playable Waluigi. All of that remains true.
But ‘Ultimate’ is a subtitle that definitely suggests we’re reaching an endpoint - if that’s any indication, then the next Smash Bros. will be a museum not only to celebrate Nintendo, or Smash Bros., but Sakurai himself. It’s already beginning to feel like a fitting tribute.
0 notes
Audio post
During the beginning of my audio project for the limbo trailer I thought it best to decide on how serious I wanted it to be. Did I want to go silly and fun with taking this dark trailer and adding sounds reminiscent of PS1 Rayman or Sonic the hedgehog or did I want a more serious approach and follow in the tense and creepy footsteps of games such as resident evil remastered and outlast.
After watching older game trailers and comparing them with the visuals of limbo I decided to take the dark and creepy approach and began, decided how I wanted this to sound. The main choice in my eyes was to either go with a very dark and slow approach of a more old school horror or a very fast paced jump scare feel. I went with creepy and slow as I felt it fit the trailer and my own ideas for this project. But I also wanted a sense of the player is always running away from a threat and never towards it like the hero. I remembered a game called dying light and how its trailer got me exited and thrilled for the games release. The trailer is that of a team free running through the city and showing off some interesting weapons that can be crafted in game. The fear really sets in during the night of the game and that's when the squad begins to die 1 by 1. I adored the song choice for the game using Woodkid-run boy run. The song itself fits the trailer perfectly as it adds a sense of hopelessness to fighting the threat directly and instead running to simply survive.
I felt the trailer itself left the students with plenty of options and directions in which we could go. I am very happy to choose the slower steady paced choice as with more modern games such as Red Barrel Studios outlast which focus more on jump scares and lightning fast moments to terrify the players. I thought back to the horror movies I used to fear to my core that really made you fear a certain thing such as Chucky the doll and Freddy Kruger. They both made the watcher fear a specific thing which would cause many people nightmares for weeks after viewing. I want the player to fear what they are running from without knowing what it is and why they are running, but know if they don't run then they will die.
Now i had the idea in place and what it was I wanted from this project I had to create it. I knew a few audio students from the other classes and had asked them for their help on this. Tom Manning and Jamie Pettitt had booked the toft studio up on the 5Th floor and we began to set up the studio with the drum kit. I was amazed to see how much time is needed to just set up all the equipment and to see how much they knew using all this technology. 
Once we had everything in place we discussed the general vibe and pace we wanted to go for. I was very fond of how the original limbo trailer started slow and tense and when the bug came onto screen the whole pace quickened. I wanted something similar to this in my own way. I knew from the beginning I wanted the drum to be the stand out sound, so we began with that. After a few attempts we were satisfied with the 2 beats leading into 3 and then the sudden jump in pace. The ending beats after the spider goes off screen and the logo appears are to symbolise the steadying of the heartbeat now the terror has left. With the drums in place we started working with Protools 12 and began syncing the drums with the trailer itself. We were all very happy when we managed to get a majority of the drums heavy hits to match the shots transitioning on screen. With the drums in place we talked about what we could do next and how we wanted to plan ahead. We knew we wanted to try adding bass to the track and would need to book the studio again and needed to add various sounds through artificial means. Jamie showed me a simple but very useful site called freesound.org. Using the site we searched for sounds to add creepy and unsettling sounds to the track. My personnel favourite is the vinyl noise heard from the very beginning of the trailer which helps fill in the black space left with the drums. Jamie used this time to show and explain how pitch blend and long reverb work and how they can add to the audio track.
Having been happy we left back to our flats and discussed further over pizza what we wanted to do next. We knew we wanted bass but were unsure about how to go about it. So we decided it best to wait till we got back into the studio and just get a feel for it. Tom and Jamie always came to me for the final decision and helped me feel alto like I had taken the roll of director of the project. It was very fun and educational to instead of just messing around with some new software I got to use others knowledge and learn from them while managing a small team of people. They showed me trailers and sound bites, I feel very lucky to have worked with them and thankful for their help. 
When we went into the studio for the 2Nd time with the trailer having come a long way with plenty of artificial sounds mixed in with Toms drums, we were confident we would find the perfect place for Jamie's bass. I made it very clear I wanted the drums to still be the dominant sound and wanted to bass to be more of a supporting sound. The bass took alot longer than the drums as we could not seem to find the right feel and it all felt very off putting. But after we kept trying and trying we found that off putting feeling turned into an unsettling feeling, this lead to the idea of leaning into that vibe and pushing it. This becomes most apparent when during the end of the trailer, on first listening we found it felt out of place and wrong, but after multiple viewing's we felt it was seeping with creepy and the oddity of the sound fit the trailers end perfectly. 
At this point we thought it best to wait for the critique of my tutor and just sync up the audio as best we could with the events happening on screen. After receiving the critique and reviewing the trailer again I felt the music side was what I wanted and was happy to leave it be. Though it did lack a lot of SFX and I went of the free sound website in search of appropriate sounds. I found a plethora of options to choose from and met with Jamie to integrate these sounds into the track. During this time he showed me a lot of protools and a cubase 7. This time the focus was more on adding actual in game audio such as footsteps running through the mud and the whirling sound of a spinning blade. 
The finished trailer has the exact feel I aimed for. I want the player to feel the very creepy and unnerving moments and the build up gradually to engage the listener. I want them to understand that they will not be running into a great fight to stop the evil wizard or the end the rule of a ferocious tyrant. They are a meek little child whom has lost all hope and merely wishes to survive and maybe one day thrive, all the while knowing what ever is chasing them will not stop until their final heartbeat has thumped for the last time. 
The end result was substantially better than I had ever hoped and joining with the audio students was most definitely the right decision. I have learnt a lot of new terms and the actual use of them such as how reverb is like making a loud echo through a vast cave and Pitch bend is when the pitch slides gradually from one note to another. I still feel my research skills could use some improvement as my instinct and feelings will only get me so far and while I am very pleased with my first time directing a project I would certainly like to be more hands on and using my new found knowledge of audio software maybe in the future engage is audio design myself.
0 notes
us2dinosaurplanet · 4 years
Ultimate Story 2: Dinosaur Planet-Chapter 9: Trouble at the Ruins
They landed in front of the fortress. Queen Cloudrunner: “This is Cloudrunner Fortress. I’ll fly ahead and check if it’s safe. Meet me inside.”
The queen flew into the fortress. Kazooie: “Wow! It’s beautiful.”
Fox and the others looked over and noticed Kazooie. Kazooie: “No wonder why General Scales came here.” Fox: “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Can you at least get us in?” Kazooie: “OK!”
They made their way towards the gate. After they spent some time trying to find how to get it open, Kazooie simply fired one of her grenade eggs at the gate that was blocking their way into the fortress, forcing it open. As they made their way into the fortress, they ran up a spiral walkway and found another gate. Kazooie was about to open that one with the use of her grenade eggs, but then Fox found a staff switch that opened a gate at the end of the walkway.
When they went through the walkway, they hid behind a pile of ruins. There, they saw that General Scales, the enemy behind the entire mess caused on Dinosaur Planet, has captured the Queen again.Scales: “I know it was the fox and his friends who freed you. Now where are they?” Queen Cloudrunner: “I do not know what you’re talking about.”
Then Scales became very furious and grabbed the Queen like a rubber chicken. Scales: “You will tell me! Where can I find the fox and his friends?”
She hesitated for a bit, then looked directly at him. Queen Cloudrunner: “They will find you. And they will destroy you.”
Scales lost his temper and threw the queen on the floor. Then his men started stomping her while his robots zapped her with them.  Kazooie, becoming upset, impulsively ran out of hiding and towards Scales. Banjo: “Kazooie!”  Kazooie: “Stop! Leave the queen alone, scaleface!” Scales: “You insolent bird.  Who do you think you are?” Kazooie: “I’m Kazooie, the breegull and you’re toast.”  Misty: “Kazooie, are you crazy?” Queen Cloudrunner: “Kazooie! Don’t worry about me. Go, save yourself.”Kazooie: “Oh, no, I’m not going anywhere until you’re safe, your majesty!”  Fox: “Kazooie?” Scales: “You foolish little bird. Do you think you can defeat me?” Kazooie: “I can with this.”
Kazooie turned her head to the Sharpclaw farthest from the queen and shot one of her grenade eggs at it. General Scales became very surprised at the damage that was caused by that one egg that Kazooie shot out of her mouth. Kazooie: “Not so foolish now, huh, Scales? Now, step away from the queen or else you and the rest of your men will wound up like that guy.”
Scales and his men looked at the spot where one of his men once stood and then looked back at Kazooie, who had her wings on her hips and was impatiently tapping her foot. Kazooie: “Well?”
Then General Scales had no other choice but to…call his robots and paralyze her until he grabs her on the neck just like what he did with the queen. Banjo: “Kazooie!”
Then Banjo ran towards Scales. Misty: “Banjo!” Banjo: “Scales! You can tear this planet apart, you can capture all the dinosaurs that live on this planet, you can throw the queen all over the place, but nobody and I mean nobody gives Kazooie the rubber chicken treatment but me and Misty!!!!” Misty: “That’s right!!”
Misty took off her headband, transformed it into a boomerang and tossed it at Scales. It came back towards her, turned back into a headband and she put it back on. She approached Scales. Misty: “Scales, mess with Kazooie and you’ll mess with me and Banjo!” Scales: “How nice. More challengers. So, you 2 think you can defeat me?” Fox: “No, we all do.”
Fox, Peach, Rayman, Bubbles and Pikachu tagged along. Fox took out his staff and pointed it at Scales as Peach and Rayman prepared their weapons and Bubbles and Pikachu position themselves for action.Scales: “Ah, the famous Fox McCloud and his pathetic friends.” Bubbles: ” We’re not pathetic!”Rayman: “Yeah!” Peach: “It’s over, Scales!” Fox: “Surrender now and we’ll go easy on you.” Misty: “We’ve got you surrounded, so you have no choice but to go quietly!” Scales: “How nice of all of you to join us. Let me show you some of our hospitality.”
Suddenly, Fox and his friends were surprisingly surrounded and zapped by Scales’ robots. Then Pikachu tried her hardest to over power the robots, but it was no use. Then, Fox and his friends lost consciousness and fell to the ground. Kazooie became upset. Kazooie: “Oh, no, all of my friends have been defeated by General Scales…and it’s all my fault.”
She then began to tear up. Kazooie: “I’ve failed you, your majesty.”
However, the queen did not think this way.
Later, Fox regained consciousness and found himself in a cell with his staff and his friends missing. Luckily for him, he was able to find a loose block in the wall. So Fox pushed right through it and he was free. After pushing the block back in place, he received a message from Slippy about a disguise that can fool the Sharpclaws. However, he also told him that the walls were preventing him from transporting the disguise. So all that Fox needed to do now is to find some sort of explosion to create a hole in the wall so Slippy can transport the disguise in order for Fox to return his staff and get him and his friends back to the mission.
After the message, Fox proceeded through the hallway until he reached a room with a cage (with a very familiar looking Cloudrunner in it), the room was a little dark, so it did look like a Cloudrunner. Also, a sleeping Sharpclaw was seen at the very end of the room and right in front of the Sharpclaw the magic staff floats on a block-like table. Fox’s mind: “My staff! So that’s what happened to it. When my friends and I were knocked out, Scales took the staff from me and used it to lock my friends and me up in cells. Well, I can’t worry about that at the moment. What I need to concentrate on now is to blow a hole through these dungeon walls so that Slippy can transport me that disguise. Hopefully, there’s something useful on the other side of the room. But I must be careful and not wake the guard or else I’m back in that cell or worse.”
He quietly sneaked through the chamber and made it into a room with a wind lift in the middle, a pressure plate on one side and a barrel generator on the other. Fox moved the barrel on to the lift and stood on the pressure plate, causing the barrel to float up to the ceiling and blow it up. Fox ran below the hole on the ceiling, contacted Slippy, and was given the disguise. He activated the disguise and returned to the room with the caged Cloudrunner. Just then, the Sharpclaw started waking up.Sharpclaw: “Stay here. You keep eye on prisoner. Me go for break.”
Fox deactivated the disguise, grabbed his staff and returned to the cell room where he pulled a staff switch that opened up all the cells in the room. His friends suddenly walked out of their cells like they just woke up. Misty: “Fox!” Fox: “Misty!”
Misty ran to Fox and, before you know it, they started putting their arms around each other. Misty: “Oh, Fox. Thanks the stars you’re OK.” Fox: “You, too, Misty. I wouldn’t know what I’d do if anything bad happened to you.”
Fox and Misty soon let go of each other. Fox: “I’m glad to see everyone’s back together again. However, I have a strange feeling that something’s missing, but what?”
Then, Fox heard someone crying from behind him. He turned around and saw that Banjo was the one who is crying. He kneeled in front of Banjo. Fox: “Hey there, Banjo. What’s the matter, buddy?”
Banjo pulled off his backpack and showed Fox how empty the backpack was. Fox: “Oh, right…Kazooie.”
He then realized something that made him hit himself on the head. Fox: “Oh! Duh! How could I have been so stupid? I should have known where I have seen that Cloudrunner before.” Bubbles: “Huh? What are you talking about, Fox?” Fox: “Guys, follow me. Kazooie is closer than we think.”
Fox soon led his friends into the chamber with the Cloudrunner cage. Inside that cage is the familiar looking Cloudrunner and Fox knew exactly why it looked familiar. Fox: “Ah-ha! Just as I suspected. Guys, say hello to our missing team member; Kazooie.” Banjo: “Kazooie!”
Banjo ran over towards her immediately, everyone else followed after. Kazooie soon noticed them.Kazooie: “Huh? Oh. Hi, guys.”
They all approached her. Banjo: “Kazooie. You don’t look so good. What’s wrong?” Kazooie: “(Sob) Oh, can’t you guys see the mess that I’ve caused? It’s all my fault that Scales defeated you guys. (Sob) Go ahead. Let me loose and give me the rubber chicken treatment. I deserve it after the way I betrayed you all.” Fox: “OK, OK. Quit your crying. I’ll get you out.”
Fox ran to a nearby staff switch and pulled it, causing Kazooie’s cage to open. She then flew out and stood in front of her friends waiting to receive the rubber chicken treatment. Kazooie: “Go ahead. Do your worst. I’m not afraid.”
They all stood and stared at Kazooie. Fox: “Am I missing something?” Kazooie: “Huh? What do you mean?” Fox: “OK. Let me get this straight: You want us to give you the rubber chicken treatment? It just doesn’t make any sense.” Misty: “Are you OK, Kazooie?” Banjo: “Are you sure you’re not sick or something?”
Kazooie made an angry grimace, turned her head away from her friends and shot a grenade egg to express her anger. She then folded her wings. Kazooie: “That Scales! I can’t believe he would do that to the queen! Does he beat up every dinosaur he captures? That jerk! I do anything for her safety even if it means having to endure the rubber chicken treatment! Oh, the poor queen. I can’t imagine what cruel things Scales is doing to her as we speak. If only she were here, she would tell us where Scales has hidden the Spellstone.”
Fox became shocked. Fox: “Kazooie! Repeat that last sentence again.” Kazooie: “If only she were here she would tell us where Scales has hidden the Spellstone.”
Everyone around her smiled. Fox: “Guys. Let’s go find the queen.”
And so, Fox and his friends left the chamber and into a very tall room, their ticket out of the dungeon. Now you think they would just fly out with no problem, right? Wrong! Because as they were leaving the chamber, they soon realized that the dungeon air was full of the Oneros Aera, or flight-disable gas as it’s stupidly called. Well, they should have figured that out earlier when Bubbles was on the ground when she usually floats and Rayman was sniffing the air a lot. This could be a problem, or is it? Well, let’s see what Fox has to say about this.
As they came to the exit to the dungeon, Fox looked up at a very high circular wall. Fox: “Oh, no! At this rate, we’ll never finish this mission.” Bubbles: “Don’t lose hope, Fox. Dinosaur Planet is depending on us.” Fox: “Yeah, I know but how will we get up there with the Oneros Aera in the dungeon. It’s not like one of us would just jump like a million feet into the air.”
Suddenly, Misty jumped a million feet into the air. Fox became extremely surprised. Then, Misty landed back on her feet. Misty: “I don’t know about you, but I think it’s a bit too low.”  Fox: “Huh?”Bubbles: ”Maybe you jumped a little too high.” Fox: “WHAT?” Misty: “Is there something wrong, Fox?” Fox: “SOMETHING WRONG? SOMETHING WRONG? Of course there’s something wrong! A bit too low? A little too high? I didn’t know either of you had super jumping abilities!” Misty: “You mean you didn’t know that we had these abilities?” Fox: “But I thought your jumping abilities were your flying abilities, but I…I just don’t understand.”
Misty and Bubbles looked at each other then back at Fox. Misty: “It’s a long story, Fox. But we need to proceed with our mission. Can we talk about it later?” Fox: “Well…alright. We’ll talk after we’re done here. OK?” Misty: “Yeah, yeah. Alright. Now hang on to me so that we can finally get out of here.”
Fox did exactly what she told him to do. Then she grabbed on to Banjo and leaped into the air. Bubbles followed along while she grabbed onto Rayman and Peach, doing the same. So did Kazooie. They jumped so high that they saw the entire fortress. But don’t worry, they didn’t jump into space; they just jumped to where the air was a little less dense.
Shortly afterwards, Kazooie had everyone land after she spotted the queen trapped inside another cage. Kazooie: “Your majesty!” Queen Cloudrunner: “Kazooie! I am ever so glad to see you and your friends escape from Scales’ clutches.” Kazooie: “I’m surprised to see that you’re worried about my safety. It’s all my fault that this had to happen to all of us. I’m so sorry. Could you ever forgive me?”Queen Cloudrunner: “Kazooie! It’s OK. I tried to admonish you to save yourself because I knew that Scales was going to ambush you and your friends. I certainly can tell that you refused to listen and risked your life for my own safety. You are very brave. But now is not the time for complements, so listen up: the floor of this cage seems a bit rather unstable. Maybe you could use one of your explosive eggs to blow it up and set me free.” Kazooie: “Heh! That’ll be easy.”
Kazooie fluttered down below the queen’s cage and using one of her incredible grenade eggs blasted the cage’s floor into pieces thus freeing the queen as the queen, herself, fluttered down towards Kazooie. Kazooie: “Are you OK?” Queen Cloudrunner: “Yes, Kazooie. I am all right thanks to you. Unfortunately, thanks to Scales, I have a small problem.” Kazooie: “What’s wrong?” Queen Cloudrunner: “Well, you see, ever since the Sharpclaws invaded Cloudrunner Fortress, my children got scared and scattered throughout the fortress. If only there was some way I could lead them all back here before something terrible happens to them.” Kazooie: “Maybe I could help you find your children. I know a secret bird call that I can use to summon all your children here faster than you can say, “mammals are slow”.” Fox: “I heard that.” Queen Cloudrunner: “You will? Oh, thank you. But please hurry and find them or they may leave the fortress forever.” Kazooie: “I’m on it!”
And then she was gone.
Minutes have passed, but with the help of her secret bird call, she was able to return all of the Cloudrunner children back to the queen.
Later, she returned to the area where the queen and her friends were waiting for her. Queen Cloudrunner: “Thank you, Kazooie. I am forever in your debt. And now I will tell you where the Spellstone is. Scales has hidden the Spellstone in the treasure room. Find it and return it to the Force Point Temple. Good luck, Kazooie. Our planet lies within your wings and in your friends’ hands.”
And so Fox and his friends made their way into the treasure room and hurried through the massive chamber.
When they reached the deepest part of the chamber, General Scales and few of his men were found trying to escape with the Spellstone. Fox: “Scales!”
Fox took out his staff and started shooting them. Scales grabbed a nearby Sharpclaw and used it as a shield. He then sent a few more after Misty and the others. Scales: “Get the Spellstone out of here.”Bubbles: “Oh, no, you don’t!”
Bubbles pounced directly at Scales. Fox: “Huh? Wait! Bubbles! Don’t!”
Too late! Scales faded out of the scene while laughing maniacally. Bubbles landed in that exact spot then started punching and kicking the air with her eyes closed. Bubbles: “Hi-ya! I’ve got you now, Scales! Now give us back the…”
Suddenly, she opened her eyes and relied that Scales was gone. She looked back and forth to see where he went. Bubbles: “Hey! Where did he go?” Fox: “I don’t know, but wherever he is now, I know that we’ll meet again.” Misty: “Fox! They’re getting away with the Spellstone!” Fox: “Huh? Right! I’m on it!”
Fox grabbed the only jet bike available to him and chased after the Sharpclaws.
Unfortunately for the Sharpclaws, they had their get away in a circular track like the racecourses found in Diddy Kong Racing. So all that Fox has to do in order to finish this course is take down the Sharpclaw that had the Spellstone. However, he ended up taking down all of the Sharpclaws along the way. It turned out that was a bad idea.
After he rammed the last guy with the Spellstone, he couldn’t stop the bike. What he didn’t know is that he grabbed the jet bike that had an unstable brake system. By ramming into the Sharpclaws, it immediately jammed the system. The good news was that this was definitely not the end of Fox McCloud. A strange blue light pushed him off of the bike before it crashed and blew up. The next thing you see is he and Misty rolling on the floor for a while. When Fox opened his eyes, he saw Misty lying right beside him. Fox: “Misty, you saved me.”
Misty also opened her eyes and looked at him. Misty: “Of course I did, Fox.”
Fox and Misty got themselves up. Fox: “Thanks, Misty. I owe you my life…again.” Misty: “No problem. You know I’m always happy to do it.”
They both smiled at each other. Then Fox’s smile disappeared. Misty grew worried. Misty: “What’s wrong, Fox?” Fox: “All that ramming. The bike…it couldn’t stop…and I lost the Spellstone.” Misty: “Not to worry. Bubbles is on it.” Fox: “She is? Alright, Bubbles!”
Just then, Bubbles came running towards them with the Spellstone. Bubbles: “(Gasp) Here you go…(pant) Fox. (Pant)” Fox: “Thanks, Bubbles but give it to Misty.” Bubbles: “What? Are you sure?” Fox: “Trust me.”
Bubbles shrugged her shoulders and did what Fox told her to do. She looked at the Spellstone. Misty: “(gasp) It’s blue.” Fox: “Exactly. It’s the same color as the ocean.” Misty: “Oh, you shouldn’t have.”
They both gazed into each other’s eyes deeply and happily again.
Later, they returned to the Arwing, just to see the queen for the last time. Queen Cloudrunner: “I am forever in you debts. Thanks to you, Scales is gone and my tribe will begin to rebuild their lives. And as for you, Kazooie. For doing so much for me, I will crown you honorary princess of the Cloudrunner tribe.”
Kazooie was given a crown almost exactly like the queen’s. Kazooie’s eyes sparkled again. Kazooie: “This is the happiest day of my life.” Queen Cloudrunner: ” Thank you, Kazooie. You are a brave and noble bird. As for the rest of you, that horrible gas that disabled your flying abilities has been cleared away so you can be on your way.”
Fox then walked back to the Arwing. He was about to get back into it, but then stopped. Fox: “Oh, yeah. That reminds me. Girls? Do you have anything to say about your jumping abilities?” Misty: “Uhh…” Bubbles: “Well… (With Misty) Meet you back on the planet. Bye.”
Then they both took off. Fox: “Hey, wait. Come back here! Grrrr! I am going to throttle those 2 when I get back to the planet.”
He hopped back into his Arwing and returned to the planet as the others followed. Queen Cloudrunner: “(Whispering) Good-bye, Kazooie and good luck.”
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