#And it's random fun.  I like the distraction. XD
iiseor · 4 months
☆ gloomchair2010 ☆
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synopsis: ellie adds you in a chat room after a mutual game. IB
cw: AU, kind of loser!nerd!ellie x popular!reader except reader is like a loser in the online world and popular irl while ellie is the opposite; make sense?? Semi stalker!ellie. This is part 1..if this does good ill continue !
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ⓘ new friend request: @gloomchair2010
accepted ! reject
Gloomychair2010 has joined the chat
@gloomchair2010: hey :D
@ynspeaks: hey..?
@ynspeaks: do i know you?
@gloomychair2010: lol.. dont think so ! but we just played random duos together :)
@gloomychair2010: good game and all, just wanted to see if you needed help figuring out how to work your weapons and stuff so next time you dont die so quickly xD
@ynspeaks: haha right, i just realized your username... thank you, and i dont really play often... but you can help if you'd like :)
@gloomychair2010: really??? Would've thought you were a pro the way you stood there and let that guy shoot you in open space !
@ynspeaks: omg >< was i really that bad?
@gloomychair2010: maybe just a little ....
@gloomychair2010: nothing a little mentoring cant fix... whenever you have the time.
@ynspeaks: sounds fun :D I'm down
@ynspeaks: i like your display name btw !!!! it's so cool
@ynspeaks: what does it mean?
@gloomychair2010: you don't know ?
@ynspeaks: should i ? :(
@gloomychair2010: haha thought you would, it's a metaphor to a pretty popular game.
@ynspeaks: ohhhhhhh
@ynspeaks: i dont know much about this stuff story :<
@ynspeaks: kinda just getting into it, needed a distraction :]
@gloomychairs2010: oh....? Really??
@glooomychairs2010: something wrong?
@ynspeaks: nothing big... just life you know?
@gloomychair2010: sorry to hear that :(
@gloomychair2010: maybe you should try playing musical chairs, it'll make you happier
@ynspeaks: ??????????
@gloomychairs2010: gaming reference, sorry
@ynspeaks: sorry LOL , ill learn eventually :]
@ynspeaks: my moms going to call me for dinner soon so ill have to go, but it was nice talking to you. A good distraction so far :D
@ynspeaks: Im y/n btw... if you didn't read my user!
@gloomychairs2010: oh right it's getting pretty late
She said knowing she stays on the game way past midnight.... every night
@gloomychairs2010: oh and I'm ellie... in all honesty i didnt read ur name xD
@ynspeaks: it's okay!! you were too busy trying to save me from dying LOL
@ynspeaks: Nice to meet you ellie :3 chat later!!
@gloomychairs2006: nice to meet you too y/n :^)
*ynspeaks has left the chat*
*gloomychair2006 has left the chat*
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After your chat ended, ellie found herself reminiscing about the conversation between you two. Though the conversation was extremely short, there was something so intriguing about you that she could somehow feel through the screen.
and that night, instead of staying up till 4am playing video games, she decided to take all technology based skills she obtained over the years, and utilize them in a deep dive internet search on you and who exactly @ynspeaks really was.
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HI ITS ME gvxzggsgjfh ok look this is. i know this is a weird one it is SO specific and so obviously something i should just write myself if i want it👏but👏but👏BUT i decided to shoot my shot when a perfect chance has arisenderised for you to pick and choose from anything you like AND in any form, and to see if this one maybe by any chance just so happens to spark anything fun in u too xD
ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo RANDOM EVENT ROLL D20 mc gets bitten by a werewoof or some other kind of "contagious" monster species (....cant really think of anything else other than vampirs, now that i say it) but WAIT THERES MORE because. what if mc insisted that they dont want any potential existent cures, they just wanna stay monstery >:3 JVDTHGLN who's considering it, who would absolutely go in the "its either me or this" direction, who's enthusiastic🤣 this is silly as hell but in the case it sparks joy id love to hear ur any and all thoughts because this idea has been haunting me for forever lmao honestly the best way ive imagined it is like one of your own selfinsert pieces youve posted before where its just all of them together bickering heeheehee💘💕🩷💞💖
love u have fun!!
The Arcana Drabble: MC transforms into a "monster"
In the spirit of things, I though a long drabble/short oneshot would work best to keep the madness going XD
Asra's getting stuck in their "one focus and one focus only" mode and right now that focus is making sure you're okay. He'll decide how he feels later, which isn't being helped at all because Julian keeps calling on him to help him slow down the process and get you to think about this a little more. However, it's hard to tell what exactly Julian wants your decision to be because in between him trying to get Asra to make you think about it some more, he's having all kinds of medical epiphanies about how your anatomy is adjusting to the new monster form:
"MC, let's think about some more, shall we? I'm sure Asra agrees with me - don't you, Asra? Asr - oh, whats this?! Your finger's joints are rapidly adjusting to accommodate for - I need a pen and paper -"
"Right here, Ilya." It's Portia's dismissive tone as she digs a small notebook and pencil out of her pocket that keeps you grounded. Not for long, though, because she can't wait to see what happens next. "Accommodate for what, anyways? Are you growing another joint?? Are you going to get claws??? Talons???? Show me!"
Between Julian jotting down unintelligible notes while he studies your elbow's range of motion, Portia's excited exclamations, and Asra's attempt at soothing touch as they rub your shoulders and ask how you're feeling, it's a miracle you can notice Muriel's quiet mumble in the background. He's clearly overwhelmed and very concerned that the physically-altering substance in general got to your brain first, making you so seemingly okay with turning into a monster.
"MC, do you remember your name? Do you need to take a nap? You don't have to be okay with this -"
"I believe this may warrant far more than a nap to recover from." Nadia's doing her best to keep Lucio calm, holding him back from tackling you much like she might grasp a leash. You can practically see the headache building behind her eyes. "We have yet to determine what the extent of this transformation is and therefore whether our dear MC is even capable of fully agreeing to the current process. MC, darling, did the source of this transformation give you any indication of what the end result would be?"
You'd try to respond, but Lucio's excited yelling is too noisy to shout over. He's fumbling at the fastenings on his cape, distracted by your ongoing changes, and very annoyed at Nadia's interference.
"Where did it go? I want to see if it can give me powers too - OW! Dammit, Noddy, I'm trying to help here! You're keeping me from finding the monster and getting it to give me cool - I mean, getting it to tell us more about what's happening! Don't you want that? Don't you want to help MC, Noddy?! Let me go -"
It's with a loud RIP and subsequent "that was velvet, you know!" that Lucio finally breaks free and sprints off in the direction of your new monster friend. You can feel yourself slowly settling in to your new form as the process shows signs of slowing and reaching completion.
Nadia's facepalming. Portia's looking at you with eyes shining in wonder. Julian's still trying to nag Asra into reversing this as he takes notes. The magician in question is still ignoring him as they ask you how you feel for the nth time. Muriel's eyeing the nearby closet in hopes of taking a nap and waking up to it all being a dream. Lucio's a distant, spiky golden speck at this point.
Faust is quietly trying to sneak her knife into your hand, for crimes.
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sunshine304 · 1 year
New Fanbinding! Two fics by KouriArashi
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Now that the gift copies for @gingersnapwolves have arrived (and how quick the post was this time, I'm in awe!), I can post about my latest fanbinding project.
I had decided on binding both fics about, uhm, two years ago? XD I love all of Kouri's CQL fics; she's actually the reason I started watching the show in the first place, so it was a no-brainer to bind some of her fics!
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I think I did the typset for "The Way It Wasn't" in 2021 but I had a specific design idea for the case in mind and didn't feel confident to tackle that just yet, so the printed version sat around for... a while. Sometime after that, I did the typeset for "Picking Up the Pieces", which took longer because of the photo edits.
I finally got around to actually making the books in May and I'm very pleased with the results, though there were a lot of stumbling blocks in both projects and I'm actually surprised that the finished books look good. XD I was sure I'd case in the block upside down after all the other mishaps, but at least I didn't do that. XD (I might have checked each book like five times, though... just in case. XD)
More pictures and info about the process behind the cut.
The books are supposed to be the first in a series of 5, each focussing on one of the great sects, and so I decided to use the same basic design ideas: colour-coded for the sect, the cut-out on the front, the little graphic on the back, same brand of Parisian marbled paper, frontispiece depicting the location, sect logo as title page, same design for titling on the spine.
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For some reason, my camera refuses to really catch the foil colour from "Picking Up the Pieces" on the titling - it's a light pink/ rosé coloured foil.
The planned design for that book really caused me quite some grief, because it turned out that the foil I'd wanted to use (a light lilac one) did not work on this kind of book cloth. It's only for using a laminator / hot iron and so also doesn't work on paper with a foil pen.
I changed the colours for that books so often, going to a coated lilac cloth (where the foil works because it's coated...) but that didn't look good with the light coloured paper I used with the logo (no contrast), so I went back to this cloth and went looking for another foil. I tried rosegold which was okay, but then I lucked out and got the light pink one at a local shop.
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For "The Way It Wasn't", I used a lot of official art:
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For "Picking Up th Pieces", I used a mix of (edited) official art and photo edits I made myself. The "problem" of this fic is that Lan Wangji starts living at Lotus Pier, wearing Jiang colours most of the time and no forehead ribbon.
Also, Jiang Yanli is now sect leader and needed some fancy clothes. Luckily, Xuan Lu has acted in a lot of dramas recently where she wore some more dramatic robes that would fit a sect leader. I had to do colour edits of the robes at times and at one point had to photoshop Lan Wangji into a picture with her. My old Photoshop did not like all of this but I managed in the end. XD
I'm pleased with the results and might make a post with the photo edits at one point.
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I also asked Kouri about her fancast for the OC Yu Zhiyi; that was a while ago. I wanted to include a picture of the character but didn't want to choose someone at random if Kouri already had someone in mind. Of course, I never mentioned that this was for the book; it was supposed to be a surprise after all! ;D
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I'm really pleased with how the books turned out, especially considering all the stuff that went wrong in making the cases... XD I guess I can say I learned some things? XD
It's always fun if you mess up something on one case and think, "Ah well, this will be my copy then, I guess!" and then you mess up even worse on the other case! XD So Kouri got the book with more air bubbles in the logo because on the other case, the title was crooked. Argh!
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I added some ornaments to distract a bit from that. It's also important to know that I'm a bit OCD about titles and stuff being crooked, I just hate it. This was a very sad moment for me.
But that's always the danger when fumbling around with that flimsy foil and the print-out. I'll live! :D
Materials used:
Printed on Clairefontaine Papago 80g (TWIW) and Clairefontaine DCP 100g (PUTP)
Case + endpapers "The Way It Wasn't":
- booklinen Brillianta - French marbled paper 120g - craft paper - hot foil (on brand)
Case + endpapers "Picking Up the Pieces":
- booklinen Imperial - French marbled paper 120g - Rössler letter paper 100g - hot foil (cheap stuff)
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 24 days
ok im done wuthering my waves for the night
so far my thoughts are leaning towards positive since i was having fun the whole time:
the game does not feel polished at all and ran into a couple of weird visual/audio glitches.
the eng voice acting is hit or miss.
im not gonna judge the story at all because it would be like judging genshin halfway thru mondstadt, but after meeting scar i'm a lot more intrigued about the whatever themes the story is trying to say, because that fucked up fairy tale he told was sick as fuck. other than that im kinda ehhh at this point
im not a gamer, hyv games that got me REALLY playing video games besides a few select few so i dont consider myself 'good' at video games but the combat is fun and satisfying
the open world doesnt feel empty at all like i feared it would there have been plenty of shinnies to get distracted at and its a fun time
the echo system is a bit confusing and i still dont rlly understand how sets & stats work. but making 'artifacts' be pokemon you can run around and capture is SUCH a cool ass, but unsure how well it'll be in the later game statages
ended up with calcharo as my 5* and i'm glad because hes pretty straight forward and easy to use so its helpful during the learning process
i like how when you get new characters a little tutorial is unlocked and it walks you through the characters kit real time and its SO helpful in understanding what they do and if you like a character play style enough to level up a bit
i've been running around with calcharo and mortefi. switching around w danjin/aalto. i think sanhua is pretty and will probably use her when i DO get her, and i think i wanna go for changli when she comes out because boy is she PRETTY
silly thoughts:
the rave turtle echo is fuckin hilarious i love it
the world's fucked up problem being called 'lament' just makes me cackle and think of mr zy0x
i was expecting scar to be the edgy teehee so random im crazy xD type character but im pleasantly surprised by his introduction and im v curious about him
aalto is silly
mortefi is hot i like him, i had to pick a dude in this game it would probably be him (so far)
alright i think those are all my thoughts for now
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lav-bee · 2 years
Welcome to demon school x reader Headcannons
When reader is on their period
Characters: Iruma, Clara, Asmodeus
Warnings? Cuddles >:]
I don’t write often so this is my attempt :>
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- Lets be honest, this guy has little to no clue what a period is due to no education in the human world
- Not only was he working but his parents probably didn’t enroll him into school at all, I also doubt the school system in Babyls teaches it since they learned in previous years
- So you’d definitely have to explain it :]
- ‘You bleed out of where?!’ 0-0
- But once you do he’d be willing to do anything to make you comfortable ^-^
- Need some extra blankets?
- Ice cream? Chocolate?
- Boom, he’s got some for ya!
- Iruma would also be willing to pick up pads/ tampons from the store
- Though you might need to send a picture of the exact ones you need other wise he’d come back with a few extra random brands 😅
- He’s worried most of the time
- Hopes that he’s doing stuff right and not making it worse
- He’d ask Opera if they could make some tea that would help with cramps
- Would cuddle if you ask :)
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- oh boy
- She’d obviously know what it’s like to be more tired than usual because of it but she’d still want to have fun and play with you
- Would try her best to distract you :>
- Her power definitely comes in help, you can have anything in seconds :)
- Without asking she would already have made a small basket of your favourite treats
- Due to her motherly side, at the end of the day she would put you to sleep while running her fingers in your hair
- Might even sing
- Hugs and cuddles without asking
- Would understand if you would just want to lay in bed all day and chill
- Would pout though, and be annoyed at your period XD
- She’d still get you to play with her some how so get ready to play some video games >:)
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- He’d know some about periods due to having sisters
- But you’d have to clue him in about the minor details
- He might even do some extra research to be prepared for next time and learn how to make you feel more comfortable :)
- Omg , he’d use his fire magic as a hot water bottle ^-^
- Would either warm up his hands if you’re afraid of getting burnt and would place his hands were the pain is
- or would use his fire and create some sort of ball and turn down the heat so you can touch and move the ball around
- Ask him to be the big spoon :> that way he can wrap his arms around you and use his fire hands, or might warm up his whole body
- ‘Are you sure this is alright?’
- Would ask questions every now and then to check in but other than that he’s pretty chill (or hot, should I say)
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moonblossom · 6 months
Where I've been for a week...
This gets graphic about physical injury below the cut, so please don't read if that's something you're not up for right now. TL;DR I fell down the stairs and massively fucked up both my legs.
So last Tuesday, I was working from home as I usually do. I went upstairs to have a coffee and some banana bread my dad made. While up there, I realised I'd forgotten to set my work phone to DND so I hurried up and ran down the stairs to my room where my office is.
Big mistake.
The stairs into my room are varnished wood, awkward heights, and not very well lit. I slipped and missed my footing, which has happened a million times before.
This is where things get unpleasant. Read on with caution.
Somehow, both the tibia and fibula in my right leg snapped in half with enough force to drive them both through the front of my shin.
I was in and out of consciousness, but I do remember being surrounded by what felt like 40 EMTs (was closer to ten according to my folks - three ambulances showed up), one of whom was utterly charmed by my lizard. He looked about twelve. Bless him for distracting me while one of his partners cut open my favourite lounge pants and shoved the bones back inside my leg. I was not wearing underwear at the time.
We get to the Montreal General Hospital in... mediocre time, due to a fuckton of construction and detours. Bienvenue a Montreal, fuck right off.
They put me straight into a trauma unit and pumped me full of fentanyl and antibiotics. I vaguely remember one of the EMTs referring to my pain level as a "fifteen out of ten". They checked my entire body to make sure nothing else was injured, both manual and ultrasound to make sure I still had my spleen and shit. Thankfully, all my innards are still functional. They cut the remaining shreds of my pants off but managed to get my tank top off without too much drama. Someone was kind enough to drape a hospital gown over my boobs and... possibly my crotch? I was in too much pain to give a crap at this point.
They manage to take a few x-rays while I curse them and their ancestors and the hospital and just... the entire fucking world, and then fill me up with some delightful cocktail of propofol and ketamine. I remember very little after this point, but apparently they yanked my leg into place, noticing my right left ankle was severely sprained in the process. So that was fun. Apparently I cursed a bunch more, and made a bunch of jokes that were likely inappropriate but broke the tension I guess?
I "woke up" from the cocktail feeling like I was underwater, and then convinced I was inside Disney Dreamlight Valley, which frankly was a lovely way to come out of sedation. I think I was picking flowers with Mirabel Madrigal.
At some point during all this nonsense my mother managed to get in touch with my boss who was adamant that I take as long as needed, which was a good thing. My dad came to the hospital with me but they wouldn't let him into the trauma unit. It was very chaotic and crowded and likely gross to watch so I get it.
After the realignment, they pushed my gurney to the space between X-Ray and CT to get better scans. They were both occupied so I sat in the hall for a few minutes and vaguely remember saying "Bonjour, hi!" and "Can I help you?" to random people who passed me. Once a retail worker, always a retail worker, apparently.
CT confirmed I also had a broken bone in my left foot. They moved me into ER main, put a boot on the left and bandaged up the wound. I was told I'd need surgery but they were so overwhelmed (ER was like at 160% capacity or something) so they had no idea when I'd be cleared.
They brought me dinner which claimed to be frittata and mashed potatoes but I'm fairly certain was actually upholstery foam and wallpaper paste. Thankfully it was so unappetizing I didn't eat more than a few bites, because my nurse was like "Hey so you're next on the OR list. If they ask if you ate, say no." XD Bless you Meagan, you saved my arse multiple times. You are a sarcastic, foul-mouthed, adorable angel among nurses (and really all the nurses were lovely). About an hour later they wheel me up to the ER, wash me down as best they can, and start prepping me. I meet the surgeon, who is as brusque and no-nonsense as orthopedic surgeons tend to be, but he did take the time to explain the whole procedure and risks, and make sure I was comfortable and understood.
What they were gonna do was drill down through my knee and insert a titanium rod down the centre of the entire tibia. The fibula was close enough and a clean enough break that it could rely on the tibia's stabilisation. Fun note about this particular surgery - you can walk on it within days of it being installed. No cast or anything!
The anaesthetist suggested a sedative and a spinal block (similar to an epidural) rather than a full unconscious anaesthetic because of my medical history and they're just generally less dangerous. However, it turns out the sheath around my synovial spaces in my spine is made out of fucking Kevlar or something. They bent SEVEN NEEDLES trying to get a shot in. Took about 45 minutes. I was numb so it was nbd but it was like... ten PM at this point and everyone was tired so when the anaesthetist was like "I think we should do a general" I was like "sign me the fuck up where's the consent form" I woke up a few hours later in the PACU (post-anaesthetic care unit) with a titanium upgrade, 37 staples in four separate locations, an incredibly fashionable thigh-high bandage, and my mother at my side. I faded in and out for about an hour and then remember being in a tiny little private room with its own bathroom. A total luxury in our older hospitals (The MGH as an institution has been around since the 1800s and the building I was in was built in 1955 - the bathroom even had adorable black and white tiling typical of the bathrooms of that era). That's pretty much all the dramatic bits of the story. They kept me for a week working with nurses, orthopedic residents, and physiotherapists until they were comfortable enough that I could move around enough at home to attend to my basic needs. I have crutches, a walker, a rolling commode so I can do the needful literally a foot from my med, a desk that slides over my bed, and thankfully two incredibly patient and indulgent parents. I'm fairly certain they never expected to be cleaning their 42 year old daughter's poop out of a bucket, but what can you do?
If anyone is genuinely curious, I have photos and would be willing to write up the hospital stay itself but 90% of it will be me complaining about the other patients on the ward who screamed at the nurses for everything and if I'd been able to walk I would have smothered with a pillow, or the "food" they tried to feed me which got increasingly inedible as the week went on.
If you've read this far, bless you. If you leave a note or message me I'll do my best to reply but I'm floating in and out of a dilaudid-infused haze so it might be a while.
At this point I'm not too proud (or possibly I've just lost whatever shame I had left when they cut my pants off), if you feel like sending me a get-well gift my amazon wishlists are here: general wishes | https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/1K85M74WULR1N?ref_=wl_share
craft supplies | https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/PXBKTW4UK0AQ?ref_=wl_share
US wishlist | https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2MT3KS1ZDZG0O?ref_=wl_share
(stuff will be delivered to my boyfriend and I'll open it whenever I'm allowed to fly down there)
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ngmn2002 · 8 months
Ch 107: Random Thoughts part 1
Okaaaay, here we go! Staaaaarting with...!!!
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'TAP' Hehe, my sweet boy. This first page gave me too much fluffy feelings alone. "Hmm" Tsukasa? Oh... yes! adding it to my collection later
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We added a new one to the collection. Yay!
Hmm... I feel bad for him. He feels like he is a bit annoyed by all the searching and only finding: bird nests & gears. Hang in there, Tsu. Much more hardships are coming your way really soon. ♡
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Hmm!! My kitty boy!!! I feel sorry for my boy. He can't focus at all! Trying to get where the 'ticking' is coming from & hearing Nene's cries all together... he is already tired of searching in vain, and now ticking and a crying girl are added on top of his chest too... ahhh... Tsuuu... ♡
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pffffttt... I said it, didn't I? Nene-chan is going to give you a hard time. it kinda feels like they are taking turns, last chapter he had her over the edge, now it's her turn to get back at him. how fun now I really want to see how little Tsukasa used to throw a fit as little Amane described it I wonder how little Amane used to go: my sweet lil bro ♥ recalling Tsu's fits. That's the power of love for you. XD he still got angry at him that one time when he was sick when Tsukasa went all: "let's go! let's go! let's go!" Show me that researcher T inside of you! Come on, Tsu! I know you can do it! Win Nene-chan over and have lots of fun together as I said you would!
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As much as I wanted to see him carrying her like that, a piggyback don't hurt. It's close so I will take it.
Really though... his face... he looks so done. "why are you being so fussy". Indeed. This is the boy who gets annoyed once someone distracts him with what he is doing. But, ooh... Nene-chan is different. He must treat her nicely.~ "no more upside-down." "ok, here" such a good boy!!! He is trying his best to make Nene-chan calm down and 'have fun'.
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An upgrade! he looks done with everything there. like.. please... give me some peace I'm begging you. spare me. please be quiet. She got him twice, lol! Go Nene-chan! I'm so happy to see Tsukasa making new different faces!! I'm so here for it!! Bring it out of him!!! AHAHA I never! NEVER expected to see Tsukasa making any kind of a 'I'm done face'!!!! I realllllly wished to see him this way but my hopes weren't so high because this guy is always all 'energetic', smiley and relaxed!!! Thank you, Nene-chan!! I will forever be grateful to you!!! Researcher T wasn't this way, lol. maybe being an experienced researcher helps.
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Wow... too many things in here... ok.. let's get to work...
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(1) Though, I'm still grateful Tsukasa doesn't seem to take her words to heart. Because if he took that 'I hate you' literally like that time he thought Amane hates him... ehhh.... glad that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm glad he is so done to focus on any of that. He is jsut a really sensitive and emotional boy.
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(2) well, that's cute. both call him that. they gave him a sharped nickname.
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Well, can't say no to that. You have a record Tsu... just make sure to...
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... just ask her to go with you normally and nicely next time.
And, (4)...
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Ehh.. it's 'your' turn. Though, hehe, should I take it as the 'opposite'? ~
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From this thing you can tell how much 'annoyed' he really is. lol Also, trying the same methods my boy? Not sure Nene-chan will let you have your way with her, just stay put and have it this time. Careful. Hmm. I like it how he is trying to gently put her to sleep as a way of making her 'quiet down'. He is gentle with girls after all, especially if said girl is Nene-chan~ Such a NICE guy. ♡ Ok, so now... your little game is to make Nene-chan stop crying and put her to sleep? I'm sure you can do it, Tsu! one way or another.~ he can handle it just fine when Mit 2.0 or Amane cry... hmm...
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See? Told you. ♡ Though I really wonder, was Tsu playing with her or going really too easy on her? I mean... he is so fast... I don't think a little girl, even if it was Nene-chan, is a match for all his unmatched speed. ......
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She got back at him for the hell of mirrors thingy She hit Tsukasa!!! AHAHA. Uhhh... how does it feel, Tsu? You're the one tasting that.~ from Nene-chan no less. Don't think Mit 2.0 will ever have the courage to do such thing. He will always go: yes, sir/ Tsukasa- kun scares me/ and.. eh.. as said in this chapter later. 'an obedient yes'... the after school chapter he said he got into a fight with Tsu... wonder how exactly that thing is...
Hmm... how are you doing after that punch, Tsu?
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Oh, you're still so done, huh? haha I'm enjoying Tsukasa's faces this chapter way too much. ♡
Hmm... don't think older Nene would do that. At least not for now, as she sees him 'scary', or maybe it changed after this chapter? and.. ok.. Tsu's record with Nene-chan has a punch to the face, a few kicks and fists and a tea splashed into him. I see, I see.
Uhh... little Nene-chan is really cool and fearless. Shouting at Tsukasa and hitting him. Demanding what she wants. Going all out. Hmm... I love it. All of it.
How are you gonna deal with things now, Tsu?
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My... she kinda talks like little Tsu... with this 'cuz'. Glad to see her recalling the information. Having Tsukasa not too bothered with what she said is eye-catching. He gets she knows this fact, from him (ch 105), and? previously his assistant, and seems to have a backup plan at mind, not too bad for my boy. He knows lots of stuff we don't. The inside of his head.~ Anddd...
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He is like... 'please just stop. let's take a break'. Thinking about Nene... if she was her older self she might enjoy this grip. Now, trying this on her again, Tsu...
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AHAHA. Wow... really... a lesson to never piss off little Nene-chan or make her angry. ♡
Nene-chan calling him a big bully... hmm... you don't mean that... He is nowhere near that. He is so nice. You'll see how nice he is in a few moments.~
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mit 2.0... haha. how funny Never expected to see Tsu going "sheeh". lol don't think T would go like that, again Also, see? Nene-chan? He did nothing a bully would do. He is just trying to understand how to deal with you and then do things nicely. "What can I do for you to make you feel better, little one?"
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exactly like in here. ♡
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Uhhh!! One of the things I really enjoyed in this the chapter was to see Tsukasa talking with Kokujoudai and trying to handle stuff together!!! They seem to have asked him to babysit her! babysitting your assistant is surely a fun thing to do. what a nice master we have there ~ being a dad is pretty hard And... Tsu.. you sure? don't you babysit Mit 2.0, even now? "Do what your mom used to do". I really like Red koku this chapter. Hmm... Tsu doesn't seem to remember much from a long time ago. Though, I'm afraid I will be coming back to this... after Tsu's backstory to start crying... especially with how she might have treated him after he was 4...
After that, seems an idea came to your mind, Tsu? ♡
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Not too sure about that, but it works perfectly well with you and Nene-chan. So, all is good. What a glorious page. ♡♡ Did he tie up the owl's beak? lol He is treating it like a 'horse' in there. How cool of him. Riding a big flying owl just to make a little girl happy and have fun. Such a good boy!!! See, Nene-chan? He is so nice! ♡
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See, Nene-chan? See where he is ready to go to insure you're having fun? told you you'll have loooooots of fun with Tsu, after all... he has a natural talent in making things so muuuuch fun. Never a dull moment with him around! Lucky you! ♡
love how he is holding her!! "I see"... that gentle, pleased face!!! TSUUU!!! MY GOOD BOOOY!!! loooove his face!! He is so pleased to see her having fun and laughing!!! ♡
Them laughing and having fun together next!! oooh!!!!!!
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the owl... it's fully tied up now and Tsu is sitting on it. lol Love their different reactions. Energetic Tsu is really so done. Seeing energetic Tsu out of energy is so funny. Love how he is sitting!!! oooh!!!
She is overjoyed Tsu!! She is so very happy!! You made her sooooo happyyyyyy!!!!!!! ♡
I'm surprised to see Tsu going like that and his "what are you, an alarm?/ how sassy (ironic)" ... I mean...
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She is just like you. ♡ but you're being so done with things... sooo...
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LOL. He said it!!! "I'm done" AHAHA "take over for me, Kokujoudai" aaaaaah!!! their reaction!!! I want to know from where did Red koku get that thing lol.. and blue koku... it's for a good cause. you're so good! reminds me of Teru grabbing Red koku and getting his hand burned. it's up to them who they want to be grabbed by. hehe
It seems we owe Tsu an apology. For calling him so chaotic and all... ehhh… Nene took the medal. She got him feeling so done. Though maybe, I think if the setting was different, and things were just normal, they would be going all out. Both of them.
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I'm a bit confused here, so was he siniging to help her calm down or was he singing to cool off or was he singing this in particular because Nene's class was playing 'wizard of oz' and he got some nostalgic memories, or does he sing it from time to time casually or all these things together?
Due to pic limits. Part (2)
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ask-the-doppelganger · 2 months
/Birdfeeder anon - I was kinda hoping for our dear doppleganger to hunt another pigeon while it's distracted, in a typical doppleganger manner. There's no way an unaware person would just throw meat at random birds XD/
/But that does make me think of animal-formed dopples some more. Guess that wouldn't be common, or else they could have just be feeding on rats or something. Or maybe they do, and D.D.D. isn't aware of it yet. Fried wing for your thoughts?/
{OKAY HEADCANON TIME!! Also, it's clear that it was meant for me but ty for the clarification :) appreciate it}
We can arrange the doppel hunting the pigeons. :D The best way for you to do that is to just watch the Doppel a bit, without following it; especially if your guy is a birdwatcher and has binoculars. It would try to hide away for a nice snack. :D and you'd see how it hunts as a bird which is fun.
NOW for animal doppels, I want to go back to the beginning of my thought process, but I think they are actually the majority.
The first thing I thought about how there is absolutely no way the doppels only eat humans, because that is hard prey to get. Even if someone absolutely botches the playthrough, they would still throw out, like, fifty percent of the doppels. If someone who has played too much is the doorman, then it drops down to one per day, out of about six to nine doppels. We also hear the doppels mentioning that they are studying to get into the apartments, which takes time, during which they are not eating.
Similarly, the doppels also don't clean out every building they get into, because then, all the humans would be completely gone after, like, a few days.
So, the doppels get into apartments after a long time, really rarely, and they don't clear out the entire apartment; most likely, they only kill the doormen.
Now. That would mean food for them comes from somewhere else, which opens a host of possibilities, but that begs the question: why do they eat humans at all when one meal has like, fifty percent mortality rate for the hunter at best?
There's two things that I decided to headcanon to offset that.
First, there is a decent chance of the doppel escaping from the DDD; thanks to their shapeshifting, they would be hardy, because they can re-shapeshift whatever organ gets injured. Second, the human meat is both very tasty, and brings prestige with it. The doppel that ate a human spent months to get ready, pulled off a perfect disguise, killed the most dangerous prey - that's the mother of all bragging rights there!
Most shapeshifters never taste human meat, because it's too risky. The DDD needs its resources to deal with actual threats to humans, so the weird animals are just THERE, you are better off grabbing a broom and dealing with them yourself. Maybe only the human form is called doppelganger, even, and they call the animals something else.
Also, I decided that the doppels need calories/biomass to shapeshift, especially into larger forms. This is what the DDD leverages, mostly; they beat the doppel bad enough for it to not be able to take human form for a long time. Humans are relatively big.
Most mature doppels are deer, since deer are weird as hell already, but there are a lot of stray cats, dogs, and things like possums and raccoons. The common garbage nuisances have a chance to be doppels.
also, since the pigeoning is going on there, @steven-rudboys this is my headcanon behind the entire thing
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Long ramble incoming because I'm trying to distract myself from "work"
(; ̄Д ̄)
Petition to allow your poor OCs a loooong term vacation in my own SCP canon. I just want to open a portal and let them in for a while. :> Is it dangerous? Big yes. Could they encounter something worse than death? Also yes. But hear me out.
-No Mickey
-A lot of people who would punch Mickey in the face
Acceptance for Monday and the rest. I mean, Seven is trans himself. And Eight is stimming (still working on this. So far I only know that he mostly has visual stimming). Aaand Twelve uses both he/him and they/them pronouns.
Protection from Mickey and who ever decided to punish Monday. This canon is a Mickey free zone.
Uh all the O5 are anomalous in some way. Four, for example, is a reality bender. The same goes for some agents and other people working for them. So someone like Jaylynn would absolutely be accepted :>
-Remeber my Bright Rewrite? The one who gave Jay a star. Cause he's also there. Smol stars for everyone who wants them. Can also make stardust. 10/10 shiny.
I'm running out of points...but I like lists.
Oh right! People who are anomalous are usually allowed to roam the foundation location they are in freely. Unless they messed up completely. And I do mean messed up big time. Lucan almost killed Eleven while he was still with the Chaos Insurgency, and they are very very close now xD. The dude basically went "yeah I know he stabbed me and all. But he got massive skills. Also he looks sad. I want him!"
-Honestly? I'm supposed to be doing something productive. ╮(︶▽︶)╭ but nah. Keeping your blorbs safe is more important.
Genderfluid ancient alien creature that is learning to crochet and is very huggable. (Mordesh is one of my favorit sillies. The O5 and other Agents: "Alright everyone, this is a highly dangerous SCP. An apex hunter... something that can survive the most deadly environments. Even just looking at it can kill you. We need to be careful."
Some random Agent: ":o I should teach her how to crochet."
A vacation in the canon could give your staff a gift made by Mordesh.
So? Vacation time? :3
Evilverse is currently killing me so sure, hands you a box full of site 600 ocs. I'd say take care of them but frankly very little effort is required to give them better conditions from where they're coming from. Have fun have fun have fun
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mariska · 8 days
super random specific thing for me to ramble abt on tumblr lmao but. just woke up a lil bit ago, chillin in the living room, waiting for my "morning" medications dose (i woke up at noon today but. yknow. First Meds Of The Day Regardless, lol) to kick in so i can go brush my teeth and change into clean clothes and i usually keep something on tv as like 'background noise/visuals' whenever i'm waiting for meds to kick in, or just kind of in general when im in the living room by myself and not doing any kind of specific task, and usually i put it on like disney channel/disney xd/nick/cartoon network etc etc U Guys Know Me U Get The Idea, I Enjoy Cartoons And Such.
one of my moms must have been watching tv before i woke up today though cus it was on the Science Channel (not Syfy but the one thats abbreviated like 'SCI' in the corner) and when i first turned the tv on it was playing a show about unanswered theories/questions as to how things in the universe work, which is a topic that is one of my absolute fav special interests, so i was like. ooooh ok no cartoons for me today i will be listening to this tv show relay information that i have mostly already heard before bcus I Like That Kinda Stuff (previous episode was abt black holes as a topic which i personally think is almost always fun to hear abt since so many ppl have so many different theories regarding what a hypothetical 'journey' through/into a black hole might include and also all the people talking abt it were specifically including the fact that they were theories and we do not as a whole have a definite scientific answer yet to a lot of specific information abt what happens to an astronomical object of any kind deep into a black hole which i respect, i hate when ppl on these kinda shows voice theories and then are like 'and you just simply cant deny it! thats the only logical conclusion!' NO!!! THATS NOT SCIENCE. anyways. LMFAO)
REGARDLESS THAT IS NOT THE POINT, the point. is that its been a while since i've watched a 'space science' show like this one and i forgot. that while they do share rly cool info that i love hearing about. they are. SO. ANNOYING. ABOUT. THE MUSIC USED IN THE BACKGROUND SCORE OF LITERALLY EVERY SCENE SHOWING DEMONSTRATIONS OF WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABT.
its ALWAYS gotta have some ridiculous intense wannabe Armageddon 1998 type of action/thriller/suspense film score shit and it is SO distracting to me. i just want to hear the nice Scientist people talk about their ideas of what an abstract view of the inside of a black hole might look like. and the music in the back EVERY TIME is like.
LIKE SHUT UPPPPP LMFAOOOOO its so annoying!!!! if i wanted to watch a space themed action movie i would watch a fuckin space themed action movie i just want to hear people talk about space!!!!!!
also this last thing is just a personal preference of mine that i'm sure would probably unintentionally bother people different from me in the same way that the action movie score thing bothers me, but i personally think that so much of the stuff that is covered and talked about on shows like these is so much more deserving of a musical score that evokes feelings of like. discovery, imagination, curiosity, astonishment, acceptance. instead of what usually seems to be trying to evoke like. fear, suspense, existential dread, confusion, anxiety. why do we make shows highlighting scientists talking about what we yearn to know regarding the universe we're all contained in if not to inspire the hypothetical audience watching that show? why would we want to score visual demonstrations of those topics in a way that creates fear and anxiety instead of more positive emotions that could be way more affirming to the individual curiosities of the audience?
this is becoming an Actual Special Interest Full-On Ramble Post so i'll make this my last paragraph i promise LMAOO that was not my intention making this post. but like. in my personal case, when i was a kid i was TERRIFIED of space. like, all of the stuff they talk about in these 'unanswered questions of the universe' shows was legitimately a huge source of severe anxiety and terror to me for pretty much my whole childhood, and it was in large part because every time i saw media with that as a core subject, even passively in the background of a room or something, it was presented as Inherently Scary. scary music, everything exploding in crappy lil 3D demonstrations (which like they still do but at least some of the vfx has improved over the yrs lol), clips of people in lab coats saying stuff like "and that's why if anything over THIS big EVER hit our planet we would ALL BE DEAD WITHIN HOURS WITH NO CHANCE OF SURVIVAL". like?!?!?!? of course i was terrified of that shit lmao!!! there were so few outlets for me, in my US american small town childhood experience at least, to actually be curious about Space and The Universe and How All This Stuff Might Work and The History Of It All, and the easiest to consume pop culture versions of that were all played up to be as unnecessarily edgy and spooky as possible. and its a shame when i think back on how many more years i could have spent in my early life being fascinated by space like i am now and have been since my mid/late teens, because that curious special interest potential was always there in me, but it was constantly answered by the world around me as something to fear instead of something to marvel at. i am autistic and i've always experienced different types of synesthesia, which for me is usually very 'visual mental image/colors/shapes' in nature, so like. music scores in any given program matter to me and it absolutely shapes my potential enjoyment of that piece of media. thankfully as an adult i can appreciate artistic choices more that i may not personally enjoy but that do make sense to me from a narrative/storytelling perspective, but as a child who struggled to understand what i was learning about space and the history of the earth as an astronomical body and the universe in general i very much did not have that insight or appreciation. it just created a strong mental association between "space/universe type of science" and "inherently scary, terrifying, chaotic, avoid at all costs" in my head. that sucks shit dude. the universe is incredible and space is amazing and all of it deserves to be presented to curious watchers in a way that makes them feel happy and excited to learn more information beyond the episode, not shut more information out of their life due to fear.
idk. its not that serious i know i just wish more media based on presentation scientific information to people could be more conscious of How it's presenting that info cus putting a ridiculous over the top action score in the background of every digital recreation shot of space is like. Not A Great Way To Present It. especially when the real human people talking about the topic in the show are NOT bringing that kind of energy to the interview at all and just seem to enjoy sharing this scientific info that they study and want more people to be interested in learning abt and studying like to me it feels kind of dismissive of the stuff they're literally saying too. u guys need more ambient synth musicians on ur fuckin score teams dude dial down the Inception bwaaaams 😭
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a-pale-azure-moon · 1 year
Random TotK Thoughts #3
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How am I supposed to save Hyrule when there's so many distractions? I'm only now starting another regional phenomenon (the Gorons) after activating all but one of the towers, doing all the Great Fairy sidequests and doing more of Penn's sidequests. I'm up to 56 shrines completed and over 100 Koroks found. It's impossible not to get sidetracked in this game and both I love it and hate it. xD
I also collected the next three Dragon Tears. (I consulted a spoiler free guide to make sure I got them in order, if you're curious.) And wow...I sure got my wish for a demonstration of Rauru's powers, and I was not disappointed.
-I've found a couple of those "Eventide" shrines and yikes are they a pain. Two of them weren't that bad, but the one I found where it was pitch darkness? A very bad time! Took me three tries. I can't wait to see how much worse they get. /s
-I much prefer how they handled the Great Fairies in this game. I didn't get to the 4th fairy in BotW until very, very late, since she was way in the desert and cost 10,000 Rupees. The sidequests were fun and they're easy to do even with minimal health and equipment.
-I want to explore the sky more, but it's too hard to get around between islands. I guess this is my enticement to go into the Depths so I can upgrade my batteries (which is a priority but again....too many distractions!)
-I resent that the game made me hold the idiot ball when "Zelda" was kidnapped, and then the disguised Yiga mocked me for falling for it. [eyeroll] Nintendo does love to troll players that way.
-Ditto for the "Zelda" we see with Yunobo. It's a little insulting how the game is trying to convince me she's turned evil when it's also shown me that she's thousands of years in the past. The present day Zelda is clearly an imposter, either another Yiga or something similar.
-I love how Memory 4 starts, giving us our first look at non-mummified Ganondorf looking menacingly at Hyrule and declaring that he will make it bow before him. His design is awesome, and I especially like how he contrasts with Link. Ganon's just huge, a tall and broad wall of muscle, and Link's a tiny little shortking. Who will soundly kick his ass.
-I also love how the generic soldiers and Zelda are (rightly) freaking out about a swarm of Molduga, and Rauru barely moves faster than a brisk walk as he approaches the ledge. And then he wordlessly fires off his Holy Hand Grenade and obliterates all the Molduga. You can tell even Ganondorf was impressed.
-I guess that scene also definitively answers my question about how Rauru's third eye works.
-Memory 5 was a nice callback to Ocarina of Time and I appreciated the homage. I was also deeply relieved that the writers didn't make Rauru suddenly hold the idiot ball and instead made this more of a "keep my enemies closer" situation. It comes across as mildly arrogant or naive at worst, but it doesn't make Rauru look outright foolish.
-I enjoyed Ganon's passive-aggressive "compliments" and how Rauru gave him an almost bored brush off.
-So the Zonai are already nearly extinct, with just Rauru and Mineru left? What happened to the rest of them? Did they really come from the sky originally? How long had they been living on the surface before Hyrule was founded? (The ruins in the present suggest a long time.) Where do their Secret Stones come from? I want to know all of these things!
-It was completely unsubtle how the camera lingered on the Secret Stones, particularly Sonia's. I'm sure that's not significant.
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-Memory 6 was so wholesome. Zelda was so cute with the way she gushed over Link, and Sonia and Rauru both sounded like amused parents teasing her about her very unsubtle crush.
-It's also a nice callback (call forward?) to what Rauru's ghost said to Link at the end of the tutorial.
-Finally got a clear shot of the cool Triforce tattoos on Sonia's wrists too. How does the Triforce fit into this continuity anyway? We know it exists because we saw it when Zelda used her powers in BotW, and there's Sonia's tattoos and the conspicuous triangle pattern on Rauru and Mineru's shawls (and the fringe on nearly everyone's clothes as well). It's so weird how neither of these games have mentioned such an iconic object in the Zelda mythos by name, and have only made vague visual allusions to it.
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skytheidiott · 1 month
Keyboard Woes: Of Apostrophes and Semi-Colons
[[To give some context, I had to write a Student Introduction for my college course. If you've had to write one, you know that they're all basically the same. Being the bored neuro-divergent bean that I am, I decided to have a little fun with it lol! I've cut out the boring fluff though, stuff like, "What's your course? What do you expect to gain from this? Would you sacrifice your firstborn child?" Y'know, normal stuff ^^]]
...in 2007! Despite it’s age, it’s quite snappy and useful as a no-distractions homework/writing device. The keyboard is surprisingly nice too-- it feels leagues better than any other keyboard I've used on modern laptops. It was also cheaper than budget laptops nowadays.
...Have I reached two hundred words yet? I can keep rambling about completely random of things if I haven’t. In fact... I just remembered something that I have, uh, opinions about.
The f###.
Is the apostrophe not a part of the home row?!
Seriously, we use apostrophes a lot! I’ve used them several times in this intro alone! Despite it's frequent use in typing, instead of being placed under the pinky when the fingers are at rest on the home row, it’s one key to the right. I have to take a fifty-fifty on whether or not I hit the apostrophe key or hit the fucken
ENTER KEY, LIKE RIGHT THEN. No, that wasn’t on purpose, I actually accidentally hit enter just then. Y’know what, I’m gonna leave that typo in. It’s funny and proves my point lol.
Now, one might assume that this is an odd thing to get worked up about. One might even say that I’m actively looking for something to be upset about!
...I mean, you’re absolutely right but come on man, it’s literally one key away from being a part of the home row. Instead, the semi-colon is there. The semi-colon! How many times do you use the apostrophe when texting your totally real friend group, hm? Now, how many times do you use the semi-colon-- YEAH, NEVER, THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT.
Y’know how people have made different keyboard layouts over the years? One’s that change the position of every key and look like an affront unto God, no matter how efficient they may be? If I could, I’d make a keyboard layout that simply switches the semi-colon and apostrophe, okay?!
AAAAAAAAAAAA *screams endlessly into void*
[[Yup, I really put all that in my Student Introduction lmao xD. It ended up exceeding the word quota by over 500 words lol. I hope you found it as humorous as I did while typing it. It's odd how fun it can be to "rant" about things in a playful manner ^^'. I dunno if if I'll do something like this again but if I do, I'll be sure to share it lol ^^]]
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acetonitril · 6 months
You knew this was coming! xD How do you feel about 11, 20, 27, and 28 from the AO3 wrapped (writer edition)? And, if you're up to it, 6, 13, 15, and 30 from the reader edition =)
Well, did I know or did I hope for it? ☺️ Thank you either way!
[writer edition]
11. What work took you the longest to write?
the sight of you leaves me weak, which took me three months to write. I'm not surprised because it's my longest fic and so much happened in my life while I was writing it. But my current WIPs are great contenders too, if they ever get done.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
I tend to reread the latest one I posted the most but. Who are we kidding, it's probably (toi et moi) dans la nuit on trouvera.
27. What do you listen to while writing?
My issue with listening to music while writing is that I get distracted because I have to sing along. So the options are either instrumental music (but I can get distracted by that too), no music, or listening to one song on repeat so much until it has become meaningless. I do all three, but mostly write in silence. Sometimes I watch videos I'm not interested in because I need some noise in the background. (Fun fact: A good chunk of the writing/editing of the Big Boi Bradley fic was done while I was watching drama youtube and like, I guess?)
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
don't mention toi et moi again don't mention toi et moi again don't mention- I don't know, I don't have favourites 😊 (that's a lie, it's toi et moi)
[reader edition]
6. What's your absolute favorite works you read this year?
There are a lot but one that definitely deserves this title is, even if it seems a bit random, @yikes-00's Rack 'Em Up, Big Blonde aka the Hooter's fic. I first read this almost a full year ago and I have read it so many times ever since. I can't even tell you exactly why I love it so much but it's a comfort fic.
13. What trope do you think you read the most of?
Well if it were up to me, fake dating. I certainly tried my best to read as much of it as possible.
15. Favorite canon concept you read this year?
Does this mean like, favourite fic that's technically canon? Because then I have to admit I cheated a bit and held this one back for the previous favourites question as this is probably the fic I've read the most this year? I am of course talking about @gothampot's Crazy 'Bout A Sharp-Dressed Man which completely altered by brain chemistry. I am obsessed. (It's post canon, that counts.)
30. Biggest surprise for you as a reader this year?
I love that you asked this question because if anyone understands, it's probably you 😄 But I was so surprised that you can apparently gain a reputation within a fandom for the comments you leave on fics? I'm very flattered but it was a bit unexpected to get anon asks à la "I see you in the comments a lot and wanted to thank you".
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay okay, I let it finish out without reacting, so we have a LOT to unpack now, but let's go.
This is kind of gonna be in order of events, but the show jumped between perspectives a lot and I'm just gonna talk about each perspective all at once lol.
Okay, so at first, Lydia's random little soundproof room in the lake-house was freaking me the f*ck out, but it wound up working in our favor, so that's good (also as an aside, are she and her family having money problems?? Because she sounded so stressed about the stains (Mason never came back to help clean it up, btw...), and for a girl as extravagant as she is, I wouldn't have anticipated money problems, but I guess that's always the point, right? You never know what's going on behind closed doors.). That said, it does make me wonder if her mom is also a Banshee or something like it? Like, her powers had to come from somewhere, right? Because why would a lake-house, owned by her family, have a random soundproof room with a single record player in it? Sounds like a Banshee room to me...
All of that said, I am very glad that she managed to figure out the code (it's super interesting that Allison's name was the key...maybe because she's the only major pack member already dead?), but I am very not glad that there is a dead pool that has our entire pack (except for Stiles, of course lol) on the list, 'cause...that's not super comforting. Don't love that for us. That'll be fun to fight against. Our list of 117 million problems (to quote Stiles) gets longer and longer by the minute, doesn't it...
However, that was a nice little Lydia and Kira moment, with Kira immediately recognizing that Lydia was Banshee-ing, and her focus shifting from Scott to Lydia very quickly as a result.
Speaking of Kira...
Scott and Kira's love is seriously just so wholesome and flirty and heartwarming and adorable and I love relationships like that so much.
The fact that Scott's immediate reaction to Kira mentioning slow dancing is to get up and have her slow dance with him (as an aside, what lunatic only has, like, NINE APPS on their phone Scott what is wrong with you?! XD), and by the BEAUTIFUL reflection on the lake, no less (that shot was GORGEOUS, dude).
The fact that they got all goofily flirty with Scott's beautifully comedic response to Kira's question ("He can slow dance with me another time." XD).
The fact that Scott told Kira he was indistractable, and she immediately made it her goal to get him as distracted as possible (their little smiles at each other the whole time I cannot <3 <3).
The fact that Scott mostly manages to contain himself, but she FINALLY gets him, JUST slightly, because of course she does. ("Nothing." "Then why are your eyes glowing?" *adorable little head shake and smile* “Cheater.")
And then, like, obviously the real distraction came when Liam broke out of the chains, which, as an aside, they did not handle very well at all, but I'll allow it, because they were SO cute, and just holding each other SO sweetly and just SO into each other and I just...
And then there's STALIA!!
DUDE!!! THAT SCENE!!! OMG!!! This show makes me love Stalia more and more BY THE MINUTE AHHHH!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
The fact that Stiles just has such utter confidence and trust in Malia, even as she's trying to come after him.
The fact that Malia is just drowning in pain over the fear of hurting another person that she deeply cares about.
The fact that Stiles refuses to let her fear and anger eat her up the way it is, staying calm and collected and determined to help her anchor herself and not let her be afraid of herself.
The fact that, even as Malia fights the chains, she's so sincerely and closely listening to Stiles, because she loves him, and she trusts him.
The fact that Stiles says he GETS it, because he DOES, because he understands the guilt that comes from hurting someone you care about. He understands what it's like to have been the cause of a loved one's death, and to hate the fact that, no matter how much you try to deny it, a part of you enjoyed that power and control, even in that moment.
The fact that Malia is locking eyes with him, even as her wolf instincts are desperately trying to take over, taking in every word he says.
The fact that Stiles says, with so much confidence and power, that "control is overrated" (because WHAT A F*CKING LINE, DUDE!), and then lets her go.
The fact that Malia lunges for him, but immediately shifts back, and masters that control, because control isn't about power and being fearless--it's about feeling your fear and anger, but also feeling your love, and using that to fuel control.
The fact that Stiles is so proud of her, and so softly moves her hair out of her face, and they just embrace each other with everything they have.
The fact that, even though you can see the small hint of relief that crosses Stiles's face, proving that there was a small part of him that wasn't sure if it would work, he powered through and trusted her, because he really believed he could, and it WORKED.
Okay okay, with the romantic relationships out of the way, let's get to the platonic ones, shall we?
Freaking Derek and Noah, dude!! This team-up is seriously incredible.
I absolutely love how much they trust each other, and I love that they have each other's backs. Like, I appreciate how much Noah trusts Derek's suspicions and instincts ("You nervous makes me nervous."), and I really appreciate how much Derek trusts Noah's input about what they're dealing with (oh boy...this is giving me even more reasons to ship Sterek lol). Also, I absolutely LOVE how many times Derek saved Noah's life in that school (his suspicion about the pool of blood, warning Noah about the axe, and knocking him out of the way when Peter came barreling over), and how well they worked together to take down Mouthless Creepo. Plus, you really have to appreciate the fact that Derek, despite being a f*cking werewolf, did not do what Peter wound up doing, and instead, was willing to have Stilinski arrest him, because, as he so brilliantly said, "We've learned a better way." (also, I kind of appreciate that Noah didn't shoot Peter, probably because he knew Derek would be less than pleased, despite what Peter just did).
That duo has seriously been so great all episode and I really hope we get to see more of them.
That whole scene with Scott, albeit small, was SOOOO AMAZING OMG!
"How did you know?" "I got your text."
Can we just talk about how freaking AMAZING it is that Chris and Scott are still on such good terms after everything? Like, they started off on the WORST of terms, as we all know, and then Chris's wife’s and eventually daughter's deaths were both indirectly caused by their respective relationships to Scott (I don't blame Scott, just so we're clear, but you know what I mean), but he knows and understands that Scott is struggling just as much as the rest of them, if not moreso, and he's STILL HERE FOR HIM and STILL HELPING HIM, and he was RIGHT THERE TO SAVE THE DAY and he's STILL ON OUR TEAM!
"What are you gonna do?" "He's your Beta, Scott. The better question is what are you gonna do?"
And THEN, the fact that he says EXACTLY what I was trying to say earlier.
"He doesn't listen to me." "He will if you start using your own words."
LITERALLY!! You EARNED that True Alpha status, Scott, and you earned it by BEING YOU. So BE YOU, because that's all you need to be.
And then just like...
The fatherly affection and support that was present in that whole conversation. That was so soft and so beautiful and OH MY GOD I LOVED THAT WHAT A GREAT WAY TO BRING CHRIS ARGENT BACK INTO THE SEASON!!
I really hope we get to see more of those two!!
And last, but CERTAINLY not least, we get our Alpha and our Beta.
THAT'S what I'm talking about Scott.
You listen, and you coach, and you stay kind and supportive and empathetic, and then you lead by example, because THAT'S what you're all about.
The way that Liam just starts breaking down, because he's scared, and he's hurting, and he feels guilty, and he doesn't want to let his parents down again, and he feels like he's a monster, not even just from the bite, but because of who he is.
The way that Scott just GETS it, because he's BEEN there, and he knows what Liam's going through, but Stiles didn't let him go through it alone, and Scott's not gonna let Liam go through it alone, either.
The way that Scott just stands up with all the confidence in the world, because this is how he knows how to lead.
The way Chris watches on, a small little proud smile making it's way onto his face, because THAT'S the Scott he knows (and loves).
"You're not a monster."
The way that Liam turns to look at him, fear and guilt turning into something more awed and determined.
"You're a werewolf. Like me."
GOD that was amazing!!
WHAT an episode!!
I seriously feel like the relationships in this show are just so special and truly something else, and that entire sequence of events just proved my point.
I have no idea what plans my family has tonight, but I'm sure I'll find the time to watch at least one more episode, and if not, I definitely will be later this week, fear not. XD <3
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case-of-traxits · 5 months
For the Opinion Meme || Still accepting!
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Sexuality Headcanon: Per usual, I do HC him as bisexual, with a slight leaning toward het preferences, and super romantic when he's involved with someone. But I also just imagine that he holds himself apart emotionally as much as he can so that he can focus "without distractions."
Gender Headcanon: Cis male.
A ship I have with said character: I really do love Angeal/Genesis, and I like Angeal/Sephiroth. I can see why Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth is popular. That said, I think my favorite is probably Angeal/Zack, but I notice people don't really lean into the whole, "mentor/mentee" part of their relationship when it comes up?
I might just be unlucky when I'm looking for it, but I want angst over that. XD
I also adore the idea of Angeal and Shotgun (Freyra/Freya), since they're both from the same part of the world and his dad was a monster hunter while her family clearly hunted things (monsters?! it sounds right) for sport. I like to think that if Angeal and Genesis hadn't escaped to go to Midgar and become SOLDIERs, Freya's family would have been trying to arrange a marriage between her and Gen, and Gen was just like, "Omg, no, she and Angeal are a much better match, thanks."
A BROTP I have with said character: Mm. That's easy. Angeal+Genesis and Angeal+Sephiroth, yes please.
Now, outside of that standard set, I think that Angeal and Reeve would get on pretty great as bros (who's surprised here), and I'd love to watch Angeal+Rude. Rude could hustle him at pool a few times before Angeal realizes that he's been had.
Also, I'm firmly of the opinion that Angeal would just adopt Reno if Reno was left in his range for longer than a few minutes.
A NOTP I have with said character: I... am not a fan of Angeal/Cloud? But to be honest, I'm not a fan of Angeal, Genesis, or sane!Sephiroth with Cloud. I just can't see it.
That said, if you enjoy that, then by all means. GO FORTH AND SHIP.
A random headcanon: I like to HC that Angeal often sits in on meetings for Lazard any time that Lazard is unavailable. And that more than once, Reeve's personal assistant, Chelle, has noticed him struggling with dealing with the insanity that is the political machine of Shinra, and after the second time of watching him fumble through a meeting, she appeared at his office door with her notebook to tell him that he did great.
She knows it doesn’t feel like he did, but it was really good. And then she offers him her notes that she uses when she has to sit in for Reeve. And like. They’re mostly notes about the people in the meeting, but also notes about how to talk to them?
Palmer: Use small words. Encourage him to think of things as a business. He’s got a head for that since he still runs his family’s business.
Scarlet: Avoid direct engagements. Gently praise recent weapon tech, but be sure to imply that you expected slightly better. It keeps her focused on something other than what you’re doing. Etc.
General Opinion over said character: I like Angeal a lot. I think he makes a nice balance for the Sephiroth+Genesis dynamic, and honestly, it was really fun to see the influence he had on Zack (and by proxy, on Cloud). I love that he's a flawed individual just as much as the other Firsts are instead of being a shining paragon of perfection.
I'd offer a bonus song, but I've not actually written much with Angeal, so I just don't have any for him specifically. All of my stuff for Angeal is heavily filtered through Zack or Genesis.
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warmblanketwhump · 2 years
Welp, it’s happened to me, I’ve had an irl whump experience and thought “wow what a tumblr user warmblanketwhump moment” xD so basically I spent the weekend at my parents’ house (which is super cold for some reason, I’m always freezing there) and woke up feeling like absolute garbage, I’m talking exhausted despite sleeping for eight hours, random ear pain, skin being sensitive to any touch, all that fun stuff. But bc Responsibilities TM I tried to bundle myself up as much as possible (which wasn’t that warm bc all my thermal stuff is at my apartment) and endured a four hour train and bus journey with ~20 minutes of waiting in the cold each time I had to change trains/busses. I was so tired and done I couldn’t even get distracted by listening to music or reading, I swear the only thing that kept me alive was thinking about your blog djfjdjsj but I’m happy to report that after a hot shower and a good sleep in my warm apartment I’m feeling much better now!
okay that sounds miserable, you poor thing 😭 i honestly relate right now—I’ve had chills all day (hopefully just because it’s winter and not because I’m getting sick 😭) and I’m currently warming up under a pile of blankets in my parents’ cold house 🥶 glad you’re feeling better though! (and glad this silly little blog could provide comfort in some way!)
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