#And that Mumbo wouldn't wear it
tev-the-random · 1 year
The dramatic irony of Mumbos's newest video is beyond what any blockbuster movie or big streaming service show could possibly provide
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zhukzucraft · 3 months
=> Pearl & Co: Gear up
You decide to scrape all the valuable rocks and minerals off this cave first. Added to your spoils from before it should be enough to properly equip you for the Nether.
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Grian: Any word from Skizz yet?
Gem: He's saying he'll run right on back.
Gem: oh wait
Gem: Now he's saying Mumbo is against it.
Grian: Unbelievable. It's been less than ten minutes and the man's already whipped.
Scar: That means they won't need their death chest stashes, right?
Pearl: Scar, really? You would stoop down to grave robbing, sir?
Scar: No, no, of course not!
Scar: Just grave-borrowing.
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Gem: I'd say we're ready as can be!
Pearl: I mean- we could maybe get some diamonds and-
Scar: Woooooo, let's go!!
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Pearl: ...
Pearl: Wait!!
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Pearl: if
Pearl: if this happens to go wrong and my soulmate is... not happy about it
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Pearl: Would it be ok if we stayed together?
Pearl: You know, as a team?
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Gem: Of course, Pearl! Why wouldn't we!
Gem: We started this together and we're sticking together no matter what!
Grian: You know, maybe you could stay up here?
Grian: We could use someone to dig us diamonds to enchant.
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Gem: Exactly! And even if you don't find any, we'll let you get in on the enchanting. Right, Grian?
Grian: Weeeell
Gem: Right, Grian?
Grian: Alright, alright.
Gem: And Scar?
Gem: ...Scar?
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GoodTimesWithScar has earned the achievement [We Need To Go Deeper]
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i hope i've managed to make it clearer this time that the "armor visible" condition is applicable only when it's on the screen. i just don't want to cover 80% of the design with armor most of the time. Please assume that everyone is wearing whatever armor they've been seen in last
same goes for weapons and shields - it leaves both hands busy if i draw them all the time, so let's just pretend they stash both in their inventory when not directly in combat.
on an unrelated note - i'm going to be busy with work and family matters the next two weeks, so the frequency of updates might fall significantly. i hope for your patience U-U
also-also: the archive up to the current POV is now on AO3 - LINK!
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blueishspace · 2 months
(Slay The Watcher route 4 p26)
Mumbo: ...for you.
(Every)Grian: What. ...what? What? What?! What...
Scar: Y-yeah!
(Every)Grian: ... Really?
Mumbo: I wouldn't lie about that.
(Every) Grian: ... You need to leave... Now. This place isn't right. We know a multiverse of possibilities. You shouldn't risk yourself for a fake.
Scar: Fake? What do you mean?
The Narrator: The Figure open It's palm to show an image.
*the image of Grian chained to the wall flickers to that of him wearing headphones and playing on a computer*
(Every)Grian: We are not rea-
The Narrator: The figure doesn't get to finish before cracking...
Mumbo: Is... is the narrator gone?
Scar: I think so? ...
*Before anything else purple wings grab onto the Watcher, only a mirror is left behind.
*you remember once more*
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cattimeswithjellie · 2 years
There seems to be a pervasive opinion that Scar is winning the MCYT Tumblr Sexyman contest due to a misunderstanding of what Tumblr Sexymen are, and that in fact Scar's fans believe he's just a regular sexyman. This is in fact not true at all. Scar's pathetic squishy wet-cat-standing-in-a-puddle-even-though-the-door-is-open credentials have long since been established in the fandom. (This contains spoilers for most things Scar has been in lately.)
In Hermitcraft Season 9, Scar won Statistics Roulette last week on "number of deaths" despite the fact that his statistics were reset only three or four months ago. Pathetic squish of a big-hatted man died more times in four months than Impulse or Grian did in ten. And because of the reset, it doesn't even count the twenty or so times Grian and Mumbo murdered him for fun on the very first day of the server!
In Double Life, Grian literally snagged him with a fishing pole and dragged him home with him in an ultimately futile effort to keep him from dying. Scar learned that Grian was cheating on him and passive-aggressively snarked about it to other people for two episodes, then baked cookies for Grian's secret soulmate.
In 100 Hours Hardcore, Grian and Joel basically formed a protection squad to keep Scar alive, to the point of coating the land under his base with beds to fall on and raiding a mansion for totems of undying. They still failed because Scar put apples in his off-hand instead of a totem and didn't notice his elytra was ready to break.
In Season 8, Scar was killed when a llama spat on him. His hat was unimaginably tiny, so tiny that he was forced to commission a huge model hat to wear on top of the tiny hat.
In Last Life, Scar got scammed out of one life, blackmailed out of two more lives, then lost another one by falling into a trap he'd been warned of two minutes earlier, even while people were yelling at him not to fall in the trap. He had no diamond armor so he wore a diamond-colored skin but painted abs on it as well so he would look more buff.
In Third Life, Scar attempted to get a monopoly on dark oak without checking to make sure there wasn't an entire dark oak forest on the other side of the server. He tried to get a monopoly on sand by putting his home in the middle of a large desert and yelling at people who came to get sand. He was the first player to die, blown up in a prank gone wrong.
In Season 7, Scar wouldn't even shave or put on pants until he wanted to be elected mayor. It may actually have been a fake beard. He had to terraform the entire shopping district twice when he lost the Turf War because the other side didn't actually like mycelium, they just liked causing problems for Scar.
In conclusion, yes Scar runs around without a shirt and has abs so ferocious that they show through his "diamond" armor, but he is not a Sexy Man. He is a sexyman, a real Onceler through and through, and he deserves his sweep. Vote Scar!
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hmshermitcraft · 6 months
There's a lot of wild rumours about the kind of wealth or showing off the Watchers must be doing, with all the dark silk they wear. Sure, spider farms exist, but the silk you get from regular mob farms isn't nearly as glossy as watcher-silk; you only get that from harvesting it from well-cared-for live spiders that probably still want to kill you.
The truth is, unknown to nearly all non-Watchers, they naturally produce silk - that's then given away to those they have a close relationship to, to be worn. Having to wear your own silk is generally considered embarrassing.
All of Mumbo's ties are undyed Watchersilk. There's dark red embroidery on a lot of his other clothes, too, here and there - random lines done as a fidget, actual designs for fun or art.
Scar's got just...a pile of the stuff somewhere in his chestmonster. Occasionally he goes and makes something out of it, dyed a little - a jacket. Most of a robe. Part of a short Santa-themed dress for a sporting event.
(The other hermits are making silk patches or using Watchersilk thread to mend clothes and stuff or for the occasional small item, but Mumbo and Scar are getting A LOT of the stuff. They don't get it, get it, the way Grian does, but they're getting the gist: the spools of Watcher-silk thread he puts on the table at meetings are to be used for hermit clothes and stuff and it'd important and affectionate and shouldn't be bragged about aloud - if someone doesn't recognize it, they won't know what it means anyway.)
It's given Scar and Mumbo the opportunity to try hobbies they wouldn't have otherwise. They were worried at first Grian would be upset at them 'wasting' it (especially with those early, messy attempts) but Grian loves it. Even the ones that don't work, he's excited to see the people he loves getting use from his silk.
Mumbo's embroidery often takes after the lines of redstone he's so fond of, whilst Scar's outfits benefit greatly from the glossy material. Adds a bit of extra whimsy to it!
And the hermits make good use of the supply that's left over. Grian feels quietly proud, looking at his partners and the other hermits and being able to think 'his.'
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hopepetal · 1 year
Woe, bkau fic be upon ye
The night was young, and the grass was still warm from the bright sun that had shone down on it all day. The moon shone down on the group gathered around the campfire, who were all chatting merrily as the flames crackled and spat sparks toward the night sky.
Loudest of the whole group was Scar, who was telling a story with large gestures and likely even larger exaggerations. "...and then, surrounded by at least fifty of the undead, I heroically-!"
"-turned tail and ran?" Grian interrupted, a twinkle in his eye as he leaned forward, smirking. "You don't expect us to believe you really fought them all off, right?"
Scar slumped over, looking helplessly at Grian. "You are so mean! Yes! You were supposed to!"
"But I'm right," Grian pressed, and with a groan Scar sat back down. "I am!"
"Aww, Grian," Pearl interjected, smiling, "be nice to the poor man. He could've been telling the truth!"
"No," Scar sighed dejectedly, "I was lying. But it's no fun when he calls me out on it!" He flopped over onto his back. "You could at least pretend to fall for it."
Grian snickered, leaning against Pearl. "But it's so much more funny this way."
Scar whined, pushing himself back up. A cool night breeze wove it's way through his hair- he'd been growing it out recently and taken to wearing it in a small ponytail. Pearl had told him he should keep growing it out so she wouldn't be the only knight with long hair. In return, he had told her to cut her hair. She'd look good with it short.
Impulse laughed, still focusing on roasting his marshmallow. "I think your story is funny, Scar. You should continue." He glanced over at Mumbo in slight disgust and horror as the knight bit into a completely burnt marshmallow. "How can you even stand that?"
"It tath gud when it'th burnt!" Mumbo protested, his mouth full of the sticky, sugar-filled goodness.
Impulse rolled his eyes and went back to slowly turning his marshmallow over the flames, intent on getting a perfect golden brown roast. "Everyone here has awful taste."
"Hey!" Pearl huffed indignantly. "Who was the one who taught you how to roast a marshmallow perfectly, now?"
Impulse chuckled. "Everyone but Pearl."
She smiled triumphantly. "That's better."
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ladyevol · 19 days
Together at the beginning of the end
Ship: Scar X Grian
TW: Body Horror, character death, fake character death
Summary: What if Hotguy and Grian were humanity's only hope against a lovecraftian alien invasion?
There was very little time for rest for the builders of Hermit co. to rest as the main company responsible for building and renovating buildings all around the country, so for the workers to earn an entire week off and an all paid weekend on the nearest beach was a big thing. 
“C'mon, Scar, just tell us already.” Grian said with a small chuckle as he, Scar, Impulse and Skizz made their way to the shore. The man on a wheelchair had promised an extra surprise waiting for them and the shorter man hated to admit, he was curious.
“You will see! You will see! We are almost there!” Scar answered from the front seat as Skizz drove them.
“I'm pretty sure we already passed the beach, so this better be good.” Grian crossed his arms.
“Oh, you are going to love this, G. Don't you wait.” Skizz answered, glancing at them from the mirror behind his sunglasses.
“Don't be impatient now, Grian.” Impulse teased him as well and the blonde man rolled his eyes. 
As they drove, they passed by a billboard with the photo of a muscular man wearing a black helmet, not too dissimilar to the ones worn by bikers. Unlike his face though, his dark clothes left very little to the imagination as they were probably a bit too tight. They too had some orange and cyan, particularly on his chest where his signature symbol could be seen. 
Hotguy. The superhero of the people. He who, all by himself, had decreased crime in the city by 70%, proving to be considerably more effective than cops, both due to his super strength, his equipment and sheer charisma. Grian had never met him himself, however, the stories he had heard did leave him wondering. Mumbo in particular, Grian's best friend, had had an encounter with the man after a device he had been working on had been stolen after his office was invaded. Not even forty eight hours later, the device had been returned, right in the same spot along with a poster from the hero which Mumbo still had right above his workbench.
“I swear, you are all conspiring against me. I guess I will have to call Hotguy on all your butts.”
“I promise that I know as much as you do.” Impulse tried to reassure. “And Hotguy wouldn't kick our butts. He is too cool for that and only acts in New Craft. He wouldn't come all the way here.”
“And I only know what Scar told me, I haven't seen it myself, but I promise, you are gonna love it.” Skizz added.
The car finally started next to a harbor and Scar led the way to an old, small boat that looked like it was about to sink at any moment. “Tadaa!” Scar pointed at the boat. “I know that you love fishing, Grian, so I decided to rent us a boat for the weekend so we can fish as much as you want! Sorry if it is not the prettiest boat, but I should get the job done!”
Grian was silent for a few moments and the others started looking concerned. “Grian? Buddy?” Mumbo asked and, suddenly, the smallest man of the four burst out laughing, tears on the corners of his eyes which he quickly wiped behind his glasses.
“Oh, Scar. That is so very you.”
“Does that mean that you like it?”
“I do, but you should have told me before, I didn't bring my fishing equipment. Does that come with the boat?”
“Uh, no. I don't think so. Oops!” Scar chuckled apologetically. 
“That's ok, I saw a fishing store on the way here. It should be just a couple of minutes walking.” Skizz mentioned.
“Or wheeling,” Scar pipped.
“Yeah, or that. We can probably rent some equipment for the day, maybe get something to eat and come back.” 
“Sounds like a plan.” Grian smirked, glancing at the boat one last time before they left. It was a very lovely gift, not that he would admit out loud.
The quartet made their way to the fishing shop which seemed to be empty save for a man sleeping behind the counter, listening to 1920s type of music.
Skizz and Scar were like children in a candy store, running havoc and looking at every new thing they were seeing for the first time. Luckily, Grian had Impulse there to help him adult.
“Excuse me, sir,” Impulse said to the sleeping man, trying to wake him up. “We were wondering if you had any equipment we could rent or-” 
The music was suddenly stopped by the news. “We interrupt our program to alert everyone about the recent meteors falling from the sky. The government alerted to avoid areas of impact for the safety of people, as the meteors appear to have a contaminant that may cause confusion and hallucinations while exposed to them.”
“That's awful,” Skizz said, paying attention to the radio.
“Like we needed something like this. I hope it's not near the beach.” Grian said.
“Maybe it is an alien invasion, here to finally take over the world.” Mumbo joked.
The door opened and a man wearing a strange purple cloak that covered most of his face stepped inside. As soon as he did, a purple mist began spreading from him, causing the others to start coughing and the owner to finally wake up.
“The hell?!” The owner asked between coughs, getting up with a shotgun. The quartet all stepped away to let the man approach his target. None of them were getting involved. “I don't know who you think you are, buddy,” he grabbed the figure by the front of his cloak and pulled him closer, “but if you think you can come to my shop and spread all that shit, you are very mistaken! Huh?” The owner asked, his eyes widened as he looked under the cover. “W-what the hell are you?!”
From underneath the clothes, a pair of members that looked like a pair of purple wings covered in bulging eyes appeared. As it touched the man, a purple glow covered him before he disappeared into nothingness, leaving only his clothes behind which fell to the floor.
“W-what the hell?!” Grian asked, backing away as the man turned to them and began approaching.
“Crap! Boys!” Skizz shouted, pulling Scar's chair closer to the back door.
Mumbo thought quickly and threw a box used for keeping bait on top of the figure before grabbing Grian by the wrist and running towards the other two. “What is that thing?!” 
“I don't know! Could this be the hallucinogens the radio was talking about?” Impulse suggested, only for a hook to be sent flying their way, scratching him on the arm, “nope! That's very real! Oh god!” 
“There! Quick!” They got to the back door, trying to open it. The door wouldn't budge. “Crap!” 
“Wait, I can pick the lock! Just give me one moment!” Scar said, grabbing the hairpin he kept in his long brown locks.
“How do you know how to open locks?!” Grian shouted.
“You learn a thing or two in the local swim team.” Scar said, starting to do his magic.
“That does not answer my question!” 
“Guys, we might not have a moment!” Impulse pointed out as the creature slowly floated towards them. Outside, the sky seemed to be getting too dark. 
“I have an idea!” Impulse said, running towards the door, “Grian! Skizz! I need you to cover me!”
“How?!” Skizz shouted, but Grian knew how. He grabbed a fishing pole and used it to hook against the creature's cloak before reeling it against a nearby counter. As he imagined, the creature was very light.
It was down long enough for Impulse to grab the shotgun and shoot it, again and again, causing a purple liquid to fall, though not for long as the would almost immediately began regenerating like a purple spider web being formed before their eyes.
“Scar!” Grian shouted.
“I got it!” The brunette pulled the back door open and rushed outside with the other three following after him, though not quick enough. 
“Ack!” Impulse screamed and all of them turned around to watch as their friend was pulled by the ankle. The creature not only had wings, it apparently also had tentacles coming out of its cloak.
“Dipple Dot! Hold on” Skizz tried to help him, but the creature was far stronger.
“Skizz! You need to go! It doesn't have to get both of us!”
“Never! I'm never leaving a brother behind!”
“Scar!” Grian shouted and the man who was ahead turned around to look, “we gotta help!” He began running back to the duo. 
Just before he could reach, a second winged being dropped in front of them and wrapped Skizz in its wings before anyone could do anything about it. With a purple glow, the man was also gone leaving just his clothes behind.
“No!” Grian shouted as the creature turned around and attempted to envelope him as well. Just as they were about to connect, Scar grabbed him by the back of his shoulder and pulled him on top of him before he began wheeling away. “Wait! Impulse!” Grian shouted as the world around them seemed to morph and turn like they were in a nightmare rather than a physical place. “SCAR! IMPULSE IS STILL THERE!”
“Huh?” To Grian, Impulse was still at the door, trying to escape, though now that Scar had mentioned it, he did seem to be off. Like his movements weren't really human. 
It was a trap and Grian had nearly fallen for it, like Skizz had.
“We need to get out of here!” Scar panted, “I don't know what those things are, but they can mess with our heads and make us disappear!”
“They can't be dead, right?! It can't- can't be!” 
“I don't know!” Scar cried, tears streamed down his cheek, “I am just as confused as you are, Grian! I hope they aren't but I just don't know and I can't risk them getting us too!”
The blonde man heard something from above and looked up to see more of the winged beings flying after them in the now purple sky with clouds that appeared to be unblinking eyes. Just how much of what he was seeing was actually true? “What's the plan? They are getting closer!” 
“Maybe the car?” He offered as the car came into view, only to be then smashed by one of the creatures landing on it. “Ok, maybe not the car then!”
Had that been true? Or just another deception? “The boat! I can sail us out of here!” 
“An option as good as any!” Scar got them to the boat and Grian finally got him off his lap to run to the cabin. 
“Ok, I need you to pull the rope!” The experience of the two began warming the old motor that barely wanted to start. “C'mon! C'mon! Just work already! Please!” Finally, it came to life allowing the old boat to start sailing away from the shore. “Oh, thank god.” Grian panted, bringing his hand to his chest before turning around to find no one else on the boat. “Scar? S-scar?!” He shouted, trying to search for the man as the creatures just stopped upon reaching the harbor, standing there and watching as the man sailed away all alone. “No, no, this can't be it can't be happening!” He held his head. There were no clothes left like the others, however, so maybe that meant he hadn't been taken?! Maybe he was still in the town?! But even if that was the case, what could Grian really do to save his friend? Wait, there was his phone. He scrambled to get it, nearly dropping the device in the process. He decided against calling him since, if he was hiding, that could attract the monsters, so, instead, Grian just sent him a message.
‘Scar, I don't know where you are or if you can get this message, but if you do, get in the water. They look like they can't swim or fly above it. Stay safe. I will come back to get you, I promise. Please, stay safe.’
He had to hope that he was alive. He absolutely could not lose Scar. 
Part 1
Part 2
Full story
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
okay i know solving counting sheep is an evo fic first and foremost but i'm super curious how the hermits end up dealing with three. it sounds like this is the kind of hermitcraft thats already a sanctuary for weirdos, but i feel like someone whos skin is feathers and wears a mask they can't see out of is a new level of strange. also, would pearl canonically still join the hermits after a few seasons in that universe? sorry to bombard you with questions when you already have a lot queued up LMAO
okay so this is like, a BIG QUESTION, and another one i've talked about with @strifetxt. we've noodled around a lot so off the top of my head, here's a few answers to "things we think three might do on hermitcraft"! (with the note: none of this is CANON. just because i'm saying it, word of god style, doesn't mean that's actually what HAPPENS, you can have your own story and headcanon for this in your head.)
three joins in season seven, not six, in my head. i'm not even going to try to pretend to guess what a season six without grian looks like just know that apparently happens.
three gets like, SUPER into the head games, because its a way to use its combat skills to HELP SOMEONE why wouldn't it get super into that? this is the first real introduction most of the hermits have to three. the hermits are like "okay mumbo where on earth did you find someone this good at murder". mumbo is like "who knows".
we were definitely joking that outside of hermits who know how to recognize a watcher (iskall, probably xisuma, i'd say also maybe like... doc or ren), the hermits just kind of assume three is autistic and roll with it from there because the idea the hermits, on being told three's actual circumstances, go "why would we guess that mumbo you said you met it hiding in a bar from overstimulation with you" is VERY FUNNY TO ME.
we were debating if election still happens; three is less likely to set up events on its own but IS likely to accidentally do something a little overboard.
our hack for if we wanted three to do the election is as follows: mumbo makes a joke with like, scar, about wanting to be mayor, three takes this completely literally, three and false end up in a cold war of "who is the scarier person NOT to vote for as mayor". meanwhile scar is vibing and a sith lord backing stress is very concerned.
grumbot does not happen. i don't think there's a world where three does grumbot.
three DOES befriend etho, at first to learn how to do interiors better, since etho is doing the all-interiors base, but later because etho's brand of tomfoolery actually works well with three. TWO weird dorks in masks now.
i think three would LOVE free glass. it and etho would make the world's Most pranks i think, all of which are technically what they were asked for. three helps work for shade-e-e's.
there's definitely more stuff we've talked about that i've missed and ALSO these aren't necessarily canon! you may have your own COMPLETELY DIFFERENT IDEA of what happens post-scs, which is fine! this was us waffling around about what would be fun to have happen, haha.
as for pearl... i like to think she does eventually still join hermitcraft, after a few years of texting back and forth with three and a bit more healing. she deserves it.
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thathermitweirdo · 2 months
This is my big secret project! Not a fanfiction, but a COMIC! You might notice that the writing is a bit different than my normal style. Conversations, characters, even the length of chapters, it might seem a bit off in comparison to my other works. This is because this has been written in collaboration with d0not_disturb! If you head over to their tumblr, you'll find a comic version of this fic! The comic is to provide visuals, while the fic is to provide greater details! Please go and support them, it really helps out the project! Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
It was dark and cold. Those were the first things Grian noticed when he woke up.
The place he was in, it wasn't normal. The air felt heavy and thick, like it was weighing him down with every breath he took. And the cold...it was a familiar sensation. One that Grian remembered faintly, but couldn't quite place. He looked around at the emptiness, nothing but a void of light surrounding him.
Grian shuddered a little, feeling uneasy on his feet. There was something in the air, something in the cold. Something that Grian remembered. Magic. It was very faint. Hard to sense, but he knew it was there. And with that magic, something else would follow.
"Nonono," Grian's eyes widened in realization as he took a step back. "Not this again." Memories were starting to flow back now. Unfortunate memories. Memories he chose not to remember.
He turned to try and run, hoping that maybe he could flee before things got even worse. But Grian froze up before he had the chance to take another step. In front of him stood a man, tall and slim, wearing a dark suit and red tie, a finely trimmed mustache covering his lips. "Mumbo?" Grian's eyes widened as he recognized the redstoner.
His expression was hidden away by the shadows of his place, making his emotions hard to read. "What are you doing here, Mumbo?" Grian took a step forward, his eyes filled with worry.
Claws grasped Mumbo's shoulders, a figure stepping out of the darkness. Grian could feel the pit of his stomach twist and ache at the sight, a deep feeling of dread washing over him. "Don't worry," the figure spoke, a twisted smile playing along their lips. "He's safe..."
Grian knew them. Just based on that voice, he knew them. But they shouldn't be here. They were gone, weren't they? It had been years, how—?
"Did you really think you could run away, fledgling?" Their voice was oozing with fake sweetness, as though they were mocking him. As if they had just let him escape. On purpose. As if they had been watching him this entire time...
A glowing sword came out of the darkness, radiating with purple magic as the blade was brought to Mumbo's neck. Grian froze up in shock, tears breaking through the corners of his eyes. "Oh Grian..." Mumbo held his head low, his facial expression hidden away by the darkness. He slowly glanced up from the ground, his eyes fully glowing purple. "Why didn't you stop them?"
His voice sounded betrayed, empty, devoid of anything Grian could recognize. Glowing purple oozed down his face, almost like tears that leaked from his eyes. His head tilted to the side, he looked like some kind of lifeless puppet. Grian could feel his chest tighten and constrict, his breaths becoming shorter and more shallow. Tears started to spill from the corners of his eyes.
"I'm sorry..." He managed, his words barely leaving his lips. "I-I'll help you! I thought they were gone! I didn't—"
A blast of magic caught Grian off guard, knocking him off his feet and causing his face to slam into the ground. "Oh please," Another voice spat, harsh and rough as he spoke. "Save the excuses."
Corvus. He was always rather cold. One of the Watchers that taught the fledgling. Columba wouldn't be too far behind either, she never strayed too far from her other half. And obviously the third of their little trio was already here, with their filthy claws sinking into Mumbo's shoulders.
Grian tried to get up, though he was met by the pointed tip of a sickle. Corvus stood on the other end of the weapon, his expression covered by his mask. He was a tall man, suited in armor that made the Watcher appear to be a knight. He had horns coming out of the side of his head, with long black hair that fell past his shoulders. He had tail feathers as well, and talons for feet, like a bird hybrid of sorts.
Columba stepped out of the darkness next, her sword radiating with purple magic. She was also dressed in silver armor, her white hair puffy and short. She had a pair of smaller wings on either side of her head, with feathers that not only matched her hair color, but also the same purple color that radiated through her blade. A veil mask covered her mouth, along with a vibrant purple panache that came from her headpiece.
She brought her blade to Mumbo's neck, as if to threaten Grian. And unfortunately, it was working. Grian couldn't risk Mumbo's life, and knowing the Watchers, they wouldn't hesitate to hurt the redstoner if they wanted to punish the fledgling.
"You knew we wouldn't be gone," Based on his tone, it was easy to tell that Corvus was smirking behind his mask. "Besides..." The Watcher snatched Grian's wrist, the sickle still pressed firmly against his skin. "Phoenix just wants a word."
"Indeed I do." The tallest of the three Watchers stepped forward, pushing Mumbo to the side for Columba to hold hostage.
Phoenix was the leader of the other two Watchers, a powerful god with unmatched abilities. They had flowing hair that almost seemed to glow, along with a ring of eyes around their head, almost arranged like a crown of sorts. They had the same bird-like talons the other two Watchers had as well, though they also had a massive pair of wings resting on their back.
Phoenix raised their hand, an orange glow of magic surrounding their palm. Glowing restraints wrapped around Grian's arms and chest, like ropes that seemed to tighten with any kind of movement. The fledgling looked down at his glowing restraints, a bit puzzled. "Huh." His head tilted a bit to the side, "Okay, what's up with that?"
"It's called a precaution, Grian." Phoenix looked a bit fed up with the fledgling, but they didn't seem mad. At least, not yet.
"I feel like Grian is a little slow." Columba tilted her head as she looked at Corvus.
"I can agree with you there." Corvus shrugged, pushing the tip of his sickle a bit further against Grian's skin.
"Shut up! Both of you." Phoenix scolded the two, "We are getting off task."
"Okay, but first—" Columba lowered her blade, though she snapped her fingers together. Purple strings came out of the darkness, wrapping around Mumbo's limbs, as if he were some kind of puppet. "I'm just gonna get Mumbo out of here. He's only a distraction."
He was lifted up by the strings, his body hanging loosely off the strands of glowing magic that bound his limbs. He looked lifeless and empty, the redstoner's eyes still filled with purple magic. It was almost unsettling looking.
"Hey, wait!" Grian tried to protest, "Where are you taking him?!"
"I dunno, somewhere." Columba snapped her fingers again, and Mumbo was pulled out of the dark void, disappearing without a trace. "You won't need him, anyway."
Her voice taunted him, her tone laced with malice. She had no remorse, none whatsoever. It's not like the other Watchers had remorse, either. The three of them had always been like this, lacking empathy in their behavior, their actions; they acted purely according to their own whims.
"You know what?" Grian shut his eyes, his arms fighting against the glowing restraints. He spread out his wings, breaking the magical binds that kept him imprisoned. "I'm out of here."
Grian flapped his wings, flying off into the darkness of the void. The other Watchers looked up at him as he flew off, Columba looking towards Phoenix and Corvus for support. "So is anyone going to stop him?" She sounded annoyed, her voice dripping with disdain.
Phoenix lifted an arm, their palm pointed toward Grian with an orange glow surrounding their hand. "I'm on it." They said, their hand closing into a fist.
A shackle made up of orange magic formed around Grian's neck, along with a long chain that kept him leashed. The other end of the chain sat in Phoenix's hand. The head Watcher glanced over at their subordinates, Columba and Corvus standing off to the side of Phoenix. "You two can go. I don't need you here."
Corvus and Columba smiled behind their masks. "Perfect!" They said in unison, disappearing within the blink of an eye.
Phoenix began to pull against the chain, tugging Grian closer towards them. "You know, it's funny." They sounded calm, yet their grip on the chain tightened slightly. "How you think you can run from your problems."
"Well, here's a newsflash for you, fledgling.." Grian could feel the chain around his neck heat up, as if the shackle was about to burst into flames. "You can't."
"Try as you might..."
"But we..."
"Will always be a part of you."
"And we"
"Will always"
"Find You."
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Sugar threads
With mumbo being far too tall, and far too skinny for any human, almost all of his clothes have to be hand made, with lots of love and care, to fit him. And who better then the local tailor, of which he is dating, who has quite a lot of love to spare for the redstoner?
No Tigger warnings!!
Not proof read or edited!!
(This is for an event by the name of @redscapeweek!! Day 4. Tailor/sharing clothes/vintage!!)
Mumbo had requested something he had never yet asked for. A dress. Now, scar is over the moon!! Thoughts fill his mind at every corner, ideas, designs, fabrics, all the sorts. Accessories and more.
The tall man himself had requested a blazer like top, and a skirt that went down just a little bit past his knees. And scar had fallen in love with the idea in seconds. A loud clicking sound leaving him in excitement, quickly rolling off to grab his sketchbook and look at fabric, mumbo following with a huff of noise.
"I- I wasn't even done talking!!" He laughed out, shaking his head as he bent down to fit through the doorway. Light streaming in through large windows overgrown with all sort of forestry. Rolls of fabric covering walls with a large simple desk in the middle. Sewing equipment thoroughly covering the desk. A large sewing machine on the left side. 
"Well I gotta be ready!! Mister mumbo, inspiration hit, and I can only help but follow its lead!!" He laughs lightly as he comes to a stop at his table, reaching for his notebook, he practically throws it open, jotting down the small amout of notes he already has. Clicking his tounge as he turns the page.
Mumbo leans slightly over his shoulder, fiddling with his hands as scar starts with a sketch.
"do you want it flowy or skin tight..?" He trails off a little, looking up at mumbo with eyes that seem to hold every possibility, every thought, everything. The way the brown eyes stay wide and scar grin at mumbo, has mumbos knees weak, and his heart soar. 
"I uh. The, the top I would like skin tight? The blazer? But, the actual dress part I uh, flowy? If that makes sense?" He asks with a bit of hesitance, an awkward smile on his own face.
Scar laughing softly as he jots it down. Adding to the sketch with a grin. "Well of course it is mumbo jumbo!! Why wouldn't it be?" He teases lightly, his eyes staring at the tall man's stature from the corner of his eyes. Said man almost folding more in on himself like he was punished.
"Well, it's, it's it like, we'll, complicated?" He chuckles, leaning down quite a good bit, practically on his knees to drape himself over the back of the wheelchair, and onto scar. Scar letting out a huff of a laugh at this.
"Complicated, won't stop me, remember that suit covered in fake flowers? That was far more complicated then this." He snorts. The sketch, and imagine of the dress blossoming under scars fingers.
With mumbos impossible hight, thin body, and sensory issues, almost everything has to be hand made for him to wear. Abd everything matters, down to the tag, the stitching, and the fabric.
It has to be made with love.
Lucky for mumbo 
Scar has a lot of love for the man, that he can pour into each outfit.
Moments past, and before either of them have the chance to notice, the sketch is down and scar is rolling off to the fabrics. Stopping at the blacks.
"Do you want to pick one that feels nice for the outside?" Scar asks with a chuckle as mumbo walks up, feeling along each fabric with care. Knowing that not only is the fabric expensive, but it must also feel safe. He stops at an almost silky one. Thick with a smooth feel to it. Plain black with lines on it, it a barely noticeable darker black. 
"I think this one will be nice..?" Without missing a beat, scar rolls over, looking at the number of the roll and writing it on his wrist.
It's easy to do the same with the rest. Selections of a red dress, following the silky feel. And a soft and warm white for the inside.
They realize it's easy to follow old habits, of mumbo spinning in circles as scar measures him. Scar kissing small areas he can reach, just to fluster mumbo, no matter how often he does it, the pale man still goes bright red, words getting caught in his throat. Mumbo and scar humming along to the same music. Scar joking the mumbo gets the boyfriend privilege of free clothes, Mumbo huffing out laughs in exchange as he makes a silly joke of how it's surprising that scar isn't trying to milk him out of every last Dimond, scar will comment how he'll milk him for something else with far too much confidence, ans then they'll develop into fits of giggles when scar realizes the implications of what he just said, with red faces. Mumbo sitting with scar and idling around the room on the days scar works on it. 
They never really change these days. They don't think they need to.
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
Your fic "Shut Up and Fish" got me thinking... are you implying that Grian's snail is a spark?
"Shut Up and Fish"
"That's hard," Grian concedes, not looking up. The pink snail's watching, its tail patting the dirt. Grian cradles the turquoise snail's limp eyestalk in his hand. Snails are tricky creatures… They don't signal their injuries with the crook of their tails like dogs do, and they're not immune to fall damage like cats. Gingerly, easily, he brings the snail's neck to his chest and gives it a little hug. He makes a little noise. This world is beautiful if you know where to look. "Please," begs the voice in the wrinkles of his damp and dripping clothes. "You'd be a better dad to Tim. You'd be a better husband- I want what YOU have… That's MY life. Give me back my body!" Grian ignores this, peppering sloppy kisses on the snail's sweet head. It nudges into him, cuddly and sloppy and alive. Beautiful, sparked son of a thing. He'll tell Grumbot sometime, but Grumbot might not love to know he's got a snail for a younger brother now. And he laughs again, because it's stupid. It's just… It's really stupid. But he nuzzles the snail and the snail nuzzles back, and the voice in his head wails and scratches at him in the strain of Gem's boat anchor against the pebbles and sand.
In the Pixels Imperfect canon, a creature or build that is portrayed as having sentience beyond that of its basic mob AI (if applicable) needs an AI spark. Grumbot and Jrumbot are perfect examples of "portrayed as sentient" vs. "offhand joke about the build being a child, but not followed through with." Jrumbot is a non-sentient build and Grumbot is a sentient one.
Grian's snail is played as sentient - Grian even makes a huge deal about Scar "not playing the game right and making the snails do things they wouldn't do" - so in the Pixels canon, the snail is a sparked build.
Sparks don't have to be perceived as offspring- they simply embody whatever the intended roleplay was. Grumbot initially referred to Grian and Mumbo as Creator 1 and Creator 2 in Hermitcraft canon, then swapped to addressing them as dads after a certain point (to their surprise), which underscores the idea that in-universe, he is sentient and making his own decisions.
That said, Grian considers the snail his biological son, yes. His baby boy who does crime.
I have some news about Box from Double Life, wheeze...... BigB made it VERY clear in canon that Box is sentient enough to "say its first word," and Ren jumped up and down all giddy exclaiming that he was "such a proud papa," confirming that he sees it as his child.
When they're in couple's therapy, BigB explains that he "knew Ren would like it if Box had a hand so it could reach out and give him a hug." Also, special spotlight on BigB bragging about how "Box is going to need to find a soulmate" because that's so funny. I like how after BigB goes red, he invites Martyn to Box, he says "We look forward to seeing you. That's 'we' as in me and Box."
Shout-out to Martyn and Cleo getting "We will take care of Box in your absence" signed and agreed by Ren and BigB "by law and by will." Sorry you two are horribly broken up, but congrats on ur giant son. They will not nurture it, but they will definitely look at it and go "... Huh."
Guess who has one thumb, canonically wears a monocle and walks around looking like it's been "punched in the face," is technically in the Clocker family tree via Martyn, rocks he/it pronouns, and is heir apparent to Dogwarts in the Neighborhood Watch AU.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Could you plz do headcanons with Hellblazer!Reader x Donna Troy?
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Donna troy x Male!reader
● you have known Donna for a decade first meeting back when you were 18
● the justice league dark which you had recently joined were asked to aid the justice league in fighting doomsday
● Dick had written you off but Donna fully believed in your magic
● Dick "really Donna? You're falling for this mumbo jumbo?" He says as they watch you create a potion made of outlandish ingredients Dick had never heard of
● Donna "the Amazon's history is rooted in God's and goddesses, occultism is not too far out of the box"
● sure you two met up every so often to hook up but with the amount of traveling around you both did you decided it was best not to commit to a relationship and ruin the good thing you had
● but then years later she's settled down in San Francisco with the titans so you found a way to make your own pocket dimension headquarters to allow you to move to San Francisco to be with her while still having 24/7 access to the other JLD members when needed
● Donna is the only one on the titans who is allowed to have a key to this pocket dimension
● and Gar and Connor have been banned from even stepping inside after setting off a magical windstorm in your library while messing around with some of your ancient artifacts
● well Kori has been trusted with another key in case of an emergency but no one except you and Donna know that
● Donna walking in on you doing a spell fully naked
● "see something you like love?" You say with a grin
● "Y/N please put some clothes on, the titans need your help"
● you become a mentor of sorts to Rachel teaching her about the supernatural and how to control her powers
● she's also not allowed to take any of your spell/ritual books out of the library because once again Gar and Connor were messing around and accidentally summoned a demon in the titans tower
● Donna and Zatanna are super close
● Zatanna tells Donna so many embarrassing stories about you
● and all the magical mishaps she's witnessed you make
● being the only girl in the JLD Zatanna also likes having other women around
● Zatanna "you think Gar smells bad when he shapeshifts? You don't even want to know the smells that come off of Alec when he returns from the swamp"
● giving Donna your trench coat when it's cold out
● "you know there is something that will warm you up" you say suggestively
● Donna leans in like she's going to kiss you but instead whispers "tequila?"
● Donna pulling you in by your tie to actually kiss you
● and flirting with her at the most inappropriate times during missions
● Jason "does he ever shut up?"
● Jason still hasn't forgiven you for the time you turned him into a rabbit
● in your defense it was Kent's idea after the two of them were arguing because Jason was trying to sneakily put his Dr Fate helmet on despite being warned not to several times
● Jason "it's just a stupid helmet what's the big deal"
● "kid that helmet is one of the most powerful artifacts in the world not even I could handle wearing it, you certainly wouldn't be able to"
● Bobo argues a lot with Dick on who is a greater detective, him or Bruce
● Bobo "Richard, I am a member of mensa"
● Dick "yeah but you're a monkey!"
● Bobo "a chimpanzee actually and batman is the one who comes to me for help not the other way around"
● "he's got a point Dick"
● Dick "not now Y/N!"
● when Donna died you and Rachel stopped at nothing to get her back
● Kent told you it would be impossible to resurrect her but she was the love of your life, you would either get her back or die trying
● when you do finally get her back the two of you decide to put superheroing behind for a bit and travel the world together
● a year later Kori gets a call that you proposed in Paris and that Donna would need her help planning the wedding
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blueishspace · 2 months
(Slay The Watcher route 4 p14)
Mumbo: What's you name?
????: You don't know dear citizien? It's poultry man!
????: Oh? Wouldn't you like to know?
????: My name is probably to complicated to say, call me Grian.
????: ... ... ... C-Call me T-Ta-... Call me Grian.
*crack, a new fracture, a new version of the Watcher wearing a blue sweater and smelling of smoke and gunpowder, almost like he was close to lots of tnt*
Mumbo: Are none of them going to share their real name?
The Narrator: I told you, you can't trust it.
Scar: Let's just call them Grian like they asked.
Voice of The Crown: I agree-th.
Poultryman: You look really confused civilian!
????: ... I was just joking, It's Cuteguy...
Grian: Is ...there something wrong with my name? What's with that face.
Grian: Y-you don't need to call me my name, it doesn't matter and It's stupid anyway, you can call me whatever...
Voice of the Crown: This is starting to hurteth mine headeth.
Mumbo: It is like a migraine.
The Narrator: Of course it is! Reality itself is fracturing into pieces and if you keep doing it It's only going to get worse!
Scar: But what can else can we do?
Mumbo: I don't know...
The Narrator: I... don't either.
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(Reminder that I treasure comments and that they help encourage me.)
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vampiricmycelium · 10 months
Day #6 of @redscapeweek | Baking/Mornings | T
Just some goofy guys. Finally, writing one where they're dating
Scar wouldn't say it was a tradition for him and Mumbo to bake every Monday morning, but it did happen every week. Scar usually invited Mumbo over for the night, so he would be right there in the morning.
It wasn't as if Scar didn't want Mumbo to spend the night, regardless of their Monday baking. He loved being able to spend time with Mumbo as much as possible. Scar would always try to get him to come over as early as possible, so they could spend the day with just the two of them. Sometimes Mumbo got distracted with his builds or some Redstone contraptions, but that was fine. By the end of the night, the two of them were cuddled up in bed, asleep in the other's arms.
This morning they were both in the kitchen, having woken up around the same time. Coffee had been brewed, and their matching cups were on the counter behind him, Mumbo's mostly drank and Scar's still halfway full. The cups were of cats, the tails curling to make the handles. Scar's looked like Jellie and Mumbo's was a tuxedo cat. When Scar got them, he thought it was so funny.
"You know because you wear a suit a lot! So you'd have a tuxedo cat."
"I'd have one or be one?"
"Hmm. Either is fine. You'd be an adorable tuxedo cat."
"Cuter than Jellie?" Mumbo smirked, knowing exactly what he was doing to his boyfriend. Scar looked scandalized.
"The betrayal. Making me choose between two things I love." Scar giggled and leaned in to kiss Mumbo on the cheek. "It'd be you, but it'd be a tough battle."
They had laughed and kissed for a good long while after. Even now, looking at them made Scar think of the day he got them. It filled him with warmth. Being with Mumbo was so wonderful.
"What should we make this morning? Do you have anything you've been wanting to bake?"
Scar tapped a finger against his chin. What did he want to make? "How about lemon muffins? I have all the ingredients here to make them."
"Been a while since I had a good muffin. Alright. You get the ingredients, and I'll get the pan and other kitchen tools." They both nodded, moving around the kitchen to gather what was needed. Whenever they passed by the other one, they always leaned in for a kiss or let their hands linger on the other's waist. Or something else to touch the other one.
They knew not to linger too long. In the past, they could sometimes get caught up with one another that the baking wouldn't get done, or they'd forget something or even a few times, accidentally burning their baked good. At least they hadn't burned down Scar's kitchen. Yet.
Once everything was placed on the counter, cat mugs in hands, they tried to divvy out the steps between the two of them. Neither had a real preference for what they did, but Mumbo loved watching Scar use his hands. He'd measure things out for the both of them and then watch Scar squeeze lemons or mix the bowl, his arms flexing. Scar loved showing off just a little during these mornings. Having Mumbo swoon over him was always wonderful. He looked so cute blushing.
"You know, I think we make the perfect team, you and me," Scar told Mumbo as they filled the muffin pan. Mumbo had made sure to set two timers for the muffins, just in case they didn't hear one of them. "It's almost like we were meant to be together."
"Ah yes. The perfect baking duo. No one could do it better."
They both laughed again, taking the time while they waited for the muffins to bake, to talk and kiss and just enjoy the other's presence. When the muffins were done, they were the best thing they'd ever tasted.
Just as it was every week.
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mercwiththeweb · 9 months
This is a gift for a friend! But it was too long to send alone so here so here we go!
The Gift of Gifting
Grian clicked his tongue looking down at his handwork. Sitting in front of him and his tree was a gift that had been carefully wrapped. He had been fighting for over an hour trying to get it right. Wrapping was always so much harder than he remembered. His ear wings flapped happily as he looked at the gift wrapping It wasn't perfect but it was the best he'd ever done and he was very proud of that fact. It was a gift for his boyfriend, and he wanted it to be amazing. Hopefully Mumbo would like it. He'd spent a long time making it and wrapping the gift, he even went as far as getting custom wrapping paper for it. The avian flapped his wings excitedly and quickly shoved the gift under the tree. Tonight would be perfect. He set to cleaning up his mes so he could get everything else ready, he only had so much time before his boyfriend arrived.
Grian hurried to the door as soon as he heard the knock and flung it open smiling at the vampire outside. Mumbo made a shocked noise at his speed but quickly laughed it off smiling at the other. “Hell darling. Wonderful to see you.” Mumbo laughed out, entering the others base.
“Hey Mumbo! So glad you could make it.” He responded closing the door behind him. “You can put that under the tree next to yours. We'll open them after we eat.” He pointed to the gift bag in the other’s arms and smiled up at him. He wasn't surpised the other had used a bag, and after his own fight with the wrapping paper he couldn't blame him.
He watched as Mumbo placed the gift under the tree and used him bent down as an opportunity to place a kiss on his cheek. The other giggled and kissed his lips quickly before grabbing his hands. “Couldn't wait to kiss me could you?” Grian responded by kissing him again and leading him by his hands to the kitchen.
The two of them chatted while they ate and eventually settled out on the couch next to the tree continuing their conversation. They talked about everything, their days, how the week had been, the holidays growing up. Anything Grian could get Mumbo to go on about he did, he loved hearing the other talk. He smiled at his lover as he listened to him talk about Christmas mornings with his mother and let his wings unfurl behind him. He stretched them out and draped one of them over Mumbo as he spoke, smiling at it not breaking the other’s stride. He listened to the other talk for a while longer before going on about his own family's traditions.
Eventually the two settled in and decided to open their gifts. Mumbo insisted on Grian opening his firs and the avian couldn't tell him no. He removed the paper filling from the bag and reached in pulling out the small gift. It was a jewelry box, red embroidered with gold Only Mumbo would go so far as to getting a custom jewelry box made. He opened the box and gasped. It was a sun and moon necklace. A golden one. Grian slowly lifted it out of the box and examined the detailing on the charms. They were simple but very small he could see a tiny G and M etched into them. The G on the sun and the M on the moon respectively.
“Mumbo..this is beautiful.” The avian looked over at the other not able to stop the smile from crawling onto his face. Mumbo took the necklace from him and without a word put it on Grian.
“I thought you'd like it. Something you can wear all the time that won't get in the way of building.” He was right, it was small enough that it wouldn't dangle too far but bit enough that Grian could still fidget with it. Grian smiled wider at him and immediately hugged the other. Kissing his cheek as they pulled apart he handed Mumbo his gift to open.
The vampire was careful with the wrapping paper, slowly taking it apart without ripping it, it was custom after all. It was a cute red stone themed wrapping paper that had connections on it and Mumbo wanted to appreciate it. He set the wrapping paper aside and looked at the small jewelry case in his hand. He opened it up and gasped at the contents inside.
“I didn't get a custom box,” Grian admitted sheepishly, “but hopefully you like them just as much as I like what you got me.”
Grian had gotten him a set of earrings. Not just any earrings, golden moon ones. They almost exactly matched the necklace he had gotten his partner.
“Grian..I love them. They're gorgeous. Thank you.” Grian returned the favour mumbo did for him by taking the earrings and helping the other put the on.
“They’re perfect on you. Thank you for the gift, you’re amazing.”
“Not as amazing as you.”
The two giggled and shared a long kiss before settling back into the couch. They were content to just cuddle the rest of the night away, and if their backs hurt in the morning that was a future problem. For now, they would stay where they sat, enjoying each other and the holiday.
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
I have brainworms over the s7 HCBBS so:
When Grian kicks Zedaph out of his base, he doesn’t give the deed back, teasing Zedaph with it. Who can blame him, the flustered yet annoyed look he’s wearing is so cute! Besides, Zedaph will get it back eventually, Grian only wants a kiss in exchange
- 🍪 (it has been a hot second since i last submitted anything lol)
And, hey, since they've contributed so much to each other's bases, maybe they can continue to share? Grian certainly wouldn't say no to seeing Zed more often. And he still needs to get the bed launcher working again!
Grian ends up kissing Zed's temple while he laughs. He should probably thank Mumbo for this opportunity to bring them together.
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