#And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
perfectlyoongi · 1 day
THE GREATEST PROOF OF LOVE - Yoongi, wc: 854, i dare u to read this
“I love you.”
“No, you don’t,” you gently placed your hands on Yoongi’s chest as a light laugh escaped your lips sweetly.
“Yes, I do,” Yoongi said with conviction, joining his hands in yours, looking into your eyes and allowing you to lose yourself in them.
There was a brief silence where contemplation was practice by the two of you, a feeling stronger than love being conveyed in a simple look, in a simple holding of hands.
“Then prove it.”
You roamed Yoongi’s delicate face with your eyes, your words coming out of your mouth without your permission, your entire train of thought shrouded in Yoongi’s beauty.
“Kill me.”
Yoongi felt your hands squeezing hard on his shirt. The feelings that you refused to utter began to rise in the tip of your fingers, in the tears in your eyes.
He didn’t speak.
Seeing you so immersed in his figure, so lost in your own emotions, Yoongi didn’t speak and allowed you to recite your emotions, giving you a stage for the dissertations that your heart intended to express, never shutting you up, never judging you.
“Say that you love me one more time. Kiss me and say you love me, that I am your moon and all the stars in the sky. Say you love me and hold me in your arms before the sunrise. And then leave me. Take with you all my magic and every hope that lie in me and never speak to me again. Never love me again. For I know that if you love me, I will never be able to love you back.”
“But, don’t you love me?”
Yoongi eased the pressure on your hand, your lover’s bright eyes brimming with worry and some doubt, so many questions and scenarios running through Yoongi’s turbulent mind.
“I do love you. But I loved you more yesterday when you held the café door for me. I loved you more last week when you gave me the last piece of cake. I loved you more when the idea of loving you was more enticing than the idea of dating you. Because no one ever loved me when I loved them, and everyone left me when I wanted them to stay.”
Yoongi pulled away from you, his hands dropping to his sides, totally lifeless, totally unresponsive, totally hopeless.
“If you love me, kill me now. Right here. Please. I won’t be able to withstand your departure tomorrow.”
There was a different gleam in Yoongi’s eyes, a new shadow that beautified the worry on his face, that made him intriguing, mysterious, different.
“Because now that you’ve say it, now that I’ve felt it, I will love you more tomorrow than I do today. I will love you more in two days when you take me home after work. I will love you more in a week when you tell me about all the legends contained in each star.”
“So, you love me?”
“Only until you kill me. Only until you destroy this love. Only until you destroy me.”
And, finally, a smile.
Yoongi gracefully approached you, one of his hands resting so lightly on your face, the other seeking out your trembling and so cold fingers. He proudly wore a small but careful smile that sent you back to frames of memories created in times when everything was easier, when feelings were not verbalized.
“What if I help you live?”
Your heart stopped beating for a brief moment - your hands felt warm at Yoongi’s words, your eyes losing themselves, once again, in his.
But this time it was different.
This time, when you looked into Yoongi’s eyes, there was something beyond contemplation and love, a deep sense of understanding radiating from your lover’s beautiful eyes.
And with that feeling came an immense calm that went through your entire body, wrapping you in a comfort so foreign to you, in a comfort that you had been craving for a long time. It was a wave of serenity that consumed you with Yoongi’s gentle gaze, waters of tenderness that bathed you in the delicacy of Yoongi’s touch, loving words that caressed you without any difficulty.
“What if I kiss you and say I love you and repeat it tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? What if every ‘I love you’ I tell you is a promise of one more day with you? Every kiss I give you is the certainty of one love reborn in every moonlight? Because I don’t love you the same today as I loved you yesterday. Or as I will love you tomorrow. Today I love you as you are, tomorrow I will love you as you will be.”
Yoongi brought his forehead to yours and you stifle a laugh, Yoongi’s soft hair caressing your face in the gentle movement of the soft night breeze.
“Maybe it’s because I would never be able to kill you, or because I know I’ll never be able to leave you. But, for me, the idea of living for someone is the greatest proof of love.”
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sonics-atelier · 18 hours
Beneath Her Grace: The Quiet Might of Elain
For Elainday2024, @elainweekofficial , I apologise for being so late 😅
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Beneath the quiet grace she wears so well,
A storm lies sleeping, where secrets dwell.
Elain, soft as morning’s dew-kissed light,
But within her blooms a quiet might.
She dreams in colors no one can see,
Whispers of futures, wild and free.
With eyes that hold the weight of stars,
She watches far beyond the scars.
The world may think her fragile, too kind,
Yet they fail to grasp the strength behind.
For in her softness, there’s power untold,
A fire that’s gentle but fiercely bold.
She hopes, she sees, she dares to believe,
In a world where light can never deceive.
Her kindness is not weakness, but pure steel,
A force that knows how to heal and feel.
And though the shadows have clouded her view,
She will rise, reborn, in a light that’s true.
For Elain’s power is more than they know—
It’s the courage to break and the grace to grow.
Her heart may have cracks, her spirit torn,
But from the pain, new wings are born.
She is healing, slowly, but sure,
And in her light, all will endure.
The future stretches, vast and wide,
And Elain will walk with strength at her side.
For in her dreams, her power takes flight,
A beacon of hope, glowing bright.
She is more than the girl they once defined,
She’s the healer, the seer, the force aligned.
With every step, her path becomes clear,
For Elain, the brave, will have nothing to fear.
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- @sonics-atelier 2024 ( do not repost or reuse in any way shape or form )
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asallowgrave · 2 days
Grow Tired And Leave Me Whole Again.
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Longing is a bitter thing, a cruel guest that refuses to leave, opening cupboards without permission, ruining everything that was once his. It lingers, never asking, rearranging the furniture, leaving Sebastian displaced in his own home, haunted by the void it fills. It sits at his table, eating from his plate, drinking from his cup, and though he begs for it to leave, it only laughs softly, settling deeper into its chair, promising it won’t go until what it long for comes.
It hit Sebastian like a Severing Charm, sharp and sudden, watching him—Ominis, all bright eyes and flushed cheeks, blushing over Isaac Cooper, that damned Quidditch star. His voice rose with excitement, hands moving in that way he does when he’s caught up in something he loves.
And that’s when Sebastian knew.
He stood there, words caught in his throat, as the truth hit like a Bludger to the chest. It wasn’t Isaac Cooper that made him feel this knot in his stomach, this ache in his chest. It was Ominis—the way his face lit up, the way his laugh sounded like the only thing that mattered in the world.
Sebastian should’ve been jealous of Cooper, but instead, he was jealous of how easily Ominis loved him, of the way he spoke his name with a joy Sebastian wanted for himself.
He was rambling, stumbling, over stats and plays, and all Sebastian could do was stand there, heart stuttering in his chest, as the world shifted beneath his feet. Earth narrowed to the curve of Ominis' lips, how his hair fell unruly, when he threw his head back laughing.
And Merlin, Sebastian was done for.
It didn’t help at all that they slept just opposite each other in the same dormitory, where every night became a quiet torture. The darkness only made it worse—made Ominis' breathing louder, steady, calm, a rhythm Sebastian couldn’t ignore.
He’d lie there, eyes open, heart pounding in the silence, wondering if he knew—if he felt it too—this unbearable weight that settled between them, thick like the damp that crept under the door and soaked their covers. But he was always just out of reach, even though he was only steps away.
It didn’t help that Sebastian could hear Ominis shift under the covers, the sound of his sheets brushing skin, his presence filling the room with everything Sebastian couldn’t have, everything he didn’t know he wanted until it was too late.
And when the mornings came, Ominis would rise with that same gentle grace, unaware of the storm that brewed in his best friend, unaware that his every movement, every breath, was the reason sleep never came.
Sebastian rehearsed it in his head a thousand times, the excuse, the lie, something simple, something believable—just a bad dream, or maybe the cold creeping into his bones. Anything to explain why his feet moved across the room, silent, hesitant, towards the bed opposite his own. His heart pounded louder than any words he could muster, hands shaking as they reached for the edge of the blanket. Would Ominis turn him away? Could he hear the desperation lurking beneath the flimsy excuse?
“I can’t sleep,” Sebastian whispered, voice low, almost breaking. “The nightmares… they're worse tonight.”
Ominis stirred, soft, familiar, a warmth Sebastian craved in a way he could barely admit to himself. Without a word, the blond shifted, making room as if he knew—always knew—that it wasn’t just the dreams keeping Sebastian awake.
Sebastian slipped beneath the blankets, hoping Ominis wouldn’t notice the way his hands trembled, or how his heart finally slowed once he was near. The bed was too small for distance, their bodies close, Sebastian’s breath catching as the heat of Ominis pressed into his side. He’d never felt more at home, more terrified.
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cowskulls · 9 months
dot dot dot
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this-fine-day · 10 days
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"And neither the angels in Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
 Of the beautiful Annabel Lee"
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pin-k-ink · 3 months
breaking point // hinata shoyo
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tw ⇢ possessive!hinata, groping, obsessive behavior, semi-public fingering, cunnilingus, mating press, unprotected sex, dirty talk, mentioned masturbation, rough sex, squirting, fingering
wc ⇢ 4.4k
a/n: not proofread
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"And here we have the star of today's match, Hinata Shoyo!"
Your bright voice immediately commanded Hinata's attention, shattering his previous conversation into irrelevance. As his eyes landed on you, he felt the breath still in his lungs.
'Good god, she's beautiful.'
The thought blossomed before he could stop it. You looked so perfectly poised and professional with your microphone raised, camera ready. But all Hinata could focus on was the elegant line of your jaw, the flushed hue across your cheeks, and the way your lips seemed to glisten invitingly.
Swallowing hard, he wrestled to regain his composure as you launched into the standard post-game questions about his performance. Hinata responded automatically while his gaze drifted lower, hungrily taking in the tantalizing glimpse of cleavage exposed by your blouse's neckline.
Get it together! He gave himself a mental shake, panic rising at his inability to tear his eyes away from your body. This was just a damn interview - he'd done hundreds, for god's sake! So why was he reacting like a hormonal teenager catching his first glimpse of undressed skin?
Maybe it was the way your skirt caressed the gentle swell of your hips as you shifted...or the soft, floral scent of your perfume that seemed to wrap around his senses in the most maddening way...
Inhaling deeply, Hinata dragged his wandering focus back to your lovely face, only to feel his attention immediately ensnared by your lips. They looked so incredibly soft and inviting as you spoke, he could barely track the meaning of your questions.
Without realizing it, Hinata found himself slowly drifting closer, drawn to you by some inexplicable gravitational pull. By the time your brows knit in confusion at his distracted responses, he was near enough to see the slight iridescent shimmer of your lip gloss...near enough to catch the lightest whisper of your shampoo's fragrance...
Fuck, get a grip! Hinata cursed inwardly, finally registering the wildly inappropriate hunger blazing through him like a fever. This was meant to be a professional interview, not his own personal peepshow!
And yet, he found himself utterly powerless to pull away from your enticing presence. His gaze flicked down to the gentle swell of your chest again as you inhaled, and he swore he could detect the barest hint of cleavage peeking from beneath the fabric.
"Is...everything alright, Hinata-san?" you asked with a small frown, no doubt perplexed by the dark look of unveiled yearning that had overcome his features.
Hinata's tongue instinctively swiped across his suddenly dry lips as his eyes locked on yours once more. Every fiber of his being screamed to close what little distance remained between your bodies and capture those perfect lips with his own. To satiate this maddening, inexplicable thirst you had instantly awakened within him.
But somehow, some small shred of self-restraint stopped the words from spilling out.
"Perfect," he husked instead, the gravelly timbre of his voice dripping with the undisguised want smoldering in his eyes. "Everything is...perfect."
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After that first unsettling interview, you found yourself assigned to cover Hinata with increasing frequency. His star power was rapidly rising, and your segments with him always drew impressive views and engagement.
But each time you sat down with him, the charged tension seemed to ratchet higher.
During one post-game interview, Hinata casually rested his hand over yours on the microphone, his calloused fingers stroking your skin as he leaned in close to answer.
"That last set was a real nail-biter," he murmured, his intense gaze never leaving your face. "I love keeping the crowd on the edge of their seats, never knowing what I'll do next..."
You had to fight down a shiver at the double meaning layered beneath his words. Hinata's eyes sparked with mischief, clearly enjoying the effect he had on you.
Another time, as you wrapped up a courtside interview, Hinata unexpectedly pulled you into a quick hug. The gesture would look friendly and spontaneous to any onlookers...
But as he drew you against his chest, you felt his hand dip low to squeeze your ass, lightning-quick but unmistakable. Your gasp was muffled against his shoulder before he released you with a cheeky grin.
"Thanks for the great interview," he chirped brightly, as if he hadn't just groped you in front of thousands. "Always a pleasure!"
Then there was the interview after his Sports Illustrated cover was announced. Hinata kept you close as you spoke, his arm slung casually across your shoulders in a gesture that skirted the line of professionalism.
"It's such an honor," he said earnestly. "I couldn't have done it without the support of my biggest fans."
At that, his hand drifted down to toy with the ends of your hair, twirling the strands around his fingers in an unmistakably possessive gesture. To any viewers, it would look like an absent fidget.
But the heat in Hinata's gaze as it locked with yours made it clear - he was staking a subtle claim, right there on live television. You had to fight to keep your composure, even as your skin tingled beneath his touch.
As the months passed, Hinata grew bolder and bolder in his flirtations, always toeing the line while maintaining plausible deniability. Lingering touches, weighted words, heated stares that felt almost tangible in their intensity...
It was a dangerous game you were playing, trapped under the watchful eyes of the cameras. And part of you wondered how far Hinata would push before the tension finally snapped.
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After a grueling five-set match, you found yourself waiting outside the locker room to snag a final quote from Hinata. The hallway was deserted, the rest of the press having already dispersed to make their deadlines.
You leaned against the wall, reviewing your notes, when the door suddenly swung open. Hinata emerged, his hair damp from the shower and his gym bag slung over one shoulder. He stopped short when he spotted you, a slow smile spreading across his face.
"Well, well," he murmured, sauntering closer. "If it isn't my favorite reporter. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
You straightened, trying to ignore the way your pulse jumped at his proximity. "Just hoping to get a quick quote about that final spike. It was a pretty spectacular finish."
Hinata hummed, stepping fully into your personal space until your back hit the wall. "Is that so?" he mused, bracing a hand beside your head. "And here I thought maybe you just wanted to get me alone."
Your breath caught at the blatant suggestion, your eyes widening. "I...no, that's not-"
"Not what?" Hinata interrupted, his voice dropping to a low rasp. "Not incredibly tempting? Because I've got to say..."
His free hand came up to toy with the press badge dangling from your neck, his knuckles grazing the sensitive skin above your collar.
"...the thought of getting you all to myself, away from the cameras? It's been driving me crazy for months."
You swallowed hard, your head swimming with his intoxicating nearness. This close, you could see the flecks of gold in his warm brown eyes, could count each individual eyelash framing his heated gaze.
"Hinata-san," you managed weakly, "we can't. I'm supposed to be interviewing you."
His lips quirked up in a wicked grin. "Then interview me," he purred, ducking his head until his mouth hovered a hair's breadth from your own. "Ask me how badly I've wanted to taste your lips. Ask me how many times I've imagined peeling that prim little skirt off you and finding out what you're wearing underneath. Ask me how often I've had to jerk off in the shower, thinking about your mouth on my cock..."
A shaky exhale escaped you, and Hinata's eyes darkened with triumph. He knew he had you cornered, in every sense of the word. His body caged you in, his breath fanning across your parted lips in a maddening caress.
"You have no idea," he rasped, his nose brushing yours in a ghosting almost-touch, "how crazy you make me. How hard it's been to keep my hands to myself every time we're together."
To punctuate his point, his hand released your badge to trail slowly down your arm, calluses catching on your sleek skin and igniting sparks in their wake. Your breathing grew ragged as his fingers skimmed across your hip, circling to the small of your back.
Then he was hauling you flush against him, the hard planes of his body searing into your softer curves. A needy sound caught in your throat at the feel of him, firm and unyielding, against your frame.
"Hinata-san," you gasped, but whatever protest you'd intended died on your lips as he pressed his forehead to yours, his eyes blazing with raw hunger.
"Tell me you want me," he commanded roughly, his voice gravelly with desire. "Tell me I'm not the only one losing my mind with how badly I need you."
You trembled in his hold, your heart hammering against your ribs as his words seemed to brand themselves into your skin. Every nerve ending felt electrified, raw and oversensitized where his body pressed against your own.
But even as your very soul cried out to give in, to surrender to the magnetic pull of him, your rational mind clung to the tattered shreds of reason.
"Hinata, we...we can't," you managed, your voice thin and thready to your own ears. "This is...it's not right."
His jaw clenched, a muscle ticking beneath the taut skin, but he didn't release you. If anything, his grip on your waist tightened, his fingers digging into the soft flesh possessively.
"Not right?" he echoed, a humorless laugh escaping him. "God, if you only knew how many nights I've laid awake, fantasizing about all the 'not right' things I want to do to you..."
His head dipped, his nose skimming along the column of your throat in a barely-there touch that had you shivering. You swore you could feel the heat of his lips hovering just above your racing pulse.
"I could take you right here," he rasped against your skin, his breath searing you like a brand. "Against this wall, until you're shaking and begging for me. Would you like that?"
A broken whimper escaped your lips, and you felt them curve in a wicked smile. "Yeah, you would," he purred darkly. "I bet you'd fall apart so sweetly on my cock, squeezing me like a vice as you come..."
Your head thumped back against the wall, eyes squeezing shut as his filthy words painted vivid pictures in your mind. It would be so easy to give in, to let him strip you bare and take you apart until you forgot your own name.
But the tattered remnants of your professionalism, already strained to the breaking point, wouldn't allow it.
"I can't," you whispered brokenly, hands fisting in his shirt as if to hold him at bay...or pull him closer, you weren't even sure anymore. "We can't do this, Hinata-san. Not...not like this."
For a long, endless moment, he remained motionless against you. You could practically hear the war raging within him, the primal need to claim you battling against the yoke of propriety.
Then, with a low, frustrated growl, he released you, stepping back just enough to sever the contact between your bodies. The sudden absence of his searing heat left you feeling bereft, unmoored, but you didn't dare reach for him again.
"This isn't over," he bit out, his tone dark with promise as his heated gaze raked over you. "Sooner or later, I'm going to have you. And when I do..."
He leaned in, his lips a hairsbreadth from your ear. "I'm going to ruin you for anyone else. You'll be mine, completely and utterly. Don't ever doubt that."
With those words searing into your very bones, he grabbed your jaw in a rough grip, capturing your lips in a hard, bruising kiss. His tongue swept into your mouth, claiming, conquering, and you were powerless to stop the whimper of need that fell from your lips.
Then he was gone. Turning on his heel and stalking away, leaving you weak-kneed and trembling in his wake. As you watched his broad shoulders disappear around the corner, one thing crystallized in your mind with startling certainty.
Hinata Shoyo was a man who worked hard to get what he wanted. And god help you, he wanted you.
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The studio lights bore down on you as you sat beside Hinata, the camera crew adjusting the final settings before your joint interview. It was a big opportunity, a chance to discuss his recent accomplishments with a major sports network.
But all you could focus on was the heat of Hinata's thigh pressed against your own beneath the news desk.
"Thirty seconds!" the producer called out. You straightened your notes with hands that trembled imperceptibly, hyperaware of Hinata's solid presence mere inches away.
As the crew did their final checks, you felt a feather-light touch against your knee. Your breath hitched, gaze flying to Hinata's face, but he was staring straight ahead with an expression of perfect nonchalance.
Then his hand slid higher, fingers grazing the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. You barely suppressed a gasp, your entire body going rigid as he began to trace idle patterns against your flesh.
"Ten seconds!"
Hinata's touch grew bolder, his palm flattening against your thigh as it crept upward at a maddeningly slow pace. When his fingertips brushed the hem of your skirt, toying with the edge in a teasing caress, you thought you might combust on the spot.
"5, 4, 3, 2..."
You pasted on a bright smile as the camera light flashed red, signaling you were live. But even as you launched into your practiced introduction, you could feel Hinata's hand continuing its torturous exploration beneath the desk.
His fingers danced along the edge of your skirt, occasionally dipping just beneath the fabric to graze the lace edge of your panties. Each touch sent sparks of heat crackling through your veins, your focus splintering as you strained to maintain your composure.
Beside you, Hinata answered the questions smoothly, flashing his signature megawatt smile at the camera. But the hand on your thigh never ceased its maddening ministrations, slipping higher and higher until he was tracing the crease where your thigh met your hip.
You clenched your teeth as a shudder tried to rip through you, your hands white-knuckled. God, how were you supposed to concentrate with him touching you like this, live on national television?
But Hinata seemed utterly unaffected, bantering easily with the hosts even as his fingers crept to the apex of your thighs. When he boldly cupped your clothed pussy, barely stifling a groan at the damp heat he found there, you nearly bit through your lip trying to hold back a whimper.
"...wouldn't you agree?" the other host suddenly asked, turning to you with an expectant smile. Your heart lurched into your throat as you scrambled to recall what the question had even been.
"I...yes, absolutely," you managed, hoping your voice didn't sound as strained as it felt. "Hinata has certainly been a driving force behind the team's success this season."
Hinata's fingers pressed harder against your clit, the sudden friction nearly buckling your spine, and you had to disguise your choked gasp as a cough. Somehow, you maintained the semblance of poise, nodding as the host turned his attention back to the ace.
But beneath the table, the fingers between your thighs were a maddening pressure. He traced along the edge of your panties, then dipped below the lace to slide a thick digit along your folds.
"Shit," you breathed, barely above a whisper. You hoped the sound wouldn't pick up on camera.
Hinata smirked at you from the corner of his eye, clearly enjoying watching you come apart at his hand. With an agonizingly slow motion, he circled your entrance, spreading your slick wetness as you struggled not to squirm in your seat.
"Well, I couldn't do it without the support of my fans," Hinata interjected smoothly, shooting you a sly wink. "Especially my biggest fan right here."
You felt your cheeks flood with heat at the blatant innuendo, praying the camera would attribute your blush to the flattery. If only they knew just what Hinata was doing to you beneath the professional veneer...
The interview wrapped up shortly after, much to your relief. You maintained your smile as the hosts signed off, barely suppressing a shudder when Hinata gave your sensitive flesh a final, teasing squeeze before withdrawing his hand.
The second the camera light flicked off, you were shooting to your feet, your breath coming in shallow pants. Hinata rose more slowly, a knowing smirk playing about his lips as his dark eyes dragged over your disheveled form.
Heart pounding, you hurried into the dressing room, desperate to compose yourself after Hinata's bold touches during the interview. Your skin felt electrified, every nerve ending buzzing with barely suppressed need.
You braced your hands against the vanity, trying to slow your breathing. But then the click of the lock sounded behind you, and your pulse jumped into overdrive.
"You didn't think I was done with you, did you?" Hinata's voice was a low, dark rasp that sent shivers cascading down your spine.
You met his gaze in the mirror, your breath hitching at the raw, undisguised hunger burning in his eyes. He stalked towards you with predatory intent, his movements fluid and purposeful.
"Hinata," you managed weakly, your voice thin and thready. "We can't...not here..."
But he was already crowding into your space, his chest pressing against your back as his hands settled on your hips, firm and possessive.
"I can't wait anymore," he rasped, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. "I've held back for so long, but god, the way you respond to my touch..." His nose skimmed the column of your throat, making you shudder. "I need to feel you come apart for me."
Your eyes fluttered shut, a broken whimper escaping your lips. Every logical reason you shouldn't allow this, every professional boundary, seemed to evaporate like mist under the searing heat of his desire.
"Please," you whispered, the single word dripping with longing.
Hinata's hands tightened on your hips, a low groan rumbling through his chest. "Fuck, the things you do to me..."
Then his mouth was on your neck, your jaw, claiming each inch of skin with bruising intensity. One hand slid up your body to palm your breast through your blouse, calluses scraping your sensitive nipple and making you arch with a gasp.
"I'm going to take you apart," Hinata bit out against your skin, his voice tight with barely restrained need. "Gonna make you cum so hard you forget everything but my name."
Your head fell back against his shoulder, a moan spilling from your lips. You knew there would be no coming back from this, no way to pretend it never happened. But as Hinata turned you in his arms, his mouth slanting over yours in a searing kiss, you found you didn't care.
All you wanted was him.
Hinata hoisted you onto the vanity, his palms blazing a trail up the bare skin of your thighs as his tongue delved deeper. Your hands fisted in his hair, tugging hard enough to earn a groan of approval, and a wave of dizzying power flooded your senses.
He yanked your panties down your legs with such urgency, you swore you heard the lace tear. But before you could process, his hands were urging your thighs apart and his fingers were slipping through your soaked folds.
"So wet," he groaned, his fingers sinking into your heat and eliciting a sharp cry. "Is this all for me, baby?"
You whimpered a strangled affirmation, grinding desperately against his hand as he curled his fingers inside you. Your hands scrabbled at his shoulders, struggling to find purchase against the hard planes of muscle as he pumped his digits in a torturous rhythm.
"Shoyo," you whined, the plea falling from your lips without a second thought.
He growled, his eyes flashing dangerously at the use of his first name. His thumb flicked over your clit, drawing a strangled gasp from your throat, and you writhed beneath his touch.
"Say it again," he ordered, his free hand snaking up to fist in your hair and drag your gaze to his. The molten fire of his stare set your very soul alight.
"Please," you begged, no longer caring how wanton and desperate you sounded. "Shoyo, please!"
Hinata's teeth flashed in a wicked grin. Then his fingers were gone, and before you could mourn their absence, his head was dipping between your thighs.
The first swipe of his tongue had your spine bowing, a cry ripping from your throat. His grip on your hips was almost bruising as he feasted on your cunt, his tongue and lips and teeth working you into a frenzy. Your thighs clenched around his head, the heels of your stilettos digging into his broad shoulders. Pleasure crashed over you like waves, threatening to drown you, and still you couldn't get enough.
"Fuck, I could eat this sweet little pussy all day," Hinata groaned, the vibrations nearly sending you over the edge. "So fucking good."
His tongue speared into your core, and you shattered. The climax tore through you with the force of a freight train, your entire body convulsing with the intensity of it.
Your vision whited out, and for a moment, the only thing tethering you to earth was Hinata's hands. His tongue continued to work you through your orgasm, wringing every last drop of pleasure until you were shaking with overstimulation.
When the world finally came back into focus, you blinked blearily down at him. A fresh wave of heat washed through you as you took in the sight of him, lips glistening and pupils blown wide with desire.
"So pretty," he husked, dragging the back of his hand across his mouth in a gesture that should not have been so damn attractive.
But then he was hauling you closer to the edge of the vanity, and suddenly you were acutely aware of the hard length straining against the zipper of his dress pants. Your fingers itched to free him, to feel his bare cock heavy and thick in your hand.
Before you could act on the impulse, Hinata was shoving his pants down, his dick bobbing proudly against his stomach. You felt a fresh wave of wetness flood your core at the sight, anticipation and hunger thrumming in your veins.
"Tell me what you want," he rasped, the head of his cock teasing through your folds. You keened, your hips jerking up as you struggled to find the words.
"You," you managed, the desperation in your voice clear even to your own ears. "Shoyo, please..."
A groan ripped from his chest, the sound so feral, so animalistic, it should have frightened you. But instead, it sparked a fire low in your belly, a primal need to feel him buried deep inside you.
You kicked your heels off right as his hands gripped your thighs, spreading them wide and pinning them back against your chest. He notched the thick head of his cock against your dripping cunt, and then he was plunging into you.
Your mouth fell open in a silent scream, your hands scrambling for purchase against the vanity. God, the stretch was nearly overwhelming, but you were too far gone to care. Your walls clenched around him, your hips rising to meet his frantic thrusts.
"So tight," he bit out, his pace punishing as he pounded into you. "Shit, I'm not gonna last, baby. You feel too fucking good."
A sob fell from your lips, the pleasure bordering on painful as he drilled into you. The vanity slammed into the wall with each rough thrust, but you couldn't bring yourself to care about the racket. Not when you were so close to falling apart, his cock filling you so completely.
One hand left your thigh to rub furiously at your clit, the additional stimulation sending stars bursting behind your eyelids. Your cries grew louder, more urgent, and you distantly registered the possibility of someone overhearing. But the thought was gone as quickly as it appeared, lost in the haze of pleasure.
"Look at me," Hinata demanded, his voice rough with command. Your eyes snapped to his, and you nearly came on the spot at the unbridled hunger blazing in his dark gaze.
"You're mine," he rasped, the hand on your hip moving to squeeze your jaw. "Say it. Say you're mine."
"Yours," you gasped, the words a choked sob. "All yours, Shoyo!"
Hinata released your chin, his fingers returning to toy with your clit as he pounded into you. You could feel yourself hurtling towards the edge, the pressure building in your core until you were sure it would snap.
"Cum for me," he growled, his gaze locked with yours. "Wanna feel you fall apart around my cock."
Then his thumb and forefinger pinched your clit, and you shattered. White-hot pleasure ripped through your body, the shockwave sending aftershocks cascading through your limbs. Your walls clenched around him, the spasms almost violent as you squirted around his length.
"Holy fuck," Hinata groaned, his rhythm faltering as his own climax crested. He managed a handful of wild thrusts, burying himself to the hilt as he spilled inside you, coating your walls with his release.
He collapsed forward, bracing his forearms against the vanity. His forehead dropped against your shoulder, both of you gasping for air as you slowly drifted back down from the high.
Despite the fact that the vanity was now sticky with your combined releases, Hinata made no move to extricate himself from you. Instead, he nuzzled into your neck, pressing soft, lazy kisses to your flushed skin. His cock was surprisinglystill hard, the weight of him a grounding presence within you.
"Baby," he said after a moment, his lips quirking up in a smile against your collarbone, "think maybe I can convince you to leave work early today?"
A laugh bubbled up your throat, the joyful sound bright in the quiet room. "Why? So we can go home and continue this?"
"Mm, something like that," Hinata hummed, his grin widening. "And then you can help me celebrate my new Sports Illustrated cover by posing for me, naked, while I fuck you against every surface in my apartment."
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sermna · 7 months
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For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride, In her sepulchre there by the sea— In her tomb by the sounding sea.
Repaint! And boy did it need it.
I know John has a different appearance according to Muir herself but... I can't stop picturing him like this lol... he's just a guy 🤷‍♀️
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55sturn · 4 months
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disclaimers: this wasn’t requested but this is how i think being best friends with chris who also happens to be falling in love with you would go. suggestive and slightly 18+ nsfw content below, read at your own risk.
best friend!chris who is always there for you, day or night, early in the morning before the sun has completely risen and you’re drunk out of your mind sobbing because you’re homesick and he’s the closest thing to home, and during the late hours of night when the moon is at its peak and the stars are shining bright and you’re wide awake because you napped during the day and the two of you are walking through the streets of la reminiscing about a time before you could call la home.
best friend!chris who knows everything about you, from your favourite colour to the foods you despise and how to calm you down when you feel overstimulated and you’re having issues regulating your emotions, who has duplicates of your skincare cluttering his bathroom counter and the other halves to all the stuffed animals duos you find sitting on his bed and the couch in his room.
best friend!chris who finds his other half in you, your love for physical touch matches his, your personality mirrors his in an almost eerie way, he knows that you will match his energy and vibe without hesitation.
best friend!chris who is a big believer in eye contact, especially when it comes to you, he wants you to know you have his full attention, regardless of what you’re talking about, his eyes will always meet yours. and sometimes when the eye contact is so intense, to the point where you can’t hold it any longer because the colour of his eyes is too pretty and the way they’re droopy and tired and heavy lidded, almost giving them that bedroom eyes effect, makes you look away to hide the blush rising on your face, and the fact that if you stare at him any longer, you’ll kiss him, he chuckles lowly, gently turning your face back to his with a hand under your chin.
best friend!chris who isn’t scared to touch you, he will throw an arm around you and tug you closer, whispering whatever comes to mind in your ear, giggling as you roll your eyes at him, his hands are almost always on you, needing to feel you beside because you keep him grounded.
best friend!chris who is quick to size up any guy that dares to check you out or pick a fight with your bold drunken self that can’t seem to keep her comments to herself, and who isn’t scared to insert himself between you and whatever guy makes you uncomfortable.
best friend!chris who handles your attitude well, he doesn’t let it manifest into a bigger fight or deal than it needs to be and will counteract it by questioning why you’re coming at him sideways and will tell you to talk to him when you’re ready to act like an adult, and will not hesitate to grab your jaw, forcing you to pay attention, and understand that there’s not a singular reason for you to talk to him like that.
best friend!chris who very rarely snaps on you, who hates to see your demeanour morph and twist into something almost sinister with anger, and who hates it even more when it’s because of him. he’s always vowed to treat you with respect, meaning never to raise a hand or his voice to you, he views you as his equal, not someone to talk down to and try to control, so when he snaps, it’s not intentional, his mind is a whirlwind of overwhelming responsibilities and the possibility that he has feelings for you, and as someone who shows so many signs of adhd, it’s hard for his brain to quiet down as it is and when he’s overwhelmed, it’s game over, and he hates that his anger misplaced toward you.
best friend!chris who hates the guys and girls you date or hookup with, despite them being good natured people, he just cant see why they get all of you, not just the platonic side, when he’s right there.
best friend!chris who can’t deal with his jealousy in a relatively normal way, and decides to make a spectacle of it, blatantly showboating his jealous by picking arguments with the girls or the guys you date, even going as far as to physically fight one guy that you bring as plus one to a party you both attend, shrugging it off when you corner and ask him what the fuck he’s doing.
best friend!chris who stands quietly between your legs as you sit on the counter in his bathroom as you clean his knuckles and his split lip, shame and regret bubbling to the surface as you sigh, unable to fathom why he picked a fight with another guy that showed genuine interest in you for the fifth time that month, feeling hurt that he keeps preventing your potential happiness.
best friend!chris who tears up as you ask him if he thinks you’re undeserving of finding love and happiness, begging to know why he’s seemingly so against you being with anyone, and hearing you plead for an answer with such raw and deeply cutting sadness rips him apart so viciously that he can’t handle it so in attempt to make you see his feelings in the best way he can think of, he just grabs your face as firmly as possible while simultaneously holding you so delicately, and shoves his lips against yours, effectively silencing your pleas that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
best friend!chris who tries to leave the second you sit there, stunned and silent as you process what happened, but you’re quick to grab his wrist, turning him back toward you as your free hand wraps around the back of his neck, pulling him into angry and searing kiss while his hands wrap around your hips, pawing at the skin beneath your shirt in a futile effort to ground himself, to make himself believe that everything he’s wanted is actually happening.
best friend!chris who drags you to secluded alleyways and darkened corners every time you go out with friends because the urge to kiss you is bigger than his voice reason telling him to wait until you’re alone. he’s not intentionally hiding the new aspect of your relationship, he just wants it to stay innocent and pure, untainted by opinions of those who know.
best friend!chris who has half a brain when he’s not around you, which isn’t very common. but if you’re not nearby, he’s constantly thinking about you, wondering what you’re doing, what song is inevitably stuck in your head, if you’re thinking about him too, if you need him as bad as he always needs you.
best friend!chris who turns into a puddle of mush the first time you kiss him in front of your friends, not giving a fuck who sees because you just wanted to kiss him, and who stares at you with hearts in his eyes as you pull away before attacking your face with a million little kisses because he’s excited that he doesn’t have to kiss you in secret anymore.
best friend!chris who just about spills his guts and tells you he loves you the first time you two have sex, it’s almost pavlovian the way the words nearly tumble from his lips, he’s always associated sex with the person he loves most, and with that person being you, his rutting against yours so deliciously, it hurdles him closer and closer to saying fuck it and telling you but he holds himself back, he doesn’t want the first time he says those three words while actually meaning it to be tarnished by the feeling of chasing both your high and his, making it seem like he’s only saying it because of the sex.
best friend!chris who is devoted to your pleasure, he’s much more committed to making you finish and feel good than he ever has been with a girl before. he reasoning is that you’re miles and miles more important to him than any of his old flings and one night stands.
best friend!chris who doesn’t let your dynamic change drastically after realizing each other’s feelings, he doesn’t want to lose the elements that made your relationship in the first place, he still sees you as his best friend [ in a sense ] but he just gets to kiss you whenever he wants. you come first to him in every sense and aspect, you’re his main girl and that’ll never change, even when your relationship begins to.
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @gamermattsgf @vanteguccir @sturnioloshacker @mattscoquette @sugrhigh @bratzforchris @teapartyprincess4two @lustfulslxt @patscorner @guccifrog @muwapsturniolo @soursturniolo @solarsturniolo @sturnioloshacker @raysmayhem-72 @meanttomeet @breeloveschris @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @freshloveee @fawnchives @cindylcuwho @thc-bolter @freshloveforthefit @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @sturnifyed @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @hearts4chriss @evie-sturns @hysteria-things @sturniolossss @iliketotalk @bambi-slxt @nickgetsmewetter @inkyray @jnkvivi @cdbabymp3 @certifiedstarrr @certified-chrisgirl @faeriedst
© 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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eiightysixbaby · 2 months
princess leia, and other wishes
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pairing: bestfriend!eddie munson x fem!reader
wishing on a star? i guess it can’t hurt… (1.7k)
cw: mutual pining, eddie calls r an asshole playfully, fluff fluff fluff
a/n: just something short and sweet with our favorite guy 🥹 this really started as something smaller to give me a break from writing my longer oneshots. enjoy!!
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The grass is prickly beneath your fingers, your palm outstretched beyond the edges of the blanket beneath you, pulling absentmindedly at the lush green strands.
Night fell some time ago, the sky a deep inky blue above you with stars that twinkle spectacularly as far as the eye can see.
Eddie lays beside you, hands clasped on his chest as he looks up at the bright flickering dots. You’d come out to this field on a whim, a random suggestion from him to go stargazing. Tucked high on a hill, away from the lights of Hawkins, you feel as though you can see every galaxy.
Occasionally you find yourself stealing glances at him, watching the way his chest rises and falls easily with each breath. If you were braver, you’d roll onto your side and study every inch of his face, radiantly beautiful even in the dark.
You feel his pinky finger graze your side, and you turn your face to his.
“You need to come up with a wish, in case we see a shooting star,” he says, his voice conspiratorial, like he’s telling you about a top-secret operation.
The corner of your mouth twitches in a sort of smile. “D’you believe in that junk?”
He chuckles lightly, shrugging. “Not really, but it’s worth a shot, right?”
“Yeah. Worth a shot,” you reply, feeling your heart thrumming in your chest.
Both of you turn your faces back to the sky, listening to the crickets chirp in the grass around you. Occasionally you hear the faint, dreamlike sound of car horns honking on the roads beyond. Being here with Eddie, in your quiet secluded oasis all alone, only ramps up your suppressed longing for him. Your right hand and his left rest mere centimeters apart from each other on the worn blanket, and you swear your skin vibrates with the desire to touch his.
You allow yourself a moment to wonder if he's feeling the same urge, if it's as hard for him to hold back as it is for you. The weight of your yearning is heavy on your chest, as if you have an anvil sitting on top of you and stealing your breath. You curse yourself for letting it get this bad, this stupid crush on your best friend that never should've started to begin with.
You're broken from your thoughts as one of his hands reaches out to grab your arm, his other hand pointing up at the velvety blue above. Sure enough, a shooting star streaks across the sky; a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment. As you watch it, you're unaware of the fact that Eddie is watching you.
One foolish wish crosses your mind.
"Okay, I honestly didn't think we'd actually see one," Eddie says beside you. His fingers release their grip on your arm, and you find yourself missing the soft squeeze of them. “So, what'd ya wish for?” He waggles his brows expectantly, waiting for your answer.
You swallow hard before forcing yourself into a lighthearted tone. “No way, if I tell you it won't come true.”
He scoffs, rolling onto his side so he's facing you. “What happened to not believing in 'that junk'?” he jokes. “Now you're getting all superstitious on me.”
You match his movement, rolling onto your side as well.
“My wishes are top secret, sorry,” you reply, miming zipping your lips shut.
“No fair! What if I tell you mine?”
“Let me guess, you wished Steve would finally let you steal that Slave Leia cardboard cutout from Family Video?”
He narrows his eyes. “Okay, am I that predictable?”
“Yes,” you say deadpan, trying not to crack a smile. He doesn't reply, just stares at you, like he's committing every inch of your face to his permanent memory. It's too much, and you avert your gaze abruptly from his deep brown eyes. You're suddenly far too close to him, and your heart feels like it might claw out of your chest and find a home in his instead.
You lie on your back once more, your breathing shallow as your heartbeat races.
A finger pokes you in the ribs.
“Will you pleeeeease tell me what you wished for?” Eddie asks, giving you his best pout and puppy eyes.
“What if I didn’t wish for anything?”
“Nice try.”
“Why is it so important to you what I wished for?” you ask, intending to stall as long as you can. You could come up with a lie, some dumb filler wish, but you know Eddie would see right through it.
“Honestly, the fact that you won’t tell me is driving me crazy. So now I need to know or I’ll literally die.”
You huff, reaching a hand out to cover his still-pouting face with an open palm. “You are SO dramatic.”
His tongue licks a flat stripe up your palm, making you recoil with a gasp. You go to swat at him, but he moves quicker than you, pinning your arms down on either side of your head. His knees press into the blanket on either side of you, his body hovering over yours but not quite touching anywhere.
He’s keeping his distance. Your heart aches. You want more than anything to pull him into you, press your lips to his.
“Tell me your wish, you little asshole!” he says, a devious smile playing on his lips.
When you don’t return his playfulness, his teasing, is when his brow furrows. You look too serious beneath him, lost in thought. He moves again to sit beside you, letting go of the hold he had on your wrists.
“Hey, what’s up? If it’s that big of a deal, you don’t have to tell me. Swear, I was just messing around.”
You shake your head, groaning softly as you rub your hands down your face, your skin stretching with the motion. “Eddie, you have no idea.”
“What do you mean?”
Your words barely come out audible the first time, and he can’t hear you over the singing crickets and the slight breeze rustling the leaves.
“I wished for you,” you say again, after he asks you to repeat yourself.
“Me? But I’m— I’m right here. I’m sorry, are you being funny, or?” he trails off, not putting the pieces together in his head.
“Eddie,” you say, sitting up now.
This is a bad idea, you think to yourself. Bad idea bad idea bad idea.
And yet you push yourself to keep talking. To not lose your nerve. To get an answer, finally. Because there’s a smaller voice in your head that’s telling you this is right.
“Can I kiss you?”
His eyes go wide, confusion crossing his features like he’s not sure he heard you right. “Wh- me? Now? You want to kiss me?”
He’s not into it. Retreat. Retreat. Retreat.
“I wished for you,” you say with a shaky inhale. “Because I want you, as more than a friend.” You’re speaking so quietly he has to lean in to hear you.
He doesn’t say anything for a minute, and for once you can’t gauge his expression. You’re ready to tell him to forget it, to get up and haul ass out of this field and back to the van, but then he clears his throat.
“Swear you’re not messing with me,” he says finally. His eyes search your face almost frantically, and your breath catches in your throat.
“I’m not messing with you, Eddie. I mean it.” You aren’t sure how you even manage to say the words. You feel like all of the oxygen has left your lungs.
“Well, shit. Then yeah,” he says, almost bashfully. “Yeah, you can kiss me.”
Your eyes blow wide, blinking at him while you make sure you heard him right.
“I can?”
“Did you think I’d say no? Shit, sweetheart, I would’ve let you kiss me ages ago. O-or I would’ve done it myself, but y’know, I didn’t want to cross a line or anything—”
“Eddie,” you say, a smile breaking out on your face.
“Damn, my wish was so fucking stupid. I mean you’re out here wishing for me, and I really couldn’t see the signs? I’m so sorry—”
“Eddie!” He stops his rambling, eyes wide as they meet yours.
You don’t give him the chance to say anything else, leaning forward into his personal space. You let one hand come up to hold his jaw gently, pressing your lips to his in your final act of bravery.
It’s such a fucking cliche, but you swear there’s fireworks going off the moment you kiss each other. You can see them behind your closed eyelids, vibrant colors bursting before you. His lips are so soft against yours, the way you’d imagined them to be on all of those restless nights spent tossing and turning and yearning in your bed.
When you pull away, you can hear your heartbeat loud in your ears. His eyes are huge and bright, like the galaxies up above shrunk down to fit inside his dark irises. Neither of you know what to say at first, and it’s silent until you both erupt into a fit of giggles. His hands are warm when they take yours, letting his thumbs run over your knuckles.
“Can we please do that again?” he asks, a sweet smirk tugging at one corner of his pretty mouth.
In lieu of a verbal response, you simply lean back into him, kissing him harder this time. Far more sure of yourself. His hands find your waist, holding you so softly. You'd be perfectly content staying in this moment forever, fireflies twinkling in the grass surrounding you as your mouth moves slowly against Eddie's.
There’s no awkwardness, not a single hint of doubt pooling in your gut. His hands feel like they were made to hold you and his lips slot with yours like they were molded to fit together. This time it's him who pulls away, a boyish grin spreading across his face.
“Would you look at that,” he says. “Wishes really do come true.”
“Should we go talk to Steve about yours?” you tease, letting your nose brush against his.
A puff of air leaves his nose, a quiet laugh. "Nah, I'm good with this."
“Me too.”
When he eases you down onto the blanket, his weight on top of yours as he kisses you breathless, you have no complaints. The stars twinkle down at you, and everything is perfect.
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milksnake-tea · 2 months
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━━ star-shaped .
War was never pretty. Death comes for both enemy and ally, and even as a healer, you cannot save everyone. Wearied by the war that seems to drag on for years, with no victory in sight, you join Jiaoqiu at the campfire for a rare moment of peace.
jiaoqiu x gn!reader
contains: based on leaks abt jiaoqiu's character stories !! but honestly its kinda implied in the quest but idk. has death, war, depictions of injuries and diseases, things are rough, can be read as platonic or romantic !!
word count: 1.7k
a/n: i love this man and his potential because goddamn war stories??? in my hsr??? sign me UP. also this was inspired by The Things They Carried by Tim Burton that i was forced to read in highschool. i loved the soldier death scene in that book so YEAH
taglist: @sh0jun , @themoderatelyawesomeninja , @xphantasmagoriax , @rainswept , @lucensei , @akutasoda , @naraven @camellia-rabbit , @scribs-dibs , @apathicace
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The man you killed had two eyes; one was closed, and the other a star-shaped hole.
You wake when the sky is still dark and the sun bathes the other side of the planet. Harsh winds beat unrelentlessly at the tent’s folds, and hail pelts at the sturdy fabric.
Some of your comrades, fellow healers, sleep soundly as they can on the battlefield, while others work tirelessly in the makeshift hospital next tent over, keeping an eye on injured and diseased soldiers’ conditions.
Fire crackles outside. The sound is sharp, yet barely audible over the snow storm.
With a sigh, you pull your sheets off of you and as quietly as possible, make your way outside the tent. You aren’t going to get much sleep anyway - you might as well do something useful.
The man you killed resurfaces in your mind. He had two eyes - one closed, the other a star-shaped hole.
You pull your fur-lined coat closer around you as you step out into the camp. Snow crunches under your boots and you have to hold your hood in place to shield yourself from the hail.
To say that this planet is freezing would be an understatement. Here, the cold chilled you from your bones to your skin, seeping into your veins and leaving icicles in its wake. Frostbite was an everyday occurrence here; you’ve had to amputate more toes and fingers than ever in your life.
A silhouette sits before the fire, their back turned to you. As you get closer, you make out tall, Foxian ears and the same winter coat you’re currently wearing.
“Jiao?” you wrinkle your nose as you near, suddenly slammed with the strong scent of chili. Your comrade acknowledges you with a brief flick of the ears, but nothing more.
You don’t blame him. This war has been a harsh one, with less soldiers returning to camp every time they’re sent out. Unknown territory and harsh weather conditions made the battles long and exhausting, and healers could only do so much.
Not to mention, time passed so quickly yet so slowly here. You don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve been stationed, but it feels like several lifetimes.
Everyone is tired. You can see it in the hollowed cheeks, the eyes that have grown numb to death, and the despondent numbness that has overtaken the camp. They no longer cared who won or who lost. All they wanted was to return home in one piece.
The man you killed had two eyes. One was closed, and the other was a star-shaped hole.
You sit down next to Jiaoqiu on the log. The Foxian makes no move to push you off, only shifting to the side to help make room for you. Hugging your knees to your chest, you stare blankly at the drifting embers that dance in the air.
Jiaoqiu absentmindedly stirs at his soup. It boils in a small pot just above the fire, the thin liquid a red so bright it’d be threatening… if you had the energy to be threatened.
“It’s late,” you say into the crisp silence. “You should get some sleep before the sun rises. You’ll need it for tomorrow.”
Even as the words leave your mouth, you know it’s pointless. In war, sleep is something you have to force your body into. You have to lie down in the tents, look up at the fabric sky and listen to the hustle and bustle outside as soldiers are carried in and out, and close your eyes to the screams as yet another frostbitten knight has their arm cut off. You have to put yourself first, even for that small second, and allow yourself rest while your comrades fight on the front lines.
Sleep is a luxury that no one can afford. It is an escape. It is shameful.
And from the looks of Jiaoqiu’s darkened eye bags and mindless stirring, it’s a sin he won’t be partaking in tonight.
And neither will you.
Your gaze falls to the small bag of spices lying next to Jiaoqiu on the long. You can see peppercorns, cloves, fennel, cinnamon, and… star anise.
You look away.
The man you killed had two eyes. One was closed.
“How are you faring?” Jiaoqiu finally speaks. He doesn’t look at you and keeps his eyes on the flame.
Another gust of wind runs through you.
“As well as anyone else is, I suppose.”
Jiaoqiu swirls the soup with one hand. A bubble bursts and sprays the snow in little sizzling red freckles.
“How about you?” you ask.
The snow has already covered the soup’s spill by the time Jiaoqiu replies.
“As well as one can be,” he mutters. His hands, gloved with thick leather, clench once before relaxing.
A hollow chuckle leaves you. You sigh, kicking your legs out onto the snow and leaning back on the log. You look to the sky, to the cryptically beautiful cosmos. Blues, purples, and reds merge together like watercolor clouds above you, and small, white stars bejewel them.
Stars… Your gaze becomes lidded.
The man you killed had two eyes. One was a star-shaped hole.
“Do you think that man had a family?”
If Jiaoqiu was surprised at all by your question, he didn’t show it.
“Does it matter?” He takes a small taste of his soup. Despite it practically glowing in red, he doesn’t seem satisfied. “He was the enemy, need I remind you.”
You close your eyes briefly. “But I’m a healer.”
“You are.” Jiaoqiu opens his pouch and dumps in the rest of his chili rations - what for, you don’t know nor do you care to know. “You are also a soldier of the Xianzhou Yaoqing military. War always ends up in casualties, you know this. So did the soldier.”
There’s a bitterness in his tone that makes you wonder if he was talking to himself as well as to you. Your eyes soften.
“You did what you could, Jiao,” you offer. You want to put your hand on his shoulder, but you aren’t sure if that is appropriate, given the circumstances. “What happens outside the camp is beyond our control.”
Jiaoqiu sighs. His hand tightens around the ladle.
“Then what’s the point?” he whispers. His brows furrow, and his eyes open - a gem of amber reflecting years worth of grief and hopelessness. “What purpose do I have as a healer if I cannot stop my patients from hurtling towards their deaths?”
He turns to you, searching your face for any sort of answer that could satisfy him, that could reassure him that there was meaning, there was a point, that all of those bandages and surgeries and amputations weren’t for naught.
But you cannot answer him, for it is a question that no healer knows the answer to.
“You gave them another chance at life,” you say softly, unconvincingly. “That’s all that matters.”
“Even if that life is destined to end regardless of what I do?”
Dead eyes meet dull ones.
“What happens outside the camp is beyond our control,” you repeat blankly.
The man you killed had two eyes.
Jiaoqiu searches your gaze once more, before ultimately giving up. The amber of his eyes close, and he returns to the cauldron.
In a feeble attempt to console him, you go against your earlier thoughts and rest a hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. But with the roughness of your gloves and the cold limiting the dexterity of your hands, it isn’t much - but it’s enough.
Jiaoqiu glances at your hand, then back at the cauldron.
“Do you feel bad?”
You blink, a bit caught off guard by the question, but you settle down soon enough.
“No,” you say after a brief pause. “He would’ve killed us if I hadn’t killed him.”
You lean forward, resting your head in your palm as you watch the flames swallow up what little tinder the others managed to collect.
“I’m just glad to be alive.” You don’t sound like you believe it.
Jiaoqiu’s ear flicks. You hear him stand up and scoop some of the soup up into his ladle, and dash out his tongue to taste it. His tail swishes, and his eyes widen momentarily, amber flashing like lightning.
A smile, a weary, tired, but grateful smile, slips onto his lips.
He turns to you, vitality returned, even if it’s just for a moment.
“Try this,” he says, holding the ladle out towards you. 
You eye it warily. The liquid drips down the sides of the ladle and drops down onto the snow below, sizzling the second red touches white. You didn’t think it was possible for the soup to get even redder, but Jiaoqiu somehow did it.
“I won’t die if I eat it, right?” you try to joke. Jiaoqiu huffs, his breath steaming in the air.
“You doubt my cooking capabilities?”
You shake your head. “No, but whatever you have in there doesn’t exactly look… edible.”
And yet you’re already leaning forward to taste his concoction. Jiaoqiu carefully holds the ladle still as you take a sip.
Instantly your senses are flooded with pure, unyielding heat. Fire blazes on your tongue, searing your throat and bringing tears to your eyes. Your stomach burns, and for the first time since you’ve come to this planet, you stop shivering.
It’s painful.
It’s exhilarating.
“It’s delicious,” you praise despite the coughs that wreck your being. “Although… did you have to add so much chili?”
Jiaoqiu hums out a laugh. “But that’s what makes it special.”
You don’t bother denying it. Instead, you laugh alongside him, eyes crinkling with joy instead of pain after years of constant war.
You’ll have to return to the war eventually. The sun is already beginning to rise, and soon the soldiers will be awakened to go out into battle once more. You’ll have to take over for your comrades who had spent the night in the hospital.
But you don’t have to do it just yet.
For now, you just want to enjoy this moment, this second of normalcy and peace in the battlefield.
The man you killed had two eyes.
One was closed.
The other was a star-shaped hole.
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reblogs w comments are appreciated !!
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cloudcountry · 9 months
SUMMARY: to blanc, you are the change he needed, and your pressing secret won't change that.
WARNINGS: mentions of mortality, blood. Vampire stuff.
COMMENTS: ok ok so @vivislosingitagain here is my thought process YOU like biting people and sucking their blood so YOU are a vampire. and HEY GUESS WHAT vampires are IMMORTAL kind of. and im pretty sure blanc is really fucking old so i think mortality angst would work great with him BUT WHAT IF HIS PARTNER WAS AS OLD AS HE WAS AND BIT HIM. that's the post.
also im so sorry if blanc is out of character i have seen this man three times in the routes ive played + the prologue oops.
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It’s a clear night. The stars are bright in the sky, just as they were hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Blanc doesn’t know if they’ll ever change, but he takes comfort in their consistency. They’re stationary, unmoving, unshifting, just like him. He’s always been in Cradle, long enough to see the shattering of bonds between the armies and the first Alice fall. He’s seen the skirmishes and the blood and the carnage.
And he’s seen you, the one who followed him into the rabbit hole and into Cradle.
He remembers thinking you were cute. He remembers Oliver scolding him for speaking his mind, and he remembers you tearing your eyes away from him, a shy smile on your lips. You’ve always been alluring, in a way he never anticipated, and it makes him wonder if someone from the Land of Reason can really be magical like the people of Cradle.
It’s no use though—he knows the passage of time will take you away. He knows love (what he feels for you, there’s no doubt about it) is a powerful force, but it cannot break the way the sun and moon rise and fall, it cannot stop the stars from dying light years away, it cannot stop your inevitable aging.
He knows this, and yet he can’t let go. He greets you in the morning with a soft pat on your head, leaning over your bed as you stretch and yawn. His gaze softens when you rub your eyes and look over at him, and you’re looking at him like he’s the only thing you ever want to see.
He’s so selfish—he wants so badly for you to only look at him.
For someone so keenly aware of how mortal you are, he knows he's being awfully flippant about it. It’s the folly of man, to be so foolish as to yearn, but there’s always the possibility that fate will take pity on his poor soul and listen to its cries for his love to stay.
And so, the next night, a night that should be no different from any other, he breaks his routine. He keeps you up late, chatting over tea as the full moon rises in the sky, asking you if you want to go home. He watches you as you go quiet, your previously bright smile fading into a thoughtful frown. You’re staring into your tea as if it can give you the answer, and Blanc hopes the tea will give you the same answer he would.
I wish you would stay. I wish you would stay with me. I wish you would think I’m worth it. I wish that if I had to be hurt then you would be the one to hurt me because I’ve never loved anyone like you and I doubt I ever will. I wish you would be the one to thrust this dagger into my heart so fate doesn’t have the chance.
“...I want to stay with you.” you say, and Blanc knows you’re hiding something from him but he can’t bring himself to ask when you already look so worried.
“Are you sure?” he asks, reaching across the table to place a hand on yours.
Your head jerks up and you meet his gaze with parted lips—almost like you want to tell him but are far too scared.
“You can tell me anything.” he stresses, squeezing your hand gently.
“I’m not...” you purse your lips, looking away again as you choose your words carefully, “I’m not having doubts about staying here, if that’s what you’re wondering.”
Blanc holds back his sigh of relief in favor of another inquisitive glance. Your brow furrows and he knows you feel his stare, your cute canines poking at your lower lip as you gnaw on it pensively.
“I have a secret I don’t think I’m ready to share yet.” you say softly, turning back to him, “I will someday. I just...need time.”
Blanc laughs, a sound that's full of relief and love and sounds like the wind chimes that hang in your no longer temporary bedroom’s window, the ones that have been there since you came and will be there when—if—you leave.
“Darling.” he breathes, staring straight into your eyes with so much love, “I have all the time in the world.”
The full moon sinks beneath the horizon and the sun comes up again. The teacups from the night before have been cleaned and placed back on their shelves, and the cake you two cut slices out of remains in the fridge. There are still traces of you within the house—your skincare is still in the bathroom, your toothbrush is next to his, and your chair still has a cushion of your favorite color. None of those things have been removed because you didn’t leave.
You’re still in your bedroom, sleeping soundly, but this time Blanc is there with you, his arms wrapped around you. His body is tangled with yours, your legs intertwining as the bed sheets knot themselves around your limbs. Your head is resting right over his heart, the part of him that’s pounding away for you. Gently, he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and stares down at your sleeping face, the face that shows him all of your thoughts and emotions, the face that belongs to the person who loves him enough to stay.
He wakes you up with a kiss on your forehead, a kiss on the bridge of your nose, a kiss on your left eyelid and a kiss on your right, a kiss on your jaw—
He sighs when you start to stir, propping yourself up on your elbows. The bed sheets fall off your body like water cascading down the side of a cliff, and your bleary eyes have never looked more beautiful. He lays there, admiring you in the morning light as the wind chimes chime, the soft breeze from the cracked open window ruffling through your hair.
You shiver.
“Darling,” Blanc calls, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Good morning.”
You smile when you turn to look at him, and you allow yourself to fall back against the mattress next to him.
“Good morning.” you murmur, your nails tracing the curve of his cheekbone before tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, “You look so handsome.”
Ever the charmer, he’s rarely been charmed himself. And so he does the only thing he deems appropriate, and thanks you with a kiss on the back of your hand.
Weeks pass, and Blanc finds himself growing into this new routine. You're a sign of change, that he knows for sure. His own room remains vacant for the most part unless you decide to pull him into his room instead of your own when you’re ready for bed. It makes no difference to him where you go, only that he can follow you like the lovesick fool he is.
Except you’re not leading him to either of your bedrooms tonight.
You’re leading him outside, under the pale moonlight and into the chilly nighttime breeze. He looks up at the full moon and holds your hand a little tighter.
“Thank you for giving me time.” you say, the wind swelling as it passes between the two of you and further into the night, “I’m ready to tell you what I’ve been hiding from you now. It’s...not fair to keep it from you any longer.”
“I understand,” he smiles softly, cupping your cheek, “Go ahead.”
“I’m a vampire.” you say, and it takes his brain a few moments to catch up, “I’ve...found it hard to get blood in Cradle but since meeting with Kyle’s he’s managed to get me blood when I need it. I don’t like drinking from animals or people but it...has to be done for me to stay alive.”
Blanc’s brain is whirring as you spill your guts to him, your mouth moving faster and faster as you explain how despised vampires are in the Land of Reason, how people view them as monsters and how you’re certain you’re cursed.
Cursed. What a funny word to say to him.
“Is that why your canines are so sharp?” he blurts, leaning closer to your face.
You stop talking, bending backward just a bit at his sudden closeness.
“I—I’m sorry, what?” you ask, looking confused.
“Ah, well....I always thought they were cute.” he smiles kindly, brushing his thumb over your cheekbone.
“I...” you blink owlishly before shaking your head in disbelief, “Blanc, I just told you I’m a vampire.”
“Indeed you did.”
Your mouth falls open as if looking for the right words to say, and yet you come up with nothing.
“You can feed from me if you wish. I don’t want you to suffer any longer.” he offers like its the most natural thing in the world.
Still, you say nothing.
And then he murmurs your name, as soft as the flower petals brushing against your ankles.
“I don’t want to use you like that. I don’t want you to be a food source for me.” you grit your teeth, staring at the ground like you couldn’t be more ashamed, “I don’t want to be the monster the Land of Reason made me out to be.”
“You’re not. I give myself to you willingly, and I'll do it over and over again.” Blanc murmurs, hands slipping away from you.
It takes you a moment to realize he’s slowly undoing the buttons on his shirt, leaving his collarbone open to the nighttime breeze and your eyes.
“My love.” he opens his arms for you and his shirt slips off his shoulder, leaving his skin vulnerable—
“I give myself to you.”
And he pulls you into his chest, as he whispers words of love telling you that you can bite him, drink from him, take all that you need and that it will be okay because he’d give you everything if you asked for it, and that you changed his life for the better, you brought springtime’s flowers and winter’s shimmering ice and summer’s warm sunlight and autumn’s delicate, beautiful leaves to a life that was so repetitive and boring until you arrived—a life that belonged to the man you see before you but not anymore because its yours and it will always be yours.
Tears prick your eyes as you kiss his skin, worshiping each freckle and small scar you can reach. Your canines poke insistently at his skin and you ignore the urge for one, two, three, four, five seconds before your mouth opens and you bite down, hoping the small gasp that leaves his lips isn’t one of pain. You’re careful not to take too much but it tastes so good and who knew drinking from the one you loved could make you feel so happy and full.
Blanc looks up at the moon as you feed, happiness and adoration blurring his vision as he thinks about you, you who trusted him enough to bite him, to tell him who you were, you who stayed behind for him even though you could have left.
He stares up at the moon and sighs because he’s in love. He’s in love with you.
And after you’re done, after you pull away and lick the puncture marks to soothe them, after you press a dozen more kisses to his skin, Blanc still loves you. His blood is smeared around your mouth but he pulls you in anyway, kissing you with everything he has because you deserve nothing less than that.
And he loves you.
Over and over again, he loves you.
He doesn’t know how long he’ll be aging or how long you will have by his side, but he knows that if you will forever be his constant, he’ll come out okay in the end.
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yawnderu · 4 months
Lorelei — Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader | Part VI
1 2 3 4 5 6
Synopsis: Aware of the way his lifestyle doesn't align with your dream life and unwilling to quit his life as a soldier, Simon breaks things off with you. It isn't until a year later that he sees you again, a tiny carbon copy of him held in your arms.
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Simon Riley is, like any other man who has been in the military for long enough and seen the horrors of war, a man who struggles. Struggles with feelings, actions, words, nightmares. The constant reminder that his career—the very same thing that made him grow a pair and go from a scared little boy to a proper lad—was what ultimately cut his family’s life short, weighed heavy on his shoulders, holding him down like Atlas holding the sky. 
Despite how much he tried to hide his own feelings from both you and himself, that icy gaze that seemed to be focused on nothing for hours and the lingering silence, along with the tired smiles he forced himself to give you no matter how awful his nightmares were the night before made it clear things were only getting worse.
Whatever was out there was oftentimes merciful enough to give him good dreams every once in a while, his psyche drowned in a sea of what the future could have been. A future with his family, a future with you. No matter how difficult things got in the black, buzzing mess that was his head, he saw his daughter and you like a beacon, a Star of Bethlehem during those dark, cold nights. 
The sound of stirring bed sheets is what originally wakes you up, the smell of tobacco and gunpowder that always linger on Simon’s body overwhelms your senses the longer you’re awake, slowly coming back to your senses. A groan, and more shifting from your left. 
“Simon.” Your voice is soft and even, hands feeling around the bed sheets until you find his shaking body. In the past, Simon used to sleep on the couch, refusing to go back to his apartment just so he could spend more time with you and your daughter, yet after Johnny’s death, the pain and trauma was always clear in his eyes, ending up with you offering to let him sleep in the same bed. 
Simon’s body feels extremely warm, a thin layer of sweat covering his burly frame, seeping through his clothes and into your fingers as you shake him harder, the room dimly lit with the bright moonlight peering from the window. You can see his features scrunching up, his hands balled into fists, the veins in his neck and forehead becoming more prominent as he relives what is likely yet another traumatic moment in his life. 
“Simon.” You repeat with more urgency this time, your body shifting closer to his in order to shake him firmly, watching as his eyes flew open, dilated pupils looking around the room before meeting your gaze, a mask of deception quickly taking over his visage as you see him force himself to appear more relaxed despite the fast-drumming of his pulse you can still feel beneath your fingers, his chest rising and falling, nostrils flaring as he forces himself to take a deep breath.
“Did I wake you up?” Despite how awful his nightmares were, Simon’s priority was always you. His kindness isn’t just fake sympathy, it’s the real thing. 
“No, I was reading something.” A little white lie that at the very least eased his concerns. Your hand squeezes the tense mass of muscle on his shoulder with such gentleness that he wasn’t used to, not after a year of being alone after breaking up with you. 
The corners of his lips tug up into a tight-lipped, tired smile, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he swallows thickly, trying to hold it together for your sake. His eyes examine yours for any hints of disgust, any hints that you may have seen just how disgusting he could be during those nightmares, his mind still fragmented thanks to Roba’s torture, never seeming to heal no matter how many years go by. 
Your fingers work overtime on trying to ease the knots formed on his muscles from the strain it takes to hold it together when you’re looking at him with so much trust and concern, not an ounce of disgust in you despite how ashamed he feels. His eyes momentarily drift away from you, focusing on the baby monitor, the tiny screen displaying your sleeping daughter, the living image of innocence, serving as a soothing balm for his broken soul. 
“Bad dream?” How lucky he is, that even crushed under the weight of looming grief and enough trauma to last him several lifetimes, he has someone to care about him, to care for him. His exhausted eyes leave the baby monitor, staring up at the ceiling as he finally allows himself the chance to take in your tender touch, the genuine kindness showing through your soft massage and concern, no matter how much of a bastard he was for leaving you. 
“Yeah.” You know better than to press him about it, too familiar with him to know if he wants to talk about his issues, he will. You lean closer to him, your head now resting on his pillow and your arm draped over his stomach, your body moving on nothing but pure muscle memory from four years of dating him. 
From this short distance, you’re able to admire the man that Simon Riley truly is. His short brown hair, the thin, pale scars adorning his visage, and the wrinkles that are starting to become more prominent as he ages, war and stress making him appear older than he actually is, yet looking as handsome as ever. His rough, calloused hand goes up to hold yours, fingers intertwining with the same muscle memory your body performed. 
It has been months since Simon came back into your life, the knowledge of the fact that he now has a daughter always made him stick around, not wanting to miss a single moment from the tiny bundle of joy that seems to adore him, a brave little girl who was as spunky as her mother, and as stubborn as her father. 
“‘Bout Roba, again.” He finally admits after seconds of silence. Manuel Roba, a name you’re unfortunately familiar with. The same man who tortured Simon and his mates for months on end, allowing him to escape and to feel a sense of false security, giving him the chance to have a proper family for once with his father out of the picture, just to rip everything that held him together from his hands. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” His head shakes, signaling a no. The pads of your fingers run over his bruised knuckles in a calming fashion, tracing tiny, random patterns before his free arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his chest now that he’s laying on his side. There’s hesitation in his actions, yet his soul is filled with relief the moment you let go of his hand, just to circle his waist with one of your arms. 
“‘M sorry.” He’s not even sure what he’s apologizing for. There’s way too many things he needs to atone for, and he will be as patient as they come. 
“I’m sorry for leavin’. I was scared, didn’t want to mess you up.” He knows his absence did the opposite, and the idea of you giving birth without him present always shattered his soul. If only he had known about your pregnancy, he wouldn’t have broken up with you, never would have left. 
His chapped lips plant a comforting lip on your forehead, his warm hands running up and down your back, looking to soothe you as he can hear your breath hitch, salty tears already rimming your eyes. Your face is buried against his chest, lightly feeling his fast-beating heart as he holds you even closer, his eyes fluttering shut at finally having you in his arms again. 
“I missed you.” The shakiness in your voice breaks his heart even further, his soul being ripped apart by his own selfish, awful decisions. 
“I missed you too, sweet girl.” He manages to whisper out despite the way he’s getting choked up, his arms circling your form even more when your shoulders begin to shake. Warm, salty tears bleed through his clothes as he holds you as close as possible, squeezing your frame even tighter before he’s back to rubbing your back up and down, looking into spreading the warmth emanating from his large frame. 
“So fuckin’ much.” Another gentle kiss is planted on your forehead, holding you for as long as you need— for as long as he needs, too. You both lose track of time, simply caressing and giving each other much needed comfort, bringing you back to the ways you comforted each other back when you were dating after an awful day, all the crying and warmth coming from his body eventually exhausting you, idly playing with the fabric of his black shirt. 
“Can I…” There’s clear doubt in his words, and despite the fact that his exhaustion matches yours, there’s one last thing he wants to do. You lift your head, brown eyes meeting your gaze. You could drown in those eyes— in the way they always seem so loving and kind, so gentle despite how brutal you know he can be as a soldier… and yet that’s Ghost, not Simon, you remind yourself. 
His hand comes up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear, ultimately pushing himself to cup your cheek, his thumb lightly rubbing your soft, warm skin, still moistened by tears. You get the message almost instantly, yet admiring Simon when he looks so unsure of himself steals your attention for once. 
A small nod of affirmation meets his words, and Simon doesn’t waste any time, leaning down until his forehead rests against yours for a few seconds before his lips meet yours in a soft, tender kiss, the hand on your cheek caressing your skin gently, his eyes fluttering shut.
taglist: @skulfan1 @survivalshxt @ghostslittlegf@yaebaal @thecubanator2 @juliediets @shescabob @kenz-ee @lothiriel9 @dragonstoneshortcake @lunamoonbby @alfie2401 @perfectus-in-morte @mxtokko @cloufie @killergoddess97 @imaracoon @thepurpleaccount @silas-222 @actuallyhiswife @havoc973 @catkatchuck @preeyansha @oreo-cream @vihckg @i-feel-violated @yourdaydreamerfan @kazumiyax @1dead-bunny1 @mcntsee @kodiackwrites @boredfrenchbread @ssc7514 @flameohotpotatooo @aylitgirl @darkangel4121 @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog
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lullxby · 9 months
:・゚✧:・゚ RAY OF SUNSHINE (p.j.)
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summary : in which percy jackson feels attached, in some way, to a girl he just met.
w.c. : about 1k
a/n : part 2! thank you for all the support on the firsg part, there will be more to follow!
this is also on my wattpad: poet1cmystery
warning(s) : none!
| riordanverse masterlist | navigation | part 1 |
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percy awoke near midnight, having slept for almost seven hours. he had been woken up by a nightmare, just like usual. The stars hanging in the sky painted a serene picture for him as he stared out through the small infirmary window, the view calming him quickly. for once, the camp around him was quiet. no bustling demigods, no chattering kids. just quiet. 
the son of poseidon sat up, looking around more. he was never in here for as long of a time as he had been currently. he never noticed how old the withering wood was, its brown shade falling to a reddish-beige. they were surrounded by magic but still couldn't repair the infirmary. huh. he could definitely see the imprints the apollo children had made, even just in the small room he was in. there was an overall sense of brightness, despite the late hour it was. it felt welcoming, in a way. 
he debated on going back to his cabin now or staying here until morning. the harpies would be out, so that definitely wouldn't be preferable. still, could he really stay for this long? y/n had told him to stay until he felt better...
so, he stayed, in hopes of seeing her again. he was still curious about the connection he felt to her. curious about why her eyes felt so familiar. he tried to rack his brain for answer, yet nothing came to mind. there was a faint image of those eyes on a little girl, their e/c being illuminated by a ray of sunshine. but that was where the memory faded. nothing around the young girl seemed familiar, none of the scenery. he couldn’t even tell if the memory was indoors.
percy noticed the lack of movement, even inside of the infirmary. apollo kids had to sleep too. the only sound he heard was the low chirping of crickets, occasionally seeing one of their tiny bodies hopping by, being illuminated by the fading moonlight.
the lack of light was seamlessly replaced by an orange hue, accompanying the rising sun in the distance. it must’ve been closer to morning than what he had thought. well, that just meant he got to see this mysterious girl sooner.
the stars faded slowly, as if running from the intruding daylight.
y/n walked into the infirmary, smiles and all, the view causing a small grin to even grow to his own face. the optimistic attitude she often boar wasn’t new, but still found a way to draw him in.
“oh!” she looked surprised to see him, was that bad? should he have left when we woke up? the wide smile said otherwise, but he was beginning to think it was permanent, regardless of the situation. his mind raced, and he didn’t know why. it wasn’t like this with anyone else that’d help him. why her?
“i didn’t realize you were still here. are you feeling better at least?” she questioned, concern lacing her features.
“uh, yeah,” he swallowed, trying to get the ugly taste out of his mouth, “ ‘m feeling a lot better. thank you.”
“it’s what i’m here for,” she replied cheerily, spinning on her heel and moving away from the open doorway.
 he gave it a few minutes, then slowly sat up. as the blanket fell from his shoulders, a sudden wave of cool air reminded him of the shirt he wasn’t wearing.  his eyes roamed the enclosed area, searching for the familiar orange fabric of his camp-tee. then, he saw it hanging on a plastic hanger, seemingly clean. he took slightly shaky steps towards it, eventually shrugging it over his shoulders, letting it fall past his arms. 
he walked out of the room he was in, slightly zoned out. unfortunately for him, he bumped into the girl he had been trying to figure out.
“ah, shit, sorry y/n,” he said quickly, gently reaching to grab her arm to steady her.
she didn’t seem bothered. “it’s alright, are you going?”
he nodded, releasing his grip from her arm. “i’ll see you around?” he asked, hoping the answer was yes. maybe then he could figure out where he knew her from.
“of course, percy.”
her words made him smile, even if she just meant them half-heartedly. (she definitely did, he could tell.) he stepped out into the now fully-risen sun, its rays beating down on him despite the chill held by the autumn air.
immediately, he was greeted by his short, fast-talking friend. the one and only, leo valdez.
“where have you been?” the boy exclaimed, his head tilting slightly upwards to meet percy’s eyes.
“dude, it’s been like a day,” percy said flatly.
almost on instinct, percy checked his pockets for his trusted pen. no matter how long he had had it, he still wasn’t used to the fact he couldn’t lose it. just like he suspected, it was safely sitting in the back pocket of his jeans.
percy’s gaze wondered back towards the infirmary one last time, before quickly flicking back to leo, trying to listen to what the boy was discussing as they walked further and further away.
he noticed leo looking at him expectantly, and just nodded his head, seemingly agreeing to what had just been said. “yeah, of course.”
“you weren’t listening, were you?” leo groans.
“not at all,” the boy admitted, not wanting to lie to one of his closest friends.
“tell me again?” he offered, smirking sheepishly down at leo, who rolled his eyes. still, the boy repeated what he had said, this time earning a real response from percy.
the two boys conversed, occasionally shoving each other around as they walked over the dirt pathways winding between the camp cabins. eventually, they heard a horn blow, signaling breakfast.
arriving at the pavilion, percy noticed y/n walking towards a table seating annabeth chase, piper mclean, and luke castellan. wait.
luke castellan?
why was she sitting with luke castellan? 
why did percy care? 
he didn’t. right?
no, of course he didn’t. why would he?
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taglist : @iamforeverandalwaystired, lmk if you wanna be added!
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cheonstapes · 1 year
^^ Hello, how are you. Idk if this is the right place to send a request since I’m new to tumblr lol. I would like to make a request though it may seem a little weird. May I request Miguel O’Hara/Fem Spider-barbie reader. Reader’s outgoing and cheerful she has the aesthetic of a Barbie and gets along with other spiders, she’s not actual barbie doll btw lol. Miguel could be yelling and giving other spiders a hard time but whenever Spider Barbie’s around he’s the complete opposite. Spider barbie always helps calm him down whenever he loses his temper. Maybe one day he’s stressed and angry over a mission so spider barbie decides to calm him down with a back massage. Could also lead to some smut, only if you’re okay with writing that. No pressure. Thanks! ^^
miguel o'hara stars in... 'HI BARBIE! HI KEN!' ヽ(>∀<☆)
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a/n ~ first request!!1!! i'm doing great, thank you so much. this isn’t weird at all- i spent all day writing this, it's so cute!! i had margot robbie's cowgirl fit in mind for reader when i was writing this, she's so beautiful omg, i think it suits spider-barbie's vibe really well💕 went a bit heavy with the smut but miguel's hot so it's valid- enjoy my love!
summary; miguel gets some stress relief from his favourite barbie girl.
pairing; miguel o’hara x fem!spider-barbie!reader
wc; 2.3k +
cw; SMUT!!, pining, oral sex, dry humping, facial, throat/face-fuckin, soft?dom!miguel, sub!reader, he's a lil mean but he loves you, praise kink, worshiping, hair pulling, miguel shouts at some people, f!masturbation, squirtinnn, miguel being sexy, NOT PROOFREAD!! i have a headache
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“and you didn’t think to fucking report it to me?” miguel was seething, talons digging stripes into his desk as he glared down at the poor recruits below him. yes, they were new, but they fucked up an important mission- he wasn’t about to go easy on them. 
“por el amor de dios, do you three have any idea how serious this is? you could’ve-“  the spiders looked at each other, eyes of their masks comically wide as the drown out miguel’s rants to try and come up with some sort of excuse to justify the failed mission. “-and don’t even think about coming up with some bullshit excuse.” 
they froze, shaking their heads and hands rapidly as they nervously stuttered out, ‘no, of course not’, and, ‘we would never, boss’- miguel’s disapproving gaze boring holes into their masks, he jumps off the platform and stalks up to them. menacingly looming over them as his eyes flash red, lips pulled up in a snarl as his sharp fangs poke out under his top lip.
“don’t let this happen again, cause i swear i’ll-”suddenly, the doors of his lab slide open, a cheery voice ringing through the spacious room as all eyes flit towards the pink figure strutting in. the recruits blush under their masks, hearts beating rapidly at the sight of the sparkly spider- known across the spiderverse as the most perfect spider, spider barbie. 
“miguel? i brought you some lunch! oh- hi guys! sorry i didn’t mean to interrupt, i’m y/n, by the way.” you flash them a bright smile, glossy, plump lips glistening under the lights as you hold up the bag of food- the spiders wave frantically, greeting you with unmatched enthusiasm. miguel’s breath hitches at the sight of you, masking it with a roll of his eyes as he looks down at you- eyes softer compared to the harshness they had when looking at the recruits.
“it’s fine, y/n, we were done here anyway.” that was their cue to leave, the newbies scrambling to get out of the room, feeling the tension rising, but not without sending you shy smiles and whispered goodbyes you reciprocate with angelic kindness. miguel watches you intently, eyes locked on your every move. his eyes trail down the hot pink set you wore, the fat of your tits spilling out the tight top, curvy hips accentuated by the tightness of your flares - fuck, you are perfect.
he lets out a heavy sigh, his bulking frame towering over you as he takes the bag gently from your pretty hands, making sure to brush over them slightly. “what’d you get me this time, hm? empanadas again?” he has a crooked smirk on his lips as he opens the bag, his eyes still trained on you as you sit on the counter, the prettiest smile on your face. “actually, i got you some sushi this time. thought i should surprise you a little.” 
he allows himself to smile, the tension in his face easing in your presence. “yeah? how’d y’know i’d like sushi? you keeping tabs on me?” you giggle, stealing a piece of sushi from the platter. “wouldn’t you like to know. i asked lyla, actually, she’s very helpful.” his eyebrow raises, glancing over at the glowing hologram who appears to be lounging by the monitors, a small smile on her face hidden by a small magazine. 
“right, guess i’m gonna have to install a ‘keep your fuckin’ mouth shut’ feature now.” he mutters, secretly enjoying the thought of you knowing things about him he wouldn’t dare to tell anyone if they asked, relishing in the thread of connection you two share. you stand, moving around him to stand behind him, stretching up to grip his shoulders. 
“you ok, miguel? you seemed upset earlier.” you whisper in his ear, hands running down his arms innocently. he doesn’t think so though, the soft touch of your hands compared to his firm muscles igniting a tingling feeling in his belly - a soft groan leaving his parted lips as he leans into your touch. “‘m fine, the new recruits just pissed me off. nothin’ f’r you to worry ‘bout, pretty.” you smile slightly as he lets the pet name slip out, your hands running more sensually around his upper body, dipping into the crevices and curves of his chiseled body. 
“let me at least help you feel better, mig, your shoulders are tense as fuck.” you smirk playfully, leaning round his body to peer up at his face, eyes widening as you take him in. his eyes were slightly hooded, wetted lips open in pleasure, a faint tinge of red on his face. he looks down at you, panting softly as he sucks in a deep breath, nodding silently as he allows you to lead him wherever.
gently grasping his hand in yours, you lead him towards his large chair, sitting him down as you slide yourself in his lap. miguel’s head races with all sorts of thoughts, the tell tale sign of his arousal pressing against the crotch of your sparkling pants, his hands subtly moving you down to ease the ache in his lap. your lips pull into a empathetic pout, hands moving gracefully along the taut muscles of his shoulder blades, moving down to the ridges of his abs.
“how’s this feel? am i doing good?” the sweet tone in which you speak has him biting back a growl, his cock throbbing as he moves subtly against the plush folds of your cunt through the fabric. “ ‘s great, your- shit- your hands feel amazing, love. jus’…keep doing that, yeah?” you nod, biting your lip softly as you keep up your soft caresses. his head falls back against the chair, eyes closed in bliss- he looks so unbelievably handsome, sculpted jawline, high cheekbones, he’s just so mmh. 
you couldn’t help yourself, not when he was practically offering you a taste of him. his thick neck, littered with veins of various sizes, laid bare for you. you slowly moved in, small breaths warming the skin of his neck, heart pumping and hands trembling slightly. your glossy lips press light kisses on the flesh, shiny, pink, marks left behind. one hand moves up to rest on his chest as you feel a surge of boldness rush through you, leaning in once again to suckle on his skin. 
his eyes flit open, gazing down at you as you mark his neck with deep red and purple bruises, his hand lazily running up your spine as he grinds into you just a little harder. “hm? what happened to givin’ me a massage?” he flashes you a sexy grin, tilting his head at your ministrations- not that he minds of course.  you don’t respond, only small moans and whimpers leaving your lips as you continue to suck on his skin. his hand moves down to your chin, lifting your flushed face to meet his. “thought you were supposed to be makin’ me feel better? i can feel that pretty pussy soaking through y’r jeans, love. this turnin’ you on?” 
you nod, your beautiful face betraying your need for him. he lets out a deep chuckle, hands caressing your hips as he moves you to grind against him, the thin fabrics of both of your clothes letting you feel the engorged tip of his cock brushing against your clit. he breathes out a stuttered moan, gritting his teeth as he stares into your eyes, how could someone be so fuckin’ perfect? you had to have been made to torture him, to make his heart race and cock hard to every time he’s around you- hell, every time he thinks about you.
“miguel…” your whining snaps him out of his thoughts, his focus immediately zeroes back onto you. he pulls you closer, resting you against his bulky chest. “yeah? what’s up, baby? what d’you want?” his thumbs caress your nipples through the fabric of your top, the rough pads of his fingers making your pussy clench tightly, slick coating your puffy folds. you look up at him, hands pulling at the thin fabric of his suit. “i still wanna make you feel better…can-can i suck you off, please?” 
has he died? has miguel died and gone to heaven? or was this some kind of fucked up hell, there was no way he was hearing correctly. you, the sweet, innocent, barbie-esque, spider he’s been silently pining over for months now is asking him, so cutely, to suck his cock. he doesn’t think he’s been as eager to say yes to anything as he was now. he clicks a button on his wrist, his suit glitching away at his crotch. his cock is so pretty. a trail of dark hair leading down his navel, the tip a deep red, the rest tanned, throbbing veins wrapping around his length. it was fat, and shit, it was long too- pre dripping down the side of it as it, twitching the longer you stared at it.
your mouth waters, tongue darting out to lick your lips. your nimble hands wrap around his cock, a small gasp rings out in the room as your thumb runs along his tip, collecting the wetness and rubbing it around the tip. his fangs dig into his lips, speckles of blood pooling underneath the sharp tip. he sinks deeper into the chair, his suit dissipating more to reveal his thick thighs, a large hand coming to rest against one, the other caressing your cheek softly. “gonna wrap those pretty lips around me, baby? ‘m so hard, need you to make me feel better.” he didn’t expect to hear how needy he sounded, but he wasn’t embarrassed, he’s finally got you- and he wants you to know how badly he needs you.
he guides your head towards his aching cock, a hand moving to grip your hair tightly. he angles his length towards your shimmering lips, rubbing the tip all over, smearing his pre-cum along your gloss. a low, rumbling hum reverberates through his chest, quiet curses leaving his lips. he finally forces the fat head of his cock through your lips, simultaneously pushing your head down along the length of his cock. the sounds of you gagging fills his chest with a sense of pride, forcing you to take all of his thickness. it was so, so messy. saliva and creamy strips of cum dripped down the side of his cock, wetting your lips and pooling on top of his balls. he smiles at the sight, head lolling to the side, resting against a hard shoulder. 
“my pretty girl, can’t believe ‘m finally havin’ you like this. i- mm i would worship you, if you’d let me. you’re so fuckin’ beautiful, baby, a walkin’ goddess. and your lips, fuck, those perfect lips.” his mind is all scrambled, the feeling of you sucking the soul out of him rendering him a blubbering mess, resulting in him pouring his heart out to you. smiling around his cock, you look up him, those sexy eyes of yours gazing into his- a silent reciprocation of his affection towards you. at that, your lips suction around him faster, tighter, coaxing him into filling your mouth with his load.
his breathing deepens, sweaty chest heaving. at this point, his suit is gone. he doesn’t bother hold back his moans, deep growls and grunts that make curious spiders stop and listen in as they pass his lab, opting to not investigate what the big boss is up to further. but you, you’re a fuckin’ sight between his legs. mascara running down your hot cheeks, gloss, spit, and cum on your chin, running down your neck and between your cleavage. he didn’t think you could get even more beautiful, but here you were. 
“i’m ‘bout to cum, yeah? gonna fill that perfect mouth of y’rs with my all my cum, ‘n you’re gonna swallow it like the good girl i know you are, ok baby?” his hips buck frantically into your salacious mouth, holding the back of your neck tightly to keep you anchored at the base of his cock, the tip of his cock bumping against the back of your throat. his actions betrayed his sweet words, hands gently running over your face, wiping away stray tears as his cock abuses your poor throat. he catches a glimpse of you sliding a hand down the front of your pants, pushing aside your panties to rub against your sticky clit.
‘so cute’. he smiles, revelling in your soft whimpers and your shaky thighs- the squelch of the three fingers you plunged into you almost drowning out the slick gluck! gluck! gluck! of your throat. “fuck, baby, i can hear her from here. she’s so wet just from suckin’ me off, isn’t she?” your fingers speed up, his voice a sexy, deep drawl- lips quirked back up in a smirk, but it was short lived as he felt his balls tighten, orgasm threatening to take over him.
his leg bounces, your mouth was just so wet, so fuckin’ hot- he couldn’t take it anymore. he’s waited so long to feel you around him, to see you take him so beautifully. his body tenses, a low growl of your name leaving his plump lips. his cum spurts out in steady streams, your cheeks puffing out from the sheer amount he unloads into your mouth. it drips out the side of your lips, you struggle to hold it all in, letting it drip down your neck. 
you choke on the liquid in your mouth, your orgasm squirting out onto the cold floor of his lab. he laughs breathlessly, he was so whipped for you. watching his pretty, little, angel cum so perfectly for him. his cock lets out a few more spurts on your cheeks, twitching again when you struggle to swallow his load down. he wipes away the cum on your cheeks, dipping his thumb back into your mouth to let you lick the remnants off. he smiles softly, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you back onto his lap, running hands up and down your back lovingly.
“s-so, d’you feel better now?”
“mm, think there’s just one more thing i need. spread your legs f’r me, baby.”
*por el amor de dios - for the love of god
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-gonna take a cold shower now
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cherrycolored-punk · 11 days
new sensations II.
pairings: e.m x fem!reader
author’s note: surprise! did we catch the way Eddie took care of reader in the first half because it definitely still haunts her. Please like/comment/reblog if you enjoyed it 🖤
warnings: cheating (reader w/ Eddie, whoops), oral (Eddie and reader receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v, creampie, slight dom!Eddie, choking, ass slapping. Let me know if I forgot anything!
you can read part one here.
Rain pours outside, the stars dotting the night sky covered by dark gray clouds that swirl across its expanse.
Your mind is as clouded as the sky, consumed with thoughts of a certain brunette.
You’re in bed now, the sage green curtains in your room drawn closed, and the lights dimmed low. A cinnamon-apple candle is lit, sending hues of orange and red around the small space as the flame glimmers against the glass. The rich scent wafts through the air.
You can’t get Eddie out of your head, haven’t been able to since that night nearly two weeks ago.
The feel of his lips, the way his hips pushed into yours.
There were many nights you’d spent alone with your legs spread and your fingers working you over the edge, but not nearly as good as he did. You can still picture his face when you sank down onto his cock, wide brown eyes, and a slack jaw. A pretty sight, one that made you clench around his shaft, and god, you needed to feel him again.
But there was Steve…your boyfriend. The one who had encouraged you to sleep with the curly-haired metalhead as he watched. The one who doesn’t know that you can’t stop thinking about the boy he thought of as a freak.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you drag a finger down your chest and over your cleavage, thinking of Eddie’s kiss.
Imagining his touch.
Your hand trails lower, over the soft flesh of your stomach, and to the edge of your panties. Goosebumps rise along your flesh, anticipation growing and electric. Your fingers dip under the elastic and over your mound, middle finger grazing your clit and eliciting a gasp from your parted lips.
You throw your head back against the pillow, imagining Eddie’s warm breath against your wet folds. Teasing and taking his time. Kissing and nibbling your thighs, watching you from over his bright brown eyes.
His soft auburn curls would tickle your thigh, adding to the anticipation, and you’d watch him with a hooded gaze. Needy and desperate.
He’d swipe his tongue, flat and fat over your center, groaning when he tastes your arousal. Burying his face deeper so his nose presses into your bundle of nerves.
A deft hand rubs circles against your bundle of nerves, dainty fingers that don’t feel as good as his long, calloused ones.
You continue to try, toes curling as pleasure courses through you, but never a release. Your head falls back against the pillow, and you let out a frustrated sigh.
A desperate need thrums through your veins, felt in the throb of your aching cunt whenever images of Eddie flash across your mind.
You reach for your phone, scroll to the messenger app, and type Eddie’s name, creating a new message. The first one you’d ever sent him.
Uncertainty creeps into your chest. What do you even say?
Slowly, your thumbs move across the screen, and you hit send before you can second guess what you’ve typed.
You: got anything for sale?
You read it back, cringing at your words, but in an instant, he’s responded.
Eddie: what are you looking for?
A mischievous grin pulls against your lips.
You: whatever you’ve got, can you drop it off?
Eddie: yeah, I can be there in twenty.
You: 333 S Fairfield Ave. Let me know when you’re outside.
And maybe it was a little presumptuous of you to assume Eddie would even want you in that way, but fuck, you hoped he did. You hoped he’d thought of you too. With his hands wrapped around his shaft, picturing the faces you made and the sounds you created as he rutted into you.
You hopped off your bed and took in your appearance, straightening your white camisole and the blue checkered boxer shorts you wore. The ones that barely covered your ass.
Quickly you fix your hair, and was lip gloss too much? Too obvious? 
You shrug your shoulder and apply it anyway, rubbing your lips together so that the cherry gloss is coated evenly.
It feels like your heart is going to beat out of your chest as you wait for Eddie’s text and the sudden ding of your phone sends a thrill through you. Earlier than expected.
Eddie: outside.
A wave of excitement washes over you, one that’s hard to contain as you push your feet into your slides and lock the door behind you.
Eddie waits inside his van, thumbs thrumming against the steering wheel on tempo with a Metallica song he was learning on his guitar. He’s bobbing his head, glancing around your neighborhood; a part of town he didn’t often venture to. The apartment building you live in was renovated from an old bank, a three story brown brick building that’s a little weathered with age. Cars are parked along the curb but the street is empty and quiet.
He sees you out of the corner of his eye as you and approach, he can’t help but turn his head when he notices the length of your legs or the sway of your hips. He swallows the need that climbs his throat, a sly smile slotting into place as you open the door.
“Hi,” you whisper softly as you slide into the passenger seat of Eddie’s van. It smells just like him; tobacco, weed, bergamot and leather. A scent that makes you hum appreciatively as you get comfortable, finally turning to him.
His gaze is already on you, appreciating the skin that’s exposed to him. Eyes roaming over your thighs and the tops of your breasts. Images of that night flashing in his mind but he shakes his head.
This was business.
“I’ve got a little bit of weed, some special k if you’re into that, and pretty sure I have some bars but I wouldn’t recommend that. Pick your poison,” his eyebrow arches as he waits for your response and you can’t help but chuckle at him.
“So serious,” you tease, voice dropping low with a shake of your head.
Eddie rolls his eyes, a crooked grin pushing a dimple into his cheek. He can’t help but find you cute despite his best efforts.
“What if I want,” you pause, “something else?”
Your words are loaded, full of innuendo that’s lost on Eddie.
“I mean, I could try to get it for you. Just depends on what it is, sweetheart.” He shrugs his shoulder, his gaze still holding yours.
“I’m sure you can,” you chuckle and run your hands over your thighs nervously. What do you even say?
The movement catches Eddie’s attention, his gaze drifting back to your exposed skin and you catch a glimmer of want in his cinnamon eyes.
“About that night,” you start and Eddie’s gaze meets yours.
“Yeah,” he begins at the same time. He was sure you regretted it, positive that you wished that you hadn’t agreed to him joining you and Steve.
The dejection settles into his gut as he waits for the words to spill from your lips.
“I can’t stop thinking about it,” you say, fingers playing with the them of your shorts.
His head darts up, he wasn’t expecting that.
“What?” His voice is incredulous, and he was sure he imagined it.
You turn your body towards him and reach for his hand, playing with the rings that adorn each finger.
“I said, I can’t stop thinking about it…about you.”
There’s no mistaking the words or the desire written in your gaze and Eddie swallows hard.
“Is that why you messaged me?” His voice is a little cocky as he leans closer, his warm breath fanning across your skin eliciting goosebumps along your arms.
You nod, eyes darting to the swell of his lips. Desperate to taste him.
“Say it,” he demands, the previous uncertainty all but evaporated as he watches you squirm.
Your eyes dart back to his and you swallow hard.
“Yes,” your voice is smaller than before, the desire restricting your breathing as you think of all the ways you need him.
He groans at the way you’re looking at him, a little needy. A little pathetic.
Eddie puts the car in drive and steps on the gas, pulling away from your apartment without another word.
You don’t question him as he hurries through the streets, the tree line becoming more dense as he searches for a spot that’s private. Away from prying eyes.
An electric silence fills the van, a palpable need buzzing between the two of you. The minutes drag on as he searches for a spot and finally pulls into a clearing surrounded by trees that overlook the lake.
“Lover’s Lake?” You tease him, trying to bring levity to calm your racing heart.
“Get in the back,” he tells you, smoothing his hands over his jeans.
Your cunt clenches at his words, the way his voice sounds as he tells you what to do.
Without another word, you kick off your shoes and climb into the backseat. Eddie watches you from the rearview mirror, the way your shorts ride up and reveal the swell of your ass.
You lean back on your hands and meet his gaze in the mirror, waiting for him to join you.
“Take off your clothes,” he instructs with a hard voice, still watching you.
You slowly pushing down the straps of your tank-top. Pulling the fabric over your head, the heavy weight of your tits bouncing free and you don’t miss the way Eddie’s gaze widens as he looks at you. His eyes hooded over as they trace over the swell of your breasts.
A teasing smile pulls at your lips, as you trace your fingers down your abdomen and to the tops of your shorts. Watching him, watching you as your fingers push them off your hips along with your panties until you’re bare in front of him.
A groan escapes Eddie’s lips at the sight of your glistening pussy highlighted by the glow of the full moon.
He turns in his seat, eyes trained between your legs as you drag your finger over your center and shudder.
“Are you going to make me beg?” You question with a lift of your brow, creating circles along your clit and Eddie swallows hard. A playful glint in his gaze.
You sigh as the pleasure builds, and cup your breast with one hand. Squeezing the pebbled flesh between your fingers until your nipple is taut.
Eddie climbs into the backseat, and you crawl back on your hands to make room. His body hovers you, his warmth felt against every inch and a shudder ones through your spine.
His nose traces along your jaw, warm breath fanning against your neck and your breath stills. Anticipating the feel of his lips.
“Beg,” his voice is gruff, his lips a whisper over your skin, “like a good little slut.”
A low whine escapes your lips at the sound of his voice, at his choice of words and you keep rubbing circles against your sensitive bud.
“Please, Eddie,” you keen and his hands wrap around your wrist, stopping your movements.
“Please, what?” He asks, a little cocky but his pupils are blown.
“Fuck me,” and the words come out strangled by your growing need.
Eddie’s fingers replace yours, callused fingers rubbing against your sensitive clit.
“So fucking wet for me already,” he groans, watching as you buck against his hand. Chasing the mounting orgasm.
“Oh-“ you moan, holding his wrist against you but Eddie isn’t ready to let you come yet.
His hand withdraws from you abruptly, long fingers coated in your sticky arousal.
“Look at you,” he scoffs, voice gruff and affected, “just as fucking needy.”
You pull his hand towards you, eyeing him as you bring his slick fingers to your mouth.
Your pink tongue drags across each digit, slow and methodical. Gaze locked with his as you lap your nectar from each of his digits.
Eddie’s jaw goes slack as you pull his middle finger between your pouty lips and into your mouth, sucking down its length until your cheeks are hollow.
He groans your name softly, eyes hooded as he watches you.
You pull off his finger with a soft pop, and devilish smirk. You guide his hand over your breasts and down your body, gasping at the feel of his touch, until his hand cups your center.
“Please, fuck me,” you beg.
Without a second thought, Eddie is on you. His mouth pressed to yours in a bruising kiss, pushing your back against the soft carpet that lines the bed of his van.
You push at his leather jacket with his help, his mouth still latched to yours as he tosses it aside.
Needy fingers push at the edge of his shirt, tracing over the soft flesh of his stomach and over his chest.
He breaks from the kiss and removes his shirt, sparing you seconds to admire his alabaster skin dotted with freckles and tattoos. He throws the shirt over his shoulder before he’s on you again.
The kiss is anything but soft as his lips move over yours, his wide hands dancing down your smooth skin until they cup your ass.
Goosebumps spring along your flesh, heat thrumming in your veins as your pulse quickens with every push and pull of his lips.
His teeth graze your bottom lip, and your hips swirl of their own accord, in need of friction.
It feels like your body is thrumming with need, the kind of feeling you get when you’ve been in the sun all day. Nerve endings alive and sensitive.
Your fingers trail down his chest and over the small swell of his stomach to the tops of his jeans, tracing a line along the hem.
Eddie shudders and pulls away to watch as you dip your hand into his jeans. You palm his length, humming at the feel of his already-hardened erection.
Your fingers wrap around his length, stroking his shaft but constrained by the confines of his pants.
“Take these off,” your voice is filled with impatience making Eddie chuckle, but he doesn’t argue.
He pulls away from you, unbuttoning his jeans at an agonizing pace. You watch him, impatient hands pushing the material down his thighs along with his boxers.
You lick your lips as you watch his dick spring free and drag your hand over his hard cock. His hips buck into your palm as you begin to stroke him. Long, swift motions that have Eddie tilting his head back.
Your tongue swirls over his tip, and you moan when the salty taste of his precum coats your pink tongue. You wrap your lips around his head, dragging his dick further into your mouth. Watching him over your lashes as you begin to bob.
Instinctually, his fingers grip your hair, holding you against him as your pace quickens.
Your hand matches the pace your mouth sets, and you moan around his cock, loving the way he hits the back of your throat the deeper you take him.
“Jesus Christ,” he moans, his grip tightening and hips rutting up ever so slightly. You stop bobbing your head and grip his hips, pulling him deeper until he fits in the back of your throat. Encouraging him to fuck your mouth.
His hips move hastily, darkened eyes watching as you gag on his cock.
“So fucking pretty,” he groans, voice strained by the mounting pleasure.
Drool pools on either side of your mouth and down your chest as he continues with his pace. His cock hitting your uvula with every stroke.
You begin to massage his balls, and his hips stutter before he pulls his cock from your mouth.
“Fuck!” He curses, pulling his dick from between your lips, lines of spit still connecting you two.
You watch him through hooded lashes, dragging the tips of your nails over his thighs.
“I’m not going to last if you do that,” Eddie’s voice is hoarse, and he rubs an affectionate thumb over your mouth, dragging your lip down with his digit.
“Such a pretty fucking mouth,” he groans, and you start to push his jeans further down his legs.
Eddie kicks them off until both of you are bare, chests rising and falling rapidly with the intensity of your need.
He hovers over you, pushing your back against the carpet with the weight of his chest until the hairs lining his sternum rub against the curve of your breasts.
He kisses your jaw, creating a trail down your chest, over your ribs, and to the line of hair covering your mound.
Eddie drags his finger along your folds, gathering your slick before bringing it to his mouth and pulling it between his lips, a low groan rumbling from his chest as your tangy sweetness slides across his tongue.
He dips his head between your legs dragging his tongue across your pussy, just as you imagined. A moan escapes your lips, and you curl your fingers in his hair, holding him close.
His tongue flicks against your clit, as his spit-slick finger nudges at your entrance. Your aching cunt sucks him in, wrapping around his digit, and he curls it inside you. Slowly, he begins to drive it in and out of you—the squelch of your sopping hole filling the van.
Eddie’s mouth wraps around your clit, sucking it between his lips and sending electricity through your veins.
“Oh my fuck-,” you cry, bucking against his face. Chasing the building orgasm. He adds another finger, his pace increasing. Trying to pull the orgasm from you, but the stretch of his fingers isn’t enough.
“I need you inside me,” you whine, tugging at his hair until his weight is pressed against you.
Your mouth is on his, licking your arousal from his pretty lips as you kiss him deep—a carnal hunger needing to be satiated.
You spread your legs so he can slot between them and reach between your bodies so he’s lined up with your entrance.
He isn’t slow with his movements, rutting his full length into you and swallowing the scream his movement elicits. His cock pumps into you at a brutal pace, pushing his full length into you until it hits your spongy center.
Eddie’s hand wraps around your throat, applying just enough pressure to make you hum with pleasure.
Your pussy clenches around his cock, nails digging into his back as he continues to fuck into you.
“Is this what you wanted?” He groans, face close to yours. The sound of his skin slapping against yours like music.
You nod but it doesn’t satisfy him.
“Use your words,” his teeth graze your lips and you let out a guttural moan.
“Yes, Eddie. Wanted you so bad,” you pant, eyes rolling as he continues to hit the spot that makes your toes curl.
He stops abruptly, pulling his dick from you and flipping you onto your stomach. He grabs your hips until your butt sticks in the air. You wiggle your ass against him, a silent plea for more and he laughs. A mocking sound that sends electricity to your cunt.
Eddie slaps the fat of your ass, once. Twice. Three times before he drags the head of his cock along your folds.
“Such a pretty fucking pussy,” he grumbles, teasing you with his tip. Watching as you suck him in.
“Please-“ you beg, pushing your ass back trying to get more.
He slaps your ass again and you wince, moaning at the sensation.
Eddie gives you another inch before quickly taking it away, his grip on your ass tightening.
It’s as much as a tease for him as it is for you.
You look at him over your shoulder with pleading eyes just as he ruts into his you. Your fingers curl around the material of the carpet as he slams into you.
Eddie watches the way your ass bounces against his pelvis, the way your pussy wraps around his cock and he throws his head back. Already close to coming undone.
He reaches a hand around your waist and presses to fingers against your bud.
“I want you to come on my cock,” he demands, “just like last time.”
Your grip around him tightens at his words, remembering last time.
The orgasm is already building in your center, a tension you can feel in your trembling legs.
“Oh, Eddie,” you gasp as the rubber band pulls tighter and he doesn’t stop.
He keeps the same pace, pumping every inch of his cock into your cunt as his fingers rub mean circles against your clit.
“Eddie, Eddie, Eddie,” you chant his name.
“Are you going to come on my cock liked I asked?” He leans over and whispers in your ear.
“Please-“ you beg even though he’s already given permission.
“Come for me, baby.” He groans, teeth dragging along your shoulder as your cunt clenches around his length.
The orgasm is intense, ripples of pleasure coursing through you and stealing your breath.
Eddie grunts when he feels you tighten, still rutting into you at the same pace, fingers still pressed to your bud.
“Oh, Eddie,” you finally cry and his hips stutter as your pussy flutters around him.
“Shit,” he mutters, wrapping his hand around your neck as he fucks into you harder. Chasing his own release.
“Where do you want it?” He asks between pants and you nearly come again from thinking about him filling you.
“I-inside,” you beg.
“Such a filthy little slut,” he groans, dragging his cock in and out of you.
The muscles in his abdomen constrict, and the grip he had on your hips tightens as pleasure courses through his veins.
He moans your name as his release coats your walls with ropes of his warm seed.
You whimper as he fills you, turning to watch the way his eyes roll to the back of his head as he thrusts and spills the last of his cum inside you.
Eddie looks at you, hair disheveled and cheeks a bright pink. Mouth agape. The same way he looked the first night and you can’t help the hint of affection that unfurls in your chest.
He slowly pulls his softening length from inside of you, grunting at the loss of your warmth.
He slaps your ass, softer than before and looks between your legs where his come is beginning to spill out of you.
“You’re a mess,” he chuckles and reaches around for one of the extra shirts he has lying around.
“‘S all I have,” he shows you and you nod, hips bucking forward as he cleans the excess.
He squeezes your hips and you turn around, eyes hooded. A satisfied grin pulled across your face.
Eddie can’t help but think you’re cute, an absent hand with a mind of its own moving to caress your cheek but neither of you speak. Not yet.
Seconds pass in shared silence as each of you dress, searching the back of his van for your discarded clothes.
He climbs into the front first, turning to help you into the passenger seat. You pull the visor down, startled by your disheveled appearance, and begin fixing your hair.
“Does Harrington know,” he clears his throat, “that you’re here?”
You apply a quick line of lip gloss before turning to him.
“Not exactly,” you shrug. Part of you feels guilty, the part that still loves Steve and knows that he’s only okay with it if he gets to watch.
But there’s another part of you, the one that is louder, that can’t ignore how Eddie makes you feel. Even as he’s looking at you with those chestnut eyes, an amused grin pulled to the side and a dimple pressed into his cheek.
“Do you want to tell him?” You tease and he shakes his head, rubbing an absent hand along his jeans.
“Not at all.”
“Then it can be our secret,” you lean over the middle console and find his gaze.
“Yeah, okay-“ he agrees with a nod of his head.
He searches your face and swallows hard, nowhere near as domineering as he was minutes ago.
“But you should text me instead,” he suggests, and you know it’s an excuse for him to get your number.
You reach over and grab his phone from his pocket, dialing your number until your phone rings.
“Now I have your number and you have mine,” you grin, eyes trained on his lips and you push his cell back where it was.
“And we can meet again,” you promise, brushing your lips against his before kissing him sweet.
His hands reach up and rest on either side of your face, holding you to him as the kiss deepens and his tongue slides across yours.
Eddie hums at the way you taste, a mix of cherries and something close to sin.
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In the Palm of your Hand
@void-dude I dedicate this to you and the feelings of fluff unlocked when I saw Stadley cuddles and Nightmare! Tad.
You held Stan gently in his hand, cradling him in the crook of your palm. Stan was looking worse for wear—his Mr. Mystery outfit was in tatters. His bat was held in his hand, and he had it in a limp grip. His chest was rising and falling in quick bursts. His eyes were drooping from exhaustion, but you could still see them darting around, scanning for threats that you made sure wouldn’t be here.
Sweat poured down his temple. There were splatters of blood on his usually crisp white shirt, and you had to fight the urge to touch them—you still weren’t used to your current size, and the last thing you wanted to do was hurt him. After a few moments, he leaned back from his sitting position to look up at you. “Where the hell have you been?”.
You felt there was more to that statement. You recognized the stubborn maneuvering around the subject of his feelings. The tone, dancing around saying the real thing, one you were familiar with for a long time. “I ran into some issues after the whole bloody sky turned red. Glad I saw you in time to give those eyebats a proper smacking.”
Calling them “issues” was an understatement; if there was one thing that hadn’t changed about Billy, it was the fact that he always knew how to make a mess out of things. Keeping the glamour on was taking more of a toll than it should be, especially now that you had enlarged yourself. It was strange (heh) to see Stan so small. Did he also adore peering down at you the way you were, holding the center of your multiverse in the palm of your hand?
Stan leaned against one of the fingers at his back. You carefully bent your index finger towards his face. He held it, hesitantly at first before he let go of his facade and allowed himself to be known by you. “I thought I lost ya, Tad,” he murmured. “Or that you left to...y’know.”
You did. Even now, even when you were pass the point of no return, a part of you still denied this was all the Billy you knew. When he extended his hand to you, a part of you wanted to take it. A part of you wanted to keep this shard of your past, of the sweet moments of childhood innocence and hope for the future. Of the kid with the bright eye who loved the stars so much he would wave his tiny hands towards them and babble for hours. Of the kid who loved the silly straws and just wanted to play and was endlessly curious, who cried when he broke things by accident and always begged for forgiveness. Of the sweet voice that called for “Taddy”, that said you were his best friend and begged you to always be around him.
But this was not that. Bill had burned their home and laughed when you begged him to stop. He had dragged the stars down and crashed them into planets, shattering them all in a fiery blaze of chaos and heat. He had become a black hole, destroying anything near and dear to him to feed his madness.
Billy was gone the moment he started the fire.
But Stan had stayed the same, despite everything. Always present, always fighting to keep his family together. Always grinning when he pulled off a con, always working hard, always bragging about his wonderful niece and nephew and the Pines family name. Always there those nights your mind drifted into the void, when you craved warmth and comfort and familiarity. Always keeping you in his hands as if you were the most precious thing he’d ever held. Always making sure you came back, failing to hide the worry every time you were gone just a little bit longer than usual.
“And let go of our tax benefits? Never.”
Stan chuckled weakly. “Yeah.” He sighed, and let the bat fall onto your palm.
“Come on, then. You’re still looking for the kids, right?”
He nodded tiredly. “Just ran into some trouble when ya found me. Nothing I couldn’t take care of, y’know.”
You nodded as if in agreement. No point in pointing out how terrible of a liar he was. “I’ll give you a lift. Lucky for you, it’s free of charge for handsome con men.”
He laughed then, and you remembered, as you always did, how much you would do to keep that laugh in your life.
Even if it meant facing Bill once and for all.
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