#And then he has to make a twitlonger apology
zedortoo · 1 year
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AWESOME high quality fanart for THE BEST cooking with peppino character... Why he ourple 😂😂😂
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cupcraft · 1 year
It is really interesting to me, and by interesting i mean so scary and baffling, to see how Dream's cultivated a fanbase.
To his fans, he is loyal to people that "dont care about him", he is "endlessly kind even though some people dont deserve it/arent receptive to it/are people who hate him", he is "helpless and doesnt know what he's doing", he is someone who "makes honest mistakes", is "mature in the way he handles controversy/situations". Dream has cultivated a persona of being loving, kind, loyal, mature and rational, but also equally helpless and in need of saving from a large fanbase. A lot of it stems from him being a white man, but it also stems from the way he's cultivated a fanbase within the power he has in parasocialism.
It is this that allows him to subvert controversy. Dream says or does something racist? It's "he already apologized so its okay", it's "he didnt know what he was saying", it's "ya'll are too sensitive", it's "all people do is want to victimize dream who is loving/kind/loyal/etc." Dream has grooming allegations against him and he admits to the messages being true and real and thus admits to flirting with minors and it's "dream is the victim". His twitlonger is on priv and it's considered "mature and rational". His initial horribly response is ignored because "of course dream would be upset :(! he just is so in need of our help and defense". And then there's the situations of doxxing that people bring up that dream has experienced things that are unjustifiable, but only as a matter of deflecting dream from ever being able to cause harm never as a point of empathy and importance in discussing that as an issue in itself.
It just really reminds me of many other cc's fanbases who continue to have a cc with issue after issue, cause harm after harm. It never matters. The consequences are ignored because those who allow the cc to get away with these things, dont think it affects them. And they dont care who it effects.
And that's the danger of it. To view someone in a position of power who can do real harm and has done real harm as infallible and incapable of anything harmful either due to viewing his heart as perfectly pure and kind or viewing him as helpless compared to everyone else, or to view anyone who critiques the cc as just blindly hating him stuck in an echo chamber of "he can do no wrong" is dangerous. it's dangerous for marginalized fans and fans who are victim to dream's harm or similar situations of harm because you are actively justifying and causing more harm in a cc's name who doesnt really gaf about you. To throw away all morals, ethics, beliefs, all for the sake of destroying people around you for one person. It's just i'm terrified for you too.
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bumblebeerror · 1 year
I’ll admit my views of Dream are a lot more negative than positive.
I don’t love that he made MCC so competitive, but I get why he did. Speedrunner. Good at pvp. Etc. I still felt it was whiny and not in the spirit of a competition that aims to let the creators have fun (in that the intake form has things like “do you prefer sillies or sweaty” and each team has about an equal amount of both) but like. It wasn’t just him for that. I think MCC is much more fun without him and a few other very competitive people, and getting to see more range in creators is more enjoyable.
I think he’s a bit overhyped; but I’m not gonna cite Wilbur creating the manhunt idea or Minecraft but, it’s mostly just. I dunno, reflexes aren’t everything in this game. And someone being a builder or redstoner doesn’t mean they can’t win pvp, and I feel like he was very… derogatory, toward those types of players. The Grian twitlonger comes to mind.
I think he dropped the ball severely on his own server, and it impacted the lifetime of that story. I think rushing everyone to finish their stories and refusing to communicate is dick behavior, and I especially think that ignoring how the women and non-binaries on his server were treated by fans when a statement from him would have gone a long way is a bit of a dick move. I understand that ADHD can make you bad at communicating, but even support or information in private would have helped, or even an admission that he didn’t know.
I personally think the situation with QSMP, something Quackity was publicly working on for ages, and Dream’s spur of the moment half baked idea for something similar, was and is dumb. I think Tommy’s criticism of it was both funny and justified. Quackity wasn’t secretive about this server. Everyone knew it was coming for a while, and the only true surprise was Quackity having the language mod developed to release during the second week of the server. I think Dream’s meltdown about lack of communication is a little ridiculous all things considered. I do wish Quackity had been more able to curb his own audience away from harassment and stalking, and that Dream would take literally any responsibility for the way his own fans act as well. It’s not impossible to curb your community - if Techno could do it despite us all being notoriously feral (I.e. encouraging his community not to hate on squidkid or reminding us that roleplay is roleplay) then it’s not impossible to make a statement and calm the masses some. Dream’s relationship with his fans is very parasocial and I know he fosters that a lot. I feel it should come with some sense of responsibility. Just like Fit deserved to be called out for what he said about the one mod’s mobs, I think these criticisms are fair. (and watching the clip of Fit being told about the implications, I do think “it was a refrence” was meant to be an apology - it’s sorta just how he talks, but I get if people still dislike it. He has gotten more mindful about it moving forward and now won’t repeat a meme/joke unless he knows it’s not hateful, so he has changed behavior.)
I find him to be generally up his own ass, in other words. Which is whatever - it’s not a sin. I don’t like his stans and they are regularly a more intense type of toxic, but I also think most stans of any creator are insufferable. I mostly just dislike that Dream seems to encourage their behaviour much more. He’s young, and so is his audience.
I think his work with Technodad has been overall helpful especially when it comes to donations to the sarcoma foundation. I understand those who feel uncomfortable about it, and I hope you won’t lash out against Technodad for it. Mans has barely learned Reddit, let him be.
I don’t know what to say about the allegations. On one hand, it’s an awful thing to do and I feel for the victims, especially with having to deal with the stans harassing them for bringing evidence to light. I think the victims deserved far better treatment. I think Dream’s reputation would have been far more favorable if he had at least addressed the situation respectfully, and either owned up to the clear evidence or provided evidence of his own. On the other, I get that again, he’s young and people make mistakes. This does not mean I think his victims shouldn’t have come forward or that what he did was okay - only that I don’t think I was smart enough at 20 to handle sudden and intense fame either. In this case (unless I’ve missed it) it doesn’t seem like his messages actually went anywhere, which is a slight relief. I would feel better about it if he had handled it more seriously, because I’m unsure if he’s really learned anything from that situation besides that he can get away with about anything if he ignores it. As is, it feels unfinished on his end and I wish he would own up.
All that being said, I don’t claim to know much about the guy.
I’ve watched maybe two manhunts and seen a scattered few videos with him involved. I don’t enjoy his style much, it just feels kinda fake to me, idk.
Im not sure what my point really was, I mostly just wanted my thoughts in order.
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abrisaber · 2 years
The Kwite Allegations (CW for Sexual Assault/Rape)
As some of you may know I am (not was, am) a Kwite fan. I've consumed his content for a while now and I've enjoyed him since mid-2021. I first found his commentary videos and slowly began watching his streams as well.
Recently, if you don't know, Kwite was accused of rape by an artist who goes by the alias "Orion."
As of March 13th, Kwite has uploaded a 1.5 Hour long response to these allegations which outright disputes the claims of sexual assault and abuse and even turns those accusations back onto Orion with mountains of proof. To say he defended his innocence would be an understatement.
I have watched the video on multiple occasions and read Orion's twitlonger more than once. I've also seen their fake medical document.
I just want to talk about the aftermath of Orion's initial allegations. Essentially, everything that happened before, and give my opinion on the situation.
Let me just start out by saying that if you immediately believe Orion when they first uploaded their allegations, you are directly responsible for the tarnishing of Kwites reputation and mental health. The downfall of an innocent man's career is in your hands. No, you were not mislead, you were blinded by stupidity and ignorance.
You should always trust victims of abuse when they come out, always. But you should also give the accused an opportunity to defend themselves before you set your opinions in stone. Like Kwite said in his video, trust, but verify.
Orion's supporters allowed themselves to be mislead with faulty evidence. They allowed themselves to make fools out of their character, and every but of shame, embarrassment, and guilt is entirely deserved.
You ruined his career. You forced him to feel unsafe. Your rally against him is the reason for the downfall of his career. Point, Blank Period.
I am a victim of sexual harassment and assault, but I would never let myself be ignorant enough to try and ruin the reputation of someone I didn't know without at least verifying that everything a victim has said is true.
The 100% correct decision was to remain in a neutral position and wait for both parties to speak before you decided on what you as an individual would do next.
If you unsubscribed to Kwite during that time, it's fine. If you sent condolences to Orion before Kwites video was uploaded, that's fine. But if you actively did things like support the #KwiteIsARapist, call him horrific things, send hate to anyone associated with him, went into his discord server to scream at his friends, moderators, and fans, and/or harass people for waiting for Kwite to cone out with his defense, you are disgusting, vile, and cruel. And you deserve every bit of guilt and fault you feel for what you did to Kwite and his career.
Your impatient, arrogance, and stupidity caused his career to come to an unfortunate close and caused his name to forever be associated with the words abuser and rapist.
I do not support Orion and I don't care if you apologize for rallying against Kwite. You should've waited, end of story. You are and forever will be guilty, and I do not feel the slightest bit of sympathy for you. This has broken my heart as a victim myself. You've only made this world harder for us. You should feel ashamed of yourselves.
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monarchisms · 2 years
"so, now that it seems that some of the worst of everything in regards to rooster teeth has come to light, what are you, tumblr user monarchisms, the user previously known as kingpattillo, gonna do next?": the post
[under a readmore because it's stupidly long]
so fucking much has happened over the past week, so i'm just typing all of this up to figure out what to do in future, both so that people who follow me are in the loop, and that i can help myself get some shit together. almost every day has been one gut punch after another, so i definitely won't get everything in one go, and can surely edit this if/when i change my mind on a couple of things, with some exceptions.
for now:
"do you still want to watch/listen to/make fan content for rt in general?" Oh Dear God No. i don't want the company to crash and burn, only because i want the people currently still there who aren't shitbags to get all the support they need and deserve, emotional support or otherwise. however, because of a series of totally avoidable errors made by the company, i don't feel bad about letting my first subscription end. whether i just cancel it immediately, or i let it lapse, i'm not sure yet, but yeah, after i get charged for this month, i'm not going to pay for my subscription anymore.
"does that also include achievement hunter?" kinda?????????? that's more complicated to me. monetarily, i won't support them because they're still under rooster teeth, so i won't keep my subscription for specifically them. i'd totally throw them some money if they're able to pull a drawfee and break from the company they were formed under and go independent, and i totally am not mad at other people if they keep the subscriptions specifically for AH. again, it's all complicated. even with everything involving them as a group, i'm still rooting for them. "any reasons why?" many, actually, but here's what it boils down to.
i feel like even with all the stumbles, AH has had better progress collectively since... i'd say since geoff stepped down, if not earlier than that, than rt has had in their almost 2 decades of existing. i don't have a concrete year for AH i can point to for where i feel like progress has really started rolling. i'm just going off of Vibes alone lol. what makes me still have hope in them includes (but is not limited to, since there's a lot of stuff i could have missed) all the twitlongers from the post team, as well as this tweet from jack:
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and this tweet from fiona:
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(honestly, their whole thread is very good, and i agree with their takes wholeheartedly)
almost every problem i had with AH has been covered in this 4 am vent post i made on the 17th, and the problems i still have actually seem to be on the mend. props to the individuals currently at AH who put in the effort to improve, not just collectively as achievement hunter, but also as their individuals selves. which brings me to my next point:
"what about geoff?"
this hurts to type, but fuck him! the lowest points (in my opinion) of AH were in what many (used to?) perceive as their golden age, approximately the years of 2012 to 2015 or so, all of which were under the time geoff was the AH bossman. if he wasn't the perpetrator of the toxic behavior of his main employees at the time, he was complicit in it for reasons i certainly won't/can't pinpoint because i don't know him personally. though, another tweet from fiona gives me at least one idea:
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alongside all of that, there's the direct reply from kdin under geoff 's twitter apology that also makes me 🤨 at him, as well as as all of this from the woman who geoff mentioned in that one reddit post he made in 2020, (edit 10/22/22: and also the fact that his public twitter likes showed that his apology was disingenuous to begin with 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴), but everyone knows about all of that. if you didn't, then uh... genuinely, my bad :(
oof, speaking of kdin,
"what about her?"
it's pretty easy to sum up my thoughts on her now. basically, i still believe that she shouldn't have gotten through the traumatic events she endured at rt, and should 100% be financially compensated, and i also simultaneously believe that her videos during the tatsudoshi days are downright deplorable. it's one thing to use a slur or two (Which Is Still Objectively Bad, but solely in comparison, is easier to stomach and apologize for), but it's another to go on a fully bigoted rant that attacks multiple marginalized identities, regardless of if it was over 10 years ago. No Average 19-Year-Old Wouldn't Do That Unless They Were Bigoted As Fuck. even if she is better now, that never excuses her past actions.
...also, i personally thought the part of her apology that i could actually accept or not accept was mid as fuck, and blizz perfectly pointed out why:
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so fuck her for those points specifically. she should still get paid fairly, though. everybody should.
"is that why you're still :/ about gavin?" precisely. the first day, i just thought kdin didn't see gavin's apology on twitter since she was getting swarmed with a billion notifications, and also just doesn't follow most of the AH crew these days. turns out her not responding to him seems more and more intentional each passing day, so whoops!
"so like, are you going to pirate the rt content you still enjoy(ed)?" Oh, Absolutely. for me specifically, i feel like the only thing i'm going to pirate with no remorse is rwby because i still want to see how the story ends. as for everything else i enjoyed pre-braggnarok:
1. with rvb, the only reason i fell out of love it was because of the lack of care given to zero. i still enjoyed that season overall, but how poorly it was treated by the higher ups killed my excitement for rvb. QvsA kinda hooked me, but considering that grif is voiced by geoff and appears in every episode, 😬
2. with the podcasts i personally listened to under rt, most of them got killed for me because gavin and/or geoff were involved (f**kface, anma, annual pass). i still want to listen to red web because trevor and alfredo are still good to me, but like AH, they're still under rt, so i still don't really feel good pirating that :(
2b. "but face jam's still cool, right?" no </3
like, genuine props to michael for actively improving himself as a person, both on and off camera, for many years now, and not excusing his own past shitty actions. i got no beef with him. however, i cannot continue to listen to face jam because of jordan. "wait, what? why?" well! jordan's own past behavior under rt animation was pretty Yikes. he was one of the people specifically called out by georden whitman (nomad of nowhere's creator) in his twitlonger. can't summarize anything here myself, so i just recommend you read the whole thing.
3. the shortest(?) reason: there's no need to pirate AH content because most of it is available for free on their youtube channels anyways. with stuff like sbi: meltdown, i'll just read the comments to see who got voted off for the remaining episodes that i won't watch. not the end of the world.
"but you still haven't answered: what are you gonna do right now?" i don't know!!!!! rt suddenly imploded bigger than usual, and i don't know where to take my art and gif-making skills next!! i'm kinda scared!!! that's where you guys come in. requests for those will be open forever (they always have been, but they're More Open Now), but currently, they not just extend to individual streamers like matt, jeremy, ray, and their friends (individual AH people included), they alsoextend to any major group or solo people i enjoy. you can feasibly see a drawfee gif from me! isn't that wild?
and finally: "how else can we support you, random internet person?"
i still don't know. i've never been in this position before!!! like, everything i've created, both related to and not related to rt/ah, will always be free forever, but like, if people just want to throw money my way to make my life a little more tolerable, i guess i have paypal????????? i dunno! i'll just have to figure all of that out as i go.
okay, bye again lol
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
Thinking about how Dream has made tons of apologizes about his past and written twit longer after twitlonger but it’s never enough. And then Wilbur can make a quick my bad apology and go into talking about his band while his fans who were trying to hide the thread go “so glad he addressed this” and then start tweeting Dream neg again
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txbbo · 3 years
I've been debating making this because this is definitely not what my blog is known for and I was worried that people wouldn't want to see it, but with the amount of shit im seeing on twitter it's compelled me to make this because I'm so frustrated.
I feel like I could make 100 posts about 'Cancel Culture' and it wouldn't be enough, so I'm just going to focus on what caused me to write this tonight - the Tommy situation. *Warning for a VERY long post below*
To be clear, Tommy has been in 'hot water' on twitter for the past couple weeks, roughly starting with the KSI collaboration where he made a joke about dream stans.
Last week, when the SBI 'exposing account' got made and twitter hyped it up, someone made a Tommy account and made a thread of things he needed to be '''educated''' on: https://twitter.com/idktommyinnit/status/1379158964148002821?s=20
I'll let you read it for yourself (and come to your own conclusion) but to me.... half of this stuff does not require a twitter thread? Breaking it down accusation by accusation:
1) 'The Mexican accent' - the clips show he is clearly only doing it when copying big Q (who famously exaggerates his own accent) and there is zero malicious intent (Big Q is also IN the 3 clips mentioned in the thread, and obviously didn't tell Tommy it was offensive). There's debates in the comments from people who think it is offensive and people who don't, so I'm not trying to pick a side. To avoid accidentally offending anyone, maybe it is best for him to stop, but the way twitter acts as if he was purposefully doing this to offend people is just not true.
2- 'Making a slave joke' - Even saying that feels wrong, because it suggests Tommy is doing something awful. Instead, they are referring to the 'bit' that Tommy, Techno, Tubbo and Ant were involved in, when Tommy and Techno took Tubbo and Ant as their slave. People are taking this vod and using it to accuse Tommy of being insensitive to Black people, but I think people are just assuming the worst. Slavery existed long before the transatlantic slave trade and still exists today. This is a role-play server - Tommy 'forced' Ant to work for him and used the word slave, which to me is exactly what was happening? People 'murder' others on the SMP, people 'kidnap' on the SMP, people are 'terrorists' on the SMP, and all happen without issue. To add, Ant is a WHITE man. Tommy taking a WHITE man as a slave is not something uber problematic.
3- 'His reply to Techno's 'murder is bad' tweet'. - I get people saying that Techno's initial tweet was insensitive, but saying Tommy's agreement to this from almost over a year ago is something notable and worth addressing is just super nitpicky and is clearly only in there to pad out the thread. It also makes me wonder what other CC's interacted with it and if THEY should be cancelled too (according to twitter).
4 - 'The saying slurs' tweet / jokes about 'whats the worst word you know' - This one I can kinda see how people might not like it. However, it's clearly a 'poke' at his friends, making them seem like bad people. To me, its in the same vein as 'Tubbo is a Tory' or when Tubbo shoots back that 'Tommy is a Nigel Farage fan'. They're obviously not, but its making fun of your friends by saying they are, and mockingly making them out out to be bad people.
5- 'Covid jokes' - People are taking jokes he made about him 'having covid' and saying he shouldn't joke about this, even going as far to linking it to asian hate crimes. I don't even know how to explain that that this is just? not a 'cancellable offence'? I'm sorry but if I hear anyone in my family coughing I make a little joke that 'they better not have covid' and I know other people do. I have someone in my family who is extremely vulnerable to Covid and if they caught it, would quite literally die, but I can understand that jokes like these are harmless. The whole internet had a running joke that we were in a 'panoramic' or 'Panera' or 'insert any word that sounds like pandemic.
This thread got a lot of attention and anything he tweeted afterwards was spammed with the link and there were so many people upset that he hadn't addressed it. I saw so many people say how 'upset' and 'disappointed' they were in him.
Going on to today, this happened: https://twitter.com/khasiid/status/1380611890104139776?s=20
I get it, it looks bad. But for context (which the tweet doesn't give), the reply was only up for less than a minute. It was obvious to me, even BEFORE Tommy addressed it in his stream (clip here: https://twitter.com/cowrpse/status/1380640046202593283?s=20 ) that it was a mistake. In the clip, he clearly acknowledges his mistake and seems embarrassed. To me, this situation should just be laid to rest because a mistake does not need this much attention, but twitter disagrees.
In case it wasn't obvious by now, the tide is turning against Tommy and people are less willing to ignore genuine mistakes and assume the worst.
Today, during his birthday stream people were clearly already waiting for him to mess up. Around half way through, he started saying 'finna' out of context and Tubbo joined in. This led to tons of tweets telling him he was misusing AAVE, and while there were plenty of people willing to be patient and educate, there were also people seeing this as an example of him being a 'bad person' and someone who should be 'without a platform'. I think people forget that not everyone has the same internet upbringing as they do. In general, I think its noted that the misuse of AAVE is something that has just recently been brought to attention. I learned about it through tiktok and stan twitter, and I don't think it's unimaginable that a British 17 year old boy (who is not active on either) has never heard of 'African American Vernacular English'.
Just for a fuller picture, today has also brought about another 'criticism' that I just had to address.
1) 'Tommy made a KKK joke' - Like the 'slavery' point, saying this is extremely misleading. It makes people think the worst. Here's the clip: https://twitter.com/ghostburz/status/1380673589612011522?s=20
Here, Tommy and Tubbo are both joking about Tubbo's 'bit' of naming his alt streams 'aaaaaaaaaa', 'bbbbbbb', 'cccccc', etc and how it would've been bad if it was 'kkkkkkkk' (for obvious reasons). That is literally it. It is a less than 20 second clip. Acknowledging that people woulda thought about the 'KKK' is not him 'not understanding Black issues', its a throwaway joke about the obvious.
Lastly, someone on twitter has made a tommyinnit (address asap) doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tZEZtBzikS-EYYkssfFtwVOoFqOwCK0zhStLe6H1wCc/edit
I've basically already covered everything in this document, but I wanted to mention how extremely 'guilt trippy' the whole thing is. I struggled to come up with the perfect word for the situation, and I am open to hearing other peoples opinion, but as I have mentioned none of these things Tommy has been accused of were done with malicious intent, and some I believe don't even need addressed at all.
'slavery is a source of astronomical trauma for black people, and isn’t something to be taken lightly if you’re to look into the horrors of the slave trade."
and "Oftentimes they are the last words we hear before we die and it really is not Tommy’s place to joke about words that affect us so negatively."
Are extremely emotional words for a 17-year-old boy to hear on his birthday, for stuff that I believe has been taken out of context and blown out of proportion.
I really feel bad for him, because such a large proportion of twitter (which ofc is the loudest side of the fanbase) is angry at him and is demanding (as the document says) ''either a stream or twitter thread/twitlonger to addressing this' and 'a long and serious apology instead of a short statement pre-stream'.
We all know how twitter works, and unless his apology is perfect (which to me means apologising for stuff that he should't have to, as explained in the thread), twitter will continue with this weird hyper focus on everything he does, and it's not going to end well.
Twitter's mentality of 'putting everything this person has done that could ever be considered problematic' into one neat little thread is so unhelpful and counter intuitive. I got overwhelmed reading some of the stuff people were saying about him, I can't imagine how he feels.
I feel like I have more to say but at risk of writing an essay longer than my actual work I have to do, I'm going to end here.
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5uptic · 3 years
I'm not on twitter but what did fundy suposedly do that's so bad?
hi, anon! smile
um, i'll be going over the three things 5up discussed on his stream (x)
1. the jackbox thingy
fundy made some really inappropriate jokes about unconsensual sexual activities in a jackbox stream. he then prepared a stream to apologize for it, which i think he handled pretty good. i think by context alone you can tell that these are edgy jokes shared between friends, except that fundy forgot that the whole thing was being shared on a public platform lol. although he didn't have bad intentions, it was clearly an insensitive thing that he shouldn't have said on stream and he apologized accordingly.
2. the gorilla joke
here video. this one is the one that people reference the most to my knowledge, and it happened that in one stream that fundy is having a humorous convo with phill, he brings up how people will make stupid noises to imitate a gorilla and then he goes on to say that it's "racist". i get how it's easy to take it away from context but people don't take into account that english is not fundy's first language and he's from the netherlands too. this clip shows that there's other occasions in which fundy has referred to certain animals as "races". it's just him using the unfortunate example of a gorilla for it, which is usually used as a caricature to discriminate against black people. but context of the thing shows that he was humorously indicating that the imitation of the animal was so bad that it was "offensive" - again, there's a thing called a "hyperbole" and it's also a funny manner of speech.
intentions wise, it's clear that he never referred to black people in the first place (story had absolutely nothing to do with them in any way) and it takes like one minute to understand where he's coming from. however, it's really easy to twist this clip to mean what you want it to mean so, eh, unfortunate.
3. interjects/systems and fundy's discord
it was really hard to find proof for this on for some reason??? but here is what i found. basically, mods in fundy's discord made a rule against people with DID/OSDD to take roles of fundy and various other content creators. the argument of why it was wrong is that of course, you cannot expect people who suffer from DID and OSDD to have some sort of control over their alters. moreover, the mods made this rule upon an outburst of people who claimed to be systems as well, which people read as pointing fingers at systems and saying that they're only doing it for the trend. i think... this issue is particularly nuanced and there's not really a definite answer about it. the rules are there to make modding easier and assure a better discord for everyone involved, but the way some things were worded make it seem like they're treating DID as a new twitter trend. however, i believe what they mods said about the spike of people using alters on discord roles and names, and it's tricky to know who's doing it because they effectively suffer of the disorder, or if it's people who simply do it because they think it's fun. even things like self-diagnosing are tricky to discuss and have in mind when it comes to these things.
in the part of "hey how does this relate to fundy", i read that he's treated systems as "twitter trends" himself... which i honestly believe it's a reach because otherwise i would've found something about it lol. his behavior about his mods has been of ignoring the situation and umodding other people for other reasons/situations, at least that's what i read and what i'm inclined to believe is closer to the truth. certainly it's not something that pertains to fundy himself but more of the people he's allowed to mod his discord, which ....eh. if people want to cancel fundy, they'll take anything they can. right off the bat, calling the mods "ableist" is a reach and it doesn't help at all to actually find a solution to this entire situation.
EDIT: some people messaged me to include how fundy addressed the situation. i'm guessing he posted a twitlonger that i couldn't find anymore (good for her tbh) and here are some excerpts:
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"...[the rule] went against my back. [...] The mod that has condoned this rule has been stripped from its status and removed from the mod team."
and further:
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so looks like this was never fundy's idea from the first place, and then he took care of it afterwards. makes the whole "fundy is ableist" claim even more of a reach.
lastly, here's a video where 5up briefly mentions what happened with fundy. i just include it because i think he has fair takes on it, and it might help to clarify situations if you need it.
Transcription: "[reading chat] "Fundy getting shit on for nothing"? No, here's what I will say. Fundy got shit on... sometimes, justifiably. He got the shit he deserved for the jackbox thing. And he apologized for it, and he understands what he did wrong. Fundy did not deserve any shit for the gorilla thing, and people still call him racist."
"[reading chat] "It's also a matter of people taking things out of context"? Oh, a 100%. People are saying Fundy compared black people to gorillas, when that, like. Do you, do you [laughs] if you listen to the clip, that wasn't even mentioned even remotely! It's just- it's like third-hand information."
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goldenpixel · 4 years
Negative post warning!!
I’ve decided to logout of Twitter and never log back in. What a toxic freaking app jesus christ
This has been a long time coming, but the real tipping point was George needing to make a twitlonger about something he said (and has since apologized and been educated about) when he was 14-15 years old, almost 10 years ago
Is it impossible for people to simply like a cc and not go digging through their past to find something to “educate” them about??
When it’s something recent (or past and they still don’t know why it’s bad), and the fanbase is genuinely trying to educate the cc on something, then that’s great! I 100% encourage teaching people why certain things are wrong and shouldn’t be said, but so much of the “educating” that I see on Twitter, specifically with mcyts, is more just an excuse to cause the drama of the day and be mean to the cc under the cover of the drama that they created
I saw at least 3 different people make threads on “things George needs to address” and they were things that he’d either already addressed, or already been educated on. And when they were called out for not actually trying to educate him, and instead just start drama, they just respond passive aggressively and it goes nowhere
Ugh I just hate the culture that that app has created, it’s just one huge echochamber where everyone thinks they’re 100% correct about everything 🙄
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cat-sapphics · 3 years
just found out yesterday that fundy made a twitlonger well over a month ago apologizing for every controversy he’s had ever, going in depth into it, explaining how he understands he’s hurt people, and how he takes full accountability, and it won’t happen again (not that it ever did on purpose anyway), etc. and it was... perfectly done. the aave situation, as far as it seems, wasn’t even his fault as all he seems to have done was read out someone else’s dono cluelessly. but anyways i can get into all of the individual parts another day since i have shit to say on ‘em all
the twitlonger can be found [here]. the original tweet is gone because it was posted on his alt where he only has one tweet at a time. i got the link from youtube lol
and i know twitter didn’t give two shits and absolutely ripped into him for it.
EVEN THOUGH he had ALREADY spent 20 minutes apologizing on stream, genuinely and deeply and rightfully, 6 months ago back in february.
so it’s not about getting an apology from ccs when they fuck up - i mean, hell, people who KNOW wilbur’s addressed the clip of him “saying” the f slur (he didn’t, it just sounded like he did) and his anti-black lyrics from Years Ago will still bring it up every few months and attempt to deplatform him. W I L B U R, one of the best human beings on the planet who would never purposefully do wrong and whom we do not deserve </3
my point is, techno did right by choosing to not waste his time and offer any sort of apology ever. he never had anything to apologize for anyway which makes this 10x funnier and stupid.
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
Dream said he never voted for Trump and isn't republican, but didn't that reddit account in question say they didn't register to vote because they didn't want to get doxxed? Also, betting on Trump's tweets doesn't prove his stance on real issues either? It actually makes light of what trump was doing. It feels idk that his statements do not prove much of anything. Has anything new come out? The accounts I was looking at either stopped talking about it or went private
Oh, so we’re discussing whether or not we think he’s lying, now? Frankly, the main reason I am inclined not to believe him is the fact that he’s using the same strategy he did during the cheating scandal - first, putting out vague tweets that outright deny any involvement or truth to the accusations on his private; second, putting out a more thought-out thread soon thereafter that appeals to his audience and the victimhood argument; and third, putting out a longer response that comes up with a seemingly plausible explanation for everything, without actually, explicitly deny the accusations. 
First, he outright denied the accusations at first. He said it wasn’t him, he denied that the Reddit account was even in his ownership, and then flipped the narrative when evidence came up that makes it seem like yes, it was his, or at least partially his. That is just... very untrustworthy, imo.
Second, and I know this is circumstantial and disputable, but the Redditor’s writing style screams Dream. He writes like that in his many Twitter threads, twitlongers; he even speaks like that in his serious streams and videos. I’m sure someone on Reddit or kiwifarms or the like will come up with a better analysis of the parallels in writing style, but anyone who was a fan of his - as I was - cannot deny the similarities, right?
Third, he immediately started deleting posts from the Discord he was in that was mentioned in the slideshow. Please tell me how an innocent person’s immediate reaction, before even posting a reply on your private, is to start deleting all your publicly available posts from the same time frame as the accused Reddit posts? What? He did this immediately after- like, within half an hour of the slideshow being posted to Reddit, for fuck’s sake.
Fourth, and most importantly, let’s dissect the absurdity of what exactly he is claiming. He is saying that he shared a Reddit account in 2017 with an irl work friend, and that none of the political posts besides perhaps the kneeling for the anthem one were his, and that even if they were posted by his friend, they were likely troll posts. I just... what? How in the world does anyone believe this? That is the furthest reach I have ever seen someone claim in a public “apology.” First, who shares Reddit accounts when they post personal things, like pictures of your cat and political ramblings? What in the world? Would you really share that kind of account just to play in a fake football league? Why wouldn’t his friend create his own, separate account, for his political ramblings? Second, the post to r/politics describes Dream’s biographical information perfectly. So tell me, why post just that one post to r/politics, but then supposedly not post other posts to other, relevant political subreddits? Third, he lies about the Kaepernick timeline in the damn pastebin “apology,” making it so suspicious as to why he would try to distance himself as much as possible, timewise, to the rest of the posts that were made within the same time period. 
These are just the reasons I see for why I distrust Dream on this. And for people to claim that he has changed for the better and that his political views have become more progressive seems disingenous when we’re talking about someone who cannot admit the truth, and reconcile with his past political beliefs. Like, how can we believe that he changed, if he can’t even fess up to the past? I don’t know about y’all, but every single person I know who has been able to change their political views, through education and empathy - including myself - acknowledges and constantly brings up their past, because of the shame and disgust they feel for that past. The few people I know who do not acknowledge that they used to be bigoted or lean right or support Republican policies are the people who, to this day, simply convince themselves of their left-leaningness, while still peddling in whatever backwards beliefs they claim to have learned from and moved past.
Here are more compelling reasons and evidence as to why he is likely lying about sharing the account: https://twitter.com/jessislive_/status/1379958002501963778
Trigger warning for the above thread’s posts for typical right-leaning views that deal with racism and sexual assault victims (dismissing them). 
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lattetimes · 3 years
Did you see the luulubuu thing going on on twitter? It turned out to be a spanish dude who was ousted by his community pretending to be a japanese woman to con and abuse ppl wtf is happening
i've heard what's been going on with Lulu ( still going to use that name and refer to Lulu as she / her. the discussion about her gender identity is making me incredibly uncomfortable and she's gone by she / her. so. )
for those that are completely unaware, Luulubuu was a very large account on Twitter that was known as being a funny meme account run by someone that was very invested in gaming and seemed to be someone that used her platform to promote smaller content creators / artists. she's been dragged out on the dancefloor for being a fucking vile human being that used others and conned artists out of their fucking work and money, while pretending to be a Japanese woman and has also been a creep to not JUST kids but also trans people.
these are two very big threads that are documenting what's been going on, with the first one quote retweeting people discussing things :
thread 1, by @ DoctorCupcakes ( he adds an interaction with Lulu on there that he had, but i genuinely consider that addition to be incredibly petty in my opinion. he also seemingly has blocked a lot of people, so if anyone needs i can add onto this ask with the threads that he mentions in a reblog of this post. just let me know, i guess ? )
thread 2, by @ ListeninGarden, which discusses the former usernames that Lulu has used ( please heed the warning about her interactions with minors in the beginning of the thread )
as of right now, Lulu has removed herself from Twitter, which means her incredibly fucking pathetic excuse of a Twitlonger apology is also gone. i can add screenshots of it if i find it or something
Lulu is no longer associated with the indie game company AggroCrab ( she was their social media manager. she didn't add any artwork into the game, only promoted it. also don't ask them to hire you ??? ). i dont' remember what other indie company she ran the Twitter account of, but i assume she's been dropped from them too.
i blocked her Silent Hill Out of Context and Higurashi Out Of Context accounts ( the Higurashi one has multiple people running it ; Silent Hill OOC was just her, if i remember right ) and the Silent Hill OOC account is still up i believe.
so tl;dr fuck Lulu and pay back the fucking artists you owe, you disgusting fucking person.
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angeloncewas · 3 years
i saw the post you made and figured this would be ok to say ^^ (and just to preface, i do wanna be intentionally vague as to not blow the situation out of proportion even more) but, the situation on twt today really frustrated me in a lot of reasons - everyone is totally allowed to be upset with what happened and what the cc said, and of course they're allowed to want an apology for sure, yet everyone who's upset seemed to do that by making baseless claims about the cc (ie that the cc doesnt care) and fully disregarded that most of the insensitive tweets were made 5-6 years ago, when the cc was 15-16. not to mention after all that happened, people dug up another insensitive tweet from an adjacent cc... that's from 8 years ago. it really frustrated me, they were all tweets that no one could've found unless someone was purposefully looking for 'cancellable' material, and it's odd how a lot of the stuff only surfaces when another cc is conveniently under fire. idk, im not excusing or downplaying anything ofc, it's just frustrating - like you said, all this stuff is meant to be for fun :( and... there are much more important issues to talk about than years old tweets a minecrafter made
on another note, i love your tubbo appreciation post!! he's such a cool kid and his content never fails to make my day :D
Mhm, you're more than welcome, my askbox is your oyster :p
I agree in that people are allowed to be offended, obviously. It's their emotions and even non-malicious stuff can hurt a person, y'know?
I just personally will never understand Twitter's obsession with apologies. Anyone can post a twitlonger or put out a video and make it sound remorseful. Action is the only real way to know if someone's changed and so digging up old tweets is such a weird pastime.
Another problem is what you said about made up stuff - it feels like every single time some part of the fandom has valid criticism, Twitter bites into it and turns it into something completely different and totally nonsensical and suddenly we're 20 feet off of the actual point.
Idk, like you said, just frustrating :/ I went to look expecting the bits I'd seen and they were dragging in other creators and bringing up unrelated stuff. I have no clue how they even find the energy to do that lmao.
(+ Thank you for the appreciation of my Tubbo appreciation !! He's become one of my favorite ccs lately :), he seems like a cool guy.)
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lispectore · 3 years
not to over analyse him or whatever but there’s also always the risk with twitter that whatever u say even if it’s well intentioned will just make ppl angrier at you which is something gnf has definitely seen happen before* so it might be that he’s concerned that if he says something it’ll just get him more backlash. most ppl seem to be coming to the conclusion that what’s done is done and by the time he streams it’ll have been long enough that ppl are less pushy for him to say anything
*for the record i’m not talking about cc responses to the party eg imalexx, memeulous they weren’t well intentioned at all 😭 more like how when CCs have apologised in the past every word they’ve said has been analysed and critiqued
oh yeah, i agree. i think george is pretty good when it comes to apologizing for things that could have potentially hurt his audience (aka his twitlonger back in march), but imo i don't think he sees the party as something that he should apologize for/or that he could say something about since wilbur and scott have said everything already. he's just going to continue to live his life and hope people forget about it, idk how the reception of his next stream will be but the most i can see is people clowning him and calling lil cough cough or something along these lines but nothing bad.
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spineofdeathwing · 4 years
My Final rebuttal/Testimony to Shadowtusk Clan.
So, on 2/17/21, I made a testimony over the Shadowtusk Clan guild in response to their growing presence on Twitter: https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srje97 which is the Twitlonger I posted here. It holds my personal views towards Bazu's Twitter @Batzu, and my experiences. On this same day, their GM made a reply to my Testimony (https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srjefm), and I just wanted to address it here- all the lies, all the speculation. We're gonna start with his first point of when we met. This is semantics. We did meet at an event but didn't actually have a full conversation until he came to falsely accuse me of metagaming with little to no actual evidence. His log is correct but misrepresents the actual context with his own speculations.
Next up: Apologizing for someone being a dick to me OOC when they spam me with crap about wanting to kill my character and then going, 'IC isn't OOC' doesn't compute. Pick a fucking side Bazu. 
Here's the first misrepresentation: his remarks about IC racism. I didn't take issue with the existence of it itself. In fact, my quote was, 'the IC racism that was so venomous in nature that I almost thought they hated me for playing Di OOCly- I realized I had few friends very quickly.' My issue was how fucking hard your guild plays into that, not that it did to begin with. That's like responding to someone complaining about a flood with, 'BUT WE ALL NEED WATER TO SURVIVE'.  Next up was actually an issue I forgot, that being Bazu's ableism. 
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 Now, the context was people were fighting over something I said in guild chat. We had a safeword, and I was overstimulated and having an anxiety attack. Bazu, I don't know if you let your agenda make you forget, but I'm fucking Autistic you caustic slime puddle. Conflict and shit can make me get overstimulated- your GM, Zu'daba knew I was autistic to start, as did you as I mentioned that in voice chat. I'm glad you apologized in your Twitlonger, but I'm gonna give the story here for the sake of the transparency YOU forgot. Onto the Zu'daba and Kyr'gal shit. The screens are correct, but there's a misrepresentation of fact. Zujia's advice in that screenshot was over my general concern over Kyr'gal- not over the incident that made me leave. For that, Tezuli advised me as shown here: https://imgur.com/a/mO6UI3G Zu'daba did use Tezuli's advice and guiding to me to admonish me. Blame was initially put onto me from this, Bazu- your screenshots and personal statement even support my argument.  So, what about Di being shamed? Bazu claims I was eager for it, and liked that! It'd sure be a shame if I had screenshots that show that my consent to this was dubious at best to an outsider looking in. Oops!: https://imgur.com/a/tmx1nfU Turns out, I have receipts of me talking to one of your core where I very clearly was Not Okay With That. 
The Gay Baby Jail incident WAS addressed- that still doesn't excuse that your officer was wrongly calling me homophobic in private when I myself am very openly LGBTQ...including being Bi- including my constant advocacy for LGBTQ rights. Including my huge fucking track record of improving when I even do something slightly to offend. What about me with Zea'lani? The source of that tension was me using a transphobic word in an ERP context without the realization that it was transphobic over 4-5 months ago at this point. When I realized what I said was wrong, I immediately addressed it publicly on Twitter, and left that community. I'd later return to it to ensure that message was deleted, and left again because that wasn't something I wanted in the world. While I am trans myself, that doesn't excuse my slipup. However, when your officer actively supports transphobic game devs and tries to 'expose me' for something I handled way before she even saw that, I'm gonna take issue. Especially when she tries to expose me when I am opening up about someone being transphobic and objectifying to me- alongside being racist to black people. Your attempt to get me to fucking repeat the big ass mistake I made to be 'transparent' Bazu, is noted.
Onto the stalking claims. The person who stalked me literally confessed to it Bazu. When you confess to something, you take fucking ownership of that. Which Eztli did: https://imgur.com/a/3A7rKH3 as shown here. I've called Eztli my friend for ages before this drama, Bazu. Your attempt to claim I fish for sympathy when I actually am just being consistent on how I saw someone. Perhaps projecting onto me is a bad idea.
To tie that up, yes. Your recount of the events addressing Lani's behavior is right. You saw blatant harassment, agreed that it wasn't okay, and excused it anyhow. I only posted when you were done talking- and for good reason. When you get someone's friend to backstab someone, and make a bunch of lies and having people stalk them- that person's gonna go public. I urge you to cope, Bazu. So, cultural appropriation. I think this is my biggest issue here. He gives the impression that no one came to him about him appropriating Black Culture and African Religion. Lemme fix that: https://imgur.com/a/uPhAzGq The video I link refers to Hatian Zombies, Bokors and the history of Voodoo/Vodou- with heavy input made from practitioners of Voodoo and Vodou, as well as even having a Bokor speak on the issue and sacred nature of their title. As you can see, he acknowledges seeing this.  However, lemme point out the racism here: 'If any member of the various animistic faiths that inspire Blizzard's depiction of "Voodoo" would like to ask me to stop or offer direction in how to portray these practices more respectfully, I would be open to that. If my limited amateur research on the acceptable uses of the title of "Bokor" have misled me, I'm happy to apologize and to strike it from our record.' You were given a certifiable and primary source as to why your behavior is wrong. A basic fucking google search tells you why you are wrong. But you demand that Black people of this faith, who has suffered countless times at the hands of White Supremacy, baby your ass on this. It's not cute. It's not funny. It's incredibly fucking racist, and shows you have no desire to fix your appropriation. The art theft stuff is true. Now, what about harassment, racism, all that?  Another misrepresented point. If we look at my Twitlonger, I mentioned that they've had a past of it. This isn't hidden fact, Shadowtusk on this blog alone has been exposed countless times for homophobia, racism, pedophilia- the list goes on. As it is misrepresented, I'm not addressing that further. It's a joke. What I will say is that for OOC racism not being tolerated, Bazu, you sure are hella eager to appropriate and steal from Black Culture more than even Blizzard does for the sake of your own immersion- even when you are given more than enough of means to educate yourself.  That's my final rebuttal. If you want all the screens that show every instance of bullshittery I had with STC: Here ya go.  And Bazu? I understand you are a spineless fucking coward, and you have Indicinis backing you on your lies regardless of the truth. The Troll RP community deserves more and better than your filth. I'd pray for you to grow as a person but given the sheer amount of your delusion? You aren't worth that. And PPS? Me including the creation of my guild for the sake of giving an accurate portrayal of chronological events and explaining my reasoning for it, isn't a plug. Keep that insecurity to yourself. https://imgur.com/gallery/1eR9N5p https://imgur.com/gallery/0UhtYd8 https://imgur.com/gallery/9ljDdRG
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hell-craft · 4 years
ok i read the thing. imo dream is... idk getting there? like on one hand, making a whole ass twitlonger to address things and saying that your earlier apologies were shitty shows a certain kind of growth. but, on the other hand, it feels like he just tried to explain away all his problems and excuse his actions. (also i wanted him to talk about being friends with notch and pewdiepie but...) i feel like his twitlonger was kind of out of touch.. like for example, no one was calling him “a racist” and for him to phrase it like that seems to make racism seem very straightforward, makes it seem like either you’re “a racist” or you’re not. and obviously, you can be racist without intending to be AND IT’S STILL HARMFUL AND BAD! with that said, i think dream needs to realize that you can make mistakes, but part of apologizing for those mistakes is owning up to them, not just explaining them away or excusing them. while the example i gave was abt racism, i think dream should apply that mindset to every “controversy” he has had because he loves to excuse his past actions so no one thinks he was ever a bad person. i don’t think he understands that no one (to my knowledge) has ever really tried to cancel him, but rather asked for an explanation AND an apology that shows growth and education.
tl; dr: while the twitlonger is a sign of growth and an indicator of him feeling bad abt what he did, it wasn’t really an apology that showed growth and education, it just felt like him explaining away all his past actions, which is not what anyone hurt by his actions ask for when they bring up past “controversies”. so all in all i think it’s a good (?) first step but it can’t be the final conversation abt his “controversies”
also to make it clear, he shouldn’t be praised for “getting there”
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