#And then there was
lindsayribar · 11 months
Me watching s1e5 for the first time, March 2022:
Stede: "It's not really the, ah, crowd for skull talk."
Me: There better be a phrenology joke in here somewhere or SO HELP ME--
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lolathepeacocklord · 2 years
Jesus Christ, you guys actually LIKE the first bayverse transformers movie?? This movie is supposed to be the BEST ONE??? OUT OF ALL OF THEM????
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velvetmalice · 4 years
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homohaamu · 5 years
remember the times when we didn’t have cellphones and we had to go over our friend’s house to know if they could hang out with us? Every trip was filled with uncertainty and chance of rejection. How could child me live like that? Wild times man wild time
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ask-the-dif-host · 7 years
i'm confused about this whole 'the author' thing... from what i've gathered, you used to be called the author? and then something happened, and you became the host? i'm sorry if this ask is annoying, you can ignore it if you want.
“Mmhm, yes, I know it’s a little confusing,’ the Host says. ‘So don’t feel too bad. It’s not exactly widely talked about either, so I understand. I used to be the Author, and I was him for most of my existence. While I was the Author, I had the power to control situations, people–practically everything!–in my writing. Until… I decided to pick on Ryan and Daniel. My powers were going through a bit of a rough spot for some reason, and since I had just started modeling myself after Mark, I thought they might be fun to pick on. This ended with me getting shot by Daniel.’
“‘After that, I don’t really remember a lot, but I do remember meeting Dark, and I remember loosing my eyes. That’s why this bloody bandage is over my eyes; somehow my eyes were damaged, though I don’t know exactly how they’re damaged. They never stop bleeding, either, so I constantly have to change my bandages.’
“‘Once I lost my eyes, however, I also lost my power to control everything. This power was replaced by my ability to see the future of almost everything, and I realized that I was no longer writing the future, only narrating it. I realized that I wasn’t the Author, but I was the Host of the beings in this world. So that is how I became the Host, yes.’
“‘And don’t worry about it, dear. I’m always here to answer questions, even if they seem silly. I don’t expect everyone to know this about me!’“
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mix-and-no-match · 9 years
Harry's garishness is catching.
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toruleseven · 9 years
I put in my rules that Isabella is primarily attracted to males but honestly she is so gay for any feminine girl like are you a princess do you like dress you have her love
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necrofuturism · 10 years
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therainydaydreamer · 10 years
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xquiet--soulx · 10 years
Red Snow
Modern HTTYD/ROTG Oneshot AU, Major character deaths, extremely angsty. [Hijack/Hiccstrid] yes I wrote it don't hate me
Hiccup screamed, tears spilling from his eyes and down his pale freckled face. He collapsed next to Astrid's body, surrounded by ice and snow, a dark pool of blood cooling on the ground beneath her. His shirt was pelted with snow, his knees rubbed raw where the jeans were torn at his knees, a thin red slice decorating his cheek.
He hadn't meant to; he'd been blinded by rage, drowning in his own emotions. He had taken the oath of a guardian, the responsibility shattering as Jack stared at the girl's face, skin turning cold and gray with each passing second. Her wide blue eyes were glazed over and staring into nothing, stomach pierced through by a huge spike of ice, coated in a thin layer of blood.
Hiccup's tears fell on the corpse of a young girl, slain at the hands of Jack Frost.
"Astrid, Astrid, c'mon say something, Astrid," he begged quietly, hovering over her, afraid to touch her. But there was no mistaking the hollow, empty stare; she was gone. For a few minutes nothing moved, only the sound of the boy's quiet sobs filling the otherwise silent air. Then those, too, were quiet, as Hiccup picked himself up off the ground. Jack couldn't even look at his face, afraid of what he would find, watching the blood drip across the downhill slope towards the frozen boy's feet.
Jack stumbled away, crashing against a tree and sinking to the ground. He hadn't meant to do it, He had just been so angry. Hiccup belonged to Jack, yet almost every time he turned around she was kissing him, leaving Hiccup swaying on his feet, dumbstruck with a look of awe on his features. Jack was always by Hiccup's side, an invisible support, a constant presence. They lived on the edge of town, just outside the forest, where Astrid had sent him a text asking him to meet her in the cove. He came without question and she had confessed her love to him, and kissed him, wrapping her whole body around him. He was so overcome with rage he nearly choked on it, and it channeled into his powers and pinpointed it's target. Ice had split the ground between them, sending them flying apart; but his attention followed the blond girl, dozens of pointed ice shards protruding from the earth until one hit it's target, the ice and snow only ceasing at the sound of Hiccup's piercing scream.
HOW COULD YOU. The words echoed in his ears, unable to tear his eyes away. Hiccup knew. he'd heard the hidden messages in the evidence of the winter spirit random patches of frost around his room or at his school, sometimes waking up in the middle of the night to snow in his room, or iced patterns against the trees and the ground when he was walking through the forest. He knew that he and Astrid weren't alone, and whatever was responsible for all those markings had snatched the girl he loved right out of his hands.
Suddenly Hiccup's small hands were wrapping around the tip of the red icicle jutting out towards the sky, protruding from the girl's belly. He took a deep breath, and reality came crashing down on Jack.
"HICCUP NO!" Jack screamed, lurching forward with an outstretched hand, but it was useless. The cry fell on deaf ears, a horrible wet sound emanating from the boy's throat, and he collapsed next to Astrid, eyes half open and losing focus. Blood poured down both sides of his neck, a gurgling sound drifting through the air as it spilled out of his mouth. Jack fell to his knees next to him, tears falling and freezing on his cheeks. He didn't move, didn't speak, felt like there was a huge void opening inside him, swallowing him whole from the inside out. He sat there, paralyzed long after the sounds had died down, long after the color had faded from the freckled skin. Eventually a voice came to him, dark and serene, beckoning to the frozen fire burning in his veins, chilling his bones.
"Oh Jack, what have you done?"
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sadlittlenerdking · 12 years
I walked downstairs at 8:30am and this is what happened. 
Dad: What are you doing awake? Nevermind, you'll just tell me you never went to sleep. 
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