#which was actually just an elaborate April Fools prank
thelemoncoffee · 6 months
au where Kokichi ception.
i think the Kodaka tweets being a middleschooler Kokichi writing fanfic about him post game in his thirties is funny so we can make it worse.
do that, but add more layers of Kokichi writing fics about him and his classmates. goes from fucked up thirty year olds, to middle schooler, to alien, to mastermind, to hpa, to vr, and just keeps going and going and going and going and going an-
it finishes on Kokichi who actually wrote Danganronpa itself as a comic series and all the characters are based on his classmates whom none of which were actually ultmates cause hpa isn't real. he started the comic series his first year of highschool and when he finished ronpa he was in his early 20's- this insane fic-ception is all just his elaborate april fools prank/middle finger to all the people who keep bugging him to make a new instalment of danganronpa.
the self insert was his greatest mistake
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orchidyoonkook · 5 months
I wasn't ignoring you! I've been depressed lately... So I haven't actually been sociable with many people at the moment, or with anyone if you want me to be honest. I would try to be in a healthier mindset before I get back into conversations with people if I am actually able to do so.
But, then I woke up to the news that the guitarist (from a band I listen to) is leaving the band. Because of the timing of the announcement.. I thought, along with many other fans, believed it was just an elaborate April Fool's prank. But it doesn't seem that way. So! Now that brought my depression back hearing that news. My mental health is changing everyday. So I have conflicting feelings about hearing that new today.
So there's that.
I know, I know.. I'm just overreacting about news that I'm not apart of in any way so it shouldn't effect me but it also does at the same time.
I've noticed some emojis don't seem to appear on certain devices so I will have to figure out an emoji that actually appears everywhere, or if it would be easiest to know who is who (while I'm being anonymous).
Yeah.. I'm a private person. I would only reveal things about myself if I am actually comfortable around any other person. I'm always like this all the time. Doesn't matter if you're family, friends, even strangers.
Oh! Yeah. Maybe I should've elaborated those specific relationships in fictional stories. I can see and read dark content, but never content in that way; those ships are limitations that I'm never comfortable with.
I wasn't going to say specific words in you - or anyone else who might have - read my messages. Since I know certain terms may actually be upsetting for some people. Maybe my explanation was just too vague though, so I should've elaborated more with being explicit about that.
Based on labels. My style was between "emo", "goth", "punk", "grunge" and every style in between that you could think of. Ripped jeans have always been my preference in pants.. Usually black shirts, sometimes I'd wear band shirts on occasion or shirts with graphic designs (skulls is an obvious example). Dyed hair, piercings. This is still my own style.
So it doesn't was not a phase for me like most people believed.. There was only a few people who knew that my style wasn't any phase at all either. Anyway! I'm getting too off topic again. Or at least I think I am.
Yes! Guys and girls could be friends. Not every relationship between a guy and girl have romantic or sexual either, there are also the platonic ships and even kinships too. Depending on how close their bonds are.
I rarely had female friends. Not because "I'm just like one of the guys." was the reason. Well.. Maybe I felt that way when I was a preteen that time. But I usually have better connections to guys. Nothing against a lot of women, since I know not every female is the same person when it comes to actions and reactions. I knew many girls who were always horrible to me. Other than people who treated me differently once it's been known that I'm disabled, since people have treated me different once they've found out about my disabilities (like autism for example) - but this is towards people in general though. When it comes to girls; so many female friends were jealous of me for whatever reasons they had. I'm not being conceited. They were actually jealous of me for any reasons I don't know. Any time I had other friends besides her, dating boyfriends or even had a crush on guys, she'd always steal them from me. Which is why I have trust issues with people. The girls I knew end up abusive towards me. Physically, mentally and emotionally. And the few friends, including female friends, worth having in my life were the people who abandoned me. So I've gotten used to being alone now.
And don't get me started on being friends who guys who actually did stop hanging out with me because of jealous girlfriends.. So I was not sure if they hated, distrusted, me. Or they distrusted their boyfriends.
That happened frequently too.. So having every trust issue that I have been through. I tend to push people away, before they push me away.
Yeah. Regardless of sexuality, I just can't see the BTS boys in any ship that isn't a familial ship. Kinships? Something like that. Like.. I am fine with side ships but not main ships. Nothing against people who enjoy those ships though. People should read and write their own stories.
I haven't officially came up with a nickname yet... But you might know by now that I'm the verbose anon who never even knows how to keep messages shorter than what I respond with. That may be a give away.
I finally FINALLY have the time and proper mental space to reply to this!!! Lemme dig in!!
I never thought you were ignoring me dear!! don't worry I know we all have out social limits and sometimes you just need to not be a person for a while in order to recharge. I think it's incredibly kind that you are aware of your mindset when interacting with folks and chose not to interact when you know it isn't in the best place. But please know that I'm here if you ever need to vent or need a little sprinkle of colour or kindness in life. Depression is so hard and I would never treat you differently because of it <3
I'm so so sorry the guitarist from your fav band is leaving 😔. I hope it's so that they can better their health or for the best at least. And if not, i personally find a comfort in knowing that you had them in the band for as long as you did, and you can always go back to old videos and music to reminisce. But again that's a personal coping mechanism of mine.
You're not overreacting. If this is your favourite band I'm going to assume they play rather large role in your life. So it's completely understandable to have big feelings about it. If the guitarist from my favourite band was leaving I would have enormous feelings about it as he's been with the band since 2003. Like. It's something that's a big deal. Your reaction is super valid.
Emoji's are dumb like that sometimes unfortunately. I'm happy to use whichever emoji you'd like. Or a psued if you want. Both work for me. But I usually know it's you , you're memorable!
And I can respect that. I would never push you to not be like that, I just want you to know that I'm here if you need it. The anon part of tumblr is a beautiful feature that way. Talking to strangers who are also friends without the pressure of them actually knowing. It's a very amazing type of human connection. And I find it easier to tell filks things when it can't fall back on me. Like a living diary almost. I find it super cool at least. An annonymous form of community you can't really replicate anywhere else. Beautfiul when you think about it.
Ahhh gotcha!! RE: side ships and pairings. Totally makes sense!!
I'm not someone who can be triggered easily, I semi-regularly consume darker content/ dead dove type (mainly out of loving jealously for the folks who write it so well. my ass could never) so as long as the terms you chose are talked about with respect or in proper terminolog I dont see myself being upset.
Your style sounds like what I would dress as if i had a bit more courage. I'd love to dye my hair again and get so many pericings and tats but i haven't quite gotten myself there yet. Hell, my mum has more tats than me. Just go ther sleeve done a year or two ago and is working on her next one soon! It's just something about that particular style that's comfortable to me, but my neurodivergence (AuADHD) makes permanent alterations to my body freak me out a bit, hence the need for courage. It's more of a mental block than anything,
Also it is 100% me who always goes off topic so fear not! you fit right in if you slip once of twice too!
Half of my closest decade(s) long friendships are with guys so I absolutely agree with you. I never dated any of them and neither did the other girls in the friend group. We've all known one another (as in all of us in the group knowing everyone in the group) since 9th grade and we're turning 25 this year. So it's absolutely possible. People just like to think it's not.
I was similar. When I think of my childhood and my childhood frienships, all of my girl friends were neighbours, whereas all of my school friends were primarily guys, and for the same and similar reasons you've mentioned. I was primarily raised by my dad and I only have brothers so it makes sense to me why I hung out with guys more. And I had a similar experience where girls were just mean to me for no reason and I couldnt at the time figure it out. I know why now that I'm older. But still, that hurts when you're young so you're more likely to go and be with those who feel safer to be with.
I knew i felt a certain type of similarity between out experiences and the shared diagnosis' makes so much sense. Folks treat me very different once I mention that ASD is the reason I dont undertsand things they way they tell me too or whatever the situation is. It's actually why I left my last job. They wouldn't accomodate me and my performance suffered to much as did my mental health.
"many female friends were jealous of me for whatever reasons they had. I'm not being conceited. They were actually jealous of me for any reasons I don't know." My mum saw this when i was younger too. She said i was (and am) "intimidating" and so people would try their best to knock me down a peg. hence the jealousy when their couldnt or when the realised that they wanted what i had. I've accepted it now, and silently acknowledge it. But once again, it still hurt the little girl who couldn't figure out why she was treated so differently.
'The girls I knew end up abusive towards me. Physically, mentally and emotionally. And the few friends, including female friends, worth having in my life were the people who abandoned me. So I've gotten used to being alone now." I'm truly sorry you had to/ have to deal with this. Not in a pitying way, but in a 'human to human I see and acknowledge the things you've gone through in your life' way. I hope you are able to one day build and find for yourself a lovely group of humans who love and respect you for you. Who don't tear you down like the horrible people before them, and instead lift you up. I will happily be a part of that, should you like to have me, just so you know. I may be words on a screen, but there is a person behind them who sees you.
The girlfriend situation of guy friends is something I have very fortunately not had to deal with as I usually end up being their friend too. I have a habit of wanting everyone to feel accepted and included in spaces I exist in, and it commonly plays to my favour. But I have had and heard second hand experiences with this, and it's just awful. And we can reiterate to earlier where guys and girls can be friends without anything going on. I have never understood girls who cut their guys off from perfectly normal and healthy female frienships.
Pushing folks away before they push you is absolutely a coping mechanism I understand. Breaking through that was one of the more difficult things I've been trying to learn as an adult. That some rare folks actually want to be there for me, and truly have no ill intentions. I hope you are able to one day have this as well, to which, once again, I will happily be one, should you want.
Perfectly respectable opinion on the boys and relationships. I have nothing to add other than I agreee completey.
And yes XD I am usually able to tell it's you by the length!! I just know some folks like having a tag to make searching for thir asks easier! I know I did before i had tumblr. It just made tracking what I'd sent in way easier! No rush tho!
Hope you are well, darling <3. Always lovely chatting with you.
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mosylufanfic · 2 years
for you nano: a stop on the Killervibe Reteirment/honeymoon multiverse tour. somewhere like universe where there are pokemon, or the stargirl earth, or starwars-y? fluff or Drama is up to you.
Fluff it is!
Send me a NaNo prompt!
Day Off
They landed in the middle of a ridiculously photogenic meadow. Caitlin looked around quizzically. "When you said we were going to the most fun dimension, I thought you meant literal Disney World."
"Oh, I’ve been there," Cisco said, unzipping his hoodie. It was very balmy as well as ridiculously photogenic. "Surprisingly dystopian. Nope, this is something else."
She raised her brows at him. "It's . . . nice? But I'm sure we can find balmy spring meadows all sorts of places."
He peered around, then grinned broadly. Taking her shoulders in his hands, he said, "Look - yep, that way - and up - "
She saw what he was aiming her at, and her mouth fell open. "Is - is that a dragon?"
"Even better. It's a Gyrados."
"No. That’s impossible."
"Nothing is impossible in the multiverse," he intoned, sounding like an off-brand TV preacher. "We're in the Pokemon world, Caitlin."
"We can't be. It’s a cartoon show."
"And a card game, and a set of video games, and a manga, and a surprisingly well done live action movie with Ryan Reynolds."
"This - this is - did you hypnotize me? Is this a VR sequence? Are you going to yell April Fool's?"
"Oh ye of little faith! Anyway, it's November."
"Not here," she mumbled, still staring at the Gyrados, which was swimming away through the clouds.
"This is the real thing, and we're going to relax. You've probably got years of tension just in your neck, never mind the rest of you. Come on." He took her hand. "Let's have a stroll across a balmy spring meadow, amble into town, get ourselves some ice cream, and eat it in the park."
By the time they'd seen a Blissey, a Vulpix, and a Jigglypuff, Caitlin was willing to believe that Cisco wasn't playing some elaborate prank. "But why didn't you ever tell me about this before?"
"Would you have believed me?"
"Well - I - no."
"Exactly. I drop by here a lot. You know the best part about the Pokemon world? Actually, two things."
"You get to hug a Bulbasaur?"
"Yes," he allowed. "Yes, that is . . . that's a draw. But that's not what I'm talking about." He held up two fingers. "One, all the stakes are like, we gotta win the yearly championship against the local snotty kids, not because our town is gonna get burned to the ground or people are going to get eaten, but just because we wanna win. And two, you know who's responsible for those stakes? Not me. Or you. It's a bunch of ten-year-olds. Seriously, it's the best."
"Really, where are their parents," Caitlin muttered.
"Literally unnecessary because things are that safe. You know what this town has? It has an Eevee sanctuary. Have you ever snuggled an Eevee?"
Her eyes went big. "You can snuggle an Eevee?"
"You can and you will."
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
Bob's Burgers: What a (April) Fool Believes (13x16)
Double episode day! I'll be brief.
Not really much to report here! I guess the one thing the episode felt like it was missing was more chaos from Louise? She was more into the idea of April Fool's Day than anybody else, which I expected, but she didn't really cause mayhem the way I was anticipating.
I like a good family affair, where there aren't really full subplots but more just smaller moments that connect to a central story. Gene's thing this week is that he doesn't "get" pranks, and keeps suggesting things that are really tame and not at all hurtful. He can't seem to go through with the part of pranks where people are confused and alarmed. That was a sweet little characterization that feels so true to what we know of Gene as a kind-hearted, simple sort of boy.
I also liked that Tina's worry was that Jimmy Jr. might have been pranking her by asking her on a frozen yogurt date. Louise fuels her paranoia, but in the end it turns out Jimmy Jr. hadn't even known it was April Fool's. He thought it came sometime in May. Oh, Jimmy Jr.... This show is good at being funny without being meanspirited, and Tina getting to go on a simple date was a good example of that.
The main plot features the ongoing shenanigans of Mr. Fischoeder, who apparently loves to prank Bob every year on April 1st. The pranks are elaborate and mean, and Bob is sick of them. This year, however, Mr. Fischoeder requests that Bob prank him. From there, we get an escalating series of events where Bob realizes that being asked to pull a prank was part of a larger prank being pulled on him, and he goes a little crazy trying to sort out who's in on it, and who he can trust.
I loved the escalation here, and how everybody got involved in different ways. Teddy being a potential accomplice for first Fischoeder and then Bob, Felix revealing his role in events and Bob being unsure if that made it also part of the prank... I think the best scene was Bob deciding that everyone was going to betray him, except Gene, because he's too innocent (stupid) to be in on it.
So yeah, this was a fun one! I didn't know where it was going, or who would end up getting one over on who by the end. Strange that they aired this episode a few weeks before actual April Fool's, though. Maybe it's part of the joke... :)
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bisluthq · 6 months
A while back I told you that I was subscribed to a YouTube channel called Smosh and that there was a lot of drama in the fandom because people have always shipped two people in the cast (Shayne and Courtney). Some people are convinced they’re together and some people are convinced they are just friends and hate shippers. Well, today of all days, they posted pictures of their WEDDING. Chaos has ensued. Some people believe it’s true while others are convinced they’re still just friends and this is all a prank. Pretty much everyone else from the cast has commented on their post and have shared it on their stories (the owner of the company, their friend and boss Ian even said “I know what day it is but this is real”) but no one knows what to believe. I’m not invested in YouTuber’s lives but I’m invested in the chaos that’s now going on.
If they’re actually married, which I do believe they are, they did the funniest thing they could’ve done. They were just friends for the longest time and had other partners that they’ve mentioned at different points. People shipped them from the start and there’s always been drama around people shipping them. To then get together, keep that relationship very private and then announce that you got married on April’s Fools to confuse the shit out of everyone is genius. I live for drama and whether this is all a very elaborate joke or real, I’m LIVING for the chaos in their comments and Reddit. (Her instagram is co_mill if you’re interested in looking at the pictures)
looks legit to me lol that’s way too elaborate to fake? If it is tho that’s funny af.
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yourfaveisamuppet · 1 year
So It's April 1st Again
i'll be honest, i really don't love april fools' on tumblr. every year folks feel the need to make saccharine, feel-good "pranks" that are just... kind of condescending. oh it's two kitties, not one! that's not a prank, that's peekaboo. which is fine. some people love it and i can avoid it. but i don't go around telling horror fans that rudolph the red-nosed reindeer is actually horror because it scares me. (true story - to this day that movie is on my blacklist because it can and will give me nightmares.) and i certainly don't try to ban halloween just because i don't like wearing costumes.
anyway, i think that a lot of the problem stems from the fact that there are a lot of mean, bad-faith pranks out there - and also perfectly innocent japes that escaped their target audience and found someone who was genuinely hurt by them. so in the interest in making one of my favorite holidays more bearable, have a non-exhaustive guide to fun and safe tomfoolery.
(this guide was written for an audience of adults, as i have no interest in the responsibility of adapting it for minors. if you're under 18, talk to your parents or a trusted adult about safe pranks.)
intention matters. before deciding to pull a prank on someone, take the time to figure out why you want to in the first place. every prank, no matter what it is (yes, even the kitten peekaboo!) carries the risk of actually hurting the person being pranked. if your only goal is to trick someone else for your own amusement, stop here. if it's to feel better or smarter than them, stop here. personally, i love pranks (pulling them and being pranked) because they're basically elaborate trust falls. you get a little jolt of adrenaline, but at the end of the day someone is there to catch you. you might have other reasons! maybe you love watching your friend's face as they realize what's going on and dissolve into giggles. maybe it's a way to be creative and lighthearted. maybe it's something your friends do for an excuse to be together. whatever the reason, knowing why you're doing it will help you decide if it's worth the risk of miscalculating and hurting someone. and it also helps you figure out how to make things right if they do go wrong.
safety is paramount. physical and mental. to bring back my metaphor from before, i wouldn't do a trust fall off a roof, no matter how much i trusted the person catching me. there are plenty of ways to fool your friends without risking injury or illness (including mental harm). as a rule, i avoid food-based pranks and risky physical comedy, and never lie about safety or wellbeing (i.e. no "i lost the cat" texts or fake hospital visits). i also make liberal use of the unreality tag online. but this is sort of a "use your best judgement" thing, because what is risky to one person is another person's tuesday. which brings me to my next point.
know your audience. this one is where a lot of internet pranksters fuck up. you can't go out into a random public space and start messing with people indiscriminately. there's no way of knowing who is in the crowd and what their individual limits may be, and it's incredibly difficult to warn ahead of time. websites like tumblr are a little easier, because there are widespread blacklist tags (like unreality), but it still carries a pretty big risk. tag liberally, warn your followers ahead of time that you'll be participating in april fools, set limits, and stick to them. when it comes to pranking your friends and loved ones, make sure you know their limits. including if they don't want to be a part of any pranks at all. double- and triple-check. use your words. ASK if they're okay with pranks and what their limits are. contrary to popular belief, knowing a prank is coming doesn't actually ruin the fun.
consent is necessary. if someone asks you to tag, you tag. if someone asks you to stop, you stop. check in to make sure everyone is feeling safe and happy. consider picking a safeword that your friends can use if they need to confirm what is real and what is part of the prank. (or to tap out entirely.) keep your pranks limited to your pre-determined audience, and stick to your pre-established limits. pranks can easily escape containment on the internet, so keep that in mind when planning online pranks. if you don't think you're up to the task of keeping your prank contained, err on the side of caution and don't do it.
check in. ask your friends how they're feeling after a prank. debrief and clarify any lies that you told. renegotiate boundaries. find other ways to spend time together as well. basically, post-prank aftercare is important.
you don't have to participate. i know it sucks to feel left out, but you're also (presumably) a grown-up. i don't particularly like halloween, but i don't go around calling people mean and insensitive for dressing up or watching scary movies. i also don't force myself to dress up or watch movies i don't like. i update my blacklist, i wear my everyday clothes, and i buy some candy in case i get trick-or-treaters. the same thing applies here. tomorrow will be april 2nd, and things will be back to normal. in the meantime, find something fun to do that doesn't involve pranking anybody.
your boundaries are not universal. contrary to what tumblr would have you believe, there are people out there who love screamers and jumpscares, and they are spending today gleefully sending videos back and forth. i hate most food-based pranks, but some people get a kick out of them. lots of people can't stand bugs, but i love them and would be over the moon about any spider-based pranks. (so long as the spider and i are both safe.) if you hear about a prank you personally wouldn't enjoy, consider minding your own business. make sure your blacklist is updated in late march. take reasonable steps to keep yourself safe, and communicate if you feel that someone has overstepped your boundaries. unfollowing and blocking is always an option on tumblr as well.
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ask-the-dif-host · 7 years
i'm confused about this whole 'the author' thing... from what i've gathered, you used to be called the author? and then something happened, and you became the host? i'm sorry if this ask is annoying, you can ignore it if you want.
“Mmhm, yes, I know it’s a little confusing,’ the Host says. ‘So don’t feel too bad. It’s not exactly widely talked about either, so I understand. I used to be the Author, and I was him for most of my existence. While I was the Author, I had the power to control situations, people–practically everything!–in my writing. Until… I decided to pick on Ryan and Daniel. My powers were going through a bit of a rough spot for some reason, and since I had just started modeling myself after Mark, I thought they might be fun to pick on. This ended with me getting shot by Daniel.’
“‘After that, I don’t really remember a lot, but I do remember meeting Dark, and I remember loosing my eyes. That’s why this bloody bandage is over my eyes; somehow my eyes were damaged, though I don’t know exactly how they’re damaged. They never stop bleeding, either, so I constantly have to change my bandages.’
“‘Once I lost my eyes, however, I also lost my power to control everything. This power was replaced by my ability to see the future of almost everything, and I realized that I was no longer writing the future, only narrating it. I realized that I wasn’t the Author, but I was the Host of the beings in this world. So that is how I became the Host, yes.’
“‘And don’t worry about it, dear. I’m always here to answer questions, even if they seem silly. I don’t expect everyone to know this about me!’“
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
I don't know how long they will be active but I got the links to them while they are still up.
After you guys watch let me know your thoughts. And check out my review and live reaction of the episodes underneath the read more. Spoilers below
(This is an April fools joke)
Gale Reviews: Miraculous Ladybug, Season 4, Episode 1: TRUTH
(With Live reaction)
-So Marinette is trying to find a place to store the ladybug miracle box. Its funny for a bit.
-Tikki suggests hiding it under her bed. Which Marinette does for the time being. But find its way to hard to access normally.
-"Ill figure something out" Marinette explains.
-The Kwami are swarming around the room, exploring. Barkk found the TV.
-Marinette's phone rings, And its Luka. With a heart at the end of the contact. (Resisting urge to gag)
-Luka calls to ask if she remembers that they have a date planned for today. Going to see Jagged's new movie.
-The kwami are f***ing creeping on the conversation. Marinette says she remembers and that she won't miss this one. Like she did the other nine times. I cracked up at that part.
-Luka tells her that he made sure she wouldn't forget. Since he showed up to her place.
-Marinette quickly tells Luka that she has to go. Then yells at the kwami to get in the box.
-Sass asks if the boy she was talking to was Luka.
-"Yes. Now in the box."
-Sass ships Lukanette.
-Hilariously Barkk does not. I love Barkk.
-So Luka is in Marinette's house with her parents as marinette rushed downstairs.
-Its a really awkward scene since Marinette never told her parents she was dating Luka.
-Protective Tom activated.
-Luka assures them that they haven't been on their first official date yet.
-That eases the parents.
-Marinette tells her mom and dad a bit about Luka before her phone goes off, letting her know the movie is gonna start soon.
-The two leave in a hurry.
-"I prefer the one she confessed to last time."
-Tom ships Marichat
-Adrien tries calling Kagami to see if she wants to see the Jagged stone movie, but she says she is busy with archery.
-So Adrien tries calling Nino, who is with Alya.
-So Adrien thinks about it and remembers Marinette loves Jagged Stone. She would probably love to see that movie.
-"I will call Mari... wait."
-Adrien has an imaginary scenario.
-He asks Marinette to the movies, Luka is mad and Kagami is mad.
-"Maybe that wouldn't be a good idea..." Adrien said kind of bummed.
-Plagg asks why it isn't a good idea. Isn't he friends with marinette?
-Adrien explaining why asking another guy's girlfriend to the movies is wrong.
-"You sound more bummed that you can't go with marinette then your own girlfriend." Plagg is SPITTING TRUTH!
-Adrien dismisses that notion, and decides he will try a few other people.
-Wow Nathalie looks awful. She tries to get out of bed with a cane and falls down.
-Gabriel there to help her up. I wish the show would stop shoving the adultery subplot down our throats.
-Gabriel explains that he finally figured out how to use both miraculous at the same time. Which means Nathalie can focus on resting.
-Nathalie insists she can help. But Gabriel tells her that she has done more than needed. She deserves a break. He can't thank her enough for everything.
-Nathalie looks like she wants to confess.
-"You are truly an irreplaceable friend and confidant."
-Nathalie says of course, and says she is tired.
-I feel bad for Nathalie.
-Okay so Lukanette date.
-Marinette springs the gift on him.
-Its a necklace made with the guitar pick he first gave her in Captain Hardrock I think.
-Luka loves it.
-Okay the scene that was leaked in the trailer. Big moment, WILL THEY KISS?
-and its really close and... AKUMA ALERT! Right off the bat. So close.
-Marinette gives an excuse about her dad calling. She will be right back before the movie starts.
-Luka says its okay. And says when she gets back to grab some popcorn
-Marinette gives him a peck on the cheek and rushes off.
-Well you get a cheek kiss. But DAMN they really made me think they would actually do it. I got nervous.
-Ladybug arrives on the scene and its... mr.Pigeon again.
-Ladybug is really annoyed, until she sees the Giant PIGEON SENTIMONSTER!
- Chat noir arrives and comments that this might be more difficult then they thought.
-Ladybug says that they will handle it in a flash.
-Luka watched the whole movie alone. The Usher told him to leave the seat.
-Just OUCH, I legit feel bad for Luka. My dude. I am so sorry
-Luka looking for Marinette at the theater but she is gone.
-He tries calling... and straight to voice mail. and 3 strikes!
-Luka starts walking out very disgruntled
-He gets to that bridge in the promo (its sunset) and Marinette arrives running to him. Telling him to wait.
-He turns around.
-She starts apologizing. Some excuse that its a bakery emergency
-"Your not being honest."
-Marinette tries to recover, but Luka says he wants to know what she has been hiding.
-"I am not hiding anything."
-"Marinette, please stop lying to me. Just tell me whats going on. I will understand. Just tell me."
-Marinette says softly she can't.
-"I said I can't tell you. Im sorry"
-She runs off.
-Luka looks hurt, and then angry. Looking at the necklace.
-"Why can't you trust me... What is so big you can't trust me?" He looks so angry. And frankly, I don't blame him.
-And cue Shadow moth, who is now revealing his transformation as shadowmoth. And I still think its ugly.
-Hawkmoth comments the spiel about being a disgruntled boyfriend who is felt put out by his girlfriend.
-Sends the akuma and Amok.
-Luka gets akumatized.
-Okay, now THIS is a good akumatization. I am not spoiling it but Shadowmoth and Luka's dialogue is TOPS here.
-He runs into Alya and the girls and tests out his powers on them. Alya thinks Nino looks better without glasses. Rose admits she only loves some of her stuffed animals and the guilt is killing her. Juleka admits that Luka dating one of her friends is creepy. THANK YOU JULEKA FOR SAYING IT.
-Adrien is bummed that he didn't get to see the movie. and as he was walking Bumps into marinette. Who ran into him
-Okay so this scene, TOP TEIR ADRINETTE.
-Adrien comforting Marinette, saying that Luka would understand.
-"Is it wrong to keep secrets from him?"
-"Sometimes we keep secrets because it will keep them safe. There is a right time to tell them, but it isn't always when we want to tell them."
-Marinette thanks Adrien for the advice and... OH KWAMI! TRUTH IS RIGHT THERE WATCHING!
-He knocked Adrien into the water.
-Truth and the Sentimonster are tailing Marinette.
-Adrien got a chance to transform.
-Marinette swerved to get to her house. Getting the giant eye sentimonster to bump into something.
-Marinette gets to her room, where truth tries asking her what she is hiding!
-They fight and Marinette tries to make sure the miracle box is hidden.
-Chat noir asking if Truth had a bad date or something. VERY POOR CHOICE OF WORDS!
-Chat noir knocks Truth out of the bedroom. He tells Marinette to go hide. He and Ladybug will get her boyfriend back to normal.
-Marinette thanks chat noir and runs out of view.
-Shadowmoth tells Truth to get Chat noir's secret, it will help him deal with the pest so he can achieve his goal. Truth agrees.
-Ladybug arrives and wam bam.
-Ladybug tells chat noir NOT to get caught in the gaze of that
-If you are still reading this at this point I gotta say I admire your dedication, but this is an elaborate prank.
April fools!
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stregoni-benefici · 3 years
Hi streg!💖 What do you think about Carlesme's thoughts on April Fools? If they enjoy it, what kind of pranks they would play on each other?
I am so sorry luv for such a late response, omg it feels like I’m responding in a new century 😭💖💕
Basically, let me say I am not very good with the concept of staged humour so I don’t have proper funny ideas. However, I believe Esme creates quite elaborate pranks, she enjoys to tease Carlisle even before they were married since he represents this proper, always in control science man, but she genuinely loves the moments when he gets flabbergasted. I think initially she enjoyed it more and he did not fully pay attention to this particular celebration, but as time went on and especially when Emmett joined the family he could not resist and began to set pranks himself.
Esme for started off gently, like once she pretended she fall asleep and Carlisle was so dense he started to observe this miraculous phenomenon with serious interest, Edward promised Esme not to ruin it for her, so he went along claiming she is actually dreaming. Carlisle was so close to tears thinking she might have the gift of slumber, he watched her reverently for the whole night. First trying to talk to her like; ‘Very funny, love’ but then he actually fell for it. Started to Scribble medical notes when Esme humanly turned around few times and then Carlisle took the shift off when she will wake up, he kissed her hair through the night and kept caressing her body. When Esme “woke up” she didn’t have the heart to tell him so she continued with the theatre a bit longer until Edward couldn’t stand it anymore and just revealed the mischief. “Carlisle, you can’t be seriously this dense” and Esme apologetically bit her lip and started to laugh and apologise in the same time. He was upset at first but then he took it well.
Other time Carlisle hid all painting tools around the forest and it took Esme two days to find them, other times he hid her lingerie in his office and made Rosalie and Alice promise they won’t borrow her theirs, so poor Esme had to go shopping without any underwear, but instead of shopping she went straight for his neck. He was in the hospital that day and she was angrily expecting him in his office, you can imagine what happened next. Other April Fools developed in more erotic way than others, while sometimes the kids helped them other times they were the targets of the pranks, which happened most of the time.
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colorseeingchick · 4 years
Oh Baby! A Series (Tsukishima x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You and Tsukishima have been together for years- and pranking each other the whole way through. But what happens when one prank on Tsukki turns out to be a prank on you? 
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of pregnancy, fluff 
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: This is my first fic! I hope you guys like it :) 
“This was the best you could do? Really?” You watch in horror as Tsukishima Kei, your husband of 5 years, holds the positive pregnancy test in his hand, a smug expression plastered across his face. 
“Babe, this is like the oldest trick in the book. I’m pretty offended that you thought that this would fool me, of all things.” He shakes his head slowly and puts the test back in the bathroom drawer where you (thought you) had hidden it away from his sight. 
You stand there, processing the scenario as it had just played out before you. But that clearly wasn’t enough to sort out how genuinely screwed (ha pun intended) you were.  
How exactly did you end up here again? 
Tsukki had been pranking and roasting you for 12 years now- 1 year as your classmate, 1 year as your friend, 5 years as your boyfriend, and 5 as your husband. Yeah, your high school sweetheart was this sarcastic four-eyes. You were simple to read and gave theatrical reactions which perpetually egged him on to keep messing with you, and eventually led to him developing feelings for you. Despite how annoyed you were by him at first as well, you soon found yourself loving his quick wit and taunting personality. Though the roasts were intense, the pranks were always light. Tsukki made an effort to never push serious or sensitive topics, and he would NEVER try to pull anything when you were in a bad mood. The pranks went both ways as well- and you never felt more accomplished than when you managed to catch your clever boyfriend off guard. Teasing was a staple of your relationship and both of you loved it. But the jokes sometimes had you both a bit too on guard. When Tsukki proposed to you, you thought he was just pulling a more elaborate prank than usual (which led to you initially rejecting him AND causing a hell of a lot of confusion/fear/panic for Tsukishima...until the jokes were clearly set aside. At that point you JOYOUSLY accepted the ring from him, but that’s a story for another day). Looking back on it, you always loved lecturing him on how it was his fault for always playing tricks on you, and that he can’t blame you for not believing him right away. 
But OH! How the tables have turned. 
5 years into your marriage, and the pranks haven’t gone anywhere. However, Tsukki made a “New Years Resolution” to make fun of you more than he had in previous years [Read: Tsukki thinks New Years Resolutions are FAKE NEWS and has made a dumb one to mock the concept]. But considering it was meant to be a parody, he was pretty doing a damn good job of teasing you more than you had ever experienced. Your favorite mug *magically* ended up in the highest cabinet possible on a frequent basis, pieces of your strawberry shortcake would disappear soon after being frosted, and there were plenty of jump scares (which Tsukki went through the effort of recording every time). By the time March rolled around, you were VERY riled up (mind you, at no point had you ever actually attempted to tell Tsukki to stop) and promised Tsukki that you were going to pull the GREATEST prank in the history of your relationship as your grand move of revenge. You made an effort to remind him on a daily basis after that point, and both of your competitive natures came out. 
It was about three weeks after your initial declaration of revenge that you realized your period was quite overdue and morning sickness was setting in. You logically decided to take a pregnancy test. Low and behold, the test came back positive! 
You had known that Tsukishima was ready for children for quite some time now, honestly. He had mentioned it a few times, but you hadn’t felt ready or prepared to be a mom just yet. The man could read you like a book, so seeing distress or discomfort come up when he mentioned it- he would never want to make you feel pressured to have a baby. But after seeing the test, thinking about it (for a good while), and reflecting on your relationship and where you were in life, you felt like you were properly ready to be a mom. All that was left was for you to tell the dad-to-be. But seeing as you two were in a pranking WAR, you figured the timing wasn’t quite ideal just yet. Which is why you decided to hide the test and tell him after April 1st, as to prevent him from assuming you were pulling your grand prank with the pregnancy test. 
Never did you expect him to FIND the test on April Fools itself. If he had found it the days before, it would have been better than him finding it today. The one event you were trying to avoid was the only event to occur. As of right now, the world is playing a big prank on you. Though you definitely weren’t laughing. 
And I was ACTUALLY going to do the prank today, too! Ughh. You slide down your bathroom wall, contemplating where to even go with this. You could go through with your real prank, but at this point it felt excessively stupid in comparison to everything else going on. Right now, the priority was telling Tsukki the truth. You get up and rush downstairs, to where Tsukki was sitting on the couch, book in hand. 
“Kei, we need to talk.” You plop down next to him, casually placing one of your legs on top of his lap. 
He closes the book and tosses you one of his classic smirks, side eye and all. “Yes, Y/N?”
“Kei... I’m…” You grab his hand, “I’m actually pregnant.” 
He stares into your eyes, expression neutral. Meanwhile, your eyes dig daggers into him, as to say “I’m being DEAD serious you have to believe me or else.” 
He blinks a couple of times, smiles, and then raises the hand you put on top of his, sweetly kissing right below your knuckles. 
“I commend you for trying to rescue your prank, but you’re not gonna fool me like that.” He squeezes your hand before getting up and walking away to the kitchen, leaving you in absolute shock on the couch. He doesn’t believe me. Not even a little bit. 
As the day goes on, you get more and more desperate to try and convince him of how you actually were now carrying his baby. And the more you try, the more he rejects the idea. Your last ditch effort is during dinner, when you make pancakes (breakfast for dinner was a Saturday specialty for you two) and you spell out “I have your CHILD” with chocolate chips on top of his stack. 
“You realize how out of context, this could be read a VERY different way, right?” He would have been fed up with how persistent you were being, if it wasn’t for how creative you were being about it. So instead, he was just thoroughly amused. 
You, on the other hand, are far from amused. Desperate, hopeless, and VERY irritated at the blond beanpole you called your husband, you aggressively stab your pancakes and eat in silence. 
I definitely set myself up for this, I’m not gonna lie. 
But there is only one way out, and that’s with fresh evidence. Right after finishing dinner, you leave the house and head to your local shop without saying a word to Tsukki. 
...She’s really sticking to it huh. Does she know that this isn’t as funny as she thinks it is? He thinks to himself as he sips on some warm milk while listening to some music and reading on the couch.
[Trust me Tsukki. She doesn’t think this is funny at all.]
Though you weren’t at the store for all that long, your husband managed to pass out on the couch (the milk made him sleepy). You sigh, shaking him into slight consciousness and dragging him up the stairs to your bedroom. As you push him onto the bed, he grabs your waist and tries to pull you onto him. He manages to get you close to his chest, and he nuzzles his nose into your neck, mostly asleep and searching for cuddles. For how irritating, snarky, and teasing your husband was, he was awfully affectionate and overwhelmingly sweet in moments like these. 
“Not yet, baby,” you whisper to his unconscious head, pulling his glasses off his face. “I have to prove how much of an idiot you are for not believing me. Then you get cuddles.” You wriggle yourself out of his grasp and head to the bathroom, taking another test to confirm what you already knew to be true. 
Sighing upon the sight of the two lines, you place this test in the drawer with the other one. “I’ll show him tomorrow when he’s awake and ready to face my wrath.” You smile mischievously while shutting the drawer.
You take care of some unfinished business in your house as it slowly hits 1 am. Exhausted, you eventually find yourself crawling into bed and under Tsukki’s arms, nuzzling into his chest as his arms instinctively encase you, your face tucking into the crook of his neck. 
How badly you wanted to stay upset at him. But it felt virtually impossible when he showered you with so much love. Being wrapped up in the warmth of his arms  quickly helped you drift off to sleep. 
You stirred back into consciousness at around 7 am,when the warmth that had wrapped around your body had disappeared, your husband not in sight. He usually woke up early on weekends to go run, so his absence wasn't surprising. Too groggy to worry or think straight, you instinctively get out of bed to go use the restroom as nausea shifts your stomach. However, when you approach the door frame of your master bathroom, you see Tsukki staring into the drawer, looking stiff as a statue. His face hidden, you could tell he’s deeply lost in thought. 
“Kei?” You ask softly, “ Love, is everything alri-”
He twists his body to face you, an unreadable expression adorning his strong and normally smug features. It scared you a little. 
He reveals the two tests in his hands as he strides towards you, holding them directly in front of your line of sight. 
“Y/N, all jokes aside. Okay?”
You had a strong indication as to where this was going. “Okay.” 
“Are you really pregnant?” 
You paused for a second. Although the answer to the question was easy, there was a sudden fear that rose in your stomach upon hearing his tone. What if he was in denial because he didn’t want the baby? Would he be angry if he found out you were serious? But you were almost certain he would be as excited as you for the baby. 
Your pause of insecurity was accompanied by a blank expression that had Tsukki’s anticipation skyrocketing. He really wasn’t one to overthink. Thinking just the right amount was his specialty. He’s a rational guy. But you always managed to push that a little, and became the exception. 
“Y/N??” His hands grab your shoulders with a slight squeeze.
You jump back into reality as he calls your name. No matter what his reaction was, he would need to know the truth. You could do damage control after. 
“Yes. I really am pregnant, Kei. But if you don’t think we’re rea-”
“Is it mine?”
At this, you got pissed real fast. 
“The hell? Of course it’s yours, who else’s kid would it be what the hell do you thi-”
He engulfs you in a tight, crushing hug, pulling you against him entirely with his face nuzzled into the crook of your neck. He lets out a shaky breath as he sways you side to side in his embrace. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m gonna be a dad.” Relief radiates off of him, and you could feel a genuine and innocent smile pressed against your skin. 
Now you felt like an idiot for even worrying about telling him the truth. 
You gently pull away from his body to look him in the eyes, his arms still draped around you. “Kei, why didn’t you believe me when I told you yesterday?” 
He looked away from you, eyes on the ground. “Whenever I tried to bring it up in the past, you seemed uncomfortable, and you’ve told me before that you aren’t sure if you were ready to be a mom… I thought that I was the only one who wanted a baby... So when you promised a grand prank for days on end, and I found a positive pregnancy test... I just assumed it was an intense prank and didn’t wanna get my hopes up.” Despite everything, Tsukki had never been the best at direct confrontation. You both were advocates of clear communication and drawing lines, yes, but sometimes, for your sake, he tried to accommodate. It warmed your heart and broke it at the same time to see him all soft and vulnerable, compared to his usual tough guy act. 
“Baka.” You pulled his face down to yours so your foreheads touched, his eyes having no option but to lock with yours. “I would never lie about something like this. We’ve always been good about keeping serious stuff serious, yeah?” 
He murmured in agreement as he slowly closed his eyes. 
You giggle. “You know me too well, though. For a long time I didn’t think I was ready. Even when I took the first test I had doubt in myself. But I thought about everything and… I think I’m ready to have this baby. If it's with you then, yeah. I’m ready.” 
He opens his eyes again just to stare at you for a long moment before saying, “You’re gonna be as weird a mom as you are a wife.” 
You smack his arm and scowl at him. He breaks out and laughs, “Don’t worry, our baby will probably be as weird as you, so it will be great.” Your scowl deepened. It’s his turn to grab your face and kiss your nose, staring at you with all the love in the world. “It's because you’re so weird that I love you so much. Who else would be able to throw back what I dish out AND amuse me at the same time?” He quirks an eyebrow at you. 
You sigh, effectively flustered by his wacky compliment. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” His infamous smirk makes a reappearance and damn, are you a sucker for that smirk. 
“But-” you continue, “we really have set some ground rules from here on out. I thought your proposal would be the greatest mix-up in our relationship, but this is too close of a second.”
“And throughout this pregnancy you sure as hell better lay off on the teasing and pranks because I swear I will-” 
“I promise. I’ll be nice to you while you’re carrying our baby. I know- how absolutely uncharacteristic of me.” 
You roll your eyes, a smile sneaking onto your face. “Be careful, I might get used to it.” 
He rolls his eyes back, smiling as well. “So, truce?” 
He finally pulls away from you and walks as to exit your bedroom. “We’ll talk more about this later, I’m gonna go on my run for now. Do you know where my water bottle is by the way?” 
You lean against the door frame once again. “It should be in the office.” 
“Alright, I’ll let you know when I get back.”
You smiled to yourself, your stomach bubbling from nausea, yes, but also from happiness. How did you get so lucky with such a snarky beanpole? You had yet to figure it out. 
“OI Y/N!” You broke out of your thoughts again as Tsukki sprints up the stairs and essentially throws himself into your bedroom. 
His face is completely awestruck, stuck in a state of shock and disbelief. 
“You wanna tell me why there are dinosaur stickers covering literally everything in my office?”
A mischievous grin slowly crawls across your face. 
His desk, chair, lamp, laptop, printer, and walls were plastered with dinosaur stickers. A flag with a dinosaur was hung behind his desk as well. (The visit to the shop the night before was the last of 5 trips you had made- you had gone to all sorts of stores to find jumbo stickers over the course of the past few weeks, because Tsukki would have seen packages if you ordered stickers online). 
“You couldn’t even spare my water bottle?” He lifts it, as to express his exasperation. 
The water bottle looked excessively stupid, as its usual blue service was covered with green baby dinos. 
“What happened to the truce?” He asks, still shocked. 
“I told you I would get my revenge.” The sass and pride was tangible in your voice. 
“Happy belated April Fool’s, Kei.”
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yafaemi · 3 years
Happy April Fool's Day from the random-oc-question-fairy! May your day be filled with laughter and merriment! ~☆
What does your character think about April Fool's Day (or their world's equivalent)? How do they spend April Fool's day?
Hello! ^-^ I hope your April Fool’s is filled with the same! (Even though, as I answer this, it is... technically tomorrow now. 1AM is the perfect time to answer things!)
I honestly have no idea if an equivalent to April Fool’s exists in FF14 or not. o.o But I do know how The Gang would spend it. I’m gonna answer with the main trio of this blog-- Rory, Oliver, and Amandine. 
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Rory loves it. A chance to put all of her trouble-making skills to work? Making some fantastic stories for the future? Tormenting her friends with ridiculous pranks? Say less, she’s absolutely invested. This is the sort of holiday that she can get behind wholeheartedly.
Aurora spends it the way that any self-respecting causer of chaos would: by pulling as many pranks as humanly possible. They always start off small-- the basic ‘oh no, your shoe’s untied!’ or ‘hey look over there! that’s so interesting!’ 
And then they get more and more elaborate, until it ends with one big prank that she ends up pulling on one specific, lucky person. (...Oliver. It’s usually Oliver.) 
One of Aurora’s favorites that she’s ever pulled off was getting her brother to go on a wild goose case just to find her a few years ago. She spent quite a good amount of time preparing it-- hiding a bunch of linkpearls around the house, learning how to throw her voice (which unfortunately didn’t work half as well as she’d meant for it to), and some very clever spells she’d gotten a friend to teach her. 
It went on for fifteen minutes before Oliver finally gave up and left her to, as she’d swear up and down was word-for-word, “be lost in the void or wherever she was, since he’s looked everywhere and isn’t even sure she’s in the house anymore.” 
He was not happy when she snuck up on him later and revealed the trick.
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Oliver isn’t half as enthusiastic about it as Aurora is. He doesn’t participate all that much, in general, really. Too busy trying to avoid his sister, because the gods only know what sort of madness she’s planning. It could be anything from a uniquely cursed plate of cookies that she somehow managed to make spicy, to waking up in a chocobo costume that the zipper broke on. 
(Which were indeed things she’d done in past years. She still has the recipe to the cursed cookies.) 
Although, while he might not be the leading prankster of the family, he does like to remind Aurora that he could definitely give her a run for her money if he really tried every once in a while. 
Like the one time that he and a close friend ended up getting a ton of glamour prisms, and used them to turn the entire house fluorescent yellow. Everything was so bright that it practically glowed. 
Aurora had been out of the house that day-- surprisingly, Oliver wasn’t the victim of that year’s big prank-- which just made it all the better, frankly. 
He ended up giving himself a nasty headache from how bright it was, but the look of horror on Aurora’s face when she walked into the house was more than worth it. (That was, in fact, the latest prank Oliver pulled off! It is also his personal favorite.) 
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Out of the three, Amandine participates the least in April Fool’s day. She’s never gotten into it much-- she feels like she has better to do with her time than wasting other people’s, more or less. 
Of course, in more recent times, she does help Aurora and Oliver with their pranks a little. Just because it’s really entertaining hearing all about how the other is ‘never gonna see this one coming.’ 
She’s moreso become an observer to the pranks. Neither of them dare to try and prank her-- while they know Amandine would never do anything that would put them in danger, they also know that she wouldn’t just take a prank lying down, and it’d be paid in kind. 
And knowing what they do of Amandine’s prank suggestions already, it’d absolutely be a kind of chaos neither of them could actually beat. (Aurora’s pretty sure that they’d wake up on the other side of the world, somehow. Oliver is positive that Amandine would make good on the remark of turning him into a toad.) 
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ghost--houses · 4 years
Untamed Spring Fest 2020 Day 8: Spring
Posting daily a month late because I’m a slow writer!
read this one on AO3
read all currently finished prompts on AO3
Spring (WangXian, continuation of Day 1: April Fools, ~2k words)
When Wei Wuxian planned his revenge prank on Lan Zhan, it went something like this:
Rig up an elaborate paper man prank on the door leading out of the Jingshi.
After dinner, find some excuse to go outside and get Lan Zhan to follow.
Paper men fall all over Lan Zhan’s head, messing up his hair and generally causing problems.
Lan Zhan becomes angry.
Wei Wuxian will immediately say that he lost control of the paper men, and that there shouldn’t be that many, all of which is all a lie and Lan Zhan will know this and become even more angry.
Wei Wuxian will be then dragged into the Jingshi (maybe by his hair? That sounds fun) in order to be Punished.
He will continue to insist on his (relative) innocence and complain about the severity of the Punishment until Lan Zhan becomes even angier.
Repeat step 7 as needed.
When Wei Wuxian has been Dealt With to the complete satisfaction of both parties, he will check in with Lan Zhan to make sure he is actually over the paper men incident and that they didn’t do any real damage and then they will go to sleep even more in love than before.
It was a great plan and the end result was exactly what he wanted. But two things went differently. First, in step 6, he was actually thrown over Lan Zhan’s shoulder and carried into the Jingshi, which was an improvement. The second was that instead of Wei Wuxian leading Lan Zhan out of the Jingshi as in step 2, Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi had arrived to bring some documents so instead Lan Zhan triggered the trap when he walked out to greet them. And Wei Wuxian had not anticipated the righteous fury they would have on behalf of their beloved Hanguang-jun (before, of course, running away in horror when they realized this was going to be a sex thing).
The retribution begins the next morning. Wei Wuxian takes one of his usual walks into the back hills to find a place far from the sensitive ears of Lan Qiren to play Chenqing (the sacrifices one must make for marriage!). He steps out onto a rock jutting out onto the river and he’s not even two notes into his warm-up when he is completely drenched in river water from head to toe.
It takes a couple moments of sputtering and shaking for him to even comprehend what’s happened. He pushes the wet hair plastered to his face off to the side and looks around for an explanation. The water has cleared the rock of dust and dirt and revealed a talisman right under his feet. It’s very clever -- it’s rigged only to respond to his particular instrument and is clearly Jingyi’s work. Wei Wuxian’s just wondering how they knew he would use this rock when he sees a small white corner flapping in the breeze nearby. And then another. And another.
It’s an entire network. It would have taken them hours. He’s so proud he could cry.
But for now, there’s work to do.
First, dry clothes. Unfortunately, he doesn’t make it back home without running into his assailants. Even worse, Lan Zhan is with them. Ah, well, he can work with this.
“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan says, frowning. Behind him, Jingyi is barely concealing his glee. Sizhui’s face is so innocent that any suspicions Wei Wuxian had that Jingyi acted alone are wiped clean.
“I’m fine, I’m fine! I fell in the river. Lots of loose rocks out there, you know, will need to be more careful.” He turns his reassuring smile into an exaggerated pout. “I am a little shaken up, though, maybe my husband can give me some comfort.” And then he starts to go in for a hug. Lan Zhan steps back.
“You will catch a cold if you do not change immediately.”
“Yes, yes, fine.” Wei Wuxian turns to go but when he passes the juniors, he adds, “Looking a little tired today, boys, I pray that there are no disturbances in your sleep tonight.”
He smiles to himself as he walks away. Now to plan the actual prank.
The next day, Wei Wuxian is conveniently guest lecturing one of the juniors' classes, going over exorcism techniques. He is barely sitting upright when he begins, and by half-way through, he's basically laying on his side, gesturing with his flute as he calls on various disciples to answer questions. It is here, at what appears to be his least-threatening, that he springs his trap.
“Ah!” He starts, as if suddenly remembering something. “Sizhui, you were there when I performed Empathy in Yi City, why don’t you tell us about that?”
“Of course.” He says, starting to stand up. “In Yi City, Wei-qianbei -- “
“Oh, come up here,” Wei Wuxian waves him over. “I already know what happened, you’re telling your classmates.”
There’s a tiny hesitation from Sizhui -- Wei Wuxian watches him calculate the probability of a prank versus Wei Wuxian’s unconventional teaching styles and settles on the latter. He moves up to the front of the class.
Wei Wuxian lets him get through a brief explanation of the parties involved in the tragedy of Yi City before interrupting him again. “Ah, wait, Jingyi, you were there, too, you should come up and add your observations as well.”
Jingyi, who had checked out a few minutes ago, presumably on the assumption that since he was there, he didn’t need to listen to this (which is absolutely what Wei Wuxian would have done in his case, too), looks up guilty. “I... uh… Sizhui can probably tell it better than I can.”
“No, no, no, come up!” Wei Wuxian waves at him, lazily. “You’d be surprised what insights can be found from a different perspective.” He adds, genuinely, hoping they remember that one when they’re mad at him in a few minutes.
Jingyi joins Sizhui and Sizhui continues his story, and Jingyi, predictably, begins to interject whenever he thinks Sizhui is not adding the proper sensational embellishments. When all eyes are on the two juniors in front of him, Wei Wuxian secretly draws his talisman and watches a little blue line coalesce on both of their wrists. He smiles, and returns to teaching, adding notes and asking for clarifications.
When they’ve finished their story, he dismisses the class. “We’ve done enough, go enjoy the spring day,” he says. The other disciples begin to bow and disperse, so the room is almost empty by the time Jingyi and Sizhui attempt to go to gather their notes on the opposite sides of the room and find that they cannot.
“Ah.” Wei Wuxian says, slowly getting to his feet, over the sounds of Jingyi falling to his ass and Sizhui telling him to stop struggling and just come closer. “Well, this is a bind, isn’t it?”
“You!” Jingyi shouts.
“How do we… ?” Sizhui starts, looking down at his wrist.
“You’re smart boys,” Wei Wuxian says, flicking a finger across his nose and heading for the door. “You’ll figure it out.”
They’ve figured it out by dinner, because Sizhui comes to dinner with his fathers alone.
“Wei-qianbei” He says, when it can be safely said that meal time is over. “I think we should agree not to let our… contest disturb any of our family time.”
Wei Wuxian smiles, feeling the unmistakable warmth of parental pride, both from his thoughtfulness as well as the clear indication that he’s in this to win it. “Yes. And we’ll keep Lan Zhan out of it.” Sizhui nods and smiles and when he leaves for the night, he says, a little too sweetly, “Sleep well, Wei-qianbei.”
In the morning, Wei Wuxian wakes up at six(!) to the sound of fireworks. He jolts out of bed and looks outside, expecting a party, but there's nothing in the sky. There's no smell of smoke, either. In fact, the moment he steps out of the Jingshi to get a better look, the sound stops. It is localized.
He could just go sleep somewhere else... maybe a roof? Except that might be exactly what they're expecting. Groaning, he dresses adequately enough and starts to hunt down whatever's making this noise.
It takes him an hour, but he finds a charm attached to the outside that's not supposed to be there. He recognizes the design -- it transfers noise over long distances. He could just break it -- or better yet, attach it to one of the juniors’ robes -- but he’s struck with inspiration and with a few additional arrays and other modifications, he now has it transmitting in both directions.
"Hey, I found your charm! Nice try, but I'm going back to bed."
"Wei-gongzi?" Comes the voice on the other side.
"...Wen Ning?"
"How... how did they rope you into this?"
"Ahhh... well... it sounded like you were having fun and I thought..."
"Betrayed! By my own general!"
"I'm sorry, Gongzi!"
"It's alright, I can't stay mad at you, Wen Ning. Can you kill the fireworks, though? I can't fly, so I'd have to use Little Apple to try and track you down."
"Oh, yes, I will."
"Thank you."
Later that day, Wei Wuxian sneaks chili oil into all the dishes of Jingyi and Sizhui’s midday meal. Then the next day, Jingyi attempts to reuse his flute-triggered talisman to cover Wei Wuxian with colored dust while he’s playing with Sizhui as guqin accompaniment. It works, but he must have missed a character in the array because Sizhui’s playing triggers it as well, so Wei Wuxian and Sizhui have a brief truce in order to work together to move Jingyi's bed out to a rock in the middle river in the dead of night, with Jingyi still asleep in it.
That evening, anticipating Sizhui and Jingyi’s inevitable reconciliation, Wei Wuxian sits in the Jingshi, brainstorming his next move when Lan Zhan comes and sits down across from him at his desk.
"...hmm?" Wei Wuxian says after a moment, slowly looking up. "Lan Zhan, what's wrong?"
"Your games with the juniors are becoming disruptive."
"Games! Lan Zhan, this is war! What do you expect me to do, surrender?"
"The other disciples are distracted. And my uncle..."
Wei Wuxian winces. He really had been careful to keep the old man out of this but it was probably impossible for him to be completely ignorant. "Do you... are you asking me to stop?"
"The Cloud Recesses is not the proper place for this."
"Ah, fine, er gege! Tomorrow, I will go to the juniors and surrender, I will expose my soft underbelly for their vicious claws. But you will have to take responsibility for making me feel better, ok?"
Lan Zhan nods. "It is better for the Cloud Recesses to be quiet again."
"Yes, you're right." Wei Wuxian puts his paper and inkstick aside.
"Other clans are better suited for this sort of behavior."
"Yes, yes, Lan Zhan, I get it, I -- " He stops and narrows his eyes. "Lan Zhan..."
"Sizhui and Jingyi are joining Sect Leader Jin and Ouyang Zizhen for a night hunt in a few days."
"Ah... ah!" Wei Wuxian scrambles to get out his paper again.
"Sect Leader Jiang will be chaperoning."
He frowns. "Lan Zhan, you're teasing me, you got my hopes up." But there's a particular quirk to Lan Zhan's lips that makes Wei Wuxian think he hasn't misread this unsubtle line of hints. Oh, of course. Lan Zhan has a different target in mind. His eyes dart meaningfully to Wei Wuxian's inkblock. "Sect Leader Jiang will travel through Yunping City on his way to Lanling, leaving tomorrow at sunrise..."
An hour later, Wei Wuxian has a full timeline and map, about twenty ideas and is putting off the rest of his planning until after he's shown Lan Zhan how deeply, truly grateful he is for his help.
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @vyxynheartssterek!
Happy Holidays! Hope you enjoy :)
Read on AO3
Soulmates and Coffee
Beacon Hills, it seemed, hadn’t changed at all. It took Derek twenty minutes to make it from the airport to the town limit. He watched as the buildings of the bustling city merged seamlessly into trees; their long shadows cast against the road from the occasional streetlight.
If he tried hard enough, he could smell the familiar scent of home through the dirty air filter of the rental car.
The car lurched as it hit the first pothole.
Derek smiled at the familiarity. He could still hear his mother cursing up a storm when she had hit the same one and got a flat tire. He and Laura had been stranded in the back seat with nothing but a yo-yo to keep themselves amused as she tried to figure out how to put on the spare.
No matter how many times the darn pothole was paved, it came back each year with a vengeance and had become an unfortunate landmark amongst the Beacon Hill community.
He merged onto the main street.
It was still dark this early in the early morning. The redeye flight had been the only one available on short notice. His eyes burned, but the thrill of home kept him going.
It’d been a long time since he last drove these streets. Four years at a university in New York with mainly phone calls and Skype to keep in contact with his family. Of course, they all came out to see him graduate last spring, but that seemed like a lifetime ago.
Laura had stayed with him for a couple weeks a few years back. He had showed her around the city, taken her to all his favorite places, and even some that weren’t his favorites but that he thought she’d enjoy. She liked the city in a distant sort of way, saying that it was pretty but not for her, and that she was needed back home.
He flexed his fingers around the unfamiliar wheel of the car.
Laura’s trip was the first time he’d heard about their new emissary, Stiles. She told him he was nice, and friendly with a mischievous streak a mile wide that kept everyone on their toes. She was supposed to spend time with him since she was to be the next alpha. She needed to trust him and his judgement, and he her.
He was looking forward to meeting this new person. Having been born and raised out here he felt like he knew everyone, at least in passing. But the name Stiles didn’t ring any bells. And no one in his family elaborated on who exactly he was.
He smiled, gently weaving between a string of potholes, proud of himself for remembering where they were. Maybe he could save a little bit of damage to the poor car.
The clock on the dash flicked to the hour. 4am.
He tapped his thumbs against the wheel.
The pack wouldn’t be awake yet. Even Peter wouldn’t be up for another hour. But, he supposed, that just meant he’d have time to unpack in peace before getting ambushed with attention. Cora was convinced he was bringing her something back from New York.
He smiled, imagining her face when she opened the bag containing a T-shirt stating that someone who loved her went to New York and only brought back “this shirt”.
He passed the high school on his right. It looked the same, yet off at the same time. He squinted for just a second longer as he placed the oddity; the building had been extended. He could see the off color brick where the new portion started.
Just past the school, a building complex came into view. This one hadn’t been there when he was here last. He frowned, trying to make out which signs were posted above the doors when the car lurched.
Derek swore, gripping the wheel and jerking it to keep the car straight.
The steady thumping of a flat tire filled the air.
He slapped the hazzards, pulling into the parking lot of the complex he’d been examining.
The cruel irony made him grimace. He sat, listening to the hum of the engine and the chirping of crickets. He’d have to put on the spare.
He tugged the key from the ignition and brushed his thumb across the soulmark on his left wrist. It was a habit he’d developed when the mark appeared, a romantic at heart, the slight touch calmed him, reminding him that someone special was out there, somewhere. It was a couple shades lighter than his skin tone, the triple spirals he knew represented him were tucked inside an explosion of lines, each one fanning outward in a different direction. He used to call it a firework.
The mark had appeared when he was sixteen, like it did almost everyone else in the world, and he would be blatantly lying if he ever said he hadn’t hoped of meeting his soulmate in New York. Beacon Hills seemed like too small of a place to meet anyone that significant, and a part of him believed by moving to a bigger city the chances of running into them were greater. But here now, nearly ten years later, he still hadn’t met them. Which was fine, he supposed, some people didn’t meet their soulmates until they were older. His mom was in her thirties when she met hers.
He opened the car door, stepping out into the cold air. Whoever his soulmate was probably wasn’t out at this hour anyway and he wanted to get home.
He walked to the back of the car and popped the trunk, levering out his rolling suitcase so he could access the compartment that held the spare. He lifted the flap, and stared into the empty space.
The jack was where it should be, tucked away in the crevice that looked designed to hold it, the tool to loosen the bolts was also there, and even some reflective cones. But there was no tire.
He sighed and tugged his phone from his pocket. He didn’t want to wake anyone up, he’d specifically told them all that he was familiar with the area and was more than capable of driving himself home. He glared at the back tire.
With only a second’s hesitation, he called Peter. He frowned as the phone continued to ring. More than likely Peter had his phone on Do Not Disturb. Even the gentle vibration of phones would wake any of them up, but Peter was usually up before sunrise anyway and would get the message soon enough. If he were desperate, he could always walk.
The phone kicked him to voicemail, Peter’s voice told him to leave a message if it was something that couldn’t be sent through text.
He smiled. “Hey, Uncle Peter. I hit one of the potholes on Main and apparently a spare tire is extra in the car rental industry.” He chuckled. “But, uh, yeah, I’m in the parking lot outside-” he squinted at the closest sign on the building. “Merry Meet Coffee and Tea, if you wouldn’t mind picking me up when you wake up, that’d be great. Thank you!”
He hung up and looked back at the sign. Merry Meet Coffee and Tea was new, and the blue and red neon sign proclaimed they were open. Sitting inside and drinking coffee sure beat sitting in the car for an hour.
He loaded his luggage back into the trunk and shut it, then began his way across the lot.
A bell tied to the inside handle jingled when he pushed the door open.
The cafe was simple with a woodsy feel. Wooden tables sat scattered throughout the room, their legs twisting and reaching out and down to the floor like tree roots. The tall back chairs were styled similarly. Plants hung from holders on the ceiling, and a few paintings of forest scenery decorated the walls.
It was a fitting theme for Beacon Hills.
A short haired young man looked up from a stack of books at a corner table. His brow twitched just slightly as he tried to orientate himself back to his surroundings, having been yanked from his thoughts at Derek’s entry.
“Hello,” he greeted from habit. Then his expression lightened and he smiled, rising from his seat. “What can I get for you?” He left his books on the table, careful to check the page number of the book he was on before closing it.
Derek watched as he made his way around the counter and over to the register. He could now see the small logo of a tree and the name of the shop embroidered on the chest of his shirt.
“Just a cup of black coffee, please.” Derek smiled, pulling his wallet from his back pocket. He handed over his debit card and looked around again. “This is a nice shop, it wasn’t here last time I was in town.”
“It’s my mom’s, I help her out sometimes and come in early.” The young man swiped his card, then looked back at him. “Where are you from?”
“Here.” Derek smiled, watching the way the man’s eyes narrowed in thought as he tried to place who Derek was. “I was born and raised here, but I’ve been studying in New York for the last four years. I’m Derek Hale.”
The man’s eyes widened sightly in surprise, then a smile lit his face. “I can see that now. I knew you back in grade school.”
Now it was Derek’s turn to frown; grade school had been a long time ago.
The grin slowly widened across his face. “Back then I went by Mischief.”
“Scott’s friend!” Derek announced, sudden memories of the two boys hanging out with Cora coming back to him. They had come to a few of her birthday parties, and if he remembered correctly, had been suspended together at some point for disrupting class with a prank on April Fools Day.
“That’s me,” Mischief grinned, reaching down to grab a cup.
“How’s your mom doing?” Derek asked, stepping down the length of the counter out of habit; it wasn’t like there was anyone behind him.
“She’s great! She’ll actually be in shortly, I have a class that starts at seven.” He grabbed the carafe and filled the cup. “She’s excited to see you again. The whole pack’s excited you’re home.”
Derek nodded. “I’m excited to be home.”
Claudia had been Talia’s emissary since before he was born; the two had been childhood friends growing up and once Claudia came into her spark it seemed only natural for her to take the roll.
Mischief held the cup out to him.
Derek took it, then jolted back when their fingers brushed, a shock reverberating through his soul, causing all the hair on his arms to stand on end. There, on his outstretched wrist, his soulmark flared silver.
Mischief leapt back as well, gripping his left wrist in shock.
They stared at each other over the spilled coffee.
“Well,” Mischief said softly, eyes still wide, “I certainly wasn’t expecting that.” He uncurled his fingers, twisting his wrist to see his soulmark.
It was the same triple spiral and firework that marked Derek’s own skin.
“Same,” Derek nodded. He righted the cup that had fallen and tipped when they’d jerked back, and looked around, scanning the room for napkins.
“I got it,” Mischief said.
Derek looked back at him in time to see him raise his hands. The spilled coffee shifted, beading into hundreds of droplets, and rising into the air. He watched as they hovered across the counter to a sink and splashed inside.
“You’re magic?” Derek asked, belatedly chastizing himself; what else could that have been? A stage trick?
“A spark.” Mischief swiped the cup off the table and into the trash, reaching for a fresh one. “Like my mom. The class I’m going to later is about control, hopefully I’ll be learning more complex spells soon, but magic is tricky.” He poured Derek a cup and reached for another for himself. “It’s like magic has a mind of its own, that’s why it takes so long to learn.”
Derek nodded. “My family just took on a new emissary, he’s supposed to be Laura’s emissary when she becomes alpha. Magic is a lot of responsibility.”
Stiles stilled, his head tilting just slightly as he set the kuraff back. “Do you know who it is?”
“No.” Derek took a tentative sip of the drink, wincing when it burned his tongue. It was good, it made the airport coffee taste like swamp water. “I didn’t recognize his name, and I’m pretty sure I know everyone in Beacon Hills. He probably moved here recently.”
Mischief chuckled. “What’s his name?” He stepped out from behind the counter, motioning Derek over to his table of books.
“Stiles. Do you know him?”
Mischief’s eyes gleamed. “I’d like to think I do.”
“You’re close then?” Derek asked, ready to seize the moment and ask about what his family’s new emissary was like.
“Oh yeah.” Mischief stacked his books and placed them on the table behind them. “Scott and Cora are friends with him.”
“What’s he like?”
Mischief hummed. “I think he’s pretty smart, and clever. According to Laura sometimes sarcastic.” He sipped his coffee. “You planning on staying in town just long enough to meet him?”
Derek shook his head, running his thumb along the leaf pattern on the cup. “I’m home for good now. Living out there was a good experience, but I’d like to be home for a little while now.”
Mischief nodded, setting his cup down. “I’ve thought about traveling.”
Derek looked up quickly. He wouldn’t dare ask his soulmate to not pursue his dreams, but the thought of him leaving soon after meeting stung. He wanted a chance to get to know him. He made sure to keep his voice even when he asked, “Why don’t you?”
“I’ve got a lot of things going on here. Someday I’ll travel, but for now I’m happy learning magic here.” He smiled, flashing just a hint of teeth.
Derek relaxed, relief flooding him, quickly followed by guilt at his reaction. If Mischief wanted to travel, he could damn well travel. Maybe Derek could even go with him.
The jingle of the bell made both of them look up.
A lady walked in, her long hair pulled back into a ponytail.
“Hi Mom,” Mischief said, then motioned at Derek. “Derek’s back.”
Claudia’s eyes lit up, a smile creasing her face. She stepped up to the table, wrapping Derek into a warm hug. “Welcome home.” She released him and turned to Mischief, hugging him as well. When she was done, she looked back at Derek. “You’re mom invited Stiles and I over for a pack dinner tonight, but if you don’t feel up to it let us know and we can do it another night.”
Derek nodded. “I’m sure I’ll be fine after a nap, I just had an incident with the rental car and that slowed me down getting home.” He smiled. “It’ll be nice to meet him.”
Claudia frowned, casting a glance at Mischief, who looked up at her with total innocence.
“Would you mind if Mischief came as well?” He turned his wrist over to expose the soulmark. “I’d like to catch up with him.”
Surprise flooded Claudia’s face, quickly replaced by a grin. “Congratulations.” She looked at Mischief, her expression dropping into a scowl. “And you should have told him.”
“Told me what?” Derek asked, glancing between them in confusion.
Mischief wilted under her look. He looked up at Derek, smiling slowly. “I go by Stiles now.”
“You’re Laura’s emissary?” Derek blurted.
Mischief- no, Stiles held his hands out. “Surprise?”
Derek opened his mouth to reply when the bell jingled again, and Peter stepped into the cafe. His button up shirt and slacks made it look like he was on his way to a meeting rather than to rescue his nephew from a flat tire.
“You said you could get from the airport to home without incident.” Peter frowned only half-jokingly as he crossed the room to their table.
“On any normal day, I can. I’ve had a long night, Uncle Peter, just take me home please.” Derek shook his head slowly.
“Are you alright?” Peter asked, concern rising in his tone.
“Of course.” Derek shrugged. “I hit one of the legion of potholes on Main, reconnected with a friend of Cora’s only to find out he’s my soulmate and Laura’s emissary, and now you’re being all Peter. But I’m good.” He smiled, trying to joke back, but his muscles were aching and tired; the sun was now creeping through the windows and he didn’t even want to look at a clock in case it confirmed he’d been awake for over twenty four hours. He needed sleep.
“Go get some rest, I’ll see you at dinner.” Stiles rose, holding out a hand to him.
Derek stood, taking it in his own. “Looking forward to it… Mischief.” He winked and sauntered past Peter; he had a feeling he wasn’t going to be bored anytime soon.
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miraculouslbfangirl · 5 years
April Fools’ Day
Ladybug and Chat Noir fist bumped for the third time since the beginning of the day with a lack of energy that showed how terribly tired they both were.
“I’ve never liked April Fools, but I think I hate it now.” Ladybug said while trying to regain her breath. “It’s the third attack today and we’re only in the middle of the afternoon” she groaned.
“I have a feline that Hawkmoth was looking forward to today.” Ladybug ignored the pun, too tired to even roll her eyes. Chat Noir sighed heavily. “I hate it too. I’m exhausted and I still have to meet up with my friends.”
Ladybug looked up at him with a start. “Gotta go. Bug out.” She said already launching her yoyo in a nearby building leaving a confused Chat Noir behind.
He shook his head and checked the time in his baton. “Damn! I’m late.”
Adrien and Marinette ran into each other at the park entrance sharing a worried glance when they noticed Alya and Nino waiting for them near the fountain, talking excitedly about something on Alya’s phone.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one late,” Adrien said relieved.
“Me too. I hum… I was held at the bakery by an annoying client that couldn’t decide which flavor of macaroon to buy.” Marinette said hoping that he would buy her excuse.
“Can’t blame them. They’re all delicious. Especially the ones you make.” He grinned at her.
Marinette felt her cheeks burn with the praise but was spared of an answer when Alya and Nino came running towards them. They had strange looks on their faces as if they were sharing some kind of secret.
“You won’t believe what we found out…” Alya started panting.
“We discovered Chat Noir’s identity.” Nino continued while she caught her breath.
Adrien stiffed forcing himself to remain calm. There was no way they have figured him out. “And how did this happen?” He swallowed hard when his friends shared a mischievous grin.
“Oh, I saw him detransforming.” Alya’s eyes sparkled causing Adrien’s stomach to twist.
“What? How?” Marinette asked incredulously. Why were they telling them?
“I was running here after the attack when I saw him…”
“Actually, Alya even snapped a picture that she’ll post on the Ladyblog later.” Nino cut his girlfriend off a little too eager.
Marinette sensed something was off. Alya wouldn’t post that on the Ladyblog. Ever since she became Rena Rouge, Alya was being careful with any information she’d let out. And she knew the importance of a secret identity, Marinette was sure she wouldn’t even tell her. Maybe Nino, but just because he was a superhero too. Her reasoning was interrupted by Adrien’s voice.
“You can’t post it.” He ran a hand through his hair trying to decide what to do.
“Why not, dude? Alya’s been waiting for this opportunity ever since it all began.” Nino took Alya’s phone from her hand. “Plus the picture is awesome.”
“What do you want?” Adrien asked; hands closed into fists by his side, panic starting to take over him.
“What?” Nino asked while the girls watched the interaction with confusion and interest, trying to understand Adrien’s behavior.
“What do you guys want to keep your mouths shut? Is it money? Just name the amount.” When they just stared at him he continued. “I can’t have my life turned upside down. I have too much attention already as Adrien. If people know that I’m Chat Noir my life will be over and…” Three loud gasps interrupted him.
“You’re Chat Noir?” Alya was the first to regain her voice even though it was shaking.
“Didn’t you know? You said you saw me detransforming” Adrien was completely confused looking from the surprised faces of Nino and Alya to Marinette’s indecipherable one.
“It was a prank,” Alya said; too ashamed to even elaborate. She ran a hand through her hair looking at Nino with a regretful expression just to see her regret mirrored in her boyfriend’s face.
“I’m sorry, dude. We didn’t mean to uncover the truth. I admit it was a terrible joke.” Nino said hanging his head low.
Marinette kept silent, in part because she was trying to process the fact that Chat Noir had been right in front of her from the beginning and she hadn’t seen it. And in part, because she saw the desperation in his features and wanted to reassure him that everything would be okay, but couldn’t do it without revealing her own identity.
Adrien sat on a nearby bench with his head in his hands. He couldn’t believe he had fallen for that so easily, then a bright idea came to his mind and he threw his head back laughing hard.
“Oh, My Gosh! You actually believed me.” His friends looked at him perplexed.
“You’re not?” Asked Alya.
“Of course not. I sensed something was off and decided to turn the tables on you. Your faces were priceless.” He laughed again.
“Dude, that wasn’t cool. I really thought you were and I felt so guilty for exposing you like that.” Nino said disappointedly.
“Come on, I just gave you a taste of your own medicine. It was totally worth it.” Adrien opened his arms resting them casually on the back of the bench with a triumphant grin.
“Fair enough,” Alya said, at last, taking his grin as a sign that he was enjoying having fooled his friends.
Marinette saw past that, recognizing the relief in his face. “We should get those ice-creams then before Adrien has to go home.”
“Sure,” Alya said as she grabbed Nino’s arms and shot Marinette a wink taking the lead.
Adrien looked at Marinette worried. She hadn’t said anything during the whole interaction. She was smart. Had he managed to fool her too? He walked by her side just waiting for her to say something.
“Nice save there.” She finally said when the couple ahead of them was distant enough to not overhear. “I think they believed you.”
Adrien repressed a sigh of frustration and added a surprised tone to his voice as he stepped in front of her. “Wait, you don’t actually think that I’m him, do you?”
She sidestepped and continued walking. “You can’t fool me. I know you well enough on both sides of your masks to recognize your reactions. You are lucky they were so ashamed they didn’t pay much attention to how you acted.”
He put a hand on her shoulder stopping her. She looked up at him and he saw understanding in her eyes. “I knew you were smart.” He chuckled. “I’m glad it was you who found out. I trust you.” Adrien smiled softly.
“Your secret’s safe with me. Plus, you’d do the same if it were my identity that had been exposed.”
“What!?” Adrien looked at her confused when Marinette started walking again. She turned her head a bit, threw him a wink and smirked. “No way” he whispered to himself and run to catch up with her. “I love April Fools now.” He said as he dared to put his arm around her shoulder.
She giggled snaking her arms around his waist. “Let’s get that ice-cream.”
“Is this a date?” He asked hopefully.
Marinette looked up at him with shining eyes. “You could say that.”
Adrien really hoped it wasn’t a dream.
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lostjonscave · 6 years
Hey, could you elaborate on your autistic Jon headcanon at all? I really like it, but, not being autistic myself, it makes it hard to write (which I'd like to do). I do have adhd, which ig can overlap, so I very much relate to some parts, lmao. No pressure if you don't want to, I just think it's a pretty cool headcanon
sure thing !  i’ve actually made a couple of posts mentioning it earlier on, but they were more meta-focused and less explicit about the headcanon itself. for general information about writing an autistic character i’m actually gonna direct you over to scriptautistic’s giant masterpost directory on that very subject, since any advice or guidelines i could give you will probably be covered by that content and then some.
i can, however, talk about jon specifically, and why i see/relate to some of his traits and experiences as those of an autistic person. i hope this is coherent enough to follow, since i’m obvs not trying to make a Case here, just pointing out what i see.  
to start with, i talked about it in a past post, but jon makes a lot of very dry jokes that most people don’t catch (save basira); there’s an obvious disconnect, very likely to do with his tone. he also doesn’t acknowledge or much favor, for example, tim’s sense of humor. tim (at first :/ ) favors practical jokes (see his “april fools” prank mentioned in mag 26) that it’s easy to imagine jon doesn’t appreciate from a sensory perspective, and as for the goofy wisecracks, well, they’re annoying because tim clearly knows they’re not clever, so he must be attempting to waste everyone’s time. 
jon also has trouble sussing out what people expect of him, and he focuses so hard on details that he often misses the big picture. it makes sense that he feels suited to an organizational job in the archives, even if he isn’t technically qualified; putting things in order is viscerally satisfying. and it’s easy to interpret his frequent overnight stays at the archives as a significant difficulty with task-switching; simpler to just pass out on the storage room cot than go through all of the steps of heading home and coming straight back again.here’s a bit from episode 83 that i like to point to: 
georgie: “i know that you get obsessive about stuff… and this right here- i’m guessing someone dragged you into something weird, you got hooked in and then it all went wrong.” 
jon: “i mean that is almost exactly what happened.” 
what georgie’s describing, jon getting “hooked in” on a subject, sounds to me a lot like the development of a special interest or hyperfixation, which she’s apparently seen him go through several times before. jon also tends to get so strongly absorbed in a task or concept that he loses sight of virtually all else; see his fixation with exploring the tunnels under the institute, for example, which he pursued to his own physical detriment. i think this exchange also indicates that jon is historically easy to manipulate, since that seems to be one of the biggest things georgie is concerned about until he tells her what’s going on. that would definitely contribute to making it very hard to trust people. 
that’s also how i read “fine, fine, i’ll be more lovely,” from season 1. people, on average, don’t like jon- he doesn’t bother to try and be likable. he is often tactless and dismissive, deeply self-absorbed, argumentative or downright spiteful. but none of this is because he has some predisposition towards putting anyone off. jon actually cares about people very strongly, even strangers, and even people who have been unfair to him. his refusal to connect with people throughout the first three seasons of the show more than anything seems to come from a powerful certainty that it won’t work, that it’s not worth the effort. no one understands where he’s coming from most of the time, and he’s bitter about it, and instead of admitting he struggles with communication and knowing how to operate around people, it’s better they just think he’s being a prick on purpose. in a way he is. it reads the exact same way as playing the derisive skeptic in order to cover up how genuinely disturbed he is by everything uncovered in the statements. 
that’s most of the general interpretation that i have? i’ll certainly get to centering it in one of my fics one of these days, it makes me very happy to have aspects of one of my favorite characters that are highly relatable, and i want to express that artistically! and thank you for appreciating my thoughts and letting me know you want to hear more, anon, that warms my heart as well. 
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pr878899-blog · 5 years
Pranks On April Fool’s Day
And you need to stay permanently alert otherwise you might be the next April Fool! Do keep in mind that not everyone feels interested in your trick. 
   The word “April fool” or “Poisson d’Avril” (which indicates “April Fish”) has actually ended up being popular and the very first of April relied on be an extremely wedding of the year for techniques and tricks and making other individuals think that something incorrect holds true. Let’s take a look at how individuals technique and trick on this day? 
   One more April Fool’s day is quickly coming. Have you had any strategy to trick someone on that “for-- enjoyable-- just” observance? 
   “ April 1st: This is the day upon which we are advised of what we are on the other three-hundred and sixty-four.”-- Mark Twain 
   About the author: 
 Chris Martin, Avnex’s copywriter, who has an extensive interest in e-commerce, e-learning and home based business. 
 Contact him at [email protected] 
   Perhaps you understand that in the 16th century in France, the start of a New Year was on the very first of April (Some files stated that the New Year was commemorated for 8 days, starting on March 25 and this event culminated on April 1). It was a huge modification, nevertheless, some obstinate individuals did not accepted this modification, or some others even did not understand anything about the brand-new calendar (you can figure out the factor when news taken a trip by foot on those days), so they continued to commemorate New Year’s Day on April 1. 
   With the endless creativity of person, techniques and tricks carry out in a number of methods from basic, such as “Hey man, there is some mud on your face” to elaborate ones, such as setting roomie’s alarm clock back an hour. Whatever the trick is, the pranksters normally yell to their victims “April Fool!” at the end of a joke. 
   In France today, French kids trick their good friends by taping a “paper fish” to their buddies’ backs. It was thought about bad luck to play an useful joke on somebody after twelve noon. 
   Numerous teen women went on a cravings strike with many teardrops in 1 week up until the next concern of the publication stated it was just a joke on April Fool’s Day. One another example, a British brief movie revealed on April Fool’s Day was a relatively in-depth documentary about “spaghetti farmers” and how they gather their crop from the spaghetti trees.
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