#and we kinda had to connect the dots ourselves
ygodmyy20 · 1 year
Okay I finally am getting around to this post! It's the 'Fuck how can mob psycho help me in so many ways god damnit I hate and love this show' post!
Shigeo joining the body improvement club, and everything about this part of his story is so personal to me. I just have to talk about it.
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So as we all know at the start of the story, Shigeo joins the body improvement club to impress Tsubomi. Thats it. Thats the goal. He also joins because he wants to get stronger and not rely on his psychic powers but really like...the main reason is to impress her.
And this isn't new. A character wanting to get fit, lose weight, change some physical part of themselves for a crush is SO common in stories that you barely notice it.
But what I love, what I ADORE is how this progresses and changes.
This gif from an amazing AMV by @thekagepro24 and it just UGH hits me so hard it is so perfect!!! I could watch this 5 second gif over and over and over again
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I just am. I just am dying while running, I just am making progress, I just am enjoying this because I really like it.
This puts everything I feel into visuals (it's so gooooood watch the AMV!!! DO IIIIIIT)
So many times society tells us to change something about ourselves, or we tell ourselves to change for the appeal of others.
Lose weight so people think you're pretty.
Get fit so you can get into clothes that make you look hot.
Get swol to make a person think you're attractive.
You are the one and only you, this is your one and only body. So why are you working out, why do you WANT to get "swol" who are you trying to impress. Is it for yourself? A crush? Society?
I have battled with the above for so long. I come from an athletic background, and did a lot of sports growing up, but I have never been small. I have battled with weight my whole life and had my own shitty bouts with ED.
I have been in therapy, I have read books, I have watched videos, I've been in and out of PT for nearly 5 years because of a lower back and hip pain that NEVER went away.
I never figured out WHY i wanted to exercise. It just always was "To lose weight" because I couldn't get that goal out of my head for years and years and years.
But then I watched mob psycho 100.
And I started a new type of physical therapy.
And was it mp100 or was it the therapy finally working, who can say which did it—probably both—but one day I thought...
....maybe I should just go for a run...for 5-10 mins. Just to see how it feels. It went against all parts of my athlete brain (because 10 mins is too short to see "gains"....which is dumb but whatever)
I thought of Shigeo and how he basically passed out every time he ran for like 2 mins, but he got better. He had to start from 0, well...kinda like negative 5 really. But then he was doing so much not even a few months in!
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35 pushups is so hard!!! You go my boi.
Shigeo started off doing it all for Tsubomi, for others, and even if he really wanted to do it to improve himself I think it was a secondary goal initially. Main goal was to impress someone. Secondary was to get stronger.
But then the marathon happened. And those goals SWITCHED! DURING THE RACE! just....man it hit me. It hit me hard. THAT WHOLE EPISODE IS JUST A LOT FOR ME GOD DAMN
He ran for her initially but he continued running for himself. He continued working at it because he wanted to and in the end, after everything, after confession arc, after all that
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This scene!!! makes me cry happy tears!! look at how happy he is UGH IT JUST IS SO UGGGHHHHHHH
Anyway if you made it this far, know that everyones journey through their body improvement, mental improvement, emotional improvement is different. We all have to tackle it in the way that works for us.
It took me nearly 10 years to start again because of this beautiful anime connecting the right dots in my brain.
Every journey is different, but just keep fighting on and you'll figure it out!
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ghost-of-a-system · 5 months
sorry if this is kind of crossing a line, but how do you guys deal with thinking you're faking? ive been having more issues with it recently and its affecting my system,, i dont mean to but its an unfortunately common intrusive thought
no worries, it's definitely a common thought a lot of systems seem to get from time to time (at least from what we've seen)! i know we have, though for us it was usually less of an "i'm faking", and more of an "i'm gaslighting myself into thinking i have this, by acknowledging symptoms". we mostly got these thoughts in the first year or so of for-sure knowing about our system. while we met the criteria and general experiences of someone who has OSDD1, we found ourselves obsessively comparing our system to others we'd see online, or others that we knew. we saw systems who had things like inner worlds or extreme differences in skills & knowledge per alter. things that aren't specifically required to be one, but seemed so awfully common that we just thought they were unspoken guidelines we were missing. so, we were afraid we were "faking".
i don't know how much this can apply to others, but we can remember a good deal of indicators about having OSDD1 when we were younger, especially from the ages of 11-15 or so. (mainly, dissociative episodes, the presence of potential alters.) we obviously didn't know what it was then, nor did we really think it too out of the ordinary. but they were things that we were able to start connecting the dots with the more we learned about systems and ourselves later on.
looking back, our concerns kind of fizzled out with the more dots we connected. kinda hard to be gaslighting yourself into symptoms you don't even know are symptoms, right? the fact that we experienced these things for a long time prior to even learning about OSDD1 was usually enough to help us. but i can understand if it might not be safe for others to try to delve into their pasts like that. isn't really for me to say or speak much on.
this may also not apply to many others, but here's another way. ever since creating this account, actually, we've started to stop holding ourselves to these ridiculous standards in order to be a "normal system". we're learning to respect ourselves for the way we are, and we have noticed that since then, our life has gotten, clearer, almost? whereas before, i think our anxiety and paranoia about the way we functioned clouded a lot of our symptoms. we were always over-analyzing and overthinking everything, so much so that nothing felt genuine. and, like i stated at the beginning... basically all of our concerns over faking stemmed from comparing ourselves to others, personally.
i don't know if that makes sense, but we just stopped caring so much and acknowledged our symptoms as more of a passing thought rather than one we need to grab and study as soon as it occurs. i'm not too sure of the correlation, but i think our experiences/symptoms just. stopped feeling like something we were 'secretly, actively inducing', if that makes it any clearer? and, these things were happening on their own, and to degrees that simply could not be explained by anything other than OSDD1 or something similar. it's really hard to put into words so i'm sorry if that makes zero sense hah, but that's just what we've done. we haven't really had such thoughts ever since.
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stupendousfoxthing · 4 months
Jmn's dating rumor triggered in me something unexpected.
It is now the forth maknae line rumor that doesn't come out of thin air and people's imagination (doesn't matter if they are actually true/confirmed or not - they have some base, usually footage) and it had me thinking: are we actually all gaslighting ourselves? for how much longer will we all (tkkrs and jkkrs) keep on trying to debunk and dot connect in our little bubble world? we all try to protect our faves from rumors (and that's actually the right thing to do) but we also try to prove that our faves are the queer-est all day long on twt and I kinda feel its becoming ridiculous? I see how jkkrs are (not)coping and honestly all the posts sound like the ones written by tkkrs one year ago.
Seeing how things are unfolding, I feel like I am struggling and I am afraid I am slowly de-taekooking. And it makes me sad. Watching official content helped me (unfortunately) debunk pretty much 80% of the "moments" that usually nest in my tl. The only thing that remains sus for me is the constant inconsistency. that's it.
Have you ever felt this way? Did you ever go through a phase of "what was I even thinking??". Did something pull you back? A moment? The community?
Nope. A lot of times when Taekookers say "We did this and that" I'm not on board. Being a Taekooker has never been a nightmare for me. I never had a hard time, except for occasional drama within the community itself but that's a whole other story and something I stay out of now. To me Taekook is simple math and I'd have to gaslight myself to make it add up to a different answer. Some things are real and some things aren't. Anyone else having a credible dating rumor doesn't make me think all of them must be real now. They're shipped with everyone. With women they don't even interact with by some, but a lot only need one interaction or a couple of matching items to be convinced. I genuinely believe that men and women can interact without it proving romance. I genuinely believe the closet exists and at least 80% of the world's queer people are still in it. I do the math on what I know about Taekook and that's it. I've got my receipts and I don't feel a need to argue with people or prove anything. I go with my gut. 99% of debunking I do is for Taekook moments because I want to get to the really compelling things that are left over after the superficial things a lot of shippers yell about. This is why Atomix never meant anything to me. But Taekook have a lot more than that. I've seen a lot of people come and go. The reason I'm still here is Taekook, myself and what I believe.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Damn I feel like it's been forever for some reason lmao. Last week's hell is finally over and I get to relax this week! I'm going out with some friends on Friday and I've also cleared my phone and organized my notes!!! It feels so good😭 Now I have some thoughts about last chapter BECAUSE WOW
First of all fuck Mallory, I hate her and I will never get tired of saying this and I am now divided between wanting to read the next chapter so bad and dreading it with my whole being 🙂
My heart broke into a million pieces with the first part!!! Rafael's fear for Max is shown so damn well and Max's thoughts are messy and all over the place and the way you can see him moving in and out of reality is overwhelming!!
I kinda guessed the "why isn't he smiling?" part but fuck if it ripped my heart 😭😭
"Tears of grief" Max loving him so much he literally recognizes his tears and knows these ones too.... And saying he looks as if he is grieving something that was his everything, not knowing David was grieving him. Grieving them. The life they had built. Gone.
"I wanna see daddy" WHEN I TELL YOU I WAS SCREAMING INTERNALLY ON MY FLOOR!! When we first saw on the first chapters I was so confused and now that the dots connected I am in pain 😭. And you wrote that scene so beautifully, their pain and horror and how you see Max slowly losing himself because it's just too much. The pain is too much. Losing David, Lance's pain, his job, his home...
And the scene with Magnus!!! GOING TO MY FAVE COLLECTION 🥺. Also him giving the band to AJ later, because Magnus said he could give it to someone else when it hurt just a little bit less HOLY SHIT😭😭
I can go on a three hour analysis so Imma stop jdhdjdjkd. BUT THE PRESENT TOO JFC
Max's growth. That ends me everytime. Seeing how much he has changed and how he survived through all of this. Thinking of the was Alec told him how proud he is of Max because he made it. Not the way he planned. But he did it. He got so far, and that took so much strength but he still survived. Same Alec, same🥹
But also the fucking parallel:
"He was careful now (...) Just in case. Just in case he'll get his heart broken all over again."
Not without an explanation. Not without getting his heart broken into a million pieces one last time.
Then, just like everything else in life, things slowly got better. This whole fic is a prove of it and I can't even-
You once said that tlnd was was about acceptance and healing, but IALS is about forgiveness, about learning to forgive the people we love, but mostly about learning to forgive ourselves (I have the receipts don't @ me) and this scene portrayed that so well. Even though Max knows it wasn't his fault he still blames himself. Because knowing is not the same as accepting it. As Max said, shit is hard to internalize.
Tell me how to love you as you want to be loved and I'll do it to give you the comfort and safety you deserve is something I'll never get tired of😭😭 istg I could go on a whole speech about this part because it's so true. Sometimes parents don't love us the way we want to be loved, but that doesn't mean there's no love there. It's just different of what we expect. And sometimes people go their whole lives not knowing of that love and that's just sad.
That is one unproblematic child,” Max noted. “Really doesn’t fit into this clusterfuck of a family.”
“I’m waiting for him to set Hollywood on fire,” Lance informed. “Don’t lose hope yet.”
I have so many feeling about that apartment and Harry and them but I will not unpack them bc this shit is already long enough 🙂
Their conversation. The way they've both changed so much. Talking about how they wished they were there for Lance and for each other. I was in TEARS
Everything of the last scene was *screams internally* David fucking pushing Max to the wall, stronger than hate. "He's scared of something". Fucking Mon ange, *what did Mallory do to you?"
I just want you to know I will combust into confetti or tears in the next chapter. Probably both...
Anyway this turned long and I better go. Take care and drink lots of tea!!!!
This made me so 😇😇😇😇 and gave me some motivation to write the next chapter 😭😭😭😭 Thank you 💚💚💚
This is Lance sleeping in Arthur’s room 🥰🥰🥰
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imidori-ya · 2 years
i misinterpreted your post asking 3 facts about ourselves and thought that you meant facts that happened exclusively in highschool, but whatever most of them still happen with me lol:
1) i always collected scraps of paper to take notes/doodle on later or make paper flower boats out of them
2) before i had a phone and found out about fanfics i was always reading books in any spare time that i had
3) thx to my math teacher i was obsessed with drawing complex geometric shapes with exercises that were sort of an extreme version of connect the dots. except you were given a limited amount of dots and u had to figure out how to draw the rest of the figure perfectly with only a small model example to help.
Honestly, I would have made the same misinterpretation. Plus it helps to see how you were in high school to match with me in high school lmao
I too was a doodler and I filled notebooks, binders, and every class assignment I was ever given with silly doodles. I would have loved to make paper flower boats with you. In fact, I once lead a rebellious “we will only make origami dragons today” movement in my senior year college prep class. It was… spectacular.
I too am an avid reader (I was kinda iffy in middle school but really picked up in high school.) And like you, fanfic was the beginning of the end for my good reading habits.
Obsession scale: 9,000/10
You sound like my kind of friend. I definitely would have brought you to school in my pencil case to show off to the other kids.
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90363462 · 2 years
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So, Guess How Long (Many) Women Want Sex To Last?
A minute-man isn't that bad. It all depends on how many minutes we're talking about.
Shellie R. Warren
Nov. 11, 2021 05:39PM EST
OK, so when I sat down to write this, there were two songs that immediately came to mind — "Wanna Make Love to You All Night Long" by Lillo Thomas and "One Minute Man" by Missy Elliot (feat. Ludacris). If you're familiar with either one (preferably both), I'm sure you can get, from the title alone, why my memory was triggered by them. Because you know what? Due to my own sexual experience, the clients I work with, the random conversations that I've had and all of the reading and research that I do on the topic of sex, if there's one conclusion that I've confidently come to, it's that women don't a man who can physically have sex all night long nor do we want someone who lasts for only a couple of minutes. The ideal sex partner lands somewhere in between — and actually a lot closer to the "minute man" side than many would care to admit.
And just how much closer are we talking about? From a study that I read, you just might be surprised. Let's unpack this just a little bit further, shall we?
What’s Up with This “All Night Long” Ish?
Anyone who is a true R&B fan knows that there are literally countless songs that talk about having sex/making love all night long. Yet unless you've actually been with a partner who's attempted to make this happen, you'll never get how much something can sound great in theory and yet be annoying AF in real-time. While it might be TMI if any of you read my article "14 Lessons I've Learned From 14 Sex Partners", you already know that I kinda get down that way, so it's whatever. That said, one of those 14 is who introduced me to the revelation that some people really can go on forever…and ever…AND EVER. He wasn't small in size (check out "BDE: Please Let The 'It Needs To Be Huge' Myth Go"), he was freaky as all get out and pretty aggressive too. While when we first started having sex, it was like a true adventure, after a few months, it was more vaginally irritating and a bit like Chinese water torture, the sex version, if I'm to be completely honest. I think it was because he was so focused on going on forever that it stopped being all that pleasurable.
Hmph. Come to find out, ole' boy had a low-key cocaine habit that I didn't know about which connected the dots for all of those things. Oh, but he wasn't the only one who was like this. Another ex of mine would pull out and wait, go back in and rinse and repeat. After about an hour, I was ready to bring things to some sort of conclusion while he was acting like he had something to prove — in his mind, the longer things took, the more memorable, in the best way possible, he would be. 
Yeah, you've gotta watch those guys who may not bring drug (or heavy alcohol) influence into the bedroom but instead, they go with their ego — oftentimes, they aren't having sex with you at all; they are having sex at you so that they can tell themselves how good they were…regardless of what your opinion may be.
Does that mean that I am totally against all-night-long sex? Eh. I'm not much of a fan of the literal notion of that. Meaning, I don't think I would ever want to have sex, without stopping, for more than 60 minutes or so. Now, having sex, spooning for a catnap, going at it again, spooning for a few more hours, and going at it again — oh, I think there should be a holiday for that. But thinking that a man being able to go for a billion minutes plus tax is the sign of a good lover really needs to be left in the movies — and even those are only a couple of hours long. The bottom line here — it's not only unrealistic to want a man to go all night but, if we're really honest with ourselves, a lot of us don't like it when it comes even close to happening anyway. So, what exactly is the timeframe that brings us pleasure and joy? Good question.
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How Long Do Most of Us Actually Want Sex to Be?
I write about sex quite a bit on here, so while I can't recall exactly which articles, I know I've shared, on more than a few occasions, that when it comes to how long it takes a man to climax, he can do it in five minutes while it generally takes us around 20 minutes (including foreplay). Well, according to a study that was conducted last year, the time that we need has gotten down to something very specific. Apparently, what we need in order to reach a full-on orgasm are 13.41 minutes.
OK, but that's how long it takes to "see the mountain."Based on what a different study revealed, how long do most of us actually want sex to last? 25.51 minutes (do you agree?). Here is what's interesting about that, though. Another study that was published byThe Journal of Sexual Medicinestated that there is actually an ideal time for vaginal intercourse to transpire and it's shorter than both of the times that I just stated — between 7-13 minutes. Yep, according to the journal, we all should be able to get the job done (and feel all the better for it), in less time than it takes to watch half of an Insecure episode.
Is there anything that alters this conclusion? Sure. Things like the state of two people's health, what their personal preferences are and even the current state of their connection with one another could result in sex being much shorter or longer than — rounding off here — 10 minutes long. However, the bigger point (at least to me) is this kind of data is important because the belief that good sex — or a good sex partner — is someone who has to be the Energizer Bunny — you know, going on…and on…and on — is wrapped up in fallacy. Sex doesn't have to be long in order to be good. Not by a long shot.
Remember That It Should Always Be About Quality over Quantity
And this is why I think quickies should get more respect than they oftentimes do. If sex, for us, is typically preferred when it's between 7-13 minutes long, that means that morning sex, shower sex, and pulling stuff up and down when you've got a few minutes to spare in the kitchen or car— these things shouldn't be seen as sexual consolation prizes. In fact, after reading all of what I just said, there should be more reasons to treat them as top-tier activities because what all of this intel revealed, more than anything else, it's that more women are into quality sex than how much time someone takes in the bedroom (quantity).
In fact, dare I say, that the reason why those of us who want more time push for it, it's so that "he" will get more minutes (or hours…geez) to figure out what we need to get where we want things to go (if you catch my drift). Meaning, if he hits it right, we don't need an hour; we're actually extending an hour so that he can — and will.
Again, just so we're clear, I'm all about having more than one round in a night. All of these studies and what I've shared aren't talking about that. But that on…and on…AND ON one round of sex stuff? If a man says he's doing it for us, share with him this article because, according to the sourced data, something in that buttermilk ain't clean. We'd rather have 10 minutes of really good intercourse than an hour of subpar pounding. Words to live by. Lie down on too. #wink
For more love and relationships, sex, dating tips and tricks, and marriage advice, check out xoNecole's Sex & Love section here.
Featured image by Giphy
Long-Term Couples: What Kind Of Sex Do You Want To Have This ... ›
15 Pre-Sex Rituals That Could Make Sex A LOT More Pleasurable ... ›
This Is Exactly How Long Women Want Sex to Last ›
How Long Should Sex Last? A Sex Therapist Shares Some Insight ›
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ask-the-dif-host · 7 years
i'm confused about this whole 'the author' thing... from what i've gathered, you used to be called the author? and then something happened, and you became the host? i'm sorry if this ask is annoying, you can ignore it if you want.
“Mmhm, yes, I know it’s a little confusing,’ the Host says. ‘So don’t feel too bad. It’s not exactly widely talked about either, so I understand. I used to be the Author, and I was him for most of my existence. While I was the Author, I had the power to control situations, people–practically everything!–in my writing. Until… I decided to pick on Ryan and Daniel. My powers were going through a bit of a rough spot for some reason, and since I had just started modeling myself after Mark, I thought they might be fun to pick on. This ended with me getting shot by Daniel.’
“‘After that, I don’t really remember a lot, but I do remember meeting Dark, and I remember loosing my eyes. That’s why this bloody bandage is over my eyes; somehow my eyes were damaged, though I don’t know exactly how they’re damaged. They never stop bleeding, either, so I constantly have to change my bandages.’
“‘Once I lost my eyes, however, I also lost my power to control everything. This power was replaced by my ability to see the future of almost everything, and I realized that I was no longer writing the future, only narrating it. I realized that I wasn’t the Author, but I was the Host of the beings in this world. So that is how I became the Host, yes.’
“‘And don’t worry about it, dear. I’m always here to answer questions, even if they seem silly. I don’t expect everyone to know this about me!’“
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sanguinescorpios · 3 years
How about overstimulation with the dsmp where the reader(fem/afab possibly) wakes up to dream, sapnap and george all around her, taking off her sleep shorts/underwear to take turns and overstimulate her by eating the reader out? Maybe even a bit where they ask her to be more vocal
i kinda got carried away with this one, hope it’s what you were hoping for!!
you woke up to the feeling of the elastic of your sleep shorts loosening, the string holding them up being unraveled by long fingers. another hand gripped your hips, sliding the fabric down your legs as a third pair of hands lifts your t-shirt up. what the fuck? you thought to yourself, confused but feeling like the explanation was somewhere in the back of your mind. you peeled your eyes open, squinting at the bright light coming in from the cracks in the window blinds.
before you stood your three roommates, towering over your horizontal figure and grasping at your skin with fervor. the sight of all three of them above you, half undressed and staring at your body with pure lust in their gaze, paired with the feeling of hands all over your body was almost too much to handle. holy shit, they actually took you up on your offer.
“boys,” you addressed them, a sleepy smile taking over your face.
“up,” dream ordered, tapping at your thigh as an indication. you lifted your legs off the mattress, allowing sapnap to pluck your shorts and underwear fully off you and throw them behind him haphazardly.
“wanna have our way with you, that sound good?” sapnap asked, much less stern than dream — per usual.
you nodded eagerly, still a bit groggy from just waking up but growing more wet by the minute. george was quiet, but his touch said everything his mouth didn’t. he began rubbing your clit as soon as your panties were out of the way, dragging the wetness that had been collecting at your core up through your folds. he was slow about it, pressing down hard and effortlessly pushing two digits into you. you whimpered at his touch, breathing out his name quietly and meeting his eyes, silently begging for more.
“want more, slut?” dream asked, drawing your attention back on his tall frame and now significantly less dressed figure. his member stood tall and large, your stomach turning at the idea of fitting him inside of you. still, you moaned out a yes without question. george pulled his fingers out of you at this, eliciting a whine of protest from you.
“shh, baby,” he soothed you, bringing his hand up to cup your breast and rub your nipples, “i’ve got you, princess.”
george brought his head down to suck on your breasts, twisting the opposite nipple with his fingers as you whimpered at his touch. you could feel him rutting against the bed next to you, unable to remember at what point he had set himself free. everything was moving so fast, despite somehow feeling like it was occurring in slow motion.
sapnap had pulled his cock out as well and begun rubbing at it, thick and heavy against his own hand. he watched as dream teased himself at your entrance, readying you to take him raw. you called out to him, waving him over and opening your mouth as he did. he gulped at the sight, the dots taking a moment to connect in his head before he realized what you wanted. when he caught on, he didn’t hesitate to push his cock between your lips, nearly falling against the bed at the feeling.
“fuck,” sapnap let out, broken and raspy, “so good.”
eventually, dream pressed himself into you, grunting and sighing as he sheathed his dick in your soaking cunt. you let out a near pornographic moan around sapnap’s cock, causing a groan from sapnap and a laugh from dream.
“such a fucking whore we’ve got ourselves, huh boys?” he chuckled out as he set a steady pace. the other two men nodded eagerly. dream, clearly running the situation, observed each act you were committing in detail. his eyebrows furrowed as his gaze landed on george, who was attached to your tits and thrusting his cock against the mattress.
“george,” he called, getting the attention of the other man with ease, “she’s got hands for a reason.”
george’s eyes widened and he turned to look at you, who just simply held your hand out. enclosing your fingers around george’s pretty dick felt like an honor. he let out a high and breathy moan as soon as you did so, relief covering his entire body as he reattached himself to your tits.
dream was fucking you expertly, hitting you in all the right places and tapping that sensitive area deep inside you with every thrust. you felt so full of him, clenching around him was near impossible with how stuffed you were. sapnap was fucking your mouth lazily, grabbing at your head every so often to bob you on him exactly how he wanted, but overall just enjoying you sucking him however you wanted. george wanted more than just your hand, but he couldn’t complain when your fingers rubbed him up and down and passed over his tip at exactly the right moments.
feeling them all over you, hands grabbing you in so many places and stimulation coming from all directions, was mind numbing. hearing their moans from all around you and watching as they took advantage of you in their own ways was fucking hot, to say it simply. you couldn’t count how many times you had felt yourself pushed to and over the edge, even just the recognition of what was happening was enough to throw you over the cliff of your next orgasm.
the three men had stamina for days, it seemed. each time you came, you thought it would be your last. but every time, they just kept going. dream lasted the longest out of all of them, sapnap finishing first and taking it upon himself to rub directly on your clit once he had recovered. george came next, shooting his cum onto your exposed chest and scooping it up with his fingers to let you taste it before he continued toying with your breasts. dream, on the other hand, was relentless.
you tried to moan your feelings, so exhausted and overwhelmed from the stimulation that you couldn’t form the words. you needed mercy, needed to cum and have it be the last time. still, no matter how many times you came you still found yourself chasing that next high. sapnap noticed your restlessness, and smiled patronizingly at you.
“use your words, babygirl.”
you groaned at this, rolling your eyes at the smug look on his face.
“did you not understand what he said? too stupid for our cocks that you can’t speak?” george asked in the same tone, earning another frustrated moan from you. him, too?
“please,” you finally begged, “can’t take any more.”
“i can go all day, sweetheart,” dream said with a smirk, somehow fucking into you harder, “we all can.”
and they certainly did.
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stxleslyds · 3 years
(If you are missing context for this book, I have this post that might help!)
Task Force Z is what I call a WIN for Jason Nation! I know this is only the first issue but it was an amazing start and that has to be celebrated. I believe that after the rough Jason Todd year that we have had, this is a really nice way for me to start seeing things in a more positive light.
I am aware that I might be being extra positive about this book because I like Rosenberg’s work but I enjoyed the issue plenty and I am going to enjoy myself writing about just how much I loved it!
At the end of Urban Legends: Cheer, we got to see the new Red Hood suit and it was horrible, I still think that the design is kinda lame and that the bat-symbol shouldn’t be on it, but in the end the suit’s look didn’t bother me because I was paying attention to the fun and mysterious things going on in every single page.
The crowbars, yeah, maybe they are an outdated concept and not as functional as other weapons but I don’t want to waste my time complaining about THAT, Jason Todd has definitely been through worse.
Oh, before I read this issue, I stayed away from reading previews or looking at variant covers and all that but after I read the issue, I saw a couple of things that helped me connect some dots… maybe.
Anyway, here we go, let’s start this review.
Only in Gotham we can see a crazy Man-Bat, a zombie Bane, the Red Hood and Crazy Quilt being annoying in the middle of the night, like, in what world are those people living? They really are stuck in the worst timeline.
The whole scene is pretty fun to look at and we get to see Jason in all his badass vigilante glory, he wants information and he will use his zombie friend to scare the living hell out of you if he can. And that is exactly what he did, when Bane had our Quilt boy in a compromising situation Jason told him that if he didn’t want Bane to rip him apart, he should do whatever Jason asks from him but he also played a bit with the idea of Bane not always paying attention to him.
Little shit Jason, check. Mystery green thingie, check… oh, wait, what? Jason is using a mysterious (not for long) green treat to get Bane to do what he wants.
When Quilt man is finally put down by Bane, Jason starts asking questions, “Now, lets talk about who you are working for since you escaped from Arkham. What they are smuggling, and what’s up with that fucking moustache”, all wonderful questions my dear Chonky, fantastic job.
Here we get to know that unlike Bane, Quilt guy actually made it out of Arkham before it exploded and when Jason asked him about “what they are smuggling” it made me think that he was still trying to find out who was stealing bodies from the morgue but that doesn’t make sense, clearly, whoever Jason’s working now for, are the people who were stealing dead bodies.
So, it is fair to assume that Quilt boy is smuggling something else, that is bothering the people who were stealing bodies not so long ago.
Now, here is where we get to see just how fancy the people Jase is working with are, they have codenames and a pick-up service that he asked for through “central”. Very fancy indeed.
In the next page we see ourselves in Project Halperin HQ a.k.a The Chop Shop. We assume that Bane, Man-Bat and Quilty are also there somewhere. Jason is currently showering, and somebody is watching him but before I talk about this perv, let’s talk about Jason’s scar.
The scar is something new in the Jason Todd lore, it has never appeared before and it seems to be quite important in this issue. See, Rosenberg is a very clever man, and the fact that the scar is visible throughout this whole page tells me that there is some story behind it.
And, I have a theory. I think that Jason got that scar recently, like maybe in one of his first missions with this team, because the issue doesn’t give me the vibe that this was their first time working together, at least not with Man-Bat and Bane.
The scar covers his back but also his left arm. Now, I have seen some confusion, and I want to make this clear or as clear as I can possibly can because the Lazarus Pit lore is ever changing. Jason, apparently, at this point in DC continuity was resurrected via Lazarus Pit, this means that, he was dead, a corpse, and he was thrown into magic green water and yay! He was back again in the land of the living; this is a retcon.
Now, the Pit cures all wounds and takes all the scars away because the Pit basically gives you a new body, like, have you guys seen Supernatural? When Dean came back from hell, he didn’t have any scars and he wasn’t tolerant to alcohol at all (he also was a virgin again). Basically, you get your body back but in optimal form.
That’s what happened to Jason, but after he got out of the Pit and he lived his very dangerous life, the water of the Pit didn’t stay in his system, like it is not continuously healing him or anything, if he gets badly hurt, he will heal like a normal human being and then he will scar if his body wants to.
Back to the issue, the person who Jason calls out for having been watching him shower, is someone that doesn’t say who they are but Jason seems to already know.
What matters here is that we are introduced to the concept of Lazarus Resin and we are told that that is what they used to re-animate those villains and what they continue to use to control them (that green treat from the start, Lazarus Resin edible). This person is actually “worried” because Jason seemed to be in contact with Man-Bat’s bodily fluids and that could mean some unforeseen things.
In case you don’t know, Lazarus Resin wasn’t made to be in contact with actual living things, Jason is alive and well so, if the compound came in contact with live tissue, we might have a problem.
Jason seemed to be under the impression that “the Lazarus resin was safe to be out in public”, which the lady clarifies that what she had said was that “the resin is injected into homicidal metahumans, brought back from the dead against their will to be used as undead weapons. Weapons with diminished cognitive ability and minor cannibalistic tendencies. I mean the resin was ‘safe’ in a relative sense”. Well, she is nice, and this place and whoever runs it seem like good people…
Jason seems a bit distressed after she told him all that but clarifies that he meant “what happens if the Lazarus resin touches a living person”, to which she responds, “Oh, we have no idea. For now.”
This just keeps getting better and better… (As of now we do know what happens if a living person comes in contact with Lazarus resin and actually ingests it, Tim did it in Future State: Robin Eternal)
Oh, before I forget, Jason and the lady had a conversation about her watching him shower, she said this about it “If you are implying that I somehow derive some kind of personal pleasure from watching you shower, I can assure you I’m much more interested in dead bodies”, this is important for the future.
Now, as Jason says goodbye to white-haired lady, he has to say hi, to a red-haired lady. Jason, being his sweet self is quite worried to see a woman that he has never seen before in HQ, he is worries because he doesn’t think that she knows that the place they are in is filled with monsters and very weird people.
The lady (Ms. Hobart, also known as Hanna) is completely unfaced though and actually calls out Jason for calling his teammates “monsters”. This leads to a very interesting conversation that I think it is important for you guys to see.
First, Jason is not in this place on his own free will. As we know from the end of “What the Hell is Task Force Z”, Jason had been captured by the FBI, but this is clearly not the FBI, so a new mystery just unfolded.
He also says that his job here is keeping those monsters (teammates) from eating civilians, which is fair, that seems to be the job for Jason, when he doesn’t want someone to die, he makes himself be heard. Jason is not a killing machine, he has morals, and civilians don’t deserve to be victims.
Hanna, seems to not pay much attention to Jason and asks something else, she asks if Jason believed that some souls are beyond redemption and his answer is: Yes.
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There it is, our boy is still here, Cheer didn’t fully massacre our boy. Rosenberg does make it clear that while Jason does still believe hat some people deserve to die and not be given a second chance, he also hopes that he is wrong. I am not bothered by that, not all monsters are metahumans and villainous clowns. Jason has always separated the kind of criminals that Gotham has, and I think that right now he is only talking about “the dress ups”.
When Jason finally manages to ask Hanna what is that she does in this place, she only laughs as someone calls Jason through a speaker.
Better luck next time Chonky.
Also, I also have a theory about this Hanna lady, are you ready? I think she is a psychologist or therapist that is trying to get personal information from Jason in order to further manipulate him into working with them. Also, the way she reacted to him calling the others “monsters” kinda makes me think that he was also resurrected in the same way as the others but she is able to control herself way more. Do you guys think this makes sense or that I should start wearing tin foil hats?
The conversation in the hallway between Jason and the voice from the speaker, now known as Crispin is incredibly interesting and adds even more mystery to this wonderful story.
Just a heads up, this Crispin person, never heard of them, maybe I missed something from a Batman issue or Future State book, but to me this person is yet another mystery. (I love me some good mysteries, hell yeah!)
Jason, the kind and worried man that he is, is still questioning why Hannah is locked in the “containment wing”. (Maybe I am not so crazy, maybe she is a monster too, a pretty one but you know what I mean!).
But here is where yet another mysterious thing is said, Crispin, the voice from the speaker assures Jason that “everyone will be fine as long as we keep the lights on”, okay, spooky vibes for the spooky month I like it, I don’t know what it means, but I like it.
There is another… Jason says that he doesn’t like holding conversations with Crispin the way they do, and to that Crispin says this, “As I explained the heads of our little program want to keep some distance between the field and administrative teams. Two healthy independent sides, as it were.”
Hmm, sounds like bullshit to me señor. This is looking a bit like the Magistrate and them putting a target on Jason while he was working for them, do you remember in Future State: Red Hood. Also, this might be a wild theory but what if they are hiding their faces because it is convenient, those people know that the Red Hood is Jason Todd, what if they know more secret identities? What if they show their faces and Jason recognises them? What if these people are people that we already know? Yeah, it is all very mysterious…
Anyway, the reason why Crispin called Jason was to show him something and to receive a report from the mission that we saw at the start of the issue, and apparently that was Jason’s first mission with Bane and Man-Bat… hmm, I wonder if Jason worked alone for these people and that’s when he got that scar, or maybe he got it before he “joined” Project Halperin.
Jason refuses to acknowledge the team as his and that’s why Crispin says, “I get it. You are eager to get out there and do some good. We want that, too. But we don’t get our funding without this project working first. And it wont work without you. So, it is your team. For now.”
SHADY. Say it with me, this project Halperin is shady! To be quite honest we know that the Task Force Z is connected to Amanda Waller, this team has been mentioned in the Suicide Squad book from this year and Crispin saying that this is Jason’s team, for now makes sense too because in Future State: Suicide Squad (which is set in a possible future) there is a mention of another Task Force with different people…
Suicide Squad and Amanda Waller scream shady business, at least that’s the way I see it, but Jason has already worked with Waller and the Squad, in canon (RHatO Rebirth) and maybe not so canon (Suicide Squad: Get Joker!), so maybe he is playing dumb in order to get more information from Crispin.
Back to the issue, we have Jason telling Crispin how his team did on their mission… we know that it was wild, Man-Bat was crazy and almost ate Quilt dude, Bane almost ripped him apart, the whole thing was a mess! And after Jason says all that, Crispin just says “They really shouldn’t still be trying to eat people on mission” to which Jason responds “if you don’t want your team to eat people, don’t put zombies on it”, which makes sense, like Jason is right and he should say it. But here is where we get some more information about how the team is controlled, Crispin says this “I will talk to Dr. Shelley about increasing Man-Bat’s infusion before he goes into the field again”
Infusion? Lazarus resin infusion? First there were treats and now there is tea? What is going on? I mean, this is how they are attempting to control the “minor cannibalistic tendencies” mentioned earlier, it doesn’t seem to be working but who am I to talk about that, you know?
After all that talk, Crispin finally shows Jason what he said he wanted to show him, and white-haired lady is back again, or is she? Do you guys remember when I said earlier that the shower conversation was important? Well, this is why. Jason, being his funny self says “stuck observing the living again, huh?” and this lady goes, “am I supposed to know what the fuck you are talking about?”.
Let me tell you, my first thought was: CLONES. I hate clones, and I am fairly sick of them, I have had enough of clone drama in Spider-Woman and the thought of there being clones here makes me want to cry a little bit BUT these ladies could be twins, I forgot that twins existed for a second, not gonna lie. Let’s hope they are twins, but if they are clones, I will make sure to not be a cry-baby about it…
Dr. Shelley and Crispin seem to be the kinda people that constanly walk the creepy line because what they want to show Jason is how they will get Quilty to talk and give them the information that they need.
They are going to scare the living hell out of him by letting Astrid, the Arkham Knight, free in a contained place with only him inside.
Jason is convinced that Crispin wants to torture Quilt man and is deeply against it. Here is where we see clear as day that this Jason is the same as the one that we saw last in Urban Legends: Cheer, he still believes that some people should die, but he doesn’t want to be executioner anymore. Does that make me kinda unhappy, yeah, a little bit but if it is handled properly, we could see some good stuff. And I believe that Rosenberg will do a great job because he talks about Jason in a way that makes it clear that this Jason used to do things differently.
Crispin says “This isn’t a game. It’s a genuine interrogation tactic I’ve seen work for years. Besides, we both know you don’t have the moral hight ground”, you are clever Rosenberg, I see you. Jason of course has his own opinion and tells Crispin that “if you have a problem with me, you shouldn’t have captured me”, fair, tell your truth Chonky!
The reason why I think Rosenberg is clever is because even though Jason is supposedly in this phase of “figuring out new ways to handle crime”, Jason still has a moral code that still lives with him, he just told that to Hanna moments ago… Maybe we would see some internal conflict with Jason, and some manipulation tactics being done by Crispin and Hanna.
Everything that Crispin says after Jason speaks is both creepy and interesting, he says “I don’t have a problem with you. I have the solution to the problem that is you”, excuse me? What the hell does that mean?...
“And I didn’t capture you. The police did. I traded with them for your release. If you want to leave here, I won’t keep you. But I am what is keeping you out of prison”, Jason is a hostage, got it. This Crispin guy just keeps on getting better and better… Also, we got to know here why if Jason had been captured by the FBI he was now here, a mystery was solved, but at what cost?
When zombie Astrid is let loose with Quilt boy Jason completely looses his shit, Quilt man might not be in his “to kill” list but Crispin is making a spot for himself there because Jason is threatening with going on a killing spree.
At the same time though, Quilty says that he will talk and Crispin tells Dr. Shelley to make Astrid stop, and that’s that. Well, before Jason gets to leave Crispin tells him something else “You want my advice, Jason? The sooner you stop thinking of yourself as the brave here in some fairy tale, surrounded by evil monsters, the sooner, you will realise this isn’t that kind of story at all. We are all monsters here. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be put to good use”.
Alright Crispin, I see you. You are definitely using manipulation tactics but I like it, you are very convincing and you finally seem like the competent antagonist that Jason deserves. Because here is the thing Jason Nation, having a competent Jason fighting dumbasses or people who are just evil is as boring as Jason being an idiot. Competent Jason deserves to have and even more competent antagonist, that way, things are kept interesting and complex.
After that speech Jason has to get ready for his next mission, and this time he is joined by Bane, Man-Bat, Arkham Knight and Mr. Bloom.
Jason has now been blessed by the leadership gods and he is channelling his big brother’s energy, so he is ready to lead this team to victory. This is his team so they will do what he says! Jason is clear, the people they are going to see are low-level crooks, not the legion of doom so everyone should stay calm and he is the one that has the stuff that keeps them alive so if they don’t do as he says they will all be real dead again! So, the mission is to get answers, cause minimal to no destruction and no killing.
Well… Listen, Jason could be a great leader someday but it would have gone better if his team had people that could actually think for themselves and not zombies… but I am getting ahead of myself, shit hasn’t gone south yet.
At first everything seems cool, Mr. Bloom is trying to tell Jason about his excitement about being on the team and getting to help when Jason just goes, “I don’t care”, Chonky, you team player, you! (Mr. Bloom is alive just like Jason)
Here is where more mysteries are uncovered, those low-level crooks have Lazarus Resin, that seems to be what they are smuggling. Jason doesn’t say it but Mr. Blook is quick, he says “Ironic to find the very drug that powers our undead teammates here, isn’t it? Unless… Has our director Crispin been keeping secrets from us?”
Ay ay ay, things just got complicated my friends…and Mr. Freeze also joins the party. How fantastic, this annoying little fuck is here.
Do you remember the no killing rule? And the no eating anyone rule? Those are broken as soon as the fight starts, Astrid just impales someone with her sword and from then on, no one is safe.
Jason attempts to arrest Freeze (can he do that?) but Freeze uses his freezing gun and Bane is completely frozen in place. The fight is awful, Man-Bat and Astrid are eating people, decapitating others… Man-Bat gets frozen and Freeze uses his frozen head to break Bane’s frozen body… It was not a good fight for the team you know. Jason has one moment of glory but as soon as it happens everything falls apart.
Because Jason broke Freeze’s suit now they are all trapped and being slowly frozen.
Jason is barely able to breath when he takes his helmet off and when he looks to his side, he sees a very hungry looking Astrid coming his way, and that my friends is how this amazing issue ends.
I am at a loss of words really, that fight was, all kinds of bad… poor Jason, you really can’t have a team with zombies, how could that work? So funny!
What if Jason is eaten by Astrid next issue and that’s it, like, the story ends there. GODS, imagine that! Best Jason characterization in a long time and it lasts nothing, I am so funny…
I don’t know what else to say really, I think I said all I had in mind.
I love the mystery, the horror aspect and how funny the whole issue is. I do really believe that Rosenberg is the perfect writer for Jason and I hope we only get issues as good as this one!
The two white-haired ladies, Hanna, Crispin... they are all extremely interesting characters that have a lot of potential, and like I said I like my antagonists smart and really good at their job, it is the only way to make a vigilante shine. If Jason commits a mistake with these guys, it can be because he has yet to learn how to go against a new enemy and not because he is unexperienced and dumb.
Red Hood’s skillset will shine when these people start to grow more and more malicious, or maybe we are in for a surprise, who knows?
Let me know what you thought of the issue and of my review!
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thestarswhim · 3 years
You know, with Animaniacs having been getting a whole lot more attention again, and with me and my sis reading Scoob and Shag, it got us thinking about what the Warners’ ballyhoos might be. 👁️👁️
So, please take a seat, get comfortable, and read what me and my sister have come up with~
Our first idea was that their ballyhoos would be connected in some way which I'll expand more on as we go. For now, I'll explain how each of theirs work.
Starting with,
✨Yakko Warner✨
Ballyhoo: "Manifest Melody"
As we've seen, this fella likes to sing and tries to at any given opportunity. A lot of songs when it comes to these types of cartoons are either informational, or just tell it how it is (i.e, the events that are happening at the moment, what a character is feeling, like telling a story; basically a musical to put it all simply).
So, whatever Yakko sings, it'll basically happen. If he sung about an anvil falling on someone's head, well then an anvil will appear out of nowhere and fall on that person's head, if they don't manage to dodge in time, that is.
He can only go as far as manifesting physical things into reality and being able to alter the area in some ways (if he were to sing about someone about to fall into a ditch, then a random ditch can suddenly appear in the ground and the character would most likely fall in).
It’s possible he could change the way someone feels. The character would still have full control of themselves, but if Yakko were to sing about how sad and frustrated they must be feeling, then their emotions would embrace that feeling which would possibly make it harder for the character to focus on what they were doing before.
Yakko can’t, however, make it so that he could instantly win. Singing about a character losing won’t just make a character lose, it’ll take a lot more than that, sadly (he doesn’t mind, though, it wouldn’t be fun that way lol). He can’t just make a character simply die, either. 
So, it’s all based on physical things, and he’d only be able to affect a character themselves by emotions alone. If he wanted to physically hurt the character or something like that, he would have to sing out about that anvil or that ditch in the ground, etc.
His singing has to have a flow with the words and rhythm and such, because if it doesn’t, then it simply won’t work. Whatever he made happen while he was singing will reset after he stops using his ballyhoo (meaning, whatever items were there would go away, but stuff like the ditch would stay. It is only physical objects that would disappear). It’s similar to how once a song is over, everything that happened during it would kinda be dismissed and the characters would move on as if they didn’t just have the grandest dance number in the middle of the street. 
Of course, the best way to stop him would be to just find a way to keep his mouth shut which many find difficult because it’s flippin’ Yakko Warner.
All right!! His took a lot to explain, but the next two will be more shorter. ^^
Next sibling is...
✨Wakko Warner✨
Ballyhoo: "Infinite Crave”
It's literally like how Kirby works: his stomach is a huge, never ending, spatial void, a whole other dimension.
Wakko can eat anything and it'll just, y'know, stay in that stomach of a void until he brings it out whenever he wants. It's like a hammerspace except that hammerspace is his stomach LOL
He could spit things out like bullets if he wanted to, and yes, he could inhale things up like a vacuum.
The possibilities on how he'd use it are endless~
He only has a void when he's using his ballyhoo, other than that he has a regular ol' stomach.
Wow that was much shorter LOL, I'm sure there's more to be said, but for now we'll keep it as is. 👍
And now, last, but definitely not least...
✨Dot Warner✨
Ballyhoo: "Lady's Purse"
We both noticed that Dot is the one to use her hammerspace the most (at least in the reboot). She just whips out whatever at any given time. So, we thought she would be the one who perfects the technique of the whole thing; has a better grip on the concept.
Just like a lady's purse, anything can be in it, and so Dot could have anything on her, and bring it out however. Her main weapon is obviously her trademark hammer.
Just for fun she would bring out the smallest, slimmest hand purse ever and take out a car out of it or something just ironically huge and bulky.
Her "hammerspace" isn't as vast as Wakko's "whole other dimension," but whatever she can think of, she's able to bring out (while Wakko has to collect all his stuff externally and store them up).
She can only bring out items, objects, and the like. It can't be an actual person, if anything, it'd be a figurine of the person or something. 😂
Whatever she brings out can't be placed back because, though she can use whatever items as they should be used, they're only basically based on her imagination, so once she uses it, it'll just poof away afterwards, as if it didn't exist (similar to what would happen with Yakko). Just like how certain gags work in cartoons.
If she didn't want to worry about an item being poofed away, she'd use whatever Wakko's got as he can keep using the same items over and over again since he'd just bring whatever out, and after he's done, eat it.
Okay! After describing everyone individually, lets talk about how they could be connected in certain ways.
I kind of already explained it in Dot’s section how she would sometimes use whatever Wakko has got, and mostly he’d have to bring whatever item out and she’d use it.
Buuut, she’s also able to connect to Wakko’s “dimension” and use whatever items from there by taking it out of her own “Lady’s Purse.” It only works when they’re both together, so if they’re separated, she won’t be able to do that.
It’s a good trick to use on an “enemy” if said enemy already knew about how Dot’s ballyhoo worked and be surprised when whatever item she brought out doesn’t poof afterwards.
It’s the same case with Yakko. If he had to get specific about some things, and if Wakko was with him, then Yakko could bring out whatever items from Wakko just by singing, and it would pop up wherever Yakko sings it would pop up (no need for Wakko to spit it out, yaaay). The items used from Wakko would then stay after, like I said with Dot.
Basically, Wakko’s their storage unit LOL And so they’re all aware with what Wakko has stored, but only when they’re together.
Nothing is different when it’s Yakko and Dot, but they do work well together (despite all the arguments that may ensue). She joins in on the singing, helping things happen with her in the mix of it, and it also helps her think up some items to use. Of course, Wakko joins in on the singing, too, and all three of them are just nuisances and we love them.
They’re also more aware meta wise when all three are together. They might notice a speech bubble once in awhile, or look to the audience like they’re in The Office, but it’s nothing serious, they just have fun with it.
Also, I’m pretty sure being locked in the tower would do things.
ANYWHO That’s all! I’m sorry if this looks all messy, or if I didn’t explain things well enough, we’re still figuring out some things in the process ourselves, but I think we got the general thing out all in all. 
With all that said, YA WANT SOME ART MADE BY MY WONDERFUL SISTER? These are just sketches more so on their designs, and she gave the okay to show them! :D
Warning: instances of blood are shown
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She said she might draw more stuff for it, and I'll force her to make an account LOL (/lh), so tune in next time!!
Goodnight, everybody!!
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Gates Opened Wide
Part 10
Part 11 [CURRENT]
Part 12
DT: @petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @jump-in-the-cadillac @ivorylin
“Clem, do not make me use your full name, big lass! Stand still! Damnit-”
“Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!”
“You learn how to speak more than usual, and you choose to copy my curse words, Jesus Christ. If you’re going to curse, then do it correctly. Now, hold still- hey! No hissing! You put those claws away! Clementine, stop shapeshifting!”
After spending an hour after “early breakfast,” Tommy had finally managed to dress the squealing girl for the day. It was on mornings like this that made him wish he would be on Theo duty, leaving Clem to be dressed by Fundy. But, alas, that day was not today. It took telling Clem that she would be wearing matching outfits with her cousin to convince the rascal to sit still long enough for Tommy to get her ready. She was nearly vibrating by the time Tommy added the finishing touches to her braided hair. Once he pulled his hands away from her small head, she hopped off the chair and run over to Fundy’s room, where Theo was getting ready. Sighing as he stood up, Tommy couldn’t help but laugh as he heard the bedroom door swing open with a slam, a squeaky voice squealing in sync with a happy yell, as well as a startled one. Shaking his head, Tommy finished fixing his hair, adjusting his collar in the process. Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening alerted him of their visitors. Sighing, he prepared for the quick force that would engulf him into a hug. 
“There’s my baby of a brother!”
Tommy slightly cursed as he was nearly toppled over, only being saved by the winged embrace of his proud brother. He hugged his brother back, truly happy to see him excited for the day. The hug, however, lasted longer than their usual long hugs, which was causing Tommy to bite back a groan. His efforts, unfortunately, meant nothing, therefore he groaned as he playfully flailed his arms behind his brother’s back, who only held him tighter. 
“Muuuuuuuum, Grian won’t stop squeezing me!!!”
A playful laugh rang through the air, serving as the only warning for the older brother. Before he could pull away, a nerf dart hit him square on the forehead. Welping in shock, Grian pulled away, patting his forehead, which was slightly more exposed than usual due to him fixing his hair in a proper manner. Tommy picked up the dart, laughing as he handed it back to a laughing Kristin, who’s curled hair bounced with every laugh. 
“Grian, you’re going to wrinkle your shirt! We all spent all morning making ourselves presentable, don’t ruin it.”
“I’m not going to ruin it, we still have the gala at the end of the week to look our best! I am, however, gonna have a red dot on my forehead now.”
“Oh, no you’re not. Stop crying over nonsense, you big baby.”
“How am I the baby, when Tommy is standing right there”
“Oi, shut the fuck up, fucker”
“Don’t make me shove a bar of soap in your mouth”
After everyone was finally dressed and ready to go, they pulled the two kids aside. After they had succeeded in obtaining the children’s attention for more than a minute, Tommy spoke up.
“Alright, you two, listen up. Today is the day that a lot of people are going to be here. Remember to stick with us, and don’t talk to shifty shitheads you don’t know, got it?”
“Do not finish that word, Clementine”
“Anyways, remember the secret spots? Well, if you get separated from us, stick together and go the the secret passageways if you two get in danger, okay? You two know your way around, I know you do. Just stick together, take care of each other, and have fun, alright?”
“Mkay, Uncle T”
“Good. Now, Theo, your father made a device for both you and Clem. Fundy, if you will.”
The man nodded as he knelt down to the level of the children. Smiling, he opened up his paws, revealing two pretty bracelets. Decorating them were various colors of gems. As he put them on their wrists, he explained how to use them.
“Don’t tell anyone that isn’t from this server, or isn’t the lovely trio or Stampy about these, okay? These are connected to all our communicators. If, for whatever reason you can’t use your communicators to contact us, you can use these. Each of these are connected to a singular communicator, see? This gem represents me, this one represents Tommy, this one is Uncle Grian, and this one is Grandma Kristin! I also labeled the other ones, so you know who you’re contacting. There’s Tubbo, Lani, Stampy, Drista, Iskall, Xisuma, Stress, Impulse-”
“I think they get it, Fundy. We can’t spend the entire day naming everyone.”
“I wouldn’t take the entire day! Anyways, this is how you’ll reach to us without anyone knowing. If you push the big gems on the middle, everyone is alerted and Xisuma will teleport to you. Don’t take them off, okay?”
“Yes, Papa”
“Good. Ready to go?”
The adults laughed as the children switched from serious to excited within seconds. Taking the hands of the excited children, the family went on their way.
Tommy stood at the entrance of his park, his family by his side. The Hermits helped him in putting up a wall around the park, shielding every detail from the eyes of the public. Today was finally the day of his opening, and he was excited. Maybe a little nervous, but mostly excited. Sighing in relief, he smiled as three figures approached him. Opening his arms, he welcomed the warm hug that came with Tubbo’s greeting.
“We’re here too, y’know.”
“Lani! Oh, hey, Drista-”
The four of them laughed as Stampy joined them, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Handing the bouquet to Tommy, he couldn’t help but remark about how excited he was.
“-And look at all of you! Oh! You all look lovely and dapper! Everyone from my server is here to show our support! We came super early to beat the crowds! Look at us! Getting the best seats to the opening! I’m going to go gather the rest of my server, do excuse me. We’ll be back to start the crowd!”
Clementine and Theo waved enthusiastically as the neighboring server admin waved, walking away as he let to find the rest of his friends. Smiling, Tommy handed the bouquet to the children, who held it with gentle care. Despite being rowdy and loud together, anything from Stampy could reduce the two the silent happiness. This was always a relief to the adults, who, even though were rowdy as well, could not catch a break with the bouncing toddlers.
“Big day, isn’t it?”
“Oh, you know it is.”
Everyone continued to converse as they attempted to pass the time. Halfway through their conversation, a cheerful voice, which belonged to Impulse, sounded through the communicators.
“Gates are opening, crowd control is being initiated.”
“On it, thank you.”
Gulping, Tommy accepted the words of encouragement that came from his family and friends as they made their way off the stage, joining the rest of Stampy’s server at the front of the crowd, which was now slowly growing as more people trickled in. Stepping behind the curtains that flowed slightly in the cool breeze, Tommy recalled the conversation he had earlier. 
“And then I call you each on stage to help me with the unveiling.”
“That’s a great idea, Tommy”
“Thanks, Tubzo”
“You want me to help? Are you sure?”
“Yes, Fundy, I want you to help. You are my nephew, which makes you family.”
“Even us?”
“Yes, Theo, even you and Clem. There is one concern, though...”
“What is it?”
“What if Dream’s server comes? I can’t just force you guys up there-”
“Uncle, it’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. X made it so that the guests can’t harm or maim us outside of the dueling areas. Even then, they can’t do much.”
“But, Fundy, what about Dream-”
“It’s like you said, Tommy, we’re family.”
Tommy’s communicator snapped him out of his thoughts. Peering down, he saw that Xisuma had sent a private message to him.
XisumaVoid: The stage mics will turn on in a minute. Once the timer hits 30 seconds, the machine will play Pigstep in the background. Good luck, you got this 
Tommy sent a quick message of acknowledgment and appreciation back to the admin, quickly adjusting his shirt and fixing his hair. Taking deep breaths, he hyped himself up as Pigstep began to play in the speakers, causing the hermits and lovely’s to cheer, initiating the rest of the guests to follow in suit. Inhaling a deep breath, Tommy released the air as he gave a nice, charming smile as the curtains opened, revealing him and the crowd to each other. Doing his best not to break his professionalism, he bit back a laugh as he heard Iskall’s voice overpowering everyone else’s”
Waving to the crowd before him, he allowed his eyes to hover over the crowd, taking note of the faces before him. His friends and family, of course, were situated before everyone else in the crowd, the members of Stampy’s server behind them. The Hermits were scattered about, helping disperse the energy whilst being some form of security for opening day. Then, he spotted them. There, stood near the center of the crowd, stood the members of the Dream SMP, both old and new. He couldn't tell who was all there, solely because he did his best not to alert them that he knew they were there. Making eye contact with his nephew, he silently plead for guidance on what to do. Fundy, who understood the meaning behind the look, gave his uncle a nod of encouragement. Readjusting his smile, Tommy cleared his throat as the music slowly deafened, leaving only his voice to speak above everyone else. 
“Welcome! I’m about to do something really fucking annoying, but this server and the neighboring server finds it hilarious. That being said, CAN I GET A HUMINA IN THE CHAT???”
Laughter filled the large crowd as Hermits and Lovely’s alike began chanting the word, over and over again. They died down once Tommy let out a genuine laugh, making his friends smile. Clearing his throat, he spoke up again.
“Ahah, I apologize for that. It’s kinda of a tradition we have when I do productive shit around here. Anyways! Welcome everybody to the grand opening of my park, ‘Innit an Adventure?’! I genuinely want to welcome and thank you all for coming to celebrate such a special day for us Hermits and Lovely’s alike. When I first began this ambitious project, I did so to cope with my trauma. When words failed to express my emotions, I turned to building. That, in itself is saying something. I mean it, ask any of the Hermits here, they’ll tell you. I was a little shit with shittier building abilities. But they didn’t give up on me, and I eventually became able to create this wonderful world on my own. Know that if you are in a rough place, help is available almost anywhere. If, at any point today, any of you feel overwhelmed or panicky, we have designated panic rooms designed to help calm your nerves. The new pamphlets you all received upon entering the portal show not only the map, but a key that will point you to certain points, like the panic rooms. As much as I want this place to be a fun place for all, I want it to be a safe space, too.”
Peering over to the front, he was encouraged to continue when Clementine waved in a hyper manner to him. Letting out a chuckled, Tommy continued. 
“Although I managed to create this myself, I couldn’t have made it to this point without the support from my fellow Hermits.”
He initiated a round of applause as every member of Hermitcraft stood up and waved, some teasing Tommy. Rolling his eyes, he waved them off as he pretended to walk off. Laughing as he stood back on his spot, he gave a genuine smile. 
“No, seriously. They had to deal with the little shit that is me, and they did so wonderfully. They guided me through, what I thought, was impossible to guide me through. Truly, thank you. I would also like to thank the lovely trio of terror. When I fell into this world, quite literally, I was scared about where my friends could be, especially my best friend. Luckily, I soon found out what happened to him. Please welcome to the stage, these three headaches that I call my close friends, Tubbo Underscore, Lani Sky Underscore, and Drista Never Taken!”
Applause filled the air as the three lovely’s walked up stage, waving to the crowd. Wearing their matching outfits, Tubbo and Lani stood on either side of Tommy. Drista, who had worn a cleaner version of her mask, stood on Lani’s other side. As the applause died down, Tommy smiled at his friends as his cheerful voice sprung up.
“Hello, everyone!”
“After discovering where they were and that they were okay, my mental state improved greatly. They have inspired so many prizes and attractions in this park, which only proves that they have done so much good for me, even when I didn’t deserve it. I also have some amazing family to thank. Let’s start with an amazing, strong woman, who has an even more amazing aim. Please welcome to the stage, my mother! Kristin Minecraft!”
As the trio took a step back, Kristin handed Clem over to Stampy, who happily accepted the giddy girl. Making her way to the stage, she embraced Tommy, giving him a kiss on the forehead as he lowered his head to her, already expecting it. Hugging him one last time, she joined the trio as Tommy spoke of her. 
“The way I found her was quite amusing. She really is a lifesaver, thank fucking god for her. Although I didn’t have her around while I was growing up, due to her disappearing before I was even around, she has done more than enough for me, more than I could ever ask for. She truly is an amazing mother and woman. Go Mumza! Go Motherinnit!”
Laughter erupted from the crowd as Kristin gently smacked him upside the head. Although it didn’t hurt, he still cringed as he peered down at her. 
“What was that for?”
“You’re being too sweet, only to revert to your rambling. Stay on track.”
“Yes, Mumza.”
As she nodded in approval, Kristin made her way back to the trio, who were openly laughing at their friend. Grumbling, Tommy faced the crowd once more. 
“Not only is he friend and a fellow Hermit, he is my brother. Quite literally. Give a big hand for my big brother! Grian- HEY, WHAT THE FUCK, MAN”
He heard his friends and family laugh as Grian opened his wings, rushing forward in the air towards his little brother. Picking him up, Grian hugged his brother before plopping him back on the stage in a less than graceful manner. Dusting himself off, Tommy couldn’t help but pretend to whine.
“What’s up with you assholes, and Mumza. Is it embarrass TommyInnit day???”
He could only muffle a handful of curses as Grian shrugged, a cheeky smile forming on his face. Shooting a smile of his own towards Grian, gave his brother a playful punch. 
“When I first arrived, Grian and I bounced off each other perfectly. We fit together, like brothers and shit. Turns out, much to my surprise, we were brothers. Crazy, right? I was like, holy shit, oh my-”
“-right, sorry. Anyways, Grian was a brother that I had lost at a young age, too young to fully remember much about him. You could say the stars aligned in perfect order to allow me to reunite with him.”
Snickers could be heard from the Hermits and Lovely’s, catching the implications that came with Tommy’s words. Shaking his head, he cleared his throat, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He could practically hear Fundy’s groans from where he stood. Using the anticipated embarrassment of his nephew, Tommy let out a booming voice for the next sentence. 
“Everyone, give a hand for my fucking amazing, brilliant nephew, Fundy! Look at him go! Such speed! Amazing!”
Fundy hurried up the stares, a murderous look in his eyes. Once he was near his uncle, he smacked his arm. 
“You just had to be theatrical with my introduction, didn’t you?”
“Just for you, Fundy”
“Oh, don’t play that card with me, Uncle.”
Scratching in between his nephew’s ears, Tommy put an arm around him, keeping him beside him, instead of with the others. 
“Fundy is a brilliant and intelligent man full of love. He is very passionate about family and his projects, and has a brain that flows with all this smart and creative shit. Although I had completed the park, he came in and showed me ways to improve and add on to it. He has truly been an amazing help to me, and I couldn’t have done some of the things I did without him beside me. Speaking of having someone to stand beside him, I’d like to welcome Fundy’s pride and joy to the stage. Please give a kind and genuine welcome to my great nephew, Fundy’s son, Theo!”
Fundy knelt down with open arms as his son ran up the steps to the stage. Theo couldn’t help but giggle as Fundy lifted him into his arms. Smiling, Theo leaned over to give Tommy a hug, his small paws papping his great uncle’s face. 
“Hi, Uncle T”
“Hey, big man”
Theo giggled once more as Tommy ruffled his hair. Curling his tail around his father’s arm, Theo gave the crowd a toothy smile as Fundy stood behind Tommy, situating himself between Grian and Kristin. Once the crowd regained their attention towards their main host, they noticed how he seemed to glow. To them, it was most likely dismissed by the sunlight. To those who knew of Clara, however, knew that it was her warmth, holding his head up in pride. 
“And finally, last but certainly not least, the final member of my family. Please, put your hands together for my magnificent moth, my beautiful butterfly. Please welcome, my Clementine.”
The crowd was a mix of applauding and worried gasps as Clem, being the gremlin she was, chose to not use the stairs. Instead, wanting chaos, she had decided to climb the beams. As people began to panic, the people on stage, as well as the Hermits and Lovely’s laughed. Tommy rolled his eyes as he extended his arms. Smiling, he called up to the troublemaker.
Clementine laughed as she jumped straight into Tommy’s arms. Once he safely caught her, she began squealing as she frantically moved her hands from clapping and waving. Once he assured the crowd that she was being watched by the Hermits and would have been safely taken down if she was in danger, everyone was ready for the reveal. Giggling as she loosely wrapped her arms around Tommy’s neck, Clem pointed to the stand in the center. Making incoherent excited noises, she and Theo began to wiggle out of their guardian’s arms, racing towards it as soon as their little feet touched the ground. Pulling themselves up, they revealed a lever. And as everyone on stage put their hands on the lever, they all nodded to Tommy. Taking a breath, said man smiled as he and his close ones pulled the lever. The sound of Redstone filled the air as the wall surrounded the park began to disappear into the ground.
“Everyone! I, Thomas Theseus Minecraft, welcome you all to ‘Innit an Adventure?’!”
They were all greeted by the loud cheers of guests as the gates opened wide.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Jealous!taemin fluff request for reader being a '97 liner and ten teaching them some moves while superm takes a break or something and taemin gets a bit jelly becuase ten is getting close and is also much closer in age even though you've been kinda jealous of krystal or naeun (before) because they're only a year apart from taemin.
Here you go! I hope this is what you hope for, or else just tell me :)
Jealous! Taemin x reader + Ten! 
Warning : none :)
The lights in the practice room are still bright despite working hard since the morning. It's a prison room filled with mirrors and no walls, where the idols practice from morning to morning and they barely know what time is it because there's no clock in the room. The dark night sky doesn't greet the boys to tell them it's time for rest, instead it's your pressence with dinner that makes them scream in delight.
"Woah (y/n) is here! Must be six or seven already," Baekhyun walks to reach his phone and notices the time.
"We're too focused on mastering the new choreo," Kai gulps down a bottle of water.
You walk to the sofa and place your belongings. Carefully you hand Mark the dinner and he's more than happy to call his brothers for a dinner break.
"Sorry I could only buy that tonight, the rain is heavy and the only restaurant open on my way is this kimbab and buddae jiggae restaurant." You explain as you take off your jacket and handing them to Taemin, your boyfriend, who's here to greet you properly.
"No problem, thank you for dropping by... we haven't eaten dinner." Taem hugs you and plants a quick kiss on your cheek.
"Well then, enjoy your dinner then. It's still warm." You bow a bit to the boys and they're taking the seat on the floor one by one.
"Thank you for the food," they chime in as they unwrap the plastic bags and take out the packed meal.
"Join us, you haven't eaten too right, there's no teacher tonight. We're practicing by ourselves." Ten, one of the closest member to you, taps the empty spot next to him.
You untie yourself from Taemin's wrap and gladly accept his invitation.
Taemin shrugs his shoulder and also sits beside Kai. The eight of you share the warmth of dinner on the polished wood floor of the practice room. It's nothing new for you, you've been there since Taemin's early debut and after being friends for 7 years he finally asked you out and you're already dating him for the last three years. He's your best friend in middle school, you helped him with his studies because he had to train back then, but you're glad he made it this far.
The dinner ends quickly and the boys decided to take some break. You walk to the center of the room and quietly do a marking on a dance you're working lately.
Yes you're also a dancer, you teach young teenagers contemporary dance in a wellknown dance club. Today you're working on a duet you have to teach this week, well with your daily office work you only have time to think of the choreo at night and teach on weekends.
Ten secretly puts his attention to you, he's the first one to catch you dancing and thinking of some movements.
Taemin is sitting on the sofa, scrolling through his phone and quiet presumably chatting with his Shinee brothers.
"Oh what are you doing?" Ten appears on your side, you can see him through the mirror.
"Just finalizing a choreo I need to introduce to my students this Friday." You pout.
Ten smacks his lips, "Cool, Mind if I see it?"
You nod your head and offer him one of your airpods. Ten grins "woah now this is something we do not have back in the days." He remembers you also used to come and supervise rookies in their training days and you've known Ten since he's young. You're only a year older than Ten and he's always a fun partner to dance along with. Back then you need to blast your phone to maximum voice and share the loud room with other guys, but now technology is a life safer.
Your song for the contemporary dance this week is Say Something.
You begin to show Ten the solo part of the female dance and Ten's gaze never leave your body as you convey each and every beat and emotions into movement, you pause when you reach the part you're struggling "And up to there, I need a duet and my partner is away for this month."
Ten stands beside you and plays the song, he takes a while to feel the next vibes and snaps his finger.
"Let's try this," he shows you the routine he has in his head and you being a great dancer yourself can trigger your other ideas too.
"Ah yeah that is nice," you stand in front of Ten both of you facing the mirror  his body close to yours.
And I am feeling so small
He scrunches his body over you and you also curl yourself into a small ball.
It was over my head
The dramatic push back and head spin continued with a spin to separate sides
I know nothing at all
You take light steps to Ten and he nods
With one swift pull he has you on his arms and make one spin.
The song continues and Both you and Ten are now improvisising by yourselves to the lyrics and your smile can't leave your face when you and Ten both still remember the lyrical couple dance routine you used to do.
"Ah that is nice, but maybe try this," Ten pauses to breathe and then walks to fix your posture. You laugh "I am the teacher here yet I got my posture fixed."
He giggles "Sorry I can't stand seeing your back hunched."
You pout "I know I was thinking of the next step and did not mind my back bruh."
The song comes to an end and suddenly claps can be heard. You shoot your head to the side and see Taeyong and Kai already clapping their hands and Mark gasping for air as he said "Woah jinjja so cool both of you."
You laugh and Ten sort of blush, he did not remember Taemin is there and might be seeing everything.
"Both of you really dance well together!" Lucas brings two of his thumbs up.
You shyly thank them "Well we did that too back in the days and earlier Ten wanted to help me for my class this week."
"Shall we return practicing?" Taemin suddenly appears and you lock eyes with him. He avoids your gaze and you know this won't be a calm night.
"I guess we've practiced enough today. I say we go home and rest, tomorrow is another long day." Kai and Baekhyun suggest.
The younger brothers all try their best to hide their cheer yes they want to sleep already.
"Besides it's been 14 hours since we're here." Baekhyun's working alarm starts to work in his body "I cannot stay in this room for another hour."
"Okay then. See you all tomorrow." Mark and Taeyong are the first to pack up and wave their hands goodbye.
You still stick around to Ten and discuss a bit about the choreo, Taemin just looks at the two of you from the corner. His best friend Kai sees this and understands what's happening.
"Jealous eh?" He nudges Taemin's shoulder.
Baffled, Taemin just shakes his head "Ani I'm only thinking of our dance earlier."
Kai giggles "Yeah yeah whatever, I'll get going then bye!"
Baekhyun also says goodbye.
"Okay then thanks Ten, send me the file later okay?" You hug him when he said he actually recorded you two earlier so you're glad you can rewatch it and look for aspiration.
Ten then bids you and Taemin goodbye. Along with Lucas he left.
"So Taemin! We're going home!" You cheerfully pack your phone and airpods.
Taemin busies himself with his scattered belongings "You look happy with Ten, dancing together and oh being so close."
His tone sounds somewhat fishy and you sigh when you connect the dots.
"Aigo Taem, seriously? It's just a dance."
"A dance? He looks at you like this is something more than a dance." Taemin throws his bottle into the bag.
Your eyebrows raise when you feel assured your boyfriend is jealous.
"You're jealous right?" You tease him.
He rolls his eyes "No."
"Yes you are! Look it is just a dance. He didn't even touch me."
Taemin's eyes are about to pop "He did. He did i saw it! You didn't realize?!"
You want to laugh, well you're focused on the dance and didn't remember the details.
"Oh sorry then, it's just a dance. He was helping me... you know he used to dance contemporary and lyrical with me right." You play with the sling of your bag.
Taemin inhales a deep breathe "It's a dance yes I know. You used to do that yes I know, but back then both of you are young!"
You shoot him a questioning look, what is his point?
"You're young okay innocent. But now.. you're all mature already."
You nod your head "and what you're saying right now is so immature."
Taemin wants to open his mouth but he can't instead he just opens and closes his mouth like a fish on the air.
"Alright fine. I am jealous because you two looks so into it and intimate and I don't like it because you're almost the same age as him."
You walk closer and rub a soothing hand on his shoulder, your gaze soften is he insecure because he's afraid you'll fall for Ten?
"Taem, look all this time you're dancing with Krystal... I'm never jealous or afraid I'll lose you."
He keeps his mouth shut and listens to you, something you really like from Taemin is that he always listens first.
You continue, "I was not jealous too when I saw you in that marriage show with NaEun, yeah we weren't a couple before but I've liked you since then... and even when you dance again with them I was never afraid of losing you. Jealous? A bit coz I feel like I can also dance like them." You giggle and Taemin laughs too at your confidence.
"You don't have to feel jealous honey, I'm all yours and you should know I won't fall for other man. Ten is my bestfriend and he's your friend too." You hold his hand and squeeze it once.
Taemin looks into you and leans in to kiss you "I'm sorry I was being a fool. I was just jealous seeing your soulful dance with him."
You run a hand over his cheek "It's okay I get it.. i was sometimes jealous too over you and any girl near your age who dances with you.. but if you're still jealous that's a good sign right?"
He smirks "Why?"
You peck his lips "Because that means you still want me for yourself and you don't want anyone to have me. So you're still in love with me." You smile listening your own deduction.
Your boyfriend laughs "Cutie, maybe I was tired. Come let's go home and I might help you with the dance if you want. I could even come this Friday and assist your class if you want."
You shake your head "The studio will be wild if you come! You'll just help me behind the screen okay?"
He ruffles your hair "Okay okay," and with that the two of you leave the practice room. Taemin turns off the lights and alas the bright room can also rest before doing its duty again tomorrow.
"I love you! Thanks for always supporting and understanding me." Taemin whispers that night when you're already cuddled up beside him.
You smile "I love you too."
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isa-ghost · 3 years
JSE Renaissance Week Days 2 & 3
Day 2 (June 26th):
Favorite memories day. Bring back memories of your favorite times in the community, whether they were with other community members here or with Seán himsel. Even if it’s something small or obvious!
I’d do it again in a heartbeat, and it was my first experience seeing the community band together. Screaming info, dots we connected, theories we made, updates on glitches, SLEEPING IN SHIFTS AND COVERING DIFFERENT TIMEZONES, clipping & giffing moments, screenshots, art, THE WAY WE IMAGINED OURSELVES LIKE SOME SORT OF LEGIT TEAM/ORGANIZATION WHOSE JOB WAS/IS TO MONITOR ANTI ACTIVITY LIKE SOME KINDA SCP SHIT.
For me, it made Mayhem 2018 10x more fun. It felt like slipping into an old favorite outfit that still fit perfectly comfortable like it used to. And if shit ever kicked off that hard and frequent again? Same thing. I love dutifully waiting in the wings for the slightest legit sign of REAL, not overanalyzed activity. Even if we never get anything.
Overnight Watch was AMAZING, it was my spark to become genuinely, regularly active here, and Mayhem 2018- My FAVORITE JSE memory, intensified that even more. I owe those two events for having the “platform” I do on this blog. It gave me the friends I have here and the ones I talk to every single day. Those two things will live in my heart rent free forever. <3
Day 3 (June 27th):
Theorist’s day. I know there hasn’t been much by way of canon ego content lately or for a while, but if you’ve got a favorite theory or theorist in the community, give ‘em some love today. Don’t be afraid to bounce ideas off each other, too; even just musing can lead to some incredible things!
To this day, I think that is my best theory.
Or this simple detail I picked up on that also ended up getting Sean-approved!
Some more theories & such of mine I really really like!
I actually forgot this one existed and just blew my own mind when I reread
This “What is Anti?” theory I made
My Corrupted Chase Rambling
The timeline of Chase possibly becoming corrupted
The chronological timeline of Chase’s appearances so far
This big brain realization of numbers (8/3/17) that turned out to be nothing but were one hell of a coincidence I noticed
And honestly? Every time I’ve ever taken timestamped notes. Those are so helpful to people and that means everything to me. I’m very proud of them. :’)
If yall want to, send me asks about my theories & such you guys remember! Favorite ones, comments on any of them, etc. You can look at all my theory stuff neatly organized on @isas-theory-wall, and here’s a list of tags to browse it easily! My main content here has been theories, so I’d love to have a nice beefy proper discussion about them through asks :D
When it comes to other theories from fellow theorists, I can’t actually instantly recall very many. :P BUT, anything I agee with or found amazing was reblogged to my theory wall blog, so anything there that isn’t mine counts as a favorite, I guess. xD
Specific theorists I love? Well- There’s a lot. But I think I’m obligated to shout out @fear-is-nameless, @huffletrax and @rogue-of-broken-time especially, because those three (and someone no longer on Tumblr) are who ignited my interest in theorizing in the first place and are my personal go-to resources for whatever stuff I don’t catch or connect. <3 Thanks to them and their amazing brains and dedication, I myself became other people’s go-to resource, and that means so much to me.
Whether our interest, passion, ideas, or fuel has gone down or fizzled out, they still- and will always -hold a special place in my heart. Not only as fellow theorists, but as friends. <3
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keijikunn · 4 years
Memories ─ part i
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── A @celestialarchiveshq collab “Connected by fate”
Pairing: Semi Eita x fem!reader Tags: college!au, kinda angst i guess, fluff, SLOW BURN, maybe strangers to lovers!au Summary: On the last day of the year, you dream of your soulmate’s most impactant memory that happened within the year. Each memory will be different each year. Word count: ~3.6k
Author’s note: I’m late and I’m so so sorry! I said I’d comeback by the end of January, but here we are in March lol. I can explain why I took so long in another post, if you want, but anyways. Here’s my piece from the soulmate!au collab from @celestialarchiveshq ! I decided to break it into pieces, because so far I have 9k words and you don’t deserve this. Anyways, hope you enjoy and stay tunned for the next part!
WARNINGS: insecurity, mention of injury (it’s a broken arm), self-esteem issues, let me know if I forgot anything 
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You didn’t know who your soulmate was, the little information you had about them was that you only knew they were a boy and had a huge passion for volleyball and music. But one thing that you knew for sure about him was that he desperately needed a hug. Not because he’s supposedly your partner for life, your one true love, your missing piece. No. Your soulmate mark taught you things are more than that, that there’s more colours than just black and white, more than just simple and exact definitions. 
Being able to access his most important memory of the year through a dream was both a blessing and a curse. The first one is quite obvious, it meant your soulmate had overall a good year, no bad day overshadowed the good ones. However, when the second case occurred, it pained you to know that he went through a lot, and you couldn’t do anything. 
It was hard to predict how much a couple of consecutive bad memories could have changed your soulmate. Knowing only an hour or so piece of the 8760 hours of the last year, let you little to no room to guess how he coped with it. You couldn’t help but think what did he do to deserve all the insecurities and self-doubt he’s been receiving. What happened to the sweet boy that still believed hard work was worthy?
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2004 (age of 10)
Your soulmate was running towards his front door, ignoring his young sister’s whines to slow down, but he didn’t pay attention. He was eager to see what was the surprise his father told him before he left for school. What could it be? Your soulmate’s voice, a pitch higher due to his age, resonated inside his head. 
“Mom, dad, I’m home!” He exclaimed, kicking out his shoes to quickly enter the living room; only to receive a stern look from his mother, pointing with her fingers his shoes, indicating he had to organize it. “Okay, I’m doing it.”
“Mom! Nii-chan didn’t wait for me when I asked!” His sister, Aime, complained, closing the door behind her. 
The older woman scolded the young boy, who scratched the back of his neck, apologizing to his sister next. The feeling of excitement filled his body once again when his father, still wearing the shirt and pants from his suit, appeared in his vision, holding a large package. 
“Welcome back, kids.” He grinned, placing the mysterious box on the floor to spread his arms so Aime could jump into his embrace. Your soulmate did not waste time to approach his father, who messed up with his hair. “Son, are you ready for your surprise?”
“It’s not fair that nii-chan’s getting a present! It’s not even his birthday.” Aime whined, both parents exchanged a brief smile, before the mother held onto her shoulders, guiding her to sit on the sofa next to her brother. He was almost jumping on his seat, bouncing his legs as if that motion would stop him from throwing himself at the box to open it. 
“The reason why me and mama decided to gift nii-chan is because he listened very well to us,” the older man started to explain. “Do you remember what he asked us a few months ago, Aime?”
“I asked if I could get my own guitar!” Your soulmate piped in, almost bursting into happiness as he connected the dots. 
“And we talked to you two about it, right?” Their mother continued, instigating her children to remember the topic of that conversation. 
“Mama and papa said that if we dedicate ourselves to something we really want, they could get us what we asked.” The young girl replied obediently. 
“Nii-chan has been dedicating himself to his guitar lessons, so we thought about rewarding his hard work.” Their dad finally announced what your soulmate had guessed all along, a smile spreading on his face. After receiving a light nod from them, the boy immediately put his hands on the wrap, tearing it apart to reveal a beautiful guitar. “We’re expecting extra hard work from now on, buddy.”
“I will!” He exclaimed, hugging both parents tightly, cheeks hurting from his large grin. “Thank you so much!!”
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September, 2017 (current time, age of 23)
The memories were blurred in your mind, though all feelings and sensations burned in your heart whenever you remembered it. You always saw them in your soulmate’s perspective, being privileged enough to have a piece of his happiness - or cursed to feel the sadness that washed over in other years. 
It was perhaps his fault that you got so hooked on music and learned how to truly appreciate it, you somehow felt connected with him, as if it was a language only you two knew. It didn’t really matter the genre of the music, you could listen to an indie band from your college or a worldwide superstar; your heart knew how to stay tuned to different frequencies, absorbing the perfect high notes to the bass riff that made your bones shake.
That was how you met this eccentric lead vocal and guitarist from a rock-ish band in your college department, a guy with ash blonde hair, narrowed eyes and a voice filled with unsaid emotions. Semi Eita appeared to be angry at anyone at any time of the day, quick to offer snarky replies with his sharp tongue. It could be just a persona he created as his band progressively became well-known around college, or could be just himself and his lack of interest in people in general. 
You got to know him through your friend - and the band’s drummer - Akihiko, after one of their performances on a local live-house most college students go on a Friday night. Semi sat far from his bandmates, who were talking excitedly with each other and a couple of friends, with the same scowl you’ve seen in a picture Akihiko once showed you. 
“Guys, this is my friend Y/n,” he introduced you as soon as you two entered the small backstage room reserved for the performers. “She’s really into music, so I decided to invite her to one of our presentations.”
“It’s nice to meet you all!” You exchanged greetings, while you noticed the lead vocal just rolled his eyes and busied himself with his phone. “I enjoyed it a lot today! I could feel every instrument resonating through my body. Please invite me for your next performance!”
Throughout the whole night you hang out with the band, Semi stayed quiet on his own, enjoying a bottle of beer too lost inside his head. His bandmates reassured you he was fine, the guy wasn’t a fan of gathering with friends or any sort of social contact - which was ironic to say the least, after all, he spends his free time entertaining people. 
Despite the singer’s wish to avoid contact, many girls - and guys - approached him perhaps to initiate a small talk, or maybe to end up on a secluded corner of the live-house with their mouths on his. His quite mysterious façade was intriguing, you even admitted it to yourself, as a possible explanation to his “fame” around people, and maybe that was the reason he attracted many people. 
You only got the chance to have a proper conversation with him on the next band rehearsal, which Aikihiko invited you per the other’s request. Inside the soundproof studio, you sat on a chair across Semi, who was too busy tuning his guitar to care about your gaze on him. He still sported the same scowl in his face, however, this time you could notice a hint of excitement - maybe even a silent love towards his instrument and what he was able to do with it. 
“Are you done staring at me?” Semi asked angrily, lifting his head from the tuning keys he had just finished adjusting. “Why are you here? Aren’t you Akihiko’s hookup or something?”
“First of all, ew!” You exclaimed, face contorting in a grimace at the thought. “I know him too well to feel attracted! Besides, he permanently smells like cigarettes, it’s awful.”
“Just wait until he arrives, the studio will be infested by this shit.” He replied with a huff, rubbing his hand against his face. “For real, though, why are you here?”
“The other guys invited me to watch you practice,” you said, then leaning down to grab a notebook from your bag by your foot on the floor. “They think watching you play will help me with an activity I have to turn in before the winter break.”
“What is it?” Semi seemed interested, you noticed, putting his guitar on its support, crossing his left leg. Although you two were talking for a couple of minutes, you still felt a cold barrier between you two. It was quite noticeable as how the lead singer guided the conversation, questioning you and your reasons to be there.
“I attend the music course as an extracurricular activity, and I have to produce a song by the end of the semester.” The room fell in silence, but you could almost hear the gears in Semi’s head turning. “And I’m also here to convince you to sing for my project.”
“Expected.” You laughed amused as Semi’s eyebrow twitched at your response. “Do you like barbecue? I can take you to an expensive restaurant as a payment.”
“You’re not gonna bribe me.” He stated, narrowing his eyes to send you sharp looks. In response, you smirked at his reaction. Just like Akihiko told me he would react.
“You’re right, I’m not gonna bribe you,” you mirrored his posture: left leg over the right one, arms crossed on the chest. But, contrary to him, you opened a smile, though your eyes screamed at the challenge in front of you. “I’m going to make you agree with me.” 
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October, 2017 (current time, age of 23)
A month has passed since your very first talk with Semi Eita, and although you didn’t make any progress regarding your project, you’re getting to know a bit more about the real Semi - not just the cold façace he shows. He is indeed quick with comebacks, hot tempered - especially when he’s talking about music, the boy stands still for his beliefs in what would be better for the band - but, Semi seems to have a huge wall separating his deepest sides from his friends. As if something holds him back from being true to his feelings. 
“C’mon, Semi, we’re having a movie night,” Akihiko whined once again. “Stop watching this volleyball game and let me start choosing the movie!”
“He won’t budge Akihiko, it’s his friends playing.” The bassist, Takeshi, laughed at the rather unilateral discussion: the lead singer’s eyes were still trained on the screen, watching carefully every movement; while the drummer tried to snatch the remote control from the other’s grip. “You should know by now that he analyses carefully every Ushiwaka’s movements to scold him later.”
“I don’t do that!” Semi spoke up, diverting his gaze from the TV, proceeding to push Akihiko away from him. “Ushijima doesn’t need my comments. He never did, anyways.”
“So, the famous Semi Eita is also a sportist?” You teased him, nudging his left left leg with your foot, since you were half laying on the couch. “And has his phone number? Impressive.”
“Our lead singer had the honour to play on the same team as Ushijima Wakatoshi.” Akihiko threw his arm forcefully around the ash blond haired boy, earning a groan in protest. “And played against the Adlers’ setter, right? And you lost, right?”
“You don’t have to remember me, Akihiko-san, thank you very much.” He removed his bandmate over himself to look at you. “And I’m not a sportist.”
“How come not, Semi?” Takeshi retorted rhetorically, the smile on his face gave away his enjoyment in teasing him. “You had a sport scholarship in Shiratorizawa, you have to be at least great in volleyball!”
“Yeah…” Semi muttered lowly, lowering his gaze to the wooden floor of Akihiko’s apartment, clearly bothered by the turn the conversation took. “Choose the movie, I’ll make the popcorn.”
As he left the room, the other two guys exchanged looks, and you kind of deduced they went too far in this topic. To say you were curious about why him attending such a powerhouse school was delicate was an understatement, the urge to get up and follow him to the kitchen and shoot him questions was undeniable high - but you weren’t a senseless person.
Another part of Semi Eita’s personality presented itself to you, holding as many secrets as the façade he shows to everyone else does. You couldn’t help but think about how many experiences he went through to close himself like that, but more than that, you tried to imagine what kind of story Semi could tell through a song. That was the reason why you wanted so bad his participation in your project. 
Semi Eita could tell a great story if he wanted to. And you would try your best to make it happen. 
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2008 (age of 14)
Your soulmate slowly dragged himself back home from school, body sore and longing for a long hot shower to relieve the stress of his muscles. Finals were taking a toll on him, especially when he was about to graduate middle school and needed to pave his way to good high schools. The sidewalk was slightly slippery due to the recent melted snow, droplets of water occasionally hitting his uniform’s pants near his ankles. 
Soon enough, he found himself opening the front door, being welcomed by a warmer environment. The young boy removed his shoes and heavy coat, greeting tiredly his mother and sister, who were both in the kitchen making dinner. Your soulmate headed to his bedroom ready to throw himself on his bed, wishing the mattress could swallow him. However, as soon as he turned the lights on, a white envelope with a familiar purple logo on the table caught his attention.
His hands worked quickly in tearing the material apart, removing a single sheet from the inside. The euphoria already dominated his senses, eyes barely proceeding to read the name of the institution at the top of the paper - but he knew which one was. His eyes scanned the words, eagerly searching for what he was wishing to himself for the past few weeks. 
“Mom!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, running out of his room to find her. “I made it! With a sports scholarship!”
“Oh my gosh, congratulations!” The woman cheered, drying her hands on her apron to involve her son in a tight embrace. His cheeks hurt from how wide he was smiling, but the bursting sensation of pride in his chest made up for that.
I am good at something, after all. I made it to a huge school through my volleyball abilities. 
I’m not replaceable. 
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Mid October, 2017 (current time, age of 23)
“What the heck happened to you?” The words left your mouth before you could even think after you entered the usual studio the band usually rehearses. Akihiko was seated behind his set of drums, scrolling aimlessly through his phone; and Takeshi finished setting up his bass on the amplifiers. But what surprised you the most was the cast on Semi’s left arm, holding it in a position he couldn’t stretch it. 
“Hi, Y/n,” Semi waved cynically with his right hand, “I am fine, thank you for worrying about my well being.”
“We need your help.” Both Akihiko and Takeshi said. 
“Why do I feel it’s related to the fact Semi broke his arm?” You questioned, glaring at the lead vocal suspiciously. 
“The band has a presentation in a week and Semi can’t play the guitar for obvious reasons,” the bassist started approaching you, offering you a bright yellow pick - which you accepted, still not sure about the end of the conversation. “We’re lacking a guitarist, but Akihiko said you’re pretty good, right?”
“Uh… maybe?” 
“What Takeshi is trying to say is,” Semi cut his bandmate, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. “We need you to play the guitar as support for our next concert.”
It was unexpected, you thought with yourself, by the little you knew about Semi and his relation to music, you imagined he would ask any close friend of his that he trusted. Perhaps Akihiko mentioned you know how to play, he could have even shown him a few recordings you did in the college studio. Either way, hearing Semi inviting you was a surprise. 
“Sure, I guess?” Your answer sounded more like a question, evidencing your state of confusion and unsureness. “Wouldn’t you guys want someone else, though?”
“No.” The ash blonde hair boy answered without hesitation, once again surprising you. “You’ll do it just fine.”
You quickly exchanged looks with Akihiko, in hopes to discover that it was a huge prank or even a childish comeback from Semi regarding your stubbornness of having his vocals on your project. However, the drummer nodded his head; his facial expression didn’t give any sign of mischievousness like it usually does.
Semi stopped in front of you, handing you his own guitar. The instrument felt foreigner in your grasp, as if a simple guitar held secrets and hidden feelings of its owner - and it might do. You felt oddly connected to the guy in front of you, the same one who denied every invite of yours to sing for a couple of minutes for an extracurricular project. 
As your fingers strummed the strings, you noticed how perfectly tuned the guitar was and you were quickly to mentally facepalm yourself. It’s obvious Semi Eita would take such a good care of his guitar, the boy loved music after all. After adjusting the strap over your shoulder to fit your much smaller stature than the owner’s, you played a couple of chords to make the final adjustments on the amplifiers. 
“So, tell me the setlist I need to work on.” The three men smiled gratefully at you - though Semi’s looked more like a grimace, but you understood. They proceeded to fill you up with plenty of songs and minor details you should be aware of about their style, rearragended chords.
The hours flew by while you were in the studio with the band, the four of you fell in a good synchronization - if an outsider saw the rehearsal, they would never guess you weren’t the main guitarist. Playing with them felt familiar, all your frequencies merged into one smoothly, even easily. You adapted yourself to Akihiko’s excitement and Takeshi’s quirks during his solos, but the easiest one to work with was Semi. 
His style of singing fitted perfectly with your own strumming habits, even the occasional exchange of looks was easily understood between you two. He seems to be too arrogant on stage, pretending as if he was the best amaetur performer in college - but in a sense, Semi could think like this. The way he easily went with the flow with a new element in the studio, someone he has never seen playing before. 
“Great job, guys!” Akihiko exclaimed, clapping his hands a couple of times. You put the yellow pick on the top of the amplifier and cracked your knuckles, feeling your fingers a little stiff from the almost two hours rehearsal. And you did well, Y/n, you even remembered all the chords!”
“Akihiko!” Your whine made both the drummer and the bassist laugh. “I can remember things, okay?”
“Then tell me why can’t you remember your soulmate’s memories?” He wiggled his eyebrows, daring you to answer him. When you didn’t reply, he snorted. “You can’t even defend yourself on that! Anyway, we rented the studio for another hour, but I have some business to solve at home. Feel free to stay until the end, okay? Thank you for the practice!”
“Thank you.” You smiled, sending off the drummer. While you quietly went through the songs you weren’t familiar in the setlist, Takeshi bid farewell to you and Semi - leaving you two alone. “If you wanna leave, just let me know and I’ll stop, okay?”
“You are good,” Semi complimented you, not answering your statement. “Akihiko-san wasn’t lying after all, you are indeed good.”
“Why do you sound so surprised?” The studio was filled with rhythmical strums, following your favourite song of the list while you quietly hummed the lyrics. “I suppose Akihiko showed you a few things I did for the course.”
“Actually, he didn’t,” His response caught you off guard, your right hand stopping its motion in the middle of the song’s bridge. “And I suggested your name as support. I kind of wanted to see what’s up with you and music.”
“And what do you think, Semi?”
“Why do you want me to sing your song for the project?” He asked, ignoring your question completely. You arch your eyebrows in surprise, earning the same gesture - as if he was inciting you to answer him. 
“I strongly believe that music has an unique power to deliver messages. It could be the lyrics, the instrumental or just the performance… everything has a meaning.” You stated, adjusting the guitar in your lap properly; eyes fixed on the man in front of you. “From my point of view, after watching you perform and how you interact with music, I imagined you have some deep feelings buried inside of you that could be delivered through a song. Somebody could relate to you and feel grateful for you expressing something they might couldn’t.”
“I’ll do it.” Semi said after a few seconds in silence, surprising you. When you looked at his face, a small smile adorned his features. You mirrored his expression, though yours were much larger in order to convey your happiness. 
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briarlovesclara · 3 years
Wilbur: the ultimate unreliable narrator
A stream of consciousness analysis of Wilbur’s character on the Dream SMP and the stuff I’m afraid people are going to try to gloss over.
Spoilers from Wilbur’s May 5th lore stream, though I hopped in partway through so I haven’t seen the very beginning.
This is stuff that I genuinely believe people need to pay attention to if they want to at all understand Revivebur-- I was very disconcerted about him until today’s stream and I connected some dots. 
We shouldn’t be surprised. 
Wilbur Soot, as in content creator and real person, confirmed a long time ago that the dream smp was full of unreliable narrators, including and starting with his own character. We knew that. His character crumbled before our eyes, but we focused on it wrong-- and we were supposed to. We did what we were molded to do. 
Now, I came in late with a lot of things on the Dream SMP. I resisted joining the fandom despite my TikTok FYP until I got trapped by an audio pertaining to Tommy and Vilbur (it was a “let’s be the bad guys” audio). I arrived post November 16th, maybe two weeks later, in that lull period where Ranboo, Philza, and many others were getting onto their feet, Wilbur was dead, and Ghostbur was a full cast member.
And I fell in LOVE with Ghostbur, immediately. 
He got me into the DSMP. His character was so rich, and complex, and simple at the same time to the point of fascination. I was able to watch him and understand him, then click off clips of him and figure out who the hell Wilbur was. I filled in the gaps. I watched the story of L’manberg unfold in front of me, its rise and its fall. 
And I loved it! I really, really loved it. Wilbur’s character arc sang to me, as a deeply angsty spiral full of power and the need for control to the point of lacking any of it. 
But when, a couple days ago, Wilbur got revived, it felt wrong. 
I didn’t know why I was so hesitant. I love Ghostbur, and preferred him over Alivebur, sure, but I had liked Wilbur. What had changed? Why did I feel so deeply and viscerally uncomfortable?
The answer, of course, was Quackity. Or more specifically, his lore.
Up until the flashback to the L’manberg era, Wilbur fans had seen the ‘unreliable narrator’ tag as one similar to the way everyone else played it-- the character doesn’t know that they are being unreliable, because everyone experiences things subjectively and we’re shaped by that. That Wilbur’s narration was solely influenced by his deteriorating state of mind.
But then Quackity was shown talking to President Wilbur, what many thought of as the Golden Age, our Wilbur… and it was all wrong. 
Not only did this Wilbur not talk like the Wilbur we knew then, he didn’t talk like any Wilbur we had ever seen. Revolutionary Wilbur stood for peaceful discooperation, for bloodlessly removing himself from the SMP and only striking when struck (similar to Ranboo in that sense). 
Vilbur was insane, we had all agreed, and he was violent to a point, but never this bluntly. He was wrapped up in himself so much that he was self-destructive more than outwardly hurting anyone else. 
But here was Wilbur, canonically, advising Quackity to take the fight to the power. To hurt and to maim, and that the strategies that got Wilbur into power didn’t work. 
And it made me uncomfortable, because that wasn’t Wilbur.
But it turns out we were looking at Wilbur all wrong. 
When cc!Wilbur told us that there were unreliable narrators, he meant that even the ‘flawed story’ that we were getting was wrong. 
The Wilbur we saw wanted a peaceful place to live. He wanted to raise his son and live with his found family by a lake. 
Today, we were told that that dream was simply a farce-- but he didn’t want power, simply to take it away. 
L’manberg was a tool, a vessel. It was a way of “sticking it to the man” (Dream), a way of rebellion against someone who was unjust. He couldn’t care less about its actual contents, only what it meant. When we wept at the walls falling under Schlatt, under the hand of his own son, he didn’t care. And if he DID care, it was about the fact that Fundy had joined ‘the man’ (Schlatt). 
But I think that Wilbur realized that he was the new ‘man’ after all. He was kicked out of L’manberg, sure, but it was by his rules and because of the power he had created. He had, to be a cliche, become everything he sought to destroy, minus the inherent oppression that he felt Dream held. 
When I thought of Revivebur, I was so uncomfortable because I was looking at a character that, quite frankly, didn’t add up. I was looking at Alivebur and the person who talked to Quackity and I couldn’t understand how they could be the same person, but that’s the point. They aren’t. The Wilbur we saw, the one we watched fight and scream and die for a chunk of land, never existed. 
We were played like we were supposed to be. 
Wilbur was never the big, valiant hero he acted like. It was always Tommy. He just wanted something and was getting really into, essentially, the bit. Like a person playing DnD who gets legitimately attached to the storyline. But at the end of the day, he didn’t need it.
Can you imagine playing Dungeons and Dragons, but the NPCs were sentient? Can you imagine putting your heart and soul into a character, so much like you, and falling in love with the people that surround you? But in your heart you know that it is just play, and that they cannot know. And then you leave. Wilbur, essentially, left his fully sentient DnD game running without him. 
We were fed a cohesive, in-depth character. Wilbur, our Wilbur. The kid who grew up with mixed feelings and was the storybook hero turned villain against those he once thought with. But all this time, we were just seeing what he wanted us to see. And maybe he started to believe it, because just because it wasn’t true doesn’t mean that he was trying to hurt everyone. He cared, truly, about the people he was with, but not the same way we thought. Every concrete emotion we experienced was a detailed lie that we filled in for ourselves. 
After all, Wilbur plays solitaire. 
A/N: this didn’t fit into the rant above, but Wilbur’s character isn’t stagnant, he just always needs power and it always creates the same dynamic! It can feel weird seeing the server kinda pull back full circle energy wise to L’manberg with developed characters, but his power rise and fall is just a requirement of his existence. It’s his rhythm.
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
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2020.05.30 DIR EN GREY SPECIAL TALK - The Freedom of Expression - Kyo and Kaoru - translation
(if you notice any mistakes, typos or can give extra information, it’d be very welcome!^ ^)
J- so from now on we will start The Freedom of Expression. I, Joe Yokomizo, will be the MC. (everyone yoroshikus) J- Kyo, it's been a while! Kyo- Hello! (he turns) J- How are you doing? Kyo- could be better. J- I have a message from Toshiya from last week, 'Have you tried the ramen restaurant I told you about? And if you - as a gourmet/foodie - can recommend me any good shop, please!' So what do you say? Kyo- Actually, I forgot the name of the ramen place. J- Hahahah!! Kyo - so I didn't go yet. But anyway, all shops are closed now. Hm, I can't think of a good shop to recommend. J- I see... How did you arrive in a situation that Toshiya recommended you a ramen place? Kyo- I think we were probably talking about Jiro (famous ramen chain), J- Jiro, yeah. Kyo - And from that talk he told me about a good place. J- I see. There are so many comments crying that you forgot the name of the shop. Kyo - If I had my smartphone with me I'd have saved the name, but I hadn't. 
Kyo(changing topic)- you know, I actually know your voice well. J- Eh? How? Kyo- From the radio. J- Ah? Thank you! Kyo - My tattoo place has the radio tuned to your program, and the timing was right. And I recognized your voice 'oh it's Joe'. While being in pain I was listening to your voice, so your voice has a bad connotation for me. (Joe LOLs) J- That is not my fault you know! XD Kyo- But it has this painful image for me, it's imprinted now. J- (laughing) so when you hear my voice you remember the pain. Kyo - Exactly. Like ' eh that voice again!' Joe LOLs again- so now my voice must be a nightmare for you! Kyo- Yup. I even asked my tattooist, 'do you always listen to this?' and they replied 'yeah' (they laugh a bit more). And that time we talked about many things, but all that talk content and your voice both have the pain attached to it. J- I'm so sorry! XD (the smirks, the laughs XD)
J- Kaoru came once as a guest to my program. Kyo- Yeah, I guess. J- So sometime you could both come as well. Kyo - Ah... (Joe and Kaoru both LOL) J- I can see you really don't want to! Kyo- But you really grill your guests! J- That's true. Kyo- Right? So for me it's 100% NOPE. J- I see. But in that program we often talk about intrigues or hot news. What do you think about those topics? Kyo- Intrigues? I'm quite interested. J- Do you know any recent hot news? Something interesting. Kyo - There are many, but even as I'm really not into youtubers there is only this one that is great, Naokiman show. I'm watching him quite a lot. And I watch many things connected to that, but from youtubers only that person. I even bought his book. Y- I'm also doing The Dave Fromm Channel on TouTube, so maybe you would like to come to take up on some topic? Kyo- I can't see that happening. (Joe laughs at the rejection XD)
Kyo- If you want a crazy talk, talking about aliens, don't we have one among our band members? J (connects the dots)- Ah yeah! Without you saying the name I think I know who you mean somehow. Kyo- From the very beginning he was always very strange. Really. J- In what way? Kyo- I totally cannot imagine his daily life, like his place doesn't feel like a place where someone lives, it's hard to explain properly. J- I see. Kaoru, you keep nodding, do you think so too? Kaoru- You could feel it two weeks ago, right? His house. J- Yeah it didn't feel like a proper lived-in place. But for example after you finish a concert is there anything human-like about him? There must be some anecdotes, where he is human-like. Kyo- But there's really nothing like that. (Joe laughs) Kyo- For real.
Kaoru- What was it, when we visited him and a fax came and he ATE it. (Kyo and Joe ROTFL and clap) Kaoru- It's a real story. Was it me or Toshiya?  We were at his home, a fax came in and started coming out so he grabbed it and ate it. J- That's really something. In the comments I can see many 'a goat!' (=eats paper). You get some information or announcements with faxes, right? So it's definitely not a good idea to eat them. An urban legend story. But Kyo, is there no heart warming stories about him? He's probably watching today. Kaoru- but he usually says not to talk about him. Joe laughs- Well, all of you have their own space. (?)
Kyo- But I really don't have any warm story about him. You know we don't really talk among ourselves. But fe when we are abroad we would do talk like 'how many more shows left' or 'today this part was good' and so on. But with him I haven't talked even once. J- Really?! lol Kyo- Really! He doesn't talk to me, if I say something to him he will reply, but isn't it sad for me? If I don't ask him he will never talk to me. It's like I'm being played with. Even as I wait for him to approach me first it hasn't happened for 20 years. J-I see.
Kyo- But he seems to be really into board games. J- Oh ok. Kyo- He's collecting board games from around the world. J- I've also heard about it. Kyo- Recently there's a TV show (?) about various board games, I've only seen that, but thinking he has a lot of that at home is kinda gross. (??) Kyo- He doesn't invite us, but he plays board games with other people. J- Well, he can't play alone. Kyo- Yeah, but I would like him to return some of that energy towards DIR EN GREY. J-I see. Kyo- And to occasionally ask me 'how was the show today?' or to say 'you sang well today' or even say 'Kaoru, you did well today'. (Kaoru laughs) Kyo- Wouldn't it be good? Kaoru- But if it would actually happen I'd just be 'what the hell????? (all ROTFL) What's wrong with him?' J- It would actually make you worried. Kaoru- I'd be surprised. J- If he did it when you can play shows again, you'd know he was watching today. Kyo- But shouldn't that be something normal? It's about why him saying that would be so weird. J- Because you really didn't talk at all until now. Kyo- He really only does riddles. Kaoru- When we all join a chat (about work) and someone asks for his opinion, he only replies 'that's good'. The end. (bad connection time)
J- But then, Kyo, if you had to do a live stream with him, without any MC, could you? There was a comment like this. Kyo- Wouldn't that be favourable for him? Kaoru- I can see that. And you'd get hurt/make look funny. Kyo- Yeah, He would just stay quiet, you ask him something and only get a one word answer. J- Okay, I see it now. So there would be no proper conversation. Kyo- How about you invite him to your program? I could listen to you both when getting tattooed J- I think it would double or tripple the  tattooing pain. Kyo- I think it'd make me numb, the pain. J- So I should invite Shinya as a guest once as an experiment to see how much it could numb Kyo's pain. Kaoru- It'd be interesting.
J- There are many comments asking for more details of the Nichome story. Toshiya told us about is last week. Kyo- Nichome?? J- Nichome, you were drinking in Shinjuku and after someone started talking to you, a couple from Nichome. Kyo- All members went that time? J- I think Toshiya said it was only you and him. Kyo- I really don't remember. I don't go to Nichome. And we don't go drinking together. Kaoru- Studio was still... J- Ah right! He said you were going back from the studio. Yeah, you were recording, on your way back two of you were approached [by a gay couple]. Kyo- ???huh? J- In comments everyone says it was in Gyoenmae. Kyo- at the park, there were two men, I think, sitting there, and while laughing they start waving their hands to us, and scared we run away - this story I think? J- Did you remember? Kyo- Slightly. J- Why were you together that time? Kyo- I really can't remember. Wasn't that over 20 years ago? J- That long ago? Then isn't it surprising how well Toshiya remembered that? Kyo- Because he got so scared? Kaoru- Around that time, I often walked near the park there going to the recording. I remember once there was a huge old guy dressed up as a white lolita, with an umbrella even as there were no rain. I also run away. J- Around there you can meet many unique people. 
J- Kyo, how about any anecdotes about Die? Kyo- Ah but I don't drink so we didn't go out together. J- oh. Kyo- About Die - Once when we finished the show I remember he was really angry. When we were touring abroad and we finished the show, he was so angry. That happened few times, I asked other people what happened but no one knew. Was it about his own playing, something about the band, I wasn't sure. J- Why was he angry. Kyo- Yeah. J- That time did you ask him? Kyo - I didn't wanted to ask in case it was my fault. J- Kaoru, have you seen Die getting angry? Kaoru- I have. (different air about him?)
J- Well, when you tour so much there are things you're just not happy about. That's the real charm of live shows. Kyo- When we go abroad, the sound is all jumbled, during the show PA will go somewhere, the lights will act strangely, and I always have huge problems with my ear monitor. J- The real problems. So how do you deal with problems like that abroad? Kyo- You just give up. Being bothered by it all the time would be worse, I'd just take the monitor out, to not get hit by it harder. J- It's better without it, than be annoyed by it. Kyo- I'd hear clicks and snares all the time, if I focus on that I won't be able to enjoy the show. But when it gets bad it's really bad. J- When you deal these kind of conditions, do the shows turn out well? Many times it depends on the audience. (to get a miraculous moment, everyone says it was not good ??) How can you finish the concert? Kaoru- But on the contrary, at the times I felt it wasn't good I got told it was great, and when I thought we did great I get very meh reactions. J- What do you think, Kyo? Kyo- Same. J- So what are your ....conditions for a good show? Kaoru- when I don't remember the song, I just play without thinking. J- So you just follow your instinct, trust the music. How about you, Kyo? Kyo- For me it's the same. It's better not to overthink it. J- But vocalists have it tough, after singing your throat might end up in various condition, what happens if you suddenly lose it? Kyo- I don't really know myself. ...But there was a time I really couldn't make any sound, was it Gunma? I couldn't even speak. But the show that time was amazing. But them there were times when I could really sing well but it did't really connect with the audience emotionally. So I don't think it depends on how well I'm singing. J- To reach the audience is not only about sounding perfect.
(lastly, Joe asked for questions and comments for the last part)
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