#And this is just a miscommunication and double standards
puppidy · 9 months
Flatmates annoyed and a bit passive aggressive because they didn't tell me about the rule. Apparently we're meant to message the group chat when doing a load of washing because it takes so long - the reason why I didn't know this is a rule is because no one ever does this. Ever. I know I would have asked about it.
And like yeah I under that blanket smelling bad is sensory hell and another person's sheets being crusty is yucky but I hate not being able to shower, I have to have a shower to be able to shave. If I need to be accommodating your sensory needs then you should be accommodating mine.
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ambrosiagourmet · 4 months
I’m gonna be honest I don’t understand why Shuro/Toshiro gets as much hate as he does. I can understand why people don’t like him or are put off by a few specific things in particular (not being honest w Laios, his double standard w Falin, and the Izutsumi stuff), but some stuff definitely goes beyond general disinterest or dislike.
I dunno I just don’t think any of his misunderstandings, miscommunications, or assumptions are THAT much worse than the misunderstandings, miscommunications, or misunderstandings of the rest of the cast…
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yuriskies · 11 months
The Performative Romance of "Yuri Is My Job"
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Content warning: Yuri Is My Job contains depictions of homophobia, bullying, and sexual assault.
My friend @esselfortium recently convinced me to read "Yuri Is My Job" (which from now on I'm going to refer to by its fan abbreviation, WataYuri), written by Miman. I'm glad she did, because WataYuri turned out to be an extremely pointed and engaging commentary on the yuri genre. I'll try to keep this review/recommendation mostly spoiler-free while highlighting what I think are the most interesting parts.
Hime Shiraki is a high school girl whose dream is to marry into money and to that end, cultivates a "facade" of the perfect people-pleaser. She is coerced into becoming a staff member at Cafe Liebe after 'injuring' the manager on the way home from school. Cafe Liebe is a roleplay cafe where the waitstaff perform in character as student council members of the Liebe Girls' Academy, a setting intended to mirror a Class S romance novel. The manga explores the character relationships between Hime (performing under the name Hime Shirasagi) and the other members of the staff as she settles into the new job.
At a surface level, WataYuri functions as a criticism of the Class S romance genre, which focuses on close, hierarchal relationships between women within girls-only schools. These relationships often take on the shape of performative romance as a form of emotional fulfillment in the absence of "real" partners (men) within the setting, justifying itself as preparation for courtship after graduation. These close relationships often doubled to disguise intimate same-sex relationships at a time when these relationships were illegal.
The Class S genre leans into the ambiguity between the real and the performative; simultaneously providing a form of quiet affirmation and a cautionary reminder to its audience. This dynamic is understandable given that it is a subversion of pre-war publishing standards and laws regarding same-sex relationships, but many of the themes and plot beats inspired, influenced and survived into modern yuri.
Miman crafts their story in a way that digs into the nature of these legacy ideas with a certain perverse glee. The ever-watchful eyes of the authorities are replaced by those of the parasocial audience Cafe Liebe cultivates. The ambiguity - and often painful miscommunications that result from it - come less from "relationship/situationship" and more from the distinction between performance and the raw emotion it draws from.
In an early comedic moment, the latter dynamic is illustrated when Hime's cafe senpai Sumika Tachibana (an aloof, bookwise character on duty and a somewhat meddling gyaru off duty) and Mitsuki Ayanokouji (a caring, big sister character on duty and a curt, socially distant person off duty) argue in character over how to best handle a floor situation where Hime is struggling. Hime and her friend Kanoko Amamiya (a painfully shy girl with a secret crush on Hime) misinterpret this argument as a genuine romantic argument, and Kanoko uses the opportunity to flirt in character under the guide of expressing support for Hime's ability to do the job. Hime then reads Kanoko's intervention as a purely professional step. Nothing the characters are attempting to communicate gets through, because no one is certain on which side of kayfabe the communication is being made from.
Later chapters begin to tackle darker subject matter, exploring how the job both creates and exacerbates insecurity, conflict, and unhealthy relationship dynamics among the staff. As this tonal shift occurs, Miman writes a fantastic (sometimes horrifying) series of character sketches. Each of the story arcs these sketches support dig deeper into the relationship dynamics and shapes that are commonly adopted in modern yuri, illustrating just how toxic and ingrown the relationships produced by these story patterns can get.
Miman is not afraid to take the story into fraught territory - WataYuri covers a range of subject matter from childhood bullying, coming to terms with acearo feelings, internalized homophobia, and sexual assault - but they handle these matters delicately and sympathetically. These events ultimately highlight the strengths of the working relationships at Cafe Liebe - for as much hurt as the job is capable of generating, the staff's knowledge and personal relationships with one another equip them with the tools and resilience they need to begin resolving these issues as they come up.
Despite taking on the trappings of a shallow workplace dramedy, WataYuri delivers a wickedly sharp exploration of the roles we assign ourselves when building and maintaining our relationships. As it builds off of its consistently great character moments, it argues that our own self-enforcement of those roles is ultimately harmful when using those roles to soften or shield ourselves from the possibility of hurt that comes from expressing our true feelings. At best, it prevents us from finding genuine connection; at worst, it prevents us from moving on while our emotions turn poisonous.
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Okay but if you haven't played it yet, season 2 of love island the game is so good?
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It talks about/touches on consent, mental health, safe sex, double standards, cliques and the in-group out-group effect that happens because of it (in this case, specifically in girls), how the standardised school system doesn't work for everyone, the dangers of miscommunication and the benefits of open communication specially with your romantic partners, body image issues/body dysmorphia
Your choices have consequences in the game and there's character development for the characters!
MC's a woman in her 20s (canonically under 27yrs & taller than 5'2") but depending on your choices you can make her a friendly, outgoing, goofy, buff bi gym bro who can devour an entire cake in one sitting and bench press her boyfriend and I love that for her
If you pick all the "good" choices the game gets a found family-esqu vibe
There's enough drama to keep it interesting but also enough wholesome & funny moments that you can believe that these people are genuinely friends
You can also go the opposite direction and choose options that make MC the show's "villain"
It's got two direct sequel games within the same app
It was my first dating sim game that was basically a gateway drug that eventually led to me downloading obey me!, the arcana & more and it was the game that absolutely ruined all my real life standards for partners
The only con is that you need a lot of gems to buy certain choices that can affect certain parts of the game & to buy outfits - you can get gems within the game by completing chapters (I sped through s1 & 3 so that I could collect gems from them to play s2) or watching ads but you'll need a lot of patience. Or you can just get a mod
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takerfoxx · 1 year
Okay, Gundam: The Witch from Mercury! As I said, got caught up, liked it a lot. Delivered pretty much what I expected: surprisingly enjoyable high school comedy/drama with giant robot fights and yuri that leads to the big moment where the show reminds everyone that Baby's First Gundam is still fucking Gundam, so enjoy the trauma!
I know a big part of the appeal was having a more accessible Gundam with, you know, lesbians, but honestly, while the school stuff wasn't exactly reinventing the wheel, everything was just so well done. Like, all the standard tropes were there, but there was obviously a lot of effort put into making them the best possible versions of those things. Like, I actually got invested in Suletta making friends and winning battles. The robot duels absolutely held my attention every time, and I actually was rooting for the hero to win. It's such a simple thing, but you'd be surprised how often I root for the rivals just to have something shaken up. But here, Suletta and her gang were just so danged likeable and her rivals were that perfect balance of infuriating and interesting that I did want them to lose, but I was also interested in what they did next. Like, give it up for Guel for having one of the most interesting character arcs. Also, kinda want to smack Shaddiq in his handsome face.
And what I also liked is that when something kind of started to bug me, kind of made me go, "Huh, is this really working?", suddenly it became the main focus and revealed itself to be a deliberate plot point all along.
Like, sure, Suletta and Miorine's engagement is a big selling point, but while I'm practically obligated by law to root for them, I started to notice a distinct lack of any real romantic chemistry. Like, Miorine did sort of make it clear from the beginning that their engagement is purely political in nature and would be called off the moment she could work out her escape, and until then she just needed someone good at robot piloting to hold off all those annoying suitors until then. So you can't say it was bait or anything. But even so, as the show went on, Suletta started crushing on Elan (or rather, his poor double), and Miorine continued to be dismissive and self-serving about, well, everything, I did start to wonder if Miorine even liked Suletta.
Fortunately, just as I was gearing up to make a post about that very disconnect, the show revealed that it's smarter than me and showed that that was the intention all along. Suletta had her heart broken by Miorine's dismissiveness of her, had her breakdown, and then she and Miorine had their big air-clearing fight and reconciliation that seemed to say that, yes, this is a couple that needs each other, they're just a little different and have a lot to learn about one another.
And honestly, I can't really blame either of them for that miscommunication. They just come from such completely different worlds (literally) and have completely different ways of looking at things. Miorine was raised in the world of cutthroat capitalism, where it's all about business deals and personal advantages, and all relationships are about what benefit they bring to the table. Marriage is a political partnership, romance is a silly thing for other people, and everything is a transaction. Suletta, however, is basically a country bumpkin raised by her (admittedly manipulative and vengeful) affectionate mother, but because of how sheltered she is, she's riddled with nerves and anxieties and just wants people to like her.
So to her, even though she didn't ask to become Miorine's groom, once she was in that position she resolved to be the best groom that she could, and probably made herself fall in love, because that's what one does for the person they're going to marry! She saw any request and responsibility as a token of trust, and her heart absolutely broken when Miorine hired those gardeners and casually told her to go ahead and date other people. It made her feel devalued, like she wasn't worth Miorine's consideration, whereas Miorine probably thought nothing of it. She had told Suletta from the beginning how things were, only asked her to look after her plants because she didn't have time to hire somebody else, and since Suletta was basically just standing as vanguards from other suitors, she ought to go ahead and date other people.
But I really liked how they handled that disconnect. We see how much Suletta is hurt, how it brings out the worst of her insecurities, and then the two basically confront one another and get everything out. I know Suletta serving up Miorine's order of extra ketchup will probably put a damper on things, but I do hope they can work past it, because I live for these sorts of relationships.
Ah, what am I saying? It's Gundam. We all better prepare for pain.
Speaking of which, I'm calling it now! Suletta is most definitely NOT Eri, Eri got Yui Ikari'ed into Aerial, and Suletta is likely a clone of her. It lines up with how she refers to Aerial as her sister, how Lady Prospera calls them both her daughters, how she speaks to it while piloting, and the fact that the timeline does not line up otherwise. And her "If you move forward" motto is a conditioning phrase instrumental in her brainwashing. She's a weapon.
Yeah, I know this ain't exactly new ground and people have been saying it before I started the show, but I just wanted to throw it out there.
Though can I just say one thing? I know Lady Prospera is all manipulative and using Suletta in a rather cruel way for the sake of her revenge, but she's kind of a baddie. As if in, she a MILF. As if in, Suletta's mom has got it going on.
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strawwritesfic · 11 months
Asexual!Q x Female!Reader: Logical Fallacy [Ch. 21]
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Summary: Q’s got one hundred and two problems. His girlfriend is, technically speaking, every single one.
Challenge:  “102 Things A Guy Should Know About Girls” challenge by Miss Chocobo on Lunaescence Archives.
Ratings/Warnings/Tags: T (foul language; sexual references; asexual!Q; sexual!reader; a running gag about sexual harassment; double standard: sexual harassment, female on male; sexual harassment played for comedy; James Bond & Reader friendship; civilian!reader; artist!reader; complicated family relationships; reader has a really big family; miscommunications; MI6 would not behave this way in reality; set post-Skyfall; joking references made to Bond/Q)
Pairings: Q/Female!Reader; James Bond/Eve Moneypenny
Tag List: @imaginesfire; @rory-cakes​
Master List
Rule #21: Size does matter–but only to hos, not to girls that want relationships.
If Q thought seeing Bond in various locations across London was stressful, it was nothing compared to seeing Bond in his own home. Even then, sitting at the table, Q could not help but feel immensely uncomfortable. Relatively large though the flat may have been, it still didn’t seem roomy enough to contain Bond, Q, and the latter's excitable girlfriend.
“There you go! Tea is up.” 
You flashed Bond a smile as you set one mug down in front of him, then Q. Bond smiled back, Q nodded, but you didn’t leave. Instead, you pulled out one of the kitchen chairs and settled in beside them.
“Mr. Bond, I know you’re here for super-secret work purposes and all–”
“Yes,” Q interjected. “He is.”
“–but could I ask you a question really quick?”
“[Name], now is really not the time. Mr. Bond needs to catch a flight to Beijing in the next five hours, and he really cannot afford to waste time with idle chitchat.”
“Oh, give the lady a break, Q.” Bond smirked at the look Q shot him over the top of his glasses. Really, it was bad enough that he had to invite Bond over to do this trade, and now Bond was purposely going to make Q look the bad guy. “I’m sure the professional matters can wait for a few minutes. Unless my ticket is going to blow up if I don’t leave quickly enough?”
Q answered with stony silence that you reacted to not at all.
Bond’s grin widened as he turned back to you. “Go ahead, [Name].”
For a moment, Q thought you might just do as he had asked and leave. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. These actions were unfortunately not in preparation for exiting the room. They were instead preparation to ask the following question:
“Mr. Bond, how big is your penis?”
Tea spurted from Q’s mouth. Both you and Bond turned to give him quizzical looks as he continued to cough.
“[Name]!” he protested around his coughing fit. “Why would you–You just can’t–Why do you even–” Q could not finish his sentences.
You shrugged your shoulders in an almost offensively casual manner. “What? It’s not like I’m taking out a tape measure and asking him to whip it out on the table.”
Q’s cheeks grew as hot as the teapot sitting on the stove. Next to him, Bond’s shoulders silently shook, as if he were trying desperately not to laugh openly at Q’s predicament. When Q could not find it in himself to speak, Bond ran a finger around the lip of his mug and asked:
“Why the sudden interest?”
“Well.” You frowned at the table. “Q says everyone wants to sleep with you. I guess I was just curious if that had anything to do with it, because as far as I know, no one has offered to sleep with Q other than me. Maybe it's a size issue?”
Now Bond was definitely suppressing a smile. “How big is Q’s?”
“That’s none of your business!” Q burst out at last. Bond chuckled. You cocked your head to one side and blinked. “Can we please just get back to what we came here to do?”
“You didn’t come here to do anything. You live here.”
“You know what I mean!” Of course, it was unprofessional to snap, not to mention that Q probably wouldn’t hear the end of this particular embarrassment for a long time to come–from Bond or you. He sighed and tried to contain himself before speaking again. “[Name], please relocate to the living room. This does require the exchange of some confidential information.”
“But I didn’t get my answer,” you said, sticking your lower lip out.
Q glowered at you. Sometimes it seemed as if you got some sort of kick out of mortifying him. 
From the corner of his eye, Q saw Bond wink. “I’m afraid that’s confidential information as well, [Name].” 
Q turned his head slightly to stare at Bond. What was going on? Was he really trying to salvage the situation? Or was he about to speak some new terror into it?
Your eyes widened. “Really?”
Bond nodded gravely. “I might have to kill you if I told you. M would definitely find out about it, and then where would we be?”
“Dead,” you said breathlessly. “Or arrested.”
“That’s right. Now, why don’t you run along to the living room before Q here’s head explodes?”
“Okay!” You got to your feet, beaming, and headed toward the hallway. “You two have fun!”
Q waited until he heard the television turn on, then heaved a relieved sigh as Bond took a deep swig of tea.
“Thanks,” said Q.
“Don’t mention it.”
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bratkook · 10 months
if you had to rank all of your jks in order what would it be 👀
oh god…all of them??? okay this was a tough one
1. two point five (he’s the king of bratkook rn sorry)
2. concrete king!!!! (the mf standard for sweet innocent summer love)
3. not yet (the pininggggg!! the miscommunication!!! while still being an amazing friend!!!! shoot me)
4. deep six (i need a man who would kill for me yknow, and also blow my back out)
5. i don’t mind (look…he was the standard on this blog back when i was jjiminah…he was birthed in my docs in 2016 and i still think he is top boyfriend material!!!)
6. switch up! (he is…..so fucking hot and respectful are u jokinggggg!!)
7. queen of broken hearts! (i felt so bad for him while writing it! he just wanted to be loved fr)
8. come over (yeah he’s a peeping tom…what about it!!!)
9. cozy thief (so sweet so cute so adorable!!)
10. rough hands (he’s just fine af okay case closed)
11. medicine (id rank him higher bc double lip ring grungey kook is my mf weakness but….i cant dethrone anyone else based on smut alone so im sorry king!)
12. quiet, baby (hes so hot but thinking abt banging on the subway makes me nervy hehe)
13. corrupt (who doesnt want steamy vampire sex ok)
14. another taste (hes cute hes hot but its also super super short sorry babes)
15. tempo (i….would rank it last bc i physically cannot reread it but alas the trash takes last place)
16. like you never did!jk (respectfully he can get it but he can also rot!!)
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maria-taiwin · 1 year
I just finished to watch Scarlet Heart Ryeo and it was really a rollercoaster of feelings, pity the execution and the pace in the last episodes were a bit off and rushed.
I wanted to point out an interesting parallelism between Hae Soo and Wang So because I never saw someone noticing it (these two parallel each other a lot of times through the series, this is why it's so tragic they don't end up togegher in the end because the world was against them).
Well when Hae Soo kneels in front of the palace to plead the king to have mercy on Lady Oh, and Baek-Ah reprimands her to not being so stubborn, because all of that is useless and it will only make the king angry and Lady Oh's sacrifice unworthy, and Hae Soo replies with: "better than doing nothing".
Well I see a mirror on Wang So's attitude in the palace to make Hae Soo remain by his side in the last episodes. He knows very well that giving titles as royal concubine would be useless but still it's better than doing nothing. He would never forgive himself if he wouldn't be stubborn and doing even the most useless thing in order to not leave Hae Soo because it would be a failure for him (Wang So has a lot of abandonment issues and to leave Hae Soo means fail her to him). That's why him not giving up looks a bit extreme and blind because as Hae Soo's prayers would just make the king angry, Wang So's stubbornness would only make Hae Soo more sad. Both can't give up on their beloved ones no matter the costs, but they parallel each other on different timeline.
And this is why audience failed to understand Hae Soo and had (unfair) grudge against her, because in our eyes she gave up on Wang So unlike him who couldn’t let her go and had stubborn hope on their love until Wook's sneaky confession, but they didn’t act on opposite sides as it seems, she HAD to make Wang So letting go on her not because she didn’t love him anymore or considered him a monster but in the order to save her daughter from the palace. That was the main reason on their miscommunication issue.
I just wanted the authors to make Hae Soo's struggle more explicit and sensible because before episode 20 (when we as viewers actually know she was pregnant and wanted the protect her unborn child) the storytelling just told us she had a double standard on Wang So's crimes meanwhile she forgave everyone else.
But they were just mirroring each other, for the better and for the worse, all the time.
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Okay, people blame all the miscommunication on LWJ but have they ever considered how the situation may look from his pov? WWXs enormous crush is obvious to the readers but not to LWJ. His behaviour might seem confusing from the outside pov.
I think WWX's behaviour caused LWJ a lot of confusion and frustration.
I mean, WWX flirts with him pretty much in all their interactions across both his lives*. LWJ is very aware of this because he tells him, 'If you do not have those intentions, do not flirt with others. You are doing as you please yet others will be in turmoil.' (ch.54). He's not 'in turmoil' because he's jealous that WWX had been flirting with Mianmian (or at least, that's a minor part in it). WWX flirts with girls all the time, LWJ is aware of this, he's aware of the fact that WWX doesn't feel anything towards her (or any of the others), this is precisely the thing that frustrates him, because WWX behaves this way with him too (or at least appears to, LWJ has no way of knowing that WWX actually has real feelings for him. WWX doesn't even know this).
*Notable examples of flirty behaviour in his first life since there are somehow people who miss his planet-sized crush — Constantly trying to get LWJ's attention and calling him er-gege (not inherently flirty but is when taken in the context of everything else), drawing a portrait of LWJ & winking at him, seeking him out and saying 'did you miss me~' and giving him gifts, finding LWJ in the cold spring and draping himself over the rocks and murmuring 'lan zhan' in his ear then stripping, then purposefully trying to move closer to/touch LWJ while they're both nakey, throwing flowers for him at Phoenix Mountain & in Yunmeng (while knowing he is imitating how girls behave with their crushes), pretending to faint to 'trick' LWJ into catching and holding him when he visited Yiling.
When WWX is flirting with the jiejies in Caiyi town, JC comments that he is 'flirting around again,' (which carries a double meaning because WWX had just been flirting with LWJ too), so it is evident to LWJ that WWX casually flirts with whoever. WWX seems barely aware of what he's doing, which only frustrates LWJ further,
'Lan WangJi looked at him quietly, “Do you behave in such a frivolous way towards everyone?”
Wei WuXian thought for a second, “I think so?”
Lan WangJi looked at the ground. He only replied a moment later, “How impudent!”
The word was spat through gritted teeth and tinged with an inexplicable bitterness'.
As well as that, WWX several times suggests, or outright says, that he is straight.
When he gives LWJ straight porn — '“What kind of person are you?!” “What kind of person could I be? I’m a guy!” Wei Wuxian said. Lan Wangji’s tone was cutting. “You have no shame!” “I have to be ashamed? Don’t tell me you’ve never looked at these things. I don’t believe it.” Evidently, in WWX's view, looking at straight porn is just the standard expected thing for him to do, as a guy. He evens expects LWJ to have done so too. Obviously this is comphet talking, but to LWJ is simply comes across as if the boy he's crushing on is straight, and cannot even fathom being anything else. LWJ never appears to struggle with any expectation that he should be interested in women, nor does his family find his queerness unusual, so it's probable that WWX's struggles with his sexuality are hard for LWJ realise and understand at this point, esp because he's so young and preoccupied with his own feelings.
In the cold spring scene, WWX's flirting reaches unhinged levels, he also starts complimenting LWJ, and says, '“Lan Zhan, did you figure out what I was trying to do earlier?” “No,” Lan Wangji replied. “Really, you didn’t know? I was kissing up to you so you’d be my friend.” Lan Wangji side-eyed him. “What are you trying to accomplish?”' LWJ asks WWX what exactly his intentions are, clearly he thinks just trying to be friends is not a good explanation for the things WWX does. But WWX insists he really just wants LWJ to be his friend, he says if he's his friend he'll share his porn books (btw the word used is 春宫图 which refers exclusively to het erotica), then WWX goes on to insist that girls won't like how LWJ is behaving, then tries to convince him to come to Yunmeng with the promise that there are pretty girls there. So WWX really does just repeatedly flirt with LWJ, in this situation he does not only reiterate that he is attracted to women, but also just operates under the assumption that LWJ is too. LWJ again can only reasonably take from this interaction that WWX firmly identifies as straight and isn't generally open to anything else.
(Yes bisexuality exists but I do not think characters within the text (or perhaps the text itself) have much awareness of that. Eg, it is decided based on MXY's cutsleeve behaviour that he cannot possibly be WWX, because it was widely 'known' that WWX was attracted to women. Aside from that, imo MXTX repeatedly wrote all these examples of WWX's supposed attraction to women with the purpose of it coming across to LWJ as if WWX could not possibly return his feelings because LWJ's unconditional love of him with no expectation of anything in return is a key part of his character. From a storytelling perspective there isn't really any other reason for these scenes to exist.)
And then there is that infamous scene in Xuanwu Cave when WWX strips and pulls LWJ's clothes off too, pretending that he has certain intentions, though his real purpose was obvs to help LWJ. (Also I think 'Wei WuXian took off all of his clothes and tore them to shreds, “What do I want to do? Right now, we two are the only ones here. I’m already making it so obvious— what do you think I want to do?”' (ch.54) echoes the cold spring scene — 'Wei Wuxian kicked off his boots, removed his clothes, and threw them everywhere. “I took off all my clothes and you’re still asking me what I’m doing here."' (ch.18), implying that WWX was on some level aware of how his actions came across back then, though couldn't consciously address it). The exchange ends with LWJ asking WWX not to do things like this, 'Although he knew that it was out of good will, Lan WangJi still seemed a bit annoyed, “… Can you not make this kind of joke again?!”' He's still annoyed in large part because this is not the first time WWX has pulled this exact trick, 'good will' is not all there is to it. WWX misunderstands and decides to placate him by assuring him that he is straight, '"Don’t worry—I don’t like men, I won’t take advantage of the opportunity and do anything to you.”' Unsurprisingly, this only seems to annoy LWJ further. Probably because WWX has constantly been making these types of 'jokes' and the fact that WWX seemingly has no real feelings behind them is precisely why LWJ reacts badly to it.
LWJ isn't someone who lacks empathy and understanding, when it comes to WWX he is always watching him. So, it probably does occur to him that WWX's insistence that he is straight can perhaps not be taken at face value (especially when they spend a lot of time together in WWX's second life). Actually, after the Phoenix Mountain flower throwing, LWJ is quite insistent that WWX admit to being to one who did it, 'Holding the flower, Lan WangJi seemed to be quite cold. His tone seemed cold as well, “Was it you?”' Then in Yunmeng, LWJ asks WWX why he did it 'Lan WangJi, “Why?” Wei WuXian, “Why not? I just wanted to see how you’d react to such a thing.” Lan WangJi, “Ridiculous.”' (LWJ responds here with his signature '无聊', which carries a connotation of doing something pointless, because you're so bored you have nothing else to do, which I think is reflective of how he takes WWX's flirting overall.)
So, LWJ probably considers the possibility that there is actually something more to WWX's flirting, and wants to get him to admit he does it and asks him why he does it. But I think LWJ is also hesitant to dwell on this possibility too much as he is very fearful of violating WWX's boundaries, I think he's very concerned about wishful thinking or making assumptions or inadvertently projecting his feelings onto WWX. All this is also reflected in how LWJ warns WWX several times in his second life to be aware of his actions/words ('Mark your words', 'are you sure you want to do this', 'do not fool around', 'you reap what you sow'), he sincerely wants WWX to think about what he does, he doesn't want to allow or reciprocate WWX's advances if there's a possibility he's just messing around and doesn't mean it. Basically, he really wants to avoid a situation where they do anything together for any reason other than that's what WWX truly wants.
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x-authorship-x · 7 months
"I'll die on the hill that Anakin should have been punted into the creche for a few years"
Yes! I'm so glad you agree, I wish more fics had him interacting with his agemates and being in the creche would have been good for him I think. Perhaps I'm giving him too much credit, and I've only watched those movies once and base the rest of what I know on what I get from fanfics so I could be wrong, but my read of that meeting was that Qui-Gon had intended that? He said he'll train Anakin, but 1. he had a padawan still, and 2. Anakin was 9?? That seems super, super young to be a padawan. I always found it really weird in fics that he had wanted to take Anakin on so young, and then I watched the movie and ended up finding it really weird that the council and Obi-Wan just assumed Qui-Gon meant he'd start training Anakin right then and there and toss out Obi-Wan. Why would he, that makes no sense and he never said he'd take Anakin as a padawan right then like I thought he had from fics. It seemed more to me like it was a promise or vow type thing, like he'd train Anakin when the time came so they didn't have to worry about trying to find someone who would train an unorthodox padawan. And then everyone immediately thought the worst of him so he stupidly doubled down and did not make any attempt to correct their miscommunication. From what little I know about Qui-Gon and his relationship with Obi-Wan there seemed to be a good amount of miscommunication, so this made the most sense to me that he'd be stubborn and double down when arguing with the council rather than explaining what he meant. So when he died Obi-Wan had no idea what he meant and went with what he though Qui-Gon meant and insisted Anakin be placed with him right then and there. Nevermind that he was grieving and Anakin was super baby for a padawan, honestly I'm going to blame the council here for not stepping in and saying Anakin would go to the creche for a few years, then Obi-Wan could have him. Idk I'm not even a huge fan of Qui-Gon and honestly don't know much about him, but in this case this is what seemed most likely to me when I watched it.
Oh anon I totally agree
Tbh my mind went forwards and I was thinking more.... Anakin in the creche could've fixed a lot. Like... Anakin made his own (shit) decisions, I'm definitely not an Anakin-apologist, but I do think that no one is born a certain thing and that childhood has a big knock-on effect. Putting Anakin in the creche would make transitioning from life as a slave easier, for one??? Like let's not immediately call someone else 'master' and let's socialise the kid and let's get an actual childcare specialist - not a traumatized grieving ex-padawan-turned-Knight oh my God everyone needs therapy good intentions don't automatically guarantee good outcomes - involved.
I'm not saying Kelleran Beq looks like the kinda man to rehab hurt children on the daily basis but that's exactly what I'm saying. God I love that man and his Grogu chase scene. Is Grogu in the creche yet or am I too early??? Who cares, I think Grogu would be so good for Anakin because can you imagine being the so called Chosen One but shown up by a baby. You can't fight a baby, not even Anakin (not yet rip) so you gotta just take the ego trimming and cope.
Get Anakin to learn to read and write and acclimatize, let Obi-Wan have time to establish himself as an individual, let everyone take a chill pill, and maybe the whole cast will feel better in three or four years 🙃 also this helps solve Anakin's INTENSE only child energy because Chosen One shit doesn't mean crap in the creche, being a freed slave probably isn't uncommon when you look at how a lot of force sensitive kids end up at the temple (every Jedi comes with a built in troubling backstory as standard), Anakin has friends and peers to cut his teeth on and learn patience with and how to check boundaries with and you just KNOW that those creche kids have so many lessons on Stranger Danger-!
qui-gon the future we couldve had if you choked out a few more words lmao
Also I like to imagine that anakin's first language is Huttese and he only knows enough Basic to understand customers and Watto etc so in my mind the council meeting SHOULDVE derailed when Anakin can't understand a word they're saying and the whole timeline careens towards 'lets get this freed child slave his vaccines and a primary school teacher before deciding the words of destiny, yes?'
Qui-Gon: *finally asks something not related to customer service, basic conversational vocab, or mechanics*
Anakin: ....uhhhhhhh
Qui-Gon, off camera: I was so lost in the euphoria of finding the Chosen One that I temporarily forgot I existed in a world with slavery and other languages haha-
Obi-Wan: *face down in a dune in the BG*
The end :)
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liliumsabyss · 1 year
You are a double standardyou complain about the lack of male content and that they feel excluded but YOU coddle the female community and those who identify as women. there is a bit of MISOGYNYNY and LESBOBOPHOBIA in your blog.
Im speechless…there is so much wrong with this to unpack. First of all do you not know the meaning of coddle or double standard due to the fact you are using both terms incorrectly in the structure of your sentence. I would suggest in the future if you are to accuse someone of something you know what the terms you are using actually mean. Also I myself cannot be a “double standard” I can have a “double standard” perspective or bias. Second of all I will not deny that there is probably a bit of internalized misogyny that I have that may be visible through my blog however what I will say is everyone has at least a little internalize or even externalized misogyny as we exist in a society thats based in patriarchy so it is something that is built into society and societies system itself therefore it cannot be helped but we must recognize this misogyny and move forward working to undo it. Third I do not have any clue where you are getting the idea that i am lesbophobic and or that my blog contains lesbophobia as far as I’m aware, I have not done or said anything that would imply that but if I have I would like to be made specifically aware of what as to see for myself if it was a possible miscommunication on my part or not, moreover so as I do not tolerate discrimination on my blog. Finally what you have stated has this feeling as though you were trying to pop off, girlboss, or whatever righteous action you feel as though you are committing when instead you are making yourself look like a fool who doesn’t know correct terms and goes around making accusations that appear to have no truth to them. I do hope for your sake that you see the error in your logic and work on it to further save yourself embarrassment. I will state this though if you truly felt as though I was committing some wrong doing you would point to actual evidence and suggest the fact rather that wildly accusing with your angry capitalization as well as what appears to be angry typing. Anyway if you do not like my blog you could just stay off it like a mature person instead of a hate comment, just some suggested advice.
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bloustorm · 1 year
DC- Actor Au
[I'm just going to post what I wrote in this draft totally unedited and all so enjoy the mess, I have some more ideas and stuff so feel free to like ask me (pretty pls)]
Jason dying wasn't actually planned in the show but then Jasons actor got sick (idk cancer?) and they didn't want to recast someone to replace him (as in his role) they had a few ideas as to how to write jason out of the plot but it ended up being a poll (jason's actor wanted the fans to decide) most didn't know it was actually serious it all played out like it did here so he got voted off to die, then through a lot of arguments miscommunication etc it ended up being that gruesome and messy death, maybe the plot line with his mother wasn't supposed to happen idk yet
anyways years later Jasons actor managed to beat his illness and with the help of a lot of physical therapy regained strength and went back into the actor business, it actually took a bit before the agents reached out to him again because they wanted to give him time to get used to acting again and make sure he would be up for the standard, but he had been a very beloved choice and the writers wanted to get him back into play, especially because it meant they could actually bring back the ideas they had to shelf
the fact that jasons actor was back on set got leaked but then the whole thing with clayface happened so most assumed that was it, especially because afterwards the fact that he was still on set was way more guarded and this time it was ensured there would be no leaks again
jason was always meant to grow apart from the family and lean into darker morals and do a lot of soul searching and find his own way, it wasn't meant to be as dramatic as it later turned out more family drama in moderation that the big blow up it was
he was always supposed to come in contact with talia and the league but in a different way (perhaps he and damian should have had a bonding arc? without revealing his relations to bruce at the moment?)
Tim had actually been a detail that was carefully hidden in the background and some fans theorized that he would become important later, originally he was supposed to have an arc with dick and jason that would then bring him into the fold so he could take over Robin when Jason branches out as his own hero (and gets his solo arc/ series that never happened in that way) but with Jason dying it had to be speed up and that's why the way he joined is kind of a lot iffy (he was never meant to be someone who made it his mission to fix batman, batman was never supposed to become that dark)
Maybe Cass had been supposed to be a silent assassin who spoke League Dialect and nothing else? but while casting different actors and stunt doubles for the role the director fell in love with the grace that Cass actor put out on a normal level and decided to hire here, the problem was that she was mute after an accident in the industry injured her horrible 8but undergoing voice therapie maybe?), after a long debate they decided to change cass background a little bit and turn her character completely silent to match and not bother with voice overs but for really little moments (unless we say cass actor gets a little bit better with speaking and uses it)
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
Margaret and Hawkeye really just Happened on this show!
it’s interesting that in an episode in which Hawkeye is bouncing off the walls, because he feels lonely/underappreciated/left out
and Margaret is finding out that yet another man she thought actually liked her for her is expecting her to fundamentally change for him 
the two of them meet right in the middle (after some initial, very interesting miscommunication that sort of isn’t miscommunication):
Hawkeye: Scully and I are completely different kinds of guys, but you and I didn’t get along so hot either.
Margaret: That’s exactly my point! You different men are all alike! Frank Burns. Donald, my former unwedded husband! You! And now this ninny.
Hawkeye: We-ell, excuuuse us all for not being perfect.
Margaret: Perfect? Huh, none of you even tried.
Hawkeye: Margaret it’s not that easy to become something else that somebody wants you to be, believe me I spent a lifetime not doing it! I couldn’t do it in med school for the woman I loved and I won’t do it now for an army I hate. You can’t order people according to your own specifications, you have to take them as-is.
Margaret (to Scully): I’m me. Sometimes a nurse, sometimes a Major, sometimes a woman in love. Sometimes all three at once.
Scully: Sounds like it’s crowded in there.
Margaret: And sometimes it’s lonely in there.
Hawkeye says these things as if he didn’t fundamentally change his understanding and respect of Margaret in exactly the complex ways she expects (and deserves to expect) other men to do so! 
In the beginning he wasn’t respectful of any of her, diminishing her self as a woman, as a nurse, as a Major, because he didn’t respect the army and saw her as a representative of everything wrong with it, but he chose to convey this disrespect through not perceiving her personhood (this tracks with how he engages with people generally of course -- see Charles in the beginning -- but it’s especially obvious with Margaret, because of the ways it’s grounded in misogyny).
And! He! Changed! And they’re both feeling quite rough in this scene for their own reasons, so neither of them is acknowledging this fact in that moment, but then!
Margaret: The latest Mr Right just left. I’ve got the only heart in Korea with a revolving door. Well, no more Buddy-oh, from now on I check them first to make sure they meet the Minimum Standard Requirements.
Hawkeye: And what are they?
Margaret: 20% my father. 10% Scully… about 10% of you.
Hawkeye: Oooh, thank you.
Margaret: 3% of Frank Burns and 2% of my ex-husband.
Hawkeye: Hmm.
Margaret: … 1% of my ex-husband
Hawkeye: Uh-huh. Mm. Maybe you and I are just too choosy. We’re both waiting for a custom fit in an off-the-rack world.
Margaret: Sounds like a loooong wait.
Hawkeye: Well I have just the thing to pass the time away. You ever play double-solitaire scrabble?
Margaret: Double-solitaire?
Hawkeye: Yeah. You make whatever you can outta what you got, and I make whatever I can outta what I got. And we don’t score off each other. And if you need any extra letters, like a Y for sympathy, you can borrow one of mine.
There they are! Those kindred spirits! “I’ve got the only heart in Korea with a revolving door,” she says to Hawkeye who knows exactly how that feels (and I choose to read it as if she kind of knows this, but he’s letting her get this off her chest).
10% of Hawkeye is such a big compliment, I love that, because it also shows how she changed in terms of what she considers it right for a man to be -- and of course, a lot of her perception of the army and war and Right and Wrong has changed because of Hawkeye.
And when Hawkeye mentioned Carlye (another episode with some ghosts - Carlye, Frank, Donald...) as someone he didn’t change for earlier -- it’s so fascinating that he did do that for Margaret.
They’re so easy with each other. There’s no doubt there, no need to posture/perform, no need to fear how vulnerability will be taken. 
Hawkeye sat with her after Kyung Soon left and Margaret had discovered the first of Donald’s affairs. Hawkeye was the only person to notice she was upset about the dog. Margaret shared that she’s afraid of loud noises to help him feel better about his claustrophobia, and then he distracted her as they were doing surgery during a shelling. (Also in hindsight, the two of them having sex, because they’re having a panic attack during another shelling where they’re afraid the house they’re hiding in might cave in... makes the claustrophobia/fear of loud noises wonderful Texture in hindsight). 
(Hawkeye knew she was thinking about Joan of Arc, because He Knows Her)
They may be talking about finding love in the future, but whatever they are to each other is an example of one of the deepest relationships I’ve ever seen on TV, and it fills me with endless delight!
(I wonder as well how much of that delight is watching two people who care deeply about one another in real life getting to let that shine through onscreen)
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sleepymccoy · 11 months
72 and 55 if you are still going!
I def am! Hi Ked 😊
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings ect?
I'm sure there's more than I notice, but I definitely repeat the tropes! I go in for miscommunication and pining basically every time. Even if I'm writing established relationship I manage to make them pine.
Regarding expressions, I do try not to Americanise myself unless the character is particularly American. Cos, like, McCoy is southern. So he gets Southern phrases from me. But Kirk and Spock are also American really but not in a particular way, it's more that universal type of American where it's treated as default. When I write those kinds of default American characters I let myself be Australian about it because that's my default and I don't want to lose that for fanfiction.
That has led to some amusing miscommunications with American readers who are (appropriately!) reading with an American sort of voice but I'm not writing with that. My fave was when I used yonks which means a lot (in a measurement type of way) and got tonnes of confused comments 😂 I hadnt even clocked it as slang, it's just a word for me.
I think the sentence was something like "but that was yonks ago" and people were DMing me to say "hey, funny typo on that page, I think you meant years?" But I didn't! Yonks can be used for distance too, something can be fucking yonks away. I never bothered to change it, it's okay for my voice to be Aussie
But yeah, I'm sure there are many expression particular to me that I don't notice cos it's just cultural
72. What's your favourite writing compliment that you've gotten?
I don't know! I can give you two very impactful ones tho.
Someone left a comment once that discussed how natural my dialogue is, and that's really stayed with me. It caused me to reflect on my process (which starts with dialogue only) and I realised I agree with them! I have quite a strong capacity to make the beats of time in a conversation be reflected in punctuation and description. I'm glad someone pointed it out cos I feel quite a bit of pride over that now, but I hadn't noticed on my own!
The other is all the comments my first ever fic got. I reread it not long ago (maybe a year) and it's appropriately amateur in vice. If I had less find memories of it I'd be embarrassed by it. But the comments are all just so fucking kind. It's unbelievable and it made me commit to being a writer. Everyone pointed out some strength they saw and I can see a direct line from those comments to my style now in what I doubled down on being good at. Someone complimented the humour, and I now do not shy from putting jokes in my stories. Someone talking about it being in character (by my standards now it so isn't, but it was such a shaping comment for me anyway) and I take care to go proof scenes constantly to make sure it's still true to character rather than just being useful to the plot.
It as such a wonderful early experience to have and I cannot express my gratitude enough to those few people who read my weak-ass first post! I love them and I love that fic because of them, no matter how far below my standards it now is. What a marvellous way to interact with new writers
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
I was in a discussion about Cinder ships with Cinder fans recently and apparently everyone ships Cinder with all sorts of girls but when I bring up Jaune everyone acted disgusted. Like the very idea was offensive. It seems like people genuinely think Jaune doesn't or shouldnt have a love interest in the story and some were arguing how it would ruin Cinder's character if Jaune were involved with her story any further. Why is being a Knightfall fan such agony?
Sorry if that all sounded confusing. I guess I'm just bothered at how people will ship Cinder with characters like Neo or Emerald people she's literally betrayed and abused but then turn around and act like Jaune x Cinder is too unbelievable. I just wanna talk about this thing I love and it feels like no one around me will even give it a chance.
Yeah because you're not having the conversation that you think you're having, nor do you have the same interests even if you think you're nominally having a discussion about romance. You're probably looking at what would seriously happen in canon (canonshipping), they're likely just enjoying fantasy (fanonshipping). Dismissing you on the basis of canon suitability is how they control the conversation, not a goal they actually care about. I'm making a lot of assumptions but I've seen this play out fandom to fandom, and figuring out what conversation you're actually having as opposed to the one you think you're having is important.
she's literally betrayed and abused
Yeah and I don't think you and I exactly see eye to eye either. So you're alright with Cinder killing Pyrrha but you draw the line at Cinder betraying Neo after Neo betrayed her first and Cinder using Emerald for her own ends? There's nothing inherently wrong with those other ships, even if it's not about serious canon consideration, you're using the same arguments against those ships that they use against Knightfall. Reject their foundation unless you want to run around in circles all day.
I would say that Cinder killing Pyrrha is more interesting than her relationship with or bad things she's done to Neo and Emerald, but the double standard you have is the same double standard they have.
We're all allowed to be a little hypocritical sometimes, I just don't think you should act like Knightfall is inherently morally superior because that way lies the path of shitty fandom politics that ruins fandom. It does, I've seen it happen, it drives away creators and meta writers.
Now, Knightfall being narratively and thematically superior is another question.
Like the very idea was offensive. It seems like people genuinely think Jaune doesn't or shouldnt have a love interest in the story
Yes because their idea of him is rooted in around Volume 3 but before it gets bad and actually answers the thesis of the Jaune/Pyrrha romance. They don't care about his character and they don't want him to do anything in the story because they don't like him and canon constitutes what they personally like and desire. You're not having the conversation that you think you're having.
Also their idea of Jaune is only getting back to Pyrrha because a) he's inconvenient give him something to do or b) they never paid attention to the plot past Jaune putting his hand over Pyrrha's in Volume 3's Destiny, including that annoying part where they have major miscommunication and she slams him against a wall. What is canon for anyway
Technically speaking Pyrrha has physically hurt Jaune more than Cinder has hurt Jaune. Can someone run the numbers on whether I'm allowed to ship Knightfall or Jaune/Pyrrha? Which is less toxic? HA.
and some were arguing how it would ruin Cinder's character if Jaune were involved with her story any further.
Because they want the fantasy baddie domme not the redeemed complicated Byronic heroine (aka her canon character), they're into the fantasy of her, that's why she's bait to ship with because she fits into classically accessible p*rnographic (censored for Tumblr search) stereotypes. Again, you're not having the argument you think that you're having because they're fundamentally not interested in redemption and fundamentally not interested in Cinder's character in canon or what she needs or what she wants or what she's meant for or what her thematic/narrative purpose is, they want whatever character they invented before canon ruined it. I have not once encountered any of those shippers in Cinder redemption spaces online and so I think we hold radically different narrative values. I don't think they're inherently incompatible but there's a reason certain ships attract different types of shippers and certain character interpretations are coupled with said ships.
The people I'm describing exist in the Knightfall fandom for what it's worth. They want the fantasy domme paired with the subby clumsy boy or Cinder to be turned into a proper domesticated housewife. This happens everywhere. It's not a problem specific to those pairings but might end up being common for one reason or another (not writing a sociology paper here sorry). I generally avoid those people in the Knightfall fandom because we want different things. They're fanonshippers, I'm a canonshipper.
The bad news for you is that you're going to encounter this everywhere and this is why I don't engage in the R/WBY fandom outside of my blog. The good news is that you can build your own space filled with the type of people you get on with, and you can do that with your own Discord server if you want or even your own Tumblr blog. You can be creative. It's going to be hard and probably hurt a bit because it's a rarepair, but if you want community you can build it yourself. I've worked for what I've got which is very small, and I've written my own fic and posted my own writings to my blog for the ends of my own satisfaction, and my intention was that if community came with it then that would make me happy.
Fandom can be a hobby that requires time and care and building connection is work. If that's offputting to you, then you can try to change peoples' minds in bigger Discord servers or subreddits if you want. I know some people who enjoy doing that. From the sounds of these asks you've sent, you don't, but if you sincerely want to get good at arguing your point and why you think Knightfall is worth serious consideration, then you should develop your rhetoric and argumentation skills (and self-confidence. If your interpretation of canon is sound and you're secure in it, you can be more confident).
To be quite frank I think Knightfall requires some degree of thoughtfulness about R/WBY's themes to understand the ship and based on the average person in the servers or the subreddit they're not the type I get on with, that's why I don't bother. But if you really care and really want to try you can.
I would also like to add the caveat that the ships you're describing are F/F and I wouldn't want to engage in any homophobia, but I also don't think shipping constitutes meaningful political activism, and let's be real, lesbian fetishism is real - had an incredible weirdo on FFN message me confused about why I put Emerald and Mercury together since she's only shipped with 'yuri ships' so clearly there's some crossover with that crowd with what you're describing.
However I don't enjoy the implication that Knightfall is either a better or worse ship for being straight (you're not implying this). I just wanted to add that caveat because this gets messy rather quickly. But this is exactly why I don't enjoy moral posturing about ships. What does it offer narratively? What does it offer thematically? What does it offer to the characters? Is it a fun twist that answers every question you never knew you had?
I just wanna talk about this thing I love and it feels like no one around me will even give it a chance.
Yeah tell me about it.
Yes, it's hard, but the things you care about matter. I get that connection matters, I'm never going to deny that. That's the point of being alive. But on the other hand commitment to your personal intellectual and emotional ideals matter too and if you're really invested in the ship then you can be the change you want to see. Think about how these spaces become the way they are. They're susceptible to whomever happens to get there first with the lowest common denominator of canon interpretation. But they can change too, and they can change really quickly. Reylo went from being a ship subject to intense harrassment after the first Sequel Trilogy film to a ship still experiencing intense harrassment but also a major surge in fandom activity... and despite whatever anybody said the community we built mattered (and does still matter).
I'm really satisfied with what I've got. There are times where I wish I were in a different fandom with a nicer and less demented fanbase, but Knightfall is my OTP of all time. I write what I write and I have fun. I have unique things to say. Maybe I can offer you some reassurance because I have my reasons for thinking Knightfall to be an organic answer to canon.
At the very least, whether or not you canonship or fanonship, you should be able to find people who respect you. If they don't respect you, those don't sound like positive fandom spaces; they sound hostile to fans and fan creators. I'm not sure what platform you were on, but there's a difference between me shittalking Jaune/Neo on my blog versus people in generalised Discord servers or on the subreddit discussing their canon analysis. On the other hand, this is why making your own Discord server might be worthwhile.
Really you've just got to follow your bliss. Connection is worthwhile, yes, but what do you enjoy in fandom? Personally, I prefer the creative end of making things, writing meta, and answering asks. If you can figure out the answer to what you really enjoy, you can figure out where to start.
Thanks for your ask, and good luck.
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saltynsassy31 · 2 years
My sister saw a video playing "rapunzel knows best" while someone did a gothel make up and it turned into us listening and singing to different Disney villain songs to just listening to tangled songs and now I have a rant to do about the tangled series
None of this will probably make sense but it's my page
So here we go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gonna put on keep reading cuz it's long lol
And not only that they did my Rapunzel injustice! >:(
I've recently been coming across a lot of, well deserved, criticism of the show but for a long while I have been ignoring them I when I do read them I realise I start getting defensive, especially for certain characters (well, I'll be honest, I'm talking about rapunzel) and I had to sit down and stop for a moment when I caught myself doing that
They were valid criticism, sure, but because she was my comfort character (way before I ever watched the series) I started to get defensive, and then the series happened and I tried to ignore it's flaws and issues and pretended everything was a-okay but I could only do that for so long
It's another reason I avoided, and still do kinda avoid the fandom actually, amongst other reasons 😅
But it wasn't okay, and things that bothered me before are starting to rise again
First off, I was so absolutely upset and disappointed they never tackled further into Rapunzel's trauma with gothel, like, maybe a few episodes in the start of the season but never again until like, season 3 or sm and that was only to bright light to cassandra's issues and as I listen to the lyrics of "mother knows best" I am even more MAD that they didn't explore it
And I know, it's Disney, it's rare, especially then, for them to tackle on these topics properly but still, I have a right to be mad!
Especially since it was stuff that I went through! Years and years of being told the same things! By more than just my parents! Where are her body issues? Slight hesitations? Fears? They just brushed it off!
And they did her sooooo dirty too
Something I absolutely tried to ignore was how she treated varian in season one, both are my comfort characters and that single detail always lingered in my head
Why didn't rapunzel go after varian after the storm? I mean, she went above and beyond for Attila, why didn't she do the same for Varian? Thay was soooo out of character! And I was so mad that they wrote her like that and then ignored it like it never happened!
If they wanted Varian to be the villain they could have done something else? I didn't note down anything I had in mind but come on! You shouldn't have to change a character up just for the sake of plot!
Rapunzel cares for her friends, she'd do anything for them! It's proven time and time again but it's a double standard for Varian? I am soooo mad just UGH
Maybe put an obstacle that doesn't allow them to reach Varian in time, Niger has been proven to try and keep rapunzel from doing what she thinks is right (with the dragon stuff, though he changed in the end he still sent troops after them) maybe make Nigel convince rapunzel everything was fine? Every time she'd try to check on him she'd be stopped, so she'd send her friends but then again, obstacles keeping them
And when they do reach Varian it could be too late cuz he thought he was truly alone and acts against them
But then there is the part he comes to them personally in the alchemist returns, right? Maybe it could have been a miscommunication and stuff and when the fight ends is because they are able to clear up the miscommunication and, ya know, actually help him? Instead of throwing him to prison?
Ans it would have been nice to have him join season 2 since he's a fan favourite but if they really didn't want to add him, maybe he was left behind so that he could be left to his studies with additional help
But then there is the second villain arc, if they really wanted to add thay they still could of! They could have had that he was manipulated by the seporians and stuff
Or make it so, like many do, that the king didn't keep his promise to help varian and when he did one mistake the king thought that that was enough and locked him up
If rapunzel was there she wouldn't let that happen, but she isn't
I just
I'm just coming up with random ideas which probably has a lot of issues, I know, I'm tired and kinda doing multiple things rn so I don't have a clear mind but my point still stands
I don't want to defend whay rapinzel did, I want to defend rapunzel and how they butchered my girl
Idk it's so frustrating
And also cassandra just...why...he villain arc was so frustrating and not fun to watch, annoying really, and she went unpunished too? God danm it!
My point is, I love this show, but it had a lot of lost potential
This rant probably doesn't make sense lol sorry
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