#Angela crust
laylaylamode · 1 year
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🎤🎶 Karaoke Night! 🎶🎤 What better way to unwind than to belt out your feelings with some friends?
Another big art piece that I've been wanting to do for a long time! I slowly chipped away at this over some weeks and did a proper background for once. Surprisingly it was harder to do the lighting than the background, but I'm pretty happy with the soft glow I managed to do. That and the little props on the table. Enjoy! 💕
Angela Crust and Eiffel belong to @princesscallyie !
Olevia Masters belongs to @thereallordgrape !
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zillaphoneswag · 5 months
Amanda x Angela Ship Questions
Who is the cuddler?
Who makes the bed?
Who wakes up first?
Who has the weird taste in music?
Who is more protective?
Who sings in the shower?
Who cries during movies?
They both do, depending on the movie
Who kisses more roughly?
Who is more dominant?
Angela, but this dominance brought out this side in Amanda that Angela doesn’t know how to deal with at first
Who is the most affectionate?
Most common argument?
You need to take better care of yourself (Angela) + you can’t protect me from everything (Amanda)
Who apologizes first?
It can vary. Angela is the most likely to apologize faster or first because she often believes everything is her fault and doesn’t want to ruin things. Amanda takes a bit longer to process things, but she’s very sensitive to Angela’s feelings and is very aware when she’s done something to hurt her.
Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?
Watching Forensic Files or true crime shows
Who drives and who rides shotgun?
Amanda likes to drive the most when they’re together because she thinks it’s adorable the way Angela points to things outside and talks about them
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Amanda. She’s literally six feet tall, Angela could never
For Angela: Ange, babe, boo, idiot
For Amanda: Manda, honey, babe, also idiot
Who proposes?
Who sings along with the radio?
Both of them
Who worries the most?
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?
Who tops?
Angela. At first.
Who initiates kisses?
They both do. But Amanda does it more often.
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Who is more ticklish?
Who brings home an animal they found?
Who holds the umbrella for the other when it rains?
Amanda. Angela’s too short, she physically can’t do it.
Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?
They both do, depending on where
Who kills the scary bugs?
Amanda. Angela isn’t exactly afraid, she just cries if she kills one
Who asks weird questions at random in the middle of the night?
Who hogs the blankets?
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
Usually Angela, but sometimes Amanda can also be the same way
Who always makes coffee for the other in the morning?
Who says “I love you” first?
Who tells their friends/family about their relationship first?
Angela tells her family first. The rest of their friends literally made bets about them getting together
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
Who cooks best?
Who wears the other’s jacket?
Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Both of them
Who makes the other one laugh the most?
Who needs more reassurance?
Who would have to bail the other out of jail?
What would be their theme song?
Pegasus by Arlo Parks, Phoebe Bridgers
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
They both have an article of the other’s clothing with them the entire time
Who eats the other’s uneaten pizza crusts?
Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?
Who would throw the other into a pool?
Who is the morning/night person?
Amanda is the morning, Angela is the night person
Who gives the other person cool-looking rocks?
Who is the big spoon? Who is the little spoon?
Amanda is the big spoon, Angela is the little spoon
Who talks smack when playing video games and then loses?
Who wants to take lots of pictures of them together?
Who is most excited to tell their friends they’re dating?
They’re both a little shy with it considering their line of work, so the announcement comes slowly but surely
Who still blushes when they say ‘I love you?’
Who is the protective one?
Who likes to jump into the other person’s arms?
Who likes to take artsy photos together?
What do they like to watch together after a long day?
Criminal Minds
Who is most likely to kiss the other on the cheek?
Who is most likely to break out in a spontaneous dance?
Who would sing a love song to the other in the car?
Who can’t help but giggle when the other compliments them?
What do they say to one another before they go to sleep?
“I love you, idiot”
Who looks at the other person like they are their world when they’re not looking?
Who would win in a pillow fight?
Amanda but not really because it’s her literal nightmare to have Angela be hurt (even though it’s a pillow)
Who loves to be held the most?
Who asks the other how to spell a word?
Angela (this is actually real)
Who loves to have the other rest their head on their chest?
Who makes funny faces to make the other person laugh?
Who puts their hand on their partner's knee while driving?
Who goofs around in the kitchen more?
How do they say “I love you” without really saying it?
Amanda: “What can I make for dinner tonight?”
Angela: “Let’s go relax. Let me do your hair.”
What would they marathon?
Honestly, Bachelor in Paradise but they’d also complain about how it needs to be more gay
What would their wedding song be?
Fields of Gold by Sting
Who nuzzles into the other?
Who kisses the other on the head before they go to sleep?
What position do they fall asleep in when sleeping in the same bed?
Amanda is on her right side with Angela clinging to her back like a koala bear. They move eventually but that’s how it starts
Who initiates the first kiss?
Who asks the other out on the first date?
Who gets the other out of a speeding ticket?
Who sleeps with their dog when the other one is gone?
Who still has the first gift the other gave to them?
Who likes to see the other wearing their sweater?
Who is the sleepy cute one?
Who gives the other person the best cards?
Who gives a hilarious speech at their wedding about how they met?
Who has a vast knowledge of random facts?
Who likes to clean?
Who would be a lovey-dovey drunk?
Who can’t stop laughing at their own jokes?
Who distracts the driver by being a bit too provocative in the car?
Amanda. Its her revenge for Angela fucking with her at the studio
Who is the competitive one?
Who asks the other’s parents for their partner’s hand in marriage?
Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other?
Who worries more about the other?
Who is more likely to lock themselves out of the house?
Who would slide down the hall in their socks?
Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place?
Both of them
Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
Angela will come out in absolutely nothing, either talking or just having woken up and Amanda will panic because the curtains are probably open
Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Who likes flower crowns more?
Who is the meme lover?
Angela, Amanda is so chronically offline she doesn’t know what they are at first
Who has to teach the other how to fold a fitted sheet?
Who’s afraid of thunderstorms?
Neither of them, but the sound can really overstimulate Angela on some occasions so Amanda will hold her in the bedroom where they have blackout curtains and heavy blankets that give some comforting pressure
Who cries over the ASPCA commercials?
Who considers the other the love of their life?
Both of them
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tachvintlogic · 11 months
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Danny Phantom, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, DCU
Characters: Danny Fenton, Wulf (Danny Phantom), Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Jason Todd, Angela Foley, Frostbite (Danny Phantom), Willis Todd
Additional Tags: Esperanto, Rescue Missions, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Half-Ghost Jason Todd, Tumblr Prompt, Originally Posted on Tumblr, Ghost Biology (Danny Phantom), Hospitalization, Panic Attacks, Jason Todd Has Issues, Weird Biology, Blood and Injury, Surgery
Words: 15,100
Overall Summary: For ghosts and half-ghosts, turning intangible and then letting gravity do its thing is a great way to get to the other side of the Earth in a short amount of time.
Jason Todd, after turning completely intangible for the very first time, learned there are some risks to this method unique to half-ghosts. Namely, that half-ghosts still need to breathe and eat food, but there is no air or food under the Earth’s crust.
Chapter 5 Summary: They have most of the pollution from the Lazarus Pit out, but to remove the rest, Jason is going to need ghost surgery, and maybe learn a thing or two about his own core.
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HORROR'S NEXT TOP GENDER, ROUND TWO MATCH TWENTY-FOUR: Ronnie Angelo (Sleepaway Camp) vs. Brigitte Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)
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"Angela gets all the Gender Credit but we're completely ignoring Ronnie, who really is the transbutch dream. He's got lil hot shorts on, this tight lil T-Shirt, and the thickest thighs alive. Ronnie has a heart of gold and is dumb as a rock. He absolutely fails to save the campers, but he and his little shorts, and sometimes crop top, sure do their best. Hot girl summer at its finest."
"Brigitte is flannel-wrapped,  wears more layers than a pie crust, and is completely uninterested in having a body."
"I was a death obsessed goth girl teenager and this is the representation I always wanted. Brigitte doesn’t want to hit puberty and neither did I. Every single outfit is fantastic."
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choicesmc · 23 days
Blood Red Spirals
tw: self harm <- toes into explicit territory
MC: Rams Erndheart Book: The Elementalists Summary: Knives, scissors, and razor blades were all things Rams tried cos hardest to keep out of cos reach. Banner: Blood Orange XX by Angela Faustina Word Count: 300+
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As a matter of caution, Rams didn’t keep sharp objects around cos. Under the right conditions, the edge of their blades gleamed in the dullest lighting and, before co knew it, cos hands were stuck to the handle. 
Xe would twist the blade in xir hands, studying its weight, testing the edge against xir skin.  Xe would close xir eyes, imagining, for a moment, the seamless pain that’d flood following the first cut. It was a simple pleasure, made of dread and relief. It didn’t hold a flame to actual happiness, ever fleeting as it was, but it could be close enough. Most importantly, it was far easier to achieve. 
All ze had to do was cut. Then watch the cut bleed. That was all. Watch as bright, red, dripping droplets dragged down zir thighs. Watch as sprinkles splashed against satin silky shorts leaving scattered, spreading stains. Watch as blood slowly coated the edge of zir blade. 
It was maddening. 
It was satisfying. 
It was addictive. 
Once co started, the end stayed firmly out of mind. Once co started, the only thing that made sense was to continue. Continue milking every thrill of dopamine hidden in the next droplet. Continue floating in pure bliss as each new cut joined the legions of old ones. Continue carving cos skin until there was nothing left to carve.
Or until the guilt caught up with cos. Brilliant red turned filthy brown, crusting and flaking on cos skin. Oxidizing without remorse on cos shorts, a gentle reminder that this cut happiness was never, ever, meant to last. 
And Rams would weep, using zir tears to wash away the blood. Clinging on to the fading taste of joy, ze would desperately wipe away every evidence of it. Ze would grab the nearest pack of ace bandages, wrapping up zir thighs, already trying to explain away the blooming roses of red that spread through the cotton. Ze would change shorts, change bedsheets if ze had to, and erase the remaining traces of both zir tears and joy alike. 
It was a terrifying cycle. 
One that, without fail, co always fell into. 
So, as a matter of caution, Rams didn’t keep sharp objects on cos. 
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Angela  It's so awkward. 
Jenna  Well, it gets more awkward because of all the things that Dwight makes Jim do in order for him to stay. 
Angela  Ugh. 
Jenna Dwight makes Jim feed him a piece of pizza. 
Angela  Crust first. 
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castlesrp · 3 months
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The Williams Family
Hestia : Real Estate Moguls
Owning property is no easy feat, especially in this economy - but the Williams family has it in their bones. Known for decades as some of the best real estate moguls for high society, if you are in search of a beautiful and luxurious new home, First Williams (72) was your first stop. A successful business woman who launched Williams Real Estate from the ground up with her husband First Vaughn (74) as a Founding Partner in their late twenties and it has only grown tenfold since then. After earning their seat at the table with other families of the upper crust, they brought their own children into the world: opting to use the matriarch surname, due to the direct connection to the legacy that would be left for them.
Keeping it a family business, First Williams (51) serves as Chief Operations Officer for the company, with a thirst to take over the company once his parents pass the torch. It was through the company that he met his wife First Williams (54), and the two have two sons and a daughter that they adopted from her sister when the child was a newborn. First Williams (49) has kept her family name and threw it into households across the country: a successful career as an interior designer led to her getting her own reality television show, showcasing life with her husband First Stirling (51) and their three children, as well as other members of the Williams clan from time to time. Her husband doesn’t love the cameras, but he does love his wife and knows that her career has only been elevated by her successes on television.
The two youngest sons took a different route, still loyal to Williams Real Estate but heading opposite divisions: First Williams (47) is the Head of the Residential Real Estate Division while First Williams (45) is the Head of the Business Real Estate Division. Both prefer a quieter life, with the former having married his high school sweetheart First Williams (50) and having two daughters with her. The youngest in the family is First Hamilton (43) who also has kept her professional life in the world that her parents built, serving as the Director of Sustainability and Green Initiatives. She married an activist First Hamilton (44) after the two met at a rally during their undergrad - along with First Hudson (46), the three often work together to try and find ways to bring renewable sources of energy and other green initiatives to the forefront of their family’s minds.
First Williams: 72 Years Old, Founder of Williams Real Estate, Angela Bassett, Available + First Vaughn: 74 Years Old, Partner of Williams Real Estate, Denzel Washington, Available
First Williams: 51 Years Old, Chief Operations Officer of Williams Real Estate, Jeffrey Wright, Available + First Williams: 54 Years Old, Open Occupation, Gina Torres, Available ----- First Williams: 29 Years Old, Open Occupation, Tyler James Williams, Available ----- First Williams: 27 Years Old, Keith Powers, Available ----- First Williams: 25 Years Old, Open Occupation, Normani, Available * * Note: Williams (25) is the niece of Williams (54) and was adopted as a newborn
First Williams: 49 Years Old, Interior Designer, Reality TV Star, Taraji P. Henson, Available + First Stirling: 51 Years Old, Open Occupation, Hugh Jackman, Available ----- First Williams: 27 Years Old, Open Occupation, Laura Harrier, Available ----- First Williams: 25 Years Old, Open Occupation, Justice Smith, Available ----- First Williams: 23 Years Old, Open Occupation, Samantha Logan, Available
First Williams: 47 Years Old, Head of Residential Real Estate Division of Williams Real Estate, Anthony Anderson, Available + First Williams: 50 Years Old, Open Occupation, Audra McDonald, Available ----- First Williams: 23 Years Old, Open Occupation, Chloe Bailey, Available ----- First Williams: 21 Years Old, Open Occupation, Halle Bailey, Available
First Williams: 45 Years Old, Head of Business Real Estate Division of Williams Real Estate, Mahershala Ali, Available
First Hamilton: 43 Years Old, Director of Sustainability and Green Initiatives of Williams Real Estate, Uzo Adubo, Available + First Hamilton: 44 Years Old, Activist, Jordan Peele, Available
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cartoonmeangirlbracket · 11 months
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Here are our first round mean girl match ups!
Voting starts July 15
Names below
EDIT: Voting continuing August 1. (Thank you for your patience while I dealt with computer trouble)
Group A
Alakshmi Verma (Kaijudo) vs Alejandro Burromuerto (Total Drama Franchise)
Amity Blight (The Owl House) vs Andrea Davenport (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Angelica Pickles (All Grown Up) vs Arcangelo Correli (Neo Yokio)
Ashley A (Recess) vs Bonnie Rockwaller (Kim Possible)
Boscha (The Owl House) vs Brandy Harrington, of the Florida Harringtons (Brandy and Mr. Whiskers)
Brandy Silver (Detentionaire) vs Brit Crust (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Brittany Boviak (Llyod in Space) vs Brittany Wong (Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Callie (Cleopatra in Space) vs Charmcaster (Ben 10)
Group B
Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Cleo (Clone High)
Darcy (Winx Club) vs Diamond Tiara (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Duchess Swan (Ever After High) vs Eliza (Craig of the Creek)
Elodie (OK K.O.) vs Fakir (Princess Tutu)
Faybelle Thorn (Ever After High) vs Heather (Total Drama franchise)
Icy (Winx Club) vs Julia (Total Drama franchise)
Kimmie McAdams (Detentionaire) vs Kimmy Mysner (Symbionic Titan)
Lacienega Boulevardez (The Proud Family) vs Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
Group C
Mami Yagihara (Blue Flag) vs Mandy (Totally Spies)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia) vs Marion Hawthorne (Harriet the Spy the Animated Series)
Melissa O'Malley (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) vs Mina (Droners)
Mindy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) vs Miranda Killgallen (As Told By Ginger)
Motoko Minagawa (Fruits Basket) vs Muffy Crosswire (Arthur)
Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Nanette Manoir (Angela Anaconda)
Nina Harper (Braceface) vs Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
Paulina (Danny Phantom) vs Praxina (Lolirock)
Group D
Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls) vs Quinn Morgendorfer (Daria)
Raquelle (Barbie Life in the Dream House) vs Rue (Princess Tutu)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia) vs Sheena/Tigress (Carmen Sandiego)
Sierra McCool (The Replacements) vs Sissi Delmas (Code Lyoko)
Stephanie Knightleigh (Edgar and Ellen) vs Stormy (Winx Club)
Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) vs Tammy Larsen (Bob's Burgers)
Tiff Crust (My Life as a Teenage Robot) vs Tricia Holmes (6Teen)
Trixie Tang (Fairly Oddparents) vs Veronica Lodge (Archie/Archie's Weird Mysteries)
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moveslikebucky · 1 year
B F and M, if you will! ❤️
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Oh goodness yea. So much of my dialogue and interaction is literally things that happen often between me and my husband xD also a lot of the queer longing i put into these fics is rooted very firmly in reality lbr.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I'd have to go with this bit from the Youth Pastor/Bad Boy reverse omens au that I've been working on where they're just settling into their burgeoning friendship and go out for pizza:
“But, if I can wax poetic about this ‘basic pepperoni’, you have to try my ridiculous concoction of a pizza.” Gadriel smiled mischievously at him, continuing to finish his slice, “I was already going to do that, but deal.” Ezra took a bite of the pepperoni, enjoying it the same way he had enjoyed his own slice. “The crust still stands, the semolina flour giving a smooth finish while the cornmeal makes for a nice crunch. The inclusion of cheddar-jack along with the mozzarella makes for a lovely combination of sharp and mild that dances along the palate. The pepperonis are perfectly cupped, holding just enough grease to cut through the acidity of the marinara, which given the rustic texture of the tomatoes and the garlic clove I believe must be made in house, rather than purchased and used from a can. Incredible, five stars.” Gadriel chuckled. “I can’t believe you just did that, has anyone told you that you are incredibly pretentious?” “I’m not pretentious, I just know good food when I taste it,” Ezra said with a huff. “I dunno,” Gadriel drawled sarcastically, “I think maybe someone isn’t quite as down to earth as they want everyone to think.” “Says the man who drinks beer for the first time just to look cool?” “Ehh… point taken.”
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Oh man there are so many that I have sitting in me and Ouida's server xD. A few that I'm very excited about:
A human au where Crowley is a repressed incel who doesn't realize he's gay and wanders into a queer kink bar by mistake on his way to an alpha male grindset meetup at a different bar and meets leather daddy Aziraphale who gives him a new lease on what being a man is about.
A book canon fic where Aziraphale and Crowley's corporations are damaged to the point where they have to discorporate in a battle back in celtic times, but their bodies are in a ravine and they are slowly decomposing because no one knows they're there and they can't off themselves (obviously no one actually dies, I just want the imagery of bodies decomposing together because I listen to too much Hozier).
Another human au where Crowley works at a truckstop and Aziraphale is the big quiet bear of a trucker who frequents the establishment and Crowley is Big Time Horny for him.
Reverse omens Beauty and the Beast fusion but it's specifically The Tiger's Bride by Angela Carter inspired.
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Okay here’s a list of my top shows, in no particular order, based on rewatchability, acting, cinematography, writing, surprising moments, and overall season by season/series satisfaction
Perfect 10/10 A+ emotional fluff serotonin producing GORGEOUSNESS. The casting, writing, directing, acting, music choices, cinematography, and impact could not be improved in any way. I cannot wait for s02!! Queer joy forever 💖💖💖 Nick and Charlie are my children now and need to be protected at all costs.
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One of the most unique, stunning, surprising, and satisfying shows I’ve ever seen. A+ 10/10 would not change anything (except how it got cancelled, fuck off Netflix). ALSO QUEER JOY FOREVER 💕💕💕💕 The Wachowskis are goddesses of film making sorry it’s true I don’t make the rules.
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It’s kickass, it’s groundbreaking, it’s funny, it’s campy, it’s sad, and the 90s fashions are ON FUCKING POINT. It’s a classic for a goddamn reason okay??? For a show about supernatural beings it manages to be one of the most human and relatable things I’ve ever watched.
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A show about working class gangsters with a Roma background set in Birmingham England right after WWI?? YES PLEASE. Amazing acting and costume design and a whole lot of ‘what the fuck just happened?!’ moments. Come for Cillian Murphy as Tommy Shelby, stay for Helen McRory as Aunt Polly. Cause she’s a baddaassssss.
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Found family found family found family!! A show that manages to take 5 main characters on arcs that end in better places than they started, which is so so refreshing. Incredible acting, and plots that manage to combine humor and gut punches with a slight hint of camp (aka my happy place). Added bonus for calling out capitalism and corruption without seeming too overbearing. 10/10 A+ no notes.
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Technically it’s a prequel to Treasure Island set during the Golden Age of Piracy; realistically it’s a hell of a lot more surprising, heartbreaking, and GAY than that. Another show that manages to make you go ‘what the fuck?!’ at every turn. A+ costumes and cinematography. And the characters themselves are so complex and intriguing; they’re angry and defiant and have a relatable ‘we’re gonna lose this war but we WILL make it an end to remember’ energy. Also Toby Stephens as Captain Flint. I mean. GODDAMN.
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Probably the most ‘normal’ show on this list but like. IT IS SO GOOODDDD. The cases are well done, the cast of characters is interesting, the music is on point and so poignant, and the finale is satisfying. Do they have some misses along the way? Yeah for sure. It ran for 11 seasons it’s not really a surprise there were some problems. But they also had great representation for an early 2000s show (Cam, a black woman, running the lab, Angela being bisexual), great plot arcs, and some of the best individual television episodes I’ve ever seen (Gravedigger anyone? Judas on a Pole?) Plus these 2. I just love them so much.
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Where do I even start with this one? Cool world building? Check. Awesome animation and design? Check. A wide variety of characters, especially nuanced and non stereotypical female ones? Absolutely! ATLA will make you laugh, cry, and think about the world, all in one episode. Then there’s Zuko. His arc is just one of the best examples of character growth ever seen on TV. I love this show as much as the cabbage merchant loves his cabbages. 10/10 A+.
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If you love period dramas but are sick of shows that focus exclusively on upper crust rich people problems, watch this 2004 mini series. It’s based on an 1850s novel by Elizabeth Gaskell and follows the story of a girl who grew up in the countryside in the south of England but then moves to the grittier, darker, more industrial north. There’s in your face poverty, worker’s strikes, political upheaval and a whole lot more. It’s fabulous. Brendan Coyle and Richard Armitage star and let me tell you, RICHARD IS IMMACULATE. It also features the BEST ONSCREEN KISS OF ALL TIME I MEAN JFC LOOK AT THAT JAWLINE I AM DEAD.
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Aaaaahhhhh this show!! It’s diverse, it’s poignant, it’s clever, it laughs at toxic masculinity, it’s quotable af, it’s a sitcom that proves you don’t have to be an asshole to be hilarious. The ensemble is lovable, the relationships are on point and oh, did I mention it’s HELLA QUEER? 10/10 everyone go watch.
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Doctor Who
I love particular seasons of it but not every doctor or season soooo I can’t really say it’s a favorite all time overall show. Ninth and Tenth Doctor tho? THOSE ARE MY BOYS.
I know I know I know - how is it not a top show when 60% of my blog is Merthur? Idk man. I’ve only watched it once and I really like to live in the fic universe more. Sorry. Maybe I’ll do a rewatch and my feelings will change but until then…🤷🏻‍♀️ I still love you Colin and Bradleyyyyyy.
Good Omens
Another show that I’ve only watched once. I absolutely ADORE the Aziraphale and Crowley dynamic but I don’t really care about the rest of the show or characters? So I can get all the ineffable spouses cuteness I need from fic. I am looking forward to s02 though!
The White Queen
Based on a Philippa Gregory novel, this is another Tudoresque historical drama telling the story of Elizabeth Woodville and the Wars of the Roses. The acting is really good and the pacing well done. I’ve watched it a few times and really enjoyed it.
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laylaylamode · 2 years
Does Olevia ever help Dai Tai & Angela out on performances or ballet recital plays in the Opera House such as Swan Lake or The Nutcracker????
@thereallordgrape may answer this better, but I don't see why not!
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cheeselist · 2 years
Corra Linn
The second of my Scottish cheeses is a robust, unpasteurised Lacune sheep’s milk cheese made with traditional rennet. Errington Cheese in Carnwath, South Lanarkshire, is named after the founder Humphrey, who (as with Dunlop, and so many others) moved to the farm with a plan to reinvigorate traditional cheesemaking in the 1980s. Their many cheeses (including Lanark Blue, Tinto and Blackmount) are now made by his daughter Selina and daughter-in-law Angela.
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The young cheese is rubbed with oil and wrapped in muslin before being matured for anything up to two years. It has a wonderfully pitted, dense crust, with a hard golden yellow paste underneath. The smell is farmyardy, like fusty old books mixed with sweet hay, and it has a firm, dry bite. You can pretty much taste this complex cheese from the photo - a salty, umami, vegetal savouriness like broth, fading into a subtle sweetness.
£46.95/kg, George Mewes, Glasgow
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p3achyl3monm3lon · 1 year
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Yellow 01
Happy yellow / radiate your soul glow / Can be mellow like runny egg yolk / but we like the sunny side/up bright almost light dazzle us in summery delight / million dollar smile of this child/’s colour zings, suck on a lemon and feel your blood sing / pineapple tipping your tongue fuzzingfizzing you can’t help but happy grinning
‘And in the strange
country fitfully lit by the inward-turning suns of her yellow
eyes, such alien trees shake out moist leaf
and the seed-crusted ferns uncoil with a slow
in the rich fruit-cake of her dark recesses where the wrinkled
intuitions of her summer roses stir and tremble in their sleep
for spring is coming and the fat buds buldge.’
Angela Carter, My Cat in Her First Spring
‘and a fragment of a human voice tore itself out and came past, it seemed 
already long ago, trailing
a bad dust of its dream which touched his skin. He thought of women. 
What is it like to be a woman
listening in the dark? Black mantle of silence stretches between them 
like geothermal pressure. 
Ascent of the rapist up the stairs seems as slow as lava. She listens 
to the blank space where 
his consciousness is, moving towards her. Lava can move as slow as
nine hours per inch. 
Colour and fluidity vary with its temperature from dark red and hard 
(below 1,800 degrees centigrade)
to brilliant yellow and completely fluid (above 1,950 degrees centigrade). 
She wonders if
he is listening too.’
Anne Carson, Autobiography of Red 
‘When the black and white clouds come together, they create man. When the blue and yellow come together, they create woman. The woman tries to reach the man three times. On the fourth try, she finds him. He invites her to live with him. She agrees. As they sit by the fire of their newfound home, a coyote, a family Canidae visits, he says he was born from an egg. He brings witchcraft to the world, the first thing people need. Witchcraft is magic and so is fire and so are words. They sat by the fire, telling stories of the second, third and fourth world so that by so telling came to be.’
Nicole Walker, The Egg came First, Egg
‘the first yellow beam of the sun struck through the innumerable prisms of an immense and exquisitely chiselled diamond - and a white radiance was kindled that glowed upon the air like a fragment of the morning star.’
F. Scott Fitzgerald, X, The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
‘That was all. The wind died along the tall grasses of the valley. The dawn and the day resumed their place in a time, and the risen sun sent hot waves of yellow mist that made its path bright before it. The leaves laughed in the sun, and their laughter shook until each bough was like a girl’s school in fairyland. God had refused to accept the bribe.’
F. Scott Fitzgerald, X, The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
‘put up his hands to shield his sight. Before their eyes the whole surface of the mountain had changed suddenly to a dazzling burning yellow, which showed up through the jacket of the turf as light shows through a human hand’
F. Scott Fitzgerald, X, The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
'A light flowered yellow in the blue dusk'
Anna Kavan, Ice
‘Yellow oblongs stained the pure white in front of the windows. In the air the snow was transformed into a showering gold as it passed the lights’.
Anna Kavan, Ice
‘white stationary shadows beyond the moving fabric of falling white. Snowflakes turned yellow like swarms of bees round the lighted windows.’
Anna Kavan, Ice
“She turned to the sunlight    And shook her yellow head, And whispered to her neighbor:    "Winter is dead.’
A.A. Milne, When We Were Very Young
Yellow is carefree and confident. It’s not on the defensive. It acts as a shield against despair and feelings of humiliation. It’s eager for our attention, like a happy child delighted to be at the centre of things. At times, its energy can be oppressive, but like its most famous ambassador – the lemon – there are few things it won’t enhance. The German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe loved yellow, considering it to be the colour of a gently hopeful attitude to life. He owned a collection of twenty yellow waistcoats, which he always twinned with white trousers – for he loved a little serenity as well.’
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onelastfic · 3 years
In honor of Day 23 for @laylaylamode and @thereallordgrape’s writing prompt challenges.
Basteta does love to vibe to the 2001 cover of “Lady Marmalade”. Junji introduced her to the song when they were younger and the cat girl just fell in love with it. If it comes on then she’ll definitely start an impromptu sing along. She got the Lil’ Kim parts down pat. And if Dai Tai and Angela join in then you know you’re in for a hell of a show! The girls have been trying to get Olevia into doing it with them, that girl has got some sultry moves (courtesy Basteta and Dai Tai).
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laylaylibrary · 3 years
Lights, Camera, Action- The city of Townsville gains a brand new demigoddess. (2300+ words)
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Junkyard Dogs- Xiang and Dai Tai tackle some hounds in the streets of China. (2700+ words)
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My first two callyieverse fanfictions. Enjoy. 😌
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callyieverse-quotes · 6 years
Angela: So, Benji, have you met someone yet?
Benji: Noo, but I think Seth, the new guy in my department, likes me.
Angela: Oh? Well ask him out then, see what he says.
Benji: Maybe I will, that way I can give him some fashion sense. He's so tacky but it's cute.
By @thepaladincosplays
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