#Anti Hero Tony
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Is genuinally shockig that I never found an animatic or an edit using Rät by Penelope Scott to represent Peter and Tony's relationship in the MCU.
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It always strikes me as strange when I see Swities defend Taylor's every move.
It's like these people listen to Taylor's lyrics without actually hearing them. Blondie has told us time and time again that she is an extremely flawed person. She has told us that she isn't the 'guiding light' that we think she is.
Just to name a few things that she's admitted to: narcissism, cheating, participating in PR relationships.
How do they still put her on a pedastal after this?
Blind fanaticism is weird.
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therese-lokidottir · 5 months
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This scene frustrates me so much. Because Maria Hill doesn't give a good reason for registration. If the same laws of vigilantism apply here as they do in the real world, then the heroes should already be considered criminals and should be arrested. Most of the Avenger's identities are public, so what's the point? Heroes with secret identities aren't going to be swayed because the already public identity heroes join SHIELD. Especially not the X-Men.
As with every version of this stupid storyline, an explanation is never given of how registering is going to prevent heroes from messing up. Hate to break it to you, but the cops and the government screw-up sometimes. If for once the discussion was about what the preventive measures for disasters were or what the reconciliation would be when harm or destruction happens because of villain attacks.
Every time it's treated just the act of registering itself is the solution when it should be so much more than that. Although I have to confess I am so curious of how Civil War would have played out in EMH. Would have been Maria instead of Tony on the registration side. Because that would make a lot mores sense
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fandom-rants · 11 months
It's so weird that people keep saying that Wanda's trauma is because of Tony. "Tony's weapons attacked her home! It's Tony's fault!" Actually, those weapons were sold by Obadiah Stane (if they were Stark Industries' weapons at all, but we'll ignore how the logo is wrong because it might just be a continuity error). Tony actually is the person who stopped Stane the instant he found out about it. So in fact, Tony is the one who prevented what happened to Wanda from ever happening again.
But for some reason we can't say that. Everyone cries foul. They say we're trying to erase Wanda's trauma. Instead of, you know, redirecting it to the proper source. But I guess it's easier to take up the narrative Wanda created (and loudly and consistently spouts) instead of looking at the truth (which is never said out loud in the movies and is left to be inferred). Because children don't understand how to think critically.
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johnnys-breastmilk · 2 years
i am TERRIFIED to see daredevil in she hulk… and the fans are so fucking annoying about it like “matt made jokes in his show too” or “it’s a comedy, he’s not gonna be serious” like shut up. the mcu uses recycled jokes that can be applied to any hero and still be as lame as they were when the first person said them, but daredevil had specific humor that differed and wasn’t overused in every single scene ffs
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a splash page of Shellhead having defeated Venom in a head-to-head match, as well as being one of the most action-packed Marvel throwdowns of the entire '90s decade, from the pages of "IRON MAN" Vol. 1 #302. March, 1994. Marvel Comics.
"Let's get this straight -- Tony Stark's no criminal -- and you're no defender of the public good! You're a delusional psychotic who projects his own warped nature onto others -- in order to justify acting out his own homicidal compulsions. You want to confront evil, Venom -- take a good long look in the mirror."
-- IRON MAN to VENOM (Earth-616)
Writer: Len Kaminski
Artist: Kevin Hopgood
Inker: Steve Mitchell
Letterer: Phil Felix
Colorist: Ariane
Source: www.zipcomic.com/iron-man-1968-issue-302.
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I actually am trying to remember is you answered this already. But do you have any characters that are essentially “Bakugou but done better”?
I have but it’s been so far back that I can’t even find it 😭. Seriously, why does Tumblr’s search system when searching for stuff in your own blog suck so much?
So Katsuki’s archetype is basically smug prick who learns to be a better person. These characters have similar arcs to Katsuki, but are obviously done way better:
- Superboy/Kon-el/Conner Kent (DC Comics): Easily the best example of this trope, and I’m not saying that cause he’s my favorite character of all time. Going from a smug kid who thought he deserved to be called Superman to someone who carved his own legacy and became a hero who inspired many. His story’s a very powerful one that I love. If you haven’t followed Superboy’s journey in the comics, seriously consider doing so. I can’t express how much I adore this character.
- Teddy Jin (Weak Hero): Another fantastic example. His change doesn’t feel forced, he faces consequences for his actions, and even learns that there’s more to life than what he initially thought. If you haven’t read Weak Hero, I’d really recommend doing so. It starts slow, but once it picks up its pace, it’s a great read, especially if you were a former/current bully victim.
- Ryu (The Boxer): Easily one of the best characters who follows the same archetype as Katsuki. As a character, nearly the exact same as Katsuki, where he’s gifted and as such, bullies those who are weaker. He gets a much needed reality check right off the bat, he faces consequences for his actions, is humbled, and even delivers a heartfelt apology to his former victim by only using the two words “I’m sorry”. For him though, it works because you can see that he’s actually sorry and the apology had some fantastic buildup to it. If you haven’t read The Boxer, please do. It’s a fantastically written WEBTOON with a lot of heart and you really grow attached and invested in the characters that show up in the story.
- Tony Stark/Iron Man (MCU): Goes from doing whatever he wants to realizing that his actions have consequences, so he does his best to be a better person.
- Dr. Strange (MCU): Learns what it’s like to suffer, ends up being more grateful for the things in his life, and learns that you can’t control everything.
I also wanna give a mention to Wolf Keum from Weak Hero. Though I wouldn’t say he’s from the same archetype as Katsuki, they do share similar traits. Both are unapologetic assholes who love fighting. However, where Wolf succeeds and Katsuki fails is that the narrative agrees that Wolf is an unapologetic asshole whereas MHA constantly forces the idea that there’s some good in Katsuki. Except for a fight against the MC, Wolf’s fights are against other assholes, and as such, it’s really fun to watch him be the adrenaline crazy fuck that he is without the narrative trying to tell us that he’s good. He’s one of those characters where he’s clearly bad, but who gives a fuck? In MHA, the narrative wants us to think there’s some good in Katsuki and that he’s going to redeem himself, but when he does shit like bully Izuku or brutally beat his classmates, it doesn’t come off as charming or endearing. It’s just outright vile.
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cultofthepigeon · 3 months
also angel when she finds out the women who ruined her tween and teens years is married to and fucking the man who ruined her (and her friends'/family's) early to mid 20s:
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
October 4th - Agent Anti-Venom
Eugene ‘Flash’ Thompson grew up in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens, New York.  He suffered physical abuse at the hands of his alcoholic father throughout his childhood and adolescence. Proving a tremendous athlete, he earned the nickname ‘Flash’ based on his quickness on the football field.  Struggling with the abuse from his father, Flash ended up something of a school bully, frequently tormenting fellow student, Peter Parker.  This was an ironic matter in that Parker was secretly the super hero Spider-Man, whom Flash greatly idolized.  
Flash grew out of his bullying ways and he and Parker would end up close friends.  After college, Flash joined the Army and was stationed in Southeast Asia.  Following his tour of duty, Flash struggled with alcoholism and was involved in a terrible car crash that left him in a near-vegetative state.  Flash eventually regained his full faculties and became a gym teacher at his old school.
Some time thereafter, Flash returned to the armed services and earned a Medal of Honor in a mission where he was severely wounded and lost both of his legs, amputated at the mid-thigh.  during his recovery, Flash was selected to participate in the secretive military program called ‘Project Rebirth 2.0’.  Herein, Flash was bonded with the Venom symbiote.  The symbiote accepted Flash as its host and imbued him with tremendous physical abilities (including growing him new legs).  The symbiotes refused to bond to any other candidates and the program was shut down, yet Flash continued on as ‘Agent Venom’ and had numerous adventures.  He would later become a member of the Secret Avengers and also briefly served with General Ross’ Code Red Thunderbolts squad.  
After returning to Earth following a stint in space with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Flash lost the symbiote.  He ultimately gained a new symbiote companion and became known as The Anti-Venom.  He perished at the hands of the Red Goblin, yet Flash's consciousness survived in the Symbiote Hive-Mind.  His body was later resurrected, returning him to fighting form as Agent Anti-Venom.  Since his resurrection, Flash has been able to unlock the upper limits of the human/symbiote capabilities.  More recently, Flash has joined the Savage Avengers.
Versions of Flash Thompson have featured in a number of the Spider-Man films, portrayed by actors Joe Manganiello, Chris Zylka and Tony Revolori. The hero first appeared in the pages of Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962). 
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
The thing that made me fall in love with Tony Stark as a characther was never the comics. And it was certainly not the MCU Elon Musk look alike but with actual scientific knowledge for once.
Stark became a characther I liked because of Earth Mightiest Heros. More specifically the Emperor Stark episode. It starts as a classic mind control episode. Ultron wakes up in a weird world where Tony is a dictator and the Avengers work for him and slowly unconvers the truth about Purple Man mind controlling the team and that he was sleeping for way longer than he thought. He them proceeds to break Purple Man's control and everything ends up fine.
Except by the end of the episode we discover that Purple Man's control only brought to life Tony's darkest desires/feelings that sometimes Tony's paranoia and egocentrism makes him think that the only way to save and protect people is to assume control of everything but we also learn that while Tony has this thoughs, they are not something he wants, instead they are something that terrifies him. He knows it's wrong and he doesn't really want to do it but he is afraid he could one day. And at that moment he needs Steve to reassure him, to both tell him he won't ever do that and that he will be there if it happens and stop him. And Steve is his close friend and a good leader in EMH so he does that.
This episode for me was what consolidated my image of Tony. The version of Tony we sometimes have in comics and never had in the MCU (I actually hate MCU Tony for soo many reasons). For me Tony Stark is a man with low empathy, someone whose anxiety and paranoia and the god complex that appears somtimes (in contrast with his usual self loathing) are all a reciepe for disaster, he is someone that by all means should be a villain except he WANTS to do good. He wants to help people even if he doesn't always get it. He likes to see people hapoy and well and wants to make a better world. The Tony Stark I love is a man that is always fighting against himself, forcing himself to give a shit. Because he loves the world, he just doesn't always feels how to express this love. And as someone who sometimes struggles with bolts of lower empathy because the autism (though never even close to Tony's level) this is quite inspiring. He isn't a self made hero because he built the armor in a cave with trash but because he is always trying to be a hero no matter what his paranoid brain tells him.
That's why I see this Tony. EMH Tony and my interpretation of comic Tony not realizing his weapons were used to cause mass destruction more favoraubly than MCU Tony. Both because age issues kindda made him younger but mostly because there's this underlying notion that he didn't noticed it before because he just didn't care enought to notice and that the realization he had was not just "seeling weapons is wrong" but that he needed to care more. That he couldn't just keep ignoring reality just because it wasn't almost killing him.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
an observation about Tony Stark antis
just.. isn't it curious how, in-universe, all the people who hate Tony Stark turn out to be, you know, villains
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areiton · 2 years
(i’m the problem) it’s me - stevetony
A Stevetony fic inspired by anti-hero 
read on ao3 
You try. 
You think you’ve spent your life trying, for Maria and for Howard, for Obie, god for Obie. 
You shake the thought and stumble into the workshop, depression driven and trauma shaking. 
You can’t maintain this forever, you know you can’t. 
But for now, midnight slung like a lover around your shoulders, you can. You chase a handful of pills with a tumbler of whiskey and call to Dum-e. 
  “You’ve got a problem, Captain,” you hear Fury tell Rogers, and your hands tremble. 
You clench them into fists, and watch Steve tip his head to one side. 
“It’s my problem. Sir.” 
You blink. 
His tone is insolent, a breath away from insubordinate, and you--
You don’t remember the last time someone stepped up and took a hit for you, put themselves in the line of fire for you, and from the flint in Fury’s eyes--that’s what he’s done. 
Rhodey does this for you, but Rhodey--he’s an outlier, the only one who has ever taken every hit aimed for you. 
You slowly loosen your fists, and it’s later, when Fury has vanished, and Steve’s shoulders slump and his whispered curse is kept like a secret that only Jarvis and you can hear--it’s only then you look down and see the blood there, pooled around a razor blade. 
  He gets into a fight with a senator, gets into a pissing match with the press. 
You find out about it when you drag in at dinner, find Tasha and Barton bent over a tablet and Roger’s voice coming from it. 
“He’s doing this for you,” she says, and you think that makes sense. 
You don’t even know what the fuck you did this time, but you’ve always been the problem, the gear gumming up the works. 
It’s never been more true than now, with the Avengers in the Tower, with the smooth as silk press on the smiling faces, and there’s you. 
Hiding behind the armor, throwing money at the problem, like that will buy your way out of purgatory. 
You don’t look at her, or watch the clip, or listen to his fury, just say, “No one asked him to do anything.” 
  He protects you. Not only from Fury and from the media--you watch it later, hidden in your lab with Jarvis as company, a bottle of whiskey sweating near your hand, watch him defend you fierce and furious, and you feel your heart thump--
Not only then. 
You take a hit fighting mutated fucking robots, the arc takes the hit and you can hear Natasha snapping in your ear as you fall, can feel the panic she’s keeping at bay through viscous control and you almost smile through the fear ripping through you. 
Thor’s too far. 
Bruce isn’t on the field. 
You fall and you can hear Barton shouting and then something slams into you, a wall of force pushing you sideways. 
You crash through glass and drywall, and a few desks, and through it all, he never lets go of you, curled around you like he’s a goddamn shield between you and every bad thing in the world and you want that , want him to save you, and when you finally roll to a stop, when you stare at the sky spinning through the shattered glass--he rips the armor from you and listens to Jarvis, cool and calm, giving crisp orders. 
You stare at him, and he puts you back together and when it’s over, when he pulls you bloody from the field, only then does his hands tremble.
  He’s in your workshop, and midnight has never looked as inviting or soft. 
“Can I stay?” he asks and his voice is hoarse, rough in a way you recognize. 
You wake screaming too, some nights, and you want to fix this for him, but you--
You’ve always destroyed the things you touch, and you don’t want to destroy him. 
And no force on earth could force you to send him away. You aren’t a good guy, not really--you just play one on TV. 
“Yeah,” you say and he smiles at you, star bright and lovely. 
  He kisses you there, kisses the tears from your cheeks and the cries from your lips and the blood from your palms and you wonder what you did, to deserve this, to deserve him. 
  You stare at him, because staring at him is better. It’s like watching the north star, finding true north--he’s the point around which you fix your life, sun you circle, and you think it’s terrifying but there’s something about him that you know you can trust--you think about the way he stared down Fury, the way he fought the reporters, the way he drags you from a mission blood covered, the soft smile he gives you when he finds you at midnight. 
It’s exhausting, loving you, Pepper said once and you know she’s right, that she’s got every reason to walk away, that you’re lucky you kept what you did with her. You know you press against every boundary and chase everyone away until all you have for company is ghosts--but for whatever reason--
He stays. 
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faeriecap · 2 years
i am once again thinking about how team iron man wasn’t even mostly made up of enhanced individuals… like tony stark would not have been subjected to the extremely invasive tracking and cataloguing because he doesn’t have powers. vision isn’t technically a person so i don’t think they would plus tony basically did that already on his own scale since he was his creation and seemed content to be confined to the tower?? rhodey likely wouldnt get off as easy as tony bc r*cism but he was still a respected and decorated war hero without powers. peter would be required to but tony conveniently doesnt press him to reveal his secret identity despite that literally being part of the accords law he agreed to… also i don’t think they ever make any mention of parker signing the accords at all. and even nat isnt enhanced in that sense, so she’d escape a LOT of the horrific intrusions that someone like steve and bucky, wanda, and even in some way i guess like. t’challa? would have been subjected to. not to mention she already dumped her entire file online in catws and has no secrets anymore. and even though they’re not enhanced in the mcu, falcon and ant man could arguably be viewed as vigilantes in way a shield agent like nat or the others beyond peter wouldnt be which. tbh is probably why tony wants to induct him into the avengers asap?? he was already prepared for that issue for conveniently only his pet project n no one else. i’ve said it before but like in the face of all this:
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of COURSE tony, the non powered, former military golden boy whose best friend is still actively involved in the us government, with inherited billions to his name that could not be lost in the same way someones regular job could be, who openly goes out as iron man and himself wouldn’t be concerned seeing all these things they were expected to trade off on to continue being heroes or agents or avengers whatever because they do not impact him at all. you think they could hold TONY STARK “indefinitely without trial?!” NO. fucking ridiculous.
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on a splash page of Venom VS. Tony Stark from "IRON MAN" Vol. 1 #301 (February '94), and the title splash of more stark venomous terror from "IRON MAN" Vol. 1 #302. March, 1994. Marvel Comics.
Resolution at 861x1292 & 863x1177.
Writer: Len Kaminski
Artist: Kevin Hopgood
Inker: Steve Mitchell
Letterer: Phil Felix
Colorist: Ariane
Source: www.zipcomic.com/iron-man-1968-issue-302.
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Yeah, all the more reason I think that Wanda should've called Tony out on this. 😐
Stark is the poster boy for American exceptionalism.
He feels guilt over Ultron I suppose, so he goes to MIT and gives them money to ease his conscience (his words, not mine) but did he ever return to Sokovia? He did have Damage Control in NYC (taking jobs from the New Yorkers, that's what heroes do), did that organization help in Sokovia as well? After the Lagos incident, did he give them money too? Hell, what about London in TDW? I doubt it.
And the best part, after being confronted by Miriam what's his reaction, to take responsibility and own his mistakes? Of course not! He signs Accords that would affect half the team and millions of people around the world (yes Americans too but you see, the enhanced aren't really the same as everyone else, you know?), forced conscription and all, and of course these Accords would not affect him personally at all + shift the blame of whatever it is he does in the future. They're perfect for him!
And come on, this guy was never held accountable for anything he did in the movies.
Sure, Pietro is dead and some other Eastern Europeans as well but you see, Stark couldn't care less about that because they're not Americans, not good Americans.
I do agree about Wanda though, it's crazy that she didn't say anything about Pietro in CW especially when Stark is acting all self-righteous about an American kid's death in Sokovia but we all know Marvel never lets anyone correct Stark, not even when he's spouting Hydra bullshit in EG. He's always right, he always knows better than everyone else and even when he makes mistakes the blame falls on someone else. Oh how mighty it is to be framed as a hero.
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To Tony fv¢king Stark, The LAW is to be obeyed, up until the LAW is applied to him.
This hypocritical FLATSCAN MUGGLE trash who became a GESTAPO in enforcing the SHRA, putting Super HEROES in his Negative Zone Auschwitz FOR LIFE for the "crime" of NOT REGISTERING, Make them SUFFER until they comply,
suddenly Tony RUNS AWAY AS A FUGITIVE like the hypocritical little coward bitch he is when the LAW is used against him.
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