#Anti Twilight
loveaankilaq · 4 months
Idk guys I think the woman who wrote an actual tribe to be literal dog monsters might be a racist, and the lady who thought it wasn't that big of a deal is also racist
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polyamorousmood · 18 days
I realized I was okay with my partner having other partners by the time I was 13 (though I didn't have a word for it at the time) and the reason I realized this was because I was so full of seething hatred (the kind only 13 year olds are capable of) for the love triangle in twilight that by the time I got to the third book I was like "who CARES if she has two boyfriends. I wouldn't care if my partner had other partners as long as I knew about it and everyone was okay with it. Anything is better than this nonsense"
I realized this several years before I realized I liked girls. I'm a lesbian. Anyway I just think "realizing you're poly via twilight hate" is objectively hilarious but it does, unfortunately, mean that twilight was a formative experience for me.
Twilight defined a generation. Love it🫶 or hate it🤬, it still shaped you. Very few escaped this fate.
Your fate, specifically, though, is objectively hilarious
Seriously though, at least you got something worthwhile out of the books! I often think it is easier to define ourselves first by what we are NOT than by what we ARE, so I can't say I'm surprised. Hating love triangles seems to be a common theme with us polyams 😂
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belle-keys · 3 months
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Exhibit A: here
Exhibit B: here
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icedsodapop · 5 months
Something something... the difference between how Stephanie Meyer depicts women in relation to the fantastical creature they are associated with.... something something... for White women, being associated with vampires is empowering for them, protects them... something something... but for Native American women, being associated with werewolves brings them nothing but pain and suffering judging by how the most prominent Ndn female characters, Leah and Emily, are treated within the narrative.... hmm, interesting...
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gritsandbrits · 7 days
Its been 5 years since the Twilight Renaissance and I think I made my stance clear. Video by Ali Nahdee.
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mccall-fam-on-crack · 2 months
I just realized that the largest residential boarding school was named Carlisle. So not only does SM have a confederate soldier as a main character but named another after a school that has brought nothing but pain in every way to thousands of people, ranging from the students that attend, to their parents and their children, and to every one of their bloodlines later generations. And to have a real tribe in her books that she used to her advantage. She didn't ask, she didn't respect them in any way, all for money and fame.
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saccharinerose · 2 years
SJM fae are to fae what Twilight vampires are to vampires
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apostatement · 1 year
Twilight is real bad for the exploitation of indigenous peoples, the absolute mormon style racism of immortality whitening skin, the blatant purity culture, the anti abortion narrative, and we can acknowledge all that while at the same time remembering Carlisle as an extremely fascinating vampire character and also a DILF 
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ebster777 · 6 days
I don't think I've ever gotten into the depths of Leah Clear waters disrespect but now that I have.... I feel a way about it.
The racism in Twilight is crazy
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kaoruko-han · 1 year
If you want to know why any romance novels with an abusive love interest ever become popular just look in what character the self insert shipper change their fave
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darkcrowprincess · 8 months
Controversial Opinion:
there are zero benefits to being a twilight Vampire. You can't sleep or eat anymore. Not even to mix blood with anything because food automatically tastes like ash. The only way to avoid killing humans is to eat animals. And it still sucks because it will never fully satisfy you. Your always a hair trigger away from killing someone because the blood thirst is that bad. You can't fly or turn into a bat. Which is one of my favorite things about vampires the flying and the turning into cute bats.
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The only things that can kill you is this tribe in Forks that can turn into big wolves or the vampire mafia ripping you to pieces and burning the remains. If you live near said tribe in Forks you end up ruining their lives because your very presence activates their wolf defense mechanism. You look like an idiot in the sunlight and sparkle like a disco ball. You have to constantly be careful of your strength because you can easily kill something with a flick of your finger. When your not hunting for blood your constantly either bored or having to pretend to be a high school kid forever? And you can only have sex with other vampires because you can easily kill humans. Like what benefits do you get from being a vampire forever? Being an immortal cold mannequin were your family dies in front of you, and your stuck with the most boring toxic person forever? No thank you.
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Stephanie Meyer just sucked out all the gothic emo tim burton fun things about being a vampire and I won't have it. Thank you Smeyer for forever adding your sucky ideas to Vampire lore. 🧛‍♂️
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(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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"I've stalked you to protect you against your consent".
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macgyvertape · 1 year
My roommate and I got super trashed last night and watched Twilight Breaking Dawn part 1, really just to snark on the wedding and other twilight style weddings on youtube.
Anyway In the midst of a lot of cringey wedding toasts Bella's dad gets up and says "Edward will be a good husband. I know this because I'm a cop and I know things" to which I burst out laughing because of how unintentionally ironic it is.
Like Edward's a shitty romantic partner so of course a cop would think he'd be a good husband (look up 40% cops to learn more)!
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gameguy20100 · 2 years
You know I joked that Feligami is Kagami’s twilight phase. But the parallels are ridiculous. 
Edward stalks Bella and watches her sleep. Felix stalks Kagami and kidnaps her.
Edward is constantly saying how much he wants to kill her. Felix only lets Kagami live because she’s a senti.
Edward has a very unhealthy advantage in power over Bella because he’s a vampire. Because he has the peacock, Felix can snap Kagami away whenever he likes and Kagami is powerless to protect herself.
Edward badmouths and abuses Jacob because he’s Bella’s friend. Felix does the same to Marinette and Adrien. 
Yet we’re supposed to see their actions as romantic, not deeply creepy and misogynistic. 
Did they hire Stephanie Myer? 
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devotedgossamerreader · 8 months
i was today years old when i learned that the twilight movies effectively erased the true history of victims of nazi fascism by REPURPOSING a celebration of their liberation at the end of WWII into a vampire thing for Edward to try and romeo and juliet himself
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fuzzychildchopshop · 3 months
Fruits Basket > Twilight Saga
sorry not sorry
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