#Anti-trans Movement
gwydionmisha · 5 months
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nerdykeith · 8 months
Honestly what this Museum did my omitting a description of a piece describing LGB as an anti-trans movement was sheer cowardice. Of course they are transphobic. Why even drop the T from the acronym? Look at the kinds of public figures that support their message.
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kiawritesstuff · 2 months
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Sick! I feel sick. Please, all the women out there, I am begging you to stop sleeping with XY Chromosomes. Males don't see us as humans; they are not making love to you; they just want to dominate you, force you, and brag about it to their male friends because they see us as a sex toy that needs to be broken and bragged about. Females, separate yourselves from these demons. How many examples are needed to see that males are not capable of love? They say we are submissive, but they have to continue demeaning us.If submission was our nature, they wouldn't need to always force it upon us. In reality, all males crave validation from other males; they don't love us or even like us because they are in love with their fellow males. That's why they protect the abusers, the rapists, and monsters like the man mentioned above. They like to hype those men because they crave to be like them. Like demons!
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unscryptedscribbles · 8 months
Posting this on main in hopes someone sees this and spreads the word, because I think it's important.
I just got an ad on Youtube, for what seems like a legitimate documentary, published by Epoch TV. It's a docudrama.
The ad topic? "Transgenderism". The trailer for this documentary presents the "Transgender Movement" as an agenda created by social media, corporations, the government, social media, etc. as a means to create a division between Parents and their Children.
This advertisement, EXPLICITLY says that. It says "They're turning our children against us [parents]". It says "'You should let your child transition. Or else their chance of suicide increases.' Therapists are trained to say that."
This so-called truth-revealing documentary presents the "Transgender Movement" as a war against Parents. It is FEAR MONGERING and MISINFORMATION. It is TRANSPHOBIA.
It's blatant lies if you're educated enough about trans people. It's not blatant lies if you're uneducated about trans people. It's an advertisement directed at anyone who isn't educated about trans people, who don't have the time, or energy, or education to look up real research studies.
It's an ADVERTISEMENT, directed at PARENTS. On YouTube. YOUTUBE. This is an advertisement I got on a video that was an anime song quiz. Anyone can get this ad.
Really YouTube? You're going to force everyone to stop using adblock, and then play this shit? This passed your advertisement standards?
This is what the website looks like. There is an embedded trailer if you scroll down.
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Beneath the trailer, there are 14 featured guests. Most of them are labeled as anti-trans activists or "investigating the roots of the transgender movement", or something similar, on a quick google search. They have "patriotic", conservative, and/or religious beliefs.
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Beneath that, there are three reviews.
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All three of these reviewers are in the movie. And profiting from the movie.
Pamela Garfield is a known anti-vaccination, anti-trans activist. More information can be found at this link.
Walt Heyer is a detransitioner. I do not know much about him other than the fact that he is also an anti-trans activist. More information can be found at this link.
I'm fucking pissed about this. There is already a lack of media literacy. There is already a lack of critical thinking skills, fact checking, etc.. There is already enough hate towards trans people.
It should be ILLEGAL to present your propaganda as fact and scientific research. It should be ILLEGAL to intentionally spread misinformation, advertised not only as "the real truth" , but also using it as a means to make money. It costs you $5 to watch the documentary. That is evil, preying on people who are uneducated or who won't google a researched statistic, and then manipulating them to parrot your beliefs.
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stackslip · 2 months
can't stress how much of a reactionary force psychoanalysts are especially in france lol
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magpiesbones · 7 months
like!! The thing that gets all of them out is Jeha’s refusal to see chaerin as a romantic object. The insistence that chaerin and huisu are NOT in fact interchangeable even if they’re in the same body/running the same story because. Fundamentally. They are different people. And ALSO because. You cannot love an object like a person. And a fictional character can never be anything but an object.
but also! The way it acknowledges that not only is it fucked up to be put in a romance story and then forced to play along for a happy ending (I can and am making allegorical comparisons to real life here) it’s also. Fucked up to have the person you were in love with replaced with someone who is not the same amount of real person as you and ALSO completely dependent on you for their happiness.
hm the! Interconnectedness of misogyny and amatonormativity and the insistence that women can be and are social currency (if you have read Ace by Angela Chen: chapter five and the deconstruction of performative sexuality wrt male gender roles and incel culture DOES apply here!) as well as the idea that you can ‘win’ life by achieving a heterosexual marriage (your romantic life is also social currency) and the way that that concept is so carefully thematically decimated.
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mywingsareonwheels · 1 month
UK politics, a summary:-
The Tories: [massively fuck up the country]
The Tories: Oh no, it wasn't us! It was the Muslims/refugees/trans people/disabled people!!
(I mean, they're doing this right now but I was born in 1978 and they've been doing similar things since way before I was born.)
(The Labour leadership of course also have tendencies in this direction these days; blessedly they have what the Tories do not, in the form of some backbenchers who are actually pretty great. Speaking as a Scottish Greens member who finds the whole UK set-up totally a mess, but also likes giving credit where it's due. *tips hat to Nadia Whittombe, Bell Ribeiro-Addy etc*)
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catgirltoes · 2 months
Also I hate how there's so little feminist consciousness in the zeitgeist nowadays. Like for the mostpart people have a vague awareness that 'sexism bad' but there's so little ability to actually identify when things are sexist and why. There's so little recognition that misogyny is a genuine force of oppression. And what feminist consciousness does exist is utterly impotent, regardless of the form it takes.
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phrogarmyinvasion · 2 months
The other day I was talking with my dad about institutions and politicians, how shitty they are, all of that. Prior to that conversation, i had finished watching the Quiet On Set Docuseries, and my mom had started watching Scoop, a biopic about the BBC team that managed to get Prince Andrew to slip up about his pedophilia on national television. Now, in my conversation with my dad, I mentioned that, given the rise in media like this, I feel as though we are all headed towards another MeToo movement, or at the very least an adjacent one.
This is where my dad said something that truly resonated with me. He told me that the problem with movements is that they aren't sustained. That's why we have so many movements that surge throughout the years, and they hardly ever amount to anything in the long run. Think about it. We see a surge in protests every so often, but governments do nothing other than make a few speeches, or, if they're really under pressure, pass a quick, tiny bill.
What we need instead is a revolution. And not just for one movement. We need a revolution that covers all the bases. I'm talking ableism, sexism, racism, queerphobia, classism, and all the rest of the bigotries. We need a revolution to end all movements, to combine people and groups and to learn of and from one another, to be patient and kind and to work together. We need a revolution to remake the system that has beaten everyone down. And given everything that's happening in the world right now? I think we're very well on our way towards that. Because we need it. We need a change. Not just a small one. We need a complete and total 180.
Fuck the system. If the time comes for a revolution, I'll be there.
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sn0wbat · 1 year
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stumbled across this rly old doodle from 2019 and had the sudden urge to redraw for some reason. i think i've improved since then haha
anyway, trans rights!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
(good lord we need em so badly)
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madmaxxing · 8 months
I would love to live in more boring times ngl im rly tired of all that is going on
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libertarianneko · 2 years
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feminismnightmares · 2 years
I got a secret:
You cannot be transgender if you do not experience gender dysphoria.
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z0mbiechylde · 1 year
My concerns with the LGBTQ community.
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apologynics · 4 months
I’m supremely disappointed by how many TERFs/radfem-adjacent people prominent in the media have quickly aligned themselves with the right… the left has its problems, but the solution is to fix them, not to leave entirely.
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lesbianchemicalplant · 10 months
it's easy to forget since other forms of insufferable conservatives have more or less eclipsed them (even in the niche of online trans stuff specifically, you're more likely to encounter e.g. outright Transmasc TERFs), but there really are transmed discourse bloggers from 2015 who are actively still 100% Like That
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