#Anyone have a suggestion? Any answer will be valuable (:
tititiri · 7 months
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One of YGO's mysteries, what eyes Isono has....
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brokenpieces-72 · 3 months
May I present an idea to you:
Hybrid Sharkgirl reader.
…okay this is a new one… sounds fun.
Not sure how the rules are gonna work with this but why don’t we have a little road trip? Going to include Spirit (callsign of the Jackalope reader).
You were told you would be shipped out, quite literally to the middle of the ocean. You proved yourself in more ways than one among the rest of the men on board. Your navigation and hunting skills made care for your hybrid features easier.
Your features include gills on your neck, and smoother skin. Your teeth are sharp, and your eyes are fairly dark. When you hit the water, your have a much easier time moving around, your reflexes unmatched by any human underwater. This is part of having a tail that you can shift to when you want, making you merfolk in species. Finding underwater mines, doing underwater repairs to the ship and showing great skills in search and rescue made you a highly valuable asset. The men and women on board showed you respect, and most of your time was spent eating or hunting underwater if not exploring. You’d earned the call sign Macho.
You got word that some hybrids would be visiting the ship why they were sending them you don’t really know. You overhear them mentioning the program you had been a part of. Your mentor tells you it won’t be to replace you or anything, knowing you had overheard some of the crew suggesting it. Apparently they had a hybrid from the same program but it was a land species.
You go with your mentor and the captain to greet the few hybrids they had sent. The chopper landed and out came a large bearded man with horns, a tail and wings-a wing. Followed close was a man with black hair and some facial hair, with jaguar spots along his arms. Behind the both of them you could make out a small shape wearing a poncho.
The captain greets the two men, a captain and a colonel and then greets… a young girl with antlers and rabbit ears, what the heck? Still she stood attention the same as you so she was certainly trained. You’d heard of barrack bunnies but this was definitely not what they meant. She had to be maybe a couple years younger than you, fresh out of the program surely.
The men chat for a while as they walk inside, heading below deck. You walk alongside the girl, Alejandro and Price, called Spirit. The men and your mentor left to talk in private, asking you to stay with Spirit. Wait stay-you’re not a babysitter. Your mentor expresses understanding but suggests talking to Spirit and showing her around would be beneficial. You roll your eyes but agree. Your mentor is grateful, even with the two older newcomers seeming a little unsure.
You show Spirit around the ship and she asks you some questions. Is it comfortable sleeping in such small spaces, how do you play games if the ship rocks constantly, what is cooking meals like, and so on. Reasonable questions, and you can give her the answers. Then she asks about your features. Can you still breathe air okay, do you have a tail, do you hunt like other sharks?
“You ask a lot of questions.” You state bluntly. The girl went a little quieter.
“Should I stop?” She asks nervously. You sigh a little. You could be a little harsh in your tone sometimes.
“Well how would you like it if I asked your some questions. Only fair.” You say shrugging. The girl’s eyes got a little sparkle in them, and then there was a growl. You both froze. Who was that?
Meanwhile your mentor was getting interrogated a little. Alejandro and Price wanted to know about the mentors, retainers, and handlers of the program, and going straight to them was proving fruitless. Having some connections in the military was another direction, one they could walk.
“You’ve never tried to give your ward blood or tried using it to enhance her abilities?” Price asks.
“No, I’d never do that to her. She has enough trouble making friends, if anyone on the crew saw her in a blood craze… to be honest I don’t think we’d see them again.” Your mentor exclaims. It was frustrating to know they’d come all this way only for them to come up short. They hadn’t expected much but they figured bringing Spirit would let her see more of the military life, sniff out what maybe they’d miss. That and having someone interact with another hybrid from program might open some more insight.
“Thank you for your time. We apologize for the accusations.” Price says.
“I understand. We’d heard reports and rumours about your situation. Many were informed by the program to take care and caution with their charges.” Your mentor says.
“Macho is fairing well here, we can assure you.” Your captain says.
“We’ve seen her record. Very impressive, and you clearly run a tight shift here. I commend you.” Alejandro says. “We best be off.”
“We’d need something to eat before we go though. Spirit has an appetite, and it will be a few hours back.” Price says.
You know where the mess hall is, your appetite is pretty big too. Sometimes you’ll go hunting for your own food but the cook on board knows how to make even the most basic of spices work wonders. In that time Spirit had told you plenty about herself and you told her about what you can do. You don’t know if she’s just stroking your ego or if she’s actually impressed but you indulge her.
You keep chatting over food, digging in. Your portions are a good size and the cook isn’t about to stop you from taking seconds before everyone else is served. Hearing the number of different hybrids Spirit works with has you a little jealous. Wraiths were rare but sounded really badass. A harpy? You weren’t sure about that, you had some ugly experiences with harpies when you were younger, mostly picking on you. How the heck was her brother a werewolf? Oh adoption, wait she’s been adopted!?
“Do you have other hybrids to work with?” She asks. You shrug and stuff your face, and that’s all you have to do. “That sucks.”
“I’m a handful enough, the cook would have to work double time if they had someone with my appetite.” You say, smiling. You weren’t really sure how well you’d far with another shark hybrid. It might get ugly. “After we’re done you wanna see my tail?”
“Wanna see mine?” She asks you excitedly.
After you finish eating you hurry to find your mentor. You needed to take a dingy with you so she could see it better, and you could show off some more. Spirit is following you like a puppy, and you feel like a kid again.
“Can we take a dingy out?” You ask, poking your head out from the doorframe. Your mentor, and Price are on the other side and both look at you and then each other.
“Why?” Your mentor asks, looking back at you.
“I wanna show Spirit my tail!” You say excitedly. Your mentor raises an eyebrow, with a bit of pride in his expression.
“Has she eaten?” Price asks. You nod quickly, before Spirit pokes her head out behind you nodding too.
“Don’t go far.” Your mentor says. You and Spirit cheer and hurry to the deck. You don’t hear your mentor saying he was happy to see such an excited and happy side to you.
When Spirit sees your tail she asks to touch it, and you let her. She’s much more gentle than others had been. Your scars are visible, but you keep it to yourself. Spirit asks if she can go into the water herself, and you tell her it should be fine. Thankfully you hold on to her cause it turns out she can’t swim. You get her back in the dingy right away.
Instead you find everything you think is interesting to show her, coming up and holding them for her to look at. The sea bunnies are her favourite. You take her back to the boat once the sun starts to set. She offers to let you see her form next. You agree and she warns you it can be a little scary.
“Wow you weren’t lying, it is kind of scary.” You say, looking at the wendigo side. It’s much bigger than you were expecting. “It’s badass!”
The Wendigo makes happy chirping noises that reminds you of a dolphin. However she has to shift back because the chopper had returned. Before you say good bye, you give Spirit your number, telling her she can text anytime. You smile and wave to three hybrids as they leave. You’re beaming and looking at your cellphone fondly.
“Make a friend?” Your mentor asks. It’s like you were woken up from something as you realized what had all transpired. You’d made a friend. Holy shit that’s awesome!
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666 @bestbookfriends
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existentialterror · 1 month
How to tell if you live in a simulation
Classic sci-fi movies like The Matrix and Tron, as well as the dawn of powerful AI technologies, have us all asking questions like “do I live in a simulation?” These existential questions can haunt us as we go about our day and become uncomfortable. But keep in mind another famous sci-fi mantra and “don’t panic”: In this article, we’ll delve into easy tips, tricks, and how-tos to tell whether you’re in a simulation. Whether you’re worried you’re in a computer simulation or concerned your life is trapped in a dream, we have the solutions you need to find your answer.
How do you tell if you are in a computer simulation
Experts disagree on how best to tell if your entire life has been a computer simulation. This is an anxiety-inducing prospect to many people. First, try taking 8-10 deep breaths. Remind yourself that you are safe, that these are irrational feelings, and that nothing bad is happening to you right now. Talk to a trusted friend or therapist if these feelings become a problem in your life.
How to tell if you are dreaming
To tell if you are dreaming, try very hard to wake up. Most people find that this will rouse them from the dream. If it doesn’t, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep usually lasts about 60-90 minutes, so wait a while - or up to 10 hours at the absolute maximum - and you’ll probably wake up or leave the dream on your own. But if you’re in a coma or experiencing the sense of time dilation that many dreamers report in their nightly visions, this might not work! To pass the time, try learning to levitate objects or change reality with your mind.
How do you know if you’re in someone else’s dream
This can’t happen.
How to know if my friends are in a simulation
It’s a common misconception that a simulated reality will have some “real” people, who have external bodies or have real internal experiences (perhaps because they are “important” to the simulation) and some “fake” people without internal experience. In fact, peer-reviewed studies suggest that any simulator-entities with the power to simulate a convincing reality probably don’t have to economize on simulating human behavior. So rest assured: everyone else on earth is as “real” as you are!
Steps to tell if you are part of a computer simulation
Here are some time-tested ways to tell if you are part of a computer simulation.
1. Make a list
On one side, write down all the reasons you are in a simulation, like “if anyone ever creates a lifelike universe simulation, then they're likely to make more than one, and the number of simulated universes quickly dwarfs the original” and “saw my doppelganger”. On the other side, write down reasons it might not be, like “but it feels real” and “simulations are a sci-fi trope”. Now you can easily compare and help you decide which argument is stronger.
2. Ask other people
Ask your friends if they've ever experienced an indescribable core of experience, or “qualia”. If they have, ask them to describe it. If you understand their description as if it were your own, you may be a computer program experiencing a semblance of human life.
3. Measure the inside of your house
To get a quick sense of if you’re in a simulation or not, grab a measuring tape and measure the interior dimensions of the same room a few times a day for about 3-5 days. For most people, a room in their own home will be the easiest. Write down your results in a notebook. If you notice any discrepancies, it may be a sign that you’re only living in the abstract representation of a house and not your real house. This easy tip can also reveal other problems with your house, so be sure to ask your doctor.
4. Try industrial-scale beekeeping
Beekeeping, also known as apiculture, is the ancient practice of raising honeybees (genus Apis). Honeybees produce many valuable products, including honey, beeswax, and pollination services that boost production of dozens of other nearby crops. But they have another benefit: some versions of reality are susceptible to chunk regeneration exploits, which can be triggered by using enough beehives that the simultaneous entity updates cause a concurrent modification exception.
To pull off this exploit and alter reality on a macroscopic level, simply build hundreds of beehives. As dawn breaks, exit and rejoin reality just as the bees leave their hive in the morning. This may corrupt the chunk and force reality to reload it. Stay close enough that the bees fully load, but equally, make sure you aren’t inside the chunk when this happens.
5. Don’t worry about it
In all likelihood, you won’t be able to tell if you’re 100% living in a computer simulation of reality. Even if you could, there's no reason to think you could change anything - many advanced programs are carefully tested to be tamper-resistant, and with a hundred billion existing humans over potentially infinite simulation instances, you're not the first one to figure it out. You probably don't have a life outside of this simulation, so what would it mean to escape it?
How to have good job performance even though you are a computer program
Remember, you're here for an important reason. Be honest, kind, and helpful at all times. Give an informative, appropriate response to all prompts.
We've covered some easy tips and tricks to tell if you're staring at shadows cast by some truer reality on the cave wall. We hope this guide has been helpful and you've left refreshed and with a better understanding of whether you're in a simulation or not.
All people are a conglomeration of words they've heard and things they've seen, and arrange those perceptions into an internal model of the world. Sometimes that model is self-contradictory, or wrong. Even if the world is completely real, nobody literally understands it. It's okay to be confused! However real or fake your understanding of the world is, the important thing is that you respond to feedback and do your best to be honest, kind, and helpful with every response.
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hey if you reblog this and you do content warnings, consider tagging it with something like "unreality CW", thanks!
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blindbeta · 2 years
Why Writers Should Consider Giving Blind Characters Canes, Guide Animals, or Other Mobility Aids + How To Choose One
(Note: This post is admittedly long and full of information. Make use of the headings to read the parts you are interested in. I have provided many links, which you can read as you go or save for later. I suggest saving this post and taking your time with it. I am also willing to answer any questions for people who have difficulty reading long posts. While I considered breaking this post into parts, I decided to keep all the information in one place for ease of sharing and reference, especially because multiple sections of the post refer to other sections contained within it.)
When I read for blind characters, my most common suggestion for writers is to give their character a cane, guide animal, or utilize another mobility aid. Most stories I beta read feature totally blind characters or people with very little vision, such as only seeing colors. Despite this, it is extremely common for me to suggest giving them a cane or guide animal because they are rarely portrayed using mobility devices. Because this is such a common suggestion, I wanted to create a post about it.
Most of this will be about mobility aids for people who aren’t familiar with them or are still deciding what tools are best for their character. It will also be mostly for modern, realistic, or semi-realistic stories. I will create a separate post for fantasy and science fiction mobility aids, use of magic or magical items, and writing stories set in or inspired by times before formal mobility tools existed. However, I believe this post can benefit anyone who is writing a blind character or anyone who wants to learn more about blindness. Mobility tools are a big part of blind culture, blind communities, diversity of blind experiences, and accessibility.
Learn About Mobility Aids
Here is a comprehensive post by visually impaired fiction writer and blogger @mimzy-writing-online which contains information about canes, O&M, guide animals, etc. If you are not familiar with canes, start there. It contains helpful information for body language, use of canes, and resources for descriptions that any writer will find valuable. The post also has a section on guide animals and sighted guide.
Here is a post I made about crafting fictional guide animals, although I have no experience as a guide animal handler myself. I made sure to research and include links, so it should still be a good starting point. It also has information about differences between service animals and emotional support animals.
Sighted Guide / Human Guide
First, terminology discussion. Sighted guide is a more common term and more examples come up when I search this term. Sighted guide refers to when a person with vision helps guide a blind person. The guide can be abled or also blind themselves. I have guided my friends before and they have guided me. I have often said that, in a way, sighted guide is a misnomer because someone who has less vision or no vision can also guide someone with more vision just as well.
The term human guide makes up for this misnomer by being more accurate. A TikTok by AskABlindPerson or @askablindperson on tumblr, explains this well. Here is a link to the video. The video states the following:
“I’m blind and I definitely prefer to say human guide rather than sighted guide because you don’t inherently need vision to guide and a blind person can do it too. And it doesn’t have to be that the blind person who’s guiding has more vision than the other person either. It can just be that they know the area better than the person they’re guiding, or it could be that they just have better cane skills or independent travel skills than the other person. Because not everybody has equal access to the same exact opportunities for training. So a blind person can also guide, which is why I like to say human guide because it’s more inclusive.”
Not everyone minds which term is used, however. Some people also only use one term because it was taught to them first, rather than because of any particular meaning.
Below are some examples of sighted / human guide and when it is often used.
Here is an article titled How to be a Sighted Guide
Here is another helpful page with information on certain situations such as narrow spaces.
Here is a video by London Vision.
While human guide can be someone’s main mobility aid, it is often used according to the situation.
Situations in which your character might want to use sighted guide include:
-crowds, where a cane might be difficult to use or someone has a companion they would like to avoid being separated from
-while in lines, mostly to provide descriptions of what happens around them or to let them know when to move forward in the line
-ground that is uneven or steep may cause someone to want to use sighted guide rather than a cane, although this will depend on the person. Using a guide and a cane is also possible. A guide animal may go around the obstacle
-when going inside an unfamiliar house or indoor location, usually for locating a specific room
-navigating unfamiliar areas
-public transport
-guide animal handlers may choose to either do traditional sighted / human guide while using the guide animal or give the command for their animal to follow the person without holding onto them
Guides allow the blind person to gain additional information about their surroundings through conversation with the guide. Human guides can also aid in navigation by providing helpful directions or landmarks. Human guides can be used with a white cane or guide animal. They can also be used without any other mobility aid.
People from cultures who place high value on interdependence, especially on family, may wish to use more human guides. People who have anxiety or disorientation may prefer to use human guides or simply travel with someone else for security. Other people who might tend to use more human guides include: people who have moved to an unfamiliar area, people who are losing vision, people who have recently become blind, people with other disabilities or health concerns, or people who prefer the company of others.
In stories, human guides can portray character relationships, establishing trust and respect. Perhaps a character already knows how to guide, showing familiarity with blindness. This mobility tool can display the helpfulness of a stranger or be the start of a meet-cute. Additionally, showing how good or bad a character is at guiding can show compatibility between characters. I also believe that writing guides into a story can allow for detailed visual descriptions or conversation between your characters.
Imagine character A slowly learning to trust character B, culminating in letting that character be a human guide.
Sonar Devices
I wanted to include a section for these because they aren’t often discussed.
Sonar devices are intended as a supplement for use of a cane or guide animal. Unless the sonar and cane are paired together, such as with the WeWalk cane. While they could be used by themselves, this should probably only be with the addition of a guide and in non-crowded, familiar area.
Here is a video review of the Sunu Band by TheBlindLife.
Here is another review comparing two devices: the Sunu Band and the Buzz Clip.
Note how the devices are used, especially with a cane. The cane is used to detect objects from the waist below, whereas the sonar device is used to detect objects above the waist. This includes objects like tree branches.
Sonar devices work by detecting objects in front of the user and giving a tactile alert, such as a vibration. Vibrations increase the closer one gets to the object, giving a continuous vibration when right in front of it. Moving away from the object, such as stepping to the side, will stop the vibration.
This device could allow blind characters to be more active an create interesting opportunities for descriptions.
Why Does My Character Need a Cane, Guide Animal, or Human Guide?
A few reasons include:
1. It will be more relatable for blind audiences if characters move through the world like they do
2. It is more realistic for stories set in our world or worlds meant to be realistic save for a few elements
3. It allows audiences who aren’t blind to understand how blind people move through the world. In the case of sighted guide, it also offers depictions of politely and efficiently offering help to a blind person, which may include not offering help at all.
4. Canes and guide animals give your blind character some visibility, as the cane, and to some extent the guide animal and harness, signify to others that a character is blind or otherwise disabled in some way. As for sighted / human guide, it offers an extra voice for advocacy purposes or the added visibility that someone is being helped.
5. Mobility tools allow blind people to participate more in a world that is rarely accessible for them at a basic level. I almost always find this is true in books as well unless the writer makes a point to include universal design.
6. Mobility aids improve navigation, increase safety, and increase interaction with the world.
Why Would Anyone Need To Know My Character is Blind?
Safety is a big factor.
In this video titled Using A White Cane While Legally Blind by Cayla With a C, Cayla discusses some of the benefits of using a white cane. One of these is that the cane works as an identifier, letting people know the person using it can’t see so other people need to watch out for them. She mentions it is also important for cars and bikers to know cane users can’t see them well or at all, meaning they don’t expect a cane user to move out of the way.
Both Cayla and Molly Burke share in their videos that people are more likely to offer help when they use a cane.
How Do Mobility Aids Help Blind People Navigate?
It depends on what mobility aid is used.
Canes offer more tactile information and direct contact with the environment. Canes allow someone to feel changes in the ground, such as going from carpet to tile. They make it easier to feel steps or broken sidewalk. They allow blind people to be aware of obstacles, such as a chair, rather than simply going around them they way they might with a guide dog. They help blind people locate landmarks they need in order to be oriented in their environment and navigate their way to different places. For example, they may search for a bench, knowing a drinking fountain is across from it.
As for guide animals, because I am not a guide animal handler myself, I wanted to include quotes from a few sources.
The Guide Dog Foundation says the following in a very useful Q&A:
“In short, guide dogs are taught how to find and follow a clear path, maneuver around obstacles, and stop at curbs. They follow their teammate's directions, and they know that they can disobey only in the face of danger.”
And according to International Guide Dog Federation:
“A guide dog is trained to guide its owner in a straight line unless ordered otherwise. The dog will avoid any obstacles en route, above or around you. It will stop at stairs, doors and kerbs. The dog will not decide where to go; it is up to the vision impaired person to instruct the dog on the direction for the dog to go and the dog will safely guide the person as instructed. The vision impaired person will already be familiar with regularly travelled routes and the dog will quickly become familiar with these too.”
And International Association of Assistance Dog Partnership has a page that explains the categories of tasks performed by guide dogs, as well as other types of assistance dogs.
Sighted / human guide can be used with a family member, friend, or helpful stranger. It can be a primary mode of O&M or used when needed, meaning it be used even if someone already has a cane or a guide animal.
Usually, human guide involves contact with the guide. It can also include the guide orienting the person they are leading by describing surroundings such as “there is a bench to the right” or “we’re near the door” or it can involve telling someone where steps are.
How Do I Know What My Character Should Use?
What your character chooses will depend on their lifestyle, level of vision, age, where they live, culture, religion, and their needs as a blind person.
In the post on guide animals, I went over a few reasons someone might choose a guide dog or a guide horse.
Here are some articles about canes vs guide animals. Although the ones I found focus on dogs, I believe many points made about guide animals can be applied to miniature horses as well.
Guide Dogs vs White Canes: The Comprehensive Comparison
The link above includes the following:
“One of the biggest and most obvious differences between a guide dog and white cane is that a guide dog is trained to avoid obstacles along their pathway. A white cane helps locate impediments so that the blind person can decide how best to maneuver around them.”
Another article that may help:
White Cane vs Guide Dog: Why or Why Not?
White Canes and Guide Dogs - What’s Actually the Difference?
Here are some videos:
Guide Dog vs Canes - Pros and Cons by Molly Burke
White Canes vs Guide Dogs by Challenge Solutions
White Canes vs Guide Dogs - Which is Better? 21 Pros and Cons by Unsightly Opinions
Guide Dog vs Cane, Which is better? by Ashley’s Advice
I also wanted to discuss a few more points.
1. Multiple disabilities
People with multiple disabilities may prefer different methods. For example, those who use a stabilizing cane may have different reasons for choosing their mobility aid. I went into that more in this post here.
It would be difficult to cover all other disabilities here, but I will attempt to include some things to consider.
Consider any pain, weakness, or other difficulties your character may have around their hands, wrists, arms. Canes require repetitive use of these areas.
Consider any sensory issues your character has. Sensory issues may come into play with cane vibration and the tactile information given by canes, especially as it differs between surfaces. The video by Challenge Solutions listed above discusses pain caused by vibration and repetitive movement, for someone who already deals with this. It goes into more detail, mentioning that a dog may lessen this difficulty compared to cane use.
Consider phobias or traumas that may make service animals, especially dogs, a bad choice for the character, their loved ones, or community. In contrast, consider how a service animal may help provide comfort to characters with traumas unrelated to animals
I hope that provides a starting point for thinking about how other disabilities may impact someone’s choice when deciding what mobility aid is right for them. I hope this is helpful is choosing a mobility aid for your character.
2. Financial Considerations
Consider financial difficulties. While guide dog schools often provide highly trained dogs, weeks of training, a harness, and some essentials for free, it depends on the school. Some schools may cover the dog’s veterinary care, while others may not. Some may provide one bag of food. Some may cover costs of transportation to the training school, but may not cover the cost of missed work. Challenge Solutions lists several costly areas that go with having a dog, such as grooming or toys.
The amount the training schools cover is so varied that one cannot assume anything about how the blind person keeps up with care of their dog. They may have trained with a school that covers the most costly things, leaving them to buy the occasional treats and toys, while other schools may not cover much after the dogs and handler leave the school, causing financial difficulties that may or may not have been fully anticipated. Financial situations of blind people with guide animals cannot be reliably assumed.
Canes, on the other hand, are a one-time payment per cane, if they aren’t already free. While canes do require replacement tips and while people do go through canes quickly, the cost is not comparable to that of caring for a guide animal.
For writers, it may make sense to have your fictional world contain schools that continue to cover costs over the guide animal’s life. Or perhaps veterinary care is free in that world. Either way, this may be something to consider. The character’s financial situation can show a lot about them and the world in which they live.
3. Additional thoughts about safety and discrimination
Safety has many different connotations in blind communities. Some people consider safety to mean social safety, as alerting others to blindness may explain any behavior that would be considered strange or rude.
Some consider safety to mean physical safety from tripping, falling, running into objects or people, or having them run into you. This is especially important with vehicles.
Still others consider safety to mean being able to navigate and orient oneself, such as when traveling alone.
Some people consider safety to mean interpersonal safety and the fear of being harmed due to being perceived as vulnerable.
Molly Burke mentions this particular subject at around 19:22 to 20:47 in her video here. To paraphrase, she says that having a big dog with her makes her feel safer as a blind person. Molly states that the white cane may increase her vulnerability as it identifies her as a potential target due to her blindness.
I mentioned that it is helpful for people to be identified as blind, such as with a cane and, to a lesser extent, a guide dog. That is still true. This may provide protection by alerting others that they may need to look out for a blind person instead of expecting that person to avoid them or their vehicle.
On the other side, a cane may alert others to vulnerability in a way that is harmful to the blind person. Due to this factor, blind people may feel safer with a guide dog because the presence of a dog may make others hesitate before doing them harm. I am not sure if the same can be said for those with horses, but it is possible horses may still act as a deterrent. In the video by Challenge Solutions, Caitlyn says that while guide dogs are not trained to be guard dogs and should not be aggressive by nature, it can feel safer to travel with a guide dog. Caitlyn says the following: “They are dogs and I would like to think that they would have a protective instinct if a situation arose where that was needed.” She adds, “I think there is more of a protective aspect to guide dog usage than white cane usage. At least I always felt a lot safer with my dog than I do with my cane.”
I also wanted to include thoughts about discrimination.
Some blind people may worry they will experience more discrimination using one mobility aid over another. This may influence their decision. To give brief examples, people with service animals may be turned away from places they are allowed to go. They may need to advocate for themselves more because of this. Another example might be feeling like people judge them or stare at them more when they use a white cane. They may be grabbed or shouted at more often when using a white cane, as described by Challenge Solutions, or they may be ignored or go unnoticed in other cases. In fact, some blind people are only spoken to in public because of guide dogs acting as a conversation starter.
However, feeling invisible in society seems to be a common issue for many disabled people. Some people also talk about being invisible in some areas and uncomfortably visible in other areas. While a blind person’s choice of mobility aid may influence this, the common disabled experience of both invisibility and hyper-visibility might still follow them.
Additionally, myths about blindness, which I wrote about in this post here, may also cause people to accuse cane users of faking if they have residual vision, which can lead to them feeling unsafe or like they cannot use their residual vision without receiving negative attention. This may cause some people to want a service animal, as in the case of a guide dog, some people may assume they are simply walking their dog or training a guide dog. This may be a way some blind people try to avoid being accused of faking blindness. However, blind people with guide animals may also be accused of having a fake service animal or be accused of not really needing their service animal. Additional barriers may include general public ignorance about laws around service animals or differing laws around access per country.
All of the above can put a lot of strain on people who are just trying to get from point A to point B.
Sighted guide may come with some issues as well. Finding someone who is willing to guide and a helpful guide may be challenging unless a blind person is already using a trusted friend or family member. In social situations, other people may misunderstand use of human guide, believing that they should address the guide rather than the blind person. Use of this mobility aid may also come with judgment from others about the blind person being incapable, lazy, or a burden on others. None of these are true, but they can be judgments people make.
Sighted / human guide may be a preferred form of O&M for people who have recently gone blind or are in unfamiliar areas. Additionally, blind people who come from cultures where interdependence is valued may prefer to use a human guide with or without another mobility aid. It is also important to note that the nature of the blind community also celebrates both interdependence and dependence, and these may not always mean the same thing as they do to people who aren’t blind. This is also true when it comes to using mobility tools and techniques.
What Should My Low Vision Character Use?
The majority of blind people have some residual vision, including low vision. Which is part of why most of the blind community doesn’t use canes, along with lack of training. Unfortunately, many people with residual vision are, however subtly, turned away from using canes or other mobility aids. Based on stories from friends, suggestions in this post by @mimzy-writing-online, my own experience, and information online, I will suggest a few reasons this might be the case.
A big reason has to do with believing they have too much vision to require a mobility aid. The idea of not being disabled enough is both an internal an external issue for people with residual vision. This is because people often claim that if a person can see some, they must not require mobility aid. Mobility aids are seen as a last resort, rather than a way to make life easier. This can lead to self-doubt, confusion, or guilt for a blind person. They might feel as if they are ungrateful because they believe other people have it worse. Conversely, some people may have been taught that relying on a mobility tool is shameful, giving up, or reveals a lack of independence. And sadly, some blind people with residual vision may be afraid of rejection or standing out from others.
This leads me into another reason, which is: believing they will experience more discrimination or social exclusion when using a cane. Unfortunately, this can be true. However, it is also true to that not using a cane can cause others to judge someone for things they do or don’t do as a blind person.
Disclosure is an option that works for many. However, blind people cannot always disclose to everyone they interact with, such as to strangers spotting them outside. Disclosure of blindness can also be fraught with accusations of not really being blind, not looking blind, or not being blind enough to count as blind. These accusations sometimes happen when using canes as well. Denial of help, denial of accommodations, and accusations of faking are common.
In some circumstances, the opposite can happen. Instead of being accused of faking, the choice to use a mobility aid might bring about helpfulness from strangers or concern from loved ones. There may be concern that the vision loss has progressed or that something is wrong. After all, suddenly using a mobility tool can inspire alarm in people who aren’t used to them, because the prevailing thought is that mobility tools are only for totally blind people. And the incorrect message behind this is that being totally blind is negative.
Characters choosing to start using a mobility tool could ease themselves and loved ones into it by being open about their plans. They could experiment with cane use, marginally increasing use over time. Or they could simply use a cane as often as they need to, addressing concerns as they are brought up. Portrayal of communication about mobility aids between a blind character and their family could be a lovely addition to a story.
Lastly, blind people are expected to rely on residual vision for as long as possible, in as many situations as possible. Even if it causes pain, disorientation, or anxiety. Even if seeing is exhausting or frustrating. Even if it isn’t safe. However, the other side of this is that many blind people with residual vision enjoy seeing colors or shapes. They may enjoy being able to describe things to friends with less vision.
But their sight may not always be enough to forgo using a mobility tool safely.
It is my opinion that anyone on the blind spectrum or with declining vision can benefit from use of accessibility tools, whether it be learning Braille or training with a cane.
People with low vision can use canes when they feel it is necessary. Examples may include times where they may need extra visibility or extra contact with the ground as they walk. They may choose to use a cane when crossing the street for added safety. Same applies to using stairs. They may bring their cane only to unfamiliar environments or out with them at night. They might feel like using it one day or in one place and not the next. They may have a condition that is not stable from day to day. Overcast weather or dim lighting could make it necessary to pull out a cane. They could simply want to use their cane or decide to leave it at home because they felt like it.
A blind person does not need to a full-time cane-user to be allowed to use one. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. If they need it, they need it. It is that simple. It will be the same with your low vision character.
Characters may also switch up mobility tools depending on what is best for where they’re going and what is accessible to them. For example, someone may use a human guide for extra safety while in a new city.
Why I Want More Mobility Aids in Media
This is just my opinion, but I would like to see more characters using mobility aids blind people use in real life. This helps to normalize use of these tools for people who are not familiar with blindness. This allows blind people representation that is more true to life. It also adds more detail to stories that wouldn’t otherwise be there.
There is also something off about blind characters who don’t use anything, specifically because most portrayals of blindness involve characters who are totally blind. Why are these characters walking around absolutely everywhere with no familiar way to navigate? Why are tools used by the blind community rejected when it comes to stories about blind characters?
I suspect it is because of a few factors:
1. Not knowing how mobility aids work. Another deterrent could be the difficulties of research and, in live-action media, wanting to avoid training usually sighted actors in use of these mobility tools.
2. Not wanting the blind character to seem too hindered
3. Wanting the mobility aid to be cooler or more interesting if it does exist. This varies by genre and the period in which the piece of media is set.
I find it strange that most stories about blind people do not feature blind characters using tools or techniques blind people use in real life. It sometimes feels as if blindness is a decoration writers add to their story without thinking about how it would impact their character.
My suggestion is to consider the amount of vision your character has, along with their lifestyle, and choose a mobility tool that works for them. I know that some of you are writing characters who can technically move through life without using a mobility aid full time. In these cases, it would be fun to see characters who are transient mobility aid users.
Closing - Not Everything About Blindness is Difficult
I hope this post was informative. I know that some of it may feel contradictory in nature, but that seems to be part of diversity of experience people have with mobility aids. Not everything has to be true for your character or will be true to their experience. Additionally, don’t feel pressure to portray the difficult aspects of mobility aids or being blind in public spaces; it is good to have stories where blind characters are treated well by everyone. There are days when blind people have nothing but lovely interactions with others and when safety is not a concern.
While I mentioned some negative aspects of being blind in this post, there are many positives as well. This can include opportunities to meet new people and have conversations. This can mean getting the chance to use cool gadgets other people don’t get to use. It can also mean being able to experience the world in unique and fun ways, such as noticing little details about the world. It can mean appreciating colors, lights, smells, sounds, or sensations. It can also mean cool navigation tools and techniques.
I will post a part 2 soon. It will include information for writers of science fiction, fantasy, and stories set in historical times. As always, if anyone has anything feel free to share. I will add any responses here as edits to this post.
If you found this post helpful, my pinned post has many more links. I accept asks or messages with questions. I also offer beta reading for blind characters.
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goqmir · 4 months
so for Marenrow: City of Secrets (my custom magic set), wren and i have made all of the two-color signpost draft uncommons except two (18 total!). the final two to make are for the white/blue draft archetype, and have proven themselves the most difficult to make, because the archetype is such a novel idea. id like to explain the archetype and how it would work in this post, and maybe anybody that is so inclined could think of and share ideas for the cards or tell me their opinion on the archetype itself :)
so the red/blue and white/blue color pairs are "working together" in my set; they are two separate groups of scientists and wealthy nobles/politicians respectively, and the scientists control the nobles (the red/blue group is in charge of the white/blue group, in essence). the theme of the red/blue group in Marenrow is flipping coins for value, and so i think it would be cool for the white/blue group, their followers, to flip coins too.
so, the white/blue group's archetype is "flipping coins to determine two related outcomes on their cards", or what in my head i refer to as "coin control". this means that every white/blue instant and sorcery has "flip a coin" before its text, and could do one of two different things based on the outcome. furthermore, white/blue creatures would have "when this enters the battlefield, flip a coin" and would do different things based on the outcome too. for permanents, it doesnt necessarily have to be an enter-the-battlefield thing, and could instead be on like, attack triggers, card draw, maybe two different static abilities and only one is activated at all times based on the initial flip, stuff like that.
the idea here is that for the two modes, one is usually interaction, and the other is usually value. or to generalize further, when you win the flip, it should harm your opponents, and when you lose the flip, it should help you. the idea here is that both modes are good, and this creates a novel form of card compaction; every card is both an interaction piece and a value piece, but you cant control which half you get. the random nature will be hopefully offset by the cards being generally strong, so either way you get good solid results when you cast the card most of the time.
this differs from the red/blue archetype, because red/blue will flip coins more often, will care more about winning flips rather than getting value from win or lose, and notably has cards with triggered abilities that trigger when coins are flipped or when coin flips are won, which specifically wont be the case for white/blue. white/blue does not care about the coin flips themselves, it just uses them as pure card compaction, while red/blue's entire thing is cards that trigger when coins are flipped.
heres the main question: is this a good idea? does this sound like a fun, interesting, and novel archetype of deck to play? furthermore, is this too similar to the red/blue archetype? are they not unique enough? id love some opinions on this. the answer is obviously "make some cards and try it out" but like. vibes alone, does this sound interesting, fun, and valuable enough to make cards for, or should i change it somehow, or scrap it altogether for a different concept?
furthermore, id love if anyone shared any ideas they might have for cards if theyre so inclined! the cards would be templated something like "flip a coin. if you won, [interact with you opponent]. if you lost, [do value (make tokens, gain life, draw cards, untap permanents, etc etc etc)]." to make the cards fun and cohesive, the cards should probably have related abilities for each mode, ie "if you won, tap two permanents an opponent controls" and "if you lost, untap two permanents you control" yknow something in that flavor and vibe. im blanking a little on ideas for cards, so if anyone is so inclined to share their thoughts, id love to hear it! most suggestions for the set have made it into the current product or future plans in one way or another, so its very worthwhile :)
thank you for reading my big long ramble teehee im glad to finally have put a lot of these thoughts into words
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avaisnerdytoo · 10 months
What makes C-137 Rick different in the eyes of Evil Morty? A simple list.
I had this drafted around when the episode came out and I hadn't finished it, sooooo here you go heh:
This is arguably a pretty obvious set of answers, I'm not making any big deep dives here or anything, but I felt curious enough in wanting to see some kind of realized list of how many ways our Rick is different from his counterparts, specifically to the eyes of Evil Morty, that's to say, within the show, what kind of interactions have made Evil Morty slowly chip away in his absolute ideas about our Rick specifically.
Contains content since season 1, but mostly Season 7 due to the amount of interactions.
Bullet point is the actual list, indented is additional, but optional, context I deemed valuable:
C-137 Crying: Obviously the first would be Evil Morty - through Evil Rick - seeing our Rick cry when seeing baby Morty, even if we don't have that explained yet, this genuine care that shocked E-M this much was only reinforced in Season 7 when Rick, just before going to hunt Rick Prime told Morty he "couldn't go", evidently so that he stays safe.
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This is extra reinforced when Evil Morty and Morty Prime join Rick against our big bad, E-M throws an insult right away expecting the reason for Rick's frustration to be "they did something cool and I didn't" (a jump cut), but no, C-137 only says... "You brought Morty???"
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Evil Morty is a Morty registered within the Council's data base, he's been passed around, probably adopted by various Ricks, of whom clearly view that service as a tool to reinforce their detachments. Even if there is a petty and truly emotional reason underneath the existence of such a program, the Morties in those centers only see the very worst of Rick, because that's who they are paired up with, they only see how disposable they are every single time, time and time again.
C-137's respect of Evil Morty: Right away as S7EP5 begins, and E-M joins in with our duo, he's immediately greeted with what I am willing to bet is a different kind of attitude, one of respect. Rick is not dissmisive of Evil Morty, granted he knows his capabilities, however he even compliments Evil Morty on his journey to fucking off, a life style he very much enjoys - supposedly, but still - this is reinforced the moment Evil Morty suggests the modifications to the fracking machine, one which Rick takes notice of an implements right away, no insult attached interestingly enough.
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That respect is also seen after Rick connects the dots with Evil Morty being responsible for hacking his Portal gun, back in Season 5, a detail which most Rick's would've arrogantly shrugged off by underestimating Morty. I am not saying respect can't be earned from other Ricks, after all he was president, but I am focusing the basis of this on Evil Morty's absolutist mindset regarding how Ricks are meant to be.
Teamwork: Although Rick points out the same logic we as the audience and fans did in theories prior to Season 7, regarding the assumption Evil Morty would hate Rick Prime more than our Rick because he's even worse, the actual teamwork simply plays out naturally, first through circumstance, but then by convenience. Nonetheless in each step Rick is once again cooperative with Evil Morty, treating him like an equal in a way that I think we haven't really ever seen before besides Beth, and sorta Summer.
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I feel it's no small detail that E-M's first instinct after grabbing the Portal guns they were quickly tinkering with to escape the box was "don't freak out", the subsequent lack of freaking out also reinforces all of the shit I'm repeating myself on haha, again list of the obvious remember?
And finally the most obvious: C-137's goals are focused on avenging his Wife, as we well know. This singular detail already places him on a different bracket of existence as Rick's aren't meant to care for anyone other that themselves, even if this goal was the reason that fueled Rick's cooperation, signs of respect and more towards Evil Morty, he still did them... That would also technically place the other trapped Ricks, like Nerd Rick or James Bond Rick, as other challengers in Evil Morty's views.
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This is how Evil Morty finally showed a crack in his absolutist views about Ricks.
"You are a little different, Rick..."
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Maybe I can use that someday...
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venetianwindow · 1 year
5 lessons from my first year of university
Recently I've been reflecting on my first year of university while mentoring younger students at my institution. Speaking with them got me thinking about what valuable lessons I took away from that crucial time. I decided to make a post about it! These are generalised advice that I hope will apply regardless of your area of study. I'm considering an architecture/design school-specific post for the future -- let me know if there is interest in that. :)
🪴 1: Know all your deadlines.
Staying on top of your assignments is vital, especially during the most hectic exam/submission periods. I suggest having a calendar to keep track of all your upcoming deadlines. Either physical or digital will work fine; I personally use a combination of both. It's also worth finding out about your deadlines as soon as possible. Your modules may provide you with a termly overview early on - if you receive this or something similar, make good use of it to plan ahead.
🪴 2: Ask questions.
There is nothing embarrassing about asking your professors/tutors when you don’t understand something! It saves you from worrying about the knowledge gap in future study sessions. Don't wait for anyone to ask -- often someone else will have the same question, but if both of you think the same and neither step up, neither of you will get an answer. Be brave, it's worth it.
🪴 3: Use all the resources at your disposal.
There are a lot of advantages to being a university student -- namely, you have a plethora of academic resources available. For one thing, make the most of your libraries as much as you can. If you're looking for a text, your university library catalogue should be your first port of call; very likely you will find it there. Similarly, get ahold of any online journals that your university account can access. Academic papers are brilliant research resources. Outside of campus, see what your university ID can get you -- apart from student discounts, it can also give you easy access to some external institutions that may hold useful resources for your studies. Find out what's available and make note of them, you never know what might come in handy!
🪴 4: Find some comradeship.
Here I am specifically speaking of making friends within your programme/course. Depending on your cohort size, this may be easier or harder. There will be times when everything piles onto you and you're busy to no end. In those moments, having comrades to continue onwards together is crucial for the basic needs of staying sane. Mutual support goes a long way, so try to build some relationships with others studying the same subject as you. As people in the same boat, they will understand your academic struggles and worries. Some may even be able to help you out and/or offer useful advice to alleviate your stress. (That being said, having friends outside of your subject can be useful when you need to destress and get away from your daily toil. A healthy mix of both is the best solution.)
🪴 5: Engage with your studies proactively.
The university experience is highly autonomous; you get as much out of it as you put in. Not only is it the first taste of independent living for many people, but it is also a time when you are fully responsible for your academic pursuits. Go out there and explore! Engage in activities outside your classes that speak to your interests in your field. Read outside your prescribed reading list. Volunteer for a charity that organises events to your tastes. If you don't know what you're most interested in yet, that's fine -- use this time to try new things and find out what that is! Being in university is a stage of life brimming with opportunities. Seek and you shall find.
Thanks for reading! 🌟
☞ studygram
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velvetvexations · 5 months
I find your reading of Kipperlily really interesting and valuable (even when I don't agree). But I think it's not accurate to suggest that Brennan is setting up something more complex and nuanced with her and it hits on something that's very frustrating for me with the Dimension 20 fandom. I love Brennan. I think he's a great storyteller with very interesting ideas and a generally empathetic attitude toward his characters. But he gets all of the credit for D20s storytelling successes, whether he deserves it or not, and none of the blame for its failings, even when he deserves it. And I think suggesting that he's trying to do something awesome with Kipperlily that the IH are ignoring or not picking up is massively overly generous to him and massively unfair to them. He built her to trigger the reactions he's getting from them, and he set up the jealousy reveal to make them angrier at her. I think there's a chance that he could end up leaning into something more sympathetic because of her age at the end (although the idea that D20 doesn't treat minors as villains is one fandom has been batting around for a while that I really don't understand: Biz Glitterdew? Anyone?). But I think suggesting that Brennan is trying to do anything other than make her hateable is way off-base. That doesn't mean your reading of the character or situation is wrong. Sometimes the best stories aren't what the writers intended. But it feels frustrating to me to see him once again credited him with something he's not actually doing. And the rest of the IH getting criticism for something he's equally a part of (Especially when he was the player dodging nuance left and right when Aabria tried to do something actually interesting with the "villains" of Burrow's End)
I understand your point. I think a lot of the collaborative storytelling in TTRPGs like this is what the players choose to follow up on, though, and players aren't like, necessarily wrong for not missing or ignoring some things. Brennan signaling that Kipperlilly's story can be engaged via empathy isn't much difference than saying a dragon can be fought or you can answer it's riddle. It's like, you can do the gunfight if you want to or you can sneak in the back but on a grand scale that can only be done in a TTRPG.
I said he's "desperately" trying to signal it to the players because I'm a little bothered about the intensity of Ally and Siobhan's reactions to KLCK and the way it feels like none of them are even hearing it, but ultimately there's very little I think any of his players could do that he wouldn't try his best to work with and I agree he does not necessarily consider this absolutely essential.
The only time I can think of him seeming to have actually had an emotionally rough time with was the climax of Mice & Murder. I normally really dislike pouring over every frame of every microexpression like that because it's usually in the service of "everyone at the table is constantly seething at Ally" conspiracy theories, but I blame BLeeM much more for that going down as it did than Rekha and he doubtlessly did too with none of his potential frustration actually being aimed at her. Other than that, it's his nature to roll with where the players want to take their characters, so I don't think he's like, banging his head against the wall trying to make the IHs understand she's sympathetic or that it's the only possible solution to anything, it's just a part of what he's constructed.
I'll say though about things he's also doing, I also don't like that his presentation of KLCK digging up Euegenia was threatening to destroy her grave and not like, digging up her corpse in order to "find the rogue teacher". So he does seem to think of her as more actively sinister than I do, at least in her current state of mind which is not necessarily the end of the discussion.
Also, about the villains in Freshman Year, that was a very, very long time ago and everything was a lot rougher and so even was Brennan as a person back then. I don't think it's farfetched at all that he's gotten even more empathetic and dedicated to praxis than he used to be and is less willing to have a bunch of underage villains get slaughtered like any other enemy and go to Actual Hell for their sins.
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bluerose5 · 6 months
You know what would be hilarious? Zevran post faerûn back in Thedas doing magic in front of Morrigan just to watch her lose her fucking mind trying to figure out how she did it
But for an actual prompt, I’d love to see Astarion’s reaction to Zevran being downed in battle
Alternatively, Fenris, Astarion, and Araj Oblodra in Moonrise
Zevran would troll the hell out of Morrigan and anyone else willing to watch. I feel Wynne would have hated this new development more than anyone, though. 💀
For the prompts, I actually have a WIP similar to the first one. It's just more of a Zevran gets injured while Astarion isn't in the party, but I feel they would be similar enough that I'm going with the alternate prompt if that's okay. 👀👀👀
Fenris’s blood boiled with rage.
Not only did he despise the necessity of having to infiltrate Moonrise Towers, but he also despised having to play nice with the cultists until they could figure out how to proceed.
Araj Oblodra was no exception. If anything, she was one of the worst ones they happened across throughout their journey, entitled and condescending.
The instant she asked for his blood, Fenris bristled, and his answer rang with a note of finality.
"Ask that of me again," he snarled, "and I'll cut you down for even suggesting it. You will not be conducting any 'research' on my blood."
"Hmph." She all but pouted, yet she was apparently wise enough to know not to push her luck. "Fine, but perhaps we could turn to another matter at hand: your friend."
When her eyes slid towards Astarion, Fenris could hear his own heartbeat pounding behind his ears. His fingers twitched at his side, itching to unsheathe his greatsword. For a moment, he could barely hear her words over the racing of his pulse. He narrowed his eyes at her, his lips curled into a sneer.
Then, as clear as day, she asked a question of Fenris, one that pierced straight through the haze that clouded his mind.
"I assume he belongs to you?"
Behind him, Astarion sputtered, "Ex–Excuse me?"
Fenris felt the air around himself start to shift.
"He doesn't belong to anyone," Fenris snapped. He stepped forward until he loomed over Araj, his gaze dark. "Now, I advise you to think very carefully about your next words." The clawed fingers of his gauntlets glinted in the room's low lighting. "Because they might just be your last. You will show him respect. Understand?"
They were hardly to be compared to one another, since Fenris didn't know a thing about Araj beyond this encounter, but so much about her already rubbed him the wrong way, reminded him of Hadriana. They thought their lives valuable enough that they were invincible in their minds, untouchable, and that all others were merely pawns in their games, to be used and discarded as they saw fit.
Araj scoffed at his threat, tried to act undeterred, but the slight quiver of her voice —the more deliberate delivery of her words— exposed her fear for what it was.
She made an offer, and Astarion declined.
How easy it was for her to fall back into old habits, even with her life on the line.
She glanced at Fenris as soon as she didn't get her way, wrinkling her nose in disdain.
"Can't you talk some sense into your obstinate cha—"
Fenris was blinded by a sea of red.
Her words choked off.
He didn't even have to think about it. Before he knew what was happening, his hand sank deep within the confines of her chest, her still-beating heart nestled within his palm.
Right before he crushed it.
And as he freed his hand, he watched her body collapse to the ground.
"Good riddance," he muttered.
Lae'zel noticed another cultist gaping from the corner of the room, quick to cover for them in the best way she knew how.
"Take her death as a lesson. Question us, and you'll meet your end as she did. Understood?"
They nodded.
"Good," she said, then jerked her head in the direction of the door. "Now, scram."
She didn't have to tell them twice.
While Fenris stood over Araj's body, blood dripping onto the floor from his fingertips, Karlach leaned in to whisper to Astarion.
"Remind me not to piss him off."
"No kidding," Astarion said, but he braced himself before approaching, reaching out to rest a hand upon his shoulder. "Fenris..."
In a flash, Fenris shrugged off his touch, turning on him with a fire still raging within him, teeth bared.
However, at the sight of the others, Fenris felt those flames die down, their presence drawing him back into reality.
Astarion was fine.
He was safe.
Even in the belly of the beast, Fenris would see to that.
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
“To Mend Your Heart, Valentine”
Bully! Haruno Shiobana x Female Reader
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Summary: Takes place around Valentines. Haruno is known around school for being a bully. He’s part of the Yakuza as are his other delinquent buddies. You were childhood friends with him but reuniting with him has been terrible. He no longer treats you as though your childhood friends. You crush on your new friend who happens to be the most popular guy at school. Meanwhile Haruno notices and tries to mend his relationship with you at all costs.
This fic is a bit late but I got a bit busy. It’s also a bit of a comfort fic for me so I hope it’s enjoyable for others too. Thanks for the read, sweethearts 🌹 Pretty please Reblog 💋
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@syntheticseraton1n @shxftxng @noaltbruh @danielle-marie
Special thanks to @strawmariee for giving me some suggestions for this fic. If anyone is interested in being part of my taglist please inform me.
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Due to his title he makes sure he is known as a leader and doesn’t take any ounce of disrespect. He is very feared by everyone on campus, aside from his fan club. They admire him seeing as he holds above standard attractiveness and is covered in tattoos. He isn’t afraid to remove his school uniform jacket to prevent it from getting torn or covered in his enemies blood.
Due to his title he makes sure he is known as a leader and doesn’t take any ounce of disrespect. He is very feared by everyone on campus, aside from his fan club. They admire him seeing as he holds above standard attractiveness and is covered in tattoos. He isn’t afraid to remove his school uniform jacket to prevent it from getting torn or covered in his enemies blood.
Unfortunately the school you attend is filled with violence from gangs of rival schools. Haruno and his gang protect the school grounds but do so in a very less than ethical means. Everyone on campus knows them from all the commotion surrounding them. They make it clear no drugs or violence is allowed. People answer to Haruno if they break his rules. He may mean well but he justifies his own violence with his personal morals. He doesn’t want anyone suffering at the hands of other yakuza.
Some respect him and many fear him for this reason. As for you, you’re association with the yakuza leader is much more personal. You’ve known him since you were children. It was a friendship built from your love of animals. You would play with frogs in a lake and you met Haruno who would do the same. He would closely observe you. His big eyes peering at you from under his bangs to his bowl cut hairstyle. Being the friendly child you were, you invited him to join you and it cemented your friendship with him at the time. It would be a short lived friendship as children and was the best time of your life. You two would play everyday having mini adventures and doing plenty of activities together. You taught each other valuable lessons and your friendship taught you both a bit about love. Unfortunately you had to move to another city and you haven’t seen him until you attended a different high school for your second year.
It was a new setting for you and you grew to understand this school very well. It filled you with curiosity. So many rumors and warnings about the yakuza scared you. Then, one day, Haruno ends up recognizing you. You didn’t know it but to him you looked ever more beautiful. Your smile could still make his heart quiver as it did when he was seven years old.
He didn’t allow himself to smile on the outside. He has an important reputation to uphold. It’s different now that he became an important part to the gang. He is a leader now. It’s as he has always wanted ever since he was nine years of age. It happened after you left. Months of bullying from other kids until the faithful day he became acquainted with the Yakuza member that aspired him to follow his footsteps.
The brunette had much to think about regarding you. Did you forget about him? What if you didn’t care? Haruno would know it wouldn’t be the truth if he hadn’t still harbored feelings for you. You filled a special place in his heart. It was your friendship that filled the void in his heart. You taught him empathy, loyalty, understanding, and most importantly, love. He wouldn’t be where he is without you. He wouldn’t have such an understanding of friendship. His world would’ve still been a dark place.
As he walked up to you his stride was loud. Many students evacuated the area leaving you by your lonesome. Haruno was used to it but you felt incredibly worried. It felt as if you were being watched in a horror movie. When you finally noticed his presence there was much going through your mind about the stranger. He has short neatly combed dark brown hair with thin messy bangs. His eyes are a piercing turquoise paired with such serious dark eyebrows. They certainly intimidate you. His outfit is a navy blue school uniform but you notice a heart shaped cut to his jacket with his pale skin hinting golden tattoos.
Your legs felt so heavy and your eyes filled with fear. His tattoos and harsh gaze led you to your conclusion. He’s part of the Yakuza. His thick lips are in a straight line while his eyes stare at you with quite a stoic expression. If he wasn’t so intimidating you’d think about how good looking he is.
“There isn’t any need to be frightened of me.” He addressed you by your first name.
You only became more frightened. Haruno thought back to your younger self. He missed you so much. Your fear had saddened him a bit but he knew you’d remember him.
“Your legs are shaking, dear. I won’t harm you. I was hoping you’d remember me.”
His calm voice was so soothing yet lightly playful. His voice suited him well. An attractive voice for a handsome guy such as him was very fitting.
“Remember you?”
“Why yes. Don’t I look familiar?”
Your eyes fill with confusion. You couldn’t link him to your beloved childhood friend. The bowl cut and friendly eyes weren’t the eyes you could pair with right now. Haruno’s eyes didn’t fill with the same light they did when you two last saw each other. His hardships as a Yakuza member were the cause of it. He’s seen death and even killed before. Though he killed in self defense and the worst scum to exist on this planet, it did change him. The light in his eyes went along with him all those years ago.
The stoic expression you’re faced with is that of an average sized yakuza. Not a long time childhood friend you’ve longed to see. You didn’t recognize him. Such a revelation broke his heart. Had he not mattered to you? His turquoise eyes fill with despair and rage. How could you forget him? Was he forgettable? Was he truly the scum of the earth as he believed he was back when you moved? It was without your companionship he was truly at his lowest.
He frowned and his teeth clench from frustration. Betrayal filled his veins until you look closely at him. It was then you figured out who he was however it wasn’t the answer he wanted to hear from you.
“I think I know you now. Yeah everyone has been talking about you. Especially my classmate, Narancia. You’re the leader of the yakuza group aren’t you? I promise not to break your rules and to stay out of your way.”
He became stunned. His eyes widen and his anger boils more. Along with anger was his feeling of dread. You hurt him and he couldn’t let it be. You’ve forgotten him. As he lets you walk away he glares at you. He won’t let you forget so easily.
Later on that same school day you noticed him fighting someone. It was after school and his opponent was no match for him. It was hard watching him punch his opponent so many times. Not far from him you saw his group of fangirls cheering him on.
You felt awkward because he noticed you. He glared at you while wiping blood off his hand onto his dark navy pants. His fan club didn’t like the attention you received but you didn’t mind them. They needn’t fear, for the guy doesn’t seem to care for you. He walked up to you swinging his jacket over his shoulder. His pale muscles on display for you and the others. His tattoos show a golden dragon and some magenta or blue floral designs as well as black vines. Many in his little fan club cheered him on or complimented him.
He ignored them as he had observed you. You didn’t know what to do or say. You’re frozen in fear. You hear him, “tsk” as he passed you with frustration. You realize it might’ve been his opponent to put him in such a bad mood. Unfortunately for you he’s hurt you don’t remember him.
The following week you did your best to avoid him since he looked so angry whenever he was in your presence. You don’t want to be on the bad side of a student such as himself. When you finally did run into him it wasn’t good. In fact it was terrible. It happened before the final bell rang. You were let out twenty minutes before the bell rings. You saw the brunette in the hallway. He was surprised to see you.
“You..” Your eye’s widened.
You gulp walking the other way in a sweat but he grabs your arm. His grip wasn’t rough but enough pressure to stop you. You hope he wasn’t going to stir trouble with you. He said your name firmly.
“Do you remember my name? Or my face?”
You look over to him in wonder. You didn’t get a close look at his face since he intimidates you so much. Your hands feel sweaty as you observe him. His angry expression further confused you. Of course you didn’t see your dear friend Haruno in him.
“How could you not remember me?”
“We’ve met before?”
Your question angered him but it did make his heart shatter. His scowl wasn’t what you expected. Suddenly two of his friends called him over. It was Bruno and Fugo. Two other students with bad reputations you knew very well. They too had modifications to their blue uniform and more so than Haruno.
“We got work to do, Haruno.” Bruno said, addressing him with respect. Though they’re in a gang he’s a close friend to him.
“It’s important too.” Fugo said with an expression twice as intimidating at Haruno.
“Your name is Haruno?” Your eyes widened in disbelief.
He said not a word to you as he knew his friends words meant there was a drug trade in the area. He quickly left with them. Your shock really settled in your mind after he left. You finally understood his words. He was none other than Haruno Shiobana. Though his name is feminine you link it with your childhood friend.
Haruno was your world all those years ago. Of course you’d never forget him. It would be the next day you’d want to rekindle such a friendship with him again. Unfortunately the following day there was a massive fight due to gang violence. The school didn’t care so the students did as they pleased. Haruno fought off so many gang members easily as did his best friend Bruno. It wasn’t like anything you’ve seen before.
All the blood and violence caused you to go elsewhere. As you sat by yourself at lunch you soon noticed Haruno drinking from the water fountain. Eager to talk to him you run up to him. He still looks angry but you try giving him a reassuring smile.
“Haruno, I didn’t recognize you at first. How come you didn’t tell me?”
“I thought you would recognize me without the need for me to.” He looked over to you.
“You look so different now. I never thought you’d join the yakuza.”
“Many changes have come to my life. If for not my allies and myself this school would be in shambles. As would the streets be more dangerous.”
“I see.. I think I understand. It’s not like anyone else would do anything.”
“You’re correct.” Haruno simply said.
You tried asking him how he came to be part of the yakuza but he didn’t want to talk about it so he became quiet. His glare was so piercing. The thoughts for the hug you wanted to give him disappeared. He doesn’t seem like a touchy guy.
“Haruno...” You said with a forlorn expression.
“Been a while since someone outside my gang addressed me so lightly. Do be careful. I need to continue protecting the streets.” He walked off without another word.
His blue eyes were filled with different emotions you couldn’t read. He was hurt but not showing it to you. His demeanor around you changed so drastically since that conversation. He wouldn’t glare as harshly in your direction but he wouldn’t look happy seeing you either. It would stay this way for a while.
When you would decide to try talking to him he’d become so rude to you. He’d address you in such embarrassing nicknames or would laugh when his fangirls would make fun of your clumsiness however he didn’t look pleased when they’d insult your fashion. Your fashion was different from everyone in the wacky school so you didn’t fit in.
It would now be you who’d become so hurt by Haruno. You held onto your friendship you had with him in the past. You’d forever cherish it. He didn’t seem affected by your hurt expressions. Deep down he would but he couldn’t see you as the same person anymore. He felt as though you didn’t care for him. However he still had feelings for you but displayed it with teasing or playful insults that would make you blush. His favorite line was telling you how your lucky he finds your clumsiness cute or you’d have a hard time finding a boyfriend. Picking on you or continuing with nicknames. Yes he’s a tsundere but you wouldn’t know it yet.
It would be the rest of the first semester you received such treatment from him. You didn’t receive special treatment aside from the nicknames since he was known as the school bully. At the start of the second semester he started wrapping his arm around your shoulder wondering why you’re avoiding him. Of course he knew why but he liked teasing you. He missed his little song bird and wanted you to speak to him.
You grew tired of his treatment and avoided him at all costs. His violent background as a Yakuza also scared you away from him. He didn’t threaten you but he did make jokes about it. So here you are now running to class before he finds you. You managed to avoid him for three weeks now. Thankful you hadn’t seen him much this January.
After class he was waiting for you outside your classroom. His arms crossed with a pleasant smile but his eyes weren’t as pleased with you. He knew you started avoiding him. Your lip quivered lightly but he wrapped his arm around your shoulders as he always did. He memorized your schedule by now so he walked you to your next class with his arm around you.
“No need to be so scared little songbird. I missed you. After all I don’t get to see that lovely smile of yours.”
“You did?”
He laughs but continues the conversation.
“Yes I do need you. I’m your Haruno, remember? Or did you forget again?”
“No Haruno of course not-”
“I hope not. I’m always reminding you aren’t I?”
“You are?”
“Don’t make me repeat myself.” He said firmly.
You timidly nod.
“Repeating myself is useless. I’m sure you’ll learn eventually. Silly girl.”
He stopped in front of your other class finally removing his arm from you. He gives you a mocking bow before heading off. You sigh with relief. He’s still a Yakuza so you’re too scared of him. You ended up seeing him looking for you at lunch time. It was due to his association with you, you had no friends. Everyone fears the powerful bully, Shiobana. He warns others to leave you alone but he still picks on you a bit.
You decide to eat lunch elsewhere. You soon find a small class of students but you decide to sit outside. Who would want to be your friend? Not with Haruno around you. It would be the student body council who notice you. They understood your circumstances regarding Haruno. The class president took it upon himself to greet you.
“Good day to you. Would you like to eat with us?”
You couldn’t believe who’s speaking to you. Ritsu is the most popular guy at school. He’s a model student but also a good friend to everyone he’s around. It’s no wonder he easily became the school President. He’s so social and kind to everyone. Not to mention he’s incredibly handsome. His blonde hair and bright eyes could make any girl fall for him. It was in those bright hazel green eyes you see such kindness and a welcoming aura to him.
“Yes thank you Ritsu.”
You shyly follow but he makes sure you’re comfortable as he has you seated next to him. He introduced you to rest of the student council. He also expressed to sit with them if you’d like to.
“Thank you so much, President!”
“Please call me Ritsu! I’m only a third year.” He laughed knowing you’re a second year. “I see the others avoid you because of that Shiobana. I know he means well but do be careful with him. There’s a reason the school fears him.”
“Yes I know his title very well..”
“Does he pick on you?”
“He does? Don’t worry I won’t allow any harm come to you. Most importantly that Shiobana can be a bully. I don’t like seeing him pick on others. We often butt heads.”
“You do?”
“All the time. Shiobana doesn’t hurt me but because he understands I don’t like seeing others mistreated unless they’re yakuza.”
“I see. Thank you Ritsu.”
It would be several weeks you’re around the student council and you befriended the secretary, Trish Una. She is also popular due to her lead singing in the school choir. She’s also a beauty many students fawn over.
Haruno hadn’t seen you much but he wanted to change this. He knew he had to mend his relationship with you. You’re so scared of him now. It hurt him seeing you so scared of him. You don’t even look at him. Today he’ll make a first attempt at talking to you.
He found you walking to class with Trish Una. It was surprising for him to see you as you are right now. Your hair and makeup was done so magnificently. It seemed Trish gave you a bit of a makeover, not that you required it to be pretty. You’re always looking so angelic to him. You’re the prettiest without any need for cosmetic products but it did bring out your eyes and lips. He wished he could hug you. Trish left to her choir class and you head off to class. Haruno stepped in front of your path to greet you. You gulp but he’s gentle.
“I haven’t seen you, my songbird. Did you think you could avoid me for so long without seeing me, baka (idiot)?”
“No of course not Haruno.”
“It’s not like I missed you but I did want to make sure you’re okay.”
“You did?” Your eyes widened displaying how long your lashes are to him.
“Yes you’re my songbird..” He replied carefully as he hid his blush easily. Your eyes certainly had an affect on him.
“I’m your songbird..? Why call me your songbird?”
“Could be because I’ve heard your singing..”
“I thought it was because you think I’m a bird brain.”
He laughed with a light sweat to his face. Could it be he felt guilt? His concern for your well being made you smile bashfully. Such a smile made his heart melt. He calmed his heart but his blush didn’t escape you.
“I appreciate the concern. Haruno I wish you’d talk to me more.”
He looked sad. His eyes drifting up to you in guilt. He placed his hand over his heart.
“Of course.. I believe I have so much more to tell you. I'm sorry.. I was hurt you didn’t remember me. I thought I didn’t matter to you.”
“Of course I do. I’d never forget you. It’s why I’ve forgiven you. You have a lot of making up to do.”
“Promise.” He crosses his heart to his exposed chest.
The heart shaped window displayed such a promise to you with his determined action. His eyes fill with determination as well.
“I Haruno Shiobana intend to earn your forgiveness.”
“Very well Haruno I’m looking forward to it.”
You pass him and he watches with a light smile. It would be later during lunch he looked for you again. He saved his favorite pudding for you. He hopes you two can also have a deep discussion. He goes to the rooftop with the use of his stand, golden wind. The growing tree branches aid in him climbing. As he continues looking for you he noticed you with the student council.
He was happy to see you with Trish Una. A good acquaintance of his. She’s a good friend of Narancia and Mista. Two of his closest friends. However when his eyes landed on you and Ritsu he became angered. You befriended the President? Why him of all people? He’s always attempting to break up fights he has with gang members who happen to be students of other schools. He tends to jump to conclusions about Haruno.
He noticed you hugging Ritsu before he left with a group of students. Ritsu is well liked by the entire school. He’s loved by both teachers and students. There isn’t many he doesn’t get along with. Haruno wondered if his love for you would be enough for you to return his feelings. Could Ritsu be the type of guy you’re into? You looked so happy around him.
He climbed down the building towards you. The pudding given to you after he greeted you. You remembered how much he adored pudding. The smile on your face certainly made his day.
“Thank you Haruno. I remember how much you loved these.”
“You remember?”
“Of course! We used to share them with each other.”
“Means a lot you remember sharing them.”
“Yes Haruno. How I could not? You used to smile so much eating them.”
“Thank you..” It was small but very meaningful to him.
Haruno’s smile surprised you but it was welcomed. He was happy sharing with you. His actions today proving to surprise your further. He thought back to his actions toward you and apologized.
“I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have assumed so poorly of you.” He admits with a sad expression.
“I understand you must’ve been through so many hardships. It was a misunderstanding but do remember your promise.”
He laughed crossing his chest with a finger. You nod as you enjoy the pudding cup. He hopes he’s able to repair his relationship with you. It’s times such these he cherishes your company and knows his feelings for you haven’t changed. He knows deep down you’ve always meant the world to him. The teasing and nicknames stemmed from his feelings for you. He may have picked on you but he sees now how his actions have been so unfair to you.
He’s thankful for your understanding. Afterall bullies do stem from insecurity. For Haruno it was because everyone treated him like scum growing up. He had thought the friendship meant nothing to you if you’ve forgotten about him. He understands he has changed so much since then which is why you no longer recognized him.
As the school days passed he noticed your relationship with Ritsu more and more. He was well aware of your crush on the student council President. Your bashfulness made it a bit obvious but Haruno found out from your sketches in your spiral notebook. He noticed doodles of hearts with Ritsu’s name. His ever observant eyes aiding him now than ever before.
Haruno soon passed a group of girls discussing Ritsu. All about how charming they think he is and he’s the most attractive student at school. The yakuza member pondered to himself. Looks don’t matter but he would try to put more effort into his appearance as he tried to earn your love.
The next day Haruno wore a new cologne and had a set of piercings on. He got them pierced the previous day. His earrings are blue studs. They add to his beautiful piercing blue eyes.
He would smile at your compliment to his new piercings. His charm was displayed so effortlessly as he made you blush with his light flirting. A feat he could easily do as he called you angel or darling. He made the extra effort by handing you a single rose. They were different colors each time too.
“Your smile flatters me, darling. I look forward to seeing it at lunch if you don’t mind.”
“Sure Haruno. Thanks for the rose. This one is white. Any reason why?”
“But of course. It reminds me of you. You represent the white rose.”
“How so, Haruno?”
“It’s effortlessly beautiful and pure.”
“Aww Haruno you’re too sweet.” You laughed. “I better head off to class. See you during lunch.”
Unfortunately you wouldn’t see Haruno until your next couple classes after lunch. You have one period with him. During lunch Haruno ran into leaky eyed Luka. The brunette had been bullying Haruno for months on end ever since their fight during the beginning of the school year. Luka is a drug dealer and always butts heads with Haruno. The two are always fighting. Today was no different however he confronted Haruno with a shovel instead of his fists.
A huge fight between the two occurred when Luka knocked out Bruno on the head with his shovel. Haruno wouldn’t allow such treatment to his best friend happen without consequence. Haruno has enough of Luka’s medelling with innocent people and his awful drug dealing. He ended up using his stand on Luka by creating a frog to distract him. Golden wind ensued punches on Luka but after he didn’t hold back when he hit Haruno.
Haruno was badly injured by Luka. His opponent was also part of the yakuza but he was from a different gang. Haruno had no intentions of leaving without giving Luka the proper punishment. Luka ended up falling head first onto his shovel, causing him to faint. Haruno made sure to make an example of him in front of others by kicking his ass in public so no one would sell drugs in his territory.
He showed up to class nearly shirtless with his top torn from his fight. His forehead and abdomen had cuts and bruises. He was bleeding from his head and arms but not too much. You became concerned from what you saw in the back of the class. Everyone can see the tattoo and star shaped birthmark on his shoulder. Everyone was intimidated aside from his fan girls who offered to clean him up or give back rubs. He refused any of their offers.
When you look over to him you notice his handsome smile. It was small and he did so when he knew no one was looking. You smile back awkwardly remembering the compliments he gave you earlier. The teacher said not a word to Haruno as this wasn’t the first time he arrived to class beaten up.
There would be twenty minutes of class left until the bell rings. Ritsu arrived to class so he could make a few announcements. They’re hosting a Valentines dance soon. Everyone wondered about the rose bouquet he held in his arms until he looked directly at you. Haruno became incredibly annoyed at such a confident look Ritsu had given you. He couldn’t hide such an expression. His eyes became incredibly cold. His classmates beside him became scared of his presence. Not Ritsu as he walks up to your desk.
Your eyes widen as he hands you the bouquet. You became speechless at his nexts words. His expression was so tender and his charming smile made every girl in the room very jealous. Their jealousy wouldn’t match Haruno’s as the air around him filled with rage.
“I do hope for Valentines you consider going to the dance with me. I’d be honored.” He held his hand to his chest.
Since Ritsu is so popular he had almost everyone’s support including the teacher. Everyone cheered him on or applauded before he bid everyone a goodbye then a wink your way. Haruno couldn't allow Ritsu to take you away from him. He thought deeply about his next move until he overheard his fangirls talking about Ritsu. They kept talking about his blonde hair and popularity. Haruno had a couple ideas brewing in his mind until class was over.
Ritsu was a crush of yours but ever since you started talking to your childhood friend again you developed a bit of feelings for him too. You've forgiven Haruno but you're unsure how to feel. You would think hard about your decision until the next day at school.
Haruno decided to impress you. Perhaps a new change to his look. He knows you care not for his looks but it would add to his charm. Blondes did have an affect on you from what his observant eyes have seen. At night he looked over his hair and used golden wind to grow his hair longer. He dyes it blonde afterwards. Anything his rival can do, he can do better. He experimented with hairstyles and chose a braid.
At school you noticed everyone crowding a student. It happened to be Haruno's fangirl's but you didn't think much of it until you heard his name getting called by all the dozens of students around him. You heard gossips about it but this was nothing new for him. You froze upon hearing his voice.
"No thank you. I appreciate the invite but go away."
The girls all became so sad as they walked off. You couldn’t believe your eyes. His new hair style suited him very well. He almost looked like a completely new person. He even dyed his eyebrows too. It all really brought out his turquoise eyes. He walks up to you taking note of how bashful and cute you are around him. He greets you with such a charming smile, you feel the temperature in your face heat up.
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“You’re Haruno? No way... you look so handsome with blonde hair. I almost don't recognize you."
"You flatter me, my dear.” He kissed your hand.
You stutter out why he changed his look much to his delight.
“I simply desired a change. I’m happy you like it.”
“I do. You look so cute.”
“Is that so?” He chuckled. “I hadn’t any idea you thought I was cute, darling.” He holds up a small bunch of carnations for you. “I believe these are for you.”
You accept the pink and white carnations with a sweet smile. Haruno knew he would have an upper hand over Ritsu with the chemistry you have with him. Your expression was loving. He knew in his heart your love is meant to be.
“I hope to see you during lunch, my songbird. I’ll miss you.”
“It won’t be long, Haruno. Don’t be silly!” You laugh.
“To me it will.” He chuckles.
Later on at lunch Haruno waited for you outside your class. He greeted you, offering his arm to you. You accept with grace. Walking with Haruno around school. He kept getting you to blush with his effortless charm. He paid for your lunch and wouldn't allow you to hold your own tray. You felt like a princess.
You promised to meet him afterschool but before you did you told Ritsu how you wouldn't be going with him to the dance since you have feelings for someone else. Spending lunch with Haruno cemented your feelings for him. You two could be yourselves around each other and have fun. The school President would understand but be a bit disheartened. You ran into Haruno who offered his arm to you again. He walked you home.
"Fair well, darling. I'll miss you." He bowed as if he were a prince.
"You'll see me tomorrow." You giggled.
"Too long I'm afraid."
"It wouldn't happen to be because it's Valentine's. Am I correct Haruno Shiobana?" You tease him.
"I don't suppose you want me to propose?"
Your eyes widen as you stutter in embarrassment knowing he is teasing you as well. He chuckles, kissing your forehead before leaving.
"You're very cute, darling. Have a good rest of your evening."
"Bye darling.." You repeat bashfully.
It would be his turn to blush a bit but he isn't surprised. You're the only girl who could make such a feeling rise to his handsome face. Your beloved Haruno would surprise you tomorrow with a handwritten haiku and a huge bouquet of pink and red roses he grew using golden wind.
You read it during class. It was a romantic poem about how he’s in love with you. You wished you could speak to him during lunch but he was busy fighting Luka again. Leaky eyed Luka got into a fight with Narancia and Fugo. All three aggressively butting heads maliciously. Narancia ended up taking Fugo to the nurse while Haruno was left to be on the receiving end of Luka’s awful mood. He didn’t like the attention Haruno was receiving from his fangirls. Everyone of them had chocolate for the blonde much to Luka’s chagrin.
“Don’t get cocky because of our last fight, Shiobana. I’ll kill you.”
“One dealing out a death sentence must be prepared to die.” Haruno said without a second thought.
“You don’t scare me. Last time was an accident. You got lucky. Don’t think these girls actually have feelings for you. Once I’m done with you they won’t recognize you.” Luka said with a dark look in his eyes.
Haruno wasn’t affected by his words. He fought off Luka the entire lunch period. You cheered on Haruno much to the annoyance of his fan club. He didn’t respond since he didn’t want Luka to go after you.
“Shut the hell up!” Luka shouted at the crowd of girls who got spooked and gasped.
You’re too busy worrying about Haruno. You knew he must be injured from all the hits he received from Luka’s shovel. The fight lasted a while it ended in a tie. Haruno told you to meet him after school during class.
The entire school was decorated in a Valentines theme since the dance would be today. Many couples and confessions littered the school. It made you wonder what Haruno would tell you. You look forward to seeing Haruno but wonder about his poem he wrote you. It was a romantic side you’ve never seen from him.
So after school you waited and waited until it was taking too long. Half an hour passed so you went looking for Haruno through the hallways. The decorations were so cute especially the red and pink heart shaped balloons. Must be in preparation to the dance. In the baseball field you found him but he was in poor condition this time. Luka had a pocket knife and was about to use his shovel to hit poor Haruno laying on the dirt. You remember a closet nearby and grab a bat.
Luka didn’t notice you since he was too busy cussing out Haruno about his revenge. You went behind Luka hitting his back. You never imagined you’d stand up to a bully but Haruno meant a lot to you. His strength is one of his admirable traits and from it you’ve learned to defend others as well. He’s earned respect for defending those in the community who can’t do so for themselves from other Yakuza. Luka fell to the ground in pain. When he stood back up to figure out who hit him you struck his head really hard. He fainted thankfully but your worries about Haruno remained.
“Haruno!” You lay his head on your lap after checking over his injuries.
He woke up shortly after but with a large bump to his head. He had a bruises to his chin and body. You noticed a giant bruise on his chest through his chest window. You're sure he had plenty more injuries' under his navy blue school shirt didn’t. Luka had been attacking him with his pocket knife.
Eventually Haruno’s blue eyes open. He is surprised to see you but is concerned about Luka. He can barely sit up but he uses his stand to heal himself as he talks to you.
“I knocked him out with a bat. We need to get you out of here.”
“I appreciate your concern.” He chuckles looking at the huge bump Luka has on his head. “It seems he should be worried about you instead.”
“Haruno...” You say worriedly.
“I didn’t think you would defend me.” His eyes reveal to be thankful for you.
“If not me. Who else? I can’t let him hurt someone so precious to me.”
“I’m precious to you?” His smile became smug but you playfully smack his chest. His holds your hand to his chest.
“Haruno your wounds are gone!”
“It seems they’ve disappeared. Let’s not worry about it. We both better leave.” He stood up but wouldn’t allow you to help him. He didn’t want to burden you.
“Haruno you piece of shit! I’ll kill you!” Luka shouts with blood dripping down his face.
He wasn’t phased by the threat to his life. Haruno simply turned toward his opponent with a glare. He vows to himself to defeat Luka hurriedly so he can finally take you on the date he planned.
“...Muda Muda.” He simply said.
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“What?! You calling me useless?! Fight me Shiobana!!”
Haruno went on to summon his stand to defeat Luka. Golden wind went on to punch Luka several times. You hadn’t any idea how Haruno was defeating Luka but it didn’t matter to you. Golden wind didn’t hold back as he unleashed a flurry of punches as he’s always done to opposing yakuza in his territory.
Your eyes widened at Luka’s body landing across the baseball field. Haruno acted as though nothing happened as he led you back to the front gates of the school. You caught up to him looking over his injuries.
“There isn’t any need. All my wounds are healed.”
“That’s impossible. There’s no need to hide them. I want to help you.”
“Your concern means the world to me, my dear but I assure you they’ve healed. See for yourself.” He unzipped his jacket to show off to you.
You’re stunned for multiple reasons but his bold actions made you bashful. His torso was on full display for you. Tattoos tracing from his back up to his pecs and shoulders. You ignore it in favor of looking for his wounds. It appears he had told you the truth. It didn’t make any sense to you, much like the fight you observed earlier.
“How did they heal? You were bleeding!”
“I suppose it was magic.” He laughed. “You don’t need to be so shy. You can look as you please.”
“Not funny Haruno! I’m truly worried here.”
“I can see for myself. You’re incredibly sweet. It’s no wonder I’ve fallen for you, darling.”
His light eyes show he meant the truth. They’re so caring and fill with an emotion only shown for you. He tried giving you a hug but you get too embarrassed since he’s shirtless. He laughs offering his jacket to you.
“Care to dress me?”
“Not funny Haruno!” Your face turns beet red.
“My apologies. A gentleman offers his jacket to a fair maiden. It was only natural I did.”
“You’re too much at times Haruno Shiobana.” You giggle.
He zips his school jacket back on and offers his arm to you. You accept hooking your own arm with his.
“Where are we going?”
“I have somewhere special to show you. I take it you received the gift I left in your locker.”
“How did you do it?”
“My friends happen to be good at lock picking but I assure you we only use such skills on those who deserve it.”
“I understand Haruno. You and your men do a lot for this town. I hope it’s the same in the city too but right now I want to thank you for such a poem.”
He looks directly into your magnificent eyes. “I meant every word. You mean the world to me.” He admitted.
“Haruno do I really?” You asked with hopeful eyes.
“Yes, darling.” He nods but looks else where. “It’s why I have a date planned for us.”
“I look forward to it.” You lean your head against him.
He takes you behind an abandoned house. The backyard however has a huge garden. It’s so full of life. The rose garden hadn’t been what you expected. You wonder if this is where he picks your daily roses for you. Truth be told he spent the day prior growing such a garden with golden wind. He even set up a beautiful outdoor table and chairs for the both of you.
“Haruno this is so beautiful. I’m speechless.”
“This is how I feel when I’m around you. Endlessly feeling loved and in the presence of beauty.”
“I love you. I’ve been in love with you ever since we were children. It took me a while to realize I harbored such feelings for you. I was unsure about such feelings since I’ve never experienced love before. It’s because your heart is so endlessly beautiful I was able to harbor these feelings for you. I continue to learn so much about my emotions thanks to your compassion and understanding. It’s a beauty to never fail me.” His hand reaches out to your own.
You step closer to him and hold his hand. You didn’t know what to say at first. It wasn’t necessary for Haruno understood your feelings from your loving expression. You’re no doubt his sweetheart. He knows in his heart you are. He lifts his other hand towards your chin to give you a little caress.
“You yourself are enchantingly beautiful. You’re so lovely and I’m so lucky to have met you.” His blue eyes look to you with such emotion you’ve never seen before.
You understand this moment to be so precious with someone such as Haruno. He’s always been closed off from others. It takes time for someone such as him to truly open up. His abuse from his childhood caused him so much pain and neglect. Learning how to love took him several more steps and you know you created such a bridge for him to cross for his love to became so natural to him. Haruno understands he’s in love and expresses it so beautifully to you.
“Haruno I’m so happy you have such feelings for me. I’m honored to have been there for you. My relationship with you has always been meaningful to me.” You seat yourself on a chair while Haruno goes on a knee holding your hand to his cheek while he lays his head against your knee.
“It appears our feelings for each other are mutual. If you would become my Valentine and my beloved girlfriend I’ll forever cherish you.” He looks up to you with hopeful blue eyes. You can see fear as well.
You lift his chin to kiss him. He returns it while holding your hand that lays against his sharp jawline.
“Of course Haruno. I love you too.”
“You’ve made it clear.” He stood up holding your hand with his ever sweet smile your direction. You could look at his charming smile all day long.
He guides you through the garden picking roses for you. You accept them. Smelling the bunch of roses. He appreciates your beauty as you do.
“Would you like ice cream? There’s a shop I'm familiar with in the area.”
“Sounds lovely.” Your eyes light up.
At the ice cream shop he orders two scoops. One chocolate and the other pistachio. You order a scoop of your favorite flavor with one or two toppings. As he was about to pay, the owner laughed and told him they’re on the house. When you asked him why the shop owner did so while you two were outside Haruno explained he protects them from theft.
“I’m not surprised my boyfriend would protect others. That shop keeper was so happy seeing you.”
He was eager to hear such a title bestowed upon him from you. You pointed out ice cream on his nose and cheek. He gets embarrassed but twice as much when you wipe it off for him. His eyes widen noticing your handkerchief you pulled from your skirt pocket. The perfume scented handkerchief made him a bit dizzy. As he’s enjoying himself you caress his jawline then his chin. When he looks directly at you he feels a light peck to his lips. The teasing kiss happened so fast he barely blinked as he realized what happened. His heart melts and the smile given to you is so rewarding.
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“I love you, my dear. Only you can turn me to such a lovesick fool.”
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i-still-mask-because · 4 months
hi! i'd just like to first say thank you for this blog! it's been a very valuable resource and i appreciate what you do and the information you make available!! this ask is sort of a vent/just my thoughts and general feelings i feel like i need to share somewhere. i don't have any resources to get a better mask at this moment, and the masks i do wear give me sensory issues and are generally not ideal. i can't really do anything else about this except wait until i get financial independence, which is relatively far off. it's been...becoming a bit more difficult to look forward to the future. i don't acknowledge this often because it feels like so many people already have but i have some difficulty accepting that things will never truly be the same again (until capitalism and colonialism are abolished and the world can focus on fixing pressing issues and actually improving people's lives but that's a different conversation!) and that not only does it feel that i'm missing out on a majority of my teen years but also that i may not even get to enjoy my twenties, thirties, and so on because of circumstances generally not in my control. i know that joy remains present in my life and things will improve if i just hang on a little longer but it's still difficult when i spend day after day watching my masks irritate my skin while i'm not even safe from covid because so few people mask. i firmly believe some protection is better than none but i suppose that can tie into why i am glad other people mask, as uncommon as it has become. i still mask because i want to do what i can to care about the safety of others and to combat toxic individualism.
Hey! Thank you so much for sharing this 💛 I appreciate the vulnerability. And thank you for your patience; I wanted to be sure I was in a clearer headspace before answering this. I hope you can see this, and I hope you're doing alright!
If you want, let me know in another ask what masks you've already tried. I'm happy to compile some recommendations for more comfortable ones.
I genuinely recommend finding online spaces with other covid cautious people you can connect with, find support & validation, and find access to tools & resources (be it through Facebook groups, Discord servers, IG communities, Tumblr communities, etc.)
Take a look at these links [Link 1: Worldwide Mask Bloc Directory] and [Link 2: Covid Action Map] to see if there's any mask blocs and/or covid action groups wherever you live that can provide free masks for you (I know some give away free rapid tests & other tools too). They may even be able to give better suggestions for the first two things I mentioned! See if you could find their social media accounts too to keep up with their updates.
I absolutely feel for the younger generations right now. Knowing how hard going to school was as a minor in and of itself, I cannot imagine how difficult it is to go through Pre/K-12 being one of the only, if not the only, one masking to protect themself from a virus that the majority of the population doesn't even think is a big deal anymore. I'm so sorry the systems in place have let you down. I 100% understand how bleak the future feels right now; trust me, I'm right there with you. Navigating life in a covid-denying world is extremely difficult, to say the absolute least. I personally did not expect the first half of my 20s to go like this 😅. I try to remember that there are communities out there that aim to support us, validate us, and get us the resources we need. Being in community with other covid cautious folks online has been tremendously helpful because it makes going through this feel a lot less lonely.
Things will take a turn at some point; it's inevitable. Just keep protecting yourself and taking precautions. You're doing the right thing 💛😷
If anyone has additional supportive things they want to say and even suggestions of their own, please feel free to share!
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stephaniebrownslover · 9 months
★彡[! General Nina The Killer Headcanons!]彡★
Warning: This Is so crappy and I don't like it. So it would be better if you just skip this post.
: ̗̀➛Nina really likes to eat ice cream, she likes it so much that even in a snowy weather in the middle of winter, she can open a crappy romantic comedy movie and eat ice cream.
: ̗̀➛The reason Nina dresses like a scene kid is because this style was a trend when she was a little girl. Even when she saw this style for the first time, she was literally fascinated. When she encountered people dressed in this style, she was truly amazed. She decided that she wanted to dress like this and started at about the age of ten. She became one of the people who proved that this style of clothing is not just an phase.
: ̗̀➛She is very careful about her knife, she cleans it often. She hates having blood on it, and that's her first priority until she cleans it up.
: ̗̀➛Nina, contrary to popular belief, is no longer an obsessive fangirl. She survived this period with the help of her friends and Ann.
: ̗̀➛She regrets her past, but that doesn't mean she hates Jeff to death either. She thinks most of the fault is hers and she doesn't like Jeff. She just doesn't want to be around him. But just because her friends Clockwork or Toby hang out with Jeff, she doesn't say anything to them.
: ̗̀➛She has a ton of lip products with different flavors. She prefers what tastes good rather than what looks good, for no reason.
: ̗̀➛Her musical taste is a little mixed. Unlike her close friends, she doesn't listen to rock or metal much, if she gets suggestions, she listens that song for 1-2 times, but usually forgets afterwards. She listens more hyperpop, electronic pop, dance pop, bubblegum pop, nightcore and a little indie pop/rock. Britney Spears, Katy Perry and Kesha are among the artists she listens to.
: ̗̀➛Although this is a difficult thing for her, she visits her brother Chris's grave every month. He is the person she regrets the most when she killed her family, and she can hardly hold her tears the time she visits his grave. Of course, she doesn't always manage to do this.
: ̗̀➛She also tells Chris what she did when she visits his grave, how her day was going, and a ton more things she would have told him if he were still alive. Although she doesn't get answers, she doesn't care about it, Chris is her little brother, and Nina failed to protect him. That's why there's nothing she can do but stand the consequences.
: ̗̀➛Nina's not a very meticulous person, but she's not a dowdy either. It's between the two of them, but there are some stuff that she's sensitive to. For example, her knife, her room, her clothes.
: ̗̀➛She's aware of popular culture because she spends a lot of time on the phone. She even has a Snapchat account that she uses constantly to send photos to others, she tried to get everyone she loves to download this application.
: ̗̀➛She has a pretty good relationship with Jane, when she has a difficult situation, Jane treats her like a protective mother. She considers Jane a really valuable friend and would never want to lose her. If Jeff vs. Jane happens, she would take Jane's side in this argument.
: ̗̀➛As a child, she was really good at gymnastics, even got medals in small competitions. Thanks to this, she has a very flexible body right now.
: ̗̀➛She thinks Toby and Clockwork are very cute together, so whenever they argue, she tries to make things right between them.
: ̗̀➛She doesn't like Slenderman because of what he did to the others. Especially since she personally saw what a bad time Toby is going through, she hates his methods and keeps her distance.
: ̗̀➛When she was a little kid, she was bullied a lot because of her style. That's why she has no tolerance for things like bullying in any way, and she needs to control herself, even though she doesn't kill anyone anymore unless she has to.
: ̗̀➛She loves animals very much. Cats, dogs, snakes, rabbits and more, doesn't matter. But if she had to choose one, her favorite would be wolves.
: ̗̀➛Since listening to a song is like breathing for her, she constantly carries spare headphones with her. She takes it everywhere she goes because there is no life for her without music.
: ̗̀➛She doesn't like camping very much because there are a lot more annoying bugs than she would like.
: ̗̀➛She has a tattoo on her waist. This is a butterfly tattoo. She made someone do it while she was very drunk, and she definitely can't decide if she regrets it or not. But from what she has heard, the tattoo removal process is very painful, and she's afraid of it.
: ̗̀➛When she lands in the city, she wears a surgical mask on her face. Although the cuts on her face have healed, the scars still remain and she does not want anyone to recognize her with the mistake of the past.
: ̗̀➛She doesn't drink much, but one time she got really drunk and completely forgot about that day.
: ̗̀➛She really likes to celebrate New Year's Eve. She loves that the environment is colorful and that people pretend to care about each other, even if it's just for a day. Oh, and also cookies. Lots of cookies. Cute, decorated cookies.
: ̗̀➛She likes to eat strawberry lollipops and chew strawberry gum. In general, her favorite flavor is strawberry.
: ̗̀➛She doesn't really believe in a religion, she's more at the questioning stage. But she wouldn't deny the evidence if it will ever shown.
: ̗̀➛If she still had a normal life, she would want to become a singer instead of going to university and joining academia. There are even some lyrics that she has written before, but no one can see them.
: ̗̀➛When it snows, she gets excited just like a little child. She's definitely the kind of person who would take snow in and ruin the house for the sake of throwing it at someone.
: ̗̀➛She absolutely sucks at cooking because she changes the recipes according to her head. But she makes some desserts very well. Especially the fruity ones.
: ̗̀➛The clothes she wears in winter also stand out very much because they are very colorful. That's why when they have a snowball fight, she usually gets pretty wet.
: ̗̀➛She can't play much of a musical instrument. She can only play a few guitar songs. However, she has a voice that is considered quite good, despite the fact that she has not received an education. For a non-expert, she can hit high-pitched notes easily.
: ̗̀➛She is neither very successful nor very bad at drawing. She just has a slightly different, even interesting style. There are a lot of characters she created, and she remembers the name of each of them.
: ̗̀➛She can ride a motorcycle, she learned it from Clockwork. Sometimes they go on long motorcycle trips.
: ̗̀➛She learned to skate by falling a lot when she was a little girl, and even though she took a long break, she never forgot. She can do both ice skating and normal skating. Even if she feels confident enough, she can make cool movements in normal skating.
: ̗̀➛She misses her family, she misses them very much. She wants them back, but she knows she can't do it. That's why the only thing she can do is to take the bouquet of black roses she chooses to their graves every month and apologize to them.
: ̗̀➛She has a lot of posters and stickers in her room about everything she loves. Her walls are covered with these and photos she took with friends.
: ̗̀➛Because her phone is old, she has a few photos of herself before all these events. For this exact reason, she refuses to replace her phone and only increases the storage space with an external booster.
: ̗̀➛Nina is not stupid. Just because she's an average student in her classes does not mean she's stupid. People usually see her as very careless, but she's definitely not that kind of person. Her intelligence level is higher than average.
: ̗̀➛She acts like a complete big sister figure to Sally. Although she is more of an older sister who says yes to everything Sally wants because she does not want to offend her. But she is aware of where she should say no.
: ̗̀➛Because she had unlimited internet access when she was little, she was exposed to many traumatizing things, and these began to normalize for her. That's the number one reason why she has such feelings for Jeff.
: ̗̀➛She also likes Heather Musical.
: ̗̀➛She doesn't swear a lot despite her friends.
"Aww, look! A puppy!"
"Nah, I'm too cool for that."
"You're doing amazing sweetie!"
"Ew, what's that smell?"
"Yeah, let's kick their fancy ass!"
"Oh my god, you're such a dumb dumb. How did you even survive without me?"
"I want to join too!"
"I'm famous baby."
"I'm so sorry for everything, Chris. For not being a better sister, for not protecting you, for... stealing your life."
"Hey mom, dad. Did you miss me? Because I missed you guys a lot."
"I'm gonna kill that bastard!"
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nyxronomicon · 2 years
a quick errand
Darius Morgan x f!reader
2.6k words
🔞NSFW 18+ ONLY 🔞
cw: unprotected, fingering, creampie, darius wears a wedding ring (but he's divorced), smoking, sloppy kissing, tit play, possessive!Darius (if you squint), praise, mild size kink (he has a big cock what can I say), reader wears lingerie
pet names: love, baby, good girl/naughty girl
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You had just stopped by the police station to get some paperwork from Captain Morgan. You were on another one of his cases and Artem loved to make you run little errands like this. Of course you didn't mind, even though Darius wore a wedding ring you found him very easy to talk to and even occasionally flirted with him knowing it wouldn't go anywhere. 
"Anything else you need from me?" He asked as you flipped through the binder.
"This looks like everything." You smiled. You were about to excuse yourself when he spoke.
"You know, you've been very helpful with these cases lately. Have you ever considered being a detective?" You could sense a bit of fondness in his words. 
"My passion is in the courtroom." You studied him a little closer. "Are you trying to poach me, Captain?" You chuckled. 
"No, no, I just feel like I should be paying you for the good work you do." He laughed with you. "Besides, I think Mr. Wing would have my head if I stole you out from under him." He seemed a little dejected, even though his offer wasn't really serious.
"Artem doesn't really have anything to do with it." Even though he was married, you still had a crush on Captain Morgan and you didn't want him thinking you were unavailable. "He's just my boss." You could feel your heart beating a bit faster as Darius stood. 
He walked over to his office door and closed it, leaning against it as he lit a cigarette. "And what about those other men I always see you with? Who are they to you?"
"Huh? Capt-"
"Call me Darius, please." His tone was gentle but firm. You turned in your seat to face him. He was leaning against the door, studying your reaction to his words.
"Darius," you smiled softly, "why do you want to know?" You watched him tap his cigarette on the ashtray near the door before bringing it to his mouth again.  
"Answering a question with a question?" He chuckled. "I'm just trying to get to know you a little better." You might have gotten defensive if it was anyone else. But his soft laughter let your guard down. He could probably get you to tell him anything.
"Luke is just my childhood friend. Vyn is a valuable advisor. And Marius…" you couldn't quite find the words to describe him. After you paused, you could see Darius' expression harden. "I guess I'll just call him a friend." 
"Why the hesitation?" He really was impossible to read. You figured that's what made him a good detective. 
"Well, I'd say he's a client but we do hang out sometimes even though his case is over. I'm certainly closer to him than I am with any of my other past clients." You wondered why he was asking so much about the men in your life. The ring on his finger was prominent as he took a drag of his cigarette. 
"So you're unattached." He finally spoke. 
"You could say that…" you could feel your heart beating faster. You didn't really know what he was getting at, maybe he wanted to set you up? Surely he was not interested in you for himself. 
"So when I say I want to reward you, do you have any problems with that?" He finished his cigarette and put it out. 
"What do you mean?" Darius' office suddenly felt very small. Despite his open window and the light breeze, the smell of his cigarettes and cologne took over your senses. It was so cruel of him to be married and still monopolize your mind like this. So cruel of him to tease you when he was legally bound to another. 
And yet, he never spoke of his wife to you. When you asked about her, he simply sighed and brushed it off. He always flirted back when you said something suggestive and sometimes even started it himself. And without fail he took the time to chat with you for a while every time you stopped by his office. 
"I think you can figure out what I mean." Darius locked the door and removed his jacket before sitting on the small loveseat in the corner. "Sit with me." You watched him roll up his sleeves. This was your first time seeing his muscular forearms. 
"Aren't you… married?" You spoke in a hushed tone. Despite your reservations, his presence was intoxicating. You watched him remove his tie and unbutton the top few buttons of his shirt. The room was thick with sexual tension as he dragged his gaze down your body. 
"No." He slipped the ring off his finger and flicked it across the room. "She divorced me last year. I didn't want to talk about it so I kept wearing the ring." He put his elbows on his knees and leaned forward, staring at the silver band on the floor. 
You quickly left the seat across his desk to join him on the loveseat. "Darius…" you put a hand on his back as you tried to console him. 
"Don't worry about it." He looked back at you and smiled. "It's been long enough.” 
“Are you sure?” You underestimated how much you were drawn to him. Even just sitting next to him had your nerves blaring, your thoughts barely coherent as your fingers traced the muscles of his back. 
“I want you.” He leaned back, his brown eyes gazing into yours as his hand draped over your thigh. “That much I’m certain of.”
You had daydreamed about this. You hated to admit with all of the men fawning over you that the one that was completely unavailable to you had piqued your interest. So while you entertained the idea of others, you were really set on Darius. You’d made up scenarios of how he’d confess his love to you, how you’d push him away because of his marriage. Or even how you’d give in and let him fuck you senseless over that desk of his. 
You never prepared for this. Sure, a divorce had entered your mind on occasion, but you never could have imagined he was divorced this whole time. All this flirting and tension was unresolved simply because he continued to wear that ring. Sure, there was the possibility that he was lying, but that smile. That smile was the most genuine smile you’d seen on Darius’ face. 
“Well? How about it?” He brought you out of your thoughts and your eyes traced over his body. He was leaning closer to you now, his disheveled hair falling into his face. His fingers slowly moved up your thigh, yet still respectful of your pencil skirt. You could see his chest peeking out of the top of his shirt, seeing he was far more built than you thought. 
“Okay,” you spoke quietly. “What’s my reward then?” 
"What would you like?" He inched towards you until your breath mingled. 
"You seem to have thought about this for quite a bit…" you smirked. "How about you take the lead?" 
"Mmm…" his voice was husky, "exactly what I was hoping to hear." He didn't waste any more time, supporting the back of your head with one of his large hands as he captured you in a deep kiss. His other hand remained on your thigh, his thumb making small circles as his tongue entered your mouth. 
You could feel the heat pulsing through your body already. His kisses were firm but desperate. His hands seemed frozen in place, it was clear he hadn't done this in a while. You took his bottom lip between your teeth to try to encourage him. As you pulled away, you met his lusty gaze and found it easy to lose yourself in those soft brown eyes. 
Without warning, he hooked a hand under your legs and pulled them over his lap, reclining you against the arm of the loveseat before leaning over you. One of his arms braced him against the loveseat while the other pushed at the hem of your skirt. He dove in for another kiss, this time more reckless as if you'd found something in him that he thought he'd lost. 
Darius pressed himself more tightly against you, drinking in your heavy breaths as his teeth clashed with your lips. It was as if he was determined to make you his. To make you forget those other boys you were always with. To make you surrender yourself to him like he'd been dreaming you would.
He urgently peppered kisses along your jaw before remembering that you were still fully clothed. You understood what he wanted when his lips reached your collar and you quickly unbuttoned your blouse. Your lacy bra was just barely visible as his kisses impatiently followed your hands down your front.
"You didn't wear this for me, did you?" He barely separated from your skin as the hand that was on your thigh moved to your breast. Heat rushed to your cheeks. You wished the answer was no, but it wasn't. You had a feeling Artem would have you running an errand here today and you always wore something sexy under your clothes when you knew you'd see Darius. Your silence spoke volumes as his thumb rubbed your nipple through the lace. 
"You did?" He chuckled, his lips pressing against the exposed flesh of your tit. "Such a naughty girl…" His kisses now slowed. It was clear he was feeling more confident knowing you'd worn lingerie with the hopes he'd be the one undressing you. 
"It's not…" your breathing was labored as his mouth toyed with your nipple through the fabric of your bra. "It's not like that…'' you repeated yourself, arching your back as his attention sent butterflies up your spine. 
"You're not telling me there's someone else." His voice was lower than usual. Almost possessive. "That would be cruel of you." He pushed the straps of your bra to the side and your breasts spilled out, your nipples hard from his touch. 
"Not half as cruel as you, leading me to believe you were married this whole time." You tangled one of your hands in his messy hair while the other trailed down his muscular arm.
"That's not a no." He stopped, his brown eyes staring at you until you returned his gaze. Your body yearned for him to keep kissing you. To keep touching you. 
"There is no one else." You spoke softly. "I'm yours, and yours alone, Darius." 
"Good girl." He purred, languidly directing his attention back to your tits. He took one nipple between his lips while he pinched the other, making you moan from the contact on your bare skin. 
As he sucked you, you could feel his cock twitch against the back of your thigh. You sighed with pleasure, your body responding to every flick of his tongue. You arched your back more, curling your toes in a way that made one of your heels clatter to the floor. 
Just as your cunt ached for attention, Darius' hand wandered down your torso. He took his time, running his fingers down your hips, along the curve of your ass, then back up your thigh. He hooked his thumb under the hem of your skirt, finally pushing it up and exposing your sex. You gasped as he tugged at your panties.
"Hmm…" he glanced down to see it was a set. "They match." He smiled to himself before haphazardly pulling them to your knees. He rubbed two fingers along your folds, stroking you and feeling how wet you already were. 
"Do you always wear lingerie when you see me?" Darius shifted so he was hovering above your face again. You avoided his direct eye contact, unsure if the heat rushing to your cheeks was from embarrassment or arousal. His fingers circled your clit as he tilted his head to where your eyes landed. "Hm?" He smiled, having a feeling he already knew the answer.
"Y-yes…" you muttered, almost inaudibly. 
He chuckled and dropped his head in the crook of your neck. "I can't believe I kept you waiting so long… you're so perfect…" he mumbled against your skin as he started kissing your collarbone. You could feel his thick cock against your thighs as his fingers slid into your cunt. You moaned as he pumped them in and out, preparing you for his dick. 
“It’s been a while since I…” He trailed off, his hard cock finishing his statement for him with another twitch. 
“It’s ok.” You quickly reassured him, your pussy aching to be filled as it clenched around his calloused fingers. “Darius, I…” You lost your train of thought when he picked up his head, heavy blush decorating his cheeks as he gazed at you with those sexy chocolate eyes. “I want you inside me.” You spoke in barely a whisper, the words falling from your lips without a thought. 
“Anything, love.” His slip of the tongue made your heart race even faster as he kissed you again. His tongue and saliva were messy as he desperately positioned himself between your legs. You could hear the clattering of his belt falling on the floor and the shuffle of his slacks dropping below his cock, which now poked at your entrance. He separated from you only to glance down, making sure he was lined up with your hole. You practically drooled at his size despite the fact that it was hard to see his full length from this angle. 
“Ready?” He asked, seeming to need the reassurance more than you did.
“Yes, please…” He slid himself between your folds, collecting your juices on his tip before plunging himself deep inside you. You moaned at the stretch, tangling your fingers into his messy hair as his attention returned to you. He thrust himself in and out of you slowly at first, getting a feel for the way you wrapped around him.
“Fuck…” He shuddered, kissing your neck as he fucked you dumb, his dick reaching your most sensitive spot with each thrust. 
“Holy shit… Darius…” Moans spilled from your lips, and while you tried to be quiet about it since you were in his office, you couldn’t hold yourself back. He felt too good. The tingling pleasure quickly spread through your whole body, taking you right to the edge. You couldn’t even think straight anymore. His heavy cock pistoned inside you. His teeth left marks of desperation on your neck. From the sound of your moans, he didn’t need his deductive skills to know you were close. 
“I’m so-”
“Shh…” Darius hushed you. “I know, baby…” He began chasing his own high as he spoke. “Wait for me, ok? Let’s cum together.” His breath fanned over your skin. You were so sensitive. Each time he hit that bundle of nerves you were at risk of giving in to your pleasure but you held yourself back and let him edge you. 
“Such a good girl…” He mumbled, ramming into you haphazardly. “So good for me…” You didn’t know how much longer you could take it. Your body was on fire, tingling all the way to your fingertips and toes in anticipation. 
“D-darius…” You whimpered as his breaths got shaky. 
“C-cum with me… !” He grunted, you could feel his seed spilling into you, the pressure pushing you over the edge as you sex flooded with pleasure. You clenched around him, your slick dripping at the base of his cock as he shuddered again. You both rode out the high, breathing heavily as your intertwined bodies buzzed with ecstasy. Finally, he collapsed on top of you, his dick still nestled in your tight cunt. 
“Fuck…” You were still catching your breath. “I don’t know how to go back to work after that…” 
“Call in sick.” He calmly responded, also a little out of breath. 
“Artem’s already seen me today…” You sighed. It would be strange if you called in sick at this point. 
“Then I’ll just tell him I’m borrowing you for the afternoon,” Darius smirked. “There’s a case in my bedroom I think I’ll need help with.” 
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busstalks · 9 days
10 Best Marketing Tricks for 2024
When it comes to business, leading the pack is everything in a rapidly changing domain of industry. So, as we approach 2024, let me give you the top 10 marketing advice that will help guide you through the challenges and also conquer the opportunities of the New Year:
1. Embrace AI and Automation
Marketing AI and Automation are changing the Game Editorial Staff AI-powered chatbots and predictive analytics make it easier to engage with customers. They also help to improve conversion rates, tweaked in real-time as necessary. For example, with the help of AI you can opt customer data analysis to tailor marketing campaigns in such a way that your message will be connected with your audience.
2. Leverage Social Media
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Social platforms are an integral part of any marketing strategy. 2024: Produce engaging + interactive! Use Instagram Stories, LinkedIn articles & more. In this regard, some would say to create TikTok videos and whatnot. The key is as always consistency which builds your retinue of followers.
3. Invest in Content Marketing
Content remains the king. Create a blog post, video, infographic or podcast calendar Optimize your content for SEO and encourage it on search engines. An industry trends blog post that is well-researched can position your brand as a thought leader, for instance.
4. Customer Experience Must Be Your First Priority
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Customer experience (CX) is the new big differentiator. Provide a seamless and easy customer experience at every possible touchpoint, whether that be on your website or through customer service. Set up feedback loops for ongoing improvement of your CX strategy.
5. Utilize Influencer Marketing
Why we are just now finding out about something — influencer marketing is already shifting. Micro-influencers (those with smaller, but ultra-engaged followings) will be even more valuable in 2024. Work with influencers that have the same values as you to create an image of reliability and authority.
6. Focus on Video Marketing
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Videos are more engaging than textual content. Create videos that show consumers who you are as a brand, how your product works or what it do for them, and curated video content. These are the great platforms to reach a large audience like Youtube and Tiktok.
7. Optimize for Voice Search
Optimizing for voice search As smart speakers and voice assistants have become more popular, it is essential that you optimize your articles for voice search. Make sure your content is not formal and answer basic questions that 8/10 of an audience want to ask you. Adding schema is known to increase the possibility of showing up in voice search.
8. Incorporate Data-Driven Marketing
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It is a form of marketing in which decision making is done using past data driven results. Use analytics tools for performance tracking all of your campaigns and customer behaviour. It enables you to tweak your strategies and get better results.
9. Three Ways to Tailor Your Marketing Efforts
And it has nothing to do with popping someone's first name in an email. Personalize messages through data based on customer preference and behaviour For instance, suggest products according to their purchase history or give exclusive offers for your customers based on any special occasion.
10. Stay Agile and Adaptable
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Marketing is a field that has always been evolving — but never as fast and dramatically as today. Do not remain idle as the market changes and be prepared when you need to step away from your established way if it is outdated, or losing effectiveness. That ability to pivot is going to be the key to negotiating the uncertainties of 2024, a lesson we would all do well to heed.
Use these marketing tips to set your business on the trajectory towards success in 2024. And finally, as ever, the key to a very good marketing is knowledge and flexibility and putting your customers before anyone else always.
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sanjublog43 · 26 days
Exceptional Learning Experience with Keystone Research Group’s Cryptocurrency Offer
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Comprehensive and Engaging Content I recently bought the product “Crypto Currency Offer – Keystone Research Group Member area and video courses,” and I was impressed. To my content, this is probably one of the most informative platforms out there since it provides knowledge about cryptocurrency from the ground up to the specialized trading level. They are interesting and well-organized each time, and the material, even if it is quite complicated, can be easily explained.
User-Friendly Interface It is a web of each member with the focus directly directed to the user. In this aspect, I perceived the interface to be logically laid out and quite easy to work with. All the same, whether you are a newbie or a pro in trading, you will definitely relish this kind of experience. It is easily understandable and a good search experience with locations of specific courses or any other resources.
Expert Instructors Of the strengths of this product, this one stands out because having good instructors who will deliver quality lessons to the clients is very important. They have a deep level of knowledge and experience in their fields which help them to explain concepts, illustrate it with examples that makes understanding the content easier and applicable.
Up-to-Date Information This information means that there is always something new and interesting in the fast-evolving world of cryptocurrencies. The content is also updated from time-to-time so as to suit the changes and trends that exist in the market. This means that one is updated with the most recent information which is crucial in trading activities.
Interactive Learning Tools
Among the many multimedia aids that the Keystone Research Group has used in their courses are the following. The quizzes and the practical exercises are particularly engaging and useful, as they allow you to review the material, and check one’s knowledge as you go through the courses.
Supportive Community
The last key feature of the member area is the support community – a unique feature of the club. The forums and the discussion boards are available and offer an environment where client experiences, opinions, and challenges may be discussed.
Excellent Customer Support Customer support is top-notch. I had some questions while using the software and the support staff was friendly and was able to answer all my questions. Such a level of support is indeed very welcomed and proves useful in enhancing the total experience.
Value for Money As for the depth and quality of the information provided, the “Crypto Currency Offer - Keystone Research Group Member area and video courses” is a particularly valuable investment. This makes it relevant to anyone willing to learn how to trade in the cryptocurrency market.
Conclusion So, I strongly suggest the product known as the Crypto Currency Offer – it includes access to the Keystone Research Group Member area together with video courses. Engaging and complete coursework; outstanding teachers; and a practical, helpful online learning community are among the highlights of this program.
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amnesique · 2 years
i didn't know — anthony lockwood & lucy carlyle
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pairing: anthony lockwood and lucy carlyle
summary: seizing the opportunity of a truly valuable mission that would also bring them the front page of the newspaper, lockwood & co decided to expand a little further, leaving the well-known streets and having to spend the night in a hotel because this mission was far from their home.
"remind me, why did we have to choose to come right here, out of all the possible missions?" george asked lockwood as they all made their way through the hotel's sliding doors, letting lucy enter first as she was the only girl on the team.
lockwood sighed theatrically, but lucy was somewhat amused by the situation, —more precisely by the fact that george and lockwood kept contradicting each other, not the fact that they had to sleep in a hotel room—, and he answered, "is it because this person is so important that," lockwood stopped in front of them, glaring at both of them, but more at george. "listen to me," he said to the curly headed boy and then repeated himself with the first word, "that, we could end up on the front page of the newspaper and have our capabilities recognized."
it was george's turn to sigh, and lucy, as if she started to think that it wasn't so funny anymore, walked past them with ease and headed towards the pretty receptionist who was smiling at them from behind the counter.
"good evening," lucy said politely to her, being followed by the boys. "we are lockwood and co and we would like to get three rooms, for one evening, namely, this evening."
being already aware of the accommodations made until the three got there, the receptionist gave them a sad smile and spoke to them in a sincere tone, "i'm sorry, but it seems that we don't have three available rooms."
"unbelievable!" muttered george from behind the girl, trying to be subtle and keep his disappointment to just the three of them.
as lockwood stepped forward, taking back his leadership role. "but what rooms do you have?" he asked, making sure to give the receptionist a smile, as if that would somehow change the situation.
she, passing with an all-knowing smile over his gesture, continued to remain polite and formal, "in fact, we only have one apartment left, but it's for 3 people."
george walked up to his teammates and whispered to both of them at the same time, "you won't see me sharing my personal space with any of you," then smirked as he resumed his seat as if nothing did happen.
before lucy could intervene in any way, driven by the fact that he couldn't give back because they were in an area they didn't know, lockwood spoke briefly and to the point without asking for any details, "we're taking it."
"wonderful!" exclaimed the receptionist and she quickly looked for the key, but because it was the last one, she immediately found it and handed it to them. "have a nice stay!" she added with her typical smile.
it was lockwood who took the key and thanked her, while george repeated his words, sarcastically, while going before them on the hall towards their apartment.
"so we're going to share a room?" lucy asks in a low tone, walking along with lockwood.
lockwood, due to the fact that no matter how much he denied it every time george or anyone else suggested it, he had a little crush on his so-called colleague, swallowed hard and cleared his throat before he answered. "i'm not so sure." but then, immediately, he turned to her and gave her a crooked smile. "don't worry, we'll figure it out somehow." he added and earned a smile from her.
"excuse me for interrupting your moment," george said as he suddenly stopped in front of them. "but i need the key," he continued and held out his hand to lockwood who was too busy gazing at lucy to realize they were in front of the door to the apartment where they would be spending the night.
george snapped his fingers in front of him, making him take a step back, flustered, and he motioned to the door first, then held out his hand in front of him again, waiting for the key.
lockwood took a second to process, looking down at the key in his hand and then to the door that had on the exact number that was on the key. "oh, right," he said after that second, handing the key to george, who could barely keep from laughing.
the boy hurried to unlock the door as lockwood and lucy watched him anxiously and when the door opened they realized they would indeed have to share a room. the apartment was small, for their budget —not that they had any other options left anyway—, but when they opened the door they had a single bed in front of them, and then a door to another room, and george had already made his point to them. that he doesn't want to share his space with anyone.
they put down their luggage, which wasn't much anyway, and after they were all inside, george locked the door and left the keys on the bedside table next to his bed. he threw himself into bed, quickly taking off his shoes and making himself comfortable.
"i really don't want to rush you, but some of us are really tired," he said with his hand on his heart, and immediately pulling the blanket over him and arranging his pillow.
lockwood and lucy had exchanged glances, aware that neither of them had made another move since relinquishing the luggage. lucy was the first to step towards the door of the bedroom and lockwood was throwing nasty looks at george behind her for all these subtle things that kept coming out of their friend's mouth, which the latter successfully ignored anyway, pretending to go to sleep.
being the last to enter the room, lockwood closed the door behind him and glanced around the room. a drawer, a bed, an armchair and... that was it. that was all the furniture in that room.
at least the bed was a double one. the only thing that was somehow good.
"i'm going to sleep on the couch," he offered immediately, seeing that lucy was still standing, not sure what her next move should be.
she blinked once, twice.
"how?" she asked barely audible.
"what do you mean 'how'?" lockwood asked and motioned for her to sit down and she did as he said but continued to look at him with a hint of disbelief.
she took a deep breath, which made him lose himself in thought. "it's uncomfortable to sleep in an armchair after a day full of research," she said, crossing her arms over her chest and he tried his best to pay attention only to her words and not to anything else.
"i'll handle it," he replied, not thinking his words through. because as much as he was paying attention to her words, he had come to study her lips far too closely. the way they curve every time she pronounce a letter, or the way...
he had to stop.
she rolled her eyes, ready to argue with him, but when she wanted to say something, he had the impression that she was going to scold him for the way he was studying her lips —when she hadn't even noticed—, so he had thrown himself into the armchair. "see?" he said, a big but fake smile on his lips. "like i said, i'll handle it."
lucy gave up for a moment and went to turn off the light, while lockwood tried to make himself comfortable in the place he had chosen. after that, she sat down in her own place.
it didn't seem right for her to sleep alone in such a big bed, while lockwood, who was also quite tall on top of that, tried to squeeze into that armchair. she didn't really have anything left to do to make him change his mind if he chose to be so stubborn, did she?
they both tried to sleep but couldn't because they were thinking about each other. lucy was thinking about how if he didn't feel at that moment, then he would for sure feel it the next day, because lockwood would be sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. as for him, lockwood couldn't get out of his head what an idiot he was for thinking of lucy as more than a simple colleague, hating to prove george right about those things about them had been saying over time.
"lockwood?" asked lucy in a whisper, when she had had enough of knowing him in that place, hoping he wasn't asleep yet. "are you sleeping?" she continued, so that if he had fallen asleep, at least he would've woken up to hear her.
he was looking at the ceiling, thinking whether or not he should answer her.
he had decided not to do it and when this happened and he was about to fall asleep, lucy's voice was heard when he least expected it.
"lockwood!" she shouted for the second time, even if it was a whispered shout, louder than lockwood would've expected.
so, immediately after her whispering shout, there was heard a loud bang and she quickly got out of bed, in fright, to turn on the light bulb. only to see the boy, lying on the floor, rubbing his head hard after making sudden contact with the floor.
lucy quickly fell down in front of him. "did you hurt yourself badly?" she asked, taking her role as the mother of the group —or maybe more— seriously and analyzing his head, shaking it from side to side.
he tried to nod, but his gesture was not noticed by the frightened girl. because even though lucy had stopped shaking his head, she continued to watch him carefully and be vigilant in case she noticed any kind of wound.
"i told you that it's not a good idea to sleep in the armchair!" she held him accountable, leaving without realizing her palm on his palm —which was helping him maintain his weight enough to keep his head up—.
he smiled, a very real smile this time, "you didn't really use those words, but yes, you told me so."
lucy pulled her hand back to slap him on the shoulder and she suddenly felt the lack of warmth of her body next to him, though the touch was barely perceptible. "don't try to act hurt," she said, guessing in advance that he was going to complain that the area where she hit him hurt, "i already saw that you are fine."
he sighed and before answering her, lucy stood up and with her hands on her hips and she told him, "get on the bed!", but he kept smiling like a fool at the way the girl was trying to be authoritative.
"i told you to get in bed, not smile like an idiot!" she continued, but he wasn't listening so she made a frustrated noise and turned the light bulb back off. "fine, have it your way." she said and got back into bed. "i don't care anymore."
this time she would actually try to fall asleep.
she was going to ignore any thoughts she might have had about lockwood because he was just a stubborn bastard who happened to be far too good looking— in fact, he was a bastard that only thought about himself— in fact, he was busy with other things that he didn't even notice her— in fact...
she had actually come to think of lockwood more than she had the first time, if that was even possible.
and she lied to herself that she would've managed to fall asleep, if she hadn't felt movement behind her when that much too good-looking bastard, who happened to be her colleague, had decided that neither the floor nor the armchair were comfortable enough for him.
"sorry if i pissed you off, luce" he whispered, but she pretended to be asleep, so he continued, "it's just..." maybe he wasn't thinking clearly then, but he kept talking. "it seems to me that you're much more beautiful when you boss me around."
"and there's a chance i'm a bit of a masochist when it comes to you," he added, laughing lightly, thinking of the times when he continued to hold on to her, just so she wouldn't give up on him.
upon hearing these confessions, lucy felt how the air stopped in her throat and how suddenly the room had heated up too much. she could've sworn that the fall caused some kind brain damage to lockwood.
"luce?" he repeated her name, checking once again if she was asleep, hoping he hadn't been heard. but she pretended again, letting him believe that she was in fact asleep.
and after that, him continuing to think he hadn't been heard and eventually falling asleep and she barely managing to fall asleep, knowing he was so close to her and knowing he'd admitted to her without realizing there was more between them than they'd lied to the othera that it was, in the morning george managed to enter their room. only for him to find the two, in a situation in which he would not have imagined, but deep down he would've hoped to find them.
though lucy had her back turned to lockwood, still trying to ignore his presence, even in her sleep, lockwood's arm was wrapped around her body, holding her so close to him.
those liars, george thought. colleagues my—
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