#Apostrophe Em
gabetex · 2 years
Pop & Purr Tees
Pop & Purr Tees
Finally, my apparel brand is live and in the mix of the graphic t-shirt world. Starting a small business was daunting at first and certainly still is but I shall be okay and will continue. I have a lot in the works which will join my launch collection I’m very proud. Please check out Popnpurr.com and let me know what you think of the designs. Here’s a glimpse of my brand’s mascot ‘Em. If you…
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ackee · 1 year
i loooove "stereotypical" black names all the -eishas -quans -ontes/-oncés and people w apostrophes in their names etc etc 💕
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engagemythrusters · 9 months
new star wars OC called Aah'Tesm
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you may be practicing the cadenza to the tchaikovsky violin concerto. i, however, have a silly little grounding technique in my folder so i won’t fuck up the job i was given. we are not the same‼️
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chiropteracupola · 5 months
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iceyrukia · 6 months
the brand of libfems who make their whole personality making onlyf*ns jokes and having a username with a misogynistic slur for shock value are the most annoying people with the stalest most predictable sense of humor.
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gurorori · 9 months
an if i bcome ott obsessed w my source 4 da time bein.. can ya blame m e....
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paeinovis · 1 year
I think I'm going to switch back to a pixel for my next phone fjndjd
Like there are (very very very) few things I prefer on iOS but for writing stuff, I use my pixel 3a 99% more often. Androids are generally just a lot more customizable anyway
#text#rly the only good thing abt ios is imessage compatibility but the only reason that's an issue in the first place is apple being fucking#stubborn abt maintaining their monopoly lmfao#paersonal#I'd just need to figure out how to move all me photos over but apparently that's easier to do nowadays so#am sad bc my pixel 3a is now out of date n is chugging a bit more lately...#i use my phone Mostly for writing stuff so rly the keyboard and editing cursor and such are most important#and frankly on ios they fucking suck#on pixel the keyboard has a functionality where you can long press a letter and use the symbol associated w that letter#instead of pressing the symbols button and the symbol every single time#numbers too#which is huge when using a ton of quotes and apostrophes and periods and commas#AND IT HAS A BUILTIN CLIPBOARD#WITH MULTIPLE COPY MEMORY#AND YOU CAN PIN COPIED TEXT#honestly if the google keyboard were on iOS and fully functional id be much less inclined to jump ship again...#also u cant customize the color of iphone keyboard its so fucking cringe#iphone has cool astronomy widgets tho. tho at this point google probs also has em if they didnt have em to begin w#and if they arent default its super easy to just. add. bc android is so customizable.#also also u can get moving bgs on android and for some reason thats still not a thing on ios lmao#ALSO iphone camera fucking sucks at focusing#google lens is rly useful too#you can customize notifs a lot more specifically on pixel. it's great
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vangoghs-other-ear · 7 months
les signes de ponctuation en fraçais
le point - period (🇺🇸) full stop (🇬🇧) [ . ]
la virgule - comma [ , ]
le point-virgule - semicolon [ ; ]
les deux points - colon [ : ]
Les trois points de suspension- ellipsis [ ... ]
le point d'interrogation- question mark [ ? ]
le point d'exclamation - exclamation mark [ ! ]
l'apostrophe (f) - apostrophe [ ' ]
les guillemets - guillemets [ « » ] (En anglais, on n’emploie jamais de guillemet français)
les guillemets anglais/les guillemets en apostrophe - quotation mark [ " " ] (🇺🇸) [ ' ' ] (🇬🇧) rarely/never used in French
les parenthèses - parenthesis [ ( ) ]
les crochets - brackets [ [ ] ]
les acolades - curly brackets/braces [ { } ]
le tiret - dash [ - ]
le tiret long/tiret cadratin - em dash [ — ]
la barre oblique/le slash - slash [ / ]
la barre oblique inversée/ le backslash - backslash [ \ ]
l'esperluette (f) - ampersand [ & ]
l'arobase - at sign [ @ ]
l'astérisque - asterisk [ * ]
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randomfoggytiger · 2 months
Do you have a list of comfort fics? Not them comforting each other but for when you're feeling wrecked and you just need something lovely to make it better?
randomfoggytiger's Comfort Fics
I'm not joking: I've reread more fics than I'll ever read new ones. My usual routine is to pop open Google docs, select an author, and mow down their list.
These three pieces were the ones that started it all; but I forgot to include @seek-its-opposite's photosensitivity. A+s, all of 'em.
Authors that I can't single out comfort fics from and can't tag because Tumblr is restricting my tag options: @baronessblixen, @settle-down-frohike, @onpaperfirst, @markwatneyandenesemble, Lapsed_Scholar, Apostrophic, @ghostbustermelanieking, @o6666666, touchstoneaf, @welsharcher, @scenes-in-between, @mldrgrl, @spooky-nerd, @melforbes, etc.
**Note**: Will ghost edit later~
Bittersweet Comfort Fics
misslucyjane's Scully seeks insomnia advice from Mulder, and Mulder dies, then lovingly watches Scully live the rest of her life
Kipler's cancer arc set casefile involving WWII vets and letters
melforbes's cancer arc Mulder takes his new bride to the sea for her last spring, and Pre-IWTB Mulder and Scully finally have a home
MldrItsMe's AU Redux II Scully is REALLY suffering, and Sein und Zeit Mulder's suicidal confessions
@discordantwords's Mulder and Scully are almost killed by the Fiji mermaid
mixiz877's Mulder and Scully fight off a gryphon
@fbismostunwanted1158's Scully is beaten down ala Stella Gibson in The Fall
Joyce's S5 AU Mulder is killed, comes back to life to save Scully, and Mulder dies but stays as Scully's partner solving cases with her (Part 1, Part 2, and-- my favorite of the three-- its Halloween sequel)
@teethnbone's post Travelers fic with Mulder and Scully
@sarie-fairy's AU Tithonus love confession, Post Milagro Scully realizing what it feels like to be Mulder, and Post The Unnatural Scully is bleeding out on a failed Sasquatch hunt
@sigritandtheelves's Post Monday Scully remembers Mulder's death
whatliesabove's Post Milagro Scully stays dead (or does she?)
ChaneenW's Pre-IVF arc Mulder is shot into a parallel timeline, reliving the Small Potatoes adventure with Scully
dee_ayy's post Amor Fati recovery fic (with baseball)
@bohoartist's Sein und Zeit through Scully's eyes, and Post Closure Scully rescues a photo of baby Mulder
Lolabeegood's AU where S8 Mulder is returned with false memories (would also recommend Lolabee's IWTB era fics, btw.)
@dreamingofscully's AU S9 Skinner entices Mulder back into profiling... and it doesn't end well
@television-overload's Pre-IWTB Mulder surprises Scully with a baseball field (and his old self again)
@queeenpersephone's AU where IWTB Scully stuck it out with Mulder
@danascullysjournal's Post IWTB bonding fic between a discouraged Mulder and uplifting Scully
@kateyes224's Mulder and Scully content in their UH, and Mulder sells the UH, and Scully buys it
@realmofextremepossibility's Breakup Mulder waiting for Scully's return Part I and Part II.
vulcanscully's Post Breakup Scully stops hearing from Mulder and assumes the worst
enigmaticdr's AU post IWTB Scully thinks she has cancer again (she's pregnant), Breakup Mulder is defeated at their anniversary dinner, AU where Revival Scully gets cancer, and The Revival baby laughs for the first time
prufrockslove's AU Mulder is a Welsh prince, Scully is his betrothed bride, and lots of Prince John high court drama ensues (part I of a sweeping, interconnecting AU series)
Thanks for reading~
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No shame! here’s proper punctuation with a simple format and the dictionary definitions because i used to be that writer who was where some of you are now. 💖
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1. Full stop
A full stop is the punctuation name for a mark that is used to show the end of a sentence, as shown in this punctuation example:
'Lucy went clothes shopping. She bought a lovely new skirt.'
Full stops are used to indicate that it is the end of a sentence, usually communicating a complete point or thought. It highlights a new sentence is about to begin.
2. Commas
Commas is the punctuation name for a mark that aregreat for breaking down sentences, combining two clauses or showing us when to pause.
'Despite the fact I hate maths, I quite like learning about fractions.'
This shows how commas can add emphasis and tell the reader when to pause. Sometimes, commas can be misplaced. This is called a comma splice, where two independent clauses are connected by a comma, when they should really be separated with a full stop or semi colon or connected with a connective.
3. Question marks
Question marks simply indicate that the speaker is asking a question. They're used at the end of question (or interrogative) sentences.
'Do you still want to keep your teddy bear?'
4. Exclamation marks
Exclamation marks is the punctuation name for a mark that can change the meaning and tone of a sentence. They still end a sentence, but they can add emotion - whether that's excitement, anger or nervousness!
'Look, it's a cat!'
'I'm so nervous about my SATs exams!'
'I can't believe you just said that!'
All three of these sentences convey very different emotions using an exclamation mark, so it can be confusing. Yet imagine if they used a full stop instead - these emotions would be much harder to read and understand.
A sentence which needs an exclamation mark is called an exclamatory sentence.
5. Colons
A colon is the punctuation name for a mark that is used to connect two clauses.
'Never go out in the sun without sunscreen: you#ll damage your skin.'
They're also great for introducing a list of three or more things.
'I'm visiting four cities this summer: Rome, Florence, Paris, and Seville.'
6. Semicolons
Semicolons get a bad reputation for being difficult, but in truth, they're super handy!
You can use a semicolon to join 2 main (or independent clauses) which have equal importance. For example,
'Katie was hungry; she hadn't eaten all day.'
Semicolons show a closer relationship between the clauses than a full stop would show.
7. Apostrophes
Apostrophe is a punctuation mark that can be quite confusing for many children, but it's really important that children learn how to use it properly.
Apostrophes are used to identify something that belongs to someone or to show a letter or multiple letters are missing from a word. Yet as simple as this sounds, many children and adults often misplace or forget apostrophes, even putting them somewhere they shouldn't be altogether. The following sentence shows how to use an apostrophe for contractions, where letters are missing from "were not", "of the clock" and "cannot".
"We weren't meant to leave before 4 O'clock, so we can't go yet."
Apostrophes can also be used to show the possessive form of a singular noun.
"The student's job was to make sure no one touched the pet rabbit's breakfast."
With plural nouns where the word already has an 's' at the end, an apostrophe just gets added at the end.
"The girls' toy truck had broken."
If the word is plural and doesn't have an 's' at the end, again one can be added.
"The women's business meeting had been delayed."
One of the most common misuses of apostrophes is putting them in words which are just plural and don't show possession or contraction. For example, words such as pencils, ghosts, houses, or guests never need an apostrophe.
8. Dash
A dash is the punctuation name for a mark that used to separate words into statements. There are two common types of dashes: en dash and em dash which vary in length. The en dash is twice as long as a hyphen and is most commonly used to signify a range between two words or numbers, for example the date range:
Meanwhile,the em dash can be used in place of a comma, parenthesis, or colon to enhance readability or emphasize the conclusion of a sentence. For example:
She gave him her answer—No!
8. Hyphen
This list of punctuation marks isn't exhaustive, but it does contain the most commonly used punctuation marks with names. For example:
Sarah had a part-time job that she worked on a Saturday
9. Parentheses
A parenthesis is a word, phrase, or sentence that is inserted into writing as extra information using brackets, commas or dashes. For example:
'James (who was terrified of heights) was going to ride the biggest rollercoaster in the theme park
When a whole sentence is written inside a parenthesis then the full stop will be included inside the parenthesis, for example - Please read this story. (You'll be amazed.). However, if the majority of a sentence is written outside the parentheses, then the full stop should also be used on the outside, for example, You are late (aren't you?).
10. Brackets
Brackets is the punctuation name for a mark that is a curved symbol that looks like () and they are used to separate non-essential or additional information from a sentence. For example:
She finally answered (after taking five minutes to think) that she didn’t understand the question.
11. Quotation marks
Quotation marks is the punctuation name for a mark that is the primary type of punctuation used in quotes. These are inverted commas that are used as either single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”) sets. They are used either to mark the beginning and end of a title or quoted passage. For example:
Walking across the beach Mary said, "the weather is very sunny today".
12. Ellipsis
An ellipsis(plural ellipses) is a punctuation mark made up of 3 dots. Ellipses are commonly used to indicate the omission of words, lines or paragraphs from a quoted passage. For example:
'Today...we are proud to announce our new product.'
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Dictionary version [better version In my opinion]
What is a typographical symbol?
The term typographical symbol, or any other number of phrases, refers to a character or symbol that isn’t considered to be a punctuation mark but may still be used in writing for various purposes. Typographical symbols are generally avoided in formal writing under most circumstances. However, you may see typographic symbols used quite a bit in informal writing.
Typographical symbol examples
The following examples show some ways that a writer might use typographical symbols. Keep in mind that some of these sentences may not be considered appropriate in formal writing.
The frustrated actor said she was tired of her co-star’s “annoying bull****.”
For questions, email us at [email protected]!
The band had five #1 singles on the American music charts during the 1990s.
My internet provider is AT&T.
Period (.)
A period is used to end a declarative sentence. A period indicates that a sentence is finished.
Today is Friday.
Unique to them, periods are also often used in abbreviations.
Prof. Dumbledore once again awarded a ludicrous amount of points to Gryffindor.
Question mark (?)
The question mark is used to end a question, also known as an interrogative sentence.
Do you feel lucky?
Exclamation point (!)
The exclamation point is used at the end of exclamations and interjections.
Our house is haunted!
Comma, colon, and semicolon
Commas, colons, and semicolons can all be used to connect sentences together.
Comma (,)
The comma is often the punctuation mark that gives writers the most problems. It has many different uses and often requires good knowledge of grammar to avoid making mistakes when using it. Some common uses of the comma include:
Joining clauses: Mario loves Peach, and she loves him.
Nonrestrictive elements: My favorite team, the Fighting Mongooses, won the championship this year.
Lists: The flag was red, white, and blue.
Coordinate adjectives: The cute, happy puppy licked my hand.
Try out this quiz on the Oxford comma!
Colon (:)
The colon is typically used to introduce additional information.
The detective had three suspects: the salesman, the gardener, and the lawyer.
Like commas, colons can also connect clauses together.
We forgot to ask the most important question: who was buying lunch?
Colons have a few other uses, too.
The meeting starts at 8:15 p.m.
The priest started reading from Mark 3:6.
Semicolon (;)
Like the comma and the colon, the semicolon is used to connect sentences together. The semicolon typically indicates that the second sentence is closely related to the one before it.
I can’t eat peanuts; I am highly allergic to them.
Lucy loves to eat all kinds of sweets;lollipops are her favorite.
Hyphen and dashes (en dash and em dash)
All three of these punctuation marks are often referred to as “dashes.” However, they are all used for entirely different reasons.
Hyphen (-)
The hyphen is used to form compound words.
I went to lunch with my father-in-law.
She was playing with a jack-in-the-box.
He was accused of having pro-Britishsympathies.
En dash (–)
The en dash is used to express ranges or is sometimes used in more complex compound words.
The homework exercises are on pages 20–27.
The songwriter had worked on many Tony Award–winning productions.
Em dash (—)
The em dash is used to indicate a pause or interrupted speech.
The thief was someone nobody expected—me!
“Those kids will—” was all he managed to say before he was hit by a water balloon.
Test your knowledge on the different dashes here.
Parentheses, brackets, and braces
These pairs of punctuation marks look similar, but they all have different uses. In general, the parentheses are much more commonly used than the others.
Parentheses ()
Typically, parentheses are used to add additional information.
I thought (for a very long time) if I should actually give an honest answer.
Tomorrow is Christmas (my favorite holiday)!
Parentheses have a variety of other uses, too.
Pollution increased significantly. (See Chart 14B)
He was at an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting.
Richard I of England (1157–1199) had the heart of a lion.
Square brackets []
Typically, square brackets are used to clarify or add information to quotations.
According to an eyewitness, the chimpanzees “climbed on the roof and juggled [bananas].”
The judge said that “the defense attorney [Mr. Wright] had made it clear that the case was far from closed.”
Curly brackets {}
Curly brackets, also known as braces, are rarely used punctuation marks that are used to group a set.
I was impressed by the many different colors {red, green, yellow, blue, purple, black, white} they selected for the flag’s design.
Angle brackets <>
Angle brackets have no usage in formal writing and are rarely ever used even in informal writing. These characters have more uses in other fields, such as math or computing.
Quotation marks and apostrophe
You’ll find these punctuation marks hanging out at the top of a line of text.
Quotation marks (“”)
The most common use of quotation marks is to contain quotations.
She said, “Don’t let the dog out of the house.”
Bob Ross liked to put “happy little trees” in many of his paintings.
Apostrophe (‘)
The apostrophe is most often used to form possessives and contractions.
The house’s back door is open.
My cousin’s birthday is next week.
It isn’t ready yet.
We should’ve stayed outside.
Slash and ellipses
These are two punctuation marks you may not see too often, but they are still useful.
Slash (/)
The slash has several different uses. Here are some examples:
Relationships: The existence of boxer briefs somehow hasn’t ended the boxers/briefs debate.
Alternatives: They accept cash and/or credit.
Fractions: After an hour, 2/3 of the audience had already left.
Ellipses (…)
In formal writing, ellipses are used to indicate that words were removed from a quote.
The mayor said, “The damages will be …paid for by the city … as soon as possible.”
In informal writing, ellipses are often used to indicate pauses or speech that trails off.
He nervously stammered and said, “Look, I … You see … I wasn’t … Forget it, okay.”
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I don’t do not own any information listed above. This can all be found on google/chrome/safari
Divider credits go to @cafekitsune
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Forget em and en dash wank; I hate it when people put apostrophes where they don't belong. *Professionally made signs* will even do this these days.
Ah, greengrocer's apostrophe, my beloathed.
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
If you had to pick one song that you thought represented Dick Grayson, what would that song be?
(Personally, The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy is mine)
Oh!! I think of that one for him too!
And only one song?! Cruelty, thy name is.
But...I do have one-Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons
Like the whole song is too perfect, I just want to write everything that matches. Actually I will
Always had a fear of being typical Looking at my body feeling miserable Always hanging on to the visual I wanna be invisible
Dick has always thrived for adventure and excitement which is one of the defining features of his Robin.
The sexual comments he hears and his reaction to his body.
Looking at my years like a martyrdom Everybody needs to be a part of 'em Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son I was born to run, I was born for this
He was ready to die for his beliefs, he was always going to do things his way come hell or high water.
Everyone was involved in Dick's life. Whether they were during his time or after, everyone knows the glory of the first robin.
He's canonically called the Prodigal son. Becoming Robin was his destiny, becoming Batman was his duty. He was born for this.
Whip, whip Run me like a racehorse Pull me like a ripcord Break me down and build me up I wanna be the slip, slip Word upon your lip, lip Letter that you rip, rip Break me down and build me up
Dick thrives off challenge. The higher the fall, the stronger the pain, the harder the task, the more excited he is. Always reaching for the next greater thing, he craves the difficulty with eager eyes.
Whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains Whatever it takes Yeah, take me to the top, I'm ready for Whatever it takes 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes
It's always been the thrill for him. He's canonically called an adrenaline junkie and the untouchable standards he sets? The ones everyone just accepts as impossible because it is impossible except for him and his perfectionist drive. He shatters his own glass ceilings.
Hypocritical, egotistical Don't wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical Working onto something that I'm proud of, out of the box An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost I'm an apostrophe I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see I'm just a product of the system, a catastrophe And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased And when I am deceased At least I go down to the grave and die happily Leave the body and my soul to be a part of thee I do what it takes
The greatest thing about Dick is he's always working to be something greater, something legendary.
He reminds people there's more to humanity, his hope and compassion are beacon of light to heroes and civilians and even villains occasionally get caught up in it like moths to a flame.
He's a masterpiece with crinkled edges and dancing shadows.
And he'll live life to the fullest until his end, may his legacy and glory live on.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #1000000
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okay! i suppose we can do this then!
. ? ! , : ; ' " – — - · ... [ ] { } ( ) / < >
here's our list of punctuation at current moment .
(gonna like really quickly assume you know what the first four are for. they're easy. periods end sentences, question marks end sentences when the sentence is a question, exclamation points express emotion (raised tone i guess? it could be excitement. it could be annoyance. you get it), and commas break down sentences and whatever. you know commas.)
colon and semicolon are kinda like a comma in that they will subdivide sentences. some schools of grammar like to do this thing where they all are like. supposed to represent a period of time you should pause for? so it's like the period/question mark/exclamation point pauses longest, then the colon, then semicolon, then comma. it's a whole thing. i figure most of you also know how to use these
an apostrophe is for contractions! i'm pretty sure you also know this. quotation marks are for quoting things or occasionally as irony punctuation (called scare quotes in this case)
for the en dash and em dash, i'm going to refer you to either of these posts (though one of them is slightly off. there is technically a separate minus sign but some people use an en dash)
the hyphen (or technically hyphen-minus. don't worry about it. it changed when typewriters were invented so it's basically just the normal hyphen but i don't like it so) is used for hyphenated words. and names. you know the ones. look up a list of hyphenated words if you don't know any. some people use two hyphens in a row to be an em dash but that's kinda dumb. sorry.
the interpunct is mostly used in non-english languages honestly. in french it's cool because it thwarts the horrible gendering by being fun and making the word gender neutral (basically it's "word with masculine ending·feminine ending" as in étudiant·e . it's not official but like. no gender neutral stuff in french is official. so . i don't care.) but also it's in a lot of twitter screenshots so. and also also, sometimes i will count bullets as interpuncts because. it's easier. they're similar okay • vs · is fine (it actually bothers me but we can redecide on it later)
... you know ellipses right? sorry i'm busy, so i'll skip em. they're longer than a period in the length thing i think
[ ] brackets like these are mostly used for adding information, context, whatever to quotes! they're sometimes called square brackets. it's mostly just quotes.
{ } curvy brackets/braces are mostly used in math. they do have uses technically but like. they're mostly here because i didn't want to leave them out
(you know these too right?)
/ good ol' fashioned slash. not a backslash that's this guy \ anyways. this is used for like. either/or a lot. or pronouns. those are fun
< > these are technically the less than/greater than signs but they're honorary angle brackets because it's easier to type. proper angle brackets are these ⟨ ⟩ and they're used to offset parenthetical information if you're not using an em dash or parentheses for whatever reason. sometimes called chevrons. afaik the less than/greater than signs can be substituted unless you're like. writing something extremely formal. also sometimes used in comics to indicate something has been translated! also sometimes used to denote thoughts! ⟨hm should i call this a day now?⟩
yeah. that's good enough. but if you want more info on any specific punctuation, you can ask me more specifically and then i will answer it when i am less busy probably
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laurelnose · 1 month
hi, hello! i'm sassaffrassa on ao3 and i was wondering what CSS you used in your workskin for *Wolf, Fox, Hound?* i've trying something similar and got one that works part way, but it doesn't look nearly as good as yours, and wondered if you might share 😅
Oh, you mean with the Hen Llinge hover translations? Yeah, for sure! Here’s the whole work skin incl. my little arrow dinkus: https://pastebin.com/v5ei7Gye
The HTML set-up works exactly the same way as in La_Temperanza’s How To Change Text on AO3 When the Cursor is Hovering Over It, plus em tags for italics. You might’ve found this one yourself; it was the basis for mine and it’s great except for two things:
It hard-codes the background color & text color of the links to white and dark gray respectively, which is just awful for anyone whose archive-wide skin isn’t white, such as Reversi users.
It’s 2024 and this is a fic, not a webpage! Text underlines are distracting!
To fix this, I removed the color: #2a2a2a; rule from each of the hovertext rules and had each set background-color to transparent and border-bottom to none, and the actual linky part of my code starts with this to get rid of underlines:
a { text-decoration: none; border-bottom: none; }
(You might be able to nix the border-bottom: none declarations in each of the hovertext rules for redundancy if you want? It’s been ages since I last fiddled with this skin and I don’t remember which parts were overkill.)
La_Temperanza mentions CSS entities at the bottom of their work. Note that apostrophes MUST be converted to CSS entities (\2019) or they’ll break the code. When I made the skin there was some fuckery with accented characters, which sometimes needed to be made into entities to show up and sometimes didn’t. I also discovered a goofy bug where sometimes if you have a CSS entity in there, the back half of your text goes missing; fix this by converting the characters after the entity into entities themselves one by one until it shows up properly, sometimes including the spaces. Full list of character entities can be found here.
hope that helps & let me know if this doesn’t make it do what you want it to!
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