#Appetite Stimulants
magicpotions123 · 10 months
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Explore rapid mass gain capsules for swift and effective body enhancement | Magicpotions
For individuals seeking to gain weight quickly, fast weight gain capsules can be an effective solution. These capsules often include muscle building supplements and nutrient-dense ingredients that support bodybuilding goals. Nutritional supplements, such as mass gainers and high-calorie supplements, are particularly beneficial for those who struggle to consume enough calories through regular meals. Appetite stimulants can also play a crucial role in enhancing caloric intake. For a more comprehensive approach, dietary supplements and meal replacements, rich in calories and essential nutrients, can aid in weight management. Additionally, health supplements like herbal weight gain products, metabolism support formulas, and muscle mass enhancers offer anabolic support and nutritional aids to promote overall wellness while pursuing fitness goals.
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owlmylove · 2 years
“why is hunger so easy to ignore when it’s so essential to the body’s well-being??” i say, closing the “new system updates available” window for the 374595th time
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kangals · 1 year
alright, I’m getting desperate - dogblr/dog-owners, what’s your go-to meal when you need to get food into a dog that doesn’t want to eat?
so far we’ve rejected multiple flavors and brands of canned food (stew and pâté), multiple flavors and brands of dry food, plain chicken, rice, chicken broth, eggs, pasta, bread, and any combinations of the above. hes not vomiting but I do suspect he’s nauseous/uncomfortable. he’s already taking a probiotic and an antacid but I need him to be eating consistently, he’s starting to drop weight and I can’t give him all his medications if he doesn’t have a full stomach. ideally need something that’s both calorie-dense and gentle on the stomach, but most importantly it just needs to be super appealing and palatable. This isn’t a permanent diet solution, just enough to get through the next few weeks. I have an instant pot/slow cooker if needed. would love any input, I’m stressing here 🙏
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millerflintstone · 10 months
Had some rough moments with Gigabyte the past two weeks. She was completely disoriented this morning. She couldn't find her litter box. It hasn't moved. She also fell off her window bed twice. Once was when she got in it. Lost her footing and fell / slid off, hind legs first. The second time she forgot the ramp existed. She stepped off into the air and I couldn't get to her fast enough. She wasn't physically injured.
She was lethargic and unstable and luckily my vet fit her in. Numbers were mostly normal except for high phosphorus, low potassium and slightly higher kidney values. No neurological changes from the mobility test. The ER wasn't recommended. The bad numbers are enough to possibly explain the instability. There's also the possibility she had a little stroke or maybe has a brain tumor. I've wondered that myself
I've been syringe-feeding her since last night because she hadn't been eating enough. No drastic weight loss, either. She did seem a bit dehydrated even with sub-q fluids. Oh, and she wants nothing to do with plain water. Tonight, canned chicken juice mixed with water was the winner.
I found some kitty CBD for her and gave her a couple of drops on her gums at 6:30 pm ish. She just ate a good bit of kibble, Hydra Care and wet food.
She needs a recheck next month unless something else happens sooner. Based on how she looked earlier, I was really worried she was seriously declining.
But hey, she's pooping normally with the gut motility meds. That's been like clockwork now .
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galacticdrift · 3 months
always good when you can slide your breakdowns to the weekend instead of letting them disrupt your work week
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nat-20s · 1 year
Yippee!! The vet says my cat is in extremely good health for her age!
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oysters-aint-for-me · 5 months
i’ve been trying to eat during the daytime more because right now i only eat after the sun goes down basically and even though i still miss traditional hunger signals (ie tummy hurts) thanks to my new meds i am starting to feel and notice other less obvious hunger signals (ie irritability, difficulty focusing, feeling like i am incapable of doing anything, sneezing*) and so now that i know eating helps with those things, it’s just silly not to. except my stomach isn’t used to eating during the day and it’s a crapshoot** as to whether or not the food will send me running to the toilet. yesterday i went to a baseball game and had half of a soft pretzel and my stomach went “UUUHH??? it’s 1 pm? i’m not on shift what do you expect me to do w this” then later at like 12 am i had two microwave burritos and a plate of tortilla chips and my stomach was completely fine. stomach, we can’t keep living like this bro, we gotta start assimilating at least a little bit into the normal rhythms of the human species if we wanna start feeling a little better
* don’t ask i don’t know
** pun not intended but embraced wholeheartedly
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
when the 3pm tired sleepies hit......
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toytulini · 3 months
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carrot destruction
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kangals · 1 year
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slippery-minghus · 1 month
gah i think the appetite suppression from my adderall is getting worse. i had to talk myself into eating lunch today. and even then didn't have much.... and breakfast was just coffee.
and it wasn't even for ED reasons! i just. wasn't hungry. we had a potluck at work today and everything there looked about as appetizing as it would have if i'd just eaten a full meal. like grocery shopping on a full stomach. a few bites of fruit was a nice treat, but i had no desire to actually eat any of it. i was at a gas station but my fuel gauge still said the tank was full (even though it wasn't)
and all of this. was at like. 1pm? even the coffee had worn off by then.
(.....maybe i should weigh myself tomorrow. keep track of the unintentional weight loss, if it comes to that. i was lighter than i expected last time i checked.) (i see my psych next week... and i trust her not to make this into yay the fat person is losing weight!)
i just wish i knew what to do to reliably get food into my body in the mornings. my dietary restrictions limit my options for meal replacements, and i cringe at the thought of protein shakes. meal prepping breakfast is not on the table right now—i'm barely able to manage lunch and dinner. anything messy, like cereal, isn't a good fit for work. plus, i can't handle the added dirty dishes.
i just don't know what to do. i know it's a problem that i'm going nearly 20hrs between meals almost every day. i haven't started to acutely feel it yet, from this round, but it's not good. and i know in the background it's contributing to what's wearing me down. but i just. can't. fix it.
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willoftrees · 2 months
why nausea :C i don't wanna smoke weeds rn....
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rogerfromamericandad · 3 months
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“Im Still Here Bitches!” - baby franny
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libelelle · 11 months
Great news btw: juno has rapidly improved on his fluids!! Hes been really good about getting them in, and his appetite and energy and everything has gotten so much better. AND HES GAINING WEIGHT!!!
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coquelicoq · 11 months
disordered eatings cw
just realized i haven't experieienced haunger in like a week and therefore i keep forgetiting to eat and that is prorbably nogt helping with my energy prohblems...turns out hunger is good for something eafter all. but i just have literally no appetite whatsoever like where did it go??
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mccoyquialisms · 4 months
he and I had a good long talk yesterday. still separated but friendly. my entire focus has now shifted into building myself up as a person and building a new life for myself. (and if I’m holding some small hope for the future, well, that’s my business.)
now that I’m not in devastating emotional turmoil every day, I can notice how fucking WEIRD my body feels on the new meds.
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